Bec 1105 Young Children's Development&Learning
Bec 1105 Young Children's Development&Learning
Bec 1105 Young Children's Development&Learning
Growth and development are inseparable but they differ from each other. The growth represents
the physical changes of an individual and development represents the overall changes, structure
and shape of a child.
Knowledge of the growth and development at the various stage is very essential for the teacher.
The teacher has to stimulate the growth and development of a child. He can do it only if he has
proper knowledge of the growth and development at various stages.
Development implies the overall change in shape, form or structure, along with the function of
the organ. Development is both quantitative and qualitative. It is a continuous process starting
from the Womb and ending with the tomb (Kumar, S. 2019).
Child development refers to changes that take place in a child in all aspects of development.
These aspects include physical, mental, social, emotional, language, aesthetics and moral.
Madudu, M. and Akosio, T. (2019) Child development is a process in which the child masters
more and more complex levels of moving, thinking, feeling and interacting with people and
objects in the environment. It involves physical, mental, social, moral, spiritual and emotional
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Major Domains in Child Development
In human development, the word "domain" refers to specific aspects of growth and change. The
major domains of children development are physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional
Children often experience a significant and obvious change in one domain at a time. For
example, if a child is focusing on learning to walk, which is in the physical domain, you may not
notice as much language development, or new words, until they have mastered walking.
It might seem like a particular domain is the only one experiencing developmental change during
different periods of a child's life, but change typically occurs in the other domains as well—just
more gradually and less prominently.
Physical Development
The physical domain covers the development of physical changes, which includes growing in
size and strength, as well as the development of both gross motor skills and fine motor skills.
The physical domain also includes the development of the senses and using them.
When young children are learning how to perform different activities with their fingers in
coordination with their eyes such as grasping, releasing, reaching, pinching, and turning their
wrist. Because these small muscle movements take time to develop, they may not come easily at
These fine motor skills help children perform tasks for daily living, like buttoning buttons,
picking up finger foods, using a fork, pouring milk, going to the restroom, and washing their
In addition to these fine motor skills, children also learn to use their larger muscles, like those in
their arms, legs, back, and stomach. Walking, running, throwing, lifting, pulling, pushing, and
kicking are all important skills that are related to body awareness, balance, and strength. These
skills allow your child to control and move their body in different ways.
Parents can help their child's physical development by providing opportunities for age-
appropriate activities. For instance, babies need regular tummy time to build their neck and upper
body strength, while preschoolers and school-aged children need plenty of opportunities to run
around and play. Even tweens and teens need regular opportunities for physical activity.
Meanwhile, you shouldn't overlook the child's need to develop their fine motor skills as well.
From an early age, give them opportunities to use their hands and fingers. Give your baby rattles,
plush balls, and other toys to grasp.
Later, toys that allow them to pick things up and fit them into slots are good for developing
beginning skills. As they get older, teach them how to button buttons, use scissors, hold a pencil,
and do other tasks with their fingers and hands.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Physical development also can be influenced by nutrition and illness. So, make sure the children
have a healthy diet and regular wellness check-ups in order to promote proper child
Cognitive Development
The cognitive domain includes intellectual development and creativity. As they develop
cognitively, children gain the ability to process thoughts, pay attention, develop memories,
understand their surroundings, express creativity, as well as to make, implement, and accomplish
The child psychologist Jean Piaget outlined four stages of cognitive development:
This stage involves learning about the environment through movements and sensations. Infants
and toddlers use basic actions like sucking, grasping, looking, and listening to learn about the
world around them.
During this stage, children learn to think symbolically as well as use words or pictures to
represent things. children in this stage enjoy pretend play, but still struggle with logic and
understanding another person's perspective.
Once they enter this stage, kids start to think more logically, but may still struggle with
hypothetical situations and abstract thinking. Because they are beginning to see things from
another person's perspective, now is a good time to start teaching empathy.
During this stage, a child develops an increase in logical thinking. They also develop an ability to
use deductive reasoning and understand abstract ideas. As they become more adept at problem-
solving, they also are able to think more scientifically about the world around them.
You can help the child develop and hone their cognitive skills by giving them opportunities to
play with blocks, puzzles, and board games. You also should create an environment where the
child feels comfortable asking questions about the world around them and has plenty of
opportunities for free play.
Develop the child's desire to learn by helping them explore topics they are passionate about.
Encourage thinking and reasoning skills by asking them open-ended questions and teaching them
to expand on their thought processes. As they get older, teach them how to be critical consumers
of media and where to find answers to things they don't know.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Psycho-social Development
The psycho-social domain includes a child's growing understanding and control of their
emotions. They also begin to identify what others are feeling, develop the ability to cooperate,
show empathy, and use moral reasoning.
This domain includes developing attachments to others and learning how to interact with them.
For instance, children learn how to share, take turns, and accept differences in others. They also
develop many different types of relationships, from parents and siblings to peers, teachers,
coaches, and others in the community.
Children develop self-knowledge during the psycho-social stage. They learn how they identify
with different groups and their innate temperament will emerge in their relationships.
To help your child develop both socially and emotionally, look for opportunities for them to
interact with kids their age and help them form relationships with both children and adults. You
can arrange playdates, explore playgroups, and look into extracurricular activities. Also
encourage them to talk to their grandparents, teachers, and coaches as well.
To encourage a sense of self, ask children about their interests and passions and encourage them
to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Teach them about recognizing and managing feelings.
As they get older, talk to them about healthy friendships and how to handle peer pressure.
As teachers also, we should not shy away from the challenging talks like those covering sex and
consent. All of these different social and emotional facets play into the child's overall
Language Development
One of the most important things you can do with the children throughout their early life is to
read to them—and not just at bedtime. Make reading and enjoying books a central part of your
day. Reading out loud to the children from birth and beyond has a major impact on their
emerging language and literacy skills.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Aside from reading books, look for opportunities to read other things, too, like the directions to a
board game, letters from family members, holiday cards, online articles, and school newsletters.
Hearing new vocabulary words spoken expands a child's vocabulary and helps them prepare to
identify unfamiliar words when used in context.
In addition to reading, make sure you are talking to the children even before they can say their
first word. Tell them about the things you are doing or what you're buying in the store. Point out
different things and engage them in the world around them. Singing to your child is another
excellent way to build your child's language skills.
As they get older, try holding regular conversations, answering questions, and asking for the
child's ideas or opinions. All of these activities are an important part of their language
Developmental Delays
As children grow and learn, they will pass certain developmental milestones. While every child
is different and progresses at a different rate, these milestones provide general guidelines that
help parents and caregivers gauge whether or not a child is on track.
The exact timing that a child reaches a particular milestone will vary significantly. However,
missing one or two milestones can be a cause for concern.
Talk to your child's pediatrician if you're worried that your child is not meeting milestones in a
particular area. They can evaluate your child and recommend different services if a delay is
Developmental milestones are the behaviors that mark stages of typical growth. These are the
core skills infants and toddlers should be reaching. Week by week and month by month, you can
check in on baby's growth and development by following baby's milestones.
Children all develop at their own pace. However, most children pass through specific changes at
approximately the same time as they get older.
Developmental milestones are divided into the core parts of child development:
Motor milestones: When will baby sit independently? When will baby start to crawl?
Motor milestones track baby’s gross motor skills (in their core and upper body) and fine
motor skills (in their hands and feet).
Sensory milestones: When will the baby be able to visually track objects? When will
baby have a regular sleep schedule? Sensory milestones track the development of baby’s
7 senses.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Communication milestones: When will baby say their first words? When do toddlers
begin responding to questions? These language milestones are the building blocks to
baby’s communication and social skills.
Feeding milestones: When is baby ready for finger foods? How long should baby nurse
for? These milestones help track when babies start new phases of feeding.
The Milestones mark the month most babies start a certain behavior or ability based on baby’s
age, but exact timing will vary. If you have any concerns, request an appointment with a
healthcare provider. Early detection of a problem in the child’s growth and development allows
for early correction or support.
Motor Milestones
Sensory Milestones
While lying on back, attempts to reach for a toy held above their chest
While lying on back, visually tracks a moving toy from side to side
While lying on back, keeps head centered to watch faces or toys
Able to calm with rocking, touching, and gentle sounds
Enjoys a variety of movements
Communication Milestones
Feeding Milestones
Motor Milestones
Sensory Milestones
Communication Milestones
Feeding Milestones
Motor Milestones
Sits without support
Sits and reaches for toys without falling
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Moves from tummy or back into sitting
Starts to move with alternate leg and arm movement e.g. creeping, crawling
Picks up head and pushes through elbows during Tummy Time
Turns head to visually track objects while sitting
Shows more control while rolling and sitting
Picks up small objects with thumbs and fingers
In simple play imitates others
Sensory Milestones
Enjoys a variety of movements – bouncing up and down, rocking back and forth
Explores and examines an object using both hands and mouth
Turns several pages of a chunky (board) book at once
Experiments with the amount of force needed to pick up different objects
Focuses on objects near and far
Investigates shapes, sizes, and textures of toys and surroundings
Observes environment from a variety of positions – while lying on back or tummy,
sitting, crawling, and standing with assistance
Communication Milestones
Feeding Milestones
Motor Milestones
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Pulls to stand and cruises along furniture
Stands alone and takes several independent steps
Moves in and out of various positions to explore environment and get desired toys
Maintains balance in sitting when throwing objects
Claps hands
Releases objects into a container with a large opening
Uses thumb and pointer finger to pick up tiny objects
Sensory Milestones
Communication Milestones
Feeding Milestones
Motor Milestones
Walks independently
Squats to pick up a toy
Stacks two objects
Sensory Milestones
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Helps with getting dressed/undressed
Has a regular sleep schedule
Eats an increasing variety of foods
Communication Milestones
By 15 months:
By 18 months:
Responds to questions
Repeats words overheard in conversation
Continues to produce speech-like babbling
Points at familiar objects and people in pictures
Understands “in” and “on”
Responds to yes/no questions with head shake/nod
Feeding Milestones
Motor Milestones
Sensory Milestones
Communication Milestones
By 21 Months:
By 24 months:
Communication Milestones
By 30 months:
By 36 months:
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Developmental delays
Developmental delays refer to areas where children have not gained the skills that experts expect
children of their age to have. You may notice delays in any developmental areas, including ones
that affect:
Signs of developmental delays can vary significantly. Sometimes, you may notice signs of a
delay during infancy. Or symptoms may not show up until a child is school age.
Some developmental delays have no known cause. Some delays occur due to genetic factors,
such as Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome or Angelman syndrome.
Some children have a higher risk of developmental delays due to environmental factors such as:
Developmental delays don’t have a cure. However, certain types of therapy can help your child
function well or keep up with peers. Some therapy options include:
Behavioral therapy for children who have trouble behaving appropriately at home or in
social settings.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Occupational therapy to work on fine motor skills and completing everyday tasks
without help.
Special education for support with learning disabilities and social skills.
Speech and language therapy to address difficulties with creating or understanding
speech and language sounds.
Physical therapy to address delays in gross motor skills, such as physical changes that
affect how a child walk.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
The societies we live contribute much into forming childhood. If you believe childhood is
socially constructed, you believe ways of seeing childhood can change across times and cultures.
Examples of social constructs include Children being perceived as good, evil, vulnerable, weak
and innocent.
In Uganda like any other African countries, have diverse and multi-ethnic societies but with
close if not the same view of childhood. However, values and child rearing practices seldom
show variations among the different ethnic groupings A child is viewed as a weak, tender,
innocent and truthful. Their development is seriously and closely catered, it is believed that the
future of any society is vested in the children. Having a child is a defining characteristic of most
Ugandan families, as children are symbols of status, respect and completeness of the nuclear
Therefore, when their childhood is not accounted for can lead to the serious downfall of the
society. So, matters concerning childhood is well catered for in the constitution of Uganda and
other statues and policy documents amalgamated children issues as appoint of concern.
Cultural values guide the relationship between children and their parents in the
Ugandan context.
Children are socialized to acquire the cultural morals of the society; with respect for parents and
other elders as the key of socialization. Children communicate with their parents and any adult in
the family and the community with the utmost respect and dignity - a value that is reaffirmed by
the African Children’s Charter. Parents and other older members of the community participate in
the socialization of children in all spheres of life.
Respect for parents and other elders as the key of socialization in Ugandan society, has
implications for children’s participation. It is worth noting the contradiction that exists in Uganda
regarding how childhood construction affects participation; children from about 8 years are
perceived as matured and capable of participating in household chores including care of younger
siblings and other minor economic activities in the private sphere, but are considered immature
and incapable of contributing to decision-making in the public sphere.
Culturally required behavior (i.e. respect) flows ‘bottom-up’ from lower age to higher age.
African culture stresses reverence and deference to elders and authority at all times, as causing
an adult to ‘lose face’ (embarrassed) is considered disrespectful. Tacitly therefore, children and
young people acquiesce to ‘adultism’ and thus cannot challenge or disagree with decisions made
by adults which they are not in favor of.
There are limited opportunities for children’s voices to be heard at the national level in Uganda.
For example, young people believed respect for elders limit their ability to challenge officials.
During gatherings and other community events children and young people do not sit in the
company of elders. This, according to a young person is driven by “fear that young people will
be arrogant if given chance to sit with the elders” and may disrespect them.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Children and young people’s reverence for elders at all times is believed to be influenced by a
belief in ancestor worship (Salm and Falola, 2002). It is believed that ancestors can either punish
or reward the living. It is also believed that elders are the conduit of communication with the
ancestors. Hence, respect and reverence for elders could engender rewards for a meaningful life.
The implication of this hierarchical arrangement is that children and young people can only
dominate and receive respect from those younger than themselves, but must show utmost
obedience and respect to those older than themselves.
At the family and community level, it is not appreciated or encouraged for children and young
people to disagree with adults when decisions are being taken. It is therefore common for
children and young people to keep quiet rather than say something that adults would not approve
of. According to Hofstede, (2005) “a child who repeatedly voices opinions deviating from what
is collectively felt is considered to have a bad character.” By such cultural ideology any
participatory effort that includes both adults and young people together may be counter-
productive and thus likely to fail.
With regards to gender, the construction of ‘girlhood’ influences girls’ participation. There
seems to be a greater number of males participating in participatory initiatives than females
A gendered analysis of children’s participation is important more so “since girls’ and boys’
possibilities to emerge as public, political actors are strongly and differently tied to their
structural positions in their families.” (Gordon, 2008).
When talking about childhood as a social construct, you need to remember the focus is on
perceptions or the ways we see children and how this can change.
Looking back into history, we can observe that the way we perceive childhood has changed. We
can see this clearly when we consider it across the following vectors:
Time. What we might have considered to have been a ‘normal’ child 100 years ago is
very different to what we see as a child today. We tend to see children as much more
innocent these days than in the past;
Culture. Different cultures see children differently. Interestingly, in Japan, children are
trusted to walk home from school at much younger ages than in the United States. Why?
Do the Japanese have a different perception of childhood to Westerners?
Social Class. Do middle-class people try to prevent their children from associating with
working-class children? Might this be because working class children are tainted with the
‘Oliver’s Twist’ image of rowdy, ratty, street kids?
Race. Unfortunately, some people see children of minority races as a ‘threat’ to the
majority. We’ve seen this in history when children of certain racial classes were
murdered to try to enact genocide.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
1. The Miniature Adult
According to Philippe Aries (1962), British society used to see children as miniature
In other words, childhood wasn’t a distinctly different period of life than adulthood.
To make this claim, Aries showed pictures of children in medieval portraits. He remarked
that children in these portraits appeared the same as adults in their mannerisms, dress, and
facial expressions. They wore the same clothes as adults, smiled the same as adults, and
appeared to be acting in all ways as if they were adults. Aries also claimed that due to
lack of child labor laws, children became workers, and therefore basically adults, at 7
years of age. Thus, he assumes, from about the age of 7 children were considered to be
adults in all ways but height!
They were miniature adults! Today, we believe childhood to last until about 18 years of
age. Thus, we perceive children to be distinct and different from adults for a much longer
period of time. We also protect children from labor, hard work and politics because –
again – we don’t consider them to be like adults the way people did in the past.
Here’s some examples of the miniature adult child:
The child who works. When children are set to work in factories like in
Victorian England, they appeared to have been seen and treated like adults;
The child soldiers. In the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic
of Congo there are still many thousands of child soldiers. We can argue that these
children are considered miniature adults, given that they’re tasked with
undertaking very serious ‘adult’ tasks.
Dionysian Childhood
Chris Jenks (2005) also used the phrase ‘Dionysian childhood’ to explain the view of
children as evil.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Dionysus us the prince of wine and revelry – hence, he is the prince of sin.
Jenks coined this term because, like Dionysus, the evil child “loves pleasure, it celebrates
self-gratification and it is wholly demanding” (2005, p. 63).
Born Good
Philippe Aries, who I mentioned earlier, believed that the growing middle classes in
Britain developed enough money that they no longer needed to see their children as
‘miniature adults’.
When parents had enough money to pamper their children, suddenly their views of
children changed. According to Aries, children of the rich upper classes were therefore
suddenly seen as good, sweet and incapable of doing wrong. In fact, this view is the exact
opposite of the Evil child.
The Evil child was seen to be born innately bad and in need of discipline to become a
good adult.
The Good child was seen to be born innately good and was, sadly, corrupted by the evil
of adults!
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Apollonian Childhood
Chris Jenks, who I mentioned earlier, also has a name for the good child.
He calls the good child the Apollonian child, named after the god of sun and light!
Like Apollo, the good child represents all that is good in the world: happiness, laughter
and sunshine
Here are a few more examples of the good child:
Montessori Education. In Maria Montessori’s model of education, children are
seen as having an innate tendency towards goodness. When a child misbehaves,
we need to consider what corrupting influences may have led to this behavior.
Parents blinded by love. Sometimes parents have quite poorly behaved children,
but they view them with rose colored glasses. We don’t see our children for who
they are due to our deeply held desires that our precious darlings have only
goodness in their hearts and do no wrong.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
bubble wrapped child. The bubble wrapped child is an image of the child that has
emerged in recent decades.
It is a child who is so overly protected that they are afforded no freedom. The bubble
wrapped child is not allowed to play outside or do things for themselves. They are
pampered and protected to within an inch of their life. We adults over-play this child’s
incompetence and fail to see its ability to navigate the world. We protect too much out of
good intentions and the child never learns resilience, persistence or self-reliance.
Examples of the Incompetent / Bubble Wrapped Child
Here are some examples of the bubble wrapped child:
Children who can’t think for themselves. When we bubble wrap our children,
they fail to have the capacity to predict and react to potential dangers. They don’t
get a chance to test their own limits or learn to regulate their behavior, which
stunts their development.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Advertising. Take a look around at the magazine rack next time you are at the
shopping center. See if you can find advertising that places children in sexualized
Sex Trafficking. This is usually done in the shadows, although infamously the
so-called Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq openly traded Yazidi girls as sex
slaves during their reign of terror in recent years.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
of their friends. The noble child can also be a child who steps in and take an adult role
when there is no competent adult to do the role for them.
This is most commonly seen when children lose their parents, and the oldest child
assumes the role of the mother.
Here are two examples of the noble child:
Jesus Christ. Jesus is the child born to save the world from itself. He is
seen from the very first day of his life as the answer to the problems that plague the
Harry Potter. Harry Potter fights against evil adults on behalf of
goodness. Like Jesus, Harry Potter was always destined to take his position as the noble
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Boys like trucks, Girls like ponies. Is this, also, a social construct? Has media taught
girls they should like ponies and princesses, or do they naturally gravitate to ‘girly’
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
There are several principles that governs human growth and development. They are as discussed
1. Principle of Continuity
The development follows the principle of continuity which means that development is a
continuous process. It starts with pre-natal and ends with death.
2. Principle of Integration
Development thus involves a movement from the whole to parts and from parts to the whole and
this way it is the integration of the whole and its parts as well as the specific and general
responses. It enables a child to develop satisfactorily concerning various aspects or dimensions
of his personality. For Example, Child first starts to learn hand movement then finger movement
and then learn the movement of both hand and finger together this is called integration
Development through a continuous process, but does not exhibit steadiness and uniformity in
terms of the rate of development in various development of personality or the developmental
periods and stages of life. For Example, A person may have a high rate of growth and
development in terms of height and weight but may not have the same pace of mental and social
Every organism is a distinct creation in itself. One of the most important principles of
development is that involves individual differences. There is no fixed rate of development. That
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
all children will learn to walk is universal, but the time at which each child takes his first step
may vary.
Although development does not proceed at a uniform rate and shows marked individual
differences concerning the process and outcome of various stages of development, it follows a
definite pattern in one or the other dimension which is uniform and universal concerning the
individual of a species.
While developing to any aspect of personality. The child first pickup or exhibit a general
response and learn how to show specific and goal-directed responses afterwards.
The development of a child is a process that cannot be defined wholly based on either heredity or
environment. Both have to play an important role in development. There are arguments in favour
of both. However, most psychologists agree that an interplay o these two factors leads to
Where heredity decides or set some limits on development (mostly physical), environmental
influences complete the developmental process (qualitative). Environmental influences provide
space for multidimensional development through interaction with family, peers, society and so
on. Growth and development are a joint product of heredity and environment.
8. Principle of interrelation
Various aspects or dimensions of one’s growth and development are interrelated. What is
achieved or not achieved in one or other dimensions in the course of the gradual and continuous
process of development surely affects the development of other dimensions.
A healthy body tends to develop a healthy mind and an emotionally stable, physically strong, and
socially conscious personality. Inadequate physical or mental development may, on the other
hand, result in a socially or emotionally maladjusted personality.
9. Principle of Cephalocaudal
Development proceeds in the direction of the longitudinal axis. Development from head to foot
or toe. That is why, before it becomes able to stand, the child first gains control over his head and
arms and then on his legs.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Development of motor skills to start at central body parts to outwards. That is why, in the
beginning, the child is seen to exercise control over the large fundamental muscles of the arm
and then hand and only afterward over the smaller muscles of the fingers.
Development is predictable, which means that with the help of the uniformity of pattern and
sequence of development. We can go to a great extent, forecast the general nature and behavior
of a child in one or more aspects or dimensions at any particular stage of its growth and
development. We can know the particular age at which children will learn to walk, speak, and so
The child doesn’t proceed straight or linear on the path of development at any stage never takes
place at a constant or steady pace. After the child had developed to a certain level, there is likely
to be a period of rest for consolidation of the developmental progress achieved till then. In
advancing further, therefore, the development turns back and then moves forward again in a
spiral pattern
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Image source: Advanced Educational Psychology by S.K. Mangal
Biological growth and development are known as maturation. Biological changes involve
changes in the brain and the nervous system, which provide new abilities to a child.
Development proceeds from simple to complex. In the beginning, a child learns through concrete
objects and gradually moves to abstract thinking. This transition happens because of the
Note: As teachers we must understand the different stages and principles of growth and
development so that we can teach the learners according to their age, interest, skills, and needs.
The knowledge of the above–mentioned principles of growth and development may prove
beneficial to us in several ways describe below:
Development is a continuous and non-stop process at all periods and stages of human
life. Therefore, we should never give up our efforts to achieve perfection in terms of
development in the different dimensions of our personalities.
The principles related to growth and development suggest a pattern or trend for the
advancement of children on the developmental path. This knowledge can help us to
understand what is often expected in terms of the right growth and development at a
specific developmental stage and that we can then plan accordingly to achieve it by
organizing the environmental experiences.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Principles of interrelation and interdependence direct us to make every effort from the
very beginning for the all-around harmonious development of the personalities of our
child and caution us no to encourage the development of particular aspects at the cost of
Jean Piaget is a Swiss-born psychologist who was the first to make a systematic study of the
acquisition of understanding in children. He was Zoologist by profession, He was started
working with Alfred Binet on Intelligence tests and because of his interest, he also studied child
development with a focus on cognitive development. Piaget is also known as radical
Piaget has explained and discussed the different stages of cognitive development. He believed
that cognitive development takes place through four fundamental stages. All children have to
pass through these stages to reach the next higher level of cognitive thinking.
Jean Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development is divided into four Major stages are:
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Fig. A diagrammatical representation of Piaget’s four-stage of Cognitive Development Theory
Children also learn to work in a particular direction. Catching a particular thing which they are
asked to catch, playing with puzzles and so on are common activities they learn to do. They
move from simple to complex logical action and thinking. This goal-directed thinking helps them
to progress to a higher-level scheme to achieve a goal.
1. Stages of Reflex Activities (0—1 month): Inborn reflexes (sucking and looking) help
the child to understand the surrounding.
2. Primary Circular Reactions (1—4 months): Sensations and schemas get coordinated in
this stage. Whatever children do in this stage, they tend to do it repeatedly as they derive
pleasure from doing so. For example, if a child starts sucking thumb, he or she will
continue with this action because it gives the child a soothing feeling.
3. Secondary Circular Reactions (4—8 months): younger Children become more focused
on doing actions. They repeat their actions to get a response from the environment.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
4. Coordination of Reactions (8—12 months): In this stage, children learn to make a
difference between goal and means. They also develop ways to achieve their goals. They
also try to generalize the learning and try to use it from one situation to another.
5. Tertiary Circular Reactions (12—18 months): This is a stage of trial and error.
Children explore the things around them. They make mistakes and also tend to repeat
these mistakes. This stage is very important as children learn to be confident in this
particular stage. They repeat many actions because they want attention from their
6. Early Representational Thought (18—24 months): Children start focusing more on
mental activities rather than physical actions and they start thinking about objects. At this
age, they show the ability to recognize object permanence. They search for the toy even if
it is not in their sight.
Ages: 2 to 7 Years
Children begin to process their thoughts at this stage although in a manner that is far less
efficient than the logical thought-processing of adults.
Their vocabulary expands and develops during this time because they change their
working style and habits and start behaving like little adults
This stage is known as a pre-operational stage of cognitive development. It is called ‘pre’
because, in this stage, children cannot perform a logical operation.
This stage is categorized into two parts. pre-conceptual stage (2-4) and intuitive stage (4-
Their vocabulary expands and develops during this time because they change their
working style and habits and start behaving like little adults.
Children also develop the ability to use symbols, language, pictures, signs or gestures to
represent actions or objects mentally. Piaget called this semiotic function or symbolism. Along
with this, their ideas of right and wrong are governed by the people around them.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
They generally focus on one aspect at a time and cannot think of any Other possible situation.
This is called moral realism. This moral realism makes them believe and respect rules and
authority. children are not equipped for certain functions at this stage.
For example, they cannot do reversible thinking. While children can do simple logical
operations, they face difficulty in understanding reverse counting, extended family relation tree
and so on. Along with reversibility, they also face difficulty in the conservation of various
concepts such as height and width. Conservation is a principle according to which some
characteristics of an object remain the same despite the change in its appearance.
A famous example of conservation is that regarding the conservation of volume, where children
said the glass with more height has more water than the other glass, although the volume of
water was the same in both the glasses. Such examples show that children can think only in one
direction and face difficulty in the conservation of various concepts
Ages: 7 to 11 years
Children can do operations on concrete objects and situations. However, they will find it
hard to solve abstract problems and have difficulty with words like ‘assume’ that relate to
mental conjecture.
They can do logical thinking if they are allowed to manipulate objects. By comparison,
however, it is seen that thoughts can be manipulated and the presence of the object is not
necessary for the thought to take place in the formal operations stage.
They start thinking more like mature persons and rarely believe in animism and ego-
However, there may be a few exceptions where some children continue to hold on to these
fixations as do some people who carry them well into their adulthood. During the concrete
operational stage, children gradually develop the ability to conserve or learn that objects are not
always the way that they appear to be. They start taking many perspectives about concepts. They
begin to develop the ability to Understand identity, compensation and reversibility.
Once children have learned to conserve, they also learn that objects remain the same even after
changes in colours, etc.
For example, they learn that if they spread out the pencils on the floor, there are still as many as
there were before, even though they look different!
Children learn many things in this stage concerning conservation such as classification, grouping
objects into categories, seriation, arranging of objects in sequential order according to one aspect,
such as size, weight or volume
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
The Formal Operational Stage
Children in this stage use the formal operations problem-solving strategy in which an individual
begins by identifying all the factors that might affect a problem and then deduces them
systematically. Piaget called it hypothetico-deductive reasoning.
This stage permits adolescents to reason beyond a world, of concrete reality to a world of
possibilities. Sometimes, they just live in a world of imagination with no concern about the real
Piaget believes that children overcome egocentrism, but they still tend to believe that everyone
shares similar thoughts, feelings and concerns. They wonder why people do not understand their
needs and perspective and therefore, they develop adolescent ego-centrism. They feel that
everyone notices them, what they do, how they walk, how they talk and so on.
Piaget said, children, develop an imaginary audience and think they are being observed by
people. They spend a long time in front of the mirror before they go out
1. Schema: Schema describes both the physical and actions involved in understanding and
knowing. According to Piaget, we have a system for organizing information in our mind
and we do organize information and experiences in our mental system under different
categories. The Mental System and the categories are known as schema
2. Adaptation: According to Piaget how we adjust with the environment and called this
process adaptation. Adaption has two subprocesses these are:
3. Assimilation: The process of taking new information and fitting the new knowledge or
information into the existing schema
4. Accommodation: It involves changing or altering existing schema for the light of new
information. Sometimes we see that the existing schema does not support new
information. In such a situation, we generally do two things. Firstly, we alter the existing
schema and secondly, we create a new schema. This process is known as
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
5. Equilibration: The ongoing process through which a child tries to create a balance
between Assimilation and Accommodation. The state of mental balance. This process is
known as equilibration
i) Id: represents the deepest part of mind. It operates at the now and here principle.
Children are born with it and it seeks immediate gratification where the needs must be
met there and then. For example, when a baby is hungry, he cries and wants to be fed
without delay.
ii) Ego: the ego operates the reality principle. It tries to satisfy the pleasure needs of the
ego. It defers gratification of the urges of instinct until a suitable time or methods are
found. For example, a child may want to release the bladder or bowels when he is in
the sitting room and when told to wait for the potty he will wait.
iii) Super-Ego: it balances the Id and Ego. The super-ego contains a set of rules to judge
the right and wrong behavior. It deals with the ideas and values of a society which are
presented to the child through words and actions.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Freud assumed that human beings are endowed from birth with sexual energy (Libido).
According to him, this energy is invested on different body organs known as Erogenous zones.
He believed that in each stage of development there are crises which must be resolved. If the
crises are not resolved, fixation occurs. Fixation is the halting of development at a particular
stage due to the failure to resolve the problems of the previous stage satisfactorily.
Freud came up with five stages of child development which occur in the following sequence.
Oral stage (0-2 years)
Anal stage (2-3 years)
Phallic stage (4-5 years)
Latency stage (6-13 years)
Genital stage (Adolescence through adulthood)
At this level, our focus will be on the phallic and latency stages. These stages cover the period of
early childhood (4-8 years).
According to Freud, a boy becomes attached to his mother and starts experiencing sexual
feelings towards her and desires her as a sexual object. On the other hand, the boy becomes
jealous of the father. He feels that the father is a rival for mother’s affection but fears that the
father will discover his desires and castrate him. The boy experiences a conflict and begins to
look for ways of getting rid of them. He begins to create friendship with the father by identifying
himself with the father.
Similarly, a girl experiences electra complex. At first, she gets attached to the mother. But when
she realizes that she does not have a penis, she experiences penis envy and blames the mother for
her problem, she then turns her affection and attention to the father. In the struggle towards
possessing the father, she identifies with her mother.
If the conflicts are not resolved, the child becomes fixated. For example, boys may possess
feminine qualities while girls may possess masculine qualities. Boys may like bright colours and
plait their hair on one hand, and girls may have a liking for men’s clothes such as trousers and
like the company of men.
The work of Lev Vygotsky (1934) has become the foundation of much research and theory in
cognitive development particularly sociocultural theory.
Vygotsky in his sociocultural theory views human development as a socially mediated process in
which children acquire their cultural values, beliefs, and problem-solving strategies through
collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society. It stresses the
fundamental role of social interaction in the development of cognition because of his strong
belief on that community plays a central role in the process of "making meaning."
i) culture-specific tools
ii) private speech
iii) Zone of Proximal Development.
Vygotsky claimed that infants are born with the basic abilities for intellectual development called
'elementary mental functions which include –
i) Attention
ii) Sensation
iii) Perception
iv) Memory
Eventually, through interaction within the sociocultural environment, these are developed into
more sophisticated and effective mental processes which Vygotsky refers to as 'higher mental
Each culture provides its children tools of intellectual adaptation that allow them to use the basic
mental functions more effectively/adaptively. The tools of intellectual adaptation, therefore, vary
from culture to culture. For example, memory in young children is limited by biological factors.
However, culture determines the type of memory strategy we develop. For example, in western
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
culture, children learn note-taking to aid memory, but in pre-literate societies, other strategies
must be developed, such as tying knots in a string to remember, or carrying pebbles, or repetition
of the names of ancestors until large numbers can be repeated.
The more knowledgeable other (MKO) refers to someone who has a better understanding or a
higher ability level than the learner, with respect to a particular task, process, or concept.
Although the implication is that the MKO is a teacher or an older adult, this is not necessarily the
case. Many times, a child's peers or an adult's children may be the individuals with more
knowledge or experience.
For example, who is more likely to know more about the newest teenage music groups, how to
win at the most recent PlayStation game, or how to correctly perform the newest dance craze - a
child or their parents?
Electronic teachers have also been used in educational settings to facilitate and guide learners
through the learning process. The key to MKOs is that they must have (or be programmed with)
more knowledge about the topic being learned than the learner does.
This is an important concept that relates to the difference between what a child can achieve
independently and what a child can achieve with guidance and encouragement from a skilled
Vygotsky consequently focuses much more closely on social interaction as an aid to learning;
arguing that, left alone, children will develop - but not to their full potential. He refers to the gap
between actual and potential learning as the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) - and argues
that it is only through collaboration with adults and other learners that this gap can be bridged.
The Zone of Proximal Development is the gap between the level of actual development, what the
child can do on his own and the level of potential development, what a child can do with the
assistance of more advanced and competent individuals. Social interaction, therefore, supports
the child’s cognitive development in the ZPD, leading to a higher level of reasoning.
For example, the child could not solve the jigsaw puzzle (in the example above) by itself and
would have taken a long time to do so (if at all), but was able to solve it following interaction
with the father, and has developed competence at this skill that will be applied to future jigsaws.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
ZPD is the zone where instruction is the most beneficial as it is when the task is just beyond the
individual’s capabilities. To learn we must be presented with tasks that are just out of our ability
range. Challenging tasks promote the maximum cognitive growth.
He also views interaction with peers as an effective way of developing skills and strategies. He
suggests that teachers use cooperative learning exercises where less competent children develop
with help from more skillful peers - within the zone of proximal development.
He believed that language develops from social interactions, for communication purposes. This
made him to viewed language as man’s greatest tool, a means for communicating with the
outside world.
For Vygotsky, thought and language are initially separate systems from the beginning of life,
merging at around three years of age. At this point speech and thought become interdependent:
thought becomes verbal, speech becomes representational. When this happens, children's
monologues internalized to become inner speech. The internalization of language is important as
it drives cognitive development.
'Inner speech is not the interior aspect of external speech - it is a function in itself. It still remains
speech, i.e., thought connected with words. But while in external speech thought is embodied in
words, in inner speech words dies as they bring forth thought. Inner speech is to a large extent
thinking in pure meanings.'
Vygotsky was the first psychologist to document the importance of private speech. He
considered private speech as the transition point between social and inner speech, the moment in
development where language and thought unite to constitute verbal thinking.
Thus, private speech, in Vygotsky's view, was the earliest manifestation of inner speech. Indeed,
private speech is more similar (in its form and function) to inner speech than social speech.
Private speech is 'typically defined, in contrast to social speech, as speech addressed to the self
(not to others) for the purpose of self-regulation (rather than communication).'
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Through private speech, children begin to collaborate with themselves in the same way a more
knowledgeable other (e.g., adults) collaborate with them in the achievement of a given function.
Vygotsky sees "private speech" as a means for children to plan activities and strategies and
therefore aid their development. He believed that children who engaged in large amounts of
private speech are more socially competent than children who do not use it extensively.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
According to Vygotsky cognitive change occurs within the zone of proximal development,
instruction would be designed to reach a developmental level that is just above the learner's
current developmental level.
He proclaims that "learning which is oriented toward developmental levels that have already
been reached is ineffective from the view point of the child's overall development. It does not
aim for a new stage of the developmental process but rather lags behind this process.
Vygotsky's theories also feed into the current interest in collaborative learning, suggesting that
group members should have different levels of ability so more advanced children can help less
advanced members operate within their ZPD.
Scaffolding and reciprocal teaching are effective strategies to access the zone of proximal
Reciprocal Teaching
Reciprocal teaching allows for the creation of a dialogue between students and teachers. This
two- way communication becomes an instructional strategy by encouraging students to go
beyond answering questions and engage in the discourse (Driscoll, 1994; Hausfather, 1996).
A study conducted by Brown and Palincsar (1989), demonstrated the Vygotskian approach with
reciprocal teaching methods in their successful program to teach reading strategies. The teacher
and students alternated turns leading small group discussions on a reading. After modeling four
reading strategies, students began to assume the teaching role.
Results of this study showed significant gains over other instructional strategies (Driscoll, 1994;
Hausfather,1996). Cognitively Guided Instruction is another strategy to implement Vygotsky's
theory. This strategy involves the teacher and students exploring math problems and then sharing
their different problem-solving strategies in an open dialogue (Hausfather,1996).
The physical classroom, based on Vygotsky's theory, would provide clustered desks or tables and
work space for peer instruction, collaboration, and small group instruction. Learning becomes a
reciprocal experience for the students and teacher.
Like the environment, the instructional design of material to be learned would be structured to
promote and encourage student interaction and collaboration. Thus, the classroom becomes a
community of learning.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
A teacher's role is to identify each individual’s current level of development and provide them
with opportunities to cross their ZPD.
A crucial element in this process is the use of what later became known as scaffolding; the way
in which the teacher provides students with frameworks and experiences which encourage them
to extend their existing schemata and incorporate new skills, competences and understandings.
Scaffolding describes the conditions that support the child’s learning, to move from what they
already know to new knowledge and abilities.
Scaffolding requires the teacher to provide students the opportunity to extend their current skills
and knowledge.
During scaffolding the support offered by an adult (or more knowledgeable other) gradually
decreases as the child becomes more skilled in the task. As the adult withdraws their help, the
child assumes more of the strategic planning and eventually gains competence to master similar
problems without the aid of a teacher or more knowledgeable peer.
It is important to note that this is more than simply instruction; learning experiences must be
presented in such a way as to actively challenge existing mental structures and provide
As the child progresses through the ZPD, the level of scaffolding necessary declines from 5 to 1.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
The teacher must engage learners' interest, simplify tasks so they are manageable, and motivate
students to pursue the instructional goal. In addition, the teacher must look for discrepancies
between learners' efforts and the solution, control for frustration and risk, and model an idealized
version of the act.
The structure of our schools does not reflect the rapid changes our society is experiencing. The
introduction and integration of computer technology in society has tremendously increased the
opportunities for social interaction.
Therefore, the social context for learning is transforming as well. Whereas collaboration and peer
instruction were once only possible in shared physical space, learning relationships can now be
formed from distances through cyberspace.
Computer technology is a cultural tool that students can use to mediate and internalize their
learning. Recent research suggests changing the learning contexts with technology is a powerful
learning activity (Crawford, 1996). If schools continue to resist structural change, students will
be ill prepared for the world they will live.
Erik Erikson was an ego psychologist who developed one of the most popular and influential
theories of development which was impacted much by theory of Sigmund Freud psychosexual
development. Erikson's theory centered on psychosocial development. He believed that a child’s
uniqueness (personality) is developed in a series of stages.
His theory describes the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan. Erikson was
interested in how social interaction and relationships play a role in the development and growth
of human beings.
The theory was based on what is known as the epigenetic principle. This principle suggests that
people grow in a sequence that occurs over time and in the context of a larger community.
We shall concentrate on the first four stages of development (infancy to school age) because they
facilitate greatly the other four stages.
Each stage in Erikson's theory builds on the preceding stages and paves the way for following
periods of development. In each stage, Erikson believed people experience a conflict that serves
as a turning point in development.
In Erikson's view, these conflicts are centered on either developing a psychological quality or
failing to develop that quality. During these times, the potential for personal growth is high but
so is the potential for failure.
If people successfully deal with the conflict, they emerge from the stage with psychological
strengths that will serve them well for the rest of their lives. If they fail to deal effectively with
these conflicts, they may not develop the essential skills needed for a strong sense of self.
Erikson also believed that a sense of competence motivates behaviors and actions. Each stage in
Erikson's theory is concerned with becoming competent in an area of life.
If the stage is handled well, the person will feel a sense of mastery, which is sometimes referred
to as ego strength or ego quality. If the stage is managed poorly, the person will emerge with a
sense of inadequacy in that aspect of development.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Psychosocial Stages: A Summary Chart
Age Conflict Important Events Outcome
Maturity (65 to death) Ego Integrity vs. Despair Reflection on Life Wisdom
A brief summary of the eight stages
The first stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development occurs between birth and 1 year
of age and is the most fundamental stage in life. Because an infant is utterly dependent,
developing trust is based on the dependability and quality of the child's caregivers.
At this point in development, the child is utterly dependent upon adult caregivers for everything
they need to survive including food, love, warmth, safety, and nurturing. If a caregiver fails to
provide adequate care and love, the child will come to feel that they cannot trust or depend upon
the adults in their life.
If a child successfully develops trust, the child will feel safe and secure in the world. Caregivers
who are inconsistent, emotionally unavailable, or rejecting contribute to feelings of mistrust in
the children under their care. Failure to develop trust will result in fear and a belief that the world
is inconsistent and unpredictable.
During the first stage of psychosocial development, children develop a sense of trust when
caregivers provide reliability, care, and affection. A lack of this will lead to mistrust.
No child is going to develop a sense of 100% trust or 100% doubt. Erikson believed that
successful development was all about striking a balance between the two opposing sides. When
this happens, children acquire hope, which Erikson described as an openness to experience
tempered by some wariness that danger may be present.
The second stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development takes place during early
childhood and is focused on children developing a greater sense of personal control.
At this point in development, children are just starting to gain a little independence. They are
starting to perform basic actions on their own and making simple decisions about what they
prefer. By allowing kids to make choices and gain control, parents and caregivers can help
children develop a sense of autonomy.
Potty Training
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
The essential theme of this stage is that children need to develop a sense of personal control over
physical skills and a sense of independence. Potty training plays an important role in helping
children develop this sense of autonomy.
Like Freud, Erikson believed that toilet training was a vital part of this process. However,
Erikson's reasoning was quite different than that of Freud's. Erikson believed that learning to
control one's bodily functions leads to a feeling of control and a sense of independence. Other
important events include gaining more control over food choices, toy preferences, and clothing
Children who struggle and who are shamed for their accidents may be left without a sense of
personal control. Success during this stage of psychosocial development leads to feelings of
autonomy; failure results in feelings of shame and doubt.
Finding Balance
Children who successfully complete this stage feel secure and confident, while those who do not
are left with a sense of inadequacy and self-doubt. Erikson believed that achieving a balance
between autonomy and shame and doubt would lead to will, which is the belief that children can
act with intention, within reason and limits.
The third stage of psychosocial development takes place during the preschool years. At this point
in psychosocial development, children begin to assert their power and control over the world
through directing play and other social interactions.
Children who are successful at this stage feel capable and able to lead others. Those who fail to
acquire these skills are left with a sense of guilt, self-doubt, and lack of initiative.
The major theme of the third stage of psychosocial development is that children need to begin
asserting control and power over the environment. Success in this stage leads to a sense of
purpose. Children who try to exert too much power experience disapproval, resulting in a sense
of guilt.
When an ideal balance of individual initiative and a willingness to work with others is achieved,
the ego quality known as purpose emerges.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority
The fourth psychosocial stage takes place during the early school years from approximately ages
5 to 11. Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their
accomplishments and abilities.
Children need to cope with new social and academic demands. Success leads to a sense of
competence, while failure results in feelings of inferiority. This is the transitional period from
early childhood to middle childhood.
Children who are encouraged and commended by parents and teachers develop a feeling of
competence and belief in their skills. Those who receive little or no encouragement from parents,
teachers, or peers will doubt their abilities to be successful.
Successfully finding a balance at this stage of psychosocial development leads to the strength
known as competence, in which children develop a belief in their abilities to handle the tasks set
before them.
Kohlberg was not interested with the answer people gave. He believed that it is moral reasoning
that determines the stage of development that one is in and not the answer that one gives.
Kohlberg came up with three levels of six stages of moral development.
Pre-conventional level
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Conventional level
Post conventional level
Early childhood years cut across the first level and half of the second level as follows:
Other levels and stages which are not applicable to early childhood are: level III post-
conventional, autonomous or principled level; stage 4 authority maintaining orientation, stage 5
social contract legalistic orientation and stage 6 universal ethical principle orientation.
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
Parents and Teacher should foster positive moral relationships by encouraging
cooperative learning.
Children’s growth and development are affected by a variety of factors right from the beginning
of life in a mother’s womb to pre-adolescence stage even beyond. The factors are diverse and
broad, they can be categorized as internal and external factors
Internal Factors
All those factors which intrinsically lie within the individual are called internal factors. These
factors include
1. Heredity factors
2. Biological or constitutional factors
3. Intelligence
4. Emotional Factors
5. Social Nature
1. Heredity factors: Heredity factors play their part at the time of conception in the mother’s
womb. The heredity factor contribution includes-
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
What is transferred to the offspring from its immediate parents in the form of genes and
The height, weight, colour of eyes and the skin, the characteristics of hair all these
decided by the hereditary influence
The physical structure, nervous system and other things related to one’s constitutional
make–up, body chemistry and physical development are, to a great extent, decided by
heredity factors.
If the heredity contribution is satisfactory, then with minimum efforts of the environmental
forces, we get satisfactory results. However, in case the hereditary contribution is quite merged,
then we have to make tremendous efforts for achieving desired success in terms of a child’s
satisfactory growth and development
A child who is physically weak or has any internal deformities cannot be expected to
achieve satisfactory results in terms of his normal growth and development. He usually
suffers from an illness which is not only hampering his physical growth but also affect
his development in other spheres-mental, social and emotional
The nervous system which controls the body movement affects the growth and
development of a child in cognitive spheres
The endocrine or ductless glands are potent factors affecting the growth and development
of an individual from his birth. The chemistry of the body is governed by these glands.
Each of these glands secrets its own chemical known as hormones. Ex- an imbalance in
the pituitary gland may lead to an abnormal increase or decrease in height
Defective constitutional make-up like ugly face, short stature and any other deformity of
the body may give birth to feelings of inferiority of a child. Moreover, he may face
adjustment problem in the environment and consequently may lag behind in the race of
growth and development pertaining aspects of his personality
3. Intelligence: Intelligence is the ability to learn, adjust and take up the right decision at right
time, which has a great influence on the overall growth and development of a child. It affects
child social behaviors, moral judgement and emotional growth. It is said the intelligent person is
very well controlled over his emotions and is found to carry on well with his personal and social
adjustment. Thus, the physical, social, emotional, moral and language development of a child is
greatly affecting and controlled by the level of his intelligence.
4. Emotional Factors: Emotional factors, e.g. emotional adjustability and maturity, play a big
role in influencing a person’s overall growth and development. A child who is found to be
overwhelmed by negative emotions like fear, anger, jealousy etc is adversely affected in his
physical, mental, social, moral and language development.
5. Social Nature: A person’s socialization helps him in achieving adjustment and advancement
in other aspects of his growth and development. He may learn from his environment, more by
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
means of his social nature, which may prove to be a boom to him for his proper growth and
External Factors
The factors lying extrinsically outside the individual in his environment are said to be the
external factors affecting growth and development. These include
1. The environment in the womb of the mother: The amount and quality of nourishment
available in the mother’s womb from the time of conception till his birth is very
important in the aspects of growth and development of the child. The factors associated
with this period are
2. The environment available after birth: Whether a child gets from different conditions
and forces of his environment after his birth, influences his growth and development in
many ways. These include-
3. Accidents and incidents in life: The growth and development are greatly affected by the
good and bad incidents and accidents which happen to meet in his lifetime. Sometimes, a
small injury or an incident may change the entire development course in his life. For
example, if a child’s nervous system is damaged in an accident, it will hamper his mental
development and in turn, it will affect his development in other spheres-social, emotional,
moral and physical
4. The quality of the physical environment, medical care and nourishment: A child’s
growth and development are greatly influenced by the quality of his physical
environment and medical care and nourishment available to him for his living and
working. These include open space, balanced diet, good living and working conditions
and proper medical care.
5. The quality of the facilities and opportunities provided by the social and cultural
forces: What a child gets from his social and cultural environment for the growth and
development of his potentials, influences the entire course of his development. In a true
sense, he develops and becomes what he is permitted to and desired by these social and
cultural forces. A few such conditions are given below-
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
The growth and development are influence by both heredity and environment. If the
quality of a gene and chromosome transfers from parents to a child then we need
minimum environmental efforts to achieve the maximum growth and development of a
child. Family is one of the most important factors in the child overall growth and
development in all spheres.
Assessment is the process of evaluating the nature of growth and development of children for
proper planning for them. According to MoES (2020), assessment is the process through which
the quality and quantity of learning process of a given activity can be judged within a specific
time. It helps in improving task performance and planning by both the teacher and the child.
Assessment methods
This refers to the ways and strategies of assessing children developmental aspects. The methods
include: observation of children, observation of children’s work and interviews.
1. Observation of children
Observation is the commonly used method of assessing developmental aspects of children in
ECDE. The observer is able to collect the information directly from the child’s actions, behaviors
and expression. In observation the following tools are developed and used:
Observation schedule
Rating scale
Interview schedule
2. Observation of children’s work
The teacher can choose to observe children’s artwork or class work in various activities. The
teacher can go round the class and observe children’s work. She can mark or give comments
about the quality of the work done. Children can be given projects like modelling while the
teacher observes their models and evaluate their skills.
Sometimes, children work may be kept and their progress evaluated through observation. To aid
observation of children’s work, the teacher may use tools such as:
Observation checklist
Rating scales
3. Interviews
Interviews involves face to face administration of questions to a child. The questions target
particular developmental aspects of children. Before interviews are conducted, the interviewer
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.
should create a friendly relationship with the child. For successful interviewing process, guiding
questions must be developed and put into paper. The paper with particular questions to direct the
interview is called an interview guide or interview schedule.
Assessment tools
These are instruments used to collect data during assessment period. The tools discussed are:
observation schedule, observation checklist, rating scale and interview schedule.
i) Observation schedule
When assessing children developmental aspects, one can use observation schedule to record
what he observes during data collection. The observer defines and comes up with a detailed list
of behaviors to be assessed. The observer keeps on observing and recording behaviors as they
occur. Below is a sample of an observation schedule.
Response Rate
Can recognise all the letters Excellent
Can recognise three of the five letters Good
Can run recognise one or none of the five letters Fair
Joseph Jolly Joyce Oyom. Tel. +256-772957506 or +256-701702033.