Liturgy of Commissioning Forparish Pastoral Councils
Liturgy of Commissioning Forparish Pastoral Councils
Liturgy of Commissioning Forparish Pastoral Councils
– An example
This usually takes place within Mass following the homily. If there is already a Parish Pastoral Council in
existence, begin with A. If it is a brand new Parish Pastoral Council, go straight away to B and omit the words
in square brackets.
Presider: I invite those who have completed their term of office on our Parish Pastoral Council to come
Presider: On behalf of our parish community, I would like to thank you for your contribution to the work of
the Parish Pastoral Council. Please accept this token of our appreciation, and may you continue to respond
generously to your baptismal call by being of service to others.
Presider hands each person a gift (e.g. plaque or certificate) and invites the congregation to offer a round of
applause. He then hands each member a lighted candle.
Presider: You have worked to bring the light of Christ to our parish. This work now passes to others.
Presider: I [now] invite those who have been chosen to serve our community as [new] members of the Parish
Pastoral Council to come forward.
Names of [new] PPC members are read out as they move towards their places on the sanctuary, facing the
people. The priest stands to one side:
Presider: Each of you has been called from this Parish community to serve as a member of the Parish Pastoral
Council. Do you accept the responsibilities of parish leadership that we place on you?
PPC Members: We do.
Presider: Will you strive to be more like Christ so that you will be better able to serve his people?
PPC Members: We will.
Presider: May God bless and sustain you in the work you have taken on for this parish community. Be a
beacon of light in the life of the Church. Christ is the light of the world. Your task is to walk in the light of
Christ and to share it with others.
[Omit if it is a new PPC: The light that has been tended by these former members of the Parish
Pastoral Council now passes to you.]
May this candle remind you of our mission to let the light of Christ shine out for all to see.
The outgoing members of the PPC (or the presider, if it is a new PPC) present a lighted candle to each new
member saying:
Let your light shine before all.
New members:
We are grateful for the trust you are placing in us and accept this ministry within our community.
We pledge ourselves to serve you with joy, love and enthusiasm.
We will work to help to build the life of the Christian community in our Parish and Diocese.
We will try to be conscious of the needs of all our parishioners and to make Christ present for
everyone, following his example as one who served.
We ask your prayerful support, encouragement and insights as we commit ourselves to serve this
The priest invites the congregation to show their support in a round of applause. The new members then
return to their places.
The Prayers of Intercession might include a Prayer for the Pastoral Council members, their families
and for the grace to lead with dignity and courage.
A prayer of thanks for the work of the outgoing members might also be included.
A good sung response to each intercession would be:
“Through our lives and by our prayers” from the Iona Community, Laudate 552, Celebration
Hymnal for Everyone 421
Music Suggestions
The Lord is my light, my light and salvation (Taizé)
Christ be our light (Laudate 883)
Blessed are they (We are the light of the world) (Laudate 817)
Will you let me be your servant? (Celebration Hymnal for Everyone 813, Laudate 924, Hymns Old and
New “Liturgical” 186)
Many are the lightbeams (Celebration Hymnal for Everyone 481, Laudate 823)
Come! Live in the light! (Celebration Hymnal for Everyone 127)