Method For Finding The Exact Effective Hamiltonian
Method For Finding The Exact Effective Hamiltonian
Method For Finding The Exact Effective Hamiltonian
Method for finding the exact effective Hamiltonian of time driven quantum
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general scheme that allows to find such effective Hamiltonian. The method is based in using the
structure of the associated Lie group and a decomposition of the evolution on each group generator.
The time evolution is thus always transformed in a system of ordinary non-linear differential equa-
tions for a set of coefficients. In many cases this system can be solved by symbolic computational
algorithms. As an example, an exact solution to three well known problems is provided. For two of
them, the modulated optical lattice and Kapitza pendulum, the exact solutions, which were already
known, are reproduced. For the other example, the Paul trap, no exact solutions were known. Here
we find such exact solution, and as expected, contain the approximate solutions found by other
During the last years there has been an ever increas- posed here. As examples we can cite: the Modulated
ing interest in studying time-driven quantum systems [1] optical lattice [10, 11], Fastly driven tight-binding chains
(TDQS). Among the reasons for this spark of interest, [12, 13], Paul trap [14], Quantum wires [15], Graphene
one can mention the possibility of tailoring time driven [16], Hubbard Hamiltonian [17–19]. Furthermore, Fock
potentials using cold-atoms [2] or optically irradiated 2D space operators have the same algebra than single par-
materials [3, 4], as well as for quantum entanglement ticle Hamiltonians [1]. Therefore, if the single parti-
problems [5]. Furthermore, it has been found that new cle Hamiltonian forms a Lie algebra so does the second
and interesting topological properties arise for periodic quantization version. Therefore, the second quantization
driven systems [6]. As a matter of fact, these proper- counterpart of any single particle Hamiltonian can be ad-
ties can also be found in 2D materials, as is the case of dressed in the same way. The method can also be used
graphene [7, 8]. Also, quantum-quenching has become a to find a gauge transformation so that the Hamiltonian
mainstream subject of research [9]. In almost all of these is time-independent [1, 20].
kind of systems [1], the Hamiltonian H(t) = H0 + V (t) A Hamiltonian is said to have a dynamical algebra if
is written as a time-independent Hamiltonian (H0 ) plus it can be expressed as the superposition of the elements
a time-dependent potential (V (t)). Among the most im- of a finite Lie algebra Ln = {h1 , h2 , . . . , hn } as
portant cases, is the one of a periodic V (t). Here we will
consider such case, with V (t) having a period T . H = a> h, (2)
The TDQS properties are thus calculatedRt by using the where h = (h1 , h2 , . . . , hn ) and the coefficients a> =
time evolution operator U (t) = T e−i 0 dtH(t)/~ , where (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) are in general time-dependent. In order
T is the time ordering operator. In the case of periodic for Ln to be a Lie algebra, any pair of its elements must
potentials, using Floquet theory, one can show that the meet the following commutator relation
solution is equivalent to find an effective Hamiltonian He n
such that [1], X
[hi , hj ] = i~ ci,j,k hk , (3)
U (T ) = e−iHe T /~ . (1) k=1
The matrices Mk can be calculated by taking the deriva- In order for UA to be the evolution operator, the con-
tive of the left-hand side of (4) with respect to the pa- dition u = 0 must be fulfilled [21]. This condition
rameter translates into a system of ordinary differential equations
(ODE) for the α(t) parameters that one could in princi-
∂αk Uk hUk† = Uk [hk , h] Uk† = −Qk Uk hUk† , (5) ple attempt to solve. However, specially for algebras with
~ large dimension, these equations might be very complex.
where the matrix elements of Qk are related to the struc- Therefore, instead, we solve the simpler system of differ-
ture constants by (Qk )i,j = ci,j,k . By using the condition ential equations
Uk hUk† = h for αk = 0, the formal solution to the differ-
ential equation (5) is given by E = ν −1 u = ν −1 Mn> . . . M2> M1> a − α̇ = 0. (14)
where U (t) = UA †
= UB †
, α> = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αn ) and where ν ≡ ν[α(λ, t)]. Factorizing h, transposing and
β = (β1 , β2 , . . . , βn ) are in general time-dependent pa- inverting ν, Eq. (15) can be recast in the form of the
rameters yet to be determined. We readily notice that ODE system of differential equations for α(λ, t)
the evolution operator in (10) has the form of (1) and
∂λ α(λ, t) = ν −1 [α(λ, t)]β(t). (16)
therefore it follows that
The key element to deduce the relation between α(t) and
β > (T )h/T = He . (11)
β(t) is solving this ODE system. Its solution renders
Even though in principle it would seem that a direct path α(λ, t) in the form of a function of λ and β(t)
to obtain He is to workout the β(t) coefficients, the differ-
α(λ, t) = α(λ, β(t)). (17)
ential equations that arise from the evolution operator in
(10) are extremely complicated. Fortunately, the differ- The inverse of (17) evaluated in λ = 1 yields the desired
ential equations ensued from UA are simpler and render relation of β(t) as a function of α(1, t)
the α(t) parameters instead. This, nevertheless, requires
that a relation between the α(t) and β(t) parameters be β(t) = β[α(1, t)] = β[α(t)]. (18)
We thus start by determining the α(t) parameters. Af- Nonetheless, the analytical solution of the ODE system
ter successively applying the n transformations in (9) to (16) or the inverse relation (18) might be challenging to
the Floquet operator H − pt [21] and using (4) and (8), work out. To overcome this difficulty we observe that
† † † †
UA (H − pt )UA = UA (a> h − pt )UA = u> h − pt , where β > (t)h = UB β > (t)hUB = β > (t)UA hUA = β > (t)Ma h,
u> = a> M1 M2 . . . Mn − α̇> (t)ν, (12)
ν = I1 M2 . . . Mn + I2 M3 . . . Mn + · · · + In . (13) M a = M 1 M 2 . . . Mn . (19)
By factorizing h and transposing we find that where C(a, q, ωt/2) is the even Mathieu function with
a = 4ω12 /ω 2 and q = −2ω02 /ω 2 . In order to obtain the
Ma> β(t) = β(t). (20)
β(t) we derive the ODE system for λ from (16)
This means that β(t) is any eigenvector of Ma> with
eigenvalue equal to 1, therefore, in general ∂λ α1 (λ, t) = β1 (t)e−4α2 (λ,t) , (26)
X ∂λ α2 (λ, t) = β2 (t) − 2β1 (t)α3 (λ, t), (27)
β(t) = γk (t)ρk (t), (21) ∂λ α3 (λ, t) = 4β1 (t)α32 (λ, t) + β3 (t)
−4β2 (t)α3 (λ, t). (28)
where γk (t) are coefficients to be determined and ρk (t)
are the eigenvectors of Ma> whose eigenvalues are 1. This To avoid solving the whole system of differential equa-
equation directly provides a relation between the com- tions we may use the only eigenvalue one eigenvector of
ponents of β(t) and the α(t) and reduces the search of Ma> , given in the SM. Therefore
parameters to γ1 (t), . . . , γm (t) where m < n.
α1 (t) 4α1 (t)α3 (t) − e−4α2 (t) + 1
Summarizing, the method to determine He works as β(t) = γ1 (t) , ,1 ,
follows. 1) Calculate the time-dependent α(t) parame- α3 (t) 4α3 (t)
ters by using Eq. (14) with the initial condition α(0) = 0. (29)
2) Connect α(t) and β(t) by means of the solution of the where the explicit form of γ1 (t) is given in the SM. Sub-
ODE system (16) in the form (18) and, if necessary, use stituting the three components of β we finally obtain the
the eigenvalue one eigenvectors of Ma> in Eq. (21) to sim- effective Hamiltonian
plify the inverse relation (18). 3) Finally, He is obtained
γ1 (T ) 2 α1 (T ) 2
from (11). He = p + x
T α3 (T )
In what follows, we apply the method to three well
4α1 (T )α3 (T ) − e−4α2 (T ) + 1
known problems: for the first one (Paul trap), only ap- + (xp + px) . (30)
proximate solutions are known and the last two of them 4α3 (T )
(modulated optical lattice and the Kapitza pendulum)
have closed solutions. Here we find exact solutions for To first order in H0 (H0 V ) the effective Hamil-
the three of them. As this method is rather systematic, tonian is given by He = p2 /2m + x2 mω04 /4ω 2 (SM)
it can be put in the form of a symbolic computational in full consistency with [1]. Even though the effective
algorithm in Mathematica [22]. The algorithms are pro- Hamiltonian in Eq. (30) is exact, it can be recast in
vided in the supplemental material (SM) [23]. a more suitable form as to allow the computation of
Example 1: Paul trap - Ion traps use time-dependent the quasi-energies. Applying the unitary transformation
electric fields in the radio frequency domain [1, 14] to U ≡ U1 (β2 (t)/2β3 (t)) = exp ix2 β2 (t)/2β3 (t)~ the effec-
confine charged ions. They are often studied through tive Hamiltonian is transformed into
the Hamiltonian of a particle of mass m in a modulated β 2 (T ) 2
β3 (T ) 2 1
harmonic potential He0 = U He U † = p + β1 (T ) − 2 x ,
T T β3 (T )
1 2 m 2 (31)
ω1 + ω02 cos(ωt) x2 . (22)
H = H0 + V (t) = p + where β1 (T ), β2 (T ) and β3 (T ) are readily obtained from
2m 2
The natural frequencies of the constant and modulated (29). Figures 1 (a) and (b) exhibitp the behaviour of
potentials are ω1 and ω2 , respectively, and ω is the ra- the effective energy ~Ω/~ω = β1 β3 − β22 /π and mass
dio angular frequency. It can be easily shown that the M/m = π/mωβ3 as functions of the drive’s frequency
operators that constitute (22) form a Lie algebra. The ω0 /ω. The green solid lines show the exact calcula-
commutators of h1 = x2 , h2 = p 2 and h3 = xp + px are tions and the blue ones show the results correspond-
2 2
x , p = i~2 (xp + px) = h3 , x2 , xp + px = i~4x2 = ing to the approximation
√ H0 V , M/m = 1 and
h1 , p2 , xp + px = −i~4p2 = h2 . Hence, its structure ~Ω/~ω = ω02 / 2ω 2 . We observe that for small values of
constants are c1,2,3 = −c2,1,3 = 2, c1,3,1 = −c3,1,1 = 4 ω the exact and approximate solutions of Ω/~ω slightly
and c2,3,1 = c3,2,1 = −4. This algebra corresponds to the diverge. The exact effective mass, on the other hand,
generators of the SU(2) group [24]. is rather different from the approximated one, even for
As shown in the SM, the solution resulting from the small values of ω/ω0 .
ODE time-dependent transformation parameters is, Example 2: Modulated optical lattice- The second-
quantized tight-binding Hamiltonian of the modulated
mω 2 d optical lattice [1, 11] is given by
α1 (t) = − ln C(a, q, ωt/2), (23)
8 dt
1 H = H0 + ωκ cos (ωt) V, (32)
α2 (t) = ln[C(a, q, ωt/2)/C(a, q, 0)], (24)
2 P †
C 2 (a, q, 0) t
ds where κ is a constant parameter, H0 = J j (aj+1 aj +
α3 (t) = , (25)
2m 0 C 2 (a, q, ωs/2) a†j aj+1 ) is the nearest-neighbor hopping term and V =
He = β1 (T ) + β2 (T )x + β3 (T )p
Ω /ω 0.15 0.18
+ β4 (T ) p2 + (mω0 )2 x2 /T, (34)
0.48 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56
where β1 (T ), β2 (T ), β3 (T ) and β4 (T ) are explicitly
given in the SM. This Hamiltonian can be rewrit-
ten in a more familiar form by eliminating the
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
terms proportional to x and p via the unitary trans-
ω0 / ω
formation U ≡ U2 (β3 /2β4 )U3 (−β2 /2(mω 0 ) β4 ) =
1.2 exp(i~xβ3 /2β4 ) exp −i~pβ2 /2(mω0 ) β4 . The trans-
formed effective Hamiltonian takes the form
p2 1 F2
He0 = U He U † = + mω02 x2 + . (35)
0.8 2m 2 4m (ω 2 − ω02 )
M /m