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Le 3

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Kinematics – the geometric behavior of the robot.

Robot modeling – the dynamics Dynamics – full consideration of the forces / torques
necessary to produce the motion.

Lecture 3
Mikael Norrlöf

PhDCourse Robot modeling and control

Lecture 3

Up till now Why are the dynamic models so important?

§ Lecture 1 § Important in the manipulator design

Ÿ Introduction Ÿ Virtual prototyping
Ÿ Rigid body motion Ÿ Life time estimation
Ÿ Representation of rotation Ÿ Design optimization
Ÿ Homogenous transformation § Fundamental for control design
Ÿ Identification
§ Lecture 2 Ÿ Model based control
Ÿ Kinematics § “Must have” in optimal trajectory planning
• Position
§ …
• Jacobians
• DH parameterization

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Lecture 3 Lecture 3
Systematic ways to derive the dynamic equations Limitations

§ Analytical mechanics § Consider open chain robot structures

Ÿ Lagrange’s equation Ÿ This constraint can be relaxed …
Ÿ Newton – Euler iterative technique § Actuator dynamics are neglected (e.g., motors are
Ÿ Kane’s method assumed to be ideal, torque reference in – torque
Ÿ … out)
Joseph Louis Lagrange-
Isaac Newton
§ Graphic / Component modeling 1643 - 1727 Giuseppe Luigi Lagrange
1736 - 1813 Ÿ Can also be relaxed with an additional modeling effort
Ÿ Modelica Available
Ÿ SimMechanics
Ÿ …
§ FEM – modeling
§ …
Sir William Rowan Leonhard Euler
Hamilton 1707 - 1783
1805 - 1865
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Lecture 3 Lecture 3

Basic assumptions Constraint forces

Consider a system of n particles. Newton’s second law, § The constraints form a smooth surface in R3k
Fi = mi r&&i , ri Î R 3 ,i = 1,...,k § Constraint forces act to keep the system velocity tangent to
this surface – hence they are normal to the surface
The particles are connected. Introduce constraints Ÿ The constraint forces do not produce any work!
§ The system equations can be written as
g j ( r1 ,...,rk ) = 0 j = 1,...,l
æ m1I 0 öæ r&&i ö
ç ÷ç ÷ l
Holonomic constraint: Algebraic relation between positions. F =ç O ÷ç M ÷ + å Gj l j , g j ( r1 ,...,rk ) = 0 j = 1,...,l
ç 0 mk I ÷øçè r&&k ÷ø
j =1
Non holonomic constraints …
where G1, ..., Gk Î R3k are a basis for the constraint forces and
lj are scale factors.

Gj can be chosen as gradient of the constraints gj.

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Lecture 3 Lecture 3
Better system representation Virtual work

§ For a system of k particles with l constraints, find Principal of virtual work: “The work done by external forces
n = 3k – l variables q1, …, qn and functions f1, …, fk
corresponding to any set of virtual displacements is zero.”
ri = f i ( q1 ,..., qn ) g j ( r1 ,..., rk ) = 0 (Spong etal, p247)
i =1,..., k j = 1,...,l
qi are called generalized coordinates. k
åF i
dri = 0
§ Generalized forces are forces acting along the generalized r1 å F (ri ) =Fi = 0 i =1

å ( f ) dr = 0
coordinates. k
f 1( a ) (a) T
i i
Example: Robot manipulator with rotational joints. The i =1
generalized forces are torques acting around the joints. l

åf i
dri = 0
§ The dynamic equations can be expressed in terms of the new i =1
f 2( a ) r2

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Lecture 3 Lecture 3

Dynamic case (D’Alembert’s principle) Dynamic case (D’Alembert’s principle)

k k

i =1
dri - å p&
i =1
dri = 0
“if one introduces a
fictitious additional force - p& i
k k n n
fi on particle i for each i,
where pi is the
i =1
f i T dri = åå
i =1 j = 1
¶q j å
dq j = y j dq j
j =1
dr1 momentum of the particle, dr1
r1 å F (r ) =F = 0 then each particle will be r1 å F (r ) =F = 0 k
i i i i
in equilibrium” yj = i

f 1( a ) f 1( a ) i =1
¶q j

l l

f 2( a ) r2 f 2( a ) r2
dr2 dr2

PhDCourse Robot modeling and control PhDCourse Robot modeling and control
Lecture 3 Lecture 3
Dynamic case (D’Alembert’s principle) Dynamic case (D’Alembert’s principle)
¶ri å2mv
k k n 1
K= T
å p& i dri = åå mi &r&i dq j vi
T T i i

i =1 i =1 j =1 ¶q j i =1

k ì
¶ri ïd é ¶v ù ¶v üï
m &
= å
k ì
ï d é T ¶ri ù
í ê m &
r ú - m &
r T d
é ¶ri ù üï
ê úý
å mi &r&iT
i =1
= å í êmi viT i ú - mi viT i ý
¶q j i =1 ïî dt ëê ¶q& j ûú ¶q j ïþ
¶q j i =1 ïî dt ëê ¶q j ûú dt êë ¶q j ûú ïþ
i i i i i i
dr1 i =1 dr1
r1 å F (r ) =F = 0 r1 å F (r ) =F = 0 d ¶K ¶K
i i
¶v ¶r
i i
= -
vi = r&i = å i q& j Þ i = i dt ¶q& j ¶q j
j =1 ¶q j ¶q& j ¶q j
f 1( a ) f 1( a )

n ì
l d é ¶ri ù n ¶ 2 ri ¶ n
¶ri ¶v l k
ï d ¶K ¶K üï
ú=å q&l = å q&l = i å d = å - ýdq j
ê &
p r í
dt êë ¶q j úû l =1 ¶q j ¶ql ¶q j l =1 ¶ql ¶q j i =1
i i
j =1 ï
î dt ¶q& j ¶q j ïþ
k ì
¶ri ïd é ¶v ù ¶v üï ìï d ¶K üï
å mi &r&iT = å í êmi viT i ú - mi viT i ý ¶K

å íïî dt ¶q&
f 2( a ) r2 f 2( a ) r2
- - y j ýdq j = 0
dr2 i =1 ¶q j i =1 ïî dt êë ¶q& j úû ¶q j ïþ dr2
j =1 j ¶q j ïþ
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Lecture 3 Lecture 3

Lagrangian and Lagrange’s equation Hamilton’s principle

§ The Lagrangian is defined as Hamilton's principle states that the true evolution of a
system described by m generalized coordinates
L( q ,q& ) =K ( q , q& ) - P( q ) between two specified states and at two specified
Kinetic energy Potential energy times t1 and t2 is an extremum of the action functional
S ( q )= ò L( q ,q& )dt , ¶S ( q )= 0

§ Lagrange’s equation
t1 ¶q
d ¶L( q , q& ) ¶L( q , q& ) Trajectory q(t) is a stationary point of S. Assume e is a
- = t i , i = 1,..., n
dt ¶q&i ¶qi perturbation (0 at t1 and t2)
t2 t2
¶L ¶L
¶S = ò L( q + e ,q& + e& ) - L( q ,q& )dt = ò e + e& dt
§ Newton’s law in generalized coordinates t1 t1 ¶q ¶q&
d ¶L( q , q& ) ¶L( q , q& ) é ¶L ù æ ¶L d ¶L ö

= +t d
(momentum) = applied force = êe ú + ò e çç - ÷÷ dt
dt ¶q& ¶q dt ë ¶q& û t1 t1 è ¶q dt ¶q& ø
1424 3

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Lecture 3 Lecture 3
Example Kinetic and potential energy

§ Kinetic energy for body B

1 T 1
K= mr& r& + w T Iw c
2 2 B
m is the mass and I is the inertia r
§ Inertia tensor y
Ÿ 3x3 matrix
Ÿ Symmetric
Ÿ Positive definite
Ÿ Constant in a body fixed coordinate

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Lecture 3 Lecture 3

Inertia tensor Inertia tensor

§ Rotational part of K § Computation of the inertia

Ÿ w expressed in inertial tensor. r(x,y,z) is the mass
frame c B density as a function of c B
z z
Ÿ With Ib the inertia tensor in position.
r r
body fixed coordinate
system 0
y é I xx I xy I xz ù 0
w Iw = w T RI b R T w I = êê I yx I yz úú
I yy
x êë I zx I zx I zz úû x

PhDCourse Robot modeling and control PhDCourse Robot modeling and control
Lecture 3 Lecture 3
Example: Uniform rectangular solid Kinetic energy for an n-link manipulator

Body frame attached to center of gravity. From lecture 2 we know

where vi and wi can be for any point on the manipulator

(depends on the Jacobian).
The kinetic energy can now be expressed as

Notice that
rabc = m where D(q) is the inertia matrix.
Inertia of two bodies expressed in the same
coordinate frame can be added (subtracted) Properties: Symmetric and positive definite.

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Lecture 3 Lecture 3

Potential energy for an n-link manipulator Dynamic equations

In rigid dynamics, gravity is the only source of Lagrangian L = K - P = 12 å d ij ( q )q&i q& j - P( q )

i, j
potential energy.
n n Recall: Lagrange’s equation
P = å Pi = å mi g T rci
i =1 i =1 d ¶L( q , q& ) ¶L( q , q& )
- = t k , k = 1,..., n
dt ¶q& k ¶q k
If the robot contains elastic components the energy In terms of L above this gives
stored in the elasticities has to be included in the
¶L d ¶L ¶d kj
potential energy. = å d kj q& j Þ = å d kj q&& j + å q&i q& j
¶q& k j dt ¶q& k j i , j ¶qi

¶L 1 ¶d ij ¶P
= 2å q&i q& j -
¶qk i , j ¶q k ¶qk

PhDCourse Robot modeling and control PhDCourse Robot modeling and control
Lecture 3 Lecture 3
Dynamic equations, cont’d Dynamic equations, cont’d

ì ¶dkj 1 ¶dij ü ¶P In matrix form

å dkj q&&j + å í -2 ýq&i q& j + =tk
i , j î ¶qi ¶qk þ ¶qk
D( q )q&& + C( q ,q& )q& + g ( q ) = t

æ x ö æqö
ìï ¶d kj ¶d ki ¶d ij üï ¶P State space representation x& = f ( x ,u ), x = çç 1 ÷÷ = çç ÷÷
Þ å d kj q&& j + å í 1
+ - ýq&i q& j + =tk è x2 ø è q& ø
i , j ï ¶qi ¶ ¶ ï ¶
î q j q k þ qk
1444 424444 3
æ x&1 ö æ x2 ö
çç ÷÷ = çç -1 ÷÷
cijk = c jik è x& 2 ø è D ( x1 )(- C( x1 , x2 )x2 - g ( x1 ) + u )ø
Dynamic equations

å d kj q&& j + å cijk q&i q& j + g k = t k Extensions. Friction and joint flexibilities

j i,j
D( qa )q&&a + C( qa ,q& a )q& a + g( qa ) + fq& a = k ( qa - qm ) + d ( qa - qm )
Christoffel gravity Mq&&m + f m q& m = - k ( qa - qm ) - d ( qa - qm ) + t
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Lecture 3 Lecture 3

Some properties Newton-Euler

The following matrix is skew symmetric § Different approach to find the dynamic equations
§ A more local approach
N ( q ,q& ) = D& ( q ) - 2C( q ,q& )
Ÿ Each link is modeled separately
Ÿ Links interconnected, leads to a forward – backward iteration
The system is passive.

The inertia matrix is bounded (constant lower/upper

bound when only revolute joints)
lm I nxn £ D( q ) £ lM I nxn < ¥
Figure 7.12 form Spong etal.

Balance equations:

PhDCourse Robot modeling and control PhDCourse Robot modeling and control
Lecture 3 Lecture 3
Newton-Euler, cont’d Newton-Euler, cont’d

Figure 7.12 form Spong etal.

Figure 7.12 form Spong etal.

Solve from i = 0 to n
Balance equations:

§ Find fi and ti by solving the equations from fn+1= 0 and

tn+1 = 0.

PhDCourse Robot modeling and control PhDCourse Robot modeling and control
Lecture 3 Lecture 3

Newton-Euler vs Langrangian Home assignment, part I

§ From a blue-print of a robot (IRB1600-8/1.45) find a
Ÿ Kinematic model
§ Solves the same problem. Ÿ Assume the robot to consist of hollow uniform rectangular beams
§ Lagrangian technique gives the dynamic equations made out of metal (steel, aluminum, iron, …)
Ÿ Compute the inertia matrix for each link
“directly”. Ÿ Derive a dynamic model using for example Lagrange’s equation
§ Newton-Euler gives all torques / forces, not just the
generalized torques. Will be very important later … § The dynamic model can be restricted to 3-DOF while the
kinematics shall be derived for a full 6-DOF manipulator.
§ … § Inverse kinematic should be implemented (can be numerical)
§ Include gear-box in the model (gear ratio [-100 100 100 -60 -60
40]:1), motor inertia can be assumed to be 50 – 100 % link
inertia when transformed to the arm-side, i.e., after the gear-
§ Motor torque max, [6 10 5 0.6 0.6 0.5] Nm

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Lecture 3 Lecture 3
The robot in the assignment Kinematic data (pdf-files on the homepage)

A small/mid size robot

Main applications
• Arc Welding
• Machine tending
• Material handling
• Continuous processes

PhDCourse Robot modeling and control PhDCourse Robot modeling and control
Lecture 3 Lecture 3

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