NVC Role in IVs For Applicants November 2016
NVC Role in IVs For Applicants November 2016
NVC Role in IVs For Applicants November 2016
WHAT IS THE NATIONAL VISA CENTER? Providing applicants with interview instructions; and
The National Visa Center (NVC) is part of the U.S. Sending completed case files to the interviewing
Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs. consular officers so they are ready for the interview.
NVC serves a clerical function in processing immigrant
visa applications. WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF NVC’S WORK?
NVC helps prepare applicants for a successful interview
NVC’s job is to prepare immigrant visa applications for
the first time they appear. This helps decrease the
consular officers to review and adjudicate. After
likelihood that a consular officer will have to ask you to
receiving an approved immigrant petition from U.S.
reschedule the interview and return with missing
Citizenship and Immigration Services, NVC works with
paperwork. NVC’s work also helps standardize the
you on your visa application package. NVC’s role is to
immigrant visa process worldwide.
ensure that the minimum paperwork required by the
consular officer is received and properly filled out. That
way, when your visa application is sent overseas to a WHERE DO I FIND INFORMATION ON
U.S. embassy, it is ready to be considered during your WHAT I HAVE TO DO WHILE MY CASE IS
interview. AT NVC?
Please visit our website at nvc.state.gov (English) or
nvc.state.gov/espanol (Spanish) for information about
Consular officers who interview immigrant visa submitting your immigrant visa application package to
applicants are required by law to review specific NVC. There are six steps you have to complete before
documents. A large part of NVC’s work is making sure NVC can review your case and schedule your interview
applicants have gathered these documents and filled appointment:
out the required forms before their visa interview. Why
is that important? Because if a consular officer doesn’t Choose an agent (the person to whom NVC will
see these documents during the interview, the officer send instructions and feedback).
won’t be able to make a decision on your application –
Pay your processing fees online.
meaning a delay in your reunion with family in the U.S.
Complete the online Form DS-260 Immigrant Visa
NVC’s work includes: Application.
Collecting two immigrant visa processing fees; Have your petitioner complete a Form I-864 Affidavit
of Support and collect supporting financial
Reviewing forms and documents submitted to NVC
in support of the visa application;
Collect your supporting civil documents, such as
Scheduling visa interviews at embassies and
birth, marriage and police certificates.
consulates overseas once applicants have
submitted the requested documents; Submit all of these forms and documents to NVC.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I SUBMIT MY When you receive an appointment letter from NVC, it
FORMS AND DOCUMENTS TO NVC? will provide the date and time of your visa interview at a
U.S. embassy or consulate overseas. It will also direct
After NVC receives all of the requested paperwork, it you to our website at nvc.state.gov/interview (English)
will administratively review them. NVC’s work is clerical or nvc.state.gov/ interview/espanol (Spanish) for
in nature and is meant to ensure you have the important interview instructions. Prior to your visa
documents consular officers need to see. interview, you will need to: