Activity 2 - Week 2 Activities
Activity 2 - Week 2 Activities
Activity 2 - Week 2 Activities
Task 1.
Here is a brain exercise whose aim is to stimulate the connections or
associations between words in your temporal lobe. In the left column you have a pair of
words. Your goal is to find a third word that is connected or associated with both of
these two words. Example, the first pair is PIANO and LOCK. The answer is KEY. The
word key is connected with both the word piano and the word lock: there are KEYS on a
piano and you use a KEY to lock doors. There are items that may have more than one
answer. (5 points)
Task 2.
A big part of living is spent pondering many questions, and our lives become
more meaningful because we search for answers to these innumerable questions.
Following are questions that we ask more often in life. Convert and re-state the ordinary
questions into philosophical questions. The first item serves as the example: (10 points)
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community quarantine?”
Task 3.
What questions about your life are you struggling to find answers to? Write them
in the callout baloons. (10 points)
Throughout our lives, we have wondered about many things which lead us to ask a lot
of questions. By nature, human beings are inquisitive. We ask questions to try and
make sense of our world & experiences.
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Task 5.
Write a short reflection of about 150-200 words by providing answer to the point for
reflection. Choose one item for your reflection. (12 points)
1. Recall an experience of losing something valuable, perhaps money or your
favourite watch or cellular phone. What was the experience like? What was the
act of remembering like?
2. Recall a disappointment with a friend because of what he or she has done.
Where is the disappointment coming from?
3. Recall an instance that you also did the action that disappoint you. How does it
feel? Is it painful? Is it liberating?
Task 6.
Answer briefly the following questions. Write your answers in the box provided
(15 points)
3. Do you agree that only the human person is capable of reflecting? Why or why
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Challenge Yourself
Task 8 and 9.
You are provided with a short set of questions you need to briefly reflect on. You
will record your answers by choosing three questions only.
What was the most important thing you learned during this class? Or, The
clearest point of today’s class was:
What questions remained unanswered? Or, Something that confused me or I
want clarified) was:
Summarize the main point of today’s lecture in one sentence.
What was the most useful or meaningful thing you learned from this
In your own words, explain the major point in this assignment.
Write the question related to this assignment that you would like to have
answered in class.
How I prepared for class today:
What I liked best that helped me learn:
What I wish had been discussed during today’s class
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