Administrative Docs For Tender OPA 2023 DSLNG
Administrative Docs For Tender OPA 2023 DSLNG
Administrative Docs For Tender OPA 2023 DSLNG
Tender Documents
BIDDER shall submit the Tender Documents, including any and all supporting documents,
required for COMPANYS’s evaluation as described below:
Appendix 2
TENDER DOCUMENT: Compliance Statement
1. Under and subject to the RFP hereto, the undersigned does hereby tender and offer to
execute and perform the Scope of Works and provisions and provide the facility and everything
of every kind respectively named, shown, described, and alluded to in, or to be inferred
from the tender including all its related appendices and other related documents, to be
executed and provided by the Bank for the described works in conformity with the said
2. The undersigned agrees to be bound by the Schedule of Rates.
3. The tender price shall be as listed in the Schedules of Rates.
4. The undersigned agrees to complete the Works as required by DSLNG throughout the duration
of the Contract period.
5. Whereas it is understood that DSLNG reserves the right to accept or refuse this tender for any
reason. The undersigned agrees that this tender shall remain valid and shall not be withdrawn
within ninety (90) days from the final date for submission of tenders.
6. The undersigned confirms, after personal scrutiny, that the documents used by the undersigned
in compiling this tender are true copies of the documents included in the tender documents.
7. The undersigned agrees that this tender is in full compliance with terms and conditions of the
reference agreement.
Appendix 2
TENDER DOCUMENT: Company Information
1. Company Data
3. Parent Company:
Address ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Country ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Phone ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Remarks ............................................................................................................................................................................
Position: Procurement Support Procurement Manager
Dengan ini kami menyatakan bahwa kami telah sepenuhnya membaca dan memahami Standar dan
Pedoman Nilai-Nilai Bagi Para Mitra Bisnis PT. Donggi Senoro LNG ("DSLNG") sebagaimana disampaikan
kepada kami.
Kami memahami bahwa konsekuensi dari ketidakpatuhan atau pelanggaran terhadap Standar dan
Pedoman Nilai-Nilai Bagi Para Mitra Bisnis yang diterapkan oleh DSLNG dan/atau hukum dan peraturan
terkait yang berlaku akan menjadi tanggung jawab kami dan kami mengetahui dan menerima bahwa
sanksi dan hukuman tertentu dapat dikenakan dalam hal terdapat pelanggaran dan/atau
ketidakpatuhan terhadap Standar dan Pedoman Nilai-Nilai Bagi Para Mitra Bisnis maupun hukum dan
peraturan terkait yang berlaku yang dapat berdampak kepada DSLNG baik langsung maupun tidak
We hereby declare that we have fully read and understood the Values and Standards for Business
Partners of PT Donggi Senoro LNG ("DSLNG") as conveyed and disseminated to us.
We acknowledge that the consequences of non-compliance or violation of these applicable Values and
Standards for Business Partners and/or applicable laws and regulations shall be our responsibility and
we acknowledge and consent to the receive sanctions and/or penalties as our consequences should
such violations and/or non-compliance incurred and may be deemed to have either directly or indirectly
harmful consequences for DSLNG in any way.
-- End of Document --