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Dialogue On Waste Management and Recycling: December - 2011 Orissa Review

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December - 2011 Orissa Review

Dialogue on Waste Management and Recycling

Prof. (Dr.) Suryamani Behera

Definition: Waste is a substance or raw material wastes etc. cause soil and water pollution to a
which is unfit at a particular place but can be great extent.
converted into useful products by using suitable
Scope of discussion : Realising the impact of
technology or using new processes.
environmental pollution and threat to our survival,
Source : Main two important sources are (due to population growth and over
(1) Domestic wastes & (2) Industrial wastes. But industrialization) innovative thinking and action
such wastes may be in liquid, solid and gaseous came into operation for reutilization, recycling,
state. Categories like urban wastes (Garbage), renovation and recharge of waste materials.
Agricultural wastes, Biological wastes, Radio Principle of Recycling and various Methods :
active wastes etc. are cited as examples under The principle of recycling involves one inevitable
the above two sources. condition i.e. separation of each waste. Collection,
separation, processing and marketing of the
Disposal (Traditional method) : Disposal of finished products are the main steps in recycling
waste materials are generally done either by any waste material.
burning, burying or land filling. In some places
incineration processes are also followed. METHODS OF SEPARATION OF EACH
Concern to Such disposal : Waste materials
disposed off either by burning, land filling or 1. Separation of Volatile Compounds - The
burying cause soil, water and air pollution. technique involves the tainted water which is
pumped up through a column down which flows
Waste materials after burning though with a current of air. This stripping removes a part
reduce the volume and weight yet emit of volatile contaminants. Steam can also be used
appreciable amount of smoke alongwith lead, instead of air. To clean soil contaminated with
cadmium, mercury and other toxic substances into volatile organics, air is drawn through by creating
air and thereby air pollution is caused. vacuum at many holes drilled into it. The volatile
organics so stripped off can then be burnt or used
Burying or land filling of waste materials in manufacturing processes if they are not very
(domestic wastes, Industrial wastes, Agricultural complex in nature.

Orissa Review December - 2011

Porous activated charcoal can effectively burning of these materials often produces smoke
be used to absorb all organics. Any remaining and toxic vapours like sulphur dioxide, hydrogen
organic component, if harmful, is inactivated by peroxide, dioxins and carbon dioxide etc. adding
chemical treatment. to the already existing air pollution. Moreover,
incineration reduces only 30% of the total volume
2. Separation of Water soluble Compounds - of waste.
Water soluble organics, including inorganic soluble
salts and acids can be washed off from In USA, the diapers drew attention
contaminated soil wastes adhered to it with water. because their disposal forms a major bulk of
Some organic wastes can be removed using other domestic wastes and being synthetic are potential
solvents which dissolve them, provided that the polluters when itinerated.
precious solvent is easily available, cheap and is
in plenty. (b) Thermal Pyrolysis - In thermal pyrolysis,
the solid wastes are heated to a very high
3. Other solid organic waste need, however, temperature (600-8000 C) but in a very sparse
different strategies. Most of these are reduced to air or oxygen so that they do not burn completely
a manageable waste by incineration or thermal but only smoulder. The pyrolysis product
pyrolysis. resembles to that of charcoal. It can be used in
fuel provided that -its burning does not produce
(a) Incineration - The technique involves burning
any harmful gas. Rubber tyres and synthetic
of wastes to a very high temperature probably
polymers etc., when burnt produce extremely
above 2000 C. Incineration is most advantageous
polluting smoke posing air pollution. However, if
because the bulk of solid waste can be reduced
these items are pyrolysed, they can be reduced
to a small volume of ash. The heat so produced
during incineration can be used to raise steam for to manageable wastes. This method does not
turbines producing electricity. However, the reduce the waste bulk to a pittance like
process is not without drawback which are as
follows. Cost Effectiveness - None of these methods
(i) For incineration to be successful the waste of waste disposal are as cheap as burning dung
should contain enough things that burn creating cakes. Incineration of wastes is a very costly affair
no air pollution problems. often requiring crores of rupees as investment and
high technical expertise so that all such burns,
(ii) Sometimes the bulk of wastes is as low in without causing any further pollution. An
calorific - content an indicator of their burning alternative method contemplated to render organic
ability- that they do not burn at all. wastes into non-toxic constituents seems to be
Disadvantages of Incineration in developed
countries - The problem concerning incineration 4. Bioremediation - This approach envisages
in western countries is different from the hiring help from bacteria to convert toxic
developing ones. Their solid wastes are so compounds into either useful industrial products
cluttered with plastics, papers, synthetic polymers or harmless wastes. Here solid waste is imposed,
that incineration is not a problem at all. But the similar to that of producing farm manure. The

December - 2011 Orissa Review

technique involves microbial help to turn municipal reducing the bulk as well as its toxicity. Some
wastes into fertilizers or soil-reinforcing products. waste components can be easily recycled and
Liberation of gas by these is also on the anvil. reused.
Although bio-remediation is cheap but enough
time consuming. Also many synthetic polymers Recycling of Complex Soil Pollutants - (The
like plastics are so novel that there exist no Paper, Plastics and Petroleum Products) - Today
microbes which can degrade all of them it is the perennial persistence of papers, plastics
completely. and petroleum products that is the main reason
behind increase in wastes. Every new bit has to
5. Bio-Technological Approach - Recently the be given a new place. Japan, a small country
giant steps taken by biotechnology research, annually produces so much waste materials that
especially in genetic engineering, have to some could fill 125 football stadia. Of this half garbage
extent come to help. Now several genetically is composed of papers. It is therefore not
engineered bacterial strains are available to surprising that recycling of paper, plastic, glass,
decompose complex organic compounds which metals and organics is the main issue today.
were considered to be non biodegradable. Efforts
are also made to synthesize such bio-degradable Recycling of Paper - The waste can be
plastics, which are easily palatable to microbes. converted into useful products. Previously
recycling of old papers generated low-graded
6. Controlled Tipping - This remediation papers which can only be used in manufacturing
approach involves the use of familiar land- filling packing materials as cartons, corrugated boards
especially by controlled tipping (which can keep etc. Presently modifications in recycling are being
leachates at bay). The method is applied to a done to get a good quality paper for use even on
mixture of inorganic and organic solid wastes a Xerox machine. Japan recycles 40% of its
which do not budge to any other treatment. unwanted paper into new high grade one.
Dr. Aarne Vasilind have reported that recovery
7. Vitrification - The recent technique of one ton of paper saves about 17 trees from
vitrification aims at converting the solid wastes the axe which are the sources of virgin paper.
into a sort of glass in the place where they stand. Although the cost of manufacturing new paper
To accomplish this method electrodes are inserted from waste paper is more than making virgin paper
into the waste-heap and a very powerful electric directly, but the waste paper problem can be
current is passed through it. The strong heat so solved upto some extent.
produced melts glass, plastic, muck, mud and
other waste into a glass like solid. It can then be Recycling of Plastics - Plastics are extremely
dumped anywhere as it leaches very little. stable and appear difficult to treat, as they are
However, in this method care is taken to prevent polymers of very different molecules. Polythene
mingling of radioactive wastes with other organic tetrapthalate (PET), the material used in
compounds, as radioactivity remains in transparent plastic bottles is quite different from
whatsoever form the waste may be converted that of poly vinyl chloride (PVC) used in polythene
into. bags or in sturdy pipes or buckets.

8. Recycling and Reuse of Waste - Recycling Recycling PET picked from a waste-
envisages to reuse of most of the waste and dump though easy but not without risk. PET can

Orissa Review December - 2011

pick up several poisonous substances from the by poor, the buckets and vessels which are easily
waste-dump and slowly release them into any breakable. This large scale retrieval of burnable
drink or food stored in PET bottles. Torn plastics and papers has made the Indian refuse
polythene bags can be recycled only when they lowcalorific and non-burnable. Tin cans, scrap
are pure. iron-railings are other wastes which can be usefully
recycled in India. Thus the plastic recycling, which
Recycling PVC after retrieval from a is a problem in the west, is not so in our country.
waste dump does not produce better quality
plastic. It is hard, brittle and tough. Recycling of Glass - Glass in a perfect
recyclable product that can be used in a variety
Numerous synthetic varieties as tapes, of ways. But the preparation of glass from waste
photo films, hand bags etc. are quite different in is expensive than original glass manufacture.
their chemistry from the plastics of buckets, bins
and boats. Each variety of waste is separated Recycling of Metals - Recycling of metals from
according to its category and chemically metallic wastes, disposed metallic cans, metallic
restructured to recycle. Today, although many scraps and wrecked automobiles; is quite
countries are recycling much of throw out glass profitable and can be utilized in many other ways.
and paper but they are hesitant to recycle plastics.
Diapers too are non-biodegradable and non- Recycling of Organics - Organics contained in
recyclable. But scientists have not lost their hopes. solid wastes can be subjected to aerobic
decomposition. The product so formed is termed
Today, recent researches have enabled as compost which acts as an excellent soil
separation of metals and their retrieval from conditioner. However, in developed countries,
garbage when in minute quantities. Attempts have inorganic synthetic fertilizers are cheaper and
been made to reuse plastics in cassettes and films preferred over the compost manure.
as well as in producing high grade paper from
decayed old papers etc. Even plans to obtain a National Environmental Engineering
new variety of plastic by mixing various plastics Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur has
in wastes are providing fruitful results. developed a number of models for recycling waste
materials for our benefit. Ministry of Environment
Designing a Novel Molecule - Scientists are and Forest, Government of India, Ministry of Non
now designing a compatibiliser molecule which conventional Energy, Government of India, The
sticks together these different plastic molecules Akademy of Environmental Science, New Delhi
making the recycled plastic very durable. These have also extended helping hand since 1990.
comingled plastics with as much gloss and
sturdiness as the originals can be used in fence-
posts and car-bumpers etc.

Recycling of Plastic in India - Plastic recycling

in India does not seem to be an issue. Previously
hawkers have collected everything from paper to
plastic for recycling. It then can be used in making Prof. (Dr.) Suryamani Behera, Head, Department of
bright coloured plastic toys, hard slippers used Chemistry and Dean, Students Affairs.


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