STC WebList
STC WebList
STC WebList
Rev. Foreign/NAA Associated Technical Date of System
EASA STC no. STC Holder Models Description Certification basis Limitations/Conditions Status
level STC ref. Documentation Issue Record
10013930 AERODATA AG REV. 2 B300 Installation of Aerodata Automatic Flight The Certification Basis for the original Installation Manual ,,,,,, HB-A/ None 06/05/2011 Active 10013930
Inspection SystemAD-AFIS-112. product and the followingadditional C-1087, Rev. 0Master
(EASA.A.S.00277) or alternative airworthiness Document List ,,,,,, MDL-A/
requirements are applicable tothis C-067, Rev. 8Maintenance
certificate/ approval.CS-23, Manual Supplement,,
Amendment2 (elected to comply by AMM-1088, Rev. 0Flight
the applicant, not required by21A. Manual Supplement,,,,
101)The requirements for AFM-124, Rev. 1,,or later
environmental protection and the revisions of the above listed
asso... documents approved by
10013945 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 10 LBA TA0441 A300 F4-622R Conversion of A300B4-600 and A300B4-600R The Certification Basis (CB) for the - Certification Summary In cases where an AMOC in the 06/07/2021 Active 10013945
ISSUE 4 A300 F4-622 R aircraft from a Passengerversion to a original product remains applicableto Document AMOC SUMMAY LIST is
(EASA.A.S.00387) A300 B4-620, A300 B4-622 Freighter version(P2F conversion).This this certificate/ approval.The EAA2/400/000/001/COS describesas partialcompliance to
A300 B4-605R, A300 B4-622R approval was originally issued by the German requirements for environmental Issue08, dated 16January the AD requirements, the
A300 B4-601, A300 B4-603 Luftfahrt Bundesamtunder STC reference protection and the 2007.- Airbus Deutschland remaining mandatory actions
TA0441:this STC (issue4) was transferred to associatedcertified noise and/ or Engineering Order Nr. PFM mustbe performed as indicated
EASA under referenceEASA.A.S.00387.”- Rev. emissions levels of the product are 00400A Issue 09, dated within the airworthiness
1 covered t... unchangedand remain applicable to 07May 2007.- Aircraft Flight directive.Limitations mentioned in
this certificate/approval without any Manual Supplement for the A300-600P to F – Weight and
im... Airbus A300-600, Revision Balance ManualSupplement.Prior
07,dated 15 January 2007.- to instal...
Supplemental Airworthiness
Limitations It...
10013954 TROYES AVIATION REV. 3 CESSNA F177RG Installation of a camera sight door under the CS23The Certification Basis for the File ref: FAM N° 59CHANGE Applicability F177RG S/N 0112, 29/03/2010 Active 10013954
S.A.R.L. fuselage.Addition of new aircraft to STC original product remains applicable FILE N° 53 ISSUE JUNE 2006 - 0065, 103, 087 F-BURU and S/N 51
(EASA.A.S.00494) EASA.A.S.00494 Revision 2. tothis certificate/ approval. EASA.A.S.00494 R1 and F-HBAG.
10013960 AIRBUS S.A.S. REV. 6 A310-304/-308/-324/-325 EASA STC 10013960 Revision 6 (A310-200 The Certification Basis for the original For A310-200 series None 27/06/2012 Active 10013960
A310-203/-221/-222 series and -300 seriesaeroplanes, Passenger product and the followingadditional Aeroplanes- Certification
(EASA.A.S.00634) to Freighter conversion)(Ref. to former or alternative airworthiness Summary Document (except
Luftfahrt Bundesamt STC TA0383 Issue 9)- requirements are applicable tothis MSN 349):
The STC EASA.A.S.00634 has covered the certificate/ approval.See Certification GQ21213151000-0011COS
transfer of the STC TA0383Issue 9 (original Summary Documents referenced in Rev G. dated 10/02/2009.-
Aviation Authority reference) from the Associated TechnicalDocumentation Certification Summary
originalAviati... sectionThe requirements for Document (for MSN 349) :
environmental protectionc... EQM/001/000-003/COS.dated
16 April 2004.- Airbus
Deutschland Engineering
Order Nr. PFM 08093A Issue
14. dated 31July 2008.-D...
10013963 DOA AESGLOBAL REV. 3 767-300 Introduction of Matsushita In-Flight Aerospace Engineering This STC is approved only for the 28/04/2021 Active 10013963
LIMITED Entertainment SystemRev 3: Transfer from Solutions Master Data List product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.00652) AES Ltd. to new STC holder AES Global Ltd. AES-767-367MDL or later inthe approved design data
approved revision. referred to in the paragraph
"Description".Compatibility with
other aircraft/engine
configurations shall bedetermined
by the installer.Prior to installation
of this change/repair it must be
determined thatt...
10013964 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK REV. 3 A340 Installation of non-electrical Floor Path - STC TA0018- Supplemental This STC is approved only for the 05/03/2014 Active 10013964
AG Marking System Type Definition Document product configuration as defined
(EASA.A.S.00654) STDD33-97/01M, Issue 07 in the approved design data
dated09.11.2006- Applicant's referred to in the paragraph
Declaration ofCompliance "Description". Compatibility with
dated 15.11.2006- Airplane other aircraft/
Flight Manual Supplement engineconfigurations shall be
A-33-06/367-AFM- determined by the installer.
Instructions for Continued
Airworthinessor later
revisions of the above listed
documents approved by...