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Music Wind Instruments (Aerophone)

Lesson 1: Japan 1. Shakuhachi – the most famous flute made from

Instrumental Music of Japan bamboo. It has four or five finger holes on the
Traditional Japanese music is basically meditative in front face and a thumbhole on the rear face. As
character. Its performance is highly ritualized, as much in with other instruments above, it was imported
the music itself, as in the composure of the musicians from China for gagaku.
when performing it. Japanese chamber and solo music 2. Nokan – a parallel, bamboo flute (fue) is the only
have a slow meditative pace. melodic instrument used in noh. The melody of
the flute has no specific pitch relationship with the
The performance of Japanese music has traditionally been melody of the chanting.
of a spiritual character, similarly to martial arts and other 3. Hichiriki – is a double reed Japanese flute (fue)
forms of art such as the tea ceremony and calligraphy. It is used as one of two main melodic instruments in
usually about religious festivals, work, dance, love, and Japanese gagaku music, the other being the
regional songs. Audiences are looking for this self-mastery ryūteki
in musicians. This is the reason why music has become 4. Sho – is a Japanese free reed musical instrument
highly ritualized. Musicians must show this spiritual self- that was introduced from China during the Nara
mastery in their performance and composure. They work period.
on an inner strength in mastering his or her instrument, 5. Shinobue – is also called takebue in the context of
more than simply perfecting a technique of some sort and Japanese traditional arts. It is a Japanese
providing entertainment. transverse flute or fue that has a highpitched
Japanese Musical Instruments sound.
 Percussion Instruments (Membranophone) 6. Ryūteki – literally "dragon flute" is a Japanese
1. Odaiko (big drum) – The physical energy and sheer transverse fue made of bamboo. It is used in
excitement of an odaiko performance is an gagaku.
integral part of many Japanese matsuri (festivals). Lesson 2: China
2. Tsuzumi (hourglass-shape) – There are two For several thousand years Chinese culture was dominated
varieties, the smaller kotsuzumi and the larger by the teachings of the philosopher Confucius. He
otsuzumi. They are used in both conceived music in the highest sense as a means of
noh and kabuki performances. The kotsuzumi is calming the passion and of dispelling unrest and lust,
held on the right shoulder and the player alters rather than as a form of amusement.
the tone by squeezing the laces. The otsuzumi is Traditionally, the Chinese believed that sound influences
placed on the left thigh. Like all other traditional the harmony of the universe. Significantly, one of the most
arts in Japan, there are several schools of tsuzumi important duties of the first emperor of each new dynasty
matsuri (festivals). was to search out and establish that dynasty’s through
3. Tsuridaiko – a large hanging barrel drum standard of pitch. A result of this philosophical orientation
4. Taiko – is a Japanese drum that comes in various was that the Chinese theoretically opposed music
sizes and is used to play a variety of musical performed solely for entertainment.
genres. It has become particularly popular in Chinese Musical Instruments
recent years as the central instrument of 1. Yueqin – a moon-shaped lute with shorter neck
percussion ensembles whose repertory is based and four strings, played with a spectrum, used for
on a variety of folk and festival music of the past. accompanying local operas.
 String Intruments (Chordophone) 2. Pipa – a four-stringed lute with 30 frets and a
1. Koto – is a 13-string zither, about two meters long pear-shaped body. This instrument has an
and made of Paulownia wood. It is plucked using extremely wide dynamic range and remarkable
picks on the thumb and first two fingers of the expressive power.
right hand, while the left hand can be used to 3. Erhu – a two-stringed fiddle and one of the most
modify pitch and tone. Koto is used in an popular Chinese instruments. It is used as a solo
ensemble in gagaku or as a solo instrument. instrument as well as in small ensembles or large
2. Shamisen – is a plucked stringed instrument. Its orchestra, and by various ethnic groups.
construction follows a model similar to that of a 4. Yunluo – literally "cloud gongs" or "cloud of
guitar or a banjo, employing a neck, and strings gongs,” the yunluo is a set of ten small tuned
stretched across a resonating body. The neck of gongs mounted in a wooden frame. The yunluo's
the shamisen is fretless, and is slimmer than that gongs are generally of equal diameter but
of a guitar or a banjo. different thickness. The thicker gongs produce a
3. Biwa – is a Japanese shortnecked fretted lute, higher pitch.
often used in narrative storytelling. The biwa is the 5. Sheng – also called as Chinese mouth organ and
chosen instrument of Benten, the goddess of looks like a set of panpipes with 12 to 36 bamboo
music, eloquence, poetry, and education in pipes. Each pipe is of different length with a brass
Japanese Shinto. reed at the bottom and a hole that must be
blocked in order for the note to sound. This makes represents a world of captivating rhythms and melodies
it possible to sound several notes simultaneously, whose sounds draw listeners in like a breath. Koreans sang
so chords and melody can be performed at the songs when they could not hold their sadness in.
same time. Sheng is one of the oldest Chinese
musical instruments. Traditional Korean instruments can be broadly divided into
6. Dizi – is the traditional Chinese flute. It can have a three groups: string, wind, and percussion instruments.
membrane over an extra hole to give the Korean Musical Instruments
characteristic rattle effect. The player plays the String Instruments
dizi by blowing across the mouthpiece and 1. Kayagum (gayageum) – is a traditional Korean
produces the different notes by stopping the six zitherlike string instrument, with 12 strings,
holes found in the rod. although more recently variants have been
7. Zheng – an ancient Chinese instrument that has an constructed with 21 or more numbers of
arched surface and an elongated-trapezoid with strings. It is probably the best-known
13 to 21 strings stretched over individual bridges. traditional Korean musical instrument.
Its playing range spans three to four octaves 2. Geomungo – this six-string plucked zither is a
8. Pengling – These are two small bells made of high- traditional Korean stringed musical instrument
tin bronze, without internal clappers, and of the zither family of instruments with both
bridges and frets. Scholars believe that the
hemispheric or bottomless gourd-like in shape.
name refers to goguryeo and translates to
The instrument has a delicate, clarion and
goguryeo zither or that it refers to the color
melodious tone. It is a coloring rhythmic that translates to "black crane zither."
instrument, either in ensembles or in theater 3. Haegum (two-string vertical fiddle) – has a rod-
music, bringing an effect of peaceful dreams. like neck, a hollow wooden soundbox, two silk
Lesson 2: Korea strings, and is held vertically on the knee of the
 Korea's folk music tradition, with its generous use performer and played with a bow.
of bright rhythms and melodies, offers a more Wind Instruments
energetic and capricious contrast to the nation's 4. Piri – used in both the folk and classical (court)
collection of classical music works. Folk music music of Korea. It is made of bamboo. Its large
represents the soul and sound of traditional reed and cylindrical bore gives it a sound
Korean villages with an eclectic array of music mellower than that of many other types of
forms including numerous folk songs, various oboe.
forms of instrumental pieces, pansori, and shaman Percussion Instrument
ritual music. 5. Changgo – is the most widely used drum in the
 Chong-ak means literally "right (or correct) music" traditional music of Korea. It is available in
and its tradition includes both instrumental and most kinds, and consists of an hourglass-
vocal music, which were cultivated mainly by the shaped body with two heads made from
upper-class literati of the Joseon society. Chong-ak animal skin. The two heads produce sounds of
also refers to ensemble music for men of high different pitch and timbre, which when played
social status outside of the court. In this category, together are believed to represent the
three important terms are a-ak, tang-ak, and harmony of man and woman.
 Sog-ak or minsogak is a category of Korean music
traditionally associated with the lower classes or
for the general public and are vibrant and
energetic. It includes genres such as pansori and
minyo. Pansori is a kind of music presented to
audiences by skilled vocal singers and drummers.
But even the unskilled could sing these songs.
They sang when they worked in the rice paddy or
fields, sang when they went off with their lover,
and sang when their life was troubled and
weighing them down.

Instrumental Music of Korea

Korean music, especially in South Korea, has a rich vocal
tradition and diverse instruments and music forms. Folk
songs, religious works, court music, and shaman rituals all
express the soul of a nation whose history is filled with
colorful and fascinating tales. Traditional Korean music
Arts subjects such as landscapes, facial features,
Buddhist topics, and an emphasis on celestial
Lesson 1: Painting observation in keeping with the rapid
Did you know that painting started from prehistoric men? development of Korean astronomy.
They used red ochre and black pigment. Early paintings  Mountains and water are important features in
often showed hunting scenes of man chasing various Korean landscape painting because it is a site for
animals such as horses, rhinoceros, lions, buffaloes, building temples and buildings.
mammoths, and others. These types of prehistoric  Landscape painting represents both a portrayal of
paintings were drawn on the walls of caves, blocks of nature itself and a codified illustration of the
stone, etc. Some are found in China. human view of nature and the world.
Lesson 2: Calligraphy
The history of Eastern painting is as old as the civilization To the Chinese, calligraphy is the art of beautiful
of China. It is historically comparable to Western painting. handwriting. Traditional painting involves essentially the
Eastern countries continued to influence each other’s same techniques as calligraphy and is done with a brush
production of arts over the centuries. dipped in black or colored ink; oils are not used. In
Country Painting Subjects or Themes calligraphy, the popular materials which paintings are
CHINA 1. flowers and birds 4. human figures 2. landscapes made of are paper and silk. Poets write their calligraphy
5. animals 3. palaces and temples 6. bamboos and stones on their paintings.
JAPAN 1. scenes from everyday life 2. narrative scenes
crowded with figures and details Your paintings can be mounted on scrolls, such as hanging
SOUTH KOREA scrolls or hand scrolls, album sheets, walls, lacquerware,
NORTH KOREA Subjects are divided into five categories: 1. folding screens, and other media.
landscape paintings 2. Minhwa (the traditional folk
painting) 3. Four gracious plants (plum blossoms, orchids Enrich Your Knowledge about Chinese Calligraphy
or wild orchids, chrysanthemums, and bamboo) 4. Did you know that the earliest known Chinese logographs
bamboo 5. Portraits (ancient writing symbols) are engraved on the shoulder
Important aspects in East Asian Painting bones of large animals and on tortoise shells?
 Landscape painting was regarded as the highest
form of Chinese painting. They also consider the For this reason, the script found on these objects is
three concepts of their arts: Heaven, Earth, and commonly called jiaguwen, or shell-and-bone script. It
Humankind (Yin-Yang). Chinese society, basically was said that Cangjie, the legendary inventor of Chinese
agricultural, has always laid great stress on writing, got his ideas from observing animals’ footprints
understanding the pattern of nature and living in and birds’ claw marks on the sand as well as other natural
accordance with it. Oriental artists often created phenomena. He then started to work out simple images
landscapes rather than paintings with the human from what he conceived as representing different objects
figure as subjects. such as:
 Silk was often used as the medium to paint upon,
but it was quite expensive. When the Han court
eunuch, Cai Lun, invented paper in the 1 st century
AD, it provided not only a cheap and widespread
medium for writing but painting became more
economical. Woodblock printing is a technique for printing text,
 To make make your painting interesting and
images, or patterns used widely throughout East Asia. It
realistic apply these Six Principles of Chinese
originated in China as a method of printing on textiles but
Painting established by Xie He, a writer, art
historian and critic in 5th century China. eventually became a method for printing on paper.
1. Observe rhythm and movements. .  This method was adapted in Japan during the Edo
2. Leave spaces for the eyes to rest. period (1603- 1867) and became one of their
3. Use brush in calligraphy. oldest and most highly developed visual arts.
4. Use colors correctly.  The most common theme in Japan for printmaking
5. Live up to tradition by copying the master’s describes scenes from everyday life. It narrates
artwork. the scene and is often packed with figures and
6. Copy the correct proportion of the objects and detail.
nature. Japanese Ukiyo-e
 The history of Korean painting dates to 108 CE,  The best known and most popular style of
when it first appears as an independent form. It is Japanese art is ukiyo-e, which is Japanese for
said that until the Joseon dynasty the primary
"pictures of the floating world” and it is related to
influence of Korean paintings were Chinese
paintings. However, Korean paintings have
the style of woodblock print making that shows home of the courted to crow every single morning
scenes of harmony and carefree everyday living. for the admired lady's family.
Health Naninilong
Lesson 1: Dating, Courtship and Marriage  Serenading from the basement
Love and Infatuation are both intense emotions that one Gesture and Action
feels for another person. These feelings are most often  Serenading with Tagalog love songs accompanied
confused for each other by many people. But the two by a guitar
feelings differ in their actuality of love, intensity, and final  Doing household chores
outcome.  Pay respect to the woman’s parents by saying
Infatuation or crush is the state of being completely “Mano po.”
carried away by unreasoning passion or love; addictive Pangasinan
love. Infatuation usually occurs at the beginning of Taga-amo
relationships when sexual attraction is central. Love can  means “tamer”
be described as a feeling of intense affection for another  is a form of love potion or charm
person. It is most often talked about as an emotion Palabas
between two persons.  means “show or drama”
 The suitor pretends to commit suicide
Attraction is admiration for someone that may include the Kalinga
desire to get to know that person better. Attraction Ca-i-sing (Ifugaos)
usually takes place in the form of infatuation or crush. Ebgan (Kalingas)
Infatuation is admiration for someone while not Pangis (Tingguians)
recognizing that person‟s flaws. Crushes usually last for  A man and a woman are separated into “houses.”
only a short time, few weeks or maybe a few months.  The house for the males is called ato, while the
These feelings are completely normal and are part of house for females is known as the olog or
becoming a young adult. agamang.
Most people begin to form romantic relationships based Pasaguli
on love. Love is deep affection for someone and is based  Love riddles
on a true desire for the other person‟s best interests. In a  To assess the sentiments of the parents of both
healthy relationship, the other person shares and suitor and the woman
responds with the same kind of love. Learning to develop, Pabalic / Pabalik
nurture and even deal with the loss of these relationships  is done to settle the price in a form of dowry that
are important ways to prepare for adult relationships. will be received by the woman from the courting
Courtship - During courtship, a couple gets to know each Cebu
other and decides if there will be an engagement.  Balak (serenade)
 Love letters (sent through a trusted friend or
Courtship is also a test of compatibility between the two relative of the woman)
persons.  Presents (to the woman and her relatives) Love
Courtship is an opportunity to know the background of Leyte
each other, including the family where each one belongs. Pangagad / Paninilbihan
 The suitor accomplishes household and farm
Different Traditional Practices of in the Philippines chores for the family of the woman
Ilocos Region (approximately 1 year before they get married).
Tapat  Subok – a trial or test period for the serving suitor
 serenading (harana) Tausugs of Mindanao
 “to be in front of the woman’s house”  Palabas, sarakahan tupul, or magpasumbahi
Tagalog Region  A suitor would threaten to stab his heart while in
Balagtasan front of the courted woman’s father.
 The suitor begins singing a romantic song, and  If the father of the woman refuses to give her
then the courted lady responds by singing, too. daughter’s hand, the suitor is smitten by a knife.
Luzon Bagobos of Mindanao
Rooster Courtship  Send a knife or a spear as a gift to the home of the
 The rooster is assigned to be the "negotiator", courted woman for inspection.
wherein the male chicken is left to stay in the  Accepting the weapon is equivalent to accepting
the man’s romantic intention and advances.
Courtship Practices at the Age of Technology 3. Early and unwanted pregnancy
 A suitor can court a woman through the use of 4. Fall prey to thieves, robbers, kidnappers, or other types
cellphones. Frequent texting and calling one another of criminals
develop their feeling of belongingness until such feeling
develops into a deeper relationship resulting to love. At times, dating even the people you think you know
maybe risky if they are just pretending to be trustworthy
 A man can court a woman through Facebook, Twitter, but really have bad intentions.
Skype or other social networking sites.
So what shall you do? It is important to be cautious and
Why is it important for couples to undergo a courtship? safeguard yourself to avoid mistakes that you will regret
It gives one a chance and time to get to know better the later on.
character and background of one’s future lifetime partner.
1. Courting gives time to understand one another. Going steady is a period wherein the relationship between
2. It reveals one’s interests, likes and dislikes limitations, two people remains strong and well.
and other aspirations in life. Engagement – a period of agreement entered between
3. It allows couples to decide whether they want to be two people in love for them to be able to know each other
committed. and their families well enough to be sure that they are
4. It allows couples to know if they are ready to be ready and are suited for life-long companionship. It
committed. provides opportunity to develop interpersonal skills useful
5. It develops security. 6. It develops understanding and before and even within marriage. Time of understanding
acceptance. and devoting much time to explore each other‟s strengths
and weaknesses so they could adjust to one another.
 is a social activity which involves two or more Pregnancy Related Concerns and Pre-natal Care
people generally assessing each other‟s suitability Pregnancy - the time during which one or more offspring
for a potential relationship. Dating can also be develops inside a woman.
enjoyed as part of an already active relationship. - The condition or period of being pregnant.
The word dating actually comes from the Changes in the Mother’s body during pregnancy
arranging of a time and date of meeting.  Some of the hormones produced by the pregnant
 is a form of courtship consisting of social activities woman’s body makes her nauseated, this situation
done by two people, as partner in an intimate is called “morning sickness” and usually lasts for 3
relationship or as a spouse. months.
 it refers to the act of meeting and engaging in  The same hormones make the woman’s breasts
some mutually agreed upon social activity, enlarge and prepare to produce milk.
together, as a couple  Over the 9-month period, the woman’s uterus
Types of Dating stretches to hold a full-sized newborn baby.
a. Standard date – involves two people  This stretching makes her abdomen gets larger.
b. Double date – two couples go on a date at the same  A pregnant woman also experiences swelling of
time and place legs, difficulty in sleeping, restlessness, and
c. Group date – where any number of couples can irritability as the fetus gets larger.
enjoy a date Nourishing the Baby
The placenta is an organ that grows in the woman’s uterus
Importance of Dating during pregnancy and allows nutrients, gases, and wastes
 It forms affection and respect. to be exchanged between the mother and the fetus.
 It strengthens the relationship.  During pregnancy, the fetus gets its nutrition from
 It gives quality time to each other. food that the mother eats.
 It leads one to observe the other person‟s character.  To ensure the health of the fetus, the mother
 Provides an opportunity for one to know his/her needs to eat healthy foods and takes special
strengths and weaknesses in dealing with the opposite sex. vitamins.
 Dating in a relationship is important because it allows Changes and Symptoms during pregnancy
you to get to know the person you are in a relationship  Fatigue ●Morning sickness
with, while having a good time. Dating helps to reveal any  Sleep problems ●Heartburn
potential problems you may have if pursuing a more  Breast changes ●Varicose veins
serious relationship with a person, and it sets the  Hair changes ●Leg cramps
foundation for marriage  Back pain and sciatica ●Pelvic ache and hip pain
 Hemorrhoids and constipation ●Nosebleeds and
Risk connected to dating  bleeding gums
1. Date rape Phases of Pregnancy
2. Use of illegal drugs
 The first trimester of pregnancy lasts from week 1
through week 12.
 Your first sign of pregnancy may be a missed
menstrual period.
 The second trimester of pregnancy (from week 13
to week 27) is the time when most women start to
look pregnant and may begin to wear maternity
 By 16 weeks, the top of your uterus, called the
fundus, will be about halfway between your pubic
bone and your navel.
 By 27 weeks, the fundus will be about 2 in. (5 cm)
or more above your navel.
 You may find that the second trimester is the
easiest part of pregnancy.
 For some women, the breast tenderness, morning
sickness, and fatigue of the first trimester ease up
or disappear during the second trimester, while
the physical discomforts of late pregnancy have
yet to start.
 Pressure on your bladder may be less as the
uterus grows up out of the pelvis.
 The third trimester lasts from week 28 to the birth.
 Many women have some discomfort during this
time as their belly gets bigger.
 Sleep problems are common during this period.
Complications of Pregnancy

How to take care of a pregnant woman

 Accompany her in a daily exercise.
 Makes her relax by listening to music.
 Gives her lots of water to drink.
 Gives her nutritious food to eat.
 Checks if she sleeps by lying on the left side of her
 Accompany her during regular and as needed
prenatal checkups.

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