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2.11 - Documented Information Management & Control Process

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The key takeaways are that this document outlines QNP's process for controlling documented information required for their quality management system in accordance with AS9100.

The purpose of this procedure is to establish a consistent process for controlling the documented information required to maintain QNP’s quality management system.

The President, Quality Assurance Manager, AS9100 Coordinator, Document Owners, QNP Management, and IT Manager are responsible for controlling documented information.

Control of Documented Information

OP-75-01 Rev NC

Effective Date: 11-17-17

Control of Brian Darby, AS9100 Coordinator, on 11-17-17
Documented Management Approval by Craig O. Garneau, President on 11-17-17
Information Printed copies of this document are for information purposes only and are uncontrolled.
Printed copies are not valid after the date of printing.

To establish a consistent process for controlling the documented information required to maintain
QNP’s quality management system.

The table below identifies QNP personnel and their responsibility relating to this procedure:

Person Responsibility

President Gives final approval on all QNP quality system documents

Ensure that QNP quality system documents are formatted,

identified and issued per the requirements of this operating

Ensure that revisions to quality system documents are reviewed

and approved by the same functions that performed the original
review and approval.
Quality Assurance Manager
And/or AS9100 Coordinator
Ensure that the necessary documents are accessible to
appropriate personnel.

Prevent the use of obsolete or invalid documents.

Maintain the computer system and files on the online server.

Draft, review, and update quality system documents applicable to

their areas of expertise and process ownership.
Document Owners and
Work with the Quality Assurance Manager/AS9100 Coordinator or
QNP Management
designee to ensure that their documents are up to date and
accurately logged within the Document Master List, FM-75-01

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

Work with the Quality Assurance Manager and/or AS9100
Coordinator to ensure that documented information is available as
necessary through QNP’s computer network.
IT Manager
Assist the Quality Assurance Manager and/or AS9100 Coordinator
in setting up appropriate network and file security features, as well
as maintaining necessary data backups.


The table below identifies the code number and title of documents and references applicable to this

Form/Reference Number Title

Quality Management Systems - Requirements

for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations

QM-44-01 QNP Quality Policy Manual

FM-75-01 Document Master List with Revision History

FM-75-02 External Document Control List

FM-81-01 Quality Plan/Shop Order

4. General Document Control Policies

4.1. QNP’s quality management system includes the documented information

required by AS9100 as well as the documented information determined by QNP
as being necessary for the effectiveness of our quality management system.

4.2. Examples of QNP’s documented information are:

 Our Quality Manual, QM-44-01
 Operating Procedures
 Work Instructions
 Forms and Quality Records

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

4.3. QNP’s Quality Manual, QM-44-01 and our operating procedures are maintained
as pdf files and hosted at qnp.com/as9100 for the convenience our employees,
customers, and other interested parties. These files can be accessed through
any standard web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari or
FireFox. They can be opened and viewed with the Adobe Acrobat browser plug-
in or standalone application.

4.4. QNP’s work instructions are maintained as .pdf files and made available
throughout QNP’s internal computer network. Work instructions are generally not
posted on the internet.

4.5. QNP’s forms are generated in a variety of formats appropriate to the nature of
information to be captured. The format for generating any given form, and the
media required (paper or electronic) is documented in the Document Master List,

4.6. This documented information is made accessible through computer stations and
mobile devices located throughout QNP’s factory and office. Controlled paper
copies of documents may be issued in areas where it is not practical to maintain
computer equipment.

4.7. QNP’s quality system documents are protected from unauthorized or unintended
changes by passwords, restricted read/write privileges, and saved backup files.

4.8. QNP’s quality system documents are written in English.

5. Document Identification/Numbering

5.1. The documents required for our QMS are assigned code numbers by the Quality
Assurance Manager and/or the AS9100 Coordinator.


shows the sections of a sample QNP document number, OP-75-01:

Document Related AS9100 Document

Code Prefix Clause Number Identification Number

OP 75 01

Note: The sections of the code are separated by a dash “-“.

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

5.3. Document Code Prefixes - The following list of 2 letter prefixes is used to identify
the quality documents maintained by QNP and generate the Document Code
Prefix section of the Document Number.

2 Letter Prefix Document Type

QM Quality Manual
OP Operating Procedure
WI Work Instruction

FM Form/Record

5.4. The middle section of a Document Number is derived from the closest related
clause of the AS9100 standard relative to the purpose of the document.

5.5. Documents drafted to the requirements of AS9100 revision B and C, were given
a 3 digit Clause Number code. See the following table for examples:

AS9100 rev B/C Clause Corresponding Clause Number

7.5.4 Customer Property 754

8.5.2 Corrective Action 854

5.6. Documents created to the requirements of AS9100 revision D have been/will be

given 2 or 3 digit Clause Number codes. See the following table for examples:

AS9100 rev D Clause
Clause Number

7.5.3 Control of Documented Information 75

8.5.3 Property Belonging to Customers or External


10.2 Nonconformity and Corrective Action 102

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

5.7. To ensure that all QNP documents are uniquely identified, Document Numbers
are further distinguished by sequential Document Identification Numbers. e.g.
01, 02, 03. The Document Master List, FM-75-01 should be reviewed as
appropriate to ensure that document numbers are not duplicated.

5.8. Exceptions - Quality documents or forms that were assigned code numbers
corresponding to the elements of ISO 9002:1994 may retain their original
identification codes. When a quality document or form with an ISO 9002: 1994
identification code is revised, it should be given a new identification code per this

6. Document Formatting - Operating Procedures

6.1. Quality system operating procedures have the following information in the
 Document Identification Number
 Document Title
 Revision
 Effective Date
 Document owner/originator name, position and date of approval
 Management name, position, and date of approval
 "Printed copies of this document are for information purposes only and are
uncontrolled. Printed copies are not valid after the date of printing.

6.2. Operating procedures shall have a Print Date Stamp in the footer that indicates
the print date of paper copies. (Note: the Print Date Stamp is a dynamic element
added to the pdf version of the operating procedure.)

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

6.3. The body of each operating procedure should address these main topics, as
applicable. The table below identifies the title of the heading, and a description
of the content.
Item Heading Title Content Description
This section states the intended purpose or
need for generating the document.

This section identifies the personnel,

department, and/or authority in the
2 RESPONSIBILITIES organization that is responsible for
maintaining, and/or implementing the steps
within the document.

This section provides a list of the operating

APPLICABLE FORMS OR procedures, work instructions, forms or
REFERENCES external documents referenced in the
Statements of principle that apply to the
document as a whole.

Where appropriate, step-by-step flowcharts

should illustrate the procedures.

This section directs users to the FM-75-01

RECORDS/OBJECTIVE Document Master List for the retention
EVIDENCE duration of records referenced in the
This section records the history for each
procedure and should be noted in the
document with the following or similar text:
7 REVISION HISTORY "Revision, approved date, effective date and a
document change summary are available FM-
75-01 Document Master List with Revision

7. Approval and Issue of Quality System Documentation

7.1. Prior to issue, the Document Owner and the President shall review and approve
controlled documents. Records of the approval process shall be maintained
within the Document Master List, FM-75-01.

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

7.2. Revisions to existing documents are reviewed and approved by the same
functions that performed the original review and approval.

7.3. Digital formatting is the preferred method for maintaining quality system
documents. Computers shall be protected by the use of virus protection
software, regular data backups, and off-site storage when appropriate.

7.4. Uncontrolled documents are not valid after the date of printing. Printed work
instructions that are made available at the point of use are controlled by the
document owner and unauthorized copies should not be made.

7.5. Obsolete printed copies of internal documents retained for legal and/or
knowledge preservation shall be marked "OBSOLETE" and/or held in a
binder/folder marked "OBSOLETE".

7.6. Superseded/Obsolete Documents are moved to a segregated location and made

inaccessible to prevent unintended use. The Quality Assurance Manager or
AS9100 Coordinator should be contacted for access to obsoleted documents.

7.7. The current revision for any quality system document can be verified through the
Document Master List, FM-75-01. Unless otherwise specified, the current
revision of a quality system document should be referenced or followed.

8. Control of Customer Supplied Information

8.1. Examples of customer supplied information are blueprints, art files, sketches,
samples, purchase orders, and emailed correspondences.

8.2. A printed copy of a blueprint and any relevant customer supplied information
should travel with quote requests and shop orders. If the electronic file is later
accessed to generate artwork or be reprinted, the contents of the file should be
checked to verify that it matches the customer's current requirements.

8.3. Typically, the current revision for a blueprint or other customer supplied
information can be verified by referencing a current purchase order, a
customer’s supplier portal, or checking with the customer’s purchasing or quality

8.4. Obsolete blueprints and other customer supplied information that is retained for
legal and/or knowledge preservation shall be marked "OBSOLETE" or held in a
binder/folder marked "OBSOLETE". It should not be assumed that blueprints or
other customer supplied information stored within closed shop orders represent
the current revision.

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

9. Control of External Documents
9.1. External documents are defined as documents whose origin and control is by a
body outside QNP. Examples:
 Equipment manuals regarding the operation, safety, repair or maintenance
of equipment used by QNP in the processing of customer orders.
 Supplier manuals, specifications, or standards from customers that are
provided to QNP, which contain customer requirements that are not part
 Documents necessary for the planning and operation of the quality
 International Quality Standards, example: AS9100.

9.2. External documents are maintained as digital files whenever possible. When
practical, external documents that are readily available on the internet should not
be maintained at QNP. The External Document Control List, FM-75-02 is able to
store a link to the online location of the document.

9.3. Printed copies of obsolete, external documents that are retained for legal and/or
knowledge preservation shall be marked "OBSOLETE" and/or held in a
binder/folder marked "OBSOLETE".

9.4. Electronic files of obsolete, external documents that are retained for legal and/or
knowledge preservation shall be overwritten with notes to indicate that the file is
obsolete. If the contents of the file is write-protected, the file name shall be
appended with "OBSOLETE".

9.5. The personnel responsible for periodically verifying that QNP has access to the
current revision of an external document is identified in the External Document
Control List, FM-75-02. When appropriate, the schedule, method for verification,
and other means for control shall be recorded there as well.

9.6. The Customer Master List Database can be used to save files and URL links to
customer-specific external documents. External documents saved in the
Customer Master List Database are considered “For Reference Only”

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

10. Control of Quality Records
10.1. Quality records at QNP consist of those documents that describe the results
of some activity. Examples of quality records include inspections, tests, reviews,
audits, measurements, training records, meeting minutes. The control of quality
records refers to the originals.

10.2. The Document Master List with Revision History, FM-75-01, lists for each
quality record;
 The document code and title,
 The current revision and issue date,
 A description of revision changes,
 The index for sorting or filing the records,
 The location of active records and the personnel responsible for
maintaining them,
 The active retention time for records, and the total retention time for
archived records,
 The means for retrieving records,
 The methods for disposing of the records, when their total retention
time is up and they are no longer useful.
 Additional notes regarding access, distribution, use and risk as

10.3. QNP quality records are maintained to demonstrate product quality,

effectiveness of the quality system and/or conformance to specified

10.4. QNP personnel involved with filling out forms and storing company related
records are to ensure that the records are:
 Filled out properly, accurately, and completely
 Documented in ink or other permanent marker
 Signed or initialed and dated, when appropriate
 Legible when hand written
 Printed through all copies of multiple carbons
 Stored in a clean, dry area in such a manner as to prevent damage or
deterioration to prevent loss or unintended alterations
 Stored either on paper (hard copy) or stored on the computer
(electronic media) for the proper retention period
 Made available to the customer or regulatory authority upon request,
when required by contract.

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

10.5. Quality records are generated internally within QNP and externally from
customers, suppliers and subcontractors.

10.6. Exclusion to procedure 5.2 Making Corrections on Quality Records:

Scheduled ship dates are frequently changed on Shop Order Envelopes, FM-81-
01. In order to keep them legible, the ship date field on the envelope may be
covered over with a label to replace information. Changes should be recorded
online in Job Tracking.

10.7. Typically, QNP asks that suppliers provide all necessary quality records so
they may be retained and controlled internally. When a QNP supplier is required
to maintain quality records, the means for retaining and controlling the records
are specified on purchasing documents. When required, QNP suppliers should
maintain quality records to the same standards as referenced in Policy Note 4 of
this procedure.

11. Making corrections on quality records

Pens with permanent ink should be used to make corrections or changes to quality
records. White-out or pencil should not be used to make corrections or changes to
quality records.
Follow the steps in the table below to make corrections to a quality record. Corrections
to quality records are to be made so that traceability and any significant history is
maintained. Corrections are to be made in ink.

Step Action

ASK: Will corrections made to this document be clear and legible?

1. If “No”, create a new record.
If “Yes”, go to Step 2.

2. Cross out what is to be changed with a single line.

3. Initial and date what has been crossed out.

4. Make the change required.

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

12. Maintaining Quality Records

The table below identifies the type of quality records maintained at QNP and how
each is maintained.

Type of Quality Record How It Is Maintained

Protect the record from becoming dirty or soiled.

Paper Keep records away from sources of contamination.
Use a plastic sleeve if appropriate.

Use virus protection practices.

Electronic Media
Backup data on a regular basis.
Maintain backups off site if appropriate.

13. Identifying quality record retention requirements

Quality record retention requirements are specified in Document Master List with
Revision History, FM-75-01.
Specified retention requirements are established in accordance with the:
 Duration of the contract
 Life of the product, and
 Requirements of applicable standards, and
 Government, customer, legislative, statutory, regulatory, and/or contract
 Reference FM-75-01 to determine the filing index, active location,
responsibility, active retention time, total retention time, and disposal method
of the record.

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

14. Archiving quality records
Authorized personnel use the steps in the table below to properly archive quality

Currently, outside storage services are not used to archive quality records.

Step Task Action

1. Labeling the box Indicate the names of the records being archived.
Indicate the period covered by the records being
Example: From (the date of the first record ) to (date of
the last record)
3. Indicate the date the box is being archived.

Place the records in a designated archive storage area

that will:
4. Storing the box
Protect the record from becoming dirty or soiled.
Keep records away from sources of contamination.

15. Disposition of original quality records

Authorized personnel use the steps in the table below to assure the proper disposal of
original quality records.

Step Action
1. Review the records to be disposed.

2. Ask: Has the useful life of the records ended?

If "No", do not dispose of the records.
If "Yes", go to Step 3.

3. Ask: Have the contractual requirements of the records been satisfied?

If "No", do not dispose of the records.
If "Yes", go to Step 4.

4. Dispose of quality records.

QNP Management determines disposal methods for quality records based
on the type of quality record, data contained in the record, and/or security
requirements. Records are shredded when appropriate.

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

The retention duration for records referenced in this procedure are available on-line in
the FM-75-01 Master Document List with Revision History.


Revision, approved date, effective date, and a document change summary for this
document is located on-line in the FM-75-01 Master Document List with Revision

Control of Documented Information OP-75-01 Rev NC Date Printed

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