09 Task Performance 1
09 Task Performance 1
09 Task Performance 1
Task Performance
HCI Technologies
Examine the current impact of emerging HCI technologies to evaluate the future of HCI technologies;
Propose solutions to address HCI issues.
1. Create a new document in Microsoft Word with the name format 09TP_LastName_FirstName (ex.
09TP_Reyes_Mika). This will serve as your answer sheet and will be submitted to your instructor.
2. Select one (1) from the following computing platform technologies according to the nature of interaction:
• Mobile and handheld interaction
• High-end cloud service and multimodal client interaction
• Natural/Immersive/Experiential interaction
• Mixed and augmented reality.
3. Search for two (2) articles on the Internet about technological advancement related to the item you
selected above. The articles must be published between 2016 and 2019 by a credible source. Then,
provide the following details:
a. Computing platform technology you selected above (2 points)
b. Title of the article (3 points)
c. Name of the author and/or the website (3 points)
d. Link to the article (2 points)
e. Overview of the article – use not more than three (3) sentences. (5 points)
Note: Be creative. Think outside the box when searching for an article regarding current HCI technologies.
4. After providing the details above, choose among the two (2) articles you have read. Then, answer the
following questions based on your chosen article:
a. What are the advantages of implementing or utilizing the technology in the industry? (Essay:
15 points)
b. What are the disadvantages of implementing or utilizing the technology in the industry? (Essay:
15 points)
c. What are the possible ways to mitigate, resolve, or eliminate the disadvantages you mentioned
above? Rationalize your answer. (Essay: 15 points)
d. What is your assessment, view, or stand regarding the technological advancement in the article
in relation to HCI? (Essay: 15 points)
5. Access your eLMS account. Go to 09 HCI Technologies > 09 Task Performance 1 Dropbox. Attach
a PDF file of your answer sheet.
Note: DO NOT COPY AND PASTE. All students who copy and paste their work from any website or their
classmate will automatically receive a failing mark for this laboratory exercise.