Lucknow Weather News
Lucknow Weather News
Lucknow Weather News
दै ननक मौसम पि
ू ाानम
ु ान बऱ
ु ेटिन (उत्तर प्रदे श)
State Weather Forecast Bulletin for Uttar Pradesh
21th January 2023
Time of Issue–13:00 Hrs. IST
1. Significant Weather Features:
♦ The Western Disturbance as a cyclonic circulation over north Pakistan and adjoining Jammu & Kashmir
between 3.1 km & 4.5 km above mean sea level persists.
♦ The induced cyclonic circulation over southwest Rajasthan & neighbourhood at 1.5 km above mean
sea level persists.
♦ The other Western Disturbance now seen as a cyclonic circulation over Afghanistan &
neighbourhood at 5.8 km above mean sea level with trough aloft in upper tropospheric westerlies with
its axis at 7.6 km above mean sea level roughly along Long. 64°E to the north of Lat. 26°N.
♦ Rain/Thunder showers at isolated places on 23th & 24th January 2023 over the state.
Weather was dry over west UP . Rain/Thunder showers at few places over east UP. Shallow fog occurred at
isolated over the state. On Friday, the day temperature rose appreciably in Moradabad division and they were no
large changed in the remaining division of the state. They were below normal (-1.6°C to -3.0°C) in Jhansi division,
above normal (1.6°C to 3.0°C) in Bareilly and Moradabad division and normal ( -1.5°C to 1.5°C) in remaining
division of the state.The Highest maximum temperature over the state was 24.0°C recorded at Churk.
The lowest minimum temperature over the state was 5.7°C recorded at Muzaffar Nagar.
♦ The Western Disturbance as a cyclonic circulation over north Pakistan and adjoining Jammu & Kashmir
between 3.1 km & 4.5 km above mean sea level persists.
चौ० च० सि० अ० हवाई अड्डा, अमौिी, लखनऊ / C.C.S. International Airport, Amausi, Lucknow-226009
Contact: 0522-2436301, 2436283
मौसम केंद्र ऱखनऊ Meteorological Centre Lucknow
♦ The induced cyclonic circulation over southwest Rajasthan & neighbourhood at 1.5 km above mean
sea level persists.
♦ The other Western Disturbance now seen as a cyclonic circulation over Afghanistan &
neighbourhood at 5.8 km above mean sea level with trough aloft in upper tropospheric westerlies with
its axis at 7.6 km above mean sea level roughly along Long. 64°E to the north of Lat. 26°N.
2. (a) Weather Forecast and Warnings For next 5 days upto 0830 hours IST of 26th January 2023
चौ० च० सि० अ० हवाई अड्डा, अमौिी, लखनऊ / C.C.S. International Airport, Amausi, Lucknow-226009
Contact: 0522-2436301, 2436283
मौसम केंद्र ऱखनऊ Meteorological Centre Lucknow
4. d) District wise Rainfall Forecast and Warnings are given below in Graphical format
1) District-wise Rainfall Forecast and Warnings (Day-1) valid upto 0830 Hrs of 22-01-2023
चौ० च० सि० अ० हवाई अड्डा, अमौिी, लखनऊ / C.C.S. International Airport, Amausi, Lucknow-226009
Contact: 0522-2436301, 2436283
मौसम केंद्र ऱखनऊ Meteorological Centre Lucknow
2) District-wise Rainfall Forecast and Warnings (Day-2) valid upto 0830 Hrs of 23-01-2023
चौ० च० सि० अ० हवाई अड्डा, अमौिी, लखनऊ / C.C.S. International Airport, Amausi, Lucknow-226009
Contact: 0522-2436301, 2436283
मौसम केंद्र ऱखनऊ Meteorological Centre Lucknow
3) District-wise Rainfall Forecast and Warnings (Day-3) valid upto 0830 Hrs of 24-01-2023
4) District-wise Rainfall Forecast and Warnings (Day-4) valid upto 0830 Hrs of 25-01-2023
चौ० च० सि० अ० हवाई अड्डा, अमौिी, लखनऊ / C.C.S. International Airport, Amausi, Lucknow-226009
Contact: 0522-2436301, 2436283
मौसम केंद्र ऱखनऊ Meteorological Centre Lucknow
चौ० च० सि० अ० हवाई अड्डा, अमौिी, लखनऊ / C.C.S. International Airport, Amausi, Lucknow-226009
Contact: 0522-2436301, 2436283
मौसम केंद्र ऱखनऊ Meteorological Centre Lucknow
5) District-wise Rainfall Forecast and Warnings (Day-5) valid upto 0830 Hrs of 26-01-2023
चौ० च० सि० अ० हवाई अड्डा, अमौिी, लखनऊ / C.C.S. International Airport, Amausi, Lucknow-226009
Contact: 0522-2436301, 2436283
मौसम केंद्र ऱखनऊ Meteorological Centre Lucknow
चौ० च० सि० अ० हवाई अड्डा, अमौिी, लखनऊ / C.C.S. International Airport, Amausi, Lucknow-226009
Contact: 0522-2436301, 2436283
मौसम केंद्र ऱखनऊ Meteorological Centre Lucknow
चौ० च० सि० अ० हवाई अड्डा, अमौिी, लखनऊ / C.C.S. International Airport, Amausi, Lucknow-226009
Contact: 0522-2436301, 2436283
मौसम केंद्र ऱखनऊ Meteorological Centre Lucknow
चौ० च० सि० अ० हवाई अड्डा, अमौिी, लखनऊ / C.C.S. International Airport, Amausi, Lucknow-226009
Contact: 0522-2436301, 2436283