English Language SBA
English Language SBA
English Language SBA
Name:Adriano Fletcher
Subject:English Language
Teacher’s Name:Miss Brown
Topic:The Positive Impact Students’ Involvement in Sports in
Secondary Schools.
School:St.Thomas Technical High School
Date of Submission:
I want to thank the lord for the resources and for my family members,
friends, and teachers to give their time to help me complete this SBA.
The researchers have chosen this topic because sports have built a
positive impact on students in secondary schools. The researchers
realized that as English language students it is beneficial because
most students participate in school sporting activities and it has a
positive impact on their self-esteem and it has developed their
physical, academic, and general life skills. In the artifacts, the
researchers used one video and two short stories.
Reflection 1
The first artifact is a short story titled, The positive impact of sports on education,
it was made by childfundrugby.org.It contributes to the positive impacts of sports
on education for students and why it is beneficial. While reading this article
taught me that sports have had a really good impact on students over the years.
It opened my eyes when it comes to the topic of the positive impact on students
in sports and how it can be effective on students in secondary schools such as
helping them to achieve ambitious goals and it improves their cognitive
well-being of a student.
The second artifact is a video titled, “Importance of games and sports in student
life speech”, which was created by the youtube channel called SAZ education. It
has brightened my knowledge that students in sports tend to have active
participation in sporting activities because it gives them a chance to enhance or
show their physical and social skills to the coaches, teachers, and scouts how
well they are in that particular area. For years sports and games teaches
students the value of discipline, teamwork, leadership, judgment, courage, and
determination to win. It also helps to develop their traits and personality toward
The third article is a poem by Ken Budden titled“Olympics Games” Proving hard
work and the daily grind,” this line from stanza five really sort of connects with my
topic because students in sports have to train to prove the hard work that they
have put in at training. This poem has every piece of detail that is connected with
a positive impact on students in secondary schools.“Securing your name in the
history books”.This shows that students are also aiming to break records that
were set a long time ago.
Reflection 2