JAWETZ End Chapter Questions
JAWETZ End Chapter Questions
JAWETZ End Chapter Questions
3. Which of the following structures is not part of the 8. Which of the following terms does NOT describe the
bacterial cell envelope? bacterial chromosome?
(A) Peptidoglycan (A) Haploid
(B) Lipopolysaccharide (B) Diploid
(C) Capsule (C) Circular
(D) Gas vacuole (D) Nucleoid
(E) S-layer (E) Feulgen positive
4. A group of teenagers became ill with nausea, vomiting, 9. Lysozyme cleaves the β1→4 linkage between
severe abdominal cramps, and diarrhea aſter eating (A) d-Alanine and the pentaglycine bridge
undercooked hamburgers from a local restaurant. Two of (B) N-Acetylmuramic acid and d-alanine
the teenagers were hospitalized with hemolytic-uremic (C) Lipid A and KDO
syndrome. Escherichia coli O157:H7 was isolated from (D) N-Acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine
the patient’s stools as well as from uncooked (E) d-Alanine and d-alanine
hamburgers. The H7 refers to which bacterial structure?
(A) Lipopolysaccharide 10. Mycoplasma species lack which of the following
(B) Capsule components?
(C) Flagella (A) Ribosomes
(D) Fimbriae (B) Plasma membrane
(E) S-layer (C) Both DNA and RNA
(D) Lipids
5. Which of the following components is present in gram- (E) Peptidoglycan
negative bacteria but not in gram-positive bacteria?
(A) Peptidoglycan
(B) Lipid A
(C) Capsule
Chapter III: Classification of Bacteria (C)Halophiles
(D) Termophiles
Review Questions (E) Chemolithotrophs
1. Eubacteria that lack cell walls and do not synthesize
the precursors of peptidoglycan are called 6.A bacteria with a genome having a G + C content of 45%
(A)Gram-negative bacteria harbors a plasmid encoding a gene with a G + C content
(B)Viruses of 55%. Which one of the following conclusion could be
(C)Mycoplasmas drawn?
(D)Serovar variant (A)Tis gene codes for a cell wall peptidyl transferase
(E)Bacilli (B)Tis gene codes for a critical bacterial cytochrome
(C)Tis gene codes for a unique transfer RNA
2. Archaebacteria can be distinguished from eubacteria (D)Tis gene codes for a plasmid RNA-dependent DNA-
by their lack of polymerase
(A)DNA (E)Tis gene codes for an antigenically diverse capsular
(B)RNA polysaccharide
7. The peptidoglycan biosynthetic pathway is of 12. During the process of oxidative phosphorylation, the
particular importance in medicine because it provides a energy of the proton motive force is used to generate
basis for selective antibacterial action of several (A)NADH
chemotherapeutic agents. All of the following antibiotics (B)ADP
inhibit steps in peptidoglycan biosynthe-sis EXCEPT (C)NADPH
(A)Cycloserine (D)Acetyl CoA
(B)Vancomycin (E)ATP
4. A 70-year-old man with a history of diverticulosis of 9. Anaerobic bacteria such as B fragilis occur in the
the sigmoid colon experiences a sudden onset of severe sigmoid colon in a concentration of about 1011/g of
stool. At what concentration do facultative organisms
leſt lower quadrant abdominal pain. Fever develops. The
such as E coli occur?
severe pain gradually subsides and is replaced by a (A)1011/g
constant aching pain and marked abdominal tenderness. (B)1010/g
A diagnosis of probable ruptured diverticulum is made, (C)109/g
and the patient is taken to the operating room. The (D)108/g
diagnosis of ruptured diverticulum is confirmed, and an (E)107/g
abscess next to the sigmoid colon is found. The most
likely bacteria to be found in the abscess are 10. S pneumoniae can be part of the normal flora of 5–
(A)Mixed normal gastrointestinal flora 40% of people. At what anatomic site can it be found?
(B)Bacteroides fragilis alone (A) Conjunctiva
(C)E coli alone (B) Nasopharynx
(D)Clostridium perfringens alone (C)Colon
(E)Enterococcus species alone (D)Urethra
11. Hundreds of phylotypes have been identified in the Chapter XI: Spore-Forming Gram-Positive Bacilli:
human stomach; however, the only microorganism that Bacillus and Clostridium Species
has been shown to persist is
(A)Lactobacillus casei Review Questions
(B)Lactobacillus acidophilus 1. A housewife who lives on a small farm is brought to
(C)E coli the emergency department complaining of double vision
(D)Helicobacter pylori and difficulty talking. Within the past 2 hours, she noted
(E)Bifidobacteria a dry mouth and generalized weakness. Last night she
served home-canned green beans as part of the meal.
12. Resident flora is commonly found in the She tasted the beans before they were boiled. None of
(A) Liver the other family members are ill. On examination, there
(B)Urethra is symmetrical descending paralysis of the cranial nerves,
(C)Kidneys upper extremities, and trunk. The correct diagnosis is
(D)Salivary glands which one of the following?
(E)Gall bladder (A)Tetanus
(B)Strychnine poisoning
13. Resident flora is absent from the (C)Botulism
(A) Pharynx (D)Morphine overdose
(B)Lungs (E)Ricin intoxication
(C)Small intestine
(D)Synovial fluid 2. Which one of the following is an important virulence
(E)Conjunctiva factor of Bacillus anthracis?
(A)Protective antigen
14. A 65-year-old woman was admitted with squamous (B)Lipopolysaccharide
cell carcinoma of the cervix. She underwent extensive (C)Pili
gynecologic surgery and was maintained postoperatively (D)A toxin that inhibits peptide chain elongation factor
on broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics. The patient EF-2
had a central venous catheter placed on the day of (E)Lecithinase
surgery. Beginning 3 days postoperatively, the patient
became febrile. On day 8, cultures of blood and of the tip 3. A young man sustains major soſt tissue injury and open
of the central line both grew gram-positive organisms
fractures of his right leg aſter a motorcycle accident. One
that were ovoid and reproduced by budding. Which of
the following microorganisms is most likely responsible day later, he has a temperature of 38°C, increased heart
for the patient’s condition? rate, sweating, and restlessness. On examination, the leg
(A)S aureus is swollen and tense, with thin, dark serous fluid draining
(B)S epidermidis from the wounds. The skin of the leg is cool, pale, white,
(C)Enterococcus faecalis and shining. Crepitus can be felt in the leg. His hematocrit
(D)C albicans is 20% (~50% of normal), and his circulating hemoglobin
(E)Saccharomyces cerevisae is normal. His serum shows free hemoglobin. Which of
the following microorganisms is the most likely cause of
15. The most likely portal of entry for the organism in this infection?
Question 14 is (A)Clostridium tetani
(A)During gynecologic surgery (B)Staphylococcus aureus
(B)Aspiration (C)Escherichia coli
(C)During placement of the central venous catheter (D)Bacillus anthracis
(D)During placement of IV line for administration of (E)Clostridium perfringens
(E)Intubation while under anesthesia 4. For the patient described in Question 3, which of the
following is likely to be responsible for the hemolysis?
(A)Elongation factor
(D)Streptolysin O
(E)Toxin B
5. The reported incubation period for inhalational 10. A 67-year-old man had surgery for a ruptured sigmoid
anthrax can be up to colon diverticulum with an abscess. A repair was done,
(A)2 days and the abscess was drained. He was treated with
(B)10 days intravenous gentamicin and ampicillin. Ten days later
(C)3 weeks and 4 days aſter being discharged from the hospital, the
(D)6 weeks
patient developed malaise, fever, and cramping
(E)6 months
abdominal pain. He had multiple episodes of diarrhea.
His stool was positive for occult blood and the presence
6. A food commonly associated with Bacillus cereus food
of polymorphonuclear cells. On sigmoidoscopy, the
poisoning is
mucosa was erythematous and appeared to be inflamed,
(A)Fried rice
and there were many raised white to yellowish plaques
(B)Baked potato
4–8 mm in diameter. Which of the following is the likely
(C)Hot freshly steamed rice
cause of the patient’s problem?
(D)Green beans
(A)Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin
(B)Bacillus cereus toxin
(C)Clostridium difficile toxins
7. Tetanus toxin (tetanospasmin) diffuses to terminals of
(D)Clostridium perfringens toxin
inhibitory cells in the spinal cord and brainstem and
(E)Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
blocks which of the following?
(A)Release of acetylcholine
11. Infant botulinum has been associated with all of the
(B)Cleavage of SNARE proteins
following Clostridium species EXCEPT:
(C)Release of inhibitory glycine and γ-aminobutyric acid
(A)Clostridium baratii
(D)Release of Protective Antigen
(B)Clostridium septicum
(E)Activation of acetylcholine esterase
(C)Clostridium butyricum
(D)Clostridium botulinum
8. A 45-year-old man who immigrated to the United
States 5 years ago sustained a puncture injury to the
12. Which of the following food items is most frequently
lower part of his right leg when his rotary lawn mower
associated with infant botulism?
threw a small stick into his leg. Six days later, he noticed
(A)Corn syrup
spasms in the muscles of his right leg; on day 7, the
(B)Canned infant formula
spasms increased. Today—day 8—he had generalized
(C)Liquid multivitamins
muscle spasms, particularly noticeable in the muscles of
his jaw. He was unable to open his jaw and came to the
(E)Jarred baby food
emergency department (ED). In the ED, you see a man
who is alert and lying quietly in bed. A door slams down
13. All of the following are properties characteristic of
the hall, and suddenly he has general muscle spasm with
Bacillus anthracis EXCEPT:
arching of his back. The correct diagnosis is which of the
(A)Motility on wet mount examination
(B)Medusa head colonies
(C)Poly-d-glutamic acid capsule
(D)In vitro susceptibility to penicillin
(C)Gas gangrene
(E)Absence of hemolysis on 5% sheep blood agar
(E)Toxic shock syndrome
14. Which of the following statements regarding
vaccination for Bacillus anthracis is correct?
9. Which of the following statements about tetanus and
(A)It is routinely available for all citizens of the United
tetanus toxoid is correct?
(A)Tetanus toxin kills neurons.
(B)Recombinant vaccine trials have shown good safety
(B)Tetanus toxoid immunization has a 10% failure rate.
and efficacy.
(C)The mortality rate of generalized tetanus is less than
(C)The current vaccine is well tolerated.
(D)Double vision is commonly the first sign of tetanus. (D)A single dose is adequate aſter exposure to spores.
(E)Tetanus toxin acts on inhibitor interneuron synapses. (E)Vaccination of animals is not useful.
15. All of the following statements regarding Clostridium Chapter XII: Aerobic Non-Spore-Forming Gram-Positive
perfringens are correct EXCEPT: Bacilli: Corynebacterium, Listeria, Erysipelothrix,
(A)It produces an enterotoxin. Nocardia and Related Pathogens
(B)It produces a double zone of β-hemolysis when grown
on blood agar. Review Questions
(C)Some strains are aerotolerant. 1. Three months ago, a 53-year-old woman had surgery
(D)It is the most common cause of antibiotic-associated and chemotherapy for breast cancer. Four weeks ago,
diarrhea. she developed a cough occasionally productive of
(E)It can cause intravascular hemolysis. purulent sputum. About 2 weeks ago, she noted a slight
but progressive weakness of her leſt arm and leg. On
chest examination, rales were heard over the leſt upper
back when the patient breathed deeply. Neurologic
examination confirmed weakness of the leſt arm and leg.
Chest radiography showed a leſt upper lobe infiltrate.
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed two
lesions in the right hemisphere. Gram stain of a purulent
sputum specimen showed branching gram-positive rods
that were partially acid fast. Which of the following
organisms is the cause of this patient’s current illness?
(A)Actinomyces israelii
(B)Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum
(C)Aspergillus fumigatus
(D)Nocardia farcinica
(E)Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
13. An HIV-positive man recently traveled to the 2. An environmental Gram-negative bacillus that is
Caribbean for a 2-week vacation. He developed acute resistant to cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and
watery diarrhea and abdominal pain without fever quinolones has become a very important nosocomial
during the second week of his vacation. Tree weeks later, pathogen largely because it is selected by use of those
he is seen in clinic for persistent symptoms, and he is antibiotics. Tis Gram-negative bacillus can take 2–3 days
concerned because he is beginning to lose weight. Given to grow and must be differentiated from Burkholderia
this history, you suspect: cepacia. It is
(A)Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (A)Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(B)Salmonella typhi (B)Acinetobacter baumannii
(C)Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (C)Alcaligenes xylosoxidans
(D)Shigella flexneri (D)Klebsiella pneumoniae
(E)Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (E)Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
14. Heat-labile toxin of ETEC acts by which of the 3. A 17-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis has a slight
following mechanisms? increase in her frequent cough and production of mucoid
(A)Attachment and effacement sputum. A sputum specimen is obtained and plated on
(B)Activation of adenylyl cyclase routine culture media. The predominant growths are
(C)Aggregative adherence
Gram-negative bacilli that form very mucoid colonies aſt
(D)Ribosomal dysfunction
(E)None of the above er 48 hours of incubation. These bacilli are oxidase
positive, grow at 42°C, and have a grapelike odor. Tese
15. A young woman presents with recurrent urinary tract Gram-negative bacilli are which of the following?
infections caused by the same Proteus mirabilis strain. (A) Klebsiella pneumoniae
What is the major concern? (B) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(A)She does not take her medication. (C) Staphylococcus aureus
(B)She is pregnant because pregnant patients are more (D) Streptococcus pneumoniae
susceptible to UTIs. (E) Burkholderia cepacia
(C)She has a bladder or kidney stone.
(D)Her partner is infected.
(E)She has occult diabetes and should have a glucose
tolerance test.
4. The sputum from a 26-year-old patient with cystic 8. Patients deficient in these cells are at high risk for
fibrosis is plated on a colistin-containing agar. Aſter 72 developing serious systemic infections with
Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
hours of incubation, the colistin-containing agar grows
Gram-negative bacilli that are oxidase positive but are
otherwise difficult to identify. Tis microorganism is of
major concern. It is sent to a reference laboratory so that
(D)Natural killer cells
molecular methods can be used to identify or rule out
(E)CD4+ T cells
which of the following?
(A)Pseudomonas aeruginosa
9. A marine wounded in Afghanistan returns to her home
(B)Burkholderia cepacia
a paraplegic. Her past medical history included surgery
(C)Haemophilus influenzae
to amputate both her legs below the knee and the
(D)Pseudomonas putida
placement of a suprapubic tube to repair damage to her
(E)Burkholderia pseudomallei
bladder. She is now at the VA outpatient clinic with a
recurrent urinary tract infection that has not responded
5. Acinetobacter species:
to conventional antibiotic regimens for community-
(A) Are only found in a hospital environment.
acquired cystitis. Her urine is positive for small, plump
(B)May appear as Gram-positive rods.
Gram-negative coccobacilli. When cultured, this
(C)Can mimic the morphology of Hemophilus species in
organism does not ferment carbohydrates, does not
Gram stains of endocervical secretions.
hydrolyze urea, does not reduce nitrates, and does not
(D)Can be a significant cause of ventilator-associated
make hydrogen sulfide. The organism most likely causing
pneumonia in intensive care unit patients.
this marine’s infection is:
(E)Are susceptible to most antibiotics.
(A)Klebsiella oxytoca
(B)Escherichia coli
6. A 37-year-old firefighter sustains smoke inhalation and
(C)Staphylococcus saprophyticus
is hospitalized for ventilatory support. He has a severe
(D)Proteus mirabilis
cough and begins to expectorate purulent sputum. Gram
(E)Acinetobacter baumanii
stain of his sputum specimen shows numerous
polymorphonuclear cells and numerous Gram-negative
10. A 70-year-old neutropenic patient was diagnosed
rods. Sputum culture grows numerous Gram-negative
rods that are oxidase positive. They grow well at 42°C. On with ecthyma gangrenosum 3 days aſter he developed a
clear agar medium, they produce a green color in the fever of 39°C. Blood cultures drawn the day his fever
agar. Te agar where the green color is located fluoresces started grew out overnight a strictly aerobic, Gram-
when exposed to ultraviolet light. The organism causing negative rod that was lactose negative and oxidase
the patient’s infection is positive. Which of the following antibiotic regimens
(A)Pseudomonas aeruginosa would be most appropriate for treating this patient?
(B)Klebsiella pneumoniae (A)Tobramycin + piperacillin/tazobactam
(C)Escherichia coli (B)Vancomycin + metronidazole
(D)Burkholderia cepacia (C)Cefazolin
(E)Burkholderia pseudomallei (D)Tigecycline
7. The mechanism of action of exotoxin A of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is
(A)To activate acetylcholine esterase
(B)To block elongation factor 2
(C)To form pores in white blood cells and increase cation
(D)To increase intracellular cyclic adenosine
(E)To split lecithin into phosphorylcholine and
Chapter XVII: Vibrio, Campylobacter and Helicobacter 4. Bacteremia associated with a gastrointestinal infection
is most likely to occur with which of the following?
Review Questions (A)Salmonella typhi
1. Long-term carriage and shedding is most likely to occur (B)Vibrio cholerae
(C)Shigella boydii
aſter gastrointestinal infection with which of the
(D)Vibrio parahaemolyticus
following species? (E)Campylobacter jejuni
(A)Escherichia coli O157:H7
(B)Shigella dysenteriae 5. During the El Niño years in the mid- to late 1990s, the
(C)Vibrio cholerae waters of Puget Sound between Washington State and
(D)Campylobacter jejuni British Columbia warmed considerably. During this time,
(E)Salmonella typhi many people who ate clams and oysters from these
waters became ill with a disease characterized by
2. A 63-year-old man visited his favorite oyster explosive diarrhea and moderately severe abdominal
restaurant in a small town on the eastern shore of the cramps. The diarrhea was usually watery, but in some
Gulf Coast of Texas. He ate two dozen oysters. Two days patients, it was bloody. The diarrhea usually had an onset
later, he was admitted to the hospital because of an
abrupt onset of chills, fever, and light-headedness when within 24 hours aſter eating the shellfish. Stool cultures
he stood up. (In the emergency department [ED], his typically yielded a pathogenic gram-negative bacillus.
blood pressure was 60/40 mm Hg.) While in the ED, he The microorganism of concern in this setting is
developed erythematous skin lesions. These rapidly (A)Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
evolved into hemorrhagic bullae, which then formed (B)Vibrio cholerae
ulcers. The man drank a six-pack of beer and one half- (C)Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
bottle of whisky each day. A microorganism of major (D)Vibrio parahaemolyticus
concern for this patient is (E)Shigella dysenteriae
(A)Vibrio vulnificus
(B)Escherichia coli 6. A patient presents to the emergency department with
(C)Salmonella typhi nonbloody diarrhea for 12 hours. The patient lives in
(D)Clostridium perfringens Washington, DC, and has not recently traveled out of the
(E)Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococci) area. Which one of the following is unlikely to be the
cause of your patient’s diarrhea?
3. A family of four persons ate a meal that included (A)Salmonella typhimurium
undercooked chicken. Within 3 days, three members (B)Campylobacter jejuni
developed an illness characterized by fever, headache, (C)Shigella sonnei
myalgia, and malaise. Two of the patients had (D)Vibrio cholerae
concomitant diarrhea and abdominal pain. The third (E)Escherichia coli
person developed diarrhea aſter the systemic symptoms
7. An 18-year-old woman in rural Bangladesh develops
had cleared. Stool cultures grew Campylobacter jejuni. profuse (8 L/d) diarrhea. She has no symptoms other
Which of the following culture conditions was most likely than the diarrhea and the manifestations of the fluid and
used to isolate C jejuni? electrolyte loss caused by the diarrhea. The most likely
(A)Tiosulfate-citrate-bile-sucrose medium incubated at cause of her diarrhea is
37°C in 5% oxygen and 10% CO2 (A)Campylobacter jejuni
(B)Salmonella-Shigella selective medium incubated at (B)Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
37°C in ambient air (C)Salmonella typhimurium
(C)MacConkey agar and Hektoen enteric agar incubated (D)Vibrio cholerae
at 42°C in 5% oxygen and 10% CO2 (E)Shigella dysenteriae
(D)5% sheep blood agar incubated at 37°C in ambient air
(E)A medium containing vancomycin, polymyxin B, and
trimethoprim incubated at 42°C in 5% oxygen and 10%
8. Age and geography are major factors in the prevalence (D)Pasteurizing milk
of colonization by Helicobacter pylori. In developing (E)Promoted washing vegetables that were consumed
countries, the prevalence of colonization may be greater raw
than 80% in adults. In the United States, the prevalence
of colonization with this microorganism in adults older 12. A 45-year-old man develops a gastric ulcer that can
than age 60 years is be visualized on a contrast medium–enhanced
(A)1–2% radiograph of his stomach. A biopsy specimen is taken
(B)5–10% from the gastric mucosa at the site of the ulcer. A
(C)15–20% presumptive diagnosis can be reached most rapidly by
(D)40–60% inoculating part of the specimen on which of the
(E)80–95% following?
(A)A medium used to detect urease incubated at 37°C
9. A 59-year-old man comes to the emergency (B)A medium containing vancomycin, polymyxin B, and
department in the aſternoon because of acute swelling trimethoprim incubated at 42°C
(C)MacConkey agar medium incubated at 37°C
and pain in his right leg. Earlier that morning, he had
(D)Tiosulfate-citrate-bile-sucrose medium incubated at
been working on a small sport fishing boat in an estuary
on the Gulf Coast of Texas. While walking around the
(E)Blood agar medium incubated at 37°C
boat in shallow water, he scratched his leg, breaking the
skin at the site of the current pain and swelling. He was
not wearing boots. About 1 hour aſter the injury, the
scratch became red and painful. Swelling developed.
Within 3 hours, the leg below the knee had become
markedly swollen. The skin was red and tender. There
was serous drainage from the wound, which had
ulcerated and was now much enlarged. Near the wound,
bullae were forming—the largest approximately 2.5 cm
in diameter. The most likely cause of this medical
emergency is
(A)Staphylococcus aureus
(B)Streptococcus pyogenes
(C)Clostridium perfringens
(D)Escherichia coli
(E)Vibrio vulnificus
8. All of the following statements regarding acellular 13. All of the following cause zoonotic infections except
pertussis vaccines are correct except (A)Francisella tularensis
(A)All formulations of the vaccine contain at least two (B)Brucella melitensis
antigens. (C)Bordetella pertussis
(B)The acellular vaccine has replaced the whole cell (D)Bacillus anthracis
vaccine in the childhood vaccine series. (E)Leptospira interrogans
(C)All children should receive five doses of the vaccine
before school entry. 14. Which of the following is not a recognized virulence
(D)The vaccine is approved only for young children and factor of Bordetella pertussis?
adolescents. (A)Heat-labile toxin
(E)The vaccine is safer than and as immunogenic as (B)Filamentous hemagglutinin
whole-cell vaccines. (C)Tracheal cytotoxin
(D)Pertussis toxin
(E)Dermonecrotic toxin
15. Which of the following pathogens discussed in this Chapter XIX: Yersinia and Pasteurella
chapter is on the select agent list? Review Questions
(A)Haemophilus influenzae 1. An 18-year-old male resident of Arizona came to the
(B)Aggregatibacter aphrophilus emergency department (ED) complaining of fever, pain
(C)Bordetella pertussis
in his leſt groin, and diarrhea for the past 2 days. On
(D)Francisella tularensis
(E)All of the above examination, he was afebrile, had a pulse rate of 126
beats/min, a respiratory rate of 20 breaths/min, and a
blood pressure of 130/80 mm Hg. Leſt groin swelling and
tenderness were noted. A groin muscle strain was
diagnosed, attributed to a fall 2 days earlier. He was
treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and
released. The next day, the patient reported feeling
weak, had difficulty breathing, and collapsed while taking
a shower. He was transported to a hospital ED and
pronounced dead shortly aſter arrival. Cultures of blood
samples obtained in the ED were positive for Yersinia
pestis. An epidemiologic investigation indicated that the
patient most likely became infected as a result of bites
by Y pestis–infected fleas while walking through a prairie
dog colony (see Chapter 48). Which of the following
statements about the pathogenesis of plague is correct?
(A)Yersinia pestis produces a coagulase when incubated
at 28°C.
(B)There is no risk for pneumonia caused by person-to-
person transmission of Yersinia pestis.
(C)Yersinia pestis organisms multiply in
polymorphonuclear cells.
(D)Aſter the bite of an infected flea, Yersinia pestis
infection seldom, if ever, disseminates beyond the site of
the flea bite and the regional lymph nodes.
(E)Yersinia pestis is transmitted to animals (and humans)
in flea feces excreted when the flea is feeding.
2. A 9-year-old boy presented to the clinic with a urethral 5. A 38-year-old vice squad police officer comes to the
discharge for the past 24 hours. Neisseria gonorrhoeae emergency department with a chief complaint expressed
was cultured from the specimen and found to be β- as follows: “I have disseminated gonococcal infection
lactamase positive and resistant to high levels (≥32 again.” He is correct. Cultures of his urethra and knee
μg/mL) of tetracycline. Which of the following fluid yield Neisseria gonorrhoeae. He has previously had
statements about these antimicrobial resistance factors five episodes of disseminated gonococcal infection. The
is correct? patient should be evaluated for
(A)β-lactamase production and high-level resistance to (A)Selective IgA deficiency
tetracycline are both mediated by genes on plasmids. (B)A polymorphonuclear cell chemotactic defect
(B)Whereas β-lactamase production is mediated by a (C)Deficiency of a late-acting complement component
gene on the bacterial chromosome, high-level C5, C6, C7, or C8
tetracycline resistance is mediated by a gene on a (D)Absent lymphocyte adenosine deaminase activity
plasmid. (E)Myeloperoxidase deficiency
(C)Whereas β-lactamase production is mediated by a
gene on a plasmid, high-level tetracycline resistance is 6. Which of the following individuals should routinely
mediated by a gene on the bacterial chromosome. receive vaccination with the conjugate meningococcal
(D)β-lactamase production and high-level resistance to vaccine?
tetracycline are both mediated by genes on the bacterial (A)A healthy young adolescent entering high school
chromosome. (B)A healthy child entering kindergarten
(C)A 60-year-old man with insulin-dependent diabetes
3. A 6-year-old boy develops a fever and headache. He is (D)A healthy 40-year-old technician who works in a
taken to the emergency department, where he is noted cancer research laboratory
to have a stiff neck, suggesting meningeal irritation. A (E)A 65-year-old woman with coronary artery disease
lumbar puncture is done, and culture of the
cerebrospinal fluid grows Neisseria meningitidis 7. A 25-year-old sexually active woman presents with
serogroup B. Which of the following should be
purulent vaginal discharge and dysuria 7 days aſter
considered for his family (household) members?
(A)No prophylaxis or other steps are necessary. having unprotected sexual intercourse with a new
(B)They should be given Neisseria meningitidis pilin partner. Of the choices below, what is the most sensitive
vaccine. diagnostic method for determining the likely etiologic
(C)They should be given Neisseria meningitidis serogroup agent?
B polysaccharide capsule vaccine. (A)Gram stain
(D)They should be given rifampin prophylaxis. (B)An enzyme immunoassay
(E)They should be given sulfonamide prophylaxis. (C)Bacterial culture on selective media
(D)A nucleic acid amplification test
4. An 18-year-old woman who reports unprotected sex (E)Serology
with a new partner 2 weeks previously develops fever
and leſt lower quadrant abdominal pain with onset in
8. What is the currently recommended treatment for (D)Neisseria gonorrhoeae
gonococcal urethritis in men who have sex with men in (E)None of the above
the United States?
(A)Single dose of an oral fluoroquinolone 13. All of the following are virulence factors associated
(B)Seven days of oral doxycycline with N gonorrhoeae except
(C)Ceſtriaxone given intramuscularly as a single dose (A)Pili
(D)Spectinomycin given intramuscularly as a single dose
(E)Seven days of oral amoxicillin
(D)Opa proteins
(E)A thick polysaccharide capsule
9. Which of the following cell components produced by
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is responsible for attachment to
14. The prevalence of gonococcal infections increased
host cells?
between 2009 and 2012.
(A) True
(B)Pili (fimbriae)
(B) False
(C)IgA1 protease
(D)Outer membrane porin protein
15. A useful test to differentiate Moraxella catarrhalis
(E)Iron-binding protein
from saprophytic neisseriae in respiratory samples is:
(A)Butyrate esterase
10. A 60-year-old man with severe chronic lung disease
(B)Gram stain
presents with fever, cough productive of purulent
(C)Growth on 5% sheep blood agar
sputum, and worsening hypoxemia. A sputum sample is
collected, and the specimen is sent promptly to the
laboratory. Microscopic examination of a Gram stain
reveals numerous polymorphonuclear leukocytes and
predominately gram-negative diplococci that are both
intracellular and extracellular. Te organism grows well on
5% SBA and chocolate agar and is positive for butyrate
esterase. What is the most likely organism causing this
man’s illness?
(A)Neisseria gonorrhoeae
(B)Neisseria lactamica
(C)Moraxella catarrhalis
(D)Haemophilus influenzae
(E)Neisseria meningitidis
2. An 18-year-old man develops fever with pain in the 7. Lemierre’s disease is a serious infection of the head and
right lower quadrant of his abdomen. Aſter initial neck associated with which of the following anaerobes?
evaluation, he is taken to the operating room. During (A)Prevotella melaninogenica
surgery, a ruptured appendix with an abscess is found. (B)Bacteroides thetaiotamicron
(C)Porphyromonas gingivalis
Bacteroides fragilis is cultured from the abscess fluid.
(D)Peptococcus niger
Which of the following factors promote abscess
(E)Fusobacterium necrophorum
formation by B fragilis?
8. Definitive identification of an anaerobe is likely best
(B)Capsule accomplished by
(C)Superoxide dismutase (A)Colony morphology on anaerobic media
(D)Pili (B)The presence of pigment
(E)Leukocidin toxin (C)Susceptibility to a variety of antimicrobial disks
(D)Cell wall fatty acid analysis using gas liquid
3. Infections caused by Bacteroides species can be chromatography
treated with all of the following antibiotics except (E)Gram stain morphology
(B)Clindamycin 9. A patient who has not maintained good dentition
(C)Metronidazole presents with induration and swelling of the mandibular
(D)Penicillin area. On examination, you note purulent material draining
(E)Cefoxitin from a small opening. The material appears yellowish, and
there are some visible granules. You perform a Gram stain,
4. A 17-year-old high school senior develops infectious and pleomorphic gram-positive rods with short branches
mononucleosis. About 2 weeks later, he develops a are noted along with cells suggestive of acute and chronic
significantly higher fever, a worsening sore throat, an inflammation. You suspect which of the following
inability to swallow, and severe neck and chest pain. organisms?
Upon admission, he has signs of sepsis and respiratory (A)Bacteroides fragilis
(B)Lactobacillus acidophilus
distress. What is the most likely organism causing this
(C)Clostridium perfringens
(D)Actinomyces israelii
(A)Fusobacterium necrophorum
(E)Staphylococcus aureus
(B)Bacteroides ovatus
Chapter XXII: Legionella, Bartonella and Unusual over the right lower lung field. Chest radiography shows
Bacterial Pathogens a patchy right lower lobe infiltrate. The differential
diagnosis of this patient’s disease is
Review Questions (A)Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia
1. Humans become infected with Legionella (B)Legionella pneumophila pneumonia
pneumophila by (C)Haemophilus influenzae pneumonia
(A)Kissing a person who is a legionella carrier (D)Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia
(B)Breathing aerosols from environmental water sources (E)All of the above
(C)Receiving a mosquito bite
(D)Consuming undercooked pork 5. Routine sputum cultures for the patient in Question 4
grow normal microbiota. Treatment with ampicillin for 2
2. An 11-year-old girl developed an acute onset of fever, days yields no improvement. A diagnosis of Legionnaires’
chills, headache, vomiting, and severe migratory disease is considered, and bronchoscopy is done to
arthralgias (joint pain) and myalgias (muscle pain). Two obtain bronchial alveolar lavage fluid and deep airway
days later, she developed a maculopapular rash over her specimens. Which of the following would suggest a
diagnosis of disease caused by Legionella pneumophila
palms, soles, and extremities. At the same time, her leſt serotype 1?
knee became extremely painful and swollen. On (A) Legionella urinary antigen assay
examination, fluid was demonstrated in the knee. (B) Direct fluorescent antibody on the bronchial alveolar
Further history disclosed that the patient had a pet rat. lavage fluid
Culture of the fluid from her knee on 5% sheep blood (C) Culture of the bronchial alveolar lavage on charcoal
agar showed 2-mm colonies aſter 3 days of incubation. yeast extract medium with antibiotics
Broth culture showed small puffball-like growth. Gram (D) Antibody assay on paired (acute phase and
staining showed a gram-negative bacillus 0.5 μm wide convalescent phase) sera
and 1–4 μm long. Some extremely long forms (up to 150 (E) All of the above
μm) with beadlike chains, fusiform swellings, and large
round bodies were seen. The microbiologist who 6. Charcoal is present in buffered charcoal yeast extract
observed the Gram-stained smear immediately knew the agar used to isolate Legionella pneumophila to
cause of the girl’s infection to be (A)Provide the growth factors ordinarily provided by
(A)Pasteurella multocida free-living amebas present in environmental water
(B)Streptobacillus moniliformis (B)Serve as a carbon source for the growth of Legionella
(C)Francisella tularensis pneumophila
(D)Bartonella bacilliformis (C)Prevent hemolysis of the red blood cells in the
(E)Yersinia pestis medium
(D)Provide a dark background
3. A 70-year-old man presents with bilateral pneumonia. (E)Act as a detoxifying agent
His Legionella urinary antigen test result is positive.
Which of the following is the likely cause of his 7. A 23-year-old, otherwise healthy woman presents
pneumonia? with a 3-day history of low-grade fever and headache.
(A)Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 Examination reveals enlarged and slightly tender lymph
(B)Legionella micdadei serogroup 4 nodes near her leſt elbow and in the leſt axilla.
(C)Legionella bozemanii serogroup 2 Approximately 2 weeks earlier, she had visited a friend
(D)Legionella longbeachae serogroup 2
whose cat had scratched her on the leſt arm; the site later
(E)All of the above because the urinary antigen test is
genus specific and not species or serotype specific. developed a reddish papule. Which of the following
statements about this disease is correct?
4. A 65-year-old man comes to the emergency (A)Characteristic histopathology in response to infection
department feeling feverish and “really tired.” He has a is acute, neutrophilic inflammation.
chronic cigarette cough, but this has dramatically (B)The diagnosis is based on a suggestive history and
increased in the past week and he has been producing physical examination.
whitish sputum. The previous day he had a temperature (C)β-Lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor combinations are the
of 38°C and watery diarrhea. Physical examination agents of choice for treatment.
reveals inspiratory and expiratory wheezes and rales
(D)The diagnosis is based on negative routine bacterial 12. Which of the following best represents the role of the
cultures of pus aspirated from involved lymph nodes. Mip protein in Legionella pathogenesis?
(E)The disease rapidly leads to sepsis even in (A)It prevents phagosome–lysosome fusion.
immunocompetent people. (B)It acts as a siderophore to capture iron.
(C)It prevents phagocytosis.
8. Which of the following statements about bacillary (D)It facilitates adherence to the macrophage and
angiomato-sis is most correct? stimulates cellular invasion.
(A)It is caused by Bartonella bacilliformis. (E)None of the above.
(B)It is typically confined to the skin.
(C)The major differential diagnosis is Kaposi sarcoma. 13. Pontiac fever is a severe form of pneumonia caused
(D)The etiologic agent can be grown in 1–2 days in by Legio-nella pneumophila serotypes 1 and 6.
routine culture on sheep blood agar. (A) True
(E)Dogs are the reservoir for the etiologic agent. (B) False
9. An important factor in the pathogenesis of 14. All of the following statements regarding
Legionnaires’ disease is that Streptobacillus monil-iformis are correct except
(A)Legionella pneumophila kills polymorphonuclear (A)It is susceptible to penicillin.
cells. (B)It causes the disease rat-bite fever.
(B)Alveolar macrophages phagocytose Legionella (C)It causes Haverhill fever from ingestion of
pneumophila using coiled pseudopods. contaminated food.
(C)Legionella pneumophila invades pulmonary (D)The morphology of the organism is spiral shaped.
capillaries, leading to dissemination and systemic illness.
(D)Legionella pneumophila induces alveolar macrophage 15. The diagnosis of Whipple’s disease is best made by
phagosomes to fuse with lysosomes. (A)Paired serum obtained 8 weeks apart
(E)Legionella pneumophila outer surface protein A (B)Prolonged culture on mycobacterial media
(OspA) is important for invasion of alveolar (C)Nucleic acid amplification testing performed on tissue
macrophages. (D)Histopathology
(E)None of the above
10. True statements regarding Tropheryma whipplei
include all of the following except
(A)It is easy to cultivate on chocolate agar aſter 3 days of
(B)It is a gram-positive actinomycete.
(C)It causes fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss,
and migratory polyarthralgia.
(D)It stains with PAS.
10. All of the following statements regarding relapsing 3. Which of the following is important in the
fever are correct except pathogenesis of mycoplasmal infections?
(A)Epidemic disease carries a higher mortality rate than (A)The peptidoglycan in the mycoplasmal cell wall
endemic disease. (B)The presence of lacto-N-neotetraose with a terminal
(B)Endemic disease in North America is caused by galactosamine as the host cell receptor
Borrelia recurrentis. (C)The structures and the interactive proteins that
(C)The recurrent febrile episodes are caused by antigenic mediate adhesion to host cells
variation among the spirochetes. (D)The absence of cilia on the surface of the host cells
(D)Penicillin is the drug of choice. (E)Growth in an anatomic site where anaerobic
(E)Crushing a tick could transmit the spirochetes. organisms thrive
5. Which of the following statements about Ehrlichiae 8. Which of the following drugs should not be used to
and ehrlichiosis is most correct? treat Rocky Mountain spotted fever (Rickettsia rickettsii
(A)Dogs and mice are reservoirs. infection)?
(B)Mosquitoes are the vectors. (A)Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole
(B)Chloramphenicol (B)Morulae within monocytes
(C)Doxycycline (C)Granulomatous inflammation
(D)Intracellular vacuoles
9. Which of the following should be used to prevent (E)Perivascular lymphocytes
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (Rickettsia rickettsii
infection)? 14. All of the following statements regarding
(A) Attenuated Rickettsia rickettsii vaccine Rickettsialpox are correct except
(B) Prophylactic doxycycline (A)The cause of the disease is R akari.
(C) Preventing tick bites by wearing protective clothing (B)Ticks of the genus Amblyomma are responsible for
(D) Delousing with insecticide transmission.
(C)The disease is mild.
10. One week aſter deer hunting in a wooded area, a 33- (D)Disease is more common in urban than rural areas.
year-old man developed fever to 39°C with headache
15. Reasons why C burnetii could be a potential agent of
and malaise. Over the subsequent 24 hours, he
bioterrorism include
developed nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and
(A)It is acquired by the inhalation.
diarrhea. On day 4, he developed a rash, initially around
(B)It is highly infectious.
the wrists and ankles, which then progressively evolved,
(C)It can be difficult to treat depending on the phase of
involving the arms, trunk, palms, and soles. Initially the
rash was macular, but it quickly evolved into
(D)Pneumonia may be severe.
maculopapules, some with central petechiae. Rocky
(E)All of the above.
Mountain spotted fever caused by Rickettsia rickettsii
was diagnosed. Which of the following statements about
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is correct?
(A)The vectors of Rickettsia rickettsii are ticks of the
genus Ixodes.
(B)A rash consistently appears by day 4 of illness.
(C)Rickettsia rickettsii forms inclusions in monocytes.
(D)The patient’s antibody response may not occur until a
ſter the second week of illness.
(E)The highest incidence of this disease is in the Rocky
Mountain states.
3. Streptococcus pneumoniae resistance to the drug 8. There are many bacterial–antimicrobial resistance
shown in Question 1 is caused by combinations. Which one of the following is of major
(A)The action of acetyltransferase international concern?
(B)The action of β-lactamase (A) Sulfonamide resistance in Neisseria meningitidis
(C)Substitution of the d-Ala-d-Ala dipeptide with d-Ala-d- (B) Penicillin G resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Lac dipeptide in the cell wall peptidoglycan (C) Ampicillin resistance in Haemophilus influenzae
(D)Decreased permeability of the bacterial cell wall (D) Erythromycin resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes
(E)Genetically modified binding proteins in the bacterial (group A streptococci)
cell wall (E) Vancomycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus
4. All of the following statements about antimicrobial 9. Which of the following factors is not generally
resistance of enterococci are correct except considered when selecting initial antimicrobial therapy
(A)Enterococci are resistant to sulfamethoxazole– for an infection?
trimethoprim in vivo. (A)Age of the patient
(B)Cephalosporins are not active against enterococci. (B)Anatomic site of the infection (eg, meningitis or
(C)Resistance to the streptogramins (quinupristin– urinary tract infection)
dalfopristin) has emerged. (C)Whether or not the patient is immunocompromised
(D)Vancomycin-resistant enterococci are rare in Europe (D)Whether or not the patient has implanted devices in
and the United States. place (eg, artificial hip joint, artificial heart valve, urinary
(E)Vancomycin-resistant enterococci once consistently catheter)
clonal are now heterogeneous. (E)Waiting for culture and susceptibility test results
7. Which one of the following viruses possesses an RNA 12. Laboratory infections can be acquired when working
genome that is infectious when purified? with viruses unless good laboratory safety practices are
(A)Influenza virus followed. Which of the following is not a good biosafety
(B)Poliovirus practice?
(C)Papillomavirus (A)Use of biosafety hoods
(D)Measles virus (B)Use of laboratory coats and gloves
(E)Rotavirus (C)Avoidance of pipetting by mouth
(D)Flushing experimental waste down laboratory sink
8. Viruses belonging to which of the following groups are (E)Not eating or drinking in the laboratory
likely to establish latent infections?
(A)Poxviruses 13. Small viruses are in the same size range as which of
(B)Filoviruses the following?
(C)Herpesviruses (A)Staphylococcus species
(D)Influenza viruses (B)Serum globulin
(E)Caliciviruses (C)Red blood cells
(D)Eukaryotic ribosomes
9. Some viruses encode for a viral RNA-dependent RNA (E)Mitochondria
polymerase. Which of the following states a principle
about viral RNA polymerases? 14. Which of the following is not an important factor
(A)All RNA viruses carry RNA polymerase molecules contributing to the phenomenon of emerging viral
inside virus particles because they are needed to initiate diseases?
the next infectious cycle. (A)International air travel
(B)Antibodies against the viral RNA polymerase (B)Antibiotic resistance
neutralize virus infectivity. (C)Deforestation
(C)Negative-strand RNA viruses supply their own RNA- (D)War
dependent RNA polymerase because eukaryotic cells (E)Organ and tissue transplantation
lack such enzymes.
(D)The viral RNA polymerase protein also serves as a 15. Arboviruses are classified into several different virus
major core structural protein in the virus particle. families but are grouped together based on which of the
following common characteristics?
10. Which of the following statements regarding virus (A)Replicate only in humans
morphology is true? (B)Contain both RNA and DNA
(A)All RNA viruses are spherical in shape. (C)Are transmitted by vectors
(B)Some viruses contain flagella. (D)Cause hemorrhagic fevers
(C)Some viruses with DNA genomes contain a primitive (E)Cause encephalitis
(D)Viral surface proteins protect the viral genome from
Chapter XXX: Pathogenesis and Control of Viral inhibits viral reverse transcriptase and is active against
Diseases both HIV and hepatitis B virus. That drug is
Review Questions (B)Amantadine
1. Interferons are an important part of the host defense (C)Ribavirin
against viral infections. What is interferon’s principal (D)Saquinavir
mode of action? (E)Lamivudine
(A)It is present in the serum of healthy individuals, (F)Fuzeon
providing a viral surveillance role.
(B)It coats viral particles and blocks their attachment to 6. Regarding the HIV/AIDS patient in Question 5, a
cells. peptidomimetic agent that blocks virus-mediated
(C)It induces synthesis of one or more cellular proteins cleavage of viral structural protein precursors is chosen
that inhibit translation or transcription. as a second drug. That drug is
(D)It protects the virus-infected cell that produced it (A)Acyclovir
from cell death. (B)Amantadine
2. A 9-month-old girl is taken to the emergency room (D)Saquinavir
because of fever and persistent cough. Rales are heard in (E)Lamivudine
her leſt chest on physical examination. An infiltrate in her
leſt lung is seen on the chest radiograph. Pneumonia is 7. A 63-year-old woman is hospitalized for treatment of
diagnosed. Which of the following is the most likely leukemia. One day aſter admission she develops chills,
cause? fever, cough, headache, and myalgia. She states that her
(A)Rotavirus husband had a similar illness a few days earlier. There is
(B)Rhinovirus major concern about a respiratory virus outbreak in the
(C)Adenovirus staff of the chemotherapy ward and in the patients on
(D)Respiratory syncytial virus that ward. A synthetic amine that inhibits influenza A
(E)Coxsackievirus virus by blocking viral uncoating is chosen for
prophylactic treatment of the staff and patients. That
3. Which one of the following is a fundamental principle drug is
of viral disease causation? (A)Acyclovir
(A)One virus type induces a single disease syndrome. (B)Amantadine
(B)Many viral infections are subclinical and do not (C)Ribavirin
produce clinical disease. (D)Saquinavir
(C)The type of disease produced by a virus can be (E)Lamivudine
predicted by the morphology of that virus. (F)Fuzeon
(D)A particular disease syndrome has a single viral cause.
8. Which one of the following statements describes an
4. The skin is a formidable barrier to virus entry, but a advantage of killed-virus vaccines over attenuated live-
few viruses are able to breach this barrier and initiate virus vaccines?
infection of the host. Which of the following is an (A)Killed-virus vaccines induce a broader range of
example of a virus that enters through skin abrasions? immune responses than do attenuated live-virus
(A)Adenovirus vaccines.
(B)Rotavirus (B)Killed-virus vaccines more closely mimic natural
(C)Rhinovirus infections than do attenuated live-virus vaccines.
(D)Papilloma virus (C)Killed-virus vaccines pose no risk that vaccine virus
(E)Influenza virus might be transmitted to susceptible contacts.
(D)Killed-virus vaccines are efficacious against
5. A 40-year-old man has HIV/AIDS characterized by a respiratory virus infections because they induce good
low CD4 count and a high viral load. Highly active mucosal immunity.
antiretroviral therapy (HAART) will be initiated. One of
the drugs under consideration is a nucleoside analog that
9. What type of hepatitis B vaccine is currently in use in (D)Interferons induce the synthesis of a ribonuclease
the United States? that degrades viral mRNA.
(A)Synthetic peptide vaccine
(B)Killed-virus vaccine 15. Each of the following statements concerning viral
(C)Attenuated live-virus vaccine vaccines is correct except
(D)Subunit vaccine produced using recombinant DNA (A)In live attenuated vaccines, the virus has lost its ability
to cause disease but has retained its ability to induce
10. Which one of the following phrases accurately neutralizing antibody.
describes viral neutralizing antibodies? (B)In live attenuated vaccines, the possibility of reversion
(A)Directed against viral protein determinants on the to virulence is of concern.
outside of the virus particle (C)With inactivated vaccines, IgA mucosal immunity is
(B)Appear in the host sooner aſter viral infection than usually induced.
(D)With inactivated vaccines, protective immunity is
mainly caused by the production of IgG.
(C)Directed against viral nucleic acid sequences
(D)Induced only by disease-causing viruses
(E)Of little importance to immunity to viral infection
18. Herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus share 2. An emergency services worker is considering smallpox
many features. Which one of the following features is vaccination because of the potential for bioterrorism.
least likely to be shared? Which one of the following conditions is not a
(A) Important cause of morbidity and mortality in the contraindication for the use of vaccinia (smallpox)
newborn vaccine under routine nonemergency conditions?
(B) Congenital abnormalities caused by transplacental (A)Immunosuppression
passage (B)Severe allergy to a component of the vaccine
(C) Important cause of serious disease in (C)Household contact with a person with eczema
immunosuppressed individuals (D)Pregnancy
(D) Mild or inapparent infection (E)Previous smallpox vaccination
19. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is distinct from 3. Which of the following poxviruses infects only
herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) in several different humans?
ways. Which one of the following is the least accurate (A)Monkeypox
statement? (B)Molluscum contagiosum
(A)HSV-1 causes lesions above the umbilicus more (C)Tanapox
frequently than HSV-2 does. (D)Cowpox
(B)Infection by HSV-1 is not associated with any tumors (E)Yaba tumor virus
in humans.
(C)Antiserum to HSV-1 neutralizes HSV-1 much more
4. A 7-year-old boy has pox-like lesions on his leſt hand
effectively than HSV-2.
(D)Whereas HSV-1 causes frequent recurrences, HSV-2 and arm. He has a pet rodent imported from West Africa.
infection rarely recurs. Monkeypox is diagnosed in the boy and the rodent.
Which of the following statements about monkeypox
20. Each of the following statements concerning Epstein- virus is most correct?
Barr virus is correct except (A)Clinical disease resembles smallpox.
(A)Many infections are mild or inapparent. (B)Human infections are never fatal.
(B)The earlier in life primary infection is acquired, the (C)Smallpox vaccination is not protective.
more likely the typical picture of infectious (D)Infections are readily transmitted among family
mononucleosis will be manifest. members.
(E)Virus particles can be distinguished from smallpox
(C)Latently infected lymphocytes regularly persist aſter virus by electron microscopy.
an acute episode of infection.
(D)Infection confers immunity against second episodes 5. Which of the following best describes the currently
of infectious mononucleosis. licensed smallpox vaccines?
(A)Live attenuated smallpox virus
(B)Inactivated smallpox virus
(C)Live vaccinia virus
(D)Inactivated vaccinia virus 11. Laboratory scientists who work with vaccinia virus–
(E)Reassortant vaccine containing both vaccinia and infected cultures or animals are at risk of accidental
smallpox viruses exposure to the virus. Which of the following procedures
by the laboratory worker is of least benefit in protecting
6. Which of the following does not apply to vaccinia virus against inadvertent infection with vaccinia virus?
replication in cultured cells? (A)Proper use of personal protective equipment such as
(A)Viral replication cycle takes place in the cytoplasm of gloves and goggles
infected cells. (B)Cleaning of laboratory work space before
(B)Te uncoating step leading to release of the viral experimentation
genome requires a newly synthesized viral protein. (C)Smallpox vaccination
(C)Early transcription of more than 50 viral genes occurs (D)Safe needle-handling practices
within viral cores and precedes viral DNA replication. (E)Use of biosafety hoods
(D)Newly formed virus particles mature by budding
through the nuclear membrane. 12. Vaccinia virus has all of the following attributes
7. Which feature of the variola virus makes it an extreme (A) Can cause severe localized or disseminated disease.
bioter-rorism threat? (B)Is a live, attenuated smallpox virus.
(A)Wide availability of the virus (C)Can induce immunity that lasts only a few years.
(B)Weaponized strains present in several laboratories (D)Has been in use for more than 200 years.
(C)Limited immunity in present population (E)Gene sequences coding for other viral proteins can be
(D)Low stockpiles of effective drugs for treatment inserted into its genome.
(E)Potential emergence from animal reservoir
13. The eradication of smallpox was facilitated by several
8. A patient presents with skin lesions similar in features of the virus. Which one of the following
appearance to molluscum contagiosum. How is diagnosis contributed least to eradication?
of this condition typically made? (A)It has one antigenic type.
(A)Viral culture (B)Inapparent infection is rare.
(B)Rapid antigen test (C)Administration of live vaccine reliably induces
(C)PCR for viral DNA immunity.
(D)Clinical appearance (D)It multiplies in the cytoplasm of infected cells.
(E)Inoculation of chorioallantoic membrane of chick
embryos 14. Vaccination with the vaccinia (smallpox) vaccine
protects against infections by the following poxviruses
9. Which of the following does not fulfill the criteria for except
exposure to vaccinia? (A)Molluscum contagiosum
(A)Smallpox vaccination (B)Variola
(B)Close contact with a recent smallpox vaccine (C)Cowpox
(C)Intrauterine exposure (D)Monkeypox
(D)Injection of vaccinia immune globulin
19. Which of the following statements is more likely to 2. Based on sequence analysis and serologic assays, the
be true of measles (rubeola) than German measles most likely origin of the SARS coronavirus is which of the
(rubella)? following?
(A)Koplik spots are present. (A)Recombination between a human and an animal
(B)It causes birth defects. coronavirus that created a new virus
(C)It causes only a mild illness. (B)Jump of an animal coronavirus into humans
(D)Human beings are the only natural host. (C)Mutation of a human coronavirus that resulted in
(E)Attenuated virus vaccine is available for prevention. increased virulence
(D)Acquisition of human cellular genes by a human
coronavirus via recombination that allowed viral evasion
of the host immune response
8. A traveler returning from Mecca presents with 4. Which of the following statements about rabies
pneumonia, fever, and cough. What is the best test to vaccines for human use is true?
diagnose MERS coronavirus? (A)Contain live, attenuated rabies virus
(A)Coronavirus antigen assay (B)Contain multiple antigenic types of rabies virus
(B)Human coronavirus PCR (C)Can treat clinical cases of rabies
(C)MERS-CoV PCR (D)Can be used for postexposure prophylaxis
(D)Respiratory viral culture (E)They are associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome
14. A 37-year-old man with AIDS, currently living in 17. Which statement regarding aspergillosis is correct?
Indianapolis, Indiana, presented with osteomyelitis of (A)Patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
the leſt hip. A needle biopsy of the bone marrow was rarely have eosinophilia.
(B)Patients receiving parenteral corticosteroids are not
obtained, and the calcofluor white smear revealed a
at risk for invasive aspergillosis.
variety of myelogenous cells, monocytes, and
(C)The diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis is frequently
macrophages containing numerous intracellular yeast
established by culturing Aspergillus from the sputum and
cells that were elliptical and approximately 2 × 4 μm.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
(D)The clinical manifestations of aspergillosis include
local infections of the ear, cornea, nails, and sinuses.
(E)Bone marrow transplant recipients are not at risk for
invasive aspergillosis.
(E)No diagnostic significance
4. You are working in a rural medical clinic in China and a 9. Several Papua New Guinea villagers known to eat pork
3-year-old girl is brought in by her mother. The child during celebrations were reported to be suffering from
appears emaciated and, upon testing, is found to have a an outbreak of epileptiform seizures. One of the first
hemoglobin level of 5 g/dL. Her feet and ankles are things you should investigate is
swollen, and there is an extensive rash on her feet, (A)The prevalence of Ascaris infections in the population
ankles, and knees. Te most likely parasitic infection that (B)The prevalence of schistosomiasis in the population
causes the child’s condition is (C)The presence of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense in
(A)Schistosomiasis the villagers
(B)Cercarial dermatitis (D)The presence of Giardia cysts in the drinking water
(C)Cyclosporiasis (E)The presence of Taenia solium in the pigs
(D)Hookworm infection
(E)Trichuriasis 10. A 32-year-old male tourist traveled to Senegal for 1
(F)Ascariasis month. During the trip, he swam in the Gambia river.
Two months aſter his return, he began complaining of
5. Pathologic effects of filariae in humans are caused by intermittent lower abdominal pain with dysuria.
the adult worms in all but one species. In this case, the Laboratory results of ova and parasites revealed eggs
principal damage is caused by the microfilariae of
with a terminal spine. Which of the following parasites is (F)Echinococcus granulosus
the cause of the patient’s symptoms? (G)Paragonimus westermani
(A)Toxoplasma gondii
(B)Schistosoma mansoni 15. An apparently fatigued but alert 38-year-old woman has
(C)Schistosoma haematobium spent 6 months as a teacher in a rural Thailand village
(D)Ascaris lumbricoides school. Her chief complaints include frequent headaches,
(E)Taenia solium occasional nausea and vomiting, and periodic fever. You
suspect malaria and indeed find parasites in red blood cells
in a thin blood smear. To rule out the dangerous falciparum
11. What type of specimen was collected for laboratory
form of malaria, which one of the following choices is NOT
analysis based on the answer in the previous question?
consistent with a diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum
(A)Tick blood smear
malaria based on a microscopic examination of the blood
(B)Stool sample
(C)Urine sample (A)Red blood cells containing trophozoites with Schuffner’s
(D)Blood for serology dots
(E)Sputum sample (B)Red blood cells containing >1 parasite per RBC
(C)Banana-shaped or crescent-shaped gametocytes
12. A previously healthy 23-year-old woman recently (D)Parasites within normal-sized red blood cells
returned from her vacation aſter visiting friends in (E)Parasites with double nuclei
Arizona. She complained of severe headaches, saw
“flashing lights,” and had a purulent nasal discharge. She 16. Given a diagnosis of uncomplicated Plasmodium
falciparum malaria for the patient in Question 15, which
was admitted into the hospital with a diagnosis of
one of the following treatment regimens is appropriate
bacterial meningitis and died 5 days later. Which of the
where chloroquine-resistance is known?
following parasites should have been considered in the
(A)Oral artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT)
diagnosis? She had no prior history of travel outside of (B)Oral chloroquine
the United States. (C)Intravenous chloroquine
(A)Plasmodium falciparum (D)Oral proguanil
(B)Toxoplasma gondii (E)Intravenous quinidine
(C)Strongyloides stercoralis
(D)Entamoeba histolytica 17. Given a diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum, you should
(E)Naegleria fowleri tell the patient in Question 15 that (select one)
(A)Relapse occurs with Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium
13. How could the person have acquired the parasite in ovale, not Plasmodium falciparum and therefore no
Question 12? treatment for hypnozoites is necessary.
(A)Ingesting cysts from fecally contaminated drinking (B)Primaquine is used to prevent relapse of Plasmodium
water falciparum.
(B)Eating improperly cooked fish (C)Returning to the tropics would be dangerous because
(C)Eating improperly cooked beef hypersensitivity to the parasite may have developed.
(D)Walking barefoot in the park (D)The use of insecticide treated bednets in endemic areas
(E)Engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse is not necessary since she already had malaria.
(F)Getting bitten by a sandfly (E)It is not necessary for her to take antimalarials when
(G)Plunging into a natural hot spring traveling in endemic areas.
14. A 37-year-old sheep farmer from Australia presents with 18. A 52-year-old male, returning from a travel tour in India
upper right quadrant pain and appears slightly jaundiced. A and Southeast Asia, was diagnosed with intestinal
stool exam was negative for ova and parasites but a CT scan amebiasis and successfully treated with iodoquinol. A
of the liver reveals a large 14-cm cyst that appears to month later, he returned to the clinic complaining of the
contain fluid. Which of the following parasites should be following conditions. Which of the conditions is most likely
considered? the result of systemic amebiasis (even though the intestinal
(A)Toxoplasma gondii infection appears to be cured)?
(B)Taenia solium (A)High periodic fever
(C)Taenia saginata (B)Bloody urine
(D)Clonorchis sinensis (C)Tender, enlarged liver
(E)Schistosoma mansoni (D)Draining skin lesion
(E)Enlarged painful spleen
Chapter XLVII: Principles of Diagnostic Medical 4. A 42-year-old man is known to have HIV/AIDS. Which
Microbiology of the following is the most appropriate method to
follow the progress of his highly active antiretroviral
Review Questions therapy (HAART)?
1. A 47-year-old woman had a bone marrow transplant (A) Determination of viral load
as part of her treatment for chronic myelogenous (B) Following anti-HIV-1 antibody levels
leukemia. While in the hospital she had a central venous (C)Using Western blot to assess his anti-p24 levels
catheter in place for administration of fluids. In the time (D)Repeated culture of his blood for HIV-1 to determine
when the culture becomes negative
following the transplant, but before it had engraſted, the (E)Genotyping of his HIV-1 isolate to determine its
patient had a very low white blood cell count. She antiretroviral susceptibility
developed a fever, and blood cultures were done. Which
of the following scenarios suggests that the positive 5. A 2-year-old child develops diarrhea. Rotavirus
blood cultures resulted from a contaminant? infection is suspected. Which of the following would be
(A)Two positive peripheral vein blood cultures with most useful in diagnosing a rotavirus infection?
Staphylococcus aureus (A)Fluorescent antibody staining of the stool specimen
(B)Two positive peripheral vein blood cultures with (B)Light microscopy to detect mucosal cells with
Staphylococcus epidermidis along with two positive cytopathic effect
central line blood cultures with Staphylococcus (C)Detection of virus antigen in stool by enzyme-linked
epidermidis immunosorbent assay
(C)One positive peripheral vein blood culture and one (D)Virus culture
positive central line blood culture with Escherichia coli
(D)One positive central venous line blood culture with a 6. Which of the following is appropriate to determine the
Corynebacterium species and two negative peripheral etiologic diagnosis of infection?
vein blood cultures (A)Culture and identification of the agent
(E)Two positive central line blood cultures with Candida (B)DNA–DNA or DNA–RNA hybridization to detect
albicans pathogen-specific genes in patients’ specimens
(C)Demonstration of a rise in antibody titer or cell-
2. Two days ago, a 22-year-old man returned from a 2- mediated immune response to an infectious agent
week trip to Mexico. Within 24 hours, he developed (D)Morphologic identification of the agent in stains of
diarrhea. Which of the following will not establish the specimens or sections of tissues by light or electron
etiology of his diarrhea? microscopy
(A)Stool culture for Salmonella, Shigella, and (E)Detection of antigen from the agent by immunologic
Campylobacter assay
(B)Stool culture for rotavirus and Norwalk-like virus (F)All of the above
(C)Stool enzyme immunoassay for Giardia lamblia
antigen 7. A 45-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital
(D)Stool examination for Entamoeba histolytica because of fever, a 6-kg weight loss, and a new heart
murmur. Probable endocarditis is diagnosed. How many
3. A 37-year-old man traveled to Peru during the time of blood cultures over what period of time should be done
the cholera epidemic. One day aſter returning home, he to provide evidence of specific bacterial infection in
developed severe watery diarrhea. To enhance the endocarditis?
isolation of Vibrio cholerae from his stool, the laboratory (A)One
needs to include: (B)Two over 10 minutes
(A)MacConkey agar (C)Three over 2 hours
(B)Campylobacter blood agar (D)Three over 24 hours
(C)Tiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose agar (E)Six over 3 days
(D)Bismuth sulfite agar
(E)Hektoen agar
8. A 4-year-old boy develops bloody diarrhea. 12. In August, a 2-year-old boy presents acutely with
Hemorrhagic colitis due to Escherichia coli O157:H7 is fever, signs of headache, decreased mental status, and
suspected. What medium should be inoculated to help neck stiffness. On physical examination the fever is
the laboratory staff make the diagnosis of this infection? confirmed, mild nuchal rigidity is present, and although
(A)Blood agar the child is irritable and mildly somnolent, he is arousable
(B)Sorbitol MacConkey agar and is taking some oral fluids. The cerebrospinal fluid
(C)Hektoen enteric agar parameters reveal a protein of 60 μg/dL, glucose of 40
(D)CIN (cefsulodin, irgasan, novobiocin) agar μg/dL, and a total of 200 WBCs, predominately
(E)Tiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose agar mononuclear. The most likely cause of this child’s
infection is:
9. A 43-year-old black man frequently drove his long-haul (A)Bacterial
18-wheel truck through the Central Valley of California. (B)Viral
Two months ago there was a major windstorm while he (C)Protozoan
was driving through the Valley. Two weeks aſter that he (D)Fungal
developed fever with a cough and pleuritic chest pain. An
infiltrate was seen on chest x-ray. Pneumonia was
13. In the case above, the most useful test for making a
diagnosed, and the patient was given erythromycin. Te
rapid definitive diagnosis of the most likely causative
fever, cough, pleuritic pain, and infiltrate cleared over a
agent is:
3-week period. Two weeks ago, he developed
(A)An antigen test for Streptococcus pneumoniae
progressively severe headaches, and for the past 2 days
(B)A latex agglutination test for cryptococcal antigen
he has had vomiting. His cerebrospinal fluid contains 150
(C)A nucleic acid amplification test for viral RNA
white blood cells per microliter, predominantly
lymphocytes, and the glucose concentration is low.
(D)Culture on selective media combined with a probe
Meningitis due to Coccidioides immitis is suspected.
test for confirmation
Which of the following tests is the most sensitive and
(E)Giemsa-stained smear of cerebrospinal fluid
useful in confirming this diagnosis?
(A)Test for coccidioidal antigens performed on CSF
14. Susceptibility testing using an MIC method, as
(B)Test of cerebrospinal fluid for antibodies against
opposed to disk diffusion, is preferred for all of the
Coccidioides immitis
following types of infections except:
(C)PCR for Coccidioides immitis DNA
(A)Urinary tract infections
(D)Cerebrospinal fluid culture for Coccidioides immitis
(E)Complement fixation test of serum for antibodies
against Coccidioides immitis
(D)Bacteremia in a neutropenic patient
(E)Bacterial meningitis
10. A 5-year-old kidney transplant patient being treated
with cyclosporine develops a lymphoproliferative
15. Bacterial vaginosis is best diagnosed by all of the
disorder. Which of the following viruses is most likely
following except:
responsible for this disorder?
(A)Measurement of the vaginal pH
(B)Detection of a fishy odor when the discharge is
(B)Herpes simplex virus
alkalinized with KOH
(C)Coxsackie B virus
(C)Bacterial culture for aerobes and anaerobes
(D)Hepatitis B virus
(D)Examination of a Gram-stained smear for “clue cells”
(E)Epstein-Barr virus
16. A 45-year-old man presents to the emergency room
11. All of the following are appropriate indications for the
with a 3-day history of cough productive of blood-tinged
use of serologic tests for viruses except:
sputum and a fever. The Gram stain of the sputum has
(A)As an indication of one’s susceptibility to a particular
many white blood cells and gram-positive diplococci. The
viral infection
most likely causative organism is
(B)For diagnosis when the virus has a long incubation
(A)Staphylococcus aureus
(B)Streptococcus pneumoniae
(C)For screening purposes
(C)Mycoplasma pneumoniae
(D)For confirmation of a viral infection
(D)Klebsiella pneumonia
(E)To monitor the response to treatment
17. How many organisms must be present in a clean
catch midstream urine sample to be considered
indicative of an infection?
(A)> 102 CFU/ml
(B)> 103 CFU/ml
(C)> 104 CFU/ml
(D)> 105 CFU/ml