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Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris

Text 1

We cannot live without water. It is critical for proper body and brain function. It enables
our blood to flow properly and helps us stay energized.
'The good news: "Most people can handle mild amount of dehydration." says Dana
S. Simpler. MD. an internist in private practice. "The body regulates fluid balance through a
number of complex pathways, including reduced urine production, increased reabsorption of
water in the intestines and thirst - which prompts rehydration."
Simpler is careful to point out the difference between being low on fluids and clinical
dehydration. "Dehydration mainly occurs with illnesses such as fever, diarrhea and vomiting
where excessive fluids are lost and not being replaced or in a sport situations/hot weather
where excessive perspiration is not being replaced." she explains.
So how much water do you need? And what about that old standby recommendation
to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day? "It is an oversimplification of what the body
actually needs." says Simpler. "There is really no 'optimal' amount of hydration." The
weather, your diet and exercise habits are all a factor in how much water you need. Some
days you will need more fluids, other days less
Those fluids can come from virtually any drink and even some foods. Milk, smoothies,
and juice drinks count. Caffeinated beverages, such as tea, coffee and energy drinks, count,
too. Eating water-containing foods, including tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon and
oranges, is also a great way to up your fluid intake.
All things considered, it makes sense to clue in to symptoms that can signal the need
for more fluids. Here are a couple signs to pay attention to: you are thirsty (it may seem
obvious, but a dry mouth and how thirsty you are do correlate to how hydrated you are), you
are lightheaded or worn out (if you feel dizzy, you may be dehydrated), and your urine is
extra dark (concentrated urine is a clear indicator that you are dehydrated. It means your
urine has more waste in it).

(Adapted from http://www.safebee.com/health/7signs-you-need-drink-water)

1. What is the author’s attitude toward the topic of the passage?

A. Optimistic
B. Concerned
C. Indifferent
D. Interested
E. Tolerant

2. The paragraph following the passage will likely talk about….

A. more signs of dizziness
B. more clues of being thirsty
C. more symptoms of lightheaded
D. more symptoms of dehydration
E. more indicators of having had urine

3. The passage can be best summarized as ….

A. water is important to support body and brain function
B. people need to drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration
C. feeling thirsty is one important signal of dehydration
D. people need to pay attention to the indications of dehydration
E. water is critical to human life, so people need to know the signals of dehydration

4. What will happen when you exercise more in a day?

A. You will drink more.
B. You will urinate more.
C. You will dehydrate quickly.
D. You will need more fluids.
E. You will be dehydrated.

Text 2
In 2012, anxiety UK conducted a survey on social media use and its effects on
emotions. The survey found that 53% of participants said social media sites had changed
their behavior.
Those who said their lives had been Worsened by using social media reported feeling
less confident when they compared their achievements against their friends. Furthermore,
the survey revealed that two-thirds of participants reported difficulty relaxing and sleeping
after they used the sites, while 35% said they felt “worried or uncomfortable” when they were
unable to log onto their social media accounts. In a more recent study, social interaction on
social media sites, specifically Facebook, may have a negative impact on face-to-face
encounters for individuals who already have high levels of anxiety.
Another concern regarding social media use is cyber bullying. As stated earlier in this
feature, the majority of social networking users are under the age of 30. Most of these are
adolescents. According to Enough is Enough (EIE) - an organization that aims to make
internet, use safer for children and families - 95% of teenagers who use social media have
witnessed forms of cyber-Bullying on social networking sites. In addition, 33% have been
victims of cyberbullying. But Dr. Rauch believes it is not purely the use of social media that
is getting out of control. It is more on our need to be electronically connected at all times. Dr.
Rauch further says, “I would encourage any parent to explore ways to encourage or even
mandate 'off time, not just away from social media sites, but away from the devices. That is
probably good advice for all of us.”
Although many studies point to the negative impacts of social media on mental health
and well-being, some researchers say they could have the opposite effect. Social networking
sites could be a useful tool in identifying individuals with mental health issues.
Some studies have suggested that social media use may even improve mental health
and well-being. Last year. Medical News Today reported that Facebook activity may be an
indicator of a person's psychological health. It was found that people who shared fewer
pictures on the site communicated less frequently, and had a longer profile and fewer
Facebook friends were more likely to experience social anhedonia. This is the inability to
encounter happiness from activities that are normally enjoyable such as talking to friends.
However, another study suggests that using social media may even spread happiness.
Overall, it appears that the exact effects of social media on our mental health and
well-being remain to be seen. But one thing is certain to use of social networking sites is
likely to fade anytime soon.
(Adapted from http:/www.medicalnewstoday.com)
5. In which paragraph(s) does the information in paragraph 4 contradict?
A. 1 only
B. 1 and 2
C. 1 and 3
D. 2 and 3
E. 1, 2, and 3
6. Which of the following shows the most relevant analogy between social media and mental
health discussed in the passage?
A. Breakfast and energy
B. Aeroplane and pilot
C. Weather and feeling
D. House and window
E. Sports and fitness
7. With the last paragraph. the author assumes that….
A. The youngsters using social media will suffer most from mental illnesses
B. People will remain ignorant with the impact of social media use on health
C. In spite of its use, social media will always have negative impacts on users
D. Use of social media may impact both positively and negatively on the users
E. Health problems are more likely to appear as the impact of social media use

8. Which paragraph best supports ideas of the undesirable effect of the use of social media on
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

9. It is implied in paragraph 2 that….

A. More and more people will often use social media
B. Social media users will never care about its impact
C. People will keep communicating using social media
D. We need to be always alerted to the impacts of social media
E. Social media will affect users mental and social welfare more

10. Which of the following sentences best restates the information in paragraph 5?
A. Social media cause both physical and mental impacts on their users
B. Frequent use of social media will result in severe addition of their users
C. Social media use enhances the users
D People feeling anxious tend to turn into social media to ease their burden
E. Users of social media might find them useful for improving their happiness

Text 3

According to UNODC's World Drug Report 2021, cannabis potency has quadrupled
in some parts of the world over the last decades. Meanwhile, the percentage of adolescents
who perceived the drug as harmful fell by as much as 40 percent. This perception gap
prevails despite evidence that cannabis use is associated with a variety of health and other
harms. This is especially among regular long-term user. Moreover, most countries have
reported a rise in the use of cannabis during the pandemic.
“Lower perception or drug use risks has been linked to higher rates of drug use. The
findings of UNODC’s 2021 World Drug Report highlight the need to close the gap between
perception and reality to educate young people and safeguard public health.” said UNODC
Executive Director, Ghada Waly.
The COVID-19 crisis has pushed more than 100 million people into extreme poverty.
It has grey exacerbated unemployment and inequalities as the world lost 235 million jobs in
2020. Mental health conditions or also on the rise worldwide. These factors have the potential
to encourage a rise in drug use disorders. Moreover, changes have already been observed
in drug use patterns during the pandemic. This includes increases in the use of Cannabis
and the non-medical use of pharmaceutical sedatives. Underlying socioeconomic stressors
have also like accelerated the demand for these drugs.
In parallel, the report reveals that drug traffickers have quickly recovered from the
initial setback. These initial setbacks have been caused by lockdown restrictions. The drug
traffickers are operating at pre-pandemic levels one financial system drives it.
Access to drugs has also become simpler than ever with online sales. Major drug
markets on the dark web are now worth some $315 million annually. Contactless drug
transactions such as through the mail are also on the rise. A trend is possibly accelerated by
the pandemic. Drug traffickers are now agile and adaptable in using new online platforms to
sell drugs and other substances. The combination of this situation and rapid technological
innovation may increase the availability of illicit drugs
(Adapted from htps://news.un.org/)

11. Based on the infographic, we can predict that the perception of destructive cannabis among
adolescents.... in the future
A Notably Fluctuates
B. Significantly increases
C. Slightly remains the same
D. Reasonably preserves
E. Moderately shrinks

12. From the infographic, we learn that the….

A. Number of adolescents who think cannabis is risky is greater in 1975 than in 2019
B. Number of adolescents who perceive the cannabis potency is fewer in 2019 than in 1995
C. Cannabis herb potency is greater in 1995 than in 2019
D. Increasing cannabis potency is in line with the rising risk perception among adolescents
E. Production of cannabis herb in 1975 was higher than adolescents

13. All the following sentences are true according to the passage, EXCEPT….
A. The Covid-19 forced people to be unemployed
B. The potential use of cannabis has doubled around the globe
C. Illegal drugs are increasingly available because of the rapid technological advancement
D. The increase or drug use is highly likely due to lower perception of drug use risks
E. Socioeconomic factors trigger the increased use of drugs

14. What is the best title of the passage?

A. The Development of Global Drug Markets
B. The Use of Cannabis for Medication
C. The Impact of Drug on People's Health and Livelihoods
D. The Role of Technology in Escalating Drug Risks
E. The Increased Use of Drugs due to Covid Pandemic

15. What can be concluded about the use of drugs from the passage?
A. An increase use of cannabis and the non-medical use of pharmaceutical sedatives is
B. Technological innovation generates rapid drug transactions
C. A lot of young people do not understand the use of drugs
D. The sale of drugs in dark web reaches million of dollars yearly
E. Contactless drug transactions accelerate the number of drug traffickers

16. The author's attitude regarding cannabis is….

A. Supporting
B. Neutral
C. Loving
D. Thankful
E. Patronising

17. This passage can be generally found in….

A. A popular magazine
B. A scholarly journal
C. Conference proceedings
D. Reference works
E. A newspaper report

Text 4

The applications, games, and websites that are promoted as ‘educational’ are not
always the best ones for supporting learning. The fact that they are interactive does old-
fashioned workbook with its right and wrong answers. Children may enjoy these products for
a while but then get a bit bored. Thus, they are not the most appropriate or engaging way to
Treat so-called 'free” applications with caution. Some will expose your child to
advertisements. Others are designed to wait until your child is engaged in a game or storyline
and then demand payment before they can go any further. This can lead to frustration as
young children do not understand why they cannot continue. Sometimes, it is better to make
a small payment in advance if application promises no further purchases. However, some
applications are free to download and completely free of advertisement or in-app purchases.
Choosing an app needs the same kind of though and care you would put into buying
anything else for your child. Do not rely only on the star rating. Instead, read the user reviews
and check the privacy policy if you are worried about the personal information that the app
might he collecting. If you want your child to enjoy learning, develop curiosity, and think about
things creatively, provide them with a range of games and apps. Open-ended games have
become progressively more challenging and encourage children to explore and have fun.
Therefore, they are more likely to establish a love of learning and to lay the foundation for
their future development.
Physical activity, reading, and other more traditional activities continue to play a very
important part in children's development. But most parents do rely on screen devices from
time to time to engage their child while they are busy with something else. This is not a
problem in itself just as long as children's time is made up of a balanced range of activities.

(adapted from: http://www.the.co.uk.guides/z3tsyrd)

18. The author reminds readers to be more careful with commercialism in free applications in
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1 and 4
E. 2 and 3

19. How does the idea in sentence 6 “Others are designed to wait until your child is engaged in
a game or storyline and then demand payment before they can go any further” relate to the
other ideas in paragraph 2?
A. Sentence 6 elaborates the other ideas in paragraph 2
B. Sentence 6 is the result of the other ideas in paragraph 2
C. Sentence 6 strongly contradicts the other ideas in paragraph 2
D. Sentence 6 is the implementation of the theory discussed in paragraph 2
E. Sentence 6 provides another type of free applications discussed in paragraph 2

20. The author would apparently agree that…

A. Open-ended games can stimulate children's love for learning
B. Some games and applications are boring because they are too easy
C. There is no convincing prediction for the future of the games and apps
D. It is better to pay for games in advance so that children can learn freely
E. Apps star rating provides users with reviews on the good things of games and apps

21. Regarding busy parents’ reliance on screen devices to help keep their children entertained,
the author assumes that….
A. It is the parents’ responsibility to make their children less engaged with screen devices
B. Children whose parents are busy with their activities must use screen devices less
C. Parents need to be aware of their children's need for varied activities
D. Such parents’ reliance is acceptable as long as the children are given the right proportion
of other activities
E. It is not tolerable as their children need to have more physical activities

Text 5
Why Should I Care? When you are first diagnosed with a chronic condition such as
chronic kidney disease, it can change the way sour see yourself, and create feelings of
anxiety, disbelief or denial. These feelings are normal and perfectly fine to experience, and
acknowledging that you feel this way can be the first step towards controlling and these
thoughts. You are still the person that you see in the mirror, that is parent, friend, son/
daughter, a brother/sister, and you are not one the condition that you have been diagnosed
with. Ignoring these feelings though could lead additional problems down the road.
Just because you have anxiety or experience mood changes does not mean you
have a mental health disorder. As we know that mood swings happen and can be influenced
by many things like a long line at the post office or someone cutting you off in traffic. However,
there is a linkage between mental health and chronic health disorders. According to The
National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 26.2% of Americans suffer from mental
disorders and 68% of adults with mental disorders also have chronic medical conditions.
Mental disorders and chronic medical conditions can go hand in hand. Please, do not feel
ashamed if you are having any mental condition symptoms, as the number above illustrates.
you are not alone.
Even though patients with kidney disease are at an increased risk for mental health
issues, the numbers that are reported are likely still low due to underreporting and missed
diagnoses. Out of the 26% of Americans who suffer mental disorders, an estimated
additional 8 million are still walking around undiagnosed. This could be due to many factors,
but the negative view of mental health disorders at least plays a role in this.
Since mental health and chronic diseases are closely related, it is important to note
that having a chronic disease can increase symptoms of mental disorders and can also lead
to the development of another chronic disease.
Positively, most mental health conditions are highly treatable and treatments can
range from just talking to others in a support group to receiving medications and other
professional services.

(Adapted from: http://www.dpcedeenter.org/classroony/importanee-mental-health/why-


22. The author’s attitude regarding mental health in the passage is….

23. What topic does the paragraph following the passage mostly likely discuss?
A. Professional treatment options
B. Mental health and chronic diseases.
C. Various methods for treating mental disorders
D. General symptoms of mental disorders
E. Research results about mental disorders A. Pessimistic B. Assertive
C. Empathetic
D. Responsiv
24. What is the best summary of the passage?
A. The number of patients suffering from kidney disease is unknown. This is an example of
the result of negative attitude toward mental disorders.
B. Having a chronic disease exercises the possibility of the patients to get mental disorder.
Even a slight disturbance to their daily activities can trigger their mood swings.
C. Anxiety or mood changes are not the main symptoms of mental disorder. Statistics have
shown many Americans suffer mental disorder. This needs immediate action.
D. The feelings of anxiety, disbelief, or denial are the result of suffering chronic diseases.
Patients experience changes of mood. Studies have been conducted related to this
E. There is a close relation between mental health and chronic diseases. Some patients
suffering from both are left undiagnosed despite a range of effective treatments and

25. It can be hypothesized from the passage that…

A. the more anxious we are, the more likely we will suffer from mental disorders
B. the more health problems we deal with, the more medical treatments we need
C. the more information on mental health we get, the more aware we will be
D. the more physical exercises we do, the less medicine we will consume
E. the more health disorders we have, the more difficult we control our feelings

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