Fdarcharting 120314214902 Phpapp02
Fdarcharting 120314214902 Phpapp02
Fdarcharting 120314214902 Phpapp02
D>With intact and patent CTT at 5th left intercostalspace connected to thorabottle draining toyellowish
secretion. No signs of respiratorydistress. No compliants as of this moment.
1:00 a.m >Above IVF consumed and replaced withthe 6thIVF of D5LRS 1L regulated to 28gtts/min.
R>Pt. was able to show readiness to upcomingoperation.Endorsed with an ongoing 6th IVF of D5LRS
iL x 28 gtts/min at 650 cc level andscheduled for cholecystectomy at 8 a.m
D>With O2 inhalation at 2-4 LPM via nasalcannula.Poor skin nturgor noted. "nasakit ti takebko karkaru
nu agkutikuti ak" as verbalized. Pain israted as 4/10 and is localized on the anterior chest.Characterized
as pricking pain.Facial grimaces andguarding behaviors noted when in pain.
5:20pm >above IVF consumed and 2nd IVF of PNSS il x16 hours replaced.
11:00pm >Endorsed with ongoing 2nd IVF of PNSS iLx16at 800 cc level
Date/Time Focus Nurse's Notes
5/31/2010Focus:elevated body >Received awake in a semi-fowler's position
7:00 am temperature with ongoing IVF of D5NSS il x8 at 950 cclevel infusing well at right cephalic vein arm.
D>with intact and patent IFC connected tourine bag draining to light yellow urine.
Focus Charting of F-DAR is intended to make the client and client concerns and strengths the
focus of care. It is a method of organizing health information in an individual’s record. Focus
Charting is a systematic approach to documentation.
The progress notes are organized into (D) data, (A) action, and (R) response, referred to as DAR
(third column).
a nursing
a sign or a
an acute
change in
The data category is like the assessment phase of the nursing process. It is in this category that
you would be writing your assessment cues like: vital signs, behaviors, and other observations
noticed from the patient. Both subjective and objective data are recorded in the data category.
The action category reflects the planning and implementation phase of the nursing prosess and
includes immediate and future nursing actions. It may also include any changes to the plan of
The response category reflects the evaluation phase of the nursing process and describes the
client’s response to any nursing and medical care.
The focus of this problem is pain. Notice the way the D,A,R were written.
decreased from 38.9 to 37.1
Another Variation
This is DAR made by Jay-D Man of Slideshare.net. with some modifications made. This is a
very good variation.
F2: Hyperthermia
F3: Fatigue
A: 9:00am
M – advised SO to give the ff. meds at the right time, dose, frequency and route
E – encouraged to maintain cleanliness of the house and surroundings
T – advised to go to follow-up consultations on the prescribed date
H – encouraged to do chest tapping to facilitate mobilization of secretion
O – observed for signs of super infections such as fever, black fury tongue and foul odor
D – encouraged to eat fresh vegetables and fish
S – advised to continue praying to God and hear mass on Sunday