Sridhar Thesis
Sridhar Thesis
Sridhar Thesis
Conference Paper in American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP · July 2013
DOI: 10.1115/PVP2013-98068
3 2,087
2 authors, including:
Sridhar Sathyanarayanan
All content following this page was uploaded by Sridhar Sathyanarayanan on 21 June 2019.
© Sridhar Sathyanarayanan
May, 2014
Above ground steel storage tanks are widely used to store liquids in a variety of
industries. The design and fitness for service procedures for such tanks are a concern for
international standards and need to be continually improved upon to ensure better safety
and serviceability. Several important aspects about tank design and assessment are
The bottom plate material near the shell to bottom joint in the tank is generally in
plastic range. It is a critical failure point in many modes of tank failure. The effect of
increasing the bottom plate projection length at this joint for tanks with rigid ring wall
validated using finite element analysis (FEA) and extended to determine the length of
bottom plate projection needed for maximum effect. The formation of plastic hinges in
the bottom plate on the inside and outside of this joint is discussed in detail using FEA.
additional stresses due to thermal expansions and restraints from the tank shell and
bottom plate interactions. The frictional forces from the foundation cause significant
stresses at the tank bottom. The design guidelines by API 650 standard address this issue
using a factor named ‘C’ that defines the ratio of actual expansion against free expansion
of the tank bottom. At present, an empirical range of ‘C’ values (0.25 – 1.0) is allowed
without clear guidelines for selecting a suitable value. This thesis evaluates the current
directly in the stress equations, instead of the C-factor. The fill/draw down cycle of the
stored liquid could lead to low cycle fatigue near shell to bottom joint. The peak
alternating stress (strain) at this location determines the fatigue life of the tank. The
widely used API 650 procedure employs beam on elastic foundation theory to determine
the fatigue life for all tanks. The thesis shows that this is incorrect for tanks on concrete
ring wall. The appropriateness of using this theory is studied and an alternative beam
Damage due to corrosion in the form of local thin area (LTA) is a widespread
problem in storage tanks. Fitness for service (FFS) methods are quantitative engineering
damage like LTA and make run, repair or replace decisions. The m-tangent method is a
simplified limit load procedure that can be used for such FFS evaluations. This thesis
uses a modified reference volume for m-tangent method applied to tanks and reports
initial results for FFS evaluations. The study also finds that for large cylinders like tanks
with very high R/t ratio, the circumferential decay lengths will be smaller than those
Adluri for his intellectual guidance, support and valuable discussions during the course of
my Doctoral program. I also wish to express my gratitude to Dr. R. Seshadri for all his
I would also like to thank Dr. A. S. J. Swamidas and Dr. Katna Munaswamy for
The financial support provided by the School of Graduate Studies and the Faculty
also thank Dr. Leonard Lye, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, Ms. Moya Crocker and
Ms. Mahoney Colleen at the Office of Associate Dean, for all the administrative support
during the course of my program. I also wish to thank the computing services at the
I would like to thank all my friends for their support and encouragement. I also
wish to thank my friend Dr. Geeta Iyer for her motivation and support during difficult
times. I owe my deepest thanks to my wife, Hemalatha, for her unconditional love,
constant encouragement, sacrifice and understanding during all these years. I also express
my heartfelt gratitude to my beloved parents and sister for their love, support and
Lastly, I profoundly thank the almighty for giving me the strength and
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................ II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................... IV
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................ V
LIST OF TABLES ...............................................................................................................................VIII
LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................XIV
LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................XV
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1
1.0 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................................1
1.1 NEED FOR RESEARCH .........................................................................................................................4
1.2 OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH.................................................................................................................7
1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ........................................................................................................................7
1.4 STRUCTURE OF THE THESIS ...............................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................... 11
2.0 THEORIES OF FAILURE .........................................................................................................................11
2.0.1 Maximum Shear Stress Criterion .................................................................................................12
2.0.2 Distortional Energy Density Criterion ..........................................................................................13
2.1 SHELL THEORY .....................................................................................................................................14
2.2 BEAM-ON-ELASTIC FOUNDATION .......................................................................................................18
2.3 SHAKEDOWN ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................21
2.4 LOW CYCLE FATIGUE ...........................................................................................................................22
2.5 TANK RESEARCH ..................................................................................................................................24
2.6 FITNESS FOR SERVICE ..........................................................................................................................29
2.6.1 Levels of FFS Assessment ............................................................................................................30
2.6.2 FFS Procedures for Local Thin Areas ...........................................................................................32 Limit Load Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 34 The mα- Tangent Method ............................................................................................................... 35 Remaining Strength Factor Method .............................................................................................. 36
2.6.3 API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Metal Loss Assessment Procedure .........................................................37 Data Requirements for Characterizing Metal Loss ..................................................................... 38
2.6.4 FFS Research for Locally Thinned Areas ......................................................................................41
2.7 SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................................48
CHAPTER 3 FINITE ELEMENT MODELING ................................................................................. 50
3.0 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS ..........................................................................................................................50
3.1 MODELING USING PLANE AXISYMMETRIC ELEMENTS ........................................................................52
3.2 MODELING USING SHELL ELEMENTS...................................................................................................55
3.3 CONTACT ELEMENTS...........................................................................................................................59
3.3.1 Contact Algorithm .......................................................................................................................61
3.4 ISSUES IN FEM MODELING ..................................................................................................................64
3.4.1 Mesh Convergence Study ............................................................................................................66
3.5 DIMENSIONS OF TANKS USED IN THE ANALYSIS .................................................................................72
3.6 SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................................77
JOINT ................................................................................................................................................... 78
4.0 SHELL-TO-BOTTOM JOINT ...................................................................................................................78
4.1 ANNULAR PLATE .................................................................................................................................80
4.2 PLASTIC HINGES ..................................................................................................................................83
4.3 TEMPERATURE EFFECTS ......................................................................................................................85
4.4 ANALYTICAL MODEL AS PROPOSED BY DENHAM ET AL. .....................................................................86
4.5 VERIFICATION OF DENHAM’S MODEL USING FEA ...............................................................................92
4.6 EFFECT OF PROJECTION OF ANNULAR PLATE BEYOND SHELL .............................................................95
4.7 DETERMINATION OF FULL PROJECTION LENGTH ................................................................................98
4.7.1 Ratio of Lengths “b” and “a” .....................................................................................................100
4.8.1 Influence of the Term (1-1/𝛃H) .................................................................................................105
4.9 VERIFICATION OF THEORETICAL RESULTS WITH FEA ........................................................................109
4.10 EFFECT OF SELF-WEIGHT ON STRESSES (COMPARISON USING FEA) ...............................................113
4.11 CLOSURE .........................................................................................................................................117
TEMPERATURE TANK DESIGN .................................................................................................... 118
5.0 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................................119
5.1 CURRENT PRACTICE ..........................................................................................................................122
5.1.1 Stresses in Shell (Tank Wall) ......................................................................................................123
5.1.2 Stresses in Annular Plate ...........................................................................................................125
5.2 INCORPORATION OF FRICTION COEFFICIENT IN DESIGN EXPRESSIONS ............................................129
5.2.1 Incorporation of Friction Coefficient in Shell Equations ............................................................133
5.2.2 Thermal Stresses in Cylinders ....................................................................................................135
5.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................139
5.3.1 Influence of Friction on Fatigue Life ..........................................................................................151
5.3.2 Influence of Filling Procedure ....................................................................................................152
5.4 CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................................................153
6.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................156
6.1 FATIGUE AT SHELL TO BOTTOM JOINT ..........................................................................................157
6.2 DESIGN FOR FATIGUE ........................................................................................................................158
6.3 ISSUES IN EXISTING PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................160
6.3.1 Necessity of the Condition in Eq.6.2 ..........................................................................................160
6.3.2 Use of Beam-on-elastic Foundation Theory ..............................................................................162
6.5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................167
6.6 INFLUENCE OF PLASTIC HINGES ........................................................................................................173
6.7 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................176
CHAPTER 7 LOCALLY THINNED AREAS ................................................................................... 177
7.0 CURRENT PRACTICE ..........................................................................................................................178
7.1 CONCEPT OF DECAY LENGTH AND REFERENCE VOLUME ..................................................................182
7.2 CIRCUMFERENTIAL DECAY LENGTH FOR TANKS ...............................................................................184
7.3 DETERMINATION OF RSF USING M-TANGENT METHOD ..................................................................188
7.3.1 RSF using Analytical Approach ..................................................................................................189 RSF Based on Upper Bound Multiplier ...................................................................................... 191 RSF Based on the mα-Tangent Multiplier .................................................................................. 191 RSF Based on Classical Lower Bound Multiplier ..................................................................... 192
7.3.2 RSF Based on Non Linear Finite Element Analysis (NLFEA) .......................................................192
7.4 REFERENCE VOLUME FOR LTA IN TANKS ...........................................................................................193
7.5 MODIFIED REFERENCE VOLUME APPROACH ....................................................................................196
7.6 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE ....................................................................................................................202
7.7 RSF USING ANALYTICAL APPROACH ..................................................................................................207
7.8 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................207
7.8.1 Results from m-Tangent Method Using LEFEA .......................................................................208
7.8.2 Results from m-Tangent Method Using Analytical Approach .................................................210
7.8.3 Influence of Hydrostatic vs. Uniform Pressure Loading on RSF from m -Tangent Method ......211
7.9 SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................................215
CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................... 217
8.0 SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................................217
8.1 CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................................................220
8.1.1 Guidelines for Designers ...........................................................................................................223
8.1.2 Recommendations for Future Study..........................................................................................224
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 227
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 238
APPENDIX A .................................................................................................................................... 243
APPENDIX B ..................................................................................................................................... 252
APPENDIX C .................................................................................................................................... 262
Table 4.1 Annular Plate Thickness in millimetres [API 650, Cl.5.5.3] ............................ 84
Table 4.2 Design Details for Several Typical Tank Sizes .............................................. 103
Table 4.3 Variation of (1-1/H) with Radius and Height ............................................... 106
Table 4.5 Comparison of Theoretical and FEA Results for Uplift Lengths ‘a’ and ‘b’ . 110
Table 4.6 Effect of Self-Weight on Parameters ‘a’ and ‘b’ ............................................ 111
Table 5.1 Implied Coefficient of Friction for Fixed Values of C-Factor........................ 148
Table 5.2 Implied C-Factor for Fixed Values of Coefficient of Friction........................ 150
Table 7.1 RSF Values from Nonlinear FEA and m-Tangent Method Using xc = 2.5 Rt
......................................................................................................................................... 208
Table 7.2 Comparison of RSF Values from m-Tangent Method (xc= 6.3 Rt & 2.5 Rt )
......................................................................................................................................... 209
Table 7.3 RSF Values from m-Tangent Method Considering Entire Volume as
Table 7.4 RSF from m-Tangent Method using Analytical Approach ........................... 211
Table 7.5 Comparison of RSF Values for Hydrostaic Pressure and Uniform Pressure
Fig. 2.1 Yield Criteria in σ1 - σ2 plane: (a) Tresca Criterion, (b) von-Mises Criterion .. 14
Fig. 2.2 Forces and Moments Acting on a Cylindrical Shell Element ............................ 15
Fig. 2.5 Manson-Coffin Strain – Life relation for AISI 304 Stainless Steel [Manson &
Fig. 2.7 Critical Thickness Profile [API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, 2010] ............................. 40
Fig. 3.3 Element Geometry for 8 Noded Plane Element (PLANE 183) ........................... 55
Fig. 3.5 Deformation Profile of a Tank Modeled Using Shell Elements .......................... 57
Fig. 3.7 Target Element Geometry [ANSYS Reference Manual, 2009] .......................... 60
Fig. 3.8 Contact Element Geometry [ANSYS Reference Manual, 2009] ........................ 61
Fig. 3.9 Localised Deformation at the Bottom Corner of Bottom Plate ........................... 67
Fig. 3.10 Deformation in the Bottom Plate (with Extra Projection) ................................. 68
Fig. 3.12 Typical Mesh at Shell to Bottom Joint .............................................................. 69
Fig. 4.2 (a) Annular Plate on Concrete ring wall (b) Plastic Hinges at the Shell to Bottom
Fig. 4.5 Moment vs. Slope Graph to Find Uplift Length .................................................. 91
Fig. 4.7 Bending Stress on the Bottom Side of Bottom Plate ........................................... 95
Fig. 4.8 Bending Stress in the Bottom Side of Bottom Plate for 100mm Projection Length
............................................................................................................................ 96
Fig. 4.9 Bending Stress in Bottom Plate for 71mm Projection ......................................... 97
Fig. 4.10 Bending Stress in Bottom Plate for 50mm and 71mm Projection ..................... 98
Fig. 4.11 Beam Model of Shell to Bottom Joint for “Full” Projection ............................. 99
Fig. 4.12 Bottom Moment for Thickness Ratio ............................................................. 108
Fig. 4.13 Mfx/Mo vs. ts/tp for Different Values of (1-1/H)............................................. 107
Fig. 4.14 Bending Stresses in Bottom Plate from FEA .................................................. 109
Fig. 4.15 Bending Stress in the Bottom Plate of Elevated Temperature Tank ............... 113
Fig. 4.16 Bending Stress in Bottom Plate (Bottom Side) – With and Without Self-weight
.......................................................................................................................... 114
Fig. 4.17 Bending Stress in Bottom Plate – With and Without Self wt. – Expanded View
Fig. 4.18 von Mises Stress in Shell Wall – With and Without Self-weight Consideration
......................................................................................................................................... 116
Fig. 5.1 Meridional Moment in the tank [Karcher, 1978a] ............................................. 127
Fig. 5.2 Annular Plate Bending Stress Caused by Hydrostatic and Thermal Loads
Fig. 5.6 Deflection in the Tank Wall Including the Effect of Friction (=0.3) .............. 140
Fig. 5.7 Bending Stress (Sx) in Tank Wall Including Friction Effects (=0.3) .............. 141
Fig. 5.8 Hoop Stress in Tank Wall Including Friction Effects (=0.3) .......................... 141
Fig. 5.9 Bending Stress in the Tank Wall Including Friction Effects – (Elastic-Plastic
Fig. 5.10 Tank Wall Bending Stress for Various Values of ‘C’ and ........................... 144
Fig. 5.11 Tank Wall Hoop Stress for Various Values of ‘C’ and ................................ 144
Fig. 5.12 Tank Wall Bending Stress at Different Temperatures for = 0.7 .................. 145
Fig. 6.1 Shell to Bottom Joint in the Tank on a Rigid Base ........................................... 157
Fig. 6.3 Uplift at Shell to Bottom Joint of a Tank on Concrete Ring Wall .................... 162
Fig. 6.4 Uplift of Bottom Plate from FE Model with 2D Axisymmetric Elements ........ 163
Fig. 6.7 Uplift Deformation from FE Model with Shell Elements ................................. 169
Fig. 6.8 Stress Sx in Bottom Plate near Shell Joint ........................................................ 169
Fig. 6.9 Bending and von Mises Stress in 6mm Thick Bottom Plate (On the Inside) .... 171
Fig. 6.10 Bending Stress in 6mm Bottom Plate (on the Outside) ................................... 172
Fig. 6.11 Bending and von Mises Stress in 8 mm Thick Bottom Plate .......................... 173
Fig. 6.12 Bending of Bottom Plate in Shell to Bottom Joint [Zick and McGrath, 1968] 174
Fig. 6.13 Influence of Bottom Moment on Tank Wall Bending Stresses ....................... 175
Fig. 7.4 Hoop Stress Variation with Width of LTA ....................................................... 187
Fig. 7.5 Tank with Locally Thinned Area [Ahmad, et al., 2010] ................................... 194
Fig. 7.6 Tank with LTA and Reference Volume as used by Ahmad et al.,[2010] ......... 195
Fig. 7.7 RSF using Analytical approach -Ahmad [2010] ............................................... 196
Fig. 7.8 mα-Tangent Value for Tank with Hydrostatic Pressure ..................................... 198
Fig.7.9 mα-tangent value for tank with hydrostatic and uniform pressure ...................... 199
Fig.7.11 Modified Reference Volume (Decay Lengths Smaller than Flaw) ................. 201
Fig.7.12 Modified Reference Volume (Decay Lengths Larger than Flaw) .................... 202
Fig.7.14 RSF Values for Hydrostatic and Uniform Pressure Loadings .......................... 212
Fig.7.16 RSF Using Three Different Approaches for Reference Volume ...................... 215
Appendix A : ANSYS APDL Input for performing EPFEA of Example Tank- CASE1
Appendix B : ANSYS APDL Input for performing EPFEA of Example Tank- CASE2
C Reduction factor to account for the partial expansion of tank bottom due to
temperature change
D Diameter of tank
E Young’s Modulus
Gm Shear modulus
K Foundation modulus
Lmsd Shortest distance between the edge of corrosion area and any closest structural
M Folia’s factor
Mb Moment due to pressure loading at bottom joint
N Number of load cycles estimated for the design life capacity of tank
P Load
Qxs Shear force in the tank wall at distance ‘x’ from bottom
S Alternating stress range in the bottom plate near shell to bottom joint (Sb/2)
s Length of flaw in height direction ( = 2b)
Sb Pseudo elastic bending stress (strain range) in the bottom plate near shell to
bottom joint
SY Yield Strength
Sf Flow stress
tp Bottom plate thickness (assuming uniform thickness and friction coefficient for
w Hydrostatic pressure at tank bottom
β Shell parameter
a Applied strain
p Plastic strain
y Yield strain
0 Point function
Coefficient of friction
L Limiting Coefficient of friction
0 Flow parameter
Stress/Normal stress
τ Shear stress
2a Width of LTA
2b Height of LTA
DOF Degree of freedom
LF Load factor
Storage tanks are part of many industries. Tanks are used for storing petroleum
above ground or below ground. Above ground storage tanks (AST) are constructed just
above the ground or at a higher elevation using structural supports. In an industrial setup,
both above and below ground tanks are widely used to store water, petroleum or other
chemical fluids. Generally tanks above ground have much higher capacity than below
ground tanks. The above ground steel tanks can either be vertical or horizontal. Most
large ASTs are generally vertical cylindrical vessels which are built with flat bottoms that
rest directly on prepared subgrades or concrete ring wall with suitable infill. Ambient
temperature tanks store and operate the infill liquid at atmospheric temperature whereas
elevated temperature tanks have arrangements to heat the liquid while in storage. In
petroleum industries, tanks are extensively used to hold liquids like asphalt, residuum,
high pour point hydrocarbons, etc., at higher temperature than the ambient. In the U.S
alone it is estimated that over 700 million gallons of petroleum is consumed daily. The
number of ASTs in the US is in the range of 950,000 to 1,100,000. In Canada there could
be another 100,000. Among these, shop built ASTs account for approximately 85% and
the remaining 15% are field erected. For ease of definition, shop-built ASTs are
generally considered to be available in capacities less than 1000 barrels (42,000 gallons)
and less than 15 feet in diameter [Digrado and Thorp, 2004]. Tanks of larger capacity are
fabricated at site. Design life and failure of such storage tanks has a major impact on the
process cycle and the environment. The design and fitness-for-service procedures are a
concern for many international standards and are continually improved upon to ensure
better safety and serviceability. This thesis focuses on the design and fitness for service
issues of above ground cylindrical (vertical) steel tanks used in petroleum and other
The analysis and design of such tanks in North America is generally based on
American Petroleum Institute standard API 650 [2012]. This standard is also used or
international standard. It governs the design, erection and testing requirements of above
pressures. The wall of such a tank can have a single thickness throughout its height or
several shell courses with varying thicknesses. The design principle is based on small
deflection theory of thin walled cylindrical shells. The wall is predominantly designed for
the hoop stresses due to the tank liquid, with some considerations for discontinuity
stresses at joints. The bottom of the tank is a thin plate generally considered to be a
membrane without any structural requirements. However this thin plate is subjected to
very high bending near the shell joint due to shell rotation and can cause failure.
Although API 650 has been in use for a long time, just like any other design standard, it
needs periodic evaluation to examine or re-examine its provisions. The present thesis is
aimed at this objective. Some of the current technical issues in tanks are briefly discussed
The bottom plate of the tank extends to a small length outside the shell wall. This
stresses in the tank wall/ bottom plate. Hence a detailed study is needed for selecting this
projection length and examining relevant issues. At present there are no detailed studies
on this issue. In many situations, tanks are used at operating temperatures ranging from
ambient to 500 F (260 C). Such ‘elevated temperature tanks’ have significant thermal
stresses especially near the shell to bottom discontinuity. The magnitude of thermal stress
occurring in the tank wall and the bottom plate is influenced by the amount of radial
restraint, which in turn depends upon factors like liquid pressure, friction between the
bottom plate and the foundation and differential settlement, if any. It is reported that this
zone undergoes low cycle fatigue [Karcher, 1978a, b] and hence needs to be analyzed in
detail for such situations. API 650 only provides minimum guidelines for elevated
temperature tanks and hence the designer needs to do a rigorous analysis if the conditions
are critical.
problem in the tanks. Localized corrosion damages and thermal hot spots are typical of
damage that occurs in ageing pressure vessels, piping or storage tanks. In the case of
above ground storage tanks, an average size tank may cost around one-half million
dollars to construct/replace and substantial portion would go for repair and rehabilitation,
if required [Andreani, et al., 1995]. In addition to the cost, issues concerning logistics, the
effect on the process cycle due to out of service tanks, safety permits, etc., cause huge
losses in resources and time that cannot be exactly accounted for. Hence, periodic
inspection of the tanks for structural health and safety is part of the engineer’s duties. The
engineer or tank operator is expected to periodically monitor the structural health and
integrity, asses the degradation and take decisions regarding repairs/replacement. Fitness
for service assessments are the primary tools adopted to carry out this task. They are
integrity of an in-service component containing damage and estimate the remaining life
storage tanks, pressure vessels, boilers, piping systems and pipelines, etc. American
Petroleum Institute (API) standards API 579 & 653 provide a general procedure for
assessing fitness for service in tanks. Based on the problem, different levels of fitness for
service need to be employed to ensure the safety and serviceability of tank. Practitioners
usually proceed sequentially from Level 1 to Level 3 analysis (unless otherwise directed
by the assessment techniques). Level 1 is the most conservative, but is easiest to use. The
engineer proceeds to the next level, if the current assessment level does not provide an
where the discontinuity stresses are very high and tanks have historically failed at this
location [Cornell and Baker, 2002]. In large tanks, the bottom plate near this joint is
usually thickened for a small width (Fig.1.1), whereas in small tanks the same thickness
is provided throughout. The thickened portion of bottom plate is termed as “annular
Radius (R)
Height (H)
Tank Shell
The designer needs to determine the width of the annular plate from the inner
surface of the shell towards the tank centre (Ka), the thickness of the plate (ta) and the
Wu and Liu [2000], report that codes and standards in many countries do not have
equations to design the annular plate. Denham, et al., [1968 a, b] proposed a model for
finding the elastic stresses near the shell to bottom joint. This model, based on beam and
shell theory, was developed for a fixed annular plate projection length (3”) and the
theoretical results were compared with strain gage measurements. In case of shell, the
measured stresses confirmed the validity of the theoretical approach. For annular plate,
the field results indicated that it could reach yield close to the shell, and hence a low
cycle fatigue situation could be expected near this joint. The study indicated that the
projection could influences the stresses, but the effect of changing the projection length
In case of elevated temperature tanks, the thermal stresses induced due to partial
expansion of the tank was studied by Karcher [1978a]. The restraint causing partial
expansion at the bottom was addressed using an expansion factor called ‘C’. However,
there are no clear guidelines to choose a particular value for this factor for a given
situation. Hence the influence of ‘C’ on tank stresses and fatigue life has to be clearly
understood and explicit guidelines are needed to choose a value for this factor. It can be
shown that ‘C’ is directly related to coefficient of friction between tank bottom and the
foundation. At present this is not explored in any systematic manner. Another significant
issue in the current practice is the use of beam-on-elastic foundation theory with tanks
resting on concrete ring walls. The design community has largely ignored this
occurrence in pressure vessels and tanks. Application of simplified limit load methods in
fitness for service (FFS) evaluation of LTA is still in the initial stages and can be
explored further to improve the accuracy of the results. Moreover in the current practice,
the FFS procedures are mainly calibrated for pipes and merely used for tanks without
much verification. It would be good to develop procedures specifically for large tanks
and their special type of geometry and loading. This is especially so since the R/t ratios
of tank could well exceed 1000 whereas most pipes fall in the range of 20~100.
1. Study the influence of annular plate on the internal moment at the shell to
bottom joint of tanks and determine the upper design limit of the annular plate
2. Study the influence of friction forces below the tank bottom and propose a more
3. Improve the existing procedure for fatigue design of tanks on concrete ring wall
4. Explore the use of simplified fitness for service methods for tanks with LTA
approximating atmospheric pressure. The analyzes of the tanks are carried out for
hydrostatic test condition, i.e., the infill liquid is assumed to be water for finding relevant
stresses. However the treatment is also valid for any other liquid. For elevated
temperature tanks the temperature range is considered between 200F (93C) and 500F
(260C). The foundation of the tank is assumed to have concrete ring wall with well
compacted infill. In the finite element analysis, the tank is modeled using elastic-plastic
ductile material which is able to absorb significant deformation beyond the elastic limit
For the study of locally thinned areas, the flaw area is considered with the
remaining thickness ratio (defined as the ratio of the corroded wall thickness to the
nominal thickness) not less than 0.5. The discontinuity of corrosion damage is assumed to
be tapered down smoothly and corrosion damage is considered as blunt patch (non-crack
like flaw). For ease of analysis, the shape of the flaw is assumed to be rectangular with
different aspect ratios. The location of the flaw is assumed to be remote from other major
structural discontinuities, such as nozzles, or geometry changes. The tanks studied in the
background to the problem, the need for research, objectives and scope of the study.
The second Chapter presents a general review of literature. It briefly reviews the basic
theories associated with tank analysis and design. The tanks are designed similar to any
mechanical component or pressure vessel, and hence a short summary of different failure
theories of material is provided. Even though the tank bottom is not designed for
structural loads, the zone near the shell should safely carry the localized bending stresses
and be checked for fatigue due to cyclic loading. The local bending at the shell to bottom
joint, causes yielding and shakedown in the bottom plate. The formulas used for this
evaluation are obtained considering the bottom plate as a beam-on-elastic foundation and
hence the basics of beam-on-elastic foundation are included. The tank wall is a thin shell
structure and all the design and analysis is carried out using shell theory and therefore
basic shell theory is reviewed. The concept of fitness for service and its application to
AST is introduced. Finally the survey of previously reported research works relevant to
geometry, constraints, material models and samples of typical mesh are provided. Details
about the friction model used for interaction between bottom plate and foundation are
explained. The problems encountered during modeling and the solution techniques
Chapter 4 introduces the basic tank design procedures and describes the behavior
of shell to bottom joint, the purpose of annular plate and its design basis. The mechanism
of formation of plastic hinges near the shell to bottom joint is explained. The influence
of the annular plate projection length on tank stresses is studied. The procedure to
determine the length of the annular plate projection (required to minimize the stresses in
the shell) is provided and the theoretical results are compared with the finite element
Model results.
Chapter 5 discusses the friction interaction between bottom plate and foundation.
The procedure by Karcher that uses a factor called ‘C’ to account for the partial
expansion of the tank is explained. A more rational alternative procedure using friction
coefficient instead of C factor is proposed. Theoretical results are validated using finite
element analysis.
Chapter 6 presents the procedure for fatigue evaluation of shell to bottom joint
in tanks. It discusses about the suitability of using beam-on-elastic foundation theory for
determining the peak stress values in tanks on concrete ring walls. The current procedure
reflect the bottom plate uplift near this zone. The results of the modified procedure are
remaining strength factor (RSF) in tanks using the mα-tangent method. The RSF
determined using modified reference volume is compared with the API procedure and the
elastic-plastic FEA results. The circumferential decay length for large tanks with high R/t
This Chapter reviews briefly the basic theories associated with tank analysis and
design. Since tanks are basically thin cylindrical shells, the basic shell theory is presented
and concepts of shakedown analysis are presented. Pertinent concepts about fitness for
service procedures and their application to storage tanks are introduced. The concept of
limit analysis, limit load multipliers and the estimation of remaining strength factor of
damaged tanks using limit analysis are also explained. A survey of previously reported
Structural members subjected to loads may fail to perform their intended function
in various ways. Depending on the loading, geometry and material properties they may
unidirectional stress field, the yield strength obtained from a standard uniaxial test can be
the criterion. But for multi-axial state of stress, the yielding is governed by some quantity
representing the state of strain, stress, components of strain energy, etc. Hence, the yield
σy,), where σij is the state of stress and σy is the uniaxial yield strength. ƒ(σij, σy) = 0
implies that yield boundary has been reached and ƒ(σij, σy) < 0 indicates that the stress
state is elastic. The yield function is developed such that the components of multi-axial
stress can be combined in to a single quantity and termed as effective stress σe. The
effective stress is then compared with the yield strength σy (obtained from uniaxial test),
in some appropriate form, to determine if yield has occurred. The following are some of
the yield criteria that are often used in engineering practice. The following is a simple
The maximum shear-stress criterion, also known as the Tresca criterion, states
that yielding begins when the maximum shear stress at a point in the structure equals the
maximum shear stress at yield in uniaxial tension (or compression). The maximum shear
stress (τmax) is given by half of the difference between maximum and minimum principal
stress components.
In ductile metals, the crystals have slip planes along which the resistance to shear
force is the weakest. Hence yield criterion based on shear stress is more appropriate for
ductile metals. The Tresca criterion generally gives conservative results for metals.
Because it is simple to use, many engineers and codes (e.g., ASME B&PV) prefer it for
metal structures. The yield surface for this criterion is a regular hexagon in 2D principal
This criterion, also referred as von Mises criterion or octahedral shear stress
criterion states that yielding begins when the distortional strain energy density at a point
in the structure equals the distortional strain energy density at yield in uniaxial tension (or
compression). This criterion assumes that the energy associated with volume change has
negligible effect on yielding and the energy associated with distortion alone is
responsible for the yielding of material. The distortional energy density UD is expressed
UD (1 2 )2 (2 3 )2 (3 1 ) 2
12G m (2.3)
where, Gm is the shear modulus. Using this, the effective (von Mises stress) is given by
e (1 2 )2 (2 3 )2 (3 1 )2
2 (2.4)
ƒ= e2 y2
2 2 = y 2
1 = y
y y
y y
y 2 = 1 - y 1 4 y 31
2 2
y 2
(a) (b)
Fig. 2.1 Yield Criteria in σ1 - σ2 plane: (a) Tresca Criterion, (b) von-Mises Criterion
The von Mises or Tresca criteria are more suitable for ductile metals and predict
the initiation of yielding quite well and are the most popular and hence are presented
here. However the von Mises criterion is slightly more accurate than Tresca criterion and
has a smooth profile unlike the Tresca function. Since the von Mises yield function is
plastic flow and strain hardening are considered. Similarly there are many other theories
of failure suitable for different types of materials. The current work uses von Mises
In the present research, Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST) of cylindrical shape
are studied. The theory of cylindrical shells is used in the analysis and design of AST.
Hence a brief summary of this theory is presented here. Detailed analysis of this theory is
Mx M
Nx N
M dM x xs
Mx dxs
dN x
Nx dxs
dxs dxs
Qx dxs
Consider the equilibrium of an element of the shell as shown in Fig. 2.2. The term
N x indicates membrane force in the plane perpendicular to ‘xs’ axis and in the direction
of φ. Because of axi-symmetry, the membrane shearing forces N x & Nx vanish and
hence the hoop force N is constant along the circumference. Similarly, because of
symmetry the twisting moments M x & Mx vanish and M remains constant along the
circumference. Assuming that the external forces consist only of pressure (Z) normal to
dN x
R dx s d 0 (2.6)
dx s
R dx s d N dx s d Z R dx s d 0 (2.7)
dx s
dM x
R dx s d Qx R dx s d 0 (2.8)
dx s
Eq. 2.6 indicates that force Nx is constant. It can be taken as zero if the self-weight
and stress due to forces applied axially on the cylinder is neglected. If they are
dQ x 1
N Z (2.9)
dx s R
dM x
Qx 0 (2.10)
dx s
direction is zero. Hence, only the displacements ux and ys in the xs and y directions,
respectively, exist.
Et s Et s du x y
Nx ( x y ) ( s ) 0 (2.11)
1 2
1 dx s
Et s Et s y du
N ( x ) ( s x ) (2.12)
1 2
1 2
R dx s
where ts is the thickness of the shell. From Eq. 2.11 and 2.12,
Et s ys
N (2.13)
Since there is no change in curvature in the circumferential direction, the
d 2 y s
curvature in the xs-direction is equal to . Hence
dx s 2
d 2 ys Et s 3
M x D , M M , where, Ds = (2.14)
12(1 2 )
dx s 2
d2 d 2 ys Et s
(Ds ) 2 ys Z . (2.15)
dx s 2 dx s 2 R
d 4 ys Z 3(1 2 )
44 ys where,
, (2.16)
dx s 4
Ds R 2 t s2
ys exs (C1 cos xs C2 sin xs ) ex (C3 cos xs C4 sin xs ) f (x s ) (2.17)
where, f(xs) is the particular solution and C1 to C4 are constants of integration. These
constants have to be determined from the boundary conditions of the shell. For
cylindrical tanks with uniform wall thickness, the pressure acting normal to the shell
surface is the hydrostatic load Z = (H x s ) , where, is the specific weight of the
liquid and H is the height of the liquid. Eq. 2.16 can be written as
d 4 ys (H x s )
4 4
y s
dx s 4 Ds (2.18)
(H x s ) (H x s )R 2
The particular solution for the above equation will be ys .
44 Ds Et s
This expression represents the radial expansion of the cylindrical shell with free edge
under the action of hoop stresses. The constants C1 and C2 are zero if the shell is long.
x s (H x s )R 2
ys e (C3 cos x s C4 sin x s ) (2.19)
Et s
The constants C3 and C4 can be obtained from the boundary condition at the bottom of the
idealized as a beam of relatively low stiffness placed on a flexible foundation and loads
are applied on the beam. This theory finds applications in a variety of practical
engineering problems like a rail road placed on soil subgrade, floor systems with beams
(as used in ships), buildings, bridges and components made of thin shells of revolution
like tank walls, boilers, etc. In ASTs, this theory is also used to determine the minimum
length of the annular plate [Karcher, 1978b], the fatigue life of the shell to bottom joint of
tanks, etc.
The theory is based on the assumption that the reaction forces of the foundation
are proportional at every point to the deflection of the beam at that point. This assumption
was first introduced by Winkler in 1867. The vertical deformation characteristics of the
foundation are defined by means of identical, independent, closely spaced, discrete and
linearly elastic springs. The constant of proportionality of these springs is known as the
modulus of sub grade reaction (K). The Winkler model, which has been originally
developed for the analysis of railroad tracks, is very simple and does not accurately
represent the characteristics of many practical foundations. One of the most important
the loaded and the unloaded part of the foundation surface. In reality, the soil surface
M V x M+M V+V
(k w)x
Various models have been proposed by researchers [Wang, 2005] to overcome
this deficiency in Winkler’s model by introducing the interactions between the individual
springs using interconnecting elements like beams or plates. In the model proposed by
incorporating an elastic beam (2-D) or an elastic plate (3-D), that can deform only in
=Ky- q(x)
dx (2.20)
dx (2.21)
From the small deflection beam theory, the moment curvature relationship is
d2 y
M EI (2.22)
dx 2
d4 y q K
44 y where 4
dx EI 4 EI (2.23)
y ex (C1 cos x C2 sin x) ex (C3 cos x C4 sin x) w(q) (2.24)
where, y(q) is the particular solution associated with the applied load q(x), and disappears
when q = 0. It can be seen that both the beam-on-elastic foundation theory and the shell
theory gives the same governing equation. The beam on elastic foundation theory will be
In studies on tanks, researchers [Karcher, 1981a, Long, 2004] have assumed that
shakedown occurs at the shell to bottom plate joint. A brief review of shakedown in
material) when they are subjected to repetitive loads. Apart from the regular modes of
failure that are expected in static loading conditions, failure due to fatigue, alternate
plasticity or ratcheting can occur due to such repetitive loads. When the cyclic loads
cause stresses beyond the yield strength, some sort of re-adjustment of stress distributions
can happen through limited plastic flow which results in residual stresses that will
minimize the plastic fatigue strains in subsequent cycles [Calladine, 2000]. Hence the
For example, if a load ‘q’ causes the structure to begin yielding, and if the load is
further increased to 1.25q and brought down to zero load to complete the first load cycle,
then the residual stresses set up in the structure will enable the structure to respond to the
second load cycle by purely elastic action completely up to the load of 1.25q. The stress
distributions tend to adjust themselves under cyclic loading, to an elastic state whenever
possible, since for a given amount of external work performed by the applied loading, the
internal strain energy will be a minimum when the stress distribution is linearly elastic.
The shakedown limit, i.e., the load up to which the structure will shakedown to
elastic behavior depends upon the material, the structure geometry and the loading
pattern. Similar limits exist for alternate plasticity and ratcheting. Generally in pressure
secondary stress effects. Since the secondary stresses are self-equilibrating stresses, the
shakedown limit can be found using elastic analysis. During the initial loading of the
structure, if the stresses computed on elastic basis are everywhere less than twice yield
stress, then it can be ensured that the structure will shake down [Burgreen, 1975].
material is subjected to cyclic loading. The nominal stress values that cause such damage
need not necessarily be equal to the yield/ultimate strength of the material. Fatigue is
classified as High cycle (HCF) and Low cycle fatigue (LCF). Failure in HCF is caused by
lower amplitude of stress level and higher number of load cycles (>104) whereas in LCF,
it is higher amplitude of stress level (generally higher than yield strength) and lower
number of load cycles (<104). For the LCF case, when the plastic deformation occurs, the
accounting of the loading in terms of stress is less useful and hence the strain in the
material offers a simpler and more accurate description. Low-cycle fatigue is usually
'f 2 N f (2.25)
where, Δεp /2 is the plastic strain amplitude; εf' is an empirical constant known as the
fatigue ductility coefficient, the failure strain for a single reversal; 2Nf is the number of
reversals to failure (Nf cycles), η is an empirical constant known as the fatigue ductility
Fig. 2.5 Manson-Coffin Strain – Life relation for AISI 304 Stainless Steel [Manson &
Halford, 2006]
The above relationship was obtained by Manson and Coffin independently in the
1950s from the results of experiments which suggested that a logarithmically linear
relation between plastic range and fatigue life exists as shown in Fig. 2.5. Since
determination of plastic strain alone was difficult for practical engineering problems, the
plastic strain was later replaced by the total strain appropriately [Manson & Halford,
2006]. This work gave the fundamental insight that fatigue life as a function of plastic
strain reversal and formed the basis of all the future work in fatigue. Langer [1962]
proposed the following expression relating the total alternating strain and the fatigue life.
εa = A1(N)-n1 + A2 (2.26)
where, Δεa is the applied strain amplitude, N is the fatigue life and
A1, A2,n1 are coefficients of the model. The Equation 2.26 can also be expressed in
E 100
Sa In B (2.27)
4 N 100 A
where E is the elastic modulus, A and B are constants related to reduction in area in a
tensile test and endurance limit of the material at 107 cycles. The strain amplitude is
The ASME fatigue design curves were obtained by strain controlled experiments
based on Langer’s expression. The design curves have been developed as the best fit
curves to the experimental data [Chopra, K., and Shack, W. J., 2003].
analysis. The current section discusses the works that are relevant to the proposed
Zick and McGrath [1968] carried out detailed theoretical studies to understand
the stresses in the shell wall of cylindrical storage tanks and proposed the variable design
point method of shell design which was adopted by the API. In their study, they also
considered the effect of bottom plate on shell stresses and concluded that both the
restraining/resisting moment (offered by the bottom plate) and radial growth at the joint
reduce the circumferential stresses in the shell near the bottom, but to a small degree.
This implies that the higher the restraining moment, the (slightly) lower the stresses in the
shell. Regarding the plastic hinges in the bottom plate, Zick and McGrath [1968] say
approach would be to use the full yielding moment in the bottom plate on one side for an
earth grade foundation and to use two moments (one on each side) for a ring wall
In their analysis, for the bottom boundary condition of the shell, they assumed a
restraining moment equal to one yielding moment (MP) of a bottom plate thickness
(supposedly standard thickness, although the details were not specified) without any
radial growth. This assumption will be conservative since occurrence of the second hinge
will further reduce the stresses in the shell for the most part, which will be explained later
in this report.
moment at the shell to bottom joint and the stresses in shell and bottom plate, when the
stresses are elastic. The method is based on beam and shell theory and the derivation is
based on the concept of establishing slope compatibility for the shell and bottom plate at
the shell to bottom joint. The authors compared their theoretical data with actual strain
measurements from an instrumented tank and stated that measured shell stresses
confirmed the validity of theoretical approach. In the annular plates, the theoretical
calculations indicated that the stresses would reach yield close to the shell and this was
also confirmed from the field data. But for locations away from the shell to bottom joint,
the field data showed considerable variation. The theoretical model was not verified with
Karcher (1978a, 1981a) proposed a method to find the stresses in the shell and the
bottom plate for elevated temperature tanks. The method is based on the elastic shell
theory for the tank wall and beam-on-elastic foundation theory for the bottom plate. It
assumes that complete plastic hinges are formed in the bottom plate near the shell to
bottom joint and that the shell stresses are elastic. This is justified since the tanks are
constructed such that bottom plate is very thin compared to shell wall and, it is assumed
that during loading the bottom plate completely yields and forms plastic hinge before the
shell wall yields. The equations as given by Timoshenko [1959] for cylindrical tanks with
clamped end conditions were suitably modified to have the plastic moment at bottom as
the boundary condition instead of the clamped condition. The plastic hinge condition was
adopted from the work by Zick and McGrath [1968]. A single plastic hinge is assumed
for earthen foundation, whereas two hinges are assumed to form in case of concrete ring
wall foundation. The recommendations by Karcher are included in API 650 [2012],
Jones and Seshadri [1989] studied the validity of Karcher’s equations using linear
finite element method and found them to be satisfactory in predicting the stresses in shell.
They concluded that Karcher’s analysis based on a single plastic hinge is conservative for
deflection and fatigue life estimates. The authors opined that, to properly assess the
by modeling the subgrade. The authors have used a pseudo elastic tank wall model to
compare the stresses with Karcher’s theory, i.e., plastic moments are applied at the tank
bottom as shown in Fig.2.6 Though this will give a good understanding of the wall
stresses for a given bottom moment, it may not reflect the exact way in which the hinges,
if any, are formed in bottom plate and loads are distributed in the actual tank.
Wu [1996 and 2000] proposed a method similar to Denham’s method but had
taken into account the effect of elastic foundation beneath the bottom plate near the joint.
The inside part of the annular plate towards the tank centre was considered as a semi-
infinite plate flexibly supported by the foundation. The reaction force of the subgrade was
assumed to be linear with the annular plate vertical displacement. He also compared the
theoretical results with field data. The author also commented that, based on the proposed
method and Denham’s model, the wider the width of the bottom plate that projects
beyond the outer surface of the shell, the smaller is the maximum stress in the annular
plate. However, guidelines to find the maximum projection length were not given. The
other important aspect mentioned by the study was that in practice the shell is assumed to
coincide with the centre line of the ring wall and hence the load from the shell acts on the
centre line of the wall, but in actually the load gets applied at the peripheral point of the
annular plate causing eccentricity in load application. This was also confirmed from field
data on the soil pressure beneath the ring wall. The study did not report any numerical
analysis to compare with the field data and the proposed theory.
Kim, et al., [2009] studied failure of oil storage tank due to crack in the fillet
weldment between the reactor shell and annular plates. Failure studies such as
fractography, tensile test, hardness test, corrosion test and chemical analysis were
performed. They conclude that although cracks were initiated by corrosion, failure was
that the local stresses be reduced by improved weld toe geometry and reinforcement be
the stresses in multiple layer shell wall. The classical short shell method as proposed by
Timoshenko and others is cumbersome when the number of layers are more, while the
long shell method is simple but the results are erroneous near the joints. Hence the
authors have proposed a model in such a way that, the first shell is regarded as a short
shell while the others are long cylindrical shells. The authors support the results by
comparing the field measured strain data from a 150,000 m3 oil tank during its hydro
static test.
In the case of above ground storage tanks, a typical tank may cost in the millions
of dollars to construct/replace and a substantial portion of that would be needed for repair
and rehabilitation [Andreani, et al., 1995]. In addition to the cost, issues concerning
logistics, environmental impact, effect on the process cycle due to out of service tanks,
safety permits, etc., cause huge losses in resources and time that cannot be exactly
accounted for. If the tank fails by flooding, explosion, etc., it creates a severe impact on
the environment and the surrounding community. It sets in a series of crisis like situations
at multiple levels adversely affecting the lives of the population [Comfort, et al., 1989].
Hence, periodic inspection of the tanks for structural health and safety is a part of the
engineering duties. The engineer is expected to periodically monitor the structural health
and integrity, asses the degradation and take decisions regarding repairs/replacement.
Fitness for service assessments are the primary methods to do the task. They are
Common reasons for assessing the fitness for service of equipment include the
discovery of a flaw such as a locally thin area or crack or corrosion, settlements, failure to
meet current design standards, and plans for operating under more severe conditions than
originally expected. Fitness for service assessment applies analytical methods to evaluate
flaws, damage, and material aging. The analytical methods are based on stress analysis,
(NDE), and material properties. Stress analysis can be performed using standard
handbook or design code formulas or by means of finite element analysis (FEA), which is
increasingly becoming more common. The main results of the assessment are (1) a
decision to run, alter, repair, monitor, or replace the equipment and (2) guidance on
inspection interval for the equipment. Engineers and tank users can take decisions based
for immediate replacement. Fitness for service assessment requires both knowledge of
standard. In general, each assessment level provides a balance between conservatism, the
amount of information required for the evaluation, the skill of the personnel performing
the assessment, and the complexity of analysis being performed. Level 1 is the most
the current assessment level does not provide a clear result, or a course of action cannot
be determined.
Level 1 Assessment
conservative screening criteria that can be utilized with a minimum amount of inspection
inspectors or engineering personnel. The only load considered is internal pressure, and a
single thickness with one or two surface area dimensions are used to characterize the
local metal loss. Level 1 assessments are limited to components covered by a recognized
code or standard which have a design equation that specifically relates pressure (or liquid
fill height for tanks) to a required wall thickness. Hence it is not applicable for complex
Level 2 Assessment
The assessment procedures included in this level are intended to provide a more
detailed evaluation that produces results that are more precise than those from a Level 1
Level 1 assessment is needed; however, more detailed calculations are used in the
cylindrical shell), and rules are provided for the evaluation of local metal loss at a nozzle
The Level 2 assessment rules provide a better estimate of the structural integrity of a
component when significant variations in the thickness profile occur within the region of
metal loss. Hence a component that fails to be fit for service from Level 1 assessment can
pass from a detailed Level 2. However, the Level 2 procedures still have some limitations
regarding the component type, location of damage, loading and damage type that can be
Level 3 Assessment
The assessment procedures included in this level are intended to provide the most
detailed evaluation which produces results that are more precise than those from a
Level 2 assessment. In a Level 3 assessment, the most detailed inspection and component
techniques such as the finite element method or physical testing when appropriate.
Level 3 assessment rules are intended to evaluate components with complex geometries,
regions of localized metal loss and/or components with details where only limited design
rules are provided in the original construction code or standard. A Level 3 assessment is
performing FFS assessments. Since advanced numerical procedures are used for stress
analysis, the limitations of level 1 or level 2 procedures are surpassed in this level.
widespread problem in pressure vessels. Elaborate research had been carried out to
address the FFS issues due to locally thinned areas. These LTA damages can be global
(over the entire area) or local (at certain locations). These damages are progressive and
may or may not adversely affect the safety of the equipment at a particular instant. Hence
FFS assessments are periodically carried out to evaluate the damages and ensure the
required safety and serviceability of the equipment. The fitness for service procedures for
3. Pitting
The objective of performing FFS assessment is to check for rupture, bulging and leakage.
The procedures ensure that the corroded (or eroded) component has sufficient strength to
resist applied loads and is sufficiently thick to prevent pinhole leaks. The rupture
prevention is based on the concept of metal reinforcement, i.e., the weak thin metal area
is reinforced by surrounding sound metal provided the thin metal area is not too large and
leak prevention is ensured by keeping the remaining wall thickness above a minimum
The principal failure mode for a pressure vessel (including tanks) with LTA
subject to constant internal pressure is plastic collapse [WRC 465, 2001]. Plastic collapse
may be evaluated using elastic stress analysis, limit load analysis, plastic collapse
analysis or using the concept of remaining strength factor. The remaining strength factor
method has been adopted in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 standard. It has proven to be
effective in several applications [WRC 505, 2005]. The method using limit analysis and
structure at all stages of loading and thereby determining the safe load called the limit
load just prior to plastic failure (unconstrained plastic flow) of the structure/component. It
is the load, that triggers overall structural instability or plastic collapse, corresponding to
a point in the load-displacement curve at which the rate of external work of applied load
does not balance the rate of plastic dissipation [WRC 505]. Limit analysis offers a more
realistic and economical design than the methods based purely on elastic analysis.
The limit load can be determined using analytical methods, detailed numerical
procedures or simplified methods. The analytical procedures use the bounding theorems
of limit analysis, while the numerical procedures employ the widely used finite element
analysis (or similar methods) to determine the limit load. The analytical procedure will
not be feasible for complicated structures and is restricted to simple geometry and
loading. Hence, nonlinear FEA is a widely adopted and recognised procedure for detailed
limit analysis. However, performing nonlinear FEA involves huge computing resources,
time and expertise. Simplified methods derived from the basic limit theorems and
variational plasticity concepts might be able to predict limit load using the much simpler
linear FEA. Limit analysis using simplified procedures can also be used in the fitness for
service procedures for pressure vessels and tanks [Seshadri, 2004 & 2005].
Among numerous simplified procedures for estimation of limit load, this thesis
adopted the mα-tangent method developed by Seshadri and co-workers [e.g., Seshadri and
Hossain, 2008]. The procedure is briefly reviewed here. Detailed explanation is provided
in Chapter 7. The method is based on variational principles in plasticity and makes use of
a statically admissible stress field based on linear elastic analysis. Limit load multiplier is
a factor that scales the applied load proportionately to obtain the limit load. The mα -
tangent multiplier is a limit load multiplier that depends on the upper bound multiplier mo
mT (2.28)
1 0.2929 ( 1)
based on the magnitude of maximum stress in the structure. The reference volume is the
part of the entire volume that actually participates in the plastic failure of the structure or
component. Recently, Ahmad and Seshadri [2010] demonstrated the use of this
simplified limit analysis procedure in FFS methods for damages in above ground tanks.
35 Remaining Strength Factor Method
The use of remaining strength factor (RSF) for the assessment of LTA in pressure
vessels and tanks was proposed by Sims, et al., [1992]. The RSF factor is defined as:
established in terms of plastic collapse load using RSF in combination with closed form
assessment. The RSF can be used to estimate the failure pressure at the plastic collapse or
the reduced (or rerated) working pressure called the Maximum Allowable Working
where, Pfo is the failure pressure of the undamaged component. Similarly, the reduced
MAWPr MAWP for RSF < RSFa (2.30)
where RSFa is the allowable Remaining Strength Factor. It is a function of the allowable
stress and the design criteria used in the original construction code. The API recommends
an RSFa value of 0.9 for equipment in process services. If conservative design procedure
with lower allowable stresses were used in the vessel construction, then a lower RSFa
Before any standardized procedures were introduced, regions of metal loss were
assessed using thickness averaging techniques. In these methods, since the flaw depth is
generally irregular and varies over the entire area, it is averaged over the flaw length (or
width) and a uniform depth is assumed for that length of LTA. Assessment techniques
were developed by Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation and AGA Pipeline research
committee in the late 1960s and later incorporated in the ASME codes as B31.G method.
Though the averaging technique is not accurate for complex damage profiles, it gives the
most conservative results of all the proposed methods [Janelle, 2005]. This method forms
the foundation for most of the local thin area assessments that are currently in use.
than as a mandatory standard or code and is to be used in conjunction with the refining
and petrochemical industry’s existing codes for pressure vessels, piping and aboveground
API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 uses modified thickness averaging rules as well as
specific problem based procedures. This assessment method has two main classifications
namely the Local Metal Loss and Global Metal Loss. The procedure has three levels of
Several non-destructive techniques are available to inspect the extent of the metal
loss/leakage in tanks and pressure vessels. The choice depends upon the material, type of
flaw, access to surface, availability, cost, etc. Some of the inspection techniques used in
the process industry are visual examination, magnetic particle testing, radiographic
Fitness for service assessments for wall thinning cannot be performed from
thickness measurement at a single sample point. Usually ultrasonic thickness readings are
measured in a grid with a minimum spacing equal to twice the nominal wall thickness of
the vessel [Antaki, 2005]. The region of metal loss can be characterised by two thickness
measurement techniques, namely point thickness reading (PTR) and critical thickness
profile (CTP). PTR is random sampling of thickness measurement that can be used only
if the variation in thickness readings is statistically small. The variation in the thickness
standard deviation of a sample divided by the mean of the sample. If the COV of the
thickness reading population minus the Future Corrosion Allowance (FCA) is less than
10%, then the metal loss can be considered as uniform over the area and hence the
average thickness value calculated directly from the population can be used for FFS
calculations. If COV is not less than 10%, then critical thickness profiles are required to
The CTP is established using thickness reading from a measurement grid (Fig.2.7)
with suitable interval to allow for accurate characterisation of the metal loss. In Fig.2.7.,
gridlines M1-M5 and C1-C7 represent the meriodional and circumferential inspection
planes respectively. For most of the pressure vessels and pipe lines, the CTP should be
established in both the meridional (longitudinal) and circumferential directions. But for
atmospheric tanks, only the CTP along the meriodinal direction is required by the
standard and hence the meriodional inspection planes are sufficient. The circumferential
inspection planes are not required because the stress in the direction normal to the hoop is
considered negligible and does not govern the design thickness calculation [API 579,
2012, pp.4-26]. After obtaining the thickness readings of individual locations in the grid,
the CTP in the meriodional direction is established by projecting the minimum thickness
point at each interval along the M1-M5 inspection planes on to a common plane. The
detailed procedure to establish the CTP is given in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Cl. In
Fig.2.7(b), tc represents uniform wall thickness (after general metal loss resulting from
corrosion, erosion, or both) away from the local metal loss, to be used in FFS assessment
procedures and tmm represents minimum measured wall thickness in the LTA.
(a) Inspection Planes and the Critical Thickness Profile
After establishing the CTP, FFS procedures are used for three different levels of
exact science [Janelle, 2005]. Researchers have continuously improved the safety and
reliability of the FFS procedures using full scale burst tests, finite element analysis and
field in flat and curved plates with finite crack. He extended the study and proposed
analytical expressions to determine the state of stress near the crack tip in a
spherical/cylindrical shell. Modified versions of the expression proposed by him are now
widely used as “Folias factor” or “Folias bulging factor” in many fitness for service
procedures involving LTA or crack like flaw. His theory is probably the most influential
assessment in pipes. His work forms the basis of many FFS procedures that are in
practice. He has reported experimental data from a large number of burst tests on pipes
with LTA. He has made important contribution to the development of the widely used
Kanninen, et al., [1991 and 1994] developed a theoretical model based on elastic
shell theory to address the LTA assessment in pipes. The objective of the work is to
provide a theoretical basis to include combined loading cases which are not usually
addressed by the empirical procedures used in practice. The authors expect that this
approach provides the flexibility to reduce excess conservatism that is known to exist in
B31.G guidelines.
Sims, et al., [1992] proposed the use of RSF factor for LTA in pressure vessels
and tanks. The authors developed an empirical equation to conservatively estimate the
remaining strength of spherical and cylindrical shells with LTAs by curve fitting the
results obtained from elastic-plastic FEA. Additional criteria for acceptance of LTA were
also presented. The results were compared with ASME B31G method prevalent at that
acceptability criteria for LTA in cylindrical pressure vessels and pipes. Eleven different
models were compared and evaluated against experimental database from the literature.
The authors comment that although all the models have adequate safety, there is
variability in predicting the failure and hence additional work is recommended to reduce
the conservatism. The study also suggests which criteria are most desirable based upon
Chen, et al., [2000] proposed an empirical formula for obtaining the load carrying
capacity of pressure vessels with two part-through defects. The article discusses the
effects of the distance between the two defects on the load carrying capacity of pressure
vessels. The authors conclude that their numerical results confirm the applicability of the
Janelle, et al., [2005, 2007] presented an extensive review on the technical basis
of FFS procedures for global and local metal loss. Most of the existing procedures were
compiled and statistically compared with burst test data to arrive at the most accurate
method. A new method is proposed and guidelines were provided for standardizing the
margin on calculated MAWP against failure pressure. The authors have recommended
best practices to be included in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 standard. The study is reported
(locally thin areas). He comments that in the current practice as prescribed in ASME
BPVC, BS 7910, API 579 and similar standards, multiple flaws are characterized as a
single larger flaw enveloping the individual smaller flaws, which may provide unrealistic
assessment in some cases. Hence a new assessment procedure is proposed in this article,
thinned areas under plastic condition in cylinders. It is based on the IBARAKI FFS
procedure where the internal pressure and external bending moment are considered
simultaneously in the cylinder using the pressure and moment interaction diagram to
predict the plastic collapse. But, since this method has limitation with respect to flaw
depth, it cannot be applied to deep flaws. This paper proposes a solution to include deep
flaws. The author validated his work by comparing it with nonlinear FEA results.
direction and proposed a Level 2 FFS assessment for hot spots based on elastic analysis
and the mα – method. The localized effect of discontinuities on the cylindrical shell is
discussed and the concept of reference volume is introduced as the “kinematically active”
portion that participates in plastic action. The reference volume is defined by using a
characteristic length called “decay length” for local load effects on the cylinder. In order
to verify the evaluation assessment, inelastic finite element analyzes were carried out on
evaluating corrosion in cylindrical shells. Thin cylindrical shells with radius to thickness
ratio of about 50 subject to internal corrosion of various sizes were studied. The
remaining thickness ratios were taken as 0.9, 0.8, and 0.6. The results were compared
with inelastic finite element analysis results. It was concluded that the RSF obtained were
conservative and compared to nonlinear FEA results. The work was later extended by
Ramkumar and Seshadri [2005] to a thicker cylindrical shell with radius to thickness ratio
Tantichattanont, et al., [2006a, 2006b, 2007a, 2007b, and 2009] presented three
methods of Level 2 FFS assessment for thermal hot spots and corrosion damages in
plasticity, the m method, reference volume and the concept of decay lengths in shells.
The study proposes decay lengths for cylindrical shells subject to local forces, in terms of
shell geometric properties. The decay length in circumferential direction was different
from the earlier studies. The extent of “local” damage in cylindrical shells and
were investigated based on these decay lengths. The stretching and bulging effects due to
the m-method, to predict the limit load for a general class of mechanical components and
structures. Based on the m-tangent method they have also presented a Level 2 FFS
procedure (as per API 579-1/ASME FFS-1) to evaluate thermal hot spot and corrosion
damage in pressure vessels and piping systems [Hossain, 2009]. The authors report that
the proposed procedure provides reasonably accurate estimate of the remaining strength
of ageing pressure components. It was compared to the results obtained Level 3 inelastic
Ahmad and Seshadri [2010] proposed a level 2 FFS procedure for structural
integrity assessment of storage tank with LTAs in tank wall. The authors proposed two
methods based on mα-tangent multiplier to determine the RSF, the first one was an
analytical method involving limit load multipliers and the second one was based on
elastic finite element analysis. The study is an initial step in the use of mα type methods
for tanks. Even though the article claims the applicability of the method; the results were
comparatively limited to small LTAs in smaller tanks. Also the entire volume was taken
as the reference volume for the method using LEFEA. It is further discussed in Chapter 7.
Peng, et al., [2011] studied about multiple wall thinning defects in pipes. The
and depth ratios were studied. An index based on the limit load from twice elastic slope
American Petroleum Institute’s Standard - API 650 is the premier standard for
tank design in North America. The standard establishes minimum requirements for
material, design, fabrication, erection, and testing for vertical, cylindrical, aboveground,
closed and open-top, welded storage tanks in various sizes and capacities for internal
pressures approximating atmospheric pressure. This standard applies only to tanks whose
entire bottom is uniformly supported and to tanks in non-refrigerated service that have a
maximum design temperature of 93C (200 F) or less. Separate guidelines are given as an
Appendix if the tank has to be designed for higher temperature of pressure. This standard
provides procedures for design of tank shell (wall), annular plate, bottom plate, roof,
nozzles, stiffeners, wind girders etc., Most of the work in the current thesis is geared
API 650 with a similar scope. The applicability of this standard with respect to internal
pressure and metal temperature is specified as 20 to 500 mbar and -40 to 300 C. This
standard restricts the maximum design strength of tank material to be 260 MPa. Unlike
API, this standard does not have any explicit equations or guidelines regarding design of
API Standard “Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Reconstruction - API 653”
maintaining the integrity of tanks after they have been placed in service and addresses
inspection, repair, alteration, relocation, and reconstruction issues. This standard covers
steel storage tanks built in accordance to API 650 (or its predecessor API 12C). It
[2012], provides detailed assessment procedures or acceptance criteria for specific types
of degradation referenced in API 653 standard. When API 653 standard does not provide
API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 may be used to supplement or augment the FFS requirements in
API 653.
The British standard BS 7910 "Guide to methods for assessing the acceptability of
issues. For assessment of single LTA flaws, the BS 7910 provides general guidelines to
assess remaining strength factor (similar to Residual Strength factor of API) based on the
work by Batte, et al., [1997] and Fu and Kirkwood [1995]. The remaining strength factor
is determined based on the strength of the remaining ligament in the LTA portion to
prevent plastic collapse due to bulging. Since the guidelines provided are not exhaustive,
it refers to the work by Sims, et al., [1992] for further details. It should be noted that Sims
was responsible for developing the RSF acceptability criterion adopted in API 579 as
The literature review about FFS procedures given in this section gives the global
picture of the research carried out in developing the general procedure for determination
of RSF in corroded pressure vessels. The objective of this thesis work is to improve the
FFS procedure using mα-tangent multiplier method. This approach is different from most
of the earlier research works in this area. The use of mα-tangent multiplier for FFS
evaluations was proposed by Seshadri and coworkers. An attempt was made recently by
Ahmad et al [2010] to use this technique for LTAs in tanks. Hence only the publications
using this approach are critically reviewed here and others are presented to give an
The basic theories of mechanics pertaining to the area of this research work are
briefly presented. The current thesis aims to re-evaluate and improve specific design aspects
researched mainly by Karcher, Denham, Zick & McGrath, Seshadri, and Tantichattanont.
Publications by these authors are critically reviewed. Even though, Zick and McGrath [1968]
did a seminal work in tank design, their research is focussed on shell stresses and has limited
results regarding bottom plate behaviour. Denham [1968] studied the bottom plate stresses
without the influence of temperature or friction. His work had a fixed projection length of
bottom plate beyond the tank wall. He did not consider the effect of changing this projection
length. There could be beneficial aspects for such a study. Karcher [1978a, 1981a] was the
first person to consider elevated temperature tanks systematically. He accounted for the
restrained expansion using a reduction factor without clear guidelines for predicting its value.
However friction forces were not directly considered by Karcher. This needs to be re-
evaluated to determine if friction can be included directly and if so, whether it will be easier
The fitness for service of pressure vessels and pipelines is a well-researched area for
past several decades. The salient articles in the development of this area are briefly reviewed.
Most of the assessment procedures till now are empirical in nature and hence there is a
continuous attempt to improve the accuracy of these models. The widely used FFS standard
API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 still has several limitations in its methods regarding the
applicability to the type of component, damage, location, and loading conditions. Using
LEFEA and simplified limit load procedures for Level 2 FFS procedures is a recent
development in this area. The interest in this thesis work is to study the improvements in
using mα-tangent multiplier method with LEFEA for FFS assessments of tanks with blunt
corroded patches.
This Chapter describes the Finite Element Model used to analyze the tank. A brief
description of the material model, type of the elements used and their properties is
provided. A summary of the contact algorithms used for modeling the friction interaction
between the tank bottom plate and foundation is presented. Assumptions used in
modeling and the solution control parameters for nonlinear analyzes are specified. The
convergence issues faced and the solution procedure adopted are also described.
For the studies described in this thesis, the finite element modeling was carried
out using ANSYS software (ANSYS version 12, SASIP Inc., 2011). ANSYS is a
pre/post processors. The tank is modeled as an axisymmetric structure (Fig. 3.2) for cases
when the overall behavior of the tank is studied, like the shell to bottom joint behavior or
friction interaction at tank bottom. Tanks with quarter/half symmetry or no symmetry are
modeled as 3D components when localized behavior is studied for LTAs. The foundation
is generally assumed to be a concrete ring wall with suitable infill. The interface between
the tank bottom and the foundation is modeled using contact elements to understand the
influence of friction forces. The contact model has the capability to stick, separate, and
slide over the contact surfaces depending upon the forces developed. The friction
coefficient between the tank bottom and the subgrade depends upon the characteristics of
the sand used, level of compaction, presence of moisture and other factors. Friction
coefficient values ranging from 0.3 – 1.0 are used in this thesis to check for worst case
scenarios depending upon the type of analysis. In general, a coefficient of 0.3 is used
unless mentioned otherwise. It is to be noted that the aim of this thesis is not to establish
a proper friction coefficient value at the tank bottom. More importantly the findings from
this research work are independent of the actual value of friction coefficient. The friction
coefficient of 0.3 is only used as an example value to evaluate and compare the results
The tank material is assumed to be A841M grade steel with Young’s modulus of
200,000 MPa and Poisson’s ratio of 0.3. The yield strength is 345 MPa with a product
design stress of 194 MPa for operating pressure. For hydrostatic test, the value is
208MPa. For the nonlinear analysis, the constitutive relationship is taken as bilinear
kinematic hardening (BKIN). This option as used in ANSYS assumes that the total stress
range is equal to twice the yield stress, so that the Bauschinger effect is included. BKIN
may be used for materials that obey von Mises yield criterion. The material behavior is
described by a bilinear stress - strain curve starting at the origin and with positive stress
and strain values. The initial slope of the curve is taken as the elastic modulus of the
material. At the specified yield stress, the curve continues along the second slope defined
by a tangent modulus. Elastic-perfectly plastic material model (Fig.3.1) is used for most
of the analyzes except for cases where the material model is changed with a post yield
plastic modulus of 1000 MPa. SI units are used throughout the thesis. The stress and
deformation data shown in ANSYS plots have units of MPa and mm.
For tanks with locally thinned area for FFS studies, plastic failure of the tank is
assumed to have occurred when equilibrium (primary) plastic strain is 1%. In addition,
5% peak plastic strain condition is imposed as recommended by API. The peak stress is
the highest stress produced locally in a region due to stress concentration caused by any
structural discontinuity or some form of thermal stresses. The associated strain in that
region is the peak strain. This approach is conservative and is consistent with the work
reported by earlier researchers on FFS assessment of thermal hot spots and corrosion
345 MPa
Elastic Perfectly Plastic
E = 200 000 MPa
Quadrilateral elements with four corner nodes with 2x2 integration points
(PLANE 182) were used for the tank wall and bottom plate with axisymmetric option.
The bottom plate is modeled using flexible contact elements (Fig. 3.2), wherever
applicable, concrete foundation is assumed to be rigid. The blue and red lines indicate the
target and contact modules of the interacting friction model. There is no physical gap
between the elements and the surfaces of bottom plate and the top of the foundation.
On performing the analysis with these assumptions, it was found that the solution
does not converge easily. For the examples studied, the solution was found to converge
without much difficulty if thicker bottom plates (say, 8 mm and above) were used (where
localized bending strain was reduced). For thinner plates (e.g., 6 mm), using four-node
plane elements subjected to very high bending near the shell-to-bottom joint could result
Shear locking causes the elements to be too stiff in bending (also known as parasitic
shear), especially in thin members, or in elements with large aspect ratios. Shear strains
(the change in the element angle at a node) for pure bending loads should be zero.
Because a lower-order element can only have straight edges, the element angle at each
node cannot be maintained when the nodes deform, inducing an artificial strain.
Increasing the mesh density significantly and using higher order elements would reduce
the problem. In order to compare the efficiency, some plane element models were solved
with different conditions and element types. However such trials could not be used for
the bulk of analyzes, since they took far too long to be completed.
Because the bottom plate tends to be very thin, to avoid shear locking a higher
order 8 noded quadrilateral element (PLANE 183) with Mixed U-P option was used
(Fig.3.3). The solution with this element converged well although it still took long to
complete the analysis. The Mixed U-P (also called Hybrid, or Hermann) formulation
solves the problem of incompressible material behavior by solving the hydrostatic stress
displacement and pressure terms, and instead of solving just for the displacements,
ANSYS also solves for pressure degrees of freedom for each element. Because the
Poisson’s ratio. The element has quadratic displacement behavior and is defined by 8
nodes having two degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x and y
directions for axisymmetric models. Using these elements and fine tuning the friction
model parameters, convergence was achieved even with 6 mm thick bottom plate.
Fig. 3.3 Element Geometry for 8-Node Plane Element (PLANE 183)
The element may be used as a general plane element (plane stress, plane strain
and generalized plane strain) or as an axisymmetric element. This element has plasticity,
hyper elasticity, creep, stress stiffening, large deflection, and large strain capabilities.
Because of the inordinate amount of run time and other modeling issues
associated with plane elements, modeling options using shell elements were considered
for repeat analyzes (whereas detailed analyzes with plane 183 elements were reserved for
typical cases and special problems). For the present problem with all types of nonlinearity
and very high bending strain in a small portion, the element SHELL 209 was found
suitable. It can be used for analyzing thin to moderately thick axisymmetric shell
direction (radial and axial direction), and a rotation about the Z-axis. A fourth
translational degree of freedom in Z direction can be included to model uniform torsion.
When membrane option is used, the rotational degree of freedom is excluded. This
element is well suited for linear, large rotation, and/or large strain nonlinear applications.
Fig. 3.4 shows the geometry, node locations (I, J, K), and element coordinate system for
this element. For material property labels, the local x-direction corresponds to the
meridional direction of the shell element. The local y-direction is the circumferential
As a first step, the tank wall was assumed with fixed boundary condition and
modeled with shell elements. The results were verified using a similar model with
PLANE 183 elements and found to be matching. Later, the tank wall was modeled using
a hinged joint with a moment equal to the plastic moment of the bottom plate. This
exercise was done to verify the validity of Karcher’s model [Karcher, 1978a, 1981a]
without changing any of the assumptions involved. The results from these analyzes are
discussed in Chapter4.
Global Coordinates Coordinates
The tank bottom was modeled using the contact elements between the bottom
plate and the foundation. Figure 3.5 shows the deflection profile of a tank modeled using
shell elements and subjected to both temperature change and hydro static load.
When elastic-perfectly plastic material models were used for the material, there
were convergence issues due to localised yielding near the shell to bottom joint which
was overcome by increasing the mesh size and number of layers in the element. In
general the analysis was carried out using up to 7 integration points across each layer.
Multiple layers were used along the thickness when needed. A macro was developed in
ANSYS to incorporate decay lengths in the post processing analyzes and extract stress
For fitness for service studies, quarter or half symmetric models were used with
SHELL 281 element (Fig.3.6). It was suitable for analyzing thin to moderately-thick
shell structures. The element has eight nodes with six degrees of freedom at each node:
translations in the X, Y, and Z axes, and rotations about the X, Y, and Z-axes.
Even though the PLANE elements took more computational time, the main
advantage of using them (rather than SHELL elements) is that the model clearly shows
the yielding behavior, formation of plastic hinges and stress/strain profile across the plate
thickness. The results for stresses are straigthforward to interpret. Shell elements need
much less computation effort and have less convergence problems compared to plane
elements. However, shell models need a fair bit of post processing in order to interpret
the results.
resources. They present two significant difficulties. Firstly, in general the regions of
contact are not known until the problem is analyzed. Depending on the loads, material,
boundary conditions and other factors, surfaces can come into and go out of contact with
each other in a largely unpredictable manner. Secondly, most contact problems need to
account for friction. There are several friction laws and models to choose from and all are
difficult. In addition to these two difficulties, many contact problems must also address
multi-field effects, such as the conductance of heat, etc. [Ansys Contact Technology
Guide, 2009]
Contact elements can be grouped into four general categories based on increasing
elements. For the present work, surface to surface element CONTA172 is used as the
contact source element and TARGE169 is used as the contact target element.
surfaces for the associated contact elements. The contact elements themselves overlay the
underlying solid/shell elements describing the boundary of a deformable body and are
potentially in contact with the target surface. This target surface is discretized by a set of
target segment elements (TARGE169) and is paired with its associated contact surface
via a shared real constant set. Any translational or rotational displacement constraint can
CONTA172 (Fig. 3.8) is used to represent contact and sliding between 2-D
target surfaces (TARGE169) and a deformable surface. The element is applicable to 2-D
structural and coupled field contact analyzes. This element is located on the surfaces of 2-
D solid elements or shell elements with mid side nodes that can be used with a specific
set of elements that includes PLANE183 and SHELL 209, both of which are used for
modeling the tank wall and base plate. The contact element has the same geometric
characteristics as the solid/shell element face with which it is connected. Contact occurs
when the element surface penetrates one of the target segment elements (TARGE169) on
a specified target surface. Coulomb and shear stress friction is allowed. This element also
Fig. 3.8 Contact Element Geometry [ANSYS Reference Manual, 2009]
Figure 3.7 show that the normals ‘n’ of the contact and target surface should
meet each other for the contact to happen. Hence the numbering of nodes and positioning
of the normal should be appropriate for the contact to occur. The nodes must be ordered
such that the target must lie to the right side of the contact element when moving from
the first contact element node to the second contact element node. The 2-D contact
surface elements are associated with the 2-D target segment elements (TARGE169) via a
shared real constant set. ANSYS looks for contact only between surfaces with the same
real constant set. For either rigid-flexible or flexible-flexible contact, one of the
various 2-D stress states, including plane stress, plane strain, and axisymmetric
conditions. The stress state is automatically detected according to the state of the
underlying element.
normal and penalty on tangent, Pure Lagrange multiplier on contact normal and tangent,
Internal multipoint constraint. The details about these models can be found in any
Initially many trial runs were performed with different types of contact algorithms
and it was found that the augmented Lagrangian type is suitable. By default ANSYS uses
the material property of the underlying elements to calculate appropriate contact stiffness
and these values need to be tuned for proper convergence. Many guidelines and
theoretical descriptions are provided by ANSYS and other sources for properly selecting
the contact algorithms and contact parameters, reviewing all the literature is beyond the
scope of current report. In the augmented Lagrangian method which is used here, the
factors for the normal and tangential stiffness are required to be specified. The amount of
penetration between the contact and target surfaces depends upon the normal stiffness,
while the amount of sliding depends upon the tangential stiffness. Higher stiffness values
decrease the amount of penetration or slip, but can lead to ill-conditioning of global
stiffness matrix and hence cause convergence difficulties. Lower stiffness value can lead
to greater amount of penetration and slip and hence the results may be erroneous. Even
optimum stiffness and tolerance factors. In general, a low contact stiffness value is used
in the beginning and the analysis is carried out with the fraction of the total load. Based
on the resulting contact penetration/slip and the number of equilibrium equations, the
Using this procedure, the appropriate stiffness and tolerance values for the tank were
determined after several trials. The Penetration Tolerance Factor (FTOLN) is kept at -
0.02 and the Normal Penetration Stiffness Factor (FKN) value is kept at 1 for most cases
and as 10 for a few situations. Table 3.1 gives the gist of element types used in this study
Element Element
FE Model Analysis type Objective of analysis
type Name
analysis will succeed or fail. If there are too few sub steps, the contact nodes may be
driven through the target elements before ANSYS "realizes" it has happened. In this case
the solution will resemble that of an analysis that didn't have contact elements defined at
all. Therefore it is important to choose a relatively large number of sub steps initially to
ensure the model is defined properly. The time step size must be small enough to capture
the proper contact zone. The smooth transfer of contact forces is disrupted if the time step
size is too large. Once everything is working, the number of sub-steps can be reduced to
optimize the computational time. Also, if the maximum number of sub steps or iterations
is left too low, ANSYS may stop the analysis before it has a chance to converge to a
In the present work, modeling the problem includes material, geometric and
contact nonlinearity. As modeled, it may take 3 to 4 days (in a dual core 2.4Ghz
processor) with for a single detailed nonlinear analysis run. After several trials, many of
the solution parameters were finalised. It was observed that the plane element model may
need more than 1500 sub-steps for convergence to happen. Also, the storage space
required for a single analysis was more than 30 Giga Bytes. Refining the meshes near the
discontinuity increased the size of the problem. With the same condition of geometry and
loading, for cyclic load conditions, it took almost a week to complete a single run. In case
of tanks with both water and temperature load applied in a cyclic manner, it takes longer
to complete the analysis. It should be noted that, separate thermal analysis is not
necessary for the thermal stress case since the rise in temperature is uniform across the
wall thickness and full depth of liquid. The assumption of uniform temperature rise is
Since the tank wall, for the most part is predominantly a membrane structure
governed only by hoop forces, the size of the mesh can be increased as the height
increases from bottom. Similarly in the bottom plate, the portion away from the shell to
bottom joint is not subjected to bending and hence doesn’t need a refined mesh. It is not
necessary to model the entire width of bottom plate from the centre to periphery; a major
portion of the bottom plate except for the small length near the shell is subjected to
uniform pressure and is fully supported by the foundation. Hence there is very low stress
in this region. This portion can be curtailed in the model which will considerably reduce
the size of the problem. Studies were performed using models with full width and
curtailed width of bottom plate and it was found that there was no significant difference
in using this assumption, for the hydraulic load alone. However, in case of tank with
thermal loading, the full length of the radius has to be modeled since the thermal
The other important issue observed was modeling the tip/periphery of the bottom
plate using plane elements. As mentioned earlier, when the tank (with the standard 50
mm bottom plate projection) is loaded, the portion of the bottom plate below the shell
lifts up, and the outer edge of the tank is supported by the foundation only at a single
point. The concentrated application of reaction force locally at this point, results in very
high strains and distorts the element shape (Fig. 3.9). The FE analysis sometimes fails to
converge because of this reason. The alternatives used are (i) increasing the mesh density
(ii) increasing the projection length and (iii) increasing the strength of the material near
the tip. Increasing the mesh density helps to an extent, but the same problem arises at a
higher load. Increasing the strength (Young’s modulus) locally is not very effective,
while increasing the projection length proved to be very effective (Fig.3.10). Apart from
the above issues, modeling contact behavior as explained in the previous section is a
The shell to bottom joint as shown in Fig. 3.10 is not modeled with weld details.
The residual stress and the change in material property after welding are not included in
the analysis. The residual stress effects are self-equilibrating and hence can only alter the
load at which yielding starts, but not the final load at which the plastic hinges are fully
formed. Ignoring the weld size increases the lever arm for moments slightly. This is
conservative. Also, ignoring the slight increase in material strength due to the weld is
likely to be conservative. On the other hand, welding would have an increase in stress
concentration effect. This is addressed separately by API 650 in the fatigue evaluation
In order to reduce the size of the problem, different mesh sizes are adopted at
appropriate locations. Seven different areas are used as shown in Fig. 3.11 which
included areas for smoother transition of mesh size from fine to coarse or vice versa.
Figure 3.12 shows typical areas where different mesh densities are adopted. The stress
distribution plots at the shell to bottom joint for the hydrostatic load are shown in
Fig.3.13 and 3.14. Limit load analysis is carried out by proportionately increasing the
For tanks with locally thinned areas, the LTA and the surrounding area is finely
meshed while the element size is increased in the remaining area since hoop is the
predominant force away from the LTA (Fig. 3.15). The von Mises stress contours of a
typical tank with LTA are shown in Fig. 3.16. The von Mises stress at the time of failure
(1% plastic strain) of LTA is shown in Fig. 3.17. If quarter model of a tank is used to
study the LTA, it must be ensured that the decay length [6.3 ] should be less than
Inner side Outer side
of tank of tank
the tank
(a) Shell to Bottom Joint
(b) Tip of Bottom Plate Projection
Fig. 3.14 von Mises Stress Distribution at Limit Load
Fig. 3.16 von Mises Stress Profile of Tank with LTA
The following details describe some of the different cases of tanks used in the
present study. The dimensions of the tanks (Figures 3.18-3.20) are chosen such that they
represent lower, middle and upper end of the design range for typical ASTs.
Case 1
Geometric Data:
Diameter : 60,000 mm
Height : 12,000 mm
Material Data:
The required shell thickness is determined using 1-foot method as 18 mm (as prescribed
6 mm
R =30,000 mm 50 mm
Case 2
Geometric Data:
Diameter : 90,000 mm
Height : 16,800 mm
t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7
33.98 31.33 22.82 18.46
13.46 mm 10 mm 10 mm
mm mm mm mm
The suffixes of “t” represent the successive shell courses from bottom.
Width of Annular plate : 735 mm
The thicknesses of the tank wall obtained above are the values at the end of design run as
described in Clause 5.6.4 of API 650 (variable design point method). It is not rounded off
R = 45000mm
735mm 50mm
Case 3
R =18,000 mm 50 mm
Diameter : 36,000 mm
Height : 7200 mm
This tank is designed using the “Appendix A Optional Design Basis for small tanks” with
In the present Chapter, the finite element modeling of tanks is discussed. The
details regarding elements used and the problems encountered during the analysis are
given. A review of contact elements and the contact algorithms applicable to the present
problem is provided. The details of finite element analysis and the interpretation of the
results are given in the following Chapters. Typical tank dimensions, material and
The FE model of the tank is initially checked with shell equations with fixed
boundary conditions at the bottom. Later the friction interaction at bottom is introduced
and the restraint friction deformation is compared with mathematical model developed in
this thesis. In order to establish the validity of using axisymmetric model, comparisons
were also made with half symmetry models. In order to achieve convergence, different
types of contact algorithms and their modelling parameters were tried before finalising
the model. For study of locally thinned areas the limits loads of damaged tanks from FEA
and their corresponding RSF values were checked against the empirical RSF procedures
prescribed by API 579 standard. The measures taken to optimise the mesh by zoning the
cross-section are also presented. It is also ensured that local changes in the model for the
sake of numerical stability do not affect the global behaviour of the tank.
This Chapter describes the importance of shell to bottom joint in tanks and studies
the effect of bottom plate projection length at this joint. The beam model used by
Denham, et al., [1968] to analyze the bottom plate is introduced and the FEM results to
validate this model are presented. The effect of increasing the bottom plate projection
length is studied both theoretically and numerically. The beam model is modified to
determine the length of bottom plate projection needed for maximum effect. Nonlinear
failure behavior of the tank, specifically near the bottom is studied using FEA. The
formation of plastic hinges in the bottom plate on the inside and outside of this joint is
discussed in detail.
The cylindrical shell of the tank is designed for hoop stress while the bottom plate
for the most part is a membrane without any structural function other than to act as a
barrier between liquid and foundation. However, the shell to bottom joint is a critical
location in many failure modes of the tank since the bending stresses in the bottom plate
are close to yield in most practical cases. The radial growth of the shell at the bottom is
restricted because of the bottom plate. This induces discontinuity stresses near this joint.
Even though the tank is basically designed for hoop stress, the bottom portion of the shell
(approximately till a height of (D ts) 0.5, where, D is the diameter and ts is the thickness
of the shell) is influenced by the bending stresses and the free radial expansion of the tank
wall is realized only after this height [Long and Garner, 2004].
When the tank is filled with the liquid, the shell tends to rotate as shown in Fig.
4.1. The welded joint is constructed as a rigid joint (fillet weld on both sides with the
requirements as specified in Cl. of API 650, 2010). Hence the bottom plate rotates
to the same amount as the shell at the joint. This rotation could cause the bottom plate to
lift off the foundation over a distance L as shown in Fig. 4.1, until the liquid pressure
acting on the plate is sufficient enough to balance the uplift. The internal moment (Mo)
causing the rotation in the plate is balanced by that in the shell. The magnitude of this
moment depends upon the parameters R, H, ts, tb and the specific gravity of the liquid
(G). In addition to these factors, the type of foundation directly beneath the tank shell and
the temperature of the stored liquid influence the magnitude of this moment. The plate
separation (uplift) from the foundation is especially significant for concrete ring walls
and slabs. Because of this, the present Chapter assumes that the tank wall is resting on a
foundation of high rigidity. Knowing the value of the bottom moment will help to
The stresses in the shell to bottom zone are also influenced to some extent by the
type of weld used (double fillet/full penetration). In the case of double fillet weld
(Fig.4.1), the stresses in the bottom plate will be high near the toe of the weld, whereas in
full penetration weld the stresses will be high at the face of the shell. It is assumed that
the latter case is slightly conservative because of the small increase in the lever arm.
H Hydro static
Annular Plate
As the bottom plate is subjected to very high bending stresses near the shell joint,
in practice, the bottom plate close to the joint is made slightly thicker than the rest of the
plate and is sometimes called as annular plate (Fig.4.1). API 650 recommends the annular
plate only if the local stresses near this joint will be substantial, otherwise the same
bottom plate which is used elsewhere will be extended below the shell wall. Similarly,
the width of the annular plate (Ka) as shown in Fig. 4.1, should be chosen such that it
would be sufficient to assure that all bending stresses by the moment have damped out.
This is based on the consideration that it is desirable to avoid bending in the conventional
Various aspects of storage tank analysis and design with regard to tank wall and
bottom plate had been studied by Zick and McGrath [1968], Denham et al.[1968a, b],
Karcher [1978, 1981a, b], Jones and Seshadri [1989], Wu and Liu [1996, 2000], etc.
Among them, Wu and Liu [1996, 2000] and Denham, et al. [1968a, b] proposed models
to predict the stresses in the annular plate near the shell to bottom joint.
API 650 recommends the following formula for the minimum width of annular plate:
assuming that the annular plate behaves like a cantilever beam subjected to vertical
hydrostatic pressure and determining the length required to form a plastic hinge at the
where, M is the moment at the shell to bottom joint (by assuming the annular plate as a
cantilever beam), w is the liquid pressure acting above the annular plate, SY is the yield
strength, tb is the bottom plate thickness and G is the specific gravity. Rearranging Eq.4.2
S t2 (4.3)
K Y b
a GH
In Eq. 4.3 ‘γ’ represents the specific weight of water. From Eq. 4.3, by using a
suitable SY and a factor of safety, Eq. 4.1 can be arrived at. For example if SY = 345 MPa,
the constant coefficient from Eq. 4.3 will be 187.5 compared to 215 from Eq.4.1. Since
the coefficient of ‘215’ is given in Eq.4.1 without any parameter for the yield strength,
the factor of safety will change with respect to the SY value of the plate used. Plates with
higher yield strengths will have lower factor of safety and vice–versa. It is unclear if this
done deliberately by API 650. However, it will be good to change this practice and make
Apart from the recommendation for thickness and width, API 650 specifies that
the annular plate must extend at least 50 mm from the shell surface or 13mm beyond the
toe of fillet weld whichever is greater. This minimum projection seems to have been
advised for providing a proper fillet weld on the outer side of the shell. API is silent about
providing extra projection length beyond this requirement and its effects on shell or
bottom plate stresses. The effects of providing higher projection length on the stresses in
this zone, or the theory to determine the maximum projection length are not well known
to many practitioners. In this Chapter the effect of increased projection length is studied
length), this length is small compared to the radius of the tank. Hence, except for this
length, the bottom plates are simple membranes (without any bending stresses) used to
hold the tank liquid, fully supported by the subgrade underneath. The design procedure
implicitly allows the bottom plate to yield completely to form a plastic hinge near the
shell to bottom joint. The formation of plastic hinge here will not disturb the functions of
the tank or render it unsafe. A typical joint can have plastic hinge on the inside, outside or
both sides of the shell as shown in Fig. 4.2. This again depends on the thickness ratio
between the shell and bottom plate and the type of foundation beneath the shell, i.e.,
earthen foundation without ring wall, or earthen foundation with crushed stone/concrete
API 650 lists the minimum thickness of annular plate based on the hoop stress at
the lowest layer of shell (Table 4.1). Using FEA, it can be shown that the minimum
recommended dimensions are such that the bottom plate stresses are at or close to yield
near the joint when the tank is filled fully. It should be noted that API recommends only
the minimum required thickness. The designer has no restriction on adopting a thickness
higher than the prescribed minimum. In such a situation, the stresses in the annular plate
Bottom (a)
plate (b)
Fig. 4.2 (a) Annular Plate on Concrete ring wall (b) Plastic Hinges at the Shell to Bottom
Joint [Jones and Seshadri, 1989]
ts 19 6 6 7 9
19 < t 6 7 10 11
t 6 9 12 14
t 40 8 11 14 17
t 45 9 13 16 19
When the tank is filled to a height less than the design height or the specific
gravity of the liquid used is less than the design specific gravity of the liquid and in other
similar situations, the stresses in the bottom plate could be completely elastic.
Proper understanding of hinge formation in this area is necessary for the design
and analysis of tanks, as the moments at this joint essentially form the boundary
condition for the shell analysis. Also, the shell stresses close to the bottom are important
since most of the fixtures, nozzles, openings, etc., are located in the lower portion of the
shell close to the bottom. In order to understand the stress distribution in shell and the
1. The internal moment at the joint for operating loads, if the plastic hinge has not
3. If the plastic hinge is formed, then the number of hinges - one/two, if one hinge
4. If one hinge is formed either inside or outside, then the moment from the other
5. Will the shell remain completely elastic till the plastic hinges are formed
In many situations, storage tanks are required to hold liquids like asphalt,
residuum, high pour point hydrocarbons, etc., at higher temperature than the ambient and
such tanks are called as Elevated Temperature tanks. The temperature loading gives rise
to thermal stresses in the tank, especially near the shell to bottom joint. For tanks
operating at elevated temperatures (200F to 500F), in addition to the factors considered
for ambient temperature tanks, the stresses in the shell to bottom zone depend upon the
radial expansion of the tank bottom and the frictional forces acting in between the bottom
plate and the subgrade. In addition to the induced thermal stresses in the tank, the cyclic
loading due to continual filling and emptying of the tank is reported to cause low cycle
fatigue in the shell to bottom joint. Karcher [1978a, b] proposed a theoretical model to
determine the stresses in the bottom plate and tank wall and the safe design cycle life for
elevated temperature tanks. The details of this model and further information about the
In order to analyze the bottom plate, Denham, et al., [1968a] proposed a beam
model as shown in Fig. 4.3 that is compatible with the shell rotation at the shell to bottom
junction. They assumed a projection length as a fixed value of 3” while the uplift length
inside the tank is a variable that changes depending on the applied forces and stiffness of
the shell and plate. This elastic method was also compared with field measured data. The
strain gage data confirmed that the annular plate would reach yield close to shell and
hence a high stress low cycle fatigue situation can be expected at this joint. The field data
from the remaining portion of the annular plate showed considerable variation from the
theoretical results. The authors ascertained that the probable cause could be the annular
plates being uplifted from the foundation for a distance exceeding uplift length L before
water filling. There wasn’t any comparison with numerical models like FEM reported in
the article. In the current work, the model as proposed by Denham, et al., is verified with
Denham used the shell theory for the tank wall and beam theory for the annular
1. The annular plate lifts clear off the foundation for some distance L
3. The deflection and moment are zero at the outer support (A)
4. The deflection, moment and also the slope are zero at the inside support (B)
5. The slope of the shell and the slope of the annular plate, at the shell to bottom
joint (C) are same, i.e., slope compatibility is assumed at the joint
The procedure is to first consider a beam of unit width with hydrostatic load and
self-weight of shell wall acting on it as shown in Fig. 4.3. Because of the rigid joint at the
shell to bottom junction, an internal moment Mo from the tank wall will be applied. Its
value depends on the uplift length, weight of liquid and other parameters of geometry.
Hence, as a first step an arbitrary value for the uplift length L is assumed and the moment
and slope at the shell to bottom joint location are determined. For an assumed uplift
length L, the beam model is a determinate problem, hence the moment and slope can be
The slope of the shell bottom for this assumed moment (Fig.4.4) must be
compatible with the slope that was calculated from the beam model at this location. The
assumed uplift length is suitably changed to satisfy this condition. This will be a trial and
error procedure and was solved graphically by Denham, et al. [1968a]. The equations for
Shell equations:
( H xs ) R 2 e xs
ys [c1 cos( xs ) c2 sin( xs )] (4.4)
Ets E
3(1 2 )
where, 4 (4.5)
R 2t s 2
dys R 2 e xs
[(c2 c1 ) cos( xs ) (c2 c1 )sin( xs )] (4.6)
dxs Ets E
where, ys is the radial deflection of shell wall and xs is the height of the location in the
shell wall from bottom, ts is the thickness of the shell and γ is the specific weight of the
liquid infill.
ys C Membrane forces
Fig. 4.4 Freebody Diagram of Shell
d2y w( L x)2
EI RB ( L x ) (4.7)
dx 2 2
dy RB ( L x)2 w( L x)3
EI (4.8)
dx 2 6
RB ( L x)3 w( L x)4
EIy (4.9)
6 24
The integrations constants in Eq.4.8 and 4.9 are eliminated using the boundary conditions
It should be noted that the parameter ‘y’ in the equations above is the vertical
deflection of the tank bottom plate, whereas ‘ys’ denotes the radial deformation of the
tank shell. Similarly ‘x’ is the horizontal distance from the outer edge of the
bottom/annular plate to a point under consideration in the bottom plate and ‘xs’ is the
The integration constants in Eq.4.11 and 4.12 are eliminated using compatibility
conditions of slope and deflection at x = ‘a’ from Eq.4.8 & 4.11 and from Eq.4.9 & 4.12.
w 2 Ta M
RB (L a2 ) o (4.13)
2L L L
Similarly using the boundary condition of zero deflection at the outer edge of the bottom
wL Ta3 w a 4 a2 M o
RB 3 3 3 (4.14)
4 L 4 L3 L
Subsequently the Moment Mo can be found explicitly using Eq. 4.13 & 4.14.
L2 a 2 w 2
M0 4 L a T a
L2 3a 2
Moment, kN-m
Finally, the iterative procedure can include a typical graph as shown in Fig.4.5.
The solid line indicates the slope values at the shell to bottom joint calculated for
different values of Mo from annular plate slope equation (Eq.4.8). Similarly the dashed
line is the slope from shell equation (Eq.4.6). For slope compatibility, a particular
moment value should produce same slope in both the annular plate and the shell wall.
moment relation is nonlinear, the graph seems to be fairely linear. This could be because
Denham, et al., [1968a], compared the theoretical results with actual strain
stresses in the annular plate would reach yield close to the shell. This was confirmed from
the field data. However for locations away from the shell to bottom joint, the field data
showed considerable variation. The probable reason stated is that, the annular plate would
have been uplifted from the foundation for a distance exceeding the uplift length L prior
to water filling.
theoretical model with field data and found that the annular plate stresses are not
predicted satisfactorily for location away from the shell joint. Hence, in the present work,
The dimensions of the tank are as per Case 3 Model as described in Section 3.5.
A detailed description of the Finite element modeling is also provided in Chapter 3. The
FEA was carried out using an axisymmetric model with plane elements (8 node
PLANE183 elements with u-p capabilities) and material nonlinearity. The bottom support
sliding/sticking/separation. The loading is the pressure due to fully filled tank. The
accuracy of modeling the tank using this type of finite element mesh was examined by
comparing the results for a fixed bottom tank with those obtained from using
Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Kreiger [1959]. For the example tank (H= 16.8m, ts =
30mm, R = 45m), maximum deflections differed by less than 0.05%. Similarly maximum
bending stress in the shell differed by less than 0.3%. The yield strength of the material is
taken as 345 MPa. The meshes are appropriately sized at different parts of the tank. The
outer tip of the bottom plate and the area near the shell to bottom joint is very finely
meshed to account for the local stress concentration and formation of plastic hinges,
respectively. Based on the importance of the location and convergence issues, several
Fig. 4.6 and 4.7 compare the theoretical and numerical results for the bending
stress and the uplift in the bottom plate. The friction coefficient between the bottom plate
and the subgrade is assumed as 0.2. This value is used only for demonstration purpose;
the actual friction coefficient varies depending on the site conditions. The value of
friction coefficient does not play a significant role for the current problem since the tank
shell expansion at the bottom due to hydrostatic loading is negligible due to the presence
of membrane action of the bottom plate (due to high axial stiffness). The friction
curtailed due to frictional forces at the bottom. This issue is studied in detail in the next
From the stress plots, it is shown that theoretical model and FEA results are in
reasonable agreement. The small difference in the peak stress locations can be
ascertained mainly because of the fact that, in the theoretical model the shell is idealized
as a single concentrated point and hence it causes two different stresses (the positive
maximum and the negative maximum) at the same ‘x’ location, whereas in the FE model
the tank wall has thickness and hence the positive and negative peaks are not in the same
‘x’ location. Although the beam model is simple looking, the results of FEA show that it
Location of Tank
Fig. 4.7 Bending Stress on the Bottom Side of Bottom Plate with 50mm Projection
From the theoretical model, it can be observed that, the projected length of the
plate ‘a’ influences the peak bending stresses occurring on either side of the shell to
bottom joint. Figures 4.6 and 4.7 are for a fixed length of 3” projection as used by
Denham, et al. [1968a]. On further analysis it was found that, increasing the projected
length till a particular value, increases the bending stress on the outside face and hence
moves the maximum bending stress location from the inner side of the joint to the outer
side of the joint. Any further increase in the projection length will not alter the location
nor the value of the bending stresses. Figure 4.8 shows the bending stress from FEA for
the same tank described previously, but with 100 mm projection beyond the shell. Unlike
the previous plot (Fig. 4.7), it can be seen here that the maximum stress lies on the outer
134 MPa
A’ A C B
-118 MPa
Fig. 4.8 Bending Stress in the Bottom Side of Bottom Plate for 100mm Projection Length
In Fig. 4.8, Point A’ is the outer end of the plate and C is the junction where shell
joins the plate. It can be observed that the bending stress becomes zero in the portion A’A
where the uplift is zero. Similarly the portion of the bottom plate after point B lies on the
foundation and is not subjected to bending or uplift. Hence, it can be concluded that the
length of projection on the outer side, beyond a certain distance (AC in this case) will not
be of practical use and hence can be curtailed. It is of interest to determine the length AC
From the FEM results it was found that the length of AC was approximately
71 mm for the example tank. Using this, the theoretical stresses are calculated. The
following graph (Fig. 4.9) shows the FEA and theoretical stresses for 71mm projection.
As expected, it can be seen from the plot above that the theoretical stresses match
reasonably with the FEA results. The following graph (Fig. 4.10) shows the theoretical
stresses for the same tank with 50mm and 71mm projection.
Fig. 4.10 Bending Stress in Bottom Plate for 50mm and 71mm Projection
It can be seen that because of the increased projection from 50mm to 71mm, the
maximum stress location which was occurring at the inner face (for 50mm) of the shell to
bottom joint has moved to the outer face (for 71mm). Hence within the elastic limit,
providing longer projection helps in moving the maximum stress location to outside the
tank shell.
Fig. 4.11), the slope of the plate on the outer edge will be zero, just as the case at the end
of dimension “b”. Consider this to be “full” projection width, since a larger value of “a”
Moment and Deflection,
slope are Zero Moment and
T (Tank self wt) slope are Zero
Fig. 4.11 Beam Model of Shell to Bottom Joint for “Full” Projection
It should be noted that even though the slopes are zero at supports A and B, it
does not imply that there are fixed end moments at A and B. Proceeding as before and
setting A = 0,
1 L2 b2
A [4M o (2 L2 6aL 3a 2 ) 4Tb( ) wb 2 (2 L2 b 2 )] 0
24 DL 6 DL (4.16)
4Tb( L2 b 2 ) wb2 (2 L2 b 2 )
4(2 L2 6aL 3a 2 ) (4.17)
B [4M o (3a 2 L2 ) 4Ta( L2 a 2 ) w( L2 a 2 )] 0
24 DL (4.18)
This gives,
4Ta( L2 a 2 ) w( L2 a 2 )2
4(3a 2 L2 ) (4.19)
As before,
R2 Mo
c ( shell ) ( H 1)
Ets 2 Ds (4.20)
1 R2 Tb( L2 b2 3a 2 ) wb2
Mo ( H 1) [2 L2 b 2 6a 2 ]
3a L 3aL
2 2
1 Ets 6 DL 24 DL
3DL 2 Ds
Equating the Moment (Mo) expressions (4.17) & (4.19) and equations (4.19) &
(4.22) results in a nonlinear equation of 6th degree which is not explicitly solvable. The
value of Mo, ‘a’, and ‘b’ should satisfy equations 4.17, 4.19 & 4.22.
Let = b/a and assuming T is negligible compared to the liquid weight acting at
wa 2 (2 2 )2
Mo (4.23)
4 (2 2 2 )
Similarly from Eq.4.19,
wa 2 2 (2 4 2 )
Mo (4.24)
4 (2 2 2 1)
1 33
3.372 (4.25)
then a simple relation between the unknowns Mo and a can be obtained. The effect of
1 33
Using the relation in Eq. 4.16 gives:
Mo 2 Ra L2 w( L a)4
(a L )
M oa 0 (4.26)
2L 6 24 L
Mo 2 R L2 w( L a)3 w( L a)4
(a L2 ) a MoL 0 (4.27)
2L 3 6 24 L
Mo 5.091( wa 2 ) (4.28)
Note that the above equation needs to be used in conjunction with the value of “a”
It has been observed that the moment created in the shell bottom for fixed
boundary condition (Mfx) will have some relation to the moment (Mo) from the previous
section. From shell theory, the fixed end moment Mfx at the bottom of shell is expressed
RHts 1
M fx (1 ) (4.29)
12(1 )2 H
Let Mo / M fx
Using Eq. 4.22 and 4.29 and assuming 0.3 , the following relationship between
3 1 6
H ts 2.2 1 0
35.97 ta 0.83 (4.30)
This is a cubic equation in terms of the Mo/Mfx ratio, which can be solved for a given
Table 4.2 presents a range of tank dimensions obtained from the standard design
procedure as per API 650 [2012]. The table includes elastic analysis results for Mo and
Mfx for each tank. It must be pointed out that these Mo values are for ‘full projection
length’ of bottom plate outside the tank wall (not the standard minimum of 50 mm
projection length).
Table 4.2 Design Details for Several Typical Tank Sizes
37500 12000 27 6
4994 33716 6.75 4.50
40000 12000 28 6
5165 37161 7.20 4.67
57500 12000 38 8
9561 70379 7.36 4.75
27500 14400 24 6
4874 26976 5.53 4.00
37500 14400 32 6
5251 48262 9.19 5.33
45000 14400 38 8
9153 67936 7.42 4.75
25000 16800 26 6
4897 31207 6.37 4.33
32500 16800 33 8
8737 50924 5.83 4.13
38500 16800 39 9
11151 70635 6.33 4.33
25000 19200 30 6
5010 41248 8.23 5.00
31250 19200 37 8
8832 63032 7.14 4.63
52500 12000 29 12
19796 49898 2.52 2.42
60000 12000 31 12
21941 60402 2.75 2.58
Radius R, Height H, Shell Ann.Plate Moment Moment
All. Design
Group Thickness thickness Mo, Mfx, ts/ta
Mfx /Mo
Stress, MPa mm mm
ts, mm ta, mm N-mm N-mm
32500 14400 22 7
7840 29169 3.72 3.14
50000 14400 32 12
22026 63723 2.89 2.67
60000 14400 37 14
30642 87262 2.85 2.64
30000 16800 24 7
8057 34498 4.28 3.43
45000 16800 34 14
28202 71935 2.55 2.43
60000 16800 44 16
40341 121759 3.02 2.75
32500 19200 29 12
20280 51607 2.54 2.42
42500 19200 38 16
35204 87312 2.48 2.38
50500 19200 44 16
39276 119000 3.03 2.75
50500 14400 30 14
27810 60457 2.17 2.14
60000 14400 33 18
42757 78207 1.83 1.83
30000 16800 21 11
15759 30265 1.92 1.91
42500 16800 29 14
27821 58309 2.10 2.07
60000 16800 39 22
61209 108436 1.77 1.77
30000 19200 24 11
17717 39628 2.24 2.18
Radius R, Height H, Shell Ann.Plate Moment Moment
All. Design
Group Thickness thickness Mo, Mfx, ts/ta
Mfx /Mo
Stress, MPa mm mm
ts, mm ta, mm N-mm N-mm
45000 19200 35 17
40936 85207 2.08 2.06
55000 19200 42 19
54683 123557 2.26 2.21
1500 9600 5 5
170 212 1.25 1.00
7500 19200 9 6
2458 3807 1.55 1.50
13500 14400 12 6
3344 6775 2.03 2.00
33000 4800 10 6
2557 4265 1.67 1.67
12000 16800 12 6
3480 7056 2.03 2.00
term (1-1/H). This term is a function of H and R (since the shell thickness ts, present in
the shell parameter β is also a function of R). Table 4.3 shows the variation of (1-1/H)
for the minimum and maximum values of R and H specified in API 650 tank data:
Table 4.3 Variation of (1-1/H) with Radius and Height
R H (1-1/H)
It can be seen that only the case where the radius is extremely large and height is
relatively very small has the (1-1/H) value less than the 0.91-0.99 range. For practical
To study the influence of (1-1/H) on Mfx/Mo ratio (for full projection length), an
example tank with the following geometry is considered. The geometry is chosen such
that it has a high moment ratio (assuming the higher moment ratio will be influenced
more by the (1-1/H) variation). Let R = 37500 mm, H = 14400 mm, ts = 32mm, tb =
6mm. Table 4.4 gives Mfx/Mo values for three different assumed values of (1-1/H) for
(1-1/H) Mfx/Mo
0.999 9.362
0.900 9.068
0.858 8.936
The variation of (1-1/H) produces a variation of 4.6% between the extreme Mfx/Mo
values. For the dimensions given, the actual (1-1/H) = 0.9408 and Mfx/Mo = 9.1912.
The deviation of the extreme value from the actual Mfx/Mo is only 1.86%.
Extending the analysis to the entire design data as given in Table 4.2, the above
graph (Fig.4.12) is plotted. Figure 4.12 shows the plots of Mfx/Mo ratio for a constant
value of (1-1/H) as 0.92, 0.945, and 0.98. It can be seen that, all these three cases
Assuming an average value of 0.945 for the (1-1/H) term, Eq.4.30 can be
expressed as
3 ts
45.86 2 83.74 38.06 0 (4.31)
Equation 4.31 can be used to find the value of the elastic moment that will be
induced in the shell to bottom joint. This moment could form the boundary condition to
find the stresses in the shell and bottom plate provided that plastic hinge formation does
not limit the bottom moment. It should be noted that the compression due to wall weight
The values from Table 4.2 are plotted again in Fig. 4.13. Although Eqs. 4.31 and
4.32 are cubic, the figure shows that Mfx/Mo and ts/ta have a simple quadratic relationship.
It can be obtained from curve fitting the graph in Fig. 4.13 as follows:
t t
0.3138 s 0.1429 s 1.0514 (4.31a)
ta ta
It is to be noted that even though this relationship is deduced from design data (Table 4.2)
using minimum required thickness for the annular plate, it works for other cases when the
annular plate thickness used is greater than the minimum required.
A typical tank Model, (Case 1 as described in Chapter 3) is used for study. Figure
4.14 shows the bending stress in the bottom plate due to hydrostatic loading. Due to
higher allowable stresses and larger tank size, the maximum stress values for this
example are higher than those for the previous example considered.
The values of dimensions “a” and “b” (as per Fig.4.11) from FEA and theory are
Table 4.5 Comparison of Theoretical and FEA Results for Uplift Lengths ‘a’ and ‘b’
FEA Theory
a, mm 96 94
b, mm 332 317
The values are in good agreement with each other. The minor difference can be
due to the fact that in theoretical model the tank wall is idealized as a single concentrated
considered. In the calculations above, the self-weight has been ignored both in FEA and
theoretical calculations. If the self-weight of the tank is included, the proposed theoretical
approach with increased projection gives a slightly lower value for the parameters, ‘a’
and ‘b’ and a slightly higher value for the moment at the shell to bottom junction.
In practical applications, the shell wall for this height will have different course
thicknesses along the height (Fig.3.19). The multiple thicknesses have two effects, viz.,
reduction in self-weight and reduction in stiffness along the height. From the theoretical
analysis it is found that reduction in self-weight alone will increase the value of ‘a’ & ‘b’
parameters and reduce the internal moment, while reduction in stiffness will increase the
value of ‘a’ and ‘b’ parameters and also increase the internal moment. Hence, ignoring
the self-weight and assuming uniform wall thickness (even in case of tanks with multiple
wall thicknesses) on the parameters ‘a’ & ‘b’ and the stresses on the inner and outer side
of the shell to bottom joint is studied in detail. In the theoretical model, the self-weight of
the tank wall is considered as a concentrated force acting at the shell to bottom joint. It is
easy to find the actual self-weight for a multiple layered or single layered tank and apply
it as force at the joint. But for stiffness considerations, a uniform thick wall is assumed
(for tanks with single/multiple wall thicknesses). The question arises, whether it is
acceptable to use the bottom layer thickness for the entire tank wall height for stiffness
purposes. The argument in support of using it is that the height of the bottom course is
generally 2400mm (except for rare cases where it is 1800mm) and this height, even
though less than 3.46 Dt s (i.e. 4.89 Rt s ) the change in thickness above it will not
Table 4.6 presents data obtained from the CASE 2 model (tank with multiple
courses) as described in Chapter 3. The actual data obtained from the ANSYS is
1 185 635 325 -318 Included -VT DATA obtained from FEM
2 132 591 386 -298 Included - UT Uniform thickness
5 151 609 363 -314 Included -VT uniform thickness is reduced by 10%
6 152 613 368 -318 Included -VT uniform thickness is reduced by 25%
VT: Variable Thickness, - the self-weight is calculated for the tank with
multiple layers
UT: Uniform Thickness - the self-weight is calculated for the tank assuming
that the entire height of tank wall has same thickness as that of the bottom layer
From examining the data in Table 4.6, it can be seen that, for finding the required
projection length of the bottom plate and the corresponding stress values on either side of
the joint, excluding the self-weight and assuming the bottom layer thickness for the entire
wall for stiffness is appropriate. This assumption will give a slightly lower value of
bending stress on the outer side of joint. Since it is a location outside the tank, and
yielding and plastic hinge are allowed in this zone, this can be ignored. Similar to the
case with ambient temperature tanks, providing extra projection length in elevated
temperature tanks reduces the plate stress on the inner side of the shell to bottom joint
and increases the stresses on the outer side. Apart from the joint, the stresses are also
generally reduced in the inner portion of the bottom plate as shown in Fig. 4.15.
Fig. 4.15 Bending Stress in the Bottom Plate of Elevated Temperature Tank
The figure refers to a tank with 30m radius, 12m height, 18mm shell thickness
and 6mm bottom plate subjected to a uniform temperature rise of 347F (175C).
Axisymmetric shell elements are used to model the tank wall and bottom plate with
bottom plate. A tank with multiple wall thicknesses (CASE 2 - described in Chapter 3) is
considered. It is a fairly big tank in the upper end of the design range. Two FE models
with and without the self-weight effect are used for the study
Fig. 4.16 Bending Stress in Bottom Plate (Bottom Side) – With and Without Self-weight
. Figures 4.16 and 4.17 show the bending stress in the bottom plate for three
different load factors (0.7, 1, and 1.4). “LF” indicates Load Factor; a value of 1 indicates
that the tank is filled fully with a liquid of specific gravity 1. Fig 4.17 is the same as
Wall Thickness
Fig. 4.17 Bending Stress in Bottom Plate – With and Without Self wt. – Expanded View
Near Tank Wall
From the plots above it can be seen that the self-weight affects the bending stress
of the bottom plate only in a small portion on the outer side of the shell to bottom joint.
Inner side, the stresses are not significantly affected by the self-weight. For the LF=1
case, the maximum difference occurs close to the joint (3mm from the shell on the outer
side). The stresses increase from 133 MPa to 152 MPa with the inclusion of self-weight
effect (14.3% increase). For small tanks or for lower loads, it can be expected that the
percentage change will be much less. However, it should be noted that this zone is
outside the tank and yielding is permissible in this region. Hence ignoring the self-weight
Fig. 4.18 von Mises Stress in Shell Wall – With and Without Self-weight Consideration
Figure 4.18 shows the stresses in the tank wall. As expected, shell stresses are not
significantly affected by the self-weight. The maximum difference in stress for load case
LF=1 is only 3 MPa higher with self-weight. The zones marked as ‘D’ in the stress plot
for each load case are due to discontinuity resulting from change in tank wall thickness.
In case of openings at tank bottom, it can be qualitatively said that there will not
be uplift of the bottom plate directly below the opening and hence the projection length
determined using the proposed analysis will be conservative. However, the uplift length
may be larger near the edges of opening because of the extra moments transmitted from
the shell. This may cause the strains in the bottom plate to slightly increase on the inner
side. The nozzle loads may increase or decrease the corresponding bottom plate stresses
The shell to bottom joint is an important high stress location in the tank where the
material is close to yield or in plastic range. This joint is a critical failure zone for tank
failure. Hence proper evaluation of stresses in this zone is very important. Denham’s
beam model (where the projection length is assumed to be fixed as 3”) is reviewed and
validated using FEA. The model is extended to any arbitrary projection length. Using this
theoretical approach and FEA, the effect of bottom plate projection beyond the shell wall
has been studied for tanks on rigid ring wall foundations. It is found that the length of
projection changes the stresses in the shell as well as the bottom plate near the shell to
bottom joint. Increasing the length is beneficial. The stresses will not alter if the length is
increased beyond a certain limit, which is being termed as ‘full projection length’. An
extension to Denham’s model is proposed to determine this ‘full projection length’. The
theoretical results are validated using FEA. The effect of assuming a uniform thickness
for a variable thickness tank wall for the sake of determining the ‘full projection length’
is studied and found to be acceptable. Similarly the results of including or excluding the
self-weight of the tanks are compared. The self-weight of tank does not increase the
stresses in the tank wall or the bottom plate on the inner side of the shell to bottom joint,
whereas it may increase the stresses marginally on the outer side of the joint.
An expression for the tank wall bottom moment has been presented for ambient
temperature tanks. Using the expression the designer can readily find the moment at the
shell to bottom joint and hence the stresses in that zone. This equation is based on a fully
elastic model and may be used to find the stresses near the shell to bottom joint.
consider stresses due to thermal expansions and restraints to the expansion in addition to
the design requirements for ambient temperature tanks. Appendix M of API Standard 650
provides additional requirements and guidelines for the design of tanks operating at
elevated temperatures. These are based on Karcher’s method [Karcher, 1978a, b] which
gives a simplified procedure for determining the stresses in the tank wall and bottom
plate. During temperature cycle, the tank will expand radially at the bottom. This
expansion is partially or fully restrained by friction between the tank bottom and
foundation components. A factor named ‘C’ is used for defining the ratio of actual
expansion to free expansion of the tank. Such partial expansion causes significant thermal
stresses. API uses these stresses to estimate the low cycle fatigue life of the tanks. At
present, a range of ‘C’ values (0.25–1.0) is allowed by API without clear guidelines for
selecting a suitable value. If no other choice is available, API 650 specifies that ‘C’ be
taken as 0.85. API 650 does not provide any guidelines to determine the ‘C’ factor. The
present study is aimed at systematic estimation of the ‘C’ factor by relating it to the
friction coefficient. This Chapter evaluates the current procedure and suggests an
alternate method by incorporating the friction coefficient directly in the stress equations,
In many industries, storage tanks are needed to hold liquids like asphalt,
residuum, high pour point hydrocarbons, etc., at higher temperature than the ambient.
This gives rise to thermal stresses in the tank, especially near the shell-to-bottom joint.
The magnitude of thermal stress occurring in the tank wall and the bottom plate is
influenced by the amount of radial restraint, which in turn depends upon factors like
liquid pressure, friction between the bottom plate and the foundation, piping connections
and differential settlement. In addition, from low cycle fatigue point of view, the cyclic
loading due to continual filling and draw down is reported [Long and Garner, 2004] to be
more severe for elevated temperature tanks compared to that for ambient temperature
The general basis of the tank wall design for tanks operating at ambient
temperature (any temperature less than 200F or 93C) is to limit the hoop stress to the
allowable limits using either the 1-Foot Method or the more accurate Variable-Design-
Point Method. American Petroleum Institute Standard, API 650 [2012] adopted these
design procedures which were originally proposed by Zick and McGrath [1986]. In the
requirements for operation of large storage tanks at temperatures up to 500 F (260 C). It
is recommended that, for designing the tank wall, the same procedure as that of ambient
temperature tanks shall be used with modified allowable stress limits based on strength
reduction factors for the design temperature. This Appendix provides design
considerations for limiting the loadings and strains resulting from thermal effects, such as
differential thermal expansion, tank bottom plate buckling and thermal cycling.
drainage or blow off. This step will also allow gradual thermal expansion of the tank
and shell
The tank is filled with a high pour point hydrocarbon. When there is a demand
for stored fluid, the tank is drawn down to a specified level and the procedure is
repeated as needed.
For tanks with maximum design temperature greater than 93C (200°F), particular
Temperature differences between the tank bottom and the lower portion of the
shell. Such thermal differences may result from factors such as the method and
sequence of filling and heating or cooling, the degree of internal circulation, and
heat losses to the foundation and from the shell to the atmosphere. With such
temperature differences, it may be necessary to provide for increased piping
The ability of the bottom to expand thermally, which may be limited by the
the roof or stairways, the shell and stiffeners, the roof or shell and the roof
Whether or not the contents are allowed to solidify and are later reheated to a
liquid, including the effect on columns, beams, and rafters. The possible build-up
of solids on these components and the potential for plugging of the vent system
failure. Denham, et al. [1968a, b], Wu and Liu [2000] and Sathyanarayanan and Adluri
[2011] have proposed methods to determine the stresses in the bottom plate near this joint
for ambient temperature tanks. As mentioned above, this joint is subjected to low cycle
fatigue due to cyclic loading of the stored liquid (fill–draw down cycle) or the fluctuation
in the temperature of the stored liquid or both. Karcher [1978a, 1978 b, 1981a, 1981b]
carried out a ground breaking and very useful study on elevated temperature tanks. He
provided stress equations based on an assumed plastic hinge boundary condition at the
fatigue design life of the tank considering the maximum stress developed at the shell-to-
bottom joint and a relevant stress concentration factor. API 650 has adopted Karcher’s
The current practice assumes uniform temperature increase in the tank, i.e.,
without any temperature gradient across the thickness of the shell wall. This is a
reasonable assumption since the shell wall thickness is relatively thin and carbon steel is
significant. In addition to these, the temperature difference (if any) between the bottom
region of the shell and the bottom plate that might be caused by heat loss is ignored. The
stresses are determined using shell theory for tank wall while beam-on-elastic foundation
theory is used for the bottom plate. It is assumed that complete plastic hinges are formed
in the bottom plate near the shell-to-bottom joint [Karcher 1978 a, 1978b, 1981a, 1981b],
while the shell stresses are assumed to be elastic. Essentially the equations as given by
Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Kreiger [1959] for cylindrical tanks with clamped end
conditions are suitably modified to have the plastic moment at the bottom as the
boundary condition. The hydrostatic stresses caused by liquid infill are combined with
the stresses that may be induced due to heating of the filled liquid. Two plastic hinges are
assumed at the bottom plate for a rigid foundation (such as concrete ring wall or pile cap)
while one hinge is used for flexible subgrade below the tank wall.
plastic hinge at the shell bottom (applicable for the earthen foundation case),
R 2
TEt s CTEt s 22 M o
ys H x s exs H cos x sin x s
Et s
the reduction factor for T to account for the friction restraint, Mo is the moment at the
shell to bottom joint and ‘xs’ is the height of a point along the tank wall at which the
deflection is calculated.
The bending moment, hoop force and shear force of the tank wall at a distance
CTEt s 22Mo
N R H x s exs H cos x s sin x s
CTEt s 22Mo
Q xs e H cos x s sin x s sin x s cos x s
R (5.4)
If T in the equations above is assumed to be zero, then these equations reduce to
those for a cylindrical shell loaded by hydrostatic pressure as given by Timoshenko and
intensities in the shell and hence fatigue evaluation can be carried out, if required, for the
loading cycles that are expected during the design life of the tank.
All the above equations were developed based on the assumption that the boundary
condition at the shell to bottom joint is represented by a moment Mo and zero radial
deflection. Both of these assumptions (with Mo replaced by a single plastic hinge) were
first used by Zick and McGrath [1968] for finding the stresses in the shell wall for an
ambient temperature tank. The basis of these assumptions is given in their report to the
API. The validity of the first assumption will be discussed in Chapter 6. Regarding the
second assumption, Karcher [1978a, 1978 b] explains that even though the assumption of
tank is usually filled initially to a level of several meters with only partially heated or
cold product. Then internal heaters and mixers are used to increase and maintain product
temperature. This start up procedure (with a smaller liquid head being heated to full
temperature) results in the tank bottom expanding more freely than the case where the
full liquid head is heated from ambient temperature. This results in lower frictional
resistance between tank bottom and the foundation. Preliminary observations on several
tanks indicate that the annular plate expands radially by about one half of the calculated
value of RT. Therefore assuming that the annular plate expansion is between zero and
half of RT is a reasonable approximation with the former being more conservative
[Karcher, 1981a].
Karcher accounted for the partial radial expansion of bottom plate by employing a
reduction factor (‘C’) in the equations above. A ‘C’ value of 1 assumes a fully restrained
bottom to shell junction (0% radial expansion) and a value of zero assumes free (100%)
radial expansion. The bottom will have free expansion (equal to RT) if there is
essentially no friction. But in reality, there are friction forces under the tank
bottom/annular plate (including backing plates, etc.) and hence the plate expands partially
(0.25≤C≤1.0). The magnitude of friction forces also depends on the liquid head in the
The shell-to-bottom joint location is a region of high strains and plastic hinges are
assumed to form in the bottom plate near this location. The stress created here can be
classified as secondary bending stress and hence should be limited to twice the yield
strength of the annular plate material to assure shakedown to an elastic action. The
pseudo bending stress representing the strain range that occurs in the tank annular plate at
From Eq. 5.1, assuming a fully plastic annular plate moment at the shell bottom
(i.e., Mo = Mp), the slope at the bottom of the tank wall is determined as
CTEts 3 SY tb2
S 1- H -
dxs xs 0
R 2 (5.5)
In order to find the strain range in the annular plate at the shell-to-bottom
Following Hetenyi [1971], the moment in the plate is M = K/43, where, Ω = 4
The value of slope as obtained from Eq. 5.5 is used in M = K/43 resulting in
0.658R 2 Ktb
CαTEts β 3 SY tb2
Sb 4
1 H
ts E
γR 2γ (5.6)
where, Sb is the pseudo bending stress representing the strain range at the bottom
CαTEts β SY t b
3 2
R 2
This condition ensures that the tank is loaded thermally or hydrostatically such that a
single plastic hinge forms in the bottom plate near the shell-to-bottom joint. The safe
Kc S (5.8)
where, S is the alternating stress range in MPa (=Sb/2), Kc is the stress concentration
factor. This procedure to ensure the safe cyclic life of tank can be avoided if a significant
head of heated liquid (close to design temperature) is maintained in the tank between
cycles. A significant liquid head can be defined as being equal to or greater than
Figures 5.1 and 5.2 demonstrate the effect of temperature rise on moments and
equivalent stresses (strain range) in the tank wall and the bottom plate. The results show
that these stresses can be significant on the lower shell courses and annular plate regions
close to shell bottom. Equations 5.5 – 5.8 depends on the C factor and hence using a
Fig. 5.2 Annular Plate Bending Stress Caused by Hydrostatic and Thermal Loads
[Karcher, 1978a]
Equations 5.1-5.4 are valid for ambient and elevated temperature tanks. The basic
assumptions involved in these equations regarding radial growth characteristics and the
bottom moment of the tank wall have significant influence on the stresses in the tank
wall. Regarding the radial deformation, as mentioned earlier, it is obvious that bottom
plate can expand anywhere between zero to full radial growth (RT). No guidelines for
selecting the actual value (within the allowable range) are available either from API or
other sources. Although the current practice has not been publicly reported to have
resulted in field failures and hence can be construed to be safe, use of a set value of C for
all situations is not appropriate as discussed later in the Chapter. An equivalent but
If the tank foundation does not restrain the expansion due to temperature (at least
partially), then the thermal stresses will be minimal. However the foundation generally
offers significant frictional resistance that restrict the free radial expansion of elevated
temperature tanks which in turn induces additional thermal stresses in the tank wall. The
following model obtains the partial radial expansion by first finding the effective
contraction due to the friction forces and subtracting it from the free thermal expansion.
The treatment is similar to that of a disc subjected to centrifugal forces. Considering the
equilibrium of an infinitesimal element in the bottom plate of the tank as shown in Fig.
5.3 (a).
where, σrr and σ are the stress components in the radial and circumferential directions,
is the coefficient of friction between the bottom plate and the foundation as appropriate
to the given conditions. It is generally assumed that the tank bottom is resting on well
compacted dry sand/gravel. The equation assumes that the friction forces are
Adluri, 2013c].
d rr 1 H
rr (5.10)
dr r tp
r d
σrr + d σrr
Tank wall
σ Hydrostatic
(b) Tank weight
℄ Pressure H Qo
Annular Plate Friction Forces (c)
For axisymmetric plates the stress displacement relationships are given by [Boresi and
Schmidt, 1993]
E du u
rr 2
1 dr r
du u
1 dr r
where, u is the radial displacement at any point in the bottom plate due to friction forces.
The negative sign in Eq. 5.10 indicates the contraction of the plate.
E d 2u 1 du u H
2 (5.13)
1 dr 2
r dr r tp
Solving Eq.5.13,
1 2 H r 2 C
u C1r 2
E tp 3 r
where, C1 and C2 are constants of integration. Using appropriate boundary conditions for
1 H r 2
3E tp
It must be pointed out that in addition to the above, there will be other effects
due to shear at the bottom, self-weight of bottom plate and tank wall stiffness (in relation
to that of the bottom plate). These can be shown [Adluri, 2012] to have only a small
influence. Other effects such as those due to local loss of contact with the foundation,
local bending of bottom plate due to bulging (or buckling), bottom plate lap welds, weld
reinforcements, backing strips, horizontal soil pressure due to uneven bottom surface of
the plate, etc., have also been omitted in the present treatment. Although the bottom plate
is treated with a single thickness here, multiple thickness plate along with other effects
omitted above can be incorporated. In a recent report, Adluri [2012] extended the
treatment given in the present chapter and discussed these issues at length along with the
effects of non-uniform friction below the bottom due to soil shearing under parts of the
bottom plate. The treatment in the present thesis is a general approach that can be used
with a single equivalent value for for the entire bottom plate.
Hence for any tank subjected to uniform temperature increase T, the partial
radial expansion of the tank bottom after filling the liquid to a height H and heating it to
1 H R 2
3E tp
Note that H indicates the actual liquid height and not the constructed height of the tank
wall. The ‘C’ factor as used currently can be interpreted to represent the ratio between
the restraint deformation due to friction forces and the free expansion of the bottom plate.
1 H R
3 E t p T
The ‘C’ value will be 1.0 when the restraint deformation as calculated is equal to or more
than the free thermal expansion. The C-factor will be zero if the restraint deformation is
d 4 ys w
4 4 ys (5.17)
dxs Ds
where, ys is the radial deflection, w is the liquid pressure acting inside the cylinder, β and
Ds are shell parameters, where Ds
12 1 2
The general solution for the above equation is
For circular tanks with uniform wall thickness, Eq. 5.17 is modified as
d 4 ys H xs
4 4 ys (5.19)
dxs4 Ds
H xs R2
ys (5.20)
H xs R2
ys e xs c1 cos xs c2 sin xs e xs c3 cos xs c4 sin xs
Ets (5.21)
Considering the shell as infinitely long; c1 = c2 = 0
ys (outward
positive) Qo
Using the boundary condition that there is no radial expansion at the bottom of the
tank (for hydraulic loading only) and the moment at the tank bottom is Mo, Eq. 5.22 is
obtained. The moment (Mo) at the tank bottom can be a maximum of one/two times the
S y t 2p
inside Mb and in case of concrete ring wall foundation, with a plastic hinge on
S y t 2p
either side of shell Mb . This gives,
HR2 Mb H xs R2
ys e xs cos xs sin xs (5.22)
Et 2 Ets
s 2 Ds
dys Mb HR2 R2
e xs cos x sin x cos x sin x
dxs 2D 2 s s
s Et (5.23)
s s
d 2 ys HR2 Mb
2 2e xs sin xs cos x …….. (5.24)
2 Et 2 Ds 2
dxs s
δ = RT δ = RT
(a) Free Radial Expansion of Tank 1 H r 2
under Temperature Change δ = E tp 3
In Fig. 5.5, δ is the free expansion of cylinder for a uniform temperature increase
of T. If friction is present, δ is the expansion at the bottom of the cylinder (and the
bottom plate) for a uniform temperature increase. From Eq.5.17 & 5.18 and considering
the shell as infinitely long with only temperature loading, Eq.5.25 can be obtained. The
term f(xs) representing the particular solution in Eq.5.18 becomes zero since there is no
pressure loading for pure temperature loading (which can be added to the separate
ys e xs c3 cos xs c4 sin xs (5.25)
e- xs c4 cos xs -sin xs - c3 cos xs sin xs . (5.26)
... (5.27)
d 2 ys
2 2e xs c3 sin xs c4 cos xs
d 3 ys …
2 3e xs c3 cos xs c3 sin xs c4 sin xs c4 cos xs
Let MT and QT be the moment and shear force induced at the bottom due to thermal
d 2 ys
M x x 0
dx 2 MT (5.29)
dM xs d 3 ys
x 0
dx 3
s s x0 s xs 0
c4 (5.31)
2 Ds 2
From Eq. 5.30 and Eq. 5.28
c3 Qt MT
2 Ds 3 (5.32)
e xs e xs MT
ys QT MT cos xs sin xs (5.33)
2 Ds 3 2 Ds 2
dys e- xs QT MT
MT cos xs -sin xs - cos xs sin xs
dxs 2 Ds
Considering the boundary condition as shown in Fig. 5.5 (b),
1 R2 H
ys xs 0 (5.35)
3t p E
1 1 2
QT MT R H (5.36)
2 D 3 3t p E
1 2 e xs MT
ys e xs R H cos xs sin xs
3t p E 2
2 D s (5.37)
dys M 1 2
e- xs T
cos x -sin x - R H cos x sin x (5.38)
dxs 2 Ds
2 s s 3t p E s s
d 2 ys 1 2 MT
2e- xs 2 R H sin xs cos xs (5.39)
dxs2 3t p E 2
2 Ds
Using the principle of superposition, displacement (w), moment (Mx) and shear
(Qx) due to the liquid infill and the temperature rise is given by
ys e xs
1 1 R 2 H
cos xs
MT M b H xs R 2
sin xs
ts E 2
3t p 2 Ds E ts (5.40)
MT M b
cos xs sin xs
2 Ds
dys R2
e βxs Et
1 1 R 2 H
cos xs sin xs
s ..(5.41)
3t p
MT M b
cos xs
2 Ds
d 2 ys
M xs Ds 2 2 Ds e βxs
1 1 R H sin x
dxs 2 2 (5.42)
ts 3t p E s
1 1 R 2 H
cos xs sin xs
d 3 ys ts 3t p E
Qxs Ds 2 3 Ds e βxs
M T M b sin x cos x
s s
2 Ds 2
1 1 R 2 H
cos xs
e βxs Ets ts 3t p E
N H xs R
R M T M b sin xs (5.44)
2 Ds 2
where, MT and Mb represent the moment induced at the bottom due to thermal and
hydrostatic loadings. The sum of these moments cannot exceed 2Mp for rigid foundations
and Mp for flexible foundations. These equations (Eq. 5.40- 5.44) are similar to Eq. 5.1 -
5.4, where, C is replaced with the expression from Eq. 5.16. Equations 5.40 – 5.44 are
valid only if ‘δ’ from Eq.5.15 is greater than zero i.e. the thermal expansion of bottom
plate is not less than the restraint offered by the frictional forces at the tank bottom. If this
is not so, it implies that the bottom of the tank does not expand at all because of high
amount of frictional resistance. For this case, replace the term (1-)/3tp with ET/RH
With respect to stresses in the tank wall, Karcher’s equations will yield the same
results as those of the proposed model provided an exact C-factor is used. The value of
‘C’ has a significant influence on tank wall stresses. Predicting this factor during the
design stage or even during operation without any field measurements is a difficult task.
Hence using standard friction coefficients between known materials and determining the
Finite element analyzes were carried out using ANSYS to explore the effect of
friction and validate the theory above. The foundation is assumed to be a concrete ring
wall with highly compacted infill. Axisymmetric SHELL elements were used for
modeling the tank wall and bottom plate. Both elastic and elastic-perfectly plastic
The example tank (CASE 1) from Chapter3 with T = 347F (175C) and = 0.3
is considered for the study. Figure 5.6 shows theoretical deflection in tank wall with a
double hinge condition for bottom plate as specified by Zick and McGrath [1968] and
Karcher [1978 a,b,1981 a,b]. The shell stresses from nonlinear FEA (which does not rely
on the double hinge assumption) match well with theoretical stresses. This implicitly
confirms the formation of two plastic hinges in the bottom plate near shell bottom in the
FE model. The bending and hoop stresses for this analysis are shown in Figs.5.7 and 5.8.
It is to be noted that eventhough the bottom plate can reach plastic stage, the shell
Fig. 5.6 Deflection in the Tank Wall Including the Effect of Friction (=0.3)
Fig. 5.7 Bending Stress (Sx) in Tank Wall Including Friction Effects (=0.3)
Fig. 5.8 Hoop Stress in Tank Wall Including Friction Effects (=0.3)
The same tank with = 0.5 is analyzed using elastic-plastic FE model. Figure 5.9
compares the FEA results and the theoretical values. The theoretical radial displacement
(horizontal movement) at the outer edge of the annular plate (Eq. 5.15) is 52.7 mm. The
53.4 mm. If there were no friction forces, the expansion would be RT=63mm (with
=12x106). For this example the value of C can be calculated as 0.15 (=[63-53.4]/63). It
can be seen that this value is far smaller than the value of 0.85 recommended by API 650.
Even though, the analysis indicates that two plastic hinges form at the bottom
plate for this case, a complete double hinge may not always form at the bottom for
general tanks. For the tank considered, two full hinges will not form if either the friction
coefficient or the temperature is less than the values used above. Hence using two plastic
hinges as boundary condition for lower temperature tanks or those with smaller friction
115 MPa
Fig. 5.9 Bending Stress in the Tank Wall Including Friction Effects – (Elastic-Plastic
Hoop and Bending stress values are obtained for a tank with the same dimensions
as before but with different values of and C. The comparisons are shown in Fig. 5.10
and 5.11. From the figures it can be seen that the bending stress in tank wall for even a
friction coefficient as high as 1.0 is considerably less than the stress obtained using a C
value of 0.5. Hoop stress in the tank wall also shows a similar trend. Hence for the
example tank dimensions, using a C-factor of more than 0.5 is excessively conservative.
Fig. 5.10 Tank Wall Bending Stress for Various Values of ‘C’ and
Fig. 5.11 Tank Wall Hoop Stress for Various Values of ‘C’ and
For a value of in the range 0.30.5 the difference will be even more
pronounced. Figure 5.12 shows the variation of shell stresses as temperature increases
Fig. 5.12 Tank Wall Bending Stress at Different Temperatures for = 0.7
For a given tank, the bending stress caused by friction will be maximum when
u=RT or C =1. Hence from Eq. 5.14, for a particular friction coefficient
1 H R (5.45)
3 E tp
where, TL is the limiting temperature beyond which increase in temperature will not
increase the stresses. Conversely, the limiting friction coefficient can also be obtained as
3 E T t p
L (5.46)
1 H R
where, L is the friction coefficient that will cause maximum stresses for a particular
temperature. If a friction coefficient value is chosen higher than L, there will be no
further increase in the stresses. In other words, this is the ‘’ at which the C becomes 1.
For any greater than this value, C continues to be 1 as it represents zero expansion
For the example tank used earlier, TL is 40C, it can be seen from Fig. 5.12 that
the stresses (from FEA) in the tank wall do not increase when the temperature is
increased beyond this limit. Basically, if the restraint deformation due to friction is equal
to or greater than the free radial expansion due to temperature, the stresses in the tank
wall will reach a maximum and further increase in temperature does not have any impact.
For the same tank as above but with a friction coefficient of 0.7, the C-factor
changes with temperature as shown in Fig. 5.13. The plot indicates that C value is 1.0 till
the temperature is 40C, which is the temperature limit TL for this tank. The stresses in
the tank bottom increase till the temperature reaches the limit TL and remain constant
after this limit. Hence after TL, the C value reduces inversely with temperature such
that the state of stress at TL is maintained throughout. It should be noted that though C
value reduces, the product of T and C will remain constant. This is a unique value for
each tank and is directly proportional to the friction coefficient. The pattern for C-factor
as shown in Fig. 5.13 holds good for any typical tank. The tank dimensions will only alter
the value of TL limit. This observation implies that the present recommendation of
C=0.85 [API 650] for any tank may or may not be conservative (although no failures are
reported to the best of the author’s knowledge in general literature). If the temperature is
relatively low and the friction coefficient of the tank is high, then its C value could
sometimes be in the region A-B of Fig. 5.13 (before TL limit) and hence C = 1. For this
case, using C < 1 is unconservative. On the other hand, stresses predicted using C = 0.85
for temperatures at the end of region B-C will be very highly conservative.
C = 0.85
Using a flat value for the C-factor (be it 0.5 or 0.85) gives inconsistent results. At
present there are no clear guidelines on choosing a value of C other than 0.85. The
margin of safety varies with operating temperature and could result in slightly
unconservative estimates temperature ranges less than TL and grossly conservative
predictions at higher temperatures. This is further illustrated in Table 5.1 which shows
the implied coefficient of friction for fixed values of C equal to 0.5 and 0.85 for typical
H D tb T Implied
m m mm
11 16 6 93 3.32
11 16 6 260 9.29
11 90 7 93 0.69
C = 0.5
11 90 7 260 1.93
19.2 16 8 93 2.54
19.2 16 8 260 7.10
19.2 61 8 93 0.67
19.2 61 8 260 1.86
11 16 6 90 5.47
11 16 6 250 15.19
11 90 7 90 1.13
C = 0.85
11 90 7 250 3.15
19.2 16 8 90 4.18
19.2 16 8 250 11.60
19.2 61 9 90 1.23
19.2 90 11 90 1.02
19.2 61 9 250 3.42
The implied coefficient of friction in Table 5.1 is calculated using Eq. 5.16. As
can be seen, except for very large tanks at relatively low temperatures, the implied values
of are unacceptable if the C-factor is fixed as 0.5. It is reported that C = 0.5 was based
tanks is available. It is possible that they were very large tanks at temperatures in the 200
- 250F range. For these tanks, a C-factor of 0.5 may sometimes be acceptable. However,
as can be seen from the table, for other ranges of H, R and T, the implied values of
(for C = 0.5) are too high. API 650 recommends a value of C = 0.85 in case other
recommendation. However for most tanks, the implied values of for this value of C are
even larger than those for C=0.5. Acceptable vales of are implied only for large
conservative value for the C-factor, it may be preferable to use a conservative estimate
for the friction coefficient . The actual value depends upon the type of subgrade and
can be obtained from established literature or other means. Adluri [2012] provided
foundation and bottom plate/annular plate characteristics. The value of the friction
coefficient is not likely to alter significantly within the temperature range being
considered (unlike the change in yield strength based on temperature change as given in
Table M-1 of API 650). Because of this, thermal effects do not necessarily increase
linearly with temperature. The extraordinary values for implied in Table 5.1 can be
whereas the restraining displacement due to friction is proportional to R2 and H (and does
For smaller tanks in the Table, the friction resistance is not sufficient to provide
resistance proportionately increases while free thermal expansion (RT) stays the same.
When the radius increases, this effect is compounded. Hence as the tank size increases in
radius and height, the total friction force builds up and the restraining displacement starts
to approach the free thermal expansion. The opposite happens with increasing
temperature. These points can be further illustrated through Table 5.2 which lists the
implied C-factor for a fixed value of = 0.85. For smaller tanks, the implied C-factor is
quite small. Only for large tanks with relatively low temperature increase, the implied
C-factor approaches the values currently being used. At the outer edge of the range of
parameters, the implied C-factor can become slightly unconservative if a lower C value is
chosen for design. Hence, it is more rational to choose a conservative estimate for the
H D tb T Implied
m m mm C C-factor
11 16 6 90 0.13
11 16 6 250 0.05
11 90 7 90 0.64
11 90 7 250 0.23
19.2 16 8 90 0.17
5.3.1 Influence of Friction on Fatigue Life
In the current practice, the alternating stress required for fatigue life estimation of
tank (number of fill/draw cycles the tank can safely withstand) is determined by Eq. 5.6.
In this equation, the friction forces are indirectly represented by the C-factor. For the tank
example considered earlier, Fig. 5.14 shows the influence of C-factor on the fatigue life
of the tank (for T = 175C). The fatigue life reduces drastically if the C-factor is
1300 cycles
As per API 650, the tank has to safely withstand at least 1300 fill/draw cycles. If C is
assumed to be 0.85 (and K=2) as recommended by the API, the tank fails by a significant
margin (N=369). If the same tank is considered with a (most likely conservative) friction
coefficient estimate, say, 0.85, the number of design life cycles (N) that the tank can
withstand becomes 1896 (which is well above the required limit). This is a case where the
temperatures below 100 oC, using a smaller C value could sometimes be slightly
API 650 recognises (in Clause M.4.2) that the tank filling procedure influences
the amount of radial expansion and hence the stresses and fatigue life. Generally if the
tank is initially filled to a low height (at least 0.3(Dt)0.5, where, D is in ft and t is in
inches, [API 650] and heated to the required temperature as a first step, the tank will
radially expand almost to its full expansion and hence the thermal shell stresses induced
will not be very significant. However it must be noted that it may be difficult to guarantee
that this will always be followed when the tank is likely to be in operation for many
decades. On the other hand if the tank is heated with a significant liquid head, it induces
thermal stresses due to the friction forces. These stresses have been explored throughout
the paper. In order to verify the API recommendation of preheating the tank with low
liquid head, a finite element analysis was carried out. Using Eq. 5.15 for the example
tank used in finite element analysis, the radial expansion is 62 mm for a 2 m liquid head
heated to 175C. FEA results give 62.2 mm confirming the theoretical prediction. The
corresponding free expansion (RT) is 63 mm (with =12x106). The results show that
with very low liquid head, the radial expansion of the bottom is almost the same as that of
free radial expansion. The stresses for this analysis are very close to those of the same
tank at ambient temperature thus indicating that the thermal stresses can be neglected if
This present study examines the influence of bottom plate friction forces on the
stresses in the wall of elevated temperature tanks. Karcher’s equations used for finding
the stresses in the tank wall are verified using a finite element model with contact
elements. The equations use a value called as C-factor to include the effect of partial
expansion due to temperature change. It is observed that the equations give correct results
if the exact C-factor is used. Since the C-factor is highly sensitive in influencing the tank
wall stresses, the designer needs expertise and judgement in deciding on the factor during
the design stage. The current practice does not have clear guidelines for selecting a C
value. In the absence of such guidelines, a set value (like 0.85) for the C-factor is being
used irrespective of the tank dimensions and temperature change. The present study
shows that this approach is grossly conservative for most of the range of design
parameters (H, R & T). On the other hand, for very large tanks at relatively low
temperature changes, this could become slightly unconservative. This study shows that
the C-factor is directly related to the friction coefficient () and tank parameters.
Appropriate equations for stresses and by extension, fatigue life are presented. It is shown
that for a given tank with a particular friction coefficient, there is a limiting temperature
(TL) beyond which any further increase in temperature will not increase the tank wall
stresses. Similarly for a given temperature increase in a tank, the stresses will not increase
further even if the friction coefficient is higher than a particular value ( L). Several
related issues are discussed. The results are verified using finite element analysis
incorporating friction forces through contact elements between foundation and tank
bottom plate. The study shows that it is much more rational to use a conservative
which needs careful evaluation especially in the case of elevated temperature tanks. The
fill/draw down cycle of the stored liquid causes low cycle fatigue near this joint and
alternating stress at this location, used to enter the fatigue curves is currently determined
using a pseudo elastic stress that represents strain range due to inelastic deformations. For
this, API 650 employs beam-on-elastic foundation theory. This theory is being used for
tanks resting fully on earthen foundation as well as those on concrete ring wall. This
Chapter studies the validity of using this theory for tanks with concrete ring wall
foundation which are much more rigid compared to earthen foundations. Some of the
difficulties in the current practice are highlighted. An alternative to the current model is
proposed to determine the peak stress at the shell to bottom joint of tanks resting on
concrete ring wall. The results are validated using finite element analysis.
The shell (tank wall) to bottom joint of storage tank is subjected to low cycle
fatigue due to fill/draw down cycle and the temperature fluctuation of the stored liquid.
The storage tank standards API 650 and 653 consider this aspect in detail and provide
guidelines for determining the safe cyclic life of the tank based on the fatigue analysis of
this joint.
For the elevated temperature tanks, API 650 provides guidelines to determine the
appropriate thicknesses of structural members and determine the design cycle life of the
tank (based on the fatigue evaluation of the shell to bottom joint). As per API 650, it is
expected that the tank withstands at least 1300 load cycles in its lifetime. In Appendix M
of API 650, the peak alternating stress to be used for fatigue analysis of this joint is
determined using the original work by Karcher [1978, 1981 a, b]. He proposed a set of
design equations to determine the tank wall stress and the fatigue life of elevated
temperature tanks as given in Chapter 5. Jones and Seshadri [1989] studied the validity of
Karcher’s model using elastic finite element analysis of the shell with an assumed hinge
foundation theory. The resulting equations were derived basically for tanks on earthen
foundation by Karcher [1981a]. The same are applied to concrete ring wall foundations
except that two plastic hinges are assumed in the bottom plate (or annular plate) instead
of one plastic hinge in the case of earthen foundation. However, it must be noted that the
bottom plate resting on concrete wall loses contact in the immediate vicinity of the inside
face of the tank wall. This was recognized by the previous research works [Denham,
1968; Wu, 2000; Sathyanarayanan and Adluri, 2011] as well as the seminal work by Zick
and McGrath [1968]. The uplift, although small, is sufficient to cause clear separation of
bottom plate from the top of the concrete ring wall on the inside. Hence the stresses in
Figure 6.1 shows the rotation of shell to bottom joint of a tank resting on a rigid
base. As explained in Chapter 4, this rotation causes the bottom plate to lift off the
ground over a small distance (say, uplift length L). Beyond this, the downward liquid
pressure acting on the plate is sufficient to make the plate fully rest on the foundation.
Uplift Length
The internal moment that forces the rotation is caused by the hydrostatic
pressure on the wall and is balanced by the moments (on either side of the wall) in the
bottom plate. Because of this bottom moment, the bottom plate on the inner and outer
side of the shell is subjected to high bending stresses in the radial direction. The thickness
ratios of the shell and bottom plates are such that in most of the tanks the bottom plates
undergo substantial yielding near this joint. The fatigue strength of this joint has to be
evaluated in order to determine the number of load cycles the tank can safely withstand.
For short projection lengths (such as the minimum prescribed value of 50mm), the
bending moment in the bottom plate on the inside will be larger than that on the outside.
The inside portion of the shell to bottom joint needs to be evaluated for fatigue. Since the
material yields due to high stress in the bottom plate, strain range analysis (pseudo stress)
is used for fatigue evaluation. The rotation of the shell as shown in Fig.6.1 induces the
bending strain. The magnitude depends upon the tank parameters R, H, ts, tb and the
specific gravity of the stored liquid (G). In addition to these factors, the type of
foundation directly beneath the tank shell and the type of weld used (double fillet/full
described by the API 650 assumes uniform temperature increase in the tank, i.e., without
any temperature gradient across the thickness of the shell wall. This is a reasonable
assumption since the shell wall thickness is quite small. At steady state, the difference in
temperature between inner and outer surfaces of the wall may not be significant. The
same is adopted in this study. The current procedure [API 650] is outlined briefly below:
Using the Eq.5.6 from Chapter 5 and substituting the following coefficients [Karcher
1981a] used by API 650, the peak alternating stress (S) can be obtained as:
500 Dts
where, S is one-half of the maximum stress range (Sb) that occurs in the annular plate at
the shell to bottom junction, in MPa. The dimensions of D & H are in metres whereas the
Similarly using the above coefficients in the Eq.5.7, the following (Eq. 6.2)
inequality condition can be obtained. Equation 6.1 is valid only if this condition is true.
As stated earlier, this condition is prescribed to ensure that the tank is loaded such that
boundary conditions (plastic hinge) assumed for developing these equations are valid.
The stress created at the shell to bottom joint can be classified as secondary
bending stress (as per ASME section VIII DIV 2) and hence should be limited to twice
the yield strength of the annular plate material to assure shakedown to an elastic action.
The shell theory used in this method basically assumes that the influence of the radial
Karcher [1978,b] has mentioned that the current practice is applicable only when
Eq.6.2 is valid. This can be interpreted that Eq.6.2 is specified as a necessary condition
for the assumed plastic hinges to form. Satisfying Eq.6.2 ensures that the stress
determined from Eq.6.1 is not negative. Essentially it determines whether the slope of the
shell at the bottom, after the application of load, is inward or outward. Although API 650
does not say so, satisfying Eq.6.2 is not a sufficient condition to confirm the formation of
two complete hinges at the bottom [Sathyanarayanan and Adluri, 2012a, 2013a]
+S -S
The sign of stress S is determined by the sign of the term
diagram of the tank wall. Fig. 6.2 (b) represents positive value for the stress S from
Eq.6.1 while Fig. 6.2 (c) represents negative value for the stress. The condition from
1 H SY tb
H H 1 (6.3)
R H SY H 2 H H ts
t t
s s
H Sd H
where, H 3 1 2
R ts ts H R
The validity of this condition for various situations can be easily examined. The
t E H
0.3 b 0.8, 550 800, 0.3 6,
ts SY R
1300 Y 7300, 0.25 C 1,
12106 / C , 93 C T 260 C
A simple calculation shows that the condition is satisfied for practical ranges of
variables. The only exception seems to be tanks where the design thickness of tank wall
comes to be less than what the minimum thickness rule prescribes. For all other tanks,
6.3.2 Use of Beam-on-elastic Foundation Theory
for the immediate vicinity of tank wall bottom. In the current practice, the same
procedure is used for tanks on earthen foundation and concrete ring wall foundation
except that in the former case, a single plastic hinge is used and in later case two plastic
hinges are used as the shell bottom moment. It is clearly applicable to tanks on earthen
foundation with appropriate conditions. However, it is not suitable for concrete ring wall
If the shell to bottom joint is supported on a rigid concrete ring wall, the internal
moment (Mo) lifts the bottom plate slightly thereby loosing contact with the foundation
(Fig. 6.3). This uplift is present even after accounting for the effect of liquid (hydrostatic)
head, self-weight of plate and compression from the wall (including roofing weight, wind
girder, etc.).
s Concrete Ring
Uplift Length
Fig. 6.3 Uplift at Shell to Bottom Joint of a Tank on Concrete Ring Wall
The uplift length has been studied variously by Denham,et al [1968],
Sathyanarayanan and Adluri [2011], among others [Long and Garner, 2004]. Typical
uplift lengths range from 150 – 400mm. Annular Plates (Cl.5.5.2 of API 650) has lengths
typically larger than this. In addition to theory, a detailed finite element analysis of a tank
(as described in Chapter3 – Case1 with 8 mm bottom plate), along with roof load has
been carried out. Fig. 6.4 shows the uplift and von Mises stress profiles at the shell to
bottom joint from the nonlinear FEA. The figure is captured at the end of a time step
Uplift Region
Fig. 6.4 Uplift of Bottom Plate from FE Model with 2D Axisymmetric Elements
The region (Point F in Fig.6.3) in which the peak alternating stress is determined
for fatigue calculation is not in direct contact with the earthen subgrade. Hence the beam-
on-elastic foundation theory as used in the present method is not directly applicable. The
direction of the internal moment Mo is such that it uplifts the bottom plate at point ‘F’
since the moment cannot push the projection part in to the concrete ring wall. Because of
this, the deflection of the plate is not significantly influenced by the foundation modulus.
Only if there is a significant uneven settlement, the foundation modulus might have some
influence on tanks resting on concrete ring wall. This is not the objective of the present
investigation. Since the uplift zone is supported only at the ends, a regular beam model is
The safe cyclic life (number of safe load cycles) is determined from the strain
range of the bottom plate at point ‘F’. The stress (Sb) in the existing procedure is only a
pseudo stress used to quantify the strain range. The rotation of the shell to bottom joint
during the cyclic loading determines the strain range at ‘F’, which in turn controls the
fatigue life of the joint. The calculation of this rotation depends on the loading, geometry
of the tank and the double plastic hinge assumption used in the model. It should be noted
that, for a given geometry and loading, a single plastic hinge in bottom plate will cause
more rotation and hence shorter fatigue life estimation than the assumption of double
plastic hinge. However, the current practice is to use two plastic hinges (one on the inside
and another on the outside) for the estimation of peak alternating stress. This is retained
in the current study and follows the recommendation by Karcher [1981a, b] and Zick and
McGrath [1968]. The bottom plate near the shell can be idealized as a beam shown in
Fig. 6.5. Using beam theory and shell theory, the uplift length (L) and the moment (Mbp)
Mbp (6.4)
24 EIPs
L 3 (6.5)
The basic idea of the procedure is that the strain in the bottom plate is governed
by the rotation of the shell bottom, and the maximum rotation of shell bottom occurs at
the limiting condition of a double plastic hinge of the bottom plate. Following on the
same lines as the current practice except for the equations above, the peak alternating
3 2
Ets 3SY tb2
Sb H H CT 1 (6.6)
2 1 2 Hts
This equation generally gives higher stress than that predicted by Eq.6.1 because
this equation does not have the benefit offered by the elastic subgrade.
Kc S (6.7)
where, S is the alternating stress range (Sb/2), Kc is the stress concentration factor which
can be conservatively taken as 4.0 for lap welded bottom plates/ butt-welded annular
plate (examined as per API 650 Specification). In case of butt welded annular plate with
Uplift Length
T (shell self wt)
UDL water pres. q/unit length
Rb Ra
As shown in Fig. 6.3, finite element analyzes were carried out assuming the
axisymmetric SHELL elements were also used for modeling the tank wall and bottom
plate. Both elastic and elastic-perfectly-plastic material models were examined. The
advantage of using plane elements is that, the elasto-plastic stress/strain profiles and the
formation of plastic hinges can be explicitly viewed, whereas in shell models which are
line elements, the through the thickness stress profile cannot be seen. Unless otherwise
mentioned, the example tank – Case 1 as given in Chapter 3 with 6mm bottom plate and a
friction coefficient of 0.8 is used for all the finite element analysis.
For the same tank operating at an elevated temperature of 175C (T), Fig.6.6
shows the uplift deformation of the bottom plate and Fig.6.7 shows deformation pattern
at the shell to bottom joint as shown by FE shell model. It is the expanded view of
Figure 6.8 shows the radial direction stress (Sx) of the bottom plate at the joint. It
must be noted that stress (Sx) can exceed yield as long as the equivalent von Mises stress
is within the yield limit. The bending stress (Sx in the radial direction) and von Mises
stress in the bottom plate near the shell are plotted in Fig.6.9 for two complete loading
cycles. As can be seen, even though the yield strength of the material is 345 MPa, Sx
reached 400 MPa indicating the effect of multi-axial stress field. The combined effect of
all the stresses at that point represented by von Mises equivalent stress is within the yield
limit. The tank is gradually loaded to full height, unloaded gradually and the cycle is
Tank Inside
Shell to Bottom Joint
Tank Wall
Bottom Plate
Tank centre
Bottom Plate
Each loading or unloading is considered to be one load cycle stage. Therefore,
stage 4 ends when the tank is fully loaded and unloaded twice. As can be seen, the first
stage of full loading ends with the bottom plate (on the inside) yielding. At the end of
stage 2, the tank is unloaded where the bottom plate shows residual stresses. The next
cycle (shown by stages 3 & 4) is fully elastic indicating shake down behavior. The radial
direction stress SX varies from -219 to 398 MPa and hence the range from FEA is 617
MPa, whereas the predicted stress range using API (Eq.6.1) is 419 MPa. For the same
tank Eq.6.6 gives a stress range of 612 MPa. The partial radial expansion from FEA is 47
mm (against the free expansion of 63 mm with =12x106) and hence the C factor is
computed as 0.25. The von Mises stress values show the yield limit of 345 MPa at load
stage 1 and the formation of residual stress at stage 2. Fig.6.10 shows the stress Sx in the
Similarly for the same tank, but with 8mm bottom plate the bending stress (Sx)
and von Mises Stress (on the inside) are plotted in Fig.6.11. The stress Sx varies from -75
to 398 MPa. Hence the range of Sx from FEA is 473 MPa. The stress range predicted
using current API (Eq.6.1) is 305 MPa. The stress range obtained by the proposed
Fig. 6.9 Bending and von Mises Stress in 6mm Thick Bottom Plate (On the Inside)
The partial radial expansion of bottom plate due to temperature from the FEA
results is 51 mm against the free expansion of 63 mm (with =12x106) and hence the C
factor can be computed as 0.19 which is used with both API and beam equations. The
idea that the strain and hence the stress range of the bottom plate is controlled by the shell
rotation is appropriate for concrete ring wall foundations as well as earthen foundations.
However, since the bottom plate uplifts near the joint for the concrete ring wall, the
beam-on-elastic foundation theory could be under predicting the stresses. As can be seen
from the results, the beam model used in the current research predicts stress results quite
Fig. 6.10 Bending Stress in 6mm Bottom Plate (on the Outside)
It is to be noted that the stress range computed in FEA is indicative of the elastic
strain range during all the shakedown load cycles after the first cycle. These results
indicate that the model used in the present work is more appropriate for concrete ring
walls than that of the current API 650. However, the proposed model predicts higher
stresses than those given by API 650 and hence a smaller fatigue life cycle estimate. It
must be pointed out that, the API procedure, originally developed by Karcher has been in
practice for about 30 years. To the best of our knowledge, no major failures due to fatigue
have been reported in public domain. This is likely because no failures actually occurred
or because failures were not recognised to be due to this issue or due to the embedded
margin of safety.
Fig. 6.11 Bending and von Mises Stress in 8 mm Thick Bottom Plate
field is not very rational in comparison to the model presented here. On the other hand,
the model presented here seems to reduce the life cycle estimates from current levels. In
view of this, the current procedures as well as the model developed in this thesis must be
economical procedure.
Apart from the influence of the foundation, the other important factor that
condition at the shell bottom. Figure 6.12 shows the locations where high bending
Fig. 6.12 Bending of Bottom Plate in Shell to Bottom Joint [Zick and McGrath, 1968]
Zick and McGrath [1968] suggested that “where the resisting moment of the tank
moment in the bottom plate on one side (inner side) for an earth foundation and to use
two moments (one on each side) for concrete ring wall foundation.” The influence of the
assumed bottom moment on tank wall bending stress is shown in Fig.6.13 for the
example tank from earlier. For a concrete ring wall foundation, two plastic hinges
assumption is used. But in actual field conditions, two complete hinges may or may not
form at the bottom because the loading and geometry do not necessarily allow it to
happen. The smaller the bottom moment, greater is the rotation of the shell due to
hydrostatic load. All other factors being same, the maximum bending stress is less if the
bottom moment is more and vice – versa. Hence, if an assumed bottom moment is used,
it is more conservative to assume smaller than the “exact” moment as opposed to a larger
than “exact” moment. This issue also needs to be looked at more thoroughly by relevant
API committees.
The Chapter traces the development of the current API 650 procedure for life
cycle evaluation of elevated temperature steel storage tanks subjected to low cycle
fatigue. The current procedure uses beam-on-elastic foundation model for tanks resting
on earthen foundations as well as those using concrete ring walls. In the vicinity of the
ring wall, the inside portion of the bottom/annular plate looses contact with the
foundation due to the outward rotation of the tank wall at the bottom. Hence, the theory
of beam-on-elastic foundation is not applicable to tanks with concrete ring wall supports
below the wall plate joint. Modifications have been carried out in this study to arrive at
an alternative estimate for pseudo elastic peak alternating stress (strain range) for fatigue
calculations. Detailed finite element analysis using non linear models and friction-contact
elements were carried out. The results show that the alternative model is quite close to
FEA results where as the current procedures under predict the stress. The current
procedure is clearly less rational than that developed in this thesis. However, the current
that API committees take a close look at this issue in order to arrive at a rational and yet
acceptably safe decision on the matter. Related issues regarding the inequality condition
and the assumption of two full plastic hinges at the bottom are also discussed.
Various types of damages can occur to tanks due to environmental and in-service
factors. The issues dealt in the previous chapters, like the effect of bottom plate friction
and low cycle fatigue at shell to bottom joint were structural integrity considerations
during operation of the tank. Similarly degradation due to wall thinning is an important
and most prevalent structural integrity issue that occurs due to either corrosion or erosion
or both together.
Local thin area (LTA) is type of wall thinning degradation wherein the metal loss
is constrained to patches of local zones in the tank wall. LTAs unattended can cause
local failure by leakage or rupture if the remaining wall thickness is not sufficient to
withstand the liquid pressure [Antaki, 2005]. Also, depending on the geometry and
location, it can also lead to buckling and related issues. As mentioned in Chapter 2,
replacing a slightly damaged tank is not a cost effective option compared to safely
operating the tank and extending its life. This Chapter deals with Fitness for Service
(FFS) assessments for LTAs in tanks. A level 2 procedure is proposed for the purpose of
estimating remaining strength factor (RSF). The use of m-tangent multiplier method
with modified reference volume assessment procedures for determining the RSF is
sectors. Fitness for service assessments are periodically performed for in service tanks to
ensure their structural integrity and safety. A number of FFS procedures are available in
INTegrity Assessment Procedures for European Industry (SINTAP, 1999), etc. Among
these, the API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 procedure is widely used in the industry. As
explained in Chapter 2, the fitness for service assessments are quantified using remaining
determine the RSF of pressure vessels/tanks/pipes with Locally Thinned Areas (LTAs). It
forms the basis for all other advanced procedures used for complex loading or damage
conditions. Based on the Critical Thickness Profile (CTP), the remaining thickness ratio
tmm FCA
tmin (7.1)
Dtmin (7.2)
where, tmm is minimum measured remaining wall thickness, FCA is future corrosion
allowance, and tmin is minimum required wall thickness determined in accordance with
the original construction code. Similarly ‘s’ is the length of the flaw in the axial direction
of the tank and ‘D’ is the diameter of the tank. Then the RSF and stress at failure of LTA
are computed as
fail (7.3)
1 (1 Rt ) M 1 (7.4)
plastic-zone-size model, “Folias” factor and an empirically established flaw depth to wall
thickness relationship [Janelle, 2005]. Folias factor is a stress magnification factor due to
for part-through wall effects based on “effective” cross sectional area. This method
assumes that the flaw fails when the stress in the flaw reaches the flow stress σflow. The
flow stress is assumed to be equal to y/0.9 (= 1.111y) similar to that of ASME B31G.
The procedure also assumes that the region of metal loss is not influenced by any
structural discontinuity, welded joints, change in geometry, etc. To ensure this, API 579-
1/ASME FFS-1 specifies that Lmsd 1.8 Dtmin where, Lmsd is the shortest distance
between the edge of corrosion area and the discontinuity. Additionally the remaining
thickness should be such that, tmm - FCA 2.5mm and Rt 0.20. The former condition
is to ensure safety against leakage and mechanical damage while the latter can possibly
be due to the absence of validation results for very deep flaws greater than 80% of design
The Folias factor or bulging factor is basically a factor that relates stress near the
cracked portion of a flat plate to that of cylindrical plate. The factor is derived from the
Et 2 (7.5)
2 F 0
R x2
1 2 F qo
2 (7.6)
RD x2 Ds
where 4 is the biharmonic operator, (x,y) is the displacement function, F(x,y) is the
stress function, E the young’s modulus, t the thickness of the vessel, Ds the flexural
constant (uniform internal pressure). This is obviously the case for most pipes and
pressure vessels. However in the current practice, the same Folias factor is used for
determining the RSF of tanks with hydrostatic pressure as well. The product of the RSF
and the existing pressure or wall thickness will give the rerated pressure or wall
thickness. In case of tanks, since the pressure is varying along the height (axial
dimension), the minimum acceptable thickness and the Maximum Fill Height (MFL) are
calculated at one foot above the bottom end of LTA (Clause A.6.1 of API 579-1/ASME
Tank Wall
Critical Point
1 Foot or Variable
Design Point
The concept of considering the pressure one foot above the junction of two
different thicknesses in the tank wall (see Fig.7.1), also known as ‘one foot method’, is a
long standing practice used in design of tanks. The one foot is an approximate location
where the tank stresses are assumed to be maximum in any particular shell course of the
tank wall or LTA in consideration. In lieu of the one foot rule, a more precise location of
maximum stress point can be calculated using the variable design point method given by
Clause 5.6.4 of API 650 [2012]. If the height of the flaw is small, the pressure can be
simply considered at the bottom of the flaw (Clause 4.3.3 of API 653), which will give a
conservative estimate. A detailed procedure for calculating the minimum thickness and
the actual length of flaw (to be used for determining RSF) are discussed in API 653. To
summarize the current procedure, RSF for tank is determined in exactly the same manner
as that for cylindrical vessel with uniform pressure. Although the tank has hydrostatic
pressure, no special discussion seems to have taken place about applying the uniform
pressure procedure for tanks except that while rerating the tank, the pressure to be used is
known fact that the effect of a localized force (such as that due to discontinuities)
dissipates as the distance from the point of application of the force increases. The decay
length of cylinders is the distance required for the effect of a force/moment applied on the
geometry of the shell and the nature of force and is independent of the magnitude of the
force [Tantichattanont, 2009]. Generally larger decay lengths have larger volume for
energy dissipation and hence indicate higher load carrying capacity. For cylindrical shells
the decay length in the axial direction (xl) is shown by many sources [ex. Gill, S.S., 1970]
xl 2.5 Rt (7.7)
Tantichattanont, et al., [2009] have discussed this in detail and showed the
xc 6.3 Rt (7.8)
The above expressions are obtained using shell theory applied to axisymmetric
respectively. They are generally applicable for thin shells with R/t ratios in the range of
20 to 100.
When the tank fails by plastic collapse due to an LTA or any other localized
damage in the tank wall, it is well known that only a portion of the tank wall participates
in the plastic action and the remaining regions (Dead Volume) that do not participate in
the plastic action may remain unaffected. The “kinematically active” portion of the
component or structure that participates in plastic action due to the presence of the
2011]. The total volume of the component is the sum of this reference volume and the
“dead volume” (Fig.7.2). The accuracy of the limit loads predicted by m-tangent method
Fig. 7.2 Reference Volume and ‘Dead Volume’
As mentioned earlier, using the expression ( 2.5 Rt ) for decay length in axial
direction is larger than that in the axial direction at 6.3 Rt . The reason for this seems to
tanks, because of very large radius compared to pipes and pressure vessels, the curvature
larger than 1000 as opposed to R/t of around 50 to 100 for typical pressure vessels).
Hence, the circumferential decay lengths could be smaller than 6.3 Rt . In order to
study this, the example tank as specified in Chapter 3 (Sec.3.5 Case1) is analyzed using
The finite element modeling was carried out using eight noded shell elements
(SHELL 281 of ANSYS). The element has six degrees of freedom at each node and is
plastic material model is used and the nonlinear analysis is carried out as per the
guidelines given in Clause B1.2.4.2 of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 [2012] standard. The
plastic collapse load is taken as the load corresponding to 1% plastic strain at the middle
fiber of any location in the LTA. This approach is consistent with the work reported by
Adluri, 2008]. The analysis is carried out using up to 7 integration points across each
layer. Multiple layers are used across the thickness. For example, an 8mm bottom plate
has 8 layers (with 3 integration points across each layer) and an 18mm shell wall has 3
layers (with 7 integration points across each layer). Since the yielding occurs in the
bottom plate and it is the zone of interest in this research work, the bottom plate is
modeled with more layers than the shell plate. This approach is adopted to optimize the
incorporate decay lengths in the post processing analyses and extract stress values from
The following stress plots (Fig.7.3 & 7.4) obtained from the analysis show the
hoop stress values at the centre of LTA as the ordinate and the height or width of LTA as
the abscissa. The notation LTAW 100% represents LTA width equal to 6.3 Rt and
LTAH 100% represents height equal to 2.5 Rt. Various lines in the plots refer to hoop
stress at the centre of LTAs of different sizes. For example, in Fig.7.3, the series LTAW
60% shows the hoop stress for different heights of LTA with the LTA width being
constant at 60% of 6.3 Rt . From this figure, it can be observed that the hoop stress
increases as height of LTA increases, but the width of LTA doesn’t seem to influence the
hoop stress beyond 40% of 6.3 Rt , which is approximately 2.5 Rt . All the series
Fig. 7.4 Hoop Stress Variation with Width of LTA
Similar observation can be made from Fig.7.4., i.e., no significant change in the
hoop stress when the width is larger than 40% of 6.3 Rt . Hence, in the present study,
for the RSF calculations in tanks, a decay length of 2.5 Rt (≈ 40% of 6.3 Rt ) is used
in the circumferential direction as well as the axial direction. This leads to the
length for tanks and other vessels that have very large R/t ratio. More shells can be
analyzed to establish the limits of this recommendation for various R/t ratios.
As mentioned earlier, the remaining strength factor (RSF) is used as a basis for
the evaluation of locally thinned areas in storage tanks. Detailed discussion about RSF
and the methods for determining it are already presented in Chapter 2. For tankage, the
If the calculated RSF is higher than the allowable RSFa, the tank is safe for full
operation. The recommended value for the allowable Remaining Strength Factor is 0.90
for tanks in process services [API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, 2012]. This value can be reduced
based upon the type of loading (e.g., normal operating loads, occasional loads or short-
can be too complicated to have a closed form solution to determine the RSF. Similarly,
performing ‘nonlinear’ FEA in those situations can also become impractical. For these
cases, performing a FFS assessment using linear FEA and simplified limit load
procedures is very useful. Using the simplified methods, the RSF can be estimated to a
The m-tangent multiplier method is a robust simplified limit load procedure, that
can be used for FFS assessments utilizing linear analyzes instead of full scale nonlinear
FEA. The linear analyzes can be done either using shell theory, FEA or any other linear
methods. The only requirement is that the method needs a statically admissible stress
field for the tank being analyzed. Hossain and Seshadri [2009] have used this method for
fitness for service assessments of pipes/pressure vessels with corrosion damages and
thermal hotspots. Recently Ahmad, et al., [2010] have made a preliminary study to use
Seshadri, et al., [2005] have shown the use of Mura’s “integral mean of yield
criterion” for determining limit loads of components and hence the RSF of damaged
For incipient plastic flow condition, the integral mean of yield criterion is expressed as
f ( s 0 ) 0 2 dV 0
where, sij0 is the statically admissible deviatoric stress for impending plastic flow, µ0 is
flow parameter, 0 is a point function which takes in a value of zero if sij0 is at yield and
remains positive below yield, and VR is the reference volume. The yield criterion can be
expressed as
where, mdo is the appropriate statically admissible upper bound multiplier for the
damaged component, e is the equivalent stress and y is the yield stress of the material.
For components containing LTAs, the integral mean of yield criterion can be expressed
as [Seshadri, 2005]
[(md0 eU ) 2 y2 ] VU [(md0 eD ) 2 y2 ] VD 0
where, suffix U(or u) refers to the uncorroded region of the reference volume and suffix
D(or d) refers to the corroded (damaged) region, σeU is the equivalent stress in the
original shell and σeD is the equivalent stress in the corroded area of the shell.
eU VU eD
d 2 2
Based on the above multiplier, the following three approaches are used to determine the
190 RSF Based on Upper Bound Multiplier
The remaining strength factor RSFU is based on the integral mean of yield
criterion, along with the von Mises failure criterion. The upper bound RSFU is obtained
using md0 as
RSFU (7.15)
where, mu0 y / eU is the upper bound multiplier for the undamaged tank, and md0
(Eq. 7.14) is obtained from the integral mean of yield criterion. Since RSFU is the ratio of
an upper bound multiplier of a damaged tank to that of an undamaged tank, the RSF will
The second RSF is obtained by using the m-tangent multiplier ( mT ), proposed by
Seshadri and Hossain [2009]. The m-tangent multiplier based on Eq. 2.28, can be used
while using Eq. 2.28 in order to evaluate RSF T , the classical lower bound multiplier can
For mT calculations, the stress distribution is obtained within the reference
volume of a damaged tank either using shell theory or from a linear elastic analysis as
mentioned earlier. The m-tangent multiplier is determined (Eq.2.28) for the reference
volume with and without damage, i.e., for the undamaged case the same reference
volume as that of the damaged case is used but with the undamaged thickness. The value
of mL is calculated from the maximum stress value in the reference volume and m0 is
these multipliers, the mT value and RSF can be determined. The same procedure is
The third remaining strength factor RSFL is based on the classical lower bound
m Ld
RSFL (7.17)
where, the classical lower bound multiplier mL mLd ( y eD ) for corrosion damage.
The RSF can be determined more accurately using Nonlinear FEA. In this thesis,
a Level 3 FFS evaluation is performed using full scale elastic-plastic FEA (EPFEA) for
comparison purposes. The RSF is calculated as the ratio of the limit pressure (pressure
corresponding limit pressure of the tank without loss of thickness. The limit pressure of
the tank without LTA is calculated at the same damage location as used in the tank with
LTA. Although the location of maximum plastic strain in the LTA is slightly below the
The reference volume is computed using the shell decay length and damage
geometry. At present, the m-tangent method considers the reference volume as the full
volume of LTA plus a portion of the undamaged tank bound by the appropriate decay
lengths on all sides of LTA [Seshadri, et al., 2009; Hossain, et al., 2010; Ahmad, et al.,
2010]. Figures 7.5 & 7.6 show the damaged zone and the corresponding reference
volume used by Ahmad, et al., [2010]. The actual LTA profile is generally irregular both
in shape and thickness. However, the existing level 2 practice [API 579, 2012] is to use
evaluate the irregular flaw. The treatment in the present study is a demonstration for one
such rectangular stip. This can be extended in a manner similar to that in the current API
practice. This is in line with earlier work by Tantichattnont, et al. [2008] and others.
For a damaged area of width ‘2a’ in circumferential direction and length ‘2b’ in
the axial/longitudinal direction (Fig.7.5), the volume of damaged zone (VD) is given by
VD = 4abtmm (7.18)
where, tmm is the minimum measured remaining wall thickness of the tank in the corroded
area. The adjacent undamaged zone (VU) bounded by the decay lengths and assumed to
VU = 4tc((xc+a)(xl+b)-ab) (7.19)
where, tc is the corroded thickness of the tank wall away from the region of LTA, xl and
xc are the decay lengths in the axial and circumferential direction (Fig.7.6). The reference
VR = VD +VU (7.20)
Fig. 7.5 Tank with Locally Thinned Area [Ahmad, et al., 2010]
Reference Volume
xc 2a xc
Fig. 7.6 Tank with LTA and Reference Volume as used by Ahmad et al. [2010]
where, mo depends upon reference volume. The accuracy of the multipliers depend on the
choice of reference volume. Using the reference volume adopted by Ahmad, et al.,
[2010], RSF for various heights of damage zone sizes are computed using the analytical
approach. These are shown in Fig.7.7. The method is quite conservative for small damage
sizes. However, the results show that the approach is significantly unconservative for
larger damage sizes. Even more importantly, the approach does not taper down to the
bottom limit that the RSF must converge to as the damage becomes large.
Fig. 7.7 RSF using Analytical Approach –Ahmad, et al. [2010]
In the above procedure, the centre of the LTA also forms the centroid of the
reference volume, i.e., the reference volume is symmetric in both directions with respect
to the centroidal axes of LTA. The effect of pressure being non-uniform (Hydrostatic) on
the reference volume is not included. Also, the decay lengths used in the procedure are
based on elastic theory. However, it must be noted that the reference volume based on
elastic theory may not exactly be the same as the volume participating in plastic collapse.
Ahmad’s reference volume taken as LTA plus decay length on the outside is
reasonable from the point of view that it must be equal to the kinematically active
volume. However, as outlined above, this approach seems to give inconsistent results that
are most likely unacceptable for larger damages. One of the reasons for this could be the
choice of reference volume. A brief explanation is given below. For a simple cylinder,
R (7.21)
eq dv
VR (7.22)
max (7.23)
eq dv eqtdh
2 2
VR h1
h2 h2
hR R 2 h2
eqtdh t tdh t h dh
2 2
h1 h 1 1h
R 2 h3 2
m 0
3t h 1
30000mm; t = 18mm) and employing the mα-tangent method (Eq.7.22 - 7.26), Fig. 7.8
shows the effect of changing reference volume. The actual limit load multiplier for the
hydrostatic loading case is 2.29. This is the same as that of the uniform pressure case
since the limit load depends on the highest pressure at the bottom. The true reference
volume for this case is a point at the bottom of the tank wall. Hence, for tanks with
volume deviates the mα-tangent values away from the actual limit load values. However,
in case of uniform pressure components such as pipes, even assuming a slightly larger
A more detailed study of a tank (with hydrostatic pressure) whose bottom is fixed
has been carried out with ANSYS [2011]. Some of the results are shown in Fig.7.9. The
deviation from the full scale nonlinear analysis is very pronounced for small reference
lengths (less than 2.5 Rt from maximum stress location). The error is quite small at
2.5 Rt beyond which the error increases again. Therefore, a good choice for reference
Fig.7.9 mα-Tangent Value for Tank with Hydrostatic and Uniform Pressure
From the concepts of decay length, it is obvious that the influence of discontinuity
moments at the bottom of the tank wall becomes insignificant beyond a height of 2.5 Rt .
Hence considering the volume till this height, as reference volume gives results close to
nonlinear FEA. Beyond this limit, the values diverge (increases) because the stress in the
tank wall decreases with height. In case the bottom hydrostatic pressure is applied as a
uniform pressure throughout the height, the mα-tangent value doesn’t change
significantly. Hence for tanks with hydrostatic pressure, considering larger volumes as
damaged volume and the undamaged volume enclosed by decay lengths outside the
damage as the reference volume. For tanks with hydrostatic pressure, this approach
assumes a relatively large volume to be part of the reference volume and hence the m-
tangent multiplier value was higher than that from non-linear FEA.
In light of the above, in this current study the use of a modified reference volume
estimate has been explored. This assumes that the most active volume is covered by the
zone obtained by overlapping decay lengths from either side of the discontinuity. There
may be some adjacent volume that is also kinematically active to some extent. However,
it is neglected for the purpose of simplicity. This is shown in Fig. 7.10. If the flaw is
large and the decay lengths from the discontinuity do not overlap, the most active volume
is the in-between zone of the highly stressed portion of LTA. It can be shown
theoretically that this is guaranteed to taper down the RSF to its lower limit (t mm/tc) for
large flaws. Hence this zone is considered as reference volume although this idea is not
fully in line with the original thinking behind the reference volume concept. It must be
noted that for small damage, the decay lengths from the edges will spill over on the other
edge of LTA. The reference volume will then include an appropriate undamaged zone as
Overlap area
2.5√(Rt) M
Highly Stressed
M 2.5√(Rt) 2.5√(Rt) M
Overlap area
Overlap area Volume) 2.5√(Rt)
(a) (b)
Figure 7.11 shows the overlap area obtained by considering the decay lengths in
both longitudinal and circumferential direction for flaw sizes that are larger than decay
lengths. In case the decay lengths are larger than the size of the flaw and spill beyond the
flaw (Fig.7.12), the entire volume of the flaw is included in the reference volume.
Overlap area
(Reference Fig.7.12 Modified
Volume) Reference Volume (Decay
LTA Lengths Larger than Flaw)
It must be noted that the failure of the tank with LTA damage happens only in the
region of reduced thickness, except for situations where the flaw is small and located
away from the bottom. In those exceptional situations, the damage does not affect the
limit capacity of the tank and the bending zone above the tank bottom will become
critical even if there is a minor damage elsewhere, as in the case of any undamaged tank.
The example tank as given in Sect.3.5 CASE1 with the following specifications is
used for illustration. The tank is analyzed for hydrostatic pressure due to water at ambient
Geometric Data:
Diameter : 60,000 mm
Height : 12,000 mm
Material Data:
The required shell thickness (td) is determined using 1-foot method as prescribed in
4.9 D( H 0.3)G
td = 17.75mm, say t = 18mm
where Sd is the allowable product design stress (Table 5.2 of API 650) and G is the
Circumferential decay length: X C 6.3 Rt = 4630mm (as per the existing guidelines)
X C 2.5 Rt = 1837mm as per decay length proposed
LTA Dimensions:
For this illustrative calculation the longitudinal dimension (LTAH) of the LTA is
taken as 1.25 times 2.5 Rt (i.e., 2b =2296mm) and the circumferential dimension
(LTAW) is taken as 6.3 Rt (i.e., 2a = 4630 mm). The corroded thickness (tmm) is
In order to account for the pressure varying hydrostatically over the reference
volume zone, Ahmad, et al. [2010], used the equivalent pressure which be determined by
Fig.7.13 Evaluation of Hydrostatic Equivalent Pressure
pavg = X G ρg = 91.66 kPa
Only hoop stress is considered here as the tank is subjected to only hydrostatic pressure,
without any blanket pressure. Tank blanketing, or padding, refers to applying a cover of
gas (usually nitrogen) over the surface of a stored liquid to prevent it from vaporizing
into the atmosphere. It can maintain the atmosphere above a flammable or combustible
liquid to reduce ignition potential. It can make up the volume caused by cooling of the
tank contents, preventing vacuum and the ingress of atmospheric air. Hence in this
Evaluation of Multipliers:
Upper bound multiplier for the undamaged tank: mU0 = 2.258
Lower bound multiplier for the damaged tank: mLd = 1.129
Upper bound multiplier for damaged tank: md0 = 2.068
m0 m0
mT = 1.663; where, d
1 0.2929( 1) m Ld
Three different RSFs are evaluated here using the aforementioned limit load
Using Eq. 7.15, RSFU = 0.916
Using Eq. 7.16, RSF T
= 0.736
m Ld
Using Eq. 7.17, RSFL = 0.5
All of the above RSF values are determined without using FEA.
nonlinear FEA results. The results are for different damage heights as indicated in the
tables. For all damages, the width is kept as 4630 mm ( 6.3 Rt ). As mentioned earlier,
the stress values required as input for mT calculations can be determined theoretically
(using shell theory or any other acceptable method) or from a linear elastic FEA
(LEFEA). The approach using LEFEA is more precise since the variation of stress in the
damage zone and the surrounding reference volume is taken in to account, whereas in a
simplified analytical approach the maximum stress is assumed for the entire damage zone
In all the following tables, RSF1 indicates remaining strength factor determined
using mT method with proposed reference volume aproach and LEFEA using 2.5 Rt as
circumferential decay length. RSF2 is similar to RSF1 but the circumferential decay
length is taken as 6.3 Rt . RSF3 results are from LEFEA with the full volume taken as
Table 7.1 RSF Values from Nonlinear FEA and m-Tangent Method Using xc = 2.5 Rt
mT Method ( )
(mm) mαT mαT (NLFEA)
Damaged Undamaged RSF1
Tank Tank
735 1.584 2.152 0.736 0.899
1102 1.54 2.22 0.694 0.824
1470 1.55 2.282 0.679 0.752
1837 1.59 2.346 0.678 0.703
2296 1.328 2.408 0.551 0.666
2756 1.255 2.459 0.51 0.649
In Tables 7.1-7.5, the ‘mαT Damaged (or Undamaged) tank’ column shows the
limit load multiplier for the damaged (or undamaged) tank. Table 7.1 compares the RSF
value from nonlinear FEA and RSF1. The RSF1 values are conservative compared to the
Table 7.2 compares the RSF values (from mT method) calculated using two
different circumferential decay lengths of 2.5 Rt (RSF1) and 6.3 Rt (RSF2). The RSF
values from both the cases are similar except for the RSF value corresponding to a
damage height of 1837mm. The LTA height of 1837mm is at the transition zone
(= 2.5 Rt ) for the decay length and a further adjustment in the proposed reference
volume may smooth this transition. The results show that the RSF results from the mT
method do not change significantly if the circumferential decay length is increased from
2.5 Rt to 6.3 Rt . Based on this observation and from the results given in Section 7.3,
it can be said that the decay length for large tanks can be taken as 2.5 Rt instead of
6.3 Rt . This is based on the current flaw sizes only. However, it is reasonable to
Table 7.2 Comparison of RSF Values from m-Tangent Method (xc= 6.3 Rt & 2.5 Rt )
Table 7.3 gives the RSF3 values (using entire volume as reference volume as used
by Ahmed, et al. [2010]) in comparison with elastic plastic FEA results. The results show
that RSF3 approach overpredicts the RSF significantly. The current results show that it is
necessary to use an appropriate reference volume even if LEFEA is used to determine the
Table 7.3 RSF Values from m-Tangent Method Considering Entire Volume as
Reference Volume [Ahmad, et al., 2010]
m-Tangent considering entire volume
mαT mαT
(mm) (NLFEA)
Damaged Undamaged RSF3
Tank Tank
The RSF values obtained from the analytical approach without using FEA
[Ahmad, et al., 2010] are given in Table 7.4. The RSF-U and RSF-L values represent
RSF based on upper bound and lower bound multipliers whereas RSF-T is based on mαT
multiplier. The results show a very broad range within which the actual RSF value will be
Table 7.4 RSF from m-Tangent Method using Analytical Approach
(mm) (NLFEA)
735 0.961 0.757 0.5 0.899
1102 0.947 0.750 0.5 0.824
1470 0.935 0.745 0.5 0.752
1837 0.926 0.741 0.5 0.703
2296 0.916 0.736 0.5 0.666
2756 0.907 0.733 0.5 0.649
The m family of methods were initially applied to pressure vessels with uniform
pressure by Tantichattanonot and others where it works reasonably well. A brief study is
carried out in this thesis to understand if there are any significant differences in RSF
obtained from tank loaded with hydrostatic pressure and uniform pressure. The same tank
geometry and LTA dimensions as used previously in this Chapter are considered. RSF1
values (from m-tangent method using LEFEA) of the tank for the two types of loading
are compared in Fig. 7.14 and Table 7.5. The uniform pressure for an LTA is taken as
equivalent to the hydrostatic pressure at the centre of the flaw. As can be seen there is
The results suggest that eventhough there is a stress gradient in the LTA due to
hydrostatic pressure, the average stress in the LTA (i.e., the stress at the centre of LTA) is
the prime factor that governs the RSF obtained using m-tangent method. Hence taking
the maximum stress at the centre of LTA (even though in reality it is slightly lower than
Table 7.5 Comparison of RSF Values for Hydrostaic Pressure and Uniform Pressure
S 0.5
F 0.4 RSF1
0.3 RSF(Elastic Plastic FEA)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Figure 7.15 compares the RSF calculated using nonlinear FEA, mα-tangent
method (RSF1) and API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 procedure. It must be pointed out that
number of nonlinear finite element analyses for certain types of flaw geometries in pipe
like structures. The flaw geometry that is used in the current study falls into this
category. Although no special studies have been conducted for tanks in this regard, the
results for pipe like structures have been extended to tank structures by API 579-1 and
API 650. It seems to be a reasonable thing to do in light of the results shown in Table
7.5. This explains the very close agreement between API 579 values and nonlinear FEA
carried out in the current thesis. Such closeness may or may not be present for all
geometries. On the basis of assuming nonlinear FEA values to be accurate, the RSF1
values are conservative However, the method is still quite general in its scope and is
One of the aims of the present work is to test its applicability for FFS assessment
good reference volume. The choice employed in the present work seems to be quite
promising in the sense that the results are significantly improved from the previous study
using the mα-tangent method. However, there is also scope for improvement in order to
bring the results close to those from NLFEA. This clearly has the potential to provide an
alternative approach to current FFS methods as well as extend the general applicability of
mα-tangent method.
Figure 7.16 summarizes the full set of RSF results from before. The RSF3 values
obtained by taking the entire volume as reference volume [Ahmad, et al., 2010] are, as
expected, higher than NLFEA values and do not follow the common trend seen in other
methods. Again the RSF1 values from the proposed method relate favourably with
nonlinear FEA. It can be observed that, even though determining the exact reference
volume for the tank is a difficult task, incorporating the proposed approach for reference
volume will improve the results compared to the previous approach. However, some
modification to the reference volume is needed to avoid the transition spike seen when
the decay length overlaps transition from one pattern to another. This could be the
Fig.7.16 RSF Using Three Different Approaches for Reference Volume
Locally thinned areas in tank wall are analyzed to determine the remaining
strength factor. The `mα-tangent method based on ‘integral mean of yield’ and variational
priciples to determine limit loads has been shown to be very useful for a range of
applications by earlier researchers. The current work adapts this method for RSF
estimates of partially damaged above ground storage tanks and presents preliminary
results. The tanks typically have very large R/t ratio (1000 or more) compared to regular
pipes and other cylindrical pressure vessels with much lower R/t ratios (50 to 100). In
examined. Based on FEA results of tank models, it is observed that the stress levels do
not change significantly beyond a value of 2.5 Rt and hence this value is recommended
as circumferential decay length as well as longitudinal decay length for practical tank
sizes. A modified procedure for reference volume estimate is examined. The RSF results
from mα-tangent method using this modified reference volume are conservative and
compare reasonably well with API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and full scale nonlinear results.
The modified reference volume seems to be considerably better than that used before.
The present work shows the applicability of mα-tangent method for FFS assessments of
LTAs in tanks. The proposed method can be refined further to improve the performance
near transition zones (of decay length overlaps), and can be extended to include
Large steel storage tanks with flat bottoms placed above ground are part of
engineering expertise and cost. This thesis examines several issues regarding the design
and evaluation of such tanks with respect to the widely used design standard API 650.
The shell to bottom joint is a critical failure zone in the tanks. The hydrostatic
pressure from the liquid infill (combined with temperature loading in some cases) induces
internal moment at this joint. The high magnitude of this moment results in yielding of
the bottom plate near shell wall in most of the tanks. The fill-draw cycle, especially in
case of tanks operating in elevated temperatures causes low cycle fatigue in this region
which subsequently decides the overall life of the tank. Even though the problem of
plastic yielding and fatigue at this joint are recognized by earlier researchers and the
current design standards, very few works have been directed to study this problem.
Denham, et al., proposed a beam model with a fixed bottom plate projection
length beyond shell wall to analyze the stresses in this zone. In this thesis, Denham’s
model is reviewed and validated using FEA. It is extended to include arbitrary projection
lengths. The effect of increasing projection length beyond the shell wall has been studied
for tanks on ring wall foundations.It is found that the projection length influences the
stresses in the shell as well as the bottom plate near the shell to bottom joint. Increasing
the length is beneficial to a certain extent beyond which the stresses will not be altered.
This maximum projection length is termed as ‘full projection length’ and an extension to
The influence of bottom plate friction forces on the stresses in the wall of elevated
temperature tanks is studied. The current API 650 procedure based on Karcher’s work
employs a factor called C to represent the bottom plate restraint due to friction forces.
Karcher’s equations used for finding the stresses in elevated temperature tank wall are
verified using a detailed finite element model with contact elements. It is observed that
the equations give correct results if the exact C-factor is used. Since the current practice
does not have clear guidelines for selecting a C value, a set value (like 0.85) is being used
irrespective of the tank dimensions and temperature change. The present study shows that
this approach is grossly conservative for most of the range of design parameters (H, R &
T) and could become slightly unconservative for very large tanks at relatively low
temperature changes. It is shown that the C-factor is directly related to the friction
coefficient () and tank parameters. Using plate theory the frictional restraint to bottom
The bending stress in the shell increases with increasing friction forces. It is found
that for any tank geometry with a defined operating temperature, there is a limiting
friction coefficient (L) that will cause maximum stresses in shell. A friction coefficient
value greater than L will not increase the stresses any further. On the other hand,
friction coefficient, there exists a limiting temperature (TL) beyond which increase in
temperature will not induce additional stresses. Expressions were formulated to obtain L
and (TL).
As mentioned earlier, the low cycle fatigue at the shell to bottom joint caused by
the fill/draw down cycle of the stored liquid determines the cyclic life of the tank. The
peak alternating stress at this location, used to enter the fatigue curves is currently
determined using a pseudo elastic stress that represents strain range due to inelastic
deformations. The API 650 procedure for life cycle evaluation of elevated temperature
steel storage tanks subjected to low cycle fatigue is reviewed. The current procedure uses
beam-on-elastic foundation model to determine the peak alternating stress. In the current
study, it is observed that this model is not appropriate for tanks resting on concrete ring
walls and hence an alternate approach is recommended based on beam model (instead of
beam on elastic foundation model). The results are validated using finite element
Apart from the damage issues at the shell to bottom joint, corrosion damage in the
tank wall as a locally thin area (LTA) is a widespread problem. In this thesis, a modified
reference volume procedure for a Level 2 fitness for service assessment method using mα-
tangent method is proposed for tanks containing LTA. The current method for reference
volume determination is modified to improve the accuracy of results. The volume inside
the flaw overlapped by the decay lengths from the edges of the flaw appears to give better
estimates. The circumferential decay length for tanks with very large R/t ratio is
1. Increasing the projection length of annular plate outside the tank up to a certain
limit termed as ‘full projection length’ is beneficial to the shell stresses. A model
presented. Since most of the large tanks are constructed with multiple wall
tank wall for the sake of determining the ‘full projection length’ is studied and
found to be acceptable.
2. The results of including or excluding the self-weight of the tanks in the procedure
to determine the ‘full projection length’ are compared and found that including
the self-weight does not increase the stresses in the tank wall or on the inner side
3. Based on the slope compatibility at shell to bottom joint, the following new
equation is proposed to determine the elastic moment (Mo) at the bottom when
the bottom plate has ‘full projection length’ outside the shell.
M o t s 6
45.86 2 83.74 38.06 0
M fx ta
4. In the current design procedure for elevated temperature tanks, the friction has not
been considered. This is sometimes quite confusing and leads the designer to
arbitrarily choose a C-factor value. The C-factor from the present practice can be
1 H R
3 E t p T
Appropriate equations for stresses and by extension, fatigue life are also
5. The current practice for shell to bottom joint rotation uses beam-on-elastic
foundation theory. It is shown that this is not valid for concrete ring walls.
3 2
Ets 3SY tb2
Sb H H CT 1
2 1 2 Hts
elements show that the alternative model is quite close to FEA results whereas the
current procedures under predict the fatigue stress significantly. The current API
procedure is clearly less rational than that developed in the present study. The
study recommends that the relevant API committee take a close look at this
6. The inequality condition in the fatigue design procedure of API 650 is examined
ensure the formation of plastic hinges. It is also found that this inequality is
satisfied automatically for most of the design range and hence becomes
superficial unless the shell or plate thicknesses are more than the values necessary
7. Circumferential decay length for large tanks is studied using FEA and a value of
tanks. This reduction is likely the result of very large R/t ratios for tanks.
8. In order to improve the accuracy of fitness for service estimates using the
using this modified reference volume follows elastic-plastic FEA results much
better compared to the results of previous studies. The reference volume estimate
8.1.1 Guidelines for Designers
The following table gives guidelines for tank designers based on some of the main
The peak alternating stress range is found Using the proposed beam model the peak
using alternating stress is given by
3 2
Ets 3SY tb2
Sb H H CT 1
0.658 R 2
Ktb CTEts 3
SY tb2 2 1
Sb 4 1 H
ts E R 2
The peak alternating stress equation as given
above can be used only if the following is
true The condition is superfluous and need not be
58HG 26.2C Tts0.5 4.8BSY tb2 checked
0.5 G 1.5
Dts Dts
The projection shall be “full projection
length (a)” given by the following
M o where
Projection length of Annular plate beyond a
shell shall be minimum 50 mm. 2 t t RHts 1
M o 0.3138 s 0.1429 s 1.0514 1
12 1
2 H
8.1.2 Recommendations for Future Study
1. In this thesis, an elastic beam model with plastic hinge boundary condition is used
to determine the peak alternating stress for fatigue life evaluation. This model can
2. A field test using instrumented strain gages on an elevated temperature tank can be
performed to confirm the stresses in the tank shell due to bottom plate friction. This
will show the influence of fill/draw cycle on the friction stresses. The influence of
lap joints, backing strips and other constructional joints underneath the bottom plate
3. In this work, the foundation underneath the bottom plate is assumed to have very
high stiffness. The analysis can be extended to a flexible foundation and the
4. The influence of R/t ratio on the decay length of vessels with larger R/t ratio can be
studied theoretically. Since the decay lengths are used in FFS procedures to assess
plastic collapse, the decay length values obtained from the elastic theory can also be
5. The LTA is assumed to be rectangular with uniform thickness loss. Complex shapes
and varying thickness profiles can be studied. The proposed modifications to the
6. The author has attempted to evaluate and improve specific design issues currently
adopted by the widely used American Petroleum Institute standard – API 650. The
relevant loadings to address these issues have been used. The issues addressed are
specific to the dead, live and thermal loadings only. The tank can obviously be
different manner and hence they are not examined in this thesis. They could be part
of further study.
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This Appendix gives the ANSYS APDL Macro for performing nonlinear analysis of the
example tank given in Chapter 3-CASE 1. The load is hydrostatic pressure due to water with
material properties specified in Ch.3. Shell elements are used to model the tank wall and
bottom plate. Friction interaction between the tank bottom and the foundation is taken in to
account using friction elements. The information given after exclamatory mark (!) is for
understanding of the user and is not part of the APDL.
seccontrol,,,, , , ,
MPTEMP,,,,,,,, ! Material Property Table
MPDATA,EX,1,,2e5 ! Youngs' Modulus
MPDATA,PRXY,1,,0.3 ! Poisson's Ratio
MP,DENS,1,7.86e-6 ! Density
MP,ALPX,1,12E-6 ! Coefficient of Linear Expansion
MP,KXX,1,60.5 ! Thermal film coefficient - used for thermal analysis
*SET,PM,0 ! PM is the tag used for Plastic modulus; here the value is zero
indication perfectly plastic model
*SET,YS,345 !Define Yield strength
TB,BKIN,1,,,1 !Bilinear Kinematic material model (see the option in Ansys at
Material properties)
TBDATA,,YS,PM !since Plastic modulus has no value it indicates elastic-
perfectly plastic material model
K,1,200,1000 ! Keypoints defining the axisymmetric geometry
k,7,200,999.5 ! Keypoints defining the base
LSTR, 1, 2 ! constructing straight lines from keypoints
LSTR, 2, 3
LSTR, 3, 4
LSTR, 3, 5
LSTR, 5, 6
LSTR, 7, 8
LESIZE,1,50 ! Assigning element size for lines
LSEL, , , ,1 !Selecting Line 1
LATT,1, ,1, , , ,2 !Assigning attributes to Line 1 for meshing here sectional properties -
Type 2 is assigned
LSEL, , , ,2
LATT,1, ,1, , , ,2
LSEL, , , ,3
LATT,1, ,1, , , ,2
LSEL, , , ,4
LATT,1, ,1, , , ,1
LSEL, , , ,5
LATT,1, ,1, , , ,1
LMESH, 1 ! Meshing Line 1
!--------CONTACT MODELING---------------
! creating a entity " source"
NSEL,R,LOC,X,0,32000 ! Selecting the nodes at the bottom of tank that will be in
CM,source,NODE ! Creating an entity "source" from the selected nodes
! /GSAV,cwz,gsav,,temp
MP,MU,1,0.85 !GIVE THE VALUE OF FRICTION HERE MU=0.2 (from greiner paper)
R,3,,,1,-.02,0, ! SPECIFY FKN HERE and the tolerance
KEYOPT,3,2,0 ! contact algorithm 0 - augmented lagran(default),1-penalty,4-pure
! Generate the target surface
LSEL,S,,,6 ! specify the target line here
! Generate the contact surface
NSEL,S,,,SOURCE ! selecting the entity "source"
! The normals of the contact and the target surface has to meet in order to make the contact.
! Else the normals of contact or target or both has to be reversed based on the situation
!-----------reverse contact elements normals-----------------
~eui,'::apdl::noprint 1'
~eui,'::apdl::nooutput 1'
~eui,'::apdl::nooutput 0'
~eui,'::apdl::noprint 0'
ESEL,S, , ,all
!-----------------end of reversing---------------
DK,1,UX, , , ! DOF of Node 1 constrained in x dirn.
*SET,LF,1 ! Set LF as 1 i.e the load factor(LF) that is used to multiply the loads
! LF is set to 1 for analysis with hydrostatic pressure and set to 5 (or
any suitable value for limit load analysis
SFL,1,PRES,0.11772*LF ! Apply pressure on line 1
BFL,4,TEMP,523 ! Apply temperature to line 4
SOLVE ! Solve the routine
SAVE ! save the database with results
BFL,4,TEMP,0 ! In the second load step the temp is brought down to zero , hence
apply zero temp
BFL,1,TEMP,0 ! at same locations
OUTRES,ALL,ALL ! write all the solution data for all substeps in the database
/OUTPUT,OUT,DAT,,APPEND !Appends the text output to the existing output file
This Appendix gives the ANSYS APDL Macro for performing nonlinear analysis of the
example tank given in Chapter 3-CASE 2 i.e. the tank with multiple wall thicknesses. The
load is hydrostatic pressure due to water with material properties specified in Ch.3. Plane
elements are used to model the tank wall and bottom plate. Friction interaction between the
tank bottom and the foundation is taken in to account using friction elements. The
information given after exclamatory mark (!) is for understanding of the user and is not part
of the APDL.
k, 2 , 45000 , 0
k, 3 , 45000 , 2400
k, 4 , 45001.325 , 2400
k, 5 , 45001.325 , 4800
k, 6 , 45005.58000 , 4800
k, 7 , 45005.58 , 7200
k, 8 , 45007.76 , 7200
k, 9 , 45007.76 , 9600
k, 10 , 45010.26 , 9600
k, 11 , 45010.26 , 12000
k, 12 , 45011.99 , 12000
k, 13 , 45011.99 , 14400
k, 14 , 45011.99 , 16800
k, 15 , 45016.99 , 16800
k, 16 , 45021.99 , 16800
k, 17 , 45021.99 , 14400
k, 18 , 45021.99 , 12000
k, 19 , 45023.72 , 12000
k, 20 , 45023.72 , 9600
k, 21 , 45026.22 , 9600
k, 22 , 45026.22 , 7200
k, 23 , 45028.4 , 7200
k, 24 , 45028.4 , 4800
k, 25 , 45032.655 , 4800
k, 26 , 45032.655 , 2400
k, 27 , 45033.98 , 2400
k, 28 , 45033.98 , 0
K, 29 , 45083.98 , 0
K, 30 , 45083.98 , -14
K, 31 , 40000 , -14
K, 32 , 40000 , -8
K, 33 , 44265 , -8
K, 34 , 44265 , 0
K, 35 , 43000 , -8
K, 36 , 43000 , -14
K, 37 , 45005.58 , 5000
K, 38 , 45028.4 , 5000
l, 2 , 3
l, 3 , 4
l, 4 , 5
l, 5 , 6
l, 6 , 7
l, 7 , 8
l, 8 , 9
l, 9 , 10
l, 10 , 11
l, 11 , 12
l, 12 , 13
l, 13 , 14
l, 14 , 15
l, 15 , 16
l, 16 , 17
l, 17 , 18
l, 18 , 19
l, 19 , 20
l, 20 , 21
l, 21 , 22
l, 22 , 23
l, 23 , 24
l, 24 , 25
l, 25 , 26
l, 26 , 27
l, 27 , 28
l , 28 , 29
l , 29 , 30
l , 30 , 36
l , 31 , 32
l , 32 , 35
l , 33 , 34
l , 34 , 2
AL,30,31,36,37 ! area 1
AL,27,28,29,36,38,32,33,34 !area 2
AL,1,2,3,4,35,23,24,25,26,34 !area3
lsel,s,line,,5,22,1 ! Selecting lines for creating area
AL,all !area 4
AESIZE,1,2 ! Sizing the area for element formulation
MSHAPE,0,2D ! Instructing to form 2D Trapeziodal Element
AMESH,ALL ! Mesh the areas to create Elements
!Creating Contact pair
K, 39 , 40000 , -14.1 ! Creating key points for constructing bottom rigid support
K, 40 , 45084.98 , -14.1
L,39,40 ! Creating Line 4 as bottom rigid support
! creating a entity " source"
NSEL,R,LOC,X,40000,45083.98 ! Node Selection
CM,source,NODE ! Creating a module with Selected Nodes
! /GSAV,cwz,gsav,,temp
MP,MU,1,0.2 !The Friction Coefficient is given here are 0.2
ET,2,169 ! Specifying Contact Elements
R,3,,,10,-.09,0, ! Specify FKN here and the tolerance
KEYOPT,3,2,0 ! contact algorithm 0 - augmented lagran(default),1-penalty,4-pure
! Generate the target surface
LATT,-1,3,2,-1 ! Providing Line Attributes
LMESH,ALL ! Meshing the Line for Contact element- Target Elements
! Generate the contact surface
! /NUM,1
! Reverse target normals – since the normals of Source and Target contact elements should
ESURF,,REVERSE ! Reversing the surface of elements i.e the normals
! /NUM,1
! /GRES,cwz,gsav
ANTYPE,0 ! Static analysis
NLGEOM,ON ! Include Nonlinear Geometry effect during Analysis i.e include Large
Strain/Rotation effect – See ANSYS help for more details
SOLCONTROL, ON, ON, ! Activate the default solution control techniques in ANSYS to
achieve convergence
CNCHECK,ADJUST ! Contact check and adjust for any small gaps
NROPT,FULL ! Emply full Newton Raphson technique to achieve convergence
neqit,35 ! Maximum no. of equilibrium equations to try for convergence is 35
ACEL,,9.81 ! Set gravity constant
!DL,30,1,UY, ! UY=0
LSEL,ALL ! Re-select all lines
SFL, 1 , PRES, 0.164808000*LF , 0.141264000*LF
SFL, 3 , PRES, 0.141264000*LF , 0.117720000*LF
SFL, 5 , PRES, 0.117720000*LF , 0.094176000*LF
SFL, 7 , PRES, 0.094176000*LF , 0.070632000*LF
SFL, 9 , PRES, 0.070632000*LF , 0.047088000*LF
SFL, 11 , PRES, 0.047088000*LF , 0.023544000*LF
SFL, 12 , PRES, 0.023544000*LF , 0.000000000*LF
SFL, 2 , PRES, 0.141264000*LF
SFL, 4 , PRES, 0.117720000*LF
SFL, 6 , PRES, 0.094176000*LF
SFL, 8 , PRES, 0.070632000*LF
SFL, 10 , PRES, 0.047088000*LF
SFL, 31 , PRES, 0.164886000*LF ,
SFL, 38 , PRES, 0.164808000*LF ,
SFL, 33 , PRES, 0.164808000*LF ,
SFL, 32 , PRES, 0.164886000*LF , 0.164808000*LF
TIME,1 !Time will go to 1 at the end of loading
!AUTOTS,ON ! This command is to instruct ANSYS for automatic time step increase. But
not used in this particular program since the solution is controlled by NSUBST command
NSUBST,5000 !Number of sub steps in total time is 5000
OUTRES,ALL,ALL ! write all results to database
/OUTPUT,OUT,DAT !Creates output files in the directory
SOLVE ! solve the model
SAVE ! save the database
FINISH ! close the solution module
The following is the post processing APDL routine incorporating the m-tangent method.
The routine has to be run after solving the FE model and results are stored in database. The
routine writes the m-tangent multiplier values in a file named “tank_mul” in the same
working directory of ANSYS.
The thickness of the shell element can be divided in to any number of layers (say 5 layers in
this routine) to improve the accuracy of results. Layering especially improves the results
where high bending strain is expected. But layering increases the computational effort and
the volume of results data. In this thesis layering was used in few situations to check the
accuracy of results obtained without layers (i.e., the entire shell thickness is a single layer).
The following routine can also be modified to run for shell elements without any layers by
removing the LAYER commands. Even though, the following macro has worked previously,
it is added here without final checking (using ANSYS), with latest version.
!Evaluate the multipliers
*SET,SumRef,0 !initial value of Stress
*SET,m0_1 , (YS/SIGref)
*SET,SIGmax,0 !initial value of Max.Stress
ESORT,ETAB,Sig,0 !Getting max value of Sig from ETABLE
*SET,Tan_theta,0.2929 !this is the fixed value shown in the formula of paper
*SET,m_tangent , m_0/(1+(Jeta-1)*Tan_theta)
!Open file
*CFOPEN,tank_mul !tank_mul...file created
*CFWRITE,m0,m_0 !write m0=m_0 in the file
*CFWRITE,mL,m_L !write m0=m_0 in the file
*CFWRITE,m_tangent,m_tangent !Write m_tangent = m_tangent in file