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HOTS Class 10 Chapter-Wise

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1. Prove that x3-x is divisible by 6

2. What is the least number that is divisible by all the numbers from 1 to 10.
3. Find the HCF of 52 and 117 and express it in form 52x + 117y.
4. If HCF of 144 and 180 is expressed in the form of 13m – 30, find the value
of m.
5. Using Euclid’s division algorithm, find whether the pair of numbers 847,
2160 are coprimes or not.
6. Prove that x2 – x is divisible by 2 for all positive integer x.
7. If m and n are odd positive integers, then m2 + n2 is even, but not divisible
by 4. Justify.
8. If HCF (6, 𝑎) = 2 and LCM (6, 𝑎) = 60, then find 𝑎2 + 3𝑎.
9. Find the greatest number of 5 digits exactly divisible by 12, 15 and 36.
10. Find the smallest number which leaves remainder 8 and 12 when
divided by 28 and 32 respectively.
11. Floor of a room is to be fitted with square marble tiles of the largest
possible size. The size of the floor is 10 m × 7 m. What should be the size
of tiles required that has to be cut and how many such tiles are required?
12. If the HCF of 408 and 1032 is expressible in the form p= 1032x+– 408
y find p, x & y
13. If x is a positive integer , show that (2x-1)(2x)(2x+1) are always
divisible by 6
14. Find HCF of 378, 180 and 420 by prime factorization method. Is HCF
X LCM of three numbers is equal to the product of three numbers? Verify.
15. Show that one and only one out of n, n+2, n+4 is divisible by 3,
where n is any positive integer.
16. Show that the square of an odd positive integer can be of the form
6q +1 or 6q +3 for some integer q.

1. If one zero of the polynomial 5z2 + 13z – p is reciprocal of the other, then
find p.
2. If f(x) is a polynomial such that f(a)f(b) < 0, then what is the least number
of zeroes lying between a and b?
3. Find all zeroes of the polynomial 2x4 – 9x3 + 5 x2 + 3x – 1 if two of its zeroes
are (2 + √3) and (2 - √3)
4. If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial 3x2 - 5x – 2 , then evaluate i)
α2 + β2 ii) α3 + β3
5. If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial 3x2 - 5x – 2 then find the
polynomial whose zeroes are 1/ α and 1/ β
6. If one zero of the quadratic polynomial f(x) = 4x2 – 8kx + 8x -9 is negative
of the other then find the zeroes of kx2 + 3kx + 2.
7. If the sum of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial ky2 + 2y – 3k is equal
to twice their product, find the value of k.
8. If one zero of the quadratic polynomial 4x2 – 8kx + 8x -9 is negative of the
other , then find the zeroes of kx2 + 3kx +2
9. If two zeroes of a cubic polynomial px3+3x2-qx-6 are -1 and -2, find the
third zero and also the values of p and q.
10. Find all zeroes of the polynomial 2x4 – 9x3 + 5 x2 + 3x – 1 if two of its
zeroes are (2 + √3) and (2 - √3)
11. If the product of two zeroes of polynomial 2x3 + 3x2 – 5x – 6 is 3, then
find its third zero.
12. Find the polynomial of least degree which should be subtracted
from the polynomial x4+ 2x3 – 4x2 + 6x – 3 so that it is exactly divisible by
x2 – x + 1.
13. If the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = x3 – 12x2 + 39x + a are in AP,
find the value of a.
14. If m and n are the zeros of the polynomial 3x2 + 11x – 4 , find the
𝑚 𝑛
values of +
𝑛 𝑚
15. A polynomial g(x) of degree zero is added to the polynomial 2x3 +
5x2 – 14x + 10 so that it becomes exactly divisible by 2x – 3. Find the g(x).
16. If 1 and –1 are zeroes of polynomial Lx4 + Mx3 + Nx2 + Rx + P, show
that L + N + P = M + R = 0
17. If x + a is a factor of the polynomial x2 + px + q and x2 + mx + n prove
that a =
18. If 𝛼 , 𝛽 and 𝛾 are the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = ax3+ bx2 + cx
1 1 1
+ d, then find the value of + + .
α 𝛽 𝛾
19. If 𝛼 , 𝛽 are zeroes of the polynomial f(x) =x2–p(x +1)–c, then find
the value of (𝛼 + 1)( 𝛽 + 1).
20. If one of the zeroes of the cubic polynomial x3 + ax2 + bx + c is –1,
then find theproduct of the other two zeroes.
21. If a – b, a and a + b are zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = 2x3 - 6x2 +
5x – 7, write the value of a.
22. If f(x) = x3 + x2 – ax + b is divisible by x2 – x, write the value of a
and b.
23. If the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial ax2+ bx + c, c ≠ 0 are
equal, thenc and a have opposite signs. Is it true or false? Justify your

1. Sima can row down stream 20 km in 2 hrs and upstream 4 km in in 2 hrs.

find her speed of rowing in still water and the speed of the current.
2. Solve for x and y
(a-b)x + (a+b)y = a2 – 2ab – b2
(a+b)(x+y) = a2 + b2
3. 6 men and 10 women can finish making pots in 8 days, while the 4 men
and 6 women can finish it in 12 days. Find the time taken by the one man
alone from that of one woman alone to finish the work.
4. A boat covers 14 kms in upstream and 20 kms downstream in 7 hours.
Also, it covers 22 kms upstream and 34 kms downstream in 10 hours. Find
the speed of the boat in still water and that of the stream.
5. Draw the graph of 2x+y=6 and 2x-y+2=0. Shade the region bounded by
these lines and x axis. Find the area of the shaded region
6. Find the value of k for which the system of linear equations kx + ky = 12, (k
- 3) x + 3y = k will have infinite number of solutions.
7. In a ∆ABC ,  C = 3  B = 2 (  A +  B ). Find these angles.
8. In a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD ,  A = (2x + 4)0 ,  B = (y + 3)0 ,  C = (2y +
10)0 and  D =(4x - 5)0 . Find the four angles.
9. A number say z is exactly the four times the sum of its digits and twice the
product of the digits. Find the numbers.
10. There are two points on a highway A and B. They are 70 km apart. An
auto starts from A and another auto starts from B simultaneously. If they
travel in the same direction, they meet in 7 hours, but if they travel
towards each other they meet in 1 hour. Find how fast the two autos are.
11. The larger of two supplementary angles exceeds thrice the smaller
by 20 degrees. Find them.

1 1 1 1
1. 𝐼𝑓 = + + ,Find x.
2𝑎+𝑏+2𝑥 2𝑎 𝑏 2𝑥
2. Find the value of k for which both the quadratic equations 𝑥 2 + 𝑘𝑥 +
64 = 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑥 2 − 8𝑥 + 𝑘 = 0 will have equal roots .
3. Find the value o f p for which the quadratic equation (2𝑝 + 1)𝑥 2 −
(7𝑝 + 2)𝑥 + (7𝑝 − 3) = 0 has equal roots . Also find these roots.
4. √2𝑥 − 3 +1=𝑥 , solve 𝑥 .
𝑥 𝑥+1 1
5. If + =2 , then solve for x .
𝑥+1 𝑥 72
6. If the quadratic equation (1+𝑚2 )𝑥 2 +2𝑚𝑐𝑥 + ( 𝑐 2 − 𝑎2 ) = 0 ,Then prove
that 𝑐 2 = 𝑎2 (1 + 𝑚2 ) .
7. In a quadratic equation𝑎𝑥 2 + bx + c =o, 𝑎 ≠ 0, one of its root is four times
the other root then prove that 4𝑏 2 = 25 𝑎𝑐 .
8. If the price of a book is reduced by Rs.5 , a person can buy 4 more books
for Rs. 600. Find the original price of the book.
9. Solve for 𝑥 , if 25𝑥 −2 − 10𝑥 −1 + 1 = 0, 𝑥 ≠ 0 .

10. What is the value of √6 + √6 + √6 + √6 + … ….

1 1 1
11. If 𝛼𝑎𝑛𝑑𝛽 are roots of 𝑥 2 − 7𝑥 − 8 = 0, then find i. + +
𝛼 𝛽 𝛼𝛽
ii.𝛼𝛽 3 + 𝛼 3 𝛽
12. A train, travelling at a uniform speed for 360 km, would have taken
48 minutes less to travel the same distance if its speed were 5 km/hr
more. Find the original speed of the train.
13. If the roots of the equation (b – c)x2 + (c – a)x + (a – b) = 0 are equal,
then prove that 2b = a + c.
14. If the roots of the equations ax2 + 2bx + c = 0 and
bx2 – are simultaneously real then prove that b2 = ac.
15. If the roots of the equation (c2 – ab)x2 – 2(a2 – bc)x + b2 – ac = 0 are
equal, then prove that either a = 0 or a3 + b3 + c3 = 3abc
16. Solve for x 22x + 32- 3 X 2x+2= 0
17. A polygon of n sides has diagonals. How many sides does a
polygon have with 54 diagonals?
18. One – fourth of a herd of camels was seen in the forest. Twice the
square root of the herd had gone to mountains and the remaining 15
camels were seen on the bank of a river. Find the total number of camels.

1. How many terms of the series 54,51,48,…..be taken so that, their sum is
513? Explain the double answer.
2. If the ratio of the sum of the first n terms of the two AP is 7n+1 : 4n+27,
find the ratio of their mth term.
3. Find the sum of the following series-


4. If is the arithmetic mean between ‘a’ and ‘b’, then, find the value
of ‘n’.
1 1
5. If pth term of an A.P. is and q th term is prove that the sum of the first
𝑞 𝑝

‘pq’ terms is
6. If Sn denotes the sum of the first n terms of an AP Prove that S30=3(S20-S10)
7. Find the sum of the integers between 100 and 200 that are-

i)divisible by 9

ii)not divisible by 9

8. Two APs have the same common difference. The first terms -1 and -8
respectively. Find the difference between the 4th terms.
9. In a polygon the smallest interior angle is 1200.Angles are increased by
50.Find the number of sides of the polygon.
10. Show that the sum of an AP whose 1st term is 𝑎, second term is 𝑏 and
the last term is 𝑐, is equal to

11. If are in A.P., prove that a2, b2, c2 are also in A.P.
12. The 24th term of an AP is twice its 10th term. Show that its 72th term is
4 times its 15th term.
13. 150 workers were engaged to complete a work in certain days. After
first day 4 workers left the jobs, after 2nd day 4 more workers left the job
and so on. The assigned work took 8 more days to be finished. In how
many days the work was completed.
14. A small terrace at a football ground comprises of 15 steps each of
which is 50m long and built of solid concrete. Each step has a rise of m
and a tread of m. Calculate the total volume of concrete required to build
the terrace.
15. The houses of a row are numbered consecutively from 1 to 49. Show
that there is the value of x such that the sum of the numbers of the houses
preceding the house numbered x is equal to the sum of the numbers of
the houses following it. Find the value of x.
16. The sum of n,2n,3n terms of an AP is S1,S2 andS3 respectively. Prove
that S3=3(S2-S1)
17. A ladder has rungs 25cm apart. The rungs decrease uniformly in
length from 45cm at the bottom to 25cm at the top and the bottom rungs
are 2 m apart, what is the length of the wood required for the rungs?
18. Solve the equation: 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 + ... + x = 287
19. Find three numbers in A.P. whose sum is 21 and their product is 231.
20. The sum of the first p, q and r terms of an AP is a, b, and c
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
Prove that (q - r) + (r - p) + (p - q) = 0
𝑝 𝑞 𝑟
1. Two isosceles triangles have equal angles and their areas are in the ratio
81:25. Find the ratio of their corresponding heights.
2. ABC is a triangle right-angled atC and ‘𝑝’ is the length of the perpendicular
from C to AB. By expressing the area of the triangle in the two ways, show
1 1 1
i)𝑝𝑐 = 𝑎𝑏 ii) = 2 +
𝑝2 𝑎 𝑏2
3. The perimeter of two similar triangles ABC and LMN are 60 cm and 48 cm
respectively. If LM = 8 cm, then what is the length of AB?

4. If one diagonal of a trapezium divides the other diagonal in the ratio 1:3.
Prove that one of the parallel sides is three times the other.
5. In the given figure, ABC is a triangle in which AB = AC, D and E are
points on the sides AB and AC respectively, such that AD = AE. Show that
the points B, C, E and D are concyclic.

6. ABCD is a trapezium with AB ‖ DC in which diagonals AC and BD

intersect at E and ∆AED ~∆BEC. Prove that AD = BC.
7. ABC is a triangle. PQ is a line segment intersecting AB in P and AC in Q
such that PQ ‖ BC and divides ΔABC into two parts equal in area. Find
8. ABC is a triangle in which AB = AC and D is any point in BC. Prove that :
(AB)2 – (AD)2 = BD . CD.
9. AD is the median of ΔABC, O is any point on AD. BO and CO produced
meet AC and AB in E and F respectively. AD is produced to X such that
OD = DX. Prove that AO : AX = AF : AB.
10. In a triangle ABC, P divides the sides AB such that AP : PB = 1 : 2,
Q is a point on AC such that PQ ‖ BC. Find the ratio of the areas of ΔAPQ
and trapezium BPQC.
11. If 𝐴 be the area of a right triangle and 𝑏 one of the sides containing
the right angle, prove that the length of the altitude on the hypotenuse is
2 2
√𝑏 +4𝐴
12. 1
A point D is on the side BC of an equilateral ∆ABC such that DC= BC.
Prove that AD2=13CD2
13. I
n ∆ABC, A line XY parallel to BC cuts AB at X and AC at Y, if BY bisects
< XYZ, show that BC=CY.


1. The coordinates of A, B, C and D are (6,3), (-3,5), (4,-2) and (k,3k)

respectively. If area(∆𝐷𝐵𝐶):area(∆𝐴𝐵𝐶)=1:2, find k .
2. Find the vertices of the triangle, the midpoints of whose sides are
(3,1),(5,6) and (-3,2).
3. If the points (𝑥,0), (0,𝑦) and (1,1) are collinear, show that 𝑥 -1+𝑦-1=1.
4. If the midpoint of the line joining (3,4) and (k,7) is (𝑥, 𝑦) and 2𝑥 + 2𝑦+1=0,
find the value of k.
5. If the point C (a,b) is equidistant from the points A (𝑥 + 𝑦, 𝑦 − 𝑥) and B
(𝑥 − 𝑦, 𝑥 + 𝑦) prove that 𝑎𝑦 = 𝑏𝑦.
6. Prove that area of a triangle with the vertices (p,p-2), (p+2,p+2) and
(p+3,p) is independent of p.
7. Points A(-1,𝑦) and B (5,7) lie on a circle with centre O (2,-3𝑦) . Find the
values of 𝑦. Hence find the radius of the circle.
8. A (4,-6), B (3,-2) and C (5,2) are the vertices of triangle ABC and AD is its
median. Prove that the median AD divides triangle ABC into two triangles
of equal areas.
9. The mid point P of the line segment joining the points A(-10,4) and B (-2,0)
lies on the line segment joining the points C (-9,-4) and D (-4,𝑦). Find the
ratio in which P divides CD. Also find the value of 𝑦.
10. Determine the ratio in which a line 3𝑥+𝑦-9=0, divides the segment
joining points (1,3) and (2,7).

1. If tan(𝜃 + ∅)= such that tan𝜃 = 1/2 and tan∅=1/3 find the
value of tan(𝜃 + ∅).
2 𝑚2 −1
2. If tanA=ntanB and sinA=msinB, prove that cos A= .
𝑛2 −1
3. If 2cos𝜃 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = 𝑥 and cos𝜃 − 3𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = 𝑦, prove that 2x2 +y2-2xy=5
𝑥 𝑦 𝑥 𝑦 𝑥 2 𝑦2
4. If 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃=1 and 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 = 1,prove that + =2 .
𝑎 𝑏 𝑎 𝑏 𝑎2 𝑏2
5. If √3𝑐𝑜𝑡 2 𝜃 −4cot𝜃 + √3=0,find the value of 𝑐𝑜𝑡 2 𝜃 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝜃 . 2

6. Prove that (sin𝜃 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑐𝜃)2+(cos𝜃 + 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝜃)2 -𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝜃 − 𝑐𝑜𝑡 2 𝜃=7 .

7. If acosec𝜃+bsec𝜃+c=0 and pcosec𝜃+qsec𝜃+r=0 then prove that +
1 1
= .
(𝑐𝑝−𝑎𝑟)2 (𝑎𝑞−𝑏𝑝)2
8. If 7cosec𝜃-3cot𝜃=7 ,prove that 7 cot𝜃-3cosec𝜃=±3 .
9. If cot𝜃 + t𝑎𝑛𝜃=x and sec𝜃 +cos𝜃=y,prove that (𝑥 2 𝑦)2/3 - (𝑥𝑦 2 )2/3 = 1.
𝑠𝑒𝑐Ɵ+𝑡𝑎𝑛Ɵ−1 𝑐𝑜𝑠Ɵ
10. Prove that : = .
𝑡𝑎𝑛Ɵ−𝑠𝑒𝑐Ɵ+1 1−𝑠𝑖𝑛Ɵ
𝑐𝑜𝑠65° 𝑡𝑎𝑛20°
11. Evaluate : - - sin900 + tan50 tan350 tan600 tan550 tan850 .
𝑠𝑖𝑛25° 𝑐𝑜𝑡70°
cot(90−Ɵ)sin( 90−Ɵ) 𝑐𝑜𝑡40
12. Evaluate : + – ( cos270 + cos220).
𝑠𝑖𝑛Ɵ 𝑡𝑎𝑛50
13. cosƟ + sinƟ = √2 cosƟ, show that cosƟ – sinƟ = √2 sinƟ .
14. If acosϴ - bsin ϴ = c, prove that asinϴ + bcosϴ = √(𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 − 𝑐 2 ).
1  tan  3 1 sin 
15. If  ,show that =1
1  tan  3 1 cos 2


1. Find the height of a chimney, when it is found that on walking towards it

50 m in a horizontal line through its base, the angular elevation of its top
changes from 300to 450.
2. Two poles of equal heights are standing opposite to each other on either
side of a road, which is 100 m wide. From a point between them on the
road, the angles of elevation of the tops are 300and 600.Find the height of
each pole.
3. At a point on a level ground, the angle of elevation of a vertical tower is
found to be such that it’s tangent is 5/12. On walking 192 m towards the
tower, the tangent of the angle of elevation is ¾. Find the height of the
4. An aeroplaneflying 300 m high passes vertically above another aeroplane
at a distance when the angles of elevation of two aeroplanes from the
same point on the ground are 600 and 450 respectively. Find the vertical
distance between the two aeroplanes.
5. A bird is sitting on the top of a tree which is 80m high. The angle of
elevation of the bird, from a point on the ground is 450.The bird flies away
from the point of observation horizontally and remains at a constant
height. After 2 seconds, the angle of elevation of the bird becomes
300.Find the speed of the flying bird.
6. A man standing on the deck of a ship, which is 10m above water level,
observesthe angle of elevationof the top of a hill as 600 and the angle of
depression of the base of the hill as 300.calculate the distance of the hill
from the ship and height of the hill.
7. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point on the same level
as the foot of the tower is  .On advancing ‘p’ meters towards the foot of
the tower, the angle of elevation becomes  .Show that the height ‘h’ of
the tower given by h= p tan  . tan  .
tan   tan 
8. If the angle of elevation of a cloud from a point h metre above a lake is 
and the angle of depression of its reflection in the lake is  .Prove that the
h tan 
height of the cloud is .
tan   tan 


1. QR is a tangent at Q. PR∥AQ, where AQ is a chord through A and P is a

centre, the end point of the diameter AB.Prove that BR is a tangent at B.
2. A circle is touching the side BC of triangle ABC at P and touching AB and
AC produced at Q and R respectively. Prove

3. In the given figure PT is a tangent to the circle at T. If PA= 4 cm and AB=5

cm, find PT.

4. In the following figure, two circle touch each other externally at C. Prove
that the common tangent at C bisects the other two common tangents.
5. In the figure, if AB = AC, prove that BE = CE.

6. In the given figure PQ is the common tangent to both the circles. SR and
PT are tangents. If SR=4 cm, PT=7cm, find RP.


7. The incircle of triangle ABC touches the sides BC, CA and AB at D, E and F

Show that AF+ BD + CD = AE + BF + CE

8. PQ is a chord of length 8 cm of a circle of radius 5 cm. The tangents at P

and Q intersect at a point T. Find the length of TP.
9. In the figure, two circles with centres A and B and radii 5 cm and 3 cm
touching each other internally. If the perpendicular bisector of segment
AB, meets the bigger circle at P and Q, find the length of PQ.

10. Two tangents making an angle of 120° with each other, are drawn to
a circle of radius 6 cm. Show that the length of each tangent is cm.


1. The perimeter of triangle ABC is 12cm and its sides are in the ratio 2:3:4.
Draw ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶. Then, Draw another ∆𝐴𝐵′𝐶′ similar to ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 such that
𝐴𝐵′=(4/3) AB.
2. Construct a ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 in which BC=6cm, < 𝐴 = 60°. Median AD=5cm. Also
construct ∆𝐴𝐵′ 𝐶 ′ similar to ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 such that BC’=8cm.
3. Draw line segment. Find a point P on AB, such that AP:PB=3:2. Measure
𝐴𝑃 2
AP,PB and AB and verify that i) AB=AP+PB ii) =
𝑃𝐵 3
4. Draw a right triangle in which the sides (other than hypotenuse) are of
lengths 4cm and 3cm. Then construct another triangle whose sides are 5/3
times the corresponding sides of the triangle.
5. Let ABC be a right triangle in which AB=6cm, BC=8cm and < 𝐵 = 90° . BD
is the perpendicular from B on AC. The circle through B, C,D is drawn.
Construct the tangents from A to the circle.
6. Construct an isosceles triangle whose base is 8cm and altitude 4cm and
then another triangle whose side are ¾ of the corresponding sides of the
triangle ABC.
7. Draw two concentric circles of radii 3cm and 5cm. Taking a point on outer
circle construct the pair of tangents to the other. Measure the length of a
8. Two lines segments AB and AC include an angle of 60° where AB=5cm and
AC=7cm. Locate points P and Q on AB and AC. Respectively such that
3 1
AP= AB and AQ= AC. Join P and Q and measure the length PQ.
4 4
9. Draw a circle of radius 4cm. Construct a pair of tangents to it, the angle
between which is 60°. Measure the distance between the centre of the
circle and point of the intersection of the tangents.
10. Construct a tangent to a circle of radius 4cm from a point which is at
distance of 6cm from its centre.

1. If the perimeter and the area of a circle are numerically equal, then find
the radius of the circle.
2. Find the area of the shaded region in figure , if RP= 24 cm and PQ = 10 cm
and O is the centre of circle. (take π = 3.14)

3. The area of an equilateral triangle is 49√3 cm2.

Taking each angular points centre ,circles are
drawn with radius equal to half the length of the
side of the triangle. Find the area of the triangle
not included in the circles. (Take √3=1.73)
4. In the adjoining figure ABCD, is a square of side 10 cm. Semicircles are
drawnwith side of square as diameter. Find the area of the shaded region.
(use 𝜋 = )

5. In Fig., a square OABC is inscribed in a quadrant OPBQ. If OA = 20 cm,

find the area of the shaded region. (Use = 3.14)

6.In the adjoining figure, find the area of the

shaded region enclosed between two concentric
circles of radii 7 cm and 14 cm ,where angle ROP = 40°.(Take 𝜋 = )

7. PS is a diameter of a circle of radius 6 cm Q and R are points on

the diameter that PQ ,QR and RS are equal. Semicircles are drawn
with PQ and QS as diameters, as shown in the figure .
Find the perimeter of the shaded region.
Also find the area of the shaded region.(use π = 3.14)

8. In Fig, two circular flower beds havebeen shown on two sides of a square
lawnABCD of side 56 m. If the centre of eachcircular flower bed is the
point of intersectionO of the diagonals of the square lawn, find the sum of
the areas of the lawnand the flower beds.
9. In the adjoining figure find the area of the shaded region.(π=3.14)

10. In the adjoining figure , three circles each of radius 3.5 cm are drawn
in such a way that each
of them touches the other two. Find the area
enclosed between these three circles.

11. From each corner of a square of side 4 cma quadrant of a circle of

radius 1 cm is cutand also a circle of diameter 2 cm is cut as shown in
above sided Fig. Find the area of the remaining portion of the square.


1. A cone, a hemisphere and a cylinder stand on equal bases and have the same
height what is the ratio of their volumes ?
2. The slant height of the frustum of a cone is 5cm if the difference between the
radii of its two circular ends is 4cm, find the height of the frustum.
3.The radius and height of a solid right circular cone are in the ratio of 5:12. If its
volume is 314 cm3, find its total surface area.
4.A well of diameter 3m is dug 14m deep. The soil taken out of it is spread
evenly all around it to a width of 5m to form an embankment . Find the height
of the embankment.
5. An iron pillar has some part in the form of a right circular cylinder and
remaining in the form of a right circular cone. The radius of the base of each of
cone and cylinder is 8 cm. The cylindrical part is 240 cm high and the conical
part in 36 cm high. Find the weight of the pillar if one cu. cm of iron weighs 7.8
6. An open container made up of a metal sheet is in the form of a frustum of a
cone of height 8 cm with radii of its lower and upper ends as 4 cm and 10 cm
respectively. Find the cost of oil which can completely fill the container at the
rate of Rs. 50 per litre. Also, find the cost of metal used, if it costs Rs. 5 per 100
7. A building is in the form of a cylinder surmounted by a hemispherical dome
as shown in the figure. The base diameter of the dome is equal to of the total
height of the building. Find the height of the building, if it contains of air.
8. The diameter of a sphere is 28 cm. Find the cost of painting it all around at
Rs. 0.10 per square cm.
9. The perimeter of one face of a wooden cube is 20 cm. Find its weight if 1
cm3 of wood weighs 8.25 g.
10. The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio of If the volumes of two
cylinders be same, find the ratio of their respective heights.
11. If the radius of the base of a cone is doubled keeping the height same.
What is the ratio of the volume of the larger cone to the smaller cone?
12. If the length, breadth and height of a solid cube are in the ratio 4 : 3 : 2 and
total surface area is 832 cm2. Find its volume.
13. Three cubes of a metal whose edges are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5 are melted and
converted into a single cube whose diagonal is Find the edges of the
three cubes.
14. A solid toy is in the form of a hemisphere surmounted by a right circular
cone. The height of the cone is 4 cm and diameter of the base is 8 cm.
Determine the volume of the toy. If the cube circumscribes the toy, then find
the difference of the volumes of the cube and the toy. Also, find the total
surface area of the toy.

1.What measure of central tendency is used to obtain graphically as the x-
coordinate of meeting point of the two ogives for grouped data?
2. The average weight of students in 4 sections A, B, C and D is 60 kg. The
average weights of the students of A, B, C and D individually are 45kg, 50kg,
72kg and 80kg respectively. If the average weight of the students of section A
and B together is 48 kg and that of the students of B and C together is 60 kg,
what is the ratio of the number of students in section A and D ?
3. The mode of a distribution is 55 & the modal class is 45-60 and the frequency
preceding the modal class is 5 and the frequency after the modal class is 10.Find
the frequency of the modal class.

4. The median of the following frequency distribution is 35. Find the value of x.
C.I. F
0-10 2
10-20 3
20-30 X
30-40 6
40-50 5
50-60 3
60-70 2

Also find the modal class.

5.The Median and Mode of the following wage distribution are known to be
Rs.33.5 and Rs.34 respectively. Three frequency values from the table, however
are missing. Find the missing frequencies.

Wages 0 - 10 10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 – 60 – Total
20 30 40 50 60 70
No.of 4 16 X Y Z 6 4 230

6.The mode of a distribution is 55 and mode class is 45-60 and the frequency
preceding the modal class is 5 and the frequency after the modal class is 10.
Find the frequency of the modal class.

Q1. Two dice are thrown at the same time and the product of numbers
appearing on them is noted. Find the probability that the product is less than 9.

Q2.Two dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability that

(i) 5 will not come up on either of them?
(ii) 5 will come up at least one?
(iii) 5 will come up at both dice?

Q3.From a well shuffled pack of playing cards, black jacks, black kings and black
aces are removed. A card is then drawn from the pack. Find the probability of
(i) a red card (ii) not a diamond card.
Q4.A bag contains cards which are numbered from 2 to 90. A card is drawn at
random from the bag. Find the probability that it bears.
(i) a two-digit number (ii) a number which is a perfect

Q5.Find the probability of getting 53 Mondays in

I) a leap year ii) a non-leap year.

Q6.A bag contains 5 red balls and some blue balls.If the probability of drawing a
blue ball is double that of a red ball,determine the number of blue balls in the

Q7.A jar contains 24 marbles, some are green and others are blue. If a marble is
drawn at random from the jar, the probability that it is green is . Find the
number of blue balls in the jar.

Q8.An integer is chosen between 0 and 100.what is the probability that it is

divisible by 2 or 3.

Q9. Two dice are numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 1,2,2,3,3,4 respectively. They are
thrown and the sum of the numbers on them is noted. Find the probability of

i)sum 7 ii)sum as perfect square

Q10.A bag contains 24 balls out of which 𝑥 are white. If one ball is drawn at
random the probability of drawing a white ball is 𝑦. 12 more white balls are
added to the bag. Now if a ball is drawn from the bag, the probability of drawing
the white ball is 𝑦 . Find the value of 𝑥.

Q11.A number is selected at random from the numbers 3,5,5,7,7,7,9,9,9,9. Find

the probability that the selected number is their average.

Q12.A number x is chosen from the numbers 1,2,3 and a number y is selected
from the numbers 1,4,9. Find the probability that xy=10.
Q13.The probability of guessing the correct answer to a certain test is . If the
probability of not guessing the correct answer to this question is ,finf the value
of 𝑝.

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