Geology & Model Designer - User Guide
Geology & Model Designer - User Guide
Geology & Model Designer - User Guide
March 2019
Copyright Notice
Rock Flow Dynamics r (RFD), 2004–2019. All rights reserved. This document is the intel-
lectual property of RFD. It is not allowed to copy this document, to store it in an information
retrieval system, distribute, translate and retransmit in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of RFD.
Trade Mark
RFD, the RFD logotype and tNavigator r product, and other words or symbols used to identify
the products and services described herein are trademarks, trade names or service marks of
RFD. It is not allowed to imitate, use, copy trademarks, in whole or in part, without the prior
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trademarks and/or trade dress of RFD and are not allowed to use, copy or imitate, in whole
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names are the properties of their respective owners.
Security Notice
The software’s specifications suggested by RFD are recommendations and do not limit the
configurations that may be used to operate the software. It is recommended to operate the
software in a secure environment whether such software is operated on a single system or
across a network. A software’s user is responsible for configuring and maintaining networks
and/or system(s) in a secure manner. If you have any questions about security requirements
for the software, please contact your local RFD representative.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should
not be construed as a commitment by RFD. RFD assumes no responsibility for any error that
may appear in this manual. Some states or jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of expressed
or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
Since the software, which is described in the present document is constantly improved, you
may find descriptions based on previous versions of the software.
1. Introduction 15
2. Designer project 17
2.1. Designer project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2. Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3. View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4. Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.5. Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.6. Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.7. Import Data from Rescue File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.8. Top panel buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.9. Left Panel Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.10. Right Panel Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.11. Well, Groups and Network Filter. Stream Line Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.11.1. Well filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.11.2. Streamline Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.11.3. Group filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.11.4. Network filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.12. Report Panel – Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.13. Visualization tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.13.1. Cross-Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.13.2. Geosteering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.14. Palette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.14.1. Local Palette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.15. Stream Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.15.1. Creating a Stream Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.15.2. Stream lines settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3. Cases 55
3.1. Dynamic Model Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.1.1. Runspec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.1.2. Grid Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.1.3. Static . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.1.4. Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.1.5. Aquifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.1.6. Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.1.7. Selective Writing of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.1.8. Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2. Creating different variants of dynamic model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2.1. Create cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.2.2. Restart and Forecast models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6. Wells 77
6.1. Wells Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.2. Import. Well Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.2.1. Import. WELLTRACK Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.2.2. Import. Well Path/Deviation Text Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.2.3. Import. LAS Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.2.4. Import. GWTD Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.2.5. Import. OWX Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.2.6. Import. MoReS Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.2.7. Import. Vertical Wells Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.2.8. Load Wells from Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.3. Trajectory construction methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.4. Import. Well Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.5. Well Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6.6. Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6.7. Create Log by Trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.8. Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7. Markers 97
7.1. Import. Markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
7.1.1. Text Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
7.1.2. OWX Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.2. Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.2.1. Text format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.2.2. Tabular format – Well/Marker Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.3. Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.4. Build Marker by Horizon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.5. Build Marker by Logs Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
9. Logs 106
9.1. Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
9.1.1. LAS Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
9.1.2. RFT Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
9.1.3. OWX Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
9.1.4. Production Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
9.1.5. Load Well Logs from Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
9.2. Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
9.3. Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
9.4. Logs Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
9.4.1. Generate synthetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
9.4.2. Upscale Log to Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
9.4.3. Create Log by Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
9.4.4. Create Log by Blocked Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
9.4.5. Log Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
9.4.6. Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
9.4.7. Mute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
9.4.8. Fill Gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
9.4.9. Remove Equals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
9.5. Merge Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
9.6. Linear Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
9.7. Logs Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
9.7.1. Remove Equals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
9.7.2. Resample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
9.7.3. Remove Spikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
9.7.4. Block/Unblock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
1. Introduction
tNavigator is a software package, offered as a single executable, which allows to build static
and dynamic reservoir models, run dynamic simulations, perform extended uncertainty anal-
ysis and build surface network as a part of one integrated workflow. All the parts of the
workflow share common proprietary internal data storage system, super-scalable parallel nu-
merical engine, data input/output mechanism and graphical user interface. tNavigator supports
METRIC, LAB, FIELD units systems.
tNavigator is a multi-platform software application written in C++ and can be installed on
Linux, Windows 64-bit OS and run on systems with shared and distributed memory layout
as a console or GUI (local or remote) based application. tNavigator runs on workstations and
clusters. Cloud based solution with full GUI capabilities via remote desktop is also available.
tNavigator contains the following 8 functional modules licensed separately:
• Compositional simulator;
• Thermal simulator;
Modules Geology Designer, Model Designer are fully integrated with simulation engine
(Black Oil simulator, Compositional simulator, Thermal simulator).
• Load rescue files of the static model and edit data; create a dynamic model based on
existing geological model;
1. Introduction 15
• Load existing model in the tNavigator, E1, E3, IM, ST, GE, MO formats and edit grid
locally, edit properties and keywords;
• Run workflows;
• Build PVT tables using compositional properties and match with measurement data
(PVT Designer is described in the document tNavPVTDesignerGuide);
• Create lifting tables (VFP) using correlations and match with measurement data;
• Define rules for wells (well control mode, economic limits, group controls and other);
• Calculate the designed dynamic model visualizing results on 2D, 3D and graphs.
tNavigator User Manual contains the description of physical model, mathematical model
and the keywords that can be used in dynamic model.
1. Introduction 16
2. Designer project
Examples of how to set project settings and import the data are shown
in training tutorials:
• The Options Panel (Cases, Geometry Objects, Fluid Properties, Wells Data, Data Anal-
ysis, Graphs);
• There are three working panels: a tree of corresponding objects (at the left), a visual-
ization properties panel and a list of calculations which are available for the object. It is
possible to activate only the panels you need for work using buttons placed at the left
(Left panel buttons);
• The Visualization panel (2D, 3D, Wells Table, Well Section, Histogram, VPC, Crossplot,
Seismic, Geosteering);
The required option can be chosen by left clicking on the corresponding button. For most
part of the options, selecting an option brings up an additional sub-options panel near the
main option panel. On the right panel, the corresponding data are visualized for viewing and
2. Designer project 17
2.2. Document
• Save.
Save current project.
2.2. Document 18
• Load Symbols
Loading well symbols (see 6.5).
• Open Model.
Open a created dynamic model.
This feature is also accessible as a procedure in workflow, see 40.2.
• Export Model.
The created model will be saved in tNavigator format. The definition and detailed
description of this format are given in the User Manual section tNavigator format.
This feature is also accessible as a procedure in workflow, see 40.2.
• Stop.
Stop calculation of the model.
• Close model.
Close the created model.
• Settings.
• Coordinate System.
– Coordinate System. Using the button Select the Coordinate Reference Sys-
tem, the coordinate reference can be set for the entire project. The coordinate
system can be found by its EPSG code (European Petroleum Survey Group). A
detailed information about each coordinate system is available, including the
name, the EPSG code, the type of coordinates (projected or geographic), the
information and the data source and the information about the datum (ellipsoid
and origin of the coordinate system).
– Datum. Displays the datum associated to the chosen coordinate system once
it is set. Note that it is possible to import objects which are not in the same
coordinate system as the one which is set for the entire project (see the options
in calculations panel)
• Output Units. The units indicted by the user (METRIC / FIELD / LAB) will be
used for the project graphical interface and for the saved model as well.
2.2. Document 19
• Templates.
See Templates below.
• Workflows
See 40. Workflows.
Templates allows to specify units, a type (continuous, discrete and ternary palettes) and cate-
gories (in the case of discrete properties) of the objects. At the bottom of the List of Templates
dialog there are buttons allowing:
• Add New Template. Tabs Info and Palette to the right become active;
• Delete Template;
On the tab Info the following data can be specified for a new template:
– Continuous palette;
– Discrete palette;
– Ternary palette.
In the tab Palette a palette preview is shown in relative units. In order to change palette
settings right-click on it. If Continuous palette is chosen as Type the following option are
2.2. Document 20
• Edit Palette. Allows to move (up/down) a color boundary (horizontal line denoting a
begining of color identification);
• Logarithmic Palette. Colors associated with positive parameter values will be varied
logarithmically (all negative parameter values will be set equal to zero). It is recom-
mended to use this palette for parameters having small values for better visualization of
their distributions;
• Inverted Palette. For a normal palette a region of property maximal values is marked
with red color, while region of minimal values is marked with blue color. For the
inverted palette the region of maximal values will be marked with blue color and the
region of minimal values will be marked with red color;
2.2. Document 21
• Discrete Palette. In contrast to a continuous palette, where each parameter value corre-
sponds to its shade palette color for a discrete palette each palette color corresponds to
a range of parameter values. There is no linear interpolation between palette colors. The
number of colors is specified by the option Discretization Degree in palette settings.
If Discrete palette is chosen as Type in the tab Info the following option are available:
• Alternative Mode. A name, a color and a pattern are assigned to the selected object
• Graphic Mode. The created discrete palette is visualized.
If Ternary palette is chosen as Type in the tab Info the following option are available (in
order to edit palette settings right-click on it):
Examples of working with templates and palettes are given in the train-
ing course COMMON1.1. How to use Templates and Palette.
In order to apply the created template to the selected object, right-click on it and in the
pop up Object Settings dialog go to the tab Settings and select the template from the drop
down menu Template. To edit a template press the button ... to the right.
In oder to apply a template palette untick Use Locale Palette in the palette
settings dialog which can be opened by right-clicking on the current palette
(see Palette).
2.3. View
• New View. Create Designer new window for the current project.
2.3. View 22
2.4. Files
Project files are available for viewing here.
2.5. Reports
2.6. Queue
• Calc Model: One Model;
Some of above mentioned menu elements can be found on Top panel buttons.
2.4. Files 23
• Rescue File Name. Complete path to the rescue file. The path can be changed by the
ellipsis button;
• Length Measure Units. Set the length measure units for XY units and Z units;
– Apply ACTNUM to Grid. Tick or untick the box to use or not ACTNUM cube
(if present) in the project (cf. the keyword ACTNUM, see 12.2.29). The cube will
be loaded as region and will be displayed in the category Regions in Geometry
Objects. If no ACTNUM cube is available and the option is activated, the rescue
file is loaded, but a message is displayed in the message panel indicating that no
ACTNUM is available;
– Use. Tick or untick the box to import or not the properties;
– Input Name. Name of the property in the model;
– Name in Designer. Name of the property which will be displayed in Designer
interface. The field can be changed by double clicking on it;
– Quantity. Set the equivalent quantity of the properties. The proper quantity can be
chosen from the list by double clicking on the field;
– System. Set the system of the properties from SI, METRIC, LAB, FIELD.
– Load Faults. Allows to load the faults as separate geometry objects. After the
loading, the faults will appear under Faults in the objects tree.
– Load as Horizons.Allows to load the horizons which are present in the model.
The horizons will appear under Horizons in Geometry Objects;
– Load as Faulted Horizons. Allows to load the horizons which are present in the
model as faulted horizons. After the loading, the horizons will appear in Geometry
Objects below faulted horizons;
– Use. Tick or untick the box to import or not the horizons;
– Input Names. Name of the horizon in the model;
– Name in Designer. Name of the horizon which will be displayed in Designer
interface. The field can be changed by double clicking on it
• Reload Graphs.
• Open Time Step Editor. Time step editor will be opened (figure 3):
– Add Steps.
Step Length. Time step length: One step, Year, Month, Week, Day. Initial date.
Initial date of the time interval. Final date. Final date of the time interval. In
accordance with defined settings the list of dates will be formed. The number of
steps fitted inside a given time interval will be added.
One step means that time step length is equal to the whole time interval. For any
length of time interval one time step will be always added.
– Remove Step. Remove the time step.
– Add Steps from History and Event Tables. Time steps will be defined
automatically after loading wells data and/or history. Any date can be defined as
initial or final by right-clicking on the date and selecting in dialogue Defined as
initial or final.
• Show Settings
Clicking on the button brings up the visualization properties panel. This panel gathers
the main visualization settings for all the objects. Clicking on the button again hides the
• 3D Slicing
Shows slices of the model.
• Properties Filter
Opens a tool for creating cuts based on property values.
• Create Cross-Section
This option allows to create vertical or horizontal cross-sections of the model. You can
also create a cross-section via selected points or wells or well trajectories. The created
cross-section can be viewed in 2D.
• Ruler
Measures the distance between two blocks specified by mouse clicks or selected by
• Statistics & Information
Shows statistics concerning the grid in general and the currently selected property.
• Brush
Opens a tool for convenient freehand selection of arbitrary areas in 2D and 3D.
• Pull
Opens a tool for freehand transformations of grid geometry.
• Faults
Creates faults with a variety of options (see Fault Editing).
• Point Sets
Opens a tool for freehand editing of point sets.
• Create Screenshot
Creates a screenshot in a variety of formats.
• Find Well/Conn
Opens the well search tool.
• Seismic
Opens a number of tools for working with seismic data.
The button Well Filter opens the popup window with the following functionality:
1. Create Well filter (see section 2.11.1). If the filter is turned on, only the selected objects
will be shown in all visualization; in the Graphs option only graphs and data for the
selected objects will be accessible.
2. Create Filter for groups (see section 2.11.3). This filter allows to visualize only selected
groups and connections between them in 2D.
3. Create Filter for surface network visualization (see section 2.11.4). This filter allows
to visualize only selected nodes of surface network and branches between them in 2D.
4. Create Streamline Filter (see section 2.11.2). Using this filter allows to show all the
wells of the model and visualize only streamlines for the wells selected by the streamline
• Select All;
• Deselect All;
• Invert selection.
• Single Well Selection. On the left side of the window, check the wells you need. You can
find a well in the list of wells using the search line (start typing well’s name or number
in the search line).
• Multiple Well Selection. On the right side of the window, click the collections you need.
◦ Accumulated Historical/Calculated Well Types does the same, but considers the
past status of a well along with its current status. For example, a producer well
converted at some point to an injector will be selected both as a producer and as
an injector.
With each of these collections, the following actions are available via the context menu:
Once you have included in the filter all the wells you need, click Close.
Well filters are saved automatically and will persist when you close and re-open the model.
Buttons to work with filters
• Delete Filter.
• Create Filter.
• Duplicate Filter the current well filter (create a new filter that only includes the
wells selected in the current filter).
• Use As Streamline filter (the wells in the current filter will be included in the
Stream Line Filter, see the description below).
1. Check wells which will be included to a new list. Press Create Well List.
2. Enter a list name. Press OK.
• Export. A list of wells in the filter will be saved to a text file. The file can be loaded to
the model as a filter.
• Import. A saved filter can be loaded from a file or from the clipboard.
1. In the Well Filter dialog, select Current Filter – Streamline Filter. Select the required
wells. For these wells streamlines will be visualized.
2. Select the Current Filter – Well Filter 1 (or a different filter that includes wells
required to be displayed). Well Filter 1 includes all wells. Click Close in the dialog.
3. Go to 3D view or 2D view of the model. Uncheck Show Mesh and check Stream
Lines. Streamlines will be shown only for the selected wells– figure 5. However, all the
wells of the model will be visible (according to Well Filter 1).
4. Go to 2D view. Right-click on the property near a well, and you will see a pop-up menu
to define the Stream Line Filter. Add This Well. Selecting Keep This Well Only
keeps only this well in the Stream Line Filter.
If a model contains group hierarchy defined via GRUPTREE (see 12.19.100), the group
filter becomes available on a separate tab of the Well filter window. This filter allows to vi-
sualize only selected groups and connections between them in 2D. Switch to 2D view. Select
Groups in the drop-down menu of Nodes located on the visualization settings tab to see the
filter’s action – figure 6.
For groups with subordinate groups the following options are available via the context
menu obtained by right mouse click:
• Add all children to filter. All child objects of the selected group will be visualized on
the map.
• Remove from filter. The object will get removed from filter and will not be visible.
• Remove from filter with children. The selected object and all its children will not be
visible on the map.
• Remove only children from filter. All children of the selected object will not be visible
on the map.
! Note that a left click on a group toggles only this group itself, and not its
subordinate groups and/or wells.
If a model contains surface network defined via NETWORK (see 12.1.91), the network
filter becomes available on a separate tab of the Well filter window. The detailed descrip-
tion of these objects is in the section NETWORK option. Automatic chokes. Compressors of
tNavigator User Manual.
This filter allows to visualize only selected network nodes and branches between them in 2D
view. Select Network Nodes in the drop-down menu of Nodes located on the visualization
settings tab to see the filter’s action – figure 7.
• Remove from filter. The object will get removed from filter and will not be visible.
• Remove from filter with children. The selected object and all its children will not be
visible on the map.
• Remove only children from filter. All children of the selected object will not be visible
on the map.
! Note that a left click on an object toggles only this object itself, and not its
subordinate objects.
• 2D;
• 3D;
• Seismic;
• Cross-Section;
• Wells Table;
• Well Section;
• Histogram;
• VPC;
• Crossplot;
• Geosteering;
• Table;
Each visualization tab can be detached by dragging it outside of the tab set and can be du-
plicated in order to set an independent view. The tabs manager is accessible by View/Windows
on the top menu.
2.13.1. Cross-Section
The Cross-Section tab is used to display the cross-sections created in 3D. All the objects can
be displayed, even if the grid is not built yet.
Build a cross-section
The option Create Cross-Section is available both in 3D and 2D on the right panel (
button). There is no validation button, all the modifications are automatically saved in the
There are several cross-sections types:
• Vertical Cross-Section;
• Coordinate Plane;
• Points Selection;
• Well Fence;
2. The plane of the section can be moved by dragging the yellow spheres. You can rotate
the plane by pulling the corners.
3. In the dialogue, you can manually set the coordinates of the first and the last block (in
(METRIC: m, FIELD: ft)), see Fig. 9.
4. Apply. OK.
Creating a Coordinate Plane Cross-Section
1. In the Cross-Section dialogue window select Coordinate Plane and Plane parallel to
which the cross-section will be created, e.g. Z plane.
2.13.1. Cross-Section 37
3. The appeared plane of the section can be moved by pulling the yellow balls. You can
rotate the plane by pulling the corner cubics, see Fig. 10
4. If the cross-section crosses the boundary between blocks parallel to the Z plane you can
select the blocks above or below the cross-section which faces will be located on the
5. In the dialogue, you can manually set the depth (in (METRIC: m, FIELD: ft)).
6. Apply. OK.
Point Selection
3. Tick Use Grid to use grid blocks centers or Use Horizons to select points on a chosen
horizon to build the cross-section. In this last case, no grid is needed, see Fig. 11 and
Fig. 12
4. Click on the grid or the horizon to select the points for the construction of cross-section.
2.13.1. Cross-Section 38
7. You can change the position of fence points by pulling the cubes.
8. Apply. OK.
2.13.1. Cross-Section 39
3. Select a well from the list. The selected well should be directional. Otherwise, if well is
vertical this type of cross-section will be degenerate and will not be shown; figure 13.
4. If the well trajectory has been loaded, you can check Trajectory and select the trajectory
branch along which the fence will be created.
5. The Tolerance slider defines the number of points of the well trajectory which will be
used to create the well fence. The tolerance determines how far from the created line
(defining the cross-section) the skipped points of the trajectory can be located.
Based on the slider position, the maximum distance (tolerance in the formula below),
which should not be exceeded, is calculated according to the following formula:
6. Apply. OK.
2.13.1. Cross-Section 40
3. Select the well filter based on which the fence will be created in the drop-down menu,
see Fig 14.
4. If the well trajectories have been loaded, you can check Prefer Trajectories.
5. Close Fence creates a closed fence (the first point and the last point will be connected).
6. Alignment: Top, Middle, or Bottom (for horizontal wells the fence line depends on the
type of the alignment)
2.13.1. Cross-Section 41
2.13.1. Cross-Section 42
2.13.2. Geosteering
This panel is used to adjust the placement of the drillhead to adapt the information gathered
from the area around and below the drill. These operations will allow to obtain a better placed
This tab is composed of the following areas (see Fig. 15):
• Reference Well. Display of the trajectory and the logs of the well which was chosen as
the reference one. This well will be used to compute the synthetic curve. To set the log
curves, click first on Reference Well and then, select the curve in Geometry Objects;
• Planned and Drilled Well. Display of the trajectory of the planned and drilled wells.
The synthetic curve calculated from the reference well can be displayed;
• Cross-Sections. Display of the cross section, indicating the planned, drilled and refer-
ence well trajectories. To create a cross-section, see Cross-Section.
Figure 15. Geosteering tab A) Reference Well area, B)Planned and Drilled Well area, C)
Cross-Sections area
On the right panel, depending on the selected area (to select an area, click on the area name),
different options are available. For the Reference Well and the Planned and Drilled Well
areas, these buttons are the same as for the well section window. The following buttons are
common to all areas:
2.13.2. Geosteering 43
• Configure Geosteering ( ). This option allows to set the reference, the drilled and
the planed wells;
• Create Synthetic Log ( ). Allows to compute a synthetic log for the horizontal
planed well, using the reference well. A relationship between the log values and the
depth is computed for the reference log for the depth interval situated at the depth of
the horizontal well trajectory. A log value is assigned to each trajectory point of the
horizontal well using this relationship, cf Fig. 16.
Figure 16. Reference well and planned well location example in A). Vertical reference well
in B), the relationship between the log values and the depth is computed between MD1 and
MD2. Computed synthetic log for the planned well, which trajectory is comprised between
MD1 and MD2, in C)
– Reference Well. Select the well which will be used to compute the relationship
between the log values and the depth;
– Reference Log. Select the log which will be used to compute the synthetic log;
– Planned Well. Select the planned well trajectory;
2.13.2. Geosteering 44
– Synthetic Log. Select the synthetic log or enter a name to create a new one.
• Use Well Filter. If a well filter is set, only the wells which are included in the filter will
be available for the computations and will be displayed;
2.13.2. Geosteering 45
2.14. Palette
A palette is used to assign colors to values of the selected property. The palette is vertical
strip to the left of the visualization window. Holding the top of the palette (where the property
name is indicated) you can move it.
By default for each property there is a local palette. Right-click on the palette and tick Use
Local Palette in the pop-up menu. To create your own palette for the selected property go to
the menu Document and select Template.
2.14. Palette 46
• Edit Palette. Allows to move (up/down) a color boundary (horizontal line denoting a
begining of color identification);
• Palette regimes:
• Reset Zoom. A palette scale can be zoomed in/out by scrolling the mouse wheel
while the mouse cursor is over the palette. To return to a default view you can use the
option Reset Zoom;
• Reset Filter. Resets a filter. To create a filter move the mouse cursor over a palette
while pressing the left mouse button. Filtered colors will appear to the right of palette
while blocks containing corresponding property values become grey (see figure 19);
• Display Filter Part. To create a filter move the mouse cursor over a palette while
pressing the left mouse button. Filtered colors will appear to the right of palette while
blocks containing corresponding property values become gray (see figure 19). The cre-
ated range of deleted colors can be moved with cursor while pressing the right mouse
button. In this case the corresponding blocks model will become gray.
• Show Histogram. Histogram is visualized on the palette and shows the number of
blocks having property values in the specified intervals.
– Max Histogram Value. If this option is ticked the maximal number of blocks over
all histogram bars. The number of histogram bars is specified by Bins (see below);
– Show Min and Max Values on Histogram. If this option is ticked minimal and
maximal values of visualized property will be shown on histogram;
– Bins. Specifies the number of intervals (bins) into which the range of property
values is subdivided.
• Auto Update Bounds (All Timesteps). The minimal (maximal) property value is cal-
culated over all time steps — cumulative minimum (maximum), i.e. property maximum
constantly increases, while a property minimum decreases and palette boundaries con-
stantly expand;
• Auto Update Bounds (Current Timestep). Palette boundaries are specified by minimal
and maximal property values recalculated at each time step;
• Min. Specifies a new minimal property value. It will be available for specification if
automatically update options (see above) are unticked. To automatically recompute a
property minimum right-click on the palette and tick a required automatically update
• Max. Specifies a new maximal property value. It will be available for specification if
automatically update options (see above) are unticked. To automatically recompute a
property maximum right-click on the palette and tick a required automatically update
• Discretization Degree. The number of colors for a discrete palette (see figure 18);
• Use Local Precision. If this option is ticked the precision of values shown on the palette
can be varied.
• Use Palette Sign Step. If this option is ticked the step between signs on the palette can
be specified.
• The discrete number of lines will be constructed for the defined rate.
For example, let’s consider the case when 1 streamline corresponds to 5 cubic meters
(i.e. density). For the well with a rate equals to 14 cubic meters 2 streamlines will be
created. The rest 4 cubic meters (14 − 2 × 5) will be considered as corresponding to the
reservoir. This can be seen in a drainage table.
• Tracking based on the pressure potential does not take into account a compound chang-
ing along stream lines.
Stream lines can be displayed in 3D when Show Grid is unchecked. To visualize them,
open the dynamic model, start the calculation, and select StreamLines in the tree under
Dynamic model. During a computation, you can see the stream lines changing.
Stream lines can have different color in accordance with wells (see below). Stream lines
can be visualized only for wells which selected by stream line filter.
• Flux tolerance is used as follows: if the stream volume flowing through a face of a block
is smaller than the density to the error quotient, there is no stream line running through
the face.
• Max points per streamline is the maximum number of a point’s positions recorded for
plotting a trajectory.
• Max nodes per block is the maximum number of a point’s positions within one block that
are recorded for plotting a trajectory.
Recommendation. If stream lines are not long enough (e.g., if a stream line starts from
an injector but does not reach a producer), you can increase the stream line’s life time and the
maximum number of points. In some cases (especially if the well has high productivity and
many connection holes), these parameters have to be increased by several orders of magnitude
in order to have full stream lines.
3. Cases
Cases tab contains general settings of the designed model. Depending on selected defini-
tions, different options are available in the project.
Furthermore, it is possible to define various simulation cases for the current project. See
section Creating different variants of dynamic model for more information. Different grids,
properties, geometry objects, rock and fluid models can se assigned to different cases.
3.1.1. Runspec
This tab contains the settings that can be defined in RUNSPEC (see 12.1.1) section of .data
file (initial data necessary for oil-and-gas reservoir model specification).
In this tab it is possible to:
• Specify the model type (black oil, compositional, thermal). If none of these types is
selected, black oil case will be initialized.
• Specify the fluids that will be presented in the model (OIL (see 12.1.56), GAS
(see 12.1.57), WATER (see 12.1.58), DISGAS (see 12.1.60), VAPOIL (see 12.1.59),
• Request special options (Temperature option, Geomechanical option, Dual Porosity/Dual
Permeability Option, Coal bed methane option, ASP modeling, Asphaltene modeling,
• Define dimensions of the tables and number of regions.
• Adjust numerical tuning parameters (for example, keywords RUNCTRL (see 12.19.140),
TNAVCTRL (see 12.1.4), etc.).
In the dynamic model’s properties are defined (i.e. the static objects, fluid and rock models
are assigned to dynamic grid and the schedule is defined) the RUNSPEC section can be
automatically completed via Autofill ruspec button
3. Cases 55
• Active cell – in this category it is possible to set the minimal volumetric criteria for ac-
tive blocks (MINDZNET (see 12.2.33), MINPV (see 12.2.30), MINROCKV, see 12.2.35).
• Initial specification – in this category it is possible to define the exported grid type.
The following Grid Types are available:
The detailed description of these options is also provided in tNavigator User Manual in
section 5.5.
3.1.3. Static
This tab is used to define the initial properties of dynamic grid. The following operations
should be done:
• The grid should be selected (if more than one grid are presented in the project).
• The property should be selected and the corresponding model (geometry object) should
be assigned.
• In dual porosity runs grid properties can be defined separately for Matrix and Fracture
3.1.4. Fluid
In this tab the fluid, rock, and equilibrium models can be assigned to corresponding regions.
The Tables, functions and operations can be defined in Fluid Properties tab.
• PVT – Fluids properties. One PVT model should be defined for each PVT region.
• Initial – Initial equilibrium and Threshold pressures. One Equilibrium model and, if
needed, one Threshold pressure table should be defined for each Equilibration region.
• Rock – Rock compressibility. One Rock Compaction table model should be defined for
each Compaction region.
3.1.5. Aquifer
In this tab it is possible to add aquifer model to the current case:
• For dual porosity models it is possible to attach aquifer either to Matrix or to Fracture
media or to both medias simultaneously.
3.1.6. Faults
In this tab it is possible to add faults to the current case. Fault models should be selected from
the project and the corresponding properties should be assigned to each fault. Fault properties
available for specification:
3.1.4. Fluid 57
The default results writing settings are the following:
3.1.8. Schedule
In this tab it is possible to add development strategy to the current case. The Start Date and the
End date can be defined as well. The detailed description well rules and avaliable operations
is provided in sections 33 - 35.6.
3.1.8. Schedule 59
• Create new model. A new model case with blank data deck will be created. In order
to initialize dynamic model, static and dynamic properties should be defined (see the
section Dynamic Model Initialization for more information).
• Create new child model. A new child model with blank data deck will be created.
Several child models can be assigned to one parent model.
• Duplicate. All data (grid, properties, wells data, etc.) will be copied to a new model
• Duplicate to child. All data (grid, properties, wells data, etc.) will be copied to a child
• Delete. Option is available only for model variants which are not current.
• Set Current. The selected model variant becomes current allowing to modify it.
• Comment. For each case a comment can be added. If Dynamic model is exported from
Model Designer, this comment will appear at the beginning of .data file.
• Remove model. The selected case will be removed from the project. If the case has
child models attached, they will be removed as well.
• Create Forecast. This option allows to create a forecast model from the current case.
The following properties can be specified:
– Start date of the forecast (any calculated step from initial case can be selected).
– Timestep for forecast model.
– Forecast length or the end date of forecast.
– Wells controls and limits (set separately for Producers, Water Injectors and Gas
The forecast model is a duplicate of initial case, but the schedule will be changed. The
forecast strategy will be created according to settings described above. This strategy
will become available Wells Data tab and can be modified.
• Create model variant from step. This option allows to create a restart model from the
current case. The restart date should be specified (any calculated step from initial case
can be selected). The restart strategy (i.e. the Schedule after the restart date) become
available Wells Data tab and can be modified.
6. Connected components
It would make no sense to run a calculation for much longer timespans (say,
1000 years). Such a calculation will likely provide physically unrealistic re-
sults due to accumulated numeric instability. This does not say anything about
the quality of the model itself.
• THPRES (see 12.16.11) specifies threshold pressure between the blocks from different
• THPRESFT (see 12.2.40) specifies threshold pressure between the blocks from different
sides of a fault.
In both cases, if the pressure difference between the separated blocks is below the threshold,
then there will be no flow between them. If the pressure exceeds the threshold, there will be
flow. At that, the effective pressure difference will be diminished by the threshold value.
To find a reasonable estimate of the threshold pressure, the reservoir engineer should
consult the THPRES report and assume the threshold to exceed the maximum value found
there. The report is printed to the log file when initializing the dynamic model.
THPRES report
| from \ to (Bars) | 1 | 2 |
| 1 | 0.0000| 1000.0000|
| 2 | 1000.0000| 0.0000|
– As the pressure increases, Rs increases too, as more gas gets dissolved in oil.
– Above the saturation pressure, Rs remains constant.
The tNavigator grid properties related to fluids in place are listed in the section
5.10.2. Fluid-in-place tab of tNavigator User Manual.
• WOC is the imaginary surface below which the relative permeability of oil phase equals
• WOC is the imaginary surface above which a well will produce oil, probably mixed
with water, and below just 100% water.
The lack of consensus on the definition of WOC could have contributed to the confusion over
different WOC values obtained from different wells of the same reservoir.
It is recommended to:
• Average WOC over all wells having relatively close measurements, so as to have a
single horizontal surface of WOC.
• Create faults to separate areas with significantly different WOC (see figure 27).
Figure 27. Averaging WOC in one region (left) and separationg regions with faults (right)
• Non-equilibrium initialization
Water and oil saturations (SWAT (see 12.16.14), SOIL, see 12.16.16) are specified
explicitly as grid properties; so is the initial pressure.
• Equilibrium initialization
The user only specifies the contact depths, and the fluid saturations are derived from
those. At that, the cube of initial water saturation might be specified as well (SWATINIT,
see 12.6.65). In this case the capillary pressures are scaled in such a way as to ensure
the specified water stauration. Scaling factor is stored in the PCW grid property. It may
be limited by the keyword PPCWMAX (see 12.6.66). If this keyword is not specified,
incorrect distribution of water saturations might lead to exorbitant values of capillary
• Autoupdate. If the button Autoupdate is being pressed, after defining the calculation
rule, the property will be recalculated when the parameters included in the rule change.
By default the button Autoupdate is not pressed.
• Actual State. Show the dialogue used for calculating the current object. Parameters
used for the calculation will be activated.
5.2. Calculator
The calculator tool is available for the following objects:
• Markers;
• Wells Attributes;
• Logs;
• Horizons;
• 2D-Maps;
• Grid Properties;
• Blocked Wells.
◦ Polygon. This option allows to set a polygon of the project as a boundary for the
generated object;
◦ Grid Properties. Gathers all the parameters which will define the plane grid.
◦ Angle, degree. Angle of rotation of the plane grid.
◦ Min. X/Y, m. Minimum X or Y coordinate in meters.
◦ Length along X/Y, m. Field used to set the minimum length of the plane which will
be generated.
◦ Step along X/Y, m. Field used to set the distance between the plane grid points
along X or Y axis.
◦ Autodetect by. Chose an object in the list if you want to use its size as dimensions
for the plane which will be generated. It is recommended to set this option for
shifting horizons.
◦ Autodetect. Autodetects the size of the object selected in the field Autodetect by.
Fills automatically the Grid Properties fields.
◦ Well log. Sampling method for the created log. The points will be generated with
the same interval as the points defined in the selected well log;
◦ Uniform grid step. Sampling method for the created log. The points will be gen-
erated with the interval specified in the field. The values of the well log will be
affected by interpolation;
◦ Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed;
◦ Filter. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set;
◦ Formula. The white field is used to write the formula which will define the object to
◦ Assistant fields. Gathers the objects that can be used in the formula. Double-click on it to
display the exact syntax in the formula area;
◦ Operators. List of operators that can be used in the formula. All these options can be
entered manually using the keyboard as well as the Operators menu. The following
operations can be performed:
5.2. Calculator 70
◦ +, -, *, / The value of the resulting property, the depth of the resulting marker, the
value of the resulting log points, the depth of the resulting horizon, the value of the
resulting 2D map will be defined by a sum, a difference, a product or a division;
◦ ˆ Allows to use the power operator in the formula;
◦ >,< Allows to use the comparison operators in the formula;
◦ == This operator has to be used in if conditions as the equal sign (cf.figure 31);
◦ Functions. List of functions that can be used in the formula. These functions can either be
entered by hands or selected from the menu. The following functions are available:
5.2. Calculator 71
◦ min, max, avg. Calculates the minimum, max or the average value of the selected
◦ sum. Calculates the sum of all the values of the selected object;
◦ sin, cos, tan. Calculates the sinus, cosinus or tangente value of each point for each
◦ exp, ln, log10. Calculates the exponential, the natural logarithm, the common loga-
rithm value of each point for each object;
◦ round. Round function rounds the values to the nearest integer;
◦ pow. The pow function returns the first argument raised in the power of the second
( pow(x, y) = xy );
◦ sqrt. Returns the square root of the argument;
◦ avg_by_reg. Available only for properties . This function calculates the average of
any 3D property (corresponding to the first argument of the function) for each de-
fined region (the region property is the second argument). The region 3D property
has to be a discrete property and a discrete template has to be assigned to it;
◦ arand. Available only for properties. Generates a random number from 0 to 1 in
each block.
◦ normalize. Available only for well logs. Scales the distribution from 0 to 1, using
the following formula for each data point: maximum+minimum where maximum et
minimum refer to the maximum et minimum values of the initial distribution;
◦ min_by_wells. Available only for well logs. Returns the minimum value of the se-
lected object for each well;
◦ max_by_wells. Available only for well logs. Returns the maximum value of the
selected object for each well;
◦ avg_by_wells. Available only for well logs. Returns the arithmetic average value of
the selected object for each well;
◦ sum_by_wells. Available only for well logs. Returns the sum of all the values of the
selected object for each well;
◦ shift. Available for well logs. Shifts the well log according to the grid step that is
indicated as a second argument;
◦ shift_md. Available only for well logs. Shifts the well log according to the md value
that is indicated as a second argument;
◦ cumulate. Available only for well logs. Cumulative sum. Returns for each point the
sum of the values of all the upper points of the well log;
◦ is_defined. This Boolean function returns 1 if the argument is defined and 0 if
not. This function is particularly useful in if conditions. Reciprocally, !is_defined
returns 1 if the argument is not defined and 0 if it is defined. The calculation can
be performed for horizons (figure 32), logs (figure 33), properties (figure 34) and
markers (figure 35);
5.2. Calculator 72
◦ X. Available only for properties, 2D maps and horizons. Use the X coordinate value
in the formula;
◦ Y. Available only for properties, 2D maps and horizons. Use the Y coordinate value
in the formula;
◦ Z. Available only for properties. Use the Z coordinate value in the formula;
◦ i. Available only for properties, 2D maps and horizons. Use the i index value in the
◦ j. Available only for properties, 2D maps and horizons. Use the j index value in the
◦ k. Available only for properties. Use the k index value in the formula;
◦ grid_id. Available only for properties. Use the grid index in the formula. An index
is automatically assigned to each created grid (both main and LGR). The function
which returns this number is grid_id and can be used in the formula;
◦ DX, DY, DZ Available only for properties. Use the block length along X, Y and Z
axis in the formula;
◦ NX, NY, NZ Available only for properties. Use the block number along X, Y and Z
axis in the formula;
5.2. Calculator 73
Figure 33. Well Section Window displaying the logs. Phit and PermX are displayed. The
calculator window displays the computation of PermX. The operation allows to compute the
permeability log using the porosity: if the porosity well log is defined, the calculator computes
the permeability log according to the formula "exp(porosity*0.006)*24.9". All the other values
are interpolated from the adjacent points
◦ MD. Available only for well logs. Use the measured depth in the formula;
◦ TVD Available only for well logs. Use the True Vertical Depth in the formula;
◦ HEAD_X, HEAD_Y. Available only for well attributes. Use the X or Y coordinate
of the well head in the formula;
◦ LAST_MD, LAST_TVD. Available only for well attributes. Use the MD or TVD
value of the deepest point of the well;
◦ Constants. List of constants that can be used in the formula. The following constants are
5.2. Calculator 74
Figure 34. A)Display of a 2D map and an empty property. The map does not cover the entire
surface of the grid. B)Property obtained by mapping the 2D map on the property using the
following formula in the calculator tool:
if is_defined (map_2d ("map")) then map_2d ("map")
else 0
5.2. Calculator 75
Figure 35. Wells Table Window displaying the markers depth value for each well. Top 5,
Top5_filled and Top4 markers are displayed. The calculator window displays the computation
of Top5_filled marker. The computation allows to fill the missing values for Top5 marker: if
the marker Top5 is not defined, the calculator fill the missing point with the expression "Top4
+ 50"
5.2. Calculator 76
6. Wells
The main instrument for working with wells is Wells Table. It is displayed among the Visual-
ization tabs.
To work with wells in Calculations panel the following possibilities are available:
• Well Symbols;
• Transformations;
• Export.
• Name;
• UWI;
• Buttons {...} with links to the loaded well logs which are currently selected in the tree
of geometry objects (if any).
Pressing {...} with a link to the trajectory opens the right table with the trajectory of
the given well as the list of points (X, Y, Z, inclination, azimuth) depending on the measured
depth. Pressing the button with the link to a well log opens the corresponding log as a list of
values depending on depth. Repeated pressing hides the data. You may open simultaneously
the trajectories and/or logs for multiple wells, or multiple logs for one well. In that case each
6. Wells 77
column of data will appear in the right table together with its corresponding depths column.
All data can be edited by double-clicking at the table cells.
A table may be filtered by the Well Filter; in that case only the wells contained in
the filter will be shown.
A well may be deleted from the table by pressing Remove Rows. In that case it is
removed from the project permanently and disappears from the visualizations.
Well_P82 50133.99849282 57365.78811816 3335.08379542
Well_P82 50131.05636316 57365.30935266 3350.53042953
Well_P82 50129.97016088 57365.15669689 3356.13983138
................................................ .....
Well_V350 50626.37190988 59306.20715875 3476.42938629
Well_V350 50625.29074100 59306.09947473 3489.80035778
Well_V350 50624.10952261 59306.00296529 3504.01549917
The following fields and options of Wells Import dialog, common for all the formats, can
be set for this format as well:
• Reload All. Delete earlier loaded trajectories and load new ones. If this option is not
activated loaded trajectories will be added to available ones.
• Use for Identification. Select whether the wells should be recognized by names or by
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about the objects in the
format indicated above.
• Add Rows. Add file with trajectory.
• Remove Rows. Delete selected file.
• Add Point with Zero MD. Continue well trajectories to the nearest point at XY plane
if the top trajectory point is visually below this plane.
• Invert Z-coordinate (For all formats except Well Path/Deviation and MoReS ones).
It is recommended to activate this option if the loaded trajectories were generated by
the third-party software which has the opposite direction of Z axis. Here Z is directed
• Use OEM encoding. This field is recommended to activate if the loaded file is the old
encoding file (e.g. DOS encoding).
• Well Filter. Define the wells filter name in which loaded wells will be selected.
• Length Units XY (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for X and Y
axes. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated,
units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Length Units Z (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for Z axis.
Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units
are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Apply. Load trajectories of wells from chosen files using activated options.
Additional options can be used:
• Use keywords. Select the format for loading well data. If this option is activated the
first alternative with the keyword ”welltrack” is used, otherwise the second one will be
• Reload All. Delete earlier loaded trajectories and load new ones. If this option is not
activated loaded trajectories will be added to available ones.
• Use for Identification. Select whether the wells should be recognized by names or by
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about the objects in the
format indicated above.
• Add Point with Zero MD. Continue well trajectories to the nearest point at XY plane
if the top trajectory point is visually below this plane.
• Invert Z-coordinate (For all formats except Well Path/Deviation and MoReS ones).
It is recommended to activate this option if the loaded trajectories were generated by
the third-party software which has the opposite direction of Z axis. Here Z is directed
• Use OEM encoding. This field is recommended to activate if the loaded file is the old
encoding file (e.g. DOS encoding).
• Well Filter. Define the wells filter name in which loaded wells will be selected.
• Length Units XY (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for X and Y
axes. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated,
units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Length Units Z (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for Z axis.
Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units
are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Apply. Load trajectories of wells from chosen files using activated options.
• Input Data Type. This option is used to indicate the type of columns which are available
in the data which will be input. The exact name of the columns can be modified later in
the preview window.
– MD X Y Z. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t )
– MD DX DY TVD (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) where DX, DY are shifts with
respect to the well head, respectively).
– MD INCL AZM (where INCL (inclinometry) is the angle between the current
direction and the vertical; AZIM (azimuth) is the angle in clockwise direction
between the north direction and its projection onto a horizontal plane). MD
(METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Method (available only for MD INCL AZM input data type). Well trajectory con-
struction method based on MD, INCL and AZM data should be chosen. The detailed
description of each method is given in the section Trajectory construction methods.
– Tangential.
– Balanced Tangential.
– Average Angle.
– Radius of Curvature.
– Minimum Curvature.
• Preview:
– Delimiter. Define a symbol separating table columns (e.g. tab or space symbols).
– Comment. Define a comment symbol. Comments start with the determined symbol
and all text following the symbol will be ignored.
– Skip lines. Skip defined number of lines starting from the file beginning.
– Table of trajectories. Names of columns correspond to the format. Names of
columns can be rearranged. Moreover, in the table additional options are avi-
∗ Skip. Ignore a data column.
∗ Skip line. Ignore all row data to the right.
# WELL NAME: 1336
# WELL HEAD X-COORDINATE: 9005.36000000
# WELL HEAD Y-COORDINATE: 25888.28000000
# WELL KB: 187.71000000
5.0000000000 9005.3600000 25888.280000 182.71000000
5.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 14.000000000
0.2500000000 0.0000000000
50.000000000 9005.4075011 25888.470517 137.71042837
49.999571632 0.0475011024 0.1905165158 14.000000000
0.2500000000 0.0000000000
80.000000000 9005.4550020 25888.661032 107.71109472
79.998905285 0.0950019787 0.3810321248 14.000000000
0.5000000000 0.2500000000
• Reload All. Delete earlier loaded trajectories and load new ones. If this option is not
activated loaded trajectories will be added to available ones.
• Use for Identification. Select whether the wells should be recognized by names or by
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about the objects in the
format indicated above.
• Add Point with Zero MD. Continue well trajectories to the nearest point at XY plane
if the top trajectory point is visually below this plane.
• Invert Z-coordinate (For all formats except Well Path/Deviation and MoReS ones).
It is recommended to activate this option if the loaded trajectories were generated by
the third-party software which has the opposite direction of Z axis. Here Z is directed
• Use OEM encoding. This field is recommended to activate if the loaded file is the old
encoding file (e.g. DOS encoding).
• Well Filter. Define the wells filter name in which loaded wells will be selected.
• Length Units XY (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for X and Y
axes. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated,
units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Length Units Z (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for Z axis.
Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units
are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Apply. Load trajectories of wells from chosen files using activated options.
• MD, DX, DY, TVD (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) (where DX, DY are shifts with respect
to the well head).
• MD, INCL, AZIM (where INCL (inclinometry) is an angle between the current di-
rection and vertical; AZIM (azimuth) is an angle in clockwise direction between north
direction and its projection onto a horizontal plane).
2. X (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
3. Y (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
4. Z (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
The following fields and options of Wells Import dialog, common for all the formats, can
be set for this format as well:
• Reload All. Delete earlier loaded trajectories and load new ones. If this option is not
activated loaded trajectories will be added to available ones.
• Use for Identification. Select whether the wells should be recognized by names or by
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about the objects in the
format indicated above.
• Add Point with Zero MD. Continue well trajectories to the nearest point at XY plane
if the top trajectory point is visually below this plane.
• Invert Z-coordinate (For all formats except Well Path/Deviation and MoReS ones).
It is recommended to activate this option if the loaded trajectories were generated by
the third-party software which has the opposite direction of Z axis. Here Z is directed
• Use OEM encoding. This field is recommended to activate if the loaded file is the old
encoding file (e.g. DOS encoding).
• Well Filter. Define the wells filter name in which loaded wells will be selected.
• Length Units XY (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for X and Y
axes. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated,
units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Length Units Z (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for Z axis.
Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units
are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Apply. Load trajectories of wells from chosen files using activated options.
Preview. Trajectories table. The column names are in agreement with the format but can
can be rearranged. Moreover, in the table additional options are available:
Well name : P82
MD in Entry point
3335.08379542 50133.99849282 57365.78811816 -3331.36235500
3350.53042953 50131.05636316 57365.30935266 -3346.51853724
3356.13983138 50129.97016088 57365.15669689 -3352.01963798
3364.20096452 50128.40792386 57364.95680241 -3359.92539399
Thus, well trajectories, logs, markers, events can be determined in one file.
Wells are identified by the first parameter UWI of the keyword WELL (it exists in PLG1
and LOG1 as well).
Project : my project
Depth Mode : MD
Depth Unit : feet
Distance Unit : feet
Date : 01 Aug 2016
• Reload All. Delete earlier loaded trajectories and load new ones. If this option is not
activated loaded trajectories will be added to available ones.
• Use for Identification. Select whether the wells should be recognized by names or by
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about the objects in the
format indicated above.
• Add Point with Zero MD. Continue well trajectories to the nearest point at XY plane
if the top trajectory point is visually below this plane.
• Invert Z-coordinate (For all formats except Well Path/Deviation and MoReS ones).
It is recommended to activate this option if the loaded trajectories were generated by
the third-party software which has the opposite direction of Z axis. Here Z is directed
• Use OEM encoding. This field is recommended to activate if the loaded file is the old
encoding file (e.g. DOS encoding).
• Well Filter. Define the wells filter name in which loaded wells will be selected.
• Length Units XY (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for X and Y
axes. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated,
units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Length Units Z (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for Z axis.
Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units
are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Apply. Load trajectories of wells from chosen files using activated options.
• Reload All. Delete earlier loaded trajectories and load new ones. If this option is not
activated loaded trajectories will be added to available ones.
• Use for Identification. Select whether the wells should be recognized by names or by
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about the objects in the
format indicated above.
• Add Point with Zero MD. Continue well trajectories to the nearest point at XY plane
if the top trajectory point is visually below this plane.
• Invert Z-coordinate (For all formats except Well Path/Deviation and MoReS ones).
It is recommended to activate this option if the loaded trajectories were generated by
the third-party software which has the opposite direction of Z axis. Here Z is directed
• Use OEM encoding. This field is recommended to activate if the loaded file is the old
encoding file (e.g. DOS encoding).
• Well Filter. Define the wells filter name in which loaded wells will be selected.
• Length Units XY (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for X and Y
axes. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated,
units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Length Units Z (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for Z axis.
Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units
are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Apply. Load trajectories of wells from chosen files using activated options.
4. X (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
5. Y (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
The order and Z axis orientation can be chosen when loading.
The following fields and options of Wells Import dialog, common for all the formats, can
be set for this format as well:
• Reload All. Delete earlier loaded trajectories and load new ones. If this option is not
activated loaded trajectories will be added to available ones.
• Use for Identification. Select whether the wells should be recognized by names or by
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about the objects in the
format indicated above.
• Add Point with Zero MD. Continue well trajectories to the nearest point at XY plane
if the top trajectory point is visually below this plane.
• Invert Z-coordinate (For all formats except Well Path/Deviation and MoReS ones).
It is recommended to activate this option if the loaded trajectories were generated by
the third-party software which has the opposite direction of Z axis. Here Z is directed
• Use OEM encoding. This field is recommended to activate if the loaded file is the old
encoding file (e.g. DOS encoding).
• Well Filter. Define the wells filter name in which loaded wells will be selected.
• Length Units XY (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for X and Y
axes. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated,
units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Length Units Z (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose Units System for Z axis.
Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units
are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Apply. Load trajectories of wells from chosen files using activated options.
Preview. Trajectories table. The column names are in agreement with the format but can
can be rearranged. Moreover, in the table additional options are available:
• Skip. Ignore a data column.
1. Tangential:
• ∆Z = ∆MD · cos(I1 )
• ∆X = ∆MD · sin(I1 ) cos(A1 )
• ∆Y = ∆MD · sin(I1 ) sin(A1 )
2. Balanced Tangential:
3. Averaged Angle:
4. Radius of Curvature:
• ∆Z = ∆MD · sin(I2I2)−sin(I
Here, the angles are assumed to be measured in radians. If the angles are measured in
degrees, then the right side of the first expression should be multiplied by 180
π , while
180 180
second and third ones by π · π .
5. Minimum Curvature:
• RF = 2 tan(DL/2)
DL ,
• DL = arccos(cos(I2 − I1 ) − sin(I1 ) · sin(I2 ) · (1 − cos(A2 − A1 )))
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about well heads in the
format indicated below.
• Delimiter. Define a symbol separating table columns (e.g. tab or space symbols).
• Comment. Define a comment symbol. Comments start with the determined symbol. All
comment text following the symbol will be ignored.
• Skip line. Ignore, i.e. do not load, defined number of lines from the begining of the file.
• Well Filter. Allow to select wells to which the calculation will be applied. If a filter is
not activated a calculation will be applied to all wells.
• Length Units XY. Choose units of length for X axis and Y axis. Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
• Length Units Z. Choose units of length for Z axis. Available units are METRIC,
FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default in
Document. Settings menu.
T-6032 13540732.400 7549405.300 -41.3500
T-6055 13538781.600 7546669.100 -30.7200
T-6066 13534483.400 7543596.400 -30.6700
T-6074 13536838.600 7544463.200 -29.8600
T-5058 13529758.200 7539880.500 -37.1400
1. To load images and assign codes to them, select Calculations → Import Symbols for
Wells (or alternatively Document → Import Symbols from the top menu), then press
Add rows, select SVG files (multiple selection is possible), and in the Code column
enter the numbers that the images will be referred by (see figure 37).
2. To assign codes to wells, open the Wells Table and enter the numbers in the Well Codes
3. To make the images appear on 2D view, go to Settings → Wells and check Well
6.6. Transformations
1. Translate Wells Trajectories.
◦ Well Filter. Allows to select wells trajectories which will be shifted. If a filter is not
activated, all wells trajectories will be shifted.
◦ Shift Vector. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) All trajectory’s points of selected well will
be shifted by the specified number of units in each direction.
2. Elongate well trajectories. (The well’s last segment will be extended linearly, with con-
stant inclination and azimuth.)
◦ Well Filter. Allows to select wells trajectories which will be elongated. If a filter is
not activated, all wells trajectories will be elongated.
◦ By Markers. Trajectories will be extended at least till the last existing marker.
◦ By Logs. Trajectories will be extended at least till the last measurement point of a
well log.
◦ Add extra length. Trajectories will be extended at least by the specified length.
• Create Azimuth. Azimuth log AZIM will be created. Here, the azimuth is an angle
between tangential to the trajectory vector and X axis.
• Create Inclinometry. Inclinometry log INCL will be created. Here, the inclinometry is
an angle between tangential to the trajectory vector and Z axis.
DLS is calculated for each line segment of polygonal chain defining well trajectory. In
these formulae:
• Well Filter. Allow to select wells to which the calculation will be applied. If a filter is
not activated a calculation will be applied to all wells.
6.8. Export
To export a well trajectory in all formats the following options should be defined:
• Well Filter. Allow to export only selected wells trajectories. If a filter is not activated
all wells trajectories will be exported.
• Length Units XY (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose units of length for X
axis and Y axis. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is
activated, units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Length Units Z (except LAS and MoReS formats). Choose units of length for Z axis.
Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units
are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
1. GWTD Format.
2. WELLTRACK Format.
5. LAS.
The description of different formats and examples of how to use them are given in the
section Import. Well Trajectory.
6.8. Export 96
7. Markers
In Calculations menu to work with Markers the following options are available:
• Import. Markers
– Text Format
– OWX Format
• Export
– Text format
– Tabular format – Well/Marker Table
• Calculator
• Text Format;
• OWX Format;
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about markers.
• Elongate Well Trajectory if necessary. If the markers extend by MD farther than the
end of the well trajectory, the well’s last segment will be extended linearly, with constant
inclination and azimuth.
• Well Filter. Define well filter name. Data will be loaded for wells selected using a filter.
7. Markers 97
• Input/Depth Units. Define units (METRIC, FIELD, LAB), in which input data will be
loaded. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated,
units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
For this format, delimiter type, and skip lines options can be set:
• Delimiter. Define a symbol separating table columns (e.g. tab or space symbols).
• Comment. Define a comment symbol. Comments start with the determined symbol. All
comment text following the symbol will be ignored.
• Skip line. Ignore, i.e. do not load, defined number of lines from the begining of the file.
The marker table is shown below. Column names correspond to the format. Column names
can be rearranged. Moreover, in the table additional options are available:
• Elongate Well Trajectory if necessary. If the markers are situated deeper than the end
of the well trajectory, the well last segment will be extended linearly, with a constant
inclination and azimuth.
Table contains:
• Well name;
• Marker name;
• Use OEM encoding. This field is recommended to activate if the loaded file is the old
encoding file (e.g. DOS encoding).
1314 CII_top 1349.79
1314 CII_bottom 1363.23
273 CV_bottom 1555.86
273 CIV_bottom 1553.41
272G_PS CII_bottom 1629.06
272G_PS CII_top 1606.81
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about markers.
• Elongate Well Trajectory if necessary. If the markers extend by MD farther than the
end of the well trajectory, the well’s last segment will be extended linearly, with constant
inclination and azimuth.
• Well Filter. Define well filter name. Data will be loaded for wells selected using a filter.
• Input/Depth Units. Define units (METRIC, FIELD, LAB), in which input data will be
loaded. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated,
units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
7.2. Export
Markers can be exported in two formats:
• Text format;
• File Name
• Well Filter, so that to export only the wells included in the filter.
• Output Units
7.3. Calculator
New objects can be created by mathematical calculations. For more information about this
option, see Calculator.
• Well Filter. Select wells trajectories used in the calculation. If a well filter is not selected
all trajectories will be used.
• Horizon. Define the horizon, which will be used for building the markers.
• ck (zi , z j ) is the correlation coefficient for log curve k in the vicinity of the depth zi of
well i and in the vicinity of the depth z j of well j , respectively.
For each well, except source wells, the depth corresponding to the maximum correlation
coefficient is searched in the depth region (defined in Searching Window) in the vicinity
of source marker position. If the correlation coefficient is higher than the threshold value
(Correlation Threshold) then the similarity level is considered to be sufficient enough and
the marker is set at the depth which is the middle of the depth range defined in (Window).
If the marker depth is set for the well then the well is considered to be a source one and the
algorithm process starts again.
In case of several log curves are defined in the Comparison Rule table (see below) the
correlation coefficients are averaged with weights indicated in the table.
(c1 · w1 + ... + cn · wn )
(w1 + ... + wn )
where ci are correlation coefficients, wi are weights.
In graphical interface the following parameters can be set:
• Source Marker. The source marker used for the algorithm. The algorithm searches
target wells log curve regions similar to the log curve region near the source marker.
• Source Wells. Source wells used for the algorithm. Source markers are defined on
source wells. Generally speaking marker can be defined on any well, but only few of
them can be selected as the source one.
• Correlation Threshold. If the correlation coefficient value is higher than the threshold
value then the similarity is considered to be sufficient to set a marker at the depth found
by the algorithm.
• Nearest Wells Count. Extend the algorithm (i.e. setting markers) to wells, which are
the nearest to source wells.
• Hard Mode. Define additional limitation on the maximum correlation coefficients se-
lection in order to increase the calculation accuracy. Consider correlation coefficients,
higher than threshold value, for wells located within the defined radius are set on unit
interval. The hard mode equals 0,5 means that the coefficients placed at low part of the
interval (from 0 to 0,5) will be discarded. The hard mode equals 1 means that the well
with the highest correlation coefficient will be chosen.
8. Wells Attributes
Well Attribute is the well numerical characteristic. For each calculated characteristic a 2D
Map is available.
For example, the interpolation method residual for constructing a horizon based on markers
can be calculated as an attribute (cf. 13.4).
8.1. Calculator
New well attributes can be calculated by user formulas. A more detailed information is pro-
vided in the section Calculator.
• Source Data:
– Well Log. Well log data used to calculate the average log value.
– Top Well Marker. Top well marker is a top boundary of log curve used for the
average value calculation.
– Bottom Well Marker. Bottom well marker is the bottom boundary of log curve
used for the average value calculation. Well log curve is averaged from top to
bottom markers.
– Well Filter. Allow to select wells to which the calculation will be applied. If a
filter is not activated a calculation will be applied to all wells.
• Parameters:
– Well Log Type. Discrete or continuous. Values of Log curve can be discretely
distributed along well’s depth. This means a well can be subdivided by segments
of arbitrary length, along which a Log’s value is constant.
– Scale Type. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) MD or SSTVD.
• Averaging Parameters:
• Averaging Type. A method of calculation of well attribute is defined here. For Discrete
well log type the following methods are available:
– Median. Median is the value separating the higher half of a data sample from the
lower half.
– Minimum. Minimum value.
– Maximum. Maximum value.
– Arithmetic. Arithmetic average of values.
– Fraction. The ratio of Thickness (see below) to the length of the log curve, which
is distance from top marker to bottom marker.
– Percentage. The ratio of Thickness (see below) to the length of the log curve,
which is distance from top marker to bottom marker in terms of percentage.
– Thickness. The sum of lengths of Log’s segments, in which the Log’s value coin-
cide with value defined in the Facies Code.
• The averaging methods available for continuous log curve are:
– Arithmetic. Arithmetic mean is calculated as:
f (x)dx
|b − a|
– Harmonic. Harmonic mean is calculated as:
|b − a|
Rb dx
f (x)
• Cut by Log. Initial log curve values will be ignored on the intervals where the log curve
values are imposed to be zero.
• Cut by Values. Well log data are limited by the following values:
– Ignore values. If well log curve values are not in the range (i.e. from Min Value
to Max Value) defined above then we suppose that log data are not defined at all.
– Cut values. Cut well log data higher than the defined maximum and lower than
the defined minimum. Log data value higher than the defined maximum will be
decreased to the maximum, while log data values lower than defined minimum
will be increased to the minimum.
9. Logs
In Calculations menu to work with well logs the following possibilities are available:
• Import
– LAS Format
– RFT Format
– OWX Format
– Production Log
– Load Well Logs from Database
• Export
• Calculator
• Logs Calculation
– Generate synthetic
– Upscale Log to Grid
– Create Log by Property
– Create Log by Blocked Wells
– Log Normalization
– Regression
– Mute
– Fill Gaps
– Remove Equals
• Merge Logs
• Linear Regression
• Logs Settings
– Remove Equals
– Resample
– Remove Spikes
– Block/Unblock
Other options are also available by right mouse button click on a log curve in Geometry
• Remove Equals;
9. Logs 106
• Resample;
• Remove Spikes;
• Block/Unblock.
Examples of how to use Well Logs, Calculator for Well Logs, Comment
Logs and Well Section are shown in training tutorials:
9.1. Import
Well logs can be loaded in the following formats:
• LAS Format
• RFT Format
• OWX Format
• Production Log
• ∼Curve. Well log curves list. Each line describes one log curve. Well log curves are
presented in the table of the section ∼Ascii. Well log data are defined in the corre-
sponding table column. Depth or time should be written in the first line of the section.
This is the curve argument. The line format is the following: from the beginning to the
first dot the log name should be written; from the first dot to the last colon the measured
unit is defined.
• ∼Ascii. The table shown below contains the well log data. The columns order corre-
sponds to the row order in the section ∼Curve.
# LAS format log file
# Project units are specified as depth units
∼Version information
VERS. 2.0:
STRT .m 1117.8000000 :
STOP .m 1613.6000000 :
STEP .m 0.20000000 :
NULL . -999.250000 :
WELL. 273 : WELL
DATE. Thursday, November 29 2012 13:40:49 : DATE
IKP .mS/m : IKP
NGK .m3/m3 : NGK
BK .ohm.m : BK
Zones . : Zones
GKcut . : GKcut
Agk . : Agk
1117.8000000 1117.8000488 -999.250000 -999.250000 0.2099999934
-999.250000 -999.250000 -999.250000 -999.250000
1118.0000000 1118.0000000 -999.250000 -999.250000 0.2099999934
-999.250000 -999.250000 -999.250000 -999.250000
1118.2000000 1118.1999512 -999.250000 -999.250000 0.2099999934
-999.250000 -999.250000 -999.250000 -999.250000
To load files it is necessary to define the following parameters:
• Las File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about well logs data
in LAS Format.
• Add Rows. Add a file.
• Preview. Number of Lines. Number of file lines shown in the Preview window.
• Take Well Name From: Allows to set the well name for each curve. The name can be
taken from the Well mnemonic, the UWI mnemonic (Well section in the LAS file), or
directly from the file name;
• Logs with Equal Names: Select the operation to perform when 2 logs present the same
name. Rename option adds a number to the existing name, Overwrite option clears the
previous log and replaces it by the loaded log,Merge option concatenates the values.
• Elongate Well Trajectory if necessary. If the log points extended by MD further than
the end of the well trajectory, the well last segment will be extended linearly, with a
constant inclination and azimuth.
• Depths Omissions. Select the operation to perform when points are missing for some
depth values. Fill With Empty Value adds points with empty values, Fill with 0 option
adds points with 0 values, while Keep option does not add points.
• Do So Even If STEP is 0. When the step indicated in the Well section of the LAS file
is 0, this option can be used to fill the missing points using the minimum step of the
• Use OEM encoding. This field is recommended to activate if the loaded file is the old
encoding file (e.g. DOS encoding).
• Well Filter. Define well filter name. Data will be loaded for wells selected using a filter.
• Well name;
• Date.
Load dialogue allows to choose columns for which data from above mentioned file will
be loaded.
SN-71H1 2511.0 271.33 29.03.2009
SN-71H1 2515.0 271.72 29.03.2009
SN-71H1 2524.0 271.88 29.03.2009
SN-71H1 2537.2 272.78 29.03.2009
SN-81 2517.4 266.55 08.02.2013
SN-81 2517.7 266.57 08.02.2013
SN-81 2523.3 266.89 08.02.2013
SN-82HI 2517.2 264.57 21.03.2013
SN-82HI 2518.9 265.08 21.03.2013
SN-82HI 2523.6 264.97 21.03.2013
SN-82HI 2525.3 265.01 21.03.2013
SN-82HI 2526.8 265.02 21.03.2013
To load a file it is necessary to define the following parameters:
• File Names. Show the full paths of files containing information about measured pressure
data in RFT (MDT) format.
• Delimiter. Define a symbol separating table columns (e.g. tab or space symbols).
• Comment. Define a comment symbol. Comments start with the determined symbol. All
comment text following the symbol will be ignored.
• Skip line. Ignore, i.e. do not load, defined number of lines from the begining of the file.
• Input Units. Choose units system for input data (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Avail-
able units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are
defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Date – Date;
• Add Rows.
• Remove Rows.
• Log Name. Name of the logs which are contained in the file.
• Delimiter. Define a symbol separating table columns (e.g. tab or space symbols).
• Comment. Define a comment symbol. Comments start with the determined symbol. All
comment text following the symbol will be ignored.
• Skip line. Ignore, i.e. do not load, defined number of lines from the begining of the file.
• The names of the columns can be set: "Well", "Top" and "Bottom" are present by
default in the list. The log names appear after their definition in the Log Name field
(cf. figure 38).
• Elongate Well Trajectory if necessary. If the log points extend by MD farther than
the end of the well trajectory, the well’s last segment will be extended linearly, with
constant inclination and azimuth.
• Well Filter. Define well filter name. Data will be loaded for wells selected using a filter.
Figure 38. Import a production log calculation. The log names become available in the list
of column names after their definition in the Log Names field.
9.2. Export
• LAS Format.
– Output Folder. Define a folder name for saving files of log curves.
– Input Units.
9.3. Calculator
New objects can be created by mathematical calculations. For more information about this
option, see Calculator.
• Log Normalization;
• Regression;
• Remove Equals;
• Generate synthetic;
• Merge Logs;
• Linear Regression;
• Mute;
• Fill Gaps.
• Time Depth Relation Log. Choose the time-depth log from the list;
• Time Depth Relation Log type. Choose the log type from the list (one way or two way
• Well Filter. Set the well filter from the list. The calculation will be performed for the
wells selected in the filter;
User settings:
User settings:
• Result Log Step. Set the type of object which will be used to define the step of the
computed log:
– Use Grid Step. The step of the grid will be affected as sampling step for the
computed log (one point per grid block).
– Set Log Step. The data sampling of the computed log is defined manually in the
field Log Step.
– Use Sample Log Step. The computed log will present data points at the same
locations as a sample log defined in the field Sample Log.
• Log Step. Set the step (in distance units of the project) which will be used to sample
the data in the computed log.
• Sample Log. Define the log which will be used to define the sampling of the data in
the computed log. The computed log will present data points at the same locations as a
sample log. This field is active only if the option Use Sample Log Step is chosen from
the list in Result Log Step field.
• Grid. Select the grid for which the blocked wells are computed;
• Blocked Wells. Select the blocked wells log for the computation;
– Use blocked wells step allows to set the same step as the blocked wells log one,
– Set Log Step allows to set the step manually using the Log Step field,
– Use Sample Log Step allows to set the step of an existing well log, which has to
be specified in the Sample Log field
• Well Filter. Set the well filter from the list. The calculation will be performed for the
wells selected in the filter;
• Clear Result Log Before Calculation. Clear the resulting object before the computa-
• Use Logs as Min Max Values. The minimum and maximum values are taken from logs.
This computation is very useful if the shale volume has to be computed by the spon-
taneous potential, according to the formula: Vshl = SPSP−SP min
max −SPmin
. Shale and Sands trend
lines can be defined by logs: First, an empty log has to be created and displayed on
the Well Section, then using the Edit Logs menu (Right Panel Buttons), the minimum
trend for the spontaneous potential, and then the maximum trend for the spontaneous
potential log can be drawn on the section. Then, these logs can be used as Min Max
logs in this computation, in order to obtain the Shale Volume (cf. figure 39).
• Well Filter. Define well filter name. Data will be loaded for wells selected using a filter.
• Well Selector. Define a well selector name. The calculation will be performed for the wells
selected by the selector.
9.4.6. Regression
Log curve values are passed though the selected smoothing filter.
User settings:
– Moving Median. A log value is substituted with the median value over an interval
of specified length.
– Moving Average. A log value is substituted with the average value over an interval
of specified length.
Figure 39. PS log is used as input data. PS clay and PS sand are set as minimum and
maximum logs. The result is the a PS curve.
• Fill Gaps. Interpolate over the points where the original log has no data, if any.
• Well Filter. Define well filter name. Data will be loaded for wells selected using a filter.
• Well Selector. Define a well selector name. The calculation will be performed for the
wells selected by the selector.
9.4.7. Mute
This computation allows to exclude certain log point from the curve. The log can be muted
above or below certain markers: in this case the log values will be erased outside the indicated
interval. Furthermore, anomalous log values can be excluded or corrected. The anomalous val-
ues have the deviation from the arithmetic mean more than three Sigmas:
log_value < mean − 3σ or log_value > mean + 3σ
• Well Filter. Set the well filter from the list. The calculation will be performed for the wells
selected in the filter;
• Well Selector. Define a well selector name. The calculation will be performed for the wells
selected by the selector;
• Mute Log above marker. Name of the marker above which the selected log curve will be
• Mute Log below marker. Name of the marker below which the selected log curve will be
• Find Values Greater than 3*Sigma. Find and replace anomalous log values;
◦ Replace by Undefined Values. Log values with deviation from the arithmetic mean
greater than 3σ will be replaced by Undefined Value;
◦ Replace by 3 Sigma Values. Log values with deviation from the arithmetic mean
greater than 3σ will be replaced by mean ± 3σ .
• Interpolation methods:
◦ Linear. The log values in the gaps will be obtained from Linear interpolation of the
nearest points;
◦ Spline. The log values in the gaps will be obtained from Cubic Spline interpolation
of the nearest points;
• Filters:
◦ Well Filter. Set the well filter from the list. The calculation will be performed for
the wells selected in the filter;
◦ Well Selector. Define a well selector name. The calculation will be performed for
the wells selected by the selector;
• Well Filter. Define a well filter name. The calculation will be performed for the wells
selected in the filter;
• Well Selector. Define a well selector name. The calculation will be performed for the
wells selected by the selector;
◦ Clear Result Log Before Merge. Clear the values of the resulting logs before rewriting it
with the calculation;
Figure 40. Example of an input (Litho) and an output (Remove Equals Results) log for Remove
Equals calculations. The example is done with a discrete type of log, the values which are not
removed are highlighted.
◦ Well Filter. Set the well filter from the list. The calculation will be performed for the wells
selected in the filter;
◦ Ignore. If the selected logs present points located at the same depth, in the resulting
log, these points will be replaced by the values of the first selected log (or of the
resulting log if it is not empty or if the option Clear Result Log Before Merge is
◦ Merge. If the selected logs present points located at the same depth, in the resulting
log, these points will be replaced by the values of the last selected log;
◦ Overwrite. The last selected log rewrites the resulting one.
can then be used to create Grid Properties using the calculator (cf. Figure 41).
Figure 41. Example of Log Regression computation. The log is approximated by 2 log curves
and the resulting formula is displayed on the log panel.
• Well Filter. Set the well filter from the list. The calculation will be performed for the
wells selected in the filter;
• Input Well Logs. List of the well logs which will be used for the approximation;
• Remove Equals;
• Resample;
• Remove Spikes;
• Block/Unblock.
i This setting is available by right mouse button click on a log curve in Geom-
etry Objects → Settings.
This setting allows to remove equal values from a log curve. If the input log presents a
series of depth points with the same values, only the first point of each series will be preserved
in the output log (see figure 40).
9.7.2. Resample
i This setting is available by right mouse button click on a log curve in Geom-
etry Objects → Settings.
This setting allows to resample the log data according to the interval which is set in the
field Interval. The resampling method depends on the type of the curve:
• Discrete curves. If in Object Settings, the palette of the curve is a discrete one, the data
is assumed to be piecewise constant. Resampled points will present the same values as
the nearest data point to the top (cf. figure 42);
Well Track
Data Point
Data Point
Data Point
Figure 42. Discrete data resampling. The data series is assumed to be piecewise constant.
Resampled points will present the same values as the nearest data point to the top.
Log values
Resampled points
Data points
Figure 43. Continuous data resampling. The resampled data series is assumed to be piecewise
linear, interpolating between the two original data points.
i This setting is available by right mouse button click on a log curve in Geom-
etry Objects → Settings.
This setting allows to remove isolated data points which are likely to be outliers (located
in large intervals without data, etc.; cf. figure 44).
Figure 44. A) Log curve before spike removal. Some isolated points located in intervals
without data are present. B) Log curve after spike removal. Isolated points ("spikes") were
9.7.4. Block/Unblock
i This setting is available by right mouse button click on a log curve in Geom-
etry Objects → Settings.
This setting allows to assume that a log curve is piecewise constant if Block option is
selected. A discrete type of interpolation between the data points is used in this case. If
Unblock Log option is selected, the log is assumed to be continuous between the data points
and a linear interpolation is used.
The interpolation type set in Settings is used for the curve display and also for the property
modeling. (cf. figure 45).
Figure 45. A) Continuous log curve, block log option ticked. The curve is assumed to be con-
tinuous by intervals B) Continuous log curve, unblock log option ticked. A linear interpolation
is used between the points
• Import
• Export
Note that this type of logs cannot be used as input data in Calculator, but can be modified
in Well Table Tab and in Well Section Tab.
Examples of how to use Well Logs, Comment Logs and Well Section are
shown in training tutorials:
10.1. Import
The files can only be loaded in text format.
Well Top MD Bot MD Comment
29 1720 1731 gas: 5000 m3 water: 2m3
11 1732 1779 gas: 1000 m3 water: 0,5 m3
2 1731 1745 gas: 15000 m3 water: 10m3
2 1762 1773 gas: 5000 m3 water: 3m3
7 1672 1698 gas: 7000 m3 water: 1m3
7 1717 1742 gas: 5000 m3 water: 2m3
20 1695 1710 gas: 1000 m3 water: 1m3
To load the files it is necessary to define the following parameters:
• File Names. Show full paths of files containing information about comment logs data
in text Format.
• Delimiter. Define a symbol separating table columns (e.g. tab or space symbols).
• Comment. Define a comment symbol. Comments start with the determined symbol. All
comment text following the symbol will be ignored.
• Skip line. Ignore, i.e. do not load, defined number of lines from the begining of the file.
• Merge logs with equal names. If this option is activated new comment logs and already
loaded comment logs will be merged by equal names.
If the new loaded comment log data coincide with existed ones in terms of measured
depth log data from new loaded files with the same depth replace earlier loaded log
• Use OEM encoding. This field is recommended to activate if the loaded file is the old
encoding file (e.g. DOS encoding).
• Well Filter. Define the well filter name. Data will be loaded for wells selected using
the filter.
• Input Units. Choose units system for input data (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Avail-
able units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are
defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
10.2. Export
Comment logs can only be exported in text format. To export the file,the following parameters
must be specified:
• Output folder. Choose the folder in which the file will be exported.
• Well Filter. Define the well filter name. Data will be exported for wells selected in the
• Input Units. Choose units system for input data (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Avail-
able units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are
defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
For more details, see the training tutorial GD1.4. How to Use Core
Sample Images.
Each created file generates one item (object) under Core Sample Images in Geometry
The following parameters have to be defined:
• File Name. Complete path to the text file containing the information about the loaded
• Core Sample Images List. Name of the loaded object in Designer project. Each object
can contain several images;
• Add Rows. Add a file.
• Remove Rows. Delete a chosen file from the list.
• Delimiter. Define a symbol separating table columns (e.g. tab or space symbols).
• Comment. Define a comment symbol. Comments start with the determined symbol. All
comment text following the symbol will be ignored.
• Skip line. Ignore, i.e. do not load, defined number of lines from the begining of the file.
• Column names can be changed according to the data indicated in the text file.
• Well Filter. Define the well filter name. Data will be loaded for wells included in the
• Length Units. Choose units system for input data (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Avail-
able units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are
defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Well Filter. Define the well filter name. Data will be loaded for wells selected using
the filter.
• Length Units. Choose units system for input data (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Avail-
able units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are
defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Delimiter. Define a symbol separating table columns (e.g. tab or space symbols).
• Comment. Define a comment symbol. Comments start with the determined symbol. All
comment text following the symbol will be ignored.
• Skip line. Ignore, i.e. do not load, defined number of lines from the begining of the file.
The table contains the records of formation testing. Each column corresponds to one parameter.
Column names can be rearranged.
• Skip. Ignore a data column.
• Skip line. Ignore all row data to the right.
12.2. Visualization
The loaded data can be displayed in Well Table.
13. Horizons
In Calculations menu to work with horizons the following possibilities are available:
• Import
• Export
• Calculator
• Interpolation
• Universal Interpolation
– IDW method
– Least Squares method
• Transformations
– Rotate
– Translate
– Smooth
– Pull Up Horizon to Marker
• Auxiliary Calculations
13.1. Import
Horizons can be loaded in the following formats:
• Import. CPS Format
• Import. Horizon ASCII Format
• Import. Surfer 6 GRD (Bin) Format
• Import. Surfer 7 GRD (Bin) Format
• Import. Z-Map Plus Format
• Import. GXF-3 Format
The following options, which are common to all the formats can be set:
• File Name. Show full paths of files containing an information about a horizon.
• Preview. Number of Lines. Number of file lines shown in the Preview window.
• Input Units. Choose units system (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
• NOVALUE. Special marker (equals 99999 by default) is used to indicate that a horizon
value does not exist in the data table.
1. Unused parameter.
In the second line of the header the following parameters are defined:
Comment. Third and forth parameters in the third line are ignored.
NOVALUE marker is denotes by 99999.0000. An absence of a horizon value in the data
table is marked by the special number 99999.0000. Number values in the array are listed one
by one. The array starts after the line of 7 zeros. Values are listed by rows from bottom to top.
-996 87 50.000000 50.000000
37150.000000 42400.000000 14950.000000 19250.000000
106 0.000000 37150.000000 14950.000000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1210.440552 1210.597656 1210.755615 1210.914551 1211.074463
1211.397339 1211.560181 1211.723877 1211.888184 1212.053101
1212.384888 1212.551880 1212.719482 1212.888184 1213.057861
The following options, which are common to all the formats can be set:
• File Name. Show full paths of files containing an information about a horizon.
• Preview. Number of Lines. Number of file lines shown in the Preview window.
• Input Units. Choose units system (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
• NOVALUE. Special marker (equals 99999 by default) is used to indicate that a horizon
value does not exist in the data table.
• File Name. Show full paths of files containing an information about a horizon.
• Preview. Number of Lines. Number of file lines shown in the Preview window.
• Input Units. Choose units system (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
• NOVALUE. Special marker (equals 99999 by default) is used to indicate that a horizon
value does not exist in the data table.
• File Name. Show full paths of files containing an information about a horizon.
• Preview. Number of Lines. Number of file lines shown in the Preview window.
• Input Units. Choose units system (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
• NOVALUE. Special marker (equals 99999 by default) is used to indicate that a horizon
value does not exist in the data table.
converted to one dimensional array using a column order, i.e. the first column of grid array
followed by the second one etc. In particular, the first column corresponds to the column with
minimum I. All columns start from the top, i.e. from the node with maximum J.
The grid size (counts number), boundaries, NOVALUE marker are defined in the header.
There are four lines in the header. Each row consists of several fields. Each field is separated
by comma. The first line contains:
1. File Name.
2. Word GRID.
2. NOVALUE marker.
4. The number of digits after the decimal point (use when all values are integers in
order to keep the space).
5. Symbol number in each line of the table which begins the first column.
! Landmark Zmap grid file name: my_file.dat
! Created/converted by Xxx Xxx, XXX Inc.
@ my_file.dat, GRID, 4
20, 1.0E+30, , 7, 1
208, 435, -630000.0000, 672000.0000, 2000000.0000,
0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
45.5158691 70.0117188 78.3193359 78.5185547
92.6440430 96.5151367 97.1289063 103.1782227
110.9963379 120.7421875 137.1284180 162.2819824
191.4841309 218.0258789 228.3671875 204.8771973
150.1228027 82.9328613 30.0051270 7.5603027
This format has Advanced settings.
• Ignore table structure. First and fifth parameters of the header second line are ignored.
Then the table data are separated by space and start from the first line symbol.
– Listed by. The method of ”scattering” the table values across the grid nodes. Two
methods are available: ”scattering” by Columns and Rows.
– Start node. The grid node starting from which the table values will be scattered
across the grid nodes. There are four approaches: Top left, Bottom left, Top right,
Bottom right.
• File Name. Show full paths of files containing an information about a horizon.
• Preview. Number of Lines. Number of file lines shown in the Preview window.
• Input Units. Choose units system (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
• NOVALUE. Special marker (equals 99999 by default) is used to indicate that a horizon
value does not exist in the data table.
• #XORIGIN – X coordinate of the left bottom corner of the grid (is 0 by default).
• #YORIGIN – Y coordinate of the left bottom corner of the grid (is 0 by default).
• #ROTATION – rotation angle of the rectangle side along the X axis in the counterclock-
wise direction in degrees (is 0 by default).
• #SENSE – defines the method of converting a two dimensional array into one dimen-
The array can be compressed using base-90 method. Compression parameters are defined
by the keyword #GTYPE.
This is a comment area which is ignored by GXF readers.
''ftUS'', 0.3048006096012
''NAD27 / Ohio North''
''NAD27'',6378206.4, 0.082271854, 0
''Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP) '', 40.4333333333, 41.7,
82.5, 609601.22
''NAD27 to WGS 84 (6)'', -8, 159, 175, 0, 0, 0, 1
0 1 2 3 4 5
10 11 12 13 14 15
20 21 22 23 24 25
30 31 32 33 34 35
13.2. Export
Export a horizon to a file. There are several possibilities defining in Export to save horizons:
Choosing the first option allows to save all available horizons and the second one allows
to save the selected horizon.
• Default Value. Special value indicating that the horizon in not defined in this place.
• Output Units. Define units (METRIC, FIELD, LAB) in which output data will be
• Default Value. Special value indicating that the horizon in not defined in this place.
• Output Units. Define units (METRIC, FIELD, LAB) in which output data will be
• Default Value. Special value indicating that the horizon in not defined in this place;
• Input Units. Specify units (METRIC, FIELD, LAB) in which output data will be saved;
13.3. Calculator
New objects can be created by mathematical calculations. For more information about this
option, see Calculator.
13.4. Interpolation
In the Designer for horizons the following interpolation methods are implemented:
• Horizons: Kriging
• Horizons: SGS
• Residual. The residual map between an intersection point of the created horizon with the
well and the marker corresponding to the well. The map is shown in the Well attributes
• Source data:
– Well Marker (except Least Squares interpolation (by Point Set)). Choose an avail-
able marker for interpolation of its values.
– Well Filter. Use only markers corresponding to wells defined in the filter.
– Trend Horizon. Based on the horizon trend a new horizon will be built. Let’s
the function T (x, y) denotes a trend horizon, (xi , yi , zi ) are the coordinates of each
marker. Denoting D(x, y) as a function obtained by interpolation of ”residual”
between the marker and the trend, i.e. the values zi − T (xi , yi ) defined in (xi , yi )
are interpolated. Thus, the new horizon is the result of adding the function D(x, y)
to the trend function T (x, y): D(x, y) + T (x, y).
• Grid Properties:
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the
old one. In the new system a horizon will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
• Use Perforations. See below the description of Autodetect option. Notice that this
option is not available for Least Squares interpolation (by Point Set).
• Autodetect by. Chose an object in the list if you want to use its size as dimensions for
the plane which will be generated.
• Other Parameters. Power Parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the
Multilayer IDW method.
• Residual. The residual map between an intersection point of the created horizon with the
well and the marker corresponding to the well. The map is shown in the Well attributes
• Source data:
– Well Marker (except Least Squares interpolation (by Point Set)). Choose an avail-
able marker for interpolation of its values.
– Well Filter. Use only markers corresponding to wells defined in the filter.
– Trend Horizon. Based on the horizon trend a new horizon will be built. Let’s
the function T (x, y) denotes a trend horizon, (xi , yi , zi ) are the coordinates of each
marker. Denoting D(x, y) as a function obtained by interpolation of ”residual”
between the marker and the trend, i.e. the values zi − T (xi , yi ) defined in (xi , yi )
are interpolated. Thus, the new horizon is the result of adding the function D(x, y)
to the trend function T (x, y): D(x, y) + T (x, y).
• Grid Properties:
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the
old one. In the new system a horizon will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
– Min. X. Minimum X coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along X. Horizon’s length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along Y. Horizon length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along Y. Grid step size in the Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Use Perforations. See below the description of Autodetect option. Notice that this
option is not available for Least Squares interpolation (by Point Set).
• Autodetect by. Chose an object in the list if you want to use its size as dimensions for
the plane which will be generated.
• Kriging Type. Define a type of Kriging, which will be used to interpolate a horizon.
– Simple.
– Ordinary.
– Universal.
• Residual. The residual map between an intersection point of the created horizon with the
well and the marker corresponding to the well. The map is shown in the Well attributes
• Source data:
– Well Marker (except Least Squares interpolation (by Point Set)). Choose an avail-
able marker for interpolation of its values.
– Well Filter. Use only markers corresponding to wells defined in the filter.
– Trend Horizon. Based on the horizon trend a new horizon will be built. Let’s
the function T (x, y) denotes a trend horizon, (xi , yi , zi ) are the coordinates of each
marker. Denoting D(x, y) as a function obtained by interpolation of ”residual”
between the marker and the trend, i.e. the values zi − T (xi , yi ) defined in (xi , yi )
are interpolated. Thus, the new horizon is the result of adding the function D(x, y)
to the trend function T (x, y): D(x, y) + T (x, y).
• Grid Properties:
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the
old one. In the new system a horizon will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
• Residual. The residual map between an intersection point of the created horizon with the
well and the marker corresponding to the well. The map is shown in the Well attributes
• Source data:
– Well Marker (except Least Squares interpolation (by Point Set)). Choose an avail-
able marker for interpolation of its values.
– Well Filter. Use only markers corresponding to wells defined in the filter.
– Trend Horizon. Based on the horizon trend a new horizon will be built. Let’s
the function T (x, y) denotes a trend horizon, (xi , yi , zi ) are the coordinates of each
marker. Denoting D(x, y) as a function obtained by interpolation of ”residual”
between the marker and the trend, i.e. the values zi − T (xi , yi ) defined in (xi , yi )
are interpolated. Thus, the new horizon is the result of adding the function D(x, y)
to the trend function T (x, y): D(x, y) + T (x, y).
• Grid Properties:
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the
old one. In the new system a horizon will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
– Min. X. Minimum X coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along X. Horizon’s length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along Y. Horizon length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along Y. Grid step size in the Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Use Perforations. See below the description of Autodetect option. Notice that this
option is not available for Least Squares interpolation (by Point Set).
• Autodetect by. Chose an object in the list if you want to use its size as dimensions for
the plane which will be generated.
respect to the X axis. The obtained rectangle contains all markers and trend. Further, the
rectangle extends to the value defined by XY Margin in each direction, i.e. the value is
added to maximum coordinates and subtracted from minimum coordinates.
If the option Use Perforations is available and activated then for building a rectangle
the perforation intervals of wells will be only taken into account.
The smoothness of the interpolated horizon can be improved by varying coefficients in the
range [0.01, 100] (see formula of LSM).
• Coefficients:
– First Derivative.
– Second Derivative.
• Advanced settings. If this check box is checked additional option Grid refinement will
be available. The choice of this option allows to improve an accuracy of the horizon
interpolation, however, increases a computational time. An interpolation is carried out
Refinement Steps number of times. At initial interpolation step the number of points in
X and Y directions is defined:
At the first interpolation step it is recommended to use a rough grid, i.e. the number of
points in X and Y directions should be minimal. At each iteration the number of points
in X and Y directions increases in such way that after defined number of iterations
(steps) the final number of points becomes equal to the number of the horizon points.
• Residual. The residual map between an intersection point of the created horizon with the
well and the marker corresponding to the well. The map is shown in the Well attributes
• Source data:
– Well Marker (except Least Squares interpolation (by Point Set)). Choose an avail-
able marker for interpolation of its values.
– Well Filter. Use only markers corresponding to wells defined in the filter.
– Trend Horizon. Based on the horizon trend a new horizon will be built. Let’s
the function T (x, y) denotes a trend horizon, (xi , yi , zi ) are the coordinates of each
marker. Denoting D(x, y) as a function obtained by interpolation of ”residual”
between the marker and the trend, i.e. the values zi − T (xi , yi ) defined in (xi , yi )
are interpolated. Thus, the new horizon is the result of adding the function D(x, y)
to the trend function T (x, y): D(x, y) + T (x, y).
• Grid Properties:
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the
old one. In the new system a horizon will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
– Min. X. Minimum X coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along X. Horizon’s length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along Y. Horizon length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along Y. Grid step size in the Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• XY Margin. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) See below the description of Autodetect
• Use Perforations. See below the description of Autodetect option. Notice that this
option is not available for Least Squares interpolation (by Point Set).
• Autodetect by. Chose an object in the list if you want to use its size as dimensions for
the plane which will be generated.
• Autodetect. Automatic detection of horizon boundaries. Using maximum and minimum
X and Y coordinates of wells and horizon’s boundaries (if the option Trend Horizon
is activated) a minimum square rectangle is built and rotated by defined angle with
respect to the X axis. The obtained rectangle contains all markers and trend. Further, the
rectangle extends to the value defined by XY Margin in each direction, i.e. the value is
added to maximum coordinates and subtracted from minimum coordinates.
If the option Use Perforations is available and activated then for building a rectangle
the perforation intervals of wells will be only taken into account.
• Source data:
– Point Set. Each point has its (x, y, z) coordinates. The points are similar to the
markers, but they are not connected with any well. Therefore, there is no possibil-
ities to choose a well filter. As for the rest this option is the same as described in
the Least Squares method.
• Advanced settings. If this check box is checked additional option Grid refinement
will be available. The choice of this option allows to improve an accuracy of horizon’s
interpolation, however, increases a computational time. An interpolation is carried out
Refinement Steps number of times. At initial interpolation step the number of points in
X and Y directions is defined:
– Start Count of Points by X.
– Start Count of Points by Y.
At the first interpolation step it is recommended to use a rough grid, i.e. the number of
points in X and Y directions should be minimal. At each iteration the number of points
in X and Y directions increases in such way that after defined number of iterations
(steps) the final number of points becomes equal to the number of horizon’s points.
Comment. If the point set (Point Set) defines grid nodes then it is recommended to use
the option Create Horizon by Pointset.
◦ Grid Properties :
• Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the
old one. In the new system a horizon will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
• Min. X. Minimum X coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
• Length along X. Object length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
• Length along Y. Object length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Step along Y. Grid step size in the Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Coefficients:
– First Derivative.
– Second Derivative.
• Advanced settings. If this check box is checked additional option Grid refine-
ment will be available. The choice of this option allows to improve the interpola-
tion accuracy, however, increases a computational time. An interpolation is carried
out Refinement Steps number of times. At the initial interpolation step the number
of points in X and Y directions is defined:
– Start Count of Points by X.
– Start Count of Points by Y.
At the first interpolation step it is recommended to use a rough grid, i.e. the number
of points in X and Y directions should be minimal. At each iteration the number
of points in X and Y directions increases in such way that after defined number of
iterations (steps) the final number of points is the same as the number of points of
the resulting object.
• Power Parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the Multilayer IDW
◦ Limit by Z. Allows to set a limit to the maximum and minimum depth of the resulting
• IDW method;
• Residual. The residual map between an intersection point of the created horizon with
the well and the marker corresponding to the well. The map is shown in the list Well
• Source data:
– Input Horizon.
– Well Marker. Choose available marker for interpolation of its values.
– Well Filter.
• Other Parameters. Power Parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the
Multilayer IDW method.
• Residual. The residual map between an intersection point of the created horizon with
the well and the marker corresponding to the well. The map is shown in the list Well
• Source data:
– Input Horizon.
– Well Marker. Choose available marker for interpolation of its values.
– Well Filter.
Coefficients providing a smoothness of adjusted horizon are defined (see formula of LSM)
and varied in the range [0.01, 100].
• Coefficients:
– First Derivative.
– Second Derivative.
• Discrepancies elimination:
– Iterations.
– Coefficient. At each iteration of algorithm the derivative coefficients are modified
by multiplying by this coefficient.
13.7. Transformations
The following options are available:
• Rotate
• Translate
• Smooth
• Pull Up Horizon to Marker
13.7.1. Rotate
It is possible to rotate a horizon by defined angle around the point.
• Output. Horizon. Choose a modifying horizon.
• Point (the horizon will be rotated around this point):
– X. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t )
– Y. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t )
• Angle, degrees. Horizon rotation angle.
13.7.2. Translate
All horizon points are shifted in the same direction by the same distance.
• Output. Horizon. Choose a modifying horizon.
• Shift vector:
– X. Shift all horizon points in the X direction by the defined number of units of
length (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Y. Shift all horizon points in the Y direction by the defined number of units of
length (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
13.7.3. Smooth
The algorithm allows to smooth a selected horizon surface. If a rectangle is defined as:
X0 6 x 6 X1 ,Y0 6 y 6 Y1
pi j , i = 1, . . . , N, j = 1, . . . , M.
Let H is a horizon function defined on the two dimensional grid pi j and hi j is the horizon
value in the grid node pi j .
• Method:
– Moving average. Smoothed horizon H̃ is defined on the same grid with the fol-
lowing values:
h̃i j = ∑ Nklkl .
|p −p |<R ij kl
Here Nkl is a grid nodes number located within the circle of the radius R (dialogue
parameter) with the center at the point pi j , i.e. Nkl = ∑ 1
|pi j −pkl |<R
– Splines. First, the coarse grid with step in x , y directions equal to the radius
(dialogue parameter) is constructed. Then, the horizon H1 is defined on the coarse
grid based on H values defined on the coarse grid nodes. The smoothed horizon
H̃ is calculated using the bicubic spline interpolation based on H1 values defined
on coarse grid nodes.
• Well Marker. Selected marker name which the horizon is pulled to.
• Well Filter. Use markers corresponding to the wells selected in the filter.
• Pulling Type:
1. Simple Pulling. Horizon points in the vicinity of the pulling point (i.e. the point
of the marker projection on the source horizon) is pulled to the marker by distance
calculated as:
(2d 3 − 3d 2 + 1)h p,
– d is the distance from the horizon’s point to the nearest marker point divided
by the radius (Radius of Changing). If the distance d is larger than the radius
then the horizon’s point will be excluded from the algorithm.
– h is the nearest to the horizon point marker depth.
– p is Power parameter defined in graphical interface. It determines the ob-
tained horizon curvature in the area bounded by radius.
2. IDW Interpolation.
– Power parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the Multilayer
IDW method.
3. Least Squares Interpolation. The list of parameters is common for described
• Horizons Merging
• Source Data. Point Set. Set of points which will be used to build the horizon.
• Log Type. Define the log type (one way ot two-way time).
• Well Filter. Selection of the well filter containing all the wells with check-shot data
which will be used in the computation.
• Seismic Horizon. Selection of the seismic horizon which will be converted in depth.
The object has to be a 3D correlated horizon (not picked lines).
• Source Data:
• Geometry Source. Select the type of object which will be used for the map generation.
You can create a horizon by using already existing horizons or by entering any Z-value;
• Horizon. This field is only active when horizon is selected as Geometry Source. Se-
lection of the corresponding map;
• Polygon. In order to assign the horizon depth values or the constant Z-value to an area
located inside or outside a closed polygon, a polygon can be used;
• Inside/Outside. Indicate if the map or Z value has to be assigned inside or outside the
polygon area;
• Grid Properties.
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the
old one. Corresponds to the angle between the X axis and the border of the con-
structed grid. In order to set an automatic value computed from an object, the
icon on the right has to represent a closed padlock. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
– Min. X. Minimum X coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (MET-
RIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Length along X. Grid length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (MET-
RIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Length along Y. Grid length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along Y. Grid step size in Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Autodetect by. Selection of the object which size will be used to compute the grid
(for automatic definition);
– XY Margin. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) See below the description of Autodetect
– Autodetect. Automatic detection of boundaries for the 2D grid, using the object
defined in Autodetect by field. Maximum and minimum coordinates (X, Y) are
detected. The minimum rectangle rotated by the defined Angle with respect to the
OX axis and enclosing the object with given XY Margin is built.
• Horizon Type. Select a horizon type from the following dropdown list:
– Top.
– Bottom.
• Grid Properties.
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the
old one. Corresponds to the angle between the X axis and the border of the con-
structed grid. In order to set an automatic value computed from an object, the
icon on the right has to represent a closed padlock. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
– Min. X. Minimum X coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (MET-
RIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Length along X. Grid length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (MET-
RIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Length along Y. Grid length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along Y. Grid step size in Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Autodetect by. Selection of the object which size will be used to compute the grid
(for automatic definition);
– XY Margin. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) See below the description of Autodetect
– Autodetect. Automatic detection of boundaries for the 2D grid, using the object
defined in Autodetect by field. Maximum and minimum coordinates (X, Y) are
detected. The minimum rectangle rotated by the defined Angle with respect to the
OX axis and enclosing the object with given XY Margin is built.
• Faulted Horizon. Select the name of a faulted horizon to be used for grid creation.
Generally, a faulted horizon is defined on an arbitrary 2D grid. A faulted horizon can be
interpolated using Least-Squares method on a regular 2D grid in the XOY surface. For
an interpolation it might be required to define a trend horizon (e.g. from seismic data);
• Grid Step Divider. Define this parameter to control the approximation of initial horizon
by the regular 2D grid. The higher values of this parameter the higher accuracy.
• Residual. Source Points Set - Residual Attribute. Name of the point set which will
contain the residual attributes. For each computation, a point set is generated with a
point set attribute containing the residual value. If the interpolation is performed using
several objects, a point with a residual value will be created for each object point. These
values can be visualized in 2D;
• Well Filter. Allows to select an existing well filter to exclude wells from the computation
(see Well filter for more information);
• Inner Bounding Polygon. Select a polygon that bounds a horizon region to be updated;
• Outer Bounding Polygon. is used to create a buffer zone in oder to provide a smooth
coupling of updated part of horizon with the rest part of it;
• Trend. The new object will be created according to the trend values. Let’s the function
T (x, y) denotes the trend, (xi , yi , zi ) are the coordinates of each object used for the
interpolation. Denoting D(x, y) as a function obtained by interpolation of the ”residuals”
between the objects and the trend, i.e. the values zi − T (xi , yi ) defined in (xi , yi ) are
interpolated. Thus, the new object is the result of adding the function D(x, y) to the
trend function T (x, y): D(x, y) + T (x, y);
◦ IDW. For IDW interpolation method the following parameter should be set:
• Power Parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the Multilayer
IDW method.
◦ Kriging. For the Kriging, the following parameters have to be set:
• Kriging Type. Define the type of Kriging, which will be used to interpolate
the object.
– Simple.
– Ordinary.
– Universal.
• Variogram Parameters.
– Variogram type. It is possible to choose an available variogram for the
– Sill. Height of the near-straight-line section of the curve. The value can
be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the
experimental variogram curve to the points;
– Nugget Effect. Value of the variogram at the origin. The nugget effect
can be due to measurement errors or to variations at microscales (inferior
to the sampling distances). The value can be entered in the corresponding
field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points.
– Range Main. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve
displaying the variogram build along the main direction (given by the
azimuth). Corresponds to the point where the curve has reached 95% of
the sill. The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor
can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points;
– Range Normal. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve
displaying the variogram build along the normal direction (orthogonal to
the main one). Corresponds to the point where the curve has reached
95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the
cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points;
field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points.
– Range Main. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve
displaying the variogram build along the main direction (given by the
azimuth). Corresponds to the point where the curve has reached 95% of
the sill. The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor
can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points;
– Range Normal. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve
displaying the variogram build along the normal direction (orthogonal to
the main one). Corresponds to the point where the curve has reached
95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the
cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points;
– Range Vertical. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the
curve displaying the variogram build along the vertical direction. Cor-
responds to the point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The
value can be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved
to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points.
– Azimuth. Sets the azimuth of the main anisotropy direction (angle be-
tween the direction and X axis). This estimation can be based on the
result obtained by 2D variogram computation. The azimuth has to be
chosen in order to accurately characterize the variability;
– Dip. Sets the dip for the vertical variogram computation;
• Take from variogram. Variogram parameters will be taken from existed var-
iogram for the selected property.
• Kriging Radius. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t )
• Kriging Points.
• Random number.
• Residual. Source Points Set - Residual Attribute. Name of the point set which will
contain the residual attributes. For each computation, a point set is generated with a
point set attribute containing the residual value. If the interpolation is performed using
several objects, a point with a residual value will be created for each object point. These
values can be visualized in 2D;
◦ Residual Attribute.
• Well Filter. Allows to select an existing well filter to exclude wells from the computation
(see Well filter for more information);
• Fade To Border. provides smooth coupling of locally updated region of horizon with the
rest part of it;
◦ IDW. For IDW interpolation method the following parameter should be set:
• Power Parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the Multilayer
IDW method.
◦ Kriging. For the Kriging, the following parameters have to be set:
• Kriging Type. Define the type of Kriging, which will be used to interpolate
the object.
– Simple.
– Ordinary.
– Universal.
• Variogram Parameters.
– Variogram type. It is possible to choose an available variogram for the
– Sill. Height of the near-straight-line section of the curve. The value can
be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the
experimental variogram curve to the points;
– Nugget Effect. Value of the variogram at the origin. The nugget effect
can be due to measurement errors or to variations at microscales (inferior
to the sampling distances). The value can be entered in the corresponding
field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points.
– Range Main. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve
displaying the variogram build along the main direction (given by the
azimuth). Corresponds to the point where the curve has reached 95% of
the sill. The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor
can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points;
– Sill. Height of the near-straight-line section of the curve. The value can
be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the
experimental variogram curve to the points;
– Nugget Effect. Value of the variogram at the origin. The nugget effect
can be due to measurement errors or to variations at microscales (inferior
to the sampling distances). The value can be entered in the corresponding
field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points.
– Range Main. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve
displaying the variogram build along the main direction (given by the
azimuth). Corresponds to the point where the curve has reached 95% of
the sill. The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor
can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points;
– Range Normal. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve
displaying the variogram build along the normal direction (orthogonal to
the main one). Corresponds to the point where the curve has reached
95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the
cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points;
– Range Vertical. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the
curve displaying the variogram build along the vertical direction. Cor-
responds to the point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The
value can be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved
to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points.
– Azimuth. Sets the azimuth of the main anisotropy direction (angle be-
tween the direction and X axis). This estimation can be based on the
result obtained by 2D variogram computation. The azimuth has to be
chosen in order to accurately characterize the variability;
– Dip. Sets the dip for the vertical variogram computation;
• Take from variogram. Variogram parameters will be taken from existed var-
iogram for the selected property.
• Kriging Radius. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t )
• Kriging Points.
• Random number.
14. 2D-Maps
In 2D Maps menu to work with maps the following possibilities are available:
• Import
• Calculator
• Crop 2D Map by Polygon
• Voronoi Regions 2D Map by Markers
• Volumetric Maps
• Export
– 2D-Map ASCII Format
– Surfer 7 Grid Format
• Interpolation
– 2D Maps: IDW Method
– 2D Maps: Kriging
– 2D Maps: SGS Method
– 2D Maps: Least Squares method
• 2D Map Adjustment to Wells Attributes
– IDW method
– Least Squares method
• Universal Interpolation
• Transformations
– Rotate
– Translate
• Auxiliary Calculations
– 2D Map by Property
– Azimuth Map by Polygons
– Thickness Map by Horizons
– 2D-Maps Merging
– Create Isochores by Structural Model
• 2D Distance Calculation
14.1. Import
2D Maps can be loaded in the following formats:
• Format:
– CPS Format;
– 2D map ASCII Format;
– GRD Format.
Formats with the same names for horizons and 2D Maps are identical. Descriptions of
corresponding formats and file examples are presented in the section Horizons.Import.
• File Name. Show full paths of files containing an information about a 2D Map.
• Preview. Number of Lines. Number of file lines shown in the Preview window.
• NOVALUE. Special marker (equals 99999 by default) is used to indicate that a 2D Map
value does not exist in the data table.
• Input Units. Choose units system (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
14.2. Calculator
New objects can be created by mathematical calculations. For more information about this
option, see Calculator.
• Source Data:
◦ 2D Map.
◦ Polygon by which it will be cropped.
As initial points wells (their projections on the 2D map) can be used (e.g. to estimate
resources in the well area (well resources in the Voronoi region), or well drainage regions).
The description of this option for the dynamic model see in the training
tutorial SIM4.6. How To Use Voronoi Diagrams.
In this calculation as initial points markers are used (regions are built based on marker
depths). Based on marker projections on the plane the Voronoi Regions 2D Map is built. This
map can be used to create a horizon without an interpolation
Note that the 2D volumetric maps can be calculated even on a model not
i having a grid. In this case, naturally, the properties above can be specified
only as constants and not as grid properties.
On this tab you may specify the output maps for any of the following properties. The
properties are calculated separately for zones:
• Oil+gas zone;
• Oil zone;
• Gas zone.
• Geometric volume;
• Net volume;
• Pore volume;
• STOIIP (Mass);
• Associated gas;
• Recoverable oil;
• GIIP (Mass);
• Associated Liquid;
• Recoverable gas;
14.6. Export
2D-Map can be exported into the file using one of the following formats:
• Default Value. Special number marker is used to indicate that a map value does not exist
in the data table.
• Output Units. Choose units system (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
• Default Value. Special number marker is used to indicate that a map value does not exist
in the data table.
• Output Units. Choose units system (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
14.7. Interpolation
In the Designer for 2D Maps the following interpolation methods are implemented:
• 2D Maps: Kriging;
• Output:
• Source Data:
• Grid Properties:
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect ot the
old one. In the new system a 2D map will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
– Min. X. Minimum X coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along X. Horizon length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along Y. Horizon length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along Y. Grid step size in the Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Other Parameters. Power Parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the
Multilayer IDW method.
• Output:
• Source Data:
• Grid Properties:
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect ot the
old one. In the new system a 2D map will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
– Min. X. Minimum X coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
• Kriging Type. Define a type of Kriging, which will be used to interpolate a 2D Map.
– Simple.
– Ordinary.
– Universal.
• Output:
• Source Data:
• Grid Properties:
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect ot the
old one. In the new system a 2D map will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
– Min. X. Minimum X coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along X. Horizon length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along Y. Horizon length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along Y. Grid step size in the Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Kriging Points.
• Random number.
• Output:
• Source Data:
• Grid Properties:
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect ot the
old one. In the new system a 2D map will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
– Min. X. Minimum X coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
– Length along X. Horizon length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Coefficients:
– First Derivative.
– Second Derivative.
• Advanced settings. If this check box is checked additional option Grid refinement
will be available. The choice of this option allows to improve an accuracy of 2D Map’s
interpolation, however, increases a computational time. An interpolation is carried out
Refinement Steps number of times. At initial interpolation step the number of points in
X and Y directions is defined:
At the first interpolation step it is recommended to use a rough grid, i.e. the number of
points in X and Y directions should be minimal. At each iteration the number of points
in X and Y directions increases in such way that after defined number of iterations
(steps) the final number of points becomes equal to the number of 2D Map’s points.
• IDW;
• Least Squares.
• Output:
• Source data:
• Other Parameters. Power Parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the
Multilayer IDW method.
• Output:
• Initial data:
Coefficients providing a smoothness of adjusted Map are defined (see formula of LSM)
and varied in the range [0.01, 100].
• Coefficients:
– First Derivative.
– Second Derivative.
• Discrepancies elimination:
– Iterations.
– Coefficient. At each algorithm iteration derivative coefficients are modified by
multiplying by this coefficient.
◦ Residual. Source Points Set - Residual Attribute. Name of the point set which will
contain the residual attributes. For each computation, a point set is generated with a
point set attribute containing the residual value. If the interpolation is performed using
several objects, a point with a residual value will be created for each object point;
◦ Source Data. Definition of the objects which will be used for the interpolation. Add
Rows option allows to add a new file. Well Filters allows to select an existing well
filter to exclude wells from the computation (see Well filter for more information).
Seam with least squares option allows to extend the faults to the boundary of the
object or to another fault, using the least square interpolation in the vicinity of the
faults. First, the points near this extension are considered (by the chosen method or
the least-squares method if the option is checked), then the stitch points are used to
independently interpolate the parts. It leads a gap where there was a fault and cross-
linking where it was extended. In some cases, the stitching looks better if you use the
least-squares method to interpolate the stitch points.
◦ Trend. The new object will be created according to the trend values. Let’s the function
T (x, y) denotes the trend, (xi , yi , zi ) are the coordinates of each object used for the
interpolation. Denoting D(x, y) as a function obtained by interpolation of the ”residuals”
between the objects and the trend, i.e. the values zi − T (xi , yi ) defined in (xi , yi ) are
interpolated. Thus, the new object is the result of adding the function D(x, y) to the
trend function T (x, y): D(x, y) + T (x, y);
◦ Grid Properties :
• Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the
old one. In the new system a horizon will be built. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
• Min. X. Minimum X coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
• Length along X. Object length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate in the new coordinate system (METRIC: m,
FIELD: f t ).
• Length along Y. Object length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• Step along Y. Grid step size in the Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Autodetect by. Chose an object in the list to use its size as dimensions for the plane which
will be generated.
◦ Boundary Polygon. Allows to use a polygon as boundary for the resulting object;
◦ Interpolation type. For more information about interpolation algorithms, see Interpolation
For SGS, the following fields have to be filled:
• Random number.
For the Least Square method: the smoothness of the interpolated horizon can be im-
proved by varying coefficients in the range [0.01, 100] (see the formula of LSM). The
following fields have to be filled:
• Coefficients:
– First Derivative.
– Second Derivative.
• Advanced settings. If this check box is checked additional option Grid refine-
ment will be available. The choice of this option allows to improve the interpola-
tion accuracy, however, increases a computational time. An interpolation is carried
out Refinement Steps number of times. At the initial interpolation step the number
of points in X and Y directions is defined:
– Start Count of Points by X.
– Start Count of Points by Y.
At the first interpolation step it is recommended to use a rough grid, i.e. the number
of points in X and Y directions should be minimal. At each iteration the number
of points in X and Y directions increases in such way that after defined number of
iterations (steps) the final number of points is the same as the number of points of
the resulting object.
• Kriging Type. Define the type of Kriging, which will be used to interpolate the
– Simple.
– Ordinary.
– Universal.
• Variogramm. It is possible to choose an available variogram for the interpolation.
If the project does not contain variograms, it is necessary to create one. A vari-
ogram can be built using the shortcut Go To Variogram Properties, or use the
Data Analysis tab.
• Power Parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the Multilayer IDW
◦ Limit Values. Allows to set a limit to the maximum and minimum values of the resulting
2D Map.
14.10. Transformations
The following calculations are available:
• Rotate;
• Translate.
14.10.1. Rotate
A rotation of the 2D map by the specified angle around the defined point.
– X. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t )
– Y. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t )
14.10.2. Translate
All map points are shifted in the same direction by the same distance.
• Shift vector:
– X. Shift all map points in the X direction by the defined number of units of length
(METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Y. Shift all map points in the Y direction by the defined number of units of length
(METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
• 2D Map by Property;
• 2D-Maps Merging;
• Method.Method, which is used to build 2D Map. The list of available calculation meth-
ods depends on the Property Type (defined below).
For Continuous properties:
– Average. Consider a vertical line coming from the two-dimensional grid node.
Blocks i crossing by the line and satisfying the filter condition (which will be
defined below) are considered. Based on the property values c(i) and blocks height
height(i) the map value at the grid node is calculated as:
∑ c(i) · height(i)
M= .
∑ height(i)
This calculation is intended for the data arrays that explicitely de-
i fine grid properties. An example of possible utilization: 2D map of
average porosity calculation from 3D porosity cube.
– Volume-height. Consider a vertical line coming from the two-dimensional grid
node. Blocks i = 1, ... crossing by the line and satisfying the filter condition (de-
fined below) are considered. Based on the property’s values c(i), blocks’ height
height(i) and volumes volume(i) the 2D Map value M at the grid node is calcu-
lated as:
c(i) · height(i)
M=∑ .
M = ∑ c(i) · height(i).
This calculation is intended for the grid properties that do not de-
i pend on the block’s dimensions. An example of possible utilization:
2D map of net thickness calculation from lithology cube.
– Sum. Based on the same data as for the Average method the value of 2D Map M
at the grid node is calculated as:
M = ∑ c(i)
– Average. Consider a vertical line coming from the two dimensional grid node.
Blocks i crossing by the line and satisfying the filter condition (which will be
defined below) are considered. Based on the property values c(i) and blocks height
height(i) the 2D Map value M at the grid node is calculated as:
∑ c(i) · height(i)
M= .
∑ height(i)
– Top. Consider a vertical line coming from the two dimensional grid node. The
set of, intervals which are the line intersection with the 3D grid, is calculated. All
intervals, which are not the result of line intersection with blocks, do not satisfy the
filter condition and a facies value in them equals to the defined value, are skipped.
The minimum boundary of the top interval is supposed to be a 2D map value at
the specified grid node.
– Bottom. Consider a vertical line coming from the two dimensional grid node. The
set of intervals, which are the line intersection with the 3D grid, is calculated. All
intervals, which are not the result of line intersection with blocks, do not satisfy the
filter condition and a facies value in them equals to the defined value, are skipped.
The maximum boundary of the top interval is supposed to be a 2D map value at
the specified grid node.
– Thickness. Consider a vertical line coming from the two dimensional grid node.
The set of intervals, which are the line intersection with the 3D grid, is calculated.
All intervals which are not the result of line intersection with blocks, do not satisfy
the filter condition and a facies value in them equals to defined value are skipped.
The sum of intervals length is supposed to be a 2D map value at the specified grid
– Proportion. Consider a vertical line coming from the two dimensional grid node.
The set of intervals, which are the line intersection with the 3D grid, is calculated.
All intervals, which are not the result of line intersection with blocks, do not satisfy
the filter condition, are skipped. The sum of intervals length is calculated. Further,
all intervals, which are not the result of line intersection with blocks, a facies
value in them equals to defined value, are skipped. The sum of intervals length is
calculated. The ratio between second and first sum is considered to be a value of
2D Map at the specified grid node.
• Smooth result. If the check box is checked the 2D Map will be smoothed. The map
value in each node is averaged using values at neighboring nodes.
• User Cut. 2D map will be built based on the block that match the defined filter.
• Property. Choose property which will be used to build 2D Map.
• Property Type. Property types are:
– Continuous. Any numerical values can be used for Property.
– Discrete. Integers can be used for Property.
◦ Top. In the Use area select the type of object for computation. A horizon or a constant
depth can be set. If Horizon is set, select the corresponding horizon from the list. If
Depth is selected, enter the corresponding depth for the computation of the top;
◦ Bottom. In the Use area select the type of object for computation. A horizon or a constant
depth can be set. If Horizon is set, select the corresponding horizon from the list. If
Depth is selected, enter the corresponding depth for the computation of the bottom;
◦ Boundary Polygon. Define a boundary for the resulting map. Select the corresponding
◦ Grid Properties.
◦ Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the old
one. Corresponds to the angle between the X axis and the border of the constructed
grid. In order to set an automatic value computed from an object, the icon on the
right has to represent a closed padlock. See below the description of Autodetect
◦ Min. X. Minimum X coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (METRIC:
m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Length along X. Grid length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
Figure 47. A) and B) Input data: porosity gradient map and polygon representing the river
system used for the computation. C) Result of a 2D map merging: the porosity gradient map
is used as a geometry source inside the river system polygon, while outside the polygon, a 0
Z-value is assigned. This map can for example be used as trend for a property interpolation.
• Geometry Source. Select the type of object which will be used for the map generation.
You can create a 2D-Map by using already existing 2D-Maps or by entering any Z-value;
• 2D-Map. This field is only active when 2D-Map is selected as Geometry Source.
Selection of the corresponding map;
• Polygon. In order to assign the map or the Z-value to an area located inside or outside
a closed polygon, a polygon can be used;
• Inside/Outside. Indicate if the map or Z value has to be assigned inside or outside the
polygon area;
• Grid Properties.
– Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the
old one. Corresponds to the angle between the X axis and the border of the con-
structed grid. In order to set an automatic value computed from an object, the
icon on the right has to represent a closed padlock. See below the description of
Autodetect option.
– Min. X. Minimum X coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (MET-
RIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Length along X. Grid length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (MET-
RIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Length along Y. Grid length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Step along Y. Grid step size in Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Autodetect by. Selection of the object which size will be used to compute the grid
(for automatic definition);
– XY Margin. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) See below the description of Autodetect
– Autodetect. Automatic detection of boundaries for the 2D grid, using the object
defined in Autodetect by field. Maximum and minimum coordinates (X, Y) are
detected. The minimum rectangle rotated by the defined Angle with respect to the
OX axis and enclosing the object with given XY Margin is built.
• Distance to Polygon;
• Distance to Pointset;
• Distance to Wells.
• Autodetect. Automatic detection of boundaries for the 2D grid, using the object de-
fined in Autodetect by field. Maximum and minimum coordinates (X, Y) are detected.
The minimum rectangle rotated by the defined Angle with respect to the OX axis and
enclosing the object with given XY Margin is built.
Figure 48. An example of loaded User Map Images representing a geological map. The object
can be displayed in 2D.
• 1. Click first on the button marked 1 and draw a vector using the left mouse button,
dragging the mouse from the point of the image which has to be moved and the final
point where is will be moved and then release it. The vector is displayed. Note that the
displacement will be performed from the point of the vector you defined first towards
the second one.
• 2. Click on the second button, marked 2 and perform the same steps.
• 3. Perform these steps using the third button to set the third vector.
• 4. Apply.
16. Seismic
In Geometry Objects, 3 types of objects are available: seismic surveys 3D (import, export and
computation of 3D seismic data), seismic surveys 2D (import, export and computation of 2D
seismic data), seismic arbitrary slices (work with seismic sections created by polygons).
In Calculations menu to work with seismic the following possibilities are available:
• Import
• Export
• Velocity by Seismic
• Calculate Attributes
– Instantaneous Amplitude
– Instantaneous Phase
– Instantaneous Frequency
– Coherence
– Velocity to Depth
– Depth to Velocity
Figure 49. An example of editing User Map Images. A shapefile respresenting the wells is
loaded as a point set and displayed in dark blue, and a geological map, partly covering the
point set on which the wells are represented in brown and black is loaded as a User Map
Image. The goal is to correctly superimpose these objects. So, the map is dragged to the point
set A)The vectors are set B)The result is displayed.
16.1. Import
The seismic can only be loaded in SEG-Y format. 2 options are available:
• SGY Format.
• Preview:
– Binary header. Preview of the binary header of the loaded Seg-y containing the
descriptor and the value columns.
– Text header. Preview of the text header containing the text information about the
– Trace header. Preview of the trace header containing information about the seis-
mic record.
• Type:
• Geometry:
• Delay in Z axis. Indicate the delay. The top of the loaded seismic will correspond to
this value.
• Min Z. This option is used to cut the loaded seismic by depth or time. The indicated
value will correspond to the top value of the seismic.
• Max Z. This option is used to cut the loaded seismic by depth or time. The indicated
value will correspond to the bottom value of the seismic.
• Autodetect. Autodetection of Geometry, Processing and Type parameters from the data.
• Processing:
16.2. Export
The seismic is exported in SEG-Y format.
Points are estimated each 2 ms, which leads to the following estimation of the velocity:
Dei − Dei−1
vi = (16.2)
where De ei is the point to estimate and Dei−1 is the point estimated at the previous step.
The following parameters have to be defined:
• Source Data.
• Instantaneous Amplitude;
• Instantaneous Phase;
• Instantaneous Frequency;
• Coherence;
• Velocity to Depth;
• Depth to Velocity.
• Output File Name. Path and name of the resulting file with seismic attribute.
It is worth mentioning that in some cases Instantaneous Frequency has negative values.
This happens when the phase momentarily decreases in magnitude. Generally, such values are
in conflict with physical sense.
Thereby some algorithms do reversing of the algebraic sign of negative frequency to
positive values. Actually in this case users deal with the modulus of instantaneous frequency.
On the other hand, such kind of deviations are the inherent part of calculated seismic
attribute. Sometimes they can have an individual information value and help to interpreta-
tor to detect structural and stratigraphic heterogeneous. So the possible negative values of
Instantaneous Frequency are not being edited.
16.4.4. Coherence
This calculation allows to compute the coherence for a chosen 3D SEGY file. The method
used for this computation is the semblance. It measures the degree of similarity to each other
of the traces within a defined 3D window. The semblance is computed using the next formula:
∑ ( ∑ xik )2
i=1 k=1
C= L M
M ∑ ∑ (xik )2
i=1 k=1
Where M is the number of traces, L the number of samples for each trace and the X matrix can
be written as : X = S + N where S = {sik } is the signal and N = {nik } the noise component.
This attribute can be used for the identification of fracture zones.
• Calculation Parameters.
– Inline Window Size. Definition of the 3D window used for the computation. Enter
the inline window size;
– Crossline Window Size. Definition of the 3D window used for the computation.
Enter the crossline window size;
– Vertical Window Size. Definition of the 3D window used for the computation.
Enter the vertical window size in milliseconds or in meters.
Where SI is the sampling interval (in seconds) and Vi is the velocity at i (in m/s).
• Output File Name: path and name of the resulting file. Each resulting file is stored as
an external SEGY file;
• Time Depth Relation Type: selection of the Time-Depth relation type: two-way time
or one-way time.
• Output File Name: path and name of the resulting file. Each resulting file is stored as
an external SEGY file;
• Time Depth Relation Type: selection of the Time-Depth relation type: two-way time
or one-way time.
In Settings tab, to work with seismic horizons, the following possibilities are available:
• Autotracking Parameters;
• 3D Correlation.
• Seeded 2D Autotracking. For this method, the selection of one point on the
reflector (by double left clicking) fits automatically the picking to the part of the re-
flector which has similar phase parameters as the seed, according to the Autotracking
Parameters which are set;
• 3D Autotracking. This method allows to create a horizon in time from the pick-
ing. Picked seeds in 2D are interpolated to 3D by double clicking, according to the
Autotracking Parameters which are set;
• Eraser Tool. Erases the parts of the picking which are selected by left mouse click.
This tool deletes only the points in 2D, whatever the method;
• Signal Feature. Selection of the type of reflector which is interpreted: peak (positive
reflection coefficient), trough (negative reflection coefficient) or peaks and troughs.
Figure 51. Seed confidence definition, example for seed confidence value of 30%, autotracked
values will not be outside the blue rectangles
• Window Confidence. Represents the vertical degree of freedom for the autotracking.
The less is this value, the less calculated values are varying from the seed value, see
Figure 52.
Figure 52. Window Confidence definition, example for a window confidence value of 20 ms.
Seeds are represented in blues. Autotracked values cannot be outside the limits represented in
dashed lines and located at 10 ms upwards and 10 ms downwards
• Use Wavelet tracking. If this option is activated, the calculated values by autotracking
will be constrained by the wavelet.The wavelet tracking method compares traces around
the selected point (within the correlation window). The picking will be propagated to
a neighboring trace if the original trace and the neighboring one have a correlation
coefficient value which equals to at least the value set as Correlation Quality.
If no options (Seed Confidence or Wavelet tracking) is used, the picking is propagated without
constraints to all the neighboring peaks or troughs in 2D or 3D.
• Show Projection. If this option is selected, the projection of already interpreted lines
will be visible.
17.5. 3D Correlation
This option is accessible from Calculations menu and allow to convert line picking into a
surface in time. The following parameters must be specified:
• Seismic Horizon 3D. Name of the 3D seismic horizon which will be created.
• Autotracking Parameters. Selection of the methods which will be used to compute the
seismic horizon. See Autotracking Parameters for more details.
• Load SEG-Y in Memory. If this option is activated, the entire SEG-Y file is loaded in
the memory.
18. Polygons
In Geology Designer, polygons are multifaced geometry objects (finite chain of straight line
Polygon can be defined as:
• Curve (polyline);
• Closed curve;
Polygons can be: loaded, created from the interface (2D tab, button) or created by
point sets or horizon contour lines.
In Calculations menu to work with polygons the following possibilities are available:
• Import
• Export
• Polygons Union
• Create Polygons
• Transform Polygon
• Smooth polygon
18.1. Import
Polygons can be loaded in the following formats:
• .bln files
• TKS Polygons
• CPS-3 lines
• Shapefile
• Z-Map Plus
• Preview. Number of Lines. Number of loaded file lines shown in the Preview window.
• Input Units. Choose units system (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
• Polygon Is Closed. If the check box of this option is checked then the loaded polygon
will be shown in closed form.
40 File Definition Type
1 Version 7.0
3 Count
43 Next ID
Polygon A
Polygon B
Polygon C
25 0 3 6 5 7257866.000000 21041.038499 1.000000
8774.000000 15604.000000 7753.000000 14963.000000 6793.000000
14260.000000 6129.000000 14149.000000 5539.000000 13486.000000
0 0 3 58 1 11468610.000000 14615.461954 1.000000
19308.000000 7482.000000 18348.000000 4752.000000 21666.000000
4824.000000 22332.000000 8070.000000 22260.000000 9552.000000
19308.000000 7482.000000
12 0 3 50 0 16117524.000000 16296.022271 1.000000
1074.000000 3792.000000 3732.000000 -198.000000 5430.000000
2760.000000 5946.000000 4380.000000 2994.000000 6078.000000
1074.000000 3792.000000
18.1.6. Shapefile
Polygons can also be loaded from Shapefiles.
The shapefile format is a geospatial vector data format. A shapefile contains a main file,
an index file, and a dBASE table. The main file is a description of the object geometry and
contains a list of vertices. The index file provides a positional index of the object geometry,
while the dBASE table is a list of the object attributes.
The format does not allow preview. Also, there is the following additional option:
• Ignore index file. This option can be used to force the visualization of the object in
case of corrupted index files;
• Use Different Units for Z. This is applicable if Z is measured in other units than X and
18.2. Export
It is possible to save all polygons or the selected polygon into a file:
• Output Units. Define units (METRIC, FIELD, LAB) in which output data will be
• File Name. The full path to file, in which the selected curve will be saved;
• Output Units. Define units (METRIC, FIELD, LAB) in which output data will be
• Result Polygon. Name of the resulting polygon. All the points inside the polygon will
be included in the union.
– Use. If the check box is not checked then, a selected polygon will not be included
in the union;
– Polygon. Selection of the polygon name which will be included in the union;
– Add Rows. Add a polygon;
– Remove Rows. Delete the chosen file from the list.
• Result Polygon. Name of the resulting polygon. All the points inside the polygon will
be included in the union;
• Clear Result Polygon Set. allows to rewrite an existing polygon. If this option is ticked,
the polygon indicated in the field Result Polygon will be re-written;
• Polygon. Selection of the polygon name which will be included in the set. Use box has
also to be ticked;
◦ Operation Type. Type of Boolean operation to perform. The following operations are
Figure 53. A) 2 polygons representing channels in a studied area represented by the rectangle
polygon. A union of the two channel polygons is performed in order to obtained the resulting
channel. The result is presented on B).
◦ First Operand. Selection of the first polygon for the computation. The order is important
if you select subtraction as operation type;
◦ Second Operand. Selection of the second polygon for the computation. The order is im-
portant if you select subtraction as operation type;
Figure 54. A) Input polygons. B) The difference of the orange polygon and the green one. C)
The difference of the green polygon and the orange one.
• by Pointset. The polygon will be generated as a convex envelop of a chosen point set;
• By Horizon Contour Lines. The polygon will be generated using the contour lines of
a chosen horizon. This option can be used to display the contour lines of a selected
horizon on a chosen property. Structural contour lines can be displayed on any property
or 2D map. Cf Fig. 56;
Figure 55. A) Input polygons. An intersection is performed, the result is presented on B).
Figure 56. Display of a polygon created by horizon contour lines on the gas in place property.
A) 3D display of the horizon. B) 3D display of the created polygon using the horizon contour
lines. C) Gas-in-Place property and the created polygon in 2D
◦ Surface1, Surface2. Select Horizon and set the corresponding horizon, or Depth and set
the corresponding depth for the two surfaces, see the picture 58;
Figure 57. The yellow lines correspond to the created polygon A – By line count. The number
of lines set in the field Line Count is added between the minimum and the maximum values B
– By Step. The lines start at the base value. The number of values is determined by the Don’t
Show More Than parameter and the step is set in the Step field.
• Add Nodes With Step. This option is used to add nodes on the polygon. The points will
be added to the polygon according to the step which will be indicated in this field (in
project units). It is recommended to use this option if the polygon contains few points,
otherwise the polygon will not follow the horizon curvature;
• Default Depth. Indicate the depth which will be assigned to the polygon in the areas
where the horizon is not defined.
Figure 58. Display of a polygon (in black) defined as the intersection of two horizons.
• Transformation Type. Select the transformation which will be applied to the polygon.
The following transformations are available:
– Shift. All the points of the polygon will be shifted according to the translation
vector which is set in the fields X and Y;
– Rotate. All the points of the polygon will be rotated in the trigonometric direction
according to the rotation which will be defined in the fields Center X, Y and in
Angle. The angle is measured from the Y axis;
– Scale. The polygon will be scaled according to the scale coefficient which is en-
tered in the field Scale coefficient and the center specified by X and Y coordinates
entered in the fields Center X and Center Y.
Splines. The main idea of this algorithm is an approximation of the polygonal line sec-
tions by cubic splines (by sections of cubic parabolas). For each section a cubic spline is
calculated. At the end points of each section adjacent splines must have the same first and
second derivatives. Thus the splines turn into each other smoothly.
Besides additional points are appended to polygonal lines to make the result curves
smoothed. The quantity of these points is managed by parameter Subdivision. The higher
value of this parameter the less distance between adjacent points the result curve is more
Moving average. The idea of this algorithm is replacement of actual point coordinates by
arithmetic mean of the nearest points coordinates. Parameter Window Length guides what
points are to be included into calculation. This parameter might be called by ‘relative size of
smooth window’ measuring in proportions of common polygon length (values from 0 to 1).
19. Aquifers
One or several Aquifers can be added to the dynamic model in Cases tab.
• User Cut. Aquifer will be created only in blocks satisfying to the defined property filter.
• Polygon. Polygon based on which an aquifer will be calculated. The available operations
with polygons are described in chapter 18.
Blocks included in the aquifer should satisfy the following conditions:
• Connection flag defining whether connections from faces, attached to active blocks,
are allowed. By default grid block will be connected with aquifer only if its face is
connected with inactive block or if block has no neighbors from this face.
The aquifer will be attached only to the filtered blocks on the model’s sides. The User cut
can be applied to any Grid Property in the project. Additionally, the filtering property can be
created from scratch via brush tool or Calculator (using IF() operator).
• User Cut. Aquifer will be created only in blocks satisfying to the defined property filter.
• Connection flag defining whether connections from faces, attached to active blocks,
are allowed. By default grid block will be connected with aquifer only if its face is
connected with inactive block or if block has no neighbors from this face.
Figure 59. Aquifer creation via polygons. On the left picture Aquifer is attached to one side
of the model. On the right picture Aquifer is attached to all sides of the model.
• Aquifer Type. Type of Aquifer connection to the grid. The following options are avail-
The detailed description of Aquifer models is provided in Inflow from aquifer chapter of
the tNavigator User Manual.
• Semianalytical.
All settings correspond to parameters of the keywords AQPROP (see 13.3.19), AQLEAK
(see 13.3.16).
• Carter-Tracy.
All settings correspond to 2-13 parameters of the keyword AQUCT (see 12.17.9).
• Constant Flux.
All settings correspond to 2-5 parameters of the keyword AQUFLUX (see 12.17.2).
20. Faults
In Calculations menu to work with faults the following possibilities are available:
• Import;
• Export;
The following possibilities are available to set fault parameters and to edit faults:
• Fault Settings;
• Fault Editing.
Examples of how to use faults and faults lines are shown in training
• Transm. Mult. Transmissibility multiplier value for each fault. Second parameter of the
keyword MULTFLT (see 12.2.39) which will be added to the model. This field can be
edited from the interface by double clicking on it;
• Diffus. Mult. Diffusivity multiplier value for each fault. Corresponds to the third pa-
rameter of the keyword MULTFLT (see 12.2.39) which will be added to the model. This
field can be edited from the interface bu double clicking on it;
• Threshold Pres. Threshold pressure value for each fault. Corresponds to the second
parameter of the keyword THPRESFT (see 12.2.40) which will be added to the model.
This field can be edited from the interface by double clicking on it;
• Fault. Select the fault to edit from the list of displayed faults. Only the faults selected
in Geometry Objects can be edited;
• Control Size. Set the size of the sphere which indicates the node to be edited. This
parameter is a visualization tool and has no influence on the editing result;
• Do Not Use Fixed Control Size. If this option is activated, the yellow sphere indicating
the edited node will be displayed with a fixed size remaining the same while you zoom
in or out and which will be regulated by the Control Size parameter. This option is a
display tool and has no influence on the fault editing;
• Apply Changes When the Mouse is Released. This option is active for the Perpen-
dicular to Fault and With Arbitrary Direction options. It allows to apply the changes
are applied only when the mouse is released. If the option is not activated, the changes
apply automatically once the node is dragged in space;
• Move the Whole Stick. Allows to edit a whole fault stick. If this option is not activated,
only the selected node and potentially the nodes situated in the action radius (if the
option Use Action Radius is activated) will be affected;
• Type of Control Move. Selection of the editing mode. The following editing modes are
– Along Fault Surface. Allows to move the nodes along the fault surface. Modifies
only the nodes coordinates and do not affect the global geometry of the fault;
– Perpendicular to Fault. Moves a node perpendicularly to the fault surface. The
direction is indicated by a stick;
– With Arbitrary Direction. Moves a node in any chosen direction. The direction
is indicated by a stick.
• Use Action Radius. If this option is used, the editing will be applied to all the nodes
situated in the indicated radius around the edited node (marked by the yellow sphere).
20.3. Import
The following import formats are available:
• Curves;
• Z-Map Plus.
For first and second formats a fault surface is defined by set of simple polygonal chains
in the three dimensional space. Corresponding points of neighbouring polygonal chains are
connected by lines. The loaded file contains points coordinates (x, y, z). For the third and
fourth formats a set of polygons, representing the hangingwall and footwall of the fault for
each horizon is defined in the loaded file. Corresponding points of polygons are connected by
sticks, which is a set of vertical lines representing the slope of the faults.
Interface elements common to all available formats are the following:
• Preview. Number of Lines. Number of loaded file lines shown in the Preview window.
• Input Units. Choose units system (e.g. METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Available units are
METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default
in Document. Settings menu.
20.3.1. Curves
• Automatically reorder sticks. Automatic ordering of loaded curves. Ordering is done
in the following way:
1. Sticks are numbered in the order of their appearance in the loaded file. The average
depth z0 of points defining a stick.
2. The surface Z = z0 is created. Intersection points of the fault with this surface are
found. Each point corresponds to its stick.
3. The line, which approximates points set in the best way, is constructed.
4. Points projections on the obtained line are built. Projection points are numbered
and sticks are renumbered: stick number is assigned to the number of points cor-
responding to a stick.
Format description. The file contains several curves. Each curve is described by points
set. Each point has its coordinates (x, y, z). Initially, the first curve points are followed by the
second curve points etc.
Two file formats are supported:
1. From Curves. Curves are separated from each other by lines ”999.000000 999.000000
462371.578491 5937306.051758 1665.394653
462390.957214 5937310.997803 1697.219849
462701.016907 5937390.136719 2228.605469
462739.774384 5937400.029053 2305.924805
999.000000 999.000000 999.000000
462374.560120 5937573.822510 1446.748535
462381.576111 5937581.040771 1504.181274
462393.749268 5937598.266602 1657.436157
462608.282715 5937656.375488 2323.370361
999.000000 999.000000 999.000000
462692.342529 5937181.511230 2067.374023
462711.721252 5937186.457031 2101.812012
462769.857468 5937201.295898 2212.541504
462808.614914 5937211.188477 2287.954590
999.000000 999.000000 999.000000
2. CPS-3. The beginning of the curve is defined by the line which starts from symbol
FFASCI 0 1 ''LINES'' 0 1e+10
-1168.400000 1062.000000 -735.000000
-1171.680952 1065.452381 -740.571429
-1174.961905 1068.904762 -746.142857
-1181.523810 1075.809524 -757.285714
-1184.804762 1079.261905 -762.857143
-1191.366667 1086.166667 -774.000000
-1194.647619 1089.619048 -779.571429
-1201.209524 1096.523810 -790.714286
-3550.600000 -853.000000 -839.000000
-3566.855556 -835.861111 -862.222222
-3583.111111 -818.722222 -885.444444
-3599.366667 -801.583333 -908.666667
-3615.622222 -784.444444 -931.888889
-3631.877778 -767.305556 -955.111111
• Z Units. Choose units system for Z axis. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB.
If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default in Document. Settings
Format description. The file contains a table consisted of twelve columns. Each column
has a fixed width. Each data column has a particular purpose. The detailed description of all
parameters is given in the table shown below.
The file defines a set of faults. Each fault is defined by the set of curves. Each curve is
defined by the set of points. Each table line describes one point. For each point the following
parameters should be defined: its coordinates, its position in curve (first, intermediate, last),
fault name, XY units and Z units (depth and time). It should be noticed that curve points are
listed in a table one by one, i.e. the first point is followed by intermediate points and the last
448460.997 486599.560 6198.600 41 1 1Fault1 GEO DEPTH Sooner3D
2448460.997 486599.560 6503.600 41 1 3Fault1 GEO DEPTH
2450294.620 484225.149 6196.400 41 1 1Fault1 GEO DEPTH
2450394.610 484226.558 6432.400 41 1 2Fault1 GEO DEPTH
2450394.610 484226.558 6499.400 41 1 3Fault1 GEO DEPTH
2451726.875 481945.095 6195.400 41 1 1Fault1 GEO DEPTH
2451726.875 481945.095 6398.400 41 1 2Fault1 GEO DEPTH
2451825.457 482046.494 6498.300 41 1 3Fault1 GEO DEPTH
2452469.058 478955.252 6206.000 41 1 1Fault1 GEO DEPTH
2452469.058 478955.252 6403.700 41 1 2Fault1 GEO DEPTH
Format description. The file contains set of polygons. A polygon is described by the set
of polygon’s corners – points. The number of points is defined in the separate line before
polygon’s points. It is possible to have two numbers in the line, the first one is the number of
points. The second number is ignored. Thus, the file structure is the following:
• the above line is followed by lines contained coordinates of points in the set.
Points are defined by their coordinates. Each point coordinates are written in the separate
line and separated by commas.
Each points set in the file describes a curve. Faults are vertical surfaces. Each fault is
defined by vertical lines passing through points of the corresponding curve. Then, faults are
cut at the top by the value defined in Top, and at the bottom by the value in Bottom.
Format description. The file contains a description section which starts and ends with
@. The description contains the names and layout of data columns which follow afterwards.
Normally these include the coordinates and some sort of curve ID for each point.
Any line starting with "!" is considered a comment.
! Export file created Nov/12/2018 12:05:06 PM CST
X (EASTING) , 1, 1, 1, 1, 15, 7, -98765, , 15, 7, 0
Y (NORTHING) , 2, 2, 1, 16, 30, 7, -98765, , 15, 7, 0
Z VALUE , 2, 2, 1, 31, 45, 7, -98765, , 15, 7, 0
SEG I.D. , 2, 2, 1, 46, 60, 7, -98765, , 15, 7, 0
1325772.14 10490478.61 10484.20 1
1323207.84 10487914.29 8163.57 1
1322287.33 10486993.77 7257.42 1
1320754.00 10485460.43 5603.29 1
1325400.90 10490455.35 10340.54 2
1322880.44 10487934.86 7964.66 2
1321294.77 10486349.18 6450.19 2
• Smoothing Algorithm:
◦ Splines. Lines connected neighbouring points of top and bottom fault boundaries are
smoothed using cubic splines. First, lines connected x coordinates of initial points
are smoothed, the same procedure is repeated for lines connected y coordinates
of points and then z coordinates. Number of points adding to a line is defined by
parameter Subdivision.
◦ Moving Average. A stick points position is smoothed as follows: for each sticks
node the neighbouring radius r is calculated. r is a product of the value defined in
Radius for Moving Average with boundary length. All points placed in the circle
of radius r with the center at the stick node are averaged, i.e. average values of
their coordinates are calculated. The point with averaged coordinates is the result
of smoothing in this stick node.
◦ Top. Last top stick line is continued up to intersection with the surface Z = z0 , where
z0 is the parameter value in this field.
◦ Bottom. Last bottom stick line is continued up to intersection with the surface Z =
z0 , where z0 is the parameter value in this field.
◦ Top. Define a top depth for the resulting fault which will be cut by this depth;
◦ Bottom. Define a bottom depth for the resulting fault which will be cut by this depth;
• Polygon. List of polygons used for the computation. The polygons have to be listed from
the top to the bottom of the fault. 2 polygons at least have to be used.
◦ Top. Define a top depth for the resulting fault which will be cut by this depth;
◦ Bottom. Define a bottom depth for the resulting fault which will be cut by this depth;
◦ Polygon. List of the polygons which will be used for the computation. One polygon is
defined by fault;
◦ Autodetect. Automatically name the resulting faults using the name of the corresponding
20.8. Export
This option allows to save the files which contain faults. The faults are exported to the format
From Curves.
• Output Folder. Define a folder name in which all Horizons will be saved.
• Fault Surface. Define a name of exported fault surface.
• Input Units. Define the units (METRIC, FIELD, LAB) in which data will be
saved. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB. If option Not specified is acti-
vated, units are defined by default in Document. Settings menu.
• Seismic Fault. Selection of the seismic fault which will be converted in depth.
• Seismic Survey Type. Selection of the type of seismic data used for the picking.
• Time-Depth Relation Log. Check-shot log which will be used to build the fault.
• Time-Depth Relation Log Type. Define the log type (one way ot two-way time).
• Well Filter. Selection of the well filter containing all the wells with check-shot data
which will be used in the computation.
Examples of how to use faults and faults lines are shown in training
• Show. Visualize the lines situated on one side of the fault (Left Lines Only or Right
Lines Only) or Both Lines;
• Left Lines Color. Set the same color to the lines situated on the same side of the fault;
• Right Lines Color. Set the same color to the lines situated on the same side of the fault;
• Use Top Points of Block. Toggle on to create a horizon based on top cell faces. Other-
wise the calculation will be performed for bottom faces.
• Use Top Blocks of Filter. Toggle on to create a horizon based on top cell faces. Other-
wise the calculation will be performed for bottom faces.
• Import
– XYZ format
– Lines (ASCII)
– CPS-3 lines
– Import Pointsets from Shapefile
– ZMap plus
• Import With Attributes
• Export
– Export all PointSets in XYZ format
– Export all PointSet in XYZ format
• Create Point Set by Horizon
• Create Point Set by Multivalued (Faulted) Horizon
• Create Point Set by Polygon
• Create Point Set by Seismic Horizon
• Create Point Set by Seismic Horizon (Velocity Model)
• Create Point Set by Seismic Fault
• Create Point Set by Seismic Fault (Velocity model)
• Create Point Set as Wells and Horizon Intersection
• Create Point Set by Marker
• Clear Point Set Near Faults
• Clear Point Set Inside Polygon
• Create a Point Set by Grid Layer
• Pointsets Union
• Shift Point Set by Vector
• Z Calculator
• Numeric Attributes Calculator
23.1. Import
A point set can be imported in the following formats:
• XYZ format
• Lines (ASCII)
• CPS-3 lines
• Import Pointsets from Shapefile
• ZMap plus
420467.295654 7246003.404053 2487.228271
420467.295654 7246053.668579 2480.297363
420467.295654 7246103.933105 2473.079834
420517.610107 7246103.933105 2468.294922
420467.295654 7246154.197632 2465.580322
420517.610107 7246154.197632 2460.757812
420416.981201 7246204.462280 2463.250244
String Horizon
String Well
457448.150 6786056.900 1899.910 TopTarbertC B-1
456078.750 6787074.150 2017.410 TopTarbertC B-12
458065.450 6786669.650 1878.260 TopTarbertC B-15
456802.550 6786275.800 1883.710 TopTarbertC B-17
• Add Row. Add a string with the name and type of attribute.
• Remove Rows. Remove a string with the name and type of attribute.
• Autodetect. By pressing of the button Autodetect two parameters from importing file
are loaded Attribute Name and Type. They are displayed in the appropriate section of
the window Import with attributes.
– Delimiter: From the dropped list select the delimiter: Tab, All spaces, Comma,
Semicolon, Underscore.
– Comment: Specify the sign indicating the Comments beginning in the importing
file. The consecutive signs will be ignored.
– Skip Lines: This number of lines from the beginning of file are not being imported.
– Preview. Possibility to preview the importing file and to edit its headers.
• Use OEM Encoding It is recommended to toggle this field if the importing file has the
old encoding type (for example, DOS).
• Select Coordinate Reference System. These field is active when a coordinate system
is set for the entire project and allows to set a coordinate system (CRS) for the file,
which can differ from the project CRS. To change the file CRS, select a CRS from the
list available by clicking on the ellipsis button. The project CRS can be modified, as
described in the section 2.2.
• XY Units. Choose units system for X and Y axes. Available units are METRIC, FIELD,
LAB. If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default in Document.
Settings menu.
• Z Units. Choose units system forZ axis. Available units are METRIC, FIELD, LAB.
If option Not specified is activated, units are defined by default in Document. Settings
• N/A: Define the value that means the no data in the importing file.
23.3. Export
A point set can be exported using the following ways:
– Distance. Grid nodes placed at the defined distance from the fault or closer are
excluded from the set of points.
• Seismic Horizon. Name of the seismic horizon which will be used for the computation.
• Seismic Horizon. Name of the seismic horizon which will be used for the computation;
• Velocity model. Select the velocity model for the conversion. The velocity model has
to be imported as a seismic survey (SEGY file), cf Import.
• Result Horizon. Horizon obtained by interpolation of the initial set of points. An inter-
polation is carried out using LSM with default settings.
• Band Width. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) Grid nodes placed at the defined distance
from the fault or closer are excluded from the set of points.
• Polygon. Set the polygon used for the computation. The polygon has to be closed.
• Result Point Set. Name of the point set which will be created.
• Layer. Selection of the layer along which the point set will be calculated.
• Use Top Points of Block. If this option is selected, the point set will pass through the
top of the blocks, if not, it will pass through the bottom.
• Distance From Faults. Allows to take the faults into account. When this option is
activated, a field with the fault list appears. The faults for which the column Use is
ticked will be taken into account. The distance set in the field Distance will work as a
margin: only the points situated beyond that distance will be a part of the point set.
• Add Rows. Add point sets for the union (a point set has to be chosen from the list
available by double click on the row).
• Initial Point Set. Name of the point set which has to be translated;
23.18. Z Calculator
Allows to set the depth of the points. See Calculator for more information.
24. Tables
Tables description is presented in this section. These objects, corresponding to report tables
can be visualized in the tab Table. Available calculations allows to load, export and create a
report table for a 3D property (see Grid Properties) or a 2D map (see 2D-Maps), which have
to be created beforehand.
The following Calculations are available:
• Export
• Import
Tables can be used for matching and uncertainty analysis in geological model
i (estimate of fluids-in-place, etc.), see the section Run AHM from Model and
Geology Designers and Assisted History Matching User Guide.
24.1. Export
This calculation allows to export a created table in text format.
• Field Delimiter. Selection of the columns delimiter type from the list containing Tab;
All Spaces, Comma, Semicolon delimiters. If another type of delimiter is needed, the
option Other Delimiter has to be ticked and the delimiter has to be entered in the field.
24.2. Import
Report tables can be imported to Geology Designer projects in text formats. The field delimiter
has to be one of the following: Comma, Tab, Space, Semicolon. The following options are
• Table File Names. List of imported tables. To add a new table, the option Add Rows has
to be used;
• Preview. Preview of each imported table. The number of displayed lines is given by the
number of lines;
• Property. The property for which the report will be generated has to be selected from the
dropdown list;
• Statistic type. Selection of the statistic value which will be computed for each property.
The proper type has to be selected from the dropdown list.
• Discrete Property 1, 2. Properties containing the numbers of regions. The statistics will be
calculated separately for each region, and also for each intersection of regions defined
by the properties 1 and 2 (in case if both are used); see figure 60.
• Weights. Selection of the property corresponding to the weights which are used for the
Weighted Mean calculation.
• Map. The map for which the report will be generated has to be selected from the dropdown
• Statistic type. Selection of the statistic value which will be computed for each property.
The proper type has to be selected from the list available by double clicking on the
white field.
• Boundary. Domain for which the statistics will be calculated. Everything outside it will be
• Filter polygon 1, 2. Polygons splitting the map into regions. The statistics will be presented
separately inside and outside each polygon, and also for the intersections of polygons 1
and 2 (in case if both are used); see figure 61.
• Weights. Selection of the property corresponding to the weights which are used for the
Weighted Mean calculation.
• Top Marker and Bottom Marker — define the depth range for statistic information anal-
will be generated when structural faults are present. The grid will be exported in the proper
format if the entire model is exported.
• Create Grid
• LGR Operations
• Transformations
– Edit Grid
– Translate & Rotate Grid
– Cut Grid 3D
– Update Grid
• Export
– Export. Grid
– Export. All Maps to GRID_ECL
• Dimensions:
– Count of Blocks by X;
– Count of Blocks by Y;
– Count of Blocks by Z.
• Horizon. Define the horizons that encompass the grid and separate it into the regions. To
add more horizons, press Add Rows or double-click in the empty field. Horizons are
selected from the list available, and have to be arranged from top to bottom. For each
horizon, the following parameters must be set:
◦ Zone. Zones can be created by using regions located between the first horizon (top
horizon) and the last one (base horizon). Each zone has its unique number. The
zones are created as a property named zone_id, for which a discrete template is
automatically assigned. This property can be visualized or edited from the calcu-
lations window. Corresponding nodes of top and bottom horizons, defined in 2D
grid nodes located with Step along X and Step along Y (see below), are connected
with each other. Then, the partition is done in the Z direction. The partition is set
by zone: each zone has its own block thickness.
◦ Partition Type. Three types of partition are available:
– Proportional (counts). In this case the distance between top and base horizons
is partitioned by user defined number of counts. The number of counts is
defined in the Counts/Step field.
– Along Top (step). In this case the grid block faces of each following layer is
constructed in such way that top and bottom faces are parallel to the Top
Horizon. The grid step size in Z direction is defined by Counts/Step. A step
length is measured in meters.
– Along Bottom (step). In this case the grid block faces of each following layer
is constructed in such way that top and bottom faces are parallel to the Base
Horizon. The grid step size in Z direction is defined by Counts/Step. A step
length is measured in meters.
◦ Counts/Step. See description of Partition Type option;
◦ Layering Horizon. The layering of the grid will be performed according to the
chosen horizon. This option can be used to set a layering by stratigraphy while the
grid is modeled using the lithology (cf. Fig. 63):
◦ Horizon Type. In order to accurately manage the contacts between the horizons,
the proper type of horizon has to be chosen from the following list, available by
right-mouse button click on the field (cf. Fig. 64):
Figure 63. Layering horizon, an example of use. A) Cross-section representing the stacking
patterns to model: the grid has to be modeled between the lithology horizons with a lay-
ering according to the stratigraphy (the sedimentary layers are deposited according to the
stratigraphy). B)Horizons used for the modeling. The grid presented in C) is built between
the lithology horizons using the stratigraphy as layering horizons. This computation leads to
a more accurate dynamic model.
– Conformable. Use for conformable deposits. The horizon will cut all lower
horizons it intersects, except the Basement;
– Discontinuous. Use for unconformable deposits. All the horizons lying upon
and below will be truncated, including the basement;
– Erosional. The horizon will cut all lower horizons it intersects, including the
– Basement. Use for horizons defining the basement top. It will cut all upper
horizons it intersects;
• Polygon. This option allows to use a polygon as boundary for the grid;
• 2D Grid: parameters for the 2D grid. The settings can be detected automatically using the
◦ Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the old
one. Corresponds to the angle between the X axis and the border of the constructed
grid. In order to set an automatic value computed from an object, the icon on the
right has to represent a closed padlock. See below the description of Autodetect
◦ Min. X. Minimum X coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (METRIC:
m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Length along X. Grid length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (METRIC:
m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Length along Y. Grid length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Step along Y. Grid step size in Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Autodetect by. Selection of the object which size will be used to compute the grid
(for automatic definition);
◦ XY Margin. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) See below the description of Autodetect
◦ Autodetect. Automatic detection of boundaries for the 2D grid, using the object
defined in Autodetect by field. Maximum and minimum coordinates (X, Y) are
detected. The minimum rectangle rotated by the defined Angle with respect to the
OX axis and enclosing the object with given XY Margin is built.
• Treat Blocks of Zero Volume as Active. Zero volume blocks may affect interpolation
results and are not included in the dynamic model.
– Discontinuous. Use for unconformable deposits. All the horizons lying upon
and below will be truncated, including the basement;
– Erosional. The horizon will cut all lower horizons it intersects, including the
– Basement. Use for horizons defining the basement top. It will cut all upper
horizons it intersects;
◦ Fault Lines. Name of the intersection between the horizon and the faults. The same
name as the horizon is given by default;
◦ Fault Lines Usage.
◦ Apply. Use the existing fault lines to re-compute the grid. This option has to
be used if the previously generated fault lines were edited;
◦ Calculate. Calculate fault lines. This option allows to compute new fault lines
and re-write the existing ones;
◦ Do Not Use. This option is used by default: no fault lines will be generated.
• Faults:
◦ Use. Specifies the faults which are used for the computation;
◦ Faults. Fault name;
◦ Structural. If this option is checked then the grid blocks edges will be parallel to
the fault surface, otherwise a stair step geometry will be used and the grid blocks
edges will be parallel to the coordinate axes;
◦ Distance. Exclude from the set of points points located at the defined distance from
a fault or closer;
◦ Linearity Level. This value describes the linearity of the faults. 100% linearity level
corresponds to a completely linear fault. This value can be used to reduce the
computation time by approximating the faults as linear segments;
• Segments Property.
Selection of the property which will carry the information about the fault compartments.
A discrete code will be assigned to each fault block, cf. figure 65);
• Polygon.
This option allows to use a polygon as boundary for the grid;
◦ Use With Grid Structure. Changes the orientation of grid blocks in order to obtain
a vertical boundary;
Figure 65. Example of fault compartments property. A code (1, 2 or 3) is assigned to each
◦ Cut Grid. Cuts the grid vertically at the defined boundary following the grid blocks;
◦ Do Not Use. Option allows to generate a boundary along the grid blocks, parallel to
the faults, cf. figure 66).
Figure 66. Example of grid borders for the options Cut Grid (A), Use With Grid Structure
(B), Do Not Use (C). Structural type is assigned to all the faults. The grid border is circled
by red dashed lines.
• 2D Grid:
parameters for the 2D grid. The settings can be detected automatically using the option
Autodetect by (see below).
◦ Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the old
one. Corresponds to the angle between the X axis and the border of the constructed
grid. In order to set an automatic value computed from an object, the icon on the
right has to represent a closed padlock. See below the description of Autodetect
◦ Min. X. Minimum X coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (METRIC:
m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Length along X. Grid length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (METRIC:
m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Length along Y. Grid length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Step along Y. Grid step size in Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Autodetect by. Selection of the object which will define the size of the grid (for
automatic definition);
◦ XY Margin. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) See below the description of Autodetect
◦ Autodetect. Automatic detection of boundaries for the 2D grid, using the object
defined in Autodetect by field. Maximum and minimum coordinates (X, Y) are
detected. The minimum rectangle rotated by the defined Angle with respect to the
OX axis and enclosing the object with given XY Margin is built.
• Point Set. Point Sets have to be defined from top to bottom by selecting it from the list
available by double clicking on the field;
◦ Zone. Zones can be created by using regions located between the first point set
(top) and the last one (base). Each zone has its unique number. The zones are
◦ Calculate. Calculate fault lines. This option allows to compute new fault lines
and re-write the existing ones;
◦ Do Not Use. This option is used by default: no fault lines will be generated.
• Faults:
◦ Use. Specifies the faults which are used for the computation;
◦ Faults. Fault name;
◦ Structural. If this option is checked then the grid blocks edges will be parallel to
the fault surface, otherwise a stair step geometry will be used and the grid blocks
edges will be parallel to the coordinate axes;
◦ Linearity Level. This value describes the linearity of the faults. 100% linearity level
corresponds to a completely linear fault. This value can be used to reduce the
computation time by approximating the faults as linear segments;
• Segments Property. Selection of the property which will carry the information about the
fault compartments. A discrete code will be assigned to each fault block, cf. figure 65);
• Polygon. This option allows to use a polygon as boundary for the grid;
• 2D Grid Border Using. This option allows to manage the grid border geometry. In the
case of structural faults, the grid blocks will be oriented along the fault, so 3 options
can be used in order to define the border:
◦ Use With Grid Structure. Changes the orientation of grid blocks in order to obtain
a vertical boundary;
◦ Cut Grid. Cuts the grid vertically at the defined boundary following the grid blocks;
◦ Do Not Use. Option allows to generate a boundary along the grid blocks, parallel to
the faults, cf. figure 66).
• 2D Grid: parameters for the 2D grid. The settings can be detected automatically using the
option Autodetect by (see below).
◦ Angle, degrees. Rotation angle of the new coordinate system with respect to the old
one. Corresponds to the angle between the X axis and the border of the constructed
grid. In order to set an automatic value computed from an object, the icon on the
right has to represent a closed padlock. See below the description of Autodetect
◦ Min. X. Minimum X coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (METRIC:
m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Length along X. Grid length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (METRIC:
m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Target Zones Property. Zones can be created by using regions located between 2 hori-
zons. Each zone has its unique number. The zones are created as a property named
zone_id, for which a discrete template is automatically assigned. This property can be
visualized or edited from the calculations window;
◦ Model Horizons: top and base horizons. Selection of the horizons which will be used
to build the grid and will define the zones. New horizons can be added using the Add
Rows button or by double clicking on the white field. For each pair of horizons, the
◦ Zone. Zone number. Contained in the property set in Target Zones Property.
◦ Partition Type. Three types of partition are available:
– Proportional (counts). In this case the distance between the surfaces passing
through the top and base horizons is partitioned by the number of counts
defined by the user. The number of counts is defined in the Counts/Step
– Along Top (step). In this case the grid block faces of each following layer is
constructed in such way that top and bottom faces are parallel to the Top
Horizon. The grid step size in Z direction is defined by Counts/Step. A step
length is measured in meters.
– Along Bottom (step). In this case the grid block faces of each following layer
is constructed in such way that top and bottom faces are parallel to the Base
Horizon. The grid step size in Z direction is defined by Counts/Step. A step
length is measured in meters.
◦ Counts/Step. See description of Partition Type option.
◦ Layering Point Set. The layering of the grid will be performed according to the
chosen point set. This option can be used to set a layering by stratigraphy while
the grid is modeled using the lithology (the principle is the same as presented on
the Fig. 63).
◦ Point Set Type. In order to accurately manage the contacts between the point sets,
the proper point set type has to be chosen from the following dropdown list (cf.
Fig. 64):
– Conformable. Use for conformable deposits. The point set will cut all lower
point sets it intersects, except the Basement;
– Discontinuous. Use for unconformable deposits. All the point sets lying upon
and below will be truncated, including the basement;
– Erosional. The horizon will cut all lower point sets it intersects, including the
– Basement. Use for point sets defining the basement top. It will cut all upper
point sets it intersects;
◦ Bounding Polygon. This option allows to use a polygon as boundary for the grid.
The action of coarsening within each interval spans the whole model, not
limited to the 3D box specified by all three intervals (in case there are
three), and hence is different from the action of the keyword COARSEN
(see 12.2.105).
• Property Upscaling. Here you may enter an arbitrary number of grid properties, with a
number of upscaling parameters set separately for each.
NTG and Porosity are singled out. For them you only have to specify the following
◦ Use ACTNUM. Blocks that are set inactive by ACTNUM will not be considered in
property upscaling (that is, their contribution will be set to zero). Note that this
check box does not enforce upscaling of the ACTNUM property itself; this has to
be done independently, on equal terms with any other discrete property.
◦ Source property name (optional in case of NTG; if not specified, considered equal
to 1);
◦ Result property name;
NTG is averaged with the weight of block volume and normalized to the volume of the
coarsened block. Porosity is averaged with the weight of block volume multiplied by
NTG. This choice of weighing guarantees that the pore volume of a coarsened block
equals the sum of pore volumes of its parts.
Permeability is also singled out. Besides the ordinary methods common to all con-
tinuous properties (see below), it may be rescaled using the special procedure known
as Flow Based Permeability Upscaling. In this method, the user has to specify the
original permeability properties. Then a single-phase flows in each direction through
the area of the future upscaled block are modeled, and the effective permeabilities in
the corresponding directions are assigned based on the resulting flow rates [5]. For the
purpose of modeling, two opposite faces of the upscaled block are put under constant
pressure difference, while the other faces might optionally be considered either open or
For other continuous properties, the following parameters may be specified:
• Intervals. Intervals in X, Y, and Z directions can be specified, with the following data for
◦ From. The block number in the specified direction from which the refining starts.
◦ To. The block number in the specified direction to which the refining will be done.
◦ N. The number of refined blocks in the specified direction into which the parent
block will be divided.
• Property Downscaling. Here you may enter an arbitrary number of grid properties, with
the following parameters:
◦ Property source property name (also being the result property name);
◦ Downscaling Type, which may be one of:
– Copy — property in refined blocks will be copied from parent block;
– Scale — property from parent block will be divided by number of refined blocks
n: cnew = c p /n.
• Remove LGR
• Refinement:
– NXFIN. The number of parts in which each block will be refined in X direction;
– NYFIN. The number of parts in which each block will be refined in Y direction;
– NZFIN. The number of parts in which each block will be refined in Z direction.
– Logarithmic Refinement Rate. Sets the refinement spacing. This value must be
a positive real number (see figure 69).
– Enable Logarithmic Refinement Along I. Create a logarithmic refinement along
I axis.
– Refinement Center Along I. Set the center of the refinement along I. Corresponds
to a I index. By default, it is set as the center of the defined box.
– Enable Logarithmic Refinement Along J. Create a logarithmic refinement along
J axis.
– Refinement Center Along J. Corresponds to a J index. By default, it is set as the
center of the defined box.
– Enable Logarithmic Refinement Along K. Create a logarithmic refinement along
K axis.
– Refinement Center Along K. Corresponds to a K index. By default, it is set as
the center of the defined box.
When exporting, the keywords LGR (see 12.1.88), REFINE (see 12.2.99), CARFIN
(see 12.2.97), NXFIN / NYFIN / NZFIN (see 12.2.102), HXFIN / HYFIN / HZFIN
(see 12.2.103) are created.
Figure 69. Examples of LGRs with different logarithmic rates. The refinement spacing in-
creases with the logarithmic refinement rate (the value can be superior to 1).
• Well Filter. Create LGR in the vicinity of wells selected by the filter.
• Minimum Indent From Well. LGR will be done in all blocks located from the block
with a well no further than the defined distance. A block is used as a unit of distance.
• Maximum Box Size. This option is applicable for LGR creation around deviated wells.
This parameter allows to decrease the number of blocks around a well for the local
refinement by defining the maximum number of blocks in X, Y and Z directions that
will be refined (see the example on figure 70). This option does not have an effect on
the refinement around vertical wells.
• Refinement options:
– NXFIN. The number of parts in which each block will be refined in X-direction;
– NYFIN. The number of parts in which each block will be refined in Y-direction;
– NZFIN. The number of parts in which each block will be refined in Z-direction.
• Filter. LGRs will be created only in the blocks corresponding to the defined property
• Remove All of Existing LGR Near Wells. Remove the created LGR in the vicinity of
the well before creating a new one.
When exporting a model keywords LGR (see 12.1.88), REFINE (see 12.2.99), CARFIN
(see 12.2.97) and NXFIN / NYFIN / NZFIN (see 12.2.102) are saved.
• LGR Name Prefix: prefix of the created LGRs. A number will be automatically gener-
• Refinement.
– NXFIN. The number of parts in which each block will be refined in the X direc-
– NYFIN. The number of parts in which each block will be refined in the Y direc-
– NZFIN. The number of parts in which each block will be refined in the Z direction.
25.5. Transformations
In Transformations the following possibilities are available to work with 3D grids:
• Edit Grid
• Cut Grid 3D
• Update Grid
• Fill Point by mouse click. Set the X, Y and Z coordinate of the chosen point by clicking
on it on the 3D model.
• Radius of Editing. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) Grid points, located within the circle of
defined radius with center in the projection of attraction point on the grid, will be pulled
to the attraction point as well.
• Number of Layers. Number of layers which will be pulled to the attraction point.
• Pulling Type. Proportional, Parallel. The pulling height of the top layer points to the
attraction point is calculated using above mentioned formula. Other points of below
layers (the number of editing layers is defined by parameter Number of Layers) are
pulled by the same height using Parallel way or Proportional way. The last way means
that the distance between top and bottom points of column of blocks with the same
(x, y) coordinates (boundaries of such columns are called pillars) will be subdivided by
Z-layers in the same proportion as before editing.
• Mutable sections filter. Marker of wells selected by the filter are included in the up-
• Unused wells filter. Select wells around which their regions will be not edited.
• To obtain the number of geological layers when displaying the grid information;
• To use the geological K number for computations in the calculator: ’K’ will correspond
to the geological number.
To use this option, an existing geological K cube containing the information about the ge-
ological index of the cells must be available (can be loaded with a Rescue file). To visualize
the geological number, use the information tooltip: click on the button tooltip situated on
the right panel or move the cursor holding the shift button. The geological layer index will
appear as a tip once the cursor will be moved on the model.
Figure 71. Cells with the same geological K are highlighted in green. These cells presents a
true K value superior to the last layer number (10 in the illustrated case). For this cell, the
geological K calculation will show a value of 0, which corresponds to the geological layer
• Geological K Property. Set the property containing the information about the geological
layer index.
• File Name. Full path to the model file defining a grid. It is possible to define a grid file
(e.g. in the .GRDECL format), or the model *.data file, in which the grid file is included
in the model using the keyword INCLUDE (see 12.1.80).
• Add Zero Point As Well Head. Trajectories of wells are extended to the nearest point on
the XY surface if the top trajectory point is located visually below this surface.
• Calculate Block Sizes (DX): A new property name can be entered or an already created
property can be selected from the list. The calculated property gives the size of each
block along X;
• Calculate Block Sizes (DY): A new property name can be entered or an already created
property can be selected from the list. The calculated property gives the size of each
block along Y;
• Calculate Block Sizes (DZ): A new property name can be entered or an already created
property can be selected from the list. The calculated property gives the size of each
block along Z;
• Calculate Depth: A new property name can be entered or an already created property can
be selected from the list. The calculated property gives the depth of each block center;
• Calculate Tops: A new property name can be entered or an already created property can be
selected from the list. The calculated property gives the mean of the four Z coordinates
of block tops.
25.9. Export
25.9.1. Export. Grid
A grid will be exported in the selected format.
• Format. You may select one of the following: Corner Point (will be exported using key-
words COORD (see 12.2.8), ZCORN, see 12.2.9) or CORNERS (will be exported using
CORNERS, see 12.2.123).
• Output Units. Define a system of units of the exporting model: (METRIC, FIELD, LAB).
• N/A. Special number value (99999 by default) indicating that the property value is not
defined in this place.
• Output Units. Define a system of units of the exporting model: (METRIC, FIELD,
• Calculator
• Facies Modeling
• Interpolation
• Connected Components
– Connected Components
– Filter Small Connected Components
• Volumetric Properties
• Auxiliary Calculations
– Copy Property
– Resampling
– Grid & Faults Intersection Property
– Grid & Fence Polygons Intersection Property
– Calculate Cut by Polygon
– Calculate Cut by Wells
– Create Property by Zones Table
– Edit Property Inside Polygon
– Calculate Property by VPC and 2D Map
– Property by Well Log Distribution (experimental)
– Assign between surfaces
– 3D Voronoi Regions
– Multilayer Voronoi Regions
– Faults Segments Property
– Property by Seismic Survey 3D
– Property By Contact
– Property by 2D-Map
• Export
• Distance
26.2. Calculator
New objects can be created by mathematical calculations. For more information about this
option, see Calculator.
◦ Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field;
◦ Clear All Values. The result of all the previous interpolations are erased;
◦ Random Seed. Global random seed for the interpolation
◦ Zones, Regions. If Discrete Property is ticked, the lists of discrete properties and corre-
sponding categories are available. The variograms and the VPC will be calculated for
the blocks situated within the volume defined by these filters. Up to 2 discrete properties
can be chosen. To be available in the filter, a discrete template has to be assigned to the
◦ Excluded Facies. List of discrete property categories (facies, if the facies is modeled)
which are not taken into account for the modeling. To use a category from this list, click
on it and select the right arrow to drag it to the Included Facies box;
◦ Included Facies. List of discrete property categories which are taken into account for the
modeling. To exclude a category, click on it and use the left arrow to drag it to the box
Excluded Facies;
◦ Use the following settings in interpolation - Interpolate in the zone, region. Set the
parameters for the interpolation corresponding to the selected zones and the selected
facies (discrete category);
◦ Method. For more information about the method, see Interpolation Algorithms;
◦ Variogram. In this tab, the parameters concerning the variogram can be set. If the option
Take from Data Analysis is ticked, the variogram parameters are taken from the var-
iogram set in the Statistic tab of the Data Analysis tab, see Analyze Blocked Wells
data. If the option is selected, the parameters can be set manually from the tab. For more
details about the variogram parameters, see Variograms. An Azimuth map can also be
set: the kriging is performed according to the azimuth given by the loaded 2D map (can
be created using the calculation Azimuth Map by Polygons);
◦ Kriging. Set the following parameters concerning each local kriging which will be per-
- Random seed.
- Kriging type. Define the type of Kriging which will be used to interpolate a
– Simple.
– Ordinary.
– Universal.
- Use Global Mean. Setting of the global mean for the distribution (the data is
assumed to be stationary).
- Kriging Points.
◦ Cokriging. This tab allows to set the parameters of the collocated cokriging (for more
information about collocated cokriging in tNavigator, see Cokriging and collocated
◦ Facies Fraction. Method which will be used to compute the facies proportion for each
◦ Trend. If these fields are activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type is
◦ Distribution. Selection of the type of distribution for the input data. The mean and the
standard deviation (SD) can be set.
◦ Kriging Variance. Calculate the kriging variance (see Kriging for more details). Enter a
name for the kriging variance property;
◦ Interpolate in LGR. The activation of this option allows to take LGRs into account for
the interpolation. The interpolation is performed within LGR blocks. If this option is
not activated, the interpolation is performed as if the LGRs were not created;
◦ Space Type. Selection of the space used for the interpolation. IJK space allows to interpo-
late along geological layers, (cf. figure 72);
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field;
- Fade To Filter Border. Available only for continuous properties. This option al-
lows to include the values situated at the filter border to the interpolation, which
leads to a smoother transition at the boundary of the interpolated area.
◦ Clear All Values. The result of all the previous interpolations are erased;
◦ Zones, Regions. If Discrete Property is ticked, the lists of discrete properties and corre-
sponding categories are available. The variograms and the VPC will be calculated for
the blocks situated within the volume defined by these filters. Up to 2 discrete properties
can be chosen. To be available in the filter, a discrete template has to be assigned to the
◦ Use the following settings in interpolation - Interpolate in the zone, region. Set the
parameters for the interpolation corresponding to the selected zones;
◦ Method. For more information about the method, see Interpolation Algorithms;
◦ Variogram. In this tab, the parameters concerning the variogram can be set. If the option
Take from Data Analysis is ticked, the variogram parameters are taken from the var-
iogram set in the Statistic tab of the Data Analysis tab, see Analyze Blocked Wells
data. If the option is selected, the parameters can be set manually from the tab. For more
details about the variogram parameters, see Variograms. An Azimuth map can also be
set: the kriging is performed according to the azimuth given by the loaded 2D map (can
be created using the calculation Azimuth Map by Polygons);
◦ Kriging. Set the following parameters concerning each local kriging which will be per-
- Random seed.
- Kriging type. Define the type of Kriging which will be used to interpolate a
– Simple.
– Ordinary.
– Universal.
- Use Global Mean. Setting of the global mean for the distribution (the data is
assumed to be stationary).
- Kriging Points.
◦ Cokriging. This tab allows to set the parameters of the collocated cokriging (for more
information about collocated cokriging in tNavigator, see Cokriging and collocated
- Coefficient. Corresponds to the corelation coefficient between the primary and the
secondary data;
- Property. The secondary data corresponds to a property;
- 2D Map. The secondary data corresponds to a 2D Map;
- VPC. The secondary data corresponds to a VPC.
◦ Trend. If these fields are activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type is
◦ Distribution. Selection of the type of distribution for the input data. The mean and the
standard deviation (SD) can be set.
• Interpolate Log. If the check box is checked, in case of the lack of log curve data for
some intervals of the well trajectory, first, the log curve will be interpolated over these
• Default Value. If input data for an interpolation of a layer do not exist the absent layer
data are assigned by the default value.
26.5.2. Facies Modeling and Discrete properties modeling: Multilayer IDW method
In this section a specification on implementation of the interpolation method to edit the object
is given. A general description of the method, formulas and details of the use of multipliers
and coefficients, mentioned in this section, are given in the section Multilayer IDW method.
At the end of the computation, a lithology template has to be assigned to the property in order
to visualize the facies categories (Select a log template). To build the property the following
parameters should be defined:
• Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Property. Property name for which data are interpolated.
• Cut by Log Bounds. Each log curve has its minimum and maximum. If this option is ac-
tivated, the interpolated values higher than the maximum and lower than the minimum,
are replaced by maximum and minimum log curve values, respectively.
• Filter. If this option is activated the following parameters have to be set:
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field;
- Fade To Filter Border. Available only for continuous properties. This option al-
lows to include the values situated at the filter border to the interpolation, which
leads to a smoother transition at the boundary of the interpolated area.
• Trend. If this option is activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type is
- Arbitrary Property, then the option Trend Type allows to choose an available
property as a trend. This means that instead of an interpolation of initial data taken
from log curves the differences between values of log curves and trend’s values
are interpolated. Further, property values of the trend are added to the obtained
- VPC, then the property is built based on the VPC and the 2D Map, which is
used as a trend for the interpolation. If Trend Property is not selected then the
property is built based on VPC. The resulting property (trend) is not saved during
the calculation. The interpolation process is described in details in the section
Auxiliary Calculations. Property by Well Log Distribution (experimental).
• Well Filter. The interpolation is performed only for the wells selected in the filter.
• Well Log. Choose the well log for the computation.
• Interpolate Log. If this option is activated, in case of the lack of data for some intervals,
first, the log curve will be interpolated over these intervals.
• Empty Layer Value. Allows to assign a constant value for layers without data.
• Power Parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the Multilayer IDW method.
26.5.2. Facies Modeling and Discrete properties modeling: Multilayer IDW method 284
• Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Cut by Log Bounds. Each log curve has its minimum and maximum. If this option is ac-
tivated, the interpolated values higher than the maximum and lower than the minimum,
are replaced by maximum and minimum log curve values, respectively.
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field;
- Fade To Filter Border. Available only for continuous properties. This option al-
lows to include the values situated at the filter border to the interpolation, which
leads to a smoother transition at the boundary of the interpolated area.
• Trend. If this option is activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type is
- Arbitrary Property, then the option Trend Type allows to choose an available
property as a trend. This means that instead of an interpolation of initial data taken
from log curves the differences between values of log curves and trend’s values
are interpolated. Further, property values of the trend are added to the obtained
- VPC, then the property is built based on the VPC and the 2D Map, which is
used as a trend for the interpolation. If Trend Property is not selected then the
property is built based on VPC. The resulting property (trend) is not saved during
the calculation. The interpolation process is described in details in the section
Auxiliary Calculations. Property by Well Log Distribution (experimental).
• Well Filter. The interpolation is performed only for the wells selected in the filter.
• Interpolate Log. If this option is activated, in case of the lack of data for some intervals,
first, the log curve will be interpolated over these intervals.
• Empty Layer Value. Allows to assign a constant value for layers without data.
26.5.3. Facies Modeling and Discrete properties modeling: Multilayer Kriging 285
• Kriging type. Define the type of Kriging which will be used to interpolate a property:
• Simple.
• Ordinary.
• Universal.
• Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Cut by Log Bounds. Each log curve has its minimum and maximum. If this option is ac-
tivated, the interpolated values higher than the maximum and lower than the minimum,
are replaced by maximum and minimum log curve values, respectively.
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field;
- Fade To Filter Border. Available only for continuous properties. This option al-
lows to include the values situated at the filter border to the interpolation, which
leads to a smoother transition at the boundary of the interpolated area.
• Trend. If this option is activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type is
- Arbitrary Property, then the option Trend Type allows to choose an available
property as a trend. This means that instead of an interpolation of initial data taken
from log curves the differences between values of log curves and trend’s values
are interpolated. Further, property values of the trend are added to the obtained
26.5.4. Facies Modeling and Discrete properties modeling: Multilayer SIS 286
- VPC, then the property is built based on the VPC and the 2D Map, which is
used as a trend for the interpolation. If Trend Property is not selected then the
property is built based on VPC. The resulting property (trend) is not saved during
the calculation. The interpolation process is described in details in the section
Auxiliary Calculations. Property by Well Log Distribution (experimental).
• Well Filter. The interpolation is performed only for the wells selected in the filter.
• Interpolate Log. If this option is activated, in case of the lack of data for some intervals,
first, the log curve will be interpolated over these intervals.
• Empty Layer Value. Allows to assign a constant value for layers without data.
• Kriging Radius. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t )If the Kriging radius is set to 0, it is considered
that the radius is not constrained and the nearest points are taken into account according
to the Kriging Points value which is set.
• Kriging Points.
• Random number.
• Interpolate in LGR. The activation of this option allows to take LGRs into account for
the interpolation. The interpolation is performed within LGR blocks. If this option is
not activated, the interpolation is performed as if the LGRs were not created;
• Space Type. Selection of the space used for the interpolation. IJK space allows to interpo-
late along geological layers, (cf. figure 72);
All the following parameters have to be set for each facies. First, click
! on a facies in the list, then set the parameters and click on a second
facies to set all the parameters again. Note that a variogram has to be
set for each facies.
• Trend. If this option is activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type is
◦ Property, the property has to be chosen from the list. This means that instead of an
interpolation of initial data taken from log curves the differences between values
of log curves and trend’s values are interpolated. Further, property values of the
trend are added to the obtained results.
◦ VPC, then the property is built based on the VPC.
◦ 2D Map, then the property is built based on the selected 2D Map. The interpolation
process is described in details in the section Auxiliary Calculations →Property
by Well Log Distribution (experimental).
• Facies Fraction. Method which will be used to compute the facies proportion for each
facies. Note that a facies has to be selected from the list.
◦ Blocked Wells. The proportion set is the one which is computed from the blocked
◦ Well Log. The proportion set is the one computed from raw data log;
◦ Trend Property. The proportion set is the one computed from the trend property;
◦ Manual. The proportion is set manually. The value has to be entered in the field;
◦ No adjustement. The proportion is not set.
• Variogram. It is necessary to choose an available variogram for each facies. If there is
no variogram it is necessary to create it. The tab Data Analysis can be used to define
variogram parameters.
• Azimuth Map 2D. The kriging is performed according to the azimuth given by the loaded
2D map (optionally).
• Interpolate in LGR. The activation of this option allows to take LGRs into account for
the interpolation. The interpolation is performed within LGR blocks. If this option is
not activated, the interpolation is performed as if the LGRs were not created;
• Space Type. Selection of the space used for the interpolation. IJK space allows to interpo-
late along geological layers, (cf. figure 72);
◦ Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field;
• Blocked Wells. Selection of the blocked wells for the interpolation. See 28. Blocked Wells
for working with blocked wells.
• Well Filter. The interpolation is performed only for the wells selected in the filter.
• Facies (list). Define the facies which will be used to interpolate the property. If the box
Use is checked in the list of facies, the corresponding facies will be included to the
computation. The list is displayed only if a discrete template was assigned to the facies
well log before the computation of the blocked wells (28.1).
All the following parameters have to be set for each facies. First, click
! on a facies in the list, then set the parameters and click on a second
facies to set all the parameters again. Note that a variogram has to be
set for each facies.
• Trend. If this option is activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type is
◦ Property, the property has to be chosen from the list. This means that instead of an
interpolation of initial data taken from log curves the differences between values
of log curves and trend’s values are interpolated. Further, property values of the
trend are added to the obtained results.
◦ VPC, then the property is built based on the VPC.
◦ 2D Map, then the property is built based on the selected 2D Map. The interpolation
process is described in details in the section Auxiliary Calculations →Property
by Well Log Distribution (experimental).
• Facies Fraction. Method which will be used to compute the facies proportion for each
facies. Note that a facies has to be selected from the list.
◦ Blocked Wells. The proportion set is the one which is computed from the blocked
◦ Well Log. The proportion set is the one computed from raw data log;
◦ Trend Property. The proportion set is the one computed from the trend property;
◦ Manual. The proportion is set manually. The value has to be entered in the field;
◦ No adjustement. The proportion is not set.
• Azimuth Map 2D. The kriging is performed according to the azimuth given by the loaded
2D map (optionally).
• Kriging Radius. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t )If the Kriging radius is set to 0, it is considered
that the radius is not constrained and the nearest points are taken into account according
to the Kriging Points value which is set.
• Kriging Points.
• Random number.
◦ Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
◦ Blocked Wells. Selection of the blocked wells for the interpolation. See 28. Blocked Wells
for working with blocked wells.
◦ Training Map. Select the training image (has to be loaded as a 2D-map in the project);
◦ MPS Threshold. Real number comprised between 0 and 1. See Multi-point facies simu-
lation (MPS) for more details;
◦ MPS Template Points. Integer number. Corresponds to the number of points in the tem-
plate (see Multi-point facies simulation (MPS) for more details);
◦ MPS Template Radius. Real number. Corresponds to the radius of the template (see
Multi-point facies simulation (MPS) for more details);
◦ Zones, Regions. If Discrete Property is ticked, the lists of discrete properties and corre-
sponding categories are available. The variograms and the VPC will be calculated for
the blocks situated within the volume defined by these filters. Up to 2 discrete properties
can be chosen. To be available in the filter, a discrete template has to be assigned to the
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field. An interpolation between the filtered
area values and values in the area outside of the filter is performed, which leads to
a smoother transition.
26.6. Interpolation
The following interpolations and stochastical simulations methods are available for Geology
Designer module for continuous properties:
• Interpolation: By Distribution;
• Well Filter. An interpolation is carried out based on wells selected in the filter.
• Interpolate Log. If the check box is checked, in case of the lack of log curve data for
some intervals of well’s trajectory, first, the log curve will be interpolated over these
• Default Value. If input data for an interpolation of a layer do not exist the absent layer
data are assigned by the default value.
• Default value. If this option is checked the selected value will be assigned to the blocks
where blocked wells are not defined. If this option is not used, the undefined value is
• Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Cut by Log Bounds. Each log curve has its minimum and maximum. If this option is ac-
tivated, the interpolated values higher than the maximum and lower than the minimum,
are replaced by maximum and minimum log curve values, respectively.
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field;
- Fade To Filter Border. Available only for continuous properties. This option al-
lows to include the values situated at the filter border to the interpolation, which
leads to a smoother transition at the boundary of the interpolated area.
• Trend. If this option is activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type is
- Arbitrary Property, then the option Trend Type allows to choose an available
property as a trend. This means that instead of an interpolation of initial data taken
from log curves the differences between values of log curves and trend’s values
are interpolated. Further, property values of the trend are added to the obtained
- VPC, then the property is built based on the VPC and the 2D Map, which is
used as a trend for the interpolation. If Trend Property is not selected then the
property is built based on VPC. The resulting property (trend) is not saved during
the calculation. The interpolation process is described in details in the section
Auxiliary Calculations. Property by Well Log Distribution (experimental).
• Well Filter. The interpolation is performed only for the wells selected in the filter.
• Well Log. Choose the well log for the computation.
• Interpolate Log. If this option is activated, in case of the lack of data for some intervals,
first, the log curve will be interpolated over these intervals.
• Empty Layer Value. Allows to assign a constant value for layers without data.
• Power Parameter. This parameter is used in the formula of the Multilayer IDW method.
- VPC, then the property is built based on the VPC and the 2D Map, which is
used as a trend for the interpolation. If Trend Property is not selected then the
property is built based on VPC. The resulting property (trend) is not saved during
the calculation. The interpolation process is described in details in the section
Auxiliary Calculations. Property by Well Log Distribution (experimental).
• Well Filter. The interpolation is performed only for the wells selected in the filter.
• Well Log. Choose the well log for the computation.
• Interpolate Log. If this option is activated, in case of the lack of data for some intervals,
first, the log curve will be interpolated over these intervals.
• Empty Layer Value. Allows to assign a constant value for layers without data.
A variogram has to be chosen for the computation. If there is no available variogram in
the project, it is necessary to create it. To compute a variogram, the option Go To Variogram
Properties can be used. This option is a shortcut to the tab Data Analysis which allows to
manage the variogram parameters.
Define a type of Kriging, which will be used to interpolate the property:
• Simple.
• Ordinary.
• Universal.
• Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Property. Property name for which data are interpolated.
• Cut by Log Bounds. Each log curve has its minimum and maximum. If this option is ac-
tivated, the interpolated values higher than the maximum and lower than the minimum,
are replaced by maximum and minimum log curve values, respectively.
• Filter. If this option is activated the following parameters have to be set:
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field;
- Fade To Filter Border. Available only for continuous properties. This option al-
lows to include the values situated at the filter border to the interpolation, which
leads to a smoother transition at the boundary of the interpolated area.
• Trend. If this option is activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type is
- Arbitrary Property, then the option Trend Type allows to choose an available
property as a trend. This means that instead of an interpolation of initial data taken
from log curves the differences between values of log curves and trend’s values
are interpolated. Further, property values of the trend are added to the obtained
- VPC, then the property is built based on the VPC and the 2D Map, which is
used as a trend for the interpolation. If Trend Property is not selected then the
property is built based on VPC. The resulting property (trend) is not saved during
the calculation. The interpolation process is described in details in the section
Auxiliary Calculations. Property by Well Log Distribution (experimental).
• Well Filter. The interpolation is performed only for the wells selected in the filter.
• Interpolate Log. If this option is activated, in case of the lack of data for some intervals,
first, the log curve will be interpolated over these intervals.
• Empty Layer Value. Allows to assign a constant value for layers without data.
• Adjust to Source Distribution. This option is active if Trend (see above) is not chosen
for interpolation. If the check box is checked then the distribution of the selected Well
Log is taken into account for the SGS interpolation.
Direction of
interpolation for
IJK space type
Direction of
interpolation for
XYZ space type
Figure 72. IJK and XYZ directions of interpolation. IJK space allows to interpolate along
geological layers.
and coefficients, mentioned in this section, are given in the section Kriging.
To interpolate a property the following parameters should be defined:
To interpolate a property the following parameters should be defined:
• Cut by Log Bounds. Each log curve has its minimum and maximum. If this option is ac-
tivated, the interpolated values higher than the maximum and lower than the minimum,
are replaced by maximum and minimum log curve values, respectively.
• Space Type. selection of the space used for the interpolation. IJK space allows to interpo-
late along geological layers (see figure 72);
• Trend. If this option is activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type is
- Arbitrary Property, then the option Trend Type allows to choose an available
property as a trend. This means that instead of an interpolation of initial data taken
from log curves the differences between values of log curves and trend’s values
are interpolated. Further, property values of the trend are added to the obtained
- VPC, then the property is built based on VPC and 2D Map, which is used as a trend
for interpolation. If Trend Property is not selected then the property is built based
on VPC. The resulting property (trend) is not saved during the calculation. The
interpolation process is described in details in the section Auxiliary Calculations.
Property by Well Log Distribution (experimental).
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field;
- Fade To Filter Border. Available only for continuous properties. This option al-
lows to include the values situated at the filter border to the interpolation, which
leads to a smoother transition at the boundary of the interpolated area.
• Blocked Wells. Choose the blocked well log for the computation.
• Adjust to Source Distribution. This option is active if the Trend (see above) is not chosen
for interpolation. If the check box is checked then distribution of the selected Well Log
is taken into account for the SGS interpolation.
• Global Mean. Setting of the global mean for the distribution (the data is assumed to be
• Cut by Log Bounds. Each log curve has its minimum and maximum. If this option is ac-
tivated, the interpolated values higher than the maximum and lower than the minimum,
are replaced by maximum and minimum log curve values, respectively.
• Space Type. Selection of the space used for the interpolation. IJK space allows to
interpolate along geological layers, (cf. figure 72);
• Trend. If this option is activated, additional parameters have to be set. If Trend Type
- Arbitrary Property, then the option Trend Type allows to choose an available
property as a trend. This means that instead of an interpolation of initial data taken
from log curves the differences between values of log curves and trend’s values
are interpolated. Further, property values of the trend are added to the obtained
- VPC, then the property is built based on VPC and 2D Map, which is used as a trend
for interpolation. If Trend Property is not selected then the property is built based
on VPC. The resulting property (trend) is not saved during the calculation. The
interpolation process is described in details in the section Auxiliary Calculations.
Property by Well Log Distribution (experimental).
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field;
• Well Filter. The interpolation is performed only for the wells selected in the filter.
• Interpolate Log. If this option is activated, in case of the lack of data for some intervals,
first, the log curve will be interpolated over these intervals.
• Global Mean. Setting of the global mean for the distribution (the data is assumed to be
• Kriging Radius. If the Kriging radius is set to 0, it is considered that the radius is
not constrained and the nearest points are taken into account according to the Kriging
Points value which is set. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t )
• Kriging Points.
• Random number.
◦ Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
◦ Blocked Wells. Selection of the blocked wells for the interpolation. See 28. Blocked Wells
for working with blocked wells.
◦ Training Map. Select the training image (has to be loaded as a 2D-map in the project);
◦ MPS Threshold. Real number comprised between 0 and 1. See Multi-point facies simu-
lation (MPS) for more details;
◦ MPS Template Points. Integer number. Corresponds to the number of points in the tem-
plate (see Multi-point facies simulation (MPS) for more details);
◦ MPS Template Radius. Real number. Corresponds to the radius of the template (see
Multi-point facies simulation (MPS) for more details);
◦ Clear Result Property. The selected output property is rewritten by the current computa-
◦ Trend. The difference between the trend values and the log values are interpolated if a
trend is selected. Further, the values of the trend are added to the obtained results.
◦ Zones, Regions. If Discrete Property is ticked, the lists of discrete properties and corre-
sponding categories are available. The variograms and the VPC will be calculated for
the blocks situated within the volume defined by these filters. Up to 2 discrete properties
can be chosen. To be available in the filter, a discrete template has to be assigned to the
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field. An interpolation between the filtered
area values and values in the area outside of the filter is performed, which leads to
a smoother transition.
• Clear Result Property erases the existing values of the result property, if any.
• Distribution selects the type of the distribution from the following (see figure 73), and
also specifies its parameters:
• Zones, Regions. If Discrete Property is ticked, the lists of discrete properties and corre-
sponding categories are available. The variograms and the VPC will be calculated for
the blocks situated within the volume defined by these filters. Up to 2 discrete properties
can be chosen. To be available in the filter, a discrete template has to be assigned to the
- Cut. The interpolation is carried out only in the blocks which satisfy the condition
which is set. Select the property from the list and set the condition using the
operator and entering the value in the field.
• Connected Components
• Grid:
Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Output:
◦ Result Property: name of the property to which the numbers of connected compo-
nents are written. The blocks excluded by the filter are assigned the value 0.
◦ Component Blocks Count Property: name of the property to which the number of
blocks in each connected component is written. The blocks excluded by the filter
are assigned the value equal to the total number of such blocks.
◦ Iteration Property: the map of distances from the block randomly selected in each
connected component to other blocks. The distance here is discrete, understood in
terms of connectivity, and measured as the number of connections to be traversed
from one block to another. This map allows to pinpoint unobvious connections
between large areas of the grid. The blocks excluded by the filter are assigned the
value -1.
• Source Data:
◦ Filter. Selects a grid property and a condition on it used for filtering the blocks (for
example, ACTNUM6= 0).
◦ Source property. Selects a classifier, i.e., a discrete property that would split the
grid in regions with subsequent searching for connected components in each region
• Grid: select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Result Property: name of the property to which the new classifier is written.
• Source property: selects a classifier, i.e., a discrete property that would split the grid in
regions with subsequent searching for connected components in each region separately.
• Filter selects a grid property and a condition on it used for filtering the blocks (for example,
ACTNUM6= 0).
• Blocked Wells selects a well log on which the classifier property is supposed to be based.
If selected, prevents changing the classifier property in the blocks where the log values
were measured.
• Filtering rules:
Reservoir HCPV
×N/G Reservoir
×POR × Oil saturation
conditions STOIIP
layers /Bo , Bg
Figure 74. Volume computation for fluid-in-place. The Geometrical volume contains both
reservoir and non-reservoir layers. The Net Volume contains only reservoir rocks (it corre-
sponds to the product between the Geometrical Volume and the Net to Gross). The Pore Volume
corresponds to the pore space (it is defined as the Net Volume multiplied by the porosity). The
HCPV (Hydrocarbon Pore Volume) corresponds to the volume of hydrocarbons obtained with-
out taking into account the formation volume factor. The STOIIP and GIIP corresponds to the
volumes of hydrocarbon in place in reservoir conditions.
The formulas used for these computations are presented in the following table:
Variable Definition
Vnet Net Volume
Vrock Geometrical Volume
HCPV Hydrocarbon pore volume
STOIIP Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place
GIIP Gas Initially In Place
Rs Gas Oil Ratio
Rv Liquid Gas Ratio
Bo Oil Formation Volume Factor
Bg Gas Formation Volume Factor
• Grid.
Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Source Data.
◦ General.
– NTG. The net-to-gross property has to be selected from the list (tick the box to
display the list of available properties) or a constant value has to be entered;
– Porosity. The porosity property has to be selected for the computation.
◦ Contacts.
– Gas-Oil Contact. Select the Gas-Oil contact which will be taken into account
for the computation (see Contacts to create a contact). When both GOC and
gas saturation are defined, the computation is predominantly performed using
the contact. If the contact crosses the middle of a block, the parts situated
below and above the contact will be taken into account;
– Oil-Water Contact. Select the Oil-Water contact which will be taken into ac-
count for the computation (see Contacts to create a contact). When both WOC
and oil saturation are defined, the computation is predominantly performed us-
ing the contact. If the contact crosses the middle of a block, the parts situated
below and above the contact will be taken into account;
◦ Saturations.
– FVF for Oil (BO). The property containing Formation Volume Factor values
has to be chosen from the list(tick the box to display the list of available
properties) or a constant value has to be entered;
– RS. The property containing dissolved GOR values has to be chosen from the
list (tick the box to display the list of available properties) or a constant value
has to be entered;
– Oil Recovery Factor. The property containing Oil Recovery Factor values has
to be chosen from the list (tick the box to display the list of available proper-
ties) or a constant value has to be entered;
– Oil Density. The property containing Oil Density values has to be chosen from
the list (tick the box to display the list of available properties) or a constant
value has to be entered;
◦ Gas.
– FVF for Gas (BG). The property containing the Formation Volume Factor val-
ues has to be chosen from the list (tick the box to display the list of available
properties) or a constant value has to be entered;
– RV. The property containing volatilized oil/gas ratio values has to be chosen
from the list (tick the box to display the list of available properties) or a
constant value has to be entered;
– Gas Recovery Factor. The property containing Gas Recovery Factor values
has to be chosen from the list (tick the box to display the list of available
properties) or a constant value has to be entered;
– Gas Density. The property containing Gas Density values has to be chosen from
the list (tick the box to display the list of available properties) or a constant
value has to be entered;
• Output.
All output properties are optional. The properties can be calculated for the entire grid,
the gas zone, the oil zone, and the oil and gas zone. The zones are computed automat-
ically, using the contacts defined in the Source Data tab. If no contact is defined, the
computation will be performed for the entire model.
◦ Entire Grid. In this section the properties are calculated for the entire grid.
◦ Geometrical Volume. This option allows to compute a cube corresponding to
the Geometrical Volume (i.e. the rock volume, keyword ROCKV, see 12.15.88)
and store it as a property in the project. An empty property to store the com-
putation result has to be selected from the list.
◦ Net Volume. This option allows to compute a cube corresponding to the Net
Volume (i.e. the reservoir volume) and store it as a property in the project. An
empty property to store the computation result has to be selected from the list.
◦ Pore Volume. This option allows to compute a cube corresponding to the Pore
Volume (i.e. the product of the net volume by the porosity) and store it as a
property in the project. An empty property to store the computation result has
to be selected from the list.
◦ HCPV. Hydrocarbon pore volume. This option allows to compute a cube cor-
responding to the HCPV (i.e. the product of the pore volume by the oil or gas
saturation) and store it as a property in the project. An empty property to store
the computation result has to be selected from the list.
◦ Oil+Gas Zone. In this section the properties are calculated for the oil and gas zone.
The zones are computed automatically, using the contacts defined in the Source
Data tab. If no contact is defined, the computation will be performed for the entire
◦ Geometrical Volume. This option allows to compute a cube corresponding to
the Geometrical Volume of the oil and gas zone and store it as a property
in the project. An empty property to store the computation result has to be
selected from the list.
◦ Net Volume. This option allows to compute a cube corresponding to the Net
Volume of the oil and gas zone and store it as a property in the project. An
empty property to store the computation result has to be selected from the list.
◦ Pore Volume. This option allows to compute a cube corresponding to the Pore
Volume of the oil and gas zone (i.e. the product of the net volume by the
porosity) and store it as a property in the project. An empty property to store
the computation result has to be selected from the list.
◦ HCPV. Hydrocarbon pore volume of the oil and gas zone. This option allows
to compute a cube corresponding to the HCPV (i.e. the product of the pore
volume by the oil or gas saturation) and store it as a property in the project.
An empty property to store the computation result has to be selected from the
◦ Oil Zone. In this section the properties are calculated for the oil zone. The zones are
computed automatically, using the contacts defined in the Source Data tab. If no
contact is defined, the computation will be performed for the entire model.
– Geometrical Volume. This option allows to compute a cube corresponding to
the Geometrical Volume of the oil zone and store it as a property in the project.
An empty property to store the computation result has to be selected from the
– Net Volume. This option allows to compute a cube corresponding to the Net
Volume of the oil zone and store it as a property in the project. An empty
property to store the computation result has to be selected from the list.
– Pore Volume. This option allows to compute a cube corresponding to the Pore
Volume of the oil zone (i.e. the product of the net volume by the porosity) and
store it as a property in the project. An empty property to store the computation
result has to be selected from the list.
– HCPV. Hydrocarbon pore volume of the oil zone. This option allows to com-
pute a cube corresponding to the HCPV (i.e. the product of the pore volume
by the oil or gas saturation) and store it as a property in the project. An empty
property to store the computation result has to be selected from the list.
– STOIIP. Stock Tank Oil Initially in Place. This option has to be selected in
order to compute a cube corresponding to the STOIIP. An empty property to
store the computation result has to be selected from the list.
– STOIIP (Mass). Mass of Stock Tank Oil Originally in Place. This option has to
be selected in order to compute a cube corresponding to the mass of STOOIP.
An empty property to store the computation result has to be selected from the
– Associated Gas. This option has to be selected in order to compute a cube cor-
responding to the Associated Gas. An empty property to store the computation
result has to be selected from the list.
– Recoverable Oil. This option has to be selected in order to compute a cube
Volumetric properties, as well as any other grid properties, can be summarized in statistic
tables by region or for the whole field, see Create a Table from Property.
• Grid.
Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Source Data.
◦ Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
◦ Porosity. The porosity property has to be chosen from the list;
◦ ACTNUM. If the ACTNUM (see 12.2.29) property is available, it can be set by this
◦ NTG. If the Net-to-Gross property is computed, it can be set to be taken into account
for the pore volume estimation;
◦ MULTPV. If the pore volume multiplier property (corresponds to the keyword
MULTPV, see 12.2.28) is available, it can be set to be taken into account for
the pore volume estimation. This property can be created via by right mouse but-
ton click on Properties.
• Output.
◦ Result Property. A grid for storing the computed property has to be chosen from
the list.
• Copy Property
• Resampling
• 3D Voronoi Regions
• Property By Contact
• Property by 2D-Map
• Source Grid
from which a property is being copied.
• Source Property
which is being copied.
• Target Grid
to which a property is being copied.
• Target Property
to which the selected property is being copied.
26.9.2. Resampling
If the project contains more than one grid, the properties can be transferred from one grid to
another. The grids may have different span, block size, and orientation. Since the block centers
of the two grids generally do not coincide, the resampling process is inevitably ambiguous
and causes some information losses.
Resampling requires the following parameters:
• Sampling Direction is the method of computing the values for the new grid property:
◦ Forward: an output grid cell is assigned the average value of those input cells
which have their centers inside this output cell. With multisampling (see below) the
centers are superseded with certain other points. This option is good for upscaling,
otherwise some output cells will turn out empty (that is, without assigned values).
◦ Backward: an output grid cell is assigned the value of that input cell which contains
the center of this output cell. With multisampling (see below) the centers are
superseded with certain other points, and the resulting values are averaged over.
This option is good for downscaling, otherwise some portion of input data will be
lost (that is, never used).
◦ Forward, then backward: implies a forward pass, then a backward one to fill the
remaining empty values.
◦ Cell center: each cell corresponds to a single data point located at its center.
◦ Multisampling: each cell contains the specified number of uniformly distributed
data points. This method gives smoother interpolation, but requires more time.
◦ Arithmetic
◦ Geometric
◦ Harmonic
◦ Minimum
◦ Maximum
◦ Median
◦ Count (the number of values per output cell)
• Output. Result Property. Name of the grid that the calculation will be saved into.
Figure 75. Cross-section window. Log data is displayed and interpreted in terms of objects:
channels are delimited by fence polygons.
Defined values are assigned to the blocks which cross the polygons and to the ones situated
inside the polygons area. By default the undefined value is assigned to the blocks situated
outside this area, but a value can also be defined.
• Grid Select the static grid for which the property is computed;
• Zone Name. Create a property based on the defined zone. The entered names will be
displayed in the automatically created template and used in the project;
• Polygon. Select a polygon inside which the blocks value are edited.
• Stored Value. Blocks inside a polygon is assigned with the define value.
• Grid Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Well Log. Choose a well log based on which the property will be interpolated.
• Well Filter. Interpolation will be carried out based on wells selected by the filter.
• 2D Map. If the check box is checked then the VPC is normalized and used as coefficient
for property’s values in the corresponding k layer. Otherwise, all property’s values in
the kth layer are imposed to be equal to VPC values for the kth layer.
• Discrete Interpolation. The maximum log value in this block is assign with a block
• Interpolate Log. If the check box is checked, in case of the lack of log curve data in
some intervals, first, the log curve will be interpolated over these intervals.
• Base Log. Define a Log based on which interpolation has been carried out.
• Base Property. Define a property based on which interpolation has been carried out.
• Step of Base Data. Define a length of interval using which a base log curve will be
• Log for Result. Define a Log based on which a result property will be built.
• Well Filter. Allow to select wells to which the calculation will be applied. If a filter is
not activated a calculation will be applied to all wells.
• Grid Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Top. If this check box is not checked then a top grid layer is consider as a top boundary.
Otherwise, it is necessary to define the following parameters:
– What to Use. Use as a top boundary one of the following objects: Horizon or
Depth (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Top boundary value: Horizon or Depth (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) depends on
the above selected object.
• Bottom. If this check box is not checked then a bottom grid layer is consider as a
bottom boundary. Otherwise, it is necessary to define the following parameters:
– What to Use. Use as a top boundary one of the following objects: Horizon or
Depth (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
– Bottom boundary value: Horizon or Depth (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) depends
on the selected above object.
• Polygon. Property’s boundaries in X and Y directions are defined by polygon’s bound-
• Value inside. Define blocks values inside the area. There are three possibilities to do
– Value. Assign an arbitrary value to blocks. This value is defined below.
– Do not change. Do not change current value assigned to blocks.
– Undefined. Do not assign any value to blocks.
• Value outside. Define blocks values outside the area. There are three possibilities to do
– Value. Assign an arbitrary value to blocks. This value is defined below.
– Do not change. Do not change current value assigned to blocks.
– Undefined. Do not assign any value to blocks.
Discrete template is automatically generated and assigned to the grid property Voronoi
Regions with the colors corresponding to the well names (see the picture figure 76).
• Grid Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Output:
– Result Property. Property name in which the calculation result (Voronoi Regions)
is written.
• Source Data:
– Well Filter.
– Use Radius (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ). This radius sets the well influence area.
If this option is activated and the radius is defined then the blocks located outside
of the circle of this radius are not included in Voronoi regions.
• Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Faults. Specify faults that will be used to subdivide a grid into segments. To add (delete)
a fault use the button Add Rows (Delete Rows).
• Grid. Select the static grid for which the property is computed;
• Averaging Type. Selection of the averaging type for the upscaling from the seismic
sampling to the grid. The following methods are available: arithmetic, harmonic, ge-
ometric, RMS, minimum, maximum, median, count (assign the number of samples of
each block to each block).
• Contact. Select a contact that will be used for the calculation. If the contact crosses the
middle of a block, the parts located below and above the contact will be used.
26.10. Export
The Export function is available for all the geometry objects and is accessible from Calcula-
tions window.
1. Save 3D.
File type: Array of the property values (tNavigator format).
File format – .txt.
Data description: values of parameter are written to the file for all grid blocks. The
coordinates of blocks ascending by X, Y, Z. The following parameters have to be set:
• Grid Select the static grid for which the property is computed.
• Property. Indicates the property which will be exported;
• File Name. Full path to the folder in which the property will be exported;
• Export as Integer. Allows to import the property as an integer;
• Keyword. Specify the keyword corresponding to the exported property;
• Inactive Block Placeholder – a number which specifies that property value in
respective block is absent;
• Separate Layers by Comment – each layer in the file will be headed by its
-- Layer 1 --
+2.748260e+003 +2.742420e+003 +2.742420e+003 +2.737400e+003
+2.737400e+003 +2.733930e+003 +2.733930e+003 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Save 3D as ACTNUM
File type: the array of active (corresponding 1 value) and inactive blocks (corresponding
0 value) is saved.
File format – .inc.
Data description: values 1 and 0 are written to the file for all grid blocks. The coordinates
of blocks ascending by X, Y, Z. The following parameters have to be set:
-- Layer 1 --
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+0 +0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 +0 +1
+1 +1 +1 0 0 0
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
3. Save 3D to .grd
File type: Binary file.
4. Save 3D to Wellpics
Based on Cut. Export data for blocks which satisfy a user cut condition. The cut can
be selected from the list and the condition has to be set using the = and 6= signs.
Well Filter. Export data for wells satisfying the well filter.
Export Value:
• Values Along Well. All property values along well are exported. If the field Get
Value From Property (below in the dialog) is active then the value of the respec-
tive function of these numbers is calculated and exported;
• First Intersection Point Value. The block value of the first connection is exported.
If the field Get Value from Property (below in the dialog) is active, then the value
of the respective 2D map is exported, according to the option which is chosen.
Get Value From Property. If the option is activated, the value of the root mean square,
the minimum, the maximum, the average, or the sum of the respective 2D map is ex-
ported according to the Export Value type.
Units. Specify the units of the property.
5. Save 3D to .xyz
File type: Save a 3D property in .xyz format.
File format – .xyz.
Data description: Layer index (optional) X coordinate of the block (meters), Y coordi-
nate of the block (meters), Z coordinate of the block (meters), value of the parameter in
this block.
Example of this file format
40 9534151.489700 4999493.969697 363.339050 0.000000
39 9534151.489700 4999493.969697 362.683533 1.000000
38 9534151.489700 4999493.969697 362.028011 0.000000
37 9534151.489700 4999493.969697 361.372494 0.000000
36 9534151.489700 4999493.969697 360.716980 1.000000
35 9534151.489700 4999493.969697 360.061462 0.000000
34 9534151.489700 4999493.969697 359.405945 0.000000
33 9534151.489700 4999493.969697 358.750427 1.000000
7. Save 2D to .xyz
File type: XY data. Save 2D map in .xyz format.
File format – .xyz.
Data description: X coordinate of the block (meters), Y coordinate of the block (meters),
value of the parameter in this block.
Example of this file format
0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 5.749330e+001
1.000000e+002 0.000000e+000 5.845960e+001
2.000000e+002 0.000000e+000 5.942580e+001
3.000000e+002 0.000000e+000 6.039200e+001
4.000000e+002 0.000000e+000 6.135830e+001
5.000000e+002 0.000000e+000 6.242820e+001
6.000000e+002 0.000000e+000 6.506490e+001
26.11. Distance
This computation measures the distance between the Grid block and the specified objects. The
following calculation options are available:
• Distance to Pointset;
• Distance to Wells.
• Zones. If the option Zones is ticked, the list of available discrete properties is dis-
played. The moving window filter will be computed within each discrete category. To
be available in the filter, a discrete template has to be assigned to the property;
• Keep Values in Well Blocks. The Values in Well Blocks will not be affected by the
• Radius Settings. Settings of the filter radius using IJK system. The mode is calculated
within this window;
Figure 77. A) Cross section of the input property. Reservoir blocks are in yellow, the well
path is in grey B) Output for the moving window filter with a radius of 1x1x1. C) Output for
the moving window filter with a radius of 1x1x1, the values in well blocks are preserved. D)
Output for the moving window filter with a radius of 3x3x0 (the window is a horizontal one,
without vertical smoothing).
• in graphical interface of hydrodynamics to edit grid properties, User Maps, User Cuts
via Property Editing.
• in Geology Designer and Model Designer to interpolate 2D Maps, horizons and proper-
• Deterministic method:
• Geostatistical method:
- Kriging;
- Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) method;
– Cokriging and collocated Cokriging;
– Multi-point facies simulation (MPS).
In the first case, the three-dimensional interpolation problem is converted to the two-
dimensional one, i.e. an interpolation is carried out for each grid’s layer independently.
General description of the method. Let’s consider a grid, consisting of arbitrary shaped
non-crossing polyhedrons (blocks) {b} defined by 8 peaks. Some of polyhedron’s peaks may
coincide. For each block’s peak the space coordinates (cx , cy , cz ) are defined. Let’s N values
of function F defined at arbitrary points {x} are known: Fi = F(xi ), i = 1, ..., N . If a block
bi contains a point xi , then the value Fi = F(bi ) is defined in the block. Generally speaking
a distribution of points do not coincide with grid’s blocks. In this case the values F(xi ) are
interpolated to grid’s blocks. Further, for the sake of simplicity, let’s suppose that values of
function F are defined in grid’s blocks, i.e. Fi = F(bi ). In addition to a set of blocks {b}, a
grid contains a set of links between blocks links. linked(bk ) denotes a set of blocks connected
with a block bk , li j denotes a link between bi and b j blocks. A non oriented direction of
link between blocks Axis(li j ) = (x(li j ), y(li j ), z(li j )) is defined by faces, which are mutual for
the blocks. An orientation of the link between blocks is defined by the function Dir(li j ) (i.e.
x+ , x− , y+ , y− , z+ , z− ). hx (bi ), hy (bi ) and hz (bi ) are the distance between mass centers of bi
block’s faces along Ox , Oy and Oz, respectively.
Based on the limited set of function values the function f ∗ , minimizing a least mean
square error of approximation calculated at the points {x}, can be defined as:
f ∗ = ∑ (Fi − f (xi ))2 + αR1 ( f ) + β R2 ( f ),
where R1 ( f ) and R2 ( f ) are correction functions, α and β are coefficients, which defines an
impact level of correction functions and varies in the range [0.01, 100]. Correction functions
limit a variability of approximation values and allow to obtain smoother solutions. First and
second derivatives of function f can be chosen as correction functions. R1 ( f ) and R2 ( f ) are
computed by summation over neighboring blocks (i, j):
N 2
R2 ( f ) = ∑ ∑ wik f (bk ) − f (bi ) − wk j f (b j ) − f (bk ) / hAxis(lik ) (bk )
k=1 bi ,b j ∈linked(xk )
Dir(lik )=Dir(lki )
where wi j is the weight coefficient, which can be defined differently, li j = l(bi , b j ) is a link
between bi and b j blocks, linked(bk ) are set of blocks linked with a block bk , hAxis (bi ) is
the distance between mass centers of bi block’s faces, quasi-orthogonal to directions Axis =
(x, y, z).
Depends on the chosen grid’s geometry coefficients wi j can be defined as:
where ωi = d(x∗1,xi ) p are weights corresponding to data points, d(x∗ , xi ) is the distance between
x∗ and xi , p is a power parameter.
27.4. Kriging
Kriging is a general linear regression method using statistical parameters to find optimal es-
timations in terms of minimum mean square deviation when constructing surfaces, properties
and User Maps ([8, 7, 10]). The method is based on the principle of unbiased average value.
This means that all values taken together should have the correct average value. To calculate
unknown value of variable at a space point the Kriging method uses a variogram, a configura-
tion of space data and values at the points in the vicinity of the selected point. A construction
of variograms allows user to match a quantitative model with an available structure of space
In tNavigator there are two possibilities of Kriging implementation:
• Multilayer Kriging;
• 3D Kriging.
• Simple Kriging;
• Ordinary Kriging;
• Universal Kriging.
General description of the method Let’s N values of function f are known and defined
at points (blocks) xi of grid G: fi = f (xi ). A function value is assumed to be constant inside
a block. A grid is a set of arbitrary shaped non-crossing polyhedrons (blocks) defined by 8
peaks. Some of polyhedron’s peaks may coincide. For each block’s peak the space coordinates
(cx , cy , cz ) are defined. The aim of interpolation is to construct an interpolation function fb,
which is a good approximation of unknown function f : fb(x) ≈ f (x) for each x ∈ G.
At a space point x∗ the Kriging interpolation is linear combination of known values of the
function defined at the points x :
fb(x∗ ) = ∑ wk (x∗) f (xk )
Summation is carried out for known function values defined at corresponding points with
coefficients wk . wk coefficients are calculated by solving the system of linear equations.
Notice that to calculate wk coefficients f1 , ..., fN values do not use. Instead, positions of
points x1 , ..., xN and a model of probability process (variogram) are used.
It is supposed that a function f is a random function. Hence, fi = f (xi ) are random values.
Then, their linear combination is a random value as well. wk coefficients are calculated in
such way that a mathematical expectation of random variable fˆ(x∗ ) is equal to a mathematical
expectation of value of random function f (x) at this point, and dispersion of their difference
is minimal:
M( fb(x)) = M( f (x)), D( fb(x) − f (x)) → min.
Main characteristics of the kriging method:
• In the absence of nugget effects, the result reproduces the raw data;
• If the variogram and the trend computation is based on a sufficient amount of data,
kriging is the most optimal interpolation algorithm;
• Kriging algorithm it tends to under-estimate large values and over-estimate small ones,
which leads to smoothed results.
Var {Z(x)} = E [Z(x) − m(x)]2 = E Z 2 (x) −2∗E {Z(x)} m(x)+m2 (x) = E Z 2 (x) −m2 (x)
Possible interpretation.
The kriging provides the uncertainty about the estimate. It corresponds to the variance
that would have been calculated on a large number of stochastic simulations. The variance
depends on the distance between the data and the unknown location, the variogram or the
spatial covariance model and on the redundancy between data. Which leads to the fact that
the greater the kriging radius, the less are the kriging variance values, figure 78. It does not
depend on the data values, the multiple point redundancy between data and the estimate itself
(assumption of homoscedasticity).
Figure 78. Comparison of models obtained by kriging (left side) for different kriging radius
(1000m, 2000m, and 5000m) and the corresponding kriging variance model. The higher the
kriging radius, the less are the kriging variance values.
• Multilayer SGS;
• 3D SGS.
Multilayer SGS method is carried out independently for each grid’s layer, i.e. a three-
dimensional interpolation problem is converted to a two-dimensional one.
General description of the method. Let’s define a grid G composed of arbitrary shaped
non-crossing polyhedrons (blocks) {b} defined by 8 peaks. Some of polyhedron’s peaks may
coincide. For each block’s peak the space coordinates (cx , cy , cz ) are defined.
Let’s consider known values of function f at N sample points xi of grid G: fi = f (xi ),
i = 1, ..., N . A function value fi is assumed to be constant inside a block.
A process of variogram construction for this method coincide with construction in method
In contrast to Kriging method, for the SGS method the result of interpolation at point x∗
is a linear combination of defined number of points Nk (where Nk is the number of kriging
points) selected in the region limited by Kriging Radius.
A summation is carried using known values of function f defined at points xi :
fb(x∗ ) = ∑ wi (x∗ ) f (xi )
K nα nα0
E(Zα∗ 0 (x0 ) − Zα∗ 0 (x0 )) = E( ∑ ∑ λi α
Zα (xi ) + ∑ λi α0 Zα0 (xi ) − Zα0 (x0 )) =
α=1 i=1 i=1
K nα nα0
∑ α
(mα ∑ λi ) + mα0 ( ∑ λi α0 − 1) (27.1)
α=1 i=1 i=1
Traditionally, a non-biased estimator condition brings to the fact that all the members of
the sum equal to zero, i.e. the sum of the weights of the primary variable equals to 1, while for
the secondary variables, the sum of the weights equals to 0, which brings to the expression of
the simple cokriging. The traditional cokriging requests a variogram for each variable (prop-
erty), and a cross-variogram, which implies the computation of the relative spatial distribution.
This leads to a more complex system of equations.
In Geology Designer, the collocated Cokriging is used, which helps to eliminate the redun-
dant information of the secondary variable. Consequently, the equation system is simplified
and faster than traditional cokriging. Collocated cokriging assumes a linear relationship be-
tween the covariance of the primary variable and the cross-covariance. Which requires a
variogram only for the primary property, using a correlation coefficient for the secondary
property. The result of the collocated Cokriging can be expressed as the following equation:
Zα∗ 0 (x0 ) = ∑ λiα0 Zα0 (xi) + ∑ λi0 β Zβ (x0 )
i=1 β 6=α0
Spatially, the resulting property will follow the same trend as the secondary information.
the ones used for the Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS). This leads to a better modeling
of more complexes geological models than the variogram-based SIS method.
The principle is based on the definition of a training image which corresponds to the
typical structures that can be found in the model. It shows the relationships between the
different modeled facies. Since MPS is a stochastic method, density function values are taken
for each simulated points. The probability density function is build using the training image,
instead of the variogram as it is the case for SIS method [11].
The main advantage of this method is that it allows to reproduce the global structure rep-
resented on the defined training image, which at the same time satisfies the local information
at the measurement points.
The training image and the grid to populate are the input data of MPS method. The interpo-
lation is performed in the IJK space. The algorithm used in Geology Designer is summarized
1. Let s the function F be the function to interpolate. All the points to estimate are randomly
visited (the order is defined by Random Seed value). The point B0 to estimate is
compared to the already simulated and data points Xi (which number is defined by the
MPS Template Points field) and which are situated within the defined radius in the
MPS Template Radius field.
2. B0 is compared to the points of the training map. All the Pi points of the map which
satisfy Xi = Pi are considered.
3. The distance F(Xi ) − Pi is estimated. The minimum is calculated and corresponds to the
searched value Q0 (training image point).
4. If this distance is superior to the MPS threshold value, the estimated point value is
randomly generated.
• Calculator
• Well Filter. Well filter setting. If a well filter is selected, the computation will be
performed only for the wells present in the well filter;
• Averaging type. If a grid block contains several data points, a unique value is assigned
to the entire block using one of the following methods, depending on the type of data
(discrete or continuous) which is used:
– Arithmetic. The value assigned to the entire block is the arithmetic mean of the
data point values situated within the grid block;
– Minimum. The value assigned to the entire block is the minimum value of the
data point values situated within the grid block;
– Maximum. The value assigned to the entire block is the maximum value of the
data point values situated within the grid block;
– Median. The value assigned to the entire block is the median of the data point
values situated within the grid block;
– Mid Point. The value assigned to the entire block is the value of the data point
which is the nearest to the cell center;
– RMS. The value assigned to the entire block is the root mean square of the data
point values situated within the grid block;
– Geometric. The value assigned to the entire block is the geometric mean of the
data point values situated within the grid block;
– Harmonic. The value assigned to the entire block is the harmonic mean of the
data point values situated within the grid block;
– Most of. This blocking method is present only for the discrete data logs. The most
frequent value among all data points within the grid block will be assigned to the
entire grid block.
• Treat log. Indicates the method used to fill the cells with no values. 2 methods are
– As points. No values will be attributed to the grid blocks without data points;
– As lines. Depending on the type of data, a value will be assigned to each grid
block. If the data is discrete, the measurement is valid in the interval between 2
data points, so the cells situated in the upper half of the interval between 2 data
points will present the same values as the lowest value of the upper grid block,
while the cells situated in the lower half of the interval will present the same values
as the upper value of the lower grid block (cf. figure 79.
If the data is a continuous one, the upper half of the interval between 2 data points
grid blocks will present the same values as the maximum value present in the upper
grid block,while the cells situated in the lower half of the interval will present the
same values as the maximum value of the lower grid block (cf. figure 80);
Well path
Value assigned by
Treat log the blocking method
as lines
Grid blocks Value of the upper
along the well and lower blocks
Figure 79. Definition of blocked wells with logs treated as lines and as points for discrete
data. The measurement is valid in the interval between 2 data points, so all the cells between
2 data points will present the same values as the upper and lower grid block values if the logs
are defined as lines, while the grid blocks without values will have no values if the logs are
defines as points.
Well path
Treat log
Value assigned by
as intervals the blocking method
Grid blocks
Value of the upper
along the well and lower data points
Figure 80. Definition of blocked wells with logs treated as lines and as points for continuous
data. The measurement is valid in the interval between 2 data points, so all the cells between
2 data points will present the same values as the upper grid block if the logs are defined as
lines, while the grid blocks without values will have no values if the logs are defines as points.
• Min. number of points in block. Minimum number of data points which should be
within a grid block to be taken into account for the computation. If the number of data
points is inferior to the number set, the data points are ignored.
• Use Bias. This option can be used to compute continuous blocked data using already
existing discrete blocked data. This can be used to avoid bias in continuous blocked
data when an averaging method is used, (cf. figure 81 and figure 82). The continuous
blocked data is computed using the blocked discrete data as a reference;
Figure 81. Use of bias for blocked wells computation. The first track represents the raw
lithology data, the second one is the blocked lithology data where the method most of is
used. The last track represents the results obtained for blocked porosity computation using the
lithology as bias. Porosity values are coherent with the preponderant lithology.
Blocked data: lithology Raw Data: lithology Blocked porosity Blocked porosity Raw Data: porosity
Method: Most of (reservoir data with blocked data without bias
facies is preponderant) lithology as bias Method: arithmetic
No porosity value is
assigned to the block,
Facies 2 is assigned because there is no
to this block porosity data for facies 2
in this block
Figure 82. Computation of blocked well data using bias: porosity data presented in the track
3 is computed using the blocked lithology data represented in the first track. The last block
will present no values, because it should take the porosity value corresponding to the facies 2
according to the blocked data, and there is no porosity data for facies 2 in this block.
28.4. Calculator
New objects can be created by mathematical calculations. For more information about this
option, see Calculator.
29. Contacts
Contacts are created as grid objects, available in Geometry Objects. They can be visualized
in 3D and can be used to generate volumetric properties (see Calculate Volumetric Properties)
as Gas-Oil contact or Oil-Water contact. The following Calculations are available:
• Contact. Enter a name for the generated contact or select an existing one;
• Discrete Property. This option can be used to define the contacts by zones. Select
the discrete property which contains the categories which will be used to compute the
contacts. The list contains all the properties of the grid which have a discrete template;
• Description. This column appears only if the Discrete Property option is ticked. The
category for which the contact will be computed has to be defined.
• Geometry Source. Choose the way the contact will be computed. If Z-value is selected,
the contact will be computed using the value entered in the field Z-value, if Horizon is
set, the horizon indicated in the field Horizon will be used to create the contact;
• Horizon. Select the horizon which will be used to compute the contact, if Horizon is
set as Geometry Source;
• Z-value. Set the Z-value which will be used to compute the contact, if Z-value is set
as Geometry Source.
3D grids and horizons can be built using the structural model: see the calculations Create
Horizon by Structural Model and Create Grid by Structural Model.
◦ Min. X. Minimum X coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (METRIC:
m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Length along X. Grid length along X axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Step along X. Grid step size in the X direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Min. Y. Minimum Y coordinate of the grid in the new coordinate system (METRIC:
m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Length along Y. Grid length along Y axis (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Step along Y. Grid step size in Y direction (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ).
◦ Autodetect by. Selection of the object which size will be used to compute the grid
(for automatic definition);
◦ XY Margin. (METRIC: m, FIELD: f t ) See the description of Autodetect option.
◦ Autodetect. Automatic detection of boundaries for the 2D grid, using the object
defined in Autodetect by field. Maximum and minimum coordinates (X, Y) are
detected. The minimum rotated rectangle by the defined Angle with respect to the
OX axis and enclosing the object with the given XY Margin is built.
◦ Structural model. Name of the structural model to which the faults are added;
◦ Faults Connection Proximity. Set the distance over which the faults are considered as
being connected and will be connected by projection;
Figure 83. A) 4 horizons are defined. First, horizons H1 and H3 are built, since their rank
is 1, then H2, since its rank is 2. H4 is calculated from isochoreH4. Since its rank is 3, the
horizon that will be considered higher is H2 (its rank is 2, that is, 3 - 1) and the values of the
isochore for building H4 will be added to its values. B) The horizon situated above H4 and
used for its computation by the defined isochore is H3. C) Horizons H1 and H2 are used as
trends for calculating H2, since their rank is equal to the rank H2 -1 (2-1). D) To calculate
H2, the trend is not used, since there are no horizons with rank 2.
– Conformable. Use for conformable deposits. The horizon will cut all lower horizons
it intersects, except the Basement;
– Discontinuous. Use for unconformable deposits. All the horizons lying upon and
below will be truncated, including the basement;
– Erosional. The horizon will cut all lower horizons it intersects, including the base-
– Basement. Use for horizons defining the basement top. It will cut all upper horizons
it intersects;
◦ Interpolation Parameters. Horizons are interpolated using the Least Square method. The
• Coefficients:
– First Derivative.
– Second Derivative.
• Advanced settings. If this check box is checked the additional option Grid refine-
ment will be available. This allows to improve the accuracy of the interpolation,
however, it increases a computational time. The interpolation is carried out Re-
finement Steps number of times. At initial interpolation step the number of points
in X and Y directions is defined:
– Start Count of Points by X.
– Start Count of Points by Y.
At the first interpolation step it is recommended to use a rough grid, i.e. the number
of points in X and Y directions should be minimal. At each iteration the number of
points in X and Y directions increases in such way that after the defined number
of iterations (steps) the final number of points becomes equal to the number of the
horizon points.
31. Fractures
31.1. Introduction
Hydraulic Fractures modeling via LGR is base on the local grid refinement in Stimulated
Rock Volume (SRV). SRV comprises two zones of reservoir:
• Non-Fracture Zone (NFZ) – part of reservoir rocks affected by the fracturing process. It
is assumed that the rock properties in NFZ might be altered due to propant propagation
and reopening of natural fractures.
Extensions and geometry of FZ and NFZ can be defined by Fracture Paths or Fracture
Planes objects.
Grid properties can be FZ and NFZ can be set separately by Fracture Template XYZ ob-
jects. Additionally the properties can be interpolated within SRV by Fracture Arithmetic.
Unstructured refinement settings are defined in Runspec section of Cases tab (Main set-
tings → Tuning → Settings of model reading and calculation (TNAVCTRL)).
1. Explicitly in Fracture Path Settings – this menu can be accessed via Right Click on the
object’s name. X, Y and Z the of Path’s points should be entered in the table. One of
the Table’s points must be set as an Anchor.
2. Calculated from polygon. This calculation allows to construct Fracture Path from the
selected Polygon. One of the Polygon’s points must be set as an Anchor.
Figure 90. Fracture Plane Constructed from two Fracture Paths (from left to right: ob-
jects tree, Fracture Paths and their points on 2D View, 2D View of the Fracture after model
• Up.
A fracture height measured upward from an anchor point;
• Down.
A fracture height measured downward from an anchor point;
• Effective Width.
Width of the Fracture Zone (FZ) on the grid. This value is used for Logarithmic and
Unstructured refinement methods;
i This value is used for the LGR construction and does not have to corre-
spond to the width of real fracture.
• Permeability in FZ.
Constant for all blocks in FZ. Can be overwritten by Fracture Arithmetic.
• Permeability in NFZ.
Constant for all blocks in NFZ. Can be overwritten by Fracture Arithmetic.
• Increment Size of SRV (stimulated delta).
The increment size of SRV around the Fracture (see figure 91).
• Multipliers of Fracture Lenghth to the left and to the right from Anchor Point.
The multipliers of increment size of SRV around the Fracture (see figure 91).
Figure 92. Rotation Angles (from left to right: Fracture Plane rotation around Anchor Point
(ROTATE_Z), Fracture rotation around Vertical Axis (Rotate_XY).]
xαxy1 yαxy1
+ in I,
α α
a1 xy1 b1 xy1
xαxy2 yαxy2
α + α in II,
a2 xy2 b1 xy2
f (x, y) =
xαxy3 yαxy3
αxy3 + αxy3 in III,
a b2
xαxy4 yαxy4
αxy4 + αxy4 in IV;
a2 b2
where f (x, y) = 1.
x y
αxz3 αxz4
αyz3 αyz4
αxz2 αxz1 αyz2 αyz1
z z
WELL y αxz3 αxz4
αxy2 b1 αxy1
II I αxy3 αxy4
a2 a1
III IV αxy2 αxy1
αxy3 b2 αxy4
αyz1 αyz2
x αxz2 αxz1
Figure 93. Distribution of curvatures: Front view (plane XZ ). Side view (plane ZY ). Top
view (plane XY ).
On each plane (XY , XZ , Y Z ) four Shape parameters can be specified varying from
1 to 150. The higher SHAPE value, the wider SRV boundary. The values can be either
input directly in the table in the left bottom corner or adjusted by sliders in Distribution of
Curvatures tab.
Figure 94. Different SRV shapes (from left to right: Rhomboid boundary (Shape=1), Ellipsoid
boundary (Shape=2), Rectangular boundary (Shape=150).)
Fracture Stage Editor can be accessed via Right Click on the object’s name (Fracture Stage
Fracture Stages can be visualized on 3D view in a form of rectangular planes that follow
the fractures geometry:
The Stage can be activated on any timestep in Development Strategy by the rule Enable
Fracture. Perforations around Fracture Stage can be created by the rule Fracture Stage Anchor.
• Volumetric properties
PORO (see 12.2.24), NTG (see 12.2.25), MULTPV (see 12.2.28);
• Permeabilities
PERMX (see 12.2.13), PERMY (see 12.2.13), PERMZ (see 12.2.13);
• Saturations
SWAT (see 12.16.14), SOIL (see 12.16.16), SGAS (see 12.16.15);
• Regions indexes
SATNUM (see 12.4.3), ROCKNUM (see 12.4.14), PVTNUM (see 12.4.2);
• Sigma-factor
SIGMAV (see 12.2.73).
The data can be indicated separately for FZ and NFZ, and in case of Dual Porosity mod-
eling for Matrix or Fracture media.
In the selected zones one value can be assigned to all blocks (constant Expression Type),
or property values can be distributed by interpolation. Two interpolation types are available:
• Vertical
Interpolation to the right and to the left from an Anchor Point;
• Radial
Interpolation in radial direction from an Anchor Point.
Interpolation is performed between two value: one value in indicated at the zone center,
another is indicated at the zone boundary. For both types linear or exponential interpolation
law can be selected.
Fracture Table is an alternative way to model planar hydraulic fractures via LGR. In
this case it is easier to manage large amount of data comparing to conventional work-
Each line of the table corresponds to one fracturing event (single or multi-stage fracturing).
Fracture geometry is defined by two Half-lengths and heights upward and downward from an
anchor point.
The table itself can be visualize in Table tab. The data can be copied from any text edi-
tor or imported . Fracture tables, created in the project can be exported to the text file.
All Fracture Template parameters can be indicated in the table’s columns. Additionally,
the Schedule data corresponding to Fracture Stages can be defined in the table. In particular,
it is possible to specify:
• Whether the perforations are created around Stage (Create Perforation flag);
All data from the table can be input to dynamic model by the Global Rule of the Strategy
– Enable Fracture Table.
• Unstructured LGR will be created taking into account all objects on the plane including
points of fractures intersection;
• If tho SRVs with different grid property have an intersections then the higher of two
values will be assigned to the common blocks (both in Fracture Zone (FZ) and Non-
Fracture Zone (NFZ)).
Example. One the picture 100: WELL_1 FZ Permeability is 1000mD, WELL_2 FZ
Permeability is 300mD. Permeability value in the blocks, where fractures intersect each
other will be set equal to 1000mD.
• List of parameters. Each parameter name is located on a separate line. The measuremet
units can be indicated in brackets ();
• First three columns of the table refer to blocks I, J and K indexes. If only pointset is
loaded, these columns will be ignored.
• The following three columns refer to X, Y and Z coordinates of the points or blocks
• The last two collumns refer to the loaded parameters (PERM and PORO) that can be
treated either as grid properties or as fracture pointset attributes.
All .gslib file’s data is detected automatically during the import and, if needed, length
units are converted to the project’s units (METRIC or FIELD).
i If the property type is not set (i.e. it has Non-defined template), then it
will be treated as continuous object.
The syllables below:
cgrid – grid property value in the block, ci – attribute value of each point.
• Create LGR
The grid can be refined with new grid properties used as a filter. The calculation is
similar to Create LGRs by Filter Property operation.
• Specify model type and, if needed, trigger the usage of special options (see Runspec).
– On the Settings tab (if it is closed, press Settings to open) add new tables
using button below and fill in the values by hand or via correlations available
for this particular property.
– Press Import on the right panel to import the table from an external source.
• In Static section of Cases tab: create the region(s) to apply the property to.
• In Fluid section of Cases tab: map the created tables to corresponding regions.
All the properties defining physical, compositional and thermal; features of the model can
be defined in Fluid Properties tab. These features are discussed in details in corresponding
sections of tNavigator User Manual (Physical model, Compositional model, Compositional
thermal model with chemical reactions).
• Relative Permeability.
• PVT.
• Initial.
• Rock.
Settings panel contains the list of existing RP tables. To create a new one, press .
During the creation of an RP table, the following parameters have to be specified:
• Keyword Family (essentially the type of RP and capillary modeling) is selected from:
• Use Table for Capillary Pressure (for Corey Correlation and LET Correlation RP
types) provides a way to define capillary pressure via a table, while using Corey or
LET correlations for RP.
• Import. Standard E1, E3 and MoReS keywords with RP data can be load. Capillary
pressure data will also be loaded if available.
• Export. An include file will be exported containing the keywords appropriate to the
selected RP type.
• If more than one table or function are presented in the project, all graphs can be dis-
played on the same plot (see Figure 103) when the corresponding check boxes are ticked
in the Settings tab.
• Hold Shift and drag any graph point. Values in the table to the right will change accord-
Bounds for dragging a point in both coordinates are determined by the positions of the
neighboring points on the same curve. The vertical motion applies to the dragged point
alone; the horizontal motion applies to the group of points having common abscissa.
• Double click on any table cell to edit the value in it. The corresponding curve will be
recalculated automatically.
• In the context menu (opens via right-click) there are items Convert to Corey and
Convert to LET. Formulas are presented in the sections Corey correlation and LET
correlation of the tNavigator User Manual.
Note. Dotted curves are current RP curves (figure 104). Solid curves are RP curves trans-
formed to Corey correlation. You can edit RP points and a curvature via changing correspond-
ing values in table on the right. Curves will be rebuilt automatically.
• Request for 3-phase permeability models (Stone 1 and Stone 2) and its parameters.
32.3. PVT
This section is dedicated to fluid model definition. Black-oil, Compositional and Thermal fluid
models can be defined in PVT-Designer.
1. Click on the property referring to Black Oil or compositional variant (PVT (blackoil)
or Component Data).
3. In PVT Designer:
4. Save the PVT project and simply close PVT Designer. All modification will automati-
cally be transferred to Model Designer project.
5. The properties that are not available in PVT Designer (ex. Gas Plant Tables) can be
selected for definition by clicking on More Properties button.
32.4. Initial
This section is dedicated to the definition of Initial Equilibrium via EQUIL (see 12.16.2) tables.
The description of all available Initialization options is provided in tNavigator User Man-
ual, section 2.3.
The non-equillibrium Initialization can be performed by defining explicitly
the Initial Grid Properties in Geometry Objects tab. These Properties should
be then assigned to the model in Static section of Cases tab.
In Settings panel the following operations can be performed with Equillibration data
specification property:
• Duplicate or Remove.
• Reset to default. This option assigns the default Settings to the Equilibrium data: ref-
erence depth will be set at the model’s center (top plus bottom depth divided by two),
WOC will be set 100 m below reference depth, GOC will be set 100 m above reference
In this case the settings will be taken from the default 3D Grid (main_grid).
• Create Default by Grid. This option is similar to Reset to default but it allows to
choose the 3D grid from the project that will be used for default settings calculation.
32.5. Rock
This section is dedicated to the definition of Rock properties.
The advanced features of Geomechanical model can be accessed by clicking
on More Properties button. These properties are stored in Geomechanical
Option folder.
• Tables:
• VFP Designer. VFP tables can be built in tNavigator module – VFP Designer, and then
imported into Model Designer project.
• Schedule (the keywords of SCHEDULE (see 12.19.1) section that are generated via
All tables can then be used to provide data for Development Startegy Rules:
Data description:
• mandatory columns: Well name or Well UWI, Date;
• optional columns:
Columns that are in the file should be selected in the drop-down menu. Order of boxes
can be changed (in accordance with the data in the file).
• Oil rate 19.1517 sm3 /day and Water rate 130.848 sm3 /day, from 01.11.2014 to
• Oil rate 18.7443 sm3 /day and Water rate 131.256 sm3 /day, from the date 01.12.2014.
• If the last date in the model is 01.12.2014, then the rates from the last line are not taken
into consideration in cumulative production calculation. Oil cumulative production
from 01.10.2014 is calculated as 19.6224∗31+19.1517∗30 (only October+November).
To take December into account add the last date 01.01.2015 to the model (DATES,
see 12.19.124).
• If the last date in the model is 01.01.2015, then the rates from the last line are taken
into consideration in cumulative production calculation. Oil cumulative production
from 01.10.2014 is calculated as 19.6224 ∗ 31 + 19.1517 ∗ 30 + 18.7443 ∗ 31 (Octo-
Note. In graphical interface on the Graphs tab in the table on the right rates are visualized
with date shift, see the picture 107.
• Replace missing values with zero. If this option is used, the parameters for the well
that are missing in the file on the specific date will be replaced with zeros. In the
example above for the date 01.07.2014 water rate (column WWPRH) of the WELL15
is considered as zero. If this option is not used then water rate at this date is equal to
the value from previous time step (01.06.2014).
• Data Filter. If Data Filter is used, then historical data will be loaded only in the specified
time period, including the First Date and the Last Date.
• WEFac Units. If well efficiency factor is set in Days then it is divided by number of
days in a month to convert to Relative.
• Time Units. If Month time units are used then day rates are calculated as:
monthdays ∗W EFAC
Units for concrete quantities:
• *MSTB – quantity of liquid measured in STB (is used only with *FIELD );
• *MMSCF – gas volume measured in thousands of MSCF (is used only with *FIELD );
• *MSM3 – all volumes are measured in 1000 sm 3 (is used only with *METRIC);
• *MSM3GAS – gas volume measured in 1000 sm 3 (is used only with *METRIC);
• *MSM3LIQUID – liquid volume measured in 1000 sm 3 (is used only with *METRIC).
Interval of time for which the data is available in the tables:
• *DAILY – daily rate;
Other keywords:
• *KEYLENGTH – defines the number of first signs of the keyword which are used for
recognizing it.
• *MISSING_VALUE – defines the value which will replace the missing one during the
One of the following keywords can be used to define the well and to indicate the beginning
of the history table for this well. It is followed by the name of the well and the history table
itself (corresponding to the well).
• *WELL;
• *NAME;
The following keywords are used to describe the format of the tables. Each of these
keywords represents a column with the corresponding type of data which is present in the
Date Format. Several methods can be used to define the dates:
2. Detailed Data. Instead of a single column, one or more columns can be used from the
following list:
• *SECOND – seconds.
3. Date in a particular format. The year and the month have to be set. The day is optional,
but can be indicated. The corresponding fields are defined as follows: YY or YYYY (if
the year is defined by 4 numbers), MM, DD. For example:
• *YY.MM.DD,
Then the keyword *DAYS is used to define the number of days in the month during which
the production has occurred.
Definition of history data. Keywords defining the production history data for the corre-
sponding dates:
2011 12 10
’Oil Rate SC’ ’Gas Rate SC’ ’Water Rate SC’ ’Well BHP’
’bbl/day’ ’ft3/day’ ’bbl/day’ ’psi’
2011/12/10 0 0 0 10362
2011/12/17 2999 4512234 0 10068
2011/12/18 8411 8117802 0 9694
2011/12/19 5140 3468024 0 9965
2011/12/20 2812 4490000 0 10148
2011/12/21 2825 4248000 0 10156
2011/12/22 2758 4358000 0 10154
2011/12/23 1261 1872542 0 10171
1. Filter Table
This option excludes certain data from the table. Two filters are available:
• Well filter – only the wells from the filter will be kept in the table. Data, related
to the other wells will be erased.
• Date filter – only a certain time period will be kept in the table. Data, related to
the timesteps outside this timeframe will be erased.
Figure 109. Table recalculation with different rules for discrete properties
If the Well Structure Tables data can be added to Development Strategy via Input Well
Structure Global Rule.
Possible events:
• Perforation – open connections in all grid blocks where the trajectory intersects grid.
Lower depth and upper depth should be specified;
• Squeeze – shut connections in all grid blocks where the trajectory intersects grid. Lower
depth and upper depth should be specified;
• Plug – shut connections in all grid blocks where the trajectory intersects grid. Upper
depth should be specified, lower depth is calculated as the end of the trajectory;
• Barefoot – open connections in all grid blocks where the trajectory intersects grid.
Upper depth should be specified, lower depth is calculated as the end of the trajectory.
Example 1.
Example 2.
Load perforations for multilateral wells. For the main well branch (first row) the default ranch
number is used 1∗; the next branch is set via number – 1. For each branch we set depth for per-
forated interval. Please choose branch for the corresponding column in the graphical interface.
• Replace missing values with zero. If this option is used, the parameters for the well
that are missing in the file on the specific date will be replaced with zeros.
• Data Filter. If Data Filter is used, then historical data will be loaded only in the specified
time period, including the First Date and the Last Date.
• LAB.
If some of the quantities are measured in one units and some others in other units it is
necessary to add one of the following lines (in addition to the one described above):
Strategies tab is used to define the rules for each step. Keywords are automatically gen-
erated for each rule and will be written into the Schedule section when dynamic model is
exported. Switching to the Schedule tab all generated keywords can be seen. Added steps are
displayed as a list on the left under Wells Data. The rules are displayed under each step. Each
rule can be edited on the right under Strategies. Two sets of buttons allow to manage the time
steps and the keywords (see Fig. 110).
Four categories of rules can be added:
• Global Rules;
• Wells;
• Groups;
• Other.
Moreover, several strategies can be created. A strategy corresponds to a set of rules and
time steps. A unique strategy for each model has to be selected during the dynamic model
creation step.
Figure 110. Model Designer interface for Strategies tab. A) List of defined strategies and
corresponding time steps and rules (global and affected to a particular time step). B) Editing
area for the rules. This area is displayed by clicking on a rule in the area A). C) Set of buttons
used to manage rules. D) Set of buttons which allows to manage the loaded keywords and to
define a well filter.
• Add New Rule. The rule is added for the selected time step or as a Global Rule.
The rule has to be selected from the list. A new rule can also be added by right mouse
button click on a time step;
• Duplicate Rule. A rule can also be duplicated by right mouse button click on a time
step. After that rule can be moved holding left mouse button to another time step;
– Add Steps.
Step Length. Time step length: One step, Year, Six Months, Three Months, Month,
Week, Day;
– Remove Steps. A rule can also be removed by right mouse button click on a
time step;
– Add Time Steps from Tables. Timesteps will be taken from the specified
table and added to the Strategy. Avaliable table types:
∗ Well Production Tables;
∗ Well Structure Tables;
∗ Group Production Tables;
∗ Fracture Tables.
– Add Time Steps from RFT Logs. The recording dates from the selected
RFT/PLT log will be added to the Strategy.
• Remove Steps. A rule can also be removed by right mouse button click on a time
• Verify Rules. The button is used to check correctness of created rules. In case of a
rule is not correct the following warning will appear on log–panel (located at the bottom
part of project window) or/and in a log–file:
Some problems are found in schedule rules. May be not all rules are applied correctly
due to contradictory or insufficient input data. Press button ’Verify rules on ’Strategies’
tab to see all warnings.
Information about problem for particular rule does not appear automatically on log–
panel. Therefore, to see detailed information about a problem press this button or select
the option Verify Rules from the menu which is available by right mouse button click
on the panel A (cf. Fig. 110).
For example, if for well ”32” both oil rate and water injection are specified in well
production table, then the following warning will appear on the log–panel:
Warning: contradictory historical events for well ”32” are found on 01.05.2014.
By right mouse button click on the white field under Wells Data, the following options
can also be set (cf. Fig. 111):
Figure 111. Menu accessible by RMB on the field under Well Data in Model Designer. This
menu gathers rules, time steps, and strategies managment options.
• Hide Steps Without Rules. If this option is ticked, only the steps with rules will be
• Add new strategy. Allows to add a new strategy. The new strategy will be added to the
list of strategies. The corresponding steps and rules will also be displayed and could be
• Duplicate Strategy. Allows to duplicate a strategy. The copy can be modified indepen-
• Import Keywords.
– Load Well Controls from MoRes format. Standard MoReS format is supported.
∗ Add Rows. Add a file;
∗ Remove Rows. Delete a file from the list;
∗ Preview. Number of Lines. Number of the file lines shown in the Preview
∗ Well History. Set the production table which will be used. The production
table has to be chosen from the list;
∗ Clear Tables. Clears the tables which are already present in the project and
replaces it by a default table.
– Load User Keywords from E1/E3 formats. Standard E1/E3 schedule keywords
are supported.
∗ Select file for load. Browse to find the file to load;
∗ Choose starting date for Load Schedule. Indicate the starting date for the
loaded schedule.
• Well Filter. Set the current well filter. All the rules and the list of keywords in
Wells Data tab will be displayed only for the wells selected in the filter. When this filter
is active its icon is displayed as .
• User Date Filter. All the rules and the list of keywords in Wells Data tab will be
displayed only for the dates selected in the filter. When this filter is active its icon is
displayed as .
• User Date Filter. Only the rules from the selected categories will be displayed.
When this filter is active its icon is displayed as .
• Well Structure. Choose a table from the list of well events tables.
It is possible when we have several events tables, for example: historical table, data for
2017 and data for forecast:
• Min. economic gradient of improvement in oil production rate for increase in lift gas
injection rate by one;
35.4.1. Control
Create Historical Well Control by Table.
This rule creates the historical well controls and limitations based on the data from
the specified table. The controls are defined by writing the keywords WCONHIST
(see 12.19.43) or WCONINJH (see 12.19.47), and, optionally, WEFAC (see 12.19.83) (if
the checkbox Well Efficiency Factor is ticked) in the Schedule section. The rule can be
applied to one well only, to the wells from filter, or to all wells from the current strategy.
It is mandatory to indicate the Well Production Table that will be used as a data input,
and the Wells Type. The Wells Type can be either set explicitly (Producers, Injectors,
Water Injectors, Gas Injectors, or detected by Rate or by BHP.
The controls are set separately for Producers, Water Injectors and Gas Injectors.
Additionally, Enhanced Oil Recovery settings can be indicated. In this case, depending
on the specified parameter, the keywords WALKALIN (see 12.19.173), WPOLYMER
(see 12.19.174), WSALT (see 12.19.175), WINJTEMP (see 12.19.178) and WSURFACT
(see 12.19.172) will be be generated.
The input format of this rule is similar to Create Historical Well Control by Table.
The only difference is that instead of historical control, (WCONPROD (see 12.19.42) or
WCONINJE, see 12.19.44) the forecast control modes will be set.
Well Cycling.
This rule defines the automation cycling well operating mode (see keyword WCYCLE
(see 12.19.50) for details).
Well Status.
This rule indicates the current status os the wells (Open, Shut or Stop). The rule corre-
sponds to WELOPEN (see 12.19.128) keyword.
This rule can be added to the Strategy only when the Well Injection con-
! trol is already defined by the rule Well Injection Limits (Forecast)
or Create Forecast Well Control by Table.
ASP Flooding.
This rule sets the Alkaline concentration (WALKALIN, see 12.19.173), Surfactant
concentration (WSURFACT, see 12.19.172) and Polymer concentration (WPOLYMER,
see 12.19.174).
35.4.6. Brine
Salt Concentration.
This rule sets the salt concertation in injected fluid stream. The description of water
injection into saline reservoirs is provided in tNavigator User Manual (section 2.24.1).
The rule corresponds to WSALT (see 12.19.175) keyword.
35.5.1. Control
Create Group Controls by Table.
This rule creates the controls and limitations for production groups based on the data
from the specified table. The controls are defined by writing the keywords GCONPROD
(see 12.19.86), GCONINJE (see 12.19.95), GRUPTARG (see 12.19.63) and, optionally,
GEFAC (see 12.19.84) (if the checkbox Group Efficiency Factor is ticked) in the Sched-
ule section. The rule can be applied to one well only, to the wells from filter, or to all
wells from the current strategy.
The controls are set separately for Producers, Water Injectors and Gas Injectors.
• Wells and Groups Filter is set on a specific time step. Starting from this time step
all rules are applied only for selected wells and groups (not to all wells available
in the project).
• In case if on the further step a new rule Wells and Groups Filter is set, then
the previous one stops working and only new rule works.
• When dynamic model is exported the keywords are written to Schedule section to
each date according to the filters that are used for wells and groups (and not for
all wells available in the project). Schedule section can be checked in advance in
the tab Schedule .
The rule Wells and Groups Filter can be created via existing filters (added before using
button on the right panel ) or new filters.
Please note that the rule Wells and Groups Filter is different from the
i button on the right panel that is used for visulization settings adjest-
35.6.1. Fractures
Enable Fracture.
This rule activates Fracture Stage and, optionally, assigns to it Fracture Arithmetic. The
rule corresponds to FRACTURE_STAGE (see 12.19.147) keyword
• Stage name;
• Delta 1 – perforation interval to the left from an Anchor Point;
• Delta 2 – perforation interval to the right from an Anchor Point;
User Keywords.
This rule allows to add E1/E3 and tNavigator format keywords. The following options
are available:
The description of VPF projects is provided in tNavigator VFP Designer User Guide.
In Model Designer to import a VFP project select on the tab Wells Data VFP Designer.
The tree of imported VFP projects is located on the left and the tree of imported VFP tables
is located below.
On the right panel the following buttons are placed:
• Open VFP Designer. Call the VFP Designer to edit the selected VFP project;
• Export VFP Table. This button is active if a VFP table is selected (on the left).
• Variograms
– Variogram models
– Variogram Calculations
38.1. Variograms
38.1.1. Variogram models
Variograms are key tools in classical geostatistic, which are applied for analysis and mod-
elling of space correlation [10]. Further, the approach of variograms construction is briefly
outlined. Physical intuition suggests that values at two points, placed close to each other, are
close because these values are generated under similar physical conditions (have the same
”geological environment”). On the contrary, at long distance the conditions are different and
greater variations are to be expected. The value variability with the distance can be quantified
with the variogram cloud. Variograms are important tools for trend, cyclicity, geometric and
zonal anisotropy detection.
Let’s consider known values of f at N sample points {xi }, i = 1, ..., N , for which a
variogram will be constructed. All possible pairs of available points xi , x j , where 1 6 i <
j 6 N , are considered. For each pair the distance ρ = |xi − x j | and square of the difference
between values at these points v = ( fi − f j )2 are computed. The obtained set of points on a
plane (ρ, v) is called a variogram cloud.
A variogram cloud can display anisotropy (i.e. shows different behaviors along the dif-
ferent directions). This is frequent in 3D cases, where vertical variability is rarely of the
same nature as horizontal variability (layer media). The main anisotropy directions are of-
ten suspected from geological knowledge, and a variogram cloud is calculated along these
Depending on the function v(ρ) which is used to construct the curve that approximates
the cloud, the following variogram models are implemented:
The output of a variogram computation is a plot where X-axis represents the distances
between wells (data points) split into the number of intervals assigned by the user. All well
pairs are considered and distances between them (i.e. the distances between wells in the same
layer) are computed. For each pair of wells the difference between corresponding values of
the selected property is computed. The Y-axis displays the squared difference of the selected
property values.
In the case of a large number of wells, the variogram cloud (as shown by a cross on the
interface) represents a group of well pairs, rather than a single pair. The wells are grouped
by the distance between the wells and a variogram point displays the average X-axis and
Y-axis values. The red curve is created depending on the selected variogram model type.
In tNavigator, the most optimal curve is calculated automatically using the Polak-Ribiere
conjugate gradient method. This curve can be further modified by the user. The variogram
model has to be carefully set, since the experimental points themselves are not used in property
A 2D variogram can also be computed for anisotropic models. The algorithm is the same
as for 1D plots: first, the model is discretized along X and Y in order to create a variogram
grid. If several data points are located in the same grid cell, an average value is computed
for the entire cell. So obtained data points are compared as for 1D plot and the square of the
difference between values at these points are computed and filled in the grid (in tNavigator
colors represent variogram values). This 2D plot allows to detect the main anisotropy direction.
The same can be performed in the case of spatial anisotropy for the XZ plane (cf. figure 116).
Figure 116. A) Display of a 2D variogram and of the main and orthogonal directions. The
2D grid is defined by the number of X and Y intervals and the colors correspond to variogram
values, blue colors represent the minimum data variation, while the red ones, display the
maximum anisotropy. The main variogram azimuth has to be set along the minimum data
variation. B) Display of a 1D variogram computed along the main direction. The number of
points is given by the number of intervals
• Well Log. Set the well logs which will be used to compute the variogram (raw data);
• Well Filter. Well filter setting. If a well filter is selected, the computation will be performed
only for the wells present in the well filter;
• User Cut. The variogram will be computed only for the points situated in the selected
area. Only the points situated in the selected blocks will be taken into account. To select
an area, the property or the region has to be selected from the list and the condition
has to be set with the operator (the proper operator has to be selected from the list)
and the corresponding value (which has to be entered in the corresponding field). This
option can be particularly useful when a Net-To-Gross property is defined: a variogram
containing only reservoir data can be computed using the condition NTG = 1;
• Variogram Model Type. Selection of the variogram type (cf. Variogram model type de-
• Correlation Radius. Distance between the data points. Points separated by distances ex-
ceeding the assigned radius are excluded from the variogram construction. If the distance
between the points is within the radius the points are included in the variogram compu-
• Number of Intervals. Number of lags (corresponds to the number of points of the vari-
ogram, see figure 117);
• Range. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve. Corresponds to the
point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Sill. Height of the near-straight-line section of the curve. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Nugget Effect. Value of the variogram at the origin. The nugget effect can be due to
measurement errors or to variations at microscales (inferior to the sampling distances).
The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit
the experimental variogram curve to the points.
• Well Marker. Set the well markers which will be used to compute the variogram;
• Well Filter. The variogram will be computed only for the wells selected in the filter;
• Variogram Model Type. Selection of the variogram type (cf. Variogram model type de-
• Anisotropy. Selection of the anisotropy type (Plane or Spatial). If the anisotropy is a plane
one, the vertical variogram will not be computed.
• 2D Variograms. Parameters which concern the 2D variogram (along X and Y axis) which
will be computed. The following settings are available:
◦ Same Parameters for All Axes. This option allows to set the same parameters along
X and Y axis;
◦ X Correlation Radius. Distance between the wells (data points). Points separated
by distances exceeding the assigned radius are excluded from the 2D variogram
construction. If the distance between the data points is within the radius, the points
are included in the variogram computation;
◦ Number of X Intervals. Discretization intervals number along X axis. If the model
contains a high number of wells, it is recommended to increase the number of
◦ Y Correlation Radius.
◦ Number of Y Intervals.
◦ Z Correlation Radius.
◦ Number of Z Intervals.
• Directional Variograms.
◦ Same Parameters for All Directions. This option allows to set the same parameters
along the main, the orthogonal and the vertical direction;
◦ Main Direction. Correlation Radius. Distance between the data points. Points sep-
arated by distances exceeding the assigned radius are excluded from the variogram
construction. If the distance between the data points is within the radius, the points
are included in the variogram computation;
• Range. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve. Corresponds to the
point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Sill. Height of the near-straight-line section of the curve. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Nugget Effect. Value of the variogram at the origin. The nugget effect can be due to
measurement errors or to variations at microscales (inferior to the sampling distances).
The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit
the experimental variogram curve to the points.
For anisotropic variograms the following additional parameters are computed (see fig-
ure 117):
• Azimuth. Sets the azimuth of the main anisotropy direction (angle between the direction
and X axis). This estimation can be based on the result obtained by 2D variogram com-
putation. The azimuth has to be chosen in order to accurately characterize the variability;
• Range Main. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve displaying the
variogram build along the main direction (given by the azimuth). Corresponds to the
point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Range Normal. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve displaying the
variogram build along the normal direction (orthogonal to the main one). Corresponds
to the point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in
the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram
curve to the points;
• Range Vertical. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve displaying the
variogram build along the vertical direction. Corresponds to the point where the curve
has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the
cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points.
• Well Log. Set the well logs which will be used to compute the variogram (raw data);
• Well Filter. Well filter setting. If a well filter is selected, the computation will be performed
only for the wells present in the well filter;
• User Cut. The variogram will be computed only for the points situated in the selected
area. Only the points situated in the selected blocks will be taken into account. To select
an area, the property or the region has to be selected from the list and the condition
has to be set with the operator (the proper operator has to be selected from the list)
and the corresponding value (which has to be entered in the corresponding field). This
option can be particularly useful when a Net-To-Gross property is defined: a variogram
containing only reservoir data can be computed using the condition NTG = 1;;
• Variogram Model Type. Selection of the variogram type (cf. Variogram model type de-
• Anisotropy. Selection of the anisotropy type (Plane or Spatial). If the anisotropy is a plane
one, the vertical variogram will not be computed.
• 2D Variograms. Parameters which concern the 2D variogram (along X and Y axis) which
will be computed. The following settings are available:
◦ Same Parameters for All Axes. This option allows to set the same parameters along
X and Y axis;
◦ X Correlation Radius. Distance between the wells (data points). Points separated
by distances exceeding the assigned radius are excluded from the 2D variogram
construction. If the distance between the data points is within the radius, the points
are included in the variogram computation;
◦ Number of X Intervals. Discretization intervals number along X axis. If the model
contains a high number of wells, it is recommended to increase the number of
◦ Y Correlation Radius.
◦ Number of Y Intervals.
◦ Z Correlation Radius.
◦ Number of Z Intervals.
• Directional Variograms.
◦ Same Parameters for All Directions. This option allows to set the same parameters
along the main, the orthogonal and the vertical direction;
◦ Main Direction. Correlation Radius. Distance between the data points. Points sep-
arated by distances exceeding the assigned radius are excluded from the variogram
construction. If the distance between the data points is within the radius, the points
are included in the variogram computation;
◦ Main Direction. Number of Intervals. Discretization intervals number along the
direction of computation;
◦ Main Direction. Tolerance. Deviation angle from the direction of computation
defining the area within which the points are taken into account for the com-
◦ Normal Direction. Correlation Radius. Distance between data points. Points sepa-
rated by distances exceeding the assigned radius are excluded from the variogram
construction. If the distance between the data points is within the radius, the points
are included in the variogram computation;
◦ Normal Direction. Number of Intervals. Discretization intervals number along the
direction of computation;
◦ Normal Direction. Tolerance. Deviation angle from the direction of computation
defining the area within which the points are taken into account for the computa-
◦ Vertical Direction. Correlation Radius. Distance between data points. Points sepa-
rated by distances exceeding the assigned radius are excluded from the variogram
construction. If the distance between the data points is within the radius, the points
are included in the variogram computation;
◦ Vertical Direction. Number of Intervals. Discretization intervals number along the
direction of computation;
◦ Vertical Direction. Tolerance. Deviation angle from the direction of computation
defining the area within which the points are taken into account for the computa-
• Range. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve. Corresponds to the
point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Sill. Height of the near-straight-line section of the curve. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Nugget Effect. Value of the variogram at the origin. The nugget effect can be due to
measurement errors or to variations at microscales (inferior to the sampling distances).
The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit
the experimental variogram curve to the points.
• Azimuth. Sets the azimuth of the main anisotropy direction (angle between the direction
and X axis). This estimation can be based on the result obtained by 2D variogram com-
putation. The azimuth has to be chosen in order to accurately characterize the variability;
• Range Main. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve displaying the
variogram build along the main direction (given by the azimuth). Corresponds to the
point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Range Normal. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve displaying the
variogram build along the normal direction (orthogonal to the main one). Corresponds
to the point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in
the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram
curve to the points;
• Range Vertical. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve displaying the
variogram build along the vertical direction. Corresponds to the point where the curve
has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the
cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points.
• Blocked Wells. Set the blocked wells which will be used to compute the variogram;
• Well Filter. Well filter setting. If a well filter is selected, the computation will be performed
only for the wells present in the well filter;
• User Cut. The variogram will be computed only for the points situated in the selected
area. Only the points situated in the selected blocks will be taken into account. To select
an area, the property or the region has to be selected from the list and the condition
has to be set with the operator (the proper operator has to be selected from the list)
and the corresponding value (which has to be entered in the corresponding field). This
option can be particularly useful when a Net-To-Gross property is defined: a variogram
containing only reservoir data can be computed using the condition NTG = 1;
• Filter by Layers. If this option allows to compute the variogram by layers. So the pairs of
points used for the computation will lay within the same layer;
• Facies. Available for discrete properties. List of available categories (facies types). To
select a category for the computation, the box in front of it has to be checked. Please
note that in order to properly compute blocked wells and variograms by blocked wells,
the log template has to be properly set (Select a log template). If the template is not
set, the facies categories will not be available for the computation. Note also that this
computation will allow to create as many variograms as used facies;
• Variogram Model Type. Selection of the variogram type (cf. Variogram model type de-
• Correlation Radius. Distance between the data points. Points separated by distances ex-
ceeding the assigned radius are excluded from the variogram construction. If the distance
between the points is within the radius, the points are included in the variogram com-
• Number of Intervals. Number of lags (corresponds to the number of points of the vari-
ogram, see figure 117);
• Blocked Wells. Set the blocked well which will be used to compute the variogram;
• Well Filter. Well filter setting. If a well filter is selected, the computation will be performed
only for the wells present in the well filter;
• User Cut. The variogram will be computed only for the cells situated in the selected area.
Only the the selected blocks will be taken into account. To select an area, the property or
the region has to be selected from the list and the condition has to be set with the operator
(the proper operator has to be selected from the list) and the corresponding value (which
has to be entered in the corresponding field). This option can be particularly useful when
a Net-To-Gross property is defined: a variogram containing only reservoir data can be
computed using the condition NTG = 1;;
• Filter by Layers. If this option allows to compute the variogram by layers. So the pairs of
points used for the computation will lay within the same layer;
• Facies. Available for discrete properties. List of available categories (facies types). To
select a category for the computation, the box in front of it has to be checked. Please
note that in order to properly compute blocked wells and variograms by blocked wells,
the log template has to be properly set (see Select a log template). If the template is not
set, the facies categories will not be available for the computation. Note also that this
computation will allow to create as many variograms as used facies;
• Variogram Model Type. Selection of the variogram type (cf. Variogram model type de-
• Variogram Model Type. Selection of the variogram type (cf. Variogram model type de-
• Anisotropy. Selection of the anisotropy type (Plane or Spatial). If the anisotropy is a plane
one, the vertical variogram will not be computed.
• 2D Variograms. Parameters which concern the 2D variogram (along X and Y axis) which
will be computed. The following settings are available:
◦ Same Parameters for All Axes. This option allows to set the same parameters along
X and Y axis;
◦ X Correlation Radius. Distance between the wells (data points). Points separated
by distances exceeding the assigned radius are excluded from the 2D variogram
construction. If the distance between the data points is within the radius, the points
are included in the variogram computation;
• Range. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve. Corresponds to the
point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Sill. Height of the near-straight-line section of the curve. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Nugget Effect. Value of the variogram at the origin. The nugget effect can be due to
measurement errors or to variations at microscales (inferior to the sampling distances).
The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit
the experimental variogram curve to the points.
• Azimuth. Sets the azimuth of the main anisotropy direction (angle between the direction
and X axis). This estimation can be based on the result obtained by 2D variogram com-
putation. The azimuth has to be chosen in order to accurately characterize the variability;
• Range Main. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve displaying the
variogram build along the main direction (given by the azimuth). Corresponds to the
point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the
corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve
to the points;
• Range Normal. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve displaying the
variogram build along the normal direction (orthogonal to the main one). Corresponds
to the point where the curve has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in
the corresponding field or the cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram
curve to the points;
• Range Vertical. Starting point of the near-straight-line section of the curve displaying the
variogram build along the vertical direction. Corresponds to the point where the curve
has reached 95% of the sill. The value can be entered in the corresponding field or the
cursor can be moved to fit the experimental variogram curve to the points.
• Zones, Regions. If Discrete Property is ticked, the lists of discrete properties and
corresponding categories are available. The variograms and the VPC will be calculated
for the blocks situated within the volume defined by these filters. Up to 2 discrete
properties can be chosen. To be available in the filter, a discrete template has to be
assigned to the property;
• Facies. If a discrete template is assigned to the blocked wells which is selected in Data
Analysis, the corresponding categories are displayed. All the settings which will be
performed in the Variogram and VPC tabs will be done for the selected category;
• Variogram. This tab allows to calculate a variogram for each category selected in
Facies and for the volumes defined in the Zones, Regions. These variograms will
then be available in the Facies Analysis (Zones, Regions) and Property Interpolation
(Zones, Regions)calculations:
39. Graphs
Designer contains advanced tools to work with graphs, including:
The Graph calculator button on the right panel allows the creation of custom graphs
(see 39.1. Graph calculator).
Figure 117. Plot representing the XY plan. The direction of computation is defined by its
azimuth, the points which are taken into account are defined by the tolerance, the discretization
is represented by the number of intervals. The points which are taken into account are then
ploted on the 1D variogram
Figure 118. A) Discrete property filter definition, B) Variogram parameters setting, C) Blocked
Wells facies categories. Selection of the category for which the settings are performed, D)
Display of the 1D and 2D variograms. The Range, Sill, Nugget, Azimuth and Type parameters
can be changed manually, E) List of objects for the data analysis: Variograms and Blocked
Wells .
Figure 119. Example of VPC curve for the sands facies displayed for the Zone 2. Only the
layers 0-9 are displayed.
For usage examples see the training tutorial COMMON1.4. How to use
Graph Calculator Python.
The graph calculator should not be confused with the custom code function-
ality in workflows (see 40.5), which also allows the execution of arbitraty
Python code. They are executed in different scopes, even though some global
functions and data structures are common for both.
Graph calculator is also available in the Advanced History Matching GUI, where it allows
using the calculated graphs as target function for optimization, and also in the simulator GUI.
Text editor of the graph calculator window allows entering of arbitrary code in Python. The
code is executed upon pressing Calculate. Importing standard libraries using import <name>
is possible (see also Importing libraries). Python console output is directed to the window
below and can be used for debug purposes.
An arbitrary number of user scripts can be created and managed using buttons Add /
Delete. They are saved as separate *.py files at snf/GraphCalculator/ when the project
is saved, but are not included in the exported graph templates.
For the resulting graphs to appear in the user interface, they have to be passed through
the export() function (see below). A script may contain arbitrarily many export statements.
Once a script with proper export statements has been executed, the resulting graph appears
in the list of User graphs of the template (see figure 121) and can be selected for display
individually or in combination with other graphs. Its name and dimension are specified in the
export statement. Whether it will appear for Field, Group, Well, FIP, or Connection object is
determined by its type, which in turn is determined by its declaration (see below graph func-
tion under Global functions) or by the type of the graph(s) it was derived from. Inconsistency
in these types may lead to an error in the script.
If a script does not export any graphs, its execution triggers a warning that suggests
to use the Auto Export Graph button. Upon pressing this button, an export statement is
automatically added after the last line of code. The variable used in the last assignment
operator is passed to export() as an argument. Sometimes the calculator may be used just for
some cursory calculations while displaying the result via the console output window, without
exporting any graphs. In this case the warning may be ignored.
Note that user graphs from other scripts, including those defined in the same
template, are not accessible from the code by their names. You may, however,
produce multiple user graphs from a single script.
For example, wopr[m1,w1,t1] returns a single value of oil rate for the well w1 in the
model m1 at timestep t1. The indexing elements may be entered in arbitrary order (so that
wopr[t1,w1,m1] is equivalent to the example above). An expression where only a part of the
indexes is specified returns the corresponding subset of the graph. For example, wopr[m1,
w1] returns a graph containing oil rates for the well w1 in the model m1 at all timesteps.
The code may include predefined objects (field, wells, groups, time steps, connections and
FIP regions). For treating these objects, the following properties and functions are defined and
accessible on the right panel:
Code fragments presented here and below are merely illustrations
of syntax. They are not self-sufficient and not intended to work if
copied-and-pasted to the calculator "as is". For the ready-to-use
examples see Usage examples.
◦ .connections is a property which is an iterator object containing the well’s connec-
Usage example: for c in w1.connections: hdo somethingi
◦ .is_producer() (no arguments) returns a time-dependent graph that casts to boolean
True when the well is a producer, and to False otherwise.
Usage example: if w1.is_producer(): hdo somethingi
◦ .is_opened() (no arguments) returns a time-dependent graph that casts to boolean
True when the well is open, and to False otherwise.
Usage example: if w1.is_opened(): hdo somethingi
◦ .is_stopped() (no arguments) returns a time-dependent graph that casts to boolean
True when the well is stopped, and to False otherwise.
Usage example: if w1.is_stopped(): hdo somethingi
◦ .is_shut() (no arguments) returns a time-dependent graph that casts to boolean True
when the well is shut, and to False otherwise.
Usage example: if w1.is_shut(): hdo somethingi
◦ .get_connections_from_branch(<branch ID>) returns an iterator object containing
the well’s connections from the specified branch. Zero value of the argument spec-
ifies the main (or the only) branch.
Usage example: for c in w1.get_connections_from_branch(1): hdo somethingi
• Add group function
Group object represents a group of wells and has the following accessible properties:
◦ .name is a property containing the name of this group.
Usage example: s1 =
◦ .wells is a property which is an iterator object containing the wells of this group.
Usage example: for w in g1.wells: hdo somethingi
◦ .name is a property containing the model name (relevant when the results of multiple
model calculations are loaded).
Usage example: s1 =
◦ .name is a property containing the calendar representation of this time step object
according to the template (selected from the dropdown list in the Date format
field below).
Usage example: s1 =
◦ .name is a property containing the name of the region (combined from the family
name and region number).
Usage example: s1 =
◦ .family is a property containing the name of the family that contains this region.
Usage example: s1 =
◦ .number is a property containing the number of the region in the family.
Usage example: i = reg1.number
◦ diff(<series>) performs numeric differentiation of the time series, that is, return the
series of differences of successive values.
Usage example: graph2 = diff(graph1)
In this example we are calculating oil totals per time step from oil totals:
465, 1165, 2188, 3418, 4968 . . . → 465, 700, 1023, 1230, 1550 . . .
◦ diff_t(<series>) is the same as diff, only the results are divided by the time step
length in days. Usage example: graph2 = diff_t(graph1)
In this example we are calculating oil rates from oil totals. Let the time steps
represent months and have the duration of 31, 28, 31, 30, 31... days. Then:
◦ cum_sum(<series>) performs numeric integration of the time series, that is, returns
the series of sums.
Usage example: graph3 = cum_sum(graph1)
In this example we are calculating oil totals from oil totals per time step:
465, 700, 1023, 1230, 1550 . . . → 465, 1165, 2188, 3418, 4968 . . .
Most manipulations with Python datetime object re-
quire to load the corresponding external library before-
hand (see Importing libraries). This is done as follows:
from datetime import datetime
◦ create_table_vs_time(<array>) returns a graph containing a piecewise linear ap-
proximation of the given time series. The series must be represented by an array
of two-element tuples (date,value). Here the date must be a Python object of the
type date or datetime.
Usage example:
oil_price_list = []
oil_price_list.append((date(2014,1,1), 96.3))
oil_price_list.append((date(2015,1,1), 49.5))
oil_price_list.append((date(2016,1,1), 40.7))
oil_price = create_table_vs_time(oil_price_list)
Here we build a graph of oil prices. For maximum clarity, the array is prepared by
adding elements one by one.
◦ get_wells_by_mask(<mask>) returns an iterator object containing wells that match
the given name mask. The mask may contain wildcards: ? means any character, *
◦ get_project_folder() (no arguments) returns the full path to the folder containing
the current model, which you might need in order to write something to a file.
Usage example: path = get_project_folder()
◦ get_project_name() (no arguments) returns the file name of the current model with-
out an extension.
Usage example: fn = get_project_name()
◦ get_all_fip_regions() (no arguments) returns an iterator object containing all FIP
regions of all families.
Usage example: for reg in get_all_fip_regions(): hdo somethingi
◦ get_fip_regions_from_family(<family name>) returns an iterator object containing
all FIP regions of the given family.
Usage example: for reg in get_fip_regions_from_family('FIPNUM'): hdo somethingi
◦ get_fip_region(<family name>, <number>) returns a FIP region by its family name
and number.
Usage example: reg = get_fip_region('FIPNUM', 1)
◦ export(<expression>,name='<name>',units='<units>') exports the given expres-
sion to the user graph, while specifying its name and (optionally) units of mea-
The expression should evaluate to a graph object, otherwise an error will occur.
Units should be specified by the mnemonic name which can be selected from a
dropdown list to the right.
Usage example: export(w1, name='graph1')
◦ graph(type='<type>',default_value=<value>) initializes a graph of the given type
(field, well, group, conn for connections, or fip for FIP regions) and fills it with
the given default values.
Usage example: tmp = graph(type='field', default_value=1)
5.1. Check Use External Python Library and enter the path to Python36.dll (or sim-
ilar) from the new instance of Python.
5.2. If needed, check Select path to python modules and enter the path to imported
Python modules. Multiple semicolon-separated locations can be specified.
Example 1
Suppose we want to find the amount of oil accumulated by each well during certain time
interval, or (depending on time) during the portion of that interval that has already passed.
The script proceeds as follows:
1. Create a graph (x) that equals oil rate (wopr) within the time range of interest, and
0 otherwise. To do so, we compare time (measured in days since the start) with the
borders obtained elsewhere, and then have the resulting boolean values implicitly cast
to integers: True to 1 and False to 0.
x = wopr * (time >= 215) * (time <= 550)
w1 = cum_sum_t(x)
export (w1, name = 'PeriodProd', units = "liquid_surface_volume")
Example 2
Suppose we want to see what portion of the well’s oil rate comes from the layers with
70 6 k < 100.
This is possible in the simulator or Model Designer GUI, where the graph
calculator has access to the data on individual connections, but not in the
The script proceeds as follows:
1. Initialize a temporary data structure (tmp) of the appropriate type (graph in the Well
context) and fill it with 0;
3. Export the temporary array divided by the array of total oil rate values for the wells (the
division of graphs is applied elementwise, that is, a sum over connections of any well
is divided by the rate of the same well).
tmp = graph(type='well', default_value=0)
for c in get_all_connections():
if c.k in range(70,100):
tmp[c.well] += copr[c]
export(tmp/wopr, name='wopr_layer2')
! Pay attention to the spaces at the beginning of the lines. They are essential
to Python syntax, and are easily lost during copying-and-pasting.
Example 3
Suppose we want to calculate the average oil rate over a certain subset of wells (those
with names starting with 'WELL3') and compare it with the historic data, which are stored in
a file elsewhere. The deviation will then be used as an objective function for matching. The
script proceeds as follows:
1. Import the standard datetime library which allows handling dates with more agility.
2. Call the avg function and feed to it the iterator over the required subset of wells, so as
to obtain the desired average (obs).
3. Locate the file input.txt in the model folder and open it for reading.
4. Transform the array of file lines into the array of tuples (string,value).
6. Build the interpolation graph from the obtained array in the file (hist).
from datetime import datetime
obs = wopr.avg (objects = get_wells_by_mask ('WELL3*'))
inpf = open(get_project_folder()+'/input.txt', 'r')
raw = [(line.split()[0],float(line.split()[1])) for line in inpf]
arr = [(datetime.strptime(x[0], '%d.%m.%Y'),x[1]) for x in raw]
hist = create_table_vs_time(arr)
export((obs - hist)**2, name='fuobj')
Example 4
Suppose we have the graphs of historic bottom hole pressure measured only at some
points; the rest is filled with 0. We want to interpolate those for the entire time range. The
script proceeds as follows:
1. Initialize a temporary data structure (tmp) of the appropriate type (graph in the Well
context) and fill it with 0;
tmp = graph (type = 'well', default_value = 0)
for m in get_all_models():
for w in get_all_wells():
current = wbhph[m,w]
observed = []
for t in get_all_timesteps():
if current[t] > 0:
observed.append ((t.to_datetime(), current[t]))
if len (observed) >= 2:
tmp[m,w] = create_table_vs_time(observed)
export(tmp, name='interpolated_wbhph')
40. Workflows
All of the Designer modules in tNavigator support Python based workflows. This feature
enables users to record and replay sequences of functional steps for: input data interpretation,
building static models, dynamic simulations, postprocessing of results, uncertainty analysis or
history matching. Workflows can also be used for connecting various modules of tNavigator,
calling external user scripts and third-party software like Excel™.
For example, one could set up an arbitrary user defined workflow, which would include
step-by-step building of a structural model in Geology Designer followed by snapping seis-
mic surfaces to match markers, grid generation, upscaling, SGS property interpolation and
dynamic model initialization with static and dynamic uncertainty variables. This static-to-
simulation workflow can be run from the Assisted History Matching module and provide
comprehensive sensitivity analysis of simulation results with respect to variations of static
and dynamic parameters.
Besides that, any sequence of actions with geometry objects in the interface may be
recorded as workflow. To do so, unfold Document in the top menu and check Record actions
to current workflow. While it remains checked, all actions will be recorded.
respect the #region...#endregion comment lines. Though ignored by Python, they are
important for the preprocessing routine.
To edit a workflow, open the Calculations and Workflows window, which may be ac-
cessed either from the top menu (Document → Workflows) or via the keyboard shortcut
The top panel of the window contains interface for handling workflows, including the
following elements:
• Dropdown list lets you select a workflow among those present in the project.
• creates certain special calculations (Discrete cosine transform (DCT) algorithm, etc.)
The left column of the window contains all available calculations. In particular, these
include import, modification, and export of all geometry objects, and also of the model as a
The list of available actions is split into the following groups:
• Import includes all kinds of functions for importing various objects. Several calculations
can only be invoked from workflows and not from GUI, in particular, the import of
well trajectories (see 6.2.8), well logs (see 9.1.5), and well history (see 34.1.5) from
• Auxiliary Calculations deals with variograms, Voronoi regions, statistic tables, etc.
• Structural Modeling deals with grids, faults, horizons, and other elements of structural
• Dynamic Model contains various operations with dynamic model, including attachment
and detachment of properties and features.
• Export includes all kinds of functions for exporting various objects. Besides that, there is
a special feature Open Dynamic Model.
• Schedule contains schedule operations dealing with well and group control, etc.
◦ Switch Window selects a window by the specified name and makes it active.
◦ Select Geometry Object selects an existing object by the specified name and shows
or hides it in the graphical area.
◦ Pause Workflow stops the execution of the current workflow (for example, to view
and check the results manually).
◦ Create Screenshot creates a screenshot of tNavigator and saves it to the specified
◦ Switch Time Step moves the time slider to the specified step.
◦ Add Page to Print prepares the specified window for printing.
The middle column of the window contains the calculations already added to the current
workflow. They can be executed all together or in a selective manner, see Running workflow.
Besides those, it contains the list of model variables, see Creating variables.
Between these columns is the interface for handling individual calculations, including the
following elements:
• Up, Down move the selected calculation up and down the sequence within the
current workflow.
• Show code displays a read-only Python source code of the selected calculation.
The right column of the window contains the parameters of the currently selected calcula-
• Module functions
The custom code functionality should not be confused with the graph
calculator (see 39.1), which also allows the execution of arbitraty Python
code. They are executed in different scopes, even though some global
functions and data structures are common for both.
• Workflows
Contains the list of available workflows. Each of them may be selected to be started
from the current workfow.
• Fracture Table
• Rectangle
• Table
• Well
• Well Log
• Calculation. Type the variable name instead of any parameter value. For example, in
the calculation Adjust Variogram variogram’s Azimuth and Ranges are replaced by
variables (see figure 126). An initial variable value is shown to the right. In the calcula-
tion Adjust Analytical RP Table all parameters specified via variables are shown with
green color.
From Geology and Model Designer the AHM module can be launched using two ways:
• Using a table.
This way can be used for the uncertainties analysis of model’s properties and the sensi-
tivity analysis of variables to volumes of fluid in place. In this case it is not necessary
to build full hydrodynamic model.
In workflow it is required to specify variables and use them in calculations of volumes
in place. Create a statistic table. The creation of the statistic table should be the last
action in the workflow list. When launching the AHM module select Use table and an
appropriate table.
• there is no universal way to subdivide the model grid into regions, therefore it is not
clear how to choose these regions;
• the geological structure of the model can be violated since the property values in differ-
ent regions are multiplied by different independent multipliers.
tNavigator implements another approach based on the discrete cosine transform (DCT)
algorithm. This approach overcomes the above mentioned drawbacks, while using smaller
number of variables.
41.1. Use of Discrete Fourier transform algorithm for history matching 453
lcomp = ∑ 0 li j
|ci |2
E(li ) = × 100%.
∑l j ∈Ω |c j |2
Then the relative information weight for the set of vectors Ω = {li1 , li2 , ..., liN 0 } is calculated
E(N ) = ∑ E(li j )
and shows a portion of data (in comparison with all property data) containing in the set Ω. The
relative information weight is a function of number N 0 . The steep increase of E(N 0 ) function
with N 0 increase means that property data contain in a smaller number of coefficients (data
are well correlated) and definition of smaller number of variables is required. A flat E(N 0 )
function indicates that many coefficients are required to reproduce main features of property,
i.e. many variables should be defined in a model.
New model variables are multipliers W1 , W2 , ... Decomposition terms with largest relative
information weight and multiplied by W1 , W2 , ... are denoted as {l˜1 , l˜2 , ..., l˜k }. A portion of
relative information weight (i.e. a portion of data) containing in this set of vectors is equal to
Evariation (specified by the option Variation).
Let a set of vectors {l˜1 , l˜2 , ..., l˜k } is the first k vectors from a set Ω = {li1 , li2 , ..., liN 0 } and a
sum of relative weights of k vectors is higher than Evariation . If a value of Evariation (specified
by the option Variation) is equal to 100% then all vectors form a Ω set will be selected as k
vectors set.
The required number of model variables is denoted as Nvar (and specified by the option
Number of output variables). If the number of vectors with large relative weights k is larger
than number of variables Nvar , then a set of vectors {l˜1 , l˜2 , ..., l˜k } is subdivided into Nvar
number of groups Gi consisting of consecutive vectors in such way that for each group the
relative information weight should be of the same order. The multiplier Wi is assigned to each
group, and all vectors from a group will be multiplied by this multiplier.
Thus the decomposition (41.1) can be rewritten as:
Nvar N0 Nvar
m = l˜1 + ∑ Wi ∑ l˜j + ∑ li j + lcomp = mMean + ∑ Wi mi + mnoise + lcomp
i=1 l˜j ∈Gi j=k+1 i=1
1. Import the model to Model Designer: go to the top menu Document and select Import
Data from Existing Model;
2. Create a hydrodynamic model by pressing on the top panel button Open Dynamic
4. Press the button and select Expand Grid Property in Cosines (see figure 128).
The following parameters should be specified:
5. After completion of discrete cosine transform several properties containing mean value
(mMean ), terms of decomposition (mi ) and rest of data (mrest ) will be generated on
the tab Geometry Objects. Property (see figure 129). Created variables and an arith-
metic expression used for history matching are shown on the tab Input variables and
Calculator, respectively;
6. Select Input variables (see figure 130). Created decomposion variables will be shown
to the right. Their base, Min. and Max values can be changed by double-clicking on the
selected value;
7. Select Calculator (see figure 131) the decomposition formula is shown to the right;
Figure 129. Obtained DCT properties: permX_Mean contains mean value, properties that
are terms of decomposition permX_1, permX_2 and permX_3, rest of data permX_rest .
8. To run history matching form the Model Designer window press the button .
The number of output variables can be less than Nvar . This may happen when
relative weights of vectors {l˜1 , l˜2 , ..., l˜k } are very high and the number of
vectors k is less than Nvar .
This feature is also accessible as a procedure in workflow, see 40.2.
42. References
[1] Tarek Ahmed, Equations of State and PVT Analysis: Applications for Improved Reservoir Mod-
eling, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, 2007.
[2] Tarek Ahmed, Working Guide to Vapor-liquid Phase Equilibria Calculations, Elsevier, 2010.
[3] Pedersen, K. S., Christensen, P. L., Phase behavior of petroleum reservoir fluids, Taylor & Francis
Group, Boca Raton, USA, 2007.
[4] Hassan S. Naji, Characterizing Pure and Undefined Petroleum Components, IJET-IJENS, Vol:10
No:02, 2010, pp 28–48.
[5] Warren, J. E., and Price, H. S., Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media. Society of Petroleum
Engineers Journal, September 1961, pp. 153–169.
[6] N.S. Bahvalov, N.P. Zhidkov, G.M. Kobelkov, Numerical methods, M. «Nauka», 1987 [in russian]
[7] Clayton V. Deutsch, Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling, Oxford University Press, 2002
[9] S. D. Conte, Carl de Boor Elementary Numerical Analysis McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1980.
[10] J-P Chiles, P. Delfinder Geostatistics Modeling Spatial Uncertainty Wiley & Sons, Canada, 1999.
[11] V.V. Demianov, E.A. Savelieva Geostatistics theory and practice M. «Nauka», 2010 [in russian]
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