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7PY023 Campaign Assessment Brief-1 (2) - 1940593307

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7PY023- Frontiers in Pharmacy Assessment Brief and Guidance

Learning outcomes for the FIP assessment:

 LO1: Develop strategies for working with patients, the public and healthcare professionals
 LO2: Critique approaches to the maintenance of good health and the management of disease in
the public/population
 LO3: Develop strategies to supervise others and lead change

Word count

 The total word count for this campaign assignment is 2500 words – this includes all titles and
tables. There is a 10% overage tolerance on the wordcount. References and in-text references
are included in this word count.
 If the word count is 10-20% above or under 2500 words your grade will be reduced by one step
(i.e.,65 to 62)
 If the word count is over/under by 20% then your mark will be reduced by one classification (i.e.,
from 65 to 55)
 Please see the step marking criteria included in the assessment brief for further information.
 All work must be referenced using Harvard referencing.

You must complete the assessment on your own. Evidence of cheating will be reported for suspected
academic misconduct. University guidance on academic misconduct and definitions can be found at:
https://www.wlv.ac.uk/current-students/conduct-and-appeals/academic-misconduct/Links to an external

Section one: Background and justification for the campaign [including rationale and target

Section one guidance

 Include the reasons why this specific topic is important and/or relevant
 Include any local/national stastics that support your rationale
 Critique and analyse the research supporting the evidence base of your campaign and how it links
to LO2 ( See the Canvas page for the FIP assessment for LO’s)
 Critique and analyse the choice of target group for the campaign (refer back to the NHS long-term
plan or other Government schemes where appropiate)

Section two: Description of the campaign to be implemented [campaign materials to be appended]

Section two guidance

 Your campaign should be described as if you were running a health campaign on behalf of a
Healthy Living Pharmacy
 Include how the roles of other members of the pharmacy team will be utilised for this campaign

 Include details of any MDT work you will undertake as part of, or for this campaign
 Provide an example of ONE piece of promotional material summarising the key points you are
trying to convey from this campaign. Please include this in the Appendix
 The promotional material can be either a poster, leaflet, presentation, or any other form of
literature that you will use to promote your campaign.
 If you are submitting a poster or presentation, please remember to submit this within the
campaign assessment template word document e.g., as images or screen shots that can be
clearly viewed

Section three: Evaluation of your health campaign

Section three guidance

 Identify and critique the limitations of your health campaign: e.g., resourcing and time allocation
Please note as part of a HLP you will still be expected to carry out day to day pharmacist duties, or
have these covered so that the pharmacy can run for the duration of the campaign. Think about
the cost implications that this would have on the pharmacy
 Include examples of how you will ensure your campaign has longevity
 Include any follow up, if required
Grades will be awarded on the basis of closest fit with class descriptions. Within class, higher grades will be awarded to work displaying positive characteristics
to a stronger extent and/or occasionally meeting some standards of higher-class work. Lower grades will be awarded to work displaying positive characteristics
to a lesser extent and/or showing elements of lower-class work.


Outstanding: 92, 95, 98 Good: 62, 65, 68 Clear Pass: 52, 55, 58 Marginal Fail: 48, 45, 42
Excellent 82, 85, 88 Clear Fail: 38, 35, 32, 25
Very good: 72, 75, 78 Little or Nothing of Merit: 10, 0
Work of insufficient quality to achieve
The assessed work will demonstrate: The assessed work will demonstrate: The assessed work will demonstrate: a Pass standard. ‘Fail’ grade work
may suffer from some or all of the
following issues:
 An in-depth and systematic conceptual  A good conceptual understanding of  Satisfactory conceptual  Achievement of very few/none of
understanding of the topic the topic understanding of the topic the module learning outcomes
 All of the elements of the question set have  That all the key elements of the  That some of the key elements of  Completely fails to address the
been addressed question set will have been addressed the question set will have been question set (e.g., student has
 Independent thought, rather than relying  Some evidence of independent thought addressed. written at length about the wrong
simply on the ideas of others, perhaps as rather than relying simply on the ideas  Some evidence of independent topic)
contained in the prescribed reading of the of others, perhaps as contained in the thought rather than relying simply  Token or no attempt to integrate
module prescribed reading of the module on the ideas of others, perhaps as theory and practice
 Reading beyond that specified by the  Evidence of reading beyond that contained in the prescribed reading  Little or no understanding of
module author, reflecting a broad literature specified by the module guide. of the module theoretical and empirical
review, where appropriate  Evidence of a good grasp of prescribed  Some familiarity with, and considerations
 Reading with a critical understanding literature satisfactory understanding of,  Little or no reference to appropriate
prescribed literature literature
 Ability to evaluate theoretical concepts and  An ability to evaluate theoretical
draw appropriate conclusions concepts and draw appropriate  Some evidence of application of  Little or no evidence that the
conclusions theoretical concepts to empirical student has grasped key ideas
 Where appropriate, reflective and critical
and practical issues, and
application/integration of theoretical  An ability to apply theoretical concepts  Unduly descriptive and/or lacks
integrating theory and practice
concepts to empirical and practical issues to empirical and practical issues analysis
 An ability to analyse and synthesise  Clarity and conciseness, well-  PASS grade work may suffer from  Badly presented
some or all of the following issues:
information presenting material using constructed and articulate writing that  References largely incomplete and
structured, logical discussion and critical will be presented to a high standard  Inclusion of some materials not
not consistent with Psychology
argument using academic/ professional language directly relevant to the set question
Subject Group guidelines
 Clarity and conciseness, well-constructed  Accurate and consistent use of the  Providing an incomplete answer to  An assessment offence has been
and articulate writing that will be presented appropriate referencing system the set question
to a high standard using  Clear and concise written expression  Weaknesses in structure or in  Is submitted in contravention of
academic/professional language clarity
 Reference complete and consistent University submission regulations
 Accurate and consistent use of Harvard with Harvard referencing system.  Some errors in referencing in terms
referencing system of the use of the appropriate
referencing system and/or

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