UTS Philosophy
UTS Philosophy
UTS Philosophy
He also believed that man is composed of body and soul. Soul exists before birth after death.
• REASON (mind/ nous)- 0ur divine essence that enables us to think deeply, make wise choices,
and achieve a true understanding of eternal truths.
• SPIRIT (honor, emotion- our basic emotions such as love, anger, ambition, aggressiveness, and
• APPETITE (desire)- our basic biological needs such as hunger, thirst, and sexual desire.
SAINT AUGUSTINE- Christian Theologian
Human self is an immaterial soul that can think.
After the death of the souls of those who most love the forms would rise to contemplate the
eternal truths.
Emphasized the importance of the will, the ability to choose between good and evil.
The fundamental religious duty is to love and serve God.
is defined as a reservoir of feelings, The conscious mind involves all of the things that you are
thoughts, urges, and memories that currently aware of and thinking about. It is somewhat
outside of conscious awareness. akin to short-term memory and is limited in terms of
Freud believed that the unconscious capacity. Your awareness of yourself and the world
continues to influence behavior even around you are part of your consciousness.
though people are unaware of these “Reality Principle”
underlying influences.
“Pleasure Principle”
The mental
conscious self
also has
important role
to play in our
lives, it is the
self that holds
the greatest
that has the
influence in our
This concept explained that all the knowledge of ourselves and our world is based on subjective
experiences. It is more on how we view and give perceptions. The self can never be truly objectified