Affidavit of Loss - Diploma
Affidavit of Loss - Diploma
Affidavit of Loss - Diploma
1. That I am a graduate of Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School with school address
at Marcelo H. Del Pilar Avenue, Malolos, Bulacan;
3. That recently while looking for the aforesaid Diploma in our residence where it was
being kept, it was discovered that the said Diploma was missing. It was probably
disposed inadvertently during the general cleaning of our house;
4. That all efforts are exerted to locate the same but to no avail and that to the best of my
knowledge and information, said Diploma is now beyond recovery;
5. That I have executed this affidavit to attest and confirm the truth of all the foregoing and
to be used for all legal intents and purposes it may serve.
Doc. No.________
Page No. _______
Book No. _______
Series of 2021.