Islamiat MCQS (Part 3) 883883
Islamiat MCQS (Part 3) 883883
Islamiat MCQS (Part 3) 883883
C. Misaq e Madina
D. None of these
Which prophet of Allah is dignified with the special title Khalil Ullah
(Friend of God)?
A. Hazrat Adam (AS)
B. Hazrat Nuh (AS)
C. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
D. Hazrat Essa (AS)
Maozotain means:
A. Surah Al Fateha and Surah Ekhlas
B. Surah Falaq And Surah Naas
C. Surah Al Kafroon And Surah Ekhlas
D. None
The day when Pilgrims Slaughter their animals and sacrify called:
A. Youm Ul Arfa
B. Youm Ul Nahr
C. Youm Ul Sabi
D. None
What was the age of Holy Prophet when his mother died?
A. 6
B. 4
C. 3
D. 8
When the first wahi was revealed to the Holy Prophet ?ﷺ
A. 630AD
B. 610AD
C. 600AD
D. 710AD
E. None of these
The pilgrims throw pebbles at Satans. What is the name of this act:
A. Rami
B. Sayee
C. Ziarat
D. Tawaf
D. Zil-Hajj
E. Zu al qad
Who was the Prophet which first laid the foundation of Masjid-e-Aqsa?
A. Hazart Muhammad ﷺ
B. Hazart younus ( A.S)
C. Hazart Daood ( A.S)
D. Hazart Suleman ()ہیلع
E. Hazart Ibrahim ( A.S)
C. 4
D. 5
C. 4
D. Zero
Hurrirah means a
A. Goat
B. Ant
C. Camel
D. Cat
The Battle of Yarmuk was fought between Muslims and ____ ?
A. Iranis
B. Jews
C. Romans
D. Christians
E. None of these
C. Abu Lahab
D. none
In surah kahf, which animal is mentioned along with the Ashaab e kahf ?
A. Horse
B. Cat
C. Dog
D. woodpecker
E. None of these
Jizya means ?
A. Lands Cultivated by Non Muslims
B. Poll tax on non Muslims
C. Religious Tax
D. All
E. None of these
C. goat
D. Dog
E. None of these
Analogy means________?
A. Ijma
B. Qiyas
C. Ijtehad
D. Jury
E. None of these