Perdev Q2 Module 19
Perdev Q2 Module 19
Perdev Q2 Module 19
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This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body
of the module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning
Assessment competency.
In this portion, another activity will be given
to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
Additional Activities lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.
This contains answers to all activities
in the module.
Answer Key
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the nature of Personal Development. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence
of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond
with the textbook you are now using.
What I Know
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
5. What is meant by a sense of security in a relationship?
a. being able to own a property
b. being able to secure all important things
c. being able to know you have someone to rely on
d. being able to feel that you have to someone to protect you
10. What is likely to happen when one person consistently receives someone’s trust?
a. He/she will hate him/herself more.
b. He/she will love him/herself more.
c. He/she will demonstrate unpleasant behaviour.
d. He/she will be confident in whatever thing he/she does.
14. What statements do NOT give the importance of relationships?
a. Help one be decisive.
b. Help one sees his/her potentials.
c. Help one boost his/her confidence.
d. Help one to have a sense of direction.
Lesson Personal Development: Personal
People seek love, concern, compassion, sympathy of other people essential for
them to overcome challenges in life and to have sense of belongingness.
People also find it awesome when they show the same feelings they
receive from others. Having someone to share your life success and/or agonies in life
with may add joy or give relief to one’s life like friends do.
However, it may also bring people to a difficult situation. Thus, learning the art of
committing oneself to other people is as essential as learning to know oneself.
This lesson aims to help you understand the essential ways of becoming
responsible and its importance in developing positive relationships .
What’s In
Let us find how well you learned from the previous lesson. Arrange the jumbled
letters to form a meaningful word in each item below. You may write your answer on
the space provided for.
1. A person obliged him/herself to dedicate his/her time to someone
or in doing something.
2. It is the feeling or state of liking or falling for someone or something that provided
pleasure on your part.
3. It is the act of being very familiar or a special kind of attachment with
the company of someone.
4. It is a sort of arrangement between two people sharing the same
feelings and responsibility.
5. It is an abstract thing that is meant to be shown through different means and is one
of the key elements in any kind of relationship.
Notes to the Teacher
As facilitator kindly ask the learner to pick at least two words from the given items above that he/s
What’s New
Let us try to test your wisdom on how well you manage to become responsible in
handling your relationship with the people around you. Kindly read each of the
situations and give your thoughts.
Situation 1: Conflict with the Parents
You had an agreement with your parents that you would finish senior high
school without engaging in a romantic relationship. However, you fell in love with this
guy/girl that made you more inspired to study hard and make a lot of achievements.
How will you handle this kind of situation?
Situation 2: Conflict with your best friend (Choose the situation applicable to
you/your gender)
You were courted by a varsity player who is so popular in your school. You are
also aware that he is your best friend’s long-time crush. How would you keep the
friendship without sacrificing your own happiness?
You are courting a student who is not so popular in your school. You know well
that your friends will mock her for she is not their type. Though you found her so
important and very special to you. How would you make your friends accept her as your
special someone?
What is It
Importance of Relationship
In module 17 you have learned the three different kinds of relationships Family,
Friends and Partnerships. This time you will focus on making yourself a better person
in any and every relationship you have.
Try to go over with your answers with the situations given in What’s New. You
might have noticed how you tried to consider other people in dealing with the
scenarios before coming up with a decision. If that’s how you did the activity, you
should be proud of yourself for you clearly manifest the trait of a person valuing the
importance of relationships.
Valuing the feelings of our family, friends, and partner or significant other can
only be evident if we open our eyes to realize the importance of that relationship. Now,
the question lies with ‘How do we see the importance of relationships?’
The significance of any relationship can never be realized if we cannot see the
beauty that it brings in our lives. The moment we realize how relationships actually
shape us as a person is the moment that we realize the importance of relationships in
our interactions and behavior.
Some of the importance of relationships are:
1. Lead us to make healthy relationships. All kinds of relationships can give you
the opportunities to establish a stronger relationship with your shared
experiences and feelings with your loved ones.
2. Help us see our potential. People who love you will always see the wonderful
things in you. Through this loving and supportive atmosphere, you little by little
grow as a person, seeing your worth with your capabilities and unique gift and
3. Boost our confidence. It makes you feel you’re the luckiest person in the world
whenever someone trusts you sufficiently enough. It makes your spirit
enthusiastic and gives you the delightful feeling of self-assurance.
4. Give you a sense of direction. The idea and feeling of sense of belongingness is
such a great source of direction. If you care to give yourself the reward of
having a good life and reputation, you will absolutely do more for the people
you dearly love.
5. Clear our life goals and aspirations. Relationships will help you focus on one
goal and concentrate in achieving it because as the sun sets you know you have
someone whom you can pleasingly offer and share the blissful feeling of a
victorious life with.
6. Build a beautiful person within you. Having all the positive attitudes towards
life and one’s self can really create a good aura. Portraying good personalities can
even make you appear and feel young and lovely.
Now that you are aware of the good things you get out from being in a
relationship, this time get yourself hooked with our discussion on how you can push
yourself to be responsible in your own relationships with your loved ones.
Becoming Responsible in a Relationship
A sense of responsibility in taking care of your personal relationship can only be
established when you realize the boundaries and limitations of your role and influence
in the relationships.
1. Mutual Respect
Lack of respect absolutely brings people to an unpleasant environment
and pushes people from respecting one another and themselves, too.
Establishing mutual respect is easier when one is guided by the virtue of
the Golden Rule once uttered by Jesus of Nazareth explicitly stated in Matthew
7:12 which has direct English Translation “Do unto others what you would want
others to do unto you.” This may be simply interpreted by the famous line
“Respect begets respect”.
This line means a person shall not trespass in his rights or put someone
down when he/she is wrong. We certainly know how well we should respect
people but whenever we are in a relationship, we tend to forget that constant
nagging, scolding, blaming are equal to humiliating someone and equates to
disrespecting him/her.
So, in order for us to gain respect from our loved ones or vice versa, we
should instead use encouraging words and learn the art of acceptance to
someone’s unique personality or traits and lastly practice the principle
of forgive and forget.
3. Trust and Honesty
Every person deserves to be trusted by someone dear to them particularly
by family, friends, and significant other. It is through genuine trust that person
feels a sense of belongingness and a feeling of being loved.
The person who consistently receives someone’s trust will definitely grow
trusting him/herself based on how others trust him/her. Indeed, positive
encouragement may create a positive outlook in life.
Trust is the heart of all relationships, and because of its presence, other
things follow like confidence, loyalty, and most of all honesty.
However, for one to completely trust and be trusted, you must realize that
the first step towards it is honesty. Trust is earned as they say, but we should
also remember that it is not easy to be honest when you know that no one trusts
you. So, in order to keep someone’s honesty, we should be ready to trust him/her
first, as no one would love to be in a relationship without trust and honesty. Keep
in mind that trust will not be visible without honesty, as honesty shall not come
without trust.
4. Well-communicated Love
Love we felt may certainly start any form of relationship. However, it is
not the thing that can keep it. Love is just a feeling. What really keeps any
relationship is the love that is well-communicated.
Open communication is one of the most essential elements for any kind
of relationship to keep it going. How can we say that our love is well-
communicated? A tap on a shoulder, a kiss on a cheek, a very encouraging smile,
a simple hug, may just be some of the most genuine and sincerest ways of
expressing your love towards one another.
Means of showing well-communicated love may seem to be very simple
for everyone, but in reality, it requires effort. It is not easy to consistently cheer
someone up when you yourself are having a hard time. Though, that thing per
se can make your actions look so genuine and worthy of being cherished.
You may have noticed that there are people who certainly give up in a
relationship for having a difficult kind of feeling, because of being judged for
whatever their past mistakes.
In order to avoid this, listening is the key factor that makes
communication prosper. Sincere listening is also a kind of expressing how
genuine you communicate your love and affection to someone special to you.
Listening with a high value of integrity indicates your presence which is
non-judgmental and not discriminatory.
If we desire to have a stronger relationship with anyone, we should have
the characteristic of a good listener. Being a good listener helps one to become a
good adviser for he/she could easily discern pieces of advice that could alleviate
someone’s feelings. After sharing your thoughts and experience to someone
close to you, you will definitely feel unburdened as if a heavy stone was lifted
from your chest. The weight of your anxiety, worries, and doubts could diminish
just simply by having someone to listen to you without judgment and prejudice.
This kind of experience will precisely increase your tendency to reciprocate
the love, trust, honesty, and sense of encouragement, reliability, and security
toward another.
No matter what words we use to express the key factors that will make a
healthy relationship, do not forget that it always takes two to tango. For a
relationship to grow and become successful, parties involved should take
their own sets of responsibility.
Remember that being and choosing to be part of any relationship by any
circumstance requires commitment. Committing oneself means offering the best
version of yourself while still learning to accept and wait till the other party will
be able to do the same.
What’s More
the statement in each item and thumbs down if you disagree. Explain your thoughts to
the facilitator after answering the survey.
Parent-Child Relationship
1. “Remember that you are loved for whoever and whatever
you become.”
2. “If you don’t succeed you will not get what you want from
3. “You are such a big dismay to this family.”
4. “Thank you so much for trying to make us proud.”
6. “Always remember that no matter what happens, we will
always have each other’s back.”
7. “Sorry I didn’t mean what I said.”
Guide Questions
1. What made you decide to mark some statements with thumbs up?
2. What have you discovered regarding your point of view about expressions to build
and keep a strong relationship?
3. How can you relate your personal experience and the statements in the activity?
Guide Questions
1. Why did you choose the values you have given above?
2. How can these values help one person become responsible in a relationship?
Now that you have completed reading the module and answering all the activities
you are now to sum up all the things you’ve learned through the following activities.
Activity 2.1: Feel the blanks.
Try to complete each statement by giving the exact feelings you have that will suit to
complete the idea in each line.
Notes to the Teacher
(Note: The learner may discuss his/her answers with his/her facilitator/s or the facilitator may further ask
What I Can Do
You are to specifically make a flowchart on how you can build a stronger relationship
by having open communication with your loved ones.
In your flow chart you are to list the most essential means for you to do it. Kindly
use the template below.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. What is likely to happen when two people shared mutual love? Their
relationship will .
a. grow in numbers alone
b. be pleasing for everybody
c. grow and become stronger
d. be broken and get separated
2. What personality does a good and real friend must have to make
the relationship stronger?
a. envious b. assertive
c. gregarious d. compassionate
3. What should a family avoid to maintain the trust in each member?
a. affection b. dishonesty
c. disagreement d. encouragement
4. What item will BEST make a good romantic relationship or partnership to last?
a. infidelity b. generosity
c. insecurities d. communication
5. What item does NOT show a proper way of communicating one’s love
and affection to someone?
a. warm embrace
b. frequent nagging
c. a tap on a shoulder
d. a kiss on the cheek
14. Why is understanding the value of relationships important for you to study?
a. It leads me to assess my own relationship.
b. It leads to re-examine how people deal with me.
c. It leads me to change my values for the sake of others.
d. It leads me to the reality that no relationship is perfect.
15. What things clearly show that one person gives importance to his/her relationship?
a. He/She values his/her potential.
b. He/She values his/her reputation.
c. He/She values opportunities he/she receives.
d. He/She values the feelings of his/her loved ones.
Additional Activities
Examine how you are as a person in a certain relationship. Seek the help of your
parent/s, friend, or boy/girlfriend. Conduct an interview for you to see how well you
partake in making your relationship stronger. Use all the information you have gathered
constructively as you build a stronger relationship with your interviewee. Kindly use the
interview sheet provided below. (Interview may also be conducted using varied platforms
like video calls, chat via messenger etc. Note: face to face may only be applied with the
family members unless they are not living in the same place.)
Name of Interviewee:
Answer Key
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call: