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8601 Assignment No 1

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Assignment No:1

1. The personal and professional qualities of teachers.
Ans: Personal qualities are what make a person unique, allow them to navigate a new
situation, make new friends and connections, or work through conflict or tensions. Important
personal qualities for English teachers include listening and being a good listener,
thoughtfulness, being personable, timeliness, and adaptability. An ideal teacher is someone
who has a combination of qualities, such as being very knowledgeable on his subject, able to
effectively manage his classroom, genuinely enjoys teaching and dealing with students, has high
expectations for his students, good communication skills and an engaging teaching style.
If a candidate has good interpersonal skills, he or she is likely
to be a better fit for an organization. And when two candidates with similar professional
qualities interview for a job, the one with a more fitting personality is likely to get the job. Some
qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability,
empathy, and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging
classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love
of learning. I feel that to be a professional teacher it is necessary that you have patience.
Some children may take longer to understand certain
subjects or pieces of information and it is vital that you are patient and take the subjects. I
would require the teacher to explain things in a little more depth before I fully understand, and
this would only help my learning if the teacher had the patience to spend extra time on the
same thing. Many teachers would not do this, and I would therefore struggle in their subjects. I
feel that it is unacceptable for a teacher to act this way. As a teacher it is your job to make sure
that all pupils can work and learn to the best of their ability, and without the patience to do so
you are not fulfilling your role as a professional teacher.
In my opinion, a professional teacher would consider their
teaching style to make sure that it is meeting the needs of all learners, remembering that
everyone learns in different ways - visually, orally, and kinesthetically. Personally, I feel that
empathy is a very important quality in being a professional teacher. Being empathetic allows
teachers to understand their pupils' emotions and gives them the ability to relate to them.
Pupils will originate from various cultures and backgrounds and so teachers need to be able to
understand everyone’s situation as this will help the children to feel more comfortable to
discuss any problems which they might be having at home. I feel that integrity is an important
characteristic for a professional teacher to have.
Integrity is the quality of honesty and having strong moral
principles and so it is necessary for the teacher to have these so that the pupils can be educated
to act in the same way. Pupils should see their teachers as a figure to look up to and so integrity
allows teachers to be a role model for their pupils. I have chosen these five qualities to be the
most important from the list, however I believe that all the qualities listed are important and
that they should come naturally to a professional teacher.

2. What is a case method?

Ans: Cases are narratives, situations, select data samplings, or statements that present
unresolved and provocative issues, situations, or questions (Indiana University Teaching
Handbook, 2005). The case method is a participatory, discussion-based way of learning where
students gain skills in critical thinking, communication, and group dynamics. It is a type of
problem-based learning. Often seen in the professional schools of medicine, law, and business,
the case method is now used successfully in disciplines such as engineering, chemistry,
education, and journalism. Students can work through a case during class as a whole or in small
In addition to the definition above, the case method of
teaching (or learning): Is a partnership between students and teacher as well as among
students. Promotes more effective contextual learning and long-term retention. Involves trust
that students will find the answers. Answers questions not only of "how" but "why." Provides
students the opportunity to "walk around the problem and to see varied perspectives. Bruner
(1991) states that the case method: Is effective: It employs active learning, involves self-
discovery where the teacher serves as facilitator. Builds the capacity for critical thinking: It uses
questioning skills as modeled by the teacher and employs discussion and debates.
Exercises an administrative point of view: Students must
develop a framework for making decisions. Models a learning environment: It offers an
exchange and flow of ideas from one person another and achieves true respect, and risk-taking.
Models the process of inductive learning-from-experience: It is valuable in promoting lifelong
learning. It also promotes more effective contextual learning and long-term retention Mimics
the real world: Decisions are sometimes based not on absolute values of right and wrong, but
on relative values and uncertainty.

3. Define and compare active learning and comparative learning.

Ans: Cooperative learning
Cooperative learning is a technique that allows students the from each other and
gain important interpersonal skills. Learn the definition of cooperative learning
and the benefits of this teaching technique and discover strategies for developing
assignments using cooperative learning.
1. Cooperative learning is fun, so students enjoy it and are more motivated
2. Cooperative learning is intermotive so students are engaged active participants
in the learning.
3. Cooperative learning allows discussion and critical thinking, so students learn
more and remember why they’ve learned for a long period of time.
4. Cooperative learning requires students to learn to work together, which is an
important skill for their futures.
Active learning
Active learning methods ask students to engage in their learning by thinking,
discussing, investigating, and creating. In class, students practice skills, solve
problems, struggle with complex questions, make decisions, propose solutions,
and explain ideas in their own words through writing and discussion. Timely
feedback is critical to this learning process either from the instructor or peer
feedback from fellow students. Education research shows that incorporating
active learning strategies into university courses significantly enhances student
learning experiences.
Benefits of active learning
Opportunities to process course material through thinking, writing, talking, and problem-solving
give student’s multiple avenues for learning. Applying new knowledge helps students encode
information, concepts, and skills in their memories by connecting it with prior information,
organizing knowledge, and strengthening neural pathways Receiving frequent and immediate
feedback helps students correct misconceptions and develop a deeper understanding of course
material. Working on activities helps create personal connections with the material, which
increases students' motivation to learn. Regular interaction with the instructor and peers
around shared activities and goals helps create a sense of community in the classroom.
Instructors may gain more insight into student thinking by observing and talking with students
as they work. Knowing how students understand the material helps instructors target their
teaching in future lessons.

Active Learning Techniques Cooperative Learning Techniques

Get students involved in the topic, and are Get students involved in the topic, and are
more interesting for the students than more interesting for the students than
lectures lectures
Easier to start with (for instructors Require more advance planning
accustomed to lectures)
Usually take less time Often take much of the class time
May be able to fit several exercises into a May only do one or two exercises in a class
class period class period
Flexible - one technique can be applied Exercises must be tailored specifically to the
repeatedly to teach several skills task at hand - but are usually very successful
Students are more likely to accept individual Results from cooperative learning are worth
exercises (at first) the effort.

4. What is lesson planning? Write down the five merits of lesson planning
for the teachers.
Ans: A lesson plan is the instructor's road map of what students need to learn and how it will
be done effectively during the class time. Then, you can design appropriate learning activities
and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. Having a carefully constructed
lesson plan for each 3-hour lesson allows you to enter the classroom with more confidence and
maximizes your chance of having a meaningful learning experience with your students.
A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates three key components:

 Learning Objectives
 Learning activities
 Assessment to check for student understanding
A lesson plan provides you with a general outline of your teaching goals, learning objectives,
and means to accomplish them and is by no means exhaustive. A productive lesson is not one in
which everything goes exactly as planned, but one in which both students and instructor learn
from each other.

Q#2: Explain the factors of effective teaching.

Ans: Students are the future of the nation and then stand at one pole of the education system
in which teachers are at the other pole. The process of learning-teaching runs smoothly with
the help of both poles. These two poles of the education system make a perfect balance and
take the system to another height. Teachers work hard, collect information, and impart
knowledge to students in the process of teaching. There are certain direct and indirect factors
that affect the learning process or teaching. In the article, we will learn about the factors
affecting teaching,
The teaching process gets affected by various parameters such as teachers, learners, and the
environmental factors. These three factors make the whole process of learning easy and
smooth. Learning in a student's life is very important as it builds the base of their career
professionally and personally.
The three factors affecting teaching are as:

 Leaners Psychological /Individual Characteristic

 Teachers and Classroom supports
 Environment and other surrounding factors

Factors affecting teaching

Teachers are the pillars for their students. They play the most important role in their students'
life by providing support, boosting their confidence, guiding them in the right direction, and of
course teaching them. They are the facilitator of learning in the learning-teaching process. The
best teacher is one who can apply the best teaching method to teach students and guide them
towards a quality learning process.
The quality of a teacher derives from the various factors such as:

Educational Qualification
Educational qualification of a teacher decides their knowledge. By getting a higher degree in the
teaching, a teacher will be able to impart knowledge to the students in depth and of quality. On
comparing the teachers who have M. ED or PhD degrees with others who do not have, you will
be able to differentiate the different ways of their thinking and the ways of imparting
knowledge to students.

Skills matter a lot. Sometimes a teacher with a lower degree of teaching has better skills of
teaching than a teacher with a higher degree of teaching. It is not sure that teachers with
higher degrees have the right instincts and can teach in a better way than teachers with lower
degrees. Teaching skills are decided on how teachers connect to students, what teaching
methods apply on students, how they explain the concepts to students, and what their attitude
towards students.
Their communication skills should be effective and engaging.
Selection of suitable teaching method
Applying the right teaching aids.
Their approach towards teaching students
How they guide and monitor students.

Graduating in a degree of teaching is not that much tough as getting mastery in experience.
Experience holds an important place when you are teaching students. Some aspirants acquire
high qualifications which can make them qualified for teaching but lacking in experience
hamper their progress. With high qualifications, teachers can get a better understanding of the
different topics or complex formulas, but experience helps teachers to deal with the students
and prepare them for how to teach students.

Subject matter
There comes a time when teachers who do not have knowledge of a particular subject are
assigned to teach that subject. In such a situation, passion, and motivation to research about
the topic and teach students help them. Subject matter does really matter. However, the
chances of assigning subjects which are not the forte of a teacher are very rare.
The syllabus of the subject is formed by educationists and psychologists keeping the
mental and physical capabilities of students in mind. The important subject matter related
factors which influence teaching is the difficulty of the task, length of the task, meaningfulness
of the task, similarity of the task, organized material, and life learning.

Physiological and psychological factors of learners are the factors affecting teaching.
Every individual studying in a class possesses different qualities and require different teaching
methods. It is necessary to take note of the intelligence of students, ethnic groups of students,
race, belief, and socioeconomic status of the learners when teaching in the classroom.
The interest of each student in the class is also different which depends on aptitude.
attitude, motivation, mental health, and aspiration towards the goals of their life. The maturity,
age, motivation, previous learning, intelligence, mental health, physical need, diet and
nutrition, attention and interest, goal- setting and level of aspiration are the factors affecting
teaching related to learners.

The factors affecting the environment of the teaching are as follows.

Support materials
Teachers have their support system which consists of tools that helps them to improve their
capacity of teaching. The different teaching aids help to analyze the area in which students are
not taking interest or of teaching. The different teaching aids help to analyze the area in which
students are not taking interest or underperforming. This also helps them to adopt effective
strategies that teach students. Support materials in teaching are effective tools for:

 Assessments and scores of students

 Teaching Strategies and lesson plans
 Standards and benchmark
 Effective use of traditional and modern tools

Instructional facilities
With the available teaching aids, teachers can cover a wide area of learning. It has many
benefits such as differentiating instruction, relieving anxiety, helping learners to improve
reading comprehension skills, illustrating, or reinforcing a skill, presenting information in an
effective way.

Learning environment
Learning environment is where a student learns, and a teacher teaches. The classroom
environment is the learning environment for students which plays an important role in the
learning process. Both students and teachers get affected by the classroom environment. The
environment for the learning is well maintained by active participation in education,
concentration of students, teachers' focus on behavior of students etc. The environment of
learning must be positive.

Socio-economic factor
The socio-economic background of students and teachers affect the learning process in an
indirect way. It shows differences in the thinking level of students and teachers towards others.
The economic factor of students sometimes gets dominated by teachers and its impact on the
teaching quality of the teachers.

Expectation is a very common factor affecting teaching. It affects learners and teachers as
well. Every parent has some sort of expectation with their children as they want their children
to get quality education and they learn maximum when they go to schools.
This puts a psychological impact on students and sometimes it results in stress and
impairments. So, the parents should involve the students in the process of learning in such a
way that they ease them process instead of putting a burden on them. Also, teachers should
not be put under pressure of expectations. The National Council of Educational Research and
Training published the Core Teaching Skills in 1982 which laid stress on the following teaching
 Writing instructional objectives
 Organizing the content
 Creating set for introducing the lesson
 Introducing a lesson
 Structuring classroom questions
 Question delivery and its distribution
 Response management
 Explaining
 Illustrating with examples
 Using teaching aids
 Stimulus variation
 The pacing of the lesson
 Promoting pupil participation
 Use of blackboard
 Achieving closure of the lesson
 Giving assignments
 Evaluating the pupil's progress
 Diagnosing pupil learning difficulties and taking remedial measures
 Management of the class

Micro Teaching
Micro-teaching implies micro-element which simplifies the complexities of the teaching
process. It concentrates on using specific teaching methods and offers opportunities for
practicing teaching under controlled conditions.
There are many factors affecting teaching which are based on teacher-student relationship,
socioeconomic conditions, policy, and motivation of schools etc.

Q#3: What is Gagne’s framework for instructional development.

Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction
Robert Gagne was an educational psychologist who created a nine-step process called the
Events of Instruction. Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction model helps trainers, educators, and
instructional designers structure their training sessions. The model is a systematic process that
helps them develop strategies and create activities for instructional classes. The nine events
provide a framework for an effective learning process. Each step addresses a form of
communication that supports the learning process. When each step is completed, learners are
much more likely to be engaged and to retain the information or skills that they are being
taught. The steps essentially give designers an outline or prototype to use prior to performing
teaching or training activities.
Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction
1. Gaining attention (reception)
2. Informing learners of the objective (expectancy)
3. Stimulating recall of prior learning (retrieval)
4. Presenting the stimulus (selective perception)
5. Providing learning guidance (semantic encoding)
6. Eliciting performance (responding)
7. Providing feedback (reinforcement)
8. Assessing performance (retrieval)
9. Enhancing retention and transfer (generalization)

The Conditions of Learning

The Conditions of Learning, Gagne identified the mental conditions for learning. These
were based on the information processing model that focuses on the cognitive events that
occur when learners are presented with a stimulus. Gagne Nine Events of Instruction are
connected to and address the Conditions of Learning. Gagne divides the conditions into two
groups: internal and external. Internal conditions are the already established learned
capabilities of the learner. Basically, what the learner knows prior to the instruction Eternal
conditions deal with the stimuli that is presented externally to the learner (e.g. instruction
provided to the learner). These Conditions of Learning are essential to Gagne Events of
Instruction. Gagne's model allows instructional designers to consider the possible internal and
external conditions that influence the learning process.

Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction

1. Gaining attention (reception)
Q#4: How are objectives stated in behavioral terms?
Q#5: What are the different factors that influence student motivation.

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