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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PA 104: HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATION Module No. 5





This module aims to discuss in greater detail the various behavior of individual organization
members and groups within organizations. The emphasis will be on the alteration of organizational
behavior theories to practices that may result in organizational effectiveness and efficiency. The
primary goal of this module is to provide the students with an extensive knowledge for advanced
leadership roles and to prepare them in facing the challenges involved in modern organization as well.

This section of the module focuses on the Models of Organizational Behavior. These models
are the techniques which will help us to understand complex things and ideas concerning
organizations in a clear manner.  All the models of organizational behavior are broadly classified into
five types: autocratic, custodial, supportive, collegial, and system model.


At the end of this module, the student will be able to:

1) Be familiar with the theories and models of organizational behavior
2) Compare and contrast the different theories and models

LEARNING CONTENTS (title of the subsection)

Models of Organizational Behavior

Organization differ in quality of the systems and the procedures they develop and maintain and in the
results they accomplish. Different theories of organizational behavior bring out varying results. These
theories constitute the belief system and management orientation that consequently affect the
organization. It is in the premise that managers recognize the nature, significance, and effectiveness
of a particular theory suited to the problem.

A. Autocratic Model
Autocratic model is the model that depends upon strength, power and formal authority. In an
autocratic organization, the people (management/owners) who manage the tasks in an
organization have formal authority for controlling the employees who work under them. These
lower-level employees have little control over the work function. Their ideas and innovations are
not generally welcomed, as the key decisions are made at the top management level.

To be familiar with the Essential features of this model, click


B. Custodial Model
The custodial model is based around the concept of providing economic security for employees –
through wages and other benefits – that will create employee loyalty and motivation. The
underlying theory for the organization is that they will have a greater skilled workforce, more
motivated employees, and have a competitive advantage through employee knowledge and

One of the downsides with the custodial model is that it also attracts and retains low performance
staff as well. Or perhaps even deliver a lower level of motivation from some staff who feel that
they are “trapped” in an organization because the benefits are too good to leave.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PA 104: HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATION Module No. 5

Some of the important features of this model are explained in this link:

C. Supportive Model
Unlike the two earlier approaches, the supportive model focused around aspiring leadership. It is
not based upon control and authority (the autocratic model) or upon incentives (the custodial
model), but instead tries to motivate staff through the manager-employee relationship and how
employees are treated on a day-to-day basis. Quite opposite to the autocratic model, this
approach states that employees are self-motivated and have value and insight to contribute to the
organization, beyond just their day-to-day role. The intent of this model is to motivate employees
through a positive workplace where their ideas are encouraged and often adapted. Therefore, the
employees have some form of “buy-in” to the organization and its direction.

The main features of this model can be read using the link below:
LEARNING CONTENTS (title of the subsection)
D. Collegial Model
The collegial model is based around teamwork – everybody working as colleagues (hence the
name of the model). The overall environment and corporate culture need to be aligned to this
model, where everybody is actively participating – is not about status and job titles – everybody is
encouraged to work together to build a better organization.

The role of the manager is to foster this teamwork and create positive and energetic workplaces.
In much regard, the manager can be considered to be the “coach” of the team. And as coach, the
goal is to make the team perform well overall, rather than focus on their own performance, or the
performance of key individuals. The collegial model is quite effective in organizations that need to
find new approaches – marketing teams, research and development, technology/software –
indeed anywhere the competitive landscape is constantly changing and ideas and innovation are
key competitive success factors.

To know the features of this model, click this link:


E. System Model
This is the most contemporary model of the five models discussed in this article. In the system
model, the organization looks at the overall structure and team environment, and considers that
individuals have different goals, talents and potential. The intent of the system model is to try and
balance the goals of the individual with the goals of the organization.

Individuals obviously want good remuneration, job security, but also want to work in a positive
work environment where the organization adds value to the community and/or its customers. The
system of model should be an overall partnership of managers and employees with a common
goal, and where everybody feels that they have a stake in the organization.


Case Study No. 8

(to be posted on LMS/Class Messenger GC)

Quiz (thru LMS)


In designing an effective organizational structure, there are a number of principles and concepts
that are interrelated and that have a predictive value for managers. Some theories give guidelines


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PA 104: HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATION Module No. 5

explaining relationships between two or more variable.

Different theories of organizational behavior bring out varying results. These theories constitute
the belief system and management orientation that consequently affect the organization. This chapter
throws light on the five important models of organizational behavior, the Autocratic Model, Custodial
Model, the Supportive Model, Collegial Model, and the System Model

The Autocratic Model approach depends on power and authority. In autocratic work
environment, the managerial orientation is very formal. The authority is delegated by right of
command over the people to whom it applies.

Custodial Model is described in its extreme order to show its emphasis on material rewards,
security needs, and organizational dependence of employees.

The supportive model depends on leadership instead of power or money. Through leadership,
management provides a climate to help employees grow and accomplish in the interest of the
organization the things of which they are capable.

Collegial model traditionally was used less on assembly lines because the rigid work
environment made it difficult to develop there. It embodies a team concept, first achieved widespread
applications in research laboratories and similar work environments.

System model is the result of a strong search for higher meaning at work by many of today’s





Greenberg, Gerald G. 1999. Managing Behavior in Organizations. Second Edition. French-Hall Inc.

Johns, Gary. 1997. Organizational Behavior. 4th edition

Medina, Roberto G. (2011). Human Behavior in Organization


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