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Code: Pre. OMF.

D 236
Course Title: Preclinical Oral & Maxillofacial And Diagnostic Process
Credit hour: 2
Section (A) – Surgery & Anaesthesia
1. anatomy and innervation of the oral cavity
2. Introduction, definition, scope, aims and objectives
3. History taking
4. Clinical examination & Investigations.
5. Principles of infection control and cross-infection control with particular reference to
HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis.
6. Principles of Oral Surgery – Asepsis: Definition, measures to prevent introduction of
infection during surgery.
7. Biologic considerations for maxillary and mandibular impression including
8. Measures to be taken by operator
9. Sterilisation of instruments - various methods of sterilisation etc.
10. Surgery set up.
11. Painless Surgery:
12. Pre- anaesthetic considerations & Pre-medication: purpose, drugs used
13- Simple extraction procedures
Local Anaesthesia:
• Introduction, concept of L.A., classification of local anaesthetic agents, ideal
requirements, mode of action, types of local anaesthesia, complications.
• Use of Vasoconstrictors in local anaesthetic solution –
• Advantages, contra-indications, various vaso constrictors used.
• Anaesthesia of the mandible –
• Pterygomandibular space - boundaries, contents etc.
• Inferior Dental Nerve Block - various techniques
• Complications
• Mental foramen nerve block
• Anaesthesia of Maxilla –
• Infra - orbital nerve block.
• Posterior superior alveolar nerve block
• Maxillary nerve block – techniques
Diagnostic Process
(1) Definition and importance of Diagnosis and various types of diagnosis.
(2) Method of clinical examinations.
(a) General Physical examination by inspection.
(b) Oro-facial region by inspection, palpation and other means
(c) To train the students about the importance, role, use of saliva and techniques of
diagnosis of saliva as part of oral disease
(d) Examination of lesions like swellings, ulcers, erosions, sinus, fistula, growths,
pigmented lesions, white and red patches
(e) Examination of lymph nodes
(f) Forensic examination – Procedures for post-mortem dental examination;
maintaining dental records and their use in dental practice and post-mortem
identification; jurisprudence and ethics.
(3) Investigations
(a) Biopsy and exfoliative cytology.
(b) Hematological, Microbiological and other tests and investigations necessary
for diagnosis and prognosis
Section (B) – Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis
While learning the following chapters, emphasis shall be given only on diagnostic aspects
including differential diagnosis
(1) Teeth: Developmental abnormalities, causes of destruction of teeth and their sequelae
and discoloration of teeth
(2) Diseases of bone and Osteodystrophies: Development disorders:
• Anomalies, Exostosis and tori, infantile cortical hyperostosis,
• osteogenisis imperfect, Marfanssyndrome, osteopetrosis.
• Inflamation – Injury, infection and sperad of infection,fascial space
• infections, osteoradionecrosis.
• Metabolic disorders – Histiocytosis
• Endocrine – Acro-megaly and hyperparathyroidism
• Miscellaneous – Paget’s disease,Mono and polyostotic fibrous
• dysplasia, Cherubism.

Books recommended:
a) Oral Diagnosis, Oral Medicine & Oral Pathology
1. Burkit – Oral Medicine – J.B. Lippincott Company
2. Coleman – Principles of OralDiagnosis – Mosby Year Book
3. Jones – Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases – W.B. Saunders company
4. Mitchell – Oral Diagnosis & Oral Medicine
5. Kerr – Oral Diagnosis
6. Miller – Oral Diagnosis & Treatment
7. Hutchinson – clinical Methods
8. Oral Pathology – Shafers
9. Sonis.S.T., Fazio.R.C. and Fang.L - Principles and practice of Oral Medicine
Methods of assessment
• Continuous Assessment ( C.A) 20%
• MCQs ( SBA) 20%
• Structural Short Answers (SSA) 20%
• Extended Matching Questions and Problems 20%

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Course No. D 367+ D 471+D 481+D 591+D 5101+D 5102

Code: OMFS
Course Title: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Credit hour: 2+3+3+3+23+1
The aim of this course is to guide the student to how to do proper clinical examination of
the oro-facial region.
• To provide an integrated approach to basic Oral Surgery
• To provide clinical exposure which instructs the students in the management of
patients, the basic principles of surgery and the importance of carrying out
treatment under aseptic conditions with minimal trauma
• To provide an introduction to the attitude, knowledge and skills required for the
provision of Local Anaesthesia, Conscious sedation and General Anaesthesia for
dental treatment
• To develop the skill of performing minor oral surgical procedsures
• To give students exposure to advanced clinical activities
encompassed by the speciality of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.
1- Anaesthetic considerations –
a) Local
b) Local with IV sedations
c) Use of general anaesthetic
2- Access:
• Intra-oral: Mucoperiosteal flaps, principles, commonly used intra oral incisions.
• Bone Removal: Methods of bone removal.
• Use of Burs: Advantages & precautions
• Extra-oral: Skin incisions - principles, various extra-oral incision to expose facial
a. Submandibular & Pre auricular
b. Incision to expose maxilla & orbit
c. Bicoronal incision
d. Control of haemorrhage during surgery Normal Haemostasis Local measures
available to control bleeding Hypotensive anaesthesia etc.
e. Drainage & Debridement Purpose of drainage in surgical wounds - Types of
drains used
Debridement: purpose, soft tissue & bone debridement.
3- Closure of wounds
• Suturing: Principles, suturematerial, classification,body response to various
materials etc.
4. Post operative care - Post operative instructions
• Physiology of cold and heat
• Control of pain – analgesics
• Control of infection – antibiotics
• Control of swelling - anti-inflammatory drugs
• Long term post operative follow up - significance.
5. Exodontia: General considerations
• Ideal Extraction.
• Indications for extraction of teeth
• Extractions in medically compromised patients.
• Methods of extraction –
(a) Forceps or intra-alveolar or closed method.
Principles, types of movement, force etc.
(b) Trans-alveolar, surgical or open method Indications, surgical procedure.
• Dental elevators: uses, classification, principles in the use of elevators, commonly
used elevators.
• Complications of Exodontia –
- Complications during exodontias
- Common to both maxilla and mandible.
- Post-operative complications –
- Prevention and managementof complications.
6. Impacted teeth: Incidence, definition, aetiology.
(a) Impacted mandibular third molar.
Classification, reasons for removal, Assessment - both clinical & radiological
Surgical procedures for removal.
Complications during and after removal, Prevention and management.
(b) Maxillary third molar,
Indications for removal, classification, Surgical procedure for removal.
(c) Impacted maxillary canine
Reasons for canine impaction, Localization, indications for removal,
Methods of management, labial and palatal approach, Surgical exposure,
transplantation, removal etc.
7. Pre-prosthetic Surgery:
Definition, classification of procedures
(a) Corrective procedures: Alveoloplasty, Reduction of maxillary tuberosities,
Frenoctemies and removal of tori.
(b) Ridge extension or Sulcus extension procedures Indications and various surgical
(c) Ridge augmentation and reconstruction.
Indications, use of bone grafts,
Implants - concept of osseo integration
Knowledge of various types of implants and surgical procedure to place implants.
8. Diseases of the maxillary sinus
Surgical anatomy of the sinus.
Sinusitis both acute and chronic
Surgical approach of sinus- Caldwell-Luc procedure
Removal of root from the sinus.
Oro-antral fistula - aetiology, clinical features and various surgical methods for
9. Disorders of T.M. Joint
Applied surgical anatomy of the joint.
Dislocation - Types, aetiology, clinical features and management.
Ankylosis - Definition, aetiology, clinical features and management
Myo-facial pain dysfunction syndrome, aetiology, clinical features, management –
Non surgical and surgical.
Internal derangement of the joint.
Arthritis of T.M. Joint.
10. Infections of the Oral cavity
Introduction, factors responsible for infection, course of odontogenic infections,
spread of odontogenic infections through various facial spaces.
Dento-alveolar abscess - aetiology, clinical features and management.
Osteomyelitis of the jaws - definition, aetiology, pre-disposing factors, classification,
clinical features and management.
Ludwigs angina - definition, aetiology, clinical features, management and
11. Benign cystic lesions of the jaws - Definition, classification, pathogenesis.
Diagnosis - Clinical features, radiological, aspiration biopsy, use of contrast media
and histopathology.
Management - Types of surgical procedures, Rationale of the techniques, indications,
procedures, complications etc.
12. Tumours of the Oral cavity - General considerations Non odontogenetic benign
tumours occuring in oral cavity - fibroma, papilloma, lipoma, ossifying fibroma,
myloma etc.
Ameloblastoma - Clinical features, radiological appearance and methods of
Carcinoma of the oral cavity – Biopsy – types
TNM classification.
Outline of management of squamous Cell carcinoma: surgery, radiation and
chemotherapy Role of dental surgeons in the prevention and early detection of oral
13. Fractures of the jaws - General considerations, types of fractures, aetiology, clinical
features and generalprinciples of management. mandibular fractures – Applied
anatomy, classification.
Diagnosis - Clinical and radiological
Management - Reduction closed and open Fixation and immobilisation methods
Outline of rigid and semi-rigid internal fixation.
Fractures of the condyle - aetiology, classification, clinical features, principles of
Fractures of the middle third of the face.
Definition of the mid face, applied surgical anatomy, classification, clinical features
and outline of management.
Alveolar fractures - methods of management
Fractures of the Zygomatic complex
Complications of fractures - delayed union, non-union and malunion.
14. Salivary gland diseases - Diagnosis ofsalivary gland diseases’ Sialography, contrast
media, procedure. Infections of the salivary glands
Sialolithiasis - Submandibular duct and gland and parotid duct.
Clinical features, management.
Salivary fistulae
Common tumours of salivary glands like Pleomorphic adenoma including minor
salivary glands.
15. Jaw deformities - Basic forms - Prognathism, Retrognathism and open bite.
Reasons for correction.
Outline of surgical methods carried out on mandible and maxilla.
16. Neurological disorders - Trigeminal neuralgia - definition, aetiology, clinical features
and methods of management including surgical.
Facial paralysis - Aetiology, clinical features.
Nerve injuries - Classification, neurorhaphy etc.
17. Cleft Lip and Palate - Aetiology of the clefts, incidence, classification, role of dental
surgeon in the management of cleft patients.
Outline of the closure procedures.
18. Medical Emergencies in dental practice – Primary care of medical emergencies in
dental practice particularly –
(a) Cardio vascular (b) Respiratory (c) Endocrine
(d) Anaphylactic reaction (e) Epilepsy
19. Emergency drugs & Intra muscular I.V. Injections – Applied anatomy, Ideal location
for giving these injections, techniques etc.
20. Oral Implantology
General Anaesthesia – Concept of general anaesthesia.
Indications of general anaesthesia in dentistry.
Pre-anaesthetic evaluation of the patient.
Pre-anaesthetic medication - advantages, drugs used.
Commonly used anaesthetic agents.
Complication during and after G.A.
I.V. sedation with Diazepam and Medozolam.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Indications, mode of action, technique etc.
Use of oxygen and emergency drugs.
Recommended Books:
1. Impacted teeth; Alling John F & etal.
2. Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery; Vol.1,2 & 3 Peterson LJ & etal.
3. Text book of oral and maxillofacial surgery; Srinivasan B.
4. Handbook of medical emergencies in the dental office, Malamed SF.
5. Killeys Fractures of the mandible; Banks P.
6. Killeys fractures of the middle 3rd of the facial skeleton; Banks P.
7. The maxillary sinus and its dental implications; McGovanda
8. Killey and Kays outline of oral surgery – Part-1; Seward GR & etal
9. Essentials of safe dentistry for the medically compromised patients; Mc Carthy FM
10. Oral & maxillofacial surgery, Vol 2; Laskin DM
11. Extraction of teeth;Howe, GL
12. Minor Oral Surgery; Howe.GL
13. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery; Peterson I.J.& EA
14. Oral and maxillofacial infections; Topazian RG & Goldberg MH

Methods of assessment
• Continuous Assessment ( C.A) 20%
• MCQs ( SBA) 20%
• Structural Short Answers (SSA) 20%
• Extended Matching Questions and Problems 20%

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