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ISSN 2319 – 1953

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies

An Insight to Touch-Less Touch-Screen

Deepak Chahal1, Vidit Narang2
Professor , Student Scholar (MCA 2 Year)2, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Sector-5, Rohini ,New Delhi, India.
1 nd


Abstract: In today's era, there is very less number of people and reaches to sensors which are mounted around the
who are not using touchscreen devices. Almost every person is system, they get converted into an electrical signal from
using touchscreen systems from mobile phones to laptops. light energy and this signal is referred to as a "value”. These
Furthermore, technology has been upgrading now with time. values or electrical signals create a picture. Then the same
Now, along with touchscreen systems; the touchless devices
picture is analyzed using image processing techniques and
have been invented. As the name suggests, in "touchless
touchscreen systems" no touch is required by the user, only the displayed on the screen to the client[2].
hand or finger gestures are enough for the system to
understand. Hence, the difficulties faced by a user with a II. WORKING
scratched screen, hanged touch or display failure are negligible The system is based on optical pattern recognition, uses
with this touchless touchscreen mounted system, thus making it the lens to detect hand motion on a solid state optical matrix
more acceptable device for youth. In this research paper, you sensor. Sensors are placed around the screen that is being
will get to know about working, various advantages and used, they detect the motion by interacting with the line-of-
different application of touchless touchscreen devices.
sight of and thereafter interpreted into on-screen
Keywords: Screen, Device, Glass, Gesture, Interface, System.
movements. There is a stop unintentional gestures being
used as an input that is not completely clear, but it looks
I. INTRODUCTION promising nonetheless. The system is can easily detect
Touch-screen is a display screen which is associated with movements in 3-D without putting fingers on the screen.
an input device. The screens are sensitive to human touch or Firstly, the image in motion comes (like hand/fingers) in
pressure. But due to simultaneous touch at a particular place, front of the sensor. Then the sensor identifies the image and
it might harm the touch sensor and this can cause damage. afterward, light enters into the sensor and hits the pixel
In touch-screen display, the main problem occurs when it matrix, after hitting to pixel matrix, the photodiode converts
gets cracked as due to the cracks the touch of the screen the incoming light changed into electric charge. The sensor
cannot be operated by simple touching. Thus to make it then generates electric signals and these electric signals are
easier and simple a new technology introduced that is touch- processed to provide the output to the user. The Touch-less
less touch-screen displays. interfaces do not require that we have to wear any special
Touch-less screen accredits us to turn any satisfactory sensors on our hand for navigation control. We have to point
surface into a multi-touch but without actually touching the fingers at the screen and manipulate an object in 3D. The
surface with the help of sensors. This technology uses finger best part of the Touchless touch screen is that the
motion without any kind of touch. This technology uses technology will be easily small enough to be implemented
simple sweeping of hands or movement of hands in a certain into mobile and everywhere [3].
direction. The main purpose of this touch-less touch-screen
technology is to make life easy, simple and more convenient
The machines involved in touch-less touch-screen
technology requires the use of the sensor. But the sensor is
neither hand mounted nor present on the screen, can be
placed either near the screen or on the table. Sensors
recognize the position of an object from even 5 feet of
distance and this proves that without using any finger or
without any kind of touch we can operate the system easily.
This technology involves a compact hardware setup which Fig : Working of touch-less touch-screen
can be fitted into a device like a mobile phone or laptops. Gesture-Based Graphical User Interface (GBUI): For the
The system doesn't involve any special kind sensors to wear translation of hand movements into computer commands the
on hand or any other part of the body, the user is only leap motion controller is used. In the start, various tests were
required to form gestures from a distance which is sensed by conducted to initiate its working and to understand its basic
the device and this is all due to the pixel sense. interaction. The leap motion controller is basically used to
"Pixel Sense" accredits the way by which the technology test the identification of sign language. Different finger
actually performs the task. It includes IR rays. Actual work spelling alphabets were chosen for the relative simplicity of
starts when the light hits the glass, (which is used as a touch- individual signs. This includes a diverse range of
sensitive covering over IR-backlight), the light gets reflected
Volume 8, Issue 2 (March 2019) www.ijsrcsams.com
ISSN 2319 – 1953
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies

movements involving various alphabets. The main aim of which includes capacitive sensors and having the
these tests was to examine the capabilities and accuracy of capability to understand the hand gestures from a
the controller to identify hand movements. In gesture-based distance of 15 – 20 cm away from the screen. The
graphical user interface the main idea is to sense the software identifies these gestures and further translates
movement of fingers. This device is equipped with multiple them into commands. The display screens are based on
sensors around the perimeter of the system and these sensors technology from Tactyl Services at the Ce-Bit show
have the powers to sense the finger movements in 3- and Touch-Ko which was recently demonstrated by
dimensional. The client uses their hand/fingers to make White Electronic Designs.
different gestures which are understandable to the device. It 2. Touchless UI This system involves various gestures
is like a touch phone but the main difference is that in case which permit us to use applications and move them to
of touch phone we have to touch the screen whereas in this another system with easy and simple hand movements.
GBUI only the finger gestures are used and this feature Thus after reading a file, we can easily push it to the
makes it fascinating for users. According to researchers, it is side of the screen.
concluded that mouse inputs and touch system will not be a
more acceptable technique for users in coming time; in IV. FUTURE SCOPE
short, the future will be touch-less soon. This touch-screen touch-less device might be having
demerit along with merits, in regard to rotation of hands and
III. TOUCH LESS SDK touching. These problems may arise due to the movement of
For the enhancement or development of applications with fingers, or hand location or location of fingertips where the
more functionality, push notification, advertisement user feels that his/her fingers are still at that moment but
software development kit is used. It is kind of a tool for they are not so and the user is failing to observe that issue.
software development. SDK permits to create applications We can take an example to make it understandable, like the
for a particular software package, video game, computer user tries to make sign ‘A' by joining index finger of one
system, hardware platform, software framework. For .NET hand to the thumb of another hand and at that moment due
application, Touch-less SDK proved to be an open source to imbalance at their contact point the gesture gets disturbed
SDK. Basically, it allows developers to make a multi-touch and the device with UI fails to understand the language
based application which uses a webcam for input. It tracks whereas it will detect other digits easily due to stationary
the colored markers and then publishes the information via gestures.
events to the users of software development and this entitles
"Touch without touching"[4]. V. CONCLUSION
The device includes merits and demerit also but no one
can deny its benefits as the advantages are more, which
1. Provides the clear display of pictures. makes the invention quite successful. It fulfills the needs of
2. No risk of cracks during hard touch, as it provides a the user. Every second person is using a touchscreen device
touchless device. in today's world and with growing demands, a new device
3. User-friendly, for example: in case of wet hands the with much better functions is required to be invented. Thus,
touch is quite difficult which creates a problem for the the touchless touchscreen is the one which provides better
client in case of touchpads but in this kind system only results to its client in comparison to other touchscreen
gestures are required. Hence, makes it easy to use. systems. It reduces the risk of scratches and cracked display.
4. It catches the gestures even from a distance due to the It is convenient for the business purpose, conferences, for
strong sensors placed around the device. studies and many more. The device mounted with sensors in
5. Due to mishaps, the cracks develop on screen and this surroundings, which senses the gestures or hand/finger
puts the system in no-working condition but in the case moment and converts it to the system understandable
of touchless devices this cannot be a huge problem for language.
the user.
Disadvantages: [1] Manoranjan kumar, Surrender J.K., “Touch less Touch Screen
1. Quite expensive. technology”
2. As the gestures are required to control the device, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Vol. 05 Issue. 04 2018.
so well trained person is required to work. [2] Advanced Technologies for Touch less Fingerprint Recognition by
3. Sensors catch the gestures from a limited distance Giuseppe Parziale Chen.
only. [3] Aditi dhol, Suman Goudar, Sukita Shettigar, Shubhum Anand “Touch
less Touch Screen User Interface” International Journal of Technical
Applications: Research and Applications, Issue 43, 2017, Page 59-63.
[4] Nilofar E. Chanda, Anup A. Pachghare “Touchless Screen Technology”
1. Touchless monitortouch-less monitors are basically International Journal of Electronics, Communication & Soft
designed to overcome the problem of simultaneous Computing Science and Engineering (IJCSCSE) Issuse. 2017
touch, as doctors who mostly wear gloves faces the
problem in display touch. Thus for them displays

Volume 8, Issue 2 (March 2019) www.ijsrcsams.com

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