94 Stpcs
94 Stpcs
94 Stpcs
(a) Thermo-electric thermometers
(b) Radiation thermometers
(c) Gas thermometers
(d) Liquid thermometers
Ans. (b) Radiation thermometers (UPPCS 2016)
Radiation thermometers:
o This type of sensors detects infrared emitted from the object
and measures temperature based on the amount of infrared
o Because this is a non-contact type, temperature measurement
of moving/rotating objects or object that may be
influenced by the contact of the sensor can be achieved.
o The radiation thermometer cannot be used for measuring the
temperature of the inside of the object or the gaseous
Thermo-electric thermometers:
o A type of electrical thermometer consisting of two
thermocouples that are series connected with a potentiometer
and a constant-temperature bath.
o One couple, called the reference junction, is placed in a
constant-temperature bath, while the other is used as the
measuring junction.
o The measuring junction can be made physically very small in
order to have practically a negligible thermal time
Gas thermometers:
o A gas thermometer is a thermometer that measures
temperature by the variation in volume or pressure of a gas.
Liquid thermometers:
o They were simple, inexpensive, long-lasting, and able to
measure a wide temperature span.
o The liquid was almost always mercury or coloured alcohol,
sealed in a glass tube with gas like nitrogen or argon.
101-Which one of the following gases, released from biogas plant is used as
a fuel gas?
(a) Butane
(b) Propane
(c) Methane
(d) Ethane
Ans-(c) Methane (UPPCS 2016)
Methane gas is released from the biogas plant which is used as a
fuel for cooking and heating purposes.
Biogas means the mixture of gases that are produced after
the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen.
It mainly consists of methane and carbon dioxide and is a
renewable source of energy as it is produced from raw materials
like Municipal waste, plant materials, sewage, green waste or
food waste and agricultural waste.
Biogas is produced through anaerobic digestion in a closed
system where the fermentation of the biodegradable items takes
It produces hydrogen, Methane and carbon monoxide which
can be oxidized with oxygen and can be used as a fuel.
The energy produced can also be converted into electricity and
Butane is a colorless gas with a faint petroleum-like odor. For
transportation it may be stenched. Butane is a straight chain alkane
composed of 4 carbon atoms. It has a role as a food propellant and a
refrigerant. It is a gas molecular entity and an alkane.
Propane is a three-carbon alkane gas (C3H8). It is stored under pressure
inside a tank as a colorless, odorless liquid. As pressure is released, the
liquid propane vaporizes and turns into gas that is used in combustion. An
odorant, ethyl mercaptan, is added for leak detection
Ethane, a colourless, odourless, gaseous hydrocarbon (compound of
hydrogen and carbon), belonging to the paraffin series; its chemical formula
is C2H6. Ethane is structurally the simplest hydrocarbon that contains a
single carbon–carbon bond.
Ordinary water:
o Ordinary water as obtained from most natural sources contains
about one deuterium atom for every 6,760 ordinary
hydrogen atoms. and the residual water is thus enriched in
deuterium content.
Liquid Ammonia:
o Liquid ammonia is the most commonly studied, and best
known, non-aqueous ionizing solvent.
o The most notable property of this compound is its ability to
dissolve alkali metals to form strongly coloured,
electrically conductive solutions that contain solved
o Besides these notable solutions, much of the chemistry of
liquid ammonia can be described with the help of aqueous
solutions by comparison with similar reactions.
Liquid Hydrogen:
o Liquid hydrogen has been used as a fuel in space technology
for several years.
o It is light and has fewer potential risks compared with
compressed gas in terms of storage pressure.
o However, hydrogen liquefies at 20.25 K.
o Thus storage vessels require sophisticated insulation techniques
to minimize unavoidable heat transfer leading to hydrogen loss
via boil-off.
o Research in this area is focused on finding improved
insulation and cooling methods.
(a) Ozone
(b) Chlorine dioxide
(c) Chloramines
(d) All of the above
Ans- (d) All of the above (UPPCS 2016)
Disinfectant is the process that is used to kill bacteria.
Ozone, Chlorine dioxide, and Chloramine are generally used as
Chloramine is an organic compound containing a chlorine atom
bonded to nitrogen, especially any of a group of sulfonamide
derivatives used as antiseptics and disinfectants.
As per the research, it is seen that chloramine and chlorine both
have benefits and drawbacks.
Chlorine is a highly effective method of disinfection and is to be
added to water in a controlled way.
At present Ozone is also being used as a disinfectant for
the purification of water.
Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent which gets dissolved in water
easily and produces a broad spectrum biocide that kills all bacterias,
Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent which is 51% stronger than chlorine
and its effective rate is 3.125 times faster than other disinfectants.
(a) Lycopene
(b) Capsaicin
(c) Carotene
(d) Anthocyanin
(c) Ammonia
(d) Nitride
108. Which one of the following is used in the treatment of blood cancer?
(a) lodine-131
(b) Sodium-24
(c) Phosphorus-32
(d) Cobalt-60
Cobalt – 60 radioisotopes are used in the treatment of blood cancer
Cobalt - 60:
o Cobalt-60 (60Co) is an artificial radioactive isotope of cobalt with
a half-life of 5.2713 years.
o It is generated artificially in nuclear reactors.
o Intentional industrial production depends on neutron activation
of bulk samples of the monoisotopic and mononuclidic cobalt
isotope 59 Co.
o Measurable quantities are also generated as a by-product of
typical nuclear power plant operation and may be detected
externally when leaks occur.
o In the hindmost case (in the absence of added cobalt) the
incidental generator 60Co is largely the result of multiple stages
of neutron activation of iron isotopes in the reactor's steel
structures via the creation of its 59 Co precursor.
o The easiest case of the latter would result from the activation of
o 60Co pass off beta decay to the stable isotope nickel-60 (60Ni).
o The activated nickel nucleus emits two gamma rays with
energies of 1.17 and 1.33 MeV.
Iodine - 131:
o I-131 is used in medicine to diagnose and treat cancers of the
thyroid gland.
o I-131 is produced commercially for medical and industrial uses
through nuclear fission.
o It also is a byproduct of nuclear fission processes in nuclear
reactors and weapons testing.
o Pure I-131 is a non-metallic, purplish-black crystalline solid.
However, because it readily binds with other elements, I-131
usually is found as a compound rather than in its pure form.
o For medical purposes, the I-131 capsules contain small granules
of I-131 sodium iodide that are designed to be swallowed by
o Liquid I-131 sodium iodide used to diagnose and treat thyroid
disease is a clear liquid.
Sodium - 24:
o Sodium -24 can also be used in non-medical applications.
o For instance, it is used for leak testing in industrial pipelines.
o Due to the limited penetrating power of the sodium radiation,
detectors are only able to detect the radioactive sodium at leak
o Sodium 24 is also suited to this application due to its short half-
life of just 15 hours.
Phosphorus - 32:
o Phosphorus-32 (also known as P-32) treatment uses a
radioactive form of sodium phosphate.
o Because P-32 is radioactive, it can be used to treat some
diseases by injecting it into the body.
o When P-32 is injected into the bloodstream it collects in the bone
marrow where it slows down the production of new blood cells.
o This makes it useful for treating diseases where there are too
many blood cells in the blood.
109. Which one of the following food materials contains all essential
amino acids?
(a) Rice
(b) Milk
(c) Egg
(d) Soyabean
Ans. c) Egg (UPPCS 2016)
In this question UPPCS firstly gave (c) as correct option, but
court on Sunil Kumar Singh & others asked UPPCS to delete the
(a) PAN
(d) Ozone
The haemoglobin is the respiratory pigment present in the red blood cells. It
has iron moiety associated with it. The haemoglobin has an affinity for the
oxygen under normal circumstances when the partial pressure of oxygen is
high. However, when the carbon monoxide is present in the alveoli of the
lungs, then CO shows more affinity than oxygen and binds with the
haemoglobin to form the carboxyhaemoglobin. This results in the deficiency
of the oxygen in the body called carbon monoxide poisoning. Hence, the
correct answer is 'Carbon monoxide'
Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive gas composed of three oxygen atoms.
It is both a natural and a man-made product that occurs in the Earth's upper
atmosphere. (the stratosphere) and lower atmosphere (the troposphere).
Depending on where it is in the atmosphere, ozone affects life on Earth in
either good or bad ways.
(c) 2, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4
(a) Gibban
(b) Chimpanzee
(c) Gorilla
(d) Orangutan
- The man-like Apes (Hominoidea) are a branch of old world higher primates
(Anthropoides). They are native to Africa and South Asia.
- They are notably different from other primates as they have a wider
degree of freedom of motion at their shoulder joint. They are tailless and
they do not have cheek pouches that are common in monkeys.
- Broader rib-cages and shorter, less mobile spine as compared to monkeys
are other notable differences. All the hominids are very intelligent.
*Gibbons are the smallest and slenderest among all of the man-like apes.
They are native to Asia. Their main distinguishing character from other
hominoids is their hands that are longer than their feet. They can touch the
ground while in an erect position because their arms are longer in proportion
to their body. They are arboreal and tree dwelling and spend most of their
lives on trees.
*The Orang-utans have arms that reach to the ankles while they are in the
erect position. Their feet are longer than their hands and their thumbs and
great toes are very short. Their body remains covered with reddish brown
hair, and in adult males, two hemispherical, flexible outgrowths are
commonly found on the sides of their face.
*The Chimpanzees have arms that reach below their knees when they are in
erect position. They possess large thumbs and great toes. Their hands are
longer than their feet. The skin of their face is pale and their body remains
covered with black hair.
*The sloths are mammals but they are not primates and are not closely
related to man-like apes. They belong to the superorder Xenarthra. Their
closest relatives are anteaters and armadillos.
(a) Thinking
The brain is the most important body organ as it is the central processing
unit of the body. These commands are delivered through the nerves to the
different parts of the body.
The major functions of the brain are:
- Voluntary movements: All those movements which are under the voluntary
control of the body, that are performed with the will of the organism are
called the voluntary movements. Walking, running, talking, typing, writing,
etc., are all the voluntary movements that are controlled and coordinated by
the signals sent by the brain through the nerves to the muscles.
- Balance of the body: The brain controls the Balance of the body. Balance is
required in the static as well as dynamic activities.
- Functioning of the different vital organs: The functioning of the vital
involuntary organs like heart, kidneys, lung, liver, etc. Are controlled by the
Thermoregulation: The control of the body temperature is called
thermoregulation. The environmental conditions keep on changing but the
internal body temperature remains constant which is maintained by the
- CNS is the site of the processing of information and control. The brain and
spinal cord are the main components of the CNS.
- Static activities are those activities that are performed without changing
the location of the body i.e., standing, sitting, and lying positions. Whereas
the dynamic activities are the ones where the change in location takes place
like walking, running, etc.
- The human brain is also a site for processing various sensations like vision,
smell, taste, touch, pain, vibration, pressure, chemical, etc.
- Different parts of the brain have different functions to perform.
- The word “cerebellum” literally means ‘little cerebrum’.
- Voluntary and involuntary activities both are controlled by the brain but by
the separate portions of the brain.
- Cerebrum, a part of the frontal lobe, is responsible for the creative ideas
and thoughts whereas the cerebellum is responsible for the maintenance of
balance and posture. Medulla oblongata consists of a center that controls
respiration, cardiovascular reflexes, and gastric secretion.
- All the activities controlled by the cerebellum are involuntary but may
involve learning in their early stages.
a) Thiamine - Beriberi
b) Ascorbic acid - Scurvy
c) Vitamin A - Colour-blindness
d) Vitamin K - Blood clotting
Quinine occurs naturally in the bark of the Cinchona tree, though it has also
been synthesized in the laboratory. Quinine is a white crystalline alkaloid
having antipyretic (fever-reducing), antimalarial, analgesic (painkilling) and
anti-inflammatory properties and a bitter taste. Quinine was the first
effective western treatment for malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum,
appearing in therapeutics in the 17th century
Cinnamon comes from a tree. People use the bark to make medicine.
Cinnamon bark is used for gastrointestinal (GI) upset, diarrhea, and gas.
Cinnamomum verum (Ceylon cinnamon) and Cinnamomum aromaticum
(Cassia cinnamon or Chinese cinnamon) are commonly used
(b) Platelets
Leukemia is cancer of the body's blood-forming tissues, including the bone
marrow and the lymphatic system. Many types of leukemia exist. Some
forms of leukemia are more common in children. Other forms of leukemia
occur mostly in adults. Leukemias are cancers that start in cells that would
normally develop into different types of blood cells. Most often, leukemia
starts in early forms of white blood cells, but some leukemias start in other
blood cell types.
Platelets are tiny blood cells that help your body form clots to stop
bleeding. If one of your blood vessels gets damaged, it sends out signals to
the platelets. The platelets then rush to the site of damage and form a plug
(clot) to fix the damage.
Red blood cells, also referred to as red cells, red blood corpuscles,
haematids, erythroid cells or erythrocytes, are the most common type of
blood cell and the vertebrate's principal means of delivering oxygen to the
body tissues—via blood flow through the circulatory system.
White blood cells (WBCs) are a part of the immune system. They help
fight infection and defend the body against other foreign materials. Different
types of white blood cells have different jobs. Some are involved in
recognizing intruders. Some kill harmful bacteria
(a) Breeding
(b) Cloning
(c) Mutation
(d) Fusion
118-A man, who does not know when to stop eating, is suffering from:
(a) Bulimia
(b) Diabetes
(d) Hyperacidity
(a) B+ Group
(b) O Group
(c) AB Group
(d) A+ Group
(a) Bareilly
(b) Mathura
(c) Karnal
(d) Patna
122-Match List 1 with List 2 and select the correct answer from the codes
given below the lists:
List - 1 List - 2
A. Viticulture 1. Vegetable farming
B. Vegeculture 2. Fish farming
C. Pisciculture 3. Tree farming
D. Olericulture 4. Grapes farming
a) A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, D -4
b) A - 4, B - 3, C - 2, D -1
c) A - 3, B - 2, C - 1, D -4
d) A - 4, B - 1, C - 2, D –3
o Viticulture or grape cultivation is a speciality of
the Mediterranean region.
o It represents a very intensive form of farming requiring not
only good conditions of moisture, temperature and soil
but also much personal care if the grapes are to be of high
o The breeding, rearing, and transplantation of fish by
artificial means is called pisciculture, in other words, fish
oIt is the principal form of aquaculture, while other methods
may fall under mariculture.
o It involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures,
usually for food.
o A facility that releases juvenile fish into the wild for recreational
fishing or to supplement a species’ natural numbers is generally
referred to as a fish hatchery.
o Fish species raised by fish farms include salmon, catfish,
tilapia and cod.
o It is the science of growing vegetables, storing, processing
and marketing plants for food.
o Here, food is identified as vegetables that are mostly
annual, non-woody plants from which one harvests a
o The person practising in this branch is called an Olericulturist.
o The cultivation of plants, especially root crops, propagated by
vegetative means.
(a) Karnal
(b) Hisar
(c) Anand
(d) Jaipur
(c) Tritium
(d) Rhodium
Tritium (abbreviated as 3H) is a hydrogen atom that has two neutrons in
the nucleus and one proton. Tritium is produced naturally in the upper
atmosphere when cosmic rays strike nitrogen molecules in the air. Tritium is
also produced during nuclear weapons explosions, and as a byproduct in
nuclear reactors.
125-Share of Uttar Pradesh in the exports from India in 2014-15 is in the
(a) 4 to 5 percent
(b) 5 to 6 percent
(c) 6 to 7 percent
(d) 7 to 8 Percent
126. In which of the following districts of Uttar Pradesh, a 112 year old
woman (Nauroji Devi) has been elected Pradhan of a village?
(a) Mau
(b) Ghazipur
(c) Azamgarh
(d) Jaunpur
Ans. (c) Azamgarh (UPPCS 2016)
127. The largest Sugar Mill of Asia is located at which of the following places
in Uttar Pradesh?
(a) Khatouli
(b) Balrampur
(c) Bulandshahar
(d) Najibabad
(a) Meerut
(b) Kanpur
(c) Noida
(d) Varanasi