DELO-6056 - Digital Operating Models
DELO-6056 - Digital Operating Models
DELO-6056 - Digital Operating Models
Strategy should drive technology
decisions to transform an
operating model
Technology keeps evolving at breakneck plan and a clear understanding of where the
speed, often with the power to disrupt need for digital innovation is greatest within
entire industries. This puts executives in a the organisation. Without a big-picture view
constant struggle to decide in which tech- and a comprehensive plan, the result is
nologies to invest to remain competitive and often a suboptimal allocation of resources,
relevant. In the media, there is no shortage driving costs with little impact. Executives
of artificial intelligence, blockchain, cognitive should instead take a structured approach
automation and other technology success to choosing and implementing new technol-
stories that compound the pressure on ogies, and set clear strategic priorities given
executives to invest, but which also often their organisation’s limited resources and
lead to a paradox of choice with too many capabilities. Monitor Deloitte’s Digital Oper-
applications and solutions to choose from. ating Model helps enterprises effectively
address these decisive choices.
The way many companies approach digitali-
sation of their operations – meaning the use
of technology to improve performance – is
through individual initiatives of functional
heads, as opposed to having a structured
Digital Operating Model | A structured approach to choosing and implementing new technologies
Better meeting customer
needs with technology
Customer expectations are continuously sons. As an example, the fact that Huawei Companies exist to serve customers, and
increasing. In today’s digital world, fast, may no longer be able to offer the Android those that meet their customers’ expec-
reliable, flexible and personalised offerings operating system could hinder its ability to tations most effectively ultimately win.
at competitive prices are starting to become compete meaningfully in Western markets Operating models represent the set of activ-
the default value equation across industries. despite the fact that its technology and flag- ities companies undertake to render their
How companies calibrate and execute each ship products have garnered international services. Successful companies know that
of these elements will often define the acclaim. in order to keep winning they must continu-
overall customer experience, a new proxy ously look for ways to improve their operat-
for value propositions, differentiation and According to a recent study conducted for ing models. The effective use of technology
competitiveness. another global leading consumer electronics helps companies to carve out new com-
brand in France, 57 Percent of consumers petitive advantages. The technology itself
Professor Erik Gordon from the University believe that in-store sales staff provide bet- is however not the main driver – meeting
of Michigan recently questioned whether ter recommendations when they use digital customers’ expectations is. Hence, before
brand loyalty ever existed, and if consumers tools, and 57 Percent of consumers aged adopting a new technology, companies need
stick with brands more out of laziness 18 to 34 state they would visit stores more to assess the areas where they may not be
than loyalty.1 Given the pace of change regularly if they were digitally equipped2. meeting customers’ expectations (both at
and increased ease of opting in and out of Both of these data points suggest that digi- present and in the future), and then look for
offerings, companies are finding it harder to tal operating models may have even greater the root cause by assessing their internal
sustain earned loyalty without a deep and benefits than the cost savings or throughput capabilities. Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder
more intimate understanding of customer improvements you would expect. and Chief Executive Officer calls this process
habits and preferences. Transparency and “working backwards”.
accountability are equally important in the That said, enterprises do not necessarily
eyes of customers, strengthening the case need to implement every available technol-
for blockchain-based customer loyalty pro- ogy to better address customer needs and
grams. We also see the network effects of expectations. Carefully selecting the right
platforms and strategic alliances becoming technological tools can give companies a
all the more important for the same rea- decisive competitive edge in the market.
A mericus Reed, Erik Gordon, Marketing to Digital Natives: How Brand Loyalty Is Changing, Knowledge@Wharton, September 19, 2018.
La digitalisation, vecteur de fidélisation pour les jeunes,, September 25, 2019.
Digital Operating Model | A structured approach to choosing and implementing new technologies
Digital Operating Model | A structured approach to choosing and implementing new technologies
Fig. 1 – Digital Operating Model Principles
Ro nd-
l es le
to Resp
Cap gita
nd .
proposition The core ideas behind the Digital Operating
Model are, first, to be obsessively focused
og A
ic a
Digital Operating Model | A structured approach to choosing and implementing new technologies
Dimension Explanation
Fig. 2 – Amusement Park illustration
Digital Operating Model | A structured approach to choosing and implementing new technologies
Create end to end · Personalize pre-arrival information to ease journey & create anticipation
narrative · Notify visitors of program & up coming activities
· Share live ride wait time and distance
Use devices familiar to · Gather data through app & branded wearable
visitors · Allow payment through app & wearable
Incorporate new services · Take professional photos and distribute QR code to access them instantly
based on new consumpti- · Provide park employees with tools to access all live park information to
on habits address guests’ issues or questions
Fig. 3 – From initiatives to Operating Model
Digital Capabilities
Before visit:
Streamlined booking process
From initiative to Operating Model
During visit:
Back-end and front-end processes
The park transformation was successful becau- digitally adjusted to an electronic
se executives started by first fully redefining wearable or the app
the desired customer experience from end to
end and only as a second steps identified and Value Proposition
structured all of the required initiatives, having · Shorten lines
them work in an integrated, cohesive manner · Deliver end to end narrative via app &
from the outset. digitally enhanced infrastructure
· Link park services to allow instant
Technological Tools
· Supply visitor with branded digital
wearable to enable the experience
· Develop & use mobile app for persona-
lized communication
· Build digitally enhanced infrastructure
in parks (e.g., reactive screens connec-
ted to park wearable)
Digital Operating Model | A structured approach to choosing and implementing new technologies
· Real-time queue management
· Customer tailored experience based
on collected guest information
Ro nd-
l es le
to Resp
Cap gita
Agile Organization
nd .
c h ls
og A
ic a
l ga
I n n o v a ti o n
Part s
nerships & Alliance
Map digital transformation
based on impact to avoid
wasting resources
Despite adopting increasingly customer- welcome these individual initiatives as pre-
centric operations, companies still strug- liminary tests and celebrate their success
gle to identify where best to focus their stories. From our point of view, however,
improvement efforts and how best to these initiatives can also be costly to an
succeed given the ongoing digital transfor- organisation, not only because they often
mation within their sectors. Digital transfor- fail due to lack of commitment or resources,
mation often begins with a functional head but also because they may be siphoning
exploring and pursuing an individual initi- valuable resources away from functions that
ative which may help meet her or his KPIs could deliver a better return on investment
more effectively. Without a proper process for the organisation. Cost savings are not
in place to prioritise the digital tools needed only about spending less, but also about
for the overall operating model, many may spending purposefully and strategically.
Digital Operating Model | A structured approach to choosing and implementing new technologies
Break down process into
three steps to build a digital
operating model
To ensure your organisation doesn’t end up
with uncoordinated, discrete improvement
initiatives spread across various functions,
you need to approach the investment deci-
sion process in manageable steps. We usually
recommend a three-stage process.
Digital Operating Model | A structured approach to choosing and implementing new technologies
First, assess your business needs relative improve capabilities and/or performance in that area may prove far too competitive
to customer expectations, ecosystem using established or nascent technologies and tight for many companies to develop
constraints and technological development, and recent cross-sector success stories. successfully the competency internally.
while also identifying critical digital capability Executives should then consider each
gaps. By mapping the gaps between desired initiative and combinations thereof based on The final step is to build an in-house
offering and current capabilities, you can expected impact and feasibility in terms of action plan. Strategy, after all, is ultimately
start prioritising improvement areas. resource requirements, projected financial expressed by a company’s actions. For-
returns, technical infrastructure and other malising a plan of action is the best way to
With a clear understanding of the improve- qualitative factors. For example, it may seem galvanise energy internally and assign the
ment areas to focus on, the second step extremely strategic to develop artificial intel- roles, responsibilities and resources required
is then to identify digital initiatives that will ligence tools, but the market for key talent to kick start implementation.
Digital Operating Model | A structured approach to choosing and implementing new technologies
Digital Operating Model | A structured approach to choosing and implementing new technologies
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Issue 02/2020