- CARCINOMA: originates in epithelial tissue
- ADENOCARCINOMA: originates in the
glandular tissue (breast, prostate)
- SARCOMA: originates in fat, muscle blood
vessels, nerves, bones
- X ray examination
- Mammography
- Cytology studies
- Biopsy
o Excisional
In general, cancer begins when an error
Stages of Stomach Cancer (mutation) occurs in a cell's DNA. The mutation
The stages of adenocarcinoma of the causes the cell to grow and divide at a rapid
stomach or esophagus include: rate and to continue living when a normal cell
• Stage I. At this stage, the tumor is limited would die. The accumulating cancerous cells
to the top layer of tissue that lines the inside of form a tumor that can invade nearby
the esophagus or stomach. Cancer cells also structures. And cancer cells can break off from
may have spread to a limited number of nearby the tumor to spread throughout the body.
lymph nodes. Gastroesophageal junction cancer is associated
with having gastrointestinal reflux disease
• Stage II. The cancer at this stage has
(GERD) and, less strongly, with obesity and
spread deeper, growing into a deeper muscle
smoking. GERD is a condition
layer of the esophagus or stomach wall. Cancer
caused by frequent backflow of stomach acid
may also have spread to more of the lymph
into the esophagus.
• Stage III. At this stage, the cancer may
There is a strong correlation between a diet
have grown through all the layers of the
high in smoked and salted foods and stomach
esophagus or stomach and spread to nearby
cancer located in the main part of the stomach.
structures. Or it may be a smaller cancer that
As the use of refrigeration for preserving foods
has spread more extensively to the lymph
has increased around the world, the rates of
stomach cancer have
• Stage IV. This stage indicates that the declined.
cancer has spread to distant areas of the body.
Subjective Cues Objective cues
Fatigue Weight loss due to the caloric needs of the
Loss of appetite tumor, taking away from the needs of the body.
Generalized weakness Anorexia.
Feeling bloated after eating Vomiting
Feeling full after eating small amounts of food
Severe, persistent heartburn
Severe indigestion that is always present
Unexplained, persistent nausea
Stomach pain
Doctors aren't certain what causes most
colon cancers.
In general, colon cancer begins when
healthy cells in the colon develop changes
(mutations) in their DNA. A cell's DNA
contains a set of instructions that tell a cell
RISK FACTORS what to do.
Factors that may increase your risk of colon Healthy cells grow and divide in an orderly
cancer include: way to keep your body functioning
Older age. Colon cancer can be diagnosed normally. But when a cell's DNA is
at any age, but a majority of people with damaged and becomes cancerous, cells
colon cancer are older than 50. continue to divide — even when new cells
African-American race. aren't needed. As the cells accumulate,
Inflammatory intestinal conditions. they form a tumor.
Inherited syndromes that increase colon With time, the cancer cells can grow to
cancer risk. invade and destroy normal tissue nearby.
Family history of colon cancer. And cancerous cells can travel to other
Low-fiber, high-fat diet, diet high in red parts of the body to form deposits there
meat and processed meat. (metastasis).
Sedentary lifestyle
Smoking. Subjective Cues Objective cues
Alcohol. ∙ Fatigue Unexplained weight
Radiation therapy for cancer. ∙ Loss of appetite loss due to the
∙ Generalized caloric needs of the
LIFESTYLE CHANGES TOREDUCE THE weakness tumor, taking away
RISK OF COLORECTAL CANCER: ∙ Persistent from the needs of
• Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and abdominal the body.
whole grains. Fruits, vegetables and whole discomfort, such as Anorexia.
grains contain vitamins, minerals, fiber and cramps, gas or pain A persistent change
antioxidants, which may play a role in cancer ∙ A feeling that your in your bowel
prevention. Choose a variety of fruits and bowel doesn't habits,including
vegetables so that you get an array of vitamins empty completely diarrhea or
and nutrients. constipation or a
change in the
• Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all. If you
consistency of your
choose to drink alcohol, limit the amount of
alcohol you drink to no more than one drink a
Rectal bleeding or
day for women and two for men.
blood in your stool
• Stop smoking. Talk to your doctor about
ways to quit that may work for you.
Signs and Symptoms
Surgical removal of affected area of
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer may
the lymph nodes lumpectomy for
small tumors mastectomy
A breast lump or thickening that feels Lymph node dissection
different from the surrounding tissue Radiation therapy.
Change in the size, shape or appearance of a Prophylactic bilateral mastectomy for
women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.
Radiation therapy to decrease tumor
Changes to the skin over the breast, such as
dimpling Oxygen therapy to supplement the
A newly inverted nipple needs of the body.
Peeling, scaling, crusting or flaking of the High-protein, high-calorie diet to meet
pigmented area of skin surrounding the the needs of the body.
nipple (areola) or breast skin
known toOVARIES
increase the risk of ovarian
Family history of ovarian cancer.
OVARIAN CANCER Estrogen hormone replacement therapy.
Age when menstruation started and ended.
Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that
begins in the ovaries. The female Three Types of Ovarian Cancer
reproductive system contains two ovaries,
one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
— each about the size of an almond —
produce eggs (ova) as well as the Is a tumor starts on the outside of the
hormones estrogen and progesterone. ovary. The majority of cancer-causing
ovarian tumors are epithelial
Ovarian cancer often goes undetected until
it has spread within the pelvis and
abdomen. At this late stage, ovarian cancer
is more difficult to treat. Early-stage
ovarian cancer, in which the disease is
confined to the ovary, is more likely to be
treated successfully.
Hormonal therapy:
• tamoxifen • anastrozole
• Nursing care may include administering
intravenous therapy to alleviate fluid and
electrolyte imbalances, initiating parenteral CARE OF PATIENTS WITH CANCER
nutrition to provide adequate nutrition,
providing postoperative care after intestinal
bypass to alleviate an obstruction, and
providing pain relief and managing drainage CERVICAL CANCER
• Comfort measures for women with ascites What is Cervical Cancer?
• Patients with pleural effusion may • Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that
experience shortness of breath, hypoxia,
occurs in the cells of the cervix
pleuritic chest pain, and cough.
• Various strains of the human papillomavirus
(HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, play
a role in causing most cervical cancer.
• When exposed to HPV, the body's immune
system typically prevents the virus from
doing harm. In a small percentage of people,
however, the virus survives for years,
contributing to the process that causes some
cervical cells to become cancer cells.
• This type of cervical cancer begins in the
column-shaped glandular cells that line the
cervical canal.
Risk Factors:
Assessment Findings
• Endometrial aspiration or biopsy
• Ultrasonography
Medical Management
• Treatment of endometrial cancer consists of
total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-
oophorectomy and node sampling.
Depending on the stage, the therapeutic
approach is individualized and is based on
stage, type, differentiation, degree of
invasion, and node involvement.
• Whole pelvis radiotherapy is used if there is
any spread beyond the uterus. Preoperative
and postoperative treatments for stage II
and beyond may include pelvic, abdominal,
and vaginal intracavitary radiation.
• Recurrent cancer usually occurs inside the
vaginal vault or in the upper vagina, and
metastasis usually occurs in lymph nodes or
the ovary. Recurrent lesions in the vagina are
treated with surgery and radiation.
Recurrent lesions beyond the vagina are
treated with hormonal therapy or
chemotherapy. Progestin therapy is used
frequently. Patients should be prepared for
such side effects as nausea, depression, rash,
or mild fluid retention with this therapy.
• It's not clear what causes prostate cancer.
• Doctors know that prostate cancer begins
when some cells in your prostate become
abnormal. Mutations in the abnormal cells'
DNA cause the cells to grow and divide more
rapidly than normal cells do. The abnormal
cells continue living, when other cells would CRYOSURGERY
die. The accumulating abnormal cells form a
tumor that can grow to invade nearby tissue. • Cryotherapy (also called cryosurgery or
Some abnormal cells can also break off and cryoablation) is the use of very cold
spread (metastasize) to other parts of the temperatures to freeze and kill prostate
body. cancer cells as well as most of the prostate.
Even though it is sometimes being called
ASSESSMENT FINDINGS cryosurgery, it is not actually a type of
Subjective Cues Objective cues
• Fatigue • Unexplained weight LABORATORY/DIAGNOSTIC EXAMS
• Loss of appetite loss due to the
• Generalized weakness caloric needs of the • Digital rectal exam
• Trouble urinating tumor, taking away • Prostate specific antigen test
• Discomfort in the from the needs of • Biopsy is confirmative for cancer.
pelvic area the body. • Ultrasonography to further delineate the
• Bone pain • Anorexia. mass.
• Decreased force in • CT scan to check for metastasis
the stream of urine • MRI and Positive emission tomography scan
• Blood in semen
• red blood cells and platelets, causing the The major types of leukemia are:
signs and symptoms of leukemia.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL).
• This is the most common type of leukemia in
HOW IS LEUKEMIA CLASSIFIED? young children. ALL can also occur in adults.
• Physical exam, noting enlargement of lymph
nodes, liver and spleen, pale skin from
• Complete blood count (CBC) and WBC
• Blood smear. A blood smear, or peripheral
blood smear,
• Bone marrow biopsy is confirmative for
• CT scan to check for metastasis
• Spinal tap (lumbar puncture) and
cerebrospinal fluid analysis.
• Immunophenotyping or phenotyping by flow
cytometry and/or immunohistochemistry
• Cytogenetic tests (FISH and karyotyping)
• Molecular testing
Chemotherapy before surgery to shrink some
tumors, or after surgery:
• cyclophosphamide • epirubincin
• methotrexate • vincristine
• fluorouracil • paclitaxel
• doxorubicin • docetaxel
To prevent infection:
• Avoid eating raw foods