DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q2 - W8
DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q2 - W8
DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q2 - W8
A.Content Standards Demonstrates the concept of Demonstrates understanding The learner understands the Demonstrates understanding of participation in and
melody by using intervals in of shapes, space, colors, and importance of keeping the assessment of physical activities and physical fitness.
the major scale and in the the principles of emphasis, school and community
minor scale. harmony and contrast in environments healthy
digital painting and poster
design using new
B.Performance Standards Applies learned concepts of Applies concepts on the use of The learner demonstrates Participates and assess performance in physical
melody and other elements software in creating digital practices for building and activities.
to composition and paintings and graphic design. maintaining healthy school Assesses physical fitness
performance. and community environments
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Creates simple melodies in Creates an Practices proper waste Assesses regularly in physical activites based on the
4.2 Key of G Major advertisement/commercial or management at home, in Philippines Physical activity pyramid
MU6ME-IIa-4 announcement poster school, and in the community. PE6-11b-h-1
- A6PL-IIh H6CMH-IIh-8 Observes safety precautions
Executes the different skills involved in the games
II.CONTENT Melody Digital Painting Graphic Proper Waste Management Assessment of Physical Activities and Physical Fitness
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages Enjoying Life trhough Music, Enjoying Life Through Music, Enjoying Life Through Music, Enjoying Life Through Music, Arts ,Physical Education
Arts, Physical education and Arts ,Physical Education and Arts ,Physical Education and and Health 6 pp. 40-45
Health 6 pp. 46-53 Health 6 Health 6 pp. 47-53
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation, LCD Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation, LCD projector, speaker
LCD projector, speaker projector Laptop/netbook,PC activity cards LCD Projector
A.Reviewing previous lesson or What key signature have you What is MS Publisher? Activity: What is Net and Wall games? What skills have you
presenting the new lesson learned last week? Are you What features are used in MS Charades What game belongs to net performed yesterday?
familiar already on how to Publisher? The teacher will choose 3 and Wall have you learned?
create simple melodies in What are the uses of MS pupils who will act the What are the skills involved in
key of C? Publisher? given situations. the game?
1. Recycle/recycling,
2. Composting,
3. Segregation/Sorting
Are you practicing this
proper waste management
at home? In school? In the
B.Establishing a purpose for the Present the song “O Come Have you seen flyers or What other methods can Let the learners view a video Have the learners
lesson All Ye Faithful” advertisement posted in any you do to apply proper about how to play volleyball. performed warm up
Let them recite the rhythmic wall or open area in your waste disposal at home? In exercises
syllables locality? school? In the community?
Words of the song then What do you usually read or
listen to the tune see in it?
Eco-friendly bag
biodegradable wastes
D.Discussing new concepts and Allow the learners to observe The teacher will discuss Further discuss the different Call on a learner to
practicing new skills #1 the poster sample shown to the practices on proper skills involve in volleyball execute the said skills
them. waste management in a. Spiking
Why do advertisers create an school and in the b. Forearm pass
attractive poster? community c. Overhead
What do they apply the art Information Index- passing
principles of emphasis? “All About The Waste “
Prepared by:
Teacher-In Charge