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Generalized models of basic DC-DC

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2048, 060021 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5082136
Published Online: 11 December 2018

Nikolay Hinov


Model based design of a basic DC-DC converters

AIP Conference Proceedings 2048, 060029 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5082144

Study, conception and analysis of DC-DC buck converter using Matlab/Simulink and Arduino
AIP Conference Proceedings 2056, 020020 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084993

State space analysis of boost DC/DC converter with voltage mode control
AIP Conference Proceedings 1859, 020062 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4990215

AIP Conference Proceedings 2048, 060021 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5082136 2048, 060021

© 2018 Author(s).
Generalized Models of Basic DC-DC Converters
Nikolay Hinov1, a)
Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technologies, Power Electronics department,
8 blvd. “St. Kliment Ohridsky”, Sofia, Bulgaria
Corresponding author: hinov@tu-sofia.bg

Abstract. In the work were developed and presented generalized models of the basic transformers DC-DC converters:
Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost. Models are synthesized using switching functions and mathematical software. The two main
operating modes of the converters are modeled: continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction mode. The
modeling method used is appropriate in engineering practice and in power electronics training. With the help of the
developed models, the regulator is synthesized, realized and set in the operation of the devices such as voltage, current or
power stabilizers. In addition, models are based on a model-based design of the studied power electronics devices. In this
way, the design process is intensified and certain optimizations are performed with assigned target functions. Program
implementation of the models is done in MATLAB/Simulink.

DC-DC converters are one of the most widespread converters. They are used in practice across the range of power
and frequencies: from mW to MW and kHz to MHz. From many published studies it can be concluded that there is
virtually no system of power electronic converters where they do not participate. From many published studies it can
be concluded that there is virtually no system of power electronic converters where they do not participate. The
application of DC-DC converters in electric vehicles, different types of power supplies, industry, as well as
decentralized electricity generation [1, 2, 3].
The aim of the present work is to create generalized mathematical models of a given class of basic DC-DC
converters: Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost, which, in addition to being most commonly used, are also methodically
relevant for power electronics training. They are the basis for creating similar models and more complex circuit
configurations such as bi-directional converters, soft current and / or voltage switches.

Single transistor DC-DC converters, in most cases, are without the use of a transformer. They are characterized
by: simple topology; good regulatory capabilities; high efficiency, which in case of using synchronous circuits exceeds
98%. Thanks to these qualities, they have established themselves as base circuits in this class of conversion devices.
This is also a prerequisite for the large number of studies devoted to their design, construction and modeling.
In the present work, the following assumptions are used to compile the models of the individual schemes: all circuit
elements are ideal; interrupted and uninterrupted current and active load operation; the semiconductor devices used in
the diagrams (transistors and diodes) have been replaced by one-way conductors, which are operated in antiphase.
This is true for most practical applications when operating at frequencies up to 500Hz. Another assumption made in
the current paper is that it is working without a regulator and controller.
Figure 1 shows the power schematic of the Buck converter. It is composed of semiconductor keys S1 and S2,
inductance L, C and load R. The keys are controlled in phase with rectangular impulses with fixed frequency and
variable duty cycle [1, 2, 3]. This is represented in the diagram by the rectangular voltage generator F and its inverse
value 1-F respectively.

Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics
AIP Conf. Proc. 2048, 060021-1–060021-7; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5082136
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1774-8/$30.00

S1 L


F +
Vd S2 C uC R V0

FIGURE 1. Power circuit of Buck convertor

The principle of this converter is presented in [1, 3, 4]. In practice, when working in a continuous conduction
mode, two states can be distinguished: the first state - the switch S1 closed and S2 open; second state - key S1 open a
S2 closed. On the other hand, in the discontinuous conduction mode, besides the two states described above, there is
also a third, where neither of the two switches is switched on - the status of the two key switches S1 closed and S2
closed. This third state occurs when the current through the inductance is reset - iL = 0. When modeling the converters,
it should be noted that the resetting moment occurs in the circuit operating range when the S 1 switch is off. On the
other hand, this moment is unknown and depends on the values of the circuit elements R, L and C, as well as the duty
cycle D and the switching frequency.
A modeling approach has been chosen in the work using a switching function F, the type of which is shown in
Figure 2. The switching function describes the individual intervals of the circuit operation. In essence, it replaces the
logical equations that are needed in modeling electronic circuits with several states and switching between them.
The switching function in its nature is a control pulse for switching the semiconductor switches with two discrete
values 0 and 1. As at the value 1 the respective semiconductor device is switched on and 0 is off.

0 ton S1 ton S2 t

FIGURE 2. Type of switching function

Using the switching function, the following generalized differential equation system (1) is described which
describes the operation of the circuit shown in Figure 1 for continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction
mode operation:

L  F .Vd  uC
dt duC u
if iL  0 C  C if iL  0 , (1)
du u dt R
C C  iL  C
dt R

where Vd is the input supply voltage, iL - current through inductance, uC - capacitor voltage, R – load.
The solution of this system gives instantaneous current values through inductance and voltage across the capacitor
(output voltage). After transformations from the specified state variables, all other dimensions necessary for the design
of the device are obtained.
The presented system is implemented in the MATLAB / Simulink environment. The model is presented in Figure
3. Through the "Compare to Zero" check of the iL≥0 value, it is determined when the structure goes into disrupted
current. Once the interrupted current mode is detected (discontinuous conduction mode), then only the condensation
voltage equation remains valid and is reset except for the magnitude i L and its first derivative. In order for the scheme

to start from the zero initial conditions of the state variables in the model, a non-zero initial condition of the integrator
name “current” is set.

FIGURE 3. Generalized model of Buck convertor

The scheme used to model the boost converter is shown in Figure 4. It is composed of the same building blocks,
but it has a different topology in comparison to that of the already examined buck converter. In the operation of this
converter the energy transfer from the inlet to the outlet is done with the switch S1 off. Because of this, it is also known
as the reverse converter [2, 3, 4, 8, 9].
L S2


1-F +
Vd S1 C uC R V0

FIGURE 4. Power circuit of Boost convertor

In order to preserve the community of the above considerations in the design of reverse converters, it is necessary
to use inverse switching function Finv=1-F.
The operation of the converter under consideration in all possible modes of operation is modeled with the following
system of equations:
L L  Vd  Finv .uC
dt du u
if iL  0 C C   C if iL  0 (2)
duC uC dt R
C  Finv .iL 
dt R

The system solution (2) is done through the MATLAB / Simulink visual programming environment. The
generalized model itself is presented in Figure5. The same approach is used when compiling it, as in the straight
converter model. The difference is that an inverse switching function is used, thus responding to the nature of the
electromagnetic processes in the converter. Determining the boundary between interrupted and uninterrupted currents

(continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction mode) is done by checking the "Compare to Zero"
condition and switching from one configuration to the model accordingly.

FIGURE 5. Generalized model of Boost convertor

The next schema that is modeled is that of the Buck-Boost converter (figure6). Typical of this is that the power
transfer from the input to the output is made when the S1 switch is off and the output voltage has a polarity opposite
to the input. Therefore, a switching function with inverse values is also used in the modeling of the power scheme
under consideration.
S1 S2

F 1-F -

Vd L C uC R V0

FIGURE 6. Power circuit of Buck-Boost convertor

As a result, the following equations are presented which represent the performance of the converter:

L  Vd .F  Finv .uC
dt duC u
if iL  0 C  C if iL  0 (3)
du u dt R
C C   Finv .iL  C
dt R

The system (3) is solved in a visual programming environment, thus determining the state variables in the converter
with respective instantaneous values. The Buck-Boost converter generalized model is shown in Figure 7. When using
the model, the same techniques are used as in the other two: recognition of the interrupted current mode and transition
to the simplified circuit configuration, whereby the output voltage is provided by the energy stored in the capacitor.

The system (3) shows that both the right and inverse switching functions are used in the modeling of the converter
under consideration.
Once the models have been compiled, they need to be verified. This is done using lab models manufactured by
Texas Instruments - Power Management Lab Kit of the series PMLK.

FIGURE 7. Generalized model of Buck-Boost convertor

Numerous experiments were conducted with the realized models to study the behavior of the power circuits in
operation in the two operating modes: Continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction mode.
Figure 8 presents the results obtained using the Buck converter generalized model.

Discontinuous conduction mode with parameters: Continuous conduction mode with parameters:
Ud=20V; L=0.01e-3H; C=100e-6F; R=10Ω. Ud=20V; L=1e-3H; C=10e-6F; R=10 Ω.
FIGURE 8. Results of Buck convertor modeling

The presented results are obtained at a switching frequency of 100kHz and a duty cycle D = 0.5. Figures show the
time diagrams of the operation of the scheme in the established mode after the transition processes have been
Figure 9 are presents the results obtained using the Buck converter generalized model.

Discontinuous conduction mode with parameters: Continuous conduction mode with parameters:
Ud=20V; L=5e-6H; C=10e-6F; R=10Ω. Ud=20V; L=2e-3H; C=20e-6F; R=10 Ω.
FIGURE 9. Results of Boost convertor modeling

Current time ranges through inductance and voltage of the capacitor are obtained at a switching frequency of
100kHz and a duty cycle D = 0.5. The diagrams are for the operation of the scheme in an established mode.
Figure 10 are presents the results obtained using the Buck-Boost converter generalized model.

Discontinuous conduction mode with parameters: Continuous conduction mode with parameters:
Ud=20V; L=10e-6H; C=10e-6F; R=10Ω. Ud=20V; L=0.2e-3H; C=20e-6F; R=10 Ω.
FIGURE 10. Results of Buck-Boost convertor modeling

The figures are shown as follows: current diagrams through inductance and capacitor voltage. They are obtained
at a switching frequency of 100kHz and a and duty cycle D = 0.5. The graphical results presented are for the operation
of the scheme in an established mode.

The work presents generalized models of transformerless DC-DC converters. They are implemented in a
programming environment for visual programming, which is convenient from the methodical and educational side.
With the help of the elaborated mathematical models, it is possible to formalize, define and solve a number of
optimization problems and problems. On the other hand, different models for the regulation and control of the power
devices are synthesized with the models. On their basis, a model-based design of this class of converters is realized,
thus ensuring the performance of their outputs, when changing different parameters.
The approach used in modeling allows the creation of a convenient formalization procedure that allows for their
complication and upgrading. This is very useful in specific cases and applications. In addition, models are easily
transferred from one programming environment to another and from one product to another. This allows us to work
according to the opportunities and resources that we have.

A major advantage of the approach proposed is its relevance for the training of power electronic devices. This is
very important because powerful electronic devices are sophisticated systems and to learn them, it is necessary to
master a complex of knowledge in a wide range of sciences and technologies.
The use of switching functions in the modeling process reflects the nature of the power circuits in which
semiconductor devices operate in key mode. This makes it possible to create and implement simplified models where
the calculations are comparable and are performed relatively quickly.

The carried out research is realized in the frames of the project ''Model based design of power electronic devices
with guaranteed parameters'', ДН07/06/15.12.2016, Bulgarian National Scientific Fund.

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