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& ‘Chapter 1/2/3 (FORCES AND MOTION/PRESSURE) NO | ASPECT/CHARACTERISTIC/MODIFICATION REASON/EXPLANATION L 2 | Front and rear crumple zones To increase time of impact //To reduce impulsive force. rd | 4 rd 7 Dashboard - made of soft material To lengthen the time of impact so as to reduce impulsive force. 6 | Headrest = = To prevent head thrown back due to its inertia. zi The wall is constructed using stronger materials //Using reinforce concrete To avoid the wall from breaking //To increase the strength of the wall //To avoid leaking s/o thannelawaytheovertiow er ges 10_| The mass must be a r So that the vehicles becomes more stable i Til He cost istowe : 12 _| The diameter of the tyre res be bigger So the pressure is low // more stable ee fe resistance of waters 14_| Low Densit : Higher buoyant force _| z Borbs Heat slowly ap Dal 16__| High strength Difficult to damage - i GlassdoeS not cofrcdie wi E 18 _| Small diameter of capillary tube ‘To increase the sensitivity of the hydrometer fe kes the RvdromGter fc 20 _| Big diameter of bottom bulb ‘To obtain a bigger upthrust/stability na Pg ne of ain fiieh ak 22 | Small mass Higher rate of acceleration//Easy to carry % & Space forincréasing ar 24__| 3 0r4wings The stability ofthe rocket ifease t star ee ne 26 _| Low density of an object So that it is lighter//Accelerate faster = 28 _| High engine power To produce high acceleration/High resultant force 30_| Wide //Smooth tyre To increase stability//To reduce friction | ‘The spring is made from steel ‘the type of material influences k produces a bigger ing constant) elastic PE. Elastic PE. changes to KE. lined plane is 45 degrees So that distance is maximum @imco ae canned wit amscannerElastic pole // strong material //low density aia maT a ‘Wide base cross section area : a sia dia 2 al ————— stem(for hydrometer) Heer de rnge of dersles | 'a wider range of densities sler diaribier * pRsever anes “To be able to withstand very stro ‘To inerease Kinetic energy So that the pole can return to it original shape // SO au is wil not bree I ligt it Ficrease time of collision // reduce impulsive force//increase landing time cae aay prevent from overturn // more stable //: se not sink deeper The sping ring sister i stlerless ex Tabthespniglesitie Inia easiibie ak Increase the e stiffness ‘of the spring//can with stand higher force Griofeandinerebse wes “To ensure tha material last longer jangebetiGenXe and GPEeasIy we Easily tomove/reduce fi fies force (anit einer soot teers amscannerLANATION Fa RTT pass 2__| The lid of the pan made of substance which has weak conductivity of heat hay figheat Pa | Made trom a owen materi a ra el : eee | Thehandle ofthe pots made from mate wth nah peices cpt eral cars ree eres. High melting point % * Peoolsquithly.. a Sn Heat will not absorbed by the the Td, so heat will not | lost to surrounding jowith dangerdus materia The handle becomes hot slower and can be held _| without scorching the hand "T Does not melt easily ifthere is an increase in temperature, Sere willbeitrah i Tobbee oT kee * | Can withstand great force // does not break easly era Ses * i Big size of fan se Gar ever eee = pes See Astorage tank must be place at a higher eae 16 Se fided'iniplaté must Be (ong ip | Will enlatae’surtat 2B | Te pipe inside the plate must be made of metal a eee ‘Can suck more ac // more air can be blow to the engine | [Can cool down a larger area | Reig adam oes Takes a longer time to become hot // the rise in seers ie the resist he sUrfounditig,.© To give higher pressure eared will bsorbeheattasten | Metals ood hex conductor =o cya care to water easily | 20 | Thermometric liquid chosen is mercury Because it oes a uniformly a “To obtain the upp er point | Easier to car // easy too become cool ‘Does not absorb heat from surrounding quick! canned wit amscannerswicki Sines Pasip PE RaT REASON/EXPLANATION Reduce direct impact ofthe waves onthe shore reflect the waves from the shore//Protect the area from large waves //Avoid erosion Tguntolgh the wat a ise BA To ensure the water not ov nee OE Can transfer more enerey. * ruse at the live wire In the fuse box/Use ‘miniature circuit breakers (mcb's) Use low power lamps ae oti | voltage of electric current flows through the circuit // REASON/EXPLANATION TalouTeaehceere aon ceed Deeper Sea es dimaxt tne shothescan il und Sa eee ee ow of eurent by meting when 2 high ceeds stOtf the To reduce the energy use famp Do not waste the electrical energy zi carer | current wil increase more neat wil be producedChapter S (LIGHT) ~ [| ZASPECT/CHARACTERISTIC/ MODIFICATION Use a converging mirror instead of plane ~ REASON/EXPLANATION | Large number of signal/higher intensity of light ca | ope - ibfe can be bent & Te ovis re can ast longer/not easly 250 fifto the VERical screenpeor/ectalataral arid Mee hiveing: ge Se Bese | Focus the light directly to the lens // increase the aot of light. me meee ene elle wn Tin thei Se Antone tothe transparency a ‘stabi Le) res aaa = ate [25 | Opal tire ith ger densi? E refractive index inner compare than outer Easier to handle periscope fet field view" We To entre total intemal elector seem Scanned with CamScannerNot easy to break | 20__ | Thicker diameter of wire of coil | V electromotive fore To reverse contact with brushes so that the current in external circuit Produce radial magnetic field to ensure smooten rotatation [Reduce Edgy eOmrent im roneor Reduce the resistance of the coil Winding the secondary and primary cols ‘on top each other. Chapter 9 (RADIOACTIVE) Canbe used for along time hence save cost amscannerconsistency of a measuring instrument by “using suitable examples. '* Accuracy is the ability of the instrument to give . ‘readings close to the actual value. '* The value determined is accurate ifit is near to ‘the actual value + The consistency of a measuring instrument is ‘the ability of instrument to record consistent Feadings for each measurement with little deviation among reading '* The measurement is consistent if the values determined are close to each other. 2. Toaccelerate 2 objects with the same acceleration, the heavier object needs a bigger force. Explain the statement. ‘© Higher mass, higher inertia ® Toaccelerate an object, need to overcome the inertia first. ‘+ Therefore, more force is needed for heavier object. 3. Can you explain why the passenger thrown forward when the bus suddenly stop and the head of the passenger were thrown back when ‘the car started moving? ‘When the bus was moving, the passenger were ‘also moving at the same speed as the bus. ‘When the bus stopped, the passengers moving, Hence, they were thrown jimum speet fou explain why a maxi : superar might need to stop its engi ‘ distance of about 3 km before it can stop? ‘A supertanker at a state of motions and have a maximum velocity. A supertanker has a larger mass. ‘Alarger mass have a larger inertia. When the engine stop, the supertanker will continue it state of motions. So it take a longer distance/time to stop due to its has a larger inertia, Explain why a softball player moves his hand backwards while catching a fast moving ball. Other situation: bend our knee after jump? A soft ball has a high velocity. A soft ball has a high momentum. ‘The soft ball player moves his hand backward pact. her the time impact will reduce Impulsive force. + Sowe will not feel hurt. Diagram (a) shows two identical spherical plasticine balls before being released from the same height. Diagram (b) shows the state of, the plasticine balls when they hit the wood ‘and the sponge. It was observed that the Plasticine stopped more quickly when it hit the wood, Explain the changes in energy that occur from the moment the plasticine ball is released until reaches the position in Diagram (b) Before released, the plasticine has Gravitational Potential energy. When falling, Gravitational Potential energy changes to Kinetic energy ‘When the plasticine hits the surface of wood, ‘the Kinetic energy changes to Heat energy / / ‘Sound energy + The energy / work done Is use to changes peishspa ci uncoge amscanner14. 15. 16. Explain why the wooden block move upwards ‘and then float on the water surface when it release from the above of the water surface. ‘Buoyant force increase when the volume of water displace increase. Buoyant force higher than weight of block. Boyant force pushed the wooden block upward. ‘The wooden block then float because the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the ‘wooden block Archimedes principle Explain how the brake system operates when the car needs to slow down. When the brake Is pressed, a force is applied to the piston and pressure is exerted. Pressure is transmitted uniformly throughout the brake fluid. Force is exerted on the piston of the brake pads Brake pads will press against the brake discs. The toothpaste flows out of it’s tube while ‘squeezing at the bottom end Explain how the toothpaste flows out and name a physics principle related to It. Force is applied to the toothpaste (tube) Will produced a pressure ‘The toothpaste carry the pressure and apply the pressure of the equal magnitude to the whole tube Pascai’s principle 47, Explain how a submarine is able to submerge into deep sea water “+ Valve release ar from balasttank, oleae ballast tank -weight of water displaced is smaller. force < Weight of the submarine 19, Diagram shows a copper block and a bow! shape copper sheet of same mass. Explain why the copper block sink in water but the bowl shape copper sheet floats on water «« two forces act on the copper block and bow! are buoyant force and weight ‘© Buoyant force small because small volume // vise versa «The average density of cooper sheet is smaller than density of water. Cooper sheet will float. ‘Block sink because weight > Buoyant force © Sheet float because weight = Buoyant force 20, Diagram shows a cross-sectional of a wing of @ moving aeroplane. The wing of the aeroplane experiences a lift force. Explain why the lift force acts on the wing of the aeroplane. «Higher velocity on the upper surface and lower velocity on the lower surface «Thus produced lower pressure on the upper surface and higher pressure on the lower surface 1s Lift force = difference in pressure x area of surface © Bernouli’s principle 21, Explain the principle of Insect Piston Spray ‘« When the piston is pushed, airs forced out through the jet of gas at a high speed. ‘© According to Bernoulli’s Principle, the pressure of the moving air decreases as the speed of the a ‘©The higher atmospheric pressure in the insect. poison container will push ‘« the insect poison liquid up through the ‘narrow metallic tube. amscannerhow the forces between the molecules "caused the elasticity when the spring is. compressed and stretched. ‘+ There are two types of force; atraction and repulsive force between the particles ofthe soli. '* When the solids stretched, the molecules displaced away from each other ‘Attractive forces are acting to oppose the stretching ‘When the solids compressed, the molecules displaced closer to each other *# Repulsive forces are acting to oppose the ‘compression 8. Explain how you can determine the density of cork stopper. ‘Measure the mass of the cork stopper Tie the stopper with string and put it into a ‘measuring cylinder filled with water Change in volume of water displaced equal to the volume of the stopper. ‘© Density of stopper = Mass/Volume 9. Using the principle of conservation of momentum, explain the working principle of the rocket. '* Fuel burns in the combustion chamber ‘© Hot gases expelled at high speed backwards © Alarge backwards momentum is produced * Based on the principle of conservation of ‘momentum, the rocket gains forwards momentum of equal magnitude 110. Why the boy with mass 40kg slides down the flume when the angle of inclination is 30° and remains stationary when the angle of 1 22, 33, ’ He y Explain why the boat moves away from: jetty as a boy jumps out of the boat ontothe river bank. ‘When the boy jumps onto the river bank, his momentum is forward. Using the Principle of conservation of momentum the total momentum before and after jumping is equal The boat moves backward to balance the forward momentum Explain why the need of steel structure and the separate compartments to build in lorry carrying heavy load. ‘The inertia of lorry and load is very big when it is moving The separate compartments make the load divided into smaller mass, thus reducing the inertia of each unit. ‘The momentum of lorry and load is very big when itis moving and produce a bigger impulsive force, ‘The steel structure will prevent the loads from smashing into the driver's compartment during emergency braking. Why we fee! easier to pull the wheel barrow compared to push the load? The object on the wheel barrow has a weight When we push the wheel barrow there is force acting on the ground in the same direction as the weight, So the total force acting on the ground is the ‘weight and the force produced when we push the wheel barrow, ‘When we pull the wheel barrow the force ‘produced isin opposite direction with the weight. So the total force acting on the floors a ‘weight less the force produced when we pull the wheel barrow (tbe BA amscanner23, Bunsen burner burning with yellow flame» Explain how a blue flame can be produced. High velocity of gas flow in narrow passage of ‘burner creating region of low pressure '¢ Higher atmospheric pressure pushes outer air inside and mix with the gas ‘Complete mixture of combustion will produce blue flame Enlarge the orifice to allow more air Bernoulli’ principle 2A. The roof of a house being ited by strong winds ‘Explain why. “The strong wind above the ros moving very ft ‘While the air in the house & at rest ‘asording to Bernoul's princi, the higher the ‘velocity, the lower the pressure pressure inside the house higher than the “outside. ‘ea force is generated by the difference in pressure a a ‘which is strong enough to if the roo! 2. 28. 29 Explain how the evaporation process resulting in reduced fluid temperature. In the water, molecules are constantly moving at different velocities ‘at water surface, high moving molecules gain high kinetic energy The bond between molecules overcome and water is released to the ai Losing of high moving water molecules, water pressure will decrease and thus the temperature decreases he principle of thermal Accord equilibrium and the working principle of a thermometer, explain how a doctor can check his patient temperature during medical Thermometer is placed in the mouth of swat is transferred from patient’s body tothe ermal n between the and patient’s body is reached 1 rate of heat transfer is 2er0, ‘eter and the patient's body are perature meter reading shows the of the patlent’s body. Explain the changes which occur In the liquid naphthalene when It is cooled until it changes -om the liquid to the solid state. ‘As liquid naphthalene cools, it loses energy to surroundings Its temperature begins to fall until it reaches freezing point 80°C At its freezing point, naphthalene begins to solidify 2s molecules become closely packed. Heat energy is lost to surrounding (Latent amscannerse from water causes it to be Ice cube and finger will stick together to the frozen of water more, finger have a rough surface and "_Ithelps the ice stick to our finger "31. When a few drops of ether hand contact with student, his hands felt cold. Explain how this. happens. ___-® Bolling point of ether is low Temperature of hands higher than the temperature of ether ‘© Cause heat flowing from hand to ether Ether evaporates // bring the latent heat of vaporization ‘© causes the low temperature and cold hands 31. Your body sweats when you are feeling hot.How does sweating helps to cool down your body? © When we do the activity involving body movement, sweat will be produced. ‘© Water evaporates from the skin during sweating. ‘© During evaporation, change of phase of ‘matter from liduid to steam occur. © The heat is needed to change this phase is call the latent heat of vapourisation. ‘© Sowe feel cool when evaporation occur due to the release of heat from our body. @ Factor influence the process: air velocity, temperature and humidity 32, We cannot use a cooling system of a refrigerator to cool the hot room. Explain why? ® © Cooling system of a refrigerator is smaller * _Lesscool air from refrigerator flow out ~ ‘compare to the hot air flow in Position of refrigerator is on the floor The cool air does not flow upward 3. Why we put the fishes in the ice cube rather ‘than cold water? need heat known as latent heat of a 34, The coldest weather experienced in late ‘winter, when snow began to melt. Explain why? «Heat needed to melt snow © Latent heat of fusion is absorbed to convert solid into liquid phase ‘© More heat is absorbed from the environment 34, Using kinetic theory of gasses, explain how the pressure increase when the temperature increase in the pressure cooker. Molecules moving freely in random motion When temperature increas, kinetic cenergy//velocity increase © Molecules strike the walls of pressure cooker more frequently © The rate of change of momentum increase + Force exerted on the walls increase, pressure (P=F/A) increase 35. In the morning feel hot at the sea .Explain why this phenomenon happens? © During the day,the land and the sea receive the same amount of heat from the sun ‘© Water has a higher specific capacity than the land © The land is heated to a higher temperature than the sea The density of the air above the sea is higher than the density of the air above the land ‘©The air above the land flows up and the air above the sea flows towards the land 36. Tousrist at a beach observing the sunset. Explain why the tourist can still able to see the ssun even though it has already set. © Refraction of light ray occurs ‘© Light travels from less dense to a denser medium ‘The light will bend towards the normal © Inthe observer eyes, the sun is still not setting as they can still see the image from refraction 37. While driving a car on a hot day, you may see a mirage on the road. Explain how mirage ‘occurred. ‘The layers of air nearer the road warmer. ‘The density of air decrease nearer to the road surface. amscannera ray of light directed ata side of the semicircular ck. The ray passes through the glass ck to a point O before leaving the glass The angle of incidence in the glass phenomena. Light consisting of seven colours. Explain how total internal reflection occurs in diagram above? '* Increase the angle of incidence, then angle of refraction will also increase '* Keep on increasing the angle of incidence until angle of refraction is 90° © The angle of Incidence is called critical angle Increase the angle of incidence more than the critical angle, the ray will be reflected Internally. 39, Explain why a piece of paper burns when placed under a convex lens aimed towards hot sun rays. ‘¢ Theparallel rays of the sun will pass through the a convex lens ¢ After entering the lens, the light rays is focused at the principal focus of the lens ‘* Atthe principal focus, the light ray is focused ‘on one small area ‘* Heat energy causes an increase in temperature, the paper starts to burn 40. Explain how you would estimate the focal length of a convex lensin your school 42. Red has the longest wave length and the last to be refracted during sunset. A droplet of water trap in the atmosphere after raining acts a lens. Light travel through this water droplet and undergo the process of refraction ,total internal reflection and dispersion of light occurred. ‘The sound wave from the train(etc) can be heard loudly and clearly at night. Why? Air near the ground colder tha above air Air layer the ground more denser Sound travel slower in cold air/wavelength decrease in cold air Sound bend toward the observer/sound bend away to normal amscannerPytic itted and reflected waves back to the ‘+ The depth can be calculated using the formula d=(vt)/2 44, Can you explain why the wave front of sea ‘water will follow the shape of the shore ‘when it approaches the shore? = The depth of the water decreasing as it travel ‘towards the shore. ‘* The velocity and wavelength is decreasing due to the wave travel from the deeper to the shallow area. ‘© The wave will bend and change their direction(refraction occurs). '* So, wave front of sea water will follow the shape of the shore. 45. Explain why strong double-glazed glass is used as walls of the observation tower in an airport. © Allparticles in a material/matter/elass vibrate at its natural frequency The airplane engine produces noise wt cause the air to vibrate © Due to resonance, the glass vibrate at a higher/maximum amplitude + _ Need strong glasses to withstand the effect ‘of resonance which vibrate with high amplitude ‘0 that it does not brek easily ‘can when the oprah singer sing can make | Ik. sing with a certain frequency and rred to the glass ‘the sound frequency 447, vescibe the movement of two similiar ships that are located at A and B. Explain? ‘The ship at A will move up and down Because constructive inteference(Antinodal line) happens at point A ‘¢ The ship will remain calm at location B «Because destructive inteference(Nodal line) happens at point B Fe ees ea 48. Explain the advantages of parallel circuit in @ house wiring system. ‘© Aparallel circuit can run several devices using the full voltage of the supply. ‘+ Ifone device falls the others will continue running normally + \fthe device shorts the other devices will receive no voltage, preventing overload damage. ‘+ Afalureof one component does notlead tothe {allure of the other components. ‘© More components may be added in parallel without the need for more voltage. ‘+ Each electrical appliance in the circuit has it ‘own switch 49, Explain why a three pin plugis more suitable compared with a two pin plug. Two pin plug has no earth wire while three pin plug has earth wire ‘Using 2 pin plug, if there is leakage of current it ‘will also flow through the metal body while using 3 pin plug if there is leakage of current it will flow to the ground The person who touches the metal body will experiences electric. shock while using 3 pin plug, the current will be earthed Using 2 pin is not safe to the consumer’ using 3 pin plugis more safer to the con: amscanner‘to the candle flame when it 2 metal plate supply with Extra Qn (EXT), Candle flame spread into two Heat from candle split neutral air molecules into + and ions ‘= Positive charge will attracted to negative plate ‘while negative charge will tracted to positive plate ‘© Candle flame spread wider to negative plate because positive charge is more haviear than negative charge 51, Toaster T marked 240 V, 650 W and toaster U marked 240 V, 840 W. Determine Which toaster has a heating ‘element with a smaller resistance. © sie: toaster U both the toaster has equal voltage Power =V'/R toaster with a higher power has a heating element with a smaller resistance '52, Explairi why the bulb connected to two dry cells lights up brighter than one bulb connected to one dry cell © The two dry cells are connected in paralle! «The effective e.m-f. remains the same ‘¢ The effective internal resistance of the two cells is smaller © Alarger current will flow through the bulb to make it brighter 53, Abattery consists of two 1.5 V dry cells connected to a bulb labeled 2.5V, 0.3 A. Found that the bulb is lit with a normal | __ brightness when the switch is turned on. Explain why the bub is it with a normal brightness even EMF of battery is greater than a internal resistance battery EMF is lost to overcome 54, The acceleration of a magnet that drops vertically into a solenoid is much smaller than ‘the gravitational acceleration. Explain the statement. ‘¢ Magnetic flux change in the solenoid Induced current generates in the solenold ‘Direction of induced current always flows inthe direction to generate magnetic pole to oppose the pole of the falling magnet. (Lenz's law) «Therefore, acceleration is lower 55. Explain how the electromagnet crane can be used to lift scrap metal. Current flow through the solenoid, magnetic field is produced «Soft iron core will be magnetized «The scrap metal attracted to the iron core No current flow, soft iron demagnetized and metal scrap fall down 56, Most of our electric energy comes from hydroelectric power stations and thermal power station. These power stations are connected by cables to transmit electricity to users in industries, offices, schools and houses. This system is called the national grid network Explain briefly the importance of the national grid network system in distributing electric energy to the users. ‘* The electrical supply is continuous, although there is faulty in one of the power station ‘+ The electrical energy from other stati directed to the affected areas ‘© The electrical energy from other area is directed to the areas that need more energy ‘© The overall cost of production of electricity can be reduced Scanned with CamScannerDiagram shows the pattern of magnetic field med when current flows in a coil. Explain why the magnetic field strength is Sreater at the center compared to the edge. ‘The direction of the magnetic field on the left. coil is anti clockwise ‘The direction of the magnetic field on the right coil is clockwise As the result the magnetic fields in the middle of the coil are in the same direction, ie upward. So the magnetic field will be stronger in the middle. Using the concept of the magnetic effect of an electric current, explain with the aid of diagrams how forces are produced on a wire inthe coil of direct current electric motor? ‘The magnets produce a magnetic field / diagram The currentin the wire produces a magnetic ‘diagram ‘The two magnetic fields interact/combine to fe tant / catapult field / diagram tor will rotate due to the differences [turning effect from '59, Explain how the generator 60. 63. direct current. rotate the coil in clockwise direction tthe coil cut across the magnetic field ‘current is induced in the coll ‘The commutator change the direction in the coil so that the direction of current in external circuit always the same. Explain how the speed of coil (force) of. ‘generator can be increased. Increased input current Increase strength of magnetic field Increase length of conductor . Explain how to increase induced current in a generator. Increase the speed of conductor Increase strength of magnetic field Increase length of conductor Explain the working principle of a transformer, When a.c. voltage is supplied to primary coil, {alternating current will flow) and The soft iron core is magnetized. The magnet produced varies in magnitude and direction, This causes a changing magnetic flux pass through the secondary coil ‘An induced EMF across the secondary coil is produced Explain the working principle of an electric bell ‘When the bell is pressed, a current flows in the coils of the electromagnet, causing the electromagnet to be magnetized. ‘The magnetized electromagnet attracts the soft-iron armature, causing the hammer to strike the gong, ‘The movement of the armature breaks the ircuit and causes the electromagnet to lose it ‘magnetism. The light spring pulls the armature back, amscanner‘to increase the sensitivity of 9 il meter? the strength of magnetic field increase the number of turns of coil increase the stiffness of hairsprings .ase the mass of the coil and pointer 655. Explain how the green shadow produced in the CRO screen? | _« ev heater supply produced electron onit surface «When 3 kV power supply are connected Cathode rays/electron accelerate in a straight line. ‘* Cathode rays carry kinetic energy and '* Converts to light energy when they hit the screen. Bl! 1 666, Explain why the bulb light up at night ‘Atnight resistance LDR increases Vac increases (higher than 0.7 Vfor Si) Ibincreases and switch on transistor Je increases and lights up bulb 67. Explain how to increase rate of thermionic emission. Increase the temperature of metal “+ Increase surface area «has higher rate of thermionic emission Radioisotope Strontium-90 is used to measure the thickness of paper in 2 paper industry Explain how Strontium-90 is used to measure the thickness piece of paper? Put the radioactive source opposite the detector «Detector is connected to the thickness Indicator Detector detect the reading of the changes in counts © Thickness is measure indicator 1s ifthe reading of the detector is ies than the specified value, the thickness of the paper # istoottick/ vice versa xd with the thickness 69, Nuclear fission produces a chain reaction. Describe how the chain reaction occurs in 2 nuclear fission of an atom of Uranium- 235. «Neutron bombarded a uranium nucleus and produced three neutral neutron «The new neutron bombarded a new uranium nucleus For every reaction, the neutrons produced will generate a chain reaction ‘¢ Diagram of chain reaction 70. Alpha particles can observed by using clod chamber. Explain why the tracks formed is ‘thick and straight tracks. | ‘8 The tracks are thick due to strong ionising effect of alpha particles. «Alot of alcohol droplets are formed on the ions produced along the track. «The tracks are straight because the alpha particles are not easily deflected due to its greater mass 7. Explainhow radioisotopes can be used to detect the location ofthe leakage Radioisotopes injected into the pipe ‘The water in the pipe flow with the radioisotope ‘© G-Mtube as detectors used to find the leakage across the pipe Reading on detector increases when near a amscanner“1 Sensitivity The abllty of a measuring instrument to detect a small chang | measured. ; i SERS : =| a the meni i ae | | KNOWLEDGE/DEFINATION DEFINATION ed in terms of other ‘quantities. quantity that cannot be defn athe e pias ‘An error which may be due to aston of CELI alice (MOREA reading when the sctual eading should be ect inthe quantity tobe Z Rl Hee ciate ide is tothe actual valu The ability of the instrument to measure a quantity with litle or no deviation among measurements. _ [PRstateiment of an expected o coment yates intended tovbe given a direct experiment ‘An initia interpretation or explanation concerning the observation, SMa BSc Gantt that can bawaRiddln anlGipenim@ht. Thove are threw maaan f i iables; manipulated vari sponding Variable and fixed vai "A word, letter or value used to simplify the description of the magnitude of a hy ary tat ee! Vr ese fies! magnitud a “The acceleration of a body is parallel and directly proportional to the net force and ‘to the mass m,j.e,, F= ma. Scanned with CamScanner_— . 7 mafia forees of action and reaction between (WO Doo Shag ind collinear gas “The momentum of an objects defined & ‘the pr I jon inversely proportional to mass Constant F: Accelerat proportional to force. Constant m: Acceleration directly (Liens The rate of change of momentum. { (v-mul mg wag Tee apron’ snve he combined “Finto’accountho the magnitudé and ‘The amount of matter in an object. salir sr cblee (Weiahi mel aie “The product of an applied force and displacement of an object i theapled re (Wore of wabk dane: [PsWork done) ES Lee (pe wone sone WT eae “The capac of system to enable it to do work. Pe ener protan objec: ve © GpE= mgh V3 M region in which an object experiences a towards the centre ofthe Earth canned wit in the direction of Force due tothe gravitational attraction amscannerA property of matter that enab when the force that was acting on ie Pressure ee Mee enclosed liquid is transmitted uniformly to every part ofthe liquid (and tothe wals ofthe container of the liquid) is high, the pressure is low and vice versa fan ind ee ed j : fat ase | The pressure exerted by the atmosphere on the surface of Peet eseaesal objects onthe Earth An instrument that measures s temperature or the degree of hotness. Ese ltnardistom flgva Aaa aes Fagen Sg aS ‘The temperature at which a —_ — its state froma - toa liquid, The amount of heat that must be supplied to a body to increase its temperature by vette] eee a Zz Specific latent heat | The amount of heat aed to cares 1Lkg of a substance from the liquid to cofvaporisation | gaseous phase without a change in temperature. { Qeml,]/ amscannerAngle of incidence | The aa Between the incident ray and the normal. “The bending ofa light ray at the boundary as it travels from one medium to dense me ait090 “The condition where the angle of incidence, iis increased further so that itis greater than the critical angle, c. The light is no longer refracted but is internally reflected, ‘The distance of the virtual image, | from the surface of the water. Aniieatieteanbedielvedenacceen: TT ‘An image that canbe seen bythe observer but not be displayed on a screen Fiennes latin. = fees es cillations in one secon fetes | Laer eR oe zee ‘A wave in which the particles of the megivm osclate inthe direction perpendicular tothe direction In which the wave moves. Shes osteo aa vpiclitheWave moves a Ms we eae Le FA way of transmission of energy from one point to another Seer ere 7 eee ‘line of plane which the oscilation of every p UE onit are in phase and the points are at same distance from the source of the waves. aaa - When the system loses energy to the surrount Amplitude decreases. a a ‘Angle of reflection = Same speed, wavelength, frequency but direction of propagation of wave changes. “Amplitude decreases due to heat lost. Scanned with CamScannerae | | & _| Diftraction of waves | Spreading of waves after passing through a gap of a small obstacle Spectrum arranged in increasing frequencies (decreasing wavelengths) are radio waves, microwaves, infrared ras, visible ight, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays, rita : = [The ange Dew aie eee Tiaras etcharps sow in acioat (2+2VA rayeeded to nieve I clectikitharge,Clsround » Ye JERE api so oS S| — SBecwomapnetc | Aroup of waves wih iar natures The members ofthe electromagnetic pee aS [7 [Resistance | fat ot potent at diferencetocurent. [R= 1/0 Fi Pee al ge aS a V7 Becricfels | A region in which an electric charge experiences an electrostatic force. FE id tial di pt ee pees ‘Acircuit where al the electrical components are connected side by side and their ‘corresponding ends are joined together to a cell to form separate and parallel paths for a current to flow. ae! a eee The energy supplied by source of =a when current flows in a close crcl. [ BaP canned wit amscannerSe fetes = erator Determine the direction of induced current. rule = aa 3 | Electromagnetic | Production of electromotive fore i induetion Inking te conduc, an Actrrent which fowsin one drecion on ca mately magnetic fluc 38 The direction of the induced current always oppose the the change producing it feonnec the’ we st ae eam os aa 9 | Semiconductor ‘A material which can conduct electricity better than insulator, but not as well as conductor. z see 1all amount of specif fr ie ee ae Emitter current The current ree timegh ine eertenPolof ends itis equal tothe | sum of the base current and the collector current. | rial sie fe ‘ i : Maltese Cross tube | A special cathode ray tube ae Cross in it whichis used to investigate the properties of cathode rays. ain Sine ucon ge! GL Te diodes. "process where both haves of every cycle ofan alternating current is made to flow in the same direction using bridge rectifier. e current that flows through the base terminal of a transistor. canned wit amscanner—— S| ‘A device used for storing charges and to smooth out output current in a rectifier circuit. ss haomagl [30 | Nucleon eel io 30 Beta particle a” ‘A very small core of an atom which contains most of the mass and all of the positive, of the atom. ‘A subatomic particle found nthe nucleus. Ne ICUS ere me) Ps AER: ga Ticieds B ‘Atoms ofan element which have the same proton number but different nucleon numbers =e Taal - able sOFOpeE wh yee eS 04 eS — The spontaneous ditegrtion of an unstable nucleus accompanied bythe | emission of energetic particles or photons FANG AB cTeys enutteBiby Bh urtabign High energy electron emitted by an unstable —_ Tod tigw/aves will eR) high ce stag A radioactive decay which emits an alpha particle. 3x > ¢: 'Y + $He) KR ragioatiucHecayr eis it ag Ah ey ‘A radioactive decay which emits a gamma ray photon [ix > fx 1 Se ent brtniter cient rant sera trae Pind Tony utes gros oer” HB So a ee ne The effect of radiation that appears in a person exposed to ralaton. Scanned with CamScanner“A low powered convex lens ‘Type of lens ‘Two high powered convex | ang a high powered convex lenses Tens Focal length fe>fe Lhe Power of lenses Objective lens > Eyepiece | Eyepiece > Objective lens First image Magnified Diminished : rs ‘Atnear point to the cs Position of final image ea 5 eye At infinity Fcreater Equal to fo + fe than fot fe (at normal adjustment) _image height, th ‘magnification, m m ‘object height, I, iatrltea arene Dine ns nthe oppo ideo objet * Image distance Real fevea} | loverced | + Diministed in size # On the opposite side of he & | | object ae 8 Same iaeSs the objec: Hoes amscannera tne hj is wrstualy moved eae’ 10 te | Ae ens ron infin, the image aso aves orcas TE ep rn Fhe same Be, the mas ‘become larger (but stil ‘smaller than the object). ‘Convex lens (can form real or virtual images) isthe object is gradually moved nearer to. the ne es torn infinity #0 F the inverted real fmage moves evey from the lens (tating HOM JB, Arthe seme be, the image becomes large ‘Mien a =v = 2/ the image i of the same site asthe objec. As the objed is gadualy moved reaver 10 the lens fom F the upright virtual image also fhoves neaterto the lens. Arthe same tine, the: j iinage becomes smaller (out stil orger than the objet. a (@ postions of envespanding images General information F “mage formed on the opposite side of the: sect is ceal and inverted. canned wit amscannerbehind the mirror magnified ‘Application: mike-yp ior ‘mage. is beyond point C + real + inverted + magnified Image, Zisat C(v=2f) + eal + inverted + same size asthe object Application: reflector in projector Image, /is between Cand F + inverted + diminishedin size amscanner‘The position of eye must be pependicular to the scale reading to aviod error due to parallax error( N/A if instrument is digital stopwatch) Repeat the experiment twice, then calculate the everage to get accu Check the voltmeter for zero error and make zero adjustment Make sure elastic strings are stretched at constant length.(Force and acceleration) Stir the water gently with the heater to ensure that heat Is distributed uniformly to all part of the water.(Heat) |. Make sure the insulating jacket is covered all part of the beaker to prevent heat loss.(Heat) Assume no heat loss to the surrounding. (Heat) Make sure the experiment is conducted in a dark room. The wires and electrical components should be connected tightly to avoid current loss.(Electric) ). The circuit should be switched off when not ‘taking readings to avoid coverheating.(Electric) 11. Use small value of current to avoid ‘the wire from getting too hot easily.(Electric) rate reading. y is directly y decrease propotionaltox linearly to x yis inversely propotionaltox Scanned with CamScanner
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