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ShiNgazidja English Dictionary

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March 2015

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THIS IS NOT A FINISHED PRODUCT! We are leaving many questionable words on the list at this
point along with many questionable spellings. Spellings at this point in the project are also
variable though usually listed as a single entry. We simply want this research to help as many
people as possible as soon as it can. We are hoping to release a final, edited and more
thoroughly formatted copy with a short grammatical explanation sometime in the next several

Here are a few details that it might be helpful for you to know for this current dictionary list.

Searching for words can become complicated because of the use of these symbols: Ɓɓ Ɗɗ. In
the final project, they will be integrated into the other words as a normal B and D; however, here
they are listed as separate letter symbols and as such don’t fit into the normal A-Z order.

While these letters cause searching the document to be difficult as they are not seen as letters
but rather symbols, we are forced to use them under the current accepted writing method. This
is dictated by the official spelling of Comoros adopted by the Council of Ministers in December
2009. There are ways to produce these letters simply on a digital device, but the creation of a
short-cut will vary considerably by device. The easiest, though not thoroughly effective, method
of searching might be to try to search for as much of the word before or after this letter as you
can to escape typing it altogether.

Spellings are different than you might be used to, because we are basing them off of the system
proposed by Mohamed AHMED-CHAMANGA. His system tends to remove and letter that it
deems unnecessary. Thus each letter has a sound. The “C” for instance makes a “CH” sound in
an English phonetic as in the word CHART. This has been found to be confusing at first. Also,
words with vowels in the first letter or words with vowel combinations have an understood
consonant sound before or between them. This will be further explained in the final edition of
this project. You can reference Chapter 1 of AHMED_CHAMANGA’s Introduction à la
Grammaire Structurale du Comorien, 2010. Our suggestion is to be flexible with your
understanding of pronunciation and spelling.

Verbs are listed here in Shingazidja by root instead of the infinitive form; so, you will find “-dja”
instead of “udia” or “hudja” as you may be used to.

Adjectives are listed starting with a hyphen if they change depending on the noun class or if
they require a variable connecting syllable to link them to the noun.

Both variable verbs and adjectives together give us a huge category of words that start with “-.”
In the final format, these words will be integrated into the list alphabetically by the first letter of
the root not the hyphen; however, our database does not let us do this now.

There are adverbs as well which begin with a connecting syllable “na.” Here they will be listed
under “na” in one place.

We hope that you enjoy using this word list and that it will be a huge help in your study of either
language. Remember to send all feedback and suggestions to:

Joshua S. Thrower

Compiling Editor

The Bahari Foundation

This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-a Prep. of, for
-a aiɓu Adj. immoral
-a burda Adj. cold (person physically); cool (liquid)
-a dhwahiri Adj. public, clearly
-a djitihaɗi Adj. ambitious
-a djunga Adj. grandiose
-a djuu Adj. on top, above
-a dunia Adj. worldly, international
-a fahamwe djema Adj. remembers well
-a faiti Adj. bankrupt
-a fardhwi Adj. of necessity (by religion)
-a faswaha Adj. eloquent
-a fidjo Adj. busy, active
-a giri Adj. persistent
-a hadhwari Adj. green
-a hahe Adj. (poss.) His, Hers, its
-a haho Adj. (poss.) yours, your
-a haiba Adj. busy, active
-a hangu Adj. (poss.) my, mine
-a hanyu Adj. your, yours (plural)
-a hanɗa Adj. first
-a hao Adj. (poss.) their, theirs
-a haraka Adj. urgent
-a harara Adj tense, doubtful
-a hatru Adj. (poss.) our, ours
-a hila Adj. mischievous
-a inswafi Adj. sincere, authentic, true
-a irumɓi Adj. sensitive, carring (see -a sentiment)
-a katwari Adj. dangerous
-a kawaiɗa Adj. normal, general, common
-a ki-isilamu Adj. islamic
-a kihaki Adj. truthful, right
-a kinafsia Adj. intimate
Adj. of manual labor, of working the ground (from Ali
-a kinantsi Solihi era)
-a kisharia Adj. truthful, right
-a kiwastwa Adj. correct, right
-a kume Adj. tenth
-a kume na handa / -a kume na
mwidja Adj. eleventh
-a kweli Adj. true, sincere
-a lagha Adj. not difficult, easy (old word)
-a lazimu Adj. necessary, indispensable
-a loa Adj. wet
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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-a mafitsi Adj. worthless
-a mahakama Adj. legal, of justice
-a mani-maitsi Adj. green (lit. like leaves)
-a mastehi Adj. polite
-a mbero (zipvero) Adj. crooked, curvy, twisted
-a mbwani Adj. below, under
-a mdro Adj. hot, heated
-a milele Adj. eternal
-a mnyo Adj. salty
-a mshindzi Adj. basic, simple
-a mvipvio Adj. brown colored (old word) (see -a shokola)
-a mwiso / -iso Adj. end, last, final
-a nane Adj. eighth
-a naɗi Adj. frequent
-a ndraɓo / ndrabo Adj. false, bad, untrustworthy
-a nfukare Adj. seventh (order)
-a nkundi Adj. dirty
-a nne Adj. fourth
-a nyongoha Adj. straight
-a ola Adj. rotten
-a peu Adj. evil, mean (often stingy)
-a pvereha Adj. curvy, curved
-a pvili Adj. second
-a randaru Adj. sixth
-a raru Adj. third
-a roho nkuhuru Adj. insensitive
-a roho nkuu Adj. big heart (generous)
-a roɓo nkuu Adj. generous
-a rutuɓa Adj. damp, wet
-a saya Adj. other, another
-a sentiment (fr.) Adj. sensitive, caring (see -a irumɓi)
-a shari Adj. troublemaking, disruptive
-a shenɗa Adj. ninth
-a shiaswili Adj. original, traditional
-a shokola Adj. brown colored
-a shonga Adj. cursed
-a suna Adj. optional (religious action)
-a tamu Adj. sweet
-a tarahâfu Adj. obscene
-a truru Adj. nice
-a tsanu Adj. fifth
-a tsongole Adj. sharp, pointed
-a udjamaa Adj. peaceloving, sociable

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-a urale 11 Adj. infertile
-a usikitifu Adj. painful, gruesome, horrible
-a uɓora Adj. perfect, quality (manufacture)
-a vuhuru / -a vuhuri Adj. lukewarm
-a zaiɗi Adj. supplemental
-a ziungo Adj. muscular, fat
-a âkili Adj. inteligent, smart, clever
-a ɓaraka Adj. blessed
-a ɓariɗi Adj. cold
-a ɓei Adj. precious, valuable
-a ɗaima Adj. eternal
-a ɗini Adj. religious
-a ɗiwara Adj. round
-adabisha 15 V. to correct a child, to punish
-adabishiwa 15 V. to be punished
-adhini 15 (ar.) V. to call to prayer
-adiana 15 V. to promise
-airisha 15 V. to postpone, to delay, to bargain
-alfuɓesha 15 (fr. alphabétiser) V. to teach literacy
-aliha / -alika 15 V. to offer gifts to your wife at childbirth, to call?
-alihwa 15 V. to recieve gifts from husband after giving birth
V. to create, to make, to teach, to show something new to
-alimisha 15 someone
V. to rip, to break a coconut in a way that separates shell
-ambua 15 from flesh, to tear pages out of a book
-ambuha 15 V. to take off, to unstick
V. to purchase (rip) something out from under someone
-ambulia 15 by outpaying
-amrisha 15 V. to command, to order (see -lazimisha)
-amriwa 15 V. to die
-amɓa 15 V. to say
-amɓa ndraɓo 15 V. to lie
-amɓia 15 V. to tell someone, to say to someone
-amɓiana 15 V. to tell each other
-amɓilia 15 V. to speak for someone, to quote someone (uncommon)
V. to speak ill of each other, to gossip about each other,
-amɓiliana 15 to tell each other (uncommon)
-amɓiliwa 15 V. to be told, to be the object of gossip
-amɓishiha 15 V. to be said, something said that is reported to others
-amɓiwa 15 V. to be told
-amɓwa 15 V. to be said, to be told
-anadamana 15 V. to strike, to demonstrate (see -fanya mandamano)
-andalia 15 V. to prepare in advance (before guests come), to serve
V. to be welcome, to be well recieved (as a guest), to be
-andaliwa 15 served

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-andaya 15 V. to serve (food) (see -elea)
V. to teach, to explain until someone accepts (very
-andhia / -indhia 15 strong)
-andhibu 15 V. to chastise
-andhibulwa 15 V. to be punished by God
-andjabisha 15 V. to amaze someone, to do something miraculous
-andjia 15 V. to recieve someone, to enter, to enjoy something new
-andza / -handza 15 V. to want, to love, to like, to make something boil
-andzana 15 V. to love each other
-andzanisa 15 V. to reconcile, to get back together
-andzanisiwa 15 V. to cause to be friends again, to be reconciled
-andziha 15 V. to write, to draw, to enroll (sign up)
-andzihwa 15 V. to be written
V. to write to someone, to write for someone, to write on
-andzishia 15 something
-andzishiana 15 V. to write to each other
V. to recieve something (like a letter), to have someone
-andzishiwa 15 write something for you
-andziwa 15 V. to be liked or loved
-andziza 15 V. to like or love on behalf of someone
-angalia 15 V. to watch
V. to take care of someone or something (that doesn't
-angalilia 15 belong to you)
-angaliwa 15 V. to be seen, to be examined, to be consulted
V. to teach, to watch you to correct your work, to watch
-angaliziza 15 something for someone
-angamia 15 V. to be destroyed, to be damned, to fail, to lose
-angamiza 15 V. to destroy, to damage, to lose
-angaria 15 V. to join someone, to meet someone
-angariana 15 V. to meet each other, to come together
-angaya 15 V. to give off light
-angaza 15 V. to shine
Adj. light (mass), soft, simple, easy (nyangu with all
-angu things, mwangu with people)
-anguha 15 V. to come from, to grow up
V. to simplify something, to do things very fast (see -
-angupva 15 angusa)
V. to make things easier, to lower, to simplify (see -
-angusa 15 angupva)
-anguwa 15 V. to raise someone somewhere
V. to hang clothes to dry, to put something in the sun to
-aniha / -haniha 15 dry
-aniɗi / -wanidi 15 V. to envy, to be jealous
-ansua 15 V. to raise someone
-anua 15 V. to take in from the sun
-anyisa 15 V. to share, to divide

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-anɗisa 15 V. to start, to begin
-anɗisiwa 15 V. to be begun
-anɗisiza 15 V. to begin for someone
-anɗo / -anɗa Adj. first
-apiza / -hapiza / -la piza 15 V. to cast a spell, to insult; (uhapiza) to curse, to swear
-apiziwa 15 V. to be cursed
V. to build a house for someone; (-washia) to be stopped,
-ashia / -washia 15 to be stagnant
-ashiwa / -washiwa 15 V. to be covered over (when building something)
-atibu 15 V. to preach, to speak publicly (see -hutubu)
V. to loan or lend something (not time or money), to
-azima / -wazima 15 borrow
-baanthilwa / -bainthilwa / -
ɓainthilwa 15 V. to resurrect, to raise to life
-babandrana 15 V. to clash, to deal with severely
-babuha 15 V. to talk a lot, to yell
-babusa 15 V. to make s.one talk alot, to ask a lot of questions
-babushia 15 V. to shout at someone
-badjini 15 V. to tell a secret
-bamia 15 V. to take refuge (from the rain)
-bandza 15 V. to knock, to bang (old word)
-bangua 15 V. to discriminate
-banuha 15 V. to become greedy
V. to block socially, to dominate, to fill (e.g. smoke, smell,
-barizi 15 or noise in a room)
-basara 15 V. to lose profit
-batwaliha 15 V. to lose control of yourself, to go crazy
-batwalisha 15 V. to cause someone to become ineffective
-baziza 15 V. to bully, to take away rights, to rip someone off
-biduha 15 V. to pout
-bilisi 15 V. to entice, to incite
-boboka 15 V. to talk indiscreetly
-bomoa / -omoa / -ɓomoa 15 V. to destroy, to demolish
-bona 15 V. to snatch, to take, to sulk, to pout
-branshe 15 (fr. brancher) V. to plug in
-bubua 15 V. to beat up
-bubulia 15 V. to beat up someone for someone else
V. to take out braids, to end a relationship with someone,
-buhua 15 to unstitch clothes
-bunkua 15 V. to beat up (very strong)
-buraiha 15 V. to be lost (psychologically)
V. to make happy or content; to be content that
-burdiha 15 something has happened, to relax, to be refreshed
-burudisha 15 V. to satisfy, to refresh, to appease
-busa 15 V. to be provided for

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-butuwu 15 V. to undo a magical spell
-buza 15 V. to remind, to catch someone's attention
-bwabwa 15 V. to sulk, to pout
-bwabwanyiha 15 V. to be exhausted, to be worn out
-bwabwilwa 15 V. to be spoilt
-caca 15 V. to show off
-cafuka 15 V. to be disturbed (madness), to be troubled (river)
-cagua 15 V. to vote, to elect, to choose
-canca / -kanka / -candja / - V. to vaccinate; to ferment, to raise bread; to make an
shandja / 15 incision, to slice
-canfu 11 Adj. dirty, unclean
-canfua 15 V. to insult, to slander someone
-caraza 15 V. to spread out, to splay (hands or legs)
-cenua 15 V. to clean one's teeth with a toothpick
V. to let go, to release, to loosen, to leave something
-cilia / -cililia 15 quickly
-cokoza 15 V. to mock, to annoy, to irritate
-coma 15 V. to pierce, to tuck in (a shirt)
V. to sell (retail, wholesale, middleman), to give money (in
-cuza / -huza 15 mashahuli, esp. to singer)
-dabwanya 15 V. to mix, to make a mess, to run out of money
-dabwanya mapesa 15 V. to mix, to make a mess, to run out of money
-dabwanyiha ye roho 15 V. to be troubled
-dai 15 V. to demand your rights
-dailia 15 V. to defend (like a lawyer)
-danguha 15 V. to fall
-dangusa 15 V. to cause to fall, to drop, to knock over
-dangusiwa 15 V. to be knocked over (tree-to be cut down)
-debranshe 15 (fr. débrancher) V. to unplug (see -toa for true shiNgazidja)
-definise 15 (fr. définir) V. to define, to describe
-dekina 15 V. to be a part of the group
-deza 15 V. to have a feast, to picnic (esp. before Ramadan)
-deziwa 15 V. to be insulted
V. to underestimate, to look down on, to act
-dharau 15 inconsiderately
-dhili 15 V. to shame
-dhiliha 15 V. to be dispicable
-dhitayarisha 15 V. to get oneself ready
V. to steal from someone (often chance or opportunity), to
-dhulumu 15 cheat someone, to act dishonestly
V. to have a problem that doesn’t allow you to continue,
-dhuriha / -dhurika 15 to be damaged
-dhuru 15 V. to ruin, to damage, to injure; to greet someone
-dhwahiri 15 V. to appear
V. to tell something unknown to everyone, to announce a
-dhwahirisha 15 public wedding celebration (syn. -ɓainisha)
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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-dhwaminisha 15 V. to trust
-dhwani 15 (ar.) V. to accuse, to think (neg. conotation), to suspect
-dhwania / -dhwanisha 15 V. to accuse someone (in your own mind), to suspect
-diha / -disa 15 V. to move, to be greedy
-dindiza 15 V. to stand on your tippy-toes, to hesitate
-diriki 15 V. to understand, to help
-disa funɗiha / pua malika
(zigombe) 15 V. to crack knuckles
-dja 15 V. to come from
-dja toɓa / hu djana tauɓa 15 V. to repent, to ask for forgiveness
-djadidia / -djadidisha 15 V. to increase, to insist
-djadiliana 15 V. to debate
-djahi 15 V. to honor
-djala 15 V. to have
-djaliliana 15 V. to be filled with something
-djamɓa 15 V. to pass gas, to fart
-djana 15 V. to give, to contribute, to bring
-djandilia 15 V. to save oneself
-djao Adj. next
-djaribia 15 V. to test for
-djaribiwa 15 V. to be tested, to be tried
-djaribu 15 V. to test, to experiment
-djau Adv. like this, right, yes, ok
-djaya 15 V. to be full
-djaza 15 V. to fill, to cause to fill
-djaziza 15 V. to fill for someone, to complement someone
-djaɗiɗi Adj. hard, solid
-djaɗiɗisha 15 V. to reinforce, to build up, to emphasize
-djeleza 15 V. to clarify, to explain
-djenga 15 V. to elaborate; to hate yourself
-djepveza / -djepvea / -hepvea 15 V. to avoid, to get away from, to protect from
-djewiri 15 V. to be rude
-djiangalia 15 V. to look at oneself, to take care of oneself
-djibaya 15 V. to cover with a veil (woman)
-djibulia 15 V. to be uncovered (for women), to not care for oneself
V. to decieve onself, to have too much to do (so cannot
-djidanganya 15 get anything done)
-djihafilisha 15 V. to hurry yourself, to be panicked by something
-djihifadhwi 15 V. to protect oneself
-djihodari 15 V. to put on a brave face
-djikaya 15 V. to be alone, to isolate oneself
-djikaza 15 V. to show off, to give a false impression of oneself
-djikiki 15 V. to show off, to be proud (stronger than -djikaza)
-djikoza 15 V. to be bored

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-djilawa 15 V. to not care
-djiledjeza 15 V. to slump shoulders
-djilela 15 V. to raise oneself (for a child)
-djilia 15 V. to come to somewhere as a guest
V. to pay yourself, to pay for something yourself (with
-djilipva 15 your or another's money)
-djilisa 15 V. to feed oneself
-djiliwa 15 V. to receive a guest, to be disturbed by djinn
-djimilikisha 15 V. to adapt oneself, to not need help
-djimlisa / -djimilisa 15 V. to add up, to total, to combine
-djiona 15 V. to see oneself, to be proud
V. to organize oneself, to get oneself ready, to prepare, to
-djipanga / -djipania 15 be prepared
-djipishia 15 V. to cook for oneself
-djipukana 15 V. to escape, to avoid
V. to put on one's own shoes, to purchase your own
-djipvambisa 15 shoes
-djipvia 15 V. to seem good
-djipviwa 15 V. to be pleased
V. to please someone, to purchase by oneself (with one's
-djipviza 15 own money)
-djipvuriza 15 V. to jump, to invite oneself
-djirema yifuɓa 15 V. to be proud, to boast (beat one's own chest)
-djirenda 15 V. to behave like, to act like; to be proud, to show off
-djiri 15 V. to happen, to be held
-djiria 15 V. to arrive at; to have something happen
-djirongoza 15 V. to talk to oneself
-djiruma 15 V. to be self employed, (lit.) to send yourself somewhere
-djisa 15 V. to be beautiful or handsome
-djisaidia 15 V. to help oneself
-djishuhuliha 15 V. to try to be active, to consecrate oneself
V. to cover oneself (for ladies), to harbor a secret from
-djisitiri 15 others
-djisomesa 15 V. to teach oneself
-djisuhulisha 15 V. to reconcile oneself
-djitahiɗi 15 V. to make oneself do something, to give more effort
-djitayarisha 15 V. to get oneself ready, to prepare onseself
-djitenga mɓali 15 V. to separate oneself from others
-djitenguwa 15 V. to be alone, to be independant
V. to get better, to heal, to buy and eat something
-djitiɓu / -djitwiɓu 15 yourself
V. to give of oneself, to sacrifice, to dedicate oneself, to
-djitolea 15 go ahead with a decision, to volunteer
-djitrompe 15 (fr.) V. to decieve oneself, to make a mistake
V. (lit.) to hide oneself, to cover with a veil (woman), to
-djitsatsaza 15 decieve others (hide your true intentions)

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-djitsindza 15 V. to cut yourself
-djitswa 15 V. to regret
-djiua 15 V. to commit suicide, to intentionally hurt yourself
-djiuzisa 15 V. to ask oneself
-djiuzuliu 15 V. to have consequences from an action
-djiuzulu 15 V. to fire someone (from work)
V. to dress onself, to buy youself clothes with your own
-djivaza 15 money
-djivia 15 V. to please
-djivumiza 15 V. to describe yourself, to flatter oneself
V. to separate oneself, to withdraw, to fire someone (from
-djivura 15 work)
-djivuriza 15 V. to jump up and suprise
-djiwagara 15 V. to be proud
-djiwashia 15 V. to have a house built for oneself
-djiza kangaga 15 V. to carry on your shoulders
-djizilia 15 V. to give things up, to not do something
-djiɓia 15 V. to respond for someone; to steal from yourself
-djiɓiana 15 V. to respond to each other
-djiɓiha 15 V. able to be responded to, to beat yourself
-djiɓona 15 V. to make yourself proud
-djiɓu 15 (ar.) V. to respond
-djiɓuliha 15 V. to be answered, to be answerable
-djiɓuliwa 15 V. to be answered for
-djiɓuwa 15 V. to be answered (a letter),
-djodjomha 15 V. to fall down, to break to pieces
-djua 15 V. to know (how to do something), to be able to
-djuha 15 V. to get up
-djuhuu 15 V. to have grandchildren
-djulana 15 V. to know one another, to meet for the 1st time
V. to know someone very well, to understand someone's
-djulia 15 situation
-djulihaniha / -djulihana 15 V. to be known, to be recognised, to know oneself
-djuliza 15 V. to tell, to present (someone)
-djulwa 15 V. to be well known
-djumbuza 15 V. to tell people about something, to explain
V. to activate, to wake up (something), to go temporarily
-djunduha 15 crazy; to be agitated or choppy (ocean, volcano)
-djusa 15 V. to lift up, to pick up, to awaken
-djusa madjandza 15 V. to raise hands (with palms up)
-djusa muyo 15 V. to panic (sometimes because of a witchdoctor's spell)
V. to get up from what sitting on, to be able to be woken
-djushia 15 up
-djusiza 15 V. to make raise up, to lift up something for someone
-djusizana 15 V. to support each other

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-djusiziwa 15 V. to make something rise up
-djuza 15 V. to inform
-djuzana 15 V. to tell each other
-djuzisa 15 V. to ask yourself questions
-djuziwa 15 V. to be informed
V. to take my place, to give your place to someone, to
-djâilia 15 provide
-dolea 15 V. to look in a mirror
-dubiana 15 V. to coincide
V. to cause to go down, to throw down, to lower a bucket
-dubisa 15 into a cistern to get water
-duhaya 15 V. to age or grow old (particularly for looks)
-dumbia / -dumia 15 V. to cry (from the heart), to mourn
-dumbiza / -dumiza 15 V. to chase out or away, to be fired from a job
-dumisha 15 V. to make last
-dumizana 15 V. to chase one another
-dumiziwa 15 V. to be cahsed away
-duɓa nfiani dzuɓa 15 V. to swim underwater, to dive underwater
-dziha 15 V. to hide something, to bury someone
-dzima Adj. one (quantity), only
-dzinya 15 V. to reach maturity
-dziro Adj. heavy
-dziro Adv. difficultly, with difficulty
-dzishia 15 V. to hide something from someone
-dzodza 15 V. to pierce
V. to go down, to jump down from somewhere, to dive (in
-dzuɓa / -duɓa 15 water)
V. to fall on someone, (fig.) to suprise someone by
-dzuɓia 15 comming without telling them beforehand
-dzuɓisa 15 V. to make someone dive, to make someone get down
-eha / -yeha / -heha 15 V. to put aside, to hide, to save, to keep in secret
-eha / -yeha nadhiri 15 V. to make a wish, to make a vow
-ekea / -nyekea 15 V. to resign, to submit
-ekeza / -yekeza 15 V. to explain (the way), to give direction
-ela / -yela 15 V. to shower or bathe, to swim, to clean oneself
-elea 15 V. to serve (see -andaya)
-eleha 15 V. to serve food, to add extra produce to a purchase
-elela 15 V. to float around, to wander
-eleshea 15 V. to serve someone food
-eleshewa / -heleshewa 15 V. to be served food
-elewa / -helewa 15 V. to understand, to comprehend
-eleza / -heleza 15 V. to explain, to teach, to cause to grow
-eleziwa 15 V. to have explainations for something
-ema Adj. good, nice, likable
-endjeza 15 V. to add, to increase
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-endjeza djitihaɗi 15 V. to encourage
-endjezeha 15 V. to be increased
-endji, -indji Adj. many
-endza Adj. which has, who has
V. to be plentiful, to spill everywhere, to spread
-enea 15 everywhere
-enea / -yenea / -henea 15 V. to fill up or spread
-eneza 15 V. to spill, to scatter, to disperse
-enga / -yenga 15 V. to hate
-enza / -yenza / -henza / -endza / -
yendza / -hendza 15 V. to come back as a spirit; to mistreat, to misuse
-enɗa 15 V. to go, to walk
V. to be in failure, to be bankrupt, to not make any points
-enɗa kapa 15 in cards
-enɗa kina 15 V. to be part of the group
-enɗa maanshiyi 15 V. to be amazed (beyond understanding)
-enɗa mɓio 15 V. to run (lit. to go fast)
-enɗa toɓa 15 V. to repent
-enɗa tranga 15 V. to have a wake, to go to time of mourning
-enɗa za(+poss) 15 V. to go away
V. to progress, to make something else go, to go for
-enɗelea 15 someone
V. to make someone walk, to drive (a car), to carry out a
-enɗesa 15 plan
-epva 15 V. to avoid, to shun
-epvea 15 V. to dodge, to evade, to skirt
-ere / -yere 15 V. to give
-erea 15 V. to send or bring someone or something, to give
-erewa 15 V. to be given something
-esa 15 V. to entrust, to confide
-eshea / -yeshea 15 V. to set aside for someone
-eshelea 15 V. to remember
-eshelewa 15 V. to be remembered
-esheleziza 15 V. to remind
-eu Adj. white
-eua 15 V. to lather, to foam, to remove skum, to skim
-eza / -yeza 15 V. to wash someone else, to give someone a bath
-fa 15 V. to die
-fa ha adjali ya ____ 15 V. to die by ____
-fa ha mndru 15 V. to fall in love (strong)
V. (lit. to have dead hands) to have pins and needles, to
-fa mandzi 15 have a part of the body asleep
-fahamisha 15 V. to warn, to cause to be careful
-fahamu 15 (ar.) V. to warn, to be careful
V. to make oneself valuable, to be helpful, to agree, to
-fai 15 correspond
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V. to be helped by someone else, to be useful to
-failwa 15 someone (passive)
-faitisha 15 V. to bankrupt someone
-faitishiha / -faitiha 15 V. to be bankrupt
-faiɗisha 15 V. to make useful, to benefit from someone or something
-fakse 15 (fr. faxer) V. to fax
-fakua 15 V. to grab, to take by force, to snatch
-falakati 15 V. to repair
-fana na 15 V. to be like something, to resemble someone
-fanihana 15 V. to look alike, to be alike
-fanisa 15 V. to compare
-fanishiha 15 V. to become
-fanya 15 V. to make
V. to make a report about someone (e.g to police), to tell
-fanya fitia na _______ 15 a malicious story
-fanya hama 15 V. to pretend, to fake
-fanya harama 15 V. to spend a lot of money
-fanya hazi 15 V. to work
-fanya idondo 15 V. to hop
-fanya kouria 15 V. to pick out of a hat
-fanya makri 15 V. to trick, to outsmart
-fanya malalao 15 V. to get better, to heal
-fanya mandamano 15 V. to strike, to demonstrate (see -andamana)
-fanya nadhiri 15 V. to make an oath
-fanya tabuhit / tabuhis 15 V. to do research, to investigate
-fanya ugangi / zilimu 15 V. to do witchcraft
-fanya ɓiɗia 15 V. to strive to do something
-fanya ɓure 15 V. to do for no reason, to volunteer
-fanyia 15 V. to do for someone
-fanyiha 15 V. to be possible, to be done
-fanyilia 15 V. to do for someone
-fanyisa 15 V. to coach, to make someone else do
-fanyiwa 15 V. to be done
-faria 15 V. to be inseparable (syn. -kwaharia)
-fariki 15 (ar.) V. to disapear, (fig.) to die
-fariki duniani 15 V. to die (lit. to disapear from this world)
V. to translate, to give meaning (ufasiri for koran) (utafsiri
-fasiri / -tafsiri 15 for everything else)
-fehemu 15 V. to remember
-fereshea 15 V. to congradulate
-fesanya 15 V. to pick up, to gather, to collect
-fia 15 V. to die (used with the place of death)
-fikiri 15 V. to think
-fikiria 15 V. to think on behalf of someone

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-fikiriana 15 V. to be considerate of one another
-fikiriwa 15 V. to be considered
-fikiza 15 V. to fill a hole with dirt, to cover with earth
-filisi 15 V. to waste
-finiha 15 V. to cover something
-fira 15 V. to blow (nose)
-fira mafirida 15 V. to blow snot, to wipe nose
-firilia 15 V. to inhale, to sniff
-fishia / -fushia 15 V. to leave. to be known (e.g. news)
-fisidi 15 V. to waste (resources)
-fisidisha 15 V. to spend or waste (resources)
-fitini 15 V. to do damage, to betray (see -fitiri)
-fitinia 15 V. to not keep a promise
-fitiri 15 V. to betray (see -fitini)
-fiwa 15 V. to be bereaved
-foroa 15 V. puncture, to pierce
-foroha 15 V. to be pierce, to be punctured
-foɓoa 15 V. to pull out, to extract
-fua 15 V. to wash (clothes or precious metal), to launder
-fudza 15 V. to interrupt
-fufua 15 V. to grind with stone, to beat
-fufuana 15 V. to hit each other
V. to take what isn't yours, to overcharge; to fight for
-fufulia 15 someone, to be against someone
-fuha 15 V. to be popped, to be punctured
V. to erupt (volcano), to claw at the ground (chicken), to
-fukua 15 boil (liquid), to roil (ocean)
-fulia 15 V. to wash for someone
-fulia ɓwe 15 V. to throw stones at someone
-fuliha 15 V. to wash oneself, to get oneself wet in the rain
V. to be washed, to be laundered, to get somene else to
-fuliwa 15 do your washing
-fulwa 15 V. to be washed and clean
V. to shoot (to hunt), to sew and mend (with needle and
-fuma 15 thread), to put a hole into
-fumaandzi 15 V. to be paralysed, to have pins and needles
-fumaniwa 15 V. to be caught off doing
-fumbaria 15 V. to smile
-fumwa 15 V. to get stitches, to be sown
-funga 15 V. to attach, to fast, to be put in prison, to tie, to lock
-funga miaɗi 15 V. to make a promise
-funga nɗola 15 V. to get married, to be engaged
-funga tsumu 15 V. to fast
-funga wandzani 15 V. to make friends
-fungatsa 15 V. to hitch, to tow, to haul

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-fungatsana 15 V. to be joined together
-fungatsiwa 15 V. to be joined to something
-fungia 15 V. to tie for someone
V. to be cooked on outside only, to be tied up with tape
or rope, to have your hands tied, to be closed, to be
closable; (fig.) to not be able to continue (equivalent
-fungiha 15 "one's hands are tied")
V. to untie, to break fast, to be divorced, to pull apart, to
-fungua / fungulwa 15 unlock, to open
-fungulia 15 V. to open or untie for someone
-funguza 15 V. to cause someone to break the fast
-fungwa 15 V. to be attached, to be imprisoned, to be locked
-funya 15 V. to close tightly, to blink
-funya matso 15 V. to close your eyes
-funya nkode 15 V. to make a fist
-funya riha 15 V. to wrinkle (face or cloth)
-funyiziza / -funya ziza? 15 V. to wink
-funɗa 15 V. to advise, to give counsel
-funɗana 15 V. to counsel each other
-funɗiha 15 V. to teach oneself
-funɗisa 15 V. to teach, to train someone
-funɗishia 15 V. to have learned
-fupva 15 V. to reward
-fupviha 15 V. to shrink (e.g. clothes)
-fupvisa 15 V. to shorten, to trim
-furahi 15 V. to be happy
-furahia 15 V. to be happy about
-furahisha 15 V. to make someone happy
-furahishana 15 V. to celebrate together
-fusa 15 V. to pierce
-fushiha 15 V. to put to bed
-fusiha 15 V. to split open
-futari 15 V. to finish the fast
-futra 15 V. to erase, to eliminate, to get fat
-fuzu 15 V. to do well, to pass (e.g. exam), to win, to suceed
V. to be thwarted, to not complete s.thing, to lose
-fuɓa 15 (competition)
-fuɓia 15 V. to bruise, to tan
-fuɓua 15 V. to bite, to crush, to grind
-fuɗua / -funɗua / -fudua 15 V. to pound (e.g madaba), to crush, to grind
-fwagia / -vwagia 15 V. to sweep, to take more than others in the group
V. to pull out, to take without permission, to take by force,
-fwakua 15 to upset (political regime)
V. to persuade someone, to coax someone, to flatter
-fwaria 15 someone
-gamatra 15 V. to capture, to catch, to hold tightly
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Shingazidja Class English
-gamatrana 15 V. to catch one another, to hug each other
-ganga 15 V. to decieve, to fool someone
-garua 15 V. to scratch
-garuha 15 V. to be scratched
-garulwa 15 V. to be scratched by someone
V. to discuss something face to face, to face (a person or
-gaɓili 15 problem), to assume
-ghafiliha 15 V. to be busy, to be pressed for time
-gharimia (mapesa, nvuu) / -
hurumia 15 V. to spend (money, energy)
-godja 15 V. to check on, to monitor, to guard (syn. utunɗa)
-godjea 15 V. to guard something, to watch over
-gonga 15 V. to become difficult, to go wrong
-gongana 15 V. to confront each other, to comfort each other
-gongeana fikra 15 V. to argue
-guguru Adj. stubborn
-guɓanya 15 V. to mix, to shuffle
-guɗamu 15 V. to be blocked, to seal off (especially hearing or seeing)
-hadalwa 15 V. to be deceived, to be cheated
-hadaya 15 V. to lie, to decieve, to trick
-hadisi 15 V. to converse, to discuss, to tell a story
-hadisiza 15 V. to tell someone a story, to speak for someone
-hadjusa 15 V. to hold something
-hafifisha 15 V. to debilitate
-hafiliha 15 V. to be busy with, to care about
-haha 15 V. to go bad, to go rotten, to decay (use for cooked food)
-hahaya / -gagaya 15 V. to stutter
-hahe Poss. Adj. his / her (1st/2nd class)
-haho Poss. Adj. your (singular)
-haini 15 V. to decieve
-hairicha 15 V. to discuss a price
-hakikisha 15 V. to make certain, to make sure, to ensure, to vouch for
-hakikisha iɗukuni 15 V. to prove something right by keeping quiet
V. to prepare something, to spread something out, to
-hala 15 make a bed, to set the table, to outfit a house
-halaba 15 V. to forget definitively, to not keep promise
V. to make ‘halal’, to make acceptable (socially or
-halalisha 15 morally)
-halia 15 V. to prepare something for someone
-halilia 15 V. to put out hand to protect from falling
-halipva 15 V. to harden, to toughen
-halwa 15 V. to be made
-hama 15 V. to milk a cow, to move (residence)
-hamakisha 15 V. to irritate, to annoy
-hambwa 15 V. to be said, to call
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Shingazidja Class English
-hamia 15 V. to move from or to a place
-hamili Adj. pregnant
-hamisi 15 (ar.) V. to arrange things, to clean up, to save something
V. to breastfeed (baby's action), to squeeze (fruit), to
-hammwa 15 wring out (clothes)
-hamsa 15 V. to breastfeed (mother's action)
-hana 15 V. to deny
-handilia 15 V. to massage
V. to lose, to evaporate (water), to disappear (voice), to
-hanga 15 cook w/o water or oil, to roast
-hangu Poss. Adj. my
-hangua 15 V. to empty out (solid)
-hania 15 V. to deny for someone, to defend
-hanisa 15 V. to separate, to divide
-hankataufa 15 V. to crisp, to harden
-hantsi 15 V. to put down, to place
-hantsi mbinguni 15 V. to tie up so can’t move
V. to be watched, to be hospitalized, to be sitting by
-hantsiwa 15 someone
V. to save something for someone, to leave something for
-hantsiza 15 someone
-hantsiziwa 15 V. to save something for someone
-hanua 15 V. to take clothes off the line
-hanyu Poss. Adj. your (plural)
V. to knead (bread), to squeeze, to massage, to press, to
-hanɗa 15 mould, to shape
-hao Poss. Adj. their (1st/2nd class)
-hapva 15 V. to pick the leaves off of branches, to pull off
-hara Adj. afraid, worried
-haraka 15 V. to do quickly
-harakisha 15 V. to accelerate
-haralwa 15 V. to be refused
-haramisha 15 V. to make ‘haram’
-haraya 15 V. to decline, to refuse
-haraza 15 V. to forbid
-haraziza 15 V. to be forbidden, to be banished
-harimia 15 V. to use (money)
-hatru Poss. Adj. our
-hatwaliha 15 V. to be hurt a lot (physical), to be lost (mentally)
-haua 15 V. to change, to replace
-haulia 15 V. to feed animals
-haya 15 V. to be dried
-haɗaya 15 V. to deceive, to not keep a promise, to cheat
-haɗi 15 V. to punish, to persecute
-hea 15 V. to go up, to climb, to become something (i.e. angry)

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Shingazidja Class English
-hea dama 15 V. to become important
-hea madjifiri 15 V. to sweat
-hea nandria 15 V. to disappear
-hea shihaya 15 V. to be out of breath, to breath heavily
-hea usiu 15 V. to become angry
-hea ɓaya 15 V. to cause or intensify a problem
-hela 15 V. to measure
-helela 15 V. to float
-heleya 15 V. to go up by, to go against
-heleya usiu 15 V. to be angry with someone
-hendza 15 V. to haunt
-hendziwa 15 V. to be haunted, to be visited by a spirit or ghost
-heuha / -yeuha 15 V. to fly
-heza / -ceza 15 V. to raise, to elevate, to sing
-heza muyo 15 V. to cause someone to be tired of you
-heza zenfia 15 V. to breath out
-heza ɓaya 15 V. to make trouble
-hezia 15 V. to help to climb out of something
V. to sing for someone/ to tell someone, to cause to rise,
-heziza 15 to take something from a hole
-hiari 15 V. to choose, to decide (to do someting)
-hibia mndru 15 V. to steal from someone
-hibilia mndru 15 V. to steal for someone
-hifadhwi / -hafadhwi / -hifadhu 15 V. to protect, to memorise, to hide, to freeze, to preserve
-hiliɓu 15 V. to seduce, to trick; to not show up somewhereh
-hima 15 V. to stand, to stop, to be
-hima rangu 15 V. wait a minute
-himilia 15 V. to stand before someone
-himisa 15 V. to cause to stop, to cause to stand, to park a car
-himiɗia 15 V. to thank God, to invoke
-hini 15 V. to wilfully damage
-hinilwa 15 V. to be decieved
-hisa 15 V. to finish, to be finished, to ejaculate
-hisa twamaa 15 V. to give up, to despair
-hisaɓia 15 V. to count for
-hisaɓiha 15 V. to be countable, to be counted
-hisaɓu 15 V. to count
-hishima / -hishimu 15 V. to respect, to show respect
-hishimulwa 15 V. to be respected
-hisi 15 V. to feel
-hisiza 15 V. to finish
-hitimia (ufanya mahitimio) 15 V. to pray, to intercede in some way for the dead
-hitsili 15 V. to suprise someone, to meet someone unexpectedly
-hiɓa 15 V. to steal

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Shingazidja Class English
-hiɓwa Adj. stolen
-hiɓwa 15 V. to be stolen
-hoa / -koa / -kohoa 15 V. to cough
-hodari Adj. strong (not just physical)
-hodjana 15 V. to debate
-hoha 15 V. to grill, to bake
-hohoha / -hodahoha 15 V. to climb down
-hohora 15 V. to pull, to drag along, to train
-holelea 15 V. to pour
-holesa (mndro) 15 V. to reheat food (well)
V. to stay for a long time before doing something else, to
-homa 15 be late
-homesa 15 V. to make someone late
-homoha 15 V. to fall and break (wall, house)
-homɓa 15 V. to lick
-honda 15 V. to get skinnier
-hondoa 15 V. to keep safe, to protect, to make possible
-hondra 15 V. to reach, to arrive
-hondrana 15 V. to meet, to intersect
-honga 15 V. to decieve, to cheat
-honyoha 15 V. to bend, to twist
-honɗa 15 V. to get thinner
-honɗesa 15 V. to make someone thinner
-hora / -ora 15 V. to dream, to warm by fire, to sit in the sun
-hosa 15 V. to wash with water, to clean the house
-hosheha 15 V. to be grilled
-hosiwa 15 V. to be cleaned
-hosiza 15 V. to wash for someone
-hozwa / -kozwa 15 V. to have pain because of someone, to pity
-hoɓoa 15 V. to break off
-hoɓoha 15 V. to split (e.g bottom of shoe), (fig.) to be very tired
-hua 15 V. to grow up, to peel, to grate, to skin
-hubaliwa 15 V. to be agreed upon
-hubiri 15 V. to save
-hudhuria 15 V. to be present
-hudhurisha 15 V. to invite
-huhuraya 15 V. to harden, to toughen
-huhuru / -kuhuru Adj. solid, strong, tough (meat)
-huhwilwa 15 V. to be saved by someone
-hui 15 V. to save, to rescue
-hukumia 15 V. to judge in the place of someone
-hukumu 15 V. to judge, to decide
-hukumulwa 15 V. to be judged
-hula 15 V. to buy

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-hulawa 15 V. to be sold
-hulia 15 V. to peal for someone, to buy for someone
-huliha 15 V. to be a good price, to be buyable, to peel a banana
-huliza (wandru) 15 V. to sell to (people)
-hulwa 15 V. to be bought
-huma 15 V. to dry, to bite (mosquito)
-huma yemari / ncomio 15 V. to have a parched throat
-humisa / -humiza 15 V. to dry
-humiwa 15 V. to be surprised, to be upset
-humɓisa 15 V. to help
V. to win, to find, to pass a test, to recieve something you
-hundra 15 were looking for
-hundra mali 15 V. to earn money
-hundra shawiri 15 V. to find a solution
-hundriha 15 V. to be found, to be caught in the act
-hundrwa ni adjali 15 V. to have an accident
-hundza (nguo) 15 V. to roll up sleeves or trousers
-hungumanya / -honga 15 V. to gather together, to wrinkle
-hunkeza 15 V. to correct a person
-huntsanya 15 V. to combine, to bring together, to get together
-hunua 15 V. to uproot
-hunuha 15 V. to fall down (tree only)
-hunulia 15 V. to uproot for someone
-hupvia 15 V. to bail out (water)
V. to become more muscular like a man, to become/look
-huraya 15 like an old person
-hurunga 15 V. to sting, to poke (nail, thorn, knife) (see -unga)
-hushi 15 V. to sigh
-husu 15 (ar.) V. to be about or concerning
V. to be ‘evil eyed’ by someone, to be cursed by
-husudua / -husudiwa 15 someone
-husuɗi 15 V. to give someone the evil eye, to envy
-hutadjia 15 V. to need, to want
-hutadjifu Adj. interesting
-hutadjiha / -hutadjiwa 15 V. to be needed
-hutsanya 15 V. to put or to bring together (see -tsanganya)
-hutsia 15 V. to tie around waist (ikoyi, lesso)
-hutubu 15 V. to preach, to speak publicly (see -atibu)
-hutuɓa 15 V. to preach
-hutuɓia 15 V. to advise
-huu Adj. big, large, respected (kuu with class 5)
-huziha 15 V. to sell to each other
-huziwa 15 V. to be sold
-huziza 15 V. to sell to someone
-huzuniha 15 V. to be very sad (from huzuni)
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Shingazidja Class English
-huɗumu 15 V. to prepare
-huɗumulia (tsumu, mashuhuli) 15 V. to prepare, to buy, to provide for
-ia 15 V. to take a loan, to owe
-ii Adj. bad, vicious
-ili Adj. two (quantity)
-imɓa 15 V. to chant
-imɓia 15 V. to soothe, to rock, to cradle (a baby) (see -tsutsia)
-indji Adj. many, a lot of
-indjilana / -ndjilana 15 V. to hug
-indza 15 V. to collect, to bring together
-ipviwa 15 V. to be jealous of, to envy
-ishia / -yisia 15 V. to hear, to listen
-ishia le vushe 15 V. to smell (see -nukiwa)
-ishilia 15 V. to listen
-ishiliana 15 V. to get along with one another
V. to listen to someone (i.e. listen to what is said and
follow it), to teach, to listen to someone and correct them
-isihilia 15 (esp. in reading Koran)
-itsi Adj. fresh, raw, green (ɓitsi with class 5)
-iva / -ipva 15 V. to ripen, to be cooked (i.e. ready to eat)
-ka / -kaya 15 V. to be, to feel, to exist
-kadiri 15 V. to calculate
-kafiriha 15 V. to recant, to reject (religion), to understand
-kafirishiha 15 V. to recant, to reject (religion), to change behavior
-kaka 15 (fr. caca-feces) V. to defecate, to poop
-kakia 15 V. to defecate on, to poop on someone
-kalantsiza 15 V. to sit with someone, to watch someone
-kalia 15 V. to slander, to gossip, to cackle
-kalilia 15 V. to set a trap, to lie in wait for
-kalwa 15 V. to choke
-kamilifu Adj. complete, whole
-kamilisha 15 V. to complete
-kana 15 V. to have
-kana hadja 15 V. to have need of something
-kana hamili 15 V. to be pregnant
-kana iduha/ inunufu 15 V. to have the hiccups
-kana matzoanzi 15 V. to have downcast eyes, to be shy
-kana mbwiri 15 V. to be in a hurry
-kana muyo 15 V. to be alive
-kana o undrusche wa hahe 15 V. to be a virgin
-kana swafura 15 V. to be faint/dizzy (from sickness/lack of food)
-kandamiza 15 V. to oppress, to suppress
-kankwa 15 V. to be vaccinated

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Shingazidja Class English
V. (uhantsi-more temporary) to put something down,
-kantsi / -hantsi 15 (ukantsi-more lasting) to sit, to stay, (fig.) to live
-kantsi he maguguno 15 V. to kneel
-kantsi ituri 15 V. to squat
V. to welcome warmly, to come close (ukariɓisha is
-kariɓisa 15 sometimes used)
-kariɓisha 15 V. to bring closer, to welcome
-kariɓu 15 V. to come close
-kasiri 15 V. to be troubled
-kasiriha 15 V. to be troubled
-kasirisha 15 V. to be troubled
-katra 15 V. to cut
-katra mu 15 V. to lie
-katra shawiri 15 V. to make a decision
-kauha 15 V. to be turned over or around, to turn around
-kausa / -hausa 15 V. to change, to cause something to turn or turn over
-kaushia 15 V. to turn to someone
-kaya hai 15 V. to be alive
-kaya hashiri 15 V. to be awake
-kaya kina 15 V. to be part of the group
-kaya kongoni 15 V. to be in agony
-kaya mbara 15 V. to be afraid
-kaya na hamili 15 V. to be pregnant
-kaya na kamanfi 15 V. to catch a cold
-kaya na mahaba 15 V. to love, to have feelings for
-kaya na mba 15 V. to be pregnant
-kaya na muyo 15 V. to be alive
-kaya na mwsiba 15 V. to be in mourning (for a death)
-kaya na nderema 15 V. to have a fever
-kaya na swiha 15 V. to be in shape
-kaya nkodo 15 V. to fight with (someone), to war against
-kaya radhi 15 V. to agree
-kaya taeri 15 V. to be ready
-kaya telele 15 V. to be in abondance
-kaya ɓeedhwani 15 V. to be discovered
V. to stick something, to place firmly, to make something
-kaza 15 stay
-kaza dzina / ismu 15 V. to name someone
-kaza ifumbo 15 V. to give someone a nickname
-kaza kifu 15 V. to reach the end, to stop
-kaza manyo 15 V. to bite (e.g dog)
-kaza ndraɓo 15 V. to lie about someone
-kaza âlama 15 V. to mark
-kaza ɓei 15 V. to fix the price

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-kazana / -kaizana 15 V. to keep going, not give up, to apply oneself
-kaziza / -kaiziza 15 V. to put something in front of someone
-kaɓili 15 V. to confront, to face
-kaɗimia 15 V. to reserve
-kera 15 V. to trouble (see -tambisha)
-ketsa 15 V. to toss and turn
-kiasi 15 V. to calculate, to measure
-kiasisha 15 V. to limit
-kinaivu Adj. satisfied
V. to fill up, to be thoroughly satisfied, to have enough (of
-kinaya 15 something)
-kinaza 15 V. to satisfy
-kiri 15 V. to accept, to agree
-kiriana 15 V. to make an agreement, to agree with each other
-komante 15 (fr. commenter) V. to explain, to interpret
-komea / -komia 15 V. to touch
-komɓoa 15 V. to deliver, to liberate, to redeem
-kopa 15 V. to borrow
-kopesha 15 V. to lend
-kosa 15 V. to make a mistake, to sin, to mess up (serious)
V. (-koza) to have immediate pain, to be hurt, to injure
oneself (morally) (-hoza) to have lasting pain, to be sad,
-koza / -hoza 15 to be hurt to suffer
V. to suffer for someone, to empathize with someone's
-koziza 15 pain
-kua 15 V. to scratch
-kuala 15 V. to bump into someone, to stumble
-kubali 15 V. to agree, to accept
-kubalia 15 V. to accept for someone
-kubaliha / -kubaliwa 15 V. to be accepted, to be acceptable
-kubwa (sw.) Adj. big, large (see -huu)
V. to sin, to insult (against God), to blaspheme
-kufuru 15 (intentionally)
-kulia 15 V. to scratch (something)
-kuma 15 V. to punish someone, to take actions against someone
-kupe 15 V. (fr. couper-to cut, to hang up) to hang up the phone
-kupva 15 V. to boil over, to overflow, to spit
-kura 15 V. to be full, to be satisfied
-kuriɓiana 15 V. to come together to do something
-kuruɓia 15 V. to reach, to approach, to come near
-kuruɓia yemauti 15 V. to be close to death, to be in mortal danger
-kusuɗi 15 V. to do deliberately
-kusuɗia 15 V. to destine someone, to have something as a goal
-kutrana / -hundrana 15 V. to agree, to meet

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V. to separate, to be apart (tribe/people), to secede from
-kutrua 15 a country
-kutsa 15 V. to satisfy, to fill up (person)
-kutulana 15 V. to seperate from each other
-kutuwa 15 V. to seperate
-kutuzi 15 V. to seperate people
-kuɓali 15 V. to accept, to admit
-kwaharia 15 V. to be inseparable (syn. -faria)
-la Dem. Adj. that / those
-la 15 V. to eat
-la ahadi 15 V. to not keep a promise
-la mwau 15 V. to yawn
-la ntswi 15 V. to suck teeth quickly (negative meaning)
-la riba 15 V. to charge interest, to steal
-laa 15 V. to come from, to pass away
-laani 15 V. to reject, to damn someone
-laha 15 V. to say goodbye, to inform, to forewarn
-lahana 15 V. to say goodbye to each other
V. to invite with special reason, to welcome someone, to
-lahiki 15 house someone
-lahikiana 15 V. to house each other
-laho (exception) 15 V. "to have gone" (only in simple past tense)
-lahua 15 V. to insult
-lainisha 15 V. to smooth, to soften
-lala 15 V. to lay down, (fig.) to sleep, to pass the night
-lalia 15 V. to lay down on, to accompany, to sleep on behalf of?
-lalika 15 V. to invite
-lalikiwa 15 V. to be invited
-lalua 15 V. to abolish
-laluha 15 V. to dissolve, to melt; to be abolished
-lambelea 15 V. to cling, to hang upside down (for bat)
-lammha 15 V. to wake up
-lammwa / -lamlwa 15 V. to be woken up
-lapiza 15 V. to abuse, to insult, to injure
-lapva 15 V. to swear (to the truth), to declare (strong meaning)
V. to disown or reject someone; to swear or to make an
-lapva mndru 15 oath to someone
-lapviha mndru 15 V. to swear, to make an oath to someone
-lapvwa 15 V. to be disowned
-lathimu / -lazimu 15 V. to be sure to, to need to do (something)
V. to throw something (and miss) , to throw away, to lose
something (your fault and you did the action), to lose your
-latsa 15 mind
-laulia / -lauliza 15 V. to greet someone, to visit someone
-lauliana 15 V. to greet one another

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Shingazidja Class English
-laumu 15 V. to blame (someone)
-lauza 15 V. to try, to taste food, to test something (see -sana)
V. to leave (forcefully), to separate, to come from
-lawa 15 (somewhere)
-lawa (+ subj) 15 V. to be about to do something
-lawa duniani 15 V. to die (lit. to leave the world)
-lawa hari 15 V. to sweat
-lawa shaka 15 V. to be perfect, to be without mistakes
-lawana 15 V. to separate from each other, to divorce
-laya / -laia 15 V. to leave from somewhere, to come from somewhere
-laza 15 V. to lie someone down, to house someone
-lazimisha / -lathimisha 15 V. to compel, to command (see -amrisha)
-le Adj. tall, long, big (ɗe with class 5)
V. to grow weak, to be loose, to accept another's
-ledjea 15 argument
-ledjevu Adj. weak
V. to drop something, put down, to loosen, to be weak, to
-ledjeza 15 allow
-leha 15 V. to soak in water
-lehwa 15 V. to be soaking
V. to agree, to make progress, to have a strong position;
-lekelea 15 to look nice
-lekeza 15 V. to repair, to care for (car), to correct (homework)
-lekeziwa 15 V. to be repaired, to be cared for
-lela 15 V. to raise a child
-lelea 15 V. to raise someone’s child for them
-lelesa 15 V. to slide, to slip, to come with nothing
-leleshea 15 V. to be raised, to grow up
-lelesheha 15 V. to be raised in (a place)
-lelwa 15 V. to be raised by someone or somewhere
-lembeza 15 V. to hang up
-lembezilwa 15 V. to be hung up
-lembweza 15 V. to get descendants
-lemewa 15 V. to be tired
-lemewa kabisa 15 V. to be exhausted, to be worn out
-lemeza 15 V. to make tired, to tire someone out
-lemɓelea 15 V. to take hold of, to hang from
-lemɓeza 15 V. to hang something up
-lendza 15 V. to make move
-lendziwa 15 V. to be moved
-lenga 15 V. to move, to walk around, to wander, to look for
-lengea 15 V. to walk around looking for someone
-lepa 15 V. to grow taller, to get older
-lesheha 15 V. to soak oneself
-letsa 15 V. to take a long time
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-leviha 15 V. to be obsessed, to be distracted, to be out of control
-lewa 15 V. to drink alcohol, to be drunk, to be intoxicated
V. to cause to be drunk, to anesthetize, to make someone
-leza 15 raise a child
-li 15 V. to be
-lia 15 V. to eat for someone, to appear (for fish)
-liha 15 V. to be edible, to eat oneself
V. The next activity in âda after marriage. Bulls are
brought to a central area. People then jump over the
Bulls. Once this is done, the bulls are butchered and
-liha ye karamu / -liha karamu 15 divided up and taken home.
V. to cry, to ring (bell), to bark (dog), to moo (cow), to
-lila 15 bleat (sheep)
V. to cry out to someone, to eat for someone, to eat
-lilia 15 somewhere, to cry for someone
-lima 15 V. to cultivate, to weed, to work
-limiha 15 V. to be fit for cultivation, to weed a garden
-limisa 15 V. to make work
-limiwa 15 V. to have people farming for you
-limwa 15 V. to be cultivated
-lindzanisa 15 V. to equalize, to make the same
-lingana 15 V. to line up, to fit together, to be equal
-linɗa 15 V. to wait
-linɗia 15 V. to wait for someone
-linɗiana 15 V. to wait for one another
-linɗwa 15 V. to be watied for
-lipva 15 V. to pay, to pay back
-lipvana 15 V. to pay together, to pay for your own (in a group)
-lipvia 15 V. to pay for someone
-lipvia mau 15 V. to pay a fine
-lipvisa 15 V. to make someone pay, to accuse
-lipvwa 15 V. to be paid
-lisa 15 V. to provide for, to feed, to make someone eat
-lisha 15 V. to authorize
-lisiwa 15 V. to be made to eat, to be fed
-lisiza 15 V. to have somoene make someone else eat for someone
-lisiziwa 15 V. to be made to eat for someone
V. to swear before God in someone else’s presence (often
-liswa amina 15 shortened to ‘hula Amin’)
-liwa 15 V. to be eaten, to be eroded
-liza 15 V. to make someone cry, to make someone cry out
-lizatcu 15 V. to be fidgety because troubled
-loa 15 V. to fish, to wet (syn. tsohoa)
-lola 15 V. to marry (for men)
-lolana 15 V. to be in agreement (ideas/things), to marry one another
-lolea 15 V. to think through a problem
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-lolwa 15 V. to be married (for ladies)
-lolwama 15 V. to be drenched with water
V. to wet someone, to cause to marry (family marries off a
-loza 15 daughter)
-lozwa 15 V. to get wet
-luha 15 V. to decide, to hurry up
-lulumia 15 V. to rush quickly, to hurry
-lushia 15 V. to hurry up for someone
V. to wipe away (matsozi-tears), to remove (twamaa-
-madza 15 hope)
-maizi 15 V. to understand, to notice, to recognise
V. to deflate, to flatten (use for shoes, mattress, wheels),
-malala 15 to be used, to calm (conflict or the ocean)
-malii 15 V. to ejaculate, fornicate
-maliza 15 V. to conclude
-mana 15 V. to argue
-manisa 15 V. to confuse, to mix up, to come between two friends
-maradhi 15 V. to not bless (usually parents), to not be blessed
-marke 15 (fr. marquer) V. to mark, to notice
V. to be started to awake, to awaken suddenly, to be
-maruha 15 suprised by something
-maza 15 V. to rock, to cradle, to lull to sleep
-mbiza 15 V. to marry people together
-mea / -mia 15 V. to beg, to grow (plant), to shave with a razor
-mea / -mia hazini 15 V. to ask for a day off of work
-melea 15 V. to ask on behalf of someone, to beg for someone
-menya 15 V. to ruin, to destroy, to break (the law)
V. to be ruined, to be destroyed, to be broken, to be
-menyeha 15 spoiled (food)
-menyelea 15 V. to ruin for someone
-meza / -miza 15 V. to swallow
-mfai 15 V. to be useful
-miliza 15 V. to comfort with your presence, to watch a child
-miniha 15 V. to rot, to break
-mira 15 V. to be pregnant, to become pregnant (when married)
-mitsa 15 V. to impregnate (see -pariza)
-mitsiwa 15 V. to be pregnant and unmarried
-miza 15 V. to swallow
-mkinishiha 15 V. to be possible
-mpasa / -pasa 15 V. to be about, to be concerned with
-mɓisa / -umɓisa 15 V. to help
-nadi 15 V. to talk, to give warning, to call people to pray
-nadjisi 15 V. to make dirty (with poop, pee or blood)
-nadjisiha 15 V. to be unclean
-nakili 15 V. to die

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Shingazidja Class English
-nakisi 15 V. to affront someone, to offend someone, to lose honor
V. to rip, to tear (paper), to destroy, to break open
-nambua 15 (coconut), to smash on the ground
-nambuha 15 V. to be torn, to be breaking
-namza 15 V. to judge, to make a legal decision
-nane Adj. eight (quantity)
-nanfua 15 V. to scratch, to claw, to smash on the ground
-nanua 15 V. to tell all, to explain well
-nasa 15 V. to be cunning or deceptive, to trick someone
-nasiha 15 V. to decieve oneself
V. to convert (religion) (lit. to become Christian or
-naswariha 15 Catholic-mnaswara)
-nawiri 15 (ar.) V. to shine
-ndjia 15 V. to enter (a line)
-ndjia mdro 15 V. to burn up, to catch fire
-ndjia nkaanga 15 V. to attack
V. to collect things, to come to someone, to penetrate
-ndjilia 15 into something, to get together
-ndjiza 15 V. to introduce
-ndradji Adj. wide, long
-ndrwadjina Adj. other
-ndrwadjina / -ndrwadji Adj. other, different
-ne Adj. four (quantity)
-neemesha 15 V. to enrich
-nena 15 V. to speak a foreign langauge
-nene Adj. thick, fat, large
-nenepva 15 V. to get bigger, to grow, to get fat
-nenepvesha 15 V. to fatten (like for livestock)
-neneva 15 V. to put on weight
-nera 15 V. to ache
-ngapvi? How many?, How much? (does it cost)
-nia 15 V. to decide
-nika 15 V. to give
-nika eradhi / -nika radhi 15 V. to bless (give a blessing)
-nika miadi 15 V. to give a promise
-nika mndru djitihaɗi 15 V. to encourage someone
-nikana 15 V. to give each other
-nikiwa 15 V. to be given
-nkunɗu Adj. red
V. to be in the process of changing color (naturally), to
-nkuɗiha 15 become ripe, to become angry
-nlolea 15 V. to be married to another wife, to be polygamous
-noga 15 V. to devour
-nolea / -nwalea 15 V. to drink for someone, to drink somewhere
-noleha 15 V. to be drinkable, to drink oneself
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Shingazidja Class English
-nolwa 15 V. to be drunk (not intoxicated)
-nona 15 V. to drip, to trickle down, to leak
-nongona 15 V. to whisper, to speak privately, to tell secrets, to gossip
-nongonea 15 V. to whisper to someone, to gossip to someone
-nono, -nunu Adj. well (i.e. healthy) / good
-nosa 15 V. to cause to drink
-nosiwa 15 V. to be watered
-nosiza 15 V. to soak, to water (plants)
-nosiziwa 15 V. to be sent out, to be broadcast
-ntsantsaua 15 V. to examine
-nu Dem. Adj. this / these
-nua 15 V. to file off, to sharpen (i.e. knife)
-nuha 15 V. to not be pleased with what you are given
-nuka 15 V. to give off a smell
-nukia 15 V. to smell
-nukiwa 15 V. to smell something (see -ishia le vushe)
-nulia 15 V. to sharpen for someone
-nuliha 15 V. to be sharpenable
-nulwa 15 V. to be sharpened, to have been drunk, to be absorbed
-nunia 15 V. to make a decision or vow (to pray or fast)
-nunua 15 V. to reveal
-nusiza ziwalo 15 V. to water plants
-nwa 15 V. to drink
-nwea 15 V. to drink at, to drink from
-nya 15 V. to defecate, to poop; to rain
-nya nvua 15 V. to rain
-nyalia 15 V. to pee on someone
V. to bow one's head (in prayer, to someone), to bend
-nyama / -nyoma 15 down
-nyamaria 15 V. to hook on, to hang on
-nyamisa 15 V. to incline
-nyanya / -nyanyaya / -nyaya 15 V. to wilt, to wither, to fade
-nyanyara 15 V. to hesitate
-nyawa 15 V. to pee, to urinate
-nyenya / -ninya 15 V. to eat hard food, to munch (see -nyonya)
-nyenyekea 15 V. to be humble
-nyeshea 15 V. to lean, to bend
-nyia 15 V. to defecate on, to poop on
-nyina 15 V. to chew
-nyongoa 15 V. to go straight on, straighten out, to stretch
-nyongoha 15 V. to be laying down, to be straight, to stand up straight
-nyonya 15 V. to to gnaw at, to wear away (see -nyenya)
-okoa / -oa 15 V. to deliver, to save, to rescue
-okoa / -okolwa 15 V. to save someone

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-okoha 15 V. to be saved, to save?
-ola 15 V. to rot, to decay, to spoil (natural things)
-olea 15 V. shed off, to decide, to resolve
-ombadua 15 V. to pray
-ombelea 15 V. to pray for someone
-ombewa 15 V. to be prayed for by someone
-omɓa 15 V. to ask God for help, to plead, to pray (ritualistic)
-ona 15 V. to see
-ona afdhwali 15 V. to see what’s best for someone
-ona haya 15 V. to be ashamed, to have shame
-ona maondo 15 V. to suffer a lot
-ona utabifu 15 V. to have troubles
-ona utungu 15 V. to be in pain
-onana 15 V. to meet each other
V. to have arrived, (fig.) to fast the whole month of
-ondoa 15 Ramadan
-ondoha 15 V. to arrive without problem
-onea 15 V. to look down on someone
V. to be seen, to be visible to turn on, to light (candle), to
-oneha / -oniha 15 be bright (both are used)
-onelea 15 V. to see for someone
-onesa 15 V. to show
-onesiha 15 V. to show each other
-ongoa 15 V. to guide, to lead
-ongoha 15 V. to be saved, to be lead along
-ongoza 15 V. to correct, to indicate, to lead, to explain, to guide
V. to be informed, to be helped by someone to do
-ongoziwa 15 something
-onisa 15 V. to show, to point at, to demonstrate, to teach
-onishia 15 V. to make visible, to give light
Adj. all, someone, something, some, together, the whole
-ontsi (used more for people, use pia with things)
-onvu Adj. skinny
-oza / -woza 15 V. to cause to decay, to conquer
-pahua 15 V. to disembark. to flow
V. to climb (ladder, pole, tree, mountain); to get on an
-pandra 15 animal (to ride)
-panga 15 V. to make, to order, to plan, to classify
-panga fikira 15 V. to make a plan, to have an idea
V. to freeze, to go solid, to be created; to be ordered, to
-pangiha 15 be in order
-pangisha 15 V. to plan
-pania 15 V. to get ready to (do something)
-papiza 15 V. to do something quickly, to throw someone out
-para 15 V. to call, to borrow money

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-para trama 15 V. to sit with chin in hand
-parana 15 V. to call each other, to see each other
V. to burn up, to have a temperature, to start by being
-paria 15 pushed (for car)
-parihana 15 V. to find each other
-parihaniha 15 V. to be found, to appear
-parisa 15 V. to find, to grab, to recieve (a vote)
-parisiwa 15 V. to be found
-parisiza 15 V. to find for someone
-pariza 15 V. to impregnate (see -mitsa)
V. past-to have ever done something, present-, future-in
-paro (exception) 15 far future you will surely do something
-parwa 15 V. to be called
-pashia 15 V. to travel to another land, to ride (e.g. horse or taxi)
-pasi 15 V. to iron (clothes)
-pasiwa 15 V. to iron for someone
V. to split open, to break (especially glass, metal, plastic),
-pasua 15 to chop wood
-pasuha 15 V. to be popped, to have burst, to be split open
V. to light (candle), to lend, to dip your food in a sauce or
-patsa 15 putu, to turn on (light)
-patsa aiɓu 15 V. to bring shame on someone
-paya 15 V. to fly off, to take off
-paya ye roho 15 V. to be very surprised (usually by someone bad)
-penya 15 V. to brush or comb hair
-pepea / -pepaya 15 V. to wave back and forth
-piha 15 V. to cook, to something cooked
-pihwa 15 V. to be cooked
-pinga 15 V. to object
V. to have something cooked for someone, to cook for
-pishia 15 someone, to host a meal to honor someone
-pishiana 15 V. to cook for each other
-pishiha 15 V. to be well cooked
-poka 15 (sw.) V. to be lost
-poleza 15 V. to calm someone, to moderate something
-pondeshea 15 V. to sit on the floor
-posa 15 V. to ask to marry someone
V. to be lost (morally, spiritually but not physically), to
-potea 15 change behavior (for the worse)
-potelea 15 V. to lose something (not your fault), to miss a meeting
-potesa 15 V. to lose something (your fault)
V. to change someone's mind or behavior, to influence
-poteza 15 (for worse)
-prepare 15 (fr. préparé) V. to prepare
V. to reduce, to pick (fruit), to have been taken from, to
-pua 15 cut, to pull out, to pluck (feathers)

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-pua kwi 15 V. to dishonor (to loose your honor)
-pua manyo 15 V. to pull a tooth
-pua mba 15 V. to abort (baby)
-pua mili 15 V. to have an abortion
-pua mpira 15 V. to kick a ball
-pua mvubwe 15 V. to stub your toe
-pua mwaha 15 V. to act badly – in a way that brings you shame
-pua sheo 15 V. to dishonor (to loose your honor)
-pua zenvuu 15 V. to discourage someone
-pua ɓei 15 V. to lower the price
V. to come from (sense of origin), to cut, to fall from tree
-puha 15 (fruit)
-pukana 15 V. to separate oneself from bad things
-pukaniha na madhambi 15 V. to have never sinned
-pukanisha 15 V. to avoid
-pulilia 15 V. to let go of, to reduce the price
V. to push someone over, to make someone pluck
-pulisa 15 feathers
V. to be raised (as a child), to be pulled out (trees, teeth),
-pulwa 15 to lower a price
-puza 15 V. to lack something, to be absent, to lose your marbles
-puza madji 15 V. to be dehydrated
-puzi 15 V. to neglect someone, to disregard someone
-puzisa 15 V. to be careless, to neglect
-puzisiwa âkili 15 V. to be crazy
V. to burn, to give, to give away (without any thought of
-pva 15 return)
-pva hishima 15 V. to honour someone
-pva radhi /-pva yeradhi 15 V. to bless (to give a blessing), to consent
-pva uso 15 V. to face something
V. to paint, to make-up (with make-up), to falsify, to
-pvaha / -paha 15 disguise, to season (food)
-pvaha range 15 V. to paint
-pvahara 15 V. to hold in your arms, to carry in your arms (a baby)
-pvahiza 15 V. to carry in a car, to load up (car)
V. to put something in (a car or plane), to send to
-pvahiza 15 someone (by plane or car)
-pvahiza hwenda pvondze 15 V. to export
V. to serve food (to different plates), to scoop, to unload
-pvahua 15 (car), to welcome
V. to tease, to criticize, to discourage (to the person
-pvalaza 15 directly)
-pvaliha 15 V. to descale oneself
-pvama 15 V. to care for something, to preserve something, to revere
-pvamwa 15 V. to be cared for
-pvamɓa 15 V. to cover, to wrap, to decorate, to wear (shoes)

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Shingazidja Class English
-pvamɓua 15 V. to unwrap (presents etc)
-pvamɓwa 15 V. to be covered, to be decorated
-pvandzausa 15 V. to separate, to clear a path in crowd or forest
-pvanga 15 V. to compose (poem or song)
-pvanga MM 15 V. to praise God
-pvangua 15 V. to wipe, rub away, to spot clean, to be wiped
V. to peel (eg. peanuts), to skin an animal, to pluck
-pvanyua 15 feathers
-pvapvara 15 V. to stroke, to caress
-pvapvatsa 15 V. to grope along, to proceed by trial and error
-pvara 15 V. to become very difficult or complex
-pvashia 15 V. to season (food) for someone
-pvasua 15 V. to operate (surgical and mechanical) (lit. to take apart)
-pvasulwa 15 V. to be operated on (surgical and mechanical)
V. to tie someone or something up, to handcuff, (fig.) to
-pvatsa 15 complicate something
-pvatsa midu/mihono 15 V. to cross one's arms / legs
-pvaya 15 V. to scrape, to descale, to chip, to skin, to scratch
-pvaya mdro 15 V. to take a bit of coal (fire) to start another fire
-pvea 15 V. to sweep, to remove trash
-pveha 15 V. to send, to throw, to toss
-pveha nkode 15 V. to punch
-pveha simu 15 V. to call (telephone)
-pvehwa 15 V. to be sent
-pvemɓea 15 V. to be able to reach something, to reach something
-pvena 15 V. to shine (see -pvenya)
-pvendza 15 V. to choose, to like, to do on purpose, to wish
-pvendzelea 15 V. to favor someone, to pity someone
-pvenua 15 V. to show, to clarify, to reveal, to describe
-pvenufu Adj. clear, understandable (penufu with 5) (see mpvenufu)
-pvenuha 15 V. to reveal oneself, to suprise, to show up
-pvenulia 15 V. to show something to someone
-pvenushia 15 V. to reveal oneself to someone
V. to see something appear, to be the object of a
-pvenushiwa 15 revelation about something for someone
-pvenya 15 V. to blink, to sparkle, to glitter (see -pvena)
-pvenyeza 15 V. to stop (the rain)
-pvera 15 V. to fold, to bend
-pvera mbai mbili 15 V. to fold in half
-pvereha 15 V. to be folded (stative), to be bent, to bend oneself
-pverelea 15 V. to fold or bend for someone, to hem (clothes)
-pveresa 15 V. to winnow (grain), to remove chaff
V. to throw rice in air to get rid of chaff / dust, to winnow
-pveresa ntoshole 15 rice
-pveshea 15 V. to get back, to salvage, to accept, to toss

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Shingazidja Class English
-pveshelea 15 V. to send, to sing with someone, to help
-pveshelewa 15 V. to accept, to toss
-pveva 15 V. to try to persuade someone
-pvewa 15 V. to mess up, to trick, to decieve
-pveza 15 V. to do something quickly, to hurry up
-pvia 15 V. to stir, to mix, to listen and reply
V. to be straight, to have a rigid body becuase of a high
-pviala 15 fever
-pviaza 15 V. to show off, to dress up, to be awake late at night
-pviaziza 15 V. to boast about something
V. to cover someone with a lesso or a cloth, to recover
-pvihiza 15 (with blanket)
-pvima 15 V. to measure something, to weigh out (like grain)
-pvimia 15 V. to have something measured out
-pvimiana 15 V. to measure something
-pvimiha 15 V. to measure oneself
-pvimiwa 15 V. to make someone measure something
-pvinda 15 V. to have an errection
-pving nkanga 15 V. to carry on your shoulders
-pvinga kanga 15 V. to carry on shoulders (if children-to carry on your back)
-pvinɗua 15 V. to stir, to spill over, (fig.) to instigate a "coup d'etat"
-pvinɗuha 15 V. to stagger along, to reel (from a shock)
-pvira 15 V. to pass
-pvirana 15 V. to cohabit, to cross someone going the other direction
-pviria 15 V. to pass by
-pviriha 15 V. to pass by a lot, to be passable (road)
-pvirilia 15 V. to guard something
-pvirilia ɗingoni 15 V. to betray
-pvisa 15 V. to fry, to burn
-pvishia 15 V. to wear (lesso), to cover oneself
V. to pass by, to pass time, to throw through something
-pvitsa 15 (rock)
-pvitsana 15 V. to pass each other, to meet up
-pviziwa / -pvihiziwa 15 V. to decorate (often women getting ready for a wedding)
-pvoa 15 V. to cool down (temperature, anger)
-pvoha 15 V. to take from someone (by force), to steal
-pvohwa 15 V. to be stripped (of rights or possessions)
-pvolesa 15 V. to calm down. to make cool down
-pvolewa 15 V. to oversleep, to be late
-pvona 15 V. to get better, to heal
-pvonea 15 V. to find a cure
V. to look after, to help return health, to change character
-pvonesa 15 for the better
-pvonɗa 15 V. to grind, to mash

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Shingazidja Class English
V. to mash something; to order people around (-pvondea
-pvonɗea / -pvonɗelea 15 is less used)
-pvonɗesa 15 V. to mash up, to squash
-pvosheha 15 V. to pull out your hair
-pvunga 15 V. to cheat, to treat someone badly
-pvungua 15 V. to dishonor
-pvunguha 15 V. to dishonor oneself
-pvungunfu Adj. shabby, dingy, pathetic
-pvunguza 15 V. to reduce, to subtract, to tear down
-pvunguziza 15 V. to reduce for someone
-pvwa 15 V. to reduce swelling, to go lower (ocean tide)
-pvwa kwi / -pua kwi 15 V. to disrespect
-pvwalwa 15 V. to be given
V. to be discharged from hospital or school (to be
-pvwawa 15 released), to be given
-pvweira 15 V. to make a mistake in a speech
-ra 15 V. to be afraid, to play (a sport); to launch, to send off
V. to pray with prayer beads, to say prayers with prayer
-ra andwuradi 15 beads
-ra fatwa 15 V. to make a legal decision
-ra hitswa 15 V. to kill
-ra hodi 15 V. to say "hodi", to ask permission to enter
-ra horiho 15 V. to jeer
-ra huri 15 V. to deliver
-ra husha / hushi 15 V. to sigh
-ra kio 15 V. to make a noise, to cry out
-ra mafula 15 V. to growl (animal), to scold (someone)
-ra marasi 15 V. to bark (dog), to cry out loudly (person)
-ra marongo 15 V. to snore
-ra masahiri 15 V. cast a spell over, to bewitch
-ra mluka 15 V. to gamble
-ra mpira 15 V. to play soccer, to play with a ball
-ra msimanyo 15 V. to saw something
-ra mwea 15 V. to burp
-ra mɓio 15 V. to run (people only)
-ra ndrazi 15 V. to find a solution, to give advice
-ra nfia 15 V. to breath
-ra salaama 15 V. to greet someone
-ra shiwara 15 V. to do something privately
-ra trongo 15 V. to snore
-ra ua 15 V. to roar, to bellow
-ra unuzi 15 V. to whistle
V. to whistle (whistling is often a sound of
-ra unuzi / ɗuzi / nduzi 15 discontentment)
-ra ɓaɗi 15 V. to banish, to exile
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Shingazidja Class English
-radjeha / -radjiha 15 V. to grow larger
-radji Adj. wide, large, big (tradji with 5)
-radjisa 15 V. to make larger, to stretch
-rahara 15 V. to be clean, to clean, to beautify, to be lighter colored
-rahatsa 15 V. to clean, to beautify
-rahisisha 15 V. to reduce the price
-ralwa 15 V. to be carried (on one's head)
-rambaza 15 V. to carry in hand (e.g bag or basket)
-rambulishiha 15 V. to decipher, to figure out
-ramɓaya 15 V. to crawl
-ramɓua 15 V. to give account for, to notice, to recognize
V. to exposed, to be clear, to be obvious, to dawn (for
-ramɓuha 15 day)
-ramɓushia 15 V. to be exposed to someone, to be obvious to someone
-ranganya 15 V. to destroy, to demolish
-ranganyiha 15 V. to be damaged
-ranganyiwa 15 V. to be damaged by
-rangaria 15 V. to destroy, to go and join soneself to something
-rantsi 15 V. to stop, to leave alone
-ranɗa 15 V. to circulate, to more around, to be everywhere
-ranɗaru Adj. six (quantity)
-rapva 15 V. to steal, ursurp (power); to accompany someone
-rapviha 15 V. to vomit, to run (dye)
-rapvisa 15 V. to cause to vomit
-rapvishia 15 V. to vomit into
-raraya 15 V. to be restless
-raraza 15 V. to look for someone (using your eyes only)
-raru Adj. three (quantity)
-rarua 15 V. to tear, to rip
-rashiwara 15 V. to do something privately
-rasmisha 15 V. to make offical
-rate 15 (fr. rater) V. to miss out, to miss an event
-ratuɗi 15 V. to betray
-raua 15 V. to bark, to speak very loudly
-rawa / -rwaa / -rwawa 15 V. to carry (typically on head or shoulders)
-rawalia 15 V. to carry for someone
-rea 15 V. to play for someone
-redjei 15 V. to return
-redjei hai 15 V. to return to life
-redjelana 15 V. to return to one another
-redjeza 15 V. to repeat, to bring back
-reha 15 V. to lift up, to draw (water)
V. to mix (ingredients), to be a mix of nationalities /
-rehanya 15 villages (in a person, in a group), to confuse

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Shingazidja Class English
-rehemu 15 V. to bless, to give mercy (from God to man)
-rejeza 15 V. to return, to repeat, to teach
-rekeɓisha / -rekeɓesha 15 V. to correct, to do somethign well
-releha 15 V. to slip over, to slide
-relesa 15 V. to be slippery
-releza 15 V. to swallow without chewing
-relwa 15 V. to be played, to be feared
-rema 15 V. to hit, to press, to push, to criticize
-rema / puha mvubwe 15 V. to stub toe
-rema bee 15 V. to slap (on the face)
-rema edumbio/ elilo 15 V. to clap, to applaud; to cry (as an adult)
-rema fali / -rema faliki 15 V. to devine, to foretell the future
-rema kotsi / mahotsi 15 V. to wail, to clap
-rema mnada 15 V. to collect a debt
-rema mndru nkalisi 15 V. to lie about someone
-rema mtsonko 15 V. to peck
-rema nkuni 15 V. to collect wood, to chop wood
-rema pi 15 V. to hit, to smack (not in the face; see -rema bee)
-rema sindanu 15 V. to give a shot
-rema tseho 15 V. to laugh
-rema unuzi 15 V. to whistle, to signal, to call out to someone
-rembaya / -rimbaya 15 V. to go soft (food)
-remea 15 V. to knock on a door
-remelea 15 V. to show off because of something
-remewa 15 V. to be hit, to be knocked (for door), to be clapped for
-remɓavu Adj. soft, flabby, weak
-rendrazi 15 V. to help
-renga 15 V. to take
-renga funvu 15 V. to take part
-renga hatwa / ansma 15 V. to make a decision
-renga hazini 15 V. to get a job, to take a job
-renga ipvesi 15 V. to move, to change place
-renga miaɗi 15 V. to make a promise
-rengea 15 V. to take from or for someone
-rengeha 15 V. to be taken, to be obtainable
-rengelea 15 V. to mend, to make progress
V. to repair or care for, to correct, reduce a price (see ex.),
-rengeza 15 to prepare food
-rengeziwa 15 V. to be repaired, to be decorated
-rengeziziya 15 V. to repair for someone
-rengwa 15 V. to be taken by someone
-rengwa hazini 15 V. to be given a job, to be employed
-renɗa 15 V. to do, to cause
-renɗeha 15 V. to become

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Shingazidja Class English
-renɗesa 15 V. to produce, to make
-rerema 15 V. to be soaked
-resa 15 V. to referee, to allow the players to play, to arbitrate
-reshea 15 V. to draw water for someone
-resite 15 (fr. réciter) V. to recite (at school)
-ria 15 V. to be afraid, to be afraid to dishonor
-ridhi 15 V. to accept
-ridhiana 15 V. to agree with each other
-ridhiwa 15 V. to agree
V. to put on someone (especially their head), to make
-riha 15 someone carry, to lift up
-rihiza 15 V. to leave alone, to not interrupt
-rikisha 15 V. to destroy a big place
-rimɓaya 15 V. to be weak, to be limp
-rimɓaza 15 V. to soften, to weaken
-rina 15 V. to circomcise (people), to castrate (animal)
-rindrindra 15 V. to tremble, to shake
-ringa 15 V. to show off
-rinwa 15 V. to be circumcized (person), to be castrated (animal)
-risa 15 V. to be ugly
-risiza 15 V. to make someone afraid
-rithi 15 V. to inherit
-rithisha 15 V. to hand down, to bequeath
-riwara 15 V. to walk on, to trample underfoot
-riya 15 V. to be afraid of something
-roa 15 V. to stab, to pierce
-roha 15 V. to leave, to leak
-roha hazini 15 V. to quit a job
-roha ngamani 15 V. to leave behind your problems
-roha ɗamu 15 V. to bleed, to lose blood
-rohora 15 V. to drag, to boil, to gossip (onomatopoeia)
-rohotsa 15 V. to make boil
-rolea 15 V. to sneak away, to stab for someone
-romba 15 V. to have sex, to make love
-rona 15 V. to take a small part, to pick at food, to taste food
-rongoa 15 V. to talk, to speak a lanaguage
-rongolea 15 V. to talk for someone
-rongolwa 15 V. to be spoken
-rongoza 15 V. to talk to someone
-rongozana 15 V. to greet each other
-rongozana 15 V. to talk to each other
-roniza 15 V. to wink
-ronɗoa 15 V. to find something that was lost, to gather
-rora 15 V. to sink, to capsize, to perish

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Shingazidja Class English
V. to give pain, to hurt someone, to send someone out, to
-rosa 15 bite a hook (fishing), to catch (a fish)
V. to cast out, to dismiss, to leave to see someone, to go
-roshea 15 looking for
-rosiwa 15 V. to have pain from
-rosiwa ni __ 15 V. to be caused pain by ____
V. to ruin, to sell (the match, the country), to make sink, to
-rotsa 15 exterminate
-rozi 15 (fr. arroser) V. to water plants
-rua 15 V. to be quiet, to be silent
V. to sneak a look, to stare, to give someone a bad look,
-rudja 15 to look down at someone
-ruha ure / -roha ure 15 V. to salivate, drool, slobber
-ruhura 15 V. to mumble
-ruhusia 15 V. to allow someone
-ruhusiwa 15 V. to be allowed
-ruhusu 15 V. to allow, to authorize
-ruka 15 V. to jump
-rukuû 15 V. to bow down, to grovel
V. to employ someone, to send a message, to rule or lead
-ruma 15 a country, to delegate
-ruma saya 15 V. to circumcise
-rumaa 15 V. to lead a country, to rule
-rumbua 15 V. to remember
-rumbwa 15 V. to open your eyes big
-rumia 15 V. to use
-rumilia 15 V. to use something for someone
-rumilwa 15 V. to be used
-rumisa 15 V. to order, to govern
-rumishiya 15 V. to work for someone
-rumiza 15 V. to call out to find someone, to do prayer call
-rumwa 15 V. to be sent, to be employed, to be delegated
-runga 15 V. to pierce, to stab, to pinch
-runga fumo 15 V. to betray, to pierce with an arrow
-rungama 15 V. to not speak because one is upset
-rungiha 15 V. to be pierced (stative)
-rungwa 15 V. to be pierced (accidentally)
-rura 15 V. to have bad luck
-ruspete 15 (fr. rouspéter) V. to complain, to grumble
-rutadi 15 V. to convert (religion), to betray, to comit treason
-rutuɓiha 15 V. to be damp
-rutuɓisha 15 V. to moisten, to dampen
-ruvu Adj. empty (also nruvu)
-ruziki 15 V. to provide for needs (God)
-ruɓua 15 V. to cut a chord or rope, to untie things tied together

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Shingazidja Class English
-ruɓuha 15 V. to be untied, to be separated
-ruɓuza 15 V. to snap a rope, to break
-ruɗi 15 V. to return, to also do something, to quit
-ruɗia 15 V. to come by, to come to
-rwa 15 V. to hurt, to have pain
-rwalia 15 V. to carry to
-rwaliha 15 V. to be carried
-rwaria 15 V. to crush, to step on
-rwaya 15 V. to carry
-sababisha 15 V. to cause
-safiri 15 V. to travel
-sahili 15 V. to ask the future, to have your fortune told
-sahilisha 15 V. to reduce, to facilitate
-saiɗia 15 V. to help
-saiɗiana / -saiɗilana 15 V. to help each other
-saiɗilwa 15 V. to be helped
V. to have fun, to amuse yourself, to be caught up in
-sakariha 15 singing and dancing
-salia 15 V. to stay somewhere
-salimia 15 V. to greet for someone else (syn. -laulia)
-salimisha 15 V. to cause to be saved
-salimiwa 15 V. to be greeted (syn. -lauliwa)
-salimu 15 V. to greet
-sama 15 V. to perservere (see -hifadhwi)
-samia 15 V. to be tight, to be cramped
-samihi 15 V. to pardon, to forgive
-samiliha 15 V. to save
-samivu Adj. narrow, strict, tight
-samiza 15 V. to squish, to hold forcefully, to tighten
-samiziwa 15 V. to be squished together
-sammwa 15 V. to sneeze
-sana 15 V. to try (an action) (see -lauza)
-sankaɗa 15 V. to punch someone's face
-sariɓia 15 V. to influence, to pour a drink
-sariɓiana 15 V. to influence each other
-sariɓu 15 V. to incite
-saruha 15 V. to hurry, to go quickly
-sarusha 15 V. to rush someone
-sasanya 15 V. to pinch, to squeeze, to strangle
-sasanya wo uso 15 V. to frown, to grimmace
-sasanya ye roho 15 V. to suffer, to put up with
-sasanyiha 15 V. to be struck
-sasanyiwa 15 V. to be pinched
-saya 15 V. to stay, to rest (see -ɓaki)

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Shingazidja Class English
-saza 15 V. to leave behind, to set aside
-sazia 15 V. to set aside for someone
V. to dust. to wipe off, to brush off, to clean, to make the
-sekua 15 bed
-serea 15 V. to tighten, to squeeze, to bring together
-serewa 15 V. to be kept inside
-sha 15 V. to do a day, to get up
-shaga 15 V. to grind (with a stone), to flatten, to chop wood
-shaishi 15 V. to publish, to spread out
-shalaza 15 V. to creep up quietly
-shamiri 15 V. to aim at
-shampiza 15 V. to splash, to splatter
-shamɓulia (ushamɓulia) 15 V. to attack
-shangaya 15 V. to be surprised, to be scared
-shangaza 15 V. to surprise or shock someone, to scare someone
V. to take part in, to co-ordinate, to support (someone), to
-shangiria 15 cheer up
V. to spend a lot of money, to spit, to send outside or
-shapa (mapesa / mare) 15 shew away (person or animal)
-sharikiana 15 V. to place a bet
Adj. a little, a few, rare, some (takes the plural only),
-shashi almost nothing
-shashiza 15 V. to reduce, to lessen
-shawiri 15 V. to advise
-shawishi 15 V. to harass someone
-she Adj. feminine
-sheheni 15 V. to have cargo on board
V. to make small cuts or slits in something, to nick, to
-shela 15 notch
-sheleha 15 V. to be split or slit
-shelewa 15 V. to wake up
-shemeledza 15 V. to talk very loudly (often with microphone)
-shemeza 15 V. to yell, to shout, to scream, to moan
-shenkeza 15 V. to imitate
-shepveza 15 V. to send
-sherehi 15 V. to celebrate
-sheshea 15 V. to chop wood
-sheshelea 15 V. to unplug, to disconnect
-sheuha 15 V. to respond to someone who calls you by sign
-sheuza 15 V. to call someone by sign, to click (tongue)
-shia 15 V. to disembark, to pass over, to bound (jump)
-shiha 15 V. to climb down
V. to jump, pass, or climb over (i.e. a wall or hole), to
-shilia 15 cross over (i.e. a road)
-shililia 15 V. to let go of, to drop

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Shingazidja Class English
-shiliza 15 V. to cause to jump over, to help across (a road)
-shime 15 V. to encourage, to cheer
-shimia 15 V. to lean over, to slope away
-shindana 15 V. to compete
-shindania ye ɓei 15 V. to haggle over a price
V. to lose an argument, to fail at a task, to lose (sports), to
-shindiha 15 be beaten
-shindwa 15 V. to lose a struggle, fight, war, or game, to capitulate
-shindwa ne zeruku 15 V. to fall asleep
V. to build with stones, to collect rainwater, to build
-shinga 15 something up
-shinɗa 15 V. to win, to be able to, to defeat, to conquer
-shinɗana 15 V. to argue, to dispute together, to compete
-shinɗao 15 V. to win
-shinɗiha 15 V. to be exhausted
V. to think that what God has done is not good, to
-shiriki 15 blaspheme
-shirikiana 15 V. to associate with each one another
-shishia 15 V. to guard, to take care of
-shitaki 15 V. to make a report, to take to court, to be charged
-shitakiwa 15 V. to be charged
-shiya mpaka 15 V. to go over the limit, to cross the border
-shiza 15 V. to make someone get off
-shofe 15 (fr. chauffer) V. to warm, to heat
-shugua 15 V. to scratch, to clean by rubbing
-shuhuliha 15 V. to be interested in, to be busy with
-shuhuɗia 15 V. to witness something, to distinguish
-shukuria 15 V. to thank God
-shukuru 15 V. to end up having to do something, to have no choice
-shumbushiana 15 V. to greet one another in the morning
V. to skip from one place/person to the next (e.g
-shumpiya 15 someone reading a passage, or a contagious sickness)
-shumɓushia / -sumɓushiya 15 V. to greet someone in the morning
-shusha 15 V. to cheat
-sidjaya 15 V. to be sterile (animal)
-sidjini 15 V. to discredit someone
-sifle 15 (fr. siffler) V. to whistle (when not happy), to boo???
V. to go down, to catch, to flow down (for liquid), to get
-siha 15 out of a car
-siha guiri 15 V. to insist
-siha nfiani 15 V. to go down underwater
-siha yi duku 15 V. to keep quiet, to not react to someone
-siha za nvuu 15 V. to force
-sihua 15 V. to peel, to shell, to carve, to sculpt
-sika 15 V. to be caught, to catch

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Shingazidja Class English
-sikinia 15 V. to have pity
-sikitiha 15 V. to be sorry, to have pity
-sikitisha 15 V. to cause someone to pity you
-sikiya / -shishiya 15 V. to hold for someone
-sikwa 15 V. to catch a disease
-siliha 15 V. to protect by a charm
-silimisha 15 V. to explain to someone till they understand or accept
-silimu 15 V. to become Muslim, to convert to Islam
V. to be set or stuck, to stay in a place until you get a
-simamiya 15 result
-simia 15 V. to introduce, to establish, to set up (business)
-simɓishia 15 V. to lean, to rest, to support
-simɓua 15 V. to annoy, to bother, to bore, to tire out
-simɓuha 15 V. to work hard, to be exhausted
-sindiha 15 V. to push
-sindihiza 15 V. to send to someone
-sindihwa 15 V. to be pushed
-sindiya 15 V. to ripen
-singa 15 V. to scrub (e.g a pot)
-sinuha Adj. sleepy
-sinya 15 V. to press (a button etc), to make a decision
-sinya uso hu sisi ye maravu 15 V. to frown
-sinyiha 15 V. to be pressed
V. to cause something to come down (price), to lower
-sisa 15 (especially a canoe)
-sisa yi duku 15 V. to bribe someone to be quiet
-sisimha 15 V. to shudder
-sisindriya 15 V. to insist
-sisiwa 15 V. to be lowered, to be demoted
-sisiziwa 15 V. to recieve something from above
-siterehi 15 V. to enjoy life (to have money and do whatever you like)
-sitiri 15 V. to do in secret, to cover up
-siuha 15 V. to sleep
-siusa 15 V. to cause to sleep
-siwaki 15 V. to brush teeth
-soma 15 V. to learn, to read
-somea 15 V. to read for someone, to read to someone
-someana 15 V. to read something to each other
-someha 15 V. to be readable, to be suitable
-somelea 15 V. to read for someone
-somesa 15 V. to teach (lit "to learn someone something")
-somesana 15 V. to teach oneself, to teach each other
-somesiwa 15 V. to be taught
-somewa 15 V. to make someone read aloud

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Shingazidja Class English
-somisa 15 V. to teach
-sompia / -sumpia 15 V. to pass on, to jump from 1 thing to another
-sompiza / -sumpiza 15 V. to infect someone
-somwa 15 V. to be read
-songa 15 V. to kill, to murder
V. to sew (by machine) or a kofia, to suck teeth (in
-sonya 15 disgust)
-sonyea 15 V. to sow for someone
-stahafiru 15 V. to confess
-stahamili 15 V. to endure
-stahiki 15 V. to deserve, to be suitable
-stahiki 15 V. to earn, to be worth something
-stahimilli 15 V. to persevere, to be patient
V. to entrust (something to someone), to confide in
-stakaɓadhisha 15 (someone)
-standjabisa 15 V. to amaze someone
-staâdjabu 15 V. to suprise
-staâjabia 15 V. to be surprised
-staârabiha 15 V. to be civilized
-staârabisha 15 V. to civilize
-stehi 15 V. to respect
-stehilwa 15 V. to be respected
-sterehi 15 V. to be at ease, to relax
-stiri 15 V. to hide (oneself)
-sua 15 V. to feel, to touch
-subilwa 15 V. to be tempted, to be posessed by evil spirits
-subiri 15 V. to be patient
V. to be patient with someone, to be strong in the face of
-subiria 15 problems
-subirisha 15 V. to comfort
-subu 15 V. to have a death, to lose
V. to put head one the floor (prayer), to kneel, to bow
-sudjudi / -sudjudia 15 down
-suka 15 V. to braid (hair)
-sukuma 15 V. to push, to grow
-suluhisha 15 V. to reconcile others, to mediate
-suluhu 15 V. to reconcile
-sumbua 15 V. to crouch down
-sumila 15 V. to let someone pass, to move aside
-sumpia 15 V. to spread, to infect, to propogate
-sundzuha 15 V. to move to the side
-sundzusaa 15 V. to move to one's side
-suriya 15 V. to advise
-surusha 15 V. to speed someone up
-suäli / -suaili 15 V. to ask a question

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-suɓia 15 V. to influence, to encourage, to tempt
-suɓuti Adj. brave
-suɓuti 15 V. to risk, to dare
-swafiha 15 V. to be perfect, to be clean
-swaki / -siwaki 15 V. to brush teeth
-swali 15 V. to pray
-swaliha 15 V. able to be prayed???
V. to persuade, to tempt, to corrupt someone, to decieve,
-swaliti 15 to cheat
-swalitiha 15 V. to be tempted
-swaliza 15 V. to lead prayers
-swamihi 15 V. to forgive
-swamihilwa 15 V. to be forgiven
-swamili 15 V. to pardon
-swamiliha 15 V. to be forgiven, to be forgivable
-swanaensha 15 V. to build with wood, to decorate
-swani wade - hu sihwa no uwade 15 V. to be taken ill with something
-swarifu 15 V. to use (e.g. money)
-swibu 15 V. to have your prayers answered
-swibwiri 15 V. to calm down, to be calm
-swifu 15 V. to praise, to describe, to portray
-taandiya 15 V. to disrespect, to disobey
V. to stay for a short time, to do something small as a
-tabaruku 15 kind gesture
-tabiho Adj. embarassed
-tadjirisha 15 V. to enrich
-tafadhwali 15 V. to please, to persuade
-tafautisha 15 V. to differentiate between
-tafiti 15 V. to examine, to enquire, to research, to analyse
-tahadhari 15 V. to be careful
-tahadharisha 15 V. to warn, to forbid, to advise
-tahani 15 V. to squash, to mix (in a blender)
-tahayari 15 V. to sour (food)
-tala, -tsala Adj. narrow, thin, skinny
-tamani 15 V. to hope, to wish, to make a choice, to want, to desire
V. to offer something, to dedicate something, to give
-tamania 15 something as a gift
-tambisha 15 V. to make trouble (see -kera)
-tambwariya 15 V. to play in something (e.g. dirt)
-tamka 15 V. to mention, to decide, to declare
-tamkua 15 V. to make up one's mind
V. to discover, to recognise, to observe, to realise, to hold
-tanaɓahi 15 accountable
-tanga 15 V. to think, to stroll along, to be idle
-tangisa 15 V. to make someone think
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Shingazidja Class English
-tangiya fikira 15 V. to advise
-tantanyiha 15 V. to be entangled, to capture
-tapala 15 V. to jump, to start (in suprise)
-tara 15 V. to miss (an activity or opportunity)
-taradjamu 15 V. to translate
-taradjamulwa 15 V. to be translated
V. to do something carefully or methodically, to calm
-taratibisha 15 down
-tarazaki 15 V. to give an offering, alms, or charity
-tartibisha 15 V. to solve, to resolve
-taruha 15 V. to be happy, to lighten up
-tarumu 15 V. to be in charge, to be respected
-tarura mndru / -tarua mndru 15 V. to involve or include someone
-taswaɗaki 15 V. to bring an offering, to give an offering
-tawakali 15 V. to prefer, to have faith
V. to pray to God about something, to give yourself or a
-tawakali MM/ Hu tawakalisha MM 15 situation to God
-tawala 15 V. to reign
-tawalia 15 V. to reign over, to colonize
-tawalia mndru 15 V. to be rude or disrespectful to someone
-tawaza 15 V. to wash before prayers
-tayarisha 15 V. to cause to be ready, to prepare
V. to be bored, to be troubled, to be annoyed, to be
-taâɓiha 15 tormented, to suffer
-taâɓisha 15 V. to bother, to trouble, to annoy, to make someone suffer
-taâɓu 15 V. to chastise, to persecute, to punish
-taâɓulwa / -taâbishilwa 15 V. to be punished, to be harrased, to be annoyed
-tegemea 15 V. to be answerable to, to be a dependant of, to belong to
V. to demonstrate, to present a speech or proposal, to
-tekeleza 15 apply, to accomplish, to put into practice, to pronounce
-telephone / -tilifoni 15 (fr. téléphoner) V. to call on a telephone
-tembalea 15 V. to verbally abuse someone
-temɓea 15 V. to go around (walking or in a car)
-temɓelea 15 V. to go with a purpose, to visit, to walk around
-temɓeza 15 V. to take someone around (on a walk)
-tendea 15 V. to be before someone, to lead someone
-tenɗewa / -trenɗelwa 15 V. to be led by someone
-tereha 15 V. to slip, to roll
V. to push on, to push through, to make flat, to smooth
-teresa 15 out ground
-teza / -ceza 15 V. to play (cards), to tease, to bother, to wiggle, to fidget
-teza mndru shehere 15 V. to play a joke on someone
-tezafsher / -tezefsher 15 V. to be rude to someone
-thiɓitisha 15 V. to expose, to display
-timizi 15 V. to finish

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-timiziza 15 V. to finish for someone, to make something work
-timu 15 (ar.) V. to be complete
-tinilia / -trinilia 15 V. to influence
-tiniya / -triniya 15 V. to put in for someone
-tisa / -trisa 15 V. to scribble, to color in
-tishia / -trishia 15 V. to leak into or onto something (e.g pen ink on clothes)
-titi Adj. small, little, few
-toa 15 V. to go out, to take out, to remove
-toa amri 15 V. to order
-toa maneno 15 V. to grumble, to complain (often)
-toa ndrazi 15 V. to give advice
-toa nkosa 15 V. to give suggestions or ideas, to judge
-toa ntsulime 15 V. to scream
-toa racio 15 V. to give money for food
-toa shinier / shaânri 15 V. to recite a poem
-toa wafati 15 V. to announce someone’s death
-toa ye mapessa 15 V. to pay (lit. take out money)
-toa ye roho 15 V. to murder, to kill (lit. to take out a heart)
-toa ze mfiya 15 V. to breathe in
-toa ze nvuu 15 V. to discourage someone
-tolea 15 V. to show to someone
-tolwa 15 V. to be taken out, to be left out, to be freed
-tondoa 15 V. to cut into pieces, to chop up
-torea 15 V. to dare someone to do something, to defy
-tosa 15 V. to salute, to greet someone
-tosha 15 V. to be enough
-tosheha 15 V. to be satisfied, to have had enough
-tosheza 15 V. to do life, to live
-tra 15 V. to pour out, to spill, to throw out
-tra mare 15 V. to spit
-trafunya 15 V. to chew
-trahi 15 V. to betray
-tralia 15 V. to avoid get out of the way of someone, to hide oneself
-traliha 15 V. to have a way out
-trangaza 15 V. to announce, to publish
-tratranyiha 15 V. to be confused
-tratraza / -trotroza 15 V. to do something quickly
-trawa 15 V. to avoid, to get out of way of, to flee, to miss
V. to cause to avoid, to make someone run away, to save
-traza 15 someone
-trenɗa / -tenɗa 15 V. to be first, to procede, to lead
-treshelea 15 V. to be reunited
-tretra 15 V. to chatter
-tria 15 V. to put in, to place

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Shingazidja Class English
-tria bashasha 15 V. to cheer up
-tria djaraha 15 V. to beat someone until they bleed
-tria djitihaɗi 15 V. to encourage someone
-tria harara 15 V. to make uneasy, to make worry
-tria mafundo 15 V. to look gd and know it/ to boast
-tria matzo nuru 15 V. to go window shopping
-tria rahani 15 V. to make deposit at pawnbrokers (MEC)
-tria shifon 15 V. to mop
-tria shipvaani 15 V. to turn away, to push away
-tria twahara 15 V. to make clean before God
-tria vanva 15 V. to boast
-tria vingu 15 V. to memorise, to learn by heart
-tria âkili 15 V. to give advice
-triha 15 V. to be spilled (liquid), to be dumped over, to run (water)
-trilwa 15 V. to be put in
-trintrimia 15 V. to spoil
-trintrimlwa 15 V. to be spoiled
-trishia 15 V. to spill on
V. to see something spilled onto oneself or something
-trishiwa 15 else
-trompe 15 (fr. tromper) V. to decieve, to commit adultery
-trongoza 15 V. to cruise in a car
-trulia 15 V. to quiet down, to be calm
-trulilia 15 V. to not worry, to be calm
-trulivu Adj. to be quiet
-truliza 15 V. to calm someone
-trulizana 15 V. to calm each other
-trunga 15 V. to create, to invent
-trungia 15 V. to create for someone
-trunuka 15 V. to re-injure
V. to scare off or keep away animals, birds; to shepherd a
-trusa 15 group of animals
-tsafwada 15 V. to mash up
-tsaha 15 V. to look for, to search for, to want
-tsaha mahafira 15 V. to confess
-tsaha nɗola 15 V. to ask to marry someone
-tsaha samaha / -tsaha swamaha /
-tsaha utubu 15 V. to ask forgiveness
-tsaha sawiri 15 V. to consult, to ask for advice
-tsaheza 15 V. to limp, to walk with a limp
-tsahiki 15 V. to go together, to match
-tsahua / -tsaua 15 V. to prefer, to choose, to vote
V. to lose everything, to go bankrupt, to be empty-
-tsaiha 15 handed
-tsaishia 15 V. to look for something for someone

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-tsala Adj. thin
-tsaliha 15 V. to get thinner (object e.g. a road)
-tsambua 15 V. to clean after using the toilet
-tsambusa 15 V. to rinse off soap (clothes, dishes)
-tsamia 15 V. to stay for a time, to move (house)????
-tsamɓa 15 V. to wash oneself (in private including intimate parts)
-tsamɓalia 15 V. to be spilled, to take apart
-tsamɓaza 15 V. to spread out, to scatter
-tsamɓua 15 V. to rinse
-tsana 15 V. to comb (hair)
-tsanga 15 V. to contribute, to sift, to pay dues to a group
V. to put together, to assemble something, to ally (see -
-tsanganya 15 hutsanya)
-tsanganyiha 15 V. to be together, to join, to assemble togethers
-tsangaya 15 V. to multiple, to increase
-tsantsaua 15 V. to analyze
-tsanu Adj. five (quantity)
-tsapvuha 15 V. to play (a game), to amuse yourself
-tsapvusa 15 V. to cause to play (baby)
-tsashia 15 V. to look for for someone
-tsatsaliya 15 V. to hide from someone
-tsatsaya 15 V. to hide oneself
-tsatsaza 15 V. to hide something or someone, to cause to hide
-tsatsaziza hindru 15 V. to hide something from someone
-tsea 15 V. to have sex (human)
-tseha 15 V. to laugh
-tseheza 15 V. to limp, to be lame, to wobble
-tselea 15 V. to breed (animals)
-tselesa 15 V. to breed (animals)
-tsendza 15 V. to overtake, to pass, to outrun
-tsenga 15 V. to cut down trees, to clear land, to explore
V. to move together, to squish up (like in a taxi), to
-tsengelea 15 approach
-tsengeza 15 V. to bring up close
-tsentsemea 15 V. to spead up, to hurry
-tsentsemeha 15 V. to melt, to dissolve
-tsepva 15 V. to winnow, to remove chaff from grain
V. to make someone laugh, to be funny, to amuse (others
-tsesa 15 or yourself)
-tseshea 15 V. to laugh at someone
-tseshelwa 15 V. to be laughed at
-tsetsemha 15 V. to melt (object), to clot (blood)
-tsetsemwa 15 V. to be melted
V. to braid, to wrap two things together, to wrap around
-tsihitsa 15 your head, manner of tourning something

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-tsihitsa shehitswa 15 V. to shake head at something someone did or said
-tsihitsiwa 15 V. to be wrapped, to be braided
-tsimbulia 15 V. to repremand someone
-tsimɓa 15 V. to dig
-tsimɓia 15 V. to bury
-tsimɓiza 15 V. to turn around
V. to cut (not through), to slaughter with a knife, to carve,
-tsindza 15 to butcher
-tsindza twamaa 15 V. to give up hope
-tsindziha 15 V. to be cut
-tsindziza 15 V. to butcher for someone
-tsinziya lesso 15 V. to tie your lesso around waist
-tsitsia mwana 15 V. to rock child
-tsoa 15 V. to lose
-tsohoa 15 V. to fish (syn. -loa)
-tsolaza 15 V. to lay down and not more, to lay still
-tsoma 15 V. to nod off, to fall asleep
-tsomoa 15 V. to lose your baby (miscarriage or abortion)
-tsomoza 15 V. to have or perform an abortion
-tsomɓeha 15 V. to dangle, to hang
-tsondza 15 V. to suck
-tsonga 15 V. to encourage, to incite (someone to do something)
-tsongeza 15 V. to cause, to be the cause
-tsongoa 15 V. to cut to a point
-tsorenga piya 15 V. to take absolutely everything
-tsosa aɗaɓu 15 V. to disrespect someone
-tsotsa 15 V. to pierce
-tsotsa ɓaya 15 V. to cause a war
-tsoza 15 V. to deprive someone
-tsua 15 V. to undress, to change clothes
-tsudja 15 V. to strain liquid, to filter
-tsuha 15 V. to drip, to shake, to upset
-tsuliha 15 V. to drip, to run down (paint, oil, sweat)
V. to pour off a little liquid (e.g. if something is in your
-tsulisa madji 15 water)
-tsuna 15 V. to insult, to peel with fingers, to skin
V. to hide and watch someone, to peer out of or around,
-tsundjia 15 to oogle someone (while hiding)
V. to hide and watch someone, to peer out of or around,
-tsundjiya harumwa 15 to oogle someone (while hiding)
-tsundusa 15 V. to strongly tell someone to leave you alone
-tsundzusa 15 V. to ignore
-tsunga 15 V. to sieve, to swim, to raise animals
-tsunga nfiani 15 V. to dive underwater
-tsungua 15 V. to choose

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-tsungulia 15 V. to choose for someone
-tsuniha 15 V. to scratch youself
V. to hum a lulaby, to sing softly, to console, to calm, to
-tsutsia 15 pat a baby (see -imɓia)
-tsutsua 15 V. to tickle, to rinse one's mouth out
-tsuusa 15 V. to leave clothes to drip, to drain
-tsuusa ye matadjiri 15 V. to take riches away from the rich (God)
-tswa 15 V. to set (the sun), to go down (the tide), to disappear
-tuali 15 V. to change behavior, to get new look
-tuba / -tubu 15 V. to be sorry, to repent
-tubisa 15 V. to give punishment so they don’t do it again
-tudrea 15 V. to challenge
-tuhumu 15 V. to charge someone (without proof), to accuse someone
-tukia 15 V. to be annoyed, to annoy, to offend
V. to be fed up with or annoyed by something or
-tukiwa 15 someone
-tukiza 15 V. to sicken someone, to disgust someone
-tukufu Adj. honorable, noble (djitukufu with 5)
-tukuza 15 V. to honour, to praise, to promote (someone)
-tuma 15 V. to save, to conserve (resouces)
-tumaini 15 V. to hope
-tumɓa 15 V. to escape
-tumɓa mpaka 15 V. to pass a limit, to overcome
-tunga 15 V. to create, to make, to have an idea
V. to be curious or nosey, to examin, to guard (syn. -
-tunɗa / -trunɗa / -tunda 15 godja)
-turuka 15 V. to not easily forget someone
-turuku 15 V. to give up, to put out of mind (in spite of something)
-tutu Adj. small
-twahariha 15 V. to be innocent
-twaharisha 15 V. to make clean before God
-twahiri 15 V. to circumcise
-twahiriwa 15 V. to be circumsized
-twaifisha 15 V. to nationalize
-twakilwa 15 V. to be divorced
-twalaki 15 V. to divorce (man), to repudiate, to disown, to renounce
-twalia / -twalii 15 V. to study, to memorize
-twaliza 15 V. to teach, to make someone memorize, to tutor
-twamaa / -twanaa 15 V. to trust
-twamiya 15 V. to believe someone, to have confidence in them
-twei 15 V. to obey
-ua 15 V. to hit, to kill, to fight
-udhi 15 V. to bother
-udza 15 V. to forbid to chase away, to cause to die, to postpone

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This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-udziwa 15 V. to be postponed, to be defered, to be ended
-udziza 15 V. to stop someone, to prevent someone
-ulwawa 15 V. to be killed
V. to hold on tight, to clench; to bite (for animal), to sting,
-uma / -uuma 15 to poke
-umba 15 V. to jump up and down
-umbia 15 V. to create for someone
-umbisa 15 V. to help someone
-ume Adj. masculine
-umia / -omia 15 V. to pretend to be okay, to put up with
-umɓa 15 V. to create (only God)
-umɓishiha 15 V. to have been created
-undjilia 15 V. to bring together, to reunite
V. to activate/cause to rise up – opp of to calm down, a
crazy person can have calm periods and then he goes
-unduha 15 crazy, a volcano starts rumbling etc
V. to season, to dress, to sting, to sow (seed); to tie up, to
-unga 15 link (see -hurunga)
-unganya 15 V. to retie, to reunite
V. to break, to cut through, to cut with a heavy instrument
-ungua 15 (i.e. tree)
-unguha / Hu ungulwa 15 V. to have broken off by someone, to be cut, to be broken
-uniha 15 V. to englighten
-unishia 15 V. to lighten up (place), to shine a light
-unishiha 15 V. to warn, to caution
-unɗa 15 V. to build with concrete
-unɗanya 15 V. to pile, to heap up
V. to dig, to plow, to scoop (out), to search inside
-unɗua 15 something, to snoop
-usa 15 V. to make someone fall, to lay eggs
-usha 15 V. to dawn, to be dawn
-utsungua 15 V. to prefer, to choose, to sort
-uzisa 15 V. to ask
-uzisana 15 V. to ask or question each other
-valia shahuli 15 V. to get dressed up for event
-valiha 15 V. can be dressed, to be warn, to be wearable
-valwa 15 V. to be worn
-vamia 15 V. to attack, to assault
-vaya 15 V. to get dressed, to wear, to cover with a veil (woman)
-vaza 15 V. to dress someone, to decorate
-vaziwa 15 V. to be dressed (by someone), to be decorated
-via / -viya 15 V. to answer someone’s call
-viapvo yeroho 15 V. to be stubborn (?)
-vilwa 15 V. to be answered
-vima 15 V. to weigh, to measure (distance, liquid, dry goods)

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Shingazidja Class English
-vingiriha 15 V. to go from place to place
-voti 15 (fr. voter) V. to vote
-vua 15 V. to burn, to be on fire
-vuaza 15 V. to clear land for cultivation
-vubama 15 V. to faint, to be dizzy, to vanish, to evaporate
-vuha 15 V. to be part of the group
-vuja 15 V. to leak
-vuka 15 V. to escape, to survive, to be saved
-vukisha 15 V. to save someone or something
-vuliya 15 V. to suit you
-vuliza shahula 15 V. to blow on food
-vuma 15 V. to be famous, to be well known
-vumbiha hodzihoni 15 V. to put food in embers to cook
-vumbua 15 V. to describe, to pronounce
-vumbuliya 15 V. to describe to someone
-vumiza 15 V. to flatter someone, to eulogize
-vumwa 15 V. to rest, to relax
-vumzi 15 V. to take a break, to vacation
-vumɓamisa 15 V. to knock out, to stun
V. to conjure up (spirit), to call to mind, to be thoughtful of
-vumɓua 15 something
-vumɓulwa 15 V. to be quoted, mentioned, or named
-vuna 15 V. to harvest
-vundza 15 V. to break
-vundziha / -pvandziha 15 V. to be broken
-vundziwa 15 V. to be broken
-vungua 15 V. to reveal something bad someone is doing
-vunza 15 V. to break, to snap
-vura 15 V. to pull, to aspire
-vura msi 15 V. to smoke
-vurana 15 V. to disagree, to tug at each other
-vuriha 15 V. to flake, to crumble (couscuma, bread), to rain a little
-vuriza 15 V. to throw, to drop
-vuriziza 15 V. to throw at someone
-vutra 15 V. to cancel
-vuza 15 V. to blow, to make fire by blowing, to breathe heavily
-vuzia 15 V. to whistle, to hiss
-vuzilwa 15 V. to be blown
-vuziya (-pvoleza) 15 V. to blow
-wa 15 V. to fall down
-wabodiya 15 V. to follow God and serve Him
-wadja 15 V. to peel (with a knife)
-wadjiri 15 V. to rent from someone
-wadjiria 15 V. to rent for someone, to rent to someone

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Shingazidja Class English
-wadjiriana 15 V. to rent to each other
-wadjirilwa / -wadjiriwa 15 V. to be rented
-wadjirisa 15 V. to rent to someone
-wafiki 15 V. to agree
-wafikiana 15 V. to listen to each other, to coincide, to agree
-wagiza 15 V. to order (a product)
-wagiza bidhwaya 15 V. to import
-waha 15 V. to build (house or hut)
V. to be on time, to have time to do something, to have a
-wahi 15 chance
-wahwa 15 V. to be built
-waidhia 15 V. to counsel someone
-wakinishia 15 V. to suppose
-wala 15 V. to plant, to shine (like the moon, sun, or jewelry)
-walala 15 V. to creep up, to go slowly
-walia 15 V. to shine (sun, lights)
-walwa 15 V. to be planted
-wamia 15 V. to lean on something, to have to put up with
-waminifu Adj. faithful, reliable, trustworthy
-wamizantsi 15 V. to turn on side to dry
-wamwa 15 V. to sneeze
V. to hit something really hard (not a person), to set a
-wamɓa 15 trap
-wamɓua 15 V. to remove a trap
-wana / -bwana 15 V. to fight (to hit one another)
-wana nkodo 15 V. to fight a war, to make war
-wanana 15 V. to fight (each other)
-wanga 15 V. to hatch (egg), to open (flower), to dawn (sun)
-wanga tsambu 15 V. to prepare tsambu
-wangana 15 V. to argue
V. to chat, to relax, to hang out together, to grow a
-wangaza 15 business (see -angaza)
-wangusa 15 V. to make easy
-wania 15 V. to fight for, to get revenge
-wanilia 15 V. to struggle for someone, to defend
-wanisa 15 V. to start a fight, to pick a fight
-wanuha 15 V. to stop itself (the rain)
-waria 15 V. to cover, to incubate an egg (for a chicken)
-warithi 15 V. to inherit
-waswili 15 V. to arrive
-waswilisha 15 V. to cause to arrive
-wawa 15 V. to irritate
-wawilwa 15 V. to itch
-waza 15 V. to count, to count someone worthy of notice
-waziha 15 V. to be counted
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Shingazidja Class English
-waziza 15 V. to account for someone, to count for someone
-waɗe Adj. sick
-waɗi 15 V. to arrive safely
-weha 15 V. to lean, to tip over
-wele 15 V. to shower, to swim
-wesa 15 V. to make lean over, to tilt
-weshea 15 V. to reserve
-yakinisha 15 V. to accept, to believe, to be sure about something
-yia / -ia 15 V. to fall over, to be spilled
-yia mdrini / -ia 15 V. to fall from a tree
-yiha / -iha 15 V. to crow (like a rooster)
-yivaya / -ivaya 15 V. to act like a bee
-ylimisha 15 V. to instruct, to train
-zagaza 15 V. to be elegant
-zaini 15 V. to deceive, to tempt, to cheat, to lure
-zalia 15 V. to give birth somewhere, to give birth for someone
-zalihana 15 V. to be born, to occur, to appear
-zalihaniha 15 V. to be born in (sense of village of origin)
V. to help give birth (midwife); to make a false report
-zalisa 15 about something
V. to be provided with a child (man by wife), to be given a
-zaliwa 15 calf by your cow, to become a father
-zaliya mwana / mahala 15 V. to provide with younger sibling, place you gave birth
-zalwa 15 V. to be born, to be from (place) passive
-zama 15 V. to sink
-zamesa 15 V. to cause to sink
-zaya / -zaa 15 V. to give birth, to produce
-zibitiha 15 V. to be very sick
-zibitisha 15 V. to calm someone when they manifest evil spirits
-zihira 15 V. to treat, to nurse someone
-ziia 15 V. to stop, to put out
V. to refuse to do something for someone, to cause to
-zililia 15 stop
-ziliza 15 V. to be cold
-zilwa 15 V. to be stopped
-zima 15 V. to stop, to put out (fire), to erase
-zima nyura 15 V. to quench thirst
-zimiha 15 V. to disappear, to turn off
-zimɓa 15 V. to swell, to be angry; to make swell
-zina 15 V. to dance
-zindisha 15 V. to multiply
-zingamanya 15 V. to confuse
-zingamanyiha 15 V. to be confused
-zingara 15 V. to hold, to grab, to capture
-zingarwa 15 V. to be held, to be grabbed
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-zingatria 15 V. to cling
-zingiza 15 V. to make a circle, to surround something
-zipvadzua 15 V. to leave quickly
-zisa 15 V. to ask
-ziya 15 V. to give birth
-ziyia 15 V. to stop, to forbid
-ziyilwa 15 V. to be forbidden, to be stopped
-ziza 15 V. to spoil (eggs)
-zizima 15 V. to take the chill off (food or drinks), to swim underwater
-ziɗi 15 V. to get worse, to worsen
V. to be grown, to be increased, to aggravate, to make
-ziɗisha 15 worse
-zoea 15 V. to get used to
-zorosa 15 V. to make something more difficult
-zuha 15 V. to squint
-zuhali 15 V. to live to be old
-zungua 15 V. to unwind, to unroll
-zungulia 15 V. to go around (town), to spin around in a circle, to turn
-zungusa 15 V. to make a tour, to go around, to circle
V. to pray for someone, to pray for protection from evil
-zunguwa 15 (spirit or curse)
-zuru 15 (ar.) V. to visit (destination), to travel, to go on Hadj
-zusa 15 V. to blind
-zwea 15 V. to be used to something
-zweza 15 V. to habituate someone to something
-âdhiri 15 V. to slander, to reprove, to humiliate, to criticize
-âdili 15 V. well manered, impartial
-âdimiya 15 V. to get ready for
-âdjabiha 15 V. to be suprised
-âdjiza 15 V. to be annoyed
-âfiha 15 V. to be saved
-âfu 15 V. to cure, to heal, to save
-âgana 15 V. to bicker, to quarrel with each other
V. to be ashamed, to be disgraced, to be dishonored, to
-âibiha 15 be embarassed
-âibisha 15 V. to cause disgrace, to cause humiliation
-âiɓisha 15 V. to shame someone
V. to send someone to speak on your behalf, to choose
-âkili 15 someone as leader
-âkilisha 15 V. to grow (intellectually), to acculturate
-âkiliwa 15 V. to be sent to speak to someone on your behalf
-âkulia 15 V. to catch, to adopt (an idea)
-ârifana 15 V. to inform each other
-ârifia 15 V. to explain for someone, to inform
-ârifiwa 15 V. to be informed

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Shingazidja Class English
-ârifu 15 (ar.) V. to inform, to tell
-âshkiha 15 V. to be enamored, to be in love, have a passion
-âswi 15 V. to disobey, to blaspheme, to sin
-âwuni 15 V. to assist, to help
V. to intend to, to make a decision, to organize a
-âzimia 15 program, to borrow for someone
-âziniia 15 V. to decide
-âɓudia 15 V. to worship, to serve (usually God)
-âɓudiha 15 V. to be worthy of worship
-âɓudu 15 (ar.) V. to worship
-âɓudulwa 15 V. to be worshiped
-ämini 15 (ar.) V. to believe in, to trust someone
-äminiana 15 V. to trust each other
-äminisha 15 V. to cause to believe
-ênshi ha udanganyifu 15 V. to live a deceitful life
-êshi / -îshi 15 V. to live
-ɓadhili 15 V. to decieve, to cheat someone
-ɓadili 15 (ar.) V. to change, to exchange, to barter
-ɓadilia 15 V. to change something for someone
-ɓadilisha 15 V. to cause to change
-ɓadiliwa 15 V. to be changed
-ɓahatisha 15 V. to guess, to take a chance, to get lucky
-ɓaini 15 (ar.) V. to reveal
-ɓainiha 15 V. to be discovered
V. to bring up, to make something known, to declare a
-ɓainisha 15 marraige (syn. -dhwahirisha)
V. to wake up from sleep, to be sick and almost die but
-ɓaithilwa 15 get better
-ɓaiɓiha 15 V. to become dry for, to be tricked
V. to trick, to decieve, to tempt, to take away (what the
-ɓaiɓu 15 djin do to people), to disguise oneself
-ɓaiɓulwa 15 V. to be taken by the djinn
-ɓaki 15 V. to stay (see -saya)
-ɓakisha 15 V. to stay, to be left with, to leave out
-ɓakisha iɗuku(ni) 15 V. to be quiet
-ɓakishiwa 15 V. to be left out
-ɓakiwa 15 V. to be left out
-ɓalia 15 V. to carry, to bring, to drive, to lead an animal or person
-ɓalia mɓio 15 V. to go fast
-ɓaliha 15 V. to be closed, to close oneself
-ɓalihi / -ɓalighi 15 V. to reach puberty, to be an adult
-ɓalilia 15 V. to close the way to someone, to bring for someone
-ɓalilia yendzia 15 V. to block someone (lit. to close the way)
-ɓaliwa 15 V. to be carried, to be accompanied
-ɓalwa 15 V. to be closed

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Shingazidja Class English
-ɓambwa 15 V. to be possesed, to be convinced to do something bad
-ɓamɓa 15 V. to tempt, to seduce, to get the spirit of
-ɓariki 15 V. to bless, to prosper
-ɓarikia 15 V. to bless someone
-ɓarikiha 15 V. to be lucky
-ɓarikishiha 15 V. to be blessed
-ɓarikiwa 15 V. to be blessed
-ɓauha 15 V. to leave alone
-ɓaya 15 V. to close, to shut
-ɓaya nfia 15 V. to choke
-ɓaza 15 V. to close, to cause to close
-ɓaî 15 (ar.) V. to teach
-ɓaîsha 15 (ar.) V. to teach, to tell someone something
V. to be excited, to babble, to be confused, to beg, to
-ɓaɓaiha 15 want to take all of something and not share
-ɓaɓaisa 15 V. to confuse, to mess up, to trick
-ɓaɓuha 15 V. to talk too much, to grumble, to compain
-ɓelia 15 V. to to carry for someone, to bring to someone
V. to chum (to catch fish), to fight, to hit, to beat with a
-ɓiha 15 stick
-ɓiha msi 15 V. to prepare tobacco
-ɓihanya 15 V. to mix, to beat ingredients, to stir
-ɓishia 15 V. to chum for someone (fishing), to fight for someone
-ɓiɗi 15 V. to compel, to necessitate, to require
-ɓiɗia 15 V. to waste
-ɓomoha 15 V. to collapse, to be demolished
-ɓua 15 V. to open, to widen, to stretch
-ɓuha 15 V. to open oneself
-ɓulia 15 V. to open for someone, to open to someone
V. to open something (for each other), to open up to each
-ɓuliana 15 other (like a road after a war between villages)
-ɓulisa 15 V. to make someone open
-ɓuliwa 15 V. to make someone open
V. to rest, to refresh, to be excited and happy about
-ɓuruɗisha 15 something
-ɓusana 15 V. to kiss each other
-ɓusana / -ɓusuna / -ɓusiana 15 (ar.) V. to kiss each other
-ɓushiria / -ɓushuria 15 V. to want, to wish; to bless, to hope for someone
-ɓusia 15 V. to kiss for someone else
-ɓusilwa 15 V. to be kissed
-ɓusu 15 (ar.) V. to kiss
-ɓwanɗaya 15 V. to hide oneself
-ɓwanɗaza 15 V. to hide something
-ɗafiyon 15 V. to save someone or something (from attack)
-ɗafiî / -ɗifaî 15 (ar.) V. to defend
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Shingazidja Class English
-ɗai 15 V. to claim to reclaim
V. to make a habit of something, to drag out, to
-ɗaimisha 15 perpetuate, to continue
-ɗanganya / -unyanganya 15 V. to confuse, to decieve, to trick
-ɗanganyifu Adj. decietful
V. to be confused, to be tricked, to be embarased, to be
-ɗanganyiha 15 disabled
V. to be confused by someone, to be disabled by
-ɗanganyiwa 15 someone
-ɗaza 15 V. to stop talking, to be quiet
-ɗea 15 V. to abuse, to insult
-ɗema 15 V. to nod off, to be sleepy
-ɗemea 15 V. to lean on something or someone
-ɗenga 15 V. to secrete
-ɗenga djifiri 15 V. to sweat
-ɗenga hari 15 V. to sweat
V. to pay someone back (action for action, don't use with
-ɗipvia 15 money)
-ɗisa 15 V. to move (for person), to shake something
-ɗiwarisha 15 V. to round off, to round up (number)
-ɗiwaza 15 V. to forget
-ɗolea 15 V. to be reflected
-ɗu Adj. black colored
-ɗukulia 15 V. to work through an idea
-ɗumu 15 (ar.) V. to be strong, to continue, to live on
-ɗundza 15 V. to imitate, to make follow
-ɗundza yendzia 15 V. to show the way
-ɗunga Adj. the next, the following
-ɗunga 15 V. to follow
-ɗungana 15 V. to go together
-ɗungia 15 V. to continue doing
-ɗungiha 15 V. to be acceptable, to be passable (road)
-ɗungwa 15 V. to be followed
V. to catch, to overhear, to suprise (by jumping out), to
-ɗuɓia 15 enter
-ɗuɓilwa 15 V. to be entered by (used for madjini)
-ɗuɗufu muyo Adj. disgusting, gross
-ɗuɗuha muyo 15 V. to feel like going to vomit
-ɗuɗusa 15 V. to disgust someone
-ɗuɗusa muyo 15 V. to make someone nauseous
aami N. paternal uncle
adabii (maadabii) 5-6 N. delicate person
N. trouble, discomfort, pain, pursecution, punishment,
adhabu tourment
adhan / adhana / adhani (-) 9-10 N. Muslim call to prayer

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Shingazidja Class English
adjali N. accident
adjibu Adj. strange
adjinabii Adj. unrelated
afdhwali Adv. better, rather, preferable, particularly
Afrika PN. Africa
Afrika ya Kusini PN. South Africa
aghlabu / aghalabu / adhalabu Adv. chiefly, generally, mostly, ordinarily, usually
agizo (maagizo) 5-6 N. order, product ordered
ahali N. family (close and extended), root (of something)
ahi (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. friend, brother
ain-al-bahar (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. horizon
aina N. species, catagory
(ar.) PN. purgatory, judgement before heaven or hell,
akhira / ahiria afterlife
akrab N. relatives
alahulia N. misantrhopy
alfadjiri (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. dawn (dawn prayer)
alfu Adj. thousand
alfuɓe (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. alphabet
alikoli (-) 9-10 (fr. alcool) N. alcohol (see mvinyo)
allakulihali N. every way
almarhum (ar) Adj. deceased (usually followed by a name)
almaruɗi (ar.) Adj. to go better?
almasi (-) 9-10 N. diamond
almuradi Conj. accordingly, hence, therefore
amali (-) 9-10 N. occupation
amana N. trust, garuntee
amani Adj. calm, peaceful
amani (-) 9-10 N. peace, safety, security
ambosee / ambesee Adv. maybe, perhaps
ambriaji (fr. ambrayage) N. clutch for a car
amina / amini Interjection. Amen, an oath,
amri (-) 9-10 N. order, command, authority
ancari / ancali / âcari N. type of local chutney, pickled sauce
andabu Adj. polite
andjabu N. miracle
andzi N. funnel, crater
angre (fr. engrais) N. fertilizer
aniversair (fr. anniversaire) N. birthday, birthday party
aniɗi N. envy, need, want, jealousy
ankarabu N. dangerous animal
ankiɓa N. economy, treasure, something you keep
answihiri / adhuhuri N. noon prayer time

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antri N. fishing line
anwuradi / andwuradi N. beads
anzma N. answer, initiative to do something
apvaha / apvasa Adv. now, recently, soon
arbataashara Adj. fourteen
ardhi / ardhwi / ardhlui / arudhwi /
aruthu(ri) (-) 9-10 N. ground, soil, plot of land, earth (totality of planet)
ariari N. rumor
arifa (maarifa) 5-6 N. information, knowledge
arɓaini N. fourty (old word)
ashe / hasha Adv. not at all
asikari N. soldier, police, guard
asmaku N. magnet (object)
asmini (-) 9-10 N. jasmine
aspirini (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. aspirin
asuɓuhi / asuɓwihi / asibwihi PN. early morning (6-9 am) / sunrise prayer time
aswili (-) 9-10 N. beginning, root, origin, traditional way
athari N. defect, deficiency, mistake
aula Adj. better, important
avoka (maavoka) 5-6 (fr. avocat) N. avocado (see bonobo)
awali N. priority
aya (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. verse (Koran or Bible)
azali Adj. eternal (old word)
N. ceremony for fourtieth day of quarantine after giving
aɓaini birth
aɓaɗan Adv. never
aɓiria (maaɓiria) 5-6 N. passanger, client of a business
aɗaɓu N. good manners, courtesy
ba / bâ (-) 9-10 (fr. banc) N. bench
baadia Adv. after, next
badhirifu Adj. wasteful
badi Adv. effectively
badjia (mabadjia) 5-6 N. small, deep-fried balls made of beans and spices
bahili Adj. mean, cruel
balasi (mabalasi) 5-6 N. water jug
bali (-) 9-10 (fr. bal) N. dance, party
bandlui Adj. Adv. some
bandzandza (mabandzandza) 5-6 N. open and flat area, space
bangano (mabangano) 5-6 N. quarrel, argument
banguzi (mabanguzi) 5-6 N. bruise, scar, wound
baniani N. banyan (an indian tree-ficus banghalensis)
barabara Adj. right, correct
baragum (mabaragum) 5-6 N. warhorn
baraji (-) 9-10 (fr. barrage) N. dam (for water)
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Shingazidja Class English
bario / bwario (mabwario) 5-6 N. incubator, warm place that chicken makes
Bariza? (Habari za) What is the news? (of ___)
barnamadji (-) 9-10 N. schedule
baruti (-) 9-10 N. gunpowder, sulfer, (by extension) matches
N. selfish or corrupt person, someone who takes the
barzuli (mabarzuli) 5-6 largest part of something
bashasha N. enthousiasm; Adj. cheerful
basketi (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. basketball
baton (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. stick
batwini N. hidden intentions or thoughts
bavuni mwa Prep. next to, beside, around
bazazi (mabazazi) 5-6 N. dealer, seller
N. imperialist (old meaning), now just a generic negative
beberu (mabeberu) 5-6 attribute
bedja Adj. arrogant
bega (mabega) 5-6 N. shoulder
bekani N. bicycle
bembe N. gift from betrothed (one to the other)
bendera / bandera (mabendera) 5-6 N. banner, sign, cloth
beni (mabeni) 5-6 N. large, utility truck, dumptruck
beramu (-) 9-10 N. flag
betizi (-) 9-10 (fr. bêtise) N. joke
beton (-) 9-10 (fr. béton-concrete) N. cieling made of concrete
bianshara (-) 9-10 N. product, something you are selling
bibi (mabibi) 5-6 N. insect
bido (fr. bidon) N. container for water or liquid
bie (-) 9-10 (fr. billet) N. paper money (not a coin)
bigra / bigira (-) 9-10 N. virginity
bii (mabii) 5-6 N. trash, mess
bil-mapuzi (mabil-mapuzi) 5-6 N. hairy monster
bile Adj. blue colored
N. cloth of brownish yellow color, covered woman (in
biligidji (mabiligidji) 5-6 hijabu)
binaami N. male cousin
binadamu N. human being
binafsi Adj. alone
binafsi Adv. in person, yourself
binti (mabanati / mabinti) 5-6 N. young daughter
bintiaami N. female cousin
biro (-) 9-10 (fr. bureau) N. wardrobe, closet, office
bishi Adj. obstinate
bisi (mabisi) 5-6 (fr. bus) N. bus, passanger van
bisikleti (mabisikleti) 5-6 N. bicycle
biskuti (biskuti / mabiskuti) 5-6 (fr. biscuit) N. cookie
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Shingazidja Class English
bocali (bocali / mabocali) 9-10 N. jar
boi N. servant
bombeo (mabombeo) 5-6 N. praise, desire, wish, hope
bomfoshe (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. cooking kettle, cooking pot, cauldron
bonbon (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. candy
bonde (mabonde) 5-6 N. field, rope belt (like someone would use in a field)
boneso (maboneso) 5-6 N. theater, showing, demonstration
bonobo (mabonobo) 5-6 N. avocado (see avoka)
boti (maboti) 5-6 N. boot
botsi Adj. useless
budu (mabudu) 5-6 N. hot pepper (sometimes budukali-hot pepper)
buhamu (mabuhamu) 5-6 N. dumb person, crazy person
buhuri N. incense, price paid to witchdoctor for actions
buja N. beastliness, useless activity (like an animal does)
buji (-) 9-10 (fr. bougie) N. candle
buluzu (mabuluzu) 5-6 N. blouse
bundi (mabundi) 5-6 N. owl (see ɓunɗukudju)
bunɗo (mabunɗo) 5-6 N. construction
burashi (maburashi) 5-6 (en.) N. brush
burashi la upenga 5-6 (en.) N. brush for hair
burda (-) 9-10 N. relaxation, refreshment, recreation
Burubwa 9-10 PN. Reunion (see Larinyo)
burzani (maburzani) 5-6 N. sailor
busati (mabusati) 5-6 N. Muslim prayer rug or mat (see mswala)
button (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. pimple / acne
buwaba (mabuwaba) 5-6 N. door hinge
bwana (mabwana) 5-6 N. sir, mister, leader
bwana harusi N. groom
bwanki (-) 9-10 (fr. banque) N. bank (often bwanki)
bwati (bwati / mabwati) 5-6 (fr. boîte) N. box, can (see bweta)
bwembwe (mabwembwe) 5-6 N. joke, (lit.) empty thing
bweta (bweta / mabweta) 9-10 N. small case, suitcase (see bwati)
cai (-) 9-10 N. tea (often with milk), can be used for breakfast
cake (macake) 5-6 N. beauty products
cama N. association, organization
capcapu Adv. speedily (sense of happily)
carahani N. sewing machine
cebe (macebe) 5-6 N. aged cassava
ceki (-) 9-10 (fr. cheque) N. check
cemni / cemine (fr. cheminée) N. chimney on a lamp
cendza (macendza) 5-6 N. mandarine oranges, tangerine (like bandzi only larger)

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cenga (macenga) 5-6 N. showing off, broken rice (old)
cenye (macenye) 5-6 N. fire spark
ceshe (maceshe) 5-6 N. wound
cezo boneso (macezo boneso) 5-6 N. theater piece, drama
ciranka (shiranka) 9-10 N. container, trunk (c changes in plural)
cuhurani N. room where wife stays when she gives birth
cuyi (macuyi) 5-6 N. crazy person, old thing (check with cwi)
cwi (macwi) 5-6 N. sardine, small fish (check with cuyi)
daci PN. Germany
daftari (madaftari) 5-6 N. catalogue, newspaper
N. long black coat for those who have done big marriage
dagla (-) 9-10 (see djoho, ɓushuti)
dahari Adj. eternal
dahasha (madahasha) 5-6 N. clamor, noise, argument
daira (-) 9-10 N. sufi chanting
dalili (-) 9-10 N. proof, indication, example
dama (dama / madama) 9-10 (fr. jeu de dames) N. game of checkers
N. grade (in school), level, bridge (sometimes confused
daradja (-) 9-10 as stairs)
daraki (-) 9-10 N. responsibility
darbini / darbani (-) 9-10 N. binoculars
dasturi (-) 9-10 N. destiny, rules
daula (-) 9-10 N. nation, government
daɓa Adj. stupid, foolish
daɓa (malaɓa) 5-6 N. idiot, foolish person
N. incomprehensible langauge (used for french
debe-debe (madebe-debe) 5-6 sometimes)
dedesi (madedesi) / dredresi
(madredresi) 5-6 N. clumsy person
dema (malema) 5-6 N. fish trap, net for birds
dene (malene) 5-6 N. debt, loan
dezera (fr. deux heures) 2 o'clock
dhahaɓu / zahaɓu Adj. made of gold, golden
dhahaɓu / zahaɓu (-) 9-10 N. gold
N. extortion by governmental official, to get money
dhalma / dhurma illegally
dhamɓi (madhamɓi) 5-6 (ar.) N. sin
dharau (madharau) / udharau 5-6, 11 N. inconsiderate action
dharuɓa / zaruɓa Adj. quickly, fast (like a hurricane) (see adv. ha dharba)
dharuɓa / zaruɓa (-) 9-10 N. strong storm, strong wind, sudden calamity
dhul-arhamu (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. family
dhwalimu (madhwalimu) 5-6 N. one who is a cheat
(ar.) N. important person, responsable person, leader,
dhwamana (madhwamana) 5-6 responsiblity

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dhwamiri (dhwamiri / madhwamiri) 5-6 N. purpose
dhwana (dhwana / madhwana) 9-10 N. idea (usually negative), accusation
dhwarura Adj. termporary, unexpected, urgent, exceptional
difai (-) 9-10 N. defense, security
dijaveli (-) 9-10 (fr. javel) N. bleach
diktsioneri (-) 9-10 (fr. dictionnaire) N. dictionary
dimku / dzimku (madzimku) 5-6 N. ogre, monster
diplomu (-) 9-10 (fr. diplôme) N. diploma, certificate
dira / dire (-) 9-10 N. sense, direction
dizera (fr. dix heures) 10 o'clock
dja Adj. the same (see sawa)
djabali (madjabali) 5-6 N. cliff, mountain
djadhba / djazba (-) 9-10 N. trance, anger
djahanama (madjahanama) 5-6 N. hell, eternal punishment
(fr. boutre) N. wooden boat used to unload ships (not
djahazi (madjahazi) 5-6 used anymore)
djakwe (madjakwe) 5-6 N. monkey
N. group of presents that a husband offers his wife at
djaliho (maliho) 5-6 time of childbirth
djaliko (madjaliko) 5-6 N. comorian dance, call
djambia (madjambia) 5-6 N. dagger
djamhuri (madjamhuri) 5-6 N. republic
djana 5-6 N. yesturday
djana (madjana) 5-6 N. one-hundred (number)
djanaza (madjanaza) 5-6 N. board for carrying dead body
djando (madjando) / mdjando
(midjando) 5-6, 3-4 N. deceit
palm of a hand (sometimes shortened to "mandza" for
djandza (madjandza) 5-6 plural)
djandze (madjandze) 5-6 N. crab
djani (madjani) 5-6 N. infusion
djaniɓu / djanisu (ya wandru) N. group (of people)
djanvi (madjanvi) 5-6 N. carpet (esp. found at mosque)
djapizo (madjapizo) 5-6 N. insult
djaraha (madjaraha) 5-6 N. scar, bruise; grudge (against someone)
djau Yes (response), like that, ok, Adj. correct
djaudjuu N. summer
djauzi (-) 9-10 N. pair (of shoes)
djavwa-djavwa (madjavwa-
madjavwa) 5-6 N. lung
djawaɓu (madjawaɓu) 5-6 N. answer
djaya (madjaya) 5-6 N. fruit peel (sing), trash (pl)
djazimo (mazimo) / djamizo
(madjamizo) 5-6 N. debt owed, loan of money

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dje? How are you?
dje? how?
N. presentation, distribution (of food), extra given to client
djeleho (maleho / madjeleho) 5-6 (an extra fruit, etc.)
djelezo (maelezo) 5-6 N. explanation
djendo (madjendo) 5-6 N. journey, route, direction
djenɗo (manɗo) 5-6 N. walker, walking person
djeshi (madjeshi / nyadjeshi) / 11-10,
djeishi (madjeishi) 5-6 N. military, army, soldier
djeuzi (madjezuzi) 5-6 N. wise person
dji (madji) 5-6 N. voice
djidji (madjidji) 5-6 N. large village (used in djidjikuu)
djifiri (djifiri / madjifiri) 6, 9-10 N. heat, (usually in plural) sweat,
djifu (madjifu) 5-6 N. death of an important person
djimbi (madjimbi) 5-6 N. taro root
djimla (-) 9-10 N. total, sum
djimsi (madjimsi) 5-6 N. large platter
djimɓo (madjimɓo) 5-6 N. song
djimɓo la twaifa (madjimɓo ya
twaifa) 5-6 N. national anthem
djindru (madjindru) 5-6 N. idiot, stupid person, giant
djini (madjini) 5-6 N. mystical and spiritual being in Islam
djintsi (madjintsi) 5-6 N. class
djio (madjio) 5-6 N. afternoon (3pm-sunset) / afternoon prayers
djirani Adv. close by
djirani (madjirani) 5-6 N. neighbor
djirma (-) 9-10 N. stature
djitihaɗi (-) 9-10 N. will, desire, courage, effort
djitihaɗi ndjema (-) 9-10 N. courage
djiva (madjiva) 5-6 N. forest
djoho (-) 9-10 N. arab cloak or coat (see ɓushuti, dagla)
djora (madjora) 5-6 N. roll of fabric, large piece of fabric
djosho (masho / madjosho) 5-6 (usually singular) N. picnic / barbeque
djosi (madjosi) 5-6 N. smoke
djotro Adj. hot, heated
djotro (madjotro) 5-6 N. heat
dju mwa Prep. about, above
djuba (-) 9-10 N. cloak, coat
djudju (madjudju) 5-6 N. warning
djufu (madjufu) 5-6 N. dust (especially sawdust)
Djum'ya Madula PN. United Nations
djuma / djumwa N. Friday
djumba (madjumba) 5-6 N. big house
udjumla 11 N. completness

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djumwa Prep. over, about
djumɓe (madjumɓe) 5-6 N. royal palace, building
djungu (madjungu / nyungu) 11-10 N. large cooking pot
djunia (majunia) 5-6 N. bag, sack (especially burlap)
djuwa (madjuwa) 5-6 N. sun
djuzi (no plural) 5-6 N. day before yesturday
djuzo (djuzo / midjuzo) 9-10 N. chapter of the Koran
djwai (madjwai) 5-6 N. egg
Dubai PN. Dubai (city)
duktera / dukutera (madukutera) 5-6 (fr. docteur) N. doctor
dume (malume) 5-6 N. cloud
dunia (-) 9-10 N. world
dyari, ɗari, dari (malari) 5-6 N. story or level of a building, ceiling
dzaha (madzaha) 5-6 N. volcano
N. cure, religious activity to change someone (prayer,
dzihiro (madzihiro) 5-6 recitation, etc.)
N. embers, heart of the fire (for cooking), (pl.) burial,
dziho (madziho) 5-6 funeral for the dead
dzina (madzina) 5-6 N. name
dzindzanu (madzindzanu) N. yellow, tumeric Adj. yellow colored
dzingizo (madzingizo) 5-6 N. circle
dzinyo / dinyo (manyo) 5-6 N. tooth; mouth (in plural)
dzitso (matso) 5-6 N. eye
dziwa (madziwa) 5-6 N. lake, milk (in singular only)
dzizi (madzizi) 5-6 N. group of animals
dzodzo (madzodzo) 5-6 N. hole in ground or wall
dzundzu (madzundzu) 5-6 N. egg
dzunguo (madzunguo) 5-6 N. charm for protection from spirits
E Interjection of a question. Like an oral question mark.
E dje? How is it going?
eka Conj. if, when
emɓe (-) 9-10 (urdu). N. mango
ewa Adv. yes
exama (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. exam
ezi (-) 9-10 N. power, ability
N. character trait (of a person, often passed down from
fa (mafa) 5-6 family) (most use plural)
N. memory; something to drink used to enhance memory
(i.e. cowmilk with honey, verse is said over milk and you
fahamwe (mafahamwe) 5-6 are to drink it multiple times in a day)
fahavalu (mafahavalu) 5-6 N. savage (person)
faiɗa (-) 9-10 N. profit, gain, interest (from investment)
falasika (falasika / mafalasika) /
mnafalasika (wanafalasika) 9-10 N. bottle, glass jar

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fami (-) 9-10 (fr. famille) N. family
faradji (-) 9-10 N. comfort, vagina
Farantsa 11 PN. France
farasi (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. horse
fardhwi Adj. necessary, required (by religion)
fardhwi (-) 9-10 N. period (woman), menstruation
faswaha N. eloquence
fatiha N. pilgrimage
faɗi (-) 9-10 N. forbidden food, haram food
fedha / pveva N. silver (metal)
(ma. feliky) N. edible leaf of tarro plant used for sauce
feleke (mafeleke) 5-6 (see omɓo and mboga)
feli N. character trait, characteristic
fenesi (mafenesi) 5-6 (ur. pahnas) N. jackfruit
(fr. fainéant) N. lazy person, one with poor marks at
fenya (mafenya) 5-6 school
feuille (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. piece of paper, form
feɗe (mafeɗe) 5-6 N. something wet, wimpy or soft
fidaya / fidiya / fiɗia N. sacrifice
fidji (mafidji) 5-6 N. attic, basement (of house)
fidjini N. closet, storage spot in house
fidjo (mafidjo) 5-6 N. crowd (of people), carnage, chaos, riot, loud noise
fikira (-) 9-10 N. idea, thought, argument (debate)
fikra (-) 9-10 N. theory, idea
fili (-) 9-10 (fr. fil) N. wire
firimbi (mafirimbi) 5-6 N. flute (instrument)
fitako (-) 9-10 N. stretcher (for body)
fitna N. gossip, news
foba (foba / mafoba) 9-10 N. sock
fongwa (na) Adj. next to, beside
foot (fr.) N. soccer
forchette (maforchette) 5-6 N. fork
frigo (fr.) N. refrigerator
fukara (mafukara) 5-6 N. very poor (cannot fead oneself) (see maskini siki)
fukatre (mafukatre) 5-6 N. honeymoon
fuko / fuho (mafuko) 5-6 N. room, bedroom, hole
fula mdji (mafula mdji) 5-6 N. village entrance
fulana (-) 9-10 N. shirt
fulani N. certain person, someone
fulweri (mafulweri) 5-6 N. flower
fumbadjudju (mafumbandudju) 5-6 N. dolphin (see ndjudju)
fumo / fumu (mafumo) 5-6 N. spear, arrow, dart
fumɓa / fumbu (mafumbu) 5-6 N. ocean water
fundo (mafundo) 5-6 N. argument

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fungo N. amulet for protection from spirits
fungwa Adj. beside, at the side of
funvu (mafunvu) 5-6 N. part, role to play, group of people
funɗi / fundi (mafunɗi) 5-6 N. teacher
funɗo / funɗu (mafunɗu) 5-6 N. knot
fupvi Adj. short
furaha N. happiness Adv. joyously, happily
furiapa (mafuriapa) 5-6 (fr. fruit à pain) N. breadfruit
furswa N. authority
furu (fr. four) N. oven
fuu (mafuu) 5-6 N. finger or toe nail
fuzi (mafuzi) 5-6 N. shoulder
N. cooking aparatus, stove (typically tripod stand to hold
fuɓa (mafuɓa) 5-6 pot in fire)
fuɓia N. navy blue Adj. navy blue colored
gali N. pit, hole
gamba (magamba) 5-6 N. scale (like fish), shell (like turtle)
gambe Adj. dishonest / thievish
gambe (magambe) 5-6 N. dishonest person, thief
gambusi / gambusa (magambusi) 5-6 N. lute (native banjo)
gan (-) 9-10 (fr. gant) N. glove
gana (magana) 5-6 N. duck
gandile (magandile) 5-6 N. lantern
ganga Adj. gigantic
ganwa (maganwa) 5-6 N. big mouth, person with a big mouth (insult)
gapva (magapva) 5-6 N. dust
garaji (-) 9-10 (fr. garage) N. car shop, mechanics station
garamu / giramu (-) 9-10 (fr. gramme) N. gram
gardien (magardien) 5-6 (fr.) N. watchman, guard
gari (magari) 5-6 N. car, vehicle
gashi N. kerosene
gato (magato) 5-6 (fr. gâteau) N. cake
gauni (magauni) 5-6 N. dress, gown
gava (magava) 5-6 N. a type of civet cat
gawa (magawa) 5-6 N. crow, raven
gaya (magaya) 5-6 N. big rock
gayo (magayo) 5-6 N. foundation
gazeti (magazeti) 5-6 N. newspaper, journal, magazine
gazi N. propane gas
gharama N. cost
giri (magiri) 5-6 N. obstinacy, persistence
gitswa (magitswa) 5-6 N. big head
gofia N. pulley (mechanical)
goma (magoma) 5-6 N. large drum
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gomɓesa / gombesa (magomɓesa) 5-6 N. coelacanthe
gona (magona) 5-6 N. dark gray or black makeup for around the eyes
gondzi (magondzi) 5-6 N. sheep
gondzi-ɗume (magondzi-ɗume) 5-6 N. ram (animal)
gongo / igongo (magongo) 5-6 N. chunk of wood, log of wood
gori (magori) 5-6 N. fog
gozi (-) 9-10 N. bark, skin (ngozi for people)
goɓa (magoɓa) 5-6 N. gate, door
goɓo (magoɓo) 5-6 N. box
goɗoro (magoɗoro) 5-6 N. mattress
gresi N. Greece
gundri (magundri) 5-6 N. glue, adhesive
gungunu / gunguno (magungunu /
maguguno) 5-6 N. knee
gurueti (magurueti) 5-6 (fr. brouette) N. wheelbarrow
guzi (maguzi) 5-6 N. adult (has not done grand marriage
ha Prep. with, in the middle of, by, in the manner of
ha dharɓa / ha zarɓa / ha dharuɓa /
ha zaruɓa Adv. suddenly, abruptly (see adj. dharuɓa)
ha djimla Adv. collectively, all-together, generally
ha ghafla Adv. suddenly, abruptly
ha haraka Adv. quickly, rapidly
ha mbapvi Adv. slowly, carefully, gently
ha mbwiri Adv. quickly, fast
ha mitshe Adv. myself
ha msinaɗi Adv. seriously
ha mwemweu Adv. progressively, step by step, slowly
ha nyitshe Adv. yourselves
ha saɓaɓu / ha siɓaɓu Adv. because, because of
ha sitshe Adv. ourselves
ha taratibu Adv. carefully
ha ukamilifu Adv. entirely, completely
ha ukusuɗi Adv. intentionally
ha umakini Adv. carefully
ha unanufu Adv. clearly
ha upesi Adv. rapidly, quickly
ha upolevu Adv. slowly, calmly
ha upvendza Adv. intentionally
ha urahisi Adv. cheaply
ha usalama Adv. tranquilly, peacefully, calmly
ha ushashi Adv. sometimes, occasionally
ha wetshe Adv. yourself
ha wotshe Adv. themselves
ha yetshe Adv. himself

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ha ɓahati mbi Adv. unfortunately
N. (singular) story, message; (in plural) chat, discussion,
hadisi / haɗisi (mahaɗisi) 5-6 debate, conference
hadja (-) 9-10 N. care, need
hadji (mahadji) 5-6 N. person who has completed the hadj (see mhadji)
N. money given to bereaved family, shroud (burial
hafani clothing)
hafula N. surprise
wow, oh (accent in front); alive (accent on the y sound in
hai front of the i)
haina Adj. each, every (variations hena, heni, ina)
hainithi Adj. feminine
hairi N. peace, good will
hakamu N. curse
haki (-) 9-10 N. right, truth, claim, justice
hakika (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. truth, certainty
hakimu (mahakimu) 5-6 N. judge
hakuu Adj. very, too much, truly
hakuu Adv. very much
halafu Adv. later, after, so, then
halala N. attention
halatu N. blame, accusation (syn. lawama)
halatwi (-) 9-10 N. mistake, error
hale Adj. old; Adv. before
hale (-) 9-10 N. story (from long ago), legend
hali (-) 9-10 N. quality, circumstance
halisi Adj. very, too much, truly
haluwa N. candy
hama Adv. like, as
hamaki (-) 9-10 N. anger
hamba (-) 9-10 N. vine, rope
(farsi-ham) N. soft cloth (used for curtain, clothes, slip
hami (-) 9-10 under woman's boubou)
hamili (-) 9-10 N. pregnancy
hamu (-) 9-10 N. saddness, pain
handzi N. forest
hanwa (-) 9-10 N. mouth
hanɗani Adj. firstly, in first place
hanɗani Adv. firstly
haraka Adv. fast, as soon as possible, hurriedly
haraka 9 N. speed
haramu (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. something forbidden by God
harara (-) 9-10 N. concern, worry
hari It seems that, I heard from someone that, they say

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hari 18 N. inside, center
hari N. sweat
hari N. weather
hari mwa Prep. in or on
hariri N. silk
harufu (-) 9-10 N. smell, arabic letter
harumwa / harimwa Prep. inside, on, during
harusi N. marraige, wedding
hasara N. loss, damage
hasihazini N. north
hasira N. anger
haswa Adv. especially
hata Adv. Prep. until, not at all, also, even
hata N. zero (number), nothing
hatibu N. speaker, preacher
hatwari / katwari / khatwari N. danger (Katwari-PN. Qatar) (listed seperately too)
hatwi N. certificate
hau / au Conj. or
hauka because
hauli N. commemoration cermony
haumakini Adv. calmly
hawa (-) 9-10 N. air, scenery, surrounding view, weather
hawara N. lover, mistress (male or female)
hawaswi (-) 9-10 N. luck, blessing
haya (-) 9-10 N. shame, disgrace, shameful action
hayati (-) 9-10 N. life (act of living)
N. work (emphasis at the beginning), a type of fish
hazi (-) (emphasis at the end)
hazina N. treasure
hazini N. workplace
haâli (-) 9-10 N. news, information
haï Adj. living
haɓa? why?
haɓari (-) 9-10 N. news, business, information
haɓisi / abisi N. dandruff
haɗi N. torture, condemnation
haɗile N. dew (condensation)
hele (-) 9-10 N. tide (ocean), competition
helio Adv. likewise, like this or that
hema N. tent
heri / kheri 9 N. peace
hiana N. deceit
hidza, gidza 7-8 N. obscurity, darkness

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higwe (zigwe) 7-8 N. rope (uncommon)
hijabu (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. veil for women
hiko (ziko) 7-8 N. fisherman's spot, fishermans' port (iko related)
hila (-) 9-10 N. deciet, trouble, orneriness, story
hindri? What? (interrogative)
hindru (zindru) 7-8 N. thing (concrete), dowry (in plural)
hino (zino) 7-8 N. wooden pounding instrument, pestel
hinya (zinya) 7-8 N. clan, tribe (maternal ancestry)
hinye (zinye) 7-8 N. flesh, pulp
hiri (ziri) 7-8 N. chair
hiri sha bwana harussi (ziri za
mabwana harussi) 7-8 N. couch, sofa (lit. grooms chair)
hirimu (-) 9-10 N. generation, age group (see ɓea) (sometimes irimu)
hirizi (-) 9-10 N. amulet of protection (worn on the body)
hisaɓu (zisaɓu) 7-8 N. account, total (math) (sometimes isaɓu)
hisi N. conscience
hisu (-) 9-10 N. clitoris
hitswa (zitswa) 7-8 N. head
hitswa sha hurwa (zitswa za
hurawa) 7-8 N. migraine, headache (lit. head that hurts)
hitswa shambwa N. edge of ocean (esp. fish sellers area)
hiɗaya (ziɗaya) 7-8 N. a gift, an offering
hiɗwa (ziɗwa) 7-8 N. insult
ho Prep. in, to, at, for
hoa N. an action done for free
hodi! Expression. Can I please enter?
hofu (-) 9-10 N. sock, (fig.) condom
holiho according to, it seems that
hondze (-) 9-10 N. field (general), countryside
huba N. desire, temptation
hufa N. cost, value, worth
hukma N. judgement
hula (pvala) 17 N. there
hule Adv. far away, distant, Adj. old
hule 17 N. past
huluka N. temperament (of person)
huma / -a huma Adj. dry (see ntsavu)
hundrwadji N. somewhere else
hunu (pvanu) N. Here
huri (mahuri) 5-6 N. palm leaves or branches
huru Adj. independant, free
huruma N. decency
hususwan Adv. especially, notably
hutuɓa (-) 9-10 N. speech

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huwu (mahuwu) 5-6 N. forest, countryside, forested field far away from home
huzimu N. depth
huzuni N. sadness
huêshi / huîshi 11 N. life
huɗu N. lack of food (meat)
hwandza 11 N. want, desire, love
iasi (ziasi) 7-8 N. lead shot from a gun
ibaya-mba (zibaya-mba) 7-8 N. swimming suit (one-piece)
ibidi it is necessary
Ibilisi PN. Satan (capitalized) (see Shetwani)
Ibiriti / iberiti (zibiriti) 7-8 N. match (for candle)
ibwata (zibwata) 7-8 N. story, problem
idadi N. number
idede / iɗeɗe (zidede) 7-8 N. toy, play thing
idhara (zidhara) 7-8 N. lie, fasehood, slander
idhihaka (zidhihaka) 7-8 N. riddle
idinɗe / isinɗe (zisinɗe) 7-8 N. farmable ground
idiwara N. circle
idia N. gift
idjabu (zidjabu) 7-8 N. meal at pregnancy time
idjao N. the following
idjavu (madjavu / zidjavu) 9-10 N. coconut (drinking)
idjaza (zidjaza) 7-8 N. certification, accredidation, diploma
idjongo (zidjongo) 7-8 N. lump, hump
idjundu / idjunɗu (zidjundu) 7-8 N. hurricane, cyclone, storm
idugushe (zidugushe) 7-8 N. dwarf
iduha N. hiccup
iduwara Adj. round
idzingizo (zidzingizo) 7-8 N. circle (shape), Adj. surrounded
idziwa (madziwa) 5-6 N. lake
idzodzoni N. hole
idzoɗa (zidzoɗa) 7-8 N. riddle
ifeli (zifeli) 7-8 N. description, obsession, physical handicap
ifiniho (mafiniho / zifiniho) 5-6 N. lid, cover (for a jar or pot)
ifumbu (zifumbu) 7-8 N. nickname
ifungaɓei N. deposit (to garantee agreed to price)
ifungo (zifungo) 7-8 N. button (on clothes), fastner
ifunɗa (zifunɗa) 7-8 N. heap, pile, stack
ifusi (zifusi) 7-8 N. packet
ifuɓa (zifuɓa) 7-8 N. chest (anatomy)
igele-gele (zigele-gele) 7-8 N. tickle
igombe (zigombe) 7-8 N. knuckle (of hand)
igongi (zigongi) 7-8 N. short club, cudgel
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igoɓo Adj. without sides, without extra items
ihali Adj. sharp
iho over there
ihorohoro N. circle, Adj. Round
ihramu N. clothes worn to go to Mecca
iilani N. declaration
ikabwabwa shieuhao (zikabwabwa
zieuhao) 7-8 N. insect
N. one of two sufi sects locally (see shadhuli), follows
ikadhuri abdoul kadhir
ikale (zikale) 7-8 N. crab
iko (ziko) 7-8 N. shore, coast (hiko related)
ikoa (zikoa) 7-8 N. bracelet
ikoi (zikoi) 7-8 N. grass skirt, loincloth (for men)
ikomɓe (zikomɓe) 7-8 N. cup, coffee cup, ceremony, party
ikomɓe la saya / komɓe la saa N. ceremony or dinner given at the time of a circoncision
ikope (zikope) 7-8 N. stye (in the eye)
ikoza N. pain of childbirth
ilani (zilani) 7-8 N. notice, poster, sign
ilapvo (zilapvo) 7-8 N. oath, pledge
ilathimu / ilazimu it is neccessary...
ilele (zilele) 7-8 N. pile, heap, stack
ilemɓwe (zilemɓwe / nyilmeɓwe) 11-10 N. great-grandchild
ilevu (zilevu) 7-8 N. chin
ili Conj. so that, in order to
iliki N. cardamom
ililo (zililo) 7-8 N. tear
ilimo (zilimo) 7-8 N. premise
ilimu (-) 9-10 N. education, charm, spell, invisible force (magic)
ilo Demonstrative. this, that
iloo (ziloo) 7-8 N. fishhook
imamu (maimamu / zimamu) 5-6, 7-8 N. imam (muslim religious teacher)
imani N. faith, religion
ina (-) 9-10 N. henna, fingernail polish
inana (zinana) 7-8 N. mint
indisa / mwandiso N. beginning
inenefu (zinenefu) 7-8 N. hiccup
inera (fr. une heure) one o'clock
inkuɗu (zinkuɗu) 7-8 N. yellow banana
inuɗia N. grudge, ill will
inyama (zinyama) 7-8 N. animal
inyambamba (zinyambamba) 7-8 N. parasite (worm)
ipanɗe (zipanɗe) 7-8 N. piece

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ipepeo (zipepeo) 7-8 N. electric fan
ipinɗi (zipinɗi) 7-8 N. program (radio, tv, etc.)
ipuli (zipuli) 7-8 N. earring
ipvahu (zipvahu) 7-8 N. spot, speckle, dot
ipvanga (zipvanga) 7-8 N. hawk, falcon
ipvango (ziplvango) 7-8 N. poem
ipvero (zipvero) 7-8 N. turn, bend
ipvesi (zipvesi) 7-8 N. move (place of residence)
ipvia (zipvia) 7-8 N. ladle
ipvilili (zipvilili) 7-8 N. ravine, chasm, gully (in ground)
ipvimo (zipvimo) 7-8 N. measure, weight, height; pounds (in plural)
ipviya (zipviya) 7-8 N. serving spoon
ipvuhu / ivuhu (zipvuhu / zivuhu) 7-8 N. elbow
ira-ɓwe (zira-ɓwe) 7-8 N. catapult
N. sides (for a plate of food, e.g. vegetables, sauce,
ireo (zireo) 7-8 garnish), meat
irewe Adj. handicapped, hurt
irewe (zirewe) 7-8 N. invalid, handicapped
irewo (zirewo) 7-8 N. meat (including fish)
irongo (zirongo) 7-8 N. pliers, tongs
irumba (zirumba) 7-8 N. basket
irumɓi N. pity, mercy
iruɗi Adv. then, next, and also
isabu (zisabu) 7-8 N. count, account
isahani (zisahani) 7-8 N. dish, plate (see sahani)
ishio Demonstrative. this, that
ishirini twenty
isima (zisima) 7-8 N. cistern, pit
isiwa (zisiwa) 7-8 N. island (zisiwa-small islands) (masiwa-plural) (see siwa)
ismu (zisimu / ismu) 9-10 (ar.) N. name
isonko (zisonko) 7-8 N. post, stake, group of people
israfi N. something wasted (money, resource, etc.)
istiklale (-) 9-10 N. independence
isumpizo (zisumpizo) 7-8 N. infection, contageous sickness
itamɓaya (zitamɓaya) 7-8 N. fabric, piece of cloth, rag, kleenex
itasa (zitasa) 7-8 N. lock
itaswani (zitaswani) 7-8 N. wooden plate
itimbi (zitimbi) 7-8 N. piece, slice
itoka (zitoka) 7-8 N. clitoris
itranɗa (zitranɗa) 7-8 N. bed
itrenɗwa (zitrenɗwa) 7-8 N. action
itrenɗwa shii (zitrenɗwa zii) 7-8 N. offense, wrongdoing
itrili (zitrili) 7-8 N. type of mullet fish

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itriso (zitriso) 7-8 N. discouragement, disuasion
itrunguu (zitrunguu) 7-8 N. onion
itrunguu baswara (zitrunguu
baswara) 7-8 N. onion
itrunguu thaumu (zintrunguwu
thaumu) 7-8 N. garlic
itsana N. great-grandchild
itsawazi (zitsawazi) 7-8 N. plate, grinding stone (for herbs)
itsendzo (zitsendzo) 7-8 N. clearing, glade (in forest)
itsiklale / istikale 11 (ar.) N. independence
itsinde N. fertilizer
itsudjio (zitsudjio) 7-8 N. filter
itupa (zitupa) 7-8 N. bottle
ivao (zivao) 7-8 N. cover
iviringo (ziviringo) 7-8 N. circle
ivuli-mdruni 7 N. noon, 12 pm
iwadjisiwao / iwadjirisiwao Adj. available to rent but not yet rented
N. anything you can plant in the ground (esp. seeds and
iwalo (ziwalo) 7-8 seedlings)
iwawao Adj. spicy
iyo Demonstrative these, those
izara (zizara) 7-8 N. social ostracism
izimbo N. swelling
izinga (zizinga) 7-8 N. a lit wood fire
izingiri (zizingiri) 7-8 N. obstacle, problem
izo Demonstrative these, those
N. religious service (typically used for muslim service with
iɓaɗa 9 teaching time)
iɓiriti (ziɓiriti) 7-8 N. match (for fire)
iɓuni N. sardine fish
iɓwatra (ziɓwatra) 7-8 N. intrigue, plot, scheme
iɗaka (ziɗaka) 7-8 N. niche, small place
iɗara (ziɗara) 7-8 N. agency, business branch
iɗuha (ziɗuha) 7-8 N. hiccup
iɗuku (ziɗuku) 7-8 N. silence, silent person
iɗuwara (ziɗuwara) 7-8 N. circle
iɗwati (ziɗwati) 7-8 N. box for Koran
jandarmu (fr. gendarme) N. a type of military force
jaride N. garden, yard
jipo (majipo) 5-6 (fr. jupe) N. skirt
Juen (fr. Juin) N. June
Julye (fr. Juillet) N. July
jwi (-) 9-10 (fr. juis) N. juice
Jâvye (fr. Janvier) N. January
ka na aɗaɓu Adj. not polite (rude) (see ka na mastehi)
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ka na courage Adj. unambitious
ka na djitihaɗi Adj. unambitious
ka na fahamwe Adj. forgetful (lit. not mindful)
ka na mastehi Adj. not polite (rude) (see ka na aɗaɓu)
ka na âkili Adj. stupid
kabaila N. capitalist
kabisa Adj. very, too much, truly
Adj. nondescript and imprecise (i.e. the some in
something; mndru kadha-someone, anyone, someone
kadha else
kadhwi (makadhwi) 5-6 (fr. cadi) N. judge (over religious matters)
kado (fr. cadeau) N. present, gift
kaeshelea Adj. forgetful
kafa (makafa) 5-6 N. destruction, problem, evil, misfortune
kafara N. charm, amulet (for protection from spirits)
kafe (-) 9-10 (fr. café) N. coffee (sometimes kahwa)
kafiri (makafiri) 5-6 N. infidel, apostate, atheist
kafu (makafu) / nkafu 5-6 N. dirt
kafuri N. camphor (ingredient in esential oils)
kahafiliha na wandru Adj. insensitive
kahwa (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. coffee
kaidhuru / kaithuru / kaidzuru it does nothing, it won't matter
kaimati N. fried bread (beignet)
kairi Adj. better
kakau (fr.) N. cocoa
kalahiki Adj. inhospitable
kalalao / halalao (makalalao /
mahalalao) 5-6 N. cockroach
kalamu 9-10 (ar.) N. inkpen
Adj. intense, hot temperature, spicy (used for sun and
kali putu-hot pepper)
kali (mahali) 5-6 N. something strong or concentrated
kalima (makalima) 5-6 N. word
kalite N. quality, kinds, types
kamanfi N. cold, sickness
kame (-) 9-10 N. necklace (gold)
kamera (fr.) N. camera
kamili Adj. complete
kamio (makamio) 5-6 (fr. camion) N. van, delivery truck
kamusi N. dictionary
kanape (fr. canapé) N. couch, sofa
N. type of comorian basket made of coconut leaves,
kanga (mahanga) 5-6 trash
kango N. charm for protection from spirits
kanisa (-) 9-10 (sw.) N. church
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kantini (fr.) N. canteen
kantshiri (makantshiri) / katshiri (-) 9-10 N. bra
kanuni N. code of conduct, article of law
kapisho (makapisho) 5-6 (fr.) N. rain jacket
kapoti (-) 9-10 (fr. capote) N. condom
kapvatsi Adj. none (see nkavu)
kapwa (mahapwa) 5-6 N. armpit
kara (makara / mahara) 5-6 N. paralizing fear (stronger than mhara)
karamu (-) 9-10 N. banquet (also shortened to moo), celebration
karanfu N. clove
karani (makarani) 5-6 N. clerk, translator
karare N. decision, edict (from government)
karata (-) 9-10 (portugese. carte) N. playing cards
karavashi N. whip
karavati (-) 9-10 (fr. cravate) N. necktie
kare (-) 9-10 (fr. carré) N. square, tile
kare (mahare) 5-6 N. tapeworm
karenge wandru ndro Adj. inhospitable
kari wandru Adj. bold
karigo N. fishing line
kariɓu (ar.) Prep. almost
kariɓu na (ar.) Adj. close, near
kariɓu! Welcome!
karne / karni (-) 9-10 N. century (100 years)
karo (maharo) 5-6 N. sole of human feet
karoti (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. carrot
kasha (fr. cache-hiding place) N. case, chest
kashi koli (-) 9-10 (fr. cashé col-lit. hidden neck) N. neck scarf
kasi N. oar for rowing
kasiroli (-) 9-10 (fr. casserole) N. cooking pot
kaskazi / asihazi / kashkazi (-) 9-10 N. rainy season, northern wind
kasketi (fr. casquette) N. ball cap
katiba (makatiba) 5-6 N. document, declaration
katili (makatili) 5-6 N. murdurer
katirera (fr. quatre heures) 4 o'clock
katsa N. coconut palm branch used for braiding
katsaha mabaya Adj. peacemaker (lit. doesn't make trouble)
Katwari PN. Qatar (see hatwari)
kaulu (makaulu) 5-6 N. word, sound (makaulu-can be proverb)
kawaiɗa Adv. usually
kawaïnda Adj. ordinary, mediocre, plain
kaya (mahaya) 5-6 N. embers, coals in a fire
kaye (-) 9-10 (fr. cahier) N. notebook
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kaɓa N. shirt collar
kaɓaila (makaɓaila) 5-6 N. aristocrat
kaɓila N. race (genetics), ethnic group, category
kaɓisa Adv. truly, really
kaɓla Conj. before, early, soon
kaɓula Adv. early
kaɓulia Adv. before, previously
kaɓuri / kahuri (makaɓuri /
mahaburi) 5-6 N. tomb, grave, burial place, (Pl.) cemetary
kaɗimu already
kekeo N. handcuffs
kengele N. bell
(sw.) N. evening, evening gathering, vigil, celebration
keso meal
khalifa N. caliph
khasara (-) 9-10 N. something inconvenient
khatua N. decision, resolution
khatwi N. title of ownership, writing
ki-haki Adj. correct
ki-rasmi Adj. official
kiama (ar.) PN. day of resurrection and judgment (after death)
kiasi / kiyasi Adv. enough, like, as
kiasi / kiyasi (-) 9-10 N. quantity
kibla (-) 9-10 N. North, direction of Mecca
kibwa Adj. dull (knife)
kiemba N. turban
kiesi (makiesi) 5-6 (fr. caisse) N. box, cash register, checkout line
kifafa (-) 9-10 N. epilepsy
N. point (in writen arabic to signify pause in reading),
kifu (mahifu / makifu) 5-6 spot, place
kikawaiɗa Adj. as usual
kilia / biria N. client
kimakuaa Adv. the emakhua way (an insult)
kina / hina / yina N. group (of people)
kinyume Adj. different, opposite
kio (mahio) 5-6 N. loud sound, noise, scream
kipu (fr. équipe) N. team
kiraiaa Adj. civil
kirtasi / karatasi (makirtasi /
makaratasi) 5-6 N. paper
kisirani N. tendency to cause damage, disaster prone?
kiswa N. anecdote
kitani N. sisal (like hemp) (used to make rope)
kiɓuri N. egotism, selfishness

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klasi (-) 9-10 (fr. classe) N. class (year in school)
kliniki (fr.) N. clinic
ko Adj. none, no
ko mndru Pronoun. no one, nobody
koa / hoa (nkoa / nhoa) / nkohoa (-) 9-10 N. cough, thunder
kodjo (mahodjo) 5-6 N. urine
kodohondo N. coconut cream
N. handmade hat for religious and cultural purposes
kofia (-) 9-10 (swahili-hat)
koko (makoko) 5-6 N. grandmother
kole (mahole) 5-6 N. coconut for cooking (ripe-between idjavu and nazi)
koleji (-) 9-10 (fr. college) N. like middle school
kolera (fr.) N. cholera
koli (fr. colis) N. package, luggage
kome (mahome) N. conch shell
komio (mahomio) 5-6 N. throat
Komori PN. Comoros
kompa 15 (fr. compas) N. compass (for drawing)
komwa mndu (komo zamindu) N. ankle
komɓo (mahomɓo) 5-6 N. left overs (food)
kongoni (fr. agonie) N. agony, severe pain
kongwa N. loose stones
konkombre (-) 9-10 (fr. concombre) N. cucumber
kononɗe (makononɗe) 5-6 N. machete, big knife
konpve (-) 9-10 N. eye lash (see nkopve)
kontineri (-) 9-10 (fr. container, conteneur) N. cargo container
N. base, bottom (tree-trunk, plant-stem, food-crust, sea-
koo / ko / kohoa (maho / mahohoa) 5-6 depths)
kopa 5 N. heart (symbol on playing cards)
kopwa (makopwa) 5-6 N. pot, gutter, carafe
kosa (makosa) 5-6 N. fault, sin, mistake, error
koshi (makoshi / mahoshi) 5-6 N. shoe (lace-up)
kotri (makotri) 5-6 (en.) N. coat, suit coat, chicken pox
kotsi (makotsi) 5-6 N. clap, applause
N. courtyard, garden, yard (at house), field (close to
kourani / kouruni home)
kovu (mahovu) 5-6 N. belly button
krayon (-) 9-10 (fr. crayon) N. pencil
kude (-) 9-10 N. red beans
kudju (mahudju) 5-6 N. fern
kudue / gudue Adj. dull
kufuli N. lock
kulimba N. coconut spongy shell
kuloti (-) 9-10 (fr. culotte) N. underwear

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kulukulu Adj. or N.? crazy or slow person (mentally)
kulwari (-) 9-10 (fr. couloir) N. hallway
kulwaɓu N. pushpin, clamp
kulweri (-) 9-10 (fr. colour) N. color
kumba (makumba) 5-6 N. armpit smell
kume Adj. ten (quantity) (regionally it can be kumi)
kume / kumi N. ten (counting)
kume na mbili twelve
kume na mwidja eleven
kundzo (mahundzo) 5-6 N. forehead crease
kungu Adj. big, long, hard, etc.
kungu (makungu) 5-6 N. haze, mist, fog
kungumanyo (makungumanyo) 5-6 N. organization, conference
kuno (mahuno) N. slander
kuntru (makuntru) 5-6 N. colander, sieve
kura (makura) 5-6 N. courtyard (in a house)
kurabwe N. solid house
kuri (mahuri) 5-6 N. coconut palm leaf or branch (see mbepve)
N. radom selection (process), something won from a
kuria raffle
kurshazi (-) 9-10 N. bra
N. book for learning arabic (first part is for letter sounds,
second part is a list of koranic verses for practice and
kurwasa (-) 9-10 memorization)
Kurän (i) 9 PN. the Koran / Coran
kush (fr. couche) N. diaper
kusi N. ocean swell
kusi / husi N. southern wind, rainy season (Dec, Jan, Feb)
kusini N. south (direction)
kusuɗio (makusuɗio) 5-6 N. vocation, job, goal, purpose
kuti N. food ration
kuveti (makuveti) 5-6 (fr. covette) N. serving bowl
kuɗume (mahuɗume) 5-6 N. rooster
kweli N. truth Adj. truthful, trustworthy, truly
kwendzu (mahwendzu) 5-6 N. parrot
kwezi N. word of respect given to others
la Connector of, from, or to for class 5
labda Adv. maybe, probably
labidi / bidi Adj. half full
ladha (-) 9-10 N. taste, flavor
ladhimu / ladzima Adj. necessary, obligitory, must, Adv?
ladjaya / djaya Adj. to be full
ladwani (-) 9-10 (fr. douane) N. border control, customs
lagilizi / laglizi (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. church (usually catholic)

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laglasi (-) 9-10 (fr. glace) N. ice, icecream
lahe Poss adj. his, hers, its
laho Poss. adj. your (sing)
laini Adj. soft, smooth
laka (-) 9-10 N. dugout canoe
laki N. one-hundred thousand
lakile (-) 9-10 (fr. clé) N. key
lakini Conj. however
lakinini (-) 9-10 PN. Quinine
lakire (-) 9-10 (fr. craie) N. chalk
lakofu (-) 9-10 (fr. coffre) N. box, chest
lakuruni N. yard
Lala unono! / Lala ununu! Sleep well!
lamba N. loincloth, grass skirt (for woman)
lami N. pavement, sidewalk, bitumen
langi-langi N. ylang-ylang
N. spineless porcuipine specific to comoros and
lanɗa (-) 9-10 madagascar
lapel (-) 9-10 (fr. pelle) N. shovel
Larinyo 9-10 PN. Reunion (se Burubwa)
lasansi (-) 9-10 (fr. essence) N. gas
lasupu (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. soup
lataɓu (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. table
lathima / lazima N. obligation
lauka Conj. although, though
lauliano (malauliano) 5-6 N. greeting
lavani (-) 9-10 (fr. vanille) N. vanilla
lawa harara don't worry (hakuna matata)
lawama N. blame, accusation (syn. halatu)
laɓe! Interjection. yes sir, yes maam
laɓeka! Interjection. yes sir, yes maam
laɗu N. comorian rice and honey cake, bomb
legeni (malegeni) N. tray, platter
leo / lelo / lewo N. today
lera (fr. heure) N. hour
leso (maleso) 5-6 (fr. châle) N. scarf, headcovering
libre (fr.) Adj. free, available
ligimu / legimu (-) 9-10 (fr. legume) N. vegetable
likoli (-) 9-10 N. school
lise (-) 9-10 (fr. lycée) equivalent of highschool
lishu (-) 9-10 (fr. chou) N. cabbage, cauliflower
litchi (-) 9-10 N. litchi
liwati (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. homosexuel (only for men)
loho N. piece of paper (old word)
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lopitali (-) / lapitali (malapitali) 5-6 (fr. hôpital) N. hospital
loteli (-) 9-10 (fr. hôtel) N. hotel, restaurant
lulu N. pearl
lumati (malumati) 5-6 N. piece of information
luzi (fr. uzine) N. factory
luâ / luha / lugha (-) 9-10 N. language, dialect
maala 6 N. stain, dirty spot
maalum Adv. certainly
maalumu N. characteristic
maana 5-6 N. reason, explaination
maandini 6 N. ore, mineral
maandzishi 6 N. texts, writings
mabra Adj. muscular, N. muscles
machiba Adj. muscular, N. muscles
machini yahufuliya (-) 9-10 N. washing machine (laundry)
madaba 6 N. casava leaves
madai N. claim
madama Adv. since, given the fact that
madanganyo N. deceit, cheating, deception
madarasa (-) 9-10 N. classroom, koranic school
madhwara N. damage
madjakaya N. scaffolding
madjali Conj. in case that
madjana maili two-hundred
madjaɗiliano 6 N. debate
madji 6 N. water
madji ya hurohora N. boiling water
madji ya mdrowo N. hot or heated water
madji ya tsona ndrowo haku N. lukewarm water
madjilisi 6 N. religious ceremony
maduhuli N. memory
madzi 6 N. excrement, feces
maele 6 N. cooked rice
maenɗeleo N. progress, development
mafelewaka N. stupidity, futility
mafiriɗa 6 N. snot, nasal mucus
mafitsi N. something not valuable, worthlessness
mafura 6 N. fat, grease, oil, hair cream
mafura ya zeti 6 N. cooking oil
mafuu ya mihono N. fingernails
magamɓeni 6 N. rocky area, rough land, hideouts
magendro 6 N. black market, contraband, corruption
maghrib N. west (direction)
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maghribi / maghariɓi 9-10 N. West, sunset (lit. western place)
magodra N. dirt clod,
mahaba 6 N. feeling, love, affection
mahabani Adj. in love (used like place) "to be in love"
mahakama N. justice
mahari (-) 9-10 N. dowry
mahaɓa N. love
mahutadjio 6 N. need, want
maida (-) 9-10 N. stomach
maiti N. dead body, cadaver (person), type of burial cloth
makali N. daring
makamu-raïsi N. vice president
makazi 6 N. residence
makhususu Adj. special, scientific
makini Adj. wise, calm
makini Adv. carefully
makiri Adj. clever
makoshi mabwabwa 5-6 N. boots (lit. mud shoes)
makri N. astuteness, shrewdness, cunning, craftiness
makswaɗa N. goal, purpose
malalo (mimalalo) 3-4 N. interest
malani N. pasture, grazing land
male 6 N. distance, height
malevu N. beard
malezi 6 N. upbringing, education
mali (-) 9-10 N. posessions, rights, length, wealth, blessing
malio 6 N. sperm, semen
malipvo 6 N. rent money, wages paid to worker
maliso N. pasture
maluûni (ar.) Adj. evil, sadistic
mama (wamama) 1-2 N. mother
mambwe N. black shark
mana N. cause, interest, reason
mandamano N. strike, demonstration, rally
mandari N. picnic
mandule N. echo
maneno N. debate
manga 9 N. outside, elsewhere (usually France)
manii 6 N. sperm (see umalio)
mantswandzi N. difficulty, embarrassment
manufaâ N. benefits of an activity
manyahuli N. matrimony
maoni 6 N. argument, thought

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Shingazidja Class English
Maore PN. Mayotte
mapatro N. clumsiness, awkwardness, insensitivity
mapinduzi 6 N. radical change, coup d'état, revolution
mapvotro N. clumsiness
mara N. faith
mara N. time, period of time, moment
maradhwi 6 N. sickness, illness
marahaɓa! 6 thank you!
marasi 6 N. sprinkle (light rain), loud cry
mare 6 N. saliva
Marekani PN. United States of America
marfaâ N. stand for Koran
marithi / maratha N. inheritance, heritage, legacy
markaɓu (-) 9-10 N. boat
martaba N. mood, temper
maruvu N. nothing
masahiri N. amulet of protection (put around the house)
masala 6 N. spices
mashariki (-) 9-10 N. East PN. Orient, Far East
masharikiano N. bet, wager
mashinɗano 6 N. competition, fight, debate
mashinɗano ya siasa 6 N. campaign
mashitaka N. charge (legal)
mashtaka N. moan, groan, complaint
mashuhuli / mashahuli N. festivities, party (usually with food)
masihu 6 N. night (after sunset), sunset prayer time
masikitif N. deep sadness
maskini / masikini (mamasikini) 5-6 N. poor one, pitiable one
maskini siki Adj. extremely poor
mastehi N. manners, politeness
masterehi N. condition of calm, ease
maswa N. boldness, daringness, audacity
match (-) 9-10 (fr. match) N. game (sports)
matembezi 6 N. tourism, stroll (around an area)
matereo N. challenge
mathalani N. example
matreka N. captive
matsatsaliano N. childhood game like hide-and-seek
matshokozo N. provocation
matswandzi 6 N. fear
matulai N. dry season
mau N. proof of payment, fine
Maulidi / Maulida 9 PN. Birthday of Mohamed

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Shingazidja Class English
maunɗe N. concrete construction, bunch
mauti (-) 9-10 N. death
mauɗu N. tomorrow
mavumizo N. eulogy, reputation
mavuna 6 N. harvest, produce, result, consequence
mavwara 6 N. illusion
mavwara Pronoun. anyone, everyone
mawadjara Adj. rented by someone
mawadjara 6 N. rent, rental item, rent payment
mawaidha 6 N. counsel, advice
mayelezo N. clarification
mayesha / maesha N. life (material world)
mazamoni / mazamo 6 N. cemetery (usually in plural)
maze Adj. wide-open (ocean)
mazingabwe N. cheating
mazoea N. familiarity, habit
maârifa N. knowledge
maɓwaho 6 N. fight
mba (mbaiza) Adj. some
mba hindru N. something
mba huma hwenda (-) 9-10 N. diarrhea
mba yitere Adj. some, a little (uncountable items)
mbabandrano N. clash
mbabuhadji N. chatterbox
mbadilisho N. change
mbafu (-) 9-10 N. rib, side, incense
mbahazazi (wabahazazi) 1-2 N. seller, merchant
mbahindru-hangu 1-2 N. scrooge, stingy person, (lit. my property)
mbali na mbali adj. different
mbandzi (mabandzi) 5-6 N. flying fish
mbapvi Determiner. a little, few, some (countable items)
mbapvi mbapvi little by little, step by step
mbatra (-) 9-10 N. dried coconut meat
mbawa N. section
mbaya (mipvaya) 3-4 N. short stick used for planting
mbeha mbi N. clumsiness
mbeni / magomɓeni N. dry season
mbepve (mbebe) 9-10 N. coconut leaf (see kuri)
mbepvoni / bepvo / mpvepvo 9 N. heaven, paradise
mbera-suli N. irritated throat
mbere / mɓere (-) 9-10 N. ring (for hand)
mbeu N. plant, seed
mbeɓe (-) 9-10 N. courner of a room, ledge

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Shingazidja Class English
mbi Adj. bad
mbibo N. cashew nut tree
mbidambe N. plants (many)
mbihanyiho (mibihanyiho) 3-4 N. disorder, mess
mbihiro ya sumu 5-6 N. little yellow snail (lit. poison snail)
mbiho (mapviho) 5-6 N. wing
mbikra (wabikra) 1-2 N. present, gift
mbila (mibila) 3-4 N. pitcher for liquid
mbili N. two (counting)
mbima N. bunch of bananas
mbinga N. shield
mbiya N. pill
mbiɗi N. piece, part, half
N. vegitable, edible leaf of tarro plant used for sauce (see
mboga (-) 9-10 feleke, omɓo)
mbona (wabona) 1-2 N. blessed one (word grants the blessing)
mbondzi (mabondzi) 5-6 N. string, thread, wire, thin rope, leash
mbonobo (mibonobo) 3-4 N. avocado tree
mboo (-) 9-10 N. penis
mbuha mabaya Adj. troublemaker
mbumbu (marumbu) 5-6 N. lung (organ)
mbuɗa (-) 9-10 N. stick (usually wooden), crutch
mbuɗa ya zalumeti (-) 9-10 (fr. allumette) N. match stick
mbwa (-) 9-10 N. ocean front, coastline
mbwana (-) 9-10 N. casualty, war, battle
mbwani N. beach, low, lower, coastline
mbweza (-) 9-10 N. octopus
mbwiri N. hurry, busyness
mcambara N. coarse person
mcanco (macanco / micanco) /
mcandjo (micandjo) 3-4 N. vaccination (see mcanco)
mcele / msele? N. coconut shell
mcemba N. hunger
mcinwa N. chinese person, Adj. chinese
N. salesman, middle man (buys from wholesale and sells
mcuzi (wacuzi) 1-2 to public)
mcwai (wacwai) 1-2 N. sorcier
mdabwanyo (midabwanyo) 3-4 N. mess, disorder
mdaci (wadaci) 1-2 PN. german person
mdadiliho (madadiliho) 5-6 N. change
mdai (midai) 3-4 N. claimant, prosecution, medal (for victory)
mdairasmi (wadairasmi) 1-2 N. prosecutor (law)
mdanganyifu (wadanganyifu) 1-2 N. deciever
mdarasini (midarasini) 3-4 N. cinnammon spice, cinnammon tree

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Shingazidja Class English
mdawa N. prosecution, claimant
mdeni (wadeni) 1-2 N. debtor
mdhabidhabina (wadhabidhabina) 1-2 N. deciever
mdhulumifu (wadhulumifu) 1-2 N. unjust person, corrupt person
mdifu (wadifu) 1-2 N. gluttonous person
mdishe (wadishe) 1-2 N. gluttonous person
mdiwaza (wadiwaza) 1-2 N. forgetful person
mdjahazi (wadjahazi) 1-2 N. slave (old word)
mdjamalifu (wadjamalifu) 1-2 N. beautiful one, blessed one, a celebrity
mdjandja Adj. clever
mdjandji (wadjandji) 1-2 N. deciever
mdjani pudju (madjani pudju) 5-6 N. seaweed, (fig.) something useless
mdjariɓu (midjariɓu) 3-4 N. experience
mdjasiri (wadjasiri) 1-2 N. courageous person (see mdjaswiri)
mdjaswiri (madjaswiri) 5-6 N. daring person (see mdjasiri)
mdjaɓari (wadjaɓari) 1-2 N. insolent person, arrogant person
mdjaɗiɗisho (midjaɗiɗisho) 3-4 N. reinforcement
mdjeni (wadjeni) 1-2 N. guest, foreigner
mdjewiri (wadjewiri) 1-2 N. disrespectful person, rude person
mdji (midji) 3-4 N. village, town, city
mdji wayezi N. capital (head town)
mdjihupvia (wadjihupvia) 1-2 N. selfish person, self-absorbed person
mdjikayo N. isolation
mdjimliso hisaɓu (midjimliso
hisaɓu) 3-4 N. addition (arithmetic)
mdjinga (wadjinga) 1-2 N. ignorant person, delinquent person
mdjipvo (midjipvo) 3-4 N. daintiness (with respect to food), taste
mdjitoleo (midjitoleo) 3-4 N. charity
mdjitosho (wadjitosho) 1-2 N. independant person
mdjizi (wadjizi) 1-2 N. someone who is knowledgable or wise
mdjomba (wadjomba) 1-2 N. uncle, leader (of village)
mdjomoho (midjomoho) 3-4 N. falling down, colapse
mdjufu-muyo (wadjufu-muyo) 1-2 N. crazy person
mdjuhu / mdjuhuu (wadjuhu) 1-2 N. grandchild
mdjulehanifu (wadjulehanifu) 1-2 N. celebrity, important person
mdjulihani (wadjulihani) 1-2 N. elders (of village)
mdjulizo (midjulizo) 3-4 N. notice, announcement, advertisement
mdjumɓe (wadjumɓe) 1-2 N. delegate
mdjusuri (wadjusuri) 1-2 N. bandit
mdjuzi (wadjuzi) 1-2 N. scholar, scientist
mdraha (miraha) 3-4 N. a local game of pits and marbles
mdraya / mraya (midraya / miraya) 3-4 N. neighborhood
mdrema N. field (esp. of vanilla)
mdri / mri (miri) 3-4 N. tree, wood

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Shingazidja Class English
mdro Adj. hot
mdro (miro) 3-4 N. river, fire, flow, heat, energy (electricity)
mdro wa madji (miro ya madji) 3-4 N. river
mdrondo (midrondo) 3-4 N. rows
mdrongoo (midrongoo) ndrongoo / 3-4, N. news, thing (abstract), word, business affair,
ndrongowo (ndrongoo) 9-10 something
mdrosiwa (wadrosiwa) 1-2 N. a hurt person
mdroso / ndroso (-) 9-10 N. suffering, pain
mdru wagiri (wandru wagiri) 1-2 N. stubborn person
mdzadze (wadzadze) 1-2 N. mother
mdzigo (midzigo) 3-4 N. luggage, baggage (see mdzo)
mdzo (midzo) 3-4 N. burden, load, baggage, package, box (see mdzigo)
meck (-) 9-10 N. place for local banking system
meli (-) 9-10 N. cargo ship
mengo 3-4 N. group of ten
mengo mfukare N. seventy
mengo minane N. eighty
mengo minne N. fourty
mengo mirandaru N. sixty
mengo miraru N. thirty
mengo mitsanu N. fifty
mengo shenɗa N. ninety
mengoni (mwa) Prep. between, amongst
mentera N. meter
meza (-) 9-10 N. table
mfaniso (mifaniso) 3-4 N. comparison
mfano (mifano) 3-4 N. example
mfanya-hazi (mafanya-hazi) 1-6 N. worker, laborer
mfanya-nai (wafanya-nai) 1-2 N. troublemaker
mFarantsa (waFarantsa) 1-2 N. French person
mfaume, mfaumi (wafaume) 1-2 N. king, chief, leader
mfautsi (wafautsi) 1-2 N. beggar (see mezi)
mfenesi (mafenesi) 5-6 N. jackfruit
mferedji (maferedji) 5-6 N. canal, spigot
N. place to find something, channel where something
mferedji (miferedji) 3-4 passes (usually liquid), something uncontrolable
mfomontsi N. Saturday
mfu (wafu) 1-2 N. type of barial clothes, dead person
mfu mashishio (wafu washishio) 1-2 N. deaf person (lit. dead ears)
mfua-dhahaɓu (wafua-dhahaɓu) 1-2 N. jeweler
mfuadji (wafaudji) 1-2 N. cleaner
mfuazuma (wafuazuma) 1-2 N. blacksmith, metal worker
mfubo (misfubo) 3-4 N. defeat, loss
mfudhuli (wafudhuli) 1-2 N. pretentious person

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Shingazidja Class English
mfukare N. seven (counting)
mfumatso (wafu matso) 1-2 N. blind person
mfumbili N. Sunday
mfumne N. Tuesday
mfumo (mifumo) 3-4 N. week
mfumtsanu N. Wednesday
mfundraru N. Monday
mfunga-trumbo N. first-born child (lit. key, opener of womb)
mfunguo (mifunguo) 3-4 N. key
mfuo N. cleaning
mfupviso (mifupviso) 3-4 N. shortening, reducing
mfuriyapa (mifuryiyapa) 3-4 N. breadfruit tree
mfuso N. act of making a hole, to pierce
mfutro (mifutro) 3-4 N. rejection
mfuɗo (mifuɗo) 3-4 N. defeat, loss
mgala (migala) 3-4 N. ambush, trap
mgangi (wagangi) 1-2 N. healer, sorcerer
mgodjadji N. caretaker
mgodjeoni (migodjeoni) 3-4 N. guard house, guard post
mgodjezi (wagodjezi) 1-2 N. guard, watchman
mgongeano (migongeano) 3-4 N. contradiction
mguguma (miguguma) 3-4 N. thunder
mguguru (waguguru) / guguru
(maguguru) 1-2, 5-6 N. stubborn person, violent person
mhadazi N. deciever
mhadhwara (mihadhwara) 3-4 N. reception, ceremony
mhadji (mihadji) 3-4 N. person who has completed the hadj (see hadji)
mhadju (mihadju) 3-4 N. tamarin tree
mhafilifu (wahafilifu) 1-2 N. upset person
mhakikisho (mihakikisho) 3-4 N. verification, check
mhala (mahala) 5-6 N. place
mhala yontsi 6 N. everywhere
mhali (mihali) 3-4 N. intense fire
mhali (wahali) 1-2 N. nervous person, rapid person
mhandaya (mihandaya) 3-4 N.
mhanɗilizi (wahanɗilizi) N. masseuse
mhara (wahara) 1-2 N. scared person, timid person
mharazizo (miharazizo) 3-4 N. prohibition
mharumwa (miharumwa) 3-4 N. scarf, sash, sling
mhazie (wahazie) 1-2 N. wife
mhaɗazi (wahaɗazi) 1-2 N. deciever
mheshimiwa / mhishimiwa N. excellence (an honored person)
mhezadji (wahezadji) 1-2 N. composer, poet, singer
mhimu Adj. very important
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mhodari (wahodari) 1-2 N. intelligent, capable, clever person
mhogo (mihogo) 3-4 N. cassava root
mhoma (wahomi) 1-2 N. wish, hope, blessing to have a long life
mhonga N. deciever
mhono (mihono) 3-4 N. hand, arm
mhono msheni N. left (direction), left hand
mhono muumeni N. right (direction), right hand
mhori (mihori) 3-4 N. stamp, seal
mhoso N. cleaning
mhozo (mihozo) 3-4 N. pain
mhudhurisho (mihudhurisho) 3-4 N. invitation
mhuifu N. rescuer
mhuisho (mihuisho) 3-4 N. safety, security
mhula (mihula) 3-4 N. deadline, purchase
mhuladji (wahuladji) 1-2 N. client
mhulo (mihulo) 3-4 N. purchase
mhungu / mhunga (mihungu) 3-4 N. eel
mhunɗana (mihunɗana) 3-4 N. skewer, brochette, kebab (see mshakiki)
mhutadji (wahutadji) 1-2 N. candidate, someone who is in need of something
mhuzadji (wahuzadji) 1-2 N. salesman, seller
mi (mimi) Pn. I, me
midi (fr.) N. noon / midday
miko (-) 9-10 N. forbidden food or custom, taboo
mila (-) 9-10 N. customs, tradition
mila na ntsi N. customs of a country
Milaɗi PN. flight of Muhammed from Mecca
milele N. eternity
milendje 4 N. climate, weather
miliki (-) 9-10 N. property
minuwi (fr. minuit) N. midnight
Miradji PN. ascention of Muhamed
mirekebesho N. reorganization
misiki / miziki (-) 9-10 (fr. musique) N. music
misizi N. soot (from fire)
Misuri (ar.) PN. Egypt (old word, use Egypt)
miwani (-) 9-10, 4 N. eye glasses
miâɗi / aahadi N. promise, date
mka-pvema (maka-pvema) 1-6 N. upper-class individual (lit. live in a good place)
mkafe N. coffee plant
mkafuri lihai N. camphor tree
mkaidi (wakaidi) 1-2 N. stubborn person
mkaiɗi N. bandit, stubborn person
mkakau N. cocoa tree

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Shingazidja Class English
mkaki (wakaki) 1-2 N. citizen
mkandra (mikandra) 3-4 N. belt
mkara-kara (mikara-kara) 3-4 N. bribe, small/informal selling venture (see ɓahashishi)
mkaranfu (mikaranfu) 3-4 N. clove tree
mkasi (mkasi / mikasi) 9-10 N. scissors
mkaswa (mikaswa) / mkiswa
(mikiswa) 3-4 N. atrocity
mkataɓa (mikataɓa) 3-4 N. contract, agreement, charter
mkatra shawiri N. advisor, counselor
mkatre (mikatre) 3-4 N. bread
mkatre wa madjwai (mikatre
yamadjwai) 3-4 N. omlette
mkatro (mikatro) 3-4 N. gash, cut, decision
mkatro shawiri (mikatro shawiri) 3-4 N. final decision
mkauso (mikauso) 3-4 N. change
mkazi (wakazi) 1-2 N. resident, inhabitants
mkaɓaya (mikaɓaya) 3-4 N. leash, rope (usually thicker)
mkeka (mikeka) 3-4 N. rug, carpet
mkeɓe (mikeɓe) 3-4 N. can, small box
mkoidjou (mikoidjou) 3-4 N. walking stick (generic-cane or staff)
mkombozi (wakombozi) 1-2 N. redeemer
mKomori (waKomori) 1-2 N. Comorian, person from Comoros
mkongodjo / mkokodjo (mikokodjo) 3-4 N. walking stick (generic-cane or staff)
mkontsi (mikontsi) 3-4 N. foundation, basis, trip, voyage
mkopesadji (wakopesadji) /
mkopeshadji (wakopeshadji) 1-2 N. debtor
mkoɓa (mikoɓa) 3-4 N. bag, purse, sack (especially plastic)
mkoɓe (mikoɓe) 3-4 N. spoon (old word)
mkoɓe wa manyo (mikoɓe wa
manyo) 3-4 N. fork (old word)
mkudu (wakudu) 1-2 N. pale-skinned person
mkunguru (mikunguru) 3-4 N. malaria
mkutrano N. agreement, meeting
mlaanifu, maluujni Adj. damned, rejected
mlahiko (milahiko / malahiko) 3-4, 5-6 N. welcome
mlala (milala) 3-4 N. lipstick
mlalamishi (walalamishi) 1-2 N. lazy person
N. invitation, (in plural) party where you invite all to eat in
mlaliko (malaliko / milaliko) 5-6 preparation for marriage
mlapizo (malapizo) 5-6 N. insult, abuse (some use only plural)
mLarinyo (waLarinyo) 1-2 N. Reunionais, person from Reunion Island
mlatso (milatso) 3-4 N. lost thing
mlaulio (milaulio) 3-4 N. visit (to somewhere, to someone)
mle (wale) 1-2 N. tall person

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Shingazidja Class English
mledjevu (waledjevu) 1-2 N. weak person
mlemevu (walemevu) 1-2 N. weak, meek, shy or lazy person
mlemivu (walemivu) 1-2 N. lazy person
mlendje (milendje) 3-4 N. breeze
mlendzi (walendzi) 1-2 N. vagabond
mlepva (milepva) 3-4 N. pestle (for grinding)
mleva (mileva) 3-4 N. stick to crush leaves for cooking (pestel)
N. drunkard, intoxicated person (can be from any
mlevi (walevi) 1-2 substance)
mlezi (walezi) 1-2 N. teacher, tutor, babysitter
mlidji (walidji) 1-2 N. greedy person
mlima (milima) 3-4 N. mountain, cliff
mlimadji (walimadji) 1-2 N. farmer
mlimo (milimo) 3-4 N. agricultural work (see ɗima)
mlingo (milingo) 3-4 N. ladder
mlinɗio (milinɗio) 3-4 N. wait (time of waiting), expectation
mlizi (walizi) 1-2 N. person who cries often
mlo (milo) 3-4 N. food
mlozi (walozi) 1-2 N. fisherman
mlozi (walozi) 1-2 N. fisherman
mluka (miluka) 3-4 N. gambling, game of chance
N. foreigner, person from elsewhere (in another country,
mmanga (wamanga) 1-2 usually France i.e. "Je vien")
mMarekani (waMarekani) N. an American
mme (waume) 1-2 N. masculine thing (not used alone)
mmezi / mmizi (wamezi / wamizi) 1-2 N. beggar (see mfautsi)
mMorisi (waMorisi) 1-2 N. Mauritian, a person from Mauritius Island
mMoroni (waMoroni) 1-2 PN. resident of Moroni
mmwa / mwa (miwa) 3-4 N. sugarcane
mmwali (wamwali) N. mohelian person
mna- (wana-) 1-2 Adj. little, fragile, child of
mna-gondzi (wana-gondzi) 1-2 N. lamb
mna-haramu (wana-haramu) 1-2 N. iligitimate child
mna-idjana (wana-zidjana) 1-2 N. young person, child
mna-idjuruzi (wana-zidjuruzi) 1-2 N. intelligent (child)
mna-ipezamarumbo (wana-
ipezamarumbo) 1-2 N. last-born child
mna-mɓe (wana-mɓe) 1-2 N. calf
mna-mɓuzi 1-2 N. baby goat
mna-nyarizi (wana-nyarizi) 1-2 N. puny person, weak person
mna-pupe (wana-pupe) 1-2 (fr. poupée) N. doll
mna-shioni (wana-zioni) 1-2 N. student
mna-swara (wana-swara) 1-2 N. Christian, Catholic
mnadjumɓe (minadjumɓe) 3-4 N. royal guard
mnafiki (wanafiki) 1-2 N. deciever, traitor, hypocrite
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Shingazidja Class English
mnafsia (wanafsia) 1-2 N. selfish person (old word)
mnanasi (minanasi) 3-4 (fr. ananas) N. pinapple
mnanuo N. clarification
mnara (minara) 3-4 N. minaret (on mosque)
mnaso (minaso) 3-4 N. capture, seizure
mnazi (minazi) 3-4 N. coconut tree
mnda wamaele (minda yamaele) 3-4 N. rice field, rice paddy
mndru (wandru) 1-2 N. person
mndru mwema (wandru wema) 1-2 N. a good person, an attractive person
mndru mɗuhazi (wandru waɗuhazi) 1-2 N. older person, adult
mndru wa amani 1-2 N. peacemaker
mndru wa kweli 1-2 N. reliable / trustworthy person
mndru wa mapotro (wandru wa
mapotro) 1-2 N. clumsy person
mndru wa ndrazini 1-2 N. generous person
mndru wa ɗingoni 1-2 N. weak / meek / shy person
mndru wapewo 1-2 N. a bad person, a dangerous person
mndru washariya 1-2 N. strict person, rule enforcer/follower
mndru wasipvuzi 1-2 N. reliable / trustworthy person
mndru watoworenge 1-2 N. roving salesman (usually with a wheelbarrow)
mndru waɗingoni 1-2 N. cold (personality) or unfriendly person, timid person
mndru-mme (wandru-waume) 1-2 N. man, husband
mndru-mshe (wandru-washe) 1-2 N. woman, wife
mNdzouani (waNdzouani) 1-2 N. a person from Anjouan
mnene (wanene) 1-2 N. large, fat, or muscular person
mNgazidja (waNgazidja) 1-2 N. a person from Grand Comore
mNgereza (waNgereza) 1-2 N. an English person
mngu / mungu (waungu) 1-2 N. god
mno Adv. excedingly, too much
mnonfu (minonfu) 3-4 N. flesh, pulp (of produce or plants)
mnono (wanono) N. good health (human)
mnyanyaro (minyanyaro) 3-4 N. hesitation
mnyekevu (wanyekevu) 1-2 N. humble person
Mnyezi-Mngu (or mungu) PN. Almight God
mnyo / mnyongo (minyo / N. salt (sing.-old word), finger of vanilla or bananas, hand
minyongo) 3-4 of bananas (plural)
mnyongo (minyongo) 3-4 N. middle part of coconut leaf (used to make broom
mnyororo N. chain (old word)
mnɗa (minɗa) 3-4 N. package
mnɗu (minɗu) 3-4 N. leg, foot
mnɗwahu that you!
moau N. imported boards or wood cut to standard sizes
modja Adj. one, first
mokoha (waokoha) 1-2 N. saved one

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mola N. lord
mole N. calf (from cow)
mongozi / mwongozi (waongozi) 1-2 N. leader, guide
moni N. inside, Adv. inside
montsi N. one (counting)
mopera (maopera) 5-6 N. healing (miraculous)
Morice PN. Maurice
moshi N. steam
moto (-) 9-10 (fr. moto) N. motorcycle, scooter
motro (watrotro) 1-2 N. child
movu N. or Adj? thin person
mpaho (mapaho) 5-6 N. make-up (for face)
mpaka (mipaka) 3-4 N. limit, border (of country) Adv. until, as far as
N. waitress at house (serves after marriage ceremony);
mpambe (wapambe) 1-2 slave girl (old meaning)
mpandradji N. climber
mpangiho (mipangiho) 3-4 N. structure
mpango (mipango) 3-4 N. project
mpanɗe / mpaɗe (-) 9-10 N. coast, side
mparo (miparo) 3-4 N. call
mpaya (mipaya) 3-4 N. gazelle
mpaɗe N. places, neighborhood, vicinity
mpbee (-) 3-4 N. slap
mpbobole zamindu 10 N. calf (of leg)
mpbumpbu (-) 9-10 N. heart (organ)
mpebe / mpbebe (mapebe,
mpbebe) 3-4 N. nostril
mpendzi (wapendzi) 1-2 (sw.) N. beloved one (shiNgazidja-mwandzi)
mpenya (-) 9-10 (fr. peigne) N. comb
mpesi (wapesi) 1-2 N. quick person
mpeu (wapeu) 1-2 N. bully, evil person (often stingy person)
mpia Adj. durable, long-lasting, new
mpihadji (wapihadji) 1-2 N. cook, chef (in kitchen)
mpine (mapvine) 5-6 (fr. pneu) N. tire
mpira (mipira) 3-4 N. ball
mpira (mipvira) 3-4 N. plastic container, plastic bottle
mpisi (wapisi) 1-2 N. cook, chef (occupation)
mporodja (miporodja) 3-4 N. mud
mpotefu (wapotefu) 1-2 N. lost one
mpumu (-) 9-10 N. breath
mpundra (-) / pundra (mapundra) 5-6 N. donkey, horse (mistakenly)
mputu (miputu) 3-4 N. hot-pepper plant
mpuzo (mipuzo) 3-4 N. absence (from something)

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mpvahizadji N. cargo
mpvaho N. decoration
mpvaivu (wapvaivu) 1-2 N. stubborn person
mpvapvaro N. caress
mpvatso N. falsehood, lie
mpvenufu Adj. clear (see -pvenu)
mpvenufu (wapvenfu) 1-2 N. honest and upfront person
mpvenye (-) 9-10 N. lightening (see upvenye)
mpvera (mipvera) 3-4 N. guava tree
mpvero (mipvero) 3-4 N. fold, crease
mpvini (mipvini) 3-4 N. handle (of a tool)
mpvio (mipvio) 3-4 N. subscription, pay in installments
mpvunguzo (mipvunguzo) 3-4 N. reduction
mpvwa N. shore
mpwapaya (mipwapaya) 3-4 N. papaya tree
mra-ndrazi / mdra-ndrazi (mara-
ndrazi) 1-6 N. counselor, advisor
mra-nkasi (wara-nkasi) 1-2 N. paddler (of a boat or canoe)
mrambuzi Adj. clever
mrandaya N. cluster of large fruit
mrashi (marashi) 5-6 N. perfume, cologne (usually pluriel); (fig.) beloved person
mraɗa / mraba (miraɗa / miraba) 3-4 N. toilet room
mrehemu (marehemu) 5-6 N. dead person
mrema ala (marema ala) 5-6 N. musicien (religious)
mrendo zema cl. 3 N. generosity, charity, kindness
mrengamapica 1-2 N. photographer (lit. one who takes photos)
mreno (wareno) 1-2 N. person from Portugal
mresaji N. referee (of sporting event)
mrina N. one who castrates
mrinadji N. circumciser
mroho (miroho) 3-4 N. exit
mronɗo (mironɗo) 3-4 N. line of people
mrubuo (mirubuo) 3-4 N. cut
mruko (miruko) 3-4 N. jump
mrumio N. usage of something
mrumisadji (warumisadji) 1-2 N. employer
mrumishi (warumishi) 1-2 N. employee, sevant (old meaning)
mrumo N. the act of sending, commissioning
mrumwa (warumwa) 1-2 N. messanger, slave (old meaning)
mrungamanifu (warungamanifu) 1-2 N. timid person
mrunɗa (mirunɗa) 3-4 N. orange tree
mrututu N. green Adj. green colored
mrwazi (warazi) 1-2 N. porter

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msa-mpanga (masa-mpanga) /
msiha-panga (wasa-mpanga) 1-6, 1-2 N. warrior, fighter
msaaɗa (misaaɗa) 3-4 N. help, assistance, service
msadjadja Adv. carelessly, recklessly, without order
msadjadja (misadjadja) 3-4 N. mess, disorder
msafara (misafara) 3-4 N. trip, voyage
msafari (wasafari) 1-2 N. voyageur, vacationer
msafarini (wasafarini) 1-2 N. someone from the countryside
msahala (misahala) 3-4 N. laxative
msaidizi (wasaidizi) 1-2 N. helper, assistant
msaidizi wa lapitali (wasaidizi wa
lapitali) 1-2 N. nurse
msaiɗizi (wasaiɗizi) 1-2 N. secretary, assistant
msalaɓa / mswalaɓa (misalaɓa) 3-4 N. cross (Christian), crucifix
msasa (misasa) 3-4 N. scouring pad, cleaning sponge
mSesheli (waSesheli) 1-2 N. a person from the Seychelles Islands
mshababi (mashababi) 5-6 N. young adult, young person (15-35 yrs.)
mshahara (mishahara) 3-4 N. salary
mshakiki (mishakiki) 3-4 N. skewer, brochette, kebab (see mhunɗana)
mshana (mishana) 3-4 N. toilet, cabinet
mshangirizi (washangirizi) 1-2 N. charismatic person; leader, presenter, coordinator
mshari (washari) 1-2 N. bad person
msharishi (washarishi) 1-2 N. imprudent or shameless person
mshe (washe) 1-2 N. feminine (not used alone)
mshe-mnyao (washe-wanyao) 1-2 N. enemy, second wife (rival)
N. person who initiates, person who repeats someone to
mshengezadji (washengezadji) 1-2 be funny
mshia (mishia) 3-4 N. thigh (used more for animals), thigh and leg (chicken)
mshindani (washindani) 1-2 N. person who disagrees (with everyone)
mshindiho (mishindiho) 3-4 N. defeat, loss
mshindze (mishindze) 3-4 N. conquered group
mshindze / mshindzi / mshindji
(mishindze / mishindzi / mishindji) 3-4 N. foundation; conquered group
mshindzi (washindzi / mishindzi) 3-4, 1-2 N. victor, conqueror; base, foundation
mshipa (mishipa) 3-4 N. cramp, ache, tendon
mshuara (mishuara) 3-4 (fr. mouchoir) N. hankercheif, kleenex
mshumaha (mishumaha) 3-4 N. candle (old word)
N. fishing line; tobacco, cigarette (msi wa uvura-smoking,
msi (misi) 3-4 msi wa unuka-snuff, msi wa hula-chew)
msihiri (misihiri) 3-4 N. mosque
msiho ntsini N. decline
msimbufu Adj. hardworking person
msinaɗi Adj. N. serious, effective
msindzanu / msindanu / msindano
(misandanu / misandzanu /
msindano) 3-4 N. mask of sandalwood paste
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N. mouthful, bite, swollow; envy (something you want but
msingo (misingo) 3-4 can't have)
msiru (misiru) 3-4 N. forest, can be field of fruit trees (like orchard)
msitiri (misitiri) 3-4 N. line
msiwaki (misiwaki) 3-4 N. toothbrush
msomadji (wasomadji) 1-2 N. reader, student
msomesadji (wasomesadji) 1-2 N. teacher
msomo (misomo) 3-4 N. study, lesson, studies (at school)
msondro (misondro) 3-4 N. tam-tam drum (instrument)
msongadji (wasongadji) 1-2 N. killer
msonko (misonko) 3-4 N. beak (of bird)
msonyadji (wasonyadji) 1-2 N. tailor
mstaaraɓu / mustaaraɓu
(wastaaraɓu) 1-2 N. educated, intelligent, or civilized person
N. resistant person, tough person (emotionally and
mstahamilifu (wastahamilifu) 1-2 willfully)
msukadji (wasukadji) 1-2 N. barber, hairdresser
msuko N. hair stylist, barber
msukwa N. person recieving hair braid
msumanyo / msimanyo
(misimanyo) 3-4 N. hand saw (tool)
msumari / msimari (misumari) 3-4 N. nail (tool)
N. a person who is mourning for their spouse, divorced,
msumba (watsumba) 1-2 or old enough that they should be married but aren't
Msumbdji PN. Mozambique
msumpizo (misumpizo) 3-4 N. infection, contageous sickness
msutru (misutru) 3-4 N. curtain, screen
mswahafu (miswahafu) 3-4 N. butterfly; (fig.) Koran
mswala (miswala) 3-4 N. Muslim prayer rug or mat (see busati)
mtaarufu Adj. warm (personality) / friendly person
mtabiho (watabihao) 1-2 N. an embarrassed person, suffering
mtabwaba / ntabwabwa (-) 9-10 N. mud
mtafiti (watafiti) 1-2 N. reseracher
mtafiti / mtsafitsi N. exam (school), investigation
mtangifu (watangifu) 1-2 N. worried or indecisive person
mtango (mitango) 3-4 N. hesitation
mtao (mitao) 3-4 N. pillow
mtarafu / mtarufu (watarafu) 1-2 N. active person
mtarimbo (mitarimbo) 3-4 N. metal rod used for digging
mtawalifu (watawalifu) 1-2 N. colonizer (old word), person in power
mtaâbiho (mitaâbiho) 3-4 N. problem, difficulty, boredom
mtaâlamu (wataâlamu) 1-2 N. specialist, expert
mtcanfu (wancanfu) 1-2 N. dirty person, bad person (morally)
mtereho (mitereho) 3-4 N. descent, slope
mtezo / mcezo (micezo) 3-4 N. game, dance

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mteɗe (miteɗe) 3-4 N. date palm
mtihani (mitihani) 3-4 N. test, exam (school)
mtoleo N. charity
mtoshe (watoshe) 1-2 N. isolated person, loaner person
mtoso (mitoso) 3-4 N. a bow given in greeting, greetings (general)
mtrafunyo (mitrafunyo) 3-4 N. chew
mtrangazadji (watrangazadji) 1-2 N. editor, publisher
mtrazi (mitrazi) 3-4 N. cloth, rag
mtretrezi N. chatterbox
mtrulivu (watrulivu) 1-2 N. quiet person
mtrume / mtume (mitrume) 3-4 N. prophet
mtrungo (mitrungo) 3-4 N. invention
N. worthless or useless thing; (Plural) bankrupt (money),
mtsaifu (matsaifu) 5-6 to be empty handed
mtsaifu (watsaifu) 1-2 N. worthless or useless person
mtsambu (mitsambu) 3-4 N. type of palm tree (used to make sagu) (see ntsambu)
mtsana (mitsana) 3-4 N. late morning (9am - 3pm) / morning prayer time
mtsandzi (watsandzi) 3-4 N. curious person
mtsanga (mitsanga) 3-4 N. sand
mtsangani (mitsangani) 3-4 N. beach (lit. place of sand)
mtsanganyiho (mitsanganyiho) 3-4 N. cooperation, coalition, relationship, alliance
mtsango (mitsango) 3-4 N. dues (to group), fee to participate, contribution
mtsantsauo (mitsantsauo) 3-4 N. analysis, discovery
mtsaulwa (watsaulwa) 1-2 N. elected person, chosen person
mtsauo (mtsauo / mitsauo) 3-4 N. option, choice
Mtseshea wandru (watseshea
wandru) 1-2 N. mocker (of others)
mtsesi (watsesi) 1-2 N. mocking person, entertainer (to make people laugh)
mtshaguzi (watshaguzi) 1-2 N. voter, person who votes
mtshambara (watshambara) 1-2 N. rude or vulgar person
mtshele (mitshele) 3-4 N. coconut shell, coconut husk
mtshezadji (watshezadji) 1-2 N. player
mtshezo (mitshezo) 3-4 N. game
mtshinɗo (mitshinɗo) 3-4 N. rythme
mtshwai (watshwai) 1-2 N. healer, sorcerer
mtsi (mitsi) 3-4 N. pestle (grinding rock)
mtsindzo (mitsindzo) 3-4 N. cleaning, cutting off (of something bad)
mtsongoma (mitsongoma) 3-4 N. guava tree
mtsovu (watsovu) 1-2 N. loser
N. single person (after marraige ends in divorce or death),
mtsumɓa (watsumɓa) 1-2 celibacy
mtsundji (mitsundji) 3-4 N. calabash tree, calabash, gourd
mtsunga mɓe (watsunga mɓe) 1-2 N. cow herder
mtsungadji (watsungadji) 1-2 N. herder, swimmer
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mtsungulwa (watsungulwa) 1-2 N. one who is chosen
mtsunguzi (watsunguzi) 1-2 N. choosy person
mtukiwa (watukiwa) 1-2 N. bored person
mtukufu (watukufu) 1-2 N. honored one
mtulu / mtuɗu / mtsulu (-) / mtuli 9-10,
(mituli) 3-4 N. mongoose
mtumi (watumi) 1-2 N. a business savy person
mtundi (watundi) 1-2 N. curious person
mtunduzi (watunduzi) 1-2 N. observer
mtutu / mtuntu / mtrutru Adj. stingy
mtuzi (mituzi) 3-4 N. sauce to put on rice
mtwaharifu (watwaharifu) 1-2 N. ceremonially clean person
mtwalaa (mitwalaa) 3-4 N. repetition, theory
mtwana (watwana) 1-2 N. slave
muda (mida) 3-4 N. period (of time)
muda mwindji cl. 3 N. used as Adv. for a long time
mufiɗu Adj. suitable, appropriate
muhalu Adj. impossible
muhezadji (wauhezadji) 1-2 N. singer
muhimu Adj. important, indispensable
mukhtaswari N. summary
mungwana (waungwana) 1-2 N. free person
munɗadji N. mason, builder
muruɗi (mamuruɗi) 1-6 N. follower
mustakbal N. future
mustakera (mistakera) 3-4 (fr. moustiquaire) N. mosquito net
mustashi (mistashi) 3-4 (fr. moustache) N. mustache
muuadji (wauadji) 1-2 N. criminal
muudhi (wauudhi) 1-2 N. very annoying person
N. incredible ability or experience (often used in speaking
muudjuza (miudjuza) 3-4 of prophets), miracle
muumbadji N. creator (God)
muunganyo N. coalition
muyano (miano) 3-4 N. limit, border (of country)
muyo, muo, moo, moyo (miyo) N. heart, life, soul, spirit
muâmala (miâmala) 3-4 N. something that you possess, occupation
muɗu (waɗu) 1-2 N. black person
mva (miva) 3-4 N. context, manner of action (usualy negative)
mvamio (mivamio) 3-4 N. invasion
mvamizi (wavamizi) 1-2 N. attacker
mvao (mivao) 3-4 N. style of clothing
mvazadji N. decorator
mvazo N. decoration
mvinyo / nivinyo / nvinyo (-) 9-10 (fr. vin) N. wine, alcohol (general) (see alikoli)

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mvipvio N. brown (old word) (see shokola)
mviringo N. circumference
mviringo (miviringo) 3-4 N. contour, outline
mvu (mivu) 3-4 N. wasp
mvulana (mavulana) 1-2 N. reckless person
mvulana (wavulana) 1-2 N. type of person
mvuu N. strength, power
mwadhini (mawadhini) 5-6 N. Muslim crier who calls people to prayer
mwadjiri (wadjiri) 1-2 N. renter
mwafaka (-) 9-10 N. agreement, engagement (marriage)
mwagizo (miwagizo) 3-4 N. importation
mwaha (maha) 3-4 N. year
mwaha djana N. last year
mwahadji N. carpenter
mwahani N. next year
mwala 1 N. god
Mwali PN. Moheli
mwalimu (walimu) 1-2 (Sw. teacher) N. healer, learned one (often witch doctor)
mwalimu-dunia (walimu-dunia) 1-2 N. magician, medicin, witch doctor
mwamala (miwamala) 3-4 N. work (esp. manual labor), tools
mwambadji N. chatterbox
mwaminifu Adj. honest, trustworthy
mwaminifu (waminifu) 1-2 N. trustworthy person
mwamɓa (mamɓa) 5-6 N. reef
mwana (wana) 1-2 N. child
mwana nkabu N. step-child
mwana sariri (wana safiri) 1-2 N. immigrant
mwana wankuhu 1-2 N. egg (lit. chicken children)
mwana-djeshi (wana-djeshi) 1-2 N. soldier
mwana-mme (wana-wume) 1-2 N. boy, unmarried male
mwana-mshe (wana-washe) 1-2 N. girl, unmarried female
mwana-mtiti 1-2 N. baby, little child
mwana-nkabu (wana-nkabu) 1-2 N. son-in-law
mwana-shama (wana-shama) 1-2 N. activist
mwana-ɗamu 1-2 N. human being
mwanadamu (wanadamu) 1-2 N. human being
mwanama (wanama) 1-2 N. brother, sister
mwanamadji 1-2 N. sailor
mwanamwari 1-2 N. virgin girl
mwanantsi (wanantsi) 1-2 N. citizen
mwananya (wananya) 1-2 N. brother
mwanashama (wanashama) 1-2 N. group member
mwanasiasa (wanasiasa) 1-2 N. politician
mwanazidakani 1-2 N. young woman kept in the house until married
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mwandamanadji (wanadamanadji) 1-2 N. manifestant, rioter
mwandaya / mandaya N. house fire
mwandzani (wandzani) 1-2 N. friend, ally (in competition)
mwandzazio N. person who enjoys eating
mwandzi (wandzi) 1-2 N. beloved one (see mwandzi)
mwandzishi (wandzishi) 1-2 N. clerk, writer, secretary
mwangamifu (wawangamifu) 1-2 N. damned person
mwangaza N. moonlight
mwango / mlango (miwango /
milango) 3-4 N. door, chapter of a book
mwanswifu (waanswifu) N. sinner
mwanɗa (miwanɗa) 3-4 N. circumstance
mwanɗo (miwanɗo) 3-4 N. beginning, start
mwasi (wasi) 5-6 N. builder
mwavuli (mawavuli / miwavuli) /
mvuli (mavuli / mivuli) 5-6 N. umbrella, shade, shelter from the sun
mwavuli wasera (mavuli yamasera) 3-4 N. mushroom
mwazi cl. 3 N. blood, period (woman), menstraution
mwazo N. calculation
mwekevu (wekevu) 1-2 N. calm person (wekevu- N. calmness)
mwema (miema) 3-4 N. good thing (like ndjema)
mwendedji N. walker (person walking)
mwendesa gari (wawendesa gari) 1-2 N. driver (of a car)
mwendje (mendje) 3-4 N. electricity, light or lamp
mwendza bahasha N. active person
mwendza hila N. troublemaker
mwendza ngozo / roro (wendza
ngozo / roro) 1-2 N. slow person
mwendza zio (wendza zio) 1-2 N. greedy person
N. distance to goal, way of going, journey, bahavior,
mwenɗo cl. 3 conduct
mwerea V. to wrap around ???
mweshelezi N. Adj? person who remembers well
mwezi (mezi / mizi) 3-4 N. month, moon
mwezi udjao (mezi idjao) N. next month
mwezi wapvira (mezi wapvira) N. last month
mwidzi (wedzi) 1-2 N. thief
mwili (mili) 3-4 N. human body
mwimbadji (wawimbadji) 1-2 N. singer
mwinyi / mwenye (wenyi / mwenye) 1-2 N. owner
mwishiliadji 1-2 N. audience
mwishilizi (washilizi) 1-2 N. listener, audience member
mwiso (miso) 3-4 N. end, consequence
mwivivu (wavivu) 1-2 N. envious person
mwiyishiliano N. deal, agreement
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mwizi (mizi) 3-4 N. month
mwizi raka nowo last month
mwokofu N. savior
mwoneso (miwoneso) 3-4 N. crowd
mwongo (miongo) 3-4 N. decade, decimal
mwongori (mongori) 5-6 N. post, pole (flag), mast (boat)
mwongozo N. manual, guide
mwonvu (waonvu) 1-2 N. skinny person
mwudu N. dark-skinned person
mwunganyo (miwunganyo) 3-4 N. alliance
mwunguo (miwunguo) 3-4 N. cut
myemɓe (miemɓe) 3-4 N. mango tree
myia N. debtor
mzabi-zabina (wazabi-zabina) 1-2 N. great liar
N. woman who just gave birth (until period of impurity is
mzade (wazade) / mzaɗe (wazaɗe) 1-2 finished)
mzadze (wazadze) N. mother
mzaha (mizaha) 3-4 N. joke
mzalihane (wazalihane) 1-2 N person who was born in, who is from
mzalihano (mizalihano) 3-4 N. birth
mzalizi (wazalisi) 1-2 N. obstetrician
mzao (mizao) 3-4 N. childbirth
mzaɗe (wazaɗe) 1-2 N. parent
mzee (wazee) 1-2 N. old man, elder
mzi (mizi) 3-4 N. root, artery, nerve
mzina ngoma N. dancer
Mzinadji (wazinadji) 1-2 N. dancer
mzinga (mizinga) 3-4 N. bomb, joker (card), gun, bullet
mzingamanyo (mizingamanyo) 3-4 N. embarassment, confusion
mzingo (mizingo) 3-4 N. product, package, delivery
mzino (mizino) 3-4 N. dance
N. person who is hard to understand, stubborn, or
mziro (waziro) 1-2 pregnant
mzungu (wazungu) 1-2 N. white-people (caucasian, generally French)
mzunguho N. circulation
mzuri (wazuri) 1-2 N. handsome or beautiful person
mƁushi (waƁushi) 1-2 N. Malagasy, person from Madagascar
mɓa Adj. a little of something, some (placed before the noun)
mɓa / mba (-) 9-10 N. belly, stomach, pregancy
mɓa urwa N. stomach ache
mɓadhilifu (waɓadhilifu) 1-2 N. cheat
mɓahadji / mpvahadji (wapvihadji) 1-2 N. decorator
mɓahazazi (waɓahazazi) 1-2 N. dealer, merchant
mɓakisho (miɓakisho) 3-4 N. a small part of something

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mɓali Adj. far from, isolated
mɓali na mɓali Adj. different
mɓandzi (wapvandzi) 1-2 N. composer, poet, singer
mɓasha (waɓasha) 1-2 N. MC or DJ of evening event
mɓasi / mbasi (-) 9-10 N. tunafish
mɓasuzi / mpvasuzi (wapvasuzi) 1-2 N. surgeon
mɓatse (miɓatse) / mɓatse (-) 9-10 N. sweet potato
mɓatse ya pomditera (mɓatse za
pumditera) / mɓatse ya shimanga 9-10,
(mɓatse za shimanga) 3-4 (fr. pomme de terre) N. potato
mɓatse ya shingazidja 3-4 N. sweet potato
mɓaye (waɓaye) 1-2 N. grandfather
mɓaɓa (waɓaɓa) 1-2 N. father, respected
mɓaɓufu (waɓaɓufu) 1-2 N. talkative person
mɓaɗiliho (miɓaɗiliho) 3-4 N. change
mɓe (-) 9-10 N. cow
mɓe-nshe N. cow (female)
mɓe-ɗume N. bull
mɓiavu / mpviavu (wapviavu) 1-2 N. fierce person
mɓimadji / mpvimadji (wapvimadji) 1-2 N. surveyor, person who measures out purchases
mɓio Adj. runningly, quickly
mɓio (-) 9-10 N. race
mɓomoho (miɓohomo) 3-4 N. collapse
mɓsuzi / mpvsuzi (wapvasuzi) 1-2 N. butcher
mɓua / mbua (-) 9-10 N. nose
mɓure (waɓure) 1-2 N. a lay-about, a lazy person, unemployed person
mɓuwu (maɓuwu) 5-6 N. baobab fruit
mɓuzi (-) 9-10 N. goat
mɓuzi ya nazi (-) 9-10 N. coconut grater
mɓuzi-ɗume (-) 9-10 N. billygoat, male goat
mɓwa (-) 9-10 N. dog
mɗa (miɗa) 3-4 N. field
N. when village clears and plants the field of a future
mɗa waɗaho (miɗa yaɗaho) 3-4 husband
mɗezo (miɗezo) 3-4 N. picnic
mɗila (miɗila) 3-4 N. coffee pot, carafe
mɗumu (miɗumu) 3-4 N. cup, drinking glass, can
mɗungano (miɗungano) 3-4 N. accompaniment
na Conj. and Prep. with Adv. also
na Conj. and, with
na djirma N. muscular, large in size, strong (physicaly)
na kadhalika Adj. etcetera
na ladha Adj. delicious

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na mapema Adj. early
na nyongo Adj. bitter (fruit)
na tamu Adj. delicious
nabi N. plot of land that doesn't belong to anyone
nabii (-) 9-10 N. prophet
nadhiri / nadhari (-) 9-10 N. wish, vow, choice
nafaka N. profit, riches
nafasi N. means, time, space, money
nafusi N. heart (figurative)
nahudhwa (manahudhwa) 5-6 N. captain (of a boat), driver (of a car)
nai Adv. not well, poorly
nai N. bad, harm, pain; Adv. wrong, poorly, badly
nakala N. copy, article in newspaper
nakama N. decline
nakshi N. decoration, sculpture, carving
nam yes, I am listening
nambari (-) 9-10 N. number
namna N. fashion, way, method (of doing something)
namna dje? how?
nana (-) 9-10 N. white yam
nane N. eight (counting)
nanga (-) 9-10 (Farsi-nangar) N. anchor (boat), (fig.) difficult person
napvo Adv. yet, even still
naswibu N. luck, chance?
natidja (-) 9-10 N. grade, result (from an exam)
nawili N. price for a trip or voyage, means
nazi (-) 9-10 N. coconut (dried)
naɗi Adv. often, frequently
ndahu? where?
ndami Pn. me (direct object)
ndao Pn. them (direct object)
ndapvumwi who
ndara / ɗara (-) 9-10 N. cover for a bed, sheet, blanket
ndaru (-) 9-10 N. kick
ndasi Pn. you (plural direct object)
ndawe Pn. you (singular direct object)
ndaye Pn. you (direct object)
ndazi / udazi (-) 9-10 N. eyebrow
nde who
ndehelio yes (response)
nderema (-) 9-10 N. malaria, fever
ndingoni mwa Prep. behind, in back of
ndishe (ndishe) N. orphan

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ndje (-) 9-10 N. scorpion
ndjema Adv. well
ndjeu Adj white colored
ndjivi N. entryway
ndjizi 6 N. syrup, juice (from fruit), honey, molasses
ndjudju (-) 9-10 N. dolphin (see fumbadjudju)
ndjugu (-) 9-10 N. peanut
ndo mfumo raka nowo last week
ndo mfumo rile nowo this week
ndo mfumo wa pvira last week
ndo? (nɗawa?) / nɗo? who? (interrogative)
ndra N. wax, bee's wax
ndrahafu / -ndrahafu / -rahafu /
trahafu Adj. clean, proper
ndraru N. three (counting)
ndrasi (-) 9-10 N. bark (of dog)
ndraya N. side wall (of house)
ndrazi (-) 9-10 N. solution, way, counsel
ndraɓo / ndrabo N. lie
ndraɗaru / ndaɗaru N. six (counting)
ndrebavu Adj. soft
ndrege N. airplane
ndrina (-) 9-10 N. circumcision
ndriwaro N. swordfish
ndro Adv. well, alot
ndroso (-) 9-10 N. pain
ndrovi N. green banana
ndru-mme (-) 9-10 N. messanger, angel, prophet, sent one
ndrume N. messenger, delegation
ndrumio (-) 9-10 N. usage
nduhazi Adj. old
ndumari N. whistle (blowing)
nduzangu N. large family
ndzaya N. hunger
ndzi (-) 9-10 N. flying bug, fly
ndzi ya nyoshi (-) 9-10 N. honey
ndzia (-) 9-10 N. path, way, road
ndzidu N. black (color)
ndzindza N. yolk (of egg)
ndzini (-) 9-10 N. vagina
ndziro Adv. difficult Adv. difficultly
ndziwa (-) 9-10 N. pigeon
ndzozi N. dream

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Ndzuani N. Anjouan
neema N. fortune
nenanye N. babysitter
neneni N. nanny, maid
neno (maneno) 5-6 N. sound of talking (especially a foreign langauge)
nevera (fr. neuf heures) 9 o'clock
nfi (-) 9-10 N. fish
nfi yahuma (nfi zahuma) 9-10 N. dried fish
nfi yamanga (nfi zamanga) 9-10 N. dried fish (lit. fish in the fashion of elsewhere)
nfia (-) 9-10 N. breath
nfukare Adj. seven (quantity)
nfule N. castrated animal
nfupvi N. a short path, distance, thing (see adj. fupvi)
nga? Adj. how much, how many
ngalawa (-) 9-10 N. local canoe with outriggers, pirogue
ngama N. pit, hole, difference, gap
ngamia (-) 9-10 N. camel
nganu / ngano 6 N. flour
ngaya N. bud (of flower)
ngayo N. step (when walking), footprint, pace,
ngazi N. pillar, pole
Ngazidja PN. Grande-Comore
nge Conj. next
Ngerezani N. England (old word)
N. music, drum, dance, jealousy (woman waiting for man
ngoma (-) 9-10 walks around like she's dancing)
ngome N. wall
ngono (-) 9-10 N. sound, type of sound, feeling, sense
ngora / gora (magora) 5-6 N. sunhat, safari hat, sombrero, straw hat
ngozi (-) 9-10 N. skin of person (gozi for animal)
ngozo N. slowness
nguo (-) 9-10 N. cloth, rag, clothes to wear
nguo yalatabu (-) 9-10 N. table cloth
nguva (-) 9-10 N. contentious person, someone who is bad
nguzi (-) 9-10 N. lizard
N. weight bearing column or pole, important pillar (in
nguzo construction)
ngwariɗe N. specific local dance
ngwe (-) 9-10 N. vine, string, rope (old word)
ni Prep. by, through (after passive verb)
nilo (fr.) N. nylon fabric
niya N. intention
nkade / unkade (nyinkade) 11-10 N. page
nkado N. time

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nkafiri (-) 9-10 N. lizard, gecko
nkalizi Adj. falsely accused, N. false accusation
nkamba (-) 9-10 N. lobster
nkame / nkami (-) 9-10 N. necklace
nkandu / nkandzu (-) 9-10 N. long shirt or robe (typical of muslim cultures)
nkara N. earpiece of glasses, earphone
nkaro (-) 9-10 N. bottom of animal foot, hoof
nkarwa N. small cushion
nkasuho N. whip (instrument), whisk (cooking)
nkatsa (-) 9-10 N. woven cocounut leaves
nkaure N. shellfish, shell
nkavu N. drout, lack of water
nkaɓwa / nkabwa (-) 9-10 N. shoe
nkaɓwa za kappa 10 N. flip-flops
nkaɓwa za talon / ntubwi 10 N. high-heals
nkeleo (-) 9-10 N. step (of stairs)
nkeme (-) 9-10 N. sound, noise, cry
nkima (-) 9-10 N. monkey
nkode N. fist
nkodo (-) 9-10 N. casualty, war, battle
nkofu N. oyster (small)
nkoma N. coconut at early stage of growth
nkondro N. bolt (for security)
nkondro (-) 9-10 N. latch, door handle
nkonyo N. ear (corn)
nkonɗoa N. sheep
nkonɗoa (-) 9-10 N. ram
nkoo N. end part, tip (of something)
nkoo yamnɗu (nkoo zaminɗu) N. heel of foot
nkopve (-) 9-10 N. eyelid (see kopve)
nkoroshe (-) 9-10 N. cashew nut
nkovu (-) 9-10 N. wound
nkoɗo N. war
nkubu N. young coconut in stage of milk formation
nkudu-me (-) 9-10 N. rooster
nkuhu (-) 9-10 N. chicken
nkuhuru Adj. hard, tough
nkundrwe (-) 9-10 N. wrist, cuff (of shirt), wristband
nkunguni (-) 9-10 N. bed bug
nkuni (-) 9-10 N. firewood, sticks of wood
nkunu N. grass
nkupvi (-) 9-10 N. rooster tail
nkuɗi (-) 9-10 N. something dirty, dirty person, dirty thing

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nkwehe N. weed
nne N. four (counting)
no Conj. however
nopvame Adj. prudent, careful
note / noti (-) 9-10 N. note, mark, grade (at school)
noweli N. christmas
Noëli 9 (fr. Noël) PN. Christmas
nsteho N. laugh
nsuli N. shin
ntahara N. fragment, spinter, debris, crumb
ntambi N. noodle (chinese or vermicelli)
ntana N. comb
ntreɗe (-) 9-10 N. date (fruit)
ntrontro N. dirt clod
ntruɗa / ntruda (-) 9-10 N. spot, grain, seed, pit (in fruit)
ntsa (-) 9-10 N. top, point, peak
ntsadju N. coral
ntsahaya N. dust, drought, Adj. used
ntsambu (-) 9-10 N. sagu (from palm tree for cooking) (from mtsambu)
ntsamivu Adj. narrow
ntsana (ntsana) 9-10 N. comb
ntsandzi (-) 9-10 N. mungo bean
ntsanu N. five (counting)
ntsapve (-) 9-10 N. sweat
ntsapvuho (-) 9-10 N. game, something for fun
ntsavu / nkavu / nkapvu Adj. dry (see huma), none (see kapvatsi)
ntsaya (-) 9-10 N. jaw
ntsaya nkavu / ntsahaya nkavu N. dry season (lit. dry dust)
ntsehele N. grouper fish
ntsehenye N. crumb
ntselesi N. dance, slide?
ntshenga N. feint, trick, ruse
ntshiɗa (-) 9-10 N. physical capacity, strength
ntsi (-) 9-10 N. country, the ground
ntsihu (-) 9-10 N. day
ntsindzi (-) 9-10 N. sleep
ntsingo (-) 9-10 N. neck
ntsini below, under
ntsini mwa under, underneath, below
ntsirepvu (-) 9-10 N. frog (not often known)
ntsohole (-) 9-10 N. uncooked rice, grain
ntsongoma N. guava
ntsu N. day

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ntsuli (-) 9-10 N. shin, shinbone
ntsundayi when?, on what day?
ntsuzi / ntsudzi (-) 9-10 N. pigeon pea
ntswe (-) 9-10 N. kidney
ntubu N. high-heel shoe
nukta / nuktwa N. second (division of time); decimal point (math), period
nuru N. light (figuratively)
nusu N. half
nusu (ya wandru) N. group (of people)
nuzi N. fishing net
nvi N. blond hair
nvinyo divai (-) 9-10 (fr. vin) N. wine
nvua (-) 9-10 N. rain
nvule N. castration
nvume N. impulse, momentum
nvuna N. contraction (childbirth), sting (bee or wasp)
nvuu (-) 9-10 N. force, strength
nyakati Adv. sometimes
nyama (-) 9-10 N. (lit. soft thing) usually meat
nyama ya ntibe (-) 9-10 N. boiled meat
nyamare N. mussel (sea creature)
nyamba (-) 9-10 N. tortoise
nyambo N. chatter, circumstance
nyandzo (-) 9-10 N. love, want, desire
nyanguli (-) 9-10 N. earthworm
nyantsu (-) 9-10 N. sugar ant
nyanyi N. baboon
nyatri N. buffalo, buffer
nyaɗomwe N. clownfish
nye (-) 9-10 N. liver
nyenɗo (-) 9-10 N. hammer
nyi (nyinyi) Pn. you (plural
nyile (nyile / manyile) 5-6 N. hair
nyindrwadji (zindrwadji) 7-8 N. another (others) (an unknown entity)
nyinkuɗu N. red (color)
nyinyi, nyi Pronoun. you (plural)
nyiranɗo N. meat on the side of body
nyishuru N. tax
nyonga / nyunga (-) 9-10 N. horn (on animals), plunger, suction cup
nyontsi all of you
nyora (-) 9-10 N. star, destiny; thirst
nyoshi (-) 9-10 N. bee
nyuha / nyoha (-) 9-10 N. snake
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nyuma (-) 9-10 N. behind, toilet (especially hole-in-the-ground toilet)
nyuma ya Prep. after that
nyumeni Adj. new
nyumeni Adv. recently
nyumɓa (nyumɓa / manyumɓa) 5-6 N. building, house
nyumɓa ya toli (nyumɓa za toli) 9-10 N. house made with tin
nyumɓa yakurwabwe 5-6 N. concrete house
nyungo Adj. bitter N. something bitter
nyungu (-) 9-10 N. cooking pot
nyunyi / nunyi (-) 9-10 N. bird
nâfuu (-) 9-10 N. utility, usefullness, advantage
nɗa It is
nɗa (-) 9-10 N. louse
nɗahu? Where?
nɗahupvi? Where is it?
nɗahupvi? nɗahu? It is where?
nɗai? What country?
nɗaipvi? nɗai? They are which ones?
nɗali? Which one?
nɗalipvi? nɗali? It is which one?
nɗani inside
nɗaru N. kick
nɗashipvi? nɗashi? It is which one?
nɗaupvi? nɗau? It is which one?
nɗayapvi? nɗaya? They are which ones?
nɗayo It is this one
nɗayo nɗilo nɗisho nɗiyo ndizo
nɗuwo This one. / That one.
nɗazi N. eyebrow
nɗazipvi? nɗazi? They are which ones?
nɗema N. bat (animal)
nɗevu (-) 9-10 N. beard
nɗi? / ndi? when?
nɗilo that one.
nɗimu (-) 9-10 N. lemon (smallest)
nɗisho that one.
nɗizo those ones
nɗo (mɓa) who
nɗola (-) 9-10 N. marriage
nɗola nkuu (-) 9-10 N. grand marriage
nɗola ya âda (-) 9-10 N. grand marriage
nɗoleo N. obsession, obsessive fear

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nɗoo (-) 9-10 (sw.) N. bucket
nɗopvi? Who is it?
nɗopvi? nɗo? who is it?
nɗovu / ndovu (-) 9-10 N. elephant
nɗuhuze (waɗuhuze) 1-2 N. parent, close family member
nɗuwo this one
ododhwa N. catalogue
okupay (fr. occupé) Adj. busy / occupied
Ola (wola) that
N. edible leaf of tarro plant used for sauce (see feleke and
omɓo mboga)
ondje 11, 6 N. fat that coangulates on cooled meat
onezi (maonezi) N. vision (sense), view, outlook
ongofu 11-10 N. success (given from God)
onvu / wonvu 11-10 N. hate, viciousness; thinness, leanness, skinniness
orodhwa N. list
ousoni 11 N. future
padja (mapvadja) 5-6 N. thigh (anatomy), thigh and leg (when cooking)
paha (mapvaha) 5-6 N. cat
pake (mapake) 5-6 (fr. paquet) N. packet, box
pale (mapvale) N. baldness, bald head
palu (fr. paludism) N. malaria
pamba (mapamba) 5-6 N. sickly or weak person
pambanyiso (mapambanyiso) 5-6 N. tiff, quarrel
pambo (mapvambo) 5-6 N. cover, envelope
panda-mwana (mapvanda-mwana) 5-6 N. strong thing, strong person
pandza (mapvandza) 5-6 N. passage of time
pandzi (mapvandzi) 5-6 N. fly, large insect, bug, cricket
panga (mapvanga) 5-6 N. cave
panganyile (mapvanganyile) 5-6 N. shark
pani (mapvani) 5-6 N. kitchen (often outside) (see paya)
panɗa-mwana (mapvanɗa-wana) 5-6 N. sturdy, strong person
panɗu (mapvanɗu) 5-6 N. feast, banquet
pao (mapao) 5-6 N. skeleton, structure, framework
parambwani (fr.) PN. road from ___ to mbwani
pare (-) 9-10 N. road, street
pashe (mapvashe) 5-6 N. shed for cows or goats
pasi (mapasi) 5-6 N. iron (for clothes)
pasima (mapasima) 5-6 (fr. pensement) N. bandage
pau N. clover, trefoil, club (in playing cards)
N. kitchen (often outside) (often pani for location instead
paya (mapvaya) 5-6 of payani)
pazi lauso (mapazi yauso) 5-6 N. forehead
pefu (mapvefu) 5-6 N. asthma

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peleo (mapveleo) 5-6 N. sweeping broom
pera (mapvera) 5-6 N. type of guava
pereleo (mapvereleo) 5-6 N. hem (of clothes)
pesa (mapesa) 5-6 N. money
pesi (mapesi) 5-6 N. partition, bulkhead (of boat)
photo (maphoto) 5-6 (fr.) N. photo, picture
pi (mapvi) 5-6 N. slap (insult)
pia / piya Adj. all of something, everything, everyone
pidja (mapidja) / pica 5-6 N. picture, photo
pihiro / mbihiro (mapvihiro) 5-6 N. slug or snail
pihiro dzidu 5-6 N. slug
pihiro la fwankoa 5-6 N. snail with a shell
piho (mapviho) 5-6 N. wing, fin (fish)
pilau (-) 9-10 N. indian rice dish
pinda N. dead body, cadaver (of animal)
pindo N. coconut fiber, central stem of coconut branch
pinduzi (mapinduzi) 5-6 N. troublemaker
pinɗa (mapvinɗa) 5-6 N. carcass, corpse, cadaver (usually animal)
N. beater, mixing machine (most people use brandname
pinɗuzi (mapinɗuzi) 5-6 mulanix)
pipa (mapipa) 5-6 N. piece of metal
pisini (fr. piscine) N. swimming pool
pomme (mapomme) 5-6 (fr.) N. apple
pompi (-) 9-10 N. spigot, public water access
pondzi (mapvondzi) 5-6 N. wick (candle)
ponje / ponji (-) 9-10 (fr. eponge) N. sponge
ponya N. anemone
popote (mapopote) 5-6 N. doll (toy)
poro (-) 9-10 (fr. port) N. port
portable (fr.) N. cell phone
posho (fr. poche) N. pocket
poso (maposa) 5-6 N. demand for marriage, engagement
potreka N. money wallet
povi (mapovi) 5-6 N. slobber, drool, froth, slime
puhu (mapvuhu) 5-6 N. rat, mouse
pulasi (-) 9-10 N. job, work
pule (mapvule) 5-6 N. broken tooth
pulisi (mapulisi) 5-6 N. police
pumɓa (mapvumɓa) 5-6 (sw.) N. abscess (infected wound)
purunku (mapvurunku /
mapurunku) 5-6 N. pig
pushade N. pocket knife
pusu N. cart
putu (maputu) 5-6 N. spicy pepper, sauce made from spicy pepper

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puzi / mpuzi (mapuzi) / uvuzi
(nyivuzi) / upvuzi (nyipvuzi / 5-6,
mapvuzi) 11-10 N. hair, piece of fur, feather
puzio (mapuzio) 5-6 N. balloon, bladder
pvadzima Adv. together Prep. together with
pvahanu 16 N. place, location
pvahe him or her also
pvaho And you
pvaho you also
pvamwedja together
pvangu me too
pvanyu you too
pvao them too
pvapvo N. kinds
pvashe (mapvashe) 5-6 N. butchershop
pvatru us also
pvatsina without
pvaya (mipvaya) / mɓaya (miɓaya) 3-4 N. pick (tool)
pvenya N. blink, wink
pvili-pvili (-) 9-10 N. pepper (usually black)
pvira Adj. last
pvo Conj. since, because
pvo Prep. on, on top off
pvo hari na hari 16 in the very center
pvo ndze Adv of Location. abroad, outside
pvodjuu over, on top of
pvodze N. outside
pvohari mwa Prep. between, in the middle of
pvondze 16 outside, outdoors
pvontsi on the ground
pvotsoka always, all the time
pvwamedja Adj. together
pvwatsina Adv. without (except by)
pwapwai (mapvwapwai) 5-6 (fr.) N. papaya
pwipwi (-) 9-10 N. vagina
pyesi (mapvyesi) 5-6 N. pick (for digging)
pûtshari (mapûtshari) 5-6 N. shortsword, large daggar
rabi 1 N. god, lord
radhi N. blessing
radio (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. radio
raha Conj. not yet, before
raha N. luxury item, wealth
raha na instead of, better than, more than, compared to

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N. security for a loan, guarantee, bail money,
rahani (-) 9-10 downpayment (often is in gold)
rahisi Adj. low cost, cheap
raiaa / raia (maraia) / raîa (maraîa) /
ranyia (maranyia) 5-6 N. citizen
raili since, as long as, so much as
rais N. chairman, president
ramadhani 9 N. Ramadan (sometimes used for any period of fasting)
rambuu (marambuu) 5-6 N. betel leaf (often mixed with tobacco to chew)
randzi Adv. since, first (plus time or place)
range N. paint, color
rangi N. color
Prep. since (followed by time, noun, or place); Adv.
initially, to start with (proceded by a verb), can set up a
rangu choice
rasul-mali N. economy
rasulmali N. capital (finance)
raâɗu (-) 9-10 N. firestorm, thunder
raïsi (maraïsi) 5-6 N. president
rehema N. mercy, forgiveness
rendevu (fr. rendez-vous) N. meeting, appointment
reza-reza Loc. Adv. in detail, with specifics
risala (-) 9-10 N. message
risao Adj. ugly (something not physically present)
risasi N. cartridge, ammunition
ritili N. liter (quantity)
N. local name for currency (older system that equals 5
riyali / riali (-) 9-10 KMF)
riziki N. food, provisions
roho (-) 9-10 N. heart, life, soul, spirit
roho ndjema (-) 9-10 N. generosity, charity, kindness
rondpoint (fr.) N. roundabout (intersection)
ropulani (-) 9-10 N. airplane
rosola N. fishing line
roɓo one fourth
roɓo sayya quarter hour
rugai / rogai N. sauce (shredded tomatoes and spices)
ruhusa N. permission, authorization
rukuû (-) 9-10 N. bowing down, groveling, sleep
rutuɓa N. dampness, humidity
ruzuna N. joy
rwabi N. master (used for God)
saha (masaha) 5-6 N. grass, dust or dirt; fetus, umbilical chord
sahani (-) 9-10 N. plate (see isahani)
sahiri (masahiri) 5-6 N. charm, spell
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sahusaa N. evening, late night
sakaf / sakafu (-) 9-10 N. flat top of concrete house (sakafuni)
sakara (-) 9-10 N. something for fun, game, toy
saladi (masaladi) 5-6 (fr. salad) N. lettuce
salama Adj. calm, peaceful
salama (-) 9-10 N. peace
salasili N. chain
salimina everything is at peace
samaha N. pardon, forgiveness
sambusa N. pastry wrapped spiced meat
samli (masamli) / diberi (-) 9-10 N. butter
sandai when?, at what hour?
sandalet (-) 9-10 (fr. sandalette) N. woman's sandal
sandze-marashi (masandze-
marashi) 5-6 N. citronella candle
sangai (masangai) 5-6 N. farmer's clothes
santsani N. coast, shore
santuri N. record player
sanuo N. hairpick
sanɗuk (masanɗuk) 5-6 N. type of local bank, suitcase, chest
sapvuzi Adv. perfectly
sare (-) 9-10 N. uniform (clothes)
sarmaya / sarumaya (masarmaya) 5-6 N. craftsman, carpenter, author, artist (see surumaya)
saruvisi (fr. service-work) N. work clothes
sata (fr.) N. satin
sauti N. voice
Adj. same, equal (see dja) Adv. like, as, equally, Prep.
sawa equal to
sawa sawa N. tie (in sports score)
(ar.) N. clock, watch, time (often shortened to "sa" or
saya (-) 9-10 "saa")
saya (zasaya) 7-8 N. the other (a known entitiy)
sazi (masazi) 5-6 N. cluster, bunch (of fruit)
saûdi PN. Saudi Arabia
saɓa Adj. seven (quantity) (see -a fukare)
saɓa N. seven (counting) (see mfukare)
saɓaɓu / siɓaɓu N. reason, cause
so, uh (in mid-conversation), used to give advice, to ask a
saɓu question, to remind someone of something
saɓuni (-) 9-10 (fr. savon) N. soap
sehemu part, section
seho (maseho) 5-6 N. gust (of wind)
senkera (fr. cinq herures) 5 o'clock
sera (masera) 5-6 N. demon, ghost
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setera (fr. sept heures) 7 o'clock
sha but
N. salt (uncountable but not in class 6) (not truly salt but
shabu 9-10 something else)
shadada / shaɗaha / saɗaha (-) 7, 9-10 N. trouble, mess, disorder, confusion
shadhuli PN. one of two sufi sects locally (see ikadhuri)
shahaɗa (-) 9-10 (ar.) Muslim profession of faith
shahidi (mazahidi) 5-6 N. witness
shahula (zahula) 7-8 N. food
shaka (mashaka) 5-6 N. problem, mistake
shala (mashala) 5-6 N. barge
shali (-) 9-10 (fr. châle) N. scarf, shawl
shama (zama / mazama) 7-8, 5-6 N. association, club, group
shama sha muziki N. orchestra, musical group
shambrayera (zambrayera) 7-8 N. inner tube
shamɓa (mazamɓa / mashamɓa) 5-6 N. field for farming, cultivated land, includes trees
shamɓo (zamɓo) 7-8 N. bait (fishing), allure
shamɓulio N. attack, offensive (war)
shandza (zandza) 7-8 N. tent canvas
shangirizi Adj. active
shani N. catastrophy
shanonde (zononde) 7-8 N. knife
shanu / shano (zanu / zano) 7-8 N. plate, serving bowl (glass or ceramic)
shapio (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. champion
N. decorative spindles on exterior of house (usually
sharafa (-) 9-10 concrete)
sharafa / surafa N. railing
sharati (masharati) 5-6 N. debauched person
shari (-) 9-10 N. evil
sharia (zaria / mazaria) 7-8, 5-6 (ar.) N. law, rule
(fr. charbon) N. charcoal (sharɓoni- place to make
sharibo / shariɓo (no plural) 9-10 charcoal)
sharifu (mazarifu / masharifu) 5-6 N. descendants of Mohammed
N. obligation, requirement; Adj. obligated, required
sharti (mazarti) 5-6 (confused with shatri)
shartwi (-) 9-10 N. law, rule
shase (-) 9-10 (fr. sachet) N. plastic sack
shatri (mazatri) 5-6 N. shirt (confused with sharti)
shatsonga (zatsonga) 7-8 N. reason, explaination
shauka N. want, need
shawiri (mashawiri) 5-6 N. opinion, solution, choice, council
shaya (zaya / maya) 7-8 N. finger, toe
shaya shahari (zaya zahari) 7-8 N. middle finger
shaya shakoo (zaya zakuu) 7-8 N. thumb

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shaya shaushahanda (zaya
zaushahanda) 7-8 N. pointer finger
shazawa (mashazawa) 5-6 N. chameleon
shaɓa N. copper
shaɓaɓi (mashaɓaɓi) 5-6 N. young person
shebuni (zebuni) 7-8 N. rope
shefu (mazefu) 5-6 (fr. chef) N. leader, chairman
sheheni N. cargo
sheho (zeho) 7-8 N. hook
sheiɗuɗu N. turtle dove
shelo (zelo) 7-8 N. measurement, length
shema (zema) 7-8 N. albino person
shemdje N. brother-in-law, sister-in-law
sheni (fr. châine) N. chain
shenɗa Adj. nine (quantity)
shenɗa N. nine (counting)
sheo (zeo) 7-8 N. honor, respect
shepvade sha ntsi 7 N. ground, floor
sherezo (zerezo) 7-8 N. pottery (object)
shesa N. all-night vigil, night of sitting up with someone
Shetwani PN. Satan (capitalized) (see Ibilisi)
shetwani (mazetwani) 5-6 N. a devil, an evil person (like satan)
shiaraɓu N. arabic (language)
shiazi (ziazi) 7-8 N. yam
shiengo (ziengo) 7-8 N. hatred, hate
shifarantsa N. french (langauge), Adj. french
shifon (-) 9-10 (fr. chiffon-cloth, rag) N. mop
shigomu N. chewing gum
shihaya (zihaya) 7-8 N. breatlessness, Asthma
shihindi Adj. indian, indian styled
shihwi (zihwi) 7-8 N. thousand
shikomori N. comorian (langage-any of 4 island dialects)
N. chew, chewable thing (includes betel, tobacco, lime
shileo (zileo) 7-8 and mixes of these)
shimanga Adj. western, western styled
shime (zime) 7-8 N. ambiance, mood
shimedji (zimedji) 7-8 N. brother-in-law, sister in law
shimi (fr. chemical) N. chemical
shimwali N. mohelian (langauge), Adj. mohelian
shindzuani N. anjouani (langauge)
shingazidja Adj. comorian (from Ngazidja), N. langauge of ngazidja
shingo (shingo / zingo) 7-8 N. salt
shini PN. China
shino / shinu / hino (zinu / zino) 7-8 N. mortar (for grinding madaba)

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shinɗo (zinɗo) 7-8 N. market
shinɗoni N. marketplace
shio (zio) 7-8 N. book
shioni (zioni) 7-8 N. school, especially koranic school
shipaza 7 N. spade (cards)
shipvaya N. prison
shira (no plural) 7-8 N. caramel
shirk (ar.) N. blasphemy
shirka / shirika (mashirka) 5-6 N. undertaking, business
N. type of local red and white wrap worn by women (now
shiromani (ziromani) 7-8 in various colors)
shishio (mashishio) 5-6 N. ear
shisawahili N. swahili (language)
shistaarabu Adj. like someone who is civilized
shita (mashita / zishita) 5-6 N. monkey, macaque (monkey)
shitrima (zitrima) 7-8 N. small motorboat shuttle (see vedette)
shitrotro Adv. childishly
shiumɓe (ziumɓe) 7-8 N. created being, living being, creature
shiumɓe ɓinadamu (ziumɓe
ɓinadamu) 7-8 N. human being
shiunga (ziunga) 7-8 N. cultivated field (individually owned field)
shiungo (ziungo) 7-8 N. sauce for rice (singular), physical body (plural)
shiungo (ziungo) 7-8 N. side dish (for meal)
shiunu / shiuno (ziunu) 7-8 N. waist, hip
shiwandza (ziwandza) 7-8 N. surface, open area, space
shiwanɗa (ziwanɗa) 7-8 N. workshop, studio
shiwara (ziwara) 7-8 N. confidence, private affairs
shiwari / shiwara Adj. calm weather
N. pillar, supporting post (usually in y shape to hold
shiwe (ziwe) 7-8 crossbrace for roof)
shizungu N. in a eurpoean way, like in europe
shiƁushi N. malagasy langauge Adj. malagasy
shiɓa (ziɓa) 7-8 N. bone, thorn, (fig.) very skinny person
shiɗa N. difficulty (physical)
shofera (mazofera) 5-6 (fr. chauffeur) N. driver
shokola N. brown, chocolate
shole N. sterile
shoma (zoma) 7-8 N. chicken house, chicken coup, hen house
shomɓo (zomɓo) 7-8 N. instrument (music), tool, weapon
shomɓo sha huyeleya 7-8 N. bathtub, (lit.) tool for washing oneself
shomɓo sha mdro (zomɓo za mdro) 7-8 N. gun
shonga (zonga) 7-8 N. bad behavior, bad fortune
shongo (zongo) 7-8 N. hill, slope, incline
shononɗe (zononɗe) 7-8 N. knife of any size, machete

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shoo (zoo) 7-8 N. excrement (shoo shadingo)
shuhuli N. occupation, affair
shujaa N. champion
shuma (zuma) 7-8 N. metal, iron
shumba (zumba) 7-8 N. room
shumu N. size
shundufera (fr. chemin de fer-train track) N. train, also handcart
shungu (zungu) 7-8 N. pipe, crater
shuruti N. condition
shwaɓaha (zwaɓaha) 7-8 N. direction (of a busineess), suggestion
si (sisi) Pn. we
siasa N. politics
sidjini / ladjoli N. prison, jail
sihuo N. carving
sikatris (-) 9-10 (fr. cicatrice) N. scar
siki (-) 9-10 N. vinegar
siliho (masiliho) 5-6 N. amulet of protection (put around the house)
silipo (-) 9-10 (fr. slip) N. underwear
silsila / sisili N. chain
simba (-) 9-10 N. lion
simu N. telephone
simɓishio (masimɓishio) 5-6 N. support, backing
sina (masina) 5-6 N. plant, block (political)
sinamu (-) 9-10 N. drawing, statue
sindzanu / sindanu (-) 9-10 N. sewing needle, injection, syringe, shot (medical)
sindzihizi (zindzihizi) 7-8 N. sea urchin
sinema (-) 9-10 N. cinema, theater
singisiu (-) 9-10 N. ginger
siniya (-) / sinia (masinia) PC / 9-10,
siniha 5-6 N. metal platter
sio (-) 9-10 (fr. seau) N. bucket
sipvuzi Adj. correct
sipvuzi (-) 9-10 N. truth, correctness
siri Adv. secretly
siri (siri / ziri) 7-8 N. pants (US), trousers (UK); secret
siri yajini N. jeans
siri yambiɗi (siri zambiɗi) 9-10 N. underwear
sirikali / sirkali (-) 9-10 N. government, administration, Adj. civil
sisi, si we, us
sita Adj. six (quantity)
sita N. six (counting)
sitara N. secret, privacy, intimacy
siwa (masiwa) 5-6 N. island (zisiwa-small islands) (masiwa-plural) (see isiwa)

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sizera (fr. six heures) 6 o'clock
skotchi (-) 9-10 N. tape
skutu N. boy scouts
soandze N. citronelle
soha (masoha) 5-6 N. axe, hatchet; (fig.) stubborn or ignorant person
somei ya itranda N. bed slats (to hold up the mattress)
sontsi all of us
soo (masoo) 5-6 N. trail, track, footpath
soroɗa (masoroɗa) 5-6 N. soldier
spori / sipori (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. sport
stilo (-) 9-10 (fr. stylo) N. ink pen
stishihaɗa N. certificate
subira (-) 9-10 N. patience, wait (time of waiting)
sudjaya (masudjaya) 5-6 N. audacious, daring or bold person, warrior
sufuria (masufuria) 5-6 N. saucepan
suheili 9-10 N. south
suka (masuka) 5-6 N. hairbraid (see ɗao)
sukari (-) 9-10 N. sugar
sultwani (masultwani) 5-6 N. sultan (arabian type king)
sulutwani ntiɓe N. supreme king
sumbwerera (masumbwerera) 5-6 (por.) N. straw hat
sumila! Let me by!, Let me pass!
sumu N. poison
sungurwa (masungurwa) 5-6 N. hare, rabbit
superglu (-) 9-10 N. superglue
sura / surwa (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. sura, chapter
suraya N. face
suruali (-) 9-10 N. pants (US), trousers (UK)
N. one who circumcises, one who castrates (see
surumaya (masurumaya) 5-6 sarmaya)
surwaya N. look, appearance (face); Adj. to look good
susumɓele / susu (masusu) 5-6 N. prostitute, swing
sutru (masutru) 5-6 N. spoon, cement trowel (sutru yasima)
sutru la manyo (masutru ya manyo) 5-6 N. fork
suzi (masuzi) 5-6 N. release of flatulence, fart
suäla (masuäla) 5-6 N. question
swabaha (maswabaha) 5-6 (ar.) N. morning
swadaka (maswadaka) 5-6 N. offering, charity
swafi adv. well, alot, exactly, very, too, truly
swafurwa (-) 9-10 N. faintness, diziness, sudden weakness
swahaba (maswahaba) 5-6 (ar.) N. follower
swahihi / swahiha (-) 9-10 N. truth
swai (maswai) 5-6 N. coral (ocean)
swala N. prayer
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swalla-llahu Adj. (blessing) may peace be upon him
swamaha (-) 9-10 N. excuse, forgiveness
swanaa N. art, handmade
swanaa ya kafu N. pottery (handmade)
swarafa (maswarafa) 5-6 N. management, leadership
sware (fr. soiré-evening) N. concert
swauti N. voice
swifa 10 N. character, reputation (plural only)
swiha Adj. healthy, strong
swiha (-) 9-10 N. health, physical shape
swilaha (maswilaha) 5-6 N. negotiation, arrangements
swir / swiri (fr. sûr) Adj. sure
taarifa N. bulletin, official document, certificate, report
taarifa ya habari (taarifa za habari) 9-10 N. information bulletin
tablo dzidu (matablo madu) 5-6 (fr. tableau) N. black board, chalk board
tadjiri (matadjiri) 5-6 N. rich person, merchant
Tafadhwali! Will you please!, please! (very strong)
tafauti Adv. differently Prep. different from
tafauti (-) 9-10 N. difference
taifini (fr. taille fine-thin size) Adj. skinny
takriban / taksiban around, about, almost, approximately
taksi (-) 9-10 N. taxi
takwimu N. calendar
tale (matale) 5-6 N. arrogant person
tamam adv. absolutely
tamaya / twamaya / twamaa (-) 9-10 N. hope, faith, wish
tamko N. declaration
tamu (no plural) 9 N. delight, pleasure
tanti N. comorian bag made of palm tree leaves
taradja / ntaradja (-) 9-10 N. step (stairs), translation
taradudi (-) 9-10 N. doubt
taratibu Adj. calm; N. solution
tarehe / tarehi (-) 9-10 N. date (time), history
tari (matari) 5-6 N. drum
tarumbeta N. warning, bugle
tas N. pile
tasa (matasa) 5-6 N. plate, pan, skillet
tasbihi / ntsabihi (-) 9-10 N. prayer beads
tauba N. repentance
taya N. lightbulb
taya (-) 9-10 N. lamp
taâɓiri (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. dream, daydream
(ar.) N. pain, difficulty, problem, persecution, torment,
taâɓu / taambu / taɓu punishement Adv. difficultly, with difficulty
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taɓiri N. dream
taɓuta (mataɓuta) 5-6 N. monument
telele Adj. a large amount, lots of
tenisi N. tenis
tera (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. terrain, field for sports
tere (matere) 5-6 N. drop
terrin/terre yampira (-) 9-10 (fr. terre-land, terrain-field) N. soccer field
thalathini (ar.) N. thirty
thamaâni! / samahani! excuse me! pardon me!
thawaɓu N. heavenly reward
theluthi N. third (part of a whole)
tiari / tiyari Adj. ready, prepared
tike (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. ticket
tinti Adj. short
tio (-) 9-10 (fr. tuyau) N. pipe, tube
toli (-) 9-10 (fr. tôle) N. sheet metal, houses made of metal sheeting
tomati (-) 9-10 N. tomato
tomati ya pumɓa 5-6 (fr. tomate) N. fat tomato
toɓa (-) 9-10 N. repentance
trako (matrako) 5-6 N. buttock
trama (marama) 5-6 N. maize (british) / corn (us)
trambu (marambu) 5-6 N. millipepe
tramɓa (maramɓa) 5-6 N. thicket, brushline, hedgerow
trandiho N. carpet
tranga (maranga) 5-6 N. fin (fish), sail (of a boat); mourning (for a death)
trangani (marangani) 5-6 N. place of mourning, bereaved families house
trango (marango) 5-6 N. pumpkin
trarayo N. comings and goings, up-and-down movement
trasera (matrasera) N. ray (fish)
trasi (matrasi) 5-6 N. early morning time (6-9 am)
travu (maravu) 5-6 N. cheek
traya (maraya) 5-6 N. nest, den
trengwe (marengwe) 5-6 N. public, audience, meeting, crowd
N. enlargement of tissue caused by filarila worms,
trenɗe (marenɗe) 5-6 elephantiasis
triangle (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. triangle
triho (matriho) 5-6 (fr. tuyau) N. peak of the house, roof cap
trikitriki madji (matrikitriki madji) 5-6 N. watermelon (more commonly fr. melon)
trinɗi (marinɗi) 5-6 N. banana tree
trombo (marombo) 5-6 N. sex, intercourse
trone / troni (marone) 5-6 N. drop (of liquid)
trongo (marongo) 5-6 N. snore; (in plural) eye secretion (from sleep or infection)
tropve N. mud

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truda N. bead, bullet point on paper, grain, seed
truhu (maruhu) 5-6 N. swelling, blister
trumba (marumba) 5-6 N. malagasy spirit
trumbo (marumbo) 5-6 N. intestine, trunk of body
trundru (marundru) 5-6 N. cage
trunku (marunku) 5-6 N. brushwood, brush (in a forest), undergrowth
trunkua (matrunkua) 5-6 N. large ant
trunɗa (marunɗa) 5-6 N. orange, fruit (general)
truru (maruru) 5-6 N. beautiful person, swollen bruise
tsapvuho (matsapvuho) 5-6 N. toy
tsena Adv. again, also
tshololo (matshololo) 5-6 N. stupid person
tsi hale Adv. soon, recently
tsi mndru wa kweli N. untrustworthy person
tsi msimbufu Adj. lazy (lit. not hard working) (see mlemevu)
tsi mtaarufu Adj. unfriendly, cold (personality)
tsi mwaminifu Adj dishonest (literally “not honest”) / thief
tsi naɗi Adv. sometimes, occasionally
tsidjau no (response)
tsihufereshea (tsimferesheani) congradulations
tsozi (matsozi) 5-6 N. tear
tsumu / tumu 9 N. the act of fasting, a fast
tu Adv. only
tuhuma N. suspicion
tukiwa N. worries
tumo (matumo) 5-6 N. savings (of resource)
turnevisi (-) 9-10 (fr. tournavis) N. screwdriver, wrench, pliers
turuni / turune (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. turn in path
turwazera (fr. trois heurs) 3 o'clock
twaa Adj. faithful, obedient
twabia (-) 9-10 N. behavior, conduct
twahara N. ceremonial cleaning
twaifa (matwaifa) 5-6 N. nation
twalaka (-) 9-10 N. divorce
twaleti (-) 9-10 (fr. toilette) N. toilet
(ar.) N. comorian concert, genre of african and arab mixed
twarab / twaraɓu music, (lit. joy through music)
twarika (-) 9-10 N. group of sufi (who chant/pray together)
twauni N. famine
twaza (matwaza) 5-6 N. cymbale
twaâ Adj. polite
N. character, custom, habit, ways, manners, tradition,
twaɓia (-) 9-10 custom
twaɓiɓu (matwaɓiɓu) 5-6 N. doctor

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uaminifu 11 N. honesty
uangamifu 11 N. damnation
ubabaifu 11 N. condition of being dazzled
ubanguzi 11 N. war, apartheid, racial prejudice
ubanguzi wa range 11 N. racism
ubasha 15 N. activities of an evening
ubatwalifu Adj. deceitful
ubazazi 11 N. cheating
ubinafsi 11 N. individualism
ubishi 11 N. banality
ucafu (nyicafu) 11-10 N. dirtiness, something dirty
ucanfu 11 Adv. dirtily, uncleanly; N. dirt, filth, impurity
Udaci PN. Germany
udhibitifu 11 N. effectiveness, efficiency
udhohari 11 N. ability
udhu 11 N. religious washings, ablutions
udhulumifu 11 N. injustice
udhuri 11 N. problem
udhwahiri / udhwahirifu 11 N. certainty / clarity
udhwaifu 11 N. poverty, destitution
udi 11-10 N. incense (is this same as ûdi?)
udjahazi 11 N. slavery
udjamaâ / djamaâ 11 (ar.) N. community of people (especially religious), family
udjambazi 11 N. cheating
udjandji 11 N. cleverness
udjasusi 11 N. spying
udjaswiri / udjasiri 11 N. daring, courage
udjewiri 11 N. rudeness
udjinga 11 N. ignorance, stupidity
udjinini N. haunted place
udjipva Adj. tasty, delicious, dainty
udjipviza Adj. pleasing, pleasant (inf. used as adj.)
udjira 11 N. pride, conceit
udjisa 11 Adj. beautiful, pretty N. beauty Adv. beautifully
udjiso Adj. beautiful
udjizi 11-10 N. knowedge, understanding
udjonefu / udjonesa 11-10 N. pride
udjufumuo 11 N. madness, lunacy
udjumbe (nyidjumbe) 11-10 N. kingdom, delegation
udjuzi (nyidjuzi) 11 N. wisdom, understanding
udoo (nyidoo) 11-10 N. glass (material), window, windshield
uduhazi 11 N. old age
udzima (nyidzima) 11-10 N. union, unity

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Shingazidja Class English
udziro 11 N. weight, Adj. heavy, Adv. difficulty
ufa (nyifa) 11-10 N. split, crack, fissure
ufasiki 11 N. debauchery
ufaume 11 N. kingship, chieftainship, rule and reign, royalty, honor
ufaumeni 11 N. place of king, palace
ufiradji 11 N. homosexuality
ufisiɗifu 11 N. waste, wasted resources (i.e. money, food)
ufudhuli 11 N. disrespect
ufundi 11 N. professionalism
ufupvi Adv. briefly, in summary
ufupvi 11 N. smallness
ufusa (nyifusa) 11-10 N. hole
ufuzi 11 N. success, accomplishment
ufuzu 11 N. victory
ufwakuzi (nyifwakuzi) 11-10 N. revolution
ugangi N. healing arts, sorcery, witchcraft
ugare (nyigare) 11-10 N. dough (flour based)
ughilibu 11 N. cheating
ugodjezi 11 N. surveillance
uguguru 11 N. stubbornnss, obstinacy
ugumba (nyigumba) 11-10 N. trap, snare (for birds)
uhadju (nyihadju) 11-10 N. tamarin (fruit)
uhafiliha na wandru Adj. sensitive, caring
uhainifu 11 N. deception
uhandza (nyihandza) 11-10 N. top of coconut tree
uhara 11 N. fear, worry, something frightening
uhavu 11 N. dryness, drought
uhawara 11 N. unfaithfulness (in marriage), debauchery
uhaɗazi (nyihaɗazi) 11-10 N. cheating, delusion, illusion, deception, bait (for fishing)
uhiari 11 N. choice
uhifathwi 11 N. protection
uhishima 11 N. reputation
uhodari 11 N. cleverness, capability
uhura (nyihura / nkura) 11-10 N. rock wall
uhuria (nyihuria) 11-10 N. independence
uhuru (nyihuru) 11-10 N. independence, freedom
uhusu loc. prep. about, concerning
uhususwia 11 N. specificity
uhuu 11 N. size, greatness
uimbadji N. choir
ukabila 11 N. citizenship
N. cloth worn by women around the head and covering
ukai the face
ukaidi 11 N. obstinacy

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Shingazidja Class English
ukalizi 11 N. gossip
ukano (nyikano) 11-10 N. wooden platter
ukarani N. clerical work
ukaza dema N. fishing net
ukomo 11 N. minimum
ukomɓozi 11-10 N. freedom, independence
ukuma 11 N. decision
ukumɓi (nyikumɓi) 11-10 N. living room (ukumbini)
ukutruzi / ukutuzi 11 N. war, seperation (lit. spit apart)
ukweli (zekweli) 11-10 N. truth
ulaanifu 11 N. rejection, damnation
ulamaa (malamaa) 5-6 N. theologian
N. rejection, damnation, action worth of rejection and
ulana 11 damnation (verb ulani)
ulanga 11 N. environment, nature
Ulaya PN. Europe
ulaya (nɗaya) 11-10 N. palm tree
ule Adv. at length
uledjevu 11 N. weakness
ulemengu (nyilemenegu) 11-10 N. universe, world, countries (in plural)
ulemevu 11 N. tiredness, laziness
ulevi 11 N. drukenness, intoxication
ulezi 11 N. care for children, treatment of children, education
N. tongue (nɗime can mean-tip of tounge or uvula in
ulime (nɗime / nyilime) 11-10 mouth)
ulime wankabuzi (zenilime
zankabuzi) / ulimi wamasera / ulime
wantazu 11-10 N. rainbow (option B is lit. tongue of devils)
ulindzanisa 11 N. equality
ulio N. tripod
ulozi 11 N. fishing
umakiri Adj. decietful
umakiri N. cleverness
umalio (nyimalio) 11-10 N. sperm (see manii)
umani (nyimani) 11-10 N. dispute
umaskini / umasikini 11 N. poverty
umati 11 N. people, crowd
umatrekani 11 N. captivity
umavu 11 N. insufficiency, gap
umbedje N. sesame seed
ume 11 N. virility
umeni 11 N. paternal family
umezi 11 N. begging
umilanantsi 11 N. feudalism

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Shingazidja Class English
umma N. citizenry
umuri 11 N. lifespan
umwedja 11 N. harmony
umɓizo (nyimɓizo) 11-10 N. wedding
una-idjana 11 N. childhood, youth
unafiki 11 N. deception, hypocrisy, betrayal, deciet
unafsia 11 N. egoism, selfishness
unai 11 N. poverty, destitution
unantsi 11 N. citizenship
unanya 11 N. brotherhood
unaswara 11 N. christianity
undroni 11 N. luck, happiness
undru 11 N. humanity
unene 11 N. weight (mass)
unga 11 N. powder, flour
unga mwili N. human body hair
Ungudjua PN. Zanzibar
ungwana 11 N. liberty
unkuɗi 11 N. dirtiness
unono / ununu / ounono 11 N. health
unuzi / uluzi / nɗuzi 11 N. whistle, hiss (animal)
unyongo (minyongo) 11-4 N. central stem of coconut palm leaf
unyonyadji / udjandji 11-10 N. exploitation, corruption
uongozi 11 N. leadership
upanga (nyipanga / mpanga) 11-10 N. sword
upanɗe (mpaɗe / nyipanɗe) 11-10 N. side, slope
upanɗo (nyipanɗo / mpaɗo) 11-10 N. wall, dam
upatsu (nyipatsu / mpatsu) 11-10 N. cymbal (music)
upepo (nyipepo) 11-10 N. wind
upesi Adj. quick, fast, urgent
upesi 11 N. speed, quickness
upeu 11 N. evil, meanness, cruelty (sometimes stinginess)
upezo wamatso (nyipezo zamatso) 11-10 N. visual range
upinɗo (nyipinɗo) 11-10 N. fringe (of fabric)
upisi (nyipisi) 11-10 N. cooking recepies, method of cooking
upolevu 11 N. calm
upotefu 11 N. lostness
upuzi N. banality, Adj. careless
upvahuadji N. leaking cargo
upvale / urale / upale 11 N. baldness
upvamba (nyipvamba) 11-10 N. cotton
upvandzi (nyipvandzi) 11-10 N. poetry
upvasuzi 11 N. surgery

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Shingazidja Class English
upvauso Adj. facing, in front of
upvenufu 11 N. clarity, evidence, proof
upvenye (mbenye) 11-10 N. lightning (see mpvenye)
uradji 11 N. width
urahafu 11 N. cleanness
urahisi 11 N. cheapness
uraia / uranyia 11 N. citizenship, nationality
urambuzi 11 N. cleverness
uranɗo (nyiranɗo) 11-10 N. coast, side, slope
N. spit, slobber, saliva, drool (uncontrolable), slime (of
ure (nyire) 11-10 snails and some fruits)
urenga wandru ndro Adj. hospitable
Ureno 11 PN. Portugal
urisa / uriso 11 N. ugliness, Adj. ugly
urisifu 11 N. ugliness (very techinal, unused word)
uropve N. fine sand (from sea), silt
uru 11 N. diamonds (in playing cards)
uruma 11 N. decency, order (civil)
uruma ezi 11 N. gouverner (ruler in power)
urumwa (nyirumwa) 11-10 N. message (to send), task to do, slavery (old meaning)
urwa 11 N. pain
usarumaya 11 N. carpentry, woodworking
usawa 11 N. equality
usaya N. cluster of large fruit
ushangivu 11 N. fright
ushao 11 N. the day after tomorrow
usharati 11 N. debauchery
ushaɓaɓi 11 N. youth
ushe 11 N. femininity
usheni 11 N. maternal family
usherehi 11 N. celebration
ushindzi (nyishindzi) 11-10 N. victory, success
ushinɗo Adj. strong, healthy (inf. used as adj.)
ushuru (nyiushuru) 11-10 N. tax
usikitifu 11 N. deep sadness, pain, regret, frustration
usiku (nyisiku) 11-10 N. day
usilamu 11 PN. Islam
usiu (nyisiu) 11-10 N. anger
uso Adj. sharp
uso (nyizo / nyiso / nyuso) 11-10 N. face
usongadji (nyisongadji) 11-10 N. slaughter, massacre
usoni facing, before, in front of
usoni mwa Prep. in front of, before
ustaarabu 11 (ar.) N. civilization
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Shingazidja Class English
ustandrabu 11 N. modernity
ustehi 11 N. respect
usudjaya 11 N. courage
usuka N. steering wheel
usukani (nyisukani) 11-10 N. driver's seat, steering wheel, rudder (boat)
usuluhu 11 N. reconciliation
usuɓuti / msuɓuti N. daring
uswafi 11 N. truth
utaalamu 11 N. ability
utabifu 11 N. embarassment, suffering, troubles
utamaɗuni 11 N. civilization, culture
utawalifu 11 N. colonisation
utawaza 11 N. ritual washing (before prayers), ablutions
utemɓezi (matemɓezi) 5-6 N. walk, stroll, path (plural used most often)
uterezi N. chatter
uthubutifu / uthibitifu Adv. certainly
utosha Adj. sufficient, enough (inf. used as adj.)
utosha Adv. adequately, enough (inf used as adv)
utra (nyitra) 11-10 N. arch, bow (hunting)
utrazi (nyitrazi) 11-10 N. drip. leak, escape
utrotro 11 N. childhood
utrulivu Adj. calm
utrulivu 11 N. quietness
utrume 11-10 N. prophecy
utsaha mabaya Adj. troublemaker
utsahalifu 11 N. research
utsantsaua 11 N. research
utseo (nyitseo) 11-10 N. winnowing basket, sifting basket, sifter (cooking)
utshaguzi (nyitshaguzu) 11-10 N. vote, election
utsina mbeha N. clumsy person
utsovu 11 N. loss
utsumɓa 11-10 N. singleness (after marriage ends by divorce or death)
utsungo (nyitsungo) 11-10 N. tail
utsunguzi 11 N. choice
utubu 11 N. forgiveness, pardon
utukufu 11 N. greatness, glory
utundadji 11 N. care
N. anger (synonym of usiu), lividness (sometimes
utungu (nyitungu) 11-10 because of pain)
utwaa 11 N. faithfulness
utwalia 11 N. gouverner
utwei 11 N. to revere, to reverence, to obey
uvu 11 N. envy, jealousy
uvu 11 N. jealousy, envy
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Shingazidja Class English
uvumzi 11 N. rest, holiday, day off
uvunɗo (nyivunɗo) 11-10 N. mucus; decay, rott, decomposed thing
uwo N. that one there, this
uzale 11 N. origin, ancestry
uzazi 11 N. childbirth, fertility
N. happiness, joy, good news; grace, favor, blessing
uzaɗe (nyizaɗe) 11-10 given by God
uzee 11 N. elderliness, old age
uzena 11 N. elegance
uzi (nyizi / nyuzi) 11-10 N. thread, string
uzi wazari (nyizi zazari) 11-10 N. golden string
uzidi 11 N. increase
uzimu 11 N. realm of the dead
uzimɓo 11 N. ceiling
uzoevu 11 N. routine
uzuri 11 N. beauty
uâɗui 11 N. hostility
uɓadhilifu 11 N. change, changement, corruption
uɓadili 11 N. change
uɓani N. incense
uɓaɓa 11 N. paternity
uɓe (nyiɓe) 11-10 N. ecstasy, rapture (good feelings)
N. capitalism (sometimes used as someone who doesn't
uɓepare 11 like to work)
uɓinadamu 11 N. humanity
uɓora N. good quality
uɓu (nyiɓu) 11-10 N. rice poridge, rice drink
uɓure 11 N. unemployment
uɓuzi 11 N. prostitution
uɗoo (nyiɗoo) 11-10 N. mirror
vacance / vakansi (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. vacation, holiday
N. cabin of young men (usually constructed by young
vala (mavala) 5-6 men who sleep away from home as early as 10 years.)
valizi (-) 9-10 (fr. valise) N. suitcase
vao (mavao) 5-6 N. clothes, wardrobe
varla (mavarla) 5-6 N. brother-in-law
vazi (mavazi) 5-6 N. clothes, manner of dress
vedette / videti (-) 9-10 (fr.) N. small motorboat shuttle (see shitrima)
veri (fr. vert) N. Adj. green colored
visi (-) 9-10 N. screw, bolt
viziti (-) 9-10 N. medical appointment
vomizi (mavomizi) 5-6 N. termite, large woodburrowing insect (wood-bee)
voti (-) 9-10 (fr. vote) N. vote
vu (no plural) N. ash (from fire)

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vuhuo (mavuhuo) 5-6 N. whirlwind, spinning, swirl
vume N. stinger
vumɓa (mavumɓa) 5-6 N. smell of fish
vuraba / vuramɓa (mavuraba /
mavuramɓa) 5-6 N. large lemon
vuruma N. chaos
vushe (mavushe) 5-6 N. spell, odor
vwai N. crocodile
wadiri (mawadiri) 5-6 N. rose (flower)
wadjau Adj. the same, also
wadjau Adv. also, as well
wadjiɓu 11 N. necessity
wafati (nyafati) 11-10 N. death
wafatini N. dead person's family or home
wahai (-) 9-10 N. vision, inspiration (usually from God)
wai (nyiwai) 11-10 N. partie, side
wakala (mawakala) 5-6 N. officials, delegation, representative
wakati when?
wakati (makati / nyakati) 11-10 N. moment of time, period, season
wakati ha wakati Adv. sometimes, occasionally
wala Conj. without
wala N. case for knife or sword
wala N. pocket knife
wala neither, nor
wala those, them
wali 11 N. rice
walii (mawalii) 5-6 N. holy man, esteemed Arabic professor
wami ce / wami moi seul
waminifu 11 N. confidence
wamivu 11 N. oppression, suffocation
wandru wadaho 2 N. tribe (lit. people of the place)
wandza (nyiwandza) 11-10 N. courtyard (house)
wandzani 11 N. friendship
wangamifu 11 N. decline
wangu 11 N. easiness
wani (mani) 5-6 N. leaf
N. living leaf, green (Adj. -a wanimwitsi-color of a leaf/ i.e.
wanimwitsi (manimaitsi) green) (see veri)
wanu these
wao Them alone, those there
wapeu Adj. unkind, evil (often stingy)
waratha 11 N. heir, inheritance
waritrendea 2 N. ancesters
wariɓu (-) 9-10 N. vowel (in Arabic), accent mark (other langauges)

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Shingazidja Class English
wasaya 11 N. ability, capability, oportunity
wasi our self alone
wasiwasi 11 N. worries, doubts, dread, problems (plural idea)
waswia (nyaswia) 11-10 N. advice, recommendation, legal will
watwani 11 N. patriotism, homeland, home
watwania (mawatwania) 5-6 N. patriot
wavu (-) 9-10 N. fishing net
wawe you alone
waye him or her alone
wazi Adj. clear, open; naked, nude N. nudity
waziri (mawaziri) 5-6 N. minister
waɗe (mawaɗe / nyiwaɗe) 11-10 N. sickness, disease
waɗe wa usumpia (nyiwaɗe za
usumpia) 11-10 N. (lit. jumping sickness) epidemic
we (wewe) Pn. you (singular)
welevu 11 N. comprehension, understanding
wema 11 N. gentleness, goodness
wemɓe Adj. sharp
wemɓe (nyemɓe) 11-10 N. sharp knife used for guarding cows, razor
wenefu 11 N. leprosy
wengwe (nyiwengwe) 11-10 N. brain
weu 11-10 N. whiteness, clarity, brightness
wewe binafsi you alone, you in person
wewe, we you
wezo N. ability, capability
widzi 11 N. theft, diversion
wilaya 11 N. district
wili (-) 9-10 (fr. huile) N. oil
windji / lendji 11-10 N. multitude
windjini N. place of ???
wingu (maingu) 5-6 N. cloud (usually used in plural)
wino (-) N. ink (from pen), cartridge (from printer)
winoni N. ocean bottom
witera (fr. huit heures) 8 o'clock
wizani (nyizanoi) 11-10 N. balance, scale (to weight out product)
wizara 11 N. ministry (departement of government)
wo (wao) Pn. they
wokofu / mwongofu 11 N. deliverance, salvation
wola him there (that you can see)
wontsi all of them
wowo, wo them
woyi this (for person)
yaani that is to say
yahoa N. Thursday
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Shingazidja Class English
yahudi (mayahudi) 5-6 N. Jewish person
yakini Adv. certainly N. certainty
yapvo Adv. so, this, for example
yayo these
ye (yeye) Pn. he, him, her
Ye / E... Mark of a question
ye ntana N. hair comb (old word)
ye pvoko but since
ye ziungo za mwa N. parts of the body
yesibabu because
yezatsonga because
yiho 17 N. there
yikaulazimu it must, you must
ylimu N. instruction
zabari hindri? why?
zabibu (-) 9-10 N. grapes (usually plural)
zabibu za huma (-) 9-10 N. raisins (lit. dry grapes)
zaiɗi Adv. more
zaka (-) 9-10 (ar.) N. charity, alms, offering
zalawa 10 N. consequence
zama (mazama) 5-6 N. period, epoch
zamani Adv. long ago,
zambani (always plural) 9-10 N. edible entrails, guts (from mɓa-stomach)
zamu (mazamu) 5-6 N. tomb (singular), cemetary (plural
zana (mazana) 5-6 N. condiments, ingredients, tools, things, instrument
zariɗe (-) 9-10 (fr. jardain) N. garden, yard
zavuka / zavoca (fr. avocat) N. avocado, lawyer
zawadi (mazawadi) 5-6 N. gift (old word) (often given because of a trip)
zi! shh, hush!
N. schedule (lit. turns of the day), pilgrimage (specifically
ziara (maziara) 5-6 Hadj to Mecca)
ziba za mkasketi N. cactus
zibitifu N. sureness, surety
zifafa N. comorian dance, bridal procession
zifungo N. captivity, captives
zihwi zili two-thousand
zile ntuzi 10 N. spices (for sauce)
zilimo (malimo) 5-6 N. plant
zilimu 11 N. witchcraft
zilo N. secret wife
zio 8 N. type, kind, piece (of food)
N. intersection of paths or roads (concept of fork in road
ziraroni / ziraruni 8 but used for any intersection)
Ziraïlu PN. the angel of death

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Shingazidja Class English
ziungo N. human body
zuki (mazuki) 5-6 N. oldest child, first born
zungu-zungu 8 N. faintness, diziness
â'â Adv. no, not at all
N. ambergris (waxy substance found on shores of tropical
âbari waters from intestines of sperm whales), flower
N. custom, tradition (general); rites to become nobility
âda / aɗa (-) 9-10 (specificly grand marriage)
âdili / âdilifu Adj. correct, honest, righteous
âdjabu (-) 9-10 N. miracle, suprise, marvel
âdui / âdwii (maâdui / maâdwii) 5-6 N. enemy, mean person, adversary (in competition)
âfia N. strength, vigor (old word) health
âfua N. pardon
âiɓu (-) 9-10 N. shame, disgrace, scandal
âkiba N. savings (money)
N. intelligence, smarts, ability, intellect, knowledge,
âkili capability, wisdom
âla (-) 9-10 N. tool, instrument (old word)
âlama (-) 9-10 N. mark, indication, scar (sometimes), symbol
âli Adj. expensive, costly (also ghali)
âmma (ar.) but, so
âri N. passion, stimulation, honor
âshki N. strong desire, feeling, love, passion,
âvio (-) 9-10 (fr. avion) N. airplane; Adj. to go fast (like an airplane)
âzimio (maâzimio) N. declaration, decision
âzma N. initiative, method for making a decision
ââ Adv. yes
îdi (-) 9-10 N. party (general), Muslim holiday (specific)
ûdi N. lute (instrument) (is this same as udi?)
ûzera (fr. onze heures) 11 o'clock
Ɓushini PN. Madagascar
N. problem, misfortune, damage, calamity, carnage,
ɓa, ɓaya (maɓaya) 5-6 catastrophy, chaos
ɓaadhwi Adj. specific, certain
ɓaadhwi Prep. among, some
ɓaadhwi (ya wandru) N. group (of people)
ɓadala (maɓadala) 5-6 N. replacement, substitute
ɓadala ya ____ replacement for ____
ɓadjo (maɓadjo) 5-6 N. piece of wood
N. thin bleached cloth used for lining garments or burial
ɓafuta (-) 9-10 clothing
ɓahari Adj. unpredictable
ɓahari (-) 9-10 N. sea, ocean
ɓahari l'hinɗi PN. Indian Ocean
ɓaharia (maɓaharia) 5-6 N. sailor, dock worker, clueless person
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Shingazidja Class English
ɓahasha (-) 9-10 N. envelope, gift
ɓahashishi N. bonus, tip, bribe (see mkara-kara)
ɓahati (-) 9-10 N. luck, destiny, fate, opportunity
ɓahati mbi 9-10 N. bad luck
ɓahati naswibu 9-10 N. lottery
ɓahi / ɓasi Adv. only, the end, that's all
ɓahi tu Adj. only, unique
ɓahi! / ɓasi! That is enough!
ɓaho (maɓaho) 5-6 N. fence line, hedge line
ɓaina N. fault, problem
ɓaina (ya ... na ...) Prep. between (... and ...)
ɓaishe Adv. even if, even
ɓaki N. the rest, the left-over
ɓakuli (maɓakuli) 5-6 N. bowl
ɓakwera (-) 9-10 N. walking cane
ɓalozi (maɓalozi) 5-6 N. ambassador
N. reward, prize, gift, bonus, offering (sometimes given to
ɓamɓu (maɓamɓu) 5-6 teacher from students)
ɓandari (-) 9-10 (Per.) N. harbor, anchorage
ɓandzi (maɓandzi) 5-6 N. mandarine orange
N. temporary building (to store produce or for cooking
ɓanga (maɓanga) 5-6 during big events)
ɓangazo (maɓangazo) 5-6 N. get-together in a public place (not always organized)
ɓange (maɓange) 5-6 N. drug, haschisch
ɓangili (-) 9-10 N. bracelet
ɓanguzi (maɓanguzi) 5-6 N. wound, abscess
ɓangwe (maɓangwe) 5-6 N. public square, city center
ɓani (maɓani) (+ connecting word) Adj. same age or size as
ɓanihahe (maɓanihahe) Adj. of or from his generation
N. valley, flat clearing in wilderness, plain, largest room in
ɓanɗa / ɓaanɗa (maɓanɗa) 5-6 house
ɓao (maɓao) 5-6 N. board, plank, bench
ɓaoni (maɓaoni) 5-6 N. magical spell (from doing a spell on a board-ɓao)
ɓara (maɓara) 5-6 N. continent, region, territory
ɓarafu (-) 9-10 N. ice, something frozen, cold water
ɓaraka (-) 9-10 N. luck, blessing, prosperity
ɓaraka (maɓaraka) 5-6 N. strong thing, strong person
ɓaraza N. assembly, committee
9-10, N. porch, balcony; cabinet, assembly, committee
ɓaraza (ɓaraza / maɓaraza) 5-6 (government)
ɓarika N. bidon, jerrycan, jug
ɓariɗi N. cold
ɓarua (-) 9-10 N. letter, message
ɓasmati (-) 9-10 N. basmati (rice)
ɓata / ɓatabata (maɓata) 5-6 N. duck
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ɓatani Adj. futile, useless
ɓati (mabati) 5-6 N. zinc, lead; small edible bird
ɓatwala N. something cliche, something trivial Adj. insincere
ɓaua (maɓaua) / aua (maua) 5-6 N. flower
ɓavu (maɓavu) 5-6 N. region, sector, zone
ɓawa (maɓawa) 5-6 N. chicken wings to eat, shoulder
ɓazo (maɓazo) 5-6 N. cork, stopper
ɓaâɗa Adv. after that
ɓaâɗa ufariki Adv. after death
ɓaîdi (ar.) Adj. long, far away
ɓaɗi Prep. except, unless
N. prayer of protection or vindication (can include
ɓaɗirii recitations of large portions of the Koran)
ɓea (maɓea) 5-6 N. class (society), generation, age group (see hirimu)
ɓeedhwa Adj. discovered
ɓehewa (maɓehewa) 5-6 N. campsite, military camp
ɓei N. price
ɓele (maɓele) 5-6 N. breast (woman's)
ɓenge (maɓenge) N. cash register
N. show-off, someone who thinks too highly of themself,
ɓepare (maɓepare) 5-6 capitalist (old meaning)
ɓeramu N. national flag
ɓeshelea (maɓeshelea) 5-6 N. nostalgia, memory
ɓiashara N. commerce, business activity
ɓiashara ya magendrwa N. black marketing
ɓidhwaya N. merchandise, trade goods
ɓila Adv. without
ɓila idadi Adj. uncoutable
ɓila shaka Adv. undoubtedly, without a problem
ɓila wasiwasi Adv. without a problem
ɓilauri N. crystal, glass (material)
ɓili (-) 9-10 (fr. bille) N. marble
ɓinadamu Adj. human
N. sky; (plural maingu used for both singular and plural
ɓingu (maingu / maɓingu) 5-6, 6 clouds), often mixed up
ɓinɗa (mainɗa / maɓinɗa) 5-6 N. coconut palm fiber, rope made of coconut palm
ɓiriani N. indian styled spiced rice and meat dish
ɓirika (-) 9-10 N. teapot, tea kettle
ɓiringani / ɓilingani (maɓiringani) 5-6 N. eggplant
ɓiɓi (maɓiɓi) 5-6 N. woman, miss, maam (used more on Anjouan)
ɓiɓi harusi N. bride
N. gourd of baobab tree (important to history of
ɓiɓo (maɓiɓo) 5-6 Comoros), cashew fruit
ɓo Interjection hey (name)!

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ɓomba (maɓomba) 5-6 N. tube, pipe
ɓomu (maɓomu) 5-6 (eng.) N. explosive, bomb
ɓomɓo (-) 9-10 N. junk or used object
ɓora Adj. better, fine, best
ɓose Adv. maybe
N. flu like symptoms, fever, malaria (sometimes
ɓuhuo (maɓuhuo) 5-6 shortened to ɓuho)
ɓuku (maɓuku) 5-6 N. book, ledger, notebook
ɓuli (-) 9-10 N. teapot, teakettle
ɓumɓwa (maɓumɓwa) 5-6 N. mentality, mindset, habit
ɓunarithi N. watchtower
ɓundjilio (maɓundjilio) 5-6 N. meeting (organized)
N. worm (ground and parasite), larva, catipillar; cavity (in
ɓungu (maungu / maɓungu) 5-6 tooth)
ɓungu mapuzi 5-6 N. caterpillar
ɓunguo (maɓunguo) 5-6 N. separation, disunity
ɓuni (mauni) 5-6 N. dried banana leaf
ɓunɗuki (-) 9-10 N. pistol, gun
ɓunɗukudju (maɓunɗukudju) 5-6 N. owl (see bundi)
ɓure Adj. free (no cost), useless
N. arab cloak (worn by clergy of town in religious
ɓushuti (maɓushti) 5-6 ceremonies) (see djoho, dagla)
N. promiscuous person (disrespect their body and
family), prostitite (linked to mɓuzi-person who acts like an
ɓuzi (maɓuzi) 5-6 animal) (see susu)
ɓuɓu (maɓuɓu) 5-6 N. mute person
ɓwana (maɓwana) 5-6 N. lord, sir
ɓwanyawe N. cousin
ɓwara (maɓwara) 5-6 N. coin (money) (old word)
ɓwaɓwa bigger
ɓwe (mawe) 5-6 N. rock, stone
ɓwidzi (maɓwidzi) 5-6 N. great thief
ɓwiɓwi (maɓwiɓwi) 5-6 N. spider, black veil for women, burka, hidjab
ɗahaha (maɗahaha) 5-6 N. crane (bird), skull (anatomy)
ɗaho (malaho) 5-6 N. house, home, residence, apartment
ɗaika (malaika) 5-6 N. angel
ɗaima Adv. always, constantly, continually, usually
ɗakika (-) 9-10 N. minute
N. spices, prayer (meeting of people to petition God),
ɗalao (malalao) 5-6 product, medecine, (fig.) rat or roach poison (see soumu)
ɗalao la usiwakia (malalao ya
usiwakia) 5-6 N. toothpaste
ɗamu 6 N. blood (yadamu-color of blood-i.e. red)
ɗani N. inside, apartment
ɗao (malao) 5-6 N. woven mat of palm leaves; hairbraid (see suka)

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Shingazidja Class English
ɗarasa / darasa (-) 9-10 N. lesson, class
ɗaula N. state
ɗauzo (malauzo) 5-6 N. test, try
ɗauzo (maɗauzo) 5-6 N. activities, assignments
ɗawa N. process, conflict
ɗifu (malifu) 5-6 N. sift
ɗima (malima) 5-6 N. agriculture, agracultural work (see mlimo)
ɗingo (malingo) 5-6 N. back
ɗingohi Adv. already
ɗingoni mwa Prep. behind
ɗini (-) 9-10 N. religion
ɗinɗi (malinɗi) 5-6 N. burial ground
ɗirisha (maɗirisha) 5-6 N. window
ɗiwara N. wheel
ɗodjo (malodjo) 5-6 N. hole
ɗomo (miomo / malomo) 5-6 N. lip of mouth
ɗondo (malondo) 5-6 N. paw, hoof, foot
ɗongo (malongo) 5-6 N. clay (for pottery)
ɗoo (maloo) 5-6 N. fish hook
ɗoroso (maɗoroso) 5-6 N. engagement gift
ɗoɗoke (maɗoɗoke) 5-6 N. cumcumber
ɗua N. petition
ɗudja (maludja) 5-6 N. ocean wave
ɗufi (malufi) 5-6 N. buttocks
ɗuka (maluka) 5-6 N. store / shop
ɗuli (maluli) 5-6 N. gums in the mouth
ɗume N. male animal
ɗundi (malundi) / ɗunɗi (malunɗi) 5-6 N. mosquito

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