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Major Landform

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1. Answer the following questions briefly.

(a) What are the major landforms?

(b) What is the difference between a mountain and a plateau?
(c) What are the different types of mountains?
(d) How are mountains useful to man?
(e) How are plains formed?
(f) Why are the river plains thickly populated?
(g) Why are mountains thinly populated?
(a) The major landforms are—mountains, plateaus and plains.

(b) A mountain may have a small summit and a broad base. But a plateau is flat-topped table standing above the
surrounding area.
Example of mountain: The Himalayan mountains.
Example of plateau: The Deccan plateau.

(c) Mountains are of three types—

 Fold mountains
 Block mountains
 Volcanic mountains

(d) Mountains are useful to man in a variety of ways:

 Mountains are storehouse of water which is the basic need of the human beings. Reservoirs are made and the
water is harnessed for the use of people. Water is used for irrigation and generation of hydroelectricity.
 Mountains have a rich variety of flora and fauna.
 Mountains provide an idyllic site for tourists. They visit the mountains for their scenic beauty.

(e) Plains are generally formed by rivers and their tributaries. The rivers flow down the slopes of mountains and erode
them. They carry forward the eroded material. Then they deposit their load consisting of stones, sand and silt along their
courses and in their valleys. It is from these deposits that plains are formed.

(f) The river plains are very suitable for human habitation. People get flat land for building houses and for cultivation. The
soil of river plains is very fertile. Hence people live here and cultivate land for their living.

(g) Life is very difficult in mountain areas because of harsh climate. It is quite difficult to grow crops, build houses or roads
in a mountain. Hence, people do not prefer to live here.

2. Tick the correct answer.

(a) The mountains differ from the hills in terms of
(i) elevation
(ii) slope

(b) Glaciers are found in

(i) the mountains
(ii) the plains
(iii)the plateaus.

(c) The Deccan plateau islocated in

(i) Kenya
(ii) Australia
(d) The river Yangtze flows in
(i) South America
(ii) Australia

(e) An important mountain range of Europe is  ‘

(i) the Andes
(ii) the Alps
(iii) the Rockies.

(a)-(i), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iii), (e)-(ii).

3. Fill in the blanks.

1. A………… is an unbroken flat or a low-level land.

2. The Himalayas and the Alps are examples of…………………… types of mountains.
3. ………  areas are rich in mineral deposits.
4. The………… is a line of mountains.
5. The ………..  areas are most producting for farming.


1. plain
2. young fold
3. Plateau
4. range
5. plain.

1. What kind of landforms are found in your state? Based on the reading of this chapter, say how they are of use to the
Answer: Plains are found in my state. Plains are generally very fertile. Hence, people can easily engage themselves in
farming activities and get high produce. As the land is plain and level, construction of transport network is very easy.
Construction of houses is also carried on large scale. Thus, plains provide all facilities for human habitation. Perhaps
therefore, thick population is found here.

I. Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences given below:

(i) It is the mountain range of South America.

(a) The Himalayas              (b) The Alps
(c)The Andes                      (d) The Rockies.

(ii)    Mt. Kilimanjaro is in

(a) Asia                                                      (b)      Africa
(c) South America                                    (d)     North America.

(iii) Which one sport is not popular in the mountains?

(a) Paragliding                                          (b)      Skiing
(c) Hang gliding                                       (d)     Football.
(iv) The Hundru falls is in
(a) Chhotanagpur                                         (b) Calcutta
(c) Ranchi                                                      (d) Chhattisgarh.

(v) The world’s highest plateau is the

(a) Deccan plateau                                        (b) Tibet plateau
(c) Chhotanagpur plateau                             (d) East African plateau.

Answer:  (i)—(c), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(a), (v)-(b).

II. Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete each sentence:

1. Many of the mining areas in the world are located in…………………………..  areas.
2. The climate of mountains is …………………..
3. Mountains vary in their ………………..  and shape.
4. The Ural mountains in ……………..  have rounded features and low elevation.
5. Volcanic mountains are formed due to ……………………  activities.
6. The ………….  and terraces are ideal for crop cultivation.
7. …………  in the Pacific Ocean is an undersea mountain.

1. plateau
2. harsh
3. heights
4. Russia
5. volcanic
6. river basins
7. Mauna Kea (Hawaii)


State whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1. A rich variety of flora and fauna is found in the mountains.

2. The Rope Bridge is in Arunachal Pradesh.
3. Plateaus are vast stretches of flat land.
4. Plains are very useful because they are rich in mineral deposits.
5. As we go higher, the climate becomes hotter.
6. Mt. Fujiyama in Japan is an example of volcanic mountains.
7. It is difficult to carry on construction work in plains.


1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. False.

IV.Matching Skill

Match the items in column A correctly with those given in column B.

NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 6 Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. What is internal process? [V. Imp.]

Answer: It is a type of continuous movement within the earth that lead to the upliftment and sinking of the earth’s surface
at several places.

2. What is external process?

Answer:  It is the continuous wearing down and rebuilding of the land surface.

3. What is called, erosion?

Answer:  The wearing away of the earth’s surface is called erosion.

4. What happens when you go higher?

Answer:  The Climate becomes colder.

5. Give examples of young fold mountains.

Answer:  The Himalayan Mountains and the Alps.

6. What are the features of young fold mountains? [V. Imp.]

Answer:  They have rugged relief and high conical peaks.

7. What is special with Mauna Kea (Hawaii) in the Pacific Ocean?

Answer:  It is higher than Mt. Everest being 10,205 metres high.
8. Give an example of block mountains.
Answer:  The Rhine valley and the Vosges mountain in Europe.

9. Give examples of Volcanic mountains.

Answer:  Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mt. Fujiyama in Japan.

10. Name the plateau which is famous for gold and diamond mining.
Answer: The African plateau.

11. Name some plains of India.

Answer: The Ganga-Brahmaputra plains and the Indo-Gangetic plains.

12. Write some natural calamities.  [V. Imp.]

Answer:  Earthquakes, floods, cyclone, drought, etc.

13. ‘Quite often we use the land in a wasteful manner’. What do gou mean by ‘wasteful manner’?[V. Imp.]
Answer:  Using fertile land for building houses.

Major Landforms Of The Earth Class 6 Geography Chapter 6 Short Answer Type Questions

1. Write a few features of mountains.


1. Mountains are natural elevations of the earth’s surface.

2. They are higher than the surrounding area.
3. Some of them are even higher than the clouds.
4. The climate of mountains is harsh, which makes them less suitable for human habitation.
5. Mountains have steep slopes. Hence, farming is quite difficult here.

2. What are block mountains?

Answer: Block mountains are created when large areas are broken and displaced vertically. The uplifted blocks are known
as horsts and the lowered blocks are known as graben. Examples: The Rhine valley and the Vosges mountain in Europe.

3. How are plateaus useful for man?

Answer: Plateaus are very useful for man because they have rich mineral deposits. Many of the mining areas in the world
are located in the plateau regions. For example, the African plateau is famous for gold and diamond mining. The
Chhotanagpur plateau in India has huge reserves of iron, coal and manganese. In the plateau regions, one can find
several waterfalls. Many plateaus have scenic spots which attract tourist on large scale.

4. What are the features of plateaus?   [Imp.]

Answer: 1.Plateaus are elevated flat lands. It is a flat topped table land standing above the surrounding area.
2. Plateaus have one or more sides with steep slopes.
3. Their height often varies from few hundred metres to several thousand metres.
4. Plateaus may be young or old. The Deccan plateau in India is one of the oldest plateaus.
5. The Tibet plateau is the highest plateau in the world.
6. Plateaus are storehouse of minerals like gold, diamond, iron, coal, etc.

5. What are the features of plains? [V. Imp.]

Answer: 1. Plains are vast stretches of flat land.
2. Some plains are extremely level. Others may be slightly rolling and undulating.
3. Plains are usually fertile regions. They are suitable for cultivation.
4. They are usually thickly populated regions.
5. It is easy to build houses, roads etc. in plains.
NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 6  Long Answer Type Questions

1. What are the major landforms? Write about them in brief     [V. Imp.]
Answer:  The major landforms are mountains, plateaus and plains.
1.Mountains.They are natural elevation of the earth surface. They are higher than the surrounding area. Some mountains
are veiy high. They are even higher than the clouds. Some mountains have permanently frozen rivers of ice known as
glaciers. Mountains are generally thinly populated regions because the climate is harsh there. Farming is also not easily
possible there. But mountains provide us water. They have a rich variety of flora and fauna.
2.Plateaus.They are usually flat-topped table land and are higher than the surrounding area. Plateaus may be young or
old. The Deccan plateau in India is one of the oldest plateaus. Plateaus are very useful for mankind. They have rich
deposits of minerals such as diamond, gold, iron, manganese etc. Several water falls can be found in the plateau regions.
3.Plains.They are vast stretches of flat land. They are mostly formed by rivers and their tributaries. Plains are usually
fertile lands. Hence, thick population is found there. Construction of transport network is easy. Cultivation is also easy.
Plains also provide level land for the construction of houses or buildings. In India, the Indo-Gangetic plains are the regions
where one can find great concentration of population.

2. How many types of mountains are there? Write briefly about each of them with help of diagrams.
Answer:  Mountains are of three types—1. Fold Mountains, 2. Block Mountains and 3.Volcanic Mountains.
1.Fold Mountains. The Himalayan Mountains and the Alps are young fold ‘mountains. They have rugged relief and high
conical peaks. The Aravali range is India is one of the oldest fold mountain systems in the world. The Appalachians in the
North America and the Ural mountains in Russia are vaiy old fold mountains.

2.Block Mountains. These are created when large areas are broken and displaced vertically. The Uplifted blocks are
known as horsts and the lowered blocks are called graben. The Rhine valley and the Vosges mountains in Europe are
examples of such mountain systems.
3.Volcanic Mountains. They are formed by volcanic activity. Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mt. Fujiyama in Japan are
examples of such mountains.

Question 1.
How is the surface of Earth?
The surface of the Earth is infinite variety of landforms.

Question 2.
What is Erosion?
The wearing away of the Earth’s surface is called ‘erosion’. The surface is being lowered by the process of erosion.

Question 3.
What is Deposition?
The surface of Earth is rebuilt by the process of‘deposition’.

Question 4.
What are the reasons of erosion and deposition?
Erosion and deposition are carried out by running water, ice and wind.

Question 5.
What are glaciers?
In some mountains, there are permanently frozen rivers of ice. They are called ‘glaciers’.

Question 6.
Why do less people live in the mountain areas? .
Less people live in the mountain areas because of harsh climate.

Question 7.
Why is less land available for farming in the mountain areas?
Less land is available for farming because of steep slopes.

Question 8.
What do you mean by word ‘range’?
Mountains arranged in a line is known as range.

Question 9.
Are all mountains similar?
No, all mountains are not similar. Mountains vary in their heights and shape and also may differ on their nature of

Question 10.
Name the types of mountains.
There are three types of mountains, which are:

1. Fold Mountains
2. Block Mountains
3. Volcanic Mountains.

Question 11.
How are Block mountains created?
Block Mountains are created when large areas are broken and displaced vertically.

Question 12.
What do you mean by ‘horsts’ and ‘graben’?
In the formation of Block Mountains, the uplifted blocks are termed as horsts’ and lower blocks are called ‘graben’.

Question 13.
How are Volcanic mountains formed?
Volcanic mountains are formed due to volcanic activity.

Question 14.
Name the oldest plateau of India.
It is Deccan plateau.

Major Landforms of the Earth Class 6 Extra Questions and Answer Geography Chapter 6 Short Answers Type

Question 1.
How is the surface of the Earth?
The surface of the Earth is not the same everywhere. The Earth has an infinite variety of landforms. Some parts of the
lithosphere may be rugged and some flat.

Question 2.
How are the landforms made?
Landforms are a result of two processes. The ‘internal process’ leads to the upliftment and sinking of the Earth’s surface.
Second, the external process is the continuous wearing down and rebuilding of the land surface.

Question 3.
Define the term erosion and deposition.
Erosion and Deposition: The wearing away of the Earth’s surface is called ‘erosion’. The surface is being lowered by the
process of erosion and rebuilt by the process of‘deposition’.

Question 4.
What do you mean by internal process and external process?
Landforms are a result of two processes. The ‘internal process’ leads to the upliftment and sinking of the Earth’s surface.
Second, the external process is the continuous wearing down and rebuilding of the land surface.

Question 5.
What are plateau? Write few lines about it.
A plateau is an elevated flat land. It is a flat-topped table land standing above the surrounding area. A plateau may have
one or more sides with steep slopes. These may be young or old, hundred metres to several thousand metres. The ‘Tibet
plateau’ is the highest plateau in the world. Plateaus are very useful because they are rich in mineral deposits.

Question 6.
How the plains formed?
The process of formation of plains is a long process. Most of the plains are formed by rivers and their tributaries. In this
process, the rivers flow down the slopes of mountains and erode them. They carry forward the eroded material. They
deposit their load consisting of stones, and silt along their courses and in their valleys. These deposits form plains.

Major Landforms of the Earth Class 6 Extra Questions and Answer Geography Chapter 6 Long Answers Type

Question 1.
Describe major landforms.
The major landforms are mountains, plateaus and plains. Details are given as under:
(i) Mountains: Mountain is natural elevation of the Earth surface. The mountains may have a small peak and a broad
base. Less people live in the mountain areas because of harsh climate. Less land is available for farming because of
steep slopes. Mountains may vary in their heights and shape. There are three types of mountains:

1. Fold Mountains
2. Block Mountains
3. the Volcanic Mountains.
Fold mountains are formed due to the processes of erosion. Block mountains are created when large areas are broken
and displaced vertically. Volcanic mountains are formed due to volcanic activity. Mountains are very useful.

(ii) Plateau: A plateau is an elevated flat land. It is a flat-topped table land standing above the surrounding area. A plateau
may have one or more sides with steep slopes. These may be young or old, hundred metres to several thousand metres.
The Tibet plateau is the highest plateau in the world. Plateaus are very useful because they are rich in mineral deposits.

(iii) Plains: Plains are large stretches of flat land. Most of the plains are formed by rivers and their tributaries. Some of the
largest plains made by the rivers are found in Asia and North America. Generally, the plains are very fertile, easy to
transport. Thus, these are thickly populated regions of the world. In Asia, plains are formed by the Ganga and the
Brahmaputra in India and the Yangtze in China. Plain areas are useful for habitation.

Question 2.
Write a short note on the use of plateau.
Plateaus are very useful. These are rich in mineral deposits. As a result, many of the mining areas in the world are located
in the plateau areas. The African plateau is famous for gold and diamond mining.

In India huge reserves of iron, coal and manganese are found in the Chhotanagpur plateau. Plateaus’ lava are rich in
black soil that are fertile and good for cultivation. Many plateaus have scenic spots and are of great attraction to tourists.

Question 3.
How are the mountains useful?
Yes, mountains are very useful. The utility of the mountains can be summarized as under:

1. These are storehouse of water.

2. Many rivers have their source in the glaciers in the mountains.
3. Reservoirs are made and the water is harnessed for the use of people.
4. Mountains provides water for irrigation
5. Provides water for generation of hydroelectricity.
6. Mountains have a rich variety of flora and fauna. These provide fuel, fodder, shelter and other products like gum,
raisins etc.
7. Mountains provide an idyllic site for tourists etc.

Picture Based Questions Class 6 Geography Chapter 6 Major Landforms of the Earth

Question 1.
Find out where are the following situated in the map.

1. Himalaya Mt.
2. Vindhya Range
3. Aravali Range
4. Deccan Plateau

Filed Under: CBSE Class 6

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