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BS 5499-4 - 2013 Summary

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NOTE A phosphorescent sign is the same as 0photoluminescent0 commonly used in

the literature of the photoluminescent safety sign industry.

3.15 place of safety

predetermined place in which persons are in no immediate danger from the
effects of a fire

3.16 safety sign

sign which gives a general safety message, obtained by a combination of a
colour and geometric shape and which, by the addition of a graphical symbol,
gives a particular safety message
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.12]

3.17 sign height

diameter of a circular geometric shape or height of a rectangular or triangular
geometric shape
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.13]

3.18 storey exit

doorway or final exit (3.7) giving direct access into a protected space, protected
stairway, fire fighting lobby or external escape route (3.2)

3.19 supplementary sign

sign that is supportive of a safety sign and the main purpose of which is to
provide additional clarification
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.14]

3.20 travel distance

actual distance that a person needs to travel within a building to the nearest
exit (3.4), allowing for the layout of walls, partitions and fittings

4 System design
4.1 General
An escape route signing system should ensure that from any place within a
building, where direct sight of an exit is not possible and doubt might exist as
to its position, a directional sign (or series of signs) is provided. Signs should be
placed so that a person moving within the means of escape is progressed
towards a final exit and all signing systems should be clear so that they
minimize the risk of confusion for the public.
An escape route system within a building should address several needs
a) the results of a risk assessment determining the adequacy of the means of
escape provision;
b) the requirements (if any) of enforcing authorities;
c) the operational needs of the responsible person and/or duty holder;
d) the convenience of the users of the building, both workers and the public.
A comprehensive statement of requirements should be prepared and agreed by
all interested parties, addressing the factors listed in 4.2 and 4.3.
This should be used as the basis for the detailed design and specification for the
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NOTE 2 A department store, for instance, may have many signs which compete
for the viewer’s attention.
i) the type, location and lighting of any other escape route signs.

4.4 Design of signs

An escape route sign (see Figure 1) is a combination sign consisting of the
emergency exit sign BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 or E002, and should be
accompanied by a supplementary safe condition direction arrow
(see BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 and E002 additional information) and
supplementary text (see 4.7 and 4.8).
NOTE 1 For identifying the graphical component “emergency exit”, the height of
the sign BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 or E002, determines the maximum viewing
distance normal to the escape route sign (see Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4).
NOTE 2 For legibility of the supplementary text, the height of the lower case
letters determines the maximum viewing distance normal to the escape route sign
(see Annex C).
Where the angle of viewing of the escape route sign is not predominantly
normal to the sign, the effect of angle of viewing should be taken into account,
using the guidance in BS ISO 3864-1, and the factor of distance reduced by a
multiplying factor of cosine of the angle of viewing to the normal to the sign
(see Annex C).

Figure 1 Examples of an escape route sign

To avoid confusion, all signs within a system of escape route signing should be
of similar style, design, size and format.

4.5 Location of signs

The system designer should identify the primary escape route from each place
within the premises.
NOTE 1 This is normally the shortest travel distance to a place of safety.
If there is a choice of escape routes, the escape route signing system should
indicate the shortest travel distance. If at any place there is a choice of two
escape routes of equal travel distance, both routes should be indicated by a
separate series of signs (see Figure A.19).
The following principles should be applied when locating signs:
a) at least one escape route or doorway leading to an escape route should be
visible from any place within every room or enclosure. Where this route is
not conspicuous or confusion could occur, the route should be indicated by
a sign;
b) where direct sight of the escape route or of the sign indicating the escape
route is obstructed, one or more intermediate signs should be provided;
c) doors or passageways which might be confused as leading to a designated
escape route should be marked clearly;
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a supplementary text sign (e.g. “except in an emergency”) should be

provided to override the prohibition message;
e) all changes of direction in corridors, stairways and open spaces forming part
of an escape route should be marked with intermediate signs. Each
intermediate door or junction should be similarly signed;
NOTE 2 Thus, an escape route sign is always in sight whenever a person
escaping along any designated escape route has a choice of direction or door.
f) signs should be evenly spaced and consistently located so that the evacuee
can effectively and quickly predict the location of the next sign within the
escape route;
g) additional signs should be provided where the line of sight to the next sign
would otherwise exceed the recommended maximum viewing distance for
the chosen size of the sign;
h) a sign should be provided wherever confusion could otherwise occur;
i) every designated escape route should lead to a place of safety. A place of
safety should not be provided with escape route signs but may be provided
with a sign indicating “assembly point” BS EN ISO 7010 E007
(see Figure A.18). The location of the evacuation assembly point should not
be indicated until the final exit on the escape route has been passed. If the
position of the assembly point is not clear on leaving the final exit, safety
signs BS EN ISO 7010 E007 with supplementary direction arrows should be
provided to indicate the location of the assembly point;
j) signs should not be fixed to doors or sited where they could be obscured by
opening doors;
k) where commercial or artistic considerations require signs or objects which
owing to their size, brightness, design or proximity could be confused with
or prevent recognition of an escape route sign, the location of the escape
route sign may be slightly displaced provided safety is not compromised
thereby. Otherwise the confusing signs or objects should be removed;
l) the effectiveness of any escape route sign should not be adversely affected
by the presence of other signs conveying directional information in a similar
format or by other internally illuminated signs or by competing or
distracting light sources.

4.6 Mounting height

Escape route signs should be sited conspicuously within the normal field of
To assist evacuees with the prediction of the location of successive signs, the
following principles should be applied:
a) signs above doors or open spaces should be mounted between 2 m
and 2.5 m from floor level, measured to the base of the sign and be sited as
close to the centre line of the escape route as practicable;
NOTE 1 This mounting height is intended to ensure that signs can be readily
seen, e.g. over the heads of people.
b) signs sited on walls should be mounted between 1.7 m and 2 m, from floor
level measured to the base of the sign;
NOTE 2 This mounting height is intended to ensure the signs are within the
immediate field of vision.
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c) mounting heights greater than 2.5 m may be used, e.g. in large open spaces
or for operational reasons, but such signs should be both conspicuous and
identifiable and therefore larger signs might be necessary;

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d) signs should be sited at the same height throughout the escape route, so far
as is reasonably practicable.

4.7 Use of supplementary text

Every escape route sign should incorporate, or be accompanied by, a
supplementary text sign in which the text is in lower case letters with an initial
upper case letter. The supplementary text should aid understanding of the
meaning of the graphical symbol BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 or E002, so that it is
fully understood and it may convey additional information.
The font used should be either a sans serif typeface, for example Helvetica bold
or Helvetica medium, or a typeface with very small serifs with the following
a) widths of strokes throughout the letters constant within 10%;
b) widths of strokes at least one sixth of the letter height;
c) width of lower case letter “x” not less than 70% of the letter height;
d) not condensed, expanded, italic, script, outline or shaded;
e) letters individually formed and not joined together.
The supplementary text should not overpower the graphical symbol. The height
of the lower case letters of Exit or Fire should be at least 20% of the sign
height. The supplementary text height should not be used to determine the
maximum viewing distance (see Clause 6 and Annex C). The supplementary text
should not be used on its own, and might need to be in more than one
A supplementary text sign reading “Exit” (as shown in Figure 2) should be used
with an escape route sign to indicate a doorway or other suitable opening that
leads to a place of safety. This is the route normally used to enter or leave the

Figure 2 Supplementary text sign: Exit


A supplementary text sign reading “Fire exit” (as shown in Figure 3) should be
used with an escape route sign to indicate a doorway or other suitable opening
that leads to a place of safety which has been provided specifically as an
alternative exit to be used in the event of the evacuation of the premises.

Figure 3 Supplementary text sign: Fire exit

Fire exit

4.8 Use of arrows

Every escape route sign should be accompanied by a directional arrow in
accordance with the additional information given with BS EN ISO 7010:2012,
E001 and E002. The arrow should indicate the direction of travel leading to the
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The use of an appropriate arrow should assist understanding of the direction of

egress (see Figure 4 and Table 1) and also make the sign more conspicuous
(see Annex A). The message of the upward vertical direction sign at an
emergency exit door is “progress through this door”; the sign does not indicate
decisions or directions that should be made on the other side of the door.

Figure 4 Examples of appropriate directional arrows

The following principles should be applied:

a) an arrow should not be used on its own;
b) arrows should be correctly orientated;
c) arrows should be used to indicate each change of direction or change of
d) arrows should be used wherever additional signs are provided in accordance
with 4.5g), i.e. where the line of sight to the next sign would otherwise
exceed the recommended maximum viewing distance for the chosen size of
e) an arrow should be provided wherever confusion might otherwise occur.
Table 1 gives the recommended combination of BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 or
E002 with supplementary direction arrow and supplementary text.
NOTE Annex B gives the recommended combination of BS EN ISO 7010:2012,
E001 or E002 with supplementary direction arrow and supplementary text where the
sign is presented vertically.
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Table 1 Escape route signs (meaning and use of BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 or E002 with directional

Escape route sign Meaning Location

1. Progress down to the 1. On wall or

right (indicating change of suspended at head of
level), see Figure A.3. stairs or ramp.
2. On half landing wall
or stairs.
3. Suspended at change
of level.
1. Progress up to the right 1. On wall or
(indicating change of level), suspended at foot of
see Figure A.9. stairs or ramp.
2. Progress forward and 2. On half landing wall
across to the right from or stairs.
here when suspended 3. Suspended at change
within an open area,
of level.
see Figure A.17.
4. Suspended in open
1. Progress down to the left 1. On wall or
(indicating change of level), suspended at head of
see Figure A.6. stairs or ramp.
2. On half landing wall
or stairs.
3. Suspended at change
of level.
1. Progress up to the left 1. On wall or
(indicating change of level), suspended at foot of
see Figure A.8. stairs or ramp.
2. Progress forward and 2. On half landing wall
across to the left from here or stairs.
when suspended within an 3. Suspended at change
open area. of level.
4. Suspended in open
1. Progress forward from 1. Suspended in
here (indicating direction of corridor leading to
travel). door.
2. Progress forward and 2. Suspended in open
through from here, when areas.
sign is sited above a door 3. Suspended in front
(indicating direction of of door.
travel), see Figure A.1.
4. Positioned above
3. Progress forward and up door.
from here (indicating
change of level), 5. Suspended at foot of
see Figure A.16. stairs or ramp.
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Table 1 Escape route signs (meaning and use of BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 or E002 with directional

Escape route sign Meaning Location

1. Progress to the right 1. On corridor walls.
from here (indicating
2. Suspended adjacent
direction of travel), see
and left of the exit.
Figure A.13.
3. Suspended at change
of direction.

1. Progress to the left from 1. On corridor walls.

here (indicating direction of
2. Suspended adjacent
travel), see Figure A.12.
and right of exit.
3. Suspended at change
of direction.

1. Progress down from here 1. Suspended at head

(indicating change of level), of stairs or ramp.
see Figure A.3.
2. Suspended at change
of level.

5 Sign type
5.1 Lighting
To ensure that signs are identifiable and conspicuous, both in normal and in
mains-failure conditions, escape route signs should be illuminated.
NOTE 1 It is not normally considered satisfactory to rely on daylight alone for
satisfactory illumination.
NOTE 2 There are various ways of ensuring the satisfactory illumination of signs
and in some premises, legislation dictates the method of illumination.
NOTE 3 Some types of lighting, e.g. low pressure sodium, do not enable effective
colour recognition and are therefore unlikely to be suitable for the illumination of
escape route signs.
Where emergency lighting is the source of illumination of the sign in a
mains-failure condition, the response time of the emergency lighting should
conform to BS 5266-1, which also provides a minimum duration requirement for
the emergency lighting.

5.2 Externally illuminated signs

The colour and photometric properties of externally illuminated escape route
signs should conform to BS ISO 3864-4. Where a sign is illuminated by an
external source, the vertical illumination should be not less than 100 lux under
normal lighting conditions and should provide not less than 5 lux on any part of
the face of the sign under mains-failure conditions.
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5.3 Phosphorescent signs

The colour and photometric properties of externally illuminated phosphorescent
escape route signs should conform to BS ISO 3864-4. The phosphorescent
material should be not less than BS ISO 17398:2004, classification C. Where a
phosphorescent sign is used, the vertical illumination should be not less
than 100 lux under normal lighting conditions.
In premises with emergency lighting, the vertical illumination should provide not
less than 5 lux on any part of the face of the sign under mains-failure

5.4 Internally illuminated signs

The colour and photometric properties of internally illuminated escape route
signs should conform to BS ISO 3864-4. The light source of an internally
illuminated sign should provide a luminous contrast appropriate to its
environment without producing glare.
In premises with emergency lighting, the escape route sign under mains-failure
conditions should conform to BS 5266-1.
NOTE Non-maintained internally illuminated signs require external illumination
under normal, non-mains-failure conditions.

6 Sign size and viewing distance

NOTE 1 The viewing distance of a sign is the maximum distance from which the
sign has to be identifiable.
Escape route signs should be both conspicuous and identifiable.
NOTE 2 The size of sign necessary to achieve these criteria depends upon both the
viewing distance and the illumination of the sign.
The viewing distance of an escape route sign should be determined by its
position within the primary escape route (i.e. signs should not be sized by their
position within any alternative escape route). Any variation of the sizes of signs
within a premises should be kept to a minimum.
NOTE 3 Smaller viewing distances enable smaller sizes to be used while remaining
conspicuous and identifiable. Conversely, larger viewing distances can reduce the
number of signs required but increase their size.
Within large open areas with multiple escape routes, particular care should be
taken to ensure that the signs are the appropriate size for the intended primary
escape route.
NOTE 4 Escape route signs E001 and E002 given in BS EN ISO 7010:2012 are in a
uniform 70 mm size with corner marks to enable accurate enlargement and
reduction scaling. A border is not shown.
NOTE 5 The height of BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 and E002 are a scaled size of
the 70 mm template size. For the supplementary direction arrow, the height is scaled
from the size of the image given under 0Additional information for E001 and E0020,
in BS EN ISO 7010:2012.
Viewing distance of the escape route sign should be calculated using the sign
height of the graphical image BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 or E002. The maximum
viewing distance normal (perpendicular) to the sign, l, should be calculated from
the sign height, h, using the appropriate distance factor, z0:
l = z0h
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The viewing distance of an escape route sign might be affected by the vertical
illumination on the sign or its luminance in the case of an internally illuminated
sign. The lower the vertical illuminance (or luminance), the larger the sign
should be for any chosen viewing distance as shown by the limits of Table 2,
Table 3 and Table 4.

Figure 5 – Sign size and viewing distance

Overall height
Sign height of the
h signboard

The arrow used in the escape route sign (Figure 6) should be the same height as
the graphical image BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 or E002.

Figure 6 – Supplementary direction arrows

Sign height Sign height Sign height

h h h

Sign height Sign height Sign height

h h h

Table 2 should be used to determine the distance factor for externally

illuminated escape route signs under a range of different conditions of vertical
illuminance. Table 3 should be used to determine the distance factors for
internally illuminated escape route signs with different ranges of mean
luminance of the contrast colour white.
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Table 2 Distance factor z0 for externally illuminated escape route signs based on ordinary materials
or phosphorescent materials

Vertical illuminance at sign Distance factor, z0, for normal to the sign
5 95
100 170
200 185
400 200
NOTE 1 BS 5266-1 requires z0 = 100 in the mains-failure condition.
NOTE 2 Over the illuminance range up to about 200 lx, z0 varies approximately linearly with the logarithm of

Table 3 Distance factor z0 for internally illuminated escape route signs

Mean luminance of white contrast colour Distance factor, z0, for normal to the sign
10 150
30 175
100 200
200 215
500 230
NOTE 1 BS 5266-1 requires z0 = 200 in the mains-failure condition.
NOTE 2 Over the luminance range up to about 50 cd/m2, z0 varies approximately linearly with the logarithm of

Maximum viewing distances for the identification of the safe condition direction
arrow should be based upon the relevant distance factor given in Table 2 or
Table 3.
People with visual impairment can have low visual acuity, for example for
people with visual acuity of 0.3, so the values of z0 in Table 2 and Table 3 should
be multiplied by a factor of 0.3.
Where the angle of viewing of the escape route sign is not predominantly
normal to the sign, the effect of viewing should be taken into account as well as
the factor of distance in Table 2 and Table 3 reduced by a multiplying factor of
cosine of the angle of viewing to the normal to the sign (see Annex C).
Table 4 includes different heights of lower case letters based upon 20% of the
sign height and their associated legibility distances.
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Table 4 Examples of maximum viewing distances for externally illuminated escape route signs and
supplementary directional arrow sign (BS EN ISO 7010) of different sign height and
supplementary text subject to a vertical illuminance of 100 lux

Sign height Lower case letter Identification distance Legibility distance

height A) normal to the sign of normal to the sign of
escape route sign and supplementary text C)
directional arrow B)
mm mm m m
75 15 12.7 3.3
100 20 17.0 4.5
110 22 18.7 4.9
120 24 20.4 5.4
130 26 22.1 5.8
150 30 25.5 6.7
180 36 30.6 8.1
The height of the lower case letters is 20% of the sign height.
The appropriate value for z0 selected from Table 2 is 170.
The appropriate value for z0 for lower case letters is 225.

7 Construction: durability and suitability

Signs should be selected to be suitable for their operating environment.
Factors that should be taken into account include:
a) durability:
1) of base material;
2) of graphical content;
3) colour/light fastness;
b) safety:
1) electrical;
2) combustibility;
3) surface spread of flame;
c) fixings: type and suitability.
Electrically powered signs should conform to BS EN 60598-1 and electrically
powered emergency signs should conform to BS EN 60598-2-22.
Signs should be suitable for the normal/expected environmental conditions.
NOTE BS ISO 17398 covers aspects of performance and durability of safety sign.

8 Servicing and maintenance

Escape route signs should be cleaned and visually inspected at regular intervals,
and action should be taken to remedy any defects.
Signs required as part of the emergency escape lighting installation should be
inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the recommendations of
BS 5266-1.
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Annex A Use of escape route signs

Figures A.1 to A.22 and the accompanying text show how escape route signs are
to be used in various typical situations.
The supplementary text component of the signs shown within the illustrations
demonstrates how escape route signing can have a role to play in the
management of a building.
Supplementary text assists with the training of staff in the meaning of signs and
the actions to be taken in an emergency.
The use of appropriate supplementary text helps building occupants to
differentiate normal egress routes from those intended for emergency use only.

Figure A.1 Typical connecting corridor showing the correct use of escape route sign(s) with
supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
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Figure A.2 Typical adjoining corridor to final fire exit showing the correct use of escape route sign(s)
with supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
2 Progress forward and through from here as 2 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
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Figure A.3 Typical half landing stairway showing the correct use of escape route sign(s) with
supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress down to the right as viewed from in 1 On wall of half landing.
front of the sign.
2 Progress down from here as viewed from in 2 Suspended at change of level.
front of the sign.
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Figure A.4 Typical single flight descent stairway showing the correct use of escape route sign(s) with
supplementary text

1 2

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress down to the right as viewed from in 1 On wall at head of stairs.
front of the sign.
2 Progress down to the left as viewed from in 2 On wall at head of stairs.
front of the sign.
3 Progress forward and through from here as 3 Suspended in front of door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
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Figure A.5 Typical cross junction/corridor(s) to final fire exit showing the correct use of escape route
sign(s) with supplementary text

2a 2b

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
2a Progress to the left from here. 2a Suspended at change of direction.
2b Progress to the right from here. 2b Suspended at change of direction.
3 Progress forward and through from here as 3 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
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Figure A.6 Typical lobby entrance leading to left-handed descent stairway showing the correct use of
escape route sign(s) with supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
2 Progress down to the left from here as viewed 2 On wall at head of stairs.
from in front of the sign.
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Figure A.7 Typical lobby entrance leading to right-handed descent stairway showing the correct use
of escape route sign(s) with supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
2 Progress down to the right as viewed from in 2 On wall at head of stairs.
front of the sign.
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Figure A.8 Typical lobby entrance leading to left-handed ascent stairway showing the correct use of
escape route sign(s) with supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
2 Progress up to the left as viewed from in front 2 On wall at foot of stairs.
of the sign.
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Figure A.9 Typical lobby entrance leading to right-handed ascent stairway showing the correct use of
escape route sign(s) with supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
2 Progress up to the right as viewed from in 2 On wall at foot of stairs.
front of the sign.
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Figure A.10 Typical connecting corridor(s) to final fire exit showing the correct use of escape route
sign(s) with supplementary text


Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
2 Progress forward from here as viewed from in 2 Suspended at change of direction.
front of the sign.
3 Progress forward from here as viewed from in 3 Suspended in corridor leading to door.
front of the sign.
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Figure A.11 Typical connecting corridor leading to descent stairway showing the correct use of escape
route sign(s) and supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
2 Progress forward from here as viewed from in 2 Suspended in corridor leading to door.
front of the sign.
3 Progress down to the right as viewed from in 3 Suspended at head of stairs.
front of the sign.
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Figure A.12 Typical connecting corridor with left-turn juncture showing the correct use of escape
route sign(s) and supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
2 Progress forward from here as viewed from in 2 Suspended in corridor leading to door.
front of the sign.
3 Progress to the left as viewed in front of the 3 Suspended at change of direction.
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Figure A.13 Typical connecting corridor with right-turn juncture showing the correct use of escape
route sign(s) with supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here as 1 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
2 Progress forward from here as viewed from in 2 Suspended in corridor leading to door.
front of the sign.
3 Progress right from here as viewed from in 3 Suspended at change of direction.
front of the sign.
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Figure A.14 Typical internal car park progressing forward to the final fire exit showing the correct use
of escape route sign(s) with supplementary text (vertical juxtaposition)

2 3 2
1 1

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward from here as viewed from in 1 Positioned on buttress.
front of the sign.
2 Progress forward from here as viewed from in 2 Positioned on buttress.
front of the sign.
3 Progress forward and through from here as 3 Suspended from ceiling in front of door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
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Figure A.15 Typical internal car park progressing forward then right to the final fire exit showing the
correct use of escape route sign(s) with supplementary text

2 2
1 3

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward from here as viewed from in 1 Positioned on buttress.
front of the sign.
2 Progress to the right as viewed from in front 2 Positioned on buttress at change of
of the sign. direction.
3 Progress forward and through from here as 3 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
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Figure A.16 Typical corridor with ramped slope designated as a fire exit route showing the correct
use of escape route sign(s) with supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and up from here. 1 Suspended at foot of stairs or ramp.
2 Progress forward and through from here as 2 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
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Figure A.17 Typical large open-plan area showing the correct use of escape route sign(s) and
supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and across to the right from 1 Suspended in open area.
2 Progress forward and through from here. 2 Positioned above door.
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Figure A.18
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BS 5499-4:2013
Use of supplementary text





1 X

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1 The door marked “Fire exit” is normally kept closed for security reasons.
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Figure A.18 Use of supplementary text

NOTE 1 Signs (a) and (b) are viewed from single corridors leading into an open area indicating change of direction.
NOTE 2 A supplementary text sign reading “Exit” is used with an escape route sign to indicate a doorway or other suitable opening that leads to a place of
NOTE 3 A supplementary text sign reading “Fire exit” is used with an escape route sign to indicate a doorway or other suitable opening that leads to a place of
safety which provides an alternative exit to be used in the event of the evacuation of the premises. A door marked “Fire exit” may also be used during the
day-to-day occupation of the premises.
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Figure A.19 Typical T-junction corridor offering alternate equidistant routes showing the correct use
of escape route sign(s) and supplementary text


Use of escape route signs

1 Progress to the left from here as viewed from 1 On corridor wall.
in front of the sign.
2 Progress to the right from here as viewed from 2 On corridor wall.
in front of the sign.
3 Progress forward and through from here as 3 Positioned above door.
viewed from in front of the sign.
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Figure A.20 Typical stadia showing the identification of vomitory exit(s) with the correct use of
escape route sign(s) and supplementary text

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here. 1 Suspended in front of opening.
2 Progress down from here. 2 Suspended in front of opening.
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Figure A.21 Typical auditorium/theatre showing the identification of exit(s) with the correct use of
escape route sign(s) and supplementary text


Use of escape route signs

1 Progress through from here as viewed from in 1 Positioned above door.
front of the sign.
2 Progress through from here as viewed from in 2 Positioned above door.
front of the sign.
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Figure A.22 Typical revolving door arrangement showing the identification of fire exit(s) with the use
of escape route sign(s) and supplementary text

1 1

Use of escape route signs

1 Progress forward and through from here. 1 Positioned above door.
2 Progress forward and through from here. 2 Positioned above door.
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Annex B Examples of vertical alternatives for escape route

signs placed in difficult locations
In some environments, restrictions may exist which limit the installation of
conventional “horizontal” arrangement escape route signs. The vertical
arrangement(s) shown in Table B.1 accommodate restricted environments such
as car parks/industrial areas where ceiling and wall installations are impractical.
Vertical arrangement escape route signs can be secured to structural
pillars/columns providing a conspicuous escape route signing system where there
is restricted installation space.

Table B.1 Examples of vertical alternatives for escape route signs placed in difficult locations

Progress forward from Progress up to the Progress up to the left; Progress to the left.
here; right; or
Progress forward and or Progress forward and
through from here; Progress forward and across to the left.
or across to the right.
Progress forward and
up from here.

Progress down from Progress down to the Progress down to the Progress to the right.
here. right. left.
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Annex C Examples of application of distance factors to the

graphical symbol and text components of escape
route signs
C.1 General
BS ISO 3864-1 shows that the distance of observation of a safety sign depends
upon a multiplying factor of cos α (where α is the angle from the normal to the
sign). As a consequence, the boundary to the observation distance at different
angles of α lies on the surface of a sphere. For a safety sign of height h and
distance factor normal to the sign z0, the sphere has a diameter of z0h centred
at a perpendicular distance of z0h/2 from the sign.
In Figures C.1 to C.7, the curves for the emergency exit sign are also applicable
to the direction arrow.

C.2 Horizontal plane at the level of escape route sign

Figure C.1 shows that on the horizontal viewing plane of the sign when looking
towards the sign, the boundary to the observation distances is a circle of
diameter z0h. The examples illustrate an externally illuminated sign under not
less than 100 lux with a z0 of 170 and different safety sign heights
of 75 mm, 100 mm, 110 mm, 120 mm, 130 mm, 150 mm and 180 mm
(see Table 4). At the observation position P on the circle, the sideways distance
from the normal to the sign is given by 0.5z0hsin2α and the observation distance
is z0hcosα. The maximum sideways distance is 0.5z0h where the observation
distance is 0.707z0h.
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Figure C.1 Circular boundaries of observation distances in horizontal plane

Sideways distance from sign (m)

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Perpendicular distance from sign (m)

12 z0hcos
Sign height: 27 z0hsin2
s75mm 28 P
s110mm 29
s120mm 30
s150mm z0h
s180mm 32
z0SIGN = 170
E = 100 lux

C.3 Horizontal plane above or below the level of escape route

When the observation is made at an eye height of ΔH above or below the
height of the sign, the radius of the circular boundary is reduced. The radius of
the circle, centred at a perpendicular distance of z0h/2 from the sign, is given by:
r = Œ[(0.5z0h)2 – (ΔH)2]
Figure C.2 shows how the radius r varies with differences in height ΔH for
different safety sign heights for an externally illuminated escape route sign
under not less than 100 lux with a z0 of 170. As the difference in eye height
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NOTE r can be calculated in terms of observation angle α. The height difference ΔH

is given by 0.5z0hsin2α and r is given by 0.5z0hcos2α.

Figure C.2 Variation of radius r against difference in observation height ΔH for an externally
illuminated escape route sign under 100 lux

Sign height
15 s75mm
14 s110mm



Radius r (m)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Height difference H (m)

z0SIGN = 170
E = 100 lux

Figure C.3 shows the slightly smaller circles when ΔH is ±Δ2 m. The effect of eye
height relative to the height (location) of a safety sign reduces the observation
distance and is more marked for the smaller sign heights (75 mm and 100 mm).
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Figure C.3
42 • © The British Standards Institution 2013

BS 5499-4:2013
Circular boundaries of observation distances in horizontal plane: at eye level of sign and eye levels of ±2 m above and below the
height of sign

16 Sign height
15 s75mm
14 s100mm
13 s120mm
12 s130mm
Sideways distance from sign (m)

11 s180mm
10 s75mm H2
9 s100mm
8 s110mm
7 H2
6 H2
5 s130mm
4 s150mm
3 H2
2 s180mm
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Horizontal distance from sign (m)

z0SIGN = 170
E = 100 lux

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C.4 Emergency exit sign and lower case supplementary text:

Horizontal plane at the level of escape route sign
As the distance of observation from the escape route sign increases, the
subtended visual angles of supplementary text decreases. Legibility of the letters
becomes more difficult as the distance of observation increases, resulting in
smaller percentages of the building’s occupants finding the letters legible. Hence
at certain short distances of observation, the letters are to be sized so that a
very high percentage of the building’s occupants find the letters and words
legible; whereas at some longer distances of observation, a low percentage or
none of the building’s occupants are able to decipher the words. As the distanc e
for legibility of the letters varies between individuals, the probability that a
certain percentage of the building’s occupants finding letters legible is statistical
in nature. It is therefore important that a high percentage of the intended
occupants of the building be able to correctly identify the graphical symbols of
the escape route sign, correctly read the text and have the opportunity to
follow the message.
For lower case letters, a distance factor normal to the sign of 225 is to be used
for externally illuminated escape route signs (based on ordinary or
phosphorescent materials) under normal lighting. Under emergency lighting, a
distance factor normal to the sign of 110 is to be used. For internally illuminated
signs, a distance factor normal to the sign of 225 is to be used.
Examples of maximum viewing distances for a range of sign heights of
externally illuminated escape route signs subject to a vertical illuminance
of 100 lux are based upon the values in Table 2. Figure C.4 shows the circular
boundaries for observation distances for the BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 and
E002 emergency exit sign, (labelled “s”) and lower case letters supplementary
text (labelled “lc”). Figure C.5 shows the circular boundaries when within 3 m
distance from the sign. In these examples, for each combination of sizes of the
BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 and E002 and lower case letters, the observation
distance is shorter for the lower case text. The curves labelled “lc” are based on
a height of lower case letters that are 20% of the sign height and a distance
factor normal to the sign of 225.
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Figure C.4
44 • © The British Standards Institution 2013

BS 5499-4:2013
Circular boundaries of observation distances for escape route sign and lower case supplementary text in horizontal plane: vertical
illuminance 100 lux

16 Sign height:
15 s75mm
14 s100mm
13 s120mm
12 s130mm
Sideways distance from sign (m)

11 s180mm
10 lc15mm
9 lc20mm
8 lc24mm
7 lc26mm
6 lc36mm
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Perpendicular distance from sign (m)

z0SIGN = 170
z0TEXT = 225

E = 100 lux
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Figure C.5 Circular boundaries of observation distances for escape route sign and lower case
supplementary text in horizontal plane: vertical illuminance 100 lux

6 Sign height:
5.5 s120mm
5 lc15mm
4.5 lc30mm

Sideways distance from sign (m)





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Perpendicular distance from sign (m)

z0SIGN = 170
z0TEXT = 225
E = 100 lux
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Examples of maximum viewing distances for a range of sign heights of

externally illuminated escape route signs subject to a vertical illuminance
of 5 lux are based upon the values in Table 2. Figure C.6 shows the circular
boundaries for observation distances for BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 and
E002 (labelled “s”) and the lower case letters supplementary text (labelled “lc”).
Figure C.7 shows the circular boundaries when within 3 m distance from the
sign. The curves labelled “lc” are based on a height of lower case letters that
are 20% of the sign height and a distance factor normal to the sign of 110. In
these examples, for each combination of sizes of BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 and
E002 and the lower case letters, the observation distance is shorter for the lower
case text.
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Figure C.6

Circular boundaries of observation distances for esacpe route sign and lower case supplementary text in horizontal plane: vertical
illuminance 5 lux

Sign height:
8 s100mm
Sideways distance from sign (m)

6 s180mm
5 lc22mm
3 lc24mm
4 lc30mm
2 lc36mm

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Perpendicular distance from sign (m)

z0SIGN = 95

z0TEXT = 110
E = 5 lux

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Figure C.7 Circular boundaries of observation distances for escape route sign and lower case
supplementary text in horizontal plane: vertical illuminance 5 lux

6 Sign height:
5.5 s120mm
5 lc15mm
4.5 lc30mm

Sideways distance from sign (m)





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Perpendicular distance from sign (m)

z0SIGN = 95
z0TEXT = 110
E = 5 lux

Drawing appropriately sized circles on a scaled plan can assist in determining an

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