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Car Wars

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i)cLUXc ci)ii:iOn


Control Tabla
Cross-inde.. the handling SlalUS of your vehicle (from the Hwling Track)
wilh il$ spmlnd roll OM die. Ifyou rolilhe numiHrshOl''t1 or lti6hrryou keep
control of lhe car. If you roll lower, you lose control.
If you Iosc: control, go 101M. appropriate CnIIsll Table (No. I for maneuvers.
No.2 for hazards). "Safe" means you CllI\l'IOI. crash. "XX" mcall5 you lose
control automatically - go 10 the Crash Table. When you go 10 the Cnlsh Table
for any reason.1dd or sul)tral:tlhc numbtr in the "modifier" column fTQITI your
speed - i.e .. at 20 mph. you would 5Utxract 2 from your roll on citheT Crash
Handling Trod Status
Spud J 2 0 -I -2 -J
510 yf, y(, y(, y(, yf, yf, y(, y(, y(, y(,
IS 20
y(, yf, yf, y(, y(, y(, yf, yf, 2
25- JO
y(, yf, yf, y(, y(, y(,

35- 40 y(, yf, yf, yf, y(,
2 2

45- SO y(, yf, yf, yf, y(,
2 2

5S- 60 y(, yf, yf, y(, y(,

6S. 70 y(, yf, yf, y(,
2 2
XX 2
75- 80 yf, uTe safe yf, 2
6XX 2
yf, y(, y(, yf, 2
95100 y(, y(, y(, yf,
IMIIO yf, y(, y(,
6XX XX 4
115-120 yf, y(, y(,
125130 yf, yf, y(,

m]4Q y(, yf,
145-150 yf, yf,
155-160 y(, yf,
165-170 y(,

195-200 2

Cr...h T ..bl.. 1 - Skid.. & Ron..

Use lhis table iryou losecOIllrol dUring I nrOlllUI't'r, Roll one die: -IIlen add
or subtract the modifier (or your speed. given on the ConlTOl Table. This tells
you whal happens 10 your vchidc on its NUl move
-1,0, I - Trivial d:id The vdliele keqJs ilS same orientuion, bul moves 'Ai"
In the direction .....s gomg at the wgrmr/ng of lhe phase in which it 1os1
colHrol 'Therefore, II "'->' skid in a direction other thllll the one II IS polllUllg
- see the illustration under .. Maneuve"', ..
2 - Millar skid. As above, but the vdlicle skids W.
) - Moder'llle skid, As above, but the vehicle skids'" .....
4 - SeYcre skid. As above, bul car skids I" IIIllI each lire takes 2 poirus
5 - Car turns sideWIIY' (sec "Maneuvers' above) and rolls, 'The dri\'er is no
Ionaer In conlrol It deceleralcs al 20 mph per lUm. Each pllase it movcs, II
goes in the dlll:ction it ,,'..as traveling and rolls 'Ai of a complele roll -
I,e,. the firsl phase II moves 1", turns sideways, and rolls on u.s side; the
phase it moves, il goes I" and rolls onlO Its lOp, cit. II lakCS 1 die
damage 10 the side (lOp, elc.) rolled onto each phase. When lhe bottom hilS.
e.ch lire takes I die: of damage. Alier all ures are gone, the OOnom takes
damage when it hits. mayjumpout at any time, or SillY inside and
hope thai no dam. rcaehes the mterior. II may be driven alier il 5IOp5 roll
Ing if II is rialll-side-up Ind has lires on It least 3 corners. A cycle won't be
drivable after a roll ...
6-9 - As lbove, bul vehiele is burning on a roll of 4, 5, or 6 on one die:. (for
more informlLJOII on burning vdllCles, see "Fire and Explosion" in Section
V, Combm.)
10 or moR: - As above on this table, bulthc vdlicle VlUllS Into the air by the
side (or front) tires, the hre5 doing the vaultina laking) dice ofdamage. The
vdlicle .....ilI then fly through the air for indles (roll one die) in the direc-
lion the vehicle Wa!; lra\'ehng before lhe-crash resull, revolving tWO sides for
every indlnvelcd. When illands, the side thai hus lakes collision damlJe
II the vchiele's inilial speed. Iflhe allempled maneuver WIS a light belld or a
hard s\\o'tNe, the vehiele will nip end over end. Upon landing. the vehicle
will ronunue to roll as per result 6-9 on this table Ali occupants take ()TIC
Ill)!nl of damaae M1tomaticaJly. Body IfTIlOr does not proltel lIgIin51 this
The Helicopter CrasIt Tlble is on page 51
Use thIS table if you lose control due 10 htWlrd. Roll l die, IS above
-I, O. 1.2 - Minor fIshtail. Roll rIDdomly to 5 ifrlSlll.iI .... 1I1 be Icftor rtahl.
If, for in5lant:e, it is left. keep vehkle's righl frotu corner In the 5IrIlC
square, and move the 'ftlr romer I square left. Revene fnr a Tlglll
3, 4 - MaJOr fIshllli1. As above, bul leU oomer moVC3 /W(I squares."
5 - Elc<:ule I mUlor fishtail and roll Igaln on Crash Table I
6-9 - ElIecule a major (I5htaiJ and roJi again on Crash Table J ...
10 or more - Execule. major and I minor fishlail (for a tot.al ofthrcc squarn
movement in one drreclion) and roll ltglm on Crash Table I
Cr..eh T ..ble 3 -
C ..r Tren..r .. /Tr..ctor-Tr..ner Rig.
-I - Trivial skid. The Il"IClor moves \A" in I "trivill skid" IS pt'r Crash
Table 1. The nilC'f follows as per a normal mllllCl,l\'er.
0- Minor flllhilil, The lractor does IlOl; move; the tl1liler fIshtaIls '" ". Treal5
regular fIshrail; rolt randomly for righl or Jeft and move lite rear of lite
lrIi1er ..... ill that direction, keepIng the kingpin oyer lhe fifth .... hetI
1- Mmor di:id. The lractor skids the 1rI11C'f follow$ IIOl'T1'IIIlly
2 - Major fIShtail. 1llc tractor does IlOI move; the lrailer fIshlails as for rewll
0, above, but movmg .. (two squares)."
J - MlIlor skid and As for result 1. aOO\'e. followed by rer.ult 2."
4 - Major skid and fishrall, As for 3, aOO\'e, eJl:tqI1 Wllhe: lract)r skds
.. and lhen the lrailer fishrails ll" ...
5 - Extreme fishtail. 'The tractor stays SliIJ, the niler (MlIlls 1.....
6 - Extreme skid and fishtail Tractor skids I". trailer follows and fIShtails
1" ...
7 - Kingpin breau. 'The lrailer comes 'The lractor', fifth .... hcelllkn
(Id- 2) damage. A further 02 hazardl Soc "Loose TI1l1Iers," belo....'...
8 - As above, bul the tl1liler goes into I roll.
9 - As result 7. bul the tratlOr rolls. There is I 50'" chance tIIIl II ClIdtcs
fire. ..
10 - As resull 9 above, but the trailer rolls. lOO.
II - As result 9 above, bUllhe lrat10r or towing vehICle nips 1$ in resuh 10-12
on Crash Table I
12 or more - As result 11 aOO\'e, butlhe trailer rolls 100.
Anyfimhuairrrtd "'l'VJpanfi"frorrr thtU .,thlck, orr this /Ilm will Mala -J
to hif
Anyfimht'rolrrrt'd ""t'O{)OItfinfrom Iht'u this lum ""i//WIIIII -6
to hi"
... No fiurhu IIrllamat"c "''ttlfXJ'l}ift pt'rnrmtdfrom l't'irirfts this 111m,
The result of, CrasJI T'ble roll is Ipplied al the beginning of the ne.u phase
m ....blCh a velude moves. A "chicle that fishtails may move /IOnnany afier It
fish"ils. A vehicle lhal skids mUM move straighl ahead for the rest oftltat pIwe
- i.e., if II skids \(", l\ mUSI move"'" forward (the direction ilS nose is pc:Illll'
109) after the: skid. If a "e:hicle is on its balfmO\e:, it cannot skid more than Ill"
A \'mlClc: thai encounters a hll7.ard .... hile skidding or flshlllhn,s must mike
another conlrol roll, and may lose conlrol again, afftine il on lhe next phase It
movcs. No vehicle ml}' skid more than once per phase.
Pi 0 Dri/'IDJ) fJ-
1. O'i. ,.... !
n IT 0 DuDD)

SIIo'ttW IDJ) IDl)
II- lkrf",ri,..
[j I It (uoll
-.-::J (""5 . ,-mod'}
iiilite I' r::.r
All mUlCUVel$ are described in Sc:c1ion IV, Me8). Note: If no
pictuR: is shown for I cycle, the cycle's rr'lID'emclM is the same as for the front
hIllf of I car performing thai maneuver.
Deluxe Edition
Came design by Chad /rby and ladr.son
Revisn} edition dndopmefll by Scent Haring
Box COl'U an by lHttis Loubet - Ruleboo CO\'tr art by David R. lHitriclc
Imerlorarr by Daniel . Carroll, Bill CaSSI!rly, Graham OJafftt:. Simot/ Cotmy, leffGNrgt:. Imtis LouiHt, Kyle Mifler, Jom SNW!r, Kim Strombo.
Gtorgt: (Spud) Wt'blMr, D<m Willem.r. and Pontr R. Wood.
PlayteSltr1: Nontl/Jlt /kutduch. Caroline CJuut, Heath CuJp, lim Goa4ld, Da\';d 1Adyman. DoI'kJ N(Hl, Tim Ray. aM AUtn
ThanJu to the nt/Jny intnpid duellists ",-Ito Nlrlier tditioru of Cor WOrt and its supplemmls.
Copyright 19BI, 1982. J98J, /984. /985 by Stl!VC Jodtson Games IncotporrJIed
Cor Wan is 0 ,rodent/uk 0/ Stt:\'t: Jockson Gamots Incorporated.
AUfOOutl is Q registered tf'OdUItlJrl: and Ct'4Sh Cit, and Truck St()(1 art: trademarks of Joclcson Games IncotporaJed.
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2
Ou'Ooology, 2
II. Jump-Start Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3
Introduction. 3: Beginning the Came. 3: Vehicle Selection. 3; Movement and Scale, 3; Acceleration and Deceleration. 3; Maneuvers
and Control, 3; Crashes and Collisions. 4; Combat, 4; Scenarios, 5; Claru. 5: Stock Car List, 6: Accessories. 6.
III. Gelling Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
Beginning the Game. 7; Vehicle Selection, 7.
IV. Movement........................................................................ 8
Scalc. 8. Acceleration and Deceleration. 8: StraightLine Movement. 8; Maneuvers. 8: Handling Class. 10: Hazards and Road
Conditions, 10; Crashes and Collisions. 10; Debris and Obstacles, 13; PedcSlrians, 13.
V. Combat 14
General Combat Procedure. 14: Dctennining Hits, 14: Damage, 17; Combat ReSlJIt.s. 18; Odds and Ends. 19; Hand Weapons, 20;
Buildings, 21.
VI. Pedestrians 23
Movement, 23; Combat, 23; Pedestrians and Vehicles, 23.
VII. Continuing Characters ........................................................... 26
Skills. 26; Prestige, 27: Wealth. 28; Keeping Your Olaraeter Alive, 28.
V'lll. Car Design, . , , , , .. , , , , .. , , , , , , , .. , , , , .. , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , . , , .. , .. 29
Body Types, 29: Olassis, 29; Suspension. 29; Power Plant.s, 29; Tires. 30: Weapons. 30; Armor, 31; Accessories, 31; The Human
Element, 33; Cargo. 33; Computing Acceleration, 34; Placing Weapons and Annor. 34: Repair and Salvage, 34.
IX. Cycle and Trike Design 3S
Cyc:les, 35; Trikes. 35; Trike Combat, 36.
X. Ten-Wheelers 37
Cabs. 37; Carriers, 37; Mini-buses. 38: Combat. 38; Movement, 38.
XI. Car Trailers 40
Body Types. 40; Tongues and Hitches. 40; Movement. 41: Combat, 43.
XII. Trucks and Buses 44
Tractors, 44; Tl1Iikrs, 45: Buses and RVs. 46; Combat. 46: Movement, 46; CrasheJ and Collisions. 47.
XIII. Helicopters .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 48
Construction, 48; Movement, 49; Cornbal, 51; Peculiar Equ.ipment, 52,
XIV. Scenarios ...................................................................... S3
Road Scenarios. 53; Arena Combat, 53: At the Truc:k Stop, 54; City Fight.s, 54; Off-Road Duelling, 57.
XV. Sample Vehicles S9
Cars, 59; Cycles. 60; Tnkes. 60: Ten-Wheelers. 60: Car Trailers. 60: Truc:ks, 60: Buses. 60: Helicopters, 60: Special Vehicles, 61.
XVI. Index 62
I. Introduction
Cdr Moon 1S0000(the ,amlna Industry's mosc
phenomena Sua its firsc appeanru m 1981. the game has grovon 10
suppol1 I dozen ochc:r prodUCb line of mmllwrc.s. and m.gazlnC
Over IOO.OOOcop.es been sold In lhree yean - and the end is n0-
where 1ft siam P1a)cn KroSS the oounuy h.a\'C jOtnCd I real-life
Amencan Al.IlOduel ASIociaoon. with IU 0\10 n events and lOUmamenIS_
lHhy IS CDr Mo'tJn to popular'? I think the main reason is WI If5 an
"acceaibk" fanwy. Everyone ",OO's been bdund the wheel of. car
or motorcycle hII tnrountered an MilOC In lnIfflC. and lht. universal
response 5CCfJ\5 10 be. '" f I on1)' had .some. guns mounled on thiS bIlby.
I'd m ..... thal bozo ..hat's "hal'" Well. this game givcsyou tho'ieguns!
or course. the bozos ha\C IUns, 100
'The ,ame WiS' hll ....'her! It !Old for $3.00 In I 1.1pk)ck bag. and tI
.....as I hit in I Box - so why puc OUt this new editm') 'There Ire
some rcnDnS that are purdy coonomic - cxpanchng our markets and
her bonng buSiness sluff like thai But the mam reason is lhat as the
,ame has expanded. I" s lOuen more complicated. As new supplements.
Ideas, and quesuons came up. we would "patch" on an answer - and
pretty lOOn lheJe "patches" gellmg in each other's way. We've
always been proud thaI Car Wars was a simple. easy-tO-kam, fun
game ... but II was getting leu simple with each new release:.
So here is lHluxe CM Win. It begins willi a easy-
la-learn version of the game for those: of you new 10 aUloduelling. Ind
we follow WIth the definlll\'e set ofCtlr Wtn MIles. We've gone back 10
our supplemenu and long oul-of-pnnl ISsueS of A'I/odud QuDrurly and
put III the infornuttion in one place, HelicopCers from Autoduel Cham-
pions. elghteenwheelers from Truck Stop. ten....heelers and lJ1Iilers
from AUloduel QlMJrterl}' - they're 111 here
But the hardest pan was lightening up the rules, After nearly tWO
years u ecbtor of AJgadllt!f QwDrterly. I thUl" I've heard every ptCky
rules questIOn thaI oould posSibly be asked I'm proud 10 SlY <II kist I
dunk I'm proud 10 say) thai CGr WQ1"3 pta)'ers are the ptCltiest. most
demanchn., rules laW)en )'\e run UlIO in I dec:Mie of gmllng And
FanalO bkss e\ery smg.le one of them. because: wllhout them, many of
the unprovemenu In thIS edll.on would not ha\'e come aboul
There are a few other fol .... 00 spcc:iaJ thanks: for their tn-
put on thIS projttt, Many of their contribuuons 10 previous Car 14Qn
products have been used In thIS edItIOn - 10 that extem. they are ro-
Mlmors. Thanh to SIeVe JacUon. Aaron AIISIOn. Jone , David
lIldyman. Jun Goulet. Keith Caner. Jeffrey F.eJd. Kevin Sleln. Oup
Martln. Ptllhp and hul SchwanzbeI'J. David R. JKUon. and the
scores ofAldodlld QwDrterl) readers .....ho contributed 10 Uncle A1ben's
AulD Slop .... Gwm<'Y Shop
One last thank you. 10 W.-nn Spector. Allen V.-ney. and Norman
Banducb fOf theIr 5U8IesuonJ. suppan. and help. 11 is no
to say I cou&dn'l have done It Vi'lthout them
- Scon D IkJl1l1g
2OJO Federal aovemmenl moves 10 nalJonlhze dwmdhng supplieS of
oil and natural au production Leglslltures m Tew. Oklahoma.
and LouISiana reKt by leCedlng. and tnO'o'e 10 nauonallze these
resourc:u lhemscl\'es Pllched battles .....nh federal forces foUo......
In the deSlNCbOII of oil fJdd SItes on both SIdes of
the nc.... I}<StIbhshed bor"der,
2003. U,S forces Iloppcd In hills of central TUII. ending bbxfy
"Gulf or Busa" c:am'-i&n- Rc-bel forces begin 10 retake lose te:r
2()()4 Texarkana Ac:cords are Slined. endmg Secood Ci"ll WU QUa
homa. Texas. and LoulS.ana beoome three .sc:J:-rIIe na-
tJOnI. rdr:rred 10 IS the Free 0l.1 Stases.
2012 Gram bllghl: breaks out In Nebraska, .sprt:adlnl raptdly 10 nclP-
boring lreas_ AslmulllnCOUS blight takes tOOl In the Ukraine, Accu-
sabOllS ny. c:twgtnl deliberate: btologlC8l ....lImJOn&enn foUo.-ed
by nuclear W1lrhr_ To r:\eryones SUJpn,sc. sllelhte: defr:n.sc:s iOIk
up vlJtUllly t:\r:rythlnl thai CIIl be dished OUI. dl55l,-tul& most of the
fallout above the aunlphen and causmg little resultm. dtSttlrbanc:e:
on the planel bektw Mean.....hlle. the world's .stock of gl1lUls. 6
dudlnl blrky and 1CSIfI'lt:. tw bttn une.rly tk\'tiUte:d xvett; food
mnaaes spnng up KroSS the globe. The U.S is In betlCr shan-
term Ibape than 1IQiI. the b11&h1 apparenlly has no effect on
foods With pre5eroolllves In them
2016 The Food RIOC$ "Fortru,s" 1O\Io11S de\r:Iop. NIlJOnaI p'em
menl fills 10 keep order throughoul much of the U.S
2018 Gangs rule most of the U.S outside fortress to.....ns, Courny ral
eswe becomes \WInhless; a1&ae: farms make up 1051 food prodlJC'
2020: Many large CliteS Iotally abandoned_ Nauonal g<t\'emmenl re-
gams ."thofll) but enfOfttmtnt de:ntrallzed. Economy weak bul
stable ......Ith food ratl()ni and UMmployment II
2022- Supretrle Coon decision decriminalizes manslaughter In
games. "Dl:ath 5PQns" become popular_ Television becomes na-
IIOCl'S number-two Indu5Iry. Justifier food prodlJCllOn
2023: "Crazy Joe" Harshman WIns Ftt:SIlO de5lrucuon derby by
mounung I surphu .SO-C:ahber machine gun In his Chevy. Term
"Iuloduellmg" first used by sportswnlers.
2024: Anna<hllo Autoduel Art.na opens on slle of former shopping mill
In Austin, TulS
202.5: Autoduelhng becomes most popular TV spon, edging out combat
football and pri\llle wars. Eight more Ililoduel arenas open In NoM
Arnettca The Amerw Autoduel ASSOClllion IS formed
2026: Ulah aUloduelhSls fonn Vigilante group 10 counter Badlands cycle
gangs AADA hokIs first sanctioned "NatIOnal ChamptonShlp" In
Austin. Texas AADA also begins iSSIJlng lrea advtSOries and heJp-
ani duelhsu Ofglnlze 19a1nst cycle gangs and other haunts. upset
una local forces.
2027: admrlll\lbdity 10 deal wlthducllisl-armed vehic:ks In hIgh-
....lIy use. Informal duels tnCl'eue In numbtt
2028 Many locahlles legalize vehICular weaponry of I "defensl\'e
nature" - \'ery klo.sc:ly defined_ !>Jelling outllde city lumts now
legal In 14 $illeS and toknted In most others_
2029: A variety of weaponry becx:Nnt:s aVlllable 15 "fKlOry opIk)1'lS"
on all U.S makes of {'an and several Ullporb
2030: StallSlJCJ shaw "smash-ud-arab" cycle aod car gana' much
reduced, Run! rea1 e$UU. beginJ to rise an value,
offICials Credit vehicular weaponry of pn...ce CIUttnS, but poUlI out
that 'The pnas that are left are DOW betlCr umed than we are
Autodueltin& now Iepl tn 39 JUleS. as ....-eU IS the FlU Oil StaIleS
2031: Car W(U'f ts released 10 the gt:neral publIC
2033: Ald0dJ4d QWJffUIy. "The Journal of the Amencan AulClduel
As!ocialion." IS fn publIShed AL*:IdueUing now legal In all 47
DIU In the U.S_. u well u Tens. Oklahoma. LoulSWll. most
CanadWl pro"Imc:e:s. the RepJbllC of Quebec. AllSU"Ilil. and Mu.x:o.
203.5 Car Wan - Ott/un Edition
II . .Jump-Start Rules
1. Introduction
If you're already famililr with Car WafS, skip this section and Slar1
reading the new rules on page 7.lf, on thc other hand, you're new 10 the
world of aulOduclling, nere's simple set of rules 10 get you $Ortod.
When you're done here, you'll know !he basics of Cor Win movement
and combat, and you'll be ready 10 we on the more oomplex Deluxe
2. Beginning the Game
To start the pme. tum 10 Section 9 of the Jump-SlAn Rules (p. 5)
and pick I scenario. Then:
<I> Read thl'OOgh the rules once.
(b) Lay out your road sections.
(c) Select your vehicles from the SlOCk Vehicle List. Make a record
sheel (blank vclUck record sheets are on p. 6) for each car and pick.
counter to represent it. Put speed markers on each record sheet.
(d) Place all vehicles in staning positions al starting speeds - and
go! Highway scenarios are played by placing two or three road sections
end 10 end. When cars cnd of the map. like I section from the
other end and put it in front of them. Road sections and are pro-
vided in this Dcluxe set. Also. various supplements and expansion sets
are IVlil.ble It your local hobby score. with more road sections and
ready-Io-use arenas.
3. Vehicle Selection
The "Stock Car List" (p. 6) gives specifICations and prices for a
number of su.ndard cars and cycles. Several "options" are lisled for
JOtne vehicles. All vehicles have been worked OUI acoording 10 the
design rules in Ckfuxe Car Wars, so thai the Clrs shown here will be
usable wilh ttKlse roles (with I few additions). Sample speciflCltions:
Courier: Luxury siu: 12 DP power planl: Armor: F30, R20, UO,
B2S, TO; Driver and gunner; Mounts one RL front, one MG right, one
MG left. one MG bKk. Costs SI3,I:XXl.
Options: (.) Replace rear MG with one HR and Smokescreen;
s.,ves S95O. (b) Remove the RL, all three MOs, and the gunner. Add
IWO linked la5ers firing forward. Costs SI0,200 exlB.
'The name of the vehicle is given first, followed by ear size and the
size (number of DP. or Damase Points) of the power planl. Armor is
listed next, with the number of points of armor on each of the car's five
lalJelable sides: (f)ronl, (R)ighl, (L)eft, (B)ack, and (T)op, "Driver
a.nd gunner" indiates that the car has a lwo-man crew. A weapons list
follows, with the positions they occupy (one RL, or Rocket launcher
and three MOs. or Machine Guns). Weapons are followed by the cost of
the vehicle. "Options" are changes the player may make 10 a Clr, al the
cost or savings indicated.
After a car is 5elected, make up a record sheet for il as shown below.
The record sheet will show all modifICations, optK>nS, and damage.
v_ _ J.w 'RoJ>,blL
1ofl_.E!- I

... I
This record sheet shows a Courier (stock, no opcions) after a brief
combat. All the armor on the right side has been destroyed. elimilllling
the right s)de machine gun. The front armor has taken six hits. The
power plant has lIto taken three hits. The driver and gunner have no
body armor (see "Accessories," p. 6) so they CM take only three hiu
- therefore they are shown with only three damage boxes apiece.
4. Movement and Scale
The road seclions are marked wich a gnd to amlrol movement. The
heavy lines are I" (IS feet) apan. The lighllines are 1/4" (3.7S feet)
apan. Each tum is divided into ten "pha5es" of 1/10 second each.
A vehicle's speed determines how many limes it will move in atum.
A vehicle muse move I" for every 10 mph of ils speed, moving once
per phase unlil il hiS move<! itS full movemenl. For example, acar mov-
ing 30 mph would move In phases 1.2. and 3. and would be immobile
for the rest of that lUrn. Cars move in order_ wilh the car going fastest
moving lirsl. Vehicles moVing al lhe same speed roll randomly to see
who mo\'es first.
5. Acceleration and
At the beginning of each lurn, the owner of each vehicle chooses iu
speed for the tum. All players determine new speeds, move the
"speed" marker on the Speed track of their record sheelS. and reveal
the new speeds slnlullaneously. Avehicle can (a) accelel1ll.e by 10 mph.
(b) decelerlte by 10 or 20 mph, or (c) slay II the same peed. The lop
speed for all vehicles is 100 mph
6. Manauvers and Control
Straight-line movemenl is easily calC\llated. becauliC each Clr
counler 15 I" long (the d15lance normally moved in one phase). while
each cycle counter is long, By selling one counler in fronl of
another, you can figure easily where each vehicle will go on a straight
To change direction, a vehICle mUSI execute a "maneuver." Maneu-
vers may only be made in a phase in 'Nhich the vehicle moves, and only
one maneuver can be made per phase. Maneuvers are executed in place
of the normal I" straIght-line move. The firsl maneuver of a lurn is
wilhoul risk, but for the second and each subsequent maneuver, the
driver must roll two dice and check the Control Table (p. 5) 10.see if he
loses control of the vehicle.
If a vehicle rolls anything other chan a "no effect" on the Control
Table, lhe vehicle has gone out of COfltrol. Results range from flShlail
ing to crashing and burning. Full lnSlnIClions for loss of conuol resultS
will be found with the Canlrol Table.
The maneuvers are:
Drift: The vehicle moves forward I" and up 10 Yi" to either side
'Nhile keeping the same orienlalion.
The vehicle moves I" ahead, and is then positioned by its
owner so thaI (a) one rear comer of the counter Slays in the same
square, and (b) the corner diagonally opposite moves one or IWO
squares in any dil'tCtion. Diagonally adjacent squares are legal.
PiWJI: This can only be made by a vehK:le moving 10 mph. The
vehicle moves Yi" ahead. and may then be turned any amount, in any
direction. while holding one rear corner in place.
Cars (nol cydes)can back up at 100r20 mph. Acar muSl stop com-
ptetely for one turn 10 change from forward 10 reverse or back again.
J.W RoadlC, III the Courter in "Vehicle Selecuon"
(above), has decided 10 Nm and run. HIS speed IS 40. and he has moved
twU thlJ tum. stnaght once and maneuvering once. In Phase 3. R<MIdie
'NItlts to s....'(:r'\..e left. 10 hide hiS vulnerable r1aht side. He moves 1be
Cou.nt:r forv."Jrd I". boId5 the kft rear comer dov.1I. and moves the
nabt frontoomer lWOsquifeS 10 die left Roadie Iwalrudy uJed up his
"free" maneuver for the tum. 50 he mUll roll 011 the CoouoI Tab&e. He
rollJ a 10 (011 t"'O su.-$ided dICe) and adds 2 10 thIS for his 40 mph
speed, resuluaa In a 12. T...'(:Ivc: on die Control Tab&e indicates a
"skJd 'The Couner moves I" III !he direction n .....as pointins at !he
bqaMm& of the pbas.t. Normally. the Countr would move once more
in dus rum. but !he skJd t1imllUlces!he not move (Roajic spent it skid-
du',), so 11 does flO( mo\'e in the nul phase (Ptwc 4). If Road!t:'s car
... 1011I1 50 mph, II woukt III Phase 5.
7. Craahas and Collisions
When a ... t:hicle oounler touches a fixed object or another vdtkle
ooumer. a collision has occurred. To determine bow much damage Is
done in a collision, you muSt figure OUt the "collision speed." Collision
speed IS the difference in speed between the colliding objects. If the cars
are aoUlI the same direction (or almosl the same). subtract the lower
speed from the higher speed. If lhcy hIt beId-on, add the two speeds. If
they stnkt: at right angles. U5e the speed of the car that moved molt
recently, For every 10 mph of the collision peed, each participant in
!he colh101Ofl tales one die of damage 10 the sidt: stnK:k. Cycks do only
of dlls darnIge to wtwe\'er they hl1
B. Combat
Combat takeJ platt whcne\er one vehICle rll'e5 a, macher. It may
occur In any pba.se. after all movemm: lS compkted. The player simply
announces that he 1$ rltUll and names the weapoa and target_ All rITe IS
raoh'ed simultaneously everyone has had a dwICc to declare a
A II\'en "'eapon may never fire more than once in the same turn A
II\eD d1arxter (dmer or gunner) may never fire more than once per
turn. unless he does so by lriggering tWO ILnked ... eapons 011 the same
tum. Lmked muSt be fired at the same target. If every perlOfl
In I \'C'hlCle IS unconse;oos or dead, It cannot: fire,
To fire al a given targt:t. thC're must be. "line offire" from the firing
oounter's center (for a turrel IWC'apon) or the middle of the side where
Ihc weapon i (for other weapons) 10 any pin ofthc: target coumer, Une
of fire may not cross any pan of any oounter (except smoke) 011 itS path
from !he IWC'1pon to the target ExcC'ptlon: Turret wupons may fire
ICfOSJ the car counter they're mounted on, In any dil't:Ction.
A vC'hlde has front, back, right, and left sides. When you rlf(' at.
vdticle,)'OU may ha only a side flCina you usuaUy you ..... ilI be able 10
c:boo5e bet.... een IWO lide$. Veal must dlOOtt: one specifIC lU'JC'C. If a car
has a turft:t. the lOP may be targeted ut*ad of the lade of the car. The
"lo-lut" roll for thIS is at -2 (see "Cak:ulaung HItS" below), dUC' to
the low profl.\e of the turret
C.lcultJtin, Hiu
When I "'upon IS flfC'd, the IltXkIna player rolls lWO dice 10 see
....'bt:ther he has hl1 hIS target. HC' must make the lO-hit roD or higher for
Wt ....t:apon. u shown 011 lht: Weapons Chan (page 5). Accunc:y IS af-
fected by 5e\'eral fac1On: these are lasted on the Weapons Chart.
Reprdleu of bonuses. I roll of 2 Ilways mwes! Smokescreens do not
need 10 roll to hit - they JUst produce a cloud when fittd.
Ca/culQtln, Dam.
When a weapon hilS. cakulalC' the amount of damage by rolling the
number of dice shown on tht: Weapon List. The resull is the number of
hits liken by the llraet
Each componem of a vehicle cln like a certain amount of damage.
Armor II lost a point It a ume. and ....'hetIthe last point of armor on a
side is destroyed. the weapons on lhat side of the vdUcle are destroyed,
100. Top Irmor protects weapons in the 11Imt {if any) in the same way.
The vdUcle description in the Stock Car List InCludes damage boxes for
the power plant (DP): pt)'Io"(:r plantS VI'Ortr. at full C'fflC:lCDCy IlDtil aU of
their OPs are sone. Humans are WOUftdcd by the first pomt of damage,
knocked unconscious (mapac:itated) by the second. and kiJled by the
third. Wamding a driver fon:es him 10 make a roll on the Control
Loauion of Dam.
DarnqC' is taken fillt by the Irmor on the _ hit, Whezl thlJ IS sone
(de.stroylDJ the ....eapw; 011 thai sldt:). rcnauung damage bas an t:quaJ
dIance of hitling the driver (on a roll of I or 2 on one die), the BUMC'r (3
or 4), or the pl)'Ner plant (5 or 6), If theft: is funhcr datnaF. or If you
roll I c:ompont:nt that as mlS$lng or dt:suoyed, the weapons on the 0ppo-
Site side of the car are Oestroytd: then the armor on that side takes all
the remaming damaae. Exception: When aU lop armor is destroyed,
turret ....eapons are ehmlnated. but any further damage passes the
clr ......Ithout dfect.
If the po.....er plant it destroyed, the driver may Still steC'r and
mlll1t:uver, but the elr must decelerate by at least 10 mph each tum. Ira
...ehiele's driver is inclpacitated,;t will cootinue in a straight lint:, decel
enlllDg al 10 mph per tum. If there is a gunner. he may COfItIDue 10 fire
welpons, but he may not control the vehkle in any way.
Atmokescreen is flfC'd like any other ....eapon. but prodllCCS a cloud
of den5e smokC' that obscuft:s vWon. lasting 60 seconds. Any vdtde
tnclD, I Iltle of firC' through a smoke cloud subtracts 2 from the to-hit
roll for eadl cloud In the way. Lasefl cannot rll'C' thrtlUJb UI'lOR. When
smoItr is flfC'd, lay a smote counter bdund the vchic:k, U shown;
The smote COIInlC1 does not movC'.
ExtJmpk of Combat
Our friend Roadie (from the prev'out example) has manaaed to tum
his left side to his opponent, but he's not OIIt of the woods yet. HIS 0p-
ponent, "Killer" Caner, in a Courier with option (b), going 60 mph,
hat charged up to within 6" of ROlldie, facing him beId<>n. At this
point. both pllyers decide to fire. Roadie fires his kft-sidt: machine-gun
at the front of Caner's Courier, hoping to IlIce OUI Caner's weapons.
The base chance for an MG to hit is to roll 7 or more on two dice,
Modirled for ranSC' (4" 10 7,99": - J from the ,oil) and for firing at the
front (another - I from the roll), Roadie needs 10 roll a 9 or bener, He
roUt an II, and hits euily, Machine--&uns do I die of damlge, and
Ro.die rolls a 2. ThIS is wrItten dollo'll 011 a piece: of scratch paper, 10 be
applied to the front armor of Caner's car after evel)'Ol'lt: has fired. Un-
fortunately. Caner has a lot of front armor left. so 2 hits woo't
Ro.tICS gunner fires tht: rear MG (the kit MG can't be fired Ipln
thiS tum) the same llraet. He alto needs a 9 01" better, for the same
reasons R<*iic did. He rolls a 7.... h.lC:h miues. Caner rC'tllms fire ..... 1th
tht: t"'O linked lasers III hIS car. He fira at the kft SIde of RoadIlC'S
Couner Caner's lasers M\"C base uHtll roll of 6. and thert"s a -I
mochflt:r for tangC', SO Caner needs to roll I 7 or beaer Caner roUs an
8 for the first laser and a 7 for tht: KCOnd, so they both hll The first
IaJt:r does II poUltS of damqC', and the second does a phenomenal 17
poilU (on -3 dice).
Now that evC'1)'Ol'It: hat fired. damaae as appliltd 10 the sides hit.
Caner's car loses 2 POIntS of front armor. The rlrst laser does II polllU
10 the left armor of Roadie's car. and the second ehmu\ltet the 9 ft:-
maining armor poInts (destroyIng the left MG Ul the process), ThIS
leaves 8 points of damage, wtlkh penetrate to the inlC'nor. CanC', rollt
one die to see which internal c:omponem is hit. HC' rotls a 2. Indicaung
the dnvC'r. Bye, bye. Roadie! Roadie takes 3 hits and dies, The n:main-
ing Spoints ofdamage continue through, flying OUt the unarmored nght
sKk: of the car. AI this point. Roadie's Courier is uncontrOlled, and his
gunner IS having second thoughts about the whok affaIr.
S. Scenarios
The Car Wan Jump-Sian Rules offer 1 great Vlriety of possible
games. Before any game, you must make certain decisions aboul the
"scenario" to be pllyed:
(I) Which vehicles will be used? For example, you might give each
player 1 large budget (say $40,000) and lilow him 10 outfillS many or
IS few vehicles as he likes.
(b) Where will the vehiclu SUlrt, and al what speeds?
(c) Will the players get to see each other's record sheets before plly,
or will they find 0111 "the hard way" what their opponents have?
Some sample scenarios
Road Chfel: T\l/O-pllyer road combat - one car each. Each player
gets a fixed budget ($10,000 and $IS,OOO art both good) 10 pick a car
with whalever options and accessories the budget allows. Players roll
randomly to see which car staIU in front. Roll again (2 dice) 10 deter-
mine 518ning diSlance: 2 10 12 inches. Both cars start out 80lng the same
direction at 60 mph. The survivor wins.
Pad At/ack. MUlti-player rold combat One player geb $17,000 for
one car from the Stock Car list. The other players share 525,000 and
muS! pICk at least S C)'cles from the Stock list. The lone vehicle staIU
with a 12" lead wilh all vehicles going 80 mph, The cycles Win if they
deslroy the lone vehicle. The car wins ifall the cycles are destroyed, or
if he increases his lead to more than 30".

, l.' "
--.:' .""'"

Weepone Chert
Machine Gun (MG)
Rocket launcher CRl)

To bil Damage
7 I die
8 2 dice
6 3 dice
TlrHit ModijlcQtlons
PaiM-BlanJ: Ronge: If range (measured from the edge of the firing vehicle to the edge of the
target counter) is less than I", the player adds 4 to his lo-hit roll
Long Ronge: Subtract 1 from the roll for every full 4 of range. Below 4" 15 no sublractlon.
4" 10 7.99" is -1: S" to 11.99" is I -2, and 50 on.
Targtl: SubtraCt I if firing at the body of. oompacl or a sub-compacl. Subtract I if firing at I
vehicle's front Of rear (as opposed to the left or right skies). Subtract 2 if finng al I cycle or a
car's turret.
Stock Car List
KiIltr Kan SubcorrlJ*l. 8 DP power planl. Armor: F6. R4, U.
84, TO. Dnver only, MounlS one MG finns fOf"Ward. Cow $3,848.
loti"; Shm"o,," Compact. lOOP power plant, Armor: FJ5, R25.
12.5.833. TO. Dn\'tronl)'. Mounts Zllnked MGs finng forward. and.
smokucfttn mbid: CoslS S7.334
OPhons: (a) Replace bOO! MGs with one RL (fronl).,1d 25 potnts of
armor anyll.here. Saves $1,32,5. (b) Replace one MG wllh one HR
(front) and 16p04ntso(.rmof SavuSI.092.
... Driver., ,., .
Roehl SpIoI MldoSlZC. 12 OP polll'er pblll, Annor: F40. L3.5.
ru. 835. no. Dnver and Bunner Mounu one RL (orwvd and one
MG 1111 Nnel Costs $12.250
()ptJons: (I) remove the RL.lht MG. and the l\UUlt:r Add alun In
lhc: CosuS4.2S0uU1l (b) MG and the runner. Add
) HRs (2 (TOnl. one bkk) and 2j pOUlLS of armor Sava $1,500.
CotInn Set Vducle Sekcoon (Ibo\c) for the de ripuon
.9lopIf 100 C)'dc. 2 DPpov.cr planI. Armor: F6. RO, LO. 86. TO.
Dover only. Mounts one MG forward Costs $3.120.
S1IoJIIII 120 Cyde. ) OP lJO""cr plaN, Armor F20. RO, LO, 820.
TO. Driver only, Mounts one RL forward Costs 14.090.
I I .""'u__ I I
L-__-' L __--'
Cost: __ .
lHbu" Cycle .s DPpo'A'C'rplanl. Armor: f6. RO. LO. 86.
TO. [)moet only, Mounts one laX'r forward Costs $11,244
Opooa' Replace the Iasa" with one MG and 2 HRs finns fOfWUd,
andldd 17 poltlUofannor SrolesSS,896
Armor on SIOCk 'ileitides ma)' be reananaed 10 .suil W player, but
C)'clles ne'iler ba\e side or lOp annor
ThcJC llmlS may be addaIlO In) stock \ehicle - at exlJ'l COSI.
Acomputer ',".orb for one penon In a car or
cycle and lIdds I 10 all to hll rolls ....hl:fl that pierson fires the VehICle'S
wupoo.s 1'huc cost SI,(XlO each
Hirts TrJ'Ittl'" CompuIU: Just IS lIbove, Iexcqx thll It costs
50',000 Ind adds 2 10 10 hll rolls.
Body rJrmor; Woven plastlC.aml bod)' Innor COSlS $250. It tlkles ]
hits of damaF before It becomes uselless - thus, lileffectiviely doublet I
p1efJon '.I DP from] 10 6,
-I> -I.

I. I> 20 25
'" "
Driver ..
I Left allnor I
I I ."", um" ... _.._ I I
L-_---' '--_---'

. COlI ..
-20 -I> -,. -,

I. I> 20 25
'" "
III. Getting Started
Opuons: Remove Iny or aU flamethrowers and replace with MGs.
Each fT replaced b)' an MO $3\;es enough .... eight to allow an extra 30
poinlS of annor. For each FT replaced by an MG and 30 points of Ir-
mor, ll1e cost gocs up by S1,3.50. One rear FT ml)' be replaced by
minedropper and 30 points of Irmor, al an extnl COSl of $8.50.
ExplanatIOn: Cor siu is gh'en first: then chassis, suspension, power
plant, and tires. Next, the number of people the car can hold is sped
flCd. Then "''NfJOflS are listed, with the: posillOn In which each is
mounted. NeXI is the number of armor poinu on each of ll1e vehicle's
six sides; Front, Right, Left, Back, Top, and Underbody. Accessories
are listed last. is eltplained In SectIOn IV; htwlling class
affects maneuverability, and is also explained In Section IV, The priu
is ll1e vehicle's "sticker COSl," and Includes a full load of ammunilJOfl.
Wtighf is a \ehicle's tOlal weight with all seats filled and a full load of
ammunition, Options are changes a player can make in a elir without
special reference to the Car Design sectMxt: they've already bcc:n
checked. If no price differential is given. an option does not change a
car's cost. Note that some changes (e.g., largeting computers, different
suspensions) affect only a car's pnee - not ilS .....eighl or avaIlable space
- and may be added to any \'ehicle by paying the cost shown on the Ac
eesso!ie5 5heet. without oll1er calculations.
After a car is selected. make up a record sne:et for il as &hown below.
The record stlcel will show any modirK;8Iions. oplions. ammunition re-
maining. damage laken. etc., in a pICtorial fashion.
The sample record shc:el below shows a Hotshol (SIock, no options)
after I bnef combat. All the armor on the right side has been destroyed,
and the: right FT has laken one hit of damage. Tht: right front tire has
taken 3 hits. and the front armor has liken" hilS. There is no Olhe:r
damage. The front MGs have fired three limes each, and the right FT
has fired twice (shown by tally marks). Tht: driver has no body armor,
so he can take only 3 hits - therefore he is sho.....n willi only 3 damage
- .u>..



lAying au, the Game Board
For highway scenarios. place two or three road seclK>ns end to end.
When the cars leave one end of the map. pick up the section on the other
end and pul it in front of them so they don'l run OUI of road.
For city ballIeS. just tape down the two halves oftht: Midville, Ohio
map provided with ll1is sct. Likewise, the map of a "t)'pical" 11\Ick Slop
in 203.5 can be used.
For other fi;u:d-aKa sct=nanos IT(nas, parking kl{s or obstacle
courses), draw lhe whole layoUl on ... '. graph paper and tape il 1O lilt:
table. Such a layoot should show roads, rums, debris, CIC., and ll1e
nlIture of off-road terrain (sidewalks, buildmgs, etc.). This will be im
plnant .... hen carl leave ll1e road SectIOn IV, Any
graph paper ruled m 14" squares will ....'Ork. CGr WGr$ Map Sheets,
blank 22" x 32" sheets marked off in 14" squares, are also available,
as are a number of Olher supplemenlS and eKpansion sets for Cor WGr$.
1. Beginning the Game
To stan playing Delwee Car Wan. read lilt rules. tum (0 Section
XIV, and pick. scenarKl. Then:
Ca) La)' out your road secti0n5. spread OUI one of the maps. or draw
up your own
(b) SeIK1 your vchicles. Make a record sheet for each car and pick a
counter to represent II Put the marker counter for each vdliclc I' its
begiMmg speed on the master Chan (back cover), and put
speed and handling markers on each individual vchicle record shoet.
(c) Roll for each dnvc,'s reflexes (see "Handling Class," p. 10. in
Section IV. Reflexes of characters other than drivers do not
rount in this game.
(d) Place all .... chicles In 5111Tlinj posllion - and go.
2. Vehicle Selection
The "$lock car shoppmg list" (see Section XV, Vehicles)
gives specifICations and pried for. number of Standard vehicles. Sev-
eral "optIOns" (U1Ideoffs, with or without differences in cost) are listed
for each vehicle. All vehicles have been worked OOt according 10 the
vehicle construction rules (see Section vm, Cor [ksign). Vehicle
design is complex. You will want to use "$lock" cars the firs! few times
yoo play.
SGmple Sp.ijkatlons
HotJho/: Luxury size, x-hvy. chaS5is, hvy. suspension, super power
p1ant,4 puncture-resistant tires, driver onl)'. 2 MOs linked fronl, 2 fTs
linked back, one FT righI, one FT left. Armor: no, RIO, LlO, 820,
TIO, UIO. Fire ext. Aceel. S. He 3, SI.. ,6(X), 6,600 Ibs.
IV. Movement
1. Scale
The rued teC1iocIs and maps used III Ctu Mim are IlWbd a
square rod 10 CUIlI'OI mDYtmelll. The heavy lmes ODe iDdI (1.5 (ea)
1IpIIt. The: IJablIiDa Ire: 'A" (3.7.5 feet) IIp&ft. EK:b blnl rcpramtl one
1eClOOd. Each tum is divided lMO tal ''pfwa'' of 1(. seooad each.
The DWDber of ttmeli vduc.1e moves exh turD will be pcmcd by
a speed. as ihowll by the ., I marts 011 the MoYemeat OYin (sa: blc:k
cov). A car movir!&.5 or 10 mptl rnD\'e.s once per turD, car
1.5 or 20 mph moves rwice per Nm, Mel 10 00.
If. car l5 movtllll( an "even" speed (10, 20, JO mph. eft.), then
all its II'IOU will be .,ontinaIy" move:t durinJ ....inch it may maneuver.
It. vehicle is mavins II an "odd" speed (.5,1.5. 2j mph, ecc.).1hen one
of ils lDOVeJ eICh tum will be "haJr-move." The vehicle must move
SltRl"" wad W'. and lTIIIY hOt maneuver. (Ettcpuon: See "Pivot"
wxler "Maneuvers" in this section.) The may takt Iny move u
his hliJr-move, bul irhe hal not made hil halfmove by his lui movcof
the turn, he must lake it then.
A vehicle', IpCCd delCnnineJ both how many limes iI wiJI move
each tum and ""hen il: will move, u shown on the Movement Chart.
There are IefI "phate5" durina eM:b rum. Durinl cICh phatt. vehicle.
of certaul speeds may move. for in5lanCC. vdlidcs aoina 30 mptl will
fI'IO\'C durllll phases 3, 6, and 9. u shown by the "I",on lhcdwt.
Vdllcks tnve1mg in UCCJl of 100 mph will II'lO'VC more lhtn one
ndIl1llOmt pbues. In the p/weJ marted by I "2" OIl the Movement
a-n. I vducle PIlI rasaer ctu 100 mph mUJl move. 2 fun InChes.
A vcbK:1e uavelin& II 11'1 "odd" IpOCld IrtaIef!han 100 (lOS, 113.
In mph, rcc.) mll3l malt I "oae-.nd..-ba1r' lnOYC IOIDCtimc duriaa
d'le 11.1111 The one-md.. InOYe CIIl be: mIde in my phue martilld
by 1"2" oalbe Movcmm. ChIn, buI ifdJe player his IlOI made the
one-Md..4lIIfll'lOYe by billut '"2" pbaJeoflhc 1Um. he mutt mab il
A vdude may only make ODC maneuver per pbuc.
AI !he be:J1Mina of eldllUI'Il. Ifte.r YdlK::1es set dIeir apceds, Ibe
alnuollTllrUr for cxb vcbick. lllIJO\'lIld 10 ill new IpCCd 0Cl1be IIl&Iler
MoYement Olart. A marker II thm pIIced the top of die dwt
PblK land IDOYIlld UJna. When I ITIIrt appean in the row lOr I vc:bi-
c1e', speed, IbM vehkle moYCI In tIw pfwe. ODe player keep
trdofthis, callin&oul the mOIIC,: I.C., "Pt\ue 3. Cal 12 moves, then
6, Ihcn 10."
Often, vehlClaofdiffem\1 speeds will movedurinJ the same phase.
For Instance, atl CITS movin. 4.5 mph or faster will movc in Phase 1.
When vehiclu move during the wne phlte. the flster one. II'IOYU first.
For vehicles trlvehng the same speed, the one whose driver has the
flJCCr rcOUtS (see Section VD, Cotttifluin, OoNC'en) ll'IIy choalC
when he wanu 10 move.
A vehicle must move ...men the movemenl chart teUl it 10, and lNIy
never move II Uly oIher ume
2. Acceleration and
AI Ihe be:JUlD1nI of CKh NnI. the owner of eadI \-eIul:1e KfS iu:
tpeed for thai tuna. All players clele:nmne new speed.I. move !he tpeC:d
alUnIet on Ihett vdbck record sbect, and rcve.aI them sunu1taneousty.
VdUcks may accelerate, decdcrace, or kff:p the same speed.
Accdendon: Enaine 1lU and vehicle welp clele:rminc I vehicle',
muunum III:CCkraoon - eftr.5, 10, or 1.5 mph per tum (ICC Secdon
VlD. Car Dt.ll'''). .
Ckcekratioo: Any vehidc un dec-dclllC up 10 1.5 mph eadI NI1I
Wlthoul GreaJcr lJ possible. but risky:
Deceleration of20 mph; DiffICUlty 3 (03) l1IMIC\Iver (lee "Manc\!.
ven." later Ihu secuon).
DeceleriOon of 2.5 mph: 0.5 maneuver.
Decelelllon ofJO mpb: OJ maneuver, and each lire- take, 1die of
damage (ICC insuuction. for I'tO)rchna damlie in Section V, Combat).
Dettleration ofl.5 to 4S mph 1ft one D1111: 2dJCe datnqe 10 e:b lU'C,
IIId JO diRlctly 10 Crash Table I (peae II).
Decelc:mion of more dwI mph m one. tum IS unpouiblc:
3. Straight-Lina
Sinee the fOlds Ire Jfld6td.... to figure- ft'IO\'cmclll ""hal
Ibe cars lrIvd 1ft stBlJht '1-5 or E-W lines. However, I vch:k')
suaip-line movcmcna can be cak:ublCd premety cven if II II IfIO\'I/\I
1111'1 Male to the and bnes. Thu I btcal5c- C-Idl ear countcr Is euelly
I" kJn& (!he distance normally mo\'cd In one pha5c), while each
c:ounltr 15 Ion. By llettln, one countcr in fronl of another, you can
flaure where. each vchicle will &0 on I w.ighc cour!IC- - cvcn if Ihc
vehicle i5l'1 followina NS or E-W line .
I I"'" I

, I I
4. Maneuvers
Any cbaaJc of vet-llcle dll'eClJOCl II called I Each manna
Y'tr has I tlifflCUfly clus 1be moretbfflcult I maoeu\'cr,!he more. h).e
Iy the vehICle VI in sbd. Rip. etc. ManaNers It low speed arc elS)'. As
speed aoes up, d&n&tr Increases.
Vr'bc.a mlDCUvel1 Ire made 1ft rapid JUCUSSIOft. !he danaer Ill'
craseI. The tDtTeUlnI cIa..- 1J 1ndx:a1C-d b) the Handlina TlXk Of! I
vdJ,ick. rucrd shed AI the bqlMlnl ofdK 1lmC, cKh "handl"I"
COWIW swu It tIw \d1K:1e', twldIiQI class, IS modified by the
dnver', rcflexCJ (sec Sccuon VU, ContinMInf OIc:JlUC'lt'r.s). Ea:h
maneuvcr or buard eauscJ the marker 10 lI'IOYe down. And each time
the marker mo\'CJ. !he pltyer nmt roll on me COluml TIbk 10 sec If he:
IoIes coalrOl. If he loseseonlrol, he will have to roll Of! one ofme Crash
Control Table
Crossindex !he htndllfll '1IIUS of )'OUt vehiclc (from the Handling
Track) with its tpecd, and roll one die. If you roll the ltMmlHr sho,," or
hi,Mr)'OU ictp COIlIroi of the elr If )'OIl roll lower, youloJc conuoI.
If you loiC control, 10 10 the appropriate Crufl Tmk (No. I for
maneuveR, No.2 for hIurds). "Safe" means you tarUlOl crash.

Hard S,,'t"w: As above, bullfter the vehICle ahead I", lIS
owner positions il so thll (I) one rear corner wys in lhe same square.
and (b) the opposite comer mo\es two squares. A 03 maneuver.
Pivot: ThlS maneuvcr may be made only by I \'ehde moving al :Ii
mph. To pIvot, a vehicle (I) moves 1.4" In a siraight Ime, and (b) leeps
one rear comer fiud lithe same POIOI, while plvOima aboul thai cornet
Illy amount in lIIydirectioa. A DOmaneu\et, beclUseofthe
A vehicle Invehna :Ii mph may choose bel:.... ccn thl.S maneuver and the
nonnaJ W' haJf-llIII'<C': in I Itralhlltne,
lHcturation. As mentioned pre\lOUIly. rapid dettle,..1OIl COOIllS IS
I maneuver. The Track mM\.er is adJU.sted aI. the bqlMl"I of
the wm - ""hen the dC'tt1e,..ioo is an.llOUl'lttd - Ind the: drol roll IS
made II the o",lNll speed All this mu.st happen before Ihc: .. ehKIe may
rlIO\'e or flTC' on that lum.
Evt1Ij",.o.d After coonna OUI of a mano.l\er parallel 10 the grid
IU'IC'S. I COWl1C'f may be lTIO\'ed a fracctOll or I square in In) d,recuon
(owner', cbo.ce) 10 Itt euetl) on the gnd lines This don no!affoct
speed or haridllnl. and IS I DO lfW)C'u\er
Tht' Boodeuer 'The boocJe&aer fC"\erv lS I spocilll
maneuver: !he ok! moo'15!unef'$ trick lhereby a car ll5C'S I controlled
Wd to mtrse its dlltCbOn II worU, hul .I's dartgel'llU
To anempt I boodeger fe\'enC'. I \chlCle mUSl san the 111m.
belwecn 20and 3.5 mph bcJore the ICCCkralion 'deceleralDt phase You
an't dow to 3:1i and then It) I fe\ erse, aU in one rorn
On the phaSiC' WI I \ehlCle suru a booIIeggrr men.C', II \l.Jds from
NtoOon the dUlgrant. This isl 07 maneu\er, andpw I pc'IWofdam
lie on eadt ure. If the \duck ps eu of OOIltrol thiS poltlt IndOt
loses I tire, II will roll or 5bd In the dlreeuon sboYo-n b) !he heavy
Irrow. Its speed will be 011 the bqlanllll ofme ItC'JlI tum Ifthe \dtlCle
docI rIQI SO ()I,M; ofconlrOl, II "'mautomatJeally &0 10 Pon III nul mo\C-
metIt phase, and stOp (spted ps 10 0). facinl the ......)' i: CImC
Once I vehICle beiliU; I bootleuer re\'erse, II may rlTC' no .... eapons
until II IIOpS movlnJ (the occ:upMllllre 100 busy). Weapons on aoo
malIC (see Sec:tJon V, Combat) will .still fire. Cycles mI)' no! uy thll
Fie- I: BEND (03) f'\a. 1: nClfT BEND (06)
.. .. ): DRIfT (DI)

.... 4: STEEP FI&- 5: SWERVE (DI)
The m&neUvt!n hho....n pICtOrially It nlhl) are:
BntJ: The vehICle aoes from PosItion AdIrectly 10 po5IlKln Bin one
phase. This 4s-dqree lum 15 I DIfficulty 3 (OJ) maneuver. If the
driver aecutesl ICCOnd "bend" III me nUl lOO\'ement pha!e, it will
take the vehICle 10 C, completlnll 9Cktegrce rum.
n,lv /Hnd. The velucle Joel from PosIIIOll 0 !O Posirion E In one
phase. nils 9O-dq:ree I\Im 1'1 06 mueuver.
DrJft: The moves I" forward and (or leu) 10 either
SIde. lillie fKUlJ the same: direcuon ThIS 15 I 01 manawer.
Slup Dnft The velucle mo\C'I I" fonro'ard and be!:Weetl and
10 one We: ThI5 lSI OJ maneuver,
The \'elucle moves one car-1e1lJlh ahead. and 15 then poIi-
tJOned )0 tn.M (I) ODe rut comer of the cnunler stays In the same
5qUIfC'. and (b) the corner dll,onally opposile tnO\e5 IDIO
(UlClul!LlIJ d..,onally ld}ICenl squares). SubJCClIO tbe.Je restne:.
UOIU. the CXII.II*r may be pIKed 15 the player wishes. A 01 maneuver.
The to" uxd on the Control Table depends on the vehicle's speed.
Tbe coiwItIt ckpends on lis CUrrml hlndlina SWUJ. A handlill8 StilUS of
4 or better is IlwlYs safe Handhnl SUlIUS CIMOC gel worse than -6,
bull vehicle II -6 mLlSl lull roll on the ConlroI Table for each new
Example: During one lum, a car Iravelin, 60 mph anempu three
m&neU\ers lu hanc!lang ellU is '2, II) the marker sans It 2. The first
maneu\er is a "drift" (DIffICUlty I). Subtrac1 I from hlndling stilUS,
movln& the marker 10 I No roll II required for control. 'The second
maneuver is I "Sleep dnft:' whK:h 15 03. Sublracting 3 from handlina
saw. moves it 10 -2, requlrinll control roll on the -2 column. Tbe
third maneuver II ano!her drift - 01 allin. Subtract one tTlOft from
handhng $lltUS and rolll&alO, this time on the - 3 column of the Con-
lrol Tlble. AI the end ofltle turn, each vehicle will reglin some points
on III handling lrack.
The Handling Track Is adju51ed upwlrd al the end of each rum -
thai is, once per second. This .imulalu the driver's abllilY 10 repin
conlrol of I vehklc over lime. The amount lhe Irack is adjuslCd upward
is the basic Handling C1ISS of the vehicle pluslhe driver's skill bonus (if
Iny). The DrIver mil is expllJned In Secuon VlJ. Cofttinufng
CMroett'rJ. The amounl the u.ck illdju51ed can never be lower than I
-)'OU wlllll"'lys recover at lelst one poilU on !he hlndlinltl'Kk lithe
beglJ\ning of each lum. A vehIcle's Handllllg Track can never be ad
JUSIed abo\e ill mning handling class.
HaMil,,,! Trode Suuw
StHft! 3 Z I 0 -I -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 modifier
5-10 safe safe safe safe safe safe safe Slfe safe safe
15- 20 safe life safe safe safe safe safe safe 2 '2
2S- 30 life safe safe safe safe life 2 3 4 4 - '2
lS 40 safe we safe life safe '2 '2 3 4 ji 0
45- .50 life safe safe safe afe '2 '2 3 4 6 I
1S- 60 afe safe safe safe afe '2 3 4 ji 6 I
65- 70 we safe safe we 2 2 3 4 ji XX 2
75- 80 life life life safe 2 3 ( ji 6 XX '2
as. 90 safe safe life safe '2 3 4 ji XX XX J
9jiIOO safe safe safe safe J 4 ji 6 XX XX 3
10:5-110 safe life safe '2 3 4 .5 6 XX XX 4
11.5-120 safe safe life 2 3 4 :Ii XX XX XX 4
125-1l0 safe uJe safe 3 4 .5 6 XX XX XX 5
135-140 safe safe '2 J 4 :Ii XX XX XX XX 5
145-1.50 safe sare 3 4 5 6 XX XX XX XX 6
11S-160 safe safe 3 4 5 XX XX xx XX XX 6
165-170 safe '2 3 4 5 XX XX XX XX XX 7
175-180 u.fe 2 3 4 XX XX XX XX XX XX 7
ISS-I90 safe '2 3 4 XX XX XX XX XX XX 8
19ji2(X) 2 1 4 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 8
Control Teble
"XX" means you lose conuol automalKally - go 10 the Cnsh Table.
When you go 10 the Crash T.bIe: for any reason, add or lubtna the
number in !he "mocliflCr" column from your - i.e., It 20 mph,
)'OU woukllUbtrlCl '2 from )'OUr roll on either Crash Table.
Movnrtmt in R ~ , . .
Any vetucle excqJl I cycle lTIIy move In revcne It up 10 20 mph. A
vdlJcle mI) nol SO from fOrwlrd to backward speed (Ot vice vetsl)
wnhoul S1oppln. for one IUrn. Acceleration niles Ire the same u fOf
fOnll'lrd movemenl. Any maneuver Cln be mlde in revem: the diffi
culty c1lss is one higher.
Hazards Ire outside events (enemy fire, for inSllnce) thlt can a(feCI
vehicles. They ate trolled like maneuvers - each one has I difflC'\llty
fIlUla. ROId Condlltons (like oil, Jee, or rain) present no danger in
lhemselves bul add 10 the diffJallty of lOy hazard Ot maneuver the vdll-
de undc:fIOC'$, For uamplc
EIdI enemy attKll: produceS I sqratc huard. If. "etude II Itnlck
by Ihrte wapons III ooe tum, each aa.ek would move the handllIlJ'
swus marker do\lo1l aDd requite I 5C'plIrate dac roll on the Coatrol Table
Mines Ire "enemy fire " SpIkes. debris, ob5lxJes, ete: . In noc
6. Hazards and
Road Conditions
Rood Conditions
Wgtn \'lin: Idds 0110 any hll.lrd or maneuver.
Heavy fIln; adds 02,
G1'Ivel on ro.d: adds 01.
0lI on road. adds D2
J...cbc IftOW adds 02
HeIVY sno.... adds 03
lee or pIlClcd IDOW adds D4
Colbdq WIth (or Jidepflpma> any \'duele: J)t
Hitting curb, obstacle, or pedestrian 03
HItting loose debris: 0 I
Enemy fire does I-Hits of damaae; 01.
Enemy fire dots 6-9 hilS of damage; 02,
Enemy fire does 10+ hilS of damage: OJ.
Driver injured or lolled 02,
If I vdude rolls on the Control Table and m\S5e5 ill roll, i1 hiS gone
OUt ofC'Onlrol. If illost control during I maneuver. it mUSI roll on Cruh
Tillie I. If II ml control because of a buard. It muSi roll on Crash
Table 2: Results lTIIy fI!IJC from mild (a liaN skid) 10 disastrous (vehi-
cle roDs and bums).
7. Crashes and Collisions
.... - N
B );= ~
~ -


'.J! I
u.", rhe 1\rmin.r K"
Included In Dtluxe c.r Won IS In enremely baDdy tllmutl tty
ilidl can be u!iCd 10 rrukt: Iny mlnC'UVC't e.xa:pc the boolkge:r reverx
Ind lhc: P!\'OC To ma.ke lhc: rt\IIleUver you ..... , place lht: key neu 10
the oounte:r It lht: P0lnl lMl comspoads 10 the maneuver you wish 10
make TheR move !he vebieJe aIon& lht: edae of the IUtlUn. key, Ind
pl'tsco! IlUlIJU maneuver. Here Ire some plC10rill examples;
5. Handling Class
A"ehtC'le's basic handling class is delennined by its SlIspenSOl (see
Sec!ion VIII. Car Des/,n). Handling cllSS mlY be I'led IS follows:
Any vehicle thai loses all 115 whetls in one posilion (thlt'S uSUllly
JUst one, but could be more In some circumstances) has its HC reduced
b) ) permanenlly. SlIrofti on the next tum. If only the lIre(.) m lost.
HC ~ by only 2, ThlS IosI will affeealhe number of points recov
ered eadlrumon the Handhna TrKlt When all the whc:els Ot liteS Off a
comer an.1oIl:. the vdude's handllftl5Utu5 dropI to -6 immcdwcly.
Any vdUcle dw Joles ..,beels on tWO comen (Of any eyc:1e that Joles
a ..heel) roes 10 Crash Table I (p. I I). It may 110 kJDFr IlCer, Keel-
enle. or braU. It must decelerate by JO mph cac:h tum.
All damage done 10 tires by mantuven, debflS, obstldu. spikes.
mUles. enemy gunfire, ClC IS aueilCld .,ainsllhe damage pl)inlsof!he
lire If the final damqe thai dewoys the lire comes from minr.s. gre-
nades or enemy pfire. then the enllre wheel is c:onswiered lost
Any \'ducle dri\"en by I ctwacter with very good reflexes wtIl have
It! unpfO\ied handhn, dus AI the bcaitwnJ of eKb eonilal, every
dfl\ er or. vdude rolb one dac" Th15 is called I renex roU: A 5 01'1 6
Uldate v.cepoonal reflexes. On I 5, the HCofthe vehicle: is raised by
one for the duration of the eomt-I; Off I 6. the HC JOC'S up by 2.
The reflex roll can be modiflCll by the skill of the dwxter dnving
the \'ehkle (see Sec!lOn VII, Conti/tldn, Chtuccten). ADriver +2, for
elUlmple. v.oold gel to add 2 10 the die roll. The Cyclist skill I! used
when driVing I motOrcycle or IrIke. The Truclttr skill is used for driv.
mg I tell...heel tnK:k. bil riC, or bus. The PlkK Kill is used for nYlllgl
helicopter Aaempung co drive a vehICle without the proper 5k111 ruulu
In a penal!)' 10 the handlUl8 dau (tot Sc:ctioII VU for more deuab).
The highest pouibk beguullng HC aner all ad.JUSlmmtl is 5 The
IoweJl poWbIc: HC d -].
The result of a Crash Table roll is applied at lhe beginning of lhe
neJOt phase in .....hich a vehicle moves. A vehicle that fishllils may move
normally after it fishtails. Avehicle that skids muSt move straight ahead
for the reSt of that phase - i.e., if It skids \4", II must move " for-
ward (the direction its nose is pointing) after the skid. If a vehicle is on
itS h.lf-move, II cannot skid more than lh"
A vehicle that encoonlers a hllUnt while skidding or fIShtailing must
make another control roll, and may lose conlrol again, affecting it on
the nexi phase 11 mo\'e5. No vehicle may skKI more than once per phase.
When a vehicle counter touches. fhed object or another counter, a
collision has OCt"urred. Even though all Cor Wan counters are '1.1"
w)de (7'1.1 fcct in game scale), the referee should use common sense
when determining whether a collision has oc<:urred. A mocorcycle can
squeeze into lighter spots lhan a truck. even though the counters are the
same width. If a player wants 10 take his mocorcycle down a four-foot-
wide alley, let him. The driver of a bus 'olo'Qn'l be able 10 pull off the
same trick.
Collision damage is based on lhe Iype: of colhsion, the weIght of the
vehicles involved, and their relative speeds. To figure OUlthe result of a
collision, determine the Iype of colhslOil (f-Bone, Head.()n, Rear-End,
or Sideswipe) using the diagrams on p. 12. Every collision can be
classified as one of these four types, When a vehicle is driving in
reverse. rolling over, elC., designations of "front," "side," etc., are
somelimes inappropriate. A roiling car can have a "head-on" colliSIOn
in which a side strikes first, for uample. If a car IS doing a bootlesser,
figure the leading side as ItS "fronl." moving at 15 mph. In general. use
common sense In determining the IYpe of collision Then follow the in
structions for lhat type, and the below, 10 lind damage, final
speed, and final poslllon for both vehIcles.
I) From the Damage Table, find the Modifiu(DM) corre-
sponding to yoor vehicle's weight A Shogun 100 (800 Ibs.) has a DM
of y,. A Killer Kan (2300 Ibs.) has a DM of A Piranha (5995Ibs.)
has a DM of I. A loaded Houslon Metal traIler with tractor (weight
about 62,000 Ibs.) has a DM of 15. (Figure weight at the beginning ofa
trip: don't bother recalculating every time you expend a shell.) A
pedestrian has' DM of
2) When a collision occurs, determme the collision speed according
to the fonnula given under each type of collision. The numberofdice of
damage a collision of thai speed will cause can be found in lhe far right
column of the Movement Chan (see back cover and separate sheet in
this set), under the heading, "Ram." Multiply lhe "ram" damage
rolled on lhe dice by your vehicle'$ DM. That is the damage you cause
10 yoor opponent. The damage )'00 sustain is lhe product of his DM
multiplied by the same base damage rolled.
Example: A Killer Kan (OM collides with a Piranha (DM I) al a
net speed of 40 mph. A 4().mph collision results In 3 dice of damage,
and a 14 is rolled. The Kin gives the Piranha (14 JO lI.i) - 9 points of
damage (rounding down). The Piranha gives the Kan (I4 x I) - 14
poinls of damage.
Example: A Shogun 100 (OM collides with the HouS!on Metal
rig we mentioned abo\'e (DM 1.5), at a net speed of 10 mph. One die is
rolled, and 2 points arc subtracted, so that the result will be a 0, 1,2,3,
or 4. In this case, the result IS 3 polOtS ofdamage. The Shogun gives the
rig (3 x - I pomt of damage. On the other hand, the rig impacts lhe
cycle for (3 JO 15) _ 45 points ofdam4ge. Even at 10 mph, a big rig can
smash a cycle.
Cre.h Table 1 - Skid. & Rolle
- I, 0, I - Trivial skid. The vehicle keeps ItS same orientauon, but
moves "' .. in the direction it was going at lhe of the
phase in which it lost conirOI. Therefore, it may sldd in a direc-
tion other than the one it is pointing - see the illustratIOn under
"Maneuvers. ".
2 - Minor skid. As above, butlhe vehicle skids '1.1 .....
3 - Moderate skid. As above, but the vehicle skids ",
4 - Severe skid. As above, but car skids I" and each tire takes 2
points damage. ..
.5 - Car turns sideways (see "Maneuvers" .bove) and roll . The
driver is no longer in control. It decelerates al 20 mph j)(r turn.
Each phase il moves, it goes I" in the direction il was traveling
and rolls I' of a complete roll - i.e., the first phase it moves I",
turns sideways, and rolls on itS side: the next phase it mo"es. it
goes I" and rolls onto its top, etc. It takes I die damage to the
side (top, etc.) rolled onto each phase. When the: bottom hitS,
each tire takes I die of damage. After all tires are gone, the bottom
likes damage when it hiu. OcaJpantS may jump OUt It any time, or
Slay inside and hope. that no damage reaches the interior. It may
be driven after it Slops rolling if it is right-side-up and has llres on
at least 3 comers. A cycle won'l be drivable after a roll .
6-9 - As above, but vehicle is burning on a roll of4, 5, or 60n one:
die. (For more information on burning vehicles. see "Fire and
Explosion" in Section V, Combo!.)
10 or more - As above on lhis table, but the vehicle vaultS into the
air by the side (or front) tires, the tires doing the vaulting takmg 3
dice of damage. The vehicle will then ny through lhe air for 16
inches (roll one die) in the direction the vehicle was travehng
before the crash result, revolving IwO sides for every inch trav-
eled. When it lands, the sm that hitS takes collision damage at
lhe vehicle's initial speed. If the atlempted maneu\'er was aught
bend or a hard swerve, the "ehicle will nIp end over (00. Upon
landing, the vehicle will continue to roll as per result 6-9 on thiS
table. All occupantS take Olle point of dama,ge autOmaticall).
Body armor does not protect against lhis damage.
Crh Teble 2: - FI.htell.
-1,0, 1,2 - Minor fishtail. Roll randomly to see If fishtail Will be
left or righl. If, for instance, il is left, keep vehICle's righ/front
corner in lhe same square, and move the uar corner I square
left. Reverse for a right fishtail.
3, 4 - Major fishtail. As above, but rear corner moves ''''0
5 - Execute a minor fishtail and roll again on Crash Table I ...
6-9 - Execute a major fishtail and roll agam on Crash Table I.
10 or more - EJtecute a major ond a minor fishtail (a lotal of Ihree
squares movement in one direction): roll again on Crash Table I.
Any fUrther aimLd '"WlpOfi finfrom on this tum ,"'Ill
AllY fUrther aimtd '"'tapon fin from on /hlS tum
.....iII (ll a -6 to hit.
No fUnhu automatic fire plmutttd from
this tum.
Camage Table
Vmicl, w"8hl D<vrta8' Modiji.., vt/tfclt w"81r1 DGlftllg' ModiJi..,
Go 2,000
2,001- 4,000
44 ,001-48,000
" 4.001 8,000 I 12
8.001-12,000 2 52,00156.000
12.001-16.000 ) .56.001-60.000 \.

64,001-68,000 J6
24,001-28,000 6 68.ool-n,ooo J7
28,001-32.000 7 n.001-76,OOO 18

76.001-80,000 19
80.001--84,000 20

: /J' Y2 "
I'" I
rl rl
. " I .,1
, , I
R"" I I
H '"
T-1kJnt CollUUlflS (Fig,," cJ
I) AT-Bone coI11SM:lC1 affects VI's front armor Ind V2's side armor.
2) CoUlSioo speed II Ih. of VI. apply RAM damlae _ dlls ..-d. 1$
modified by each vehJc.le's OM
3)(_) VI's "Temporary Speed" from the TST. ThIS becomeJ
ItS ICtUII spoc:d after the c:oIhsXJn; adJlISllts marker on the Move-
menl Chan.
(b) If VI's fttW speed IS lhove O. and it was makJol iu lRO\e when
the colhston IOOIr:: pllce. il completes this pIwe's lIl()\'anent, and
V2 "confonns" to VI's movement. If V2 was makinlll5 move
when thecollisioo look place. and IfV2's OM is hlgherlhan VI's
OM. complete V2's movement for this phase. OIherwise do not
complete V2's movemenl.
4) (al Reduce VI's Handlina Status and make a Control Roll u de-
ICribed for I Head-on collision.
(b) Find V2's c:orrespondinJ haurd, u follows:
IfVI.b.azard ....'U: 01 02 03 Da+
Thea V2's hu.a.nt is: D4 D3 D2 OJ.
(c) V2 mahJ I Control TIbJe roll but does not chanae spetd. CVtft
IhouIh ItS dlfCCtJon mIIy be shifted by VI's wbstqlml move-
HJdOrJ ColluJoru a'
I) A Head-on colhsion Iffects the fronl armor of both vehickl.
2) Collision speed IS thai of VI phu V2; apply RAM Ibm. II this
speed. 15 modIfied by each \<dude's OM.
3) (I) Filure 0111 the "Temporary Speed" for VI and V2 from the
Temponry Speed TINe (below).
(b) Sublratt the speed of the slower vehicle from the speed of the
faster vehicle. The filler vehlCk ls now movlna al thiS new
speed; the slower hat tpeed O.
(c) AdJUSl the mlrkers on the Movement Chan.
(d) If the phasina vdllcle IS 51111 mClVlllg. complete this movement
(e) The 51olll"er \'ehicle (now II 0 mph) "coofonn." itself 10 the
fUier one.
4) Reduce the HandlUlJ StalIIS of each vehick by I for every l().mpb
cha. m speed (rounding up) and make _ ConlroI Tible roll for
each one 1IIlIOngtnli speed Apply al kastl 01 huard 10 eadI one.
evell If. Iosl no speed
/ha,..ENi Collulotu (Fig"rt .)
I) A Rear-Endcollin:ln Iffects VI'. fronc armound V2.bKk annor.
2) ColliSIOn tpeed is th. of VI minus V2; apply RA\i damqe It this
speed. IS modified by each vehicles OM
3) (I) the "Temporary Speed" of VI and V2 from the TST.
(b) Add these t'NO speeds logether. Both VI Ind V2 now l110Ying
at thiS speed.
(c) AdJUSt the markers on lht Movement Chan.
(d) If VI's OM Is higher than V2'. OM, complete ils lI'\O\'emenl
this phase. Otherwise, do not complele its movemenl.
4) Reduce the Handhna StIlUS of cadi vehicle and make a Control
Tible roll for each IS described for collisions.
phase. V2 doe not piVOl; il moves oonnally IS iu dn\'er maneuvers it
(or IS requtn:d by the Crash Table. If il IS out of control),
Nocc m.. subKquent piwe5 tft whK':h the veludes are 5tIJ1ln COdKt
Ire flO! new colliaoDs Do nne I add.ionaJ danuae or adJUSt speed
..alll unks5 a vmlCle hits somethlfll else I CIf nucbl
I traile side aIon& is side (accumulating no new damlge)
and !ben collide With the lI-.:IOr whICh ha:t tumcd Into the car's path (a
new colllSlOfl). Or I car mlghl sxtesWipe a buildina and thea have I new
coUl!1On wllh I prop::ttna "'lJ1i of Wt sa.me buildiog.
. ,
I \
(opposite dirtcrioft)
A collision occurs any lime one vehicle collides wilh
another from Wllhln Ihe 9().degree shaded arc of Figure I.
A End collision (Fiaure b) is similar 10 a Head-on. CIICepllhal
lhe two \'ehICIeS are headUlJ In roughly the same direction
A collision occurs when one vehicle collides ..... Ith IIWJIher
from within the 9Q.dearee shaded Ire of Fiaure c.
There are 1"'0 lypes of In one case. the vehicles Ire trav-
eUml III the same dlrecuoa. nearty JIIInlIlkllO each other (i.e, .....!than
the 4.sgfee 5baded Ire of Fiaure d). The second I)-pe is sunilar 10 the
fim, except thai the \'dalCks are trl\e1anJ 1ft dlftttionJ. bul
Jlill nearly panJkllO OlE another (see c:). Fishlalb are I fl'llljof"
cause of both types of Sideswipe.
Axed Obju
A fIXed ob"ea will cause e.uctly as much damaat u it lIW. up 10
die pomt at ",hdt the fixed objt.CI breaks. All fued obJCCu will M\-e a
OP nllDJ. _hlCh '" the number 01 PomlS dley can take bdOR
they are destroyed
Eutnpk: A 2O-p)lnc uee gets mdie lII'Iy ofaluxury car PRI 40
mpb The "mJ$" dama&c: 114() mph IS 3dlCC. and alUJlOurycar's OM ls
US\lllly I A 12 IS rolled on the 3 dke, Ind mlliliphed by I for a resull of
12 l'Mt', how much darna&t the car does 10 the tnlC. and .s al how
much damlge the tree doeJ the car
Now. let's send the same car inlO the same l1eC at 80 mph. The
"ram" damlge IIlN1l speed 15 II dICe. and thiS time: the loul is 41. The
u only hIS 20 CP, 10 It IS deslroyed. BUI the caronly takes 20 poinu
of damlie. too.
For each collision, deternlll1C the colh$)()fl rype - Head-on or Side-
s.....ipe - Ind Ipply damage. speed change, and haurds accordu'1gly, or
course. an a He.t.Qn. If the obsuck is noc dtstroyed or breached. the
vehICle $lOpS. If the obstacle IS destro)"ed. the \duck, Temponry
Speed-' becomu ns new speed. If I does I)()I dewo)' the
obstacle. the vehICle fanlShes the phase by sllditJl aJong the obstacle.
Nocc: A buikbn. bruch lS generally \6" wKIe (see "Buikbnp."
under SectIOn V. Combot). A \'efllde ram'Tll"l I budell'" or "''III muSl.
an effect. lWO JUdI breac:he:s an order to break thrnuah Thus.
when rlmnllna I 60P bulldl I \'duck musa do 12 poiou or eoIhuoo
dama&e to create I double breach and conunue through. In ackhoon.
each \6" sectIOn of ...."1.11 Will rewm daJnI&e. up 10 IU full OP value.
Wheo one vehICle pu.she5 IJlOlher one out of the Wly, the second
vetllck ls "confonnln.' to the fim. A \dtlCk conforms to anocher by
pivolinJ on one comer unlil.lhroIIgh fTaular movemenl,lhc lWO \'chi
des are no Iooger an conUCL The driver of the confonnin& \'dade
sdu III appropnate p1\0l corner from the choK:es shown bektw Itt
each case. V2 is "confomutla" 10 VI Dun,. III 0"'11 mG\-emtnl
Temporary Spead Table
Find your veh)cle's Damngt Modifitr (OM) on the left and
cross-index it wim the opposing vehicle's (or obstacle's) OM across
the top. The resu!l (I, v.., 14, 0) is a prtU"';Nlry indication of
how your speed was affected. Multiply your original speed by this
number, rounding up to the nearest 5 mph. This is your' 'Temporary
Speed. ,
(Figure d aJJd d
I) A sideswipe affects the side armor of bom vdlicles.
2) (a) Figure the nel speed of the collision. Ifboth veh)cles are going in
the same direction (Fig. d) SUbtracl the lower speed from me
higher. If they are going in opposile direclioM (Fig. e), add lhe
lWO speeds.
(b) Divide net speed by 4, rounding up to the !\eareSl5 mph. This is
me collision's "Swipe-Speed:'
3) Apply RAM damage II the "Swipe-Speed," as modified by each ve-
hicle's OM.
4) Iflhe phasing vehicle's OM is higher than the other veh)c!c's OM, it
finishes its movement by sliding along the ocher vdlicle.
5) RedlJCC the Handling SUI1US of each vehicle by I for each 10 mph of
"Swipe-Speed," and make I Control Table roll for each.
6) If either vehicle fistllails as a result of this control roll, the fishtail
will be in the direction away from the collision ....lIich just occurred.
7) A Sidtswipe docs nolaffeet the actual speed of either vehicle.
Y.I 1 2 ] 4 5
Any collision is a D4 hazard. CollisKms may also have olher effcccs,
which take place before the hazard is assessed, IS follows: A sideswipe
has no special effect on either speed or facing. A rear-end collision
equalizes the vehicles' speeds at the average of !heir lWO speeds (round
T-bone and head-on collisions cause bounces and spins which are
simulated randomly. Pick up both counters and drop lhem on the board
from a height of 3" over lhe collision poin!. If a vehicle lands on top of
another vehicle, try again, Turn both counters right side up - these are
their new positions! A head-on the speed of each vehicle 10 0
mph, while a t-bone reduces the speed of each vehicle by 50 mph
s. Debris and Obstacles
A "road debrIS" counter may represent any sort ofJunk on the road.
Debris can be part of a scenario (appearing already drawn onto the
road) or it can appear as a result of comba!.
Adebris Counter Is VJ" ,It 14". 11 may sl'low debris in two squares or
in only one. Place it on me board so ils squares align with lhose on the
road, sl'lowing exactly which map squares conlain debris.
Hitting DdJris
A "ehicle hilS debns the firSl hme any part of the vehicle counter
touches a debris square. Debris can be hit only once per phase. regard-
less of how many debris squares are entered. If a vehicle starts the
phase on top of debris, that debris does notlffeel II: il has already been
Debris affeets all of a vdlicle 'stires. Roll one die for each lire, and
5ublract 3 from the result, to find the damage to that tire. Thus. on a roll
of Ito 3. the lire is undamaged. Hitting debris is a 01 hl7.lrd.
Y.I Y.I \4 \4 14 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 000 000 0
K Y.I Y.I 14 14 14 0 0 0 000 000 000 0 000
1 KY.lY.lI4I4I4\414140000000000000
] IKKY.lY.lY.lW\4WI4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4
.. IKKKY.lY.lY.lY.lI4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4
5 I
6 I I K*KY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lI4I4I4 141414 14141414 14
7 1 I ****Y.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lI4 14141414 14 141414
8 I I 1 K KKY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lI4I4I4I4 141414
9 1 II*K**Y.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lI4I4I4I4I4I4
10 I I I *** *K Y.lY.IY.IY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lI4 14 14 14
11 I I
12 I I 1******Y.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lI4
1] I I 1.*****Y.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.I
14 I I I
15 I I I 1*******Y.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.I
16 11 I 1*******Y.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.lY.IY.I
17 I I 1
18 [I I
19 I I I
Simplijkd Collision SYfrem
If all the above strikes you IS being 100 complicated, there is a less
realistic - but easier - alternalive.
In the Simplified Collision SYSlem. you still use the "Ram" column
on the Movemem Chart 10 ,determine the number of dice of damage. To
delennine the collision speed. juSl look at the siluation with common
s.en$C. Iflhe vehicle.s are going !he same direction (or almost the same),
subU1lCt the lower speed from the higher one. If they hit (or
nearly head-on), add the two speeds. If they suike al right angles, use
the speed of lhe car wh)ch moved la$l.
If a pedestrian is involved, he or she lakes full damage from the colli-
sion. but the vehicle only takes damage. (In the regular collision sys-
tem, pedeslrians have a OM of 100.) A cycle does full damage to
another cycle or a pedestrian, but only damaae to a car or lruck.
Producing (Hbris
When a car takes 10 or more poinlS of damage during one phase,
pick one debris counter randomly. Place il next 10 the car, II the point
hit. (A car is oot affected by lIS own debris unless it drives back through
it.) Debris for top/bottom damage goes behind the vehicle. If a car ex-
plodes, choose five random debris counters. Ind drop mem ontO me
board from a height of one fOOl o\'er the explosion sile. (If one misses
the board, or hits any other counter, drop it again.) Align counters with
the road grid as closely as possible It the point where they fall. Debris
and olher obsacles (below) remain unlil the game cnds.
Hitting Obstacles
An obstacle counter represents a pothole, loose wheel, or ocher
larger road hazard. Striking an obslaCle is a 03 hazard. Determining
whether or not an obstacle is Slruck is done in the same way as for
debris. An obstacle does the same damage to each tire as debris does. A
vehicle may hit more than one obstacle in a phase, and must roll for
Producing Obstacles
If a car loses a wheel (nol just a tire) or takes 20 or more hIlS during
one phase, an obstacle is placed IS descnbcd above for debris_ In some
scenarios. debris or OOstacle.s may be mrown from buildings, vehicles.
etc. NOle thai an obstacle is bulky, equivalcntlo one space in sile, and
no vehicle will be able 10 carry many. A pcdeSlrian may move any
obstacle that can be moved: potholes, for example. can"t be moved. It
takes one tum 10 pick an obstacle up and a pcdeSlrian may move one
square per tum while carrying it. A pedeslrian cannot use a weapon
while carrying an obstacle. II takes no time to drop an obstacle.
9. Pedestrians
Most pedestrians move at 12.5 mph; that is, they move"" on every
odd-numbtred phase. Pedesuians with the Running skill (see Section
VII, Corrtinuiflg Characters) can move faSler.
Pedestrians may move into any adjacent square, including those
which are diagonally adjacent, in their move. They can change direc-
tion Iny time without having to bother with c{)(ltrol rolls or handling
class (though things like oil and tire spikes could hamper movement).
For the full rundown on pedestrians. see Sccdon VI.
v. Combat
CombII tnI) occur dunn. any pluix. before or after movemeDl. To
anact- player \unply anoounces thai he II fiona:. and names the wetp-
on bcU!J fired and its tarael tr. vdude II btl.lll moved at the JD:lmCn1
he &MllUOCC:S his cac:k. the vdude compktc:s IU movemenl for m.
phalic. ibm the IllKk lS ruolvcd.
ResulII of an luaek are applied inuneciaatt.ly. before any other vehi-
cle an mum fire or fOO\'e. Ifan attaet 1$ bema cakulated and.mlbe.r
MUlCt., announced. 1M ttSOIts of the: fd anack are all appIjcd: then
the ItCOnd anack is
A ... "'upon IN)' never fire more than once per tum. A Jiven
c1'11ncler may rlC\'cr fft !han once per tum. unless be dot:s 10 by
tngennl !Inked weapons. If every penon in vehide is uoconJcious
or lkwt, It cannell fire weapon was Jet on "lUlOCl'IatIC rue" -
sec "Odds and Ends," below).
Ralf! of Firr
Usually. the rtjlricttons mean thai each vehkk will only fire
once per tum Exceptions occur .....hen (a) weapon is on "IUlOmltic,"
(b). vehlde has addllKmal occupant. such as gunners, who may also
fire. or (e) linked weapon arc used.
1. General Combat
Bnefly. the pnxcdurt for IUOIVinll DOfma.I weapoa luxk is (a)
maLe lUre thallhere is I from the weapoo 10 thc wac1; (b)
roll rwochce 10 sec ,rthe: ... capon blu (ICC "Defemuning Hits," bdow):
(c) if the weapon hits, cku:nn" daml&e kK:IlJOO and amounI (lee
below); Cd) alter lhe \'Chicle'l handhna stilUS and/or pI.ace
dc:brD or obsbck counters if Ompped ....-c1pOOS are an exccp-
UOlI 10 the abo\; e and Ire dJ5Cl.wed later 1.1 tIuI 1ot!CbOCl_
To fire III liven target. there: must be I 11Moffire (LOF) hom lhe
firin& counter's emltr (for lturrel Vo'CIpOO) or middle of the l.ide where:
!he Vo'Capon IS Mxated (for other weapons) (0 tome put of lhc
rcprtsaltltll the tatBCI Buadin, . vchlClcJ. pcdeslriara, ctc., bkx:1r.
LOF (dcbm and obstacles do noe). Smoke Ind pllnt reduce chancu of
hl((Ul' bul do 1'10( bkd LOF excepl for lasers.
Furthermore. the LOF muSt be traced within lhc MC olJirr for WI
.... capon poSltm Arcs of fire for vdltele weapons are shown in the dia-
gB1Tl below. hdestrians and turrel weapons have I 36()..dcgree Irc of
fire Hand weapons fired from I car. lruck or sidecar hive a ri,hl or left
arc of fire. depending on which side they're fired from; hand WClpons
fired by a cycle driver ha\'e I J60..dear'eC Irc of fin:.
Cor Ttlrptm,
TarFtUIIl) cbJosma ",hac you're I'OUl& 10 shoa 11- whccber 11'1
the uek of I vdllCle or I specifIC p-n. liIr.e I l1J"e.
A car 1w from. bKlr.. np. left. 109. and underbody "sUs"
Wltc:n yw fIR: It I \"dllcic. you fNly only hu I uek thai is facinl you.
Umen the taIJCl car 11 lined up e.uetly perpendICular 10 you. you will
be able 10 choose belween twO sides. However, only Ifyou Ire in a plr-
lItular slde's arc of fife may you IttlClr. thll side wnit no penalty. If the
flflng \chlde IS 011 the dividing line betwteJI tWO ofl 1I1)e:t vchide'l
arcs of fire. IlfNly larget either ,ide wlthoul penalty. If you ta.rge:t a side
on .... hlCh you havc line of fire .... lthout being in lhc target Sade'l arc of
fire. )'00 suffer a penalty of2 10 your Io-hit roll You may choose which
side you wish 10 tal)el. If you JOOre: a hll. any damage you do will be
liken by IIw pan of the vchICle (see Dama,e LoNrIOft under
"Darnq:e" bekJw).
You may never l&fJCt a \'ducle', underbody with norma1 weapons
the underbody .. I.UI(lmIUClIIy the tlI)e:t of a ml8C
A vebK:k's tiM ma) be taraeted EKh tire 15 a scpante tlrJet. sub-
tnC1. 3 from the IO-hll roll shooun& 1.1 1ft,.
A vchicle'slUlTet may be 1I.tJdC'd. AD lOp armor pnxcct$
in the NrTtt. If a vehicle bas 110 NrTtt. Ibc lOp can only be hll if
IClrDCth..mg IS dropped (or fJtCd) from buiklinB or if the ...ducle rolls
TafJ1=1UlI a IUJ'f'd is al a -2
CycIL TlIlJttirll
CorIllImilO a car. I cycle 1$ a JmlII talJCt. but C'"ery put .. ex-
posed. Therefore. aOO firUlI on and hitunll cycle. roll 011 the table
below. Only one compone1lt of I cycle can be hit In each attICk - the
te$l of the dama&e pI5JeS through the cycle- and has no effect
Attacking from fronl or rear - Roll2ditt, On 2-10, you hnannor
(if the armor is gone, roll Iglln on lhe ",ide" table below for remain-
ing dltnale). On an II or 12. lOU hltlhc e.xposed wheel.
AIlKung from lhe side - Roll 2 dice" 2-.5. you hit the driver. 6-1.
lhc power planl. 8-10, I weapon; roll randomly if the cycle his more
than one weapon: roll ailin iflhere Irc none. 11-12, I lire - roll ran
dorrlly 10 ""nidl one
SIdecv urgeMI- Asldcc:at can only be hll from the side Oft lO/hteh
II is mounted. 1ma&ine I lme runnU\llenamwlJCdown the center of Ibc
eyt:1e counler - if you're 011 the same Ide of the line the sidecar II oa
(oroa the line). you can shooc I1I1 Ifyou're not. you can'l Ta"euna'
Wear carries a - 2 penally 10 your to-hlt roll. If you'reJUII Ihoobna at
the C)cle IS a _hole and you Irc on the sidecar side, roU one die On.
, ..... the cycle washll. and you can use the tabks above On ao5or6. the
Iidccar ....'U hd. Treal a sdear IS a tin)' -.uomobik. wllb armor ..
f'ronI. bKlr.. Wldelbody. and both Wes. It has one .. bee) (plus IOOIC
small couter-q-pe wbelels for stability If II C\er roUs f(te). maybe one
or two weapons. and poaibly I oder Once armor on J*I of the sdecaf
IS loA. any fire hrtUnl the exposed area has III equa.I daancc: of bltbnl
C8dI of the interior components.
2. Determining Hits
When a normal weapon (lIlythlllg bul a dropped or smokC/paUlI
weapon) is rtred. the auaclona player rolls two dICe to sec whclher he
hit hiS IIfJel He musl make the 10-1111 roll or hlpr for that weapon -
see the Weapon liS! (below). Thus. to hit with a machllle lun. a player
would need 10 roll a 7 or hl&he:r on IWO dice.
W pan LI.t
Weapon Abbrev. EffectJWcap. Type To Hit Dam. OP C",I WI. Spe.
CPS WPS L. at. L. wt. NOltS
Machine Gun MO .... 7 I 3 1000 1>0 I 20
2' 2.' 1300 200
Vukln MG VMO .... 6 2 3 2000 3SO 2 20 3S
AUIOClnnorl AC burst 2" radius 6 3

6SOO 300 3 10 7S 10 nso 600

Flamethrower FT .... 6 I 2 300
2 10 2S
7SO 300

HD Aamethrower HOFT .... 6 2 3 12S0 6SO 3 10 SO 10 I7SO 7SO b

Rockel Launcher RL burst 2" radius
2 2 1000 200 2 10 3S
Moo MISSile 1...Iuxher MML burst I" radius
I 2 7SO lOll I 10 20 2.'
Radar-guided Missile ROM burst 2" radius 7 3 I SOOO 200 2 2 1000 100 7000 400
Wire-guided Missile WOM burst 2" radius 6 3 2 2300 200 2 2 400 I> 3300
Recoilleu Rifle RR burst 2" radius 7 2

1300 300 2 10 3S
Anti-tank Gun AT burst 2" radius 8 3
2000 600 3 10 SO 10 2300 700
Light l...aser LL .... 6 I 2 3000 200 I - - - 3000 200 r
6 3 2 8000 300 2 - - - 8000 300
Heavy l...aser HL .... 6

2 12000 1000 3 - - - 12000 1000 h

Tlnk Gun TO burst 2" radius 7 6 10 I(XXX) 1200 10 10 100 20 11000 1400 i
Minedropper MO d""",'d -
- 2 300 ISO 2 10 SO
1000 200 )
Spur 1000 MD SMO d_ - - 2 7SO ISO 2
100 10 12SO 200 k
Spikedropper SO d_ - -

100 2S I 10 20
300 7S
SmokCllcreen SS painl1smoke - -

2SO 2S I 10 10
3SO 7S
HD Smokescreen HDSS paim/smoke - -

300 SO 2 10 40 20 900 2SO i
Pamt Spray PS paint/smoke - -
2 400 2S I
10 2 6SO 7S
HD Pamt Spray HOPS paint/smoke
- 3 800 SO 2 10 40
1200 130 m
Oil Jet OJ
- - 3 2SO
10 2 300 7S
Heavy Duty Oil Jel HOO) doopp<d
- -

300 SO 3 10 40
900 130
Oil Gun OG -
- 3 1000 2SO 3 10 2S
12S0 300 0
Flaming Oil kt FO) doopp<d -
Id-2 3 300 30 2 2S 3S 2 1175 80
H0 Flaming Oil Jel HDFOJ dropped

60 3 10 140
IOSO 140 q
Grenade l...auncher OL
7 - 2 1000 200 2 10

- -
Starshell Launcher SL - - -
2 300 lOll I
7SO 12S
Heavy Rocket HR burst 2" radius 0 3 2 200 lOll I I - - 200 100 I
Medium Rocket MR burst 1" radius 0 2 2 140 SO I I - - 140 SO
Ught Rockel LR burst 1" radius 0 I I 7S
- - 7S
Mini Rockel MHR oofS! Y.I" radius 0 Id-I I SO 20 .33 I - - SO 20 w
SiJt Shooter MFR burst 2" radius 0 I 3
ISO 2 I - - 'SO
Bomb B burst 2" radius 0

2 100 100 I I
- 100 lOll
C1uSler Bomb CB oofS! 3" radius 0 2 2 200 ISO I I - -
200 ISO
Abbrevitttions: Dam. - number of dice of damage; DP - damage points: WI. - weighl; $pc. - space; CPS - cost per shol: WP$ - .....eight
per shot: L cst. - loaded cost; L. 1'1. - loaded weight.
a. ..'er - Has a maximum range of 10", and prodlJCes a d. - Must be fired from a stationary vehlClc, and
smoke: cloud when fired. May not be fired forward while a vehkle is the vdlicle must remain stationary while the missile flies toward its target.
moving forward (or backward while a vehicle is moving back...... rd. ror MoyC$ at 200 mph (2" per phase), and Mlould represented by a pe-
!hat matter) - the vehicle will run into its own flame cloud, Laking full deslTian-sized counter. The missile must lravel at least 12" (six phases)
to ann itself. The firer Cln do nothing while the missile is in flight but
gukle the missile toward its larget, If the firer is killed. wounded, aban-
b. Hcavy Dury - Maximum range 15". Also pro- dons the missile. has linc-(lf-sightlO the missile broken, or if the vehicle
dlJCCs a smoke cloud when fired. Cannot be fired in the same direction he is in moves. the missile will Stop lracking and will reven to stralght-
the vehicle is moving (sec above). line movement. It will travel until it hits something, lca"es the map, or
!ravels ilS full range (72"). After 72" of tTl vel. the mIssile will hllthe
e. Radar-guidN Mi$$i/t. - Standard range penaltics do DOl apply; ground and eJl:plode. There are DO range penahies for firing the WOM,
instead subtract I for every full 4" closer than 24" the Larget is from no maner how far away the target is. The missile can be targeted in
the firer. There are no range penalties or bonuses beyond 24" and the flighl, at a -6 for the target vehicle, and a -10 for all others.
weapon's maximum range is 72". The missile suffcrs DO penalties for
nighl, fog. rain, paint, or smoke. The firer must have a line-(lfsight on e. Anti-tank Cun - May only be mounted to front or back on any-
the target at the time of firing; the missile will track the targcl thereafter thing smaller than oversized vehicles because of recoIl.
as kmg as the miuile (not necessarily the firer) maintains line-(lf-sight.
The missile moves at 200 mph (2" per phase) and should be represented f. Ughr CAsu - Runs ofT power plant. Cannot fire through smoke
on the map by a pedestrian-sized marker. If the missile loses line-(lf- or paint.
sight due to a solid obstruction (building, wall. tunnel) at any time, con-
trol is lost and cannot be regained. The missile will move in I straight g. Laur - Runs ofT power plant. Cannot fire through smoke or
line thereafter, until it hits something, leaves the map. or travels its full paint.
range of 72". al which poinl if hits the ground and CJ(plodes. The mis-
sile may be targeled in flight. It a -6 for the target vehic::le. and a -10 h. taur - Runs ofTpowerplanl. Cannot fire through smoke
for everybody else. or paint.
i. Tonk Gun - Can only be mounted on oversized vehicles. and then
only to the (ront or back. Cannot be mounted in atUTT'Ct. Still a D2 tau-
ard (or the finng vehicle every t!Ole It goes off.
j. Min6iropfWr - Does one die damage to tires. 2 dice damage to
underbody amX)r.
k. Spmr 1000 M.,,6iropfNr - Docs Id-3to lires, 2d+3to under-
body annor.
1. DIlly Smokuuttn - Makes smoke cloud (our times as
large as standard 55.
m. Htovy DUly Point Spray - Makes paint cloud four times as large
as standard PS.
n. HMvy DUly Oil Jtt - Makes oil slick four times as large as stan-
dard OJ.
o. OU Gun - 5hooIs a plllSlic bag filled with oil; if to-hit roll is
made. a twice-nonnal size oil slick is centered on the target square. A
miss means the bag shredded before impact and the oil is too dispersed
to be effcctive. Vehicles can be targeted at a - 2; a successful hit on a
means a standard slick appears underneath the target vehicle,
and the vehIcle IS treated as though it had just Nn lhrough a paint cloud.
p. Ruming Oil1t' - Sometimes called the "Anful Dodger." Oil
droppro from the FOJ 100ks and acts like a nannal slick until the seeond
phase after it is dropped - then it ignites! It burns (+03 hazard) and
acts as a Smokescreen until the tenth phase o( the fifth complete tum
after It is dropped. and then disappears. Tires and underbody of vehi-
cles pauing lhrough take Id-2 damage.
q, Htov)' DUly Flaming Oil itr - ActS as FOJ except slick is four
times 1$ big.
Weapon LiS!. p. 25). Grenades of different types can be mixed, but
once loaded, the order and the variou time delays cannQI be changed.
Players should keep track of exotic combinations.
I. SlarshtlllAunchtr - Fires an illumination nan: which. if fired
into the air. will fully illuminate lhe entire play area. Degating any
penalties for night targeting. When mounted in a vehkle. it mUSt be
mounted on top. and is protected by the top armor. It need not be in a
turret. and il does noc preclude a tUlTet from being mounted in addition.
L HMvy Rodt' - Qnc-shot weapon.
u. Mtdjum Rodtr - One-sllot weapon.
v. Ught Rocktt - Onc-shol ","'Capon.
w. Mjni Roebr - One-shot weapon. Does YJ-die of burst effect
x. Six Shoottr - Also called the "Multi Fire Rocket Pod." and lib-
breviated MFR. Two-inch bursl effect radius for each o( S1K rockets. aU
of whK:h are fired simultaneously. Make separate to-hit ro!b for each
rocket. Treat each rocket as a separale anack when detennining build-
ing breaches. but treat them liS one big altack when delennining effect
on handling statuS. debris. and obstacles.
y. Bomb - Can only be dropped from a helicopter. Has a 2" but'Sl
effect radius and docs 2 dice damage. If the to-hIt roll is not made. usc
the same procedure as for grenades (see pg. 21) to determine actual
point of impact. When a bomb hits lhe ground directly. place an
obstacle counter at the point of impllCt and scalier debris counters in the
area - this represents the eraler the bomb crealeS.

Accuracy is affected by a number of factors, including the skill of
the firer, range, weather, and size and speed of the target. ConSlJlt the
following list, and add all the factors that apply to the lo-hit roll. All fac-
IOrs are cumulative. For example, a machine-gun has a ballC IO-hit roll
of 7. If the firer wu usmg a targeung compuler (+ I) at polnl-blank
range (+4) and was trying to hit !he tire (-3) of a cycle (-2) at night
(- 3), there would be a tOl:al modif.er of - 3: the firer DOW has to roll a
10 or more. No mailer whatlhe roll neoded, a roll of2 on the dice is an
automatic mis. A roll of 12 is DOl an automatic hil. If, after all modi-
fiers, a player needs a 13 or higher 10 hit, he cannot hit the targel: don't
bother rolling.
Targeting Modifier.
Point Blank (less thlJl I" away): +4
Long RarIge; -I for every full 4": thllls, 4" to 7.99" Is - I, 8"10
11.99" is -2,12" to 15.99" is -3, etc.
Tuget is OOt moving: +I
Firer is no! moving: + I
Firing pcdeJliuian is braced 'iamst solid objcc:t: +1
Tuget i. movina between 30 and 37.5 mph; - I
Target is moving beN.'tI40 and 47.S mph: -2
Target is moving bet\l,ten SO and 57.5 mph: - 3
Target is moving between 60 and 67.5 mph: -4
Target is rt'lO'o'ing between 70 and n.s mph: -5
Target is lTIOvltlg 80 mph or faster: -6
Vdlirle TtJrgets
Compact or Subcompact: -I
Front or Rear of a MOiorcyle or Car: -I
Mocorcycle: - 2
Sidecar; -2
Ught Trike: -3 from frontfback, -2 from side
Medium Trike: -2 from front/back, -I from side
Heavy Trike: -I from frontlback, -I from sm
X-Heavy Trike: -I from fronl/back, no penalty from s)de
Front of a Ten-Wheeler Camer: -2
Side of a Ten-Wheeler Cab: + I
Side of a Ten-Wheeler Carder: +1
Side of a Mini-Bill: ... 1
Side of a TtklOr: + I
Side of a Trailer or Bus: +2
One-MIJl Helicopler: -I from fronllbad::, +I everywhere ellt
Small Helicopter; -I from fronllback, +I everywhere else
Standard Helicopter: +2 from top. bottOm, Of side
Transpon Helicopler: +2 from top, bouom, or sklot
S(ncific TQ'Btt
Pedestrian: -3
Vehicle tire: - 3
1\!rtel; -2
MOIOrcycle Rider (from side only): - 3
Trw;:I()r's Fifth Wheel: -6
Legs ofa SemiTrailer; -5
LamPPOSI: -6
Buildina; +10
Helicopcer SIOO: - g
Helicopter Wlllch Cable: -8
Helicopcer Pontoon: - 3
Helicopter Rotor: -6
Searchlighl: -3
Tongue on Unattached Clr Trailer: -5
Tongue on Attached Car Trailer: -7
Unattached Hitch 10 Pull Car TraIler: -5
Attached Hilch 10 Pull Car Tra.iler: -7
Radar- or WU'CQuded Missile in F1ighl: -6 for tatgCt vdtick:,
-10 for everyone else
Ejection Seat DurinS Launch: -6
Ejection Seat Landing via Parachute: - 2
Firing through smoke or paint: - 2 per counler
Rain: -2
Heavy RaiD; -3
FoS: -3
Night: -3
Talliet Under Cover of Rubble: -4
Firer Blinded by Searchlight: - 10

Targeting Computer Used: +I
HiRes Computer Use<!: +2
Cyberlinlc UllCd: +3
Gunner Skill: apply whate\<er plus the skill is II for that player
Handgunner Skill: same " Gunner skill, bul for hand weapons
Laser Scope: +I when rnounled on a hand weapon
Arina While on Oil, Gravel. or Bad Road: -I
Sustained Fire: second consecutive shot in as many turns at same
target with same weapon: + I; third and subsequenl sbou: +2
AltacltinS Vehicle is Remole-Controllcd; -3
Anadring Vetticle Does a Trivial Skid or Minor Fishtail; - 3 for the
remainder of the tum
Attacking Vehicle Does Minor or Moderate Skid or Major
Fishtail: -6 for the remainder of the tum
Anacker Not. in Arc of Fire of Targel Side: - 2
Use common sense .....hen usessina speed modir.ers; if two vdticies
are. screamina down the road at 100 mph, side by side, they should M4
be at a -6 to hit each other. The referee should be the: rtnal judge in
sllUaliom like these, but unless it's c1ear-cut.nd obvious, use the full
All modifiers Ire cumulative. Forexample, firing II the wheel (-J)
of a motorcycle (-2) from the front (-I) in !he rain (- 2) from 10"
IWlY (-2) \PoI'OOkt be II -10; firing 1\ the side of a trailer (+2) II
point-blanlc fIOae (+4) using a hi-reJ computer (+2) WOI.dd be at I +g.
3. Damage
When a weapon hits, calculate the amount of damaae by rollinalhc:
number of dice shown on the Weapon liM. The result is the number of
hits taken by the: taraet.
Bum Effect
Weapons that do Idditional burst tfftct damage Ire klentirlt.d on the
Weapon US!. In addition to !he lisled damage 10 whalever was hil, burS!
effecl weapons do one die ofdamage to any pedesuian in the Ili'CIpOO'S
burst effea radius. Pedesuians under coyer (behind In intact wall or
vehicle) are no! Ifreeled.
Agrenade does full damage: to any pedeslrian within iu 2" burS! d-
feel radius. and half-damage to vehICle components (Inoor, lires, tIC.)
in the same radius. No OIher bur51-effCCl weapon will affCCl walls or
vehicles (including tires) with its burst effeel. Reason: The other bursl-
effCCl weapons are shaped charges, exploding upwards (in the case of a
mine) or into the IIrgel (in the cue of other weapons), and the burst d
fea is merely a bonus. llOI s!tong enough 10 harm Irmored vehicles or
vehicular componenlS.
Art'Q Effect
Weapons which may be used againSi pedestrians in an Qrt'Q tfft are
idenlified on the Weapon Lisl. These are weapon.<: thai can sweep In
area. When using such a weapon lialOSt several pedestrians within I"
of one another, lhe fire:r may allemp! to hit several at once, He must roll
10 hit each intended victim. Those he hilS take Iwlf the damage rolled
for the weapon (round up), Exception: The flamethrower and heavy
dulY FT do full damaae against all targets! When 50rne people are missed
and ot.hers are hit, the pedestrians that take the damage Ire chosen by
the player belDg Ittacked. He must choose pedeslrians that Ire standing
next to each other. Example: Four pedest.rians are sllnding in a line I"
long; as people mis dim should be removed from the: Sene pool, In in-
Irepid duellist decides 10 deep-fry them with his laser, He fires. and
rolls I...." hlU and t...." mlS5e$. 1lIe player conuolllng the pedestrians
desigrlllles the IWO on the rIghl. The duell15t rolls I 13 on 3 dICe. 50 each
victim receives 7 points ofdamll8e rounded up) Ind is vlporil-e<!.
Each vehICle componenl CIf! take I certain ImOUnl of danulae.
shown Ij "OP" poi,.ts) on the WClpon USt. Accessories LlJI,
Ind VehICle Design List Annorislou I poinlalalime. ifyou $Ian with
12 points of armor on lhe fronl of your Cit. and il IaUs 7 hilS. you have
5 poinu left Other componenu work II full effKacncy until they take
their fulilmount ofOP -then thcyreaonc. Amachlne-cun (30P) Clll
lake 2 hits and suD work. bul the hlu arc recorded In the boxes on the
Vdllcle Record. When lhat gun IIltes a third hll. illS destroyed. You can
repair damage yoorself. using the Mechantc 51011 (see Section VIl,
Corw,.,,;,., or yoo can plly for repal" (see "Repair Ind
5a!vlit." Sectlon VlII. lAr INsl,n),
Dom.f: Location
The locllkMl of weapon damage is controlled by the pin of the vehi
de that WIj hll Damage is talten by the components in !hit part of the
target. OUlermoR fil'Sl Annor is de.sU''Oyed first When III Irmor lS
J'OOC. the ntJt.t component Inward IS hIt. Ind 50 on. CompontnlS in each
_rell of a ur or tNeIt. in !he order they are hi! by an atulCk from WI
ide, Ire
FrotII: Fronllnnor; (fronl-firing WClporlS): front mtlCOri (driver or
aunner); caf1O; back motor; (baclttinnl .... tlpDlls): back Irmor.
Bact: A.slbove. but In n:verse ortkr' Back Irmor firSl, etc,
Righr Righi armor, (righi-firing weapons): (gunner, driver, cargo,
or motor): (kfl-firing .....t'lpDIls): kft Innor.
ILft As Ibovt, bul JI) reveT51': ordtr; Left armor, etc.
Underbody Innor: (motOr, driver. JUnncr. or Clf1O):
turret WClponJ; top armor. Tires may Ibo take dlmage.
Top: As above, bul tn re\efSC order.
Turrn: Top annor, Ihl"::n turrel weapons. If tht lurrrt was largcled
from me SKtt. "leftover" damage pltSS above the car. hlttJ1lg
nothing else.
Tins: TIlJeted ure/"""'ed only. "Leltover" hlu have no dfecl.
Many vehICles will not have every componenl lisled. If a componenl
is 001 pn:$Cnt. skip III Few cars will have from and rear power
pllntS (mocor): many have no gunner. turret. or clrBO. Passengers
C'OWII as argo. For I oomplete guide. refer to the Vehicle Reoord
Sbect e.wnple In Seclmlll .....hich has componentS In Il'105t of the pos-
sible klcallons. In case of I dispult, the referee's decision IS tinal.

Note thai some .....eapomCI1InOI: be hll by certain attICks Thtre IS no

way, for e"ample. 10 damlige I front finng ...."Capon by an attaCk from
the righl - lhough you can hll II from bthmd by fhrough the
Whtn: IWO or lhrtl": componentS Ire hsted in parentheses, only one
will be hit by each anack:, Roll randomly for each sepa...e attaclt 10.!ICC
whICh one is hI!. Eumple; Amine e"plosKm thaI pe.nelflted the under-
body Irmor would Iffect eIther the motor, driver. gunner. or cargo -
bul only one If thai componenttoolt enough hits 10 desuoy il complete.
Iy, funhtr damlgt from IhJl e.q)los;on would 10 directly to the turn:t
weapon or. i(then: wu no lurret. the lop armor, A subseque:nl: mine e,,
plo5KHl mlghl gel a prevaously-unhu target, or hit In the same place,
bypassing the Olher Inttfl\llIlTgeIS, 100 hit the IUITCI or 10001glln.
Similarly. if a vehiCle takes "front weapon" damage and haslwo or
more fronl .... capons. roll nndomly for each attack 10 see ....i1ich of the
weapons is hit (fthere Ire I...." or more fronl .....eapons. e.ch lnack: Will
hit only one. Leftover darnale from that Ittack: JOCS "Inward." not
"sideways" to ocher from weapons.
Crit/ctJI Hits - A V.:rlt.tnt
Nou: As I varianl, !hIS IS an optlOnll ruk WI adds realism 10 the
..me whUe inereulfl.g thecomplully If you like the rule. SO lhead and
use il. If you dont. feel free to llnore It.
CritJCa1 hits represenl lucky 5hotJ iU or through weak pomtJi of II
dtfen.se. PertJaps I shoe penetnues I spot thai had betn che.... ed Iway by
previous lunfire. destroys the bell ftt'dmg mhlll.lsm of I mlChine
gun. or hIlS I vulnel'lblt. body Irmor JOIN
Deftnsive weapons, such 15 011, and those thlll hll lutomltically.
like lreolldc:s and mines, do not get crilical hits. Ooly those ....'eapons
thai mUSI rollllO-hil number may have criticiis. If. lfier III mcxhrlCT5
hJve been calculaled, a weapon needs a 12 or more to hll. I ermcal hu
IS not possible. If the number needed to hn ls bttwcc:n 3 Ind 11. then I
critical is achieved 00 the roll of I 12. If there arc 10 many mcxhflCl'S In
the firer's flvor lhaI I 2 or less IS all thai" needed to hit, I CTllIeII hit
happens on an II or 12
The Iype ofdamage I crillCal hit docs depends upon the targel If the
IIrJet has Irmor (induchng body armor). then I cnucal hit iimply II'
nores the armor. All damage done: by the WC1Ipon is Ipplitd 10 Internal
components. An Irmor critical hit will not. Mwever. skip both a \ehi
de's almOf' IlK! the body armor of the driver. People in vehlClt.s Ire
conSIdered componC'nlS unless specifICally targeled. such IS I C)'clt.
ndo' .
If I tal'ltl lades Irmor (vehKie ""'lIh sftot-lwlY sides, IlmpposlS,
buildings) then the wcapon does t ..... lCe lhe damage n normally would If
I recoilless rifle scores a enucal hit. rollt\\'O dice, then double thai
nomber for the dlmage done A shoclUO would do 4 hilS ofda.rna&t' if it
aot I cntkl1 hit 0C1 an unarmored pedestrian
Hind .... eapons that lISUI.lly do notlffect vehICle compooenu hJ\'e
the chance 10 do lO .... hen achieVing a critical .1111. bill lIilJ only do half
normal damage. When firing II In unarmored vehicle componenc. such
15 an uposcd po.....crplanl, WIth I hand ....'t'8pOO, I cmcal hll .... lil do full
Collision Damllle
Damaae from I collision IS handled differenlly. It IS divmd evenly
1I'TlOn& all Cltposed (Le., "OUlSll:k") componenlS on the Iffl":Cled Slde.
For instance. if I car with t .....o from MGs tt-d no fronl armor left. Ind
IOOIt 3 polnlS of damlae from l":tIl":my fire. you would roll randomly 10
see .... hlCh MG IOOIt the ) hiu. H()Voever. if thai same car look 3 points
of collisIOn damage to the fronl, It would be dIvided evenly belwn the
exposed systems (the weapons) - 2 hIlS on one Ind I on !he other.
Thus, collision damaae C1lllnot penetrate 10 the interiorofa vdllc1e unlil
1I111rmor on WI side. and all compontnts "OIlt$u" the one 10 be af-
fecled, have been complele!) destroyed.
4. Combat Results
I"j"ry to
MOIl humans hive 3 OP: they Ire wounded by the fil1l hit. knockrd
uncon5ClOUS by the seoond, and by !he third. Standard body If
mor. when wont, also has IhrcedamlJl": points, Body armortaltes dam-
1ge fil1l, tffectlvely daublin& _ chIt'ICtCr's hit POints. Hits tIke1l by I
dnver'S body armor art' l)() huard, but if a vehICle', dri\'er is wounded
or killed, it is I 02 hlZlrd.
UlJCOfItro/kd Vdtlcln
lf a mocon:yde's dri\er is Itilled or knoclted uncorucious. the cyclt.
goes 10 Cruh Table I immediately. adding 4 10 Its roll. Any passenstf5
must Jump or S1Jffer the consequl":llOCS of !he roll. Any ground
vehicle (including a cyclt. WIIJI a sidecar) will conllnuc: in a strlightline
if the driver is incapacItated. h decelel'lles .s mph am lum, movllli II)
I Sl11ighl line unlll il scops or hilS IOOlCtlung

If a cyck's driver i, incapllcitated. a sideca.r puSoenger can 51etr the
C)'clt., bill canllOl use the brllces or Icceltr8lOr He can fire Iny .....eapon.
bul not on any tum thll he steers the cycle.
If I larger vehicle', driver is Incapacillled, I froni-SCII gunner or
passenger may Ittempt to take conlrol. (Note: No ...ehicle may have
more than lWO sealS in fronl.) He TT\l:y optl1lle all vehICle controls. or
the weapons. bulllOl both. Each maneuver he makestw In eJt.l11l 020f
If a dri\erless vehlde can be SlOpped, It will take 5 turns (5 sonds)
to push the hue driver out or off and mov'C any OIher occupant of the
vehide in as a new driver. On the 6th turn, the new driver mllY stan 10
accelerate and/or fire.
Firr and Explosion - A Variant
Again. thIS 1$ an optionlll rule. If)oo like it, pkase l1Se II. If you
don'I, free to ignore il.
Every weapon that has a chance to set a vehicle on lire is rated on
the table below for IWO factors; "Fire ModiflCr" and "Bum
Duration." Fire ModifICr is the number the anacker musl roll (or roll
under) to set the targr.t vehicle on fire. Burn Duration is the number of
rums after the innial hit the fire modiflCr is in effect. All fire modifiers
are cumulauve.
Dropped Wt'tIpon.l'
Mint:<!roppers, Spikcdroppers, Oil klS. and Flaming Oil ku are
""'tapons. Dropped weapons do not reQ'llre lo-hit rolls, The ap
propriate counter is simply placed behind the firing vehICle (for a rear-
mountt:<! weapon) or to the side (for a side-mounted weapon). See dia-
gram below.
5. Odds and Ends
If II dropped weapon is put on lutomatlC. a counler oflhe appropri-
ate type is placed behtnd the veh)cle tl'try pJwu the vehicle moves. It
will conlinue 10 do this unlil it runs OUI of ammo or is taken off auto-
matic. If a vehicle is not moving, a dropped wellpOn on automatic will
fire ollCe a turn.
Automafic Fin
If. weapon is on "automatic." il will fire each turn unull! runs out
of ammo or is laken off automatic. Puning a weapon on lutomatic is a
tiring action. as is taking it offautomalic. lening it fire during the inlCr-
vening turns is not a firing aClion. If you have a weapon on automalic,
you may fire an addillonal thaI turn.
This advantage. however. is offset by the inoccuracy of autOO1al)(:
fire. A weapon on lutomatie is not being Imled by the driver or any-
thing else. h fires S1mighl ahead (or behmd, or to the side, derending on
what side the weapon is mounted on). Aturreted weapon cannot be put
on lIutomatk. A weapon on automatic cannot larget an opposing vehl'
de's tire: or lurrel or any ocher specifIC target. A weapon on aUlomalic
docs not benefil from laraeting computers. Pulting 1 weapon on IUto-
malic breaks SU.!iUlined fire, and subsequent shots do not gel a SUSUllned
fire bonus.
When a vehicle lays down automatic fire. calculate the allack from
thai weapon at the end of all movemenl for that tum. Draw an Imag'
inary line slraight out from the middle of the side the automatic weapon
is on - If a target (vehicle, pedestrian, bulkhng) crosses that line. fig
ure allihe standard modifiers. and roll the dice. Pulling a on
aUlomallC is very effeclive for doing propeny damage and dealing With
large groups of opponents: if you're duellIng With juSl one or two other
vehicles. automatic fire is probably a of amnw. Dropped weap-
ons and paint/smoke weapons can bentfit greally f!"Om lIutomatic fire
(see below).
needing only to roll an 8 or less, comes up 1Il'lIh a 7. Our hero's on fire
-1e1'S hope he has a fire extinguisher.
Fireproof armor (see Section VIII. Car lhsign) remainsJuSl thal-
fireproof - under these rules. If an exposed power planl. naming oil
jel, or flamethrower utkes damage. use the rules In the malO section 10
determine whether or not there's a fire.
This sySlem could al!D be used as an option for determining whether
or not a building has been set on fire. Some building matenals.lllt. steel
and concrete. would have a negati\'e modifier on the fire mcxhfier of ,II
weapons Ihat hitlt (-2. perhaps). Wood. on the other hand, would burn
fairty easily - maybe a +4 or SO.
Burn Duration
Fire Modifier
Weapon Type:
Huvy Duty
Light laser
Heavy laser
Flaming ad kt
Hcavy Duty Flammg all kt
Hand-Held Flamethrower
Vehlculer Fire Teble
Fin and Explosion
Avehk:le which crashes may calch fire ($eC Crash Tables, p. II). A
vehICle: hit In comhat may al!D calch fire, as follows: 2 in 6 chance of
catching fire on any turn that 10-24 hits art; tuken from l1amethrowers.
l1aming oil. and/or lasers: 3 In 6chance on any tum that250r more hlu
are taken from those weapons mentioned above: 2 in 6 chance on any
tum Wt the v'chlcle's power plant, l1amethrowers, or naming oil )Cts
are hil by enemy firt;; 4 In 6 chance if those items take damage from
laser, l1amethrower, or naming oil)Ct fin:.
If a v'ehlCle hilS a fire e.xlingutsher, Ihere is a 3 m 6 chance the fire
will go out at the end of each turn (4 In 6 Iftke v('chlcle has the lmprovt:<!
fin: extinguisher). If the extinguisher docs nol put the fin: out atlhe end
of the lum. the fire docs one hit of damage to each OCCUpaN (body ar
mor will lake dllmage first), each \'ehicle componenl (mcluding tires).
and the armor on each pan of the car.
A burning v'chicle may expJode If tt ronlains any type of l1ame-
thrower, naming oil Jet. any type ofrockct or mISsile weapon, AT gun.
or tank gun. If the fire is not extinguished. roll one die at the end ofeach
rum. On a roll of I. the vehlck explodes. scattering debris (see Section
IV). All occupants are kil1t:<! Immediately. Pedestrians or vehicles
within 2" take I die of damage to the exposed side (if there are tWO ex-
posed sides, the owner picks whICh side U1kes the damage).
Here's the of rolls: If the vehicle: taken damage Ihat
could cause a fire. roll althe t:nd of Ihe turn to see If fire breaks OUt. If
fire breaks out. and the \'ehide has a fire extingUisher, then roll to see if
the fire exunguisher puts outlhe fire. If the fire extinguisher succeeds at
this point. no damage is lalen from fire. If the fire fails (or
the targel dldn'l have one). each vehicle component takes one hit of
damage as outlined above. If the fire stili burning lifter the fire extin-
guisher roll. then make one more roll for possiblc explosIOn as outhned
Example: On tum one. our inlTepid duellist gelS hit by I single
l1amethrower shot. The FT (we see on the table) has a fire modIfier of
4.50 the attacker must roll a 4 or lesson 2 dice to.!itt the target vehicle
on fire, He rolls an II. v.hich isn'I e\'en close The nextlurn, the flame-
thrower mIsses. but our hero does gel hit by a laser lbe laser has a fire
modifICr of I, but thiS is also the first turn of the flamethrower's three-
tum bum duration -th:u's 4 more for a tocal of 5. The luacker, need-
ing I 5 or less to Sliln II fire. rolls a 6 - tough luck.
On the thm:ltum. the flamelhrower misses again, but the laser hIts
for the second lime, and our hero dm'es throogh some flaming oiL lbe
fire modifICrs are: I (for the laser) plus 3 (for the flaming oil) plus 4 (for
the second tumoflhe FT's bum durauon). for a tocal of 8. The allacker.
The ror mll'lleS and sptkes show opproxuMUIy .... here they
Ire If I vehicle crosses lure-spike ooYnler, roll once for each tire on
uandude. Orll roll ofl"", the lire likes I dte or damI(le If !Vehicle
crosses Iny square 10 the ooYnler (see dilaranl below), roll
once ror exh or III tires; on I I or 2, the tire lakes I die or daffiagf:.
SPikeS Will SlIy on the road mdefintlely. Solid lires Ire immune to spike

Mme rounk:rs work !he SImC way, e..-cepc. Wt Ir any wheel or I
\dllde crow- the counter, the mll'lc.s will (10 off on a roll af 14. If the
vehICle anly crosses In adjacenl square, the mUleS explode on I lor 2.
Each lire wulun I" or an) ed,e of the mUle counter lakes I die af dam-
age, and the underbody af the vehK:k that set the mllleS off takes 2 dice
of damage The Spear 1000 nllne \lI(lru lhe same WlY, except that lIres
only like Id-l points of damage, while the underbody likeS 2d+l
After I panlCUlar set of mUleS has been set off. the countcr 15 removed.
Mines may Ilso be remole<antrolled, either by radio or by clble.
Sening arr mutes In this 'lilY counll as I firing action, bul the mines go
offlol.hen you wanl!hem 10, If you want mmes thaI will '0 off either by
ren\Ole control or ....-hen they're run over, double the roll.
An 011 slICk is defined by Ihe edge of the counter. When Iny part of a
vehicle crosses an oil slick counler, II adds 02 to the diffICUlty of any
maneu\t:r alU:mptl, II also tdds 02 to the sevcruy of any haz.ard en
countcred (lUCh 15 t:nemy fire); II IS not a hazard In Itself, Flaming oil
s1kts add OJ to any maneuver or hazlrd, Ind liso cause damage 10
t.lndcrbody and ltrts. as desc:nbcd m the notes (ollo....'nl the Weapon
Ull. Oil slicks lall mdefimtely, but nammg oil disappclrs lfier fivc
!Urns (see deJCriplion in weapon notcs above).
Each \ehlCle checb only once ror cKh counter - on the phase II
fim runs over the cowner, or (If II'S JUg 80m, to !OUCh !he
squarc area) the firS! phase il cntcrs In adJaccnt square. Of course, lflhc
vehicle mums 10 the cow\ler', Iocalion, h will hive 10 rollllain.
Paint and Smolu
Paint (purple clouds) and 5mOke (black clouds) mlY be produced by
rear-mounted or side-mounted (see dilSl'lmt below). Do not
II)' co line up. cloud With the (lriel hnes. OrICOI it I(.rordina 10 the vehi
c1e', positIOn. Smoke5Creens and p-inl douds remain SIItionary. The
life o( I 5mOke cloud is CX\e mtnUie Oonaer than most banlct will lake).
The life of I pallU spny IS one second, Remove it lithe end oflhe!Urn
after the one: In which It is fired,
Any vchw:le Irylng to Il'ICe hne of fire through paml or smoke mU5!
subtBct 2 rrom III to-hit roll (or each cloud In !he WI),. Lasers Canrt(J(
fire throu&h vnoIr:c or pa1ftI III
When I smokcst'rcen or pamt spny Is placed on aUtOmltIC, II fires
once c\'ery phlse the vehicle moves, producing a continuous line of
pllnt or smoke coumers. It wl11 contlnue to do 10 until It runs out o(
ammo or I taken off IUtomlIlC. If the vehIcle is not mavin" I 5I\lOke-
screen or paml spray on IUtomatlc fires once per !Urn.
Tear 'I Clll be loaded mI 5I1\Oke.K'1"r:CI\ (CPS 30. WPS I). Tear lIS
IffCClJ taraelmg the arne way rt:plar smoke does, U Iol.ell as blvml
senous e((ects on Illy unprotecled pcdwnans (for a rull dc.scnpllon o(
Ilear '1$. see the Grtnade rules Ialer In thiS section).
Any vehw:le wttich comes tnIO COOtlCl with a palJll cloud ,eu paml
on ilS Windows. The \'ehlcle WIll make all 10 htl rolls al I -2 for the rtSI
or that tum and thc neJtl three turns; after thlt, the Windshkld Wishers
will have ckancd it orf 80lh pamland smoke Ire Ivailable In JUSI: about
any color.
AnoIher wlY 10 get more firepower per lurn OUI of your vehicle IS 10
link weapons. Aweapons link 005tI $30, and has no space or wei&hl re-
qummcnlJ. Two or more idallicl! weapons fin", rrom the same side
(or in I turret) may be linked, limed, and ftred loaclber II is nol neccs-
yry ror linked weapons 10 be fired toaethcr - I link is essenllally a
durd bullotl, In addition 10 the fll'Sl two, thaI fires both weapons simulll-
noously, You can Slill prc.u one o( the fir'$llwo buttons 10 fire a
weapon, I( you want.
Whefllinkcd weapons art fired, make a sq'IIl'Ile to-nit roll (or each
linked weapon. All modiflCrs - or posillve -!hat .ffttl one
linked Iol.eapon arfttl them all. includlnlllrgCllng romptlters, gunner
skill. and range,
Unks cllllhemselvct be hoked. provided III the weapons are ida'lli-
cal. Four heavy rockelS, hnked in paIrs that are abo linked, (lIVes lhe
firer I number o(cptions - fire anyone, fire ellher of two paiD, or fire
!hem all - at any tune Only idcnricaJ weapons may be hnked tJnd
aimed 100ether. Weapons o( lhe same family (I midline aun and I Vul-
can MG, or I heavy rocket Ind I medium fOCkd) cantlOl be linked for
full effect
Weapons thai are DOl ide:micaJ ('dII be hnked, but only OM can be
lImed, The other weapon(,) are trealed as irthey Ire on aulomallC (ex-
cepl they fire when Ihe button IS pushed, and nollt lhe end oflhc lurn).
1lte firer can pICk wtudt weapon he wishes to lun, and 'Nhicb one Will
be treated as lutomatic (see abovc (or rules on .ulomatlc firc). I( IWO
identical 'A-'Capons Ire linked With I thIrd, dlffercnl, then the
two idenlKal weapons may be lImed lO8elher Ind lhe thIrd is uwed as
If It .....ere on auromauc.
Turreted weapons canDOl be linked WIth weapons In the main body
or the vchicle, or in II\OIher lurrel. Any type o( dropped weapon or
palm/smoke weapon can be hnked ..... Ith anythl"l WIth no penally, SInce
they do not require to-hll rolls. A common tIClic 15 10 hnk a number a(
minedroppcrs Ind smokescreens tOiether and fire them simulllneously
to discourae

6. Hand Weapons
Arty chalKlcr (driver. ,unner, pusen(lcr, or pcdcslnan) mlY use I
hand .....eapon Illy lum he or she does noc fire I vehIcle weapoa For
lame purposes. hand weapons takc up no welghl or space. HowC\"er. no
chal'lC1er may carry more than 6 grenades or ,renadc-equivaJenlS o(
equipmenl. Apistol oounlS IS a a nfle. shotgun, or
SMG counll as two. As car,o, I bol o( 12 arenades 'A-el,hs SO pounds
and IIIr:es up one !ip8Ce. For I oomplele rundown oa hand weapons. see
the Hand Weapon USI in Sccuon VI, PedenrilJlu.
Hand weapons do not gCI bonuses (or oompuIcr aunll'!&. bullll other
modifications hsted for vehicular wcapons Ipply. Hand,unner sktll IS
used with hand weapons, instead or the Gunner skill
Hand weapons ha..-e little effect on vehK:1es - \ehlCle componenu
Ire too helvily bulll. Submachlne auns and arenade5 do !heIr full I dte
ordamaae only on liru Ind humans: on other tar(lclI, ttley do half dam-
lie (rounded down). Odtcr hand weapons arfea only uru and people.
A arenade may be Ihrown up to 5" (see bdow (or more on Ire-
nades). Other hand .....eapons a maXimum range of 20" fur game
FlrinI hn4ltin and Bonusn
The dnver or I movtna vehIcle muSl suJ)(raCl 3 rrom hIS tohlt roll
with Iny hand weapon. Gunners or passengers subll1lCl 1. Pedestrians
or SlItionary chat'Klcrs fire II !he hsled values. In certain SlluationS,
pc:deslnans may ,et bonusu for finn, from a bnccd pOlmion. Finng
from ms I movmg vehicle is nol consadcred "braced," bIn farina
from I IUtlOlW)' vehick d.
Grenades come tnl numberofrypes, tu all WreJOmCsurularalCS.
They hI,-e I wnple ume-<lt:1ay swdd! (0 10 5 seconds). lind III ICIIVI
tiort swItCh. SettJJlI the ume-de.lly takes oae second, tu they can be set
Iheald of time _OIalpna the llJnt deily Ibo takes one: 1eCOnd.
To throw1 grenade. sunply SW1 the llmerby prusmalhe KbVlllJOft
SWllch. Ind throw II. The grenak will JO off. the end 01 the tum In
..iuch the umcr ItOpS Ifyou set die:: umer II O. II will 10 offIt the end of
the t\lm in ",tlldl you PfU1 the: switch Grenades fired from vdlicu1aror
bandohekl IIW1Chm are lUtOmaUCall) KUva&cd upon fuiJla.
The to-hll roll for Ilhroin grcnllle is 9 or better on two dice. SuI
that's mzsk.hna. becluse eYe-n I roll will not put: the are-
MOe In Ihe exact square you were Ilmllta for, unless)'ou roll I naNl1Il
12, On I 12, the grtNde Ianm in the txld W" square you werellmlnl
ror. Any ocher dlt roll is I miss of one delree or another.
Any ,relllde lOSS thai is less thin the be5t possible (I 12) wiU devi-
lle rrom the inlended IIrgeL This de.VlItlOl'l hIS two componenu -
Oireclion Ind Disllnce. Or, 10 pullt lnother way, whkh wlYdid II 10,
and how badly did you miss?
IArt.OtI - Roll one die, and consult the following:
I - Off 10 the nlhl
2 - Off 10 the: kft
) - On lme, bul shon.
4 - On htlle. bullons
5 - Of( 10 the: rilhl, and ellber Iona or sbon (roll randomly).
6 - Off 10 the left, and either IonJ or shon (roll randomly).
DU/DI.u - Hoi f. the arenade IInds from the Ullmded spot
depends on how t.dJy you mwed your 10-1I11 roll:
Made your roO or hiahtr bul roUed ku than 12 - 1) "'., squllU
in each dlrectOi eaJ)ed for by the directIOn roll
Massed by I - Id-I (U'CIlI 0 resuh IS l)squaKS in each dlreeoon
called for
Missed by 2 - Id+ I square.s In each dutttion called for.
Pohned by J - 2d- 2 (Ireal I 0 resuh IS I) squares In each dlrec1MW1
called for
Mwed by 4 or.5 - 2d+) iqUlres m each direaioa called for.
Missed by 6 or more - 3d JqUlires (8 squires mInimum) in each
dltce:t1on Clned for
Ir the Ime of fhah!. ror the grenllle is diagonll to !he grid lines, juS!
remember that each square is W", Ind use I ruler to delennine the nnal
Iocllion of lhe arenade.
Ctorge thinks an enemy vehICle is aboul to slip 01.111 sm
liley, 50 he wanu 10 tOSS I grmllle Into the open lrea where the Ilky
intersects the strM Georae pICks I WJd squire Ind rolls the dICe. He
needs I 9 or betler 10 hrt, bul rolls III 8 Not bl, but I mISS, Next
Georae rolls on the DtreClion 1Ibk:, and rolls I 5 - orr 10 the nebl. and
eilhe:r shan or 'anI. Georre USIgnS "I:\ens"10 rolls another
5 - iDdicaurtg the gnnade came up sbon.. 100.
Nul. Georse conwlu the Dtsonce table - "mwed by I" means
the arenme is off by Id-11qUIJU In eIldl dmcbon called for by the
fiBt set of rolls. toUed Gcorte's arenade: IS both 10 the n&ht
MId short of hIS IJWended SJIOI- Georte rolls 2, then I 3 - so the ere-
RIde: mds up one square (2-1) to the righi, MId IWO.squares (3-1) shJn
of !he inltnded lIIrgel Not bed II 1111
If I arenadc hlu I IltJe .ohd obJC'Ct - lin I buildillg or I car -
while In 11Ig'", II wiU bounce Id-I squares and SUlp The du'UtlOll it
bounces is detemuned by the: qle iilKh the grenade hIlS tbt: lid
objccl. If the lrenade hili !he ob:fect squarely, it bounca W"I1aJ'l1 t-elt
IOwud the !hfO"'"U. If II arlkes It III Inlle, II will bounce off II ttle
same angle, IWly from the !hrower
'The muimum range for Ilhrown grenade is 5", and sundud range
penallies Ipply -!hal is, If your spol is 4" to 5" lway, there
is I - I penally 10 hit, and if your Intended spoc IS less Ihan I" lway,
there is I +4 bonus. If your intended spol is less thin I" IWly, you
cannoc mw by more !hln IWO 5qulres In Iny direcuon. In no case CII'I I
arenade end up behind the thrower - if the disunce "shoM" is atelter
!han the dlSWlCe luempled In the firM place. pllCe Ihe arenlde II the
thrower's ftel. Abo, larenllk thrower mlY place I grenade In hIS 0Wtl
or Iny adjaCenl square Wllhota h.... ma 10 roll 10 hit 11
Agrenade rna)' be thrown from I 11IO"1"1 "chicle II - 2. There IS no
"lUtomIbC: hil" for adJICcnl squares, but !he +4 POtnt-blank bonus
would Ipply. AgreMde dropped from I "chide could 10 In Iny diteC'-
lion A roll of 2 or ) indlClleS dlSllSler - the areMX: is dropped mside
the "chICk and rolls under the Ie.: - Of" JOrlleChUII eq.aaIly DI:SI)'
Grenade courKen an: pro.. ldcd 10 help)oo keep !TKtofincre they
all end up.
7. Buildings
8mJdrn and CoOlJPP8 Built/illlS
A bui'ding ila +10 10 hll II's blallld doesn'l move (10 the +10
lIka the "lUtionaty" bonus into IiCcount). EIc:h buikh"lhas I DP
value IndlClling the smng1h of Its Will . Any iupoD dotnall kasc this
much damage will produce I "bruc:h .. Lesser damlge his no eITtct,
EumpJe: A building has lOOP Aweapon result of 10 POints dlffiIIC
or more will produce I breach lithe affected spal. Hollo-e.. er. any num-
ber of smaller hits may Iccumullte withoul causing harm - Ihere is no
need 10 keep tl1lck of buildina dll1ll8e lb. does noI creale I brelch A
breach, once created, is idenliclllO I door or window for alme pur-
When I buikJinalC1:umulltes brelChes equal 10 its DP yalue, it \lrln
collapK. (A DP 4 btllkiin, fills Ifter" breaches. The DP 10 buikllll'
mentKJOtld lboye ,.,ililiu 10 breaches before n coIllpses) It docs not
miner where the breld'les Ire When I buikhnc fills, creuu rubble
(see below). The fall of I buildina does ncI Iffect nearby buiklll\CS -
even those Ilo-;m wbich It shires I ",.. II Howl:\'er, 1 breach In I corturJ()f(
wall will Iffect both bulldmgs
E\eryone and everylhlna lllilde I fillt. buiklq as many
cbce of ciarnIF as !he buikbna: has DP For eumple, I 6 DP buildll\'
"'1.11 do 6 cbc:e of damarcc 10 ..)'ont: MId 1Il)'1hq llIsade,
Can will t:IIte: thiS dImJ&c 10 their UIp Irmor IfIn)' lOp Irmor IS left
.fter the collapse, people U1slde the Clr .... 111 be Slfe - trapped, but Slfe
They won't be Ible 10 1ft OUI for IS many t\lfDS as !he build,", had DP
They'll aiU hr.e to deIJ wIlh the l'\IbbIe IS pedestrians after !bey u:ape
"" .,..
Some buildmgs will hroe tWO different DP numben, WJlh !he sec
ond one 1ft P-ten&heses- The fine number will be the number or cIamIJe
polltts required 10 creale I breach. and the: secood i.t11 be the number of
breaches needed to coIllpse the building. For many bulldmp, Ibl wdl
be the same number - and only one number will be used. Bul for JOIne
buildlnp. ii'S not loalCaI An example IS I bam - only I rew damlae
points will create I single bnld!. buill willlllke loIS of breaches 10 col
lapse il. A blIm like Ihls will be descrIbed IS hlvina4(L5) DP - il only
likes 4 damage poinls 10 create I breach, but the bam won't collapse
until IS breaches arc made. Whc:n a bUilding with two OP numbers col-
lapses. use the firS! to deteonine the amount ofdarnllgC it does. C!c. (see
When a budding collapses. il beCORltS rubbk. No vehicles rna)' en-
ter rubble Pedestrians rna)' move Ihrough rubble at one square per sec-
ond - moving only on Phase I of a tum. Rubble lakes up the same
that tnt buildmg did.
Rubble continues to block between roads. just as if the
building was still there. If the firer or the targel is in an elevated posi-
tion. rubble can be sighted over. however. A pedestrian in rubble can
fire as though the rubble was not there; he is considered "braced" and
gels lhe +I bonus to hit. A pedeslrian in rubble may be fired on. but the
allack IS at -4
Collapse of a building wdl also scatter debris. When somdhing col-
lapses. take a dozen debriS counlers and drop them over the disaster sile
from a height of one foot, redropping an)' that fail to land on lhe street

A line of sight rna)' be traced through an)' door, ..... mdow. or breach.
1berefore, a pedestnan may Stand inside a building and fire outside. He
must. ho..... ever. be adjacent to the door or window for this line of sight
10 be traced.
A pedtstrian leamng around an edge of a door or WIndow presents a
very small target. Therefore. although he may be fired at, he has the
protttlion of the wall. He is not hit unless the wall is breached. Exam-
ple: A pedestnan leamng out a window. looking for a good shot.
.....hen a duellist with a hascr tries to take him OUI. The duellist needs an 8
to hit, and gelS II. The wall has 6 OP. The duellist rolls 10 points of
damage willi his laser. SlJ: go to the wall (breaching it); the other 4 go to
the pedestnan. If the wall had not been breached (if it had 12 OP. for
uample). the pedestrian would have been unhun.
However. a \ery good shot can go right thrOllgh a door or window.
If thc roll to hit at teast 2 better than needed (in the above example. if
the duelhst had rolled II 10). then both the pedestrilln and the wall take
full damage.
Height Modifications
Snual10ns ml)' arise where duelhSlS in ClfS want to shoot at pedes-
trians on rooftops; or I pWeslrian gun battle may mvolve exchangmg
sholS acroS!i a S(reet into buildings. Finng at an)' target thlt is on a
higher be.Ithlln)'OII is at I -I for every 10 fact ofhcight difference.
Firing downwllrd is II no penalt)'. but throwmg things (like grenades)
is: -1 for every 10 feet of heIght difference. Each level ora multi-srory
building is ISSUmed 10 be 10 fact hIgh. Some heighlS - a third-story
rooftop. and fourth floor or higher - cannol be hit by regular vehicular
weapons on S(red level. unless lIIe firing vehicle is further away from
the target than thc target is hIgh. Universal turrets (used to fight
helicopters - see Section VIII. Cor/Rsigl1) and hand wellpons are the
only wa)' 10 fire on them.
In most cases, a missed shoe rockels off mto the Stratosphere. never
10 be seen agllin. In a scenario mvolving buildings. this is clearly Inap-
propriate. A mIssed shot fired horizontall)' goes in a straight line until it
leaves the map or hilS an obstaCle. like a building. If IUIOther vehICle or
pedestrian is in the. exact hne of fire. you can roll to hit. talung Into ac-
count lilly additional runge and another - 2 because you
weren't aiming al him. When a "miss" hit somethmg. it does stan-
dard damage.
For shots fired upward. roll one die. On a 1 or 2. the shot hits one
story higher than intended; on a 3 or 4. II hIts lWO stories higher: on a 5
or 6. it misses everything and IS gone
For shots fired downwatd, II mIss will overshoot Ihe mtended target
b)' I to 6 inche .
If you Iry to put a grenade through a window and miss. the grenade
lands at the base of lhe building below the window in quesuon.
Burning Buildings
If a buildmg is SCt on fire (a chance every lime it is hll by I
laser. a flamethrower. or flaming oil). place an "on fire" marker on it.
SInce mosl Gar Won ballies laSI less than II minute. the effeets on the
pla}ers will be minimlll- but for long-leon campaIgns. II can be signif-
icant. The variant fire rules mentlO!lCd above can be used for this IS
VI. Pedestrians
Not everyone has a car. Vehicles may face challenges (rom enemites
on fOOl - or a driver may leave a wrecked vehicle and sprint for safety,
tossing a grenade 1$ he goes. A pcdeslrian is represented by a counter
thai 15 lh" ,'( 1"'. The pedestrian is considered to be in ju5C the front
half of the counter - a single 14" square. The larger counter is pro-
vided for ease of handling. Anyone firing on a pedestrian muse lrace
line of fire to the panicu]aT square the pedestrian 1$ in, no! just any pan
of the entire rounlU. Pedestrian COUnlcrs should always be lined up
with the map grid.
1. Movement
The base moVM\etI1 rate for pedestrians is 12.5 mph. or five \4"
.squares per turn. You can elect 10 go slower. and there Irc .....ays of
going fascer (see bc.low). The: best way to detennine the phases in which
you move iSla multIply your pedestrian's speed by 4 and consult the ap-
propriate line on the vehicle Movement Chan. Move \4" in each phase
the chari imhcale$. For uample. someone moving 17.5 mph would
move 14" m each phase indicated on the Movement Chan for 70 mph.
Going Fasttr
Spendmg points to Increase your Running ability Section VII,
Cominuing Chartlcttrs) will increase your base speed. For short peri-
ods of time, you may also opt to Sprint. ASprinting character increases
his speed S mph for up to 10 seconds. the 10 secoDds. the char-
acter can continue to run, but only at his base speed. and only for a mlll-
imum of 10 more seconds. Then he must stop and r(5t. Aller Sprinting.
a character must gOP and rest for I scoood for every 2 seconds spent
Sprinting: if he Sprinted for 6 seconds. he must rest for 3, for example.
A character is resting can do oothing ucept catch his breath. You
cannot Sprint up a flight of stairs, and you cannoc fire a weapon while
Spnnung - but if you need to get under cover faSl, the exIra speed
could save your life.
1bere is no limllto the number of direction changes a pedestrian can
make - no need to bother with Handling C!aMes, Control Rolls, or
Stairways are marked on Cor Won maps as a series of squares, with
every ()(her square wllh a floor number. When a pedes(rian
reaches the numbered square corresponding to the floor he is on, he
mU5t Slop, On phase I of the ne"ltum, he may move one square up or
down, On phase I of the tum afier that, he may move 'iain. This con-
linues until he reaches the !loor he wants. On the turn after reaching the
correc1ly numbered square. the pedestrian may move on that floor nor-
mally. 1ne uppermost box of many staircases is marked "R," and rep-
resents a halch to the roof of the bUilding. It takes one tum to move
from the "R" to any adJactnt square - then movement con-
tinues normally.
2. Combat
Pedestrians may use hand weapons only, Acomplete list is provided
on p. 25. Apedestrian may only fire once a IUm. Once a pedestrian fires,
he may not move for the rtstofthe tum. ASprinting pedestrian may nol
fire lit all. Pedestrlans have 3 Damage POInts -the first hit wounds, the
second knocks unconscious, and the third kills. They can wear body ar-
mor. Pedestrians may carry up to 6 grenades or grenade-equivalents
wonh of tqLllpmenl.
If a vehICle collides with a pedestrian, use the collision system in
Section S. Remember. pedestrians have a damage modifier of The
collision system can also be used If pedesttlans run mto each other.
Hand-to-Hand Combat
For one pedestrian to Sirike another. he muSt be in 1 square adjacenl
10 his intended victim. He must roll a 2 or higher to hil, but 111 targeting
modifiers (excepe for !he point-blank nnge bonus) are in effec't, in-
cluding the -3 for targeting a pedeslrian, 50 the net effcci is that-
most of the time - he will need a Sor bener on two dice. A human fisl
does Id-Sdamage. Jfthe allaclter has something heavy in his hand - a
pistol. an unused grenade, or a rock (any debris marker will yield
something appropriate), the damage roll IS Id-4. The Manial Ans skill
(see Section VII. Continuing Choracun) can also affect the results of
hand-to-hand combat.
If I pedestrian has moved more than h.lfhis movement allowance in
a given tum, he canOOl allack hand-tO-hand th15tum.
A pedestrian may also make a "hand-lO-hand" anack against an ad-
jant vehkle, He muSt have something to hit it with - a bare-handed
attack against vehicle armor is pointless. A pedestrian wilh a rock or
other object may strike a vehicle once per tum (no to-hit roll is needed).
He does Id-S damage. A hand weapon used in this fashion will no
longer be useful as anything but a dub.
A hand weapon may also do damage to II vehICle In a conven-
tional way. Any hand weapon fired from point blank range at a suman-
ary vehicle hits automatically, doing one point of damage. Any hand
weapon that would ordinarily do more than one point of damage against
a vehicle (such as the SMG), gets the higher damage.
Spikes, Oil, and Mints
It's possible for pedestrians to run afoul of the nasty surprises
dropped on cIty SlreelS and intended for VehIcles. When a pedestrian
enters a square covered by a spIke counter (not the adjacent area, but
the counter itself), he must rolll'NO dice. On a 2 or 3, the pedestrian
takes Id-4 points of damage.
A pedesttian on oil ;5 more likely to resemble a KeyStone Kop than
Clint Eastwood. When a pedestrian enters a square with 011 on it. he
rolls two dice. He musl rolla Sor better to stay on his fott. If he moves
immediately to anocher square with oil. he must roll a 7; then a 9, and
then an II for each subsequent square. If a pedestrian falls, he can
either spend an enlire second to stand up - which sti11 requires a roll of
7 or better on t'NO dice to accomplish - or Ctaw\, moving only dunng
Phases 4 and 7.
Flaming oil has the same traveling diffiaatties as regular oil - u-
cepe pedestrians also take one point of damage at the end of every lum
they're in it. Body armordoes protect against damage from naming oil.
The weight of a pedestrian will noc set off mines,
3. Pedestrians and
Apedestrian mU5t stand besKte a eycle for one full tum (I second) 10
get on. The nextlUm, he is astride it. He must remain motionless for 3
secoDds, this being about the time necessary 10 gel a cycle running.
After the 3 seconds, he can move normally. Adtiver getting off a cycle
(or out of a vehkle) must spend one full tum beside it after coming to a
complete stop (time to dismount) and then may run normally.
A driver or passenger may jump from a moving vehkle. Roll for
damage as if the jumper were hit by a vehICle (WIth a damage modifier
of I)going 10 mph slower than the vehicle wasgoing. The Jumper lands
in any adjacent square. and may move and lor fire beginnmg the next
11 would take about 30 seconds to piek up and restart a fallen cycle of
any size. Most combats WOO't laSlthat long.
To enler a larger vehicle, a pedestrian must stand beside it for one
tum (opening the door). On the nexltum, he may enter. If the vdlkle is
not running, it will take 3 .seconds to start it. If that's the case, it cannoc
move until the 4th tum - but it may begin firing Illeapons immediately.
&arm,., Vmidn
To climb onto the oulSide of ....ducle, a pc!desulaJI mUSI make
roll, a follows
Vd'llck: speed 10 mph or leu: aUlomalic IUCCUS
15 mph: roll 4 or ll'IOfe on 2 dIce
20 mph: roll 5 or more on 2 dICe
25 mph; roll 7 or ll'IOfe on 2 dice
30 mph: roll 9 or more on 2 dice
35 mph: roll 10 or ll'IOfe on 2 d,cc
40 mph: roll II or more 0Cl 2 dICe
45 mph or lrealer; Itnpossibie
Apedestrian lr)'ing to board a traclor read5the table at 5 mph higher
dwt !he \ehde'. actual speed In oU\(:r wonb, pedestrIAn trylnllO
board n.c:eor moving 15 mph reads the Iablc al 20 mph Apc!dcslnan
Iryin. 10 board any ...chlCk: from !he side reads !he Iabk at 15 mph
hiJher than the ...ehlCk:'. speed. 1besc pemtltlU are not cumullIive
(l.c., you don't add 20 mph \loben 1t')lng 10 board. tnetor from the
SIde). UK the worst apphcabk: mOlhfter. A pc!desman may auemptlO

board ....chicle any lime the \ehICIt IS In an adJac:rnr. SQUIre,
Bcina nollCed: A pcdestnan boarding an OCC\IpJed bll or tnliler Will
be noticed 5out of 6tltoe . A pedestrian boardlng.n unoccupied trailer
10 an OCC\Ipacd tndJr wtll be noticed 3OUI of 611.1T1C.$. You can-
not board any other occupted vehicle Without beina lIOUCed. These
chances can be mochflOd at the referee's diJiCre1ton for weather, poor
...isibility, wtll-planned distraction. ect:.
Oroppin&: On A pedeslrian may .bo drop OClIO Ihe lOp of any ... chl-
cle if it passes directly bel1l"ath him. Roiliwo dICe:
4 or beller 10 land on bus or .ny trailer uccpt I unkc:r.
5 or bener 10 land on a Irxlor (double clamage for fatlure)
6 or beller 10 land on I tanker (the top is curved!)
6 or better 10 land on a pICkup or van
7 or better co land on a ]UIIUry or m)d..gud
8 or beller 10 land 0Cl a comp8CI or subeomp8Cl.
Subrr1lCl I from the roll If !he weather is bad. Subll'aCt I if the ...chI-
de isgoln. 20 co 30 mph, 31fit's BOlng 35 or 40 mph. and III addlliOnlJ
2 fore\ery 10 mph flster. Achal'lCtC.r 110M drop orno I ... chlCle bas !he
same chance co be noticed as one ""00 dimbs aboard.
VchM::Ie-iO-\ldticle: A person on one ...chtele may Iry lO jump or
climb to another while bodt are movlll. If the vehicles arc within 14"
of each other. UK the clunbmg..ooard rules - dctenlllDe the relatl ... e:
speeds of the IWO vehICles. Ind read the Ippcoprllte line. Because ofthe
dlrrlCUlIy, sublTac:t two from your roll. Iflbe ... chides Ire more than 14"
aptn, but less than K", laSe the rules - IBall1, subcract
rwo from your roll. The belng-nooc:cd rules are the $ItnC.
F.ilure: If you miSS your roll, you hit the ground. Usc the rules for
jumplllJ from movinl vehicles CO detemllne !'low much dam.,e is

MO'f"ement on top of. \chicle: A pe:de.stnan can only move around
atop an o...enized ...ehlCle or in a pICkup bed. There is no place 10 80 on
smaller \'ehlCle! II lakes one second to reach the lOP of 10 vehicle from
the ,round. or to stand up Ifler dropplltJ OntO II Apedestrian can safely
move one sqUlte per tum (In Phase 10) while on lOp of I moving ... chi
de. Movinl (astcr involvt'$ nsks: Moving tWICe. turn (in Phases 5 Ind
10) requires 10 roll of4 or bettcron 2 dace 10 stay on: mt)VUlJ three urnes
(m Phases 3. 6. and 9) requires I roll of 60r bencr 10 suy on. Mo...ing
any faSler is not pr1IClical (or Wise). A pc!destrlan .....00 fltls that roll IS
lutomarkally notICed. and take, damage as above for Jumping off I
A pedestnan lIop \ehjc:1e an fire: hiS weapon. throw grenades,
elC., normally. He can liso pl.tII. ILmpel mine: no d)c rolllS needed 10
succeed II this
A pedestnan on. \'chICIe .... tli be sub)CCI to fire from I turret 0Cl that
...eh,cle, if be IS II dw turre1's le...el Usc common sense 10 de:temune
this. Examples: Apedestrian IIOp I bus can be hn by I turret on the bus.
or on lnoIhcr bus !he wne size. A m.n in lhc bed of. pickupclMOt be
hit by I turrer on me pickupscab. unless he 5tlnds up. A. pedestnan on
.. trailer cannot be hit by I turre1 on the ttKtOr. since the trailer lOP IJi
higher than the ltICIor. A pedeSlnan cannot hKle behind or on top of I
turret; it mQ\'es qulCkJy enough thai he would be thrown ofT
A pedeltnan on vchlCle CM alJO aaadr: its front. SIde, lOP. and
back-mounted weapons, USing his own hand \loeapon, I(hecan move ad-
jacent co the appropriate sKSefen<1 of the vehicle. He ILltom1tially hits
doln& one potnt of damage; there IS chance etlCh time that the
damaBe wtll byptiss the Irmor and hit the weapon dim:tly.
Oettlng off: If a vehICle crashes With I peraon on top. II IS assumed
the pedeslrian JUmped clear, takmg normal damage 105 dellCribcd .oo...e.
A pe.rson couk1 also ancmptto ..S..... lna do..... n.. from I moving vehjc:le.
The ehance of making it wtthoul irtj\lry. and of not gettmg nouc:ed, is
the same as for c1imblnl aboard II the same speed.
Any hautdous evenl or maneuver mlY throw ridcrs off the top of.
\'etuele. When I vehic-Ie undergoes Illy 02 or ,rcalCr haurd. or Iny 03
or maneuver. anyone on board must roll 10 stay 0Cl. 1lIe roll IS ]
or bener on 2 dICe, plus I for every 10 mph the vehicle is moving - 8
or bener It 50 mph, for Imple
A!tailer has cte.ranc:c of bene.r than 2 fClCl lOO\'e the lrou.nd Thill,
no normal vchICIe CM pl.SS under a tnlder. However. I pcde.5tflart could
move (or hide) under. ltallonlry trailer, provkkd he cra....\ed (movinB
in Phues 4 and 7 only)
Hend Weepon Llet
Weapon Abbrev. Grenadc.cquiv. Damage To Hit Cos, SI>o<s CPS L. cSt. NOles
Submachine Gun SMG 2 I die 6 2SO 10 12 370

Rifle 2 3 hilS 7 120 20 I 140

Shotgun 2 2 hits 6 120 10 I 130
Heav)' Piseol HP I 2 hIts 7 100 8 I 108
Light Pistol LP I \ hit 8
8 I 8J
Grenade I I die 9
Tear Gas Grenade TG I 9 30 I 30
Smoke Grenade SG I 9 20 I 20 d
Concussion Grenade CG I \ hit 9 40 I 40
Paint Grenade PG I 9 20 I 20 f
Limpet Mine LM I I die 60 I 60
Grenade launcher GL 2 7 300 5 b
Light Anti-Tank Weapon LAW 2 2 8 SOC I SOC
Very Light Anti-Tank Weapon VLAW I I die 8 200 I 200 j
Tripod Recoilless Rifle TRR 5 2 dice 7 lSOC 3 35 1605 k
Recoilless Rifle clip 2 SO 3 35 ISS
Tripod Machine Gun TMG 5 I die 7 1000 20 25 lSOC
Machine Gun clip 2 SO 20 25 lSO
Ponable Aamethrowcr PF 5 I die 6 7SO 5 25 87S m
Abbreviations: Grt.nadt.-t'qui". - Grenade-equivalenl, a measure of bulk and wClght that detcrmines a pedeStrian's carrying capacit)'.
Pedestrians can normally carry 6 grenade-equivalenlS of equipment: CPS - cose per shot; L - loaded cose.
a. Submodllne Gun - Does half damage to "chicles.
b. Grenode - Does one die damage in a 2" burst effect radius to
tires and non-vclticular items, half damage 10 vehicles.
c. TeorGasGrenodt-Createsal" x I "cloud that IISLSone min-
ute. Effects on weapon and laser fire the same 1$ for smoke. Unpro-
tected pedestrians and cyclists must roll once per turn any turn the)' are
in a cloud. Multiple rolls don't produce cumulative results - just apply
the WOrst result rolled so far:
I - Character unconscious for five minutes.
2-4 - For one minute, character is -6 to hit with any weapon, and
can onl)' cntwl at 3 squares per tum.
5-6 - CharKter is -2 10 hit with any weapon for this lum and 3
more turns.
d. Smoke Grerwde - Creates a I" II 1" smoke cloud thai is Stan
dattl in evel')' other way, Available in a variety of colors.
e. Concussion Grenod,. - Does 1point of damage to pedestrians or
exposed cyclists in .. I" burst effect radIUS. but has an additional effect
on all people within .. 2" radIUS. Roll one die:
\2 - Character unconscious for 10 minutes.
3 - Character unconsclOlJs for I minute and Stunned (- 3 to hit
with any weapon, movement reduced by 2 squares per tum,
reflexes dropped to 0 if .. driver) for 2 more minutes.
4 -Character unconscious for 10scconds and stunned for 2 more
S -Character stunned for 30 seconds.
6 - Character stunned for \0 seconds.
7+ - No effect.
Characlers inside a vehicle with intact armor between them and the
blllSl add 3 to their roll. Characters with a building, wall, or other solid
cover between them and the blase add S,
f. Poim Gr,.nodl" - Creates a 1" x \" painl cloud that is standard in
every other way. Also available in a variel)' of colors.
g. Umptt Min,. - Looks like a grenade, but can be delayed up 10 IS
minutes when set: will stick 10 any fairly smooth surface, using a super-
glue in plastic beads that breaks and adheres when the mine is placed: if
placed on a vehicle, will do \ die of damage in a 2" bursl effect radius
Gustllke a grenade), but also does Id+ I damage to the armor bdowthe
mine! If placed directl)' over a weapon pon, the damage will go direcu)'
10 the weapon! Will not stIck if thrown - it must be placed by hand.
h. Gnnodt.LAUTlchu - Maximum range is 20". Treat misses the
same as for thrown grenades. Any type of grenade set on any delay may
be mixed into lhe five-!Jlot clip - bullhc art firocl in order, 50
keep tnK:k.
i. Ught Anti-Tonk. Wl"DpOn - Does full damage to vehJdes: does an
additional I die of damage to pedestrians in a 2" burst effect radius.
j. Vt'1)' Light Anti-Tank WtapOtl - Does full damage to vehicles;
does an additional half die of damage to pedesttians in a 2" burst effea
k. Tn'pod Ru:oiffess Rifll" - Does full damage to vehicles; loading a
new belt takes 2 seconds. If firer IS hit by a ....'Capon capable of damag-
ing vehicle, there is a SOl. cnance the weapon will take damage first: it
has 2 DP,
I. Tripod Mochine Gun - Does full damage to vehicles; loading a
new belt takes 2 seoonds. If firer is hit by a .....tapon capable of damag'
ing a vehicle, there is a chance lhe weapon will take damage first:
it has 2 DP.
m. Portable Flamethrower - Does full damage to vehicles; can be
used as an area effect .....eapon against pedestrians. Maximum range is
S", It creates a standard smoke cloud in the direction of fire every time
it is used. 1be firer's mllJtimum movement cannot exceed squares per
cum, regardless of bonuses. If the firer takes an)' son of damage, lhere
is a 2 in 6 chlltlCe that the PFr is hit first: it has 2 DP. If the PF'T is hit,
there is a 1 in 6 chance that it will explode, killing the filer instantly and
creating one sWK1ard smoke cloud, aligned randomly.
Ammo clips for other hand weapons cost S50 plus the COSt of the
ammo, carry as many shots as the weapon originally, and weigh 'I.t
grenade-equlvalent (I grenade.cqulv. for the SMG).
VII. Continuing Characters
CM Wan characters Ire Micnllcal In many ways: They,ll welgh
pOUlw;b.lhey ,II take up 2 spaces II vdiicle crew members. and they.1I
MVe ) damaae poinu. Tht.re Ire enough differences 10 ktcp things
interuung. however. DIfferences come In atcgones; Skills.
Prc.slige. and Wealth.
1. Skills
A number of skills are Ivaliable 10 chaT1lC1ers - lhe:se Ire listed
below A chal"K1ef who hal slull II the can perform WI
skill with no penaltieS or bonuse Higher skdllevels 1ft dcsianalCd by
plusses' With 11'1lining .nd experience. I character With the base skill
"Dnver" can unpf"O'o'C II to "Ori"er +I," and with CVefl more im
move to "Drlver +2:' "Dnver +3:' and 50 on In !he
course of IldventulU, you will glin "skdl points .. Some .111 points
can only be spent on panicular slulls. while OI.hers can be spent on any
When you lirsc cre.te I character. yOU get the base skdl "Running"
IUIOmIIltCally (everybody knows how 10 run), plus. 10lli1 of 30 skill
p:KnlI to spend as you ""Ish. Each blse It\d lbll acquired dunn. chlr-
lettr creation costJ 10 skill pomts Each lkkhllonal U:lllievel C'OSU 10
You can spend the 30 beglnnlnl skill polnU 10 acquire 3 bue level
$kills; or you an gel one skill It base level .nd I second It +I. You
could even link III 30 polnll into buying one skdl II +2, bul your char-
.etc.r would be PmlYone-<hmensional. You c.n use some of your Inilial
lUotmeni of ill POUlts to unprove your RUMttlg skill, and you un
spend less than 10 skill pctInlS in I Cllegory - IlthouJh why Inyone
would wanl 10 do this 1$ not clear
In me course of I C,,"pll&", genlng IddllJOl'llI p1usses In. skill you
already hive is preny en)' Gaming 'lotally new skill isn 'I, In addition
10 spending the 10 skill points 10 acquire I new skill II base level, I
Chll'lCler muSl liso spend $1,000 and take 3 month off (in g.me. time)
for ll'aIRIRg. The only exec-plion IS the MechanIC sklU (see beloW).
Dnwr: nils is the Iblhty 10 dnve sandard ('.Ir, ptckup, van, etc.
- anythtnl With 4 or 6 - in I combal SltuitlOn. A chal'lCter
without this skill n'IIy Ittempt 10 drive such I vehicle, but IlwlYS sub-
lJXts 2 rrom hIS handlinl c1ISS At the bue level, the chal"lt1er is In
ave,... driver. Each addltlon.J plus adds 10 lhal ehlncter's rtllex roll.
AI the beginmng of tlCh combat, every driver of I vehicle mikes I
reflex roll: On I the HC of the vehicle is rlised by one for lhe dura-
tion of the combat, on I 6, the HC lOts up by 2. A Driver +2, for u-
ample, would gel 10 add 2 to the die roll. Each IddltlOnAl plus IS ,150
added to the blx He of I vehM:1e 10 delennin: how many pornts Ire
recovered on the Handlina Tra:k It the bellnnJng of tlCh lum.
Every time I chlf1lC1er drives I vehICle inlo combal and survives,
one skill point IS earned lowltd increasing Driver Iblhty. (Combat IS
defined IS In lllCident in .... hK:h I vehK:1e is fired on by enemlCl and fires
bKk,) lbe driver of I vehK:1e that $Q)rcs I "kill" in combat gets In ad
ditional poinl EOward lI'IclUsina Driver abiluy.
A "kill" is scored when an enemy verucle can no longer move or
fire, either because of a dlfCCl.tlM:k, a crlSh dunna combal, surrender
of the oocupanlS, or Olher clreumSllnce. The oocupanlS do not hive to
die. Killing I pedestrian does nol count as a kill. (A bully h!dllla behind
atmOf ihould ad; no Credit for upping I relatively hlnnJess pede5trlln
WIth I laser!) If a vehtc}e can no longer move, bul lIiII his opel'1lble
weapoN, II is not a kill, If those weapons have a restrK:!Cd Irc of fire,
ho.....ever, and you move out of that arc and then threalen 10 blaSl them
inco hamburser unless they II IS probable that they 110'111 give
up. lflhe crew abandons. vehICle, surrenders, or spnnts for safel)' on
foot, thll counl5 III kill If I wounded vehicle escapes to safety, thll
does not.
c,dLrr: This is the lbilil)' 10 dove Iny sIZe moton:ycle or trike
Anyone without this skill will be - 3 on the handlin& clas of any cycle
be tries 10 ride, Each p1UJ IS worth one on the cyclist's ref\ex roll. Par-
lictJNlUng III a comblt 15 wonh one slull pCltnt toward Improvll\3 CyciiSl
skill only, Driving I eycle that scores a kill IS also worth one skill point
IOwlrd improvln& Cyclist skill
Trw:Ur: This i.s the Ibillly to dove any OversIZed A bus.
RV, ten-wheeled truek, or tl"lCtONtlliler"g A non-Trucker subltllC'U 2
from HC when trying 10 drive an oversized vehicle - -4 if he doesn't
Mile the Driver skill either! Each plus Mids one to the Trucker's rene.
roIJ II the bealMlng of combat As with the fitSllWO skills, skill pctIntS
ean be glined by entenn. I combat or dnving I truck thaI scores I kill
- but those poinu counc only IOward the Trucker skill.
Plio,: This IS the abllll)' 10 fly I kelicoplcr Otll'1lCters ..... Ilhout thiS
skill cln barely stln I hchcopter, much Ie aet It off the Iround, Each
plus adds to the pilot's reflex rollin detennll'ling the chopper's HC for I
aiven blnle. Enterina I blnle and $Q)rlllg I Ittll are worth one sull poUR
tKh - bul !holt POints can only be u.$led toward the Plkll dull
Gunner' This is the .billty 10 manipolale the largelIRg syslem com
mon to III vehICles, and 10 fire Illy vehiollar wclpOl'l Achll'1ICter With-
out this skilt is I - 3 10 hit With Iny lIehlCullr .....e.pon Each plu adds
one 10 the gunner's lo-hit roll: A character With Gunner +31dds three
10 Iny to-hit rolls he makes:. Entennll combat or scoring I kill is worth
I &kill potnl1Oward unprovement in Gunner Nole thllifthe ofl
vehicle 1150 polls the Inuer or the weapon thlt SODfes: I kill, that char*
ICter gets I skill point in both Gunner Ind Dnver for the kill
HandgufItVr: The Ibiltty 10 fire hand .....capons Ind thro..... arenades
Otal'lClers Without thiS ability Ire -210 hll with III limed hand weap-
OftS. There is no penalty for throwing grenades If you don'l have thiS
skill. Each plus gives I +I to hit With III hind v.eapons - includi,!,
thrown grenades, If you are finng hand W9ponS from I no
slull poml5 Ire .warded If you Ire a pedeslrian, enlering COmbal IS
worth one skill point: killing another pedestrian it wonh one POint,
scoring I kl1ll1lmSl I IS worth five skill pomlJ As always,
lhese poinu ean be U5Cd only to Improve the bll used 10 elm them
Running: Everyone gets this skill at it.s base Ievcl Each plus adds
mph to I chi!.t1lCkr's speed - with Running +3, you move It 20
mph and Spnnt mph! No dLaf1lC1er mlY move fl$ler thllll 2.5 mph
(even while Sprlnling), no mailer how many p1usscs he his. 11w:re is no
""'IY to earn POints speclfally in RuMina, but In/eral skill points (see
below) may be SPC:'- 10 Improve the skill
MartilJJArts: This IS the lIbilily to fiahl more effccbvely hInd-o-hind
Otal"lCters with the blse slOlI may Inack Iwice per turn hand-lOohand.
AI +1, they act +110 their to--hil roll, It +2,1hcy get In additional
poinl of damaJe. The cycle repeatS beyond Al +3, the charlcter
geuan Idditionallnac:kper tum; II +4, he gets M addlOOnlI +I on the
lO-hii roIl;.t be gets an additional damI&e point; Ind 50 on. Using
Mirull Arts in combal if 'NOnh I skill point; kdhna or subduing another
person via Mattil1 Arts IS worth ancxher skiJl pctInl These polnlJ are
good only towards Mlrtial Arts Improvement.
PturIntedic: This Ibll hclps $lve chanlcters' lives .....hen they've
been injured, If I has I DP left (thaE is. he's unconscious), I
successful roll (7 or betler on 2 dICe) will bnna the chlracler back 10
conSClOUStlC5S, Howcver, the dLal'lCter will remain conscious only for I
few mInutes (kIn1 enough 10 gtl some. important mformaoon, for cum
pie). If a chIraccer is It 0 OP but no( belo...... and the medic can get 10
him .....ithin 20 turns of the falal Injury. I SUe$$fuJ roll will $live the
character's hfe. He .....i11 remlm It 0 OP. but wlil be alive, OP Ire
heaJed It the rile of one every week of pmc time. If a dw'xter 1$
belo..... 0 OP, or the medk: doesn'I.' there in lime. or fails his roll (only
one chance). the clwxu:r is dead. Each plus adds one 10 the die roIl-
I ParamtdlC + I succeeds on I 6 or bener, a +2 on a S or bener. elC_
Every succeuful use of the ParamedIC sbll IJ wonh 2 skill potnu
IOward Improvement of WI still.
MuNutic: The ability 10 TqlI.lr vehdes and components_ The lime
itlakcs 10 replllr somet/una (If it can be replln:d .II all) IS a funcoon of
the charKlcr's Mechanic: skill, IS "-ellas the diffICUlt)' of the JOb and
the IOOIJ that are available.
Repelr Chert
.....1 Triv. Easy Med,
VfrJ Hard
No still 2
, , ,
Mechanic I 9 II 12
Mechanic: + 1 I 7 9 II 14
Mechanic: +2 I
7 9
" Mechanic: +3 I J
To perfonn a liven repair job. a must roll rwo dice, and
act the number shown on the chart (or hl&ht:r). He may try once per
hour (30 minutes for I Mechank: +3). An "x" means the JOb IS impos-
sibk at that shll level. 1hese numbers assume the mechanIC has bask:
IIOOls. If he is worttna .....Ith unprovised 10Gb (pocket knife, chewmg
awn. blJina Wtre), subuxl: 2 from all rolls. If be has a ponable ibop
(an acceuory that will be de.scribed laler). add I If he is WOftma in I
rqular p.rqc. add 2. A lUCCCS5fu1 roll rt'pIlrs one potnl of darna&e on
the Iltm an que.suon (3 poanlS Ifarmor IS beml or 1UC'CeSlfu1ly
IR5lIIlJ/dlSmOWllS/salvages the Item m quesoon
Any number of mechanics can v,ork on the wne vehde, but no
more than three can work on the wne ite:m at once _Each one rolls sqllI-
rately for succus.
Some rt'pIir JObs are more diffICult than others. COMIlt the follow
Impouible (cannoc. be anempted); repllr damaged lires, reJir com
Very Hatd: Jury-rig rocket, missile. or laser: replir helkopler
Hatd: Jury-rig other components: repair laser, rocket, missile.
,..;Ito. or power plant.
Medium: Replir any .....eapon other lhan laser, rocket, or missile: reo
weld or pitch armor: remount kingpin on ItllCtor-<niler rig: repair fifth
wheel on 1tXIOf: salvage ndio. power p1alll. or computer from a wreck.
Euy: Repl& weapon link; salvll&e other nems from a wreck.
Tnv"l (evt:n someone With no MechanIC sloll can do thiS): Reklad
ammunition: replace or salv. tire, salv. spare m&gazU1CS and un-
used ammunition from a wreck.
RqaJr is the: proot:U of fix""l a dama&ed pan. Each UIrE a success-
ful roll *' rude. ant: OP IS rescored 10 the Item (or three pointIln the
cue of armor). If a compooe:nI IS lOCally destroyed, it canoot be
- only Jury.rigcd
JMry-RJUIftl is a ICmpOrary rt'pIlt jOb. If Iht: pn:lpt:r roU IS mack,
the:jurynged componc:nt IdS one OP t.ck, pul!UlJ it blck 10 serv;ce.
A Jurynlled c:ornpont:nt can ne\'er be proputy and If It IS
dam.I.at:d apin, il cannot be Jurynged a second lime Some ite:ms will
be destroyed to toeally thai they cannot even be Jury.nued - likt:
what's left of a cycle after a head-on coI11SJOn With an 18-.....heckr.
Sofvole IS the removal or a pall rrom a wreck. A mechaJIK: needs 10
make the appropriate replir roB once to salvage any glvt:n pan.
IrISI4floti! is the opposite or salvaae - puttll\& a new pan in 10
replace I destroyed one. The old pan mll5l first be "salvaged" (that is.
removed). even if it was IOtally deslroyed. The roll to install any part is
the lime as the roll to repair it - see the chan lbove. When the rotl is
IUCCeSsfully maclc, tht: pan is insulk:d.
If a chatllCler .....ants 10 kam this skill (or improve it if he 5tlned with
it). the only way is to spend lame time u a full-time mechlnK: al a dlJel
IrtnI. tNc:k SlOp, or .....,e. SU'lCe this is no( espec\llly thrillinl. most
high-kvcl mechanks .....i11 be the rereree's charaac:rs. or player-<:har-.c.
Iers WI staned by takJ."I Mechanic +I or +2. Ihcharacter decides 10
drop (lUI of duelling 10 become a mechanIC, it takes one year (dunna
..ftd he also eams 56.000 above hvma upen5eS) 10 act the: bilK: skill.
It takes 2 more years (ckanni $8,000 a year) 10 FI 10 +I. 3 more
yean (c1eanna $IO.oooayear)1OJet to +2, and 5 more yean (deanna
$IS.ooo a year) 10 F110 +3 A MechanIC +3 has a fairly safe lire and
cams $20.000 a year above IivUlJ Upt:niCS. Modwl-ICJ may rlie no
h1pr than +3.
Gmerol Skill Points
In addition to CImIni $pCClrlC skill points ror $pCClrlC IcdoM, the
reft:ree should awanlgene.ral skill points It the end of an Idventure.
TheK points are jll5t like the c:Jlht:r skill poinlS, ucqJt the player may
apply them anywhere be wants, inclulhng $lving them up 10 acquire a
new skill at base level. Some suggest.ions for general skill poinl awards:
Winning an arena evenl: +3
Surviving an arena evel'll: +I
Conspicuous bravery: +2
Risking your life 10 live a teammate or rriend: +2
Usang an unusuallaCuc: +I
EscIping an ambush alive: +1
Successfully knockml out a vehICle so WI it can be salvaaed: +I
Wtnning a hlghVo'ly dlJel: +I
WinnUlJ a highway dlJel wht:n you're oumumbertd: +2
CornpIcuDa I mISSion or advcfltW'e. Depends on the Ienath and com
pleXll)' of the tast. but any..'hcre from +510 +15 wou1d be appmpri.
Th1$ list is far from compkle. Spectacular Cap apanst over-
v.hle1mina odds, briJha.. [acua. orJLl5t plaiA l(,ICky breaks could be Slt\l'
atlOrtS wonh e:tlnl skill pomll While the players and even spectakN'S
are wdc:ome to provade Input on how many polnts should be awarded.
the referee's decision is final.
2. Prestige
This is a character's status among other aUlodlJellists and the mil
lions of TV aLlloduel fans. Prestige increlses a cha"Ctt:r's possible
arena .....innings and decreases his expeooitures ror new cars. pitts,
repairs, etc.
Each charactt:r SUtu with 0 prestige. Arena combat always cou.nu
ror prestige: road combal may a(fecl pre.stige. There IS a 2 in 6 chance:
that any road combat ..... 111 have been wnnessed or filmed by helicopter
TV crews, In ..hich case it scores nonnaI presliae. Otht.rwiie, you're
an un5Wl1 hero for WI fight - DO presllge. In lIOn'le S./tUIItJOnS (Itlsede a
city. In an area with c:ompeung TV stations that devote more lime to
aUloduelllng. elC.). the dlance ofl WltnesSlr1I TV crew may be hlJher.
That decision is up 10 the reft:r
An ace 15 a chaflCt(:r who has pamc:tpated U1 5 COtIfimwd kalls -
thai is. arena kills or tl*i kills dw were WJtnesSOd. A douIMe act: is I
character ..ith 10 conrumed kilb
Prtstiac is scored IS folkwo's:
For entenna comt.l: +I
For each kill )'OUt vehicle +2
Your vduck "tilled" bul you survIve unhun: -I
Your vehicle "killed" but you survive with injury: -2
You leave your vehICle ,.ftilt it can both move and fire: -I
You kave the arena in a vt:hIcle that can both move Ind fire: - I
You atlaCk with hand weapons while outsieSt: a vd\kk: + I
You kill a vehicle occupied by a c:haracler ..... ith presUle over IS: + I
You kill a vt:hicle occupied by a character with presdge over 20: +2
You become an ace: +S
You become a double ace: +10
A chanctc:r ma)' eat1l up 10 3 utn preslIae pOilU per pme: for u-
ceDent play. lucky Itlots. or JUf'VlvalltplnSl Nd odds. The.sc pomu Ire
.....vded by maJOIlIY voce of the pt..)ers and onlookers dunnl Nt
pmc Tbc rdc:rn: breab uu.
Bema kllke! Iowr:rs prestllC - I for I holc deIdl. - 2 for 1ft ordi-
urycombltdc:llh. -3 for I mundanedellh. fori co....rdIy dealh
AftiMr...,. of Pta.
In lrIy Irena combIl where cash prue$ Ire offend. I chanacr wllh
pn$llIC of 10 or baler t:amll pe.rtttDJe bonus equa!1O has pmtIJe;
dlIt *S.I PrabF0( 17 earn I 17S boelus. bl.:ldllDl. I dalnaer.-lIh
pmll.ee of or bener r;eu I US dllCOWll on aU new CIf purcbue:s
Md repairs /(or hIS01lo-n UK only); presu,e ofUor bcuer eams.
diIcounI 1bIS IS In (or the c:hampIon', 'P'ftSOI"IIup o( vanous
brands O( ammunlbOll. "lOS. 1lo'eapOn', ecc.
3. Wealth
Eadl c:haracler belins WIth uro wealth He CIn getSll"ed in I num-
ber of way. - he c:cuId enter an Irena ICCnaOo in V.hKh the net.....ork
alPPhes \'dllcleJ for ISpItU\I drivers (lee Sec:.tiocl XIV, Scmorio.r). Or
he coukt be hIred II 'Iunnt:r for I hi&hway c:Otway. However. chanc-
aeu ItIrted, there are 5e\>el'lil ways he c:an eam money.
Selhn. cars' A c:u may be sokt fOt'" WV'ae .fler II has bet:n used
(then the dn\'er can enler InOIher AmaltUr Ni.ht scenario ..). Most.
ImlI live I survi"or the rllht 10 WUF Ius kills. 100.
AmIa pnzcs. nus is the bli money. The. referee for. ClOIItlnuq
atmII c:&mpalp may set: cash pnzc:s. A typtCal pul'1e would be from VI
10 I J IJmCS the eoc.aI vaNe of the "chICleS compellllJ
Rc.t iIlQIC can ammooe)' !be .....)' the C)de lUllS do ptek
I fiaN on the road. IIId stnp)"Ol,lr klll for 1I1v-.e.
Perform rt'\1SDOM tohny refereed .tvenrum Illvo1vc doiDJ JOmC-
tt-a haunlous (dehltt., IIemor 10 IIXllhu C:1l)'. P"*d' eer-
.. penon. steal. MUUll1em) for pay. Thcte an be ltty profitable,
buc!be mk .. hiP ltd the dlarxtrrs stlouJd be. and u
penmc:ed 'ot for bqmntrs
TrlllJiKtJl)ns "'Ith other players Car salt . uied (hue aiD ""Ofbla)
cqwpmel'll .ude bets, and *halever dse yOl.l think of
Ocher than car replln and ammo purdwel. thconJyupense' con
UDUlDI thanc:ter has IS $150 per week for food. pIaet: 10 SUly. and
poftr planl ruh&!Je A c:haracter 1lollh no money must sell :Dne1tlUlI
or SUlrve A With no monel .nd no car II obviously afrUd 10
enltr the ImuI, ., hIS prestIge drops 10 uro and he'I out of the pme
4. Keeping Your
Character Alive
An an bal'e vcrj short bfe ThIs eM be.
fNSlrlIUlJ If you ipOld ., hour v.ortq up. d\al'XlCr, IIId he dllCS In
fifteen mlftUlU. There arc: three: ",...) lround thIS. 1be fil'1l. or coune.
IS 10 NIl for home: ..'ben the: bubIW1 n)'!n& ThIS is safe eftOUIh,but
not 100 InterestJ"I T1lo'O aooet alternatives:
InAead of pI.yml an Iflchvldual. you can play. wfIok lroup You
can Nn tnte:k1n. company. bus; IlflC. c:.yc:1e 1'"1. Ioc:.aI polKe depart-
melll, .UIOduelhllJ dub. \'llllanIC lroup, hlJlc:kina rUlI, or I tnlCk SlOp
\\/hen an IlMilvidual dlatxter dlts, you can replace him - and the rut
of the orpniullon goes on. ThlS leis you standardize cars and eq\1Ip-
meat and if. c:haracltr gelS killed, hIS $IVlnsl go to the organiu-
rion AJOOd c:ampalln c:an h'\'e several suc:ft artlUpi. sometlmes c:oop-
eraunl and .someumes fllhllllJ. ",1Ih piau)' of room left for peop&e ,..'bo
WIllI 10 play andivJdual charac:ten
Gold erou
nus u a rc:aI ti,k-msunnce plm. made: poaibIt by the: mlrlClts of
medlCme lvaiLlble to the 1lo"CI.Ilhy In the )e.r 2035. If referees wISh 10
lPOR thd secuon and mab: melt campa:illl a link (ot .101) more cX.d-
Iy. feel free.
BuaJJy. Gold Cn:. I clone: blnk A fe1lo c:eJls from your body
are quICkly Jro..-n InfO I mature cklne TlIe done will be it! pt-rfect
beaJlb. and -ill seem aboY: 25 )'eatS old Should 1!l)1huI, happen 10
you.)'OIIr clone an be 1CtJ....1ed - and)'OU 'I'e ....' Your ne.... body
1loiIl be kpll) rccogruud.i "you,".nd "'111 have kCeSS lO)'OUr bank
acaJWlt. 01lo-oentup of your JMlenal ,aodl. etc'
Naturally, there are. few"lChcs The pro...-us d upensile (see fee
ac:hcduk, bdow). Wben lomeullna bappml 10 you, your body must be
tnn:spOrtCd 10 the Gold CI"OiS c:etlltr ",here your done IS lept, and II
must let there ,..lthlll 24 hours of )'our death - or "'Ithm wed.: If the
body IS froun wiliun 24 hours of death A loully burned body. Ot
body that lOOk more than 10 hIlS dam-ae. eannol be- "read .. If your
body am there Ulllme. lhoup, the done CI!l be prOiramrned wlth.1I
your memone.s. up 10 the moment of death, and all your dis
AI an a1lernauve to rushin' YOl.lr bod)' to Gold Cross Ifter
lomellllni happens. you c:.... Iran fer yOl.lr nxmone to your done
before anythUlI happens to lOU - Jllst to play II safe Tbl.!i way, no mai-
ler ,..ha1 bappms. yOl.lr done C:1I1 be Ic:1lvated A new mtmof)' U'In fer
has 10 be made evet) monlh. or the done mmd will 10 blank In the
put. memones could ooJ) be SIOrcd IQ the human bflill The )eat
saw the del'elopment of I rnechartnl memory SIOnF del-Itt (Ot
The MMSD *S penlWItnl l"tpO&!lOr) for your memolln. unllk.e
!be unacu....1rd dooe. wtudt must be fePfOIrammed monthly In the
event you Ire no Ionaer around. the \it.{ 0 an be uKd 10 prnJfItn I
done It's l'er'1 and noc l'Cl) ponable In lmenll. MMSDs
must be moved 011 ..ileekd doUICI - the) weJlb pouDds"" taU
up SIlJ, apec:.es I) cargo.
If)"Ol,l kt lI'IOft; than ODe moath 10 by,..dhout re1Jt'Ol-f'lfl'll your
dODe (and)'Oll ha\e no MMSD). and ,omet/una happens 10 you, )"OUr
01l00'n body lS the only source of)CIW memones - SO If SCIIndhItlJ per-
manent happens 10 you. you'fC. really dead Sote also that If your dooe
"ICtJVlted from In old memor) tnnsfer Ot In \1MSD. the done win
have only the memones and skill you had when you Pl'Olrwnmed It,
Furthermore, II likes a month tn ltOW a new clone Unless you c:an .f-
ford 10 keep IWO clone bodltJ In st0raae or h."'e an MMSD, don'l lei
lolled more than once I month
In .11 aUeJ, the donor (ahl'e or dead). or hiS MMSD nluit be. present
10 transfer mtmofICS. This procs tales: Ie lluin an hour,
Whm !OlllCdlltll hIppcn 10 )OU, Qokj Cro s .... 1I1 Kt IS soon U lhey
hear .bout II - prepanna YOl.lr done for 1Ct1l'1I101l If your body lS on
the w'y, 1wakenllll I pre\'lOUsI)"'Pl'OIrammed clone if thai is neces-
sary. ot lransfernna the nlC.':monts from your MMSD 10 I done body,
IR most cases, I'IOIJfalWlCl come from the forad of the tempO-
mily decased c:harac:Ier
Cdd Cross has offICeS m all C:lt1eI III 5e"'1ttS Ire .Vlllable
10 C'o'er)'ODle. lbou&h warud cnllu..b oft:t.n bale 10 pay I Wb.....lI
bribe 10. dlxxn" or adrruni:stnIor h', I mtrcenary operalJOO. u DU&ht
be upcaed of anyooe .ellana new bles, Keep Gold emu paid, and
lhey Ire l"eIY reUlbit \t pl)ft'lCIll. and )Ol.lr done,..ill J'Ct c:hoppcd
"''''' ..... -.
Tbc Gold CtoB fee sdleO.Ile
To JtOW. c:ble body 510.
FltII PfOltMUTllfl&. I month ..nUll done 51.000
EK:b mondtJy 53,000
To prtJIr&In (or 1JPd-) In MMSD $23,000
KeqKnJ cklne alive If II 1) not reprocl'"lnlmt.d monthly
To rc.ad dad bod) (ot MMSO) l1ItO an ullpf'OlflrYUnCd done
To send refnJtrlted \'ehK:k or hehc:opter for I body (on feq\ltJl);
V.nabk. bul .lwa)'I high! AI Ie.it SS,OOO for sImple mlSSlOnl. Jots
II'lOf"e for Joq dlSUnces: or 1w:.rd0u5 Iral't1
VIII. Car Design
2. Chaseis
The chas.sis can be strengthened (or weakened) 10 IlIow. vehicle 10
CIf'1')' more (or less) weight,
1. Body Types
There are seym types of cars available to duellisu, ranging from lhe
liny subcompacts 10 the roiling armories that are vam.
S....... Wright Modilkr Priu
""'" "'"' Heavy
+10'" +50"
Extra Hravy +20'"
+ 100,"
The po'Wer plants in vehicles 0(2035 are DOt the internal oombustion
engines of SO years earlier. InStead, they are a multiplefuel-cell system
which suppHes electrical power 10 separate moton In each wheel of I
vehicle. Po....-er plants take up spICe and weight inside a vehicle.
Plan. eo.. Weight Spaca OP Power Max. ,pd.
Small $.lOO >00 3
800 80
Medium $1000 700 4 8 1400 90
$2000 900
10 2000 100
Super S3000 1100 6 12 2600 \00
$12000 2000 8
6700 120
Going FQSter
Vehicles may accelerale beyond their power pllnt's lisled m....imum
speed, bul the power plant will probably take damage.
Each turn 1 vehicle lravels faster than its rated speed, roll one die for
every 10 mph (or fraclion) faster the vehicle is going. For each die that
comes up 3 or higher, the power plant likes one point of damage.
Example: Acar with an acceleration of 5 and a muimum speed of
100 is travelling al 100 mph and needs to calCh a foe. So the car acceler-
ales to l()j, and the driver rolls one die. He rolls a I, so no damage is
taken - SO far. The neKI tum, the car corninues 10 accelerate to 110,
and again one die is rolled -mis time a 5. The plant takes one point of
damage. The neKt tum, lhe driver punches it to I U, and rolls 1'4"0 dice
- a 4 and a j. The plant takes IWO more points of damage. One tum
later, our foolhardy driver pushes il 10 120, Ind rolls two dice again -
this time I 2 and a 6. The plant takes one more point of damage. The
driver holds the vehicle at 120 and continues to roll twO dice for pos-
sible plant damage for IS many turns as he feels he can gela.....ay with it.
Once he decides to slow down, he can decelerale j mph pertumjuSi by
liking his fool off the accelerator - and he DO Iooger has 10 roll for
plant damage, even if he's still over 100, becluse the plant is no longer
under strain.
S_n Prk. He VenHC
Ugh. DO extn 1 0
Improved 100" of body cost .2 1
Hoary 150... of body cost 3 2
Off-road .500" of body cost 2 1
DP is "damage POints," the number of hIts required 10 destroy the
power plant, When the power planllS lost, a vehicle can DO longer fire
lasen or accelerate, but all other systems still work. The vehkle deoel
erales , mph per turn (more if you pul on the bl'1lkes). Power FactOn
are used 10 compule acceleration, which is more fully detailed laler in
this section, Weight, SpaceI, and Maximum Speed should be self-
The Thunderal power planl is a spec:ial high-performance plant de-
signed for towing large loads. It can also be used for tremendous kccl-
eration. A referee may decide thai a plant lhis po.... erful wUl noc. be
available in a particular campaign - though the high cost should keep it
out of cars with any sort of price limil.
U,tlt suspension is SWldard. Bener suspensions cost in relation 10
the original body COSt of the vehicle - a Heavy suspension for a Luxury
car would cost $1200 ofSSOO). Suspension adds DO weighl and
likes no interior space. The He of 1 van (or of a pickup over j.500 Ibs.)
is one less than that of a lighter vehicle with the same suspension. Off-
road suspensions Mgale the handling class penally for driving off-road
(sec "Off-Ro.! Duelling," Section XlV, Scenarios).
4. Power Plants
3. Suspension
Suspension detennincs I vehicle's beginning HandUng Class (see
Seaioa IV,
13(+ 11)
Max. load
Station wagon
The price modiflCr is a percentq;e of the original body price. For
e.umple, pUlling a Heavy ebassis on I mid-sized car would increase the
maximum Jo.d 10" - from 4,80010 j,280 (that's4,800 +480) - but
would cost 50... of the original body price - another S3OO. Q\lssis
StfellJth is DOli reclOr in vehicle weight or interior space.
Any van or pickup may hive a six-wheeled chas.sis. II costs an extra
$100, plus the COIl of the utla tires, Pickups and vans with utra-heavy
chassis must hive sa wheels.
Pricr is lhe dollir COSI of lhe body without annor, bul with head-
liahu, trim, 5elU, doors, insuumcnts, basic targeting system, helds-up
windshield vi$ual display, elc. Weight is !he weight of !he body and
l'rame - it counu toward !he tOlQI .....eight of the vehicle. Maximum load
is the IOtil weight (including !he body and frwne) the vehicle is allowed.
Mu.imum load C'GIl' be ahered - see "Chassis," below). Spoers is the
number of spaces available in the vehicle for equipment, Yo'ellpons, and
people. Those vehicles WIth addi!ionalspaces listed in parentheses have
caTJO areo that can carry 1he number of spaces listed. Cargo areu can-
not be used for vehicle components (with an occasionaJ exception thai
will be delliled Iller), bul must be used for cargo.
Buildmg a newcar is complicated - JUSt asle Detroit. When you firsc
de..s!gn I new vehicle. don', be surprised if it takes a little while. You
must work within sc:\'cral constramts: Spa: available in lhe body size
you pick. Wcighllhal chuuisc811 carry. and money aYlilable. You have
10 make sure the car has enough power for accebation. Within
.11 these hmlu, you Wini enough annor and weapons to gIve you a
chance to sUrYj\OC, And 10 allow money and weight for am-
munition! When you come up wilh. good ... chicle design, save it for
later reference - or add II 10 the Mock caT list for your local arena.
On !he back coveT of this Nlebook is a Vdlicle Planning Sheet -
photocopy it and use il! I\'s ulrcmely handy in keeping track of total
weight, spaces, and cos! of your vehide as you build il - and it won '(
let you forgel something obvious. like the meso
tIDd B

Apower plant reduced 10 0 DP by overwork will e:xpodc on the: ftrSt
phaJe orthe ne.tllUm AllldJK'Crlt compone:nu (ldIoWly fronl weapons
and !he driva- and sunne:r) take Id-2 points ofdamlre:!here is a
chance the vehicle: wall calCh fire.
40 mph: 9 power units per 10 miles trlVelled
SS mph: 10 power units/IO miles
60 mph: II power units/IO miles
70 mph: 13 power unitsllO miles
80 mph: IS power uniu/IO miles
90 mph: 11 power unltS/IO mib
100 mph: 20 power Wllul 10 miles
have the same cost and weighl. I luxury IUndard tire (for eum
pie) will not fit on I R1boompacl car. In moll cues. you cannot mIX
ures from differetll s.iu: vducles. There are: two e:x.cepOOIu: Luxury
cars and $lltIOn waaons use the: same: sac: lire.. as do vans and pickups.
The Puncture-Resl5tlnl RadJaI has I spc:cial IdVltllaF - any tar
wid! PRRs on III wheels has ttl handlUll class ral5td by 1. The: lTII.l-
imwn handlinl class for I vehicle is SIIII 3. tu if a vehicle hu a per
He thin 3 to un .....1Ih. the PR R.dw can be a useful item.
weapons are usually mounted on !he fronl. back. Oahl. or left.
Technically, they can Ilso be. mounted on the top or bonom. but they're
not nearly as useful in those positions. Weapons mlY lito be. mounled in
For complete infontlltion on lhe: foUo.....in' wcapons. tee Section V.
Wpon St.tl.tlo. LI.t
W...... Looded Coot t.o.ded WI. ...... OP
M"""" Gun
1300 200 I 3
Vulcan MG 2100 430 2 3
Au"""""", WO 600 3 4
Flamedlro....'Cr 730 300 2 2
HD Flamethrower 1730 730 3 3
Rocket Launcher 1330 230 2 2
MM Launcher 930 125 I 2
Radar-guided Mt$$iIe. 7000
2 I
Wire.-guide:d MiSSile 3300 230 2 2
Recoilless Rille: 1830 330 2 4
Anti-tank Gun 2300 700 3 5
Ught Laser 3000 200 I 2
La", IllXXl SOO 2 2
Heavy Laser 12000 100> 3 2
Tonk Gun 1100>
14()() 10 10
MiDe:droppe:r 100> 200 2 2
Spear 100:> MD 1230 200 2 2
Spikedroppe:r 300
I 4
Smokescreen 330
I 4
HD SmokesICre.cn 900 230 2 4
Painl Sprayer 650
I 2
HD Paml Sprayer 1200 130 2 3
0"," 300
2 3
Heavy Duty Oil Jet 900 130 2 4
Oil Gun 1230 300 3 3
Flaming Od Jet 1175 III 2 3
HD Aaming Oil Jet 1930 14() 3 4
GmJade Launcher 100> 200 2 2
S1arshe:1I Launcher 730 125 I 2
Heavy Rockel 200 100 I 2
Medium Rocket 14() 30 1 2
LIght Rocket
Mmi Rockt:t 30 20
Multi-fue Rocket Pod 430 130 2 3
8oml> 100 '00
I 2
OuSlt-r Bomb 200 130 I 2
OP Wdahl
Speeds beyond the listed lTII.ltmUm for I ..hC'II planl dram power
flSlt:r IUrn spc:tlI over the lTII.llmum c<lIU one power Wlli
per full 10 mph over the hmlt. If a plant has I muunum speed of 90
mph, there is no IlddltJOna1 penally It 95. built cow one power umt for
each IUrn II 100 or lOS. two power WlIU for each lum 110 or liS.
and 10 on.
Laser fire. drainS power planu. Every time: you fire I lighttase:r,
It costs you I power Unit. A shot from I regullr laser CO$IS 2 power
units. and I shot from I helvy laser costs 3 power units.
Power plant rccharJCS Ire readily 1"'llIlble in towns, but on the
highwlys they are usually IVli1ab1e only al uuck SlOPs. A power plant
recharge taw 10 mInutes (moR facilities can takt: ,wo vchides It I
tune) and costS $20 for a cycle or trike. $.SO for a Qr. $100 for an over-
5lUd vehicle. and $2j() for I helicople:r.
Polffr PSAnrs
Ytal may JM a second power plant III I vehicle. either 10 run lUX-
iliary syae:ms Oike: liters), or 10 provide: I t.ckup In cue the fUS! plant
NIUi out ofJUICe ot IS knocked out ofaction. It 15 I 51mp1e: matter to na I
,.....rteh. belween the two plants - ....'hen one runs out of power. simply
SWItch over 10 the other one, The: 1""'0 plantS do DOl 10 be the same.
type. but if differe:nll)'pes Ire. U5Cd. rccakulauon of accckrallon may
be: necessary when the SWllch is made. You can fIOI combine power fac-
tors by Nnning both plants II once.
A KCOnd power plant may be pul in the cargo area of. vehicle. bu,
there Ire. .5OmC: IlddIlKlnal a>sts 10 cover Ihe need for vibration prole:<:-
bon, cooling. and eXira fcgullllOll eqUipment Any power plant pul In
ClIJO costs S500 more. wclahs 200 more pounds. and takes up 4 more.
spKe:s than the pWM normally ....oold. Referees .... no fe:e:llha! the second
plant de:a unbal.ance.s campaips are more than wekome: 10 ignore. it
Vdlik. Ran,r
The: subJCCI of "ducle: ranae has very hnle: impon.ance: in lhe: cly or
III the Irena. 8uI 011 !he 100& Itre:tChesof hishwly be:1 '0CII oases of civi-
hutlOn, tunning out of power is like signlt1& your 0 11 death warnIlt.
Any fully<harged power pim has 200 miles worth of powe:r. as-
auning travel It normal h.lghway speeds - SS mph. These: 200 "power
mils" will last longer I' lower speeds. and get CIlen up quickly It
higher ones. For example:
6. Tires
To keep the bookkeepJna u samp1e as pos;sib1e. the weight
us COW1IlpInsl the muunum kllad of the vehde. A car's fr'Ol'W lires
must both be the AIl'IC type. and the rear tires must be the same !)'pC
(bur tira needn', malCh front to rear) - handling c1us drops by one: if
this Nle i. broken.
""""'" Htllvy-Duty

PR RadI&1l
orrroad miid
7. Armor
Cars carry armor in six Fron!, back, left, right. lop, and
bottom. You can put different amounts of armor in different locations.
bul the COst per point islhe same, no matter the \oca,jon. The cost and
weight ($Iwt) per point of armor do vary according to the size of the
vehicle, however. There are 11$0. few special types of annor Iv,ilable
to duellists - that can affect the cost and weight of Irmor, IS well. Con-
sult the following table for details:
helmet links the wearer to one panicular weapon (or linked set of weap-
ons), and gives the wearer +3 to hit, with thai weapon only, The
Cyberlink cannot be combined with other targeting computers.
Turrtls; Turrets take up space in a vehicle, bul in tum can hold.
number of spaces' 'NOM of weapons that does not count against the
vehicle's spece limb. A pop-up turret hides inside the vehicle, possibly
lulling an opponent into thinking you're not 1$ well-anned IS you really
are_ Raising or lowering a pop-up turrel is a firing action and takes one
Many accessories are available 10 duellists. Some Irc. defensive in
nature; some are decidedly offensive; others are just plain convenient.
Restriclions may apply 10 the use of many of these acteuories, !lO read
each description carefully.
Cat type Nonna! FP LR LRFP
(Slwt) (S/wl) (S/wt) (S/wt)
Subcompact illS 22/S 12.1/5.5 27.5/5.5
Compact 1316 261. 14.3/6.6 31.516.6
Mid-sized 1618 3218 17.618.8 4018.8
Luxury 20110 40/10 22/11
Station Wagon 20/10 40/10 22/11
PK:kup 22111 44f11 24.2/12.1 55/12.1
Von 30114 60114 )3/15.4 75/15.4

Extra Magazint: One space, 15 lbs., 550, plus the COSI and weighl
of ammunition. Doubles the number of shots of any vehicular weapon
that uses ammunition. A machine gun with an extra magazine would
have 40 shots; I recoilless rifle with an eXira mllazine would have 20
shots: lasers and rockets don't have "ammunition:' per sc, so eXira
magll2.ines don't apply. Each extra magazine also adds I DP 10 the
weapon. An exira magazine does not couni against the weapon space
limit of a rurret - il IS considered to be below the turret.
Targttitlg Computtr: No space or weight, $1,000. Adds +110 all to
hil rolls for any single vehicular position (driver or gunner, but nol
bolh). It is destroyed planl is destroyed.
Hi-Res Targeting COmpUltr. No space or weight, $4,000. As above,
but adds +2 to the roll. Computers cannot be combined for exIra
CylHrlitlk: I 100 Ibs.. $16,000, I DP. This computerized
Fi"proo! Armor (FP) costs twice .5 much as normal armor, but
weighs the same. As the name Indicates. fireproof armor cannot be set
on fire. It tltkcs damage normally from all weapons, including
flamethrowers and lasers. but if the armor is alllhat is damaged, you do
not roll for !he possibility of fire - il can't happen. Jr!he armor is
and internal componenls are damaged, regular fire rules apply
to the inside. Fireproof annor cannot be mixed with regular annor -
the vehicle must be all or all regular. FP armor is at
triple nonnal cost (see. "Repair and Salvage," later in this section).
Rtfltcrh't: Armor (LR) takes damage normally from all weapons ex
cepllasers. All types of lasers do half damage (round down) 10 reflec-
tive Irmor. Funhermore, lasers cannot sct fire to reflective armor
(though flamethrowers can), Once the annor has been breached, inter-
nal components are liable 10 normal chances of fire. armor
COSts and weighs more than regular annor. and costs twice IS
much to repair as regular Innor. Reflective armor cannot be mixed
with regular armor.
RtfluriVl! Firtproo/ Armor (lRFP) combines the features of bolh
types: II takes half damage from lasers (rounded down), and cannot be
set on fire. It costs 2\7 times normal armor, weighs more than nor-
mal armor, and costs four times as much to repair. It, 100, cannot be
mixed with other types of armor.
Jr Iny cost or weight calculalions using the above table resuil in flK-
tions of dollars or pounds, round to the nearest whole number.
Three-space tutrets will fit only on vans, oversized and
standard (or helicopters. Four-space turretS will fil only on over-
sized vehicles or transpon helicopt:ers,
Cupoku: A cupola is a turret that a gunner inside it with the
weapon, A three-space cupola can hold a gunner and a
on (a machine gun, for example). The cupola gunner has a +I to hit,
but he can fire only the cupola and if the top armor is pene-
trated, the gunner takes damage before the weapon does. Acupola can
be designed to be enlered from outside or Inside the vehicle, but not
both. Pop-up cupolas ....,ork pop-up turrets.
One-space Turret: I space, 150 lbs., $1,000.
One-space Popup Tur1'C1: 3 spaces, 300 Ibs. $2,000.
Two-space Turret: 2 spaces, 200 Ibs.. $1,500.
Two space Pop-up Turret: 4 spaces. 350 Ibs., $2,.500.
Three-spke Turret: 2 spac:es, 300 Ibs., $2.500.
Three-space Pop-up Turrel; 5 spaces, 450 Ibs.. S3,5OO.
Four-space Turret: 2 spaces, 400 Ibs.. SJ,5OO.
Four-space Pop-up Turrel: 6 spaces, 600 lbs., $4,500.
Anti-fHrsontltl FIhttte Grtnode: No space or weight, S50. These
grenades are mounted on the outside of a and detonated from
within. TIle explosion throws a cloud of plastic splinters at high veloc
ity, doing I of to any exposed pedestrians IIld cycliSts in I
2" radius. Anyone inside or behind a is shielded from the blast.
lime the of a vehicle with an AP greaade is hit by enemy
fire, is a I in 6 chance lhat the AP grenade will be destroyed. If III
the armor is destroyed, or the vehicle rolls onto a side mountin. AP gre-
nades, an the grenades on that side are destroyed automatically. No
more than one grenade may be placed for every 7.5 feet of vdtkle
length - a JO.fOOl bus, for example, could have one in front, one in
back:, and four along all four long sides (left, righI, lop, and bottom)-
18 in all. After an AP grenade has been fired. it only costs $2.5 10
Three-space cupolas can only be mounted In vans, oversized vehi-
cles or standard (or larger) hehcOpters. Four-space cupolas may only be
mounted in vehicles or transpon helicopcers.
Turrrts and Cupolas: Nonnally, turret and cupola weap.
ons may not fire higher than a 45-degree angle. A universal turret Of
cupola can fire slraight up (or slraight down if moullled on the undersKte
of a helicopter). It costs $1 ,000 more lhan a normal turret or cupola of
the same size, and docs not add to weight or space.
Wtt:lp(Hl.f Unlwgt: No space or weighl, $50. links any tWO weapons
of the same type firing in the same direclion, or more than IWO If in a
turret. For a more complele discussion, sec the section on weapon links
in Section V, Combat. ,
Rocktl Plot/orm: No space, 200 Ibs., $150, plus the COSI and
of the 2 DP. The rocket plalfonn is mounted outside a veMc:le.
and can carry up to 3 spaces' woMb of any type from heavy
to mini. II can only be mounted on vans or oversized vehicles, and 3
posed - if the top umor is hit. the rockets and the plalform take dam-
age first. The rocket plalfonn may be like a turret: - 2. If a
vehicle can mount only one lurret, il can only have one rocket platfonn
- not a rocket platfonn and I turret.
Three-space Cupola: 2 spaces, 400 Ibs., SJ,500.
Three-space Pop-up Cupola: 5 spaces, 600 Ibs.. 14,m.
Fout-space Cupola: 2 spaces, 500 Ibs., $.5,500.
Four-space Pop-up Cupola: 6 spaces, 750 Ibs. 56,500.

B. Accessories
Cyclt Blades: No $paCt. 20 Ibs. $50. These jagged blMles add 2
points of damage to any damage a pede5trian takes when hil by a cycle.
If the cycle juSl. passes adjacent to a pedestrian. there is I SO" chance
the blades will hit. doing I hit if the cycle is going 20 mph or leu. 2 hits
at 25 or 30. 3 hits at 35 or 40, and soon. DoinZthis successfully is a 02
bazard for the cycle. Blades mounted to armor are destroyed wben all
the Irmor in thai position is destroyed. If there is no armor in thai posi.
tion. the blades are welded directly 10 the frame and are not destroyfit
W\less the vehicle rolls.
Q:lr Bladu: As above. but the COSI and weight is the same u 3
points of Irmor for that vehicle.
Fake Blades: Inmad of the real thing. fake blades can be mounted
on a car or I cycle. They coS! $20. and take up no weighl or space.
They're Zrut for scaring pedeslrians. bul not much else.
Ram Plate: Can be installed on the front of any car. oversized vehi
c1e. or reversed trike. When a vehicle with a ram plate is involved in I
collision to the front (Where the ram pllte is). the collision damage the
vehicle lakes is while the collision damage inflIcted 10 the other
object is dollbkdl A nun plate is bought in addition to the frontlrmor:
Its cost is 1.5 times the cost of the front Irmor. Ind the weight is .5
times the weight oflhe front Irmor. These costs and weights are figuted
JCPIrtte1y. and then lidded 10 the lotal cost and weighl of the vehicle.
Foreumple. 50 pts. offrontarmoron I luxury car costs $1 ,000 and
weighs 500 Ibs. A rim plate on thai car would cost In additional
$1.500. and weigh an additional2SO Ibs. If the vehicle has fireproofor
reflective armor. the ram plate mustllso be fireproof and reflective -
the COSt and weighl cakulationsare made from the final cost and weight
of the front lJmOf. A ram pIlle is destroyed when III the front Irmor is
Fire Extinguishu: I space. ISO Ibs.. $300. Roll one die It the end of
each tum a vehicle equipped with this is on fire. On a H.the fire
is pul 01.11. The fire extinguIsher is destroyed when the po.....er plan! is
Impro.'ft1 Fire I space, 200 Ibs.. S5OO. Will put out a
fire on I 1-4 on one die. Otherwise. identical 10 the regular fire e:lIUn
W1rn/gwards: No space, 4 Ibs. and $10 per point of armor. Wheel-
guards must be bouSht separately for each lIre loclltion, arxl have a
maximum of 10 points. When a lire is targeled and hit. roll one die. On
1-4. the wkeetSLillrd is hit instead. Wheelguards mounted on the front
wheels of a car or I reversed trike reduce the handling class of the vehi
cle by I. Can be made fireproof or laser reflective at the standard in-
ClUseJ in cost and weight. WheelZlllrd armor Iype does not have to
malCh the rest of the vehkle.
Relfuctabl, W1rnlgUiJrds; As above, but an ackhlional I space. 50
Ibs. and 52SO per soard. Does not afftcl l\andlin& class when raised.
Lo'NCring or raising is a firing acUOll. and takes one second.
Cycle Whulguards: No space. weight and cost 2 Ibs. and SIO
point of Irmor. Each ",heel requires only one wbeelguard. and 10
points of armor is the maximum, When I cycle wheel is largeled and
hit, roll one die. On a 1-.5. the ....heelguard lakel the damage fint. Side
car wheelgUirds art; identkll In all respects. Cycle \lIheelguards do not
Jo....-er handling clau.
Body Annar: No space or weight, 5250. GiveJ; the wearer three ex
trl damage points. bul does not from falhng or collision
Imprm'td BodyArrnor: No space or weighl. $1.500. Works like reg-
ular body Irmor, except it has 6 OP instead of 3. If the wearer is in I
burning vehicle, roll one die each rum. On. 13, the wearer takes no
damage. On I 4--6, the wearer takes the nonnal point of damage. Any-
one wearing improved body armor musl subtract one from his reflex
roll becluse of the bulk. and pedestrians wearing IB.... have their speed
reduced by 5 mph (2 squares/turn). The IBA also includes I builtin gu
mask, and rc:duc:e5 the amount a person can carry 10 five grenade
Lilser No space or weight. SSOO. When Ittached to
any hand weapon. adds +1 10 hit.
Tool Kit: I space. 40 Ibs. S6(X). Counts IS a pedeslrian's full load if
carried by hand. 2 OP. Includes el1Ol.lgh tools and spare pans to l110w I
mechanic to won: in the field at no penalty. If the tool kit is hit. the fint
point of damage huns the case. and the scrond one breaks the case,
ruins mo51 of lhe contents. and scallers the rest. making it unusable.
Ponable Shop: in 4 cases - each case is I space. 75 Ibs..
51.000, and 2 OP. As above, the first poinl of damage mars a case, and
the second point ruins the Ct)IllentS A. mechanic working in the field
with a portable shop Idds.ne to 111 his S1Jccess rolls. If some of the shop
cases Irt. destl'O)ed or missing, lhe chance of lhe mechank: finding the
pan he needs is equal 10 the percentage of cases left For example. if 3
of the 4 cases are slill inllct, thel'e is a 75" chance thai the part the
mechanic needs is stitt - otherwise, the shop is useless for the
panicular repair allempted.
Spoilers and A{rdams: No space. 100 Ibs. SSOO each. Either of
these items reduce by one the diffICulty of any maneuver performed at
60 mph or faSler -Ibe two combmed will reduce the diffICUlty of such a
maneuver by MO. No vehicle may have more than one of each. and they
do not work on oversiud vehicles. Trikes may use I spoiler only, and
cycles may not use either ooc Airdams may not be mounted on vehicles
wilh OffRoad Suspensions (see "OffRoad." Section XIV,
SUf/tlriol). If a maocuver is 10 00 Of less due 10 the spoiler
and/or airdam. no control roll is required. Spoilers Ire destroyed when
the rear armor is destroyed. and airdams are destroyed \linen the front
Irmor is destroyed. If the vehicle has fireproof or reOedive Irmor, the
spoiler and lirdams mUSI match. at the rezular penalties in cost and
Tire Orains: No space or welghl, S20 each. When placed on every
lire on I vehicle. Tire Oains reduce the penalty for maneuvering on ke
from +04 to +01. and eliminate the penalty for maneuvering on
Sttalth Mode: 2 spaces. 200 Ibs., SI6,<XX>. 2 OP. Stealth Mode is a
baming system for I helicopter's engine and rotors; it enables I
helicopter to Oy at onehaIf its maximum speed and accelerttion, but
very quietly, so that characters more than 2" away or in closed
buildings or cars cannot hear the helicopter. Cars, cycles, and trikes can
also use this Item (It the same penally); oversized vehicles eannot.
lnfrartd Targeting and Dril'ing Aid: 1 space. 100 lbs., $4.000.
When using an Infrared Targeting Device (or. simply, "infrared"), a
vehicle does not need 10 rely on its own or other vehicles' lights to
naviZ8le or take pan in combal; il operates as though it were in
daylighl. laking no nighttime modifiers for targeting, Ind not l'evealing
its position (unless il fires a weapon). Infrared is IVlilable for all
\l'tlucles, and is destroyed wnen the power plant is destrO)'ed.
Sound EMancemmt: I space. 150 Ibs.. 56,000. 2 OP. Sound En
hancement is another lid to sneakiness: The crew of I vehicle using
Slealth Mode mlY lislen through the ...... lIs of I car or through one build-
ing wall and hc!ar what is being discussed beyond. The crew can only
"hear" through one building wall; the crew cannot hear through the
wall beyond that.
Sound Synem: I space, 100 lbs.. $1,000, 2 OP. Sound SYStemS real
Iy have no combat usage. They can be used IS I public Iddf6S system
or to broadcast rea>rdings or tt"In5l1lissions to folks within I distance of
many blocks. Appropriate music blasted toward targets can enliven Iny
attack: Wagner or helvy metal is moSl popular. but suil yourself.
Side Doo,: No space, SOO Ibs. $1.000. Side Doors are standard
equipment on helicopters: standard and transpon choppers come with
one free side cargo door on the right. However. if you want a
to have a lefl-side door as well (or you want a smaller helicopt:er to have
any door at all), pay the $1.000 Opening or closing a side door is
a firing action for whoever does it. and Ihe door will be open (or clo$td)
al the end of the nexlturn. An open side door means that the vehicle has
no functioning annor on that side. Vans. oversized vehicles, and
helknplers may usc rhis item.
RtJdtJr. No space or weight, 12,m, RAdar is used for navigation,
combat, and surveillance in poor-visibility conditions (night, li&hl rain,
fog, etc.). A vehicle with radar can function nonnally under these con-
dil)om: il reduces visibility penallies to hit by I. However, unlike infra-
red (see above). radar does not identify objects shov.lI 00 the screen -
they appear only IS blips. II works as long IS the vehicle's power plant
worts. (This devkc is of moS( use in roleplaying scenanos.)
I space, 50 Ibs., S2OO, lOP. SearchlightS are used to
spot items on the ground (and in the air) during nighttime maneuvers. A
!iea.rchlighl used on a moving objecl may track that object wirh a lo-hit
roll of3 or more (plus nonnal modifiers for range, target size, etc., bul
IlOl darkness modifiers): the hghl muS( be operated by a crewman. A
searchlight may also be used 10 blind tht: driver and crew of anod1er
vehicle. Wirh a lo-hit roll of 6 (plus normal modifiers), the searchlight
operator may blind his target. and the target's player must tum away
from the board and describe subsequent K1ions based on what he re-
members for as long as he is "blind." He is blInded only as long urhe
searchlight "hilS" him. A blinded characler may still fire, but ala -10
modifier: all maneuven are +03. &ardlllghts may be targeted at a
Centrol: No weIght or sp<lce, $2,000. Remote Control gear
can be used to drive any vehicle from lhe outside. The RC gear's range
is hmiled 10 rhe range of Ibe radio in Ihe vehicle being piloted. A
remotely-controlled vehicle can do anything a manned one can do. but
its handling class is 3 less Ihan nonnal, and it suffers a - 3 modiflCalion
on aU lohit rolls. RC sendmg and receiving sets take up no weight or
space, bul each set emu 52,000 - rhus. II lakes $4,000 10 pilol any
vc.hlcle remotdy. (Control signals are encrypted: therefore, under nor-
mal circumstances, there is little chance of ddiberate or accidental
SIgnal inlerference.)
A single RC sel will cooltol all funclions of a vehicle - sleering,
acceleralion, all weapons, etc. However, a characler piloting a vehicle
by re:mote conlrol CMOO! do anylbing else, and canTlOl do anything by
remoce controlrhat he could nClI do In person (i.e., only one firing ac
tion per character pet lum). Asmgle sendmg sel can be modified so that
two or more people can use it II once, each for dIfferent weapons, to
crew a multI-station vehicle remotely. Vehlclemounted RC equipment
is hnked 10 lhe compuler (if any) and is destroyed only if the compuler
(or rhe power planl) is lost.
9. The Human Element
For game purposes, all humans are assumed to .....elgh l50pounds. A
human likeS up one space. However, vehicle and.weapon controls (and
the freedom of movemenl to use them) also take one space. Therefore,
IWO spsces must be allotted for each driver or gunner. For more on pe0.-
ple. see Section VI, and &ction VII, Continuing
Each vehicle may have only one driver, who sits on either the right
or left side: (the player specifieS at the time the car is built). 1'he driver
may fire any ofrhe vehicle's weapons; he may also use hand weapons.
Agunner may also fite any of the \'ehicle'5 weapons, or hand weapons.
There: may be more than one gunner. 1be driver and Bunner cannol
share a targeting computer: each must have his own if both are to get an
aiming bonus.
A vehicle may carry passengers either in cargo space or regular
space. Aplssenger seat (with or without passenger) takes no space and
adds no weight - the passenger, of course, .....eighs ISO lbs. and takes
up I space. Passengers can use hand weapons but cannot fire vehicle
weapons. A single passenger can ride behind a cycle's driver: he takes
up no eJttra space bul adds weight, and can use hand weapons only.
10. Cargo
Likely cargo includes spare lires and ammunItion (for yourself, or
salvaged from a kill), In a campaign game, consult your referee about
Other "cargo" you wanllO pick up. Nole that any vehicle may carry
cargo if it has unused space, but pickups. vans, and Stallon wagons have
a specif.c "cargo area" that may be used for nolbing else.
11. Computing
Once: you decennuaed IolohM will JO Into your vduclc. you must
corl'lJl'* Il:J acce:IcRlJOfl lbtJ wiU be ,. 10. or U mph
If the IIUIDbtr of powu radOn U'l" vdI.:1c', poor."f:r pIaDI .. leu than
\0\ the ... dude', ft,,,,,, II IS utllkrpowcmt Throw IOfl'lethma out, or
act .. btuer power plan:
If the power (xton are the we'lhl but leu ltIan \0\. thc -=cck,.
hOO II S mph
If the power flCCOn Ire the welghl but kss than the weight ItJielf,
the ac:a:kratKlCl IS 10 mph
If !he poV.'tf fIttOn are cqulIIO or greater than !he weigh!, then the
accdct'llion is IS mph
E.umpIe. Aluxury clr weiglU", S,500 pounds hIS .. Medium power
plant (",hich has 1,400 po",er (ae:tOr1). 1.400 is leu than of S.500-
the car woo't move! So we dectde 10 let .. blUer power planl." urac
hum 2.00:> pcr.'C:f factOrS). Of coune. the poor."U pia... toOl up
more tpKe'. fttIbc. and money th.. !be old one, ID some ocher miniS
hid 10 ao 10 kcq:l die CO&t lhe Arne - but thai's the ......ythlnBJJO ",hm
you're build..... CIt 2.<Dl is belW'eal \0\ md \0\ of 5.500. 10 the elit
an now InO'\oC with an of.s mph per l\lI1l. I(.c could find
tome ""' ..y to cut !he ""'e.t&ht do....n 10 ",(XX) pounds (or get .. pi.,' "",nh II
least 1,750 p3WC:f flCtOf1). the lICCekrmon woWd CO up 10 10 mph per
rum (wnec 2.<XXllS of 4, ). but .. IUlI:ury ar d\at "'C:.pe:d only
4,00:> pounds woWd be to W1ppCd down It would be nearly u.st-l6s. So
12. Placing Weapons
end Armor
NO'A that you'vc choIen aU )'Out COInponmu; and deremuncd thai
lour car has cnouah power 10 acxckr*e Jlusl'aaonly, you c.n fill 001
lhe \etuek Refer bKk 10 lhe 6atI'IpW: III Section III nus dm-
Irwn thowJ (a) whit M:lIpOIlS the ar has INt _"'ere they are kJaled,
(hI how mur:h muno IS In each 'Aapon; (e) how much armor the ar hili
III each 1oca1JOn; Md (d) \lofw ocher c:omponerIb the carha ,Md "htre
they Me Note lMl the power plant may bt: eIther In front or In bM:k
Wt:apOIIl kxmon restnebOll more tfwt \0\ of!he IOtaI spec:es III
a \'dUck may be devoIed CO "'"9pOnS that fire from Illy ant sa
Motol"C),k are uempt from dlls rc511lCUOn
The \'chicle IS U30Cd 10 keq) trkk of MnmWUUOn upencb-
rure Md cbmace Aoo Ioataf 011 the \'dlide dill"*" Me the Spd
T,.-t, Md the HandlLng Tf"K1t (see S1JOf1IV, Mlnl"_rUl,
Blw Vdtkk Record Sh ha\'e bem provided for e'\ef)' t)pe of
\ehacle 1ft CDr Wen. They are for- )"OU 10 pIQocopy and use
13. Repair and Selvage
In a continUing umpaign, damll&rd vcl1icles will nerd rcpalr. Dam-
1ge to Irmor un be repllfl:d al S50 per hll - or the vducle' entire ar-
mor nn be rtplked for IU onlll\ll COSt (IS per the \'duck buikiml
rules lbo\e) plus 10". A cunponent thaI has taken only I hIt can be:
repal1cd for 10" of its onamal pncc. lWO hIlS: 30"; three hIli, .50,,;
and so on h's cheaper 10 pIaor: a t.dIy damapd po'lII'f:r paar. (for Ul-
starK't') tfwt 10 fil II Body annar cannot be Modal care for
UlJured characttrs IS free (Youre.mured)
"The pnce are for ptolU and Labor If fO'I do the: MJf" )'OUr
sclf. CUI \0\ off the rep.lr COIlS, M.IIny shoI -lillet)'OU do your
0_""11 wort 1ft theIr ba)s - for S50 an hour
A ...duck or- componeN mI) be liIOId for a1vaae 51.h. value IS
the: onllMl cost mInus the: rose to rqvllr, Oam.aaed pafUmay be: bou,ht
for thiS ulue. or sokl for- half IhlS ....Iuc_ If)oo SlOp on the: road 10 stnp
a '" ... you can ellsal)' JClllres, UI1II mllIl.llI'Ies. Wlfirod ammunltlOfl.
hand weapons. Md arJO. Other componenu can be ......,ed. but fI
takes lime and requires the Mechanic skill (see SeclJOn VII. CQntilluillg
Oaroc:IUS). A ","rcck that has burned II "'orthless
Modi/yin, V,hid,s
Ne..... "''f:apotIl and rnay be added 10 1ft U1SlI1II \'cluck
between duel . bl& h welJhl and tpKe hrmu Ire obsef\'cd Okt
components may be $I\ed Of' sokt I) aoJded 10 l.he. COR of .ny puts
!bar \llr) from. alr's on&1naI "In lJ npenJlve.
Eqlt1CXli "fe,.. IlfU rna) be: added It the:u f"CJUlar eoM. and cfas.
SIS and PJ5pm\lOn may noI be dlqed from meir OflJmaJ de.slan
IX. Cycle and Trike Design
1. Cycles
Building a mocorcyc1e is vcry similar 10 building a car. Acycle can
usc almost any weapon or accessory I car does. Amedium or heavy cy-
cle can also pull sidecar - for one passenger. for cargo-hauling. or
jusc to gel some extra firepower.
Weight Mu. load Spaces
Light cycle $200

Mell. cycle S300 300 1100 5

Hvy. cycle $400 350 1300 7
U. sidecar S300 200 400 2
Hvy. sidecar $450 350 750 3
Weight ofthe sidecar and contents does not count againsl the load on
the cycle frame. Instead. both the sidecar and the cycle must meet their
mlUimum weight requirements separately. The weight is added
together. however. when computing acceleration (which is done me
same way IS for cars). A cycle may only pull one sidecar. Cycle and
sidecar chassis cannoc be modifta:lto increase weight capacity.
Cycle al100f may be placed front and rear only. A sidecar is trelted
like I lillie car with no lop. Sidecars can carry armor in five location.:
Front. back, right. left, and underbody. Cycle and sidecar armor can be
made fifq)roor, reneclive. or both. All the armor on sKIecar or a
cycle must be of the same type. but an anlched sidecar can carry a dif-
ferent type of annor from a cycle.
Vehicle Nonn. FP LR LRFP
($Iwt) (S/WI) ($Iwt) ($Iwt)
Li&ht cycle 10/4
11.014.4 25.0/4.4
Meet. cycle 11I5 22/5 12.115.5 21.515.5
Hvy. cycle 12/6 2416 13.216.6 30.016.6
Lt. sidecar 5/5 1015 5.516.6 12.516.6
Hvy. sidecar 5/6 1016 5.516.6 12.516.6

Suspension can be upgraded 10 improve the handling class of the cy-
cle or I sidecar. To detennine the HC of a cycle/sidear combination.
add the handling claMeS of the IWO seplIrate items together. The best
possible HC is still 3. Example: Acycle with HC I hilched 10 a sKtecar
with He I would have a fmal HC of 2. If the cycle and sidecar both
were HC 2 separalely. the combination would be HC 3 (the maximum
The super trike plant is a new de'lc!opmenl. built especially
for three-wnecled vehicles (see below). The super trike power plant can
be used by cycles. however.
Cycle acceleralion is detemuned in e:uctly the same way as car ac-
celeration - by comparing the 1OtlI! weight ofthe cycle or cyclelsidecar
combination 10 the power factors of the plant.
Cycles need twO lires; sidecars need one. The front and relr Iires on
a cycle muSI match. and if a sidecar is anached. its ure must match. too.
Cycle ures come in the same variedes available for cars, ClI:ccpt for
solids, which are not allowed on cyclcs or sidecars. C)-cle tires cost me
same and have the same number of DP as car lires. but they weigh only
half as much.
WtupOn P/aumenr
Weapons can only be placed on a cycle's front or rear. The)' can be
motlnted to the front. rear, or side of a sidecar. A weapon on a cycle
cannot be linked to a weapon on a sidecar, unless both are dropped
weapons. If lhe sidecar becomes detached. the link is broken and muSt
be replaced.
2. Trikes
Tricycles are designed like other lHluxe Car Won vehicles_ A tri-
cycle counter is I" long. like that of a car. A tricycle's arcs of fire are
differem from those of othcr vehicles (see "Trike Combat." below):
this should be taken into account placing weapons and annor.
Trikes mosl closely resemble lT1OIorcycles in construction. They use
the same tires and the same plants as cycles, WIth one exception;
Trikes may usc solid lires. Trike solids COSt the same and lhe same
DP as car solids. but weigh half as much.
A trike chassis Clnnoc be improVed 10 II1crease the load capacity
(again like a cycle). and suspension works the same way as ....-elf -
Light SuspensKln is free and resuhs In HC 0: SuspensIOn
costs 100'1 of the frame: cost and resuhs In HC I: Heavy Suspension
costS 200'1 of frame: COSI and gives a trike He 2.
Body Cos, Wdght Max. load Spaces
Light trike $250 300 1600 8
Medium trike $300 500 2100 10
Heavy trike $400 700 2800 12
X-Heavy trike $550 950 3500 14
no extra
100'1 of frame cost
2001. of frame cost
Trikes carry amKlr like cars - that is. they have silt annar posi-
tions: Front. back. left, righi, top, and underbody. Trike annor may be
oorma!. fireproof, reflecli\'e. or reflccti\e-fireproof Oike all other vehi-
cles). Annor types may not be mixed on the same trike.
Potnr PionlS
Uke car power plants. cycles usc fucl-cell systems. Like loday's cy-
cle engines. they are more powerful for their size and weighl than aUlo
engines. but cannot be used in larger vehicles - they VoIOUld bum up.
PIa", Coo. Wdght Sp.... OP Power pd
Small cycle $500 100 1 2 400 90
Med. cycle $1000 150 1 3 600 100
Large cycle $1500 175 2

800 100
Super cycle $2000 200 2 5 1000 100
Super trike $3000
3 6 1200 100
Vehlde Norm. FP LR LRFP
($Iwt) (S/wI) ($/WI) (SfWI)
Light trike 11/5 22/5 12.115.5 27.515.5
Med. trike 12/6 24/6 13.216.6 30/6.6
Hvy. trike 14n 28n 15.4n.1 35n.1
X-Hvy. trike 1618 32/g 11.618.8 4018.8
Tnkes can use. any weapon or accessory a car or cycle can, With a
few e,llceptions. Trikes cannot have ramplates. and they cannot pull
sidecars. Lightlrikes cannot carry turrets; medium tnkes can only use
one-spa turrets. Larger trikes can earl')' up to IWO-Space turrets.
Trikes may use wheelguards - clr wheelguards on the back two
wheels, Ind I cycle wheelgUird on the front. Wheelguards do noc re-
duce handling c1lsa on I trike, but will ftduce HC by Ion I reversed
trike. Retrtetable wheelguards Ire llOl IVlillble for trikes.
RerermJ Trikes
First seen in Europe, and now being tested in North Americl, the
"revened" trike design puts two wheels in front and one in the center
of the bKk. This configuration provides greater stability than the tradi-
tional trike, but is DOt readily IVlilable and is DOt IS efflCteDt from I
spKe standpoint. Reversed trikes come in the same body Styles IS regu-
lar trikes. but hive one leu space, and cost an eJttn SOt. for the chris-
sis. Handling cluJ fOf I reversed trike is one higher than for I regular
trike (muimum HC is still 3). Reversed trikes un cany I rim pllte.
but in all Olher respectS they are the same as regular trikes.
3. Trike Combat
A tricycle ls not jUst I fit mocortyde or I thn:e-"tleekd car. The
successful tricycle duellisc (cw desiJner) must keep the differences in
mind if he intends to survive. Trikes hive Dne significant Idvantl.ges,
but they have disldvantlges IS well.
Att'$ 0/ Fin
Trike weapons may be Ioatcd from. bKk, or to either side; they
may 1110 be turreted. Front and bKk 'Io'elpOflshlve the same an:: offrre
I car's weapons do (see diagram be'ow); turrered weapons, of course,
have I J60.degree In: of fire.
fT., luers, In RR. and rockets (and rocket laancbers) of all kinds.
A tricycle may not mown dropped weapons Illywhert but to the
rear; side..mountel1 dropped weapons would etM:!In&er the vehicle. Side
mowncd paint spny. and smokescreens are legal but impnctical, Ex-
ception: A reversed trike may mount dropped weapons to the sides.
Side-moontcd weapons trike weapons hive I greater In: of fire thin
I Clr's side weapons do, becluse of the wedge shape of the trike body.
A trike's side weapons can fire into the "normal" side ITC of fire, plus
the front Irc of fire of I standard vehicle (see dilgram below).
Ally taratt in the front an: of fire can be hit by weapons mounled on
both sides as well 15 the front! Risht-side and lell-side weapons may be
linked lOIdher, or linked with front weapons, and limed teIIflher for
flit It Wiets in this frontlTC. The linked W'CIpOI1S must be of the same
lYPC. or only one can be limed. and the re5I are trcIted as if they were
on IUtomatic. (Linked weapons Ire discussed more fully in Section V,
Wmpon lGdoft
Atricycle may mount any weapon to the front or in I turret. Heavy
weapons mounted on I triU's side cause recoil problems. however.
The only offensive weapons I trike can moun( 10 the side are MOs,
Because of their stnIlI size and low profile, trikes Ire harder to hit,
u follows:
Ughl trike: -3 from frontJback, -2 from side
Medium trike: -2 from front/back, -I from side
Heavy trike: -I from frontlback, -I from side
X-Heavy trike: -I from frontlback, no penalty from side
Because trikes Ire low to the ground, their oops can be fired upoa.
Ally IttlCker may choose to fire II the top of I trike if he has Iline<lf-
sight on the fron! or either side (You can't hit I trike's top from behind,
but you can target the turret). Beause the top is steeply sloped, any It-
lick on the top is It an addilional -2 to hit. Thus. for exlmple, I shot It
the top of I light trike from the front would be It I - S, plus or minus
whltever other modifiers were in effecl. However, if I trike hiS I tur-
ret, Iny successful hit on the top Irmor S1rikes the turret lutomatically
with no funher penally.
Enemy fire is normally Illowed to target Iny side that hu In Irc of
fire to return fire. Thlt rule must be modified for trikes. All enemy
vehicle in lirike', front Irc offirecan only tlrget the trike', front, even
thouih the trike can brin& side weapons to bear on him. This i' beaUJe
the ~ angle of I trike'. sides would mike an IttlCk - even I later
beam - likely to bounce off. ArJ enemy vehicle on the dividina line
bel\lr'ten the fronl and side In: of fire miY. IS usual, pick which side it
wants to shoot IC.
When I trike is wuck in the front by weapon fire. roll tVt'O dice. On
I II or 12, the front wheel is hit. Any mnainina damage is Io.t. On I 2
throop 10, the front annor is hit. Ally remainina darnIae Ifter the
Innor is destroyed williffect internal components in the same wlY cars
are Iffected. Use the damlJe anoc.ion method used for can (see
"Oama&e Location," in Sc:c:tion V, CombaJ) for Illy ItlICU from the
side or rear, too.
For reversed trikes, IU the above holds uve - just revene "front"
and "bKk." Exception: Ycu still cannot hit the top of I reversed trike
from behind, betMlSC the bKk is stililhe highest part of the tricycle.
Huards and contrOl rolls resulting when I trike loses I wheel
depends on which wheel is lost. Treat the Iossorl sinaJe wheel U If I
cycle Iosl: I wheel. and treII the loss of one of !he pair of wheels u if I
car "''heel was lost. ExcqMion: A trike IhIt has lost eYetI one of ItS
wheels can DO Ionge:r move It all.
x. Ten-Wheelers
Cab armor is available in all four types, and as with all other vehi-
cles, mixing of armor types is not allowed.
For an intercily move or a cross-country haul with. small load, a
len-wheeled truck or mini-bus might be the perfect vehicle.
The mini-bus and the len-wheeled trucks are both represented by
counters Ilh "long. In mosl ways.mey are treated like big cars, but the
len-wheeled truck has an imponant difference: The ten-wheeler has (wo
parts - the cab and the carrier. The two pans are constructed separate-
Iy. but move logether. The carrier rides on the frame of the cab.
Cab lYP'
l().wl. cabover
l()'wl. Iongno5C
1. Caba
Cabs have more spaces and a heavier chassis than most cars, but
fewer spaces and a lighlcr chassis than big rigs (see Section XII, Trucks
twf Buses). There are I'NO types of cabs - the basic eabover and the
bigger. heavier, more expensive. longnose.
The body price includes lights, standard ce, horns. and other
basics. Improved chassis sirenglh can be bought for cabs as for regular
tractors - I Heavy chassis adds 101. 10 the cab's maximum load and
oosts an extra 5 O ~ of the cab's body cost, and an Extra-Heavy chassis
adds 20% 10 maximum load for an additional 100% of the body cost,
Improved suspension is not available for IQ-wkeeled trucks - they
all have a handling class of I,
Io-wheel eabover
Io-wheel longnose
Weapons for cabs can be mounted on three sides - front, left, and
right. Because the carrier is usually taller than the cab, rear-firing
weapon! are not pennitted, and turreted weapons may not fire to the
rear. The only CJtception is when a flatbed carrier is used, or no carrier
ll[ all. I().wheeled trucks may use whee.lguards with no penalty, They
can also use ramplates, and any weapon available to other oversized
Doors may be installed on the back of a cab, allowing passage into a
carrier from the cab. Obviously, if the carrier is a tanker, this isn'l such
I good Klea. Back doors cost $200, and take up no weight or space.
2. CBrrlere
A ten-wheeler must have the same type of tire in all ten locations.
PR Radials are not available for ten-wheelers. but the other four types
are. Wheelguards do nor affect handling class on oversized vehic:les.
Tk.. Cost/lire Wt.llire OP
S"",,,'" S'SO 60

Heavy Duty S300 80 9

Puncture Resistant S600 '00
Solid $lSOO
Solid truck tires are totally immune to both spike and debris damage,
but are still affected by obstacles.
Powtr PIonts
Power plants for ten-wheelers and other oversized vehicles do not
have power factors like other plants in lhtuxe Car Wen.
Instead, each plant is rated for the maximum amountofweighl it can
pull. All oversized power plants have the same top speed - 100 mph -
and the same acceleration - 2.5 mph/turn up to 25 mph, 5 mph/turn
thereafter (soc "Movement," later in this section). Oversized power
plants can push beyond the 100 mph maximum for short periods of
time, with the same limitations and penalties as for car power plants.
The power plant is always assumed to be in front of the driver, even in a
Plan' Coo Weighl Spaces OP Mu.wt.
Small Truck S8,OOO 2,500 8 I. I.S,CNXl
Medium Truck $IO,CNXl 2,800 9 18 20,CNXl
Reg. tnlck $15,CNXl 3,000
2. 40,000
urge lruck $20,CNXl 3,500 13 2. 60,000
Super lruck S25,OOO 4,000

32 80,000
Armor for cabs is boughl in the standard sill. positions - fronl, back,
right, left, top, and urnerbody. lfa cab has any carrier buta l1a.tbed, how-
ever, back armor is unnecessary. Cab underbody armor prOtects the cab
only. Separate underbody armor is necessal)' 10 protecl the carrier.
Carriers are cargo areas for I().wheelers. They are mounted and It
tached to the cab of the I()'wheeler.
Carrier Type Coot We!&ht S...,..
IS' Flatbed $1,100 7SO 20"
IS' Van $2,300 IlSO 30
IS' Reefer $3,800 I3SO 2S
)5' Tanker $6,150 1900 2S
)5' Dumper S4,OOO 2300 30
There is no ~ i m u m load listing for carriers, because thai is deter-
mined by the chassis of the cab. Carriers are mounted directly on the
cab, and do not use tires. They also do not have any suspenskln.
-Note that the "space" on a flatbed is an approximation, The higher
cargo is stacked, the more a flatbed can any. Twenty spaces of ca"o
is the maximum for safe hauling, but much more can be anempted, If
more than 20 spaces' worth of cargo is loaded on a flatbed, roll one die
every time the truck perlonns a 03 (or more difficult) maneuver or en-
counters a 03 or worse hazard: There is a I in 6 chance for every 5 full
spaces over 20 that the load will fall off the trailer (2 dice spaces' worth
of cargo will remain).
For example, 28 spaces of cargo are loaded on a flatbed, making the
chance of a cargo disaster I in 6. After the mess happens, 2 dice are
rolled, and come up, say, an 8 - that's how many spaces' worth of
cargo is still on the trailer. It is up 10 the referee 10 detennine what hap-
pens to cargo that hits the highway (20 spaces' worth in this case). This
should be based on how fragile the cargo was, how il was packed, and
how fast the truck was going when the cargo hit.
Adump carrier can only devote 5of its 30 spaces 10 weaponry - the
resl must be used for cargo. A dump carrier has no lop, and cannot
mounl turrets. The carrier may be raised to dump the contents. Controls
are localed on either side of the carrier, a duplicate set ofcontrols in the
cab allows the carrier 10 be raised from insKie. It takes 7 turns 10 raise
the bed fully, and only SlUms 10 lower it. Loose materials in the carrier
will stan 10 spill out after two seconds of elevation. The carrier will be
complelely empty after 10 seconds.
A tank carrier is required 10 have at leasl 20 points of annor in each
local ion (see below). A lighler tank would be in danger of leaking or ex-
ploding, even under non-combal conditions.
A "reefer" is I refrigeT'lted carrier - slmillf to I van, excepc it
carries peristllble items.
ArtnlW II1Id WftlIJ'O'U
Armor lS pllced on I cuner in six IocItions - front, bact, left.
right. top, and underbody. Curler Irmor cost5 DO and weighs 141bs.
per point. no matter v.'hat type: of carrier. Fircprooflrmor oost5 S60 and
weighs 14 Ibs. per point, Reflective IImOr costs 533 and weighs 15.4
Ibs. per point, and Reflective/Fireproof Irmor costs $15 and weighs
1.504 lbs. per poin!. A flatbed carrier. of course. only needs to buy
underbod)' armor. A flatbed carrier can mouml smlll armored bolt Of!
the bact for carrying and protecting defensive weapons. The bolt can
carry up 10 silt spaces of wupomy. and is Irmored in six IocItions.
Armor for thiS bolt cost5 S\ I and weighs 5 \b5. per point. and can be
ma:Ie fireproof. reflective. or both. It the standard penalties to cost and
Weapons maybe mourlled on I carrier to the left, righi, or bact (DOC
to the front). Carriers can mount I IUITel of an)' size (....1rich can fire 10
the fronl). bul can only IIIOWlt 0ftC. Carriers can liso use the rocket pili-
form. but It would tllce the place of the tulTCl. A flltbed, ofcourse, may
110I mount I turret.
3. Mini-buses
Mmi-buses Ire set up to carry lots of people. instead of cargo. They
are the: same size IS len-wheeled truCks. but instead ofI cab and carrier,
they have I smale. large. mlemal compart:ment. 1he mini-bus' basic
body 005U S4.000, ...."Cighs 3.000 Ibs., has I maximum load of 12.000
pounds. and can carry 3.5 spaces' wonh of crew. equipment and pas-
sengers. OwslS strength mochrauon ....wkJ the same way IS fOf the
other 10-whoders. A mini-bus CIMO! hl\"e its suspension improved; its
handling class is I. A mini-bus uses the same tires IS the ten-wheeled
&u Personnel
1llcse vehicles Ire designed for passengers. Since space for luggaae
and lilks must also be allowed, lel\"I: 2 spaces for each to be
Clrried (n()( J IS in an automobile). For I luxurious mini-bus, aBow 3
speces and an extra SSOO for each passenaer. Any bus must aDow 200
lbs. per passenaer - the Uut 50 pounds CO"<'ers luggage, etc.
Abus will have one driver and usually It least one gunner. A pnne:r
may be IocIted in the very back ofl bus: if 110, he wes damaae. Ifter the
rear-mounted .....eapons 00. and before any of the vehicle's contents.
AIlo..... 2 spaces and 150 Ibs. for the driver and each gunner.
Armor and WtopOnS
Armor on mini-bu.ses is placed in six positions - front. back. left,
nght. lop. and underbody. Normal Irmor for I mml-bus costs S32 Ind
weighs 14 Ib per pomL Fireproof Irmor is S64 and 14 Ibs. per poUlt;
Reflective Irmor is $3.5.2 and I.5AlbS. per point: and Reflective-Fire-
proof armor is S80 and 1.5.4 Ibs. per point.
Mmi-buses cln use any weapon - including a roc:kel platform.
Weapons can be mounled in an)' normal position. including I single lur-
rei of any size.
4. Combat
Because an oversized vdlicle is 10 tall. I bJrret mounted on its roof
eannot fire on any taJI'd (excepc another oversized vehicle) within I
of the center of the bJrret. If I smaller vehicle is between I and 6"
lway from the center of the l1II1'd. the Nrret may fire It the smaller
vehicle's top (IS well as any sides that present I line of fire). This can be
devlStltin& if the smaller vehide has lit\1e or I'l() roof armor.
A turret on I cab cannot fire over its own carrier unless that carrier
is a nltbed. It can fire over any smaller vehicle within 6". if necessary,
A turret on I mini-bus or carrier can 1110 fire over I small vehicle
within 6".
A mini-bus can mount I single bJm:t of any size. A rrnwhoelercan
mounl two turrets - one on the cab Ind one on the carrier. The turret
00 the carrier is IlwlYs considered to be "higher" than the other - it
has I full J60..degree In: of fire. The turret on the cab C&nnlJ' fire to the
rear (unle.ss the Clrrier is I flatbed IS IIOICd above).
1he arcs of fire for I mini-bus Ire determined in the same way IS
rer,ular CI": Onw two diag<)aalline5 throop the opposite comers of
the counter, and the four Ircs of fire Ire marked. l()'wheeJed truCks
have more complicated arts of fire, using the bllck dots in the middle of
each long edge (if the dots lren't on the counter, draw them in). The
arts of fire are IS follows:
Note that the side arts of fire for the Clrrier and the cab overlap.
Anyone lnaclcing I ten-wheeler from the side may have I choice of w-
gets without penalty. and must specify what he's shootina It. Firina It I
1*1 of I Io-...hoeler when the flftT is IIOl in that pan's lltC of fll'C is I
-2 to hit.
5. Movement
J().wheeled U'Ucu and mini-bu.ses Ire represented by counters
measuring -n." x I VI". Some COUf\!.trl aft, provided on \he rotId section
shotts. 80th type5 of vehicles maneuver the same way cars do. The
Trucker slcill is required to ope:raIe I ten-wbeder. Driving I teh-
wheeler without the Trucker skill results in I -3 to handling class.
Wdtht and AcIm:rtion
Trucks and buSC5 Ire DeVer geared for an)1b.ina but gradual aa:ekr
Ilionand heavy loads. A1lten-wboeJen have an mph
until tbey reach 2S mph. After they reach 2S mph they will have .5 mph
KCderation. The gearing of these vebk:1eJ makes greater acceJel'Wrion
Since aoccleralJon does not I\a... \0 be compuwS, "power faetDfS"
Ire not given for the vlrious tnIck power plant sizes. To figure OUI if I
uuck power plant cll'lget I ten-wheeluuck movina, add the weight of
the cab, the weiplt of the carrier, and the weight of the load being car-
ried. For I mini-bus. add the weights of the vehicle, putCngers, and
cargo (if any). If I ten-wheeler Clteeods the overall weiahl aIIowuS for
its power plant, you'lI have to redeJign it with less weij.ht or instalJ I
bUer power plaN.
When I vehide is acceleratinA 1\ only 2..5 mph per tum. I player
will hive to put the marker counter between the IpCed lines on the
Movemem Owt (i.e., between mph and 10 mph to show 17..5 mph
speed). A. ...ch=.le 11 one of these. in\Cnnediale speeds moves during the
same phases as the next highesl: spe:<d (i.e., 12..5 mph moves when IS
mph does). A vehicle It III intermediate speed wes I '" ., or l' " move,
exactly like the regullr W' "half-move," It some point during the
and Collisions
Dccc:leration is the same for oversized vchicles as for all other vehi-
des. with one exception. Any len-wheeler decelerating al more than 30
mph in one tum goes directly 10 Crash Table I and takes 2 dice of
damage 10 each tire. Note thai when any vehic:le checks a Crash Table
after decelerating. the modifcr used on the table is the modifcr for the
speed deceleratioa. Ten-wheekrs used the car crash tables if
they lose control.
Othris and Obstodn-
8ec:ause of their -eighl. o\'erslled ...chlCks are much kss vulnerable
10 rOIld hazards - hleh is a good thIDg. Since their handhng class is so
Oversized vehicles (unless !hey ha\'e solid tlres) can still tau lire
damage from road debns. but debris does noc cause a hazard. SttiklDg
an OO5laCk counts 1$ a DI hlWlrd for any oversized vehICle. It does nor-
mal damage (Id-J) 10 each .....heel. When an oversized vehicle hilS
debris or an obstacle. the hazard (if any) occurs immediately. and dam-
age (if any) is assessed against each wh1. The vdlicle is nol consid-
ered to have hit the same debris/obstacle Igain on the neXllum, e\'en if
the vehicle counler is still over il. The same holds true for mines and
spikes: if an oversized vehicle does not 'hit" Ihem the firSllime il rolls.
il does not roll again on the next or later turns.
At thc moment a mine explodes, it damages the underbody and each
tire within I" of the edge of the counter. The hazard is figured as
though the 100ai damage (underbody plus tires) WIS from enemy fire.
Hazards to (A'ersiud
Striking an obstacle counter: DI
Enemy fire docs 13-21 hits: D2
Enemy fire does 22 + hilS: DJ
Trailer released .....hile lractor is in mollOfl: 02
AT gun fired 10 side: 01
Tank lun fired: D2
Cycle: sceamrollered: DI
Tire blowouts
First tire of a pair on len-wheeler: D2
Semnd lire of a pair 0Cl ten-wheele:r or unpaired (fronl) tire: 0)
Note: When all tires 0Cl one comer of a ten-wheeler are lost, go 10
Crash Table 2. Handling classps 10 -J until the damage. is repaired.
Use the collision system detailed for cars in Section S.
Note how dangerous a fully IoIlded tenwhcc:k:r cart be in I collision.
even allow speeds. due 10 ilS high damage modifier. If you 're \l$tng the
Simplified Collision SYSlCm. remember that. lenwhcc:ler and I cycle
Ire not going 10 "bounce" equally in I collision - lei common sense
dKtate the endinl posilions of vehic:1es involved in a collision. In the
Simple collisioo system. I vehic:1e between 10,000 and 19,999 pounds
will do double damage.
When a ten-wheeler hits a motorcycle in any way but a sideswipe. il
may' 'steamroller" it - that is. run right over il - due 10 the difference
in heights. Roll one die when such a collision takes place. On a I or 2, a
nonnal collision OCCUtred: on I J-6, the cycle was steamrollered.
When this takes place, the speed of the cycle is reduced to zero. 11le
ten-wheeler simply runs over the smalkr vehicle's counter. This is an
extra 01 hazard for the len-.....twler (in addilion 10 lhe collision Iw.ard).
The vchicle being steamrollered takes regular damage from the col-
lision and the same amount of damage from being run over Whul a
cycle is steamrollered. thIS damage. is sp.-e.l evenly among III parts of
the cycle (includinl its driver and/or passenger). A c)'CliSl who is aboul
10 be Sleatnrollered had betlcr JUmp - any chance is bener than none!
When a Itn-.....hcc:le:r sceamrollers I cycle. aU its tires take damage as
though an obstacle had been Slt\lCk: Id-3 points per Vo'hecl.
XI. Car Trailers
",}r''- .
'---:'-' "
I' "". oJ.
" ,r---
'. ,
Small trailers can be useful when you wam to e&rIy Ilddibonal carlO
or Mlditional fU"epOwer. To diffcraltWe them from the IaIger trailers
pulled by t!'IaOl'S (Ke Section XlI, Tnds tJIfd BIlSU), they will be call-
ed "car trailers."
1. Body Typee
Car trailers are IUde more than boXCI with v.becls - aad, ofcourse,
armor and weapons. There are l'NO buic typeS of car trailer - the van
and the flatbed. The van trailer has row- sides top. and III underbody.
Flatbeds are e.lpOled - only underbody armor and wbeelguanls are al-
lowed. A unaU armored box of up 10 4 spaca is allowed OIl the back of
flatbed, with its own armor - the armor is $9 and .5 1bs. per point.
TraBtr Type Coot WI. Lood S..... Tongue OP
Mini VIII $ 200 400 900 3 1
6' Van $450 1000 2800 12 2
6' Flatbed $ 300 100 3100 8 2
10' Van $ 100 1600 4100 2j)
10' Flatbed $ 47' 1100 6200 13 2
IS' Van $1000 2300 7200 30 3
IS' Flatbed
$ 67' lSOO 9SOO
20' Van $1300 2800 9400 38 3
20' Flatbed S 87S 1900 12400 24 3
25' Van $1600 3300 11900 46 4
25' Flatbed $107.5 2200 IS700 2. 4
30' Van $1900 3SOO 14100
30' Flatbed $12S0 2300 18600 3S 4
"Tongue OP" in the chan above refers 10 the damlgc points the
ll'&iler's longue can like before breaking.
Any car Vin trailer may be made into "reefer" (or refriac1lltod
trailer) for an additional of body cost. "Reefers" lose of
their space and weight capacil)' (round down), and add 10 the
chas5i5 weight.
Chassis Srrr,.,'h
A tn.iJer'. chassis, like. car's, can be strengthened to increase max
i:mwn load capacity. Costs and effecu are the same u for car!. In Iddi
lion, improving the chwis strength will increase the strength of the
tniler'l ton&lIe. A trailc.r equipped wRh In atn-heavy chassis bas iu
tKlpe DP doubled. Liaht and heavy chaWs decrease Of increase (re--
spectively) IOnpC DP by 50S, rounded down. See beklw for more on
klniucs and hitches.
C8r lTIilers generalty u.se car tires. /viy type may be used, but aU
tires on a trlilcr sbou.ld malCh. A lrailcr with unmatched tires SI.IbtRcts
one from lbc IOWina vdlM::Ie'1 handling class. /vi exception is the mini
van, which uses motottyc:le tires,lbou&h, again, an mUSl be of the same
The size of a aailer allO dktaleJ the minimum DWDbcr of tires reo
quired. Minis, 6-foot. and l().foot trailers need one pair of wheels:
IS-and 2().fOO( tnilers usc 2. pairs; aU longer trlilcrs must have four
pairs of tires.
Trailers that are 20 feel klng (Of Iongc.r) have ten armor kx:ations,
nol six like smaller vdliclc5. This is bccaJse each "long side" of the
lnIiler is splil intO a front and back half. The ten pos.ilions are: Front,
back, froot right, back right, front left. back left, fronllOp, back lOp.
front underbody, and back underbody. Aalbed trlikrs Ionacr than
twenl)' feel arc armored in two positions - froru underbody and back
underbody. Trailers smaller than 20 fcetlong are armored in the usual
six positionl. The usual range of armor lypeS is available - mixina is
not a1ktwed. V.. and flatbed trailer armor costs the same for various
TraBer Type Nom>. FP LR LRFP
(Slwt) (Slwt) (SIwt) ($Iwt)
Minivan .IS 18/'
9.9/S.S 22.S/S.S
un 3011 16.517.7 37.Sn.7
I().l'ooter 19/10 38/10 20.9111 47.S111
ISfooter 25/13 50113 27.S114.3 62.S/14.3
30116 60116 33117.6 7S1I7.6
2H'ooter 3S117 70117 38.S/18.7 87.5118.7
40118 80118 44119.8 100119.8
2. Tongues and Hitchee
Car lTai1crs are anached 10 their lOwing vehicles by a lOngUe and
hitch system. Every lrailer has a lOngue. The number of damage points
a tonauc can take is liSled on the rlJ'Sl chan in mis section. Taracting a
lOngue is at -S, -7 if the tnilcr is attached 10 a vchM::lc.
The towing vehicle's hitch must be bought sepaNllely, and is rated
by the amount of weight it can pull. Hitches are mounted externally and
are not protected by armor; mus they can be targeted in combat at a - S,
-7 if the milcr is attached.
Hitch Type Cos, Weight Load WI. DP
Light 5250 10 2,000 1
$350 20 6.000 I
Heavy SSOO 30 12.000
EXlrlHeavy S6SO 40 20.000 3
Load is me maximum weight a hitch can pull withoul break
ina. Hitch weight is what the hitch and its bracing system weighs - the
hitch's cost and weight must be figured inlO the total cost and weight of
the towing vehicle.
Hitches can be rented and added 10 vdliclcs temporarily. Such hiliChes
have a +1 chance of snapping in a jackknife situation (see below), but
only cost of the purchase price, wim I deposit usually equal 10 !he
purchase price required.
(For larger trlikrs hitched 10 a traetor--tnlliler ria. see Section XII,
Tnds 0fId Bides.)
Spial HiteM'
For an additional cost, bitches can be purchased that allow the in-
stIDtanCOUS release of the tniJer. Thc.se can be triggered from the lOw-
ing vehicle cw, if specmed, from !he towed vehicle u .....ell. Releuin.a
tnilcr in this way is a flringlCtion. and if released while movina, the
trailer becomes loose (see bek>w).
Explosive hitches blow the UlIiler free in an emergency. They arc
onc-cime l)'stems. and a new Iutch must be insWIed after each use.
They increa.se the standard hitch cost by $400.
Quick-rek.asc hItches arc like explosive ones, exccpl they can be
reuled. Quick-release hdcbcs cost ID S900.
3. Movement
Trailers are represented, like any vehicle, by reclaflgular counters.
'The counters vary in length, depending upon the ttailer length, and have
an additional triangular area simulating the tnliler tongue. All counters
are .. wide. The lOngue triangle has a base and height of Y.t".

Crh Table 3
Car Tranera/Trector-Trenar Rig.
Whenever a lrailer or rig jackknifes (bends at tighter than a
9IXIegree angle) roll one die. On a 1,2, or 3, the hitch breaks and
lhc: trailer comes loose.
-I - Trivial skid. The tractor moves \4" in a "lrivial skid" as per
Crash Table I. The trailer follows as per a normal maneuver.
0- Minor fishtail. The traclOr does not move: the trailer fishtails
\4". Treat as a regular fishtail; roll randomly for right or left and
move the rear of the lrailer \4" in that direction, keeping !he
kingpin over the fifth wheel.
I - Minor skid. TIle lraClOr skids 111 "; the trailer follows oormally,
2 - Major fishtail. The lraclor does not move; Ihe lrailer fishtails IS
for result 0, above, bul moving 111" (two squares).
3 - Minor skid and fishtail. As for result I. above, followed by
result 2.
4 - Major skid and fishtail. As for result 3, above, except that the
tractor skids :ji" and then !he lrailer fishtails :ji".
5 - Extreme fishtail. The traclor stays still, the trailer fi$htails
6 - Extreme skid and fishtail. Tractor skids I"; trailer follows and
fishtails I ...
7 - Kingpin breaks. The trailer comes loose. The Iractor's fifth
wheel Ulkes (ld-2) damage. A further 02 hazard! See "Loose
Trailers," below.
8 - As above, but the trailer goes into a roll.
9 - As resull 7, but the lractor rolls. There is a chance lhal it
10 - As resull 9 above, but the trailer rolls, too.
II - As result 9 above, but the tractor or towing vehicle flips as in
result 10.12 on Crash Table I.
12 or more - A1> result II above, but the trailer rolls 100.
An, further aimed weuponjiufrom these vehicles on this tum wiU
be at a -3 fO hit.
An, further aimed wt.opon jirt. from thest. vt.hicles 011 this tum
will be at a -6 to hi,.
No further automatic weaponfire permittedfrom these vehicles
this rum.
Stra;'htLine MO'l'ement
Vehicles pulling trailers are represented by IWO counters - one for
the towing vehicle and one for the trailer. A trailer cannot accelerate by
itself, and usually crashes if it comes loose during movement (see
PlaOt. the Irailer counter so that the poinl of the tongue touches the
hilch point of the lOwing vehicle, as in the diagram above. Agood way
to keep the counters together is 10 punch I small hole in each COIJDler,
near the point they join, and use a thumbtack to hold the counters
logether umil they need 10 be reposilloned for a maneuver.
For straighl-line movement, !he counters are positioned thus:
The combined counter moves forward one inch during every phase
in which the Movemenl Chart indicates it should move, based on its
speed (Y!" for a half-move, of course), JUSt like a passenger car. This is
the normal hauling configuration. Angling the trailer is a maneuver, as
described below.
Motorcycle w/Mini U'IIiler
." ,"
llh ..
Counter Length
Tl1likr Type
Each trailer is anached to a vehicle by a hitch. The hitch lXlinl is
marked by a dot in the center of the lowing vehicle counter's back edge.
See the figure below.
Acceleration and Ikceleration
Acceleration for a trailer-towing vehicle is detennined normally. bUI
die weight of the trailer being pulled must be included. A trailer's
weight docs tlOl count against the vehicle's chassis weight limit. An)'
lnlIiler-towing vehicle thai decelerates more than 30 mph in a tum goes
hnmediately to Crash Table 3, and all the tires (including the trailer's)
take 2 dice of damage.
A vehicle towing a trailer maneuvers the same wIY a car does, ex-
cept that il cannoI atlempl a bootJegger. Use the descriptions and pic-
tures from Section IV, 1be turning key included in this set
can also be used very effectively.
The trailer follows the towing vehicle in a very interesting way,
because il is a seperate part joined al the hitch. During a maneuver, the
two counters are moved one after the other, and will be separated brief-
ly. AI the end of each maneuver, the end point of the trailer's tongue
muSt be directly over the hitch-point of the towing vehicle. The towing
vehicle may never make less than a 9O-degree angle with the trailer; if it
does, the rig has jackknifed (see below).
The key to handling a trailer: Avow unnecessary speed or maneu-
To maneuver with a trailer, first move the towing I'ehicle, as per the
maneuver chart or the turning key. Next, move the truiler counter as
First. move it in a straight line along its long axis (see illustration)
the same distaTlCe the towing vehicle moved - if the towing vehicle
moved an inch, the trailer moves forward an inch.
Second. hold one rear corner of the trailer counter in place, and
pivot the trailer until ils tongue is as close as possible to the hilch point
of the lOwing vehicle.
Third. move the trailer (usually forward :\" to 14 ") until the tongue
is exactly over the hitch point. oTlCe again.
If the trailer is now touching a wall or another counter. a collision
has occurred. However, if the trailer happened 10 overlap something
during the first IWO steps of its movement, no collision took place.
In the illustration below, the shaded positions are the original ones;
the outlined posilions are the final ones aner execution of a Sleep drift.
1be double-ended arrow shows where the trailer was located at its inter-
mediate position; it moved forward one inch, exactly covering the old
position of the tractor. TIle traClor went from A to B. TIle trailer went
from Xto an "imaginary" position at Y, and then pivoted to reach its
final position at Z.
Arrows also show the long axis of the trailer before and after it
If a rig is towing a second trailer, move the towing vehicle first, then
resolve movement for the first trailer, then do the same for the .second
trailer as if the first trailer was the towing Yehicle (see Section XII,
Trucks and Bllus).
Backing Up
ReYerse movement is handled juS! like regular movement. First,
move the towing Yehicle to its new position. Then move the trailer
counter backwards in a straight line along its long axis. When the
tongue is as close as possible to the hitch point, hold one corner of the
trailer down and pivot it until the tongue is once again oYer the hitch
lX'int. As with forward movement, a collision takes place only if the
trailer ends its movement in contact with another object.
A vehicle towing a trailer may attempt to back up at any reverse
speed up to 20 mph, but backing up can cause a miler 10 jackknife. It is
not wise 10 back up 81 more than 5 mph; 2.5 mph is safer yet.
The jackknife effect is quite realistic. This is the way a miler actual-
ly behaves. Practice maneuvering trailers on your own; if you ever have
to back your way out of a tight spot in a game, you don't want to run
into a wall.
Regardless of the pwye,'s skill manipulating counters, the character
musl have the proper skill to baek up safely wilh a trailer. The skill
needed depends upon the towing vehicle - Driver for cars, Cyclist for
motorcycles and trikes, Trucker for oversized vehicles. If a non-skilled
character tries to back up a vehicle/trailer combination in a suaight
line, he must roll I die on every phase of movement. On a I, the rear of
the trailer swerves I square (14") OUt of line. (Roll randomly for direc-
tion.) If the yehicleflrailer is being backed in any way excepl a straight
line, the trailer will swerve on a roll of 1, 2, or 3. The swerve will
always be in the direction that tends to jackknife the trailer, rather than
10 straighlen it OUI.
A trailer is in a jackknife position whenever the side of the tongue
hits the towing vehicle's rear. That is, whenever the side of the tongue
triangle makes parallel contact with the towing counter's back edge, the
trailer has jackknifed.
When a trailer jackknifes due to a fishlail, roll one die. On a result of
1, 2, or 3, the tongue or hilch (whichever has fewer DP) breaks and the
trailer is loose. If the jaCkknife occurred due to a maneuver, the roll is
not made until this jackknifed position is held for more than one consec-
utiye movement phase. See the figure below.
Oversized Arcs of Fire
Arc of fire
for bacle weapons
Arc of fire for
back left weapons
Arc of fire for
front left weapons

, ,
, ,
, , ,
, , , ,
, ,
, ,
When an opponent fires at the lop, Underbody, or side of a trailer of
this size, he muSt spe<:ify whether he is firing at the front or back half.
He can only target a ponion of the trailer at no penalty if he is in the arc
of fire of that section oftbe target. Firing at a target within line of sight
when the firer is Ol)( in that target's arc of fire is at - 2. Because of the
overlap of a trailer's ares of fire, an attacker can often choose between
targets with no penalty.
If the right front annor is penetrated (for example), any weapon fir-
ing from the front right will be first to take damage, followed by the
vehicle's contentS, the fronl left weapons, and finally, the front left
armor. Damage to the front right does not affect the back-right-firing
weapons, and so on. In general, fire muSt penetrate the front, top front,
side front, or underbody front armor to affect anything in front, and the
back, top back, side back, or underbOOy back armor to affect anything
in the back of the trailer.
Smaller trailers (15 feet and less) mount weapons the same way cars
do, and can only mount one turret. There are also limits to the turret's
size - no more than 3 spaces for the 15foot trailer, 2 spaces for the
IG-footer, I space for the 6-footer, and the minivan canOl)( mount a
turret at all.
way as annor. That is, not "right," but either "front right" or "back
right." Each trailer of this size has dots to show aiming points for these
weapons; the ares of fire are shown in the diagram below. Note that the
arcs of fire overlap a great deal.
Trailers that are 20 feet long or longer can mount weapons in
"front" or "back" positions on each long side. They can also mount
two turrets, one on the front top and one on the back top. They have the
same arc of fire limitations as turrets on ten-wheded trucks. If a trailer
has two turrets. one must be designated as "higher" than the other. The
higher turret has a full 36Ck1egree arc of fire. The lower turret can not
fire in the direction of the higher turret.
For trailers 20 feet or longer. weapons must be placed in the same

When a longue or hilch is sbot off, or breaks, or a Irailer is deliber-
ately released, there will be a loose trailer on the road. There is no way
to control a loose trailer. The tongue hits the ground, laking one die of
damage per 10 mph the trailer is traveling. Excess damage passes to the
trailer's underbOOy armor. The trailer then makes a control roll at HC
-I, and goes 10 Crash Table 2 if it fails. If it does not lose control, it
continues to move in a straight line, decelerating 15 mph per turn and
taking damage at its new speed at the end of every tum. The trailer
starts 10 roll automatically if il hits a hazard or obstacle while loose.
There can be no further fire possible from any gunners inside a rolling
lra.iler until it Slops. and then only if it Slops righi-side-up.
Creme! and Collirion!
Cars or cycles lOwing trailers must roll on Crash Table 3 when they
lose control. Cars and cycles lowing trailers are affccted nonnaUy by
debris. obstacles, and other road hazards. Losing the first tire of a pair
on a trailer is a 01 hazard. Losing the second tire of a pair is a 02
hlUard. When all tires on one side of a car trailer are lost. go to Crash
Table 3. Handling Oan goes to - 3 in this case.
When a vehicle/trailer combination is involved in a head-on or rear-
end collision, use the combined weight of the towing vehicle and trailer
when detennining collision damage. If a vehicleflrailer combination is
hit from the side. use the weight of the part (either vehicle or trailer)
that was hit to detennine collision damage.
4. Combat
XII. Trucks and Buses

1. Tractora
The ''"tmaor'' - lhe unit thai pullJ traikr - 15 the sin&1e most
powerful vehicle on the n:-d. A traeIOr will hive body (Ill-
cludina fifth whed), armor. len ....'hetls. and power p1all. AI the pur-
chaser's option, if may have: rcinfor"CCd dwsiJ. whedluanb. and
Vl.r1ouS ocher items of equipmenl ... plus. of oourse. wuporll.
TractOr bodies come in four styles. The body price includes bahtl,
standard CD, loud horns. and fairly luxurious upholstery. II a110 ia
eludes the "fifth wheel. ,.
Tl'IC'COr armor is moutltod in the same way IS regular car Innor -
fronl:,lck. riaN.left, top, and underbody. Fireproof, reflective, and
reRectJve.ftreproof armor are allowed on InldOrs, but the differeDt
types carmol be mixed_
"LD.d," on the chart abolt'c, refers only to the IOUII weight ofthc
tractor itself, DOl the amoullC of weighc it Cln pull when the ITIiler is in
eludcd. That is by the po....'Cr plant used (5te beJow).
The fifth wheel is the yoke on the t.ck of I Uk10r - the hitch thai
180ws I uIiler to be luached. It is included in the bKtor body price. A
fifth w))et:l has 8 damage points and C'IJI be hit in cornba! If this hlp-
pens. it can be rebuih or replact.d for $150 per point of damage II will
work ami! it is totally deWoyed, but If it is destroyed whik in UJe, !be
lRiIer will come Ioott.. The- fifth ",,'beelmu. be kaud cuWde.1be If-
rror, and C'ID be Inxted all sizabk mmus 10 hit. IfI U'IdOf is tIrMXld
from the rear. the fifth wheelllkt.s damage after the rear Irmor and
before any rear-ruing weapons.
Suspension only c:omes in one type for the ovenUcd vehicle..
Heavy. Therefore, suspensioa C'05l is included in the body C'OA. A11y
IrKtOr. by itxlf,lw I handling class of uro. Any bus, RV, or trktof-
trailer rig has I Iwxtling class of I.
The strength of a traetor, bus, or RV chassis Cln be increased to
allow more U> be carried, The Standud chavis is regular equip.
ment - it gives no bonus and costs nothing txtra. AHeavy chassis C0$5
50" of the body price and gives a 10" bonus to the weight allowed.
The EttraHeavy chassis lives I 20" bonus to weight allowed, and
(:()SIS 100. of the body price.
Po_r PltJnts
TractorS usc the same power p1anu IS len-wheelers. with lWOexcep-
bOn,: The Small and MedIum Truck power plants Ire not powerful
coough to pull I big ria. The Regular, Heavy, and Super planl5 all have
the same top speed (100 mph) and the same Icceleration (2.5 mph/tum
up 10 25 mph. 5 mph/tunl thereafter) 1$ the)' do in ten-wheelers, The
plants can push beyond the 100 mph maximum for shon periods of time
Body typ< Nonn. FP ReB. LRFP
(S/wt) ($Iwt) (SIwt) (SIwt)
Std. cabo\'er lOIl4 6011. 33/15.4 7$11.5.4
Std. Jonpose 3V1.5 64/1' 35.2116.5 1Oi16.5
Sl. cabover 31115 641\5 35.1116.5 10116.5
SI. mgnose 34/16 6811. 37.4117.6 85/17.6
Bodyeype Cost WeI&ht Load
Sid. cabovc:r $12,(0) 3.lOO 10.000 19
Std. longnost: SI4,<XXl 3.700 11.000 22

Slecptf cabo...er sn,<X:lO 3.900 12,000 24
Sleeper Iongnosc $10.000 4,100 13.SOO 27
The roedJ; are rough. Cycle lang!. Iugh......ymen. barricade oper
lIOB. random duellists . _II take their lOll. Most of the in\C.nta1u
haven't SD I rqJalr crew In years. But JOmebody mil has to take the
b1llols from C'1l)' 10 city. And the big nls are still rolling.
The trUCkers have quite: reputation. They're professiorWl.
They're as skilled with their weapons IS they are with their rigs ... or
they don'l t851long. Atrucker, they say. never takes the: fir$lShot - but
he always geLS the last one:. (Noc alw8)'1 true, but it makes for a good
StOry.) The men who make their living on the dangel'OU$ imer-city runs
aren't inttl'C5tCd in starting f1g.hlS ... only in finishing them. JI'S noll
aood idea to mrss with the ISwheelers. ADd their cousins, the Irmored
buSCI, Ire every bit IS fOnllidible.
Truckers beloag to Iooscly orpnized but very
known as the "Brotherhood," which u;islS to deal with road problems
thIt th.reawl the lives m:l incomes of its members. Unfair lawenfOf"Ce
ment, hllblJiaymcn, pnce.JOUa.... and trigacr.tlappy "*' duelliscs Ire
typical problems; the Brotherhood'l respoase may rIllF (rom I servk:e
IIowdown in the Iffected area 10 - occagooaJJy - I full.-scale lnack.
More often. they limply circulate descnptions m:l bC'cnse numbers o(
offenders. If every truck. bus, or anned courier iJ your enemy. you'd
bener Slay off the TOld!
However, truC'un m usually very OOUr1COUJ dnvers, if you don't
make U'OUbie for them AtrUCk or bus will often s,top to help I dn\'er in
trouble., or e1ten intervene to btUk. up an unfair row;I duel. Warning:
Inyone who anempts to ambush I driver by tabnJ advantage of his
aood nature will certainly be marked by the Brotherhood i(the)' find OUI
who he is. Sendlna I brother to HiJhwIYOne in I fair fiJhI is one thinl:
double-crossmg I Good Samaritln is evil.
The bia rip Ire fonnidable in btnlc. (or I number of reasons. They
pack lot o( flf'epower, and they'rejust plain bia - big enough to make
a collision with one aloslna proposttion. 1btre are many other differ-
ences between I big rig and I smaller duelling car, and understanding
lbe.se differcnces is crucial 10 dealing with them efftttively.
under the same rules as ten-wheelers. The power p1anl is always as-
sumed to be in front of the driver and crew, even in a cabover.
A tractor must have the same l)'pe of tire in all ten locations. Trac-
tors use the same tires as ten-wheeled trucks.
Almost all tractors are designed for two people - one driver and
one alternate driver or gunner. Some have space for three people. Two
spaces and ISO Ibs.. must be allowed for each person riding in the trac-
lor's cab. A "sleeper style" cab has more space than a normal cab (see
"Body types" chan above). If this space is 8ClUally used for sleeping
room (rather lhan weaponry), allow 3 spaces per sleeping area. This
leIS one person sleep while the rig is on the road, allowing very long
WMpons and Amlor
Weapons and armor for a traCtor are localed as for regUlar vehicles.
A tractor may have a turret of any size.
2. Trailers
outer tire always takes damage before the inner one.) Atrailer adds two
more (one on each side) or four more (a pair on each side) al its front
end. Semi-trailers have legs that swing down and suppon the front when
not aached to a lraClor. These legs have 5 DP each, bul cannot be at-
tacked unless the trailer is resting on them, and are -5 to hit.
The kingpin filS into a tractor's fifth wheel, holding the two
together. Each trailer must have one and only one kingpin. It cannot be
fired al in combal, but can be destroyed voluntarily (see "Explosive
kingpin," below), or as a result of a crash. There are three types of
Standard kingpin: CoSIS Sloo, adds no weight, uses no space. Can-
not be released except from outside - about a 5-minule process.
Explosive kingpin: Costs SSOO, adds no weight, uses no space. Per-
fonns like a standard kingpin, but, in an emergency, it can be blown
loose from inside the cab (this counts as a firing action). This releases
the trailer instantly (see "Loose Trailers," below). The kingpin must
be replaced before the trailer can be attached 10 any tractor (assuming
the trailer survives al all).
Quick-release kingpin: Costs SI,OOO, adds no weighl, uses no
space. Performs like an explosive kingpin except that it doesn't destroy
itself when aClivaled. Thus, the trailer can be reanached (if it doesn'l
crash after being released). It takes about 30 minules to reconnect a
quick-release kingpin.
Wheel ramps can be installed on flalbed trailers (or, occasionally,
van Irailers) so small vehicles can be driven on board. COSt, for a set of
2 ramps, is S3OO. Weight is 200 lbs.; no extra space is required. The
ramps are only destroyed if the trailer is wrecked.
An assaull ramp may be installed on a van trailer (or bus or RV) to
allow men, cycles, Irikes, or subcompact cars to get in and out quickly.
II is essentially an extra door in the back, a fu1l7Y.1-feet wide. It may be
dropped in any phase, but takes a full second (10 phases) to close. Since
the assault ramp is essentially the rear armor, the vehicle's contents are
exposed while the ramp is open. The ramp is only destroyed if all the
rear armor is destroyed. Cost: SI,OOO. Weight: 100 lbs. Requires one
extra space for the opening/closing mechanism.
A semi-trailer has 8 wheels in back; a "full" trailer has 8 in back
and 2 or 4 in front. The front wheels on a trailer are tied into the sleer-
ing system of the tractor to make maneuvering possible. When the trac-
tOr is disconnected (on purpose or by accident), the trailer's front lires
automatically lock in a straight-ahead position. This allows the trailer to
roll free, if necessary.
Each lrailer must have a body and a kingpin. Armor is nol required,
bul could be useful. Trailers may also have wheelguards, weapons, and
other accessories.
Traller type
C"', Weight
40' flatbed S3,CNXl 2,000 lO"
40' van $6,000 3,000 80
40' reefer SIO,<XXl 3,>00
40' tanker $16,000 3,000 60
40' dumper $1I.<XXl 6,000 70
No maximum weight is given for trailer capacity, because a rig's
maximum weighl is delermined by the tractor's power plant.
As with the flalbed carrier, the "space" rating of a flatbed trailer is
an approximation. Use the rules given for flatbed carriers (see Section
X, Ttn-Whetltrs), with these differences: There is a I in 6 chance for
every ten full spaces over SO that the load will fall ofT lhe trailer, and
three dice spaces' wonh of cargo will remain.
A f1albed trailer has no lOp or sides. It may carry a wall armored
box, no bigger than six spaces, to house defensive weapons. The box is
armored in the standard six locations and the armor costs $11 and
weighs 5 pounds per poin!. It may be made reflective, fireproof, or
both, at the usual penalties to Cost and weight.
Adump trailer acts jusllike lhe dumper carrier, except il can devote
up to ten spaces to weaponry.
A tank trailer is required to have at leaSt 20 pointS of armor in each
location, jusl like the tank carrier on ten-wheeled trucks.
Armor on the big trailers is located in len positions, not six. The len
locations are front, back. fronl leli. back left, front righi, back right,
fronl top, back top, front underbody, llJId back underbody, Essenlially,
the four "Iong" sides are divided into tWO target areas each (see "Com-
bat" later in this section for a fuller explanation). Armor for all types of
trailers costs S40 and weighs 18 Ibs. per point. Fireproof armor is
SSOll8lbs. per poinl; Refleclive armor is $44/19,8Ibs. per point; and
Reflective-Fireproof armor is $100/19.8 lbs. per point.
n r ~ s
Trailers use the same lires as len-wheeled lrucks, A semitrailer
mUSI have 8 tires (all of Ihe same type), all on the back half of the
trailer: they are paired IWO and two. (When shot at from the side, the
o 0
DulleS, like trailers. lit; very long, and have ten posioons whic:h
mU51 be allDOf1:d. Buses can carry any type of available armor, but all
armor must match.
To determine how much cargo space a vehICle takes up, tate the
number of internal splKCS (including cargo) the vehide has. Then add
10 for cars, 4 for cycles, and 2 for sidecars. A luxury car, with 19
spaces. takes up 29 $J*Uas cargo. A heavy cycle, with 7 spKa. takes
up 1I spaces as calJO.
Trailers don'I have dn\us. Space for gunners or passenac:rs may be
allowed in a IraiJer. Each gunner takes IWO spKeS: each passenger also
takes up two spaces (rather than I loS in a vehide).
Bus type
foot bus
4O-foot. bus
Just as annar is divided into ten locations. weapons and NrretS
placed on I trailer can be located in Iny often locations. Ifthere Ire t....-o
lUrr'Cts (one on the front lOp, one on the back top), one must be placed
tugher than the other - the higher one has a 360-degtCe arc of fire, the
Io....oer one CMnOt fire in the direction of the first rurrel. It is up to the
rderee to settle Illy dlSPUlC:$ o\er what the lo\I.-er turret can and cannoc
()(hcr weapons restrict.ans:
Flatbeds cannot have turrets.
Tankers don't /'tOrmoJly have turrets. (It is very rare for a tank trailer
to have any weapons It all e:u:ept defensive de-vw mounlCd on the
rear, behind the tank. and anlipersonnelgrenades all around.)
No dropped \OICapons may be placed on the front half of I trailer.
No trailer can hive a front-firing weapon (except those in turrets).
3. Buses end RVe
These are rully tWOnlmeS for the same son of vehicle-an RV is
just a luxurious privatt:ly-owned bus. When !he term "bus" is U5Cd in
!helle rules, RVs Ire also included. Some bulles are designed rnostIy for
fense and are esconcd by heavily-armed cycles or cars. Others mount
more than enough to lake care of themsehes.
A complete bus will hale a body po....oer plant. ten tires. annor.
and (probably) \OIC1pOnS. It may have I strengthened chassis, wheel-
guards, and other acoeuories. Almost III such vehicles large. pas
senger compartments - they are. built for carrying and proteeling cus-
tomers, 001 for duelling.
These vehides are designed for passengers. Like mini-buses, space
for luggage and aisles must be allolted - tWO spaces and 200 pounds
per passenger. Luxury options and crew positions Ire the. same as for
Weapons can be mounted on !he. front or back halfof a bus counter's
"long" sides. A bus can mounl two turret5. but one must be designated
IS being "higher" so dlac it can rue over the other. Dropped wupons
may not be mounted (XI !he front balf of I bus_
4. Combet
Turrets on a tractor. trailer, or bus fotlow the same restrictiOluas
rurreu: on len-wheeled trucks.
Note dial the fifth ",'heel on a tractor is exposed - not protected by
armor - and can be. targeted al -6by any opponent that can get I line
of sight on the black dot on the counter, whether or not a trailer is
anached. The fifth wheel will never be hit by gunfire unless it is being
The Ira of fire for a traclOf are determined in the same way IS regu-
lar can: Draw two diagonal lines through the opposite comen of the
counter. and the four arcs of fire are marUd. Traile.n and buses have
more complicated arcs of fire. usinj the black dots on me Ion& edges of
each counter. The arcs of fire are IS foUow1;
1Jle liMr r#Io"W"ow_",../ptN,e e- In pIed
betWft" dorr 10 """etltn _ ""fet CM be Iti.
'tWilporrS ,
,/' /'
/ -"lHIc-k rllht Wt!Qpons / ) - Arc 01flre for
// /" - ',/rontr/tht It'tilPDns
Note that the side: ara of fire. overlap quite I bit. Anyone attacking a
traetor-trailer rig or bus from the side may have a choice of targets
wilhout penallY, and must specify what he's shootin& II.
A trae10r takes datnagc the same way a car does, A trailer or bus
takes damage the same way a large car traile.r does (see Section XI, Cor
6. Movement
Movemetll for oversized vehicle.s follow$ the principles of the basic
vehicular movement rules, with cenain changes.
Owsis strength. power plant. and suspension are III chosen the
same way IS for a trxtor. The handling class of. bus is I. Buses must
have ten tires - two in fronl and twO pairs oflwo on each side III back.
Any truek lire may be used. buI all must maach. Wbc:elguuds (up to
three per side) may be added with DO loss of handling class.
Bus she
JO.foot body
4O-foot body
Handling Class
Oversized vehides don't handle easily. The handling class of a trac-
tor without a tniler is O. Addition of I trailer makes the whole. rig He I.
Busts and RVs are. also He I. Further increases in bandling class can
come only from good reflexes, aided by the Truclr:er skill (see Section
VII, ContiruJttg C1tarocurs).
Acceleration and
Big rigs and buses use !be same KCeleration niles IS ten-wheeled
uucb. Any big ria dece:leratina II more dwl 30 mph mone tum goes
dimtly to Crash Table 3 (p. 41) and takes t\\IO dice of damage to each
tire. Buses decelerating more man 30 mph in one tum lake me same
amount of lire damage and go to Crash Table 2 (p. II).
Buses are represented by single long counters. Counters for tractor-
lfBiler rigs. !hough, have two components - me tractor and the trailer.
These are combined to form a "rig." A trailer cannot accelerate by
itself, and usually crashes if it comes loose during movemenl (see
below). A tractor can move by itself: its acceleralion is beller but its
handling class is worse.
To use lhe tractor and trailer counters. place the trailer so it overlaps
the back of the tractor. The black dot on me front of the trailer repre-
sents itS "kingpin." The black dOl on the back of the tractor representS
the "fifth wheel." The kingpin 011 a trailer fits into me fifth wheel:
therefore, the black dOl on me trailer must be directly over the black dot
on the tractor at the end of each maneuver.
Buses and tractor-trailer rigs move forward one inch during every
phase in whkh me Movement Oian indicales they should move based
on their speed, juSt like a passenger car.
Buses and tractors maneuver in the same way cars do. except mat a
tractortrdiler rig cannol auempt a IxJotlegger. Use the descriplions and
pictures from Section IV. Mmemml. The car pictures should be assum-
ed to represent me front inch of me oversized vehicle. The: turning key
included in mis sel can also be used.
Tractortrailer rigs maneuver and back up in the same way as vehi-
cles towing car trailers. Sec the rules in Section XI. Car Trailus, sub
SliMing the big rigs' "kingpin" for tongue, and "fifth wheel" for
hitch. At me end of each maneuver. me black dot on me trailer (me
kingpin) mUSl be directly over me black dot on me lractor (the fifth
wheel). The lractor may never make less than a 9O-degree angle wilh
the trailer: if it does. the rig has jackknifed. Roll one die: On a I, 2, or
3, the kingpin breaks and the trailer comes loose.
UltroSkI.., MO\lflment
Atruck making a complicated maneuver in a tight space (e.g., park-
ing or entering a fonified area) will move very slowly. In real life, it
might move at only I mph. For game purposes. 2..5 mph is the slowest
practical speed. This translates to one 1,4" square per tum, moving in
Phase .5.
A rig moving at mis speed should place its speed marker 011 the line
between 0 and .5 mph on the record sheet. On each turn, the tractor may
move as follows:
(a) 1(," straight forward, or
(b) 1''' straight forward and pivot. as per me regUlar vehicle pivot.
(c) pivot without any forward movemenl al all.
The trailer will follow the tractor as per normal movement.
L.oose Trailers
When a fifth wncel is shot off, a kingpin breaks, or a trailer is delib-
eralely released, the trailer will come loose.
If the loose trailer is a true lrailer. wim wheels on Inc front end, treat
it like any other uncontrolled vehicle. It moves forward in a straight
line, deceleraling at .5 mph each turn. It cannot maneuver. Treat it as
having a handling class of I. If it encounters a huard, a roll must be
made as for any otller vehicle, and a "loss of control" result will send it
to Crash Table 2. As long as it does not lose control. any gunllers in the
trailer may fire the trailer's weapons (except lasers, which require the
tractor's power plant).
Semi-trailers, with no from wheels. crash immediately if released
by a moving tractor. The front of the trailer hits the ground, the under-
body front armor takes one die of damage for every 10 mph it is going
when it hitS. and the semi goes to Crash Table 2. Ifby chance it does not
"lose control" at lhat point, it moves in a straight line. decelerating by
1.5 mph at the beginning of every tum and doing more damage. as
above, at the beginning of every tum unlil it Stops. It has a handling
class of - I. Ifthere are gunners in the semi, they will not be able to fire
their ....eapons until it stops. and then only if it is right-side-up.
When a semi hitS the ground, the kingpin breaks; thus. it cannot be
teallached 10 a tractor until the kingpin has been replaced.
6. Crashes and Collisions
Buses and tractors without trailers use the same Crash Tables as cars
if they lose control. When a tractor-trailer rig loses control for any
reason, it goes directly to Crash Table 3.
Otbris and Obstactes
Buses and tractor-trailer rigs treat debris and obstacles the same way
as ten-wheeled lrucks. The road and combat hazards that affect buses
and tractor-trailer rigs (such as losing tires, taking damage from enemy
fire, etc.), are also the same as those that affect ten-wheeled trucks (see
list. p. 39).
Use the collision system detailed for cars in Section IV, Mo\'cmcf/t.
Note how dangerous a fuHy loaded traClor-trailer rig can be, even at
low speeds, due to its high damage modifier.

If you're using the Simplified Collision System, remember that
vehicles of vastly different weighls are not going to bounce equally in a
collision. Use your judgement. A vehicle between 10.000 and 19,999
pounds will do double damage in a collision. Triple the damage if the
vehicle weighs from 20,000 10 39,999 pounds. and quadruple the dam-
age for rigs thaI weigh 40,000 to 80.000 pounds!
Tracoor-trailer rigs and buses can sleamroller smaller vehicles. jus,
like ten-wheelers. But where the ten-wheelers can only steamroller
cycles, the big rigs and buses can also steamroller compactS, SlJbcom-
pacts. and light and medium trikes. Steamrollering a car or trike is a 03
hazard. All omer rules are the same as for ten-.....tleelers.
XIII. Helicopters
Sleek, (lSI, and powerful, heJicopcers cruise the skies of 203.5.
They're noc practical for long-distance travel, but they're the premier
attack and rescue vehicle.s of the age. Like their 2Oth-century counter-
part5. they're rast, versatile, maneuverable, and have the potential (or
heavy firepower and armor. They're also less safe and more cinllltllr:et-
aus than ground vehicles. They're also fairly expensive. But ifyou need
to gel50mewhere fast, or need to go where 110 ground vehicle can CUI ii,
I chopper is the way 10 go.
1. Construction
Helicopters foUow construction rules similar to those for cars. The
important factors are still cost, weight, and space. To build an effective
helicopter. these must be juggled with care.
Helicopters only have five basic types of components; Body style
(which also dcrermIDes tOior diameter), power plant, weapons, armor.
and accessories. HeliCOJMcrs do not have modified chassis, suspension.
or tires. The maximum weight of. helicopter is strictly. function of the
power factors of the power plant (&ee below).
Helicopters come in four basic rypes. NOle that die base handlinj
class goes down udle choppers jet bigger.
engine, in which case the same rulC5 used for car power plants apply, or
by diving (see belOW).
The range of a helicopter with a full charge is 200 miles. This
assumes a cruising speed of 100 mph. 1bese 200 "power units" will
get you further at slower speeds; dley will be used up more rapidly at
higher ones. 1be rules for how speed affCC15 vehicle range are given in
the power plant section of Section Vlli, CDr lh:rigll. Just use 100 mph
as the base speed (using 10 power units for 10 miles traveled), and n-
lend \he lable from Firing a lax, also drains power uniu - see
the same section, A power plant charge takes 10 minu(cs at any power
station or Inlck stop that can accommodate a chopper, and costs $250.
Helicopters need armor in six locations: Front, back, left, right, top,
and bottom. TIle main roIOr and the stabilizing rotor are not protected
by armor. All the usualtype5 ofarmor are available for helicoplef1, and
mixing types is not allowed.
Bod, Typo Nonn. FP lR LRFP
(Slwt) (SJwt) (Sfwt) ($Iwt)
One-man 16/8 32/8 17.618.8 40/8.8
Small 20/10 40/10 22/11 SOIlI
Standard 30114 60114 33/15.4 75/15.4
Transport 35/17 70/17 38.5/18.7 87.5118.7
Power Plant C",' Weight
DP Power
Mini $10,000 2.500 8 16
Small $15,(0)
3.000 10 20 8.000
S"",,,ro $20,000 3.500 13 26 14,(XX)
Super $21.000 4.000 16 32 20,(XX)
Acceleration for helicopters is computed differently than for cars, as
a signifICant part of their power goes toward merely staying off the
ground. If a helicopler power plam's (actors are less than the helicopter's
weiiht, it is underpowered and won't lift off; if die factors are atlClA
equal to its weight but less than one and a halftimes its weight, its accel-
eration is 5 mph on the straijhtaway; if the factors are one and a half
times its weight or more, acceleration is 10 mph on the straightaway.
The maximum speed of a helicopter with a Mini power plant is 180
mph; die other three plants have a maximum speed of 200 mph. These
maximum speeds call be ellcee<!ed for short bursts, by pushing its
The numbers in parentheses under "Spaces" indicales die amount
of carlO the chopper can carry. Spaces designale<l for cargo Canno! be
used for helicopter components (except where noted below).
"ROIor OP" indicaleS the number ofdamage points the helicopler's
rotors have. The flrs! number is for \he main rotor; the second is for the
Stabilizing rotor.
1lte one-man helicopler can be purchased in a "stowaway" fonnat.
For an extra $1,000, you can purchase a one-man modellhat can be
broken down into component parts. It has a hinjed fuselage and folding
roIors. and fits into any cargo area holding 13 spaces. n.e breakdown
process lakes a 1001 !cit and 15 minules. Assembly takes the same
amoutll of time (and also requires a tool ltit).
Power PlDnts
Helicop:ers use the same fuel-eell tcchnology as cars, trucks, and
cycles. Helicopter power plants can only be used in helicopters,
oowever - they arc specifICally desijned for the types of power loads
that flyinj demands, and are unsuited for other types of duties.
Body size
24(+ 11)
Rotor OP
Weapons work for helicopters pretty much the same way they do for
land vehicles. There are certain differences in mountinjs, methods of
aiming, and 50 on, but all of the weapons available to ground vehicles
are usable for helicopters. (Two ....-elpOns - the bomb and the cluster
bomb - are usable only by helicopters. Full stats appear with the rest of
the weapons.) Noce that dropped weapons won't be as useful. Paint
sprays and smokescreens operale normally, bur a helicopter has 10 be
within 7lh feel - Ih" in game scale - of the ground for oil sprays,
spikedroppers, and minedroppers to work; above that altitude, the oil,
spikes, and mines spread out 100 much to be effective.
Vehicular weapons may be mounted on a helicopter's front, back,
sides, and bonom. Turrets can only be bottom-mounted. A tutTCt may
fire as a left., right-, front-, or back-mounted weapon, and is protected
by armor. Side- and bottom-mounted weapons may be mounted
in cltgo space. Back-mounlCd weapons musl be taken from ClfIO
space, if the chopper has catHo space 10 begin with.
Arcs of fire must be considered three-dimensionaJly - see "Com-
bat," below, for a full explanation.
,., w1e variet)' of spec\al equipmmt is available fo, helkoptcn.
Nearly every accessory listed in section VUI, OJr Dtsigll can also be
mounlcd on a helicopter - with some obvious exceptions, like v.theel-
guards. What follows is a lisl of accessories that can OfIly be used in
Winch: I space, 100 Ibs" $.500, lOP. WincheJ are rt'IC(;hanisms
which haul up cargo and peri'lOnllel on SIOUt cables. 1bey muSl be
mounted on a side with a door (or in the bottom, in the case of a heli-
copter with a bomb bay), and may only be used when that door is open.
The machine consists of a revolving drum mechanism and a 9O-foot (6"
game scale) cord. The mechanism is capable of supporting 4,000
pounds. The rt'IC(;hanism safety reels out \he cord at I"fsewnd; it will
reel it in at I "/second if the weight attached is less than 1.000 lbs.,
Jh "/second if the weight is 1,000-1,999 Ibs., and 14"/second if the
weight elIceeds 2,000 Ibs. The cable takes I person and 3 seconds (6
seconds in !he case of a vehicle or similar-siz.ed object) to allach to the
object in queSlion. Example: Ahovering helicopter can lower onecrew-
man 90 feet in sill seconds. That crewman takes another three seconds
to attach the cable 10 another character being rescued, and then the
winch mechanism takes another 6 seconds to reel the two of them up. If
he'd attached it to a heavy motorcycle, it would take longer.
The winch cable can only be hit by weapons that can make "area ef-
fecI" attacks (that is, machine guns, flamethrowers, and lasers). Under
those circumstances, il has lOOP, and is -8to hit.
Ptrsonol Parodwlt: 2 grenade equivaknt, 20 Ibs. 15 cargo, S2OO, 4
OP. Personal pat'llChutes are used when people bail out of aircraft. (A
bails OUI by moving his counter 10 a square which is 1101 consid-
ered floored - i.e., be SlCpS OUI of the door, or through the bomb bay.)
Fallina tltes aredescribed later, but a plrac:hute: will not aetivllle in lime
10 save a character unless he bailed out at an altitude of 20" or higher.
The plrxhUIC opens ODee the charxler has falka for 16", brake.s the
cbancter's descenI fOC" the Dex14", and then acts as a hang-glider (see
"Peculiar Equipmmt." bek;lw). An open parachule may only be
damaged by a f'1amelhrower; however, 11 is +3 to be hit due 10 ilSlarae
Vti1Jn,lar Parochuus: 3 spaces, ISO Ibs. 51,500. 4 OP. Vehicular
pl.tlChute:s opetlte in much the same way as personal parachutes, bul
are u.sed when dropping large Ctltes of supplies or lCluai vehicles.
Vehicles up 10 2,000 Ibs. can be dropped by vehicular parachute. They
can only be operated successfully from a height of 30" or more. open-
ing after 20" of fall, and acting like hang glmrs after another 10".
They are +4 to be hit with flamethrowers.
Skids; No weighl, space, or cost. Skids are standard equipment on
helk<lp(ers; all helicopters have a pair of skids 10 land on. Targeting a
skid is at -8, and their OP varies - 8 OP each for a one-man or small
chopper, and 12 OP each for a standard or transpon helicopter.
Skid Srrmhtn: No spaces. 25 lbs., $3CXl, 2 OP, Skid Sltetchers are
man-sized cylinders mounted 10 a hdicopter's skids for the PUrp:l5C of
carrying exttl people. Each one adds ODe space of room 10 a helicopter,
but thai space cannoc. be used 10 weapons. Skid stretchers are
unarmored and thus defcose'ess, and Ire tlrgelCd IS though they were
pedestrians (-3 10 hit),
PO#UOOfIS: No spaces, SO lbs.. S5OO, 7 OP. Pontoorl:S are skid
mounts which enable a helic:oplcr 10 land on water. If one or both pon-
IlXlIlS are destroyed, a helicopter mat has landed on water hasonly
turnS to take off again - after Ihat the chopper will have sunk 100 far 10
pull itself out; it will be completely underwater in anocher 10 turns.
PonIooos are targeted III a - 3.
80mb Boy. I space, 100 Ibs" 51,000. Bomb bays are bottom-
mounted doors through which large equipmetK can be dropped. (Note
that a heliccJJ*r does not hive to have a bomb bay to usc bombs. Bombs
can be installed outside the chopper, or have !heir own little doors -
used only for mal bomb.) The bomb bay doors are actually the heH-
copier's bonom armor; when they are open, the helicopter effectively
has no bottom armor. Toopco the bomb bay doors, one crewman of the
helicopter must ac:tivale them (which counts as a firing action); at the
end of the next tum, they are Dp(-n. The same sequence is used 10 close
2. Movement
Helicopter movement is more varied than ground movement -
there are three dimensions to keep track of instead of two. For each
helicopter, you muS! keep a i1Cfalchpad fW)rd of the chopper's alti-
tude, measured in quarters of an inch in game scale. This height de.sig.
DI\C$ where the bottom of the helicopter is al any given lime (0" being
oa the around).
AC't't'wrorion and Dtwrorion
A hovering helicopter (thai is, one mal is not attempting 10 chanae
its altitude lip or down) moves forwatd in I" inc:rcmenlS on pfwes
ItIown for its speed - jus! like cars. Hel)c:opce:r1i ac:ceierate on the
straiahlaway like cars: AI the beginning of each tum, helicopters re!iC1
their speeds, move their record counlers to !he appropriate speed blanks
Ol'Ithe Movement Olan, and then move during the phases indicated on
the chan. Two rates of ac:celeration Ire available 10 helic:oplers - 5
mph or 10 mph. Ahelic:opler can ac:celetlte more quickly by diving (see
If a helicopter exceeds 200 mph - by pushing its power plant or by
diving - find its curren! speed minus 100 mph on the speed chan.
Move the vehicle in the phascs indicated for that speed, but acid I" of
movement 10 each phase. Thus, a vehicle at 240 mph would move 2" in
phase I, 3" in phase 2, 2" in phase 3,3" in phase. 4, and so on.)
Ahelicopter may decelerate Sor 10mph per tum safely. It may liso
dealerate IS mph in a tum, but musl immediately roll on the Helicopter
Crash Table (see below).
CUmblng and Diving
In order 10 climb, a helicopter sacrifICes 'h" of forward movement
to climb"'''. That is, a hel)ropter which has the option of moving 2"
forward could instead move I 'h" forward and climb"''', or move I"
forward and climb W', A helicopter may not climb If. more than W'
per tum. To climb straighl up, a helicopter should set its speed II 10
mph, and then conven mal I" of forward movemenl inlO ofclimb-
ina each tum.
In order to take off, a helMxJper must (a) spend turns WInning
up, kicking the rotors up 10 flight: speed; (b) go throuah one tum II
speed 0 ....'hile starting the liftoff; and (c) go to whateVer speed its .ooel-
eration indica1es to Start the hftoff. If the acceleration is 05, the vehicle
may only climb "" the fmt tum, If the -e:c:eleration is 10, the vehicle
may either climb 'II" or 1TIO\o'e forward 'h" and c:Iimb "". Ahel)c:opce:r
on the ground - but not switched off - may Slay in its warm-up mode,
and thus only take one second al speed 0 before taking off,
A helicopter may acc:eletlle more quickly by diving. A lOO-IICep
dive can have disastrous effects, but I shlUowdive can safely increase a
veh)cle's speed. A helic:opler must spend a fun se<:ond divin&, movina
IS many inches as its current speed indicates. TIle player specifies how
much Iititude will be lost during a tum, within. ceruin limitations
(described below). For every Y:!" of altitude 10Sl, the helicopter picks
up S mph of forward speed during the acceleration phase of the next
A helicopter must accelerale intO I dive - the pilot ClIl't simply go
from level night to I 6O-foot dive Ind pick up 40 mph of speed, all in
one 500d. Ahelioopler can pick up 10 mph/tum ofaccelefltion whik:
diving. above and beyond the helicopter's normal acceleration. Keep
trICk of how much speed is picked up through diving, 1$ this will have
to be offset when the chopper pulls out of the di,e.
A belic.opcer pulls out of I dive by lppIying some of its forvn.rd
movement speed toward increasing altitude - with *.. movemenllift-
ing the vehicle "'''. However hehc:qxer "'illch has been diving for
speed must offset the dive nile before begiMing to climb. 'The dive I1lle
is reduced by 5 mph for every .. of "climb:' Nole: Fo""..rd speed
slows ...hen the chopper pulls out of I di'e.
For enrnple. I diving chopper his glined 35 mph of speed beclUse
of the dive. losing 3 .. of altitude per second. Now. its pilot ....1I\lS to
pull oot of the dive. But he can'I Just "stop diving" - he has to "gain
altitude" to offset the dive. Pulling out of the dive au in one rum would
put 100 much SIlU5 on the copter and tear it apart. A player with I div-
ing helicopcer can only pw I" of movement per tum toward c1imbing-
thus, the chlracter goes to I 30 mph dive It the end of the first second,
2S mph It the end of the second, 20 at the end of the third, and so on
until it is al level nighl II the end of the seventh tum.
A helic:opler can lose altitude wilhout diving, al the rate of *" per
tum. Such a descenl does 1101 affect the chopper's speed at all.
In lenns of game mechanics. maneuvering helicopters is just lilce
maneuvering cars. During each of movemenl phases. I helicopter
player may specify I maneuver for the Ctlft. Each maneuver his its
own diffJCully class. which reduces the hel)copter's handling Slilus for
the rum.
A helicopter's initial handling class is detennined by the size ohhe
helicopter. and is mcxIifJCd by the pilol's rdb roll. which is in rum
mcxIifJCd by the Pilol skill. Pilot + I adds I to the reflex roll. +2 adds
2, ecc. Without the NOl still, a charw:ter can barely Start a helicoptcr.
much less ny one. The base HC of a hehcopu:r. plus any bonuses the
pilot has in the Pilot still, determines the amount the chopper's handling
Sllrus is advanced on the handling track II the beginning of each tum.
This is the same system used for cars. For a more complete discussion,
see Section V,
A helicopter Clll make the following maneuven:
StfW'gN This can be done wbile climbing or dropping;
HC is ROC adjusted.
DiW/!. This; is a 01 maneuver in any pbaseduring which the chopper
moves forvn.rd 2" or more.
Coordinoud TImt. This is exae:tly like I "swerve" for can, and is a
01 maneuver.
Vft'r. This is exae:tly like "bend" for can (see diagrun be:ktw),
and isa 03 maneuver. Ira chopper moves 2" in a phase. the veer takes
place during the second inch.
Shift. This is lilce I "drift" for cars. and is I 01 maneuver,
Drift. This is also I 03 maneuver (soc diagram below), and is simi-
lar 10 the car's "steep dnft."
Rotau. This is a 02 maneuver (see diagram), and is. fast: means of
ruming around, It Clll only be done iflhe chopper is moving 20 mph or
less. On each movement phase. move the helicopler in the direction it
had previously been heading, but rotate it up to 90 degrees. AI the end
of two phases. it is facing in the opposite direction to its original move-
ment (see Fly Backl'l'Ords. below). Helicopters moving 0 and 5 mph
may l'Ooue as well, turning 90 degrees each phase.
Fly Bod:wards. This has few tactical advantages except for aerial
maneuvering and IIkeoffs in uncomfonable circumswx:es. A heli-
copter may fly bacb"lrds up 10 20 mph; I helicopter nying backwards
may perform the same maneuvers described above. al +01 at 5 or 10
mph. and +0211 IS or 20 mph.
These are the only maneuven belic:qJters are anowed 10 1tIempl:.
Tighter maneu"ers would a helicqxer 10 too much suus and
tear it apan.
Helicopters check for oonuol in the same Wrj as other vehicles.
CrossiodeJl; the handling status or the chopper with its speed on the
I , I ! I
-Crifting RotatIng
_I I I I I I I I I I

- -



Veering----;; 1/



Control Table. If a control roll is called for, roll the die. Ifyou lose con-
trol, add the appropriate modifier from the Control Table and roll on
the Helicopter CI1IsIt Table.
Hazards affect helicopters immediately, as they occur, decreasing
the chopper's handling status.
Some sample hazards:
Colliding with another aircraft or vehicle: 04.
Enemy fire, doing 1-5 points of damage: DI.
Enemy fire, doing 6-9 points of damage: 02.
Enemy fire, doing 10 or more points of damage: 03.
Stabilizing fO(or destroyed or failed: 04.
Pilot injured or killed: D2.
Helicopters crash in two ways: One is simply to lose control; the
other is to run into something (whether flying horizontally or flllling
venically). The Helicopter Crash Table refers to the first. (Of course,
you will eventulllly run into SOffie solid object if you don't regain con-
Helicopter Cre.n Table
-I, 0, I - Involuntary drift. The helicopter performs a drift
maneuver in the direction it was maneuvering loward, and loses
14 ,. altitude. (If it was flying straight. roll randomly for the
direction off the drift - 1-3 left, 46 right).
2, 3 -Involuntary vur. The helicopter executes a veer maneuver in
the direction of its last maneuver (if flying straight, roll randomly
as above) and loses W' altitude.
4,5 - Se\'tre veer. The helicopter executes a veer maneuver in the
direction of its last maneuver. It loses I" of altitude. Weapons
fire is al a -3 this turn.
6,7 - Diving Iur. The helicopter executes a veer in the direction
of its last maneuver. It loses 1 of altilude and is considered
diving at 10 mph. In addilion, on the following movement phase
of the helicopler, it mus, perform a drift in the direction of the
veer or it will automatically continue the veer. The handling dif-
ficulty due to that drift will not count against handling. Weapons
fire is forbidden during the diving veer. Check for rotor failure,
as described below.
8,9 - Spinout. The vehicle turns 90 to its flight-path at the end of
the phase, in the direction of its last maneuver. Check for rotor
failure. On its next phase, the helicopter will automatically go
into a diving veer. Weapons fire is prohibited.
10 and above - RoIOrs fail automatically.
It is highly unlikely that a helicopter will be higher than 117". but if
it happens, extrapolate from the chart. Note that unless a helicopter is
flying level or climbing when it enters free-fllll, there will be additional
downward speed in the collision. If a chopper was already dropping
a turn (that's 35 mph), when the rotors filii, add that 35 mph to the
final free-fall collision speed. Always round to the lower speed ifth('
distance rlllien is between two of the "Total Distance" numbers.
Example: Trying to pull out of II too-Sleep dive, a helicopter blows
its control roll really badJy and loses its rotors. At the moment the fO(ors
were lost, it was traveling downward al a speed of3O mph and was 14"
off the ground. On the table above, 14" is between 2111.1" and 13", so
we use the 13" line - when the chopper hits the ground, it will have a
reefal! speed of 65 mph. Then add in the chopper's downward speed of
30 mph, and we get a collision with the ground at 95 mph. This is likely
to hurt. A lot.
Most collisions (flying into buildings, diving into the ground, even
hitting another helicopter) will destroy the rotors automaticlllly. An ex-
ception might be a situation where the bottom halfofa chopper clips the
roof of a building. The referee is the final arbiter of such situations.
Any time a helicopter crashes or performs a stressful maneuver as
indicated on the Helicopter Crash Table, a RQ(or Check must be made.
1bere is the possibility that the rotors will fail - breaking, in the case of
a maneuver, snapping off, in the case of a collision. Note: A spinning
rotor blade will do 4<16 damage to whatever it hits.
Rotor Check
Roll two dice:
2-7 - No effect. RolOrs are still in working order.
8-10 - Rotors damaged. Roll on this table every turn during the
speed-setting phase, and consider any result of "rolOrs damaged" to
mean "rotors fail."
11-12 - ROiors fail. Hehcopter drops like a stone. Bon voyage.
Helicopter is moving 80 mph - 120 mph: +I
Helicopter is moving 121 mph - 160 mph: +2
Helicopter is moving 161 mph - 200 mph: +3
Helicopter is moving over 200 mph: +4
Engine damaged: + I
Rotor damaged by weapons fire: +4
If a helicopter's engine fails but its rotors are still intact, it has a
chance of descending safely. Forward momentum slows by 5 mph/tum,
and the copter drops '/tum. The helicopter player must roll on the
Helicopter Crash Table at the beginning of every tum.
3. Combat
When a helicopter strikes another object (including the ground), cal-
culate the speed of collision and assess damage in the usual manner.
When an object is in free-fall (which is what happens when the rotors
fail), the speed of the chopper when it hits the ground is a function of
how rar it's fallen. The force of gravity is 32 feet/second/second,
which, in game scale, translates into something between 2" and 214"
per second per second. Use the following table to determine free-fall
Free-Fall Camese Table
Time Elapsed Distance Total Distance
1st second
2nd second
3rd second
5th second
6<h "",,'"
7th second
8th second
9th second
10th second

1914 "

3214 "
96 \Ai "
20 mph
45 mph
65 mph
8S mph
110 mph
125 mph
ISO mph
170 mph
190 mph
215 mph
Helicopter CQmbat is the same as ordinary vehicular combat - with
the added complication of a third dimension, of course.
Location of Damage
As with cars, helicopters can take damage in a variety of locations.
If front armor is hit, the front armor takes damage, then whatever was
behind it, then whatever was behind that, and so on. To determine what is
behind helkopter armor in the various locations, check the folloWing lists:
Front: Front armor; front-firing weapons: pilot or co-pilot/gunner;
eJeclronjcs bay; motor; cargo; back weapons; back armor.
Back: As above, but in reverse order.
Right: Right armor (door); right-firing weapons: roll between pilot,
co-pilot/gunner, electronics, bay, motor, and cargo; left-firing weap-
ons; left armor (door).
Left: As above, but in reverse order.
Bouam: Bottom armor: bottom weapons; roll between cargo,
motor, electronics bay, pilOt, or co-pilot/gunner: top anner.
Top: As above, but in reverse order.
Skids, pontoons, main rotors, and stabilizing fO(ors must be targeted
individually. They will never be hit as part of another attack.
Skids are a -8 to hit; pontoons are a - 3. If one or both skids or
pontoons are destroyed, the helicopter will tip gracelessly on one side
(one die damage to that sKle) when it lands, and the main rotor will break.
The stabilizing rotors Ind main mors Ire I - 6to hit. If they Ire hit.
roll one die. On I 6. the rotor takes 2 hil$ofdamage. Otherwise, it takes
I - DO matter what weapon was used. This il becaU5e most of the effect
of any weapon Ittack upon I rocor will go into eropey lir. If the main
toeor is destroyed, the helk:opler drops. If the stabilizing toeor il
destroyed, the helK:opter gocs into an involuntary and unending series
of Rotate maneuvers, whkh will only cease when the
helicopter lands The pilot muSt make I control roll during the first
movement phase of every tum, and the belk:opter's rcuting maneuvers
do count l8ainSt its handhna class.
Arcs of Flrr
In combat, I helicopccr may target anythina within its In:: of fire. It
may be wgeted by In ItlalCker who is within the theoretical line of fire
of one of its sides, and on that side only. In other words, if a helK:opter
can target I vehicle with its right sm, the target vehicle can flTC upon
the helicopter's right side in return. If the helicopter can taraet with
both its underside and left side, the target may return fire upon both
underside and left side, IS it chooses.
Ground vehicles suffer some arc-offire probltms when Ittacking
helicopters. For eumple, a front-mounted weapon ClrtOOt target !lOme
thing directJy overhead, Vdliculat weapons can laJld any object tha! i.
flrther away m.n the difference in their lititudes. That is, if Helicopter
A is in Car 8's norma.IltC offlTC. and is S" lway and 4" up, Car 8 can
hit it. If, however, II is 4" IWI)' -S S" up, Car 8 CIMOl hit it.
If two vdUcles arc at different altitudes .&::Ilheir two ranac: modi
[.ers qether to Jel the COtnlCt rqe modulCr for the shot. The point
blank range moc:hfter is only u.scd if both ranges arc point blank
Eumples: '1'be taraet is 7" ,wl)' (-I ranae modifier to hil) and 6"
up (also -I). The ltU1 ranae modifter is - 2. The taraet is 10" lway
(-2) and 6" up (-I). The. total range modiflCr is - 3. The. target is 4"
aWIY (1'10 mod.) and \11" up (point blank). Because both rangC-5're not
poinl blank, ignore lhe one point blank result and change it to "00 mod-
ifler." The tOI&1 range modifier is O. The target is I" aWlY (point
blank) Ind tA, up (also point blank). Because both ranges are point
blank, the point blank modifier is in effect: +4.
Hand-hcld and tripod-mounted weapons effectively have no Irc-of-
fire problems - they may be pointed II any waC-!, no matter the Ingle
of ftre.
If the vettical dl..StlnCe between I ground vehtde and a helicopt.er is
ctelter than the horittlnw di5tance - 7" up and only 2" lway, for u
ample - the car could only hit the bonomofthe chopper. and then only
with a top-mounttd \lr'e1p)Cl or I weapon in I unlversaltutTCl. The. heli
oopcer coukl only tar.,eI the. car's lOp, Idd coWd only USIt: botuJm
mounled weapons or wcaponJ in a bottomrnounced uni\'Crsal fUme.
Droppina a bomb is essentially I I'Mdom Ittack. If the to-hit roll is
I'IQI. made, the bomb couklland just about anywbc:re. Fint. ima.gine a
crosshairs over the intended WJC-t and roD one die to see which way !be
bomb '<lleal:
1 - OnlirIC verticaDy, bul to the left.
2 - On-liDe vertically, but to the fi&ht.
3 - Online horizontally, but above the spot.
4 _ On-line horizontally, but below the spoI.
S - To the left or righl (roll randomly), and above the .sp:X.
6 - To the left or righl (roll randomly), and below the lpoe.
In order to detennine how far orr target the bomb WI', another die
roll is required: If the bomb WIS dropped from a height of I" to 10".
roll one die, and Wt'S how many inches the bomb missed by in each
direction. (Malee sepan.te tolls if it', off in more than one direc!toQ). If
the bomb was dropped from I heighl of 10.1" 10 15", me distance is
Id+3 inches. From a height of IS.I" to 20", the distance is 2d+3.
From I heiaht of20.I" or higher, the distance is 4 dice. A bomb cannot
miss many direcOOa by I distance ,reater than the height from ...tueh it
was dropped.
Another handy thin,a helicopter can do durinl cornbl.t is "dust" a
ground vdlkle. If a helicopter drops to within I" of a ground II1'1e1
over any temin but the most scrupulously clean ItcnI asphalt, the area
is "dusted" - the rotors kick up I nasty cloud of duSl. an.vel, In.sh,
and other materials, with the basic effect of. very Iltae smokescreen.
Put. smokescreen counter directly under the hehcopler over a by
I" area. This cloud sllyS under the helicopter as long as it's within I"
of the around, moving wherever it moves. and is otherwise liIce
smokescreen in all respects. The "dusting" extend! Upwlrd
the ground.
4. Peculier Equipment
Hat1I Gtlderf
lUna aJidetJ are unpowered ,liden Illhicb can Idd me nyer. A
pilot must take off from I height and dive in order 'D Khieve !be tpeed
DCOeSSat)' 10 keep the glider movinj;. The. glider pOOl runs at full 5peed
for the edge of I 5O-foot (about aune scale) or hig.ber cliff or
building side and launches himself into the lir. Along the StrIiPllway.
gliders fly It an Iverase of 20 mph. They have I handlin& clus of 2.
They observe the same diving and climbina rules IS helicopters, bul
stili II IS mph; I stalled glider mUst inunediltely dive again to achieve
I Slfe speed. Gliders depend on updrafts to climb and to stay in the air
- it is up to the referee: to determine where such updftfts will be'(if
they're there at all) and how WOOs they'll be. Hang &ikltrs may per
fonn Veer and Drift maneuvers, bill nol the Rotate maneuver. IfI chop.
per flies over I hang gHder within 3" the lurbulence thus caused is a D6
The Grushopper is an lana:mmon c:ombinltioft ofheliooplet and..1:1-
mobile. A Grusbopper COftSists of a mid-sized or 1l,lXW')' car body
which is modifXd (for SIS,OX) extJ'll) aca:xnmoda%e tpe:cial helicopflcr
equipment. This equipmerw. consists of 1 llidin, roof J*lC.I (no turms
may be mounted on a Grushopper) from which emetics I fokling fOIDr
atl8Chment. The. rocor Ittaclunent take. oae full tum to ICtivllC, during
which time the roof pand slides brick, and the J'OIOtS emelJe and snap
out to their full length. The rOlOts must spin for three turns, and on the
fooM tum the Grasshopper takes off It the rate of acceleration deter
mined by the helicopter molor VI. weight rules lbove. A Grasshopper
has an acceleration of S on the around. Grasshoppers mlY uSC- only
mini- or smallhelicople.r power pllntS. The plant take.s the normal nwn
ber of spKCS, plus I spaoc for the extra rotOr equipment. Driver Kill is
necessary monkr 10 drive I Gn.sshopper 00 land; Pilot slcill is nooes-
saty for use in the lir. Once: in the air, the Gtushopper behaves eucdy
like a helicopter; the rotor and the JCabillz.in& toIor (which pop; eM of
the uvnk) are each -6 to be hit. The main roeor has SOP, the .tabj]jz
inJ rotorlw ) DP. The haslhaDdJin,dwof2 in the air.
XIV. Scenarios
Many different kinds of OJr Won scenarios Ire possible. Before I
game. then, you must decide what son of scenario you WIDI 10 play:
(a) What typeJ of vehkks will be used? You may limit players to
liven budget for each car given size:. weight, CIC. or there may be DO
limits II IU. You may aim wlm to give etch player I large budget
($40,(0) is llood number) and allow as many or as few vehicles as the
player chooses to Crelte within that budaet.
(b) Will this be. roed combat, city fig.ln. or ltena blttle? Or will it
be klmdhing even more bizarre, like an off-road or I light ira
parking Sarage? J( it's noI nd combll, you'll have 10 get. map -
either drawyour oown, use one of the maps pf'O\Iidcd. or use one from I
published Ctu supp!emeDl.. You'U abo need 10 delennine each
vehkle's scaning position Md ..run. tpeed.
(c) Will !here be rderee? A referee is never raecessary. but the
1l'JOR: playen there Ire, the more useful one becomes. Abig scenario is
faster-mcwing and more fun with referee to provide scenario t.dr.-
artJUDd. sporucaster commentary. and atbitntion.
The rderee serves three funt6ons: He is the fmaljudgeoftbc rWes.
makina; sure the pta)'crs Ire usi.na leBa! designs and settling any rules
disputes that come up; he keeps the movement chart, telling each vehi-
cle \...'ben 10 move, and moves vchides m. are out of ((XItrol; and he
suves u the arena rrwter in arena sc:erwios, drlwing the m8p, .setting
die &round rules. and a.."..roing the prizeJ. Refereeina can be IS much
fun u plIyina.
(d) Will there be III)' roId hazardI (e.g. will the debris-littered rOId
xctioas be used) or will wuther conditions be bed (e.g., rIin)?
(e) Will pll)'ers get to see eICh others' record sbcelS before pll)'. or
wiU !hey find out euctI)' whit weapons are CIrried. and where. "the
hIfd Wly" - U their chal'lCters see them used?
Once the ground rules are sec. go to it! Here are some ideas:
1. Road Scanarioa
To pia)' III)' of the I'OId lICenlfios, )'ou'lI need the road sections pro-
vided in this sec. To begin, sec up just IS many rOId sections as you need
to get aned; then, 15 the ICtion moves off one road section, px::k it up
md pllCt it in front of the oncoming trlffle. Ahigh"""y could goon for-
ever usinB this method! You can also overlap the sections to simulate
intersections, entrance ramps, tighter curves, or anything else)'ou can
come up with.
Rood Duel
Atwo-player rold combat- one car each. Each player gets a fixed
budget ($10,000 and $IS,OOO are both good) to pick one car from the
sample vehicle lisl (see Section XV) - or. for advanced pllyers, to cus-
I)mizc I car. Players roll randomly to see which Clf Slarts in front. Roll
aalin (two dice) to determine arong dislanCe: 210 12 inches. Both cars
SlUt out going the same direction It 60 mph. Winner is tbc survivor.
Vlriant: Each time I new road st<:ttcn is placed, roll one dte. On a
6, I debris-litlered road section is used, adding I little spice 10 the com-
Pack Attock
Al'NO-pllyer I'OId cornbllt. One player gelS 525,000 to pick (or cus-
tomize) I smale vehicle. The other player gets $30,000 and;nust pick
(or ClJ.5tOmize) It least .s cycles. The Jone vehicle starts out with I 12"
lead. with all vehides doing 80 mph. The cycle$ win if they destroy the
lone vehicle, and win decisively if they kill the driver but kave his vehi
de drivable. The M)ne vel\icle wins if (I) the cycles are destroyed, (b) he
can increase his kid to 30" and no cycle has accekratioo greater than
his; or (1;) he to tnvel five sca)e miles (that's 1,760", or
146'S") to town and safety.
VwiInt: TVo'O cycle plIyers get $1.5,000 each f 3 or more cycles
each. Only one cycle pla)'er can win, but to do so he must cooperate
with the other cycle player until the car is desuoyed or crippkd.
Varianc: The klne player gets I bus or tnetorftniJer rig worth
SlK>,ooo, and the pKk player Sell $120.000 wonh of cars aDd cycles.

nlls il a daring hijack Ittempt - most gangs don't tnCS5 with the big
rigs. Same victory conditions Ipply as in the basic: scenario.
2. Arana Combat
Patup5 the most popular form of uoduelling is the highly organized
American Autoduel Auociltion ducJling circuit. Arena battles ptt
drivers in u flir I situltiorl as can be devised, so that Vtdory is bI.sed OCI
skill, DOt the unfair advantage of numbers or better eqWpmmt.
The MDA S,sum
The American Autoducl Association grades duelling by
their IOtIl cost. Hand ""'Capons carried by a vehick's crew do not count
lOWUd this COSt, but body armor does. Vehicles costing up to 15,000
compete In Division S; those cosung from SS,lXXlto $9,999 are 10 Divi-
sion 10; $10,000 to $14.999 vchicles Ire in Division IS. The AADA
also sponsors competition In Div. 20, Div. 2.5, Div. 30, and Unlimlled
Clau (for "chICIeS cosung $30,CXX> or more).
No maner the division, some roles Ire always enforced. There will
be at least one (aDd usually several) "safe lines." A safe line. is U$UIlIy
across each opening back to the pits, and is occasionally found else-
where. A vehicle or pedestrian that CI'OS5CS I safe line is removed from
combat - firina It I target across a safe line is a foul that usually results
in disqualincation. Anyone foul enough to fire on combatants who hive
crossed the safe line is usually suspended from appearing in AADA
events - permanently for repeat offenders.
You do not have!o accept an opponent's surrender. As long 15 he: is
on the Irena floor, you can legally blast him to hamburger. But duellists
who do no! accept surrenders acquire I reputation among their fellows,
and don'! live very long.
There are arenas all over Nonh America, and every one is different.
Some are simply flat, open spaces; others feature odd buildings and
obslacles; still others resemble racetracks more than arenas. MI1IY
facilities were convened from existing structures, and that affects what
the arena looks like. Arenls have been buill on the site of shopping
malls, airpons, racetraCks, Ind enlire lbandoned towns. Any of the
maps supplied with this game can be treated as I deserted area and used
u an arena.
Setting up III Irena evenl is simple. Establish a money limit, and lIly
other limits you wish to impose (e.g., cycles only, no wgetinS com-
puters. no lisen, only one perJOn per vehicle), make sure each com-
batant's desiifl follows the ground rules, and turn them loose! The sur-
vivor is the winner. Winners of Irena events usually get the salvage
value of Illy vehicles they knock out, plus I purse of between Ind
ISO" of the total yalue of the vehicles involved.
AmQtftlr Nilhr
This is the very best """y to get stlned in autoduclling. Amateur
Nights are sponsored by TV ftCtworks, which give duelling vehicles to
the combatanu in exchange for !heir panicipation. The can Ire rarely
worth over 56,000 M $7,000, but for I character ..flo's broke, it's the
only way IOto the hlBb-glamour world of lutoduelling. Each combatant
getS an identical vehicle (usually I stOCk vehicle - the driver CIII make
minor modifICations, like changing weapon and armor placemetlll).
Vehjcles triter the lreNllImultancously, from different trltt'InCeS, 1120
mph. Vehicles may leave any tlme after 30 sooonds hive passed. but
may not 1be wumcr IS the survivor with the highest prestige
(see Section VII, CotthJlllmg CMrodm). A driver keeps his car If he
gets OU! ""Ith II, plus be geu the sal....e value of hIS kills.
3. At the Truck Stop
Also included in the OJr Wart SCI is a map of a typical forti
fied truCk stop. It offers a variety of services, from food and power all
the WIY up to major repair. An establishment like this is often the
strongest bastion of law and order on !he longer suelChe$ of highway.
II's the equivalent of a medieval tavern: A safe place 10 spend the night
sharing drinks and stories.
The map can be used as B combat arena without further prepa11ltion.
However. it's much more fun when you "stock" il with characters,
weaponry, loot, and situations. Some basic data to get you started:
Within the counyani is an old artillery piece to provide counter-
battery fire if anyone attempts to shell the tnIck stop from a distance. It
requires a crew of two. It can fire once every 10 turns; it does 8 dice
damage on a direct hit and 3 dice damage in a 3" burst radius. Each
shot weighs 301bs. and costS $ISO. Its range is approximately 12 miles!
Its base to-hit number is 13. However, there is no modification for
range, up to maximwn, and if a "spoiler" has the target in view, it can
get a sustained fire bonus of + I per shot, down to a minimum of 6 for a
stable target, or 9 for one moving no more than JO mph. (Even with a
sponer, faster targets would be hit only by blind luck.) Acounter is sup-
plied for players who want a second artillery piece.
Galthouse. A small building designed to control the gates and ex-
amine anyone wanting entry - though, except in times of trouble, the
truck stop is open to everyone except obVlouS riffraff.
Power building. Contains the giant storage haneries used to
Wheels 1'$. Walken
Cycle gangs tearing into Midville usually got shot to pieces. If it
wasn't the cops doing the shooting, il was the anned civilians' protec-
tion group, the Midville Organization for Neighborhood Defensive
Ordnance (MONDO). And if it was neither cops or MONDOs, it was
the town's die-hard pro autoduellists. Somelimes it was all three.
Once il was none of the three, and that's when the trouble saned-.
On July 23, Black Jesse's Crusaders ripped through the city and out
again before any guns could be brought to bear on them, In passing,
they shot down an overhead crosswalk and the six pedestrians on it. 1be
citizens blamed the duellists and cops for the lack of protection.
On July a casual remark by an autoduellist ignited tempe1'5,
resulting in the bloody Beer Brawl. Joc's Oil Pump, a tavern thai
catered to duellists and their fans, was burned to the ground.
On the morning of the 29th, a pitched battle in the Midville Duel
Arena parking lot resulted in several deaths and the total destroetion of
one vehicle. There were now three camps: Wheels vs. Walkers, with
police trying to ignore the whole thing and concentrate on "rcal prob-
4. City Fights
Included in the IHluxt Car Wl2n set is a two-piece map of the
downtown section of Midville, Ohio. There arc two scenarios that go
specifICally with this map - but you can also use the map as a generic
city for any other type of scenario.
There are a number of uses for a truck SlOp other than just as a
recharge station. A good scenario could be constructed around a fuU-
scale anack on the tnIck Slop, but the attackers would have to be very
well-armed to pull it off.
The tnIck Slop is often considered "neutral territory" where nor-
mally antagonistic groups can gel together and do business. A number
of scenarios can be built around this fact. The playen could be con-
tacted by a person wanting 10 sell (or buy) illicit merchandise. When the
players meel the contacl al the tnIck Slop, they find themselves double-
crossed. Is the truck stop management in on the scam? Maybe, maybe
not. 11 depends on how you, as the referee, want to set it up.
For the most pan, not many shots will get fired at a truek stop. But
ii'S a great place to pick up infonnation, enlist the aid ofthini parties,
and gel the lateSl equipment.
recharge vehicles. There is a huge windmill on its roof, a land line to
the local power plant, and a bank of solar cells on top of each building;
it's not impossible to cut off the tnIck stop's power. but it's very hard.
To recharge, a vehicle pulls up to within 2" of the side of the building
where there is no sidewalk. Two vehicles can be charged at once.
Security building. Contains living quanc1'5 for the security chiefand
his assislant; the wardroom; the security office, which contains a hold-
ing cell for unruly customers, and video monitors covering a number of
locations; and the armory. Weapons and ammo can be purchased there,
and vehicle weapons are often taken there for a repair.
Main buildin8. Two stories tall; includes a bar, restaurant, showers
for lrUCkers; motel-type bedrooms (8); resl rooms (RR), offices, etc.
On the second story, the floor plan is the same. Over the bedrooms are
more bedrooms; over the main offices and radio room arc living quar-
ters for the tnIck Slop'S owner; over the restaurant and bar is a storage
area; over the TV room and lounge are a convenience store and laundry
room, respectively. Access 10 the main building is possible only al the
fronl door or through the gantge (under the catwalk). Everyone except
an employee will be "asked" to check all fireanns al the Cl1tnu1ce. The
management insists on a high level of peace on the premises, though
pistol duels are pennined behind the garage.
Tlmnd. An escape tunnel, known only to key employees, begins at
the "X" in the radio room and leads off the map 10 a hidden hatch. Jt
will be used only in dire need; it is normally locked, with a desk on top.
Also two stories high, but without a second floor inside.
Conne<:ted to the main building. Includes ninc service bays and a well-
locked ammo storage room. The cross-hatching shows a catwalk, at the
level where the second floor would be, to allow security observation.
Mechanic service is available here, at going rates, for any vehicle.
Map Kay
Emryways. The main gale is deliberately hard to enter; vehicles
must move sloWly. For a test of maneuvering skill, I.r)' to bring. rig
through the main gate without scraping the walls. The other gate is a
"crash gate," designed to be opened only if someone must enter II high
speed. In that case, the electric minefield is turned off. The switch is in
the security office. Counters are supplied for both gates; they slide out
from inside the wall, and are remote-controlled from the gatehouse and
the securily office (which can override the gatehouse). 1bey optn and
close alone square per second, and will not close if a vehicle over 2,000
Ibs. is blocking them. Lighter vehicles will be crushed.
Walls. The outer walls are two stOries high and have a strength of SO
DP, but will never collapse entirely. 1be galeS have strength 20; the
buildings and comer turrets have strength 10.
The main defenses are the four turrets at the corners, each
of which is located just above wall level. All are armed with heavy
lasers, and can be operated from the roof behind the turrets, from inside
the small turret buildings (overriding the roof controls) or fTom the
security building (overriding everything). 1bey canOl)( be lurned to fire
on anything within the walls.
Bu{/d/nf Interior _if
BuUdi"l exterior _II
Durt, Wilfl; tire whitt dot II (I fIoodlithr.
The next day was Sunday. The churches stayed mostly emp(y.
Sporting goods stores did prelly good business that morning ...
The duellists and the MONDOs have spent all night working up their
courage, and have congregaled for the purpose of destroying each
other. The MONDOs start in the parking 101 al 3rd and Elm; the duel-
lists behind in the 101 behind Bill's Garage. The duellist player gets rwo
., five characters, and $35,000 with which to build either two or three
cars. The MONDO player gets twenty characters and $15,(0). He may
buy any hand. weapon, mines, spikes, and body armor. Each side wants
10 wipe out !.he other. However, both sides are natives of the town; !.he
victory conditions refled a slight reluctance to destroy !.heir home.
Victory points are awarded to each side, added up, and compared as
For each autoduellist killed: +20 10 !.he MONDOs if there were S,
+25 if !.here were 4, and so on (always equalling 100 points for !.he
For each MONDO killed: +5 to the duellists.
For each breach opened in a building: -1 to !.he side that opened il.
For each building destrOyed or on lire: - 5 to the side that caused
the lire or opened !.he breach that knocked it down.
For each bar-goer on the other side killed: + I.
For each mechanic killed: +3 to !.he MONDOs.
For each vehicle or combatant Ihatleaves Ihe map: - 3to the fleeing
side. (Note that this means a car with two occupants is worth -91)
For each neutral bar-goer, civil servant, or hospital worker killed:
-2 to the killer'S side.
For each cop killed: -5 to the killer's side.
dissension among players, each player setS up his own forces). How-
ever, nobody can set up in or on the hospital. The Crusaders ride in
from North Kaz.ango at any speed, and will immediately spread out to
accomplish !heir objective of destruction. From there on it's a free-for-
alL If the Crusaders Stay too long, they're probably going to be wiped
out; they want to use their superior mobility to destroy and kill as mlJCh
as possible and !hen lurn taiL
The victory points:
For each autoduellist killed: +20 to the Crusaders (+25 if there are
only four duellists to start with, and so on).
For each MONDO, hospital worker, municipal guard, or non-
patrolling police officer killed: + S to the Crusaders.
For each of the 6 patrolling policemen killed: + 10 to the Crusaders.
For each Crusader killed: + 10 10 the townspeople.
For each breach opened: + 1 to !he Crusaders (no maner who
opened ill).
For each building demolished: 3 times !he building's DP 10 the Cru-
saders. The referee may choose to award extra points 10 !he cyclisls for
especially rislcy or destructive behavior.
For each building on fire but nOl demolished: + S (0 !he Crusaders.
For each IOwnsperson captured: +10 to the Crusaders.
Consider the townspeoples' scores one combined score for !he pur-
pose of viclory conditions. Ifone side has.so pointS more than the other,
it's a Total Victory. If the margin is 20 poinls, it's a Marginal Victory.
If it's less than 20, it's a Draw. If the lownspeople win, compare the in-
dividual victory point tOlals of !he three groups (cops, duellists, MON-
DOs) to see which group came out the best in the eyes of the town.
If one side has SO points more !.han the other: Total Victory. If one
side has 25 points more: Decisive Victory. If one side has 10 points
more: Pyn1lic ViciOry. Ifone side has less !.han 10 points more: Draw.
If either side has a negative point tOlaI, all survivors from that group
will be lynched.
About the Mitlyiffe Map
The various terrain features or the Midville map (streets, sidewalks,
buildings, parks, trees, lamp posts, crosswalks, debris, interior pani-
lions, and chains) are shown on the City Terrain O1an, below. Follow-
ing are the terrain effCClS peculiar to urb.an autoduelting:
Sidewalks arc considered debris-littered road; the debris markers
(representing random urban trash, vehicular leftovers. wine bottles,
dC.) arc shown in place. Also shown are mailboxes and news racks.
Hitting one of these does no damage 10 a vehicle but is a 02 haz.ard. For
game purposes, assume the dented mailbox or news rack remains in
Any maneuver inyolving crossing from road to sidewalk or vice ver-
sa is at a + 01: driving half-on and half-off is also +0 I.
Chains stretch across the city's mall entrances and may be placed
elsewhere. Hitting a chain is a 03 haz.ard and does I point of damage to
both chain and car for every 5 mph the car is moving. Seven points of
damage in a single crash or 14 poinls of cumulalive damage will shaner
!he chain. If a a vehicle hits the chain and does!1Ol break ii, the vehicle
stops where it is. O1ains can only be broken by ramming. Pedestrians
can cross the chains without slowing down.
Otain is put up bet","'Cen metal posts. If chain is strelched from PoSt

Rl Bunker
MG Bunker

Partition -
Lamp Post -
Chain If. ..,.
Fenet ___
Terrain Chart
Sidewalk I;.
When Black Jesse heard about the big fight in town, he thoUghl it
was the perfttl time for another raid. But he talked a little 100 much
about his plans ...
For !his scenario, all damaged buildings, chains, vehicles, and
weapons are fully repaired; all vehicles and weapons are fully supplied
with ammunition.
The townspeople have 16" (240 feet) of heavy chain - the type
used II the mall. Chains auach to posts which may be set anywhere.
There are no separale poSI counters; each chain counler shows location
of the posts. All chains must be in place before play begins. The
CNsocIers will be able to see any chain in line of sight.
The lown gets the autoduellist and MONDO forces from "Wheels
n. Walkers," plus the !.hree police cNisers. (The Ambunaught per-
forms as before, firing only if the hospital is breached.) CilY Hall's in-
ternal forces are doubled; !he police statton's internal forces are tripled.
These men will noIleave their buildings. The six patrolmen begin play
in !heir cruisers. The bars are empty, and !.he mechanics al Bill's have
(for today) become part of the 20 ground fighters.
One player can play each of the four forces (this is simpleSI). or one
player can take the !hree town forces and the other player can play the
CNsaders (!his can be preny slow). The Crusader forces may also be
split between two or !hree different players.
Black Jesse's Crusaders, the meanest gang in the stale, gel 30 char-
Klers for the raid. They have $100,(0) worth of gear: Cycles, hand
weapons, body armor, and - if !.hey like - one van. No CNsader may
leave Ihe boatd until he has fired at least one polentially-effcctive shot
(!hat is, one which has a chance to hil and to do damage when it hits) al a
IOwnsman or building.
The townspeople want to trap and obliterate the Crusaders. The
Crusaders want to wipe oot the town's fighting force and escape, so
they can telUrn later co pillage. In this scenario, the Crusaders will
receive victory points for !he capture of townspeople. To capture a
townsman (or woman), a Crusader first must render him or her uncon
scious. Loading an unconscious person onto a cycle lakes one full
11le lownspeople can set wherever they please (in the likely event of
-ss- -
A 10 Post B. and from B to C, and from C 10 D. and a car rams it
between B and C, only me chain between B and C is OUt of play. It is
possible to ram a post; ifacar rammed Post B, then the chain from Ato
C is out of play. Ramming I chain post is as hazardous as ramming
chain and a lamppost (sec below) at the same time, and would require
the normal 7 points of instantaneous damage or 14 points cumulative 10
destroy the chain. A hit doing more man 2 points of damage, but less
than 7, \\IOUkI break the post off but leave the chain intact. However,
chain lying on the ground (because an end post is gone) has no effect.
Lampposts are located It elch sidewalk. comer. Hitting one is a 03
hazard and does I point of dams.ge 10 both POSI and vehicle for every S
mph the vehicle is moving. However, a post will yield 10 3 points of
damage in one crash (not cumulative). Thus, a car going IS mph or
more will Jcnock. down a lamp post; one going at Sor 10 mph will hit it
and stop. Apost may be destroyed by any weapons except a hand Wel))-
on, but it ia I hard target: -6 to hit.
Park areas present no danger exccpt for trees; they have 20 OP.
Though the trees are shown with branches. I vehicle must collide with
the trunk (the central doc) 10 collide with the Iree. The leafy pan of the
tree does nol affect movement or line of sight, unless you are on the
ground looking up into a building. or vice versa. In thai case, the lelfy
part of a tree will interfere, and should be treated like smoke: -210 hit.
Going for a drive in the park: Any vehicle can drive on grass in the
Any maneuver performed partially or entirely on thegrass is at +01.
If a single maneuver takes you from the road over the sidewalk and onlO
the grass, these penalties do add up - the maneuver becomes +02.
Crosswalks are overhead pedestrian walkways. Crosswalks provide
no cover, but anyone in the center I" is considered to be on the "sec-
ond floor" for combat purposes (See "Buildings." Section V,
Combat). Despite the way they're shown on the map, overhead cross-
walks do not impede movement on the road. A crosswalk can sustain 10
points of damage before collapsing. Anyone in me cenler inch of the
crosswalk when it collapses will take I die of damage; anyone any-
where else on the walk will take Id-4 points. Anyone under a falling
crosswalk takes I die of damage. Body armor does nol protect from this
damage. A fallen crosswalk creates rubble.
Buildings and their effectS on combat are described in Section V.
Combat. The inlerior partitions of buildings have 3 OP and are
aUlOmatically breached by grenades. Brelches in interior partitions do
not contribUle 10 the possible collapse of a building. For simplicity,
assume that partitions are in the same place 00 each floor.
Each block on the Midville map is marked with a number. as fol-
(I) The lown mall. Two floors. SOP, no internal defenses. Any
vehicle up 10 van--size can drive the length ofthe interior concourse with
no mobility restriction. this is on the first floor only: the second floor is
warehouse, acccssible only 10 pedestrians.
(2) The hospitol. Three floors, 6 OP. AlthoUgh the staff hates 10
drum up business for ilSelf, it is also charged 10 protect those in its care.
Three guards with body armor and rifles are on dUly al each door, and
the Ambunaughl. the hospital's armored ambulance, is manned and ac-
tive at the spol marked'X." (The Ambunaughl is described in Section
XV, Sample Vehicles).
Any breach opened in the hospital will be manned by one of the
guards Oeaving no less than one guard at each door, as long as the
supply laslS). Anyone firing on me hospital (in "Wheels vs. Walkers")
or any Crusader within I" of il (in "Crusaders") will be fired on by
the guards. The doors are locked; combatants must ereille a breach 10
enter. If a brelch is opened in a wall. the Ambunaughl will cruise 10
that poinl and allemptto guard the wall (by remaining stationary in front
of it and blasting anything wimin range firing at the building). If more
than one breach is opened. the Ambunaught will begin to circle the
hospital. engaging only those who fire upon the building or ilS
The forces of the hospital and police (sec below) will cooperate,
though the Ambunaughl will never leave the hospital area. The hospital
doors are wide enough to admit vehicles, though the ceiling is too low
for vans. There are six unanned staffers in the hospital. plus three bed-
ridden patients.
(3) Office block. Two stOries. SOP, no inlernal defenses.
(4) Block 01 stores. Two slOries. S DP. The three buildings on the
west side of the block have no internal defenses. Bill's Garage is a
violently pro-duelJisl establishment: within are mree mechanics (con-
trolled by the aUloouellisl player) who will not venture forth but who
will 5Ilipe with unscoped rifles at any enemy (that's MONOOs in the
first scenario. Crusaders in the second). The Wreck.ed Edsel Bar is a
pr(KIuellist place. too. conlaining 3-18 (roll 3 dice) people getting mer-
rily smashed. In the first scenario, a MONOO firing on the Wrecked
Edsel will get the same treatment a duellist would at the Bar None (see
Block 8). One in mree drinkers has a heavy pistol. In the Crusaders
scenario, the bar is closed.
(S) Ciry port. The little building at the south is the museum. One
story, 4 OP, no inlernal defense.
(6) Ciry Three stories, 7 OP (except where noted), no
internal defenses (except where noled). The City Hall is special: II has 8
DP and an internal force of 12 guardsmen with body armor and heavy
piSlOls. In addition, the bunkers in front are IWO rocket launcher turrets,
controlled from inside the building, wim 20 shots each. They can fire on
any spot on Elm Streel from First 10 Third. or from Second Street east
of City HaJJ. or any building within lhe semi-circular area thus sug-
gested. The turrelS have IS points of armor each. The large domes on
top oflhe HaJJ are machine-gun bunkers. They have IS points of armor
and 20 shots each. Each is manned by one policeman with body armor
and a heavy pistOl as sideann. The MO bunkers cannol quite hit me
sidewalk. in fronl of the hall; they can hit Elm directly in front of the hall
and East second to the edge of the map. Their main purpose is to keep
unauthorized people off the roofs of CilY Hall and the police station:
they will fire without warning at anyone on either roof. They may fire
on pedestrians on Other BllXk. 6 roofs - bUI will warn anyone (excepla
Crusader) before opening fire.
The police station, on the same block., has lOOP and has 10 regular
staffers with lighl piSlOls (who stay inside), lWO permanent guards with
body armor and rifles (who Slay inside). six patrolmen wilh body ar-
mor. shotguns, and heavy pistol (who don't stay inside all the time), and
three palrol cruisers parked in the little 101 (at the "X"s). 1lle cruisers
cannot be unllXked by anyone but a police officer, but can be driven by
a non-policeman if the armor is blown off one side 10 permit entry. (The
cruisers are described in Section XV. Sample Vt'hidts.)
In lhe "Wheels vs. Walkers" scenario. lhe police cruisers and City
Hall guns begin as a neUlral force. The act only ifCity Hall or the police
station is endangered. They will anack immediately if either building is
breached. In addition. each time any strikes either building and
does damage. the referee rolls two dice. Ifhe rolls a number less than or
equal to the damage done by thaI shot. lhe mayor will order action. (The
referee may play the city forces himself or give them (0 another player.)
The patrolmen will immediately Ielve the police stalion for the cruisers,
and the City Hall weapons will open fire on any armed men or vehicles
wilhin range. starting (if possible) with those lhat did the damage. The
officers in the cruisers will circle Block 6. Any armed men or vehicles
!bey ftnd in any street adjant to Block 6 will be warned once. If they
do not surrender. will be attacked next tum. If fared on by foes out-
side this "beat." the cruisers may pursue, but probably will not. If the
hospital is In.:ked. nis also possible that one or cruders will be
lent 10 aid the AmbunaUghl.
Note that Ally pilyer )oscs potnts when his cbarlCtcn arc killed by
!be police. 1M only me Crusaders ad points for tilling police!
(7-8) Office bIods. Three scories, 6 DP, DO internal ddcnJe5. The
buiktina; in the NW comer of block 8 is the Bar None. I bar 'Nhkh
CllCIS to MONDOs. within are 3-18 (roll three dice) pany-goelS anoci-
pIlln& a vktory bIIsh. ODc-third of the:se people hive helvy pistols and
1ViD usc them upon aD .ltoducllist cnlerin& or firing upon the bar. They
...ill only kave the bar if it is likely to collapse. If they leave, they dis-
perse, runntng top for the edae of the map by whateVer
.seems 51fesl. They will not return fire while fleeing unless they arc
(9)..4 l'QriNblodt.. Two stories, SDP. no internal defenses (with ex-
ceptions listed below). There is I nculflll bar on the block; it contain,
4-24 (roll four dice) bol.os. One in four drinkers hIS I
light pistol; the barkeep has a shotgun. These folks wanl nothing to do
with the conflict, feci pretty safe this near to City Hall's defenses and
will all run from the bar if it is fired upon by anything heavier than
heavy pistOl (excep: the barkeep. who will defend his establishment).
(11).12) Offia and Retail block. Three-story OfflCe and retail store
blocks, 5 OP, no internal defenses.
Some other special rules:
Pedestrians may jump from roofs and windoW$. First-story window:
No damage. Fintstory Id-4. Second-stOry window or roof: I
die. Thlrd-srory window or Id+ I. Body armor does not protect
from tillS kind of danulge.
Only pedcsuians can gel to I roof. The roof hitches of mosI build-
IIl&S Ire llJIlocked; The roof hatebe:s of City Hall and the police saacioa
are locked from the inside, and have 7 OP if someone tries to break in.
Rooftop movement is unimpeded by the ......1Is betwec:ll buildtnas.
Gaps of up to \oS" can be jumped becWttn buildinp - the pedestrian'$
speed is unaffected. Bigger s. cmnoc be jumped.
Vdudes and pcde:saians that leave the map are considered lO have
uictd the and may not return. No combaI occun off !he map.
WQt of Kazanao is. chain-link fence (ltCIt as chain). Beyond. the fence
is an opm fJeld.
5. Off-Road Duelling
Many of lhe most demanding combal situations take place aWIY
from roads and arenas. A beach baltle, with cycles and buggies flying
over the dunes, .. I catand-mouse hunt in a Louisiana swamp ... a
Bad.llnds raid, with pickups swoopina down from the hills to intercep: a
convoy all these, and more, Ire possible in the wodd of off-road
dueUing. I world that is growing more popular aU the time.
But convening a regUlar combat car to offroad use is DO easy task.
Asimpfe hillside can be murder on I Clf or cycle designed for the open
fOld or the smooth asphalt of 11'1 Irena. For the duellisl interested in off-
road action, the section will describe some of the problems to
be flCed. and the equipmem IVlilable to deal with them.
Off-Road Penalties
Any vehicle can ao off-road without modifations - but the Iwt-
4in1 dIU of an unmodified vehicle is reduced greatly, as follows:
MoIorcycle (with or without sidec:a:r): Subu-a 2 from handling
Trike: SubtncI I from HC.
Car (WIth 4 Of 6 whoell): Subttxt 3 from HC.
Oenized vehicle: Subtract 2 from HC.
The hlndlina bonus for PR Radials does not apply to off-rold travel.
However, special off-road tireJ are available (sec bdow).
In addition, most vehicles Ire 5llbjcct to damage when going off-
road. Every tum a standlJ'd car. van, or over-sized vehicle is off-road
and traveling faster than 10 mph, roll two dice. On a 2 or 3, the under-
body I point of damage. On a 4or S, one lire (roll randomly to see
which one) takes I point of damage. lfthc vehicle is going over SO mph,
roll twice per lum. Once the underbody Innor is gone, the internal
components do not like further damage.
Exceptions to the above: Vehicles with JOlid lireJ (regular or off-
road) do not take tire damaae. Cycles, trikes (and. of COUf5e, vehicles
with Off-Road suspensions) Ire built higher off the around. and don't
take underbody damage.
Off-Rood AdWUltQ6tS
The oaJy sij:niflCatll: advltlllgC to driving otT-road is that the &round
is IORer than cement. Thus, in a "beil-OUI" situation or a roll, Cln and
driven an: more likely 10 5llrvive.
Jumplnf OItt of Vehidu
Anyone jumping out of a vehick, or off I cycle, when off-toed will
take reduced danulge. Figure darna&e as tbough the driver U;! been hit
by I car going 30 mph slower than the speed at which he actually hit the
When a vehicle rolll in an off-road situation, each side that hits the
ground takes Id-2 damage, instead of one die of darNge. Tires,
likewi!lC, like Id -2 damage in an off-road roll. Thus, the most damage
you can take is 4 points per phase. It is quile possible to roll I vehicle on
ik)ft ground and drive it away afterwards - if you can get it upright.
Off-Rood Equipment
Although a Yt'C1I-buill CIt can lOUgh nout for a brief trip a......y from
the concrete, the serious off-"* combatant will have a specially-
equipped "boondoclt bettkship" that can bandk any terrain it meetl.
The following equipment is Ivailable:
OJfrood solid tifts: OR solids improve offroad handling by one;
they have no effect on handling dus on the road. They cost S6OO,
weigh 80 lbs. each, and have 12 OP. Off-road solids are nol Ivailable
fot oversized vehicles, but they are available for cycles - S6OO, 40 Ibs.
apiece, and 12 OP.
Off-rood SllSpetuibrl: The belvily-sprwli, hi&;h-off-tbe-ground klOk
is a haUmart of the true offfOId vehide. OR suspension is only avail-
abk U original equipmenl; once built, a cu', III.Spension cannot be
tban&ed. OR suspension for a cycle or triU costI of the body
cost; OR suspensioo for a car (with four or ,Ut wheels) costI of
the body cost. OfT-road suspension is not available for oveniz.ed
Off-road wspension gives a vehicle a handlina clau of 2, either on
or off the t'<*i. A vehicle with OR suspensioo does not IIU automatic
underbody damq:e when off the road.
Bnuhadtu: A fronlmounted blade which may be mounted on reg-
ular armor or a ram plate. No SI*lCS, 20 Ibs., $100. It is dcstIOyed if
the front annor is destroyed, tu must be replIced after every off-ft*t
excursion anyway. A bru.sbcutter adds 2 hits of dama&e doI'Ie 10 any
pedestrian hil by the hoot of the CII. Allows the vdtic:1e to mow down
small trees and other brush (normally I 02 or 03 hazard) with no ill ef
fects. It has no effect on rocks, other vehicles, or other solid objects.
O/fROtJd Tmoin
OfffOId JhouJd 0Cl( be construed 10 mean tbe din on the edge of the
ro-!; the shoulder of the ro-! is (u.sua1!y, It kasc) no great hazard.
"Off-f'OId" means open country . , . whether Ifs country faekfs.
Arizona eben, or just your kK:aJ city park. All maneuven performed
off-road Ire made II III additional 01 diffICulty, This applies 10 all
For any off-road scenario, the referee shouJd prepare I map in ad-
vance. showing Iocatioa of hazards and the general "lay ofthe land" -
especially sloped locations thai would allow a vehkle tojump. Off-mad
dueUisu may enoounter almost any tetr1;in, Some possibilities include:
Grew and fidds: This is the buk offmad terrain. No UlTI
penalties apply - just tbe 5Wdard +01 dlff.cuhy for off-road nvel.
Tna: Small ooesmiglll be 02 or 03 hazards (unless the vehklehas
I brushctJner. in which Clse the lteeS will simply be knocked out of the
way). Larger ones wouJd be fIXed bamen - they could hive Inywhere
from 8 OP 10 20 OP or more,
Boulders: Small OTlCS (I fOO( or SO across) should be trealed u
obstacles. Those I to 2 feet in diameter Ire fixed barriers with 25 OP.
80uIden Ire knocked 0Ul of the wlY (ralher than destroyed) iflhey like
more than their OP value In I collision Larger boulden have gte:lller
OP values - I 4--fOOl boulder would be worth It least .so OP.
Dircks GIld 8wllWs: Small ditches (ku than 2 fcct Kross) Ire I 03
hazard It 20 mph or less. but only I 01 hazard II gruter speeds -
vehkles fly n&hl over them. Ditches between 2 and 4 feet across Ire
impassable alless than 20 mph - if I vehicle tries to cross one. it will
faU in, and effectively collide with the far wall at full speed. Since the
Earth has an "infinil:e OP," the vehicle will lake full collision damage
for its speed. AI 25-40 mph, such a di1di is I 03 hal.Ird At4S mph or
iJeater. iI: is I 01 haz.ard - again. you fly ri&hlover. Wider ditches
Ibouki wlthoot a ramp (ICC "Flying." below). Very wide:
aulhes. unless tbey Ire full of WIltet, can be crossed by dnvmg down
one side and IJP the other.
WQft'r. Vdtides withoul OR suspension cannot cross standing wlter
deeper than I Y.t feel. Vehicles with OR suspension can take on water up
10 3 feet deep. Vehjcles in deeper waler s"on OUI and Slop working -
the effect is the same as if the power plant had been destroyed. The
plant taUS no ICtuai damaae, though - once the vehM:1e is OUI of tbe
water (bow you get il OUI is your problem). il will dry out and be usable
l8ain in 1-6 hour . Hlluna sranding water deeper than 'n fOO( is I 02
hazard. Travelll'll in water IlItOm1tica1ly decelerales a vdikle by 5 mph
per tum - you must K'CCleraIC by thai much just 10 stay It the same
Radical maneuvers Ire impossible in water - no maneuver with It!
original, unmodified difficully o\'er 03 can be perfonncd. There is no
addilional penalty for those maneuvers which can be performed.
Dropped weapons mlY be used in water, 10 mixed effect: Oil will
not be effective; flaming oil will ignile, bul it will also disperse and be
ineffective; bul spikes and mines will be hidden under the water. Every
time I dropped \lleapon is used in water, roll one die. On I lor I 2.
water backs up into the system whik the pon is open. and the wupoo
taW Id-3 points of daJna&e.
Tires cannot be taf'XCted in water.
What's the use of goina off-road if you can'I get offlhe ground once
in a while? Given the d&ht temin. you can gun your vehicle 10 the top
of I hiU and take off, or even jump right over I surpnsed foe!
With a good takeoff anaIe (20 to 40 de&toes). a vehide will fly IS
feet for every 10 mph ofllkeoff speed over 20 (JO mph yaelds IS feel of
tliglu, 40 mph results in a )O-fOO( flight. etc.). A flattt:r or 5lCCpCr anak
(IS or 4S dqrees) will cut the distanoe tnveled in half Inclines flaaer
than IS degrees. Of steeper than 4S degrees, cannot be used to IllmCh I
Landing is a 01 huard +01 for every full 30 feci of f1i&h1. Thus, I
IS-foot jump is a 01 hlll.llrd, I 30- or 45-fOO( jump is a 02 hazard, a
6().Qr 7S-foot Jump is a 03 huard, and so on. SubtTllCI I from the
hazard if you land on I downward slope (bctause all your wheels will
hit at lbout the same lime). Add I 10 the hazard if you land 00 an up-
ward slope. On landing from I jump. roll (DC die for each fiR except
30Iids or offfOId solids. On I I, 2, or 3, that tire takes 1 poinl of
xv. Sample Vehicles
If you're just surting OUI, use one or more of these pre-designed
vehklcs. None of these designs are carved in stone, however; there are
simpJe changes thaI evcn a novice autoduellisl can make:
Rtarrongc annor. As long as the lotal number ofpoin/sof armor re-
mains the same, you can change the distribution any way you want
without changing lhe cost or weight of the vehicle.
Mow WeapotIS. Take those rear-mounted weapons and put them to
the front - it won', affect cost or weight at all. Just remember thai you
cannoI devOlc I1'IOft than of a vehicle'siotal spaccslO weapons firing
in one direction,
Add oomputen. Since comPUlcrs have no space or weight, you can
Idd one at any time for just $1 ,000 ($4,000 for the +2 hi-res). You can
also remove a computer to save money. Weight and space are JK)( af-
fCC1ed al all.
Change Some weapons have identical weight and space
requirements, so the only changes you'll need to make are to the cost.
For example. you can trade flamethrower in for a laser - il'll cost
you 57,250. Or you can save that $7,250 by trading in I laser for aFT,
Olher trades include replacing twO heavy rockets with a minedropper
(costs S600 more), replacing a spikodropper with a smokescreen (S50
morel, replacing a spikedropper with a paint spray ($150 more), and
replacing a smokescreen with a paint spray ($300 more).
Upgrade. Armor can be upgraded to fireproof by doubling the cost
- weight is not affected. And a turret can be upgraded to universal for
$1 ,(xx) - again, weight and spaces are not afleered,
A note about nomenclature: The descriptions below use quite a few
abbreviations. 1l\e abbreviations for weapons can all be found in the
weapon descriptions. The armor descriptioru list the armor position and
how many points of armor are at that position - FS means "five points
of armor in the front position," 820 means "twenly points of armor in
the back position," etc. ()p(ions will only list the changes in a vehicle.
If a weight is not listed, that means it did not change from the original.
Ditto for cost.
1. Cara
Killer Kan - Subcompact, std. chassis, hvy. suspension, medium
power plant, HO tires, driver only, MG front. Armor: FS, R3, L3, B3,
n, U2. Accd. 10, He 3, 2,300 Ibs., $3,848.
Slinger - SUbcompaCl, hvy. chassis, hVy. suspension, small power
plant, HD tires, driver only, two linked MGs front. Armor: FlO, RS.
1.5, B8, TS, US. Aocel. S, He 3, 2.400 Ibs.. $5,268.
Option / - Replace MGs with one RR, add 10 points of armor.
Oprion II - Replace one MG and the link with one HR, add 20
points of armor. $4,138,
Option /// - Replace MGs with one RL, add 30 points of armor.
Option IV - Replace one MG with smokescreen or spikedropper,
add 2S points armor. $4.293 with spikedropper, $4,343 with smoke-
Mini Shuman - CompaCl, std. chassis, hvy. sllSpension, large
power plant, HO tires, driver only, tWO linked MGs front, S5 rear. Ar-
mor: F3S, R20, L20, 823, no, UIO. Accel. 10, HC 3. 3,693 Ibs..
Op/ion - Remove one MG and link and smokescreen, add one RL
and five points of annor. $7,849.
Joseph Special - Mid-sized, std. chassis, imp. suspension, large
power plant, HO tires, driver, AT gun fronl, RL rear, PS right side.
Armor; F3O, RI5, LIS, 825, TIS, Ul5. Accel. 5, He 2, 4.795 Ibs.,
JOstph Special "T" - Replace AT, RL, and PS with tWO linked
MGs in turret, plus 4 HRs (two front, two back), add 3 pointsofannor.
Pironha - Luxury. hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power
plant, PR tires, driver and gunner, RL front, 3 MGs with extra maga-
zine each (one each left, right, and back). HR front, fire extinguisher.
Armor: FJO, R2S, L2S, 830. no. U20. Accd. S, HC 3, S,995 Ibs.
Courier - Remove one MG and magazine, HR, fire extin-
guisher, and SO points ofannor, upgrade power plant to super, $13,6S0
and has 3 cargo spaces. Acceleration is 10 mph/turn with up to 20 Ibs.
of cargo, S mph/tum with a heavier load.
Hotshot - Luxury, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power
plant. PR tires, driver only, two linked MGs front. tWO linked FTs
back, one FT right, one FT left, fire extinguisher. Armor: FlO. RIO,
LlO, 820, TIO, UIO. Accel. S, HC 3,6,600 Ibs., $14.600.
Option - Any FTs can be replaced with MGs and 30 points of ar-
mor. costing $1 ,3SO extra per switchoul. One rear FT can be replaced
with a MD and 30 points of armor for $8SO extra.
Intimidator - Station wagon, SId. chassis, imp. suspension, super
power plant, PR tires, driver only, laser in turret. Cargo capacity; II
spaces, 300 Ibs. Armor: F2S, RI5, LIS, B2S, DO, U15. Accel. 10
without cargo, 5 with cargo. HC 2,5,200 lbs.. $17.400.
MG op/ion - Remove turret and laser, add 3 linked pairs of MGs,
upgrade chassis to x-hvy. Cargo capacity; 7 spaces, 9(X) Ibs. Accel. S,
- Pickup. x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power
planl, 6 solid tires, driver and gunner. two linked MGs In turret, SS
back. Cargo capacity: 11 spaces, 2.075 Ibs. Armor: F15, RIS, LIS,
820, no, UIS. Accel. 5, HC 2, 5,72S lbs. $16,3.50.
Urban Cowboy oprion - Remove gunner, replace MGs in turret
with RR. add seoond RR front, add 175 points of annor. No cargo
capacity because weight allowance used up. 7,800 Ibs. $20,850.
&curiry Six - Van, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power
plant, 6 solid tires, driver and gunner, laser in turret, 55 and OJ back,
fire extinguisher, hi-res computers for both driver and gunner. Qlrgo
capacity: 14 spaces, 600 Ibs. Ac:c:el, S, HC 2, 6,600 Ibs., $32.000.
Sl!Curiry Seven - Remove 20 points of armor, add second gunner
position wilh hi-res computer, two linked RLs l'ront, one HR rear.
Qlrgo c:apac:ity: 7 spaces, 130 Ibs. 7,070 Ibs., $38,350.
2. Cycles
Shogun 100 - Light cycle. hvy. suspension, small power plant. PR
tires. driver only, one MG front. Armor: F6, 86. Accel. 10, HC 2, 798
Ibs., $3,120.
SJwgun150 - Light cycle, hvy. suspension, medium power plant,
PR tires. driver only, no weapons. no armor. Accel. IS, HC 2, 600
Ibs., $2.0Cl0 (driver can still carry and use hand weapons).
Shogun 200 - Medium cycle, hvy. suspension, super power plant,
PR tires. driver only. one MG front. Armor: FlO. 810. Ac:c:el. IS, HC
2, 1.0Cl0 lbs.. $5,020.
Op,ion - Replace MG with RR, downgrade power plant to medi-
um. Accel. 10. 1,100 Ibs.. $4.370.
Outlander - Heavy cycle, hvy. suspension. super power plant, std.
tires, driver only, one MG front. Armor: FS, 85. Accel. 15, HC 2, 990
lbs., $4,920.
Option - Add second MG, linked with first. Accel. 10, 1.190 lbs.,
Outlander Sidecar - Hvy. sidecar, imp. suspension, SId. tire, no
riders, RL front. Annot: F4. R4, lA, 84, TO, U4. 13S Ibs., $2,400.
CyclelSidernrcombjrwtiOll - Aceel. 10, HC 3. 1.72S Ibs., $7,320.
3. Trikes
Imp - Ught tricycle, me<!. cycle power plant, imp. suspension, 3
PR RJldiai tires, driver, RL front. Cargo capacity: 3 spaces, 400 Ibs.
Armor: F12, R8. LB, 810, T8. U6. Accel. 10 without cargo, S other-
wise, HC 2, 1,200 Ibs., $4,922.
Off-rood Imp - Replace PR Radials and imp. suspension with OR
tires and OR suspension, replace RL with RR. No cargo capacity. Ar-
mor: F20, R16, L16. 824, T14, U16. Accel. S. HC 2, 1,600 Ibs.,
Leo - Medium tricycle, large cycle power plant, OR suspension, 3
OR solid tires, driver, MG front, 2 linked HRs right. 2 linked HRs left,
body blades, fire extinguisher. Armor: F18. R12, L12, 825, TIS, UIS.
Ac:c:el. 5. HC 2, $7,964.
lLo Pride - Move MG from front to turnl. Armor: FlO, R8. L8,
818, Tl8, UIO. $8,664.
/Amberjodc - X-Hvy. tricycle, super trike po'llr'Cr plant, OR sus--
pension, 3 OR solid tires, driver, gunner, 2 passengers, turreted RR.
linked MGs R and L. brushc:utter. fire extinguisher. Armor: F14, RIO,
LIO. 810. T8. US. Accel. S, HC 2. 3,496lbs., $14,712.
/AmMrjadc "/Acky Pierre" - Remove passengers, add 2 com-
puters. Armor: no, RIS, LIS. 820, TIS, UIO. 3,500 Ibs., $17,320.
4. Ten-Wheelers
Great Northern Motors Corp. Viking - Std. IO-wheel long-nose
cab, x-hvy. chassis. medium truck power plant, 10 solid tires, driver
and gunner, 3 RLs (one each front, right, and left), one cargo space.
Cab Armor: F3S, R3S, L3S, 80, TIS, U20. IS-foot van carrier, 2 RLs
linked in a turret. HOJ back. Cargocapacity: 26 spaces, 4,580 Ibs. Car-
rier Armor; F20. R30. L3O, 830. no, U20. HC I, IS,220 Ibs.,
GrM/ Northern Motors Corp. Voyageur - 2Q.fooc bus, x-hvy. chas-
sis, small truck po'llr'Cr plant, 10 solid truck tires, driver, gunner,S pas-
sengers. 4 MGs linked in a turret, HFOJ back. Cltgo capacity: 10
spaces, 170 lbs. Armor; six lQ.point wheelguards. F5S. R35, US,
8S5, T35, U35. HC I, 13.230 Ibs., $S2,380.
5. Csr Trsilers
Wood Hauler - 6-fool flatbed car trailer, std. chassis, 2 PR tires,
OJ back. Cargo capacity: 6 spaces, 2,790 Ibs. Armor: US. 910 Ibs.,
Crusader - lQ.foot van car trailer, std. chassis. 2 PR tires, MD
back,2 RLs (one left, one right). Qlrgo capacity: 14 spaces, 2,OSO lbs.
Armor: F2, R6, L6, 87, U2, 1'2. 2,650 Ibs., $5.275.
Magnum Motors Roughridu - Standard cab-()ver, hY}'. chassis,
regular truck power plant, 10 solid truck tires, driver and gunner, two
linked MGs front. RR in turnt, Qlrgo capacity: I space, weight de-
pends on total weight of rig. Armor: F30, R20. L20. 81S, 1'2S, UIS.
11 ,<xx) Ibs., $58,100.
Houston MeUlJ Fobricarors Type Two Vatl - 4O-fOOl: van semi-
trailer. 8 solid truck tires, standard kingpin, 55, OJ, and MD back.
Cargo capacity: 75 spaces. weight depends on total weight of rig. Ar-
mor: F20, B20, FR20, BR20. FL20, 8L20, FTIO, BT20, FU20,
8U20. g,ISO lbs., $27,950.
&If &c:uriry Systems Unit Twelw - 4O-fool van true trailer, -12
solid truck tires, quick-release kingpin, IWO 01s back, two MDs back,
surplus tank gun back. two pop-up turrets with single lallen (one top
front. one lop back), 4 MGs (one each front right, back righi, front left,
back left), two gunners, two hi-res computers (one for each). Weapon
links: IwO MDs; Two OJs; All four together; One MD and one OJ.
Qlrgo capacity: 40 spaces. Annor: six I().point reuac:table
wheclguards, F60, 860, FR60, 8R60, PL60, 8L60. FT60, BT60.
FU3O,8U3O. 19,810 Ibs., $97,900.
7. Buses
Model E BUS1IOught - 4O-foot bus, x-hvy. chassis, regular truck
po'llr'Cr plant. 10 solid tires, driver, 2 gunners, 7 passengers, 8 MGs
(two linked front, two linked back, ODe each front right, back right.
front left, back left), MD back, AT gun in front turret, heavy la.ser in
back turnt, lhrcc hi-res computers for crew. Cargo capacity: 9 spaces,
10 Ibs. Armor: six l().point wbeelguard, plus SO poinu oflrmor in aU
10 positions. 25,190 Ibs., $112,700.
B. Helicopters
Note: The rules for construction of helicoplers in Deluxe tAr Wars
are significantly different from the original rules published in Autoduel
Champions. The changc in the rules makes the designs published in
The AADA Vehicle Guide obsolete - so those designs have been cor-
rected to abide by the new rules, and appear below:
Robobee - One-man hdicopler, mini copter power plant, no pilOl,
t'NO RRs linked front, fire cxtinguisher, remote contol unit. Armor:
TIS, 25 in all other locations. Accci. 5, HC 0, 4,970 Ibs., $28,290.
Rocker Robobee - Replace RRs with MFR front and 2 linked
bombs under. add 40 poin? of annor. 4.940 Ibs.. $2.5.880.
MicroMHlic - One-man helicopter, mini copter power plant, pilot
one passenger inside, two passengcrs on skid stretchers. winch right,
side door right, searchlight under. Armor: FlO, RIS, LIS, BIS, U20,
110. Accel. .5, HC 3, 4,980 Ibs., $23.660.
Gnar - One-man stowaway helicopl:er, mini copter power plant,
pilot, MG fronl, 2 linked HRs front. Armor: F3.5. R3.5, LJ.5. B2.5,
U3S, TIS. Accd. 5, HC 3, 4.990 Ibs., $25,830.
IWcb, option - Rcplace MG and HRs with MFR front and one
bomb under. 4,840 lbs., $24,430.
- Rcplace MG and HRs with laser front and cyberlink,
add LO radio. Fireproof armor; F3O, R30, LJO, 82.5, U3O, TIO. Ac-
eel. 5, HC 3, 4.990 Ibs., $50,.560.
HI4s1cy - Standard helicoptcr, Sid. coplcr power plant, pilot, gun-
ner, passengers (see below), RR in universalturrcl under, winch right.
pontoons wl2 stretchers, infrared, radar, searchlight under. Armor:
FlO, R2.5, L2S, 820, U3O, TIO. Passenger configuration I; 2
paramedics, 2 patients in pontoon stretchers, 2 patients prone inside.
Passenger configuration 1I: 8 passengers seated inside, 2 patients on
pontoon stretchers. Aced. 10, HC I. 9,220 lbs.. $76,550.
Husky Walchdog - Add second gunner, RR front. 2 MGs (one each
right and left), 2 bombs under. conven armor to fireproof. No
ftiSCnger capacity except for pontoon stretchers. 9,120 Ibs., $85.500.
Plunge - Standard helicopter, std. copter power plant, pilOl, gun-
ner, 2 VMGs linked front. cyberlink from gunner to front VMGs,
VMG in universal turret under. 2 pairs linked bombs under. fire ex-
tinguisher. infrared, 2 hi-res compulers. Armor: F25, R25. L25, 825,
U35, TlO. Accel. 10, HC I, 9,330 Ibs., $103.800.
Flmning oil option - Replace 2 bombs with HFOJ. 9,170 Ibs ..
&lpprrssor - Standard helicopter, small copter power plant, pilol,
gunner, VMG in universal turret under. 2 linked MGs front, 2 GLs (one
each front and under), 2 cyberlinks (one connects pilot and front MGs,
one connects gunner and VMG), stealth, infrared, sound system, sound
enhancemenl, searchlight fronl. Armor: FlO, L10. RIO, 810, U20. T.s.
Accel. 5. He I. 7,960lbs. $126.700.
RR option - Replace MGs and VMG wilh two RRs (one front, one
in universalturrel under). 7,810 lbs. $124.650.
Atrohouler - Transport helicopter, 2 std. copter power plants.
pilot, gunner. 2 linked MGs in universal turret under. Cargo capacity: 9
spaces. 2,060 Ibs. Armor: 20 in all locations. Aced. .s, HC 0, 11.940
Ibs.. $129.750.
uvialMn - Transport helicopter, Stlper copter power plant, pilot,
gunner, 2linked lasers front, Tank Gun back, 2 VMGs linked in univer
sal turret under, 3 bombs under. 2 hi-res computers. fire extinguisher.
Armor: T70. 100 in all other positions. Accd. .s. HC O. 19.940 lbs..
9. Special Vehiclee
This vehicle is typical of those used by municipal police forces
around North America. This is also the one used for the "Wheels vs.
Walkers" and "Crusaders" scenar;os in Section XIV. NOIe: If two
prisoners are taken in the cruiser. half the spikedropper ammo is
dumped so that the cruiser stays under weight.
Police Ctuisrr - Luxury. x-hvy. chassis. hvy. suspension, super
power plant, 4 solid tires. driver. gunner, 2 linked MGs fronl, RR in
turret. SO back, computer for gunner, room for 2 passengers. Armor:
F40, R3O. L30, B3O, DO, U20. Accd. .s. HC3. 6.32.s Ibs. (without
passengers), $19,100.
This is also a fairly typical municipal vehicle. It's not really meant
for running combat (it handles like a brick). but it's well armored and
armed, and can Stand up to trouble. The ambunaught includes 2
slretchers ($250, 50 Ibs., I space apiece) and a fair amount ofmcdical
equipment ($2,000. 100 Ibs.. 2 spaces).
Ambunaught - Van, x-hvy. chassis. It. suspension, super power
plant, 6 PR tires, driver, gunner (woo is also a paramedic), RR in tur-
ret. MG fronl, 2 Strelchers. medical equipment. CargolPassenger
capacity: 13 spaces, 450 lbs. Armor: F30, R20, L20, 830. 130, U20.
Accel . .s. HC O. 6,750 Ibs., $16,250.
XVI. Index
Acceleration, 3, 8: 46-47; cars, 34;
car trailers. 41; eyefu. see "Can";
helicopters, 49: ten-wheelers, 38; /rikn.
sec "Cars": trucks, 46-47
Accessories, 6, 3133, 48-49
Aerohauler (Transport helicopter). 61;
Aerohaufer Supreme, 61
Airdalns, 32
Amateur Nighl .53
Ambunaughl (Van). 61
American AUloouel Association (AADA),
2, 5)
Anti-personnel flechette grenade, 31
Anti-tank gun (AT), 15
Arc of fire, bus, 46: car, 14; car trailer, 4):
cycle. 14; helicopter, .52; Itnwhu{tr,
38: trike. 36; truck, 46
Area effect damage. 1718
Arena combat, 7, 53; AADA, 2, 53; Amauur
Nighl, ,53
Armor, 3, 4. 31; body, 6. 18.32: buus, 46:
cars, 31; car trailers, 40; cridroJ hilS,
18; cycles, 35; damage 10, 18;finproof,
19,31: helicopters. 48; improlJM body
armor, 32; plaumml of, 34; rnJrrang-
ing. 6: reflective. 31; refleetivefirtprooJ,
31; ten-wheelers, 37, 38; trikes, 35;
trucks, 44. 45
Artful Dodger. see "FltJrrdng Oil Jet"
Au(()Cannon (AC). 1.5
Automatic fire. 14, 19; 0IId dropped
weapons, 19; effect o/targeting com-
puters, 19; effect on accuracy, 19; hit
determifliJtion. 19; paint sproys. 20;
smokescreens, 20; tu"efed wmpons, 19
Backwards movement. cars. 10; helicopters.
50; trailers, 42, 47
Beginning the game, 3. 7
Bend maneuver, 9; tight bend. 9
Body armor, 6. 19. 32; improved. 32
Bomb (8), 1.5, 16; cluster bomb (CB),
1.5. 16
Bomb bay, 49
Bootlegger rever5C maneuver, 9
Buildings, 21-22. ,54-57: breaches, 12,
21-22; colkJpsing buildings, 21-22;
debris, 22; DP l'alue(s), 21; rffect on line
affire. 14; burning buildings, 19.22;
missed shots and, 22; multi-nory
buildings. 22; people in falling buildings,
21; providing cover, 22; romming, 12:
rubble, 22; targeting. 17; vehicles under
jJ/ling buildings, 21
BurS( effect damage, 17
Buses. 44-47; acceleration, 46-47; arcs of
fire. 46; armor, 46: body types, 46;
chassis, 44; combot, 46; collisiOllS, 47:
croshes, 47; damage, 46; debris, 47:
decelenuion. 46-47; handling class. 46;
maneU\'lI'rs, 47; mavement, 46-47; obsta-
cles, 47; personnel, 46; power plaJlt,
44-4.5; sample vehicles, 60: steamroller-
ing, 47; suspension, 44; targeting, 46;
tires, 46; turrets. 46; ultraslaw mave-
ment, 47; .....,apon$, 46
Cargo. 33, 37
Cars, acaluation, 34; accrssories, 31-33;
arcsoffire, 14; armor, 31; back....ards
movement, 10; blades. 32; body types,
29; clw.ssjs, 29; co/Usions, 10; croshes,
10; crew. 33; damage. 4, 17-18; debris,
10; deceleration, 3, 8; design, 29-33;
maneuvers, 3, 8-10; movement, 8-10;
power plants, 29-30; sample vehicles.
.59-60; suspension, 29: targeting, 14;
tires, 30; 30
Car trailers, 40-43; acceluarion, 41; arcs of
fire, 43; armor, 40; backing up, 42;
backwards mo\'ement. 42; chassis
strength, 40; collisions, 43; combat, 43;
COWItUs, 41; crashes. 43; damage, 43;
dece/erotion, 41; hitchrs. 40; jadcJalifing,
40, 41, 42; loose trailers, 43; maneuvers,
41-42; mouJIring weapons, 43; movement,
41-43; multiple trailers, 42: sample
vehicles. 60; targeting, 43; tires, 40;
tongues, 40; trailer types, 40; turrets, 43;
weapons, 43
Characters, see "Continuing Charaaers"
Chassis, buses, 44: mrs, 29: cor trailers, 40
OtrollOlo&>" 2
Cit)' scenarios, 7, .54-.57; Crusaders, .5.5;
Wheels vs. Walkers .54-.5.5
Clones, sec "Gold Cross"
Cluster bombs, 1.5. 16
Collisions, 4: buses, 47; cors, 10; car
trailers, 43: collision damage, 4, IS;
collision speed, 4; cycles, 4; effect on
handling class, 10: fired objects. 12;
head-on, 11, 12; helicoptus, .51;
pedesfriOllS, 13; procedJ"re, 12; rear-end,
11,12; sideswipe, II, 12, 13; simplified
collision sysfem, 13; T-bone, II, 12;
ten' wheelers. 39; trikes, see "Cors";
trucks, 47
Collision speed. 4, 11
Combat, 4, 14-22: general procedure, 14
Computers, 0IId targeting .5, 6, 17,31
Conforming movement, 12
Continuing characters. 26-28; becoming an
ace. 27; becoming a double ace. 27;
organilJltions, 28; prestige, 27-2S; sleills,
26-27; sraying alive, 28. 28
Control table, inside front cover. S. 9;
use of3, S
Courier, 3; sample record shut, 3
Crashes. bus, 47; cors, 10; cor trailers, 43:
cycles. see "Cars"; helicopters, .51;
ten-wheelers; 39; trikes, see "Cars";
trud:s, 47
Crash tables, use of, 9, 10; Crash Table J
(Skids &: Rolls), inside front cover, II;
Crosh Table 2 (Fishtails). inside front
cover, 11; Crash Table 3 (Car Trailers!
Tractor-Trailer rigs), inside front cover,
41: Helicopter Crash Table, .51
Crew, 3, 33; damage to, 4, 18-19;firing
hand weapons, 20-21
Critical hits, 18
Crusader (Van car trailer), 60
Cupolas. 31
Cyberlink, 31
Cycles, acce!eraJiOfl, see "Cars"; arcs of
fire. see "Cars"; armor, 3.5; blndes, 32;
collision damage. 4; crashes, see
"Cars": damage, 4: debris, see "Cars";
decelenuion. see "Cars "; design, 3.5;
frame, 3.5; injury to driver, 18;
maneuvers, see "Cors": movement, see
"Cars"; pedestrians boarding, 23; power
plaJlts. 3.5; sample vehicles, 60; sidecars,
3.5; suspension, 3.5: targeting, 14, 17;
fires, 3.5; weapons, 3.5; wheelguards, J2
Cyclist skill, 26
Damage, 4, 17-18; buses, 46; burst effect,
17; colculating, 4, 14, 17; am, 4,
17-IS; car trailers. 43; collision damage,
18; critical hits, 18; cycles, 4; effect on
handling class, 10, 14; helicopters,
.51-.52; locotion, 4, 14, 18; modifiers, II.
13; recording, 18; repair, IS; rable. II:
ten-wheelers, 39; to armor, 4; to people,
4, IS-19; to poWf!r plant, 4; to turrets, 4;
rrikes, 36; truclcs. 46
Damage modifiers, II, 13
Damage PoinlS (OP), 3, 18
Damage table, II
Debris, 13; COUIlters, 13: effect on buses,
47; effect otl corso 10; effect otl handling
class, 10; effect 011 ten-wheelers. 39;
effect on trucks, 41; from up/f)Siotl, 19;
from fafling buildings, 22; hitting debris,
13; producing debris, 13
Deceleration, 3, 8, 9; buses. 46-47; cors, 3,
8; car trailers. 41; cycles. see "Cars ";
due to crew injury, IS: due ro damage. 4;
helicopters, 49; ten-wheelers, 39; trikes,
see "Cars "; truclcs, 46-47
Drift maneuver, 3, 9; steep, 9
Driver, 4; irljury to, 4,18-19; effectotl
handling class. 10; incapacitaud, 4;
reflexes, 7: sleW, 9, 10, 26; 5Mbsritute
drivers, 18-19
Driver skiD, 9, 10, 26
Dropped weapons. 19-20
Evening-out maneuver. 9
Explosion, 19; variant rules. 19
Exira magazine, 31
fire. 19, as resulJ of crash, 19; as result of
damage, 19; effect of, 19: in buildings,
22; modifiers, 19; sequenu of rolls. 19;
variant rules, 19; vehicular fire fable, 19;
extinguishing, 19
fire extinguisher, 19, 32: improved fire
utinguisher. 32
firelight Deluxe (Cycle), 6
fishlailing, .5, 11; and skid, .5
fixed objects, collision with, 12
flamethrower (FT), 15. 17; and vehicle
fires. 19; heavy duty (HDm, 1.5. 17;
portable (PF). 2.5
flamins Oil Jet, IS, 16. 19
flares, see Starsheillauncher
frames. 3S
Fog. and targeting, 17
Getting Started. 7
Gliden, hang, .52
Gnat (l-man helicopter). 61: Rocket option,
61; SuperGnar, 61
Gold Cross. 28
Grasshopper (helicopter-aulOmobile) .52
Gravel, burst effect damage, 11; effect on
handling class. 10
Great Northern Motors Corp, Viking
(Io-wheel long-nose cab), 60
Great Northern Motors Corp. VOYlgeur
(2o-fOOI bus), 60
Grenade equivalents, 20: pedestrian
limits, 23
Grenade launcher (GL), 1.5, 16
Grenades, 21. 25; J1echette
grenade, 31; burst-effect damage. 17;
COflCJLJSiofl gnNJde (CG). 25; deviation
from duimllOrg". 21; eff,ct Ofl
cks. 20; gnlttJlk equiVGleflls, 20.23; hit-
tulg solid obfrcts. 21; grmode liJllIfmu
(Gl.), 15. 16.25; ptllfllgnlttJlk (PG).
15; tunge, 20, 21; SIrlOIle grma!, (SG).
15; t,"r gas gr,1ttJIk (TGG). 25; throw-
iIIg. 21; t&-hit roll. 21
Gunner. 4; dDmog, 10. 4; conrrol. 4;
skill. 20, 26
Gunner skill. 26
Hand weapons. 25; critical hits and,
18: tffect Oft 20:jirillg bonusts,
2().21; jirillg peNJltj,s, 20-21; rtJIIge, 20:
skill, 20. 26
Handgunner skill. 20, 26
Handling. class, 10; Stalus, 8. 9: effect of
damag, 01'1, 14
Handhng clasJ. 10;fi2cron affrilll, 10
Hand-tO-hand combIl. 23; against
23; dmrmilling to-hit IlUmbt'r, 23; mor-
litJJ arts skin and. 23
Hang gliders. 52
Hazards, 10
Heavy Iucn (HL). 15
Heavy plSlOl. 25
Helicop:ers. 48-52: DCC'e/trarion. 49; accts
sories, 48-49; arrs ojjin. 52; amlOr, 48;
backwards fljght, SO; body Opts. 48;
bomb bay. 49; bombs. 52; climbillg,
49SO; coiUsiOlU. 51; combat, 5152;
corutrwcrion, 48; craJhillg. 51; damagll,
5152; damagll fororiOll. 51-52; due/lira
tiOI'I, 49; 49-50; drifting, SO;
"murutg, " 52:frtt-fall damagt. 51.
52. ItaIIgg6dm, 52;
51; mantllvt'n, SO: nIO\'III1W'N,
49-51; personal ptlraC#ult', 49; pOIllOOllS.
49; po....v:r pfmtls, 48; rotlJIitrg. SO: rotor
dt.tcb, 51; I'OfOr faib4n. 51: SOIrf'le
IIdJd,s. 60-61; skids, 49: sJcid strelcMn,
49; IOrgttUlg. 51, (IIrnlS, 48; vehicuior
ptJrodUllt, 49; SO; .....,apons, 48;
"""ch, 48-49
Hlghwly scenarios. 7
Hires TargetlI1g computer, 6. 31
Hits, dttllrmjnatiort, 4. 14; critical. 18
HOlShot (Luxury). 7. 59
HoustOfl Metal Fabncawl'$ Type Two VIn
(Yin semi-uailer). t 1, 60
Husky (SUI. Hehcopter). 61: Hwsky
Wadldog. 61
Icc. dfn:t OffltondlUlg class. 10
Imp (Ughl tncyde), 60; off-rood Imp. 60
Infrared lIrgelUig mock. 32
IuunidatOr (Station WIl8OO). 59
JKktnifmg. mr traiurs, 40. 41. 42:
trwda. 47
Jo5tph Special (mid-siud), 59: Joseph
SfHcilJJ "T, " 59
Jump-Stan Nles. )-6
Kill. dejinilion of, 26; prestig, jor. 27
Kiner Kan (subcompact). 6. 11. 59
KIngpin. 45
lisen (L). 5. IS; and slftt)/uscrents, 4. 20;
and vehic1l1jirlls. 19; Mavy (HL), 15:
b,1I1 (U), 15: targttllfg scope. 32
Laser WJeting scope. 32
Leo (Medium tricycle). 60: Uo Pridll. 60
lzvJatlwl (Transpon helicopter). 61
light anti-mnt weapon (LAW), 25: ... ".
Ught aIIIi-uurA: (YUH?, 15
Lighl lasers (LL), 15
l.Ight pistol (LP). 25
Limpel mmes (LM). 15
Line or fire. 4, 14; efftet ofsmou.scr-nru
Lmkcd ... eapons. 4. 20. 31
Lumberjack (X-Hvy tricycle). 60;
JOel: 'Lucky Pi,",. " 60
Machine-Guns (MG), 5, 15; dipsjJr, 25;
tfftct M \oellidu, 20: tripod machiM-glUI
(fMG), 25; ndalll (VMG), 15
Magnum MOIors Roughrider (Standard cab-
over lruck). 60
Maneuvering. bwllS, 47; cars. 3. 8-10: CtJr
lrailen. 41-42; C)'Cles, see "Can";
/wJioopltn. SO: Ice
"Can"; tOOs. see "Can"; t,..cis, 47
Maneu\'er Iypes. 3. 8: INttd. 9;
9; dflft. 9; 'vt'tling-Ofd, 9; ltard
9; plvot, 9; roto/t, 50; steep
drift, 9; 9; tight b6td. 9; 114m".,
U)' lISe. 10
Mania! arts skill. 23. 26
Meclwuc skill, 18,27
Mechanical Memory Sun.ge Device
MicroMedic (Imln heIK:opler), 61
Micro missile launcher (MML). 15
Midville. Ohio. 7, S4-S7
Minedropper (MO), 15; damage 10 tirllJ,
15. 16: Sp,"r 1000 (SMO), 15. 16, 20
Mines. tff,ct of, 20: limptt mines (LM), 25;
pltJeente1lt oj COIlIfttrJ, 20: nfffOl,
COtUro/, 20
Mini-bus. 37. 3839: OCct!uration, 38;
38; armor. 38; collisiu, 39;
combat, 38; craws, 39; damagll, 39;
debris. 39; tkcduazion. 39; 1tGumb, 39;
mant\ol\v:n. see "Can"; mo&Utting
rm, 38: meA.,,,,,,,,, 38; obSIOCUS. 39:
38: po_r plants, 37; JItlIIf'U
i',hides, 60; steamrolillfing, 39; SltSptll
sion, 37; ,argeting, 38; tire bloWOllts. 39;
tires. 37; tumzs, 38; 38;
....'ight, tff,ct 011 ntQi',mntt, 38
Mini-Sherman (compact), 6, S9
Missiles, 15; micro mjssik rauncher (MML).
IS: radll,..guid61 (RGM). 15; targtting,
17; .....ireguided (WGM), 15
MMSO (Mechamcal Memory SIorage
Devke). 28
Model E Busnouahl (Bus), 60
MOIOrtydes. see Cycus
Movemeu. 3. 8-13; bw,s, 46-47: mn,
810; etJr trailtn, 41-43; chort, back
cover, COft/ormiIl8, 12; C)'Cus, see
"Can"; htUcopf'n. 49-51; petkstriallJ,
23; plwa, 3; 10; straightlinll,
8; targe'ing modijilln. 17; t",-..m,t/us,
38-39: lriies, see "Cars"; 'rud:s, 46-47
Movement chan, back cover; USIl of, 8
Multi-fire rockel pod (MFR). 15. 16
Night, and tllrgering. 17
Obstacles. 13; lIi,ring obstadts, 13; produc-
iIIg obstaclu, 13
Off-rc.d dudlina. 57-58; advatuages, 57;
bouIden. 58; 58; ditdtes,
58; equipment. 5758:ftJUt8. 58: grau,
58; gll.W,s. 58; JlU"Ping OWl 01 vdlicus,
57; 58; potabia, 57; rotlill"
57; solid tires. 57; 58;
rabI. 58; Irta. 58; water, 58
Oil, lI}ftet ofoil slkis, 20; tffllCt Off
lwutdJi", clan, 10, 20; effeet M
(UfUsrl'ians, 23;ftamirtg oil, 19.20.23
Oil gun (00). 15, 16
Oil jet (OJ). 15, 19;.ftami.v (FOJ), 15. 16.
19; Mavy tbtty (HDOJ). 15, 16, 19;
heavy dJUy fImnbtg (HOFOJ). IS. 16, 19
Options, 3, 59
Outlander (Heavy Cycle). 60; OII,landllr
sidllCdr (Mavy sidllC'Qr). 60
Paint. and Jillil ojfire. 20; and rorrtting. 17.
20; COUlttllr praeemefll, 20; durotiOll, 20;
<!feet on vehicks, 20
Paint spray (PS), 15; heavy dury (HOPS),
16; on owomaric, 20; ploarm'"t oj
COWltlln. 20; see abo "Paint"
ParKhutes, JUr$OflQl. 49; 49
Paramedic skill, 26
Pusenaers, 33
PedestrianI. 13.23-2.5; anti damop
ond, 1718; boordiJw vehicles, 23-1A:
bwsr t/ftet tltmtap lIItd. 17; dunbi"g
SUJin, 23; mmbat, 23; continuln,
cMroctlln. 26-28; COfW,n, 23; domilg,
points, 23; dropping 01'110 24;
jiri", hand weapotU, 20, 23;Jkunillg oil
ond, 23; hand-to-1laN:l combat, 23; i"
collisions, 13; and covu. 22;jumping
from Mil vellld, to another, 24: m(",s
ond, 23; mOvtmllfll, 13. 23, 24: oil and,
23; SPlled of, 13, 23; spiklls end, 23;
sprinritt" 23; ,ar'llting modijilln, 17
Pef'lOnll items. 32
........ 3
Pilot skill, 26
PiJanhI (Luxury). 11. S9; cowie,.
\'tr.siotl, 59
Pistol, heavy. 25; light, 15
PivoI maneuver, 3, 9
PlanIS, power, see PIonts,
PlUIIJe (Std. Helicopter), 61; FltJmill, Oil
optiM, 61
Police Cruiter (Luxury), 61
PonlOOnS. htficopter. 49
Pop-up turrets and cupolas, 31
Portable nlmethmwer (PF), 25
Ponabk shop, 17. 32
Power (actors, 29. 34
Power planlS. 29-30; and acceleration, 34;
and lAten, IS. JO: INsIlS, 44-45; mn,
29-30; r:ydIlS, 3S: to, 4. 30;
dJlpJiaue, 30; MlicopI,n, 48; JIO">'er
/octon, 29, 34; rQIIg' aNl. 30; rechorg-
ing. 30; 37; tma, 35;
,,,,ets, 44; tDlW, 30
Power units, 30
P'resti&e, 27-18. tJdvanlOg,s of, 28; d'"th
end, 18; kills and, 27
Radar, 33
Radar'l\lided missile (RGM), 15
Rain, on handling doss, 10; and
UJrgll';"I, 17
Ramming. II: buildings. 12; !lee allO
Ram plait, 32
...... 45
Ranac, long, S, 17; pmaJtks jJr missil,s,
15; poiN-bIDnJ:, 5. 17; UJlJlItillf
modijilln, 17; w#tick, 30
RedwJina, 30
lUcoiJku rifle (R.R). IS. 25; clAps jar. 25;
tripod (17Ul). 2j
Record sheets. 3; blank. 6; spud trod. 3;
of, 7; 3, 7
"Reefer" trailer. 45; cortraikr. 40
Referee, 53
Reflexe.s, 7, 8; on halldling cfo.ss. 10
trailer, 45; cartraikr. 40
Remote conlJOl, 33
Repairs. 18, 27. 34; difJiculty 0/. 27;
inssollmion, 27;jw"..riggiltg. 27;
nvdwtic still and, 18; npoir eMn. 27;
Reversed trike, 36
Rip. 41; see also "Tnd:r"
Road conditions, 10
Road .sections, 3, 7
Road scenarios, 53; Rood Duel, 5,53; Pod:
Attod. 5. 53
Robobce (I-man helicopter), 61; Rocut
RiJboIHe. 61
Rocket. heavy (HR), 5, 15, 16; launchu
(RL), 5. 15; Ught (IR). IS. 16;
mftlium MR). 15. 16; milli (MNR), 15,
16; multi-fire f'Ot:kt pod (MFR), 15, 16;
platform. 31
Rocket launcher (RL), 5, 15
Rocket plalform, 31
Rocket Special (Mid-siu), 6
RoUing, II; off-rood, 57
Roule maneuven, SO
Rubble. and liM ofsight. 22; from foiling
bc4jJdjllgs. 22; pdwriD1u in 22
RunnU1g skill, 13. 23, 26
RV see
Salvace, 27. 34
Sample vehicles, 59-61: 60; con.
59-60; 60; helicoptm,
sprdol wNcffs. rell-wf\terers.
60; tnus, 60; tnds, 60
Sale. 3. 8
Scenarios, 5, 7, 53-58; Amott'llr Night, 53;
OrelJ/J comboJ, 7, 53; oryfights, 7;
ClUsodus. 55; 5. 53;.for
IUles. 5; Pad: Attack, 5, 53;
porleilIg lot. 7; Rood 5; 'lUcI, stop
combot. 7. 54; Whuls vs. Walkus, 54-55
SearchliW"s, 17,33
Security Silt (Van), 60
SCaJrity Seven (Van). 60
Self Security Systems Unit Twelve (Van
trailer). 60
Shogun 100 (Light Cycle), 6, 11,60
Shogun ISO (Lighl Cycle). 60
Sho&un 200 (Medium Cycle), 60
Sboow> 220 (Cyck)
Shop, ponable, 27,32
Sbocgun, 2S
Sidocan, armor, 14: uugnUtg. 14
Side door. 33
II, 12, 13
Sill Shoocer, see Multi'fi" rock' pod
Skids,5, II; tutdjisJuailillg. 5
Skids, 49; _id st"'tchen. 49
Skills. 10,26-27; cycUst. 26; 10, 26:
gunner. 26; Iwtdgunnu, 26:
1M"', 26; martial arts, 26; mechmtic. 27;
poromtdic. 26; pilot. 26; fUMing. 26;
skill poi1lts. 26. 27; t11lcku, 26
Smoke, 0lId tarseri1lg. 5, 17; countus, 4, 20
Smokescreens (SS), 4, 5; counter placeme""
20; heavy dury (HDSS), 16: lours and.
4; gas, 20; 011 aulomtJIic. 20
Snow, effect OIIhandlittg closs, 10
Sound enhancemeN, 32
Sound SYSlem, 32
Spear I(XX) minedropper (SMO), 16,20
Special vehicles, 61
Speed. 3, 7, 29; J'O"'o'rr plants and. 29-30;
umporory. 12;
rabh. 13
SpiJcedropper (SO), 15
Spikes, rf/:t 0/. 20; plaameN ofcowlun.
20; 15
Spoilen, 32
Sprinting, 23;firiltg WJPO'U whih sprbtt-
UIg. 23
Slairways, 23
StarsheU launcher (St), 15, 16
Stealth mode, 32
39, 47
Stinger (subcompact), 59
Slock car lisl, 6; use of, 7
Submachine gun (SMG), 2$
Suppressor (Std. helicopter). 61
Suspension, 29; buus. 44; cors, 29; cy-
35: len-wheelers. 37; trikes, 35:
Swerve maneuver. 3. 9; hDrd ,",'rIW. 9
Tank gun (TG), 15
Targeting, 4; btues. 46; can, 14: cor
trailen. 43; cycks. 14; Mlicopten, 51:
infrared torgffltcg 1fIOlk. 32; modifien
tobk. 17; modifien to ro-hit roll, 5,
17, 22; 38; trikes. 36;
tlUch, 46
Targeting c:ompuleTl. 6, 31; ond Ittutd
Mo'NpOl'lS. 20; hi"". 31
Targeting modirlers. 17; Might. 22
mi.JalloMow 17;
l1; 11; IJKciflc 11;
17; visibiJiry. 17
Tear gas, grvtOlh, 24; I.tJoihd ill
smoUscrem, 20
Temporary speed, 12; 13
Ten-wheeled truekJ. 37-39; 38;
arcs o/fire. 38; cob armor, 37; cab
arros. 37; cab lJ1Hs. 37; cab
37; comers (corgo aruu). 37-38;
armor, 38; corrier t)JH!s, 37-38; comer
38; coifisionJ. 39; combat. 38;
craws. 39: damage, 39: ddJris, 39;

see "Can"; mowtting 38;
1fIDI1. 38-39; almodu. 39; ptJ't'I'er pltutu.
37; somple vdlides. 60; steomrof1erittg,
39; swspnuiott, 37; torreMl, 3&; tire
bloWOlllS. 39; rires, 37; T'WChr _ill and.
3&; 46: MoWJPOllS. 37,38; Moright.
on 38
Ten-'NheeIen, 37-39; see "Tm-Mo'ItLd.rd
tlUd" or "Miltl-bl4s"
Tire chains. 32
Tires, 30: bu.us. 46; cors, 30; cor traikn.
40; cycks. 35: rffI ofspikes Oft. 20;
rf/t on IttutdlUcg da.u. 10; loss of, 10;
spo.ru. 30; IiJrgetilIg. 14. 17: ten
37. 39; trikes. 35; tnd:r. 45
Tight bend maneuver, 9
To-hil rolls, 4; modificotions. 5
Tonguc, 40
Tool lett, 32
Top speed, 3
TlSC(Ors, 44-45: armor. 44. 45; body
44; chassis. 44: fifth Mo'hul. 44: load. 44:
fnrSONlel. 45; powtr plants. 44-45;
"res. 45: 45
Trailen, 45-46; armor. 45. cor. see "Car
Traikn; kingpin, 45; 6;
45; SDmpk 60; rires. 45:
Tricycles, see "Trika"
Trikes, 35-36; aculmuiolt, see "Cars";
orcs offire. 36: amtor, 35; body sl)-ks.
3$; collisions, see "Cars"; C'CmboI, 36;
control rolls. 36; constlUCtiofl, 35;
crosJtn. see "eon": doma,e. 36;
dd1ris, see "Cars"; dectkrotion. see
"Cars "; hoztuds. 36: mtIIIeU\'l!rs, see
"Con"; mo\-emmt. see "Cars"; PD""oer
pWnts, 35: rel-erud triies. 36; S4mple
60; svspension. 35:
36; tins. 35; 36; .....Npon loca-
tion. 36; WMpOns. 35, whulguords. use
Tripod machine gun (fMG), 25
Tripod recoilless rifle (fRR). 25
Truck Slop scenarios, 7. S4
Trucker skill. 26, 46
Trucks, 44-47; 46-47; arcs of
fire. 46; armor. 44, 45; bodc.....drds
47; collision.s. 47; crosnes. 47;
rombtu. 46; damogt. 46: dtbris, 47;
deceuration, 46-47; Nmdlbfg cfo.ss. 46;
loose 47; mannH't'n. 47; 1t\O\'e-
mDtt. 46-47; obSlOClu, 47;
45,46; J'O"'o'rr planss. 44: \'rlti-
des. 60: s'MJIlroluri!tl. 47;
44; UJrgnillg. 46; 37-39:
""s, 45; troClOn. 44-45; 45-46;
46; wlrnu/q.... 47;
""'t'OpOns, 45, 46
Turnin& lcey, 10: IlK of, to
Tum:ts, 4. 31; arcoffi"'. 14; lnues, 46;
cor 43; to. 4; firins into
buildiltgs. 22: hdicoptln, 48; pop-up,
31; lOrgetifll. 14; 38;
trikes, 36: 46; uniYrrSDI, 31
Uncontrolled vehicles: 18: loose trailers,
Universal turrelS and cupolas. 31
Veer maneuver, 50
Vd\ieJes. for dtsign. 5, 6; burst
rf/eet damage and, 17; 7: modify-
inI. 34; optiOtU. 3; roro sltut. 3, 6, 7:
sompk, 59-61: ulriOll. 3, 7: sides. 14:
3, 7; largttmg modifiers.
5, 17: uncontroflftl, 18; ""'t'tJPO'U. 15. 30
Vdticular fire table, 19
Vigilante (Pickup), 59
wealth. 28
Weapons, 3; tJCCVrocy. 4, 17: are offirr.
14; btuts. 46; cors. 30: cor trailen. 43;
dtorr IUles). 5: dwn UM
f}ump--SlOn MU). 4: critical hi's. 18;
35; dropped, 19-20; hond. 24;
ItLlicopten. 48; lwed. 4, 20, 31; list
15; ploCemDtl of, 34: rtJle
offi"'. 14; 37, 38; trikes.
35, 36: tlUds, 45, 46; tutrr,ed. 4, 30, 31
Weapons JiSl4, 5. IS, 25; noUs. 1S-16, 2S
Wheelguards, 32; cyck, 32: 32
Wheels, Ion of, 10
Winch, helicopter. 48-49
Wire-guided missile (WGM). 15
Wood Hauler (Flatbed car tnliler), 60
T ..rg..tlng Modlfl..r ..
Point Blank (less than I" away): +4
1.oft& Ranae: -I for every full 4"; IhIt is, 4" to 7,99" is -I. 8"1lI 11.99"
is -2. 12" 10 15.99" il -3. tIC.

rifle\: illlOt moYinl: I
is not lOOYinJ: I
Finnl pedesui,n is braced IS.inSl solid object: +I
Tqet is 1OOY1Il& between 30 and 37.5 mph: -I
Targtl is mo""11 between 40 and 47.5 mph: -2
TUJCI II iTIOYlIll between .so and 51.5 mph: - 3
T'rJd is movins between 60 and 67.5 mph: -4
largelll IOOYIftI between 70 and n.5 mph: -5
TatJd is movinS 80 mph or rUler: -6
IIdlkk TtJ'ItU
Coml*1 or -I
Front or Rear of. Motorcyle or CIIr: -1
Mocorcyde. -2
S1Oecar: -2
l.lj.hl Trike: - 3 from fronl/bKk, -2 from silk
MedIUm Trike: -2 from fronllbad:. -I from u1e
HelIvy Trike: -1 from fronlltJ.'k. -I from side
XHe.vy Trike: -I from frorllfback. no penally from sde
Fronl of. Ten-Wheeler e.mer' -2
Silk of I TcnWheekr CIIb: +I
Side of. Ten-Wheeler C.rrier: +1
Side of I Mmi-Bus: ... I
SlIic of. ... I
Side of. Trtllier Of Bus: +2
OneMan Helicopter -I from from/bad:, ... I everywhere else:
Small Heheoplrr: -I from fruollblck. + I evcryv.1w:re ebe
SIandaf1S Hchcoplcr: + 2 from lOp, bottom, 01'" side
TtIMpOrt Helicopter' +2 from lOP. bouOfn, or "dc
Spifi( Ttutn
Ptddtriarl: -3
Vdllde ure: -3
TUfTet: -2
Rider (from side only): -3
TI'It1llr" FIfth Wheel; -6
lep ora Semi-TrlJler: -5
BuildIng +10
HelicopLer Skid: -8
Helicopler -8
Helicopter PonIOOll -3
Helicopter Rotor: -6
Seardllight -3
T(lIlSuc on UnaH.IlChed Car Traikr: -5
Tonlue on Atladled Car Trailer: -7
Unattached Hltl;h to Pull Car TraIler: -5
Auehed HlIm 10 Pull Car Trailer: -7
Seal Dunng Launch -6
Ejection Seaa Landini VII Panchute: -2
Finne through smoke or plllnl; - 2 per oounter
Night -3
Firer Blllldcd by Seardihghl. -10
tlfgelln, Computer Used: +I
HI-Res Computer Used: +2
Cyberlink Used: +3
Gunner SkIll: apply .... haIcvcr plus the skill 15 1I for that pla)cr
Handgunncr Skill: &arne as GInner skIll, but for hand weapons
Scope, + I when mounled on I hind wupon
Finna While on Oil, Gravcl. or Bad ROid. -I
Susb.lned Fire: ln5eCUliyc shot In 1$ many turns It SInM: IIrgd Wllh
.wne o'e1pOll: +I: thtrd Ind subsequent sholl: +2
AlIlCkcr Nol III Are of Fire Side; -2
All modifiers Ire cumulltivc. For cumplc. fidn. II the wheel (- 3) of.
IIll:*lrqtle (-2) from the front (-I) IIlIhc ram (-2) from 10" IWay (-2)
w.wJd be It I -10; firing IIIhc side or I trlldcr (+2) It poinl-blank ranae (+4)
UlIlIII hi-In computer (+2) W()U1d be II a +8.
H ..ndllng Modifier..
Colliding with (or sideswipllll) any 04.
HinlAl curb, obIillCk, Of pedestrian: 03.
Hltllng Ioosc debris: 01
Enemy fire does 1-5 hits or dlffllge 01
Enemy fire does 6-9 hIlS or damagc: 02.
Enemy fire does 10+ hill of damaae: OJ.
Onver injured or killed: 02.
Each enemy atUlCk produces I separate hlunL Ifl vehick IS stnIct: by three
weapons in one lurn, cac::h IttaCk W'QUld mo>'c Ihc handhna"'tatus marker down
and rcqlllre I separ1Ite dlt roll Ql'I the Control Tlble. Mines are "enemy fire."
Spikes, debns. obstKle$, CIC., arc noc.
Rood CondiriDfls
ught rain: adds 0 I 10 In)' haurd or lJWIeuyer.
Heavy adds 02.
Gravclon road: adds 01
Oil on rold adds 02.
Ughl snow: adds 02.
Heavy s;no.... : adds 03.
ke or pICked sno.... : adds 04.
W ....pon LI.t
Weapon ToHiI
'- at. '- ...
Midline Gun
1 3 I
1500 200
Vuklll MG 6
6 3

3 I. n", 600
Flamethro....er 6 1
, ,
HO Flamethro.... er 6
3 3 I.
'''' Rol;lr.el Laundlcr

, , ,
Micro Missile Laundlcr

1 I.
3 1
, ,
7000 400
Wire-pidod MISSile 6 3
, , ,
3300 2JO
Recoll\es.s Rifie
, ,

MliWIk Gun 8 3
3 I. 2.100
Llghl Laser 6 1
I 3000 200
6 3
, ,
Havy Laser 6

3 12000 1000
Tank Gun
6 I. 10 I. 11000 1400
, ,
10 1000 200
Spear 1000 MO
, , ,
1250 200

1 10 300
Srt'l()kctl;; rttn

1 I.
HO SmoktY:rttn

I. 900
Paint Spra)
1 25
HO Pamt Spray 3
I. 1200 1)0
Odkl 3
Duly Od Jet

3 I. 900 1)0
Oil n
3 3 10 1250 300
Flaming Oil Jel Id-2 l
25 1175 ..
HO FIamIllJ Oil Jet Id-2

] I.
, , ,
SlInhell Launcher
Hcay) Rocket

I 1
Medium Rl)(;ket

, ,
I 1 140
Usht Rockd

1 1
Mini Rockel

Id-I 1
1 50 20
SIX Shooll'r
1 3
'''' Bom'

1 100 100
, , ,
1 200
H ..nd W ....pon LI..t
Wupoo Gren.-equ.
'- at.
SublTllldllne Gun
Id. 6 I.
J hll'
20 140
:2 hit 6 I. 1)0
Heavy Pi-tol 1 :2
8 108
Light Pi'll\l 1 1 hil

Grenadc 1 I lIie


Tear Ga_ Gren 1

SlTlllkc Gren.l<' 1

1 20
Concussion Gren 1 I hit

1 4()
PaInt Grenade 1

Lll'llpd 1 1die I 60
Gren. L-ndler
, , ,
:2 dlCc 8 I
VLAW 1 Id. 8 1 200
TrIpod RR

3 160'
3 133
Tripod MG
I die
, ,.
Madlllle-Gun clip
20 33.
Portal;l\e IT

Movement Chart Vehicle Planning Sheet
Spaces NOles
0 ' 01"
./ ./
,- ,..
Spaces Total

WI, Capacily
The blank vehicle planning sheet
below is a valuable aid to designing v_..... __ 00: , .
your own vehicles. List the various ...,
componentS of YOl.Ir vehicle in the col- - Coo - ':' 't:"-
unut on the left, then IiU in the appro-
priate spaces for COSt, weight, and ........ &00 01100 Itl)Q ," ..-
for each item, There are also _ .. ..!oo ,_
columns for kping running totals of _,-,llOOO
. -,...... ...,
weIght and spaces used - very handy __" . YOO ' ....
for making sure yOl.l have a legal CDr __
WDr$ design. _
AI right is an example of a lilled- ,,_ z....o .. oo
Ol.It vehil:le planning sheet. It matchcs _ I."" ._
the descriplion and diagram of the "- ......... _ "
stock HQuhot u50Cd on page 7 in Sec- _
lion Ill, CHlling SfCJrfed. Note how all "'_
the items in the wriuen description are -
lICCOtlnted for on the planning sheet. "-
and all the items involved III combat -
have been transferred to the vehICle "-
diagram. Some items, like the suspen -
sion and chassis, are important to the -
construction of \he vehil:le. btll have""'" '''''
no bearing on combat - they are omit- =
ted from \he diagram, but included on _ 10..... ..
lIle planning sheet and descriplion. ,_ ..... ""..
Bod)' Size
Cltusis SIr,
f'Qwer Plant
Suspension He:
On the chart below, the numbers show how far the vehicle moves in
thai phase. "1" means it moves 1 inch and "2" means it moves 2
inches. Thus. a vehicle moving at 170 mph will move 2" on I
and 2. I"on 3, 2"cachon 4 and 5. I"on 6, 2" on 7. 8. and 9. and \"
on 10. fora 100al of 17" in Ilum. The "Ram" column is used lodeter-
mine the amount of damage suffered in a collision. See "Crashes and
Collision" in Section 5. Mol't'menl.
J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rom
0 0

10 1 Id-2
20 1 1
25 1
30 1
40 1 J
50 1 5
60 7
70 1 9
80 1 11
90 1 13
100 1 15
105 1
I 16
110 1 2 1 17
115 2 1
120 1 1 2 1 2 1 19
III 1 2 1 2 1
130 1 2 1 2 1 2 21
135 1 2 2 1 2 1
140 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 23
145 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
150 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 25
155 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
160 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 27
165 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2
1 28
170 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 29
175 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2
180 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 31
185 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2
2 32
190 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 33
195 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
200 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 35
*If/he vehicle has nOf yet taken its il must dQ so IIOW,
. Ifllre \ehicfe has nO/ )'t/ taken its Hi" ntOl't'. il must do so 11014',
The 1* " mOI't! must occur in a ugmenf marked with a 2",

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