Using Supply Chain Collaboration
Using Supply Chain Collaboration
Using Supply Chain Collaboration
Oracle SCM Cloud
Using Supply Chain Collaboration
Part Number F42891-01
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Oracle SCM Cloud
Using Supply Chain Collaboration
Preface i
1 Introduction 1
Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
Supply Collaboration ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Contract Manufacturing Collaboration .................................................................................................................................... 6
Vendor-Managed Inventory ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
B2B Messaging ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16
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Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to find and use help.
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• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partner
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Oracle SCM Cloud Preface
Using Supply Chain Collaboration
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Contacting Oracle
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
1 Introduction
• Supply collaboration to collaborate on order forecasts with tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers. The supply chain planners
publish order forecasts to suppliers. The suppliers can view and analyze the order forecasts and commit to
supply the requested item quantities over the planning horizon. The collaboration planners can review and
adjust the supplier's commits if necessary. The commits flow to Oracle Fusion Planning Central Cloud Service or
Oracle Fusion Supply Planning, where they're used as supplier capacity.
• Contract manufacturing collaboration to share supplier's (contract manufacturer's) production progress. The
suppliers can also view previously submitted updates for their projects. Once uploaded, production reports are
automatically submitted to Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, and the completion status and materials usage status
of the contract manufacturing work order is updated.
• Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) enables the supplier to manage items that are located at the buyer's location.
You can share on-hand quantities with the supplier, establish minimum and maximum inventory thresholds,
and alert the supplier to items requiring replenishment. Suppliers can initiate the replenishment process, which
can then be automated by the enterprise using Oracle Fusion Procurement.
• Business to Business (B2B) message monitoring to see the number of failed or undelivered messages. You
can monitor messages for all processes, including order-to-cash and source-to-settle. The administrators can
investigate the details and reprocess the failed messages when appropriate.
Supply Collaboration
Overview of Supply Collaboration
You can use the Supply Chain Collaboration work area to view open collaboration tasks and monitor order forecast
commit status. You can also view exceptions that potentially need attention.
In the Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal Overview work area, suppliers can participate in supply collaboration by reviewing
and responding to order forecasts.
• Publish supply plans from Oracle Fusion Planning Central Cloud Service or Oracle Fusion Supply Planning,
which can be analyzed and shared with suppliers as order forecasts. You can collaborate on supply plans
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
published from Planning Central or Supply Planning using organizations and items defined within the Oracle
Fusion product data model or items and organizations defined in Supply Planning imported from an external
source system.
Note: A supply plan that's partly defined in an Oracle application and partly in an external system isn't
For more information on collecting planning data from others and external source systems, see the Oracle
Supply Chain Management Cloud Using Supply Planning guide.
• Allow suppliers to view and analyze the order forecasts and commit by using Supplier Portal, Business to
Business (B2B) messaging, or web services.
• Allow Supply Chain Collaboration Planners to review all published forecasts and commits by using the Manage
Order Forecasts and Commits page.
• Manage exceptions by using the Supply Chain Collaboration work area. The exceptions may be due to:
◦ Past due commits, where the supplier hasn't committed by the agreed commit due date established in
the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
◦ Forecast changes, where the current cycle forecast quantity has changed from the previous cycle.
◦ Commit mismatches, where the committed quantity is less than the forecast quantity for a given date.
• Manage a trading partner network by using the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
Planning Central
Supply Planning
Cloud Supplier capacity
Supply Plan
Supply plans
Validate interface
Launch Orchestration
Fusion Applications
Based on the process and actions performed, the supply collaboration components are:
• Decomposition
• Orchestration
• Execution systems
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
The following table describes the supply collaboration components, the internal processes, and the corresponding
• Supply plan
• Organization for supply planning
• Planner, which is the Supply
Demand Planner ID
• Category
• Item, which is the enterprise item ID
• Supplier
• Supplier site
Interface Tables The data is ready for collaboration. Store supply forecast and commit data in
the Supply Chain Collaboration interface
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
The entities that are created and managed during collaboration are:
• Supply plans: Contain the supply orders created for a supply request, which are published to Supply Chain
Collaboration. These plans are created in Supply Planning or Planning Central.
• Collaboration plans: Contain the order forecasts based on the supply plans that are eligible for collaboration for
a specified collaboration period. These plans are created in Supply Chain Collaboration.
• Order forecasts: Contain the forecast and commit quantities by the suggested date that's used to create the
time bucket.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
Related Topics
• Publish Order Forecast
• Receive Supplier Commits
• Manages supply plans in Oracle Fusion Planning Central Cloud Service or Oracle Fusion
Supply Chain Planner Supply Planning
• Releases order forecasts to suppliers requesting order commits
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
In the Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal Overview work area, the supplier can:
• Navigate to the collaboration area and upload production reports to update manufacturing progress. The
transactions uploaded by the supplier are automatically submitted to manufacturing so that the completion
status and materials usage status of the contract manufacturing work order can be updated.
• Search and view completed production reports for their assigned purchase orders.
• Search for and view the supplier-provided updates for the in-progress contract manufacturing purchase orders.
• Resubmit a report to manufacturing if the automatic submission fails.
Supply Inventory Manager This role is assigned to suppliers (contract manufacturers) to:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
Supply Chain Operations Manager This role is assigned to original equipment manufacturers (OEM) to:
Vendor-Managed Inventory
Overview of Vendor-Managed Inventory
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a supply chain management strategy in which a supplier manages items that are
located at the buyer's location. You can use the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration work area to view vendor-
managed inventory tasks.
In Supply Chain Collaboration work area, enterprise users such as a vendor-managed inventory analyst can view VMI
replenishment item status and supplier-initiated replenishment requests. Supply chain application administrators can
manage the VMI network and VMI analysts.
In the Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal work area, suppliers can monitor on-hand quantities and replenishment status
for the items they manage. If enabled, suppliers can also initiate the replenishment process by creating replenishment
requests and adjust minimum and maximum inventory thresholds.
• Allow suppliers to view and analyze on-hand quantities by using Supplier Portal or Vendor-Managed Inventory
Items REST service.
• Share enterprise determined minimum and maximum inventory thresholds or even allow the supplier to
manage these thresholds using Supplier Portal or Vendor-Managed Inventory Items REST service.
• Allow suppliers to initiate the replenishment process by submitting replenishment requests using Supplier
Portal or Vendor-Managed Inventory Replenishment Requests REST service.
• Provide visibility to the entire replenishment life cycle for items managed by the supplier using Supplier Portal.
• Allow a VMI analyst to monitor the replenishment status of all replenishment items and supplier-initiated
replenishment requests using the Manage Inventory page or web services.
• Allow a supply chain application administrator to manage VMI relationships by using the Manage VMI Network
page or Vendor-Managed Inventory Relationships REST service.
• Allow a supply chain application administrator to manage VMI analysts by using the Manage VMI Analyst page
or Vendor-Managed Inventory Analysts REST service.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
Based on the process and actions performed, VMI tasks are performed in the following product work areas:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
Enterprise Supplier
Create replenishment
Purchase requisition
Purchase order
Note: The process illustrates the supplier as the min-max quantity source. However, this process also supports the
enterprise as the min-max quantity source. Min-max quantities can be manually updated or automatically calculated
using the Calculate Min-Max Planning Policy Parameters scheduled process. For more information, see the Oracle
Supply Chain Management Cloud Using Inventory Management guide.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
Supplier Portal Supplier updates the item's minimum and Suppliers provide minimum and
maximum quantities maximum thresholds
Inventory Management Enterprise maintains on-hand quantities Share on-hand quantities with suppliers
in Inventory Management and VMI analysts
Supplier Portal Calculate replenishment status using Suppliers create replenishment requests
on-hand quantities and minimum and
maximum thresholds
Procurement Based on a blanket purchase agreement, Create and approve the purchase order
a purchase order is generated from
the requisition, either automatically or
manually If the requisition is not automatically
converted into a purchase order. You can
search for requisitions requiring manual
processing, using the Process Requisitions
and View Requisition Lines tasks.
Supplier Portal Purchase order awaits shipment Supplier creates an advanced shipment
notice (ASN)
Inventory Management Enterprise receives the shipment and Create a receipt notice
delivers the items
1. Depending on who the min-max quantity source is for an item, the enterprise user or the supplier sets the
minimum and maximum quantities for the item. If enterprise and VMI relationship scope is organization, min-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
max quantities are set on the item record. If enterprise and VMI relationship scope is subinventory, min-max
quantities are set at the item subinventory. If supplier, min-max quantities are set on the Manage Inventory
page in the Supplier Portal work area or using the Vendor-Managed Inventory Items REST service.
2. The supplier monitors the replenishment status of items and decides which items need replenishment. If the
on-hand quantity is less than the minimum quantity, the supplier creates a replenishment request.
3. The supplier submits replenishment request, which is then transformed into an externally managed purchase
requisition by Supply Chain Collaboration using the Purchase Request web service.
4. Based on a blanket purchase agreement, a purchase order is generated from the requisition either
automatically or manually by the buyer. The purchase order is then approved and ready for the supplier to
fulfill. For more information on purchase agreements and purchase orders, see the Oracle Procurement Cloud
Using Procurement guide.
5. The supplier inventory manager is now able to fulfill the purchase order. They can view the open purchase
order quantity in the Purchase Order Quantity column on the Manage Inventory page. They can also navigate
to the open purchase orders using the Manage Orders page.
6. The supplier inventory manager is now able to ship the product. The supplier optionally creates an advanced
shipment notice (ASN) using Create ASN on the Manage Inventory page. Once an ASN is created the quantity
shipped now appears as In-Transit Quantity on the Manage Inventory page.
7. The inventory management user receives and delivers the item to its deliver-to location. The supplier inventory
manager can view the items awaiting to be delivered using the Received Quantity column on the Manage
Inventory page. Once an item has been delivered it will be included in the on-hand quantity.
8. The supplier inventory manager may create an invoice, or an invoice will be automatically generated by the
enterprise on behalf of the supplier. The supplier inventory manager can view the invoices associated to a
specific replenishment item by using Review Item Transactions on the Manage Inventory page.
9. The enterprise processes the invoice and generates a payment. The supplier inventory manager can view the
payments associated with a specific replenishment item using Review Item Transactions on the Manage
Inventory page.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
Enterprise Supplier
Monitor inventory
Share on-hand
Supply Chain
Plan inventory
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
The following table describes the product work areas, VMI processes, and the corresponding actions.
Item Record Enterprise maintains minimum and Share minimum and maximum thresholds
maximum thresholds on the item or item with suppliers and VMI analysts
subinventory record. Min-max quantities
Item Subinventory Record can be manually updated or calculated
using the Calculate Min-Max Planning
Policy Parameters scheduled process. To
learn more see the Oracle Supply Chain
Management Cloud Using Inventory
Management guide.
Inventory Management Enterprise maintains on-hand quantities Share on-hand quantities with suppliers
in Inventory Management and VMI analysts
Supplier Portal Calculate replenishment status using Suppliers monitor replenishment status
on-hand quantities and minimum and
maximum thresholds.
Inventory Management Enterprise performs inventory Enterprise runs min-max planning report
replenishment. or manually creates purchase orders. For
more information, see the Oracle Supply
Chain Management Cloud Using Inventory
Management guide
Supplier Portal Purchase order awaits shipment Supplier creates an advanced shipment
notice (ASN)
Inventory Management Enterprise receives shipment and delivers Create a receipt notice
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
manually or generates purchase orders automatically by running the min-max planning report. For more
information about min-max planning report, see the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Using Inventory
Management guide
3. Optionally, the generated purchase order can require supplier acknowledgment. The supplier is allowed
to make changes to the suggested replenishment at that time. The supplier can view the requiring
acknowledgment quantity in the Pending Acknowledgment column on the Manage Inventory page. They can
also navigate to the purchase orders using the Manage Orders page.
4. Once acknowledged, the supplier inventory manager is now able to fulfill the purchase order. They can view
the open purchase order quantity listed in the Purchase Order Quantity column on the Manage Inventory page.
They can also navigate to the open purchase orders using the Manage Orders page.
5. The supplier inventory manager is now able to ship the product. The supplier can optionally create an advanced
shipment notice (ASN) using Create ASN on the Manage Inventory page. Once the ASN is created, the quantity
shipped now appears as In-Transit Quantity on the Manage Inventory page.
6. The inventory management user receives and delivers the item to its deliver-to location. The supplier inventory
manager can view the items awaiting to be delivered using the Received Quantity column on the Manage
Inventory page. Once an item is delivered it will be included in the on-hand quantity.
7. The supplier inventory manager may create an invoice, or an invoice will be automatically generated by the
enterprise on behalf of the supplier. The supplier inventory manager can view the invoices associated to a
specific replenishment item using Review Item Transactions on the Manage Inventory page.
8. The enterprise processes the invoice and generates a payment. The supplier inventory manager can view
the payments associated to a specific replenishment item using Review Item Transactions on the Manage
Inventory page.
Vendor-Managed Inventory Analyst An enterprise user who can perform the following tasks using Oracle Fusion Supply Chain
Collaboration work area and REST services:
• Monitor replenishment status using the Manage Inventory page and infolets
• View on-hand quantities for replenishment items
• View min-max inventory thresholds
• Review replenishment item transactions
• Monitor replenishment requests using the Manage Replenishment Requests page and
the Replenishment Requests infolet
• Monitor the replenishment life cycle by viewing replenishment item transactions and the
Replenishment Life Cycle infolet
Supply Chain Application An enterprise user who can perform the following tasks:
• Manage VMI network relationships
• Manage VMI analysts
• Manage network and enterprise user data security using REST services
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Introduction
Supplier Inventory Manager A supplier user who can perform the following tasks using Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal work
area and REST services:
B2B Messaging
Overview of B2B Messages
Business to Business (B2B) messages exchange information among trading partners about key transactions in the
supply collaboration, order-to-cash, and source-to-settle processes. Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration uses
Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework to better manage B2B communications with large numbers of
suppliers. For a supplier to exchange B2B messages, you must enable the supplier site for B2B collaboration and select
the service providers and B2B messages that apply to them.
Using the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, the collaboration planner can:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
For more information on using collaboration messaging, see the Oracle Procurement Cloud Implementing Procurement
Note: You need the Supply Chain Application Administrator role to configure Oracle Fusion Supply Chain
You can access the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page from the Supply Chain Collaboration work area by
clicking the Manage Supply Collaboration Network task in the Tasks panel. In the Manage Supply Collaboration Network
page, you can perform the following actions:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Supply Collaboration Network in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page, search for the collaboration relationship.
3. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.
4. On the Edit Relationship page, modify the following parameters:
Note: If you don't specify a forecast horizon or a commit horizon, the defaults specified
in Manage Supply Chain Collaboration Settings task in Setup and Maintenance during
implementation will be used.
Note: For an existing collaboration relationship, changes to the relationship attributes won't be
effective until the next planning cycle.
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Supply Collaboration Network in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page, search for the collaboration relationship.
3. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Duplicate.
4. On the Create Relationship dialog box, the Ship-from Supplier Site, Ship-to Organization, and Item fields are
populated from the existing relationship.
5. Select new values for Ship-from Supplier Site and Ship-to Organization.
The items relevant to the ship-from supplier and ship-to organization are populated.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
Note: The relationship between the ship-from supplier, ship-to organization, and item is unique.
You can't have more than one relationship with the same combination.
6. Select the item the trading partners can supply.
7. Enter the effective start date and effective end date.
The effective dates determine when a relationship is active.
Note: If you don't enter a start date, the relationship is treated as active from the current date until
the end date. If you don't enter an end date, the relationship is treated as active from the start date.
8. Do one of the following:
◦ Click Save and Create Another to save the new relationship, display the relationship in the search
results, and to be ready to create another relationship using the same values.
◦ Click Save and Close to save the new relationship and close the Create Relationship dialog box.
◦ Click Save and Continue to save the new relationship and edit the relationship.
9. On the Edit Relationship page, enter the following values:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
Note: When you select multiple rows in the search results, you can no longer duplicate the
collaboration relationships.
5. On the Edit Relationships page, modify the required parameters.
Note: Any changes in the values will modify the parameter values for all the selected collaboration
When editing relationships whose source systems are different, you can't set the UOM Definition Source to
6. Click Save and Close.
Note: For an existing collaboration relationship, changes to the relationship attributes won't be
effective until the next planning cycle.
◦ To convert only a few relationship candidates, select the rows in the search results and click Actions >
Convert to Relationships.
◦ To convert all the relationship candidates in the search results, click Actions > Convert All Search
You must set the collaboration attributes calculated during the first publish of a collaboration cycle such as UOM
Definition Source, Commit SLA, and Forecast and Commit Horizons at the time of editing relationships so that they're
considered when republishing.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
Forecast Component
Forecast Finished Item
Supplier Component Finished Item Organization
The following table lists an example of a multi-tiered relationship between a contract manufacturer and a supplier.
In the example, Supplier B is shipping components to Contract Manufacturer A. Contract Manufacturer A is shipping the
finished items to the enterprise Organization X.
The ship to attribute of a collaboration relationship is always mapped to an inventory organization or item organization.
For Contract Manufacturer A to be a valid ship-to organization, you must model Contract Manufacturer A as an
inventory organization.
1. Setup contract manufacturers (Ship-to Supplier Sites) as organizations associated to a supplier site in Oracle
Supply Chain Planning Supply Network Model.
2. Define a relationship in Supply Chain Collaboration by defining the ship-to as the contract manufacturer
3. Enable the contract manufacturer to view forecasts, edit forecast quantities and commit on behalf of their
upstream suppliers within the Trading Partner Access section of the collaboration relationship.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
For more information on using collaboration messaging, see the Oracle Procurement Cloud Implementing Procurement
1. From the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Supply Collaboration Network in the Tasks
2. On the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page, search for the collaboration relationship.
3. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.
4. On the Edit Relationship page, the Trading Partner Access section, set View Order Forecasts to one of the
following values:
◦ Yes to enable supplier site contacts to view forecasts for items shipped to their site.
◦ No to disable supplier site contacts from viewing forecasts.
Note: The Trading Partner Access section is enabled only when the ship-to organization is
associated with a supplier site in the Supply Chain Planning Supply Network model.
5. If View Order Forecasts is set to Yes, you can set the following values:
◦ Adjust Order Forecasts to enable or disable supplier site contacts from entering and submitting forecast
quantity changes and republishing the order forecast.
◦ Adjust Commits to enable or disable supplier site contacts from entering and submitting commit
quantities to the enterprise.
6. Click Save and Close.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Supply Collaboration Network in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page, search for the collaboration relationship.
3. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.
4. On the Edit Relationship page, select one of these values for UOM Definition Source:
◦ Published order forecast: To convert and display collaboration quantities in the UOM of the order
forecast published to Supply Chain Collaboration. This is the default value and accepts the UOM
published by Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud. If a UOM isn't provided, Supply Chain Collaboration
will use the item's primary UOM set on the item record.
◦ Approved supplier list: To convert and display collaboration quantities in the purchasing UOM defined
on the approved supplier list matching the item and supplier.
◦ Primary: To display collaboration quantities in the item's primary UOM. The item's primary UOM is
defined on the item record.
◦ Other: To convert and display collaboration quantities in the user-defined UOM set on the collaboration
5. If UOM Definition Source is set to Other, select a value for UOM.
6. Click Save and Close.
Note: For an existing collaboration relationship, changes to the relationship attributes won't be
effective until the next planning cycle.
For collaboration plans using items and organizations sourced from an external planning source system, UOM
Definition Source depends on Supply Chain Planning to resolve the available UOMs, UOM conversions, item's primary
UOM, and purchasing UOM.
For more information about defining units of measure, see the Implementing Common Features for SCM guide.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
• When you publish a supply plan from an external planning application, or from Oracle Supply Planning Cloud
via an external source system, and you don't specify procurement business units, the business unit resolution
rules are applied and the procurement business units specified in each rule are used.
• When you publish a supple plan from Oracle Supply Planning Cloud using an Oracle source system,
procurement business units are automatically assigned to order forecasts.
a. Select an organization.
b. Select a supplier.
c. Select a supplier site.
d. Select a procurement business unit.
e. Save your changes.
The decomposition process determines the planning cycle for all incoming managed records. The decomposition
process calculates the start and end dates for the collaboration plan depending on the planning cycle. These dates are
used to determine if the plan data received is for a new planning cycle or an update to an existing planning cycle.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
For example, the following table lists a collaboration plan US-Production with a weekly frequency and the start date set
for Monday.
Monday, 16-Jan-2017 Start: 16-Jan End: 22-Jan New, no source exists for US Production
Wednesday, 18-Jan-2017 Start: 16-Jan End: 22-Jan Update, source exists from 16-Jan-2017
Tuesday, 24-Jan-2017 Start: 23-Jan End: 29-Jan New, received date is outside of the
currently saved planning cycle. The source
start and end date and object version are
The start date is calculated based on the first time you receive the plan data as it relates to the collaboration frequency.
If you publish a plan on Tuesday, January 17, the data is treated as a new planning cycle with a start date of January 16.
This sets the cycle frequency and the plan is expected every week. If the plan isn't published on January 23, the previous
plan data for January 16 expires automatically on January 22.
The planning cycle of a collaboration plan is continuous. Even if the plan isn't published for a long period of time, if a
cycle is established, the plan is retained.
When you change the frequency or the start date for a collaboration plan, the change doesn't take effect until the next
planning cycle. If you want to reset the planning cycle, you need to create a new collaboration plan.
You can search for a collaboration plan based on the planning cycle start and end dates using the manage forecast
search page.
Note: The B2B Only relationships without a defined collaboration plan don't have a defined planning cycle. All the
data sent is treated as a new cycle. The B2B Only collaboration will expire in 15 days. If a collaboration plan is defined,
the B2B Only data uses the defined planning cycle rather than the fixed value of 15 days.
On the Manage Collaboration Plans page, you can perform the following actions:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
Note: A supply plan that's partly defined in an Oracle application and partly in an external application isn't supported.
Note: Only the collaboration plan name is available to the suppliers using Oracle Fusion Supplier
5. Select the initial status of the collaboration plan.
6. Select the frequency.
◦ When you select a weekly frequency, you can define the Duration value and Start Day with a value of
Monday to Sunday.
◦ When you select a monthly frequency, you can either define the Duration value and Start Date with a
value of 1 to 28 or a Start Day with a start day ordinal of First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last and start day
with a value of the name of the day (Monday to Sunday).
7. Click Save and Close to save the new collaboration plan.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Collaboration Plans in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Collaboration Plans page, select Plan candidates.
3. Search for the published supply plans that aren't being collaborated on.
4. Select the supply plan and click Actions > Convert to Collaboration Plan.
How can I determine how many relationships are associated with a published supply
plan for which a collaboration plan is not created?
Search for plan candidates on the Manage Collaboration Plans page. The Relationship Candidates column displays the
number of relationship candidates associated with the supply plan. The Collaboration Relationships column displays the
number of relationships associated with the supply plan.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
The displayed aggregation level determines how the data is displayed on the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits
page. You can schedule aggregation by week or use a period definition. By default, forecasts are displayed aggregated
by week.
The displayed aggregation level is used to calculate exceptions; for example, if displayed aggregation is set to week
and day, all exceptions are calculated using weekly quantities. Exceptions are not recalculated when the displayed
aggregation level is changed mid-planning cycle; for example, if you change the displayed aggregation level from week
and day to period and day in the middle of a planning cycle, the exceptions that were already calculated are displayed at
weekly level, even though the aggregation is displayed in months. Due to this, you may observe incorrect results.
Note: You need the Supply Chain Application Administrator role to configure Oracle Fusion Supply Chain
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
• An inclusive data access, where all order forecasts are treated as confidential and you need to explicitly
associate a collaboration planner to access specific supplier sites.
• An exclusive data access, where all order forecasts are treated as public until you explicitly associate a
collaboration planner to supplier sites.
• Data from suppliers or supplier sites accessible to the collaboration planner on the Supply Chain Collaboration
work area.
• Order forecasts from the supplier sites that are associated with the collaboration planner on the Manage Order
Forecasts and Commits page.
Note: You need the Supply Chain Application Administrator role to access the Manage Collaboration Planners page.
You can access the Manage Collaboration Planners page from the Supply Chain Collaboration work area by clicking the
Manage Collaboration Planners task in the Tasks panel.
In the Manage Collaboration Planners page, you can perform the following actions:
You can view this page only when data access is enabled. For more information on data access, see the Oracle Supply
Chain Management Cloud Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Collaboration Planners in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Collaboration Planner page, click Actions > Create.
3. On the Create Collaboration Planner dialog box, select the collaboration planner.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
The values for Ship-from Supplier and Ship-from Supplier Site are populated.
9. Click Save to save the new collaboration planner.
10. Click Save and Close to save the new collaboration planner and close the Create Collaboration Planner dialog
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Collaboration Planners in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Collaboration Planner page, search for the collaboration planner.
3. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.
4. On the Edit Collaboration Planner page, modify the following parameters:
◦ Full Access
◦ Status
5. Click the Add icon to add a new row in the Data Access Security table.
6. Select one of the following values for Security Context:
The values for Ship-from Supplier and Ship-from Supplier Site are populated.
8. To delete data access, select a row from the Data Access Security table and click the Delete icon.
9. Click Save and Close.
Note: For an existing collaboration planner, changes to the attributes won't be effective until the
next planning cycle.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Collaboration Planners in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Collaboration Planner page, search for the collaboration planner.
3. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Duplicate.
4. On the Create Collaboration Planner dialog box, the Full Access and Status fields are populated from the
existing collaboration planner that you're duplicating.
5. Select the collaboration planner.
6. Select values for Full Access and Status.
The values for Ship-from Supplier and Ship-from Supplier Site are populated.
10. Do one of the following:
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Collaboration Planners in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Collaboration Planner page, search for the collaboration planner.
3. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Delete.
4. On the warning dialog box to confirm the deletion of the collaboration planner, click Yes.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
The Publish Order Forecast scheduled process stores the supply plan data in the Supply Chain Collaboration interface
When publishing order forecasts, if you include purchase orders, requisitions, or transfer orders, these quantities are
combined with the planned order quantity to form the current forecast.
To configure the Publish Order Forecast scheduled process, select the following parameters:
• Include purchase orders in the order forecast: To include the planned order quantity and the purchase order
quantities in your current order forecast quantity.
• Include requisitions in the order forecast: To include the planned order quantity and the requisition quantities in
your current order forecast quantity.
• Run the Supply Collaboration Decomposition job: To run the Supply Collaboration Decomposition scheduled
process immediately after the order forecast is published.
• Publish order details: To display the open purchase orders, purchase requisitions, in-transit shipments, and
shipments in receiving as separate measures along with the current order forecast.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
Note: If you don't select Include purchase orders in the order forecast or Include requisitions in the order
forecast, the order forecast includes only the planned order quantities.
Schedule Decomposition
The Supply Collaboration Decomposition scheduled process is used to decompose the order forecast data.
The Supply Collaboration Decomposition scheduled process:
The Supply Collaboration Decomposition process makes the order forecast data available to suppliers and collaboration
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
and filter the export collection by specifying a supplier or item. In addition, you can select one or more of the following
measures to include in your export data:
• Current Forecast: To export the current cycle collaboration forecast data.
• Current Commit: To export the current cycle collaboration forecast commit data.
• Previous Forecast: To export collaboration forecast data from the immediate previous collaboration cycle.
• Previous Commit: to export collaboration forecast commit data from the immediate previous collaboration
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
Ensure that the Publish Order Forecast process runs successfully. The selected plan data is now pushed into the
Supply Chain Collaboration interface tables.
5. To decompose the plan data and make it available to suppliers and collaboration planners, click Actions >
Schedule New Process.
6. On the Schedule New Process dialog box, search for the process; for example, Supply Collaboration
Decomposition process and click OK.
7. On the Process Details dialog box, click Submit.
Ensure that the Supply Collaboration Decomposition process runs successfully. The plan data is now available
to suppliers and collaboration planners.
1. Go to the Scheduled Processes work area, click Actions > Schedule New Process.
2. On the Schedule New Process dialog box, search for the process, for example, Supply Collaboration
Decomposition and click OK.
3. On the Process Details dialog box, click Advanced.
4. In the Schedule tab, select Using a schedule.
5. Set the frequency to when you want the process to run.
6. Set an end date until when you want the process to run.
7. Click Submit.
The process is now set to run on a reoccurring schedule.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Supply Collaboration
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Vendor-Managed Inventory
Note: You must have the Supply Chain Application Administrator role to configure Oracle Fusion Supply Chain
You can access the Manage VMI Network page from the Supply Chain Collaboration work area. On the Manage VMI
Network page, you can perform the following actions:
• Search for relationships
• Create new relationships
• Modify relationships
• Delete relationships
You can view this page only when vendor-managed inventory is enabled. For more information on enabling vendor-
managed inventory, see the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Materials Management guide.
The scope of the vendor-managed inventory (VMI) relationship determines if the inventory planning owner is derived
from the item or item subinventory record. If scope is Organization, the inventory planning method on the item is used.
If scope is subinventory, the inventory planning method on the item subinventory record is used.
Note: If the inventory planning method is not planned or reorder point planning, the inventory planning owner is
unresolved and not a valid candidate for VMI. Any changes to the inventory planning method on the item or item
subinventory record will be automatically reflected on the VMI relationship. For example, if the inventory planning
method changes from Supplier managed to Not Planned, the inventory planning owner will be Unresolved.
Related Topics
• Vendor-Managed Inventory Components
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Vendor-Managed Inventory
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage VMI Network in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage VMI Network page, click Actions > Create.
3. On the Create Relationship dialog box, select the values for Organization.
4. Select a value for Supplier.
Note: The supplier must have at least one supplier site associated to the selected organization's
requisitioning business unit to participate in a VMI relationship.
◦Select Organization if the supplier is managing the item across all storage subinventories within the
selected organization
◦ Select Subinventory if the supplier is managing the item at one or more specific storage subinventories
within the selected organization
6. Select a value for Item:
◦ If scope is Organization, only items associated with the selected organization that have an inventory
planning method of min-max planning or supplier managed are allowed to participate in a VMI
◦ If scope is Subinventory, only item subinventories associated with the selected organization that have an
inventory planning method of min-max planning or supplier managed are allowed to participate in a VMI
7. If scope is Subinventory, you must select at least one subinventory.
Note: Item subinventories with the inventory planning method of min-max planning or supplier
managed are required for the subinventory to participate in a VMI relationship.
8. Select the default min-max quantity source to determine if the minimum and maximum inventory thresholds
are managed by the supplier or the enterprise.
Note: If inventory planning owner is enterprise, the min-max quantity source of the replenishment
item is enterprise.
9. Optionally, select a default requisition requester. This attribute determines who is listed as the requisition
requester on the generated purchase requisition. If a value is provided at the relationship level, that value will
override the defined requisition requester on the Manage Supply Chain Collaboration Settings page in the
Setup and Maintenance work area.
10. Click Save and Continue to save the new relationship.
Note: An item can only be managed by single supplier for each organization or subinventory.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Vendor-Managed Inventory
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage VMI Network in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage VMI Network page, search for the VMI relationship.
3. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.
4. On the Edit Relationship page, you can modify the following values:
◦ Status
◦ Scope
Note: If you change the scope from Organization to Subinventory, you must select and add
◦ Subinventories
◦ Min-Max Quantity Source
◦ Requisition Requester
5. Click Save and Close.
1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage VMI Network in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage VMI Network page, search for the VMI relationship.
3. Select the relevant row in the search results and click Actions > Delete.
a. In the import process, select Import Vendor-Managed Inventory Relationships and select the
compressed data file.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Vendor-Managed Inventory
b. If you had previously uploaded a data file to the scm/vmirelationship/import account using the File
Import and Export page, the file name will appear in the list of data files.
For more details on the file-based data import mechanism, see the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Supply Chain
Management Cloud guide
For more information on data access, see the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Implementing Manufacturing
and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.
On the Manage VMI Analysts page, you can perform the following actions:
• Search for VMI analysts
• Create new VMI analysts
• Modify VMI analysts
• Delete VMI analysts
Note: You must have Supply Chain Application Administrator role to manage VMI analysts.
You can view this page only when vendor-managed inventory data access is enabled. For more information on enabling
vendor-managed inventory data access, see the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Implementing Manufacturing
and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Vendor-Managed Inventory
3. On the Create VMI Analyst page, select the VMI analyst from a list of existing Oracle Fusion users.
4. Select one of the following values for Full Access:
◦ VMI Analyst
◦ Full Access
◦ Status
◦ Security Context
5. Click Save and Close to save the VMI analyst and return to the Manage VMI Analysts page.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Vendor-Managed Inventory
Note: The View Item Details page and the Review Item Transactions page don't require refresh.
By using the Refresh VMI Replenishment Data process, you can filter the data you would need to refresh using the
optional process parameters of Organization, Supplier, or Item. This could improve the refresh process and allow
organizations in different geographical regions to be refreshed on different schedules or allow you to prioritize certain
data, refreshing it more often. If all parameters are undefined the entire data will be refreshed.
Enterprise users can also refresh individual replenishment items on demand from the Manage Inventory page. You can
use the Last Refresh Date column to determine when the replenishment item was last refreshed.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Vendor-Managed Inventory
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Configure Vendor-Managed Inventory
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
• Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration: You can access the order forecast information for all the supplier
Note: You need the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner role to access the Manage Order Forecasts and
Commits page.
Note: Ensure that Oracle Social Network is enabled for the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page.
• Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal: You can access the order forecast information based on your supplier site.
Note: You need the Supply Demand Planner role to access the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits
Note: All quantities are displayed in the order forecast's collaboration unit of measure. You can set the
UOM definition source on the collaboration relationship to set the order forecast's unit of measure.
• You can search for all order forecasts across all suppliers that you have access to by using the Ship-to field,
where the ship-to organization has view access to the order forecast sent to its supplier.
• You can search for order forecasts and commits that support drop ship relationships on the Manage Order
Forecasts and Commits page by using the Drop Ship attribute. You can aggregate the forecast quantity by
collaboration plan, supplier site, item, organization, time bucket, and order type.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
◦ Edit inline to enter the forecast or commit quantity for one cell at a time.
◦ Edit multiple cells at once to enter the forecast or commit quantity for all cells in the row.
7. Do one of these:
a. Click Actions > Publish to publish the forecast changes to the supplier. You have an option to submit any
draft commitments during this action.
Note: A forecast change is considered a new version of the forecast so commit values will be
cleared for the changed buckets.
The updated commit values are now ready to be picked up by planning. The new forecast and commit values
are now visible to suppliers and enterprise users.
Before you commit, you can retain the draft values by clicking Save or Save and Close. Draft values are saved
by user type. Supplier provided draft values aren't visible to the enterprise until the values are committed.
Enterprise provided draft values aren't visible to the supplier until the values are committed.
When updating order forecast commit values, if you update the commit quantity for an aggregation, the quantity is
stored on the first day of the aggregation time frame. If the first day of the aggregation time frame doesn't exist as a
schedule detail, a new schedule detail record will be created for the first day of the bucket.
1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.
2. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.
3. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, the Order Forecast Details table, double-click the Current Forecast or
Current Commit cell that you want to update.
4. Enter a numeric value for the forecast or commit quantity.
5. Click Save and Close to save your changes and go back to the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.
2. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.
3. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, in the Order Forecast Details table, select the current Forecast or
Current Commit row that you want to update and click Actions > Edit.
4. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, in the Order Forecast Details table, do one of these to edit the current
forecasts or commits:
a. Select the Current Forecast row that you want to update and click Actions > Edit.
On the Edit Current Forecasts dialog box, select one of these actions:
• Set to previous forecast: To update all the forecast quantities with their corresponding previous
forecast quantities.
• Increase by percentage: To increase the forecast quantities based on the percentage you enter.
• Decrease by percentage: To decrease the forecast quantities based on the percentage you enter.
• Set to explicit value: To update the forecast quantities with the value you enter.
Note: Forecast and commit quantities can't be blank and must be a positive decimal number greater
than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 99,999,999.
b. Select the Current Commit row that you want to update and click Actions > Edit.
On the Edit Current Commits dialog box, select one of these actions:
• Set to current forecast: To update all the commit quantities to their corresponding current
forecast quantities.
• Set to previous commit: To update the commit quantities to their corresponding previous commit
• Set to explicit value: To update the commit quantities to the value you enter.
Note: To clear the current commit values, use this option and leave the value blank.
5. Click Save and Close to update your commit quantities based on the selected action and go back to the Edit
Order Forecast Details page.
6. Click Save and Close to save your changes and go back to the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page.
In Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration, the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner should have the forecast editing
privilege to upload forecast changes. In Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal, the Supply Demand Planner must have supplier
portal access to the supplier site defined within the item forecast to upload forecasts or commits for the supplier site.
1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.
2. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.
3. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, click Actions > Download.
4. In the Download Forecasts dialog box, optionally select values for these attributes and click Download:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
Field Description
Layout Select the layouts for the order forecasts download. Values include:
Measures Select the measures to download. Values include Previous Forecast, Previous Commit, Open
Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, In-Transit Shipments, and Shipments in Receiving.
Note: The current forecast and current commit values are always included in the
download and can't be selected.
Horizon Select the type of time period used to set the horizon for the order forecasts download.
Values include Forecast or Commit.
Aggregation Level Select the time buckets used to aggregate the order forecasts download. Values include Day
or Week.
Note: If the layout selected is Horizontal then the only option for aggregation level is
Commit Quantities Select the commit quantities to include for the order forecasts download. Values include Set
to current forecast or Set to previous commit.
Note: For more information on setting the default order forecasts and commits values to download, see
the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.
Note: When opening a downloaded .csv file containing European characters in Microsoft Excel, import the
file using the delimited file type with 65001 : Unicode (UTF-8) as the file origin.
6. Update the values in the Forecast Quantity or Commit Quantity column.
7. Save and close the .csv file.
If the .csv file is large, you can compress the .csv file to a .zip file before uploading.
8. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, click Actions > Upload.
9. On the File Upload dialog, click Search File to search for and select the .csv file or the compressed .zip file that
you updated.
10. Click Submit.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
The values updated in the .csv file are displayed in the Current Forecast or Current Commit row.
Note: The format of dates in the .csv file is set in the regional settings.
Note: In Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration, the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner should have the forecast
editing privilege to upload forecast changes. In Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal, the Supply Demand Planner must have
supplier portal access to the supplier site defined within the item forecast to upload forecasts or commits for the
supplier site.
1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.
2. Do one of these to download order forecasts:
◦ Click Actions > Download > Download Search Results for order forecasts in the search results.
◦ Click Actions > Download > Download All Records for order forecasts that you have access to.
3. In the Download Forecasts dialog box, optionally select values for these attributes and click Download:
Field Description
Layout Select the layouts for the order forecasts download. Values include:
Measures Select the measures to download. Values include Previous Forecast, Previous Commit, Open
Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, In-Transit Shipments, and Shipments in Receiving.
Note: The values for Current Forecast and Current Commit will always be included in the
download and can't be selected.
Horizon Select the type of time period used to set the horizon for the order forecasts download.
Values include Forecast or Commit.
Aggregation Level Select the time buckets used to aggregate the order forecasts download. Values include Day
or Week.
Note: If the layout selected is Horizontal then the only option for aggregation level is
Commit Quantities Select the commit quantities to include for the order forecasts download. Values include Set
to current forecast or Set to previous commit.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
Field Description
Note: For more information on setting the default order forecasts and commits values to download, see
the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.
A forecast change is considered as a new version of the forecast, so the previous commit values are cleared for the
changed order forecast. When you publish the order forecast, you have the option to submit draft commitments.
Note: In Supply Chain Collaboration, the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner should have the Edit Forecasts as
Enterprise User privilege to publish forecast changes to Supplier Portal.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecast.
2. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Edit.
3. On the Edit Order Forecast Details page, click Actions > Commit.
Related Topics
• Manage Preferences
1. On the Manage Order Forecasts and Commits page, search for the order forecasts.
2. Select multiple rows in the search results and click Actions > Commit Order Forecasts.
Note: When you select multiple rows in the search results, you can no longer edit the order
3. On the Commit Order Forecasts dialog box, select one of the following actions:
◦ Set to current forecast: To update all the commit quantities to their corresponding current forecast
◦ Set to previous commit: To update the commit quantities to their corresponding previous commit
4. Click Save and Close to update your commit quantities based on the selected action.
You can review the status of scheduled downloads on the Review Scheduled Download Files page.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
You can review the uploaded files on the Review Scheduled Upload Files page.
1. Run the Export Collaboration Order Forecasts scheduled process to export the order forecast or commit data
to a CSV file. You must set the supply plan to export and filter the export collection by specifying a supplier or
item. In addition, you can select one or more measures to include in your export data.
2. On the File Import and Export page, select scm/collaborationOrderForecast/export account and search for
the exported files. The .zip file name is a combination of the plan name and the Export Collaboration Order
Forecasts scheduled process ID.
Note: You can also search for a specific file using the Export Collaboration Order Forecasts
scheduled process ID.
The .zip file contains three comma-separated files, which contain the collaboration plan data, forecast entries,
and the forecast entry details.
Related Topics
• Export Collaboration Order Forecasts
To load collaboration order forecasts from files, perform the following steps:
1. Setup your collaboration relationships on the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
2. Create a collaboration plan using the Manage Collaboration Plans page. You must set the supply plan source to
External Application and provide a supply plan name.
3. Prepare data for collaboration order forecasts. You can download the Collaboration Order Forecast file-based
data import template, which are Microsoft Excel template files from the File-Based Data Import for SCM Cloud
guide in the Oracle Help Center.
4. Extract the templates to a local drive, enter the appropriate data, and generate CSV files. You can compress the
CSV files to a zipped file format.
5. Run the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process to load the order forecast data from the CSV files.
In the import process, select Import Collaboration Order Forecasts and select the data file you would like to
import. If had previously uploaded a data file to the scm/collaborationOrderForecast/import account using
the File Import and Export page, the file name will appear in the list of data files.
6. Run the Supply Collaboration Decomposition scheduled process to decompose the imported order forecast
Related Topics
• How You Manage Supply Collaboration Network
• Create a Collaboration Plan
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
For example, you create a collaboration plan with a weekly frequency and the start date set for Monday. If you publish a
plan on Monday, January 16, any changes to the published data during the week of January 16 will be considered as an
update and will clear any previous commits for that time bucket. The following week, on Monday, January 23, when the
plan is published again, it will be treated as a new planning cycle.
The following table shows changes in the plan data when there are changes in the published data mid-cycle:
Date Data Ship-From Ship-To Item Values for Values for Values for Values for
Received Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule
Date 6-Feb Date 13-Feb Date 20-Feb Date 27-Feb
2-Jan-2017 Supplier A Site A Y 150 units 150 units 150 units No Record
4-Jan-2017 Supplier A Site A Y 150 units No Record 300 units 300 units
An order forecast is published on 2-Jan-2017 with a weekly aggregation and Monday as the start date. The schedule is
for the weeks of 6-Feb, 13-Feb, 20-Feb, and 27-Feb. On 4-Jan-2017 the decomposition process evaluates each schedule
detail and compares it to the previous item forecast received on 2-Jan-2017.
• No update: For the aggregation week of 6-Feb, the decomposition process determines that there is no change
to the pre-existing schedule detail. There are no changes in the forecast quantity, so there is no change in the
commit quantity.
• Cancel: For the aggregation week of 13-Feb, because no record was sent, the decomposition process will
assume the 2/13 bucket has been canceled. The record will be versioned and the forecast quantity will be set to
0. Any commits made will remain.
• Update: For the aggregation week of 20-Feb, because the forecast quantity changed, the decomposition
process will create a new up versioned schedule detail record. The record will be versioned and the forecast
quantity will be set to 300. A new commit will be expected.
• Add: For the aggregation week of 27-Feb, because the time bucket 27-Feb did not exist previously the
decomposition process will create a new schedule detail record. The forecast quantity will be set to 300. A
commit will be expected.
When an order forecast is republished, the service level agreement is recalculated. For example, if the service level
agreement is 2 days. If the original publish date for the order forecast is 2-Jan the due date is 4-Jan. If the order forecast
is republished on 3-Jan the due date is set to 5-Jan.
Note: The forecast data for time buckets in a past date cannot be updated in a mid-cycle update. Those quantities
will remain until the end of the planning cycle.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
Whenever you cancel a forecast, suppliers will need to resend the bucket they have already sent with the quantity set to
If the supplier commits at a higher aggregation level, the previous commits within the time frame are automatically
canceled. New schedule details are created and up-versioned and the commit quantity is set to 0.
For example, if the commit values are updated during the planning cycle 2-Jan to 3-Jan:
• Commit Version 1 on 2-Jan:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
Overview of Orchestration
The orchestration process publishes the order forecasts to the suppliers through Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal, Business
to Business (B2B) messaging using Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework, or web services.
Note: The Item Forecast orchestration processes are grouped by collaboration plan and whether the plan is managed
or B2B Only.
The orchestration process will be active until it expires based on the planning cycle end date or B2B Only expiration
period. The following predefined orchestration processes are supported:
• Vcs_SupplyPlanning_Managed: This process is used for supply planning managed forecast collaboration. The
process does the following:
a. The forecast is published to Supplier Portal and sent to Collaboration Messaging Framework if applicable.
b. When a commit is received, commit exceptions are run and commit decomposition initiated.
c. When the planning cycle expires, all the records are marked with the Expired status and the
Is_CURRENT_FLAG is set to N.
This figure provides an overview of the Vcs_SupplyPlanning_Managed process.
Vcs_SupplyPlanning_Managed Process
Wait for
CMK Prepare for All Entries For GetForecast Expiration
Commit Expired?
Enabled? Yes CMK Site Ready? Yes CMK Event Yes Cleanup
for Site
No Expiration Cleanup will
mark current Collabo Entry
Exit No
records with a status of
Expired and
Notify Event
• Vcs_SupplyPlanning_Unmanaged: This process is used for Supply Chain Collaboration supply planning B2B
Only forecast collaboration. The process does the following:
a. The forecast is sent to Collaboration Messaging Framework. If the supplier site isn't enabled for
Collaboration Messaging Framework, an error event will be generated.
b. When a commit is received, commit decomposition initiated.
c. When the planning cycle expires, all the records are marked with the Expired status and the
Is_CURRENT_FLAG is set to N. These records are deleted during the next decomposition cycle.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
Vcs_SupplyPlanning_Unmanaged Process
Wait for
CMK Prepare for All Entries For GetForecast Expiration
Commit Expired?
Enabled? Yes CMK Site Ready? Yes CMK Event Yes Cleanup
for Site
No No
Error Event
Raised No
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
The uploaded files are processed by the Load Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations scheduled process and
the supply data is loaded to the staging database tables.
The supply data is further process by the collections scheduled process to collect the supply data and populate the
Supply Planning transaction database tables.
Note: You can use the Collaboration Supply Data Uploads REST resource to create requests to upload supply data to
Supply Planning. Additionally, you can retrieve supply data requests to review the status and any errors encountered.
For more information, see the create supply data upload requests use case in the REST API for Oracle Supply Chain
Management Cloud guide.
Related Topics
• Oracle B2B Supply Planning Data Inbound Message
You can view the status of the uploaded file and review the processing and collection error messages, if any, on
the Upload Supply Data page. The uploaded file will be available for 30 days.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
Related Topics
• Enable Contract Manufacturers to Manage Order Forecasts on Behalf of Upstream Suppliers
Related Topics
• Enable Contract Manufacturers to Manage Order Forecasts on Behalf of Upstream Suppliers
The uploaded files are processed by the Load Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations scheduled process and
the supply data is loaded to the staging database tables.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
The supply data is further process by the collections scheduled process to collect the supply data and populate the
Supply Planning transaction database tables.
Overview of Waterfall Reports
Supply Chain Collaboration Planners need to understand the order forecasts and supplier commitment changes over
time to address supply volatility and ensure supplier accountability. Waterfall analysis is used to evaluate the cumulative
effect of supplier commits against a forecast over time. The waterfall reports provide the Collaboration Planner an
indicator of the quality of the supplier's forecast and commit adherence for a given item forecast across multiple
versions. As Oracle Fusion Planning Central Cloud Service or Oracle Supply Chain Planning publish new versions of
order forecasts, Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration saves the previous version and the associated commits for
analysis and reporting. With complete visibility, versioning, and audit trail, enterprises can work to continuously improve
the collaboration process with their trading partners.
In Supply Chain Collaboration, you can view the following waterfall reports:
• Relationship by item
• Supplier by item
• Supplier site by item
• Ship to by item
• Item
In waterfall reports, you can view order forecasts and commits in alternate units of measure (UOM) rather than just the
item's primary UOM. Use the Reporting UOM Prompt in the Supply Chain Collaboration - Supply Planning Real Time
subject area to update all waterfall reports to display the order forecasts and commits in the selected UOM.
For more information about subject areas, see the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Subject Areas for
Transactional Business Intelligence in SCM guide.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
reports aggregated by collaboration plan, supplier, ship to, and item, as well as, select and display data for the previous
collaboration cycle or all collaboration cycles.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
Note: The OTBI Supply Chain Collaboration subject area and reports don't support supply plans with organizations
and items collected from an external source system. For supply plans collected from an external source system, use
Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Planning analytics.
As a collaboration planner, you can access the Supply Chain Collaboration-related OTBI subject areas. You can view the
analysis only for suppliers that you have access to.
OTBI provides the following Supply Chain Collaboration subject area, which you can use to build user-defined analysis:
The dimensions and facts in this subject area provide you visibility to supply planning transactions.
For more information, see the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Creating and Administering Analytics and
Reports for SCM guide.
This example analysis displays notifications to a buyer when a supplier commits to a forecast within the last hour where
Current Commit to Forecast Percent for any order forecast is less than 100.
Let's look at the steps to use the Supplier Commit Mismatch Notification to Buyer example analysis.
Note: Buyers and planners must have the appropriate data access security in Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration
and the Supply Chain Collaboration Transaction Analysis Duty role to receive supplier commit notifications from this
Create an Agent
To create an agent:
1. In Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence work area, click New and then select Agent.
2. On the Agent page, the General tab, set Run As to Recipient.
3. On the Schedule tab, select the agent and schedule to run every 60 minutes.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Supply Collaboration
4. On the Condition tab, set Settings to Use a condition, select the Supplier Commit Mismatch Notification to
Buyer analysis, and ensure that the condition is set as True If Row Count is greater than 0.
5. On the Delivery Content tab, enter a subject to display in the notification, set Content to Condition Analysis
and set Delivery to Deliver results directly for this example.
6. On the Recipients tab, select Get recipients from the Analysis Used in the Agent Condition, add a buyer user
name to Column Containing Recipients and select Only Return Rows Relevant to the User Running the Agent.
Note: You need the BI Administrator role to use the Get recipients from the Analysis Used in the Agent
Condition agent feature.
Note: The user name must be converted to uppercase in the analysis for the Agent to resolve to the
correct user for notifications to work correctly.
Adjust Notifications
You can adjust how often buyers are notified of supplier commits by setting the analysis' filter for Committed Date and
the Agent schedule to your desired time interval.
If you want to notify the planners, you can update the analysis in to include Planner and remove the buyer, and update
the Agent's recipients to the planner user name.
For more information about agents, see Delivering Content in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
Manage Inventory
How You Manage Inventory with Supply Chain Collaboration
You use the Manage Inventory page to view:
• Replenishment status
• Minimum and maximum inventory thresholds
• Current on-hand inventory quantities
• Replenishment measures
• Replenishment data refresh
• Replenishment item details
• Historical replenishment item transactions
Note: You must have the Vendor-Managed Inventory Analyst role to access the Manage Inventory page.
Replenishment Status
On the Manage Inventory page, you can search for an item by entering the search parameters to see the replenishment
status for the items you manage.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
hand quantity and is compared against the minimum and maximum quantities to give you the replenishment
Requiring Replenishment
With requiring replenishment, you can return all replenishment items that must be replenished in order to avoid a stock
out. You can also use this criterion to return items that don't have minimum and maximum quantity thresholds defined.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
Note: Setting the minimum quantity to 0, you can temporarily suspend replenishment of an item.
3. If the projected on-hand quantity is greater than the minimum quantity, then replenishment isn't required.
4. If the projected on-hand quantity is less than the minimum quantity, then replenishment is required.
This figure illustrates the rules for requiring replenishment:
Is minimum quantity NULL? Yes Replenishment =
Missing min-max quantities
Is minimum quantity > 0? No
Replenishment = No
On Hand + Requiring
On Order < Replenishment = No
minimum quantity?
Replenishment = Yes
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
To learn more about calculating min-max quantities, see the Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Using Inventory
Management guide.
For items whose min-max quantity source is supplier, the supplier manages the minimum and maximum quantities in
Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal.
Note: You can quickly find items that are missing min-max quantities using the Requiring Replenishment search
On-Hand Quantity
The Manage Inventory page provides visibility to the replenishment item on-hand inventory balances. The on-hand
quantities are maintained in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. The on-hand quantity represents the total quantity
of an item stored at either the organization or the subinventory level, depending on how the relationship is defined.
When the scope of a relationship is organization, the on-hand quantity is a sum of all storage subinventories within
the organization. When the scope of a relationship is subinventory, the on-hand quantity only reflects a single storage
The on-hand and on-order quantities are added to become the projected on-hand quantity that is used to evaluate
replenishment status.
Replenishment Measures
On the Manage Inventory page, you can search for an item by entering the search parameters to see aggregated
replenishment measures.
The aggregated quantities are available for the following measures:
Measure Description
Pending Acknowledgment The open purchase order quantity that requires supplier acknowledgment. Select this quantity
to open the View Item Details page that displays only the purchase orders that are pending
supplier acknowledgment.
Replenishment Quantity The replenishment request quantity that is currently pending request approval by the
enterprise. Select this quantity to open the Manage Replenishment Requests page that
displays only the replenishment requests that are pending request approval.
Purchase Order Quantity The open purchase order quantity that is awaiting shipment. Select this quantity to open the
View Item Details page that displays only the purchase orders that are pending fulfillment.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
Measure Description
Note: If a change order is pending, a warning icon will appear beside this quantity.
In-Transit Quantity The shipped quantity that is yet to be received. This quantity is derived using advanced
shipment notices. Select this quantity to open the Manage Inbound Shipments page in the
Oracle Fusion Inventory Management work area. For more information, see the Oracle Supply
Chain Management Cloud Using Inventory Management guide.
Received Quantity The quantity that is received and awaiting delivery. Select this quantity to open the View Item
Details page that displays only the purchase orders with quantity in receiving.
Note: In Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration work area, only data on the Manage Inventory page, VMI
Exceptions infolet, and Requiring Replenishment infolet is a snapshot and needs to be periodically refreshed. The
View Item Details page, the Review Item Transactions page, and the pages in the Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal work
area display real-time data and do not need to be refreshed.
The data for the replenishment item is refreshed and the Last Refresh Date is updated.
Related Topics
• Refresh VMI Replenishment Data
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
The View Item Details page displays the purchase order details of the item.
The Review Item Transactions page displays the transactions for the item.
Note: The values for deliver-to location and purchase requisitions are visible only to enterprise users.
Replenishment Requests
Replenishment requests are documents used by the supplier to initiate the replenishment process for items they
manage. Submitted requests are then used to create externally managed purchase requisitions within Oracle Fusion
The replenishment request document contains the following attributes:
• Item
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
• Organization
• Subinventory
• Supplier Site: This is optional
• Quantity
• Delivery Date
• Notes: This is optional. If you enter a value, it will appear as a note to buyer on the purchase requisition
For more information about externally managed purchase requisitions, see the Oracle Procurement Cloud Using
Procurement guide.
Note: Replenishment requests can only be created by suppliers when the inventory planning owner of the
replenishment item is supplier. Enterprise users cannot create replenishment requests. For items whose inventory
planning owner is enterprise, purchase orders are created using existing methods, such as manually in Oracle Fusion
Purchasing or using the min-max planning report in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management.
Status Description
Submitted The supplier submits the replenishment request. A scheduled process runs to transform
the request into a requisition. In process Your replenishment request is in the process of
transforming into an externally managed purchase requisition.
Requested Your requisition is approved and created, but your purchase order is not yet created for the
associated requisition number. If the purchase agreement for this item does not automatically
generate purchase orders, you can use Process Requisitions in the Procurement work area to
process the purchase requisition.
Note: To learn more about processing requisitions, see the Oracle Procurement Cloud Using
Procurement guide.
Closed Your purchase order is approved and replenishment request status is closed.
Failed The purchase requisition creation process failed due to missing configuration data. Click Failed
to see the errors that caused the replenishment request to fail and correct any setup issues
that caused the errors.
Note: You can view the errors for a failed purchase requisition only in Oracle Fusion Supply
Chain Collaboration.
Canceled The buyer or supplier canceled the purchase order. Rejected The buyer returned the purchase
requisition or rejected the purchase order.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
The supplier has access to the following pages for vendor-managed inventory:
• Manage Inventory
• Manage Replenishment Requests
Manage Inventory
How You Manage Inventory with Supplier Portal
You use the Manage Inventory page to view:
• Replenishment status
• Minimum and maximum inventory thresholds
• Current on-hand inventory quantities
• Replenishment measures
• Replenishment data refresh
• Replenishment item details
• Historical replenishment item transactions
Suppliers can also manage min-max quantity thresholds, create replenishment requests and create advance shipment
notices (ASN).
Note: On the Manage Inventory page, suppliers can only manage the items assigned to them.
Replenishment Measures
On the Manage Inventory page, suppliers can search for an item by entering the search parameters to see aggregated
replenishment measures.
The aggregated quantities are available for the following measures:
Measure Description
Pending Acknowledgment The open purchase order quantity that requires supplier acknowledgment. Select this quantity
to open the View Item Details page that displays only purchase orders that are pending
supplier acknowledgment.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
Measure Description
Replenishment Quantity The replenishment request quantity that is currently pending request approval by the
enterprise. Select this quantity to open the Manage Replenishment Requests page that
displays only the replenishment requests that are pending request approval.
Purchase Order Quantity The open purchase order quantity that is awaiting shipment. Select this quantity to open the
View Item Details page that displays only the purchase orders pending fulfillment.
Note: If a change order is pending, a warning icon will appear beside this quantity.
In-Transit Quantity The shipped quantity that is yet to be received. This quantity is derived using advanced
shipment notices. Select this quantity to open the Manage Shipments page in Oracle Fusion
Supplier Portal work area.
Received Quantity The quantity is received and awaiting delivery. Select this quantity to open the View Item
Details page that displays only the purchase orders with quantity in receiving.
These quantities are calculated in real-time and allow the supplier to immediately see changes as they initiate requests
and shipments.
• Create advanced shipment notices (ASNs) for replenishment items with open purchase orders
• View in-flight purchase orders and the life cycle quantity for each one
• View orders pending change approval
• View and acknowledge orders pending supplier acknowledgment
• Drill to purchase order details and order life cycle in Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal
1. In the Supplier Portal work area, click Manage Inventory in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Inventory page, search for the item.
3. Select the relevant row in the search results and click Actions > View Item Details.
The View Item Details page displays the purchase order details of the item.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
1. In the Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal work area, click Manage Inventory in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Inventory page, search for the item.
3. Select the relevant row in the search results and click Actions > Review Item Transactions.
The Review Item Transactions page displays the transactions of the item.
1. In the Supplier Portal work area, click Manage Inventory in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Inventory page, search for the item.
3. Select an item in the search results and click Actions > Create Replenishment Request.
4. On the Create Replenishment Request dialog box, values for Item, Organization, Subinventory is pre-
populated using the context of the item selected.
5. Select Supplier Site. This is optional.
Note: The supplier will only be able to select supplier sites they have access to view. If not selected, the
supplier site will be defined by the enterprise purchase order process.
6. Enter Quantity
7. Adjust the Delivery Date if current date isn't preferred
8. Enter Notes. This is optional. If you enter notes, it will appear as a note to buyer on the purchase requisition
9. Click Submit.
A confirmation will appear letting you know that the request was successfully submitted.
10. Click OK
11. Click View > Refresh. The Replenishment Quantity column will include the additional quantity. Select this
quantity to open the Manage Replenishment Requests page that displays only the replenishment requests that
are pending request approval.
Note: The replenishment requests can only be created by suppliers when inventory planning owner of the
replenishment item is supplier.
1. In the Supplier Portal work area, click Manage Inventory in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Inventory page, click Actions > Upload Replenishment Requests.
3. On the Upload Replenishment Requests page, click Actions > Download Template.
4. On the Download Template dialog box, select Seed Data and click OK.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
Note: You can choose to download a blank template or pre-populate your template. You can include
all records or filter the predefined data by Organization, Subinventory, Ship-to Location, Item, or Item
1. In the Supplier Portal work area, click Manage Inventory in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Inventory page, search for the item.
3. Select one or multiple rows associated to the same organization you want to create ASNs for and click Actions
> Create ASN.
4. The Create ASN page displays the list of purchase orders available for shipment.
Related Topics
• Overview of Managing ASNs and ASBNs
For items whose minimum and maximum quantity is enterprise, the enterprise sets the minimum and maximum
quantities on the item or item subinventory records in Oracle Fusion applications.
Note: The supplier can quickly find items with missing minimum and maximum quantities using the search criteria
for requiring replenishment.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
2. On the Manage Replenishment Requests page, click Actions > Create Replenishment Request.
3. On the Create Replenishment Request dialog box, select the value for Item.
4. Select Organization
5. Select Subinventory, if required
6. Select Supplier Site (optional)
Note: The supplier will only be able to select supplier sites they have access to view. If not selected, the
supplier site will be defined by the enterprise purchase order process.
7. Enter Quantity
8. Adjust the Delivery Date if current date isn't preferred
9. Enter Notes (optional). The notes will appear as the Note to Buyer on the purchase requisition
10. Click Submit.
Note: The replenishment requests can only be created by suppliers when inventory planning owner of the
replenishment item is supplier.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Supply Chain Collaboration Manage Vendor-Managed Inventory
Note: When selecting multiple rows, they must all be associated to the same ship-to organization.
1. In the Supplier Portal work area, click Manage Replenishment Requests in the Tasks panel.
2. On the Manage Replenishment Requests page, search for the item.
3. Select one or multiple rows associated to the same organization you want to create ASNs for and click Actions
> Create ASN.
4. The Create ASN page displays the list of purchase orders available for shipment.