Chang 2014
Chang 2014
Chang 2014
Renewable Energy
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Article history: This paper presents an experimental investigation of a novel multi-effect solar desalination based on
Received 23 October 2013 humidificationedehumidification process. The main objective of this work is to determine the opera-
Accepted 24 March 2014 tional and performance characteristics of the system with use of packed porous plastic balls and finned
Available online
heat exchangers. The effect of operating parameters such as the heating temperature, the seawater flow
rate (Mw) and the air flow rate (Va) on the system performance is studied. The performance indicators
GOR (defined as the ratio of the condensation heat of water produced relative to the heat input) and yield
Solar desalination
of the device are calculated from the measured temperatures and flow rates for different operating
conditions. A set of performance curves under the different desired conditions are presented. The
Higher temperature dehumidifier experimental results indicate that the yield of the system increases with increasing the water flow rate
Lower temperature humidifier and the air flow rate; the yield of the unit can reach 63.6 kg/h at the water flow rate of 1000 kg/h. Owing
to re-utilisation of condensation heat between two desalination loops, the GOR of the multi-effect solar
desalination system can reach about 2.1. A further improvement of this multi-effect solar humidification
edehumidification desalination could be expected through optimisation of design and operation.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-1481/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
254 Z. Chang et al. / Renewable Energy 69 (2014) 253e259
on the total exergy losses of the humidificationedehumidification considering maximum production rate as the objective function,
systems and flow rate of the unheated fluid and the maximum optimum design parameters of the multi-effect humidificatione
temperature of the system have key roles in the total exergy losses. dehumidification desalination unit were derived by using the ge-
Then the dehumidifier in the air-heated systems has a larger role netic algorithm method under the fixed total volume condition. The
than the water-heated systems in the irreversibility. An experi- results showed that the inlet cold and hot water temperatures and
mental investigation of a new solar desalination prototype using the column heights play important roles in the constructal design
humidificationedehumidification principle outdoors was con- of a multi-effect humidificationedehumidification desalination
ducted by Zhani et al. [12]. The temporal evolutions of the tem- unit.
perature of air and water and the relative humidity at the inlet and However, the previous researches on the multi-effect solar hu-
the outlet of each component of the system have been studied. The midificationedehumidification desalination system have some
experimental results showed that the outlet and the inlet tem- defects, the latent heat of vapour condensation is not utilized suf-
peratures at different component levels have the same trends as ficiently, thus leading to low usage rate of solar energy and low
solar radiation, and the ambient air temperature has insignificant water yield per unit area of solar collector. Based on the previous
effect on thermal performance of the unit. researches, this paper therefore presents a novel multi-effect solar
Farsad et al. [13] carried out a study on the thermodynamic humidificationedehumidification desalination device. The present
analysis of a desalination unit with humidificationedehumidifica- work carried out some investigation on a novel generation of water
tion cycle. During the study, solar energy was considered as a desalination system. The paper describes the desalination process
source of heat. The mass and energy balance equations have been of the multi-effect solar humidificationedehumidification desali-
developed for the humidifier, condenser and other cycle compo- nation system and assesses the performance of the device under
nents. Its aim was to analyse cycle parameters and to determine the different operation conditions.
yield of fresh water. In addition, optimum conditions of the plant
have been achieved by using design of experimental (DOE) method. 2. Description of the experimental set-up and working
A 1000 L/day solar humidificationedehumidification system was principle
constructed and analysed by Yuan et al. [14]. This system was
composed of a solar air heater field, a solar water collector, a hu- 2.1. Structure parameters and working principle
midifieredehumidifier unit, a pre-treatment and other subsystems.
Performance of the solar air heater field and the humidifier was The humidificationedehumidification process is based on the
investigated by experimental tests. The results showed that water fact that the moisture content of air increases progressively with
production of the system could reach 1200 L/day under the average elevated temperature. For example, 1 kg of dry air can carry almost
intensity of solar radiation of 550 W/m2. 0.67 kg more vapour when its temperature increases from 60 to
In order to enhance utilization efficiency of the latent heat of 85 C.
condensation, gain more fresh water output per square metre area The system presented in this paper consists of three closed
of solar collector and reduce the energy loss of humidificatione loops: a solar loop that can produce hot water and two water
dehumidification desalination unit, a serious of designs of multi- desalination loops with the function of producing desalinated
effect solar humidificationedehumidification desalination system water. The solar loop is a thermosyphon water heater connected
were presented by some researchers, and the process efficiency, the with a heat exchanger to deliver heat to the seawater. The desali-
heat and mass transfer process and the relation among the different nation loops include several hot seawater sprayers, a higher tem-
control parameters of the unit were studied. A study of a new perature humidification tower, a higher temperature
generation of water desalination installation by solar energy using dehumidification tower, a lower temperature humidification tower
the SMCEC (Solar Multiple Condensation Evaporation Cycle) prin- and a lower temperature dehumidification tower, which are
ciple was reported by Ben et al. [15]. The fresh water obtained by configured to form an upper loop and a lower loop. Air is circulated
this new principle favours its use for producing water for drinking by fans within each loop. Fig. 1 illustrates a schematic diagram of
and irrigation. Modelling, simulation and experimental validation the experimental set-up and Fig. 2 shows its photograph.
for this type of installation were carried out, and the models of the In the higher temperature and lower temperature dehumidifi-
different sections of the unit were developed. The obtained results cation sections, the two heat exchangers are made of copper tubes
were then compared against the experimental results. The exper- with corrugated aluminium fins and they are connected to each
imental design and computer simulation model of a multi-effect other in series. To increase the contact surface between air and
humidificationedehumidification (MEH) solar desalination sys- seawater, the porous plastic balls 9 were packed in the higher
tem has been presented by Garg et al. [16]. The circulation of air in temperature and lower temperature humidification sections to
the humidifier and dehumidifier towers was being maintained by achieve a larger wetted surface and an efficient humidification of
natural convection. The system modelling was constructed based the air. These humidification and dehumidification sections are
on various heat and mass transfer equations and their numerical contained in two thermally insulated cylinders which were con-
solutions. And the experimental results were plotted along with structed of 2 mm stainless steels by welding and had the insulation
theoretical results, to examine the model validity. thickness of 25 mm.
Further work in improving the efficiency of multi-effect solar The operating principle of the experimental unit can be seen
humidificationedehumidification desalination system was carried from Fig. 1. Firstly, the seawater is fed to the lower temperature
out by Hou et al. [17]. In such a unit, multi-effect humidificatione dehumidifier to condense the water vapour of the moist air coming
dehumidification desalination process was plotted according to from the lower temperature humidifier. At the exit of the lower
pinch technology, and then the water rejected from multi-effect temperature dehumidifier, a small part of seawater is rejected to
humidificationedehumidification desalination process was reused the outside and the remainder enters the higher temperature
to desalinate in a basin-type unit further. Due to the multiple use of dehumidifier to condense the water vapour in the moist air flowing
the latent heat of condensation, the GOR of the system could reach from the higher temperature humidifier. After that, the heated
2e3. A model and a structured procedure to optimize the shape and seawater is divided into two parts. One enters the higher temper-
structure of a multi-effect humidificationedehumidification desa- ature humidifier tower through sprayer 8 and the other flows into
lination unit were introduced by Morteza et al. [18]. Based on the lower temperature humidifier tower.
Z. Chang et al. / Renewable Energy 69 (2014) 253e259 255
15 6a
T3 5a
constant 10 11
9 4
solar temperature 12
water T4
tank T7
T5 T2 sea water
6b 2
T6 sea water
Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the experimental set-up and the thermocouple locations. 1-circulation pump; 2-value; 3-water flow meter; 4-condenser; 5a-higher temperature
dehumidifier; 5b-lower temperature dehumidifier; 6a-higher temperature humidifier; 6b-lower temperature humidifier 7-primary sprayer; 8-secondary sprayer; 9-porous plastic
ball; 10-stainless steel basket; 11-fan; 12-overflow pipe; 13-water linerboard; 14-humid air; 15-heat exchanger. T1-Temperature of seawater inlet to the condenser of the lower
temperature dehumidifier; T2-Temperature of seawater outlet to the condenser of the lower temperature dehumidifier; T3-Temperature of air inlet to the condenser of the higher
temperature humidifier; T4-Temperature of air outlet to the condenser of the higher temperature humidifier; T5-Temperature of air inlet to the condenser of the lower temperature
humidifier; T6-Temperature of air outlet to the condenser of the lower temperature humidifier; T7-Temperature of seawater inlet to the heat exchanger; T8-Temperature of seawater
outlet to the heat exchanger; T9-Temperature of seawater inlet to the evaporator of the higher temperature humidifier.
260 mm. The diameter of porous plastic ball is 26 mm, and the 3.1. Transient-state performance of the unit
packing height of the balls is 400 mm. The capacity of the constant
temperature water tank is 250 L. The total area of heat exchanger The transient-state performance of the unit is an important
between the water solar collector and the feed seawater system is indicator of the unit stability. Reaching a steady state in a short time
5 m2. The rated water flow rate of pump installed at the entrance of is necessary to increase the desalination efficiency of the unit,
the lower temperature dehumidifier is 2.5 m3/h. The rated water especially for solar desalination system. In order to measure the
flow rate of pump installed at the exit of the higher temperature transient-state performance, when the temperature of heating
humidifier is 2.3 m3/h. In addition, feed seawater mass flow rate water T8 reached 75 C, the unit started to operate and the other
was adjusted to a desired value throughout the experiment by parameters mentioned above were measured at 5 min interval.
using a valve. Continuous measurements were carried out from 8:40 am to 10:20
am on a day. In addition, flow rate of the humid air was 4.2 m/s. The
2.3. Data collection 5-min yield and accumulated yield of the unit were recorded. Un-
der the same condition, the temperature of every measured point
In order to accurately evaluate the performance of the device, a inside the unit was recorded. The variation curves of the yield with
serious of indoors experiments for solar humidificationedehu- the operation time are shown in Fig. 3, and the temperature vari-
midification desalination system were carried out. The steady-state ations within 100 min are shown in Fig. 4.
productivity and transient-state productivity were studied. The Fig. 3 shows profiles of the 5-min yield and accumulated yield
yield performance of the transient-state was examined under a variation with the operation time on 8 April 2013. The 5-min yield
fixed operating temperature. Experimental data includes air ve- increases quickly at the beginning of the experiment, and reaches
locity, inlet seawater temperature, ambient temperature and feed relatively steady state at 10:05 am. Meanwhile, the accumulated
seawater flow rate. The temperatures of the seawater and air at yield increases with the operation time all the time. The reason
different locations in both the dehumidifier and humidifier were behind this behaviour can be interpreted with the help of Fig. 4. It
measured using the Pt100 thermocouples, connected to a 32 can be seen from Fig. 4 that the trend of the variation of temper-
channel digital data-recording device, JLS-XMT. A mercury ther- ature with the operation time at every measured point is the same
mometer, having a minimum scale division of 1 C, was used to as that of the 5-min yield. This is due to the increase of heating
measure the ambient temperature. Feed seawater mass flow rate temperature causes an increase in the temperature of the humid air
was measured using a turbine flow meter, which was placed at the entering the dehumidifier, that is, the relative humidity of the air
exit of the circulation pump. The air flow rate was calculated from increases, and result in an increasing productivity of the unit.
the air velocity, measured by a multifunction anemometer with However, the increase of the contact time between the feed
screw probe at the humidifier outlet. seawater and humid air induce a quickly elevated temperature of
All sensors connected to a data acquisition system were cali- the feed seawater, which leads to a weaker condensation effect and
brated before being used to determine their sensitivity. During slow increasing rate of the yield. After 90 min operation, the quasi-
experimentation, all the parameters of the transient-state and steady state of the unit was obtained.
steady-state experiment were measured and recorded at 5 min
interval and 10 min interval, respectively. While the number of the 3.2. Steady-state performance of the unit
yield measuring point was 5, and the average yield of five different
points of the steady-state experiment was adopted as the value of In the process, the recycle air in the unit undergoes significant
production capacity of device. The detailed technical specifications changes in heat and mass transfer. The process is very complicated
of instruments used in experimental setup are presented in and it is difficult to calculate accurately the quantities of heat and
Table 1. mass transfer in the main body and the yield of the unit. In order to
simplify the yield calculations, the recycle air is considered as
3. Results and discussion saturated at local temperature, the heat losses from the unit are
ignored. It is supposed that the pressure inside the unit is 101.3 KPa.
In the experiment, tap water was used in the experiment The humidity of the saturated air was calculated using the
instead of seawater. There are three electric heaters installed in the following empirical correlation developed from reported data [19].
constant temperature water tank to represent a solar water heater.
In addition, the heating power can be adjusted so as to meet the
experimental requirement. The tests were performed to assess the
influence of the following parameters on the yield of the unit. 3.6 40
yield of 5 min
3.0 accumulated yield
1) temperature of the water in the constant temperature water
Accumulated yield / kg
tank; 30
Yield / kg/5min
Table 1 1.2
Technical specifications of instruments used in experimental setup. 10
Instrumentation Range Accuracy 0.6
45 It can be also seen that the theoretical results are good agreed with
experimental results. This may be explained by Fig. 6, the tem-
perature of the humid air leaving the higher temperature humidi-
fier and the lower temperature humidifier increases as the heating
temperature increased, and the temperature difference of the air
between the inlet and the outlet of the dehumidifier becomes
larger, along with the increase of relative humidity of the air, which
leads to more production.
08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 Increasing the feed seawater mass flow rate causes a decrease
of the temperature of the water leaving the condensers in the
Time higher temperature dehumidifier. The heat transfer between
condenser and humid air is strengthened, for the fact that the
Fig. 4. Variation of the temperature in the system with the operation time.
temperature difference between the feed seawater and humid air
in the dehumidifier becomes larger, and then induces a more yield
of the unit.
W ¼ 2:19 106 T 3 1:85 104 T 2 þ 7:06 103 T 0:077 Fig. 7 shows the effect of the humid air flow rate on the unit
productivity. It can be observed in this figure that the yield at the
humid air flow rate of 3.9 m/s is more than that at the humid air
flow rate of 3.7 m/s. It reveals that the productivity of the unit will
where T is the temperature of the saturated air, C.
increase with increasing the humid air flow rate, because air would
Then the fresh water yield of the unit produced in the humidi-
carry more water vapour to the dehumidifier than before.
fier will be
This behaviour can also be explained by Fig. 8, which shows
p that when the humid air flow rate increases, the temperature of
Gv ¼ ðWin Wout Þ va D 3600 (2) the approximately saturated air at the outlet of the humidifier
increases. Since the temperature of the humid air at the flow rate
where va is the humid air flow rate (m/s). D is defined as the of 3.9 m/s is higher than that at the flow rate of 3.7 m/s, the
effective diameter of the air channel, which can be calculated moisture content of the former leaving the humidifier is more. As
through subtracting the size of the fan frame from the diameter of a result, an increased amount of fresh water can be obtained from
the air channel and the value for D is calculated to 220 mm. the unit.
Under steady-state, the effect of feed water mass flow rate,
humid air flow rate and heating temperature on the unit produc- 3.3. Performance of steady-state experiment
tivity were studied. In this experiment, the desired parameters
were measured at 10 min interval, and the setting temperatures in Solar desalination system performance basically depends on the
the constant temperature water tank were selected as 60 C, 65 C, solar radiation and operation conditions. The performance or en-
70 C, 75 C, 80 C, 85 C and 90 C. ergy efficiency of humidificationedehumidification desalination
system is defined as the gain output ratio (GOR). A larger value of
70 Mw=720kg/h(experiment)
65 Mw=818kg/h(experiment) 60
Mw=926kg/h(experiment) Va=3.9m/s
60 55 Mw=818kg/h
55 Mw=818kg/h(calculation) 50
Yield / kg/h
Vapor temperature /
50 Mw=926kg/h(calculation) 45
45 40
40 35 T4
35 30 T5
30 Va=3.9m/s T6
25 20
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 60 65 70 75 80 85
Heating temperature/ Heating temperature
Fig. 5. Variation of the yield with heating temperature in the unit at different water Fig. 6. Variation of the inlet and outlet humid air temperature with heating
mass flow rates. temperature.
258 Z. Chang et al. / Renewable Energy 69 (2014) 253e259
55 Table 2
The fresh water yield and the GOR of the equipments under steady state.
50 Va=3.7m/s Heating Mw ¼ 700 kg/h Mw ¼ 800 kg/h Mw ¼ 900 kg/h
temperature/ C
Yield/kg GOR Yield/kg GOR Yield/kg GOR
temperature difference of the heat exchanger, that is, the effect of
condensation heat transfer is strengthened. Increasing the feed
25 seawater mass flow rate also causes a reduction in the moisture
60 65 70 75 80 85 90
content of the air leaving the dehumidifier. In the experiment, the
Heating temperature / GOR of the unit can reach to a value between 1.8 and 2.1, indicating
the latent heat of condensation of water vapour can be successfully
Fig. 7. Effect of air mass flow rate on the system productivity.
utilized in the unit. Actually, the GOR of the unit should increase
with the increase of the heating temperature, since air would carry
GOR in a desalination system means higher energy efficiency and more water vapour to dehumidifier. However, the GOR of the unit
better distillate production performance. Based on the relationship does not always increase. In fact, increasing the heating tempera-
of the input and output energy, the steady-state GOR is given as ture causes an increase in the heat loss. It can be observed from the
follows: figure that thermal insulation has a significant influence on the
GOR of the unit especially when the operation temperature is above
Me hfg 80 C.
GOR ¼ (3) The effect of the feed seawater mass flow rate on the system
productivity and the GOR at the heating temperature of 85 C is
presented in Fig. 9. It shows that the productivity of the unit in-
where Me is the fresh water production, hfg is the heat of vapor-
creases with an increase of the mass flow rate of feed seawater. The
ization at the ambient condition, and Qin is the input energy. In this
yield of the unit can reach to 63.6 kg/h when the seawater mass
study, the heat loss of the heaters in the water tank is ignored and
flow rate is 1000 kg/h, while the yield of the unit becomes 41.2 kg/h
the latent heat is calculated at the average partial pressure of water
when the seawater mass flow rate is 550 kg/h. In contrary, the curve
vapour. The total yield and the GOR under steady-state are listed in
shows that the feed seawater mass flow rate had only a small effect
Table 2.
on GOR. This indicates that varying the feed seawater flow rate had
It can be seen from Table 2 that the heating temperature and the
a slight influence on re-utilisation of heat of condensation. This can
feed seawater mass flow rate have a significant influence on the
be interpreted as that the temperature difference between evapo-
unit productivity. This finding can be explained as follows: the in-
ration temperature and condensation temperature has an impor-
crease of heating temperature increases the temperature of water
tant influence on the production of the unit. Increasing the feed
spraying to the porous plastic balls and, therefore, moisture content
seawater flow rate causes an enlargement in the temperature dif-
of the humid air leaving the higher temperature humidifier and the
ference between evaporation temperature and condensation tem-
lower temperature humidifier. Consequently, the amount of fresh
perature, inducing an enhanced efficiency of the yield. However,
water obtained from the system is increased. And increasing the
the variation range of the GOR totally is small. Increasing the feed
feed seawater mass flow rate enlarges the heat transfer
seawater flow rate causes a reduction in the temperature of the
yield of the unit
60 GOR
Humid air temperature /
55 2.2
Yield / kg/h
50 55
T4(Va=3.9m/s) 50 1.8
40 T3(Va=3.7m/s)
45 1.6
35 T4(Va=3.7m/s)
30 40 1.4
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Heating temperature Feed water flow rate/kg/h
Fig. 8. Effect of air mass flow rate on the humid air temperature. Fig. 9. Variation of the yield and the GOR with the feed water flow rate.
Z. Chang et al. / Renewable Energy 69 (2014) 253e259 259
humid air and a decrease in the latent heat of vaporization released, seawater flow rate, the humid air flow rate and heating tempera-
which leads to the declined of the GOR in the unit. ture have shown a great effect on the productivity of the unit. A
significant improvement on the productivity of the unit can be
4. Economic analysis achieved by properly increasing these parameters. The GOR of the
unit can reach about 2.1, while the yield is 54.2% at the flow rate of
One of the most important factors influencing application of feed seawater of 1000 kg/h, more than that at the flow rate of feed
solar desalination is economics, so, it would be of great interest to water of 550 kg/h. The economic analysis results show that the
analyse economically the developed solar desalination system. The water production cost by this prototype desalination unit is about
better economic return on the investment depends on the pro- 4.4 $/ton. This multi-effect solar humidificationedehumidification
duction cost of the distilled water and its applicability. Generally, desalination system could be potentially improved through opti-
the main costs of a desalination unit include the construction cost, misation of its design and operation.
operating and maintenance cost and water production cost. How-
ever, we intended to conduct the economic analysis to determine Acknowledgements
both the water production cost and the payback period of the
experimental set-up. Table 3 lists capital cost of each component We gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this research
constituting the experimental set-up. provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
The payback period of the experimental set-up depends on 51076016, No. U1261119) and the Natural Science Foundation of
overall cost of construction, operating cost and maintenance cost. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (No. 2013MS074) Projects.
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obtained by summing up the investment costs of all the compo-
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