Education Speaking OL
Education Speaking OL
Education Speaking OL
Should mobile phones be banned in schools? Finnish Banning mobile phones from schools has the
education expert Pasi Sahlberg believes that mobile effect of giving pupils an extra week’s education
phone-related distraction is the main reason for
over the course of an academic year, researchers
Australia’s lower exam results. Parents and teachers
say. The study, published by the London School of
have similar concerns about technology distracting
students from schoolwork (as well as cyberbullying Economics, looked at schools in four English cities
and safety). Do the benefits of having phones in and found test scores increased by more than 6%
classrooms, such as contact with parents and in those which banned phones. The report authors
learning opportunities outweigh the disadvantages? say that despite the beneits of new mobile
According to recent research, the mere presence of technology, phones cause distractions, reduce
one’s phone consumes attention even when it is not productivity and are harmful to learning. Since April
being checked – we have reduced working memory 2007, teachers have had the legal right to
capacity and fluid intelligence when our phone is coniscate items from pupils.
upside down, silent on our desk compared to when it
is in another room.
You are taking part in an English debate club discussion on the importance of sleep. You should
give a 3 to 5-minute talk in which you present your opinion on the issue. After the talk, I will ask
you three questions. Study the material provided below (the content and arguments) in order to
plan your talk. You have 5 minutes to plan your talk. You can make notes on the paper. You can
start earlier if you wish
In your talk you should:
Last-minute learning for an exam before Sleep plays a vital role in good health and
going to bed might be a good tactic for well-being throughout your life. Getting
students, according to new research. enough quality sleep at the right times can
“Sleeping on it” almost doubles the chances help protect your mental health, physical
of remembering previously forgotten health, quality of life, and safety. During
information, scientists found. Volunteers sleep, your body is working to support
taking part in the study were asked to healthy brain function and maintain your
remember a list of made-up words either physical health. In children and teens,
before a night’s sleep or at the start of the sleep also helps support growth and
day. The “sleepers” remembered twice as development. The damage from sleep
many words as those who stayed awake. deiciency can be instant (such as a car
This is good news for those who like to study crash), or it can harm you over time. It can
in the evenings, but it may not be so affect how well you think, react, work,
encouraging for students who are more alert learn, and get along with others.
in the morning.
You are taking part in an English debate club discussion about taking a gap year. You should
give a 3 to 5-minute talk in which you present your opinion on the issue. After the talk, I will ask
you three questions. Study the material provided below (the content and arguments) in order to
plan your talk. You have 5 minutes to plan your talk. You can make notes on the paper. You can
start earlier if you wish
In your talk you should: