ADA Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes
ADA Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes
ADA Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes
Diabetes can be classified into the following general categories:
approximately half present with diabetic clinical, pathophysiological, and genetic likely to have progressive autoimmune
ketoacidosis (DKA) (2–4). The onset of characteristics to more precisely define b-cell destruction (16), thus accelerating
type 1 diabetes may be more variable the subsets of diabetes that are cur- insulin initiation prior to deterioration of
in adults; they may not present with rently clustered into the type 1 diabetes glucose control or development of DKA
the classic symptoms seen in children versus type 2 diabetes nomenclature (6,17).
and may experience temporary remis- with the goal of optimizing personalized The paths to b-cell demise and dys-
sion from the need for insulin (5–7). treatment approaches. Many of these function are less well defined in type 2
The features most useful in discrimina- studies show great promise and may diabetes, but deficient b-cell insulin
tion of type 1 diabetes include younger soon be incorporated into the diabetes secretion, frequently in the setting of
age at diagnosis (<35 years) with lower classification system (13). insulin resistance, appears to be the
BMI (<25 kg/m2), unintentional weight Characterization of the underlying common denominator. Type 2 diabetes is
loss, ketoacidosis, and glucose >360 pathophysiology is more precisely devel- associated with insulin secretory defects
mg/dL (20 mmol/L) at presentation (8). oped in type 1 diabetes than in type 2 related to genetics, inflammation, and
clinical guidance concluded that A1C, recent report in Afro-Caribbean people diagnosis is made on the basis of the
FPG, or 2-h PG can be used to test for demonstrated a lower A1C than pre- confirmatory screening test. For exam-
prediabetes or type 2 diabetes in chil- dicted by glucose levels (43). Despite ple, if a patient meets the diabetes cri-
dren and adolescents (see SCREENING AND these and other reported differences, terion of the A1C (two results $6.5%
TESTING FOR PREDIABETES AND TYPE 2 DIABETES IN the association of A1C with risk for [48 mmol/mol]) but not FPG (<126 mg/
CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS below for addi- complications appears to be similar in dL [7.0 mmol/L]), that person should
tional information) (32). African Americans and non-Hispanic nevertheless be considered to have
Whites (44,45). In the Taiwanese popu- diabetes.
Race/Ethnicity/Hemoglobinopathies lation, age and sex have been reported Each of the screening tests has pre-
Hemoglobin variants can interfere with to be associated with increased A1C in analytic and analytic variability, so it is
the measurement of A1C, although men (46); the clinical implications of possible that a test yielding an abnor-
most assays in use in the U.S. are unaf- this finding are unclear at this time. mal result (i.e., above the diagnostic
fected by the most common variants. threshold), when repeated, will produce
insulin needs for months or years and alone or in combination with other
8 is currently recommended in
eventually become dependent on insulin checkpoint inhibitors (70). To date, risk
the setting of a research study
for survival and are at risk for DKA cannot be predicted by family history or
or can be considered an option
(5–7,64,65). At this latter stage of the dis- autoantibodies, so all providers adminis-
for first-degree family members
ease, there is little or no insulin secretion, tering these medications should be
of a proband with type 1 diabe- as manifested by low or undetectable mindful of this adverse effect and edu-
tes. B levels of plasma C-peptide. Immune- cate patients appropriately.
2.6 Development of and persis- mediated diabetes is the most common
tence of multiple islet auto- form of diabetes in childhood and adoles- Idiopathic Type 1 Diabetes
antibodies is a risk factor for cence, but it can occur at any age, even Some forms of type 1 diabetes have no
clinical diabetes and may in the 8th and 9th decades of life. known etiologies. These patients have
serve as an indication for Autoimmune destruction of b-cells has permanent insulinopenia and are prone
intervention in the setting of multiple genetic factors and is also to DKA but have no evidence of b-cell
but not all, patients with type 2 diabe- distributed predominantly in the certain drugs (e.g., corticosteroids, atyp-
tes have overweight or obesity. Excess abdominal region. ical antipsychotics, and sodium–glucose
weight itself causes some degree of DKA seldom occurs spontaneously in cotransporter 2 inhibitors) (88,89). Type
insulin resistance. Patients who do not type 2 diabetes; when seen, it usually 2 diabetes frequently goes undiagnosed
have obesity or overweight by tradi- arises in association with the stress of for many years because hyperglycemia
tional weight criteria may have an another illness such as infection, myo- develops gradually and, at earlier
increased percentage of body fat cardial infarction, or with the use of stages, is often not severe enough for Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes S25
the patient to notice the classic diabe- a diagnostic test (Table 2.2) is appropri- of childbearing age is underdiagnosed
tes symptoms caused by hyperglycemia, ate. Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (105). Employing a probabilistic model,
such as dehydration or unintentional meet criteria for conditions in which Peterson et al. (106) demonstrated cost
weight loss. Nevertheless, even undiag- early detection via screening is appropri- and health benefits of preconception
nosed patients are at increased risk of ate. Both conditions are common and screening.
developing macrovascular and microvas- impose significant clinical and public A large European randomized con-
cular complications. health burdens. There is often a long pre- trolled trial compared the impact of
Patients with type 2 diabetes may symptomatic phase before the diagnosis screening for diabetes and intensive
have insulin levels that appear normal of type 2 diabetes. Simple tests to detect multifactorial intervention with that of
or elevated, yet the failure to normalize preclinical disease are readily available screening and routine care (107). Gen-
blood glucose reflects a relative defect (99). The duration of glycemic burden is a eral practice patients between the ages
in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. strong predictor of adverse outcomes. of 40 and 69 years were screened for
Thus, insulin secretion is defective in There are effective interventions that pre- diabetes and randomly assigned by
for the Asian American population PIs are associated with insulin resistance that 30% of patients $30 years of age
(112,113). The BMI cut points fall con- and may also lead to apoptosis of pan- seen in general dental practices had
sistently between 23 and 24 kg/m2 creatic b-cells. NRTIs also affect fat dis- dysglycemia (124,125). A similar study
(sensitivity of 80%) for nearly all Asian tribution (both lipohypertrophy and in 1,150 dental patients >40 years old
American subgroups (with levels slightly lipoatrophy), which is associated with in India reported 20.69% and 14.60%
lower for Japanese Americans). This insulin resistance. For patients with HIV meeting criteria for prediabetes and
makes a rounded cut point of 23 kg/m2 and ARV-associated hyperglycemia, it diabetes, respectively, using random
practical. An argument can be made to may be appropriate to consider discon- blood glucose. Further research is
push the BMI cut point to lower than tinuing the problematic ARV agents if needed to demonstrate the feasibility,
23 kg/m2 in favor of increased sensitiv- safe and effective alternatives are avail- effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of
ity; however, this would lead to an able (119). Before making ARV substitu-
screening in this setting.
unacceptably low specificity (13.1%). tions, carefully consider the possible
Data from the World Health Organiza- effect on HIV virological control and the
risks (such as age, family history of dia- Drug dose adjustments may be required comprehensive list of causes, see
betes, etc.) as well as transplant-specific because of decreases in the glomerular Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disor-
factors, such as use of immunosuppres- filtration rate, a relatively common com- ders (166).
sant agents (148–150). Whereas post- plication in transplant patients. A small
transplantation hyperglycemia is an short-term pilot study reported that Neonatal Diabetes
important risk factor for subsequent metformin was safe to use in renal Diabetes occurring under 6 months of
PTDM, a formal diagnosis of PTDM is transplant recipients (161), but its safety age is termed “neonatal” or “congenital”
optimally made once the patient is sta- has not been determined in other types diabetes, and about 80–85% of cases
ble on maintenance immunosuppression of organ transplant. Thiazolidinediones can be found to have an underlying
and in the absence of acute infection have been used successfully in patients monogenic cause (8,167–170). Neonatal
(146–148,151). In a recent study of 152 with liver and kidney transplants, but diabetes occurs much less often after 6
heart transplant recipients, 38% had side effects include fluid retention, months of age, whereas autoimmune
PTDM at 1 year. Risk factors for PTDM heart failure, and osteopenia (162,163). type 1 diabetes rarely occurs before 6
action (in the absence of coexistent obe- Diagnosis of Monogenic Diabetes (180). Individuals in whom monogenic
sity). It is inherited in an autosomal domi- A diagnosis of one of the three most diabetes is suspected should be referred
nant pattern with abnormalities in at least common forms of MODY, including to a specialist for further evaluation if
13 genes on different chromosomes iden- GCK-MODY, HNF1A-MODY, and HNF4A- available, and consultation can be
tified to date (172). The most commonly MODY, allows for more cost-effective obtained from several centers. Readily
reported forms are GCK-MODY (MODY2), therapy (no therapy for GCK-MODY; sul- available commercial genetic testing fol-
HNF1A-MODY (MODY3), and HNF4A- fonylureas as first-line therapy for lowing the criteria listed below now
MODY (MODY1). HNF1A-MODY and HNF4A-MODY). Addi- enables a cost-effective (181), often
For individuals with MODY, the treat- tionally, diagnosis can lead to identifica- cost-saving, genetic diagnosis that is
ment implications are considerable and tion of other affected family members. increasingly supported by health insur-
warrant genetic testing (173,174). Clini- Genetic screening is increasingly avail- ance. A biomarker screening pathway
cally, patients with GCK-MODY exhibit able and cost-effective (171,174). such as the combination of urinary
mild, stable fasting hyperglycemia and do A diagnosis of MODY should be con- C-peptide/creatinine ratio and antibody
not require antihyperglycemic therapy sidered in individuals who have atypical screening may aid in determining who
except commonly during pregnancy. diabetes and multiple family members should get genetic testing for MODY
Patients with HNF1A- or HNF4A-MODY with diabetes not characteristic of type (182). It is critical to correctly diagnose
usually respond well to low doses of sul- 1 or type 2 diabetes, although admit- one of the monogenic forms of diabetes
fonylureas, which are considered first-line tedly “atypical diabetes” is becoming because these patients may be incor-
therapy; in some instances insulin will be increasingly difficult to precisely define rectly diagnosed with type 1 or type 2
required over time. Mutations or dele- in the absence of a definitive set of diabetes, leading to suboptimal, even
tions in HNF1B are associated with renal tests for either type of diabetes potentially harmful, treatment regimens
cysts and uterine malformations (renal (168–170,173–179). In most cases, the and delays in diagnosing other family
cysts and diabetes [RCAD] syndrome). presence of autoantibodies for type 1 members (183). The correct diagnosis
Other extremely rare forms of MODY diabetes precludes further testing for is especially critical for those with
have been reported to involve other monogenic diabetes, but the presence GCK-MODY mutations, where multiple
transcription factor genes including PDX1 of autoantibodies in patients with studies have shown that no complica-
(IPF1) and NEUROD1. monogenic diabetes has been reported tions ensue in the absence of glucose-
S30 Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 45, Supplement 1, January 2022
lowering therapy (184). The risks of pancreatitis can lead to PPDM, and the
of gestation in pregnant
microvascular and macrovascular com- risk is highest with recurrent bouts. A
women not previously found
plications with HNFIA- and HNF4A- distinguishing feature is concurrent pan-
to have diabetes or high-risk
MODY are similar to those observed creatic exocrine insufficiency (according
to the monoclonal fecal elastase 1 test abnormal glucose metabolism
in patients with type 1 and type 2 dia-
or direct function tests), pathological detected earlier in the current
betes (185,186). Genetic counseling is
pancreatic imaging (endoscopic ultra- pregnancy. A
recommended to ensure that affected
sound, MRI, computed tomography), 2.28 Screen women with gesta-
individuals understand the patterns of
and absence of type 1 diabetes–associ- tional diabetes mellitus for
inheritance and the importance of a
ated autoimmunity (189–194). There is prediabetes or diabetes at
correct diagnosis and addressing com-
loss of both insulin and glucagon secre- 4–12 weeks postpartum, using
prehensive cardiovascular risk.
tion and often higher-than-expected the 75-g oral glucose tolerance
The diagnosis of monogenic diabetes
insulin requirements. Risk for microvas- test and clinically appropriate
should be considered in children and
perinatal mortality, small-for-gesta- early abnormal glucose metabolism reduce diabetes risk and for type 2 dia-
tional-age births, and neonatal inten- remain uncertain. Nutrition counseling betes to allow treatment at the earliest
sive care unit admission (208). If and periodic “block” testing of glucose possible time (225).
women are not screened prior to preg- levels weekly to identify women with
nancy, universal early screening at high glucose levels are suggested. Test- Diagnosis
<15 weeks of gestation for undiag- ing frequency may proceed to daily, and GDM carries risks for the mother, fetus,
nosed diabetes may be considered treatment may be intensified, if the and neonate. The Hyperglycemia and
over selective screening (Table 2.3), fasting glucose is predominantly >110 Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO)
particularly in populations with high mg/dL, prior to 18 weeks of gestation. study (226), a large-scale multinational
prevalence of risk factors and undiag- Both the fasting glucose and A1C are cohort study completed by more than
nosed diabetes in women of childbear- low-cost tests. An advantage of the A1C 23,000 pregnant women, demonstrated
ing age. Strong racial and ethnic is its convenience, as it can be added to that risk of adverse maternal, fetal,
disparities exist in the prevalence of the prenatal laboratories and does not and neonatal outcomes continuously
Different diagnostic criteria will iden- trials found modest benefits including Additional well-designed clinical studies
tify different degrees of maternal hyper- reduced rates of large-for-gestational- are needed to determine the optimal
glycemia and maternal/fetal risk, leading age births and preeclampsia (232,233). intensity of monitoring and treatment of
some experts to debate, and disagree It is important to note that 80–90% of women with GDM diagnosed by the one-
on, optimal strategies for the diagnosis women being treated for mild GDM in step strategy (237,238).
of GDM. these two randomized controlled trials
could be managed with lifestyle therapy Two-Step Strategy
One-Step Strategy alone. The OGTT glucose cutoffs in In 2013, the NIH convened a consensus
The IADPSG defined diagnostic cut these two trials overlapped with the development conference to consider
points for GDM as the average fasting, thresholds recommended by the diagnostic criteria for diagnosing GDM
1-h, and 2-h PG values during a 75-g IADPSG, and in one trial (233), the 2-h (239). The 15-member panel had
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