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List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.

Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10013930 AERODATA AG REV. 2 B300 Installation of Aerodata Automatic Flight The Certification Basis for the original Installation Manual ,,,,,, HB-A/ None 06/05/2011 Active 10013930
Inspection SystemAD-AFIS-112. product and the followingadditional C-1087, Rev. 0Master
(EASA.A.S.00277) or alternative airworthiness Document List ,,,,,, MDL-A/
requirements are applicable tothis C-067, Rev. 8Maintenance
certificate/ approval.CS-23, Manual Supplement,,
Amendment2 (elected to comply by AMM-1088, Rev. 0Flight
the applicant, not required by21A. Manual Supplement,,,,
101)The requirements for AFM-124, Rev. 1,,or later
environmental protection and the revisions of the above listed
asso... documents approved by
10013945 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 10 LBA TA0441 A300 F4-622R Conversion of A300B4-600 and A300B4-600R The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Certification Summary In cases where an AMOC in the 06/07/2021 Active 10013945
ISSUE 4 A300 F4-622 R aircraft from a Passengerversion to a original product remains applicableto Document AMOC SUMMAY LIST is
(EASA.A.S.00387) A300 B4-620, A300 B4-622 Freighter version(P2F conversion).This this certificate/ approval.The EAA2/400/000/001/COS describesas partialcompliance to
A300 B4-605R, A300 B4-622R approval was originally issued by the German requirements for environmental Issue08, dated 16January the AD requirements, the
A300 B4-601, A300 B4-603 Luftfahrt Bundesamtunder STC reference protection and the 2007.- Airbus Deutschland remaining mandatory actions
TA0441:this STC (issue4) was transferred to associatedcertified noise and/ or Engineering Order Nr. PFM mustbe performed as indicated
EASA under referenceEASA.A.S.00387.”- Rev. emissions levels of the product are 00400A Issue 09, dated within the airworthiness
1 covered t... unchangedand remain applicable to 07May 2007.- Aircraft Flight directive.Limitations mentioned in
this certificate/approval without any Manual Supplement for the A300-600P to F – Weight and
im... Airbus A300-600, Revision Balance ManualSupplement.Prior
07,dated 15 January 2007.- to instal...
Supplemental Airworthiness
Limitations It...
10013954 TROYES AVIATION REV. 3 CESSNA F177RG Installation of a camera sight door under the CS23The Certification Basis for the File ref: FAM N° 59CHANGE Applicability F177RG S/N 0112, 29/03/2010 Active 10013954
S.A.R.L. fuselage.Addition of new aircraft to STC original product remains applicable FILE N° 53 ISSUE JUNE 2006 - 0065, 103, 087 F-BURU and S/N 51
(EASA.A.S.00494) EASA.A.S.00494 Revision 2. tothis certificate/ approval. EASA.A.S.00494 R1 and F-HBAG.
10013960 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 6 A310-304/-308/-324/-325 EASA STC 10013960 Revision 6 (A310-200 The Certification Basis for the original For A310-200 series None 27/06/2012 Active 10013960
A310-203/-221/-222 series and -300 seriesaeroplanes, Passenger product and the followingadditional Aeroplanes- Certification
(EASA.A.S.00634) to Freighter conversion)(Ref. to former or alternative airworthiness Summary Document (except
Luftfahrt Bundesamt STC TA0383 Issue 9)- requirements are applicable tothis MSN 349):
The STC EASA.A.S.00634 has covered the certificate/ approval.See Certification GQ21213151000-0011COS
transfer of the STC TA0383Issue 9 (original Summary Documents referenced in Rev G. dated 10/02/2009.-
Aviation Authority reference) from the Associated TechnicalDocumentation Certification Summary
originalAviati... sectionThe requirements for Document (for MSN 349) :
environmental protectionc... EQM/001/000-003/COS.dated
16 April 2004.- Airbus
Deutschland Engineering
Order Nr. PFM 08093A Issue
14. dated 31July 2008.-D...
10013963 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 3 767-300 Introduction of Matsushita In-Flight Aerospace Engineering This STC is approved only for the 28/04/2021 Active 10013963
LIMITED Entertainment SystemRev 3: Transfer from Solutions Master Data List product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.00652) AES Ltd. to new STC holder AES Global Ltd. AES-767-367MDL or later inthe approved design data
approved revision. referred to in the paragraph
"Description".Compatibility with
other aircraft/engine
configurations shall bedetermined
by the installer.Prior to installation
of this change/repair it must be
determined thatt...
10013964 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 3 A340 Installation of non-electrical Floor Path - STC TA0018- Supplemental This STC is approved only for the 05/03/2014 Active 10013964
AG Marking System Type Definition Document product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.00654) STDD33-97/01M, Issue 07 in the approved design data
dated09.11.2006- Applicant's referred to in the paragraph
Declaration ofCompliance "Description". Compatibility with
dated 15.11.2006- Airplane other aircraft/
Flight Manual Supplement engineconfigurations shall be
A-33-06/367-AFM- determined by the installer.
Instructions for Continued
Airworthinessor later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by...

04/01/2023 Page 1 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10013967 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 3 747-300, 747-400, 747-8 Radome installation for Live TV antennaRev. The Certification Basis (CB) for the B747-300:Supplemental Type Prior to installation of this design 09/11/2020 Active 10013967
AG 1: Incorporation of B747-300 in the original product remains applicableto Design Document change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.00701) applicability listRev. 2: Incorporationof this certificate/ approval.The STDD53-12/20M Issue 01 rev thatthe interrelationship between
B747-8 in the applicability list and STCoriginal requirements for environmental 05Maintenance requirements this design change and any
number EASA.A.S.00701 replaced by new protection and the document C-AAL900-MR rev otherpreviously installed design
number 10013967Rev. 3: Extension of 747-8 associatedcertified noise and/ or IRB747-400:Supplemental change and/ or repair will
ALI task, based on reassessment of emissions levels of the original Type Design Document introduce noadverse effect upon
DTAanalysis w... product areunchanged and remain STDD53-12/20M Issue 01 rev the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ 05Instruction for Continued
approval. Airworthiness ICA53-0215-01
rev IRB747-8:Supplemental
Type Design Document ST...
10013975 SMA AERO ENGINES REV. 14 F182P, F182Q Installation of SMA Diesel Engine SR305-230 The Certification Basis (CB) for the - SMA Mod. AM 16-082- Flight Prior to installation of this change/ 26/02/2021 Active 10013975
GMBH B) F182P, F182Q or SR305—230E andMT-Propeller MTV-9-BS/ original product remains applicableto Manual Supplements: see repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.00774) A) 182M, 182N, 182P, 182Q, 198-58B.Rev. 14: Transfer of STC 10013975 this certificate/ approval.The Appendix dated 17/02/2021- thatthe interrelationship between
182R rev 12 from Safran Aircraft EnginesSAS to requirements for environmental Airworthiness Limitation this change/repair and any
182M, 182N, 182P, 182Q, SMA Aero Engines GmbH protection and the Information asper Aircraft otherpreviously installed change
182R associatedcertified noise and/ or Service ManualC182- and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are ASMS-01E, Rev. 6<(>,<)> adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to Section 2SMA-AL- Installation airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval without any Instructions: see Appendix
im... dated 17/02/2021- Aircraft
Service Manual C182-
ASMS-01E, latest rev...
10013976 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 2 S550 (CITATION S/II) Installation of an L3 Digital Flight Data EASA TCDS IM.A.207The Certification - Master Documents List Limited to:S/N 550-0001 through 05/10/2010 Active 10013976
AVIONICS DESIGN 560 (CITATION V) RecorderRevision 2 was raised due to missing Basis for the original product and the 2018778-01 DOC issue 8, 550-0733 (Citation II)S/N 550-0801
(EASA.A.S.0097) ApS 560 (CITATION ULTRA) technical document references inRevision 1 followingadditional or alternative dated 27 Sept. 2010- through 550-1136 (Citation Bravo)
550 (CITATION II) airworthiness requirements are Engineering Order 2018778- S/N 560-0001 through 560-0259
550 (CITATION BRAVO) applicable tothis certificate/ EO-01 Issue 5, dated 26 Sept. (Citation V)S/N 560-0260 through
approvalJAR 25 at change 15The 2010- Airplane Flight Manual 560-0538 (Citation Ultra)S/N
requirements for environmental Supplement 2018778- S550-0001 through S550-0160
protection and the AM-01A, issue 5 from (Citation S/II)
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 19January 2010 for 115 VAC
emissionsu... or alternative Airplane Flight
ManualSupplement 2018778-
AM-01B, issue 2 from 19...
10013987 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) REV. 1 CAA UK 737-700 Replacement of a Lufthansa Technik IFE -BBJ383 Issue 2 dated 21 1. This STC is approved only for the 14/11/2013 Active 10013987
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY System with an ITAN IFE SystemRevision 1: February 2005 or later product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01019) certificate re-issued after DOA changed its approved revision-Flight in the approved design data
name to H4Aerospace Manual Supplement referred to in the paragraph
BBJFMS014 Issue I/R "Description". Compatibility with
other aircraft/engine
configurations shall be determined
by the installer.
10013993 AERODATA AG REV.11 DORNIER 328-100 Installation of Maritime Surveillance System The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List ref Applicable to Aircraft Serials 3051, 29/01/2013 Active 10013993
on Dornier 328-100including SAR Radar, FLIR, product remains applicable tothis MDL-A/C-089 Rev. 13.- Flight 3052, 3053, 3057 and 3059
(EASA.A.S.01024) and optional IR/UV ScannerRevision certificate/ approval.The Manual Supplement ref asmodified by Aerodata
4:Functional/optional upgrade to the radar requirements for environmental AFM-077 Rev. 10.- Aerodata Modification D328-2.xx for AMSA
system and mission software tooptimize protection and the Maintenance Manual Mission Purpose.Prior to
search and rescue operation. Hardware associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Supplement AMM-782 Rev. 9 installation of this design change it
upgrade to components ofthe ELTA weather emissions levels of the original dated September2012or later must be determined thatthe
& mission rada... product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA design change and any
approval. otherpreviously installed design
10014001 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 757-200 Installation of Enhanced Mode S The Type and OSD Certification Bases -Aviation Traders Ltd Prior to installation of this change/ 08/11/2021 Active 10014001
LIMITEDEUROPE TranspondersRev. 1: Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains Definition Document DD/ repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01038) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ 021/9162 Issue2-Aviation thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for Traders Ltd AFM Supplement this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the Number 31 Issue 1or later otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are document(s) approved/ adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to acceptedunder the EASA airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w... system.
10014002 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 737-700 Installation of Enhanced Mode S The Type and OSD Certification Bases -Aviation Traders Ltd Prior to installation of this change/ 08/11/2021 Active 10014002
LIMITEDEUROPE TranspondersRev. 1: Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains Definition Document DD/ repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01039) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ 022/9218 Issue2-Aviation thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for Traders Ltd AFM Supplement this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the Number 29 Issue 1or later otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are document(s) approved/ adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to acceptedunder the EASA airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w... system.

04/01/2023 Page 2 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014003 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 737-300 Installation of Enhanced Mode S The Type and OSD Certification Bases -Aviation Traders Ltd Prior to installation of this change/ 08/11/2021 Active 10014003
LIMITEDEUROPE TranspondersRev. 1: Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains Definition Document DD/ repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01040) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ 023/9219/ Issue 2-Aviation thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for Traders Ltd AFM Supplement this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the Number 30 Issue 1or later otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are document(s) approved/ adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to acceptedunder the EASA airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w... system.
10014007 GROWING REV. 2 B747-400 Reconfiguration of Virgin Atlantic Airways The Certification Basis for the original C747-25-1001-CCS, Rev Prior to installation of this change/ 20/04/2021 Active 10014007
ENGINEERING B747-400 from LHR to LGWconfiguration in product remains applicable tothis 3.C747-25-1001-MDL-01, Rev repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01047) PARTNERS GmbH accordance with SR Technics Master Data certificate/ approval. 3or later revisions of the thatthe interrelationship between
ListC747-25-1001-MDL-01, Rev 3 or later above listed documents this change/repair and any
approved revisionsRev. 2: Transfer of STC approved by EASA otherpreviously installed change
from SR Technics Switzerland to and/ or repair willintroduce no
groWINGEngineering Partners GmbH adverseeffect upon the
airworthiness of the product.
10014011 airplus engineering REV. 1 PA-23-250 Installation of1. COM/VOR/ILS/GPS-System Engineering Order 003-04 Rev This STC is approved only for the 17/02/2021 Active 10014011
GmbH Garmin GNS 4302. ELT Kannad 406AF 1EASA approved FMS product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01054) Emergency Locator in the approved design data
Transmitter Kannad 406AF referred to in the paragraph
Doc No PO0011-000406 Rev 0 "Description". Compatibility with
or later EASA approved other aircraft/
issuesEASA approved FMS engineconfigurations shall be
Garmin GNS 430VHF determined by the installer.
Communications Transceiver/
VOR/ILS Receiver/GPS
ReceiverDoc-No. PO
0011-000430 Rev. 0 or later
EASA approved issues...
10014012 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 1 337G Change to the complete avionics set installed The Certification Basis (CB) for the "Documento Técnico Restricted to: s/n FTB3370020, 15/01/2019 Active 10014012
CRITICAL SERVICES by a new one last generation GARMIN and original product remains applicableto CMA014, Issue 1" (Aircraft FTB3370021, FTB3370022,
(EASA.A.S.01055) FMANAGEMENT HONEYWELL this certificate/ approval.The Flight FTB3370023, FTB3370024 &
S.A.U. requirements for environmental ManualSupplement"CMA014- FTB3370025
protection and the AFMS, Issue 1" included)or
associatedcertified noise and/ or later revisions of the above
emissions levels of the original listed document(s) approved/
product areunchanged and remain acceptedunder theEASA
applicable to this certificate/ system.
10014013 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 A318/A319/A320/A321 Installation of non-electrical Floor Path Supplemental Type Definition 05/03/2014 Active 10014013
AG Marking System Document STDD33-04/03M,
(EASA.A.S.01056) issue 02
Record List CRL33-04/03M,
issue02 dated
20/01/2006Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement
Declaration of Compliance
dated 03/02/2006or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved...
10014023 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 2 A319-133 Airbus Corporate Jet Centre Modification The Certification Basis for the original - Modification Approval sheet This STC approval is limited to 30/05/2016 Active 10014023
CJ2072 - AL SALAM - CONVERSIONPRIVATE product as amendedby theadditional CJ2072 issue 01 - A319-133 MSN 2421.Prior to
(EASA.A.S.01078) TO PUBLIC AND VICE VERSA. or alternative airworthiness CONVERSION PRIVATE installation of this design change it
requirements as listed in theGeneral TOPUBLIC AND VICE VERSA, must be determined thatthe
CRI G-4103 “ACJC Project Issue 01, dated 30th May interrelationship between this
Certification Basis”.The requirements 2016- AFM Supplement FM-S design change and any
for environmental protection and the MOD SOG-00-1030 dated otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or MAY 01/16or later revisions change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the... of the above listed documents introduce noadverse effect upon
approved by EASA. the airworthiness of the produc...

04/01/2023 Page 3 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014034 RUAG AEROSPACE REV. 1 CESNA 550 Introduction of TCAS II Change 7.1 The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Document List, RUAG None 20/02/2015 Active 10014034
SERVICES GmbH original product remains applicableto Aerospace document No.
(EASA.A.S.01107) this certificate/approval. The 0147C-MDL, Revision 0,dated
requirements for 9 February 2015.Aircraft
environmentalprotection and the Flight Manual Supplement,
associated certified noise and/or RUAG Aerospace document
emissions levels ofthe original No.0147C-AFMS, Revision
product are unchanged and remain 0,dated 6 February 2015.or
applicable to thiscertificate/ approval later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10014040 SAFRAN SEATS REV. 1 767-300 Introduction of Stowage 4B and infill panel to The Certification Basis for the original -Heath Tecna Modification Prior to installation of this design 12/03/2019 Active 10014040
British Airways aircraft as defined in the product remains applicable tothis document C935 and change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01114) modification definition document and certificate/ approval.The associated DDP thatthe interrelationship between
Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP) requirements for environmental dated26/01/2005 or later this design change and any
protection and the approved revisions otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10014046 MT-PROPELLER REV. 1 CESSNA 208, 208B 1. Installation of the MTV-16-1-E-C-F-R(P)/ The Certification Basis for the original Installation 1:-Instructions for None 12/04/2011 Active 10014046
ENTWICKLUNG CFR250-55 full feathering andreversible 4- product and the followingadditional Continued Airworthiness and
(EASA.A.S.01128) GmbH blade constant speed propeller2. Extension or alternative airworthiness Installation InstructionsNo
of Installation 1 on MTV-16-1-E-C-F-R(P)/ requirements are applicable tothis E-1169-Airplane Flight Manual
CFR250-55propellers equipped with fluid certificate/ approval.FAR 23 Supplement No
deice system. includingamendment 34 (not E-1168Installation 2:--
required by 21A.101, elected Instructions for Continued
tocomply by the applicant).This Airworthiness and Installation
certificate/ approval involves a InstructionsNo E-1169,
change t... Revision 2-Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement No
E-1168, Revisio...
10014049 BUSINESS AND REV. 1 BEECH B300 Installation of KLN 900 GPS with EFIS-85 The Certification Basis for the original File ref.: BCA 26 Rev 2 dated BEECH 300 /B300 - F-GPRH - SN FA 06/02/2012 Active 10014049
COMMUTER BEECH 300 according to STCEASA.A.S.01131. product and the followingadditional 03/10/2011AFM 226.
(EASA.A.S.01131) AIRCRAFT or alternative airworthiness SUPPLEMENT FOR GPS
requirements are applicable tothis BENDIX / KING KLN-900 Ed.
certificate/ approval:FAR 23 Amdt . 01/12 - P/N BCA26 Rev2SMV.
23-62The certificated noise and/ or
emissions levels of the original
productare unchanged and remain
applicable to this cer...
10014059 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 3 757-200 Introduction of Pegasus Flight Management The Certification Basis for the original AES Flight Manual Prior to installation of this design 27/04/2021 Active 10014059
LIMITED Computers & MultiModeReceivers (MMRs) product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement No. 71 Issue 2or change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01143) Rev 3: Transfer from AES Ltd. to new STC additional or alternative later revisions of the above thatthe interrelationship between
holder AES Global Ltd. airworthiness requirements:the listed documents approved by this design change and any
following paragraph(s) at a later EASA.AES Modification No. otherpreviously installed design
amendment: CS-25 Initial AES-757-376 Issue 8AES change and/ or repair will
Issue25.581(b) - 25.601, 25.603, Master Data List introduce noadverse effect upon
25.605(a), 25.607, 25.609(a), 25.613 AES-757-376MDL Issue 15 the airworthiness ofthe product.
(a)(b),25.789(a), 25.869(a)(4),
10014066 MAGNETIC MRO AS REV. 2 747-400 Modification of Cabin to Install Zone B Cabin The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Modification Leaflet 1. Compliance with the following 19/09/2019 Active 10014066
Class Dividers, Zone BStowage & Dogbox, original product remains applicableto 04ML110. Requirements has not been
(EASA.A.S.01153) Door 2 Port & Starboard Dividers & Upper this certificate/ approval.The established.:1.1. Viewing of all
Deck Dogbox.Revision: Transfer of Certificate requirements for environmental apllicable placards & signage to in
to Magnetic MRO AS protection and the compliance withFAR/JAR
associatedcertified noise and/ or 25.791.1.2. Weight, centre of
emissions levels of the original Gravity & Weight Distribution, to
product areunchanged and remain be incompliance with
applicable to this certificate/ JAR25.1519.1.3. Compliance with
approval. JAR/FAR25.785 (d)(3). The elimin...
10014074 328 SUPPORT REV. 2 JETSTREAM 3200 SERIES Installation of Airborne Collision Avoidance - Avionics Mobile Services This STC is approved only for the 27/09/2018 Active 10014074
SERVICES GmbH JETSTREAM 3100 SERIES System (ACASII). Definition Document Part product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01166) 21-002/1485-01 Issue1 or inthe approved design data
later approved revision.- referred to in the paragraph
Avionics Mobile Services AFM "Description".Compatibility with
Supplement Part 21-008/011 other aircraft/engine
Issue 1 orlater approved configurations shall bedetermined
revision. by the installer.

04/01/2023 Page 4 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014078 SAFRAN SEATS REV. 1 747-400 Reconfiguration of Cabin Interior from The Certification Basis for the original Heath Tecna Modification As defined in DDP, Aircraft Serial 14/03/2019 Active 10014078
current 387SIA passenger cabin configuration product remains applicable tothis document C933 and MSN 26548. Zero Occupancy. For
(EASA.A.S.01170) (16F+58B+313Y for RT 514) to a 383 (12F certificate/ approval, except where associated DDP dated thismodification to be accepted on
+47B+324Y), Cathy Pacific Boing 747-400 amended by additional or 21/6/05or later approved an EU registered aircraft, requires
fleet standard passenger cabin configuration. lateramendments if indicated on FAA revisions. theoperator to confirm that all the
STC.Therequirements for associate FAA and Hong Kong
environmental protection and the CDAmodifications have been EASA
associatedcertified noise and/ or approved.Prior to installation of
emissions levels of the original pro... this design change it must be det...
10014090 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 SA227-BC, SA227-DC, SA227- Installation of Thommen Air Data Display and The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Supplement Prior to installation of this design 25/09/2017 Active 10014090
GMBH TT Altimeter. original product remains applicableto Doc No SA226/227- change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01187) SA226-TC, SA227-AC, SA227- this certificate/approval.The NY-0212-08, Rev. 0, or thatthe interrelationship between
AT, requirements for environmental laterEASA approved revision. this design change and any
SA226-AT, SA226-T(B), protection and the otherpreviously installed design
SA226-T, associatedcertified noise and/or change and/or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/
10014097 SAFRAN SEATS REV 2 767-300 Introduction G3 Wardrobe to British Airways The Certification Basis for the original Heath Tecna Modification As defined in the DDP.Prior to 14/03/2019 Active 10014097
aircraft as defined in the modification product remains applicable tothis Document C936 and installation of this design change it
(EASA.A.S.01195) definition document and Declarationof certificate/ approval, except where associated DDP, dated must be determined thatthe
Design and Performance (DDP) amended by additional or 24March 2005, or later interrelationship between this
lateramendments if indicated on FAA approved revisions. design change and any
STC.Therequirements for otherpreviously installed design
environmental protection and the change and/ or repair will
associatedcertified noise and/ or introduce noadverse effect upon
emissions levels of the original pro... the airworthiness of the product.
10014122 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 2 767-300 Introduction of 258 Passenger Configuration The Certification Basis (CB) for the AES Ltd. Master Data List No. Prior to installation of this design 27/04/2021 Active 10014122
LIMITED & Associated Cabin Changes.Rev. 1: FAR Part original product remains applicableto AES-767-330MDL Issue 6 change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01232) 26 Validation for EASA STC EASA.A.S. this certificate/ approval.The dated 14 December2012;or thatthe interrelationship between
01232.Rev. 2: Transfer from AES Ltd. to new requirements for environmental later revisions of the above this design change and any
STC holderAES Global Ltd. protection and the listed documents approved by otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or EASA. change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe
applicable to this certificate/ product.This Supplemental Type
approval. Certificate is approved o...
10014123 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 1 767-300 Introduction of Matsushita in-Flight AES Master Data List Prior to installation of this change/ 28/04/2021 Active 10014123
LIMITED Entertainment SystemRev 1: Transfer from AES-767-355MDL Issue 2 or repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01233) AES Ltd. to new STC holder AES Global Ltd. later EASA approved revision thatthe interrelationship between
this change/repair and any
otherpreviously installed change
and/ or repair willintroduce no
adverseeffect upon the
airworthiness of the product.
10014125 AEROCONSEIL REV. 1 A321-213/-231/-232 ELT Antenna InstallationInstallation of an The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, ref : Airworthiness Limitations 08/02/2019 Active 10014125
A321-111/-112/-131/-211/-2 Emergency Locator Transmitter external product as amendedby thefollowing 0243-01-A-2103- inspection requirements apply
(EASA.A.S.01235) 12 RAYAN antennaP/N: 2624-82, additional or alternative R02Instructions for Continued forExtendedService Goal aircraft,
A320-233 structuralelements only. airworthiness requirements:The Airworthiness, ref : 0243-01- as described in section 3
A320-211/-212/-214/-231/-2 following paragraph(s) at a later A-2211-R02. ofInstructions forContinued
32 amendment: Applicable Airworthiness (Supplement), ref:
A319-131/-132/-133 regulationsat CS 25 Initial Issue (refer 0243-01-A-2211-R02.Prior to
A319-111/-112/-113/-114/-1 to associated Certification installation of this change/repair it
15 Plan0243-01-A-2101-R02 section must be determined thatthe
5).The requ... interrelationship between th...
10014138 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 2 35/ 35A Installation of Honeywell MST-67A dual The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. ACC Master Document List Prior to installation of this change/ 19/01/2022 Active 10014138
Service GmbH Mode S XPDR/CAS-67A TCAS II System. original product remains applicableto ACC-LR35-50096, Revision 0, repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01249) this certificate/ approval.The or later EASAapproved thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental revisions.2. ACC AFMS this change/repair and any
protection and the LR35-50096-820-S-MF, otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or Revision 0, or later EASA and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original approvedrevisions.3. ACC adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain AFMS LR35-50096-830-S-MF, airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Revision 0, or later EASA
approval. approvedrevisions.

04/01/2023 Page 5 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014139 328 SUPPORT REV. 2 550 AND 650 Installation of an Airborne Collision Avionics Mobile Services This STC is approved only for the 27/09/2018 Active 10014139
SERVICES GmbH Avoidance System (ACAS II). Project Certification Plan AM/ product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01252) 1493. Avionics Mobile inthe approved design data
Services AFM Supplement referred to in the paragraph
Number Part21-008/008. "Description".Compatibility with
other aircraft/engine
configurations shall bedetermined
by the installer.
10014142 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 2 A330-322 Cabin reconfiguration from a 18 B/C + 331 Y/ The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Document List, ref. Prior to installation of this 15/06/2018 Active 10014142
GMBH C layout to a 18 B/C +343Y/C layout.This STC original product remains applicableto MDL330-25-01-05 Revision 2, modification it must be
(EASA.A.S.01256) installs a new cabin arrangement. this certificate/ approval.As per EASA dated 27 Apr.2005<(>,<)>or determined thatthe
TCDS A.004Elect to Comply with CS25 later revisions of the above interrelationship between this
(Original Issue) requirements: listed documents approved by modification and any other
25.0811(d)/ 25.812(d)(e)/ 25.813(a) EASA. previouslyinstalled modification
(b)(e)/ 25.851(a)/25.853(a)(c)(f)(h)/ and/ or repair will introduce no
25.869(a)(b)(c).The requirements for adverse effectupon the
environmen... airworthiness of the product.
10014143 SAFRAN SEATS REV. 1 747-400 Heath Tecna Modification C943 - Cathay The Certification Basis for the original Heath Tecna Modification As defined in DDP Aircraft Serial 14/03/2019 Active 10014143
Interiors Modification. product remains applicable tothis Document C943 & associated Numbers 25172 & 25128. Zero
(EASA.A.S.01261) certificate/ approval, except where DDP, dated 1 August2005 or Occupancy.For this modification to
amended by additional or later approved revision. be accepted on an EU registered
lateramendments if indicated on FAA aircraftrequires the operator to
STC.Therequirements for confirm that all the associated FAA
environmental protection and the & Hong KingCAD modifications
associatedcertified noise and/ or have been EASA approved.Prior to
emissions levels of the original pro... installation of this design change it
10014147 ATELIER CHABORD REV. 3 DR 400/2+2 Installation of exhaust system according to The Certification Basis for the original Technical Dossier ref. STC- The approval holder shall fulfill the 24/01/2022 Active 10014147
DR 400/120, DR 400/120 D Chabord modificationSTC- product as amendedby thefollowing DR420-2015-01 Revision D obligations of Part 21, Point21.A.
(EASA.A.S.01266) DR 400/120 D, DR 400/2+2 DR420-2015-01Rev. 3:,,- Enhanced silent additional or alternative dated 04 January2022<(>,<) 109.Prior to installation of this
DR 400/100, DR 400/120 blocks- Alternative anti corrosion surface airworthiness requirements:- The >Or later revisions of the change/repairit must be
DR 300/108, DR 315, DR treatment- Enhanced materialon different following paragraph(s) at a later above listed document(s) determined thatthe
400/100 parts- Enhanced shape of central structural amendment:CS 23 Amdt 3 § 607,611, approved/acceptedunder the interrelationship between this
DR 300/108, DR 315 part in muffler- Additional bracket on double 783, 807, 867, 1101, 1121, 1123, EASA system. change/repair and any
rod tube. 1125, 1529.The requirements for otherpreviously installed change
environmental protection and th... and/ or repair will introduce no
adverseeffect upon the airworth...
10014148 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 1 2. SA227-TT Installation of Honeywell CAS 67A ACAS II Design:Non-significant changeThe EASA approved Engineering This change is limited to the 08/11/2010 Active 10014148
AVIONICS DESIGN 2. SA226-T(B), SA227-AT System with dual Mode STransponder Certification Basis of theoriginal Order, Doc. No. 2027046-EO, configuration of aircraft /
(EASA.A.S.01268) ApS 2. A226-T, SA226-AT product and the issue2, dated25-Oct-2010, or equipment typeas listed under
1. SA227-BC followingadditional /,,alternativeairw later approved issueEASA Chapter 4. in EASA approved
1. SA226-TC, SA227-AC orthiness requirements are approved Aircraft Flight Engineering Order, Doc. No.
applicable tothis changeFor the Manual Supplement, Doc. No. 2027046-EO, Issue 2, dated 25-
change CS-23 has been elected to 2027046-AM-01A, Issue 2, Oct-2010, or later approved issue.
comply with where dated 07-Jun-2005<(>,<)> or
possible.Environmental later approvedissue, andEASA
Protection:The certificated noise approved Aircraft Flight
and/ or e... Manual Supplement, Doc. No.
10014159 TELEDYNE UK REV. 2 CAA UK BOEING 767-300 Installation of Teledyne Controls OQAR The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Data List STC- Prior to installation of this change/ 20/11/2020 Active 10014159
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY 767-300 (Controls Optical Quick AccessRecorder)Rev. original product remains applicableto MDL-015-02 dated 27 repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01290) 1: Transfer of Approval Certificate to new this certificate/ approval.The September 2005<(>,<)>or thatthe interrelationship between
Certificate Holder (fromTeledyne Ltd to requirements for environmental later revisions of the above this change/repair and any
Teledyne UK Ltd).Rev. 2: Correction of the protection and the listed document(s) approved/ otherpreviously installed change
Applicant name and address. associatedcertified noise and/ or acceptedunder the EASA and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are system. adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval without any
10014160 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 F27MK500 Installation of an ARTEX ELT C406-1/-2.Rev. 1: The Certification Basis (CB) for the None. Prior to installation of this change/ 03/03/2022 Active 10014160
Service GmbH Transfer of STC from Gomolzig Aircraft original product remains applicableto repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01292) Services GmbH to ACCColumbia Jet Service this certificate/ approval.The thatthe interrelationship between
GmbH requirements for environmental this change/repair and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 6 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014163 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 767-300 Installation of Teledyne Flight Data The Type and OSD Certification Bases None This STC is approved only for the 08/11/2021 Active 10014163
LIMITEDEUROPE Acquisition Unit P/N 2233000-811 toprovide (CB) for the original productremains product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01295) S.A.S. parameters to the FDRRev. 1: Transfer of STC applicable to this certificate/ inthe approved design data
approval.The requirements for referred to in the paragraph
environmental protection and the "Description".Compatibility with
associatedcertified noise and/ or other aircraft/engine
emissions levels of the product are configurations shall bedetermined
unchangedand remain applicable to by the installer.Prior to installation
this certificate/approval w... of this change/repair it must be
determined thatt...
10014175 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 114B Wing auxiliary Spar RepairRev. 1: Transfer of The Type and OSD Certification Bases Modification Summary Sheet - Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014175
LIMITEDEUROPE STC (CB) for the original productremains ALT/COM/M001or later repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01310) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ revisionsof the above listed thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for document(s) approved/ this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the acceptedunder the EASA otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or system. and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w...
10014184 328 SUPPORT REV. 2 HAWKER 800XP Installation of an Airborne Collision - Avionics Mobile Services This STC is approved only for the 27/09/2018 Active 10014184
SERVICES GmbH Avoidance System (ACAS II). Project Certification Plan AM/ product configuration as defined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01322) 1498 inthe approved design data
ReferencePART21-003/1498-0 referred to in the paragraph
1 or later approved revision.- "Description".Compatibility with
Avionics Mobile Services AFM other aircraft/engine
Supplement reference AFM configurations shall bedetermined
PART21-008 Issue2 or later by the installer.
approved revision.
10014191 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 767 SERIES Installation of non-electrical Floor Path STDDNo. 33-05/02M, Issue 05/03/2014 Active 10014191
AG Marking System. 2AFMS Doc. No.A-33-05/314-
(EASA.A.S.01333) AFMAFM Supplement for
Boeing 767 SeriesLHT Doc.
No. A-33-05/331-AFM,dated
October 31/05 or later
approved revision
10014198 328 SUPPORT REV. 3 HAWKER 800XP Installation of an Airborne Collision - Avionics Mobile Services This STC is approved only for the 10/10/2018 Active 10014198
SERVICES GmbH Avoidance System (ACAS II). Project Certification Plan AM/ product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01341) 1498 inthe approved design data
ReferencePART21-003/1498-0 referred to in the paragraph
1 or later approved revision.- "Description".Compatibility with
Avionics Mobile Services AFM other aircraft/engine
Supplement reference AFM configurations shall bedetermined
PART21-008/001Issue 2 or by the installer.
later approved revision.
10014208 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 1 767-300 Introduction of 279 passenger Aerospace Engineering Prior to installation of this change/ 28/04/2021 Active 10014208
LIMITED configurationRev 1: Transferfrom AES Ltd. to Solutions Modification repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01360) new STC holder AES Global Ltd. AES-767-426 dated April 13 thatthe interrelationship between
2005 or later approved this change/repair and any
revision. otherpreviously installed change
and/ or repair willintroduce no
adverseeffect upon the
airworthiness of the product.
10014214 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 2 CESSNA F182-Q Installation of Noise Reduction Kit - Anhang zum Flughandbuch 1. The approval is valid only in 03/02/2022 Active 10014214
Service GmbH CESSNA F182-P C182-606650 SPOH_12498_IO550_HM- combination with the installation
(EASA.A.S.01374) CESSNA 182Q Anhang zum Flughandbuch of FAA STC SA009133SC (Texas
CESSNA 182P SPOH_12498_IO550_NQ- Skyways Inc) or STC SA00152WI
CESSNA 182N Anhang zum Flughandbuch (Air Plains Services Corp.) Both
CESSNA 182M SPOH_12498_O550_EM- with own EASA approval.2. The
CESSNA 182L Anhang zum Flughandbuch approval for the models Cessna
CESSNA 182K SPOH_12498_O550_NQ- 182 E, F and G is not valid for the
CESSNA 182J Umrüstungsanweisung combination with the installation
CESSNA 182H II_12498 of S...

04/01/2023 Page 7 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014215 328 SUPPORT REV. 2 550 AND 560 Avionics Mobile Services Modification AM/ - Avionics Mobile Services Ltd This STC is approved only for the 27/09/2018 Active 10014215
SERVICES GmbH 1478. Installationof anAirborne Collision Project Certification Plan AM/ product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01376) Avoidance System (ACAS II). 1478reference inthe approved design data
PART21-003/1478-01.- referred to in the paragraph
Avionics Mobile Services Ltd "Description".Compatibility with
AFM Supplement other aircraft/engine
PART21-008/008 dated configurations shall bedetermined
April08 2005 or later by the installer.
approved revision.
10014218 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 1 AIRBUS A340-600 Installation of Antenna, Receiver Transmit The Certification Basis (CB) for the Supplemental Type Definition Prior to installation of this design 27/02/2013 Active 10014218
AG System, and Network services.This STC original product remains applicableto Document, ref. change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01379) installs through the cabin a set of equipment this certificate/ approval.The STDD46-11/14, Issue thatthe interrelationship between
to allow dataexchange.The Revision 1 has requirements for environmental 1;Instruction for Continued this design change and any
introduced some modifications through the protection and the Airworthiness, ref. otherpreviously installed design
initial STCdesign by upgrading the existing associatedcertified noise and/ or R-00-04/120, Revision change and/ or repair will
Wireless Access Points (WAPs) tosupport the emissions levels of the original 5;Aircraft Fligth Manual introduce noadverse effect upon
IE... product areunchanged and remain Supplement, ref. the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ A-00-04/133-AFM, Revision
approval. 2;or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA.
10014219 CEAPR REV. 8 DR 400/RP AFM DR400/CDI The Certification Basis for the original For TAE 125 engine:1. Type Installation of TAE 125-01-114 is 10/07/2018 Active 10014219
DR 400/200 R product remains applicable tothis Design Definition TD 60-012. limited to DR400 models with S/N
(EASA.A.S.01380) DR 400/180 R certificate/ approval.The Pilot's Operating Handbook 2574and upwards.Prior to
DR 400/140 B requirements for environmental for DR400/120D/140B/ installation of this modification it
DR 400/120 D protection and the 180Rl200R equippedwith TAE must be determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or 1253. Supplemental Airplane interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original Maintenance Manual modification and any other
product areunchanged and remain AMM-60-01For TAE previouslyinstalled modification
applicable to this certificate/ 125-02-99 engine:1. Type and/ or repair will introduce no
approval. Design Definition TDD 60-01 adverse effectupon t...
Issue 22. Supplemental Pilot's
Operating Handbook, Do...
10014238 MT-PROPELLER REV. 2 1. DV20 & 2. DA20-A1 Extension of EASA STC EASA.A.S. The Certification Basis for the original - Aircraft Flight Manual none 04/11/2010 Active 10014238
ENTWICKLUNG 01402Installation of the 2-blade MTV-21-A/ product and the followingadditional Supplement, Doc. No. E-1909,
(EASA.A.S.01402) GmbH 170-05 or alternative airworthiness rev 0, 14.09.2010-
requirements are applicable tothis Instructions for Continued
certificate/ approval.CS-VLA, Airworthiness, Doc.No.
Amendment 1 (not required by 21A. E-1911, rev. 0,14.09.2010or
101, elected to comply by later revisions of the above
theapplicant)This certificate/ listed documents approved by
approval involves a change to the EASA
10014248 AEROTEC & REV. 4 SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Cabin Baby Bassinet InstallationRev. 4: The Certification Basis (CB) for the - MASTER DATA LIST Configuration: A/C with provision 31/01/2022 Active 10014248
CONCEPT LIST Revision of EASA Approved Model List (AML) original product remains applicableto AE19081MDL Rev. 2- for Baby Bassinet Installation.Prior
(EASA.A.S.01470) to cover followingA/C Type: A350, B787 & this certificate/ approval.The INSTRUCTION FOR to installation of this change/
EMB-190. requirements for environmental CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS repair it must bedetermined
protection and the AE19081ICA Rev. 1- thatthe interrelationship between
associatedcertified noise and/ or INSTRUCTIONS FOR CCOM this change/repair and any
emissions levels of the original SUPPLEMENT AE19081ST Rev. otherpreviously installed change
product areunchanged and remain 1- MASTER DRAWING LIST and/ or repairwill introduce no
applicable to this certificate/ AE19081MDWLRev. 1or later adverseeffect upon the
approval. revisions of the above listed airworthiness of th...
document(s) approved/
acceptedunder the EASA
10014250 BEECHCRAFT BERLIN REV. 2 B200 Installation of Cloud Research and Seeding The Certification Basis for the original - Airplane Flight Manual None 27/09/2010 Active 10014250
AVIATION GmbH SystemThis EASA STC 10014250<(>,<)> REV. 2 product remains applicable tothis Supplement Doc 2023287-
(EASA.A.S.01472) reflects the transfer of STCEASA.A.S.01472 certificate/ approvalThe AM-01, Issue 5 datedAugust
Revision 1 from Scandinavian Avionics Design requirements for environmental 2005- Continued
GmbH toBeechcraft Berlin Aviation GmbH protection and the Airworthiness Doc 2023287-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or CA-01- Engineering Order Doc
emissions levels of the original 2023287-EO-01or later
product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed
applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 8 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014254 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 707-300 Avionics UpgradeRev. 1: Transfer of STC The Type and OSD Certification Bases 1. ATL Modification ATL/707/ Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014254
LIMITEDEUROPE (CB) for the original productremains M127.2. Compliance Plan CP/ repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01479) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ 032/9501 Issue 63. Flight thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for Manual Supplement ATL AFM this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the Supplement Number 34 Issue otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or 1or later revisions of the and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are above listed document(s) adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to approved/acceptedunder the airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w... EASA system.
10014256 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 FOKKER F.28 MARK 0100 Installation of non-electrical Floor Path 1. Supplemental Type 05/03/2014 Active 10014256
AG FOKKER F.28 MARK 0070 Marking System Definition Document
(EASA.A.S.01483) STDD33-05/01M, issue 01
dated03.03.20062. Airplane
Flight Manuel Supplement
Applicant's Declaration of
Compliance dated
17.03.2006or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10014266 TROYES AVIATION REV. 4 F177RG Rev 4: Provisions for three attachments in The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Supplement Flight Manual FR177RG S/N 0112, 0065, 103, 153 07/05/2018 Active 10014266
S.A.R.L. the right side of theinstrument panel in original product remains applicableto Rev.1 dated 16/11/2005or and 087 F-BURU; S/N 051 D-EMEN;
(EASA.A.S.01495) accordance with the STC EASA.A.S.01495R1: this certificate/ approval. later revisions of the above S/N 047The installation of this
Additionof applicability to F177RG S/N 047 listed documents approved by modification by third persons is
EASA.-Troyes Aviation REF subject towritten permission of
51.-Minor Change Troyes the approval holder and holding
Aviation REF 51 Revision 2 and disposal ofthe approved
July 2009-Minor Change appropriate documentationThe
Troyes Aviation REF 45 approval holder shall fulfill the
approved under EASA.A.S. obligations of2...
01495Revision 1
10014271 CESSNA REV. 1 525, 525A Installation of Honeywell KMH 880 or The Certification Basis for the original Installation Procedure none 27/06/2011 Active 10014271
DUESSELDORF KMH-980 product and the followingadditional 2003-10-1, Rev. CFlight
(EASA.A.S.01501) CITATIONSERVICE or alternative airworthiness Manual Supplement
CENTER GmbH requirements are applicable tothis 2003-10-8, Rev.
certificate/ approval.FAR-23The DMaintenance Manual
requirements for environmental Supplement 2003-10-10, Rev.
protection and the Bor later revisions of the
associatedcertificated noise and/or above listed documents
emissions levels of the original approved by EASA
10014281 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 3 737 SERIES Installation of non-electrical FPM SystemRev. The Certification Basis (CB) for the Supplemental Type Definition Prior to installation of this change/ 15/03/2021 Active 10014281
AG 737-900/-900ER/-8/-9 1: product name updatedRev. 2: applicability original product remains applicableto Document STDD33-05/03M repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01518) 737-500/-600/-700/-800 extended to the “Max” models737-8 and this certificate/ approval.The Issue 2Rev 1Airplane Flight thatthe interrelationship between
737-100/-200/-200C/-300/-4 737-9.Rev. 3: typos corrected requirements for environmental Manual Supplement this change/repair and any
00 protection and the A-33-05/324-AFM Issue IR Rev otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or 0Instructions for Continued and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are Airworthiness ICA33-05/03M adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to Rev 2Master Minimum airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval without any Equipment List Supplement
im... A-00-19/68-MMEL Rev 2or
later revisions of the above
listed document(s)...
10014282 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 1 BOEING 747-400 VVIP Cabin installationRev. 1: Replacement of The Certification Basis for the original Generic Documents:STDD As per AFM Supplement 18/11/2020 Active 10014282
AG 747-400 conductive oxygen flex-hoses with non- product as amendedby thefollowing 25-05/06M Issue 2 Rev. A-00-06/181-AFM.Prior to
(EASA.A.S.01519) conductiveones.Renumbering the certificate additional or alternative 2Cabin installation installationof this change/repair it
from EASA.A.S.01519 to 10014282. airworthiness requirements:- Special documents: STDD 25-05/19 must be determined thatthe
Condition(s): CRI D-1.1 “Isolated Issue 1AFM Supplement interrelationship between this
Compartments” Issue 1, CRID-1.2 A-00-06/181-AFM Issue 1 rev change/repair and any
"Integration of large nonstructural” 5ICA document A-00-06/137 otherpreviously installed change
Issue 1.- Deviation(s): CRI D-1.3 Issue 1 rev 0Oxygen flex hoses and/ or repair will introduce no
“Firm Handhold” Issue 1... replacements: CPL 35-20/07M adverseeffect upon the
Rev 0or later revisions of the airworthiness of the product.
above listed document(s)

04/01/2023 Page 9 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014287 CONTINENTAL REV. 15 LBA EMZ F172L, F172M, F172N, F172P Major Change to STC EASA.A.S.01527, The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for This STC supersedes LBA-EMZ SA 21/01/2020 Active 10014287
AEROSPACE SA1295 F172F, F172G, F172H, F172K Revision 5:1. Installation of engine TAE product as amendedby thefollowing operation:Cessna (F) 172-N, -P 1295.Limitations for TAE 125-01 &
(EASA.A.S.01527) TECHNOLOGIES 172R, 172S 125-01 in accordance with InstallationManual additional or alternative with TAE 125-01 installation:- TAE 125-02-99:- Take off power:
172L, 172M, 172N, 172P IM-20-01 and Type Design Definition Doc. No. airworthiness requirements:- Special Anhang Flughandbuch für 99 KW at 2300 min-1
172F, 172G, 172H, 172I, TDD-20-01;2.Installation of engine TAE Condition(s): CRI A-01lssue 7 (Dec 13, (Reims) Cessna (F) 172 N & P (Propellerspeed)- Max. continuous
172K 125-02-99 in accordance with 2007).- Equivalent Safety Finding(s): mit TAE 125Installation, TAE power: 99 KW at 2300 min-1
InstallationManual IM-20-02 and Type Design CRI A-01lssue 7 (Dec 13, 2007).- The Nr: 20-0310-20011,Ausgabe (Propellerspeed)- Fuel: Service
Definition Doc. No.3... following paragraph(s) at a later 1, LBA anerkannt Bulletin TM TAE 601-0005For
amendment: JA... am31.10.2002 oder jede Cessna 172S and for increased
spätere LBA/EASA-anerkannte weight versions of 172R (perLuft...
Ausgabe.- Supplement Pilot's
Operating Handb...
10014292 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 1 B737-700 IGW Revision of EASA.A.S.01534 IR per Major The Certification Basis for the original - Supplemental Type Once LCA is activated (installation 03/12/2012 Active 10014292
AG Change 0010002739-001:Operationat 8.99 product and the followingadditional Definition Doc of FAA STC ST01697SE
(EASA.A.S.01534) psi maximum cabin differential pressure or alternative airworthiness STDD00-05/07M Issue 03, dtd asvalidatedper EASA STC
(Lower Cabin Altitude,LCA)Original STC Title: requirements are applicable tothis Oct 22,2012;- AFM 10042295) on an individual
B737-700 IGW VIP Cabin 19 Pax. certificate/ approval:-CRI-D01 (Doors Supplement Doc A-00-06/100- aircraft, the
between Passenger Compartments)- AFM, Revision 03, dated Jul maintenancerequirements defined
CRI D-02 (Isolated Compartments)- 18/06;- Instructions for in Doc A-00-06/100-ICA will apply
CRI F-01 (Executive Power System)- Continued Airworthiness (ICA) for the life ofthis aircraft. This
TGL No.17 (Passenger S... Doc A-00-06/100-ICAIssue 01, limitation remains valid also in
dated June 2, 2010;or later case ofdeactivation of FAA STC
revisions of the above listed ST01697SE as...
documents approved by...
10014298 SAFRAN SEATS REV. 1 767-300 Business Class Footstool Assemblies on The Certification Basis for the original Heath Tecna Modification This STC is limited to S/N 24340, 14/03/2019 Active 10014298
British Airways Boeing 767-300 product remains applicable tothis document C973 & associated 24341, 25204, 25444, 25442,
(EASA.A.S.01542) certificate/ approval, except where DDP<(>,<)> Issue 1<(>,<)> or 25732,25826, 25828, 25829,
amended by additional or later approved revision. 27140, 24335, 24336, 25831
lateramendments if indicated on FAA and25834.Prior to installation of
STC.Therequirements for this design change it must be
environmental protection and the determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original pro... design change and any
otherpreviously installed design
change and/ or...
10014302 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 3 DR400/2+2, DR400NGL, DR300/400 MOGAS OperationInstallation of The Certification Basis (CB) for the General: Master Document According limitation section of 03/02/2022 Active 10014302
Service GmbH DR400/100 a modification kitto allow the operation with original product remains applicableto List AFMMust be maintained iaw.
(EASA.A.S.01546) DR400/180S MOGASi.a.w. EN228 to aircrafts models and this certificate/ approval.The MDOCL_2030326_rev1_2013 Original MM and in addition iaw
DR400/180, DR400/180R variants as listed above. Theinstallation can requirements for environmental 0815Model DR300() and SupplementalMaintenance
DR400/160, DR400/160D be performed to aircrafts of the existing fleet protection and the DR315 - no wing tanks; Manual
DR400/140, DR400/140B and toaircraftsin production. associatedcertified noise and/ or retrofitFlight MMS_2030326_rev0_20130415 or
DR400/120, DR400/120A emissions levels of the original ManualSupplement later approved revisionsPrior to
DR400/120D, DR400/125 product areunchanged and remain SPOH_8696_DR300_ installation of this modification it
DR315, DR340, DR360, applicable to this certificate/ rev1_20130415Installation must be determinedthatthe
DR380 approval. Instruction interrelationship between this
DR300/140, DR300/180R II_2030326_DR300_RF_FT_re modification and anyi...
DR300/125 v0_20130415Maintenance
DR300/108, DR300/120 Manual Supplement
15Model DR340; DR360 and...
10014303 328 SUPPORT REV. 2 PA-31T2 (CHEYENNE IIXL) Certification of FAA Approved field Avionics Mobile Services AFM This STC is approved only for the 27/09/2018 Active 10014303
SERVICES GmbH modifications for the issue of anEASA C of A. supplement Part 21-008 014 product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01547) GNS-530.Avionics Mobile inthe approved design data
Services AFM supplement referred to in the paragraph
Part 21-008 "Description".Compatibility with
015KMH-880.Avionics Mobile other aircraft/engine
Services AFM supplement configurations shall bedetermined
Part 21-, 008 016 SN3308. by the installer.
10014305 FOKKER SERVICES REV. 2 737 SERIES Number 1 Cockpit Windshields. Addition of The Certification Basis (CB) for the GKN Aerospace Modification None. 17/07/2017 Active 10014305
B.V. layers of polyurethaneinterlayer to the original product remains applicableto C/R 014or later revisions of
(EASA.A.S.01549) existing qualified designs to improvein- this certificate/ approval. The theabove listed documents
servicereliability.Rev. 2: Transfer from GKN requirementsfor approved by EASA.
Aerospace to Fokker Services environmentalprotection and the
associated certified noise and/ or
emissions levelsof the original
product are unchanged and remain
applicable to thiscertificate/

04/01/2023 Page 10 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014312 TENENCIA Ltd. REV. 1 CAA UK 3. BEECH G58 Hawker Beechcraft Baron Steep Approach The Certification Basis for the original Tenencia Ltd Modification Hawker Beechcraft Model 58PA S/ 26/05/2010 Active 10014312
RESPONSIBILITY 2. BEECH 58/58A Landing CertificationThis Certification at product remains applicable tothis TEN 426, "Hawker Beechcraft N TJ-256 andHawker Beechcraft
(EASA.A.S.01557) 1. BEECH 58PA Revision 1 of the STC ref. EASA.A.S.01557 certificate/ approvalThe certificated BaronSteepApproach Landing Model 58 S/N TH-1967 only.
includesadditional aeroplane models noise and/ or emissions levels of the Certification", Issue 4 dated
compared to the initial issue of the STC original productare unchanged and 20 May 2010.Tenencia Ltd
remain applicable to this certificate/ AFM Supplement 1 Issue 2 to
approval the Beech
Handbook and FAA Approved
Airplane Flight Manual P/
N102-590000-41Tenencia Ltd
AFM Supplement 1 Issue 1P...
10014320 SAS - SCANDINAVIAN REV. 3 737-800 Change of the cabin layout to Swedish The Certification Basis (CB) for the SAS Project number SAS Project Number 737-2520-01: 14/12/2017 Active 10014320
AIRLINES National Air Medevac (SNAM) SASProject original product remains applicableto 737-2520-01-SAS Technical s/n 28318, 28324, 28325, 28326,
(EASA.A.S.01571) SYSTEMDENMARK - number737-2520-01 and SAS Project number this certificate/ approval.The Order MTO-255155E-SAS 28327,28328, 30195, 30196,
NORWAY - 737-2520-02Revision 2: Transfer of STC from requirements for environmental Technical Order 30197, 30469, 30470, 30471,
SWEDENTHE Scandinavian Airlines System to SASTechnical protection and the MTO-255491A-SAS Flight 32276, 32277 and 32278.SAS
CONSORTIUM Services AB.Revision 3: Transferof STC from associatedcertified noise and/ or Manual Supplement for Project Number 737-2520-02: s/n
SAS Technical Services AB to MAPAircraft emissions levels of the original Boeing 737-800 Supplement 28318, 28323, 28324, 28325,
Part 21... product areunchanged and remain No.SAS-737-SNAM, Project 28326,28327, 28328, 30194,
applicable to this certificate/ No. SAS-737-2520-01-SAS 30195,30196, 30197, 30467,
approval. drawing "737-800 Air 30468, 30469, 30470,30471,
Medevac Cabin 32276, 32277...
Configuration", No.
GE-737-1010SAS project
number 737-2520-01-...
10014322 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 2 A300 B4-103, A300 B4-203 Introduction of Enhanced Mode S The Type and OSD Certification Bases -Aviation Traders Limited This STC is approved only for the 09/11/2021 Active 10014322
LIMITEDEUROPE TransponderRev. 2: Transferof STC (CB) for the original productremains Modification 9613<(>,<)>-ATL product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01575) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ AFM Supplement 35 Issue 3, inthe approved design data
approval.The requirements for SSR Mode S Elementary & referred to in the paragraph
environmental protection and the EnhancedSurveillance "Description".Compatibility with
associatedcertified noise and/ or (Without LHAS-STC other aircraft/engine
emissions levels of the product are ST01149LA Installed)<(>,<)>- configurations shall bedetermined
unchangedand remain applicable to ATL AFM Supplement 47 Issue by the installer.Prior to installation
this certificate/approval w... 1, SSR Mode S Elementary of this change/repair it must be
EnhancedSurveillance (With determined thatt...
Installed).or later revision...
10014323 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 727 SERIES Introduction of Terrain Awareness & Warning The Type and OSD Certification Bases -Aviation Traders Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014323
LIMITEDEUROPE System (TAWS)Rev. 1: Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains Modification ATL/727/M165 repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01576) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ Issue 3-Aviation Traders AFM thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for Supplement No 37or later this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the revisions of the above listed otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or document(s) approved/ and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are acceptedunder the EASA adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to system. airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w...
10014325 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 3 747-400, 747-400F Installation of non-electrical Floor Path Supplemental Type definition 05/03/2014 Active 10014325
AG Marking System Document STDD33-02/05M,
(EASA.A.S.01578) issue 03
Flight Manual Supplement
Declaration of Compliance
dated 30/03/2006or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10014357 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 2 CAA UK 200, 300 Installation of a Ground Use Battery (GUB) The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Prior to installation of this design 10/02/2015 Active 10014357
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY system Gama Aviation Mod refHL/MOD/ product remains applicable tothis with GAMA Aviation change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01622) 1370. certificate/ approval.The Modification HL/MOD/ thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental 1370,as defined by Master this design change and any
protection and the Drawing List (MDL) ref otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertificated noiseand/or MDL-1370 Issue 1, dated change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original 5January 2015, and introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain installation instructions the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ IPI-1370 Issue 1, dated
approval. 5January 2015.Operation in
accordance with GAMA
Aviation Flight Manual
Supplement refAFMS-13...

04/01/2023 Page 11 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014358 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 757-200 Introduction of Enhanced Mode S The Type and OSD Certification Bases Aviation Traders Modification Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014358
LIMITEDEUROPE TransponderRev. 1: Transferof STC (CB) for the original productremains 9673 ATL AFM Supplement repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01623) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ 36or later revisions of the thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for above listed document(s) this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the approved/acceptedunder the otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or EASA system. and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w...
10014362 SEGELFLUG GRUPPE REV. 1 HK 36 TC Optional operation with skis with directional The Certification Basis (CB) for the Ergänzung 1 zum Limited to S/N 36730 fitted with 29/01/2014 Active 10014362
SIEMENS control and breakingsystem instead of original product remains applicableto Wartungshandbuch, Version 2 Skis.Prior to installationof this
(EASA.A.S.01629) MÜNCHENE.V. wheels in winter this certificate/ approval.The vom 04.02.2012Ergänzung 5 design change it must be
requirements for environmental zum Flughandbuch, Version 2 determined thatthe
protection and the vom 30.11.2012or later interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed design change and any
emissions levels of the original documents approved by otherpreviously installed design
product areunchanged and remain EASA. change and/ or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. the airworthiness of the product.
10014364 CONTINENTAL REV. 17 LBA-EMZ SA PA-28-181 (ARCHER III) 1. Installation of engine TAE 125-01 in The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for operation:1. 1. This STC supersedes LBA-EMZ 12/08/2019 Active 10014364
AEROSPACE 1377 PA-28-180 (CHEROKEE) accordance with InstallationManual IM-40-01 product as amendedby thefollowing For PA-28-161 with TAE SA 1377 and former EASA STC A.S.
(EASA.A.S.01632) TECHNOLOGIES PA-28-180 (ARCHER) and Type Design Definition Doc. No.: TDD additional or alternative 125-01installation:Anhang 01632.2. Power/Rotational
PA-28-161 (WARRIOR II) 40-01.2. Installation of engine TAE 125-02 in airworthiness requirements:- Special Flughandbuch für Piper Speed:For TAE 125-01 and
PA-28-161 accordance with InstallationManual IM-40-02 Condition(s): CRI A-01 Issue 7 (March PA-28-161 mit TAE 125 125-02-99 installations:Take off
PA-28-160 (CHEROKEE) and Type Design Definition Doc. No.:TDD 07,2008)- Equivalent Safety Finding Installation;Ausgabe 1, Rev. 0 power: 99 KW at 2300 min-1
PA-28-151 (CHEROKEE 40-02.3. Installation of a FADEC Backup (s): CRI A-01 Issue 7 (March 07,2008)- Approved March 8, 2004 or (Propeller speed)Max. continuous
WARRIOR) Batte... The following paragraph(s) at a later each later EASA power: 99 KW at 2300 min-1
PA-28-150 (CHEROKEE) amendment:T... approvedissue (see TM TAE (Propeller speed)For TAE
PA-28-140 (CHEROKEE 000-0004).Supplement Pilot's 125-02-114 installations:Take off
CRUISER) Operating Handbook for the Power:M...
Piper PA-28-161 Equi...
10014371 365 AEROSPACE DDS REV. 3 737-600/-700/-800/-900/-90 Installation of an Enhanced Surveillance The Certification Basis for the original Aerospace Design & Prior to installation of this design 05/08/2019 Active 10014371
LIMITED 0ER Mode S SystemRev 3: Transfer of STC from product as amendedby thefollowing Engineering ConsultantsAFM change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01645) 365 Aerospace Ltd. to 365 Aerospace DDS additional or alternative Supplement 1 FMA-0014-001 thatthe interrelationship between
Ltd. airworthiness requirements:CS 25 Issue AAerospace Design & this design change and any
Amendment 1225.869, 25.1301, Engineering ConsultantsFlight otherpreviously installed design
25.1307, 25.1309, 25.1321, 25.1333, Manual Supplement FMA- change and/ or repair will
25.1351, 25.1353,25.1355, 25.1357, 1370-083 Revision 1or later introduce noadverse effect upon
25.1431, 25.1529, 25.1581, 25.1701, revisions of the above listed the airworthiness ofthe product.
25.1703, 25.1705,25.1707, 25.... document(s) approved/
acceptedunder the EASA
system.Aerospace Design &
Engineering Consultan...
10014372 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 747-200 Introduction of a Litton 72R INS in a Boeing The Type and OSD Certification Bases 1. Compliance Plan Inertial A copy of this Certificate and the 09/11/2021 Active 10014372
LIMITEDEUROPE 747-200 seriesaircraftRev. 1: Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains Navigation System - Litton EASA Approved Flight
(EASA.A.S.01646) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ LTN-72R, ATLdocument CP/ ManualSupplement (AFMS) must
approval.The requirements for 037/9732, Issue 1.2. AFL AFM be maintained as part of the
environmental protection and the Supplement Number 39 permanent recordsfor the
associatedcertified noise and/ or Inertial Navigation System, modified aircraft.Prior to
emissions levels of the product are ATL documentATL/747/M032, installation of this change/repair it
unchangedand remain applicable to Issue 13. Engineering Order must be determined thatthe
this certificate/approval w... Inertial Navigation System - interrelationship between this
Litton LTN-72R, ATLdocument change/repair and any
ATL/747/EO032, Issue 14. otherpreviouslye...
10014373 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 3 DC-9, MD-88, MD-90-30 Installation of non-electrical Floor Path Supplemental Type Definition 31/01/2017 Active 10014373
AG B717-200 Marking System Document STDD33-05/05M,
(EASA.A.S.01647) issue 02
Flight Manual Supplement
Declaration of Compliance
dated 28/03/2006or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 12 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014379 TUI AIRLINES REV. 1 757-200 MOD/757/1272, Installation of Security The Certification Basis (CB) for the Thomson Airways The FlightVu camera system must 23/12/2016 Active 10014379
BELGIUM N.V. Cameras in accordance withThomson original product remains applicableto Modification Summary MOD/ be selected ‘OFF’ for take-off
(EASA.A.S.01657) Airways Modification Summary MOD/ this certificate/ approval.The 757/1272 at issue 3or later andlanding.Prior to installation of
757/1272 at issue 3.History: the EASA STC requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed this design change it must be
A.S.01657 (based upon CAA-UK Approval protection and the documents approved by determined thatthe
Note No.28803 issue 2) was granted to associatedcertified noise and/ or EASA. interrelationship between this
Britannia Airways Ltd on the 07 Dec. emissions levels of the original design change and any
2005.The STC Holder name then changed f... product areunchanged and remain otherpreviously installed design
applicable to this certificate/ change and/ or repair will
approval. introduce noadverse effect upon
the air...
10014387 BUSINESS AND REV. 1 1900D Installation of a TCAS II System in accordance The Certification Basis (CB) for the Aircraft Flight Manual Prior to installation of this design 25/06/2015 Active 10014387
COMMUTER with Business & CommuterAircraft document original product remains applicableto Supplement Business & change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01673) AIRCRAFT BCA53-00, at revision 2, datedJune 25, 2015. this certificate/ approval.The Commuter Aircraft thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental documentBCA53-AFMS, at this design change and any
protection and the revision 1, dated April 02, otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or 2015;or later revisions of the change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original above listed documents introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain approved byEASAInstructions the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ for Continued Airworthiness
approval. Business & Commuter
Aircraftdocument BCA53-ICA,
at revision 0, April 04, 20...
10014389 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 1 CAA UK BAE.125 SERIES 800 Title: Upgrade of the dual Flight Management CS-25The Certification Basis for the Installed in accordance with The installer must determine 05/10/2012 Active 10014389
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY System (FMS).Description of change: The original product remains applicable Gama Engineering Ltd whether this design change is
(EASA.A.S.01675) original dual Honeywell FMZ-900 FMS tothis certificate/ approval.The modificationHL/MOD/689, compatiblewith previously
isupgraded to a dual Honeywell FMZ-2000 certificated noise and/ or emissions reference the Master approved modifications.
FMS. levels of the original productare Documents List (MDL),
unchanged and remain applicable to documentreference:
this certificate/ approval. MDL-689-01, Issue 1. Other
documentation:Operation in
accordance with Aircraft
Flight ManualSupplement,
AFMS689001, Issue
10014392 TÄBY REV. 3 SAAB SF340A Saab 340 Class E Cargo Compartment (as The Certification Basis (CB) for the -,,S21 FMS-0013 issue 2 Flight This STC is approved only for the 17/02/2020 Active 10014392
AIRMAINTENANCE SAAB 340B defined in document S21MDL-0033). This is a original product remains applicableto Manual Supplement-,,S21 product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01681) AKTIEBOLAG major change of the EASA STC EASA.A.S. this certificate/ approval.The MMEL-0005 issue 1 Master inthe approved design data
01681. It isdesigned by STC Twenty One requirements for environmental Minimum Equipment List referred to in the paragraphs
Limited and will document changes to protection and the Supplement-,,S21TREP-0064 "Description" and"Associated
thelocation of rapid decompression vents for associatedcertified noise and/ or issue 1 Mass and Balance Technical Documentation".
planned future bulk cargoloading emissions levels of the product are Report-,,S21.TEC-0027 Compatibility with otheraircraft/
operations.This STC appro... unchangedand remain applicable to Supplement Manual lssue 4 - engine configurations shallbe
this certificate/approval without any lnstructions for determined by the installer.
im... ContinuedAirworthiness-,,Mai
10014398 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 BOEING 747-400 “Bahrain Royal Flight” VIP cabin The Certification Basis for the original Generic documents:STDD As per AFM supplement 15/01/2021 Active 10014398
AG 747-400 installationRev 1: Replacement of conductive product as amendedby thefollowing 00-03/17M Issue 02 Rev A-00-05/319-AFMPrior to
(EASA.A.S.01692) oxygen flex-hoses with non-conductiveones. additional or alternative 02VIP Cabin installation installation of this change/repair it
Certificate renumbering from EASA.A.S. airworthiness requirements:As per documents:AFM supplement must be determined thatthe
01692.Rev. 2: typo corrected CRI A-1 Issue 1The requirements for A-00-05/319-AFM rev interrelationship between this
environmental protection and the 02Instructions for continued change/repair and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or airworthiness ICA-0-03/17 otherpreviouslyinstalled change
emissions levels of the product are IssueOxygen hoses and/ or repair will introduce no
unchangedand remain appli... replacement adverseeffect upon the
documents:CPL-35-20/06M airworthiness of the product.
Rev 0or later revisions of the
above listed document(s)
10014403 GROWING REV. 1 737-300 Reconfiguration of six Boeing 737-33V from SR Technics (Irl) Prior to installation of this change/ 20/04/2021 Active 10014403
ENGINEERING 149TC to 16BC/100TC includinginstallation of documentsC737-25-1024-CCS, repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01698) PARTNERS GmbH G2, G7 and LAV ERev.1: Transferof STC from Rev 3C737-25-1024-MDL-01, thatthe interrelationship between
SR Technics Switzerland to Rev 3 this change/repair and any
groWINGEngineering Partners GmbH otherpreviously installed change
and/ or repair willintroduce no
adverseeffect upon the
airworthiness of the product.

04/01/2023 Page 13 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014405 365 AEROSPACE DDS REV. 2 737-200/-300/-400/-500/-60 Installation of Dual High Frequency (HF) The Certification Basis (CB) for the Aerospace Design <(>&<)> Prior to installation of this design 05/08/2019 Active 10014405
LIMITED 0 Communications SystemRev 2: Transfer of original product remains applicableto Engineering Consultants change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01700) STC from 365 Aerospace Ltd. to 365 this certificate/ approval.The Modification thatthe interrelationship between
Aerospace DDS Ltd. requirements for environmental SummaryMOD-0001 Revision this design change and any
protection and the B dated 16th May 2007 otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10014408 AIRBUS TRANSPORT REV. 1 A300F4-608ST Installation of ISIS on A300-600STInstallation The Certification Basis (CB) for the Change Approval Sheet, ref: This STC is approved only for the 11/07/2016 Active 10014408
INTERNATIONAL SNC of two Integrated Stand-by Instrument original product remains applicableto ST34MOD015 Issue 1AFM product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.01703) System (ISIS) in replacement of the stand by this certificate/ approval.The Supplement ref: inthe approved design data
speed, attitude and altitude. requirements for environmental ST34MOD015, dated 19 referred to in the paragraph
protection and the October 2006Change "Description".Compatibility with
associatedcertified noise and/ or CertificationSynthesis: other aircraft/engine
emissions levels of the original ST34MOD044_CCS Issue 3, configurations shall bedetermined
product areunchanged and remain dated 07.07.2016or by the installer.This certificate
applicable to this certificate/ laterrevisions of the above shall remain valid unless otherwise
approval. listed documents approved by surrendered orrevo...
10014409 RUAG AEROSPACE REV. 1 CESSNA 650 Upgrade of two existing Mode S The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List 163A- Aircraft Serial Numbers 650-7001 29/10/2010 Active 10014409
SERVICES GmbH transponders, Rockwell CollinsTDR-94D product remains applicable tothis MDL, Rev. A from 27 October through 650-7119
(EASA.A.S.01705) byRockwell Collins SB 501.Replacement of certificate/ approvalThe 2010Airplane Flight Manual
Mode S Controller CTL-92 by CTL-92E along requirements for environmental Supplement 163A-AFMS, Rev.
withinstallation of new wiring for Enhances protection and the A from 26 October 2010or
SurveillanceRevision 1 to include EASA AD associatedcertificated noise and/ or later revisions of the above
2009-0173, Rockwell Collins emissions levels of the original listed documents approved by
SBTDR-94D-34-509 to ensure correct... product areunchanged and remain EASA
applicable to this certificate/
10014411 TUI AIRLINES REV. 1 767-300 Introduction of BE Aerospace Spectrum Seat The Certification Basis (CB) for the Thomsonfly Ltd Modification Prior to installation of this design 23/12/2016 Active 10014411
BELGIUM N.V. in accordance with ThomsonflyLtd original product remains applicableto MOD/767/1462 issue 3or change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.01708) Modification Summary MS/767/1462 issue this certificate/ approval.The later revisions of the above thatthe interrelationship between
3.History: The STC certificate A.S.01708 is re- requirements for environmental listed documents approved by this design change and any
issued because ThomsonAirways (previously protection and the EASA. otherpreviously installed design
known as Thomsonfly Ltd) part of the TUI associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
Group,relinquishes and transfers the STC to emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
another TUI... product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10014417 TÄBY REV. 3 SAAB SF340A Introduction of Alternate Cargo Net Location The Certification Basis (CB) for the EASA Approved:- STC Twenty This design change is applicable 17/02/2020 Active 10014417
AIRMAINTENANCE SAAB 340B LayoutRev 1: to add an additional original product remains applicableto One Ltd Flight Manual only to Saab SF340A and 340B
(EASA.A.S.01738) AKTIEBOLAG configuration that extends bay lengths this certificate/ approval.The SupplementNo. S21.FMS‐ aircraftconverted to Class E under
byutilising nets installed only in five of the requirements for environmental 0014 Issue 6;- STC Twenty STC Twenty One Limitedmajor
eight positions.Rev. 2: correction of typeRev. protection and the One Ltd Supplement Manual changeS21.25-63-1015 approved
3: Transfer of Certificate associatedcertified noise and/ or – ICA No. S21.TEC‐0116 Issue under EASA STC 10014392
emissions levels of the original 8;EASA Accepted:- STC (formerlyEASA.A.S.01681).Prior to
product areunchanged and remain Twenty One Ltd Master installation of this change/repair it
applicable to this certificate/ Document List No. S21. must be determined thatthe
approval. MDL-1508 Issue 2;orlater interrelationship bet...
revisions of the above listed
document(s) approved/acc...
10014422 RUAG AG REV. 2 PILATUS PC-12/47 Installation of Dual Garmin GNS-530 COM/ The Certification Basis (CB) for the Engineering Technical Order This STC is approved only for the 01/02/2021 Active 10014422
PILATUS PC-12/45 NAV/GPS SystemNote:This STC is the original product remains applicableto TSA PC12-34.60.02EO product configuration as defined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01771) PILATUS PC-12 Revision 2 of EASA STC 2004-4674, dated this certificate/ approval.The Revision Cor later revisions of inthe approved design data
PC-12, PC-12/45 03/05/2004 requirements for environmental the above listed document(s) referred to in the paragraph
PC-12/47, PC-12/47E protection and the approved/acceptedunder the “Description”.Prior to installation
associatedcertified noise and/ or EASA system. of this change/repair it must be
emissions levels of the product are determined thatthe
unchangedand remain applicable to interrelationship between this
this certificate/approval without any change/repair and any
im... otherpreviously installed change

04/01/2023 Page 14 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014423 ISRAEL AEROSPACE REV. 5 CAA ISRAEL STC 747-400 Conversion from Passenger to Special The Certification Basis (CB) for the Israel Civil Aviation Authority Refer to the limitation section of 08/04/2019 Active 10014423
INDUSTRIES, LTD.IAI SA152 Freighter Configuration.Revision 1: Boeing original product remains applicableto STC SA152 dated October the applicable AFM Supplement
(EASA.IM.A.S.02039) 747-400SF conversion from PAX to Freighter this certificate/ approval.The 27,2006<(>,<)>- MDL: IAI asapproved for this STC depending
CAAI STCSA152/EASA STC EASA.IM.A.S. requirements for environmental MDL-366-00-00-A3673 on the serial numberof the
02039Revision 2: Increase of Max. Taxi protection and the Revision AL<(>,<)>- AFM-S 1: aircraftPrior to installation of this
Weight and Max. Take-Off Weight associatedcertified noise and/ or IAI Doc. No. 366-00-00- design change it must be
from873.000 / 870.000 Lbs to 878.000 / emissions levels of the original A3663-481 revision 1, determined thatthe
875.000 Lbs for aircraft with GE... product areunchanged and remain October 24, 2012-Supplement interrelationship between
applicable to this certificate/ to Airplane FlightManual thisdesign change and any
approval. D6U10002.481 for IAI otherpreviously installed design
B747-400SF with GE engines< chang...
(>,<)>- AFM-S 2: IAI Do...
10014426 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 441 Installation of Dual Mode S Transponder GTX The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Engineering Order C441- 1. Limitation according AFM-S 25/09/2017 Active 10014426
GMBH 330D original product remains applicableto NY-0124- AFM-S C441- C441-NY-0124-082. Prior to
(EASA.A.S.02471) this certificate/approval.The NY-0124-08, Rev. 0, approved installation of this design change it
requirements for environmental 14. February 2006, or must be determinedthat the
protection and the laterEASA approved revision- interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/or Maintenance Procedures design change and any
emissions levels of the original C441-NY-0124-07, Rev. 0, or otherpreviously installed design
product areunchanged and remain later approvedrevision. change and/or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. the airworthiness of the product....
10014427 airplus engineering REV. 2 208, 208B Installation of a FLIR System, Inc. Ultramedia Master Document List VFR; no AP, Max speed (camera 07/02/2021 Active 10014427
GmbH III/HD television camera.New Pilot Operating MD-0023-000000 of 05 Feb. operation) 115 KIAS, 2 pilotsand
(EASA.A.S.02472) Handbook Supplement PO-0023-250000. 2006 and test and max 4passengers (see POH
certification reports listed in Supplement for full Limitations
it.DOA Declaration of text).
compliance DC-0023-250000
of Feb. 2006.
10014431 328 SUPPORT REV. 2 1124A Installation of Airborne Collision Avoidance Avionics Mobile Services This STC is approved only for the 27/09/2018 Active 10014431
SERVICES GmbH System (ACAS II). Modification AM/ product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.02479) 1486.Avionics Mobile Services inthe approved design data
AFM Supplement No. referred to in the paragraph
PART21-008/017 Revision - "Description".Compatibility with
dated April 08 2005 or later other aircraft/engine
approved revision. configurations shall bedetermined
by the installer.
10014439 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 2 HAWKER 800/-800XP/-850XP Installation of wing mounted Xenon Taxi/ The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Engineering Order H800- Prior to installation of this design 13/02/2018 Active 10014439
GMBH BAE.125 SERIES 800A/-800B Landing Light and/or Radommounted Taxi original product remains applicableto NY-0125-05- AFM-S H800- change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02489) BAE.125 SERIES Light this certificate/ approval.The NY-0125-08,Rev 0 approved thatthe interrelationship between
1000A/-1000B requirements for environmental 07/04/2006- Maintenance this design change and any
protection and the Procedures H800-NY-0125-07, otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or Rev 0or later revisions of the change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original above listed documents introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA. the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10014440 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 HAWKER 800/-800XP Installation of Iridium Satcom C1000 The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Engineering Order H800- Prior to installation of this design 13/02/2018 Active 10014440
GMBH BAE.125 SERIES 800A/-800B original product remains applicableto NY-0126-01- AFM-S H800- change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02490) BAE.125 SERIES this certificate/ approval.The NY-0126-08,Rev. 0, approved thatthe interrelationship between
1000A/-1000B requirements for environmental 12. May 2006- Maintenance this design change and any
protection and the Procedures H800-NY-0125-07, otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or Rev. 0or later revisions of the change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original above listed documents introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA. the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10014442 THIELERT AIRCRAFT REV. 1 SR22 Installation of engine Centurion 4.0 in - Supplement Pilot's 19/08/2013 Active 10014442
ENGINES GmbH accordance to Type DesignDefinition Doc. Operating Handbook for the
(EASA.A.S.02492) No.: TDD-70-01Engine: Centurion Cirrus SR 22 equipped with
4.0Propeller: MTV-14-D/ TAE Centurion 4.0 installation;
195-30bCertification Basis: see CRI A-1max. Doc. No.:70-0310-70021,
Take Off Power: 228 kw at 2300 min-1 issue 1 or later approved
(Propeller-RPM)max. Continuous Power: issue- Supplement
228 kw at 2300 min-1 (Propell... Maintenance Manual Cirrus
SR 22 / Centurion 4.0, Doc.
No.: AMM-70-01- Operation
& Maintenance Manual
Centurion 4.0,...

04/01/2023 Page 15 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014445 MT-PROPELLER REV. 3 P.68-TC "OBSERVER", P.68C- Installation of 3-blade constant speed The Certification Basis for the original According to MT-Propeller According limitation section of 30/11/2017 Active 10014445
ENTWICKLUNG TC propeller MTV-12-B-C-F/CF183-59bon product as amendedby thefollowing Master Documentation List AFM-S.Optional Liese muffler is
(EASA.A.S.02498) GmbH P.68 "OBSERVER", P.68 Vulcanair S.P.A. P.68 “Victor”, P.68B “Victor”, additional or alternative No. E-2783, Rev 3;To be not applicable to P.68R model with
"VICTOR" P.68C, P.68“Observer”, P.68 “Observer airworthiness requirements:The operated in accordance with AFMsupplement AN installed.Prior
P.68 "OBSERVER 2", P.68C 2”.Installation of 3-blade constant speed following paragraph(s) at a later MT-Propeller AFM-S to installation of this design
P.68B "VICTOR", P.68R propeller MTV-12-B-C-F/CF183-53and amendment:CS-36, Amendment Document No.E-1370, Rev 2 change it must be determined
"VICTOR" optional installation of Liese 75x8x100 4.FAR 36, Amendment 36-30.This when the MTV-12-B-C-F/ thatthe interrelationship between
muffler for noise reduc... certificate/ approval involves a CF183-59b has been this design change and any
change to the requirements installed;According to MT- otherpreviously installed design
forenvironmenta... Propeller Master change and/ or...
Documentation List No.
E-2783, Rev 3;To be operated
in accordance w...
10014460 365 AEROSPACE DDS REV. 4 737-300, 737-400, 737-500 Installation of an Enhanced Surveillance The Certification Basis (CB) for the Aerospace Design & This STC is approved only for the 05/08/2019 Active 10014460
LIMITED Mode S System / Installation ofnew Mode S original product remains applicableto Engineering Consultants Flight product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.02518) Transponders, components and data link this certificate/ approval.The Manual inthe approved design data
wiring which willprovide the ATC System with requirements for environmental SupplementFMA-0031 Issue referred to in the paragraph
additional parameters necessary to protection and the 1or later revisions of the “Description”.Compatibility with
complywith TGL N 18 Revision 1, associatedcertified noise and/ or above listed document(s) other aircraft/engine
datedAugust 3, 2003.Rev 4: Transfer of STC emissions levels of the original approved/acceptedunder the configurations shall bedetermined
from 365 Aerospace Ltd... product areunchanged and remain EASA system.Aerospace by the installer.Prior to installation
applicable to this certificate/ Design & Engineering of this design change it must be
approval. Consultants Modification determined thatt...
Summary MOD-0031 Issue A
dated 21st February
2006Aerospace Design &
10014480 328 SUPPORT REV. 4 HS.125 SERIES 700A/B Installation of an Airborne Collision Avionics Mobile Services This STC is approved only for the 27/09/2018 Active 10014480
SERVICES GmbH Avoidance System (ACASII). Limited Modification AM/ product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.02543) 1517Avionics Mobile Services inthe approved design data
Limited AFM Supplements ref. referred to in the paragraph
PART21-008/018Issue 1 or "Description".Compatibility with
later approved revision & other aircraft/engine
PART21-008/001 Issue 1 or configurations shall bedetermined
laterapproved revision. by the installer.
10014481 328 SUPPORT REV. 2 HS.125 SERIES 700A/B Installation of a Digital Air Data Display Avionics Mobile Services This STC is approved only for the 27/09/2018 Active 10014481
SERVICES GmbH System. Modification AM/ product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.02544) 1518Avionics Mobile Services inthe approved design data
AFM Supplement referred to in the paragraph
PART21-008/019 Issue 1 or "Description".Compatibility with
laterapproved revision. other aircraft/engine
configurations shall bedetermined
by the installer.
10014483 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 PIPER PA-23-250 Modification 13452Alteration of Piper Certification Program CP 19/01/2022 Active 10014483
Service GmbH PA-23-250 aircraft toaerial work with a Leica 13452 REV0
(EASA.A.S.02546) ADS40 digital camera installation in addition 22/11/2005Compliance
to the installation of ZeissRMK 15 Top Record CR 13452 REV0
Cameras based on EASA approval No. 02/03/2006Master Drawing
2004-9428Transfer to ACC Columbia Jet List MDRWL 13452REV0
Service GmbH 28/02/2006Supplement to
Instruction II 13452 REV0
Report SR 13452 REV1
10014489 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 1 MODEL 36, MODEL 36A. Installation of Dual Universal UNS-1E FMS in Certification Basis for the change: Scandinavian Avionics, AFM 1. The system must utilize 07/05/2013 Active 10014489
AVIONICS DESIGN MODEL 35, MODEL 35A, Learjet 35/35A/36/36AMajor Change to CS25, Amdt. 01.The requirements for Supplement 2032349-AM , software version 801.X (for X 0-9)
(EASA.A.S.02551) ApS existing STC by additional certification for P- environmental protection and the issue 2,dated 30March or 802.X(for X 6-9) (ref
RNAVoperations by showing compliance with associatedcertified noise and/ or 2006Scandinavian Avionics, Scandinavian Avionics, AFM
JAA TGL-10.Defined in Engineering Order emissions levels of the original AFM Supplement 2032349- Supplement 2032349-AM
2032349-EO, issue 5, dated 18 April 2013.The productareunchanged and remain AM B, issue 1, dated C,limitations section, issue 2,
following UNS-1 FMS is part of this installa... applicable to this certificate/ 23November dated 10 April 2013)2. Software
approval. 2007Scandinavian Avionics, Limitation of original AFMS
AFM Supplement 2032349- (2032349-AMor 2032349-AM-B)
AM C, issue 2, dated 10April ishereby extended to software
2013Scandinavian Avionics, version 802.X...
Drawing List 2032349-DL,
issue 3, date...

04/01/2023 Page 16 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014495 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 1 767-300 Introduction of 290 passenger place interior Aerospace Engineering Prior to installation of this change/ 28/04/2021 Active 10014495
LIMITED configurationRev 1: Transfer from AES Ltd. to Solutions Modification repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02557) new STC holder AES Global Ltd. AES-767-492 thatthe interrelationship between
this change/repair and any
otherpreviously installed change
and/ or repair willintroduce no
adverseeffect upon the
airworthiness of the product.
10014499 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 2 P.68B "VICTOR", P.68C/-TC Camera Port InstallationRev. 2: Transfer of The Type and OSD Certification Bases None Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014499
LIMITEDEUROPE STC (CB) for the original productremains repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02564) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w...
10014500 THIELERT AIRCRAFT REV. 3 U206H, T206H For Cessna U206F and TU206F:Engine: 1. Supplement Pilot's 19/08/2013 Active 10014500
ENGINES GmbH U206G, TU206F Centurion 4.0 BE-221Propeller: MTV-9-D/ Operating Handbook for the
(EASA.A.S.02565) U206F, TU206G 210-58Certification Basis: See CRI A-lmax. Cessna 206 equipped with
Take Off Power 221 kW at 2300 min-1 TAE Centurion 4.0
(Propeller RPM)max. Continuous Power 221 installation.; Doc. No.:
kWat 2300 min-1 (Propeller RPM)Fuel: See 72-0310-72021, issue 1 or
Service Letter SL TAE 720-0001For Cessna later approved issue;2.
U206G... Supplement Maintenance
Manual Cessna 206 /
Centurion 4.0, Doc. No.:
AMM-72-01;3. Operation &
Maintenance Manual
Centurion 4....
10014505 DASSAULT FALCON REV. 1 MF900 & F900EX 220 VAC ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION ON The Certification Basis for the original DFS Change Approval Sheet None 13/10/2010 Active 10014505
SERVICE AIRCRAFTSTC EASA.A.S 02575 revision for product and the followingadditional DFS9511-CAS Issue A dated
(EASA.A.S.02575) applicability extension and addition ofversion or alternative airworthiness 12.10.2010DFS Modification
2. requirements are applicable tothis Sheet DFS 9511, Issue A dated
certificate/ approval§25.869 (a) (1)& 07.10.2010.DFS Airplane
(4) at JAR 25 Change 14.The Flight Manual Supplement
requirements for environmental (Falcon 900) N°24 Rev. 2
protection and the dated07.10.2010or later
associatedcertificated noise and/ or revisions of the above listed
emissio... documents approved by EASA
10014507 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 A330 SERIES Installation of non-electrical Floor Path 1. Supplemental Type 05/03/2014 Active 10014507
AG Marking System Definition Document
(EASA.A.S.02580) STDD33-03/01M, issue 03
dated12.01.20062. Airplane
Flight Manual Supplement
Applicant's Declaration of
Compliance dated
27.02.2006or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10014519 SAFRAN SEATS REV. 2 747-400 Cathay Pacific B747 Cabin Re-Configuration The Certification Basis for the original Modification C1030 Revision 1 1. Restricted to MSN 27132, MSN 13/03/2019 Active 10014519
product remains applicable tothis 27069 & MSN 265522. Zero
(EASA.A.S.02600) certificate/ approval.The occupancy3. Prior to installation of
requirements for environmental this design change it must be
protection and the determinedthat the
associatedcertified noise and/ or interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original design change and any
product areunchanged and remain otherpreviously installed design
applicable to this certificate/ change and/ or repair will
approval. introduce noadverse effect upon
the airworth...
10014527 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 CL-600-2D24 (RJ SERIES 900) Installation of RAAS compatible EPGWS The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Document Inventory List Prior to installation of this design 13/02/2018 Active 10014527
GMBH CL-600-2C10 (RJ Computer in CL-600-2B19/-2C10/-2D24 original product remains applicableto CRJ-NY-0429 Revision 1, dated change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02612) 700,701,702) Series Aircraft this certificate/ approval.The 09.02.2007- Flight Manual thatthe interrelationship between
CL-600-2B19 (RJ SERIES 100) requirements for environmental Supplement CRJ-NY-0429-08 this design change and any
protection and the Revision 00or later revisions otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or of the above listed documents change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original approved byEASA. introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 17 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014528 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 AVRO 146-RJ85 Activation of RAAS function of EGPWS The Certification Basis (CB) for the AFM - RJ85-NY-0428-08 Rev 1. As listed in the AFM.2. Prior to 25/09/2017 Active 10014528
GMBH AVRO 146-RJ100 computer in AVRO-RJ85/AVRO-RJ100Series original product remains applicableto 1Master Document List RJ85- installation of this design change it
(EASA.A.S.02613) Aircraft this certificate/ approval.The NY-0428-Rev 0 must be determinedthat the
requirements for environmental interrelationship between this
protection and the design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or otherpreviously installeddesign
emissions levels of the original change and/ or repair will
product areunchanged and remain introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ the airworthiness of the product.
10014537 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 2 RJ85/100 Installation of RAAS compatible EGPWS The Certification Basis (CB) for the - AFM - RJ85-NY-0427-08 Rev. - As listed in the AFM.- Prior to 10/10/2017 Active 10014537
GMBH Computer in AVRO RJ85/100 SeriesAircraft. original product remains applicableto 0- Master Document List installation of this design change it
(EASA.A.S.02624) this certificate/ approval.The RJ85-NY-0427-08 Rev. 0or must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental later revisions of the above interrelationship between this
protection and the listed documents approved by design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or EASA. otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original change and/ or repair will
product areunchanged and remain introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ the airworthiness of the product.
10014538 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 CL-600-2D24 (RJ SERIES 900) Activation of RAAS function of EGPWS The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Document Inventory List Prior to installation of this design 13/02/2018 Active 10014538
GMBH CL-600-2C10 (RJ Computer in CL-600-2B19/-2C10/-2D24 original product remains applicableto CRJ-NY-0432 Revision 1, dated change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02625) 700,701,702) Series Aircraft this certificate/ approval.The 09.02.2007- Flight Manual thatthe interrelationship between
CL-600-2B19 (RJ SERIES 100) requirements for environmental Supplement CRJ-NY-0432-08 this design change and any
protection and the Revision 00or later revisions otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or of the above listed documents change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original approved byEASA. introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10014542 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 1 CAA UK A340-311, A340-312, Child Restraint System - CRS - Installation in The Certification Basis for the original - Certification Plan, ref. doc. Limitations in accordance with § 4 10/12/2012 Active 10014542
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY A340-313. A340-300 product and the followingadditional No. TN1785-004, Rev. H, - Limitations of the above
(EASA.A.S.02629) or alternative airworthiness dated 15thDecember 2006- mentionedDDP, ref. No.
requirements are applicable tothis Certification Compliance DDP-1785-026.All cabin interiors
certificate/ approval: CRI F-01, "Child Check List, ref. doc. No. must be evaluated for
Restraint System".The requirements TN1785-005, Rev. E,dated 8th compatibility of the ChildRestraint
for environmental protection and the June 2007- Declaration of System (CRS). The CRS is not
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Design and Performance, ref. approved for aeroplanes that
emissionsu... doc. No. DDP-1785-026,Rev. arenot defined by § 4 of the above
H, dated 22nd August 2007or referenced DDP.
later revisions of the above...
10014543 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 1 CAA UK A340-643 Child Restraint System - CRS - Installation in The Certification Basis for the original - Certification Plan, ref. doc. Limitations in accordance with § 4 10/12/2012 Active 10014543
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY A340-600 product and the followingadditional No. TN1785-004, Rev. H, - Limitations of the above
(EASA.A.S.02630) or alternative airworthiness dated 15thDecember 2006- mentionedDDP, ref. No.
requirements are applicable tothis Certification Compliance DDP-1785-026.All cabin interiors
certificate/ approval: CRI F-01, "Child Check List, ref. doc. No. must be evaluated for
Restraint System".The requirements TN1785-005, Rev. E,dated 8th compatibility of the ChildRestraint
for environmental protection and the June 2007- Declaration of System (CRS). The CRS is not
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Design and Performance, ref. approved for aeroplanes that
emissionsu... doc. No. DDP-1785-026,Rev. arenot defined by § 4 of the above
H, dated 22nd August 2007or referenced DDP.
later revisions of the above...
10014544 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 1 CAA UK B747-400 Installation of MAGE Child Restraint System The Certification Basis for the original As defined in Mann Aviation 1. This STC only covers the 20/06/2012 Active 10014544
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY as detailed in ModificationLeaflet for product remains applicable tothis Group (Engineering) Ltd. installation of the MAGE Child
(EASA.A.S.02631) Modification no. B744-1795. certificate/ approval.The (MAGE)ModificationLeaflet RestraintSystem on Virgin Atlantic
requirements for environmental for Modification No. Airways Boeing 747-400 Aircraft,
protection and the B744-1795or later revisions of as defined inMAGE DDP1785-026
associatedcertificated noiseand/or the above listed documents and in accordance withthe
emissions levels of the original approved by EASA instructions and limitationsdefined
product areunchanged and remain in MAGE Crew ManualSupplement
applicable to this certificate/ TN 1785-023.2. This STC is
approval. approved only for thet...
10014557 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 1 767-300 Introduction of Main/APU Battery Paralleling Aerospace Engineering none 28/04/2021 Active 10014557
LIMITED for Extended Standby PowerTime Solutions Modification
(EASA.A.S.02655) Capability.Rev 1: Transfer from AES Ltd. to AES-767-469
new STC holder AES Global Ltd.

04/01/2023 Page 18 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014558 SCAI TECH(SOUDURE REV. 5 DR 400/180 S, DR 400/NGL SCAI-DR315_DR300-108, 120, 125, The Certification Basis for the original Supplément au manuel de The approval holder shall fulfill the 29/10/2020 Active 10014558
CHAUDRONNERIE DR 400/180, DR 400/180 R 140_DR340_DR360-FM-A,SCAI- product remains applicable tothis maintenance SCAI- obligations of Part 21, Point21.A.
(EASA.A.S.02657) ALU INOX) DR 400/160, DR 400/160 D DR380_DR300-180R-FM-A, SCAI-DR412-FM- certificate/ approval.The DR315_DR300-108, 120, 125< 109.Prior to installation of this
DR 400/140, DR 400/140 B B, SCAI-DR416-414-FM-B,SCAI-DR418-FM-B, requirements for environmental (>,<)>140_DR340_DR360- design changeit must be
DR 400/120, DR 400/120 A SCAI-DR221_DR221B-FM-A.Rev. 5: Extension protection and the MIM-ASupplément au manuel determined thatthe
DR 400/120 D, DR 400/125 to DR250/ DR250B/ DR250B-160/ associatedcertified noise and/ or de maintenance SCAI- interrelationship between this
DR 360, DR 380, DR 400/100 DR250-160/ DR253/DR253Bmodels. emissions levels of the product are DR380_DR300-180R-MIM- design change and any
DR 300/180 R, DR 315, DR unchangedand remain applicable to ASupplément au manuel de otherpreviously installed design
340 this certificate/ approval without any maintenance SCAI-DR412- change and/ or repair will
DR 300/125, DR 300/140 impact... MIM-BSupplément au manuel introduce noadverse effect upon
DR 300/108, DR 300/120 de maintenance SCAI-DR416- the a...
DR 250 B, DR 250 B-160 DR414-MIM-BSupplément au
DR 250-160, DR 253, DR 253 manuel de maintenan...
DR 221, DR 221 B, DR 250
10014563 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 A300 SERIES, A310 SERIES Installation of non-electrical Floor Path 1. Supplemental Type 05/03/2014 Active 10014563
AG Marking System Definition Document
(EASA.A.S.02663) STDD33-06/02M, issue 01
dated16.05.20062. Airplane
Flight Manual Supplement
Applicant's Declaration of
Compliance dated
20.06.2006or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10014568 GROWING REV. 2 A319-112 In-Flight telecommunication equipment - The Certification Basis for the original GTE Airfone STC none 20/04/2021 Active 10014568
ENGINEERING antenna installation(partial removal of GTE product remains applicable tothis Documentation Checklist:
(EASA.A.S.02672) PARTNERS GmbH Airfone System installed by FAA certificate/ approvalThe AFD70-0016-00, Rev.3SR
STCST00129NY-Dand SA1693GL)The Revision requirements for environmental Technics Doc.: C320-23-1005-
1 was issued to reflect the transfer from SR protection and the CCS-01 Rev.00or later
TechnicsIreland to SR Technics Switzerland associatedcertificated noise and/ or revisions of the above listed
LTDRev. 2: Transfer of STC from SR Technics emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA
Switzerlan... product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10014590 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 HK 36 (RESTRICTED) Modification of the Dimona HK 36 R "Super Service Bulletin: GFM SB All S/N of the variant: HK 36 R 19/01/2022 Active 10014590
Service GmbH Dimona" equipped with theengine Rotax 912 2008-2Anhang zum "Super Dimona"
(EASA.A.S.02699) A3 with the alternative Propeller MTV-21-A- Flughandbuch für den
CF/C175-05.Rev. 1 Transfer to ACC Columbia Motorsegler HK 36 R
Jet Service GmbH SPOH_14326_rev0_23082007
für den Motorsegler HK 36 R.
Ausgabe 25. Juni
Modification 14326
10014593 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 1 BOEING 737-700 IGW Upgrade of existing VIP cabin configuration The Certification Basis for the original Generic - Limitations as per AFM 17/11/2020 Active 10014593
AG BOEING 737-700 from private operations tocommercial product as amendedby thefollowing documents:STDD00_00_02M supplements A_00_01_311 and
(EASA.A.S.02705) 737-700 operations.Rev. 1: Replacement of additional or alternative Issue 07 rev 03For the change A_25_06_17M-The Luftfahrt
conductive oxygen flex-hoses with non- airworthiness requirements:- As to commercial BundesAmt STC LBA.21E2.TA0307
conductiveones.Renumberingcertificate from defined in CRI A-100 Issue 2 dated operations:CP_25_06_17M is a prerequisite for
EASA.A.S.02705 to 10014593. June 11th 2001The requirements for Issue 03CRL 25_06_17M Issue thisinstallation.Prior to installation
environmental protection and the 01STDD 25_06_17M Issue 01 of this change/repair it must be
associatedcertified noise and/ or rev 00A_00_01_311 AFM determined thatthe
emissions levels of the produ... supplement Cabin TT<(>&<)>L interrelationshipbetween this
Issue 03A_25_06_17M AFM change/repair and any
supplement Cabin TT<(>&<)>L otherpreviously installed...
Issue IRA_00_01_311_AMM
supplement Rev 12For...
10014594 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 BAE 146 SERIES Honeywell TCAS IIRev. 1: Transfer of STC The Type and OSD Certification Bases ATL Modification ATL/146/ Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014594
LIMITEDEUROPE (CB) for the original productremains M058ATL AFM Supplement repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02706) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ Number 43 Issue 1or later thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for revisions of the above listed this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the document(s) approved/ otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or acceptedunder the EASA and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are system. adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w...

04/01/2023 Page 19 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014595 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 DC 8-60 Installation of Honeywell MKVII EGPWS.Rev. The Type and OSD Certification Bases Airplane Flight Manual 1. Compatibility of this design 09/11/2021 Active 10014595
LIMITEDEUROPE 1: Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains Supplement No. 44 Issue 1, change with other previously
(EASA.A.S.02712) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ dated 7thSeptember2006.ATL approvedmodifications must be
approval.The requirements for Definition Document No. DD/ determined by the installer.2. This
environmental protection and the 038/10031 dated 7th STC is approved only for the
associatedcertified noise and/ or September 2006.or later product configuration as defined
emissions levels of the product are revisions of the above listed inthe approved design data
unchangedand remain applicable to document(s) approved/ referred to in the paragraphs
this certificate/approval w... acceptedunder the EASA "Description" and"Associated
system. Technical Documentation"....
10014598 AVIATION REV. 2 B200CGT, B200CT, B200T Installation of Navaids Flight inspection The Certification Basis for the original - Air Alpha design package EO- 1. Installed unit, UNIFIS 3000 must 13/03/2019 Active 10014598
ENGINEERING AS A200C, A200CT, B200, B200C system UNIFIS 3000Installation in Aircraft product as amendedby thefollowing B200-25-105- Flight Manual comply with requirements in JAA
(EASA.A.S.02718) 200, 200C, 200CT, 200T, includes:Two static inverters for power additional or alternative supplement: TGLN.17.2. Antenna installations
A200 supply;A vertical gyro VG400;Electrical airworthiness requirements:CS FMS.EO.B200-25-105- Unifis and pilot aids as a CDI with
installation with Relays and fuse panel;An 23amendment 23-0 unless otherwise 3000 Installation and annunciator andintercom must be
advisory light and shut-off switch in the noted:CS23.301(a), 23.303, 23.305(a) Maintenance Manual version approved separately.3. This STC is
cockpit front panel;Interface panel for (b), 23.307(a), 23.333(a), 1 Aug 2006- Unifis 3000 approved only for the product
connection... 23.603,23.605(a), 23.607, 23.609(a), Operator Manual version 1, configuration as defined inthe
23.613, 23.619, 25.625(a), 23.785(... Aug 2006- Supplemental approved design data referred to
Installation & Maintenance in the pa...
Manual for King Air 2000:
AirAlpha N. ATP25.0102or
10014604 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 2 DC-3C-R1830-90C Installation of emergency exit signs and floor The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Master Document List DC3- The system must be maintained in 08/10/2018 Active 10014604
GMBH escape path markings at DC3C series original product remains applicableto NY-0532 Rev. 0 dated 20 Nov accordance with Maintenance
(EASA.A.S.02727) aircraftInstallation of emergency exit signs this certificate/ approval.The 2006or later revisions of the ProceduresDC3-NY-0532-07 Rev. 0
light with power source and installation of requirements for environmental above listed documents dated 20 Nov 2006 or
fluorescent floor path markings protection and the approved byEASA.- laterapproved revision.The system
associatedcertified noise and/ or Engineering Order DC3- must be operated in
emissions levels of the original NY-0532-05 Rev.0- accordancewith AFM
product areunchanged and remain Mechanical Installation DC3- supplementDC3-NY-0532-08 Rev.
applicable to this certificate/ NY-0532-03 Rev. 0- Electrical 0 dated 20 Nov 2006 or later
approval. Drawings DC3-NY-0531-02 approved revision.Prior to
Rev. 0- Weight & Balance installation of this desi...
DC3-NY-0532-09 Rev. 0
10014607 FOKKER TECHNIEK REV. 3 CL-600-2C10 (RJ VIP conversion of Bombardier CL600-2C10 The Certification Basis (CB) for the AFM Supplement n07-FS1-1: If the utilization of the VIP 05/12/2019 Active 10014607
B.V. 700,701,702) (CRJ-700) for ConsolidatedContractors original product remains applicableto Airplane Flight Manual converted aircraft deviates from
(EASA.A.S.02732) Company, as detailed in Fokker Services this certificate/ approval.The SupplementBombardierCL600 theassumed utilization (e.g. flight
Engineering ReportFS-N594. Description of requirements for environmental -2C10 Aircraft.CRR-0018, issue hours or flight profile) supporting
the modification.Revision 2: Wireless protection and the 1, certification of provision for thescheduled maintenance
handsets in the Aircell telephone installation associatedcertified noise and/ or wireless requirements as defined by
in aCRJ-700 for consolidated Contractors emissions levels of the original telephonecommunication Bombardier, theoperator of the
Company (provi... product areunchanged and remain system dated 20/01/2010. aircraft will have toreview the
applicable to this certificate/ adequacy of thesemaintenance
approval. tasks with the aircr...
10014612 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 200, 300, 1900 Installation of HID Nose Gear Lights. The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Installation to be in Prior to installation of this design 30/10/2017 Active 10014612
GMBH original product remains applicableto accordance with Nayak change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02739) this certificate/approval.The Engineering Order thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental refBE200/300-NY-0733-05, this design change and any
protection and the Rev 0 dated 12 September otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/or 2006,or later change and/or repair will
emissions levels of the original approvedrevision.- introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Instructions for Continued the airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Airworthiness as defined in
approval. NayakMaintenance
Procedures ref BE200/300-
NY-0733-07, Rev 0 dated
12September 2006, or later
10014613 JET AVIATION AG REV. 2 S/N 32774, P4-KAZ Cabin Modification - Galley installation in the The Certification Basis (CB) for the AFMS BPKAZ003-201-08or 1. Approval valid only for s/n 29/07/2016 Active 10014613
737-700IGW (737-7EJ), LH FWD Entrance Area -High Cabinet original product remains applicableto later revisions of the above 32774 with FAA-STC No.
(EASA.A.S.02740) installation in the FWD RH Cabin this certificate/ approval.The listed documents approved by ST09981SCinstalled.2. This STC is
requirements for environmental EASA. approved only for the product
protection and the configuration as defined inthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or approved design data referred to
emissions levels of the original in the paragraph "Description".3.
product areunchanged and remain Prior to installation of this design
applicable to this certificate/ change it must be determinedthat
approval. the interrelat...

04/01/2023 Page 20 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014618 AVIATION REV. 2 B200 Antennas - Relocation and Installation in The Certification Basis for the original · Flight Manual supplement MSN BB1221 only.This STC is 13/03/2019 Active 10014618
ENGINEERING AS accordance with EO-B200-25-106 and DWG. product as amendedby thefollowing FMS.EO-B200-25-106, Rev.0, approved only for the product
(EASA.A.S.02750) No. EN-B200-25-106-01 to support UNIFIS additional or alternative 07 June 06;· Supplemental configuration as defined inthe
3000 Flight Inspection System. airworthiness requirements: CS Maintenance Manual SMM approved design data referred to
23amendment 23-0: CS23.301(a), ATP25.0104, Rev.0, 07 June in the paragraph
23.303, 23.305,23.307, 23.335(b), 06or later revisions of the "Description".Compatibility with
23.337,23.365, 23.571(c), 23.603, above listed documents other aircraft configurations shall
23.605, 23.609, 23.611, 23.613, approved by EASA. be determined bythe installer.The
23.627, 23.1525, 23.1529, 23 App installation of this modification by
GT... third persons is subj...
10014620 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 5 B737-700 IGW Revision of EASA.A.S.02752 Rev.4 per Major The Certification Basis for the original - Supplemental Type Once LCA is activated (installation 03/12/2012 Active 10014620
AG Change 0010002741-001:Operation at 8.99 product and the followingadditional Definition Doc of FAA STC ST01697SE
(EASA.A.S.02752) psi maximum cabin differential pressure or alternative airworthiness STDD00-06/10M Issue 03, asvalidatedper EASA STC
(Lower CabinAltitude, LCA)Original STC Title: requirements are applicable tothis dated Oct 22,2012;- AFM 10042295) on an individual
Design andImplementation of VIP interior certificate/ approval:CRI A-01, dated Supplement Doc A-00-07/784- aircraft, the
andmiscellaneous aircraft systems. 6th March 2008 plus CRI D-01 (ESF AFM, Revision 10, dated Oct maintenancerequirements defined
for Width of Aisle).The certificated 21/11;- Instructions for in Doc A-00-07/784-ICA will apply
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Continued Airworthiness (ICA) for the life ofthis aircraft. This
original pro... Doc A-00-07/784-ICAIssue limitation remains valid also in
02<(>,<)> dated April26, case ofdeactivation of FAA STC
2010;or later revisions of the ST01697SE as...
above listed documents app...
10014633 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 BAE 146 SERIES Installation of dual AlliedSignal GNS-XLS The Type and OSD Certification Bases Aviation Traders Modification Restricted to VH-JJY ASN 09/11/2021 Active 10014633
LIMITEDEUROPE Flight ManagementSystemRev. 1: Transfer of (CB) for the original productremains ATL/146/M063Aviation E2113.Prior to installation of this
(EASA.A.S.02775) S.A.S. STC applicable to this certificate/ Traders AFM Supplement change/repair it must be
approval.The requirements for Number 49or later revisions determined thatthe
environmental protection and the of the above listed document interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or (s) approved/acceptedunder change/repair and any
emissions levels of the product are the EASA system. otherpreviously installed change
unchangedand remain applicable to and/ or repair will introduce no
this certificate/approval w... adverseeffect upon the
airworthiness of the product.
10014635 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 CESSNA 172S Installation of Noise Reduction Kit - Anhang zum Flughandbuch None 19/01/2022 Active 10014635
Service GmbH C172S-606560Rev. 1 Transfer to ACC Larmminderungskit
(EASA.A.S.02779) Columbia Jet Service GmbH C172S-606560-
Umrüstanweisung 14768
10014652 JET AVIATION AG, REV. 1 MF900 Wireless Access Service Point (WASP) The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List, Doc. No. S/N: 002 / 004 / 109Prior to 29/04/2014 Active 10014652
BASEL Wireless LAN (WLAN) Activation STC product remains applicable tothis BCD01023-001, Rev. B, dated installation of this design change it
(EASA.A.S.02807) EASA.A.S.02807, Revision toincorporate the certificate/ approval.Derogation to 04.04.2014- AFMS (S/N 109), must be determined thatthe
S/N:-002 & 004 latest amendment (Part 21A.101): Doc. No. B3202403-201-13, interrelationship betweenthis
Do not materiallycontribute to Rev. IR,Date of Approval- ICA design change and any
safety.The certificated noise and/ or (S/N 109), Doc. No. otherpreviously installed
emissions levels of the original BCD01023-150-13, Rev. A, designchange and/ or repair will
productare unchanged and remain dated 05.09.2006- AFMS (S/N introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this ce... 002 & 004), Doc. No. JBSL- the airworthiness of the product.
M-00122AFM-01, REV. 1,
Date ofApproval- ICA (S/N 002
& 004)...
10014659 JET AVIATION AG REV. 2 737-700/-800/-900/-900ER Wireless LAN (WLAN) ActivationExpanding The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List, Doc. No. Prior to installation of this 10/05/2016 Active 10014659
demonstration of the existing immunity to product remains applicable tothis BB73723261-001, Rev. D, modification it must be
(EASA.A.S.02816) IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/nfrom the B737-700 to the certificate/ approval.The certificated dated 08. May 2014- AFMS, determined thatthe
B737-800/900/900ER and expand the noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Doc. NO. JBSL- interrelationship between this
immunity toIEEE 802.11 ac. original productare unchanged and M-00141AFM-01, Rev. 1or modification and any other
remain applicable to this certificate/ later revisions of the above previouslyinstalled modification
approval. listed documents approved by and/ or repair will introduce no
EASA adverse effectupon the
airworthiness of the product.
10014660 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 2 737-300, 737-400, 737-500 Mode 'S' Transponder System for Elementary The Type and OSD Certification Bases - Modification Summary ATL/ In accordance with Paragraphs 3, 09/11/2021 Active 10014660
LIMITEDEUROPE and Enhanced SurveillanceRev. 1: 737-400 (CB) for the original productremains 737/M556 Issue 8, dated 1st 9, 10, 13 & 16 of the
(EASA.A.S.02817) S.A.S. added to STCRev. 2: Transfer of STC applicable to this certificate/ May 2009.- ATL AFM ModificationSummary ATL/737/
approval.The requirements for Supplement Number 48 Issue M556 Issue 1, dated 9th October
environmental protection and the 1, “SSR Mode “S”Elementary 2006Compatibility of this design
associatedcertified noise and/ or and Enhanced Surveillance”, change with other previously
emissions levels of the product are for B-737-300 series.EASA approvedmodifications must be
unchangedand remain applicable to Form 96 Post-TC Technical determined by the installer.Prior
this certificate/approval w... Visa Page 3/7Issue 2, to installation of this change/
25.02.2008- ATL AFM repair it must be determined...
Supplement 11350-
AFM-00001 Issue 1, “SSR
Mode “S”E...

04/01/2023 Page 21 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014665 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) REV. 3 CAA UK 757-200 Cabin Reconfiguration on Boeing 757-200 The Certification Basis (CB) for the BBJ Design Services Ltd Prior to installation of this change/ 26/10/2020 Active 10014665
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY aircraftRevision 3:correction of model original product remains applicableto Modification BBJ807. repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02822) this certificate/ approval.The thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental this change/repair and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval without any
10014670 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 5 172RG Modification 14839Installation of Low Noise The Certification Basis (CB) for the Low Noise Silencer Kit According limitation section of 03/02/2022 Active 10014670
Service GmbH Silencer Kit "System Gomolzig" original product remains applicableto C172RG_606520Master AFM.Must be maintained
(EASA.A.S.02829) C172RG_606520Additional Propeller MTV this certificate/ approval.This Document List iaw.Original Cessna MM and in
certificate/approval involves a MDOCL_14839_rev2_201306 addition iawSupplemental
change to the requirements 01Flight Manual Supplement Maintenance Manual
forenvironmental protection or a SPOH_14839_rev2_20130601 SMM_14839_ rev1_20130601or
change to the certified noise or (German version) laterapproved revisions.Prior to
emissionslevels. orSPOHen_14839_ installation of this modification it
rev2_20130601 (English must be determined thatthe
version)Installation interrelationship between this
Instruction II_14839_ modification an...
rev2_20130601or later
revisions of the above listed
documents appro...
10014676 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 737-300 Installation of Galley G2 Varig p/n 25-30-3154 The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Documentation according to This STC is limited to Boeing 13/02/2018 Active 10014676
GMBH inside aircraft between STA 333.25 and STA original product remains applicableto "Uebersicht der Dokumente" 737-300 MSN 23827Prior to
(EASA.A.S.02837) 350.50 this certificate/ approval.The Rev. 3 dated30.01.07- installation of this design change it
requirements for environmental Compliance Check List B737- must be determined thatthe
protection and the NY-0936-01A, Rev. 2 dated interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or 30.01.07- Declaration of design change and any
emissions levels of the original Completion B737-NY-0936, otherpreviously installed design
product areunchanged and remain dated 30.01.07or later change and/ or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. documents approved by the airworthiness of the product....
10014677 FOKKER SERVICES REV. 1 747-8F/-SP/-SR Introduction of cockpit windows with The Certification Basis (CB) for the 747 No. 2 and 3 supplement None 17/07/2017 Active 10014677
B.V. 747-8/-100/-300/-400/-100B improved design for Boeing 747series original product remains applicableto IPC747 No. 2 and 3 window
(EASA.A.S.02838) 747-200F/-400 aircraft. GKN p/n 06314 and 06315 as this certificate/ approval.The ACMMorlater revisions of the
BCF/-400D/-400F replacement for Boeing p/n65B27042() and requirements for environmental above listed documents
747-100B SUD/-200B/-200C 65B27046() and GKN p/n 06316 and 06317 as protection and the approved by EASA.
replacement forBoeing p/n 065B27043() and associatedcertified noise and/ or
65B27047().Revision 1: Transfer from GKN to emissions levels of the original
Fokker Services product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10014686 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 2 A319-115, A-319-133 Airbus Corporate Jet Centre – Modification The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Modification Approval None 26/04/2016 Active 10014686
CJ2053– A319 SATTV TAILWIND550 original product remains applicableto Sheet, ref. CJ2053, Issue 2,
(EASA.A.S.02849) ANTENNAApplicability update (A319-115) for this certificate/ approval.The dated 25th April2016- MPD
installation of antenna structuralprovisions requirements for environmental Supp SAT TV Ref : MPD-S
and radome for the installation of the protection and the MOD CJ2053
Airshow live TV systemTAILWIND 550 associatedcertified noise and/ or dated25/11/2015- Technical
previously approved on A319-133 emissions levels of the original Repercussion Sheet No.
product areunchanged and remain 53-1296, IssueA, dated 2nd
applicable to this certificate/ October2006or later revisions
approval. of the above listed documents
approved by EASA.
10014691 JET AVIATION AG, REV. 1 A319 Cabin interior outfitting Master Data List Limited to Reg. P4-VNL, S/N 2921 02/11/2010 Active 10014691
BASEL BCJ02921-001-REV.B, dated
(EASA.A.S.02855) 25.08.2009Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement
REV.IRInstructions for
Continued Airworthiness
laterrevisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10014694 GROWING REV. 1 747-400 Reconfiguration of five Boeing B747-400 C747-25-1002-CCS, Revision The following EASA approved STC's 20/04/2021 Active 10014694
ENGINEERING aircraft to 54J/62W/228Y.Rev.1: Transfer of 0, or later approved must be installed concurrently
(EASA.A.S.02860) PARTNERS GmbH STC from SR Technics Switzerland revision.C747-25-1002-MDL, withthis design change:EASA.A.S.
togroWINGEngineering Partners GmbH Revision 0, or later approved 03165EASA.IM.A.S.02572

04/01/2023 Page 22 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014696 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 1 2. SA227-BC Installation of Sandel ST3400 TAWS System Design:Non-significant changeThe EASA approved Engineering This change is limited to the 08/11/2010 Active 10014696
AVIONICS DESIGN 2. SA226-TC, SA227-AC Certification Basis of theoriginal Order, Doc. No. 2035640-EO, configuration of aircraft /
(EASA.A.S.02863) ApS 1. SA227-TT product and the issue4, dated25-Oct-2010, or equipment typeas listed under
1. SA226-T(B), SA227-AT followingadditional /,,alternativeairw later approved issueEASA Chapter 4. in EASA approved
1. A226-T, SA226-AT orthiness requirements are approved Aircraft Flight Engineering Order, Doc. No.
applicable tothis changeFor the Manual Supplement, Doc. No. 2035640-EO, issue 4, dated 25-
change CS-23 has been elected to 2035640-AM-A,Issue 4, dated Oct-2010, or later approved issue.
comply with where 15-Jul-2010<(>,<)> or later
possible.Environmental approved issue, orEASA
Protection:The certificated noise approved Aircraft Flight
and/ or e... Manual Supplement, Doc. No.
10014699 AEROCONSEIL REV. 3 A330 ALL MODELS Installation of Aeromobile GSM Connectivity In accordance with the EASA - Master Data List, ref. doc. Not applicable 17/09/2010 Active 10014699
System onboard Airbus A330AircraftRevision TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe No. 0313-01-A-2103-R16, Rev.
(EASA.A.S.02866) of the EASA STC 10014699 Rev. 2 to remove original product and the R16, dated16th September
EWIS limitation followingadditional or alternative 2010- Certification Plan, ref.
airworthiness requirements are doc.No. 0313-01-A-2101-F01-
applicable tothis certificate/ R01, Rev. R01,dated 1st
approval- CRI H-01 "Enhanced February 2010- Compliance
Airworthiness Programme for Records, ref.doc. No.
Aeroplane Systems - ICAon EWIS"The 0313-01-A-2104-F01-R02,
requirements for envir... Rev. 02,dated 16th February
2010- Aircraft Flight Manual
10014707 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 747-400 SERIES Installation of a Bendix / King CAS-81 TCAS II The Type and OSD Certification Bases ATL Master Document List Prior to installation of the STC 09/11/2021 Active 10014707
LIMITEDEUROPE System and Dual Bendix /King TRA-67 Mode S (CB) for the original productremains ATL/MDL-046 at issue Boeing SB 747-34-2309
(EASA.A.S.02879) S.A.S. TransponderThe provisions forthe antenna applicable to this certificate/ 1Master Drawing List Drawing mustbeinstalled.Prior to
installation in accordance with Boeing approval.The requirements for No. 699-50021, initial installation of this change/repair it
SB747-34-2309 are not part of this STC.Rev. environmental protection and the releaseMaster DrawingList, must be determined thatthe
1: Transfer of STC associatedcertified noise and/ or Drawing 699-50020, initial interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the product are releaseATL Airplane change/repair and any
unchangedand remain applicable to FlightManual Supplement Nr. otherpreviously installed change
this certificate/approval w... 54 Issue 1 to Boeing AFMD6- and/ orrepair will introduce no
U10003.or later revisions of adverseeffect upon the
the above listed document(s) airworthines...
10014708 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 747-400 SERIES RTA-44D VHF Data Radio System.Rev. 1: The Type and OSD Certification Bases Master Data List Ref ATL/747/ This STC is approved only for the 09/11/2021 Active 10014708
LIMITEDEUROPE Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains MDL047or later revisions of product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.02880) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ the above listed document(s) inthe approved design data
approval.The requirements for approved/acceptedunder the referred to in the paragraph 4:
environmental protection and the EASA system. SpecificationAircraft/Modification.
associatedcertified noise and/ or Compatibility with other aircraft/
emissions levels of the product are engineconfigurations shall be
unchangedand remain applicable to determined bythe installer.Prior to
this certificate/approval w... installation of this change/repair
10014709 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 747-400 SERIES Certification of Collins Data Link ACARS The Type and OSD Certification Bases Master Data List Ref ATL/747/ Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014709
LIMITEDEUROPE 747-400 Installation in the B747-400Rev. 1: Transfer (CB) for the original productremains MDL048or later revisions of repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02881) S.A.S. of STC applicable to this certificate/ the above listed document(s) thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for approved/acceptedunder the this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the EASA system. otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w...
10014713 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 757-200, 757-300 Installation of non-electrical Floor Path Supplemental Type Definition Lufthansa Technik AG AFM 05/03/2014 Active 10014713
AG Marking System Document STDD33-06/03M Supplement A-33-06/472-AFM
(EASA.A.S.02886) Issue 01 24/11/2006or later
revisions of the above listed
documentsapproved by EASA
10014727 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 ATR 72-212/-212A Installation of non-electrical Floor Path -Supplemental Type Definition ATR42/72 except those aircraft 05/03/2014 Active 10014727
AG ATR Marking System Document STDD33-06/04M, with convertible seats whichdo not
(EASA.A.S.02905) 72-101/-102/-201/-202/-211 Issue01-Certification Program have a fixed lateral position.See
ATR CP33-06/04M, Issue 01- Airplane Flight Manual
42-200/-300/-320/-400/-500 Compliance Record List Supplement AFMS A-33-06/497-
CRL33-06/04M, Issue 01- AFM Initial Revision or later
Airplane Flight Manual approved revisions.Instructions for
Supplement AFMS Continued Airworthiness
A-33-06/497-AFM Initial ICA33-06/04M Initial Revision or
Revision-Instructions for later approved revisionsS...
Continued Airworthiness
ICA33-06/04M Initial

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014734 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 757-200 238 PAX LOPA InstallationRev. 1: Transfer of The Type and OSD Certification Bases Aviation Traders Ltd. ATL Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014734
LIMITEDEUROPE STC (CB) for the original productremains Modification ATL/757/152 at repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02917) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ Issue1 dated 16March thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for 2007Aviation Traders Ltd. this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the Master Document List ATL/ otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or 757/MDL054 at Issue 1dated and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are 20 March 2007or later adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to revisions of the above listed airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w... document(s) approved/
acceptedunder the EASA
10014737 AIRLEC AIR ESPACE REV. 1 550 Single Pilot Operations and Associated The Certification Basis (CB) for the Aci Systémes AFM Prior to installation of this design 12/11/2013 Active 10014737
modificationsThis STC is a transfer from Aci original product remains applicableto Supplement ACI-00-AFM- change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02920) Systémes in Villefrancoeur France toAirlec Air this certificate/ approval.The M-021-Rev.1Aci Systémes thatthe interrelationship between
Espace in Langon France. requirements for environmental Compliance Checklist ACI-00- this design change and any
protection and the CCL-M-021-Rev.3, otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or dated05/06/2007or later change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA the airworthiness ofthe
applicable to this certificate/ product.The installation of this
approval. modification by third p...
10014752 FOKKER TECHNIEK REV. 4 A319-115 Changes to Airbus A319CJ in addition to the The Certification Basis for the original AFM Supplement A319CJ The activation of the Zonal Dryer/ 05/12/2019 Active 10014752
B.V. VIP Conversion introduced byEASA STC A.S. product remains applicable tothis 0.01.00 for STC P-EASA.A.S. Humidification System is not part
(EASA.A.S.02937) 02937 as described in Fokker Services B.V. certificate/ approval.The following 02937.MMELSupplement ofthis Major Change. The
EngineeringReport A319-SAG-CRR-0002 Issue paragraph(s) at later amendment: A319-FOK-MMEL-S-001 installation of the Zonal Dryer/
1.This STC has been revised to clarify the text CS-MMELThe requirements for Revision 2, Chapter 6, HumidificationSystem is certified,
in the Limitations andConditions.Revision 3: environmental protection and the dated25.08.2017or later however the correctuse and
MMEL Supplement addedRevision 4: Tran... associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed functioning is notcertified.
emissions levels of the original documents approved by Therefore the Zonal Dryer/
product areunchanged and rem... EASA. Humidification System may not
beactivated.Prior to instal...
10014753 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 DC-9-87 (MD-87) Installation of flight ID capable XPDR and Ubersicht der Dokumente No. Prior to installation of this design 15/11/2017 Active 10014753
GMBH DC-9-83 (MD-83) CTRL MD80-NY-1137 dated change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02939) DC-9-82 (MD-82) 14.02.2007AFMS No. MD80- thatthe interrelationship between
DC-9-81 (MD-81) NY-1137-08 dated this design change and any
14.02.2007or later revisions otherpreviously installed design
ofthe above listed documents change and/ or repair will
approved by EASA. introduce noadverse effect upon
the airworthiness ofthe product.
10014757 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 757-200 201PAX LOPA InstallationRev. 1: Transfer of The Type and OSD Certification Bases Master Data List Ref MDL/ Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014757
LIMITEDEUROPE 757 STC (CB) for the original productremains 757/053, issue 1or later repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02945) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ revisionsof the above listed thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for document(s) approved/ this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the acceptedunder the EASA otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or system. and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w...
10014764 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 2 35/ 35A/ 36/ 36A Installation of Honeywell EGPWS Mk. VIII (in The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Master Document List Prior to installation of this change/ 19/01/2022 Active 10014764
Service GmbH combination with anexisting Weather Redar original product remains applicableto LR35-60514-000-LP, Rev. 1.2. repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.02954) display). this certificate/ approval.The AFM Supplement thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental LR35-60514-800-MF, Rev. 1. this change/repair and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/
10014779 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 1 LBA STC TA0015 A300 B4-605R/-622R - EASA STC EASA.A.S.02977 revision 1- (Ref. - The Certification Basis for the - Certification Summary N/A 26/02/2010 Active 10014779
ISSUE 4 A300 B4-601/-603/-620/-622 to former Luftfahrt Bundesamt STC TA0015 original product and the Document EQM 236/000-001/
(EASA.A.S.02977) Issue 4)- The STC EASA.A.S.02977 has followingadditional or alternative COS Issue 06.- Airbus
covered the transfer of the STC TA0015Issue airworthiness requirements are Deutschland Engineering
4 (original Aviation Authority reference) from applicable tothis certificate/approval- Order Nr. PFM 04296A Issue
the originalAviation Authority (LBA) to the See Certification Summary Document 04.- Aircraft Flight Manual
EASA allowing the conversion of A300B2 / referenced in Associated Supplement for Airbus
B4c... TechnicalDocumentation section- A300B2 / B4<(>,<)>Revision
The certificated noise and/or 07, dated 15 July 2006.-
emissions lev... Supplemental Airworthiness
Limitation Items for A/C
A300B2 / B4 Ref:SEMD-033...

04/01/2023 Page 24 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014782 FOKKER SERVICES REV. 1 737-600/-700/-800/-900 Number 2 Cockpit Windshields Addition of The Certification Basis (CB) for the Certification Plan TN/TA/ None. 17/07/2017 Active 10014782
B.V. 737-100/-200/-300/-400/-50 Layers of PolyrethaneInterlayer to the original product remains applicableto 07/05 Issue 3General
(EASA.A.S.02980) 0 Existing Qualified Design to improve In- this certificate/ approval. The Arrangement Drawing
Servicereliability.Rev. 1: Transfer from GKN requirementsfor 08924/5 Issue 3Test Report
Aerospace to Fokker Services environmentalprotection and the TN/TA/07/31 Issue 01Test
associated certified noise and/ or Report TN/TA/
emissions levelsof the original 88/142Compliance Checklist
product are unchanged and remain C/R 016 Issue 02MajorChange
applicable to thiscertificate/ Approval C/R 016 Issue
approval. 02CMM B737 Flight
CompartmentNo. 2 Sliding
Window Part No. 08924,
08925or later revisions...
10014784 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) REV. 1 CAA UK 757-200 Installation of fixed Emergency Locator Modification BBJ866. N/A 30/07/2019 Active 10014784
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY Transmitter Technical Publication
(EASA.A.S.02984) Supplements BBJMS058.
10014798 AVIATION REV. 2 B200 Installation of UNIFIS 3000 Flight Inspection The Certification Basis for the original · Air Alpha Master Drawing Limited to B200 S/N BB-829.The 13/03/2019 Active 10014798
ENGINEERING AS System including antennasin Beech B200.The product as amendedby thefollowing No. EN-B200-25-116-01, Rev. installation of this modification by
(EASA.A.S.03001) system is used to check and calibrate ground additional or alternative 1, dated 30 August2007 third persons is subject towritten
based navigation aids. airworthiness requirements:CS 23 Modification Front sheet for permission of the approval holder
amendment 23-0 unless otherwise modification EO-B200-25-116 and disposal of the
noted: CS23.251, 23.301, withcomplete listing of approvedappropriate
23.303,23.305, 23.307, 23.365, Declaration of Compliance, documentation.,,Prior to
23.561, 23.571(c), 23.572(a), 23.573 Report EO-B200-25-116.· Air installation of this modification it
(b), 23.575, 23.603, 23.605, 23.607, Alpha Flight Manual must be determined thatthe
23.6... Supplement for Beechcraft interrelationship between this
B200 with flightinspection mod...
system UNIFIS0...
10014804 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 425 Installation of GTX 330D Mode S Transponder The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Doc. No. EO C425- Prior to installation of this design 30/10/2017 Active 10014804
GMBH original product remains applicableto NY-1240-05, R0.- EASA change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03007) this certificate/approval.The approved NAYAK AFM-S Doc. thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental No. C425-NY-1240-08, or later this design change and any
protection and the approvedrevision.- NAYAK otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/or Maintenance Procedures. change and/or repair will
emissions levels of the original Doc. No. C425-NY-1240-07, or introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain laterapproved revision. the airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/
10014805 BUSINESS AND REV. 1 MYSTERE FALCON 20 E5, 20 Cabin Interior Refurbishment applicable to The Certification Basis (CB) for the Dossier de Demonstration de This STC is approved only for 05/01/2015 Active 10014805
COMMUTER GF Dassault Aviation Falcon20-E5 aircraft. original product remains applicableto Conformite DDC-002-07 Mystere Falcon 20-E5
(EASA.A.S.03008) AIRCRAFT MF50, MF900 this certificate/ approval.The Revision 1 or later approved aircraftserialnumber 302.Prior to
C550 CITATION II requirements for environmental revisions.Master Data List installation of this modificationthe
protection and the MDL.002.07 Revision 1 or installer must determinethat the
associatedcertified noise and/ or later approved interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original revisions.Aircraft Flight modification and any
product areunchanged and remain Manual Supplement UAE- otherpreviously installed
applicable to this certificate/ AFMS-07-001 Original Issue or modification will introduce no
approval. later approved revisions. adverse effect uponthe
10014808 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 4 CL-600-2E25 (RJ SERIES 1000) Installation of non-electrical Floor Path The Certification Basis (CB) for the • Supplemental Type None 27/03/2017 Active 10014808
AG CL-600-2D24 (RJ SERIES 900) Marking - FPMRev.4: new colours for light original product remains applicableto Definition Document ref. doc.
(EASA.A.S.03012) CL-600-2D15 (RJ SERIES 705) strips and carpet protectors, update this certificate/ approval.The STDD33-07/01MIss03Rev00,
CL-600-2C10 (RJ ofdocumentation, plus addition of model requirements for environmental dated 21st March 2017•
700,701,702) 2E25. protection and the Instructions for Continued
CL-600-2B19 (RJ SERIES 100) associatedcertified noise and/ or Airworthiness ref. doc.
emissions levels of the original ICA33-07/02M Rev02•
product areunchanged and remain ComplianceRecord List ref.
applicable to this certificate/ doc. CRL33-16/34M
approval. Iss01Rev00, dated 21stMarch
2017• Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement ref. doc.

04/01/2023 Page 25 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014818 AMES AEROSPACE & REV. 2 A320 MODELS Installation of an In-Flight Entertainment Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - Engineering Order, ref. doc. Not applicable 05/11/2010 Active 10014818
MECHANICAL System (Live TV)on AirbusA320 Aircraft A.064The CertificationBasis for the No.
(EASA.A.S.03026) ENGINEESERVICES original product remains applicable EO_M06800106_CKA_060820
ING. WALTER tothis certificate/ approvalThe 10, Revision0, dated 4th
STARZACHER Ges requirements for environmental November 2010- Airplane
protection and the Flight Manual Supplement,
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ref. doc.
emissions levels of the original No.AFS_M06800105_CKA_21
product areunchanged and remain 052010, Revision 0, dated
applic... 14th July 2010- Instruction for
Continued Airworthiness, ref.
082010, Revision 0...
10014821 JET AVIATION AG, REV. 1 A330-202 Cabin Interior Outfitting -Certification Plan, ref. doc. None 02/11/2010 Active 10014821
BASEL No. B3300605, Rev. B, dated
(EASA.A.S.03032) 05.11.2008-Master Document
List, ref. No. B3300605-001,
Rev.IR, dated 03.11.2008-
Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement, ref. doc. No.
B3300605-201-01, Rev.IR,
dated 22.10.2008-Applicant's
Declaration of Compliance -
CAF 2492 - Cabin
10014832 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 3 2. PA-34-220T (SENECA V) System PA-34-812000Installation of Penta The Certification Basis for the original System PA-34-812000Flight As referred in AFM-S 03/02/2022 Active 10014832
Service GmbH 1. PA-34-220T (SENECA IV) Camera SystemSystem PA-34-813000 Version product remains applicable tothis Manual Supplement
(EASA.A.S.03047) 1. PA-34-220T (SENECA III) 2024425Camera Hatch and Equipment certificate/ approval.FAR 23 iaw, SPOH_14043_rev0_06112006
1. PA-34-200T (SENECA II) Installation TCDS EASA.IM.A.090 and FAA Installation Instruction
A7SOThe requirements for II14043_rev0_06112006Syste
environmental protection and the m PA-34-813000Master
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Document List
emissions levels of the original MDOCL_2024425_rev0_2011
product areunchanged and remain 1201Flight Manual
appl... Supplement
15Installation Instruction
0915or later revis...
10014836 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 CESSNA 182 Towing Kit Cessna 182 "System Gomolzig" Anhang zum Flughandbuch Cessna 182M, N,P,Q,R, equipped 19/01/2022 Active 10014836
Service GmbH C182-820000".The Cessna 182 and its series Modifikation 15530, Towing with SMA SR 305-23-MA01 Diesel
(EASA.A.S.03052) equipped with the SMA Diesel engine shallbe Kit "System Gomolzig" engine according to STC EASA.A.S.
equipped with a towing system for banning C182-820000, Ausgabe: 08.07 00774.
towing andsailplanes up to850 kg Doc.-No.
MTOW.Rev. 1 Transfer to ACC ColumbiaJet SPOH_15530_rev1_16082007
Service GmbH .Umrüstunganweisung
Modifikation 15530 TowingKit
"System Gomolzig"
C182-820000, Ausgabe: 08.07
10014844 AIR SERVICE REV. 2 PC-12/47 Oxygen fill point modification (to remove The Certification Basis for the original -,,Engineering order EO- Only eligible for PC-12/45 and 03/06/2013 Active 10014844
VAMDRUP APS PC-12/45 limitation for installation ofSTC 10014844 product as amendedby thefollowing PC12-31-121, 1 March PC-12/47 without the Oxygen
(EASA.A.S.03062) (previous EASA.A.S.03062). additional or alternative 2007;-,,Masterdrawing EN- systeminstallation in the Rear
airworthiness requirements:As per PC12-31-121-01;-,,Airplane fuselage, unless
EASA STC 10014844 (former Flight Manual supplement, modification"Oxygen fillpoint
EASA.A.S.03062)The requirements FMS.EO- modification (to remove limitation
for environmental protection and the PC12-31-121;-,,Supplemental for installation of STC10014844
associatedcertified noise and/ or Maintenance Manual (previous EASA.A.S.03062)" is
emissions levels of the original pr... ATP31.0114 Rev.0, 21 June installed.The installation of this
2007;-,,MEL Supplement EO- modification by third personsw...
PC12-31-121, Report N.
modification "Oxygen fill

04/01/2023 Page 26 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014848 airplus engineering REV. 1 B200 TDR-94D-007 Mode S Transponder Dual Installation must be in None 17/02/2021 Active 10014848
GmbH Installation. accordance with AIRplus
(EASA.A.S.03070) Master Document List
MD-0109-000000 Rev. 2,
dated 02.07.07 or later
Revisions.Operation must be
in accordance with
AIRplusFlight Manual
Supplement for TDR94D-007,
PO-0109-343300 Iss.2 dated
02.07.07 or later approved
revision.Maintenance must...
10014849 airplus engineering REV. 1 T303 Installation of GNS480 COM/NAV/GPS, Installation must be in None 17/02/2021 Active 10014849
GmbH TAWS8000, Sky 497 Skywatch, KCS55A accordance with AirPlus
(EASA.A.S.03071) Compass System, SL30 COM/NAV, KN63DME, Master Document List
GWX68 Radar, MX200 MFD and GMA 347 MD-0121-000000 Rev. 3
Audio System. This installation includes also dated 17.Sep.07 or later
one Digiflow and Engine monitoring system. Approved
Revisions.Operation must be
in accordance with Flight
Manual Supplement
PO-0121-340100 to
PO-0121-340900 Rev. 1, or
later approved
revision.Maintenance must be
in accordance M...
10014851 airplus engineering REV. 2 690, 690A, 690B, 690C, 690D Installation of Garmin GTX 330 Mode S Flight Manual Supplement None 17/02/2021 Active 10014851
GmbH Transponder Garmin GTX 330 Mode S
(EASA.A.S.03073) Transponder Doc-No:
PO-0124-343300, Rev 0,
dated 27/06/2007
10014854 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 1 767-300 Introduction of 290 Pac Place Interior Modification none 28/04/2021 Active 10014854
LIMITED ConfigurationRev 1:Transfer from AES Ltd. to AES-767-787Reports: AES-
(EASA.A.S.03078) new STC holder AES Global Ltd. TR-0250, AES-TR-0251, AES-
TR-0252, AES-TR-0258, AES-
10014857 AIR ALLIANCE GmbH REV. 4 208, 208B Conversion of airplane for parachute The Certification Basis (CB) for the For “Parakit NAY001“:- Prior to installation of this change/ 21/08/2020 Active 10014857
operationsConversion of airplane for original product remains applicableto According to Master repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03081) parachute operations. Installation this certificate/ approval.The Document List ref. “Master thatthe interrelationship between
ofPARAKITNAY001 or Parakit C208-83 00 00 requirements for environmental Data List PARAKITNAY001”, this change/repair and any
“System Gomolzig” protection and the revision 00, 29.03.1997.- To otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or be operated and maintained and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original in accordance with LBA adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain approved AirplaneFlight airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement ref.
approval. “PARAKIT NAY001”,revision
00, 20.03.1997.For “Parakit
C208-83 00 00 - System-...
10014863 BOURNEMOUTH REV. 4 CAA UK B747-400, -400F STC EASA.A.S.03087: This modification The Certification Basis for the original FMS-468-38 Rev. 5 Airplane None. 21/05/2012 Active 10014863
AVIATION RESPONSIBILITY B747-100, -200B/C/F, -300, introduces a Universal CockpitDisplay System product and the followingadditional Flight Manual
(EASA.A.S.03087) (CONSULTANTS)Ltd. (Electronic Flight Bag) into the aircraft or alternative airworthiness SupplementUniversal Avionics
consisting of 2Flight Deck Displays, an requirements are applicable tothis Systems Corporation Service
Application Server Unit, an Accessible certificate/ approval.CS-25 Bulletin
DataUnit, an external video camera and Amendment 2 for the areas of 340.06.02-3284Installation of
associated wiring as detailed inCompliance changeThe requirements for SCN 32.2 and Mod 2 in the
Document Summa... environmental protection and the ASUor later revisions of the
associatedcertificated noise and/ or above listed documents
emiss... approved by EASA.
10014881 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 MU-2B-40, MU-2B-60 Installation of XPDR Mode-S System with The Certification Basis (CB) for the - EASA approved Compliance Prior to installation of this design 30/10/2017 Active 10014881
GMBH Diversity, Garmin GTX 330 D(single or original product remains applicableto Check List / Compliance change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03109) optional dual installation possible). this certificate/approval.The Statement, Doc. No.MU2- thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental NY-0243-01A, Revision 0, this design change and any
protection and the dated 20 February 2007 or otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/or later approvedrevision.- EASA change and/or repair will
emissions levels of the original approved Airplane introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain FlightManual Supplement, the airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Doc. No.MU2-NY-0243-08,
approval. dated 20-February 2007, or
later approved revision.-
Approved Amendment to

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014884 CESKA LETECKA REV. 1 560XL Installation of UNIFIS 3000 Flight Inspection The Certification Basis (CB) for the -AFM Supplement FMS.EO- None 21/09/2017 Active 10014884
SERVISNI A.S. System: Console, cockpitindication system, original product remains applicableto C560XL-25-117-Certification
(EASA.A.S.03112) antennaThis STC is a transfer of EASA STC A.S. this certificate/ approval.The Plan CP-C560XL-25-117-
03112 from Air Alpha MaintenanceA/S. requirements for environmental Compliance Checklist CCL-
protection and the C560XL-25-117or
associatedcertified noise and/ or laterrevisions of the above
emissions levels of the original listed documents approved by
product areunchanged and remain EASA.
applicable to this certificate/
10014887 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 BAE 146/AVRO 146 MODELS 95 Passenger LOPA Installation.Rev. 1: The Type and OSD Certification Bases ATL/1467067 Issue 2or later Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014887
LIMITEDEUROPE Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains revisions of the above listed repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03116) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ document(s) approved/ thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for acceptedunder the EASA this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the system. otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w...
10014897 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 3 777-200/-200LR/-300/-300ER Installation of non-electrical floor path The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Supplemental Type Design Prior to installation of this change/ 29/05/2019 Active 10014897
AG marking systemRev1: System commercial original product remains applicableto Document STDD33-07/03M repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03127) name changedRev 2: System commercial this certificate/ approval.The Issue 3- AFM supplement thatthe interrelationship between
name removedRev 3: Extension of existing requirements for environmental A-33-07/530-AFM Issue 1- this change/repair and any
STC to models 777-200LR and 777-300ER protection and the MMEL Supplement otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or A-00-19/41-MMEL Issue 00- and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original Instructions for continued adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain Airworthiness ICA33-07/03M airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Issue/rev 01/02or later
approval. revisions of the above listed
document(s) approved/
acceptedunder the EASA
10014906 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 6 A318-112 Structural Floor Panel Reconfiguration Type Certification Basis in accordance - Supplemental Type None 07/10/2009 Active 10014906
AG with the TCDS No. A.064 plus:- CRI Definition Document, Doc.
(EASA.A.S.03142) D-01 "Door between passenger No. STDD00-07/13M, issue08,
compartments with integrated dated 28 September 2009, or
blockingfunctionality"- CRI D-03 later approved revisions-
"Isolated Compartments"- CRI D-04 Aeroplane Flight Manual
"Firm Handhold"- CRI F-01 "Executive Supplement A-00-07/702-
Power System"plus voluntarily by AFM revision 6, dated30
applicant:- FAR 25.981 (a) (b)-... September 2008, or later
approved revision-
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness, ref. Doc. No.
10014907 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 4 U206, U206A, U206B, U206D Installation of Cessna 206 Exhaust System The Certification Basis for the original 1. TP206C-E; TU206B, E-G None 19/01/2022 Active 10014907
Service GmbH U206E, U206F, U206G product remains applicable tothis Exhaust System with
(EASA.A.S.03145) TU206B, TU206E, TU206F, certificate/ approval. The Extension C()
TU206G requirements for 206-6065802.T206H Low
T206H, TP206C, TP206D, environmentalprotection and the Noise Silencer Kit
TP206E associated certificated noise and/ or CT206H-6065703.P206C;
P206C, P206D, P206E, emissionslevels of the original P206D; P206E; U206; U206A;
product are unchanged and remain U206B; U206D; U206E;
applicable tothis certificate/ U206F; U206GLow Noise
approval. Silencer Kit C206-6065001.
TP206C-E; TU206B, E-
GExhaust System with
Extension C()206
10014911 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 1 A320-214 Airbus Corporate Jet Centre Modification The Certification Basis for the original -Modification Approval Sheet This STC is limited to MSN 764Prior 22/11/2013 Active 10014911
CJ0103 - VIP Interior -"Shining Star No. product as amendedby thefollowing ref.: CJ0103 Issue 4, dated to installation of thisdesign change
(EASA.A.S.03155) 2"Revision due to update of AFM-S andMPD- additional or alternative 24th October2013-AFM it must be determined thatthe
S airworthiness requirements as Supplement: FM-S MOD interrelationship between this
listedin the General CRI G-2102 CJ0103<(>,<)> Revision 05, design change and any
"ACJC Project Certification Basis".The dated 1st October2013-MPD- otherpreviously installed design
requirements for environmental S MOD CJ0103<(>,<)> change and/ or repair will
protection and the Revision 02, dated 1st May introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or 2012-AMM-S MOD CJ0103, the airworthiness of the
emissions lev... dated 01st November 2007or product.The installation o...
later revisions of the above
listed documents appro...

04/01/2023 Page 28 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014924 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 2 A330-322 Business Class extension to a 30 B/C + 295 Y/ The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List, ref. Prior to installation of this 15/06/2018 Active 10014924
GMBH C layout.This STC modifies cabin arrangement product and the followingadditional MDL330-25-01-07 Revision 1, modification it must be
(EASA.A.S.03172) from a 18 B/C +343 Y/C layoutto a30 B/C or alternative airworthiness dated 25 Oct.2007<(>,<)>or determined thatthe
+295 Y/C layout with new B/C seat and requirements are applicable tothis later revisions of the above interrelationship between this
stowage compartmentinstallations. certificate/ approval.CS25 Amdt listed documents approved by modification and any other
3.The requirements for EASA. previouslyinstalled modification
environmental protection and the and/ or repair will introduce no
associatedcertificated noise and/ or adverse effectupon the
emissions levels of the original p... airworthiness of the product.
10014940 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 737-73S 148 Pax LOPA InstallationRev. 1: Transfer of The Type and OSD Certification Bases -Modification Summary ATL/ Compatibility of this design change 09/11/2021 Active 10014940
LIMITEDEUROPE 737-700 STC (CB) for the original productremains 737/605 Issue 2- with other previously
(EASA.A.S.03198) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ DRN10512-001 Issue 2or later approvedmodifications must be
approval.The requirements for revisions of the above listed determined by the installer.Prior
environmental protection and the document(s) approved/ to installation of this change/
associatedcertified noise and/ or acceptedunder the EASA repair it must be determined
emissions levels of the product are system. thatthe interrelationship between
unchangedand remain applicable to this change/repair and any
this certificate/approval w... otherpreviously installed change
and/ or repair will intr...
10014942 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 757-200 219 PAX LOPA Installation.Rev. 1: Transfer of The Type and OSD Certification Bases ATL Modification Summary This STC is limited to aircraft s/n 09/11/2021 Active 10014942
LIMITEDEUROPE STC (CB) for the original productremains Sheet ATL/757/180, issue 1, 26270.Prior to installation of this
(EASA.A.S.03201) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ 02/08/2007.or later revisions change/repair it must be
approval.The requirements for of the above listed document determined thatthe
environmental protection and the (s) approved/acceptedunder interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or the EASA system. change/repair and any
emissions levels of the product are otherpreviously installed change
unchangedand remain applicable to and/ or repair will introduce no
this certificate/approval w... adverseeffect upon the
airworthiness of the product.
10014949 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 1 757-200 Introduction of alternative EGPWS Mode 6 AES Modification FAA STC ST00381SE must be 28/04/2021 Active 10014949
LIMITED Callout MenuRev 1: Transfer from AES Ltd. to AES-757-894, issue 2 installed prior to the installation of
(EASA.A.S.03212) new STC holder AES Global Ltd. 01/08/2007AES AFM thisSTCvalidated as EASA.IM.A.S.
Supplement No.6 issue 1 2731 (10016402)
10014950 DSA A.S. REV. 1 T303 COMM/NAV/GPS GNS 530, GNS 430, The Certification Basis (CB) for the Supplement to Airplane Flight S/N: T303 00205.Prior to 08/05/2020 Active 10014950
Navigation Indicator GI 106,S-mode GTX 330 original product remains applicableto Manual No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 installation of this change/repairit
(EASA.A.S.03213) Transponder, GMA 340 ICS, and ELT Kannad this certificate/ approval.The ref. S7 LDA02/07/T-303 revise must be determined thatthe
406AF installation into Cessna T303. requirements for environmental 3S8 LDA 02/07/T303 revise interrelationship between this
protection and the 3S9 LDA 02/07/T303 revise change/repair and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or 3S10 LDA 02/07/T303 revise otherpreviously installed change
emissions levels of the product are 3S11 LDA 02/07/T303 revise and/ or repair will introduce no
unchangedand remain applicable to 3S12 LDA 02/07/T303 revise adverseeffect upon the
this certificate/approval without any 3or later revisions of the airworthiness of the product.
im... above listed document(s)
approved/acceptedunder t...
10014951 BUSINESS AND REV. 1 MYSTERE FALCON 20 E5, 20 Antenna and Cables Installation provisions The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Uni Air Enterprise Master 1. STC nor applicable to Falcon 05/01/2015 Active 10014951
COMMUTER GF for satellite communicationsystem applicable original product remains applicableto Data List MDL-016-07 50EX version aircraft;2. Prior to
(EASA.A.S.03215) AIRCRAFT MF50, MF900 to Dassault Aviation MF50 aircraft. this certificate/ approval.The Revision 4, dated 10June installation of this modification the
C550 CITATION II requirements for environmental 2008 ;2. Installation installer mustdetermine that the
protection and the instructions in accordance interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or with Unir Air modification and anyother
emissions levels of the original EnterpriseService Bulletin SB- previously installed modification
product areunchanged and remain UAE-016-07-01 Revision 3, will introduce no adverse
applicable to this certificate/ dated 9 June 2008 ;3. Unir Air effectupon the airworthiness of
approval. Enterprise Maintenance the product. T...
Manual Supplement UAE-
AMMS-07-004Revision 3,
dated 2...
10014952 airplus engineering REV. 1 S550 (CITATION S/II) Installation of Bendix/King KLN 900, Shadin • Master Document List, Prior to installation of this 17/02/2021 Active 10014952
GmbH ADC-200 and Garmin GNS 530A. Rev. 01, dated 4 September modification the installer must
(EASA.A.S.03216) 2007,or later approved determine that the
revision.• Maintenance interrelationship between this
Manual Supplement modification and any other
Navigation System KLN 900, previously installed modification
MM-0175-340100, Rev. 0, or will introduce no adverse effect
later approved revision.• upon the airworthiness of the
Maintenance Manual product. The installation of this
Supplement COM/VOR/ILS/ modification by third persons...
GPS/TAWS Garmin GNS-530A,
MM-0175-340200, Rev. 0 or

04/01/2023 Page 29 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014953 MT-PROPELLER REV. 5 PC-12/47E MTV-27-() or MTV-47-() on Pilatus PC-12 The Certification Basis (CB) for the According to MT-Propeller According limitation section of 23/07/2021 Active 10014953
ENTWICKLUNG PC-12/47 Series equipped with PT6A-67()or original product remains applicableto Master Documentation List AFM-SPrior to installation of this
(EASA.A.S.03217) GmbH PC-12/45 PT6E-67XPAnd with updated AFMS this certificate/ approval.The No.E-1822, Rev 12 for change/repair it must be
PC-12 Performance Section for MTV-47-() requirements for environmental MTV-27-() and MTV-47-( ) determined thatthe
aircraftsequipped with PT6A-67() engines protection are unchanged but Propeller andE-3755 Rev 0 for interrelationship between this
thiscertificate/ approval involves a MTV-47-() PropellerTo be change/repair and any
change with an impact on the operated in accordance with otherpreviouslyinstalled change
noisedatabase and/or emission MT-Propeller AFM-S and/ or repair will introduce no
levels. Document No.E-1823, Rev 7 adverseeffect upon the
for MTV-27-() Propeller and airworthiness of the product.
E-3559, Rev 5 for MTV-47-()
PropellerTo be ins...
10014958 DSA A.S. REV. 1 T206H Installation of Leica RC30 with IPAS 10 and The Certification Basis (CB) for the Supplement to Airplane Flight S/N T20608636.Prior to 08/05/2020 Active 10014958
FCMS options. original product remains applicableto Manual No. 9 (ref. S9 LDA/ installation of this change/repair it
(EASA.A.S.03228) this certificate/ approval.The 04/07/T206H)or later must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed interrelationship between this
protection and the document(s) approved/ change/repair and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or acceptedunder the EASA otherpreviously installed change
emissions levels of the product are system. and/ or repair will introduce no
unchangedand remain applicable to adverseeffect upon the
this certificate/approval without any airworthiness of the product.
10014963 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 CL-600-2B16 Introduction of Honeywell Mark V The Type and OSD Certification Bases Aviation Traders Ltd Aviation Traders Ltd Modification 09/11/2021 Active 10014963
LIMITEDEUROPE EGPWS.Rev. 1: Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains Modification ATL/600/002ATL ATL/600/003 (EASA.A.S.03244)
(EASA.A.S.03234) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ AFM Supplement No63 Issue must beembodied prior to, or
approval.The requirements for 1or later revisions of the concurrently with, Modification
environmental protection and the above listed document(s) ATL/600/002.Prior to installation
associatedcertified noise and/ or approved/acceptedunder the of this change/repairit must be
emissions levels of the product are EASA system. determined thatthe
unchangedand remain applicable to interrelationship between this
this certificate/approval w... change/repair and any
otherpreviously installed change
10014966 MAGNETIC MRO AS REV. 2 757-200 Installation of Galley 1B and Forward RH The Certification Basis (CB) for the MacCarthy Interiors Prior to installation of this design 19/09/2019 Active 10014966
Wardrobe.Revision:Transfer of Certificate to original product remains applicableto Modification Leaflet change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03241) Magnetic MRO AS this certificate/ approval.The 07ML149. thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental this design change and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10014967 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 CL-600-2B16 EFIS, GPS approach scaling and EGPWS The Type and OSD Certification Bases Aviation Traders Ltd Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10014967
LIMITEDEUROPE displayRev. 1: Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains Modification ATL/600/003or repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03244) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ later revisions of the above thatthe interrelationship between
approval.The requirements for listed document(s) approved/ this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the acceptedunder the EASA otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or system. and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w...
10014971 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 SA227-AT, SA227-TT, SA227- Installation of Honeywell MK IV EGPWS, The Certification Basis (CB) for the EASA approved „Übersicht Prior to installation of this design 15/11/2017 Active 10014971
GMBH DC together with MFD and Thommen Air Data original product remains applicableto der Dokumente“, Project No. change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03251) SA226-T, SA226-AT, SA226-T Computer this certificate/ approval.The SA226/227-NY-0808,Revision thatthe interrelationship between
(B), requirements for environmental 0, dated 07-Nov-2007, or later this design change and any
protection and the approvedrevisionEASA otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or approved Airplane Flight change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Manual Supplement, Doc. introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain No.SA226/227-NY-0808-08, the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Revision 0, dated 31-
approval. May-2007, or later
e Procedures, Doc. No. SA22...

04/01/2023 Page 30 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10014973 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 5 737-700, -800, -900 Installation of a Dual navAero Electronic and The Certification Basis for the original - Engineering order and Not Applicable 14/11/2011 Active 10014973
AVIONICS DESIGN 737-300, -400, -500, -600 logging display system.Change consisting in product and the followingadditional certification program
(EASA.A.S.03259) ApS installing a dual portable Class 2 EFB's or alternative airworthiness 2067424-EO issue 1
t.BagC2system requirements are applicable tothis dated22/08/2011- AFM
approval :CRI H-1 dated supplement 2067424-AM-A
7/11/2011The certificated noise and/ issue 2 dated 14/10/2011-
or emissions levels of the original AFM supplement with 3G
productare unchanged and remain automatic 2067424-AM-B
applicable to this certificate... issue 2 dated 14/10/2011-
Instructions for Continuing
Airworthiness 2067424-CA
issue 2 dated13/10/2011or
later revisio...
10014975 AVIATION REV. 2 B200 Garmin GWX-68 Radar, Garmin GMX-200 The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement Limited to S/N BB829.The 13/03/2019 Active 10014975
ENGINEERING AS Multi-Function Display,and AvidyneTAS620 product as amendedby thefollowing FMS.EO- installation of this modification by
(EASA.A.S.03262) Traffic Advisory System. additional or alternative B200-34-118.Engineering third persons is subject towritten
airworthiness requirements: CS Order (EO-B200-34-118) and permission of the approval holder
23amendment 23-0: CS23.251, related documentsor later and disposal of the
23.301, 23.303, 23.305, 23.307, revisions of the above listed approvedappropriate
23.341,23.365, 23.561, 23.571(a), documents approved by documentation.,,Prior to
23.573(b), 23.601, 23.603, 23.605, EASA. installation of this modification it
23.607,23.611, 23.613, 23.627, must be determined thatthe
23.867,... interrelationship between this
10014976 AVIATION REV. 2 B200 Installation of two Sandel SN3500 EHSI The Certification Basis for the original · Flight Manual Supplement Limited to S/N BB829.The 13/03/2019 Active 10014976
ENGINEERING AS (Electronic Horizontal SituationIndicator) product as amendedby thefollowing FMS.EO-B200-34-119, installation of this modification by
(EASA.A.S.03264) replacing existing HSI displays. additional or alternative Revision1 and Revision2.· third persons is subject towritten
airworthiness requirements:CS 23 Engineering Order (EO- permission of the approval holder
amendment 23-0:CS23.301, 23.303, B200-34-119) and and disposal of the
23.305, 23.307, 23.341, 23.561, relateddocuments.or later approvedappropriate
23.601, 23.603,23.605, 23.607, revisions of the above listed documentation.,,Prior to
23.611, 23.613, 23.1301, 23.1309, documents approved by installation of this modification it
23.1311, 23.1321,23.1322, EASA.Note: Revision 2 of the must be determined thatthe
23.1331,2... AFMS has been approved interrelationship between this
with minor changeEASA.A.A. modificat...
10014993 MT-PROPELLER REV. 1 335, 340, 340A Installation of 4-blade MT-Propeller Model The Certification Basis (CB) for the According to MT-Propeller According limitation section of 19/12/2013 Active 10014993
ENTWICKLUNG MTV-14-D-C-F/CF188-30g onCessna 335, 340, original product remains applicableto Master Document List No. AFM-SPrior to installation of this
(EASA.A.S.03290) GmbH 340A. this certificate/ approval.CS-36 Amdt. E-2460 andMT-Propeller design change it must be
2 and FAR 36 Amdt. 28This Installation Instructions Doc. determined thatthe
certificate/ approval involves a No. E-1530, interrelationship between this
change to the requirements orlaterRevisionsTo be design change and any
forenvironmental protection or a operated in accordance with otherpreviouslyinstalled design
change to the certified noise or MT-Propeller AFM-S change and/ or repair will
emissionslevels. Document No. E-1529To be introduce noadverse effect upon
maintained i.a.w. MT- the airworthiness of the
Propeller ICA Document No. product.The install...
E-1531or later revisions of the
above li...
10014994 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 3 757-200 Passenger/ Cargo Combi ConfigurationRev. 3: The Type and OSD Certification Bases ATL Master Document List: This STC is limited to a/c serial 09/11/2021 Active 10014994
LIMITEDEUROPE Transfer of STC for the original product as MDL-11630-00001, Issue 3, number 25621 onlyATL Minor
(EASA.A.S.03291) S.A.S. amendedby the following additional 04/02/2011ATL Modification Modification MOD/11630/00003
or alternative airworthiness Summary Sheet: must be installed concurrentlywith
requirements:For changed areas MOD-11630-00001, Issue this STC.Prior to installation of this
Certification Basisis CS 25 2,04/02/2011or later change/repair it must be
amendment 2; includingthe revisions of the above listed determined thatthe
following:CRI D-01: Special Condition: document(s) approved/ interrelationship between this
Cargo Compartment ClassificationCRI acceptedunder the EASA change/repair and any
H-01: Spec... system. otherpreviously installed change
and/ o...
10014998 SAFRAN SEATS REV. 1 DC-9 Meridiana DC-9 Stow Bin Extension. The Certification Basis for the original Heath Tecna modification Restricted to ASN 49247,49248, 14/03/2019 Active 10014998
product remains applicable tothis record C1037. 49531, 49669, 49740, 49901,
(EASA.A.S.03298) certificate/ approval, except where 49902, 49903,53064, 49808,
amended by additional or 53182, 49785, 49792, 49935,
lateramendments if indicated on FAA 49951, 49854, 53013.Prior to
STC.Therequirements for installation of this design change it
environmental protection and the must be determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original pro... design change and any
otherpreviously installed design

04/01/2023 Page 31 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015004 BUSINESS AND REV. 1 FALCON 10 Falcon 10 EHS Mode S Capability.EASA.A.S. The Certification Basis for the original AFM Supplement ACI-05- Applicabilty for Falcon 10 that are 02/07/2013 Active 10015004
COMMUTER 03304 has been reissued with reference product remains applicable tothis AFM-M-048-Rev0ACI-05-TD- already Mode A<(>,<)> Cand ELS
(EASA.A.S.03304) AIRCRAFT 10015004, Rev. 1following a transfer from certificate/approval.The M-048-Rev0 ModeS certified and equipped
ACI Systèmes to Business & Commuter requirements for environmental with a dual transponder system.
Aircraft. protection and the
associatedcertified noise and/or
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10015011 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 EMB-135/-145 SERIES Installation of non-electrical Floor Path Supplemental Type Definition 05/03/2014 Active 10015011
AG Marking System Document STDD33-07/05M,
(EASA.A.S.03313) issue 02.Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement
Declaration of Compliance
dated 20.11.2007.or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10015012 RUAG AG REV. 1 DHC-6 SERIES 300 Avionics system upgrade- In: Weather Radar The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Master Document List No. Reg.: T-741 S/N: 466Prior to 29/01/2021 Active 10015012
BOMBARDIER DHC-6 SERIES System incl. ART-2000, AA-2012V, CM-2000; original product remains applicableto 131435-00 of 30.01.2009- installation of this change/repair it
(EASA.A.S.03314) 300 GarminGMX-200 Multi Function Display this certificate/ approval.The Instructions for Continued must be determined thatthe
system; Avidyne TAS-620 system incl.Heading requirements for environmental Airworthiness No. 131435-60 interrelationship betweenthis
Adapter AHRS-500; Garmin GTX-330 Mode S protection and the of 19.03.2008-AFM change/repair and any
Transponder system;Collins DME IND-42 associatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement No. 131435-50 of otherpreviously installed
system; UNS-1K+ FMS Upgrade; Bendix/King emissions levels of the product are 14.03.2008or later revisionsof changeand/ or repair will
EHSI KI-825incl... unchangedand remain applicable to the above listed document(s) introduce no adverseeffect upon
this certificate/approval without any approved/acceptedunder the the airworthiness of the product.
im... EASA system.
10015022 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 CESSNA 425 Alternative Supplemental Inspection - According to Gomolzig 1. Alteration to A-SID is subject 20/01/2022 Active 10015022
Service GmbH CESSNA 421C Document (A-SID).Rev. 1Transfer to ACC MDL Document No. to written permission of approval
(EASA.A.S.03328) CESSNA 421B Columbia Jet Service GmbH MDOCL17070_REV0_0412200 holder.2. This modification is
CESSNA 421A 8 or later EASA approved only limited to S/N listed in EASA
CESSNA 421 Revisions.- To be operated approved Gomolzig Document No.
CESSNA 414A and maintained in accordance 17070_Master Aircraft Application
CESSNA 414 with approved Gomolzig Control List_01122008_ rev0, or
CESSNA 411A Document No. A7CE_A- later EASA approved Revisions.3.
CESSNA 411 SID_Master Manual_17070, Prior to installation of th...
CESSNA 402C Original Issueor later EASA
CESSNA 402B approved Revisions.
10015025 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 1 A320-214 Airbus Corporate Jet Centre Modification The Certification Basis for the original -Modification Approval Sheet This STC is limited to MSN 22/11/2013 Active 10015025
CJ0145 - VIP Interior -"Shining Star No. product as amendedby thefollowing ref.: CJ0145 Issue 4, dated 3164Prior to installation of this
(EASA.A.S.03332) 1"Revision due to update of AFM-S andMPD- additional or alternative 24th October2013-AFM design change it must be
S airworthiness requirements as Supplement ref.: FM-S MOD determined thatthe
listedin the General CRI G-2103 CJ0145, Revision 06, dated 1st interrelationship between this
"ACJC Project Certification Basis"The October2013-MPD design change and any
requirements for environmental Supplement ref.: MPD-S MOD otherpreviously installed design
protection and the CJ0145, Revision 06, dated 1st change and/ or repair will
associatedcertified noise and/ or October2013-MPD introduce noadverse effect upon
emissions leve... Supplement SATTV ref: MPD-S the airworthiness of the
MOD CJ0277 dated product.The installationw...
01/10/08or later revisions
10015027 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 5 208, 208 B Installation of Dual Camera Hatches The Certification Basis (CB) for the For Textron 208B S/N Prior to installation of this design 19/01/2022 Active 10015027
Service GmbH C208-812000 with sliding doors andmission original product remains applicableto 208B0001 through 208B4999 change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03334) power supplyInstallation of Single this certificate/ approval.The except 208B2197 thatthe interrelationship between
CameraHatch C208-812100 with sliding door requirements for environmental modifiedwith Camera Hatches this design change and any
andmission power supply protection and the C208-812000 before otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or November 1 2014 change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original (excludingaircraft registered introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain in Japan)-Flight the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ ManualSupplement
approval. SPOH_17000_rev1_12122007
, dated 12.12.2007 orlater
approved revision-Installation

04/01/2023 Page 32 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015028 INTERNATIONAL REV. 3 PIPER PA-28 Rudder Hand Control and Brake System The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Data list FA 37/2007, Prior to installation of this 12/12/2016 Active 10015028
ENGINEERINGASSIST updated Engineering designdrawings. original product remains applicableto rev.2 dated 03/06/2008 and modification the installer must
(EASA.A.S.03335) ANCE (IEA) this certificate/ approval. The as modified byMaster Data determinethat the
requirementsfor List: IEA-233 RevB, dated interrelationship between this
environmentalprotection and the 12/12/2016Flight Manual modification and any
associated certified noise and/ or supplement otherpreviously installed
emissions levelsof the original AFM-37-2007-002, rev.2 modification will introduce no
product are unchanged and remain dated 03/06/2008Instruction adverse effect uponthe
applicable to thiscertificate/ for Continued Airworthiness airworthiness of the product.
approval. ICA-37-2007-000, rev.0
dated25/10/2007or later
revisions of the above listed
10015031 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 4 DO 28 D-2 Do 28-G92 H75 Engine InstallationTurbine The Certification Basis (CB) for the To be operated in accordance Technical Characteristics and 19/01/2022 Active 10015031
Service GmbH Conversion of Do 28 D-2 (model marketing original product remains applicableto withDo 28-G92-A-1900, G92- Limitations:The following technical
(EASA.A.S.03343) name Do 28-G92) intofollowing variants:- this certificate/ approval.This A-1900, G92-A-1950Flight characteristics and limitations
G92-A-1900-G92-A-1950-G92-B-1800-G92- certificate/approval involves a Manual: Dornier Do 28-G92 deviant from thebasicaircraft apply
B-1950-G92-H75-200With associated change to the requirements Airplane Flight Manual for variants G92-A-1900, G92-
implementation of an inspection program to forenvironmental protection or a approved by theHGCAA for A-1950, G92-B-1800,G92-
ensurecontinued airworthiness through early change to the certified noise or each individual airplane B-1950Engine model:,,,,,,,,Walter
detection of structu... emissionslevels. including approved AFM- M601 D-2
Supplements orlater turbopropenginesEngine Type
approved revisions,,Do 28- Certificate:,,,,,,EASA.E.070Engine
G92-B-1800, G92- limita...
B-1950Flight Manual: Dornier
Do 28-G...
10015034 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 2 BEECH B99 Installation of P&W PT6A-34 Engine Flight Manual Supplement This STC is limited to Beech 99 / 20/01/2022 Active 10015034
Service GmbH BEECH 99 SPOH_08959_15022008_rev B99 models equiped with
(EASA.A.S.03347) 0 , dated Propeller McCauley
15.02.2008Installation 4HFR34C769/94LMA-4 i.a.w. FAA
Instructions STC SA1351GL.
dated 15.02.2008
10015036 BUSINESS AND REV. 2 MYSTERE FALCON 20 E5, 20 Installation of 220 VAC Electrical Power The Certification Basis (CB) for the Uni Air Enterprise Master The approval holder shall fulfil the 05/01/2015 Active 10015036
COMMUTER GF Supply and Distribution inCabin applicable to original product remains applicableto Data List MDL-023-07 obligations of Part 21,
(EASA.A.S.03349) AIRCRAFT MF50, MF900 Dassault Aviation MF50 aircraft. this certificate/ approval.The Revision 5, dated Paragraph21.A109.Prior to
C550 CITATION II requirements for environmental 17thFebruary installation of this modification it
protection and the 2012.Configuration must be determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or 1:Installation Instructions in interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original accordance with Uni Air modification and any other
product areunchanged and remain Enterprise ServiceBulletin SB- previouslyinstalled modification
applicable to this certificate/ UAE-023-07-01 Revision 3, and/ or repair will introduce no
approval. dated 07th March 2008.Uni adverse effectupon the ai...
Air Enterprise Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement UAE-
10015037 BUSINESS AND REV. 2 MYSTERE FALCON 20 E5, 20 Installation of an In-Flight Passenger The Certification Basis (CB) for the Uni Air Enterprise Master STC limited to those Mystere 05/01/2015 Active 10015037
COMMUTER GF Entertainment Systemin cabinapplicable to original product remains applicableto Data List MDL-022-07 Falcon 50 (MF50) aircraft on which
(EASA.A.S.03350) AIRCRAFT MF50, MF900 Dassault Aviation MF50 aircraft. this certificate/ approval.The Revision 3, dated UniAirSTC 10015036 Revision 1
C550 CITATION II requirements for environmental 23January2012.Configuration "Installation of 220 VAC Electrical
protection and the 1:Installation Instructions in Power Supplyand Distribution in
associatedcertified noise and/ or accordance with Uni Air Cabin" has been embodied.The
emissions levels of the original Enterprise ServiceBulletin SB- approval holder shall fulfil the
product areunchanged and remain UAE-022-07-01 Revision 2, obligations of Part
applicable to this certificate/ dated 18th March 2008.Uni 21,Paragraph21.A109.Prior to
approval. Air Enterprise Airplane Flight installation of this modifi...
Manual Supplement UAE-
10015053 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 1 A319-115 Airbus Corporate Jet Centre Modification The Certification Basis for the original -Modification Approval Sheet This STC is limited to MSN 22/11/2013 Active 10015053
CJ0222 - VIP Interior -ResidenceRevision due product as amendedby thefollowing ref.: CJ0222 Issue 3, “Top 3356Prior to installation of this
(EASA.A.S.03374) to update of AFM-S and MPD-S additional or alternative ModificationResidence”, design change it must be
airworthiness requirements as dated 24th October 2013- determined thatthe
listedin the General CRI A-4301-019 AFM Supplement ref.: FM-S interrelationship between this
"ACJC Project Certification Basis".CRI MOD CJ0222, Revision 02, design change and any
H-01 - ICA on EWISThe requirements dated 1st October2013-MPD otherpreviously installed design
for environmental protection and the Supplement ref.: MPD-S MOD change and/ or repair will
associatedcertified n... CJ0222, Revision 04, dated 1st introduce noadverse effect upon
October2013-MPD the airworthiness of the
Supplement ref.: MPD-S MOD product.The installationw...
CJ0310 dated 1st M...

04/01/2023 Page 33 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015062 airplus engineering REV. 1 690A GPS Antenna Installation. Installation must be in 17/02/2021 Active 10015062
GmbH accordance with AirPlus
(EASA.A.S.03388) Master Document List
MD-0224-000000 Rev. 1
dated 05.Feb.08 or later
Revisions.Maintenance must
be in accordance Manual
MM-0224-530512 Iss. 0 dated
05. Jan 08 or later approved
10015090 JET AVIATION AG REV. 1 CL-600-2B16 Iridium Antenna Installation Aircell ST2100. Instruction for Continued None 30/07/2018 Active 10015090
AirworthinessJBSL Doc. No.
(EASA.A.S.03427) BCL6153301-150-01
10015093 AEROTEC & REV. 2 C-212-DD (C212-300) MOD 0803: Navigation/Communication The Certification Basis for the original MASTER DATA LIST: 1. This STC is limited to MSN 387 26/10/2016 Active 10015093
CONCEPT C-212-CC (C-212-200) (NAV/COM) set replacement and product as amendedby thefollowing AE0803MDL Rev. 6 Dated 22. and MSN 1392. HF communication
(EASA.A.S.03430) HFCommunication set (provisions) additional or alternative Sept. 2016For MSN 387:- set (subpart of this STC) is not
installationThis STC replaces a previous NAV/ airworthiness requirements:CS-25 INSTRUCTIONS POUR LE approved (notinstalled / not
COM system by an up-to-date one, Amendment 4AC 43.13The MAINTIEN DE LA operational wiring provisions are
andinstalls a new HF Communication set requirements for environmental NAVIGABILTE: AE0803 IPMN accepted)Prior to installation of
(provision).Rev. 1 of this STC restored the protection and the REV 2dated 27. Oct. 2008- this design change it must be
aircraft IFR capability by removing theli... associatedcertified noise and/ or SUPPLEMENT AU MANUEL DE determined thatthe
emissions levels of the original VOL: AE0803 SMV REV 4 interrelationship between this
product areunchanged and... dated 19. Nov. 2008For MSN design change and any o...
AE0803AFMS_2 REV 0 dated
22. Jul....
10015096 airplus engineering REV. 1 B200 Installation of SKY899 Transmitter Receiver Installation in accordance 17/02/2021 Active 10015096
GmbH Computer and Directional Antenna NY164 with AirPlus Master
(EASA.A.S.03433) Installation. Document List Doc-No-
MD-0238-000000, Rev 1, or
later approved Revisions.To
be operated in accordance
with AirPlus Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement Doc-No.
PO-0238-348990, Rev 0, or
later approved revisions.To be
maintained i.a.w.
AirPlusMaintenance Man...
10015097 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 2 A310-325 Bluesky D1000 Satcom installationThe The Type and OSD Certification Bases Master Drawing List, ref. Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10015097
LIMITEDEUROPE A310-324 Supplemental Type Certificate EASA.A.S. for the original product as MDL/A31/017, Issue 6Aircraft repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03436) S.A.S. A310-322, A310-324 03436 embodied provisions fora further amendedby the following additional flight Manual Supplement, thatthe interrelationship between
A310-322 configuration installing BlueSky Network or alternative airworthiness ref: 11301-AFM-00001, Issue this change/repair and any
A310-308 Satcom System D1000withan Intercom requirements:Cf. DGAC-F TCDS n° 1or later revisions of the otherpreviously installed change
A310-304, A310-308 Integration option.Rev. 1: approval of the 145CRI H-01: ICA on EWISThe above listed document(s) and/ or repair willintroduce no
A310-304 activation of the installed device.Rev. 2: requirements for environmental approved/acceptedunder the adverseeffect upon the
A310-222 Transfer of STC protection and the EASA system. airworthiness of the product.
A310-221, A310-222 associatedcertified noise and/ or
A310-221 emissions levels of the pro...
A310-203, A310-203C
10015103 AIM AVIATION REV. 1 CAA UK A330-243 Major Change to STC EASA.A.S.03446 (AIM The Certification Basis for the original - AIM MAJOR Change ref. Doc. EASA Supplemental Type 22/12/2010 Active 10015103
(JECCO) LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY Major Change MM384-07)date of issue 14 product and the followingadditional MM481-10 Issue C dated 21 Certificate EASA.A.S.03446 (AIM
(EASA.A.S.03446) November 2008.Introduce decorative finish or alternative airworthiness December 2010.- AIM Major ChangeMM384-07) must be
change to Contour 0995 series BusinessClass requirements are applicable tothis Certification and Compliance embodied prior to the
Seats. certificate/ approval.EASA Special Check List, ref. Doc. Appendix installationof this MajorChange.As
condition for seat heat release toMM481-10Issue C dated 21 per indications stated in AIM
requirements (CRID-4322-001) for December 2010.- Declaration MAJOR Change ref. Doc.
areas and parts affected by the of compliance, page 24 of MM481-10 IssueC.
change.The requirements for... AIM Certification and
ComplianceCheckList, ref.
Doc. Appendix to MM481-10
Issue C da...

04/01/2023 Page 34 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015115 TÄBY REV. 1 SAAB SF340A Rework of Class E cargo role of QC The Certification Basis (CB) for the S21.FMS-0038 Flight Manual 1. SAAB SF340A with Saab 17/02/2020 Active 10015115
AIRMAINTENANCE SAAB 340B variantRev. 1: Transfer of Certificate original product remains applicableto SupplementS21.MMEL-0011 Modification 1461 embodied2.
(EASA.A.S.03464) AKTIEBOLAG this certificate/ approval.The Master Minimum Equipment The installation of this
requirements for environmental List SupplementS21.TEC-0185 modification by third persons is
protection and the Supplement Manual for subjecttowritten permission of the
associatedcertified noise and/ or Continued approval holder.This Certificate
emissions levels of the product are AirworthinessS21.TEC-0206 shall remain valid unless otherwise
unchangedand remain applicable to Weight and Balance Manualor surrendered orrevoked.Prior to
this certificate/approval without any later revisions of the above installation of this change/repair it
im... listed document(s) approved/ must be determ...
acceptedunder the EASA
10015120 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 D328 SERIES Installation of non-electrical Floor Path Type Definition Document 05/03/2014 Active 10015120
AG Marking System STDD33-08/01M Issue
(EASA.A.S.03469) 01Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement A-33-08/034-
AFM dated JAN
28/08Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
ICA33-08/01M dated FEB
04/08 orlater revision.or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10015121 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 EASA STC CESSNA 402C Use of Aerial Survey Camera Kit C402-812000 Flight Manual Supplement to 26/01/2022 Active 10015121
Service GmbH 2004-1522 CESSNA 402B for installation of ZeissRMK Top 15 and Top the Pilot Operating Handbook
(EASA.A.S.03470) CESSNA 402A 30 cameras.Note: Change to the existing - Aerial Survey Camera Kit
CESSNA 402 EASA STC 2004-1522 to enable C402-812000 Rev. D, dated
optionaloperation of digital camera systems 25/01/2008.Installation and
or laser scanners in accordance withMDL Maintenance Instructions:
MDRWL_14631_revC_10102007.Rev. 1 Umruestanweisung
Transfer to ACC Columbia J... Kameraruestsatz System
Gomolzig C402-812000 Rev.
C, dated 25/01/2008.
10015122 BOURNEMOUTH REV. 2 CAA UK 737-300 B1/B2 Engine Thrust Programming Connector The Certification Basis for the original Compliance document BAC/ Prior to installation of this design 24/01/2013 Active 10015122
AVIATION RESPONSIBILITY Installation product remains applicable tothis 737/091 Issue 5 dated 22 change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03471) (CONSULTANTS)Ltd. certificate/ approval.The January 2013.Instructions for thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental Continued Airworthiness:For this design change and any
protection and the Group 1 aircraft refer to ICA/ otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 050/544For Group 2 aircraft change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original refer to BAC-544ICA01or later introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed the airworthiness ofthe
applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by product.This Supplemental Type
approval. EASA. Certificate is approved o...
10015126 HAWKER REV. 1 CAA UK HAWKER 750 Installation of Steep Approach Capability The Certification Basis for the original Aircraft with Honeywell None 05/05/2011 Active 10015126
BEECHCRAFT Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis EGPWS installed-Installed to
(EASA.A.S.03476) certificate/ approval.The Major Change SC0316A at
requirements for environmental issue 1 or later.-Operated to
protection and the Airplane Flight Manual
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Supplement 1 for Flight
emissions levels of the original Manual140-590039-0005.-
product areunchanged and remain Aircraft Crew Manual
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement - Crew Manual -
approval. Series 750.-Maintained in
accordance with Instructions
for Continued Airwor...
10015127 HAWKER REV. 1 CAA UK HAWKER 900 XP Installation of Steep Approach Capability The Certification Basis for the original Aircraft with Honeywell None 05/05/2011 Active 10015127
BEECHCRAFT Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis EGPWS installed-Installed to
(EASA.A.S.03477) certificate/ approval.The Major Change SC0317A at
requirements for environmental issue 1 or later.-Operated to
protection and the Airplane Flight Manual
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Supplement 1 for Flight
emissions levels of the original Manual140-590037-0005.-
product areunchanged and remain Aircraft Crew Manual
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement - Crew Manual -
approval. Series 900XP.-Maintained in
accordance with Instructions
for Continued Airw...

04/01/2023 Page 35 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015134 BLUE SKIES REV. 2 B. A150L, A150L, A150M Installation of engine Rotax 912 F3 and The Certification Basis for the original Aircraft installed with Rotax - Spin is prohibited to all models.- 18/07/2018 Active 10015134
AVIATION OY B. 150H, 150J, 150L, 150M installation of PropellerHoffmann HO-V352F/ product as amendedby thefollowing 912 F3:Cessna 150H, F150H - Aerobatic including Spin is
(EASA.A.S.C.01008) B. 150D, 150E, 150F, 150G 170FQ on Cessna Models 150H, F150H, additional or alternative Flight Manual Operation prohibited to Cessna A150K,
A. FA150M A150K, FA150K,A150L, FA150L, 150K, F150K, airworthiness requirements:The Instruction Hoffmann No.605 FA150K, A150Land FA150L.Prior to
A. F150M, FA150K, FA150L 150L and F150L only.Installation of engine following paragraph(s) at a later Issue 09.98, LBA approved installation of this change/repair it
A. F150J, F150K, F150L Rotax 912 S3 (100PS) and installation amendment: FAR 23 Amendment 06.10.1998;- Cessna A150K, must be determined thatthe
A. F150F, F150G, F150H ofPropeller Hoffmann HO-V352F/170FQ+10 33.This certificate/ approval involves FA150K, A150L, FA150L - interrelationship between this
on all a.m. models.... a change to the requirements Flight Manual and change/repair andany
forenvironmental protection or a OperationInstruction Cessna otherpreviously installed change
chan... A150K and FA150K, A150L and/ or repair will int...
and FA150L, SDF No.
131,issue 1/20.01.1999,...
10015136 AERODATA AG REV. 3 B200, B200C, B200GT Installation of Aerodata Flight Inspection Design:Non-significant changeThe For AD-AFIS-120, Mod. No. For AD-AFIS-120, Mod. No. 08/06/2011 Active 10015136
System- AD-AFIS-120, Mod. No. B200-11.01, Certification Basis of theoriginal B200-11.01:EASA approved B200-11.01:Only applicable for
(EASA.A.S.03489) or- AD-AFIS-250, Mod. No. B200-12.01, or- product and the followingadditional / Master Document List, aircraft model B200 and B200GT,
AD-AFIS-250, Mod. No. B200-12.02, or- AD- alternative airworthiness Installation of Aerodata FIS, and when equippedwith Collins
AFIS-250, Mod. No. B200-14.01 requirements are applicable tothis Doc.No. MDL-A/C-129, Rev. 3, Proline 21<(>,<)> and
change.CS-23, Amdt. 1, except dated 27-Nov-2009, or later preconditions as defined in
23.561 (kept FAR 23.561 at Amdt. 7) approved revisionEASA DesignDescription, Installation of
is elected tocomply with for the approved Airplane Flight Aerodata FIS, Doc. No. DES-A/
items affected by the change.Envi... Manual Supplement, Doc. No. C-836,Rev. 2,dated 27-Mai-2008,
AFM-094, Rev.4, dated 27- or later approved revision<(>,<)
Nov-2009, or later approved >F...
10015149 DIEHL AVIATION REV. 2 777-200 Installation of Galleys and Closets on BAW The Certification Basis for the original Certification Program and Prior to installation of this change/ 12/07/2019 Active 10015149
LAUPHEIM GmbH B777-236, Kit P/N 190331-51 product remains applicable tothis Compliance Check list CP repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03509) certificate/ approval.The 190331 dated February27th, thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental 2008or later revisions of the this change/repair and any
protection and the above listed document(s) otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or approved/acceptedunder the and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original EASA system. adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/
10015164 CESKA LETECKA REV. 1 560XL Printer Stand InstallationThis is a transfer of The Certification Basis (CB) for the -STC Definition Document EO- None 21/09/2017 Active 10015164
SERVISNI A.S. EASA.A.S.03535 from Air Alpha Maintenance original product remains applicableto B200-C560-25-124-EO-124
(EASA.A.S.03535) A/S this certificate/ approval.The Supplemental Maintenance
requirements for environmental Manual-EO-124 Drawing
protection and the Listor later revisions of the
associatedcertified noise and/ or above listed documents
emissions levels of the original approved by EASA.
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10015172 BUSINESS AND REV. 1 MYSTERE FALCON 20 E5, 20 Installation of a passenger entertainment The Certification Basis (CB) for the Uni Air Enterprise Master Design change applicable to 05/01/2015 Active 10015172
COMMUTER GF audio and video system in thecabin original product remains applicableto Data List MDL-008-08 Mystere Falcon 20 aircraft serial
(EASA.A.S.03546) AIRCRAFT MF50, MF900 applicable to Dassault Aviation Mystère this certificate/ approval.The Revision 1, dated 15thMay number311.
C550 CITATION II Falcon 20 aircraft. requirements for environmental 2008.Installation instructions
protection and the in accordance with Uni Air
associatedcertified noise and/ or Enterprise ServiceBulletin SB-
emissions levels of the original UAE-008-08-001 Revision 1,
product areunchanged and remain dated 16th May 2008.Uni Air
applicable to this certificate/ Enterprise Airplane Flight
approval. Manual Supplement UAE-
original dated...
10015184 AEROCONSEIL REV. 2 ATR 72-212, ATR 72-212 A Floor To Floor Nets installation on “Quick The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List, Limited to those ATR A/C model 21/10/2020 Active 10015184
ATR 42-500, ATR 72-202 Change” ATR42 & 72.This STC consists in product as amendedby thefollowing AEROCONSEIL document No. shaving the following
(EASA.A.S.03564) ATR 42-300, ATR 42-320 installing the floor to floor nets instead of additional or alternative 4174-01-A-2103-R05, dated13 modificationembodied :For ATR
thecontainer cargo system. The nets are airworthiness requirements:- The October 2020;- Instructions 42-300 & ATR 42-320:•
installed in the container zonedefined by ATR following paragraph(s) at a later for Continued Airworthiness, Optionone:o ATR Mod 1393 -
through their Class E Quick Change amendment:CS-25 at amendment AEROCONSEIL document No. Reinforce all floor panels to 400
configuration.Revision 1 adds some aircraft 4paragraphs: 25.23, 25.25, 25.27, 4174-01-A-2211-R02,dated 09 Kg/m2, ando ATR Mod 1769 -
models... 25.29,25.301, 25.303, 25.305, October 2020- Weight and Modify a/c for Cargo Container
25.561,25.601, 25.603, 25.607, Balance Manual Supplement, Loading, ando ATR Mod 2080 -
25.61... AEROCONSEIL document No. Modifying Actuating Mechanism
4174-01-A-2305-R02dated 13 fo...
October 2020 (f...

04/01/2023 Page 36 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015207 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 2 500 STC EASA.A.S.03620 dated 2 June 2009 The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List Prior to installation of this design 08/05/2017 Active 10015207
CRITICAL "Satellite Telephone System"Rev. 2 is an product and the followingadditional MDL-23-00-0802-A dated 26 change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03620) SERVICESITALIA administrative re-issuance to reflect or alternative airworthiness May 2009 thatthe interrelationship between
S.P.A. - DIVISIONE therecent namechange from INAER Aviation requirements are applicable tothis this design change and any
ALA FISSA Italia S.p.A. Divisione Ala Fissa. certificate/ approval.CS-25. 1309The otherpreviously installed design
requirements for environmental change and/ or repair will
protection and the introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the original
10015216 MT-PROPELLER REV. 3 3. SA227-CC, SA227-DC Installation of 5-blade MT-Propellers The Certification Basis for the original For Model SA226-T(B), SA227- Model SA227-TT and SA226-T(B) 09/12/2011 Active 10015216
ENTWICKLUNG 2. SA227-AC, SA227-BC ModelMTV-27-1-E-C-F-R(G)/CFRL250-103 product remains applicable tothis TT:According to MT-Propeller limited to "Normal Category" with
(EASA.A.S.03631) GmbH 1. SA227-TT, SA226-T(B) certificate/ approval.This certificate/ Master Operation Manual List MTOW12500 lbsAccording
1. SA227-AT approval involves a change to the Doc. No. E-2084and MT- limitation section of AFM-S
requirements forenvironmental Propeller Installation
protection and/or a change to the Instructions Doc. No. E-2085,
certificated noise and/or emissions or laterRevisionsTo be
levels. operated in accordance with
MT-Propeller AFM-S
DocumentNo.E-2069, or later
approved RevisionsTo be
maintained i.a.w...
10015219 airplus engineering REV. 1 PA-42 (CHEYENNE III) Installation of the Garmin GNS530, Junction Installation must be in Prior to installation of this 17/02/2021 Active 10015219
GmbH Boxes, GMA 340,EX-500 and GTX330D in accordance with AirPlus modification the installer must
(EASA.A.S.03634) Piper PA-42 Series. Master Document List determine that the
MD-0356-000001 Rev. 1 interrelationship between this
dated 29.April 2009 or modification and any other
laterApproved previously installed modification
Revisions.Operation must be will introduce no adverse effect
in accordance with theFlight upon the airworthiness of the
Manual Supplements listed in product.The installation of this
the MDL modification by third persons i...
e must be in accordance
Manual Supplements listed i...
10015221 CESSNA REV. 1 650 (CITATION III) Primus 880 WX & MFRD installationRemoved FAA TCDS A9NMThe Certification - Master Document List, Doc. None 23/02/2012 Active 10015221
DUESSELDORF existing Weather Radar Equipment:- i.a.w Basis for the original product remains No. MDL-059, Rev. B or latest
(EASA.A.S.03638) CITATIONSERVICE Installation Instructions, Doc. No. applicable tothis certificate/ approvedRevision- AFMS,
CENTER GmbH OPM-003New Installed Weather Radar approval.The requirements for Doc. No. FMS-035, Rev. A or
Equipment:- Primus 880 Weather Radar environmental protection and the latest approved Revision- ICA,
System- Honeywell Multi Function Display, P/ associatedcertificated noise and/or Doc. No. ICA-027, Rev. IR or
N 80-5204-XX-Xi.a.w Installation Instructions, emissions levels of the original latest approved Revision-
Doc. No. OPM-003Rev... product areunchanged and remain Installation Instructions, Doc.
applicable to this certificate/appr... No. OPM-003, Rev. B or latest
approvedRevisionor later
revisions of the...
10015222 CESSNA REV. 2 650 (CITATION III) MK VII EGPWS Installation.Removed existing FAA TCDS A9NMThe Certification - Master data List, Doc. No. None 23/02/2012 Active 10015222
DUESSELDORF Equipment:i.a.w.Installation Instructions, Basis for the original product remains MDL-060, Rev. B- AFMS, Doc.
(EASA.A.S.03639) CITATIONSERVICE Doc. No. OPM-004New installed EGPWS applicable tothis certificate/ No. FMS-036, Rev. A- ICA,
CENTER GmbH Equipment:- Honeywell MK-VII EGPWSi.a.w. approval.The requirements for Doc. No. ICA-028, Rev. IR-
Installation Instructions, Doc. No. environmental protection and the Installation Instructions, Doc.
OPM-004Revision 1: By revising the interface associatedcertificated noise and/or No. OPM-004, Rev. Aor later
between the Vertical Gyro and theEGPWC emissions levels of the original revisionsof the above listed
and adapt the Gr... product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/appr...
10015223 CESSNA REV. 1 650 (CITATION III) RAAS activation on the Honeywell MK-VII FAA TCDS A9NMThe Certification - Master Document List, Doc. None 23/02/2012 Active 10015223
DUESSELDORF EGPWSi.a.w. Installation Instructions, Doc. Basis for the original product remains No. MDL-061, Rev. A- AFMS,
(EASA.A.S.03640) CITATIONSERVICE No. OPM-005Revision 1 has been issued to applicable tothis certificate/ Doc. No. FMS-037, Rev. IR-
CENTER GmbH reflect the transfer of STC. approval.The requirements for ICA, Doc. No. ICA-029, Rev. IR-
environmental protection and the Installation Instructions, Doc.
associatedcertificated noise and/or No. OPM-005, Rev. IRor later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/appr...

04/01/2023 Page 37 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015224 CESSNA REV. 3 650 P-RNAV Compliance in installed GNS-XLS(s) The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Jet Aviation Flight manual Prior to installation of this design 01/03/2013 Active 10015224
DUESSELDORF FMS, i.a.w. InstallationInstructions, Doc No. original product remains applicableto Supplement, FMS-038, rev. B, change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03641) CITATIONSERVICE OPM-006Revision 2 has been issued to this certificate/ approval.The date 12December 2012-Jet thatthe interrelationship between
CENTER GmbH reflect the removal of the limitation toC650 requirements for environmental Aviation Master Document this design change and any
(CitationIII up to S/N -199), AFMS protection and the List, MDL-062, rev. B, date 12 otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or December2012-Jet Aviation change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Installation Procedure, introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain OPM-006, rev. A, date 12 the airworthiness ofthe
applicable to this certificate/ December2012-Jet Aviation product.The installation of this
approval. Maintenance Manual modification by third p...
Supplement, ICA-030, rev. B,
date 12Decemb...
10015225 CESSNA REV. 1 650 (CITATION III) FA2100 CVR installationRemoved The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List, Doc. None 23/02/2012 Active 10015225
DUESSELDORF Equipment:- i.a.w. Installation Instructions, product remains applicable tothis No. MDL-063, Rev. A- AFMS,
(EASA.A.S.03642) CITATIONSERVICE Doc. No. OPM-007New Installed Equipment:- certificate/ approval.The Doc. No. FMS-039, Rev. IR-
CENTER GmbH FA2100 Cockpit Voice Recorder Systemi.a.w. requirements for environmental ICA, Doc. No. ICA-031, Rev. IR-
Installation Instructions, Doc. No. protection and the Installation Instructions, Doc.
OPM-007Revision 1 has been issued to associatedcertificated noiseand/or No. OPM-007, Rev. Aor later
reflect the transfer of STC. emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/
10015227 BUCHER LEICHTBAU REV. 5 PC-12/47E Bucher EMS Equipment PC-12/47E - P/N The Certification Basis (CB) for the Config. P/N 0127001-400:- Compliance with Vendor Service 04/05/2015 Active 10015227
AG 0127001-400 / 0127001-450 /0127001-460- original product remains applicableto Aircraft Flight Manual Bulletin 0127001-25-004 is
(EASA.A.S.03644) Change to EMS variants P/Ns 0127001-400 & this certificate/ approval.The SupplementFMS 0127001-400 aprerequisitefor restoring RVSM
-450 to include provisionsfor use with RVSM requirements for environmental Rev. C, dated Apr28th, 2015- capabilities for RVSM equipped
capable PC-12 variants- Introduction of new protection and the Component Maintenance PC-12 variants whenequipped with
EMS variant P/N 0127001-460 associatedcertified noise and/ or Manual CMM E016-21-08 Bucher Leichtbau AG EMS P/Ns
emissions levels of the original Rev. 7, dated Dec 01st,2014- 0127001-400 / 0127001-450Prior
product areunchanged and remain Vendor Service Bulletin to installation of this modification
applicable to this certificate/ 0127001-25-004 Rev. 01, it must be determined thatthe
approval. dated Apr 28,2015- Master interrelationshipi...
Document List E034-04-08
Rev. IConfig. P/N 0127...
10015236 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 1 757-200 Introduction of Flight Control Computer (FCC) AES Master Data List, • Prior to installation of this 28/04/2021 Active 10015236
LIMITED Interlock2.Rev 1: Transfer from AES Ltd. to AES-757-1187MDL, Issue 1, modification the installer must
(EASA.A.S.03662) new STC holder AES Global Ltd. 04/08/2008. determine that the
interrelationship between this
modification and any other
previously installed modification
will introduce no adverse effect
upon the airworthiness of the
product.• The installation of this
modification by third...
10015240 airplus engineering REV. 1 B200 Installation of Dual Garmin COMM/NAV/ Flight Manual 1. Restricted to aircraft which have 17/02/2021 Active 10015240
GmbH GPS GNS430AW or GNS430Wand/or Supplements:HPB200- already approved antenna
(EASA.A.S.03667) Avidyne EX500 MFD interfaced withexisting AM-3160-01-01 Issue locations for thenew
WX Radarand/or L3-Com A100S 1HPB200-AM-2310-01-01 equipment.GNS430(A)W
Cockpit Voice Recorderand/or Single Issue 1HPB200- installations restricted to aircraft
Counter Pointer Drum Altimeter Aerosonic p/ AM-3130-01-01 Issue which have already the
n 10450- 11951and/orand/orand/or... 1HPB200-AM-3470-01-01 followingequipment installed,
Issue 1HPB200- completely independend from the
AM-34/23-01-01 Issue Garmin GNS430(A)W units:VHF
1HPB200-AM-3430-01-01 transceiver or VOR receiver and
Issue 1HPB200- DME transceive...
AM-3450-01-01 Issue
Issue 1HPB200-
AM-3401-01-01 Issue
1Engineering Order:HPB...
10015241 BUSINESS AND REV. 2 MYSTERE FALCON 20 E5, 20 Iridium telecommunication system The Certification Basis for the original -Uni Air Enterprise Master Installation limited to those 05/01/2015 Active 10015241
COMMUTER GF installation applicable toDassaultAviation product remains applicable tothis Data List MDL-016-08 Mystere Falcon 50 (MF50)
(EASA.A.S.03669) AIRCRAFT MF50, MF900 MF50 aircraft. certificate/ approval.The Revision 2,dated 20thJuly aircraftpreviously modified i.a.w.
C550 CITATION II requirements for environmental 2010.-Installation instructions Uni Air Enterprise S.A.S.
protection and the in accordance with Uni Air Supplemental TypeCertificate
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Enterprise ServiceBulletin SB- (STC) "Antenna and cables
emissions levels of the original UAE-016-08-01 Revision 0, installation provisions forsatellite
product areunchanged and remain dated 26th September 2008.- communication system" approved
applicable to this certificate/ Uni Air Enterprise Airplane under EASA.A.S.03215.This STC is
approval. Flight Manual (AFM) not applicable to Mystere Fa...
AFMS-08-007 Revisiono...

04/01/2023 Page 38 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015249 328 SUPPORT REV. 2 JETSTREAM 4100 SERIES Mode-S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) Certification Program Prior to installation of this 27/09/2018 Active 10015249
SERVICES GmbH Upgrade. AM1577003A-01.Instructions modification the installer must
(EASA.A.S.03688) for Continued Airworthiness determinethat the
AM1557007A-01.Flight interrelationship between this
Manual Supplement modification and any
AM1557008A-01. otherpreviously installed
modification will introduce no
adverse effect uponthe
airworthiness of the product. The
installation of this modificationby
third persons is s...
10015253 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 747-100, 747-200 Installation of a Solid State Cockpit Voice The Type and OSD Certification Bases Master Data List Ref Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10015253
LIMITEDEUROPE Recorder and Control Unit inBoeing 747-100 (CB) for the original productremains MDL-11053-00001or later repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03698) S.A.S. and –200 series aircraft per ATLMaster applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed thatthe interrelationship between
Document ListMDL-11053-00001 at Issue 1 or approval.The requirements for document(s) approved/ this change/repair and any
later approved revisions.Rev. 1: Transfer of environmental protection and the acceptedunder the EASA otherpreviously installed change
STC associatedcertified noise and/ or system. and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to airworthiness of the product.The
this certificate/approval w... installation of this modification by
third personsw...
10015256 ROEDER-PRAEZISION REV. 1 SA226-T(B) Installation of SLAR Surveillance System quick The Certification Basis (CB) for the - EASA approved „Übersicht 1. Limited to Serial Number 30/10/2017 Active 10015256
GMBH change roll. original product remains applicableto der Dokumente“, Project No. T294.2. With SLAR equipment
(EASA.A.S.03709) this certificate/approval.The SA226-NY-10117,Revision 1, installed, maximum cabin seating
requirements for environmental dated 19 February 2009, or is 4 + 1.Operator Seat must not be
protection and the later approved revision.- EASA occupied during take-off and
associatedcertified noise and/or approved Airplane Flight landing.3. Prior to installation of
emissions levels of the original Manual Supplement, Doc. this design change it must be
product areunchanged and remain No.SA226-NY-10117-08, determinedthat the
applicable to this certificate/ Revision 2, dated 22 interrelationship between this
approval. December 2008, or later design change and any otherprev...
approved revision.-
Maintenance Procedures,0...
10015257 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 PA-34-200 /-200T/-220T Replacement of existing Garmin COM/NAV The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Approved Engineering 1. Limited to “Single GNS” – 30/10/2017 Active 10015257
GMBH and existing Garmin GPS system by Garmin original product remains applicableto Order, Doc. No. PA34- Installation only.2. Prior to
(EASA.A.S.03710) GNS 530w COM/NAV/GPS system. this certificate/approval.The NY-10118-05, Revision installation of this design change it
requirements for environmental 1,dated 26 January 2009, or must be determinedthatthe
protection and the later approved revision.-EASA interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/or approved Airplane Flight design change and any
emissions levels of the original Manual Supplement, Doc. otherpreviously installed design
product areunchanged and remain No.PA34-NY-10118-08, change and/or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ Revision 2, dated 27 January introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. 2009 or later the airworthiness of the product...
approvedrevision.- Approved
Maintenance Procedure, Doc.
No. PA...
10015261 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 LBA STC BRITTEN NORMAN BN-2B-26 Installation of Exhaust System Gomolzig - According to Gomolzig 1. Prior to installation of this 26/01/2022 Active 10015261
Service GmbH 0279/2038 ISLAND BN2-606500.Rev. 1: Transfer to ACC Master Document List modification the installer must
(EASA.A.S.03719) BRITTEN NORMAN BN-2B-20 COLUMBIA Jet Service GmbH MDOCL_19057_rev0_271120 determine that the
ISLAND 08, or later Revisions.- To be interrelationship between this
BRITTEN NORMAN BN-2A-27 operated and maintained in modification and any other
ISLAND accordance with approved previously installed modification
BRITTEN NORMAN BN-2A-26 Gomolzig Documents Flight will introduce no adverse effect
ISLAND Manual Supplement upon the airworthiness of the
BRITTEN NORMAN BN-2A-21 SPOH_19057_rev0_27112008 product.2. The installation of this
ISLAND and Installation Instruction modification by...
II_19057_rev0_27112008 or
later approved Revis...
10015264 JET AVIATION AG REV. 2 GV Iridium Antenna InstallationA dual Iridium The Certification Basis (CB) for the Iridium Antenna Installation In Prior to installation of this 15/06/2016 Active 10015264
antenna has beeninstalled on top of the original product remains applicableto accordance with JET modification the installer must
(EASA.A.S.03726) fuselage located between Sta. 539.5& Sta. this certificate/approval. The AVIATION Master DataList determinethat the
554.5. requirements for No.: BGLF553301-001 Rev l R, interrelationship between this
environmentalprotection and the dated 14th December 2008 or modification and any
associated certified noise and/or laterapproved otherpreviously installed
emissions levels ofthe original revisions.Instructions for modification will introduce no
product are unchanged and remain Continued Airworthiness ref adverse effect uponthe
applicable to thiscertificate/approval. BGLF553301-150-01No AFMS airworthiness of the product.
has been generated for this

04/01/2023 Page 39 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015265 STC TWENTY ONE REV. 1 CAA UK BOEING 747-400 SERIES Installation of 3 AD Aerospace FV-0315 The Type and OSD Certification Bases - Tenencia Ltd modification Prior to installation of this 14/11/2022 Active 10015265
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY 747-400 External Camera’s and 1 ADAerospace (CB) for the original productremains TEN 587 Issue 1- Tenencia Ltd. modification the installer must
(EASA.A.S.03727) FV-0610 Video Transmission UnitRev. 1: applicable to this certificate/ Instruction for Continued determinethat the
transferred from Tenencia Ltd. to STC Twenty approval. Therequirements Airworthiness, Report interrelationship between this
One Ltd. forenvironmental protection and the TEN587/4, issue 1, shall be modification and any
associatedcertified noise and/ incorporated in the aircraft otherpreviously installed
oremissions levels of the product are maintenancedocumentation.- modification will introduce no
unchanged and remain applicable Tenencia Ltd Operations adverse effect uponthe
tothis certificate/approval w... Manual Supplement, report airworthiness of the product.
TEN 587/7 Iss. 1,shall be
incorporated in the Aircraft
10015280 AVIONICS REV. 2 206 & 210 (CENTURION) Installation of Aspen Avionics EFD 1000 FAR 23The Certification Basis for the Master Data List: Doc Number Not valid if the Garmin 1000 ICS 25/06/2010 Active 10015280
INTEGRATION & system (STC to cover now CessnaC-206 & original product remains applicable 801-049 Rev. BAFMS EFD option is installed.
(EASA.A.S.03806) ENGINEERINGCORPO newly added Cessna C-210 series) tothis certificate/ approval.Minor 1000 System: Doc Number
RATION AG (AIEC) Change to EASA.A.S.03806 Revision 1 801-071 Rev. BInstructions for
to include C-210 seriesThe continued airworthiness: Doc
certificated noise and/ or emissions Number 801-085 Rev. B
levels of the original productare
unchanged and remain applicable to
this certificate/ appr...
10015281 AIRBUS S.A.S. LBA STC NO. A300C4-203 - Ref. to former Luftfarhrt Bundesamt STC - The Certification Basis for the - Daimler-Benz Aerospace Limited to MSN 212 26/02/2010 Active 10015281
2830/0009 2830/0009 Issue 1- This EASA STC keeps the original product and the Airbus Engineering Order Nr.
(EASA.A.S.03813) ISSUE 1 certificated design of the LBA followingadditional or alternative SAA 03696A Issue1, dated 30
STC2830/0009Issue 1, which consisted in the airworthiness requirements are August 1996.Or later revisions
installation of structure and systemprovisions applicable tothis certificate/ of theabove listed documents
to change the loading system toan integrated approval- See Certification Summary approved by EASA
side by side /single row system, and Document referenced in Associated
reflectsL... TechnicalDocumentation section.-
The certificated noise and/ or
10015282 AIRBUS S.A.S. LBA STC A300F4-605R - Ref. to former Luftfahrt Bundesamt STC - The Certification Basis for the - Certification Summary Limited to the aircraft model 26/02/2010 Active 10015282
NO.TA0466 TA0466- This EASA STC keeps the certificated original product and the Document : operated by Federal Express
(EASA.A.S.03814) design of the LBA STC TA0466,which followingadditional oralternative EAA2/433/010/255/COS Issue (FedEX)
consisted in theretrofit of the Lower Deck airworthiness requirementsare 01- Airbus Engineering Order
Cargo Compartment (LDCC) - Cargo applicable to thiscertificate/ Nr. FDX 128/99A, Issue 06Or
LoadingSystem (CLS), andreflects the changes approval- The certificated noise and/ later revisions of the above
induced by the transfer of LBA STC TA0466 or emissions levels of the listed documents approved by
fromAirbus Deuts... originalproduct areunchanged and EASA
remain applicable to this certificate/
10015283 AIRBUS S.A.S. LBA STC NO. A319-132 Equipment / Furnishing - Passenger The Certification Basis for the original DASA Engineering Order Nr. Limited to MSN 913. 12/05/2010 Active 10015283
TA0217 Compartment - VIP-Kit for A319Kharafi Group product and the followingadditional K9G003/99A, Issue 2 or later
(EASA.A.S.03816) KuwaitRevision to Luftfahrt Bundesamt STC or alternative airworthiness revisions of theabove listed
TA0217 Issue 2.This EASA STC keeps the requirements are applicable tothis documents approved by
certificated designof the LBA STC TA0217 certificate/ approval.See Engineering EASA.
issue2, which consisted in the aircraft VIP Order referenced in Associated
cabin reconfiguration, andreflects the Technical Documentationsection.The
changes induced... certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the orig...
10015284 AIRBUS S.A.S. LBA STC NO. A319-133 Equipment / Furnishings - Passenger The Certification Basis for the original DASA Engineering Order Nr. None. 12/05/2010 Active 10015284
TA0265 Compartment - Install cabinfurnishing for product and the followingadditional L4C015/99A, Issue 1or later
(EASA.A.S.03817) Daimler Chrysler AviationRevision to or alternative airworthiness revisions of the above listed
Luftfahrt Bundesamt STC TA0265This EASA requirements are applicable tothis documents approved by EASA
STC keeps the certificated design of the LBA certificate/ approval.See Engineering
STC TA0231 whichconsisted in the aircraft Order referenced in Associated
cabin reconfiguration, and reflects Technical Documentationsection.The
thechanges induced byA... certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the orig...
10015285 AIRBUS S.A.S. LBA STC NO. A319-133 Equipment / Furnishing - Passenger The Certification Basis for the original DASA Engineering Order Nr. Limited to MSN 1053 12/05/2010 Active 10015285
TA0269 Compartment - Install baggagecontainer for product and the followingadditional C8A00100A, Issue 2.or later
(EASA.A.S.03818) Daimlerchrysler Aviation.Revision to Luftfahrt or alternative airworthiness revisions of the above listed
Bundesamt STC TA0269 Issue 2.This EASA STC requirements are applicable tothis documents approved by EASA
keeps the certificated design of the LBA STC certificate/ approval.See Engineering
TA0269 Issue2 which consisted in the Order referenced in Associated
installation of 2 ATR containers for Technical Documentationsection.The
luggageand th... certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the orig...

04/01/2023 Page 40 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015286 AIRBUS S.A.S. LBA STC NO. A320-232 Equipment/ Furnishings - Passenger The Certification Basis for the original DASA Engineering Order Nr. Limited to MSN 886, 918, 1032, 12/05/2010 Active 10015286
TA0231 Compartment - VIP-kit for A320 product and the followingadditional SYR037/98Aor later revisions and 1075
(EASA.A.S.03819) Syria.Revision to Luftfahrt Bundesamt STC or alternative airworthiness of the above listed documents
TA0231.ThisEASA STC keeps the certificated requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASA
design of the LBA STC TA0231 whichconsisted certificate/ approval.Deviation to
in the aircraft cabin VIP reconfiguration, and theCertification requirements :- JAR
reflects thechanges induced by the transfer 25.785 h)1),,- JAR 25.853a)- JAR
of LBA STC TA... 25.813 e),,,,- JAR 25.853 a)1)See
Engineering Orders...
10015287 AIRBUS S.A.S. LBA STC NO. A330-223 (Ref. to former Luftfarhrt Bundesamt STC The Certification Basis for the original DASA Engineering Order Nr. Limited to MSN 240, 249, 253, 31/08/2010 Active 10015287
TA0228 TA0228)This EASA STC keeps the certificated product remains applicable tothis SWR010/99A Issue 3or later 255, 262, 275, 288, 291, and 366
(EASA.A.S.03820) design of the LBA STC TA0228 certificate/ approvalSee Certification revisions of the above listed
whichconsisted in the aircraft cabin Program Document referenced in documents approved by EASA
reconfiguration, and reflects thechanges Associated TechnicalDocumentation
induced by the transfer of LBA STC TA0228 section.The certificated noise and/ or
fromDaimlerChryslerAerospace to Airbus emissions levels of the original
SAS. productare unchanged and remain
applicable to thi...
10015288 AIRBUS S.A.S. LBA STC TA0261 A310-304 GLARE demonstrator panel The Certification Basis for the original Certification Program : Limited to MSN 484. 12/05/2010 Active 10015288
installationRevision to Luftfahrt Bundesamt product remains applicable tothis EAA484/530/001/GLARE,
(EASA.A.S.03821) STC TA0261.This EASA STC keeps the certificate/ approval.See Certification dated 17 March 1999- Glare
certificated design of the LBA STC TA0261, Program Document referenced in panel installation :Daimler-
whichconsisted in the installation of the Associated Chrysler AerospaceAirbus
Glare demonstrator panel fortesting purpose, TechnicalDocumentationsection.The Engineering Order Nr.
and reflects the changes induced by the certificated noise and/ or emissions GAF06698A, Issue02- Glare
transfer of LBASTC TA0261... levels of the original productare panel replacement :Airbus
unchanged and remain applicable to Engineering Order Nr.
th... GAF030/08A, Issue 01or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved...
10015290 BOURNEMOUTH REV. 1 CAA UK A320 Installation of 148 PAX Layout of Passenger - Type Certification Basis in - Compliance Document none 12/11/2012 Active 10015290
AVIATION RESPONSIBILITY Accommodation (LOPA)This STC is revised in accordance with the TCDS No. A.064 Summary Sheet, ref. doc.
(EASA.A.S.03825) (CONSULTANTS)Ltd. order to remove the EWIS Limitation issue 8that includes CRI H-01 / BAC/ABUS/020, Issue 5,dated
Special Condition "Enhanced 30th August 2012-
AirworthinessProgramme for Compliance Check List, ref.
Aeroplane System -ICA on EWIS"The doc. CCL/001/628, Issue 5,
requirements for environmental dated 30thAugust 2012-
protection and the Instruction for Continued
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Airworthiness, ref. doc. ICA/
emissions levels of the ori... 072/628, Issue3, dated 30th
August 2012or later revisions
of the above lis...
10015291 BUSINESS AND REV. 1 200C BCA112 revision 2, dated 15 July 2012 : The Certification Basis for the original BCA112-04: Airplane Limitation to sn BB-1473 25/07/2012 Active 10015291
COMMUTER underwings, rooftopand PODantennas product remains applicable tothis Maintenance Manual
(EASA.A.S.03830) AIRCRAFT installation and belly antennas certificate /approval.The certificated Supplement, revision2 dated
relocation.Major Change of STC EASA.A.S. noiseand/or emissions level of the 15July 2012;BCA112-05:
03830. original productare Airplane Flight Manual
unchangedandremain applicable to Supplement, revision 1 dated
this certificate / approval. 19 March2003;or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by
10015297 365 AEROSPACE DDS REV. 5 A321-212/-213/-231/-232 Installation of an Enhanced Surveillance The Certification Basis for the original Aerospace Design & Prior to installation of this 05/08/2019 Active 10015297
LIMITED A321-111/-112/-131/-211 Mode S SystemRev. 5: Transfer of STC from product as amendedby thefollowing Engineering Consultants Flight modification it must be
(EASA.A.S.03847) A320-215/-216/-231/-232/-2 365 Aerospace Ltd. to 365 Aerospace DDSLtd. additional or alternative Manual Supplement determined thatthe
33 airworthiness requirements:CS 25 FMA-0544-062 Revision 1 interrelationship between this
A320-111/-211/-212/-214 Amendment 1225.869, 25.1301, dated 13th March modification and any other
A319-115/-131/-132/-133 25.1307, 25.1309, 25.1321, 25.1333, 2009Aerospace Design & previouslyinstalled modification
A319/-111/-112/-113/-114 25.1351, 25.1353,25.1355, 25.1357, Engineering Consultants Flight and/ or repair will introduce no
A318-111/-112/-121/-122 25.1431, 25.1529, 25.1581, 25.1701, Manual Supplement adverse effectupon the
25.1703, 25.1705,25.1707, 25.... FMA-1374-085 Revision airworthiness of the product.
1Aerospace Design &
Engineering Consultants Flight
Manual Supplement
FMA-1374-086 Revision

04/01/2023 Page 41 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015302 E A D AEROSPACE REV. 3 A340 Installation of Advanced Mission Display Certification Basis in accordance with - Master Drawing List, ref. Not applicable 02/12/2010 Active 10015302
AIRWORTHINESS System Phase A- AMDS/ARevision of the EASA Type Certificate Data SheetsA. 01274-EAS-A-MDL, Revision K,
(EASA.A.S.03866) EASA STC EASA.A.S.03866 Revision 2 to 015.The Certification Basis for the dated 26thNovember 2010-
remove EWISlimitation original product and the Compliance Check List, ref.
followingadditional or alternative 01274-EAS-A-CCL-01, Revision
airworthiness requirements are B, dated 18thJune 2009-
applicable tothis certificate/ Airplane Flight Manual
approval1. CRI H-01 "Enhanced Supplement, ref. 01274-EAS-
Airworthiness Programme for A-AFM-01, RevisionD,
AeroplaneI... dated18th June 2009-
Declaration of Compliance,
ref. 01274-EAS-A-...
10015303 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 A319-112 Change of the Cabin Configuration (150 The Certification Basis for the original - Certification Report, ref. doc. Prior to installation of this 15/06/2018 Active 10015303
GMBH Pax).The cabin configuration will be changed product remains applicable tothis A319-CR25-03-2009, Issue 1, modification the installer must
(EASA.A.S.03868) to increase the certified 145pax configuration certificate/ approval.The dated 17thMarch 2009.- determinethat the
to a 150 pax configuration with minimum requirements for environmental Design Modification interrelationship between this
Cabin Crew of3 Flight Attendants. protection and the Document, ref.doc. A319- modification and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or DMD25-03-2009, Issue otherpreviously installed
emissions levels of the original 1,dated 17th March 2009.- modification will introduce no
product areunchanged and remain Compliance Record adverse effect uponthe
applicable to this certificate/ Document, Issue 2, dated 5th airworthiness of the product.The
approval. May 2009. installation of this modification by
third persons is s...
10015305 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 1 2. B200, B200C, B300, B300C Dual TDR-94D Mode S ELS/EHS Transponder The Certification Basis of the original EASA approved Engineering This change is limited to the 30/03/2012 Active 10015305
AVIONICS DESIGN 1. 200, 200C, 300, 300LW System Upgrade, andoptional forADS-B product and the followingadditional / Order, Doc. No. 2053779-EO, configuration of aircraft /
(EASA.A.S.03894) ApS alternative airworthiness issue2, dated21-Feb-2012, or equipment typeas listed under
requirements are applicable tothis later approved issueEASA Chapter 4. in EASA approved
change.For the change CS-23, Amdt. approved Aircraft Flight Engineering Order, Doc. No.
2, has been elected to comply with Manual Supplement, Doc. No. 2073065-EO, Issue 1, dated 22-
wherepossibleThe certificated noise 2053779-AM-A,Issue 1, dated Mar-2012, or later approved issue
and/ or emissions levels of the 27-Apr-2009<(>,<)> or later forinstallations without ADS-B, or
original productare unc... approved issue, for ELS Issue 2, dated 21-Feb-2012, or
onlyEASA approved Aircraft laterapproved issue for ins...
Flight Manual Supplement,
10015311 HÉLICOPTÈRES REV. 3 O-360-J2A Installation of an electronic ignition system, CS-E, issue 1 dated 24 October 2003, HG Manual J45-001 Issue 5or Limitations: The data in the FAA 27/04/2017 Active 10015311
GUIMBAL an a/c compressor and anoil filter adaptor< for all affected areas, asidentified in later revisions of the above TCDS E-286 remains valid, except
(EASA.E.S.01001) (>,<)> and Increase of the Take-off Power (5 document Hélicoptères Guimbal No. listed documents approved by thefollowing:Rating:Take-off (5
min) to119 kW (160 HP), in accordance with J00-002 EASA. min.), at sea level pressure
Hélicoptères Guimbal Installation,Operator’s altitude:119 kW (160 HP) at 2400
and Maintenance Manual J45-001 and Type rpm (27.9 inHg) to 2700 rpm (26.3
Design DefinitionDoc. No. J45-002 inHg)Dimensions:Overall Height:
602 mm (23.7 in.)Fuels:Aviation
Gasoline, 100 or 100LL per ASTM
D910, B95/...
10015314 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA ST00221AT 727-100, 727-200 Installation of a Digital Flight Data Recorder The Certification Basis (CB) for the Engineering Report No. Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015314
Upgrade from6 to 11channels.Revision 1 original product remains applicableto 92MJT.003R-1, Revision B, change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.00184) transferred from EMTEQ Engineering to B/E this certificate/ approval.The dated May 4, 1993. thatthe interrelationship between
Aerospace. requirements for environmental this design change and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10015315 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA ST02006AT 727-100, 727-200 Installation of a Honeywell (formally Allied The Certification Basis (CB) for the EMTEQ (formally Avitas) Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015315
Signal) 18 Channel FlightData Recorder original product remains applicableto Engineering Report No. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.00185) (Upgrade) for Aircraft not containing a Flight this certificate/ approval.The 99AMJT.040R-1, Rev. C,dated thatthe interrelationship between
DataAcquisition Unit.Revision 1 transferred requirements for environmental November 23, 2005. this design change and any
fromEMTEQ Engineering to B/E Aerospace. protection and the otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 42 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015316 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA ST02869AT 767-300 Installation of a passenger cabin interior The Certification Basis (CB) for the EMTEQ Engineering Master Limited to 767-33A, Serial No. 02/03/2016 Active 10015316
arrangement (290TC).Revision 1 transferred original product remains applicableto Drawing List (MDL) No. 25535.Prior to installation of this
(EASA.IM.A.S.00188) from EMTEQ Engineering to B/E Aerospace. this certificate/ approval.The ANST-048-MDL, RevisionC, design change it must be
requirements for environmental dated May 27, determined thatthe
protection and the 2004.Instructions for interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness, design change and any
emissions levels of the original EMTEQ Engineering otherpreviouslyinstalled design
product areunchanged and remain reportANST048-CAW, dated change and/ or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ April 5, 2004. introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. the airworthiness of the product.
10015318 GLOBAL AIRWORKS, REV. 2 FAA STC CL-600-2E25 (RJ SERIES 1000) Installation of AirWorks Cockpit Door The Certification Basis (CB) for the AirWorks Airplane Flight Prior to installation of this design 05/02/2016 Active 10015318
Inc. ST01626LA CL-600-2D24 (RJ SERIES 900) Surveillance System original product remains applicableto Manual Supplement change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.00254) CL-600-2C10 (RJ this certificate/ approval.The Document No. AFMS230015< thatthe interrelationship between
700/701/702) requirements for environmental (>,<)> Revision Original dated this design change and any
CL-600-2B19 (RJ SERIES 100) protection and the 2 April 2004<(>,<)> or later otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or approved revision is required change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original as part of this modificationor introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain AirWorks Airplane Flight the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement
approval. DocumentNo.AFMS230099<
(>,<)> Revision A dated 24
November 2015<(>,<)...
10015321 S-TEC CORPORATION REV. 2 FAA STC PA-28-236 Installation of S-TEC System 55/55X Two Axis The Certification Basis for the original - FAA/DAS Approved S-TEC None 14/09/2010 Active 10015321
SA8906SW-D PA-28-181, PA-28-201T Automatic Flight GuidanceSystem Model product remains applicable tothis Bulletin No. 668 Revision 3,
(EASA.IM.A.S.00269) PA-28-151, PA-28-161 ST-568. certificate/ approval dated21 July 2001or later
revision- FAA/DAS Approved
S-TEC Master Drawing List No.
92748 Revision C, dated21
July 2001 or later revision-
FAA/DAS Approved Pilot's
Operating Handbook and/or
Airplane FlightManual
Supplement, P/N 891144,
dated 10 F...
10015323 AVIATION PARTNERS REV. 18 FAA STC 737-700/-800/-900/-900ER Installation of Aviation Partners Boeing Blended WingletsThe baseline of the All relevant manuals and Prior to installation of this design 04/10/2019 Active 10015323
BOEINGWINGLETS ST00830SE winglets:-Blended Winglets design-Split certification basis forthe approvals is Master Drawing Lists are change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.00279) COMPANY, LLC Scimitar Winglets designRevision 1: approved as follows:-JAR 25 Change 14, referenced in APB'sdocument thatthe interrelationship between
737-800 performance data when effective 27May 1994-Orange Paper AP37.1-E620 "Document this design change and any
CFM56-7B27 enginesare installedRevision 2: 96/1, effective 19 April 1996-JAR List737-NG with Blended or otherpreviously installed design
approved 737-800 performance data when AWOChange 2, effective 1 August Split Scimitar Winglets (EASA change and/ or repair will
CFM56-7B27 engineswith bump rating are 1996-JAA IL-23 RVSM, effectiveApril Design Standards &Continuing introduce noadverse effect upon
installedRevision 3: ap... 1994737-700: "-1","-2", "-3a", "-3b", Airworthiness Manuals)"rev. F the airworthiness ofthe product.
"-3c"Additionall... or later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
EASAin accordance with2...
10015324 SAFRAN CABIN INC. REV. 4 FAA STC CL-600-2E25/ CL-600-2D15 Flight Deck Access System (FDAS) Installation. The Certification Basis for the original MDL 9391000, Revision W, Equipment Functional Check 09/05/2019 Active 10015324
ST01415LA CL-600-2C10/ CL-600-2D24 product remains applicable tothis dated 26 October 2010 or Intervals as defined in FAA
(EASA.IM.A.S.0028) certificate/ approval, except where latter FAA approved C & DInteriors Report
amended by additional or approvedrevision.For Model CDR9397-69, Revision A, dated
lateramendments if indicated on FAA CL-600-2C10 Airplane Flight November 8, 2002,"Certification
STC.Therequirements for Manual Supplement No. Maintenance Requirements", or
environmental protection and the 939-1-AFMS-001 dated 5 any later FAA approvedrevision,
associatedcertified noise and/ or December 2002 or later FAA shall not be extended. Later
emissions levels of the original pro... approved revision.Model revisions to C & D
CL-600-2D24 is added with AerospaceReport CDR9397-69 may
Revision 1<(>,<)> dated 13 be used onl...
March 2003.For Models
CL-600-2C10, C...
10015330 LEARJET Inc. REV. 5 FAA STC CL-600-2B16 (CL-604) Installation of a Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis for the original -Modification Applicability List Restricted to MSN 5449, 5510, 04/03/2010 Active 10015330
SA8168NM-D Interior product remains applicable tothis CC-0001-TUS, Revision DM 5523, 5539, 5572, 5577, 5585
(EASA.IM.A.S.00323) certificate/ approvalThe certificated dated 23September 2008-
noise and/ or emissions levels of the MDL CC54495000, Revision A,
original productare unchanged and (for MSN 5449)-MDL
remain applicable to this certificate/ DC55105000, Revision B, (for
approval MSN 5510)-MDL
DC55235000, Revision E, (for
MSN 5523)-MDL
DC55395000, Revision E, (for
MSN 5539)-MDL
DC55705000, Revision C, (for
MSN 5572)-MDL-...

04/01/2023 Page 43 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015333 VISIONSAFE REV. 14 FAA STC SEE FAA AML Installation of Emergency Vision Assurance The Certification Basis (CB) for the FAA approved Vision Safe Flight Crew training requirements 06/09/2021 Active 10015333
CORPORATION ST00892LA System (EVAS)Validation of FAA STC original product remains applicableto Corporation Master Drawing are listed on the Master Drawing
(EASA.IM.A.S.00354) ST00892LA Approved Model List as amended this certificate/ approval.The Lists. MasterDrawing Lists and List.Prior to installation of this
on 17.January 2017 as applicable for the requirements for environmental FAA approved Airplane Flight design change it must be
EASA approved models.Reason for Revision protection and the Manual Supplementsrequired determined thatthe
9: the following types have been added: associatedcertificated noise and/ or for the modification are listed interrelationship between this
Boeing777-200, -300, -300ER, -200LR and emissions levels of the original on FAA Approved Model List design change and any
777F series; Boeing... product areunchanged and remain No.ST00892LA or later FAA otherpreviously installed design
applicable to this certificate/ approved revisions. change and/ or repair will
approval.... introduce noadverse effect upon
the airwo...
10015337 BEECHCRAFT REV. 2 FAA SA2824SW- HAWKER HS 125-700 Installation of a Long Range Oxygen System FAA CAR 4b <(>&<)> FAR Part 25 Master Drawing List 125-012 This STC is approved only for the 18/02/2010 Active 10015337
CORPORATION D HAWKER 800, 800XP, 850XP Revision T or later approved product configuration as defined
(EASA.IM.A.S.00364) BAE 125 SERIES 800A revisionOperation in inthe approved design data
accordance with Flight referred to in the paragraph
Manual Supplement 800-250 "Description".Compatibility with
Rev R6 orlater approved other aircraft/engine
revision. configurations shall bedetermined
by the installer.
10015353 WIPAIRE Inc. REV. 4 FAA STC AT-802, AT-802A Installation of Wipaire Model 10000 The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC No.SA01795CH FAA STC No. SA01795CH 31/08/2011 Active 10015353
SA01795CH Amphibious floats per Wipaire Inc.STC product remains applicable tothis amended July 8, 2011.For "Limitations and Conditions",
(EASA.IM.A.S.00601) SA01795CH, FAA approved July 8, 2011. certificate/ approval.The Model AT-802A: Installation amendedJuly 8,2011.1. FAA
requirements for environmental of Wipaire Model 10000 approved Airplane Flight Manual
protection and the Amphibious Floatsin Supplements:AT-802A amphibian,
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or accordance with Wipaire, Inc. dated March 13, 2003AT-802A
emissions levels of the original Installation Drawing No. landplane, dated October 7,
product areunchanged and remain 7D1-4251, NoRevision, dated 2003AT-802 amphibian, dated
applicable to this certificate/ January 13, 2003. Operations September 29,2008AT-802
approval. with the floats removed landplane, dated September 29,
arepermitted when the 2008AT-802A amphib...
aircraft is modified in a...
10015374 SECURAPLANE REV. 2 TCCA SA04-3 ATR 72-201, ATR 72-202. Installation of Hawker sealed Lead-Acid The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, ref. Prior to installation of this 27/11/2014 Active 10015374
TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. ISSUE 3 ATR 72-101, ATR 72-102, batteries.This STC installs Hawker sealed product remains applicable tothis 170-0403-01 Revision L, dated modification it must be
(EASA.IM.A.S.01031) ATR 42-300, ATR 42-320, Lead - Acid batteries P/N 9750W0538 (24V - certificate/ approval.The 26 Feb. 2009Certification Data determined thatthe
40 Ah) and P/N 9750W0350-5 (24 V - 18 requirements for environmental List, ref : 170-0410-01 interrelationship between this
Ah).The Revision1 retains the certificated protection and the Revision F,dated 29 Oct modification and any other
design of the EASA.IM.A.S.01031and capture associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 2008Instruction for Continued previouslyinstalled modification
the transfer of STC ownership from Stephen emissions levels of the original Airworthiness, ref : and/ or repair will introduce no
D. MacS... product areunchanged and remain 290-0251-01 Revision D,dated adverse effectupon the
applicable to this certificate/ 26 February 2009or later airworthiness of the product.
approval. revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10015404 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC 757-200 Installation of Honeywell Mark V Enhanced The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Flight Manual Supplement 1. This STC is approved only for the 02/03/2016 Active 10015404
ST02780AT Ground Proximity WarningSystem original product remains applicableto EMTQ-015B-FMS Initial product configuration as defined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01115) (EGPWS).Revision 1 transferred from EMTEQ this certificate/ approval.The Release or laterapproved in the approved design data
Engineering to B/E Aerospace. requirements for environmental revisionor later revisions of referred to in the paragraph
protection and the the above listeddocuments "Description". Compatibility with
associatedcertified noise and/ or approved by EASA other aircraft/engine
emissions levels of the original inaccordance with EASA ED configurations shall be determined
product areunchanged and remain Decision 2004/04/CF (or by the installer.
applicable to this certificate/ subsequent revisions ofthis
approval. decision) and/or the Technical
Implementation Procedures
of EU/USA Bilater...
10015405 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC MD-81/-82/-83/-87/-88 Installation of Honeywell RESCU 406AF The Certification Basis (CB) for the EMTQ Engineering Master Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015405
ST02761AT 767-200/-300 Emergency Locator Transmitter(ELT).Revision original product remains applicableto Drawing List EMTQ-030-MDL change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01116) 757-200 1 transferred from EMTEQ Engineering to B/E this certificate/ approval.The Revision B datedJanuary 27 thatthe interrelationship between
Aerospace. requirements for environmental 2004 this design change and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 44 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015407 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC A321-231/-232 Installation of a Kannad Model 406-AF The Certification Basis (CB) for the Drawing No. 2-23982-001 Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015407
ST02896AT A321-111/-112/-131/-211/-2 Emergency Locator Transmitter(ELT).Revision original product remains applicableto Revision B dated July 7, 2004 change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01118) 12 1 transferred from EMTEQ Engineering to B/E this certificate/ approval.The thatthe interrelationship between
A320-231/-232/-233 Aerospace. requirements for environmental this design change and any
A320-111/-211/-212/-214/-2 protection and the otherpreviously installed design
15 associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
A319-131/-132/-133 emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
A319-111/-112/-113/-114/-1 product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
15 applicable to this certificate/
10015408 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC FOKKER F.28 MARK 0100 Installation of a Kannad Model 406-AF The Certification Basis (CB) for the Data package containing the Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015408
ST02896AT Emergency Locator Transmitter(ELT) in original product remains applicableto following documents, and change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01122) accordance with FAA STC ST02896AT dated this certificate/ approval.The additionalsupporting data:1. thatthe interrelationship between
22/07/05 or laterEASA-approved requirements for environmental Master Drawing List for a this design change and any
revision.Revision 1 transferred from EMTEQ protection and the KANNAD 406 AF Emergency otherpreviously installed design
Engineering to B/E Aerospace. associatedcertified noise and/ or Locator Transmitter(ELT) change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original installation on various fleet introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain types, EMTEQ document the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ 2-23982-001,Revision E.2.
approval. Structural Substantiation
Report ELT Antenna
Installation in Fokk...
10015416 GLOBAL AIRWORKS, REV. 1 FAA STC 777-200, 777-300, Installation of AirWorks Cockpit Door The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Airworks AFM Supplement Prior to installation of this design 03/03/2016 Active 10015416
Inc. ST01739LA 777-300ER Surveillance System and AdvancedCockpit original product remains applicableto Document Number change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01138) Door Surveillance System this certificate/ approval.The AFMS230089 Revision thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental Originaldated January 21, this design change and any
protection and the 2005 or AFMS230034 otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or Revision Original dated June change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original 04,2015- Airworks Weight & introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Balance Report Ref the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ MDL230089 Document No
approval. WBR230089Revision A dated
August 20, 2004 or
WBR230034 Revision B dated
March 16,2015or later re...
10015426 AVIONICS GROUP REV. 1 FAA ST02198AT 757-200, 757-200PF Installation of a Teledyne Digital Flight Data The Certification Basis for the original Avionic Master Drawing List None 08/02/2011 Active 10015426
INC. Acquisition Unit, PartNumber 2233000-811 product and the followingadditional AG-31-1058.MDL, Revision B,
(EASA.IM.A.S.01159) or alternative airworthiness 10/07/2007or later revisions
requirements are applicable tothis of the above listed documents
certificateAs per the TCDS plus:CRI approved by EASA
H-01: ICA on EWISThe requirements inaccordance with EASA ED
for environmental protectionand the Decision 2004/04/CF (or
associatedcertificated noise and/ or subsequent revisions ofthis
emissions level... decision)
10015430 STG AEROSPACE REV. 1 FAA STC ATR 72-212/-212A Installation of SafTGlo Photoluminescent The Certification Basis for the original -SafTGlo Master Drawing List, None 15/04/2011 Active 10015430
Inc.AKA SAFTGLO, ST02529AT ATR Floor Proximity EmergencyEscape Path product remains applicable tothis ref: P12-2 Revision C, dated
(EASA.IM.A.S.01164) Inc. 72-101/-102/-201/-202/-211 Marking System (PFPEEPMS).(Validation of certificate/ approval.The 23 April 2007-EASA Aircraft
ATR 42-200/-300/-320/-500 FAA STC ST02529AT)The STC installs a requirements for environmental Flight Manual Supplement,
photoluminescent aisle path marking system protection and the ref: EASA P12-11, dated
(PFPEEPMS).This revision 01 adds ATR 72 associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 14April 2011-Instruction for
aircraft models in the STC applicability. emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness, ref:
product areunchanged and remain P12-10 Revision C, dated23
applicable to this certificate/ April 2007or later revisions of
approval. the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10015439 STG AEROSPACE REV. 1 FAA ST02406AT F28 MARK 4000 Installation of SAF-T-GLO photoluminescent The Certification Basis (CB) for the - STG Aerospace drawing SG- The photoluminescent FPEEPMS is 03/11/2014 Active 10015439
Inc.AKA SAFTGLO, F28 MARK 3000 floor proximity emergencyescape path original product remains applicableto F28, revision D.- STG only eligible for installation
(EASA.IM.A.S.01179) Inc. F28 MARK 2000 marking system (FPEEPMS). this certificate/ approval.The Aerospace Master Drawing onaircraft model numbers with
F28 MARK 1000 requirements for environmental List (MDL) Report Number interior arrangements approved in
F28 MARK 0100 protection and the H61-2, revisionF.- STG the STGAerospace Master Drawing
associatedcertified noise and/ or Aerospace Instructions for List (MDL) Report Number H61-2,
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness revision F,incorporating STG
product areunchanged and remain H61-10,revision E.- STG Aerospace drawing SG-F28,
applicable to this certificate/ Aerospace Airplane Flight revision D<(>,<)> or laterrevisions
approval. Manual Supplement H61-11, of these documents...
revision A- STG Aerospace
Compliance Inspection Pro...

04/01/2023 Page 45 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015530 ROCKWELL COLLINS, REV. 3 FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Modification of VHF-22A/VHF-22B VHF The Certification Basis (CB) for the Collins Installation Prior to installation of this design 05/01/2017 Active 10015530
Inc. ST00673WI-D LIST COMMVHF COMM Receiver Transmitter with original product remains applicableto Instructions as listed on the change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01409) CTL-22 Control Pro Line II SystemInstallation this certificate/approval.The MDL defined in theApproved thatthe interrelationship between
to a Collins VHF-22/VHF-22D VHF COMM requirements for environmental Model List (AML)or later this design change and any
Receiver Transmitterwith CTL-22C 8.33 kHz protection and the revisions of theabove listed otherpreviously installed design
Pro Line II System Installation associatedcertified noise and/or documents approved by EASA change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original inaccordance with EASA ED introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Decision 2004/04/CF (or the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ subsequent revisions ofthis
approval. decision)" and/ or the
Technical Implementation
Procedures ofU...
10015539 PRECISION REV. 1 FAA STC 757-200 Conversion of a Boeing 757-200 series The Certification Basis for the original Federal Aviation -See Precision Conversions, LLC 30/07/2014 Active 10015539
CONVERSIONS, LLC ST1529SE passenger configuration to afreighter product as amendedby thefollowing Administration (FAA) Drawing Number 007B1004
(EASA.IM.A.S.01423) configuration (including main deck cargo additional or alternative Statement of Compliance foreligibleairplane serial numbers-
door, crew entrydoor, interior, and airworthiness (SOC)120S-14-449 dtd. Jul 24, This modification is to be installed
associated systems) requirements:Equivalent Safety 2014Master Drawing List concurrently with EASA
Finding(s):CRI D-02 Carriage of (MDL) PC-0118-09, Revision STCEASA.IM.A.S.01536 (original
"Supernumeraries" in Flight DM, dated May 23, 2014Flight FAA STC ST01490SE)-Compatibility
CompartmentJAR 25 Change 15 Operations:Airplane Flight between this STC and the EASA
withthe following paragraphs at later Manual Supplement, validated FAA STC ST01518SE
amendments:CS 25 Amendment... Document OL0181, OEMSN ( ) (Aviation Partners Boeing /...
Airplane Weight and Balance
and Loading Manual
10015542 ISRAEL AEROSPACE REV. 5 B737-300 Conversion from Passenger configuration to EASA STC Certification Basis, as - Master Document List TR This STC is approved only for the 23/04/2012 Active 10015542
INDUSTRIES, LTD.IAI Special Freighter (SF),Special Freighter with recorded in EASA CRI A- 365-2100-92100 Revision product configuration as defined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01426) Rigid Barrier and to Quick Change (QC) OI,dated2007-11-02The Certification "BB", dated October28, 2010- inthe approved design data
configuration and approval of increased Basis for the original product remains List of added converted referred to in the paragraph
weight limitationsSummary of EASA STC applicable tothis certificate/ airplanes TR 365-00-00-99312 "Description".Compatibility with
Revisions:Original EASA approval: CAA UK approval.The certificated noise and/ Revision "AE"dated other aircraft/engine
STC No CAA.21NE1.00092STC EASA.IM.A.S. or emissions levels of the original September 18, 2007or later configurations shall bedetermined
01426 Revision 1... productare unchanged and remain revisions of the above listed by the installer.If the holder agrees
applicable to this certificate/ a... documents approved by EASA to permit another person to use
this certificate t...
10015551 LIFEPORT, LLC REV. 2 FAA STC SEE FAA AML Installation of Stretcher, Patient Loading, and LifePort, Inc. Master Drawing Prior to installation of this change/ 09/02/2022 Active 10015551
SA00273WI SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Support systemRev. 2 adds the Textron List 520-9000, Revision C, repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01445) LIST model B200GT to the to the subject’s dated June 27,1994, or later thatthe interrelationship between
STC’sapproved model list. FAAapproved this change/repair and any
revision.Airplane Flight otherpreviously installed change
Manual Supplement (AFMS) and/ or repair willintroduce no
35 and Supplement No. 5 with adverseeffect upon the
aFAA Approval date of airworthiness of the product.
December 28, 1994, or later
FAA approvedrevision.
10015558 S-TEC CORPORATION REV. 2 FAA SA09628AC 690D, 695, 695A, 690C Installation of the S-TEC 01304 Digital Flight The Certification Basis (CB) for the - S-TEC Master Data List Prior to installation of this design 20/07/2016 Active 10015558
Control System (DFCS), inaccordance with original product remains applicableto 921128, Rev. 12, dated May change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01455) Master Data List 921128, rev. 12. this certificate/ approval.The 21st, 2014- Airplane Flight thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental Manual Supplement No. this design change and any
protection and the 892134, Rev. 3, dated May otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or 21st,2014or later revisions of change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original the above listed documents introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval. Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
decision) and/ or t...
10015560 FLINT AERO, INC. REV. 1 FAA STC TU206F, TU206G, U206F, Installation of 14.9 gallon usable fuel- The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Any FAA STC’s referenced below 21/04/2020 Active 10015560
SA3232NM U206G contained in lightning-resistantwing tip product remains applicable tothis with FAA sealed Flint Aero, that may be used in conjunction
(EASA.IM.A.S.01457) 206H, T206H tanksRevision 1 adds the model TU206F. certificate/approval.The Inc.MasterDrawing List with thisSTC, are not automatically
requirements for environmental FALS206, no revision, dated accepted by EASA it is the Aircraft
protection are unchanged but March 4, 1986.For Operation Operatorsresponsibility to
thiscertificate/ approval involves a at Increase in the takeoff establish they are EASA approved
change with an impact on the gross weight (SeeLimitations) or accepted prior toinstallation.For
noisedatabase. from 3,600 to 3,800 pounds EU registered aircraft, if operation
for landplane, floatplane, at Increased Gross Weights
amphibian, and skiplane (MTOW...
versions of noted models.

04/01/2023 Page 46 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015566 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC BAE JETSTREAM 3201 Installation of Sandel Model ST3400 Terrain The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. EMTEQ Engineering Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015566
SA03020AT BAE JETSTREAM 3101 Awareness and Warning System original product remains applicableto Approved Model List (AML) change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01470) (TAWS).Revision 1 transferred from EMTEQ this certificate/ approval.NEW- Document No. thatthe interrelationship between
Engineering to B/E Aerospace. PAGEThe requirements for 2-25975-002Rev. IR dated this design change and any
environmental protection and the January 14 2005<(>,<)> or otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or later approved revision.2. change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original EMTEQ Engineering AFM introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Supplement DocumentNo. the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/approv... 2-25975-909 Rev. IRdated
January 14 2005 or later
approved revision.
10015568 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC BEECH 1900D Installation of Honeywell Mk VI Enhanced The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. EMTEQ Engineering Master Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015568
ST02793AT Ground Proximity Warning System original product remains applicableto Drawing List EMTQ-028-MDL, change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01475) (EGPWS).Revision 1 transferred from EMTEQ this certificate/ approval.The Revision C, dated7 July 2004 thatthe interrelationship between
Engineering to B/E Aerospace. requirements for environmental or later FAA approved this design change and any
protection and the revision.2. FAA Approved otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or Flight Manual Supplement for change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Raytheon Aircraft introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain CompanyModel 1900D the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Aircraft with Honeywell
approval. Model MK VI EGPWS, EMTEQ
DocumentNo. EMTQ-028-
FMS, Revision IR, dated
10015569 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC EMB-120 Installation of Sandel Model ST3400 Terrain The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. EMTEQ Engineering Master Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015569
ST03022AT Awareness and Warning System original product remains applicableto Drawing List (MDL) change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01476) (TAWS).Revision 1 transferred from EMTEQ this certificate/ approval. The 2-25979-001,Rev. A,dated thatthe interrelationship between
Engineering to B/E Aerospace. requirementsfor January 8, 2005.2. FAA this design change and any
environmentalprotection and the Approved Flight Manual otherpreviously installed design
associated certified noise and/ or Supplement (AFMS) for change and/ or repair will
emissions levelsof the original Embraer EMB-120Series introduce noadverse effect upon
product are unchanged and remain Aircraft, EMTEQ Document the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to thiscertificate/ No. 2-25979-001 Rev. IR,
approval. dated January20, 2005.
10015570 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC BEECH 1900D Installation of Sandel Model ST3400 Terrain The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. EMTEQ Engineering Master Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015570
SA02821AT Awareness and Warning System(TAWS), with original product remains applicableto Drawing List EMTQ-036-MDL, change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01477) optional capability as a Traffic Collision this certificate/ approval.NEW- Revision B, datedMarch 19, thatthe interrelationship between
Avoidance System(TCAS) Control Display Unit PAGEThe requirements for 2004 or later FAA approved this design change and any
(CDU) or Radio Magnetic Indicator environmental protection and the revision.2. FAA Approved otherpreviously installed design
(RMI).Revision 1 transferred fromEMTEQ to associatedcertified noise and/ or Flight Manual Supplement change and/ or repair will
B/E Aerospace. emissions levels of the original (AFMS) for Raytheon introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain AircraftCompany Model 1900 the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ appro... Series Aircraft installed as a
EMTEQDocument No.
EMTQ-036A-FMS, Revision IR,
10015571 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA ST03003AT 767-200, 767-300 Installation of a Honeywell Mark V Enhanced The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Supplements Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015571
Ground Proximity WarningSystem original product remains applicableto (AFMS) for Boeing 767 series change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01478) (EGPWS).Revision 1 transferred from EMTEQ this certificate/ approval.The aircraft, EMTEQDocument No. thatthe interrelationship between
Engineering to B/E Aerospace. requirements for environmental 2-26425-908, Rev. JR, dated this design change and any
protection and the December10, 2004or later otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original documents approved by introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain EASA.EMTEQ Engineering the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Master Drawing List (MDL)
approval. 2-26425-001, Rev. A,
datedDecember 05, 2004.
10015576 AVIATION REV. 1 FAA SA2629CE 2. 300, 300LW, B200, B200C Installation of two place side-facing divan. FAR 23 Aviation Fabricators Drawing 1) Prior to installation of this 08/10/2009 Active 10015576
FABRICATORS, Inc. 2. 200, 200C, B200CT, B200T Number D10002B approved modification the
(EASA.IM.A.S.01487) 1. B300, B300C on 30 MAY 1990 orAviation installermustdetermine that the
1. B200,B200C, B200GT, Fabricators STC data package interrelationship between this
B200CGT AF-113, Rev. D or later modification and anyother
approvedrevision. previously installed modification
will introduce no adverse
effectupon the airworthiness of
the product.2) The installation of
this modification by third person...

04/01/2023 Page 47 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015577 AVIATION REV. 1 FAA SA00622WI SEE APPROVED MODEL LIST Installation of shoulder harness kit CAR 3 and FAR 23 Installation in accordance None 11/12/2009 Active 10015577
FABRICATORS, Inc. with Aviation Fabricators, Inc
(EASA.IM.A.S.01488) FAA approvedDrawing List
AF-203 F, dated 6 October
2009 or later approved
10015600 AIM AVIATION REV. 1 FAA ST01490SE 757-200 SERIES Installation of a flight deck lavatory. The Certification Basis for the original 1. AIM Aviation Inc. Master Prior to installation of this design 08/04/2020 Active 10015600
RENTON, INC. product remains applicable tothis Data List AIM-DL-14485 change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01536) certificate/ approval, except where RevisionA, dated 17December thatthe interrelationship between
amended by additional or 2004, or later FAA approved this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA revision.2.AIM Aviation, Inc. otherpreviously installed design
STC.Therequirements for Drawing List AIM-DL-14485, change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and the Revision A, dated introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or 17December 2004, or later the airworthiness ofthe
emissions levels of the original pro... FAA approved revision. product.Precision Conversions
Supplemental Type Certific...
10015627 AAR CARGO REV. 1 FAA STC MD-11 Installation of a Main Deck Cargo Handling The Certification Basis for the original AAR Report 1826 Instruction None 10/12/2010 Active 10015627
SYSTEMS ST02021CH System (FAA STC ST02021CH) product remains applicable tothis for Continued Airworthiness
(EASA.IM.A.S.01579) certificate/ approval
10015635 AIRCRAFT RADIO & REV. 1 FAA ST02959AT 737-300/-400/-500 Installation of Collins Model 700 High The Certification Basis (CB) for the -ARC Avionics Master Drawing According to FAA STC 28/09/2017 Active 10015635
AVIONICS, LLC Frequency (HF) CommunicationSystem and original product remains applicableto List, Ref. ARC-HF.001-MDL, ST02959ATPrior to installation of
(EASA.IM.A.S.01591) HF AntennaRevision 1: Transfer of STC this certificate/ approval.The Rev. B dated 17September thisdesign change it must be
10015635 (IM.A.S.01591) from ARC requirements for environmental 2004-ARC Avionics Airplane determined thatthe
AvionicsCorporation to AIRCRAFT RADIO & protection and the Flight Manual Supplement, interrelationship between this
AVIONICS, LLC associatedcertified noise and/ or Ref. ARCHF.001-FMS,Rev. IR, design change and any
emissions levels of the original dated 22 October 2004-FAA otherpreviously installed design
product areunchanged and remain STC ST02959AT, dated 22 change and/ or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ October 2004or later introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. revisions of the above listed the airworthiness of the product.
documents approved by EASA
10015638 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 2 FAA ST02929AT MD-88/-90, MD-11 SERIES Installation of an ARTEX Model C406-1 ELT See FAA Approved Model List (AML) See FAA Approved Model List The STC is valid for those aircraft 02/03/2016 Active 10015638
DC-9-80, DC-10-30 SERIES Emergency LocatorTransmitter(ELT). No. 2-22566-002 Rev. K, 12/08/2011. (AML) No. 2-22566-002, Rev. types and models approved by
(EASA.IM.A.S.01595) DC-9-10/-20/-30/-40/-50 K, 12/08/2011. EASAwithin the FAA Approved
SERIES Model List (AML) No. 2-22566-002,
BAE JETSTREAM MODELS Rev. K,12/08/2011.Prior to
3101/3201 installation of this design change it
777-200 SERIES must be determined thatthe
767-200/-300 SERIES interrelationship between this
757-200 SERIES design change and any
747-200F/-300/-SP/-400 otherpreviously installed de...
747-100/-200B/-200C SERIES
727-100/-200 SERIES
10015642 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Aircraft Completion, 13 Passenger Interior EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis - EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S. 1. This STC is approved only for the 07/07/2010 Active 10015642
LSA05-391/D Configuration for the original product remains 01606- Transport Canada SoC product configuration as defined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01606) applicable tothis certificate/ ref.C-10-0444 dated 25 June inthe approved design data
approval.The requirements for 2010- Transport Canada STC referred to in the paragraph
environmental protection and the No. C-LSA05-391/D Issue 1 "Description".Compatibility with
associatedcertificated noise and/ or dated 22 December 2005- other aircraft/engine
emissions levels of the original Aero Consulting Services configurations shall bedetermined
product areunchanged and remain Master Drawing List E659000 by the installer.2. The installation
applicable to this certificate/ ap... Revision D dated3 June 2010- is limited to S/N 9169
Flight Manual Supplement G-
FM25000134 Rev. N/C-
10015645 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 2 FAA ST02019AT 767-300 Installation of Passenger Cabin Interior The Certification Basis (CB) for the Avitas Engineering Master Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015645
Arrangement.Revision 2 transferred from original product remains applicableto Drawing List (MDL) No. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01609) EMTEQ Engineering to B/E Aerospace. this certificate/ approval.The 99GECS.019MDL RevisionE, thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental 17th February 2000. this design change and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 48 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015654 328 SUPPORT REV. 3 HS.125 SERIES 700A/B Installation of a Rockwell Collins TCAS-4000 Avionics Mobile Services This STC is approved only for the 27/09/2018 Active 10015654
SERVICES GmbH Traffic Alert and CollisionAvoidance System Limited modification AM/ product configuration as defined
(EASA.IM.A.S.0163) (TCAS-II). 1469.Avionics Mobile Services inthe approved design data
Limited AFM Supplement, referred to in the paragraph
reference:PART21-008/001 or "Description".Compatibility with
later approved revision. other aircraft/engine
configurations shall bedetermined
by the installer.
10015659 AVIATION PARTNERS REV. 6 FAA STC 757-200/-300 Install of Aviation Partners Boeing Winglets The Certification Basis for the original Aviation Partners Boeing The Partial Wing Retrofit 10/05/2016 Active 10015659
BOEINGWINGLETS ST01518SE on B757-200 and B757-300Aeroplanes product as amendedby thefollowing Instructions for Continued Installation (757-300 -1 Kit only) is
(EASA.IM.A.S.01636) COMPANY, LLC additional or alternative Airworthiness:AP57.2-0802, approvedfor Rolls Royce
airworthiness requirements:Model Revision DAviation Partners RB211-535 powered a/c. See the
757-200 (-1,-2, and -5 kits)Parts, Boeing Configuration following AviationPartners Boeing
components, systems or areas not Deviation List Supplement drawings for eligible Aircraft Serial
modified or affected by (CDLS):757-200-1 and Numbers:757-200-1 and
theinstallation of the APB winglet 757-300-1 Kits: No CDLS 757-200-2 Kits: 757-2007<(>,<)>
retrofit kit will comply through supplement, see FAA TCDS Rev IR757-200-5 kit: 757-2027<
thesa... A2NM757-200-2 and (>,<)> Rev IR757-300-1 an...
757-200-5 Kit: AP57-CDLS,
July 2009757-300-2 Kit: AP57-
10015662 CERTIFYNATION, LLC REV. 3 FAA STC 777F Installation of Honeywell RESCU 406AF/AFN/ The Certification Basis (CB) for the CertifyNation Master Data Prior to installation of this change/ 20/03/2020 Active 10015662
ST01773CH 777-300 / 777-300ER AFN2 Emergency LocatorTransmitter (ELT) original product remains applicableto List, Doc. No repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01639) 777-200 / 777-200LR System.Revision 1 transfers this STC from this certificate/ approval.The CN19-039MDL-00, Revision thatthe interrelationship between
Armstrong Aerospace to requirements for environmental 0,dated 20 December this change/repair and any
CertifyNation,LLC.Revision 2 adds installation protection and the 2019;Airplane Flight Manual otherpreviously installed change
eligibility for Boeing 777-200LR/-300ER,777F associatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement as identified in and/ or repair willintroduce no
series aircraft for MDL Configuration Group emissions levels of the original CertifyNation MasterData List, adverseeffect upon the
8, RESCU 406AFN2u... product areunchanged and remain Doc. No. CN19-039MDL-00, airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Revision 0, dated 20
approval. December 2019;Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
as identified in CertifyNat...
10015663 328 SUPPORT REV. 3 HS.125 SERIES 700A/B Installation of a Ground Proximity Warning Avionics Mobile Services This STC is approved only for the 27/09/2018 Active 10015663
SERVICES GmbH System (GPWS) and TerrainAwareness Limited modification AM/ product configuration as defined
(EASA.IM.A.S.0164) Warning System (TAWS). 1470.Avionics Mobile Services inthe approved design data
Limited AFM Supplement, referred to in the paragraph
reference:PART21-008/006 or "Description".Compatibility with
later approved revision. other aircraft/engine
configurations shall bedetermined
by the installer.
10015664 ARMSTRONG REV. 1 FAA STC 767-200, 767-300, 767-300F Installation of Honeywell RESCU 406AF / AFN The Certification Basis for the original - Armstrong Aerospace Prior to installation of this design 09/01/2019 Active 10015664
AEROSPACE Inc. ST02108CH Emergency LocatorTransmitter (ELT) product remains applicable tothis Master Data List Doc. No. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01640) System.Revision 1 extends the applicability to certificate/ approval, except where DC104-3058-00<(>,<) thatthe interrelationship between
the models 767-200 and 767-300F. amended by additional or >Revision N<(>,<)> dated 14 this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA February 2008 or later FAA otherpreviously installed design
STC.Therequirements for approved revision.- FAA change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and the approved Airplane Flight introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or Manual Supplement as the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the original pro... identified inArmstrong
Aerospace Master Data List,
Doc. No. DC104-3058-00,
RevisionN, dated 14 February
10015692 CARLISLE REV. 4 FAA STC 737-800 Installation of Elementary or Enhanced The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List Only Configurations 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11/07/2016 Active 10015692
INTERCONNECT ST02162CH 737-300/-400/-500/-600/-70 Surveillance Mode S TranspondersRev. 1: product as amendedby thefollowing ECS-203150, Rev. AK- AFM 8 and 9 are deemed tobe
(EASA.IM.A.S.01680) TECHNOLOGIES 0 Configurations 5 and 8 addedRev. 2: additional or alternative Supplement ECS-203502 rev B approved.Prior to installation of
Configurations 7 and 9 addedRev. 3: airworthiness requirements:CS25 (configurations 2, 7, 8)- AFM this design change it must be
Configuration 6 addedRev. 4:,,All amdt 0: 25.869, 25.981, 25.1301, Supplement ECS-203501 rev B determined thatthe
configurations include EWIS compliance 25.1309, 25.1322, 25.1333,25.1351, (configurations 1, 4, 5, 9)- interrelationship between this
25.1353, 25.1355, 25.1357, 25.1381, AFM Supplement ECS-208623 design change and any
25.1431, 25.1529, 25.1555,25.1581, rev N/C (configuration 6)- ICA otherpreviously installed design
25.1585The requirements for... document ECS-203162 revJ change and/ or repair will
(configurations introduce noadverse effect upon
1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9)or later the airwo...
revisions of thea...

04/01/2023 Page 49 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015695 GULFSTREAM REV. 2 FAA STC GIV-X Installation of Broad Band Multi-Link (BBML) The Certification Basis (CB) for the -FAA STC ST03027AT-D, It is the installer responsibility to 12/06/2014 Active 10015695
AEROSPACE ST03027AT-D SystemSTC revision of the EASA STC original product remains applicableto amended on 9th August 2010- ensure that all STCs fitted areEASA
(EASA.IM.A.S.01683) CORPORATION EASA.IM.A.S.01683 REV. 1 for this certificate/ approval.The FAA Statement of approved.Prior to installation of
systemupdgrade requirements for environmental Compliance, ref. this designchange it must be
protection and the 100G-14-189, dated 9th June determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or 2014-Installed in accordance interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original with Gulfstream Aerospace design change and any
product areunchanged and remain Corporation IndexList, ref. otherpreviously installed design
applicable to this certificate/ GC413038002, Revision AK, change and/ or repair will
approval. dated 4th March 2014- introduce noadverse effect upo...
Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement, ref.
GC41303M001, Revisi...
10015713 FOKKER 50 REV. 2 FAA STC FOKKER 50 Installation of Large Cargo door. The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Maintenance Manual 1. To allow the carriage of cargo 12/07/2016 Active 10015713
FREIGHTER STC ST01916LA original product remains applicableto Supplement nr. MMS 222 STC IM.A.S.01711 shall
(EASA.IM.A.S.01710) CORP. this certificate/ approval.The Rev. B;2. FAA approved beincorporated;2. The maximum
requirements for environmental Airplane Flight Manual number of occupants in the
protection and the Supplement document nr. aircraft including crewmembers is
associatedcertified noise and/ or FMS 223dated October 30, 3;3. This STC is approved only for
emissions levels of the original 2006;3. FAA approved Fokker the product configuration as
product areunchanged and remain 50 Freighter STC Corporation defined inthe approved design
applicable to this certificate/ Master Drawing List24B500 data referred to in the paragraphs
approval. revision NC dated September "Description" and“Assoc...
14, 2006;or later revisions of
the above listed d...
10015717 CASCADE REV. 2 TCCA STC DHC-8-314, DHC-8-315 Environmental Control System Performance The Certification Basis for the original The change is defined with Prior to installation of this change/ 22/02/2021 Active 10015717
AEROSPACE Inc. SA00-69 DHC-8-301, DHC-8-311 Improvement ModificationRevision 01: product remains applicable tothis Revision 17 of Cascade repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01714) DHC-8-201, DHC-8-202 Editorial Changes to include Issue 04 of TCCA certificate/ approval.The AerospaceInc. MasterData List thatthe interrelationship between
DHC-8-103, DHC-8-106 STC SA00-69Revision 02: Applicability list requirements for environmental Document MDL this change/repair and any
DHC-8-102 corrected, minor change to protection and the 2302.Maintenanance shall be otherpreviously installed change
includeEnvironmental Control System associatedcertified noise and/ or accomplished in accordance and/ or repair willintroduce no
performance improvements from Issue 05 emissions levels of the product are with Revision 4 ofCascade adverseeffect upon the
ofTCCA STC SA00-69 unchangedand remain applicable to Aerospace Inc. maintenance airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/ approval without any manual supplement
impact... document MMS 2302Orlater
revisions of the above listed
document(s) approved/acc...
10015720 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 3 FAA ST01849SE 777-200 Business Class Seat Installation IM.A.003The Certification Basis for FAA STC No. ST01849SE, Boeing Structural Compliance 02/02/2012 Active 10015720
- FSI the original product and the dated 30 January 2012.Flight summary Report Document
(EASA.IM.A.S.01719) followingadditional or alternative Structures, Inc. Master DLR-36718 revisionNew dated 17
airworthiness requirements are Drawing Lists A5FS520-D01, March 2008 must be accomplished
applicable tothis certificate/ Revision Edated June 15, concurrently with this STCBoeing
approvalCRI-H01 EWISThe 2009, or later approved Structural Compliance Summary
requirements for environmental revision, and B0FS015- Report Document DLR-36718
protection and the D01,Revision IR, dated RevisionNew dated 17 March 2008
associatedcertificated noise and/ or October 20, 2011 or later must be accomplished
emissions levels of the ori... revision.The Supplemental concurrently with this
Instructions for Continued STC.Concurrent Inst...
Airworthiness (ICA), Fli...
10015727 ROCKWELL COLLINS REV. 3 FAA STC CL-600-2D24, CL-600-2E25 Installation of Head-Up Guidance System The Certification Basis for the original -EASA STC no. EASA.IM.A.S. None 21/04/2011 Active 10015727
AEROSPACE ST01390LA CL-600-2C10, CL-600-2D15 (HGS) Model 4200.Addition of CL-600-2E25 product and the followingadditional 01743 Revision 1 dated 31
(EASA.IM.A.S.01743) &ELECTRONICS, Inc. (CRJ 1000) to HGS 4200 STC or alternative airworthiness May 2007-FAA STC no.
requirements are applicable tothis ST01390LA dated 28
certificate/ approval.CRI A-1000-01- December 2010-Rockwell
HGSThe requirements for Collins Master Drawing List
environmental protection and the No. 9701-1099 at Revision N
associatedcertificated noise and/or orlater approved revisions-
emissions levels of the origin... Rockwell Collins Airplane
Flight Manual Supplement No.
9701-1152 atRevision E or
later approved revisi...

04/01/2023 Page 50 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015728 SPECTRUM REV. 2 FAA STC JETSTREAM 3201 Removal of passenger seats and installation The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List Prior to installation of this design 23/04/2019 Active 10015728
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a SA02177CH of Spectrum Aeromed medicalsystems product remains applicable tothis 6034-1A, Revision 1, dated change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01745) SPECTRUM certificate/ approval, except where July 6, 2005,Spectrum thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED amended by additional or Aeromed Inc AFM this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA supplement otherpreviously installed design
STC SA02177CH.The requirements 6034-1FMSSpectrum change and/ or repair will
for environmental protection and Aeromed Instructions for introduce noadverse effect upon
theassociatedcertified noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the or... Manual 6043-1MMor later
revision of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
in accordance with EASA ED
decision 2004/04/CF (or
10015732 AERONAUTICAL REV. 4 FAA ST01827LA 737-300, 737-400 BOEING 737-300/-400 FREIGHTER WITH The Certification Basis for the original - AEI Cargo Modification Limited to B737-300/400 modified 24/09/2010 Active 10015732
ENGINEERS Inc. OPTIONAL CARGO product and the followingadditional Drawing List R-668, Revision L, with EASA STC IM.A.S.01754Rev 3
(EASA.IM.A.S.01754) CONTAINERCONFIGURATION.Modification of or alternative airworthiness dated June 21,2010 for (FAAST01827LA)
notch frames to accommodate 88x125" requirements are applicable tothis B737-300 aircraft.- AEI Cargo
container indisposition 10 (rear) certificate/ approvalCRI H-01 Issue Modification Drawing List
1:Special Condition - EWIS ICAThe R-811, Revision E, dated June
requirements for environmental 21,2010 for B737-400
protection and the aircraft.- AEI Inspection
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Instructions Document R-834,
e... Revision A, datedSeptember
22, 2010.or later revisions
10015747 DAYTON-GRANGER REV. 5 FAA STC NO. CL-600-2E25 (RJ SERIES 1000) Installation of Winglet and Horizontal The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. For Configuration 1:a) None 31/03/2016 Active 10015747
Inc. ST02241NY CL-600-2D24 (RJ SERIES 900) Stabilizer End Cap LightningProtection Kits original product remains applicableto Maintenance must be in
(EASA.IM.A.S.01779) CL-600-2D15 (RJ SERIES 705) this certificate/ approval.The accordancewith Dayton
CL-600-2C10 (RJ requirements for environmental Granger Instructionsfor
700/701/702) protection and the Continued
CL-600-2B19 (RJ SERIES 100) associatedcertified noise and/ or Airworthiness701620<(>,<)>
emissions levels of the original Rev-A<(>,<)> dated 16 May
product areunchanged and remain 2006b) Operate in accordance
applicable to this certificate/ with Dayton Granger Airplane
approval. Flight ManualSupplement
AFMS 701626<(>,<)> Rev-B<
(>,<)> approved 5 June 20152.
10015754 FIELD AVIATION REV. 3 SA04-125 ISSUE DHC-8-315 Retrofit of Collins Elementary Surveillance The Certification Basis for the original Configuration A, Elementary Configuration A, Elementary 06/09/2019 Active 10015754
EAST, LTD. 5 DHC-8-314 and ADSB capable TDR-94D,Dual Mode-S product as amendedby thefollowing Surveillance Capable Surveillance Capable Transponders
(EASA.IM.A.S.01787) DHC-8-311 Transponders and associated Collins CTL92E, additional or alternative Transponders withCTL92E Controller
DHC-8-301 or Universal RCUControllers.Revision 3 airworthiness requirements:the withCTL92EDHC-8-100, -200 andConfiguration B, ADS-B
DHC-8-202 incorporates ADSB capability via following paragraph(s) at a later and -300 SeriesThe change is Capable Transponders with CTL92E
DHC-8-201 Configuration-C. amendment: Initial Issue of defined with Revision M of or Universal RCUControllers:The
DHC-8-106 CSACNS.D.ADSB.001, CS FAEL Master Drawing Data installation of Field Aviation STC
DHC-8-103 ACNS.D.ADSB.010, CS ACNS.D.ADSB. Listdocument SA98-72, TCAS II/ACAS II and
DHC-8-102 020, CSACNS.D.ADSB.025, CS DDL-1128.Maintenance shall DualMode-S Transponders or the
ACNS.D.ADSB.030, CS ACNS... be performed in accordance fitment of Bombardier FactoryI...
with FAEL
Supplement designated
MMS20105, Revi...
10015763 ACORN WELDING REV. 1 TCCA STC 182R Installation of Aerocet 3400 Amphibious The Certification Basis (CB) for the In accordance with Amtech 1. This STC confers no 14/06/2017 Active 10015763
Ltd. SA04-63 182L/182M/182M/182N/ Float Conversion. original product remains applicableto Aeronautical Limited (AAL) Operational Approval, that must
(EASA.IM.A.S.01799) 182P/182Q this certificate/approval.The Installation Instructions be sought from the National
182E/182F/182G/182H/ requirements for environmental EO333901 dated May 10, Airworthiness Authority of the
182J/182K protection and the 2004, and Master Data List country of registration.2. This
associatedcertified noise and/or MDL33301 Rev 2 dated STC is approved only for the
emissions levels of the original November 10, 2004, or later product configuration as defined
product areunchanged and remain approved revisions.TCCA in the approved design data
applicable to this certificate/ approved Flight Manual referred to in the paragraph
approval. Supplement FMS333902 "Description". Compatibility...
dated May 10, 2004 is
required for Cessna Models

04/01/2023 Page 51 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015764 AEROLITE AG REV. 3 35A EMS Equipment InstallationCabin installation The Certification Basis (CB) for the - According to Aerolite Master Limited to: S/N 628, 663, 656.Prior 07/08/2019 Active 10015764
of Patient Unit P/N 250071-506, Power Box original product remains applicableto Document List to installation of thischange/repair
(EASA.IM.A.S.01800) P/N250080-501 and Cabinet P/N 250073-504 this certificate/ approval.The No.MDL-06-001,Rev C- To be it must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental operated in accordance with interrelationship between this
protection and the Aerolite AFM-S Document change/repair and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or No.FMS-06-001, Rev B- To be otherpreviously installed change
emissions levels of the original maintained i.a.w. AeroliteICA and/ or repair will introduce no
product areunchanged and remain Document No. OPM-06-001, adverseeffect upon the
applicable to this certificate/ Rev Cor later revisions of airworthiness of the product.
approval. theabove listed document(s)
approved/acceptedunder the
EASA sys...
10015775 JET AVIATION AG REV. 3 A320-271N/-272N/-273N Camera Installations on A319 and A320This The Certification Basis for the original JBSL-M-01019ICA-01 Rev 3 Prior to installation of this design 03/09/2020 Active 10015775
A320-251N/-252N/-253N Major Change to EASA STC 10015775 product as amendedby thefollowing Instructions for Cont. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01819) A320-233 includes the following changes:Include new additional or alternative AirworthinessBA32023391-00 thatthe interrelationship between
A320-231/-232/-233 camera part numbers from OTONOMY airworthiness requirements:The 1 Rev I Master Data ListOr this design change and any
A320-214, A320-231, vendor:-Tail Camera: 1000-1300-001/003 P/ following paragraph(s) at a later later revisions ofthe above otherpreviously installed design
A320-232 Ns added-Quad Camera: 1000-1210-002 P/N amendment: CS25 Amdt. 23:25.23, listed document(s) approved/ change and/ or repair will
A320-211/-212/-214/-215/-2 added-Zoom Camera: 1000-1400-001/002 P/ 25.29, 25.301, 25.302, 25.303, acceptedunder the EASA introduce noadverse effect upon
16 Ns addedInclude the NEO mode... 25.305, 25.307, 25.321, system. the airworthiness ofthe product.
A320-111, A320-211, 25.365,25.561, 25.571, 25.581,
A320-212 25.601, 25.603,...
A319-132, A319-133
A319-114, A319-115,
A319-111, A319-112,
10015815 AEROMECH Inc. REV. 1 FAA B300C Installation of a Pilot and Co-Pilot Digital Air The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List, document Prior to installation of this design 05/04/2019 Active 10015815
SA00558DE-D B200CT/B200T/300/300LW/ Data Unit product remains applicable tothis No 34-00-0002-00, Revision change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01886) B300 certificate/ approval, except where IR,dated 23July 2004 or later thatthe interrelationship between
200/200C/200CT/B200/ amended by additional or approved revision.- this design change and any
B200C lateramendments if indicated on FAA Instructionsfor Continued otherpreviously installed design
STC SA00558DE-D.The requirements Airworthiness, document change and/ or repair will
for environmental protection and the 34-02-0002-00, Rev4.0dated introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or 16 July 2004 or 34-02-0002-10 the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of theu... Rev 1.0 dated 28 June 2005,
orlater approved revision.-
Airplane Flight Manual
10015823 ARMSTRONG REV. 1 FAA STC 737-800, 737-900, Installation of a Honeywell RESCU 406AF/ The Certification Basis for the original Astronics Armstrong As per AFMS DC303-1005-00 05/11/2018 Active 10015823
AEROSPACE Inc.dba ST01872CH 737-900ER AFN/AFN2 Emergency LocatorTransmitter product as amendedby thefollowing Aerospace Master Data List Revision B. In particular: The ELT
(EASA.IM.A.S.01895) ASTRONICS 737-500, 737-600, 737-700, (ELT) System. additional or alternative (MDL), does notneed to be manually
ARMSTRONG 737-200C, 737-300, 737-400, airworthiness requirements for DC104-1005-00,Revision activated for test purposes.
AEROSPACE 737-200 thefollowing paragraph(s) at a later ABAFMS DC303-1005-00 Manual activation, ifdesired, is
amendment:CS 25 amdt.0 for Revision BWeight/Balance limited to the first five minutes of
paragraphs:25.1, 25.29, 25.303, DC304-9807A1-00 Revision – the hour and is to beof very short
25.561(c),25.571(a, b), 25.601, Electrical Effects Statement duration (5-10 seconds).As per ICA
25.603(a-c),25.605(a), 25.609(a-b), DC305-9807A1-00 Revision – DC113-9807A1-00 Revision C. In
25... ICA DC113-9807A1-00 particular:...
Revision Cor later revisions of
the above listed document(s)
10015828 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA ST03212AT 737-300, 737-400, 737-500 Installation of an Active Noise Reduction The Certification Basis (CB) for the EMTEQ Engineering Master Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015828
(ANR) Headset.Revision 1 transferred from original product remains applicableto Drawing List (MDL) change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01917) EMTEQ Engineering to B/E Aerospace. this certificate/ approval.The 2-31582-001<(>,<)> Rev. thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental A,dated January 06, 2006. this design change and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 52 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015832 WIPAIRE Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC SA2CH DHC-6 SERIES 400 Installation of Wipline 13000 Amphibian The Certification Basis for the original Wipaire Installation Drawing For DHC-6 Series 300:Restricted to 05/03/2015 Active 10015832
DHC-6 SERIES 300 Floats or Installation ofWipline 13000 product as amendedby thefollowing No. 7C1-3002, Rev. L, dated Amphibious or seaplane Operation
(EASA.IM.A.S.01923) Seaplane Floats on DeHavilland DHC-6 Series additional or alternative July 20, 2012(Amphibian) for Aircraft with PT6-27Engines
300 and 400. airworthiness requirements: Wipaire Installation Drawing only.Prior to installation of this
thefollowing paragraph(s) at a later No. 7C1-3100, Rev J, dated design change it must be
amendment:FAR 23 atAmdt. 8: July 20, 2012(Seaplane) determined thatthe
23.1529;Amdt. 36: 23.2;Amdt. 45: Wipaire Installation Drawing interrelationship between this
23.521 - 23.537;Amdt. 49: No. 7C1-3004, Rev. H, dated design change and any
23.1359;Amdt. 50: 23.1555 - July 20, 2012(Operation with otherpreviously installed design
23.1559, 23.1581 -... removed floats)Airplane Flight change and/ or repair will
Manual Supplements:forA... introduc...
10015833 WIPAIRE Inc. REV. 3 FAA SA39CH SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of an Amphibian Gear Position The Certification Basis for the original Airplane Flight Manual Prior to installation of this design 18/01/2016 Active 10015833
LIST Advisory System MKII andLaser Gear Advisory product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement POHSA39CH Rev. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01924) System in accordance with Wipaire Inc. additional or alternative J, FAA approved October1, thatthe interrelationship between
MasterDrawing List W-MD151, Rev. C and airworthiness requirements:The 2015Installation Instruction: this design change and any
the drawings listed on AML to this STCor later following paragraph(s) at a later refer to AMLorlater revisions otherpreviously installed design
FAA approved revisions. amendment: CS 23, Amdt. 4:23.305 of the above listed documents change and/ or repair will
(a)(b), 23.601, 23.603, 23.607, approved by EASA introduce noadverse effect upon
23.609, 23.611, 23.613,23.729(d)(e), inaccordance with EASA ED the airworthiness ofthe product.
23.1301(a), 23.1322, 23.1351(a),... Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
decision) and/ or the
Technical Impleme...
10015840 A.A.E., LTD. REV. 1 FAA ST03001AT F28 MARK 0100 Installation of an AAE, Ltd smoke detection The Certification Basis (CB) for the AAE, Ltd Airplane Flight Refer to the limitation section of 16/11/2015 Active 10015840
F28 MARK 0070 and halon fire suppressionsystem into the original product remains applicableto Manual Supplement, No. AAE, Ltd Airplane
(EASA.IM.A.S.01934) lower baggage compartments of theaircraft this certificate/ approval.The TFA09-0087,Rev IR,dated FlightManualSupplement, No.
to establisha class C cargo compartment requirements for environmental January 14, 2005 or later TFA09-0087, Rev IR, dated January
classification.The installation includes a protection and the revisions of the above listed 14,2005.Prior to installation of this
control head installed in the aircraftcockpit associatedcertified noise and/ or documentsapproved by EASA design change it must
for monitoring and operation of the system... emissions levels of the original in accordance with EASA ED bedetermined thatthe
product areunchanged and remain Decision 2004/04/CF interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ (orsubsequent revisions of design change and any
approval. this decision) and/ or the otherpreviously installed design
TechnicalImplementation change and/ ora...
Procedures of EU/ U...
10015843 BOMBARDIER Inc. REV. 3 TCCA SA06-14 BD-100-1A10 Installation of an ARTEX ELT c-406-with a Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - Transport Canada Prior to installation of this design 04/04/2018 Active 10015843
ISSUE 2 navigation interface.Revision of the EASA STC IM.A.080 plus:The Certification Basis Supplemental Type Certificate change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.01938) IM.A.S.01938 REV 1 in order to delete for the original product remains SA06-14 Issue 2, dated9th thatthe interrelationship between
thestructural provisions approved under STC applicable tothis certificate/ September 2010;- this design change and any
TCCA SA-05-28 as a prerequisite to TCCA STC approval.The requirements for Modification Data Summary otherpreviously installed design
SA 06-14 for future a/c deliveries.Rev. 3 environmental protection and the E618000 Revision D dated change and/ or repair will
removes the commercial designation from associatedcertificated noise and/ or 10th September2009;- introduce noadverse effect upon
the... emissions levels of the original Compliance Check List the airworthiness ofthe product.
product areunchanged and rem... E618065 Revision D dated
25th August 2010;-
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness RAL-
BV100-25601-IFCA Revision...
10015849 FIELD AVIATION REV. 3 TCCA SA05-42 DHC-8-202 Installation of Dual Universal GLS-1250 DGPS The Certification Basis (CB) for the Configuration A – (Electrical For Configuration A and 08/11/2019 Active 10015849
EAST, LTD. DHC-8-106, DHC-8-201 Receivers (SCAT-1) (TCCASTC SA05-42, Issue original product remains applicableto and Structural Provisions Configuration B: FAEL (Dual
(EASA.IM.A.S.01949) DHC-8-102, DHC-8-103 4)Revision 3 was issued to include this certificate/ approval.The only)Installation must be UNS-1F FMS forSoftware versions
Configuration C requirements for environmental performed in accordance with 801/802 and 803) STC EASA.IM.AS.
protection and the FAEL Master Drawingand Data 3183, Issue 1 or laterEASA
associatedcertified noise and/ or List designated DDL-1136 approved revision must be
emissions levels of the original Revision A.Instructions for installed as a prerequisite to
product areunchanged and remain Continuing theinstallation of the Dual
applicable to this certificate/ AirworthinessMaintenance GLS-1250 DGPS (SCAT-1)
approval. must be performed in modification.For Configuration C:
accordance with FAEL EASA STC 100271...
10015869 BEECHCRAFT REV. 3 FAA ST09262SC- HAWKER 850XP, HAWKER Installation of a Third and Fourth 750 Liter FAA CAR 4b <(>&<)> FAR Part 25 -Installation inn accordance -101 and -103 installation: Model 18/02/2010 Active 10015869
CORPORATION D 900XP Oxygen Bottle in AftEquipment Bay. with Master Drawing List Hawker 750; Hawker
(EASA.IM.A.S.01984) HAWKER 750, HAWKER 800-152 Revision For later 800XP;Hawker 850XP-105
800XP approved revision.-Operation installation: Model Hawker 900XP
in accordance with Airplane
Flight Manual Supplement
800-264Revision R7 or later
approved revision.-Maintain
in accordance with
Maintenance Manual
Addendum: 35-06-01.

04/01/2023 Page 53 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015881 BEECHCRAFT REV. 3 FAA ST10001SC- HAWKER 850XP, HAWKER Installation of a Honeywell Solid State Flight FAA CAR 4b & 14 CFR Part 25The 1. Installation of the For Hawker 800XP model, 19/09/2011 Active 10015881
CORPORATION D 900XP Data Recorder withInterface to Collins Certification Basis for the original Honeywell Solid State Flight installation is limited to
(EASA.IM.A.S.01997) HAWKER 750, HAWKER Proline 21. product remains applicable tothis Data Recorder withinterface aircraftequippedwith Collins
800XP certificate/ approval.The to Collins Proline 21 in Proline 21 Avionics
requirements for environmental accordance with the Hawker
protection and the BeechcraftSTC Master
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Drawing List 800-199,
emissions levels of the original Revision AJ.2. For -101, -105,
product areunchanged and remain and -107 Installations:
applicable to this c... Models: Hawker 750, 800XP
and850XP-Flight Manual
Supplement No. 800-30...
10015899 ROSEMOUNT REV. 1 FAA STC 737-900/ 737-900ER Installation of Rosemount Aerospace Cockpit The Certification Basis for the original 1. Rosemount Aerospace 1. Prior to installation of this 18/06/2019 Active 10015899
AEROSPACE, Inc. ST02368CH 737-600/ 737-700/ 737-800 Door Surveillance System(CDSS). product remains applicable tothis Master Data List, Doc. No. design change it must be
(EASA.IM.A.S.02020) 737-300/ 737-400/ 737-500 certificate/ approval, except where D06400594, Revision G,dated determinedthat the
amended by additional or 2 January 2008, or later FAA interrelationship between this
lateramendments if indicated on FAA approved revision.2. design change and any
STC ST02368CH.The requirements for Rosemount Aerospace otherpreviously installed design
environmental protection and Airplane Flight Manual change and/ or repair will
theassociatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement, Doc. introduce noadverse effect upon
emissions levels of the or... No.D06400184, Revision A, the airworthinessof the product.2.
approved 4 January 2007< This modification may not be
(>,<)> or later FAAapproved installed aft...
revision<(>,<)> or Rosemount
10015911 ISRAEL AEROSPACE REV. 2 747-400 Conversion of Boeing 747-400 Aircraft from - Master Document List 1. Supplemental Type Certificate 11/11/2019 Active 10015911
INDUSTRIES, Combi to SpecialFreighterConfiguration.This Number 366-00-00-A3550 Data Sheet STCDS.IM.A.S.02040
(EASA.IM.A.S.02040) Ltd.BEDEK AVIATION certificate is a re-edition of EASA STC ref. Revision "New" or applies.2. This STC is approved
GROUP EASA.IM.A.S.02040Revision 1 to update the laterapproved revision<(>,<)>- only for the product configuration
reference to the associated Supplemental Airplane Flight Manual as defined inthe approved design
TypeCertificate Data Sheet Supplement Number data referred toin the paragraph
366-00-00A2911 Revision A "Description".Compatibility with
orlater approved revision. other aircraft/engine
configurations shall bedetermined
by the install...
10015915 FLY IN VACATIONS REV. 1 FAA STC COMMANDER 112 Validation of FAA STC SA5202NM: Installation AFM Supplement No. 1, dated See AFM Supplement No. 1. 29/07/2015 Active 10015915
SA5202NM of Lycoming engine model IO-360-C1D6 2 February 1991 and
(EASA.IM.A.S.02045) modified in accordance with STC SE5203NM Supplement No. 2, dated23
& Propeller Hartzell HC-E3YR-1RF/F7392. February 1998.Installation
Manual, Installation Drawings,
Parts List, RCM-1000.
10015918 BLR AEROSPACE, REV.3 FAA SA01615SE B. 200, 200C, 300, 300LW Installation of winglets and associated The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Installation in accordance Prior to installation of this change/ 22/05/2019 Active 10015918
L.L.C. A. B200GT changes in wing andaileronstructures and original product remains applicableto with BLR Aircraft Flight repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02051) A. B200, B200C, B200CGT related system changes on Raytheon Model this certificate/ approval.The Manual thatthe interrelationship between
200 200C, B200,B200C, 300 and 300LW requirements for environmental SupplementsReference AFMS- this change/repair and any
airplanes.Revision 1adds models B200GT, protection and the B200-2, rev. or later approved otherpreviously installed change
B200CGT.Revision 2 updates the STC holder's associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions and AFMS-300-2,rev. and/ or repair willintroduce no
name and address.Revision 3 updates the emissions levels of the original - or later approved revisions.- adverseeffect upon the
STC holder's add... product areunchanged and remain Instructions for Continued airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Airworthiness in accordance
approval. withBLRDocuments Reference
BLR-200-950, rev. E or later
10015951 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA ST03269AT JETSTREAM SERIES 3200 Installation of a Honeywell CAS 67A Traffic The Certification Basis (CB) for the Airplane Flight Manual Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10015951
JETSTREAM SERIES 3100 Alert and CollisionAvoidance System IT (TCAS original product remains applicableto Supplements (AFMS) for a change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02093) IT) and Dual Mode MST 67A ModeS this certificate/ approval.The CAS 67A TCAS IT and MST67A thatthe interrelationship between
Transponder.Revision 1 transferred from requirements for environmental Mode S, EMTEQ Document this design change and any
EMTEQ Engineeringto B/E Aerospace. protection and the No. 2.37239-903, Rev.IR, otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or dated May 15, 2006.EMTEQ change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Master Drawing List (MDL) introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain No. 2-37239-001, Rev. B, the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ dated May 12<(>,<)> 2006.

04/01/2023 Page 54 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10015956 BOMBARDIER Inc. REV. 3 TCCA SA06-37 BD-700-1A10/ BD-700-1A11 Installation, Structural Provisions Security The Certification Basis for the original Modification to be completed 1. Refer to the airworthiness 17/09/2021 Active 10015956
BD-700-1A10, BD-700-1A11 Syst. Antenna product remains applicable tothis in accordance with Aero limitations contained in the
(EASA.IM.A.S.02099) certificate/ approval.The Consulting requiredMaintenance Manual
requirements for environmental ServicesModification Data Supplement.2. This approval is
protection and the Summary Number E448000 limited to the structural provisions
associatedcertified noise and/ or Revision F ,,Equipment iaw. for an antenna.Installation of an
emissions levels of the product are 1. MMMS G-TM05104501 antenna requires a separate
unchangedand remain applicable to Rev. NC 2.MMMS G- airworthiness approval.Prior to
this certificate/approval without any TM05104505 Rev. B 3. installation of this design change it
impactt... MMMS G-TM05104507 Rev. must be determ...
NCor later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EAS...
10015977 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REV. 1 TCCA STC DHC 6-100, 6-200, 6-300 Installation of Single or Dual Sandel ST3400 The Certification Basis for the original Revision to EASA STC IM.A.S. The audio for dual TAWS 17/03/2010 Active 10015977
AIRCRAFT SA02-128 Terrain Awareness WarningSystem (TAWS)/ product remains applicable tothis 02129 validating Transport configuration must be from a
(EASA.IM.A.S.02129) RMI System certificate/ approval.The certificated Canada STCSA02-128 Issue singlesource inaccordance with
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the 2.Modification Instruction drawings 1873419, 1873420 and
original productare unchanged and 181710 Revision 1873421 incorporatingDCN’s
remain applicable to this certificate/ MEngineering Data Summary RMA1873419/1, RMA18173420/2
approval. E100300 at initial revision and RMA18173422/1 respectively.
dated 12 March2010.Drawing
1873419 incorporating DCN
1873420 incorporating DCN
RMA1873420/2.Drawing 18...
10015989 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GIV-X, GV-SP Installation of Securaplane Security System in The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance None 24/02/2011 Active 10015989
AEROSPACE ST02049CH-D Gulfstream models GIV-Xand GV-SP product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
(EASA.IM.A.S.02143) CORPORATION certificate/ approval.The certificated Corporation MasterDrawing
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the List No. GC514566000,
original productare unchanged and Revision G, dated January 28,
remain applicable to this certificate/ 2010, orlater approved
approval. revisions.or later revisions of
the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions...
10016001 GOODRICH REV. 2 FAA STC B767-200/-300 Installation of "Sentry One" Flight Deck Door The Certification Basis for the original - Hollingsead International, None 16/08/2012 Active 10016001
INTERIORS ST01691LA Camera Surveillance System product remains applicable tothis Inc. Master Data List,
(EASA.IM.A.S.02161) certificate.The requirements for Document No.2765-01,
environmental protection and the Revision NC, dated October
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 19, 2004- AFM Supplement,
emissions levels of the original Document No. 2765-AFM,
product areunchanged and remain revision NC, 5th November
applicable to this approval. 2004or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved byEASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
10016004 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GV-SP Installation of Board Band Multi-Link System The Certification Basis for the original -FAA STC ST02796AT-D-In None 20/08/2012 Active 10016004
AEROSPACE ST02796AT-D (BBML)Revisionof the EASA STC EASA.IM.A.S. product remains applicable tothis accordance with Gulfstream
(EASA.IM.A.S.02167) CORPORATION 02167 certificate/ approval.The Aerospace Corporation Index
requirements for environmental ListGC513038002, Revision
protection and the AH, dated July30, 2010-FAA
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or approved Flight Manual
emissions levels of the original Supplement, GC51303M001,
product areunchanged and remain Revision A, datedJuly 24, 2006
applicable to this certificate/ (required for the -501
approval. configuration).-FAA approved
Flight Manual Supplement,
10016009 GULFSTREAM REV. 3 FAA STC GIV-X / GV-SP Installation of Cabin Communication The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Gulfstream Aerospace Prior to installation of this design 27/06/2016 Active 10016009
AEROSPACE ST03238AT-D System.Revision 1: Editorial changes in original product remains applicableto Corporation Index List GC41 change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02174) CORPORATION Associated Technical Documentation this certificate/ approval.The 3038007, Revision M,dated thatthe interrelationship between
andDescription fields. New STC number requirements for environmental April 29, 2015.-Flight Manual this design change and any
(previous number was IM.A.S. protection and the Supplement, GC41 303M007, otherpreviously installed design
02174).Revision 2: Editorial changes in Model associatedcertified noise and/ or Revision C, dated April change and/ or repair will
applicability section.Revision 3: Editorial emissions levels of the original 29,2015 for GIV-X aircraft.- introduce noadverse effect upon
changes in Applicant address andT... product areunchanged and remain Flight Manual Supplement, the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ GC51 303M005, Revision C,
approval.Rev.... dated April 29,2015 for GV-SP
aircraft.-ICA document, GC41
04/01/2023 Page 55 of 1,649
An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016019 BOMBARDIER Inc. REV. 66 TCCA SA06-90 CL-600-2B16 (604 VARIANT) Installation of Complete Customized Aircraft The Type and OSD Certification Bases According Aero Consulting See those of TCCA STC SA 24/10/2022 Active 10016019
Interior. for the original product as Services Ltd. Configuration 06-90.The EASA approved
(EASA.IM.A.S.02186) amendedby the following additional Definition ListRef E934000 configurations are identified in the
or alternative airworthiness Rev RK dated 9 Dec 2019To ConfigurationDefinition List
requirements:- Special Condition(s): be operated iaw. - document Ref E934000Aircraft
Transport Canada SCA 2022-06 Non- Bombardier AFMS issued with a CofA on or after 18
RechargeableLithium Batteries.The EFM-2500-4000, Rev C and/or May 2019 must be equippedwith
requirements for environmental - Aero Consulting Services Ltd. Halon Free extinguishersPrior to
protection and the associatedcertifi... AFMS E973091 Rev BTo be installation of this change/repair it
maintained iaw. - must be determined th...
Mandatory MM-S E934070
Rev C and/oror...
10016038 WHELEN AEROSPACE REV. 7 FAA ST02893AT SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of a Boom Beam Taxi/Landing The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Drawing List Report The STC is valid for aircraft types 26/03/2021 Active 10016038
TECHNOLOGIES LLC LIST Light System original product remains applicableto No. 47, rev. AKor later and models approved by EASA
(EASA.IM.A.S.02207) this certificate/ approval.The revisions of the above listed andlisted on the latest approved
requirements for environmental document(s) approved/ FAA Aircraft Model List.Prior to
protection and the accepted onbehalfof EASA in installation of this change/repair it
associatedcertified noise and/ or accordance with the Technical must be determined thatthe
emissions levels of the original ImplementationProcedures of interrelationship between this
product areunchanged and remain EU/ USA Bilateral Agreement. change/repairand any
applicable to this certificate/ otherpreviously installed change
approval. and/ or repair will...
10016064 AEROMECH Inc. REV. 3 FAA STC S550 (CITATION S/II) Group Aircraft Approval for Reduced Vertical EASA TCDS IM.A.207The Certification 1) Applicant Technical none 08/08/2011 Active 10016064
ST01526SE 560 (CITATION V) Separation Minimum (RVSM)for Cessna Basis for the original product remains Documentation (Aeromech) :
(EASA.IM.A.S.02243) 550 (CITATION II) Model 500/550/S550/560.This STC is an applicable tothis certificate/ AMI-QD-CS-0307, Rev F2)
500 (CITATION I) update of STC EASA.IM.A.S.02243 Rev 1, and approval.The requirements for Instructions for Initial and
incorporatesanadded class of avionics as environmental protection and the Continued Airworthiness:
applicable to the RVSM Group approval associatedcertificated noise and/or Depending onthe class of
inaccordancewith Aeromech document AMI- emissions levels of the original installed avionics on the
QD-CS-0307, rev F. product areunchanged and remain aircraft- AMI-IICA-CS-0509 :
applicable to this certificate... for Class 1 airframe (group
airframes equipped withdual
Shad in ADC 6000 air data
10016083 AIRCRAFT RADIO & REV. 1 FAA 737-300 Installation of a single Universal Avionics The Certification Basis (CB) for the -ARC Avionics Master Data The aircraft has to be equipped 29/09/2017 Active 10016083
AVIONICS, LLC STC03354AT Class “A” TAWS system on737-300 series original product remains applicableto List 760-061505, Rev E, dated with a Universal EFIS to display
(EASA.IM.A.S.02267) aircraftRevision 1: Transf. STC 10016083 this certificate/ approval.The 10 November2006,-Flight theTAWS terrainPrior to
(EASA.IM.A.S.02267) from ARC requirements for environmental Manual Supplement Doc installation of this design change it
AvionicsCorporation to AIRCRAFT RADIO & protection and the 730-061505 Rev A,dated 08 must be determined thatthe
AVIONICS, LLC associatedcertified noise and/ or February 2007or later interrelationship betweenthis
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed design change and any
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA otherpreviously installed
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED designchange and/ or repair will
approval. Decision 2004/04/CF (or introduce noadverse effect upon
subsequent revisions ofthis t...
decision)” and...
10016084 AIRCRAFT RADIO & REV. 1 FAA ST03356AT 737-300 Installation of a dual Universal Avionics The Certification Basis (CB) for the -ARC Avionics Master Data The aircraft have to be equipped 29/09/2017 Active 10016084
AVIONICS, LLC UNS-1F FMS sys onBoeing737-300 aircraft. original product remains applicableto List 750-120605, rev G, dated with a Universal Avionics EFIS as
(EASA.IM.A.S.02269) Installation includes 2 Nav ControlUnits this certificate/ approval.The 10 November 2006-ARC itprovides the Navigation Displays
(NCU) in theEE bay and 2 GPS antennas. requirements for environmental Avionics Instructions for and Data Concentrator Units
Center pedestal pilot and co-pilot protection and the Continued Airworthiness 2- tointegrate the aircraft sensors
ControlDisplay Units (CDU). Nav data can be associatedcertified noise and/ or 37356-903,rev-B, dated 19 and communications.Prior to
selected and displayed on the EFISprimary emissions levels of the original October 2006or later installation of this design change it
Flight and Nav... product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed must be determined thatthe
applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA interrelationship between this
approval. inaccordance with EASA ED design change...
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revis...
10016085 AIRCRAFT RADIO & REV. 3 FAA ST03362AT 737-200, 737-300 Installation of a dual Universal Avionics The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List:-MDL Prior to installation of this design 28/09/2017 Active 10016085
AVIONICS, LLC UNS-1F Flight ManagementSystem (FMS), or product as amendedby thefollowing 752-120605 Rev C, dated 02 change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02270) UNS-1Fw WAAS capabe FMS, on:- additional or alternative April 2009(B737-200 and thatthe interrelationship between
Boeing737-200 and 737-300 aircraft without airworthiness requirements:Special B737-300 A/Cwithout EFIS)- this design change and any
EFIS (Configuration I), or- Boeing 737-300 Condition(s):CRI H-01 issue 3 dated MDL 752-022310 Rev B, dated otherpreviously installed design
aircraft with original Honeywell or collins EFIS 07 March 2011: Special condition - 30 June 2010 (B737-300 A/C change and/ or repair will
(Configuration II)Installation includes:-2 Nav EnhancedAirworthiness with EFIS)Flight Manual introduce noadverse effect upon
Contr... Programmefor Aeroplane Systems – Supplements:-AFMS the airworthiness ofthe product.
ICA on EWISThe requirements for 732-022310, Rev B.2 dated
envi... 2011 (B737-300 A/C with
EFIS)-AFMS 732-120605 Rev B
dated 07 May 2009 (B737-2...

04/01/2023 Page 56 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016086 AIRCRAFT RADIO & REV. 1 FAA ST03363AT 737-200 Installation of a single Universal Avionics The Certification Basis (CB) for the - ARC Avionics Master Data The aircraft has to be equipped 29/09/2017 Active 10016086
AVIONICS, LLC Class “A” TAWS system on737-200 series original product remains applicableto List 762-061505, Rev –I/R, with a Universal EFIS to display in
(EASA.IM.A.S.02271) aircraftRevision 1: Transf. of STC 10016086 this certificate/ approval.The dated01 November2006,- thecenter pedestal in order to
(EASA.IM.A.S.02271) from ARCAvionics requirements for environmental Flight Manual Supplement display the TAWS terrain. This
Corporation to AIRCRAFT RADIO & AVIONICS, protection and the Doc 732-061505 Rev A, dated MFD can bepart of this
LLC associatedcertified noise and/ or 08 February 2007or later installation, or pre-existing as the
emissions levels of the original revisions of the abovelisted 737-200 seriesAircraft.Prior to
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA installation of this design change it
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA must be determined thatthe
approval. EDDecision 2004/04/CF (or interrelation...
subsequent revisions ofthis
10016091 AIR ALLIANCE GmbH REV. 3 PA-42-720 Extension of pressurized fuselage life limit to The Certification Basis for the original Air Alliance GmbH Report No This STC is limited only to airplane 19/07/2011 Active 10016091
account forthe changein operational usage product remains applicable tothis AARD-1, Rev A dated 28 Dec S/N 42-5501046 and
(EASA.IM.A.S.02278) from Alitalia Airlines Training to Normal certificate/ approval.FAR 23 Amdt 1 2006"AirAlliance PA-42-720 42-5501047operated by any
Usage byany operator.Note: This STC to 16Therequirements for Aircraft - Fuselage Life operator.Operation in normal
supersedesSTC EASA.IM.A.S.02278 Rev 2 and environmental protection and the Substantiation"Air Alliance usage upto a life-limit of 21.452
indicates thetransfer of anapplicable S/N to a associatedcertificated noise and/ or GmbH Report no AARD-2, Rev hours for S/N42-5501046 and
new STC holdership by AirAlliance. emissions levels of the B dated 28 Dec 2006 21.561 hours for S/N
originalproduct areunchanged and "AirAlliance PA-42-720 42-5501047.Air Alliance GmbH
remain applicable to this certifica... Aircraft - Pressurized Fuselage Report No AARD-2 Rev B dated 28
Cabin Instructionsfor Dec 2006 "Air AlliancePA-42-720
Continued Aircraft - P...
10016093 PRECISE FLIGHT, Inc. REV. 2 FAA STC SR22, SR22T Installation of Cirrus Fixed Oxygen System The Certification Basis for the original Manufactured in accordance - according limitation section of 03/08/2010 Active 10016093
SA01708SE product remains applicable tothis with Precise Flight AFM-S- max altitude extension up
(EASA.IM.A.S.02280) certificate/ approvalCS 23, EASA Engineering Drawing to 25.000 ft, if operated acc.
certification basis defined in TCDS Lists102N0000-Rev. F, Limitationsection of AFM-S
IM.A.007 ref CRI A-01This certificate/ 100N0000-Rev. AH,
approval involves a change to the 051A0000-Rev. B, 027N0000-
certificated noiseand/or emissions Rev. E,026N0000-Rev. E,
levels 020N0000-Rev. G, 010N0000-
Rev. H, 016N0000-Rec.C,
012N0000-Rev IR, 011N0000-
Rev. A,010A0000-Rev. IR,
009N0000-Rev. CInstalled in
accordance wit...
10016095 TELEDYNE REV. 3 FAA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation of EMS Technologies High Speed The Certification Basis for the original MDL: MDL246759 Rev -, Prior to installation of this design 12/04/2016 Active 10016095
CONTROLS, LLC ST01547LA Data Satellite Communicationsystem HSD-64 product remains applicable tothis dated August 1, 2003or later change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02284) and HSD-128 and validation of FAASTC certificate/ approval. The revisions of the above listed thatthe interrelationship between
ST01547LA.This STC supersedes EASA.IM.A.S. requirements for documents approved by EASA this design change and any
02284 following a change in theapplicant's environmentalprotection and the inaccordance with EASA ED otherpreviously installed design
address. associated certified noise and/ or Decision 2004/04/CF (or change and/ or repair will
emissions levelsof the original subsequent revisions ofthis introduce noadverse effect upon
product are unchangedand remain decision) and/ or the the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to thiscertificate/ Technical Implementation
approval. Procedures of EU/USA
Bilateral Agreement.
10016111 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA ST03345AT 767-200, 767-300 Installation of an Enhanced Surveillance The Certification Basis (CB) for the Airplane Flight Manual None Prior to installation of this 02/03/2016 Active 10016111
System (EHS) to expandTransponder Mode-S original product remains applicableto Supplement (AFMS) for an design change it must
(EASA.IM.A.S.02301) functionality.Revision 1 transferred from this certificate/ approval.The EHS Installation, asrecorded in bedeterminedthat the
EMTEQ Engineering to B/E Aerospace. requirements for environmental EMTEQ AML Document No. interrelationship between this
protection and the 2-38842-002, Rev. IR.EMTEQ design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or Master Drawing List (MDL) otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original No. 2-38842-001, Rev. A, change and/ orrepair will
product areunchanged and remain Dated October03, 2006. introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ the airworthiness of the product.
10016113 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA ST02297AT A300-B4-103 This installation added three additional The Certification Basis (CB) for the Avitas Engineering Master Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10016113
A300-B2-203, A300-B4-203 parameters to be recorded bythe existing original product remains applicableto Drawing List No. 313AV30- change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02303) Flight Data Recorder.Revision 1 transferred this certificate/ approval.The MDL, Revision C,dated March thatthe interrelationship between
from EMTEQ Engineering to B/E Aerospace. requirements for environmental 8, 2001. this design change and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 57 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016114 ANCRA REV.1 FAA ST01890LA 737-400 SERIES Installation of cargo loading system. The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Ancra International LLC 1. STCs EASA.IM.A.S.02438 (FAA 18/03/2016 Active 10016114
INTERNATIONAL LLC original product remains applicableto Controlled Drawing List SA2968SO), EASA.IM.A.S.02439
(EASA.IM.A.S.02304) this certificate/ approval. The DL84670-10, RevisionB, dated (FAASA2969SO) and EASA.IM.A.S.
requirementsfor March 22, 2006. 02440(FAA SA2970SO) must be
environmentalprotection and the installed in conjunction with this
associated certified noise and/ or installation.2. Prior to installation
emissions levelsof the original of this design change it must be
product are unchanged and remain determinedthat the
applicable to thiscertificate/ interrelationship between this
approval. design change and any othe...
10016123 FLYHT AEROSPACE REV. 1 TCCA STC A321-111/-112/-211 AFIRS 220/228 Automated Flight Information The Certification Basis (CB) for the -AFIRS 220 system - Master Prior to installation of this design 18/11/2014 Active 10016123
SOLUTIONS Ltd. SA06-33 A320-211/-212/-214/-231/-2 Reporting SystemInstallationwith Optional original product remains applicableto Document List, FlyHT change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02316) 32 Global Voice and Global Text Satellite this certificate/ approval.The Aerospace document No. thatthe interrelationship between
A319-111/-112/-113/-114 Communications requirements for environmental 121-0029, Revision H, dated 9 this design change and any
protection and the August 2014-AFIRS 220 otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or system - Instructions for change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness, introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain FlyHTAerospace document the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ No. 153-0029, Revision E,
approval dated 10 April 2013-AFIRS 228
system - Master Document
List, FlyHT Aerospace1...
10016129 FIELD AVIATION REV. 4 TCCA STC DHC-8-311 Retrofit of Swedish Coastguard Maritime The Certification Basis for the original (A) For the basic Maritime This STC does not constitute an 31/08/2020 Active 10016129
EAST, LTD. SA07-80 Partol Modifications.Note: Initial EASA product as amendedby thefollowing Patrol Operational Approval.
(EASA.IM.A.S.02323) Supplemental Certificate was issued with additional or alternative ModificationInstallation shall IndividualOperational Approvals,
CertificateNumber:EASA.IM.A.S. airworthiness requirements:Special be performed in accordance including the COTS equipment
02323Revision 01: Editorial ChangesRevision Condition(s): D-02, Service with FAEL Master suitability, must beissued by the
02: Added navAero t-Bag C2 to aircraft CompartmentTherequirements for DrawingandData List competent NAAUNS-1F Flight
configuration.Revision 03: Editorial environmental protection and the designated DDL-1141 Revision Management Systems approved
ChangeRevision 04: Upgrade FM... associatedcertified noise and/ or FF.Flight Operationsmust be for En-route, Terminal and
emissions levels of the product performed in accordance with NonPrecision approach operations
area... FAEL FlightManagement only.External Mission LAN System
Supplement as followsFMS no...
20115 Rev. B,,EGPWS
Override Control...
10016140 LEARJET Inc. REV. 5 FAA SA8164NM- BD-700-1A10 Installation of a Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC No. SA8164NM-D Restricted to ASN 9016, 9020, 11/01/2022 Active 10016140
D InteriorRev. 5: Addition of ACSN 9049 and an product remains applicable tothis dated 26 August 9036, 9054, 9098, 9106, 9049.The
(EASA.IM.A.S.02336) update to the holder’s address. certificate/approval, except where 2002.Bombardier Master following STC's are a concurrent
amended by additional or Drawing List No. GC90205000 requirement with this STC.- EASA
lateramendments if indicated on FAA Revision L dated STC 10016535 (FAA STC
STC SA8164NM-D.The requirements February2002.Airplane Flight ST00941LA) - Floor
for environmental protection and Manual Supplements required ProximityEmergencyEscape Path
theassociatedcertified noise and/ or for this installation arelisted Marking System is applicable to all
emissions levels of the or... on the approved Bombardier aircraft serial numbersapproved
Modification Applicability under this STC No. 10016140.- L...
Instructions of Continued
10016155 VISIONSAFE REV. 1 FAA STC 767-200/-300/-300F Installation of Emergency Vision Assurance The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List 144 Rev C Prior to installation of this design 29/09/2015 Active 10016155
CORPORATION ST00731LA System (EVAS)Revision 1: Model B767-300F product as amendedby thefollowing dated June 9, 1999Drawing change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02357) added additional or alternative List 110 rev U dated July 6, thatthe interrelationship between
airworthiness requirements:CS 2012AFM supplements:- for this design change and any
25.853 at amdt 0, CS 25.1713(c) at B767-200/300: AFMS No. 1 otherpreviously installed design
amdt 5The requirements for rev. Original dated Sept 1, change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and the 2005- for B767-300F: AFMS introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or No 8999-144 rev. Original the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the original dated Feb 28,
produc... 2013Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Document No. 8017 rev. 10...
10016174 TELEDYNE REV. 2 FAA STC 747-400 Installation of Aircraft Communications, The Certification Basis for the original AFM TDY-ACARS-747-ANA-1 Prior to installation of this design 12/04/2016 Active 10016174
CONTROLS, LLC ST00334LA Addressing and ReportingSystems product remains applicable tothis Airplane Flight Manual change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02401) (ACARS).This STC supersedes EASA.IM.A.S. certificate/ approval. The Supplement, datedDecember thatthe interrelationship between
02401 following a change in theapplicant's requirements for 30, 1996.Teledyne Controls this design change and any
address. environmentalprotection and the Master Data List No. MDL otherpreviously installed design
associated certified noise and/ or 2231500-14C initial change and/ or repair will
emissions levelsof the original release,dated November 14, introduce noadverse effect upon
product are unchangedand remain 1996.orlater revisions of the the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to thiscertificate/ above listed documents
approval. approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or

04/01/2023 Page 58 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016180 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA ST03394AT JETSTREAM 4100 Installation of an Avionics Innovations The Certification Basis (CB) for the EMTEQ Master Drawing List Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10016180
DMP-100/-200 Digital MediaPlayer (DMP) for original product remains applicableto (MDL) No. 2-43923-001, Rev. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02409) the reproduction of Boarding Music and this certificate/ approval.The D.Instructions for Continued thatthe interrelationship between
Cabin Briefings.Revision 1 transferred from requirements for environmental Airworthiness:- 2-43923-902 this design change and any
EMTEQ Engineering to B/E Aerospace. protection and the (Installation)- 2-43923-910 otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or (AMM)- 2-43923-911 (IPC) change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10016190 SAFRAN CABIN INC. REV. 2 FAA ST02144LA B777-200 Pantry installation P/N C801001-101, P/N The Certification Basis (CB) for the Drawing list C801000 rev. F Prior to installation of this design 04/11/2013 Active 10016190
C801001-103 and C802001-101 original product remains applicableto dated April 22, 2008C<(>&<) change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02421) this certificate/ approval.The >D Zodiac drawing List thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental number C802000 Rev. C dated this design change and any
protection and the October 20,2008FAA otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or amended STC No. change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original ST02144LAor later revisions of introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the above listed documents the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA
approval. inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10016215 DASSAULT FALCON REV. 1 FAA STC MYSTERE FALCON 50 (MF50) Installation of the Inertial Reference System FAA STC ST9304SC-D.Airplane As per FAA STC ST09304SC-D 04/05/2012 Active 10016215
JET CORPORATION- ST09304SC-D Modifications(installation of Securaplane Maintenance Manual
(EASA.IM.A.S.02463) COMPLETION XL-245 batteries in lieu of Saft batteriesto Supplement Report No. 36606
CENTER– (HANGAR 2 provide backup power) in accordance with (SecuraplaneXL245 Battery)
AND Drawing List report No.F50-01188 Revision dated 30th June 1999 or later
NC dated 23rd July 1999or later approved approved revisions.
10016223 CHEYENNE TECH REV. 1 FAA SA01379WI PA-42-720 (CHEYENNE IIIA) Dual Digital Air Data System Installation The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Supplement This revision 1 is limited to 14/03/2016 Active 10016223
PA-42-1000 (CHEYENNE Qualified for Operation inRVSM original product remains applicableto FMS8000-34254, IR/ 7 Installation 4 as per
(EASA.IM.A.S.02471) 400LS) Airspace.Installation number 4 for equipment this certificate/ approval.The September 2011or later MDL8000-34254, Rev.S/ 15 August
configuration: Dual Garmin G600integrated requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed 2011 for equipment configuration:
display system, AL-285 Altitude Alerter, protection and the documents approved by EASA Dual Garmin G600integrated
Skylight ADC-602AAIU, APS-65 FD/AP. associatedcertified noise and/ or inaccordance with EASA ED display system, AL-285 Altitude
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or Alerter, Skylight ADC-602AAIU,
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis APS-65 FD/AP.Prior to installation
applicable to this certificate/ decision) and/ or the of this design change it must be
approval. Technical Implementation determined thatthe inte...
Procedures of EU/USA
Bilateral Agreement.-
10016227 ISRAEL AEROSPACE REV. 5 CAA ISRAEL STC B737-400 Major Change to STC 10016227 Revision 4 for The Certification Basis for the original MDL TR 365-00-00-B4200 Not Applicable 27/03/2012 Active 10016227
INDUSTRIES, LTD.IAI SA160 the IAI 737-400conversionto freighter product remains applicable tothis issue Tor later revisions of the
(EASA.IM.A.S.02479) aircraft. Update of the MDL TR 365-00-00- certificate/ approval.The certificated above listed documents
B4200 from issue Nto Issue T.All design noiseand/ or emissions levels of the approved by EASA
changes being of level 2 and approved by the original productare unchanged and
CAAI, theworking arrangement (EASA/CAAI remain applicable to this certificate/
22Nov2004) applies. approval.
10016239 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 4 TCCA STC BOMBARDIER BD-700-1A11 Installation of Class 2 Electronic Flight Bag EASA TCDS No. IM.A.009The EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S. This installation approval does not 17/02/2011 Active 10016239
SA07-117 BOMBARDIER BD-700-1A10 (EFB). Certification Basis for the original 02508 (10016239) Rev 2 constitute operational approval
(EASA.IM.A.S.02508) product remains applicable tothis dated 24 September forany use of the EFB. This
certificate.The certificated noise and/ 2009.TCCA STC No. SA07-117 approval is for the EFBsystem
or emissions levels of the original Issue 6 dated 30 July structuralmounting and
productare unchanged and remain 2009.TCCA SoC reference interconnect wiring only.
applicable to this certificate. C-10-0345 dated 04 May
2010.Aero Consulting Services
Modification Data Summary
Number F376000Revision M
dated 28 April
2010.Bombardier Airplane
Flight Manual Su...
10016241 DECRANE REV. 1 FAA STC BOEING 737-700 Installation of Canadian Marconi CMA-2101 The Certification Basis for the original Hollingsead Master Data List None. 18/11/2009 Active 10016241
AEROSPACE PATS ST00741LA-D High Gain SATCOM Antenna.This STC revises product remains applicable tothis 12094 Rev. C dated July 02,
(EASA.IM.A.S.02513) AIRCRAFT,LLC and supersedes EASA STC EASA.IM.A.S. certificate/ approval. 1999or later revision of the
02513. The revisionwas issued to reflect the above document approved by
transfer from Hollingshead International EASA in accordancewith EASA
toDecrane Aerospace PATS Aircraft. ED decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions of

04/01/2023 Page 59 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016246 RAISBECK REV. 4 FAA STC 2. C90A, C90GT, C90GTI Installation of Raisbeck/Hartzell Quiet The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation of Raisbeck/ Propellers and Propeller 19/02/2016 Active 10016246
ENGINEERING Inc. SA3593NM 1. 65-A90, B90, C90, E90 Turbofan Propellersor SweptBlade Turbofan original product remains applicableto Hartzell Quiet Turbofan Limitations:Either 2 Hartzell HC-
(EASA.IM.A.S.02521) Propellers and optional Increased Gross this certificate/ approval.This Propellersor SweptBlade D4N-3C Hubs with Hartzell D9290K
Weight inaccordance with Raisbeck certificate/approval involves a Turbofan Propellers, and Blades in Pairs,or 2 Hartzell HC-
Engineering Master Drawing List 86-2500. change to the requirements optional Increased Gross D4N-3C Hubs with Hartzell
forenvironmental protection or a Weight inaccordance with D9510SK Blades in Pairs.For
change to the certified noise or Raisbeck Engineering Master 2Hartzell HC-D4N-3C Hubs with
emissionslevels. Drawing List 86-2500,Revision Hartzell D9290K Blades in
AM, dated October 13, Pairs.Diameter 93.0 in.
2009;Aircraft must be (Maximum); Minimum allowable
operated in accordance with for repair:N...
the applicable FAA-ap...
10016260 JET AVIATION ST. REV. 1 FAA STC CL-600-2B16 (604 VARIANT) Installation of a Cabin Interior Arrangement, The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Jet Aviation St. Louis, Inc. Restricted to ASN 5701 and 31/03/2017 Active 10016260
LOUIS, Inc. ST02543CH-D Passenger Oxygen System,and Emergency original product remains applicableto Index List 41-299G004, subsequent aircraft.Prior to
(EASA.IM.A.S.02539) Lighting.Rev. 1: Editorial changes including this certificate/ approval.The Revision G, dated1 June 2011 installation of this design change it
name change and Major Level 2changes from requirements for environmental or later FAA approved must be determined thatthe
FAA STC. protection and the revision.2. FAA approved interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or Airplane Flight Manual design change and any
emissions levels of the original Supplements 41-424M001 otherpreviously installed design
product areunchanged and remain RevisionNC, dated 9 April change and/ or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ 2008 applicable to introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. configurations 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, the airworthiness of the product....
8& 9; 41-261M002, Revision
A, dated 10 Aprilc...
10016263 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GULFSTREAM G150 Installation of an Executive cabin interior in The Certification Basis for the original Gulfstream Index List Installation of this STC requires 12/07/2017 Active 10016263
AEROSPACE ST10316SC-D accordance withGulfstream Index List product as amendedby thefollowing GA322048000, Rev"-", dated incorporation of:1) When optional
(EASA.IM.A.S.02543) CORPORATION GA322048000.Reason for revision 1: The additional or alternative 14 Aug 2006.Flight Manual ICG/Iridium Satcom is installed,
Satcom system is now an optionalinstallation, airworthiness requirements for Supplement GA31204M000, ICG/Iridium SatcomAntenna is
revised Limitation and Conditions section, theSpecial Condition(s):D-03: Side Rev J , dated 12 required per STC EASA.IM.A.S.
Instructionsfor continued airworthiness more Facing Single Occupant Nov2007.Instructions for 02485 (ST10314SC-D)<(>,<)>2)
detailed and STC holder addresschanged. Seat.Equivalent Safety Finding Continued When optional XM radio system is
(s):D-04: Frangible Lavatory Airworthiness:GA32204A202, installed, XM antenna installationis
Door.D-05: Emergency Exit Marker, Rev "B" dated August 7, 2006 required per STC EASA.IM.A.S.
Locator signs.De... (-101 02663 (ST1031...
Rev "A" dated September 26,
2006 (-111
10016292 SAFRAN CABIN REV. 1 FAA STC BOEING 757-200 SERIES Galley installation. Driessen Master Data List None. 18/02/2010 Active 10016292
GALLEYS US, INC. ST00843LA MDLI-101152 Revision C,
(EASA.IM.A.S.02588) 23/06/2000.
10016295 STG AEROSPACE REV. 2 FAA STC B737-700/-800/-900 Installation of an STG Aerospace PowerSmart The Certification Basis for the original -Master Drawing List (MDL) None 08/08/2011 Active 10016295
Inc.AKA SAFTGLO, ST03465AT B737-300/-400/-500 Wireless Emergency PrimaryPower System product and the followingadditional STG Doc. No. 71430000 Rev.
(EASA.IM.A.S.02592) Inc. (WEPPS) in accordance with STG Master or alternative airworthiness G dated October 5<(>,<)>
Drawing List (MDL)No. 71430000 requirements are applicable tothis 2009-Instructions for
certificate/ approval.The certification Continued Airworthiness (ICA)
basis was updated in accordance STG Doc. No. 71436006Rev. B
with FAA policy forsignificant dated August 5, 2009-
changes in FAA Order 8110.48. FAR Enhanced Zonal Analysis
25 Amendment 25-0 thro... Procedure (EZAP) Ref.
0710436002 Rev. IR-FAA STC
ST03465AT as amended July
29, 2010or later revi...
10016304 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Aircraft Completion, 14 Passenger Interior EASA IM.A.009.The Certification Basis EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S. Restricted to ASN 9237.This does 07/06/2010 Active 10016304
LSA07-285/D Configuration. for the original product remains 02601.TCCA STC No. C- not constitute an operational
(EASA.IM.A.S.02601) applicable tothis certificate/ LSA07-285/D Issue 1 dated 02 approval of the Wireless LocalArea
approval.The certificated noise and/ November 2007.TCCA SoC ref. Network (WLAN) system. It is the
or emissions levels of the original C-10-0426 dated 01 June operator's responsibility toobtain
productare unchanged and remain 2010.Aero Consulting Services operational approval for the
applicable to this certificate/ Modification Data Summary airborne use of
approval. F461000 Revision Adated 27 transmittingportable electronic
April 2010.Aero Consulting devices in accordance with the
Services Flight Manual operating rules ofthe appl...
Supplement G-FM25000160
RevisionNC or la...

04/01/2023 Page 60 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016316 BOMBARDIER INC. - REV. 7 TCCA STC BD100 CHALLENGER 300 Installation, In-Service Improvement EASA TCDS IM.A.080 Issue 3, 26th - Transport Canada Not applicable 28/10/2010 Active 10016316
COMPLETION SA07-119 ModificationsIn-service design improvements October 2010The Certification Basis Supplemental Type Certificate
(EASA.IM.A.S.02622) CENTREMONTREAL to cabin interior featuresRevision of the EASA for the original product remains SA07-119 Issue 2, dated20th
STC 10016316, Rev. 6 due to revised applicable tothiscertificate/ October 2010.- Transport
technicaldata (Modification Data Summary approval.The requirements for Canada Approved Aero
F344000 Rev. H ) environmental protection and the Consulting Services Ltd.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ModificationData Summary
emissions levels of the original F344000 Revision H, dated
product areunchanged and remain 28th September 2010or later
ap... revisions ofthe above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance wit...
10016318 DELTA ENGINEERING REV. 1 FAA STC B767-300 Installation of Panasonic Avionics Overhead The Certification Basis for the original MDL 0144-06099-2153, Limited to installation on aircraft 11/02/2011 Active 10016318
CORPORATION ST02404NY-D In-Flight EntertainmentSystem product and the followingadditional revision F, 08/10/2010ICA already fitted with
(EASA.IM.A.S.02624) or alternative airworthiness 0744-06105-2153, Rev Cor HeathTechnaNuLook interior
requirements are applicable tothis later revisions of the above (Configuration 4) ref EASA STC
certificateAs defined in the TCDS listed documents approved by IM.A.S.02474
plusthe following for changed EASA inaccordance with EASA
areasFAR Section,,Title,,At ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
Amendment,,§25.831,,Ventilation,, subsequent revisions ofthis
25-89,,§25.853,,Compartment inter... decision)
10016319 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 6 FAA ST01950SE 777-200 Installation of an overhead flight crew rest The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List A7FS700- - Boeing Service Bulletin 09/10/2020 Active 10016319
- FSI above Door 1Rev 5: The new OFCRs will have product as amendedby thefollowing D01 rev BKAFM Supplement 777-25-0429, dated October 15,
(EASA.IM.A.S.02627) B/E Lighting and Integrated Systems (B/ELIS) additional or alternative TP07-700AFM rev 2B/E-FSI 2008.- Boeing Service Bulletin
LED lighting and Panasonic Avionics (PAC) IFE airworthiness requirements:- As per Top Collector A700000-001 777-21-0191, Revision Original
components installedcompatible with the IFE TCDS and the following requirements rev CICA Supplement Issue, datedDecember 2, 2019 and
system installedunder concurrent main deck at a later amendment:JAR 25 at A7FS700-D15 rev L.B/E-FSI the following Boeing Installation
B/E– FSI STC 10064791.Rev. 6: cor... change 13: 25.811 (b)(c)(d)(1)(2)(g), Top Collector B761000-0001 DeviationRecords:777-21-0191-
25.812(a)(1)(b)(1)(i)(c)(e)(i), rev - WB037-0001, dated December 24,
Appendix F Part IICS 25 a... 2019777-21-0191-WB037-0002,
dated August 18, 2020777-2...
10016332 BOMBARDIER REV. 1 TCCA C- BD-700-1A11 Installation, Interior Completions In-Service EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis -EASA STC no. EASA.IM.A.S. Restricted to ASN 9249 20/04/2011 Active 10016332
AEROSPACE LSA07-229/D Improvement Modificationsfor ASN 9249. for the original product remains 02641-TCCA STC no. C-
(EASA.IM.A.S.02641) applicable tothis certificate/ LSA07-229/D Issue 1 dated 19
approval.The requirements for December 2007-ACS-NAI Ltd.
environmental protection and the Modification Data Summary
associatedcertificated noise and/or F428000 Revision B or
emissions levels of the original laterapproved revision.-
product areunchanged and remain Bombardier Airplane Flight
applicable to this certificate/appr... Manual Supplement G-
FM25000163 Revision N/C.-
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness GC92490000-
10016347 SPECTRUM REV. 1 FAA STC BAE 125 SERIES 1000B Installation of an air ambulance conversion The Certification Basis for the original - Spectrum Aeromed Inc. Prior to installation of this design 23/04/2019 Active 10016347
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a ST01248CH BAE 125 SERIES 1000A product remains applicable tothis Drawing 6036-DMS, No change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02664) SPECTRUM certificate/ approval, except where Revision, dated Janury thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED amended by additional or 26,2000 or later revision of this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA the above listed document otherpreviously installed design
STC ST01248CH.The requirements for approved by EASA change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and inaccordance with EASA ED introduce noadverse effect upon
theassociatedcertified noise and/ or decision 2004/04/CF (or the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the or... subsequent revisions ofthis
decision).- AFM Supplement
dated August 4, 2007 or later
approved revision.
10016348 SPECTRUM REV. 1 FAA STC 31, 31A, 35 , 35A Installation of an air ambulance conversion The Certification Basis for the original Spectrum Aeromed Inc. 1. AFM Supplement dated 23/04/2019 Active 10016348
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a ST01607CH; LBA product remains applicable tothis Drawing 6017-DMS-Z1, December 7, 2001 or later
(EASA.IM.A.S.02666) SPECTRUM STC TA0 certificate/ approval, except where Revision 2, dated December approved revision isrequired.2.
AEROMED amended by additional or 2, 2001 or later revision of the Installation requires previous or
lateramendments if indicated on FAA above listed documents concurrent installation per LBA
STC ST01607CH.The requirements for approved by EASA in STCTA0512 (STC ST01026WI).3.
environmental protection and accordance with EASA ED Prior to installation of this design
theassociatedcertified noise and/ or decision 2004/04/CF (or change it must be determinedthat
emissions levels of the or... subsequent revisions of this the interrelationship between this
decision). design change andp...

04/01/2023 Page 61 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016349 SPECTRUM REV. 1 FAA STC SEE FAA AML Install Air Ambulance Conversion The Certification Basis for the original Sprectrum Aeromed Inc. Prior to installation of this design 24/04/2019 Active 10016349
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a SA00882CH product remains applicable tothis drawings as listed on AML change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02668) SPECTRUM certificate/ approval, except where SA00882CH,dated 28February thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED amended by additional or 2019, or later FAA approved this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA revision. otherpreviously installed design
STC SA00882CH.The requirements change and/ or repair will
for environmental protection and introduce noadverse effect upon
theassociatedcertified noise and/ or the airworthiness ofthe
emissions levels of the or... product.The STC is valid for aircraft
types and models a...
10016350 SPECTRUM REV. 1 FAA STC PA-42, PA-42-1000, Install Air Ambulance Conversion The Certification Basis for the original - Spectrum Aeromed Master Prior to installation of this design 24/04/2019 Active 10016350
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a SA00972CH PA-42-720 product remains applicable tothis Drawing List 6004DL, Revision change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02669) SPECTRUM certificate/ approval, except where 2, dated 10 July2012, or later thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED amended by additional or FAA approved revision.- this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA AirplaneFlight Manual otherpreviously installed design
STC SA00972CH.The requirements Supplement, 6004FMS, change and/ or repair will
for environmental protection and Revision 2, dated 22August introduce noadverse effect upon
theassociatedcertified noise and/ or 2012, or later FAA approved the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the or... revision.- Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness,
Manual 6004MM, No
Revision,dated 10 J...
10016379 ROCKWELL COLLINS, REV. 1 FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL EASA validation of FAA STC ST01431WI-D. The Certification Basis (CB) for the Rockwell Collins, Inc. Drawing See those of original FAA STC 24/05/2017 Active 10016379
Inc. ST01431WI-D LIST Modification of a RockwellCollins, Inc. Data original product remains applicableto Index RCA-0123-001 Rev G, ST01431WI-D as well as those of
(EASA.IM.A.S.02703) Base Unit (DBU) installation, in accordance this certificate/ approval.The andSee the associated EASA thedocuments listed above under
withRockwell Collins, Inc. Drawing Index requirements for environmental Approved Model List (AML) associated technical
RCA-0123-001 Rev G or laterapproved protection and the attached to thisapproval documentation.Prior to
revisions.The FAA STC ST01431WI-Dwas associatedcertified noise and/ or certificate which contains the installation of this design change it
initially validated by EASA on 15th emissions levels of the original list of aeroplane models must be determined thatthe
October2008. This in... product areunchanged and remain onwhich this airworthiness interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ approval applies, design change and any
approval. theapplicable installationdata otherpreviously installed design
requirements and specific change and/...
10016381 BLACKHAWK REV. 1 FAA SA10560SC C90GTI Installation of Wing Mounted Auxiliary Fuel CS-23 Installation of Wing Mounted None 16/09/2011 Active 10016381
MODIFICATIONS Inc. Transfer Tank in BeechC90GTi. This project is Auxiliary Fuel Transfer Tank in
(EASA.IM.A.S.02705) to amend EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S.02705. accordancewith Master
Drawing List No. 8007-II-000,
Rev. B, dated 13.
December2008 or later
approved revision.Type
Design Data is provided in
Master Drawing 8007-00-000,
Rev. C,dated 13. December
2008 or later approved
revision.Operation m...
10016394 APB WINGLETS REV. 7 FAA STC BOEING 767-300, -300F Installation of Aviation Partners Boeing The Certification Basis for the original Approved Model Lists: - Operational/ Performance 10/08/2015 Active 10016394
COMPANY, LLC ST01920SE Winglets, wing structuralreinforcement and product as amendedby thefollowing 767-300 and -300BCF „Partial limitations are defined within
(EASA.IM.A.S.02723) related system changes (formerly IM.A.S. additional or alternative Wing Retrofit Installation theAFMsupplement.This STC is
02723)Revision 4: compatibility with BCF airworthiness requirements:As (767-300-1 Kit)“: AP67.3- approved for a/c equipped with
modification as per STC 10043661 detailed in CRI A-01 Issue 7 dated 06 AML1920 RevIR, 15th October General Electric CF6-80C2series
isconfirmed. CRI A-01 updated. Aug 2015,the followingapplies:-,,For 2008 - 767-300F „Partial engines or Pratt and Whitney PW
Associateddocumentation parts changed or affected by this STC Wing RetrofitInstallation 4000 series engines with noengine
updated.Replacement of LED modules:- P/N the Certification Basisbaseline is (767-300F-1 Kit)“:AP67.3F- strut vibration isolators installed
32-45... EASA CS 25 amendmen... AML1920, 8th July 2009 - only.The STC is approved for
767-300 and -300BCF 767-300F airplanes t...
„Winglet Installation
10016397 ROCKWELL COLLINS, REV. 1 FAA SEE APPROVED MODEL LIST Modification of a Collins DBU-4000 or The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation in accordance 1. Prior installation of Collins 14/02/2017 Active 10016397
Inc. SA01430WI-D DBU-4100 Data Base Unitinstallation to a original product remains applicableto with: Collins Master Drawing DBU-4000 part numbers
(EASA.IM.A.S.02726) Collins DBU-5000 Installation. this certificate/ approval.The List ref AML NoEASA.IM.A.S. 622-9865-001/-002or DBU-4100
requirements for environmental 02726, dated 15 October part numbers
protection and the 2008, or later approved 822-0014-101/-102/-103/-104 is a
associatedcertified noise and/ or revision;or later revisions of prerequisiteto this STC.2. Prior to
emissions levels of the original the above listed documents installation of this modification the
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA installer mustdetermine that the
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED interrelationship between this
approval. Decision 2004/04/CF (or modification and anyother
subsequent revisions ofthis previo...
decision) and/ o...

04/01/2023 Page 62 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016400 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REV. 1 TCCA STC DHC-6-100, Installation of single or dual Sandel SN4500 FAR 23 -Installation in accordance None 03/08/2010 Active 10016400
AIRCRAFT SA07-131 DHC-6-200,DHC-6-300 primary navigationdisplay(s) (EHSI) with with Rocky Mountain Aircraft
(EASA.IM.A.S.02729) optional SA4550 primary attitude display(s) (RMA)Modification
(EADI) Instruction E100010, Rev-,
Transport Canada Civil
Aviation(TCCA) approved
March 10, 2010, or later
approved revisions.-
Operation in accordance with
Rocky Mountain Aircraft
(RMA) FlightManual
Supplement E100030, Rev-,
10016403 BLACKHAWK REV. 1 FAA SA10737SC B. B200CT, B200T Installation of Pratt and Whitney PT6A-61 CS-23 -Installation of Pratt & None 05/07/2010 Active 10016403
MODIFICATIONS Inc. B. A200, A200C, A200CT engines in Beech 200 Series.This project is to Whitney PT6A-61 engines in
(EASA.IM.A.S.02732) B. 200, 200C, 200CT, 200T amend EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S. 02732. accordance withMaster
A. B200, B200CT Drawing List No. 06010050,
Rev. B, dated 27. May 2008 or
laterapproved revision.-
Operation must be in
accordance with Aircraft
Flight Manual
Supplementcontained in
Drawing No. 06010000 Rev. B
dated 27. May 2008 or
10016409 AIRCRAFT REV. 5 FAA STC SEE FAA AML Installation of Cabin Interior Noise Reduction The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Drawing List AC25- Prior to installation of this design 23/07/2020 Active 10016409
TECHNICAL ST02112LA A321-212/-213/-231/-232 Kit.Revision5: Addition of model A319-153N original product remains applicableto NRA319-1000 Rev. K, dated change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02741) DEVELOPMENT A321-111/-112/-131/-211 in the applicability list. this certificate/ approval.The July 11,2012Instruction for thatthe interrelationship between
Inc.d/b/a AEROCON A320-231/-232/-233 requirements for environmental Continued Airworthiness this design change and any
ENGINEERING A320-111/-211/-212/-214 protection and the MMS-A319-1380 Rev. E, otherpreviously installed design
COMPANY A319-115/-131/-132/-133 associatedcertified noise and/ or datedJanuary 4, 2011or later change and/ or repair will
A319-111/-112/-113/-114 emissions levels of the original FAA approved revisions. introduce noadverse effect upon
A318-111/-112/-121/-122 product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10016410 ROSEMOUNT REV. 3 FAA STC A321-211/-212/-213/-231/-2 Installation of Rosemount Aerospace Certification Basis in accordance with - FAA STC ST02649CH Not applicable 18/11/2010 Active 10016410
AEROSPACE, Inc. ST02649CH 32 8700C2-4 Laptop DockingStation -Electronic EASA Type Certificate Data SheetsA. amended July 13, 2009-
(EASA.IM.A.S.02742) A321-111/-112/-131 Flight Bag (EFB) System Provisions.A319/ 064.The Certification Basis for the Rosemount Aerospace Master
A320-231/-232/-233 A320 / A321 Series 8700C2-4 Laptop Docking original product and the Data List, ref. doc. No.
A320-111/-211/-212/-214 Station (LDS) -Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) followingadditional or alternative D06402677,Revision L, dated
A319-131/-132/-133 System Provisions.Revision of the EASA STC airworthiness requirements are 9th November 2010- FAA
A319-111/-112/-113/-114/-1 10016410 Rev. 2 to add new aircraft applicable tothis certificate/ Approved Airplane Flight
15 serialnumber e... approval1. CRI F-01 "Installed Manual Supplement (AFMS),
Resources for EFB Class 2 ref. Rosemount Aerospace
Provisions"... Doc. D06402688, Revision B,
dated 13th July 2009-
Rosemount Aerospace EAPAS
10016419 FIELD AVIATION REV. 3 TCCA C- DHC-8-311 Installation of a 320cuft baggage Installation of 320cuft Prior to installation of this design 10/05/2017 Active 10016419
COMPANY Inc. LSA06-010/D compartment and installation of PBE'sand O2 baggage compartment must change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02752) bottle into the cabin (Ref. TCCA LSTC C- be performed thatthe interrelationship between
LSA06-010/D). iawModification Instruction this design change and any
202410 Revision C*) otherpreviously installed design
Installation of O2 bottle and change and/ or repair will
PBE into the cabin must be introduce noadverse effect upon
performed iawModification the airworthiness ofthe product.
Instruction 202610 Revision
C*)Maintenance mustbe
performed iaw DHC-8-300
Maintenance Manual
PSM1-83-2 sect...
10016423 BOMBARDIER Inc. REV. 42 TCCA SA04-112 BD-100-1A10 Installation of Complete Customized Aircraft The Certification Basis for the original According Aero Consulting See those of TCCA STC 10/10/2022 Active 10016423
Interior product as amendedby thefollowing Services Ltd. Configuration SA04-112.The EASA approved
(EASA.IM.A.S.02761) additional or alternative Definition ListRef D921000 configurations are identified in the
airworthiness requirements:- Special Rev AMT dated 11 Oct ConfigurationDefinition List
Condition(s):TCCA SCA 2020-04 2019To be operated iaw. Aero document Ref D921000Aircraft
Dated 8 october 2020D-10053642-1 Consulting Services Ltd.- issued with a CofA on or after 18
Issue 1: Installation of large glass AFMS D921090 Rev F and/ May 2019 must be equippedwith
items in the cabin- Equivalent Safety orTo be maintained iaw.- For Halon Free extinguishersPrior to
Finding(s):D-08 Issue 2... specific aircraft applicability installation of this change/repair it
of the Instructions for must be determined th...
ContinuedAirworthiness as
04/01/2023 Page 63 of 1,649
An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016430 FIELD AVIATION REV. 1 TCCA STC C- DHC-8-202, DHC-8-311 Honeywell AHRS to SFIM APIRS Conversion FAR 25 as per EASA.IM.A.191, Issue 5 Installation of the Conversion Installation is limited to Serial 23/05/2012 Active 10016430
COMPANY Inc. LSA08-056/D ProvisionsTCCA STC C-LSA08-056/D, Issue 2 (incl. EWIS)The Certification Basis for Provisions for Honeywell Numbers 435, 440, 441 and407
(EASA.IM.A.S.02769) the original product remains AHRS to SFIMAPIRS Retrofit
applicable tothis certificate/ must be in accordance with
approval.The requirements for TransportCanada CivilAviation
environmental protection and the (TCCA) approved Field
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Aviation Companyinc (FACi)
emissions levels of the original ModificationInstructions
product areunchanged and remai... 215710, Revision B, dated
Nov 7, 2011
revision.Conversion from
SFIM APIRS back to th...
10016433 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC 767-200/-300/-400 Install the RAAS software in the Runway The Certification Basis (CB) for the AFM Supplement, EMTEQ This STC is only valid for software 02/03/2016 Active 10016433
ST03462AT Awareness & Advisory System original product remains applicableto Document No. 2-41556-814, versions -224-224 to
(EASA.IM.A.S.02773) (RAAS).Revision 1 transferred from EMTEQ this certificate/ approval.The Rev IR, 07th -226-226.Prior to installation of
Engineeringto B/E Aerospace. requirements for environmental November2007.or later this design change it must be
protection and the revisions of the above listed determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or documents approved by EASA interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original inaccordance with EASA ED design change and any
product areunchanged and remain Decision 2004/04/CF (or otherpreviously installed design
applicable to this certificate/ subsequent revisions ofthis change and/ or repair will
approval. decision) and/ or theTechnical introduce noadverse effect upon
Implementation Procedures the airworthine...
of EU/USA Bilateral Agre...
10016434 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC 757-200/-300 Installation of the Honeywell Runway The Certification Basis (CB) for the AFM Supplement, EMTEQ This STC is only valid for software 02/03/2016 Active 10016434
ST03461AT Awareness & Advisory System original product remains applicableto Document No. 2-41556-807, versions -224-224 to
(EASA.IM.A.S.02774) (RAAS).Revision 1 transferred from EMTEQ this certificate/ approval.The Rev IR, 27th November2007or -226-226.Prior to installation of
Engineering to B/E Aerospace. requirements for environmental later revisions of the above this design change it must be
protection and the listed documents approved by determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or EASA inaccordance with EASA interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or design change and any
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis otherpreviously installed design
applicable to this certificate/ decision) and/ or the change and/ or repair will
approval. Technical Implementation introduce noadverse effect upon
Procedures of EU/USA the airworthine...
Bilateral Agree...
10016440 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GULFSTREAM GV-SP Installation of Custom Cabin Interior and Installation in accordance Aircraft Serial Number 5177 06/10/2010 Active 10016440
AEROSPACE ST03535AT-D Aircraft Completion for Aircraft Serial 5177. with Gulfstream Aerospace only.The following STC’s are a
(EASA.IM.A.S.02781) CORPORATION Corporation Master Index List required part of this
GC514915177, Rev. F, dated STC:ST02796AT-T,ST02697AT-
March 31,2008 or later FAA D,ST02715AT-D,ST03290AT-
approved revision. D,ST03238AT-Dand ST02696AT-
D.It is the installers’ responsibility
to ensure these STC’s are all EASA
10016447 SIERRA INDUSTRIES REV. 1 FAA STC CESSNA 550 CITATION II Installation of Inertial Reel Assy.´s on Pilot The Certification Basis for the original Sierra Master Drawing List, None. 06/12/2012 Active 10016447
Ltd. SA8829SW CESSNA 500 and Co-PilotShoulderHarnessIn accordance product remains applicable tothis SI220-000, rev. A, date 28
(EASA.IM.A.S.02793) with Sierra Master Drawing List, SI220-000, certificate/ approval.The March 1994;or later revisions
rev. A, date28 March 1994.Validation of FAA requirements for environmental of the above listed documents
approval STC SA8829SW.This is an protection and the approved by EASA
amendment to EASA.IM.A.S.02793 to include associatedcertificated noiseand/ or inaccordance with EASA ED
Cessna Model 500 asan approved model. emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis
applicable to this certificate/ decision).
10016458 BOMBARDIER REV. 3 TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Customized Interior Completion - ACSN 9272. EASA TCDS No. IM.A.009 - The 1. TCCA SoC letter C-09-0997 1. Restricted to ACSN 9272.2. 18/12/2009 Active 10016458
COMPLETION SA04-113 certificated noise and/or emissions dated 24 November 2009.2. Refer to the Limitations sections of
(EASA.IM.A.S.02804) CENTRE INC levels of the originalproduct are AeroConsulting Services the required AFM Supplement
unchanged and remainapplicable to Configuration Definition List andto the referenced FCOMS.3.
this approval. D954000Revision CA dated 25 WLAN systems are compatible
November 2008.3. only to IEEE 802.11(b).
Bombardier Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement G-
FM25004001 Revision B.4.
Instructionsfor Continued
Airworthiness GC92720000-
IFCA.Or later revisio...

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016460 RAISBECK REV. 1 FAA STC B200CT, B200T Installation of Butterfield Industries Oil The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Installation Data Package BI Prior to installation of this 06/08/2018 Active 10016460
ENGINEERING Inc. SA4362NM A200C, A200CT, B200, Residue Collection System KitP/N BI 1011-1 original product remains applicableto 1013, Revision C, dated 20 modification the installer must
(EASA.IM.A.S.02806) B200C, this certificate/approval.The December 2017or later determinethat the
200, 200C, 200CT, 200T, requirements for environmental approved FAA versions- interrelationship between this
A200, protection and the Drawing List BI 1012, Revision modification and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or D, dated 4 November 2013 or otherpreviously installed
emissions levels of the original later FAAapprovedversions. modification will introduce no
certificate/approval. adverse effect uponthe
airworthiness of the product.
10016461 RAISBECK REV. 1 FAA STC B200CT, B200T Installation of Butterfield Industries Air/Oil The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Installation Data Package BI - Aircraft which are not modified 06/08/2018 Active 10016461
ENGINEERING Inc. SA00829CH A200C, A200CT, B200, Separator System Kit P/N BI 6001-1 original product remains applicableto 6003, Revision H, dated 12 by STC SA4362NM, will also
(EASA.IM.A.S.02807) B200C, this certificate/approval.The November 2007or later FAA requireinstallation of an oil
200, 200C, 200CT, 200T, requirements for environmental approved versions- Drawing collection tank;- Prior to
A200, protection and the List BI 6004, Revision I, dated installation of this modification the
associatedcertified noise and/or 12 November 2013 or installer mustdeterminethat the
emissions levels of the original laterapproved FAA versions. interrelationship between this
product areunchanged and remain modification and anyother
applicable to this certificate/ previously installed modification
approval. will introduce no ad...
10016462 GOODRICH REV. 1 FAA STC MD-88, MD-90-30. Installation of Sentry One Flight Deck Door The Certification Basis for the original - Hollingsead International None 08/11/2012 Active 10016462
INTERIORS ST01788LA DC-9-87 (MD-87), Surveillance Camera System. product remains applicable tothis Master Data List No. 2788-01
(EASA.IM.A.S.02808) DC-9-83 (MD-83), certificate/ approval.The dated 15 March2005- Flight
DC-9-82 (MD-82), requirements for environmental Manual Supplement
DC-9-81 (MD-81), protection and the Document No. 2788-AFM
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or dated 03 May 2005or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above
product areunchanged and remain listeddocuments approved by
applicable to this certificate/ EASA inaccordance with EASA
approval. ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10016464 SIERRA INDUSTRIES REV. 1 FAA STC CESSNA CITATION 550 AND Pilot's Control Wheel Mounted Alternate The Certification Basis for the original Ref. LBA STC nr. STA 1309 of Prior to installation of this design 27/02/2013 Active 10016464
Ltd. ST09011SC S550 Gear Horn Silence Switch.In accordance with product remains applicable tothis 30 January 2003;Sierra change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02810) CESSNA 500 Sierra Master Drawing List, SI260-000, rev. IR, certificate/ approval.The Master Drawing List, thatthe interrelationship between
date25 Jan 1994.Validation of FAA approval requirements for environmental SI260-000, rev. IR, date 25 Jan this design change and any
STC ST09011SC.Amend EASA.IMAS.02810 to protection and the 1994;or later revisions of the otherpreviously installed design
include the Cessna Model 500 as an associatedcertificated noiseand/ or above listed documents change and/ or repair will
approvedmodel. emissions levels of the original approved by EASA introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or
approval. subsequent revisions ofthis
decision) and/ or the
Technical Implementation...
10016465 SIERRA INDUSTRIES REV. 1 FAA STC CESSNA S550 (CITATION S/II) Installation of Gas Cylinder Nose baggage The Certification Basis for the original Sierra Master Drawing List, None. 06/12/2012 Active 10016465
Ltd. SA09229SC CESSNA 550 CITATION II Door OpenersIn accordance with Sierra product remains applicable tothis SI380-00, rev C, date 24 Sept.
(EASA.IM.A.S.02811) CESSNA 500 Master Drawing List, SI380-000, rev. C,date24 certificate/ approval.The 1996;or later revisions of the
Sept 1996.Validation of FAA approval STC requirements for environmental above listed documents
SA09229SC.This is an amendment to protection and the approved by EASA
EASA.IM.A.S.02811 to include Cessna Model associatedcertificated noiseand/ or inaccordance with EASA ED
500 asan approved model. emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF
product areunchanged and remain (orsubsequent revisions ofthis
applicable to this certificate/ decision).
10016476 BOMBARDIER REV. 2 TCCA SA08-35 BD-100-1A10 Observer Seat Installation, Model 409-0001 / Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - Transport Canada Observer Seat for crew use only 21/01/2011 Active 10016476
AEROSPACE ISSUE 3 Installation ofan observer seat between the IM.A.080 Issue 2, 8th October Supplemental Type Certificate
(EASA.IM.A.S.02826) avionics racks, forward ofthe main passenger 2008The Certification Basis for the SA08-35 Issue 3, dated4th
cabin.Revision of EASA STC 10016476, Rev. 1 original productremains applicable November 2010.- Transport
due to revised technical data(Modification tothis certificate/ approvalThe Canada Approved Aero
Data Summary F797000 Rev. D). requirements for environmental Consulting Services Ltd.
protection and the ModificationData Summary
associatedcertificated noise and/ or E797000Revision D, dated 1st
emissions levels of the original November 2010.- Transport
product a... Canada Approved Aero
Consulting Services Ltd
Airplane FlightManual Suppl...

04/01/2023 Page 65 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016477 BOMBARDIER REV. 1 TCCA STC CL600-2B16 (604 VARIANT) Installation of AVS-470 Tail Camera System. The Certification Basis for the original - Aero Consulting Services For Configuration -2, -3 and -5, the 11/06/2013 Active 10016477
AEROSPACE SA08-58 ISSUE 2 product remains applicable tothis Modification Data Summary modification defined by
(EASA.IM.A.S.02828) certificate/ approval.The F782001 Revision A- SA97-71must be embodied as a
requirements for environmental Instruction for Continued prerequisite.Prior to installation of
protection and the Airworthiness Document this modification it must be
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or F396-IFCA Revision BIor later determined thatthe
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed interrelationship between this
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA modification and any other
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with the previouslyinstalled modification
approval. Canada/EU TIP for and/ or repair will introduce nou...
Airworthiness and
10016478 BOMBARDIER REV. 4 TCCA SA04-113 BD-700-1A10 Aircraft Completion, 13 Passenger Interior EASA IM.A.009The Certification Basis -EASA STC No. IM.A.S.02830 Restricted to ASN 9274 and1) 12/04/2011 Active 10016478
AEROSPACE Configuration for the original product remains (10016478) Revision 2 dated Refer to the Limitations sections of
(EASA.IM.A.S.02830) applicable tothis certificate/ 17 June 2010.-TCCA STC No. the required AFM Supplement
approvalThe certificated noise and/ SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 andto the referenced FCOMS.2)
or emissions levels of the original October 2004.-Aero WLAN system is compatible only
productare unchanged and remain Consulting Services to IEEE 802.11(b).
applicable to this certificate/ Configuration Definition List
approval D954000 RevisionGG dated 18
February 2011.-Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
GC92740000-IFCA.or later
revisions of t...
10016495 SMA AERO ENGINES REV. 1 182R Installation of of Société de Motorisations The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation Instructions “SMA Cessna model 182Q airplanes 14/04/2021 Active 10016495
GMBH 182Q, 182R Aéronautiques (SMA) AircraftDiesel Engine original product remains applicableto Engines Inc. Airplane eligible for this approval are:S/
(EASA.IM.A.S.02857) 182Q (ADE) model SR305-230-1 (or SR305-230 this certificate/ approval.The Installation Manualfor Cessna N’s18263479, and 18265966
converted to modelSR305-230-1 by requirements for environmental 182 fitted with an SMA through 18267715, except for
incorporation of SMA Service Bulletin protection and the SR305-230-1 Engine” Rev. 18267302.Cessna model 182R
SB-01-76-002), MTPropeller model MTV-9- associatedcertified noise and/ or Basic Issuedated June 30, airplanes eligible for this approval
BS/198-58B propeller and other emissions levels of the product are 2006SMA Master DrawingList are S/N’s18267716 through
minormodifications.Rev. 1: Transfer... unchangedand remain applicable to SP01170314-0 Rev B, dated 18268586, and 18267302.Prior to
this certificate/approval without any June 9, 2006SMA Pilot’s installation of this change/repair it
im... Operating Handbook and must be determined that...
Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement,dated No...
10016501 BEECHCRAFT REV. 5 FAA SA10747SC 2. C90, E90 Increase Operating Gross Weight Approval(as The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Increase in gross weight None 09/02/2015 Active 10016501
CORPORATION 1. C90A, C90GT, C90GTI defined in the attached table) original product remains applicableto installation in accordance
(EASA.IM.A.S.02863) this certificate/ approval.The with Cen TexAerospace
requirements for environmental Incorporated (Inc.) Drawing
protection and the No 030-0000-0000, Rev G.-
associatedcertified noise and/ or Operation in accordance with
emissions levels of the original Cen Tex Aerospace
product areunchanged and remain Incorporated (Inc.)Aircraft
applicable to this certificate/ Flight Manual Supplement
approval. defined in Drawing No
030-0000-1000,Rev G.-For
C90A (PT6A-135A), C90GT a...
10016505 GOODRICH REV. 1 FAA STC 737-800 Installation of Hollingsead Sentry One Cabin The Certification Basis for the original - Hollingsead International None 08/11/2012 Active 10016505
INTERIORS ST01007LA-D Video Camera System. product remains applicable tothis Drawing List 2712-02,
(EASA.IM.A.S.02869) certificate/ approval.The Revision A dated03/06/2003-
requirements for environmental Flight Manual Supplement
protection and the Hollingsead International Inc.
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or document No.2712-AFM,
emissions levels of the original revision N/C dated
product areunchanged and remain 03/06/2003or later revisions
applicable to this certificate/ of the above listed documents
approval. approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or...
10016517 ROCKWELL COLLINS, REV. 1 FAA SEE APPROVED MODEL LIST Modification of Collins GPS-4000 or The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Collins Drawing Index 1. This STC does not approve 15/02/2017 Active 10016517
Inc. SA01434WI-D GPS-4000A Global Positioning Sensor(GPS) original product remains applicableto RCA-0124-001 Rev-A, dated WAAS LPV.2. Prior FAA
(EASA.IM.A.S.02888) system installation to a Collins this certificate/ approval.The February 14th, 2007,or latest approvedinstallation of Collins
GPS-4000SGlobal PositioningSensor (GPS) requirements for environmental revision level of the Drawing GPS-4000 part
system installation. protection and the Index- AFM Supplement numbers822-0931-001/-002/-003
associatedcertified noise and/ or ACC-07-009 Rev-A dated April or GPS-4000A part number
emissions levels of the original 2nd, 2007 or 822-1377-001 is aprerequisite to
product areunchanged and remain laterFAAapproved revisions;or this STC.3. Prior to installation of
applicable to this certificate/ later revisions of the above this modification the installer
approval. listed documents approved by mustdetermine that the
EASA inaccordance with EASA interrelationship betw...
ED Decisi...

04/01/2023 Page 66 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016518 ROCKWELL COLLINS, REV. 2 FAA SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Modification of Rockwell Collins GPS-4000 or The Certification Basis (CB) for the - FAA STC ST01433WI-D, None 21/03/2019 Active 10016518
Inc. ST01433WI-D LIST GPS-4000A - RockwellCollins GPS-4000S original product remains applicableto amended January 24th 2012;-
(EASA.IM.A.S.02889) Global Positioning Sensor installationRevision this certificate/ approval.The FAA Approved Model List
1 due to additional models requirements for environmental (AML), RCA-0396, Revision J,
applicability.Revision2 due to correction of protection and the November 6th,2012;- Collins
model list. associatedcertified noise and/ or Drawing Index, ref. Doc.
emissions levels of the original RCA-0125-001, Rev.
product areunchanged and remain K;Airplane Flight Manual
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement, ref. Doc.
approval. ACC-07-010, Rev.B or
laterrevisions of the above
listed document(s)
10016523 GOODRICH REV. 1 FAA STC 737-300, 737-400, 737-500 Installation of Hollinsead Sentry One Cabin The Certification Basis for the original - Hollingsead International None 07/11/2012 Active 10016523
INTERIORS ST01638LA mounted Video Camera System. product remains applicable tothis Master Data List 2767-01,
(EASA.IM.A.S.02896) certificate/ approval.The Revision NC
requirements for environmental dated18/05/2004- Flight
protection and the Manual Supplement
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or HollingseadInternational Inc.
emissions levels of the original document No.2767-AFM,
product areunchanged and remain revision Original dated
applicable to this certificate/ 02/06/2004or later revisions
approval. of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004...
10016535 BRUCE AEROSPACE REV. 1 FAA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation of Floor Proximity Emergency EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S. Seat Mounted Proximity Lighting 30/06/2011 Active 10016535
Inc. ST00941LA Escape Path Marking System. for the original product remains 02912 dated 15 September System:-Exit identifiers and flood
(EASA.IM.A.S.02912) applicable tothis certificate/ 2008.FAA STC No. ST00941LA lights (e.g. part number BR9279-
approval.The requirements for dated 07 May 2008.Bruce series): aminimum oftwo out of
environmental protection and the Aerospace Master Drawing five lamps in each part must be
associatedcertificated noise and/ or List No. 710-002 at the operative.-All light modules (e.g.
emissions levels of the original followingrevisions:-Rev G, part number BR9644-series): a
product areunchanged and remain Item 1, dated 1 May 2000-Rev minimum of oneout of two lamps
applicable to this certificate/ ap... L, Item 4, dated 7 July 2000- in each part must be operative.
Rev AN, Item 22, dated 14
March 2001-Rev BF, Item 33,
dated 21 No...
10016544 BOMBARDIER Inc. REV. 5 TCCA SA08-48 BD-700-1A10, BD-700-1A11 Installation, Interior Completions In-Service EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA SoC ref. C-11-0232 None 11/05/2011 Active 10016544
Improvement Modifications for the original product remains dated 27 April 2011TCCA STC
(EASA.IM.A.S.02923) applicable tothis certificate/ No. SA08-48 Issue 2 dated 27
approval.The requirements for August 2009ACS-NAI Ltd.
environmental protection and the Modification Data Summary
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Number F727000 Revision H
emissions levels of the original orlater approved revisionor
product areunchanged and remain later revisions of the above
applicable to this certificate/ ap... listed documents approvedby
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/02/CF (or
10016549 JETAIRE AEROSPACE, REV. 2 FAA STC B737-300/-400 Installation of fire protection systems, lower The Certification Basis for the original B737-300:- Hollingsead None. 29/08/2012 Active 10016549
LLC ST01466LA-D cargo compartment Class Dto Class C product remains applicable tothis International Master Data List
(EASA.IM.A.S.02929) conversion.Original FAA STC ST01466LA-D for certificate/ approval.The certificated No. 2708-01, Revision
B737-300;this revision is implementing the noiseand/ or emissions levels of the NC,dated 26 JAN 2004-
validation of FAA STC ST00749LA-D original productare unchanged and Hollingsead International FAA
forB737-400. remain applicable to this certificate/ Approved Flight Manual
approval. Supplement No.2708-AFM,
Revision NC, dated 26 JAN
2004- Hollingsead
International Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness No.
2708-14, Revision C, da...
10016559 BLACKHAWK REV. 1 FAA SA5786SW 425 (CONQUEST) Installation of Pratt and Whitney Canada (P< The Certification Basis (CB) for the BMI AFM Supplement Engine and propeller limits refer to 19/11/2014 Active 10016559
MODIFICATIONS Inc. (>&<)>WC) PT6A-135 orPT6A-135A engines original product remains applicableto CE-425-1, Rev. A, FAA FAA STC SA5786SWPrior to
(EASA.IM.A.S.02944) and McCauley 4HFR34C762/94LMA-4 this certificate/ approval.This approved September7, installation of this design change it
propellers on theCessna 425 airplanes certificate/approval involves a 1999Engine instrument must be determined thatthe
considering current ICAO Annex 16 Chapter change to the requirements markings iaw. FAA STC interrelationship between this
10 noiselevel. forenvironmental protection or a SA5786SWEngineering design change and
change to the certified noise or Drawing List DL425000, Rev. 1 anyotherpreviously installed
emissionslevels. dated August 13, 1984;BMI design change and/ or repair
report (201410-016 Rev IR) willintroduce noadverse effect
Acoustical Substantiation of upon the airworthiness of the
C425 asmodified by EASA STC pro...
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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016565 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Installation of Thales Integrated Electronic The Certification Basis (CB) for the Refer to original Transport The Transport Canada's STC C- 18/12/2013 Active 10016565
LSA03-458/D Standby Instrument withGoodrich PS-855B original product remains applicableto Canada Supplemental Type LSA03-458/D at issue 1 was
(EASA.IM.A.S.02956) Emergency Power Supply this certificate/ approval.The CertificateC-LSA03-458/D originallyvalidated by EASA
requirements for environmental Issue 3, initially approved on through STC EASA.IM.A.02956
protection and the 30th September 2003. which was issued on
associatedcertified noise and/ or TheIssue 3 of the TCCA STC is 23rdDecember 2008, and both
emissions levels of the original dated 01st October2013 STC’s were initially restricted to
product areunchanged and remain which is the revisionstatus aircraftserial number (ASN)
applicable to this certificate/ validated through this EASA 9120.The TCCA STC C-LSA03-458/D
approval. approval last issue 3 is now applicable to
certificate.Modification to be ASN 9003and...
completed in accord...
10016576 MICRO REV. 1 FAA STC PIPER PA-32R-301(SP) Installation of vortex generators on the wings CS-23 Installation of vortex If more than five vortex generators 10/02/2010 Active 10016576
AERODYNAMICS, SA01266SE PA-32R-301(HP), and tail surfaces inaccordance with the generators on the wings and are damaged or missing,the
(EASA.IM.A.S.02974) INC. PA-32R-301T provisions of AML SA01266SE. tail surfaces of theabove Aircraftis not airworthy.
PA-32-301, PA-32-301T model Aircraft in accordance
PA-32-301FT, PA-32-301XTC with Micro AeroDynamics
DrawingPackage MA2188,
Revision A, dated 26 October
2009 and InstallationManual
MA2189, Revision B, dated 26
October 2009 or later EASA
approuvedrevisions.A copy of
10016578 LIFEPORT, LLC REV. 1 FAA STC PA-42, PA-42-1000 Emergency Medical System (The Emergency The Certification Basis for the original - FAA Approved Flight Manual None. 30/04/2010 Active 10016578
SA00528SE PA-31T2, PA-31T3, Medical System attaches only to the existing product remains applicable tothis Supplement AFMS for Life
(EASA.IM.A.S.02977) PA-31P-350, aircraft seat tracks. The system will be a free certificate/ approval.The certificated Port PLUS System,Supplement
PA-31P, PA-31T, PA-31T1, standing unit that can be rapidly installed and noiseand/ or emissions levels of the No.13, Rev. E, July 21 2004.-
PA-31, PA-31-300, removed from the cabin). original productare unchanged and Master Drawing List for PLUS/
PA-31-350, remain applicable to this certificate/ Aero Sled Installation in the
approval. Piper PA-31and PA-42 Series
Aircraft, Doc. Nr. EGR-556-00,
FAA Approved 20. June2008.-
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness f...
10016580 RAISBECK REV. 2 FAA SA3857NM B200GT, B200CGT Installation of nacelle overwing storage 1. Installed in accordance with Prior to installation of this 19/09/2019 Active 10016580
ENGINEERING Inc. B200C, B200CT, B200T lockers and lower flap fairing. Raisbeck installation modification the installer must
(EASA.IM.A.S.02984) A200, A200C, A200CT manualInstallation Manual determinethat the
200C, 200CT, 200T 200-5421 Rev. D, dated interrelationship between this
200, B200 November 5, 20072. modification and any
Approved Flight Manual otherpreviously installed
Supplement 87-105 Rev. C modification will introduce no
dated December 20073. adverse effect uponthe
Instructions for Continued airworthiness of the product. The
Airworthiness ref. Raisbeck installation of this modificationby
MaintenanceManual 85-120 third persons is s...
Rev. G, dated January
10016582 RAISBECK REV. 2 FAA STC 2. C90A, C90GT, C90GTI Installation of dual aft body strakes on the 90 1. Installed in accordance with none 26/04/2011 Active 10016582
ENGINEERING Inc. SA4010NM 1. 65-90, 65-A90, B90, E90 series KingAir aircraftper Raisbeck Raisbeck installation
(EASA.IM.A.S.02987) Engineering Inc. STC SA4010 NM. manualInstallation Manual
87-2024 Rev. E, dated
12/19/072. Instructions for
Continued airworthiness ref.
Raisbeck MaintenanceManual
85-120 Rev. G. Dated January
20083. IPC 85-119 dated April
2004Or later approved
revisions of the above listed
10016590 AIRWOLF FILTER REV. 1 FAA STC SEE EASA AML Installation of Airwolf Filter Corp Air Oil The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Prior to installation of this design 26/06/2020 Active 10016590
CORP SA02268CH SEE APPROVED MODEL LIST Separator product remains applicable tothis with Airwolf Filter Corp. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.03000) (AML) certificate/approval. The InstallationInstructions as thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental listed on EASA AML, dated 19 this design change and any
protectionand the associated February 2009, or otherpreviously installed design
certified noise and/ or emissions laterapproved revision. change and/ or repair will
levels of theoriginal product are introduce noadverse effect upon
unchanged and remain applicable to the airworthiness ofthe
thiscertificate/ approval. product.This STC is valid for
aircraft types and modelsl...

04/01/2023 Page 68 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016598 BEECHCRAFT REV. 4 FAA STC ST HAWKER 900XP Installation of an Aircell Axxess Voice/Data As defined on FAA STC ST10596SC- In accordance with: STC This modification is only applicable 30/10/2012 Active 10016598
CORPORATION 10596SC-D HAWKER 800XP, HAWKER CommunicationsSystem. DFAA CAR 4b & 14 CFR Part 25 per Required Documents List to aircraft equipped with
(EASA.IM.A.S.03011) 850XP EASA TCDS IM.A.085 (RDL) No. 230-2001 Rev.37 theCollins Proline 21 or Honeywell
HAWKER 750, HAWKER 800 dated September 23, 2011 or SPZ-8000 avionics packages.RDL
later approved 230-2001-103 and-107 Installation
revision.Aircraft Flight Manual requires the aircraft be
Supplement No. 230-3001 equippedwith Collins Proline 21
Rev. R9 dated September23, radios with the IFIS STC
2011 or later approved ST01342WI-D and theData Link
revision, or 230-3002 Rev. R1 Communications option AAC-...
dated September23, 2011 or
later approved revis...
10016599 RAISBECK REV. 2 FAA STC B200T, B200T, B200CT, Installation of lower aft fuselage strakes. 1. Installed in accordance with None 22/12/2016 Active 10016599
ENGINEERING Inc. SA3591NM B200GT, B200CGT Raisbeck installation
(EASA.IM.A.S.03012) A200C, A200CT, B200, manualInstallation Manual
B200C, 200-5421 Rev. D. dated
200, 200C, 200T, 200CT, November 5, 2007or
A200, laterapproved revisions;2.
Approved Flight Manual
Supplement 85-111 Revision C
dated December2007 or later
approved revision;3.
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness ref. Rai...
10016610 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 2 FAA ST02004SE 777-200 Remove EWIS limitation for EASA STC No. The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC ST02004SEFSI Master The Main deck seating 07/10/2010 Active 10016610
- FSI EASA. IM.A.S.03030 - Door 3Overhead product and the followingadditional drawing List A7FS714-D01 arrangement must be installed in
(EASA.IM.A.S.03030) Attendant Rest Installation or alternative airworthiness revision R dated 5 March accordance withBritish Airways
requirements are applicable tothis 2010Airplane Flight Manual drawing 3-302-342 revision 10
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01 FSI document TP07-714 AFM dated 12 February 2009FSI STC
EWISThe requirements for dated 16 January 10016319 rev. 2 (FAA STC number
environmental protection and the 2009A7FS714-D15 Revision D ST01950SE) for the FSI Door
associatedcertificated noise and/ or dated 26 July 2010 1Overhead Flight Crew Rest
emissions levels of the original p... Supplemental Instructions Installation (OFCR) must be
forContinued Airworthinessor accomplishedconcurrently with
later revisions of the above this STC....
listed documents appro...
10016617 ROSEMOUNT REV. 2 FAA STC A340-541, -642 Installation of Rosemount Aerospace The Certification Basis for the original - FAA STC ST02675CH- This installation approval does not 26/08/2010 Active 10016617
AEROSPACE, Inc. ST02675CH A340-311, -312, -313 8700C2-3 Laptop DockingStation -Electronic product and the followingadditional Rosemount Aerospace Master cover the Electronic Flight
(EASA.IM.A.S.03044) A340-211, -212, -213 Flight Bag (EFB) System ProvisionsRevision of or alternative airworthiness Data List, ref. doc. No. Bagcomputers, only the Electronic
the EASA STC 10016617, Rev. 1 to remove requirements are applicable tothis D06402676,Revision H, dated Flight Bag mounting and wiring.
EWIS Limitation certificate/ approval1. CRI SE-81 5th August 2009- FAA Theoperational approval of the
"Installed Resources for EFB Class 2 Approved Airplane Flight Electronic Flight Bag computers
Provisions"2. CRI H-01 "Enhanced Manual Supplement (AFMS), shouldfollow the guidance in the
Airworthiness Programme for ref. RosemountAerospace Temporary Guidance Leaflet TGL
Aeroplane Systems -ICA on E... Doc. D06403401, Revision B, 36
dated 7th August 2009- EWIS
Assessment Document, ref.
Doc. D06405259, Revis...
10016625 BEECHCRAFT REV. 2 FAA SA03622AT B300, B300C Installation of an Air Conditioning Evaporator In accordance with Master Prior to installation of this 31/10/2014 Active 10016625
CORPORATION Blower MotorRF NoiseFilter into a Hawker Data List Number HBS modification it must be
(EASA.IM.A.S.03058) Beechcraft Model B300 / B300C aircraft . 003-2151-101-00 Revision 1.0, determined thatthe
dated 09/16/08 or later interrelationship between this
approved revision. modification and any other
previouslyinstalled modification
and/ or repair will introduce no
adverse effectupon the
airworthiness of the product.
10016626 TRUATLANTIC MFG., REV. 2 FAA ST00026AT 208, 208B Installation of Passenger Interior and Cargo The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation in accordance a) This approval should not be 28/04/2016 Active 10016626
LLC Door Modification in CessnaCaravan (Cargo original product remains applicableto with Atlantic Aero Master extended to other aircraft of this
(EASA.IM.A.S.03061) Conversion) this certificate/ approval.The Drawing List208199203, modelon which other previously
requirements for environmental Revision B, dated October 28, approved modificationsare
protection and the 1993.FAA approved Aircraft incorporated,unless it is determine
associatedcertified noise and/ or Flight Manual Supplements:a) by the installer that the
emissions levels of the original 20893057, Rev. A,dated interrelationshipbetween this
product areunchanged and remain December 13, 1993 (Cessna change and any other previously
applicable to this certificate/ 208, S/N 20800061and on)*b) approved modifications
approval. 20893058, Rev. A, dated willproduce no adverse effect...
December 13, 1993 (Cessna
208, S/N 2...

04/01/2023 Page 69 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016627 TRUATLANTIC MFG., REV. 2 FAA STC 208, 208B Installation of Cabin Windows in the Cargo The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation in accordance a) This approval should not be 28/04/2016 Active 10016627
LLC SA000154AT versions of Cessna 208series. original product remains applicableto with Atlantic Aero document extended to other aircraft of this
(EASA.IM.A.S.03062) this certificate/ approval.The No. 208199204,Master modelon which other previously
requirements for environmental Drawing List, Rev. G, dated approved modificationsare
protection and the November 16, 2006.or later incorporated,unless it is determine
associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed by the installer that the
emissions levels of the original documents approvedby EASA interrelationshipbetween this
product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED change and any other previously
applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or approved modifications
approval. subsequent revisions ofthis willproduce no adverse effect...
decision) and/ or the
Technical Im...
10016646 ROCKWELL COLLINS REV. 2 FAA STC DHC-8-401 & DHC-8-402 Updates for Flight Management System JAR/CS-25 as per EASA.IM.A.191The EASA approved AFM None 12/04/2010 Active 10016646
AEROSPACEAND ST01100SE (FMS) HGS 4100.FAA acceptance letter Certification Basis for the original Supplement No. 9701-1192,
(EASA.IM.A.S.03089) ELECTRONICS, INC. 130S-09-387, dated 21.09.2009. product remains applicable tothis Rev. C.or laterrevisions of the
certificate/ approvalThe above listed documents
requirements for environmental approved by EASA
protection and inaccordance with EASA ED
theassociatedcertificated noise and/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or
or emissions levels of the original subsequent revisions ofthis
product areunchanged and remain decision)
applicable to this...
10016648 FIELD AVIATION REV. 2 TCCA C- DHC-8-402 Galley (G3) Water System Installation(Major The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation or Modification of Limited to Ser. Nr. 4054, 4062, 28/03/2014 Active 10016648
COMPANY Inc. LSA08-018/D Change to EASA STC 10016648, Rev. 1) original product remains applicableto the Galley G3 Water System 4063, 4183, 4244, 4266, 4273,
(EASA.IM.A.S.03092) this certificate/ approval.The must be inaccordance with 4286,4290, 4337, 4392.Prior to
requirements for environmental TCCA approved FACI Master installation of this design change it
protection and the Data List 213000, Revision must be determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or N.Instructions for Continued interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original Airworthiness:Maintenance design change and any
product areunchanged and remain must be in accordance with otherpreviously installed design
applicable to this certificate/ FACI ICA 213033, Revision B, change and/ or repair will
approval. andFor 213011-1 introduce noadverse effect up...
Configuration aircraft,
10016649 DECRANE REV. 1 FAA STC BOEING 737-800 SERIES Installation of Electronic Equipment Rack in The Certification Basis for the original Hollingsead Master Data List None. 18/11/2009 Active 10016649
AEROSPACE PATS ST02057LA BOEING 737-700 SERIES Aft Bulk CargoCompartment.This STC revises product remains applicable tothis 2878-01 Rev. A dated June 07,
(EASA.IM.A.S.03093) AIRCRAFT,LLC and supersedes EASA STC EASA.IM.A.S. certificate/ approval. 2007Instructions for
03093. The revisionwas issued to reflect the Continued Airworthiness
transfer from Hollingshead International 2878-14 Rev. A dated June
toDecrane Aerospace PATS Aircraft. 14,2007or later revision of the
above document approved by
EASA in accordancewith EASA
ED decision 2004/04/CF(or
subsequent revisions of
10016651 LEARJET Inc. REV. 2 FAA STC BD-700-1A10 FAA STC SA8199NM-D, Installation of a Full EASA TCDS EASA.IM.A.009The -FAA STC No. SA8199NM-D None 16/12/2010 Active 10016651
SA8199NM-D Authority Cabin Temp Control. Certification Basis for the original dated 01 May 2002.-FAA SoC
(EASA.IM.A.S.03099) product remains applicable tothis reference 150L-08-394 dated
certificate/ approval.The 10 December 2008.-
requirements for environmental Bombardier Master
protection and the Document List No.
associatedcertificated noise and/or BAS67010007, Revision D,
emissions levels of the original dated 24August 2004 or later
product areunchanged and remain approved revision.-
applicable to this certif... Bombardier AFMS No.
BAS67040007, Revision NC or
later approvedrevision.or
later revisions of t...
10016654 ROCKWELL COLLINS, REV. 1 FAA STC SEE FAA APPROVED MODEL Modification of Rockwell Collins The Certification Basis for the original 1. Drawing Index ref. This STC is valid for aircraft types 19/05/2020 Active 10016654
Inc. ST01276WI-D LIST Communication Management Unit product remains applicable tothis RCA-0048-001 revision F2. and models approved byEASA
(EASA.IM.A.S.03103) (CMU-900)Aircraft Communications certificate/ approval.The Approved Model List andlisted on the FAA Approved
Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) requirements for environmental RCA-0404 revision G Model List RCA-0404 (FAASTC
CoreSoftwareRev. 1 updates the CMU-900 protection and the ST01276WI-D).Prior to installation
fromsoftware Core 14 to Core 16 associatedcertified noise and/ or of this change/repair it must be
emissions levels of the original determined thatthe
product areunchanged and remain interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ change/repair and any
approval. otherpreviously installed change

04/01/2023 Page 70 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016658 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC PC-12 Installation of a Flight Components/EMTEQ Based on 14 CFR §§ 21.115 and 1. Master Drawing List Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10016658
ST03660AT LED Position (Navigation)Lights into a Pilatus 21.101, and the FAA policy for 2-56640-001 Revision A dated change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.03119) PC-12 Series Aircraft and associated significantchanges in FAA Order October13, 2008 orlater FAA thatthe interrelationship between
hardware.Revision 1 transferred from EMTEQ 8110.48, the certificationbasis for the approved drawing revisions.2. this design change and any
Engineering to B/E Aerospace. PilatusPC-12 passenger to Freighter is Instructions for Continued otherpreviously installed design
as follows:a. The type certification Airworthiness (ICA), EMTEQ change and/ or repair will
basis for Pilatus PC-12 airplanes is EngineeringDocument No. introduce noadverse effect upon
shown onTCDS A78EU for parts not 2-56640-905, Rev. IR, dated the airworthiness ofthe product.
changed or not affec... July 11, 2008 or
laterFAAaccepted revision.
10016659 CARLISLE REV. 1 FAA STC AIRBUS A321-232 Installation of AD Aerospace Cockpit Door The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, ref. doc. Prior to installation of this change/ 11/10/2022 Active 10016659
INTERCONNECT ST02612CH AIRBUS A321-231 Monitoring SystemRev. 1: updates the name product remains applicable tothis ECS-206333, Revision U, repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.03120) TECHNOLOGIES AIRBUS A321-213 and address of the Design Approval Holder certificate/approval.The dated 5August 2022<(>,<) thatthe interrelationship between
AIRBUS A321-212 fromElectronic Cable Specialists, Inc. to requirements for environmental >Airplane Flight Manual this change/repair and any
AIRBUS A321-211 Carlisle InterconnectTechnologies. protection and the Supplement, ref. doc. otherpreviously installed change
AIRBUS A321-131 associatedcertified noise and/ or ECS-206336, Revision and/ or repair willintroduce no
AIRBUS A321-112 emissions levels of the original A,approved 12 September adverseeffect upon the
AIRBUS A321-111 product areunchanged and remain 2022<(>,<)>Instruction for airworthiness of the product.
AIRBUS A320-233 applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness, ref.
AIRBUS A320-232 approval. Doc. 206328, Revision E,dated
AIRBUS A320-231 4 August 2022<(>,<)>or later
AIRBUS A320-214 revisions of the...
AIRBUS A320-212
AIRBUS A320-211
AIRBUS A320-111
AIRBUS A319-133
AIRBUS A319-132
AIRBUS A319-131
AIRBUS A319-115
AIRBUS A319-114
AIRBUS A319-113
AIRBUS A319-112
AIRBUS A319-111
AIRBUS A318-122
AIRBUS A318-121
AIRBUS A318-112
AIRBUS A318-111
10016660 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009.The Certification EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S. Restricted to ASN 9311. 04/06/2010 Active 10016660
SA05-60 Interior (S/N 9311). Basis for the original product remains 03121.TCCA STC No. SA05-60
(EASA.IM.A.S.03121) applicable tothis certificate/ Issue 1.Aero Consulting
approval.The certificated noise and/ Services Ltd Configuration
or emissions levels of the original Definition List No.
productare unchanged and remain E025000Revision CT dated 31
applicable to this certificate/ May 2010.or later revisions of
approval. the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions oft...
10016665 B/E AEROSPACE REV. 1 TCCA C- CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis (CB) for the TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA09-031/D Restricted to ASN 8088.Prior to 16/08/2013 Active 10016665
LIMITED LSA09-031/D Interior original product remains applicableto Issue 2 dated 17 June installation of this modification the
(EASA.IM.A.S.03135) ISS. 2 this certificate/ approval.The 2013.AeroConsulting Services installer must determinethat the
requirements for environmental Ltd. Modification Data interrelationship between this
protection and the Summary G120000 modification and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or RevisionH.Midcoast Aviation otherpreviously installed
emissions levels of the original Inc. Airplane Flight Manual modification will introduce no
product areunchanged and remain Supplement for theComplete adverse effect uponthe
applicable to this certificate/ Custom Aircraft Interior airworthiness of the product.
approval. Installation, 33-299M007 Rev
NC.Aero Consulting Services
Ltd. Mandatory M...

04/01/2023 Page 71 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016669 ACS-NAI Ltd. REV. 1 LSTC C- CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis (CB) for the Transport Canada LSTC C- Restricted to ASN 8081.Prior to 24/05/2013 Active 10016669
LSA09-009/D Interior original product remains applicableto LSA09-009/D Issue 2 dated 28 installation of this designchange it
(EASA.IM.A.S.03151) ISSUE 2 this certificate/ approval.The September 2012.Aero must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental Consulting Services Ltd. interrelationship between this
protection and the Modification Data Summary design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or G099000 Rev E.Midcoast otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original Aviation Inc. Flight Manual change and/ or repair will
product areunchanged and remain Supplement 33-299M006 Rev introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ NC.or later revisions of the the airworthiness of the product.
approval. above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with the
10016678 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GIV-X Installation of Cabin/Baggage Compartment The Certification Basis for the original -Install in accordance with This Cabin/Baggage Compartment 08/02/2012 Active 10016678
AEROSPACE ST03646AT-D product remains applicable tothis Gulfstream Aerospace Multiple STC, (FAA ref ST03646AT-
(EASA.IM.A.S.03201) CORPORATION certificate/ approval.The Corporation Index D), doesnot approve the entire
requirements for environmental ListGC420004142<(>,<)> Rev. airplane interior installation and
protection and the D, dated January 30, 2009- has thefollowing limitations as
associatedcertificated noiseand/or Operation in accordance with defined in document
emissions levels of the original Airplane Flight Manual GC422040204, "Guidance
product areunchanged and remain Supplement,GC41204M000, forFollow on Installation, Cabin/
applicable to this certificate/ Rev. NC dated January 30, Baggage Compartment Multiple
approval. 2009or later revisions of the STC":1. A complete airplane inter...
above listed documents
approved by EASA inaccor...
10016679 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GIV-X Installation of Cabin/Baggage Compartment The Certification Basis for the original -Install in accordance with This Cabin/Baggage Compartment 08/02/2012 Active 10016679
SERVICES ST03648AT-D (AG) product remains applicable tothis Gulfstream Aerospace Multiple STC, (FAA ref ST03648AT-
(EASA.IM.A.S.03202) CORPORATION certificate/ approval.The Corporation Index D), doesnot approve the entire
requirements for environmental ListGC420004144<(>,<)> Rev. airplane interior installation and
protection and the L, dated 26 February 2010- has thefollowing limitations as
associatedcertificated noiseand/or Operation in accordance with defined in document
emissions levels of the original Airplane Flight Manual GC422040205, "Guidance
product areunchanged and remain Supplement,GC41204M001, forFollow on Installation, Cabin/
applicable to this certificate/ Rev. NC dated 4 February Baggage Compartment Multiple
approval. 2010or later revisions of the STC":1. A complete airplane inter...
above listed documents
approved by EASA inaccord...
10016684 GLOBAL AIRWORKS, REV. 1 FAA STC A330-341, A330-342, Installation of AirWorks Cockpit Door The Certification Basis for the original Index Document List (IDL) No. Prior to the installation of this 30/11/2011 Active 10016684
Inc. ST01585LA A330-343 Surveillance Systems (Validationof the FAA product remains applicable tothis IL23009 revision D, dated 11 modification it must be
(EASA.IM.A.S.C.01059) A330-321, A330-322, STC ST01585LA).This STC installs a CDSS.The certificate/approval.The October 2009Aircraft Flight determinedthat the
A330-323 Revision 1 has been issued to correct the requirements for environmental Manual Supplement, ref: interrelationship between this
A330-223, A330-243, references of AssociatedTechnical protection and the AFMS230019 Revision A, modification and any
A330-301 Documents. associatedcertificated noise and/or dated 24March otherpreviously installed
A330-201, A330-202, emissions levels of the original 2005Instruction for Continued modification and/or repair will
A330-203 product areunchangedand remain Airworthiness, ref: introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ ICA230078, dated 20 the airworthiness ofthe product.
approval. August2003Instructionfor
Continued Airworthiness, ref:
ICA230042 Revision A,dated...
10016700 FLY IN VACATIONS REV. 1 FAA STC IO-360-C1D6 Installation of turbocharger and induction air Installation Manual, Compatibility of this design change 08/06/2015 Active 10016700
SE5203NM intercooler in accordancewith "Drawing List Installation Drawings, Parts with previously
(EASA.IM.E.S.01014) Report No. 1" Dated August 20, 1990, or later List, RCM-1000Continued approvedmodifications must
FAAapproved revision. Airworthiness Instructions bedetermined by the installer. The
installation should not be
incorporatedin any engine unless
itis determined that the
interrelationship between this
installation andany previously
approvedconfiguration will not
10016706 ONBOARD SYSTEMS REV. 1 FAA STC NO AS355 F2, AS355 N, AS355 Cargo Hook Kit model 200-292-01 The Certification Basis for the original 155-104-00 revision 11 dated None 21/07/2010 Active 10016706
INTERNATIONAL SR01424SE NP product remains applicable tothis 9 April 2010 - Master Drawing
(EASA.IM.R.S.00457) AS355 E, AS355 F, AS355 F1, certificate/ approval.The List;120-112-01 revision 4
requirements for environmental dated 28 May 2010 - Owners
protection and the Manual;123-017-01 revision 4
associatedcertificated noiseand/or dated 28 May 2010 -
emissions levels of the original Instructions for
product areunchanged and remain ContinuedAirworthiness;
applicable to this certificate/ 122-005-00 revision 17 dated
approval. 9 March 2010 - Cargo Hook
Service Manual;121-019-01
revision 1 dated...

04/01/2023 Page 72 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016709 ONBOARD SYSTEMS REV. 2 FAA SR00699SE SEE FAA APPROVED MODEL Fabrication of Onboard Systems Model The Certification Basis for the original Onboard Systems Master Prior to installation of this design 21/06/2019 Active 10016709
INTERNATIONAL LIST 200-246-00 cargo hook kit. product remains applicable tothis Drawing List No. 155-047-00, change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.00553) certificate/ approval, except where Revision 21, dated26 March thatthe interrelationship between
amended by additional or 2013<(>,<)> or later FAA this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA approved revision.Onboard otherpreviously installed design
STC SR00699SE.The requirements for Systems Manual No. change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and 120-083-00, Revision 9, dated introduce noadverse effect upon
theassociatedcertified noise and/ or 15 February2013, or later FAA the airworthiness ofthe
emissions levels of the or... approved revision.Section 4 product.The STC is valid for those
Onboard Systems Service aircraft types and mo...
Manual No. 122-004-00,
Revision 21,date...
10016714 DONALDSON REV. 2 FAA STC BELL 206L-4 Installation of Aerospace Filtration System The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. AFS Drawing Number Prior to installation of this design 31/01/2018 Active 10016714
COMPANY, Inc. SR09421RC 206L-3, 206L-4 (AFS) Engine Inlet BarrierFilter (IBF) original product remains applicableto 10600, Revision B dated change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01008) systemRevision 2 reflects the name and this certificate/ approval.The 17/6/2004 or laterapproved thatthe interrelationship between
address change from AerospaceFiltration requirements for environmental revision.2. Installation this design change and any
Systems, Inc. to Donaldson Company, Inc. protection and the Procedure AFS-BH206L3L4- otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or IBF-KIT-IP, initial releasedated change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original 16/8/2004 or later introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain approved3. Rotorcraft Flight the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement (RFMS)
approval. AFS-BH206L3L4-IBF-KIT-
FMSinitial release dated
25/8/2004 or later approv...
10016715 DONALDSON REV. 2 FAA STC 407 Installation of Aerospace Filtration System The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. AFS Drawing Number Rotorcraft Flight Manual 10/11/2021 Active 10016715
COMPANY, Inc. SR09368RC (AFS) Engine Inlet BarrierFilter (IBF) original product remains applicableto 106000, Revision A dated Supplement dated 10/12/2003 is a
(EASA.IM.R.S.01009) systemRevision 1 reflects the name and this certificate/ approval.The 8/4/2003;2. Installation required partof this
address change from AerospaceFiltration requirements for environmental Procedure AFS-BH407-IBF-KIT- STC."Instructions for continued
Systems, Inc. to Donaldson Company, protection and the IP, initial airworthiness" AFS-BH407-IBF-KIT-
Inc.Revision 2 updates the Associated associatedcertified noise and/ or releasedated11/4/2003;3. ICA is alsorequired part of this
Technical Documentation with regardsto emissions levels of the original Rotorcraft Flight Manual STC.Prior to installation of this
"later revisions" product areunchanged and remain Supplement (RFMS) AFS- design change it must be
applicable to this certificate/ BH407-IBF-KIT-FMSinitial determined thatthe
approval. release dated 10/12/2003;4. interrelationship between this
Instructions for continued design changep...
airworthiness (ICA) AFS-
10016725 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS REV. 1 TCCA STC SH AS350 BA, AS350 B2, AS350 Left-side pilot configurationNote: Revision of The Certification Basis for the original Configuration and installation None 13/12/2010 Active 10016725
CANADA LIMITED 96-32 B3 EASA STC ref. EASA.IM.R.S.01023 being a product remains applicable tothis documentation:-Eurocopter
(EASA.IM.R.S.01023) validation ofTCCA STC SH 96-32 at issue 7. certificate/ approval.The Canada Limited Master
This STC revision is validation of TCCASTC SH requirements for environmental Drawing List No. MDL-96-003,
96-32 at issue 11 and includes the left-side protection and the Rev. UMaintenance
pilot configurationchange made to adapt to associatedcertificated noiseand/ or documentation:-Eurocopter
cockpit modification from fuses to c... emissions levels of the original Canada Limited
product areunchanged and remain Instructionsfor Continued
applicable to this certificate/ Airworthiness No.ICA-
approval. ECL-168, Rev.
AS350BA any serial number
and AS250B2 pre-mod...
10016726 ONBOARD SYSTEMS REV. 2 FAA STC EC130B4 Installation of Cargo Hook Kit Model The original product certification Definition and The cargo hook kits approved 13/01/2010 Active 10016726
INTERNATIONAL SR00886SE AS350B, AS350BA, AS350B1 200-261-00, 200-261-01, and200-353-00This basis as per EASA TCDS.R.008 installation:Onboard Systems under this STC can be installed on
(EASA.IM.R.S.01027) AS350B2, AS350B3, AS350D STC is a revision to EASA STC EASA.IM.R.S. Issue04, 23 November 2009.The Master Drawing List Doc. No. AS 350B, BA, B1, B2, and D
01027 Revision 1 throughthe validation of Certification Basis for the original 155-060-00, Rev. 11, helicopters equipped with
amendment dated 11 August, 2009 to FAA product remains applicable tothis datedJune 11, Eurocopter swing or slingtype
STC SR00886SE. certificate/ approval.The certificated 2009Installation of the systems, or on AS350B3 equipped
noise and/ or emissions levels of the 200-261-00 Cargo Hook Kit in with Eurocopter sling type
original productare unchanged and accordance with systemonly, or on EC 130B4
remain applicable to thi... OnboardSystems Owner’s equipped with Eurocopter swing
Manual No. 120-094-00, Rev. type system only,those sling or
7 dated September 05, swin...
2006Installation of the
200-261-01 Cargo Hook KitK...

04/01/2023 Page 73 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016728 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS REV. 1 TCCA SH97-15 AS 350 B, AS 350 B1 Installation of LH and/or RH Cargo Pods.Rev The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Supplement Cargo Pods are not compatible 08/12/2017 Active 10016728
CANADA LIMITED AS 350 BA, AS 350 D 1. Minor changes embodied and new name original product remains applicableto FMS-ECL-9 Rev 04, dated 01 with sliding doors.Prior to
(EASA.IM.R.S.01031) AS 350 B2, AS 350 B3 of STCH. this certificate/ approval.The Feb 2017 (Asapplicable to installation of this design change it
requirements for environmental single engine configuration must be determined thatthe
protection and the rotorcraft)<(>,<)>or later interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed design change and any
emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA otherpreviously installed design
product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with the change and/ or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ Technical Implementation introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. Procedures of EU/ the airworthiness of the product...
Agreement.Master Drawing
10016731 FARGO REV. 2 FAA SR01926CH MD900 Install 61.8 gallon crashworthy auxiliary fuel The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Fargo Installation Prior to installation of this change/ 19/06/2020 Active 10016731
MANUFACTURING tank on the aft cabinbaggage bay floor. original product remains applicableto Instructions A-900-3CW, repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01055) CO. this certificate/ approval.The Revision C dated 8 thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental January2004.- Fargo this change/repair and any
protection and the Manufacturing Drawing List otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or A-900-3CW Revision 2 dated and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are 14 October2003.- Fargo adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to Manufacturing RFM airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval without any Supplement No.Rev dated 9
im... January 2004Or later revisions
of the above listed document
(s) approved/accepted
onbehalf of EA...
10016732 SAFRAN REV. 4 FAA STC EC120B SFIM two-axis VFR Autopilot System (SAGEM The Certification Basis for the original 1. Installation of a SFIM VFR Installation of FAA STC SR09450RC 14/03/2011 Active 10016732
ELECTRONICS & SR09263RC-D PA85)Nota:,,- Original STC: FAA STC product remains applicable tothis autopilot system in (EASA.IM.R.S.01527) is mandatory
(EASA.IM.R.S.01056) DEFENSE,AVIONICS SR09263RC-D, amended 9 February, 2011- certificate.The requirements for accordance with:-AEC Master forconfigurations -01<(>,<)> -02of
USA, LLC Existing EASA STC: 10016732 rev 3- Revision environmental protection and the Drawing List 120A82-8010 SAGEM Installation Drawing
4 incorporates 2 new configurations related associatedcertificated noise and/or revision E, dated June 02, 120-1002Installation of FAA STC
to minor changeto the FAA STC. emissions levels of the original 2006.-Instructions for SR09450RC (EASA.IM.R.S.01527) is
product areunchanged and remain Continued Airworthiness mandatory forconfigurations -03,
applicable to this certificate/ PA85-120MMS-001 revision -04 of SAGEMInstallation Drawing
approval. B,dated June 06, 2002, or 120-1002
later accepted revisions-Flight
Manual Supplement
120FMS-012 revision B,...
10016741 DONALDSON REV. 1 FAA STC 369HM, 369HS Installation of Aerospace Filtration Systems The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Master Data List: MD500- Prior to installation of this design 31/01/2018 Active 10016741
COMPANY, Inc. SR01394LA 369D, 369E, 369FF, 369H, Inlet Barrier Filter Systeminstead of Engine original product remains applicableto IBF-KIT-MDL, Rev. D, dated change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01067) 369HE Air Separator (with or without Mist this certificate/ approval.The 30.09.2004 orlater FAA thatthe interrelationship between
Eliminator) or FODScreen.Revision 1 reflects requirements for environmental approved revision.2. Flight this design change and any
the nameand address change from protection and the Manual Supplement MD500- otherpreviously installed design
AerospaceFiltration Systems, Inc. to associatedcertified noise and/ or IBF-KIT-FMS Rev. B FAA change and/ or repair will
Donaldson Company, Inc. emissions levels of the original approved 12April 2005 or introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain later FAA approved revision.3. the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Operation & Maintenance
approval. Manual/IPL MD500-IBF-KIT-
OMM/IPL Rev. A,dated 28
June 2002 or later...
10016747 EUROCOPTER REV. 1 TCCA STC AS355 E/ F/ F1/ F2 Relocation of higher capacity battery to tail The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Supplement - Prior to installation of this design 29/10/2013 Active 10016747
CANADA Ltd. SH96-31 AS350 B/ BA/ B1/ B2/ B3/ D boom (mod. P/N 350-700324and original product remains applicableto Battery Relocation AS350 / change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01073) 355-700324)Revision 1 incorporates AS350B3 this certificate/ approval.The AS355- doc. ref.FMS-ECL-155 thatthe interrelationship between
model configurations incorporating requirements for environmental Rev. 1Section 2 this design change and any
newmajor design modificationsThis STC is the protection and the "Airworthiness Limitations" of otherpreviously installed design
validation of TCCA STC SH96-31 at issue 9. associatedcertified noise and/ or Instructions for change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original ContinuedAirworthiness - introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain BatteryRelocation AS350 / the airworthiness ofthe
applicable to this certificate/ AS355 - doc. ref. ICA- product.The installation of this
approval. ECL-125Rev. 12or later modification by third p...
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by
10016764 AEROLITE AG REV. 1 MBB-BK 117 C-2 Installation of EC 145 EMS Equipment P/N The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Supplement - No Smoking when Medical 15/03/2016 Active 10016764
145121-501.This STC revision is issued for the original product remains applicableto FMS-506or later revisions of Oxygen Cabinet is installed.-
(EASA.IM.R.S.01095) purpose of transferring the STCtoAerolite AG. this certificate/ approvalThe the above listed documents TheLOX System can only be
requirements for environmental approved by EASA. operated during flight when
protection and the appropriatelytrained medical crew
associatedcertified noise and/ or are on board.- This STC is
emissions levels of the original approved only for the product
product areunchanged and remain configuration as defined inthe
applicable to this certificate/ approved design data referred to
approval.. in the paragraph "Description
04/01/2023 Page 74 of 1,649
An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016765 AEROLITE AG REV. 3 MBB-BK 117 C-2 EMS Equipment P/N 145146-501,,This The Certification Basis (CB) for the FMS-505 Rev BChapter 4 Prior to installation of this design 27/09/2016 Active 10016765
change to STC introducesmodification on original product remains applicableto (Airworthiness Limitations) of change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01096) existing cabinconfigurations and this certificate/ approval.The OPM-504 Rev Bor later thatthe interrelationship between
introducestwo new similar cabin requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed this design change and any
configurations. protection and the documents approved by otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or EASA.Certification Program change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original CPR-16-005 Rev BMaster introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Document List MDL-504 Rev the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ CInstructions for Continued
approval. Airworthiness included in
OPM-504 Rev B
10016786 SPACECAM SYSTEMS REV. 1 TCCA STC AS 355 N Spacecam RAMS Installation Defintion and Eurocopter (Aerospatiale) Service 25/08/2009 Active 10016786
INC. SH02-6 AS 355 F2 Installation:DECA Aviation Bulletin N° 53-05 and 53-06 (for
(EASA.IM.R.S.01128) AS 355 F1 Modification Summary Tail Boom Balast) are required as
AS 355 F MS01071, revision 3, June 6th part of this installation.This STC is
AS 355 E 2005 or later Transport the EASA Validation of Transport
AS 350 D Canada (TCCA) approved Canada STC n° SH02-6 Issue 2,
AS 350 BA revisions.DECA Aviation dated June 28, 2005
AS 350 B3 Installation instructions II
AS 350 B2 01071, revision 2, June 6 2005
AS 350 B1 or later Transport Canada
AS 350 B (TCCA accepted
Aviation Fli...
10016793 AEROLITE AG REV. 2 MBB-BK 117 C-2 Installation of alternative Swivelling Adapter The Certification Basis (CB) for the AEROLITE MAX BUCHER AG Prior to installation of this design 30/10/2014 Active 10016793
P/N 001-0019851-501 andalternative Floor original product remains applicableto FMS-507 rev. Cor later change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01143) Plate Assy P/N 007-0020988-501 for EMS this certificate/ approval.The revisions of the above listed thatthe interrelationship between
Equipment P/N145181-501 requirements for environmental documents approved by this design change and any
protection and the EASACompliance Check List: otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or CPR-14-010 rev. N/CMaster change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Document List: MDL-507 Rev. introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain C the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10016794 AEROLITE AG REV. 1 A109S A109S EMS equipment P/N 109115-50X. This As defined in EASA TCDS R.005.The Flight Manual Supplement - The Agusta provision for EMS kits 18/01/2010 Active 10016794
revision 1 of EASASTCEASA.IM.R.S.01144 is Certification Basis for the original FMS-508 Revision COperation (Aerolite) P/N 109-0814-22-501
(EASA.IM.R.S.01144) related to the introduction of product remains applicable tothis and Maintenance Manual - has tobe installed.
stretcherconfiguration Aerolite P/N certificate/ approval.The certificated OPM-508 Revision BMDL-508
1090117-503. noise and/ or emissions levels of the Revision Bor later revisions of
original productare unchanged and the above listed documents
remain applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA
10016796 HELI-ONE (NORWAY) REV. 1 AS 332 L, AS 332 L1 BPOL 33211 Police Equipment Installation as The Certification Basis (CB) for the For Rev. 0 of the STC:AHS-005 Helicopters modified in 24/11/2015 Active 10016796
AS per Mod. AHSE-52400Rev. 0 of this STC original product remains applicableto 09/05/2006,,TDR-94D ATC accordance with this STC are not
(EASA.IM.R.S.01149) consists of the full installation of the this certificate/ approval.The Transponder ,,,,AHS-027 approved forNVG operations.Prior
equipmentlisted in Configuration Control requirements for environmental 08/05/2006 ,,Aerodata to installation of this design
AHSE-52408Rev. 1 of this STC, in accordance protection and the Aerophone Iridium change it must be determined
with AHSE-68487, allows installationof the associatedcertified noise and/ or installation,,AHS-053 thatthe interrelationship between
following equipment only:- AP155 Autopilot emissions levels of the original 12/10/2006 ,,AeroNav II with this design change and any
Instal... product areunchanged and remain GPS,,,,,,AHS-055 otherpreviously installed design
applicable to this certificate/ 04/04/2006 ,,VHF COM change and/ or repair will
approval. Wulfsberg Series IIIAHS-056 introduce noadverse effect up...
04/04/2006 ,,VHF NAV
Wulfsberg Series IIIAHS-057
04/04/2006 ,,ADF...
10016798 SKYTRAC SYSTEMS REV. 4 TCCA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of SkyTrac ISAT-100/ISAT-200 The Certification Basis for the original See EASA Approved Model None 06/04/2018 Active 10016798
LTD. SH03-30 LIST AIRBORNE POSITION/ product as amendedby thefollowing List
(EASA.IM.R.S.01151) DATACOMMUNICATORRevision 1 to add: additional or alternative
BK-117 A-1, A-3, B-1, and B-2 modelsRevision airworthiness requirements:Special
2 to add: Eurocopter SA 365 C, C1, N, EC Condition on Lithium Batteries as per
155BRevision 3:1) Adding ISAT-200 Airborne EASACRI F-01 Issue 2The
Position/Data Communicator as a requirements for environmental
retrofitoption.2) Adding the following protection and the
mode... associatedcertified noise and/ or
emissions levels...

04/01/2023 Page 75 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016801 AIRFILM CAMERA REV. 1 FAA STC SEE FAA AML Installation of Airfilm Single Pole Utility The Certification Basis (CB) for the FAA approved Master Prior to installation of this design 26/06/2018 Active 10016801
SYSTEMS, INC SR01785LA Bracket.Revision 1 of this STC (former EASA original product remains applicableto Drawing List No. AFSP-010, change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01160) approval number EASA.IM.R.S.01160)is this certificate/ approval.The Revision N/C, dated thatthe interrelationship between
issued to validate FAA STC SR01785LA requirements for environmental 17February 2005 and a copy this design change and any
amended to incorporate majorchanges to the protection and the of FAA approved Rotorcraft otherpreviously installed design
type design data. associatedcertified noise and/ or Flight ManualSupplement No. change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original AFSP-005, issued 12 May introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain 2005 or later FAA the airworthiness ofthe
applicable to this certificate/ approvedrevisions. product.This Airfilm Single Pole
approval. Utility Bracket Install...
10016802 AIRFILM CAMERA REV. 1 FAA STC 407 Installation of Airfilm Model G1 Nose Mount The Certification Basis for the original FAA approved Airfilm Camera Prior to installation of this design 29/10/2018 Active 10016802
SYSTEMS, INC SR01654LA 206L, 206L-1,206L-3, 206L-4, Utility Bracketand/or G3Landing Light on Bell product remains applicable tothis Systems Master Drawing List change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01162) 206, 206A, 206B, 206B-1, 206/407 Series Rotorcraft certificate/ approval, except where No.AF-G1-010,Revision N/C, thatthe interrelationship between
amended by additional or dated 14 April 2004 and/or this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA AF-G3-010, Revision N/C, otherpreviously installed design
STC.Therequirements for dated14 April 2004.Rotorcraft change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and the Flight ManualG1-206-005, introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or dated 8 September 2004, or the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the original pro... laterFAA approved
revision.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness AF-
G1-008, Re...
10016805 GENESYS REV. 2 FAA SR02209AK BELL 407 Installation of Genesis Aerosystems The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List ref. EFIS/AIU integration with the 15/11/2021 Active 10016805
AEROSYSTEMS, INC. BELL 206L-4 FlightLogic Electronic FlightInstrument product remains applicable tothis 651-045950 Rev. N, dated 19 autopilot is approved only when
(EASA.IM.R.S.01165) BELL 206L-3 System (EFIS)Rev. 2 upgrades the software to certificate/ approval.The April 2021- Flight Manual configuredwith the 902-00028-01
BELL 206L-1 version 9.0A on the dual IntegratedDisplay requirements for environmental Supplements: . Document Control Panel.Activation of Fuel
BELL 206L Unit (IDU)-450 and IDU-680 configurations. protection and the 17-209FMS-0450(IDU-450), Flow functions requires installation
BELL 206B associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Rev. A, dated 12 July 2021 . of separatelyapproved fuel flow
BELL 206A emissions levels of the original Document 17-209FMS-0680 transducers.Installation is not
206L-3, 206-L4, 407 product areunchanged and remain (IDU-680), Rev. A, dated 12 permitted on Instrument Flight
206A, 206B, 206L, 206L-1 applicable to this certificate/ July 2021- Instructions for Rules (IFR) certifiedrotorcraft.Prior
approval. Continued Airworthiness: . tot...
IDU-450 - Installation Docu...
10016817 AEROLITE AG REV. 5 MBB-BK117 C-2 EMS Equipment P/N 145212-501.Installation The Type and OSD Certification Bases Certification Program The following are pre-requisite 20/09/2022 Active 10016817
MBB-BK 117 C-2 of EMS Equipment P/N 145212-501 with for the original product as CPR-14-007 Rev. N/C dated installations for the embodiment
(EASA.IM.R.S.01182) variousconfigurations.Rev. 2 introduced the amendedby the following additional 21/07/2014<(>,<) of thedesign change leading to the
following changes to the EMS Equipment P/ or alternative airworthiness >Certification Program Rev. 5 of this STC 10016817:-
N145212-501 (EASA approved under STC No. requirements:Equivalent Safety CPR-21-038 Rev. E dated Airbus Helicopters Deutschland
10016817, Rev. 1):(1) Modificationof Finding(s): CRI D-01 [“Passenger 16/09/2022<(>,<)>Flight (AHD) floor (*) for the
configuration no. 2.(2) Introduction of Emergency Exits (EMSinstallation)”] Manual Supplement floorprotection installation P/N
derivative config... is raised and closed at issue 3.The FMS-06-002 Rev. F dated 145-0047223-504.- Cabinet
requirements for environmental 01/06/2022<(>,<) provisions P/N 145-0052560-501
prot... >Instructions for Continued for the cabinet installat...
Airworthiness and Operations
ManualOPM-06-002 Chapter
04 dated 13/04/2006<(>,<)...
10016828 DART AEROSPACE REV. 1 TCCA SH03-6, 3. 214B, 214B-1 D205-594 Extended height landing GearNote: The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Master Document List MDL- Prior to installation of this design 28/01/2014 Active 10016828
Ltd. ISSUE 4 2. 212, 412, 412EP This certificateis revision of STC EASA.IM.R.S. original product remains applicableto D205-594, Rev. J, dated 17 change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01198) 1. 204B, 205A-1 01198 forextension of applicability to 412 this certificate/ approval.The June 2013-Installation thatthe interrelationship between
and 412EP helicopter models. requirements for environmental Instructions IIN-D205-594, this design change and any
protection and the Rev. E, dated 7 May 2013- otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or Instructions for Continued change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Airworthiness ICA-D205-594, introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Rev. 4, dated 7May 2013- the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Flight Manual Supplement
approval. FMS-D214-594, Rev. A, dated
14 July 2005or later revisions
of the ab...
10016829 APICAL INDUSTRIES, REV. 2 FAA STC EC135 T2+, EC135 T3 Emergency Floats KitsInstallation of Apical The Certification Basis (CB) for the REV. 1:Rotorcraft Flight 1. The installation is not approved 31/07/2017 Active 10016829
Inc.d/b/a DART SR01855LA EC135 P3, EC135 T1, EC135 Industries, Inc. Emergency Floats Kits original product remains applicableto Manual Supplement RFMS for helicopters equipped with
(EASA.IM.R.S.01199) AEROSPACE T2 inaccordance with FAA STC SR01855LA Apical this certificate/ approval.The 135-1, Rev.CREV. 2:Rotorcraft highskid landing gear.2. Metro
EC135 P1, EC135 P2, EC135 Master Document List MD 135-1provides for requirements for environmental Flight Manual Supplement Aviation, Inc., Landing Gear Skid
P2+ different installations either with liferafts or protection and the RFMS 135-1, Rev. Extensions, Part
without.REV. 1: Amendment of the initial STC associatedcertified noise and/ or FAirworthiness Limitations Number135M-110, must be
in order to add the EC135 MidHeight La... emissions levels of the original Section 2.0 of ICA 135-1, Rev. installed in accordance with STC
product areunchanged and remain Qor later revisions of the EASA.IM.R.S.01377(FAA STC
applicable to this certificate/ above listed documents SR09230RC) prior to the
approval. approved by EASA installation of this STC, unless
inaccordance with EASA ED AirbusHelico...
Decision 2004/04/CF (or

04/01/2023 Page 76 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016846 CERT WORKS, LLC REV. 1 FAA SR01647SE EUROCOPTER FRANCE AS Installation of Honeywell LTS101-700D-2 The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Drawing List 900-100, See attached Annex Issue 01 dated 27/11/2020 Active 10016846
350 B2 engine on AS 350 B2.Rev 1. Transfer of STC to original product remains applicableto Revision C, dated September 27/11/2020.Prior to installation of
(EASA.IM.R.S.01222) AS 350 B2 Cert Works, LLC. this certificate/ approval.The 25, 2006Maintenance & this change/repair it must be
requirements for environmental Overhaul Supplement determined thatthe
protection and the S2021H, Revision 1, dated interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or September,2006Rotorcraft change/repair and any
emissions levels of the product are Flight Manual Supplement otherpreviously installed change
unchangedand remain applicable to S2020H, Revision 1, dated and/ or repair will introduce no
this certificate/approval without any April 6,2006or later revisions adverseeffect upon the
im... of the above listed document airworthiness of the product.
(s) approved/accepted
onbehalf of EASA i...
10016858 PRECISE FLIGHT, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Precise Flight PulseLite Control System. The Certification Basis for the original Multiple (see attached sheet) Approval for the physical 08/04/2011 Active 10016858
SH3319NM LIST Adding MDHI 369 and 500Nmodels. product remains applicable tothis installation of the PulseLite
(EASA.IM.R.S.01234) certificate/ approval.The Control Unitwill be required if
requirements for environmental there is no specific reference
protection and the provided inEngineering Drawing
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or List 001P0001, revision B, dated
emissions levels of the original May 1, 2002, orlater FAA approved
product areunchanged and remain revision.
applicable to this certificate/
10016870 ONBOARD SYSTEMS REV. 1 FAA STC AS350B, AS350BA, AS350B1 Onboard Systems cargo hook kits P/N The Certification Basis for the original Definition and None 04/02/2011 Active 10016870
INTERNATIONAL SR01393SE AS350B2, AS350B3, AS350D 200-286-01 (with cargo hook P/N528-023-01) product and the followingadditional installation:Onboard Systems
(EASA.IM.R.S.01246) and P/N 200-286-02 (with cargo hook P/N or alternative airworthiness Master Drawing List No.
528-029-00)Revision 1 - introduces cargo requirements are applicable tothis 155-093-00, Rev. 8
hook kit P/N 200-286-02This STC is the certificate/ approval.Change under datedNovember 16, 2010
validation of FAA STC SR01393SE (issued on revision 1 complies with FAR Part 27, andfor cargo hook kit P/N
April 05,2004 and last amended on June 29, amdts 27-1 through27-39The 200-286-01:Onboard Systems
2010). requirements for environmental Owner's Manual No.
protection and the associate... 120-107-01 Rev. 6 dated
September 01,2010for cargo
hook kit P/N
200-286-02:Onboard Systems
Owner's Manual No.
10016878 APICAL INDUSTRIES, REV. 3 FAA SR01812LA A109E/ A109K2/ A109S/ Installation of Apical Industries, Inc. The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List Prior to installation of this design 09/04/2021 Active 10016878
Inc.d/b/a DART AW109SP Emergency Float Kit.Revision 2 of this STC is product remains applicable tothis MD109-1, Revision D, dated change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01255) AEROSPACE A109/ A109A/ A109AII/ issued to add additional models and certificate/ approval, except where 18 August 2005Rotorcraft thatthe interrelationship between
A109C introduceeditorial changes.Revision 3 of this amended by additional or Flight Manual Supplement, this design change and any
STC is issued to make A109 Series Float lateramendments if indicated on FAA RFMSA109-1, RevisionN/C, otherpreviously installed design
Systemcompatible on A109S with Trekker Kit STC.Therequirements for dated 24August change and/ or repair will
p/n 109G0000F01 installed. environmental protection and the 2005Instruction for Continued introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or Airworthiness, ICA109-1, the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the original pro... Revision A, dated 19August
2005or later revisions of the
above listed document(s)
approved/accepted onbeh...
10016879 SIKORSKY GLOBAL REV. 1 FAA STC S-92A Installation of Spectrolab Nightsun II XP The Certification Basis for the original - FAA approved Rotorcraft None 22/11/2010 Active 10016879
HELICOPTERS Inc. SR02408NY-D SearchlightNote: This certificate revises and product remains applicable tothis Flight Manual Supplement
(EASA.IM.R.S.01256) supersedes STC no. EASA.IM.R.S. certificate/ approval No.FM01231 rev. 2dated
01256,aiming to update the Associated September 16, 2008or later
Technical Documentation as listed below revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
decision)- Keystone
Helicopter Installation
Drawing List IDL0123...
10016900 SIKORSKY AIRCRAFT REV. 2 FAA SR02402NY S-92A Installation of Alternate Utility Interior (AUI). The Certification Basis for the original -Rotorcraft Flight Manual< 1. Compliance with the following 25/08/2017 Active 10016900
CORPORATION product as amendedby thefollowing (>,<)> Supplement No. regulations has not been
(EASA.IM.R.S.01277) additional or alternative FM01228 Rev. 10 demonstrated:JAR29 [Change 1]
airworthiness datedDecember 23, 2013;- §29.1411 f) and §29.1415 b);2. The
requirements:Equivalent Safety Rotorcraft Flight Manual<(>,<) Equivalent Level Of Safety (ELOS)
Finding(s):CRI D-01, Issue 3 dated >Supplement No. FM01299 finding to JAR 29.807 d)2) perCRI
May 17, 2016 – “Type III Emergency Rev. 1 datedMarch 29, 2008 D-01:- requires approved life rafts
Exits forDitching”The requirements or Supplement No. 15 Rev – stored external to the rotorcraft
for environmental protection and the dated June 3, 2011;- whenover-water operation is
associatedc... Rotorcraft Flight Manual<(>,<) conducted;-...
> Supplement No. EASA
FM01228 Rev. -dated August

04/01/2023 Page 77 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016903 DART AEROSPACE REV. 2 TCCA STC AS355F, AS355F1, AS355F2 Cross Tube Installation in accordance with The Certification Basis for the original -MDL-D350-748 rev F dated None 03/09/2010 Active 10016903
Ltd. SH06-27 AS355E, AS355N, AS355NP Transport CanadaSTC SH06-27,Issue 1, dated product remains applicable tothis 30 June 2010 - Master
(EASA.IM.R.S.01280) AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2 16 August 2006. certificate/ approval.The Document List-IIN-D350-748
AS350B3, AS350BA, AS350D requirements for environmental rev B dated 15 June 2007 -
protection and the Installation Instructions-ICA-
associatedcertificated noiseand/or D350-748 rev 1 dated 29 June
emissions levels of the original 2010 - Instructions for
product areunchanged and remain ContinuedAirworthinessor
applicable to this certificate/ later revisions of the above
approval. listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED D...
10016908 DART AEROSPACE REV. 1 TCCA STC AGUSTA A119, AW119 MKII TCA STC No. SH06-39 Issue 2 - "Heli-Utility The Certification Basis for the original TCA STC No. SH06-39 Issue 2 None 10/02/2011 Active 10016908
Ltd. SH06-39 ISSUE 2 Basket Installation" - Thisinstallation consists product remains applicable tothis dated 2 July 2009FMS-
(EASA.IM.R.S.01289) in a box, fixed to the landing gear, for certificate/ approvalThe D119-756-EASA Rev. A, ICA-
goodstransportation. requirements for environmental D119-756-EASA Rev. 0, MDL-
protection and the D119-756-EASARev. Aor later
associatedcertificated noise and/ or revisions of the above listed
emissions levels of the original documents approved by
product areunchanged and remain EASAor later revisions of the
applicable to this certificate/ above listed documents
approval. approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (or...
10016917 BAE SYSTEMS LAND REV. 3 FAA SR01906LA MBB-BK117 D-2 Initial issue) Installation of Multiple-place The Certification Basis (CB) for the • Master Drawing List A copy of this STC must be 07/10/2021 Active 10016917
& ARMAMENTS L.P. MBB-BK117 C-2 Utility TroopSeatingSystem.Rev.1) Inclusion original product remains applicableto Number TD-05175 Revision Ρ included in the permanent records
(EASA.IM.R.S.01302) of fifteen new Troop Seat and Interface this certificate/ approval.The dated September 24,2008• of themodified aircraft. If the
Frame designs.Rev.2) Inclusion of MBB- requirements for environmental MBB-BK 117 C-2 Rotorcraft holder agrees to permit another
BK117 D-2.Rev.3) Company name change protection and the Flight Manual Supplement person to usethis certificate to
from BAE Systems Aerospace & Defense associatedcertified noise and/ or Document No.TD-05174 alter the product, the holder shall
GroupInc. to BAE Systems Land & Armaments emissions levels of the original Revision D dated December give the otherperson written
L.P. product areunchanged and remain 10, 2008• MBB-BK 117 D-2 evidence of thatpermission. The
applicable to this certificate/ Rotorcraft Flight Manual following ВАЕ SystemsAerospace
approval. Supplement Document No. & Defense Gro...
14150-30-2 initial issue dated
February 3, 2015or later...
10016929 DONALDSON REV. 1 FAA STC 206B Installation of Aerospace Filtration Systems The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. AFS drawing number Prior to installation of this design 31/01/2018 Active 10016929
COMPANY, Inc. SR09451RC (AFS) Engine Inlet BarrierFilter (IBF) on Bell original product remains applicableto 109000, revision A, dated change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01315) 206B helicopters.Revision 1reflects the name this certificate/ approval.The August 16, 2005 or thatthe interrelationship between
and address change from AerospaceFiltration requirements for environmental laterapproved revision.2. this design change and any
Systems, Inc. to Donaldson Company, Inc. protection and the Installation procedures AFS- otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or BH06B-IBF-KIT-IP, revision A, change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original datedOctober 25, 2005 or introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain later approved revision.3. the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Instruction for continued
approval. Airworthiness documentAFS-
required.4. Airworthin...
10016937 ONBOARD SYSTEMS REV. 3 FAA STC AS 350 B, AS 350 B1, AS 350 External Load Swing Suspension System The Certification Basis for the original Definition and Prior to installation of this change/ 13/09/2022 Active 10016937
INTERNATIONAL SR01164SE B2 models 200-280-01 and-04 (withKeeperless product remains applicable tothis installation:Onboard Systems repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01324) AS 350 B, AS 350 B1 Cargo Hooks) and model 200-280-02 and -03 certificate/approval.The International Master Drawing thatthe interrelationship between
AS 350 BA, AS 350 D (with HydraulicCargo Hooks)Revision 1 - requirements for environmental List No. 155-086-00, Rev.50, this change/repair and any
AS 350 B3, AS 350 BA, AS 350 introduced cargo hook kit 200-280-03 with a protection and the dated 12 May 2021Onboard otherpreviously installed change
D collectivefriction knob and a newrelease associatedcertified noise and/ or Systems International and/ or repair willintroduce no
AS 350 B2, AS 350 B3 lever to accommodate the AS350B3 emissions levels of the original Owner’s Manual:No. adverseeffect upon the
stylecollective con... product areunchanged and remain 120-104-01,Rev. 17, dated 9 airworthiness of the
applicable to this certificate/ May 2014 (for system model product.Installation and operation
approval. 200-280-01),orNo. of the system on AS350B3 wit...
120-104-02, Rev. 37, dated 10
May 2021 (for system model
10016948 EAGLE COPTERS USA, REV. 3 FAA SH4747NM AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2 Installation of consoles, toggle switches, The Certification Basis (CB) for the Geneva Aviation Master In all cases where works have 18/03/2016 Active 10016948
INC. AS350B3, AS350BA, AS350D circuit breakersandreplacement wiring original product remains applicableto Drawing List (MDL) GA107, been carried out on the collective
(EASA.IM.R.S.01343) harnesses in accordance with Geneva this certificate/ approval.The Revision Q, datedFebruary 12, lock,locking strap or central
Aviation MasterDrawing List GA107.This STC requirements for environmental 2013For AS350B, AS350BA, console:- the locking strap height
is the validation of FAA STC No. SH4747NM protection and the AS350D, AS350B1, AS350B2, must be adjusted as required in
(issued on July 26,1989)Revision 2 follows re- associatedcertified noise and/ or AS350B3 with P122 AHMaintenance Manual
issuance of FAA STC No. SH4747NM on emissions levels of the original Consoleinstalled and PRE- or (as
October 28,2015... product areunchanged and remain MOD AMS 07-4280 appropriate),section 3.3: and- a
applicable to this certificate/ configuration:- Rotorcraft minimum gap of 0.15 inches
approval. Flight Manual Supplement (4mm) between the end of...
GA107-2 Revision N
Instructions for Contin...
04/01/2023 Page 78 of 1,649
An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016959 AIR COMM REV. 1 FAA STC EC135 T2, EC135 T2+ Installation of Cabin Air Conditioning System The Certification Basis for the original Air Comm Corporation Master Prior to installation of this design 23/06/2020 Active 10016959
CORPORATION L.L.C SR00565DE EC135 T2, EC1356 T2+ product remains applicable tothis Drawing List Report No.DL- change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01356) EC135 P2, EC135 P2+ certificate/approval, except where EC135, Revision A,dated 19 thatthe interrelationship between
amended by additional or October 2004, FAA approved this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA 24 November2004, or later otherpreviously installed design
STC SR00565DE.The requirements for FAAapproved change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and the revision.Instructions for introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness, Air the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the ori... Comm Corporation
Revision -, dated 25 August
2004, FAA accepted 24
10016960 EAGLE COPTERS USA, REV. 1 FAA STC AS355F2, AS355N Modular Equipment Rack Installation per The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Drawing List GA179 This STC provides approval for 12/03/2015 Active 10016960
INC. SR00474SE AS355E, AS355F, AS355F1 MDL GA179.Notes:1. The STC was initially original product remains applicableto Rev. B dated November 20, structural provisions only. A
(EASA.IM.R.S.01357) AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2 issued to Geneva Aviation, Inc. this certificate/ approval.The 2002Rotorcraft Flight Manual separateapproval is required for
AS350BA, AS350B3, AS350D (initialreference: EASA.IM.R.S.01357).2. requirements for environmental Supplement GA179-3 Rev. D the installation of any equipment
Revision 1 to this STC reflects the transfer of protection and the February 15,2007or later in themodular equipment
EASA.IM.R.S.01357from Geneva Aviation, Inc. associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed rack.Prior to installation of this
to Eagle Copters USA, Inc. emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA design change it must be
product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED determined thatthe
applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF interrelationship between this
approval. (orsubsequent revisions ofthis design change and any
decision) and/ or the otherpreviouslya...
10016961 EAGLE COPTERS USA, REV. 1 FAA STC AS355F2 Microwave System Installation per MDL The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Drawing List GA170 Prior to installation of this design 12/03/2015 Active 10016961
INC. SR00326SE AS355E, AS355F, AS355F1 GA170.Notes:1. The STC was initially issued original product remains applicableto Rev. D dated February 11, change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01359) AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2 to Geneva Aviation, Inc. (initialreference: this certificate/ approval.The 2009Rotorcraft Flight Manual thatthe interrelationship between
AS350BA, AS350D EASA.IM.R.S.01359).2. Revision 1 to this STC requirements for environmental Supplement GA170-3 Rev. B this design change and any
reflectsincorporation of minor protection and the dated May 14, 2008or later otherpreviously installed design
changesapproved under FAA/EASA TIP and associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed change and/ or repair will
the transfer of EASA.IM.R.S.01359 emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA introduce noadverse effect upon
fromGeneva Aviation, Inc... product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or
approval. subsequent revisions ofthis
decision) and/ or the
10016972 DART AEROSPACE REV. 1 FAA STC AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2, Installation of a replacement instrument The Certification Basis for the original Geneva Aviation Master None 15/04/2013 Active 10016972
USA, Inc. SH4748NM AS350B3, AS350BA, AS350D. panel visor.This STC is a validation of FAA STC product remains applicable tothis Drawing List, doc. ref. GA127,
(EASA.IM.R.S.01373) SH4748NM certificate/ approval.The Revision D, datedMarch 8,
requirements for environmental 2008Installation Instructions,
protection and the doc. ref. GA127-3, Revision B,
associatedcertified noise and/ or dated March
emissions levels of the original 8,2008Compliance Checklist,
product areunchanged and remain doc. ref. CCL-127, Revision -,
applicable to this certificate/ dated August 17,2007or later
approval. revisions of the above listed
10016973 EAGLE COPTERS USA, REV. 1 FAA STC AS350B, AS350BA, AS350D Installation of a supplemental avionics The Certification Basis (CB) for the Geneva Aviation Master This STC provides approval for 06/05/2016 Active 10016973
INC. SR00222SE AS350B1, AS350B2, AS350B3 console between thefront seatsin accordance original product remains applicableto Drawing List (MDL) GA158, structural provisions only. A
(EASA.IM.R.S.01374) with Geneva Aviation Master Drawing List this certificate/ approval.The Revision C, dated April14, separateapproval is required for
GA158.This STC is the validation of FAA STC requirements for environmental 2008Compliance Checklist the installation of any equipment
No. SR00222SE.Revision 1 follows re-issuance protection and the CCL-158 Rev. -, dated August in thesupplemental avionics
of FAA STC No. SR00222SEon October associatedcertified noise and/ or 16, 2007or later revisions of console.The installation of this
28,2015. It confirms the transfer of the STC emissions levels of the original the above listed documents modification by third persons is
from... product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA subject towrittenpermission of the
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED approval holder and holding and
approval. Decision 2004/04/CF (or disposal o...
subsequent revisions ofthis
decision)” and/ or...
10016984 DART AEROSPACE REV. 2 TCCA SH93-4 AS355 F2, AS355 N, AS355 Bearpaw InstallationRevision 2 extends the The Certification Basis (CB) for the AS350 and AS355 models:- Prior to installation of this design 01/10/2015 Active 10016984
Ltd. ISSUE 10 NP applicability tothe EC130T2 type model. original product remains applicableto Master Document List, doc. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01389) AS355 E, AS355 F, AS355 F1 this certificate/ approval.The ref. MDL-D350-578, Rev. A, thatthe interrelationship between
AS350 D, EC130 B4, EC130 T2 requirements for environmental dated June 11th,2010- this design change and any
AS350 B, AS350 B1, AS350 B2 protection and the Installation Instructions, doc. otherpreviously installed design
AS350 B3, AS350 BA associatedcertified noise and/ or ref. D350-578, Rev. F, dated change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original August28th , 2008- introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Instructions for Continued the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Airworthiness, doc. ref. ICA-
approval. D350-578, Rev.1, dated
August 28th, 2008EC130B4
and EC130T2 mod...

04/01/2023 Page 79 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10016988 SPECTRUM REV. 1 FAA STC 212, 412 Installation of an air ambulance unit The Certification Basis (CB) for the Spectrum Aeromed Report Prior to installation of this design 17/04/2019 Active 10016988
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a SR176CH; DGAC original product remains applicableto No. SI2055A, dated May 20, change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01394) SPECTRUM FRANCE S this certificate/ approval.The 1993 or later approved thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED requirements for environmental revision. this design change and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10016992 EAGLE COPTERS USA, REV. 1 FAA STC AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2 Installation of a Rear Communication Console The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Drawing List GA178 This STC provides approval for 12/03/2015 Active 10016992
INC. SR00388SE AS350B3, AS350BA, AS350D per MDL GA178.Notes:1. The STC was initially original product remains applicableto Rev. C dated February 09, structural provisions only. A
(EASA.IM.R.S.01401) issued to Geneva Aviation, Inc. this certificate/ approval.The 2009Rotorcraft Flight Manual separateapproval is required for
(initialreference: EASA.IM.R.S.01401).2. requirements for environmental Supplement GA178-3 Rev. C the installation of any equipment
Revision 1 to this STC reflects incorporation protection and the dated March 14, 2008or later in thecommunication console.Prior
of minor changesapproved underFAA/EASA associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed to installation of this design
TIP and the transfer of EASA.IM.R.S.01401 emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA change it must be determined
fromGenev... product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED thatthe interrelationship between
applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or this design change and any
approval. subsequent revisions ofthis otherpreviously i...
decision) and/ or the
10016996 DART AEROSPACE REV. 3 TCCA STC EC130B4, EC130T2 D350-607 and D130-701 Heli-Utility Basket The Certification Basis for the original AS350 and AS355 Prior to installation of this design 14/10/2015 Active 10016996
Ltd. SH94-14 AS355E/F/F1/F2/N/NP and Long Cargo TubeInstallationsRevision 2 product as amendedby thefollowing models:-,,AS350 Flight change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01405) AS350B/B1/B2/B3/BA/D adds the models AS355N and NP.Revision 3 additional or alternative Manual Supplement, doc. ref. thatthe interrelationship between
adds model EC130T2, modifies vne airworthiness requirements:For FMS-D350-607 Revision this design change and any
restrictions, increases thecapacity of the AS350 and AS355 models: FAR 27 up G,dated December 6, otherpreviously installed design
existing D350-607-44X/54X Heli-Utility Basket to and including Amendment 2013-,,AS355 Flight Manual change and/ or repair will
Kits by100 lbs and introduces the 27-23for the affected areas.For Supplement, doc. ref. FMS- introduce noadverse effect upon
D350-607-641 Quick... EC130B4 and EC130T2 models: D355-607 Revision G,dated the airworthiness ofthe product.
FAR27 up to and including December 6, 2013-,,Master
Amendment27-32 for t... Document List, doc. ref.MDL-
D350-607 Revision M,
datedDecember 6,
10017002 EAGLE COPTERS USA, REV. 1 FAA STC AS355 F2, AS355 N Utility Rack Installation per MDL The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Drawing List GA164 This STC provides approval for 10/03/2015 Active 10017002
INC. SR00361SE AS355 E, AS355 F, AS355 F1 GA164.Notes:1. The STC was initially issued original product remains applicableto Rev. B dated May 16, Utility Rack installation only.
(EASA.IM.R.S.01413) AS350 B, AS350 B1, AS350 B2 to Geneva Aviation, Inc. (initialreference: this certificate/ approval.The 2008Rotorcraft Flight Manual Aseparate approval is required for
AS350 B3, AS350 BA, AS350 EASA.IM.R.S.01413).2. Revision 1 to this STC requirements for environmental Supplement GA164-3 Rev. - the installation of any equipment
D reflects thetransfer of EASA.IM.R.S. protection and the initial release datedMay 15, inthe utility rack.Prior to
01413from Geneva Aviation, Inc. to Eagle associatedcertified noise and/ or 2008or later revisions of the installation of this design change it
Copters USA, Inc. emissions levels of the original above listed documents must be determined thatthe
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED design change and any
approval. Decision 2004/04/CF (or otherpreviously instal...
subsequent revisions ofthis
decision) and/ or the...
10017003 DART AEROSPACE REV. 1 FAA STC AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2, Installation of replacement dome light/air The Certification Basis for the original Geneva Aviation Master None 15/04/2013 Active 10017003
USA, Inc. SH4785NM AS350B3, AS350BA, AS350D. vent assembly.This STC is a validation of FAA product remains applicable tothis Drawing List, doc. ref. GA129,
(EASA.IM.R.S.01414) STC SH4785NM. certificate/ approval.The Revision B, datedSeptember
requirements for environmental 22, 2011Installation
protection and the Instructions, doc. ref.
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or GA129-2, Revision C,
emissions levels of the original datedSeptember 22,
product areunchanged and remain 2011Compliance Checklist,
applicable to this certificate/ doc. ref. CCL-129, Revision B,
approval. dated 15 February,
2008Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness, doc.
ref. ICA...
10017018 SIKORSKY GLOBAL REV. 1 FAA STC EUROCOPTER FRANCE AS Installation of a Honeywell Chadwick Model The Certification Basis for the original 1. FM00771 revision - dated none 29/06/2011 Active 10017018
HELICOPTERS Inc. SR01949NY-D 365N3 15175 VXP System. product remains applicable tothis 1/11/ 2005 or later
(EASA.IM.R.S.01436) EUROCOPTER FRANCE AS certificate/ approval.The approvedrevision -Flight
365N2 requirements for environmental manual Supplement;2.
EUROCOPTER FRANCE AS protection and the IC00771 revision -dated
365N1 associatedcertificated noiseand/or 11/09/2004 or later approved
emissions levels of the original revision -Instructions for
product areunchanged and remain Continued Airworthiness;3.
applicable to this certificate/ IDL 00771 revision - dated
approval. 11/09/2004 or later approved
revision -Installation Drawing

04/01/2023 Page 80 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017020 ONBOARD SYSTEMS REV. 3 FAA SR01808SE R44, R44 II Cargo Hook System KitsThe installation as The Certification Basis for the original 1. Master Drawing List (MDL) Approval of this change in type 08/05/2018 Active 10017020
INTERNATIONAL defined in MDL 155-124-00 provides for product remains applicable tothis No. 155-124-00, Revision 19, design applies only to those
(EASA.IM.R.S.01438) differentoptional Cargo Hook System kits certificate/ approval.The dated 31 March2017, or later Robinsonrotorcraft models listed
depending on aircraft voltage system,with requirements for environmental FAA approved revision.2. above which are equipped with
and without load weighing system and the protection and the Continued Airworthiness Robinson hardpoint/tie down
respective cargo hook inaccordancewith FAA associatedcertified noise and/ or (ICA), Document No. block Part Number (P/N)
STC SR01808SE.With revision 2 of EASA STC emissions levels of the original 123-030-00, Revision D134-1.Cargo Hook Kit models
10017020S... product areunchanged and remain 10,dated 28 March 2017, or 200-324-00 and 200-326-00 are
applicable to this certificate/ later FAA accepted revision.3. eligible forinstallation on those
approval. Rotorcraft Flight Manual rotorcraft with 14 volt electri...
Supplements, Document No.
10017028 BLR AEROSPACE, REV. 1 FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of dual tailboom strakesRevision The Certification Basis (CB) for the See EASA Approved Model Prior to installation of this change/ 22/05/2019 Active 10017028
L.L.C. SR01508SE LIST 1 updates theSTC holder's address original product remains applicableto List repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01447) this certificate/ approval.The thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental this change/repair and any
protection and the otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/
10017039 NORTHEAST REV. 1 TCCA STC R44, R44II, R66 Bear Paw Installation.With revision 1 of this The Certification Basis (CB) for the For initial revision (Bear Paw Prior to installation of this design 27/03/2018 Active 10017039
ENGINEERING & SH97-59 STC the R66 is added as applicable type/ original product remains applicableto installation for R44, R44II):- change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01463) DEVELOPMENTLTD. model. this certificate/ approval.The Master Drawing List 96051 thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental Issue 2, dated 04 November this design change and any
protection and the 2004- Instructions for otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original 96051ICA Issue 2,dated introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain 16January 2008For revision 1 the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ (Bear Paw installation for
approval. R66):- Master Drawing List
96051 Issue 4, dated 27 July
10017050 AKV, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC AS 350 B2 Installation of AKV, Inc. Ng/Np Cycle Counter The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Master Drawing List (MDL) AS350B2 modification iaw STC 13/09/2018 Active 10017050
SR01958LA P/N 350NGLTSB2Rev. 1 updates the STC original product remains applicableto No. LTS-001-B2, Rev. NC, EASA.IM.R.S.01222 issued on
(EASA.IM.R.S.01474) holder's address this certificate/ approval.The datedSeptember13, 2006, or 20March 2008is required prior to
requirements for environmental later approved revisions2. the installation of the Ng/Np Cycle
protection and the LTS101 Cycle Counter Counter.The Ng/Np Cycle Counter
associatedcertified noise and/ or Installation Instructions Doc. can only be installed on day/night
emissions levels of the original No. 350B2-800Rev. NC or VFR aircraftwith non-FADEC
product areunchanged and remain later approved revisions3. equipped engine.The Ng/Np Cycle
applicable to this certificate/ LTS101 Cycle Counter Counter is for ground crew to
approval. Instructions for Continued perform maintenan...
Airworthiness (ICA)Doc. No.
350B2-900 Re...
10017057 AIRFILM CAMERA REV. 2 FAA STC SEE FAA AML Installation of Utility Step MountRev. 1 to The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Master Drawing List Prior to installation of this change/ 07/08/2018 Active 10017057
SYSTEMS, INC SR02137LA EASA STC 10017057 adds model MBB-BK 117 original product remains applicableto AF145-210, Rev. D, dated 4 repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01489) D-2.Rev. 2 to EASA STC 10017057 updates this certificate/ approval.The April 2016 or laterFAA thatthe interrelationship between
the references of master drawinglist, requirements for environmental approved revisions.2. this change/repair and any
installation instructions and RFM protection and the Installation Instructions otherpreviously installed change
supplement. associatedcertified noise and/ or AF117-206, Rev. E, dated 14 and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original March 2016, orlater FAA adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain approved revisions. airworthiness of the product.The
applicable to this certificate/ STC is valid for aircraft types and
approval. models approved...
10017058 AIRFILM CAMERA REV. 2 FAA STC T1, T2, T2+, T3 Installation of Utility Step Mount The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Airfilm Camera Systems Prior to installation of this design 17/09/2021 Active 10017058
SYSTEMS, INC SR02138LA SEE FAA AML original product remains applicableto Master Drawing List No. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01490) EC635 T1 (CPDS), T2+, P2+ this certificate/ approval.The AF135-010, Revision A,dated thatthe interrelationship between
EC135 P1, P2, P2+, P3 requirements for environmental 3 May 2008;2. Installation this design change and any
protection and the Manual No. AF135-006 dated otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or 1 May 2008;3. Instructions for change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain AF135-008, dated 10 the airworthiness ofthe
applicable to this certificate/ March2008;4. Flight Manual product.This STC is valid for
approval. Supplement No. Document aircraft types and modelsl...
Number RFMS135-007, dated
24April 2008;ora...

04/01/2023 Page 81 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017063 DART AEROSPACE REV. 2 FAA STC MBB-BK117 D-2 Skidtube Installation ref. D117-762Rev. 1: The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Master Drawing list (MDL) This approval is allowed with 18/11/2019 Active 10017063
USA, Inc. SR01853SE MBB-BK117 B-1/B-2/C-1/C-2 Eligibility extended to MBB-BK117 C-2Rev. 2: original product remains applicableto MDL-D117-762, Revision L, Airbus MBB-BK 117 D-2,
(EASA.IM.R.S.01499) MBB-BK117 A-1/A-3/A-4 Eligibility extended to MBB-BK117 D-2 this certificate/ approval.The dated23 July2019, or later Modification E-4449that increase
requirements for environmental Federal Aviation MTOW to 3800Kgs.Prior to
protection and the Administration (FAA) installation of this design change it
associatedcertified noise and/ or approved revision.- must be determined thatthe
emissions levels of the original Installation Instructions IIN- interrelationship between this
product areunchanged and remain D117-762,Revision F, dated design change and any
applicable to this certificate/ 23 May 2019,or later FAA otherpreviously installed design
approval. approved revision.- change and/ or repair will
Instructions for Continued introduce n...
Airworthiness (ICA) ICA-
10017064 MAX-VIZ Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC 212, 412, 412EP Enhanced Vision Installation. The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. DL-212/412EV-100 revision Prior to installation of this design 01/02/2018 Active 10017064
SR00532DE original product remains applicableto G dated 11 July 2008 or later change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01500) this certificate/ approval.The EASA approvedrevision – thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental Master Data List;2. this design change and any
protection and the PR-212/412EV-120M revision otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or 3 dated 7 May 2007 or later change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original EASA approvedrevision– introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Instructions for Continued the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Airworthiness;3.
approval. PR-212/412EV-100M revision
1 dated 3 July 2007 or later
EASA approvedrevis...
10017065 MAX-VIZ Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC 206L-3, 206L-4, 407 Enhanced Vision Installation. The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. DL-206/407EV-100 revision Prior to installation of this design 01/02/2018 Active 10017065
SR00603DE 206A, 206B, 206L, 206L-1 original product remains applicableto N/C dated 10 April 2006 or change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01501) this certificate/ approval.The later EASAapproved revision – thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental Master Drawing List;2. this design change and any
protection and the PR-206/407EV-100M revision otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or N/C dated 28 July 2006 or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original later EASAapproved revision – introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Flight Manual Supplement;3. the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ PR-206/407EV-120M revision
approval. O dated 10 April 2006 or later
EASAapproved revision...
10017067 FARGO REV. 2 FAA SR01813CH MD900 Installation of Auxiliary Fuel System Kit. The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Fargo Installation Prior to installation of this change/ 19/06/2020 Active 10017067
MANUFACTURING original product remains applicableto Instructions , Doc No. repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01503) CO. this certificate/ approval.The A-900-224, Rev A, dated thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental 24thApril 2008.- EASA this change/repair and any
protection and the approved Flight Manual otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement, EASA Doc No. and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are 900, dated 24November adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to 2008.Or later revisions of the airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval without any above listed document(s)
im... approved/accepted onbehalf
of EASA in accordance with
the Technical
10017071 L-3 WESCAM INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL MX-Series Camera Installation (Structural The Certification Basis for the original FMS02146 revision 3 dated 4 This STC is for structural provisions 14/01/2011 Active 10017071
SH04-29 LIST Provisions Only)Note: This revision to the STC product remains applicable tothis October 2010 - Flight Manual only. Functional and
(EASA.IM.R.S.01507) adds a second Downlink antenna certificate/ approval.The Supplementor later revisions electricalaspects will require
(OMNIAntenna) and a MX-10 Camera requirements for environmental of the above listed documents separate airworthiness
applicability. protection and the approved by EASAMS02146 approval.VNE limited to 126ktsVFR
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or revision 6 dated 4 October OnlyCategory A operations
emissions levels of the original 2010 - Engineering prohibited
product areunchanged and remain ModificationSummaryICA021
applicable to this certificate/ 46 revision 3 dated 4 October
approval. 2010 - Instructions for
10017072 DONALDSON REV. 2 FAA STC AS350 B, AS350 B1, AS350 B2 Installation of Inlet Barrier Filter The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Master Data List No. AFS- Prior to installation of this design 24/08/2021 Active 10017072
COMPANY, Inc. SR02393CH AS350 B3, AS350 BA systemRevision 1 reflects the name and original product remains applicableto AS350B-IBF-MDL Revision F change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01509) address change from AerospaceFiltration this certificate/ approval.The dated5 May 2008;2. thatthe interrelationship between
Systems, Inc. to Donaldson Company, requirements for environmental Rotorcraft Flight Manual this design change and any
Inc.Revision 2 is a change to the process for protection and the Supplement No. AFS-AS350B- otherpreviously installed design
acceptance of revision to thetechnical associatedcertified noise and/ or IBF-FMS Revision Bdated 8 change and/ or repair will
documentation to reflect the provisions of emissions levels of the original Sep. 2008;3. Instructions for introduce noadverse effect upon
the currentbilateral... product areunchanged and remain Continued Airworthiness No. the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ AFS-AS350B-IBF-ICARevision B
approval. dated 5 May 2007;or later
revisions of the above listed

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017074 DART AEROSPACE REV. 1 TCCA STC AS355F2, AS355N, AS355NP D350-561 Cargo Mirror installations. The Certification Basis for the original MDL-D350-561 revision A none 03/09/2010 Active 10017074
Ltd. SH91-20 AS355E, AS355F, AS355F1 product remains applicable tothis dated 16 June 2010 - Master
(EASA.IM.R.S.01516) AS350D, AS350D1 certificate/ approval.The Document List;D350-561
AS350B3, AS350BA , AS350C requirements for environmental revision D dated 16 June 2010
AS350 AS350B1, AS350B2 protection and the - InstallationInstructions;ICA-
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or D350-561 revision 0 dated 16
emissions levels of the original June 2010 - Instructions for
product areunchanged and remain ContinuedAirworthiness.or
applicable to this certificate/ later revisions ofthe above
approval. listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance wit...
10017077 DART AEROSPACE REV. 2 TCCA STC 3. 214B, 214B-1 D212-580 Cargo Mirror/LED Pulse Light FAR 29 up to and including MDL-D212-580 revision D None 26/11/2010 Active 10017077
Ltd. SH92-16 2. 212, 412, 412EP InstallationThis revision adds the LED Pulse Amendment 29-51 for the dated 13 August 2010 -
(EASA.IM.R.S.01526) 1. 204B, 205A-1 light installation to the CargoMirrors. affectedareasThe requirements for Master Document List;IIN-
environmental protection and the D21-580 revision D dated 8
associatedcertificated noise and/ or February 2010 -
emissions levels of theoriginal InstallationInstructions;ICA-
product areunchanged and remain D212-580 revision 2 dated 20
applicable to thiscertificate/ July 2010 - Instructions for
approval. ContinuedAirworthiness;or
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
EASA inaccorda...
10017085 AEROLITE AG REV. 3 EC135 T2(CPDS) EMS Equipment P/N 135405-501/-502.Major The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Flight Manual Supplement EMS-Equipment P/N 135405-501: 25/11/2016 Active 10017085
EC135 T1(CPDS) Changes to EASA STC10017085:STC Rev. 1: To original product remains applicableto FMS-202 Revision H (EMS- Installation in Rotorcraft upto
(EASA.R.S.00397) EC135 T1(CDS) extend approval from P1/P2, T1/T2 to all this certificate/ approvalThe EquipmentP/N135405-501)- andincluding S/N 0336EMS-
EC135 P2+, EC135 T2+ EC135 models.STC Rev. 2: Introduction of requirements for environmental Flight Manual Supplement Equipment P/N 135405-502:
EC135 P2(CPDS) reversible C/P seat installationconfiguration protection and the FMS-410 Revision F (EMS- Installation in Rotorcraft after
EC135 P1(CPDS) P/N 135331-503 into EMS equipment associatedcertified noise and/ or Equipment P/N135405-502)or andincluding S/N 0337P/N
EC135 P1(CDS) configuration P/N135405-501 and emissions levels of the original later revisions of the 135301-503 and P/N 135543-503
introduction of Integr... product areunchanged and remain abovelisted documents are only valid from the rotorcraft
applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA-Operation S/N870 and subsequent.
approval. Manual OPM-202 Revision H-
Master Document List
MDL-201 Revision L
10017086 AIR AMBULANCE REV. 4 AS 332 L2, SA 330 J, EC 225 Cabin Interior "Quick Conversion" kits, The Certification Basis (CB) for the See attached STC Prior to installation of this 01/04/2020 Active 10017086
TECHNOLOGY GmbH LP installing either AAT AirAmbulance original product remains applicableto Continuation Sheet for modification it must be
(EASA.R.S.00461) AS 332 C, AS 332 C1, AS 332 Equipment or AAT Mission Equipment cabin this certificate/ approval.The Associated determined thatthe
L1 layout configurationsNotes:Rev. 3 requirements for environmental TechnicalDocumentation interrelationship between this
superseded previous EASA.R.S.00461 Rev. 2, protection and the according to cabin conversion modification and any other
underlining AssociatedTechnical associatedcertified noise and/ or kits Parts Number (P/N) previouslyinstalled modification
Documentation updates.Rev.4 corrects minor emissions levels of the product are andaircraft models and/ or repair will introduce no
typographic error in the Continu... unchangedand remain applicable to adverse effectupon the
this certificate/approval without any airworthiness of the product.
10017087 AIR AMBULANCE REV. 12 EC635 T2+/EC635 T3 Installation of Air Ambulance Equipment, See Appendix 1 to STC 10017087 Rev. See Appendix 2 to STC For Air Ambulance Equipment P/N 23/05/2022 Active 10017087
TECHNOLOGY GmbH EC635 T2, EC635 T2+, EC635 Mission Equipment,AirborneRadiation 12.The requirements 10017087 Rev. 12or later 135-25-20-107.000-500 series
(EASA.R.S.00462) T3 Measuring EquipmentRevision 1:Introduction forenvironmental protection and the revisions ofthe above listed theinstallation of EASA STC
EC635 P2+/EC635 P3/EC635 of Mission Equipment and Airborne Radiation associatedcertified noise and/ or document(s) approved/ 10063854 is prerequisite.Priorto
T1 MeasuringEquipmentRevision 2:Introduction emissions levels of the original acceptedunder the EASA installation of this change/repair it
EC635 P2+, EC635 P3, EC635 of VIP Interior P/N 135-25-20-5000-900 incl. product areunchanged and remain system. must be determinedthatthe
T1 flooring,seats, fairing and cabinetsRevision applicable to this certificate/ interrelationship between this
EC135 T2+/EC135 T3 3:I... approval. change/repair and any
EC135 T2+, EC135 T3 otherpreviously installed change
EC135 P3/EC135 T1/EC135 and/ or repair will introd...
EC135 P3, EC135 T1, EC135
EC135 P1/EC135 P2/EC135
EC135 P1, EC135 P2, EC135

04/01/2023 Page 83 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017088 AEROLITE AG REV. 7 EC 135 T3 (CPDS) Installation of Emergency Medical Service The Certification Basis for the original For EMS Equipment P/N 1. Limited to helicopters with CDS/ 17/10/2022 Active 10017088
EC135 T2+, EC135 T3 (EMS) equipmentInitial Issue:EMS Equipment product remains applicable tothis 135375-501:- Flight Manual CPDS cockpit variant2. EMS
(EASA.R.S.0057) EC 135 T2 (CPDS) P/N 135375-501/-502The presented EMS certificate/ approval. The certificated SupplementFMS-002 Rev. K- configuration P/N 135375-501 is
EC 135 T2+ Equipment describes a fully integrated noise and/ or emissionslevels of the Operations Manual OPM-002 eligible for
EC 135 T1 (CPDS) interior ofmedicalsupport devices. See original product are unchanged and Rev F- Equipment List installationintohelicopter with S/N
EC 135 T1 (CDS) Equipment List EQL-002 and Flight remain applicable tothis certificate/ EQL-002 Rev M- Master up to and including S/N 3363. EMS
EC135 P3, EC135 T1, EC135 ManualSupplement FMS-002, FMS-412.Due approval. Document List MDL-002 Rev configuration P/N 135375-502 is
T2 various operations differen... NFor EMS Equipment P/N eligible for installation
EC 135 P3 135375-502:- Flight Manual intohelicopter with S/N after and
EC 135 P2 (CPDS) Supplement FMS-412 Rev. G- including S/N 3374. Swivelling...
EC 135 P2+ Operations Manual OPM-002
EC135 P1, EC135 P2, EC135 Rev F- Equipment List EQL...
EC 135 P1 (CPDS)
EC 135 P1 (CDS)
10017090 DART AEROSPACE REV. 3 TCCA SH07-11 AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2 Installation of Sand Filter (Engine air inlet The Certification Basis (CB) for the Definition of the type design This STC is not applicable to 17/12/2014 Active 10017090
Ltd. ISSUE 4 AS350B3, AS350BA, protection)Notes:1. The STC was initially original product remains applicableto change: Dart Aerospace Ltd. AS350B3 model helicopters
(EASA.R.S.00753) EC130B4. issued to CGTM (initial reference:EASA.R.S. this certificate/ approval.The Master Document List MDL- withmodification OP4305 (Arriel
00753)2. Revision 1 to this STC (issued under requirements for environmental QB0777 Revision A datedMay 2D engine installation)
reference EASA.R.S.00753 Rev. 1)reflected: protection and the 7, 2014Installation of the incorporated.Prior to installation
a) the transfer of EASA STC EASA.R.S.00753 associatedcertified noise and/ or Sand Filter: Dart Aerospace of this design change it must
from CGTM to Turbomeca b) updat... emissions levels of the original Ltd. Installation Instructions bedetermined thatthe
product areunchanged and remain IIN-QB0777 Revision Adated interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ May 5, 2014Operation of the design change and any
approval. Sand Filter: Dart Aerospace otherpreviously installed design
Ltd. Flight Manual Su... change and/ ora...
10017093 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 2 BO 105 C Installation of FLIR Ultra force II SystemThe The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Doc No. CMA021 Subjected to the conditions, 01/02/2019 Active 10017093
CRITICAL SERVICES existing FLIRUltra 400 system installation is original product remains applicableto "Documento Técnico", Ed. 1, limitations and procedures
(EASA.R.S.01005) FMANAGEMENT adapted to use theFLIR Ultra Force II system. this certificate/ approval.The dated 27 July 2004- Doc No. contained in DocNo. CMA021-
S.A.U. UF2 platform, adapter plate, CEU, requirements for environmental CMA021-ID "Informe sobre el AFMS "Supplement for FLIR
CEUmounting tray, LCU and power supply protection and the Diseño", Ed. 1Installation System - Ultra Force II", Iss 1Rev.
panel are new installed. Bolster,step, dovetail associatedcertified noise and/ or Instructions in accordance 0Prior to installation of this
block, skin and pedestal break panels, V... emissions levels of the original with:- Doc No. CMA021- change/repair it must be
product areunchanged and remain ID"Boletin de Ingenieria", determined thatthe
applicable to this certificate/ Edición 1- Doc No. CMA021- interrelationship between this
approval. MID "Instrucciones de change/repair and any
Mantenimiento e Instalación" otherpreviously installed c...
Ed.1- UltraForcell...
10017094 AVIATION SUPPORT REV. 1 BO105 S (CBS-4, CBS-5) Installation of CHARM I - Gas Detection The Certification Basis for the original Ergänzung zum Flughandbuch Prior to installation of this design 23/06/2017 Active 10017094
GmbH System.CHARM I (CH4Airborne Remote product as amendedby thefollowing FMS-ASE-90411, Rev. 1-0< change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01006) Monitor) is a laser-assisted technology additional or alternative (>,<)>orlater revisions of the thatthe interrelationship between
forremote airborne surveillance / monitoring airworthiness requirements:The above listed documents this design change and any
of gas transport pipelines.The system is following paragraph(s) at a later approved by EASA.- otherpreviously installed design
installed within passenger and baggage amendment: CS-27, Amendment 4< Installationsanleitung REP- change and/ or repair will
compartment. Thesensor head is located in (>,<)> (not required by Part 21.101) - ASE-91018-4, Rev. -.- introduce noadverse effect upon
the area of the h... 27.1, 21, 25, 27, 29, 251, 301, 303, Instructions for Continued the airworthiness ofthe product
305, 307, 309, 321, 562, 60... Airworthiness ICA-ASE-90411,
Rev. 1-0.
10017100 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 HUGHES 369D, HUGHES Installation of Isolator Washing PlatformRev. - Flight Manual Supplement Helicopter must be eqipped with- 24/02/2022 Active 10017100
Service GmbH 369E 1 Transfer toACC Columbia Jet Service GmbH SPOH_12155, dated High Skid Landing Gear and-
(EASA.R.S.01056) 31.07.2006 orlater EASA McDonnel Douglas Helicopter
approved revision- Cargo Hook Kit P/N
Umrüstunganweisung 369H90072-505
(Installation Manual) II_12155
10017101 GVH AEROSPACE REV. 1 MD900 Upgrading of existing Single Cargo Hook to The Certification Basis for the original -Bournemouth Aviation Prior to installation of this change/ 22/12/2020 Active 10017101
(IRELAND) LIMITED Dual Hook SystemRev. 1: Transfer of STC to product as amendedby thefollowing Consultants Modification repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01071) GVH Aerospace (Ireland) Ltd., Pembroke additional or alternative BAC/MD/003-Bournemouth thatthe interrelationship between
Place10, DO2 ED86 Dublin Eire airworthiness requirements:the Aviation Consultants AFM this change/repair and any
following paragraph(s) at a later Supplement FMS/253/28, otherpreviously installed change
amendment: CS-27, Initial Issue: Revision 1or later revisions of and/ or repair willintroduce no
27.561, 27.685, 27.771, 27.773, the above listed document(s) adverseeffect upon the
27.777, 27.1301, 27.1309, approved/acceptedunder the airworthiness of the product.
27.1321,27.1351, 27.1357, 27.1365, EASA system.

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017102 AIRLIFT A/S REV. 1 SA 365 C,SA 365 C1,SA 365 EMS-Installation/Installation of Medical The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplements :- none 23/08/2012 Active 10017102
C2 Equipment and associatedattachment and product remains applicable tothis EMS Installation kit 555
(EASA.R.S.01072) SA 365 C3,SA 365 N,SA 365 supports.Note: this STC is issued for the certificate/ approval.The -25-212-001 N° LT36525-032.-
N1 purpose of transferring STC No.EASA.R.S. requirements for environmental Incubator Transport System
AS 365 N2,AS 365 N3 01072 of Lufttransport AS to the above protection and the NF02 Lateral Configuration
identified newholder. associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 555-25-200-100N
emissions levels of the original °LT36525-029.-IVA Stretcher
product areunchanged and remain 555-25-201-100 N°LT
applicable to this certificate/ 36525-030.or later revisions
approval. of the above listed documents
approved by EASATechnical
Order N°365-25-0...
10017113 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 1 2. 212, 412, 412 EP Installation of a pitot heater failure warning The Certification Basis (CB) for the Associated Technical Prior to installation of this change/ 01/02/2019 Active 10017113
CRITICAL SERVICES 1. AB412 indicatorRev. 1: Transfer of STC original product remains applicableto Documentation listed on repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01090) FMANAGEMENT this certificate/ approval.The Technical Document thatthe interrelationship between
S.A.U. requirements for environmental CMA077Issue 1 Rev. this change/repair and any
protection and the 0.Installation / Instructions for otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness in and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original accordancewith:-Engineering adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain Bulletin CMA077-BI Issue 1 airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Rev. 0<(>,<)>-Maintenance
approval. Instructions CMA077-IM Issue
1 Rev. 0<(>,<)>-Drawing
CMA077-01-01-00 rev. 0...
10017114 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 1 2. 212, 412, 412EP Installation of a standby horizon emergency The Certification Basis (CB) for the Associated Technical Prior to installation of this change/ 01/02/2019 Active 10017114
CRITICAL SERVICES 1. AB412 power supply warningindicator.Rev. 1: original product remains applicableto Documentation listed on repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01094) FMANAGEMENT Transfer of STC this certificate/ approval.The Technical Document thatthe interrelationship between
S.A.U. requirements for environmental CMA078Issue 1 Rev. this change/repair and any
protection and the 0.Installation / Instructions for otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness in and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original accordancewith:-Engineering adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain Bulletin CMA078-BI Issue 1 airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Rev. 0<(>,<)>-Drawing
approval. CMA078-01-00-00 rev. 0,
andOperation in accordance
with:-Flight Manual
10017118 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 1 S-61N External hoist P/N 76378-260-D replacement The Certification Basis (CB) for the CMA095-AFMS Supplement Sikorsky S-61N operated by 01/02/2019 Surrendere 10017118
CRITICAL SERVICES by P/N 76378-500Rev. 1: Transfer of STC original product remains applicableto for Air Equipment Electric HELICSA (S/N 61756, 61758, d
(EASA.R.S.01125) FMANAGEMENT this certificate/ approval.The Hoist Goodrich P/ 61299, 61361 &61741).Prior to
S.A.U. requirements for environmental N76378-500.CMA095-MID installation of this change/repair it
protection and the Maintenance and installation/ must be determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or Removal Manual.or later interrelationship between
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed thischange/repair and any
product areunchanged and remain document(s) approved/ otherpreviously installed change
applicable to this certificate/ acceptedunder the EASA and/or repair will introduce no
approval. system. adverseeffect upon the airworthi...
10017129 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 AB139 VIP 28 P/N 6AB1KT003-001 Interior The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement No Approval of this change in type 09/06/2010 Active 10017129
GROUP S.p.A. Configuration.This STC supersedes EASA STC product remains applicable tothis 6AB1RFM-1-1 design applies only to those
(EASA.R.S.01219) EASA.R.S.01219. certificate/ approval.The certificated AB139rotorcraft previously
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the equipped with EASA approved
original productare unchanged and Installation of AgustaKit VIP
remain applicable to this certificate/ PROVISION P/N 4G2520F00511.
10017130 MECAER AVIATION REV. 5 AB139, AW139 VIP 29 Interiors P/N 6AB1KT004-001The The Certification Basis (CB) for the Design Data Sheet Report Prior to installation of this change/ 27/11/2019 Active 10017130
GROUP S.p.A. revision 5 introducesan eleven passenger original product remains applicableto DDS-2019-007 Issue repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01220) configuration<(>,<)> arelocation of thefire this certificate/ approval.The ASupplement Flight Manual thatthe interrelationship between
extinguisher positions and installation of requirements for environmental 6AB1RFM-1-2 revision this change/repair and any
newcarpets. protection and the ALOwner’s Manual (ICA) otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or 6AB1WNM-2-2, Reissue 2 and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original Rev. AEor later revisions of adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain the above listed document(s) airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ approved/acceptedunder the
approval. EASA system.

04/01/2023 Page 85 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017131 BRISTOW REV. 1 CAA UK AS 332 L, AS 332 L1 Rockwell Collins TCAS II, TCAS 4000 System The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Bristow AS 332L/L1 Flight Prior to installation of this design 06/08/2013 Active 10017131
HELICOPTERS Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY software upgradefrom Version7.0 to 7.1.Rev original product remains applicableto Manual Supplement No. 36- change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01224) 1 covers modification of Rockwell Collins this certificate/ approval.The Rockwell CollinsTCAS II, issue thatthe interrelationship between
TCAS-4000 TCAS II updateto version requirements for environmental 4;- Bristow AS 332L/L1 Flight this design change and any
7.1software. Modification : MOD/ protection and the Manual Supplement No. 39- otherpreviously installed design
332/34.5538 associatedcertified noise and/ or Rockwell CollinsTCAS II change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Version 7.1,initial issue;or introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain later revisions of the above the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ listed documentsapproved by
approval. EASA.- Certification Plan for
10017135 RTERESEAU DE REV. 1 AS 332 C1 Installation for Human External Cargo (HEC) The Certification Basis for the original - RTE „Master Drawing List”, Installation of this STC requires 26/06/2019 Active 10017135
TRANSPORT applicationsNote: STC Rev.1 is re-issuance of product as amendedby thefollowing report no.NT-MAINLA-CNER- that the helicopter is equipped
(EASA.R.S.01229) D'ELECTRICITE the original STC certificateEASA.R.S.01229 additional or alternative STH-PAMM-05-01270, ind. withAirbus Helicopters optional
and approves compatibility of the STC with airworthiness requirements:The 3.0- RTE „Instructions equipment for Transport of
AS 332 C1helicopters when equipped with following paragraph(s) at a later Techniques de Montage“, External Load(4500kg) – SUP.10.6
the following optional equipment: amendment: JAR 29 Amdt. report no.NT-MAINLA-CNER- or SUP.20 as applicable to
AirbusHelicopters avionics suite AHCAS and 3,requirement 29.21, 29.25, 29.27, STH-PAMM-05-01263, ind. helicopter configuration.Prior to
Multi-p... 29.29, 29.49, 29.51 (c), 29.55, 3.0- RTE „Manuel de installation of thischange/repair it
29.64,29.65, 29.67, 29.75, 29.141, Maintenance“, report no.DT- must be determined thatthe
29.143,2... ETUD-CNER-STH- interrelationshi...
PAMM-05-01430, ind. 6.0-
RTE „Supplément au Manuel
de Vol“, repor...
10017136 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS REV. 1 CAA UK EC135 T1, EC135 T2, EC135 Change to existing EASA STC EASA.R.S.01230 As per EC135 TCDSThe Certification Modification DefinitionDesign None 20/11/2009 Active 10017136
UK LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY T2+ - NVG CompatibleLightingSystem - to extend Basis for the original product remains Report DR/135900-001 Issue
(EASA.R.S.01230) EC135 P1+, EC135 P2+ the approved Night Vision Goggletypes to applicable tothis certificate/ C dated 2 September
allowsingle pilot operations and to include approvalThe certificated noise and/ 2009Flight Manual
the latest EC135 types. or emissions levels of the original Supplements-ECUK RFMS No.
productare unchanged and remain 28 Issue 2 dated 18
applicable to this certificate/ November 2009For dual pilot
approval operationsusing Northrop
Grumman M949 NVG on
EC135 T1,T2 and T2+-
ECUKRFMS No. 29 Issue 2
dated 19 November 2009For
single pilot o...
10017140 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 VIP 37 Interiors P/N 6AB1KT005-001: Cabin The Certification Basis for the original - Publication No. The change in type design applies 09/06/2010 Active 10017140
GROUP S.p.A. interiors modification.This STC supersedes product remains applicable tothis 6AB1RFM-1-3 - Supplement only to those AB139/
(EASA.R.S.01242) EASA STC EASA.R.S.01242. certificate/ approval.The certificated to AB139/AW138 RFM- AW139Rotorcraftpreviously
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Publication No. equipped with Agusta "Kit VIP
original productare unchanged and 6AB1WNM-2-3 - Owner's Cabin Passenger Provision P/
remain applicable to this certificate/ Manual N4G2520F00711".
10017148 AIR GRISCHA REV. 1 FOCA STC AS 350 B3 Bubble Window RH Installation P/N FAR 27.The Certification Basis for the - RFMS, bubble window kit 1. When the bubble window is 21/03/2011 Active 10017148
HELIKOPTER AG 56-30-01 030603/350BW according FOCA Data original product remains applicable 030603/350BW, Eurocopter used for vertical reference, the
(EASA.R.S.01251) Sheet56-30-01.Installation of P/N tothis certificate/ approval.The Helicopter ModelAS350B3, followingapplies: If the pilot
030603/350BW according to FOCA data certificated noise and/ or emissions issue 2 dated 1/05/2006or cannot firmly hold the collective
sheet 56-30-01at issue 3.Revision 1: This is a levels of the original productare later revisions of the above pitch lever whenin the position
change to EASA.R.S.01251 issued 23/03/2006 unchanged and remain applicable to listed documents approved by intended for vertical reference
whichwas based on STC FOCA 56-30-01 at this certificate/ approval. EASA- FOCA data sheet through the bubblewindow, an
issue 2, dated 24/12/2004. The cha... 56-30-01 issue 3 dated approved collectivepitch lever
10.5.2006- Bubble Window extension must be installed.2.
Kit, rev.01 dated 20.06.2004 With the bubble w...
including installationmanual,
10017149 MECAER AVIATION REV. 2 A109S, AW109SP Cabinet Installation P/N The Certification Basis for the original Report 6A10RAD-002 Rev. B None 01/03/2011 Active 10017149
GROUP S.p.A. 6A10AD001-001.Extension of the product remains applicable tothis "Cabin Cabinet Interiors
(EASA.R.S.01252) STC10017149 to the AW109SP model that is certificate/ approval. ConfigurationDescription"Rep
part of thesame TC Number EASA.R.005 ort 6A10AD-001 Issue B "NDC
Cabinet Installation
6A10WNM-2-1 Rev. A
"Owners manual""or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by

04/01/2023 Page 86 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017150 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 CD Player Installation P/N 6AB1EL017-001 The Certification Basis for the original None The change in type design applies 09/06/2010 Active 10017150
GROUP S.p.A. the change consists in theinstallation of a CD product remains applicable tothis only to those AB139 Rotorcraft
(EASA.R.S.01253) Player into passenger cabin.This STC certificate/ approval.The certificated previously equipped with Agusta
supersedes EASA STC EASA.R.S.01253. noiseand/ or emissions levels of the provision P/N 3G2520A00311
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10017152 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 1 SA 330 J Installation of an external basket and Flight manual Supplement Prior to installation of this change/ 01/02/2019 Active 10017152
CRITICAL SERVICES external reinforcement of thestructure (as CMA098-AFMS/1 Issue 1 repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01255) FMANAGEMENT necessary) to carry a Bambi Bucket and its Revision 0 dated 6February thatthe interrelationship between
S.A.U. accessoriesduring fire fighting 2008Maintenance & this change/repair and any
operations.Rev. 1: Transfer of STC Installation/Removal otherpreviously installed change
instructions CMA098-MID and/ or repair willintroduce no
issue 1revision 0Technical adverseeffect upon the
Document CMA098Issue 1 airworthiness of the product.
revision 0or later revisions of
the above listed document(s)
approved/acceptedunder the
EASA system.
10017153 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 269D Introduction of EAC-333-000 Airborne The Type and OSD Certification Bases Aviation Traders Modification Restricted to: G-TAMA ASN 051A, 09/11/2021 Active 10017153
LIMITEDEUROPE Camera SystemRev. 1: Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains ATL/33/M003 & Definition G-TAMB ASN 052A, G-TAMC
(EASA.R.S.01256) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ Document refDD/001/9700 ASN054A, G-TAMDASN 056A & G-
approval.The requirements for dated 14 March 2006Aviation TAME ASN 035APrior to
environmental protection and the Traders RFM Supplement installationof this change/repair it
associatedcertified noise and/ or Number 042 Issue 1 dated must be determined thatthe
emissions levels of the product are September 15or later interrelationship between this
unchangedand remain applicable to revisions of the above listed change/repair and any
this certificate/approval w... document(s) approved/ otherpreviously installed change
acceptedunder the EASA and/ or repair will introduce no
system. adverseef...
10017155 PREMIAIR AIRCRAFT REV. 2 CAA UK AS365N2, AS365N3, Installation of Honeywell MK XXI The Certification Basis for the original -Installation in accordance None 01/02/2010 Active 10017155
ENGINEERINGLIMITE RESPONSIBILITY SA365N1 EGPWSNote: This revision is to amend an product stated in TCDS N.159remains with PremiAir Aircraft
(EASA.R.S.01261) D existing EASA STC (RefP-EASA.R.S.01261 rev. applicable to this certificate/ Engineering Modification
1)to add the AS 365N3 model approval reference 09-026 issue 2.-
PremiAir Aircraft Engineering
RFM Supplement 09-
AS365N3-03 Issue 1-
Installation in accordance
with PremiAir Aircraft
reference 06-013-PremiAir
Aircraft Engineering RFM
10017156 ZODIAC AEROSAFETY REV. 12 S-92A Installation of AERAZUR Internal Auxiliary The Certification Basis for the original S-92A Flight Manual The IAFS Completion Kit can be 08/01/2015 Active 10017156
SYSTEMS Fuel System (IAFS) completionkit p/n 508617 product and the followingadditional Supplement n° 060S437, installed only on S-92A
(EASA.R.S.01263) or 508617-1 or 508617-2 or 508617-3.STC or alternative airworthiness edition 16 dated06 helicoptersequipped with:- S-92A
revision 1 introduces kit p/n 508617-1 and requirements are applicable tothis December2010, and Avionics Management System
revised documentation.STC revision 2 certificate/ approval.Special temporary revision dated (AMS) version n° 091-2527-007
introduces edition 15 of RFM Conditions(s):IAFS CRI C-1 Issue 3 - October 24, 2014.or later orlater approved version, and-
supplement.STC revision 3 introduces kit p/n Crash conditions - fitting factorIAFS revisions of the above listed AERAZUR IAFS Provision Kit p/n
508617-2 and revise... CRI E-1 Issue 3 - Fuel system crash documents approved by 509429-02 or 509429-03 approved
resistance - Rearw... EASA.AERAZUR underEASA STC n° 10017259
Organigramme Technique n° revision 3 or later.When
508617-1, edition 11 dated 23 including5...
Organigramme Technique n°
10017157 AEROLITE AG REV. 1 MBB-BK 117 C-2 EMS Equipment P/N 145221-501.,,This The Certification Basis (CB) for the FMS-06-005 Rev. B.Chapter Prior to installation of this design 25/10/2016 Active 10017157
revision 1 to STC EASA.R.S.01265 introduces original product remains applicableto 04 (Airworthiness Limitations) change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01265) modification onexisting cabin configuration this certificate/ approval. The ofOPM-06-007 Rev. Bor later thatthe interrelationship between
and introduces two new cabinconfigurations. requirementsfor revisions of the above listed this design change and any
See MDL-06-006 Rev. C. environmentalprotection and the documents approved by otherpreviously installed design
associated certified noise and/ or EASA.Certification program change and/ or repair will
emissions levelsof the original CPR-16-006 Rev. B.Master introduce noadverse effect upon
product are unchanged and remain Drawing List DWL-16-006 Rev. the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to thiscertificate/ C.Instruction for Continued
approval. Airworthiness included in
OPM-06-007 Rev. B.

04/01/2023 Page 87 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017161 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 Cabinet Utility Installation P/N The Certification Basis for the original - NDC n. 6AB1AD-001- Utility Cabinet Utility Installation P/N 09/06/2010 Active 10017161
GROUP S.p.A. 6AB1AD004-001.This STC supersedes EASA product remains applicable tothis Cabinet Installation Owner's 6AB1AD004-001 is compatible
(EASA.R.S.01269) STC EASA.R.S.01269. certificate/ approval.The certificated Manual, document n. with AgustaS.p.A. cabin
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the 6AB1WNM-2-6 arrangements n. 3G2520F00111
original productare unchanged and and 3G2520F00211.
remain applicable to this certificate/
10017162 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 115V AC Power Installation.Electrical power The Certification Basis for the original - Technical file per S.E.I.NDC None. 09/06/2010 Active 10017162
GROUP S.p.A. connectors installation in the passenger product remains applicable tothis n. 6AB1EL-004/III- Drawing
(EASA.R.S.01270) compartment.This STC supersedes EASA STC certificate/ approvalThe certificated n. 6AB1EL026-001- Owner’s
EASA.R.S.01270. noise and/ or emissions levels of the Manual n. 6AB1WNM-2-9
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10017163 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 ICS Installation. Intercommunication System The Certification Basis for the original - Technical file per S.E.I.NDC None. 09/06/2010 Active 10017163
GROUP S.p.A. in the passengercompartment.This STC product remains applicable tothis n. 6AB1EL-003/III- Drawing
(EASA.R.S.01271) supersedes EASA STC EASA.R.S.01271. certificate/ approval.The certificated n. 6AB1EL020-001- Owner’s
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Manual n. 6AB1WNM-2-10
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10017170 MECAER AVIATION REV. 3 AB139/ AW139 VIP 43 Interiors P/N 6AB1AD006-001. The Certification Basis (CB) for the RFM Supplement VIP 43 Prior to installation of this design 10/04/2015 Active 10017170
GROUP S.p.A. Customization passengercabininteriors original product remains applicableto Interiors 6AB1RFM-1-4, Rev. change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01278) (upholstering, installing decorative liners and this certificate/ approval.The Uor laterrevisions of the thatthe interrelationship between
bulkheads.SAT-COM headsets, small cabinet requirements for environmental above listed documents this design change and any
and other minor items) protection and the approved by EASA.Owner's otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or Manual VIP 43 Interiors change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original 6AB1WNM-2-8, Re-Issue 2, introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Rev. O(Instruction of the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness)NDC
approval. 6AB1AD-217/III,Issue C, dated
02.04.2015 (Master
Document List)VIP 43 Major...
10017171 KUERZI AVIONICS AG REV. 3 SA 330 J Avionics UpgradeGPS, Monitor, Cabin The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Document and Prior to installation of this change/ 11/06/2018 Active 10017171
Intercom, EMS, SAT111 Tracking System, HF original product remains applicableto Drawing List No. repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01282) Radio, WXRadar, Power Connector, FM this certificate/ approval.The MDL-200616059 Rev. C or thatthe interrelationship between
RadioReason for STC re-issue:Transfer of requirements for environmental laterapproved revisionsFlight this change/repair and any
EASA.R.S.01282 Rev. 2 from KUERZI protection and the Manual Supplement Garmin otherpreviously installed change
AVIONICS DEUTSCHLAND GMBHto KUERZI associatedcertified noise and/ or GPS165 No. FMS-200616059 and/ or repair willintroduce no
AVIONICS A.G. (EASA.21J.365) emissions levels of the original Rev. A or laterapproved adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain revisions airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/
10017172 AEROLITE AG REV. 2 EC135 T3 Installation of Emergency Medical Services The Type and OSD Certification Bases - Rotorcraft Flight Manual The initial issue of this STC 06/07/2022 Active 10017172
EC135 T1, EC135 T2, EC135 (EMS) Equipment P/N135500-501 or P/N (CB) for the original productremains Supplement FMS-210 Revision supersedes EASA STC 2004-242
(EASA.R.S.01286) T2+ 135500-502Revision 1Extension of applicable to this certificate/ E applicable toP/N and MajorModification No.
EC135 T1, EC135 T2 applicability to Airbus Helicopter Deutschland approval.The requirements for 135500-501- Rotorcraft Flight 2004-11064.Limited to helicopters
EC135 P1, EC135 P2, EC135 EC135 P2+and EC135 T2+Revision 2- Change environmental protection and the Manual Supplement FMS-407 with CDS/CPDS cockpit
P2+ of STC holder from "Aerolite Max Bucher AG" associatedcertified noise and/ or Revision D applicable toP/N variants.Extension of applicability
EC135 P1, EC135 P2 to "Aerolite AG"- Extension of applicability of emissions levels of the product are 135500-502- toEC135 T3(CPDS) introduced with
EMS Equ... unchangedand remain applicable to OperationManual OPM-210 Revision 2of this STC is limited to
this certificate/approval w... Revision E- Master Document rotorcraft S/N 0420.Prior to
List MDL-210 Revision For installation of this cha...
later revisions of the above
listed document(s) app...
10017173 ECMS AVIATION REV. 1 EC635 T3(CPDS) Balance Weighing System BWS02Note: The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement 1) The Balance Weighting System 11/05/2015 Active 10017173
SYSTEMS GMBH EC635 T2+ Revision 1 of the original STC EASA.R.S.01288 product as amendedby thefollowing BWS02_fms, issue BWS02 is compatible with the
(EASA.R.S.01288) EC635 T1 (CPDS) is issued to extendthe applicability of the additional or alternative 01-07-2007or later revisions followingEC135 cargo hook
EC635 P3 (CPDS) original STC to the EC 135 T3/P3 and EC airworthiness requirements:For the of the above listed documents installations:-Dual External cargo
EC635 P2+ 635T3/P3 models. EC135 T3/P3 & EC635 T3/P3 approved by EASA-,,Master Hook (AHD FMS 9.2-47) or-
EC135 T3 (CPDS) models:CS 27 Amendment Drawing List External Cargo Hook (AHD FMS
EC135 T2 (CPDS) 2:27.25/27/141/231/241/251/301/3 BWS02_MDL_EASA Revision 9.2-19)2) Fixed provisions
EC135 T2+ 03/305/307/341/571/609/610/611/6 2-,,Installation Instructions including internal wiring harness
EC135 T1 (CPDS) 13/865/1301/1323/1325/1351/1357 BWS02_inst.-,,Maintenance are required forinstallation (AHD
EC135 P3 (CPDS) /1501/1581CS 29 App... Manual & User P/N L851M1886051 or equivalen...
EC135 P2 (CPDS) GuideBWS02_mm_ug
EC135 P2+
EC135 P1 (CPDS)

04/01/2023 Page 88 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017174 PREMIAIR AIRCRAFT REV. 2 CAA UK AS365N2, AS365N3, Installation of Honeywell KTA 870 Traffic The Certification Basis for the original -Installation in accordance None 01/02/2010 Active 10017174
ENGINEERINGLIMITE RESPONSIBILITY SA365N1 Advisory SystemNote: This revision is to product stated in TCDS N.159remains with PremiAir Aircraft
(EASA.R.S.01289) D amend an existing EASA STC (RefP-EASA.R.S. applicable to this certificate/ EngineeringModification
01289 rev. 1) to add the AS365N3 model approval reference 09-025 issue 2.-
PremiAir Aircraft Engineering
RFM Supplement 09-
AS365N3-02 Issue 1-
Installation in accordance
with PremiAir Aircraft
reference 07-009-PremiAir
Aircraft Engineering RFM
10017175 PREMIAIR AIRCRAFT REV. 2 CAA UK AS365N2, AS365N3, Installation of Honeywell KMD 850 Multi The Certification Basis for the original -Installation in accordance None 01/02/2010 Active 10017175
ENGINEERINGLIMITE RESPONSIBILITY SA365N1 Function DisplayNote: This revision is to product stated in TCDS N.159remains with PremiAir Aircraft
(EASA.R.S.01290) D amend an existing EASA STC (RefP-EASA.R.S. applicable to this certificate/ EngineeringModification
01290 rev. 1) to add the AS 365N3 model approval reference 09-024 issue 2.-
PremiAir Aircraft Engineering
RFM Supplement 09-
AS365N3-01 Issue 1-
Installation in accordance
with PremiAir Aircraft
reference 07-008-PremiAir
Aircraft Engineering RFM
10017176 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 VIP 55 Interiors P/N 6AB1AD007-001The The Certification Basis for the original Publication nr. 6AB1RFM-1-5 - The change in type design applies 09/06/2010 Active 10017176
GROUP S.p.A. change consists in customizing passenger product remains applicable tothis Supplement RFM only to those AB139/
(EASA.R.S.01294) cabin interiors(personalized seat layout, certificate/ approval.The certificated AW139Rotorcrafts previously
carpet and liners, devices, adding a noiseand/ or emissions levels of the equipped with EASA "Kit VIP
smallcabinet and others minor items).This original productare unchanged and Provision P/N 4G2520F01311".
STC supersedes EASA STC EASA.R.S.01294. remain applicable to this certificate/
10017178 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 2 EC135 P1/ EC135 P2/ EC135 Revision 1 of this STC is due to the transfer of The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Rotorcraft Flight Manual Prior to installation of this change/ 24/02/2022 Active 10017178
Service GmbH T1 EASA STCEASA.R.S.01296: Installation of a original product remains applicableto Supplement P1, P2, T1 (CDS, repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01296) HeliMap.MIDI.P0252 Moving Map this certificate/ approval.The CPDS), EC135-69008-800-S- thatthe interrelationship between
System.Revision 2: Transfer to ACC requirements for environmental MF Rev. 0.2. Instructions for this change/repair and any
COLUMBIA Jet Service GmbH protection and the Continued Airworthiness EC otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or 135-69008-810-S-MM Rev.0. and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/
10017179 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 2 MBB-BK117 B-2 Revision 1 of this STC is due to the transfer of The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Rotorcraft Flight Manual Prior to installation of this change/ 24/02/2022 Active 10017179
Service GmbH EASA STCEASA.R.S.01297: Installation of a original product remains applicableto Supplement BK117 B-2, BK repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01297) Heli.Map.MIDI.P0252 Moving Map this certificate/ approval.The 117-69007-800-S-MF.2. thatthe interrelationship between
System.Revision 2. Transfer to ACC requirements for environmental Instructions for Continued this change/repair and any
COLUMBIA Jet Service GmbH protection and the Airworthiness otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or BK117-69007-810-S-MM. and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/
10017183 AEROLITE AG REV. 1 MBB-BK 117 C-2 Installation of NATO Stretcher Retainer.This The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement The NATO Stretcher (NSN 15/03/2016 Active 10017183
STC revision is issued for the purpose of product as amendedby thefollowing FMS-06-008, Rev. N/C, dated 6530-01-380-7309) referred to in
(EASA.R.S.01316) transferring the STC toAerolite AG. additional or alternative 27.09.2006or later revisions thisinstallation is not part of this
airworthiness requirements for of the above listed documents STC.Prior to installationof this
thefollowing paragraph(s) at a later approved by design change it must be
amendment: CS 27 Amdt. 2.The EASA.Instructions for determined thatthe
requirements for environmental Continued Airworthiness and interrelationship between this
protection and the Operation design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or ManualOPM-06-010, dated otherpreviously installed design
emissions levelsu... 04.10.2006. change and/ or repair will
introduce noadv...

04/01/2023 Page 89 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017184 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS REV. 1 EC135 T2, EC135 T2+ Daylight Camera Installation (Ultramedia III) Flight Manual Supplement: 09/06/2022 Active 10017184
EC135 P2, EC135 P2+ (Structural and ElectricalProvisions): "Supplement for FSI UM II/III/
(EASA.R.S.01317) Installation of a camera Ultramedia II/III/HD HD Gyro Stabilised Camera",
in accordancewith ECE Master Document List FMA 11.100.Installation
DL L853H0001E01, Rev. B.Rev. 1: Transfer of Instructions: Master
STC 10017184 from Airbus Helicopters Document List DL
España toAirbus Helicopters L853H0001E01, Rev.
B.Instructionsfor Continuous
Airworthiness "Flir Manual FSI
UM II/III/HD", Rev. A.
10017187 AEROLITE AG REV. 4 EC635 T2+/ T3(CPDS) EMS equipment P/N 135572-501.Revision 4 The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement: S/N: 337 and up.The TC holder 21/10/2016 Active 10017187
EC635 P2+/ P3(CPDS)/ T1 of the EASA STC 10017187 enhances the product as amendedby thefollowing FMS-06-007, Rev. F, Issue optional Air Conditioning System is
(EASA.R.S.01324) (CPDS) applicability of EMSEquipment P/N additional or alternative date July 31st, 2016or later not compatible withthis
EC135 T2(CPDS)/ T3(CPDS) 135572-501 for the EC135 P3/T3 models / airworthiness requirements for revisions of the above listed installation up to and including S/N
EC135 T1(CDS)/ T1(CPDS)/ variants andintroduces the following thefollowing paragraph(s) at a later documents approved by 869.New installations of this STC
T2+ modifications / components:- Aeration Cover amendment: CS 27 Amdt. 2.The EASA.Master Document List are only allowed with the revision
EC135 P2(CPDS)/ P3(CPDS) Inst. P/N 135-0227093-501.- Window Bay requirements for environmental MDL-06-019 Revision G, dated coveredby this approval or later
EC135 P1(CDS)/ P1(CPDS)/ Rack Inst. P/N 135-0215599-5... protection and the October 14th, approved revisions.Prior to
P2+ associatedcertified noise and/ or 2016.Instructions for installation of this design change it
emissions levelsu... Continued Airworthiness: mustt...
OPM-06-009 Rev. F, dated
31stJuly, 2016.
10017194 AEROLITE AG REV. 4 AW139, AB139 EMS Medical Rack Installation p/n The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Flight Manual Supplement Leonardo Helicopter EMS 30/09/2022 Active 10017194
AB 139, AW 139 139099-501.Rev. 1 to reflect STC holder original product remains applicableto FMS-06-012 Rev. E- Master (MEDEVAC) ELECTRICAL
(EASA.R.S.01331) name change.Rev. 2 to introduce a new this certificate/ approval.The Document List MDL-06-024 PROVISIONS 3G2564A01411must
cylinder rack P/N 139-0250648-501 into requirements for environmental Rev. F- Instructions for be installed with modifications
thecabin of an AB/AW139 rotorcraft.Rev. 3 protection and the Continued Airworthiness and according to 3G2564W00201
Introduction of a new Equipment Rack associatedcertified noise and/ or Operations (Page 1only).For long nose AW139,
Installation PIN139-0281111-501 and emissions levels of the original ManualOPM-06-014 rev.For electrical provision P/N
Backpack HolderInstallation PIN 13... product areunchanged and remain later revisions of the above 4G2564A00112 plus EMS KitP/N
applicable to this certificate/ listed document(s) approved/ 4G2564A00214 must
approval. acceptedunder the EASA beinstalled.For short nose AW139
system. Forward Upper Panel LHD P/N 3...
10017198 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 VIP 87 Interiors P/N 6AB1AD008-001.This STC The Certification Basis for the original Publication No. 6AB1RFM-1-6 This STC is only applicable to the 09/06/2010 Active 10017198
GROUP S.p.A. supersedes EASASTC EASA.R.S.01341. product remains applicable tothis Supplement to AW139 AB139 and AW139 helicopters
(EASA.R.S.01341) certificate/ approval.The certificated RFMPublication No. equippedwith the Agusta provision
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the 6AB1WNM-2-12 Owner's for VIP Cabin Interiors P/N
original productare unchanged and Manual 4G2520F01511.
remain applicable to this certificate/
10017200 ECMS AVIATION REV. 4 EC635 P2+/-P3/-T1/-T2+/T3 Load Attachment Device EAD01.Provides The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Supplement for Prior to installation of this design 09/08/2017 Active 10017200
SYSTEMS GMBH EC135 T2+/-T3 attachment provisionson rotorcraft for fast original product remains applicableto External Abseil Device EAD01 change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01349) EC135 P1/-P2/-P2+/-P3/-T1/- roping/ rappellingand Human ExternalCargo this certificate/ approval.The onEC135/EC635, thatthe interrelationship between
T2 operations.Rev. 1:Revision of previous LBA requirements for environmental EAD01_FMS_EC135_635_EAS this design change and any
STC No. RC1234, dated 24 Nov 2003,EASA- protection and the A, Revision 5or later revisions otherpreviously installed design
approval No. 1025. New STC No EASA.R.S. associatedcertified noise and/ or of the above listed documents change and/ or repair will
01349 Rev 1. The technicalchanges were:- emissions levels of the original approved by EASA.Master introduce noadverse effect upon
the system-... product areunchanged and remain Document List for EAD01 for the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ rotorcraft EC135 and
approval. EC145,EAD01_MDL_EASA,
Revision 10.Installation
Instructions for the E...
10017202 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS REV. 2 EC135 T2, EC135 T2+ Daylight Camera Installation (MX-15i Flight Manual Prior to installation of this change/ 09/06/2022 Active 10017202
EC135 T2 , EC135 T2+ Wescam) (Structural & ElectricalProvisions) Supplement:Supplement for repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01351) EC135 P2, EC135 P2+ and Operator Work Station.Installationof a Forward Looking Infrared thatthe interrelationship between
Camera MX15i Wescam and related Operator Wescam System LX-15i" FMA this change/repair and any
WorkStationinaccordance with ECE Master 11.101Installation otherpreviously installed change
Document Lists DL L853H0002E01 Rev.B and instructions:Master and/ or repair willintroduce no
DL L854H0001E01 Rev.B.Rev. 2: Transfer of Document Lists DL adverseeffect upon the
STC 100172... L853H0002E01 Rev. B and DL airworthiness of the product.
L854H0001E01 Rev.
BInstructions for continuous
Airworthiness"Flir Manual
Wescam MX-15i" Rev. A

04/01/2023 Page 90 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017213 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 2 MBB-BK117 B-2/ MBB-BK117 Revision 1 of this STC is due to the transfer of The Certification Basis (CB) for the Rotorcraft Flight Manual Prior to installation of this change/ 24/02/2022 Active 10017213
Service GmbH C-1 EASA STCEASA.R.S.01369:Installation of an original product remains applicableto Supplement Eurocopter repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01369) EAE Heli.Map.MDI.P0252 system with this certificate/ approval.The BK117B-2/C-1ACC- thatthe interrelationship between
extension box (foradvisory only).Installation requirements for environmental BK117-79003-800-S-MF Rev. this change/repair and any
of a moving map system into BK117B-2 and protection and the 1, dated otherpreviously installed change
BK117C-1 models.Revision 2: ACC COLUMBIA associatedcertified noise and/ or 31.05.2007.Instructions for and/ or repair willintroduce no
Jet Service GmbH emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness ACC- adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain BK117-79003-810-S-MM Rev. airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ 0, dated 03.04.2007.
10017217 AEROLITE AG REV. 3 EC 135 T2 (CPDS) EMS Stretcher Inst. P/ The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement: S/N:Installations P/N 135525-501 12/02/2019 Active 10017217
EC 135 T2+ N135525-501/502/503/504This STC product remains applicable tothis FMS 06-006 rev Bor later to -504 are valid for installation on
(EASA.R.S.01374) EC 135 T1 (CPDS) 10017217 Rev. 2 is revision of STC No. certificate/ approval.The certificated revisions of the above listed theAerolite Integral Floor Inst. P/N
EC 135 T1 (CDS) EASA.R.S.01374 Rev. 1,introducing the noiseand/ or emissions levels of the documents approved by 135301-50X with the
EC 135 P2 (CPDS) following components/modification:- original productare unchanged and EASAInstruction for followinglimitations:- P/N
EC 135 P2+ Modificationof the pre-requisite for the remain applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness: 135525-501 and -503 are eligible
EC 135 P1 (CPDS) Secondary Carbon StretcherInstallation P/N approval. OPM-06-008 rev BInstallation for installation on all EC135models
EC 135 P1 (CDS) 135525-501/-502/-503/-504.- Introduction of Instructions: IM-06-009 rev B up to and including S/N 336.- P/N
Seco... 135525-502 and -504 are eligible
for insta...
10017221 KUERZI AVIONICS AG REV. 1 BELL 206B JET RANGER III SeLA II and Archer Z-150 System The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Flight Manual Supplement Valid only for D-HEDC S/N 31/07/2014 Active 10017221
Installation.The present major change original product remains applicableto FMS-200717081 Rev. C 4197Prior to installation of
(EASA.R.S.01382) approval updates the existing HELLAS this certificate/ approval.The 18/07/2014or later revisions thisdesign change it must be
systeminstallation (STC EASA.R.S.01382) with requirements for environmental of the above listed documents determined thatthe
a helmet helmet-mounted displayand protection and the approved by EASA.- interrelationship between this
sighting system (Archer Z-150) and associatedcertified noise and/ or Declaration of Compliance design change and any
installation of asensor-basedlanding aid emissions levels of the original Form DOC-201313150 REV otherpreviously installed design
(SeLA II). product areunchanged and remain NC- Compliance Verification change and/ or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ Sheet CVS-201313150 Rev. N/ introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. C- MasterDocument List the airworthiness of the product.
MDL-201313150 Rev. N/C-
Master Document List M...
10017222 CALEDONIAN REV. 2 CAA UK AGUSTA-BELL 212 & 412 Installation of CAS CPT 900 ELT. FAR 29 - Drawing List F005/214/001 None 21/04/2010 Active 10017222
(EASA.R.S.01386) LTD 2007- Installation Manual
214-AB41-IM (25-60-00)-
Flight Manual Supplement
F014/214/001 Revision A
dated 29 June 2007 orlater
approved revisions-
Maintenance Manual
Supplement 214-AB41-ICA
Revision 2 dated 28February
10017223 CALEDONIAN REV. 2 CAA UK BELL 212, BELL 412 Installation of CAS CPT 900 ELT FAR 29 - Drawing List F005/214/002 None 21/04/2010 Active 10017223
(EASA.R.S.01388) LTD 2007- Installation Manual
214-AB41-IM (25-60-00)-
Flight Manual Supplement
F014/214/002 Revision A
dated 02 August 2007or later
approved revisions-
Maintenance Manual
Supplement 214-AB41-ICA
Revision 2 dated 28February
10017224 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 1 2. 412, 412EP CMA 135 "Radio Altimeter Audio Warning The Certification Basis (CB) for the Technical Document CMA 135 Prior to installation of this change/ 01/02/2019 Active 10017224
CRITICAL SERVICES 1. AB412 Indicator".Rev. 1: Transfer of STC original product remains applicableto Issue 1.Installation repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01389) FMANAGEMENT this certificate/ approval.The instructions for continued thatthe interrelationship between
S.A.U. requirements for environmental airworthiness in accordance this change/repair and any
protection and the withEngineering Bulletin CMA otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or 135-BI Issue 1Drawing and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original CMA135-02-00-00.Operationi adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain n accordance with RFM airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement CMA135-RFMS
approval. Issue 1.or later revisions of
the above listed document(s)

04/01/2023 Page 91 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017226 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 1 CAA UK BO 105 S (CBS-4) The Pyrotechnic Display System:Carriage and The Certification Basis for the original 1. Flight Manual Supplement none 24/02/2011 Active 10017226
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY deployment of static flares and roman candle product remains applicable tothis GSSL-FMS-BO105-190, issue 1
(EASA.R.S.01395) typepyrotechnics, installed each side on certificate/ approval.The dated 1 March2008or later
external dispenser mounts attachedto requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
landing gearskids and interfaced with cabin protection and the documents approved by
control box to sequenceignition.Note: this associatedcertificated noiseand/or EASA2. Modification GSSL-
Rev. 1 is made for STC transfer purpose, emissions levels of the original MAJ-BO105-190, issue1 dated
tran... product areunchanged and remain 12 March 20083. Continued
applicable to this certificate/ Airworthiness Instructions
approval. GSSL-CAW-BO105-190, issue
1dated 20 February 2008
10017228 NSE REV. 5 AS 355 N, AS 355 NP Installation of BRITE SAVER 2 Data The Certification Basis for the original - Note explicative relative au Prior to installation of this change/ 31/10/2019 Active 10017228
AS 355 F1, AS 355 F2 Monitoring SystemRevision 1 – Covered a product as amendedby thefollowing (Description note) STC repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01399) documentary change to STCRevision 2 – additional or alternative MinorChange ref.00028476AA thatthe interrelationship between
Covered torque and memory management airworthiness requirements:The Rev. 02dated 26 June2019- this change/repair and any
minor change.Revision 3 – Covered following paragraph(s) at a later BRITE SAVER2 RECORDER otherpreviously installed change
installation of ultrasonic air/ground amendment: FAR 27FAR 27.29 Amdt Definition file Ref. : and/ or repair willintroduce no
switch,second possible location on the BRITE 27-14,,,,,,,,FAR 27.301 Original DD-0027-92 Rev. 18 dated04 adverseeffect upon the
SAVER 2 on the instrument panelan... issueFAR 27.303 Original January 2018- COMPONENT airworthiness of the product.
issue,,,,,,FAR 27.305 Original MAINTENANCE MANULA
LIST ref. CMM31-30-01 Rev.
02dated 14 March 2018- BRI...
10017230 NSE REV. 7 AS 350 BB, AS 350 D Installation of BRITE SAVER 2 Usage The Type and OSD Certification Bases - Note explicative relative aux Prior to installation of this change/ 16/08/2022 Active 10017230
AS 350 B, AS 350 B1, AS 350 Monitoring SystemRevision 1 – Included (CB) for the original productremains (Description Note) STC Minor repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01401) B2 torque and memory management minor applicable to this certificate/ Change Ref00028476AA Rev thatthe interrelationship between
AS 350 B, AS 350 B1 change.Revision 2 – included addition of the approval.The requirements for 02 dated 26 June2019.- BRITE this change/repair and any
AS 350 BA, AS 350 BB, AS 350 possibility to install theultrasonic air/ground environmental protection and the SAVER 2 RECORDER otherpreviously installed change
D switch and second source for SUBD associatedcertified noise and/ or DEFINITION FILE Ref and/ or repair willintroduce no
AS 350 B2, AS 350 BA connectors andhood.Revision 3 – Included emissions levels of the product are DD-0027-92-EN Rev 18 adverseeffect upon the
embedded software evol... unchangedand remain applicable to dated04 January 2018- airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w... Component Maintenance
Manual with Illustrated Part
List RefCMM31-30-01 Rev 02
dated 14 March 2018-
10017231 AEROLITE AG REV. 3 AB139, AW139 Installation P/N 139084-501 for 3 stretcher The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List 1. Leonardo EMS (Medevac) 08/11/2022 Active 10017231
units with relevant cabinfloor rails and product remains applicable tothis MDL-07-007 Rev. G- electrical provisions
(EASA.R.S.01403) featuring each, dedicated oxygen and certificate/ approval.The Instructions for Continued 3G2564A01411 must beinstalled
electricaldistribution systems and oxygen requirements for environmental Airworthiness and Operations with modifications according
bottles stowageprovisions.Rev. 1 is made to protection and the ManualOPM-07-010 rev.C- 3G2564W00201.2. When oxygen is
rectify associated technical documentation associatedcertified noise and/ or Service Bulletin SB-21-017 installed, 'No smoking' is
references.Rev. 2 is made to change the STC emissions levels of the original Rev.Cor later revisions of permitted.3. Required minimum
hold... product areunchanged and remain theabove listed document(s) crew is defined in FMS-07-008.4.
applicable to this certificate/ approved/acceptedunder the The dimensional limitations for
approval. EASA system. medical rails are defined
10017232 AEROLITE AG REV. 1 EC635 P2+, EC635 T1, EC635 EMS Stretcher Installation P/N The Certification Basis for the original Flight manual supplement To ensure patient head protection 20/04/2010 Active 10017232
T2+ 135591-501.Introduction of the Cirrus product remains applicable tothis FMS-07-007 Revision A or from injuries during crash, there
(EASA.R.S.01406) EC135 T2+, EC135 P2+, Stretcher Model CI-1 01 0-123-01 into certificate/ approvalThe certificated later revisions of theabove mustbe at least 200mm of space
EC135 T2 thealready certified Cirrus 1010 Stretcher noise and/ or emissions levels of the listed document approved by between the forward end of each
EC135 P2, EC135 T1, EC135 Installation P/N135574-501/-502/-503/-504 original productare unchanged and EASAInstructions for installedstretchers and any
P1 (STC EASA.R.S.01406) remain applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness equipment installed forward of the
approval OPM-07-009 Revision stretchers.
AMaster Document List (for
configuration) MDL-07-006
Revision A
10017236 RUAG AG REV. 1 SA 365 N Enhanced navigation systemRemoved The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Master Documents List, Doc. T-771 S/N: 6146Valid for this S/ 18/01/2021 Active 10017236
EUROCOPTER FRANCE SA Equipment:- Pilot & Copilot HSI 651- Trimble original product remains applicableto No. 308-05001 Rev. 2- RFMS, N.Prior to installation of this
(EASA.R.S.01415) 365N 2101 GPS with MD41 Annunciator Control this certificate/ approval.The Doc. No. 308-05500 Rev. 1or change/repair it must be
Unit and MD40 CDI- KTR 908 VHF COM requirements for environmental later revisions of the above determined thatthe
System with KSF 598 Control Unit- KEA 346 protection and the listed document(s) approved/ interrelationship between this
Encoding Altimeter- Badin Crouzet Encoding associatedcertified noise and/ or acceptedunder the EASA change/repair and any
Altimeter- KAS 297A Altitude Selector- Narco emissions levels of the product are system. otherpreviously installed change
ELT 10 System- CD... unchangedand remain applicable to and/ or repair will introduce no
this certificate/approval without any adverseeffect upon the
im... airworthiness of the product.

04/01/2023 Page 92 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017240 BUCHER LEICHTBAU REV. 3 EC135 T2+, EC135 T3 Installation of medical and rescue The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Supplement - Limited to Variants (CDS) and 06/06/2017 Active 10017240
AG EC135 P3, EC135 T1, EC135 equipmentInitial approval of this installation original product remains applicableto FMA-2 for Bucher Police (CPDS).- The quick release hook P/
(EASA.R.S.01428) T2 was granted by FOCA STC Z-25-2062to EC135 this certificate/ approval.The EquipmentEC135-AC62-POL, N 1351070 and Rope Down Device
EC135 P1, EC135 P2, EC135 P1/T1 and EC135 P2/T2.STC EASA.R.S.01428 requirements for environmental Revision H, dated 13 April P/N 1351080are not approved as
P2+ (former: FOCA STC Z-25-2062) was issued to protection and the 2017<(>,<)>or later revisions external load attaching means and
extend thecertification to EC135 P2+/ associatedcertified noise and/ or of the above listed documents are not approvedfor Non-Human
T2+.Rev. 1:,,STC 10017240 (former: EASA.R.S. emissions levels of the original approved by EASA.-Master or Human External Cargo
01428) wasc... product areunchanged and remain Document List (MDoc) application.Prior to installation of
applicable to this certificate/ E034-06-07 Revision D.- this design change it must be
approval. Operation and Maintenance determined thatth...
Manual E014-19-01, Rev 04.-
Operation and...
10017241 AEROLITE AG REV. 4 AB139, AW139 EMS Kit Light Lateral Stretcher P/N The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement: The installation of this 15/03/2016 Active 10017241
139127-501This STC revision is issued for the product remains applicable tothis FMS-07-011 Rev. C dated 20 modification by third persons is
(EASA.R.S.01429) purpose of transferring the STC toAerolite certificate/ approval.The certificated March 2013or later revisions subject towritten permission of
AG. noiseand/ or emissions levels of the of the above listed documents the approval holder.Prior to
original productare unchanged and approved by EASAMaster installation of this modification it
remain applicable to this certificate/ Document List MDL-07-011 must be determined thatthe
approval. Rev C.Instruction for interrelationship between this
Continuous Airworthiness and modification and any other
Operation previouslyinstalled modification
Manual:OPM-07-013 Rev. C and/ or repair will introd...
dated 20 March 2013
10017243 NSE INDUSTRIES S.A. REV. 1 SA 365 N, SA 365 N1. Installation of Brite Saver 2 Usage Monitoring The Certification Basis for the original NSE Industries AS365 Flight None 13/05/2013 Active 10017243
AS 365 N2, AS 365 N3, SystemRev. 0: Revision of EASA.R.S.01440. product as amendedby thefollowing Manual Supplement doc. ref.
(EASA.R.S.01440) Covers software upgrade andapplicability additional or alternative RFMS-ARA-365Rev. 02 dtd.10
modificationRev. 1: Incorporates the airworthiness requirements:the May 2013 or later revisions of
definition file of the installation kit following paragraph(s) at a later the above listed
anddifferent documentary changes amendment: FAR Part 29, amdts.29-0 documentsapproved by
through 29-55: Sec. 29.29, 29.301, EASA.Conformity Statement
29.303, 29.305, 29.561, and Documentary
29.607,29.609, 29.611, 29.855, Architecture AS365, doc.
29.1301,... ref.CONFAD-0079-92 Rev. 06
dtd. 30/04/2013.
10017248 NSE REV. 6 AS 350 B3, EC 130 B4 Installation of BRITE SAVER 2 Data The Type and OSD Certification Bases Flight Manual Supplement Prior to installation of this design 16/08/2022 Active 10017248
Monitoring System (DMS).Rev. 1 was issued (CB) for the original productremains RFMS-ARA0-AS350B3/ change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01446) in order to extend the certificate to include applicable to this certificate/ EC130B4-EN, Rev thatthe interrelationship between
themodel EC130 B4.Rev. 2 was issued in approval.The requirements for 02Instruction for Continued this design change and any
order to include Software Evolution and environmental protection and the Airworthiness ICA-REC-ARA0- otherpreviously installed design
upgrade ofCPU and analog card.Rev. 3 was associatedcertified noise and/ or B3/B4, Rev 00.Brite Saver 2 change and/ or repair will
issued to extend eligibility to AS350 B3 with emissions levels of the product are AS350B3 Mounting introduce noadverse effect upon
OP-4305 (Ar... unchangedand remain applicable to Instruction IM-KIT- the airworthiness ofthe product.
this certificate/approval w... ARA0-350B3-EN, Rev 08.Brite
Saver 2 EC130B4 Mounting
Instruction IM-KIT-ARA0-
EC130B4-EN, Rev02.Brite
Saver 2 Operating Man...
10017251 AEROTEC & REV. 1 SA 365 N AEROTEC modification IRB (installation radio FAR 29 amendment 16The Installation-Aerotec Master This STC is limited to SA 365N S/N 01/03/2010 Active 10017251
CONCEPT de bord) n° 0928.(Note for internal record: Certification Basis for the Data List AE 0809 MDL Rev. 4 6080 <(>&<)> S/N 6147 and can
(EASA.R.S.01452) This application is to amend an existing originalproduct stated in TCDS N. dated 23/03/09-Aerotec beinstalled only by AEROTEC
EASASTC (Ref P-EASA.R.S.01452) to add the 159remains applicable to this Master Data List AE 0928 MDL technical staff in accordance with:-
S/N 6147) certificate/ approvalThe certificated Rev. 0 dated AEROTEC STC file Mod n° 0809. for
noise and/ or emissions levels of the 23/02/10Operation-Aerotec S/N 6080-AEROTECSTC file Mod n°
original productare unchanged and Flight Manual Supplement AE 0928. for S/N 6147
remain applicable to this certificate/ 0809 AFMS Rev. 1, dated
approval 23/03/09 orlater approved
revision.-Aerotec Flight
Manual Supplement AE 0928
AFMS Rev. 0, dated 02/1...
10017252 AEROLITE AG REV. 2 EC135 T2, EC135 T2+ Change to Installation of EMS Equipment JAR 27The Certification Basis for the Flight Manual Supplement This STC is limited to S/N 337 and 15/10/2012 Active 10017252
EC135 T1, EC135 T1(CPDS) Aerolite P/N 135602-502Change comprises original product remains applicable FMS-08-001 Revision B, dated above.
(EASA.R.S.01454) EC135 P2, EC135 P2+ of:- Introduction of Support Panel AssyP/N tothis certificate/ approval.The May 6th, 2011or later
EC135 P1, EC135 P1(CPDS) 004191-501 into DC Power SystemInst. P/N certificatednoise and/ or emissions revisions of the above listed
135615-501- Introduction of EMS levels of the original productare documents sections approved
Integralfloor Inst. P/N 135301-503- unchanged and remain applicable to byEASAMaster Document List
Introduction of Reversible Copilot Seat Inst. this certificate/ approval. MDL-08-004Equipment List
P/N 135331-501/-503--... EQL-08-004Operations
Manual OPM-08-001 Revision
B, dated May 6th, 2011

04/01/2023 Page 93 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017255 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 Interiors Configuration Vip 131 P/N The Certification Basis for the original - RFM Supplement No. Agusta provision P/N 09/06/2010 Active 10017255
GROUP S.p.A. 6AB1AD009-001.This STC supersedes EASA product remains applicable tothis 6AB1RFM-1-7 Rev. A dated 16 4G2520F03311 must be installed.
(EASA.R.S.01461) STC EASA.R.S.01461. certificate/ approval.The certificated May 2008 or later approved
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the revision.- Owner’s Manual No.
original productare unchanged and 6AB1WNM-2-14 Rev. A dated
remain applicable to this certificate/ 16 May 2008.
10017258 AERODATA AG REV. 1 EC155 B1 Installation of Aerodata Airborne The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Supplement Prior to installation of this design 26/02/2016 Active 10017258
Observation Equipment in EC155 B1 original product remains applicableto “Integration of AOP in change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01465) this certificate/ approval.The Maritime EC155, A/CType: thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental EC155 B1, Aerodata this design change and any
protection and the Modification Ident: otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or EC155-04”or later revisions of change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original the above listed documents introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain approved by the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ EASA.Certification Plan „CP-
approval. EC155-04.01”, Revision 1,
10017259 ZODIAC AEROSAFETY REV. 11 S-92A Installation of Provision Kit p/n 509429-02 or The Certification Basis (CB) for the Aerazur Organigramme Refer to applicable installation 08/10/2014 Active 10017259
SYSTEMS p/n 509429-03 of InternalAuxiliary Fuel original product remains applicableto Technique ref. 509429-03 instructions for compatibility of
(EASA.R.S.01466) System (IAFS).STC revisions 1 and 2 introduce this certificate/ approval.The issue 13 dated 05 July2013; theIAFS provision kit with S-92A
minor design modifications for kit p/ requirements for environmental Aerazur Organigramme cabin interior panels as stated in
n509429-02 and revised documentation.STC protection and the Technique ref. STC10017259 revisions 1 to 9The
revision 3 introduces kit p/n 509429-03 and associatedcertified noise and/ or 509429-02issue 12 dated installationof this modification by
revised documentation.STC revision 4 emissions levels of the original 26May 2010.IAFS - High third persons is subject towritten
clarifie... product areunchanged and remain Profile (HP) version - permission of the approval
applicable to this certificate/ Maintenance Manual holder.The approval holder shall
approval. Supplement forprovision kit - f...
chapter 11, 21,25,28,31 and
71, issue 8 dated 14
Feb2014IAFS- Provis...
10017261 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 AB/AW139 Seat Armrests Installation P/N The Certification Basis for the original Owner’s Manual for Armrests This STC can only be installed on 09/06/2010 Active 10017261
GROUP S.p.A. 6AB1AD011-001.This STC supersedes EASA product remains applicable tothis Installation P/N the AB/AW139 12-seat
(EASA.R.S.01470) STC EASA.R.S.01470. certificate/ approval.The certificated 6AB1AD011-001 configuration P/N3G2520F00111
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the that embodies seats P/N
original productare unchanged and 3G2520V00131.
remain applicable to this certificate/
10017265 AEROLITE AG REV. 4 AB139, AW139 AW 139 EMS Kit P/N 139097-501Revision 1 The Certification Basis (CB) for the Initial technical -As prerequisite for installation of 20/12/2019 Active 10017265
relates changes:-Stretcher Inst. P/N original product remains applicableto documentation:FMS-08-005 Aerolite AW 139 EMS Kit P/
(EASA.R.S.01479) 139190-501/-503/-505/-507/-511/-513/-515/ this certificate/ approval.The Revision NCOPM-08-005 N139097-501, the Aerolite EMS
-517/-601/-603/-605/-607/-611/-613/-615/-6 requirements for environmental Revision NC, dated May 19, Provisions Kit P/N 139125-501
17-Cargo Platform Inst. P/N 139191-501- protection and the 2008Revision 1 related must bepreviously installed. Prior
Toughbook Retainer Inst. P/N 139192-501- associatedcertified noise and/ or technical to installation of this modification
Toughbook Retainer Inst. P/N emissions levels of the original documentation:FMS-08-005 it mustbe determined that the
139225-501/-502-GPS/GSM-Antenna-... product areunchanged and remain Revision B, dated Oct 15, interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ 2010OPM-08-005 Revision B, modification andany other
approval dated Oct 1, 2010Revision 2 previously install...
related technical
Revision C, dated May 25,O...
10017267 MECAER AVIATION REV. 4 AB139/ AW139 VIP 37 Plus Interior Configuration P/N The Certification Basis for the original - Supplement to RFM doc. No. Prior to installation of this 08/09/2014 Active 10017267
GROUP S.p.A. 6AB1AD012 product remains applicable tothis 6AB 1 RFM-1-8 Revision ACor modification it must be
(EASA.R.S.01486) certificate/approval.The later revisions of the above determined
requirements for environmental listed documents approved by thattheinterrelationship between
protection and the EASA.- Owner's Manual doc. this modification andany other
associatedcertified noise and/ No. 6AB1WNM-2-16 Re-issue previouslyinstalledmodification
oremissions levels of the original 1 Revision X- Change and/or repair will introduce no
product are unchanged and Description doc. No. 6AB1 adverse effect upon
remainapplicable to thiscertificate/ RAD-216 Revision E- Notice of theairworthinessof the product.
approval Design Change (NDC) doc. No.
6AB1AD-204 issue A
10017272 NSE INDUSTRIES S.A. REV. 2 2- R44, R44 II Replacement of ECT logo by NSE The Certification Basis (CB) for the RFMS-PE-R22-R44 Rev 01 Prior to installation of this design 04/12/2014 Active 10017272
1- R22, R22 ALPHA, R22 logoModification of Maintenance Manual original product remains applicableto dated 24/11/2014 or later change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01494) BETA Supplement reference this certificate/ approval.The revisions of the abovelisted thatthe interrelationship between
1- R22 MARINER from"MM1-0023-08BE58-EN" to "MMS-PE- requirements for environmental documents approved by this design change and any
R22-R44-EN"Modification of Data Monitoring protection and the EASA.CONFAD-0014-08BE58- otherpreviously installed design
System (DMS) by Usage Monitoring System associatedcertified noise and/ or EN Rev 05 dated 24/11/2014 change and/ or repair will
(UMS)Update of documentation due to new emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
fittings and electronic componentsAddition product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
of an RF... applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 94 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017273 ECMS AVIATION REV. 1 EC635 T1, EC635 T2+, EC635 Installation of HEC Rope System HRS01Rev. The Certification Basis for the original - Compliance Program, Doc. Prior to installation of this change/ 02/08/2019 Active 10017273
SYSTEMS GMBH T3 1:Extension of applicability to EC135 P3, product as amendedby thefollowing Ref. repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01503) EC635 P2+, EC635 P3 EC135 T3, EC635 P3, EC635 T3.Addition and additional or alternative HRS01_MOC_EC135_EASA thatthe interrelationship between
EC135 T1, EC135 T2, EC135 removal of components and introduction of a airworthiness requirements:the Revision 5- Flight Manual this change/repair and any
T2+ new high loadvariant. Associated change to following paragraph(s) at a later Supplement for HEC Rope otherpreviously installed change
EC135 P3, EC135 T3 RFMS and CMM. amendment: CS 27 Amendment 2 System HRS01 on EC135/ and/ or repair willintroduce no
EC135 P1, EC135 P2, EC135 for27.625(a), (d)The requirements EC635,Doc. Ref. adverseeffect upon the
P2+ for environmental protection and the HRS01_RFMS_EC135_EASA airworthiness of the product.
associatedcertified noise and/ or... Revision 1- Airworthiness
Limitations - Lifetime of PCDS
components, Doc.
s_EASA Revision 2- Equipment
List f...
10017278 AEROLITE AG REV. 3 AB139, AW139 EMS Equipment 139172-501/-502Revision 1 The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Flight Manual Supplement EMS Fixed Provisions Kit P/N 30/07/2015 Active 10017278
to incorporate PAX seat configurations original product remains applicableto FMS-08-008 Cor later 139125-502 (STC EASA.R.S.
(EASA.R.S.01524) Aerolite P/N139117-505, 139117-506 and this certificate/ approval.The revisions of the above 01474and AeroliteSADD-12-027)
139117-507 of 12, 14 and 15 PAX seats (as requirements for environmental document approved by EASA- must be installed as a prerequisite
perSTC EASA.R.S.01524 Revision 1)Revision 2 protection and the Operations Manual for configurations asdefined in
to introduce Ceiling Unit Assy configuration associatedcertified noise and/ or OPM-08-010 D- Master applicable design data.Prior to
P/N 006224-506,equipped with NVG friendly emissions levels of the original Document List MDL-08-015 D installation of this design change it
cabin lig... product areunchanged and remain must be determined thatthe
applicable to this certificate/ interrelationship between this
approval. design change and a...
10017280 AEROLITE AG REV. 5 MBB-BK 117 C-2 Stylence Package (VIP Kit) Aerolite P/N The Certification Basis (CB) for the Rotorcraft Flight Manual When the Cargo Separation Wall is 15/03/2016 Active 10017280
145305-501/-502 (Revision toEASA.R.S. original product remains applicableto FMS-08-009 Revision Bor later installed the original MBB-BK117
(EASA.R.S.01528) 01528)Passenger Seat Modification P/N this certificate/ approvalThe revisions of the above listed C-2smoke detector kit must be
021376-502, Curtain Inst. P/N requirements for environmental documents approved by installed in the
145319-502and Finishing P/N protection and the EASA.Operation Manual cargocompartment.When
145302-506/-507.This STC revision is issued associatedcertified noise and/ or OPM-08-011 Revision operating the rotorcraft with the
for the purpose of transferring the STC emissions levels of the original CMaster Document List doors open or removed,
toAerolite AG. product areunchanged and remain MDL-08-017 Revision E thelimitations given in Flight
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement No. FMS 9.1-2
approval. must befollowed.For Single Pilot
10017282 ECMS AVIATION REV. 2 MBB-BK 117 D-2M Installation of HEC Rope System HRS01Rev. 1: The Certification Basis for the original -Flight Manual Supplement, Prior to installation of this design 25/10/2018 Active 10017282
SYSTEMS GMBH MBB-BK 117 D-2 Extension of applicability to BK117 C-2e, product as amendedby thefollowing Doc No. change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01530) MBB-BK 117 C-2E BK117 D-2 and BK117D-2mRev. 2: Addition additional or alternative HRS01_FMS_BK117_EASA_R3 thatthe interrelationship between
MBB-BK 117 C-2 and removal of components, introduction of airworthiness requirements:the Stand20181009, Revision 3< this design change and any
MBB-BK 117 C-1 a new highload variant. Associated change to following paragraph(s) at a later (>,<)> dated 01.06.2018- otherpreviously installed design
MBB-BK 117 B-2 RFMS and CMM. amendment:CS29 amendment Lifetime Limitations for change and/ or repair will
MBB-BK 117 B-1 3:29.25, 29.27, 29.65, 29.141, Personnel Carrying Devices introduce noadverse effect upon
MBB-BK 117 A-4 29.251, 29.301,29.303, 29.305, and associatedequipment, the airworthiness ofthe product.
MBB-BK 117 A-3 29.307,29.309, 29.337, 29.341, Doc. No.
MBB-BK 117 A-1 29.571, 29.60... PCDS_Lifetime_Limitations_E
ASA_R1, Revision1<(>,<)
>dated 03.07.2018-HRS01
Equipment List, Doc. No.
10017284 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS REV. 1 CAA UK EC 135 T2+, EC 135 P2+ Installation of Spectrolab Nightsun XP Skid The Certification Basis for the original Maintenance Requirements None 15/11/2010 Active 10017284
UK LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY Mounted System.Equipmentinspection and product remains applicable tothis Document MR/135/1151-001,
(EASA.R.S.01532) re-certification to close the requirement for certificate/ approval.The Issue
AD No.2010-0183R1. requirements for environmental B,dated03/11/2010Design
protection and the Report DR/1351151-001,
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Issue B, dated11.11.2010
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10017286 AEROLITE AG REV. 5 MBB-BK 117 C-2 Installation of EMS equipment P/N The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Prior to installation of this design 22/02/2019 Active 10017286
145030-501 consists of a stretcherplatform, original product remains applicableto SupplementFMS-216, rev. J change it must be determined
medical seats, medical cabinets and a this certificate/approval. The (minor revision approved thatthe interrelationship between
medical supply unit.Revision 1 of the STC requirements for under DO privileges) this design change and any
supersedes original issue of EASA.R.S. environmentalprotection and the Operations Manual (incl. ICA) otherpreviously installed design
01535.Revision 2 relates to Major Change associated certified noise and/or OPM-216 rev. N (minor change and/or repair will
APC-13-014 that introduces newequipment emissions levels ofthe original revision approved under DO introduce noadverse effect upon
part numbers to EMS Equ... product are unchanged and remain privileges),,or later revisions the airworthiness of the product.
applicable to thiscertificate/approval. of the above listed documents
approved by EASA.Master
Document List MDL-216 Rev.
PCertification Plan CPR-...

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10017290 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 AW139 VIP 221 Interiors, P/N The Certification Basis for the original NDC 6AB1AD-032 Iss. The VIP 221 interiors can only be 09/06/2010 Active 10017290
GROUP S.p.A. 6AB1AD013-001.This STC supersedes EASA product remains applicable tothis AOwner’s manual installed on AB/AW 139
(EASA.R.S.01545) STC EASA.R.S.01545. certificate/ approval.The certificated 6AB1WNM-2-18 Rev. ARFM helicoptersequipped with Agusta
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Supplement 6AB1RFM-1-10 provision P/N 4G2520F00411.
original productare unchanged and Rev. A
remain applicable to this certificate/
10017291 AIR AMBULANCE REV. 1 AB139, AW139 Installation of Air Ambulance Equipment, The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List AB/AW 139 Limitations as prescribed in see 10/12/2013 Active 10017291
TECHNOLOGY GmbH Mission Equipment "Quick -Conversion", P/N product as amendedby thefollowing Air Ambulance Equipment Rotorcraft Flight Manual
(EASA.R.S.01548) AW139-25-20-37.000-60x model additional or alternative Doc. No."MDL- SupplementAB/AW 139 Air
airworthiness requirements:CS 29 AW139-37_000-60X", Rev. Ambulance Equipment "Quick
Amdt 2CS 29.1, CS 29.21, CS 29.25, 0Rotorcraft Flight Manual Conversion", Doc. No. "FMS
CS 29.29,CS 29.301, CS 29.303, CS Supplement AB/AW 139 Air AAT52", Rev. 1 and Component-,
29.305,CS 29.307, CS 29.321, CS Ambulance Equipment"Quick Installation-, Operation-Manual
29.471, CS 29.562, CS 29.571, CS Conversion", Doc. No. "FMS andIllustrated Part Catalog AB/AW
29.601, CS29.603, CS 29.605, C... AAT 52", Rev. 1Component-, 139 Air Ambulance Equipment,
Installation-, Operation- Doc. No."CMM-AW139-AAT 71",
Manual and Illustrated Part Rev. 2 ord...
CatalogAB/AW 139 Air
10017292 AEROLITE AG REV. 2 FOCA STC EC135 T3(CPDS) Initial Issue:Clamshell Door Lock installation The Certification Basis (CB) for the Initial Issue:Installation Prior to installation of this design 12/02/2019 Active 10017292
25-20-65 EC135 T2(CPDS), EC135 T2+, P/N 135065-501/-502.Note: This STC is based original product remains applicableto Manual Doc No. change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01554) EC135 T1(CDS), T1(CPDS), on the FOCA STC Z 25-20-65. Its applicability this certificate/ approval. The IM-901MaintenanceManual thatthe interrelationship between
EC135 P3(CPDS), isextended to P2+ and T2+ models.Revision 1 requirementsfor Doc. No. 52-31-01Revision 1 this design change and any
EC135 P2(CPDS), P2+, to STC:Extension of the applicability of the environmentalprotection and the to STC:CPR-15-036 Revision otherpreviously installed design
EC135 P1(CDS), P1(CPDS), Clamshell Door Lock InstallationP/N associated certified noise and/ or AMaster Document List change and/ or repair will
135065-501/-502 to the T3 and P3 varia... emissions levelsof the original MDL-807 Revision introduce noadverse effect upon
product are unchanged and remain DEquipment List EQL-15-013 the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to thiscertificate/ approval Revision NCMaster Drawing
List DWL-807 Revision
FInstallation Manual IM-901
Revision FMaintenance
Manual CMM-52-...
10026757 AEROMECH Inc. FAA STC CESSNA 441 SERIES Group Approval for Reduced Vertical FAR Part 23 Airplane Flight Manual This approval is issued based on 06/08/2009 Active 10026757
SA01602SE Separation Minimum (RVSM) Supplement as per the FAA STC SA01602SE, issued on
(EASA.IM.A.S.03086) AEROMECH 26October 2005 and later
document·,,AM0114-FM01 - amended on 17 November 2006.
for Class 1 airframes dated 08
June 2009, orlater
revision;·,,AM0114-FM02 - for
Class 2 airframes, dated 08
June 2009, or laterEASA
approved revision.Instructions
for continued airworthiness
as per AEROMECH docu...
10026761 DSA A.S. REV. 1 172RG Avionics Upgrade - GNS430W, KX165A, The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight manual supplement:S21 Prior to installation of this change/ 08/05/2020 Active 10026761
GMA340, GI106A, KN62A, original product remains applicableto LDA03/09/C172RGGNS 430 W repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03837) GTX330,KANNAD406AF Compact Installation this certificate/ approval.The VHF COMM Transceiver, VOR/ thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental ILS and GPS ReceiverS22 LDA this change/repair and any
protection and the 03/09/C172RGKX 165A VHF otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or COMM TRANSCEIVER/ NAV and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are RECEIVERS23 LDA 03/09/ adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to C172RGGI 106A NAV airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval without any indicatorS24 LDA 03/09/
im... C172RGGMA 340 AUDIO
PANELS25 LDA 03/09/
10026764 AVIONICS SUPPORT FAA ST03700AT 747-400, 747-400F Installation of an International Per FAA TCDS A20WE -28546-AFMS Rev. IR dated After Installation of this STC the 10/08/2009 Active 10026764
GROUP, Inc. communications Group ICS-220A May 14, 2009 Airplane Flight operator is required to
(EASA.IM.A.S.03249) IridiumSATCOM System in a B747-400/-400F ManualSupplement.-ASG Inc incorporatein the Airworthiness
series aircraftin accordance withAvionics Aircraft Maintenance Manual Limitations Section of the
Support Group, Inc. Master Data List 28546- Supplement23-15-00-DER Instructions forContinued
MDL, Revision A,dated March 16, 2009, or Services, Inc. Report SR- Airworthiness applicable to the
later FAA approved revision.Validation of FAA A-2008-083-2 Rev. IR Damage existing Maintenance Program
STC03700AT ToleranceAnalyses for Iridium adetailed inspection item at a
Antenna Installation. threshold of 8400 Flight Cycles
followingmodification and

04/01/2023 Page 96 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10026769 B/E AEROSPACE REV. 1 TCCA LSTC C- CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis (CB) for the TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA09-026 Restricted to ASN 8079. 16/08/2013 Active 10026769
LIMITED LSA09-026, ISS. Interior original product remains applicableto Issue 1 dated 04 August
(EASA.IM.A.S.03137) 1 this certificate/ approval.The 2009.AeroConsulting Services
requirements for environmental Ltd. Modification Data
protection and the Summary G103000
associatedcertified noise and/ or RevisionG.Midcoast Aviation
emissions levels of the original Inc./ Aero Consulting Services
product areunchanged and remain Ltd Airplane FlightManual
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement for the Complete
approval Custom Aircraft
33-299M009 Rev A.Aero
10026784 AVIONIK STRAUBING REV. 1 PA-46-500TP, PA-46R-350T Installation of Single or Dual Garmin G500 / The Certification Basis of the original -EASA approved Master This STC is limited to the 23/04/2010 Active 10026784
ENTWICKLUNGS PA-46-310P, PA-46-350P G600 Avionics System(including SVS) and product and the followingadditional / Document List, Doc. No. configuration of aircraft,
(EASA.A.S.03917) GmbH Dual Garmin GNS4/530(A)W GPS/COMM/ alternative airworthiness ASR-2009-075- equipment type,and functions as
NAV. requirements are applicable tothis MDL-01-00,Amdt. Level 00, listed in EASA approved
change- For those areas affected by dated 20-Jan-2010, or later Instructions for Installation,Doc.
the change compliance showing approved amdt. level-EASA No. ASR-2009-075-IFI-10-00, Amdt.
against CS23has been elected.- EASA approved Instructions for Level 00, dated 18-
Guidance Material GA/G/001, Rev. 2 Installation, Doc. Jun-2009,especially as mentioned
has been followedThe cer... No.ASR-2009-075-IFI-10-00, in Item 2. of this document, or
Amdt. Level 00, dated 18- later approvedamdt. levelFor
Jun-2009, or laterapproved applicab...
amdt. level-EASA approved
Flight Manu...
10026785 MT-PROPELLER 95-C55, D55, E55, 58, G58 Installation of 4-blade MTV-14-D-C-F-/CF FAR 23 including amendment 34 Airplane Flight Manual None. 10/08/2009 Active 10026785
ENTWICKLUNG 188-30g propellerson HawkerBeechcraft Supplement E-1789, Issue
(EASA.A.S.03902) GmbH Model 95-C55, D55, E55, 58, G58. 09-07-2009 or laterapproved
revision.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
E-1791, Issue 10-07-2009
orlater approved
Instructions E-1790, Issue
10026805 DANSK FLY BEECH 1900D Installation of Skytrac ISAT-100 GPS/Iridium As defined in the FAA TCDS A24CE -Design Order Package DFE- None 11/08/2009 Active 10026805
ELEKTRONIK ApS communicator system DO-0361-DOP-00, dated
(EASA.A.S.03944) 15-06-09-Declaration of
Compliance, dated 11-07-09
10026811 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) CAA UK BOEING 767-300 Installation of Lifeport Stretcher. As per TCDS. Modification Summary Sheet, None. 12/08/2009 Active 10026811
(EASA.A.S.03841) 06/08/2009Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness,
H4ADR446, Issue 1,
10026831 TATENHILL AVIATION CAA UK PA-24, PA-24-250, Approval of an Aspen EFD1000 Primary Flight CS 23 -Master Document List: MDL. STC approved for Piper PA24 series 13/08/2009 Active 10026831
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY PA-24-260, Display (PFD) 00809-Aiplane Flight Manual
(EASA.A.S.3878) PA-24-400 Supplement FMS.00809 Rev A
or later EASA
for Continued Airworthiness
10026840 ACS-NAI Ltd. REV. 1 TCCA LSTC C- BOMBARDIER CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis (CB) for the TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA09-028/D Restricted to ASN 8070.Prior to 16/08/2013 Active 10026840
LSA09-028/D, Interior. original product remains applicableto Issue 1 dated 04 August installation of this designchange it
ISS.1 this certificate/ approval.The 2009.Aero Consulting Services must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental Ltd. Modification Data interrelationship between this
protection and the Summary G100000 design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or RevisionE.Midcoast Aviation otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original Inc/Aero Consulting Services change and/ or repair will
product areunchanged and remain Ltd Airplane FlightManual introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement for the Complete the airworthiness of the product.
approval. Custom Aircraft
33-299M007 Rev NC.Aero
10026846 TATENHILL AVIATION CAA UK F182-P, F182-Q, FR-182 Approval of an Aspen EFD1000 Primary Flight CS 23 Master Document List: MDL. STC approved for F182P, F182Q 17/08/2009 Active 10026846
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY Display (PFD) 00609•Airplane Flight Manual and FR182 series types only
(EASA.A.S.03879) Supplement FMS.00609 Rev A
or later EASA
for Continued Airworthiness

04/01/2023 Page 97 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10026853 STC TWENTY ONE REV. 1 CAA UK BOMBARDIER CL-600-2B19 Introduction of Wireless Local Area Network. EASA.IM.023 plus CRI F-01. - S21.25-89-1302.- MDL-0580 20/08/2009 Active 10026853
10026859 GOODRICH FAA STC B767-300F Installation of the CHS (Cargo Handling The Certification Basis has been FAA:"or later revisions of the The operation of the STC is only 18/08/2009 Active 10026859
CORPORATION ST00989SE-D System) on the B767-300FMD: determined and is defined in CRI above listed documents approved when installed
(EASA.IM.A.S.03106) MDL7N10000FAA STC: ST00989SE-D A-01.The Certification Basis for the approved by EASA ontheprovisions of the Boeing A/C
original productand the inaccordance with EASA ED B767-300F.
followingadditional or alternative Decision 2004/04/CF (or
airworthiness requirements are subsequent revisions ofthis
applicable tothis certificate/ decision)"
approval.The Certification Basis has
been determined within CRI A-01.
Due to...
10026864 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 1 CESSNA 500, 550 GARMIN GPS 400W/500W Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS Master Document List The limitations according to 18/08/2009 Active 10026864
AVIONICS DESIGN installationRevision 1 supersedes the IM.A.207 Issue 2 from 5 March 2009 "2054628 DOC" issue 1 from Aircraft Flight Manual
(EASA.A.S.03938) ApS previous issue of this STC to delete the 17 August 2009Aircraft Flight Supplement2054628-AM are
modelS550 from the applicability list for Manual Supplement applicable.
correction. "2054628-AM" issue 1 from
11 August2009Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
"2054628-CA" issue 1 from
11August 2009or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10026867 DUNCAN AVIATION, FAA STC CESSNA 650 Installation of an AlliedSignal Enhanced The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC According to associated technical 18/08/2009 Active 10026867
INC. ST00703WI Ground Proximity Warning System(EGPWS) product remains applicable tothis ST00703WIDocument List documentation, FAA STC, AFMS
(EASA.IM.A.S.03211) certificate/ approvalThe certificated 10051900 Revision K from 12 and ICA
noise and/ or emissions levels of the June 1998Airplane Flight
original productare unchanged and Manual Supplement (AFMS)
remain applicable to this certificate/ 40189700 Revision D from
approval 16Sept. 1998Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness (ICA)
44500400 from 12
June1998or later revisions
ofthe above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance wit...
10026871 CHIPPEWA FAA STC HAWKER 900 XP Installation of a Honeywell Flitelink Engine FAR 25 Installation in accordance None. 19/08/2009 Active 10026871
AEROSPACE, Inc. ST03280AT HAWKER 850 XP Condition Trend Monitoring- Data with Chippewa Aerospace
(EASA.IM.A.S.03213) HAWKER 800 XP Downloader (ECTM-DD) Master Drawing List(MDL) No
HAWKER 800 H800-7610-01-0001, Rev 11,
HAWKER 750 dated February 26, 2009, or
BAE 125-800B laterapproved
BAE 125-800A revisions.Instructions for
BAE 125-800 Continued airworthiness in
BAE 125-700 accordance with
Instructions for Continued
airworthiness (ICA)
10026878 HAWKER FAA STC HAWKER BEECHCRAFT Installation of AirLock Secure Entry Door Lock FAR 23 Installation in accordance None 13/08/2009 Active 10026878
BEECHCRAFT SA01525WI B200GT, B200 System in place oforiginal equipment locks with Hawker Beechcraft
(EASA.IM.A.S.03243) SERVICES BEECH B300C, for the main cabin door, noseavionics Services Master DateList
BEECH B200CT, B200T, B300, doors,and aft equipment door. Document NO 007-5200-
BEECH 300, 300LW, B200, L01-00 Revision 1, dated
B200C, December 9, 2008, orlater
BEECH 200, 200C, 200CT, approved revisions.
10026882 CHIPPEWA REV. 1 FAA STC CL-600-2D15, CL-600-2D24. Installation of Goodrich Class II EFB System The Certification Basis for the original - FAA STC No. ST03573AT Restricted to Configuration 2 as 14/01/2013 Active 10026882
AEROSPACE, Inc. ST03573AT CL-600-2B19, CL-600-2C10, product as amendedby thefollowing dated 05 August 2010.- defined in Chippewa
(EASA.IM.A.S.03218) additional or alternative Chippewa Aerospace Master AerospaceCertification Plan No
airworthiness requirements: Data List (MDL) 601-4620-CP Revision D, dated 24
CRIsH-01 - EWIS.The requirements 601-4620-01-0001, Revision4, March 2009.
for environmental protection and the dated 26 February 2009.-
associatedcertified noise and/ or Chippewa Aerospace Airplane
emissions levels of the original Flight Manual Supplement No.
product areunchanged and remain 601-4620-0012B Revision IR.-
a... Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness (ICA), Chippewa
AerospaceInc. D...

04/01/2023 Page 98 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10026883 CARSON FAA STC S-61N, S-61NM Upgrade of the S6135-20600 main gearbox CAR 7, August 1, 1956, including IFWU Installation Carson S61 None. 19/08/2009 Active 10026883
HELICOPTERS, INC. SR02057NY by replacing input freewheelingunits. Amendments 7-1 through 7-4 No. CHI-R-001, no revision,
(EASA.IM.R.S.01147) dated 15 Dec2004 and Carson
Installation Instructions
norevision, dated 14 Dec
10026892 ROSEN SUNVISOR FAN JET FALCON C, D, E, F, G EASA Validation of FAA STC Original EASA Certification Basis for See those of original FAA STC None 19/08/2009 Active 10026892
SYSTEMS L.L.C. SA2652NMCockpit Sun Visor Installation Fan Jet Falcon and Fan Jet FalconC, D, SA2652NM
(EASA.IM.A.S.03271) i.a.w. Rosen Drawing List No. RF 20-00DL, E, F and G as per French DGAC TCDS's
Revision D dated 14th November 2008 or Number 103 Issue 13 datedApril
later revisions approved byEASA i.a.w. EASA 1981 and TCDS's Number 103 bis
ED Decisions 2007/001/C and 2004/04/CF (or Issue 6, dated October 1986.
subsequentrevisions to these decisions)
10026895 DONALDSON REV. 1 FAA STC MD900 Installation of engine inlet barrier filter (IBF) The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Master Data List Inlet Prior to installation of this design 31/01/2018 Active 10026895
COMPANY, Inc. SR02526CH systemRevision 1 reflects the name and original product remains applicableto Barrier Filter system AFS- change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01495) address change from AerospaceFiltration this certificate/ approval.The MD900-IBF-MDL Rev Ddated thatthe interrelationship between
Systems, Inc. to Donaldson Company, Inc. requirements for environmental 15 July 2009.2. Aircraft Flight this design change and any
protection and the Manual Supplement AFS- otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or MD900-IBF-FMS Rev A change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original approved bythe FAA on 21 introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain July 2009.3. Instructions for the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness AFS-
approval. MD900-IBF-ICA Rev IRdated
20 October 2006.or later
revisions of th...
10026896 CESSNA ZURICH HS 125 SERIES 700B Cockpit Voice Recorder InstallationBy FAA CAR-4b, FAR 25 for the Change - Master Document List, Doc. None 20/08/2009 Active 10026896
CITATION SERVICE installing a new L3 FA2100 Cockpit Voice No. MDL-068, Rev. B or
(EASA.A.S.03967) CENTGMBH Recorder (CVR) latestapprovedRevision -
AFMS, Doc. No. FMS-041, Rev.
IR or latest approved Revision
- ICA, Doc. No. ICA-034, Rev.
IR or latest approved Revision
10026904 ACS-NAI Ltd. REV. 1 TCCA LSTC C- BOMBARDIER CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis (CB) for the TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA09-032/D Restricted to ASN 8089.Prior to 16/08/2013 Active 10026904
LSA09-032/D Interior. original product remains applicableto Issue 1 dated 12 August installation of this designchange it
(EASA.IM.A.S.03136) this certificate/ approval.The 2009.Aero Consulting Services must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental Ltd. Modification Data interrelationship between this
protection and the Summary G121000 design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or RevisionD.Midcoast Aviation otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original Inc Airplane Flight Manual change and/ or repair will
product areunchanged and remain Supplement for the introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ CompleteCustom Aircraft the airworthiness of the product.
approval. Interior Installation,
33-299M007 Rev NC.Aero
Consulting Services Ltd.
10026905 JET AVIATION AG REV. 1 737-700 IGW Activation of Runway Awareness and The Certification Basis (CB) for the Jet Aviation Documents:- 1. Prior to installation of this 25/04/2016 Active 10026905
Advisory System (RAAS). original product remains applicableto Master Data List: modification the
(EASA.A.S.03161) this certificate/ approval.The BB73734461-001 Rev. B dated installermustdetermine that the
requirements for environmental 31 July 2009- AFM interrelationship between this
protection and the Supplement: modification and anyother
associatedcertified noise and/ or BB73734461-201-01 Rev. IRor previously installed modification
emissions levels of the original later revisions of the above will introduce no adverse
product areunchanged and remain listed documents approved by effectupon the airworthiness of
applicable to this certificate/ EASA. the product.2. The installation of
approval. this modification by third person...
10026907 AIR COMM FAA STC BELL 407 Bell Helicopter Model 407 Cabin Ventilation FAR 27 DL-407V revision L dated 16 None 21/08/2009 Active 10026907
CORPORATION LLC SR00230DE System. April 2009 or later approved
(EASA.IM.R.S.01559) revision -Master Document
list;407V-1 revision 2 dated 19
May 2000 or later approved
revision - FlightManual
revision 0 dated 11 April 2000
or later approved revision -
Instructions for Continued

04/01/2023 Page 99 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10026912 ROSEMOUNT REV. 1 FAA STC B737-600, -700, -800, -900 Validation of major change to FAA STC The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List Not Applicable 01/07/2011 Active 10026912
AEROSPACE, Inc. ST02743CH concerning EFB 'Installation of8700A1-3 product remains applicable tothis D06403434 rev G- Airplane
(EASA.IM.A.S.03087) Electronic Flight Bag'The change to EFB STC certificate/ approvalThe certificated Flight Manual Supplement
adds the following features:- implementation noise and/ or emissions levels of the D06403451 rev Bor later
of Display Module (DM) ON/OFF backlight- original productare unchanged and revisions of the above listed
connections to WOW and Door Open remain applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA
discretes approval
10026913 TROLLTUNE FAA STC 182P AND 182Q (SEE Increased Maximum Gross Takeoff Weight CAR 3 as defined on FAA STC and In accordance with Trolltune None. 21/08/2009 Active 10026913
CORPORATION SA03608AT ATTACHMENT) (MGTOW). This STC allows a 150 lbIncrease in CS-36. Corporation Master Data List
(EASA.IM.A.S.03179) MGTOW from 2950 to 3100 lbs. There is no (MDL),Document Number
change to themaximum landing weight of ED5000-SW, Revision 6, dated
2950 lbs. August 20,2008 or
revisions.Operation in
accordance with Trolltune
Corporation Airplane
FlightManual Supplements
(AFMS), dated August 22,
2008 or later
approvedrevisions for th...
10026920 RUAG AG REV. 1 AS 332 C1 Pilot and Co-pilot Upper/Lower Cargo Hook The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Document List 1. Prior to installation of this 18/01/2021 Active 10026920
Release modification.Rev 1: Transfer of STC original product remains applicableto 156447-00, rev. 000, dated modification the
(EASA.R.S.01550) to a new legal entity that is holder of a new this certificate/ approval.The 26.06.2009Rotorcraft Flight installermustdetermine that the
DOA(EASA.21J.760) requirements for environmental Manual Supplement interrelationship between this
protection and the 156447-50, rev. 000, modification and anyother
associatedcertified noise and/ or dated28.04.2009Instructions previously installed modification
emissions levels of the product are for Continued Airworthiness will introduce no adverse
unchangedand remain applicable to 156447-60, rev. 000, effectupon the airworthiness of
this certificate/approval without any dated26.06.2009or later the product.2. The installation of
im... revisions of the above listed this modification by third person...
document(s) approved/
acceptedunder the EASA
10026923 AEROLITE AG REV. 6 EC635 T2+ EC135 Emergency Medical Service (EMS) The Certification Basis (CB) for the Flight Manual Supplement S/N: 337 and onwards only,,,,Prior 20/06/2016 Active 10026923
EC135 T2(CPDS), EC135 T2+ KitAEROLITE P/N 135652-502Note 1: STC original product remains applicableto FMS-09-004, Revision F: EMS to installation of this design
(EASA.R.S.01571) EC135 T1(CPDS), EC635 T1 EASA.R.S.01571 Rev. 1 (EASA 10026923, Rev. this certificate/ approval.The KIT LPR P/N135652-502or change it must be determined
(CPDS) 1):Introduction of EC135 EMS KIT: Aerolite P/ requirements for environmental later revisions of the above thatthe interrelationship between
EC135 P3(CPDS), EC635 P3 N 135652-502 components listedMDL-09-008 protection and the listed documents approved by this design change and any
(CPDS) Rev. N/C,Applicable to EC 135 models except associatedcertified noise and/ or EASA- Master Drawing List otherpreviously installed design
EC135 P2+, EC635 P2+ EC 135 P3/T3Note 2: STC Revision 2 (EASA emissions levels of the original MDL-09-008, Revision H.1, change and/ or repair will
EC135 P1(CPDS), EC135 P2 10026923 R... product areunchanged and remain dated 15th June 2016.- introduce noadverse effect upon
(CPDS) applicable to this certificate/ OPM-09-008 Rev. G, dated the airworthiness of the product.,,
approval. 6th June 2016.- Declaration of
Compliance Form 067 V1.6,
Dated 16...
10026925 CARSON FAA STC S-61N Installation of improved parts for rotor FAA Part 29 None. Repetitive Inspections required in 25/08/2009 Active 10026925
HELICOPTERS, INC. SR00331NY transmission support inaccordance with accordance with
(EASA.IM.R.S.01142) Carson Services Inc. Drawing Number 22000, SikorskyServiceBulletin 61B20-3F,
Revision B,dated July 22,1994. Revision No. 6, dated December
1,1978 or laterapproved revision.
10026941 AVIONIK STRAUBING 60, A60, B60 Installation of Garmin GNS430W / CS-23 Installation must be in None 25/08/2009 Active 10026941
ENTWICKLUNGS GNS430AW / GNS430 / GNS530W / accordance with Master
(EASA.A.S.03675) GmbH GNS530AW/ GNS530, with Installation of Document List
Garmin GA35/GA56 GPS Antenna. EngineeringOrder No. ASR
Amendment 00 dated
08-01-2009 or laterApproved
Revisions.Operation must
bein accordance with Flight
Manual Supplement No.
Amendment 00 dated
20-10-2008 or ASR 2007-088-

04/01/2023 Page 100 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10026943 PATS AIRCRAFT L.L.C. REV. 3 FAA ST01713NY 737-800 1. Installation of Auxiliary Fuel Systems in The Certification Basis for the original Aircraft Flight Manual 1. Prior to installation of this 06/07/2021 Active 10026943
Boeing 737-800(BBJ2)aircraft, 25.981 product remains applicable tothis Supplements1. PATS Aircraft, design change it must be
(EASA.IM.A.S.03257) amendment 25-125 Compliant. All certificate/ approval.The LLC Airplane Flight Manual determinedthat the
configurations listedbelow are approved with requirements for environmental Supplement No. 132 for interrelationship between this
or without Boeing Nitrogen Generations protection and the aFour-Cell (1 Fwd/3 Aft) design change and any
System(NGS) installed.2. Configuration 1: associatedcertified noise and/ or Auxiliary Fuel System, FAA otherpreviously installed design
Installation of a Four-Cell Auxiliary Fuel emissions levels of the original approved revision change and/ or repair will
System(One Forwa... product areunchanged and remain IRdatedFebruary 6, 2006, or introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ later FAA approved revision, is the airworthinessof the product.2.
approval. required withConfiguration The installation of the auxiliary
1.2. PATS Aircraft, LLC fuel tan...
Airplane FlightF...
10026953 PRATT & WHITNEY FAA STC FALCON 2000EX EASA Validation of FAA STC On an elect to comply with basis, -Pratt <(>&<)> Whitney Instructions for Continued 26/08/2009 Active 10026953
ST00261BO ST00261BO:Installation of Pratt <(>&<)> compliance has been shownwith Engine Services, Inc Airworthiness (ICA) DTU-
(EASA.IM.A.S.03229) Whitney Engine Services, Inc EASACS25 up to amendment 6 level, Installation InstructionsDTU- G-260-7,Revision Cdated 26th May
DataTransmission Unit (DTU) in accordance as per Pratt <(>&<)>Whitney G-010-7, Revision C dated 2009 or later revisions shall be
with Pratt <(>&<)> Whitney EngineServices, EngineServices, Inc "EASA STC 26th May 2009-Pratt<(>&<)> made available to theoperator at
Inc, Master Document List DTU-T-100-6, Compliance Report DTU-T-139-2 Whitney Engine Services, Inc the time of installation
Revision F dated 23rdJuly 2009, or later Revision B dated16th July 2009"The Instructions for
revisions approved by EASA in accordanc... certificated noise and/ or emissions ContinuedAirworthiness (ICA)
levels of the original productare DTU-G-260-7, Revision C
unchan... dated 26th May 2009or later
revisions of the above listed
documents appro...
10027008 MT-PROPELLER PA-46-350P (MALIBU Installation of 4 blade MTV-16-1-E-C-F-R(P)/ FAR 23 up to and including - Airplane Flight Manual Prerequisite for the installation of 28/08/2009 Active 10027008
ENTWICKLUNG MIRAGE) CFR206-58a on airplanePA-46-310P and amendment 25 plus FAR 23.1529 Supplement E-1802, Issue 04. this STC is the installation of aPratt
(EASA.A.S.02941) GmbH PA-46-310P (MALIBU) PA-46-350P modified with Pratt & Whitney atamendment26. August 2009 orlater approved & Whitney PT6A-21, -34 or -35
PT6A-21, -34 or-35 engine per FAA STC revision- Instruction for engine per FAA STC ST00541SE.
ST00541SE. Continued Airworthiness
E-1804, Issue 04. August
2009or later
approvedrevision- Installation
Instruction E-1803, Issue 04.
10027014 SCANDINAVIAN 500 (CITATION AND Installation of Honeywell MST 67A Dual Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - Engineering Order 2052922- None 31/08/2009 Active 10027014
AVIONICS DESIGN CITATION I) Mode S XPDR transponder. IM.A.207 EO Issue 1 from 10 June 2009-
(EASA.A.S.03849) ApS List of Certification
Documents 2052922-DOC
Issue 2 from 28. August2009-
AFM Supplements 2052922-
AM A Issue 1 from 03 March
2009, 2052922-AM BIssue 1
from 03 March 2009,
2052922-AM C Issue 1 from
03 June 2009- Instruction for
Continued Airwor...
10027057 CASCADE AVIATION FAA STC DHC-8-301, -311, 314, 315 Installation of an increased security cockpit FAR Part 25 as per TCDS EASA.IM.A. Installation must be None 02/09/2009 Active 10027057
SERVICES INC. ST01133SE DHC-8-201 doorFAA STCST01133SE 191 for DHC-8-100/200/300Series preformed in accordance with
(EASA.IM.A.S.03259) DHC-8-102, -103, -106 Cascade AviationServices,
Inc.Master Drawing List
01CAS029-MDL, Rev. H, dated
16.02.2006*)Operation must
be performed in accordance
with AFM Supplement Doc.
No.01CAS029-D 80*)
Maintenance must be
performed in accordance with
Instructions forContinued*...
10027058 BOMBARDIER TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis for the original -Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9306.1. Refer to 02/09/2009 Active 10027058
COMPLETION SA04-113 Interior product and the followingadditional reference C-09-0069 dated 27 the Limitations sectionsof the
(EASA.IM.A.S.03192) CENTRE INC or alternative airworthiness August 2009.-TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
requirements are applicable tothis SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2. WLAN
certificate/ approvalCRI A-100, CRI October 2004.-Aero system is compatible only to IEEE
D-100, CRI D-200, CRI D-300, CRI Consulting Services 802.11(b).3. Prior to installation of
D-500, CRI F-100, Configuration Definition List this modification the installer
CRIF-200Thecertificated noise and/ D954000RevisionDI dated 20 mustdetermine that the
or emissions levels of the originala... August 2009.-Instructions for interrelationship between this
ContinuedAirworthiness modification and...
GC93060000-ICA.or later
revisions of the above...

04/01/2023 Page 101 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027063 DART AEROSPACE REV. 1 TCCA STC 412, 412EP SH08-38 Issue 1 "D412-769 Aft Facing Seat FAR 29 -,,Installation Instructions; IIN- For Instructions for Continued 05/11/2009 Active 10027063
Ltd. SH08-38 205A-1, 205B, 212, Installation" D412-769 Rev. B dated 24 Airworthiness see Report ICA-
(EASA.IM.R.S.01493) June 2008-,,Master D412-769Rev. 0 dated 24 June
Document/Master Drawing 2008.
List, MDL-D412-769 Rev. B
dated 5
June2008-,,Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness, ICA-
D412-769 Rev. 0 dated24 June
10027064 SOCIETE D'ETUDE ET REV. 1 RALLYE 235 A, C, E, E-D, F Reduction of maximum take off and landing FAR 23. SEGA Flight Manual MS894 models: seating capacity 08/01/2010 Active 10027064
DE MS894 A, C, E weights to 1000 kg. Supplement A-05-09-1000kg, limited to 3 persons, pilot
(EASA.A.S.03925) GESTIONAERONAUTI MS893 A, B, E, E-D ed. 0, dtd. 20-07-2009, ENand included.Rallye 235 models:
QUE (SEGA) FR version.SEGA Installations seating capacity limited to 3
Instructions A-05-09-1000kg, persons, pilotincluded. Fuel tanks
ed. 0, dtd. 20-07-2009.SEGA capacity limited to 240 l
Modification File (2*120l).The airplane
A-05-09-1000kg, ed. 0, dtd. configurations listed in attachment
20-07-2009. 1 are excluded from
theapplicability of this STC
because their m...
10027065 GULFSTREAM GV-SP (G550) Installation of Custom Cabin Interior and JAR 25 Install in accordance with Aircraft Serial Number 5224 only. 03/09/2009 Active 10027065
AEROSPACE Aircraft Completion forAircraft Serial 5224. Gulfstream Aerospace Report
(EASA.IM.A.S.03148) CORPORATION GC52000K634, Rev.N/C, dated
11 June 2009 and Index List
GC520008647 Rev. G,
dated06-08-09, or later
approved revisions.Operate in
accordance with Gulfstream
Aerospace Flight Manual
Revision N/C, dated June 10,
2009, or lat...
10027086 B/E AEROSPACE REV. 2 TCCA LSTC NO. CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis (CB) for the TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA09-033/D Restricted to ASN 8085.Prior to 16/08/2013 Active 10027086
LIMITED C-LSA09-033/D Interior original product remains applicableto Issue 2 dated 24 September installation of this designchange it
(EASA.IM.A.S.03165) this certificate/ approval.The 2010.Aero Consulting Services must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental Ltd. Modification Data interrelationship between this
protection and the Summary G122000 design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or RevisionF.Midcoast Aviation otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original Inc Airplane Flight Manual change and/ or repair will
product areunchanged and remain Supplement for the introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ CompleteCustom Aircraft the airworthiness of the product.
approval. Interior Installation,
33-299M011 Rev NC.Aero
Consulting Services Ltd.
10027108 LEARJET Inc. FAA STC BD-100-1A10 (CHALLEGER - Installation of a Passenger Seat Upgrade- Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - FAA STC ST01716LA-D- None 07/09/2009 Active 10027108
ST01716LA-D 300) Validation of FAA STC ST01716LA-D IM.A.080 Issue 2, 8th October 2008 Master Drawing List, ref. Doc.
(EASA.IM.A.S.03188) (JAR 25 Change 15 plus other BAS68010001, Revision C,
airworthiness requirements, dated 28thFebruary 2005-
SpecialConditions and Equivalent Maintenance Requirements -
Safety Findings) Instruction for Continued
Airworthiness,ref. doc.
BAS68010001-IFCA-1, dated
24th February 2005(*) or later
revisions approved by EASA in
accordance with EASA
10027110 DASSAULT FALCON FAA STC FALCON 900EX EASA Validation of FAA STC SA8300SW- - The Certification Basis for the - Aeroplane Flight Manual See those of original FAA STC 07/09/2009 Active 10027110
JET CORP SA8300SW-D D:Installation of the Automatic Cabin original product remains applicable Supplement, Report No. SA8300SW-D
(EASA.IM.A.S.02993) Electrical Load Shed System inaccordance tothis certificate/approval- The 36571-1, RevisionOriginal
withDrawing List Report No. F9EX-01023, certificated noise and/or emissions dated 05th June 1997 is
Revision E dated28th September 2000 or levels of the original productare required for -501 aircraft
later revisions approved by EASA in unchanged and remain applicable to installationas per defined on
accordancewith EASA ED Decision 2004/04/ this certificate/approval Drawing List F9EX-1023-
CF (or subsequent revisions o... Aeroplane Flight Manual
Supplement, Report No.
36571-2, Revision Adated
12th November 1999 is
required for -503 aircraft...

04/01/2023 Page 102 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027112 DASSAULT FALCON FAA STC FALCON 900EX EASA Validation of FAA STC SA8283SW- - The Certification Basis for the See those of original FAA STC See those of original FAA STC 07/09/2009 Active 10027112
JET CORP SA8283SW-D D:Installation of the Auxiliary Light original product remains applicable SA8283SW-D as originally SA8283SW-D
(EASA.IM.A.S.02997) Modifications in accordance withDrawing List tothis certificate- The certificated issued on 26thOctober 1996-
Report No. F9EX-1011, dated 16th October noise and/oremissions levels of the or later revisions of the above
1996 or laterrevisions approved by EASA in original productare unchanged and listed documents approved by
accordance with EASA ED Decision2004/04/ remain applicable to this certificate EASA inaccordance with EASA
CF (or subsequent revisions of this decision) ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10027113 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK PA-28 Aspen EFD1000 System - JAA Interim Policies INT/POL/23/1, - Master Data List None 07/09/2009 Active 10027113
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY INT/POL/23/2 and INT/POL/23/3- MDL1059-01 Issue 1-
(EASA.A.S.03842) FAA AC 23.1309-1D; FAA AC Instructions for Continued
23.1311-1B; FAA AC 23-23-AMC Airworthiness ICA1059-01
20-115BThe certificated noise and/or Issue 1- Flight Manual
emissions levels of the original Supplement AFMS1059-01
productare unchanged and remain Issue 1- Or later revisions of
applicable tothis certificate the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10027115 CESSNA 500, 550, S550, 560 Installation of a TAWS System Honeywell FAR-25 Installation Procedure: Restricted to aircraft which already 08/09/2009 Active 10027115
DUESSELDORF Mark VIII EGPWS 2008-11-1, Rev. AFlight have installed a
(EASA.A.S.03705) CITATIONSERVICE Manual Supplement: suitablemultifunction display.
CENTER GmbH 2008-11-8, Rev.
BMaintenance Manual
Supplement: 2008-11-10, Rev.
10027116 CESSNA 500, 550, S550, 560 Installation of an FMS System Universal FAR-25The Certification Basis for the Installation Procedure: None 08/09/2009 Active 10027116
DUESSELDORF UNS-1M original product remains applicable 2008-7-1, Rev. BFlight Manual
(EASA.A.S.03730) CITATIONSERVICE tothis certificate/ approvalThe Supplement: 2008-7-8, Rev.
CENTER GmbH certificated noise and/ or emissions BMaintenance Manual
levels of the original productare Supplement: 2008-7-10, Rev.
unchanged and remain applicable to Aor later revisions of the
this certificate/ approval above listed documents
approved by EASA
10027121 AIRCRAFT REV. 4 FAA SA01935LA SEE FAA AML Installation of external aft body strakes, in The Certification Basis for the original FAA accepted Instructions for Prior to installation of this design 14/03/2019 Active 10027121
PERFORMANCE accordance with FAAapproved Aircraft product remains applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness, as change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.03144) MODIFICATIONS,INC. Performance Modifications Master Drawing certificate/ approval, except where listed in FAAAML No. thatthe interrelationship between
List aslisted in AML No. SA01935LA, Revision amended by additional or SA01935LA, Revision D, or this design change and any
IR, or later FAA approvedrevision. lateramendments if indicated on FAA later FAA approved revision. otherpreviously installed design
STC.Therequirements for change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and the introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or the airworthiness ofthe
emissions levels of the original pro... product.The STC is valid for aircraft
types and models a...
10027122 FIELD AVIATION REV. 3 TCCA STC DHC-8-315 Retrofit installation of Universal Avionics The Certification Basis (CB) for the Config. A – EFIS Equipped Configuration B Single UNS-1F with 26/08/2019 Active 10027122
COMPANY Inc. SA02-48 DHC-8-314 SystemsUNS-1F/UNS-1F(w)Flight original product remains applicableto Aircraft, Single UNS-1F Software Version SCN 801,
(EASA.IM.A.S.03183) DHC-8-311 Management System. this certificate/ approval.The (Provisions Only)DHC-8-100 EFISEquipped Aircraft-de Havilland
DHC-8-301 requirements for environmental SeriesInstallation must be factory installed single UNS-1B or
DHC-8-202 protection and the performed in accordance with UNS-1B+ FlightManagement
DHC-8-201 associatedcertified noise and/ or Field Aviation MasterDrawing System Electrical and Structural
DHC-8-106 emissions levels of the original and Data List designated provisions are aprerequisite to the
DHC-8-103 product areunchanged and remain DDL-1073, Rev. F.DHC-8-300 Universal UNS-1F Flight
DHC-8-102 applicable to this certificate/ SeriesInstallation must be Management System retrofit.-
approval. performed in accordance with Approved for IFR En Rou...
Field Aviation MasterDrawing
10027141 DECA AVIATION REV. 1 TCCA SA00-126; DHC-8-301, -311, -314, -315 QAR/ASAP Monitoring SystemTCCA FAR Part 25 as per TCDS EASA.IM.A. A) Models: DHC -8- 102, -103, The QAR system configurations are 04/01/2010 Active 10027141
ENGINEERING Ltd.d/ CAA NL DHC-8-201, -202 SA00-126, Is. 4 191 for DHC-8-100/200/300Series -106Installation must be compatible with each of the
b/a PAL AEROSPACE SA0014NL DHC-8-102, -103, -106 performed in accordance with followingFDR/FDAU
DECA AviationModification combinations:For Model DHC -8-
Summary MS00I0952, 102, -103, -106, -201, -202L3 FDR
Revision 12 *)<(>,<)>This No: 2100-4043-00 with Plessey
modification must be FDAUNo: 612/1/49780/102
maintained in accordance (ModelPA3810Bl/Post Mod
with DECA 8/1876).For Model DHC -8 -301,
MaintenanceManual -311, -314, -315L3 FDR No:
SupplementDECA-4903-02 2100-4043-00 withP...
Revision 3 *)B) Models: DHC
-8- 201, -202Instal...

04/01/2023 Page 103 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027152 AVIATION SUPPORT 600N Installation of HD Camera System and right The Certification Basis for the original - Instruction for Continued Approval limited to S/N RN073 10/09/2009 Active 10027152
GmbH side dual utility mount MD600N, as per product and the followingadditional Airworthiness Ref. ICA-
(EASA.R.S.01558) Master Document List Ref MDL-ASE-90819, or alternative airworthiness ASE-90819, Rev 0.3,dated
dated 08.09.2009 requirements are applicable tothis 08.09.2009.- Flight Manual
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Supplement Ref FMS-
noise and/ or emissions levels of the ASE-90819, Rev 0.4, dated
original productare unchanged and 08.09.2009or later revisions
remain applicable to this certificate/ ofthe above listed documents
approval approved by EASA
10027156 ELECTRONIC CABLE FAA STC L1011-385-1, L1011-385-1-14 Installation of a single or dual Honeywell/ The Certification Basis for the original Airplane Flight Manual None 10/09/2009 Active 10027156
SPECIALISTS, Inc. ST00646CH L1011-385-1-15, L1011-385-3 Trimble HT900 GlobalNavigation System, product and the followingadditional Supplement, document
(EASA.IM.A.S.01665) configurations 1, 2 or 3 in accordance or alternative airworthiness ECS-960150Aircraft
withElectronic Cable Speciatlists Master Data requirements are applicable tothis Maintenance Manual
List, ECS-960151, Rev. H datedJanuary 8, certificate/ approvalThe applicant Supplement, document
1999 or later FAA approved hasalso shown compliance to ECS-960169or later revisions
revisionsValidation of FAA STC ST00646CH Guidance Material AMC 20-5. of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequentrevisions ofthis
10027158 RUAG AEROSPACE REV. 1 CESSNA 525 Honeywell GNS-XLS P-RNAV Upgrade The Certification Basis (CB) for the -202B-AFMS, Rev. N/C Restricted to aircraft with S/N 29/01/2014 Active 10027158
SERVICES GmbH original product remains applicableto Airplane Flight Manual 0001 to 0599 which already have
(EASA.A.S.03970) this certificate/ approval.The Supplementor later revisions an FMSHoneywell GNS-XLS
requirements for environmental of the above listed documents installedPrior to installation of this
protection and the approved by EASA.-202B-CN, design change it must be
associatedcertified noise and/ or Rev. N/C Change Note determined thatthe
emissions levels of the original (Approval for Aircraft interrelationship between this
product areunchanged and remain Modification) orlater design change and any
applicable to this certificate/ approved revisions-202B-EO, otherpreviouslyinstalled design
approval. Rev. N/C Engineering Order or change and/ or repair will
later approved revisions introduce noadve...
10027192 RUAG AEROSPACE BD-700-1A10, -1A11 EGPWS MK V Enhancement with The Certification Basis for the original -Master Document List, 29IC- - BD-700-1A10: S/N 9002 and 14/09/2009 Active 10027192
SERVICES GmbH RAASUpgrade of the existing Honeywell product remains applicable tothis MDL Revision A dated 10 subsequent- BD-700-1A11: S/N
(EASA.A.S.03963) Enhanced Ground Proximity WarningSystem certificate/ approvalThe certificated September 2009.-Approval 9127 and subsequent
(EGPWS) MK V with the Honeywell Runway noise and/ or emissions levels of the for Aircraft Modification,
Awareness and AdvisorySystem (RAAS). original productare unchanged and 29IC-CN Revision A dated
Installation of an optional RAAS Advisory remain applicable to this certificate/ 10September 2009.or later
Mute switchintothe center pedestal. approval revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10027193 ROSEN SUNVISOR FAA STC 2. MYSTERE FALCON 50 EASA Validation of FAA STC The Certification Basis for the original See those of original FAA STC This EASA approval is also 15/09/2009 Active 10027193
SYSTEMS L.L.C. SA2614NM 1. MYSTERE FALCON 200 SA2614NM:Cockpit Sun Visor Installation in product remains applicable tothis SA2614NMor later revisions applicable to the Falcon 50EX
(EASA.IM.A.S.03219) accordance with Rosen Drawing List No.RF certificate/ approvalThe certificated ofthe above listed documents version of theMF50 aircraft model
50/200-00DL, Revision C dated 26th August noise and/ or emissions levels of the approved by EASA as per this aircraft
2009 or later revisionsapproved by EASA in original productare unchanged and inaccordance with EASA ED versiondefinition described
accordance with EASA ED Decision 2004/04/ remain applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or onEASA TCDS.A.062
CF(orsubsequent revisions of this decision) approval subsequent revisions ofthis
10027196 TIMCO AVIATION FAA STC B747-400 Installation of Collins SAT-906 SatCom System The Certification Basis for the original None None 14/09/2009 Active 10027196
SERVICES INC. ST00696AT-D with Ball Antenna's inaccordance with Timco product remains applicable tothis
Master Data List MDL-01068, Revision M, certificate/ approval
datedOctober 27, 1999 or later approved
10027199 CESSNA P.180 AVANTI II Installation of Garmin GPS-400 / 400W The Certification Basis of the original -EASA approved Engineering None 14/09/2009 Active 10027199
DUESSELDORF System product remains applicable Order, Doc. No. 2008-13,
(EASA.A.S.03743) CITATIONSERVICE tothis ,,changeThe certificated noise Revision A, dated01-
CENTER GmbH and/ or emissions levels of the Nov-2008, or later approved
original productare ,,unchanged and Issue-EASA approvedAirplane
remainapplicable to this certificate/ Flight Manual Supplement,
approval Doc. No. 2008138,Revision A,
dated 01-Nov-2008, or later
approved Issue-Maintenance
Manual Supplement, Doc. No.
2008-13-10, Revision A,

04/01/2023 Page 104 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027200 RUAG AG REV. 1 MD900 TV Broadcasting Equipment Installation The Certification Basis for the original -Rotorcraft Flight Manual The Installation TV Broadcasting 18/01/2021 Active 10027200
(camera adaptation on existingmount and product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement (RFMS) Doc. No. Equipment is limited to: S/N
(EASA.R.S.01582) certification of the operators rack)Rev 1: additional or alternative 1872438-50-Installation 900-00131Prior to installation of
Transfer of STC to a new legal entity that is airworthiness requirements:CS-27 Instruction Doc. No. this change/repair it must be
holder of anew DOA(EASA.21J.760) Amdt. 2 dated 17.11.2008The 1872438-61or later revisions determined thatthe
requirements forenvironmental of the above listed document interrelationship between this
protection and the (s) approved/acceptedunder change/repair and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or the EASA system. otherpreviously installed change
emissions levels of the product are and/ or repair will introduce no
unchangedand rema... adverseeffect upon the
10027205 PREMIAIR AIRCRAFT CAA UK BEECH 390 (PREMIER 1) Cabin configuration change CS 23 Configuration change in None 14/09/2009 Active 10027205
(EASA.A.S.03982) D modification No
09-015.Operation in
accordance with PremiAir
Flight Manual Supplement
No09-RA390-01 Issue 1, dated
24 August 2009,or later
approved revisions.
10027209 FIFTY-TEN-YANKEE, REV. 2 FAA STC T206H Installation of Rolls-Royce 250-B17F/2 series The Certification Basis for the original - Soloy Master Drawing List Prior to installation of this design 11/03/2020 Active 10027209
LLC SA01878SE 206H, T206H engine with aHartzellModel HC-B3TF-7A/ product remains applicable tothis 766-100<(>,<)> Revision 0, change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.03096) 206H T10173FN(K)-11R Propeller certificate/approval, except where dated October2008.- Aircraft thatthe interrelationship between
amended by additional or Flight Manual Supplement this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA S2010F, Revision 0, dated 24 otherpreviously installed design
STC SA01878SE.The requirements for October2008.- Maintenance change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and the & Overhaul Supplement introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or S2012F, First Edition, Revision the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the ori... 0,dated October 2008.
10027216 B/E AEROSPACE TCCA C- BD-700-1A11 Installation 16G Side Facing Divan EASA TCDS No IM.A.009The -TCCA STC No C-LSA09-079/D Restricted to: ASN 9289 14/09/2009 Active 10027216
LIMITED LSA09-079/D Certification Basis for the original Issue 2 dated 14 August
(EASA.IM.A.S.03160) product remains applicable tothis 2009.-TCCA SoC ref.
certificate/ approvalThe certificated C-09-0745 dated 24 August
noise and/ or emissions levels of the 2009.-Aero Consulting
original productare unchanged and Services Ltd. Modification
remain applicable to this certificate/ Data Summary Number
approval G198000Revision A.-Aero
Consulting Services Ltd.
Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement G198090Revision
N/C.-Savannah Air Center
10027217 AIR ALLIANCE GmbH REV. 1 TB9, TB10, TB 20, TB21, Installation of Aspen EFD 1000 PRO The Certification Basis for the original -Engineering Order: None 12/04/2010 Active 10027217
TB200 product and the followingadditional 2009_039_A51EU_0500, Rev.
(EASA.A.S.03905) or alternative airworthiness 0-Aircraft Flight Manual
requirements are applicable tothis Supplement:
certificate/ approvalCS-23The 2009_039_A51EU_0506, Rev.
certificated noise and/ or emissions 0-Instructions for Continued
levels of the original productare Airworthiness:
unchanged and remain applicable to 2009_039_A51EU_0507, Rev.
this certificate/ appro... 0or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10027220 VIDEO TECHNOLOGY FAA STC B767-200, 300 Installation of Digital Video Player (DVP) on a Certification Basis in accordance with - Video Technology Services, None 15/09/2009 Active 10027220
SERVICES, Inc. ST02720NY B767 a/c EASA TCDS IM.A.035 plus:CRI H-01/ Inc. Master Technical Drawing
Special Condition H-01 "Enhanced List DocumentN° 205-D-400,
Airworthiness Programme Revision C dated July 9, 2009-
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on Video Technology Services,
EWIS"The certificated noise and/ or Inc. Instructions for
emissions levels of the original ContinuedAirworthiness
productare unchanged and remain Document N° 205-D-417,
applicable to this certificate/ dated March 15, 2009-
approval... VideoTechnology Services,
Inc. Airplane Flight Manual

04/01/2023 Page 105 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027222 PATS AIRCRAFT REV. 1 FAA STC CL-600-2B19 Revisions to Auxiliary Fuel System Structural IM.A.023The Certification Basis for EASA STC No. 10027222 dated PATS Aircraft, LLC. Airplane Flight 12/07/2012 Active 10027222
L.L.C.d/b/a PATS ST00365NY-D Provisions the original product and the 15 September 2009.FAA STC Manual Supplement No. 200,
(EASA.IM.A.S.03142) AIRCRAFT followingadditional or alternative No. ST00365NY-D dated 14 RevisionB, FAA approved 11 June
SYSTEMSd/b/a airworthiness requirements are January 2011.Configuration 6. 2009, is required with
ALOFT applicable tothis certificate/ Installation of a two tank configurations 5 and 6.
AEROARCHITECTS approval.CRI H-01The requirements Auxiliary Fuel System
for environmental protection and the withinthe fuselage pressure
associatedcertificated noise and/ or vessel forward of the baggage
emissions levels of the origin... compartment inaccordance
with PATS Aircraft, LLC.
Master Drawing List, Drawing
10027223 PATS AIRCRAFT REV. 2 FAA STC CL-600-2B19 Installation of an Executive Interior EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis Configuration 1:EASA STC No. In this installation the maximum 12/07/2012 Active 10027223
L.L.C.d/b/a PATS ST01730NY-D for the original product and the 10027223 Revision 1 dated 08 passenger seating capacityis
(EASA.IM.A.S.03235) AIRCRAFT followingadditional or alternative February 2010.FAA STC No. limitedto 15.
SYSTEMSd/b/a airworthiness requirements are ST01730NY-D dated 14
ALOFT applicable tothis certificate/ January 2011.PATS Aircraft,
AEROARCHITECTS approvalCRI H-01The requirements LLC Master Drawing List
for environmental protection and the 6049-0001-MDL, revision F
associatedcertificated noise and/ or dated01 July 2009.PATS
emissions levels of the or... Aircraft, LLC. Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement No. 212
for anExecutive Interior, FAA
10027252 FIELD AVIATION TCCA STC DHC-8-314 Icelandic Coast Guard Maritime Patrol FAR 25 as per TCDS EASA.IM.A.191 Installation must be UNS-1F(w) Flight Management 16/09/2009 Active 10027252
COMPANY Inc. SA09-15 ModificationTCCA STC Number: SA09-15, plus EASA Special Condition performed in accordance with Systems approved for En-route,
(EASA.IM.A.S.02934) Issue 1 dated 29. April 2009 "ServiceCompartment" as defined in FAEL Master Drawingand Data Terminal andNon Precision
CRI D-02, Issue 2, Annex 1.The List designated DDL-1185, Rev approach operations only.External
Certification Basis for the original CFlight Operations must be LAN System not approved for
product and thefollowingadditional performed in accordance with airborne operations.External Nokia
or alternative airworthiness FAEL FlightManual Cellular Telephone System not
requirements are applicable tothis Supplements as follows:FMS approved for airborne use.The
certificate/ approvalThe certificate... 20164 Rev IR,,Mission authorization to carry flares and
LandingGear Warning Horn other disposable storesb...
Override ControlFMS 20165
Rev IR,,SRT-610...
10027267 BOMBARDIER TCCA SA09-43 BD-100-1A10 VHF COMM 3 Power Source RelocationEASA Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - Transport Canada None 17/09/2009 Active 10027267
AEROSPACE Validation of:Transport Canada Supplemental IM.A.080 Issue 2, 8th October 2008 Supplemental Type Certificate
(EASA.IM.A.S.03252) Type Certificate SA09-43, Issue 1 dated20th (JAR 25 Change 15 plus other SA09-43, Issue 1 dated20th
May 2009 in accordance with Aero airworthiness requirements, May 2009- Aero Consulting
Consulting ServicesLtd.Modification Data SpecialConditions and Equivalent Modification DataSummary,
Summary F912000 Revision N/C. Safety Findings). ref. No. F912000 RevisionN/C,
dated 12th May 2009 or later
Transport Canada approved
revision- Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness, ref.
No. BAS68050005-
10027268 STANDARD AERO FAA STC 737-900ER Installation of an in flight entertainment (IFE) In accordance with TCDSThe Standard Aero see limitations and conditions on 17/09/2009 Active 10027268
ST02756CH-D 737-600, -700, -800, -900, system Certification Basis for the original Documents:Master Data List STC FAA ST02756CH-D
product remains applicable tothis MDL1104-100 Rev. Bdated
certificate/ approvalThe certificated September 09, 2009or later
noise and/ or emissions levels of the revisions of the above listed
original productare unchanged and documents approved by EASA
remain applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10027270 ELECTRONIC CABLE REV. 1 FAA STC 737-900, 737-900ER Installation of ECS EZMount Mechanical The Certification Basis for the original -Master Data List ECS-206467 The equipment for which these 04/06/2014 Active 10027270
SPECIALISTS, Inc. ST02637CH 737-600, 737-700, 737-800 Mounting AssembliesConfigurations :-1: product as amendedby thefollowing Rev. U dated May 23,2013- provisions are intended has not
(EASA.IM.A.S.03122) 737-300, 737-400, 737-500 Master Kit, EZMount® Slider 737-2: additional or alternative AFM Supplement ECS-206471 beencertified. An additional
737-100, 737-200, 737-200C MasterKit, EZMount® Pivot 737-3: Master Kit, airworthiness requirements:The Rev. A (Configurations 1 & 3)- approval is required for
EZMount® Slider 737 ClassicRevision1: applicant elected to comply to the AFM Supplement ECS-207424 theinstallation ofthis equipment
addition of configuration 4 Master Kit, following paragraphs at Rev. A (Configuration 2)-AFM and must be evaluated to assure
EZMount Pivot for737-300/400/500 CS25amendment 0:Configuration Supplement ECS-207423 Rev. satisfactory compliancewith
1:25.301(a)(b), 25.303, 25.305(a)(b), N/C (Configuration 4)- applicable airworthiness
25.307(a), 25.561(c), 25.601,25.603, Instruction for requirements.Prior to installation
25.... ContinuedAirworthiness of this design change it mustt...
ECS-206472 Rev. C
(configurations 1, 2 & 3)-Ins...

04/01/2023 Page 106 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027284 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 3 A320-232 Airbus A320 12C/8J/36Y LOPARevision due to The Type and OSD Certification Bases -Modification Summary Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10027284
LIMITEDEUROPE the introductionof cosmetic refurbishment for the original product as Sheet, ref. doc. repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03927) S.A.S. includingre-painting of small seat panels and amendedby the following additional MOD-11490-00001, Issue 4, thatthe interrelationship between
trim, and the replacement of theend bay side or alternative airworthiness dated6th October 2017- this change/repair and any
panels of First Class seats in order to satisfy requirements:Special Condition Certification Programme, ref. otherpreviously installed change
therequirements of CRI D-2317.Rev. 3: (s):CRI H-01 “Enhanced Airworthiness doc. CP-11490-00001, Issue 2, and/ or repair willintroduce no
Transfer of STC Programme for Aeroplane Systems – dated 6thOctober 2017- adverseeffect upon the
ICAon EWIS”CRI D-2317 – ComplianceRecord, ref. doc. airworthiness of the product.
“Application of Heat Release and No. CR-11490-00001, Issue 3,
Smoke Density... dated 13thJuly 2017.-Master
Document List, ref. doc.
MDL-11490-00001, Iss...
10027294 INFLIGHT CANADA REV. 4 TCCA STC 737-800 Rockwell Collins dPAVES Overhead Passenger The Certification Basis for the original Inflight Canada / DECA none 04/06/2012 Active 10027294
Inc. SA09-28 Entertainment System, TCCASTC Number: product and the followingadditional Aviation Documents:Master
(EASA.IM.A.S.03187) SA09-28 Issue 3 dated Nov 16, 2009. This or alternative airworthiness Data List MDL08119-STC Rev.
revision consistsin removing the limitation on requirements are applicable tothis 12Airplane Flight Manual
EWIS ICA certificate/ approval.Certification Supplement FMS08119-STC
Basis in accordance with the EASA Rev.2Instructions for
TCDS IM.A.120 plus: CRIH01/Special Continued Airworthiness
Condition H01 "Enhanced ICA08119-STC Rev.3or later
Airworthiness Programme forAer... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF...
10027295 SOCIETE AIR FRANCE REV. 2 A320 Cabin Reconfiguration from Dragon Aviation In accordance with the EASA - Certification Program, ref. None 23/11/2010 Active 10027295
S.A. Leasing to Juneyao Standard(DKH)Revision of TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe doc. No. CP-A320-09-009,
(EASA.A.S.03975) the EASA STC 10027295 to remove EWIS original product and the Revision 02,dated 31st August
limitation followingadditional or alternative 2009- Statement of
airworthiness requirements are Compliance, ref. doc. No.
applicable tothis certificate/ SOCPL-A320-09-009-005,
approval- CRI H-01/Special Condition dated31st August 2009-
H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness Instruction for Continued
Programme forAeroplane Systems - Airworthiness, ref. doc. No.
ICA on EWIS"The... ICA-A320-09-009Rev. 02,
dated 11th August 2010-
Enhanced Zonal Analys...
10027297 DECRANE REV. 4 FAA STC ERJ 190-100 ECJ Installation of an Executive InteriorMajor The Certification Basis for the original Configuration 1:-Master Configuration 1:- Concurrent 24/06/2013 Active 10027297
AEROSPACE PATS ST01727NY-D Change to FAA STC ST01727NY-DUpdate of product as amendedby thefollowing Drawing List 5950-0000-MDL installation of STC ST01728NY-D
(EASA.IM.A.S.03026) AIRCRAFT,LLC EASA STC 10027297 Rev 3: Compliance with additional or alternative Rev. G dtd. 16.April 2009 (*)- (Class "C" CargoCompartment)
EWIS ICA SpecialCondition H-01 airworthiness requirements:CRI A-1 Airplane Flight Manual iaw. Master Drawing List
IM.A.S.03026The requirements for Supplement No. 215, Rev. D 6071-0000-MDL Rev. IR dtd.
environmental protection and the dtd. 12. March 2010(*)- 7.October 2008 is required.-
associatedcertified noise and/ or Maintenance Manual Commercialoperation under EASA
emissions levels of the original Supplement TO-3163 Rev. IR rules requires installation of PATS
product areunchanged and remai... dtd. 1.May 2008 (*) SBST0172NY-D-25-SB-001
withTR20-1001 dtd. 10.April "Modification of Pocket Doors to
2009--------------------------------- support...
10027298 DECRANE REV. 2 FAA STC ERJ 190-100ECJ Modification of the Class C Forward Cargo The Certification Basis for the original Configuration 1:Modification Configuration 1:- Concurrent 24/06/2013 Active 10027298
AEROSPACE PATS ST01728NY-D Compartment to accommodate anAuxiliary product as amendedby thefollowing of the Class C Forward Cargo installation of STC ST01727NY-D
(EASA.IM.A.S.03027) AIRCRAFT,LLC Fuel Tank and Installation of a new Class C additional or alternative Compartment to (Installation of anExecutive
Cargo Compartmentat the Rear of the Main airworthiness requirements:CRI A-1 accommodate anAuxiliary Interior) iaw. Master DrawingList
CabinMajor Change to FAA STC ST01728NY- IM.A.S.03026The requirements for Fuel Tank and Installation of a 5950-0000-MDL revision Gdtd.
DUpdate of EASA STC 10027298 Rev 1: environmental protection and the new Class C Cargo 16.April 2009 is
Compliance with EWIS ICA SpecialCondition associatedcertified noise and/ or Compartmentat the Rear of required-----------------------------------
H-01 emissions levels of the original the Main Cabin.- Master ------Configuration 2:- Concurrent
product areunchanged and remai... Drawing List 6071-0000MDL installation of STC ST01727NY-D
Rev. IR dtd. 7.October 2008 (Installation of an...
(*)- Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement No. 211, R...
10027299 DECRANE REV. 2 FAA STC ERJ 190-100ECJ Installation of a Passenger Gaseous Oxygen The Certification Basis for the original - Master Drawing List - Concurrent installation of STC's 24/06/2013 Active 10027299
AEROSPACE PATS ST01729NY-D Supply SystemMajor Change to FAA STC product as amendedby thefollowing 6072-0000MDL Rev. A dtd. ST01727NY-D (Installation of
(EASA.IM.A.S.03028) AIRCRAFT,LLC ST01729NY-DUpdate of EASA STC 10027299 additional or alternative 15.December 2008 (*)- anExecutive Interior) and
Rev 1: Compliance with EWIS ICA airworthiness requirements:CRI A-1 Airplane Flight Manual ST01728NY-D (Class "C" Cargo
SpecialCondition H-01 IM.A.S.03026The requirements for Supplement No. 226, Rev. Compartment) isrequired- For
environmental protection and the IRdtd. 17.April 2009(*)- aircraft under FAA jurisdictionthis
associatedcertified noise and/ or Maintenance Manual modification may not beinstalled
emissions levels of the original Supplement TO-3163 Rev. IR after 30.August 2010 unless:(1)
product areunchanged and remai... dtd. 1.May 2008 (*) previously approved electrical
withTR20-1001 dtd. 10.April wiring interconnect...
2009(*) or later revisions of
the above listed documents

04/01/2023 Page 107 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027300 OREGON AERO, INC. REV. 2 FAA STC LC42-550FG, T240 Installation of replacement seats The Certification Basis (CB) for the -According to Oregon Aero, The installation of this 20/01/2017 Active 10027300
SA01597SE LC40-550FG, LC41-550FG original product remains applicableto Inc. Master Drawing List modification by third persons is
this certificate/ approval.The 6MDL-HG-10, Rev.K.02or later subject towritten permission of
requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed the approval holder and holding
protection and the documents approved by EASA and disposal ofthe approved
associatedcertified noise and/ or inaccordance with EASA ED appropriate documentation.Prior
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or to installation of this design
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis change it must be determined
applicable to this certificate/ decision)” and/ or the thatthe interrelationship between
approval. Technical Implementation this design change and a...
Procedures of EU/USA
Bilateral Agree...
10027304 AVIATION SUPPORT FOCA STC AS 350B, -B1, -B2, -B3 Ski carrier rack, P/N AV11300.Note: STC FAR 27 amendment 10 as defined in Drawing Data Set No. 18/09/2009 Active 10027304
GmbH Z25-70-09 transferred from R.Sarbach, Mechanische TCDS EASA.R.008. VA11300.Rotorcraft Flight
Werkstaette toAviation Support GmbH. Manual Supplement (RFMS)
Doc. No. FMS SUP 5,
revisiondated 08/08/2002.
10027314 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK PIPER PA32 ALL SERIES Installation of Aspen EFD1000 PFD CS-23. The Certification Basis for the Master Data List 21/09/2009 Active 10027314
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY original product andthefollowing MDL1099-01Instructions for
additional or alternative Continued Airworthiness
airworthiness requirements ICA1099-01Flight Manual
areapplicable to this certificate/ Supplement AFMS1099-01
approval.JAA Interim Policies INT/ Issue 1or later revisions of the
POL/23/1, INT/POL/23/2 and INT/ above listed documents
POL/23/3FAA AC 23.1309-1DFAA AC approvedby EASA
23.1311-1BFAA AC 23-23FAA AC
20-136AAMC 20...
10027320 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GULFSTREAM GIV-X Installation of an Airplane Interior and JAR 25. The Certification Basis for the Installed in accordance with Aircraft Serial Number 4161 only. 21/09/2009 Active 10027320
AEROSPACE ST03710AT-D completion for Aircraft SerialNumber 4161. original product remainsapplicable to Gulfstream Aerospace The following STCs are a required
(EASA.IM.A.S.03251) CORPORATION this certificate. The certificated noise Corporation IndexList, partof this STC: ST02987AT-D,
and/ or emissionslevels of the GC420004161, Rev D, dated ST03290AT-D, ST02979AT-D,
original product are unchanged and August 25, 2009.To be ST03410AT-D andST03647AT-D.It
remain applicable tothis certificate. operated in accordance with is the installer's responsibility to
Airplane Flight Manual check these STC’s are
SupplementGC41204M006, EASAApproved.
Rev NC, date August 25,
2009.or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10027323 BUSINESS AND B300 HF-9000 installation on Beech B300 Series FAR Part 23 and FAR Part 25- The BCA 115 modification file or Modification applicable to B300 21/09/2009 Active 10027323
COMMUTER PROLINE 21 Equipped Certification Basis for the original later revisions of the above equipped with Proline 21, serial
AIRCRAFT product remains applicable tothis listeddocuments approved by numberFL-1 and after and FM-1
certificate- The certificated noise EASA and after
and/or emissions levels of the
originalproductare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate
10027337 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BOMBARDIER BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA IM.A.009.The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9309.Refer to 22/09/2009 Active 10027337
SA04-113 Interior for the original product and the reference C-09-0070 dated 14 the Limitations sections ofthe
followingadditional or alternative September2009.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement and
airworthinessrequirements are SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 tothe referenced
applicable tothis certificate.CRI October 2004.Aero Consulting FCOMS.WLANsystem is compatible
A-100, CRI D-100, CRI D-200, CRI Services Configuration only to IEEE 802.11(b)
D-300, CRI D-500, CRI F-100, Definition List
CRIF-200. D954000RevisionDK dated 08
September 2009.Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
GC93090000-ICA.or later
revisions of the abo...
10027343 E A D AEROSPACE A330 Installation of Advanced Mission Display In accordance with EASA TCDS A.004 - Master Drawing List, ref. None 23/09/2009 Active 10027343
AIRWORTHINESS System - Phase A (AMDS/A) 01250-EAS-A-MDL, Revision C,
(EASA.A.S.03706) dated 22ndSeptember 2009-
Design Similarity Statement,
ref. 01250-EAS-A-DSS-01,
Revision A,dated 31st July
2009- Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement, ref. 01250-EAS-
A-AFM-01, RevisionA, dated
31st July 2009- Declaration of
Compliance, ref. 01250...

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027345 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK CL-600-2D24 Introduction of Datalink 2000+ EASA TCDS No. IM.A.023The LHT Declaration of Not Applicable 23/09/2009 Active 10027345
AG Certification Basis for the original Compliance No. 2035 dated
(EASA.A.S.03346) product remains applicable tothis 17 September 2009.LHT
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Supplemental Type Definition
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Document No.
original productare unchanged and STDD23-07-07M Issue 2dated
remain applicable to this certificate/ 15 September 2009.LHT
approval Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement No.
A-23-07/0741-AFM Revision
2dated 06 August 2009.LHT
ICA No. CA23-1580-02 Issue 1
dated 18 January 2008.A...
10027347 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 2 SA226T Installation of MX20 Camera The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Master Document List According limitation section of 19/01/2022 Active 10027347
Service GmbH system.Installation of Wescam MX series (10, original product remains applicableto MDOCL_19719_rev1_201305 AFM.Aircraft must be previously
(EASA.A.S.03887) 15, 20) Gimbal Cameras with this certificate/ approval.The 01- AFM Supplement modified with camera hatches
manualextension/retraction mechanism, requirements for environmental SPOH_19719_rev1_20130501 i.a.w.Swearingen Camera Hole
operator console and downlink antenna. protection and the - Installation Instruction Modification.Prior to installation
associatedcertified noise and/ or II_19719_rev1_20130501or of this design change it must be
emissions levels of the original later revisions of the above determined thatthe
product areunchanged and remain listed documents approved by interrelationship between
applicable to this certificate/ EASA. thisdesign change and any
approval. otherpreviously installed design
10027351 DASSAULT FALCON MYSTERE FALCON 50 P-RNAV Capability The Certification Basis for the original ·,,DFS Change Approval Sheet This EASA approval is applicable on 24/09/2009 Active 10027351
SERVICE product and the followingadditional DFS 5659-CAS Issue A, dated those Mystere Falcon
(EASA.A.S.03939) or alternative airworthiness 21st September2009·,,DFS 50aircraftwhich have previously
requirements are applicable tothis Aeroplane Flight Manual incorporated the Mod DFS 5598
certificate/ approval.Compliance has Supplement Number 48, Issue (approved underEASA.A.S.00615)
been shown in accordance with the 2, dated 21stSeptember 2009 with:·,,Collins Autopilot APS
requisites laid down byJAA 85·,,EFIS 86 C14 and·,,Version
Temporary Guidance Leaflet n. 10 802.X for the FMS UNS-1L
"Airworthiness and Operation... SoftwareThis design change is not
applicable on the F50EX aircr...
10027352 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BOMBARDIER BD-700-1A11 Installation of Cockpit Speaker Mute Switch. EASA TCDS No. IM.A.009The TCCA STC No. SA08-90 Issue 1 None. 24/09/2009 Active 10027352
SA08-90 BOMBARDIER BD-700-1A10 Certification Basis for the original dated 18 December
(P-EASA.IM.A.S.03242) product remains applicable tothis 2008.TCCA SoC reference
certificate.The certificated noise and/ C-09-0522 dated 17
or emissions levels of the original September 2009.Aero
productare unchanged and remain Consulting Services
applicable to this certificate. Modification Data Summary
Number G076000Revision N/
C.Aero Consulting Services
Instructions for Continued
later revisions of the above
listed d...
10027356 AEROSERVIS, S.R.O. F172N Installation of NAV/COM Equipment:GNS 430 FAR Part 23, Amdt. 50, dated 11 Pilot’s Operating Handbook none 24/09/2009 Active 10027356
(NAV/COM/GPS), KX155 (NAV/COM), KR87 March 1996 Supplements:- No: STC AE/
(EASA.A.S.03904) (ADF),KMA 24 (AUDIO/MKR) 088-DLP1 (GNS 430)- No: STC
AE/088-DLP2 (KX 155)- No:
STC AE/088-DLP3 (KR 87)- No:
STC AE/088-DLP4 (KMA 24)
10027368 MILLENNIUM FAA STC CESSNA 208B Installation of aft cabin seats in Cessna FAR 23. Installation in accordance None. 25/09/2009 Active 10027368
CONCEPTS, INC. SA1507WI CESSNA 208 Models 208 and 208B (Caravan)aircraft. with Millennium Concepts Inc
(P-EASA.IM.A.S.03217) Master Drawinglist 2015-
MDL036, Revision B, dated
August 6 2008, or later
approvedrevisions.Operate in
accordance with AFM
Supplement 2013-AFMS-S1,
Revision IR,dated September
29, 2008, or later approved
revisions.Instructions for
continued air...

04/01/2023 Page 109 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027371 BEECHCRAFT FAA STC BAE125-1000A Installation of TCAS 2000 TCAS II System 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part Installation as defined in None. 25/09/2009 Active 10027371
CORPORATION ST09450SC 25. Hawker Beechcraft Services
(P-EASA.IM.A.S.01004) Master DrawingList
98-1000-100, Revision C,
dated March 16, 2000,or later
in accordance with Flight
Manual Supplement as
defined indocument ref
98-1000-102, Revision A,
dated April 6, 2000 or
laterapproved revisions.In...
10027373 EMBRAER REV. 1 FAA STC EMB-500 Installation of a Honeywell HF The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List No Prior to installation of this design 26/11/2019 Active 10027373
ENGINEERING & SA03008CE Communications System, ModelKHF-1050 product remains applicable tothis TR0116, Rev J, dated 7 change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.03273) TECHNOLOGYCENTE andoptionally the Avtech Corporation SELCAL certificate/ approval.The November 2018.- ANAC thatthe interrelationship between
R USA, INC. decoder, Model CSD-714.This STC was requirements for environmental approved Airplane Flight this design change and any
originally issued as a validation of Brazilian protection and the Manual Supplement (AFMS) otherpreviously installed design
CTS (STC)No. 2009S05-14 (29 May 2009), and associatedcertified noise and/ or Document NumberH. change and/ or repair will
transferred to a United States basedDesign emissions levels of the original 02-2921-0/ANAC/2009, Rev introduce noadverse effect upon
Approval Holder (D... product areunchanged and remain I.R., dated 29 May 2009.- the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Instructions for Continued
approval. Airworthiness (ICA),
Document NumberICA-006,
Revision B, dated 6 November
2018.- Requ...
10027379 DANSK FLY PIPER PA-28S-180 Installation of ASPEN EFD1000 PRO Flight CS 23 Ammendment 1 DFE-DO-0345 Complete None 25/09/2009 Active 10027379
ELEKTRONIK ApS PIPER PA-28S-160 display Design Package
(EASA.A.S.03915) PIPER PA-28RT-201T
PIPER PA-28R-201
PIPER PA-28R-200
PIPER PA-28R-180
PIPER PA-28-236
PIPER PA-28-235
PIPER PA-28-181
PIPER PA-28-180
PIPER PA-28-161
PIPER PA-28-160
PIPER PA-28-151
PIPER PA-28-150
PIPER PA-28-140
10027391 CESSNA 500, 550, 560 Installation of Honeywell KLN-94-GPS EASA TCDS IM.A.207The Certification - Engineering Data Report The installation is limited to 28/09/2009 Active 10027391
DUESSELDORF Basis for the original product remains 2008-8 Revision E from 25 Cessna models 500, 550 and 560
(EASA.A.S.03654) CITATIONSERVICE applicable tothis certificate/ September 2009- Airplane equippedwith Honeywell SPZ 500
CENTER GmbH approvalThe certificated noise and/ Flight Manual Supplement Auto Pilot /Flight Director system
or emissions levels of the original 2008-8-8 RevisionC from 30 and RD600 /RD44 Horizontal
productare unchanged and remain April2009- Maintenance Situation Indicator
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement systemLimitations according to
approval 2008-8-10 Revision B from 25 AFMS 2008-8-8
September2009- Declaration
of Compliance to project
2008-8 from 31 August
2009"or later revisions of...
10027395 DASSAULT AIRCRAFT FAA STC MF900, F900EX EASA Validation of FAA STC SA8279SW- The Certification Basis for the original Drawing List Report No. This design change is also 28/09/2009 Active 10027395
SERVICES CORP. SA8279SW-D D:Installation of the Auxiliary Battery System product remains applicable tothis F9EX-01008, Revision K dated applicable on the Falcon 900C
(EASA.IM.A.S.03264) in accordance with DrawingList Report No. certificate/ approvalDefine the 26th designation asdefined on EASA
F9EX-01008, Revision K dated 26th additional airworthiness September2002.Aeroplane TCDS.A.062
September 2002 orlater revisions approved requirements SCs and accepted Flight Manual Supplement,
by EASA in accordance with EASA ED ESFs.The certificated noise and/ or Report No. 36500-1, Revision
Decision2004/04/CF (or subsequent revisions emissions levels of the original B dated04th February
of this decision) productare unchanged and remain 2000."or later revisions of the
applicable to this certificate/ appro... above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions...

04/01/2023 Page 110 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027397 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BOMBARDIER BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9303.Refer to 28/09/2009 Active 10027397
SA04-113 Interior for the original product and the reference C-09-0544 dated 15 the Limitations sections ofthe
followingadditional or alternative September2009.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement and
airworthiness requirements are SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 tothe referenced
applicable tothis certificate.The October 2004.Aero Consulting FCOMS.WLANsystem is compatible
certificated noise and/ or emissions Services Configuration only to IEEE 802.11(b).
levels of the original productare Definition List
unchanged and remain applicable to D954000RevisionDL dated 09
this certificate. September 2009.Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
GC93030000-ICA.or later
revisions of the abo...
10027406 NSE REV. 6 EC 120 B Installation of NSE UMS P/N REC-ARAO- The Certification Basis for the original NSE Flight Manual Prior to installation of this design 07/06/2018 Active 10027406
TT-00Rev. 1: Software change in the Data product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement RFMS-REC-ARA- change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01417) Monitoring System “Brite Saver 2”and an additional or alternative EC120-EN, Rev 3, dated 2 thatthe interrelationship between
RFM Supplement added.Rev. 2: Usage airworthiness requirements:The May2016<(>,<)>or later this design change and any
Monitoring System for EC120 – “Brite Saver following paragraph(s) at a later revisions of the above otherpreviously installed design
2, Amdt 4”added.Rev. 3: Technical amendment: CS-27 Amdt. 4 listeddocuments approved by change and/ or repair will
documentation revision numbers (electedto comply): CS 27.1316, CS EASA.- NSE Definition File introduce noadverse effect upon
corrected.Rev. 4: STC holder change fro... 27.1317.The requirements for DD-0027-92-EN, Rev 17.- NSE the airworthiness ofthe product.
environmental protection and the Conformity Statement
associatedc... CONFAD-0096-92-EN, Rev 08
dated 08/03/2018.- NSE
Mounting Instructions IM-KIT-
10027409 AERODATA AG B300 Installation of Aerodata Flight Inspection The following new Certification Basis -EASA approved Master Only applicable for aircraft / 29/09/2009 Active 10027409
System AD-AFIS-150 is applicable to thischange (*)CS-23, Document List, Doc. No. MDL- preconditions as defined in
(EASA.A.S.03795) Amdt. 1, is elected to comply with for A/C-145, Rev. 1, dated25- DesignDescription, Doc. No. DES-
theitems affected by thechangeThe Aug-2009, or later approved A/C-884, Rev. 1, dated 03-
certificated noise and/ or emissions revision-EASA approved Aug-2009, or laterapproved
levels of the original Airplane Flight Manual revision
productare ,,unchanged and remain Supplement, Doc. No.
applicable to this certificate/ AFM-106, Rev.1, dated 25-
approval Aug-2009, or later approved
Maintenance Manual
Supplement, Doc. No.
AMM-1009, Rev. 0,da...
10027424 TELEDYNE CAA UK MD-80 SERIES Installation of Wireless Quick Access FAR 25. Master Drawing List MOD- None. 12/09/2009 Surrendere 10027424
CONTROLS - FLIGHT RESPONSIBILITY Recorder. MDL-022-02 Issue 1 dated 30 d
(EASA.A.S.03401) DATACOMPANY June 2009.
10027431 ISEI AS350 B3, EC130 B4 -Installation of Safetyplane Equipment- EASA Certifcation Basis as per EASA -Dossier d'approbation de None 30/09/2009 Active 10027431
Installation of a system for tracking a set of TCDS.R.008The Certification Basis for modification N-EC130
(EASA.R.S.01543) flight and systemparameters during the original product and the AS350B3Approbation-F-A-02,
operation of the rotorcraft. The modification followingadditional or alternative dated 23.07.2009-Dossier de
is basedon ISEI change N-EC130 AS350B3 as airworthiness requirements are Définition de la Modification
defined in Dossier de Définition de applicabletothis certificate/ N-EC130 AS350B3Définition-
laModification-F-A-03, dated 26.06.2009. approvalThe change complies with F-A-03, dated 26.06.2009-
CS27 First IssueThe certificated noise Dossier d'Installation N-EC130
and/ or emissions levels ofa... AS350B3 Installation F-A-04,
dated28.07.2009or later
revisions of the above listed
10027439 MT-PROPELLER BAE JETSTREAM 3100, 3200 Installation of 5-blade MTV-27-1-E-C-F-R(G)/ FAR 23, Amdt 1 through 34The -According to MT-Propeller None 30/09/2009 Active 10027439
ENTWICKLUNG CFRL250-103() propellers Certification Basis for the original Master Document List Doc.
(EASA.A.S.03889) GmbH product and the followingadditional No. E-1764, Rev 1and MT-
or alternative airworthiness Propeller Installation
requirements are applicable tothis Instructions Doc. No. E-1766,
certificate/ approvalThis certificate/ Rev 1,-To be operated in
approval involves a change to the accordance with MT-Propeller
certificated noiseand/ or emissions AFM-S Document No.E-1765,
levels Original Issue, or later
approved Revisions-To be
maintained i.a.w. MT-
Propeller ICA Docum...

04/01/2023 Page 111 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027446 BRISTOW REV. 1 CAA UK AS 332 L1 ECT Night Vision Imaging System As defined in TCDS EASA.R.002The Flight Manual Supplement None 27/10/2011 Active 10027446
HELICOPTERS Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY InstallationMaster Drawing NOR-0450 Rev. Certification Basis for the original AS332L-PMV-SUPP-002Dor
(EASA.R.S.01370) ENote: STC revised due to new ownership product remains applicable tothis later revisions of the above
Bristow Helicopters certificate/ approvalThe listed documents approved by
requirements for environmental EASAMaster Drawing
protection and the NOR-0450 Rev. EMinimum
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Equipment List Supplement
emissions levels of theoriginal AS332L1-MEL-SUPP-002 Rev.
product areunchanged and remain BInstructions for Continued
applicable to this... Airworthiness NOR-0462 Rev.
BMaintenance Instructions
Supplement MIS-006...
10027449 RUECKER DORNIER 228-101 Installation of UHF Research Mission The following new Certification Basis EASA approved Master Limited to serial number 7083 01/10/2009 Active 10027449
AEROSPACE GmbH Equipment is applicable to thischangeCS-23, Document List, Doc. No.
Amdt. 1, is elected to comply with for MDL-890-00002-000, Issue
the items affected by thechangeThe D,or later approved issue
certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the original productare
unchanged and remain applicable to
this certificate/ approval
10027451 RUECKER 208B Installation of UHF Research Mission The following new Certification Basis EASA approved Master Limited to serial number 708 01/10/2009 Active 10027451
AEROSPACE GmbH Equipment is applicable to thischangeCS-23, Document List, Doc. No.
Amdt. 1, is elected to comply with for MDL-890-00001-000, Issue
the items affected by thechangeThe E,or later approved
certificated noise and/ or emissions issue.EASA approved Aircraft
levels of the original productare Flight Manual Supplement,
unchanged and remain applicable to Doc.
this certificate/ approval No.AFMS-890-00001-000A
10027470 SECURAPLANE REV. 1 FAA ST01809LA SEE APPROVED MODEL LIST Installation of Hawker 975W0640 Sealed FAR 25 Installation in accordance This approval is limited to those 27/11/2014 Active 10027470
TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. (AML) Lead Acid Battery with Approved Master Data aircraft listed in the AML
(EASA.IM.A.S.03268) List (MDL) DocumentNo andequipped with lead acid
170-0402-01 Revision "-", battery.Prior to installation of this
dated April 13, 2005, or later modification the installer must
approvedrevisions. determinethat the
interrelationship between this
modification and any
otherpreviously installed
modification will introduce no
adverse effectt...
10027495 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) REV. 1 CAA UK B737-800 Introduction of Recaro Economy Passenger The Certification Basis for the original Modification Summary Sheet: None 09/03/2011 Active 10027495
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY Seats on Boeing 737-800, inaccordance with product and the followingadditional H4A1239 Issue 1 signed 02
project H4A1239(Revision of STC 10027495 or alternative airworthiness October 2009.Instructions for
to remove EWIS Limitation) requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness:
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01/Special H4ADR493 Issue 2.or later
Condition H-01 "Enhanced revisions of the above listed
Airworthiness Programme documents approved by EASA
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on
EWIS"The certificated noise and/ or
10027505 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK FOKKER F27 MARK 050 Installation of self-illuminating Floor Path The Certification Basis for the original Supplemental Type Definition Fokker F50 (F27 Mark 050) aircraft 06/10/2009 Active 10027505
AG Marking System. product and the followingadditional Document STDD33-09/01M, series in standard airline
(EASA.A.S.03912) or alternative airworthiness Issue 01, Rev. 01Engineering cabinconfiguration described as
requirements are applicable tothis Bulletin F50-EB33-0343, typical cabin layout in Engineering
certificate/ approval.EASA CS-25, Revision 01Airplane Flight BulletinF50-EB33-0343, Rev. 01,
Amendment 5 (elect to comply).The Manual Supplement CH. 4.2. Cabin layout with
certificated noise and/ or emissions A-00-09/066-AFM, Revision convertible seats(non fixed lateral
levels of the original productare IRCompliance Record List position may result in covering the
unchanged and remain... CRL33-09/01M, Issue 01, Rev. fixed Guideline®strips) or VIP cabin
01*or later revisions of the la...
above listed documents
approved by EASA...

04/01/2023 Page 112 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027509 SAGEM AVIONICS, REV. 3 FAA STC EC120B SAGEM Integrated Cockpit Display System The Certification Basis (CB) for the Rotorcraft Flight Supplement For Night VFR operations the 18/01/2017 Active 10027509
L.L.C. SR09450RC ICDS-8A Installation.Initial STC: Installation of original product remains applicableto for Airbus Helicopters Model helicopter must be fitted witha
(EASA.IM.R.S.01527) SAGEM ICDS-8A Integrated Cockpit this certificate/ approval.The EC120 Bequipped with back-upinstrument permitting
DisplaySystem (ICDS) coupled to SAGEM requirements for environmental SAGEM ICDS-8A Integrated attitude control, such as a stand-
Autopilot per FAA STC SR09263RC-D protection and the Cockpit DisplaySystem by attitudeindicator or a slip/skid
(EASA.IM.R.S.01056) in accordance with associatedcertified noise and/ or (SoftwareVersion EC120- indicator.Prior toinstallation of this
SAGEM MDL 120-0002, Rev. D, and:1. emissions levels of the original AP85-5-B), SA-ER-050722-01, design change it must be
Configuration per SAGEM drawing2... product areunchanged and remain Rev 00, dated 8 December determined thatthe
applicable to this certificate/ 2016or later revisions of the interrelationship between this
approval. above listed documents design change and any ot...
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
10027535 ROSEMOUNT FAA STC 737-300, 400, 500 Installation of Rosemount 8700C2-7 Series The Certification Basis for the original Rosemount Aerospace Refer to limitations and conditions 08/10/2009 Active 10027535
AEROSPACE, Inc. ST02761CH Laptop Docking Station (LDS) -Electronic product and the followingadditional Documents:Master Data List on FAA ST02761CH.
(EASA.IM.A.S.03159) Flight Bag (EFB) System. Validation of FAA or alternative airworthiness D06403164 Rev. CApproved
STC ST02761CH requirements are applicable tothis Airplane Flight Manual
certificate/ approval.Refer to list Supplement D06403463 Rev.
ofchanges on FAA ST02761CH.The AInstructions for Continued
certificated noise and/ or emissions Airworthiness D06403964
levels of the original productare Rev. B*or later revisions of
unchanged and remain... the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or sub...
10027558 AEROSPACE DESIGN CAA UK DHC-8-102 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System The Certification Basis for the original Aerospace Design and 09/10/2009 Active 10027558
AND RESPONSIBILITY (TCAS II) Installation. product remains applicable tothis Engineering Consultants
(EASA.A.S.03680) ENGINEERINGCONSU certificate, CS25 elected to comply. (AeroDEC®) Ltd.Modification
LTANTS Ltd. Summary, MOD-0468, Rev. C
or later approved Revision
andAerospace Design and
Engineering Consultants
(AeroDEC®) Ltd. FlightManual
Supplement No.1, FMA
-0468-058 Rev. 2 or later
approved Revisionor later
revisions of the above l...
10027571 AIRBUS TRANSPORT A300F4-608ST Special Transports / Transports Speciaux. As per EASA TCDS A.014 + CRI D-10 Change Approval Sheet, ref 12/10/2009 Active 10027571
INTERNATIONAL SNC (This STC, ref. ST25MOD020ed.01 (Applicant Issue 01.The Certification Basis for ST25MOD020, Issue 48 or
(EASA.A.S.03848) reference), has been developed, reviewed, the original product and the later revisions ofthis
tested andfound compliant with the followingadditionalor alternative document approved by EASA.
Certification Basis to deal with non- airworthiness requirements are
Airbussub-assemblies transport. On case by applicable tothis certificate/
case basis, this STC had to beamended to approval. The certificated noise and/
cover any new non... or emissionslevels of the original
product are unchanged and rema...
10027594 NSE REV. 12 EC120 B Installation of Night Image Vision System kit, The Certification Basis for the original Rotorcraft Flight Manual Limitations:Refer to applicable 09/04/2021 Active 10027594
EC 120 B allowing Night VFR flightwith Night Vision product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement for the Airbus RFM for list of equipment
(EASA.R.S.01487) Goggles.Rev. 2: Changes temperature additional or alternative Helicopters Model EC120 B< mandatory for Night VisionImage
limitation in Rotorcraft Flight Manual.Rev. 3: airworthiness requirements:- the (>,<)>Supplement for Night System certification EC 120
Incorporates Minor Changes to NVIS Shunt following paragraph(s) at a later Vision Imaging System<(>,<) Bequipped with STC 10027594,
and LACU.Rev. 4: Displaysadministrative amendment:CS-27 Amdt. 3, all.The >RFMS-0010-09BE10-EN, revision12.Conditions:The
changes to include all requirements for environmental Revision 20EC120 Night Vision firstinstallation of the kit must be
applicabledocumentatio... protection and the Imaging System STC Data List, supervised by the STC
associatedcertified noise and/ or Doc. holder.Rotorcraft modified by this
emissions lev... Ref.SDL-57B-1000-000,Rev. STC employs Night Vision Imagin...
8or later revisions of the
above listed document(s)
10027600 PREMIER AIRCRAFT, FAA STC MF50 BASIC EASA Validation of FAA STC The Certification Basis for the original - Flight Test Associates, Inc. Not Applicable 13/10/2009 Active 10027600
LLC ST01951LA CONFIGURATION ST01951LA:Installation of TFE731-4-1C product remains applicable tothis Master Drawing List (MDL)
(EASA.IM.A.S.02677) engine part number 3075900-1, per certificate/ approvalThis certificate/ No. PA-00100,Revision A,
HoneywellService Bulletin TFE731-72-3703, approval involves a change to the dated 03rd October 2006-
dated January 19, 2007 on the MF50basic certificated noiseand/ or emissions Aeroplane Flight Manual
aircraft configuration in accordance with levels Supplement Document No.
Flight Test Associates,Inc. Master Drawing FTA-PA-001019 RevisionC
List (MDL) No. PA-00100, RevisionO... dated 30th September 2009-
Flight Test Associates, Inc.
Instructions for Continued
PA-001014, Revision"...

04/01/2023 Page 113 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027602 MAX-VIZ Inc. FAA STC F900EX, MF50, MF900 EASA Validation of FAA STC The Certification Basis for the original -Master Drawing List This design change is also 13/10/2009 Active 10027602
ST01523LA ST01523LA:Installation of Max-Viz Enhanced product remains applicable tothis Document number applicable on the Mystere
(EASA.IM.A.S.02776) Vision System (EVS) 1000 in accordancewith certificate/ approvalThe certificated 3038-00025 Revision 5,dated Falcon50EXdesignation as defined
MasterDrawing List Document number noise and/ or emissions levels of the 14thOctober 2008-Aeroplane on EASA TCDS.A.062 but limited to
3038-00025 Revision 5, dated14th October original productare unchanged and Flight Manual Supplement the serialnumber aircraft MSN
2008 or later revisions approved by EASA in remain applicable to this certificate/ Document No. 3038-00026, 286. For this MSN 286 aircraft the
accordance withEASA ED Decision 2004/04/ approval Revision Adated 16 December applicable EASAFlight Manual
CF (or subsequent revision... 2008 forthe basic Mystere Supplement is the initial release of
Falcon 50 Document No.3038-00047 or later
aircraftconfiguration- EASA approved re...
AeroplaneFlight Manual
Supplement Document No.
3038-00027, Revision A...
10027603 INGENIEURBÜRO REV. 5 AS 355 F2, AS 355 N, AS 355 Installation of an airborne laser scanning For all effected AS 350 models:The - Engineering Summary Service Bulletin No. 25.00.62 is a 30/05/2022 Active 10027603
FÜR NP equipment in AS350/355 Certification Basis for the original Report: ESR-35X-2001, Rev. prerequisite and must
(EASA.R.S.01447) LUFTFAHRTMANFRE AS 355 E, AS 355 F, AS 355 F1 serieshelicopterRev. 1: Component change product as amended by thefollowing 0.3- Flight Manual beinstalledprior this
D BLEYER AS 350 B3 airborne laser system (alternative camera) additional or alternative Supplement FMS-35X-2001, modification.Any alteration of
AS 350 B1, AS 350 B2 Rev. 2: Replacement of variousequipment airworthiness requirements: 27.25 Rev. 4- Installation installed equipment leads to
like data recorder, GNSSmodule, flight path CS27 first issue - 27.27 CS 27 first Instruction: IIS-35X-2001, Rev. noncompliance ofcommitted and
display, controller laptop. Restriction issue - 27.65 (b) CS 27 first 0- Instructions for continued approved design and therefore
regardingAS350 B3 mod OP-3... issue-27.67 FAR Part 27 Amdt 23 - airworthiness: ICA-35X-1901, requires reinvestigation
27.71 CS 27 first issue - 27.75... Rev 0Or later revisions of the andchange approval prior use.CAT
above listed document(s) A Procedures with external pod
approved/acceptedunder the installed a...
EASA system
10027605 AVIATION SUPPORT AS 350 BB, AS 350 D Installation of a 3D laser measurement FAR 27The Certification Basis for the -ICA-ASE-90603 Revision - None 13/10/2009 Active 10027605
GmbH AS 350 B, AS 350 B1, AS350 system in an external cargo pod. original product remains applicable Instructions for Continued
(EASA.R.S.01336) B2 tothis certificate/ approvalThe Airworthiness;-MDL-
AS 350 B3, AS 350 BA certificated noise and/ or emissions ASE-90603 Revision - Master
levels of the original productare Document List (Liste der
unchanged and remain applicable to gültigenDokumente);-FMS-
this certificate/ approval ASE-90603 Revision - or later
EASA approved revision -
FlightManual Supplement"or
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
EASA" forFM...
10027628 AEROSPACE DESIGN REV. 1 CAA UK A330-223 Introduction of a change from a 48C/182Y Certification Basis in accordance with -Modification Summary, doc. None 03/12/2009 Active 10027628
AND RESPONSIBILITY dual class seatingconfiguration to a 24C/242Y the EASA Type Certification No MOD-0475 Revision D
(EASA.A.S.03677) ENGINEERINGCONSU passenger seating configuration. dataSheet TCDS A.004 issue 16 with dated 15/10/09-Aircraft
LTANTS Ltd. CS25 Amendment 4 for the areas Manual Supplement
affectedby the change (plus Document No:
reversion to aircraft’s TC basis for AMS-330-294-299 dated
§25.785 (3) (c)(2) head impact 01/07/09or later revisions of
criteria). the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10027637 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 2 CAA UK F28 MARK 0070 Interior Refurbishment and System Upgrade The Certification Basis for the original - Change Leaflet 1838 Release None. 26/11/2012 Active 10027637
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis A, 15/08/2009 (per original
(EASA.A.S.03763) certificate/ approval.The certificate)- Continued
requirements for environmental Airworthiness TN1838-091
protection and the Release B, 15/10/2009 (per
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or originalcertificate)-
emission levels of the original Certification Plan TN1838-026
product areunchanged and remain Release A15 December 2009-
applicable to this certificate/ Flight Manual Supplement
approval. FMS1838-095 Issue 2- EASA
Terms of Approval 21J.174
Issue 7, 1...
10027657 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 1 CAA UK PA-E23-25 Installation of Garmin G500/G600 EFIS PFD/ CS-23The Certification Basis for the Master Data List MDL1087-02 None 21/10/2010 Active 10027657
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY PA-23-235, PA-23-250 ND original product remains applicable Issue 1Change Statement
tothis certificate/ approvalNon- CS1087-02 Issue 1Instructions
significantTherequirements for for Continued Airworthiness
environmental protection and the ICA1087-02 Issue 1Flight
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Manual Supplement
emissions levels of the AFMS1087-02 Issue 1or later
originalproduct areunchanged and revisions of the above listed
remain applicable to this certifica... documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 114 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027658 BEECHCRAFT REV. 1 FAA STC B300/B300C Installation of Belly Radome. FAR 23The Certification Basis for the - Installation in accordance none 05/10/2011 Active 10027658
CORPORATION SA02253LA original product remains applicable with Master Data List
tothis certificate/ approval.The 300E368671 Revision8, dated
certificatednoise and/ or emissions September 14, 2009, or later
levels of the original productare approved revisions.-
unchanged and remain applicable to Operation in accordance with
this certificate/ approval. Airplane Flight Manual
September 2009, for 16,500
lb MTOW Configuration.-
Operation in accordance with
Airplane Fli...
10027677 HELIKOPTER AIR EC 135 T2 (CPDS) Engineering Order EO 85-002, dated 21 JAR 27 first issue - 06. September, Installation Manual IM Installation does not constitute 20/10/2009 Active 10027677
TRANSPORT GMBH EC 135 T2+ September 2009 "Replacement ofSiren Hooks JAR 27 Appendix C for Category 85-002, dated 08.09.09; operational approval.Approval of
(EASA.R.S.01499) EC 135 T1 (CDS) with Onboard Talon Systems". AOperation, and JAR 27 Appendix B OnBoard CMM PCDS (Personal Carrying Device
for operation under IFR; CS 27.1(a) 528-023-01,Rev. 15, dated System) for external loadoperation
inconnection with CS 27.2(b)(2)(i) 23.04.09; Indraero Siren CMM must be granted by the competent
elect to comply ace. to CRI A-6.The SL07-3, dated 22.06.05; authority.
Certification Basis for the original AFMSupplement 85-002 T1
product remains applicable tothis (CDS), dated 08.07.09; AFM
certificate/ approval... Supplement 85-002 T2(CPDS),
dated 08.07.09; AFM
Supplement 85-002 T2+,
dated 08.07.09;
PartsOverview 85-002-001...
10027678 AMES AEROSPACE & REV. 1 A330-223 Airbus A330 - 200 B/C ISPSS Installation The Certification Basis for the original - Engineering Bulletin, ref. This STC is limited to the following 25/05/2010 Active 10027678
MECHANICAL product and the followingadditional doc. No. Serial Numbers:MSN 403, 432,
(EASA.A.S.03803) ENGINEESERVICES or alternative airworthiness EB_M06500111_MBO_02062 444, 454, 469, 476, 493
ING. WALTER requirements are applicable tothis 009 /ABLD_24279_04,
STARZACHER Ges certificate/ approval- CRI H-01/ Revision 1, dated 20th
Special Condition H-01 "Enhanced October 2009- Engineering
Airworthiness Programme Order, ref. doc. No.
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on EO_M06500111_MBO_04062
EWIS"The certificated noise and/ or 009, Revision0, dated 20th
emis... October 2009- Certification
Program, ref. doc. No.
2010,Revision D01, dated
10027687 HELI-ONE (NORWAY) AS332L1 EFIS 520 Installation. FAR 29. AHS-028 original issue dated None. 21/10/2009 Active 10027687
AS AS332L 14 July 2009 or later
(EASA.R.S.01307) AS332C1 approvedrevision -Flight
AS332C Manual Supplement;52200
revision H dated 9March 2009
- Master Drawing;AHSE-54559
Original issue dated10
October 2009 - Instructions
original issue dated 6
December 2008 - Service B...
10027691 BUCHER LEICHTBAU REV. 5 FOCA 25-20-102 SEE AIRCRAFT ALLOCATION 16G New Generation Stretcher P/N 1120030 JAR 25 Amdt 15<(>,<)> except -Master Document List This STC constitutes an approval 14/10/2013 Active 10027691
AG REV 3 TABLE -000 / -010 / -020Minor Change to EASA STC §25.562 as addressed per TGM/ MDoc-1120030 Rev. L<(>,<)> for installation only for
E043-01-12 REV. F DTD 10027691 Rev. 4-Integration approval on 25/12The requirements for dated 02/09/2013-Master aircraftserial numbers as stated in
25/09/12 A320-214 environmental protection and the Drawing List E015-01-03 Rev. the Master Document List. For any
associatedcertified noise and/ or C, dated 06/08/2013-Aircraft additionalconfigurations as per
emissions levels of the original Allocation Table E043-01-12 Aircraft Allocation Table, the
product areunchanged and remain Rev. F, dated 25/09/2012- requirements asstated in the
applicable to this certificate/ Project Certification Plan Master Document List have to be
approval. E026-05-12 Rev. A<(>,<)> demonstrated through adesign
dated 02/09/2013-Statement approval.No electr...
of Compliance E026-05-12
Appendix I R...
10027700 AERO VODOCHODY REV. 2 EMB-135BJ EFB class2 navAero- t.BagC2² Electronic Bag The Certification Basis for the original -Master Data List -Application of Electronic 17/06/2013 Active 10027700
AEROSPACE A.S. System implementation product and the followingadditional AM001-00-00-PA002 Rev. A Checklist/ECL and WLAN need a
(EASA.A.S.03909) or alternative airworthiness dtd. 18. Sep 09-AFM separateapproval-No external
requirements are applicable tothis Supplement AM001-00-00- devises are approved to be
certificate/ approvalCert Basis CS-25 LM001 Rev. A dtd. 30. Sep 09- connected to the display
AMDT 4 plus:-TGL-36 "Electronic AMM Supplement duringmovement/flight of the
Flight Bag"-CRI F-1/03909 "Installed AM001-00-00-LM002 Rev. A aircraft.
resources"The certificated noise and/ dtd. 1. Oct 09or later revisions
or emissions l... of the above listed documents
approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 115 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027714 AIR ALLIANCE GmbH TBM 700 Installation of GPS Antenna for Situational The Certification Basis for the original Engineering Work Order None. 26/10/2009 Active 10027714
Awareness Tool. product remains applicable tothis 2009_025_A.010_500 Rev.
(EASA.A.S.03957) certificate/ approval. 0;Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness 2009_025_A.
101.507 Rev. 0or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10027715 AERO CONSULTING TCCA LSTC C- BD-700-1A10 Installation, 16 G Side Facing Divan. EASA TCDS No IM.A.009.The TCCA STC No. C-LSA09-099/D None. 26/10/2009 Active 10027715
SERVICES LTD. LSA09-099/D Certification Basis for the original Issue 1 dated 14 October
product remains applicable tothis 2009.TCCA SoC ref. C-09-0969
certificate.The certificated noise and/ dated 21 October 2009.Aero
or emissions levels of the original Consulting Services Ltd.
productare unchanged and remain Modification Data Summary
applicable to this certificate. Number G255000Revision N/
C or later approved
revision.Aero Consulting
Services Ltd. Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement
G255090Revision N/C orS...
10027723 CESSNA ZURICH 525 / 525A / 525B MINIQAR installation; By installing an FAR 23.The Certification Basis for the - Master Document List, Doc. S/N 525-0600 & ON, 525A-0001 & 26/10/2009 Active 10027723
CITATION SERVICE Avionica miniQAR MK II and the MKIII original product remains applicable No. MDL-069- ICA, Doc. No. ON, 525B-0135 & ON.
CENTGMBH according to the Installation Instructions tothis approval.Derogation to latest ICA-036or later revisions of
OPM-009. amendment (Part 21A.101): non the above listed documents
significant change.The certificated approved by EASA.
noise and/ or emissions levels of the
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10027731 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GV-SP Aircraft Serial No 5240 completion and cabin JAR 25The Certification Basis for the - Installation in accordance GV-SP Serial No. 5240 Only. 26/10/2009 Active 10027731
AEROSPACE ST02705CH-D interior installation. original product remains applicable with Gulfstream Aerospace
(EASA.IM.A.S.03254) CORPORATION tothis certificate/approval.The CorporationMaster Drawing
certificated noise and/or emissions List No. GC52 2046146,
levels of the original productare Revision B, dated October 6,
unchanged and remain applicable to 2009,or later approved
this certificate/approval. revisions.- Operation to be in
accordance with Gulfstream
Flight Manual
SupplementGC52 204M044,
Original Release, dated
October 6, 2009, or late...
10027739 AEROSERVIS, S.R.O. L 410 UVP-E, L 410 UVP-E9 The set of the safety modifications in order to FAR Part 23 Amdt. 34, dated 17 L 410 UVP-E Flight Manual 26/10/2009 Active 10027739
prepare thealternativemean of the February 1987 through Amdt. 49, Supplement No. STC AE/090-
(EASA.A.S.03929) compliance to EASA AD 2008-0104 and EASA dated 11March 1996. DLP1L 410 UVP-E9 Flight
AD 2008-0105. Manual Supplement No. STC
AE/090-DLP2L 410 UVP-E, E9
Wiring Manual Supplement
No. STC AE/090-DAE1L 410
UVP-E, E9 Maintenance
Manual Supplement No. STC
AE/090-DTP1L410 UVP-E, E9
Maintenance Schedule
Supplement No. STC AE/090...
10027744 DELTA ENGINEERING REV. 1 FAA STC A340-300 Update of a Panasonic System 2000E In-Flight The Certification Basis for the original -FAA STC ST02643NY-D dated None 04/04/2012 Active 10027744
CORPORATION ST02643NY-D PassengerEntertainment System to a System product and the followingadditional 19th September 2009-Delta
(EASA.IM.A.S.03198) 2000E HybridMajor Change to the EASA STC or alternative airworthiness Engineering Master Data List,
10027744 to remove EWIS limitation requirements are applicable tothis ref. doc. No.
certificate/ approval.CRI H-01/ 0152-06526-2199,Revision B,
SpecialCondition H-01 "Enhanced dated 19th September 2009-
Airworthiness Programme Compliance Summary Report,
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on ref. doc. No.
EWIS"The requirements for 6652-06713-2199, Revision
environmental p... A,dated 21st October 2009-
Substantiation Report "EASA
Leaflet 17", ref. doc. No. 6...

04/01/2023 Page 116 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027745 DELTA ENGINEERING REV. 1 FAA STC A330-200 Update of a Panasonic System 2000E In-Flight The Certification Basis for the original -FAA STC ST02642NY-D dated The STC holder shall provide by 04/04/2012 Active 10027745
CORPORATION ST02642NY-D PassengerEntertainment System to a System product and the followingadditional 3rd August 2009-Delta 7th June 2010 Instructions for
(EASA.IM.A.S.03199) 2000E HybridMajor Change to the EASA STC or alternative airworthiness Engineering Master Data List, ContinuedAirworthiness on
10027746 to remove EWIS limitation requirements are applicable tothis ref. doc. No. Electrical Wiring Interconnection
certificate/ approval.CRI H-01/ 0154-06517-2198,Revision A, System - EWIS ICA -in accordance
SpecialCondition H-01 "Enhanced dated 1st August 2009- with Special Condition H-01
Airworthiness Programme Compliance Summary Report, "Enhanced
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on ref. doc.No. AirworthinessProgramme for
EWIS"The requirements for 6600-06711-2198, Revision Aeroplane Systems - ICA on EWIS".
environmental p... A ,dated 21st October 2009-
Substantiation Report "EASA
Leaflet 17", ref. doc. No.
10027746 DELTA ENGINEERING REV. 1 FAA STC A330-200 Update of a Panasonic System 2000E In-Flight The Certification Basis for the original -FAA STC ST02642NY-D dated None 04/04/2012 Active 10027746
CORPORATION ST02642NY-D PassengerEntertainment System to a System product and the followingadditional 13th July 2009-Delta
(EASA.IM.A.S.03200) 2000E HybridMajor Change to the EASA STC or alternative airworthiness EngineeringMaster Data List,
10027746 to remove EWIS limitation requirements are applicable tothis ref. doc. No.
certificate/ approval.CRI H-01/ 0154-06517-2198
SpecialCondition H-01 "Enhanced (Configuration 2), Revision - ,
Airworthiness Programme dated 10th July 2009-
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on Compliance Summary Report,
EWIS"The requirements for ref. doc. No.
environmental p... 6600-06711-2198, Revision
A ,dated 21st October 2009-
Substantiation Report "EASA
Leaflet 17", ref.R...
10027762 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA TCDS No IM.A.009The TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue 1, Restricted to ASN 9343. 04/06/2010 Active 10027762
SA05-60 Interior - ASN 9343 Certification Basis for the original dated 14 June 2005.Aero
product remains applicable tothis Consulting Services Ltd
certificate/ approval.The certificated Configuration Definition List
noise and/ or emissions levels of the No. E025000Revision DB
original productare unchanged and dated 31 May
remain applicable to this certificate/ 2010.Bombardier's Airplane
approval. Flight Manual Supplement G-
FM25004501 RevisionN/
Instructions for Continued
Airworthinessor later
revisions of t...
10027764 EUROCOPTER UK Ltd. CAA UK EC135 T2+, EC135 P2+ Title: Installation of an External Camera and JAR27 First Issue as per TCDS EASA.R. Flight Manual Supplement:- None 30/10/2009 Active 10027764
RESPONSIBILITY related ENG equipmentDescription: 009The Certification Basis for the EC135 FMS No. 53 Rev. 0 or
(EASA.R.S.01588) Installation of an Axsys Technologies Cineflex original product remains applicable later revisions approved by
V14 Camerabased on EC UK change MHL/ tothis certificate/ approvalThe EASAICA:-Maintenance
135/1200 as defined in Drw. certificated noise and/ or emissions Requirement Document MR/
No.A3/1351200-100-1 Issue A and levels of the original productare 1351200-001 Issue A-
installation of the related ENG unchanged and remain applicable to Maintenance Requirement
equipmentbased on EC UK change MHL/ this certificate/ approval Document MR/1351198-001
135/1198 a... Issue C
10027778 STIRLING DYNAMICS REV. 4 FAA STC PC-12, PC-12/45, PC-12/47 Heavy Duty Floor for PC-12 AircraftsRev. 4: The Type and OSD Certification Bases -Engineering Order BUPC12- Heavy Duty Floor P/N 0127258 is 15/06/2022 Active 10027778
GMBH SA02782NY PC-12, PC-12/45, Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains EO-0001-01-02 Issue 02- limited to from S/N 101 to S/N
(EASA.A.S.03977) PC-12/47, PC-12/47E applicable to this certificate/ Aircraft Flight Manual 999except S/N 545 with
PC-12/47E approval.The requirements for Supplement BUPC12- configuration in accordance with
environmental protection and the AM-5300-01-03 Issue 3or Bucher OMME014-16-01Heavy
associatedcertified noise and/ or laterrevisions of the above Duty Floor P/N 0127470 and P/N
emissions levels of the product are listed documents approved by 0127470-401 is limited to from S/
unchangedand remain applicable to EASA N1001 on which configuration in
this certificate/approval w... accordance with Bucher CMM
E016-19-08Prior to installationt...
10027805 RAM AIRCRAFT, FAA STC IO-520-B -, -BB, -C, -CB Conversion of Teledyne Continental Motors The Certification Basis for the original Operator's Manual The RAM model IO-550-B-RA 17/11/2009 Active 10027805
LIMITED SE10746SC-D (TCM) models IO-520-B, -BB toRAM model product remains applicable tothis Supplement for RAM IO-550 engine is identical to and has the
PARTNERSHIP IO-550-B-RA engine, or conversion of TCM certificate/ approval series engines:RAM sameratings, limitations, and
models IO-520-C, -CBto RAM model IO-550- Document2729, Rev. A dated installation interfaces as TCM
C-RA engine in accordance with RAM Master August 29, 2007 or later model IO-550-Bengine. The RAM
DrawingList 2691, Revision I.R. dated approved revisionInstructions model IO-550-C-RA is identical to
November 7, 2006, or later FAA for Continued Airworthiness: and has the sameratings,
approvedrevision. RAM Document 2692, limitations, and installation
datedNovember 7, 2006, or interfaces as TCM model IO-550-
later approved Cengine.
revisionOverhaul Manual
Supplement for Conversion of
IO-520-B, -B...

04/01/2023 Page 117 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027816 ASSOCIATED AIR REV. 1 FAA ST10895SC- A319-115 Major Change to the EASA STC 10027816 The Certification Basis for the original -,,FAA Supplemental Type This approval is limited only to the 11/07/2012 Active 10027816
CENTER, L.P. D (FAA STC ST10895SC-D)to introducethe product and the followingadditional Certificate ST10895SC-D installation made in Airbus
(EASA.IM.A.S.03147) Decrane's side facing divan (FAA STC or alternative airworthiness amended 10th May ModelNumber A319-115, Serial
ST01450CH) within the"Executive Style requirements are applicable tothis 2012-,,Master Document List, Number 3133
Interior" configuration. certificate/ approval.- CRI ref. doc. 2578000000,
D-4301-004/Deviation 'Installation of Revision C, dated 10thMay
Interior Doors'- CRI D-4302-004/ 2012-,,Airplane Flight Manual
Special Condition 'Isolated Supplement, ref. doc.
Compartments'- CRI D-4305-004/ 2578021090, Revision
De... IR,dated 21st September
2009-,,Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness, ref.
10027818 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 2 CAA UK PA32 ALL SERIES Installation of Garmin G500/G600 PFD/ND CS-23The Certification Basis for the -Master Data List This change is limited to the 01/04/2010 Active 10027818
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY original product and the MDL1100-02 Issue 4-Change configuration defined in Change
followingadditional or alternative Statement CS1100-02 Issue 2- StatementCS1100-02 Issue 2 or
airworthiness requirements are Instructions for Continued later approved revision.
applicable tothis certificate/ Airworthiness ICA1100-02
approval.JAA Interim Policies INT/ Issue 1-Flight Manual
POL/23/1, INT/POL/23/2 and INT/ Supplement AFMS1100-02
POL/23/3FAA AC 23.1309-1DFAA AC Issue 4or later revisions of the
23.1311-1BFAA AC 23-23AMC above listed documents
20-115BCRI F85 hasE... approved by EASA
10027820 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 757-200 205 Passenger LOPARev. 1: Transfer of STC The Type and OSD Certification Bases -Master Document List, The STC holder shall submit to the 09/11/2021 Active 10027820
LIMITEDEUROPE (CB) for the original productremains MDL-11532-00001, Issue 1, agency before 7th June 2010
(EASA.A.S.03974) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ 23/10/2009-Modification finalinstructions of instructions for
approval.The requirements for Summary Sheet, continued airworthiness on
environmental protection and the MOD-11532-0001, Issue 1, ElectricalWiring Interconnection
associatedcertified noise and/ or 23/10/2009or later revisions System (EWIS) in accordance with
emissions levels of the product are of the above listed document the specialcondition (H-01).Prior
unchangedand remain applicable to (s) approved/acceptedunder to installation of this change/
this certificate/approval w... the EASA system. repair it must be determined
thatthe inte...
10027822 CRANFIELD CAA UK BAE JETSTREAM 3100 Installation of Satcom System BCAR DThe Certification Basis for the Cranfield Modification No None 09/11/2009 Active 10027822
AEROSPACE LTD RESPONSIBILITY original product remains applicable CaeM/Jetstream/1286Type
(EASA.A.S.03734) tothis certificate/ approval Design Definition
Issue Aor later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10027823 L-3 WESCAM INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC 2. AS355 E, F, F1, F2, N, NP MX-Series Camera Installation (Structural The Certification Basis for the original FMS02146 revision 3 dated 4 This STC is for structural provisions 04/01/2011 Active 10027823
SH97-31 1. AS350 B, B1, B2, B3, BA, D Provisions Only) product remains applicable tothis October 2010 - Flight Manual only. Functional and
(EASA.IM.R.S.01517) certificate/ approvalThe Supplementor later revisions electricalaspects will require
requirements for environmental of the above listed documents separate airworthiness
protection and the approved by EASA approval.VNE limited to 126ktsVFR
associatedcertificated noise and/ or inaccordance with EASA ED OnlyCategory A operations
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/02/CF (or prohibited
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis
applicable to this certificate/ decision)MS02146 revision 6
approval dated 4 October 2010 -
10027824 RUAG AEROSPACE CL-600-2B16 Installation of Honeywell Aircraft Flight EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis - RUAG Master Document List None. 09/11/2009 Active 10027824
SERVICES GmbH Information System (AFIS) for the original product remains No. 078L-MDL Revision N/C
applicable tothis certificate/ dated23/10/2009.- RUAG
approval.The certificated noise and/ AFMS No. 078L-AFMS
or emissions levels of the original Revision N/C dated
productare unchanged and remain 20/10/2009.- RUAG SoC ref.
applicable to this certificate/ 078L-CN Revision N/C dated
approval. 23/10/2009.or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10027825 RUECKER B777-200 Installation of 2 single B/E Aerospace DS9000 The Certification Basis for the original -B/E Aerospace Aircraft None 09/11/2009 Active 10027825
AEROSPACE GmbH steam ovens and 2 OCM9000Oven Control product remains applicable tothis Maintenance Manual
(EASA.A.S.03855) Modules per B/E Aerospace Engineering certificate/ approvalCRI H-01 Supplement 43208-SM-01-B/E
OrderEO-253-00004-001 Rev. D. or later Enhanced Airworthiness Programme Aerospace Component
approved revision. for Aeroplane Systems - ICA onEWIS Maintenance Manual for basic
for oven installation partnumber 4329102

04/01/2023 Page 118 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027831 NORTHERN A109S NAV-396 "Installation of Helicopter Egress The Certification Basis for the original - RFM Supplement NAV-396 None. 09/11/2009 Active 10027831
AVIONICS S.R.L. Light System (HEEL)" product remains applicable tothis Rev. 0 or later revisions of the
certificate. above document approved by
EASA- Modification Bulletin
NAV-396 Rev. 0
10027876 BOMBARDIER TCCA STC CL-600-2B16 Optional Fuel Quantity Display in Kilograms EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis - TCCA STC No. SA09-53 Issue Not Applicable. 11/11/2009 Active 10027876
AEROSPACE SA09-53 ISSUE 1 for the original product remains 1 dated 29 June 2009.- Aero
applicable tothis certificate/ Consulting Services Ltd.
approval.The certificated noise and/ Modification Data Summary
or emissions levels of the original G336000Revision N/C or later
productare unchanged and remain approved revision.or later
applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed
approval. documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10027877 KUERZI AVIATION AG LEARJET 55 Installation of Satellite Tracking System As specified in PCP-200931957, rev. A As specified in None 11/11/2009 Active 10027877
SAT-111 (or later approved revisions)The MDL-200931957, rev. N/Cor
(EASA.A.S.03965) Certification Basis for the original later revisions of the above
product remains applicable tothis listed documents approved by
certificate/ approvalThe EASA
certificatednoise and/ or emissions
levels of the original productare
unchanged and remain applicable to
this certificate/ approval...
10027883 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 2 A320-214 Introduction of Rockwell Collins dPAVES IFE The Certification Basis for the original - Modification Summary ref. Not applicable 27/04/2021 Active 10027883
LIMITED SystemRevision of the EASA STC 10027883 to product and the followingadditional Modification No.
remove EWIS limitationRev 2: Transfer from or alternative airworthiness AES-320-1522, Issue 4,dated
AES Ltd. to new STC holder AES Global Ltd. requirements are applicable tothis 21st March 2011- Master
certificate/ approval1. CRI H-01 Data List, ref. doc. No.
"Enhanced Airworthiness Programme AES-320-1522MDL, Issue 4,
for Aeroplane Systems -ICA on dated 23rdApril 2010- Project
EWIS"The requirements for Specific Certification Plan
environmental protection and the (PSCP), ref. doc. No. AES-
ass... TR-0600,Issue 4, dated 12th
October 2009- Certification
Compliance R...
10027884 BUCHER LEICHTBAU REV. 11 SEE AIRCRAFT ALLOCATION 16G NGS XL Stretcher P/N 1120030- JAR 25 Change 15 except 25.1501(a), - Master Document List - Per User Manual E017-07-09- P/ 27/04/2018 Active 10027884
AG TABLE SeriesMajor Change to EASASTC 10027884 25.1501(b), 25.1541 and25.1701 E034-03-08 Rev. L dated N 1120030-5XX only to be installed
(EASA.A.S.03796) E043-04-12 Revision 10 through:1. First Installation atCS-25 Amendment 11 and 25.785 20.04.2018- Project in ATR 42 and ATR
Approval for an A330 for the STC (b) at CS25 Amendment 13.The Certification Plan E026-85-17 72-212Aaircraft- This STC
10027884.2. Addition of multiple A330 requirements for environmental Rev A dated 19.04.2018- constitutes an approval for
aircraft to the EASA STC 10027884 protection and the Aircraft Allocation Table installation only for aircraftserial
AircraftAllocation Table E043-04-12.3. associatedcertified noise and/ or E043-04-12 Rev G dated numbers as stated in the Aircraft
Issuance of Service Bulletins for the ins... emissions levels of the original 13.03.2018- User Manual Allocation Table. Foradditional
product areunchanged and remain E017-07-09 Rev. 06 dated Jan aircraft serial numbers the
applicable to this cert... 17/2017or later revisions of requirements for full complian...
the above listed document(s)
approved under theE...
10027889 SAFRAN REV. 4 EC 120 B Installation of flight data monitoring and The Certification Basis for the original For SafetyPlane/Helicom V1 Prior to installation of this change/ 27/02/2020 Active 10027889
ELECTRONICS & transmitting systemRev -: installation of product as amendedby thefollowing (P/N4400):- Design repair it must be determined
DEFENSEBUSINESS SafetyPlane / Helicom V1 (PN4400).Rev 1: additional or alternative Document: N EC120 Design thatthe interrelationship between
UNIT - HELICOPTERS introduced name change from SafetyPlane to airworthiness requirements:- Special Document E-A-07;- thischange/repair and any other
DATAMANAGEMENT Helicom V1, andinstallation of Helicom V2 Condition(s): CRI F-01 Lithium Battery Installation Manual: N EC120 previously installed change and/ or
SOLUTIONS & NUM (PN4700-E or PN4710-E (Satellite Installation (from Rev2 and up).The Installation Document E- repairwill introduce no adverse
SERVICES option).Rev 2: introduced installation of requirements for environmental A-07;- ICA: N EC120 effect uponthe airworthiness of
Helicom V2... protection and the Supplement to Maintenance the product.
associatedcertified noise and/ or Manual E-A-O5;- MDL, RF MS:
em... --;For Helicom V2 (PN4700-E
or PN4710-E (Satellite
option)):- Design Document:
10027890 AIRCRAFT WHEEL REV. 1 FAA STC PC-12, PC-12/45, EASA Validation of STC SA01376CH CS-23.B NSC Airplane Flight Manual None 04/12/2009 Active 10027890
AND BRAKE, LLC SA01376CH PC-12/47, PC-12/47E Supplement
(EASA.IM.A.S.03272) AFMS199-241Airplane
Maintenance Manual
Manual IM
Maintenance Manuals: CM
30-244 / CM 40-424

04/01/2023 Page 119 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027898 UNIAIR MF900 Installation of a Flight Data Recorder The Certification Basis for the original -Master Data List Document This design change is applicable on 13/11/2009 Active 10027898
product remains applicable tothis MDL-019-07 Revision 5, dated the basic Mystere Falcon
(EASA.A.S.03693) certificate/ approvalThe certificated 09th October2009-Aeroplane 900aircraft, as per MF900
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Flight Manual Supplement designation on EASA TCDS.A.062
original productare unchanged and UAE-AFMS-08-006, Revision 2
remain applicable to this certificate/ dated07th August 2009.-
approval Aeroplane Maintenance
Manual Supplement UAE-
AMMS-08-002, Revision
2dated 21st September
2009or later revisions of the
above listed documents...
10027900 TELEDYNE REV. 2 FAA ST02172LA 747-400, 747-400F Installation of Teledyne Controls Wireless The Type and OSD Certification Bases Master Data List Prior to installation of this change/ 25/04/2022 Active 10027900
CONTROLS, LLC 747-300/-400/-400F/-8/-8F Ground Link - Quick AccessRecorder (WQAR) (CB) for the original productremains MDL2243800-747, Revision H, repair it must be determined
747-200C, 747-200F, 747-300 Rev. 2 adds 747-8/-8F models. applicable to this certificate/ dated 01 October 2021<(>,<) thatthe interrelationship between
747-100, 747-200, 747-200B approval.The requirements for >or later revisions of the this change/repair and any
747-100/-200/-200B/-200C/- environmental protection and the above listed document(s) otherpreviously installed change
200F associatedcertified noise and/ or approved/accepted onbehalf and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the product are of EASA in accordance with adverseeffect upon the
unchangedand remain applicable to the Technical airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval w... ImplementationProcedures of
EU/ USA Bilateral Agreement.
10027902 AERONAUTICAL REV. 1 FAA STC BELL 407 Expanded Area Instrument Panel The Certification Basis for the original AA-97129 revision F dated 28 None 01/12/2009 Active 10027902
ACCESSORIES, INC SR01515AT product remains applicable tothis May 2009 - Drawing List,
certificate/ approvalThe certificated ExpandedInstrument Panel
noise and/ or emissions levels of the for Bell Helicopter Textron
original productare unchanged and 407 Model
remain applicable to this certificate/ Helicopters;AA97130 revision
approval F dated 18 April 2008 -
Installation Instructions
forExpanded Instrument
panel;AA-02052 revision A
dated 30 July 2004 -
Instructions for
10027904 FLYHT AEROSPACE REV. 4 TCCA STC HAWKER 900XP AFIRS 220 / AFIRS 228 Automated Flight AFIRS 220 System installation is FAR AFIRS 220 System None. 29/08/2012 Active 10027904
SOLUTIONS Ltd. SA08-7 HAWKER 850XP Information Reporting SystemInstallation 25 including Amendments Installation:- Installation of
(EASA.IM.A.S.03184) HAWKER 800XP With Optional Global Voice and Global Text 25-1through 25-97.AFIRS 228 System AFIRS 220 system must be in
HAWKER 750 SatelliteCommunications. installation is FAR 25 including accordance
Amendments 25-1through 25-97 and withAeroMechanical Services
FAR 25.981 at Amendment 25-102. Ltd ("FLYHT"), Installation
Instructions151-0032, Rev. E,
Transport Canada (TCCA)
approved 18 October 2010,
orlater TCCA approved
revisions.- Maintenance of
AFIRS 220 system must be
10027913 AERONAUTICAL REV. 1 FAA STC BELL 407 Vertical Fin Cap with LED Light Kit The Certification Basis for the original AA-04133 revision A dated 18 None 01/12/2009 Active 10027913
ACCESSORIES, INC SR09533RC-D product remains applicable tothis February 2009 - Drawing List,
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Vertical FinCap with LED Light
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Kit;AA-97130 revision F
original productare unchanged and dated18 April 2008 -
remain applicable to this certificate/ Installation Instructions
approval forExpanded Instrument
panel;AA-06111 no revision
dated 23 February 2009 -
Instructions for
Vertical Fin Cap with L...
10027933 CESSNA 525A Upgrade of existing Dual Garmin GTX 330D The Certification Basis of the original EASA approved Engineering None 17/11/2009 Active 10027933
DUESSELDORF Transponder Systemfor EHS product remains applicable tothis Order, Doc. No. 2009-6,
CITATIONSERVICE changeThe certificated noise and/ or Revision A, dated05-Jun-2009,
CENTER GmbH emissions levels of the original or later approved IssueEASA
productare unchanged and remain approved Airplane Flight
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement, Doc. No.
approval 200968,Revision A,dated 05-
Jun-2009, or later approved
IssueMaintenance Manual
Supplement, Doc. No.
2009-6-10, Revision A,

04/01/2023 Page 120 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10027954 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 3 BAE 146 SERIES 200 BAE 146 VIP Cabin Interior /.Revision due to The Type and OSD Certification Bases Master Document List Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10027954
LIMITEDEUROPE the removal ofthe EWIS limitation on EASA for the original product as MDL-11193-00001 Issue 4< repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03798) S.A.S. STC 10027954Rev. 1.Rev. 3: Transfer of STC amendedby the following additional (>,<)>or laterrevisions of the thatthe interrelationship between
or alternative airworthiness above listed document(s) this change/repair and any
requirements:Special Condition(s): approved/acceptedunder the otherpreviously installed change
CRI H-01, “Enhanced Airworthiness EASA system.- Modification and/ or repair willintroduce no
Programme forAeroplane Systems – Summary Sheet adverseeffect upon the
ICA on EWIS”.The requirements for MOD-11193-00001 Issue 4.- airworthiness of the product.
environmental protection and the Master Document List
as... MDL-11193-00001 Issue 4.-
Compliance records
CR-11193-00001 Issue 2.-
Enhanced Zona...
10027985 DANSK FLY F172P ASPEN EFD1000 Installation The Certification Basis for the original DFE Design order DFE- Not Applicable 23/11/2009 Active 10027985
ELEKTRONIK ApS F172K, F172L, F172M, product and the followingadditional DO-00372 dated 01-09-2009
F172N, or alternative airworthiness including AFMS,Instructions
F172D, F172E, F172F, F172H, requirements are applicable tothis fro Continuing Airworthiness
certificate/ approvalCS-23The etc.
certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the original productare
unchanged and remain applicable to
this certificate/ appro...
10027987 AERODATA AG B300 Installation of Aerodata Flight Inspection The following new Certification Basis EASA approved Master Only applicable for aircraft / 23/11/2009 Active 10027987
System AD-AFIS-260 is applicable to thischangeCS-23, Document List, Integration of preconditions as defined in
(EASA.A.S.03960) Amdt. 1, except 23.561 and 23.785 AD-AFIS-260, Doc. No.MDL-A/ DesignDescription, Integration of
(kept FAR 23.561 and FAR23.785) is C-149, Rev. 1, dated 13- AD-AFIS-260, Doc. No. DES-A/
elected to comply with for the items Nov-2009, or later approved C-887, Rev. 2,dated 19-Oct-2009,
affected by the changeThe revisionEASA approved or later approved revision
certificated noise and/ or emissions Airplane Flight Manual
levels of the original productare Supplement, Doc. No.
unchanged and remain app... AFM-108, Rev.0, dated 06-
Oct-2009, or laterapproved
Maintenance Manual
Supplement, Doc...
10027989 SOCIETE D'ETUDE ET DHC-8-100, -200, -300 Installation of ELT KANNAD 406 AF-COMPACT CS 25 Amendment 6 as defined in A-BALISES406-DHC8; KANNAD None 24/11/2009 Active 10027989
DE or ARTEX ME406 21A.101(a) has been used instead of DOC08038C; ARTEX 570-1600
(EASA.A.S.03973) GESTIONAERONAUTI TCDSEASA.IM.A.191The Certification Rev. Gor later revisions of the
QUE (SEGA) Basis for the original product remains above listed documents
applicable tothis certificate/ approved by EASA
approvalThe certificated noise and/
or emissions levels of the original
productare unchanged and remain
applicable to this cert...
10028007 DEVORE AVIATION FAA STC R44II Installation of Tail/Rotor, Forward Facing FAR 27 as per EASA TCDSThe Flight Manual Supplement None 24/11/2009 Active 10028007
CORPORATION SR09557RC Recognition and FuselageFloodlights in Certification Basis for the original DR-708 Rev. IR, dated July 29,
OFAMERICA accordance with DeVore Aviation product remains applicable tothis 2009DeVore Aviation
Corporation DrawingNumber 44000001. This certificate/ approvalThe certificated Corporation Drawing Number
installation is based onFAA STC SR09557RC. noise and/ or emissions levels of the 44000001, Revision A,
original productare unchanged and datedJuly 20, 2009.or later
remain applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed
approval documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10028014 LAST REFUGE Ltd. REV. 1 CAA UK FR172J, R172K, 182, 206, 208 Approval of Flight Manual Supplements for BCAR Section K Flight Manual None 25/11/2009 Active 10028014
RESPONSIBILITY Last Refuge Ltd Wing Strutmounted camera Supplements:--,,LAST REFUGE
(EASA.A.S.03964) installation. Ltd. WING STRUT MOUNTED
FR172J Reims Rocket,
2,dated 20 August
2009-,,LAST REFUGE Ltd.
10028026 ALIDAUNIA S.R.L. A109S BM No. 020/AL/2008 Installation of a The Certification Basis for the original RFM Supplement No. FMS/ None 26/11/2009 Active 10028026
"Ginevri" Incubator Type "BabyShuttle product remains applicable tothis ALI/020 Rev. 0
(EASA.R.S.01508) Intensive Care" certificate/ approval

04/01/2023 Page 121 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028029 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK PA-34-220T Installation of Aspen EFD1000 PFD as add on The Certification Basis for the original EASA approved Master Only applicable for airplanes/ 26/11/2009 Active 10028029
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY PA-34-200, PA-34-200T, product and the followingadditional Document List, Doc. No. preconditions as defined Section
or alternative airworthiness MDL1106-01, Issue 1, 1.1,"Installation planning" of Doc.
requirements are applicable tothis dated04-Nov-2009, or later No. CS1106-01, "Change
certificate/ approvalThe certificated approved issueEASA approved Statement", Issue2, or later
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Flight Manual Supplement, approved issueFor approved
original productare unchanged and Doc. No. AFMS1106-01, Issue Software Level of Aspen EFD1000
remain applicable to this certificate/ 2,dated 04-Nov-2009, or later refer to "Limitations,Conditions,
approval approved issueApproved Exemptions" of Doc. No.
Instructions for Continued CS1106-01, "Change Statement"
Airworthiness, Doc. No.
IAC1106-01,Issue 1, d...
10028068 SCANDINAVIAN 650 (CITATION VII) Software upgrade of installed Honeywell CS 25 amendment 4The certificated Engineering Order 2050529- Limited to: S/N 650-7001 thru 30/11/2009 Active 10028068
AVIONICS DESIGN GNS-XL or GNX-XLS FMS system forP-RNAV noise and/ or emissions levels of the EO Issue 2 from 27 November 650-7119This STC applies onlyfor
(EASA.A.S.03732) ApS operation original productare unchanged and 2009List of STC documents Single or Dual FMS GNS-XL or GNS-
remain applicable to this certificate/ "2050529 STC" issue 2 from XLSconfiguration, approved for B-
approval 27 November 2009AFM RNAV operation. Intermixing with
Supplement 2050529-AM-A other FMSis not approved within
issue 2 from 27 November this STC.
2009 for GNS-XL FMSAFM
Supplement 2050529-AM-B
issue 2 from 27 November
2009 for GNS-
XLSFMSDeclaration of
Compliance from 27...
10028069 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK 182 SERIES Installation of Aspen EFD1000 PFD CS-23The Certification Basis for the Master Data List None 30/11/2009 Active 10028069
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY original product and the MDL1119-01Change
followingadditional or alternative Statement
airworthiness requirements are CS1119-01Instructions for
applicable tothis certificate/ Continued Airworthiness
approvalJAA Interim Policies INT/ ICA1119-01Flight Manual
POL/23/1, INT/POL/23/2 and INT/ Supplement AFMS1119-01
POL/23/3FAA AC 23.1309-1DFAA AC Issue 1or later revisions of the
23.1311-1BFAA AC 23-23AMC abovelisted documents
20-115BAMC 20-4AMC... approved by EASA
10028070 SABENA TECHNICS REV. 8 A340-311/-312/-313 IAGOS ModificationThis STC installs the The Certification Basis (CB) for the Modification Approval Sheet, The modification is applicable to 27/02/2014 Active 10028070
BOD Integration of routine Aircraft measurements original product remains applicableto ref. : S-00-2071, Issue 9 dated the following aircraft Serial
(EASA.A.S.03815) intoa Global Observing System. TheInitial this certificate/ approval.The 26 February2014Aircraft Numbers:MSN 221, 304, 327, 335,
Release of the STC was approvingthe requirements for environmental Flight Manual Supplement, 347, 352, 354, 355, 377, 379, 390,
technical provisions installing the IAGOS protection and the ref : AFM-S-F4030-01 Rev 04, 433, 434, and447Prior to
system.This Revision 1 approved the associatedcertified noise and/ or dated 07October installation of this design change it
activation of the IAGOS system, andupdating emissions levels of the original 2013Instruction for Continued must be determined thatthe
some of the li... product areunchanged and remain Airworthiness, ref : ICA- interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ F4030-00-01 issue B,dated design change and any
approval. 30May 2011or later revisions otherpreviously installeda...
of the above listed documents
10028083 AVIONICS 35A Installation of Artex ELT C406-02 (Cobham). The Certification Basis for the original As specified in MDL 900-049, None. 01/12/2009 Active 10028083
INTEGRATION & product and the followingadditional rev. Aor later revisions of the
(EASA.A.S.03930) ENGINEERINGCORPO or alternative airworthiness above listed documents
RATION AG (AIEC) requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASA
certificate/ approval.As specified in
Certification Program 900-080, rev. A
(or later approvedrevisions).The
certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the...
10028084 AVIONICS L35A Installation of ART 2000 Weather Radar with The Certification Basis for the original As specified in MDL 912-049, None. 01/12/2009 Active 10028084
INTEGRATION & KMD 850 MFD (Honeywell). product and the followingadditional rev. Aor later revisions of the
(EASA.A.S.03936) ENGINEERINGCORPO or alternative airworthiness above listed documents
RATION AG (AIEC) requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASA
certificate/ approval.As specified in
Certification Program 912-080, rev. A
(or later approvedrevisions).The
certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the...

04/01/2023 Page 122 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028085 AVIONICS 35A Installation of SSFDR F1000 (L-3 The Certification Basis for the original As specified in MDL 848-049, None. 01/12/2009 Active 10028085
INTEGRATION & Communications). product and the followingadditional rev. Aor later revisions of the
(EASA.A.S.03933) ENGINEERINGCORPO or alternative airworthiness above listed documents
RATION AG (AIEC) requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASA
certificate/ approval.As specified in
Certification Program 848-080, rev. A
(or later approvedrevisions).The
certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the...
10028086 AVIONICS 35A Installation of EGPWS Mk VIII (Honeywell). The Certification Basis for the original As specified in MDL 911-049, None. 01/12/2009 Active 10028086
INTEGRATION & product and the followingadditional rev. Aor later revisions of the
(EASA.A.S.03932) ENGINEERINGCORPO or alternative airworthiness above listed documents
RATION AG (AIEC) requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASA
certificate/ approval.As specified in
Certification Program 911-080, rev. A
(or later approvedrevisions.The
certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of thea...
10028088 AVIONICS LEARJET 35A Installation of CVR-30B (UASC). The Certification Basis for the original As specified in MDL 851-049, None. 01/12/2009 Active 10028088
INTEGRATION & product and the followingadditional rev. Aor later revisions of the
(P-EASA.A.S.03931) ENGINEERINGCORPO or alternative airworthiness above listed documents
RATION AG (AIEC) requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASA.
certificate/ approval.As specified in
Certification Program 851-080, rev. A
(or later approvedrevisions).The
certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the...
10028092 PATS AIRCRAFT L.L.C. REV. 1 FAA ST00405LA- 737-700 IGW Alteration of Fire Protection Systems, Lower The Certification Basis for the original Hollingshead Master Data List Prior to installation of this change/ 13/04/2021 Active 10028092
D Cargo Compartments.This STC revises and product as amendedby thefollowing 12106 Rev. M dated August repair it must be determined
supersedes LBA STC LBA.21NE1.TA0682. The additional or alternative 01,2002FAA Airplane Flight thatthe interrelationship between
revisionwas issued to reflect the transfer airworthiness requirements:- CRI Manual Supplement 20629 this change/repair and any
from Hollingshead International toDecrane A-01, B737-700, Issue 9, 13 February Rev. NCInstructions for otherpreviously installed change
Aerospace PATS Aircraft.Rev 1: Added 1998.The requirements for Continued Airworthiness and/ or repair willintroduce no
reference to MMEL Supplement environmental protection and the 20689 Rev. CMMEL adverseeffect upon the
associatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement TM-8110-MMEL airworthiness of the product.
emissions levels of the product are... Rev. G dated 03 March
2021Or later revisions of the
above listed document(s)
10028093 PATS AIRCRAFT L.L.C. REV. 2 FAA ST01184LA 737-800 Alteration of Fire Protection Systems, Lower The Certification Basis for the original - Configuration 1 per MDL Configuration 1 - 13/04/2021 Active 10028093
Cargo Compartments.Rev. 0: This STC revises product remains applicable tothis 2554-01, Rev E, dated 12 June NoneConfiguration 2 -
and supersedes LBA STC LBA.21NE1.TA0511. certificate/ approval.The 2001- Configuration 2 per NoneConfigurations 3 & 4 -
Therevision was issued to reflect the transfer requirements for environmental MDL 2544-01, Rev G dated 14 installation of FAA STC ST02690LA
from HollingsheadInternational to Decrane protection and the October 2008- Configuration (Freighterconversion) is a
Aerospace PATS Aircraft.Rev. 1 adds an associatedcertified noise and/ or 3 Non-ETOPS Converted prerequisite. STC ST02690LA must
additional metered fire bottle to both the... emissions levels of the original Freighters per MDL 2544-01, be EASA-validated toallow the
product areunchanged and remain Rev Kdated 22 July 2020 and aircraft registration in Europe.Prior
applicable to this certificate/ Configuration Matrix 8149-26- to installation of this change/
approval. CFGX-001 Revision Bdated 21 repair it must be determined
August 2020- thatthe int...
10028096 MT-PROPELLER MXT-7-180, MXT-7-180A Installation of a 2-blade MTV-15-B/203-58 FAR-23The Certification Basis for the -Airplane Flight Manual None 01/12/2009 Active 10028096
ENTWICKLUNG MX-7-180, MX-7-180 A, propeller on Maule M-4 ModelsMX-7-180, original product remains applicable Supplement E-1780, Original
(EASA.A.S.03901) GmbH MX-7-180 B, MX-7-180 C, MX-7-180A, MX-7-180B, MX-7-180C, tothis certificate/ approvalThis Issue dated 09.September
MXT-7-180, and MX-7-180A certificate/approval involves a 2009 or later approved
change to the certificated noiseand/ revision-Instruction for
oremissions levels Continued Airworthiness
E-1782, Original Issue
dated09. September 2009 or
later approved revision-
Installation Instruction
E-1781, Original Issue dated
09. September2009or lat...

04/01/2023 Page 123 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028097 S-TEC CORPORATION FAA STC PA-28-201T Installation of S-TEC Manual Electric Trim The Certification Basis for the original Applicable revisions:-FAA Compatibility of this modification 01/12/2009 Active 10028097
SA5357SW-D PA-28-181, PA-28-236, System, Model ST-156 (14 VoltSystem) product remains applicable tothis Approved S-TEC Bulletin No. with other previously
(EASA.IM.A.S.03269) PA-28-151, PA-28-161, certificate/ approvalThe certificated 256, dated 21-Nov-84, Initial approvedmodifications must be
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Issue, orlater revision-FAA determined by the installer.The
original productare unchanged and Approved S-TEC Master Approval of the installation of this
remain applicable to this certificate/ Drawing List No. 92306, dated system is not applicable tospecific
approval 21-Nov-84,Initial Issue, or aircraft having other previously
later revision-FAA Approved approved modifications, unlessit is
Supplement to Pilot's determined by the installer that
Operating Handbook and/or the in...
FAAApproved Airplane Flight
10028110 JET AVIATION AG GULFSTREAM GV Mid Cabin Door CS-25The Certification Basis for the Master Data List None 11/12/2009 Active 10028110
original product remains applicable BGLF525001-001 Rev.
tothis certificate/ approvalThe AAirplane Flight Manual
certificated noise and/ or emissions Supplement
levels of the original productare BGLF525001-201-01 Rev.
unchanged and remain applicable to IRInstructions for Continued
this certificate/ approval Airworthiness
BGLF525001-150-01 Rev. Aor
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10028128 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A330-243 A330-200 - VIP Cabin Interior Completion The Certification Basis for the original -Supplemental Type Definition as per AFMS A-00-09/009-AFM 03/12/2009 Active 10028128
AG product and the followingadditional Document, ref. Doc. No. issue 5 as listed in the
(EASA.A.S.03435) or alternative airworthiness STDD00-08/02M,issue 01, associatedtechnical
requirements are applicable tothis revision 00, dated 16 documentation
certificate/ approvalSupplemental November 2009<(>,<)>-
TypeCertification Basis CRI A-01 for Aeroplane Flight Manual
P-EASA.A.S.03435The certificated Supplement ref.Doc.
noise and/ or emissions levels of the A-00-09/009-AFM issue
original product... 5,revision IR dated 12.
November 2009<(>,<)>-
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness, ref. Doc.
10028136 SAVANNAH AIR FAA STC BOMBARDIER BD-700-1A10 Complete Custom Aircraft Interior - ASN EASA IM.A.009 and EASA MOC CRI FAA STC No. ST03818AT dated Restricted to ASN 9287 for a total 04/12/2009 Active 10028136
CENTER, L.L.C. ST03818AT 9287. F-01The Certification Basis for the 29 October 2009.FAA SoC ref. of 15 passengers.
original product remains applicable ST03818AT dated 30
tothis certificate/ approval.The November 2009.Savannah Air
certificated noise and/ or emissions Center Master Drawing List,
levelsof the original productare XRS9287-MDL-2500001, Rev
unchanged and remain applicable to Adated 14 October 2009 or
this certificate/ approval. later approved
revision.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness,
Bombardier Global
ExpressDocument Number
10028137 MOTORFLUG REV. 4 P.180 AVANTI II Operator Seat and Additional Changes The Certification Basis for the original - Aircraft Flight Manual Prior to installation of this design 11/11/2013 Active 10028137
BADEN-BADEN (Revision 2 to EASA STCNo. 10028137) product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement 281F93072-0601, change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03954) GmbH additional or alternative Rev. 7or later revisions of the thatthe interrelationship between
airworthiness requirements:CS-23, above listed documents this design change and any
1st issueCS23.301, 23.303, 23.305, approved by EASA.- otherpreviously installed design
23.307, 23.321, 23.341, 23.561, Instructions for Continued change and/ or repair will
23.562 (seatonly), 23.575, 23.601, Airworthiness introduce noadverse effect upon
23.603, 23.605, 23.607, 23.609, 281F93072-0701, Rev. 6- the airworthiness ofthe
23.611, 23.613,23.625, 23.853,... Installation Manual product.The installation of this
28145F133028-1001, Rev. 1 modification by third p...
10028151 RUAG AEROSPACE REV. 1 EMB-135BJ AXE4-869/2009-mk (297A-RFC): Electronic The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List 297A- None. 30/06/2010 Active 10028151
SERVICES GmbH Flight Bag product and the followingadditional MDL Rev. B dtd. 7.5.2010-
or alternative airworthiness AFM Supplement 297A-AFMS
requirements are applicable tothis Rev. N/C dtd. 23.10.09- AMM
certificate/ approvalCert Basis per Supplement 297A-AMMS Rev.
TCDS IM.A.032 plus:-CRI H-1/1324 A dtd. 7.5.2010or later
"EWIS"-CRI F-28/1324 revisions of the abovelisted
"EFB"Thecertificated noise and/ or documents approved by EASA
emissions levels of the originala...

04/01/2023 Page 124 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028164 AKV, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC MBB-BK117 C-2 Dual Engine Cycle Counter.Installation of The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. AKV Inc. Master Data Index Prior to installation of this change/ 13/09/2018 Active 10028164
SR00631DE-D MBB-BK117 B-2, MBB-BK117 AKV, Inc. Dual Engine Cycle Counter original product remains applicableto MDI 711-9049 Rev. C, dated repair it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01555) C-1 BK1172XCC systemused to accrue engine this certificate/ approval.The 13.10.2008, FAAapproved thatthe interrelationship between
MBB-BK117 A-4, MBB-BK117 cycles by coupling to the existing engine requirements for environmental 06.04.2009 or later FAA this change/repair and any
B-1 speedsignals for gas producer and free protection and the approved revision.2. Flight otherpreviously installed change
MBB-BK117 A-1, MBB-BK117 turbineNote: The recommendation for associatedcertified noise and/ or Manual Supplement: RFMS and/ or repair willintroduce no
A-3 approval is given based on a emissions levels of the original 080-0401, Rev. B, FAA adverseeffect upon the
reviewperformed in accordance with the... product areunchanged and remain approved13.08.2008 or later airworthiness of the product.Re-
applicable to this certificate/ approved revision.3. location of the equipment due to
approval. Installation Instructions and installation of the...
Instructions for
ContinuedAirworthiness: R...
10028167 STANDARD AERO FAA STC MF50 EASA Validation of FAA STC The Certification Basis for the original -Garrett Aviation Services None 07/12/2009 Active 10028167
ST01991CH ST01991CHInstallation of an L3 product remains applicable tothis Drawing List, Doc. Number
Communications (Fairchild) Model F1000 certificate/ approvalThe certificated 1002382 Revision H,dated
Flight DataRecorder (FDR) System in noise and/ or emissions levels of the 04th June 2004-Aeroplane
accordance with Garrett Aviation original productare unchanged and Flight Manual Supplement,
ServicesDrawing List, Doc. Number 1002382 remain applicable to this certificate/ Garrett Aviation Services Doc.
Revision H, dated 04th June 2004 orlater approval No.1002752, Revision A,
revisions approved by EASA in accordance originally approved 03rd June
with EASA2... 2004-Airworthiness
Limitations Garrett Aviation
Services Doc. No.
1002750,Revision B,o...
10028171 APICAL INDUSTRIES, REV. 1 FAA STC MBB-BK117 C-2, MBB-BK117 Installation of Emergency Float Kits. The Certification Basis (CB) for the FAA approved Apical This approval requires the 24/05/2018 Active 10028171
Inc.d/b/a DART SR02244LA D-2 original product remains applicableto Industries, Inc. Master inspections and overhaul
AEROSPACE this certificate/approval. The Document List schedules to beperformed as
requirements for MD145-1,Revision B, dated 29 mandated by Apical Industries, Inc.
environmentalprotection and the June 2009, or later FAA dbaDart Aerospace'sInstructions
associated certified noise and/or approvedrevision.Rotorcraft for Continued Airworthiness
emissions levels ofthe original Flight Manual Supplement asfollows:- MBB-BK 117 C-2 with
product are unchanged and remain RFMS145-1, Revision N/C, P/N 646.4100 series
applicable to thiscertificate/approval. approved on20 July 2009 or installed:Document ICA145-1
later FAA approved revision. Instructions for Continued
10028181 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA TCDS No IM.A.009The TCCA STC No SA05-60 Issue 1 Restricted to ASN 9231 07/12/2009 Active 10028181
SA05-60 Interior - ASN 9231 Certification Basis for the original dated 14 June 2005.TCCA SoC
product remains applicable tothis refC-09-1021 dated 2
certificate/ approvalThe certificated December 2009.Aero
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Consulting Services Ltd.
original productare unchanged and Configuration Definition List
remain applicable to this certificate/ E025000Revision CC.Aero
approval Consulting Services Ltd.
Airplane Flight Manual
Revision N/C or later
10028197 AVIONIK STRAUBING B. B90, C90, E90, H90 Installation of an FMS System Universal CS-23 Amdt. 1The Certification Basis -Instructions for Installation None 08/12/2009 Active 10028197
ENTWICKLUNGS A. C90A, C90GT, C90GTI UNS-1Lw and an EGPWS KGP 560 for the original product remains ASR-2009-031-IFI-10-00-AFM-
(EASA.A.S.03875) GmbH applicable tothis certificate/ Supplement ASR-2009-031-
approvalThe Certification Basis for FMS-05.1-00 (UNS-1Lw)-AFM-
the original product and the Supplement ASR-2009-031-
followingadditional or alternative FMS-05.2-00 (KGP 560)-
airworthiness requirements are Instructions for Continued
applicable tothis certificate/ Airworthiness ASR-2009-031-
approvalThe certificated noise and/ ICM-11.1-00(UNS-1Lw)-
o... Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness ASR-2009-031-
ICM-11.2-00 (KGP5...
10028200 ISEI R44, R44 II Title: Installation of Safetyplane The Certification Basis for the original - Installation Instructions, N6- None 08/12/2009 Active 10028200
EquipmentDescription: Installation of a product remains applicable tothis R44-Installation Document E-
system for tracking a set of flight andsystem certificate/ approvalThe certificated A-02- Instructions for
parameters during operation of the noise and/ or emissions levels of the Continued Airworthiness, N7-
rotorcraft. The modificationis based on ISEI original productare unchanged and R44-Maintenance
change N-R44 as defined in the Master remain applicable to this certificate/ manualsupplement E-A-02-
Document ListN1-R44-Reference Documents- approval N2-R44-Approval Change
E-A-02, dated 19.11.2... Document E-A-02- N3-R44-
Experience Feedback E-A-02-
N4-R44-Safety Assessment
document E-A-02- N5-R44-
Design Document E-A-02or...

04/01/2023 Page 125 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028206 SCANDINAVIAN R22 BETA Title: Camera with supportDescription: CS27 Amdt. 2The certificated noise - POH Supplement Robinson - S/N 0501 and subsequent,,- Pitot 10/12/2009 Active 10028206
AVIONICS DESIGN Optional Installation of a camera turret, and/ or emissions levelsof the Model R22 Beta Doc. heat and Search Light must not be
(EASA.R.S.01586) ApS related recorderand data link transmitter original productare unchanged and 2053852-AM Iss. 2or later installed,,
system in accordance with Master Document remain applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed
List2053852 DOC issue 2, dated 04.12.2009. approval documents approved by
The installation is based onScandinavian EASA- Instructions for
Avionics change no. 2053852 Continued Airworthiness
2053852-CA, Iss. 1 or
laterrevision,,- Installation
Instructions 2053852 STC Iss.
1 or later revision
10028207 AERODISA S.L. REV. 1 FALCON 2000 Pocket Door Installation for Falcon 2000In EASA CS25 amendment 1 plus EASA - Aerodisa Master Data List Design Change limited to Falcon 21/12/2009 Active 10028207
accordance with Aerodisa Master Data List Certification Review Item (CRI) AED2007-09M_MDL Revision 2000 aircraft serial number55
(EASA.A.S.03152) AED2007-09M_MDL Revision 3,dated 04th D-01Issue 02 "Installation of Interior 3, dated 04thDecember
December 2009 or later revisions approved Door" for thoseareas, systems,parts 2009.- Aeroplane Flight
by EASA and appliances of the original Falcon Manual Supplement,
2000 design affected by thisdesign AED2007-09M_AFMS Revision
change.The certificated noise and/ or 01,dated 24th June 2009-
emissions levels of the original Weight andBalance
productare unch... Supplement
Revision 00, dated03rd April
revisionsEASA:"or later
10028220 NSE INDUSTRIES S.A. REV. 2 2- 206 STC 10028220 revision 2 for STC DTS and The Certification Basis for the original SDL-DTSV2-C206 Rev.00 dated The approval holder shall fulfill the 05/08/2013 Active 10028220
1- U206E, U206F, U206G DTS-V2 Cessna 206 -InstallationTracking product and the followingadditional 20/06/2013AFMS-DTSV2- obligations of Part 21,
1- U206A, U206B, U206C, System,Description: Change of Corporate or alternative airworthiness C206 Rev.00or later revisions Paragraph21A.109.Prior to
U206D Name and location, replacement of requirements are applicable tothis of the above listed documents installation of this modification it
1- TU206E, TU206G, TU206F DTSV2documentation reference, addition of certificate/ approval:FAR 23 Amdt approved by EASA must be determined thatthe
1- TU206C, TU206D TCDS USA A4CE to reflect all 0-50The requirements for interrelationship between this
1- TU206A, TU206B, modelslisted,incorporation of MC 1004126 environmental protection and the modification and any other
1- TP206C, PT206D, TP206E and remove of associated technic... associatedcertificated noise and/ or previouslyinstalled modification
1- TP206A, TP206B emissions levels of the origin... and/ or repair will introduce no
1- P206C, P206D, P206E, adverse effectupon the a...
1- 206H, P206, P206A, P206B
10028237 VAN RIEMSDIJK B747-400F NXE-0506 Special Cargo Container 125” X The Certification Basis for the original W<(>&<)>B Control and The location of the cargo container 10/12/2009 Active 10028237
ROTTERDAM B.V. 196” with part number 136.020. product remains applicable tothis Loading Manual supplement is limited to the
(EASA.A.S.03898) certificate/ approval. RRM510 Issue 2CMM/IPL NXE positionsmentioned in the W<
Cool Container 136.020 doc. (>&<)>B Control and Loading
Nr RRM510 Issue 1or later Manual supplementRRM510.
revisions of the above listed
documents approved byEASA.
10028238 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 1 A318-112 A318-112 - Elite 11 - VIP Cabin Completion The Certification Basis for the original - Supplemental Type Not applicable 26/04/2010 Active 10028238
AG product and the followingadditional Definition Document , ref.
(EASA.A.S.03774) or alternative airworthiness Doc. No
requirements are applicable tothis STDD00-09/01M,issue 02,
certificate/ approvalEASA dated Apr. 23/ 2010- Airplane
SupplementalType Certification Basis Flight Manual Supplement,
CRI A-5301-006 Issue 1- plus ref. Doc. No. A-00-09/053-
voluntarily by applicant:,, FAR AFMiss.04 rev.01, dated Nov.
25.981 (a) (b) Amdt. 102 FAR 25.... 25/ 2009- Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness, ref.
Doc. No.A-00-09/053-ICA,
issue 04, dated Mar. 30/
10028245 SOCATA SAS REV. 2 TBM 700 N Installation of a Honeywell HF KHF 1050 The Certification Basis for the original -Daher-Socata A/S None 26/08/2010 Active 10028245
communication system on aircraftTBM 700 N product remains applicable tothis Instructions for Continued
(EASA.A.S.03961) equipped with Garmin 1000 Glass Cockpit certificate/ approval.The certificated Airworthiness
System - Update forICA inclusion noiseand/ or emissions levels of the ref.Z00.DMNSTC01PEE0R0,
original productare unchanged and original issue dated July 2010-
remain applicable to this certificate/ Daher-Socata A/S
approval. Modification File No STC.
23.001.09, edition 1,
dated09/12/2009or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 126 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028267 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GV-SP Aircraft Serial No 5246 completion and cabin JAR 25The Certification Basis for the Installation in accordance GV-SP Serial No. 5246 Only. 14/12/2009 Active 10028267
AEROSPACE ST03740AT-D interior installation. original product remains applicable with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION tothis certificate/ approval Corporation MasterDrawing
List No. GC52 2046159,
Revision B, datedNovember
30, 2009, orlater approved
revisions.Operation to be in
accordance with Gulfstream
Flight Manual
SupplementGC52 204M047,
Original Release, dated
December 7, 2009, or later...
10028268 DASSAULT FALCON FAA STC F900EX EASA Validation of FAA STC ST01795NY- The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for Continued This design change is applicable to 14/12/2009 Active 10028268
JET - ST01795NY-D DInstallation of Decrane Aircraft Seating product remains applicable tothis Airworthiness (ICA) Dassault Aviation Mystere Falcon
(EASA.IM.A.S.03109) WILMINGTONCORP Company, Inc, Model 80A42S2three place certificate/ approvalThe certificated 197900902, dated 18thApril 900aircraft which have previously
partial berthing divan installation in noise and/ or emissions levels of the 2008.or later revisions of the been equipped with Dassault
accordance withDassault Falcon Jet- original productare unchanged and above listed documents AviationModification M3000
Wilmington Master Drawing List, 197900904 remain applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA (Falcon 900EX definition)
RevisionB, dated 29th May 2008 or later approval inaccordance with EASA ED
revisions approved by EASA... Decision2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10028296 STIRLING DYNAMICS REV. 4 ERJ170-200STD, Installation of a removable stretcherRev. 4: The Type and OSD Certification Bases Engineering Order: BUE170- Prior to installation of this change/ 15/06/2022 Active 10028296
GMBH ERJ170-200LR Transfer of STC for the original product as EO-0001-01-01, Issue repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03978) ERJ170-100STD, amendedby the following additional 01Master Drawing List: thatthe interrelationship between
ERJ170-100LR or alternative airworthiness BUE170-CS-2520-05-01, Issue this change/repair and any
requirements:EASA CS-25 Amdt. 01Installation Instructions: otherpreviously installed change
6The requirements for BUE170-TO-0001-01-01, Issue and/ or repair willintroduce no
environmental protection and the 01Continued Airworthiness adverseeffect upon the
associatedcertified noiseand/ or Document: BUE170- airworthiness of the product.
emissions levels of the original CS-2520-02-01, Issue 01User
product areunchange... Manual: BUE170-
CS-2520-01-01, Issue 01or
later revisions of the above
10028304 KNOTS ACQUISITION PA-32R-301T Piper Wing Tips with Landing / Recognition CS-23.B NSC Installation instructions as None 16/12/2009 Active 10028304
LTD. PA-32-301 T, PA-32R-301, Lights listed on AML-SA2356NM
(EASA.IM.A.S.03267) PA-28-RT-201T, PA-32-301 issued 2008-08-14 orlater FAA
PA-28R-201T, PA-28RT-201, approved revision.
PA-28-236, PA-28R-201
PA-28-181, PA-28-201T,
PA-28-151, PA-28-161,
10028318 STG AEROSPACE FAA TCDS B777-200 Installation of SafTGlo, Inc photoluminescent The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC ST03684ATSTG None 17/12/2009 Active 10028318
Inc.AKA SAFTGLO, T00001SE floor proximity emergencyescape path product remains applicable tothis report AC37-2 Master
Inc. marking system certificate/ approvalThe certificated Drawing List rev.DAFM
noise and/ or emissions levels of the supplement AC37-11 dated
original productare unchanged and May 5, 2009-12-16
remain applicable to this certificate/ Instructionfor
approval ContinuedAirworthiness
AC37-20 dated March 16,
2009or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
10028319 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 3 A319-115 ACJ Centre Modification CJ0300 - "VIP Cabin The Certification Basis for the original Modification Approval Sheet The approval is limited to MSN 04/07/2014 Active 10028319
Interior - ALF"ACJ Centre Modification product as amendedby thefollowing CJ0300, Issue 5, "Top 3243Operations under EU-OPS are
(EASA.A.S.03500) CJ0392 - "Private to Public additional or alternative Modification ALF",dated possible after the application of
Conversion"-,,Correction of design defect airworthiness requirements:General 04/07/2014Modification theConversion Instruction CI
identified: use of additional seatingpositions CRI G-4110 "ACJC Project Approval Sheet CJ0392,Issue 00CJ002 (Aircraft in Public
during TTOL Certification Basis"The requirements 2, "Conversion Private Configuration)Prior to installation
for environmental protection and the toPublic", dated of this design change it must be
associatedcertified noise and/ or 05/12/2013Airplane Flight determined thatthe
emissions levels of the origin... Manual - FM-S MOD CJ0300, interrelationship between this
Rev. 3, dated design change and any other...
Planning Document - MPD-S
MOD CJ0300, dated 01...

04/01/2023 Page 127 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028330 TATENHILL AVIATION CAA UK BEECH 200 Design data to provide European approval of IM.A.277The Certification Basis for Master Data List TAL-TAD Serial number BB-877 only 17/12/2009 Active 10028330
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY FAA STC: SA5254NM the original product and the 014/09 Rev B.Instructions for
(EASA.A.S.03956) followingadditional or alternative Continued Airworthiness ICA
airworthiness requirements are 01409 Rev B.Flight Manual
applicable tothis certificate/ Supplement01409 Rev Aor
approvalFAA AC.23.1309-1CFAA AC. later revisions of the above
23.1311-1BINT/POL/23/1INT/POL/ listed documentsapproved by
23/3The certificated noise and/ or EASA
emissions levels of the original
10028331 S-TEC CORPORATION FAA STC 402A, 402B, 402C Installation of S-TEC System 55/55X Two Axis The Certification Basis for the original Applicable revisions-FAA Compatibility of this modification 17/12/2009 Active 10028331
SA09401AC-D 401, 401A, 401B Automatic Flight GuidanceSystem, Model product remains applicable tothis Approved S-TEC Bulletin No. with other previously
(ST-853) ST-853 (28 Volt System) certificate/ approval 953, dated 08-Mar-99, Initial approvedmodifications must be
Issue, orlater revision-FAA determined by the installer.The
ApprovedS-TEC Master Approval of the installation of this
Drawing List No. 921151, system is not applicable tospecific
dated 08-Mar-99,Initial Issue, aircraft having other previously
or later revision-FAA/DAS approved modifications, unlessit is
Approved Pilot's Operating determined by the installer that
Handbook and/or Airplane the in...
FlightManual Supplement, P/
N 8918...
10028338 FLYING COLOURS REV. 2 TCCA LSTC C- CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA09-326/D Restricted to ASN 8092 14/12/2011 Active 10028338
CORP. LSA09-326/D Interior for the original product and the Issue 1 dated 24 November
followingadditional or alternative 2009.Aero Consulting Services
airworthiness requirements are Ltd. Modification Data
applicable tothis certificate/ Summary G288000
approvalEASACRI No H-01The RevisionG.Flying Colours Corp.
requirements for environmental Airplane Flight Manual
protection and the Supplement for the
associatedcertificated noise and/or CompleteCustom Aircraft
emissions levels of... Interior G288091 Revision NC
or later
Colours Corp. Ins...
10028342 LEARJET Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC BD-100-1A10 (CHALLENGER Installation of a Baseline Executive Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - FAA STC ST01255LA-D issued Not Applicable 15/03/2010 Active 10028342
ST01255LA-D 300) Interior.Validation ofFAA STC ST01255LA-D IM.A.080 Issue 2, 8th October 20th December 2003- Master
(EASA.IM.A.S.03206) (-2 Configuration)Revision of the EASA STC 2008plus:The Certification Basis for Drawing List ref. doc.
10028342 to include -2 Configuration the original product and the HC200065000 Revision U
followingadditional or alternative (-2Configuration), dated 16th
airworthiness requirements are September 2004- Airplane
applicable tothis certificate/ Flight Manual Supplement ref.
approvalCRI D-07 Issue 2 (Deviation) doc. H-FM25285002, Revision
Personal Injury Criteria of Side-... A,dated 29th July 2004orlater
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EA...
10028344 BOMBARDIER INC. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9320 and1. 18/12/2009 Active 10028344
Interior - ASN 9320 for the original product remains reference C-09-0275 dated 09 Refer to the Limitations sections of
applicable tothis certificate/ December 2009.TCCA STC No. the required AFM Supplement
approvalThe certificated noise and/ SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
or emissions levels of the original October 2004.Aero Consulting WLAN system is compatible only
productare unchanged and remain Services Configuration to IEEE 802.11(b).3. Prior to
applicable to this certificate/ Definition List D954000 installation of this modification the
approval RevisionDQ dated 08 installer mustdetermine that the
December 2009.Instructions interrelationship between this
for ContinuedAirworthiness modificationo...
GC93200000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the abov...
10028350 AIRBUS TRANSPORT A300F4-608ST Special Transports / Transports SpeciauxThis The Certification Basis for the original Change Approval Sheet, ref: None 18/12/2009 Active 10028350
INTERNATIONAL SNC STC, ref. ST25MOD020 ed.01 (Applicant product and the followingadditional ST25MOD020<(>,<)> Issue 49
reference), has beendeveloped, reviewed, or alternative airworthiness
tested and found compliant with the requirements are applicable tothis
CertificationBasis to deal with non-Airbus certificate/ approvalas per EASA
sub-assemblies transport. On case TCDS A.014 + CRI F-06 Issue 01The
bycasebasis, this STC had to be amended to certificated noise and/ or emissions
cover any new non-A... levels of the original productare
unchanged and remain...

04/01/2023 Page 128 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028355 FIFTY-TEN-YANKEE, REV. 2 FAA STC 206H, T206H, U206G, Installation of New Rear Observation Seat in The Certification Basis for the original - Soloy, LLC Master Drawing Weight and Balance:Equipment 16/03/2020 Active 10028355
LLC SA01985SE TU206G Textron 206 product remains applicable tothis List 910-100, Rev. N, dated 23 RemovedItem,,Weight (lb),,Station
206H, T206H certificate/ approval.The certificated August 2012- Service (in)Seat, 2nd Row (2 Seats),,
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Instruction No. 910-01, dated 57,,78.0Seat, 3rd Row (Bench),,
original productare unchanged and 19 March 2009. 36,,105.2Equipment
remain applicable to this certificate/ InstalledItem,,Weight (lb),,Station
approval (in)Seat Assembly with Armrests,,
34.0,,81.7Base Plate Assembly,,
23.2,,81.9Swivel Plate Assembly,,
25.3,,81.5Seat Rail Attach...
10028359 AMAC AEROSPACE REV. 1 A320 MODELS Humidification and Zonal Dryer System The Certification Basis for the original -Master Data List doc. No According to doc. No ICA- 04/03/2010 Active 10028359
SWITZERLAND AG Installation(see project description document product remains applicable tothis MDL-A3201-2100-1 Rev D A3201-2100 as listed under
(EASA.A.S.03791) PD-AA3201-2100) certificate/ approvalThe certificated dated 25/02/2010- associated
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Instructions for Continued technicaldocumentation
original productare unchanged and Airworthiness doc. No ICA-
remain applicable to this certificate/ A3201-2100 Rev Cdated
approval 24/02/2010-Declaration of
Compliance Form AA-DO-77 -
Rev B dated 03/03/2010
withreference to Master Data
List MDL-A3201-2100-1 Rev
Dor later revisions of the a...
10028361 BOMBARDIER TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA TCDS No IM.A.009The -TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue Restricted to ASN 9353 21/12/2009 Active 10028361
COMPLETION SA05-60 Interior - ASN 9353 Certification Basis for the original 1 dated 14 June 2005.-TCCA
CENTRE INC product remains applicable tothis SoC ref C-09-0926 dated 15
certificate/ approvalThe certificated December 2009.-Aero
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Consulting Services Ltd.
original productare unchanged and Configuration Definition List
remain applicable to this certificate/ E025000Revision CF.-Aero
approval Consulting Services Ltd.
Airplane Flight Manual
Revision N/C or later
approved revision.-GC9353...
10028365 AMAC AEROSPACE REV. 1 A320-232 Interior Outfitting(see project description The Certification Basis for the original -Master Data List doc. N° Restricted to MSN 3379 08/01/2010 Active 10028365
SWITZERLAND AG document PD-AA01-2500-1)The limitation for product and the followingadditional MDL-AA01-2500-1 Rev E
(EASA.A.S.03792) use of Supplemental Water Tanks has been or alternative airworthiness dated 05/01/2010-
removed atRev. 1 of EASA STC 10028365. requirements are applicable tothis Instructions for Continued
certificate/ approvalEASA Airworthiness doc. N° ICA-
SupplementalType Certification Basis AA01-2500 Rev Cdated
CRI A-2301-001 Issue 2The 17/12/2009-Airplane Flight
certificated noise and/ or emissions Manual Supplement doc. N°
levels of the original productar... AFMS-AA01-2500-1 Rev A
dated04/12/09-Declaration of
Compliance Form AA-DO-77
Rev A dated 08/01/10
10028366 MAGNETIC MRO AS REV. 3 A320-232 Installation of Galley G1 and Galley The Certification Basis for the original - Drawing & Document Prior to installation of this design 19/09/2019 Active 10028366
G5.Revision of the EASA STC to remove EWIS product as amendedby thefollowing Control Report doc. No. change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03910) limitation.Revision: Transfer of Certificate to additional or alternative 09DC089, dated21/12/2009- thatthe interrelationship between
Magnetic MRO AS airworthiness requirements:CRI Drawing & Document Control this design change and any
H-01/SC H-01 "Enhanced Report doc. No. 09DC090, otherpreviously installed design
Airworthiness Programmefor dated 21/12/2009- change and/ or repair will
Aeroplane Systems- ICA on EWIS"The Declaration of Design and introduce noadverse effect upon
requirements for environmental Performancedoc. No. the airworthiness ofthe product.
protection and the 09DD301, Issue B,
associatedcertified noise and/u... dated18/12/2009-
Declaration of Design and
Performance doc. No.
09DD302, Issue B,
10028374 CANARD AEROSPACE REV. 1 FAA STC DHC-8-201, DHC-8-202 Installation of Honeywell Mark VII Enhanced The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation must be in Electronic Flight Information 26/03/2013 Active 10028374
CORPORATION ST01331CH Ground Proximity WarningSystem to replace original product remains applicableto accordance with Canard Systems (EFIS) symbol generator
(EASA.IM.A.S.03246) the existing Mark II Ground Proximity this certificate/ approval.The Aerospace DocumentControl upgradedto Part Number (PIN)
Warning System requirements for environmental Drawing No. 40094, Revision 7004544.314 in accordance with
protection and the O, dated December 12th, Honeywell ServiceBulletin (SB)
associatedcertified noise and/ or 2012Operation must be 7004544.34-48 (modification BC) is
emissions levels of the original performed in accordance with required prior to, orconcurrent
product areunchanged and remain FAAapproved AirplaneFlight with, accomplishment of this
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement, Canard modification.EFIS display
approval. AerospaceNo. 34-3250-24, controller updated to PIN...
Revision A,dated September
24th, 2012Mainten...

04/01/2023 Page 129 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028376 AERO DYNAMIX, Inc. FAA STC MD900 Installation of Night Image Vision System JAR27 1st amendmentThe -Aero Dynamix, Inc. Master Refer to applicable RFMS for list of 23/12/2009 Active 10028376
SR09480RC (NVIS) / Night Vision Goggles(NVG) Cockpit certificated noise and/ or drawing list MDL 1775-01, equipment mandatory for
(EASA.IM.R.S.01543) lighting.Validation of FAA STC SR09480RC. emissionslevels of the original Revision M, dated21 NightVision Image System
productare unchanged and remain September 2009, or later certification
applicable to this certificate/ approved revisions (*)-Aero
approval Dynamix, Inc. Instructions for
continued airworthiness
(ICA),document No. ICA
MD900-01, Revision N, dated
22 December 2009, or
lateraccepted revisions (*)-
Rotorcraft Flight M...
10028392 EJM AEROSPACE FAA STC B747-400 Installation of a Matsushita Avionics Systems The Certification Basis for the original MAS Document Nr. 14526007 Not Applicable 04/01/2010 Active 10028392
SERVICES ST02531AT Corporation System 3000In-Flight product remains applicable tothis Rev E Instructions for
Entertainment system on a Singapore Airlines certificate/ approval Continued Airworthinessfor
Boeing 747-400type aircraft in accordance MAS Corp System 3000
with Master Drawing List MDL10270, Rev. IFEMAS Document Nr.
G,dated 06 June 2003 or later FAAapproved 14526003 Rev. IR Airplane
revision.Validation of FAA STC ST02531AT Flight Manual Supplement
forMAS CorpSystem 3000
IFEor later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004...
10028394 MOTORFLUG REV. 1 PIAGGIO P.180 AVANTI II Upgrade of TCAS-4000 to Software Change The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation in accordance Prior to installation of this design 12/01/2016 Active 10028394
BADEN-BADEN 7.1 original product remains applicableto with Master Document List change it must be determined
GmbH this certificate/ approval.The (MDL)281F93887-0109 Rev. 1, thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental and Installation Manual this design change and any
protection and the 281F93887-1001Rev. 1<(>,<) otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or >Operation in accordance change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original with AC Flight Manual Suppl. introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain (AFMS)281F93887-0601 Rev. the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ 0<(>,<)>Instructions for
approval. Continued Airworthiness.
(ICA) ref 281F93887-0701
10028415 NORTHWEST REV. 1 A320-232 Interior Reconfiguration and In Flight In accordance with the EASA - NAT Certification Summary, None 05/08/2010 Active 10028415
AEROSPACE Entertainment (IFE) Installationon Etihad TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe ref. doc. N0340-D90, Revision
(EASA.A.S.03966) TECHNOLOGIESINC. Airways A320-232 AircraftRevision of the original product and the -, dated 5thJanuary 2010- NAT
EASA 10028415 to remove EWIS limitation followingadditional or alternative Master Drawing List, ref.
airworthiness requirements are doc.N0340-D10, Revision E,
applicable tothis certificate/ dated 1stApril 2010- NAT
approval- CRI H-01/Special Condition EAPAS/FTS ICA document, ref.
H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness doc. N0340-D10-D79, Revision
Programme forAeroplane Systems - -, dated2nd June 2010or later
ICA on EWIS"The... revisions of the above listed
documents appr...
10028416 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 2 TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Modification to install the Fwd Pocket door EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis -EASA STC No. 10028416 Rev. Restricted to ASN 9329 and1. 19/05/2010 Active 10028416
SA04-113 and Mid Pocket door on aseparate for the original product remains 1 dated 3 February 2010- Refer to the Limitations sections of
circuitInstallation, Complete Custom Aircraft applicable tothis certificate/ Transport Canada SoC the required AFM Supplement
Interior - Revision to EASASupplemental Type approvalThe certificated noise and/ reference C-10-0158 dated 17 andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
Certificate10028416 to incorporate missing or emissions levels of the original May 2010.-TCCA STC No. WLAN system is compatible only
drawingson the MDL - ASN 9329 productare unchanged and remain SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 to IEEE 802.11(b).
applicable to this certificate/ October 2004.-Aero
approval Consulting Services
Configuration Definition List
D954000 RevisionEG dated 09
April 2010.-Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness...
10028420 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 FAA STC A318-112 Installation of provisions for an Executive Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - FAA Supplemental Type Prior to installation of this design 04/04/2019 Active 10028420
AG ST10964SC Power System A.064The CertificationBasis for the Certificate ST10964SC- Master change it must be determined
original product and the Data List, ref. doc. thatthe interrelationship between
followingadditional or alternative 1110000100, Revision D, this design change and any
airworthiness requirements are dated 17th August2010- otherpreviously installed design
applicable tothis certificate/ Airplane Flight Manual change and/ or repair will
approval- CRI H-01/Special Condition Supplement, ref. doc. introduce noadverse effect upon
H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness 1112021090, Revision the airworthiness ofthe product.
Programme forAeroplane Systems - IR,dated 18th December
ICA o... 2009- ICA Source Document,
ref. doc. 1110050093, Rev. IR,
dated 24th May2010or later

04/01/2023 Page 130 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028421 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 FAA STC A318-112 Installation of a Miltope Wireless Access Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - FAA Supplemental Type Prior to installation of this design 04/04/2019 Active 10028421
AG ST10963SC Point A.064The CertificationBasis for the Certificate ST10963SC- Master change it must be determined
original product and the Data List, ref. doc. thatthe interrelationship between
followingadditional or alternative 1110000200, Revision L, this design change and any
airworthiness requirements are dated 13th July2010-Airplane otherpreviously installed design
applicable tothis certificate/ Flight Manual Supplement, change and/ or repair will
approval- CRI H-01/Special Condition ref. doc. 1111021090, introduce noadverse effect upon
H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness Revision IR,dated 18th the airworthiness ofthe product.
Programme forAeroplane Systems - December 2009- ICA Source
ICA o... Document, ref. doc.
1110050091, Rev. IR, dated
20th May2010or later revisi...
10028425 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 11 A319-133 / -115 Installation of an executive style interior on The Type and OSD Certification Bases - Master Data List, ref. doc. Prior to installation of this change/ 07/01/2022 Active 10028425
AG A318-112, A319-115, Airbus A318/A319 aircraftper Configurations for the original product as 1110000010, Revision W, repair it must be determined
A319-133 -001 through -009Rev. 11: Transfer of STC amendedby the following additional dated23 August2013- thatthe interrelationship between
A318-112 (FAA ref. ST10958SC) from BIZJET or alternative airworthiness Airplane Flight Manual this change/repair and any
Internationalto Lufthansa Technik AG. requirements:- Special Condition(s): Supplement, ref. doc. otherpreviously installed change
CRI H-01 “Enhanced Airworthiness 1350021091, Rev IR, dated14 and/ or repair willintroduce no
Programme forAeroplane Systems – June 2013- Electrical Wiring adverseeffect upon the
ICA on EWIS”CRI D-5302-007 Interconnection Systems airworthiness of the product.
“Isolated Compartments”CRI (EWIS) ICA Source
D-5310-007 “Gl... Document,ref.doc.
1260050095, Rev B,dated 14
June 2013- Instructions for
10028430 ISRAEL AEROSPACE REV. 4 CAAI STC SA218 B767-300 MOD Nr. M0039<(>,<)> B767-300 BDSF The Certification Basis for the original B767-300 Conversion from An approved Cargo Loading 07/07/2017 Active 10028430
INDUSTRIES, Ltd.(IAI) FREIGHTER CONVERSION OF product as amendedby thefollowing PAX to SF- Master Document System must be installed<(>,<)>
(EASA.IM.A.S.02477) AIRCRAFTEQUIPPED with APB WINGLETS.Rev. additional or alternative List,371-00-00-C0010, Rev. E Mod Nr. M0039is limited to
4 of STC 10028430 allows the installation of airworthiness requirements For S/N 28040 B767-300 Aircraft B767-300, S/N
APB winglets on theSpecial Freighter (BDSF). forSpecial Condition(s):D-02, Conversion from PAX toSF- 28040.Priorto installation of this
Fuselage Doors, H-01, ICA on Master Document List , design change it must be
EWIS.Equivalent Safety Finding 371-00-00-C0010, Rev. determinedthatthe
(s):D-01, Supernumerary Seating BC.Instructions for Continued interrelationship between this
Area.D-04, Flammability standards Airworthiness, 371-00-00- design change and any
for Thermal / Ac... C004, Revision NEW.AFM otherpreviously installed design
Supplement, 371-00-00- change and/ or repair will...
C0490, Rev. 4.AdditionalM...
10028433 TELAIR US LLC REV. 1 FAA STC B767-300 Install Main Deck Cargo Loading System. The Certification Basis for the original Drawing List Report Number To be installed on a/c converted 25/04/2016 Active 10028433
ST02767CH product and the followingadditional 3255, Revision C, by IAI Freighter Conversion (EASA
(EASA.IM.A.S.03180) or alternative airworthiness 30/09/2009Applicable STC10028430).
requirements are applicable tothis revisionsor later revisions of
certificate.NEW-PAGECertification the above listed documents
basis is as defined in EASA STC approved by EASA
10028430.The certificated noise and/ inaccordance with EASA ED
or emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or
product are unchange... subsequent revisions ofthis
10028446 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 1 BEECH B200GT Installation of Blue Sky Network (BSN) D1000 The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance The installation of this 15/08/2013 Active 10028446
AVIONICS DESIGN BEECH B200C, BEECH (A) Iridium SatelliteCommunication and product as amendedby thefollowing with the data listed in Section modification by third persons is
(EASA.A.S.03971) ApS B200CGT Tracking additional or alternative 4.1 of theAir Alpha A/S subject towritten permission of
BEECH 200, BEECH B200 airworthiness requirements:CS-23.B Master Data List Numbered: the approval holder and disposal
NSCThe requirements for MDL.EO-B200-23-132 Rev: of the approvedappropriate
environmental protection and the 07.Operation in accordance documentation.,,Prior to
associatedcertified noise and/ or with Air Alpha A/SFlight installation of this modification it
emissions levels of the original Manual must be determined thatthe
product areunchanged and remain SupplementNumbered: interrelationship between this
applica... FMS.EO-B200-23-132 Rev: modification and any other pre...
00.Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness i.a.w. Air Alpha
10028447 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 1 A318, A319, A320, A321 Installation of provisions for the use of Dual In accordance with the EASA - Engineering Order & Not Applicable 12/01/2010 Active 10028447
AVIONICS DESIGN navAero Electronic FlightBag Class 2 (EFB) TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe Certification Program, ref.
(EASA.A.S.03759) ApS System original product remains applicable doc. 2051375-EO, Issue1,
tothis certificate/approvalThe dated 22nd December 2009-
certificated noise and/ or emissions Airplane Flight Manual
levels of the original productare Supplement, ref. doc.
unchanged and remain applicable to 2051375-AM, Issue 3,dated
this certificate/ approval 15th December 2009-
Instruction for Continued
Airworthiness, ref. doc.
2051375-CA, Issue2, dated
2nd November
2009Applicable rev...

04/01/2023 Page 131 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028448 FIFTY-TEN-YANKEE, REV. 2 FAA STC 206H, T206H Installation of a revised shoulder harness The Certification Basis for the original Soloy, LLC Master Drawing Prior to installation of this design 11/03/2020 Active 10028448
LLC SA01688SE restraint systemand new rearcabin headliner product remains applicable tothis List 912-100, dated 31 May change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.03237) in Textron 206H/T206H certificate/ approvalThe certificated 2006.Service Instructions No. thatthe interrelationship between
noise and/ or emissions levels of the 912-01, dated 24 May 2006. this design change and any
original productare unchanged and otherpreviously installed design
remain applicable to this certificate/ change and/ or repair will
approval. introduce noadverse effect upon
the airworthiness ofthe product.
10028449 FIFTY-TEN-YANKEE, REV. 3 FAA STC U206F, TU206C, U206G Install Observation Window The Certification Basis for the original Soloy, LLC Master Drawing This modification has been 16/03/2020 Active 10028449
LLC SA00858SE U206A, TU206G, 206H, product remains applicable tothis List, 901-100, Rev. B, dated 15 determined to be compatible
(EASA.IM.A.S.03236) T206H certificate/ approval.The certificated November withFAA STCSA2353NM and
U206A, TU206G, noiseand/ or emissions levels of the 2000.Manufacturing airplanes in landplane, floatplane
TU206D, TU206E, U206, original productare unchanged and Inspection Order for Part and skiplaneconfiguration, when
TU206F, remain applicable to this certificate/ 901-1011, dated 6 December modified in accordance with FAA
TU206D, TU206E, U206, approval. 2000. approved data.Prior to installation
TU206F of this design change itmust be
TU206B, U206F, TU206C, determined thatthe
U206G, interrelationship between this
TU206A, U206E, TU206B de...
206, U206B, U206C, U206D
206H, T206H, TU206A,
10028452 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 1 EC 120 B Replacement of existing SAFT Ni-Cad. battery The Certification Basis for the original Operation in accordance None 12/12/2012 Active 10028452
AVIONICS DESIGN with Concorde lead acidbattery RG-350.Note: product and the followingadditional with:- Air Alpha A/S Flight
(EASA.R.S.01580) ApS this STC is issued for the purpose of or alternative airworthiness Manual Sup. FMS.EO-
transfering STC No. 10028452from Airalpha requirements are applicable tothis EC120-24-133 Rev.00or later
A/S (DOA 21J.268) to new STC holder certificate/ approval:CS 27.301 revisions of the above listed
Scandinavian AvionicsDesign GmbH (DOA (a),CS27 303, CS 27.305 (a), CS documents approved by
21J.014) 27.307(a), CS 27.561, CS27.601, EASA.Definition and
CS27.603, CS 27.605(a), CS 27.609, CS Installation in accordance
27.611, CS 27.613 (a),(b... with:- Air Alpha A/S Master
Data List MDL.EO-
EC120-24-133 Rev. 01- Air
Alpha A/S Accomplishment
10028464 ANCRA FAA STC B767-300 Install Main Deck Cargo Loading System The Certification Basis for the original Ancra International LLC To be installed on a/c converted 13/01/2010 Active 10028464
INTERNATIONAL LLC ST02279LA product and the followingadditional Controlled data List DL85000, by IAI Freighter Conversion (EASA
or alternative airworthiness Revision D, STC10028430)
requirements are applicable tothis 21/12/2009Applicable
certificateCertification basis is as revisions"or later revisions of
defined in EASA STC 10028430The the above listed documents
certificated noise and/ or emissions approved by EASA
levels of the original productare inaccordance withEASA ED
unchanged and remai... Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions
10028465 AERO CONSULTING TCCA LSTC C- LEARJET 60 Installation of Chelton HSD Satcom System. The Certification Basis for the original F616000 Rev D - Modification Approval is valid for s/n 60-328 13/01/2010 Active 10028465
SERVICES LTD. LSA08-007/D product remains applicable tothis Data SummaryF616071 Rev B only.
certificate/ approvalThe certificated - Instructions for Continued
noise and/ or emissions levels of the AirworthinessF616072 Rev A -
original productare unchanged and Mandatory Maintenance
remain. applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplementor later
approval. revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10028486 AVIONIK STRAUBING SEE ATTACHED MODEL LIST Installation of an Aspen EFD-1000 ProSystem. The Certification Basis for the original Aircraft Model List: None. 15/01/2010 Active 10028486
ENTWICKLUNGS product and the followingadditional ASR-2009-047-AML-24-00
GMBH or alternative airworthiness (attached)Installation
requirements are applicable tothis Instructions: ASR-2009-047-
certificate/ approval.CS-23, Initial IFI-10-00Instructions
Issue (not required by 21A.101, forContinued Airworthiness:
elected to comply by ASR-2009-047-ICA-11-00Flight
theapplicant).The certificated noise Manual Supplement:
and/ or emissions levels of thea... ASR-2009-047-FMS-05-00or
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by

04/01/2023 Page 132 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028488 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GULFSTREAM 150 G150 Steep Approach Landing The Certification Basis for the original FAA Approved Airplane Flight None 27/01/2010 Active 10028488
AEROSPACE ST03699AT product and the followingadditional Manual Steep Approach
(EASA.IM.A.S.02713) CORPORATION or alternative airworthiness Supplement 2009-01for
requirements are applicable tothis Gulfstream Model G150, Rev
certificate/ approvalSee CRI D-06 1, FAA approved 4 Sept 09.or
Special Condition "Steep Approach later revisions of the above
Landing" listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10028491 BOMBARDIER TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Bandit Mask Paint Scheme - ASN 9332. EASA.IM.A.009.The Certification Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9332. 15/01/2010 Active 10028491
COMPLETION LSA09-091/D Basis for the original product and the reference C-09-1183 dated 12
CENTRE INC followingadditional or alternative January 2010.TCCA LSTC No C-
airworthinessrequirements are LSA09-091/D Issue 1 dated 10
applicable tothis certificate/ November 2009.ACS-NAI Ltd
approval.CRI D-600 - Emergency Exit Modification Data Summary
Markings - Interruption of Two- Number G064000 Revision N/
InchBandOutlining Main Entrance C.*or later revisions of the
Door.The certificated noise and/... above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CFt...
10028492 BOMBARDIER TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009.The Certification Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9332.Refer to 15/01/2010 Active 10028492
COMPLETION SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9332. Basis for the original product remains reference C-09-0992 dated 12 the Limitations sections ofthe
CENTRE INC applicable tothis certificate/ January 2010.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement and
approval.The certificated noise and/ SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 tothe referenced
or emissions levels of the original October 2004.AeroConsulting FCOMS.WLANsystem is compatible
productare unchanged and remain Services Configuration only to IEEE 802.11(b).
applicable to this certificate/ Definition List D954000
approval. RevisionDT dated 22
December 2009.Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
GC93320000-IFCA.*or later
revisions of the abov...
10028493 APICAL INDUSTRIES, FAA STC AS355F2, AS355N, AS355NP Emergency Float Kit The Certification Basis for the original MD355(1) revision F dated 1 Not Applicable 16/03/2011 Active 10028493
Inc. SR00645LA AS355E, AS355F, AS355F1 product remains applicable tothis July 1998 - Master Document
certificate/ approval.The List;FMS-355(1) dated 29 July
requirements for environmental 1998 - Flight Manual
protection and the Supplement;ICA350-1 revision
associatedcertificated noiseand/or C dated 12 January 1998 -
emissions levels of the original Instructions for
product areunchanged and remain ContinuedAirworthiness;ICA3
applicable to this certificate/ 50-20 revision B dated 3
approval. December2004 - Instructions
later revi...
10028498 KEYSTONE REV. 1 FAA STC S-76A, S-76B, S-76C Installation of a Keystone Medical Interior - The Certification Basis for the original Modification As specified in the approved 03/02/2010 Active 10028498
HELICOPTER SR01127NY-D See Conditions product remains applicable tothis DefinitionKeytech Installation RFMS.
(EASA.IM.R.S.01562) CORPORATION certificate/ approval drawings List IDL00549, dated
September 16th 2002.Flight
Manual SupplementsFor the
S76A, S76B or S76C - RFMS
No. 00549 dated September
16th 2002<(>,<)>or later
revision of this RFMS N°
00549 document approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004...
10028501 KEYSTONE FAA STC S-76A, S-76B, S-76C Structural provisions for the installation of a The Certification Basis for the original Modification As specified in the approved 18/01/2010 Active 10028501
HELICOPTER SR00910NY Spectrolab SX5Searchlight to the left or right product remains applicable tothis DefinitionKeytech Installation RFMS.
(EASA.IM.R.S.01563) CORPORATION side of the S76. certificate/ approval drawings List IDL00242, Rev A,
dated February 7th2000.Flight
Manual SupplementsFor the
S76A - RFMS No. 00242 dated
Nov 19 1998For the S76B -
RFMS No. 00242.1 dated Nov
19 1998For the S76C - RFMS
No. 00242.2 dated Nov 19
1998or later revisions of these

04/01/2023 Page 133 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028503 KEYSTONE FAA STC S-76A, S-76B, S-76C Installation of a Liquid Oxygen System for The Certification Basis for the original Modification - This approval should not be 18/01/2010 Active 10028503
HELICOPTER SR00642NY Medevac use product remains applicable tothis DefinitionKeytech Installation incorporated in any aircraft of
(EASA.IM.R.S.01564) CORPORATION certificate/ approval drawings List IDL00114 dated thisspecific model on which other
April 3rd 1997.Flight Manual approved modifications are
SupplementsFor the S76A, incorporated,unless it is
S76B or S76C - RFMS No. determined that the
00114 dated April 3rd 1997 interrelationship between this
orlater revisions of these changeand any other previously
documents approved by EASA incorporated approved
in accordance withEASA ED modification will notintroduce any
Decision 2004/04/CF (or adverse effe...
subsequent revisio...
10028505 GULFSTREAM FAA STC NO. GV-SP Completion and Installation of an Airplane JAR 25 Install in accordance with Aircraft Serial Number 5242 only. 18/01/2010 Active 10028505
AEROSPACE ST03746AT-D Interior for Aircraft Serial5242. Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION CorporationMaster IndexList,
GC514915242 Rev C, dated
December 17, 2009, or later
approvedrevisions.To be
operated in accordance with
FAA approved Airplane Flight
ManualSupplement, ref.
GC51468M008, Rev. NC dated
December 17, 2009 or
laterapproved rev...
10028509 CARSON FAA STC SIKORSKY S61N AND S61NM Increased Category A Performance. The Certification Basis for the original Modification DefinitionCarson As specified in the approved 18/01/2010 Active 10028509
HELICOPTERS, INC. SR02487NY product and the followingadditional Helicopters Inc. Certification RFMS.
(EASA.IM.R.S.01532) or alternative airworthiness Plan for S61N Increased
requirements are applicable tothis Category APerformance when
certificate/ approval: FAR 29 at Am equipped with Carson
35. Composite Main Blades -
Ref.Report CHI-04-1000Rev B
Dated 08/29/2006Flight
Manual SupplementsCarson
Helicopters Inc RFMS No. 7
Rev 1 dated Jan 27 2009 or
10028519 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9333 and1.Refer 21/01/2010 Active 10028519
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9333 for the original product remains reference C-09-0993 dated 14 to the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ January 2010.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
approvalNon-significantThe SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
certificated noise and/ or emissions October 2004.AeroConsulting system is compatible only to IEEE
levels of the original productare Services Configuration 802.11(b).
unchanged and remain applicable to Definition List D954000
this certificate/ approval RevisionDU dated 23
December 2009.Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
GC93330000-IFCA.Or later
revisions of the above...
10028521 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK BD-700-1A10 Customized Aircraft Completion - ASN 9251. EASA.IM.A.009.The Certification STC Twenty One Ltd Master None. 19/01/2010 Active 10028521
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY Basis for the original product and the Document List No.
followingadditional or alternative S21.MDL-0726 dated
airworthinessrequirements are 15January 2010.STC Twenty
applicable tothis certificate/ One Ltd Airplane Flight
approval.CRI F-01 "Installation of ManualSupplement No.
Wireless System".The certificated S21.FMS-0057.Instructions for
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Continued Airworthiness
original productare uncha... Midcoast Aviation
Maintenance Manual No.
35-027E100.or later revisions
of the above listed docu...
10028553 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9115 and1.Refer 21/01/2010 Active 10028553
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9115 for the original product remains reference C-09-0721 dated 14 to the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ January 2010.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
approvalNon-significantThe SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
certificated noise and/ or emissions October 2004.AeroConsulting system is compatible only to IEEE
levels of the original productare Services Configuration 802.11(b).
unchanged and remain applicable to Definition List D954000
this certificate/ approval RevisionDG dated 29 July
2009.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
GC91150000-IFCA.Or later
revisions of the above lis...

04/01/2023 Page 134 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028563 DASSAULT FALCON MYSTERE FALCON 900 Mode S dual transponder installation with The Certification Basis for the original - DFS Change Approval Sheet This EASA approval is applicable on 22/01/2010 Active 10028563
SERVICE elementary and enhancedsurveillance product and the followingadditional DFS 9550-CAS Issue A, dated those Basic Mystere Falcon
(EASA.A.S.03652) capabilities or alternative airworthiness 20th January2010- DFS 900aircraft previously equipped
requirements are applicable tothis Modification Sheet DFS 9550 with:- Dual ATC Transponders
certificate/ approvalCompliance has Issue A, dated 20th January Honeywell MST-67A P/N
been shown in accordance with the 2010- DFS Aeroplane Flight 066-01143-0601 withantenna
requisites laid down byJAA Manual Supplement Number diversity installation- 2 IRS and 2
Temporary Guidance Leaflet JAA DFS F900-030, Originalissue, ADC AZ 810As per DFS Change
Leaflet TGL 13 Certification of... dated 18th January 2010or Approval Sheet DFS 9550-CAS
later revisions of the above Issue A, dated 20thJanuary 2010
listed documents approved by or...
10028579 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 2 TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Interior Completions In-Service EASA TCDS No IM.A.009The TCCA STC No SA05-60 Issue 1 Restricted to ASN 9334 08/08/2011 Active 10028579
SA05-60 Improvement Modifications- ASN 9334 Certification Basis for the original dated 14 June 2005.Aero
product remains applicable tothis Consulting Services Ltd.
certificate/ approvalThe Configuration Definition List
requirements for environmental E025000Revision EW dated 22
protection and the June 2011.Bombardier
associatedcertificated noise and/or Airplane Flight Manual
emissions levels of the Supplement G-FM25004501
originalproduct areunchanged and Revision N/Cor later approved
remain applicable to this certifica... revision.GC93340000-IFCA
Instructions for Continued
10028585 AEROSPACE DESIGN REV. 2 CAA UK 2. AS355 F2, AS355 N, AS355 Cowling - Secondary Latching The Certification Basis for the original Modification None 14/09/2010 Active 10028585
FACILITIES Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY NP product remains applicable tothis DefinitionAerospace Design
(EASA.R.S.01444) 2. AS355 E, AS355 F, AS355 certificate/ approvalThe certificated Change Instruction Sheet
F1 noise and/ or emissions levels of the ADF2007-021 Issue 1Flight
1. AS350 D, EC130 B4 original productare unchanged and Manual SupplementsNot
1. AS350 B, B1, B2, BA, BB, remain applicable to this certificate/ Applicable.MaintenanceAeros
B3 approval pace Design Airworthiness
Inspection Schedule ADF/
AIS2007-021 issue3
10028593 WESTERN AVIONICS TCCA STC DHC-8-301, -311, -314, -315 Standby Altimeter InstallationTCCA STC FAR-25 as per EASA.IM.A.191The Installation:Must be in None 27/01/2010 Active 10028593
SA09-65 DHC-8-201, -202 SA09-65, dated 07 August 2009 Certification Basis for the original accordance with Western
DHC-8-102, -103, -106 product remains applicable tothis Avionics Engineering
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Order119975-401, Initial
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Issue, TCCA approved 07
original productare unchanged and August 2009Operation:Must
remain applicable to this certificate/ be in accordance with
approval Western Avionics Flight
Initial Issue, TCCA approved
07 August
2009.Maintenance:Must be in
accordance wit...
10028594 ADVANCED REV. 1 FAA STC DHC-8-201, DHC-8-202 Installation of dual Collins Mode S FAR 25 as per EASA.IM.A.191, Issue 4 -Installation of dual Collins None 19/07/2011 Active 10028594
AVIONICS ST09365SC TranspondersFAA STC ST09365SC, IR, August (incl. SC H-01 ICA on EWIS)The Mode S Transponders iaw.
(EASA.IM.A.S.03223) TECHNOLOGIESC/O 14, 1997 Certification Basis for the original AAT MasterDrawing List
ASM product remains applicable tothis 1101-000, Rev. B, dated
certificate/ approval.The September 18, 2000-Airplane
requirements for environmental Flight Manual Supplement
protection and the Doc. No. 1101-916, Rev. IR,
associatedcertificated noise and/or August14, 1997Maintenance
emissions levels of the original iaw Bombardier Maintenance
product areuncha... Manual PSM 1-82-2.or later
revisions of the above listed
10028595 ADVANCED REV. 2 FAA STC DHC-8-201, DHC-8-202 Installation of Dual Universal Navigation FAR 25 as per EASA.IM.A.191, Issue 4 -Installation of Dual Universal None 20/07/2011 Active 10028595
AVIONICS ST09326SC UNS-1C Flight ManagementSystemFAA STC (incl. SC H-01 ICA on EWIS)The Navigation UNS-1C Flight
(EASA.IM.A.S.03220) TECHNOLOGIESC/O ST09326SC, Rev. 1, dated 14 November 2000 Certification Basis for the original ManagementSystem iaw AAT
ASM product remains applicable tothis Master Drawing List
certificate/ approval.The 1061-000, Rev. G-Airplane
requirements for environmental Flight Manual Supplement
protection and the Doc. No. 1061-916, Rev. B-
associatedcertificated noise and/or Maintenance iaw Bombardier
emissions levels of the original Airplane Maintenance Manual
product areuncha... PSM 1-82-2.or later revisions
of the above listed documents

04/01/2023 Page 135 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028603 AIRLIFT A/S AS365, EC 155 Installation of Latitude Skynode Satcom and CS 29, Amendment 2, with reversion MDL DO-365-23-104, Revision None 28/01/2010 Active 10028603
Tracking System to FAR 29.561 (b)(3) at 0, dated 26/01/2010Flight
amendment29-16The certificated Manual Supplement
noise and/ or emissions levels of the FMS-365-23-104, Rev 0, dated
original productare unchanged and 22/09/2009
remain applicableto this certificate/
10028633 STG AEROSPACE REV. 2 FAA STC B767-200, -300 Installation of STG Aerospace PowerSmart The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List None 03/03/2011 Active 10028633
Inc.AKA SAFTGLO, ST03629AT Emergency Primary Power System(WEPPS). product remains applicable tothis 71670000 rev. D dated 29
(EASA.IM.A.S.03118) Inc. certificateThe requirements for October 2009Instruction for
environmental protection and the Continued Airworthiness
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 71676006 rev. D dated 29
emissions levels of the original October2009or later revisions
product areunchanged and remain of the above listed documents
applicable to this approval approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10028634 STG AEROSPACE REV. 1 FAA STC B757-200 Installation of STG Aerospace PowerSmart The Certification Basis for the original -Master Drawing List None 23/03/2011 Active 10028634
Inc.AKA SAFTGLO, ST03692AT Emergency Primary Power System(WEPPS). product remains applicable tothis 71440000 rev. C-Instruction
Inc. certificate/ approval.The for Continued Airworthiness
requirements for environmental 71446006 rev. Bor later
protection and the revisions of the above listed
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or documents approved by EASA
emissions levels of the original inaccordance with EASA ED
product areunchanged and remain Decision 2004/04/CF (or
applicable to this approval. subsequent revisions ofthis
10028641 AERONAUTICAL BELL 206 A & B Installation of Aft Passenger Seat Shoulder The Certification Basis for the original AAI Report Number None 29/01/2010 Active 10028641
ACCESSORIES, INC Harness/Lap Belt Assemblyfor Bell Helicopter product remains applicable tothis AA-88090, Revision H, dated
Textron 206 A / B Models certificate/ approvalThe certificated 8-21-06, "Drawing
noise and/ or emissions levels of the List,Passenger Seat Shoulder
original productare unchanged and Harness/Lap Belt Assembly
remain applicable to this certificate/ for Bell HelicopterTextron 206
approval A / B Models"or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisionst...
10028642 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC G150 Installation of an International JAR 25, Change 15The Certification -Index List GA314288000, Rev. Installation of Cabin Interior STC 01/02/2010 Active 10028642
AEROSPACE ST03739AT-D Communications Group (ICG). Inc.NxtMail Basis for the original product remains B, dated 05. November 2009- EASA.IM.A.S.02543 (FAA
CORPORATION Server applicable tothis certificate/ AFMS GA31428M001, Initial STCST10316SC-D) is required prior
approvalThe certificated noise and/ Release, dated 05. November to installation of this NxtMail
or emissions levels of the original 2009-Instructions for Serverarrangement.
productare unchanged and remain continued airworthiness
applicable to this certificate/ GA34428A000, Initial
approval Release,dated 05 October
2009or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
10028645 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 1 B200, B200C, B200GT, Air Alpha STC Definition Document EO- The Certification Basis for the original AirAlpha Master Data List No. The installation of this 15/08/2013 Active 10028645
AVIONICS DESIGN B200CGT B200-23-138 for Intercominstallation and product as amendedby thefollowing MDL.EO-B200-23-138or later modification by third persons is
ApS modification. Intercom installation in cabin additional or alternative revisions of the above listed subject towritten permission of
forspecial mission Aircraft. The cabin airworthiness requirements:CS-23 documents approved by EASA the approval holder and disposal
intercom interfaces to the cockpitintercom. has been elected apart from of the approvedappropriate
CS-23-561 where FAR Part 23.561 documentation.,,Prior to
Amdt23.7 is used.The requirements installation of this modification it
for environmental protection and the must be determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ oru... interrelationship between this
modification and any other pre...

04/01/2023 Page 136 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028652 TRUATLANTIC MFG., REV. 2 FAA STC 35, 35A, 36, 36A Deactivation of Aeronca (Learjet) Thrust The Certification Basis for the original Airplane Flight Manual Not Applicable 28/04/2016 Active 10028652
LLC ST02635AT ReversersAllow thedeactivation of the product remains applicable tothis Supplement 21193100, rev.
Aercona (Learjet) Thrust Reversers certificate/ approvalThe certificated IRInstruction for Continued
inaccordance with Atlantic Aero Master noise and/ or emissions levels of the Airworthiness 21193010, rev.
Drawing List 21193001, rev E, dated8 original productare unchanged and Cor later revisions of the
February 2003This STC is a transfer from remain applicable to this certificate/ above listed documents
Atlantic Aero, Greensboro USA, toTruAtlantic approval approved by EASA
Mfg., Kernersville USA... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
decision)"and/ or the
10028688 AEROCONSEIL A318/A319/A320/A321 Approval of Installation Provisions for the use In accordance with the EASA - Master Data List, ref. doc. Not Applicable 03/02/2010 Active 10028688
of EFB Class 2 on AirbusA318/A319/A320/ TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe No. 0316-01-A-2103-R02,
(EASA.A.S.03382) A321 original product remains applicable Revision R02,dated 3rd
tothis certificate/approvalThe February 2010- Airplane Flight
certificated noise and/ or emissions Manual Supplement, ref. doc.
levels of the original productare No. 0316-01-A-2301-
unchanged and remain applicable to R01,Revision R01, dated10th
this certificate/ approval December 2009- Instruction
for Continued Airworthiness,
ref. doc. No.0316-01-A-2211-
R01, Revision R01, dated 22nd
10028693 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 1 B737-300 Zonal Dryer System Installation in accordance The Certification Basis for the original Supplemental Type Definition None 20/10/2010 Active 10028693
AG with 737-EB21-0212 product and the followingadditional Document STDD21-09/01M
(EASA.A.S.03921) or alternative airworthiness Iss.02Engineering Bulletin
requirements are applicable tothis 737-EB21-0212 Rev.03or later
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01/Special revisions of the above listed
Condition H-01 "Enhanced documents approved by EASA
Airworthiness Programme
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on
EWIS"The requirements for
environmental pr...
10028703 FORCED FAA STC IO-550-N Installation of BAR Air, LLC supercharger JAR-E Change 9 dated May 4, Instructions for Continued The supercharged IO-550-N engine 03/02/2010 Active 10028703
AEROMOTIVE SE10926SC system on Teledyne ContinentalMotors 1990The Certification Basis forthe Airworthiness are contained is limited to 29.6 in Hg (204 kPa)
TECHNOLOGIES IO-550-N Engines in accordance with Master original product remains applicable in Document No.22007-30, MAPand 2700 RPM or 310 HP (231
Drawing ListMDL-SR22-1-E, Revision A, dated tothis certificate except for JAR-E 10, Revision N/C, dated kW).
April 4, 2008or later FAA approvedrevision - E 20, E 25, E 40, E 70, E 220, E270, E December 1, 2007 orlater
EASA Validation of FAA STC SE10926SC. 360 which are amended by JAR-E revisionsapproved by EASA in
Change 10 accordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF
(orsubsequent revisions of
this decision)
10028706 ECMS AVIATION BELL 212, 412 Load Attachment Device BRD01 The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement for None 04/02/2010 Active 10028706
SYSTEMS GMBH product and the followingadditional External Load Device BRD01
or alternative airworthiness on Bell 212 andBell 412, Doc.
requirements are applicable tothis No. BRD01_FMS_EASA_R0,
certificate/ approvalEASA CS 29 dated 01.12.2009or later
Amdt. 2The certificated noise and/ or revisions of the above listed
emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA
productare unchanged and remain
applicable to this certi...
10028707 KUERZI AVIONICS AG REV. 6 PC-6-B2-H2, PC-6-B2-H4 Transfer of 10028707 Rev. 5.PC-6 Synthetic The Certification Basis for the original - Flight Manual Supplement Required pre-modifications:- 16/07/2018 Active 10028707
Vision for G950 STC Rev.5 Baseline product as amendedby thefollowing for PC-6/B2-H2: Pilatus PC-6 pitch trim warning
(EASA.A.S.03752) STC:Garmin G 950 InstallationIntegration of a additional or alternative FMS-201212616, Rev. E;- system according SB-180.-
new Garmin G950 Integrated Flight Deck and airworthiness requirements:- Special Flight Manual Supplement for Electrical stall warning system,type
legacysystems on the Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 Condition(s):CR1 F-03 Human Factor PC-6/B2-H4: FMS-200830764, Safe Flight 1-02-0005 No. 164
model. The G950 system (a derivate ofthe Aspects of Flight Deck Design Rev. H;- Instructions for (Transmitter) and C-73113
G1000 system) combines primary flight (HF).CR1 F-01 Protection from the continued airworthiness: (Buzzer).- Electrical power
instrumentatio... Effects of High lntensity Radiating ICA-200830764, REV F;- distribution system (MCA
Fields(HIRF).CR1 F-02 Prot... Master Document Lists: - 06/24/130).- Electrical flap control
MDL-200830764 Rev. J, Basic according SB-95 (plus-differen...

04/01/2023 Page 137 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028717 AIR COMM FAA STC BELL HELICOPTER 429 Installation of Cabin Air Conditioning System CS27 Change 1The Certification Basis DL-429C, Section 1 revision B None 04/02/2010 Active 10028717
CORPORATION LLC SR00693DE Provisions for the original product remains dated 5 June 2009 - Master
applicable tothis certificate/ Drawing List;429EC-200M-1
approvalThe certificated noise and/ revision 1 dated 8 September
or emissions levels of the original 2009 - Instructions
productare unchanged and remain forContinued Airworthiness;
applicable to this certificate/ 429EC-100M revision 0 dated
approval 4 September 2009 - Flight
Manual Supplement.or
laterrevisions of the above
listed documents approved by
EASA ina...
10028730 BOMBARDIER TCCA LSTC C- CL-600-2B16 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis -TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA08-338/ Restricted to ASN 5506.Aircraft 05/02/2010 Active 10028730
AEROSPACE LSA08-338/D Interior - ASN 5506 for the original product remains D Issue 1 dated 18 December must be fitted with an approved
applicable tothis certificate/ 2008.-Aero Consulting means to disconnect the cabinAC
approval.The certificated noise and/ Services Ltd. Modification and DC utility buses asa
or emissions levels of the original Data Summary prerequisite to this modification.
productare unchanged and remain F962000Revision N/C or later
applicable to this certificate/ approved revision.-Transport
approval. Canada approved Aero
Consulting Services Ltd.
Airplane FlightManual
Supplement C73090 Revision
A or later approved
10028747 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 2 737 ALL MODELS Blue Sky Network Satcom installation.This The Type and OSD Certification Bases - Modification Summary Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10028747
LIMITEDEUROPE 737-900 STC installs Satcom communications at the for the original product as Sheet, ref: MOD-11619-00001 repair it must be determined
S.A.S. 737-700, 737-800 captain and F/O station.Rev. 2: Transfer of amendedby the following additional Issue 2.- Master Drawing List, thatthe interrelationship between
737-500, 737-600 STC or alternative airworthiness ref: MDL-11619-00001 Issue this change/repair and any
737-300, 737-400 requirements:CS-25 Amendment 2- Aircraft Flight Manual otherpreviously installed change
737-200C, 737-900ER 7The requirements forenvironmental Supplement, Ref: 11619- and/ or repair willintroduce no
737-100, 737-200 protection and the AFM-00001 Issue 1or later adverseeffect upon the
associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed airworthiness of the product.
emissions levels of the product are document(s) approved/
unchangedand rema... acceptedunder the EASA
10028758 CERT WORKS, LLC REV. 1 FAA SR00805SE AS350BA Installation of Honeywell LTS101-600A-3A The Certification Basis (CB) for the Modifications completed prior See attached Annex Issue 01 dated 27/11/2020 Active 10028758
AS 350 BA engine on AS 350 BA.Rev 1. Transfer of STC to original product remains applicableto to January 31, 27/11/2020.Prior to installation of
(EASA.IM.R.S.01457) Cert Works, LLC. this certificate/ approval.The 2007:Installation instructions this change/repair it must be
requirements for environmental EHDA-199-B, Revision 1, determined thatthe
protection and the dated February interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or 16,2005.Maintenance Manual change/repair and any
emissions levels of the product are Supplement EHDA-197-B, otherpreviously installed change
unchangedand remain applicable to Revision 2, dated February and/ or repair will introduce no
this certificate/approval without any 18,2005<(>,<)>Modifications adverseeffect upon the
im... completed after January 31, airworthiness of the product.
2007:Master Drawing List
920-100, Revision N/C, date...
10028761 B/E AEROSPACE REV. 1 TCCA LSTC C- CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis (CB) for the TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA09-004D Restricted to ASN 8083. 16/08/2013 Active 10028761
LIMITED LSA09-004D, Interior original product remains applicableto Issue 2 dated 22 July
(EASA.IM.A.S.03154) ISS. 2 this certificate/ approval.The 2009.Aero Consulting Services
requirements for environmental Ltd. Modification Data
protection and the Summary G115000
associatedcertified noise and/ or RevisionB.Savannah Air
emissions levels of the original Center Inc. Airplane Flight
product areunchanged and remain Manual Supplement for
applicable to this certificate/ theComplete Custom Aircraft
approval. Interior, G115090 Revision A,
and Savannah AirCenter Inc.
Airplane Flight ManualF...
10028762 ACS-NAI Ltd. REV. 1 TCCA LSTC NO. BOMBARDIER CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis (CB) for the TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA09-023/D Restricted to ASN 8065.Prior to 16/08/2013 Active 10028762
C-LSA09-023/D Interior. original product remains applicableto Issue 1 dated 02 July installation of this designchange it
(EASA.IM.A.S.03131) this certificate/ approval.The 2009.AeroConsulting Services must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental Ltd. Modification Data interrelationship between this
protection and the Summary G098000 design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or RevisionD.Midcoast Aviation otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original inc. Airplane Flight Manual change and/ or repair will
product areunchanged and remain Supplement for theComplete introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ Custom Aircraft Interior the airworthiness of the product.
approval. Installation, 33-299M007 Rev
NC.Aero Consulting Services
Ltd. Mandatory M...

04/01/2023 Page 138 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028763 ACS-NAI Ltd. REV. 1 TCCA LSTC NO. BOMBARDIER CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis (CB) for the TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA09-030/D Restricted to ASN 8078.Prior to 16/08/2013 Active 10028763
C-LSA09-030/D Interior. original product remains applicableto Issue 2 dated 21 July installation of this designchange it
(EASA.IM.A.S.03134) this certificate/ approval.The 2009.AeroConsulting Services must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental Ltd. Modification Data interrelationship between this
protection and the Summary G119000 design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or RevisionC.Midcoast Aviation otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original Inc. Airplane Flight Manual change and/ or repair will
product areunchanged and remain Supplement for theComplete introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ Custom Aircraft Interior the airworthiness of the product.
approval. Installation, 33-299M010 Rev
A.Aero Consulting Services
Ltd. Mandatory Ma...
10028781 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 210 Post Installation Approval and conformity The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Flight Manual Supplement: Limited to S.N 57339.Prior to 15/11/2017 Active 10028781
GMBH check of avionic system. original product remains applicableto C210-NY-07136-08, Rev. 1.- installation of this modification it
this certificate/ approval.The Instructions for Continued must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental Airworthiness: C210- interrelationship betweenthis
protection and the NY-07136-07, Rev. 0.- modification and any other
associatedcertified noise and/ or Installation Manual: C210- previouslyinstalled modification
emissions levels of the original NY-07136-05, Rev. 1or later and/ or repair will introduce no
product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed adverse effectupon the
applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by airworthiness of the product.
approval. EASA.
10028789 SAFRAN REV. 6 AS 350 BB Installation of flight data monitoring and The Certification Basis for the original Rotorcraft Flight Manual Prior to installation of this design 27/02/2020 Active 10028789
ELECTRONICS & AS 350 B, AS 350 BA transmitting systemSAFETYPLANE or product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement for HELICOM V2 change it must be determined
DEFENSEBUSINESS AS 350 B1, AS 350 B2 HELICOM V2 ANA or HELICOM V2+ ANA.The additional or alternative ANA and HELICOM V2+ANA, thatthe interrelationship between
UNIT - HELICOPTERS original revision of this STC approves the airworthiness requirements for:- doc. ref. N8-AS350 B BA BB B1 this design change and any
DATAMANAGEMENT installation of the“SAFETYPLANE” Special Condition(s): CRI F-01 Lithium B2, E-C-03, Rev 7 dated otherpreviously installed design
SOLUTIONS & equipment.Revision 1 of this STC Battery.- The following paragraph(s) 13/06/2017Reference change and/ or repair will
SERVICES incorporates the latest evolutions of at a later amendment:CS 27 initial Documents doc. ref. N1- introduce noadverse effect upon
thissystem, identified as:HELICOM V2 A... issue 27.25, 27.27, 27.301, 27.303, AS350 BBA BB B1 B2 E-C-06 the airworthiness ofthe product.
27.305, 27.307,27.... dated13/06/2017Or later
revisions of theabove listed
document(s) approved/
acceptedunder the EASA sys...
10028790 WIPAIRE Inc. FAA STC 208, 208B Installation of ERDA, Inc. Executive Seat, As defined in FAA TCDS A37CEThe -Wipaire, Inc. Document None 09/02/2010 Active 10028790
SA01397NY Model 3058 and folding tablesin acc. with Certification Basis for theoriginal Control List SU8003DCL, Rev.
FAA STC SA01397NY. product remains applicable tothis C, dated November5, 2009.-
certificate/ approvalThe certificated FAA approved Wipaire, Inc.
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Flight ManualSupplement
original productare unchanged and SU8003FMS, Rev. C,dated
remain applicable to this certificate/ November 24, 2009.-FAA
approval accepted Wipaire, Inc.
Instructions for Continued
AirworthinessSU8003ICA, Rev.
A, dated February 8, 2007.or
later revision...
10028796 AERONAUTICAL FAA STC BELL 407 Installation of Mounting Provisions for a Tail The Certification Basis for the original - Meeker Aviation Drawing This STC provides mounting 10/02/2010 Active 10028796
ACCESSORIES, INC SR02162LA Boom Radar Altimeter inaccordance with product remains applicable tothis List for Radar Altimeter provisions only; it does not allow
Meeker Aviation Drawing List for Radar certificate/ approval.The certificated Mount Kit,AA-TBA-16-010, the holderto install an altimeter or
Altimeter MountKit, AA-TBA-16-010, and noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Revision A, dated August 18, any wiring to power an altimeter.
Document List of Radar Altimeter Mount Kit< original productare unchanged and 2008- DocumentList of Radar
(>,<)> AA-TBA-16-011. remain applicable to this certificate/ Altimeter Mount Kit, AA-
approval. TBA-16-011, RevisionIR, dated
February 20, 2008-
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness Report Number
AA-TBA-16-008,Revision IR,
Dated Janua...
10028797 AERONAUTICAL FAA STC BELL 407 Installation of a Tail Boom Antenna Mount Kit The Certification Basis for the original - Meeker Aviation MDL for This STC provides mounting 10/02/2010 Active 10028797
ACCESSORIES, INC ST02121LA in accordancewith MeekerAviation MDL for product remains applicable tothis VHF Communication Antenna provisions only; it does not allow
VHF Communication Antenna MountKit, AA- certificate/ approvalThe certificated Mount Kit,AA-TBA-010, theholder to install an antenna or
TBA-010. noise and/ or emissions levels of the Revision IR, dated January 15, any wiring to power an antenna.
original productare unchanged and 2008- Instructions for
remain applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness
approval. Report Number AA-TBA-008,
RevIR, dated January 11,
2008.or later revisions of the
abovelisted documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA EDt...

04/01/2023 Page 139 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028799 AERO CONSULTING TCCA STC C- 900XP Installation of Dual Lifeport Patient Loading CAR 4b and FAR 25 - Installation in accordance Aircraft Serial Number HA-0114 10/02/2010 Active 10028799
SERVICES LTD. LSA10-006/D and Utility System (PLUS) with Aero Consulting Services Only
LtdModification Data
Summary G569000 Rev N/C
or later approved revisions-
Operation in accordance with
Aero Consulting Services Ltd
FlightManual Supplement
G569090 Rev N/C or
laterapproved revisions-
Maintenance in accordance
with Aero Cons...
10028814 SOCIETE D'ETUDE ET REV. 3 2. AS355 F2, AS355 N, AS355 Modifications H-25-05-06-SFP and The Certification Basis for the original H-25-05-06-SFP Flight Manual This STC is not applicable to 26/07/2012 Active 10028814
DE NP H-25-05-06-SFPAnt - Installation of arack and product remains applicable tothis Supplement - RFMS for AS350B3 model helicopters
(EASA.R.S.01492) GESTIONAERONAUTI 2. AS355 E, AS355 F, AS355 transmitting/receiving antennaeNotes:Initial certificate/ approval.The Installation of anElectronic withmodification OP-4305 (Arriel
QUE (SEGA) F1 issue of this STC covered installation of a rack requirements for environmental Rack for Reception/Sending 2D engine installation)
1. AS350 D, AS350 BB - modificationH-25-05-06-SFPRevision 1 to protection and the on Eurocopter AS350/AS355 incorporated.
1. AS350 B, AS350 B1, AS350 this STC added installation of transmitting/ associatedcertificated noiseand/ or (Ed. 0dtd 10 Dec 2009 -
B2 receivingantennae - modification H-25-05-... emissions levels of the original document in English)
1. AS350 B3, AS350 BA product areunchanged and remain H-25-05-06-SFPAnt Flight
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement - RFMS
approval. for Installation ofReception/
Broadcasting Antennas with
Actuator on Euro...
10028816 AVIONIK STRAUBING B. M20J, M20K, M20L, M20S Installation of Aspen EFD1000 PRO System. The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for Installation: None. 11/02/2010 Active 10028816
ENTWICKLUNGS B. M20C, M20E, M20F, product and the followingadditional ASR-2009-046-IFI-10-00, Rev.:
(EASA.A.S.03916) GmbH M20G or alternative airworthiness 00Instructions for Continued
A. M20M, M20R requirements are applicable tothis Airworthiness: ASR-2009-046-
certificate/ approval.CS-23, Initial ICA-11-00, Rev.00Flight
issue (not required by 21A.101, Manual Supplement:
elected to comply by theapplicant) ASR-2009-046-FMS-05-00,
The certificated noise and/ or Rev. 00or later revisions of
emissions levels of the o... the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10028823 DART AEROSPACE TCCA STC EC130B4 Traffic Advisory System Installation. The original product certification Definition and None. 12/02/2010 Active 10028823
Ltd. SH09-16 basis as per EASA TCDS.R.008 installation:DART Aerospace
(EASA.IM.R.S.01554) Issue03, 12 October 2007.The Ltd. Master Document List
Certification Basis for the original MDL-D130-787, Rev. B
product remains applicable tothis datedApril 20, 2009DART
certificate/ approval.The certificated Aerospace Ltd. Installation
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Instructions IIN-D130-787,
original productare unchanged and Rev. B datedApril 06,
remain applicable to this... 2009Inspection and
maintenance:Inspections for
Continued Airworthiness
contained in DART Aerospace
10028830 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 A319-133 A319-133 "GAF" VIP Cabin Completion, The Certification Basis for the original -Supplemental Type Definition None. 16/08/2010 Active 10028830
AG Revision 2To incorporate additional CMR in product and the followingadditional Document, ref. Doc. No
(EASA.A.S.03761) the ICA and MPD SupplementClosure of post or alternative airworthiness STDD00-08/17M,issue 03,
certification action item D-08-01. requirements are applicable tothis revision 0, dated 6th August
certificate.EASA Supplemental Type 2010-AirplaneFlight Manual
Certification Basis CRI A-4301-002 Supplement, ref. Doc. No.
Issue 1- plus voluntarily byapplicant: A-00-09/136-AFM issue01,
FAR 25.981 (a) (b) Amdt. 102The rev. 01<(>,<)> dated 15th Feb.
certificated nois... 2010-Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness, ref.
Doc. No.A-00-09/136-ICA,
issue 0...
10028837 DUNLOP AIRCRAFT REV. 6 CAA UK ERJ 190-200STD Installation of Radial MLG (DZ32930T & The Certification Basis (CB) for the Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Ltd Refer to DATL-PR13 Dunlop Tyre 27/06/2016 Active 10028837
TYRES LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY ERJ 190-200LR DZ32923T) and NLG (DZ32816T)tyre. original product remains applicableto Master Document List No. Supplement Manual for
(EASA.A.S.03864) ERJ 190-200IGW this certificate/ approval.The DATL PR 13 MDLrevision IR approvedinterchangeability and
ERJ 190-100STD requirements for environmental dated 08 March 2016or later mixability of Main Landing Gear
ERJ 190-100 SR protection and the revisions of the above listed tyres.
ERJ 190-100LR associatedcertified noise and/ or documents approved by
ERJ 190-100IGW emissions levels of the original EASA.
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 140 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028844 AVIATION REV. 2 FAA STC FALCON 2000, FALCON Revision of EASA STC EASA.IM.A.S.02043 "refer to CRI - A1 IM.A.S.02043" for Master Drawing List Revision Significant Change, Certification 18/02/2014 Active 10028844
PARTNERS, INC. ST01987SE 2000EX ("FAA STC ST01987SE:Installationof blended the original STC approval.For this STC F dtd. 3 April 2009.For basis as per CRI - A1 IM.A.S.02043-
(EASA.IM.A.S.02043) winglet on Dassault Falcon 2000 and 2000EX revision:The Certification Basis (CB) Falcon2000 airplanes with CFE Steep approach Operation with
Series airplanes,including 2000EX EASy for the original product remains 738 Engines: AFM supplement Winglets installed is not approved-
designation airplanes") to include Falcon applicableto this certificate/ APF2-0601Rev. 1, Code 9002, HUD/CATIII Operation with
2000Winglets Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) approval.The requirements for dtd. 7. February 2014.For Winglets installed is not
Revision for Forward Center ofGravity (CG) environmental protection and the Falcon 2000EXairplanes: AFM approvedPrior to installation of
Limitati... associatedcertified noise and/ or supplement APF2-0601 Rev. this design changeit must be
emissionslevels of the o... 6, Code 001,dtd. 7. February determined thatthe
2014.Supplement to Dassault interrelationship between this...
Aviation Structural Re...
10028847 TENENCIA Ltd. REV. 2 CAA UK AVRO 146-RJ100 Avro 146-RJ100 Amiri Flight VIP Installation. EASA TCDS A.182The Certification Modification TEN 621, BAE Serial number E3387 only. 26/01/2011 Active 10028847
RESPONSIBILITY Basis for the original product and the Systems Avro 146-RJ100 Amiri
(EASA.A.S.03872) followingadditional or alternative Flight VIPInstallation, Issue 5
airworthiness requirements are dated 24 January 2011or later
applicable tothis certificate/ revisions of the above listed
approval.CRI H-01 Instructions for documents approved by EASA
Continued Airworthiness (ICA) on
ElectricalWiring Interconnection
Systems (EWIS), Issue 2 datedT...
10028850 EUROCOPTER UK Ltd. CAA UK BK117 C-2 STAR SAFIRE FLIR SystemInstallation of FSI The Certification Basis for the original -BK117 C-2 EC UK Flight The following pre-modifications 16/02/2010 Active 10028850
RESPONSIBILITY Star Safire HD FLIR onto right hand utility product remains applicable tothis Manual Supplement No. 6 are required for the installation
(P-EASA.R.S.01572) stepbased on EC UK Major Change MHL/ certificate/ approval "FSI Star Safire HD ofthis STC:-ACS/Meeker Utility
145/1166 into the BK117 C-2. FLIRSurveillance System Step on the right handside, p/n
(Mounted on RHS ACS/ AFM-SM117A-11installed i.a.w.
Meeker Step)", Iss. 1or later EASA.IM.R.S.01489-ACS/Meeker
revisions of the above listed Arm p/n AF-SM117-C10 on the
documents approved by forward position of the
EASA-Master Drawing aboveutility step
Report DR/1451166-001 Iss.
A-Instructions for Continued
10028851 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS REV. 1 CAA UK MBB-BK117 C-2 Installation of Spectrolab Nightsun XP Skid The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for Continued none 15/11/2010 Active 10028851
UK LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY Mounted System.Equipmentinspection and product remains applicable tothis Airworthiness ICAW/
(P-EASA.R.S.01573) re-certification to close the requirement for certificate/ approval.The 1451167-001, Issue B,dated
AD No.2010-0183R1. requirements for environmental 10.11.2010 or later revisions
protection and the of the above listed
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or documentsapproved by
emissions levels of the original EASA.Design Report DR/
product areunchanged and remain 145/1167-001,Issue B, dated
applicable to this certificate/ 10.11.2010
10028856 EUROCOPTER UK Ltd. CAA UK BK117 C-2 Cabin ConfigurationDefinition of permissible The Certification Basis for the original -BK117 C-2 EC UK Flight None 16/02/2010 Active 10028856
RESPONSIBILITY configurationsand combinations product remains applicable tothis Manual Supplement No. 14
ofindividually approved changes based on EC certificate/ approval. "Cabin Configuration",Iss. 1or
UK Major Change MHL/145/1229Iss. A into later revisions of the above
the BK117 C-2. listed documents approved by
EASA-Design Report DR/
1451229-001 Iss. A
10028872 AERONAUTICAL FAA STC BELL 407 Installation of Bulged Skylight in accordance The Certification Basis for the original -Instructions for Continued None 16/02/2010 Active 10028872
ACCESSORIES, INC SR09325RC with AeronauticalAccessories, Inc. Drawing product remains applicable tothis Airworthiness Bulged Skylight
List, Report No AA-01070 certificate/ approvalThe certificated Kit ReportAA-01069, Rev B,
noise and/ or emissions levels of the dated 4-18-2007or later
original productare unchanged and revisions of the above listed
remain applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA
approval inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10028873 ONBOARD SYSTEMS FAA STC EC 120 B Cargo hook kit Model 200-351-00 As specified in TCDS DGAC No Definition and Installation:- EASA-approved EC 120 B Flight 16/02/2010 Active 10028873
INTERNATIONAL SR02028SE 189The Certification Basis forthe Onboard Systems Master Manual External Load Transport
original product remains applicable Drawing List No. 155-144-00, "CargoSling" FM Supplement is
tothis certificate/approvalThe Rev. 0, dated July22, 2009- required.
certificated noise and/ or emissions Onboard Systems Owner's
levels of the original productare Manual No. 120-139-00, Rev.
unchanged and remain applicable to 0, dated June
this certificate/ approval 16,2009Inspection and
Maintenance:- Onboard
Systems Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness No.
123-034-00, Rev. 0, dated Ju...

04/01/2023 Page 141 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028891 AERONAUTICAL FAA STC BELL 407 Development and Installation of High The Certification Basis for the original -Drawing List, Report No None 17/02/2010 Active 10028891
ACCESSORIES, INC SR09326RC Visibility Crew Door in accordancewith product remains applicable tothis AA-01073, Revision G, dated
Aeronautical Accessories, Inc. Drawing List, certificate/ approvalThe certificated 10th, December 2009-
Report No AA-01073 noise and/ or emissions levels of the Instructions for Continued
original productare unchanged and Airworthiness, Report No
remain applicable to this certificate/ AA-01072, Rev D,dated 7th,
approval December 2009.or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisio...
10028893 AERONAUTICAL FAA STC BELL 407 High Visibility Door Kits in accordance with The Certification Basis for the original -Drawing List Report No None 17/02/2010 Active 10028893
ACCESSORIES, INC SR09376RC-D Aeronautical Accessories,Inc. Drawing List product remains applicable tothis AA-05155, Revision K dated
Report No AA-05155 certificate/ approvalThe certificated 14th, December 2009.-
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Instructions for Continued
original productare unchanged and Airworthiness for High
remain applicable to this certificate/ Visibility Door Kiton Bell
approval Helicopter Textron Model 407
Helicopters, Report No
AA-5158,Rev B, dated 12th ,
October 2009.or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved...
10028910 LATITUDE 212, 412 Skynode S200-xxx SATPHONE/TRACKER As defined in FAA TCDS H4SWThe - Latitude Technologies None 18/02/2010 Active 10028910
TECHNOLOGIES system product design in accordancewith Certification Basis for the original Corporation Skynode S200-
CORPORATION Latitude Technologies Corporation Skynode product remains applicable tothis xxx Rotorcraft FlightManual
S200-xxx Master DocumentList No certificate/ approval.The certificated Supplement No
S200-000-001 Revision 1.09, dated Aug 10, noise and/ or emissions levels of the S200-402-002, Revision 01.
2009. original productare unchanged and (EASA specific
remain applicable to this certificate/ RFMSupplement).or later
approval. revisions of the abovelisted
documents approved by
EASA- Latitude Technologies
Corporation Skynode S200-
xxx Master DocumentList No
10028911 ADVANCED REV. 2 FAA STC DHC-8-401, DHC-8-402 Installation of Coltech ATSCALL SystemFAA FAR Part 25 as per TCDS EASA.IM.A. -Installation of Coltech None 20/07/2011 Active 10028911
AVIONICS ST09347SC DHC-8-201, DHC-8-202 STC ST09347SC, Rev. 1, dated May 08, 2001. 191, Issue 4 (including ATSCALL iaw. AAT Master
(EASA.IM.A.S.03222) TECHNOLOGIESC/O SpecialConditions H-01 "Enhanced Drawing List 1078-000,Rev. B,
ASM Airworthiness Programme for dated February 01, 2001.-
Aeroplane Systems- ICA on EWIS") Airplane FlightManual
for DHC-8-100/200/300 SeriesCS 25/ Supplement Doc. No.
JAR 25 as per TCDS EASA.IM.A.191 1078-916, Rev. A, dated
Issue 4 (including SpecialConditions May06, 2001.- Maintenance
H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness iaw Bombardier Airplane
Programme for A... Maintenance ManualPSM
1-82-2, PSM1-84-7.or later
revisions of the above listed...
10028917 DART AEROSPACE TCCA STC BELL 412, 412EP "Full Vertical Reference Door for Left Hand As defined on FAA TCDS H4SW and -FMS-D205-761 Rev. A dated Full compliance has not been 10/03/2010 Active 10028917
Ltd. SH09-04 BELL 212, 214B, 214B-1, Vertical ReferenceOperations" H1SWThe Certification Basisfor the 26.01.2009 and TCCA demonstrated for
(EASA.IM.R.S.01556) BELL 204B, 205A-1, original product remains applicable approved 02.02.2009-FMS- airworthinessstandards29.1303(g)
tothis certificate/ approval. D412-761 Rev. A dated (h)(i)(j), 29.1321(b) and 29.1523(b)
29.01.2009 and TCCA forsingle pilotoperation from the
approved 02.02.2009-FMS- Left Seat resulting in a Restricted
D214-761 Rev. A dated Categoryclassification. When
29.01.2009 and TCCA conducting vertical reference work
approved 02.02.2009or later from thisposition with a single
revisions of the above listed pilot, the rotorc...
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2...
10028925 EUROCOPTER UK Ltd. CAA UK BK117 C-2 Bucher 16G stretcher FAR 29The Certification Basis for the -Flight Manual; EC UK BK117- None 19/02/2010 Active 10028925
RESPONSIBILITY original product remains applicable C2(EC145) Supplement No.
(EASA.R.S.01590) tothis certificate/ approvalThe 11or later revisions of the
certificated noise and/ or emissions above listed documents
levels of the original productare approved by EASA-Build
unchanged and remain applicable to standard/top drwg;
this certificate/ approval A3/1451194-01-1-ICA;
Maintenance requirements

04/01/2023 Page 142 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10028927 DUNCAN AVIATION, FAA STC MYSTERE FALCON MF900 EASA Validation of FAA STC ST01409WI- The Certification Basis for the original -Duncan Aviation Master Validation limited to Basic Mystere 19/02/2010 Active 10028927
INC. ST01409WI-D DInstallation of an L3Communications, product remains applicable tothis Document List No 06062208, Falcon MF900 aircraft model
(EASA.IM.A.S.03046) GH-3100 Electronic StandbyInstrument certificate/ approvalThe certificated RevisionC, datedFebruary
System(ESIS) in accordance with Duncan noise and/ or emissions levels of the 19th, 2008-Duncan Aviation
Aviation Inc MasterDocument List No original productare unchanged and Aeroplane Flight Manual
06062208, Revision C, dated February 19th, remain applicable to this certificate/ Supplement, No.
2008or later revisions approved by EASA in approval 060622020,Revision A,
accordance with EASA ED D... originally approved October
10th, 2006or later revisions of
the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
10028933 airplus engineering REV. 1 PA-46-310P Installation of Garmin GNS530W, GNS430W CS-23 Installation must be in None 07/02/2021 Active 10028933
GmbH and GMA347. accordance with AirPlus
(EASA.A.S.03609) Master Document
ListMD-0359-340530 Rev. 3
dated 19th Feb. 2010 or
Revisions.Operation must be
in accordance with AirPlus
Flight Manual
0530 and PO-0359-340401
Rev. 0dated 03rd Sept. 200...
10028945 CESSNA P.180 AVANTI, AVANTI II Installation of In-Flight Entertainment System The Certification Basis of the original -EASA approved Engineering None 22/02/2010 Active 10028945
DUESSELDORF in accordance withEngineering Order, Doc. product remains applicable tothis Order, Doc. No. 2009-9,
CITATIONSERVICE No. 2009-9 changeThe certificated noise and/ or RevisionB, dated05-Jan-2010,
CENTER GmbH emissions levels of the original or later approved Issue-EASA
productare unchanged and remain approved Airplane Flight
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement, Doc. No.
approval 200998,Revision A, dated 05-
Oct-2009, or later approved
Issue-Maintenance Manual
Supplement, Doc. No.
2009-9-10, Revision A,
10028946 TQAS - TOTAL B737-500 Installation of Floor proximity emergency The Certification Basis for the original Design Dossier CG-008-09- None 22/02/2010 Active 10028946
QUALITY AND photo luminescentpath. product and the followingadditional CPO dated February 11th
AIRCRAFTSOLUTIONS or alternative airworthiness 2010.AFM Supplement
, LDA requirements are applicable tothis CG-008-09-AFM Iss.1or later
certificate/ approvalAdditional revisions of the abovelisted
Certification Requirements as agreed documents approved by EASA
for FAA and TransportCanada have
been accounted for. If specific AFM
pages exist, those ar...
10028999 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 2 A319-115 ACJ Centre Modification CJ0400 - VIP Cabin The Certification Basis for the original 1. Modification Approval This STC is limited to Airbus A319 22/11/2013 Active 10028999
Interior - "ACROPOLIS"Revision due to product as amendedby thefollowing Sheet ref: CJ0400, Issue 3 MSN 3826Prior to installation of
(EASA.A.S.03735) update of AFM-S and MPD-S additional or alternative "Top this design change it must be
airworthiness requirements as ModificationACROPOLIS" determined thatthe
listedin the General CRI G-4111 dated 24th October 20132. interrelationship between this
"ACJC Project Certification Basis".The AFM Supplement Ref: FM-S design change and any
requirements for environmental MOD CJ0400, Rev. 02, dated otherpreviously installed design
protection and the 1st October 20133. MPD change and/ or repair will
associatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement Ref: MPD-S MOD introducenoadverse effect upon
emissions lev... CJ0400, Rev. 03, dated 1st the airworthiness of the
October 2013or later product.The i...
revisions of the above listed
documents appro...
10029002 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK PA-31 Installation of defence aid antennas and CS-23The Certification Basis for the -Master Data List None 25/02/2010 Active 10029002
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY systems original product remains applicable MDL1116-01 Issue 2-Change
tothis certificate/ approvalThe Statement CS1116-01 Issue 2-
certificated noise and/ or emissions Instructions for Continued
levels of the original productare Airworthiness ICA1116-01or
unchanged and remain applicable to later revisions of the above
this certificate/ approval listed documents approved by

04/01/2023 Page 143 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029004 airplus engineering REV. 1 CESSNA 501, 551 Installation of Avidyne TAS 620 and EASA CS-23The certificated noise Flight Manual None 07/02/2021 Active 10029004
GmbH Honeywell KGP 860 and/ or emissions levels of the Supplements:PO-0673-34000
original productare unchanged and 1, Rev. 1PO-0673-340002,
remain applicable tothis certificate/ Rev. 1Installation Manual and
approval Instructions for Continued
00, Rev. 3or later revisions of
the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10029007 S.E.A.M.SERVICE BEECH 58P STC 2589/09 - Radio B-RNAV avec couplage The Certification Basis for the original Supplément au manuel de vol Limited to: S/N TJ-74 25/02/2010 Active 10029007
ELECTRONIC PA product and the followingadditional SEAM/SMV/2789/09 rev 1 du
AVIATION or alternative airworthiness 24/02/2010or later revisions
MARINES.A.R.L. requirements are applicable tothis of the above listed documents
certificate/ approvalCS-23The approved by EASA
certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the original productare
unchanged and remain applicable to
this certificate/ appro...
10029061 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GIV-X Aircraft completion and installation of an JAR 25The Certification Basis for the Install in accordance with This approval is limited to S/N 11/06/2010 Active 10029061
AEROSPACE ST03752AT-D Airplane Interior, S/N 4180 original product remains applicable Master Index List 4180 only.The following STC's are
CORPORATION tothis certificate/ approvalThe GC414914180, Revision required part of this
certificated noise and/ or emissions D,dated 10 February, 2010.or STC:ST02979AT-D, ST02980AT-D,
levels of the original productare later revisions of the above ST02987AT-D, ST03027AT-D,
unchanged and remain applicable to listed documents approved by ST03047AT-D,ST03290AT-D,
this certificate/ approval EASA inaccordance with EASA ST03410AT-D, ST03532AT-D, and
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or ST03647AT-D.It is he installers
subsequent revisions ofthis responsibility to ensure all these
decision) STC's are EASAapproved.
10029069 GROWING REV. 2 B747-400 Reconfiguration of Virgin Atlantic Airlines The Certification Basis for the original C747-25-1005-ICA-01 Approval of the Life Vests is not a 20/04/2021 Active 10029069
ENGINEERING B747-400 Aft Upper Deck inaccordance with product and the followingadditional Instructions for Continued part of this STC.
PARTNERS GmbH SR Technics Master Data List C747-25-1005- or alternative airworthiness Airworthiness Rev.
MDL Rev. 0. orlater approved revisionsRev.2: requirements are applicable tothis 0C747-25-1005-WBR-01
Transfer of STC from SR Technics Switzerland certificate/ approval.The applicant Weight and Balance report
to groWINGEngineeringPartners GmbH elected to comply to FAR Part 25 at Rev. 0or later revisions of the
amendment 128 exceptfor the above listed documents
following requirements which remain approved byEASA
at TCDS level.25.305, 2...
10029073 PROTOPLANE BEECH 200 Video transmission mast under a Beech 200. The Certification Basis for the original PP-012-MDL-05, Master Data All associated Audio/Video Relay 01/03/2010 Active 10029073
SPECIAL MISSION product remains applicable tothis List, Issue 5, dated 1 March electronic systems and antennas
(EASA.A.S.03952) AIRCRAFT certificate/ approval.The certificated 2010PP-012-AMM-03 must beturned off during VOR
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Supplement to Aircraft navigation and before beginning
original productare unchanged and Maintenance Manual, Rev.3 the approach.
remain applicable to this certificate/ dated 5thof February
approval. 2010PP-012-ICA-00
Supplement to Instructions
for Continued
Airworthiness,Rev.0 dated
23rd of January 2010PP-012-
AFM-08 Supplement to
Aircraft Flight Manual...
10029091 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 747-400 Introduction of changes to the cabin layout in The Type and OSD Certification Bases EASA AFM supplement 11427- Prior to installation of this change/ 09/11/2021 Active 10029091
LIMITEDEUROPE accordance with ATLModification Summary for the original product as AFM-0001 Issue 1, Installation repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03891) S.A.S. MOD-11427-00001Part A: introduces a amendedby the following additional ofPhoto-luminescent Aisle thatthe interrelationship between
seating configuration of 22 business class and or alternative airworthiness Path Marking System, shall be this change/repair and any
440economy classPart B: introduces all requirements:The certification basis used with otherpreviously installed change
emergency equipment necessary to comply is CS25 at change 4 for changed parts theaircraftInstructions for and/ or repair willintroduce no
with therequirements for 22C 440Y except forthe following Continues Airworthiness adverseeffect upon the
passengers operat... requirement:FAR 25.835(d) at amndt included in ATL Mod airworthiness of the product.
59The requirements for SummaryMOD11427-00001
environmentalc... Issue 4 shall be incorporated
in the
technicaldocumentation of
the aircraft.or late...
10029092 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK PA-31 ATC transponder upgrade for Mode S CS-23The certificated noise and/ or -Master Data List Not Applicable 03/03/2010 Active 10029092
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY enhanced surveillance emissions levels of theoriginal MDL1120-01 Issue 1-Change
productare unchanged and remain Statement CS1120-01 Issue 1-
applicable to thiscertificate/ approval Flight Manual Supplement
AFMS-1120-01 Issue1-
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness ICA1120-01
Issue 1or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 144 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029093 AERODATA AG 1329-25 Avionics Upgrade for RVSM The Certification Basis for the original Aerodata's documents Limited to: S/N 5226 03/03/2010 Active 10029093
CompatibilityDesign definition: Aerodata's product and the followingadditional reference:-AFM-069 Rev. 2,
(EASA.A.S.03846) documents reference MDL-A/C-075 Rev. or alternative airworthiness 11/02/2010,EASA approved
3,23/02/2010,Master Document List requirements are applicable tothis supplement to Flight
certificate/ approvalAs defined in Manualand-AMM-748 Rev. 2,
"Lockheed 1329-25 Jetstar II Avionics 22/02/2010, supplement to
Upgrade for RVSMCompatibility (P- Maintenance Manual,
EASA.A.S.03846) CRI A-01", issue 1.B, includingEASapproved
26/02/2010The c... Chapter 5, "Time Limits/
Maintenance Checks"or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10029094 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC 777-200 Remove EWIS limitation for EASA STC No. The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC ST02051SEFSI Master Concurrent installation of EASA 04/10/2010 Active 10029094
- FSI ST02051SE 10029094 - First Class SeatInstallation product and the followingadditional drawing List A7FS703-D01 STC No. 10029095 (EASA Project
(EASA.IM.A.S.02978) or alternative airworthiness Revision D dated 21 June No.P-EASA.IM.A.S.03043) is
requirements are applicable tothis 2010A7FS703-D15 Revision C requiredConcurrent installation of
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01 dated 13 July 2010 EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S.01797
EWISThe requirements for Supplemental Instructions is required
environmental protection and the forContinued Airworthinessor
associatedcertificated noise and/ or later revisions of the above
emissions levels of the original p... listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
10029095 NORTHWEST FAA STC B777-200 First Class Cabin Upgrade - BA 777-200 EASA TCDS No. IM.A.003The -FAA STC No. ST02052SE Concurrent installation of EASA 03/03/2010 Active 10029095
AEROSPACE ST02052SE Aircraft Certification Basis for the original dated 24 February 2010.-FAA STC No. 10029094 (EASA Project
(EASA.IM.A.S.03043) TECHNOLOGIESINC. product remains applicable tothis SoC dated 26 February 2010.- NoP-EASA.IM.A.S.02978) is
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Northwest Aerospace required.Concurrent installation of
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Technologies, Inc. (NAT) EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S.01797
original productare unchanged and Master Drawing ListN0305- is required.This modification may
remain applicable to this certificate/ D10, Revision D dated 2 not be installed after 30 August
approval February 2010 or later 2010 unless (1)previously
approved revision.or later approved electrical wiring
revisions of theabove listed interconnect system (EWI...
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EA...
10029101 AEROLITE AG REV. 5 B200, B200GT Emergency Medical Services Interior The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation of EMS equipment P/N 230001-501 applicable to 03/03/2020 Active 10029101
Equipment Kit: P/N 230001-501 andP/N original product remains applicableto in accordance with Aerolite Beechcraft model B200 MSN
(EASA.A.S.03979) 230001-502. this certificate/ approval.The documentMDL-09-009, at BB-1868, BB-2001and subsequent;
requirements for environmental revision G, dated February 13, P/N 230001-502 applicable to
protection and the 2020;Operation and Beechcraft model B200GT.Prior to
associatedcertified noise and/ or Maintenance of Kit P/N installation of this change/repair it
emissions levels of the product are 230001-501 in accordance must be determined thatthe
unchangedand remain applicable to with Aircraft Flight Manual interrelationship betweenthis
this certificate/approval without any Supplement, Aerolite change/repair and any
im... document FMS-09-005,at otherpreviously installed
revision B, dated June 25, changee...
2015; Oper...
10029103 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) REV. 2 CAA UK A319, A320, A321 Installation of Runway Turnoff and Logo The Certification Basis for the original - Modification Summary Sheet Restricted to the aircraft listed in 20/10/2010 Active 10029103
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY Lights. Minor Change to EASA STC10029103, product and the followingadditional and Declaration of doc. N° H4ADR530 -
Rev.1 issue date 31.03.2010 granted to H4 or alternative airworthiness Compliance doc. N°H4A1269 MasterEffectivity List for Goodrich
Aerospace (UK) Ltd.Minor change approval is requirements are applicable tothis Issue 5 dated 10/09/10.- RTO and Logo Light Installation.
sought to reflect the up issue wording of certificate/ approvalCRI H-01 / SC Instructions for Continued
theinstructions of continued airworthiness Enhanced Airworthiness Programme Airworthiness doc. N°
including the FAA approval intheir for Aeroplane Systems -ICA on H4ADR512 Issue 3dated
airworthines... EWIS.The certificated noise and/ or 10/09/2010 and N°H4ADR513
emissions levels of the o... Issue 3 dated 10/09/2010.-
Master Document List doc. N
°H4ADR525 Issue 5 and N°
H4ADR526 Issue 4.- Master...
10029105 NASCO AIRCRAFT FAA STC 747-300 SERIES Installation and Replacement of Steel Brake The Certification Basis for the original NASCO Components None 05/03/2010 Active 10029105
BRAKE, INC. ST02664LA 747-200F SERIES, Components in accordancewith NASCO's product remains applicable tothis Maintenance Manual 747001
747-200C SERIES, Configuration Control Drawing, Report certificate/ approvalThe certificated shall be used with
747-200B SERIES, Number NCC 009,Revision A, dated noise and/ or emissions levels of the thesebrakesor later revisions
747-100 SERIES, December 2, 2009, or later FAA approved original productare unchanged and of the above listed documents
revision. remain applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA
approval inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis

04/01/2023 Page 145 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029107 DART AEROSPACE REV. 1 FAA SR00949SE A119, AW119MKII Fabrication of DART Aerospace USA, Inc. The Certification Basis for the original 1. Master Document List 1. Model A109S must be operated 14/05/2020 Active 10029107
USA, Inc. A109S/ A119/ AW119MKII D119-647-011/-013 Bearpaws andinstallation product remains applicable tothis MDL-D119-647, Revision G, in accordance with Rotorcraft
of this modification. certificate/ approval, except where dated 5 March 2020, orlater FlightManual Supplement (RFMS)
amended by additional or FAA approved revision.2. FMS-D109-647, Revision A, dated
lateramendments if indicated on FAA Installation Instructions IIN- 8 April 2020,or later FAA approved
STC.Therequirements for D119-647, Revision B, dated 1 revision.2. Model A109S must
environmental protection and the November2019, orlater FAA have Trekker kit part number
associatedcertified noise and/ or approved revision.3. 109G0000F01 installed.3. Prior to
emissions levels of the original pro... Instructions for Continued installation of this design change it
Airworthiness, ICA-D119-647< must be de...
(>,<)>Revision 1, dated 25
10029112 CESKA LETECKA L-420 Dual Mode-S Transponder upgrade for EHS The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplements:- None 05/03/2010 Active 10029112
SERVISNI A.S. L-410 UVP-E-LW, L-410 UVP- capability product and the followingadditional No. AC186-2501: FMS Unit
E20, or alternative airworthiness UNS-1Fw, issued January
L-410 UVP-E9, L-410 UVP- requirements are applicable tothis 2010-No. AC186-2502:
LW, certificate/ approvalCS-23, Amdt 1, Supplement No.5 - TCAS-94
L-410M, L-410 UVP, L-410 dated 12/02/2009Special Conditions: (SW7.0) a odpovídač S
UVP-E EASA INT POL 23/1 (HIRF) ModuTDR-94D Rockwell
Collins, issued January
2010MEL Supplement:-No.
AC186-2801: MODE S EHS,
issued January 2010
10029133 PHOENIX CAA UK AS355F2, AS355N, AS355NP Installation of Skywatch L3 Traffic avoidance As specified on EASA TCDS R.146The -PADS/FMS/AS355/001 Not Applicable 08/03/2010 Active 10029133
AEROSPACE LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY AS355E, AS355F, AS355F1, and Honeywell's KMD250 MFD Certification Basis for the original revision A - Flight Manual
(EASA.R.S.01515) product remains applicable tothis Supplementorlater revisions
certificate/ approvalCS-27 change 2 of the above listed documents
dated 17 November 2008 used for approved by EASA-PADS/
this STCThe certificated noise and/ or MDL/1115/001 revision A
emissions levels of the original dated 26 February 2008 -
productare unchanged and remain Master Documentlist;-PADS/
applicable to this cer... CP/1115 revision B dated 26
February2008 - Change
Embodiment andApproval
10029134 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 1 A340-600 A340-600 Cabin Retrofit Etihad ETD06EASA The Certification Basis for the original -,,Supplemental Type Prior to installation of this design 13/05/2013 Active 10029134
AG STC 10029134 revision due to removal of product as amendedby thefollowing Definition Document, ref. change it must be determined
EWIS limitation additional or alternative Doc. No thatthe interrelationship between
airworthiness requirements:- Special STDD00-09/20M,Issue 1, this design change and any
Condition(s): CRI E-19 "Mini suites"- dated 24th February otherpreviously installed design
the following paragraph(s) at a later 2010-,,Compliance Record List change and/ or repair will
amendment: CS-25 Amdt. ref. doc. No. CRL 00-09/20M introduce noadverse effect upon
5,Appendix H "Electrical Wiring iss.2, dated 24thApril the airworthiness ofthe product.
Interconnection System".The re... 2013-,,Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness, ref.
Doc. No.A-25-10/011-ICA,
Issue 1, dated 15th February.
10029165 EUROCOPTER UK Ltd. CAA UK MBB-BK117-C2 Martin Baker Swivelling Passenger Seats EASA TCDS R.010The Certification -ECUK RFMS Number 9, Issue None 09/03/2010 Active 10029165
RESPONSIBILITY Basis for the original product remains 1or later revisions of the
(EASA.R.S.01591) applicable tothis certificate/ approval abovelisted documents
approved by EASA-Eurocpter
UK Design Report DR/
145/1196 Iss A.
10029201 ROEDER PRAEZISION CESSNA P210N Ferry Tank Provisioning The Certification Basis for the original -Engineering Order Limited to Aircraft S/N P210 00629 11/03/2010 Active 10029201
GMBH product remains applicable tothis 725EO280010-01A-"POH
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Supplement for Cessna
noise and/ or emissions levels of the P210N, S/N P21000629", Doc.
original productare unchanged and No. 7725 AM 280010 01A,
remain applicable to this certificate/ Revision 1, dated 18 February
approval 2010or later revisions of the
abovelisted documents
approved by EASA
10029207 DART AEROSPACE TCCA STC 204B, 205A-1 "Adjustable Engine Mount Kit" The Certification Basis for the original -MDL-D205-708 Rev. C Master None 11/03/2010 Active 10029207
Ltd. SH99-11 ISSUE 5 product remains applicable tothis Document List-IIN-D205-708
(EASA.IM.R.S.01485) certificate/ approvalThe certificated Rev.A Installation
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Instructions-ICA-D205-708
original productare unchanged and Rev. 0 Instructions for
remain applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness

04/01/2023 Page 146 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029211 BUCHER LEICHTBAU REV. 14 EC635 T1, EC635 T2+, EC635 Bucher Ambulance and Rescue System (EMS The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Flight Manual Supplement Prior to installation of this change/ 28/04/2021 Active 10029211
AG T3 Installation) ARA-EC135-AC67List of revisions original product remains applicableto FMS-AC67FLEX Revision C- repair it must be determined
EC635 P2+, EC635 P3 to STC 10029211 for EMS Bucher Ambulance this certificate/ approval.The Flight Manual Supplement thatthe interrelationship between
EC135 T2+, EC135 T3 & RescueSystem P/N ARA-EC135-AC67:Initial requirements for environmental FMS-AC67 Revision AL- this change/repair and any
EC135 T1, EC135 T2 Revision:-The presented EMS Equipment protection and the Master Document otherpreviously installed change
EC135 P2+, EC135 P3 describes a fully integrated interior ofmedical associatedcertified noise and/ or ListE0012480 Revision NC- and/ or repair willintroduce no
EC135 P1, EC135 P2 support devices. See Equipment List emissions levels of the product are Operation Manual adverseeffect upon the
E015-55-... unchangedand remain applicable to Supplement E014-01-20 airworthiness of the product.
this certificate/approval without any Revision 02or later revisions
im... of the above listed document
(s) approved/acceptedunder
the EASA system.
10029212 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GIV-X, GV-SP Installation of Fwd & Aft Lavatory Smoke The Certification Basis for the original -Installed in accordance with None 10/05/2012 Active 10029212
AEROSPACE ST03738AT-D Detectors. product remains applicable tothis Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION certificate/ approval.The Corporation IndexList, ref.
requirements for environmental GC414558002, Revision G,
protection and the dated 13th September 2010-
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Instruction for Continued
emissions levels of the original Airworthiness, ref.
product areunchanged and remain GC42455A000, Revision
applicable to this certificate/ A,dated 28th July 2010or later
approval. revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance w...
10029213 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GULFSTREAM GV-SP, GIV-X Installation of a Generation 3, Broad Band JAR 25.The Certification Basis for the Install in accordance with The installer must determine 12/03/2010 Active 10029213
AEROSPACE ST03667AT-D Multi-Link (BBML) System. original product remains applicable Gulfstream Aerospace whether this design change is
CORPORATION tothis certificate/ approval.The CorporationIndex compatiblewith previously
certificated noise and/ or emissions ListGC413038009, Revision E, approved modifications. If the
levels of the original productare dated 10 September, holder agrees to permitanother
unchanged and remain applicable to 2009.Aircraft to be operated person to use this certificate to
this certificate/ approval. in accordance with:-Airplane alter the product, the holdershall
FlightManual Supplement, give the other person written
GC41303M012, Revision NC, evidence of that permission.
datedSeptember10, 2009,
orAirplane Flight Manual
10029215 BEECHCRAFT FAA STC B300 SERIES STC SA01502WI-D issued to allow FAR 23.The Certification Basis for the Installation Instructions None. 12/03/2010 Active 10029215
CORPORATION SA01502WI-D modification of the FGC-3000 units as original product remains applicable Replacement of FGC-3000 in a
asolution to eliminate nuisance pitch trim tothis certificate/ approval.The Hawker
wheel movement. certificated noise and/ or emissions BeechcraftCorporation King
levels of the original productare Air B300/B300C, P/N
unchanged and remain applicable to RCA-2463, dated January 28,
this certificate/ approval. 2008Instructions for Initial
and ContinuedAirworthiness,
P/NAMI-STC-B2B3P21, Rev 9
dated September 18, 2009 or
s for Initial an...
10029220 BEECHCRAFT FAA STC GIV-X Installation of cabin interior and Airplane JAR 25.The Certification Basis for the Install in accordance with This approval is limited to only the 12/03/2010 Active 10029220
CORPORATION ST03749AT-D Completion for Serial 4175. original product remains applicable Master Index List installation made in
tothis certificate/ approval.The GC414914175, Revision GulfstreamGIV-X, Serial No
certificated noise and/ or emissions H,dated January 27, 2010.or 4175.The following STC’s are a
levels of the original productare later revisions of the above required part of this STC:
unchanged and remain applicable to listed documents approved by ST02228CH-D, ,,ST02979AT-D,
this certificate/ approval. EASA inaccordance with EASA ST02980AT-D, ST02987AT-D,
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or ST03047AT-D, ST03290AT-D,
subsequent revisions ofthis ST03410AT-D, ST03532AT-D,
decision) ST03542AT-D, ST03648AT-
D,ST03649AT-D, ST03667AT-D,...
10029239 AERO CONSULTING TCCA LSTC C- PC-12/47E Installation, Lifeport PLUS Units in Tandem Canadian Airworthiness Manual -Installation in accordance The applicability of the present 15/03/2010 Active 10029239
SERVICES LTD. LSA10-010/D Configuration Chapter 523, Change 3 dated January with ACS-NAI Ltd. STC is limited to AircraftS/N:
2,1992 which is equivalent to 14 CFR Modification Data 1165Refer to the Limitations
23, Normal Category, SummaryG456000 Rev N/C or section in the TCCA-approved
effectiveFebruary 4, 1991, including later approved revisions.- Airplane FlightManual Supplement
Amendments 23-1 through Operation in accordance with listed in associated technical
23-42.The Certification Basis for the Pilot's Operating Handbook documentation
original productand the andTCCA-Approved Airplane
followingadditional or alternative Flight Manual Supplement
airworthiness req... EGR-855-11-02 Rev A "PLUS
Installation" Pilatus PC-12/47E
for aircraft S/N 11...

04/01/2023 Page 147 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029243 SOCATA REV. 4 TB 21 Installation of Garmin G500 EFIS Interfaced The Certification Basis for the original Installation Instructions n°STC The modified airplane must be 23/10/2012 Active 10029243
TB 20 with a dual Garmin GNS430W/530W product and the followingadditional, Edition 1 equipped with:- an attitude
(EASA.A.S.03962) communication and navigation system, for or alternative airworthiness Revision 0dated indicator, an airspeed indicator, an
IFR B-RNAV/P-RNAVoperations with coupling requirements are applicable tothis 05/10/2012 ;Instructions for altitude indicator, amagnetic
to autopilot.Revision 3 of the STC including certificate/ approval: CS 23The continued airworthiness n heading indicator and a
the extent to RNP LNAV and LPV Certificated noise and/ or emissions °STC Edition radionavigation indicator
approachoperations.Revision 4 correcting levels of the original productare 1Revision 0, dated independentfrom the G500 EFIS<
typographic mistakes ind... unchanged and remain applicable to 05/01/2010;LRU software (>,<)>- a third radionavigation
this certificate/ app... versions listing n°STC orradiocommunciation equipment Edition 3 independentfrom and not similar...
Revision 0dated
12/07/2012 ;Master Drawing
list and Part...
10029250 AERO TECHNICS CAA UK B767, L100/L1011, B777 Introduction of Instone Airservices Airstable Various as applicable to aircraft types Certification Plan ATD0311 or This STC is approved only for the 26/03/2010 Active 10029250
DESIGN LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY B747-400, DC-8, Horse/FreightContainerP/N 73-90-343. listed for installationThe Certification later revisions of the above product configuration as defined
DC-10.MD-11, Basis for the original product listeddocuments approved by inthe approved design data
A300, A310 remainsapplicable tothis certificate/ EASA referred to in the paragraph
approval. ’Description’. Compatibility with all
aircraft configurations shall be
determined bythe installer.
10029263 ADVANCED REV. 2 FAA STC DHC-8-201, DHC-8-202 Installation of Honeywell Traffic Alert and FAR-25 as per EASA.IM.A.191, Issue 4 Installation of Honeywell none 20/07/2011 Active 10029263
AVIONICS ST09346SC Collision Avoidance System,TCAS IIFAA STC (incl. SC H-01 ICA on EWIS).The Traffic Alert and Collision
(EASA.IM.A.S.03221) TECHNOLOGIESC/O ST09326SC, Rev.1, dated 14 November 2000. Certification Basis for the original Avoidance System,TCAS II iaw.
ASM product remains applicable tothis AAT Master Drawing List
certificate/ approval.The 1065-000, Rev. B, dated
requirements for environmental March 17,1997.Airplane Flight
protection and the Manual SupplementDoc. No.
associatedcertificated noise and/or 1065-916, Rev. IR.-
emissions levels of the original Maintenance iaw Bombardier
product areunch... Airplane Maintenance Manual
PSM 1-82-2.or later revisions
of the...
10029265 airplus engineering REV. 2 SEE APPROVED MODEL LIST Enabeling of SVT Functionalities on Garmin The Certification Basis for the original -Flight Manual Supplement: The aircraft must have been 10/02/2021 Active 10029265
GmbH (AML) G5/600 System (Revision ofEASA STC product and the followingadditional PO-0328-340000, Rev. 3or already equipped with Garmin
(EASA.A.S.03811) 10029265) or alternative airworthiness later revisions of the above G5/600System(s) according to
requirements are applicable tothis listed documents approved by EASA STC 10029265.
certificate/ approvalCS-23 EASA-Description of
Amendment 2(not required by 21A. Modification:
101)The certificated noise and/ or DE-0328-000000, Rev. 4-
emissions levels of the original Engineering Work Order:
productare unchanged and remain... EW-0328-340000, Rev. 3
10029272 AIRBUS DEFENCE REV. 7 A330-202, A330-203, Conversion of A330-200 Series A/C to A330 The Certification Basis (CB) for the For Configuration 1 RAAF This STC only covers the 02/07/2021 Active 10029272
AND SPACE S.A. A330-243 Multi Role Transport Tanker(MRTT) RAAF original product remains applicableto (Tranche 1 and Tranche 2)- installation of external
(EASA.A.S.02790) (Royal Australian Air Force), RSAF (Royal this certificate/ approval.This “Aircraft A330 MRTT Design aerodynamic devices(two
Saudi Arabian AirForce) and UAE (United certificate/approval involves a Definition for STC” document underwing pods, boom, receptacle
Arabic Emirates Force)Rev. 1 of this STC has change with an impact on the ref.DT-FA-ANC-09077 Issue B.- for refueling, antennas, fairings,in
been issued in order to add Configuration noisedatabase and/or emission Airplane Flight Manual case they are equipped with) with
2.Rev. 2 of this STC has been issued in order levels. Supplement “EASA Approved the associated
to c... A330 MRTT AirplaneFlight structuralmodifications, the
Manual” documentref. DT-FA- modification of some basic aircraft
C00-08025, Issue as systems, theinstallation of some
referenced in STC 10069541 inoperati...
10029274 TRIUMPH REV. 1 FAA STC CL-600-2D15, CL-600-2D24 Triumph Replacement Hydraulic EASA.IM.A.023.The Certification EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S. None. 17/03/2010 Active 10029274
INSTRUMENTS ST02236LA CL-600-2B19, CL-600-2C10 Accumulators. Basis for the original product remains 03255 dated 27 July 2009.FAA
(EASA.IM.A.S.03255) BURBANK Inc. applicable tothis certificate/ STC No. ST02236LA dated 23
approval.The certificated noise and/ April 2009.FAA Approved
or emissions levels of the original Model List (AML) ST02236LA
productare unchanged and remain dated 29 December
applicable to this certificate/ 2009.Instructions for
approval. Continued Airworthiness
(ICA), Triumph Master
ReportNumber ICAW-MR-
STI3664, Revision NC dated 23
April 2009 or laterapproved

04/01/2023 Page 148 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029275 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009.The Certification Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9323.Refer to 17/03/2010 Active 10029275
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9323. Basis for the original product remains reference C-10-0011 dated 11 the Limitations sections ofthe
applicable tothis certificate/ March 2010.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement and
approval.The certificated noise and/ SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 tothe referenced
or emissions levels of the original October 2004.Aero Consulting FCOMS.WLANsystem is compatible
productare unchanged and remain Services Configuration only to IEEE 802.11(b).
applicable to this certificate/ Definition List D954000
approval. RevisionDY dated 03 March
2010.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
GC93230000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the above list...
10029282 BOMBARDIER TCCA STC CL-600-2B16 Installation, Un-Upholstered Headliner, EASA IM.A.023.The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. None. 17/03/2010 Active 10029282
AEROSPACE SA10-21 Rockwell Collins HUD. for the original product remains SA10-21 Issue 1 dated 04
applicable tothis certificate/ March 2010.ACS-NAI Ltd.
approval.The certificated noise and/ Modification Data Summary
or emissions levels of the original Number G523000 Revision NC
productare unchanged and remain orlater approved revision.For
applicable to this certificate/ Instructions for Continued
approval. Airworthiness, refer to ACS-
NAI Ltd.G523070-ICA Revision
NC or later approved
revision.or later revisions of
the abo...
10029290 FORCED FAA STC SR22 Installation of BAR Air, LLC modified Teledyne CS-23.BThe Certification Basis for the MDL-SR22-1-A, Rev EAirplane As referred in limitations section 17/03/2010 Active 10029290
AEROMOTIVE SA10925SC Continental MotorsIO-550-N iaw. MDL- original product andthe Flight Manual Supplement of the AFM-S 22006Enginemust be
TECHNOLOGIES SR22-1-A, Rev. E or later FAA approved followingadditional or alternative 22006,Rev AICA 22006-30, modified acc. EASA STC 10028703
revisions.Installation requires EASA STC airworthiness requirements are Rev Eor later revisions of the
10028703 to be installed. applicable tothis certificate/ above listed documents
approval.The certificated noise and/ approved by EASA
or emissions levels of the original inaccordance with EASA ED
productare unchanged and remain Decision 2004/04/CF (or
applicable to this certificate/ ap... subsequent revisions ofthis
10029315 FIELD AVIATION TCCA STC DHC-8-315 Installation of a HF Antenna into the Vertical FAR-25 as per EASA.IM.A.191.The Installation must be in Prior to installation of this 18/03/2010 Active 10029315
COMPANY INC. SA02-86 DHC-8-202, -301, -311, -314 Stabilizer Leading Edgefor an Allied Signal Certification Basis for theoriginal accordance with Field modification it must be
DHC-8-102, -103, -106, -201 KHF-950 HF Transceiver.TCCA STC SA02-86, product and the followingadditional Aviation Company determined thatthe
Issue 2 or alternativeairworthiness Inc.Modification Instructions interrelationship between this
requirements are applicable tothis 178010, Rev. AMaintenance modification and any other
certificate/ approval.Special must be in accordance with previouslyinstalled modification
Condition H-01 "Enhanced Field Aviation Company and/ or repair will introduce no
Airworthiness Programme for Inc.Maintenance Manual adverse effectupon the
AeroplaneSystems - ICA on EWIS" as Supplement 178031, dated 15 airworthiness of the product.
detailed in C... January 2002.or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10029324 BELL TEXTRON L 200 A, L 200 D Installation of Aspen EDF-1000 "PRO" and CS-23, Amdt. 1, dated 12 February L 200 D Flight Manual None. 18/03/2010 Active 10029324
PRAGUE, a.s. EFD-1000 "PILOT", GNS 430W, GTX330, KR 2009 including JAA Interim Supplements No.:·,,FM 34
(EASA.A.S.03854) 87, KN 62A and ELT ME406 systems. PoliciesNo: INT/POL/23/1 (HIRF) and 20/01 001 Primary Flight
INT/POL/23/3 (IEL). System EFD1000 Pro, dated
Nov 27/09·,,FM 34 20/01 002
Primary Flight System
EFD1000 Pilot, dated Nov
27/09·,,FM 34 50/01 001 GPS/
430W, dated Nov 27/09·,,FM
34 50/01 002 Mode-S
Transponder GTX 330, dated
Nov 27/...
10029325 SILVERHAWK FAA STC C90, E90, C90A AIRCRAFT Installation of Pratt and Whitney Canada CS-23.B NSC Installation of Pratt & None 18/03/2010 Active 10029325
CONVERSIONS SA10741SC BEECHCRAFT KING AIR PT6A - 135A Engines. Whitney PT6A-135 engines in
(EASA.IM.A.S.02962) accordance withDrawing No.
70101-00, Rev. IR, dated 06.
June 2007 or later
must be in accordance with
Aircraft Flight Manual
SupplementNo. AFMS 70101-
C90 dated 20. September
2007 or later approved
revisionfor the Model C9...

04/01/2023 Page 149 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029332 WESTERN AVIONICS REV. 1 TCCA STC DHC-8-311, -314, -315 Primus 800 Weather Radar InstallationTCCA FAR-25 as per EASA.IM.A.191The Installation must be in A previously approved Weather 30/11/2010 Active 10029332
SA03-53 ISSUE 1 DHC-8-201, -202, -301, STC SA03-53, Issue 1, dated Certification Basis for the original accordance with Western Radar System installation is
DHC-8-102, -103, -106, 28.05.2003.Removal of the limitation for product and the followingadditional Avionics EngineeringOrder aprerequisite for the installation.
Instructions for Continued Airworthinesson or alternative airworthiness 90404-401, Rev.
Electrical Wiring Interconnection System - requirements are applicable tothis 2.Maintenance must be in
EWIS ICA - in accordancewith Special certificate/ approvalSpecial Condition accordance with Western
Condition H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness Avionics MaintenanceManual
Programme forAeroplane Syst... Programme for AeroplaneSystems - Supplement 90404-701, Rev.
ICA on EWIS" as detailed in CRI... 2.or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/...
10029335 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 T310P, T310Q, T310R Alternative Supplemenal Inspection CS-23.BThe Certification Basis for the According to Gomolzig MDL As referred in limitations section 20/01/2022 Active 10029335
Service GmbH E310H, E310J Document (A-SID)Rev. 1 Transfer to ACC original product remains applicable Document No. of the 3A10_A-SID_Maintenance
310P, 310Q, 310R Columbia Jet Service GmbH tothis certificate/ approval MDOCL21530_REV0_1512200 ManualSupplement_21530Alterati
310J, 310J-1, 310K, 310L, 9To be operated and on to A-SID is subject to written
310N maintained in accordance permission of approval holderThis
310E, 310F, 310G, 310H, with approved modification is only limited to S/N
310I, GomolzigDocument No. listed in EASA approvedGomolzig
310, 310A, 310B, 310C, 3A10_A-SID_Maintenance DocumentNo. 21530_Master
310D, Manual Supplement_21530, Aircraft Application
OriginalIssueCP_21530_rev_0 ControlList_REV0_15122...
_15112009or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10029339 AERO MEDICAL FAA STC CESSNA 501, 551 Installation of Air Ambulance Conversion iaw. CS-23.BThe Certification Basis for the Installation Drawing List As referred in limitations section 19/03/2010 Active 10029339
PRODUCTS Co. Inc. ST01188CH Aero Medical Products MfgInstallation original product remains applicable Report 006-1Airplane Flight of the AFM-SPrior to thefirst flight
Drawing List Report 006-1 or later FAA tothis certificate/ approval Manual Supplement to of each modified aircraft, and after
approved revisions ST01188CH (EA Form 171-C) eachchange to any of the
MMS to ST01188CHor later communication, Navigational, or
revisions of the above listed Med Pack equipment,a ground
documents approved by EASA EMI test must be conducted iaw.
inaccordance with EASA ED EA Form 173.A copy of EA
Decision 2004/04/CF (or Form173 must be kept with the
subsequent revisions ofthis aircraft records...
10029348 APICAL INDUSTRIES, FAA STC 206L-3, 206L-4 Bell 206 Cable Cutter Kit FAR 27The Certification Basis for the -MD206-21, revision A dated None 19/03/2010 Active 10029348
Inc. SR02271LA 206A, 206B, 206L, 206L-1, original product remains applicable 10 November 2009 - Master
tothis certificate/ approvalThe Document List;-ICA206-21
certificated noise and/ or emissions revision N/C dated 16 July
levels of the original productare 2009 - Instructions for
unchanged and remain applicable to ContinuedAirworthiness.or
this certificate/ approval later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10029380 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 CESSNA T182T Camera Modification KitRev. 1 Transfer to CS-23.CThe Certification Basis for the -Master Document List As referred in limitations section 26/01/2022 Active 10029380
Service GmbH CESSNA 182R, -S, T, T182 ACC Columbia Jet Service GmbH original product remains applicable MDOCL_2022177_rev0_0102 of the AFM-S:Airplane Flight
CESSNA 182L, -M, -N, -P, -Q, tothis certificate/ approval 2010-Airplane Flight Manual Manual Supplement
CESSNA 182F, -G, -H, -J, -K, Supplement SPOH_2022177_rev0_01022010
CESSNA 182, -A, -B, -C, -D, -E SPOH_2022177_rev0_010220 for Cessna182S, T and
10 for Cessna182S, T and T182TAnhang zum Flughandbuch
T182T-Anhang zum Kameraumrüstsatz C182-812000
Flughandbuch Ausgabe 21.03.97for Cessna 182, -
KameraumrüstsatzC182-8120 A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -F, -G, -H, -J ,-K, -L,
00 Ausgabe 21.03.97for -M, -N, -P,-Q, -R, T182
Cessna 182, -A, -B, -C, -D,-E, -
F, -G, -H, -J ,-K, -L, -M, -N, -P,-
Q, -R, T182-Installa...
10029398 U.S. TECHNICAL FAA STC B757-200, B757-300 Installation of navAero t.BagC2 Electronic The Certification Basis for the original -FAA STC ST02161LA-Master Not Applicable 23/03/2010 Active 10029398
CONSULTANTS, INC. ST02161LA Flight Bag product remains applicable tothis Drawing List 4913-23-000 rev
certificate/ approvalThe certificated B dated 05/02/08-AFMS
noise and/ or emissions levels of the U-10-0171 dated 08/11/08or
original productare unchanged and later revisionsof the above
remain applicable to this certificate/ listed documents approved by
approval EASA inaccordancewith EASA
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis

04/01/2023 Page 150 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029406 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 1 CAA UK 9. 58TC Amendment to existing STC 10029406 to add CS23The Certification Basis for the Master Data List MDL1112-02 None 03/01/2011 Active 10029406
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY 8. 95-C55, D55, E55, 58, 58P TAWS-B functionality andinclude optional original product remains applicable Issue 1Change Statement
7. 95-55, 95-A55, 95-B55 GAD43 autopilot interface unit. tothis certificate/ approvalThe CS1112-02 Issue 1Instructions
6. 36, A36, A36TC, B36TC requirements for environmental for Continued Airworthiness
5. S35, V35, V35A, V35B protection and the ICA1112-02 Issue 1Flight
4. J35, K35, M35, N35, P35 associatedcertificated noise and/ or Manual Supplement
3. E33C, F33, F33A, F33C, emissions levels of the original AFMS1112-02 Issue 1or later
H35 product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed
2. 35-C33, 35-C33A, E33, applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA
E33A approval
1. 35-33, 35-A33, 35-B33
10029416 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK BD-700-1A10 Customized Aircraft Completion - ASN 9266 EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis STC Twenty One Ltd Master None. 24/03/2010 Active 10029416
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY for the original product and the Document List No.
(EASA.A.S.03895) followingadditional or alternative S21.MDL-0655.STC Twenty
airworthiness requirements are One Ltd Airplane Flight
applicable tothis certificate/ Manual Supplement No.
approvalCRI F-01 "Installation of S21.FMS-0054.Instructions for
Wireless System"CRI D-01 Continued Airworthiness
"Installationof Interior Door"CRI D-02 Midcoast Aviation
"Isolated Compartments"The certifi... Inc.Supplemental
Maintenance Manual No.
35-027E134.orlater revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EA...
10029418 BINDER REV. 1 NIMBUS-3DM TM-Triebwerk-B2 - Improved Engine The Certification Basis (CB) for the Technische Mitteilung (TM None. 25/10/2019 Active 10029418
MOTORENBAU MountingExchange of the engine mounting original product remains applicableto Triebwerk-B3) Solo-Umbau -
(EASA.A.S.03569) GmbH plate from an aluminium version toward this certificate/ approval.The CfK-Frontplatteor later
acarbon version. requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
protection and the document(s) approved/
associatedcertified noise and/ or acceptedunder the EASA
emissions levels of the original system.
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10029434 DASSAULT AIRCRAFT FAA STC FALCON 900EX EASA Validation of FAA STC SA8285SW-D The Certification Basis for the original See those of original FAA STC None. 24/03/2010 Active 10029434
SERVICES CORP. SA8285SW-D Revision1:Installation of the Security System product remains applicable tothis 8285SW-D Revision1 as
(EASA.IM.A.S.02996) (Structural Provisions) inaccordance with certificate/ approval.The certificated amendedby the FAAon 14th
Drawing List Report No. F9EX-01021, Revision noiseand/ or emissions levels of the June 1997or later revisions of
B dated13th June 1997 or later revisions original productare unchanged and the above listed documents
approved by EASA in accordance withEASA remain applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or subsequent approval. inaccordance with EASA ED
revisions... Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10029450 TATENHILL AVIATION CAA UK M20, M20A, M20B, M20C, Installation of Aspen EFD1000 Primary Flight The Certification Basis of the original EASA approved Design Report This change is limited to the 25/03/2010 Active 10029450
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY M20D Display (PFD) product and the followingadditional / with Installation configuration of aircraft,
M20L, M20R, M20S, M20TN alternative airworthiness Instructions,Doc. No.TAD. equipment type,functions and
M20E, M20F, M20G, M20J, requirements are applicable tothis 02209, Revision B, dated 23- software versions as listed in EASA
M20K changeCS-23 has been elected to Mar-2010, or later approved approved DesignReport, Doc. No.
comply with for those areas affected revisionEASA approved TAD.02209, Revision B, dated 23-
by thechange unless otherwise Airplane Flight Manual Mar-2010
statedEASA GM GA/G/001 has been Supplement, Doc. No. FMS.
followedThe certificated noise... 02209,Revision A, dated 20-
Nov-2009,or later approved
revisionApproved Instructions
for Continued Airw...
10029451 BLR AEROSPACE, REV. 2 FAA STC C90A, C90GT, C90GTI Installation of winglets and associated The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation in accordance Eligible Serial Numbers are defined 22/05/2019 Active 10029451
L.L.C. SA02054SE changes in wing andaileronstructures and original product remains applicableto with BLR Master Drawing List, in BLR Master Drawing List,
related system changes on Hawker this certificate/ approval.The DocumentReference BLR DocumentReference BLR
Beechcraft Model C90A,C90GT and requirements for environmental KA90W-002, rev. J, dated KA90W-002, rev. J, dated March
C90GTi.Revision 2 updates the STC holder's protection and the March 02, 2010,or later 02, 2010, or later
address. associatedcertified noise and/ or approvedrevisions.Operation approvedrevisions.Structural life
emissions levels of the original in accordance with limit of the wing structure as
product areunchanged and remain BLRAircraft Flight Manual expressed in flight hoursare
applicable to this certificate/ SupplementReference reduced to 15,590 hours by the
approval. AFMS-90W-1, rev IR, dated installation of this STC.Prior to
February 19, 2010. - or insta...
laterapproved revisions.Ins...

04/01/2023 Page 151 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029479 ECT INDUSTRIES AS355F2, AS355N, AS355NP STC DTS AS 355 - Installation of a Tracking The Certification Basis for the original RFMS-DTS-355-EN revision 0 – None. 26/03/2010 Active 10029479
AS355E, AS355F, AS355F1 system. product and the followingadditional Rotorcraft Flight Manual
(EASA.R.S.01541) or alternative airworthiness Supplement.or later revisions
requirements are applicable tothis of the above listed documents
certificate/ approval.CS27 Change approved by
1.The certificated noise and/ or EASACONFAD-0021-053670-
emissions levels of the original EN revision 3 dated 26
productare unchanged and remain January2010 –
applicable to this certific... ConformityStatement;IM-001
1-053670-EN revision 5 dated
9 November 2009 –
10029480 SOCIETE D'ETUDE ET AS350 B2 Installation system for "EC120 type" seats on As per EASA TCDS.R.008 Issue 03, 12 Installation system for EC120 None. 26/03/2010 Active 10029480
DE Eurocopter AS350B2 -modification H-08-09- October 2007.The Certification Basis seats on Eurocopter AS350
GESTIONAERONAUTI Siège for the original product remains (Modification H-08-09-Siège -
QUE (SEGA) applicable tothis certificate/ Ed. 0 dated February 25th
approval.The certificated noise and/ 2010)Application document
or emissions levels of the original H-08-09-Siege_DA - Ed.0 -
productare unchanged and remain February 25th 2010
applicable to this certificate/
10029481 ICELANDAIR B757-200 Navigation - Dependant Position Determining The Certification Basis for the original AFMS - AFM-757-3450-30 rev. None. 26/03/2010 Active 10029481
TECHNICAL SERVICES - Activation ofthe ADS-Bout function of the product and the followingadditional AContinued Airworthiness
Transponder system. or alternative airworthiness Instructions CAI-757-3450-30
requirements are applicable tothis rev. BChange Approval
certificate/ approval.Applicant CRA-757-3450-30rev.
elected to comply with CS25 amt 7. BCertification Plan
757-34-50-30 rev. BDrawing
DWG-757-3450-30-1 rev.
DWG-757-3450-30-2 rev. Bor
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10029499 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK BEECH 90 Navigation/ communications systems CS-23The Certification Basis for the MDL1130-01 Issue None. 29/03/2010 Active 10029499
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY upgrade. original product and the 2CP-1130-01 Issue
followingadditional or alternative 1IPI-1130-01 Issue
airworthiness requirements are 1ICA-1130-01 Issue
applicable tothis certificate/ 1AFMS-1130-01 Issue
approval.AMC20-4AMC20-5AMC20-1 1AFMS-1130-02 Issue
3The certificated noise and/ or 2AFMS-1130-03 Issue 2or
emissions levels of the original later revisions of the above
productare unchanged and remain listed documents approved by
applicable to... EASA.
10029513 M&D FLUGZEUGBAU GLASFLUEGEL 304B Modification of Glasfluegel 304B, S/N 324: The Certification Basis for the original STC "Nachruesten mit Limited to Glasfluegel 304B, S/N 29/03/2010 Active 10029513
GmbH & CO. KG retrofitting with winglets -modified wing tips: product and the followingadditional Winglets/ Retrofitting with 324.
(EASA.A.S.02904) winglets. or alternative airworthiness Winglets" of
requirements are applicable tothis sailplaneGlasfluegel 304B, S/N
certificate/ approval. 324 by APDOAP EASA.AP.
175.Amended Flight Manula
for sailplane Glasfluegel 304B
S/N 324; issueMarch 2010,
EASA approved.Amended
flutter statement by Prof. Dr.
N. Niedbal, issued 15 March
10029540 JET AVIATION AG, MYSTERE FALCON 50 (MF50) Runway Awareness and Advisory System The Certification Basis for the original See:·,,Jet Aviation Master ·,,This Jet Aviation Supplemental 30/03/2010 Active 10029540
BASEL (RAAS). Smart Runway Activation.i.a.w. Jet product and the followingadditional Data List BF5EX34461-001 Type Certificate is applicable
Aviation Master Data List BF5EX34461-001 or alternative airworthiness Revision B and·,,Jet Aviation onMystere Falcon 50 EX (F50EX)
Revision B or laterEASA Approved revisions. requirements are applicable tothis Aeroplane Flight Manual version airplanes with an existing
certificate/ approval.In addition Supplement anddesign approved Honeywell
compliance has been shown i.a.w. BF5EX34461-201-01Revision EGPWS Mark V
EASA CRI F-01 Issue 02"Activation of IR·,,Jet Aviation Engineering installation.·,,Caution alerts,
the Runway Awareness and Advisory Order (installation) terrain display text messages,
System (RAAS)" that i... BF5EX34461-344600Revision take-off flapsconfiguration
Bor later revisionsof the monitor, stabilized approach
above listed documents monitor...
approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 152 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029541 AVIATION FAA STC BOEING 737-400 Installation of a Collins Traffic Alert and The Certification Basis for the original - Goodrich ATS, Inc Top None. 30/03/2010 Active 10029541
TECHNICAL ST00051SE Collision Avoidance System(TCAS II) product remains applicable tothis Drawing 93046 Revision F
(EASA.IM.A.S.02553) SERVICES, Inc. Transmitter/Receiver per Goodrich ATS, Inc certificate/ approval.The certificated dated 05 January 2001-
Top Drawing 93046Revision F dated 05 noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Airplane Flight Manual
January 2001. original productare unchanged and Supplement: Document
remain applicable to this certificate/ D2000-181 OriginalRevision
approval. Approved by FAA on 22
February 2001.or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved byEASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
10029542 SANDEL AVIONICS, FAA STC S550 Installation of Sandel Avionics SA4550 The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List None. 30/03/2010 Active 10029542
Inc. ST01930LA Primary Attitude Display andSandel Avionics product remains applicable tothis ST12361LA-T-01 Rev. M from
(EASA.IM.A.S.02918) SN4500 Primary Navigation Display. certificate/ approval.The certificated 14 August 2008Airplane Flight
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Manual Supplement
original productare unchanged and ST12361LA-T-10 Rev. Original
remain applicable to this certificate/ from 04June 2007 for
approval. SA4550Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement ST12361LA-T-30
Rev. Original from 30October
2006 for SN4500Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
10029545 CASCADE TCCA STC DHC-8-3-1, -302 Ground Air Connection ModificationTCCA STC FAR 25 as per EASA.IM.A.191The -Installation of Air Ground Placards have to be installed in 31/03/2010 Active 10029545
AEROSPACE Inc. SA01-40 DHC-8-201, -202 SA01-40, Is.1, dated 14 March 2001 Certification Basis for the original Connection Modification is to accordance with Conair
DHC-8-102, -103, -106 product remains applicable tothis be carried outin accordance AerospaceEngineering drawing
certificate/ approval.The with Conair Aerospace 2854D21501, Rev. D.
requirements for environmental EngineeringOrder EO 2846,
protection and the Rev. 1,dated 01 August 2002.-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Maintenance is to be carried
emissions levels of the original out in accordance with Conair
product areunchanged and remain AerospaceEngineering
applicable to this c... Maintenance Manual
Supplement, MMS 2864-1,
Rev. NIL, dat...
10029547 SHORT BROTHERS REV. 1 CAA UK A321-271N V2500 NACELLE - RTI MONOLITHIC FAN The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Certification Compliance Prior to installation of this design 15/12/2016 Active 10029547
PLCt/a BOMBARDIER RESPONSIBILITY A321-211/-212/-213/-231/-2 COWL DOORRev. 1: Associated technical original product remains applicableto Checklist, Ref Doc SB-AWQ- change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03579) AEROSTRUCTURES 32 documents references amendment. this certificate/ approval.The ESTC-001, RevisionNC, 11th thatthe interrelationship between
&ENGINEERING A321-111/-112/-131 requirements for environmental Dec 2009.2. Master Data List, this design change and any
SERVICES - BELFAST A320-251N/-271N protection and the ref, doc SB-V33SE-037, otherpreviously installed design
A320-216/-231/-232/-233 associatedcertified noise and/ or Revision NC, 11th Dec 20093. change and/ or repair will
A320-111/-211/-212/-214/-2 emissions levels of the original Maintenance Manual introduce noadverse effect upon
15 product areunchanged and remain 71-13-03 Revision 0, 1st July the airworthiness ofthe product.
A319-131/-132/-133 applicable to this certificate/ 20164. Instructions for
A319-111/-112/-113/-114/-1 approval. Continued Airworthiness, ref,
15 doc, 71-13-03-ICA,Revision 0,
10029548 365 AEROSPACE DDS REV. 3 737-600/-700/-800/-900 Introduction of a Dual Battery SystemRev. 3: The Certification Basis for the original Aerospace Design <(>&<)> The STC holder shall monitor all 05/08/2019 Active 10029548
LIMITED Transfer of STC from 365 Aerospace Ltd. to product as amendedby thefollowing Engineering Consultants documentary changes of thebasic
365 Aerospace DDSLtd. additional or alternative Modification SummaryMOD- AFMand related operational
airworthiness requirements:Special 0702 Revision C dated 22nd documentation issued by the TC-
Conditions:CRI H-01 Issue 2 / Special March 2010Aerospace Design holder to assurethat those
Condition H-01 “Enhanced <(>&<)> Engineering documents remain suitable tobe
AirworthinessProgramme for Consultants EZA-0702 used operationally for
Aeroplane Systems – ICA on Revision Adated 10th theinstallation of dual
EWIS”The requirements for November 2011 batteriesunder this STC.Prior to
environmental protec... installation of this design change
10029549 MECAER AVIATION MD HELICOPTERS 369HS Installation of Emergency Locator The Certification Basis for the original -SEI RFMS - 369HS-1-1 at Rev Not Applicable 31/03/2010 Active 10029549
GROUP S.p.A. Transmitter (ELT), Artex C406-2HM, P/ product remains applicable tothis A or later EASA approved
(EASA.R.S.01549) N369-25543-101 certificate/ approval revision-Report - SEI
Description and CCL - ELT
C406-2 Rev B dated 24 March
2010or later EASA approved
revision-Report - SEI Notice of
Design Change - NDC
369-005/1-or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 153 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029552 ST ENGINEERING A320 Passenger Compartment Reconfiguration In accordance with the EASA TCDS A. A320 LOPA STC Certification None 31/03/2010 Active 10029552
AEROSPACE LTD. 064 plus:The Certification Basis for Plan, ref. doc. No. 360A023/
the original product and the AED/002,Revision C, dated
followingadditional or alternative 31st March 2010
airworthiness requirements are
applicable tothis certificate/
approval-CRI H-01/Special Condition
H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness
Programme forAeroplane Systems -
10029553 JET AVIATION AG, REV. 1 B737-800 EMS SATCOM AMT-3800 Installation The Certification Basis for the original Jet Aviation Master Data List Not Applicable 12/07/2010 Active 10029553
BASEL product and the followingadditional No.: BB73723263-001, Rev. C,
(EASA.A.S.03788) or alternative airworthiness 07.06.2010or later revisions
requirements are applicable tothis of the above listed documents
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01 Issue approved by EASA
2 /Special Condition H-01 "Enhanced
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on
EWIS"The certificated noise and/a...
10029554 JET AVIATION AG, REV. 1 AIRBUS A319-115 Airbus A319-115 "BCJ03513" VIP Cabin The Certification Basis for the original Airplane Flight Manual Not Applicable 04/08/2010 Active 10029554
BASEL Interior CompletionRevision 1: Update of the product and the followingadditional Supplement BCJ03513-201-01
(EASA.A.S.03517) Instructions for Continued Airworthiness or alternative airworthiness Revision IR from 15March
requirements are applicable tothis 2010Instructions for
certificate/ approvalCertification Continued
Review Item (CRI) G-4301-001 Issue 2 AirworthinessBCJ03513-150-0
from 04 Nov. 2009"EASA 1 Revision C from02 Aug.
Supplemental Type Certification Basis 2010Master Data List
for Boutsen 1&2 VIP CabinI... BCJ03513-001 Revision C from
03 Aug. 2010Declaration of
Compliance CAF 3607 from 03
Aug. 2010or later revisions of
10029555 AIR COMM FAA STC EC 130 B4 Installation of Cabin Air Conditioning System The Certification Basis for the original - Air Comm Corporation None 12/04/2010 Active 10029555
CORPORATION LLC SR00543DE product remains applicable tothis Master Drawing List Report
certificate/ approvalThe certificated No DL-EC-130, RevisionU,
noise and/ or emissions levels of the dated 12/18/2009- Report
original productare unchanged and EC130-03-10, dated March 16,
remain applicable to this certificate/ 2010- Rotorcraft Flight
approval Manual Supplement
DocumentNo EC130B4-1
dated April1, 2004- Rotorcraft
Flight Manual Supplement
Document No EC130B4-2
dated March30, 2006
10029557 TRUATLANTIC MFG., REV. 2 FAA STC U206, U206A, U206B, U206C Installation of Remote Oil Cooler in The Certification Basis (CB) for the FAA Approved Supplemental a) This approval should not be 28/04/2016 Active 10029557
LLC SA01539AT-D U206D, U206E, U206F, accordance with Atlantic Aero, Inc.Master original product remains applicableto Flight Manual dated April 15, extended to other aircraft of this
U206G Drawing List 16693001 Rev. Basic dated this certificate/ approval.The 1998 for thefollowing Models modelon which other previously
TU206E, TU206F, TU206G December 5, 1997, or laterFAA Approved requirements for environmental and Serial Numbers:Cessna approved modificationsare
TU206A, TU206B, TU206C, revision protection and the U206E through U206G, incorporated,unless it is determine
TU206D associatedcertified noise and/ or TU206E through TU206G by the installer that the
TP206E emissions levels of the original (Serial NumbersU20601445 interrelationshipbetween this
TP206A, TP206B, TP206C, product areunchanged and remain through U20604649): change and any other previously
TP206D applicable to this certificate/ Document 16693100FAA approved modifications
P206D, P206E approval. Approved Pilots Operating willproduce no adverse effect...
206, P206, P206A, P206B, Handbook and FAA Approved
P206C Flight ManualSupplement
10029562 BUSINESS AND BEECH C90A BCA117 rev 0 - GPS replacement and aircraft The Certification Basis for the original -BCA117-06 rev 0 dated Limited to: S/N LJ-1660 01/04/2010 Active 10029562
COMMUTER capacity validation forB-RNAV, P-RNAV and product remains applicable tothis 10/12/2009 Airplane Flight
AIRCRAFT GNSS approaches prodecures certificate/ approvalThis certificate/ Manual Supplement-
approval involves a change to the BCA117-09 rev 0 dated
certificated noiseand/ or emissions 10/12/2009 Airplane Flight
levels Maintenance
ManualSupplementor later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 154 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029566 LEES AVIONICS Ltd. CAA UK COMMANDER 112, 114 Installation of Garmin G500/G600 PFD/ND The Certification Basis for the original -Master Data List This change is limited to the 01/04/2010 Active 10029566
RESPONSIBILITY product and the followingadditional MDL1097-01 Issue 3-Change configuration defined in Change
or alternative airworthiness Statement CS1097-01 Issue 2- StatementCS1097-01 Issue 2 or
requirements are applicable tothis Instructions for Continued later approved revision.
certificate/ approvalCS-23EASA GM/ Airworthiness ICA1097-01
G/001 has been applied.The Issue 1-Flight Manual
certificated noise and/ or emissions Supplement AFMS1097-01
levels of the original productare Issue 3or later revisions of the
unchanged and remain applic... above listed documents
approved by EASA
10029569 AIR METHODS REV. 1 FAA STC S-76A, S-76B, S-76C Installation of Articulated Patient Loading As described in FAA TCDS H1NEThe -Rotorcraft Flight Manual Required pre-modification 19/08/2011 Active 10029569
CORPORATION SR00705DE-D System (APLS).Note: The STC amendment Certification Basis for the original Supplement No. 080-0476, Sikorsky cabin medical interior GA
adds an ALLFA litter as an option. product and the followingadditional revisionA, datedJune 9, dwg. no.09076B10E001-1
or alternative airworthiness 2011or later revisions of the
requirements are applicable tothis above listed documents
certificate/ approval14CFR Part 29 approved by EASA
§29.785(a),(b),(e),(k)(1)<(>,<)>(k)(2), inaccordance with EASA ED
which wereaddressed at the latest Decision 2004/04/CF (or
amendment 29-0 throug... subsequent revisions ofthis
decision)-Master Drawing List
S-76 APLS w/ Pedestal and
AMC litter, Report N...
10029570 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 HUSKY A-1, A-1A, A-1B, A-1C Husky A1 Silencer STC Ext. To Variant A, B CS-23.CThe Certification Basis for the -Master Document List As referred in limitations section 20/01/2022 Active 10029570
Service GmbH and CRev. 1 Transfer to ACC Columbia Jet original product remains applicable MDOCL_21750_rev0_201003 of the AFM-S:Airplane Flight
Service GmbH tothis certificate/ approval 01-Airplane Flight Manual Manual Supplement
Supplement SPOH_21750_rev0_20100301
later approved revisions of
the above listed documents
10029583 AIR ALLIANCE GmbH LEARJET 35A Installation of new avionics (FDR, TAWS, FMS, The Certification Basis for the original Refer to Master Document Approval valid for s/n 35A-616 02/04/2010 Active 10029583
RDR/KMD) product and the followingadditional List 2008_006_A10CE AA only
(EASA.A.S.03461) or alternative airworthiness Form 2 (Rev. 7)or later
requirements are applicable tothis revisions of the above listed
certificate/ approvalTGL No. 10 (P- documents approved by EASA
RNAV)TGL No. 12 (TAWS)AMC 20-4
(B-RNAV)TGM 21/07 (Electrical
Wiring)The certificated noise and/ or
emissions levels of the o...
10029589 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Upgrade from Swift 63 to Swift EASA IM.A.009The Certification Basis -TCCA STC No. SA10-19 Issue None 02/04/2010 Active 10029589
SA10-19 Broadband for the original product remains 1 dated 08 February 2010.-
applicable tothis certificate/ TCAA SoC ref. C-10-0232
approvalThe certificated noise and/ dated 24 March 2010.-ACS-
or emissions levels of the original NAI Ltd. Modification Data
productare unchanged and remain Summary Number G541000
applicable to this certificate/ Revision NC orlater approved
approval revision.-Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
G541071 Revision NC or
laterrevision.or later revisions
of the abov...
10029611 RSG PRODUCTS, Inc. REV. 1 US SR09178RC 600N Integrated Flight Systems Vapor Cycle Air The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing list DL-44 Rev None 29/06/2010 Active 10029611
Conditioning System product remains applicable tothis B, 15th March
(EASA.IM.R.S.01407) certificate/ approvalThe certificated 2001.Electricalrouting
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Drawing 2-MDHS
original productare unchanged and 600NStructural Substantiation
remain applicable to this certificate/ reportIFS-600S-01Structural
approval Substantiation report
Substantiation report
Substantiation report
Substantiation report IFS-...

04/01/2023 Page 155 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029619 MCCAULEY FAA STC C400 (LC41-550FG) Installation of McCauley C447 CS-23.CThe Certification Basis for the -Installation Instructions No As referred in limitations section 06/04/2010 Active 10029619
PROPELLER SYSTEMS SA01511WI original product remains applicable 985 Rev (B) including-Airplane of the AFM-S
(EASA.IM.A.S.03127) tothis certificate/ approvalThis Flight Manual Supplement No
certificate/ approval involves a 988, Rev (IR)-Maintenance
change to the certificated noiseand/ Manual Supplement No 989
or emissions levels Rev (A)or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10029626 WINGLET REV. 1 FAA STC 750 Installation of winglets, wing structural The Certification Basis for the original Winglet Technology Master Prior to installation of this design 25/10/2018 Active 10029626
TECHNOLOGY, LLC ST01545WI reinforcement, and relatedsystem changes. product remains applicable tothis Drawing List D10-2000, Rev. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02964) certificate/ approval, except where B, dated 16 June2009, or later thatthe interrelationship between
amended by additional or FAA approved revision.FAA this design change and any
lateramendments if indicated on FAA approvedAirplane Flight otherpreviously installed design
STC.Therequirements for Manual (AFM) Supplements change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and the and Weight andBalance introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or Manual Supplements. the airworthiness ofthe
emissions levels of the original pro... product.See Winglet Technology
Maintenance Manual Supple...
10029628 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis -Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9336 and1. 08/04/2010 Active 10029628
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9336 for the original product remains reference C-10-0275 dated 07 Refer to the Limitations sections of
applicable tothis certificate/ April 2010.-TCCA STC No. the required AFM Supplement
approvalThe certificated noise and/ SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
or emissions levels of the original October 2004.-Aero WLAN system is compatible only
productare unchanged and remain Consulting Services to IEEE 802.11(b).
applicable to this certificate/ Configuration Definition List
approval D954000 RevisionED dated 31
March 2010.-Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
GC93360000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the abovea...
10029629 BERINGER AERO REV. 7 PC-6/B2-H2, PC-6/B2-H4 Installation of Beringer brakes.Revision 1: The Certification Basis (CB) for the Modification file: DM-STC-002 Prior to installation of this design 21/12/2022 Active 10029629
PC-6/A2-H2, PC-6/B1-H2 Update with an optional small main original product remains applicableto rev 7 dated 08 Dec. change it must be determined
wheel.Revision 2: Update with an optional this certificate/ approval.The 2022;Installation and thatthe interrelationship between
axle, update of manuals.Revision 3: Update requirements for environmental Instructions for Continued this design change and any
with an additional brake disc.Revision 4: protection and the Airworthiness: ICA- otherpreviously installed design
Update with an additional brake pad.Revision associatedcertified noise and/ or STC-002rev 09 dated 13 Dec. change and/ or repair will
5: Update with wear limit emissions levels of the original 2022;or later revisions of the introduce noadverse effect upon
modification.Revision 6... product areunchanged and remain above listed documents the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA.
10029641 KEYSTONE FAA STC S-76C Installation of Goodrich Auxiliary Utility Hoist The Certification Basis for the original -RFMS FM01464 Rev 0 dated As specified in the approved RFMS 08/04/2010 Active 10029641
HELICOPTER SR02588NY-D product and the followingadditional 2 Oct 2009 or later approved
CORPORATION or alternative airworthiness revision.-Instructions for
requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness
certificate/ approvalAs specified on IC01464 Rev 0dated 15
FAA STC SR02588NY-DThe May2009.or later revisions of
certificated noise and/ or emissions the above listed documents
levels of the original productare approved by EASA
unchanged and remain applica... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10029642 WIPAIRE Inc. FAA STC CESSNA 206 SERIES Installation of Wipaire, Inc. wing tip The Certification Basis for the original Wipaire, Inc. Master Drawing Placard "VNE = 165 Knots" is 08/04/2010 Active 10029642
SA914NE extensions in accordance to FAASTC product remains applicable tothis List number W-MD126, dated required with this installation.
SA914NE. certificate/ approval.The April 30, 2001or later
requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
protection and the documents approved by EASA
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or inaccordance with EASA ED
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis
applicable to this certificate/ decision)

04/01/2023 Page 156 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029659 DECA AVIATION TCCA LSTC O- B737-800 Interior Reconfiguration & miscelaneous The Certification Basis for the original -TCCA LSTC Number: O- Valid for MSN 30292 only 09/04/2010 Active 10029659
ENGINEERING Ltd.d/ LSA09-37/D Cabin Alterations /Modification and product remains applicable tothis LSA09-37/D Issue 1 dated Feb
b/a PAL AEROSPACE relocation of the passenger seats along certificate/ approvalThe certificated 03, 2009-DECA Modification
withrelocation/installation of emergency noise and/ or emissions levels of the summary MS08165 dated Feb
equipments. original productare unchanged and 03, 2009or later revisions of
remain applicable to this certificate/ the above listed documents
approval approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10029662 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 2 737-300 B737 STC - ATL- Remove EWIS LimitationRev. The Type and OSD Certification Bases - Modification Summary Limited to following aircraft S/N 10/11/2021 Active 10029662
LIMITEDEUROPE 2: Transfer of STC (CB) for the original productremains Sheet: MOD-11348-00001 only: 737-300 MSN 23774.Prior to
(EASA.A.S.03876) S.A.S. applicable to this certificate/ Issue 3 dated16 July 2015- installation of this change/repair it
approval.The requirements for Master Document List: must be determined thatthe
environmental protection and the MDL-11348-00001 Issue interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or 3dated 15 July 2015- Airplane change/repair and any
emissions levels of the product are Flight Manual Supplement: otherpreviously installed change
unchangedand remain applicable to 11348-AFM-00001 Issue 2- and/ or repair will introduce no
this certificate/approval w... Enhanced Zonal Analysis: adverseeffect upon the
EZA-11348-00001, Issue 3, airworthiness of the produ...
dated 15 August2013.or later
revisions of the abo...
10029669 DASSAULT FALCON FALCON 900EX F900EX Serial Number 111 aircraft The Certification Basis for the original -DFS Change Approval Sheet This EASA design change 12/04/2010 Active 10029669
SERVICE completion definition product and the followingadditional DFS 9565-CAS Issue A dated airworthiness approval is
(EASA.A.S.03764) or alternative airworthiness 30th March 2010-DFS Master applicable on Falcon900EX serial
requirements are applicable tothis Document List DFS-DE-17- number aircraft 111
certificate/ approvalCompliance has FE-9565, IssueA dated 16th
been shown in accordance with the October2009-DFS
requisites laid down byEASA CRI Modification Sheet DFS 9565,
F-002 "In-Seat Power Supply Systems Issue A dated 29th October
(ISPSS)" Issue 2 andC... 2009or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10029675 COMPAGNIA PA 31-350 GPS Garmin 430 for IFR EASA CS 23 Amendment 1The AFMS P/N CGR P003-00-SICA The installation of EASA approved 12/04/2010 Active 10029675
GENERALE Certification Basis for the original P/N CGR P003-00-Ior later modification EASA.A.C.07903
RIPRESEAEREES.p.A. product and the followingadditional revisions of the above listed isrequired.
- CGR S.p.A. or alternative airworthiness documents approved by EASA
requirements are applicable tothis
certificate/ approval
10029676 MT-PROPELLER 206H, T206H Installation of 5-blade MTV-5-1-D-C-F-R(A)/ The Certification Basis for the original -Airplane Flight Manual Prior to installation of this STC 12/04/2010 Active 10029676
ENTWICKLUNG CFR210-56 propeller on CessnaModel 206H, product and the followingadditional Supplement, Doc. No. E-1830, modification i.a.w. EASA STC
GmbH T206H equipped with Rolls-Royce 250-B17F/ or alternative airworthiness Original Issuedated 10027209(Soloy Mark II Turbine
2 series engine perFAA STC No. SA01878SE requirements are applicable tothis 01.12.2009-Installation Conversion) is required
certificate/ approvalFAR 23, Instructions, Doc. No.E-1831,
Amendment54This certificate/ Original Issue
approval involves a change to the dated01.12.2009-Instructions
certificated noiseand/ or emissions for Continued Airworthiness,
levels Doc. No. E-1832, OriginalIssue
dated 01.12.2009or later
revisions of the above listed
documents app...
10029677 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A310-304 Fuselage - Structural provisions and Satcom The Certification Basis for the original -Supplement Type Definition Limited to: MSN 484 12/04/2010 Active 10029677
AG antenna installation, Satcomequipment rack product and the followingadditional Document, ref :
installation and VHF antenna installation.This or alternative airworthiness STDD53-09/01M, Issue
STC installs Satcom and VHF antennae, as requirements are applicable tothis 1,dated 02 March 2010-
wellas the provision forthe future support of certificate/ approvalCRI H-01 Issue Engineering Bulletin, ref:
a Satcom system installation. 1The certificated noise and/ or A310-EB53-0308 Issue 3-
emissions levels of the original Engineering Bulletin, ref:
productare unchanged and remain A310-EB53-0309 Issue 2-
applicable to this certifi... Engineering Bulletin, ref:
A310-EB53-0311 Issue 1-
Instruction for Continued

04/01/2023 Page 157 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029679 WIPAIRE Inc. FAA STC U206E, U206F, U206G, Installation of right front cabin door in The Certification Basis for the original Installation drawing number None 12/04/2010 Active 10029679
SA1470GL TP206A, accordance with Wipaire, Inc.installation product remains applicable tothis 3D1-1101, no revision, dated
U206A, U206B, U206C, drawing number 3D1-1101 certificate/ approvalThe February 15,1990or later
U206D, requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
TU206E, TU206F, TU206G protection and the documents approved by EASA
TP206C, TP206D, TU206C, associatedcertificated noise and/ or inaccordance with EASA ED
TU206D emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or
P206B, P206D, P206E, U206, product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis
2) CESSNA 206, P206, P206A, applicable to this certificate/ decision)
1) CESSNA 206H, T206H approval
10029680 AIRLIFT A/S AS365N SERIES EMS Cabin Layout Kit DO-365-25-105 The Certification Basis for the original -Flight Manual Supplement, None 12/04/2010 Active 10029680
product remains applicable tothis FMS-365-25-105 Revision 3or
certificate/ approvalThe certificated later revisions of the above
noise and/ or emissions levels of the listed document approved by
original productare unchanged and EASA-Instructions for
remain applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness,
approval ICA-365-25-105-01 Revision 2-
Master Document List,
MDL-36-25-105 Revision 3-
Engineering Order,
EO-365-25-105 Revision 2
10029681 AEROLITE AG REV. 3 EC135T2(CPDS), EC135T2+ Utility Missions Interior P/N JAR 27 Arndt: 1st issueThe Flight Manual Supplement: None. 02/07/2019 Active 10029681
EC135T1(CDS), EC135T1 135736-502Revision 1:This major change to Certification Basis for the original FMS-135736-502 rev N/C
(CPDS), EASA STC No. 10029681 dated 12.04.2010 product remains applicable tothis dated 24 April
EC135P2(CPDS), EC135P2+ covers theintroduction/ modification of the certificate/ approval.The certificated 2012;Airworthiness
EC135P1(CDS), EC135P1 following components into the noise and/ or emissions levels of the Limitation: OPM-135736-502
(CPDS), UtilityMissions Interior P/N 135736-502:- original productare unchanged and rev N/C dated 26 April
Introductionof the Seat FWD LH, RH and MID remain applicable to this certificate/ 2012;or later revisions of the
in the forward part of thepas... approval. above listed documents
approved by EASAMaster
Document List: MDL-10-002
revA dated 18 July 2012;
10029687 RUECKER B747-400 Installation of 2 single B/E Aerospace DS9000 The Certification Basis for the original B/E Aerospace Aircraft None. 13/04/2010 Active 10029687
AEROSPACE GmbH steam ovens and 2 OCM9000Oven Control product and the followingadditional Maintenance Manual
(EASA.A.S.03810) Modules per B/E Aerospace Engineering or alternative airworthiness Supplement 43208-SM-01B/E
OrderEO-253-00002-001 Rev. A. or later requirements are applicable tothis Aerospace Component
approved revision certificate/ approval.CRI H-01 Maintenance Manual CMM
Enhanced Airworthiness Programme 25-35-75or later revisions of
for Aeroplane Systems – ICA the above listed documents
onEWISfor oven installation. approved byEASA
10029701 CESKA LETECKA SUKHOI SU-31 Avionics upgrade. The Certification Basis for the original AC190-2501 GARMIN SL 40 None. 14/04/2010 Active 10029701
SERVISNI A.S. product and the followingadditional Comm Transceiver (COM),
(EASA.A.S.03951) or alternative airworthiness December, 2009AC190-2502
requirements are applicable tothis GARMIN GTX 328 mode S
certificate/ approval.CS-23. transponder (XPDR),
December, 2009
10029711 ERWIN AERO REV. 1 TCCA LSTC C- DHC-6-300 Avionics to installed in acc. with PAA Design The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplements:- Limited to: S/N 840 only 19/04/2010 Active 10029711
INTERNATIONAL LTD. LSA09-321/D Group Modification DataSummary: product remains applicable tothis R0910775, Issue A, Collins
R0910773, Issue A, approved 31 December certificate/ approvalThe DME-42 Distance
2009 with TransportCanada approved Flight requirements for environmental Measurement Equipment-
Manual Supplements in acc. to TCCA STCC- protection and the R0910776, Issue A, Collins
LSA09-321/D associatedcertificated noise and/ or ALT-55 Radio Altimeter-
emissions levels of the original R0910777, Issue A, Collins
product areunchanged and remain ADF-60 Automatic Direction
applicable to this certificate/ Finder-R0910778, Issue A,
approval Collins TDR-90 Transponder-
R0910779, Issue A, Bendix
RDS-82 WX Radar-
10029712 DART AEROSPACE TCCA STC A119 & AW119 MKII TCA STC SH07-36 Issue 2 "Replacement The Certification Basis for the original FMS - D119-755 Rev. Cor later Not Applicable 15/04/2010 Active 10029712
Ltd. SH07-36 Windows Kit" - D119-755-011/-14 -This STC product remains applicable tothis revisions of the above
(EASA.IM.R.S.01380) involves removing of the existing windowand certificate/ approvalThe certificated listeddocuments approved by
installing a flatwindow (-011) in LH or RH noise and/ or emissions levels of the EASA inaccordance with EASA
crew door orinstalling a bubble window (-14) original productare unchanged and ED Decision 2004/02/CF (or
in the RH crew door) remain applicable to this certificate/ subsequent revisions ofthis
approval decision)

04/01/2023 Page 158 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029716 airplus engineering REV. 2 SEE APPROVED MODEL LIST Enabling of SVT Functionalities on Garmin The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement The aircraft must have been 10/02/2021 Active 10029716
GmbH (AML) G5/600 Avionics System(Revision of EASA STC product and the followingadditional PO-0491-340000 Rev. 2or already equipped with Garmin
(EASA.A.S.03907) 10029716) or alternative airworthiness later revisions of the above G5/600System(s) according to
requirements are applicable tothis listed documents approved by EASA STC 10029716
certificate/ approval: CS-23 EASAEngineering Work Order
Amendment02 (not required by21A. EW-0491-340000 Rev.
101).The requirement for 2Description of modification:
environmental protection and the DE-0491-0000000, Rev. 2
associatedcertificated noise and/ or
10029724 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 1 CAA UK PA-28 Installation of Garmin G500/G600 EFIS PFD/ The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List MDL1050-02 This change is limited to the 15/04/2010 Active 10029724
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY ND. product and the followingadditional Issue 1Change Statement configuration defined in Change
(EASA.A.S.03861) or alternative airworthiness CS1050-02 Issue 1Instructions StatementCS1050-02 Issue 1 or
requirements are applicable tothis for Continued Airworthiness later approved revision.
certificate/ approval.CS-23.EASA GM ICA1050-02 Issue 1Flight
GA/G/001 has been applied.The Manual Supplement
certificated noise and/ or emissions AFMS1050-02 Issue 1or later
levels of the original productare revisions of the above listed
unchanged and remain a... documents approved by EASA
10029726 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 1 CAA UK PIPER PA-28 16/04/2010 Active 10029726
10029736 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 CESSNA 421B Installation of Silver Jodide Generators on The Certification Basis for the original - Flight Manual Supplement Not Applicable 26/01/2022 Active 10029736
Service GmbH Cessna 421BRev.1 Transfer to ACC Columbia product and the followingadditional SPOH_16351_rev1_15032009
(EASA.A.S.03144) Jet Service GmbH or alternative airworthiness (dated 15.03.2009)- Master
requirements are applicable tothis Document List
certificate/ approvalFAR 23, MDOCL_16351_rev1_120420
amendments 1 through 7 (not 10or later revisions of the
required by 21A.101, elected above listed documents
tocomply by the applicant)This approved by EASA
certificate/ approval involves a
change to...
10029773 B/E AEROSPACE REV. 2 TCCA STC PC-12/47E Main battery No. 2 relocation.Validation of FAR 23The Certification Basis for the - Modification Data Summery, None. 17/03/2021 Active 10029773
LIMITED SA10-4 ISSUE 2 the TCCA STC SA10-4: Relocation of the main original product remains applicable Doc. No. G409000 Rev. C-
battery No 2from the tail section to the tothis certificate/ approval.The Pilot's Operating Handbook
engine compartment. requirementsfor environmental Supplement, Doc. No.
protection and the G409091 Rev. N/C-ICA:
associatedcertificatednoise and/ or Maintenance Manual
emissions levels of the original Supplement, Doc. No.
product areunchanged and remain G409071 Rev. B& IPC,Doc. No.
applicable to this certificate/ G409072 Rev. Bor later
approval.... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED...
10029774 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis -Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9341 and1. 20/04/2010 Active 10029774
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9341 for the original product remains reference C-10-0151 dated 08 Refer to the Limitations sections of
applicable tothis certificate/ April 2010.-TCCA STC No. the required AFM Supplement
approvalThe certificated noise and/ SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
or emissions levels of the original October 2004.-Aero WLAN system is compatible only
productare unchanged and remain Consulting Services to IEEE 802.11(b).
applicable to this certificate/ Configuration Definition List
approval D954000 RevisionEE dated 31
March 2010.-Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
GC93410000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the abovea...
10029784 BEECHCRAFT FAA STC REF B300 KING AIR Installation of High Definition Audio Video FAR 23The Certification Basis for the Install in accordance with Only applicable to King Air Model 20/04/2010 Active 10029784
CORPORATION SA02277LA (HDAV-3002) LRUUnit as aninterface with the original product remains applicable Rockwell Collins System B300 aircraft equipped with
Rockwell Collins Venue Cabin Management tothis certificate/ approvalThe Drawing List ref441-0130, Rev theRockwell Collins Venue Cabin
System. certificated noise and/ or emissions B, dated December 15, Management System.
levels of the original productare 2009Continued Airworthiness
unchanged and remain applicable to Document, General Aviation -
this certificate/ approval Rockwell CollinsCabin
Systems, P/N 442-1306-001,
Rev New, dated 11/11/09or
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
EASA in...

04/01/2023 Page 159 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029795 AEROACOUSTICS FAA STC CESSNA 208 Aircraft Payload Extender (APE) STOL System The Certification Basis for the original -AASI Master Drawing List No. Note 1:This modification is also 21/04/2010 Active 10029795
AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS, SA02042SE for Cessna 208 and 208A inacc. to FAA STC product remains applicable tothis AA2034, Rev. B, dated applicable to the following aircraft
INC SA02042SE certificate/ approvalThis certificate/ December 15, 2009-AASI that havebeen modified with
approval involves a change to the Installation and Maintenance Wipaire, Inc. STC No.SA149CH (675
requirements forenvironmental Manual No. 2014, Rev. B, SHP PT6A-114AEngine
protection and/or a change to the datedJanuary 6, 2010-AFMS- Installation).Model,,Serial
certificated noise and/or emissions C208-45, "Aircraft with Number,,,,,,Note208,,,,2080001
levels PT6A-114A (675 SHP) engine", through 20800060,,Eligible only if
dated January6, 2010-AFMS- modified with CessnaKit
C208-46, "Aircraft with SK-208-12,,,,20800061 and up2...
PT6A-114 (600 SHP) engine",
dated January6...
10029799 INDIGOSAT 208 / 208B Installation of IndigoOne Satellite Tracking The Certification Basis for the original Installation Manual IS- Effected S/N see in Installation 21/04/2010 Active 10029799
and Communication System(Kit Part No. product remains applicable tothis IM-2007-001, Issue B, dated Manual IS-IM-2007-001, Issue C
IGO1_MA1236_01R1-1) in accordance with certificate/ approvalThe 27. February 2008or later
CASA (Australia)STC SVA 513 requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
protection and the documents approved by EASA
associatedcertificated noise and/ or
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10029813 LE BOZEC REV. 2 FAA STC 737-400, -500 Rain Repellent System Modification - The Certification Basis for the original B737 series Rain repellent Only applicable to Rain repellent 06/08/2012 Active 10029813
FILTRATION & ST09864SC 737-100, -200, -200C, -300 Modification of Rain RepellentSystem in product remains applicable tothis Installation- Top Drawing List systems that were installed at time
SYSTEMES SAS accordance with "Le Bozec, Inc.” documents. certificate/ approval.The certificated - Ref. 990110000 Rev.A dated ofairplane production under TC
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the 18/04/2001- Engineering EASA IM.A.120 or FAA TC A16WE.
original productare unchanged and order -Ref.99010800 Rev.A
remain applicable to this certificate/ dated 11/04/2001or later
approval. revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10029814 AVIONIK STRAUBING PA-46-500TP, PA-46R-350T Installation of a Stormscope Avidyne TWX670 The Certification Basis for the original Project Description: None 22/04/2010 Active 10029814
ENTWICKLUNGS PA-46-310P, -350P, product and the followingadditional ASR-2009-015-PRD-04-00,
GmbH or alternative airworthiness Rev. 00Instructions for
requirements are applicable tothis Installation: ASR-2009-015-
certificate/ approvalCS-23, Initial IFI-10-00, Rev. 00Instructions
Issue (not required by 21A.101, for Continued Airworthiness:
elected to comply by theapplicant) ASR-2009-015-ICA-11-00,Rev.
The certificated noise and/ or 00Flight Manual Supplement:
emissions levels of the or... ASR-2009-015-FMS-05-00,
Rev. 00or later revisions of
the above listed documents
10029817 AVIATION REV. 1 FAA STC 400A Change to STC 10029817Beechjet 400 Cabin The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation of four (4) model Prior to installation of this design 28/05/2013 Active 10029817
FABRICATORS, Inc. ST01572WI 400 Configurations, Divan Installations. original product remains applicableto 400A OEM seats, one (1) two change it must be determined
this certificate/ approval.The place divan,one (1) three thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental place divan, one (1) aft toilet, this design change and any
protection and the one (1) set of aft pocketdoor otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or dividers, one (1) set of change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original forward pocket door dividers, introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain or LEDlighting, per the the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ following:-1),,Master Data List
approval. AF-475, Rev D, dated
December 11, 2009 o...
10029820 VIH AEROSPACE Inc. TCCA STC S-92A Auxiliary Fuel Tank Installation. The Certification Basis for the original VS92-371-FMS revision 5 None. 22/04/2010 Active 10029820
SH06-26 product remains applicable tothis dated 22 August 2007 - Flight
(EASA.IM.R.S.01450) certificate/ approval.The certificated manual Supplementor later
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the revisions of the above listed
original productare unchanged and documentsapproved by EASA
remain applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval. Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
revision 5 dated 17
September 2007 - Master
Drawing List;VS92-3...

04/01/2023 Page 160 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029821 AEROACOUSTICS REV. 2 FAA SA01805SE 208B Fabrication and installation of AeroAcoustics The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Manufacture in accordance It is the installers responsibility to 09/04/2021 Active 10029821
AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS, Aircraft Systems, Inc.(AASI) Aircraft Payload original product remains applicableto with AASI Master Drawing List ensure any Textron kits or
INC Extender STOL System. this certificate/ approval.The No. AA1977,Revision J, dated STC’sreferenced in this STC and
requirements for environmental July 22, 2016, and installed installed on the aircraft have been
protection and the inaccordance with EASAapproved.Limitations
associatedcertified noise and/ or AASIInstallation and Pertaining to all eligible models: -
emissions levels of the product are Maintenance Manual LIMIT SPEEDS (IAS): Maneuvering
unchangedand remain applicable to No.AA1976, Revision J<(>,<) Speed at 9062 lb, 143 KIASLIMIT
this certificate/approval without any >dated March 16, 2016.2. FACTORS (g’s): Flaps up: +3.36,
im... Operation in accordance with -1.34LIMI...
Approved Aircraft Flighty
10029833 AERO CONSULTING TCCA STC CL600-2B16 Transport Canada STC No. SA10-9 Issue 1 EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis None 23/04/2010 Active 10029833
SERVICES LTD. SA10-9 CL600-1A11, CL600-2A12, dated 08 February 2010.ACS-NAI Ltd. for the original product remains
Modification Data Summary Number applicable tothis certificate/
G373000 Revision N/C orlater approved approvalThe certificated noise and/
revision.Instructions for Continued or emissions levels of the original
Airworthiness G373071 Revision A and productare unchanged and remain
G373072Revision N/C, or later approved applicable to this certificate/
revisions.or later revisions of the above... approval
10029836 GVH AEROSPACE CAA UK BOEING 737-800 164 Passenger Layout. The Certification Basis for the original - Compliance Document BAC/ None. 23/04/2010 Active 10029836
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis 737/131 Issue 7- Instructions
certificate/ approval.The certificated forContinued Airworthiness
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the ICA/114/681 Issue1or later
original productare unchanged and revisions of the above listed
remain applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA
10029849 AIR CRUISERS FAA STC BELL 407 Bell 407 Emergency Float Kit P/N The Certification Basis for the original EDN3379 revision IR dated 27 For installation only on Bell 407 26/04/2010 Active 10029849
COMPANY SR02538NY 67432-101Note: This STC isfor the installation product remains applicable tothis June 2008 - Rotorcraft Flight models previously equipped with
of the Pneumatic ActivationSystem only. certificate/ approvalThe certificated ManualSupplementor later theBell Emergency Float Gear Skid
noise and/ or emissions levels of the revisions of the above listed tubes BHT P/N 206-053-184-121
original productare unchanged and documents approved by EASA and206-053-184-122 or approved
remain applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED equivalents.The ACC Bell 407
approval Decision 2004/04/CF (or Emergency Float Installation Kit is
subsequent revisions ofthis used in conjunctionwith the float
decision)EDR No. 20-1457 bags Type Certified per TCCA TC
revision B dated 17 April 2008 H-92 (Be...
- Installation Data List;...
10029850 AVIATION FAA ST00631SE- 737-800 Interior Reconfiguration - Installation of an The Certification Basis for the original Goodrich Master Data List Not Applicable 26/04/2010 Active 10029850
TECHNICAL D Interior Arrangement,Entertainment System product remains applicable tothis 2001-335 Rev. E dated
(EASA.IM.A.S.02613) SERVICES, Inc. Components and Avionics Components. certificate/ approvalThe certificated 21/10/2002or later revisions
noise and/ or emissions levels of the of the above listed documents
original productare unchanged and approved by EASA
remain applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10029856 AVIONIK STRAUBING 2) M20M, M20R, M20S Installation of a Garmin G500 System The Certification Basis for the original Instruction for Installation: None 26/04/2010 Active 10029856
ENTWICKLUNGS 1) M20J, M20K, M20L, product and the followingadditional ASR-2010-010-IFI-10-00, Rev.
GmbH 1) M20C, M20E, M20F, or alternative airworthiness 00Instructions for Continued
M20G, requirements are applicable tothis Airworthiness: ASR-2010-010-
certificate/ approvalCS-23, Initial ICA-11-00, Rev.00Flight
Issue (not required by 21A.101, Manual
elected to comply by theapplicant) Supplement:ASR-2010-010-
The certificated noise and/ or FMS-05.1-00, Rev.
emissions levels of the or... 00ASR-2010-010-
FMS-05.2-00, Rev. 00or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10029869 AVIATION FAA STC NO. PA-42, PA-42-720, Stretcher Installation per Aviation Design:Non-significant changeThe FAA approved STC Drawing The installer is responsible for 27/04/2010 Active 10029869
FABRICATORS, Inc. SA00961WI PA-42-1000 Fabricators, Inc. STC Drawing List,Doc. No. Certification Basis of theoriginal List, Doc. No. AF-204, Rev. (D), ensuring that the installation
PA-31T2, PA-31T3, PA-31 AF-204 product remains applicable tothis dated20Jan-2010, or later FAA complieswith any supplemental
PA-31P, PA-31T, PA-31T1 changeEnvironmental Protection:The approved revisionApproved oxygen requirements as required
PA-31-325, PA-31-350 certificated noise and/ or emissions Instructions for Continued for operation
levels of the original productare Airworthiness, Doc. No.
unchanged and remain applicable to AF-489, Rev.(A), dated 07-
this certificate/ approval Jan-2010, or later approved

04/01/2023 Page 161 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029872 ELLIOTT AVIATION FAA STC BEECHJET 400/400A Installation of Honeywell Digital Flight Data The Certification Basis for the original -Elliott Aviation Master Data None 28/04/2010 Active 10029872
STC02784CH RecorderValidation of FAA STC STC02784CH product remains applicable tothis List, Report No.
certificate/ approval MDL-3001-573, Rev. B,dated
December 16, 2009-FAA
Approved Flight Manual
Supplement, Elliott Aviation
Report No.FMS-3001-573,
Revision IR, approved
December 14, 2009-
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness Limitations,
Elliott AviationReport No.
10029873 ELLIOTT AVIATION FAA STC BEECHJET 400 Installation of an Artex C406-2 Emergency The Certification Basis for the original -Elliott Aviation Master Data None 28/04/2010 Active 10029873
STC02783CH Locator Transmitter (ELT)Validation of FAA product remains applicable tothis List, Report No.
STC STC02783CH certificate/ approval MDL-3010-578, Rev. A,dated
November 30, 2009-FAA
Approved Flight Manual
Supplement, Elliott Aviation
Report No.FMS-3010-578,
Revision IR, approved
December 2, 2009-
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness Limitations,
Elliott AviationReport No.
10029877 ARMSTRONG FAA STC B737-300, B737-500 Activation of Honeywell Runway Awareness The Certification Basis for the original Armstrong Aerospace None 28/04/2010 Active 10029877
AEROSPACE Inc. ST02776CH and Advisory System (RAAS) product and the followingadditional documents:-Master Data List -
or alternative airworthiness DC104-7006-00 Rev D dated
requirements are applicable tothis 10 Nov 2009-AFM
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01/Special Supplement document
Condition H-01 "Enhanced DC303-7006-00 approved on
Airworthiness Programme 04 Nov 2009or later revisions
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on of the above listed documents
EWIS"The certificated noise and/ or approved by EASA
emissi... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10029878 FORCED FAA STC O-470-L, -R, -S, -U Installation of a Belt-Driven Vortech V-1S CAR 13The Certification Basis for the Instructions for Continued The supercharged O-470-L, -R, -S, 28/04/2010 Active 10029878
AEROMOTIVE SE10233SC supercharger assembly on theTeledyne original product remains applicable Airworthiness are contained and -U engines are limited to 28
TECHNOLOGIES Continental Motors (TCM) O-470-L, O-470-R, tothis certificate except for JAR-E 10, in Document No.22002-05, inHg(193 kPa) MAP and 2600 RPM
O-470-S, and O-470-Uengines in accordance E 20,E 25, E 40, E100(b), E80, E70, E Rev. A, dated January 4, 2005, or 230 HP (171.5 kW) with
with Type Inspection Data contained in 220, E 270, E 360 which are amended or laterrevisions approved minimum fuel gradeAvgas 100LL.
MasterDrawing List No. MDL-182-1-E,Rev. D, by JAR-E Change 10 byEASA in accordance with
dated January 4, 2005, or laterFAA approved EASA ED Decision 2004/04/CF
revision... (or subsequentrevisions of
this decision)
10029879 STANDARD AERO FAA STC PT6A-135A Installation of the Pratt & Whitney Canada, FAR Part 33, effective 1 February Standard Aero, Inc. Not Applicable 28/04/2010 Active 10029879
SE02357NY PT6A-135, dual fuel feedline configuration in 1965, and Amendments 33-1to Instructions for Continued
accordance with Standard Aero, Inc. 33-5inclusiveThe Certification Basis Airworthiness, ReportNumber
EngineeringReport, 001-07-01, Rev. 0, dated for the original product remains 001-07-ICA, Rev. 0., dated
February 07, 2007. applicable tothis certificate/ approval February 07, 2007,or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10029892 COMPAGNIE FRANCE GARDAN GY80-160 Installation of Aspen Avionics EFD1000 PRO, The Certification Basis for the original AFM temporaire N1AFM None. 30/04/2010 Active 10029892
AVIATION 1 Garmin GMA340, 1 GarminGNS 430 and 1 product remains applicable tothis temporaire N2Limitation VFR
(EASA.A.S.03869) Kannad 406MHZ AF Compact in the GARDAN certificate/ approval.The certificated de jouror later revisions of the
GY-80 series. noiseand/ or emissions levels of the above listed documents
original productare unchanged and approved by EASA
remain applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 162 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029901 GOODRICH REV. 1 FAA STC 747-300, 747-400, 747-SP Installation of Hollingsead International The Certification Basis for the original - Hollingsead International None 08/11/2012 Active 10029901
INTERIORS ST01472LA-D 747-100B SUD, 747-200B, Sentry One Cockpit Entry DoorSurveillance product remains applicable tothis Master Data List No. 2763-01,
747-100, 747-100B, Camera System. certificate/ approval.The Revision NCdated
requirements for environmental 25/05/2004- Hollingsead
protection and the International FAA Flight
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Manual Supplement,
emissions levels of the original document No.2763-AFM<
product areunchanged and remain (>,<)> revisionNC, dated May
applicable to this certificate/ 25, 2004- Hollingsead
approval. International Flight Manual
Supplement, document No.
2763-AFM-1, revision NC,
dated J...
10029915 AEROLITE AG EC135 T2(CPDS), EC135 T2+ EMS Equipment P/N 135710-502 JAR 27 Issue 01 i.a.w. TCDS EASA.R. -Flight Manual Supplement Limited to: S/N 870 and 03/05/2010 Active 10029915
EC135 T1(CDS), EC135 T1 009The Certification Basis for the FMS-10-001 Rev. N/Cor later subsequent
(CPDS), original product remains applicable revisions of the above listed
EC135 P2(CPDS), EC135 P2+, tothis certificate/ approvalThe documents approved by
EC135 P1(CDS), EC135 P1 certificated noise and/ or emissions EASA-Operations Manual
(CPDS), levels of the original productare OPM-10-001 Rev N/C-Master
unchanged and remain applicable to Document List
this certificate/ approval MDL-10-001Rev. N/C
10029917 BEECHCRAFT FAA STC 800XP, 850XP, 900XP Installation of an Espresso Maker FAA CAR 4b <(>&<)> 14 CFR Part 25 Installation of an Espresso This modification requires the 03/05/2010 Active 10029917
CORPORATION ST10599SC-D Maker in accordance with STC installation of FAA STC ST10385SC-
RequiredDocuments List (RDL) D,Installation of a Rockwell Collins
No. 230-2003 Revision 5 CMS-1 Cabin Management
dated January 14, 2010, System.
orlater approved revision.
10029922 DECA AVIATION REV. 1 TCCA LSTC O- B737-800 Sliding Carpet Loading System Removal/ The Certification Basis for the original TCCA STC O-LSA09-040/D, Prior to installation of this design 25/01/2018 Active 10029922
ENGINEERING Ltd.d/ LSA09-040/D Deactivation.Revision1: Removal of limitation product remains applicable tothis issue 3, dated 02 April change it must be determined
b/a PAL AEROSPACE on aeroplane MSN. certificate/ approval.The certificated 2012DECA Modification thatthe interrelationship between
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Summary MS09024 Rev. this design change and any
original productare unchanged and 5DECA Instructions for otherpreviously installed design
remain applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness change and/ or repair will
approval. ICA9024 Rev. 4or later introduce noadverse effect upon
revisions of the above listed the airworthiness ofthe product.
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with
theTechnical Implementation
Procedures of EU/
CanadaBilateral A...
10029931 EUROCOPTER UK Ltd. REV. 1 CAA UK MBB-BK117 C-2 Cabin Configuration - Installation of Police or The Certification Basis for the original -Flight Manual Supplement None 11/06/2010 Active 10029931
RESPONSIBILITY Emergency Medical SystemRole Equipment product remains applicable tothis No. 16, Issue No. 1-Design
certificate/ approval ReportDR/1451230-001 Issue
A dated 15 May 2010or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10029935 SAAB AB MU-2B Installation Provisions/Video Signal in The Certification Basis for the original TDM10-03 as described in Target Towing provisions 04/05/2010 Active 10029935
Mitsubishi MU-2B rear pressurebulkhead product and the followingadditional TDM10-03-LEP Revision A according to Swedish CAA
or alternative airworthiness dated 2010-04-30 approval C6A/71 mustbe installed.
requirements are applicable tothis
certificate/ approval.CS-23 Amdt. 1,
dated 12 February 2009The
requirements for environmental
protection and the
associatedcertificated noise and/or
10029936 NSE INDUSTRIES S.A. REV. 4 AS350 B, AS350 B1, AS350 Installation of DTSV2 Data Transmission The Certification Basis for the original Rotorcraft Flight Manual Modification not approved for 29/09/2014 Active 10029936
B2, systemNote: Rev. 4 of this STC covers DTSV2 product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement for DTSV2 Data aircraft equipped with Weather
AS350 B3, AS350 BA, AS350 system upgrade due to additional or alternative Transmission System,doc. Radar orAFCS (Automatic Flight
BB. componentsobsolescence, software update, airworthiness requirements: RFMS-DTSV2-AS350 Rev.00 Control System)Modificationnot
small hardware changes and revision ofSTC thefollowing paragraph(s) at a later dated 28 October 2013or approved for AS350B3 model
Data List SDL-DTSV2-AS350. amendment:CS27 Amdt 2. later revisions of the above helicopters
paragraphs 27.29, 27.301, 27.303, listed documents approved by withmodificationOP-4305 (Arriel
27.305, 27.307, 27.561,27.773, EASA.STC Data List: SDL- 20 engine installation)
27.1301, 27.1309, 27.1351, 27.1357, DTSV2-AS350 Rev 01 dated incorporated.The installation of
27.1361,... 02/09/14 this modification by third persons
is subject t...

04/01/2023 Page 163 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029937 S-TEC CORPORATION FAA STC 210, 210A, 210B, 210C Installation of S-TEC System 55/55X Two Axis The Certification Basis for the original -FAA Approved S-TEC Bulletin None 04/05/2010 Active 10029937
SA09140AC-D Automatic Flight GuidanceSystem, Model product remains applicable tothis No. 721, dated 18-July-01,
ST-621 (14 Volt System) certificate/ approvalThe certificated Revision 3, orlater revision-
noise and/ or emissions levels of the FAA Approved S-TEC Master
original productare unchanged and Drawing List No. 92899, dated
remain applicable to this certificate/ 18-July-01,Revision C, or later
approval revision-FAA Approved
Supplemental Flight Manual,
P/N 891234, Revision 2,
dated18-July-01 or later
approved revision is require...
10029942 DRF STIFTUNG MBB-BK 117 B-2, MBB-BK Installation of Garmin GNS 530 FMS COM/ The Certification Basis for the original -Flight Manual Supplement Not Applicable 04/05/2010 Active 10029942
LUFTRETTUNGGEMEI 117 C-1 NAV System and TCAS-1 Sky 899TCAS product and the followingadditional SKY-899 TCAS I FMS-10-
NNUETZIGE AG or alternative airworthiness DRF-003 Rev. A-Flight Manual
requirements are applicable tothis Supplement GNS-530W,
certificate/ approval: CS29 Amdt. FMS-10-DRF-004 Rev. Aor
2Thecertificated noise and/ or later revisions of the above
emissions levels of the listed documents approved
originalproductare unchanged and byEASA-Master Document
remain applicable to this certifica... List MD-117-34-60-00001 Rev.
A-ICA CA-117-34-50-00012
Rev. A-ICA
CA-117-34-60-00001 Rev. A
10029947 AVIONIK STRAUBING CESSNA 340, 340A Installation of Thommen AD32 Air Data The Certification Basis for the original -Instructions for Installation: None 05/05/2010 Active 10029947
ENTWICKLUNGS Display/Altimeter andAvionikStraubing product and the followingadditional ASR-2009-025-IFI-10-00, Rev.
GmbH Altitude Preselect System APS4A or alternative airworthiness 0-Flight Manual Supplements:
requirements are applicable tothis ASR-2009-025-FMS-05-00,
certificate/ approvalCS-23, Amdt. Rev. 0-Instructions for
1Thecertificated noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness:
emissions levels of the ASR-2009-025-ICA-11-00, Rev.
originalproductare unchanged and 0or later revisions of the
remain applicable to this certifica... above listed documents
approved by EASA
10029953 JET AVIATION AG, REV. 1 B737-800 VIP Cabin Interior Outfitting The Certification Basis for the original Jet Aviation Documents:- Limited to: S/N 37545 12/07/2010 Active 10029953
BASEL product and the followingadditional Master Data List:
(EASA.A.S.03531) or alternative airworthiness BBJ37545-001 Rev.D dated
requirements are applicable tothis 09. July 2010-AFM
certificate/ approval.CRI A-01 Issue Supplement: BBJ37545-201
4for this project dated Rev. E-Inst. for Continued
09.07.2010.The requirements for Airworthiness:
environmental protection and the BBJ37545-150-01 Rev. IRor
associatedcertificated noise and... later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10029956 AIR CRUISERS FAA STC BELL 206 L-4 Bell 206L-4 Emergency Float Kit P/N The Certification Basis for the original -EDN3358 revision IR dated 22 The ACC Bell 206L-4 Emergency 06/05/2010 Active 10029956
COMPANY SR02633NY 67585-101 product remains applicable tothis December 2008 - Rotorcraft Float Installation Kit is
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Flight ManualSupplementor fortheinstallation of the Pneumatic
noise and/ or emissions levels of the later revisions of the above Activation System only, and is used
original productare unchanged and listed documents approved by inconjunction with the float bags
remain applicable to this certificate/ EASA inaccordance with EASA Type Certified per TCCA TC H-92
approval ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or (BellP/Ns 206-706-210-113).
subsequent revisions ofthis
decision)-EDR No. 20-1462
revision B dated 3 October
2008 - Installation Dat...
10029957 BOMBARDIER TCCA STC CL-600-2B16 Installation, Quick Access Recorder (QAR) EASA TCDS No. IM.A.023The -Transport Canada STC No. None 06/05/2010 Active 10029957
AEROSPACE SA10-36 Certification Basis for the original SA10-36 Issue 1 dated 19 April
product remains applicable tothis 2010.-ACS-NAI Ltd.
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Modification Data Summary
noise and/ or emissions levels of the G551000 Rev N/C, dated 19
original productare unchanged and April2010, or later approved
remain applicable to this certificate/ revision.-For Instructions for
approval Continued Airworthiness,
Refer to
TE-3130001-ICA.or later
revisions of the above listed

04/01/2023 Page 164 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10029964 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA ST02060SE 747-400 Amendment of STC 10029964 in order to The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC No. ST02060SE dated Concurrent Installation of EASA 04/10/2010 Active 10029964
- FSI remove EWIS Limitations and updatethe MDL product and the followingadditional 23 April 2010FAA SoC dated STC No. 10029975 is
(EASA.IM.A.S.03045) reference or alternative airworthiness 03 May 2010Flight Structure requiredConcurrent installation of
requirements are applicable tothis Inc. Master Drawing List FAA STC ST00720LA (EASA
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01 A7FS702-D01Revision H approvedundergrandfather rights
EWISThe requirements for datedSeptember 22, 2010The by CAA Airworthiness Approval
environmental protection and the Supplemental Instruction for Note No. 26656 dated 8March
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness FSI 1999) is required
emissions levels of the original p... DocumentA7FS702-D15
Revision C dated August 20,
2010or later revisions of the
above l...
10029965 AVIATION TRADERS REV. 1 B757-200 Boeing 757-200 229Y Passenger The Type and OSD Certification Bases -ATL Modification Summary As per associated Technical 10/11/2021 Active 10029965
LIMITEDEUROPE 757-200 ConfigurationRev. 1: Transferof STC for the original product as Sheet, Doc. No. documentation for weight and
S.A.S. amendedby the following additional MOD-11682-00001, Issue 3 balance(maximum allowable limit
or alternative airworthiness dated6th May 2010-ATL in the forward and aft cargo area is
requirements:CRI H-01/Special Master Document List, Doc. to beamended as per indicated in
Condition H-01 "Enhanced No.MDL-11682-00001, Issue 3 doc. N° MOD-11682-00001, Issue
Airworthiness Programme dated 5thMay 2010or later 3).Limited to: MSN 27973Prior to
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on revisions of the above listed installation of this change/repair it
EWIS"The requirements for document(s) approved/ must be determined thatthe
environmental protection and the acceptedunder theEASA interrelatio...
ass... system.
10029975 NORTHWEST FAA STC B747-400 First Class Cabin Upgrade BA 747-400 aircraft EASA TCDS No. IM.A.196The -FAA STC Number ST02063SE Concurrent installation of EASA 07/05/2010 Active 10029975
AEROSPACE ST10594SE-T Certification Basis for the original dated 30 April 2010.-FAA SoC STC 10029964 is required.This
(EASA.IM.A.S.03214) TECHNOLOGIESINC. product remains applicable tothis dated 03 May 2010.- modification may not be installed
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Northwest Aerospace after 30 August 2010 unless (1)
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Technologies, Inc. (NAT) previously approved electrical
original productare unchanged and Master Drawing ListN0313- wiring interconnect system (EWIS)
remain applicable to this certificate/ D10, Revision D dated 04 April instructions for continued
approval 2010or later approved airworthiness (ICA) have been
revision.or later revisions of evaluated anddetermined to be
the above listed documents adequate for this inst...
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
10029999 ESG BK 117 C-2 FLIR Mission Work Station PTA-THInstallation The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement No. -ESG GmbH Minor Change 0003 10/05/2010 Active 10029999
ELEKTRONIKSYSTEM- of a FLIR StarSafire HD System and an product remains applicable tothis 0005-FMS-025 Iss. 2or later and STC EASA.IM.R.S.01489 have
(EASA.R.S.01419) UND LOGISTIK-GmbH Operator Console inaccordance with ESG certificate/ approvalThe revisions of the above listed to beinstalled as prerequisite for
GmbH MDL 0005-MDL-006 based on ESG requirements for environmental documents approved by the installation of this
change no. 0005. protection and the EASA-Meansof Compliance/ modification.-This approval does
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Certification Program 0005- not include the operation of laser
emissions levels of the original MOCP-005 Iss. 2-Master pointer or laserilluminator devices.
product areunchanged and remain Drawing List 0005-MDL-006,
applicable to this certificate/ Iss. 3-Installation Instructions
approval 0005-IIO-024
10030001 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis -Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9339 and1. 10/05/2010 Active 10030001
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9339 for the original product remains reference C-10-0317 dated 06 Refer to the Limitations sections of
applicable tothis certificate/ May 2010.-TCCA STC No. the required AFM Supplement
approvalThe certificated noise and/ SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
or emissions levels of the original October 2004.-Aero WLAN system is compatible only
productare unchanged and remain Consulting Services to IEEE 802.11(b).
applicable to this certificate/ Configuration Definition List
approval D954000 RevisionEJ dated 23
April 2010.-Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
GC93390000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the above li...
10030002 BEECHCRAFT FAA STC KING AIR C90GTI Installation of an upgraded Flight FAR 23.The Certification Basis for the Installation in accordance None. 10/05/2010 Active 10030002
CORPORATION SA10969SC Management System (Version 4.0). This original product remains applicable with in accordance with
upgrade will offer a standard Flight tothis certificate/ approval.The master drawing
Management Computer and willinclude an certificated noise and/ or emissions list338-00-0001, revision IR,
option for Search and Rescue Mission levels of the original productare dated January 27, 2010,or
Profiles. unchanged and remain applicable to later approved
this certificate/ approval. revisions.Operation in
accordance with Airplane
Flight Manual Supplement
forCollins FMS-3000 LPV
Upgrade, P/N 338-00-0014 –
dated February 2010,and:-
Airplane Flig...

04/01/2023 Page 165 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030003 BEECHCRAFT FAA STC KING AIR B200 AND B300 Installation of an upgraded Flight FAR 23The Certification Basis for the Installation in accordance None. 10/05/2010 Active 10030003
CORPORATION SA10970SC Management System (Version 4.0) . This original product remains applicable with in accordance with
upgrade will offer a standard Flight tothis certificate/ approvalThe master drawing
Management Computer and willinclude an certificated noise and/ or emissions list337-00-0001, revision IR,
option for Search and Rescue Mission levels of the original productare dated January 27, 2010,or
Profiles. unchanged and remain applicable to later
this certificate/ approval approvedrevisions.Operation
in accordance with Airplane
Flight Manual Supplement
forCollins FMS-3000 LPV
Upgrade, P/N 337-00-0014 -
February 2010 and:-Airplane
Flight Manu...
10030005 FORCED FAA-STC 182Q, 182R Installation of Rod Sage Supercharged The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List This Supplemental Type Certificate 10/05/2010 Active 10030005
AEROMOTIVE SE10233SC 182K, 182L, 182M, 182N, Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM)O-470-L, product remains applicable tothis MDL-182-1-A, Rev. F, dated requires installation ofEASA
TECHNOLOGIES 182P, O-470-R, O-470-S and O-470-U Engines inacc. certificate/ approvalThe January 4, 2005Supercharger STC10029878 (see also FAA-STC
182E, 182F, 182G, 182H, with FAA STCSA10232SC requirements for environmental Installation Instructions, SE10233SC)
182J, protection and the Drwg. No. II-182,Rev. F,
associatedcertificated noise and/ or datedJanuary 4,
emissions levels of the original 2005Supercharger Installation
product areunchanged and remain Instructions, Drwg. No.
applicable to this certificate/ EI-182, Rev. B, datedJanuary
approval 4, 2005Instruction for
Continued Airworthiness
(FAA-STC SE10233SC),
10030011 DELTA ENGINEERING REV. 1 FAA STC B757-300 Installation of Panasonic Avionics The Certification Basis for the original Delta Engineering Master Finnair Minor Modifications (EASA. 25/01/2011 Active 10030011
CORPORATION ST02654NY-D Corporation System Digital MPES IIPassenger product and the followingadditional Data List 0145-06759-2212, 21J.263) EO 15330FR 1 andEO
Entertainment System. or alternative airworthiness Revision D, 15383 Fmust be installed prior to
requirements are applicable tothis 09/12/2010Aeroplane Flight or concurrent with theinstallation
certificateAs per the TCDS and Manual Supplement, of thisSTC.
SpecialCondition H-01 "EWIS"The 0645-06766-2212,
requirements for environmental 15/03/2010or later revisions
protection and the of the above listed documents
associatedcertificated noise and/ or approved by EASA
emission... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10030025 AVIONIK STRAUBING PA-31T2, PA-31T3, PA-31, Installation of Avidyne TAS 610/620/9900BX, The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for installation: Restricted to aircraft which have 12/05/2010 Active 10030025
ENTWICKLUNGS PA-31P, PA-31T, PA-31T1, Transponder Couplers andBottom/Top TAS product and the followingadditional ASR-2010-007-IFI-10-00, Rev. Avidyne EX500/600 MFD, Garmin
GmbH PA-31-325, PA31-350 Antennas or alternative airworthiness 0Flight Manual Supplement: GDU620PFD, Garmin GNS430(A)W
requirements are applicable tothis ASR-2010-007-FMS-05-00, or Garmin GNS530(A)W system
certificate/approval.EASA CS-23, Rev. 0Instructions for installed in orderto display the
Amendment 1.The requirements for Continued Airworthiness: information.
environmental protection and ASR-2010-007-ICA-11-00, Rev.
theassociatedcertificated noise and/ 0or later revisions of the
or emissions levels of the... above listed documents
approved by EASA
10030032 RUECKER SEE ATTACHED AML Fullsize/ Halfsize ATLAS trolley installation The Certification Basis for the original Engineering order See Interface Control Drawing 13/05/2010 Active 10030032
AEROSPACE GmbH approval. product remains applicable tothis EO-253-00007-001, Issue AIS-09-03, Issue C.
certificate/ approval.The BDrawing List
requirements for environmental DRW-253-00007-001, Issue
protection and the BTrolley Stowage Information
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or DE-253-00007-001, Issue A
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10030040 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10/-1A11 Modification, External Airstair Door Switch EASA IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA SoC ref. C-10-0116 None 17/05/2010 Active 10030040
SA10-15 for the original product and the dated 23 April 2010.TCCA STC
followingadditional or alternative No. SA10-15 Issue 1 dated 02
airworthiness requirements are February 2010.ACS-NAI Ltd.
applicable tothis certificate/ Modification Data Summary
approvalThe certificated noise and/ Number G572000 Revision NC
or emissions levels of the original orlater approved
productare unchanged and remain revision.ACS-NAI Ltd
applicable to this certificat... Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness G572071
Revision NCor later revision.or
later revisions ofa...

04/01/2023 Page 166 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030045 RUAG AEROSPACE CL-600-1A11 / -2A12 / -2B16 EASA AD 2009-0097 and AD 2009-0173 for EASA IM.A.023.The Certification Basis RUAG SoC reference 316A-CN None. 17/05/2010 Active 10030045
SERVICES GmbH Transponder TDR-94D for the original product remains Revision N/C dated 07 May
applicable tothis certificate/ 2010.RUAG MDL No. 316A-
approval.The certificated noise and/ MDL Revision N/C dated 07
or emissions levels of the original May 2010.or laterrevisions of
productare unchanged and remain the above listed documents
applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA
10030059 West Pacific Air, LLC FAA STC B36TC Installation of a Pratt and Whitney PT6A-21 The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Model B36TC OnlyThe MT 24/04/2012 Active 10030059
SA01156SE B36 engine flat rated to 500HPat 2,200 RPM, and product remains applicable tothis with Rocket Engineering propeller option on the original
(EASA.IM.A.S.03276) Hartzell model HC-E4N-3N/D8292 and HC- certificate/ approval.This certificate/ Master Drawing FAASTC is not EASA approved
E4N-3N/D8292(B,K)-2 propellers.This approval involves a change to the List450.00.000, Revision S, atthis time. In order to install the
certificate has been first issued on 17 May requirements forenvironmental dated June 30, 2007, or later MT propeller compliance with EU
2010 but has beenre-issued for protection and/or a change to the approvedrevisions.Operation noiseand environmental standards
administrative reasons due to the loss of the certificated noise and/or emissions in accordance with must be shown.
original. levels. TurbineAir/West Pacific Air
LLC FlightManual Supplement
ref 450.1001, Change 9, dated
July 16, 2007, or
laterapproved revisions.o...
10030066 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 2 ATR 72-212, ATR 72-212A Installation of single HF-9000 Communication The Certification Basis for the original -Master Document List, ref: ATR Modification 2028 (Fuselage- 15/11/2017 Active 10030066
GMBH ATR 72-202, ATR 72-211 Transceiver System in ATR42 and ATR 72This product as amendedby thefollowing ATR72-NY-02155 Revision 7 Provide basic provisions for HF
ATR 72-102, ATR 72-201 STC installs an additional HF communication additional or alternative dated16 April2013-Aircraft antennastrap insulator) and Mod
ATR 42-500, ATR 72-101 device.This revision has added some ATR 42 airworthiness requirements:Special Flight Manual Supplement, ATR Modification 3138
ATR 42-300, ATR 42-320 aircraft models within the initialSTC Condition(s): H-01: Enhanced ref: ATR72-NY-02155-08 (Communications-HF
applicability. AirworthinessProgramme Revision 5dated 09 August systeminstallation of basic
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on 2012-Instructions for antenna) must embodied on the
EWISCS 25 Amdt 4:25.21, .25, .27, . Continued Airworthiness, ref: aircraft at the timeof this STC
301, .303 to .307, .561, .571, .581, ATR72-NY-02155-07Revision 6 installation.Prior to installation of
25.601 t... dated 20 November 2012- this design change it must be
Weight & Balance deter...
Supplement, ref: ATR72-...
10030074 HAWKER FAA STC KING AIR B200 SERIES Installation of modified Rockwell Collins FAR 23.The Certification Basis for the Installation Instructions for Prior approved installation of a 19/05/2010 Active 10030074
BEECHCRAFT SA01566WI-D Flight Guidance Computers(FGC-3000 units) original product remains applicable Replacement of FGC-3000 in Rockwell Collins Inc FGC-3000
CORPORATION (HBC) as a solution to eliminate nuisancepitch trim tothis certificate/ approval.The HawkerBeechcraft FlightGuidance Computer Module
wheelmovement. certificated noise and/ or emissions Corporation King Air Models (CPN 822-1108-031) is a
levels of the original productare B200/B200C/B200GT/ prerequisite to thisSTC.
unchanged and remain applicable to B200CGT, inaccordance with
this certificate/ approval. Rockwell Collins Inc Master
Drawing List ref P/
NRCA-0241, Revision - , dated
September 15,
2009.Instructions for Initial
and Continued Airworthiness,
10030078 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Modification, 13 Passenger Interior EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. C-LSA02-398/D Restricted to ASN 9102.1. Previous 19/05/2010 Active 10030078
LSA02-396/D Configuration for the original product remains Issue 1 dated 14 November Embodiment of EASA STC No.
applicable tothis certificate/ 2002.TCCA SoC ref. C-10-0369 10030079 "Aircraft Completion,
approvalThe certificated noise and/ dated 17 May 2010.Aero 10Passenger Interior
or emissions levels of the original Consulting Services (ACS) Configuration" is required.2.
productare unchanged and remain Modification Data Summary Bombardier Service Bulletin
applicable to this certificate/ D12050 RevisionN/C or later 700-31-018 Modification -
approval approved revision.ACS Flight IntegratedAvionics Computers -
Manual Supplement Avionics 2001 Batch 1 IAC Upgrade
"Conversion: 13 Passenger must be embodied.
Rev N/C or late...
10030079 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Aircraft Completion, 10 Passenger Interior EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis -TCCA STC No. C-LSA02-330/D Restricted to ASN 9102 19/05/2010 Active 10030079
LSA02-330/D Configuration for the original product remains Issue 1 dated 24 October
applicable tothis certificate/ 2002.-TCCA SoC ref.
approvalThe certificated noise and/ C-10-0368 dated 14 May
or emissions levels of the original 2010.-Aero Consulting
productare unchanged and remain Services (ACS) Modification
applicable to this certificate/ Data Summary
approval D12000Revision C or later
approved revision.The
following ACS Flight Manual
Supplements are required:-G-
FM24000033 Rev N/C* Cabin
Master Powe...

04/01/2023 Page 167 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030080 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis -Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9331 and1. 19/05/2010 Active 10030080
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9331 for the original product remains reference C-09-0994 dated 13 Refer to the Limitations sections of
applicable tothis certificate/ May 2010.-TCCA STC No. the required AFM Supplement
approvalThe certificated noise and/ SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
or emissions levels of the original October 2004.-Aero WLAN system is compatible only
productare unchanged and remain Consulting Services to IEEE 802.11(b).
applicable to this certificate/ Configuration Definition List
approval D954000 RevisionEI dated 16
April 2010.-Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
GC93310000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the above li...
10030084 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 3 LBA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Upwards Opening Door for Parachutist The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List Prior to installation of this change/ 20/01/2022 Active 10030084
Service GmbH 0060/549B LIST DroppingThis STC at revision 1 revises and product remains applicable tothis MDOCL_2022824_rev2_2018 repair it must be determined
supersedes LBA STC 0060/549b.Revision certificate/ approval.The 0601, 09.08.2018- Master thatthe interrelationship between
2extends the scope of approval to additional requirements for environmental Drawing List this change/repair and any
C182 models protection and the MDRWL_2022824_rev1_2016 otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or 1001, 15.10.2016- Installation and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original Instruction adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain II_2022824_rev2_20180601, airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Edition 01.08.2018- Flight
approval. Manual Supplement
01, Edition01.08.2018or later
revisions of the above li...
10030085 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 4 LBA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Dropping of max 4 Parachutists with Manual The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List Prior to installation of this change/ 20/01/2022 Active 10030085
Service GmbH 0059/549B LIST or Automatic Release.This STC revises and product remains applicable tothis MDOCL_2022926_rev1_2018 repair it must be determined
supersedes LBA STC 0059/549B.Revision 2 certificate/ approval.The 0601, 09.08.2018- Master thatthe interrelationship between
extends the scope of approval to additional requirements for environmental Drawing List this change/repair and any
C182 modelsRevision 3 Transfer to ACC protection and the MDRWL_2022926_revO_2016 otherpreviously installed change
Columbia Jet Service GmbHRevision 4 typo in associatedcertified noise and/ or 1001, 15.10.2016- Installation and/ or repair willintroduce no
company name emissions levels of the original Instruction adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain II_2022926_rev2_20180601, airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ Edition 01.08.2018- Flight
approval. Manual Supplement
01, Edition01.06.2018or later
revisions of the above li...
10030088 PIAGGIO AMERICA, FAA STC P.180 AVANTI & AVANTI II FAA STC SA10955SC "Installation of a The Certification Basis for the original W & B Manual update Doc. None 20/05/2010 Active 10030088
Inc. SA10955SC passenger seating system to replacefive product remains applicable tothis AN-1802-WB-01 Rev.
existing Decrane single seats with Model certificate/ approvalThe IRInstructions for Continued
FS1101 single seats" requirements for environmental Airworthiness Doc. AN-1802-
protection and the ICA-01 Rev. IRor later
associatedcertificated noise and/ or revisions of the above listed
emissions levels of the original documents approved by
product areunchanged and remain EASAor later revisions of the
applicable to this certificate/ above listed documents
approval approved byEASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
10030091 FEDERATION ASW20F STC M-01/09-A01 Winglet Installation on The Certification Basis for the original Dossier STC M-01/09-A01or None 20/05/2010 Active 10030091
FRANCAISE DE VOL A ASW20F product remains applicable tothis later revisions of the above
VOILE(FFVV) certificate/ approvalThe certificated listed documents approved by
noise and/ or emissions levels of the EASA inaccordance with EASA
original productare unchanged and ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
remain applicable to this certificate/ subsequent revisions ofthis
approval decision)
10030093 AEROSPACE DESIGN CAA UK BAE 146-200 New Cabin Configuration JAR 25 Change 10The Certification Certification Program None 21/05/2010 Active 10030093
AND RESPONSIBILITY Basis for the original product remains JN223ADC12(1) Issue 3or later
CERTIFICATIONLtd. applicable tothis certificate/ approval revisions of the above listed
T/A AERODAC documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 168 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030095 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139, AW139 AW139 VIP 305 INTERIORS P/N The Certification Basis for the original RFM Supplement VIP 305 Prior to installation of this design 28/10/2015 Active 10030095
GROUP S.p.A. 6AB1AD015-001, Rev. J product remains applicable tothis 6AB1RFM-1-11, Rev. Hor later change it must be determined
certificate/ approvalThe revisions of the above listed thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental documents approved by this design change and any
protection and the EASA.-Owner's Manual VIP otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 305 6AB1WNM-2-19, Rev. H- change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Design Data Set DDS-15-018, introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Issue C, dated 14.10.2015 the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ (Sect. A, MasterDocument
approval List; Sect B, Master Drawing
List)-NDC 6AB1AD-222/I, Issue
C-NDC 6A...
10030099 AVIONICS MBB-BK 117 C-1 Cabin Interior RetrofitInstallation of a cabin The Certification Basis for the original MBB-BK117 C-1 Rotorcraft S/N 7541 21/05/2010 Active 10030099
INTEGRATION & interior retrofit based on AIEC product remains applicable tothis Flight Manual Supplement -
ENGINEERINGCORPO engineeringorder 854-062. certificate/ approvalThe Doc. Number: 854-071Rev.:
RATION AG (AIEC) requirements for environmental Aor later revisions of the
protection and the above listed documents
associatedcertificated noise and/ or approved by
emissions levels of the original EASACertification Compliance
product areunchanged and remain Sheet - Doc. 854-075 Rev. B,
applicable to this certificate/ 19.05.2010Certification
approval Program - Doc. 854-080 Rev.
B dated 19.05.2010Master
Data List - Doc. 854-049...
10030100 AERO CONSULTING TCCA STC NO. C- BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. C-LSA10-048/D Restricted to ASN 9319 21/05/2010 Active 10030100
SERVICES LTD. LSA10-048/D Interior for the original product remains Issue 1 dated 07 May
applicable tothis certificate/ 2010.TCCA SoC ref. C-10-0416
approvalThe certificated noise and/ dated 19 May 2010.ACS-NAI
or emissions levels of the original Ltd. Modification Data
productare unchanged and remain Summary G568000 Revision
applicable to this certificate/ NC or laterapproved
approval revision.Midcoast Aviation
Inc. Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement for theComplete
Custom Aircraft Interior,
G568091 Revision NC o...
10030118 AMICALE DE REV. 1 CAP 232 Evolution of of CAP 232 to CAP 332 The Certification Basis for the original Airplane Flight Manual None. 28/07/2011 Active 10030118
VOLTIGE AERIENNE SC.Revision 1: Modifications majeures product and the followingadditional Supplement CAP 332
(AVA) applicables aux CAP23X et 332 SC or alternative airworthiness SCAirplane Maintenance
requirements are applicable tothis Manual Supplement CAP332
certificate/ approval.FAR 23.The SCor later revisions of the
certificated noise and/ or emissions above listed documents
levels of the original productare approved by EASA
unchanged and remain applicable to
this certificate/ ap...
10030124 RAISBECK REV. 3 FAA STC B300, B300C Installation of fully enclosed main landing FAR 23. Installed in accordance with None. 10/08/2011 Active 10030124
ENGINEERING Inc. SA4175NM B200T, B200CT, B200GT, gear door system forhigh-flotation gear Raisbeck Installation Manual
(EASA.IM.A.S.02986) B200CGT equipped aircraft. R81-1005 Rev.N, dated 10
A200C, A200CT, B200, B200C March 2010;Instructions for
200, 200C, 200T, 200CT, Continued Airworthiness ref.
A200 Raisbeck MaintenanceManual
85-120 Rev. G. Dated January
2008;IPC 85-119 dated April
2004or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA inacco...
10030130 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 1 412EP Installation of Weather Radar Bendix-King The Certification Basis (CB) for the INAER.210-LMD Rev. 0 Prior to installation of this change/ 01/02/2019 Active 10030130
CRITICAL SERVICES model RDR1400C inBell original product remains applicableto (Master Document List)INAER. repair it must be determined
FMANAGEMENT 412EPhelicopters.Rev. 1: Transfer of STC this certificate/ approval.The 210-BI, Rev. 0 (Engineering thatthe interrelationship between
S.A.U. requirements for environmental Bulletin)INAER.210-FMS, Rev. this change/repair and any
protection and the 0 (Supplementto RFM)INAER. otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or 210-ICA, Rev. 0 (Instructions and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original for Continued Airworthiness) adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain or later revisions of the above airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ listed document(s) approved/
approval. acceptedunder the EASA

04/01/2023 Page 169 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030139 AERO CONSULTING TCCA STC NO. C- BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. C-LSA10-041/D Restricted to ASN 9324 27/05/2010 Active 10030139
SERVICES LTD. LSA10-041/D Interior for the original product and the Issue 1 dated 07 May
followingadditional or alternative 2010.TCCA SoC ref. C-10-0427
airworthiness requirements are dated 21 May 2010.ACS-NAI
applicable tothis certificate/ Ltd. Modification Data
approvalCRI F-01 "Installation of Summary G383000 Revision
Wireless System"The certificated NC.Savannah Air Center
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Airplane Flight Manual
original productare unchange... Supplement for the
AircraftInterior, G383090
Revision NC.Savannah Air
Center Airplane F...
10030143 NSE REV. 2 AS 355 N, AS 355 NP Installation of DTSV2 Data Transmission The Certification Basis for the original Definition Dossier DD-411683 This change is applicable to all 17/09/2020 Active 10030143
AS 355 F1, AS 355 F2 SystemRevision 1: The DTSV2 system is product as amendedby thefollowing Revision 2 dated 20 June MSN except MSN equipped with
described in document IM-DTSV2-AS355 additional or alternative 2014Certification Plan PCERT- weatherradar and except MSN
andit is defined in documents DD-411683 and airworthiness requirements:The DTSV2-AS355 Revision 1 equipped with Automatic Flight
DD-KIT-DTS-AS355.Revision 2: Replacement following paragraph(s) at a later dated 25 March Control System(AFCS).The
of obsolete components, software update, amendment: FAR 27FAR 27.29 Amdt 2020Qualification Tests Result approval holder shall fulfill
smallhardware changes and revision of STC 27-14,,,,,,FAR 27.301 Original QTR-411683 Revision 0_Amdt theobligations of Part 21,
Data List SDL-DTS... issueFAR 27.303 Original issue,,,,FAR D dated 09September Point21.A.109.Prior to
27.305 Original issueFAR 27.307F... 2014STC Data List SDL-DTSV2- installationof this change/repair it
AS355 Revision 1 dated 25 must be determined thatthe
January 2020Or later revisions interrel...
of the above lis...
10030147 AIRBUS S.A.S. A320-200 Airbus Corporate Jet Centre Modification In accordance with the EASA TCDS A. 1. Modification Approval This STC is limited to Airbus 28/05/2010 Active 10030147
CJ0531 Issue 1 - VIP KIT - RAFOProject 064 plus:The Certification Basis for Sheet ref. CJ0531 Issue 1< A320-200 MSN 3723 & MSN 4117
(EASA.A.S.03949) the original product and the (>,<)> dated 27th May20102.
followingadditional or alternative AFM Supplement Ref: FM-S
airworthiness requirements are MOD CJ0531, dated May
applicable tothis certificate/ 01/10or later revisions of the
approval- Certification Review Item above listed
CRI A-2301-003 "ACJC Centre documentsapproved by EASA
ConversionProject Certification
10030154 SAFRAN CABIN INC. FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Validation of FAA STC ST01989LA-D: The Certification Basis for the original -Master Drawing List MDL None 31/05/2010 Active 10030154
ST01989LA-D LIST Adjustable Cargo Net Installation product and the followingadditional A141000 Rev.C dtd. 30. April
or alternative airworthiness 2010 & detailedconfiguration
requirements are applicable tothis per attached EASA approved
certificate/ approvalSee attached Model List-ICA Report
EASAapproved Model List CDRA149-78 Rev. A dtd. 6.
May 2010or later revisions of
the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisio...
10030156 HARTZELL FAA STC PA-46-350P, PA-46R-350T EASA validation of FAA STC SA02677CH- CS-23.B NSC Field Installation Instructions: For further limitations see 31/05/2010 Active 10030156
PROPELLER INC. SA02677CH-D DInstallation of Hartzell Propellers 1. INST_080808_97FLDfor applicable associated
(EASA.IM.A.S.03250) HCI3YR-1N/N7605(K)+2,HCI3Y1R-1N/N7605 PA-46-350P, S/N 4622001 to technicaldocumentation
(K)+2 4622200, 4636001 to
PA-46-350P, S/N 4636132 and
upfor PA-46R-350T, S/N
4692001 and upFactory
Installation Instructions:1.
PA-46-350P, S/N 4636132 and
upfor PA-46R-350T...
10030161 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK 2. REIMS CESSNA 337 Introduction of Bubble Windows The Certification Basis for the original STC Twenty One Limited Restricted to un-pressurized 31/05/2010 Active 10030161
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY 1. CESSNA 337 product remains applicable tothis Master Document List No. versions of the Cessna/Cessna
certificate/ approvalThe certificated S21.MDL-0752 at InitialIssue Reims 337aircraft
noise and/ or emissions levels of the dated 26 May 2010or later
original productare unchanged and revisions of theabove listed
remain applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 170 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030166 AIR COMM FAA STC A119, AW119 MKII FAA STC No. SR00463DE Installation of Air The Certification Basis for the original -FM Supplement Doc. No. None 31/05/2010 Active 10030166
CORPORATION LLC SR00463DE Conditioning System product remains applicable tothis A119-1, Rev. 6, 11 June
certificate/ approvalThe 2009or later revisions of the
requirements for environmental above listed documents
protection and the approved by EASA
associatedcertificated noise and/ or inaccordance with EASA ED
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis
applicable to this certificate/ decision)-FAA STC No.
approval SR00463DE amended 27
November 2007-Air Comm
Corp. Master Drawing List
Report No. D...
10030206 AEROSPACE DESIGN CAA UK 747-400 Reconfiguration of compartment zone A in The Certification Basis for the original Jamco America Inc. None 02/06/2010 Active 10030206
AND RESPONSIBILITY accordance with AerodecModification product and the followingadditional Instructions for Continued
(EASA.A.S.03549) ENGINEERINGCONSU summary MOD-0386 Rev. B dated 29 March or alternative airworthiness Airworthiness,
LTANTS Ltd. 2010 or laterapproved revision.This STC requirements are applicable tothis documentsnumber
validates FAA STC ST01829SE. certificate/ approval.CRI D-1 Width JD-09AC03 Rev. New, dated
ofAisle for EASA.A.S.03549 March 06, 2008orlater
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10030208 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 A318-112 Installation of a VIP cabin for a maximum of EASA TCDS A.064The Certification - Supplemental Type None 19/07/2011 Active 10030208
AG 19 passengers.The designdetails are Basis for the original product and the Definition Document, ref.
(EASA.A.S.03776) described in General Description C-AAA057- followingadditional or alternative Doc. No.
SPA.Deletion of the Airworthiness Limitation airworthiness requirements are STDD00-09/02M,issue 01,
Item reference 530000-01-S forA318-112 applicable tothis certificate/ revision 01 dated 02 June
Elite 14 MSN 4169 approvalCRI A5301-008 EASA 2010- Aeroplane Flight
Supplemental Type Certification Manual Supplement
Basisplus voluntarily by applicant:FAR A-00-09/167-AFM issue 1,
25.981 (a)(b) Amdt. 102FAR 25.856... revisionIR, dated 19 April
2010<(>,<)>- Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness, ref.
Doc. No.A-00-09/167-ICA,
issue 2, revision...
10030228 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A380-841/ -842 Installation of Class 2 EFB Laptop Cradle The Certification Basis for the original Supplemental Type Definition This STC is only intended for the 03/06/2010 Active 10030228
AG product and the followingadditional Document, STDD46-09/01M, defined Class 2 EFB with Type A
or alternative airworthiness Issue1Airplane Flight Manual andType B software applications,
requirements are applicable tothis Supplement, A-00-10/120- in accordance with JAA Temporary
certificateAs per TCDS EASA. A.110 AFM, Issue 1Instructions for GuidanceLeaflet TGL-36 and FAA
andCertification review Item CRI Continued Airworthiness, Advisory Circular
F-57.The requirements for A-00-10/120-ICA, Issue AC120-76A.Operation of type C
environmental protection and the 01Applicant's Declaration of software applications in
associatedcertificated noise an... Compliance No. 2927, dated accordance with FAAAdvisory
02 June 2010or later revisions Circular AC120-76A is prohibited
of the above listed onT...
10030229 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK B757-200/ -300 Introduction of Air Conditioning Filter The Certification Basis for the original STC 21 Compliance Record, Installation of STC21 Limited 04/06/2010 Active 10030229
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY product and the followingadditional S21.COMP-0694, Issue 1, Minor Change S21.21-15-1004,
(EASA.A.S.03972) or alternative airworthiness 03/06/2010STC 21 Master must beembodied prior to<(>,<)>
requirements are applicable tothis Document List, or concurrent with<(>,<)> this STC
certificateAs per FAA TCDS A2NM S21.MDL-0694, Issue 1,
and asmodified by CRI D-01 and CRI 03/06/2010or later revisions
H-01The requirements for of the above listed documents
environmental protection and the approvedby EASA
associatedcertificated noise and/...
10030237 TÄBY REV. 1 SAAB SF340A, SAAB 340B Rework of the Class E Compartment for The Certification Basis for the original S21.MDL-0663 Issue 1 Master STC 10014392 and 10014417 must 17/02/2020 Active 10030237
AIRMAINTENANCE inclusion of a courier seatingarea for up to 5 product and the followingadditional Document List, dated 28 May be installed.This Certificate shall
(EASA.A.S.03926) AKTIEBOLAG occupants, S21.25-63-1355.Rev. 1 Transfer of or alternative airworthiness 2010 includingreference to remain valid unless otherwise
Certificate requirements are applicable tothis AFM Supplement, MMEL, surrendered orrevoked.Prior to
certificate/ approvalCRI D-02 and CRI Maintenance Manual installation of this change/repair it
H-01CS 25 Amendment 2The including ICA andEWIS ICA, must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental W<(>&<)>B Manual, etc.or interrelationship between this
protection and the later revisions of the above change/repair and any
associatedcertificated noise and/ or listed documents approved by otherpreviously installed change
emissions... EASA and/ or repair will i...

04/01/2023 Page 171 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030239 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Interior Completions. EASA.IM.A.009.The Certification EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S. Restricted to ASN 9318. 04/06/2010 Active 10030239
SA05-60 Basis for the original product remains 03164.TCCA STC No. SA05-60
(EASA.IM.A.S.03164) applicable tothis certificate/ Issue 1.Aero Consulting
approval.The certificated noise and/ Services Ltd Configuration
or emissions levels of the original Definition List No.
productare unchanged and remain E025000Revision CV dated 31
applicable to this certificate/ May 2010.or later revisions of
approval. the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions oft...
10030240 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Interior Completions. EASA.IM.A.009.The Certification EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S. Restricted to ASN 9315. 04/06/2010 Active 10030240
SA05-60 Basis for the original product remains 03162.TCCA STC No. SA05-60
(EASA.IM.A.S.03162) applicable tothis certificate/ Issue 1.Aero Consulting
approval.The certificated noise and/ Services Ltd Configuration
or emissions levels of the original Definition List No.
productare unchanged and remain E025000Revision CU dated 31
applicable to this certificate/ May 2010.or later revisions of
approval. the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions oft...
10030246 AIR SUPPORT PA -30 ASI BMA 01/B/10 "Installation of Garmin GNS The Certification Basis for the original AFM Supplement Garmin GNS None. 07/06/2010 Active 10030246
INTERNATIONAL S.r.l. 430W approved for B-RNAV andother avionic product and the followingadditional 430WInstructions for
equipment". or alternative airworthiness Continued Airworthiness BMA
requirements are applicable tothis 01/B/10or later revisions of
certificate/approval.The applicant the above listed documents
elected to comply with CS-23 par. approved by EASA
1301, 1309, 1321, 1322,1329, 1351,
1353, 1357, 1365, 1367, 1381 1529;
10030248 AIR SUPPORT PA-30 The Certification Basis for the original AFM Supplement "Aspen None. 07/06/2010 Active 10030248
INTERNATIONAL S.r.l. product and the followingadditional Avionics EFD 1000
or alternative airworthiness Pro"Instructions for
requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness BMA
certificate/approval.The applicant 04/B/09or later revisions of
elected to comply with CS-23 par. the above listed documents
1301, 1309, 1321, 1322,1329, 1351, approved by EASA
1353, 1357, 1365, 1367, 1381
1529.The requirements forc...
10030259 ESG MBB-BK 117 B-2 Star SAFIRE and Mission Console The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement No. This approval does not include the 07/06/2010 Active 10030259
ELEKTRONIKSYSTEM- BK117Installation of FLIR Star Safire HD product remains applicable tothis 0012-FMS-070 Iss. 3 or later operation of laser pointer or
UND LOGISTIK-GmbH System on a bolster step on the RHside, certificate/ approval.The revisionsapproved by laserilluminator devices.
mission console, equipment rack, operator requirements for environmental EASAList of Compliance
and observer seats onadapter plates in the protection and the Documents 0012-LCD-003 Iss.
cabin, in accordance with ESG GmbH associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 4Means of Compliance
MDL0012-MDL-006 based on ESG change no. emissions levels of the original Record 0012-MOCR-005 Iss.
0012. product areunchanged and remain 3Master Drawing List 0012-
applicable to this certificate/ MDL-006, Iss. 3Installation
approval. Instructions 0012-INI-080 Iss.
2Instructions for Continued
10030272 WIPAIRE Inc. FAA STC CESSNA 208, 208B Installation of the Wipaire Single Point The Certification Basis for the original -Airplane Flight Manual None 08/06/2010 Active 10030272
SA00059WI Fueling System on Cessna 208i.a.w. FAA STC product remains applicable tothis Supplement, Doc.-No.
SA00059WI certificate/ approvalThe 1004430, Rev. A, datedMarch
requirements for environmental 21, 2010-Master Drawing List
protection and the & Parts Manufacturer
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Approval List W-MD137, Rev.
emissions levels of the original B,reissued February 19, 2010-
product areunchanged and remain Wipaire, Inc. Installation
applicable to this certificate/ Manual, Doc.-No. 1004433,
approval Rev. A, datedFebruary 19,
2010-Wipaire, Inc. Installation
Manual fo...

04/01/2023 Page 172 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030280 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 Cabin Configuration VIP-4 P/N 6- The Certification Basis for the original SFM 6-A02RFM-1-8 Approval of this change in type 09/06/2010 Active 10030280
GROUP S.p.A. A0201KI0101-003.This STC supersedes EASA product and the followingadditional design applies only to those AB
(EASA.R.S.00484) STC EASA.R.S.00484. or alternative airworthiness 139rotorcraft previously equipped
requirements are applicable tothis with EASA approved installation of
certificate/ approval.The AgustaKit Vip Cabin interior
requirementsfor environmental (Namibia) P/N 3G2520F00411.
protection and the
associatedcertificatednoise and/ or
emissions levels of the original
product areun...
10030281 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 Cabin Configuration VIP-3 P/N 6- The Certification Basis for the original SFM 6-A02RFM-1-7 Approval of this change in type 09/06/2010 Active 10030281
GROUP S.p.A. A0201KI0101-001.This STC supersedes EASA product and the followingadditional design applies only to those AB
(EASA.R.S.00485) STC EASA.R.S.00485. or alternative airworthiness 139rotorcraft previously equipped
requirements are applicable tothis with EASA approved installation of
certificate/ approval.The AgustaKit Vip Cabin interior
requirementsfor environmental (Namibia) P/N 3G2520F00411.
protection and the
associatedcertificatednoise and/ or
emissions levels of the original
product areun...
10030287 EUROCOPTER UK Ltd. CAA UK MBB-BK 117 C-2 Wescam HDi FLIR camera system.Installation The Certification Basis for the original Eurocopter UK BK117 C-2 1. Following items must be 09/06/2010 Active 10030287
RESPONSIBILITY of Wescam HDi FLIR camera system with product remains applicable tothis (EC145) Supplement No. 18, installed on the aircraft prior
build standards foralternate installation of certificate/ approval. Issue 1or later revisions of the toincorporation of this
MX-15 Analogue system in accordance with above listed documents change:ACS/MEEKER Utility step
EC UKchange no. MHL/145/1211, Master approved by EASA- on the right hand side, p/n AFM/
Drawings A3/1451211-100-1&-2. Instructions for Continued SM117A-11 andrelated Arm p/n
Theinstallation is including FLIR turret, hand Airworthiness-ICAW/ AF-SM117-C10 installed i.a.w. STC
controller, a GPS A... 1451211-001, Iss. A-Design EASA.IM.R.S.014892. This approval
Report DR/1451211-001, Iss. does not include the operation of
A laser pointer orlaser i...
10030289 GAMA AVIATION REV. 2 CAA UK AS350B2 System Configuration Modification No. MOD/ The Certification Basis for the original Bristow Helicopters Ltd. Limited to Serial Numbers 1902 01/03/2016 Surrendere 10030289
(ENGINEERING) RESPONSIBILITY 350/00.5696 includinginstallation of several product as amendedby thefollowing AS350B2 Series Flight Manual and 2312.Prior to installation of d
(EASA.R.S.01472) LIMITED avionics and electrical equipment items additional or alternative Supplement No.1 - this design change it must be
andmiscellaneous equipment as specified in airworthiness requirements:Change Introduction of radio determined thatthe
the Modification SheetMOD/ Complies with BCAR Section G.The altimeter with dual indicator interrelationship between this
350/00.5696.Revision 1 to this STC requirements for environmental (Honeywell KRA-405B)- initial design change and any
introduces AS350B2 Series Flight Manual protection and the issue.Bristow Helicopters Ltd. otherpreviously installed design
ChangeSheet No. 15.Revision 2... associatedcertified noise and/ or AS350B2 Series Flight Manual change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Change Sheet No.6- introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunc... Additional system activation the airworthiness of the product.
during starting - initial
10030294 AVIDYNE REV. 1 FAA STC 2.SR22T Installation of Avidyne 700-00033-() Tactical The Certification Basis for the original -Master Document List As indicated in FAA STC 21/12/2010 Active 10030294
CORPORATION SA00269BO 1. SR20, SR22 Weather Detection System product remains applicable tothis AVTWX-003, Rev. 14, Avidyne SA00269BO
certificate/ approval.The 700-00033-() TacticalWeather
requirements for environmental Detection System-Instructions
protection and the for Continued Airworthiness
associatedcertificated noiseand/or AVTWX-004, Rev. 7,
emissions levels of the original Avidyne700-00033-() TWX-
product areunchanged and remain Avidyne Installation Manual
applicable to this certificate/ 600-00165-000, Rev. 15or
approval. later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
EASA inac...
10030311 DINAN AVIATION PA28 R 201 T M05-2009 Rev. 0 modernisation du système The Certification Basis for the original Supplement au manuel de vol None. 10/06/2010 Active 10030311
de communication. product remains applicable tothis PA28 Rev0 edition Octobre
certificate/ approval.The certificated 2009 or laterrevisions of the
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the above listed documents
original productare unchanged and approved by EASA.
remain applicable to this certificate/
10030326 ASSOCIATED AIR FAA STC A319-115 Installation of an Executive Interior The Certification Basis for the original - FAA STC ST10900SC-D, dated This approval is limited to only the 10/06/2010 Active 10030326
CENTER, L.P. ST10900SC-D product and the followingadditional 8th June 2010- Master installation made in Airbus
or alternative airworthiness DocumentList, ref. doc. No. ModelNumber A319-115, Serial
requirements are applicable tothis 2731000000, Revision IR, Number 3957Airworthiness
certificate/ approval- CRI A-4301-007 dated 8thJune 2010- Airplane Limitation inspection to be
- EASA Supplemental Type Flight Manual Supplement, performed in all the locationsofthe
Certification Basis for AACInstallation ref. doc. No. 2731021090, Cabin Interior Primary Structure
of Executive InteriorThe certificated RevisionIR, dated 8th June Elements attachments for
noise and/ or emis... 2010- Instruction for every3000 FC using High
Continued Airworthiness, ref. Frequency Eddy Current in
doc. 2731050090,Revision D, accordan...
dated 3...

04/01/2023 Page 173 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030338 NSE AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2, Installation of a tracking system (DTS - Data As per EASA TCDS.R.008 Issue 04, 23 Definition and installation- Modification not approved for 11/06/2010 Active 10030338
AS350BA, AS350BB, AS350B3 Transmission System) November 2009The Certification DTS Definition file, doc. aircraft equipped with weather
(EASA.R.S.01510) Basis for the original product and the DD-0018-053670-EN, rev. 02 radar orAFCS (Automatic Flight
followingadditional or alternative dated 19/04/2010-DTS AS 350 Control System)
airworthiness requirements are and AS 355mounting
applicable tothis certificate/ Instruction, doc.
approval.Change complies with CS27 IM-0011-053670-EN,rev. 08
Amdt 1The requirements for dated 28/04/2010Inspection,
environmental protection and the maintenance, and operation-
as... Operating and Maintenance
Manual for DTS, doc.
MUL-0012-053670-EN, Rev.
10030339 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 Cabin Configuration VIP-2 P/N 6- The Certification Basis for the original SFM 6-A03RFM-1-6. Approval of this change in type 09/06/2010 Active 10030339
GROUP S.p.A. A0301KI0101-003.This STC supersedes EASA product remains applicable tothis design applies only to those AB
(EASA.R.S.00486) STC EASA.R.S.00486. certificate/ approval.The certificated 139rotorcraft previously equipped
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the with EASA approved installation of
original productare unchanged and AgustaKit Vip Cabin interior (UAE)
remain applicable to this certificate/ P/N 3G2520F00511.
10030340 MECAER AVIATION REV. 1 AB139/ AW139 Cabin Configuration VIP-1 P/N 6- The Certification Basis for the original SFM 6-A03RFM-1-7. Approval of this change in type 09/06/2010 Active 10030340
GROUP S.p.A. A0301KI0101-001.This STC supersedes EASA product remains applicable tothis design applies only to those AB
(EASA.R.S.00487) STC EASA.R.S.00487. certificate/ approval.The certificated 139rotorcraft previously equipped
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the with EASA approved installation of
original productare unchanged and AgustaKit Vip Cabin interior (UAE)
remain applicable to this certificate/ P/N 3G2520F00511.
10030342 MECAER AVIATION REV. 2 AB139/ AW139 FWD Bulkhead P/N 6AB1AD005-001 The Certification Basis for the original Owner’s Manual P/N None. 09/06/2010 Active 10030342
GROUP S.p.A. Installation.This STC supersedes EASA STC product remains applicable tothis 6AB1WNM-2-4.
(EASA.R.S.01226) EASA.R.S.01226. certificate/ approval.The certificated
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10030343 EUROCOPTER UK Ltd. CAA UK BK117 C-2 (EC145) Dual Martin Baker Swivelling Passenger Seats The Certification Basis for the original -ECUK RFMS Number 19 Issue As identified in RFMS 19 11/06/2010 Active 10030343
RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis 1or later revisions approved
certificate/ approval.The certificated by EASA-DR/145/1196-002
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Issue A
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10030363 TECH-TOOL FAA STC AS350 B, AS350 B1, AS350 B2 Installation of a Vertical Sliding Window in The Certification Basis for the original - Drawing List 350A82-1750, None 11/06/2010 Active 10030363
PLASTICS, Inc. SR09127RC-D AS350 B3, AS350 BA, AS350 the Right and/or Left HandSliding DoorFAA product remains applicable tothis Rev B, dated August 25, 2000-
D STC SR09127RC-D certificate/ approvalThe Rotorcraft Flight MFanual
requirements for environmental Supplement (FMS)
protection and the 350FMS-066, Revision
associatedcertificated noise and/ or B,dated July 24, 2008- ICA,
emissions levels of the original Doc Number TTPICA-350-001,
product areunchanged and remain dated July 27, 1999or later
applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed
approval documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 200...
10030371 MECAER AVIATION REV. 2 AB139/ AW139 Liners Silens P/N 6AB1AD010-001Rev. 1: The Certification Basis (CB) for the Rotorcraft Flight Manual None 29/05/2017 Active 10030371
GROUP S.p.A. Supersedure of EASA STC EASA.R.S. original product remains applicableto Supplement 6AB1RFM-1-9
(EASA.R.S.01534) 01534Rev. 2: Introduction of trim panel this certificate/approval.The Rev. Eor later revisions of the
system compatibility to AW139helicopter requirements for environmental above listed documents
sliding door configuration protection and the approved by
associatedcertified noise and/or EASA.NDC-6AB1AD-241/1,
emissions levels of the original Issue A Change Definition
product areunchanged and remain (Description, Configuration)
applicable to this certificate/ NDC-6AB1AD-241/2, Issue A
approval. Certification Program(CCL &
Issue A Change Approval

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030372 AIR METHODS FAA STC MD900 Installation of an EMS Interior in a MD902 As described in FAA TCDS H19NMThe -Master Drawing List Report If damage or excess wear warrants 11/06/2010 Active 10030372
CORPORATION SR00250DE-D Helicopter Certification Basis for the original No. 231-9000-001, revision J, structural repair or alteration to
product remains applicable tothis dated March 5,2010- thefloor system, pre-approval
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Rotorcraft Flight Manual authorized by the holder of this
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Supplement "EMS Interior", STC isrequired in accordance with
original productare unchanged and No. 080-0209,revision E, AMMS 050-0167, Rev. (-), dated
remain applicable to this certificate/ dated June 5, 2008-Rotorcraft June 13, 1996or later FAA
approval Flight Manual Supplement accepted revision.The multi-
"Aft Equipment Frame", No. purpose floor STC LBA 0767/3066
080-0220, revision A, dated "Einbau einerMehr...
May 9, 2007-Instructions for
10030374 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A340-500 A340-500 Cabin retrofit ETD03This STC EASA TCDS A.015 Issue 16Special Supplemental Type Definition None 11/06/2010 Active 10030374
AG modifies the cabin layout by replacing First Conditions:-E-19 (Mini Suite)- Document, ref
Class seats andall associated seat D-1304-004 (Flight Crew Rest STDD00-10/10M Issue
monuments. Compartments)The requirements for 1Instruction for Continued
environmental protection and the Airworthiness, ref
associatedcertificated noise and/ or A00-10/134-ICA Issue 1or
emissions levels of the original later revisions of the above
product areunchanged and remain listed documentsapproved by
applicable to this certificate/ EASA
10030404 AVIONIK STRAUBING EC 120 B Panel Modification including position change The Certification Basis for the original Definition and Installation in None 15/06/2010 Active 10030404
ENTWICKLUNGS of ApolloMX20(GarminGMX200),HSI product and the followingadditional accordance with:-Avionik
GmbH Indicator KI 525 and installation of new or alternative airworthiness Straubing GmbH Master
Attitude Indicator and Moving Terrain MT- requirements are applicable tothis Documents List
Vision MFD. certificate/ approval.CS 27 Amd. ASR-2010-005-MDL
02.The requirements for -01-00dtd16/03/10-Avionik
environmental protection and the Straubing GmbH Installation
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Instruction ASR-2010-005-IFI
emissions levels of the original... -10-00Inspection and
Maintenance in accordance
with:-Avionik Straubing GmbH
Instructions for Continued
10030405 BENZ AIRBORNE FAA STC DHC-6-100, -200, -300 Installation of Torque Pressure System on The Certification Basis for the original Armstrong Aerospace Master For models DHC-6-100 and 15/06/2010 Active 10030405
SYSTEMS SA01969CH DHC-6 in acc. to FAA STCSA01969CH product remains applicable tothis Data List No. DC104-3021-00, DHC-6-200, this installation is only
certificate/ approvalThe Rev. B, datedJuly 18, applicablewhen the airplane has
requirements for environmental 2005Benz Airborne Systems, been modified with PT6A-27
protection and the Engine Torque Pressure engines.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Indicating SystemDHC-6-300,
emissions levels of the original Aircraft Maintenance Manual
product areunchanged and remain Supplement, Rev A, March 10,
applicable to this certificate/ 2004or later revisions of the
approval above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with...
10030407 TIMCO AVIATION FAA STC B767-300 Interior reconfiguration, B767-300Validation As per EASA TCDS IM.A.035For this -Master Data List As per FAA STC ST03820AT-D 15/06/2010 Active 10030407
SERVICES INC. ST03820AT-D of FAA STC ST03820AT-DThe aircraft will have STC the following CRI/Special 09T116L001, Rev IR, dated
the seating configuration changed to Condition is applicable and ispart of June 11th, 2010-TIMCO's
addadditional coach (Y) class seating, the certificationbasis:CRI H-01 Instructions for Continued
additional seat track installationwith "Enhanced Airworthiness Programme Airworthiness 09T116R009,
associated structural modifications, removal for Aeroplane System - ICA Rev IRdated April 23, 2010or
of a lavatory (MS-12)at the R2 door, onEWIS"The requirements for later revisions of the above
installationc... environmental protection and the listed documents approved by
associatedcertificated noise and/or EASA inaccordance with EASA
emissio... ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10030408 BENZ AIRBORNE FAA STC DHC-6-100, -200, -300 Installation of Engine Oil Pressure System on The Certification Basis for the original Armstrong Aerospace Master For models DHC-6-100 and 15/06/2010 Active 10030408
SYSTEMS SA01970CH DHC-6 in acc.to FAA STCSA01970CH product remains applicable tothis Data List No. DC104-3020-00, DHC-6-200, this installation is only
certificate/ approvalThe Rev. B, datedJuly 18, applicablewhen the airplane has
requirements for environmental 2005Benz Airborne Systems, been modified with PT6A-27
protection and the Engine Oil Pressure Indicating engines.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or System DHC-6-300,Aircraft
emissions levels of the original Maintenance Manual
product areunchanged and remain Supplement, Rev A, March 10,
applicable to this certificate/ 2004or later revisions of
approval theabove listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EA...

04/01/2023 Page 175 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030420 SCHERDEL ASK 21, ASK 21 MI ASK 21 Front Instrument Panel Modification - The Certification Basis for the original Doc No 10_ASK21 FIP-001 None 15/06/2010 Active 10030420
ENGINEERING Ltd. Modification of the ASK 21front seat product remains applicable tothis
instrument panel to allow more leg space for certificate/ approvalThe certificated
the pilot noise and/ or emissions levels of the
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10030424 PETERSEN AVIATION, FAA STC CESSNA F182P Operation of airplane on unleaded The Certification Basis for the original EASA approved AFMS for 1. Limited to those airplanes 15/06/2010 Active 10030424
INC. SA00214WI automotive gasoline, 87 minimumantiknock product remains applicable tothis Reims-Cessna F182 P, Doc.No. equipped with gravity fuel feed to
(EASA.IM.A.S.03224) index and leaded automotive gasoline, 88 certificate/ approvalThe 182P-SA00214WI,Issue 1, thecarburettor and certificated
minimum antiknockindex (RON + MON) /2 requirements for environmental dated June 10, 2010Petersen (original or STC) EASAapproved
per ASTM Specification D-439 in acc. to FAA protection and the Drawing No. C718984 dated engineinstallations. All engines
STCSA00214WI. associatedcertificated noise and/ or July 1, 1984, revised must have separate approval for
emissions levels of the original December 15,1992or later operation onautomotive gasoline
product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed in the form of Supplemental or
applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA Type Certificateapproval.2.
approval Alcohol/ethanol...
10030455 WESTERN AVIONICS TCCA STC DHC-8-301, DHC-8-302 Collins Proline II InstallationTCCA STC FAR-25 as per EASA.IM.A.191The Installation must be in None 16/06/2010 Active 10030455
SA03-42 DHC-8-201, DHC-8-202, SA03-42, Is. 1, dated 8 May 2003 Certification Basis for the original accordance with Western
DHC-8-106, product and the followingadditional Avionics EngineeringOrder
DHC-8-102, DHC-8-103, or alternative airworthiness 89596-401, Rev. 1, dated April
requirements are applicable tothis 24, 2003, or later Transport
certificate/ approvalSpecial Condition Canadaapproved
H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness revision.Maintenance must be
Programme for AeroplaneSystems - in accordance with Western
ICA on EWIS" as detailed in CRI... Avionics MaintenanceManual
Supplement, 89596-701, Rev.
1, accepted May 8, 2003,
10030456 AEROTEC & REV. 1 B200, B200GT Air Alpha STC Definition Document EO- The Certification Basis for the original Air Alpha Master Data List No. None. 12/01/2016 Active 10030456
CONCEPT B200-25-145. Flight InspectionSystem product remains applicable tothis MDL.EO-B200-25-145, Rev: 06
Interface Installation King Air 200 Series. certificate/ approval. The certificated or laterrevisions of the above
noise and/ or emissionslevels of the listed documents approved by
original product are unchanged and EASA.
remain applicable tothis certificate/
10030465 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK BO105 Mounting boom for camera The Certification Basis for the original Rotorcraft Flight Manual CAT-A-operation is prohibited 16/06/2010 Active 10030465
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY installation.Certification of the installation of product and the followingadditional Supplement: RFMS 1089-01, (CAT-A-operation is excluded
(EASA.R.S.01596) a mounting boom which can be usedfor or alternative airworthiness Issue 1.Instructions for fromcertification).Maximum
installation of a camera. The camera requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness: ICA weight for cameras used is 43.1 kg
installation provisions and themaximum certificate/ approvalThe applicant 1089-01, Issue1Installation/ and maximum frontal area is1470
weight and frontal area of cameras which can hasshown compliance with the Post-Installation Procedures: sqcm.The used camera has to be
be used with themounting boom are part of current EASA IPI 1089-01, Issue 1Master certified separately.
this STC. No special came... certificationspecification CS-27, Document List: MDL 1089-01,
Amendment 2.The requirements for Issue 1or later revisions of the
environmentalc... above listed documents
approved by EASA
10030470 AEROTEC & REV. 1 B200, B200GT Provision for Flight Inspection use of MLS The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Air Alpha A/S Master Data MINIMUM FLIGHT CREW: FIS MLS 19/07/2016 Active 10030470
CONCEPT 200 navigation input original product remains applicableto List Numbered: MDL.EO- Navigation may only be used with
(EASA.A.S.03969) this certificate/ approval.The B200-25-129 Rev: 04dated 04 two (2)flight crew members seated
requirements for environmental June 2010;- Installation in in the cockpitMLS/FIS NOT FOR
protection and the accordance with the PRIMARY NAVIGATION. FLIGHT
associatedcertified noise and/ or Accomplishment Instructions INSPECTION GUIDANCE ONLY.STC
emissions levels of the original Ref.AI.EO-B200-25-129 Rev01 Holder approval required prior to
product areunchanged and remain dated 19 May 2010- application by any other
applicable to this certificate/ Operation in accordance with party.Prior to installation of this
approval. Air Alpha A/S Flight Manual modification it must be...
FMS.EO-B200-25-129 Re...
10030471 AEROTEC & REV. 1 B200, B200GT MD-124F Direction Finder Antenna The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Air Alpha A/S Master Data STC Holder approval required prior 19/07/2016 Active 10030471
CONCEPT 200 Installation. original product remains applicableto List MDL.EO-B200-25-125 to application by any other
(EASA.A.S.03942) this certificate/ approval.The Rev: 03dated 09June 2010- party.Prior to installation of this
requirements for environmental Installation in accordance modification it mustbe determined
protection and the with Accomplishment thatthe interrelationship between
associatedcertified noise and/ or Instructions Ref.AI.EO- this modification and any other
emissions levels of the original B200-25-125 Rev 00 dated 08 previouslyinstalled modification
product areunchanged and remain July 2009- Instructions for and/ or repair will introduce no
applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness adverse effectupon the
approval. i.a.w. AirAlpha A/ airworthine...
SMaintenance Manual
Supplement Ref. ATP25.0123

04/01/2023 Page 176 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030474 BOND HELICOPTERS CAA UK EC135 T2(CPDS), EC135 T2+ Engine Usage Monitoring SystemInstallation The Certification Basis for the original - Flight Manual Supplement None 17/06/2010 Active 10030474
EUROPE Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY of an Engine Usage Monitoring System in product and the followingadditional EC135 T2, T2+ "Engine Usage
accordance withchange number BOND/ or alternative airworthiness MonitoringSystem", FMS/
MOD/010 as defined in DL/010-099 to requirements are applicable tothis 010-002, Issue 1or later
monitor certainengine parameters, further certificate/ approvalCS 27 Amdt. 2 revisions of theabove listed
described in Design Report DR/010-001. forthe ChangeThe requirements for documents approved by
environmental protection andthe EASA- Post installation
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Actions PIA/010-009 Iss. 1-
emissions levels of... Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness ICA/010-010
Iss. 2- System Operating
Instructions SO...
10030478 RUAG AEROSPACE BD-700-1A11 Stone Flooring EASA IM.A.009The Certification Basis -RUAG Master Document List None 17/06/2010 Active 10030478
SERVICES GmbH for the original product remains No. 313B-MDL Rev. N/C dated
applicable tothis certificate/ 14 June 2010.-RUAG Approval
approvalThe certificated noise and/ for Aircraft Modification No.
or emissions levels of the original 313B-CN Rev. N/C dated
productare unchanged and remain 14June 2010.-RUAG Airplane
applicable to this certificate/ Maintenance Manual
approval Supplement No. 313B-
AMMSor later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10030479 EAGLE COPTERS USA, REV. 1 FAA STC 2. AS355F2, AS355N Horizontal Stabilizer Colour Camera Mount The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Drawing List GA161 Prior to installation of this design 11/03/2015 Active 10030479
INC. SR00219SE 2. AS355E, AS355F, AS355F1, per MDL GA161.Notes:1. The STC was initially original product remains applicableto Rev. - initial release dated change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.R.S.01510) 1. AS350B, AS350B1, issued to Geneva Aviation, Inc. this certificate/ approval.The 21/07/1995or later revisions thatthe interrelationship between
AS350B2 (initialreference: 10030479).2. Revision 1 to requirements for environmental of the above listed documents this design change and any
1. AS350BA, AS350D this STC reflects the transfer of 10030479 protection and the approved by EASA otherpreviously installed design
from GenevaAviation, Inc. to Eagle Copters associatedcertified noise and/ or inaccordance with EASA ED change and/ or repair will
USA, Inc. emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ decision) and/ or the
approval. Technical Implementation
Procedures of EU/USA
Bilateral Agreement.
10030483 VISIONSAFE FAA STC BD100-1A10 Installation of Emergency Vision Assurance The Certification Basis for the original -FAA STC ST0892LA with None 17/06/2010 Active 10030483
CORPORATION ST00892LA System (EVAS) Model107STC-235 and product remains applicable tothis Approved Model List. See
107STC-236 on Bombardier certificate/ approvalThe certificated AML page 11of 13
BD-100-1A10EASA Validation of FAA noise and/ or emissions levels of the forBD-100-1A10.-Master
approved Supplemental Type Certificate original productare unchanged and Drawing List Number 226 for
ST00892LA remain applicable to this certificate/ Vision Safe Corporation EVAS
approval Model107STC-235 and
107STC-236 onBombardier
Aerospace BD-100-1A10,
RevisionC dated 14th March
2007-BD-100-1A10 Airplane
Flight Manual Supplement
10030495 NORTHWEST A319-132 Interior Reconfiguration and In Flight In accordance with the EASA NAT Certification Summary, None. 18/06/2010 Active 10030495
AEROSPACE Entertainment (IFE) Installationon Etihad TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe ref. doc. N0338-D90, Revision
(EASA.A.S.03958) TECHNOLOGIESINC. Airways A319-132 Aircraft original product and the -,dated 17thJune 2010NAT
followingadditional or alternative Master Drawing List, ref. doc.
airworthiness requirements are N0338-D10, Revision C, dated
applicable tothis certificate/ 16thJune 2010or later
approvalCRI H-01/Special Condition revisions of the above listed
H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness documents approved by EASA
Programme forAeroplane Systems -
ICA on EWIS"The c...
10030503 APICAL INDUSTRIES, FAA STC BELL 412, BELL 412EP Installation of Cable Cutters Kit in accordance The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for Continued None. 21/06/2010 Active 10030503
Inc. SR02289LA BELL 214B-1, BELL 205A-1 with MasterDocumentList MD412-101, product and the followingadditional Airworthiness ICA412-101,
BELL 212, BELL 214B Revision B, dated May 12, 2010 or later FAA or alternative airworthiness Revision N/C, datedJanuary 5,
BELL 204B approvedrevision. requirements are applicable tothis 2010or later revisions of the
certificate/ approval (*)FAR 29 per above listed documents
Apical PSCP412-101, Rev. C approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis

04/01/2023 Page 177 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030504 ONBOARD SYSTEMS REV. 1 FAA STC AS 350 B, AS 350 B1, AS 350 Revision of STC EASA.IM.R.S.00542 As specified in TCDS R.008The Definition and Installation:- EASA-approved AS 350 Flight 21/06/2010 Active 10030504
INTERNATIONAL SR01165SE B2 introducing additional cargo hook Certification Basis for the original Onboard Systems Master Manual and<External Load
(EASA.IM.R.S.00542) AS 350 B3, AS 350 BA, AS 350 kit200-282-03. product remains applicable tothis Drawing List No. 155-087-00, Transport: Cargo Sling> FM
D certificate/ approvalThe certificated Rev. 13, datedOctober 30, supplement are required.This STC
noise and/ or emissions levels of the 2009.For kit P/N 200-282-00- is approved only for the product
original productare unchanged and Onboard Systems Owner’s configuration as defined inthe
remain applicable to this certificate/ Manual No. 120-105-00, Rev. approved design data referred to
approval 12, dated June 20,2008.For kit in the paragraph
P/N 200-282-03- Onboard "Description".Compatibility with
Systems Owner’s Manual No. other aircraft/engine
120-105-01, Rev. 0, dated configurations sha...
10030509 VIH AEROSPACE Inc. TCCA STC S92A Triple Stacking Litter System The Certification Basis for the original -MS08036-01 revision 1 - None 21/06/2010 Active 10030509
SH09-54 InstallationValidation of TCCA STC SH09-54 product remains applicable tothis DECA Aviation Modification
Issue 1 certificate/ approvalThe Summary;-FMS08036 revision
requirements for environmental 2 dated 19 November 2009 -
protection and the Flight ManualSupplement;-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or CH192-0308-01-2520-ICA
emissions levels of the original revision 2 dated 24 December
product areunchanged and remain 2009 - CougarHelicopters
applicable to this certificate/ Instructions for Continued
approval Airworthinessor later
revisions of the above listed
documents ap...
10030519 Aviation Support REV. 3 AS 350 BB, AS 350 D Cargo Mirror Set - Type Air Zermatt (ref. The Certification Basis for the original Original, Revision 1 and Prior to installation of this design 07/06/2021 Active 10030519
GmbH AS 350 B, AS 350 B1, AS 350 ASE-90824)Rev. 1.- Tailboom mirror version product as amendedby thefollowing Revision 2:Drawing List DL- change it must be determined
B2 02 and new installation kit for FrontMirror additional or alternative ASE-90824, Rev. 1-1, dated 22 thatthe interrelationship between
AS 350 B3, AS 350 BA added (ref. ASE 91502)Rev. 2.- Relocation of airworthiness requirements:The March 2019Flight Manual this design change and any
the position of the electric connector for following paragraph(s) at a later Supplement FMS-ASE-90824, otherpreviously installed design
thecargo mirror wiring, renumbering/ amendment:CS27 Amdt. 7: CS 27.1, Rev 1-1, dated 27 July change and/ or repair will
rationalisation of installation kitsP/N and CS 27.21, CS 27.25 (a), CS 27.27 (b), 2017Instructions for introduce noadverse effect upon
con... CS 27.29,CS 27.251, CS 27.301, CS continued Airworthiness ICA- the airworthiness ofthe product.
27.303,CS 27.305 (a), CS 27... ASE-90824, Rev 1-2, dated22
March 2019Master Document
List MDL-ASE-91810, Rev -,
dated 06 June 2...
10030532 ONBOARD SYSTEMS REV. 2 FAA STC 206 A/ 206 B Installation of Onboard Systems International The Certification Basis for the original For System Part Numbers Approval of this change applies 28/02/2017 Active 10030532
INTERNATIONAL SR00896SE replacement Cargo Hook kitand Load Weight product remains applicable tothis 200-267-00:· Rotorcraft Flight only to Bell Helicopter models
(EASA.IM.R.S.00593) Kit for Bell 206A and 206B in accordance with certificate/ approval.The Manual Supplement 206A and206B previously
OnboardMaster Drawing List No. requirements for environmental Document Number 121-08-00 equipped with Bell cargo
15506300.With Revision 2, the Kit Part protection and the Revision2, dated November suspension systems, Part Number
Numbers included in this approval are: associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 30, 2015.For System Part (P/N) 206-072-900-1,
200-267-00, 200-267-01, 200-267-02, emissions levels of the original Numbers 200-267-01:· 206-072-900-101, or
200-389-00, and 200-39... product areunchanged and remain Rotorcraft Flight Manual 206-072-900-103; Bell cargohook
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement Document provision kit, P/N 206-706-335-3,
approval. Number 121-008-01,Revision 206-706-335-5,
1, dated November 30, or206-706-335-105; and Breeze-
2015.For System Part Easte...
Numbers: 200-2...
10030534 INFLIGHT CANADA REV. 1 TCCA STC O- 767-300 Audio Video on Demand (AVOD) and In-Seat The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, MDL05217, none 10/09/2012 Active 10030534
Inc. LSA08-045/D Power Supply (ISPS) SystemInstallation product and the followingadditional Revision 11,
or alternative airworthiness 29/03/2010Aeroplane Flight
requirements are applicable tothis Manual Supplement,
certificateAs per the EASA TCDS FMS05217, Revision 3,
including EWIS ICA requirements (CRI 25/02/2010EWIS ICA, EWIS
H-01)The requirements for ICA05217, Revision 1,
environmental protection and the 14/11/2011or later revisions
associatedcertificated noise an... of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with the
Technical Implementation
Procedures of EU/ Can...
10030547 AERODATA AG L-410 UVP-E Installation of Aerodata Flight Inspection The Certification Basis for the original Airplane Flight Manual Limited to serial no. 892318 and 23/06/2010 Active 10030547
System AD-AFIS-130 product and the followingadditional Supplement (AFM-110 Rev 0) 892329
(EASA.A.S.03903) or alternative airworthiness Airplane Maintenance Manual
requirements are applicable tothis (AMM-1010 Rev 0)or later
certificate/ approvalEASA CS-23 and revisions of the above listed
FAR Part 23 Arndt. 34, §23.561 & documents approved by EASA
23.785 (choosen byapplicant)The
requirements for environmental
protection and the associat...

04/01/2023 Page 178 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030551 S4A SOLUTIONS FOR EC135 P2+ Installation of an Iridium Satellite Telephone The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List Ref Not Applicable 23/06/2010 Active 10030551
AVIATION, S.L. on board product remains applicable tothis 13504-RPT04, Edition 2, dated
certificate/ approvalThe certificated 19/01/2010Service Bulletin
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Ref: 13504-SB01, Edition 2,
original productare unchanged and dated 01/02/2010Rotorcraft
remain applicable to this certificate/ Flight Manual Supplement
approval Ref: 13504-HDK01, Edition 2,
dated01/02/2010or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10030602 AVIATION SERVICE L410 UVP-E, L410 UVP-E9, TCAS II CAS67A, Mode S transponder The Certification Basis for the original -FM34 40/01 001,, Flight None 24/06/2010 Active 10030602
A.S. L410 UVP-E20 MST67A, and Air Data Display UnitAD32 product and the followingadditional Manual Supplement CAS 67A
installation to comply with regulation or alternative airworthiness and MST 67A-FM34 40/01
requirements. requirements are applicable tothis 002,, Doplněk Letové příručky
certificate/ approval-FAR Part 23, CAS 67A a MST 67A-FM34
Amdt. 49 10/01 001,, Flight Manual
Supplement AD 32-FM34
10/01 002 Doplněk Letové
příručky AD 32
10030614 DECA AVIATION TCCA STC O- B737-800 Passenger Seating Arrangement - The Certification Basis for the original DECA Modification Summary Only valid for MSN 28373, 28375, 25/06/2010 Active 10030614
ENGINEERING Ltd.d/ LSA06-007/D Installation / Relocation of passengerSeats in product and the followingadditional No. MS05289 Rev.16 dated 06 29351, 29642, 29883, 30637,
b/a PAL AEROSPACE 186-189 Pax Configuration and installation of or alternative airworthiness January 2010or later revisions 30671,33003, 33029, 33699,
EmergencyEquipments requirements are applicable tothis of the above listed documents 34704, 35093
certificate/ approval. approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10030620 BOMBARDIER BD-100-1A10 (CHALLENGER Installation of Miniature Quick Access Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS -Transport Canada None 28/06/2010 Active 10030620
AEROSPACE 300) Recorder IM.A.080 Issue 2, 8th October Supplemental Type Certificate
2008plus:The Certification Basis for SA10-37 Issue 1, dated22nd
the original product remains April 2010-Transport Canada
applicable tothis certificate/ Approved Aero Consulting
approvalThe certificated noise and/ Services Ltd. Modificationdata
or emissions levels of the original Summary ref. G293000dated
productare unchanged and remain 22nd April 2010, Revision N/
applicable to this certificate/... C.-Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness ref. RAL-
FIor lat...
10030622 AEROSERVIS, S.R.O. L 410 UVP The set of the safety modifications in order to The Certification Basis for the original -L 410 UVP Flight Manual None 28/06/2010 Active 10030622
prepare thealternativemean of the product and the followingadditional Supplement No. STC AE/103-
compliance to the EASA AD 2008-0103. or alternative airworthiness DLP1, dated March15/10-L
requirements are applicable tothis 410 UVP Wiring Manual
certificate/ approvalFAR Part 23 Supplement No. STC AE/103-
Amdt.34, dated 17 February 1987 DAE1, dated March2010-L
through Amdt. 49, dated 11March 410 UVP Maintenance
1996 Manual Supplement No. STC
AE/103-DTP1, datedMarch
2010-L 410 UVP Maintenance
Schedule Supplement No. STC
AE/103-DPU1, datedMarch
10030640 LATITUDE TCCA STC AS355F2, AS355N, AS355NP Installation of Latitude Technologies S100 The Certification Basis for the original 1117-MDL-001 revision N/C None. 29/06/2010 Active 10030640
TECHNOLOGIES SH10-16 AS355E, AS355F, AS355F1, Tracking System product remains applicable tothis dated 7 April 2010 - Master
CORPORATION certificate/ approvalThe Drawing List;1117-400-004
requirements for environmental revision 01 dated 7 April 2010
protection and the - Instructions for
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ContinuedAirworthiness
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10030644 LATITUDE REV. 1 TCCA STC 206L-3, 206L-4, 407 Installation of Latitude Technologies S100 The Certification Basis for the original 1117-MDL-001 revision N/C None 14/07/2010 Active 10030644
TECHNOLOGIES SH10-16 206B-1, 206L, 206L-1 Tracking System product remains applicable tothis dated 7 April 2010 - Master
CORPORATION 206, 206A, 206A-1, 206B certificate/ approvalThe Drawing List;1117-400-004
requirements for environmental revision 01 dated 7 April 2010
protection and the - Instructions for
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ContinuedAirworthiness
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 179 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030647 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GIV-X Installation of an Audio Video Distribution The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance None. 29/06/2010 Active 10030647
AEROSPACE ST03731AT-D System product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Index List
CORPORATION certificate/ approvalThe GC415028001,Revision D,
requirements for environmental dated 10 September 2009or
protection and the later revisionsof the above
associatedcertificated noise and/ or listed documents approved by
emissions levels of the original EASA inaccordancewith EASA
product areunchanged and remain ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
applicable to this certificate/ subsequent revisions ofthis
approval decision)
10030649 SIERRA INDUSTRIES REV. 1 FAA STC U206 LANDPLANES E, F, G Auxiliary Fuel System: Installation of three The Certification Basis for the original - Drawing List No. SI10600, - Cessna P206 A, D and E model 17/10/2012 Active 10030649
Ltd. SA3634SW U206 LANDPLANES A, B, D auxiliary bladder type fueltanks in each wing product remains applicable tothis Revision N, dated January landplanes (S/N P206-0161
P206 A, D, E LANDPLANES in accordance with FAA STC SA3634SW, certificate/ approval.The 27,2006- Installation throughP206-00647)- Cessna U206
206H, T206H LANDPLANES revision 4,dated 30.03.2010.This EASA STC is requirements for environmental Instruction No. SI10665, model landplanes A, B, D<(>,<)> E,
a revision of LBA STC (EMZ) 0393/673, 673a, protection and the Revision D, dated July 18, F, G (S/N U206-0438through
dated05.05.1993. associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 1986- Airplane Flight Manual U206-04649)- Cessna 206H
emissions levels of the original Supplements for CessnaP206 andT206H model landplanes (S/N
product areunchanged and remain A, D and E modellandplanes 206-08001 to present andS/N
applicable to this certificate/ (S/N P206-0161 through T206-08001 to present)- Cessna
approval. P206-00647):,,- for aircraft 206H and T206H model landplanes
with standard range bladder w...
type fue...
10030668 KEYSTONE FAA STC S92A Installation of a tail mounted, forward facing The Certification Basis for the original IDL01702 revision - dated 12 None. 30/06/2010 Active 10030668
HELICOPTER SR02597NY-D camera. product remains applicable tothis March 2010 - Installation
CORPORATION certificate/ approvalThe Drawing List;IC01702 rev -
requirements for environmental dated 1 January 2010 -
protection and the Instructions for
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ContinuedAirworthiness;FM0
emissions levels of the original 1702 rev - dated 21 May 2010
product areunchanged and remain - Flight Manual Supplement.
applicable to this certificate/
10030689 BUCHER LEICHTBAU SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL 16g New Generation Stretcher P/N JAR 25 Change 15 except 25.562 - Master Document List ref. This STC does not constitute an 01/07/2010 Active 10030689
AG LIST 1120020-300 - (NGS) addressed per TGM/25/12The doc. No. E034-02-08 Rev. NC, approval for installation.
(EASA.A.S.03797) Certification Basis for the original dated 29thJune 2010- User Compliancewith following
product and the followingadditional Manual ref. doc. No. requirements below need to be
or alternative airworthiness E017-08-09 Rev. 02or later demonstrated through adesign
requirements are applicable tothis revisions of the above listed approval for Stretcher installation
certificate/ approval- CRI H-01/ documents approved by EASA in aircraft per approvedModel
Special Condition H-01 "Enhanced list:§ 25.561(d)§ 25.785(a)§ 25.785
Airworthiness Programme (h)§ 25.785(j)§ 25.791§ 25.807§
forAeroplane Sys... 25.813§ 25.815§ 25.1447§...
10030690 GULFSTREAM FAA STC REF GIV-X AND GV-SP Installation of a Honeywell/EMS HD-710 JAR 25The Certification Basis for the Install in accordance with Not Applicable 02/07/2010 Active 10030690
AEROSPACE ST03737AT-D combined SATCOM Swift BroadbandHigh original product remains applicable Gulfstream Aerospace Index
CORPORATION Speed Data System. tothis certificate/ approvalThe List refGC513038009, Revision
certificated noise and/ or emissions B, dated 10/09/09.or later
levels of the original productare revisions of the above listed
unchanged and remain applicable to documents approved by EASA
this certificate/ approval inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10030691 GULFSTREAM FAA STC REF GV-SP (G550) Installation of Flight Crew Sleeping Facilities. JAR 25The Certification Basis for the Install in accordance with Not Applicable 02/07/2010 Active 10030691
AEROSPACE ST03685AT-D original product remains applicable Gulfstream Aerospace Index
(EASA.IM.A.S.03225) CORPORATION tothis certificate/ approvalThe List refGC515018000, Revision
certificated noise and/ or emissions E, dated 06/18/09.or later
levels of the original productare revisions of the above listed
unchanged and remain applicable to documents approved by EASA
this certificate/ approval inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis

04/01/2023 Page 180 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030694 ANCRA FAA STC B737-300 Installation of main deck cargo loading The Certification Basis for the original Ancra International LLC None 01/07/2010 Active 10030694
INTERNATIONAL LLC ST02304LA system. product remains applicable tothis Controlled Data List DL84990
certificate/ approvalThe Rev. Cdated June2,
requirements for environmental 2010Instructions for
protection and the Continued Airworthiness ICA
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Report 9494 Rev. Bor later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10030714 BRITISH AIRWAYS CAA UK B737-400 Fuselage skin GPS antenna structural The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List - None 02/07/2010 Active 10030714
PLCBRITISH AIRWAYS RESPONSIBILITY provisions product and the followingadditional MDL-0070-10 Rev.00 dated 23
ENGINEERINGOFFICE or alternative airworthiness April 2010 (*)Drawing N
OF AIRWORTHINESS requirements are applicable tothis °10098804 Rev.00 dated 23
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01- issue April 2010 (*)StructureDesign
2: Special Condition “Enhanced Report ESS -1711-PGB Rev.00
Airworthiness programmefor dated 20 April 2010 (*)
aeroplane Systems – ICA on Compliance check list
EWIS”The requirements for ESS-1710-PGB Rev.00 dated
environmen... 20 April 2010(*)(*) or later
revisions of the above listed
documents appr...
10030757 ZODIAC AEROSAFETY REV. 5 TCCA STC DHC-8-100/-200/-300 SERIES De-icer Boot Installation,Installation of The Certification Basis (CB) for the Configuration 1:Installation of Prior to installation of this design 05/12/2016 Active 10030757
SYSTEMS SA92-23 Aerazur Type 51 Wing and Tail De- Icer Boots original product remains applicableto Aerazur Type 51 De-Ice Boots change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.03226) (Configuration 1)Installation of an alternative this certificate/ approval.The in accordance with thatthe interrelationship between
PN 51SP209 for Aerazur Wing and TailDe- requirements for environmental FieldsAviation Company inc. this design change and any
Icer Boots ( Configuration 2)Transfer of STC protection and the Drawing List No. 33644; Issue otherpreviously installed design
10030757 Rev 4 from Field Aviation to Zodiac associatedcertified noise and/ or 2 *)Instructions for Continued change and/ or repair will
AerosafetySystems emissions levels of the original AirworthinessMaintenance introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain must be done in accordance the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ with Fields Aviation Company
approval. inc.Maintenance Manual
Supplement, P/N FACi-
10030758 BUCHER LEICHTBAU REV. 1 TABLE E043-01-17 Change to STC EASA.A.S.03712 through:1. CS-25 Amendment 20The -Master Document List -Per User Manual E017-01-08-This 26/02/2018 Active 10030758
AG SEE AIRCRAFT ALLOCATION Extension of the STC approval to all aircraft requirements for environmental E034-05-08 Rev B dtd. STC constitutes an approval for
(EASA.A.S.03712) models of the EmbraerERJ 190-Series2. protection and the 22.02.2018-Aircraft Allocation installation only for aircraftserial
Installation approvals for specific MSNs of the associatedcertified noise and/ or Table E043-01-17 Rev NC dtd. numbers as statedin the Aircraft
EmbraerERJ 170 and190-Series3. emissions levels of the original 31.01.2018-User Manual Allocation Table. Foradditional
Standardisation of the product product areunchanged and remain 25-67-43 Rev. 02 dtd. Jan aircraft serial numbers the
documentation package of the 9G NGS applicable to this certificate/ 26/2018or later revisionsof requirements for full
XLStepX Stretcher 1120050-Ser... approval. the above listed documents compliancehave to be
approved by EASA. demonstrated through a design
approval.-Installation of thisr...
10030765 LATITUDE TCCA STC AS350D1 Installation of Latitude Technologies S100 The Certification Basis for the original 1117-MDL-001 revision N/C None 07/07/2010 Active 10030765
TECHNOLOGIES SH10-16 AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2, Tracking System product remains applicable tothis dated 7 April 2010 - Master
CORPORATION AS350B3, AS350BA, AS350D, certificate/ approval.The Drawing List;1117-400-004
requirements for environmental revision 01 dated 7 April 2010
protection and the - Instructions for
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or ContinuedAirworthiness
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10030772 ONBOARD SYSTEMS FAA STC AS355F2, AS355N, AS355NP Cargo Hook Kit model 200-352-00 The Certification Basis for the original 155-145-00 revision 1 dated None 07/07/2010 Active 10030772
INTERNATIONAL SR02035SE AS355E, AS355F, AS355F1, product remains applicable tothis 28 May 2010 - Master
certificate/ approval.The Drawing List;120-140-00
requirements for environmental revision 0 dated 9 September
protection and the 2009 - Owners Manual;
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 123-035-00 revision 0 dated
emissions levels of the original 18 November 2009 - Service
product areunchanged and remain Manual;121-054-00 revision 1
applicable to this certificate/ dated 11 June 2010 -
approval. Rotorcraft Flight

04/01/2023 Page 181 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030781 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Interior Completions In-Service EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9348 and1. 25/02/2011 Active 10030781
SA04-113 Improvements Modifications- ASN 9348 for the original product remains reference C-11-0065 dated 17 Refer to the Limitations sections of
applicable tothis certificate/ February 2011.EASA STC No. the required AFM Supplement
approvalThe requirements for 10030781.TCCA STC No. andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
environmental protection and the SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 WLAN system is compatible only
associatedcertificated noise and/ or October 2004.Aero Consulting to IEEE 802.11(b).
emissions levels of the original Services Configuration
product areunchanged and remain Definition List D954000
applicable to this certificate/ app... RevisionGD dated 01 February
2011.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
GC93480000-IFCA.or later...
10030810 BUCHER LEICHTBAU REV. 1 FOCA Z25-20-57 EC135 T1, EC135 T2, EC135 Installation of ARA-EC135-AC60 Ambulance The Certification Basis for the original -Rotorcraft Flight Manual None 29/11/2011 Active 10030810
AG T2+ and Rescue SystemNew revision covers:STC product remains applicable tothis Supplement FMA-1 Rev. Cor
EC135 P2(CPDS), EC135 P2+ issuance under EASA format at revision 0, certificate/ approval.The certificated later revisions of the above
EC135 P1(CDS), EC135 P1 Exchange of Suction Unitwith new P/N noiseand/ or emissions levels of the listed documents approved by
(CPDS) 1355185<(>,<)>adding P2+ and T2+ at the list original productare unchanged and EASA-Operation and
of EC135 models.This STC revokes the STC remain applicable to this certificate/ Maintenance Manual
10030489. approval. E014-01-05 Rev. 00-Master
Document List MDOC-AC60-
Equipment List ARA-EC135-
10030815 ROCKWELL COLLINS FAA STC NO. B747-400 SERIES Installation of Rockwell Collins enhanced The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for Continued None 08/07/2010 Active 10030815
INC. ST01838LA Total Entertainment System inaccordance product remains applicable tothis Airworthiness document nr.
with System List 1309713-002/-004, Revision certificate/ approval 1304944Aircraft Maintenance
Y, datedSeptember 8, 2005 or later FAA Manual Supplement
approved revisions.Validation of FAA STC 44-00-75or later revisions of
ST01838LA the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10030818 DYN'AVIATION DR400/200R, DR400/500 MD09F0001 050210 - New flaps and control The Certification Basis for the original SI10A00001 - Instructions de None 08/07/2010 Active 10030818
DR400/180R, DR400/2+2, system product remains applicable tothis maintenanceor later revisions
DR400/160, DR400/180, certificate/ approval.The certificated of the above listed documents
DR400/125I, DR400/140B, noiseand/ or emissions levels of the approved by EASA
DR400/125, DR400/140, original productare unchanged and
DR400/120D, DR400/180S, remain applicable to this certificate/
DR400/120A, DR400/160D, approval.
DR400/100, DR400RP,
DR340, DR315, DR360,
DR300/140, DR300/125,
DR300/120, DR400/120,
DR300/108, DR300/180R,
10030822 AEROLITE AG REV. 3 AW109SP EMS Kit AW109SP REGA P/N The Certification Basis for the original FMS-09-001 Rev. D dated 17 Prior to installation of this design 24/09/2013 Active 10030822
1090150-501Changes related to Rev.1:- product remains applicable tothis September 2013or later change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01551) Introduction of the Propaq MD Retainer Inst. certificate/ approvalThe certificated revisionsof the above listed thatthe interrelationship between
P/N 1090170-503 and anadditional 'Training noise and/ or emissions levels of the documents approved by this design change and any
Configuration 2' into the already certified original productare unchanged and EASAOPM-09-002 Rev. F otherpreviously installed design
EMSEquipment P/N 1090150-501 (STC remain applicable to this certificate/ dated 23 July 2013 change and/ or repair will
EASA.R.S.01551). Modifications of approval introduce noadverse effect upon
BaggageCompartment Inst. P/N 1090190-... the airworthiness ofthe product.
10030847 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 206H, T206H Provisioning for implementation and The Certification Basis for the original -Engineering Order Installation of the ferry tank is not 14/07/2010 Active 10030847
GMBH operation with a "Turtle Pac160-ferry tank" product and the followingadditional 1704EO280010-01A, dated subject of this STC.
or alternative airworthiness 26.06.2010-POH Supplement:
requirements are applicable tothis "Anhang zum Flughandbuch
certificate/ approval.CS-23, Initial für Cessna 206H and
Issue (not required y 21A.101, T206H",Doc. No. 1704 AM
elected to comply by theapplicant) 2800 10 01A, dated
The requirements for environmental 18.05.2010or later revisions
protection and the ass... of the above listed documents
approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 182 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030863 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK EXTRA EA-300 / L External camera installation The Certification Basis for the original Master Documents List Drg None 09/07/2010 Active 10030863
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis No MDL 1054-01 Issue
(EASA.A.S.03823) certificate/ approval 1ICA-1054-01Issue 1
Instructions for Continued
Flight Manual Supplementor
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10030900 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 3 TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Interior Completions In-Service EASA TCDS No. IM.A.009The TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue 1 Restricted to ASN 9359 02/03/2011 Active 10030900
SA05-60 Improvements Modifications- ASN 9359 Certification Basis for the original dated 14 June 2005.EASA STC
product remains applicable tothis No. 10030900 Rev.1.TCAA SoC
certificate/ approvalThe ref. C-11-0062 dated 16
requirements for environmental February 2011.Aero
protection and the Consulting Services Ltd.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Configuration Definition List
emissions levels of the original E025000Revision EK dated 1
product areunchanged and remain February 2011.Bombardier
applicable to this certifi... Aerospace Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement G-
10030917 SKYTRAC SYSTEMS TCCA STC DHC-6-300 SkyTrac Flight Following / SATCOM The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List None 12/07/2010 Active 10030917
LTD. SA09-93 DHC-6-200 Installation in acc. withTCCA product remains applicable tothis MDL09074, Revision A, dated
DHC-6-100 STCSA09-93:ISAT-100 transceiver installed in certificate/ approval.Additional May 12, 2010Flight Manual
aft zone of aircraft, Dual elementGPS/Iridium requirements for the use of Lithium Supplement FMS09074-1,
antenna installed on upper fuselage, optional Ion Battery: TCCA IssuePaper Revision A, TCCA approved
DVI-250 andCDP-250 control panels installed IP09074-1, Revision N/C (technically May 14,2010Instructions of
at centre radio panel. identical with EASA CRI F-56)The Continued Airworthiness
requirements for environmental ICA09074-1, Revision A,
protection and the associa... datedMay 11, 2010or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with E...
10030918 SKYTRAC SYSTEMS TCCA STC CESSNA 208, 208B SkyTrac Flight Following / SATCOM The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List None 12/07/2010 Active 10030918
LTD. SA09-80 Installation in acc. withTCCA STCSA09-80, product remains applicable tothis MDL09075, Revision A, dated
Issue 1:ISAT-100 transceiver installed in aft certificate/ approval.Additional May 11, 2010Flight Manual
zone of aircraft, Dual elementGPS/Iridium requirements for the use of Lithium Supplement FMS09075-1,
antenna installed on upper fuselage, optional Ion Battery: TCCA IssuePaper Revision A, TCCA approved
DVI-250 andCDP-250 control panels installed IP09075-1, Revision N/C (technically May 11,2010Instructions of
at centre radio panel. identical with EASA CRI F-56)The Continued Airworthiness
requirements for environmental ICA09075-1, Revision A,
protection and the associa... datedApril 20, 2010or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with...
10030934 BOMBARDIER REV. 1 TCCA STC BD100-1A10 Activation of Wireless Local Area Network The Certification Basis for the original - Transport Canada None 23/09/2010 Active 10030934
AEROSPACE SA10-50 Access Point on product remains applicable tothis Supplemental Type Certificate
BombardierBD-100-1A10Revision of the EASA certificate/ approvalThe SA10-50 Issue 1, dated08th
STC 10030934, EASA Validation of TCAA requirements for environmental June 2010.- Transport Canada
approvedSupplemental Type Certificate protection and the approved ACS-NAI Ltd.
SA10-50 associatedcertificated noise and/ or Modification Data
emissions levels of the original SummaryNumber G762000,
product areunchanged and remain Rev. A, dated 12th August
applicable to this certificate/ 2010.- Transport Canada
approval approved ACS-NAI
Ltd.Airplane Flight
G756090<(>,<)> Rev. A, date...
10030938 BOMBARDIER REV. 1 TCCA STC BD100-1A10 CHALLENGER Installation of Mechanical Provisions and LRU The Certification Basis for the original - Transport Canada None 23/09/2010 Active 10030938
AEROSPACE SA10-44 300 Installation,AircellAir-to-Ground product remains applicable tothis Supplemental Type Certificate
Communication System and Immarsat certificate/ approval.The SA10-44 Issue 1, dated19th
Satcom System.Revision of the EASA STC requirements for environmental May 2010.- Transport Canada
10030938<(>,<)> validation of TCAA protection and the approved ACS-NAI Ltd.
approvedSupplemental Type Certificate associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Modification Data
SA10-44 emissions levels of the original SummaryNumber G573000,
product areunchanged and remain Rev. A, dated 16th August
applicable to this certificate/ 2010.- Instructions for
approval. Continued Airworthiness as
per ACS-NAI Ltd.Modification
Data Summary Number

04/01/2023 Page 183 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030942 LIFEPORT, LLC FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Multi Models Commercial Medical The Certification Basis for the original -FAA approved Model List This STC does not constitute an 15/07/2010 Active 10030942
ST01891LA-D LIST StretcherValidation of FAA STC ST01891LA-D product and the followingadditional (AML) No. ST01891LA-D, approval for installation.
or alternative airworthiness dated May 27, 2010-FAA Compliancewith following
requirements are applicable tothis approved Airplane Flight requirements below need to be
certificate/ approval.Certification Manual Supplement No. demonstrated through adesign
basis as per TCDS except:-§25.562 EGR-808-11, Rev Ddated May approval for commercial medical
(when relevant) addressed per TGM/ 27, 2010or later revisions of stretcher installation in
25/12.-CRI H-01/Special Condition the above listed documents eachaircraft model per approved
H-01 "Enhanced Airwor... approved by EASA Model list:§ 25.561(d) / § 25.785
inaccordance with EASA ED (a) / § 25.785(h) / § 25.785(j) /2...
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10030951 TASS Inc. FAA STC B747-400 Active Noise Reduction Headset Installation The Certification Basis for the original None None 15/07/2010 Active 10030951
ST00593SE-D Provisions in accordancewith BF Goodrich product remains applicable tothis
Master Drawing List D2000-396, sheet 1, certificate/ approval.
Revision New,dated November 22, 2000 or
later FAA/DAS approved revision.Validation
of FAA STC ST00593SE-D
10030954 ICELANDAIR GA8 AIRVAN Installation of TopScan Camera System CS-23, Amdt. 1, is elected to comply EASA approved Master Only applicable for aircraft / 15/07/2010 Active 10030954
TECHNICAL SERVICES with for the items affected by Document List, Doc. No. preconditions as defined in
thechangeThe certificated noise and/ S21.MDL-0769, Issue 1,dated EngineeringOrder, Doc. No. EO-
or emissions levels of the original 07-Apr-2010, or later GTA-2520-03, Rev. IR, dated 28-
productare unchanged and remain approved issueEASA approved Jun-2010, or laterapproved
applicable to this certificate/ Engineering Order, Doc. No. revision.
approval EO-GTA-2520-03, Rev. IR,
dated28-Jun-2010, or later
approved revision.EASA
approved Flight Manual
Supplement, Doc. No. AFM-
GTA-2520-03, Rev.IR, dated...
10030955 WESTERN AVIONICS TCCA STC DHC-8-301/-302 Second ADF InstallationTCCA STC SA04-98, FAR 25 as per EASA.IM.A.191The Installation of Second Collins None 16/07/2010 Active 10030955
SA04-96 DHC-8-201/-202 Issue 1 dated 23 December 2004 Certification Basis for the original ADF-60A or Honeywell
DHC-8-102/-103/-106 product remains applicable tothis (Bendix/King)KDF-806 ADF
certificate/ approvalThe Systems must be in
requirements for environmental accordance with TCCA
protection and the approved WesternAvionics
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Engineering Order 99459-401,
emissions levels of the original originalissue dated 31
product areunchanged and remain August2004.Maintenance
applicable to this ce... must be in accordancewith
Bombardier/ DeHavilland
AircraftMaintenance Manual,
10030956 SAFRAN CABIN FAA STC B747-400 LCD Monitor installation on Boeing Model The Certification Basis for the original ICA Supplement HTM957 None 16/07/2010 Active 10030956
BELLINGHAM, INC. ST02067SE 747-400 series aircraft inaccordance with product and the followingadditional Revision A, dated March 1,
Heath Tecna, Inc. Master Drawing List HPD- or alternative airworthiness 2010or later revisions of the
DL-136,Revision E, dated May 5, 2010, or requirements are applicable tothis above listed documents
later FAA approved revisions.Validation of certificate/ approval.§ 25.812(a)(1) approved by EASA
FAA STC ST02067SE (b)(1)(c)(i)(k)(l)(1)(2) Amdt 25-58§ inaccordance with EASA ED
25.853(a)(d)(e) Amdt 25-58§ 25.869 Decision 2004/04/CF (or
(a)(1)(4) Amdt 25-113§ 25.1353(a)(1) subsequentrevisions ofthis
(b)(c) Amdt 25-1... decision)
10030961 AVIONICS BEECH 200 Installation of HySpex Camera System (NEO) The Certification Basis of the original -EASA approved Master Data Only aeroplanes in compliance 16/07/2010 Active 10030961
INTEGRATION & product remains applicable tothis List, Doc. No. CV877-049, Rev. with the preconditions as listed
ENGINEERINGCORPO change.The certificated noise and/ or A, dated14-Jul-2010, or later inChapter C of Engineering Order,
RATION AG (AIEC) emissions levels of the original approved revision-EASA Doc. No. CV877-062, Revision A,
productare unchanged and remain approvedEngineering Order, dated14-Jul-2010, or later
applicable to this certificate/ Doc. no. CV877-062, Rev. A, approved revision, are eligible for
approval. dated14-Jul-2010, or later this change.
approved revision-EASA
approved Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement, Doc. No.
CV877-071,Rev. IR, or later

04/01/2023 Page 184 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10030964 JET AVIATION AG, REV. 1 A319-115 Airbus A319-115 "BCJ03632" VIP Cabin EASA TCDS A.064The Certification Airplane Flight Manual None 04/08/2010 Active 10030964
BASEL Interior CompletionRevision 1: Update of the Basis for the original product and the Supplement BCJ03632-201-01
(EASA.A.S.03518) Instructions for Continued Airworthiness followingadditional or alternative Revision A dated 09July
airworthiness requirements are 2010.Instructions for
applicable tothis certificate/ Continued
approvalCertification Review Item AirworthinessBCJ03632-150-0
(CRI) G-4301-001 Issue 2 from 04 1 Revision Cdated 02 Aug.
Nov. 2009"EASA Supplemental Type 2010.Master Data List
Certification Basis for Boutsen... BCJ03632-001 Revision D
dated 03 Aug.
ofCompliance CAF 3605 dated
03 Aug. 2010.or later
revisions of...
10030966 MT-PROPELLER REV. 1 CESSNA U 206G, TU 206G Installation of Propeller MTV-5-1-E-C-F-R(M)/ MTV-5-1-E-C-F-R(M)/ 1. This STC is applicable to Cessna 19/07/2010 Active 10030966
ENTWICKLUNG CFR220-54 orMTV-5-1-E-C-F/CF220-54 CFR220-54:-Instructions for U 206G, TU 206G both equipped
(EASA.A.S.00749) GmbH Continued Airworthiness and withR/R Allison 250-C20S (Soloy
Installation InstructionsNo Turbine PAC) in accordance with
E-1031-Airplane Flight Manual LBA EMZ(STC) 0082/673a only.
Supplement No 2.This STC is approved only for the
E-1032MTV-5-1-E-C-F/ product configuration as defined
CF220-54:-Instructions for inthe approved design data
Continued Airworthiness and referred to in the paragraph
Installation InstructionsNo "Description".Com...
E-1115-Airplane Flight Manual
Supplemnet No E-1114...
10030973 SAFRAN CABIN FAA STC B747-400 Seat Installation and interior reconfiguration The Certification Basis for the original ICA Supplement HTM960 None 19/07/2010 Active 10030973
BELLINGHAM, INC. ST02066SE on Boeing Model 747-400series aircraft in product and the followingadditional Revision E, dated May 20,
accordance with Heath Tecna, Inc. Master or alternative airworthiness 2010or later revisions of the
Drawing ListHPD-DL-137, Revision B dated requirements are applicable tothis above listed documents
May 11, 2010, or later FAA certificate/ approval.§ 25.812(a)(1) - approved by EASA
approvedrevisions.Validation of FAA STC FAR Amdt 25-58§ 25.853(a)(c)(d)(e) - inaccordance with EASA ED
ST02066SE FAR Amdt 25-58§ 25.869(a)(1)(4) - Decision 2004/04/CF (or
FAR Amdt 25-83§ 25.1353(a)(b)(d) - subsequent revisions ofthis
FAR Amdt 25-11... decision)
10030985 RUAG AG REV. 1 P.180 AVANTI II In-Flight Entert. System Installation by The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Master Document List: Nr. The approval holder shall fulfill the 02/02/2021 Active 10030985
P 180 AVANTI II installing a ROSEN“RosenViewVX” moving original product remains applicableto 163206-00, Rev. 000, obligations of Part 21, Point21A.
Map and DVD System, an IR-Eye, One FLIGHT this certificate/ approval.The 16.07.10-Instructions for 109.Prior to installation of this
DISPLAYSYSTEM 10.2 inch LCD and two 7 inch requirements for environmental Continuous Airworthiness: Nr. change/repair it must be
LCD’s and a FLIGHT DISPLAY SYSTEMwireless protection and the 163206-60, Rev.000,02.10.09- determined thatthe
audio transmitter for audio distribution to associatedcertified noise and/ or Declaration of Compliance: interrelationship between
SENNHEISER HDR140wireless Headsets. emissions levels of the product are Nr. 163415-4100, Rev. 000- thischange/repair and any
unchangedand remain applicable to Aircraft Flight Manual otherpreviously installed change
this certificate/approval without any Supplement: Nr. 163206-50, and/or repair will introduce no
im... Rev. 000, 21.06.10or later adverseeffect upon the airworthi...
revisions of the above listed
10030991 STC TWENTY ONE REV. 1 CAA UK L-410 UVP, L-410 UVP-E, Introduction of under wing emergency exits. CS-23 Amendment 1The Certification Compliance Record: None 11/06/2012 Active 10030991
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY L-410 UVP-E9 Basis for the original product remains S21.COMP-0704 Issue 1 Dated
L-410 UVP-E20 CARGO applicable tothis certificate/ 15 July 2010Master
approvalThe requirements for Documents List:
environmental protection and the S21.MDL-0704 Dated 5 July
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2010.FlightManual
emissions levels of the original Supplement: S21.FMS-0062
product areunchanged and remain Issue 1 Dated 15 July
applicable to this certificate/... 2010.Supplement Manual:
S21.TEC-0233 Issue 1 Dated
15 July 2010.or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by E...
10030992 AEROLITE AG REV. 3 MBB-BK 117 C-2 EMS Equipment P/N 145341-501/-502This The Certification Basis for the original For configuration P/N Compatibility with NVIS has not 26/01/2017 Active 10030992
Major Change to EASA STC 10030992, Rev. 2 product as amendedby thefollowing 145341-501:Flight Manual been demonstrated.Compatibility
introduces the followingmodifications / additional or alternative Supplement FMS-10-003 Rev. with TC-holder 3-seat bench has
components to EMS Equipment P/N airworthiness BOperation and Installation not been demonstrated
145341-501/-502:For P/N 145341-501:- requirements:Equivalent Safety Manual OPM-10-04 Rev. BFor forconfiguration P/N
Addition of a new configurations "2A" and Finding(s):CRI D-1The requirements configuration P/N 145341-501Prior to installation of
"2D" with3 medical seats andone stretcher< for environmental protection and the 145341-502:Flight Manual this design change it must be
(>,<)>-The existing configu... associatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement FMS-11-001 Rev. determined thatthe
emissions levels of the original AOperation and Installation interrelationship between this
product areunc... Manual OPM-11-01 Rev. Bor design change and any
later revisions of the above otherpreviously installe...
listed documents a...

04/01/2023 Page 185 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031010 AMSAFE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC SEE FAA AML Installation of AMSAFE Inflatable Restraint The Certification Basis (CB) for the - AMSAFE Flight Manual 1). The STC is valid for those 13/09/2018 Active 10031010
SA02276AK Systems in accordance withModel Specific original product remains applicableto Supplement Document aircraft types and models
Master Data List identified on this certificate/ approval.The Number E509433, Revision approved byEASA as defined on
AMLSA02276AK requirements for environmental NC,dated 25 August 2006< EASA Product Lists, that are
protection and the (>,<)>- AMSAFE contained in the FAAApproved
associatedcertified noise and/ or Instructionsfor Continued Model List SA02276AK, rev. T,
emissions levels of the original Airworthiness Document dated 30 December 2016 or
product areunchanged and remain NumberE509424, Revision F, laterFAA approved revision.2). If
applicable to this certificate/ dated 3 June 2016<(>,<)>or the holder agrees to permit
approval. later revisions of the another person to use
abovelisted document(s) thiscertificate...
approved/accepted onbehalf
of EASA in acc...
10031018 ZIM FLUGSITZ GmbH A310-300 Replacement of E/C seats by ZIM E/C seats, The Certification Basis for the original Declaration of Compliance, None 21/07/2010 Active 10031018
Type ECO-01This STC consists in replacing the product remains applicable tothis ref : 502101-COC-003 Issue
existing seats by Type ECO-01seat. certificate/ approval.The 0A, dated 27 July2010or later
requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
protection and the documents approved by EASA
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10031050 AGUSTAWESTLAND FAA STC AW119MKII Installation of an Artex ME406P ELT The Certification Basis for the original - Agusta Aerospace none 23/07/2010 Active 10031050
PHILADELPHIACORP SR02767NY product remains applicable tothis Corporation installation
ORATION certificate/ approvalThe master drawing list, reportno.
requirements for environmental AAC-ENG-09-031, rev - , dated
protection and the 08 October 2009- Agusta
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Aerospace Corporation
emissions levels of the original Instructions for Continued
product areunchanged and remain Airworthiness,report no. AAC-
applicable to this certificate/ ENG-09-038, rev - , dated 7
approval October 2009 , FAAaccepted
18 December 2009or later
accepted r...
10031056 TELEDYNE REV. 1 FAA STC B757-200 Installation of Aircraft Communications, The Certification Basis for the original Teledyne Control’s Master None 23/07/2010 Active 10031056
CONTROLS, LLC ST00498LA Addressing and Reporting System(ACARS) product remains applicable tothis Data List No. MDL
certificate.The requirements for 2231500-820 Revision B,
environmental protection and the 12/10/1998.Teledyne
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Controls AFM Supplement
emissions levels of the original TDY-ACARS-757-COA-2 dated
product areunchanged and remain 30/09/1998.or later revisions
applicable to this approval. of the abovelisted documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA
EDDecision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10031080 BLACKHAWK FAA SA4705SW 65-A90, B90, C90 Upgrade King Air 65-A90, B90 and C90 FAR 23 Installation of Pratt and Engines can be either type 26/07/2010 Active 10031080
MODIFICATIONS Inc. airplanes with PT6A-28engines Whitney PT6A-27 or PT6A-28 certified Pratt and Whitney
(EASA.IM.A.S.03186) engines in ModelC90 in PT6A-27 orPT6A-28 engines, or
accordance with drawing converted PT6A-27 or PT6A-28
02-001, Revision B,dated June engines from PT6A-21engines in
5, 2008 orlater approved accordance with Atlantic Turbines
revisions.Or PT6A-27 International Inc STCSE02290NY,
orPT6A-28 engines in Model or converted PT6A-27 or PT6A-28
65-A90 or B90 in accordance engines from PT6A-11 enginesin
withdrawing 04-001, Revision accordance with Atlantic T...
B, dated June 5, 2008 or later
10031088 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Interior Completions In-Service EASA TCDS No. IM.A.009The TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue 1 Restricted to ASN 9373 24/02/2011 Active 10031088
SA05-60 Improvements Modifications- ASN 9373 Certification Basis for the original dated 14 June 2005.TCCA SoC
product remains applicable tothis ref. C-11-0063 dated 16
certificate/ approvalThe February 2011.EASA STC No.
requirements for environmental 10031088.Aero Consulting
protection and the Services Ltd Configuration
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Definition List
emissions levels of the original E025000Revision EL dated 01
product areunchanged and remain February 2011.Bombardier
applicable to this certifi... Aerospace Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement G-
FM25004501Revision N/C

04/01/2023 Page 186 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031092 DANSK FLY PA-42, PA-42-720, Installation of Avidyne EX500 MFD The Certification Basis for the original DFE Design Order DFE- None 27/07/2010 Active 10031092
ELEKTRONIK ApS PA-42-1000 product and the followingadditional DO-0375DFE-DO-0375 Design
or alternative airworthiness package Rev.00 or later
requirements are applicable tothis revisions
certificate/ approval.CS-23The
certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the original productare
unchanged and remain applicable to
this certificate/ appr...
10031093 DANSK FLY PA-42, PA-42-720, Installation of one or two Garmin GTX 330D The Certification Basis for the original DFE Design Order DFE- None 27/07/2010 Active 10031093
ELEKTRONIK ApS PA-42-1000 Mode-S transponder product and the followingadditional DO-0367DFE-DO-0367 Design
or alternative airworthiness Package Rev.00 or later
requirements are applicable tothis revisions
certificate/ approval.CS-23The
certificated noise and/ or emissions
levels of the original productare
unchanged and remain applicable to
this certificate/ appr...
10031105 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC SA BD700-1A10 Water Tank Modification EASA TCDS No EASA.IM.A.009The -EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S. None 27/07/2010 Active 10031105
08-65 Certification Basis for the original 03036 dated 02 June 2009.-
(EASA.IM.A.S.03036) product remains applicable tothis TCCA STC No. SA08-65 Issue 3
certificate/ approvalThe dated 02 July 2010.-TCCA SoC
requirements for environmental referenceC-10-0260 dated 21
protection and the July 2010.-Aero Consulting
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Services Modification Data
emissions levels of the original Summary Number
product areunchanged and remain F250000Revision C or later
applicable to this cer... approved revision.-
Bombardier Instructions for
Continued Airworth...
10031114 AGUSTAWESTLAND FAA STC AW119MKII Installation of a SX-5 Searchlight and cargo The Certification Basis for the original - Agusta Aerospace none 28/07/2010 Active 10031114
PHILADELPHIACORP SR02777NY Hook Heated rearview mirror product remains applicable tothis Corporation installation
ORATION certificate/ approval.The master drawing list, reportno.
requirements for environmental AAC-ENG-09-041, rev A ,
protection and the dated dated 20 December
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 2009- Agusta Aerospace
emissions levels of the original Corporation Rotorcraft Flight
product areunchanged and remain Manual, report no.AAC-
applicable to this certificate/ ENG-09-048, rev - , dated FAA
approval. approved March 15, 2010 or
laterrevisions of the above
listed document a...
10031128 SCANDINAVIAN ATR 42-200/300/320 Installation of Rockwell Collins TCAS-94 The Certification Basis for the original See Scandinavian Avionics None 11/10/2010 Active 10031128
AVIONICS DESIGN System with SingleTDR-94DSystem, as per product and the followingadditional Design documents:-
ApS Scandinavian Avionics Engineering Order or alternative airworthiness Certification Documents
2056096-EO issue1 dated 27th September requirements are applicable tothis 2056096 DOC issue 2-
2010 or later EASAapproved revisions. certificate/ approvalEASA CS25 Engineering Order 2056096-
amendment 4 plus:- EASA Special EO Issue 1- Aircraft Flight
Condition CRI F-001 Issue 3 "HIRF Manual Supplement (XPDR)
Protection" and- EASA Special 2056096-AM-A Issue 2-
Condition CRI H-001 Issue 2 "Enh... Aircraft Flight Manual
Supplement (XPDR) 2056096-
AM-B Issue 3- Continued
Airworthiness 2056096-CA
issue 2- Ma...
10031129 DANSK FLY PA-42, PA-42-1000, Installation of dual Garmin GNS 430AW, dual CS-23 DFE-DO-0366 Data Package For PA-42 with Bendix King EFIS 28/07/2010 Active 10031129
ELEKTRONIK ApS PA-42-720 Garmin GNS 530AW or GarminGNS 430AW Rev. 00 or later revisions only
(EASA.A.S.03981) and GNS 530AW
10031133 WIPAIRE Inc. FAA STC DHC-6-200, -300 Installation of nine passenger executive The Certification Basis for the original FAA approved Flight Manual none 28/07/2010 Active 10031133
SA02808CH seating system in accordancewith FAA STC product remains applicable tothis Supplement, Document
SA02808CH certificate/ approvala) The type Number W056144-25,
certification basis for the DHC-6-200 norevision, dated February
and DHC-6-300 is asshown on TCCA 8,2010Instructions for
TCDS A-82 for parts not changed or Continued Airworthiness,
not affected by thechange.b) The Document Number
certification basis for parts changed W056144-24, norevision,
for affected by... dated February 11,
2010Installation in
accordance with Wipair, Inc.
Drawing No.
1004310,Revision B, dated
January 10,R...

04/01/2023 Page 187 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031140 GULFSTREAM FAA STC G150 Installation of Enhanced Vision System (EVS) The Certification Basis for the original G150 EVS II Master Program This approval does not constitute 28/07/2010 Active 10031140
AEROSPACE ST03713-AT II product remains applicable tothis Drawing List, G150-GER-0039, any operation credit
(EASA.IM.A.S.02821) CORPORATION certificate/ approvalJAR 25 Change dated 26. March2009EVS II
15 (referto TCDS)The requirements Flight Manual Supplement
for environmental protection and the 2009-02, Revision 1, dated 05
associatedcertificated noise and/ or May 2010Instructions for
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness,
product areunchanged and remain G150-GER-0037, Rev. --
applicable to th... dated05. Jan. 2009or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10031149 ACS-NAI Ltd. TCCA STC CL-600-2B19 Installation, CMC Electronics Pilot view Class EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis TCCA SoC ref. C-10-0364 None 29/07/2010 Active 10031149
SA10-26 II Electronics Flight Bag for the original product remains dated 20 July 2010.TCCA STC
applicable tothis certificate/ ref. SA10-26 Issue 1 dated 19
approval.The certificated noise and/ March 2010.ACS-NAI Ltd
or emissions levels of the original Modification Data Summary
productare unchanged and remain Number G370000 Revision
applicable to this certificate/ A.Savannah Air Center
approval. Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement for Class
2Electronic FlightBag (EFB),
G115091 Revision
NC.Savannah Air Center
10031167 MT-PROPELLER PC-6/B2-H4 Installation of 4-blade MTV-16-1-E-C-F-R(P)/ The Certification Basis for the original -Airplane Flight Manual None 29/07/2010 Active 10031167
ENTWICKLUNG PC-6/B1-H2, PC-6/B2-H2 CFR240-55() propeller onPilatus PC-6/B1-H2, product and the followingadditional Supplement, Doc. No. E-1861,
GmbH PC-6/B2-H2, PC-6/B2-H4 or alternative airworthiness dated 17.03.2010-Airplane
requirements are applicable tothis Flight Manual Supplement
certificate/ approval.FAR 23, (propeller speed reduction).
Amendment 1-34 (not required by Doc. No.E-1861-1, dated
21A.101, elected to comply bythe 17.03.2010-Instructions for
applicant)This certificate/ approval Continued Airworthiness,
involves a change to the ce... Doc. No. E-1863, Revision
0,dated 17.03.2010or later
revisions of the above listed
10031180 AVIONIK STRAUBING REV. 1 2. PA-31T2 Dual/Single installation of Garmin GNS430(A) CS-23 Installation must be in none 13/09/2010 Active 10031180
ENTWICKLUNGS 2. PA-31P, PA-31T, PA-31T1 W/530(A)W with GPS AntennaGarmin GA35 accordance with Master
GmbH 1. PA-31, PA-31-325, and Roll Steering Converter DAC GDC31. Document List
PA-31-350 EngineeringOrder No. ASR
2008-163-MDL-01-00 Amend.
00 dated 24.March 2010 or
Revisions.Operation must
bein accordance with Flight
Manual Supplement No.
dated 28.01.2010 (for GNS430
(A)W/530(A)W) and AS...
10031182 F. LIST GERMANY REV. 1 DORNIER 328-300 Change seat cushions bottom and backrest, The Certification Basis (CB) for the OHS Master Documents List Prior to installation of this design 08/12/2017 Active 10031182
GmbH DORNIER 328-100 JB6 series and AMP 1300 seriesfor DORNIER original product remains applicableto ASE04-10-MDL-01-xx, change it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03940) 328-100 and 328-300. this certificate/ approval.The Revision 4 dated18.06.2010< thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental (>,<)>or later revisions of the this design change and any
protection and the above listed documents otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or approved by EASA.- change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original STC10031182_Transfer signed introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain by CEO of F. List Germany the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ GmbH.- STC10031182_OHS
approval. Aviation Services GmbH
STC10031182_F. List Germany

04/01/2023 Page 188 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031184 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9351 and1.Refer 30/07/2010 Active 10031184
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9351 for the original product remains reference C-10-0355 dated to the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ 29 July 2010.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
approvalThe requirements for SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
environmental protection and the October 2004.Aero Consulting system is compatible only to IEEE
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Services Configuration 802.11(b).3.Prior to installation of
emissions levels of the original Definition List D954000 this modification the installer
product areunchanged and remain RevisionFN dated 27 July mustdetermine that the
applicable to this certificate/ app... 2010.Instructions for interrelationship between this
Continued Airworthiness modification and...
GC93510000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the above liste...
10031201 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A340-213 A340-200 - Installation of provisions for Live The Certification Basis for the original Supplemental Type Definition Limited to MSN 151 30/07/2010 Active 10031201
AG TV, Satcom, and W-LANThis STC installs product and the followingadditional Document, ref : STDD
several structural provisions forLive TV, or alternative airworthiness 00-10/07MIssue 1,dated 22
Satcom, andW-LAN systems, relocates the requirements are applicable tothis July 2010Instruction for
existing upper Anti-Collision Light (ACL)and certificate/ approval.Elect to Continued Airworthiness, ref :
installs a additional upper ACL. Comply:- CS 25.1729 Amdt 08- CS 25 A-00-10_131-ICA Issue
App H 25.5 Amdt 08Means of 1,dated 06 July 2010or later
Compliance:- F-2304-003 Iss 1 revisions of the above listed
(Wireless Local Area Network documents approved by EASA
10031209 SAAB AB REV. 2 382 Installation of Saab Missile Protection The Certification Basis for the original Installation In accordance Aircraft Serial 4954 Only 21/12/2010 Active 10031209
System. The installationconsists of a forward product and the followingadditional with Saab Aerotech
(EASA.A.S.03618) sensor fairing on both sides of the nose and or alternative airworthiness Modification refTDM07-37-ID
arear sensor installation in the tail. The requirements are applicable tothis rev B, dated 2010-02-15 or
dispensers are installed onboth sides under certificate/ approvalCS-25 Am 6The later approved
the rear edge of the wing.Inside the aircraft a requirements for environmental revisions.Operation in
Control panel has been installed i... protection and the accordance with Flight
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Manual TDM07-37-4-AFMS
emissions levels of the original rev D, dated2010-04-19 or
prod... later approved revisions.To be
Maintained in accordance
with TDM07-37-4-ICA rev D,
10031215 MARSHALL OF CAA UK A340-300 Structural Installation of 2 IFF Antennae CS 25 Amendment 6The Certificate of Design MA none 02/08/2010 Active 10031215
CAMBRIDGE RESPONSIBILITY requirements for environmental 1903, CD/A340(1903)/
AEROSPACELIMITED protection and the 09/0625 Issue 2 dated 28July
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2010.Instructions for
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness,
product areunchanged and remain SBM23-009.or later revisions
applicable to this certificate/ of the above listed
approval documentsapproved by EASA
10031221 AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS FAA STC B737-300, -400, -500 Installation of Digital Flight Data Recorder The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC ST09040SC dated none 03/08/2010 Active 10031221
AND ST09040SC System (DFDR) using aTeledyne Digital Flight product and the followingadditional September 08, 2006Aircraft
MANUFACTURING,In Data Acquisition Unit (DFDAU) or alternative airworthiness Systems & Manufacturing Top
c. requirements are applicable tothis Drawing List No.
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01 Issue Q4010-000-00, Rev.R dated
2:Special Condition - Enhanced December 11, 2006or later
Airworthiness program forAeroplane revisions of the above listed
System - ICA on EWIS.The documents approved by EASA
requirements for environmentalc... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10031227 MARSHALL OF CAA UK A340-300 Structural Installation of a V/UHF Antenna CS-25 Amendment 6The Certificate of Design MA none 03/08/2010 Active 10031227
CAMBRIDGE RESPONSIBILITY requirements for environmental 1904, CD/A340(1904)/
AEROSPACELIMITED protection and the 09/0627 Issue 2 dated 28July
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2010.Instructions for
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness,
product areunchanged and remain SBM23-010.or later revisions
applicable to this certificate/ of the above listed
approval documentsapproved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 189 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031230 KNOTS ACQUISITION FAA SA1217GL 2. PA-32R-301, PA-32R-301 Installation of wing root fairings in The Certification Basis for the original Knots2U, Ltd. Installation and None 03/08/2010 Active 10031230
LTD. (SP) accordance with FAA STC SA1217GL(Revision product remains applicable tothis Maintenance Manual,
2. PA-32-301, PA-32-301T of LBA EMZ 1221, issue 1, dated July 20, certificate/ approval.The documentnumber32WR-M,
1. PA-32R-301T(TC) 2001). requirements for environmental revision E, dated May 2,
1. PA-32R-301(HP) protection and the 2010or later revisions of the
1. PA-32-301FT, associatedcertificated noiseand/ or above listed documents
PA-32-301XTC emissions levels of the original approved by EASA
product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED
applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or
approval. subsequent revisionsofthis
10031235 KNOTS ACQUISITION FAA STC 2. PA-32R-301, PA-32R-301 Installation of flaps, aileron, flap/fuselage The Certification Basis for the original Knots2U, Ltd. Installation and None 03/08/2010 Active 10031235
LTD. SA1521GL (SP) and stabilator gap sealsin accordance with product remains applicable tothis Maintenance Manual,
2. PA-32-301, PA-32-301T FAA STC SA1521GL. certificate/ approvalThe documentnumber32FGS-M,
1. PA-32R-301T(TC) requirements for environmental revision F, dated May 2,
1. PA-32R-301(HP) protection and the 2010or later revisions of the
1. PA-32-301FT, associatedcertificated noise and/ or above listed documents
PA-32-301XTC emissions levels of the original approved by EASA
product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED
applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or
approval subsequent revisions ofthis
10031236 KNOTS ACQUISITION FAA SA1195GL 2. PA-32RT-300T Installation of Flap Hinge Fairing seals in The Certification Basis for the original Knots2U, Ltd. Installation and None 03/08/2010 Active 10031236
LTD. 2. PA-32R-301T(SP), accordance withFAA STCSA1195GL (Revision product remains applicable tothis Maintenance Manual,
PA-32R-300 of LBA EMZ 1222, issue 1, dated July 20, certificate/ approvalThe documentnumber32HF-M,
2. PA-32R-301(SP), 2001). requirements for environmental revision D, dated February 10,
PA-32S-300 protection and the 2010or later revisions of the
2. PA-32R-300, PA-32RT-300 associatedcertificated noise and/ or above listed documents
2. PA-32-301, PA-32-301T emissions levels of the original approved by EASA
2. PA-32-260, PA-32-300 product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED
1. PA-32R-301T(TC) applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or
1. PA-32R-301(HP) approval subsequent revisions ofthis
1. PA-32-301FT, decision)
10031240 BRITISH AIRWAYS CAA UK B737-400 B737 GPS UPGRADE OF EGPWS The Certification Basis for the original -Master Data List None 05/08/2010 Active 10031240
PLCBRITISH AIRWAYS RESPONSIBILITY product and the followingadditional MDL-0069-10 Rev. 00 dated
ENGINEERINGOFFICE or alternative airworthiness 23/04/2010 (plus
OF AIRWORTHINESS requirements are applicable tothis EDI10105822)-Service Bulletin
certificate/ approval.CRI H-01- issue BA-737-34-0015 Rev. 00-AFM
2: Special Condition "Enhanced manual change request, BA
Airworthiness programmefor Ref: 10098651or later
aeroplane Systems - ICA on EWIS"The revisions of the above listed
requirements for environmen... documents approved by EASA
10031241 FLINT AERO, INC. FAA STC T210L, T210M, T210N, Installation of 16,25 US Gallon usable fuel The Certification Basis for the original Installed in accordance with According limitation section of 03/08/2010 Active 10031241
SA3226NM P210N lightning resistant wing tipfuel tanks product remains applicable tothis Flint Aero Master Drawing AFM-SFor P210N and T210N
(EASA.IM.A.S.02712) T210G, T210H, T210J, T210K certificate/ approval.CAR 3The ListMDL FALS210N/CFAA following limitation additionally
210M, 210N requirements for environmental approved Flint Aero AFM-S apply:-Wing Tip Aux/ Aux Tank
210G, 210H, 210J, 210K, protection and the dated 16 Jan 1984or later either is less than 7 gals MTOW
210L associatedcertificated noise and/ or revisions of the above listed 3730lbs, MLW3530lbs-Wing Tip
emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA Aux/ Aux Tank both are 7 gals or
product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED more MTOW 4000lbs,
applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or MLW3800lbs
approval.... subsequent revisions ofthis
10031247 SKYTRAC SYSTEMS REV. 2 TCCA STC 407 SkyTrac ISAT Airborne Position/Data The Certification Basis for the original MDL10033 revision N/C dated STC EASA.IM.R.S.01137 is a 22/12/2010 Active 10031247
LTD. SH10-24 ISSUE 2 206L, 206L-1, 206L-3, 206L-4, Communicator product remains applicable tothis 10 May 2010 - Master prerequisite to this installation.
206A, 206A-1, 206B, 206B-1, certificate/ approvalThe Drawing List;FMS10033-2
requirements for environmental revision N/C dated 11 May
protection and the 2010 - Flight
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ManualSupplement;ICA10033
emissions levels of the original -2 revision N/C dated 11 May
product areunchanged and remain 2010 - Instructions for
applicable to this certificate/ ContinuedAirworthiness.
10031251 ROSEN SUNVISOR FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of Sunvisor CS 23.C, CAR 23 According to Rosen Sunvisor None 04/08/2010 Active 10031251
SYSTEMS L.L.C. SA00871SE LIST System, LLC Master Drawing
(EASA.IM.A.S.03270) ListNo.9050-0118-013, Rev. F
or later FAA approved

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031253 AIRMOTIVE REV. 1 FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of rotocoil, valve springs, ni-resist CAR 13 / FAR 33The Certification Installation data and none 04/11/2010 Active 10031253
ENGINEERING SE10129SC LIST valve guide, exhaustvalve with chrome flash Basis for the original products remain Instructions for Continued
CORPORATION on stem, and rocker shaft with thrust buttons applicable tothis certificate. Airworthiness arecontained in
inaccordance with ECi Drawing Number ECi Service Instruction 02-8,
AEC65314, Rev E, dated February 6,2003, or Rev. IR, dated February
later FAA approvedrevision - EASA Validation 5,2003<(>,<)> or later
of FAA STCSE10129SC revisions approved by EASA
in accordance with EASAED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions of this
10031258 RUAG AEROSPACE DC-9-83 (MD 83) Cabin Layout/Interior Change -DC-9-83 The Certification Basis for the original RUAG Doc. No. 293B-SD; none 05/08/2010 Active 10031258
SERVICES GmbH product and the followingadditional 293B-MDL; 293B-AMMSor
or alternative airworthiness later revisions of the above
requirements are applicable tothis listed documents approved by
certificate/approvalCRI H-001/SC EASA
10031264 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 C90A, C90GT, C90GTI, C90 Installation of an Avidyne Traffic Advisory The Certification Basis of the original Master Document List, Project Prior to installation of this design 15/11/2017 Active 10031264
GMBH System TAS 600/610/620 product and the followingadditional / No. C90-NY-07137, Rev. 1, change it must be determined
alternative airworthiness dated 03 August2010, or later thatthe interrelationship between
requirements are applicable tothis approved revision.Master this design change and any
change.The requirements for DocumentList, Project No. otherpreviously installed design
environmental protection and the C90-NY-07137, Rev. 1, dated 3 change and/or repair will
associatedcertified noise and/or August2010,or later approved introduce noadverse effect upon
emissions levels of the original revision.Flight Manual the airworthiness of the product.
product areunchanged and remain Supplement, Doc. No. C90-
ap... NY-07137-08, Rev. 1, dated
2August 2010, or later appr...
10031271 LEARJET Inc. FAA STC CL-600-2B16 Installation of the RH Forward Lavatory EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis FAA STC No. SA8117NM-D none 06/08/2010 Active 10031271
SA8117NM-D for the original product remains dated 24 June 1998.Learjet
applicable tothis certificate/ Master Drawing List No.
approvalThe requirements for CA-3068e-TUC Revision A
environmental protection and the dated 10 June1998 or later
associatedcertificated noise and/ or approved revision.or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ app... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10031274 AGUSTAWESTLAND FAA STC A119/AW119MKII Installation of pedal extensions on A119, The Certification Basis for the original For A119 helicopter:- Agusta none 06/08/2010 Active 10031274
PHILADELPHIACORP SR02265NY AW119MKII helicopters product remains applicable tothis Aerospace Corporation
ORATION certificate/ approvalThe installation master data list,
requirements for environmental report no.AAC-ENG-05-091,
protection and the rev - , dated 24 April 2006For
associatedcertificated noise and/ or AW119MKII helicopter:-
emissions levels of the original Agusta Aerospace
product areunchanged and remain Corporation installation
applicable to this certificate/ master data list, report
approval no.AAC-ENG-08-086, rev - ,
dated 30 January 2009For
A119 helicopter:- A...
10031275 RAISBECK REV. 4 FAA STC B) B200CGT Installation of a set of Hartzell/Raisbeck Quiet The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation in accordance Compatibility between this 14/02/2020 Active 10031275
ENGINEERING Inc. SA2698NM-S B) B200, B200C, B200GT Turbofan Propellers orSwept Turbofan original product remains applicableto with Raisbeck Engineering supplemental type certificate (STC)
(EASA.IM.A.S.00765) A) A200, B200T, B200CT Propellers or Five-Blade Swept Turbofan this certificate/ approval.For 4- Drawing List85-1500, Revision and STCsSA1783NM, SA10737SC,
A) 200, 200C, 200T, 200CT Propellers. Theinstallation consists of bladed propeller:This certificate/ BV, dated September 13, SA00433AT, SA10824SC, and
Hartzell/Raisbeck 4-bladed or 5- approval involves a change to the 2019.Operation in accordance SA10842SC has
bladedpropellers and aluminium hubs with requirements forenvironmental with the applicable Airplane beendemonstrated. A copy of this
spinners, and a propeller de-icingsystem. protection or a change to the Flight ManualSupplement certificate, and the appropriate
certified noise or emissionslevels.For (AFMS) in accordance with AFMSdetermined from AML
5-bladed propeller:Thisd... AML SA2698NM-S, or SA2698NM-S must be maintained
previousversions of this with the permanentrecords of the
STC.Continued Airworthiness modified aircra...
in accordance...

04/01/2023 Page 191 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031277 AGUSTAWESTLAND FAA STC AW119MKII Installation of a Border Guard Configuration The Certification Basis for the original - Agusta Aerospace none 06/08/2010 Active 10031277
PHILADELPHIACORP SR02789NY product remains applicable tothis Corporation installation
ORATION certificate/ approvalThe master data list, report
requirements for environmental no.AAC-ENG-09-011, rev A,
protection and the dated 2 February 2010-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Agusta Aerospace
emissions levels of the original Corporation Rotorcraft Flight
product areunchanged and remain Manual, reportno.AAC-
applicable to this certificate/ ENG-09-018, rev - , dated 02
approval April 2010 or later revisions of
theabove listed documents
approved by EASA in accor...
10031298 AERO DYNAMIX, Inc. REV. 2 FAA STC AW119MKII Installation of Night Image Vision System The Certification Basis for the original - Master Drawing List, MDL Prior to installation of this change/ 15/07/2021 Active 10031298
SR09519RC (NVIS) / Night Vision Goggles(NVG) Cockpit product remains applicable tothis 2370-01, Rev. V, dated repair it must be determined
lighting.Revision 1: Minor change to FAA STC certificate/ approval.The 04.05.2021- RFMS thatthe interrelationship between
SR09519RC to cover addition of a requirements for environmental AW119MKII-01-EASA Revision this change/repair and any
newconfiguration.Revision 2: Revision to protection and the A, dated 10.09.2019- RFMSA otherpreviously installed change
EASA RFMS, introducing Appendix associatedcertified noise and/ or AW119MKII-01-EASA-04, and/ or repair willintroduce no
No.RFMSAAW119MKII-01-07, Rev. A- to emissions levels of the original Revision IR, dated 10.09.2019- adverseeffect upon the
cover the update to the Fin... product areunchanged and remain RFMSAAW119MKII-01- airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ EASA-07, Revision A, dated
approval. 28.06.2021or later revisions
of the above listed document
(s) approved/accepted o...
10031299 LEARJET Inc. FAA STC CL-600-2B16 Installation of the RH Forward Galley EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis FAA STC No. SA8118NM-D none 09/08/2010 Active 10031299
SA8118NM-D for the original product remains dated 25 June 1998.Learjet
applicable tothis certificate/ Master Drawing List No.
approvalThe requirements for CA-3067e-TUC Revision B
environmental protection and the dated 24 June1998 or later
associatedcertificated noise and/ or approved revision.or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ app... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10031307 RAISBECK FAA STC A320-232 A320 bin extension systemInstallation of a The Certification Basis for the original - Raisbeck Commercial Air - Refer to paragraph "Limitations & 09/08/2010 Active 10031307
ENGINEERING Inc. ST01182LA bin extension system in accordance with product remains applicable tothis Group (RCAG) Project Specific Conditions" listed in the FAA
FAASupplemental Type Certificate ST01182LA certificate/ approvalThe certificated CertificationPlan report STCST01182LA;The Maintenance
issued 10 July 2001. noise and/ or emissions levels of the number 200A-2540 revision C Instructions for Continued
original productare unchanged and dated 5 January 2001.- A320 Airworthiness are containedin the
remain applicable to this certificate/ Bin Extension Installation Part RCAG Component Maintenance
approval List 200A-2500 Rev. E dated Manual 200A-2560. These
11March 2002.- Master Data maintenanceinstructions must be
List 200A-2010 Rev. G dated included in the operator's Aircraft
11 November 2002.- RACG MaintenanceManual and the...
Component Maintenance
10031316 AGUSTAWESTLAND FAA STC A119 / AW119MKII EASA Validation FAA STC SR02428NY for The Certification Basis for the original Installation Instructions for None 09/08/2010 Active 10031316
PHILADELPHIACORP SR02428NY A119 / AW119MKII - High VisibilityCrew product remains applicable tothis the High Visibility Crew Doors,
ORATION Doors certificate/approval.The requirement Report n.AA-04051, Revision
for environmental protection and the F, dated March 27, 2007 for
associatedcertificated noise and/or the A119.Installation
emissions levels of the original Instructions for the High
product areunchanged and remain Visibility Crew Doors, Report
applicable to this certificate/ n.AAC-ENG-08-075, Revision -,
approval. dated November 12, 2008 for
the AW119MKII.Instructions
for Continued Airwo...
10031318 LEARJET INC FAA STC CL-600-2B16 Installation of the Bulkhead F.S.353 EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis FAA STC No. SA8119NM-D none 10/08/2010 Active 10031318
SA8119NM-D for the original product remains dated 24 June 1998.Learjet
applicable tothis certificate/ Master Drawing List No.
approvalThe requirements for CA-3059a-TUC Revision (-)
environmental protection and the dated 04 May1998 orlater
associatedcertificated noise and/ or approved revision.or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ app... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis

04/01/2023 Page 192 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031319 LEARJET INC FAA STC CL-600-2B16 Interior Installation - Main Cabin EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis FAA STC No. SA8120NM-D none 10/08/2010 Active 10031319
SA8120NM-D for the original product remains dated 25 June 1998.Learjet
applicable tothis certificate/ Master Drawing List No.
approvalThe requirements for CA-3003f-TUC Revision B
environmental protection and the dated 24 June1998 or later
associatedcertificated noise and/ or approved revision.or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ app... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10031320 LEARJET INC FAA STC CL-600-2B16 Installation of the Armledge / Dado EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis FAA STC No. SA8122NM-D none 10/08/2010 Active 10031320
SA8122NM-D for the original product remains dated 24 June 1998.Learjet
applicable tothis certificate/ Master Drawing List No.
approvalThe requirements for CA-3065f-TUC revision A
environmental protection and the dated 10 June1998 or later
associatedcertificated noise and/ or approved revision.or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ app... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10031322 RUAG AG REV. 1 500 N IRIS Camera Installation.Installed: L3 Avionics The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Master Document List: RUAG Serial number: LN088Prior to 18/01/2021 Active 10031322
System TypeA100 IRIS Camera System.Rev 1: original product remains applicableto Doc. Nr. 1864441-00- installation of this change/repair it
(EASA.R.S.01547) Transfer of STC to a new legal entity that is this certificate/ approval.The Instructions for Continued must be determined thatthe
holder of a new DOA(EASA.21J.760) requirements for environmental Airworthiness: RUAG Doc. Nr. interrelationship betweenthis
protection and the 1864441-60-Rotorcraft Flight change/repair and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or Manual Supplement: RUAG otherpreviously installed
emissions levels of the product are Doc. Nr. 1864441-50or later changeand/ or repair will
unchangedand remain applicable to revisions of the above listed introduce no adverseeffect upon
this certificate/approval without any document(s) approved/ the airworthiness of the product.
im... acceptedunder the EASA
10031332 FOKKER TECHNIEK REV. 1 A318-112 A318-112 VIP conversion, for description see The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Compliance Record Report 1. Refer to Chapter 2, Limitations 05/12/2019 Active 10031332
B.V. Chapter 1.1 of. ComplianceRecord Report original product remains applicableto A18-MAK-CRR-0001 issue 5 of the AFM Supplement Airbus
(EASA.A.S.03317) A18-MAK-CRR-0001 issue 5 d.d. this certificate/ approval.The d.d. 29-5-2009-AFM A318Model A318-112 Aircraft for
29-5-2009Revision 1: Transfer of STC from requirements for environmental Supplement Airbus A318 the VIP Conversion As installed in
Fokker Services B.V. (EASA.21J.059) toFokker protection and the Model A318-112 Aircraft for Serialnumber 3238 issue 5 d.d.
Techniek B.V. (EASA.21J.667) associatedcertified noise and/ or the VIPConversion As installed 29-5-20092. The STC is approved
emissions levels of the original in Serial number 3238 issue5 only for the product configuration
product areunchanged and remain d.d. 29-5-2009-MMEL as definedinthe approved design
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement Airbus A318 data referred to in paragraph
approval. Model A318-112Aircraft for “Descrip...
the VIPConversion As installed
in Serial number...
10031335 BUSINESS AND REV. 2 MYSTERE FALCON 20 E5, 20 Installation of a multi-functions display The Certification Basis (CB) for the UAE 015 03 E3 R4, or later 1. AFM Supplement UAE No 47 05/01/2015 Active 10031335
COMMUTER GF Honeywell type KMD-850applicable to original product remains applicableto approved revisions. issue 1 Revision 1 dated 14
(EASA.A.S.00306) AIRCRAFT MF50, MF900 Cessna Citation II model 550 aircraft. this certificate/ approval.The September 2004or later EASA-
C550 CITATION II requirements for environmental approved revision, is a required
protection and the part of this STC2. Or AFM
associatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement UAE No 15 issue 2
emissions levels of the original revision 2 (for MSN 0609)
product areunchanged and remain orrevision 5 (for MSN 0190) or
applicable to this certificate/ later EASA-approved revision, is a
approval. requiredpart of this STC.3. The
10031342 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 2 208B 208B Ferry Fuel Tank InstallationRev. 1 The Type and OSD Certification Bases Installed and maintained in This STC is applicable to Textron 30/08/2022 Active 10031342
Service GmbH Transfer to ACC Columbia Jet Service (CB) for the original productremains accordance with Document Aviation Cessna 208B aircraft with
GmbHRev 2: Introduces a 300-Gal Ferry applicable to this certificate/ Number: Installation thefollowing engines installed:-
Tankand electrical connection ofauxiliary fuel approval. Therequirements Instruction II_2023163_Rev2, PT6A-114A or<(>,<)>-
pump to existing28 VDC auxiliary power forenvironmental protection and the Revision 2, Dated 17th PT6A-140and with the following
outlet associatedcertificated noise and/ June2022.Operated in pre-requisite STC installed:- FAA
oremissions levels of the original accordance with Document STC SA00392SE – Gross weight
product are unchanged and Number:Flight Manual increase kitPrior to installation of
remainapplicable to this certificat... Supplement,SPOH_2023163_ this change/repair it must be
Rev2, Revision 2, Dated 17th determined thatt...
June 2022or later revisions of
the above listed docum...

04/01/2023 Page 193 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031354 E A D AEROSPACE REV. 1 A320 Installation of Advanced Mission Display In accordance with the EASA - Master Drawing List, ref. None 29/11/2010 Active 10031354
AIRWORTHINESS System Phase A- AMDS/A on A320Series TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe 01272-EAS-A-MDL, Revision C,
AircraftRevision of the EASA STC 10031354to original product and the dated 22ndNovember 2010-
remove EWIS limitation followingadditional or alternative Compliance Check List, ref.
airworthiness requirements are 01272-EAS-A-CCL-01, Revision
applicable tothis certificate/ A, dated 9thApril 2010-
approval- CRI H-01/Special Condition Airplane Flight Manual
H-01 "Enhanced Airworthiness Supplement, ref. 01272-EAS-
Programme forAeroplane Systems - A-AFM-01, RevisionA,
ICA on EWIS"The... dated9th April 2010-
Declaration of Compliance,
ref. 01272-EAS-A-...
10031359 ROCKWELL COLLINS FAA STC B747-400 Installation of Rockwell Collins enhanced The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for a Continued none 11/08/2010 Active 10031359
INC. ST01829LA Total Entertainment System inaccordance product remains applicable tothis Airworthiness document nr.
with System List 1304631, Revision N/C, certificate/ approval 1304944 Rev. ABAircraft
dated August16, 2005or later FAA approved Maintenance Manual
revisions.Validation of FAA STC ST01829LA Supplement 44-00-75or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10031360 VAN RIEMSDIJK REV. 7 B747-200F/-400F/-400BCF/-8 RZX-0506 Special Cargo Container The Type and OSD Certification Bases Compliance Record Ref. Applicability to Model 747-400 25/05/2022 Active 10031360
ROTTERDAM B.V. F 125”X196”Approval of NXE-0506 Special (CB) for the original productremains CR-100136 issue 5- document limited to cargo configuration as
747-400, 747-8F Cargo container 125” x 196” with applicable to this certificate/ Statement CST 0506 issue 2- perBoeing Service Bulletin
747-200F, 747-400F PartNumber 136.020 and RZX-0506 Special approval.The requirements for CMM / IPL RZX Container P/N 747-00-2004 "747-400BCF”
Cargo container 125” x 196” withPart environmental protection and the 136.050-080,Ref. 25-55-06 / or“747-400SF”.Prior to installation
Number 136.050 for use in B747 associatedcertified noise and/ or RRM506-80issue 8- CMM / IPL of this change/repair it must be
freighter.Rev 5: Minor changes improving emissions levels of the product are RZX Container P/N determined thatthe
fuel level indicator and generator fueldrain unchangedand remain applicable to 136.020-000 and P/N interrelationship between this
sy... this certificate/approval w... 136.050-000, Ref.25-55-06 / change/repair and any
RRM506 issue 18- CMM / IPL otherpreviously installed change
RZX Container P/N and/ ore...
136.050-081, Ref. 25-55-0...
10031364 AVIATION FAA STC B747-400 Installation of ACSS Mode S Transponder The Certification Basis for the original None See Limitation Section of FAA 11/08/2010 Active 10031364
COMMUNICATION ST01911LA with ELS/EHS capability toreplace Mode S product remains applicable tothis approved ACSS Master Data List
ANDSURVEILLANCE Transponder in existing ACSS Traffic Alert and certificate/ approval. No. 8900019
SYSTEMS, L.L.C. CollisionAvoidance system TCAS II in
(ACSS) accordance with FAA approval ACSS
MasterData List Document No. 8900019-001,
Revision B, dated August 2, 2006 ofIndex of
Master Data Lis...
10031371 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS CAA UK AS 350 B3 Coupling of the existing Sagem/SFIM The Certification Basis for the original - Drawing List none 12/08/2010 Active 10031371
UK LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY Autopilot installation with theGarmin product remains applicable tothis A4/3501234-001, issue A,
GNS530 certificate/ approvalThe dated 10.08.2010-
requirements for environmental Instructions for Continued
protection and the Airworthiness ICAW/
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 3501234-001, issue B,dated
emissions levels of the original 29.07.2010- Supplement No.
product areunchanged and remain 17 to the Approved Flight
applicable to this certificate/ Manual AS 350B3
approval Helicopter,issue 1, dated
10031404 DANSK FLY B200, B200C Installation of L-3 Skywatch HP Traffic Alert & The Certification Basis for the original DFE Design Order DFE- Garmin G1000 retrofit STC must 13/08/2010 Active 10031404
ELEKTRONIK ApS Collision AvoidanceSystem, Model SKY899A. product and the followingadditional DO-0410 Design Package or be installed in aircraft prior
or alternative airworthiness later revisions of theabove toinstalling this STC.
requirements are applicable tothis listed documents approved by
certificate/ approvalCS-23 EASA
Amendment 1The certificated noise
and/ or emissions levels of the
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certif...

04/01/2023 Page 194 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031405 INNOTECH REV. 1 TCCA STC O- BD-700-1A10, ASN 9287 HB- I-Ku System Installation with Viasat VMT EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. O- Restricted to ASN 9287 23/05/2011 Active 10031405
AVIATIONA DIVISION LSA10-185/D JGE 1500 Ku Band System andHoneywell MHC for the original product remains LSA10-185/D Issue 1 dated 23
OF IMP GROUP LTD Cabin Management. applicable tothis certificate/ June 2010.Installation must
approval.The requirements for be in accordance with
environmental protection and the Innotech Aviation Drawing
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ListMDL-9287-156 Revision F,
emissions levels of the original or later approved
product areunchanged and remain revision.Operation must be in
applicable to this certificate/ ap... accordance with Innotech
Aviation Airplane
FlightManual Supplement
FM010-002, Revision C or...
10031425 RAM AIRCRAFT, LP REV. 2 FAA STC CESSNA 414A Installation of vortex generators in acc. with The Certification Basis for the original Option 1: No change to None 12/11/2010 Active 10031425
SA8125SW-D FAA STC SA8125SW-D, lastissue, dated May product remains applicable tothis original Airplane Flight
12, 2008:Option 1: Modificationin acc. with certificate/ approval.This certificate/ ManualOption 2:(a),,reserved
RAM Master Drawing No. 1507,Revision C, approval involves a change to the (b),,reserved(c),,reserved
dated 11/03/1992.Option 2: Modification in requirements forenvironmental (d),,RAM AFMS 1027, dated
acc. with RAM Master Drawing No. protection and/or a change to the 16/03/1992(e),,reserved
1507,Revision C, dated 11/03/1992(a) not certificated noise and/or emissions (f),,RAM AFMS 1029, dated
approved(b... levels. 16/03/1992or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (...
10031457 NORTHWEST FAA STC B777-300 First and Business Class Cabin Interior - BA EASA TCDS No. IM.A.003The -FAA STC Number ST02079SE None 17/08/2010 Active 10031457
AEROSPACE ST02079SE 777-300 aircraft Certification Basis for the original dated 10 August 2010-FAA
TECHNOLOGIESINC. product remains applicable tothis SoC dated 17 August 2010-
certificate/ approvalThe Northwest Aerospace
requirements for environmental Technologies Inc. (NAT)
protection and the Master Drawing ListN0333-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or D10, Revision B dated 25 July
emissions levels of the original 2010or later approved
product areunchanged and remain revision.or later revisions of
applicable to this certifi... the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
10031459 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK F 406 Installation of Thales I-MASTER A-Flight Radar EASA TCDS No EASA.A.109The STC Twenty One none 17/08/2010 Active 10031459
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY Turret Certification Basis for the original LimitedMaster Document List
product remains applicable tothis No. S21.MDL-0780Issue 1
certificate/ approvalThe dated 13 August 2010STC
requirements for environmental Twenty One LimitedFlight
protection and the Manual Supplement No.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or S21.FMS-0063or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certif...
10031460 BLACKHAWK FAA STC PA-31T1 EASA Validation of FAA STC SA01248SE - The Certification Basis for the original AFM Supplement AFMS-158P, none 17/08/2010 Active 10031460
MODIFICATIONS Inc. SA01248SE PA-31T Installation of two HartzellHC-E4N-3N/ product remains applicable tothis Rev. 1Instructions for
(EASA.IM.A.S.03209) D8990SB propellers certificate/ approvalThe Continued Airworthiness Doc.
requirements for environmental ICA-150-5c, Rev. Aor later
protection and the revisions of the above listed
associatedcertificated noise and/or documents approved by EASA
emissions levels of the original inaccordance withEASA ED
product areunchangedand remain Decision 2004/04/CF (or
applicable to this certificate/ subsequent revisions
approval. ofthisdecision)
10031462 BLACKHAWK FAA SA00863SE PA-31T (CHEYENNE/ EASA Validation of FAA STC SA00863SE- The Certification Basis for the original - AFM Supplements: none 17/08/2010 Active 10031462
MODIFICATIONS Inc. CHEYENNE II) Installation of two Pratt &Whitney PT6A-135 product and the followingadditional AFMS-150T-135, Rev. IR;
(EASA.IM.A.S.03208) PA-31T2 (CHEYENNE IIXL) or PT6A-135A engines and two HartzellHC- or alternative airworthiness AFMS-150T-135A, Rev.
PA-31T1 (CHEY. I/CHEYENNE B3TN-3B/T10178B-8R or HC-E4N-3N/ requirements are applicable tothis IR;AFMS-151T-135, Rev. IR;
IA) D8990SB propellers certificate/ approval.FAR23.1, 23.21, AFMS-151T-135A, Rev. IR;
23.51, 23.143, 23.149, 23.711, AFMS-152T-135A, Rev. 2,all
23.905, 23.929, 23.933,23.930, dated 25 February 2009-
23.1027, 23.1041, 23.1045, 23.1141, Instructionsfor Continued
23.1163, 23.1183, 23.13... Airworthiness Doc.
ICA-150-5b, Rev. Aor later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031510 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 93491.Refer to 20/08/2010 Active 10031510
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9349 for the original product remains reference C-10-0308 dated 21 the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ July 2010.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
approval.The requirements for SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
environmental protection and the October 2004.Aero Consulting system is compatible only to IEEE
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Services Configuration 802.11 (b).
emissions levels of the original Definition List D954000
product areunchanged and remain RevisionFH dated09 July
applicable to this certificate/ ap... 2010.or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
10031513 RAM AIRCRAFT, LP REV. 1 FAA STC CESSNA 414A Modification in acc. with FAA STC The Certification Basis for the original -Option 1: RAM AFMS 1080, This approval is limited to Hartzell 12/11/2010 Active 10031513
SA09105SC-D SA09105SC-D: Aircraft modified inaccordance product remains applicable tothis dated 25/09/1995-Option 2: PHC-C3YF-2UF/FC7663D(B)-2Q or
with RAM Master Drawing No. 1765, Revision certificate/ approval.This certificate/ RAM AFMS 1082, dated PHC-C3YF-2UF/FC7693DF(B)
B, dated20/09/1995 and Installation of approval involves a change to the 25/09/1995-Option 3: propellers.
modified TCM enginemodel TSIO-520- requirements forenvironmental reserved-Option 4: RAM
NB:Option 1: Cessna 414A modified by FAA protection and/or a change to the AFMS 1098, dated
STCSE09104SC-D or SE09261SC-D,FAA STC certificated noise and/or emissions 25/09/1995or later revisions
SA8125SW-D (Vortex Genera... levels. of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10031514 DART AEROSPACE TCCA STC AS350 B, B1, B2, B3, BA, D Installation of an Auxiliary Side Locker Fuel The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List MDL- none 20/08/2010 Active 10031514
Ltd. SH05-4 Tank. product remains applicable tothis D350-794, revision D, dated
certificate/ approval.The 09.08.2010- Flight Manual
requirements for environmental Supplement FMS-D350-794,
protection and the revision C, dated
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 09.08.2010or later revisions
emissions levels of the original of the above listed documents
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval. Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10031517 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 1 757-220 Introduction of Driessen G1A and G4B FAA TCDS No. A2NMThe Certification AES Ltd MDL No. none 27/04/2021 Active 10031517
LIMITED GalleysRev 1: Transfer from AES Ltd. to new Basis for the original product remains AES-757-1771 MDL Issue 4
STC holder AES Global Ltd. applicable tothis certificate/ dated 15 August 2010 or
approval.The requirements for laterrevisions of the above
environmental protection and the listed documents approved by
associatedcertificated noise and/ or EASA
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate...
10031520 STG AEROSPACE REV. 1 FAA STC DHC-8-402 Installation of SaftGlo Inc. Photoluminescent FAR 25 as per EASA.IM.A.191 for Installation must be in Cabin interior arrangement must 16/03/2011 Active 10031520
Inc.AKA SAFTGLO, ST02311AT DHC-8-202, -301, -302, -401 floor proximity EscapePath Marking System DHC-8-100/200/300 SeriesJAR/CS-25 accordance with SaftGlo MDL, be approved in accordance with
Inc. DHC-8-102, -103, -106, -201 (PFEEPMS) as per EASA.IM.A.191 for DHC-8-400 ReportNumberM07-2, Rev. H, SaftGloMDL, Report Number
SeriesThe Certification Basis for the dated 1 August M07-2, Rev. H, dated 1 August
original product remains applicable 2007.Operation must be in 2007 incorporatingSaftGlo drawing
tothis certificate/ approval.The accordance with AFM SG-DHC8, Rev. E, dated 1 August
requirements for environmental Supplement SaftGlo Report 2007.Electrically-lit door exit
protection and the No.M07-11, Rev. B, dated 25 marker lighting levelsand cabin
associatedcertificated noise and/ or October 2004, andFlight lightinglevels must be acceptable
emiss... Attendant Manual in accordance wi...
Supplement, SaftGlo Report
No. M07-13, Rev. E,dated 1
August 20...
10031521 AIR AMBULANCE REV. 2 G100/ASTRA SPX Installation of EMS interior for Gulfstream The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List MDL-G100- Prior to installation of this design 15/06/2016 Active 10031521
TECHNOLOGY GmbH G100/Astra SPXReason for Revision 2: for product as amendedby thefollowing EMS, Rev. 0for config -501 change it must be determined
each configuration (-501 or -503) a additional or alternative Doc. no. EMS thatthe interrelationship between
dedicatedComponent, Operation-, airworthiness requirements:the G100-25-20-40.000-501, Rev. this design change and any
Installation- Maintenance Manual is following paragraph(s) at a later 0for config -503 Doc. no.EMS otherpreviously installed design
issuedPrerequisites for each configuration amendment: CS 25, Amdt 4 - G100-25-20-40.000-503, Rev. change and/ or repair will
are defined in the AFMS and therespective CS25.21, CS 25.25, CS 25.27, CS 0Airplane Flight Manual introduce noadverse effect upon
installation manual, there... 25.301, CS 25.303, CS 25.305, CS Supplement, Doc No. FMS the airworthiness ofthe product.
25.307,CS 25.321, CS 25.341, CS AAT55, Part I Rev. 2,Part II
25.471, C... Rev. 1, Annex 1, Rev.
0Component-, Operation-,
Installation-, Maintenan...

04/01/2023 Page 196 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031522 E & B HELICOPTERS TCCA STC 407 Audio Alert System The Certification Basis for the original FMS703.91 revision 2 dated None 27/08/2010 Active 10031522
LTD. SH07-38 product remains applicable tothis 24 August 2010 - Flight
certificate/ approval.The Manual SupplementDCL703
requirements for environmental revision 3 dated 21
protection and the September 2007 - Document
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Control listor later revisions of
emissions levels of the original the above listed documents
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval. Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
decision)CP703 revision...
10031536 HONEYWELL FAA STC B737-600/-700/-800/-900 Installation of the XK516 HF Transceiver The Certification Basis for the original - Master Drawing List ref. None 24/08/2010 Active 10031536
INTERNATIONAL INC. ST01280SE System in accordance withMaster Drawing product remains applicable tothis 756-0173-001, Revision F-
(EASA.IM.A.S.01131) List 756-0173-001 (and FAA STC ST01280SE certificate/approval.The Instructions for Continued
dated 15 October2003) requirements for environmental Airworthiness Supplements as
protection and the referencedinMaster Drawing
associatedcertificated noise and/ or List ref. 756-0173-001or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval. Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofth...
10031538 AERODISA S.L. DC9-80 (MD80) Aeronautical Capsat Transceiver The Certification Basis for the original -AED2009-24M_AMMS None 24/08/2010 Active 10031538
product and the followingadditional Maintenance Manual
or alternative airworthiness Supplement-
requirements are applicable tothis AED2009-24M_MDL Master
certificate/approval.EASA CRI H-001/ Data List-
SC.H-001 AED2009-24M_MDLO Master
Data List for Operators-
Weight & Balance-
Installation Manual-
AED2009-24M_AWDS Wiring
Diagram Supplementor later
revisions of the above listed
documents appro...
10031549 MICRO FAA STC 2. FA150K, FA150L, F152, Installation of vortex generators on the wings CS-23.C Installation of vortex Approval of this change in type 25/08/2010 Active 10031549
AERODYNAMICS, SA01065SE FA152 and verticaltailsurfaces on Cessna 150/152 generators on the wings and design applies to the aircraft listed
INC. 2. F150K, F150L, F150M, (see applicabel Model list). verticaltailsurfaces in onAML SA01065SE only. This
2. F150G, F150H, F150J accordance with Drawing approval should not beextended
1. A150L, A150M, 152, A152 Package MA2081, Revision IR, to otheraircraft on which other
1. 150K, 150L, 150M, A150K dated15th January 2002, and previously approved modification
1. 150F, 150G, 150H, 150J Installation Manual MA2082, areincorporated unless it is
Revision A, dated17th April determined that the relationship
2002 or later approuved between thischange and any other
revision.Maintainace in previouslyi...
accordance with Instruction
of Continue...
10031570 328 SUPPORT REV. 2 DORNIER 328-100/-300 Installation of Emergency Lighting Power The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List - None 27/09/2018 Active 10031570
SERVICES GmbH Supply System. product and the followingadditional AM1561010A-01 Issue 2
(EASA.A.S.03968) or alternative airworthiness dated 16 AUG 2010AFM
requirements are applicable tothis Supplement -
certificate/ approval: CRI H-01/ AM1561008A-01 Issue
Special Condition H-01 1;Instructions for Continued
"EnhancedAirworthiness Programme Airworthiness - AM1561007A
for Aeroplane Systems - ICA on Issue A;or later revisions of
EWIS".The requirements for the above listed documents
environmental... approved by EASA.
10031606 BEECHCRAFT REV. 2 FAA STC MODEL 4000 Installation of Cabin Interior Furnishings and The Certification Basis for the original Master Documents List (MDL) Only configuration 3, 6, 8 and 9 16/10/2012 Active 10031606
CORPORATION ST10922SC-D Systems. product remains applicable tothis No. 240-2001 Rev. installations are EASA
(EASA.IM.A.S.03021) certificate.The requirements for 69.Configuration approved.Airworthiness
environmental protection and the 3:Configuration Drawing Limitations inspections are
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 240-044300 Rev.3Airplane contained inChapter 4 of
emissions levels of the original Flight Maunual Supplement theCompletions
product areunchanged and remain (AFMS) 240-590001-0007 Rev. Manual.Airworthiness
applicable to this approval. 3Completions Manual Limitations:for configurations 6
23-10-65-HBC10003P dated and 8 per 240-590011-0003C
August 2010 and44-30-20- approved August 2010;for
HBC10009 dated January configurations 3 and 9 per
2012Configuration 23-10-65-HBC10003P4...
6:Configuration Drawing 24...

04/01/2023 Page 197 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031609 TASS Inc. FAA STC B757-200 Installation of Passenger Accommodations - The Certification Basis for the original -FAA Statement of None 30/08/2010 Active 10031609
ST00583SE-D STC ST00583SE-D product remains applicable tothis Compliance reference
certificate/ approval.The 1505-10-233 dated 18May
requirements for environmental 2010.-FAA STC No.
protection and the ST00583SE-D dated 07 May
associatedcertificated noiseand/or 2010.-BF Goodrich Master
emissions levels of the original Data List 99-060, pages 1-20,
product areunchanged and remain Revision A dated 30July 1999.-
applicable to this certificate/ TASS Inc document TASS-
approval. BAB-10-GQG01, Revision 00
dated 17 August
2010'Installation of Passenger
10031612 AERO TECHNICS REV. 2 CAA UK B737-500 Cabin Seating Reconfiguration from 120Y to The Certification Basis for the original ATDDR0382_issue1 - Design Prior to installation of this 05/08/2014 Active 10031612
DESIGN LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY 16C/28C layout (44C)Rev. 1 was issued to product remains applicable tothis Report dated modification it must be
remove limitation.Rev. 2 was issuedto certificate/ approval.The August-2010ATDCCL0382_Iss determined thatthe
change address on the certificate. requirements for environmental ue 6 - Compliance Check List interrelationship between this
protection and the dated August-2010or later modification and any other
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or revisions of the above listed previouslyinstalled modification
emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA and/ or repair will introduce no
product areunchanged and remain adverse effectupon the
applicable to this certificate/ airworthiness of the product.
10031614 AERO TWIN, Inc. FAA STC CESSNA 208, 208B Fabrication and Installation of Aero Twin, Inc The Certification Basis for the original Airplane Flight Manual None 31/08/2010 Active 10031614
SA4625NM EB8-200 extended baggagekit in accordance product remains applicable tothis Supplement EB8-200-AFMS,
to FAA STC SA4625NM certificate/ approval.The Rev. B dated October
requirements for environmental 14,2004Instructions for
protection and the Continued Airworthiness
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or EB8-200-ICA, last
emissions levels of the original revisiondated October 14,
product areunchanged and remain 2004Master DrawingList MDL
applicable to this certificate/ EB8-200, last revision dated
approval. March 6, 2009or
laterrevisions of the above
listed documents approved by
EASA ina...
10031622 EMBRAER S.A. ANAC N EMB-500 Installation of a Rockwell Collins Automatic Installation in accordance 1. Required Markings and 01/09/2009 Active 10031622
°2009S0S-07 Direction Finder ADF-462model with Master Document List Placards:-.In close proximity to the
(EASA.IM.A.S.03239) No TR0083, Rev J,dated 14 5A ADF breaker in breaker panel
May 2009 or later approved placard "ADF".2. Prior
revisions.Operation in toinstallation of this modification
accordance with Embraer the installer mustdetermine that
EASA Airplane Flight the interrelationship between this
ManualSupplement (AFMS) modification and anyother
for Rockwell Collins ADF-462 previously installed modification
ADF system, Rev IR, dated19 will introduce nou...
June 2009 or later
10031633 EUROCOPTER UK Ltd. CAA UK MBB-BK 117C2 Skyshout SystemInstallation of a Skyshout The Certification Basis for the original - Rotorcraft Flight Manual none 01/09/2010 Active 10031633
RESPONSIBILITY System. With internal cabin control product remains applicable tothis Supplement No 17, dated
andexternal loudspeaker array, installed on certificate/ approval.The 24th August 2010 orlater
aircraft RHS and configuredwith low skid requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
landing gear protection and the documents approved by
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or EASA- Design Report DR/
emissions levels of the original 1451232-001 Issue A, dated
product areunchanged and remain 4th March 2010
applicable to this certificate/
10031637 1263343 ALBERTA TCCA STC C- B737-700 Bucher LH Windscreen /Closet Modification The Certification Basis for the original Modification Data Summary Limited to B737-700 aircraft S/N 01/09/2010 Active 10031637
INC DBA ENERJET LSA10-077/D product and the followingadditional R1004821 issue A dated April 33920Maintenance of the Bucher
ISSUE 1 or alternative airworthiness 2010Modification Review Closet is to be performed by
requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness & Boeing
certificate/ approval.CRI H-01 Issue Safety Improvement AircraftMaintenanceManual
1: Special Condition - EWIS ICAThe R1006846 issue A dated June D633A101-CQT<(>,<)> and Bucher
requirements for environmental 2010or later revisions of the Component MaintenanceManual
protection and the above listed documents 25-30-65
associatedcertificated noise and/ approved by EASA
oru... inaccordance withEASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis...

04/01/2023 Page 198 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031638 1263343 ALBERTA TCCA STC C- B737-700 131, 137 <(>&<)> 145 Passenger Seating The Certification Basis for the original Modification Data Summary Limited to B737-700 aircraft S/N 01/09/2010 Active 10031638
INC DBA ENERJET LSA08-311/D Reconfiguration product and the followingadditional R0810701 issue C dated April 33920Maintenance of the Recaro
ISSUE or alternative airworthiness 2010Modification Review seats are to be performed per
requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness < Recaro ComponentMaintenance
certificate/ approval.CRI H-01 Issue (>&<)> Safety Improvement Manual 25-22-11, 25-25-81 and
1: Special Condition - EWIS ICAThe R1006845 issue A dated June 25-24-79
requirements for environmental 2010or later revisions of the
protection and the above listed documents
associatedcertificated noise and/ approved by EASA
oru... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions o...
10031639 1263343 ALBERTA TCCA STC C- B737-700 Artex C406-2 ELT Installation The Certification Basis for the original -Modification Data Summary Limited to B737-700 aircraft S/N 02/09/2010 Active 10031639
INC DBA ENERJET LSA08-310/D product and the followingadditional R0810709 issue A dated 33920 and 34480
ISSUE or alternative airworthiness November 2008.-Modification
requirements are applicable tothis Review Continued
certificate/ approval.CRI H-01 Issue Airworthiness & Safety
1: Special Condition - EWIS ICAThe ImprovementR1006844 issue
requirements for environmental A dated June 2010.-Aircraft
protection and the Maintenance Manual
associatedcertificated noise and/ Supplement R0809001 issue
oru... A.-ARTEX Maintenance
Manual 570-5000 rev B and
870-4010 Rev A.or later
revisions of...
10031640 1263343 ALBERTA TCCA STC C- B737-700 TIA Model 1545 oven Installation in forward The Certification Basis for the original Modification Data Summary Limited to B737-700 aircraft S/N 01/09/2010 Active 10031640
INC DBA ENERJET LSA10-078/D LH monument. product and the followingadditional R1004825 issue A dated April 33920Maintenance of the TIA
ISSUE or alternative airworthiness 2010Modification Review Model 1545 Oven is to be
requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness < performed per TIAComponent
certificate/ approval.CRI H-01 Issue (>&<)> Safety Improvement Maintenance Manual 25-30-61
1: Special Condition - EWIS ICAThe R1006847 issue A dated June
requirements for environmental 2010or later revisions of the
protection and the above listed documents
associatedcertificated noise and/ approved by EASA
oru... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions o...
10031662 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK CL-600-2B16 Introduction of Swift Broadband EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis STC Twenty One Ltd Master 1. The Airworthiness Approval of 02/09/2010 Active 10031662
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY for the original product remains Document List S21.MDL-0786 the wireless system does not
applicable tothis certificate/ Issue 1 dated 26August constituteOperational Approval for
approval.The requirements for 2010.STC Twenty One Ltd the use of transmitting PEDs on
environmental protection and the Flight Manual Supplement board of theaircraft. Operational
associatedcertificated noise and/ or S21.FMS-0067or later Approval must beobtained from
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed the responsibledivision of the
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA operational authority of the
applicable to this certificate/ ap... aircraft's country ofregistration
prior to con...
10031663 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9364 and1.Refer 02/09/2010 Active 10031663
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9364 for the original product remains reference C-10-0310 dated 30 to the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ August 2010.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
approval.The requirements for SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
environmental protection and the October 2004.Aero Consulting system is compatible only to IEEE
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Services Configuration 802.11(b).3.Prior to installation of
emissions levels of the original Definition List D954000 this modification the installer
product areunchanged and remain RevisionFQ dated 18 August mustdetermine that the
applicable to this certificate/ ap... 2010.Instructions for interrelationship between this
Continued Airworthiness modification and...
GC93640000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the above li...
10031668 CHIPPEWA REV. 1 FAA STC LIBERTY XL-2 Garmin GTX 330 The Certification Basis for the original Chippewa Aerospace Master None 05/11/2010 Active 10031668
AEROSPACE, Inc. SA03859AT product and the followingadditional Data List (MDL)
or alternative airworthiness XL2-3454-01-001, Rev.
requirements are applicable tothis IR,dated 02/10/2010 or later
certificate/ approval.The revisions of the above listed
certificatednoise and/ or emissions documentsapproved by EASA
levels of the original productare in accordance with EASA ED
unchanged and remain applicable to Decision 2004/04/CF
this certificate/ approval.... (orsubsequent revisions of
this decision).

04/01/2023 Page 199 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031674 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK B747-400 Trial installation of 2 rows of the BE/ The Certification Basis for the original None This STC is limited to Lufthansa 03/09/2010 Active 10031674
AG Aerospace V-seats model BE 15.0PN series product remains applicable tothis B747-400 aircraft sn 629493, reg
1012121 as replacement for 3 rows of Recaro certificate/ approval D-ABVWThe approval for this trial
EC seat model 3410in Section B of the is valid until November 30,
Lufthansa B747-400 reg D-ABVW, in 2010Compliance with CS 25.853
accordance withLHT document (heat release/smoke density) has
STDD00-10/16M Issue 01 not beenshown, in accordance
with the certification basisThe seat
approval is valid only for use in this
10031686 INNOTECH TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 I-CAIR System Installation with JetAir Bio- EASA IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. none 03/09/2010 Active 10031686
AVIATIONA DIVISION SA10-18 Protection (BPS)System for the original product remains SA10-18 Issue 1 dated 09
OF IMP GROUP LTD applicable tothis certificate/ February 2010.Transport
approval.The requirements for Canada SoC ref. 5010-
environmental protection and the O-10-0427 dated 31 May
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2010.Innotech Aviation
emissions levels of the original Drawing List MDL-BD700-151
product areunchanged and remain Revision NCdated 15January
applicable to this certificate/ ap... 2010.Innotech Aviation
Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement FM09-010
Revision NCapproved 8
February 2010.In...
10031729 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK PIPER PA-34 ALL SERIES Installation of Garmin G500/G600 PFD/ND The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List MDL1101-01 This change is limited to the 08/09/2010 Active 10031729
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis Issue 1Change Statement configuration defined in Change
certificate/ approvalCS 23Non- CS1101-01 Issue 1Instructions StatementCS1101-01 Issue 1 or
significantTherequirements for for Continued Airworthiness later approved revision.
environmental protection and the ICA1101-01 Issue 1Flight
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Manual Supplement
emissions levels of the AFMS1101-01 Issue 1or later
originalproduct areunchanged and revisions of the above listed
remain applicable to this certifica... documents approved by EASA
10031738 AEROSPACE DESIGN CAA UK B300 Review of modifications installed prior to The Certification Basis for the original 1) Systems installation and Aircraft Serial Number FL-327 Only 09/09/2010 Active 10031738
AND RESPONSIBILITY import product remains applicable tothis testing in accordance with
CERTIFICATIONLtd. certificate/ approval. aeroDAC FormJN222 ADC34
T/A AERODAC (1) Iss 1 dated 29/03/102)
Operating Instructions
defined in the following
Airplane FlightManual
Supplements:-a. Supplement
No 001: aeroDAC Form JN222
ADC29 (1)Iss 1 dated
31/08/10b. Supplement No
002: aeroDAC Form JN222...
10031744 BUSINESS AND REV. 1 MYSTERE FALCON 20 E5, 20 Enhanced Mode "S" compliance upgrade The Certification Basis (CB) for the Uni Air Enterprise Master Prior to installation of this 05/01/2015 Active 10031744
COMMUTER GF applicable to DassaultAviationMystère Falcon original product remains applicableto Data List MDL-011-10 modification it must be
AIRCRAFT MF50, MF900 20 aircraft. this certificate/ approval.The Revision IR,dated 26thAugust determined thatthe
C550 CITATION II requirements for environmental 2010.Uni Air Enterprise interrelationship between this
protection and the Compliance Design Document modification and any other
associatedcertified noise and/ or DDC-011-10 Revision IR,dated previouslyinstalled modification
emissions levels of the original 23rd August 2010.Uni Air and/ or repair will introduce no
product areunchanged and remain Enterprise Airplane Flight adverse effectupon the
applicable to this certificate/ Manual (AFM) airworthiness of the product.
approval. SupplementUAEAFMS-10-002
Revision IR, dated 23rd
August 2010.or later
10031745 EADS ELBE A310-304/ -308/ -324/ -325 Courier Stowage installationThis STC consists The Certification Basis for the original Engineering Order, ref: EFW- The current STC needs specific 09/09/2010 Active 10031745
FLUGZEUGWERKE A300B4-605R/ -622R in modifying the Courier Area of aircraft product and the followingadditional EO-0020-001, Issue Bor later aircraft configuration as
(EASA.A.S.03661) GmbH A300B4-601/ -603/ -620/ converted byAirbus Pax to Freighter STCs by or alternative airworthiness revisions of the above listed aprerequisite:- To install this STC
-622 installing a Courier Stowage requirements are applicable tothis documents approved by EASA on A310 aircraft models,
certificate/ approvalCS25 embodiment of EASA STCref:
Amendment 4Complementary 10013945, Rev 4 (or any further
Condition CC12-1: Crash design EASA approved revision)
conditionsSpecial Condition CRI S2 isrequired.- To install this STC on
Issue 2: Installation of Courier A300-600 aircraft models, EASA
AreaFAR 2... STC ref:10013960, Rev 5 (or any...

04/01/2023 Page 200 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031747 BELL HELICOPTER REV. 1 FAA STC AB412, AB412EP, Installation of replacement low skid landing The Certification Basis for the original Aeronautical Accessories, Inc. Prior to installation of this design 17/08/2017 Active 10031747
TEXTRON, Inc. SR00646AT 205A-1, 212, 412, 412EP gear crosstubes.Rev.1: Extension of scope of product remains applicable tothis Drawing List, Report No. change it must be determined
validity by 205A-1, 212, 412 and 412EP. certificate/ approval.The AA-94042,Revision B, dated thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental 20 January 1995 or later FAA this design change and any
protection and the approved revisions. otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertificated noiseand/or change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10031757 BUCHER LEICHTBAU REV. 21 SEE AIRCRAFT ALLOCATION Installation of Bucher Leichtbau 16G ATS The Type and OSD Certification Bases -Master Document List -Per User Manual 25-67-47 01/06/2022 Active 10031757
AG TABLE Stretcher 1123000-SeriesInstallation of for the original product as E034-01-08 Rev. BE dated (E017-05-09)-This STC
(EASA.A.S.03984) E043-02-12 Bucher Leichtbau 16G ATS Stretcher amendedby the following additional 31.05.2022-Aircraft Allocation constitutesan approval for
1123000-SeriesMajor Change to STC or alternative airworthiness Table E043-02-12 Rev. AK installation only for aircraftserial
10031757 with the following tasks:- Addition requirements:CS 25 Amdt 21 per dated 20.05.2022-User numbers as stated in the Aircraft
of A340-300 aircraft models to the EASA STC Aircraft AllocationTable Manual 25-67-47(E017-05-09) Allocation Table E043-02-12.For
10031757 AircraftAllocation Table E043-02-12The requirements for Rev. 23 dated Mar 11/2022or additional aircraft serial numbers,
E043-02-12- Issuance of Ser... environmental protection and the later revisions of the above the requirements for
associatedcertified noise and/ or listed document(s) approved/ fullcompliance have to be
emissions levels... acceptedunder the EASA demonstrated through a design
system. approval...
10031769 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 3 CAA UK SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Child Restraint Systems (CRS) - Installation in The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Certification Proposal 1) Limitations in accordance with § 10/10/2014 Active 10031769
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY LIST Various AircraftRev 2: Installation in original product remains applicableto Document CPD-CRS-01, Rev. 4 - Limitations of the
Additional AircraftRev 3: Installation in B787 this certificate/ approval.The 3-Certification Plan, ref. doc. abovementioned DDP, ref. No.
(787-8 & 787-9) requirements for environmental No. TN 1898-005, Rev. C- DDP-1898-0122) All cabin interiors
protection and the Declaration of Design and must be evaluated for
associatedcertified noise and/ or Performance - DDP, ref. doc. compatibility of the ChildRestraint
emissions levels of the original No.DDP-1898-012, Rev. C- System (CRS). The CRS is not
product areunchanged and remain MDL: MDL-CRS-01, issue 1- approved for aeroplanes that
applicable to this certificate/ ICA: refer to the associated arenot defined by § 4 of the above
approval. ICA in MDL reference MDL- referenced DDP3) Procedure...
CRS-01, issue 1.or later
revisions o...
10031773 UNI AIR ENTREPRISE REV. 1 CESSNA 550 (CITATION II) Installation of Honeywell EGPWS Mark EASA TCDS IM.A.207The Certification Master Data List MDL-004-02, Limited to: S/N 550-0001 through 10/09/2010 Active 10031773
SASUNI AIR VIIIThe STC has been revised to implement Basis for the original product remains Revision 6 from 08 September 550-0733The maintenance tasks
(EASA.A.S.00307) ENTREPRISE the alternative EGPWS computer P/ applicable tothis certificate/ 2010Aeroplane Flight Manual referred in Supplement to Cessna
N965-1210-020 and the alternative EGPWS approval.The requirements for Supplements-AFMS UAE No. 550 MaintenanceManual ref.
Configuration Module P/N700-1710-020. environmental protection and the 15, Edition 2, Revision 2 from EGPWS UAE No 4 Revision 6 are
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 24 May 2004 for S/N required. The audio
emissions levels of the original 550-0609-AFMS UAE No.15, declutterfunction must be
product areunchanged and remain Edition 2, Revision 6 from 06 disabled.
applicable to this certificat... April 2004 for S/N550-0190-
AFMS UAE No.47, Edition 1,
Revision 1 from 14 September
10031790 TQAS - TOTAL A310-304 Cabin Modification to Full EconomyCabin The Certification Basis for the original Design Dossier<(>,<)> ref. Limited to MSN 573 14/09/2010 Active 10031790
QUALITY AND Reconfiguration from a 18C/184Y seats product remains applicable tothis CG-001-010, dated 08 June
AIRCRAFTSOLUTIONS configuration to a 224Yseats configuration certificate/ approvalThe 2010.Change/Repair Approval
, LDA requirements for environmental Sheet, ref. CG-001-10-MAS
protection and the Issue 3, dated 07
associatedcertificated noise and/ or June2010.Service Bulletin, ref.
emissions levels of the original CG-001-10-SRB Issue 5,dated
product areunchanged and remain 07 June 2010.or later
applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed
approval documents approved by EASA
10031791 INNOTECH REV. 2 TCCA STC N° C- BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA TCDS No. IM.A.009The EASA STC No. 10031791.TCCA Restricted to ASN 9352.1. Refer to 31/01/2011 Active 10031791
AVIATIONA DIVISION LSA10-022/D Interior Certification Basis for the original SoC ref. C-10-0936 dated 14 the Limitations sectionsof the
OF IMP GROUP LTD product remains applicable tothis December 2010.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
certificate/ approvalThe C-LSA10-022/D Issue 1 dated the referenced FCOMS.2. WLAN
requirements for environmental 06 August2010.ACS-NAI Ltd. system is compatible only to IEEE
protection and the Modification Data Summary 802.11(b).
associatedcertificated noise and/ or G481000 Revision B.Flight
emissions levels of the original Manual Supplement for
product areunchanged and remain Interior Completion, FMS-
applicable to this certifi... IA700-9352Revision NC.Flight
Manual Supplement for CMC

04/01/2023 Page 201 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031793 APICAL INDUSTRIES, REV. 1 FAA STC EC135 T2+, EC135 T3 Cable Cutters KitInstallation of Apical The Certification Basis (CB) for the Revision 1:- Master Document Prior to installation of this design 09/08/2017 Active 10031793
Inc.d/b/a DART SR02307LA EC135 P3, EC135 T1, EC135 Industries, Inc. Cable Cutters Kit original product remains applicableto List MD135-2, Rev. D- change it must be determined
AEROSPACE T2 withdeflectors on skids and wiper in this certificate/ approval.The Instructions for Continued thatthe interrelationship between
EC135 P1, EC135 P2, EC135 accordance with Master Document requirements for environmental Airworthiness ICA135-21, Rev. this design change and any
P2+ ListMD135-2, based on FAA STC protection and the C- Installation Instructions otherpreviously installed design
SR02307LA.REV. 1: Amendment of the STC in associatedcertified noise and/ or II135-21, Rev. F change and/ or repair will
order to add the applicability to EC135T3 & emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
P3 models.This revised EASA STC is based... product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10031798 SAVANNAH AIR FAA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Interior, ASN EASA TCDS No. IM.A.009The FAA SoC ref. ST12210AT-T Restricted to ASN 93471.Refer to 14/09/2010 Active 10031798
CENTER, L.L.C. ST12210AT-T 9347 Configuration. Certification Basis for the original dated 13 September the Limitations sections of the
product and the followingadditional 2010.FAA STC No. ST03870AT required AFM Supplement andto
or alternative airworthiness dated 13 August the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
requirements are applicable tothis 2010.Savannah Air Center system is compatible only to IEEE
certificate/ approval.The MDL, XRS9347-MDL-2500001, 802.11(b).
requirements for environmental Rev. A dated 06
protection and the August2010.Instructions for
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness,
emissions levels of theu... Bombardier Global
ExpressDocument Number
XRS9347-ICA-0001, Revision
IR dated 02 March 2010.or...
10031804 SKYTRAC SYSTEMS REV. 1 TCCA SA06-85 B300, B300C SkyTrac ISAT Position Data Communicator The Type and OSD Certification Bases Installation in accordance Prior to installation of this change/ 01/04/2022 Active 10031804
Ltd. B200, B200C, B200GT, System InstallationRev 1 adds B200GT and (CB) for the original productremains with Avionics Design Services repair it must be determined
B200CGT B200CGT models. applicable to this certificate/ LTD. MasterDrawing List thatthe interrelationship between
A200CT, B200T, B200CT approval.The requirements for MDL06103 Revision P, this change/repair and any
A200CT/B200/B200C/B200T/ environmental protection and the Transport Canada approved otherpreviously installed change
B200CT associatedcertified noise and/ or August 6,2019.For the and/ or repair willintroduce no
300/300LW/B300/B300C/ emissions levels of the product are 1900D:Operation in adverseeffect upon the
1900D unchangedand remain applicable to accordancewith SkyTrac airworthiness of the product.
300, 300LW, 1900D, 200, this certificate/approval w... Systems Ltd. Flight
200C ManualSupplement
200CT, 200T, A200, A200C FMS06103-1 Revision D,
200/200C/200T/200CT/ Transport Canada approved
A200/A200C June 28,2019Maintenan...
10031808 AMSAFE, Inc. REV. 2 FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of AmSafe Seatbelt Airbag System The Certification Basis for the original AmSafe Master Data Lists:- - For the installation of approved 22/08/2017 Active 10031808
ST02152LA LIST (previously denominated asAmSafe Aviation product as amendedby thefollowing E510380 Rev. A, dated Dec seats modified by installation of
Inflatable Restraint System, AAIR)Rev. 1: additional or alternative 20th 2016, for theAmSafe Seatbelt Airbag System
Applicability extended to Reynard Reverb airworthiness requirements:Special Boeing737-500/-600/-700/-80 in a specific cabin layout,
seats fitted onA330-300 aircraftRev. 2: Condition(s):CRI D-01 “HIC 0/-900/-900ER series- compliance to25.561 must be
Applicability extended to Boeing 747-8, Compliance Inflatable Restraint E511046 Rev. B, dated Dec demonstrated for the individual
777-200LR, 777-300ERaircraft model series System” and CRI F-116“Non- 20th 2016, for Airbus seat at its specificlocation within
rechargeable Lithium Battery A330-200/-300 series- the approval project for the cabin
Installations”The requirements for E511507 Rev. B, dated Dec layout. In addition,it must be
environmentalc... 20th 2016, for Airbus demonstr...
A330-300 seriesaircraft
equipped with Reynard
Reverb seats-E513215 R...
10031815 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. FAA ST02038SE A330-300 Installation of an Interior Reconfiguration in In accordance with the EASA - FAA STC ST02038SE, dated Not applicable 17/09/2010 Active 10031815
- FSI A330-300 Series aircraft TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe 24th December 2009- Master
(EASA.IM.A.S.03215) original product and the Drawing List, ref. doc. No.
followingadditional or alternative A8FS827-D01, Revision P,
airworthiness requirements are dated 7thJuly 2010- Airplane
applicable tothis certificate/ Flight Manual Supplement,
approval- CRI H-01 "Enhanced ref. doc. No. TP08-827AFM,
Airworthiness Programme for Revision1, dated 6th January
Aeroplane Systems - ICAon EWIS"The 2010- Supplemental
requirements for envir... Instruction for Continued
Airworthiness, ref. doc.

04/01/2023 Page 202 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031816 FIELD AVIATION TCCA STC AS 332 L, AS 332 L1 Installation of 4 Place Auxiliary Seat TankThis The Certification Basis for the original -Tank Installation None 22/12/2010 Active 10031816
COMPANY Inc. SH88-1 EASA STC revises CAA STC 2004-5141 dated product remains applicable tothis 300151-3-6346 revision D
(2004-5141) 14 may 2004 and adds modelAS332L1. certificate/ approval.The dated 14 October 1987 -
requirements for environmental Drawing List;-E300151
protection and the revision G dated September
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 1987 - Master Drawing;-
emissions levels of the original FACL-6346-01 amendment 1
product areunchanged and remain dated 6 November 1987 -
applicable to this certificate/ Rotorcraft FlightManual
approval. Supplement;-FACL-6346-02
amendment 1 dated 6
November 1987 -
10031819 DRF STIFTUNG MBB-BK117B-2, MBB-BK117 Installation of second directional gyro The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement 10- None 16/09/2010 Active 10031819
LUFTRETTUNGGEMEI C-1 systemInstallation of a second directional product and the followingadditional DRF-05, Rev. 1.0or later
NNUETZIGE AG gyro system for IFR operation basedon DRF or alternative airworthiness revisions of the above listed
Major Change Project 240 and defined in requirements are applicable tothis documents approved by
MD-117-34-20-00001. certificate/ approvalCS 29 Amdt. 2 EASA- Installation Manual
forthe change.The requirements for IM-117-34-20-00001, Rev. 00-
environmental protection and the Instr. f.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ContinuedAirworthiness
emissions levels o... CA-117-34-20-00001, Rev. A-
Master Document List
MD-117-34-20-00001, Rev.
Aor later revisions of the
10031834 GROWING REV. 4 767-300 Cabin reconfiguration - Air Seychelles The Certification Basis for the original - Change Classification and None. 20/04/2021 Active 10031834
ENGINEERING 767-300Aircraft reconfiguration by replacing product and the followingadditional Certification Sheet doc. Ref.
PARTNERS GmbH the existing J-class seat with anewelectrically or alternative airworthiness C767-25-1010Rev 03 dated 18
powered seat. There are adaptations to the requirements are applicable tothis November 2010;- Master
existingPSU, Y-class cabins to suit new certificate.Certification basis as Data List doc. Ref.
layout.Rev.4: Transfer of STC from SR perTCDS plus:- CRI H-01/Special C767-25-1010-MDL Rev 03
Technics Switzerland to groWINGEngineering Condition H-01 "Enhanced dated 18 November2010;-
Par... Airworthiness Programme Instructions for Continued
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on Airworthiness doc. Ref.
EWIS"The req... C767-25-1010-ICA-01Rev 01
dated 08 Nov 2010;or later
revisions of the ab...
10031836 DELTA ENGINEERING FAA STC A330-300 Update of a Panasonic System eX2 In-Flight In accordance with the EASA - FAA STC ST02755NY, dated Not applicable 17/09/2010 Active 10031836
CORPORATION ST02755NY Passenger EntertainmentSystem TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe 5th January 2010- Master
original product and the Data List, ref. doc. No.
followingadditional or alternative 0154-06550-2200, Revision B,
airworthiness requirements are dated30th December 2009-
applicable tothis certificate/ Electrical Wiring
approval- CRI H-01 "Enhanced Interconnection System
Airworthiness Programme for (EWIS) Assessment, ref.
Aeroplane Systems - ICAon EWIS"The doc.No. 6654-07006-2200,
requirements for envir... Revision -, dated 1st July
2010or later revisions of the
above listed documents...
10031840 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 1 A320-232 Airbus Corporate Jet Centre Modification The Certification Basis for the original -,,Modification Approval This STC is limited to A320-232 25/10/2013 Active 10031840
CJ0540 Issue 4 - VIP Interior product as amendedby thefollowing Sheet ref.: CJ0540 Issue 4, MSN 4170Prior to installation of
(EASA.A.S.03950) -"QATAR"Revision due to update of AFM-S additional or alternative dated 24th this design change it must be
and MPD-S airworthiness requirements as October2013-,,AFM determined thatthe
listedin the General CRI A-2301-002 Supplement Ref : FM-S MOD interrelationship between this
"ACJC Project Certification Basis".The CJ0540, Revision 03, dated 1st design change and any
requirements for environmental October2013-,,MPD otherpreviously installed design
protection and the Supplement Ref : MPD-SMOD change and/ or repair will
associatedcertified noise and/ or CJ0540, Revision 04, dated 1st introduce noadverse effect upon
emissions... October2013-,,MPD the airworthiness of the product.
Supplement SAT TV Ref :
MPD-S MOD CJ0277, dated
1st May 2012or late...
10031863 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK B757-200 Introduction of CabinVu-123 Cabin The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List, doc. None 20/09/2010 Active 10031863
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY Surveillance System product and the followingadditional N° S21.MDL-0766 Issue 3
or alternative airworthiness dated September14th, 2010.-
requirements are applicable tothis Compliance Record, doc N°
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01/Special S21.COMP-0766 Issue 2 dated
Condition H-01 "Enhanced June 9th<(>,<)>2010.or later
Airworthiness Programme revisions of the above listed
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on EWIS" documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 203 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031894 LEARJET Inc.D/B/A REV. 1 FAA STC 31A Installation of Northrop Grumman Dual LITEF The Certification Basis for the original Refer to FAA STC ST02025LA- Previous or concurrent 20/09/2010 Active 10031894
BOMBARDIER ST02025LA-D LCR-100 AHRSFAASTC ST02025LA-D (issued product and the followingadditional Dor later revisions of the requirement for this installation
AIRCRAFT SERVICES March 10, 2010) or alternative airworthiness abovelisted documents isan approvedinstallation of the
requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASA LCR-93 AHRS in accordance with
certificate/ approvalFAR 25.1316 inaccordance with EASA Learjet ECR 4467.
Amendment 80FAR 25.1317 EDDecision 2004/04/CF (or
Amendment 122The requirements subsequent revisions ofthis
for environmental protection and the decision.
associatedcertificated noise and/ o...
10031899 SCANDINAVIAN HAWKER 800XP Installation of an International The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Model Hawker 800XP, S/N: 258358 20/09/2010 Active 10031899
AVIONICS DESIGN Communications Group Inc, ICS-100Iridium product and the followingadditional with Scandinavian Avionics
ApS Satellite Telephone. or alternative airworthiness Design documentref 2056325
requirements are applicable tothis STC (STC Document List)
certificate/ approvalElect to Comply Operation in accordance with
with CS-25 Am 4.The requirements Scandinavian Avionics Design
for environmental protectionand the document ref2056325-AM
associatedcertificated noise and/ or (Aircraft Flight Manual
emissions level... Supplement)Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness in
accordance with
10031900 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA TCDS No IM.A.009The TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue 1 Restricted to ASN 9379 20/09/2010 Active 10031900
SA05-60 ISSUE 1 Interior - ASN 9379 Certification Basis for the original dated 14 June 2005.TCCA SoC
product remains applicable tothis ref. C-10-0356 dated 17
certificate/ approvalThe September 2010.Aero
requirements for environmental Consulting Services Ltd
protection and the Configuration Definition List
associatedcertificated noise and/ or E025000Revision DR dated30
emissions levels of the original July 2010.Bombardier
product areunchanged and remain Aerospace Aeroplane Flight
applicable to this certific... Manual Supplement G-
FM25004501Revision N/C or
later approved revision...
10031901 WORLDWIDE FAA STC SA226-T, SA226-AT Installation of 2 Garrett AiResearch engines The Certification Basis for the original SA226-T:Installed iaw KMA according limitation section of 21/09/2010 Active 10031901
AIRCRAFT SERVICES SA4872SW Model TPE 331-10UA-501G orTPE product remains applicable tothis Information and Instructions AFM-S
Inc. 331-10UA-511G certificate/ approval.CAR 3This No 401AD01, Rev EFAA
certificate/approval involves a approved AFM-S, dated 20
change to the requirements Dec 1982SA 226-AT:Installed
forenvironmental protection and/or iaw KMA Information and
a change to the certificated noise Instructions No 401BD01, Rev
and/or emissions levels. EFAA approved AFM-S, dated
15 Apr 1985or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance w...
10031903 AVIATION SERVICE 407 Installation of alternate static port for VFR The Certification Basis for the original FM 30 30/01 001 revision 0 None 21/09/2010 Active 10031903
A.S. night operation product remains applicable tothis dated 24 August 2010 - Flight
certificate/ approvalThe ManualSupplement -
requirements for environmental alternate static port;or later
protection and the revisions ofthe above listed
associatedcertificated noise and/ or documents approved by
emissions levels of the original EASAAS 228 001P issue 0
product areunchanged and remain dated 14 July 2010 -
applicable to this certificate/ Instructions for
approval fabrication,Installation and
check;CP 228 Issue 0 dated 14
July 2010 - Certific...
10031914 CHRISTEN-AIRTECH TBM 700 A Avionics UpgradeOut: Dual COM-NAV CS 23The Certification Basis for the Master Document List Reg.: D-FIRE,,S/N: 137 21/09/2010 Active 10031914
AG Bendix-King KX-165A, GPS Apollo MNS2101, original product remains applicable CAT-207.1698-EOMDL-01 Rev.
MFD ApolloMX20, Encoder Shadin 8800-TIn: tothis certificate/ approvalThe 0 of 15.06.2010Instructions
COM-NAV-GPS Garmin GNS-530W & 430W, certificated noise and/ or emissions for Continued Airworthiness
MFD Garmin GMX-200, EncoderACKA-30 levels of the original productare CAT-210.2483-CA-01 Rev. 0
Mod. 8 serial unchanged and remain applicable to of15.09.2010AFM
this certificate/ approval Supplement Doc. No.:
210.2483-FS-01(530W)-00 &
-02(430W)-00or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 204 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031917 AVIATION FAA STC 441 Installation of 1, 2 or 3 place side seating The Certification Basis for the original STC Drawing list. AF-294, Rev. none 22/09/2010 Active 10031917
FABRICATORS, Inc. SA2818SW divans in accordance withFAA STC SA2818SW product remains applicable tothis E, dated September 1,
certificate/ approval.The 2010Installation instructions:
requirements for environmental D-10273, Rev. C, dated
protection and the September 1,2010Installation
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or location instruction (1 place, 2
emissions levels of the original place, 3 place divan):AF-497,
product areunchanged and remain AF-498, AF-499 accordingly,
applicable to this certificate/ no Rev., all dated March 26,
approval. 2010Instruction for Continued
10031933 ASI INNOVATION T206H ASI-fam-0009-01 Installation of FLIR MX10 The Certification Basis for the original Limitation to Cessna T206H serial 23/09/2010 Active 10031933
mechanical provision on T206Haircraft product remains applicable tothis number 445 and 446
certificate/approval.The certificated
noise and/or emissions level of the
original productsare unchangedand
remain applicable to this certificate/
10031938 MECAER AVIATION AW139 / AB139 IFEEL Entertainment System Installation P/N The Certification Basis for the original - 6AB1RAD-176 Rev. C "IFEEL none 23/09/2010 Active 10031938
GROUP S.p.A. 6AB1AD016-001 product remains applicable tothis System Description-
certificate/ approval. 6AB1WNM-2-20A Rev. A
"IFEEL Owner's Manualor
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10031942 AIR METHODS FAA STC BELL 429 Installation of Supplemental Strobe Lights The Certification Basis for the original 080-0471 revision IR dated 11 None 23/09/2010 Active 10031942
CORPORATION SR00702DE-D product remains applicable tothis March 2010 - Flight Manual
certificate/ approvalThe Supplement;or later revisions
requirements for environmental of the above listed documents
protection and the approved by EASA
associatedcertificated noise and/ or inaccordance with EASA ED
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF(or
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis
applicable to this certificate/ decision)291-9016 issue IR
approval dated 1 February 2010 -
Master Drawing List;050-0540
10031944 ACS-NAI Ltd. TCCA STC #C- BD-700-1A10 Installation of Two 16G Side Facing Divans EASA TCDS No EASA.IM.A.009The Transport Canada SoC ref. Restricted to ASN 9347 23/09/2010 Active 10031944
LSA10-034/D ISS Certification Basis for the original C-10-0708 dated 22
1 product remains applicable tothis September 2010.Transport
certificate/ approvalThe Canada STC No. C-LSA10-034/
requirements for environmental D Issue 1 dated 16 August
protection and the 2010.ACS-NAI Ltd.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Modification Data Summary
emissions levels of the original Number G471000 Revision NC
product areunchanged and remain orlater approved revision.
applicable to this cer... Refer to drawings listed in
section of Modification Data
10031945 BLACKHAWK FAA STC 425 Installation of Ultra Electronics engine torque The Certification Basis for the original Installation Drawing No. none 24/09/2010 Active 10031945
MODIFICATIONS Inc. SA10816SC indicators in Cessna 425in accordance with product and the followingadditional 200707-05, Revision IR, dated
FAA STC SA10816SC or alternative airworthiness July24, 2007Airplane Flight
requirements are applicable tothis Manual Supplement 200707,
certificate/ approval.except for 14 Revision IR, dated
CFR Part 23 paragraphs 23.1, 23.29, February28, 2008Instruction
23.301, 23.303,23.305, 23.307, for Continued Airworthiness,
23.363, 23.601, 23.603, 23.605, Doc. No. 200707-30, Rev.
23.627, 23.771, 23.1183,... IR,dated January 22, 2008or
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by

04/01/2023 Page 205 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031947 GOODRICH REV. 1 TCCA STC DHC-8-401, DHC-8-402 Installation of Goodrich De-Icer boots on the JAR/CS-25 as per EASA.IM.A.191, Installation of the Goodrich None 20/06/2012 Active 10031947
CORPORATIONSENS SA10-3 Aircraft Wings, HorizontalStabilizer and Issue 4 (incl. SC H-01 "EWIS")The De-Icer boots must be in
ORS AND Vertical StabilizerFAA STC ST02834NY, Certification Basis for the original accordance withTCCA
INTEGRATED reissued September 20, 2010(identical with product remains applicable tothis approved "Goodrich
SYSTEMS TCCA STC SA10-3, Issue 2) certificate/ approval.The Corporation Installation and
requirements forenvironmental MaintenanceInstructions,
protection and the Pneumatic De-Icers for DHC-8
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Q 400", Report
emissions levels of the original ER-2010-041,Revision B,
product areunchan... dated June 03,
2010.Maintenance of the
Goodrich De-Icer boots must
be in accordance w...
10031949 BOND HELICOPTERS REV. 2 CAA UK AS 332 L2 Honeywell TCAS II Installation in accordance The Certification Basis for the original For TCAS II with logic version Prior to installation of this design 02/12/2015 Active 10031949
EUROPE Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY with BOND/MOD/018Rev.1: new Build product as amendedby thefollowing 7.0:Flight Manual change it must be determined
Standard BD/018-100-05 includedRev. 2: additional or alternative SupplementFMS/018-002 thatthe interrelationship between
installation of TCAS II equipment with logic airworthiness requirements:- Special “Honeywell TCAS II this design change and any
version 7.1 asalternative to the already Condition: CRI F-01 "Protection from installation“,Issue 1For TCAS II otherpreviously installed design
approved logic version 7.0. theeffects of HIRF",dated 21 with logic version 7.1:Flight change and/ or repair will
September 2010.- The following Manual Supplement FMS/ introduce noadverse effect upon
paragraph(s) at a later amendment: 018-017 “Honeywell TCAS II the airworthiness ofthe product.
CS 29 Amendment 2,dated 17 N... installationwith ACAS II logic
version 7.1“, Issue 1or later
revisions of the above listed
10031961 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK BD-700-1A10 Customized Aircraft Completion - ASN 9365 EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis STC Twenty One Ltd Master none 27/09/2010 Active 10031961
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY for the original product and the Document List No.
followingadditional or alternative S21.MDL-0795.STC Twenty
airworthiness requirements are One Ltd Airplane Flight
applicable tothis certificate/ Manual Supplement No.
approval.CRIF-01 "Installation of S21.FMS-0068.Instructions for
Wireless System"CRI D-01 Continued Airworthiness
"Installation of Interior Door"CRI Midcoast Aviation
D-02 "Isolated Compartments"CRI Inc.Supplemental
D-03 "... Maintenance Manual No.
35-027E225.orlater revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EA...
10031966 ARMSTRONG FAA STC 747-400F Activation of Honeywell Runway Awareness The Certification Basis for the original or later revisions of the above None 27/09/2010 Active 10031966
AEROSPACE Inc. ST02778CH 747-400, 747-400 (BCF) & Advisory System (RAAS) inaccordance with product remains applicable tothis listed documents approved by
Armstrong Aerospace Master Data List DOC certificate/ approval EASA inaccordance with EASA
No.DC104-7007-00 Revision D,dated ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
November 9,2009 or later FAA aproved subsequent revisions ofthis
revision.Validation of FAA STC ST02778CH decision)
10031972 AEROCONSEIL A330-200/-300 Humidification System Installation on A330 The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List doc. Ref. N None 28/09/2010 Active 10031972
aircraft product and the followingadditional °0435-01-A-2103-R01, Rev.1
(EASA.A.S.03959) or alternative airworthiness dated 21September 2010.-
requirements are applicable tothis Instructions for Continued
certificate/ approval- EASA CS 25 Airworthiness doc. Ref. N
Amendment 4 for areas and parts °0435-01-A-2211,Rev 00
affected by the change.- CRI H-01 dated 06 August 2010.or later
Special Condition Enhanced revisions of the above listed
Airworthiness Programme forAerop... documents approved by EASA
10031982 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GULFSTREAM GV-SP (G 550) Installation of an Aft Lavatory Compartment. The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance none 29/09/2010 Active 10031982
AEROSPACE ST02525CH-D product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION certificate/ approval.The Index ListGC524048003, Rev
requirements for environmental F, dated May 6, 2010.or later
protection and the revisionsof the above listed
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or documents approved by EASA
emissions levels of the original inaccordancewith EASA ED
product areunchanged and remain Decision 2004/04/CF (or
applicable to this certificate/ subsequent revisions ofthis
approval. decision)

04/01/2023 Page 206 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10031983 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GV-SP Installation of an 18 Passenger Aircraft Cabin The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance None 23/02/2012 Active 10031983
AEROSPACE ST03743AT-D Compartment. product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION certificate/ approvalThe Corporation IndexList
requirements for environmental GC520008667, Rev F, dated
protection and the November 24,
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2009.Operation in accordance
emissions levels of the original with Gulfstream Aerospace
product areunchanged and remain Corporation AircraftFlight
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement ref
approval GC52000M112,
datedNovember 24,
2009.OrOperation in
accordance wi...
10031985 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GULFSTREAM GV-SP (G 550) Installation of the Forward Vestibule The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance none 29/09/2010 Active 10031985
AEROSPACE ST02190LA-D Compartment. product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION certificate/ approval.The Corporation IndexList
requirements for environmental GC520008140, Revision F,
protection and the dated July 2, 2009.Operation
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or in accordance with
emissions levels of the original Gulfstream Aerospace
product areunchanged and remain Corporation AircraftFlight
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement ref
approval. GC52484M001,
OriginalRelease, dated July2,
2009.or later revisions of the
above l...
10031995 ARMSTRONG FAA STC ATR72-201,ATR72-202,ATR7 EASA Validation of FAA STC ST02376CH (as The Certification Basis for the original Armstrong Aerospace Master None 30/09/2010 Active 10031995
AEROSPACE Inc. ST02376CH 2-212 amended by FAA on 24th June2010) product and the followingadditional Data List, Doc. Number
regarding:Installation of a Rockwell Collins or alternative airworthiness DC104-4033-00,Revision E,
HF-9000 HF Radio System in accordancewith requirements are applicable tothis dated 27th May
Armstrong Aerospace Master Data List, Doc. certificate/ approvalAn EASA Special 2010Aeroplane Flight Manual
Number DC104-4033-00,Revision E, dated Condition CRI H-001 Issue 01 Supplement, Armstrong
27th May 2010, or later approved revisions "Enhanced Aerospace Doc.
AirworthinessProgrammefor No.DC303-4033-00, Revision
Aeroplane Systems - ICAs on EWIS" is B<(>,<)>or later revisions of
applicable to theEA... the above listed
documentsapproved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/...
10032001 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK MD-88, MD-90-30, 717-200 Introduction of Cabin Vu-123 Cabin The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List S. None 30/09/2010 Active 10032001
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY DC-9-83(MD-83),DC-9-87 Surveillance System product and the followingadditional 21.MDL-0787or later revisions
(MD-87), or alternative airworthiness of theabove listed documents
DC-9-81(MD-81),DC-9-82 requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASA
(MD-82), certificate/approvalCRI H-001/SC
DC-9-41, DC-9-51, H-001
DC-9-33F, DC-9-34, DC-9-34F,
DC-9-32 (VC-9C), DC-9-32F,
DC-9-32F (C-9A, C-9B),
DC-9-21, DC-9-31, DC-9-32,
DC-9-14, DC-9-15, DC-9-15F,
DC-9-11, DC-9-12, DC-9-13,
10032016 MAGNETIC MRO AS REV. 3 A319-133 Revision of EASA STC 10032016.Removal of The Certification Basis for the original - Drawing & Document Approval limited to MSN4114.Prior 19/09/2019 Active 10032016
the G1, G2 & G5 galleys’ loads established on product and the followingadditional Control Report doc. N° to installation of this design
initial issueof EASA STC 10032016 date of or alternative airworthiness 09DC111 Issue change it must be determined
issue 01.10.2010 granted to requirements are applicable tothis Cdated18/10/2010 (Galley thatthe interrelationshipbetween
MacCarthyInteriors Ltd.Revision: Transfer of certificate/ approvalCertification G1)- Drawing & Document this design change and any
Certificate to Magnetic MRO AS basis as per TCDS plus:- CRI H-01/ Control Report doc. N° otherpreviously installed design
Special Condition H-01 "Enhanced 09DC112 Issue C change and/ or repair will
Airworthiness Programme dated18/10/2010 (Galley G2)- introduce noadverse effect upon
forAeroplane Systems - ICA on EWI... Drawing & Document Control the airworthiness of the product.
Report doc. N° 09DC113 Issue
C dated18/10/2010 (Galley
G5)- Declaration of Design
and Performance...

04/01/2023 Page 207 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032031 AVIATION SUPPORT REV. 1 MD900 Installation of an O2 Rack The Certification Basis for the original RFM Supplement; FMS- This change is restricted to Serial 08/12/2010 Active 10032031
GmbH product and the followingadditional ASE-91 001or later revisions number 900-00105 only.
or alternative airworthiness of the above listed documents
requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASAMaster
certificate/ approvalCS-27 drawing list; DL-ASE-91001
Amendment 2for the changeThe (22.3.10)Compliance Report;
requirements for environmental CR-ASE-91001 (6.9.10)ICA; I
protectionand the CA-ASE-91 001 (30.8.10)
associatedcertificated noise and/ or
emissions level...
10032043 AMAC AEROSPACE REV. 1 A319-133 MSN4114 Interior OutfittingThe change The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List MDL- - Limited to MSN 4114- Per Flight 26/10/2016 Active 10032043
SWITZERLAND AG consists in a complete cabin interior product as amendedby thefollowing AI01-2500 Rev E dated Manual Supplement FMS-
outfitting with a 28passenger VIP interior additional or alternative 19.10.2016- Flight Manual AI01-2500 Rev B dated
including two medical stretcher units.Major airworthiness Supplement FMS-AI01-2500 12.10.2016- For commercial
Change to EASA STC 10032043: Certification requirements:Certification basis as Rev B dated 12.10.2016- operation, AMAC Minor
for commercialoperation described in CRI A-4301-003(“EASA Instructions for Continued modification AI08-2520 needs
SupplementalType Certification Airworthiness ICA-AI01-2500 tobe incorporated.Priorto
Basis”)The requirements for Rev B dated04.10.2010or installation of this design change it
environmental protection and the later revisions of the above must be determinedthatthe
associatedcertified n... listed documents approved by interrelationship between this
EASA. design change and any...
10032054 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 1 MD-11 Activation of ADS-B Out capability via The Certification Basis for the original Doc. No. A-00-10/153 Rev IR none 12/10/2010 Active 10032054
AG 1090MHz Extended Squitter inaccordance product remains applicable tothis Airplane Flight Manual
with Lufthansa Supplement Type certificate/ approval. Supplement Doc.
DefinitionDocumentSTDD34-10/01M Iss. 2, No.A-00-10/153-ICA IR
dated Sep. 20, 2010 or later approved Instructions for Continued
revision Airworthinessor later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10032055 ALTITUDE REV. 2 747-400 Installation of Honeywell / Racal MSC6000 The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Data List MDL Prior to installation of this 10/07/2015 Active 10032055
AEROSPACE SatCom System perAltitudeAerospace original product remains applicableto 22001149_ASubstantiation modification it must be
INTERIORS Ltd. Interiors Master Data List MDL 22001052 this certificate/ approval.The Report SR 21001439_AICA determined thatthe
Rev. BRev. 2 to include aircraft serial number requirements for environmental reference: TR 35001213 Rev B interrelationship between this
protection and the modification and any other
associatedcertified noise and/ or previouslyinstalled modification
emissions levels of the original and/ or repair will introduce no
product areunchanged and remain adverse effectupon the
applicable to this certificate/ airworthiness of the product.
approval .
10032056 GFD GmbH REV. 1 35A, 36A COMJAM System InstallationRev. 1: Transfer The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List 856-049, This COMJAM system installation 23/08/2022 Active 10032056
35A / 36A to GFD GmbH product and the followingadditional Rev. A<(>,<)>or later revisions approval is only applicableto
or alternative airworthiness of the above listed document thefollowing aircraft equipped
requirements are applicable tothis (s) approved/acceptedunder with certain special mission
certificate/ approval.Refer to the EASA system. provisions(including electrical
Certification Program 856-080, rev. power supply, harnesses and
IR.The requirements for wiring, workstationand antennas):
environmental protection and the s/n's 35A-139, 35A-179, 35A-268,
associatedcertificated noise and/ o... 35A-331, 35A-387,36A-062 and
36A-063.Prior to inst...
10032060 RUAG AEROSPACE CL600-2B16, CL-600-2A12 Installation of Satcom Iridium System EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis RUAG Master Document List none 06/10/2010 Active 10032060
SERVICES GmbH CL-600-1A11 Simphone DUO for the original product remains No. 078R-MDL Revision N/C
applicable tothis certificate/ dated 04 October2010.RUAG
approval.The requirements for AFMS No. 078R-AFMS
environmental protection and the Revision N/C dated 17 August
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2010.RUAG SoC ref. 078R-CN
emissions levels of the original Revision N/C dated 30
product areunchanged and remain September 2010.or later
applicable to this certificate/ ap... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10032061 RUAG AEROSPACE CL600-2B16, CL-600-2A12 Electronic Flight Bag NavAero tBagC2 (EFB) - EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis RUAG Master Document List none 06/10/2010 Active 10032061
SERVICES GmbH CL-600-1A11 Class II for the original product remains No. 078S-MDL Revision N/C
applicable tothis certificate/ dated 16
approval.The requirements for September2010.RUAG AFMS
environmental protection and the No. 078S-AFMS Revision N/C
associatedcertificated noise and/ or dated 01 October 2010.RUAG
emissions levels of the original SoC ref. 078S-CN Revision N/C
product areunchanged and remain dated 04 October 2010.or
applicable to this certificate/ ap... later revisions of the above
listed documentsapproved by

04/01/2023 Page 208 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032064 DECA AVIATION TCCA STC O- DHC-6-300 Radar Antenna Installation - Structural The Certification Basis for the original -See TCCA STC O-LSA10-043/ a) For serial number 235 only.b) 06/10/2010 Active 10032064
ENGINEERING Ltd.d/ LSA10-43 Provisions i.a.w. TCCA STCO-LSA10-043/D product remains applicable tothis D, issue 1-DECA Aviation Flight in kwon icing conditions are
b/a PAL AEROSPACE certificate/ approval. Engineering Ltd. Modification not approved.
Summary MS09082 Rev. 1-
DECA Aviation Engineering
Ltd. Flight Manual
Supplement SDC-
AFMS-0703Rev. NCPlacard
(see Drwg. No. 9003717) in
view of pilot: "Aircraftnot to
beoperated in the proximity
of populated or built upw...
10032066 A.I.M.S. FAA ST02675AT BD-700-1A10 Sound Reduction Kit EASA IM.A.009The Certification Basis FAA SoC dated 30 September None 06/10/2010 Active 10032066
INTERNATIONAL for the original product remains 2010.FAA STC No. ST02675AT
Corp. applicable tothis certificate/ dated22 April 2004.AIMS
approvalThe requirements for International Corp
environmental protection and the engineering top-leveldrawing
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 53G2521522 Rev I/Rdated 15
emissions levels of the original March 2003 and installation
product areunchanged and remain instruction document
applicable to this certificate/ app... No.AIMS-INST-1 Rev I/R dated
16 April 2003 or later
approved revisions.AIMS
International Corp M...
10032069 ALTITUDE B747-400 Refurbishment of the B747-400 Upper and The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for Continued This STC is applicable to A/C Serial 06/10/2010 Active 10032069
AEROSPACE Main deck interior installationand seating product and the followingadditional Airworthiness Altitude report Numbers 24855, 24896, 24957,
INTERIORS Ltd. configuration in accordance with Altitude or alternative airworthiness TR35001213Rev. B shall be 25605,26910, 27602 and
AerospaceInteriors Master Data List MDL requirements are applicable tothis incorporated in the airplane 29375.Several parts installed with
22001038 Rev. A or later EAWSA certificate/ approval.-CRI D-01 Width maintenance this STC deviate from Part 21A.
approvedrevision. of Aisle front seats Zone A-CRI D-02 documentationor later 804regarding EPA marking. The
Inflatable Restraint fro Head Injury revisions of the above listed responsible NAA grant a 14.4
Protection, CAA-UKSpecial Condition documents approved by EASA exemptions toaccept the aircraft
CAA-SC-A-03... on its register. As this will be a
10032074 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GV-SP Installation of the Aircraft Cabin The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Aircraft Serial Number 5284 Only. 23/02/2012 Active 10032074
AEROSPACE ST04204AT-D Compartment for Gulfstream GV-SPSerial product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION Number 5284. certificate/ approval.JAR 25 Amd Corporation IndexList No.
15The requirements for GC520008702 Rev F, dated
environmental protection and the September 27,
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2010.Operation in accordance
emissions levels of the original with Gulfstream Aerospace
product areunchanged and remain Corporation AircraftFlight
applicable to this certificate/ ap... Manual Supplement No.
GC52000M145 Rev -, dated
27,2010.Instructions for
Continued Airworth...
10032075 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC NO. GULFSTREAM GV-SP Installation of an Airplane Interior for aircraft The Certification Basis for the original Install in accordance with This approval is limited to only the 06/10/2010 Active 10032075
AEROSPACE ST03793AT-D S/N 5277 product remains applicable tothis Master Index List installation made in
CORPORATION certificate/ approval.The GC514915277, Revision Gulfstream,GV-SP, A/C 5277The
requirements for environmental C,dated August 27, 2010.To following STC’s are a required part
protection and the be operated in of this STC:ST02696AT-D,
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or accordancewith FAA ST02697AT-D, ST03533AT-D,
emissions levels of the original approved Airplane Flight ST02796AT-D, ST02715AT-D,
product areunchanged and remain ManualSupplement, andST03290AT-DIt is the installers
applicable to this certificate/ GC51468M014, Rev "-", dated responsibility to ensure these
approval. August 26, 2010.or later STC's are EASAapproved.
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance witht...
10032076 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GV-SP Installation of the 115V AC/60Hz Outlets The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance none 23/02/2012 Active 10032076
AEROSPACE ST02292CH-D Multiple STC for GulfstreamGV-SP model product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION aircraft. certificate/ approval.JAR 25 Amd Corporation IndexList No.
15The requirements for GC514948000 Rev D, dated
environmental protection and the May 30,2008.Operation in
associatedcertificated noise and/ or accordance with Gulfstream
emissions levels of the original Aerospace Corporation
product areunchanged and remain AircraftFlight Manual
applicable to this certificate/ ap... Supplement No.
GC41494M000 Rev -, dated
November 17, 2006 (-401). or
GC41494M002 Rev A, dated

04/01/2023 Page 209 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032077 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GV-SP Installation of the Aircraft Cabin The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance None 23/02/2012 Active 10032077
AEROSPACE ST03794AT-D Compartment for Gulfstream GV-SPmodel product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION aircraft. certificate/ approvalJAR 25 Amd Corporation IndexList No.
15The requirements for GC520008695 Rev E, dated
environmental protection and the September 3, 2010.Operation
associatedcertificated noise and/ or in accordance with
emissions levels of the original Gulfstream Aerospace
product areunchanged and remain Corporation AircraftFlight
applicable to this certificate/ app... Manual Supplement No.
GC52000M137 Rev -,dated
September 3,
2010.Instructions for
Continued Airworthi...
10032080 AEROLITE AG AW139 EMS Equipment P/N 139200-501 JAR 29 Amdt. 3The Certification Basis Rotorcraft Flight Manual Limited to: S/N 41226 onwards 06/10/2010 Active 10032080
for the original product remains Supplement FMS-10-004
applicable tothis certificate/ Revision N/Cor later revisions
approval.The certificated noise and/ of the above listed documents
or emissions levels of the original approved byEASAOperating
productare unchanged and remain Manual OPM-10-005 Rev. N/
applicable to this certificate/ CEquipment List
approval. EQL-10-004Master Document
List MDL-10-004
10032086 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GV-SP Installation of the Audio Video Distribution The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance None 23/02/2012 Active 10032086
AEROSPACE ST03759AT-D System (AVDS) Multiple STCfor Gulfstream product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION GV-SP model aircraft. certificate/ approvalJAR 25 Amd Corporation IndexList No.
15The requirements for GC525128001 Rev B, dated
environmental protection and the March 19, 2010.Operation in
associatedcertificated noise and/ or accordance with Gulfstream
emissions levels of the original Aerospace Corporation
product areunchanged and remain AircraftFlight Manual
applicable to this certificate/ app... Supplement No.
GC51512M001 Rev -, dated
March 19, 2010.Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
10032094 AVIATION FAA STC NO. B747-400 Installation of Honeywell Traffic Alert and The Certification Basis for the original FAA approved Air New none 07/10/2010 Active 10032094
COMMUNICATION ST00411LA Collision Avoidance System(TCASII) product remains applicable tothis Zealand Master Drawing List
ANDSURVEILLANCE certificate/ approval. TX30031 Revision A,dated
SYSTEMS, L.L.C. June 26, 1996 or later
(ACSS) approved revision.For
appropriate FAA approved
Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement refer
toassociated section of the Air
New Zealand Master Drawing
List Document.
10032098 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK BOMBARDIER CL600-2B19 Removal of Divan Seating Restriction EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis STC 21.MDL-0793 Issue 1 This design change will allow the 07/10/2010 Active 10032098
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY for the original product remains dated 30 September 2010.or removal of an existing limitation
applicable tothis certificate/ later revisions of the above onoccupation of the forwardmost
approval.The requirements for listed documents approved by seating position onthe installed
environmental protection and the EASA divan(EASA STC No. EASA.A.S.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 03452 and EASA.A.S.03022
emissions levels of the original refers).If the arrester block
product areunchanged and remain installation assembly becomes
applicable to this certificate/ ap... unserviceable andcannot be fitted,
the forwardmost se...
10032104 JAMCO AMERICA, FAA STC 747-400 Installation of an interior reconfiguration of The Certification Basis for the original or later revisions of the above None 07/10/2010 Active 10032104
INC. ST01094SE the main andupper decksin 747-400 airplanes product remains applicable tothis listed documents approved by
in accordance with Jamco America, Inc. certificate/ approval EASA inaccordance with EASA
MasterDrawing List no. IA-072MDL, Revision ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
AD dated 19 September 2008 or subsequent revisions ofthis
laterapproved revisionValidation ofFAA STC decision)

04/01/2023 Page 210 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032105 HONEYWELL REV. 2 FAA STC S-76A, S-76B, S-76C Installation of the Sky Connect Satellite The Certification Basis for the original EASA RFM Supplement RFM- Prior to installation of this design 05/08/2015 Active 10032105
INTERNATIONAL INC. SR03333AT Phone and Tracking System. product remains applicable tothis A2005-091, Rev IR, dated change it must be determined
certificate/ approvalThe 9/22/2010or later revisions of thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental the above listed documents this design change and any
protection and the approved by EASA otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertificated noise and/ or inaccordance with EASA ED change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ decision)” and/ or the
approval Technical Implementation
Procedures of EU/USA
Bilateral Agreement.Icarus
10032131 DASSAULT FALCON MF50 AND FALCON 50EX Stretchers installation.Provide the ability to The Certification Basis for the original DFS Change Approval Sheet This modification is applicable on 12/10/2010 Active 10032131
SERVICE install in the aircraft one or two stretchers product remains applicable tothis DFS5691-CAS Issue A dated Mystère Falcon 50 and Falcon
forair ambulance accordingto two certificate/ approvalThe 11.10.2010.DFS Modification 50EXaircraft equipped with four
configurations:- One stretcher is installed in requirements for environmental Sheet DFS5691, Issue A dated seats installed in the LH side and
the LH side instead of the two LH fwdseats.- protection and the 11.10.2010.or later revisions two seatsand a sofa installed in
Two stretchers are installed in the LH side associatedcertificated noise and/ or of the above listed documents the RH side as defined in the
instead of the four LHseat. emissions levels of the original approved by EASA Modification SheetDFS5691.This
product areunchanged and remain installation does not cover any
applicable to this certificate/ medical equipment
approval installation.This modific...
10032163 DASSAULT FALCON MF900 & F900EX 230VAC electrical distribution for galley.An The Certification Basis for the original DFS Change Approval Sheet Modification applicable to MF900, 13/10/2010 Active 10032163
SERVICE inverter and aGFI are installed to provide product and the followingadditional DFS9621-CAS Issue A dated F900EX aircraft with :- 1400W
230AC power on one outletin the galley. or alternative airworthiness 12.10.2010.DFS Modification available on A4 bus, and- Master
requirements are applicable tothis Sheet DFS9621, Issue A dated switch in cockpit to switch off
certificate/ approval- §25X1360 & 07.10.2010.or later revisions components electricallysupplied in
§25x1499 at JAR 25 change 13- of the above listed documents Galley area, and- Master switch in
§25.869 (a) (1)&(4) at JAR 25 Change approved by EASA cockpit to switch off all
14.The requirements for 115/230VAC distributioncircuit
environmental protection and the a... during TO and Landing, and/or- It
is possibl...
10032176 AVIONIK STRAUBING REV. 1 2. PA-32-301XTC, Dual/Single Installation of Garmin GNS430(A) The Certification Basis for the original Instruction for Installation: none 18/10/2010 Active 10032176
ENTWICKLUNGS PA-32-301FT W / GNS530(A)W product and the followingadditional ASR-2010-022-IFI-10-00, Rev.
GmbH 1. PA-32RT-300T, or alternative airworthiness 0Flight Manual Supplement:
PA-32R-301 requirements are applicable tothis ASR-2010-022-FMS-05-00,
1. PA-32R-301T, PA-32-301 certificate/ approval.EASA CS-23, Rev. 0Instructions for
1. PA-32R-300, PA-32RT-300 Amdt. 1The requirements for Continued airworthiness:
1. PA-32-260, PA-32-300 environmental protection and the ASR-2010-022-ICA-11-00, Rev.
associatedcertificated noise and/or 0or later revisions of the
emissions levels of the orig... above listed documents
approved by EASA
10032203 AIRBUS TRANSPORT A300F4-608ST Special Transports / Transports SpeciauxThis The Certification Basis for the original Change Approval Sheet, ref : None 15/10/2010 Active 10032203
INTERNATIONAL SNC STC, ref. ST25MOD020 ed.01 (Applicant product remains applicable tothis ST25MOD020<(>,<)> Issue
reference), has beendeveloped, reviewed, certificate/ approvalThe 50or later revisions of the
tested and found compliant with the requirements for environmental above listed documents
CertificationBasis to deal with non-Airbus protection and the approved by EASA
sub-assemblies transport. On case associatedcertificated noise and/ or
bycasebasis, this STC had to be amended to emissions levels of the original
cover any new non-A... product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10032204 DASSAULT FALCON F900EX F900EX S/N 086 Cabin Layout The Certification Basis for the original DFS Change Approval Sheet Modification applicable to F900EX 15/10/2010 Active 10032204
SERVICE Modification.New interior cabinconfiguration product and the followingadditional DFS9613-CAS Issue A dated S/N 086 with a pre mod
features a 12-passenger and 3- or alternative airworthiness 15.10.2010DFS Modification configurationas described in DFS
crewaccommodation. requirements are applicable tothis Sheet DFS9613, Issue A dated Modification Sheet DFS9613, Issue
certificate/ approval- §25.853 (a) (b)+ 15.10.2010DFS Master Data A.
App F Part I and II at JAR 25 Change List DFS-DE-17-F9-9613, Issue
14.The requirements for A dated 11.10.2010or later
environmental protection and the revisions of the above listed
associatedcertificated n... documents approvedby EASA
10032214 NORTHWEST A320-232 Cabin Interior Reconfiguration and In Flight Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - NAT Certification Summary, Not applicable 18/10/2010 Active 10032214
AEROSPACE Entertainment (IFE)Modifications on Etihad A.064The CertificationBasis for the ref. doc. N0362-D90, Revision
TECHNOLOGIESINC. Airways A320-232 Aircraft original product and the -, dated 17thOctober 2010-
followingadditional or alternative NAT Master Drawing List, ref.
airworthiness requirements are doc. N0362-D10, Revision B,
applicable tothis certificate/ dated 15thOctober 2010or
approval:- CS 25 Appendix H and later revisions of the above
AMC Appendix H25.5The listed documents approved by
requirements for environmental EASA
protection and thec...

04/01/2023 Page 211 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032216 SABENA TECHNICS F28 MK0100 Modification wireless telephones installation. The Certification Basis for the original Certification plan DO- PER AFM Supplement FK100-25- 18/10/2010 Active 10032216
BOD product remains applicable tothis N-2009-174-PDE Issue 2 dated LAIKA-01-FM Issue K dated 29
certificate/ approval.The 15 September 2010AFM March 2010Applicable only to
requirements for environmental Supplement FK100-25- MSN 11368, 11403 and 11406
protection and the LAIKA-01-FM Issue K dated 29
associatedcertificated noiseand/or March 2010or later revisions
emissions levels of the original of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documentsapproved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/
10032232 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK CESSNA 206H, T206H Introduction of Stand-By Battery Power The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement None 19/10/2010 Active 10032232
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY Supply in accordancewithS21.MDL-0770, product remains applicable tothis S21.FMS-0070, issue
issue 2, dated 14/10/2010 certificate/ approvalThe 1Installation Manual
requirements for environmental OAS-30-206-9, issue C, dated
protection and the 06/10/2002Instruction for
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness
emissions levels of the original PAVCO document
product areunchanged and remain OAS-30-23-1529or later
applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed
approval documents approved by EASA
10032241 CHIPPEWA FAA STC LIBERTY XL-2 Honeywell KN-62A DME The Certification Basis for the original Honeywell KN-62A DME none 05/11/2010 Active 10032241
AEROSPACE, Inc. SA03860AT product and the followingadditional Instructions for Continued
or alternative airworthiness AirworthinessXL2-3453-01-00
requirements are applicable tothis 2AFMS XL2-3453-01-1012 Rev
certificate/ approval.The IR dated July 06 2010or later
certificatednoise and/ or emissions revisions of the above listed
levels of the original productare documents approved by EASA
unchanged and remain applicable to inaccordance with EASA ED
this certificate/ approval.... Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10032246 BEECHCRAFT FAA STC 4000 Installation of Flight Camera System The Certification Basis for the original STC Required Documents List None 19/10/2010 Active 10032246
CORPORATION ST10598SC-D product remains applicable tothis (RDL) No. 240-2002-1,
certificateThe requirements for revision 11, October13,
environmental protection and the 2009.Completions Manual
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Chapter 44-20-30-H4000,
emissions levels of the original August 2009or later revisions
product areunchanged and remain of the above listed documents
applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA
approval inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10032248 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A11 Modification to incorporate changes to the EASA TCDS No. IM.A.009The -TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue Restricted to ASN 9370 09/11/2010 Active 10032248
SA05-60 installation of CustomAircraft Interior - ASN Certification Basis for the original 1 dated 14 June 2005.-TCAA
9370. Revision to EASA STC 10032248 product remains applicable tothis SoC ref. C-10-0926 dated 1
certificate/ approval.The November 2010.-Aero
requirements for environmental Consulting Services Ltd.
protection and the Configuration Definition List
associatedcertificated noise and/ or E025000Revision DY dated 26
emissions levels of the original October 2010.-Bombardier
product areunchanged and remain Aerospace Airplane Flight
applicable to this certif... Manual Supplement G-
FM25004501Revision N/C or
later approved rev...
10032253 DART AEROSPACE TCCA STC 3. 204B, 205A-1 D412-791 Safety Enhancement kits The Certification Basis for the original FMS-D205-791 rev. A, FMS- None 05/11/2010 Active 10032253
Ltd. SH09-37 ISSUE 1 2. 212, 412, 412 EP product remains applicable tothis D412-791 rev. A, FMS-
1. 214B, 214B-1 certificate/ approvalThe D212-791 rev.A,
requirements for environmental ICAD-412-791 rev. 0, MDL-
protection and the D412-791 rev. A, IIN-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or D412-791 rev. Bor later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval. Decision 2004/02/CF
(orsubsequent revisions ofthis

04/01/2023 Page 212 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032264 AIRCRAFT FAA STC A330-200 Installation of Cabin Interior Noise Reduction In accordance with the EASA - FAA STC ST02317LA, dated Not applicable 21/10/2010 Active 10032264
TECHNICAL ST02317LA Kit TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe 6th October 2010- Master
DEVELOPMENT Inc. original product and the DrawingList, ref. doc. No.
followingadditional or alternative AC25-NRA330-1000, Revision
airworthiness requirements are C, dated3rd June 2010-
applicable tothis certificate/ Instruction for Continued
approval- CRI A-4301-001 "EASA Airworthiness, ref. doc. MMS-
Supplemental Type Certification Basis A330-1502Revision NC, dated
for AeroconA330-200 Cabin Interior 22nd July 2009or later
Noise Redu... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10032268 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS REV. 3 CAA UK EC135 T2+, EC135 P2+ NVIS Certification EC135 P2+ / EC135 The Certification Basis (CB) for the - RFMS EC135 Supplement 56, a) Aircraft Build StandardPrior to 29/11/2016 Active 10032268
UK LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY T2+Note 1: Rev 1 of EASA STC No.10032268 original product remains applicableto Issue 2 (SINGLE PILOT installation of either AHUK
is implementing administrativechangesNote this certificate/ approval. The OPERATIONS TO 500ftABOVE options, the aircraft must have
2: Rev 2 of EASA STC No.10032268 is raised in requirementsfor GROUND LEVEL NVIS COCKPIT thefollowing AHD factoryinstalled
order to modify theSTC as follows: 1. environmentalprotection and the USING NIGHT options:- L3347-001-00; NVG
Extend applicability from EC135 T2+ to EC135 associated certified noise and/ or VISIONGOGGLES) Friendly External Lighting Kit-
P2+ model. 2. Introduce a third Night Vi... emissions levelsof the original forconfigurations controlled L3312-003-00; Cockpit Layout NVG
product are unchanged and remain by ICAW/1351242 Standard- L3111-002-211; NVG
applicable to thiscertificate/ documents.- RFMS AHUK/ Friendly Cabin and Cargo
approval. 135-FMS-103 Rev 0 (EC 135 CompartmentAHUK Options...
Level) for configurations
10032277 FIBERGLAS-TECHNIK GROB G 103 "TWIN II" STC "Reparatur Twin ll" The Certification Basis for the original - STC "Reparatur Twin ll"- Even if parts from a "Twin ll "Acro" 22/10/2010 Active 10032277
RUDOLF product remains applicable tothis Flight manual prepared for are used, the
LINDNERGMBH & certificate/ approval. the S/N of the fuselage and combinedsailplanewill be always a
CO. KG fitting with"Twin ll"- "Twin ll" (without Acro). / Auch
Flughandbuch wenn Teile eines Twinll "Acro"
zusammengestellt für die verwendet werden, das neu
Werknummer des Rumpfes entstandene Segelflugzeug ist
undpassend zum "Twin ll"- immerein "Twin ll" (ohne Acro).
Maintenance manual
prepared fort he S/N of the
wing and fitting with"Twin ll"-
10032278 FLYING COLOURS REV. 1 TCCA STC NO. CL-600-2B19 Installation, Equipment Bay Catwalk EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis TCCA SoC ref. C-10-0781 none 28/10/2010 Active 10032278
CORP. SA10-66 for the original product remains dated 07 October 2010.TCCA
applicable tothis certificate/ STC No. SA10-66 Issue 1 dated
approval.The requirements for 31 August 2010.ACS-NAI Ltd
environmental protection and the Modification Data Summary,
associatedcertificated noise and/ or G744000 Revision A.Flying
emissions levels of the original Colours Corp. Equipment Bay
product areunchanged and remain Catwalk Instructions for
applicable to this certificate/ ap... ContinuedAirworthiness,
G744071 Revision NC.or later
revisions of the above listed
10032279 FLYING COLOURS REV. 1 TCCA STC NO. CL-600-2B19 Installation, Equipment Bay Ladder EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis TCCA SoC ref. C-10-0780 Prior embodiment of EASA STC No. 28/10/2010 Active 10032279
CORP. SA10-67 for the original product remains dated 07 October 2010.TCCA 10032278 'Installation, Equipment
applicable tothis certificate/ STC No. SA10-67 Issue 1 dated BayCatwalk' is required.
approval.The requirements for 31 August 2010.ACS-NAI Ltd.
environmental protection and the Modifications Data Summary
associatedcertificated noise and/ or G745000 Revision A.Flying
emissions levels of the original Colours Corp. Equipment Bay
product areunchanged and remain Ladder Stowage
applicable to this certificate/ ap... ProvisionsInstructions for
Continued Airworthiness,
G745071 Revision NC.or later
revisions of t...

04/01/2023 Page 213 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032280 FLYING COLOURS REV. 1 TCCA STC NO. CL-600-2B19 Installation, Equipment Bay Access Door EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis TCCA SoC ref. C-10-0779 none 28/10/2010 Active 10032280
CORP. SA10-65 Steps for the original product remains dated 07 October 2010.TCCA
applicable tothis certificate/ STC No. SA10-65 Issue 1 dated
approval.The requirements for 01 September 2010.ACS-NAI
environmental protection and the Ltd. Modification Data
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Summary, G743000 Revision
emissions levels of the original A.Flying Colours Corp.
product areunchanged and remain Equipment Bay Access Door
applicable to this certificate/ ap... Steps Instructions
forContinued Airworthiness,
G743071 Revision NC.or later
revisions of the ab...
10032285 SCANDINAVIAN SF340A AND 340B Installation of Collins TCAS-94 system with The Certification Basis for the original Engineering Order and Transponder system NOT 22/10/2010 Active 10032285
AVIONICS DESIGN dual Collins TDR-94Dtransponders. product and the followingadditional Certification Program approved for ELS or EHS.
ApS or alternative airworthiness 2055179-EO, Issue 1;List of
requirements are applicable tothis Certification Documents
certificate/ approvalCS-25, am 4CRI 2055179DOC, Issue 1;List of
H-01, Issue 2The requirements for Installation Documents
environmental protection andthe 2055179STC, Issue 1;AFM-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or supplement 2055179-AM-A,
emissions levels of... Issue 2;AFM-supplement
2055179-AM-B, Issue 2.or
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved
10032286 S-TEC CORPORATION FAA STC BEECH S35, V35, V35A AND Installation of S-TEC System 55/55X Two Axis The Certification Basis for the original FAA-Approved S-TEC Bulletin This STC is also eligible on Beech 22/10/2010 Active 10032286
SA8910SW-D V35B Automatic Flight GuidanceSystem, Model product remains applicable tothis No. 677, dated 04-Dec-09, models S35, V35, V35A, and V35B
ST-577 (14 Volt System) certificate/ approvalThe certificated Revision 6, orlater approved whenmodified by STC SA1035WE
noise and/ or emissions levels of the revisionFAA-Approved S-TEC (turbocharged engine) or STC
original productare unchanged and Master Drawing List No. SA5223NM (turbonormalizing
remain applicable to this certificate/ 92756, dated 04- system) and any combinationof
approval Dec-09,Revision F, or later the following STCs: STCSA09074SC
approved revisionFAA- (vortex generators), STC SA4-1629
Approved Pilot's Operating (tip tanks).
Handbook and/or Airplane
Flight ManualSupplement, P/
N 891151, Revision 2,r...
10032292 AIR AMBULANCE A330-200/ -300 Air Ambulance Equipment "quick CS-25 Amdt. 4 except 25.562 - Compliance Record, ref. doc. This STC does not constitute an 25/10/2010 Active 10032292
TECHNOLOGY GmbH conversion"P/N A330-25-20-10.000 515 - addressed per TGM/25/12The CR-A330-10.000-515, approval for installation.
Intensive Care Module P/ Certification Basis for the original Revision6, dated25th October Compliancewith the following
NA330-25-20-10.300-603 product remains applicable tothis 2010- Component, Installation requirements will be
certificate/ approvalThe and Operation Manual, ref. demonstrated and covered by
requirements for environmental doc. CMM-A330-AAT73, Rev. theDOA responsible for the
protection and the 1, dated August2010- Aircraft medical stretcher installation on
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Flight Manual Supplement, the aircraftA330 through a design
emissions levels of the original ref. doc. AFM-AAT 54, Rev. approval:§ 25.561(d)§ 25.785(a)§
product areunchanged and rema... 0or later revisions of the 25.785(h)§ 25.785(j)§ 25.791§
above listed documents ap... 25.80...
10032295 B/E AEROSPACE REV. 2 TCCA C- CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis for the original TCCA STC No. C-LSA09-021/D Restricted to ASN 8080 16/08/2013 Active 10032295
LIMITED LSA09-021/D Interior product remains applicable tothis Issue 3 dated 17 June
(EASA.IM.A.S.03152) ISS.3 certificate/ approval.The 2013.ACS-NAI Ltd.
requirements for environmental Modification Data Summary
protection and the G116000 Revision F.Aero
associatedcertified noise and/ or Consulting Services Ltd.
emissions levels of the original Mandatory Maintenance
product areunchanged and remain Manual SupplementG116070
applicable to this certificate/ Revision NC.Savannah Air
approval. Center Inc. Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement for
theComplete Custom Aircraft
10032318 365 AEROSPACE DDS REV. 2 DHC-8-401, DHC-8-402 Installation of Ground Recognition LightsRev. The Certification Basis for the original Aerospace Design & Prior to installation of this design 05/08/2019 Active 10032318
LIMITED 2: Transfer of STC from 365 Aerospace Ltd. to product as amendedby thefollowing Engineering Consultants Ltd change it must be determined
365 Aerospace DDSLtd. additional or alternative Aircraft ManualSupplement thatthe interrelationship between
airworthiness requirements:CS-25 No. AMS-DHC-8-Q 400-FLYBE, this design change and any
Amendment 8 for changed areasThe dated 01 August 2010or later otherpreviously installed design
requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed change and/ or repair will
protection and the document(s) approved/ introduce noadverse effect upon
associatedcertified noise and/ or acceptedunder the EASA the airworthiness ofthe product.
emissions levels of the original system.Aerospace Design &
product areunch... Engineering Consultants Ltd
Revision B
04/01/2023 Page 214 of 1,649
An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032322 SAVANNAH AIR REV. 1 FAA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Interior, S/N EASA TCDS No IM.A.009The FAA SoC ref. ST12210AT-T Restricted to ASN 9345 and1. 29/03/2011 Active 10032322
CENTER, L.L.C. ST03881AT 9345 Configuration Certification Basis for the original dated 21 October 2010.FAA Refer to the Limitations sections of
product and the followingadditional STC No. ST03881AT dated 26 the required AFM Supplement
or alternative airworthiness October 2010.Savannah Air andto the following
requirements are applicable tothis Center MDL, XRS9345- FCOMS:G862081 Rev NC - FCOMS
certificate/ approvalCRI F-01 - MDL-2500001, Rev. A dated - WLAN SystemG862092 Rev A -
Installation of Wireless SystemThe 13 FCOMS -Mid-Cabin Door2. WLAN
requirements for environmental September2010.Instructionsf system is compatible only to IEEE
protection and the or Continued Airworthiness, 802.11(b)
associatedcertificate... Bombardier Global
ExpressDocument Number
XRS9345-ICA-0001, Revision
IR dated 26 March 2010....
10032327 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9360 and1.Refer 27/10/2010 Active 10032327
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9360 for the original product remains reference C-10-0424 dated 21 to the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ October 2010.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
approval.The requirements for SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
environmental protection and the October 2004.AeroConsulting system is compatible only to IEEE
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Services Configuration 802.11(b).3.Prior to installation of
emissions levels of the original Definition List D954000 this modification the installer
product areunchanged and remain RevisionFS dated 18 October mustdetermine that the
applicable to this certificate/ ap... 2010.Instructions for interrelationship between this
Continued Airworthiness modification and...
GC93600000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the abovea...
10032329 SWS CERTIFICATION REV. 1 CAA UK BOEING B747-400 Installation of SaftGlo Inc. Photoluminescent The Certification Basis for the original 3046-MMS-01 Issue 1, none 08/11/2010 Active 10032329
SERVICES Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY BOEING B747-300 Floor Proximity EmergencyEscape Path product remains applicable tothis Maintenance Manual
Marking System (FPEEPMS) in accordance certificate/ approval. Supplement3046-CMS-01
with SWSCertification Services Design Report Issue 1, Crew Manual
3046-DR-01 Rev. 2, dated 27 August2010 or Supplement3046-SB-01 Issue
later approved revision. 1, Service Bulletinor later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10032331 JET AVIATION AG REV. 2 747-400 Replacement of a dual Allied Signal High The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Data List Prior to installation of this design 29/11/2017 Active 10032331
Frequency (HF) Radio by DualRockwell Collins original product remains applicableto B7428343-006 Rev. D, dated change it must be determined
Air Transport (RCAT) HFS-900D HF Radio this certificate/ approval.The 20 October 2010<(>,<)>or thatthe interrelationship between
Equipment (ARINC753) with HF Data Link requirements for environmental later revisions of the above this design change and any
activation in accordance with Jet Aviation protection and the listed documents approved by otherpreviously installed design
MasterData List Doc. No. B7428343-006 Rev. associatedcertified noise and/ or EASA. change and/ or repair will
D, dated 20 October 2010 or laterapproved emissions levels of the original introduce noadverse effect upon
revision... product areunchanged and remain the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/
10032336 S-TEC CORPORATION FAA STC CESSNA F182P, F182Q Installation of S-TEC System 20/30 Single and The Certification Basis for the original FAA-approved S-TEC Bulletin This STC is also eligible on Cessna 28/10/2010 Active 10032336
SA09320AC-D Two Axis Automatic FlightGuidance Systems, product remains applicable tothis No. 862, dated 29-May-09, models F182P and F182Q when
Model ST-762-20/30 (14 Volt System) certificate/ approvalThe certificated Revision 6FAA-approved S- modifiedby: 1. STC SA485SW
noise and/ or emissions levels of the TEC Master Drawing List No. (Wren conversion) and STC
original productare unchanged and 921057, dated 10- SA3825SW (260 H.P.
remain applicable to this certificate/ Dec-09,Revision GFor S-TEC engineconversion) or 2. STC
approval System 20: FAA-approved SA950CE (HortonSTOL) and/or STC
Pilot’s Operating Handbook SA2285CE (Hortonflap gap seals)
and/orAirplane Flight Manual and STC SA3825SW (260 H.P.
Supplement, P/N 891621, engine conversion) or 3.
Revision 3, dated18-June-02 STCSA1382WE (Robert...
or later approved...
10032345 EICHELSDOERFER RF5 STC "Installation engine Rotax 912 and The Certification Basis for the original - STC "Technische Mitteilung Limited to Fournier RF 5, S/N 5012 28/10/2010 Active 10032345
GmbHFLUGZEUGBA propeller HO-V352F-S1/S170FQ inthe product remains applicable tothis 002-09-01" dated 27. April
U powered sailplane Fournier RF 5" certificate/ approval.The 2010.- Einbauanweisung
requirements for environmental 002-09-01, Einbau eines Rotax
protection and the 912 A3 mitPropellerHO-
associatedcertificated noiseand/or V352F-S1/S170FQ in den
emissions levels of the original Motorsegler RF 5.-
product areunchanged and remain Zeichnungsliste zum RF5-
applicable to this certificate/ Rotax-Umbau- Flughandbuch
approval. für den Motorsegler Fournier
RF 5, Rotax, HO-V352

04/01/2023 Page 215 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032348 RAM AIRCRAFT, LP REV. 1 FAA STC 2. CESSNA 414, 414A, 402C Installation of Hartzell propeller PHC- The Certification Basis for the original RAM Drawing No. 2549, 1. Hartzell Modell PHC-C3YF-2UF/ 02/11/2010 Active 10032348
SA09971SC-D 1. CESSNA 340, 340A C3YF-2UF/FC7693DF(B)inaccordance with product remains applicable tothis Revision D, dated May 24, FC7693DF or PHC-C3YF-2UF/
FAA STC SA09971SC-D certificate/ approvalThis certificate/ 2001Airplane Flight Manual FC7693DFBpropellers are limited
approval involves a change to the Supplement AFMS 1096, to aircraft that are previously FAA
requirements forenvironmental Revision A, dated December2, approved toinstall 78-inch (198
protection and/or a change to the 2002The Instruction of cm) diameter propellers and have
certificated noise and/or emissions Continued Airworthiness are TCM model TSIO-520series
levels contained in engines with maximum rated
HartzellPropeller's Overhaul power from 285 HP to 350 HP.
and Maintenance Manual No. Thismodification is compatibl...
117D (ATA 61-10-17),Revision
4, dated May 1999.or late...
10032352 WIPAIRE Inc. US SA01916CH AIR TRACTOR AT-802, Installation of vortex generators. Installation The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC No. SA01916CH FAA STC No. SA01916CH 05/11/2010 Active 10032352
AT-802A of Wipaire stallimprovement array in product remains applicable tothis amended May 24, 2010 "Limitations and conditions”,
(EASA.IM.A.S.01058) accordance with Wipaire installation drawing certificate/ approval "Installation ofWipaireStall amendedMay 24, 2010
No.7A1-4407 Revision B, dated April 27,2010 Improvement Array” for
for the AT-802A model andinstallation AT-802 and AT-802A
drawing No. 1004245, Revision B, dated April models.W-AT802-67F-1424-
27,2010 forthe AT-802 model VG. FAA approved AFMS for
the AT-802 with PT6A-67F
(1424shp) engine and Wipaire
stall improvement array dated
May 10, 2010.W-
AT802-67F-1600-VG. FAA
approved AFMSs...
10032363 SOCIETE AIR FRANCE A340-211, A340-212 A340 Royal Jordanian - New IFE and Cabin The Certification Basis for the original Change Approval Sheet, Ref : This STC is applicable to the 29/10/2010 Active 10032363
S.A. reconfigurationThis STC consists in a cabin product and the followingadditional CAS-A340-09-009 Rev 00, following aircraft MSNs :,,- MSN
reconfiguration by installing newecoconomic or alternative airworthiness dated 29 October2010Air 14,,- MSN 22,,- MSN 38,,- MSN 43
class seat and a new In-Flight Entertainment requirements are applicable tothis France Service Bulletin, Ref :
(IFE)system(Sicma Aero IFE SiT). certificate/ approval- CS 25 AFSB-A340-09-009-25-001or
Amendment8- Special Condition later revisions of the above
H-01 : Enhanced Airworthiness listed documentsapproved by
Program for AeroplaneSystems - ICA EASA
on EWISThe requirements for
10032387 TENENCIA Ltd. CAA UK MK050, MK0502 Installation of a Universal Avionics Terrain The Certification Basis for the original - Certification Plan CP/TEN/ As contained in Ten supplement 1 02/11/2010 Active 10032387
RESPONSIBILITY Awareness and WarningSystem (TAWS) product and the followingadditional 645 Issue 1- Ten supplement issue 1 to the Fokker F27 Mk
or alternative airworthiness 1 issue 1 to the Fokker F27 0502flight manual
requirements are applicable tothis Mk 0502 flight manualor later
certificate/ approval.Electronic revisions of the above listed
Wiring Interconnection System documents approved by EASA
(EWIS) as defined in CS 25.1701in
accordance with CS-25 Appendix H
paragraph H25.5 and AMC appen...
10032391 SABENA TECHNICS REV. 2 A330-223 A330-223 "P710" VIP Cabin CompletionThis The Certification Basis for the original Modification Approval Sheet, None 26/04/2012 Active 10032391
BOD STC installs a VIPcabin configuration.Revision product and the followingadditional Ref: S-00-2046, Issue 7,
(EASA.A.S.03671) 1 was issued to update the Limitation or alternative airworthiness dated25 April.2012Airplane
Section.Revision 2 is issued to capture a requirements are applicable tothis Flight Manual Supplement,
design evolution (9000 VU change) certificate/ approvalEASA TCDS A. Ref: AFM-S F3028
andassociated documentation update. 004CRI A-4301-002 EASA MOD00-2046, Rev D,dated 24
Supplemental Type Certification April 2012.Instructions
BasisThe requirements for forContinued Airworthiness,
environmental protection and the Ref: MPDS-P710, Issue 4
associatedce... from02 Nov. 2010Damage-
Tolerant Airworthiness
Limitation Items, Ref: AL...
10032401 AEROTEC & REV. 2 AS355 F2, AS355 N, AS355 Installation of Indraero Siren IS10-100 Cargo The Certification Basis (CB) for the ADC12 issue 2 dated 8 Prior to installation of this design 23/03/2016 Active 10032401
CONCEPT NP Hook.This STCrevision is issued for the original product remains applicableto December 2010 - Certification change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01594) AS355 E, AS355 F, AS355 F1 purpose of transferring the STC toAerotec this certificate/ approval.The ProgramADC17 Issue 1 dated thatthe interrelationship between
Concept. requirements for environmental 14 December 2010 - Master this design change and any
protection and the Data ListADC54-27 issue 1 otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or dated 16 November 2010 - change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Instructions for introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain ContinuedAirworthinessADC3 the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ 4A issue 1 dated 14 December
approval. 2010 - Installation Instructions

04/01/2023 Page 216 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032416 SAVANNAH AIR FAA STC BD700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Interior, S/N EASA TCDS No IM.A.009The FAA SoC ref. ST10844AT-T Restricted to ASN 9260 and1. 04/11/2010 Active 10032416
CENTER, L.L.C. ST03628AT 9260 Configuration Certification Basis for the original dated 02 November 2010.FAA Refer to the Limitations sections of
product remains applicable tothis STC No.ST03628AT dated 20 the required AFM Supplement
certificate/ approval.The October 2008.Savannah Air andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
requirements for environmental Center MDL, XRS9260- WLAN system is compatible only
protection and the MDL-2500001, Rev. A dated to IEEE 802.11(b).
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 03 October2008.Instructions
emissions levels of the original for Continued Airworthiness,
product areunchanged and remain Bombardier Global
applicable to this certifi... ExpressDocument Number
XRS9260-ICA-0001, Revision
IR dated 28 August 2008....
10032418 TELEDYNE REV.4 FAA STC 777F Installation of Wireless Ground Link - Quick The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, Ref: This STC is applicable to the 13/01/2022 Active 10032418
CONTROLS, LLC ST02239LA 777-200, -300, -300ER, Access Recorder (WQAR)This STC consists in product and the followingadditional MDL2243800-777, Rev. D, following WQAR p/n (2243800-
-200LR the installation of the WQAR onBoeing 777 or alternative airworthiness Appendix C<(>,<)>dated 12 xxx):- 2243800-61- 2243800-62-
777-200/-200LR/-300/-300ER series.Rev. 4: adds additional WQAR p/n requirements are applicable tothis June 2019Instructions for 2243800-63- 2243800-64-
2243800-462 and 2243800-464 to certificate/ approval.Special Continued Airworthiness for 2243800-71- 2243800-73-
thelimitation section. Condition H-01: Enhanced EWIS, Ref: EW2243800-B7-1< 2243800-77- 2243800-79-
Airworthiness Program for (>,<)> Revision B, dated 2243800-81- 2243800-360-
AeroplaneSystems - ICA on EWISThe 7February 2019or later 2243800-362- 2243800-364-
requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed 2243800-462- 2243800-464Prior
protection an... document(s) approved/ to installation of this modification
accepted onbehalf of EASA in it must be determined...
accordance with th...
10032443 S-TEC CORPORATION FAA STC 35-C33, F33C Installation of S-TEC System 40/50 Single and The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance none 08/11/2010 Active 10032443
SA7818SW-D Two Axis Automatic FlightGuidance Systems, product remains applicable tothis withFAA Approved S-TEC
Model ST-492-40/50 (28 Volt System) certificate/ approval.The Bulletin No. 592, dated 18-
requirements for environmental June-92.FAA Approved S-TEC
protection and the Master Drawing List No.
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 92565, dated 18-
emissions levels of the original June-92.Operation in
product areunchanged and remain accordance withFAA
applicable to this certificate/ Approved Airplane Flight
approval. Manual Supplement, P/N
89975, dated26-June-92 is
required for Beech models 35-
C33 and F33C4...
10032444 S-TEC CORPORATION FAA STC 35-C33, F33C Installation of S-TEC Manual Electric Trim The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance none 08/11/2010 Active 10032444
SA7819SW-D System, Model ST-493 (28 VoltSystem) product remains applicable tothis withFAA Approved S-TEC
certificate/ approval.The Bulletin No. 593, dated 18-
requirements for environmental June-92FAA Approved S-TEC
protection and the Master Drawing List No.
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 92566, dated 18-
emissions levels of the original June-92Operation in
product areunchanged and remain accordance withFAA
applicable to this certificate/ Approved Airplane Flight
approval. Manual Supplement, P/N
89977, dated26-June-92 is
required for Beech models 35-
C33 and F33C.or...
10032445 SCANDINAVIAN SA26-AT, SA226-T, SA226-AT Installation of Garmin GNS 530AW / GNS Design:Non-significant changeThe EASA approved Engineering This change is limited to the 08/11/2010 Active 10032445
AVIONICS DESIGN SA226-T(B), SA227-AT, 430AW as dual installationtogether with a Certification Basis of theoriginal Order, Doc. No. 2061255-EO, configuration of aircraft /
ApS SA227-TT Honeywell KMR 675 Marker Beacon Receiver product and the issue1, dated26-Oct-2010, or equipment typeas listed under
followingadditional /,,alternativeairw later approved issueEASA Chapter 4. in EASA approved
orthiness requirements are approved Aircraft Flight Engineering Order, Doc. No.
applicable tothis changeFor the Manual Supplement, Doc. No. 2061255-EO, issue 1, dated 26-
change CS-23 has been elected to 2061255-AMA,Issue1, dated Oct-2010, or later approved issue.
comply with where 25-Oct-2010<(>,<)> or later
possible.Environmental approved issue, for GNS
Protection:The certificated noise 430AWand GNS 530AWEASA
and/ or e... approved Aircraft Flight
Manual Supp...
10032446 AVIATION FAA STC 2. B300, B300C Installation of Passenger Seats with Hinged The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance none 08/11/2010 Active 10032446
FABRICATORS, Inc. SA2774CE 2. B200C, B200CGT, B200GT Backrest. product remains applicable tothis with Aviation Fabricators
1. B200CT, B200T, 300, certificate/ approval.The Drawing List NumberAF-151
300LW requirements for environmental FAA Approved 12 November
1. A200, A200C, A200CT, protection and the 1991 or later revisions of the
B200 associatedcertificated noiseand/ or abovelisted documents
1. 200, 200C, 200CT, 200T emissions levels of the original approved by EASA in
product areunchanged and remain accordance with EASA ED
applicable to this certificate/ Decision2004/04/CF (or
approval. subsequent revisions of this

04/01/2023 Page 217 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032468 APICAL INDUSTRIES, REV. 1 FAA STC MBB-BK 117 C-2 Cable Cutters KitInstallation of Cable Cutters The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List None 19/11/2010 Active 10032468
Inc. SR02290LA Kit with deflectors on skids and wiper product remains applicable tothis MD145-2, Rev. A, dated
inaccordance with Master DocumentList certificate/ approvalThe August 16, 2010- Instructions
MD145-2, based on FAA STCSR02290LA. requirements for environmental for Continued Airworthiness
protection and the ICA145-21, Rev.N/C,
associatedcertificated noise and/ or datedSeptember 23, 2010or
emissions levels of the original later revisions of the
product areunchanged and remain abovelisted documents
applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA
approval inaccordance with EASA
EDDecision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10032469 BUSINESS AND C90 BCA118-00 - ADF system upgrade on beech The Certification Basis for the original Limitation to beech C90 SN LJ-894 09/11/2010 Active 10032469
COMMUTER S/N LJ - 894 product remains applicable tothis
AIRCRAFT certificate/ approval.The certificated
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10032471 AIRLIFT A/S AS 350 B, AS 350 BA, AS 350 Installation of Geophysical Equipments in The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement A cargo mirror allowing in-flight 11/11/2010 Active 10032471
B1 accordance with MasterDocument List product remains applicable tothis FMS-350-25-107, Revision 2, observation of the spectrometer
AS 350 B2, AS 350 B3 DO-350-25-107, revision 0, dated 09.11.2010 certificate/ approvalThe dated 10.08.2010Instructions and EM/ magnetometer sensors
requirements for environmental for Continued Airworthiness must be installed
protection and the ICA-350-25-107-01, Revision
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2,dated 20.09.2010
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10032484 STANDARD AERO REV. 1 FAA STC F90 KING AIR Installation of Pratt and Whitney Canada The Certification Basis for the original -Modified with dual fuel feed None 23/11/2010 Active 10032484
SA02367NY PT6A-135A Engines. product remains applicable tothis lines, in accordance with
certificate/ approval.The certificated Standard AeroInc, Installation
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Instructions, Report, 55055-8,
original productare unchanged and Rev 0 dated 26
remain applicable to this certificate/ February2007.-PT6A-135A
approval. engines must be modified in
accordance with
Supplemental TypeCertificate
SE02357NYprior to
installation.Note, it is the
installers responsibil...
10032496 AEROTEC & REV. 1 AS 350 B/D/B1/B2/BA/BB/B3 Installation of Indraero Siren IS10-100 Cargo The Certification Basis (CB) for the ADC12 issue 2 dated 8 Prior to installation of this design 30/03/2016 Active 10032496
CONCEPT HookRevision 1: Transfer of EASA STC original product remains applicableto October 2010 - Certification change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01593) 10032496 from AERODAC to this certificate/ approval.The ProgramADC17 Issue 1 dated thatthe interrelationship between
AEROTECCONCEPT requirements for environmental 8 October 2010 - Master Data this design change and any
protection and the ListADC54-27issue 1 dated 8 otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or October 2010 - Instructions change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original for introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain ContinuedAirworthinessADC3 the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ 4A issue 1 dated 16
approval. September 2010 - Installation
10032519 ACS-NAI Ltd. TCCA STC NO. DHC-8-401, DHC-8-402 Installation of LED Lavatory Light System JAR/CS-25 as per EASA.IM.A.191The Installation must be in none 12/11/2010 Active 10032519
SA10-25 Certification Basis for the original accordance with ACS-NAI Ltd.
product and the followingadditional TCCA approvedModification
or alternative airworthiness Data Summary Number E
requirements are applicable tothis 998000, Rev. N/
certificate/ approval.plus:Special CMaintenance must be in
Condition H-01 "Enhanced accordance with Instructions
Airworthiness Programme for for ContinuedAirworthiness
AeroplaneSystems - ICA on EWIS" as E 998071, Rev. A, E 998073
detail... Rev. A andE 998074, Rev.Aor
later revisions of the above
listed docume...

04/01/2023 Page 218 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032527 VIKING AIR LIMITED TCCA STC DHC-6 SERIES 400 Installation of RW Martin Air Conditioning The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement None 12/11/2010 Active 10032527
SA10-69 System in accordance withTCCA STC SA10-69. product and the followingadditional AC-64-1A, Initial issue, TCCA
or alternative airworthiness approvedSeptember 9,
requirements are applicable tothis 2010Instruction of Continued
certificate/ approval.Title 14 CFR Part Airworthiness AC-64-11,
23Amendment 23-0 23.303, Initial issue, datedAugust 4,
23.307, 23.601, 23.609, 2010R.W. Martin Inc.Drawing
23.1367Amendment 23-7 23.619, List, Report ER218-2502V,
23.625Amendment 23-14 Revision 3, datedSeptember
23.771Am... 7, 2010
10032531 INNOTECH REV.1 TCCA STC NO. C- BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA TCDS No. IM.A.009The TCCA SoC ref. C-10-1069 Restricted to ASN 93741.Refer to 17/01/2011 Active 10032531
AVIATIONA DIVISION LSA10-207/D Interior - ASN 9374 Certification Basis for the original dated 12 January 2011.TCCA the Limitations sections of the
OF IMP GROUP LTD product remains applicable tothis STC No. C-LSA10-207/D Issue required AFM Supplement andto
certificate/ approval.Non- 1 dated 05 November the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
significantThe requirements for 2010.ACS-NAI Ltd. system is compatible only to IEEE
environmental protectionand the Modification Data Summary 802.11(b).
associatedcertificated noise and/ or G902000 Revision NA.Flight
emissions levels of the original Manual Supplement for
product areunchanged and remain Interior Completion, FMS-
applicable... IA700-9374Revision NC.Flight
Manual Supplement for CMC
Electronic Flight Bag, FM10-...
10032532 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9377 and1.Refer 12/11/2010 Active 10032532
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9377 for the original product remains referenceC-10-0644 dated 10 to the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ November 2010.TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
approval.Non-significantThe SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
requirements for environmental October 2004.AeroConsulting system is compatible only to IEEE
protection and the Services Configuration 802.11(b).
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Definition List D954000
emissions levels of theoriginal RevisionFT dated 04
product areunchanged and remain November 2010.Instructions
applicable to this... for Continued Airworthiness
GC93770000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the above...
10032536 TENENCIA Ltd. CAA UK BOEING 747-300 Installation of a Dual Honeywell HT-9100 FMS The Certification Basis for the original AFM supplement TEN This STC is applicable to aircraft 12/11/2010 Active 10032536
RESPONSIBILITY BOEING 747-200 per ModificationDescription TEN 539 Boeing product and the followingadditional SUPPLEMENT 1 ISSUE 3 for that have previously been
(EASA.A.S.03438) 747-200 Dual Honeywell HT9100 GNSS or alternative airworthiness the Boeing 747 series modified inaccordance with STC
NavigationManagement System Installation, requirements are applicable tothis FlightManualsReport TEN ST01841CH / IM.A.S.01660 GPS
Issue 4 dated 10 November 2010 certificate/ approvalFAR Part 25 539 /7 Issue 2, Operations Antenna Provisionsinstallation and
Amendment 39JAA Guidance Manual Supplement Boeing have dual Honeywell Roll
Material TGL 10, November 1, 2000 747HT9100 FMS Installationor Computers P/N 2590623-914
Airworthiness andoperational later revisions of the above or-915
approval for precision RNAV listed documents approved by
operations... EASA
10032537 C&D ASSOCIATES, FAA STC G58 Installation of C<(>&<)>D Associates The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance None 12/11/2010 Active 10032537
Inc. SA02816CH Combustion Heater product remains applicable tothis with C<(>&<)>D Associates
PartNumberCD50000K33. certificate/ approvalThe InstallationInstructions ref
requirements for environmental IN50000K33, Revision A,
protection and the dated February 9,
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2010.Operation in accordance
emissions levels of the original with C<(>&<)>D Associates
product areunchanged and remain Approved AircraftFlight
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement Revision
approval A, dated June 16,
2009.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness in
10032538 ZF REV. 2 MBB-BK 117 C-2 Main Gear Box Eurocopter BK117 The Certification Basis for the original Airworthiness Limitations:- - This conversion can only be 13/06/2012 Active 10032538
LUFTFAHRTTECHNIK C2Conversion of the Main Gear Box from product remains applicable tothis ZFL doc. no. performed by the STC holder.-
GmbH MBB-BK117 C-1 built standard PartNumber certificate/ approval.The STC03-1682-1109, After conversion to Main Gear Box
(P/N) 1171200501 to MBB-BK117 C-2 built requirements for environmental "Supplement for ECD Master P/N B632K1001-051 this isonly to
standard P/NB632K1001-051 within the protection and the ServicingManual MBB-BK117 beinstalled on MBB-BK117 C-2
scope of a major overhaul, as documented in associatedcertificated noiseand/ or C-2, Chapter 04-00-00, 2-1", helicopters.
theZF Luftfahrttechnik (ZFL) major change emissions levels of the original Issue 2or later revisions of the
STC03, in accordance with t... product areunchanged and remain above listed documents
applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA-
approval. Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness, ZFL doc. no.
t for-...

04/01/2023 Page 219 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032541 AEROSPACE DESIGN CAA UK BOEING 767-341 Review of modifications installed prior to The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, doc. JN189 Limitations as per associated 15/11/2010 Active 10032541
AND RESPONSIBILITY import (B767-341Installationof SELL Galley, product and the followingadditional ADC17 Issue 4 technical documentation:- Flight
(EASA.A.S.03947) CERTIFICATIONLtd. Crew Rest, 221 LOPA & ELT) or alternative airworthiness 14/10/2010.Flight Manual Manual Supplement, doc. JN189
T/A AERODAC requirements are applicable tothis Supplement, doc. JN189 ADC29 Issue 1 dated 16/11/09-
certificate/ approvalCRI H-01 ADC29 Issue 1 dated Instructions for Continued
"Enhanced Airworthiness Programme 16/11/09Instructions for Airworthiness, doc. JN189
for Aeroplane Systems - ICAon Continued Airworthiness, doc. ADC54-25 Issue 5dated
EWIS".The requirements for JN189 ADC54-25 Issue 5dated 14/10/2010.Restricted to S/N
environmental protection and the 14/10/2010Declaration of 24753
assoc... Compliance, doc. JN189
ADC58 Issue 2 dated
14/10/2010.or later revisions
of the a...
10032548 CENTURY FLIGHT AK 847 STC SA PA-31, PA-31-325, PA-31-350 AK 847 Validation / Century 41 Installation in The Certification Basis for the original 68S803 Pilot's Operating 1. This STC is limited to aircraft 15/11/2010 Active 10032548
SYSTEMS, INC 3389SW-D Piper, Type CertificateNumber A20SO models product remains applicable tothis Handbook, January 1985 - Models PA-31, PA-31-325 and
PA-31, PA-31-325, PA-31-350 certificate/ approvalNo additional OriginalFAA Approved PA-31-350<(>,<)>2. Piper Model
airworthiness requirements or Supplement to Pilot's PA-31 is limited to S/N 712 and
special conditions areassociated with Operating Handbook and/or Up<(>,<)>3. Placard 13A990-1
this changeIn accordance with Annex FAAApproved Airplane Flight stating "conduct trim check prior
to 1702/2003 21A.101(b) and Manual Supplement, P/N to first flight ofday (see POH)" is
associated GM thecertification 68S926, Revsion 1, required
specifications of the origi... dated8-5-81 is required for
Piper Models PA-31 S/N712
and Up and PA-31-325FAA
Approved Supplement to Pilot
10032602 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 2 650 Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System FAA TCDS A9NMThe Certification -Master Drawing List STC is applicable to S/N 650-0216 08/05/2017 Active 10032602
CRITICAL (EGPWS) Honeywell MK Basis for the original product remains MDL-34-44-1003-A, Revision only.Prior to installation of this
SERVICESITALIA VIIIinstallation.Honeywell EGPWS MK VIII applicable tothis certificate/ 00 from 10 Nov. 2010-Aircraft design change it must be
S.P.A. - DIVISIONE installation in replacement of Honeywell approval.The requirements for Flight Manual Supplement determined thatthe
ALA FISSA GPWS MKVI.Rev. 2 is an administrative re- environmental protection and the FMS-34-44-1003-A, Revision interrelationship between this
issuance to reflect the recent namechange associatedcertificated noise and/ or 00 from 18May 2010- design change and any
from INAER Aviation Italia S.p.A. Divisione Ala emissions levels of the original Instructions for Continued otherpreviously installed design
Fissa. product areunchanged and remain Airworthiness change and/ or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ ap... ICA-34-44-1003-A, Revision introduce noadverse effect upon
00from 04 June 2010-SAN the airworthiness of the product.
statement of compliance to
DOA SAN project No.
10032603 AIR METHODS FAA STC 429 Installation of a controllable Searchlight The Certification Basis for the original 291-9010 revision IR dated 3 none 17/11/2010 Active 10032603
CORPORATION SR00701DE-D product remains applicable tothis February 2010 - Master
certificate/ approval.The DrawingList;080-0468 revision
requirements for environmental IR dated 15 March 2010 -
protection and the Flight Manual Supplement;
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 050-0537 revision A dated 23
emissions levels of the original February 2010 - Instructions
product areunchanged and remain for
applicable to this certificate/ ContinuedAirworthiness.or
approval. later revisions ofthe above
listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance wit...
10032604 TDG AEROSPACE INC FAA STC B767-200, -300, -300F Installation of Universal Fault Interrupter The Certification Basis for the original UFI 767 Installation Kit Master If the aeroplane has supplemental 17/11/2010 Active 10032604
ST02285LA (UFI) for Centre Wing FuelTank Electrical product remains applicable tothis Drawing List, (high flow) jettison pumps
Fault Protection. certificate.The requirements for 10-3206-0002,Revision B, installed,the installation of this STC
environmental protection and the 18/03/2010Airplane Flight requires them to
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Manual Supplement, bedeactivated.This STC approves
emissions levels of the original 20-3206-0002, accomplishment of the
product areunchanged and remain 26/02/2010Instructions for deactivation procedures for
applicable to this approval. Continued Airworthiness, thesupplemental (high flow)
20-3206-0001, Revision E, jettison pumps (designator M1730
04/02/2010 (EWIS and M 1731)required by this STC
Compliant).or later revisions as an A...
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA...

04/01/2023 Page 220 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032609 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GIV-X Aircraft Completion and Installation of an The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance You may not use descriptive data 17/11/2010 Active 10032609
AEROSPACE ST04209AT-D Airplane Interior product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace about this design change to
CORPORATION certificate/ approvalThe Corporation MasterIndex List duplicateto other products.This
requirements for environmental GC4149144200, Revision E, approval is limited to aircraft Serial
protection and the dated October 20, 4200.This STC does not permit
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2010.Instructions for manufacturing of parts for
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness multipleinstallations.
product areunchanged and remain Deviations
applicable to this certificate/ SupplementGC42801A432,
approval Revision A, dated October 19,
2010.or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved b...
10032617 AIR METHODS FAA STC BELL 429 Installation of Emergency Medical Services The Certification Basis for the original 291-9002 revision IR dated 9 None 17/11/2010 Active 10032617
CORPORATION SR00704DE-D Interior and Systems product remains applicable tothis March 2010 - Master Drawing
certificate/ approvalThe List;080-0464 revision IR
requirements for environmental dated 17 March 2010 - Flight
protection and the Manual Supplement;050-0530
associatedcertificated noise and/ or revision C dated 4 March
emissions levels of the original 2010 - Instructions for
product areunchanged and remain ContinuedAirworthiness.or
applicable to this certificate/ later revisions of the above
approval listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with
10032620 AIR METHODS FAA STC BELL 429 Installation of Scene and Patient Loading The Certification Basis for the original 291-9012 revision IR dated 1 None 17/11/2010 Active 10032620
CORPORATION SR00710DE-D Lights product remains applicable tothis February 2010 - Master
certificate/ approvalThe DrawingList;080-0469 revision
requirements for environmental IR dated 17 February 2010 -
protection and the Flight Manual Supplement;
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 050-0538 revision A dated 23
emissions levels of the original February 2010 - Instructions
product areunchanged and remain for
applicable to this certificate/ ContinuedAirworthiness.or
approval later revisionsof the above
listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordancet...
10032621 AIR METHODS FAA STC BELL 429 Installation of Patient Loading System The Certification Basis for the original 291-9004 revision IR dated 1 None 17/11/2010 Active 10032621
CORPORATION SR00698DE-D product remains applicable tothis March 2010 - Master Drawing
certificate/ approvalThe List;080-0465 revision IR
requirements for environmental dated 12 March 2010 - Flight
protection and the Manual Supplement;050-0532
associatedcertificated noise and/ or revision A dated 4 March
emissions levels of the original 2010 - Instructions for
product areunchanged and remain ContinuedAirworthiness.or
applicable to this certificate/ later revisions of the above
approval listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with
10032628 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A319, A320, A321 New European Cabin Modification Certification Basis in accordance with - Supplemental Type Not applicable 18/11/2010 Active 10032628
AG EASA Type Certificate Data SheetsA. Definition Document, ref. doc.
064.The Certification Basis for the STDD25-10/21M, Issue1,
original product and the dated 17th November 2010-
followingadditional or alternative Compliance Record List, ref.
airworthiness requirements are doc. CRL25-10/21M, Issue 1,
applicable tothis certificate/ dated 17thNovember 2010-
approval1. CRI H-01 "Enhanced Applicant's Declaration of
Airworthiness Programme for Compliance No. 3001, dated
AeroplaneI... 18th November2010or later
revisions of the above listed
10032631 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GIV-X Aircraft Completion and Installation of The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance You cannot use descriptive data 18/11/2010 Active 10032631
AEROSPACE ST04213AT-D Airplane Interior. product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace about this design change
CORPORATION certificate/ approvalThe Corporation MasterIndex List toduplicate toother ,,products.This
requirements for environmental GC414914202, Revision J, approval is limited to Gulfstream
protection and the dated November 06, GIV-X, Serial 4202.This STC does
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2010.Instructions for not permit manufacturing of parts
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness for multipleinstallations.
product areunchanged and remain Deviations
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement,GC42801A443,
approval Revision A, dated November
05, 2010.or later revisions of
the above listed documents
04/01/2023 Page 221 of 1,649
An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032651 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GIV-X Installation of a Cabin/Baggage The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance None 19/11/2010 Active 10032651
AEROSPACE ST03742AT-D Compartment. product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION certificate/ approvalThe Corporation IndexList
requirements for environmental GC420004171, Revision G,
protection and the dated November 02,
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2010.Operation in accordance
emissions levels of the original with Airplane Flight Manual
product areunchanged and remain SupplementGC41204M009,
applicable to this certificate/ Revision NC, dated November
approval 20, 2009.or later revisions of
the above listed documents
approved by EAS...
10032680 MT-PROPELLER REV. 1 PA-31P Installation of two 4-blade MTV-16-1-E-C-F/ The Certification Basis for the original According to MT-Propeller According limitation section of 10/08/2011 Active 10032680
ENTWICKLUNG CFL225-37a propellers onPiper product remains applicable tothis Master Operation Manual List AFM-S and POH-S.
GmbH PA-31PChange of Certification Basis. certificate/ approvalCAR 3 Amdt 1 Doc.No. E-1951,Rev 0 and
through 8 as defined in FAA TCDS MT-Propeller Installation
A8EAThis certificate/ approval InstructionsDoc. No. E-1953,
involves a change to the Rev 0or later revisions.To be
requirements forenvironmental operated in accordance with
protection and/or a change to the MT-Propeller AFM
certificated noise and/or emissions Supplement DocumentNo.
le... E-1952-1 and Pilot´s
Operating Handbook
Supplement No. E-1952-2,0...
10032691 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A340-600 A340-600 Cabin Retrofit - ETD05 Certification Basis in accordance with - Supplemental Type Not applicable 23/11/2010 Active 10032691
AG EASA Type Certificate Data SheetsA. Definition Document, ref. doc.
015.The Certification Basis for the STDD00-10/23M, Issue1,
original product and the dated 23rd November 2010-
followingadditional or alternative Compliance Record List, ref.
airworthiness requirements are doc. CRL00-10/23M, Issue 1,
applicable tothis certificate/ dated 23rdNovember 2010-
approval1. CRI H-01 "Enhanced Applicant's Declaration of
Airworthiness Programme for Compliance No. 2961, dated
AeroplaneI... 23rd November2010or later
revisions of the above listed
10032736 ACS-NAI Ltd. REV. 2 TCCA LSTC C- BOMBARDIER CL-600-2B19 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis (CB) for the TCCA LSTC No. C-LSA09-024/D Restricted to ASN 8077.Prior to 16/08/2013 Active 10032736
LSA09-024/D, Interior original product remains applicableto Issue 3 dated 20 October installation of this designchange it
(EASA.IM.A.S.03130) ISS.3 this certificate/ approval.The 2010.Aero Consulting Services must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental Ltd. Modification Data interrelationship between this
protection and the Summary G102000 design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or RevisionG.Midcoast Aviation otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original Inc. Airplane Flight Manual change and/ or repair will
product areunchanged and remain Supplement for theComplete introduce noadverse effect upon
applicable to this certificate/ Custom Aircraft Interior the airworthiness of the product.
approval. Installation, 33-299M008 Rev
NC.Aero Consulting Services
Ltd. Mandator...
10032737 ONBOARD SYSTEMS REV. 1 FAA STC 407 Cargo Hook Kit model 200-260-00 and The Certification Basis for the original 155-057-00 revision 19 dated Applies only to those Bell 26/11/2010 Active 10032737
INTERNATIONAL SR00850SE 206L, 206L-1, 206L-3, 206L-4 200-260-01This change adds an additional product remains applicable tothis 30 October 2009 - Master Helicopter models listed above
(EASA.IM.R.S.00592) cargo hook certificate/ approval.The Drawing List;120-093-00 previouslyequipped with Bell
requirements for environmental revision 8 dated 15 Helicopter Cargo Hook
protection and the September 2009 - Owners SuspensionSystem206-706-341-5,
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Manual;123-001-00 revision 4 206-706-341-101 or
emissions levels of the original dated 11 August 2009 - 206-706-341-109
product areunchanged and remain Instructions for andeitherBreeze-Eastern cargo
applicable to this certificate/ ContinuedAirworthiness; hooks 17149-2, 17149-6 or
approval. 122-005-00 revision 15 dated Onboard Systems Cargohooks
23 April 2009 - Cargo Hook 528-010-04 or 528-023-01
Service Manual;121-002-00
10032763 AEROCONSEIL 777-300ER Onboard Mobile Phone system installation The Certification Basis for the original MDL 0333-02-A-2103-R00 The applicability of this STC is 30/11/2010 Active 10032763
on Boeing 777-300ER aircraftprovisioned by product and the followingadditional dated limited to Boeing 777-31HER
Boeing or alternative airworthiness 25/11/2010Certification Plan aircraftMSN38983, MSN38984 and
requirements are applicable tothis 0333-02-A-2101 rev MSN35595
certificate/ approvalSpecial 01Aircraft Flight Manual
ConditionCRI H-01 EWISThe Supplement (AFMS)0333-02-
certificated noise and/ or emissions A-2301 rev 02Aircraft
levels of the original productare Maintenance Manual
unchanged and remain applicable... Supplement0333-02-A-2304
initial issueInstruction for
Continued Airworthiness
(ICA) 0333-02-A-2211 rev. 01

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032771 LIFEPORT, LLC FAA STC CESSNA 680 Installation of a Medical Patient Loading and EASA TCDS IM.A.033The Certification Master Drawing List None 30/11/2010 Active 10032771
ST02286LA Utility System (PLUS) Basis for the original product remains MDL-845-00, Revision T from
applicable tothis certificate/ 11 Nov. 2009Airplane Flight
approval.The requirements for Manual Supplement
environmental protection and the EGR-845-11, Revision A from
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 22 Feb.2010Instructions for
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness
product areunchanged and remain EGR-845-12, Revision A from
applicable to this certificat... 25Jan. 2010or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EAS...
10032781 SOCIETE D'ETUDE ET DR400/NGL A-07-09-Filtre Ed. 0 - Installation of remote The Certification Basis for the original Document d'Application None 01/12/2010 Active 10032781
DE DR400/2+2, DR400/500, oil filter kit product remains applicable tothis A-07-09-Filtre_DA du 15
GESTIONAERONAUTI DR400/180 S, DR400/200 R, certificate/ approval.The certificated Novembre 2010or later
QUE (SEGA) DR400/180, DR400/180 R, noiseand/ or emissions levels of the revisions of the above listed
DR400/160, DR400/160 D, original productare unchanged and documents approved by EASA
DR400/140, DR400/140 B, remain applicable to this certificate/
DR400/120, DR400/120 A, approval.
DR400/120 D, DR400/125,
DR360, DR380, DR400/100,
DR300/180 R, DR315, DR340,
DR300/125, DR300/140
DR300/108, DR300/120,
10032786 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) CAA UK 737-700 Interior Reconfiguration from 18 to 22 The Certification Basis for the original - Airplane Flight Manual None 03/12/2010 Active 10032786
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY Passenger Capacity on Boeing737-700 product and the followingadditional Supplement Ref. H4AFMS020
Aircraft or alternative airworthiness Issue IR- Certification Plan
requirements are applicable tothis Ref. H4ACP062 issue 6 dated
certificate/ approval- CS25 Amdt. 4 04th October 2010-
requirements as defined in the Modification Summary Ref.
Certification PlanH4ACP062 issue 6 H4A1303 Issue 4 dated 21
dated 04th October 2010- CRI D-01 October 2010or later
issue 2 Deviation: Heat... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10032788 AAXICO TECHNICAL REV. 2 FAA ST03574AT SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Anti Collision Lights installation:This STC The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, ref: Prior to installation of this change/ 29/06/2021 Active 10032788
SERVICES INC. LIST installs a new model of anti-collision light.Rev product as amendedby thefollowing MDL-001, Revision 7Airbus repair it must be determined
1: Addition of 737, DC9, MD80 and MD90 additional or alternative A300 / A310: Installation thatthe interrelationship between
types to the EASA-approvedmodels list (list airworthiness requirements:Special Instructions A0-001 Revision this change/repair and any
andassociated documents updated).Rev. 2: Condition(s): H-01 ICA on EWISthe 2, dated01 October otherpreviously installed change
Transfer of STC following paragraph(s) at a later 2010Airbus A318 / A319 / and/ or repair willintroduce no
amendment: affected paragraphs A320 / A321: Installation adverseeffect upon the
atCS25 amdt. 4: 25.601, 25.603, Instructions A2-001Revision 2, airworthiness of the product.
25.605, 25.609, 25.613, 25.1301,... dated 01 October 2010Airbus
A330 /A340: Installation
Instructions A3-001 Revision
2, dated01 O...
10032795 GAMA ENGINEERING REV. 1 CAA UK 114, 114A, 114B, 114TC Aspen EFD1000 Software Version 2.3.1 The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement None 03/05/2012 Active 10032795
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY 112, 112TC, 112B, 112TCA, upgrade product and the followingadditional AFMS-1108, Issue
or alternative airworthiness 2Instructions forContinued
requirements are applicable tothis Airworthiness ICA-1108, Issue
certificate/ approval.CS-23, 2or later revisionsof the
Amendment2The requirements for above listed documents
environmental protection and the approved by EASA.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or
emissions levels of the orig...
10032842 VAN RIEMSDIJK REV. 12 777F “RGX-0517 Special Cargo ContainerCargo The Certification Basis (CB) for the - CMM / IPL RGX The loading limitations from the 10/01/2022 Active 10032842
ROTTERDAM 747-200F, 747-400F, 747-8F container with a pallet size of 238.5” x 96” original product remains applicableto Coolcontainer P/N RGX container are according to
B.V.VRR / VRR 2. 777F with P/N 136.080-000,P/N 136.080-080, P/N this certificate/ approval.The 136.080-000, Ref. 25-55-17 / thelimitations in the applicable W<
AVIATION 1. 747-200F/-400F/-8F 136.080-085,P/N 136.080-100, P/N requirements for environmental RRM517issue 15- CMM / IPL (>&<)>B manuals for the NAS3610
136.080-110, P/N 136.080-200 and P/N protection and the RGX Coolcontainer P/N sizecode G ULD’s. The installation
136.080-086.Rev 12: typos corrected associatedcertified noise and/ or 136.080-080, Ref. 25-55-17 / of this modification by third
emissions levels of the original RRM517-080 issue 7- CMM / persons issubject to written
product areunchanged and remain IPL RGX Coolcontainer P/N permission by the approval
applicable to this certificate/ 136.080-085, Ref. 25-55-17 / holder.Prior to installation of this
approval. RRM517-085 issue 3- CMM / change/repa...
IPL RGX Coolcontainer P/N
136.080-086, Ref. 25-55-17 /

04/01/2023 Page 223 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032879 ROTORCRAFT FAA STC 407 Installation of Concorde RG407 Battery The Certification Basis for the original RS407-010 revision C dated 30 None 06/12/2010 Active 10032879
SUPPORT, Inc. SR01456LA product remains applicable tothis June 2003 - Master Document
certificate/ approvalThe List;RS407-006 revision NC
requirements for environmental dated 20 May 2003 -
protection and the Installation
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Instructions;RS407-007
emissions levels of the original revision NC dated 30 June
product areunchanged and remain 2003 - Flight Manual
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement;5-0144 revision E
approval dated 19 October 2004 -
Concorde Instructions
forContinued Airworthinessor
later re...
10032887 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK B737-500 DLH New European Cabin for 737-500 The Certification Basis for the original - Supplemental Type Not Applicable 06/12/2010 Active 10032887
AG Aircraft.Modification ofthe Aircraft seat product remains applicable tothis Definition Document Ref.
layout to increase the seat capacityfrom certificate/ approvalThe certificated STDD00-10/03M issue
currently 111 seats to 120 new seats, noise and/ or emissions levels of the 01dated 01 December 2010-
produced by RecaroAircraftseating, Germany. original productare unchanged and Compliance Record Document
remain applicable to this certificate/ Ref.CRL00-10/03M dated 01
approval December 2010- Applicant's
Declaration of Compliance
No.2770 dated 02 December
2010or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10032893 INNOVATIVE FAA STC PC-12 PC-12 IS<(>&<)>S PFD (FAA SA02255NY) FAR 23The certificated noise and l or Configuration A - Dual 15" Flat Reg.: \-\ S/N: PC-12, /45, /47 08/12/2010 Active 10032893
SOLUTIONSAND SA02255NY Configuration A - Dual 15" Flat Panel Display emissions levels of the original Panel Display System
SUPPORT, Inc. System (Pilot and CopilotPositions) productareunchanged and remain (Pilotand CopilotPositions)IS<
Installation of Innovative Solutions & Support applicable to this certificatel approval (>&<)>S Airplane Flight
- (IS<(>&<)>S) Dual 15"Flat Panel Display Manual Supplement
System in accordance with IS<(>&<)>S Document No.
Master Drawinglist, ID-06319 Revision 9, 1D-06314,revision C, FAA
dated March 27,C... Approved April 7, 2009 is
required with
B - 10" Flat Panel Display
System (Pilot and Copilot/
PilotSide On...
10032896 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. FAA STC B737-500 Interior Reconfiguration in accordance with The Certification Basis for the original - Flight structures, Inc. (FSI) Not Applicable 07/12/2010 Active 10032896
- FSI ST02160SE-D Flight structures, Inc.(FSI) Master Drawing product remains applicable tothis Master Drawing List B0FS003-
List B0FS003-D01Installation ofnew certificate/ approvalThe certificated D01 Rev.Cdated 01-Dec-2010-
windscreen, stowage bin, stowage bin noise and/ or emissions levels of the Certification Plan Summary
extension kits,moveable under-bin class original productare unchanged and B0FS003-D10-1 Rev.C dated
divider, sidewall panel, lowered ceiling remain applicable to this certificate/ 02 December 2010-
paneland associated installation hardware. approval Supplement to Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
(ICA)B0FS003-D15 rev.B dated
19 November 2010.or later
revisions of the above listed
10032902 airplus engineering REV. 1 SC 01, SC 01B Inspection Program to increase operating The Certification Basis for the original Maintenance Manual None 08/02/2021 Active 10032902
GmbH hoursMM Modification of chapter IV product remains applicable tothis Supplement
Airworthiness Limitations - Implementationof certificate/ approval.FAR 23, Amdt. MM-1005-000000, Rev. 1or
Inspection Program to increase operating 1-23The requirements for later revisions of the above
hours environmental protection and the listed documents approved by
associatedcertificated noise and/or EASA
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate...
10032903 AVIATION FAA STC REF SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of one, two, or three place side FAR 23, plus Amendments listed in Installation in accordance None 07/12/2010 Active 10032903
FABRICATORS, Inc. SA4157SW LIST facing seat (frame only). the EASA or FAA TCDS, as with Aviation Fabricators
appropriateto the ModelThe Drawing ref B6912dated
Certification Basis for the original 7/4/80, or drawing list
product remains applicable tothis AF-291, no revision, dated
certificate/ approval.The August 14, 2002or later
requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
protection and the documents approved by EASA
associatedcertificated noise and/ or inaccordance with EASA ED
emissions levels of the origin... Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis

04/01/2023 Page 224 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032904 ASI INNOVATION F406 ASI-FAM-0015-02 Provision installation of The Certification Basis for the original None Limited to: F406 S/N 07/12/2010 Active 10032904
console PMR/DMR and UHFantenna product remains applicable tothis 006-017-025-039-042-070-074-07
certificate/ approval.The certificated 5-077-086
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10032905 S.E.A.M.SERVICE PA-28RT, PA-201T, Avionic modification: dual installation of The Certification Basis for the original SEAM Flight Manual The installation is limited to 07/12/2010 Active 10032905
ELECTRONIC Garmin GNS 430W (with GA 35antennas) for product remains applicable tothis Supplement No 3049/10, aircraft PA-28RT/PA-28T S/N
AVIATION B-RNAV operation with coupling to autopilot, certificate/ approval.The certificated Revision 1, dated22 28R813143.The aircraft must be
MARINES.A.R.L. installationof GMA 340 audio Intercom, KN noiseand/ or emissions levels of the October2010SEAM equipped with a third
62A DME receiver and WX 500 original productare unchanged and Modification File No 3049/10, radionavigation
stormsocpewith NY163 antenna remain applicable to this certificate/ Revision 1, dated 22 October orradiocommunicator mean
approval. 2010or later revisions of the independent from the two GNS
above listed documents 430 units.The GNS 430W software
approved by EASA version must be No 3.3.
Installation of a furtherversion
must be approved.
10032907 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9367 and1.Refer 07/12/2010 Active 10032907
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9367 for the original product remains reference C-10-0643 dated 02 to the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ December 2010TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
approval.The requirements for SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
environmental protection and the October 2004Aero Consulting system is compatible only to IEEE
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Services Configuration 802.11(b).3.Prior to installation of
emissions levels of the original Definition List D954000 this modification the installer
product areunchanged and remain RevisionFW dated 26 mustdetermine that the
applicable to this certificate/ ap... November 2010Instructions interrelationship between this
for Continued Airworthiness modification and...
GC93670000-IFCAor later
revisions of the above li...
10032919 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9371 and1.Refer 08/12/2010 Active 10032919
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9371 for the original product remains reference C-10-0641 dated 25 to the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ November 2010TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
approval.The requirements for SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
environmental protection and the October 2004Aero Consulting system is compatible only to IEEE
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Services Configuration 802.11(b).3.Prior to installation of
emissions levels of the original Definition List D954000 this modification the installer
product areunchanged and remain RevisionFU dated 19 mustdetermine that the
applicable to this certificate/ ap... November 2010Instructions interrelationship between this
for Continued Airworthiness modification and...
GC93710000-IFCAor later
revisions of the above li...
10032950 LITEAIR AVIATION FAA STC 777-200, -300, -200LR, Lightweight window plug Installation The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC ST02073SE. dated None 09/12/2010 Active 10032950
PRODUCTS Inc. ST02073SE -300ER product remains applicable tothis July 26,2010LiteAir
certificate/ approvalThe Certification Plan, LAP1009-
requirements for environmental R10. Revision A, dated March
protection and the 11,2010LiteAir Master
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Drawing List, LAP 1009-D01,
emissions levels of the original Revision A, dated June
product areunchanged and remain 23,2010LiteAir Installation
applicable to this certificate/ Drawing. LAP2009. Revision B,
approval dated June 23, 2010or later
revisions of the above listed
10032965 FIELD AVIATION TCCA LSTC C- DHC-8-311 Installation of Aft Baggage Bay Divider FAR 25 as per EASA.IM.A.191The Installation must be in The modification is applicable only 10/12/2010 Active 10032965
COMPANY INC. LSA09-212/D NetsTCCA LSTC C-LSA09-212/D Certification Basis for the original accordance with TCCA when the necessary
product remains applicable tothis approved structuralprovisions are pre-
certificate/ approval.The FieldAviationCompany Inc. existing.
requirements for environmental Modification Instruction
protection and the 218110, IR, dated 30 June
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2009.Maintenance must be in
emissions levels of the original accordance with TCCA
product areunchanged and remain accepted Field
applicable to this c... AviationCompany Inc.
Maintenance Manual
Supplement 218131, IR, dated
30 June2009.or later revisions
of t...

04/01/2023 Page 225 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10032968 BAYO S.A.S. STC 2010-006 HR 100/285 TIARA Installation of single EFIS Aspen EFD1000 Pro The Certification Basis for the original Bayo AFM supplement n Approved software version for 10/12/2010 Active 10032968
HR100/250 TR, HR 100/285 C for VFR navigation. product remains applicable tothis °2010-006, revision 3 dated ACU and PFD units is
HR 100/210, HR 100/210 D certificate/ approval.The certificated 09/12/2010Bayo Master list n 1.1.Navigation coupling to
HR 100/200, HR100/200 B noiseand/ or emissions levels of the ° 2010-006-ML, revision 4 automatic pilot is limited to
original productare unchanged and dated 09/12/2010Bayo heading mode.
remain applicable to this certificate/ modification file n° 2010-006-
approval. DEF, revision 2 dated
10032969 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) REV. 2 CAA UK BD-700-1A10 Activation of Nicemate WLAN System The Certification Basis for the original H4 Aerospace Modification Restricted to ASN 9011.Prior to 14/06/2016 Active 10032969
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis Summary No. MOD H4A1334 installation of this modification it
certificate/ approval.The Issue 4 dated 05 May2011H4 must be determined thatthe
requirements for environmental AFMS No. H4AFMS023H4 ICA interrelationship between this
protection and the No. H4ADR560 Issue 2or later modification and any other
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or revisions of the above listed previouslyinstalled modification
emissions levels of the original documents approvedby EASA and/ or repair will introduce no
product areunchanged and remain adverse effectupon the
applicable to this certificate/ airworthiness of the product.
10032980 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GIV-X Aircraft Completion and Installation of an The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance You cannot use descriptive data 13/12/2010 Active 10032980
AEROSPACE ST04215AT-D Airplane Interior on AircraftSerial 4203. product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace about this design change
CORPORATION certificate/ approval.The Corporation MasterIndex List toduplicateother products. This
requirements for environmental GC414914203, Revision F, approval is limited to only the
protection and the dated November 09, installation madein Gulfstream
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 2010.Aircraft to be GIV-X, A/C 4203. This STC does not
emissions levels of the original maintained in accordance permit manufacturing ofparts for
product areunchanged and remain with Instructions for multiple installations.
applicable to this certificate/ ContinuedAirworthiness
approval. Deviations Supplement
GC42801A431, Revision A,
datedNovember 09, 2010.or
later revis...
10032984 HAWKER CAA UK B200, B300 Installation of Thrane & Thrane Aviator The Certification Basis for the original Installed to Major Change This modification is only applicable 13/12/2010 Active 10032984
BEECHCRAFT Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY 200/300 Inmarsat Satcom withWi-Fi product remains applicable tothis SC0353A at issue 1.Operation to aircraft equipped with
capability on Beechcraft King Air B200/B300 certificate/ approval.The in accordance with Hawker theCollins Proline 21 avionics
requirements for environmental Beechcraft Limited Airplane package. Refer to aircraft defined
protection and the FlightManual Supplements:- in HawkerBeechcraft major change
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or King Air B200:101-590168 SC0353A.
emissions levels of the original Supplement 1, Issue1.King Air
product areunchanged and remain B300: 130-590031
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement 1, Issue 1.Aircraft
approval. to be maintained in
accordance with Instructions
for Continue...
10033022 AVIATION SERVICE AN-26B An-26 Aircraft Upgrade; TCASII CAS-67A, The Certification Basis for the original CP226 and CHH226 None 15/12/2010 Active 10033022
A.S. Mode S Transpon. MST-67A andKT73, EGPWS product and the followingadditional
Mk-VI, NAV/COMM KX165A, GPS155XL, or alternative airworthiness
Audiopanel KMA28, WxRadar ART2000, MFD requirements are applicable tothis
KMD540, ADF KR87, DME KN63, Air Data certificate/ approvalCRI A-100The
Display AD32,RAlt KRA405B, Airspeed Ind. requirements for environmental
LUN110, ELT C406-2; protection and the
associatedcertificated noise and/ or
emissions levels of the original
10033032 SABENA TECHNICS A321 ALL MODELS Full provision for EFB Class 2 on Single Aisle Certification Basis in accordance with - Modification Approval Not applicable 15/12/2010 Active 10033032
BOD A320 ALL MODELS Aircraft EASA Type Certificate Data SheetsA. Sheet, ref. Modification
A319 ALL MODELS 064.The Certification Basis for the S-46-2102,Issue 2,dated 10th
A318 ALL MODELS original product and the December 2010- Certification
followingadditional or alternative Program, ref. DO/N/
airworthiness requirements are 2009/226/DZ, Issue 3, dated
applicable tothis certificate/ 10thDecember 2010- Airplane
approval1. CRI H-01 "Enhanced Flight Manual Supplement,
Airworthiness Programme for ref. AFM-S-D9032-01, Rev.
AeroplaneI... Cor later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EAS...

04/01/2023 Page 226 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033035 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. FAA STC B737-300 Interior Reconfiguration in accordance with The Certification Basis for the original - FSI Master Drawing List None 15/12/2010 Active 10033035
- FSI ST02161SE-D Flight Structure, Inc. (FSI)Master Drawing List product remains applicable tothis B0FS003-D02 Rev.C dated 11-
B0FS003-D02Installation of new windscreen, certificate/ approvalThe certificated Dec-2010- Certification Plan
stowage bin, stowage bin extension noise and/ or emissions levels of the Summary B0FS003-D10-2 Rev.
kits,moveable under-bin class divider, original productare unchanged and C dated 13-Dec-2010-
sidewall panel, lowered ceiling paneland remain applicable to this certificate/ Supplement to Instructions
associated installation hardware. approval for Continued Airworthiness
(ICA)B0FS003-D15 Rev. B
dated 19 November
2010.FAA:"orlater revisions of
the above listed documents
approved by EA...
10033038 MT-PROPELLER REV. 1 TBM 700 N Installation of 5-blade constant speed The Certification Basis (CB) for the According to MT-Propeller According limitation section of 07/09/2015 Active 10033038
ENTWICKLUNG TBM 700 C1, TBM 700 C2, propellerMTV-27-1-E-C-F-R(P)/CFR225-55f original product remains applicableto Master Document List No. AFM-SPrior to installation of this
GmbH TBM 700 A, TBM 700 B, propeller on TBM 700 A, TBM 700 B, TBMC1, this certificate/ approval.This E-2011 Rev.1To be operated design change it must be
TBM C2, TBM 700 N (tradename TBM850), certificate/approval involves a in accordance with MT- determined thatthe
TBM 700 N (tradenameTBM850G1000), TBM change to the requirements Propeller AFM-S Document interrelationship between this
700 N (tradename TBM900) forenvironmental protection or a No. E-1878or later revisions of design change and any
change to the certified noise or the above listed documents otherpreviouslyinstalled design
emissionslevels.CS 36, Amdt 3 and approved by EASA.To be change and/ or repair will
FAR 36 Amdt 30 installed iaw. Installation introduce noadverse effect upon
Instructions Doc. No. E-1879, the airworthiness of the product.
or laterRevisionsTo be
maintained i...
10033096 PETERSEN AVIATION, FAA STC 2. A-1C-180 Operation of airplanes using automotive The Certification Basis for the original Installed iaw Petersen -According limitation section of 17/12/2010 Active 10033096
INC. SA2670CE 1. A-1, A-1A, A-1B gasoline according US STCSA2670CE product remains applicable tothis Drawing No. A-1, dated 12 AFM-S-Limited to those airplanes
certificate/ approval.FAR 23The Nov 1990,FAA approved AFM- equipped with gravity fuel feed
requirementsfor environmental S No 1, dated 27 Nov 1990 tocarburetor only-Notapproved
protection and the orFAA approved AFM-S No 2, for 82UL or mixtures with 82UL-
associatedcertificatednoise and/ or Rev (-), dated 4 Apr 2010,or Limitation as indicated in FAA STC
emissions levels of the original later revisions of theabove SA2670CE also apply
product areunchanged and remain listed documents approved by
applicable to this certificate/ EASA inaccordance with EASA
approval.... ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10033098 AEROLITE AG EC135 VIP Equipment P/N 135748-501 JAR 27 Issue 1The Certification Basis EQL-1 0-01 0 Revision N/ Reg.: \-\ ,,S/N: 17/12/2010 Active 10033098
for the original product remains CIM-10-004 Revision N/
applicable tothis certificate/ CMDL-10-010
approvalThe certificated noise and/
or emissions levels of the original
productareunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificatel/
10033112 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 1 A340-313 A340-300 – “GAF” VIP Cabin Interior The Type and OSD Certification Bases Supplemental Type Design Prior to installation of this change/ 11/11/2021 Active 10033112
AG A340-300 CompletionRev. 1 introduces a reduction of for the original product as Document, STDD00-08/15M repair it must be determined
(EASA.A.S.03762) the Minimum Cabin Crew on a number of8. amendedby the following additional Issue 02, Rev 00, dated25 Oct thatthe interrelationship between
or alternative airworthiness 2021Airplane Flight Manual, this change/repair and any
requirements:- The following A-00-09/138-AFM Issue 02, otherpreviously installed change
paragraph(s) at a later amendment: Rev 00, dated 20 and/ or repair willintroduce no
CS 25.App.S25.50(a)at Amdt 19.- CRI Oct2021Instructions for adverseeffect upon the
A-2301-002EASA Supplemental Type Continued Airworthiness, airworthiness of the product.
Certification Basis forLufthansa A-00-09/138-ICA Issue 03,
Tech... RevIR, dated 08 Sep 2011or
later revisions of the above
listed document(s)u...
10033140 AVIDYNE REV. 1 FAA STC SR20, SR22 Installation of:-Avidyne Model DFC90 The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance As indicated in FAA STC 06/03/2014 Active 10033140
CORPORATION SA00296BO Autopilot P/N 700-00170-000 System, loaded product remains applicable tothis with: Avidyne Master SA00296BOAircraft must be
withRelease 2 software-Avidyne Model certificate/ approvalThe Document List configured with an existing S-TEC
DFC100 Autopilot P/N 700-00170-001 requirements for environmental AVDFC-019,Rev. 10Operation Manual Electric Trim(MET) System
System, loaded withRelease 2 software protection and the in accordance with:-For and with an existing STEC
associatedcertificated noise and/ or DFC90:Avidyne AFM-S Autopilot as follows in order
emissions levels of the original Document 600-00249-000, toaccomplish this STC:Avidyne
product areunchanged and remain Rev 03-For DFC100: Avidyne Corporation Autopilot,,Existing S-
applicable to this certificate/ AFM-S Document TEC,,S-TEC Part NumberFor
approval 600-00271-000, Rev DFC90,,System 20 with 30ALT,,
02Instructions for Continued 01260-(,...
Airworthiness as defined in:
AvidyneAVDFC-030, Rev.o...

04/01/2023 Page 227 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033154 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 SA26-T, SA26-AT, SA226-T Dual Installation of GNS 430 WAAS in The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for Installation: Installation of 3rd dissimilar and 15/11/2017 Active 10033154
GMBH SA227-TT, SA227-AC, SA227- SA226/227 Series product and the followingadditional GNS430-NY-03157-05, Rev. 2, independent COM system
DC or alternative airworthiness dated05.08.2010Flight required toIFR operation.Prior to
SA227-AT requirements are applicable tothis Manual Supplements: installation of this designchange it
SA226-AT, SA226-T(B), certificate/ approval.The GNS430-NY-03157-08, Rev. 3, must be determined thatthe
SA226-TC requirementsfor environmental dated 05.08.2010Instructions interrelationship between this
protection and the for Continued Airworthiness: design change and any
associatedcertificatednoise and/or GNS430-NY-03157-07, Rev. otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original 1,dated 05.08.2010or later change and/or repair will
product areunc... revisions of the above listed introduce noadverse effect upon...
documents approved by EASA
10033155 AVIONITEC AG T303 Avionics RetrofitRemoved:-Garmin GNS 430 The Certification Basis for the original -Master Document List: Doc. Limited to: HB-LUV, S/N 21/12/2010 Active 10033155
NAV/COM/GPS-King KX 165 NAV/COM with product remains applicable tothis No PI91405-017, Rev. 0- T30300058
King KI 206 Indicator-ARC RTA 476A DME- certificate/ approval.The certificated Instructions for Continued
ARC R-446A ADF with ARC IN 346A noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Airworthiness: Doc. No.
IndicatorInstalled:-Garmin GNS530W NAV/ original productare unchanged and PI91405-015, Rev.0-Airplane
COM/GPS (upgrade from a Garmin GNS 430)- remain applicable to this certificate/ Flight Manual Supplement:
Garmin GNS430W NAV/COM/GPS with approval. Doc. No. PI91405-011, Rev.
Garmin GI 106A Ind.-King KN62A DME 1or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10033158 GARMIN REV. 9 FAA B. A200, A200CT Installation of the Garmin G1000 Integrated The Certification Basis for the original Required Data for Model 200 (1) Prior to installation of this 09/09/2022 Active 10033158
INTERNATIONAL, Inc. SA01535WI-D B. 200, 200C, 300, 300LW Avionics Systemand GFC 700Automatic Flight product remains applicable tothis Series:(1) Garmin Master design change it must be
(EASA.IM.A.S.03191) A. B200GT, B300, B300C Control System and optional Electronic certificate/ approval, except where Drawing List (MDL) determinedthat the
A. B200, B200C, B200CGT Stability andProtection (ESP).Rev.7 adds two amended by additional or 005-00421-00, Revision 3, interrelationship between this
new models and updates the Master Data lateramendments if indicated on FAA dated 14March 2009;(2) For design change and any
Lists (MDL) forthe B200 and B300 STC SA01535WI-D.The requirements installations with system otherpreviously installed design
models.Rev. 8 is a correction and re- for environmental protection and the software version 0985.00 or change and/ or repair will
introduces the ment... associatedcertified noise and/ or later,Garmin Airplane Flight introduce noadverse effect upon
emissions levels of theu... Manual Supplement(AFMS) the airworthiness of the product.
190-00915-02, Revision 1, (2) Additional airframe, engine and
dated 14 March 2009;(3) For propelle...
10033161 ANCRA FAA STC B737-400 Installation of main deck cargo loading The Certification Basis for the original Controlled Data List DL84991 EASA validated equivalent to FAA 21/12/2010 Active 10033161
INTERNATIONAL LLC ST02319LA system product remains applicable tothis Rev. C, dated 27/09/2010or STC ST01827LA must be installed
certificate/ approval. later revisions of the above inconjunction with this STC
listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequentrevisions ofthis
10033164 NSE REV. 5 EC135 T3 (CPDS) EC135 NVIS Lighting SystemInstallation of a The Certification Basis for the original - Flight Manual Supplement Conditions: - The first installation 25/05/2016 Active 10033164
EC135 T2 (CPDS) Night Vision Imaging System, to enable product as amendedby thefollowing doc RFMS-EC135-NVIS, Rev. of this kit must be supervised by
(EASA.R.S.01505) EC135 T1 (CPDS) operation withNight Vision Googles. - NVIS additional or alternative 06, including: . Appendix A: the STCholder - Any subsequent
EC135 P2+, EC135 T2+ KIT configuration P/N 60D-1000-000 airworthiness requirements: RFMS including NVIS Kit deviation from the cockpit or cabin
EC135 P2 (CPDS) Amendment 04, intohelicopters with CPDS thefollowing paragraph(s) at a later configurations configurationspecified in the STC
EC135 P1 (CPDS) and conventional flight/navigation amendment:CS27 Amdt. 2 for the 60D-1000-000 / Type Design may affect the
instruments - NVIS KIT configuration P/N changes NVIS KIT configuration P/N 60E-1000-000 . Appendix B: compatibility of theNVIS and will
60E-1000-000 Amendm... 60D-1000-000and P/N RFMS includingNVIS Kit require an engineering evaluation
60E-1000-000.CS 27 Amdt. 3 for the configuration 60F-1000-000 . to assess the effect ofthe ch...
change NVIS... Appendix C: RFMS including
NVIS Kit configuration
60H-1000-000or later
10033170 INNOVATIVE REV. 3 FAA ST02372CH 757-200, 757-300 Installation of an Innovative Solutions and The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List (MDL) Refer to FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 22/03/2021 Active 10033170
SOLUTIONSAND 757-200, 757-200PF, 757-300 Support (IS<(>&<)>S)Integrated Flat Panel product remains applicable tothis Document 1D-07687, Revision 20-188 for compatibility of
(EASA.IM.A.S.03020) SUPPORT, Inc. Display System (IFPDS) and of an L-3 certificate/ approval, except where 33, dated 08February 2021- thisdesign change with previously
AvionicsSystems GH-3100 Electronic Standby amended by additional or Aircraft Flight Manual approved modifications.To comply
Instrument System (ESIS)Rev. 1 rephrases the lateramendments.For changed area Supplement (AFMS) with the EASA Certification Basis
paragraph on limitations.Rev. 2 corrects a the certification basis is CS25 initial Document 1D-07718, above (CRI F-01 inparticular),
typographical error.Rev. 3 adds the model issue.Applicable requirements are: Revision7, dated 10 February aeroplanes modified with this STC
757-... 25.301, 25.303, 25.305, 25.307, 2021- IS<(>&<)>S Instructions must havethe followingLine
25.561, 25.601, 25.603, 2... for Continued Airworthiness Replaceable Units (LRUs)
(ICA) DocumentID-07688, installed:- Integ...
Revision 15, dated 08
February 2021- IS<(>&<)>S E...

04/01/2023 Page 228 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033177 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9369 and1.Refer 21/12/2010 Active 10033177
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9369 for the original product remains reference C-10-1060 dated 16 to the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ December 2010TCCA STC No. required AFM Supplement andto
approval.The requirements for SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
environmental protection and the October 2004Aero Consulting system is compatible only to IEEE
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Services Configuration 802.11(b).
emissions levels of the original Definition List D954000
product areunchanged and remain RevisionFX dated 14
applicable to this certificate/ ap... December 2010Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
GC93690000-IFCAor later
revisions of the above li...
10033185 ROW 44, Inc. REV. 3 FAA STC B737-700/-800/-900/-900ER Installation of Row 44 broadband antenna The Certification Basis for the original Master Data Index Listing - The equipment for which these 15/02/2017 Active 10033185
ST02829CH system provisions.Revision 1: Transfer of product as amendedby thefollowing (MDIL) Doc. No. provisions are intended hasnot
ownership from Armstrong Aerospace to additional or alternative DC104-7023-00, Revision beencertified. Additional approval
Row 44Inc.Revision 2: Validates the airworthiness requirements:Special Y,dated August 12, is required for the installation of
configurations with Boeing's optional Condition(s): H-01 "Enhanced 2015.Instructions for thisequipment and must be
cabinceiling life raft installed. EASA airworthinessprogramme Continued Airworthiness, evaluated to assure satisfactory
Certification basis formally upgradedfrom foraeroplane systems - ICA on Section 2, compliance withthe applicable
CS25 amdt. 1 to amdt. 2.... EWIS".The followingparagraph(s) at a AirworthinessLimitations, as airworthiness standards.- For
later amendment: CS 25 amdt. 2 for identified in Row 44 individual effective aircraft NOT fitted with
theaffe... configuration Masterdata List Low Cabin A...
contained within Master Data
Index Listing, Document
10033186 ROW 44, Inc. REV. 6 FAA -700/ -800/ -900/ -900ER Installation and Activation of a Row 44 The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data Index Listing - The Row 44 Wireless Broadband 07/11/2018 Active 10033186
ST02836CH-D broadband system.Revision 1: Limitation product as amendedby thefollowing (MDIL) Doc. System is intended to provide
about Honeywell displays P/N 4091900-xxx additional or alternative No.DC104-7024-00, Revision internetconnection and email
added.Revision 2: Transfer of ownership airworthiness requirements:Special AH,dated December 28, services to the airplane’s cabin
from Armstrong Aerospace to Row Condition(s):. H-01 “Enhanced 2016.- Instructions for using portableelectronic devices
44Inc.Revision 3: Validation of the airworthiness programme for Continued Airworthiness as (PEDs). Any other use of this
configurations with the option to installa new aeroplane systems – ICA onEWIS” identified in each MasterData equipment requiresadditional
ROW44 High Power Tran... Issue 2.. F-01 “Installation of Wireless List referenced in the MDIL approval.- Row 44 Broadband
Area Networks (WLAN)” Issue 3.Th... Doc. No.DC104-7024-00, Antenna System Provisions
Revision AHdated December installation must beaccomplish...
28, 2016.- Airplane Flight
Manual Supplements as
10033194 TELEDYNE UK REV. 1 CAA UK B737-600/-700/-800/-900/-9 Installation of enhanced airborne data The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List MOD- This modification is only applicable 26/11/2020 Active 10033194
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY 00ER loaderRev. 1: Transfer from Teledyne Limited product as amendedby thefollowing MDL-024-02 Issue 2 dtd. 12 to 737 aircraft that already havean
(EASA.A.S.03937) 737-900, 737-900ER to Teledyne UK Limited. additional or alternative Oct 2010-Instructions for ADL installed or have provisions
737-600, 737-700, 737-800 airworthiness requirements:- CS Continued Airworthiness for installation of an
25.1713 Amdt 5 - EWIS Fire MOD-ICA-024 Rev. 1dtd. ADL.Compatibility must be
Protection, Wire Insulation 12Feb 2010or later revisions established for each aircraft.
flammability- CRI H-1 Enhanced of the above listed document
Airworthiness Programme for (s) approved/acceptedunder
Aeroplane Systems – ICAon EWIS- the EASA system.
10033212 KUERZI AVIATION AG REV. 1 MDD 500N MD520N Gyro camera & equipment inst. CAR 6 dated December 20, 1956, - Flight Manual Supplement Reg.: \-\ S/N: LN052; LN 068; 14/02/2013 Active 10033212
(Gyrocam "Turret Assy" for filming or live including Amendments 6-1 through Doc. No. FMS 201032936;or LN069Prior to installation of this
broadcasting) 6-4 andSpecial Conditions.The later revisions of the above design change it must be
Certification Basis for the original listed documents approved by determined thatthe
product remains applicable tothis EASA.- Operating Instructions interrelationship between this
certificate/approval.The certificated Doc. No. OPI-201032936;- design change and any
noise and/ or emissions levels of the Master data list Doc. otherpreviously installed design
original productare unchanged and MDL-201032936; change and/ or repair will
remain applicable to this... introduce noadverse effect upon
the airworthiness of the
product.The insta...
10033224 DECA AVIATION O-LSA07-225/ P-180 AVANTI II TCA STC No. O-LSA07-225/D Issue 1 "Import The Certification Basis for the original AFM Supplement No. None 04/01/2011 Active 10033224
ENGINEERING Ltd.d/ D,ISSUE 1 Configuration - InteriorCompletion (including product remains applicable tothis FMS10131.1, Rev. 1 dated 7
b/a PAL AEROSPACE various cabin installations)" certificate/ approval.The December 2010Weight &
requirements for environmental Balance Manual Supplement
protection and the No. WBS10131, Rev. 1 dated 7
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or December2010or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval. Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis

04/01/2023 Page 229 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033225 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK PA-44-180 & PA-44-180T Installation of Garmin G500/G600 PFD/ND CS-23The Certification Basis for the Master Data List MDL1151-01 None 05/01/2011 Active 10033225
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY original product remains applicable Issue 1Change Statement
tothis certificate/ approvalThe CS1151-01 Issue 1Instructions
requirements for environmental for Continued Airworthiness
protection and the ICA1151-01 Issue 1Flight
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Manual Supplement
emissions levels of the original AFMS1151-01 Issue 1or later
product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed
applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA
10033233 TENENCIA Ltd. CAA UK AVRO 146-RJ85 Modification TEN 655, AVRO 146-RJ85, The Certification Basis for the original Modification TEN 655, AVRO Serial numbers E2323 and E2325 05/01/2011 Active 10033233
RESPONSIBILITY Installation of 3R and4R Galleysand No. 3 product and the followingadditional 146-RJ85, 3R and 4R Galley only.
VHF COMM or alternative airworthiness and No 3 VHF
requirements are applicable tothis CommInstallation. Tenencia
certificate/ approvalJAR-25 at Ltd document number TEN
Change 10 in lieu of JAR-25 at Change 655, Issue 3 dated
5.Electronic Wiring Interconnection 24thDecember 2010.or later
System (EWIS) requirements in revisions of the above listed
CS-25Amendment 8 Appendi... documents approved by EASA
10033237 AEROSPACE DESIGN CAA UK B767-300 Installation of First Class Seating The Certification Basis for the original Modification Summary, None 05/01/2011 Active 10033237
AND RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis MOD-836, Revision A,
ENGINEERINGCONSU certificateThe requirements for 12/10/2010or later revisions
LTANTS LTD environmental protection and the of the above listed documents
associatedcertificated noise and/ or approved by EASA
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this approval
10033242 ST ENGINEERING A321 Passenger Compartment Reconfiguration Certification Basis in accordance with - Master Document List, ref. Not applicable 06/01/2011 Active 10033242
AEROSPACE LTD. EASA Type Certificate Data SheetsA. doc. 386/003/AED/002, Rev.
064.The Certification Basis for the A, dated 17thDecember 2010-
original product and the LOPA STC Certification Plan,
followingadditional or alternative ref. 386/003/AED/001, Rev. B,
airworthiness requirements are dated 17thDecember 2010or
applicable tothis certificate/ later revisions of the above
approval1. CRI H-01 "Enhanced listed documents approved by
Airworthiness Programme for EASA
10033253 DART AEROSPACE TCCA STC L, L1, L3, L4, 407 Automatic Door Opener Kits (Cabin and The Certification Basis for the original MDL-D407-802 revision A None 07/01/2011 Active 10033253
Ltd. SH10-44 206, A, A1, B, B1 Baggage Doors). product and the followingadditional dated 17 November 2010 -
or alternative airworthiness Master Document List;IIN-
requirements are applicable tothis D407-802 revision A dated 13
certificate/ approvalFAR 27 October 2010 -
amendment 27-45The requirements InstallationInstructions;ICA-
for environmental protection and the D407-802 revision 0 dated13
associatedcertificated noise and/ or October 2010 - Instructions
emissions levels of the o... forContinued Airworthiness.
10033267 SUPERVAN SYSTEMS, REV. 4 FAA SA10841SC 208 AND 208B The modification consists of removal of the The following paragraph(s) at a later Airplane Flight Manual STC Compatibility with other STCs: 30/09/2022 Active 10033267
Ltd. 208, 208B Pratt & WhitneyPT6A-114/114A engine to amendment:Based on 14CFR §§ Supplements: The following Model 208 airplanes:Compatible
install a Honeywell TPE331-12JR engine 21.101 and 21.115, and the FAA FAA-Approved Manual with gross weight increase
andHartzell propeller, identified below, along policy for significantchanges in FAA Supplements, at the changesper STC SA270CH. Model
with associated installationcomponents in Order 8110.48, the certification basis indicatedrevision level or later 208 airplanes: Compatible with
accordance with Supervan Master Data for the Cessna 208and 208B modified FAA-approved revision, are Wipaire float modification
ListSSL-MDL-208-4001, Rev. Q, dated in accordance with Supervan Master required forairplanes with the STCSA1311GL. Wipaire Service Kit
December 28, 202... Data List,SSL-MDL-208-4001, Rev. Q, 900 SHP (-702TT or -704TT) 25 must be installed on aircraft
dated December 28,r... engines installed: For 208 withserial number 20800329 and
Model Landplane: Document earlier.per...
10033276 SKYTRAC SYSTEMS TCCA STC EC 120 B Sky Track ISAT AIRBORNE POSITION / The Certification Basis for the original - Avionics Design Services LTD None 11/01/2011 Active 10033276
Ltd. SH10-24 ISSUE 2 COMMUNICATION UPGRADEThemodification product and the followingadditional Master Drawing List
upgrades an existing ISAT-100 Airborne or alternative airworthiness MDL10033, Revision B,Issue 1,
Position / DataCommunicator system requirements are applicable tothis dated December 17, 2010.
installation to an ISAT-200 system(This EASA certificate/ approvalSpecial (relative to the EC 120B)-
approval validates the TCCA STC SH10-24, Conditionon Lythium Batteries as per Avionics Design Services LTD
Issue 2) EASA CRI F-01 Issue 2The Drawing List DL10033-1,
requirements for environmental Revision A, Issue1, dated
protection and the associatedcertifi... December 17, 2010.- Flight
Manual Supplement
FMS10033-1, Revision A,
dated November 24,2...

04/01/2023 Page 230 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033281 SABENA TECHNICS F28 MK 0100 Fokker 100 CABIN VIP (premod EASA STC A.S. JAR 25 Change 11 CRI D-04 dated 7 January This Change to STC A.S.02677 does 11/01/2011 Active 10033281
BOD 02677) 2011AFM Supplement FMS- not require a technical change to
(EASA.A.S.03943) FK-1003-25-001 dated 7 theaircraft.Private use only, max
January 2011 30 passengers
10033288 SAFRAN REV. 5 AS 355 NP INSTALLATION OF HELICOMV2- The Certification Basis for the original - Design change N3-AS355 NP- The system does not replace 27/02/2020 Active 10033288
ELECTRONICS & NUMInstallation of a System for Tracking and product as amendedby thefollowing HV2 NUM-E-B-03- Installation standard maintenance records and
(EASA.R.S.01542) DEFENSEBUSINESS Recording a set of flight andsystem additional or alternative Manual N7-AS355 NP-HV2 pilotreporting. Any broadcasting
UNIT - HELICOPTERS parameters during operation of the airworthiness requirements:- Special NUM-E-B-03- Maintenance must be done in accordance with
DATAMANAGEMENT rotorcraftRev. 5: STC holder name change Condition(s): CRI F-01 for Lithium Manual Supplement N8- Nationalregulations.The approval
SOLUTIONS & from I.S.E.I International Services toSAFRAN Battery Installation AS355 NP-HV2 NUM-E-B-03. holder shall fulfillthe obligations of
SERVICES ELECTRONICS& DEFENSE BUSINESS UNIT - dated17/05/2013.The requirements Part 21, Paragraph21A.109.Prior to
HELICOPTERS DATA for environmental protection and the installation of this modification it
MANAGEMENTSOLUTIO... associatedcertificated noise and/ o... must be determined thatthe in...
10033290 DELTA ENGINEERING FAA STC B747-400 Modification of existing Mode S The Certification Basis for the original Maintenance Manual This approval is for the 11/01/2011 Active 10033290
CORPORATION ST01662NY Transponders & TCAS by installation product remains applicable tothis Supplement Doc. No. replacement of the Transponder
ofHoneywell/ACSS P/N 7517800-10004 ATDL certificate/ approval. 0707-05223-2059, dated Units and TCAS.This approval does
Transponders & 4066010-910 TCAS February12, 2003 or later not include the transponder and
inaccordance with Delta Engineering Master revisions of the above listed TCAS system, wiring,trays,
Drawing List 0107-05185-2059,Rev A, dated documents approved byEASA antennas, structural provisions,
April 18,2003.Validation of FAA STC in accordance with EASA ED etc.
ST01662NY Decision2004/04/CF (or
subsequentrevisions of this
10033295 RANDIGO LLC REV. 1 FAA STC 208B Installation of Honeywell TPE331-12JR The Certification Basis for the original Aero Twin, Inc. Master This modification is not compatible 03/03/2021 Active 10033295
SA02291AK 208, 208B turbine engine and HartzellHC-B4TN-5QL/ product as amendedby thefollowing Descriptive Data List 850- with:i. Cessna 208 serial numbers
(EASA.IM.A.S.02690) 208 LT10890N(K) or HC-B4TN-5QL/LT10891N(K) additional or alternative MDDL, issue 10, datedMay 20800001 through 20800013,
propeller andassociated structure and airworthiness requirements:the 14, 2012.For Cessna 208: FAA 20800416,20800500 and greaterii.
equipment in accordance with FAA STC following paragraph(s) at a later approved Airplane Flight Cessna 208B serial numbers
SA02291AK. amendment:14CFR Part 23 effective Manual Supplement, Doc.No. 208B1190, 208B1216, 208B2000
February 1, 1965, as amended by 850-AFMS, Rev. C, FAA and greateriii. FAA STC
Amendments 23-1through approved June 11, 2012, with SA01478WIb) This modificationhas
23-28.Additionally, 12 CFR Part 23 Supplement 9-1for Flight Into been verified to be compatible
effectiv... Known Icing (FIKI), Rev. A, with both theoriginal whe...
dated November 20, 2012.For
10033323 AEROLITE AG REV. 2 429 EMS Equipment P/N 429020-501/-502The The Certification Basis (CB) for the For EMS Equipment P/N Prior to installation of this design 15/03/2016 Active 10033323
following modifications to the EMS original product remains applicableto 429020-501:- Flight Manual- change it must be determined
Equipment P/N 429020-501 areincluded:- this certificate/ approvalThe Supplement: thatthe interrelationship between
Introduction of Cargo Platform P/N requirements for environmental FMS-429020-501, Rev. A- this design change and any
429022-502- Modification of Electrical Power protection and the Airworthiness Limitations, otherpreviously installed design
System- Introduction of additional door light- associatedcertified noise and/ or AWL-429020-501, Rev. A, change and/ or repair will
Introduction of Stowage Net P/N emissions levels of the original dated 19.02.2011For EMS introduce noadverse effect upon
429045-501/503This STC revisio... product areunchanged and remain Equipment P/N 429020-502:- the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Flight Manual-Supplement:
approval. FMS-429020-502, Rev. 0-
Airworthiness Limitations,
AWL-429020-502, Rev. 0,
dated 19.02....
10033384 LEES AVIONICS Ltd. CAA UK LEARJET 35, LEARJET 35A Installation of single or dual Universal The Certification Basis for the original Refer to Master Documents Refer to Flight Manual Change 17/12/2010 Active 10033384
RESPONSIBILITY Avionics UNS-1Lor UNS-1LW FMS (Flight product and the followingadditional List MDL-1159, issue 1or later Sheet FCMS-1159, issue 1
Management System) or alternative airworthiness revisions of the above listed
requirements are applicable tothis documents approved by EASA
certificate/ approvalRefer to
Certification Plan CP-1159, issue 1,
and Compliance RecordCR-1159,
issueThe requirements for
environmental protection and the
10033395 SCANDINAVIAN REV.1 CESSNA S550 GPS / Navigation / Communication, Dual EASA TCDS IM.A.207The Certification ·,,Master Document List None 21/01/2011 Active 10033395
AVIONICS DESIGN CESSNA 550 Garmin GNS 430/530 AWinstallationThe Basis for the original product remains "2053445 DOC" Issue 3 from
ApS CESSNA 500 installation includes GPS antenna and single applicable tothis certificate/ 20 Jan. 2011·,,Aircraft Flight
marker beacon receiver(KMR 675 or 51Z6) approvalThe requirements for Manual Supplement for GNS
installation environmental protection and the 430/530
associatedcertificated noise and/ or AW,VHFCommunication
emissions levels of the original Receiver, VOR/ILS Receiver /
product areunchanged and remain GPS Receiver "2053445-AM
applicable to this certificate... A"Issue 1 from 01 June
2010·,,Aircraft Flight Manual
Supplement for Collins 51Z6
Marker BeaconReceiver

04/01/2023 Page 231 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033397 NASCO AIRCRAFT FAA STC MD-88 FAA STC No. ST02321LA Validation The Certification Basis for the original Nasco MD80 Compliance Refer to FAA STC ST02321LA 18/01/2011 Active 10033397
BRAKE, INC. ST02321LA DC-9-87 (MD-87) "Installation and replacement of product and the followingadditional check list FAA project
DC-9-83 (MD-83) brakeComponents" or alternative airworthiness ST13341LA-T;
DC-9-82 (MD-82) requirements are applicable tothis NascoConfiguration Control
DC-9-81 (MD-81) certificate/approval.For parts not Drawing-Record of drawing
changed or not affected by the changes Doc, NCC010Revision
change refer to FAA TCDSA6WE; for NC, dated 30 September
parts changed or affected by the 2010, Nasco Component
change since the reference... Maintenance
Manualcontaining Instruction
for Continued Airworthiness
(ICA), Doc. CMMMD8001,
Revision IR, date 30 Sep...
10033410 ROSEN SUNVISOR FAA STC DHC-6-100, -200, -300 Cockpit Sun Visor installation in accordance The Certification Basis for the original Rosen Drawing List Number none 19/01/2011 Active 10033410
SYSTEMS L.L.C. SA3529NM with FAA STC SA3529NM product remains applicable tothis RTO-00DL, Rev. A, dated June
certificate/ approval.The 29, 2010Rosen Sunvisor
requirements for environmental Systems Installation
protection and the Instruction, Doc.
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 9041-0169-001,Rev. A, dated
emissions levels of the original June 29, 2010or later
product areunchanged and remain revisions ofthe above listed
applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA
approval. inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthi...
10033420 PARMA - TECHNIK, 3. M 337, M 337A, M 337AK Prolongation of TBO for the M137, M332 and The Certification Basis for the original Walter-Motor-Service none 19/01/2011 Active 10033420
S.R.O. 2. M 332, M 332A, M 332AK M337 engines in serviceaccording to the product remains applicable tothis procedure No.WMS-
1. M 137A, M 137AZ procedure No. WMS - OS/09/04 (Definition certificate/ approval. OS-09/04,Rev.2, 27.10.2010
document)under the AP DOA Parma Technik
organization No. M332, 137, 337/001
10033430 DELTA ENGINEERING REV. 1 FAA STC ATR 72-212A Installation of Delta Engineering Synchro's The Certification Basis (CB) for the Delta Engineering Master 1- The APM function, included in 05/06/2014 Active 10033430
CORPORATION ST02647NY ATR 72-211, ATR 72-212 and Sagem ED36 AFDAU withAPM (Aircraft original product remains applicableto Data List, ref: Sagem ED36 AFDAU, is advisory
ATR 72-201, ATR 72-202 Performance Monitor)EASA Validation of FAA this certificate/ approval.The 0101-06413-2166 Revision only2- Following the various
ATR 72-101, ATR 72-102 STC ST02647NY - amended on 04th October requirements for environmental J,dated October 25th, configurations supported bythis
ATR 42-320, ATR 42-500 2013This STC installs Delta Engineering protection and the 2013.Aircraft Flight Manual STC, whetherthe Delta Engineering
ATR 42-200, ATR 42-300 Synchro's in several areas forrecording associatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement, ref: Synchro's are interfaces with the
control position data for the flight data emissions levels of the original 0601-08709-2166, October Sagem ED36AFDAU, whether the
recorder sys... product areunchanged and remain 04th2013Instructions for Delta EngineeringSynchro's must
applicable to this certificate/ continued airworthiness, ref: interface with theSagem ED 35
approval. 0701-06417-2166 ADFAU component...
RevisionF,dated October 24th
2013.or later revisions of the
above list...
10033449 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 1 A319-133 Airbus Corporate Jet Centre Modification The Certification Basis for the original -Modification Approval Sheet, This STC is limited to A319-133 22/11/2013 Active 10033449
CJ0615 - "VIP Interior - HNA"Revision due to product as amendedby thefollowing ref.: CJ0615 Issue 5, dated MSN 4042Prior to installation of
update of AFM-S and MPD-S additional or alternative 24th October2013-Airplane this design change it must be
airworthiness requirements as Flight Manual - AFM determined thatthe
listedin the General CRI G-4113 Supplement, ref.: FM-S MOD interrelationship between this
"ACJC Project Certification Basis".The CJ0615, dated1st October design change and any
requirements for environmental 2013-Maintenance Planning otherpreviously installed design
protection and the Document - MPD change and/ or repair will
associatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement, ref.: MPD-S introduce noadverse effect upon
emissions lev... MOD CJ0615,dated 1st the airworthiness of the
October 2013or later product.The inst...
revisions of the above listed
10033452 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK B757-200 Carriage of Horses & Grooms in Freighter a/c The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List, This design change is applicable to 21/01/2011 Active 10033452
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY product and the followingadditional S21.MDL-0846, Initial Issue, Boeing 757-200
or alternative airworthiness 19/01/2011Airplane Flight aircraftconvertedunder Boeing's
requirements are applicable tothis Manual Supplement, Special Freighter Programme,
certificateFor changed areas these S21.FMS-0071, Issue 2, approved by the UK CAA
additional Special Conditions are part 19/01/2011Instructions for underAirworthiness Approval Note
of thedefined Certification Continued Airworthiness, AAN 27308 (acceptable to EASA
Basis,,D-01, Protection of Essential S21.TEC-0286, Issue under the EASAGrandfather
Systems,,D-02, Insta... 1,17/12/2010or later provisions).
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 232 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033463 S-TEC CORPORATION FAA STC TB9, TB10, TB20, TB21, Installation of S-TEC System 55/55X Two Axis The Certification Basis for the original 1) Installation in accordance Optional Autotrim System not 24/01/2011 Active 10033463
SA8401SW-D TB200 Automatic Flight GuidanceSystem, Model product remains applicable tothis with both:- FAA Approved S- eligible on Socata model TB 9,TB
ST-547 (28 Volt System) certificate/ approval. TEC Bulletin No. 647, dated 10, andTB 200 (Group
02-Nov-09, Revision 4- FAA Aerospatiale)
Approved S-TEC Master
Drawing List No. 92697, dated
02-Nov-09,Revision D2)
Operation in accordance
with:a) For Socata models
TB9, TB 10, and TB 200
(Group Aerospatiale):
FAAapproved Pilot...
10033485 ADAC LUFTFAHRT EC135T2 (CPDS), EC135 T2+ Installation of Dual Garmin GNS 430W into EC The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual None 25/01/2011 Active 10033485
TECHNIK GmbH EC135P2 (CPDS), EC135 P2+, 135 with MEGHAS cockpitInstallation of two product remains applicable tothis Supplement:-,,EC135-01066-0
GNS430W linked with indication on the certificate/ approvalThe 25-MFS-00 Rev. 0orlater
FCDSas definedin the Master Drawing List requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
EC135-01 066-005-LIN and based on ALT protection and the documents approved by
MajorChange EC135-01066. associatedcertificated noise and/ or EASA·,,EC135-01066-023-
emissions levels of the original MMS Rev. 0 Instructions for
product areunchanged and remain Continued
applicable to this certificate/ Airworthiness·,,EC135-01066-
approval 004-DIN Rev. 0 Installation
Instructionsor later revisions
of the above listed
10033486 HAECO CABIN REV. 1 FAA STC 747-400F Installation of a Rockwell Collins Aero H+ The Certification Basis for the original N.A. None 04/02/2011 Active 10033486
SOLUTIONS, LLC ST03143AT-D 747-400, 747-400 (BCF), Satcom System inaccordancewith TIMCO product remains applicable tothis
Master Data List 04T089L01, Rev. IR, dated certificate/ approval
November 25, 2005or later FAA approved
10033488 B/E AEROSPACE, INC. FAA STC 777-300, 777-300ER Installation of B/E Aerospace Pantry Air The Certification Basis for the original Master drawing List Not Applicable 25/01/2011 Active 10033488
ST14379LA-T Chiller P/N 470-1 product and the followingadditional ECS470-42 revision A dated
or alternative airworthiness June 3, 2010Instruction for
requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness
certificate/ approvalSpecial ECS470-43 revision Cdated
ConditionCRI H-01 EWISThe July9, 2010or later revisions
certificated noise and/ or emissions of the above listed documents
levels of the original productare approved by EASA
unchanged and remain applicable... inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10033490 HELIKOPTER AIR REV. 4 EC135 T2+, EC135 T3 Replacement of Onboard Talon System with The Certification Basis (CB) for the -AFM Supplement 9.2-85-004 Installation does not constitute 06/05/2020 Active 10033490
TRANSPORT EC135 T1, EC135 T2 improved IAOSI hook AS 21-17.Rev. 1: original product remains applicableto Revision 3 dated 04.05.2020- operational approval.Approval of
GESELLSCHAm.b.H. EC135 P3, EC135 T1, EC135 Modification of double hook beam and this certificate/ approval.The Engineering Order 85-004 R4 PCDS (Personal Carrying Device
T2 release mechanism.Rev. 2: Modification of requirements for environmental dated 22.08.2022-Instructions System) for external loadoperation
EC135 P2+, EC135 P3 the design of the Push-Pull Cables of protection and the for Continued Airworthiness, must be granted by the competent
EC135 P1, EC135 P2, EC135 theMechanical Release System to optimize associatedcertified noise and/ or Chapter 11 Instructions authority.Prior to installation of
P2+ itsperformance and flexibility.Rev. 3: Adds emissions levels of the original forContinued Airworthiness: this design change it must be
EC135 P1, EC135 P2 wiring & Installati... product areunchanged and remain "11.1 Daily Check" of EO determined thatthe
applicable to this certificate/ 85-004 R4 dated22.08.2022 interrelationship between this
approval. and "11.2 Intermediate design change and an...
Inspections" of EO 85-004 R4
10033501 CARLISLE REV. 4 FAA STC A321-272N/-272NX Installation of ECS EZMount® mechanical The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List ECS-206919, Prior to installation of this design 05/01/2021 Active 10033501
INTERCONNECT ST02626CH A321-253N/-253NX/-271N/- mounting assemblieson lowerframes of product as amendedby thefollowing Revision AA, dated August 11, change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.03101) TECHNOLOGIES 271NX cockpit sliding windowsRev. 3: Addition of additional or alternative 2020ICA supplement thatthe interrelationship between
A321-251N/-251NX/-252N/- “Neo” models to the applicability listRev. 4: airworthiness requirements:the ECS-206923 revision E, dated this design change and any
252NX Correction of models following paragraph(s) at a later August 05, 2014Configuration otherpreviously installed design
A321-211/-212/-213/-231/-2 amendment:CS25 amdt 0: 25.29(b), 1 AFM supplement change and/ or repair will
32 25.301(a)(b), 25.303, 25.305(a)(b), ECS-206922 Revision B, dated introduce noadverse effect upon
A321-111/-112/-131 25.307(a),25.561(b)(3)(c), 25.601, August 31,2020Configuration the airworthiness ofthe
A320-271N/-272N/-273N 25.603, 25.605(a), 25.609(a)(... 2 AFM supplement product.The equipment for which
A320-251N/-252N/-253N ECS-208318 Revision B, dated these provisions are int...
A320-231/-232/-233 August 31,2020Configuration
A320-211/-212/-214/-216 3 AFM supplement...

04/01/2023 Page 233 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033551 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) REV. 1 CAA UK 737-300, -400, -500, -800 Introduction of Cockpit Door Surveillance and EASA TCDS IM.A.120The Certification H4 Aerospace Modification None 01/02/2012 Active 10033551
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY Cabin WitnessSystem Basis for the original product remains Summary No. MOD H4A1356
applicable tothis certificate/ Issue 2 dated 24January
approvalThe requirements for 2011.H4 AFMS No.
environmental protection and the H4AFMS024H4 ICA No.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or H4ADR585or later revisions of
emissions levels of the original the above listed documents
product areunchanged and remain approved byEASA
applicable to this certificate...
10033558 BOMBARDIER REV. 1 TCCA STC CL-600-2B16 Dual Power for Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) - EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis -Transport Canada STC No. The complete custom aircraft 11/08/2011 Active 10033558
AEROSPACE SA10-109 Challenger 604/605 for the original product remains SA10-109 Issue 1 dated 22 interior defined by EASA STC No.
applicable tothis certificate/ December 2010.-ACS-NAI Ltd. 10016019must be installed
approval.The requirements for Modification Data Summary concurrently or as a pre-requisite.
environmental protection and the Number G918000 Revision A
associatedcertificated noise and/ or dated30 May 2011 or later
emissions levels of the original approved revision.-ACS-NAI
product areunchanged and remain Ltd. Airplane Flight Manual
applicable to this certificate/ ap... Supplement G918090
Revision A orlater approved
revision.-Instructions for
Continued Air...
10033580 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS CAA UK EC135 T2, EC135 T2+ Installation of Spectrolab Nightsun XP on The Certification Basis for the original Maintenance Requirements None 16/11/2010 Active 10033580
UK LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY EC135 T1, EC135 T1 (CPDS) EC135 equipped with ECUKequipment pod. product remains applicable tothis Document MR/135787-001,
Equipment inspection and re-certification to certificate/ approval.The Issue C,
close therequirement for AD No. requirements for environmental dated05.11.2010Design
2010-0183R1.Note: Identical to STC with ref. protection and the Report DR/135787-001, Issue
10032575, re-issued for associatedcertificated noiseand/ or E, dated 02.11.2010
administrativepurposes. emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10033582 S-TEC CORPORATION FAA STC H35, J35, K35, M35, N35, P35 Installation of S-TEC 40/50 Single and Two Design:Non-significant changeThe FAA approved S-TEC Bulletin None 28/01/2011 Active 10033582
SA5210SW-D Axis Automatic FlightGuidance Systems, Certification Basis of theoriginal No.288, dated 20-Jul-1983,
Model ST-188-40/50 (14V - System) product remains applicable tothis Initial Issue, orlater approved
changeEnvironmental Protection:The revisionFAA approved S-TEC
certificated noise and/ or emissions Master Drawing List No.
levels of the original productare 92216, dated 20-
unchanged and remain applicable to Jul-1983,Initial Issue, or later
this certificate/ approval approved revisionFAA
Approved Supplement to
Pilot’s Operating Handbook
and/or FAAApproved Airplane
Flight Manual0...
10033617 AIRFILM CAMERA FAA STC 2. AB412 AND AB412EP Nose Mount Utility Bracket The Certification Basis for the original AF412NM-010 revision N/C None 31/01/2011 Active 10033617
SYSTEMS, INC SR02297LA 1. BELL 212, 412 AND 412EP product remains applicable tothis dated 1 October 2009 -
certificate/ approvalThe Master Drawing
requirements for environmental List;AF412NM-006 revision IR
protection and the dated 25 May 2010 -
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Installation
emissions levels of the original Instructions;AF412NM-007
product areunchanged and remain revision N/C dated 25 May
applicable to this certificate/ 2010 - Flight Manual
approval Supplement;AF412NM-008
revision N/C dated 15 April
2010 - Instructions
forContinued Airworthiness.
10033622 KUERZI AVIATION AG AS 350 B2, AS 350 B3 G500H Avionic Retrofit (Option 1 & 2)Option The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement None 31/01/2011 Active 10033622
1Out:Original OEM installed-Airspeed product and the followingadditional Doc. No.: FMS-201034169
Indicator-Gyro Horizon-Altimeter-Turn & or alternative airworthiness Rev. Originalor later revisions
Bank Indicator-Directional Gyro-Vertical requirements are applicable tothis of the above listed documents
Speed IndicatorIn:-Garmin G500H system certificate/ approval.CRI A-01 - approvedby EASAMaster
including PFD/MFD GDU 620-Attitude G500HAvionics Retrofit, Issue 3, 11 Document List Doc. No.:
heading Reference System GRS 77H-Air Data January 2011The certificatednoise MDL-201034169 Rev. N/
System GDC 74H-L3 Elec... and/ or emissions levels of the CInstructions for Continued
original productare un... Airworthiness Doc. No.:
ICA-201034169 Rev.N/C

04/01/2023 Page 234 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033638 AERODATA AG REV. 1 HAWKER 800 (U125) Installation of Aerodata FIS (Flight Inspection The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance none 25/02/2011 Active 10033638
BAE.125 SERIES 800A System).TheFIS installation consists of non- product remains applicable tothis with Aerodata Master
essential sensor systems in thecabin and a certificate/ approval.The document list,MDL-A/C-155,
camera system in the tail cone to enable requirements for environmental Rev. 2Operation in
calibrationmissions for navigation protection and the accordance with Aerodata
equipment. associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Flight Manual Supplement,
emissions levels of the original AFM-113,Rev. 1Continued
product areunchanged and remain Airworthiness in accordance
applicable to this certificate/ with Aerodata Aircraft
approval. MaintenanceManual
Supplement, AMM-1045, Rev
0or later revisions of the
above lis...
10033641 RUAG AEROSPACE EMB-135BJ Modification 289A: Thrane & Thrane Aero SB The Certification Basis for the original Modification 289A "Thrane & None 01/02/2011 Active 10033641
SERVICES GmbH Lite Satcom Installation product remains applicable tothis Thrane Aero SB Lite Satcom
(EASA.A.S.03896) certificate/ approval.Cert Basis per Installation"Master Document
TCDS IM.A.032 plus:CRI F-29/03896 List 289A-MDL Rev. D dtd.
"WLAN"Voluntary compliance to 26.01.11-AFM Supplement
CRIH-1 "EWIS"The certificated noise 289A-AFMS Rev. N/C dtd.
and/ or emissions levels of the 16.10.09-AMM Supplement
original productare unchanged and with Airworthiness
remain applicable to... Limitations 289A-AMMS Rev.
C dtd.24.01.11or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved...
10033659 AERLYPER S.A. REV. 1 EC135 P2, EC135 P2+ Installation of STAR SAFIRE HD Camera The Certification Basis for the original - Document: «Lista de None 02/03/2011 Active 10033659
System & Digital TransmissionSystem product and the followingadditional Documentos y Planos», n°:
(EASA.R.S.01507) or alternative airworthiness 101499, Edition: 03,Date:
requirements are applicable tothis 28-01-2011- Document:
certificate/ approvalJAR 27 «Suplemento al Manual de
Amendment 3, dated 01/04/2002, Vuelo», n°: 101511, Edition:
for paragraphs 27.561 & 27.602JAR 00,Date: 28-01-2011-
27 Amendment 2, dated 01/05/2001, Document: «Instrucciones de
for paragraphs 27.610, 27.805 &2... Aeronavegabilidad
Continuada», n°:
101512,Edition: 00, Date:
28-01-2011or later revisions
of the abov...
10033667 AVIATION SUPPORT MD900 Installation of an Equipment Rack The Certification Basis for the original Master drawing list; MDL- None 02/02/2011 Active 10033667
GmbH product and the followingadditional ASE-90906 Rev0-1Compliance
or alternative airworthiness Report;CR-ASE-90906 Rev
requirements are applicable tothis 0-1ICA; ICA-ASE-90906 Rev
certificate/ approvalCS-27 Amdt. 0-2RFM Supplement; FMS-
2The requirements for ASE-90906 Rev 0-2or later
environmental protection and the revisions of the above listed
associatedcertificated noise and/ or documents approved by EASA
emissions levels of the original pr...
10033670 AVIATION SUPPORT REV. 2 AB206 A, AB206 B Installation of ALMA G2 system (Airborne The Certification Basis for the original FMS-ASE-90902 revision 0-2 With ALMA G2 system INSTALLED, 18/08/2015 Active 10033670
GmbH 206A, 206B Laser Methane Assessment) – GasDetection product as amendedby thefollowing dated 17 August 2015 – Flight Vne=100KIASWith ALMA G2
System as described in document PB- additional or alternative ManualSupplement;ICA- system RUNNING, VFR DAY
ASE-90902.The purpose of Revision 1 is to airworthiness requirements:CS 27.25, ASE-90902 revision 0.5 dated ONLYWith the D-BOX installed on
correct the identification of thereferenced CS 27.27, CS 27.29, CS 27.31, CS 17 August 2015 – Instructions the LH AFT seat, the use of the AFT
documentation.Revision 2 is to correct a typo 27.601,CS 27.603, CS 27.605<(>,<) forContinued middleseat is prohibited for
in the associated technicaldocumentation. >CS 27.607, CS 27.609, CS 27.610,CS Airworthiness;or later passenger transport.Prior to
27.611, CS 27.613, CS 27.629, revisions of the above listed installation of this design changeit
CS27.771<(>,<)>CS 27.773, C... documents approved by must be determined thatthe
EASA.PB-ASE-90902 Rev 0-1 interrelationship between this...
dated 17 August 2015 –
Project DescriptionMDL-ASE...
10033691 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 DHC-8-401, -402 Installation of non-electrical Floor Path The Certification Basis for the original Installation must be in Not Applicable 17/01/2014 Active 10033691
AG DHC-8-301, -311, -314, -315 Marking SystemDescription of change in rev. product as amendedby thefollowing accordance with LHT
DHC-8-201, -202 1 was "Installation of additional or alternative Supplemental Type
DHC-8-102, -103, -106 PhotoluminecentEmergency Floor Path airworthiness requirements:CS25 DefinitionDocument
Marking System Guideline".This revision also Change 9 and FAR 25.1301(a)(4), STDD33-10/03M Issue 01,
changes the document structure, allowing amdt. 123The requirements for Revision 04<(>,<)> dated 13
theSupplemental Type Definition Document environmental protection and the April 2011Operation must be
STD33-10/03M to replace theE... associatedcertified noise and/ or in accordance withLHT AFM
emissions levels of the original Supplement A-33-10/222-
prod... AFM,revision IR dated 03
February 2011Maintenance
must be in accordance with
LHT Instruct...

04/01/2023 Page 235 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033697 SAAB AB AS 355 F2, AS 355 N, AS 355 Installation of New TopEye Mission Box The Certification Basis for the original TDM08-30-1-CP revision E none 03/02/2011 Active 10033697
NP product and the followingadditional dated 09 August 2010 -
AS 355 E, AS 355 F, AS 355 F1 or alternative airworthiness Certification
requirements are applicable tothis Plan;TDM08-30-3-RFMS -
certificate/ approval.CS27 change Flight Manual
2Therequirements for environmental Supplement;TDM08-30-3-ICA
protection and the revision B dated 10 May 2010
associatedcertificated noise and/ or - Instructions for
emissions levels of the originalu... ContinuedAirworthiness
10033707 AERONAUTICAL FAA STC 206L-3, 206L-4, 407 Maintenance Step. The Certification Basis for the original KR-154 revision S dated 10 None. 04/02/2011 Active 10033707
ACCESSORIES, INC SH1281SO 206A, 206B, 206L, 206L-1 product remains applicable tothis November 2010 - Drawing
certificate/ approval.The List;AA-87036 revision R
requirements for environmental dated 4 April 2003 -
protection and the Installation Instructions
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or forPre-Flight Step/Handle on
emissions levels of the original Bell 206A and B
product areunchanged and remain models;AA-87040 revision C
applicable to this certificate/ dated 4 October 1999 -
approval. Installation Instructions
forMaintenance Step on Bell
206A and B models;AA-87041
10033710 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9385 and1. 04/02/2011 Active 10033710
SA04-113 ISSUE Interior - ASN 9385 for the original product remains reference C-10-0758 dated 02 Refer to the Limitations sections of
1 applicable tothis certificate/ February 2011.TCCA STC No. the required AFM Supplement
approvalThe requirements for SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
environmental protection and the October 2004.Aero Consulting WLAN system is compatible only
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Services Configuration to IEEE 802.11(b).
emissions levels of the original Definition List D954000
product areunchanged and remain RevisionGB dated 28 January
applicable to this certificate/ app... 2011.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
GC93850000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the above...
10033724 BRISTOL AEROSPACE REV. 1 STC SH10-4 429 Installation of Wire Strike Protection The Certification Basis (CB) for the EM106490 issue D dated 18 Prior to installation of this 09/05/2019 Active 10033724
LTD. System.Revision 1: Administrative Revision to original product remains applicableto October 2010 - Modification modification it must be
add details in this certificate/ approval.The Data Summary;PM-965-067 determined thatthe
associatedTechnicalDocumentation requirements for environmental issue G dated 14 October interrelationship between this
protection and the 2010 - Instructions for modification and any other
associatedcertified noise and/ or ContinuedAirworthiness;or previouslyinstalled modification
emissions levels of the original later revisions of the above and/ or repair will introduce no
product areunchanged and remain listed document(s) approved/ adverse effectupon the
applicable to this certificate/ accepted onbehalf of EASA in airworthiness of the product.
approval. accordance with the Technical
ImplementationProcedures of
10033738 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 2 B747-400 Activation of ADS-B Out capability via The Certification Basis for the original Doc. No. A-00-10/225 Rev IR none 17/02/2011 Active 10033738
AG 1090MHz Extended Squitter inaccordance product remains applicable tothis Airplane Flight Manual
with Lufthansa Supplemental Type Definition certificate/ approval. SupplementDoc. No.
DocumentSTDD34-10/02M Issue 01, Rev 02, A-00-10/225-ICA Issue 1, Rev.
dated Feb. 10, 2011 or later IR Instructions
approvedrevision. forContinuedAirworthinessor
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10033754 ELECTRONIC CABLE REV. 1 FAA STC MD-11 Installation of EZMount (TM) Arm mechanical Per FAA TCDS A22WE for parts not AFM Supplement as listed in AFM Supplement as listed in 12/08/2013 Active 10033754
SPECIALISTS, Inc. ST02708CH mounting assemblies on lowerframe of changed or affected by this Appendix A of ECS Master Appendix A of Electronic Cable
(EASA.IM.A.S.03248) cockpit sliding window in accordance with changeThe certification basis for the Data ListECS-207476 Rev. A SpecialistsMaster Data List
Electronic CableSpecialists Master Data List parts changed or affected by this ECS-207476, Rev. A, dated March
ECS-207476 Rev. A, dated March 4, 2009, changesince the reference date of 4, 2009 or later FAAapproved
orlater FAA approved revisions.Validation of application,February 4, 2008 is revision, is required on board the
FAA STC ST02708CH shown onTCDS A22WE. In addition, modified aircraftThe equipment
the applicant has complied with for which these provisions are
14CFR Part 25as amended by intended is not part ofthis
amendmen... approval. Additional EASA a...

04/01/2023 Page 236 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033764 AIRBORNE REV. 1 P.68TC "OBSERVER" Change of cabin layout /For the installation Elected to comply: CS 23, Amdt. 2 Engineering Order ABVP68- Limited to S/N 454, 456 and 459 04/01/2012 Active 10033764
TECHNOLOGIES of different mission equipment in a and FAR 23, effective 1stFeb. 1965for EO-2500-01-03, Issue 3AFM
GmbH VulcanairP.68TC aircraft, the aircraftcabin has 23.337, 23.341 and 23.561The Supplement ABVP68-
to be modified and provisions Certification Basis for the original AM-2500-01-02, Issue
toaccommodate Mission Equipment have to product remains applicable tothis 2Interface Definition ABVP68-
be installed. This modificationincludesthe certificate/ approval.The DE-2500-02-02, Issue
removal of three cabin seats. Repercussions requirements for environmental 2Technical Order ABVP68-
on aircrafts... protection and the TO-2460-01-01, Issue 1or
associatedcertificated noise and/ or later revisions of the above
emissions leve... listed documents approved by
10033789 TENENCIA Ltd. CAA UK F27 MK 050 & F27 MK 0502 Installation of a Single UNS-1Lw Universal The Certification Basis for the original Certification Plan CP/TEN/644 AFM Supplement TEN/FOKKER 08/02/2011 Active 10033789
RESPONSIBILITY Avionics Flight ManagementSystem. product remains applicable tothis issue 1Installation report and F27/002 Issue 1
certificate/ approval.The Statement of Compliance DF/
requirements for environmental ENG/014 Issue 7System
protection and the Safety Assessment
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 387-01-0008 Revision
emissions levels of the original BMaster Drawing List
product areunchanged and remain 288-00-0001 of 31 March
applicable to this certificate/ 2009AFM Supplement TEN/
approval. FOKKER F27/002 Issue
1Additional supporting
technical documentationor
later revisio...
10033800 ACS-NAI Ltd. TCCA STC NO.C- BD700-1A11 Cabin Modifications for Wheelchair Access EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA SoC ref. C-10-1061 Restricted to ASN 9373.Previous 09/02/2011 Active 10033800
LSA11-040/D for the original product remains dated 08 February 2011TCCA embodiment of EASA STC No.
applicable tothis certificate/ STC No.C-LSA11-040/D Issue 1 10031088 (TCCA STC SA05-60).
approval.The requirements for dated 02 February 2011ACS-
environmental protection and the NAI Ltd. Modification Data
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Summary G950000 Revision
emissions levels of the original NC or laterapprovedrevisionor
product areunchanged and remain later revisions of the above
applicable to this certificate/ ap... listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/02/CF...
10033802 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC 737-600/-700/-800/-900 Installation of Dual Collins HFS-900 High The Certification Basis for the original EMTEQ Master Data List Prior to installation of this design 14/08/2015 Active 10033802
ST03282AT Frequency (HF) product as amendedby thefollowing (MDL) Document No. change it must be determined
communicationsystemRevision1: Transfer of additional or alternative 2-36870-001 Revision D thatthe interrelationship between
EASA STC 10033802 from EMTEQ airworthiness requirements:Special DatedJanuary 10, 2011EMTEQ this design change and any
ENGINEERING to B/EAEROSPACE Condition(s):H-01 “Enhanced Airplane Flight Manual otherpreviously installed design
Airworthiness Programm for Supplement (AFMS) change and/ or repair will
Aeroplane Systems – ICA onEWIS” Document No. introduce noadverse effect upon
issue 2:The requirements for 2-36870-849dated June 19, the airworthiness ofthe product.
environmental protection and the 2006or later revisions of the
associatedcert... above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
10033805 FR AVIATION Ltd.D/ CAA UK B300 Observer Training Platform Mod.-B300. CS-23.B Installation must be in The approval is limited to the 09/02/2011 Active 10033805
B/A COBHAM RESPONSIBILITY accordance with Master Aircraft Serial Numbers: FL-597<
AVIATION SERVICES Document List included inthe (>,<)>FL-618, FL-629 and FL-633.
UK Design Change Statement
DC-0166 Iss.1 dated21st
January 2011 orlater
Revisions.Operation mustbe
in accordance with Pilots
HandbookSupplement No.
FRAH/FM/0120 Rev. 0: Dated
18th January 2011 or

04/01/2023 Page 237 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033818 AIR ALLIANCE GmbH PA-42-1000 Installation of SAT antenna (Data-Link) into The Certification Basis of the original EASA approved Master None. 10/02/2011 Active 10033818
pressurized fuselage. product and the followingadditional/ Document List, Doc. No.
alternative airworthiness 2010_040_PA42 AAForm 2
requirements areapplicable tothis Master Doc List, Revision 1,
change.For the areas affected by the approved 10-
change CS-23 has been elected to Jan-2011Engineering Order,
complywith where possible.The Doc. No.
certificated noise and/ or emissions 2010_040_PA42_500, Rev. 1,
levels of the original pr... released24-
Nov-2010Instructions for
continued Airworthiness, Doc.
Rev. 0, released 27-
Sep-2010or later re...
10033819 ROSEMOUNT REV. 3 FAA ST02668CH 777F Installation of Rosemount Aerospace EFB The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List, Rosemount Prior to installation of this design 31/05/2017 Active 10033819
AEROSPACE, Inc. 777-300, 777-300ER Systems. product as amendedby thefollowing Aerospace document No. change it must be determined
(EASA.IM.A.S.02736) 777-200, 777-200LR additional or alternative D06402489, RevisionAA, thatthe interrelationship between
airworthiness requirements:The dated 21 December 2016.- this design change and any
following paragraph(s) at a later Airplane Flight Manual otherpreviously installed design
amendment:CS-25 Amdt 3 in case of Supplement, Rosemount change and/ or repair will
applicable MDL configuration A and B Aerospace document introduce noadverse effect upon
for25.301(a)-(c); 25.303; 25.305(a)- No.D06425539, Revision the airworthiness ofthe product.
(c); 25.307(a); 25.337; 25... A,dated 11 May 2016.-
Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement, Rosemount
Aerospace document
No.D06426828, Revision A,d...
10033820 S-TEC CORPORATION FAA STC PA-31, PA-31-300, PA-31-325 Installation of S-TEC 20/30 Single and Two The Certification Basis of the original FAA approved S-TEC Bulletin This STC is also eligible on models 10/02/2011 Active 10033820
SA09285AC-D PA-31-350 Axis Automatic FlightGuidance Systems, product remains applicable tothis No.827, Revision 4, dated 26- PA-31 and PA-31-300 when
Model ST-727-20/30 (28V - System) change.The certificated noise and/ or Apr-2001, orlater approved modifiedper FAA STC SA970SO
emissions levels of the original revisionFAA approved S-TEC (350 H.P. Colemill Conversion)This
productare unchanged and remain Master Drawing List No. STC is also eligible on model
applicable to this certificate/ 921029, Revision D, dated26- PA-31-325 when modified per FAA
approval. Apr-2001, later approved STCSA00048SE (Vortex Generator
revisionFAA / DAS Approved System)This STC is also eligible on
Pilot's Operating Handbook models PA-31-350 when modified
and/or Airplane FlightManual per FAA STCSA115...
Supplement, P/N 891538,
10033826 AEROACOUSTICS FAA STC 208 Fabrication and installation of AeroAcoustics The Certification Basis for the original AASI Master Drawing List No. This modification is limited to the 10/02/2011 Active 10033826
AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS, SA01239SE Aircraft Systems (AAIS)Aircraft Payload product remains applicable tothis AA1680, Rev. C, dated January following landplanes
INC Extender III (APE III) system in acc. with FAA certificate/ approval.The 15, 2010AASI Installation and (serialnumbers) only:20800001
STCSA01239SE. requirements for environmental Maintenance Manual No. through 20800060 (eligible only if
protection and the 1679, Rev. D, datedDecember modified with Cessna
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 20, 2009AFMS-C208-25, KitSK-208-12)20800061 and
emissions levels of the original "Landplane with PT6A-114 upSpeed limits: Maneuvering
product areunchanged and remain (600 SHP) engine”, Revision Speed @ 8.362 lbs: 143 KIASCG
applicable to this certificate/ C,dated December 9, Range: Takeoff and Flight +175.68
approval. 2010AFMS-C208-26, inches to +184.35 inches @ 8.362
"Landplane with PT6A-114A lbMa...
(675 SHP) engine”, Re...
10033827 AEROACOUSTICS FAA STC 208 Fabrication and installation of AeroAcoustics The Certification Basis for the original AASI Master Drawing List No. Additional limitation: Refer to 10/02/2011 Active 10033827
AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS, SA01180SE Aircraft Systems (AAIS)Aircraft Payload product remains applicable tothis AA1662, Rev. G, dated original FAA STC SA01180SESerial
INC Extender II (APE II) system in acc. with FAA certificate/ approval.The January 20, 2010AASI Number:20800001 through
STCSA01180SE. requirements for environmental Installation and Maintenance 20800060 (eligible only if modified
protection and the Manual No. 1663, Rev. F, with Cessna KitSK-208-12)
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or datedDecember 20, 20800061 and upThis modification
emissions levels of the original 2009AFMS-C208-19, is also applicable to the following
product areunchanged and remain "Landplane with PT6A-114 aircraft equippedwith Wipline
applicable to this certificate/ (600 SHP) engine”, Revision Model 8000 amphibious floats in
approval. B,dated December 9, acc. with FAA STC S...
"Landplane with PT6A-114
(600 SHP) engine”, Rev...

04/01/2023 Page 238 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033835 DASSAULT FALCON REV. 1 FALCON 900EX Falcon 900EX aircraft serial numbers 065 and The Certification Basis for the original - DFS Change Approval Sheet This EASA design change 25/01/2018 Active 10033835
SERVICE 073 - CompletionDefinition.Revision 1 : to product remains applicable tothis DFS 9557-CAS Issue B dated airworthiness approval is
(EASA.A.S.03935) remove limitation on S/N 073 further to : - certificate/ approval.The 02ndJune 2017;- DFS Master applicable only onFalcon 900EX
compliance of Passenger seat cushions (Qty 8 requirements for environmental Document List DFS-DE-17- aircraft serial numbers 065 and
seats P/N2524-014-184XX) with JAR 25.853 protection and the FE-9557, Issue B dated 02 073.Associated limitation: Non-
(b)(c), approved under minor changeDFS9557 associatedcertificated noiseand/ or May 2017;- DFS Modification commercial air transportation use
Issue B, and - LH Divan cushion... emissions levels of the original Sheet DFS 9557, Issue B dated for S/N065.Prior to installation of
product areunchanged and remain 2nd May 2017;or later this modification it mustbe
applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed determined thatthe
approval. documents approved by interrelationship between this
EASA. modific...
10033844 AIRBORNE REV. 2 T182T Camera Hatch Installation The Certification Basis for the original 2058039-EO, Issue none 24/05/2012 Active 10033844
TECHNOLOGIES product remains applicable tothis 2: ,,Engineering
GmbH certificate/ approval.FAA Order2058039-CA, Issue
Certification Basis 3A13; FAR 23 1:,,Continuous Airworthiness
effective February 1, 1965, Instructions2058039-MM,
asamended y 23-1 through 23-6 Issue 1:,,Maintenance
except as otherwise defined in the Manualor later revisions of
TCDS.Howeverthe applicant elected the above listed documents
to comply with CS-23 amendment approved by EASA
1.The r...
10033847 JCB AERO SA A320 Installation of Hi-Low Table for VIP cabin The Certification Basis for the original ·,,Master Drawing List, ref. none 14/02/2011 Active 10033847
interior product remains applicable tothis doc. A320ALL01-MDL-01,
certificate/ approval.The Revision B, dated4th February
requirements for environmental 2011·,,Project Data List, ref.
protection and the doc. A320ALL01-PDL-01,
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Revision A, dated 7thFebruary
emissions levels of the original 2011·,,Declaration of
product areunchanged and remain Compliance for Project
applicable to this certificate/ A320ALL01, dated 11th
approval. February2011or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approv...
10033865 SKYTRAC SYSTEMS TCCA STC NO. EC 135 T2(CPDS),EC 135 T2+ Sky Track ISAT AIRBORNE POSITION / The Certification Basis for the original - Avionics Design Services LTD none 15/02/2011 Active 10033865
LTD. SH10-24 EC 135 T1(CDS),EC 135 T1 COMMUNICATION UPGRADEThemodification product and the followingadditional Master Drawing List
(CPDS) upgrades an existing ISAT-100 Airborne or alternative airworthiness MDL10033, Revision C,Issue 1,
EC 135 P2(CPDS),EC 135 P2+ Position / DataCommunicator system requirements are applicable tothis dated February 02, 2011-
EC 135 P1(CDS),EC 135 P1 installation to an ISAT-200 system(This EASA certificate/ approval.Special Avionics Design Services LTD
(CPDS) approval validates the TCCA STC SH10-24, Condition on Lithium Batteries as per Drawing List DL10033-3,
Issue 2) project related EASA CRIF-01The Revision A, Issue1, dated
requirements for environmental February 02, 2011- Flight
protection and the associate... Manual Supplement
FMS10033-3, Revision A,
dated February 02,2011- Sky
Track Systems Ltd.r...
10033870 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS EC 120 B Installation on an EC120B helicopter of a The Certification Basis for the original -Flight Manual Supplement, None 15/02/2011 Active 10033870
DEUTSCHLAND ETSO-certified (ETSO C113)Moving Map product remains applicable tothis SK-MIC-110-SUP-P-245 dated
(EASA.R.S.01568) GmbH system (MT VisionAir EPIII) certificate/ approval.The 1/10/2010or later revisions of
requirements for environmental the above listed documents
protection and the approved by EASA-
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Declaration of Compliance,
emissions levels of the original SK-MAC-106-DC-P-187 dated
product areunchanged and remain 4/10/2010-Compliance
applicable to this certificate/ Report, SK-MIC-110-CRP-
approval. P-246A dated 30/9/2010
10033883 MOTORFLUG 407 Installation of Antenna Mount on Tailboom The Certification Basis for the original 28107F103283-1001 revision none 16/02/2011 Active 10033883
BADEN-BADEN product remains applicable tothis 0 dated 25 May 2010 -
GmbH certificate/ approval.The Installation
requirements for environmental Manual28107F103283-0701
protection and the revision 0 dated 25 May 2010
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or - Instructions forContinued
emissions levels of the original Airworthiness28107F103283-
product areunchanged and remain 0101 revision 0 dated 25 May
applicable to this certificate/ 2010 - Compliance Program

04/01/2023 Page 239 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033889 BOMBARDIER TCCA STC NO. CL-600-2B16 Activation of Wireless Local Area Network EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. SA11-1 Issue 1 Structural and electrical provisions 16/02/2011 Active 10033889
AEROSPACE SA11-1 ISSUE 1 Acces Point ICG NXT MailServer System for the original product and the dated 04 January 2011.ACS- must be installed in
followingadditional or alternative NAI Ltd Modification Data accordancewith EASA STC No.
airworthiness requirements are Summary Number G975000 10016019 (TCCA STC No. SA06-90)
applicable tothis certificate/ Revision N/C dated04 January
approvalEASAGeneric WLAN CRI No. 2011 or later approved
F-01The requirements for revision.ACS-NAI Ltd Airplane
environmentalprotection and the Flight Manual Supplement
associatedcertificated noise and/ or G975090 Revision N/C orlater
emis... approved revision.ACS-NAI
Ltd. Document G975070-ICA
10033895 AIRBUS FAA STC EC 135 T2 (CPDS) Installation of a collective activated tenth The Certification Basis for the original - AEC Drawing List None. 17/02/2011 Active 10033895
HELICOPTERS, Inc. SR09094RC-D EC 135 T2+ hourmeter in accordancewith AEC Drawing product remains applicable tothis 135A82-8006, Revision D,
EC 135 T1 (CPDS) List 135A82-8006.This EASA STC is based on certificate/ approval.The dated 03/18/98-Instructions
EC 135 T1 (CDS) FAA STC SR9094RC-D. requirements for environmental for Continued Airworthiness
EC 135 P2 (CPDS) protection and the 135MMS-006, dated 05
EC 135 P2+ associatedcertificated noiseand/ or June2007or later revisions of
EC 135 P1 (CPDS) emissions levels of the original the above listed documents
EC 135 P1 (CDS) product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval. Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10033896 AIRCRAFT DESIGN REV. 2 VENTUS CM Steerable Tail Wheel The Certification Basis (CB) for the Annex to the Flight Manual Ventus cM with Schempp-Hirth 19/07/2018 Active 10033896
CERTIFICATION original product remains applicableto Ventus cM, issue 25 January technical Note 825-6.
GmbH this certificate/ approval.The 2011.Powered Sailplanes
requirements for environmental Maintenance manuals, Annex
protection and the for Schempp- Hirth VentuscM;
associatedcertified noise and/ or equipped with ADxC-
emissions levels of the original DC-38-001 steerable tail
product areunchanged and remain wheel.Anhang zum
applicable to this certificate/ Flughandbuch Ventus cM,
approval. Ausgabe 25 Januar
Wartungshandbuch, Anhang
für Schempp-Hirth Ve...
10033897 U.S. TECHNICAL FAA STC B767-200, -300, -300F, Installation of Class 2 Electronic Flight Bag The Certification Basis for the original US Technical Master Drawing Any equipment that is connected 17/02/2011 Active 10033897
CONSULTANTS, INC. ST02320LA -400ER (EFB) provisions. product remains applicable tothis List (MDL), Document No. to the electrical power
certificate.The requirements for 4914-23-000,Revision C, provisionscertified by this STC
environmental protection and the 20/08/2010Aeroplane AFM must be tested in accordance with
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Supplement, Document No. therequirementsof navAero Inc.’s
emissions levels of the original U10-0175, Revision NC, Electrical and
product areunchanged and remain 27/10/2010Instructions for EnvironmentalSubstantiation for
applicable to this approval. Continued Airworthiness, Lithium based battery in navAero
Document No.U10-0195, t-bag C22 EFB SystemDocument
RevisionNC, 08/04/2010or No. E-1525-11-0325-00, revision C,
later revisions of the above 0...
listed documents approv...
10033913 TATENHILL AVIATION CAA UK SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Design Data for the Approval of a Honeywell CS-23The Certification Basis for the Installation Manual IM.00910 None 17/02/2011 Active 10033913
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY LIST KFD840 Primary FlightDisplay (PFD). original product remains applicable Revision CMaster Document
tothis certificate/ approval.The ListMDL.00910 Revision
requirements for environmental AInstructions for Continued
protection and the Airworthiness ICA.00910
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Revision AFlight Manual
emissions levels of the original Supplement FMS.00910
product areunchanged and remain Revision Aor later revisions of
applicable to this certificate/ the above listed documents
approval.... approved by EASA.
10033914 TELEDYNE REV. 1 FAA STC A310-304, -322, -324, -325 Installation of Wireless Ground Link - Quick The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Data List, Ref: This STC is applicable to the 12/04/2016 Active 10033914
CONTROLS, LLC ST01778LA A310-203, -204, -221, -222 Access Recorder (WQAR)This STC consists in original product remains applicableto MDL2243800-31X, dated 14 following WQAR p/n (2243800-
(EASA.IM.A.S.01234) A300F4-605R, -622R the installation of the WQAR onAirbusA300/ this certificate/ approval.The March 2005Instruction for xxx):- 2243800-21- 2243800-31-
A300C4-605 VARIANT F A310/A300-600 series. requirements for environmental Continued Airworthiness, Ref: 2243800-33- 2243800-35-
A300B4-620, -622R protection and the ICA2243800-A1-1, dated 2243800-37- 2243800-39-
A300B4-601, -603, -605R associatedcertified noise and/ or 23February 2005.or later 2243800-42- 2243800-43-
A300B4-2C, -103, -203 emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed 2243800-44- 2243800-62-
A300B2K-3C product areunchanged and remain documents approved by EASA 2243800-63- 2243800-64-
A300B2-1A, -1C, -203 applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED 2243800-71- 2243800-73-
approval. Decision 2004/04/CF (or 2243800-75- 2243800-77-
subsequent revisions ofthis 2243800-79- 2243800-81-
decision) 2234572-001Prior to...

04/01/2023 Page 240 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033937 AVIONIK STRAUBING REV. 1 3202,3206,3207,3212,3216,3 Dual/Single Installation of Garmin GNS430(A) The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for none 24/02/2011 Active 10033937
ENTWICKLUNGS 217 W I GNS530(A)W and optionalInstallation of product and the followingadditional Installation: ,,ASR-2010-061-
GmbH 3109,3110,3112,3116,3201 Marker Receiver Honeywell (Bendix/King) oralternative airworthiness IFI-10-00, Rev. 0Flight Manual
3101,3102,3103,3107,3108 KMR675 requirements are applicable to Supplement: ,,ASR-2010-061-
thiscertificate/ approval.EASA CS-23, FMS-05.1-00, Rev.
Amendment 2 (elected to comply by 0ASR-2010-061-FMS-O5.2-00,
the applicant, notrequired by 21A. Rev. 0Instructions for
101)The requirements for Continued
environmental protection and thec... Airworthiness: ,,ASR-2010-06
1-ICA-11.1-00, Rev.
Rev. 0or later revisions of the
above liste...
10033942 DART AEROSPACE FAA STC 2. AS355 F2, AS355 N, AS355 D350-636 Skidtube InstallationsNote: This The Certification Basis for the original -MDL-D350-636 revision N None 21/02/2011 Active 10033942
USA, Inc. SR00646SE NP STC supersedes CAA Approval Notes 28081 product remains applicable tothis dated 1 September 2010 -
2. AS355 E, AS355 F, AS355 and 28082 and addsmodels AS355N and NP certificate/ approval.The Master Document List;-IIN-
F1 to applicability. requirements for environmental D350-636 revision H dated 26
1. AS350 B, AS350 B1, AS350 protection and the July 2010 - Installation
B2 associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Instructions;-ICA-D350-636
1. AS350 B3, AS350 BA, emissions levels of the original revision 1 dated 26 July 2010 -
AS350 D product areunchanged and remain Instructions for
applicable to this certificate/ ContinuedAirworthiness.
10033945 BOGGI S.R.L. AS 365 N3 Kit P/N MDS365-P002-00 ,External rear view The Certification Basis for the original - Boggi s.r.l. Rotorcraft Flight - as defined in -Boggi s.r.l. 21/02/2011 Active 10033945
mirror. product remains applicable tothis Manual Supplement ,Owner Rotorcraft Flight Manual
certificate/ approval.The Manual,section 4, Edition Supplement,Owner
requirements for environmental 2,Rev. 0 dtd 12/01/2011 or Manual,section 4, Edition 2,Rev. 0
protection and the later revisions of theabove dtd 12/01/2011
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or listed document approved by
emissions levels of the original EASA.- Boggis.r.l Master
product areunchanged and remain Drawing List Kit MDS365-
applicable to this certificate/ P-002-00 Technical
approval. ReportPart 1B, edition 1<(>,<)
> dtd. 18/10/2007-
Installation in...
10033946 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 421A/421B/421C/425 Installation of a Traffic Advisory System The Certification Basis (CB) for the Engineering Order C421- A compatible Multi Function 15/11/2017 Active 10033946
GMBH 402C/411/411A/414/414A/ Avidyne TAS610/620. original product remains applicableto NY-08167-05, Rev. Display (MFD) must have been
421 this certificate/ approval.The 1.Maintenance Procedures alreadyinstalled.Prior to
401/401A/401B/402/402A/ requirements for environmental C421-NY-08167-07, Rev. installation of this modification
402B protection and the 1.Flight Manual Supplement itmust be determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or C421-NY-08167-07, Rev. 1or interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original later revisions of the above modification and any other
product areunchanged and remain listed documents approved by previouslyinstalled modification
applicable to this certificate/ EASA. and/ or repair will introduce no
approval. adverse effectupon the airwor...
10033951 S.E.A.M.SERVICE FR182 STC 3005/10 rev 0 - Modification The Certification Basis for the original Supplément Manuel de Vol Limitation to Cessna FR182 22/02/2011 Active 10033951
ELECTRONIC d'installation des équipements radio product remains applicable tothis SEAM/SMV/3005/10 Revision equipped with ASPEN EFD 1000
AVIATION etBRNAV avec couplage au pilote certificate/ approval.CS 23The 0 dated 22 April 2010or later andNAVOMATIC300A.
MARINES.A.R.L. automatique. certificated noise and/ or emissions revisions of the above listed
levels of the original productare documents approved by
unchanged and remain applicable to EASA.
this certificate/ approval.
10033960 SCANDINAVIAN REV. 1 B200/ B300 Provisions for and installation of a SLAR and a The Certification Basis (CB) for the Engineering Order, Doc. No. The installation of this 02/05/2018 Active 10033960
AVIONICS DESIGN Homer antenna. original product remains applicableto 2063299-EO<(>,<)> Issue 2, modification by third persons is
ApS this certificate/ approval.The dated 19 April2018<(>,<)> or subject towritten permission of
requirements for environmental later approved issue.Aircraft the approval holder and disposal
protection and the Flight Manual Supplement. of the approvedappropriate
associatedcertified noise and/ or Doc No 2063299-AM B, Issue documentation.Prior to
emissions levels of the original 1, dated14 November 2017, installation of this modification it
product areunchanged and remain or later approved must be determined thatthe
applicable to this certificate/ issue.Instruction for interrelationship between this
approval. Continued Airworthiness, Doc modification and any other previ...
No. 2063299-CA B, Issue
1,dated 15 Nov...

04/01/2023 Page 241 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033970 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 3 421A/421B/421C/425 Single installation of Garmin GNS 430 (A)W/ The Certification Basis (CB) for the Engineering Order C421- An independent COMM or NAV/ 15/11/2017 Active 10033970
GMBH 402C/411/411A/414/414A/ GNS 530 (A)W and optionalinstallation of original product remains applicableto NY-08168-05, Rev. 2.Flight DME or ADF/DME must have been
421 Roll Steering Converter GDC31. this certificate/ approval.The Manual Supplement: C421- alreadyinstalled.Prior to
401/401A/401B/402/402A/ requirements for environmental NY-08168-08a, Rev. 2; C421- installation of this modification
402B protection and the NY-08168-08b,Rev. itmust be determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or 1.Maintenance Procedures: interrelationship between this
emissions levels of the original C421-NY-08168-07, Rev. 1or modification and any other
product areunchanged and remain later revisions of the above previouslyinstalled modification
applicable to this certificate/ listed documents approved by and/ or repair will introduce no
approval. EASA. adverse effectupon the airwor...
10033973 CRANE AEROSPACE FAA STC LEARJET 60 Installation of Tire Pressure SensorFAA STC The Certification Basis for the original Refer to Master Data List None 23/02/2011 Active 10033973
& ELECTRONICS ST02316LA ST02316LA (Dateof issuance: September 28, product remains applicable tothis 83-216-01, rev. Kor later
2010) certificate/ approval.The revisions of the above listed
requirements for environmental documents approved by EASA
protection and the inaccordance with EASA ED
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Decision 2004/04/CF (or
emissions levels of the original subsequent revisionsofthis
product areunchanged and remain decision).
applicable to this certificate/
10033974 SAFRAN REV. 4 A109E, A109S, AW109SP Flight Data Monitoring and Transmitting The Certification Basis (CB) for the - RFMS N11-A109E_S HV2 Prior to installation of this design 16/10/2020 Active 10033974
ELECTRONICS & A109E, A109S System HELICOM V1, HELICOM V2NUM and original product remains applicableto HV2+NUM version E, edition change it must be determined
DEFENSEBUSINESS HELICOM V2+ NUM.Revision 1: Change in this certificate/ approval.The A, rev 01dated 10thJune thatthe interrelationship between
UNIT - HELICOPTERS system name (Safetyplane became HELICOM requirements for environmental 2016.- Master Document List this design change and any
DATAMANAGEMENT V1), newV2 version and associated protection and the N10-A109E_S HV2 HV2+NUM otherpreviously installed design
SOLUTIONS & documentation.Revision 2: Introduction of associatedcertified noise and/ or version E, edition A, rev03 change and/ or repair will
SERVICES new components, new locations for emissions levels of the original dated 14th June 2016.- introduce noadverse effect upon
antennasand extends eligibility toR... product areunchanged and remain Installation Manuals N7- the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ A109E HVl version E, edition
approval. A, rev 06andN7-A109E_S HV2
HV2+NUM version E, edition
B, rev 02.- Mai...
10033979 POLICE AVIATION REV. 1 CAA UK EC 635 T2+ Incubator Installation EC 135Transfer of EASA The Certification Basis for the original CAA.21NE2.00089; EASA 28/02/2010 Active 10033979
SERVICES Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY EC 635 T1 (CPDS) STC No 2004 3846 (dated 16/04/2004) from product remains applicable tothis Approval number
(2004-3846) EC 635 P2+ PAS Ltd toBond Aviation Group Ltd certificate. The requirements for 2004-03846; dated 16 April
EC 135 T2 (CPDS) environmental protection and 2004(for PAS modification
EC 135 T2+ theassociated certificated noise and/ PAS/MOD/388)
EC 135 T1 (CPDS) or emissions levels of the
EC 135 T1 (CDS) originalproduct are unchanged and
EC 135 P2 (CPDS) remain applicable to this certificate.
EC 135 P2+
EC 135 P1 (CPDS)
EC 135 P1 (CDS)
10033988 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GV-SP Aircraft Serial No 5302 completion and cabin The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance GV-SP Serial No. 5302 Only 24/02/2011 Active 10033988
AEROSPACE ST04225AT-D interior installation product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION certificate/ approval.The certificated Corporation MasterDrawing
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the List No. GC522046210,
original productare unchanged and Revision A, dated January 24,
remain applicable to this certificate/ 2011, orlater approved
approval. revisions.Operation to bein
accordance with Gulfstream
Flight Manual
Original Release, dated
January 25, 2011, or later ap...
10033989 GULFSTREAM REV. 1 FAA STC GV-SP Aircraft Serial No 5294 completion and cabin The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance GV-SP Serial No. 5294 Only 04/03/2011 Active 10033989
AEROSPACE ST04221AT-D interior installation product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION certificate/ approval.The certificated Corporation MasterDrawing
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the List No. GC522046203,
original productare unchanged and Revision A, dated December
remain applicable to this certificate/ 7, 2010, orlater approved
approval. revisions.Operation to bein
accordance with Gulfstream
Flight Manual
Original Release, dated
December 9, 2010, or later

04/01/2023 Page 242 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10033995 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada SoC Restricted to ASN 9380 and1. 24/02/2011 Active 10033995
SA04-113, ISSUE Interior - ASN 9380. for the original product remains reference C-10-0842 dated 17 Refer to the Limitations sections of
1 applicable tothis certificate/ February 2011.TCCA STC No. the required AFM Supplement
approval.The requirements for SA04-113 Issue 1 dated 28 andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
environmental protection and the October 2004.Aero Consulting WLAN system is compatible only
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Services Configuration to IEEE 802.11(b).
emissions levels of the original Definition List D954000
product areunchanged and remain RevisionGE dated 09 February
applicable to this certificate/ ap... 2011.Instructions for
GC93800000-IFCA.or later
revisions of the abov...
10033998 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Aft Lavatory Backsplash EASA TCDS No IM.A.009The TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue 1 Restricted to ASN 9405. 29/06/2011 Active 10033998
SA05-60 replacementInstallation, Complete Custom Certification Basis for the original dated 14 June 2005.Aero
Aircraft Interior - ASN 9405 product remains applicable tothis Consulting Services Ltd
certificate/ approvalThe Configuration Definition List
requirements for environmental E025000Revision EU dated 03
protection and the June 2011.Bombardier
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Aerospace Aeroplane Flight
emissions levels of the original Manual Supplement G-
product areunchanged and remain FM25004501Revision N/C or
applicable to this certific... later approved
Instructions for Continued
10034024 airplus engineering REV. 1 EASA APPROVED MODEL LIST Dual Installation of Garmin GNS 430 (A)W/ The Certification Basis for the original Engineering Work None 16/02/2021 Active 10034024
GmbH GNS 530 (A)W (TAWS). product and the followingadditional Order ,,,,,,EW-1126-340000,
or alternative airworthiness Rev.1Flight Manual
requirements are applicable tothis Supplement: ,,,,,,PO-1126-340
certificate/ approval.EASA CS-23, 000, Rev.1Maintenance
Amendment 2 (elected to comply by Manual
the applicant, notrequired by 21A. Supplement:,,,,MM-1126-340
101)The requirements for 000, Rev.1or later revisions
environmental protection and the... ofthe above listed documents
approved by EASA.
10034031 APICAL INDUSTRIES, FAA SR00471LA 600N Emergency Floats The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List None 01/03/2011 Active 10034031
Inc. product remains applicable tothis MD600-1, Revision B, dated
(EASA.IM.R.S.01426) certificate/ approvalThe September 30, 1997,plus:-
requirements for environmental Report AI600N-3, Rev A,
protection and the dated 03/31/09- Report
associatedcertificated noise and/ or AI600N-1, Rev D, dated
emissions levels of the original 03/31/09- Rotorcraft Flight
product areunchanged and remain manual Supplement FMS-600
applicable to this certificate/ (1) Rev C- Instructions for
approval Continued Airworthiness
ICA600-1, Rev 1,
dated11/03/09or later
revisions of...
10034052 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 2 757-200 Introduction of IFE System Circuit Breaker, The Certification Basis for the original AES Master Data List, None 27/04/2021 Active 10034052
LIMITED Relays and Wiring.Rev 2: Transfer from AES product and the followingadditional AES-757-1072MDL, issue 3,
(EASA.A.S.03621) Ltd. to new STC holder AES Global Ltd. or alternative airworthiness 16/09/2010or later revisions
requirements are applicable tothis of the above listed documents
certificateFor changed areas the approved by EASA
defined certification basis is CS25
Amendment 4CRI H-01 ICA on for
EWISThe requirements for
environmental protection and the a...
10034074 RUAG AEROSPACE 525A Installation of High Speed SATCOM system The Certification Basis for the original Engineering Work Order: STC limited to S/N 525-0516The 04/03/2011 Active 10034074
SERVICES GmbH 525 with on-board WLANInterface. product and the followingadditional RUAG Doc.No. 355A-EO, Rev.: WLAN clients (Handsets, Laptops,
oralternative airworthiness -FlightManual Supplement: etc) are not covered by this
requirements are applicable to RUAG Doc.No. 355A-AFMS, STC.The usage of these
thiscertificate/ approval.CRI F-101 Rev.: -Maintenance Manual components is requiring
(MOC) "WLAN Implementation in Supplement: RUAG Doc.No. operational approval.
Cessna 525, 525A"The requirements 355A-AMMS, Rev.: -or later
forenvironmental protection and the revisions of the above listed
associatedcertificated nois... documents approved by

04/01/2023 Page 243 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034082 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. SA04-113 Issue Restricted to ASN 9394 and1. 04/03/2011 Active 10034082
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9394 for the original product remains 1 dated 28 October 2004.Aero Refer to the Limitations sections of
applicable tothis certificate/ Consulting Services the required AFM Supplement
approvalThe requirements for Configuration Definition List andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
environmental protection and the D954000 RevisionGI dated 01 WLAN system is compatible only
associatedcertificated noise and/ or March 2011.Instructions for to IEEE 802.11(b).
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness
product areunchanged and remain GC93940000-IFCA.or later
applicable to this certificate/ app... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
10034086 EUROCOPTER UK Ltd. REV. 1 CAA UK EC 130 B4 Installation of Sagem Cockpit Display System The Certification Basis for the original Eurocopter UK EC130B4 RFM Prerequisite changes:MHL/ 04/03/2011 Active 10034086
RESPONSIBILITY MHL/130/1245 and revisionto Eurocopter UK product remains applicable tothis Supplement No. 1 Issue 2 dtd 130/1246,,,,,,TWX670 Weather
EC130B4 Supplement No. 1 certificate/ approvalThe 04.03.2011 - GPSGarmin GNS detection systemMHL/
requirements for environmental 530WEurocopter UK EC130B4 130/1070,,,,,,KRA405B Radio
protection and the RFM Supplement No. 3 Issue AltimeterMHL/
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 1 dtd 04.03.2011 -Sagem 130//1069,,,,,,Avidyne TAS620
emissions levels of the original Integrated Cockpit Display Traffic Advisory SystemMHL/
product areunchanged and remain System (ICDS)or later 130/952,,,,,,Replacement of
applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed GNS430 with GNS530WSTC
approval documents approved by EASA.IM.R.S.01061,,Installation of
EASAEurocopter UK Sagem Autopilot EC130
Declaration of complia...
10034098 C.A. FLOR FLORDELIS FAA STC B737-300, -400, -500 SERIES Upgrade Flight Data Recorder System The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List Not Applicable 08/03/2011 Active 10034098
ST01786LA B737-100, -200, -200C SERIES Parameters product remains applicable tothis document No.
certificate/ approvalThe certificated FF-050209MDL, Rev. B dtd.
noise and/ or emissions levels of the 2.April 2005or later revisions
original productare unchanged and of the above listed
remain applicable to this certificate/ documentsapproved by EASA
approval inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10034100 APICAL INDUSTRIES, REV. 1 FAA STC BELL 407 Cable Cutters KitThe Bell 407 Cable Cutter kit The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List None. 21/03/2011 Active 10034100
Inc. SR02291LA provides a means of protecting thehelicopter product remains applicable tothis MD407-41, Revision A, dated
during a wire strike by providing the certificate/ approval.The 23 November 2010;-
capability to cut acable or wire before requirements for environmental Instructions for Continued
catastrophic damage occurs. protection and the Airworthiness ICA407-41,
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Revision N/C,dated 8
emissions levels of the original February 2010;- Installation
product areunchanged and remain Instructions II407-41 revision
applicable to this certificate/ A dated 22 November 2010.or
approval. later revisions to the above.
10034112 ACC COLUMBIA Jet REV. 1 CL-600-2B16/ CL-600-2B19 Installation of a combined IRIDIUM-GPS The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. ACC Master Document List Prior to installation of this change/ 22/10/2018 Active 10034112
Service GmbH Antenna as provisionof anoptional Sky original product remains applicableto ACC-CRJ200-09016 Revision 0 repair it must be determined
Tracking System. this certificate/ approval.The dated 24February 2011.2. thatthe interrelationship between
requirements for environmental ACC ICA CRJ200-09016-810- this change/repair and any
protection and the MM Revision 0dated 29 otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or November 2010or later and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ EASA.
10034119 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 PIPER PA-31-350 (CHIEFTAIN) Provision for Camera Installation. The Certification Basis for the original - Installation in accordance This STC revision includes only the 10/08/2018 Active 10034119
GMBH product remains applicable tothis with Master Record List structural changes. It does
certificate/approval.The Document No. 71335MR 5300 notinclude any installation of
requirements for environmental 10 01B- Operation in equipment (e.g. Laser scanner,
protection and the accordance with Supplement computer,cameras)Prior to
associatedcertificated noise and/ or to Pilot Operating installation of this change/repair it
emissions levels of the original HandbookPOH, Document No. must be determined thatthe
product areunchanged and remain 71335 AM 5300 10 01B- interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ Maintenance in accordance change/repair and any
approval. with Instructions for otherpreviously installed chan...
ContinuedAirworthiness No.
71335 CA 5300 10 01Bor later

04/01/2023 Page 244 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034125 DASSAULT FALCON FAA STC MF50, FALCON 50EX Stretchers installation for medical The Certification Basis for the original DFS Change Approval Sheet This STC does not cover the 09/03/2011 Active 10034125
SERVICE ST02863CH evacuation.Provide the ability to install in the product remains applicable tothis DFS5697-CAS Issue B dated 25 qualification of the installed
aircraft one or two stretchers forair certificate/ approval.The January 2011DFS Modification stretcher. Itis to be used in
ambulance operations. requirements for environmental Sheet DFS5697, Issue B dated conjunction with EASA STC
protection and the 25 January 2011or later covering the validation ofFAA STC
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or revisions of the above listed ST02863CH.This modification does
emissions levels of the original documents approved by not cover the use of any auxiliary
product areunchanged and remain EASA. medicalequipment to beused in
applicable to this certificate/ conjunction with the installed
approval. stretchers.This modif...
10034127 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) REV. 1 CAA UK B737-800 Introduction of Interior with 56 Recaro The Certification Basis for the original - Modification Summary - The STC is limited to MSN 33016 09/03/2011 Active 10034127
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY Business class seats andassociated systems product and the followingadditional Sheet: H4A1165 Issue 2.- (YJ935) and MSN 33021 (YJ936).-
(EASA.A.S.03836) (Revison of STC EASA.A.S.03836 to remove or alternative airworthiness Instructions for Continued Changes to MMEL or MEL are not
EWIS Limitation) requirements are applicable tothis Airworthiness: H4ADR441 covered under the STC approval
certificate/ approvalTGM/25/10 and Issue 2.or later revisions of andrequire an additional approval,
TGL17The certificated noise and/ or the above listed documents if deemed necessary.
emissions levels of the original approved by EASA
productare unchanged and remain
applicable to this cer...
10034128 AERO MEDICAL FAA STC MYSTÈRE FALCON 50 (MF50) Aircraft Medical stretcher for MF 50 The Certification Basis for the original Aeromedical Products doc. This STC does not constitute an 09/03/2011 Active 10034128
PRODUCTS MFG. Inc. ST02863CH aircraftFAA STC ST02863CH product remains applicable tothis "Compliance Check List Falcon approval for
certificate/ approval.The 50 - projectnumber ST744CH- installation.Compliance with
requirements for environmental T" Revision 6 dated minimum following requirements
protection and the 02/03/2011Aeromedical below need to bedemonstrated
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Products Mfg., Inc. Drawing through a design approval for
emissions levels of the original List Report 007 Rev 0 installation ineach aircraftmodel to
product areunchanged and remain dated22/12/2010.FAA be equipped with this medical
applicable to this certificate/ approved Airplane Flight stretcher assembly part:§ 25.561 /
approval. Manual Supplement dated § 25.785 / § 25.791 / § 25.803/ §...
28.06.2010 andAircraft
Maintenance Manual
Supplements da...
10034129 KAWAK AVIATION REV. 1 FAA STC KAMAN K-1200 Title: Auxiliary Hydraulic System, K-Max The Certification Basis for the original Approval of Rotorcraft Flight None 21/03/2011 Active 10034129
TECHNOLOGIES, INC. SR01561SE K1200 Helicopter Model 36300,DWG 36300, product remains applicable tothis Manual Supplement:FAA
REV B, 25th June 2005Description: Auxiliary certificate/ approval.The Approved Rotorcraft Flight
hydraulic power source provides hydraulic requirements for environmental Manual Supplement for the
powerfor external implements used in fire protection and the Kaman ModelK-1200
fighting, logging, and agriculturaloperation. associatedcertificated noiseand/or Helicopter, KATI-FM-632,
emissions levels of the original Revision A, FAA-approved on
product areunchanged and remain 17th May2007or later
applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed
approval. documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CFt...
10034165 AEROCONSEIL F2000 FALCON 2000 S/N 226 INTERIOR MATERIAL The Certification Basis for the original Aeroconseil Master Data List Restricted to S/N 226 14/03/2011 Active 10034165
CHANGESChange consists in refurbishing product and the followingadditional doc. N° 4322-01-A-2103-R00
certain panels- Windows Panels & Valance or alternative airworthiness dated March 11th2011or later
Panels (lower and upper)- Glass Carbon requirements are applicable tothis revisions of the above listed
250/56%/G874 panels. certificate/ approvalCRI D-119 documents approved by EASA
Flammability testing of aircraft cabin
interior usingsurrogate panelsThe
requirements for environmental
protection and the assoc...
10034166 AIM AVIATION CAA UK B757-200 Installation of a Crew Galley in the G1A The Certification Basis for the original AIM Aviation (Henshalls) STC None 14/03/2011 Active 10034166
(HENSHALLS) LTD RESPONSIBILITY Position on a FreighterConversion a/c product remains applicable tothis Definition Document, DD
certificateThe requirements for 1189, Issue New,
environmental protection and the 04/02/2011.Instructions for
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness, ICA/
emissions levels of the original PR/7002, Rev New,
product areunchanged and remain Feb2011.or later revisions of
applicable to this approval the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10034187 GROWING REV. 1 A330-300 Virgin Atlantic Airways (VAA) A330-300 EIS The Certification Basis for the original SR Technics Master 1-,,This STC must be implemented 20/04/2021 Active 10034187
ENGINEERING Cabin Reconfiguration (59W /255Y).This STC product and the followingadditional Document List, ref : S.OSMD. together with EASA STC ref:
PARTNERS GmbH reconfigures the cabin layout from 48 W class or alternative airworthiness 000001-MDL,deated 14March 10031808Rev 01 (and associated
seat / 265 Yclass seat to 59 W class seat / requirements are applicable tothis 2011or later revisions of the Approved Model List), or later
255Y class seat, with certificate/ approval:CRI above listed documents revisions approvedby EASA.
associatedadaptations.Rev.1: Transfer ofSTC D-3323-001 :Special Condition approved by EASA
from SR Technics Switzerland to applicable to the installation of
groWINGEngineering Partn... theAmSafe Aviation Inflatable
Restraint (AAIR)CRI F-3302-001 :

04/01/2023 Page 245 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034192 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. SA04-113 Issue Restricted to ASN 9391 and1. 15/03/2011 Active 10034192
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9391 for the original product remains 1 dated 28 October 2004.Aero Refer to the Limitations sections of
applicable tothis certificate/ Consulting Services the required AFM Supplement
approvalThe requirements for Configuration Definition List andto the referenced FCOMS.2.
environmental protection and the D954000 RevisionGH dated 22 WLAN system is compatible only
associatedcertificated noise and/ or February 2011.Instructions for to IEEE 802.11(b).
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness
product areunchanged and remain GC93910000-IFCA.or later
applicable to this certificate/ app... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
10034209 DANSK FLY B200 KING AIR Installation of Garmin DUAL GPS 400. GPS 1 The Certification Basis for the original Design Package DFE-DO-0401, None 16/03/2011 Active 10034209
ELEKTRONIK ApS is linked to the autopilotsystem. Ref. DFE- product and the followingadditional including DFE-DD-0401–
DO-0401-PS-00 Product Specification. or alternative airworthiness AFMS-00 Flight
requirements are applicable tothis ManualSupplement Garmin
certificate/ approval.CS 23 GPS-400 and DFE-DD-0401-
Amendment 1The requirements for ICA-00Instructions
environmental protection and the forContinued
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Airworthiness.or later
emissions levels of the origi... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10034210 DANSK FLY B200 KING AIR Installation of Bendix/Kings KGP 560 EGPWS The Certification Basis for the original Design Package DFE-DO-0400, None 16/03/2011 Active 10034210
ELEKTRONIK ApS system with Avidyne EX500display. Ref. DFE- product and the followingadditional including DFE-DD-0400 –
DO-0400-PS-00 Product Specification. or alternative airworthiness AFMS1-00FlightManual
requirements are applicable tothis Supplement Avidyne EX-500,
certificate/ approval.CS 23 DFE-DD-0400 –AFMS2-00
Amendment 1The requirements for Flight ManualSupplement
environmental protection and the KP560 EGPWS and DFE-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or DD-0400-ICA-00 Instructions
emissions levels of the origi... for
later revisionsof the above
listed documents approved by
10034211 AERO-DYNE REPAIR REV. 1 TCCA STC BELL 407 External MGT and Torque Indicating System The Certification Basis for the original -FMS403101 revision IR dated None 02/08/2011 Active 10034211
SERVICES LTD. SH08-41 Installation product remains applicable tothis 4 April 2008 - Flight Manual
certificate/ approval.The Supplement;or later revisions
requirements for environmental of the above listed documents
protection and the approved by EASA
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or inaccordance with EASA ED
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/02/CF (or
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis
applicable to this certificate/ decision)-EO403101 revision 1
approval. dated 8 October 2008 -
Engineering Order
10034212 BOMBARDIER TCCA STC CL-600-2B16 WLAN Activation & Incorporation of Aircell EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. Structural and electrical provisions 16/03/2011 Active 10034212
AEROSPACE SA10-93 Components for the original product remains SA10-93 Issue 1 dated 27 must be installed in
applicable tothis certificate/ October 2010.ACS-NAI Ltd. accordancewith EASA STC No.
approval.The requirements for Modification Data Summary 10016019 (TCCA STC No. SA06-90)
environmental protection and the Number G904000 Revision N/ concurrently or as apre-requisite.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or C orlater approved
emissions levels of the original revision.ACS-NAI Ltd. Airplane
product areunchanged and remain Flight Manual Supplement
applicable to this certificate/ ap... G904090 Revision N/C orlater
approved revision.Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness,
refer to...
10034213 AEROSPACE FAA STC A320-231, -232, -233 Installation of Passenger Cabin electrically The Certification Basis for the original FAA STC ST03910AT- None 16/03/2011 Active 10034213
TECHNOLOGIES ST03910AT A320-215, -216 powered WindowShades product remains applicable tothis Aerospace Technologies
GROUP, INC. A320-111, -211, -212, -214 certificate/ approval Group (ATG) Engineering
Drawing ListLTS-EDL-48-001,
Rev. G dtd. 2.Nov 2010-
Aerospace Technologies
Group Document PRD-
CAW-48-001, Rev. E dtd.
28.Feb 2011or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 200...

04/01/2023 Page 246 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034237 BUSINESS AND REV. 1 1900D Double GARMIN GPS400W Installation for B- The Certification Basis for the original AFM Supplement No. Installation limited to Beech 15/06/2012 Active 10034237
COMMUTER RNAV and P-RNAV and RNPApproach LNAV product remains applicable tothis BCA-121-06 revision 1 dated 1900D equipped with Rockwell
AIRCRAFT procedures, according to modification No certificate.The certificated noise and/ 24/04/2012;AMM CollinsAPC-65H autopilot or
BCA 121.Revision 1 adding the coupling to or emissions levels of the original Supplement No. BCA-121-05 FYD-65 H flight director and EFIS
Rockwell Collins FYD-65 H flightdirector. productare unchanged and remain revision 0 dated Rockwell CollinsDPU 84, upgraded
applicable to this certificate/ 23/12/2010;Master Drawing for GPS approach through
approval. List No. BCA-121-00 revision 1 Rockwell Collins SB 77
dated 24/04/2012;or later (523-0805196) and SB 81
revisions of the above listed (523-0805046).
documents approved byEASA.
10034238 BUSINESS AND 1900C, 1900D BCA 120 revision 0 - 28-230 volts inverter(s) The Certification Basis for the original Airplane Flight Manual Not applicable 17/03/2011 Active 10034238
COMMUTER Installation on Beech 1900Series. product remains applicable tothis supplement BCA120-A
AIRCRAFT certificate.The certificated noise and/ revision 0 dated09
or emissions levels of the original March2011Airplane Flight
productare unchanged and remain Manual supplement BCA120-
applicable to this certificate/ B revision 0 dated 09
approval March2011or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA.
10034242 FOKKER TECHNIEK REV. 2 A320-232 AIRBUS A320-232 – VIP conversion.Revision The Certification Basis for the original - A320-CAI-CRR-0001 issue 3, Refer to limitations section of the 05/12/2019 Active 10034242
B.V. 1: update of applicable MMEL supplement, product as amendedby thefollowing approval date 17th March approved AFM supplement:A320-
(EASA.A.S.03722) approved as OSD-MMEL.Revision 2: Transfer additional or alternative 2011.- A320-CAI-AFM-S- CAI-AFM-S_APPROVAL issue 1,
of STC from Fokker Services B.V. (EASA.21J. airworthiness requirements:JAR 25 APPROVAL issue 1, dated 15th dated 15th March 2011.The
059) toFokker Techniek B.V. (EASA.21J.667) Change 11CRI C-01 Large Display March 2011.- A320-CAI- aircraft type, model and
Monitors.CRI D-01 Isolated MMEL-S-APPROVAL revision manufacturer serial number for
Compartments.CRI D-02 Installation 3, dated 16th February 2017.- which thischange is applicable is:
of interior doors.CRI D-03 Crew Rest ICA Supplement document: Airbus A320-232 with
Compartment.CRI D-04 Heat SE-712 issue 2, dated 18th Manufacturer Serial
Release... February 2011;or later Number1868.Prior to installation
revisions of the above listed of this change/r...
document(s) a...
10034246 HONEYWELL FAA STC EC135 T2(CPDS), EC135 T2+ Installation of a Honeywell Model 15175 VXP The Certification Basis for the original - Keystone Helicopter None. 28/03/2011 Active 10034246
INTERNATIONAL INC. SR02114NY-D EC135 P2(CPDS), EC135 P2+ SystemThe Honeywell Model 15175 VXP product remains applicable tothis Installation Drawing List
System is a Health and Usage certificate/ approval.The IDL01152, revision B-
MonitoringSystem that monitors vibration requirements for environmental Honeywell Master Drawing
characteristics of the aircraft toprovide data protection and the List 159-08340-0001, revision
to aid aircraft maintenance. The information associatedcertificated noiseand/ or -- Instructions for Continued
provided bythe system is supplementary in emissions levels of the original Airworthiness: - Helicopter
nature and doesm... product areunchanged and remain Instruction for Continued
applicable to this certificate/ Airworthiness,
approval. HoneywellChadwick Model
15175 VCP System Installed in
Eurocopter Model EC13...
10034248 AERODATA AG REV. 2 B200 Midlife Mission System Upgrade AD-MS-0110 The Type and OSD Certification Bases Master Document List MDL-A/ Only applicable to B200 aircraft S/ 09/11/2022 Active 10034248
(Installation of two L bandantennas for (CB) for the original productremains C-157, Rev. 16Flight Manual N BB-2016 and BB-2018.Prior to
Horizon Satphone reception; Installation of applicable to this certificate/ Supplement AFM-116, Rev. installation of this change/repair it
additional rackwith Horizon Satphone approval.The requirements for 7Instructions for Continued must be determined thatthe
receiver; Modification of existing environmental protection and the Airworthiness AMM-1060, interrelationship between this
equipmentconsole, workstation and cable associatedcertified noise and/ or Rev. 10or later revisions of change/repair andany
looms with additional components emissions levels of the product are the above listed document(s) otherpreviously installed change
andreplacement of obsolete co... unchangedand remain applicable to approved/acceptedunder the and/ or repair will introduce no
this certificate/approval w... EASA system. adverseeffect upon the
airworthiness of the produc...
10034252 BINDER ASH 25 E Conversion from hand starter to electric The Certification Basis for the original STC "ASH 25 E E-Starter", None. 21/03/2011 Active 10034252
MOTORENBAU starter.Umbau Handstarter auf product remains applicable tothis issue 27.01.2011 included
GmbH Elektrostarter. certificate/ approval.The drawings no.1-9Ergänzende
requirements for environmental Musterprüfung "ASH 25 E E-
protection and the Starter", Ausgabe
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 27.01.2011einschliesslich
emissions levels of the original Zeichnungen 1-9Addition of
product areunchanged and remain the Flight Manual, on STC
applicable to this certificate/ "Retrofit Electric starter for
approval. thepowered sailplane ASH 25
E"Addition of the
Maintenance Manual, on...

04/01/2023 Page 247 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034285 AVIONITEC AG REV. 1 PA-46-310P Avionics RetrofitRemoved Equipment:-,,Dual FAR 23,, Amdt: 25 (tick one of the - Master Document List, Doc. S/N: HB-PJW 25/03/2011 Active 10034285
KX 165 NAV/COM System-,,WX 1000 boxes below if applicable)The No. PI01470-017, Rev. 0,
Stormscope System-,,Argus 5000 Moving Certification Basis for the original 17.02.2011- Declaration of
Map-,,KMA 24 Audio Panel-,,PM 2000 product remains applicable tothis Compliance, Doc. No.
IntercomNew installed Equipment:-,,GNS certificate/ approval.Derogation to PI01470-60, Rev. 0,
530W NAV/COM/GPS System 1-,,GNS 430W latest amendment (Part 21A.101): Do 17.02.2011- ICA, Doc. No.
NAV/COM/GPS System 2-,,GDC 31 GPS not materiallycontribute to safety. PI01470-015, Rev. 0,
Steering Converter-,,KN 63 DME System-,,... 17.02.2011- AFMS Dual GNS
530W/430W, Doc. No.
PI01470-011, Rev. 0,
17.02.2011- AFMS Avidyne
TAS 610, Doc. No.
PI01470-012, Rev, 0,-...
10034286 STEINBEIS GmbH & LS 6 & LS 6-A STC: "Winglet Retrofit" / "Nachrüstung mit The Certification Basis for the original - STC "Winglet Retrofit" / None 23/03/2011 Active 10034286
Co. KGFUER Winglets" product and the followingadditional "Nachrüstung mit Winglets"
(EASA.A.S.03832) TECHNOLOGIETRANS or alternative airworthiness EASA.A.S.03832- Supplement
FER requirements are applicable tothis to the flight manual of the
certificate/ approvalJAR-22.375 from sailplane LS6 / LS6-a
amendment 22/90/1 (for the withretrofitted winglets "LS6-
winglets) of the JAE 22Change 4 wl"- Ergänzung
desFlughandbuchs für das
Segelflugzeug LS6 / LS6-a
mitnachgerüsteten Winglets
"LS6-wl"- Supplement to the
maintenance manua...
10034322 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A330-343 Thai Airways A330-300 - Seat exchange and The Certification Basis for the original Supplemental Type Definition None 24/03/2011 Active 10034322
AG electrical adaptionThis STC installs 263 Y class product and the followingadditional Document, ref:
seats, with associated electricaladaptations. or alternative airworthiness STDD00-10/29M Issue
requirements are applicable tothis 01,dated 17 March 2011or
certificate/ approvalCf. TCDS EASA.A. later revisions of the above
004CRI F-4302-004: IFE and ISPSSThe listed documents approved by
requirements for environmental EASA
protection and the
associatedcertificated noise and/ or...
10034324 POLICE AVIATION CAA UK MD902 CONFIG. P&W Aircraft Role Configuration The Certification Basis for the original RFM Supplement; FMS/ none 25/03/2011 Active 10034324
SERVICES Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY 206&207 product and the followingadditional 592-002 Rev A.or later
or alternative airworthiness revisions of theabove listed
requirements are applicable tothis documents approved by
certificate/ approval.CS-27 Amdt. EASABuild standard; PAS/
2The requirements for 592-100-07.Compliance
environmental protection and the Report; DR/592-001 Rev
associatedcertificated noise and/ or C.ICA; MSS/592-008 Rev A.
emissions levels of the original p...
10034337 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Navigation/Communications Upgrade. The requirements for environmental Master Data List MDL-1208 None 25/03/2011 Active 10034337
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY LIST protection and the Issue 1Change Statement
associatedcertificated noise and/ or CS1208 Issue 1Instructions for
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness
product areunchanged and remain ICA-1208 Issue1Flight Manual
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement AFMS-1208-01
approval. Issue 1Flight
AFMS-1208-02 Issue 1Flight
Manual Supplement
AFMS-1208-03 Issue 1or later
revisions of the above listed
10034340 DART AEROSPACE TCCA STC 429 Installation of UltraPaws. The Certification Basis for the original MDL-D429-793 revision A None. 25/03/2011 Active 10034340
Ltd. SH10-49 product and the followingadditional dated 27 October 2010 -
or alternative airworthiness Master Document List;IIN-
requirements are applicable tothis D429-793 revision B dated 25
certificate/ approval.CS27/29 Change October 2010 -
2The requirements for InstallationInstructions;ICA-
environmental protection and the D429-793 revision 0 dated 19
associatedcertificated noise and/ or October 2010 - Instructions
emissions levels of the origin... forContinued Airworthiness.
10034368 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) CAA UK B737-400 Installation of a two-class seating The Certification Basis for the original - Modification Summary Sheet Not Applicable 29/03/2011 Active 10034368
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY arrangement product remains applicable tothis and Declaration of
certificate/ approvalThe certificated Compliance Mod
noise and/ or emissions levels of the H4A1381issue 1 dated
original productare unchanged and 14/03/2011or later revisions
remain applicable to this certificate/ of theabove listed documents
approval approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 248 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034376 ARCHEION FAA STC 2. B757-300 Installation of an Avionica satLINK The Certification Basis for the original Archeion Holdings LLC Master None 30/03/2011 Active 10034376
HOLDINGS, L.L.C. ST03529AT 1. B757-200 Communication Management System product and the followingadditional Drawing List doc. N° 27005-
or alternative airworthiness MDLrevision Gdated 18th
requirements are applicable tothis Aug. 2010AFM Supplement,
certificateFor changed areas the 072950-503, Revision C, 28th
certification basis is CS 25 march 2011ICA 27005-ICA,
amendment 2<(>,<)>25.301, 25.303, revision F, 25th June 2010or
25.305, 25.307, 25.561, 25.1301, later revisions of the above
25.1209, 25.1351,25.1353, 25.1... listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (o...
10034382 airplus engineering REV. 1 2. 58P, 58PA, 58TC, 58TCA Dual Installation of Garmin GNS430(A)W / The Certification Basis for the original Engineering Work Order: None 18/02/2021 Active 10034382
GmbH 1. 58, 58A, G58 GNS530(A)W(TAWS) product and the followingadditional EW-1173-000000, Rev. 1Flight
or alternative airworthiness ManualSupplement:
requirements are applicable tothis PO-1173-000000, Rev.
certificate/ approval.EASA CS-23, 1Maintenance Manual
Amendment 2 (elected to comply by Supplement:
the applicant, notrequired by 21A. MM-1173-000000, Rev. 1or
101)The requirements for later revisions of the above
environmental protection and the... listed documents approved by
10034392 KUERZI AVIATION AG MYSTÈRE-FALCON 50 FMS upgradeUpdate of the existing UNS-1k The Certification Basis for the original Master Document/Drawing Restricted to MF50 S/N 183. 31/03/2011 Active 10034392
to UNS-1LW. Installation of a second product remains applicable tothis List doc N° MDL-201034519
FMS.Upgrade of the existing Collins VIR-31 certificate/ approval.The Rev A
1/2 and DME-41 1/2 to VIR-32and DME-42 requirements for environmental dated30/03/2011Master
so that ARINC429 can be used to interface protection and the Package List doc N°
with the dual FMS. associatedcertificated noiseand/ or MPL-201034519 Rev N/C
emissions levels of the original dated 30/03/2011Aircraft
product areunchanged and remain Flight Manual Supplement
applicable to this certificate/ doc N° FMS-201034519 Rev 0
approval. dated 28March
2011.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness, doc
N° ICA-201034519 Rev N/
Cdated 10 Marc...
10034394 HARTZELL FAA STC 58, 58A, G58 Installation of Hartzell PHC-J3YF-2UF/ The Certification Basis for the original FAA approved Drawing No. Only aircraft equipped with a 31/03/2011 Active 10034394
PROPELLER INC. SA10551SC FFC7391D(B, K) propellers product remains applicable tothis 20002-0000, Rev. A, dated 20- Teledyne Continental IO-550-
certificate/ approval.This certificate/ Apr-2006,FAA approved Cengine areeligible for this STC.
approval involves a change to the Airplane Flight Manual
certificated noiseand/ or emissions Supplement AFMS20002-1,
levels. Rev. IR,dated 06-Jul-2006, is
required for Baron 58, 58A,
and G58 airplanes,serial
number TH-1389, TH-1396
and afterInstructions for
Continued Airworthiness,
Doc. No. 20002-30,d...
10034408 AVIATION AS 350 B2 & AS 350 B3 Installation of Electromagnetic Ground Ice The Certification Basis for the original Aviation Engineering AS Flight AS350B2 and AS350B3 post mod 01/04/2011 Active 10034408
ENGINEERING AS Thickness Sensor product and the followingadditional Manual Supplement AS350B2, Eurocopter SBT 25.00.62
or alternative airworthiness B3 PostModification
requirements are applicable tothis Eurocopter SBT 25.00.62 -
certificate/ approvalFAR 27 at doc. No. 2587-02-353, rev. 0
amendments as specified in Aviation dtd21.01.2011or later
Engineering AS COMPLIANCECHECK revisions of the above listed
LIST doc. No. 2587-02-323, rev. 0 dtd documents approved by
08.01.2011 - applicable... EASAAviation Engineering AS
Master Drawing List - doc. No.
2587-02-324, rev.0 dtd
10034421 SHADIN AVIONICS REV. 1 FAA STC 2. 250-C47B, 250-C47M Installation of Shadin fuel flow transducer in The Certification Basis (CB) for the -FAA STC SE578GL-Application None 12/06/2017 Active 10034421
SE578GL 2. 250-C30P, 250-C40B the fuel line between thefuel control unit original product remains applicableto letter "Request for EASA STC
2. 250-C30G/2, 250-C30M (FCU) and the fuel injector. Addition to the this certificate/ approval.The Major Change Level 1" from
2. 250-C28B, 250-C28C EASAApproved Model List (AML) 10034421 of requirements for environmental Mr.Brad Jacobson (Shadin
1. 250-C300/A1 the Rolls-Royce Corporation enginemodel protection and the Avionics)to Ms. Khailaa Hosny
250-C300/A1 associatedcertified noise and/ or (FAA), dated May10th, 2017
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 249 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034434 MT-PROPELLER REV. 2 LBA STC (EMZ) PA-46-310P 1) Installation of MTV-14-D/190-17 on The Certification Basis for the original For installation 1 and 2:- None 25/05/2011 Active 10034434
ENTWICKLUNG SA0786 ISSUE 3 PA-46-310P2) Installation of MTV-14-D/ product and the followingadditional "Anhang zum Flughandbuch
GmbH 195-30a on PA-46-310P3) Installation of or alternative airworthiness Nr. E-512", Issue 30.09.1996-
MTV-14-D/195-30a on PA-46-310P equipped requirements are applicable tothis "Umrüstanweisung No E-511"
with TCMTSIO-550-C i.a.w. FAA STC certificate/ approval.FAR 23 Issue 30.09.1996For
SA00380AT4) Installation of MTV-14-D/ includingAmendment 34 (not installation 3:- "Anhang zum
195-30b on PA-46-310P5) Installation of required by 21A.101, elected Flughandbuch Nr. E-566",
MTV-14-D/195-30b on PA-46-310P eq... tocomply by the applicant)This Issue 22.09.1997-
certificate/ approval involves a "Umrüstanweisung No.
change to... E-565", Issue 22.09.1997For
installation 4 and 5:- Airplane
Flight Manual Supp...
10034435 MT-PROPELLER REV. 1 LBA STC (EMZ) PA-46-350P, PA-46R-350T 1) Installation of MTV-14-B/190-172) The Certification Basis for the original For installation 1:- "Anhang None 07/04/2011 Active 10034435
ENTWICKLUNG SA0626 ISSUE 4 Installation of MTV-14-B/195-30a3) product and the followingadditional zum Flughandbuch Nr. E-466",
GmbH Installation of MTV-14-B/195-30bFor or alternative airworthiness Issue 01.06.1995-
installation 3 optional reduction of take-off requirements are applicable tothis Umrüstanweisung No. E 467"
propeller speed to2400 rpm is included certificate/ approval.FAR 23 Issue 01.06.1995For
includingAmendment 34 (not installation 1 and 2:- "Anhang
required by 21A.101, elected zum Flughandbuch Nr. E-466",
tocomply by the applicant)This Issue 20.02.1998-
certificate/ approval involves a "Umrüstanweisung No.
change to... E-467", Issue 20.02.1998For
installation 3:- Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement...
10034437 JET AVIATION AG, A319-100 GSM Securaplane Antenna Installation In accordance with the EASA - Master Data List ref. doc. None 05/04/2011 Active 10034437
BASEL TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe BA31953001-001, Rev. C<(>,<)
original product and the > dated 30thMarch 2011-
followingadditional or alternative Certification Plan ref. doc.
airworthiness requirements are BA31953001, Rev. A, dated
applicable tothis certificate/ 31st March 2011-
approval- CRI H-01 "Enhanced Certification Compliance
Airworthiness Programme for Sheet, ref. doc.
Aeroplane Systems - ICAon EWIS"The BA31953001-102-01, Rev.
requirements for envir... A,dated 29th March 2011-
Declaration of Compliance
Project BA31953001, dated
10034446 TENENCIA Ltd. CAA UK B737-700, -800, -900 Cockpit Door Surveillance System Certification Basis as per EASA TCDS - Modification TEN 660 B737 Not applicable 05/04/2011 Active 10034446
RESPONSIBILITY B737-300, -400, -500, -600 IM.A.080 Issue 3, 26thOctober Series Cockpit Door
2010plus:The applicant elected to Surveillance Systemissue 2
comply with JAR 25 at change 15 for dated 25 February 2011-
all models.In addition, CRI H1 issue 2 Report TEN 660/1
dated 23/02/2011 on 'Enhanced Certification Compliance
AirworthinessProgramme for Report B737 Series
Aeroplane Systems - ICA on EWIS' CockpitDoor Surveillance
applies.The requirements for envi... System issue 1 dated 4
February 2011- Certification
Plan CP/TEN/660 issue 1 B737
Series Cockpit
DoorSurveillance Sy...
10034447 AEROSPACE DESIGN REV. 1 CAA UK B737-700 Cabin certification for aircraft use in The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List JN314-002 Refer to AFM supplement 12/04/2011 Active 10034447
AND RESPONSIBILITY Commercial operations product is unchanged and ADC17 Issue 2 dated JN314-002 ADC29 Issue 1
CERTIFICATIONLtd. remainapplicable to this 4/04/2011-AFM supplement
T/A AERODAC certificateThe requirements for JN314-002 ADC29 Issue 1
environmental protection and the
associatedcertificated noise and/ or
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate
10034457 SHADIN AVIONICS FAA STC BELL 407 Installation of Digital Fuel Flow Meter. The Certification Basis for the original 4045 revision E dated 15 None. 08/04/2011 Active 10034457
SH582GL BELL 206B, B-1, L, L-1, L-3 product remains applicable tothis December 2010 - Installation
certificate/ approval.The Instructions forBell 206
requirements for environmental Models;4119 revision C dated
protection and the 15 December2010 -
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Installation Instructions
emissions levels of the original forBell 407.
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 250 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034472 TRIUMPH REV. 1 FAA STC B767-200 Insulation Blanket Installation The Certification Basis for the original Mexmil Company’s Index List, None 11/04/2011 Active 10034472
INSULATION ST02013LA product remains applicable tothis Report Number B2000-3
SYSTEMS, L.L.C. certificate.The requirements for RevisionA 22/07/2008or later
environmental protection and the revisions of the above listed
associatedcertificated noise and/ or documents approved by EASA
emissions levels of the original inaccordance with EASA ED
product areunchanged and remain Decision 2004/04/CF (or
applicable to this approval. subsequent revisions ofthis
10034473 CALIFORNIA SHOCK FAA STC BO 105 LS A-3 Engine Upgrade:Removal of two (2) Rolls- The Certification Basis for the original - CALSTAR FAA approved None. 11/04/2011 Active 10034473
TRAUMA AIR RESCUE SR02160LA Royce engine models250-C28C and installing product remains applicable tothis Rotorcraft Flight Manual
(CALSTAR) two(2) Rolls-Royce engine models 250-C30P certificate/ approval.The Supplement,CAL204,Revision
in accordance with FAA STCSR02160LA, dated requirements for environmental I/R, dated July 30, 2008or
March 11, 2011. protection and the later revisions of the above
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or listed documents approved by
emissions levels of the original EASA.- CALSTAR Master
product areunchanged and remain Drawing List CAL201, Revision
applicable to this certificate/ B, dated May 16, 2008-
approval. Installation of (2) Rolls-Royce
250-C30P Engines, Calstar
10034482 TATENHILL AVIATION CAA UK SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Design Data for the Approval of a Honeywell CS-23The requirements for Installation Manual IM.01510 None. 07/04/2011 Active 10034482
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY LIST KFD840 Primary FlightDisplay (PFD). environmental protection and the Revision AMaster Document
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ListMDL.01510 Revision
emissions levels of theoriginal BInstructions for Continued
product areunchanged and remain Airworthiness ICA.01510
applicable to thiscertificate/ Revision AFlight Manual
approval. Supplement FMS.01510
Revision Aor later revisions of
the above listed documents
approved by EASA.
10034483 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 560XL Installation of HID/LED LDG/REC/TAXI The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Document List to Prior to installation of this 15/11/2017 Active 10034483
GMBH light.Replacement of existing conventional original product remains applicableto project C560XL-NY-1170, Rev. modification it must be
LDG/REC/TAXI lights by low powerHID/ this certificate/ approval.The 3 from07 April2011.ICA determined thatthe
LEDlights. requirements for environmental C560XL-NY-1170-07, Rev. 1 interrelationship between this
protection and the from 07 April 2011or later modification and any other
associatedcertified noise and/ or revisions of the above listed previouslyinstalled modification
emissions levels of the original documents approved by and/ or repair will introduce no
product areunchanged and remain EASA. adverse effectupon the
applicable to this certificate/ airworthiness of the product.
10034509 REGENT AEROSPACE FAA STC B777-222 Interior modifications in accordance with The Certification Basis for the original Regent Aerospace Limited to B777-222 aircraft serial 08/04/2011 Active 10034509
CORPORATION ST02274LA Regent Aerospace CorporationMaster Data product remains applicable tothis Corporation MDL-4100, number 30214 only
List MDL-4100, Revision E, dated November certificate/ approval.The Revision E Regent
25, 2009. FAA STCST02274LA refers. requirements for environmental AerospaceCorporation CMM
protection and the 25-21-01, Revision 4or later
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or revisions of the above listed
emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA
product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED
applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or
approval. subsequent revisions ofthis
10034531 GAMA ENGINEERING CAA UK SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of Garmin G500 EFIS PFD/ND. CS-23 Amendment 1The Master Data List MDL-1211 None. 11/04/2011 Active 10034531
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY LIST requirements for environmental Issue 1Change Statement
protection and the CS1211-01Issue 1Instructions
associatedcertificated noise and/ or for Continued Airworthiness
emissions levels of the original ICA-1211-01Issue 1Flight
product areunchanged and remain Manual Supplement
applicable to this certificate/ AFMS-1211-01 Issue 1or later
approval. revisions of the above listed
documents approved by
10034544 AIR SERVICE CENTER REV. 1 182 SERIES Installation of Vaccine Dispersal Kit. The Certification Basis for the original AFM Supplement & None. 11/05/2011 Active 10034544
S.R.L. product remains applicable tothis Maintenance Manual
certificate/ approval.The Supplement for Air Service
requirements for environmental CenterKit ASC182-P001-00,
protection and the included in Doc. ASC182-
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or P001-00-Owm-01or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by
applicable to this certificate/ EASA.

04/01/2023 Page 251 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034547 AIR SERVICE CENTER REV. 1 AS 350 B3 Installation of Vaccine Dispersal Kit. The Certification Basis for the original AFM Supplement & None. 11/05/2011 Active 10034547
S.R.L. product remains applicable tothis Maintenance Manual
certificate/ approval.The Supplement for Air Service
requirements for environmental CenterKit ASC350-P003-00,
protection and the included in Doc. ASC350-
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or P003-00-Owm-01or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by
applicable to this certificate/ EASA.
10034553 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 1 A319-115 Airbus Corporate Jet Centre Modification The Certification Basis for the original -,,Modification Approval This STC is limited to A319-115 25/10/2013 Active 10034553
CJ0500 Issue 3 - VIP Interior product as amendedby thefollowing Sheet ref: MAS CJ0500 Issue 3 MSN 3994Prior to installation of
(EASA.A.S.03845) -"ORION"Revision due to update of AFM-S additional or alternative "TOPMODIFICATIONORION" this design change it must be
and MPD-S airworthiness requirements as dated 24th October determined thatthe
listedin the General CRI G-4112 2013;-,,Modification Approval interrelationship between this
"ACJC Project Certification Sheet ref: MAS CJ0526 design change and any
Basis.Special Condition(s): CRI H-01 - "CONVERSION PRIVATE / otherpreviously installed design
ICA on EWISThe requirements for PUBLIC"-,,AFM Supplement change and/ or repair will
environmental protection and the ref: FM-S MOD CJ0500 dated introduce noadverse effect upon
asso... 1st October 2013-,,MPD the airworthiness of the product.
Supplement ref: MPD-S MOD
CJ0500 dated 1st October
10034584 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA TCDS No. IM.A.009The TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue 1 Restricted to ASN 9408. 13/04/2011 Active 10034584
SA05-60 Interior - ASN 9408 Certification Basis for the original dated 14 June 2005.Aero
product remains applicable tothis Consulting Services Ltd
certificate/ approvalThe Configuration Definition List
requirements for environmental E025000Revision ER dated 24
protection and the March 2011.Bombardier
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Aerospace Aeroplane Flight
emissions levels of the original Manual Supplement G-
product areunchanged and remain FM25004501Revision N/
applicable to this certifi... C.GC94080000-IFCA
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness.or later
10034588 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) CAA UK 747-200, -300 Installation of a CabinVu-123 Cockpit Door The Certification Basis for the original H4AFMS022 Flight Manual None 13/04/2011 Active 10034588
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY Monitoring System and aFlightVu Witness product and the followingadditional SupplementH4ADR548
Cabin Surveillance System in accordance with or alternative airworthiness Instructions forContinued
H4Aerospace Modification Summary requirements are applicable tothis Airworthinessor later
document nr. H4A1333 Rev. 1, dated 18 certificate/ approvalCRI H1 Enhanced revisions of the above listed
052010 or later approved revision. Airworthiness Programme for documents approved by EASA
Aeroplane Systems -ICA onEWIS
10034590 AVIONITEC AG M20K Avionics RetrofitRemoved: ,,- King KX 165 The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List: No. S/N: 25-1170 HB-DHG 13/04/2011 Active 10034590
NAV/COM with KingKI 206 CDI<(>,<)>- King product remains applicable tothis PI91407-017, date
KR 87 ADF with King KI 229 Indicator- Garmin certificate/ approval.The certificated 11.04.2011Airplane Flight
GNS530 NAV/COM/GPSInstalled: ,,- Garmin noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Manual Supplement: No
530W NAV/COM/GPS- Garmin 430W NAV/ original productare unchanged and PI91407-11, date
COM/GPS with GI 106A IndicatorVertically remain applicable to this certificate/ 11.02.2010Instruction for
guided RNAV (GNSS) approaches to LNAV/ approval. continued airworthiness: No.
VNAV or LPV minima... PI91407-015,
date11.02.2010or later
revisions of the above listed
documentsapproved by EASA.
10034601 AVIONIK STRAUBING T210F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, R Dual/Single Installation of Garmin GNS430(A) The Certification Basis for the original Instructions for Installation: None. 14/04/2011 Active 10034601
ENTWICKLUNGS P210N, R W / GNS530(A)W. product and the followingadditional ASR-2010-067-IFI-10-00, Rev.
GmbH 210K, L, M, N, R or alternative airworthiness 00Flight Manual Supplement:
210A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J requirements are applicable tothis ASR-2010-067-FMS-05-00,
210, 210-5, -5A certificate/ approval.EASA CS-23, Rev. 00Instructions for
Arndt. 2 (elected to comply by the Continued Airworthiness:
applicant, not requiredby 21A.101) ASR-2010-067-ICA-11-00, Rev.
The requirements for environmental 00or later revisions of the
protection and the as... above listed
documentsapproved by EASA.
10034622 BUSINESS AND BEECH 1900D BCA 85 rev 3 - Full VIP Cabin Installation The Certification Basis for the original None None 18/04/2011 Active 10034622
COMMUTER Beech 1900D product remains applicable tothis
AIRCRAFT certificate/ approval.The certificated
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 252 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034623 airplus engineering REV. 1 114, 114A, 114B, 114TC Dual installation of Garmin GNS430(A)W/ The Certification Basis for the original Engineering Work Order: None 16/02/2021 Active 10034623
GmbH 112, 112B, 112TC, 112TCA GNS530(A)W(TAWS) product and the followingadditional EW-1162-000000, Rev. 1Flight
or alternative airworthiness ManualSupplement:
requirements are applicable tothis PO-1162-000000, Rev.
certificate/ approval.EASA CS-23, 1Maintenance Manual
Amendment 2 (elected to comply by Supplement:
the applicant, notrequired by 21A. MM-1162-000000, Rev. 1or
101).The requirements for later revisions of the above
environmental protection and th... listed documents approved by
10034628 AEROTEC - T. UHL REV. 2 206H, T206H Sky Diving Kit for Cessna 206HInstallation of The Certification Basis for the original Pilot’s Operating Handbook None 27/08/2012 Active 10034628
GMBH & CO. KG components torelease sky divers. product remains applicable tothis Supplement, Doc. No.
(EASA.A.S.03924) certificate/ approval.The PO-206H-530001;Installation
requirements for environmental and Continuing Airworthiness
protection and the Instructions, Doc.
associatedcertificated noiseand/or No.MM-206H-530001;or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documents approved by
applicable to this certificate/ EASA.
10034631 AIRBORNE REV. 3 P2006T STC-AT-003, Provisions for surveillance The Certification Basis (CB) for the Depending on aircraft The installation of steps 1, 3, 5, or 24/03/2020 Active 10034631
TECHNOLOGIES configurationFor standard analogue original product remains applicableto instrument panel 7 of this STC must becarried
GmbH instruments equipped aircraft:Installation of this certificate/ approval.The configuration outwhile production of the aircraft
a camera hatch, electric doors, and a 28V requirements for environmental (analogueinstruments or at the facilities of the
mission powersystem and installation of an protection and the Garmin G950) and extend of airplanemanufacturer.
electric camera lift (Step 1 & 2)Reason for associatedcertified noise and/ or modification one or more Conversions from step 1 or 3to
Revision 1:Addition of Garmin G950 emissions levels of the original ofthe following documents step 5 or 7 of this STCcan either be
equipped aircra... product areunchanged and remain are required:Installed in performed while production of the
applicable to this certificate/ accordance with “Provisions aircraft at thefacilities of the
approval. for surveillanceconfiguration”, airplane manu...
Doc. No. STC-AT-003-Rev2,
Rev. 10, dated 23.01.2013
10034638 BRISTOW REV. 1 CAA UK S-76C Qualification of the Garmin GNS-530 Series The Certification Basis for the original Bristow Helicopters Limited None. 29/03/2012 Active 10034638
HELICOPTERS RESPONSIBILITY GPS for En-routeNavigationand Non- product and the followingadditional Sikorsky S76 Flight Manual
(EASA.R.S.01356) LIMITED precision approaches. or alternative airworthiness Supplement No17,Issue 3.or
requirements are applicable tothis later revisions of the above
certificate/ approval:CS29 listed documents approved by
Amendment 2applicable to the EASA.Modification MOD/
change.The requirements for S76/34.5635, Issue 5, dated
environmentalprotection and the 21 December
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2011.Certification Plan BHL/
emis... S76.4153<(>,<)> Issue d,
dated 23 August 2011.
10034641 2 EXCEL DESIGN REV. 5 CAA UK PA-31 Introduction of Chin Mount and re-located The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List Flight Manual Supplement 25/08/2017 Active 10034641
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY Pitot tubes. product remains applicable tothis S21.MDL-0825 Issue 10- Flight S21.FMS-0072 Issue 5The
certificate/ approval.The ManualSupplement installation and subsequent
requirements for environmental S21.FMS-0072 Issue 5- operation of a sensor turret
protection and the Compliance Record requires aseparate approval.Prior
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or S21.COMP-0825 Issue 5- to installation of this design
emissions levels of the original Instructions for Continuing change it must be determined
product areunchanged and remain Airworthiness S21.TEC-0305 thatthe interrelationship between
applicable to this certificate/ Issue 3or later revisions of the this design change and any
approval. above listed documents otherpreviously installed design
approved by EASA change...
10034642 LETH & ASSOCIATES, REV. 1 FAA STC 757-200 Maximum zero fuel weight increase The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Master Drawing List, Leth & This approval may only be applied 29/04/2015 Active 10034642
LLC ST01857SE original product remains applicableto Associates document No. to aircraft which have been
this certificate/ approval.The OL0226, Revision NC<(>,<)> convertedunder the EASA
requirements for environmental dated 19 June 2008.-Airplane validated Precision Conversions,
protection and the Flight Manual Supplement, LLC, STC NumberST01529SE.Prior
associatedcertified noise and/ or Leth & Associates document to installation of this design
emissions levels of the original No.OL0224()<(>,<)> Revision change it must be determined
product areunchanged and remain NC, dated 15 June 2008.or thatthe interrelationship between
applicable to this certificate/ later revisions of the above this design change and any
approval. listed documents approved by otherpreviously installed des...
EASA inaccordance with EAS...

04/01/2023 Page 253 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034643 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 1 AS 365N3 Adaption of a FLIR ULTRA 4000 system The Certification Basis (CB) for the Airworthiness Document FLIR ULTRA 4000 must be 01/02/2019 Active 10034643
CRITICAL SERVICES installation provisions for a FLIRULTRA FORCE original product remains applicableto CMA034-AAA E1 previously fitted according to the
(EASA.R.S.01019) FMANAGEMENT II. This modification is a minor change of the this certificate/ approval.The ROEngineering STC FUR ULTRA4000 - 365N3 REF.
S.A.U. STC FLIRULTRA 4000 - 365N3 REF. requirements for environmental BulletinCMA034-BI E1 AHSE-50300 of ASTEC HELICOPTER
AHSE-50300 of ASTEC HELICOPTER SERVICES protection and the ROMaintenance and SERVICES ASPrior to installation of
AS,keeping the supporting structure and the associatedcertified noise and/ or Installation/ this change/repair it must be
electrical provisions for FLIRULTRA 4000.Rev. emissions levels of the original UninstallationInstructions determined thatthe
1: Trans... product areunchanged and remain CMA034-MID E1RODrawings interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ ZW-4003-01 A HELICSA, change/repair and any
approval. ZW-2010-01 H, ZW-2009-01 otherpreviously installed change
H2 & VCR FOR LEOIIAFM and/ ore...
Supplement CMA034-AFMS
E1 ROor later revisions of the
above listed documen...
10034649 JET AVIATION AG, MF900 (EXCEPTED F900C) NZ2000 6.1 upgrade with CD820 CDU The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List Doc. No. As per AFMS Doc. No. 18/04/2011 Active 10034649
BASEL replacement.Existing dualor triple Honeywell product remains applicable tothis BF90034623-001 Rev. B dated BF90034623-201-01 Rev. IR dated
NZ2000 Flight Management System certificate/ approval.The 01.02.2011Instructions for 17.03.2011.
isupgraded as follows:- NCU NZ2000 FMS requirements for environmental Continued Airworthiness Doc.
1&2 version NZ5.2 or later is replaced with protection and the No. BF90034623-150-01dated
versionNZ6.1- CD800/CD810 1&2 CDU associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 20.12.2010Airplane Flight
replaced with CD820.No change in sensors emissions levels of the original Manual Supplement Doc. No.
and capabilities. product areunchanged and remain BF90034623-201-01 Rev.
applicable to this certificate/ IRdated 17.03.2011or
approval. laterrevisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10034657 HELIKOPTER AIR EC135 T2 Dual GNS430W Installation in Autopilot The Certification Basis for the original AFMS 34-002, Revision 0or The installation is limited to 18/04/2011 Active 10034657
TRANSPORT GmbH helicopter product remains applicable tothis later revisions of the above Aircraft Serial Numbers 0220and
certificate/ approval.The listed documents approved by 0221
requirements for environmental EASAEngineering Order EO
protection and the 34-002, Revision 0, including
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or referenced drawingsand
emissions levels of the original Appendix A and BInstallation
product areunchanged and remain Manual EO 34-002CMM
applicable to this certificate/ 34-002 Maintenance
approval. Instructions
10034668 AEROTEC & REV. 1 C-212-DD (C212-300) MOD 0921: EGPWS installationThis revision The Certification Basis for the original MASTER DATA LIST: This STC is limited to MSN 387 and 26/10/2016 Active 10034668
CONCEPT C-212-CC (C-212-200) extends the applicability to add C-212-CC product as amendedby thefollowing AE0921MDL Rev. 10 Dated 22. MSN 139Prior to installation of this
(C-212-200) MSN139. additional or alternative Sept. 2016ForMSN 387:- design change it must be
airworthiness requirements:CS-25 SUPPLEMENT AU MANUEL DE determined thatthe
Amendment 1The requirements for MAINTENANCE: AE0921 IPMN interrelationship between this
environmental protection and the REV 0 dated 09. Oct.2009- design change and any
associatedcertified noise and/ or SUPPLEMENT AU MANUEL DE otherpreviously installed design
emissions levels of the original VOL: AE0921 SMV REV 0 change and/ or repair will
product areunchanged and remain dated 20. Apr. 2011For MSN introduce noadverse effect upon
a... 139:-AIRCRAFT FLIGHT the airworthiness of the product.
AE0921AFMS_2 REV 0 dated
22. Jul.2016-INSTRU...
10034669 RUECKER 328-300 Modification to certificated LOPA The Certification Basis for the original Declaration of Compliance of none 19/04/2011 Active 10034669
AEROSPACE GmbH product remains applicable tothis Ruecker Aerospace
certificate/ approval.The EntwicklungsbetriebEASA.21J.
requirements for environmental 296 dated 18.04.2011
protection and the
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10034675 AEROTEC & C90A Installation d'une antenne SATCOM iridium - The Certification Basis for the original none none 19/04/2011 Active 10034675
CONCEPT dossier aerotec1082rev1 product and the followingadditional
or alternative airworthiness
requirements are applicable tothis
certificate/ approval.CS 23 303, 305,
307, 365, 571, 573, 603, 605, 607,
609The certificated noiseand/ or
emissions levels of the original
productare unchange...

04/01/2023 Page 254 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034682 OGMA, INDUSTRIA EMB-135BJ Change Number 1086.07 - "Installation of The Certification Basis for the original - Change approval sheet: CAS- none 19/04/2011 Active 10034682
AERONAUTICA coffee maker & associated watertank" product remains applicable tothis A1.50C-1086.07-25.00-001
DEPORTUGAL, S.A. certificate/ approval.The certificated dated14Apr2011- Change
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Dossier: CD-
original productare unchanged and A1.50C-1086.07-25.00-001
remain applicable to this certificate/ Rev.A dated 14Apr2011-
approval. Aircraft Maintenance Manual
Supplement: MS-
ial issue, dated 23Nov2010.or
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10034690 AIRBUS DEFENCE REV. 15 A330-243 A330 MRTT FSTA Modification STCRev. 1: The Certification Basis for the original - “Conversion Definition This approval includes the 29/06/2022 Active 10034690
AND SPACE S.A. A330-202, A330-203 Deletion of a previous limitation on the product remains applicable tothis A330MRTT FSTA” document possibility for aircraft and aircraft
(EASA.A.S.03608) occupation of medicalstretchers.Rev. certificate/approval.This certificate/ ref. ME-FU-DT-110145,issue parttransfer from military
2:Introduction of the role change capability. approval involves a change with an A- ALS Repository “A330 FSTA operation (INTA Technical
Therefore, it ispossible for an aircraft to impact on the noisedatabase and/or EASA STC1 Airworthiness Certificateconfiguration) to civil
move from the military register emission levels. The environmental Limitation Section”,document operation (this STC´s
(INTATechnical Certificate configuration) to protectionrequirements are DT-FU-C00-0019, issueC- ALS configuration).For aircraft transfer
the civil regis... amended as follows: ICAO Annex 16, Part 1 Supplement “A330 from military to civil operation: -
8th Edition Chapter1... FSTA Safe-Life the conditionsand transfer rules as
AirworthinessLimitationItems defined in ALS P...
Supplement for EASA STC1”,
document DT-FU-C0...
10034699 AERONAUTICAL FAA STC 429 Installation of Health and Usage Monitoring The Certification Basis for the original -AA-09040 revision 0 dated 9 The HUMS kit is installed on a non- 20/04/2011 Active 10034699
ACCESSORIES, INC SR09536RC-D System (HUMS) product remains applicable tothis November 2010 - Flight required/non-hazardous basis.
certificate/ approval.The Manual Supplementor later Theutilization of the HUMS kit for
requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed maintenance credit is limited to: 1)
protection and the documents approved by EASA main rotor track and balance; 2)
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or inaccordance with EASA ED tail rotordynamic balance; and 3)
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or frahm vibration absorber tuning.
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis HUMS data may not be used for
applicable to this certificate/ decision)-AA-09033 revision D usagehealth or condition -based
approval. dated 26 October 2010 - ma...
Master Document List-
AA-09041 rev...
10034703 ACS-NAI Ltd. REV. 1 TCCA STC PC-12/45, PC-12/47, Installation Utility DoorExisting Cargo door FAR 23The Certification Basis for the Flight manual supplement none 28/11/2012 Active 10034703
SA07-40 PC-12/47E modified to incorporate a utility door (990 original product remains applicable Doc. No.
mm highby 635 mm wide) tothis certificate/ approval. F195090;Modification
datasummary Doc. No.
manual supplement
later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10034706 AIR AMBULANCE REV.2 AS 350 B, AS 350 B1, Installation of Air Ambulance Equipment The Certification Basis (CB) for the For AS 350 models:Flight Prior to installation of this change/ 25/07/2018 Active 10034706
TECHNOLOGY GmbH AS 350 BA, EC 130 B4 (removable stretcher) original product and the Manual AS350 Supplement, repair it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.00470) AS 350 B2, AS 350 B3, followingadditional or alternative Air Ambulance Equipment P/ thatthe interrelationship between
airworthiness requirements are N350-25-24-1000, FMS this change/repair and any
applicable tothis certificate/ SUP.AAT3. Part I, Rev 04, otherpreviously installed change
approval:JAR 27 firstissue application dated May 2018Appendix 1 to and/ or repair willintroduce no
to the modification (for AS 350 FMS SUP.AAT3<(>,<) adverseeffect upon the
models)CS27 amdt. 2 applicable to >Appendix 2 to FMS airworthiness of the product.
the modification (for EC 130 model)... SUP.AAT3<(>,<)>or Rotorcraft
Flight Manual Supplement for
quick conversion kit P/

04/01/2023 Page 255 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034714 2 EXCEL DESIGN REV. 4 CAA UK PA-31 Introduction of enlarged window and sensor The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Document List With a sensor turret with diameter 25/08/2017 Active 10034714
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY turret provisions original product remains applicableto S21.MDL-0914 Issue 7Flight greater than 15.5" installed,
this certificate/ approval.The Manual Supplement flightinto known or forecast icing
requirements for environmental S21.FMS-0077 Issue conditions is
protection and the 4Compliance Record prohibited.Limitations as defined
associatedcertified noise and/ or S21.COMP-0914 Issue in AFMS S21.FMS-0077 Issue 4.The
emissions levels of the original 3Instructions for Continuing installation and subsequent
product areunchanged and remain Airworthiness operation of a sensor turret
applicable to this certificate/ S21.TEC-0374Issue 2or later requires aseparate approval.Prior
approval. revisions of the above listed to installation of this modi...
documents approved by
10034734 2 EXCEL DESIGN REV. 2 CAA UK PA-31 Introduction of a Belly Pod The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List Not to be flown in icing conditions 25/08/2017 Active 10034734
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis S21.MDL-0915 Issue 3 dated with the belly pod
certificate/ approval.The 13/11/2012- Flight Manual installedLimitations as defined in
requirements for environmental Supplement S21.FMS-0080 AFMS S21.FMS-0080 Issue 2 dated
protection and the Issue 2 dated 31/10/2012- 31/10/2012.Prior to installation of
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Compliance Record this design change itmust be
emissions levels of the original S21.COMP-0915 Issue 2 dated determined thatthe
product areunchanged and remain 13/11/2012- Instructions for interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ Continuing Airworthiness design change and any
approval. S21.TEC-0311 Issue 1 otherpreviously installed design
dated20/04/2011or later changea...
revisions of the above listed...
10034747 ARMSTRONG FAA STC B737-800 Validation of FAA STC ST02939CH- The Certification Basis for the original -Master Data List, Ref: None 27/04/2011 Active 10034747
AEROSPACE Inc. ST02939CH-D DPANASONIC DMPES - In flight product and the followingadditional DC104-8084-00 Rev B, dated
Entertainment System installation or alternative airworthiness 22 April2011-Airplane Flight
requirements are applicable tothis Manual Supplement, Ref:
certificate/ approval.Cf. EASA TCDS DC303-8084-00,dated 15
IM.A.120 and:-CRI H-01 issue 01 on April2011-Instruction for
EWIS<(>,<)>-CRI F-01 issue 01 on Continued Airworthiness
IFEThe requirements for Supplement, Ref:
environmental protection and th... DC113-8084-00,Rev A, dated
15 April 2011or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EAS...
10034751 PROTOPLANE REV. 3 AS 350 BB Installation of video transmission equipment The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Data List PP-013- The approval holder shall fulfill the 30/06/2021 Active 10034751
SPECIAL MISSION AS 350 B, AS 350 B1, AS 350 PP-013Rev. 01 New cabin rack U12 (PN original product remains applicableto MDL2-00 issue 0 dated 02 obligations of Part 21, Point21.A.
AIRCRAFT B2 PP-10-A405) addedRev. 02 Renumbering of this certificate/ approval.The June 2021Instruction for 109.Prior to installation of this
AS 350 B3, AS 350 BA, AS 350 elements and enhancement of requirements for environmental Continued Airworthiness change/repairit must be
D installationinstructionsRev. 03 correction of protection and the PP-013-ICA2-00 issue 0 dated determined thatthe
typo concerning Rotorcraft Flight associatedcertified noise and/ or 02June 2021Rotorcraft Flight interrelationship between this
ManualSupplement emissions levels of the product are Manual Supplement PP-013- change/repair and any
unchangedand remain applicable to AFM-03 issue 3 dated 30 otherpreviously installed change
this certificate/approval without any March2020or later revisions and/ or repair will introduce no
im... of theabove listed document adverseeffect upon the airworth...
(s) approved/acceptedunder
the EASA sys...
10034796 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A380-841, A380-842 DLH Stretcher Installation The Certification Basis for the original Definition Document, None 29/04/2011 Active 10034796
AG product and the followingadditional STDD25-10/23M, Issue 1, Rev
or alternative airworthiness 0, 15/04/2011Declaration of
requirements are applicable tothis Compliance No. 3153,
certificate.CRI D-51 Special 18/04/2011or later revisions
Conditionon Stretcher of the above listed documents
InstallationsThe requirements for approved by EASA
environmental protection and the
associatedcertificated noise and/ or
10034806 AERIGO SOLUTIONS REV. 2 TCCA STC PC-12, PC-12/45 PC-12 EASA STC10034806 Rev. 1_Canadian The Certification Basis (CB) for the G504000 Rev C Master Doc This approval is applicable only for 20/01/2016 Active 10034806
INC SA02-80 PC-12/47, PC-12/47E Holder transfer to AerigoDue to a Canadian original product remains applicableto ListG504000 Rev B AFMS all propellers listed on thePilatus
STC Holder transfer (from ACS-NAI LtdTo this certificate/ approval.The "Installation Feather Inhibit PC-12 TCDS EASA A.089 at Issue 06
AerigoSolutions Inc), this STC has to be requirements for environmental System"G504071 Rev C and EASA STCEASA.A.S.03217(MT
updated to Revision 2. In additionthere was a protection and the Maintenance Manual Propellers MT-Propeller
clarification on the configuration that needed associatedcertified noise and/ or Supplement "Installation Entwicklung GmbH)issued 16 Mar
a new"editorial" limitation. emissions levels of the original FeatherInhibit System"or later 2009 andfuture propellers owning
product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed a strictly identical feathering
applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by mechanism.Prior to installation of
approval. EASA. this d...

04/01/2023 Page 256 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034814 GAMA AVIATION REV. 1 CAA UK SEE APPROVED MODEL LIST Navigation/ communications upgrade The Certification Basis (CB) for the All of the documents detailed Applicable to the aircraft types 17/03/2015 Active 10034814
(ENGINEERING) RESPONSIBILITY original product remains applicableto in GAMA Aviation Master and variants detailed in GAMA
LIMITED this certificate/ approval.The Document List(MDL) MDL- AviationMultiple Model List (MML)
requirements for environmental 1224 Issue 4. MML-1224 Issue 3 only.Prior to
protection and the installation of this design change it
associatedcertified noise and/ or must be determined thatthe
emissions levels of the original interrelationship between this
product areunchanged and remain design change and any
applicable to this certificate/ otherpreviously installed design
approval. change and/ or repair...
10034839 AMTECH TCCA STC CL-600-2D24 Installation of a Rosemount Aerospace Angle EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis Rosemount Aerospace Inc. None. 05/05/2011 Active 10034839
AERONAUTICAL SA09-51, ISSUE CL-600-2D15 of Attack Sensor. for the original product remains (RMTAERO) Master Data List
LIMITED NO. 1 CL-600-2C10 applicable tothis certificate/ D06404350, RevisionA or later
approval.The requirements for approved revision<(>,<)
environmental protection and the >Rosemount Aerospace Inc.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Maintenance Manual
emissions levels of the original Supplement and
product areunchanged and remain Instructionsfor Continued
applicable to this certificate/ ap... Airworthiness D06404348,
Revision A or later
later revisions of the above
listed do...
10034865 ACS-NAI Ltd. TCCA STC DHC-8-401,-402 Flight Deck Manual Stowage BoxTCCA STC FAR 25 as per EASA.IM.A.191, Iss. 4 Installation must be in None. 06/05/2011 Active 10034865
SA98-60 ISSUE 2 DHC-8-301,-311,-314,-315 SA98-60, Issue 2, dated 12.02.2001. for DHC-8-100/200/300 SeriesJAR- accordance with ACS-NAI Ltd.
DHC-8-201,-202 CS-25 as per EASA.IM.A.191, ISS, 4 TCCA approvedModification
DHC-8-102,-103,-106 for DHC-8-400 SeriesThe Certification Data Summary B 78600, Rev.
Basis for the original product H<(>,<)>Maintenance must be
remainsapplicable tothis certificate/ in accordance with
approval.The requirements for Instructions for
environmental protection and the ContinuedAirworthiness MMS
associatedcertificated noi... B 78671<(>,<)>or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASAt...
10034876 AEROTEC & REV. 1 C-212-DD (C212-300) MOD 0906: Installation of a Honeywell The Certification Basis (CB) for the MASTER DATA LIST: This STC is limited to MSN 387 and 26/10/2016 Active 10034876
CONCEPT C-212-CC (C-212-200) CAS67A TCASII system and ATC ModeS original product remains applicableto AE0906MDL Rev. 11 Dated 22. MSN 139Prior to installation of this
(EASA.A.S.03826) transponder MST67AThis revision extends this certificate/ approval.The Sept. 2016ForMSN 387:- design change it must be
the applicability to add C-212-CC (C-212-200) requirements for environmental INSTRUCTIONS FOR determined thatthe
MSN139. protection and the AIRWORTHINESS MAINTAIN: interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or AE0906IPMN REV 3 dated design change and any
emissions levels of the original 04.Apr. 2011-FLIGHT MANUAL otherpreviously installed design
product areunchanged and remain SUPPLEMENT: AE0906SMV change and/ or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ REV 2 dated 17. Mar. 2011For introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. MSN 139:-AIRCRAFT FLIGHT the airworthiness of the product.
AE0906AFMS_2 REV 0 dated
22. Jul.2016-INSTRUC...
10034881 AERO DYNAMIX, Inc. FAA STC S-76C Installation of Night Vision Imaging System The Certification Basis for the original -Master Drawing List (MDL), Refer to applicable Rotorcraft 10/05/2011 Active 10034881
SR09543RC (NVIS) / Night Vision Goggle(NVG) compatible product remains applicable tothis Aero Dynamix, Inc. drawing Flight Manual Supplement (RFMS)
lighting system. certificate/ approval.The number MDL4783-01, revision for listof equipment mandatory for
requirements for environmental D, dated 8 December 2010or Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS)
protection and the later revisions of the above certification.
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or listed documents approved by
emissions levels of the original EASA inaccordance with EASA
product areunchanged and remain ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
applicable to this certificate/ subsequent revisions ofthis
approval. decision)-Rotorcraft Flight
Manual Supplement (RF...
10034885 MICRO FAA STC C90GTI, E90, H90 Installation of Vortex Generators on the The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance If more than five vortex 10/05/2011 Active 10034885
AERODYNAMICS, SA02098SE B90, C90, C90A, C90GT wings and tail surfaces, andstrakes on the product remains applicable tothis with Micro AeroDynamics generators, or either nacelle stake
INC. 65-A90-2, 65-A90-3, 65- engine nacelles. certificate/ approvalThe Drawing PackageMA2236, are damagedor missing, the
A90-4 requirements for environmental Revision IR, dated October 06, aircraft is no longer airworthy.
65-90, 65-A90, 65-A90-1 protection and the 2010, and Installation
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ManualMA2237, Revision IR,
emissions levels of the original dated December 01,
product areunchanged and remain 2010.Instructions for
applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness in
approval accordance with
Document MA0666, Revision
A.or later revisi...

04/01/2023 Page 257 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034891 AEROTEC & A340-313 Installation of EFB class IIThis STC installs the The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, ref : None 10/05/2011 Active 10034891
CONCEPT RosemountAerospace 8700C2-3 Laptop product and the followingadditional AE1098MDL, dated 09 May
DockingStation (System provision) or alternative airworthiness 2011Aircraft Flight Manual
requirements are applicable tothis Supplement, ref :
certificate/ approval.EASA TCDS AE1098SMV, dated 18 March
EASA.A.015CRI F-2305-002: 'Installed 2011Instruction for Continued
Provisions for EFB Class 2 Airworthiness, ref :
Provisions'The requirements for AE1098IPMN, dated 17March
environmental protection and th... 2011or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10034892 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A330-200 A330-200 Cabin retrofit ETD01 The Certification Basis for the original Supplemental Type Definition None 10/05/2011 Active 10034892
AG product and the followingadditional Document, ref
or alternative airworthiness STDD00-10/26M Issue 1
requirements are applicable tothis orlater revisions of the above
certificate/ approval- EASA TCDS A. listed documents approved by
004Issue 25- Special Condition EASA
E-1014 Issue 4 (Inflatable SeatBelt)
The requirements for environmental
protection and the a...
10034893 DASSAULT FALCON F2000, F2000EX 115VAC electrical distribution for The Certification Basis for the original DFS Change Approval Sheet Modification applicable to F2000 & 11/05/2011 Active 10034893
SERVICE galley.DFSD144 A consists in installing a product remains applicable tothis DFSD144-CAS Issue A dated F2000 EX aircraft with:-1400W
28VDC/115VAC inverter, the certificate/ approvalThe 10.05.2011.DFS Modification available on A4 bus (version 1) or
associatedprotections and an outlet in the requirements for environmental Sheet DFSD144, Issue A dated 1280W (version 2),and- Master
galley area. protection and the 10.05.2011.or later revisions switch in cockpit to switch off
associatedcertificated noise and/ or of the above listed documents components electricallysuppliedin
emissions levels of the original approved by EASA Galley area, and- Master switch in
product areunchanged and remain cockpit to switch off all
applicable to this certificate/ 115/230VAC distributioncircuit
approval during TO-...
10034902 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A11 Installation, Antenna Provisions EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. C- None 11/05/2011 Active 10034902
LSA11-024/D for the original product remains LSA11-024/D Issue 1 dated 02
applicable tothis certificate/ May2011ACS-NAI Ltd.
approval.The requirements for Modification Data Summary
environmental protection and the G731000 Rev NC or later
associatedcertificated noise and/or approvedrevisionSupplement
emissions levels of the original al Airworthiness Limitations,
product areunchanged and remain G731000-AWL Revision IR or
applicable to this certificate/appr... laterapproved
revisionInstructions for
Continued Airworthiness refer
to G731000-ICA Revisi...
10034913 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK 747-400 Upgrade of first class cabin replacing 16 first The Certification Basis for the original CP25-10_13M LH FC Update None 12/05/2011 Active 10034913
AG class seatsby 8modified first class seats and product remains applicable tothis Rev02Application Declaration
installation of 8 singlebeds and halfsize certificate/ Approval of Compliance ADoC 3162 d.d.
partitions in accordance with 11-05-2011or later revisions
STDD25-10/13M Issue 01, rev 00<(>,<)>d.d. of the above listed documents
11-05-2011 approved by EASA
10034914 SAFRAN REV. 11 EC135 T3 Installation of Flight Data Monitoring System The Certification Basis for the original Applicable documentation for Prior to installation of this design 18/08/2020 Active 10034914
ELECTRONICS & EC135 T2+, EC135 T3 HELICOM V2 NUM and HELICOMV2+ product as amendedby thefollowing installation of HELICOM V2 change it must be determined
(EASA.R.S.01544) DEFENSEBUSINESS EC135 T2+ NUMRevision 1:- Introduction of reference to additional or alternative NUMand V2+ NUMon EC 135 thatthe interrelationship between
UNIT - HELICOPTERS EC135 T2 Special Condition for Lithium airworthiness requirements:Special P2+, EC 135 T1(CPDS), EC 135 this design change and any
DATAMANAGEMENT EC135 T1, EC135 T2 BatteryInstallations, which was inadvertently Condition(s): F-01 Lithium Battery T2(CPDS),EC 135 T2+, otherpreviously installed design
SOLUTIONS & EC135 T1 omitted during the InstallationsThe requirements for EC135P1(CPDS), EC135 P2 change and/ or repair will
SERVICES EC135 P3 initialcertification.Revision 2:- Extension of environmental protection and the (CPDS), EC135 T3(CPDS), introduce noadverse effect upon
EC135 P2+, EC135 P3 the applicability of the STC to the E... associatedcertified noise and/ or EC135 P3(CPDS):- Rotorcraft the airworthiness ofthe product.
EC135 P2+ emissions levels of the pro... Flight Manual Supplement
EC135 P2 N11-EC135 V2-HV2 NUM E-
EC135 P1, EC135 P2 D-04, dated13 August 2020-
EC135 P1 Instructions for C...
10034918 BEECHCRAFT REV. 1 FAA STC G36 G1000 Integrated Avionics System update The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Aircraft modified with this STC 11/06/2015 Active 10034918
CORPORATION SA01595WI-D with options including SyntheticVision and product remains applicable tothis with Garmin Master Drawing must be maintained in accordance
Pathways and GTS 820 Traffic Advisory certificate/ approval List (MDL)005-00620-18, withthe instructions for continued
SystemEASA Approval of SBAS based LNAV/ Revision 1, dated July 21, airworthiness (ICA)listed in the
VNAV and LPV Functionality.Revision 1: 2010.Operationin accordance GarminMDL identified above.Prior
Transfer from Garmin International Inc. to with Garmin FAA Approved to installation of this modification
BeechcraftCorporation Flight ManualSupplement it must be determined thatthe
190-01258-00, Revision 1, interrelationship between this
dated July 21, 2010, and modification and any other
EASAspecific Flight Manual previous...
Supplement ref 190-01258-02
Revision 1....

04/01/2023 Page 258 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034921 RUAG AG REV. 1 PC-6, PC-6/350, PC-6/350-H1 Avionics upgrade with Aspen The Certification Basis for the original Engineering Order: S/N: All- One independent 29/01/2021 Active 10034921
PC-6/C-H2, PC-6/C1-H2 EFD1000Removed:-Various Equipment (if product as amendedby thefollowing 1898256-01, dated Communication or Navigation
PC-6/B2-H2, PC-6/B2-H4 installed) i.a.w. DIC 1898256-101Installed:- additional or alternative 11.04.2011Airplane Flight System needs to beinstalled in
PC-6/A, PC-6/A-H1, PC-6/A- Aspen EFD1000 Electronic Flight Instrument airworthiness requirements:the Manual Supplement: addition to the two GNS430W.-
H2 System-Dual Garmin GNS430WCOM/NAV/ following paragraph(s) at a later 1898256-50 dated RNAV(GPS) Approaches to LNAV,
PC-6 ALL SERIES GPS-Garmin GMA 340 Audio Panel amendment: FAR 23 Amdt.54 and 11.04.2011Instructions for LNAV/VNAV or LPV minima are
PC-6/A2-H2, PC-6/B1-H2 FAR23.1308 Amdt.57The continued airworthiness: notapproved.Prior to installation
PC-6/A1-H2, PC-6/A2-H2 requirements for environmental 1898256-60 dated of this change/repair it must be
PC-6/350-H2, PC-6-H1, PC-6- protection and the 01.04.2011or later revisions determined thatthe
H2 associatedcertified noise and/a... of the above listed document interrelationship between this
(s) approved/acceptedunder change/re...
the EASA system.
10034925 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 2 T303 Installation of1. Dual GPS/NAV/COMM The Certification Basis for the original -Engineering Order: C303- This STC consists of three blocks 15/11/2017 Active 10034925
GMBH Garmin GNS430/530(A)W2.E-HSI Sandel product remains applicable tothis NY-07165-05, Rev. 1-Flight (see title) which may be
SN3308 with Directional Gyro Century certificate/ approval.The Manual Supplements:C303- installedindependently from each
NSD360A3.Various other NAV/COMM related requirements for environmental NY-07165-08a, Rev. 1C303- other. The components of the
Avionic Components protection and the NY-07165-08b, Rev.1C303- third block (seeEquipment List)
associatedcertificated noiseand/or NY-07165-08c, Rev. 1C303- may also be installed
emissions levels of the original NY-07165-08d, Rev. 1C303- independently.The third block of
product areunchanged and remain NY-07165-08e, Rev. 1C303- this STC includes the installation
applicable to this certificate/ NY-07165-08f, Rev. 1- of:Honeywell (Bendix/King) ADF
approval. Maintenance Procedures: KR-87 with indicator KI227...
C303-NY-07165-07, Rev. 1or
later revisions of the abov...
10034927 FLINT AERO, INC. FAA STC 185E, A185E, A185F Installation of twelve (12) gallon auxiliary fuel The Certification Basis for the original Installation Instruction Flint The limitations and conditions of 13/05/2011 Active 10034927
SA2529WE 185, 185A, 185B, 185C, 185D tank in each wing inacc. with FAA STC product remains applicable tothis Aero, Inc. Doc. No. FA180, FAA TCDS 3A24 apply, except
SA2529WE. certificate/ approval.The Rev. L, datedSeptember 4, asoutlined below:a) Model 185
requirements for environmental 2007Operational Limitation: through A185F S/N 18502262 - 89
protection and the see placards in acc. with Flint gal. (85 gal. useable); two32.5 gal.
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Aero, Inc. Doc.No. FA180, Rev. main tanks in wings at (+48) and
emissions levels of the original L, dated September 4, two 12 gal. (11.5 gal.usable) aux.
product areunchanged and remain 2007Maintenance Instruction tanks in wings at (+50).b) Model
applicable to this certificate/ in acc. with Flint Aero, Inc. A185F S/N 18502263 through
approval. Doc. No. FA180,Rev. L, dated 18502838, e...
September 4, 200...
10034950 AEROCONSEIL AS 365N3 Installation of structural provisions (floor The Certification Basis for the original -Aeroconseil Master Data List None 16/05/2011 Active 10034950
fittings) for cabin layoutModification in product remains applicable tothis (MDL) 2018-01-A-2103-R00-
accordance with AEROCONSEIL Installation certificate/ approval.The Aeroconseil Installation
ServiceBulletin 2018-01-A-3101. requirements for environmental Service Bulletin 2018-01-
protection and the A-3101-R00-Aeroconseil
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Instruction for Continued
emissions levels of the original Airworthiness (ICA)2018-01-
product areunchanged and remain A-2211-R00
applicable to this certificate/
10034980 AVIATION SUPPORT REV. 1 SA 365 N Title: SA 365 EMS Equipment.Description: The Certification Basis for the original Flight manual Supplement, This STC is applicable for the Serial 24/05/2011 Active 10034980
GmbH Installation of anEMS Equipment fixed at the product remains applicable tothis EMS Equipment, SA365N, Number 6100.The use of the
seat andcargo attachment points of the certificate/ approval.The ASE-91012,FMS-ASE-91012, electrical components of the
passenger compartment.The System is requirements for environmental Revision 0-3 dated 5th May medical equipment is limitedto
installed at the location of the first and protection and the 2011<(>,<)>or later revisions VFR Operations.The use of a hoist
second seatrow.The aft seat row remains for associatedcertificated noiseand/ or of the above listed documents is not possible if the EMS
the health personnel.The medical equipment emissions levels of the original approved by EASA.Liste der Equipment is installed.
is insta... product areunchanged and remain gültigen Dokumente (Master
applicable to this certificate/ Document List), ASE-91012,
approval. EMSEquipment, SA365N,
MDL-ASE-91012, Revision 0-2
dated 5t...
10034986 BEECHCRAFT REV. 1 FAA STC G58 G1000 Integrated Avionics System update The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Aircraft modified with this STC 12/06/2015 Active 10034986
CORPORATION SA01584WI-D with options including SyntheticVision and product remains applicable tothis with Garmin Master Drawing must be maintained in accordance
Pathways and GTS 820 Traffic Advisory certificate/ approvalThe List (MDL)005-00606-01, withthe instructions for continued
SystemEASA Approval of SBAS based LNAV/ requirements for environmental Revision 1, dated June 4, airworthiness (ICA)listed in the
VNAV and LPV Functionality.Revision 1: protection and the 2010.Operation in accordance GarminMDL identified above.Prior
Transfer from Garmin International Inc. to associatedcertificated noise and/ or with Garmin FAA Approved to installation of this modification
BeechcraftCorporation emissions levels of the original Flight ManualSupplement it must be determined thatthe
product areunchanged and remain 190-01180-01, Revision 1, interrelationship between this
applicable to this certificate/ dated June 4, 2010, and modification and any other
approval EASAspecific Flight Manual previous...
Supplement ref 190-01180-05
Revision 1.or...

04/01/2023 Page 259 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10034991 AVIONIK STRAUBING SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of PFD Aspen EFD1000 PRO. The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement: None. 18/05/2011 Active 10034991
ENTWICKLUNGS LIST product remains applicable tothis ASR-2011-020-
GmbH certificate/ approval.CS-23, FMS-05-00Aircraft Model List:
Amendment 2 (not required by 21A. ASR-2011-020-
101)The requirements for AML-24-00Instructions for
environmental protection and the Installation: ASR-2011-020-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or IFI-10-00Instructions for
emissions levels of the original Continued airworthiness:
product areunchanged and remain ASR-2011-020-ICA-11-00or
app... later revisions of the
abovelisted documents
approved by EASA.
10034998 TENENCIA Ltd. CAA UK A318, A319, A320, A321 1 NET In-flight Entertainment (IFE) System The Certification Basis for the original - Modification TEN 646, ref Not applicable 18/05/2011 Active 10034998
RESPONSIBILITY Installation product and the followingadditional report TEN 646, Issue 1, dated
or alternative airworthiness 17th May 2011- Certification
requirements are applicable tothis Compliance Report, ref.
certificate/ approval1. CRI H-01 report TEN 646/1, Issue 1,
"Enhanced Airworthiness Programme dated6th May 2011- Electrical
for Aeroplane Systems -ICA on Wiring Interconnection
EWIS"The requirements for System (EWIS) ICA, ref.
environmental protection and the report646/26A, Issue 1,dated
ass... 11th October 2010or later
revisions of the above liste...
10035000 BABCOCK MISSION REV. 1 SA 330 J Modification of transponder wiring The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Master document list Prior to installation of this change/ 01/02/2019 Active 10035000
CRITICAL SERVICES installation to comply with EASA ADNo original product remains applicableto INAER.M11/010/34-LMD, repair it must be determined
FMANAGEMENT 2010-0067Rev. 1: Transfer of STC this certificate/ approval.The Revision 0-Engineering thatthe interrelationship between
S.A.U. requirements for environmental bulletin INAER.M11/010/34-BI this change/repair and any
protection and the 0, Revision 0-Declaration of otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or compliance and/ or repair willintroduce no
emissions levels of the original INAER.M11/010/34/DoC-1 adverseeffect upon the
product areunchanged and remain dated 17 May 2011or later airworthiness of the product.
applicable to this certificate/ revisions of the above listed
approval. document(s) approved/
acceptedunder the EASA
10035015 AIRBUS REV. 1 FAA STC NO. EC135 T2(CPDS), EC135 T2+ Installation of a Belly and Fin Strobe lights in The Certification Basis for the original - AEC Drawing List None. 23/05/2011 Active 10035015
HELICOPTERS, Inc. SR09262RC-D EC135 T1(CDS), EC135 T1 accordancewith AECDrawing List product remains applicable tothis 135A82-8018, Revision A,
(CPDS), 135A82-8018. certificate/ approval.The dated 08/20/01-Instructions
EC135 P2(CPDS), EC135 P2+, requirements for environmental for Continued Airworthiness
EC135 P1(CDS), EC135 P1 protection and the 135MMS-014, dated
(CPDS), associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 07/31/01or later revisions of
emissions levels of the original the above listed documents.
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10035016 DASSAULT AIRCRAFT FAA STC N° F2000EX Oxygen system installation.Installation of The Certification Basis for the original DFJ Certification Data List doc. As per FAA STC N° ST10262SC-D, 19/05/2011 Active 10035016
SERVICES CORP. ST10262SC-D added portion ofthe continuous flow, product remains applicable tothis N° F2EX-01006 Revision K Revision 2 Issue date April 14,
dropout typeoxygen system for the cabin and certificate/ approvalThe dated March31, 2011.
lavatory. This system connects to theexisting requirements for environmental 2011.Instructions for
TC aircraft oxygen system.Validation of FAA protection and the Continued Airworthiness doc.
STC N° ST10262SC-D, Revision 2 Issue date associatedcertificated noise and/ or N° ICA-
April 14,2011 emissions levels of the original F2EX-01006-503Revision
product areunchanged and remain Original, dated January 25,
applicable to this certificate/ 2011.or later revisions of the
approval above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (...
10035017 DASSAULT FALCON FAA STC 2. FALCON 900EX Assist Handle Installation:Configuration -501: The Certification Basis for the original DFJ Certification Data List doc. none 19/05/2011 Active 10035017
JET CORPORATION ST10657SC-D 1. FALCON 2000EX Main entry door assist handle product remains applicable tothis N° F00-01013 Revision J dated
installationConfiguration -503: Aft lavatory certificate/ approval.The April 7,2011.Instructions for
assist handle installationValidation of FAA requirements for environmental Continued Airworthiness doc.
STC N°ST10657SC-D protection and the N° ICA-
associatedcertificated noiseand/or F00-01013-501/503Revision
emissions levels of the original Original, dated January 25,
product areunchanged and remain 2011or later revisions of the
applicable to this certificate/ above listed documents
approval. approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (...

04/01/2023 Page 260 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035018 DASSAULT AIRCRAFT FAA STC N° F2000EX & F900EX Console table installation.Installation of a The Certification Basis for the original DFJ Certification Data List doc. None 19/05/2011 Active 10035018
SERVICES CORP. ST10584SC-D Console Table in the main cabin area of the product remains applicable tothis N° F00-01008 Revision K
aircraftside ledge. This tabledesign will certificate/ approvalThe dated April
typically be located between twosingle seats requirements for environmental 2,2011.Instructions for
and is not designed to be installed in front of protection and the Continued Airworthiness doc.
theemergency escape hatch.Validation of associatedcertificated noise and/ or N° ICA-
FAA STC N°ST10584SC-D emissions levels of the original F00-01008-501Revision
product areunchanged and remain Original, dated January 25,
applicable to this certificate/ 2011.or later revisions of the
approval above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (ort...
10035047 TENENCIA Ltd. REV. 1 CAA UK A321-271N/-271NX/-272N/- Installation of provision for the use of a Class The Certification Basis (CB) for the TEN 674 Issue 38 – Prior to installation of this change/ 11/12/2020 Active 10035047
RESPONSIBILITY 272NX 2 Dual GoodrichElectronic Flight Bag (EFB) original product remains applicableto Modification Report (Master repair it must be determined
A321-251NX/-252NX/-253N/ Smart Display SystemRev. 1:Extension of this certificate/ approval.The Data List) thatthe interrelationship between
-253NX model applicability list (A319-151N / -153N / requirements for environmental dated07.12.2020TEN 674-01 this change/repair and any
A321-213/-231/-232/-251N/- -171N- A320-251N / -252N / -253N / -271N / protection and the Issue 5 – Certification otherpreviously installed change
252N -272N / -273N - A321-251N / -252N/ -253N / associatedcertified noise and/ or Compliance Report dated and/ or repair willintroduce no
A321-111/-112/-131/-211/-2 -271N / -272N / -251NX / -252NX / -... emissions levels of the product are 30.11.2020TEN 674-47 Issue1 adverseeffect upon the
12 unchangedand remain applicable to – AFM Supplement Report airworthiness of the product.
A320-253N/-271N/-272N/-2 this certificate/approval without any dated 02.20.2020or later
73N im... revisions of the above listed
A320-231/-232/-233/-251N/- document(s) approved/
252N acceptedunder the EASA
A320-211/-212/-214/-215/-2 system.
A319, A320, A321 ALL
10035077 AIRLIFT A/S REV. 1 AS365N3 Installation of NVIS Lighting System in The Certification Basis for the original -Airlift Flight Manual Refer to applicable Flight Manual 20/04/2012 Active 10035077
accordance with Airlift product remains applicable tothis Supplement: Supplement (FMS) for listof
MOD.DO-365-33-104.Note: Revision 1 certificate/ approval.The FMS-365-33-104-01, Rev.1- equipmentmandatory for Night
introduces new helicopter configurations. requirements for environmental Airlift Flight Manual Vision Imaging System (NVIS)
protection and the Supplement: FMS-365-33- certification.
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 104-02, Rev.0or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain document approved by EASA-
applicable to this certificate/ Airlift AS 365N3 NVIS Lighting
approval. System Installation: MOD.
DO- 365-33-104Rev.1.-Airlift
AS 365N3 NVIS Lighting
10035079 FLINT AERO, INC. FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of one twelve (12) gallon auxiliary The Certification Basis for the original Flint Aero Master Drawing List The limitations and conditions of 24/05/2011 Active 10035079
SA1614WE LIST fuel tank in eachoutboard wing panel in acc. product remains applicable tothis 15171821, Rev. A, FAA FAA Aircraft Specification A-799,
with FAA STC SA1614WE. certificate/ approvalThe approved November5, FAAData Sheets 3A12, 3A17, or
requirements for environmental 2007orSealed Flint Aero FAA Data Sheets A4EU and A18EU
protection and the Master Drawing List FA170, or EASA TCDSIM.A.051 apply,
associatedcertificated noise and/ or last Rev.Installation except as outlined below of this
emissions levels of the original instructions FA180, Rev. L, STC:1. Fuel CapacityAdd "24 gal.
product areunchanged and remain datedSeptember 4, (23 gal. useable); two 12 gal. aux.
applicable to this certificate/ 2007Airplane Flight Manual tanks in wings at(+50)" to
approval Supplement FTC453.001, IR, quantities sho...
FAA approved May 8,2006For
earlier installations:a) F...
10035080 AIRLIFT A/S AS 365 N2 Installation of NVIS Lighting System in The Certification Basis for the original Airlift Flight Manual Refer to applicable Flight Manual 24/05/2011 Active 10035080
accordance with Airlift MOD.DO-365-33-101. product remains applicable tothis Supplement: FMS-365-33- Supplement (FMS) for listof
(EASA.R.S.01514) certificate/ approval.The 101-01, Rev. 0or later equipmentmandatory for Night
requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed Vision Imaging System (NVIS)
protection and the document approved certification.
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or byEASAAirlift AS 365N2 NVIS
emissions levels of the original Lighting System Installation:
product areunchanged and remain MOD. DO-365-33-101Rev.
applicable to this certificate/ 0Airlift Instruction for
approval. Continued Airworthiness:
ICA-365-33-101-01 Rev.
1Airlift Master Document

04/01/2023 Page 261 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035081 STC ACQUISITION, FAA STC G-1159 (GULFSTREAM II) Installation of a pylon mounted ejector The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Model G-1159, (Gulfstream II) 24/05/2011 Active 10035081
LLC ST01567LA G-1159B (GULFSTREAM IIB) system with new design thrustreversers, to product remains applicable tothis with Master Drawing List ref 1),,Aircraft without Aircraft Service
G-1159A (GULFSTREAM III) show compliance with ICAO Annex 16, certificate/ approval.CAR 4b and FAR A<(>&<)>C-00-00-051 Rev N, Change (ASC) 81, “62,500
Volume 1, Amendment 9,Chapter 3 noise 25 and FAA Issue Paper P-1 as dated 17 March, PoundIncreased Gross
requirements. defined in FAA STCST01567LA.This 2005.Operation in accordance WeightModifications, or those
certificate/ approval involves a with Aircraft Flight Manual with a Maximum (ramp)weight
change to the requirements Supplement ref A<(>&<) less than 62,500 lb are not eligible
forenvironmental protection and/or >C-01-00-270, dated 16 May, for this modification.2),,Aircraft
a change to the certificated n... 2005 for model G-1159 with ASC 200, “Fuel Tip Tanks -
(GulfstreamII)Operation in Installation off” are no...
accordance with Aircraft
Flight Manual Suppl...
10035091 FR AVIATION Ltd.D/ CAA UK TYPE: FAN JET FALCON Extended underwing stores carriage (flutter The Certification Basis for the original Design Change Statement This approval only addresses the 30/05/2011 Active 10035091
B/A COBHAM RESPONSIBILITY BASIC, D AND E SERIES clearance)The goal is to approve the flutter product remains applicable tothis doc. N° DC-0194 Issue 1 dated clearance of the pod
AVIATION SERVICES clearance of underwing storeconfigurations certificate/ approval. 20.05.2011Compliance configurationswith respect to
UK installed onto Fan Jet Falcon aircraft with Record doc. N° CR-0194 Issue flutter, all other aspects of the
existingunderwing hard points. This design A dated 20.05.2011or later certification process,such as
definition establishes an envelope revisions of the above listed structural strength<(>,<)> effects
ofacceptable stores properties based on documents approvedby EASA. on aircraft handling
knownc... andperformance, system safety
and environmental protection
require furtherinvestigation.
10035106 SAFRAN CABIN FAA STC A330-223, A330-243 Installation of New J Class Crew Rest for The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, ref : HPD- none 26/05/2011 Active 10035106
BELLINGHAM, INC. ST02072SE A330-201, A330-202, Qantas Airlines A330-200seriesThis STC product remains applicable tothis DL-141 Revision E, dated 14
A330-203 installs a removable crew rest curtainand certificate/ approval.The June 2010Instruction for
curtain header requirements for environmental Continued Airworthiness, ref :
protection and the HTM963,dated 14 May
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 2010or later revisions of the
emissions levels of the original above listed documents
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/
10035120 airplus engineering REV. 1 DHC-8-315 VIP Cabin Interior Modification as detailed in The Certification Basis for the original Installation must be in Prior to installation of this 10/02/2021 Active 10035120
GmbH AIRplus DescriptionDocument product and the followingadditional accordance with-AIRplus modification it must be
(EASA.A.S.03596) DE-0348-250001, Revision 3, dated or alternative airworthiness Modification Package determined thatthe
03.05.2011Rev1: transfer to new STC holder requirements are applicable tothis EW-0348-000010, Revision 3, interrelationship between this
from “Airplus Maintenance certificate/ approval.Elected to dated31.08.2009-AIRplus modification and any other
comply CS 25, Amendment 4 for Master Drawing List previouslyinstalled modification
changed areasThe requirements for MD-0348-000001, Revision 9, and/or repair will introduce no
environmental protection and the dated11.08.2010-V-Plane IFE adverse effectupon the
associatedcertificated noiseu... System Description APDHC8- airworthiness of theproduct
DE-4420-01-02, dated
10.08.2010Operation must be
in accordance with-V-Plane
10035124 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GIV-X Installation of a Honeywell LSZ-860 Lightning The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance This approval should not be 27/05/2011 Active 10035124
AEROSPACE ST03070AT Sensor System. product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace extended to other aircraft of this
CORPORATION certificate/ approvalThe Corporation IndexList model onwhich other previously
requirements for environmental GC412258000, Revision F, approved modifications are
protection and the dated March 28, incorporated, unlessit is
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2005.Operation in accordance determined by the installer
emissions levels of the original to Gulfstream Flight Manual thatthe interrelationship
product areunchanged and remain supplement ref betweenthis change and any other
applicable to this certificate/ GC41225M000 dated 05 April previously approved modifications
approval 2005. "Honeywell will produceno adverse effect u...
SensorSystem".or later
revisions of the above list...
10035125 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GIV-X Installation of a Custom Cabin Interior and The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance You cannot use descriptive data 27/05/2011 Active 10035125
AEROSPACE ST03566AT-D completion of AircraftSerial Number 4121. product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace about this design change
CORPORATION certificate/ approvalThe Corporation IndexList toduplicateother products. This
requirements for environmental GC420004121, Revision E, approval is limited to only the
protection and the dated August 21, 2008or later installation madein Gulfstream
associatedcertificated noise and/ or revisions of the above listed GIV-X, A/C 4121. This STC does not
emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA permit manufacturing ofparts for
product areunchanged and remain inaccordance with EASA ED multiple installations.
applicable to this certificate/ Decision 2004/04/CF (or
approval subsequent revisions ofthis

04/01/2023 Page 262 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035128 LEARJET Inc.D/B/A FAA STC BD-700-1A10 Modification of the Forward Water Fill Panel EASA TCDS IM.A.009The Certification FAA STC No. SA8182NM-D This installation modifies the 27/05/2011 Active 10035128
BOMBARDIER SA8182NM-D Basis for the original product remains dated 23 January existing water fill panel
AIRCRAFT SERVICES applicable tothis certificate/ 2001.Bombardier Aerospace installationinstalled by Bombardier
approval.The requirements for Master Drawing List Inc. Engineering Drawing
environmental protection and the BAS67010003 revision A MDC9000-0142-1 only(Previously
associatedcertificated noise and/or dated 21December 2000 or approved under EASA STC No.
emissions levels of the original later approved revision.or EASA.IM.A.S.02336)
product areunchanged and remain later revisions ofthe above
applicable to this certificate... listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/02/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthi...
10035154 BEECHCRAFT REV. 1 FAA STC 390 (PREMIER IA) Installation of an AirCell telephone system. The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Serial Number RB-73 OnlyHawker 15/11/2012 Active 10035154
CORPORATION SA00526DE 390 (PREMIER I) product remains applicable tothis with Master Data List, Beechcraft Ltd. Minor Modification
certificate/ approval.The Document No.GEN-030317- SC0392A must be embodied.
requirements for environmental MDL, Revision B dated
protection and the September 5, 2003Maintain in
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or accordance with Document
emissions levels of the original No GEN-030317-018 Rev. A,
product areunchanged and remain dated,September 5,
applicable to this certificate/ 2003.Aircraft to be operated
approval. in accordance with Flight
Manual Supplement
refGEN-030317-020, Rev IR,
10035155 STANDARD AERO FAA STC EMB-145LR, EMB-145XR Installation of a Honeywell KHF-1050 HF The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List : 1018147 None. 30/05/2011 Active 10035155
ST02803CH-D EMB-145ER, EMB-145MR, System. product remains applicable tothis Rev.A dated 05 February
EMB-145, EMB-145MP, certificate/ approval.EASA TCDS 2010- Airplane Flight Manual
EMB-145EP, IM.A.032The certificated noise and/ Supplement : 1018197 Rev.A
EMB-135KE, EMB-135KL, or emissions levels of the original dated 21 February2010-
EMB-135ER, EMB-135LR, productare unchanged and remain Instruction for Continued
applicable to this certificate/ Airworthiness : 1018140
approval. Rev.A dated 13January 2010-
EWIS ICA : 1019049 Rev.B
dated 23 July 2010-
Airworthiness Limitations :
1018206 Rev.A dat...
10035156 BRISTOW CAA UK SIKORSKY S-76C Qualification of the Garmin 400 Series GPS CS29The requirements for Bristow Helicopters Limited None. 30/05/2011 Active 10035156
HELICOPTERS RESPONSIBILITY for enroute navigation andnon-precision environmental protection and the Sikorsky S76 Flight Manual
(EASA.R.S.01356) LIMITED approach. associatedcertificated noise and/ or Supplement No 20Issue 1or
emissions levels of the original later revisions of the above
product areunchanged and remain listed documents approved by
applicable to this certificate/ EASAModification MOO/
approval. S76/34.5794 Issue
1Certification Plan
BHLlS76.4504 Issue A
10035157 TATENHILL AVIATION CAA UK 3. PA-34-200, PA-34-200T Design data for the approval of a Honeywell CS-23The requirements for Installation Manual IM.02510 None 30/05/2011 Active 10035157
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY 2. PA-34-220T KFD840 Primary FlightDisplay (PFD) environmental protection and the Revision AMaster Document
1. PA-44-180, PA-44-180T associatedcertificated noise and/ or ListMDL.02510 Revision
emissions levels of theoriginal AInstructions for Continued
product areunchanged and remain Airworthiness ICA.02510
applicable to thiscertificate/ Revision AFlight Manual
approval. Supplement FMS.02510
Revision Aor later revisions of
the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10035162 AVIONIK STRAUBING PA-28RT-201, -201T Installation of dual GPS/NAV/COMM Garmin The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual-Supplement: None. 31/05/2011 Active 10035162
ENTWICKLUNGS PA-28R-180, -200, -201, GNS430/530(A)W. product and the followingadditional ASR-2010-058-FMS-05-00,
GmbH -201T or alternative airworthiness Amendment00Project
PA-28-236, -151 requirements are applicable tothis Description: ASR-2010-058-
PA-28-180, -181, -161, -140 certificate/ approval.CS-23, PRD-04-00, Amendment
PA-28-150, -160, -235, -201T Amendment2 (not required by 21A. 00Instructions for Installation:
101)The requirements for ASR-2010-058-IFI-10-00,
environmental protection and the Amendment 00Instructions
associatedcertificated noise and/ or for Continued Airworthiness:
em... ASR-2010-058-
ICA-11-00,Amendment 00or
later revisions of the above

04/01/2023 Page 263 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035173 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK B737-300 Introduction of Number 2 Galley Assembly The Certification Basis for the original -S21.MDL-0809 Issue 2 None 01/06/2011 Active 10035173
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY product and the followingadditional Master Document List dtd.
or alternative airworthiness 17.May 2011-S21.COMP-0809
requirements are applicable tothis Issue 2 Compliance Record
certificate/ approvalFAR 25.1529 at dtd. 19.May 2011-
Amdt 21CRI H-1 - Enhanced S21.TEC-0316 Initial Issue 1
Airworthiness Programme for Supplemental Manual dtd.
Aeroplane Systems - ICAon EWIS 18.May 2011or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approvedby EASA
10035182 AEROCONSEIL A300 F4-605 R, A300 F4-622 Aeroconseil STC 0490-1 Aircell ST3100 The Certification Basis for the original - A300-600 Flight Manual None. 01/06/2011 Active 10035182
R SATCOM Installation on A300-600s.This STC product and the followingadditional Supplement Ref.0490-01-
A300 C4-620, covers the installation of a Satellite or alternative airworthiness A-2301 Rev.00- Instruction for
A300 C4-605 R VARIANT F, Telephone SystemTransceiver, a Telephone requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness
A300 B4-622 R, A300 B4-605 adapter with Display, a Base cradle for certificate/ approval.- EASA - Document Ref.0490-01-
R, theCordless Handset and a Satellite antenna Certification Specification CS 25 A-2211- Compliance Records
A300 B4-620, A300 B4-622, in accordance with Master DataList Ref. Amdt 4.- Special condition S/C H01. Ref.0490-01-A-2104 Rev.01-
A300 B4-601, A300 B4-603, 0490-01-A-2103 Re... (Enhanced airworthiness programme Master Data List Ref.0490-01-
foraeroplane Systems -El... A-2103 Rev.01or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by
10035193 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK EMB-145 Introduction on EMB-145 of Saftglo The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List doc. none 03/06/2011 Active 10035193
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY photoluminescent FPEEPMS product remains applicable tothis S21.MDL-0842 dated
certificate/ approval.The certificated 24.05.2011Aircraft Flight
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Manual Supplement doc.
original productare unchanged and S21.FMS-0075 Issue
remain applicable to this certificate/ 1Compliance Record doc.
approval. S21.COMP-0842 dated
24.05.2011or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10035215 PRECISE FLIGHT, Inc. REV. 1 FAA SA2622NM FALCON 50 Installation of Precise Flight Pulselite Control The Certification Basis for the original - Engineering Drawing List ref. This approval is restricted to the 16/11/2021 Active 10035215
DHC-8-314, DHC-8-315 SystemRev.1 updates the applicability to product remains applicable tothis 250P0000 rev. A, dated 22 following Pulselite units:
DHC-8-301, DHC-8-311 DHC-7 and DHC-8 models. certificate/ approval.The February 2010- Instructions 2400-25-4-4 / 2400-25-4-4-1 /
DHC-8-103, DHC-8-106 requirements for environmental for Continued Airworthiness 240-25-4-4-2 / 2401S / 2401.This
DHC-7-103, DHC-8-102 protection and the ref. 000PMAN0002 rev. approval does not cover the
DHC-7-100, DHC-7-101 associatedcertificated noiseand/ or G,dated 06 May 2020- Aircraft physical installation of the
emissions levels of the original Flight ManualSupplement system.Physical installation of the
product areunchanged and remain listed on FAA AML N° system in the aircraftshould be
applicable to this certificate/ SA2622NM dated06 dulysubstantiated by an
approval. December 2004.- Installation appropriate entity and app...
Manual listed on FAA AML N°
SA2622NM dated...
10035229 ASI INNOVATION T206H ASI-FAM-0002-01 Installation of Flir MX10 on The Certification Basis for the original Aircraft Flight Manual Limitation to Cessna T206H serial 07/06/2011 Active 10035229
Cessna T206H. product remains applicable tothis Supplement ASI-AFM-0002-03 numbers 445 and 446.
certificate/ approval.The certificated dated 22 April 2011ASI-
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the SDL-0002-05Maintenance
original productare unchanged and Planning Supplement ASI-
remain applicable to this certificate/ MPS-0002-01 dated 17 March
approval. 2011or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA.
10035243 DANSK FLY CESSNA 414, 414A Installation of Garmin GTX330D Transponder The Certification Basis for the original Design Order Package DFE- None 07/06/2011 Active 10035243
ELEKTRONIK ApS product remains applicable tothis DO-0439 including Aircraft
certificate/ approval.The Flight ManualSupplement
requirements for environmental (DFE-DO-0439-AFMS) and
protection and the Instructions for
associatedcertificated noiseand/or ContinuedAirworthiness (DFE-
emissions levels of the original DO-0439-ICA)or later
product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed
applicable to this certificate/ documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 264 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035249 KUERZI AVIATION AG PC-6-B2-H4 Cold weather operation package (230VAC or CAR 3,,Amdt: 3-1 through 3-5The Master Document List: S/N: all 08/06/2011 Active 10035249
110VAC)By installation of:- One TANIS Certification Basis for theoriginal MDL-201110187, dated
TAS200 Battery Heater system- One product and the followingadditional 08.06.2011Project Installation
TANISTAS300 Turbine Preheat system- One or alternativeairworthiness Manual: PIM-201110187,
Power receptacle in the cabin front right requirements are applicable tothis dated 08.06.2011Instruction
certificate/ approvalSCs or ESFs: For for continued airworthiness:
this change, voluntary compliance to ICA-201110187, dated
CS23 Amdt. 0 wasshown.The 08.06.2011Airplane Flight
certificated noise and/ or emi... Manual Supplement:
FMS-201110187, dated
08.06.2011or later revisions
of the above listed
10035253 ALIDAUNIA S.R.L. A109A II MB 022/ALI/2010 "Installation of Alternate The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement None 15/07/2011 Active 10035253
Static Pressure Source forthe Indicator: product remains applicable tothis Doc. FMS/ALI/022 Rev. 0or
Altimeter, Airspeed & Vertical Speed" certificate/ approval.The later revisions of the above
requirements for environmental listed documents approved by
protection and the EASABT DocDR/ALI/022 Rev.
associatedcertificated noiseand/or 0Maintenance Manual
emissions levels of the original Supplement Doc. MMS/ALI/
product areunchanged and remain 022 Rev. 0
applicable to this certificate/
10035259 SPECTRUM REV. 1 FAA STC 441 Air Ambulance Conversion in accordance The Certification Basis of the original FAA approved Master Prior to installation of this design 23/04/2019 Active 10035259
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a SA02935CH with Spectrum Aeromed DrawingList product remains applicable tothis Drawing List, Doc. No. change it must be determined
SPECTRUM change.The certificated noise and/ or 6078DL, Rev. -, dated thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED emissions levels of the original 16February 2010<(>,<)>FAA this design change and any
productare unchanged and remain Approved Aircraft Flight otherpreviously installed design
applicable to this certificate/ Manual Supplement, Doc. No. change and/ or repair will
approval. 6078FMS, Rev.-, dated 12 July introduce noadverse effect upon
2010or later revisions of the the airworthiness ofthe product.
above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
10035276 HELI-ONE TCCA STC S-61N Sealed Lead Acid Battery Installation CAR-7The Certification Basis for the Flight Manual Supplement none 15/06/2011 Active 10035276
SH05-46 original product remains applicable CHS61-24-016 Revision Aor
tothis certificate/ approval.The later revisions of the above
requirements for environmental listed documents approved by
protection and the EASA inaccordance with EASA
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ED Decision 2004/02/CF (or
emissions levels of the original subsequent revisions ofthis
product areunchanged and remain decision)CHC Approval
applicable to this certificate/ Control Document
approval.... CHS61-24-016 Revision
AInstructions for Continued
Airworthiness Conco...
10035279 GULFSTREAM FAA STC GV-SP Aircraft Completion and Installation of an The Certification Basis for the original Installation of an Airplane The installer must determine 10/06/2011 Active 10035279
AEROSPACE ST03795AT-D Airplane Interior product remains applicable tothis Interior in accordance with whether this design change is
CORPORATION certificate/ approvalThe GulfstreamAerospace compatiblewith previously
requirements for environmental Corporation Index List approved modifications.If the
protection and the GC520005280, Revision D, holder agrees to permit another
associatedcertificated noise and/ or datedSeptember 23, person to use this certificate
emissions levels of the original 2010.Operation in accordance toalter the product, the holder
product areunchanged and remain with Gulfstream Aircraft Flight shall give the other person
applicable to this certificate/ ManualSupplement ref GC51 writtenevidence of that
approval 468M015, dated 23 permission.
September 2010.Instructions
for Continued Airworthin...
10035287 SAFRAN REV. 9 EC 130 B4, EC 130 T2 Installation of Flight Data Monitoring system The Certification Basis for the original - Rotorcraft Flight Manual - For AS 350 B2 model, this STC is 27/02/2020 Active 10035287
ELECTRONICS & AS 350 B2, AS 350 B3 HELICOM V2 NUM or HELICOMV2+ product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement N11-AS350_HV2 applicable only to aircraft
DEFENSEBUSINESS NUMRevision 1: Introduction of alternate additional or alternative HV2+ NUM-E-A03Rev.04;- equippedwith VEMD system.- The
UNIT - HELICOPTERS positions for antennasRevision 2: Correction airworthiness requirements:- Special Instructions for Continued system does not replace standard
DATAMANAGEMENT of minor discrepancies in Condition(s): CRI F-01 (Lithium Airworthiness N8-AS350_HV2 maintenance records and
SOLUTIONS & associateddocumentationRevision 3: Battery Installations)The HV2+ NUM-E G 03Rev.07;- pilotreporting.Prior to installation
SERVICES Addition of "Instruction for Continued requirements for environmental Master Document List N10- of this modification it must be
Airworthiness NoN8-AS350 HV2-E-F-02 Rev... protection and the AS350_HV2 HV2+ NUM-LIST determined thatthe
associatedcertified noise and/ or OF DOCUMENTS-E-ARev.06Or interrelationship between this
emissions levels of... later revisions of the above modification and any other pre...
listed document(s) approved/
acceptedunder th...

04/01/2023 Page 265 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035295 AIRCRAFT DESIGN REV. 2 L-13 "BLANÍK" Modification and inspection program for The Certification Basis (CB) for the Modification and inspection According to the applicable AFM 17/07/2018 Active 10035295
CERTIFICATION compliance with EASAAD-2010-0185-E. original product remains applicableto program for compliance with Supplement.
GmbH this certificate/ approval.The EASAAD-2010-0185-
requirements for environmental E:ADxC-39-001-AFM - 30 Mar
protection and the 11 - Airplane Flight Manual
associatedcertified noise and/ or SupplementADxC-39-001-
emissions levels of the original AMM - 11 Jun 11 - Sailplane
product areunchanged and remain Maintenance Manual
applicable to this certificate/ SupplementADxC-39-EO-013
approval. Issue A - 01 Apr 11 - Template
for Installation ofstructural
10035296 ROCKWELL COLLINS, FAA STC B767-300 Installation of Rockwell Collins CMU-900 The Certification Basis for the original Hollingsead International none 14/06/2011 Active 10035296
Inc. ST01886LA Communications ManagementSystem, product remains applicable tothis Master Data List 2853-01,
APM-900 Airplane Personality Module, certificate.The requirements for Revision NC,04/04/2006Flight
IDC-900 Integrated DatalinkController & environmental protection and the Manual Supplement,
Teledyne TP-4499 Printer. associatedcertificated noise and/ or Document No. 2853-AFM,
emissions levels of the original Revision NC, 12/05/2006or
product areunchanged and remain later revisions of the above
applicable to this approval. listed documents approved by
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10035308 SPECTRUM REV. 1 FAA STC 510 Air Ambulance Conversion according FAA STC The Certification Basis for the original Installed iaw. Spectrum Prior to installation of this design 23/04/2019 Active 10035308
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a SA02897CH SA02897CH. product remains applicable tothis Aeromed Master Drawing List change it must be determined
SPECTRUM certificate/ approval.CS 23 as defined 6053DL,dated 21 thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED in CRI A-01 and indicated in TCDS Apr2010Operated iaw. FAA this design change and any
EASA.IM.A.502The requirements for approved AFM-S 6053FMS, otherpreviously installed design
environmental protection and the dated 26 Oct 2010Maintained change and/ or repair will
associatedcertificated noise and/ or iaw. FAA accepted Inst. for introduce noadverse effect upon
emissions levels of the original ContAW, Manual 6053MM, the airworthiness ofthe product.
product areunch... dated 21Apr 2010or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EAS...
10035310 ACS-NAI Ltd. REV. 1 TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft The Certification Basis for the original TCCA STC No. C-LSA11-075/D Restricted to ASN 9403.This 15/06/2011 Active 10035310
LSA11-075/D Interior. product remains applicable tothis Issue 1 dated 13 May system is intended to provide
ISS1 certificate/ approval.The 2011.ACS-NAI Ltd. internet connectivity and
requirements for environmental Modification Data Summary emailservices to the airplane's
protection and the G789000 Revision NC or cabin using portable electronic
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or laterapproved revision.ACS- devices(PEDs). Any other intended
emissions levels of the original NAI Ltd. Airplane Flight function of this equipment will
product areunchanged and remain Manual Supplement for the require are-examination of the
applicable to this certificate/ Complete CustomAircraft certification basis.Embodiment of
approval. Interior, G789091 Revision B EASA STC No. EASA.IM....
or later approved
revision.Instructions for
10035325 NORTHERN REV. 1 AW109SP Installation of a Relay box and Control Panel The Certification Basis for the original Rotorcraft Flight Manual Required pre-modification: Agusta 05/08/2011 Active 10035325
AVIONICS S.R.L. for ICS VIP application. product remains applicable tothis Supplement for ICS VIP electrical/mechanical provision
certificate/ approval.The Miscellaneous ControlPanel nº109-B810-30-( )
requirements for environmental (KIT P/N KNAV-418), RFMS
protection and the NAV 436 Rev. 0or later
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or revisions of the above listed
emissions levels of the original documents approved by
product areunchanged and remain EASA.Instructions for
applicable to this certificate/ Continuous Airworthiness
approval. ICA-NAV436, Revision 0,
dated15 June 2011Installation
Instructions II-NAV436-1...
10035332 PEMCO WORLD AIR REV. 1 FAA STC B737-300 Installation of a Cargo Loading System in acc The Certification Basis for the original -Project Specific Certification None 16/06/2011 Active 10035332
SERVICES SA2971SO with MDL 2337rev X product and the followingadditional Plan for up-date of STC
(2004-3750) dated12/07/2010Modification of the STC FAA or alternative airworthiness SA2971SO toinclude 148
SA2971SO to increase from 121 pax to 148 requirements are applicable tothis passenger configuration of
paxaccording to drawing 90945-507/607 certificate/ approval.Refer to the Quick Change Handling/
Airworthiness Approval Note 24984 loadingsystem for B737-300
Addendum 1 (enclosed)The S/N 23522 and 23523 - Report
certificated noise and/ or emissions No. ER-5085 rev 3
levels of the original productar... dated06/09/2011-Drawing
90945-507/607 as described
in master Drawing List for
B737-200and B737...

04/01/2023 Page 266 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035344 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK A320-214 Custom Interior A320 Jubilee The Certification Basis for the original STC Twenty One Limited This design change approval is 16/06/2011 Active 10035344
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY product and the followingadditional documents:- Master applicable on Aircraft
or alternative airworthiness Document List S21.MDL-0909 modelAirbusA320-214, aircraft
requirements are applicable tothis initial issue dated 02nd June serial number 4199.
certificate/ approvalThe following 2011.- Aeroplane Flight
EASA Certification Review Items Manual (AFM) Supplement
(CRIs) are part of thecertification S21.FMS-0079 Issue 1.- For
basis for this design change:- documents and supplement
Deviation CRI D-01 Issue-... manuals related with
instructions forcontinued
airworthiness see references
on Master Document ListS2...
10035406 JET AVIATION AG, FALCON 2000 Iridium antenna installation.Structural The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List Doc. No. Restricted to S/N 173This approval 21/06/2011 Active 10035406
BASEL justification of the installation of an Aircell product remains applicable tothis BOSIR001-002 Rev. A dated only covers the structural
low profiledual patch antenna on top of the certificate/ approval.The 16.06.2011Certification installation of the
fuselage between frames 17 and 18. requirements for environmental Compliance Sheet Doc. No. antenna.Installation and activation
protection and the BOSIR001-102-02 Rev. A of any related Satcom system
associatedcertificated noiseand/or dated28.01.2011Instructions must bejustified and covered by
emissions levels of the original for Continued Airworthiness another suitable approval.
product areunchanged and remain Doc. No. BOSIR001-150-02
applicable to this certificate/ Rev.IR dated 09.06.2011or
approval. later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10035421 GULFSTREAM FAA STC NO. GV-SP (G550) Installation of Cabin Interior and Aircraft The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance None 21/06/2011 Active 10035421
AEROSPACE ST04238AT-D Completion for GulfstreamGV-SP model product remains applicable tothis with Gulfstream Aerospace
CORPORATION Aircraft certificate/ approvalThe Corporation IndexList No.
requirements for environmental GC520008724 Rev G, dated
protection and the June 8, 2011.Operation in
associatedcertificated noise and/ or accordance with Gulfstream
emissions levels of the original Aerospace Corporation
product areunchanged and remain AircraftFlight Manual
applicable to this certificate/ Supplement No.
approval GC52000M149 Rev -, dated
June 8, 2011.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness in
10035429 DART AEROSPACE REV. 2 TCCA STC 407 D407-797 Heli Utility Basket and Heli Access The Certification Basis for the original FMS-D407-797 revision A None. 28/11/2011 Active 10035429
Ltd. SH11-1 206L, 206L-1, 206L-3, 206L-4 Step Installation, Revisionto STC 10035429 to product and the followingadditional dated 12 January 2011 - Flight
add D407-797-311 Heli AccessStep. or alternative airworthiness Manual Supplementor later
requirements are applicable tothis revisions of the above listed
certificate/ approval:The applicant documents approved by EASA
complied voluntarily with the inaccordance with EASA ED
following paragraphs of FAR27 Decision 2004/02/CF (or
amendment 27-45:27.1, 27.21, subsequent revisions ofthis
27.25, 27.27, 27.29, 27.45, 27.51,... decision).IIN-D407-797
revision C dated 29 July 2011 -
Installation Instructions;ICA...
10035437 AMAC AEROSPACE A319-133 Satcom and LAN / WLAN System Installation The Certification Basis for the original - Master Data List, ref. doc. Not Applicable 22/06/2011 Active 10035437
SWITZERLAND AG product and the followingadditional MDL-BL01-2300, Rev. A,
or alternative airworthiness dated 1st June 2011-
requirements are applicable tothis Certification Plan, ref. doc.
certificate/ approval1. CRI H-01 CP-BL01-2300, Rev. B, dated
"Enhanced Airworthiness Programme 20th June2011- Compliance
for Aeroplane Systems -ICA on Check List, ref. doc.CCL-
EWIS"The requirements for BL01-2300, Rev. B, dated
environmental protection and the 23rdMarch 2011- Declaration
ass... ofCompliance - Project
Satcom and LAN / WLAN
10035456 AVIONIK STRAUBING F406 Cockpit Upgrade basing on dual Garmin G600 The Certification Basis for the original Project Description Only applicable for Aircraft S/N 24/06/2011 Active 10035456
ENTWICKLUNGS and GNS430W product and the followingadditional ASR-2011-033-PRD-04-00, 097 and up
GmbH or alternative airworthiness Rev. 00Instruction for
requirements are applicable tothis Installation ASR-2011-033-
certificate/ approval.EASA CS-23, IFI-10-00, Rev. 00Instructions
Amndt. 1The requirements for for Continued Airworthiness
environmental protection and the ASR-2011-033-ICA-11-00<
associatedcertificated noise and/or (>,<)>Rev. 00Flight Manual
emissions levels of the ori... Supplement ASR-2011-033-
FMS-05-00, Rev. 00or later
revisions of the above listed
documents a...

04/01/2023 Page 267 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035461 DASSAULT AIRCRAFT FAA STC N° 2. F900EX Galley pocket door installationValidation of The Certification Basis for the original DFJ Certification Data List doc. Approval is limited to the "-501" 24/06/2011 Active 10035461
SERVICES CORP. ST10583SC-D 1. F2000EX FAA STC N°ST10583SC-D product remains applicable tothis N° F00-01005 Revision AR configuration.
certificate/ approvalThe dated April03,
requirements for environmental 2011.Instructions for
protection and the Continued Airworthiness doc.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or N° ICA-
emissions levels of the original F00-01005-501Revision
product areunchanged and remain Original, dated January 25,
applicable to this certificate/ 2011Airplane Flight Manual
approval Supplement doc. N°37887-1
datedJuly 16, 2007or later
revisions of the above listed
10035471 BRISTOW REV. 1 CAA UK S-92A Installation of Rockwell Collins TCAS II The Certification Basis for the original S92 Flight Manual None 18/07/2012 Active 10035471
HELICOPTERS RESPONSIBILITY systemRev. 1 covers modification of Rockwell product remains applicable tothis Supplement No 2 issue 3 - for
(EASA.R.S.01467) LIMITED Collins TCAS-4000 TCAS II updateto version certificate/ approval.The software version 7.0S92 Flight
7.1 software - Modification S92/34.5702 requirements for environmental Manual Supplement No 4
protection and the initial issue - for software
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or version7.1or later revisions of
emissions levels of the original the above listeddocuments
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASABHL/
applicable to this certificate/ S92.0106 issue a dated 24
approval. September 2010 -
Certification PlanBHL/
S92.0311 initial issue da...
10035483 SKYE AVIONICS Ltd. TCCA STC BELL 407 Installation of "Check Engine Instruments" The Certification Basis for the original AER-FMS-023 revision 01 None 27/06/2011 Active 10035483
SH11-14 Audio Alert System. product remains applicable tothis dated 29 April 2011 - Flight
certificate/ approvalThe ManualSupplementor later
requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
protection and the documents approved by EASA
associatedcertificated noise and/ or inaccordance with EASA ED
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/02/CF (or
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis
applicable to this certificate/ decision)AER-MDL-034
approval revision NC dated 2 May 2011
- Master Document
10035488 KUERZI AVIATION AG DHC-6-300 Installation of two Aspen Electronic Flight The Certification Basis for the original Master document list None 27/06/2011 Active 10035488
Display (EFD1000 Pro, oneGarmin GNS530W product and the followingadditional MDL-201034120, Initial
(GPS, COM, NAV), one Garmin GNS430W or alternative airworthiness issueProduct Installation
(GPS, COM, NAV), oneGarmin GTX330 (XPDR) requirements are applicable tothis Manual PIM-201034120,
and one Garmin GTS800 (TAS) certificate/ approvalFAR-23, Amdt. Initial issueFlight Manual
0elect to complyFAR23.1308 Amdt. Supplement FMS-201034120,
57FAR23.1309 Amdt. 41FAR23.1311 Initial issueInstruction of
Amdt. 41FAR23.1322 Amdt. Continued Airworthiness
17FAR23.1326 Amdt. 49FAR23.1529 ICA-201034120, Initial issue
Am... Ior later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10035500 NORTHERN AB206B NAV 427 "Installation of Alternate Static The Certification Basis for the original RFMS NAV 427 Rev. 0 (RFM This STC is applicable only to the 27/06/2011 Active 10035500
AVIONICS S.R.L. System" - This kits consistsin the installation product and the followingadditional Supplement & Supplemento helicopters S/Ns from 8590 to
of an additional line to the original static or alternative airworthiness al Manuale di Volo)Technical 8758.
lineand a 3-way valve/switch (with the air requirements are applicable tothis Modification Bulletin
inlet port) to pick up the staticpressure in the certificate/ approval.CS-27 Amdt. 2 NAV-427 Rev. 0or later
cabin when the external ports occluded (for (Ref. NAV-427 Rev. 0 Sec. VIII)The revisions of the above listed
ice or otherreasons). This va... requirements for environmental documents approved by EASA
protection and the
associatedcertificated noise and/or
10035543 AVIONICS EC135 P2+ GNS-530 & GNS-430A InstallationOut: The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List Doc. No.: This EASA STC is only valid after 29/06/2011 Active 10035543
INTEGRATION & Garmin GNS-530W & GNS-430WIn: Garmin product remains applicable tothis EV5126-049 Rev. EASA Validation of FAA STC
ENGINEERINGCORPO GNS-530 & GNS-430AComplete retrofit done certificate/ approval.The certificated IRInstructions for Continued SR09137RC-D(Extended R/H Side
RATION AG (AIEC) by American Eurocopter under FAA Form 337 noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Airworthiness Doc. No.: Instrument Panel).S/N: 0684
dated11.12.2009 and FAAForm 8110-3 dated original productare unchanged and EV5126-085 Rev. IRRotorcraft
11.12.2009 remain applicable to this certificate/ Flight manual Supplement
approval. Doc. No.: EV5126-071.01 Rev.
IRor later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 268 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035563 MICHELIN NORTH FAA STC CL-600-2D24 Installation of Michelin's tire(s) P/N EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis FAA STC No. SA03642AT none 30/06/2011 Active 10035563
AMERICA, INC. ST03642AT CL-600-2C10, CL-600-2D15 029-901-0 on the main gear and/orP/N for the original product remains dated 10 March 2010.Aircraft
036-897-0 on the nose landing gear of applicable tothis certificate/ Braking Systems Corporation
Bombardier CL-600-2C10,CL-600-2D15, approval.The requirements for (ABCS) Component
CL-600-2D24 aircraft wheel assembly. environmental protection and the Maintenance Manual(CMM)
associatedcertificated noise and/ or AP-843, Revision 1, dated 20
emissions levels of the original April 2004, AP-794, Revision
product areunchanged and remain 1dated1 April 2003, AP-795
applicable to this certificate/ ap... dated 1 February 2001, and
Michelin North America,Inc.
Service Bulletin STC SB
2008-10-15 Revi...
10035568 DASSAULT FALCON REV. 2 MF900, F900EX WiFi activation on MF900 and F900EX.This The following JAR 25 requirements at Master Data List DFS-DE-17- MF900 model (F900B 13/07/2015 Active 10035568
SERVICE revision 2 of the EASA STC 10035568 Change 14 are applicable to theparts F9-9609 issue D, dated 9 July configuration) equipped with WiFi
approves the extension ofapplicability of the introduced by this design change: 2015 equipmentsinstallation compliant
change to the F900EX model, EASy 25.1301 (a)(d)25.1309 (a)(g) with prerequisite note
version.NEW-PAGE 25.132225.1353 (a)25.1431 (a) (c)The DT-001-11.MF900 model (F900C
requirements for environmental version) and F900EX model (non
protection and the EASy version) equippedwith WiFi
associatedcertificated noise and/ or equipments installation compliant
emissions levels of the original withprerequisite
product... noteDT-003-10F900EX model
(EASy version) equipp...
10035585 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC NO. C- BD-700-1A10 Approval of Side Facing Divan Seating EASA IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. C- Restricted to ASN 9054.Previous 06/07/2011 Active 10035585
LSA02-261/D Limitations for the original product remains LSA02-261/D Issue 2 dated 12 embodiment of EASA STC No.
applicable tothis certificate/ November 2003.Aero 10016140 (FAA STC No
approval.The requirements for Consulting Services SA8164NM-D)
environmental protection and the Modification Data Summary
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Number D04100Revision A or
emissions levels of the original later approved revision.Aero
product areunchanged and remain Consulting Services Flight
applicable to this certificate/ ap... Manual Supplement D04191
Revision Aorlater approved
revision.or later revisions of
the above li...
10035593 AMES - AEROSPACE REV. 1 737-700 AND 737-800 B737-800/-700 Live TV System Removal / The Certification Basis for the original The required documents are This STC is only applicable for 09/11/2012 Active 10035593
AND Major Change to EASASTC 10035593to product remains applicable tothis specified in Engineering aircraft which have been
MECHANICALENGINE implement B737-700 as effective certificate/ approval.No additional OrderEO_M08300110_MGR_ previouslymodified with FAA
ERING SERVICES ING. aircraftAMESwill use FAA approved Live TV Airworthiness Requirements have 09052011, Revision 2 dated Supplemental Type Certificate
WALTERSTARZACHER documentation such as but notlimitedto: been added and/or accepteddue to 24.10.2012or laterrevisions of ST02887AT.
GesmbH Drawings, Structural substantiation reports, thecurrent change.The change is the above listed documents
ELAand W<(>&<)>B forcompliance classified as non-significant and approved by EASA- The
demonstration. therefore the applicantselected the modifications shall be done in
Amendment of the CS a... accordance with the
instructionsdefined in
Engineering Bulletin
10035617 AIRBUS FAA STC SA 365 N1,AS 365 N2 Installation of Bendix /King EFIS 40 Electronic The Certification Basis for the original - Rotorcraft Flight Manual none 05/07/2011 Active 10035617
HELICOPTERS, Inc. SH8171SW-D Flight InstrumentationSystem in accordance product remains applicable tothis Supplement 365FMS-017
with AEC Drawing List 365A73-9051Revision certificate/ approval.The Rev.A1, dated06/15/2011 for
B dated10/1/93 or Bendix /King EFIS 50 requirements for environmental EFIS 40 installation.-Rotorcraft
Electronic Flight InstrumentationSystem in protection and the Flight Manual Supplement
accordance with AEC Drawing List associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 365FMS-018 Rev.A1 dated
365A73-9056 Revision B dated6/28/94. emissions levels of the original 06/15/2011for EFIS 50
product areunchanged and remain installationor later revisions
applicable to this certificate/ of the above listed documents
approval. approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/0...
10035624 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK BD-700-1A11 Customized Interior Completion - ASN 9308 EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis STC Twenty One Ltd Master Restricted to ASN 9308 05/07/2011 Active 10035624
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY for the original product remains Document List No
applicable tothis certificate/ S21.MDL-0794 Issue 1STC
approvalThe requirements for Twenty One Ltd Flight Manual
environmental protection and the Supplement No.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or S21.FMS-0084 Issue
emissions levels of the original 1Midcoast Aviation Inc.
product areunchanged and remain Instructions for Continued
applicable to this certificate/ app... Airworthiness
No35-027E205or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA

04/01/2023 Page 269 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035635 HELI AUSTRIA GmbH REV. 1 AS 355 F1, AS 355 F2 Compliance of C20R installation with BCAR The Certification Basis for the original AS 355 F1 SUPP 11.2 - Take- none 02/09/2013 Active 10035635
Section G and confirmation ofability of C20R product and the followingadditional off and Landing Procedures
to fly one engine inoperative profiles.This or alternative airworthiness and PerformanceData on
revision follows a transfer requested by Heli requirements are applicable tothis Clear Airfield and Helipad
Austria GmbH. certificate/ approval.BCAR Section with One
GThe requirements for EngineInoperativeAS 355 F2
environmental protection and the SUPP 11.2 - Take-off and
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Landing Procedures and
emissions levels of the original... PerformanceData on Clear
Airfield and Helipad withOne
Engine Inoperativeor later
revisions of the above listed...
10035636 BRUCE AEROSPACE FAA STC CL-600-2B16 Installation of Floor Proximity Emergency EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis Bruce Aerospace Master This system has been determined 06/07/2011 Active 10035636
Inc. SA6011NM Escape Path Marking System for the original product remains Drawing List CL600, Revision to comply with the
(2003-1912) applicable tothis certificate/ CE, Item 41, dated12 applicableairworthiness
approvalThe requirements for December 2006.or later requirements with the following
environmental protection and the revisions of the above listed operative lightassemblies:- Floor
associatedcertificated noise and/ or documents approved by EASA Mounted Proximity Lighting
emissions levels of the original inaccordance with EASA ED SystemExit identifiers and/or flood
product areunchanged and remain Decision 2004/04/CF (or lights - 2 bulbs operative, light
applicable to this certificate/ app... subsequent revisions ofthis trackred modules - 50% operative
decision) (1 bulb in each 2 bulb groupe...
10035638 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK A318-112 A318-112 - ELITE 16 MSN 4503Installation of Certification Basis in accordance with - Supplemental Type Not applicable 06/07/2011 Active 10035638
AG a VIP Cabin Interior Completion. EASA Type Certificate Data SheetsA. Definition Document, ref.
064.The Certification Basis for the Doc. No
original product and the STDD00-10/24M,issue 01
followingadditional or alternative revision 02, dated Jul. 01/
airworthiness requirements are 2011,- Airplane Flight Manual
applicable tothis certificate/ Supplement, ref. Doc. No.
approval1. CRI A-5301-010 "EASA A-00-10/258-AFM issue01
Supplemental Type Certification revision 02, dated May 31/
Basi... 2011,- Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness, ref.
Doc. No.A-00-10/258-ICA,
issue 01-...
10035643 LEARJET Inc. FAA STC CL-600-2B16 FAA STC ST01239LA-D, Complete Custom EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis FAA STC No. ST01239LA-D Restricted to ASN 5541.A 06/07/2011 Active 10035643
ST01239LA-D Aircraft Interior for the original product remains dated 02 December concurrent requirement to this
(EASA.IM.A.S.02343) applicable tothis certificate/ 2002.Learjet Inc.Master STCis the installation of
approvalThe requirements for Document List DC55415000 BruceAerospace EASA STC No.
environmental protection and the Revision E dated 10035636(FAA STC SA6011NM)
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 02December2002 or later (ref. EASA PN0010011393) Floor
emissions levels of the original approved revision.Airplane ProximityEmergency Escape Path
product areunchanged and remain Flight Manual Supplements Marking System.
applicable to this certificate/ app... required for this installation
arelisted on the Electrical
Drawing Index, TM4500-5124,
as listed on theMaster Doc...
10035661 BUSINESS AND B200 Installation of a ADF60 on a Beech 200 The Certification Basis for the original none none 08/07/2011 Active 10035661
COMMUTER product remains applicable tothis
AIRCRAFT certificate/ approval.The certificated
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10035662 BUSINESS AND B200 Installation of a ALT4000 on a Beech 200 The Certification Basis for the original none none 08/07/2011 Active 10035662
COMMUTER product remains applicable tothis
AIRCRAFT certificate/ approval.The certificated
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/
10035665 BUSINESS AND B200 Installation of a DME4000 on a Beech 200 The Certification Basis for the original none none 08/07/2011 Active 10035665
COMMUTER product remains applicable tothis
AIRCRAFT certificate/ approval.The certificated
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the
original productare unchanged and
remain applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 270 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035668 SKY IMD Inc. REV. 1 SEE APPROVED MODEL LIST Installation of Sensor Pod and wiring for The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List (MDL) This STC is for installation of the 08/07/2011 Active 10035668
passenger operated monitoringsystem product remains applicable tothis Document No. PD01 revision sensor pod and wiring from
certificate/ approval.The H, dated December13, thesensor pod into fuselage. This
requirements for environmental 2010.Approved Model List STC does not include power to the
protection and the (AML) No. SA02248LArevision sensorpod or the sensor control
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or A, dated February unit.Limitationsas defined in the
emissions levels of the original 16,2011Instructions for applicable Aircraft Flight
product areunchanged and remain Continued Airworthiness (ICA) ManualSupplements.
applicable to this certificate/ Document No. 622 revisionE,
approval. dated November 15,
2010.Flight Manual
Supplement PD45, revision IR,
10035671 ADAC LUFTFAHRT EC135 T2(CPDS) Installation of fixed Landing Lights on the The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual None 08/07/2011 Active 10035671
TECHNIK GmbH EC135 T2+ forward crosstube.Installation of a second product remains applicable tothis Supplement:-,,EC135-01072-0
EC135 T1(CPDS) fixed landing light on the forward cross certificate/ approval.The 25-MFS-00 Rev. 0orlater
EC135 T1(CDS) tubeas defined in the MDL EC135-01072-001- requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
EC135 P2(CPDS) LMD and based on ALT changeproject protection and the documents approved by
EC135 P2+ EC135-01072. associatedcertificated noiseand/ or EASA.- EC135-01072-023-
EC135 P1(CPDS) emissions levels of the original MMS Rev. 0 Instructions for
EC135 P1(CDS) product areunchanged and remain Continued Airworthiness<
applicable to this certificate/ (>,<)>- EC135-01072-004-DIN
approval. Rev. 0 Installation
Instructionsor later revisions
of the above listed
10035677 MARSHALL OF REV. 4 CAA UK A318-112 “Installation of an Auxiliary Fuel Centre Tank The Certification Basis for the original Certificate of Design doc. N° Restricted to A318-112 aircraft 31/05/2016 Active 10035677
CAMBRIDGE RESPONSIBILITY system on A318-112aircraft”Major Change to product as amendedby thefollowing CD/A318(2179)/14/0925 Issue with Airbus modifications 151462
AEROSPACELIMITED EASA STC10035677 Rev 3This Major Change additional or alternative 1dated22/05/2015Airplane and151387 embodied.Installation
covers the introduction of a change to A318 airworthiness Flight Manual Supplement on aircraft fitted with a
ACTSupplement to Maintenance Manual requirements:Certification Review doc. N°AFM/A318(1778)/ Flammability Reduction System
document N° MTM 0167.It removes the Item CRI A-5301-009EASA 10/0943 Rev 4dated isonly approved when Airbus
maintenance task MA281100-1-01 requiring Supplemental Type Certification Basis 14/02/2014Instructions for modifications 152986 and 151311
the leak moni... for A318 Auxiliary FuelCentre Tank Continuing Airworthiness – have beenembodied on the
SystemThe requirements for Supplement to aircraft.
environmental protection a... MaintenanceManuals doc. N°
MTM 0167 Rev 9 dated
31/03/2015or later revisions
of th...
10035678 CALEDONIAN CAA UK JETSTREAM 4100 Installation of Role Equipment for Maritime The Certification Basis for the original Caledonian Airborne Systems Serial numbers 41022 and 41025 11/07/2011 Active 10035678
AIRBORNE SYSTEMS RESPONSIBILITY Patrol Training product and the followingadditional Compliance Document and only.
LTD or alternative airworthiness AccomplishmentInstructions,
requirements are applicable tothis F005/222/001, Issue F dated
certificate/ approval.CRI C-02, 7th July 2011.Caledonian
Installation of Standard Passenger Airborne Systems Flight
Seats in a ReconfiguredCabin Manual Supplement
Layout.The certificated noise and/ or F014/222/001 IssueB dated
emissions levels of the o... 14th June 2011or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10035689 TENENCIA Ltd. CAA UK BAE 146 SERIES 200 EWIS Assessment for VIP Cabin Interior The Certification Basis for the original Modification TEN 664, EWIS Serial number E2079 only. 12/07/2011 Active 10035689
RESPONSIBILITY product and the followingadditional Assessment for VIP Cabin
or alternative airworthiness Interior EASA STC10027954.
requirements are applicable tothis Tenencia Ltd document
certificate/ approval.Electronic number TEN 664, Issue 1
Wiring Interconnection System dated 25thJanuary
(EWIS) requirements in 2011.Aviation Traders Limited
CS-25Amendment 8 Appendix H, VIP Cabin Interior
paragraph H25.5 and AMC Appendix Modification Summary
H paragraph... SheetIssue 2 for
MOD-11193-00001.or later
revisions of the above listed
documents appro...

04/01/2023 Page 271 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035701 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A11 Installation, Portable Water System UV Filter EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. Prior to the installation of this 14/07/2011 Active 10035701
SA11-30 BD-700-1A10 for the original product remains SA11-30 Issue 1 dated 13 April modification it must be
applicable tothis certificate/ 2011.ACS-NAI Ltd. determinedthat the aircraft
approvalThe requirements for Modification Data Summary interior has been approved by
environmental protection and the G560000 Revision NCor theissuance of an EASASTC that
associatedcertificated noise and/ or laterapproved revision.ACS- corresponds to one of the
emissions levels of the original NAI Ltd. Instructions for Transport Canada STCs listed
product areunchanged and remain Continued Airworthiness onTransport Canada STC No.
applicable to this certificate/ app... G560070-ICARevision NC or SA11-30.
later approved revision.or
later revisions of the above
listed documents a...
10035704 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. C- BD-700-1A11 Installation, Avionics Systems EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. C- 1. Restricted to ASNs 9395, 9404, 13/07/2011 Active 10035704
LSA11-025/D for the original product remains LSA11-025/D Issue 1 dated 07 9411, 94172. Embodiment of EASA
applicable tothis certificate/ July 2011.ACS-NAI Ltd. STC No. 10034902 (Transport
approvalThe requirements for Modification Data Summary Canada STC No.C-LSA11-024/D)
environmental protection and the G732000 Revision NC or
associatedcertificated noise and/ or laterapproved
emissions levels of the original revision.Bombardier
product areunchanged and remain Aerospace Flight Manual
applicable to this certificate/ app... Supplement for V/UHF Radio,
TACAN andDual Mode S/IFF
Transponder System, G-
FM25104502 Revision A or
10035711 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. C- BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. C- 1. Restricted to ASNs 9395, 9404, 13/07/2011 Active 10035711
LSA11-022/D Interior - ASNs 9395, 9404, 9411,9417 for the original product remains LSA11-022/D Issue 1 dated 13 9411, 9417.2. Embodiment of
applicable tothis certificate/ May2011.ACS-NAI Ltd. EASA STC No. EASA.IM.A.S.02172
approvalThe requirements for Modification Data Summary
environmental protection and the G729000 Revision NC or
associatedcertificated noise and/ or laterapproved
emissions levels of the original revision.Bombardier
product areunchanged and remain Aerospace AirplaneFlight
applicable to this certificate/ app... Manual Supplement for
InteriorCompletion, G-
FM25004503 Revision NC or
later approved
10035712 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. C- BD-700-1A11 Installation, Medical Evacuation EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. C- 1. Restricted to ASNs 9395, 9404, 13/07/2011 Active 10035712
LSA11-023/D Configuration Provisions for the original product remains LSA11-023/D Issue 1 dated 13 9411, 9417.2. Embodiment of
applicable tothis certificate/ May2011.ACS-NAI Ltd. EASA STC No. 10035711 (refers to
approvalThe requirements for Modification Data Summary PN 0010007349)(TransportCanada
environmental protection and the G730000 Revision NC or STC No. C-LSA11-022/D)
associatedcertificated noise and/ or laterapproved
emissions levels of the original revision.Bombardier
product areunchanged and remain Aerospace Flight Manual
applicable to this certificate/ app... Supplement for the Provisions
forMedical Evacuation
Configuration, G-FM25004504
Revision NC or laterapproved
10035729 MARSHALL OF REV. 2 CAA UK A340-313 Iberia Airways Interior Reconfiguration The Certification Basis for the original Certificate of design CD/A340 1. This STC must be installed in 16/07/2012 Active 10035729
CAMBRIDGE RESPONSIBILITY product and the followingadditional (1941)/11/0290 Issue 1or conjunction with EASA STC
AEROSPACELIMITED or alternative airworthiness laterrevisions of the above No.EASA.A.S.00654.2. This STC is
requirements are applicable tothis listed documents approved by limited to the aircraft MSN125,
certificate/ approval.CS25 EASA 134, 145, 146, 217, 221,and 329
Amendment 10, except for CS 25.785
(b)(d) requirements whichretain the
Certification Basis iaw EASA A.015
TCDS.The requirements forc...
10035731 ASSOCIATED AIR REV. 1 FAA STC A319-115 Installation of an Executive Style InteriorEASA The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List doc. N° restricted to MSN 3542 19/07/2011 Active 10035731
CENTER, L.P. ST10906SC-D validation of FAA STC ST10906SC-D product and the followingadditional 2634000000 Rev. B dated July
or alternative airworthiness 19, 2011.Instructions for
requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness doc.
certificate/ approvalEASA CRI N° 2634050090 Rev. A
A-4301-009 (STC Certification Basis) datedDecember 22,
The requirements for environmental 2010.Airplane Flight Manual
protection and the Supplement doc. N°
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2634021090 Rev. B dated
em... July18, 2011.EASA
Compliance Checklist doc. N°
2634000095 Rev. A dated July
13, 2...
04/01/2023 Page 272 of 1,649
An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035741 NORTHERN REV. 1 AW109SP Installation of In-flight Entertainment System The Certification Basis for the original Modification Bulletin Must be installed in conjunction 21/10/2011 Active 10035741
AVIONICS S.R.L. (IES) (composed by kitP/N KNAV-419 and product remains applicable tothis NAV-437, Rev. 1, dated 13 with Northern Avionics kitP/N
KNAV-420)Certificate rev. 1 issued due to certificate/ approval.The October 2011 KNAV-418
change of Modification BulletinRevision level. requirements for environmental
protection and the
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10035777 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA TCDS No IM.A.009The TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue 1 Restricted to ASN 9418 19/07/2011 Active 10035777
SA05-60 Interior - ASN 9418 Certification Basis for the original dated 14 June 2005.Aero
product remains applicable tothis Consulting Services Ltd
certificate/ approvalThe Configuration Definition List
requirements for environmental E025000Revision EV dated 15
protection and the June 2011.Bombardier
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Aerospace Aeroplane Flight
emissions levels of the original Manual Supplement G-
product areunchanged and remain FM25004501Revision N/C or
applicable to this certific... later approved
Instructions for Continued
10035779 AIR ALLIANCE GmbH PA-42-720 Extension of pressurized fuselage life limit to The Certification Basis for the original Air Alliance GmbH Report No This STC is limited only to airplane 19/07/2011 Active 10035779
account forthe changein operational usage product remains applicable tothis AARD-1, Rev A dated 28 Dec S/N 42-5501045 operated by
from Alitalia Airlines Training to Normal certificate/ approval.FAR 23 Amdt 1 2006"AirAlliance PA-42-720 anyoperator.Operation in normal
Usage byany operatorNote: This STC to 16Therequirements for Aircraft - Fuselage Life usage up to a life-limit of 21.563
indicates the transfer of an applicable S/N environmental protection and the Substantiation"Air Alliance hours for S/N42-5501045.Air
from STCEASA.IM.A.S.02278 Rev 2 to this STC associatedcertificated noise and/ or GmbH Report no AARD-2, Rev Alliance GmbH ReportNo AARD-2
holdership by AirAlliance emissions levels of the B dated 28 Dec 2006 Rev B dated 28 Dec 2006 "Air
originalproduct areunchanged and "AirAlliance PA-42-720 AlliancePA-42-720 Aircraft -
remain applicable to this certifica... Aircraft - Pressurized Fuselage Pressurized Fuselage Cabin
Cabin Instructionsfor Instructions forContinued...
10035798 BOGGI S.R.L. AS365N3 Installation of Draeger TI 500 "Globetrotter" The Certification Basis for the original Boggi s.r.l. Rotorcraft Flight Limited to:-Incubator model 19/07/2011 Active 10035798
incubator on AS 365N3(ref. Change 365- product remains applicable tothis Manual Supplement Draeger TI 500 P/N TI 500, S/N
M003-00). certificate/ approval.The 365M00300-FMS-01, issue1 002-Helicopter model AS365N3 S/
requirements for environmental dated 24th June 2011or later N 6609 & 6356
protection and the revisions of theabove listed
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or document approved by EASA-
emissions levels of the original Boggi s.r.l. Master Document
product areunchanged and remain List (MDL) 365M00300-
applicable to this certificate/ MdL-02, issue 2 dated14th
approval. July<(>,<)> 2011.-Boggi s.r.l
Installation Service Bulletin
10035812 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC CL-600-2B19 Installation of EMTEQ LED Anti-collision/ The Certification Basis for the original -FAA STC No. ST03906AT Prior to installation of this design 02/03/2016 Active 10035812
ST03906AT Position (Navigation) Light inthe Bombardier product remains applicable tothis dated 04 February 2011.- change it must be determined
Regional Jet Series 100/200/440 certificate/ approval.The EMTEQ Engineering Master thatthe interrelationship between
Aircraft.Revision 1 transferred from EMTEQ requirements for environmental Drawing List 2-83710-001 this design change and any
Engineering to B/EAerospace. protection and the Revision B dated 28December otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or 2010-Instructions for change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain (ICA), EMTEQ the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ EngineeringDocument No.
approval. 2-83710-805 Revision B dated
28December 2010or later
revisions of the above listed
10035813 INNOTECH TCCA STC Q- BD-700-1A10 Cabin Management System Upgrade - ASN EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis -Transport Canada STC No. Q- Restricted to ASN 9020 19/07/2011 Active 10035813
AVIATIONA DIVISION LSA06-059/D 9020 for the original product remains LSA06-059/D Issue 4 dated 31
OF IMP GROUP LTD applicable tothis certificate/ August 2009.-Kmlex Aviation
approval.The requirements for Master Document List No.
environmental protection and the MDL26147002 - Cabin
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ManagementSystem Upgrade
emissions levels of the original on Global Express, ASN 9020,
product areunchanged and remain Revision C, dated 31
applicable to this certificate/ ap... August2009 or later approved
revision.-Kmlex Aviation Time
Limits and Maintenance
Checks No. TL...

04/01/2023 Page 273 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035880 AEROCONSEIL B777-300, B777-300ER 0555-01: Provisions of OnAir GSM/Internet The Certification Basis for the original 0555-01 "Provisions of OnAir None 25/07/2011 Active 10035880
B777-200, B777-200LR System on B777 product and the followingadditional GSM/Internet System on
or alternative airworthiness B777"-Master Document List
requirements are applicable tothis 555-01-A-2103-R01 dtd.
certificate/ approval.-CS 25 Amdt. 4- 04.Jul.2011-Instructions for
CRI H-1 - ICA on EWISThe certificated Continued Airworthiness
noise and/ or emissionslevels of the 555-01-A-2211-R00 dtd.
original productare unchanged and 04.Jul.2011or later revisions
remain appli... of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10035883 BRISTOW U.S. L.L.C. REV. 1 FAA STC S-76A, S-76C Installation of an Automatic Deployable The Certification Basis for the original Rotorcraft Flight Manual Prior to installation of this design 29/06/2017 Active 10035883
SR09577RC Emergency Transmitter (ADELT).Rev. 1: product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement, change it must be determined
Changes ‘System interface Unit’ p/n to additional or alternative RFMS-76-2009-01, Rev IR< thatthe interrelationship between
503-24-A to comply withEASA AD airworthiness requirements:The (>,<)>or later revisions of the this design change and any
2014-0095R1. following paragraph(s) at a later above listed documents otherpreviously installed design
amendment: As per TCDSEASA.IM.R. approved by EASA change and/ or repair will
113<(>,<)> plus CS 29.610, Amdt. inaccordance with EASA ED introduce noadverse effect upon
2.The requirements for Decision 2004/04/CF (or the airworthiness ofthe product.
environmental protection and the subsequent revisions ofthis
associatedce... decision) and/ or the
Technical Implementation
Procedures of EU/USA
Bilateral Agreement.-...
10035887 FIELD AVIATION REV. 1 DHC-8-301/-302 Auxilliary Power Unit (APU) RemovalTCCA FAR 25 as per EASA.IM.A.191, Issue 4 -APU removal in the The modification is applicable only 28/07/2011 Active 10035887
COMPANY Inc. DHC-8--201/-202 STC SA98-30, Issue 3 (incl. SC H-01 ICA on EWIS)The DHC-8-100 and 200 series when the necessary
DHC-8-102/-103/-106 Certification Basis for the original must be done in structuralprovisions are pre-
product remains applicable tothis accordancewith TCCA existing
certificate/ approval.The approved Field Aviation
requirements for environmental Company Inc. Engineering
protection and the Order 141103,Revision G,
associatedcertificated noise and/or dated 29 June 2005.-APU
emissions levels of the original removal in the DHC-8-300
product areuncha... series must be done in
accordance withTCCA
approved Field Aviation
Company Inc. Engineering
10035902 HAECO CABIN FAA STC B747-400 SERIES Installation of a Collins Satcom update from The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List Page None. 26/07/2011 Active 10035902
SOLUTIONS, LLC ST00552AT 900 SDU to 906SDU (dataonly) in accordance product remains applicable tothis Avjet 94-17, Initial Release,
with Page Avjet Master DrawingList 94-17, certificate/ approval.,, dated June 17,1994or later
InitialRelease, dated June 17, 1994, or later revisions of the above listed
FAA approved Revision. ,, documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10035914 H4 AEROSPACE (UK) CAA UK 777-200 Introduction of an Aerospace Cockpit Door The Certification Basis for the original - H4A1332 Issue 2 dtd. 17. none 27/07/2011 Active 10035914
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY and Cabin Surveillance onBoeing 777-200. product and the followingadditional June 2011 Modification
or alternative airworthiness Summary- H4AFMS021 Issue
requirements are applicable tothis IR dtd. 2. June 2011 Flight
certificate/ approval.CRI H-1-ICA on Manual Supplement-
EWISThe certificated noise and/ or H4ADR547 Issue 1 dtd. 8.
emissions levels of the original December 2010 Instructions
productare unchanged and remain for ContinuedAirworthinessor
applicable to this cer... later revisions of the above
listed documents approved by
10035915 STANDARD AERO REV. 1 FAA STC A319-133 Modification of an Executive Interior. The Certification Basis (CB) for the 1. Master Document List, The items identified in document 13/02/2018 Active 10035915
BUSINESS ST10903SC-D original product remains applicableto Associated Air Center "Summary of Commercial OffThe
AVIATIONSERVICES, this certificate/ approval.The document No. Shelf(COTS) Nonessential
L.L.C. requirements for environmental 2708000000,Revision A dated Equipment", document number
protection and the 30 November 2017.2. 1689R25M02, Revision IRdated 13
associatedcertified noise and/ or Airplane Flight Manual October 2010, are considered
emissions levels of the original Supplement (AFMS), inadequate for duplication and
product areunchanged and remain document No. islimited to aircraft Serial Number
applicable to this certificate/ 2708021090,Revision IR dated 910 only.The wireless LAN
approval. 27 October 2010.3. installation is intended to p...
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness, Associated Air
Centerdocument No.

04/01/2023 Page 274 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035923 S.E.A.M.SERVICE C90 Installation of a passenger information The Certification Basis for the original AFM supplement Garmin This STC is limited to airplane s/n 27/07/2011 Active 10035923
ELECTRONIC display, a Sigma-Tek 5000B-36attitude product remains applicable tothis G600 ref. SEAM/SMV/ LJ-972.RNP APCH-VNAV and LPV
AVIATION indicator, a Garmin GMA 340 audio panel, a certificate/ approval.The Certification 3381/10-2, Revision 2 Approach operations are not
MARINES.A.R.L. Collins ADF-60Anavigation system, a Garmin Basis for the original product and the dated20/07/2011AFM authorised.A third radionavigation
GTX 330 transponder, a Garmin G600 followingadditional or alternative supplement GNS 430 W ref. or radiocommunication system
primaryand navigation system with coupling airworthiness requirements are SEAM/SMV/3381/10, Revision independent fromGNS 430 W units
to automatic pilot for BRNAV, PRNAVand RNP applicable tothis certificate/ 2 dated20/07/2011SEAM must be installed.Mechanical
APCH-LNAV opera... approval.CS 23-867, 1301, 1303, modification sheet n° instruments must be installed to
1309, 1311,CRI B5... 3381/10, Revision 2 dated back-up airspeed, altitudeand
20/07/2011or later revisions attitude indication...
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10035929 LIBERTY AEROSPACE FAA STC XL-2 S-TEC system 30 autopilot installation on The Certification Basis for the original AFM Supplement for S-TEC Option 1: Chippewa Aerospace Inc 28/07/2011 Active 10035929
INC. SA03488AT Liberty XL-2 series inaccordance with the product remains applicable tothis System 30 autopilot (DG Only) Document XL2-2210-01-0002 Rev
following:Option 1 (for use with S-Tec Model certificate/ approval.The certificated P/N 135A-970-530Initial IR, datedJune 18, 2007<(>,<)> or
ST-901 GPS Steering Converter noiseand/ or emissions levels of the releaseAFM Supplement for later FAA approved revision -
Unit):Chippewa Aerospace Master Data List original productare unchanged and S-TEC System 30 autopilot Instructions forContinued
(MDL) n° XL2-2210-01-0001, revision4, dated remain applicable to this certificate/ integrated with an Airworthiness (ICA).Option 2:
November 20, 2008 or later FAA approved approval. AspenEFD1000 PFD/MFD P/N Liberty Aerospace Document
revision, orOpt... 135A-970-531 Initial releaseor 135A-970-110, rev D. dated July
later revisions of the above 19,2010, or later FAA approved
listed documents approved by revision - Instructions forA...
EASA inaccordance with EASA
ED Decis...
10035939 FIELD AVIATION DHC-8-102/-103/-106 Installation of Right Hand Ground Air FAR 25 as per EASA.IM.A.191, Issue 4 Installation of the Right Hand OEM installed APU must be 29/07/2011 Active 10035939
COMPANY Inc. ConnectionTCCA STC C-LSA11-043/D, Issue 1 (incl. SC H-01 ICA on EWIS)The Ground Air Connection must removed in accordance with EASA
approval holder shall fulfil the be inaccordance with STC 10035887or TCCA STC
obligations of Part 21, Transport CanadaCivil SA98-30, Issue 3.
Paragraph21.A109.The Certification Aviation (TCCA) app roved
Basis for the original product remains Field Aviation Modification
applicable tothis certificate/ Instruction218210, Revision
approval.The requirements for IR, dated July 21,
environmental protection and the 2010Maintenance of the
associa... Ground Air System is
unchanged from the
instructionsprovided in the
10035941 CESSNA BD-700-1A11 Cabin Reconfiguration EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Jet Aviation Declaration of Restricted to ASN 9166A 29/07/2011 Active 10035941
DUESSELDORF for the original product remains Compliance No. 2011-3 dated prerequisite for this approval is
CITATIONSERVICE applicable tothis certificate/ 27/07/11.Jet Aviation Transport Canada STC No. SA05-60
CENTER GmbH approval.The requirements for Engineering Order No. 2011-3 (FAA STC No ST02140NY) as
environmental protection and the Revision A.or later revisions of applicable to ASN 9166. However
associatedcertificated noise and/ or the above listed documents EASA has notapproved this STC for
emissions levels of the original approved by EASA ASN9166 and if this aircraft is to
product areunchanged and remain be entered onan EU register then
applicable to this certificate/ ap... the STC must be approved by
EASA.For Non-EU Countr...
10035945 AIRBUS DEFENCE REV. 14 A330-243 A330 MRTT FSTA Modification STC2Rev. 1 The Certification Basis (CB) for the - A330 FSTA Airplane Flight - Based on the conditions 29/06/2022 Active 10035945
AND SPACE S.A. A330-202, A330-203 introduces the following changes:- Deletion original product remains applicableto Manual TR 4- “Conversion established in CRI G-01 with
(EASA.A.S.03607) of previous limitation no. 4 on Autoland / this certificate/ approval.This Definition A330MRTT FSTA respect to thedefinition of the
CAT III function- Replacement of temporary certificate/approval involves a (STC2)” document ref.ME-FU- Airworthiness Limitation Sectionof
conservative Noise levels by final values- change with an impact on the DT-110148 issue D- ALS Part 1 the ContinuedAirworthiness the
Partial deletion of previous limitation no. 1 noisedatabase and/or emission Supplement “A330 FSTA Safe- following limitations apply:1. As
on occupation of seatsin the aeromedical a... levels. The environmental Life Airworthiness the modifications of this STC are
protectionrequirements are LimitationItems Supplement intended for military role,
amended as follows: ICAO Annex 16, for EASA STC2”<(>,<)>doc. no. nooperation in the civil register of
8th Edition Ch... ME-FU-DT-110099 Issue F- the aircrafti...
ALS Part 2 Supplement “A330
FSTA Dama...
10035962 SPECTRUM REV. 1 FAA STC CESSNA 208, 208B Air Ambulance Conversion in accordance The Certification Basis for the original FAA approved Master Prior to installation of this design 24/04/2019 Active 10035962
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a SA02930CH with Spectrum Aeromed DrawingList product remains applicable tothis Drawing List, Doc. No. change it must be determined
SPECTRUM certificate/ approval.The certificated 6006DL, Rev. 3, dated 24 thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED noiseand/ or emissions levels of the Jan2011<(>,<)>FAA approved this design change and any
original productare unchanged and Aircraft Flight Manual otherpreviously installed design
remain applicable to this certificate/ Supplement, Doc. No. change and/ or repair will
approval. 6006FMS, Rev.-, dated 30 Nov introduce noadverse effect upon
2010or later revisions of the the airworthiness ofthe product.
above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent r...

04/01/2023 Page 275 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10035987 AIR ALLIANCE GmbH LEARJET 35A Installation of Honeywell GNS-XLS second The Certification Basis for the original Air Alliance Master Document Limited to 35A-421 and 35A-616. 03/08/2011 Active 10035987
FMS system. product remains applicable tothis List 2011_006_LJ35 AA Form
certificate/ approval.The 2 Rev. 0;Aeroplane Flight
requirements for environmental Manual Supplement No: AA
protection and the 2011_006_LJ35_0506 dated
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or May13, 2011or later revisions
emissions levels of the original of the above listed documents
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA.
applicable to this certificate/
10035996 AIRBUS FAA STC MBB-BK 117-C2 Installation of tailboom mounted aft ballast The Certification Basis for the original -Flight Manual Supplement None 03/08/2011 Active 10035996
HELICOPTERS, Inc. SR09306RC-D in accordance with AmericanEurocopter product remains applicable tothis 117FMS-224, Rev. A dated 17
Drawing List 145A82-8006. certificate/ approval.The Mar 2009or later revisions of
requirements for environmental the above listed documents
protection and the approvedby EASA
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or inaccordance with EASA ED
emissions levels of the original Decision 2004/04/CF (or
product areunchanged and remain subsequent revisions ofthis
applicable to this certificate/ decision)-AEC Drawing List
approval. 145A82-8006, Revision B,
dated 21 March 2007-
Instructions for Conti...
10036025 AEROTEC & PA 30 PFD ASPEN EFD 1000 PRO INSTALLATION on The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List « In case of malfunction of the 05/08/2011 Active 10036025
CONCEPT Piper PA 30. product remains applicable tothis INSTALLATION PFD ASPEN Aspen EFD 1000 Pro PFD or
certificate/ approval.The certificated EFD 1000 PRO SUR PIPER PA divergence ofindications, use
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the 30 »Ref. AE 1010 MDL Rev. 5 standard instruments for
original productare unchanged and dated 10/02/2011Installation reference.AHRS reset prohibited in
remain applicable to this certificate/ in accordance with SERVICE flight.LPV Approaches are not
approval. BULLETIN Ref. AE 1010 SB authorized.RSM GPS to be used
Rev. 0dated only in case of emergency.
02/04/2011Maintenance in
accordance with the
Instructions for
ContinuousAirworthiness «
10036039 MID-CANADA MOD CESSNA 550, S550 Installation of Rockwell Collins Proline 21 EASA TCDS IM.A.207The Certification Avionics Design Services Ltd. None 08/08/2011 Active 10036039
CENTER Integrated Display Systemwith new VHF Basis for the original product and the Master Drawing List
communication transceivers, Navigation followingadditional or alternative MDL09001 Issue 1,Revision B
Receivers withintegral ADF, Distance airworthiness requirements are from 29 July 2011Mid Canada
Measuring Equipment Transceivers and applicable tothis certificate/ Mod Center Flight Manual
Mode STransponders with Elementary approval.CRI F-02: Airworthiness Supplement FMS09001-1
Surveillance capability, Rockwell CollinsTCAS Criteria for RNAV Equipment Revision Afrom 29 July
4000, dual AHRS 3000S an... supporting LPVOperationsCRI F-03: 2011Avionics Design Services
Airworthiness Criteria for RNAV E... Ltd. Instructions for
Revision 1 from 01 March
2010.or latera...
10036054 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC SA04-113 Issue 1 Restricted to ASN 94061. Refer to 08/08/2011 Active 10036054
SA04-113 Interior - ASN 9406 for the original product remains dated 28 October 2004Aero the Limitations sections of the
applicable tothis certificate/ Consulting Services required AFM Supplement andto
approval.The requirements for Configuration Definition List the referenced FCOMS2. WLAN
environmental protection and the D954000 RevisionHL dated 13 system is compatible only to IEEE
associatedcertificated noise and/or July 2011Instructions for 802.11(b)
emissions levels of the original Continued
product areunchanged and remain AirworthinessGC94060000-
applicable to this certificate/appr... IFCAor later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004...
10036058 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue 1 Restricted to ASN 9421 09/08/2011 Active 10036058
SA05-60 Interior - ASN 9421 for the original product remains dated 14 June 2005.Aero
applicable tothis certificate/ Consulting Services Ltd
approval.The requirements for Configuration Definition List
environmental protection and the E025000Revision FC dated 22
associatedcertificated noise and/ or July 2011.Bombardier
emissions levels of the original Aerospace Aeroplane Flight
product areunchanged and remain Manual Supplement G-
applicable to this certificate/ ap... FM25004501Revision N/C or
later approved
Instructions for Continued
04/01/2023 Page 276 of 1,649
An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036059 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. FAA STC B747-400 Installation of an extended upper deck crew The Certification Basis for the original None. None. 09/08/2011 Active 10036059
- FSI SA5738NM rest in accordance withFlight Structures Inc. product remains applicable tothis
Master Drawing List 90SF004-D01, Revision certificate/ approval.
E,dated July 13, 1992, or later FAA approved
revisions.Validation of FAA STC SA5738NM. ,,
10036060 BOMBARDIER INC. REV. 1 TCCA STC BD-700-1A10 Installation of cabin systems and custom EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. SA04-113 Issue Restricted to ASN 93931. Refer to 09/08/2011 Active 10036060
SA04-113 furnishings applicable toBD-700-1A10 serial for the original product remains 1 dated 28 October 2004.Aero the Limitations sections of the
number 9393 applicable tothis certificate/ Consulting Services required AFM Supplement andto
approval.The requirements for Configuration Definition List the referenced FCOMS.2.WLAN
environmental protection and the D954000 RevisionHH dated 22 system is compatible only to IEEE
associatedcertificated noise and/ or June 2011.Instructions for 802.11(b).
emissions levels of the original Continued Airworthiness
product areunchanged and remain GC93930000-IFCA.or later
applicable to this certificate/ ap... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
10036061 AMAC AEROSPACE B737-700IGW VIP seat change / Replacement of single seat The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List: MDL- This approval is limited to Aircraft 09/08/2011 Active 10036061
SWITZERLAND AG by one with massagefeature. product remains applicable tothis AY01-2520 rev. B dated B737-700IGW, Serial Number
certificate/ approval.The certificated 20.01.2011or later revisions 36027.
noiseand/ or emissions levels of the of the above listed documents
original productare unchanged and approved by EASA.
remain applicable to this certificate/
10036081 ASSOCIATED AIR REV. 2 FAA STC B737-700 Change to EASA STC 0010036081 (Installation The Certification Basis for the original - Certification Plan, Reference 1) This approval is limited to 29/06/2012 Active 10036081
CENTER, L.P. ST10897SC-D of an ExecutiveInterior onB737700IGW product and the followingadditional 2964000090, initial revision, Aircraft B737-700, Serial number
aircraft : Project No.AAC-08-06- or alternative airworthiness dated 27October 2011- 36027.2) The aircraft operator
DAS):Installation of theERDA Model 4402 requirements are applicable tothis Airplane Flight Manual must perform the instructions for
Single occupant Side facing divan. certificate/ approval.CRI A-01 Issue Supplement, Reference continuedairworthiness and
3dated April 18, 2011: EASA 2582021090, Revision A,dated comply with the Airworthiness
Supplemental TypeCertification Basis 12 November 2010- Master Limitation Items as perthe
for Associated Air Center B737-700 Data List, Reference Instruction Continued
"Perolux"Executive Ca... 2582000000, Revision C, Airworthiness, Reference
dated 19 April2012- 2582050090, RevisionD, dated 9
Instructions for Continued January 2...
Airworthiness, ReferenceR...
10036090 INNOTECH TCCA STC O- BD-700-1A10 ICG BD700 Satcom Upgrade. EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. O-LSA07-336/D Restricted to ASN 9028. 10/08/2011 Active 10036090
AVIATIONA DIVISION LSA07-336/D for the original product remains Issue 1 dated 18 December
OF IMP GROUP LTD. applicable tothis certificate/ 2007.Innotech Aviation, a
approval.The requirements for Division of IMP Group Ltd.
environmental protection and the Master Drawing
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ListMLGX-9028-126 Revision
emissions levels of the original N/C, dated 18 December
product areunchanged and remain 2007, orlater
applicable to this certificate/ ap... approvedrevision.Maintenanc
e must be in accordance with
Innotech Aviation, a Division
ofIMP Group Ltd.
10036091 INNOTECH TCCA STC O- BD-700-1A10 Software and DLNA Upgrade to Existing EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. O-LSA08-197/D Restricted to ASN 9028. 10/08/2011 Active 10036091
AVIATIONA DIVISION LSA08-197/D HSD-400 Satcom Installation. for the original product remains Issue 1 dated 29 August
OF IMP GROUP LTD. applicable tothis certificate/ 2008.Avionics Design Services
approval.The requirements for Ltd. Master Drawing List
environmental protection and the MDL08080 Revision N/Cdated
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 29 August 2008 or later
emissions levels of the original approved revisionor later
product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed
applicable to this certificate/ ap... documents approved by
EASAinaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/02/CF (or
10036095 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Interior Modification - ASN 9020 - EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No C- Restricted to ASN 9020.Previous 10/08/2011 Active 10036095
LSA01-452/D Installation, Modifications to APUBay Light, for the original product remains LSA01-452/D Issue 3 dated 02 embodiment of EASA STC No.
Galley Oven, Smoke Detector Wiring and applicable tothis certificate/ June2011.Aero Consulting 10016140 (refers to PN
Equipment BayProvisions approval.The requirements for Services Modification Data 0010011877)(Installation of a
environmental protection and the Summary Number Complete Custom Aircraft Interior
associatedcertificated noise and/ or D21500Revision A dated 02 in accordance withFAA STC
emissions levels of the original June 2011 or later approved SA8164NM-D) is mandatory.
product areunchanged and remain revision.or later revisions of
applicable to this certificate/ ap... the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/02/CF (o...

04/01/2023 Page 277 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036096 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC Q- BD-700-1A10 Miscellaneous Cabin Modifications EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No Q- Restricted to ASN 9020.Previous 10/08/2011 Active 10036096
LSA02-065/D for the original product remains LSA02-065/D Issue 2 dated 05 embodiment of EASA STC No.
applicable tothis certificate/ August 2003.Aerocas Master 10016140 (refers to PN
approval.The requirements for Document List MDL02164002 0010011877)(Installation of a
environmental protection and the - Miscellaneous Complete Custom Aircraft Interior
associatedcertificated noise and/ or CabinModifications on in accordance withFAA STC
emissions levels of the original Bombardier Global Express SA8164NM-D) is mandatory.
product areunchanged and remain BD-700-1A10, ASN
applicable to this certificate/ ap... 9020,Revision A dated 16 July
2003.or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10036101 ACS-NAI Ltd. TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. C-LSA11-134/D Restricted to ASN 9412.The 11/08/2011 Active 10036101
LSA11-134/D Interior - ASN 9412 for the original product remains Issue 1 dated 03 August Wireless Local Area Network
applicable tothis certificate/ 2011.ACS-NAI Ltd. (WLAN) system is intended to
approval.The requirements for Modification Data Summary provideinternet connectivity and
environmental protection and the H039000 Revision NC or email services to the airplane's
associatedcertificated noise and/ or laterapproved revision.ACS- cabin usingportable electronic
emissions levels of the original NAI Ltd. Airplane Flight devices (PEDs). Any other intended
product areunchanged and remain Manual Supplement for the function of thisequipment will
applicable to this certificate/ ap... Complete CustomAircraft require a re-examination of the
Interior, G789091 Revision B certification basis.E...
or later approved
revision.Instructions for
10036102 AVIONIK STRAUBING REV. 1 DA 40, 40D, 40F Installation of PFD Aspen EFD1000 PRO. The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement None. 17/08/2011 Active 10036102
ENTWICKLUNGS product and the followingadditional ASR-2010-069-FMS-05-00,
GmbH or alternative airworthiness Rev.00or later revisions of the
requirements are applicable tothis above listed documents
certificate/ approval: CS-23, approved by
Amendment 2.The requirements for EASA.Instructions for
environmental protection and the Installation: ASR-2010-069-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or IFI-10-00, Rev.00Instructions
emissions levels of the or... for Continued Airworthiness:
ASR-2010-069-ICA-11-00, Rev.
10036103 AERODATA AG REV. 1 B300 Installation of Aerodata Automatic Flight The Certification Basis for the original - Flight Manual Supplement: None. 16/08/2011 Active 10036103
Inspection SystemAD-AFIS-112. product and the followingadditional AFM-126, Rev. 1- Installation
or alternative airworthiness Manual HB-A/C-1101, Rev. 0-
requirements are applicable tothis Master Document List MDL-A/
certificate/ approval: CS-23, C-0161, Rev. 2- Maintenance
Amendment 2.The requirements for Manual Supplement
environmental protection and the AMM-1099, Rev. 1or later
associatedcertificated noise and/ or revisions of the above listed
emissions levels of the or... documents approved by
10036110 BINDER ETA Design:Non-significant changeThe Binder Motorenbau STC "eta None. 11/08/2011 Active 10036110
MOTORENBAU Certification Basis of theoriginal Umrüstung SKB"
GmbH product remains applicable tothis 12.02.2011Beschreibung der
change.Environmental Umrüstung und Zeichnung eta
Protection:The certificated noise 2.023aErgänzung des
and/ or emissions levels of the Flughandbuches betreffend
original productare unchanged and STC "Umrüstung SKB" für
remain applicable to this certificate/ denMotorsegler eta
approval. 12.02.2011.
10036114 AIRWOLF REV. 1 FAA STC 206L-1, 206L-3, 206L-4 TENSION-TORSION STRAP - REPLACEMENT The Certification Basis (CB) for the Airworthiness Limitation Prior to installation of this design 28/02/2013 Active 10036114
AEROSPACE L.L.C. SR02964CH 206A, 206B, 206L OF LIFE-LIMITED PARTAmended original product remains applicableto Section of the Instruction for change it must be determined
Airworthiness Limitation Section of the this certificate/ approval.The ContinuedAirworthiness thatthe interrelationship between
Instruction forContinued Airworthiness requirements for environmental AA-206-ICA Rev. E, FAA this design change and any
AA-206-ICA protection and the Approved on 19 November otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or 2012;or later revisions of the change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original above listed introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain documentsapproved by EASA the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval. Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
decision) and/ or the Tec...

04/01/2023 Page 278 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036121 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK B747-400 SERIES Replacement of Global Positioning System The Certification Basis for the original Lufthansa Supplemental Type None. 19/08/2011 Active 10036121
AG Sensor Unit and GPS Antenna. product remains applicable tothis Definition Document
certificate/ approval.The STDD34-10/05M Issue 1,Rev
requirements for environmental 0, dated Aug. 11,
protection and the 2011.Compliance Record
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or ListCRL34-10/05M Iss01 Rev0
emissions levels of the original dated 11 August 2011.ICA
product areunchanged and remain A-00-11/029_ICA Iss01 Rev IR
applicable to this certificate/ dated 25 March 2011.or later
approval. revisions ofthe above listed
documents approved by
10036123 CLIPPER AVIATION, FAA STC B747-400 Installation of seating configuration on Upper The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List None 12/08/2011 Active 10036123
Inc. ST02318NY Deck of B747-400 Boeingconverted Special product remains applicable tothis CLI-2006-003, Revision D,
Freighter certificate/ approval. dated May 23, 2011Airplane
Flight Manual Supplement
CLI-2007-015 Rev. IRor later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10036129 airplus engineering REV. 1 SEE EASA APPROVEL MODEL Installation of Honeywell EGPWS MK VI The Certification Basis for the original - Flight Manual Supplement: The aircraft must have been 10/02/2021 Active 10036129
GmbH LIST System product as amendedby thefollowing PO-1106-340000- Engineering already equipped with a suitable
SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL additional or alternative Work Order: display andsuitable sensors.Prior
LIST airworthiness requirements:- The EW-1106-340000- Description to installation of this change/
following paragraph(s) at a later of Modification: repair it must be determined
amendment:CS-23 Amendment DE-1106-000000- thatthe interrelationship between
02.The requirements for Maintenance Manual this change/repair and any
environmental protection and the Supplement: otherpreviously installed change
associatedcertified noise and/ or MM-1106-000000or later and/ or repair will introduce no
emissions lev... revisions of the above listed adverseeffect upon...
document(s) approved/
acceptedunder the EASA
10036149 AVIONIK STRAUBING SR20, SR22 Installation of a Primary Function Display The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement: The aircraft must have been 16/08/2011 Active 10036149
ENTWICKLUNGS Avidyne EXP5000 product and the followingadditional ASR-2011-028-FMS-05-00or already equipped with suitable
GmbH or alternative airworthiness later revisions of the above GPS system.
requirements are applicable tothis listed documents approved by
certificate/ approval.CS-23, EASAInstructions for
Amendment2The requirements for Installation: ASR-2011-028-
environmental protection and the IFI-10-00Instructions for
associatedcertificated noise and/or Continued Airworthiness:
emissions levels of the origi... ASR-2011-028-ICA-11-00
10036162 AIRLIFT A/S EC130B4 Installation of Bendix/King KRA 405B Radar The Certification Basis for the original Airlift AS Master Document AS350B3 - only aircraft with Arriel 17/08/2011 Active 10036162
AS350B3 Altimeter. product and the followingadditional List MDL-130-34-100 revision 2B and Arriel 2B1 engines
AS350B2 or alternative airworthiness 0 dtd08.08.2011. installed.
AS350B1 requirements are applicable tothis
certificate/ approval.Requirements of
CS 27 at amdt. 2 are complied with
by the modification.The
requirements for environmental
protection and the associatedce...
10036188 VIDEO TECHNOLOGY FAA STC A340-200/300/600 Title: LCD Monitor SystemsDescription: The Certification Basis for the original Associated documents of None. 18/08/2011 Active 10036188
SERVICES, Inc. ST03006NY Installation of LCD Monitors and Digital product remains applicable tothis Video Technology Services,
Player replacingCRT Monitors and Cassette certificate/ approval. Inc.:- Cert plan 205-D460 Rev
Recorders in the same locations using the B. Dated 20-5-2011- Master
samemounting provisions, cables and Technical List document 205-
connectors.Validation of FAA ST03006NY D-463 Rev B, dated
dated August 4, 2011. 25-5-2011- Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness 205-
D-467 Rev.- dated2-3-2011

04/01/2023 Page 279 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036196 MT-PROPELLER B200CGT,B200CT,B200GT,B2 Installation of 5 blade MTV-27-1-E-C-F-R(P)/ The Certification Basis for the original E-2041; Airplane Flight none 19/08/2011 Active 10036196
ENTWICKLUNG 00T CFR225-55f propellers product and the followingadditional Manual Supplement, revision
GmbH A200CT or alternative airworthiness 0, dated 21.06.2011E-2042:
(RC-12H),B200,B200C requirements are applicable tothis Installation Instruction,
A200CT (RC-12G) certificate/ approval.14 CFR Part 23 Revision 0, dated
A200CT (FWC-12D) Amdt. 1 thru Amdt. 34 (elected to 21.06.2011E-2043:
A200CT (C-12F),A200CT comply by theapplicant)FAR 25.929 Instructions for Continued
(RC-12D) Initial Issue and FAR 25.1419 Amdt. Airworthiness, Revision 0,
A200 (C-12C),A200CT (C-12D) 23 remain unchange... dated21.06.2011or later
200,200C,200CT,200T,A200 revisions of the above listed
(12A) documents approved by EASA
10036223 INNOVATIVE FAA STC B767-200/-300/-300F Installation of Flat Panel Display System The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List (MDL), Installation Configuration 6 23/08/2011 Active 10036223
SOLUTIONS AND ST02165NY product and the followingadditional Document 1D-07792, rev 11, approved only.The Smiths
(EASA.IM.A.S.03107) SUPPORT, I or alternative airworthiness 15/03/2011<(>,<) Aerospace Limited Integrated
requirements are applicable tothis >Instructions for Continued Standby Instrument System (ISIS)is
certificate.For changed areas the Airworthiness (ICA), not approved for installation
certification basis is CS25 Initial Issue; Document 1D-07793,Revision under this STC.No earlier revisions
25.301 - 25.303 - 25.305 - 25.307 - 6, 14/01/2011Aeroplane of the listed documents are
25.561 - 25.601 - 25.60325.605 - Flight ManualSupplement approved under thisSTC.
25.609 - 25.61... (AFMS), Document 1D-07125,
Revision5, 28/07/2010or later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved bya...
10036230 AVIONIK STRAUBING 501, 551 Installation of a TAS SystemL3 The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement: The aircraft must have been 23/08/2011 Active 10036230
ENTWICKLUNGS Communication SKY899 product and the followingadditional ASR-2011-009-FMS-05-00 rev. already equipped with a
GmbH or alternative airworthiness 00or later revisions of the suitableMultifunction Display.
requirements are applicable tothis above listed documents
certificate/ approval.CS-23, approved by EASAInstructions
Amendment2The requirements for for Installation:
environmental protection and the ASR-2011-009-IFI-10-00 Rev.
associatedcertificated noise and/or 00Instructions for Continued
emissions levels of the origi... Airworthiness: ASR-2011-009-
ICA-11-00 Rev. 00
10036231 AVIONIK STRAUBING 208, 208B Installation of a Satellite Antenna Chelton The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement: none 23/08/2011 Active 10036231
ENTWICKLUNGS HGA-7000 product and the followingadditional ASR-2011-012-FMS-05-00
GmbH or alternative airworthiness Rev.00or later revisions of the
requirements are applicable tothis above listed documents
certificate/ approval.CS-23, approved by EASAInstructions
Amendment2The requirements for for Installation:
environmental protection and the ASR-2011-012-IFI-10-00 Rev.
associatedcertificated noise and/or 00Instructions for Continued
emissions levels of the origi... Airworthiness: ASR-2011-012-
ICA-11-00 Rev.00
10036234 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK 767-300 Omnibus Modification for the Approval of Air The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List, S21. none 24/08/2011 Active 10036234
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY New Zealand EngineeringOrders Embodied product remains applicable tothis MDL-0810, Issue 1,
on the A/C certificate.The requirements for 15/07/2011or later revisions
environmental protection and the of the above listed documents
associatedcertificated noise and/ or approved by EASA
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this approval.
10036235 TELAIR REV. 1 FAA STC B747-8F Lower Deck Cargo Handling System, The Certification Basis for the original PSCP 192100CPP-8F and FAA None 26/08/2011 Active 10036235
INTERNATIONAL, LLC 02365LA Installation product and the followingadditional STC 02365LAor later revisions
(EASA.IM.A.S.03066) or alternative airworthiness of the above listed documents
requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASA
certificate/ approval.EASA CRI inaccordance with EASA ED
A-100The requirements for Decision 2004/04/CF (or
environmental protection and the subsequent revisions ofthis
associatedcertificated noise and/ or decision)
emissions levels of the original...
10036236 TELAIR REV. 1 FAA STC B747-8F Main Deck Cargo Handling System, The Certification Basis for the original PSCP 193100CPP-8F and FAA None 26/08/2011 Active 10036236
INTERNATIONAL, LLC 02367LA Installation product and the followingadditional STC 02367LAor later revisions
(EASA.IM.A.S.03067) or alternative airworthiness of the above listed documents
requirements are applicable tothis approved by EASA
certificate/ approval.EASA CRI inaccordance with EASA ED
A-100The requirements for Decision 2004/04/CF (or
environmental protection and the subsequent revisions ofthis
associatedcertificated noise and/ or decision)
emissions levels of the original...

04/01/2023 Page 280 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036239 AIRBUS S.A.S. A320-200 Airbus Corporate Jet Centre Modification In accordance with the EASA - Modification Approval This STC is limited to A320-214 24/08/2011 Active 10036239
CJ1000 Issue 1 -VIP Interior - "RAFO 3". TCDSThe Certification Basis forthe Sheet, ref.: CJ1000, Issue 1, MSN 4795.
original product and the dated23rd August2011- AFM
followingadditional or alternative Supplement, ref.: FM-S MOD
airworthiness requirements are CJ1000, Revision 00, dated
applicable tothis certificate/ August 2011- Conversion
approval:- CRI A 2301-004 "ACJC Instruction, ref.: CI 00CJ007,
Centre Conversion Project Revision A, dated 25th
Certification Basis".The requirements July2011or later revisionsof
for environmentalc... the above listed documents
approved by EASA.
10036250 RUAG AEROSPACE BD 100-1A10 (CHALLENGER Installation of EGPWS MK-V with Runway The Certification Basis for the original - Master Document List (MDL) None. 25/08/2011 Active 10036250
SERVICES GmbH 300) Awareness and Advisory System(RAAS). product and the followingadditional 326A-MDL dated 22/08/2011-
or alternative airworthiness Airplane Flight Manual
requirements are applicable tothis Supplement 326A-FMS dated
certificate: CRI-RAAS issue 3 dated 5/08/2011or later revisions of
19/08/2011.The requirements for the above listed documents
environmental protection and the approved by EASA.
associatedcertificated noise and/ or
emissions levels of t...
10036272 AEROCONSEIL REV. 1 A340-311/-312/-313 A340 Cabin Reconfiguration & Zodiac SiT In- The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, ref: 1. Aeroconseil Modification, ref: 09/08/2012 Active 10036272
Flight EntertainmentInstallationThe product and the followingadditional 7048-01-A-2103- MOD 7049-01, must be installed<
modification consists in reconfiguring the or alternative airworthiness R02Instruction for Continued (>,<)>being a pre-requisite to this
A340 cabin compartment byreplacing the requirements are applicable tothis Airworthiness, ref: 7048-01- STC.2. This STC islimited to the
economy class seats, from 218 Y/C seats to certificate/ approval.CS 25 Amdt A-2211-R00or later revisions A340-300 MSNs 197 and 378
215 Y/C seatswith Sicma 3537 seriesseats, 4Except for the following of the above listed documents
and installing Zodiac SIT In- requirements, which are as per TCDS approved by EASA
FlightEntertainment syst... EASA.A.015:-25.562<(>,<)>-Special
Condition H-01: EWIS ICAThe re...
10036296 S.E.A.M.SERVICE F90 STC 2465/08 Rev 5GNS530W TAWS - The Certification Basis for the original Dossier 2465/08 Rev 5 dated Limitation to Beech F90 equipped 29/08/2011 Active 10036296
ELECTRONIC GNS530W - Radar GWX 68 - TAS KTA 870 product remains applicable tothis 18 July 2011Supplément with SPZ200 autopilot and
(EASA.A.S.03809) AVIATION Installation. certificate/ approval.The certificated manuel de vol n· 1 SEAM/ modifiedaccording SEAM STC
MARINES.A.R.L. noiseand/or emissions levels of the SMV/2465/08 Rev 5 dated 18 2589/09 Dual G600 Installation.
original productare unchanged and July 2011Supplément manuel
remain applicable to this certificate/ de vol n· 2 SEAM/SMV/
approval. 2465/08 Rev 3 dated 9
October2009or later revisions
of the above listed documents
approved by EASA.
10036300 AMES - AEROSPACE 767-300 B767-300 Astronics EMPower 110VAC The Certification Basis for the original The installation shall be EASA STC EASA.IM.A.S.01257 must 29/08/2011 Active 10036300
AND activation. product and the followingadditional performed in accordance with be installed prior to the
MECHANICALENGINE or alternative airworthiness EngineeringBulletin accomplishmentof the changes of
ERING SERVICES requirements are applicable tothis EB_M15400110_MGR_20042 this approval, andThe installation
certificate/ approval:CRI H-01 011, Revision 0The aircraft of the In-Seat components is not
Enhanced Airworthiness Programme shall be maintained in covered with thisapproval and
for Airplane Systems - ICA onEWIS accordance with Instructions must be approved prior to the
has been applied to the current forContinued Airworthiness accomplishment of
changeJAA TGL 17 - PassengerJ... document thechangesdetailed with this
ICA_M15400110_DBE_19052 approval.
011, Revision 0The aircraft
shall be operated in
accordance with...
10036302 SIERRA INDUSTRIES FAA STC HAWKER 800XP Installation of Honeywell TFE731-50R The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance Limited to Hawker 800XP aircraft 30/08/2011 Active 10036302
Ltd. ST02363LA Engines. product and the followingadditional with Sierra Industries, Ltd fitted with Honeywell SPZ-8000
or alternative airworthiness Master DrawingList No AvionicsSystem, and:Winglets
requirements are applicable tothis 201-005, Rev F dated July 13, installed under Hawker Beechcraft
certificate/ approval.CAR 4b and FAR 2011.Operation in accordance (HBC) Mod Kit 140-1703 -Service
25 as defined on the FAA STC with Sierra Industries, Ltd Bulletin 57-3810, EASA approval
certificate ST02363LAThis certificate/ Aircraft FlightManual ref EASA.IM.A.C.01451.
approval involves a change to the Supplement No 201-191<(>,<)
requirements forenvi... > dated August 09,
2011.Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness in
accordance with Sie...

04/01/2023 Page 281 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036324 AEROLITE AG REV. 2 AB 139, AW 139 EMS Equipment P/N 139250-501 with Base The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Flight Manual Supplement Prior to installation of this design 15/03/2016 Active 10036324
Plate P/N 139252-501This STC revision is original product remains applicableto FMS-139250-501 Rev A, dated change it must be determined
issued for the purpose of transferring the STC this certificate/ approvalThe June28, 2013- Airworthiness thatthe interrelationship between
toAerolite AG. requirements for environmental Limitation AWL-139250-501 this design change and any
protection and the Revision N/Cor later revisions otherpreviously installed design
associatedcertified noise and/ or of the above listed documents change and/ or repair will
emissions levels of the original approvedby EASA- Master introduce noadverse effect upon
product areunchanged and remain Document List MDL 10-009 the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Revision B- MasterDrawing
approval. List DWL 10-009 Revision B-
Equipment List EQL-10-00...
10036326 BLACKHAWK FAA STC PA-31T, PA-31T1, PA31T2 Installation of Powerplant Indication System. The Certification Basis for the original Installation In Accordance None. 01/09/2011 Active 10036326
MODIFICATIONS Inc. SA01946LA product remains applicable tothis with Blackhawk Modifications
certificate/ approval.The Master DrawingList ref
requirements for environmental 200815-000, Rev A, dated
protection and the 12-07-09.Operation In
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or Accordance with Blackhawk
emissions levels of the original Modifications Aircraft
product areunchanged and remain FlightManual Supplement ref
applicable to this certificate/ 55023-11, Rev C, dated
approval. February 23, 2010.Continued
Airworthiness (ICA) as defined
in Blackhawk Mo...
10036328 CONTINENTAL REV. 4 DA 40 D Installation of engine TAE 125-02-114 in The Certification Basis for the original - Airplane Flight Manual Prior to installation of this 21/01/2020 Active 10036328
AEROSPACE combination with propeller MTV6-A/187-129 product as amendedby thefollowing Supplement for the DA 40 D modification it must be
(EASA.A.S.02566) TECHNOLOGIES or MTV 6-A/190-69Revision 1 follows a additional or alternative with TAE 125-02-114engine determined thatthe
change of ownership.Revision 2 includes airworthiness requirements:Special installation, TAE Nr. interrelationship between this
propeller MTV 6-A/190-69. Condition(s): CRI A-01 for Diamond 50-0310-50022, Issue 2, modification and any other
DA40, issue 21, Revision 0- Anhang zum previouslyinstalled modification
dated22.09.2008Equivalent Safety Flughandbuch Diamond DA 40 and/or repair will introduce no
Finding(s): CRI A-01 for Diamond D mitTAE adverse effectupon the
DA40, issue 21, dated22.09.2008This 125-02-114Installation, TAE- airworthiness of theproduct.
certificat... Nr.: 50-0310-50012,
Ausgabe2, Revision 0or later
EASA approved Issues/
Revisions- Type D...
10036331 DONALDSON REV. 2 FAA STC A119, AW119MKII Installation of a foreign object damage (FOD) The Certification Basis for the original 1. Rotorcraft Flight Manual None 10/11/2021 Active 10036331
COMPANY, Inc. SR02338CH screen or an inlet barrierfilter (IBF) product remains applicable tothis Supplement is the document
(EASA.IM.R.S.01331) systemRevision 1 reflects the nameand certificate/ approvalThe AFS-AA119EASA-IBF-FMS
address change from AerospaceFiltration requirements for environmental Revision IR;2. Air Filtration
Systems, Inc. to Donaldson Company, protection and the System Inc. Master Data List
Inc.Revision 2 updates the Associated associatedcertificated noise and/ or Document No.AFS-AA119-IBF-
Technical Documentation with regardsto emissions levels of the original MDL Revision I;orlater
"later revisions" product areunchanged and remain revisions of the above listed
applicable to this certificate/ document(s) approved/
approval accepted onbehalf of EASA in
accordance with the Technical
10036344 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC NO. BD-700-1A10, -1A11 Installation, Structural Provisions for Shower EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis Transport Canada STC No. None 02/09/2011 Active 10036344
SA11-69 Drain Feedthrough for the original product remains SA11-69 Issue 1 dated 08
applicable tothis certificate/ August 2011.ACS-NAI Ltd.
approvalThe requirements for Modification Data Summary
environmental protection and the G733000 Revision NC or
associatedcertificated noise and/ or laterapproved
emissions levels of the original revision.Bombardier
product areunchanged and remain Instructions for Continued
applicable to this certificate/ app... Airworthiness G733000-ICA
RevisionIR or later
Supplemental Airworthiness
Limitations, G733000-A...
10036345 ACS-NAI Ltd. TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Installation of Tailwind 500 System EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis -Transport Canada STC No. C- None 02/09/2011 Active 10036345
LSA11-058/D for the original product remains LSA11-058/ D Issue 1 dated
applicable tothis certificate/ 21 April 2011-ACS-NAI Ltd.
approval.The requirements for Modification Data Summary
environmental protection and the H058000 RevN/C or
associatedcertificated noise and/or laterapproved revision.-ACS-
emissions levels of the original NAI Ltd Instructions
product areunchanged and remain forContinued Airworthiness
applicable to this certificate/appr... H058071 Rev N/C orlater
approved revision.-Transport
Canada STC No. C-LSA11-058/
D Issue 1 dated...

04/01/2023 Page 282 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036347 INNOTECH TCCA STC C- BD-700-1A10 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis -TCCA STC No. C-LSA11-079/D Restricted to ASN 9399The 02/09/2011 Active 10036347
AVIATIONA DIVISION LSA11-079/D Interior - ASN 9399 for the original product remains Issue 1 dated 24 May 2011.- wireless Local Area Network
OF IMP GROUP LTD. applicable tothis certificate/ ACS-NAI Ltd. Modification (WLAN) System is intended to
approval.The requirements for Data Summary H113000 provideinternet connectivity and
environmental protection and the Revision NC or laterapproved email services to the airplane’s
associatedcertificated noise and/or revision.-Innotech Aviation cabin usingportable
emissions levels of the original Flight Manual Supplement for electronicdevices (PEDS). Any
product areunchanged and remain Interior Completion,FMS- other intended function of
applicable to this certificate/appr... IA700-9399 Revision NC or thisequipment will require a re-
later approved revision.- examination of the certification
Innotech Aviation Flight basis.
Manual Suppl...
10036349 ADAC LUFTFAHRT REV. 2 EC135 P3, EC135 T3 Installation of an NVIS lighting system in an The Certification Basis for the original STC 10036349: (Applicable to - Limited to helicopter with CPDS 02/12/2016 Active 10036349
TECHNIK GmbH EC135 P2+, EC135 T2+ Airbus Helicopter EC135(MEGHAS).Note 1: product as amendedby thefollowing EC135 T2+/EC135 P2+/EC135 cockpit variant- STC Revision 1:
Revision 1 of the STC introduces a filter on additional or alternative T2(CPDS)/EC135P2(CPDS)) EASA agrees that the extension of
the display of theGN430 units (dual airworthiness requirements:The - FMS EC135-01065-025-MFS, this approval to thehelicopters
installation), removes the SAT phone control following paragraph(s) at a later Revision0STC 10036349 models EC 135T2(CPDS), EC135 P2
unit(aerophone) and corresponding software amendment: CS 27 Amendment 3 Revision 1: (Applicable to (CPDS) & EC135 P2+ can
upgrade of the DMAP System anddeactivates asper Doc EC135-05162-027-RCS-02, EC135 T2+) - FMS beapproved under a minor
the... Rev. 2.The requirements for EC135-02956-025-MFS, modification under the DOA of
environmental protection and the Revision 0STC 10036349 ADAC LTH, when thedesign
associate... Revision 2: (Applicable to configuration for the change on t...
EC135 P2+, EC135 T2+, EC135
T3(CPDS), EC135 P3...
10036361 LEES AVIONICS Ltd. CAA UK B200CGT, B200CT, B200GT, TAWS-B Installation. CS-23The requirements for Master Data ListMDL77801 None 02/09/2011 Active 10036361
RESPONSIBILITY B200T environmental protection and the Issue 2 dated 08 December
(EASA.A.S.02912) A200C, A200CT, B200, B200C associatedcertificated noise and/ or '10.Change StatementCS-778
200, 200C, 200CT, 200T, emissions levels of theoriginal Issue 2 dated 08 December
A200 product areunchanged and remain '10Instructionsfor Continued
1900, 1900C, 1900D applicable to thiscertificate/ Airworthiness ICA-778 Issue 1
approval. dated 30 April'10.Flight
Issue 1 dated 30 April '10.or
later revisions of the above
listed documents approv...
10036367 S.E.A.M.SERVICE F90 STC 2589/09 Rev 4Dual EFIS G600 installation The Certification Basis for the original Dossier 2589/09 Rev 4 dated Limitation to Beech F90 equipped 02/09/2011 Active 10036367
ELECTRONIC product remains applicable tothis 18 July 2011Supplement with SPZ200 autopilot and
(EASA.A.S.03923) AVIATION certificate/ approval.The certificated manuel de vol SEAM/SMV/ modifiedaccording SEAM STC
MARINES.A.R.L. noiseand/or emissions levels of the 2589/09 Rev 4 dated 18 July 2465/08 avionics installation.
original productare unchanged and 2011or later revisions of the
remain applicable to this certificate/ above listed documents
approval. approved by EASA.
10036381 MARSHALL OF CAA UK B737-700 737 Medevac Role Change The Certification Basis for the original Certificate of Design CD/B737 None 06/09/2011 Active 10036381
CAMBRIDGE RESPONSIBILITY product and the followingadditional (1797)/09/0630 Issue 1 dated
AEROSPACELIMITED or alternative airworthiness 25/05/2011AFM Supplement
requirements are applicable tothis AFMS/737MED(1797)/
certificate/ approval:-CS25 Amdt 6- 10/0011 Rev.0 dated Jan
CRID-01/10000036 Medical 2011or later revisions of the
EvacuationThe certificated noise above listed documents
and/or emissions levels of the approved by EASA
original productare unchanged and...
10036393 HELI-ONE (NORWAY) AS332 L1/L2 Installation of STAR SAFIRE FLIR system The Certification Basis for the original AHS-124 dated 24 May 2011 - Flight into known Icing Conditions 06/09/2011 Active 10036393
AS consisting of external mount,internal and product remains applicable tothis Flight Manual Supplement prohibited.
external cabling and installation of mission certificate/ approval.The FLIR STAR SAPHIREHDor later
console inCabin. requirements for environmental revisions of the above listed
protection and the documents approved by
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or EASA.AHSE-56756 revision C
emissions levels of the original dated 30 August 2011 -
product areunchanged and remain Compliance
applicable to this certificate/ Checklist;AHSE-57366 revision
approval. A dated 24 May 2011 -
AirworthinessSupplement for
FLIR HD Install...

04/01/2023 Page 283 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036411 SPECTRUM REV. 2 FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Install air ambulanceNote:1. This STC reflects The Certification Basis for the original FAA Approved Model List Prior to installation of this design 24/04/2019 Active 10036411
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a SA01213CH LIST the transferof STC CAA ES S374-1 from product remains applicable tothis (AML) SA01213CH, reissued change it must be determined
SPECTRUM SpectrumAeromed, Inc to Snaky Creek certificate/ approval, except where 28 February 2019., orlater thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED Enterprises, LLC2. This STC supersedes STC amended by additional or FAA approved revision. this design change and any
CAA ES S374-1,EASA STC EASA.IM.A.S.C. lateramendments if indicated on FAA otherpreviously installed design
010163. This STC, together with EASASTCs STC SA01213CH.The requirements change and/ or repair will
10036412 and 10036413 supersedeEASA STC for environmental protection and introduce noadverse effect upon
EASA.IM.A.S.024... theassociatedcertified noise and/ or the airworthiness ofthe
emissions levels of the or... product.The STC is valid for aircraft
types and models a...
10036412 SPECTRUM REV. 1 FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Install air ambulance conversionNote:1. This The Certification Basis for the original FAA Approved Model List Prior to installation of this design 24/04/2019 Active 10036412
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a SA01213CH LIST STC reflects the transfer of STC CAA ES product remains applicable tothis (AML) No. SA01213CH, dated change it must be determined
SPECTRUM S374-1 from SpectrumAeromed, Inc. to Snaky certificate/ approval, except where 28 February 2019, orlater FAA thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED Creek Enterprises LLC.2. This STC supersedes amended by additional or approved revision. this design change and any
STC CAA ES S374-1, EASA STC IM.A.S.C. lateramendments if indicated on FAA otherpreviously installed design
01016.3. This STC, together with EASA STCs STC SA01213CH.The requirements change and/ or repair will
10036411 and 10036413, supersedesEASA for environmental protection and introduce noadverse effect upon
STC IM.A.... theassociatedcertified noise and/ or the airworthiness ofthe
emissions levels of the or... product.The STC is valid for aircraft
types and models a...
10036413 SPECTRUM REV. 1 FAA STC SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Installation of air ambulance conversionNote: The Certification Basis for the original See EASA Approved Model Prior to installation of this design 24/04/2019 Active 10036413
AEROMED, LLCd/b/a SA01213CH LIST 1. STC 10036413 reflects the transfer of STC product remains applicable tothis Listor later revisions of the change it must be determined
SPECTRUM CAA ES S374-1 from SpectrumAeromed, Inc certificate/ approval.The abovelisted documents thatthe interrelationship between
AEROMED to Snaky Creek Enterprises, LLC2. STC requirements for environmental approved by EASA this design change and any
10036413 supersedes STC EASA.IM.A.S.C. protection and the inaccordance with EASA otherpreviously installed design
010163. STC 10036413, together with EASA associatedcertified noise and/ or EDDecision 2004/04/CF (or change and/ or repair will
STCs 10036411 and 10036412 emissions levels of the original subsequent revisions ofthis introduce noadverse effect upon
supersedeEASA STC EASA.IM.... product areunchanged and remain decision) and/ or the the airworthiness ofthe product.
applicable to this certificate/ Technical Implementation
approval. Procedures of EU/
USABilateral Agreement.
10036439 AVCON INDUSTRIES, FAA STC B90, C90, C90A, E90, H90 Installation of Baggage Door. The Certification Basis for the original Installation in accordance None 08/09/2011 Active 10036439
Inc. SA00415WI 300, 300LW, B300 product remains applicable tothis with Avcon Industries Inc,
200, 200T, A200, B200, certificate/ approvalThe Master DrawingList No 30500,
B200T requirements for environmental Revision C, dated 27 March
100, A100, A100A, A100C, protection and the 1996.Instructions for
B100 associatedcertificated noise and/ or Continued Airworthiness in
emissions levels of the original accordance with
product areunchanged and remain AvconIndustries Inc,
applicable to this certificate/ Maintenance Manual
approval Supplement Document No
00107025,Revision IR dated
28 May 2009.or later revisions
of t...
10036443 AIRBORNE P.68TC "OBSERVER" Mission cabin configuration /For the Certification basis as per EASA TCDS: Installed in accordance with None 08/09/2011 Active 10036443
TECHNOLOGIES P.68 "OBSERVER 2" installation of different mission equipment in FAR 23, applicable AmendmentThe Change Dossier Doc. No. STC-
GmbH P.68 "OBSERVER" a Vulcanair P.68aircraft, the aircraft cabin has Certification Basis for the original AT-036, Rev. 2and Installation
to be modified and provisions product and the followingadditional instructions Doc. No. 036-II-
toaccommodate Mission Equipment have to or alternative airworthiness STC-AT, Rev. 0Operated in
be installed. The installation ofmission requirements are applicable tothis accordance with Flight
equipment itself is not part of this STC. certificate/ approval.Applicant Manual Supplement AFM-
elected to comply CS-23, STC-AT-036,Rev. 1Maintained
Amendment 2The requirements for in accordance with
envi... Maintenance Manual
AT-036, Rev. 1or later revis...
10036450 SCANDINAVIAN GULFSTREAM 200 / GALAXY UPGRADE OF ROCKWELL COLLINS TDR-94D The Certification Basis for the original To be installed in accordance None 09/09/2011 Active 10036450
AVIONICS DESIGN MODE S TRANSPONDER SYSTEM product and the followingadditional with Engineering Order Doc.
ApS FORENHANCED (EHS) SURVEILLANCE or alternative airworthiness ID 2062013-EO,Issue 1 and
CAPABILITY. requirements are applicable tothis Technical Order Doc. ID
certificate/ approvalCert base as 2062013 Issue 1To be
TCDSJAR 25 Change 13Applicant operated in accordance with
elected to comply CS 25, Amdt. Aeroplane Flight Manual
5,AMC 20-13 and JAA TGL No. 13The SupplementDoc. ID 206213-
requirements for environment... AM, Issue 1To be maintained
in accordance Continued
Airworthiness Doc.
ID2062013-CA, Issue 1or...

04/01/2023 Page 284 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036456 STAR AVIATION Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC B747-400 Installation of Connexion by Boeing Next The Certification Basis for the original Aircraft Flight Manual None 09/09/2011 Active 10036456
ST02861AT Generation Antennaand SateliteData System product and the followingadditional Supplement R44-0300 Rev. IR
(EASA.IM.A.S.00285) in accordance with Star Aviation Inc. Master or alternative airworthiness dated October
Data ListR44-0163, Revision CP, Dated May requirements are applicable tothis 16,2004Instruction for
12, 2011or later approved revision certificate/ approval.The certification Continued Airworthiness Star
basis for parts changed or affected by Aviation Document
the changesince thereference date of NoR44-0273, Rev. D, dated
FAA application, December 8, 2009, June 20, 2011or later
is base... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by
EASAinaccordance with EASA
ED Decision 2004/04/CF (or
10036469 BLACKHAWK FAA SA02357LA CESSNA 208B Replacement of the original P<(>&<)>W The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List 1. AeroAcoustics Aircraft Systems, 12/09/2011 Active 10036469
MODIFICATIONS Inc. PT6A-114(A) engine and propellerwith P< product and the followingadditional 200803-000, Revision IR, Inc., "Aircraft Payload Extender
(>&<)>W PT6A-42A and 4-blade Hartzell or alternative airworthiness dated June 8, 2011Flight STOLSystem", STC SA01805SE
PropellerHC-E4N-3P/D9900(K) and associated requirements are applicable tothis Manual Supplement AFMS (EASA STC No. 10029821)is
equipment in accordance with FAA certificate/ approval:FAR23, Amdt. 0: 200803, Rev. IR, dated June required as part ofthis alteration.2.
STCSA02357LA. 23.21, 23.171, 23.231, 23.303, 22, 2011Instruction of This modification is not compatible
23.307, 23.363, 23.471,23.481, Continued Airworthiness ICA with Cessna Model 208B
23.483, 23.493, 23.561, 23.601, 200803-30, Rev. A, dated SerialNumber 208B1190,
23.609, 23.627, 23.1023,23.... May2011or later revisions of 208B1216, and 208B2000 and
the above listed documents greater (Garmin 1000installati...
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
10036478 AERODATA AG LBA EMZ NR. FALCON 10 Change to LBA STC approval "EMZ Nr. The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List doc. N° MDL- Restricted to S/N 183 12/09/2011 Active 10036478
TA0607 TA0607 and AFM approvalDTM-721A"dated product and the followingadditional A/C-047, Rev. 5 dated
26 June 2002.Change of procedures or alternative airworthiness September 06
"Instructions for Continued Airworthiness" requirements are applicable tothis 2011.Instructions for Initial
inrelation with RVSM qualification and certificate/ approval.JAR 25 Change and Continued Airworthiness
update of the aircraftconfiguration. 15and JAA TGL 6The requirements doc. N°HB-A/C-650,Rev. 4
for environmental protection and the dated September 06
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2011.AirplaneFlight Manual
emissions levels... Supplement doc. N° FMS-047,
Rev. 2 dated August02
2011.or later revisions of the
above listed documents ap...
10036479 AERODATA AG LBA EMZ NR. FALCON 10 Change to LBA STC approval "EMZ Nr. The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List doc. N° MDL- Restricted to S/N 216. 12/09/2011 Active 10036479
TA0600 TA0600 and AFM approvalDTM-721A"dated product and the followingadditional A/C-044, Rev. 3 dated 06
06 June 2002.Change of procedures or alternative airworthiness September 2011.Instructions
"Instructions for Continued Airworthiness" requirements are applicable tothis for Initial and Continued
inrelation with RVSM qualification and certificate/ approval:JAR 25 Change Airworthiness doc. N°HB-A/
update of the aircraftconfiguration. 15and JAA TGL 6The requirements C-645,Rev. 2 dated 06
for environmental protection and the September
associatedcertificated noise and/ or 2011.AirplaneFlight Manual
emissions levels... Supplement doc. N° FMS-046,
Rev. 3 dated 02August
2011.or later revisions of the
above listed documents ap...
10036481 KUERZI AVIONICS AG MF50 P-RNAV and RNP10 certificationCertification The Certification Basis for the original Master Document List doc N° EASA STC 10034392 is a required 12/09/2011 Active 10036481
of P-RNAV and RNP10 for a Falcon 50 based product remains applicable tothis MDL-201110379 Rev N/C pre-requisite.
on existing EASASTC 10034392. certificate/ approval.The dated 09
requirements for environmental September2011.Aircraft Flight
protection and the Manual Supplement doc N°
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or FMS-201034519 Rev 1 dated
emissions levels of the original 21June 2011.or later revisions
product areunchanged and remain of the above listed documents
applicable to this certificate/ approved by EASA
10036482 LEES AVIONICS Ltd. CAA UK BELL 412 Installation of the Spectrolab search light The Certification Basis for the original Rotorcraft Flight Manual None. 16/09/2011 Active 10036482
RESPONSIBILITY SX16. product and the followingadditional supplement RFMS-1041 iss.
(EASA.R.S.01567) or alternative airworthiness 1or later revisions of the
requirements are applicable tothis above listed documents
certificate/ approval.The Applicant approved by EASA.-Lees
applied as voluntary compliance the Certification Plan CP-1041 iss.
CS 29-2; for 1- MDL 1041-01 iss. 1
CS29.251, CS29.305(a), CS29.561 (a),

04/01/2023 Page 285 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036485 SKYTRAC SYSTEMS TCCA STC AS 355 F2, AS 355 N Sky Track ISAT AIRBORNE POSITION / The Certification Basis for the original - Flight Manual Supplement None 12/09/2011 Active 10036485
LTD. SH10-24 AS 355 E, AS 355 F, AS 355 F1 COMMUNICATION UPGRADEThemodification product and the followingadditional FMS10033-5, Revision N/C
upgrades an existing ISAT-100 Airborne or alternative airworthiness dated March 14,2011.or later
Position / DataCommunicator system requirements are applicable tothis revisions of the above listed
installation to an ISAT-200 system(This EASA certificate/ approval.Special documents approved by
approval validates the TCCA STC SH10-24, Condition on Lithium Batteries as per EASA- Avionics Design
Issue 3 on thetype/models referenced above) EASA CRI F-01 Issue 1The Services LTD Master Drawing
requirements for environmental List MDL10033, Revision
protection and the associatedcertif... D,Issue 1, dated March 1,
2011 (relative to the EC AS
355 E<(>,<)> F<(>,<)> F1<(>,<)
> F2<(>,<...
10036488 FIELD AVIATION TCCA STC NO. DHC-8-401, -402 Temporary Removal of Auxilliary Power Unit CS/JAR-25 as per EASA.IM.A.191, The temporary APU removal The modification is applicable only 13/09/2011 Active 10036488
COMPANY Inc. SA11-37 (APU)TCCA STC SA11-37, Issue 1 Issue 4 (incl. SC H-01 ICA on EWIS) series must be done in when the necessary
The Certification Basis for the original accordancewith structuralprovisions are pre-
product remains applicable tothis TCCAapproved Field Aviation existing
certificate/ approvalThe Company Inc. Modification
requirementsfor environmental Instruction 25341000,Revision
protection and the A, dated 02 June
associatedcertificatednoise and/ or 2011.Maintenance of the APU
emissions levels of the original System is unchanged from the
product areun... instructionsprovided in
Bombardiers DHC-8-400
Aircraft Maintenance Manual
10036492 SKYTRAC SYSTEMS REV. 1 TCCA STC AS 350 B, AS 350 B1, AS 350 Sky Track ISAT AIRBORNE POSITION / The Certification Basis for the original - Flight Manual Supplement This STC references specified 02/11/2020 Active 10036492
Ltd. SH10-24 B2 COMMUNICATION UPGRADEThemodification product and the followingadditional FMS10033-4, Revision N/C interfacing equipment that
AS 350 B3, AS 350 BA, AS 350 upgrades an existing ISAT-100 Airborne or alternative airworthiness dated March 14,2011.- isapproved viathis data. The ISAT
D Position / DataCommunicator system requirements are applicable tothis Avionics Design Services LTD -200 is capable of being interfaced
installation to an ISAT-200 system(This EASA certificate/ approval.Special Master Drawing List to additionalaircraft systems for
approval validates the TCCA STC SH10-24, Condition on Lithium Batteries as per MDL10033, Revision D,Issue which approval isbeyond the
Issue 3 on thetype/models referenced above) EASA CRI F-01 Issue 1The 1, dated March 1, 2011 scope of this STC.Such interfaces
Revision 1: administrati... requirements for environmental (relative to the EC AS 350 B, may need further
protection and the associatedcertif... B1,B2,B3,BA,D)- Avionics approval.EASA.IM.R.S.01137 Issue
Design Services LTD Drawing 2 is a pre-requisite to t...
List DL10033-4, Revision N/
C,Issue 1, dated M...
10036493 AIM AVIATION CAA UK A319 Installation of a Galley 13 and Closet C1into CS 25 Amendment 11 Change Record HEN 1208 None 13/09/2011 Active 10036493
(HENSHALLS) LTD RESPONSIBILITY an Airbus A319-100 to beoperated by BMI Issue 1or later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10036501 AIRCRAFT DESIGN REV. 1 EA 300/L, EA 300/LC Multi glider towing capacity up to 1000kg The Certification Basis (CB) for the Master Document List Aircraft conforming to EASA 17/07/2018 Active 10036501
CERTIFICATION EA 300, EA 300/S total tow mass original product remains applicableto ADxC-44-001-MDL, dated TCDS.A.362 and being equipped
GmbH this certificate/ approval.The August 18, 2011Airplane accordingUA-300-4-95 Air-tow-
requirements for environmental Flight Manual Supplement release.
protection and the ADxC-44-001-AFM, dated
associatedcertified noise and/ or August 30, 2011or later
emissions levels of the original revisions of the above listed
product areunchanged and remain documentsapproved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/
10036506 LEES AVIONICS Ltd. CAA UK BELL 412 Installation of the UNS-1E FMS. The Certification Basis for the original Rotorcraft Flight Manual This kit/STC can be installed on 14/09/2011 Active 10036506
RESPONSIBILITY product remains applicable tothis Supplement RFMS-1040 Issue helicopter that has installed the
(EASA.R.S.01570) certificate/ approval.The 1or later revisions of the kitDualBendix/King ED551A EHSI,
requirements for environmental above listed documents EASA approved EASA.R.S.01445.
protection and the approved by EASA.Lees
associatedcertificated noiseand/or Certification Plan CP-1040
emissions levels of the original Issue 1 & MDL 1041-01 Issue
product areunchanged and remain 5.
applicable to this certificate/
10036508 NORTHERN AW109SP NAV 434 "Installation of Helicopter The Certification Basis for the original Modification Bulletin None 14/09/2011 Active 10036508
AVIONICS S.R.L. Emergency Egress Light (HEEL)" product remains applicable tothis NAV-434 Rev. 0
certificate/ approval.The
requirements for environmental
protection and the
associatedcertificated noiseand/or
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 286 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036511 328 SUPPORT REV. 3 HAWKER 800XP, HAWKER Installation of a Flight Data Recorder (FDR) The Certification Basis (CB) for the Installation in accordance None. 27/09/2018 Active 10036511
SERVICES GmbH 850XP System. original product remains applicableto with 328 Design GmbH
this certificate/ approval.The EngineeringOrder
requirements for environmental refAM1581009A-01 Issue B,
protection and the dated 16.12.2014;Operation
associatedcertified noise and/ or in accordance with 328 Design
emissions levels of the original GmbH Aircraft Flight
product areunchanged and remain ManualSupplement ref
applicable to this certificate/ AM1581008A-01, dated Dec
approval. 16, 2014;Instructions for
Continued airworthiness in
accordance with 328
10036542 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. FAA STC B777F Installation of B/E Aerospace, Inc., Vacuum The Certification Basis for the original Installation Instructions AMM None 19/09/2011 Active 10036542
ST02876CH B777-300, B777-300ER Toilet AssemblyRetrofit Kit product and the followingadditional 38-30-03 Rev. 3 dtd. 10 May
B777-200, B777-200LR or alternative airworthiness 2011Instructions for
requirements are applicable tothis Continued Airworthiness
certificate/ approval.CRI H-1 EWIS 38-30-04 Rev. 3 dtd. 2
ICA June2011or later revisions of
the above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10036545 FOKKER SERVICES REV. 2 777-200/-200LR/-300/-300ER Installation of a GKN Aerospace designed The Certification Basis (CB) for the -Major Change Approval C/R Replacement of a Flight 17/07/2017 Active 10036545
B.V. /-F Boeing 777 No. 1 Windshieldpart No. 10702 original product remains applicableto 017 Issue 1 dated 19th July Compartment Window Number 1
(EASA.A.S.03492) (LH) / 10703 (RH); or Part No. 10712(LH) / this certificate/ approval.The 2011-ICA per GKN Component per this STC GKN ATSpart no.
10713 (RH)Revision 2: Transfer from GKN to requirements for environmental Maintenance Manual 10712 (LH) / 10713 (RH) together
Fokker Services protection and the 56-11-07or later revisions of with the wiring loommodification
associatedcertified noise and/ or the above listed documents constitutes an Alternative Method
emissions levels of the original approved by EASA. of Compliance (AMOC) tothe
product areunchanged and remain terminating action requirementsof
applicable to this certificate/ FAA AD 2010-15-01 which has
approval. beenadopted by
10036548 DELTA ENGINEERING REV. 1 FAA STC A330-341, -342, -343 Provision of a Panasonic Ex Phone System The Certification Basis for the original Master Data List, Ref : This STC approval only certifies the 10/11/2011 Active 10036548
CORPORATION ST02668NY-D A330-321, -322, -323 (Validation of FAA STC ST02668NY-D)This STC product remains applicable tothis 0154-07160-2234, dated 08 provisions for the
A330-301, -302, -303 installs provisions (antenna and wiring) for certificate/ approval.The September2011Instruction for PanasoniceXPhone. This device
Panasonic eX phoneSystem.The Revision 1 of requirements for environmental Continued Airworthiness, activation, for which these
this STC corrects the applicability by adding protection and the Ref : 0754-07163-2234 provisions areintended, will be
twoaircraft models, omitted at the initial associatedcertificated noiseand/ or RevisionAor later revisions of certified separately.
approval. emissions levels of the original the above listed documents
product areunchanged and remain approved by EASA
applicable to this certificate/ inaccordance with EASA ED
approval. Decision 2004/04/CF (or
subsequent revisions ofthis
10036558 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. FAA STC B737-600/700/800/900 Installation of Vacuum Toilet Assembly The Certification Basis for the original - Component Certification None. 19/09/2011 Active 10036558
ST02876CH Retrofit Kit P/N 4100390-003. product and the followingadditional Report Vacuum Toilet
or alternative airworthiness Assembly Retrofit
requirements are applicable tothis KitCCR4100390-003 rev F
certificate/ approval:CRI H-1 EWIS released on 15-09-2011;-
ICAThe certificated noise and/ or Master Data List MDL
emissions levels of the original 4100390-001 rev A- Master
productare unchanged and remain Data List MDL 4100390-003
applicable to this certif... rev Bor later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
inaccordance with EASA ED
Decision 2004/04...
10036586 AERO-DIENST GMBH LEARJET 35A Installation of Honeywell (Allied Signal) The Certification Basis for the original Certification Programme 105- None 21/09/2011 Active 10036586
& CO. KG Enhanced Ground ProximityWarning MK VIII product remains applicable tothis LR Rev IR dated June 21, 2011
System certificate/ approval.The andEngineering Order No.:
requirements for environmental 105-LR.056.01 Rev 6 dated
protection and the June 21, 2011or later
associatedcertificated noiseand/ or revisions of the above listed
emissions levels of the original documents approved by EASA
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/

04/01/2023 Page 287 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036587 AVIONIK STRAUBING REV. 1 2. PA-31T, PA-31T1, Installation of one or more Avionik Straubing The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual Supplement None. 04/10/2011 Active 10036587
ENTWICKLUNGS 2. PA-31T2, PA-31T3 Heater Control Unit(s)HCU200. product and the followingadditional ASR-2010-027-FMS-05-00,
GmbH 2. PA-31P, PA-31P-350, or alternative airworthiness Rev. 00Instructions for
1. PA-31, PA-31-300, requirements are applicable tothis Installation ASR-2010-027-
1. PA-31-325, PA-31-350, certificate/ approval:CS-23, IFI-10-00, Rev.00Instructions
Amendment2The requirements for for Continued Airworthiness
environmental protection and the ASR-2010-027-ICA-11-00<
associatedcertificated noise and/ or (>,<)>Rev. 00or later revisions
emissions levels of the orig... of the above listed documents
approved by EASA.
10036590 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. FAA STC B747-400 Modification of Upper Deck Crew Rest The Certification Basis for the original None None 21/09/2011 Active 10036590
- FSI ST00695AT-D Compartment in accordance withTimco product remains applicable tothis
Master Data List, MDL-01090, Revision E, certificate/ approval.The
datedJuly 22, 1996, orlater FAA approved requirements for environmental
RevisionValidation of FAA STC ST00695AT-D protection and the
associatedcertificated noiseand/or
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10036591 LEES AVIONICS Ltd. CAA UK SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL GNS430W/GNS530W Installation for BRNAV CS-23 Amendment 2The Multi Model List MML-1253 None 30/09/2011 Active 10036591
RESPONSIBILITY LIST requirements for environmental Issue 1, Dated 07 Sept
protection and the 2011MasterData List
associatedcertificated noise and/ or MDL-1253 Issue 1, Dated 19
emissions levels of the original Sept 2011Change Statement
product areunchanged and remain CS-1253 Issue 1, Dated 02
applicable to this certificate/ Sept 2011Instructions for
approval. Continued Airworthiness
ICA-1253 Issue1, Dated 02
Issue 1, Dated 01 Sept
10036603 BOMBARDIER INC. TCCA STC BD-700-1A11 Installation, Complete Custom Aircraft EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis TCCA STC No. SA05-60 Issue 1, Restricted to ASN 9427 22/09/2011 Active 10036603
SA05-60 Interior - ASN 9427 for the original product remains dated 14 June 2005.Aero
applicable tothis certificate/ Consulting Services Ltd
approval.The requirements for Configuration Definition List
environmental protection and the E025000Revision FE, dated 20
associatedcertificated noise and/ or September 2011.Bombardier
emissions levels of the original Aerospace Aeroplane Flight
product areunchanged and remain Manual Supplement G-
applicable to this certificate/ ap... FM25004501,Revision N/C or
later approved
Instructions for Contin...
10036604 MOTORFLUG REV. 1 228-212 Installation of Mission Equipment for The Certification Basis for the original 28145F103137-0601, Rev. 2,, None. 11/10/2011 Active 10036604
BADEN-BADEN Maritime Surveillance. product remains applicable tothis AFM
GmbH certificate/ approval.This certificate/ Supplement28145F103137-07
approval involves a change to the 01, Rev. 2,, Instruction for
requirements forenvironmental Continued
protection and/or a change to the Airworthiness28145F103137-
certificated noise and/or emission 0702, Rev. 1,, TLMCM
levels. Supplement28145F103137-10
01, Rev. 0,, Installation
Manualor later revisions of
the above listed documents
approved by EASA.
10036609 ST ENGINEERING A320-200 SERIES Ural Airlines' A320 Cabin Reconfiguration The Certification Basis for the original ST Aerospace's Master -,,This design change on Aircraft 22/09/2011 Active 10036609
AEROSPACE LTD. product and the followingadditional Document List 399001/AED/ model Airbus A320-200 is
or alternative airworthiness 002 RevisionB, dated22nd applicable tothe following aircraft
requirements are applicable tothis September 2011.or later serial numbers (MSNs): 203; 220;
certificate/ approval.JAR 25 Change revisions of the abovelisted 735; 1152; 1484;1777; 2175; 2187
11and EASA CS 25 Amendments 4 documents approved by EASA and 2327.
and 10, as per STAerospace's
Certification Plan Doc 399001/AED/
001 Revision D.In addition EA...

04/01/2023 Page 288 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036624 TECH-TOOL FAA STC EC 120 B Replace the existing Eurocopter EC120 B The Certification Basis for the original - Master Drawing List (MDL) None 23/09/2011 Active 10036624
PLASTICS, Inc. SR03641AT windows with Tech-Tool Plastics,Inc. product remains applicable tothis EC120/130-2000-100,
replacement windows(Note: This approval certificate/ approvalThe Revision C dated October31,
constitutes the EASA validation of the FAA requirements for environmental 2009or later revisions of the
STCSR03641AT, Issued by the FAA on June protection and the above listed documents
30, 2011) associatedcertificated noise and/ or approved by EASA
emissions levels of the original inaccordance with EASA ED
product areunchanged and remain Decision 2004/04/CF (or
applicable to this certificate/ subsequent revisions ofthis
approval decision)Eurocopter EC 120-B
Maintenance and Repair
Manual, is also required...
10036630 NSE INTEGRATIONS ATR 42-300 Modification in ATR42-300 MSN 049's The Certification Basis for the original NSE This STC is limited to ATR42-300 28/09/2011 Active 10036630
calibration test bench product and the followingadditional Intégrations's:Modification serial number aircraft MSN049
or alternative airworthiness Form NSE 08-01 Edition 3,
requirements are applicable tothis Revision 1 dated 20th
certificate/ approvalIn addition to September2011
the product's original certification andSupplement for EWIS
basis, EASACertification Review Item Instructions for Continued
(CRI) Special Condition CRI H-01 Issue Airworthiness:
1 "Enhance... "DetailedInspection Tasks
ATR42 Kit Calibration Test
Benc" revision Indice B,dated
20th September 2011.or later
revisions of the above listed...
10036633 RUAG AEROSPACE REV. 1 BD-700-1A11 Dual Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Installation EASA.IM.A.009The Certification Basis RUAG Master Document List None 27/09/2011 Active 10036633
SERVICES GmbH BD-700-1A10 for the original product remains No. 341A-MDL Rev. N/C dated
applicable tothis certificate/ 15 September 2011.RUAG
approvalThe requirements for Approval for Aircraft
environmental protection and the Modification No. 341A-CN
associatedcertificated noise and/ or Rev. N/C dated 15September
emissions levels of the original 2011RUAG Airplane
product areunchanged and remain Maintenance Manual
applicable to this certificate/ app... Supplement No. 341A-
AMMSor later revisions of the
above listed documents
approved by EASA
10036644 STC TWENTY ONE CAA UK CL-600-2B16 Introduction of Corporate Interior EASA.IM.A.023The Certification Basis STC Twenty One Master Restricted to ASN 5616 26/09/2011 Active 10036644
LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY for the original product remains Document List No.
applicable tothis certificate/ S21.MDL-0954 Initial
approval.The requirements for Issue,dated 22 September
environmental protection and the 2011Midcoast Aviation AFMS
associatedcertificated noise and/ or No. 34-424M005Midcoast
emissions levels of the original Aviation AFMS No.
product areunchanged and remain 34-261M017or later revisions
applicable to this certificate/ ap... of the above listed documents
approved by EASA
10036655 HAECO CABIN FAA STC 747-400 Installation of a Ball Camera Entertainment The Certification Basis for the original none none 27/09/2011 Active 10036655
SOLUTIONS, LLC ST01959AT-D system per Timco Master DataList product remains applicable tothis
99T057L001 Rev. C, dated November 8, 1999 certificate/ approval.The
or later FAA approvedrevision.Validation of requirements for environmental
FAA STC ST01959AT-D protection and the
associatedcertificated noiseand/or
emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain
applicable to this certificate/
10036659 B/E AEROSPACE, Inc. REV. 1 FAA STC B747-400F Installation of Vacuum Toilet Assembly The Certification Basis for the original AMM Supplement 38-30-06 Prior to installation of this design 14/09/2016 Active 10036659
ST02876CH B747-400 Retrofit Kit P/N 4100390-003Validation FAA product and the followingadditional Rev 06 Instructions for change it must be determined
STC ST02876CH. ,, or alternative airworthiness Continued Airworthiness(ICA) thatthe interrelationship between
requirements are applicable tothis and EWIS ICA source this design change and any
certificate/ approval:CRI H-01 document, dated 20 October otherpreviously installed design
Enhanced Airworthiness Programme 2014or later revisions of the change and/ or repair will
for Aeroplane Systems - ICA above listed documents introduce noadverse effect upon
onEWISThe requirements for approved by EASA the airworthiness ofthe product.
environmental protection and the inaccordance with EASA ED
associa... Decision 2004/04/CF(or
subsequent revisions ofthis
decision) and/ or the Techni...

04/01/2023 Page 289 of 1,649

An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10036673 SCANDINAVIAN SD3-SHERPA, SD3-60 SHERPA Installation of GARMIN GPS-400 CS 25 Amendment 4The Scandinavian None 28/09/2011 Active 10036673
AVIONICS DESIGN SD3-30, SD3-60 requirements for environmental AvionicsEngineering Order
(EASA.A.S.03703) ApS protection and the 2042759-EO Issue 1 dated 21
associatedcertificated noise and/ or July 2011Flight Manual
emissions levels of the original Supplements2042759-AM-A
product areunchanged and remain Issue2, dated 15 March
applicable to this certificate/ 20112042759-AM-C Issue 2,
approval dated 15 March
Issue 2, dated 10 March
2011or later revisions of the
above listed documents
10036677 AVIONIK STRAUBING 60, A60, B60 Installation of a Traffic Advisory System The Certification Basis for the original - Flight Manual Supplement None 28/09/2011 Active 10036677
ENTWICKLUNGS Avidyne TAS 605/615/620<(>,<)>Ryan product and the followingadditional ASR-2011-016-FMS-05-00,
GmbH 9900BX or alternative airworthiness Rev. 00-Instructions for
requirements are applicable tothis Installation ASR-2011-016-
certificate/ approvalCS-23, IFI-10-00, Rev. 00-
Amendment 2The requirements for Instructions for Continued
environmental protection and the Airworthiness ASR-2011-016-
associatedcertificated noise and/ or ICA-11-00, Rev.00or later
emissions levels of the origi... revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA
10036680 ROEDER PRAEZISION REV. 1 PA-46R-350T Installation of Tactical Weather Detection The Certification Basis for the original Flight Manual-Supplements: This STC is also applicable to 15/11/2017 Active 10036680
GMBH PA-46-310P, -350P, -500TP, System (Stormscope) AvidyneTWX670. product and the followingadditional TWX670-NY-02180-08, Rev. Turbine Converted Aircraft
or alternative airworthiness 1Engineering Order: TWX670- (PA46-310-DLX,PA46-350DLX)
requirements are applicable tothis NY-02180-05, Rev. according to FAA STC
certificate/ approval:CS-23, 0Maintenance Procedures: ST00541SE.Theaircraft must have
Amendment2The requirements for TWX670-NY-02180-07, Rev. been already equipped with a
environmental protection and the 0or later revisions of the suitableMultifunction Display
associatedcertificated noise and/ or abovelisted documents (MFD).Prior to installation of this
emissions levels of the orig... approved by EASA. modification it must be
determined thatthe
interrelationship betwe...
10036696 SOCATA SAS REV. 1 AS 355 F2 Installation of a surveillance WESCAM MX 10 The Certification Basis (CB) for the MANUEL DE VOL AS 355 F2 Serial Numbers 5026, 5299, 5298, 17/12/2014 Active 10036696
camera and operator consoleas defined in original product remains applicableto SUPPLEMENT STC 5156 onlyPrior to installation of
MDL STC. 0: installation of this certificate/ approval.The, Rev. 0, this design change it must be
provisionsRev. 1: installation of the complete requirements for environmental dated12/12/14 or later determined thatthe
system. protection and the revisions of the above listed interrelationship between this
associatedcertified noise and/ or documents approved design change and any
emissions levels of the original byEASA.CCL FAR 27/ otherpreviously installed design
product areunchanged and remain Airworthiness code change and/ or repair will
applicable to this certificate/ compliance DAHER SOCATA N introduce noadverse effect upon
approval. °STC. Edition 1 the airworthiness of the product.
Rev 7, November
2014Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
10036731 TATENHILL AVIATION CAA UK SEE EASA APPROVED MODEL Design Data for the approval of a Honeywell CS-23 Amendment 1The Installation Manual IM.02410 None. 04/10/2011 Active 10036731
Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY LIST KFD840 Primary FlightDisplay (PFD). requirements for environmental Revision A, dated 09 July
protection and the 2011.Master Document List
associatedcertificated noise and/ or MDL.02410 Revision B, dated
emissions levels of the original 27 September
product areunchanged and remain 2011.Instructions for
applicable to this certificate/ Continued Airworthiness ICA.
approval . 02410 Revision A, dated
09July 2011.Flight Manual
Supplement FMS.02410
Revision A.or later revisions of
the above listed documen...
10036735 BHE & ASSOCIATES, REV. 1 FAA STC B300, B300C Installation of upgraded hardware to the The Certification Basis for the original Master Drawing List Prior to installation of this change/ 04/12/2020 Active 10036735
LTD. SA10965SC B200, B200C, B200CGT, Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21FMS-3000 to product remains applicable tothis 324-00-0001, Revision A, repair it must be determined
B200GT provide Localizer Performance with Vertical certificate/approval, except where dated 12 January 2010, thatthe interrelationship between
Guidance (LPV)Revision 1: This change amended by additional or orlater FAA approved this change/repair and any
updates and corrects the referenced lateramendments if indicated on FAA revision.Airplane Flight otherpreviously installed change
TextronAviation AFM for the B300/B300C, on STC SA10965SC.The requirements for Manual Supplement, and/ or repair willintroduce no
cover page of the EASA AFMS324-00-0023. environmental protection and the Document 324-00-0014, adverseeffect upon the
associatedcertified noise and/ or Revision IR,dated 12 January airworthiness of the product.This
emissions levels of the ori... 2010, or later FAA approved installation is limited to airplane
revision. serial numbers...

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An agency of the European Union
List of EASA Supplemental Type Certificates easa.europa.eu
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System

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