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Aged Corporations

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aged corporations

This short e-book will explain to you how to obtain aged corporations for a fraction of the cost it would
take to buy them from another company. Then you can add your own information and create credit for
the business and then do whatever you desire for you and your new business! Keep in mind that results
will vary for everyone depending on how long it takes to perform each step throughout this procedure
and where you are located and if you use a PG,(personal guarantor), or not. If you do not follow these
steps and do everything as quick as is possible then it will take longer.

Let's get to it.

Step 1: You are going to go to your state's website or ANY state's website you desire to look up this info.

We use New Mexico www.sos.state.nm.us

Wyoming www.soswy.state.wy.us

Florida www.ccfcorp.dos.state.fl.us

Georgia www.sos.georgia.gov to name a few. Each has its own advantages based on what you are trying
to accomplish. You would use New Mexico if you wanted an LLC that would give you total PRIVACY.
Then after formation you could title a car/trailer home/boat,etc. and no one would know the actual
address of the asset. You could title one asset per LLC then when you sold that asset, a car for example,
you would sell the LLC, NOT THE CAR to someone. In that manner you could save paying taxes on the
car! You are selling the LLC with asset(s), not the car itself! You would simply sign the paperwork over to
whomever you desire. You could have your New Mexico LLC own another corp you buy and have total
privacy where no one would know the actual owners! LEGAL and VERY EFFECTIVE when trying to keep
greedy creditors, lawyers and ex spouses at bay!!

You would use Wyoming like a Nevada corp. since Wyoming has the SAME PRIVACY LAWS set up as
Nevada but it is not used as much because it is just not talked up as much as Nevada. Great way to get
Nevada type benefits while staying under the radar so to speak.

Florida has no Homestead Exemption so a Florida corp./LLC can protect your house!
aged corporations

You get the picture. You will want to set up a corp. based on your specific needs. If you just want one for
credit and revenue purposes then you can access your own state. Every state can be used to utilize this
method. Just google that state when you proceed if we haven't already listed it here.

We are going to use Arizona's website for this iilustration. www.cc.state.az.us


Go to this site and look for active corporations. Simply put an A or a B in the box and all companies that
start with A or B will pop up. If you have a specific name you can type that in too. For example, if you
typed in Secret all companies with that phrase in their name would come up on screen.


Now what you are looking for is ACTIVE CORPORATIONS/LLC'S that state AD-DISSOLVED on their screen
information. When you locate one of these go to E-FILE ANNUAL REPORT ONLINE to check the fees that
this particular company would need to pay to become current and active once again. The older the
company the higher the fees obviously. So let's say you find a company that is 3 years old and the fees

2013: $45 plus $100 late fee

2012: $45

2011: $45

In this case your total fee to bring this company current would be $235, (45+45+45+100).

If this is a fee you are comfortable with then you would:


Look up the owners; Directors; CEO; CFO; Secreatary; etc. You are looking for someone who has the
authority to let you pay the fees and change officers and take over responsibility for this company. Their
address will be listed on the documents but it may not be current. In that case try to GOOGLE them to
get their address or a phone number.

aged corporations

You are going to write them to get their permission to take over this firm. 9 out 10 times they will have
no problem with you doing so. Most of these companies have been merged/renamed/or simply
abandoned so they will not care.


If you are successful and they let you take over your next move is to check the company's background
BEFORE you pay the re-instatement fees!!


Go to that state's corporate site, (usually the same site you are on) and check the UCC site to check and
see if they have any debts outstanding or past due. If you are lucky they will not have anything
outstanding AND they might have previous UCC-1 filings that are still listed that were paid off! That
could possibly help you when you start to establish credit with this company. Are you starting to get the

I've seen people take over 3 year old companies and establish very high credit limits with creditors
based on a firm's past performance. One person took over a firm and in three months established
$100,000 lease credit with a major car manufacturer; $50,000 cash credit with a major bank,etc. just by
picking the right company and getting a little creative!


Check with the IRS to make sure they owe no back taxes or previous withholding taxes. When you file


A new Employment Identification the back taxes will not matter at that point but you really want to
make sure they have none as you will be using the same corporate name they once had. It should not
matter after you establish a ne EIN number but I let you this just for safety reasons. It's up to you to
proceed or not if they have tax issues.
aged corporations

If a company has ANY of thses issues proceed with caution! The new EIN number SHOULD wipe that out
but weird things have happened before. So be careful!

Anytime our friends at the IRS are involved be very careful!

If you feel like these are problems you do not want to mess with, then start over with Step 2 and resume
a new search.

If they are clean then we go to:


Go to Dun & Bradstreet and get a DnB number, called a DUNS number. Simply GOOGLE their website
and click FREE DUNS NUMBER and go from there.


You need to get a business address . If you have an actual brick and mortar location use that for all
correspondence, (EIN, DUNS number, etc).

If you desire a virtual office the I recommend www.receptionhq.com. They will set you up with an
address to use on advertising, marketing materials and business cards.


You need to establish a business phone number.

Again, www.receptionhq.com can help you for very reasonable fees. !-866-883-3499. $20-50/month
depending on your needs.
aged corporations


This step helps you establish credit quickly to generate a PAYDEX score with D&B to get you moving in
the right direction.

Go to OfficeMax.com

Go to Sears.com

Go to Staples.com

Go to Uline.com

Go to Home depot.com and order something small and cheap that you need and pay by credit card.
Your personal card is fine here.

Order IN THE BUSINESS NAME and once you get the invoices from each vendor simply call Dun &
Bradstreet and submit the invoices to them and they will show tradelines on your new firm!

Once you have these trades reporting for 60-90 days you can apply for other credit!

Other creditors you may use are:





Any major national creditor that you can access online. ALWAYS use your TAX ID#,(EIN), and your
business name when ordering!!
aged corporations

Make sure you also use your exact business phone and the EXACT address you have listed on your state


How do you purchase a company in one state and use it in another state?

Let's say you live in Illinois and you want to purchase an Arizona company. After all these steps have
been done you simply apply as a FOREIGN CORPORATON Doing business in your state.

GO to your home state's site in Illinois and file this document online. Their will be a fee probably
between 50-100 dollars. You can then legally use a different state's corp in your state as your own

That is it ! You are ready to proceed! Good Luck!

Other factors to take into account when applying for corporate credit:

1) If you want to use your business credit card for operating capital be sure and take this into
consideration when applying. There is no such thing as a "standard" line of credit. Your company's credit
profile will determine the amount of credit you actually are granted.

2) You want to stay informed on your business credit accounts at all times. These sites are good sources
to help you understand the small print that many companies have as conditions of approval:


Creditcards.com to name a few.

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