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Test 7a

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A.1Explicati utilizarea lui Present Perfect Simple cu adverbele FOR si SINCE;dati cate un exemplu in
propozitie pentru fiecare adverb.

2.Scrieti o alta regula de utilizare a lui Present Perfect Simple si dati un exemplu in propozitie.

B. Subliniati formele corecte de participiu trecut:1p

1left/lefted 6swam/swum
2.meet/met 7sung/sang
3.been/beed 8.spent/spended
4spoked/spoken 9 visited/visitted
5understod/understood 10taken/taked

C.Subliniati formele corecte ale verbelor:

1. It have rained/has rained a lot. 6. Paul has had/has have an accident.

2. They have played/has plaid. 7. My sisters have been/has been
3. Who has you phoned/have you shopping.
phoned? 8. Have/Has you talked to me?
4. They has known/have known him for a 9. My friend have lost/has lost his keys.
long time. 10. You hasn’t tried/haven’t tried that.
5. She hasn’t read/haven’t red that book.

D.Treceti verbele la Present Perfect Simple:

1.It (rain)…………………………………………a lot. The grass is wet.

2.We (not/play)………………………………. Tennis lately.

3They (buy)………………………….a motorbike recently.

4. Martha lives in Dublin. She (live)_________________ there her whole life.

5My sister (go)……………………………….to bed.

6It ‘s the best book she (ever, read)…………………………………………………

7They (know)…………………………………….. each other for a long time.

8 I (not/see) ……………………………………….him      this week.

9 Mum (visit)_________________ three countries up to now.

10.I (never/break)…………………………………………….my bones.

E.Completati propozitiile cu urmatoarele expresii: aluminium, local companies, cardboard, throw,cotton,

looking for, products,outdoor, bottles, for under 16s.

1Don’t……………………..away old clothes.

2Refuse to buy…………………….. with a lot of plastic.

3………………………activities are healthier.

4Look for the Fairtrade symbol to support………………………………………………….

5This is a competition …………………………………………………

6 Some people recycle…………………………….

7 I’m …………………………….a pair of jeans.

8 Wash your……………………………..T-shirts carefully.

9 Glass …………………………….. and jars can be recycled.

10 ………………………………cans have a bad effect on the environment.

F.Traduceti in limba engleza:

Lunea trecuta, eu mergeam la cumparaturi cu sora mea. Brusc, un tir(lorry) s-a oprit si o masina s-a
ciocnit de acesta (bumped into).Toata lumea s-a oprit sa ajute. A venit ambulanta pentru soferul masinii.
Intre timp, politistii vorbeau(talk) cu oamenii. Apoi, ambulanta a plecat la spital. Eu am fost speriat.

A.1Explicati utilizarea lui Present Perfect Simple cu adverbele EVER si NEVER;dati cate un exemplu in
propozitie pentru fiecare adverb.

2.Scrieti o alta regula de utilizare a lui Present Perfect Simple si dati un exemplu in propozitie.      1,50

B. Subliniati formele corecte de participiu trecut:1p

1keep/kept 6swam/swum
2.arrived/arrive 7sung/sang
3.had/have 8.sent/send
4broken/broket 9 visited/visiting
5understod/understood 10taken/taked

C.Sublimiati formele corecte ale verbelor: 1p

1.It have snowed/has snowed a lot. 6.Paul has had/has have an accident.
2.They have payed/have paid. 7.My sisters have been/has been ill lately.
3.Has you visited/have you visited Paris? 8.Have/Has you talked to me?
4.They has known/have known him for a 9.My friend have lost/has lost his keys.
long time. 10.He hasn’t tried/haven’t tried that.
5.You hasn’t read/haven’t read that book.

D.Treceti verbele la Present Perfect Simple:1,50p

1. So far, Jill    (read)_________________ almost half of the book.

2. He (write) ____________________two books recently.

3. Paul and Gina    (arrive) ____ ___________from work.Here they are!

7. Drugs    (become)_________________ a huge problem in the United States.

8. Granddad (be) _________________ in hospital since Monday. He 9 (never/be)_________________ in

hospital before.

10.I (have)____________ a huge meal for lunch and simply can't eat anything at the moment.

E.Completati propozitiile cu urmatoarele expresii: screen time, newspapers, give away,aluminium,reuse,

cotton, charity shops, effective, bottles,to give tips to save the planet.

looking for, cotton, products,outdoor, bottles, for under 16s.          2p

1Their tips are simple, but …………………………………

2Take the first pile to………………………………..

3You can ……………………….wool or cotton clothes.

4Reduce your ………………………………………………….

5This is a competition …………………………………………………

6 Some people recycle ……………………………………

7 I want to …………………………….a pair of jeans.

8 Wash your……………………………..T-shirts carefully.

9 Glass …………………………….. and jars can be recycled.

10 ………………………………cans have a bad effect on the environment.

F.Traduceti in limba engleza: 1,50p

Lunea trecuta, eu mergeam la cumparaturi cu sora mea, cu bicicletele. Brusc, o pisica s-a oprit si sora
mea a calcat pisica. Un copil s-a oprit sa ajute. Intre timp,au venit mai multi copii.Apoi a venit un barbat
si a dus pisica la doctor. Eu am fost trista. La final, pisica a fost in regula.

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