Document 24
Document 24
Document 24
There are some methods for efficiently accessing the literature through databases that can help
make the process of gathering pertinent information easier. Today, university libraries and the
Internet both offer computer databases of the literature, which make thousands of journals,
conference papers, and other materials on a range of subjects easily accessible. Academic
libraries at prominent institutions have acquired both commercial databases and public domain
databases. Even if you believe your issue is not exactly education, as found in ERIC, or
psychology, as found in PsycINFO, search many databases. Education and psychology are
viewed as wide categories for a variety of subjects by ERIC and PsycINFO.
Utilize databases that let you access your papers' entire texts (through academic libraries or your
Internet connection)
Cresswell,John W.(2014).Review of the literature. Research Design:qualitative,quantitative,and
mixed methods approach (4th ed.,pp.60-299). SAGE Publications, INC.
The literature review gives a beginning researcher a chance to demonstrate to the proposal
reviewers that he or she is familiar with the relevant research and the intellectual traditions that
underpin the proposed inquiry.
Purpose and Scope
The literature review gives the researcher the chance to pinpoint any potential gaps in the body
of literature and to explain how the proposed study might advance our understanding of the
subject. The researcher can improve the research questions with the aid of the literature review.
The systematic identification, location, and analysis of papers providing data relevant to the
study subject constitute the review of related literature. Finding research methods and specific
data gathering techniques that have or have not been successful in studies of themes similar to
yours is another essential goal of examining the literature. You can learn from the mistakes made
by other researchers and avoid them by using the information provided here.
The literature review gives the researcher the chance to pinpoint any potential gaps in the body
of literature and to explain how the proposed study might advance our understanding of the
subject. The researcher can improve the research questions with the aid of the literature review.
The literature review can identify the research methods, techniques, and tools that have been
shown to be effective in examining your subject and those that have not. A review of the
literature helped you arrive rationally at a testable theory.
A focused search of relevant educational encyclopedias, handbooks, and annual reviews located
in libraries is a useful method to begin a review of related material. These sources give
comprehensive overviews of numerous topics. 10. A quick summary of a study written by
someone other than the original researcher is a secondary source; an article or report written by
the person who did the study is a primary source. In the review, primary sources are preferable.
Gay, L. R. Educational research: competencies for analysis and applications/L.R. Gay,
Geoffrey E. Mills; Peter Airasian.—10th ed.