ShiNgazidja English Dictionary
ShiNgazidja English Dictionary
ShiNgazidja English Dictionary
March 2015
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THIS IS NOT A FINISHED PRODUCT! We are leaving many questionable words on the list at this
point along with many questionable spellings. Spellings at this point in the project are also
variable though usually listed as a single entry. We simply want this research to help as many
people as possible as soon as it can. We are hoping to release a final, edited and more
thoroughly formatted copy with a short grammatical explanation sometime in the next several
Here are a few details that it might be helpful for you to know for this current dictionary list.
Searching for words can become complicated because of the use of these symbols: Ɓɓ Ɗɗ. In
the final project, they will be integrated into the other words as a normal B and D; however, here
they are listed as separate letter symbols and as such don’t fit into the normal A-Z order.
While these letters cause searching the document to be difficult as they are not seen as letters
but rather symbols, we are forced to use them under the current accepted writing method. This
is dictated by the official spelling of Comoros adopted by the Council of Ministers in December
2009. There are ways to produce these letters simply on a digital device, but the creation of a
short-cut will vary considerably by device. The easiest, though not thoroughly effective, method
of searching might be to try to search for as much of the word before or after this letter as you
can to escape typing it altogether.
Spellings are different than you might be used to, because we are basing them off of the system
proposed by Mohamed AHMED-CHAMANGA. His system tends to remove and letter that it
deems unnecessary. Thus each letter has a sound. The “C” for instance makes a “CH” sound in
an English phonetic as in the word CHART. This has been found to be confusing at first. Also,
words with vowels in the first letter or words with vowel combinations have an understood
consonant sound before or between them. This will be further explained in the final edition of
this project. You can reference Chapter 1 of AHMED_CHAMANGA’s Introduction à la
Grammaire Structurale du Comorien, 2010. Our suggestion is to be flexible with your
understanding of pronunciation and spelling.
Verbs are listed here in Shingazidja by root instead of the infinitive form; so, you will find “-dja”
instead of “udia” or “hudja” as you may be used to.
Adjectives are listed starting with a hyphen if they change depending on the noun class or if
they require a variable connecting syllable to link them to the noun.
Both variable verbs and adjectives together give us a huge category of words that start with “-.”
In the final format, these words will be integrated into the list alphabetically by the first letter of
the root not the hyphen; however, our database does not let us do this now.
There are adverbs as well which begin with a connecting syllable “na.” Here they will be listed
under “na” in one place.
We hope that you enjoy using this word list and that it will be a huge help in your study of either
language. Remember to send all feedback and suggestions to:
Joshua S. Thrower
Compiling Editor
This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-a Prep. of, for
-a aiɓu Adj. immoral
-a burda Adj. cold (person physically); cool (liquid)
-a dhwahiri Adj. public, clearly
-a djitihaɗi Adj. ambitious
-a djunga Adj. grandiose
-a djuu Adj. on top, above
-a dunia Adj. worldly, international
-a fahamwe djema Adj. remembers well
-a faiti Adj. bankrupt
-a fardhwi Adj. of necessity (by religion)
-a faswaha Adj. eloquent
-a fidjo Adj. busy, active
-a giri Adj. persistent
-a hadhwari Adj. green
-a hahe Adj. (poss.) His, Hers, its
-a haho Adj. (poss.) yours, your
-a haiba Adj. busy, active
-a hangu Adj. (poss.) my, mine
-a hanyu Adj. your, yours (plural)
-a hanɗa Adj. first
-a hao Adj. (poss.) their, theirs
-a haraka Adj. urgent
-a harara Adj tense, doubtful
-a hatru Adj. (poss.) our, ours
-a hila Adj. mischievous
-a inswafi Adj. sincere, authentic, true
-a irumɓi Adj. sensitive, carring (see -a sentiment)
-a katwari Adj. dangerous
-a kawaiɗa Adj. normal, general, common
-a ki-isilamu Adj. islamic
-a kihaki Adj. truthful, right
-a kinafsia Adj. intimate
Adj. of manual labor, of working the ground (from Ali
-a kinantsi Solihi era)
-a kisharia Adj. truthful, right
-a kiwastwa Adj. correct, right
-a kume Adj. tenth
-a kume na handa / -a kume na
mwidja Adj. eleventh
-a kweli Adj. true, sincere
-a lagha Adj. not difficult, easy (old word)
-a lazimu Adj. necessary, indispensable
-a loa Adj. wet
Send feedback and suggestions to: 2
This wordlist is in DRAFT form and is for evaluation purposes only. BAHARI FOUNDATION
Shingazidja Class English
-a mafitsi Adj. worthless
-a mahakama Adj. legal, of justice
-a mani-maitsi Adj. green (lit. like leaves)
-a mastehi Adj. polite
-a mbero (zipvero) Adj. crooked, curvy, twisted
-a mbwani Adj. below, under
-a mdro Adj. hot, heated
-a milele Adj. eternal
-a mnyo Adj. salty
-a mshindzi Adj. basic, simple
-a mvipvio Adj. brown colored (old word) (see -a shokola)
-a mwiso / -iso Adj. end, last, final
-a nane Adj. eighth
-a naɗi Adj. frequent
-a ndraɓo / ndrabo Adj. false, bad, untrustworthy
-a nfukare Adj. seventh (order)
-a nkundi Adj. dirty
-a nne Adj. fourth
-a nyongoha Adj. straight
-a ola Adj. rotten
-a peu Adj. evil, mean (often stingy)
-a pvereha Adj. curvy, curved
-a pvili Adj. second
-a randaru Adj. sixth
-a raru Adj. third
-a roho nkuhuru Adj. insensitive
-a roho nkuu Adj. big heart (generous)
-a roɓo nkuu Adj. generous
-a rutuɓa Adj. damp, wet
-a saya Adj. other, another
-a sentiment (fr.) Adj. sensitive, caring (see -a irumɓi)
-a shari Adj. troublemaking, disruptive
-a shenɗa Adj. ninth
-a shiaswili Adj. original, traditional
-a shokola Adj. brown colored
-a shonga Adj. cursed
-a suna Adj. optional (religious action)
-a tamu Adj. sweet
-a tarahâfu Adj. obscene
-a truru Adj. nice
-a tsanu Adj. fifth
-a tsongole Adj. sharp, pointed
-a udjamaa Adj. peaceloving, sociable