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Synopsis F

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A synopsis on


Submitted To
School Of Commerce and Management
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Nashik.
In partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Submitted By
PRN 2016017001238853
Under the Guidance of
Dr. A. I. Bhangale sir

The Coordinator

Study centre code:- 53113

Dhanaji Nana Mahavidyalay ,Faizpur,Dist Jalgaon (MH)

Working capital management or simply the management of capital
invested in current assets is the focus of my study. My topic is to study
working capital management of HCL Infosystems Ltd.

Working capital is the fund invested by a firm in current assets. Now in a

cut throat competitive era where each firm competes with each other to
increase their production and sales, holding of sufficient current assets have
become mandatory as current assets include inventories and raw materials
which are required for smooth production runs. Holding of sufficient current
assets will ensure smooth and un interrupted production but at the same time,
it will consume a lot of working capital. Here creeps the importance and need
of efficient working capital management.

Working capital management aims at managing capital assets at optimum

level, the level at which it will aid smooth running of production and also it will
involve investment of nominal working capital in capital assets.

For my study I have mainly gathered information by interacting with

executives and employees of HCL Infosystems.

Also I have gathered information from financial bulletin, annual reports and
company magazines.

With the valuable information and time imparted by executives and

employees to me and from the information’s gathered by me from secondary
sources, I have been able to make a complete analysis of the components of
working capital.

In the analysis of components of working capital, a detailed analysis of current

assets current liabilities have been done
Importance and Significance of the study:

General nature of business: The working capital requirements of an

enterprise depend upon the nature of the business. The proportion of current
assets to total assets measures the relative requirements of working capital of
various industries. Some peculiar features applicable in some industries
which have a bearing upon their working capital needs could be i) the cash
nature of business i.e. cash sale ii) sale of services rather than commodities.

Production cycle: Production cycle i.e. the time involved in the manufacture
of goods has also a bearing upon the quantum of working capital.

Business cycle: The working capital requirements are also determined by

the nature of the business cycle. Business fluctuations lead to cyclical and
seasonal changes which, in turn, cause a shift in the working capital position,
particularly for temporary working capital requirements.

Production policy: The quantum of working capital is also determined by

production policy. In case of certain lines of business, the demand for
products is seasonal, that is, they are purchased during certain months of the

Credit policy: The credit policy relating to sales and purchases also affects
the working capital in two ways: i) through credit terms granted by the firm to
its customers/ buyers of goods ii) credit terms available to the firm from its
creditors. The credit sales result in higher book debts. Higher book debts
mean more working capital.

Growth and expansion: As a company grows, it is obvious to expect a

larger amount of working capital. However, it is difficult to determine precisely
the relationship between the growth and volume of the business of a company
and the increase in its working capital. Advance planning of working capital is,
therefore, a continuing necessity for a growing concern.
Vagaries and availability of raw materials: In case of chances of
interruption of availability of certain raw materials on a continuous basis would
sometimes affect the requirement of working capital. There may be some
materials which cannot be procured easily either because of their sources are
few or they are irregular. Hence to sustain smooth production, therefore, the
firm might be compelled to purchase and stock them far in excess of genuine
production needs. This will result in excessive inventories of such materials.
Also some raw materials may be available only during certain seasons. They
would have to be necessarily obtained, when available, to provide for a period
when supplies are lean.

Profit Level: The net profit is a source of working capital to the extent it has
been earned in cash.

Price level changes: Changes in price level also affects the requirement of
working capital. Rise in prices necessitate the use of more funds for
maintaining an existing level of activity. For the same level of current assts,
higher cash outlays are required. The effect is that higher working capital is
required. However, if the firm is able to increase the prices proportionately,
there is no serious problem as regards working capital.

Operating Efficiency: The operating efficiency of the management is also an

important determinant level of working capital. The management can
contribute to a sound working position through operating efficiency. Although
the management cannot control the rise in prices, it can ensure the efficient
utilization of resources by eliminating waste, improving co-ordination, and a
fuller utilization of existing resources, and so on.

Methodology includes the overall research procedures, which are followed in

the research study. This includes Research design, the sampling procedures,
and the data collection method and analysis procedures. To broad
methodologies can be used to answer any research question-experimental
research and non-experimental research. The major difference between the
two methodologies lies in the control of extraneous variables by the
intervention of the investigator in the experimental research.


A research design is defined, as the specification of methods and procedures

for acquiring the Information needed. It is a plant or organizing framework for
doing the study and collecting the data. Designing a research plan requires
decisions all the data sources, research approaches, Research instruments,
sampling plan and contact methods.


1. Exploratory research.
2. Descriptive studies
3. Casual studies

The major purposes of exploratory studies are the identification of problems,
the more precise Formulation of problems and the formulations of new
alternative courses of action. The design of exploratory studies is
characterized by a great amount of flexibility and ad-hoc veracity.
Descriptive research in contrast to exploratory research is marked by the prior
formulation of specific research Questions. The investigator already knows a
substantial amount about the research problem. Perhaps as a Result of an
exploratory study, before the project is initiated. Descriptive research is also
characterized by a Preplanned and structured design.



These data are collected first time as original data. The data is recorded as
observed or encountered. Essentially they are raw materials. They may be
combined, totaled but they have not extensively been statistically processed.
For example, data obtained by the peoples.

The Secondary data collected has been collected from books, journals,
broachers, internet and other secondary sources.

 Official Publications,

 Publications Relating to Trade

 Journal/ Newspapers etc

 Industry Associations:


From this project we shave a broad knowledge on different aspects of

working capital management. Some of the aspects of working capital
management are:

 To study Concepts of working capital management.

 To study Need of working capital.
 To study Types of working capital management
 To study Operating cycle or working capital cycle
 To study Factors affecting working capital requirements.

 The working Capital is sufficient of HCL INFOSYSTEM LTD.
 The Working Capital fulfil the needs of HCL INFOSYSTEM LTD.


The topic working capital management is itself a very vast topic yet very
important also. Due to time restraints it was not possible to study in depth in
get knowledge what practices are followed at HCL Infosystems. Nevertheless,
many facts and data are such that they are not to be disclosed because of the
confidential nature of the same. Hence because of that I cannot express any
opinions upon various issues which itself limits the scope of my study.
However I have tried to give an understanding of Working capital
management in as much as detail as possible.

 Sales are decreasing during the year 2006-07. Hence profitability has
declined over this time period

 Due to increase in the time period for the realization of debtors, cash and bank
balance has decreased.

 Stock turn over ratio is decreasing, it shows that capital is blocked into the inventory.

 Fixed asset turnover ratio has decreased this year, which shows that assets have not
been used efficiently as they had been used in the previous year.

All the above ratios show a decreased or unfavorable situation because of the
work of entire replacement of coolant channel, due to which the production process
had been stopped.

1.1 Introduction of the problem.
1.2 Title of the project.
1.3 Executive Summary
1.4 Background of the problem undertaken.
1.5 Rationale of the study.
1.6 Limitations and Scope of the study.
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Data Collection Instrument
4.1 Review of Literature Working Capital Management.
4.2 Finding Analysis
4.3 Working Capital Financing.
4.4 Cash Management.
4.5 Receivables Management.
4.6 Inventory Management.
4.7 HCL Infosystems Ltd.
Conclusion and Recommendation


1. Khan and Jain Financial Management.

2. ICAI’s Module.


1. Business World
2. Business Today
3. The Economic Times
4. The Hindu Business Standard Lines
5. The Times of India


 www.financehcl.com
 www.hcleconomic.org
 www.google.com
 www.hclinfosystems.com

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