Ankle Fusion
Ankle Fusion
Ankle Fusion
6-10 WEEKS
Reduce swelling
Increase ROM
Prevent soft tissue adhesions
Maintain hip/knee muscle strength and flexibility
Pain management
Gait re-education as tolerated
Ice/Contrast Baths as needed.
o Careful with diabetic feet, i.e. heat.
Effleurage massage, scar tissue management
Compressive stocking for swelling
Active Exercises:
Seated wobble board
Prone hip extension, sidelying hip abduction, bridging
Isometric quadricep and hamstring sets
Stretches - lower extremity muscle groups
Core exercises in lying, ball sitting
Bike with boot on if tolerated
10-12 WEEKS
Improve range of motion and strength in ankle and leg as available
Initiate proprioceptive retraining exercises as tolerated
Gait re-education
Electrotherapy/modalities as needed
Passive joint mobilizations as needed
Continue to wear compression stockings to control swelling as needed
Active Exercises:
Week 8-10 exercises continued
Seated wobble board
Gait re-education with cane
Stationary bicycle no resistance, possibly only arcs, progress to mild resistance as tolerated
Progress quadriceps strengthening as appropriate with leg press, shuttle, and wall squats (1/4 squat only)
Balance activities/walking on different surfaces as tolerated
Core exercises progressed as tolerated
Hamstring strengthening - standing leg curls with wall cables
Electrical modalities as needed for pain and swelling control
FWB gait re-education
Continue with exercises as above, progressing range of motion
Seated wobble board activities
Walking program on treadmill, increased stationary cycling
Adapted from Ankle Fusion Pre-Operative Package of Citadel Physiotherapy Ltd, Dalhousie Orthopaedics, Halifax, UK