(Endterm) Theories & Concepts Summary
(Endterm) Theories & Concepts Summary
(Endterm) Theories & Concepts Summary
Hildegard E. Peplau Theory Of Interpersonal Relations 4 Phases of N-P Relationship
Ida Jean Orlando Nursing Process Theory ADPIE
Joyce Travelbee Human-To-Human Relationship Model Compassion
Lydia Eloise Hall Care, Core, & Cure Model (3 Cs) 3 Cs
Faye Glenn Abdellah Twenty-One (21) Nursing Problems Nursing problems
Virginia Henderson Need Theory 14 Fundamental Human Needs
Nola Pender Health Promotion Model Promotion of healthy lifestyles
Madeleine Leininger Transcultural Nursing and Human Care Theory Transcultural Nursing
Theory Of Health as Expanding
Margaret Newman Consciousness
Quality of life from each person's
Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Theory of Human Becoming
own perspective
Theory of Technological Competence as
Rozzano Locsin Technology competence
Caring in Nursing
type of leadership in nursing
“CASAGRA” Transformative Leadership
Carolina S. Agravante that can challenge the values
of the changing world.
Carmelita C. Divinagracia COMPOSURE Model Composure behaviors
Sister Letty Kuan Retirement & Role Discontinuity Model Graceful Aging
(not on cure),
→ assisting the patient to
explore her humanity and
Carmencita Abaquin “PREPARE ME” Holistic Nursing Interventions
internal serenity as one is
faced with the challenge of
life and death.
Helping the patient through
Cecilia Laurente Theory of Nursing Practice and Career support systems, specifically
the family.
Interconnectivity leads to the
Cliford Masayon Kilat, RN MA understanding of holism that
Synchronicity In Human-Space-Time: A the bio-psycho-social-spiritual
Theory of Nursing Engagement in A Global dimensions of persons are
Rozzano Locsin, RN, Phd, FAAN
Community interrelated and that the
whole being is more than the
Freslyn Lim-Saco, RN MN sum of its organs or systems.