Encounter On The Savage Seas II
Encounter On The Savage Seas II
Encounter On The Savage Seas II
Background: Nimgyu
Internal Art:
Lluis Abadias, Dean Spencer, Lotta Ignatius, Petar Penev, Daniel Walthall,
Purple Duck Games: Gary Dupuis, Rogue Genius Games: Jacob E. Blackmon,
Luiz Prado, Wizards of the Coast stock art
Dyson Logos, Elven Tower, Jeff C. Stevens, Jean Lorber, Mobral Rox
Special Thanks:
Remley Farr, Oliver Clegg, and Brent Sweany for the additional thoughts and development of
the Living Storm.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual,
Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards
of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use
of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800
Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
All other original material in this work is copyright [2019] by Jeff C. Stevens and published under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild
As with the other Savage Encounters supplements, I reached out to writers for encounter
submissions. With these supplements, I want to give you a valuable resource for your gaming
sessions, and I want to share the imagination, creativity, and the writing styles of various authors
with you.
I want to say Thank You to all the writers, artists, cartographers, and everyone else who had a
hand in making this product what it is.
Thanks for purchasing Encounters on the Savage Seas II! We hope you enjoy the encounters!
Additional Resources
Several Dungeon Masters Guild writers have created resources which I think you might find useful:
Captains and Cannons: A Ship Combat Guide in D&D 5e : a ruleset for running ship-to-ship combat
Tavern Games : card and dice games which can be used while the characters travel the savage seas
Call from the Deep: Races & Feats : new aquatic races and feats
Hull (interior)
The dark, wet inside of the ship’s hull is a
also likely to uncover other issues, like rat
breeding ground for problematic issues like rot
swarms or stowaways.
and mold. Even in normal circumstances a ship
is likely to have 6 to 12 inches of seawater
Fixing hull damage during storms,
sloshing around the bottom of the hull.
shipwrecks, or battles is a different matter
altogether, best run as a skill challenge. Require
A small crew of carpenters makes a daily
3 successful checks before 3 failures, but
inspection for rotting patches, cracks, or leaks.
increase the DC of the checks or the number of
A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
needed successes if the hull damage is more
check is needed to spot any such problems,
significant. The following checks can serve as
made with advantage if a PC is proficient with
examples, but PCs may come up with other
carpenter’s tools. In peaceful situations, fixing
an issue requires an hour of work with
carpenter’s tools and a successful DC 10
• DC 13 Strength (Acrobatics) check to hold
Intelligence (Survival) check. The inspectors are
timbers in place despite gushing seawater.
Bone harpoon. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing
Ockue, now in their regular shape, promises to
roast Charis in song for the trauma of traveling
through the creeks as a fish and being trapped
by merfolk, and at the same time is thrilled that
they have so much more material to work with.
possessed bodies, they are slowly recovering
the cargo belonging to Lady Nerissa. They
By Jean Headley choose different villagers each night so as not to
Art: Courtesy Wizards of the Coast kill their hosts, but the work is beginning to take
its toll. Four of the weaker villagers have already
Map: Mobral Rox
Pearl Meadow is a small coastal village. The
people make their living mostly through fishing, Plot Hooks
but the wealth of the village comes from a • The heroes stop in the village to rest for
carefully maintained oyster bed. Two or three a night, only to have strange noises and
times a year, the pearls are sold, and the money activity disturb their sleep.
used to purchase things the villagers need and • The mayor of a nearby town is
can’t make themselves. Primarily metal goods concerned; they’re not getting their
such as pots, needles, knives, and fishing hooks. usual consignment of fish, oysters, and
pearls. He will pay the party 50 gold if
However, a vengeful spirit has taken control they’ll go find out what’s going on and
of the village and, unless the adventurers can send word.
help, her actions may destroy the villagers. • The heroes have been sent to
determine the fate of the Sea Sprite.
Background Lady Nerissa has grown very concerned
that Captain Windcall and the Sea Sprite
The current headman of the village, Baruch, is
have not returned. She received a
an ambitious man. He grew up hearing stories
sending from Captain Windcall two
from his mother about the wider world, and the
weeks ago stating they were heading to
wealth of great cities. Eventually, he grew
Pearl Meadow to take on pearls and
discontented with what the village had to offer.
fresh water, and there has been no
Baruch hatched a daring plan to gain the riches
word since. Lady Nerissa will pay 200
and luxuries he’d only ever heard about. He
gold per person if they return with the
recruited a few like-minded people from among
Sea Sprite, or with proof of the Sea
the villagers, and they set about arranging the
Sprite’s demise. Captain Windcall’s
shipwreck of a passing vessel.
logbook would be sufficient.
They got their shipwreck, but not as they had
wished. First, the storm that brought in the ship Pearl Meadow
was incredibly violent. Instead of sinking the The village is a collection of circular homes in a
ship in fairly-shallow water where the cargo semi-circle facing the beach. There is a larger
could be easily “salvaged”, the storm dragged building that serves as the headman’s home
the wreckage up the coast and the cargo sank to and a common hall for the village. There is also
far more dangerous depths. Second, the a large square building of new construction just
captain, Arianna Windcall, was a skilled north of the cluster of homes. On closer
weather mage oath-bound to the powerful Lady inspection, the heroes will find that the new
Nerissa. building has neither embellishments nor
windows. Its large front door is locked. Although
Arianna, even as a spirit, is attempting to there are no guards, the heroes will be closely
fulfill her oath, and is extracting vengeance as watched if they approach the building without
well. She has possessed Headman Baruch, and
17 | E n c o u n t e r s on the Savage Seas II
stealth. If they attempt to pick or break the lock, were going to salvage what we could
half a dozen of the villagers will appear to stop from the wreck. Well, we’re salvaging it
them. all right. For the Captain! May the gods
forgive us.
To approach the building unnoticed (during
the day) requires a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) As sundown approaches, the villagers become
check. Picking the lock requires a DC 15 more and more nervous. With a successful DC
Dexterity check with thieves’ tools. The simple 13 Wisdom (Insight) check, a character knows
iron lock could be broken. It has an AC of 19 and the villagers are frightened.
5 hit points. However, the noise is likely to
attract attention. At sundown, the heroes must succeed on a
DC 13 Charisma saving throw or be possessed
If the heroes wait until nightfall to investigate by a ghost (CR 4; MM, p 147) of the crew of the
the building, they will discover that it is Sea Sprite.
impossible to approach unnoticed because
there are villagers coming and going from After sundown, speaking to the villagers is
shortly after sundown until shortly before much harder. There is a 50% chance that anyone
dawn. the heroes approach is possessed by one of the
Sea Sprite’s ghosts. Possessed villagers will be
During the day, the heroes may try to largely unresponsive, saying only that they have
intimidate or question the villagers in order to to get the work done. Neither persuasion nor
get answers. Unfortunately, the villagers are far intimidation will sway them from their purpose.
more frightened of Captain Windcall than they
are frightened of the heroes. A successful DC 18 Villagers that weren’t chosen for the night
Charisma (Intimidation) check will get a will mostly likely be in their beds, trying to get
terrified response such as, “Please! It wasn’t our what sleep they can. They know that they will
fault! It was Headman Baruch! I don’t want to be working the next night.
be chosen. I don’t want to be chosen!” The
subject will then run away. Headman Baruch
If the heroes go to speak with Headman Baruch,
The heroes may try to persuade the villagers
they will find him in one of three places.
to divulge information. A successful DC 13
• In the morning he is at his home.
Charisma (Persuasion) check will get various
• After noon, he is at the warehouse,
cataloging the salvage.
• The Headman made a terrible mistake
• After sundown, he is at the salvage site
and the village is paying for it. I just
overseeing the efforts there.
hope no one else dies.
• Four people have died already, worked
No matter where or when he is found,
to death. Old Nestor, poor Justina what
Baruch moves and speaks with a distracted air.
with that baby and all, Markos, and
He has an unearthly light in his eyes, and an
harmless old Helene. We’re all going to
unhealthy pallor to his skin. He is easily
die if we don’t get some rest soon.
angered, but quickly returns to whatever he is
• We’re being forced to work all night.
doing and ignores the source of his anger. This is
Every night! The ghosts, they come. It’s
a result of his possession by Captain Windcall.
terrible. Terrible! Baruch is to blame!
May the gods damn his soul.
A character who succeeds on a DC 18
• We just wanted something more from Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
life. We sabotaged the lighthouse. We
18 | E n c o u n t e r s on the Savage Seas II
(Investigation) check will realize that the book two of his henchmen to “escort” the heroes
Baruch is using to log the salvage is Captain away.
Windcall’s logbook. Characters with proficiency
in water vehicles will have advantage on the Baruch makes it clear that he is busy. The
roll. whole village is busy and if the heroes could
move on, that would be great. He will not admit
to his true nature (that of Arianna’s ghost) nor
will he discuss the nightly possession. He will
dismiss such talk as frivolous. He will admit that
the village is engaged in salvaging as much as
possible from the Sea Sprite. He will tell the
heroes that it is the village’s responsibility since
they were the ones who neglected the
lighthouse and caused the shipwreck. If the
heroes mention deliberate sabotage, Baruch
will get very angry, and summon his henchmen
to “escort” them away. (The henchmen will take
the heroes at least a hundred feet away and tell
them, not politely, to stay away from the
Headman and the salvage operation.)
Area 1: Sterncastle
Orlop Deck
Barely above the bilges, this is the main cargo
The after part of the main deck in the
sterncastle is off limits to passengers unless
accompanied by a crewmember. A short
Area 5: Aft
passage leads farther aft.
Aft is the brig (used now for storing cargo).
Secure Storage. The small compartments to The Half Moon weighs anchor and sets sail on
either side of the passage are secured with the morning tide. It is a pleasant day, the winds
heavy wooden hatches which are always are favorable and the ship tacks back and forth
locked. Kirsa and Volkhard hold the keys. through patches of mist. Soon, the coast is lost
to view astern.
Mizzen Deck
Area 2: Head The day's travel is uneventful. Sailors busily
Far forward is the toilet facility for crew and scamper fore and aft, stowing gear and cargo
passengers. and performing maintenance like coiling rope
and folding sails. Food is served at sundown,
Area 3: Passenger Quarters when the watch changes.
All the way aft is the compartment usually used
as crew quarters but converted to house
passengers when any are aboard. The crew
As an action, you can mentally cause the circlet to Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
radiate, calling undead creatures within 500 feet of it one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage. If the
toward it. These undead creatures are friendly to target is a creature other than an elf or undead, it
you, but you don't control them. The undead must must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
see you wear the circlet to be friendly to you. or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat
The circlet only works at night, and once you use the the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
circlet you can't use it again until the next nightfall. ending the effect on itself on a success. If this
happens while in a body of water, the victim can hold
its breath as per the rules for suffocating, and may
A lacedon is the aquatic version of a ghoul, resulting
from the death of a humanoid at the hands of
another lacedon or a ghoul while at sea. Like their
terrestrial cousins, a lacedon has needle-sharp teeth
and vicious claws which rend flesh and cause
paralysis. Their skin tends to range from pale white
(almost translucent), to blue, to dark, inky black.
They can swim as fast as they can walk, and are
known to lead ships astray to cause shipwrecks so
they can feed upon sailors in the water.
The Love Shack If the party is willing to parley with Keros and
Morgan after the pair’s initial attempt at
Realizing that his people present a threat to
deception, Keros explains his feelings for
Morgan, Keros has taken her away to a small
Morgan. Morgan declares her love for Keros as
shack his family owns at the southern edge of
well and admits to being as surprised that his
the protectorate. If the adventurers are acting in
kindness touched her as anyone else might be.
the employ of the tritons, Nalos can provide
Whether the party believes that the lovers are
directions to the small home, claiming that the
speaking the truth of their hearts is best left to
hag may have taken Keros there to rob the
roleplaying, though the Dungeon Master may
place’s treasures. In reality, Nalos figures,
assign Ability checks to determine if the
correctly, that Keros would head to the shack
characters feel like they are being deceived.
for safety. If the party is acting at the behest of
the hags, Agatha provides them with a dowsing
rod that holds the power to lead them to The Truth of the Matter
Morgan. The hags and the tritons can both Keros is absolutely in love with Morgan. There is
provide water breathing spells if the party no deception on his part, nor is he the victim of
should require them. some sort of spell or enchantment. His feelings
are true, genuine, and sprung from the
Once the heroes make their way to the shack, circumstances described above. The truth of
they find a small domicile constructed from Morgan’s feelings is left to the Dungeon Master
coral and seashells, set inside a crevice in a large to determine. While the story is written from
rock. The facing of the shack makes it virtually the perspective that Morgan’s heart has, in fact,
The adventurers are stuck in a very challenging
predicament with no clear right answer. If they
side with the couple, allowing Keros and
Morgan to escape, they must explain
themselves to whichever faction sent them after
the couple. Lying to the tritons is marginally
easier than lying to the hags in this instance, but
neither course of action is guaranteed to be safe
or fool-proof.
Multiattack. Keros makes two trident attacks. If he
has a dagger drawn, he can also make a dagger
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
or ranged 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)
piercing damage.
Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft., or range 20/60 ft, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +
3) piercing damage, or 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage if
used with two hands.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1)
piercing damage
The adventurers are on a sea vessel in route to
their destination when they see smoke on the
horizon. Investigating the smoke, they find
remains of a ship which has recently been sunk.
They witness the main portion of the
smoldering ship go down as they sail closer.
When they anchor nearby, they discover a
halfling floating in a life boat. He claims to be
the lone survivor of a pirate attack, however,
during the night, things take a turn and the PCs
find out that the halfling is not all he appears to
Hamilton Buryplot is a halfling necromancer (CR
9; VGtM, p 217) that sails the seas with his
undead crew attacking and robbing merchant Beginning the Adventuure
vessels. He is in desperate need of a ship as his
The PCs are aboard a ship heading to a
was just sunk after floundering for hours. The
predetermined destination. Any character that
ship suffered critical damage while leaving the
is on deck or has an exterior view off the
last port when crashing through a hidden reef
starboard bow can make a DC 12 Wisdom
barrier. Ignoring the damage and assuming it
(Perception) check (passive Perception DC 14)
was minor, Hamilton sailed on. Hours later
to notice smoke rising in the distance. If none of
when the ship began to list heavily on its
Typically, the Living Storm doesn’t concern The Living Storm makes a fantastic guardian
itself with ships that linger on for a minute. creature for high-level adventurers. It may serve
However, it becomes annoyed with those who as a perpetual barrier, blocking the way to a key
continue to trail it, turning its attention to the quest place, or descend suddenly, confining the
pest in its wake. party on an island, where they must complete
their tasks. Refer to The Living Storm stat block.
Captain Finos
This tall human with dark hair and a tan from
working outside all day is the captain of the
crew, which means that he is responsible for
commanding the sailors, navigating the rough
seas, and handling any communications that
require delicacy and charisma. He cares about
his crew deeply and is worried that they will
meet their end at the hands of this mysterious
disease. He has a talking habit, always ending
Easy Fixes
If the heroes cannot solve this mystery, but they
wish to see it resolved nonetheless, consider
using an NPC or other entity to guide them.
Perhaps a deity or a warlock patron might offer
some insight into the nature of Vutrim and his
schemes, or maybe an ally might know
something about him and his disease.
Setting Sail
The journey from Waterdeep to Caer Callidyrr
takes around thirteen days depending on the
weather or other hazards. The first few days
If the characters stop Mixlit before he can
destroy the ship, the crew is astonished and
disturbed by their close call with death. If the
ship sinks, everyone aboard either dies or may
be shipwrecked at a location of the DM's
The Potsticker is a series of short skill-based and Use the bandit (CR 1/8; MM, p 343) stat block
social interactions designed for parties of any for all other crew members.
level and composition.
The crew of the Potsticker aren’t pirates, but
they have learned a lot about defending
Background themselves in their years of peaceful
Rations while at sea can get quite stale, both foodmongering.
figuratively and literally. Hardtack, jerky, and
fish, fish, more fish. The Potsticker is a sailing Menu
ship whose crew has one purpose - to provide
other sailors with delicious and unique rations, Item Cost
making excellent use of the rare and exotic
Sea-salted bread 1 sp
ingredients that come from the sea.
Fried squid tentacle 4 sp
This encounter is ideal to add to any
extended ocean travel, as the Potsticker comes Raw fish and seaweed rolls 2 gp
to ships who’ve been at sea for a good length of
time. Caviar 5 gp
A mile or so from land and a few miles along the
coast from the nearest town, Shatterspine
Tower has always been a place of ill repute. It
has long been known as the lair of a gang of
wreckers who use the light atop the tower to
lure ships onto the nearby rocks.
Alternatively, adventurers may be passengers A path weaves between the rocks to a wooden door
or crew on a ship lured onto the rocks near
coated in barnacles and swollen shut from the damp.
63 | E n c o u n t e r s on the Savage Seas II
On the back of the door is a twisting pattern of
Call for a DC 15 Dexterity (Vehicles, Water) seaweed, bone, and the beaks of vast squid strung
check to steer the characters’ boat to a safe together in a design that strongly suggests curling
landing. Failure means the boat is no longer tentacles. As the door moves, they almost seem to
seaworthy and that characters take 7 (2d6) stir.
bludgeoning damage from washing up on the
rocks. There’s nothing to find here except for the
unlocked double doors leading to Area 1B. If the
It’s Cold Outside adventurers inspect the tools on the rack, they
The door is locked, and the lock is poorly find traces of blood and flesh on them (no
tended and prone to jam. Picking the lock ability check needed).
requires a successful DC 16 Dexterity (Thieves’
Tools) check. Failure means that picking the
lock takes ten minutes, and characters who fail Area 1B
a DC 11 Constitution saving throw take a level As the party enter Area 1B, read or summarize:
of exhaustion from standing outside in the
storm. The door can be smashed open with a There is little for the flickering driftwood torches on
successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. the walls to illuminate: two curved sets of stairs lead
up and another leads downwards. Otherwise, it’s
General Features just a dimly lit room full of barrels, boxes, and sacks
Terrain. Slick stone – both outside the tower rotting in the damp atmosphere.
and inside; thick, orange lichen.
Weather. Rain lashes the outside of the tower
and seeps inside through cracks in the stonework. Treasure
Light. The storm makes the area overcast; The containers hold cargo taken from wrecked
driftwood torches inside the tower cast most ships. It would normally have been sold by now
areas in dim light. but the cult is no longer interested in such
Smells and Sounds. Salt water and wood rotting matters. Most of the goods – fabric, spices, and
in the damp; the lapping of water in the
the like – have rotted away but a successful DC
submerged levels and the rumbling of the storm
outside. 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check turns up a
Stairs. All staircases in the tower are five feet bag of pearls worth 1250 gp.
Characters could go deeper into the tower: there are
stairs down from this area. The lower floors are
Area 1A completely submerged, and shrouded in inky
darkness that no light, normal or magical, can
As the party enter Area 1, read or summarize:
This room is roughly half of the tower. It is empty
Descending further would lead to an encounter with
except for waxed cloaks hanging on the walls and a the kraken – which the adventurers would be wise to
rack containing axes, crowbars, and billhooks; in avoid.
short, everything one would need to efficiently
access and empty a half sunken cargo hold.
The stairs end in a circular room. The soft clink of Scaling the battle
chains alert you to the presence of other creatures • Levels 3-4: 8 gang members are in the tower
• Levels 6-7: 18 gang members are in the tower
and a deep voice calls out softly, “Stop. Don’t come
any closer.”
Freeing the Prisoners
Prisoners The shackles and chains holding the prisoners
There are three human prisoners shackled to have AC 19 and have 12 hit points. Attempts to
the floor of this room, shivering in thin clothing. break them with a weapon are made at
Their chains give them enough room to walk disadvantage unless the attacker is willing to
around, but not to reach the stairs. also hurt the wearer. A successful DC 14
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check will unlock one
Two (Neela and Bern) are sailors. Their ship
was wrecked ten days ago, and they regained shackle.
consciousness here, along with eight others.
The others have been taken away, one every The key to these locks is in Saveus’ quarters
couple of days. (Area 4B).
A thorough search turns up 4 scrimshaw
octopus statues worth 50 gp each, and a total of
132 gp, mostly in silver. Searching requires 10
1 square = 5 feet
• Shuza may use its Change Shape ability to Alternatively, the DM can use the Dungeon
also change into the form of a lizard. Masters Guide’s random Treasure Horde table
• Shuza may use Change Shape twice to determine the contents of the ship’s hold.
between short rests. (DMG, p137)
• While in crocodile or lizard form, Shuza can
use a bonus action to expend one spell slot
to regain 1d8 hit points per level of spell
slot expended.
Root Horror
Resting on the ship’s deck is a Root Horror see
appendix) the evil monster created by Shuza’s
ritual. The monstrosity waits motionless until a
character approaches within 10 feet, or until
directed to attack by Shuza.
DM’s Note. Arynan has found a way aboard the • He is also equipped with the Circlet of
party’s vessel without their knowledge through use Doldrums and a Wind Fan (DMG 213).
of her ability to take the form of a sea bird. This will • He is proficient with the Wisdom
seem more believable if foreshadowed
(Insight) skill and has a +5 bonus to
Multiattack. The scout makes two attacks with its
trident or dagger, or makes a Retrieving Net attack.
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 1 (1d4 - 1)
Speed 0 ft., swim 30 ft.
2 (-4) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 1 (-5) 7 (-2) 15 (+3)
Skills Stealth +4
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages -
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 27 (4d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage,
and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). The crab
has two claws, each of which can grapple only one
Purification Bottle
Wondrous item, rare
A small brass whistle with a pearl inside. These boots are fashioned from the skin of sahuagin.
When blown above water, the whistle acts normally. While in water and attuned to these boots, you gain
When blown below water, the whistle summons a the following features.
random creature determined by a d8:
Swim Speed. You gain a swim speed of 40 ft. If you
1) One giant seahorse already have a swim speed of 40 ft. you gain +10 ft.
2) 1d4 reef sharks to your normal rate.
3) A swarm of quippers Breathe Underwater. You gain the ability to breathe
4) 2d4 octopuses underwater.
5) A giant crocodile Blood Frenzy. You have advantage on melee attack
6) 12 sea horses rolls made against any creature that doesn’t have all
7) 1d4 hunter sharks its hit points.
8) 1 killer whale
Curse. These boots are cursed. Attuning to them
The summoned creature appears in two rounds, curses you until you are targeted by the remove
swimming to its summoner. When it does, roll a d6. curse spell or similar magic. Removing the boots fails
On a result of 1-5, the creature is friendly and obeys to end the curse on you. Whenever you are engaged
the summoners verbal commands. On a result of 6, in combat, you lose control of your actions and
the creature is unfriendly and attacks its summoner. attack the nearest creature within 60 feet of you
that does not have all its hit points.
The summoned creature remains for 1 hour, after This effect lasts for one minute, after which time you
which time it swims away. may select your targets as you wish, but you cannot
recall the events that occurred during that minute.
The whistle may not be used again in this way until
you finish a long rest.
Fisherman’s Trident
Weapon (trident), uncommon (requires attunement)
Hunter’s Trident
Weapon (trident), very rare (requires attunement)